Sunday, December 9, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 9 2018

Para animar a manhã de domingo (9) dos telespectadores, o Galpão Crioulo teve muito fandango com o Grupo Matizes, que apresentou sucessos de seus 20 anos de estrada

O programa recebeu ainda o CTG Rancho da Saudade, hexacampeão do Enart. No estúdio, os peões e prendas apresentaram parte da coreografia que levou o prêmio ao contar a história da chula

No quadro Cozinha de Galpão, Neto Fagundes aprendeu a preparar um Pernil de Porco com Requeijão e Batatas Rústicas com o músico Angelo Franco

Shana Müller, por sua vez, visitou o bairro Hamburgo Velho, em Novo Hamburgo, no quadro De Mala e Cuia

Reveja o primeiro bloco Reveja o primeiro bloco do Galpão Crioulo de domingo (9) Reveja o segundo bloco Reveja o segundo bloco do Galpão Crioulo de domingo (9) Reveja o terceiro bloco Reveja o terceiro bloco do Galpão Crioulo de domingo (9) Reveja o quarto bloco Reveja o quarto bloco do Galpão Crioulo de domingo (9)

For more infomation >> Grupo Matizes e CTG Rancho da Saudade animaram o 'Galpão Crioulo'; veja os vídeos - Duration: 1:21.


Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Dynamique - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Dynamique - Duration: 1:05.


#2 - Volevo solo aprire un museo - La torre (sub eng) - Duration: 13:40.

No, we're not at the tower yet

But i can tell you that in this Episode 2 of "Volevo Solo Aprire un Museo"

We will have a look together at the place, we will tell you something more

and you'll better understand some other things.

This short prologue is necessary because during this week

we've collected many filming hours

we've shot lots of important situations

such as the installation of the electric panel

Let's challenge the darkness and let's see if lights work

It's really dark now

That one, yes! Go!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have...


It's something, right?

The placement of the first pieces of the scaffolding

That will be finished in the next few days

Not me! It's already something that I carry myself...and i got tired!

We build the scaffolding -OK

I mean, he builds. We look.

Some waiting times in the local police office

because we needed to ask some more authorizations


and many other small things that we will show you little by little

Apart from this, the main thing was the presentation of the space

that we've recorded inside the space


Because you always need to keep in mind that

Shootings, editing is realized by us


we're really low quality

and so we've realized this beautiful talk with Debora and me at the tower

but essentially... can only hear the wind rustling

Everything except for our voices

We don't have a microphone so we could expect that

but we're low quality so...

I'm that lacking that in the editing phase of the first Episode

(and if you haven't see it, go for it!)

I've edited the scene in which we present the team

and as you've watched we were three

but one in missing

because I've cut her presentation off

I mean, cut in the presentation because her name is Chiara, she's living and working in Turin

She will come back here in some weeks

so, when she will be back

I need to be forgiven and we will dedicate one episode to..."The adventure of Chiara"

Poor you! YEEEEE

We're going to go down at the tower with a special person

You will understand why. He has a really strange story to tell

and we'll see how this strange episode will evolve

Anyway, follow us! follow us! follow us!

So here we are

as i told I'm going and get this person

we're going to tell you who is he

Why I'm going with him

Here we are!

If you don't know, he is my uncle

Giovanni, Rita's husband

After the first video we've discovered that he has never been to the tower!

Even though they're married since 25 years

and he knows really closely the hijinks around the tower

So I thought it's great to go with him for the first time

and see together the spaces

Why you've never been there?

Because I've watching myself


Against the curse of the tower

I also decided to open a bookshop

and they told me "Why? You can do the professor"

But at the end I've opened it

And it's open since many years

Sometimes it moves in the city

But a bookshop it's a place where you sell books

A museum is a little bit more complex

If I never get down it's also because of this 96 steps

We've counted them, they're 86

Not for the going down but for the climb back up

Maybe they can realize a funicular considering all the elevators that are placing

We could ask for a skylift

Are we there?

We're close, it's just behind this corner

Here we are

Open it!

For the first time in 25 years

When we entered the first time in December 2017 the lock was completely rusted

and we had to brake it

and it was impossible to get in


Well, I didn't expect like this

This is the entrance atrium

There are some rooms we're discovering soon

Here it is the tower with this tiny scaffolding that arrived in the last days

Let's start a tour of the rooms!

Why you didn't expect like this?

Because I had no clue!

You said that there's electricity...

Wait, lwe have to turn on from here

It takes its time to turn on

This is my mother's side

Behind that wall

There are two rooms that we've asked at the municipality

where we want to place the ticket office, cafeteria and the extra services

This is the first exposition room

This fireplace we'll go away because we don't need it

Here we are this tiny room

that is the basement of the tower

This is all exhibition space

we want to keep what we have, if we can

here we are some beautiful floors but they're really ruined

We will keep the walls in the conditions they are

Same for the floors

Because we care that the space will remain real

Look, the lights are on!

That one, too

I love to have lights on!

Then, we have this room

We'll go up later

Here we have a beautiful floor and some wonderful signs on the roof

and a well! - No, a kitchen

The cistern we have to explore is that corner

This is the work plaque that my grandmother placed in 1991

We go left, in the main room

This is the court with the stairs that goes up in that room that we have to recuperate

Here we will have the stair to go at the second floor

Here, just before the wall

We've asked all the authorization the make the hole there

You could also put an external stair

We had an external stair but it was ugly

and they decided to take it off

here we are those small passages and rooms

Some other rooms that we need to recover

But here we have the most precious jewel

Can I?


What a marvel!

This is the garden

at this time of the day, with this light is...


And we are below the tower

The stair we need to build we'll give us the possibility to go there where the loggia is

And behind the loggia there's a terrace

from there you can go on the top of the tower

Those are the trees that my grandmother planted

Olive tree

Pomegranate, Lauro

Fig tree and the medlar

Down here we have Wall Street, Via Muro

With this view

There we want give the opportunity to this other space

Here on the court

at the feet of Torre del Capone

Here we have several holes they made coring

to check the status of the tower

and my father told me that they discovered that it's full

This was something i wanted to ask you

Completely full

The top of the tower is walkable?

We only saw it with a drone, I would say yes

It will be quite tough

Yes, if it would have been easy we would get bored

Where's the satisfaction?

Here, on this balaustrade

there was an amount of ivy

that make impossible to see that door


Let's go down to come back up

Pay attention

Come back up?

Toward the civilization

Ok, let's come back

Here we have those 84 steps

and the sky is leading grey

Are you coming back to the bookshop?

Yes, ciao and thanks for tour

No, thanks to you

Ciao and good luck

Ehhhh, it will be fine!

For more infomation >> #2 - Volevo solo aprire un museo - La torre (sub eng) - Duration: 13:40.


Papo nain kia spray|New Funny video clips 2018|Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:18.

Papo nain kia spray

For more infomation >> Papo nain kia spray|New Funny video clips 2018|Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:18.


♬115 我多喜歡你,你會知道 Cover 電視劇《致我們單純的小美好》[YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> ♬115 我多喜歡你,你會知道 Cover 電視劇《致我們單純的小美好》[YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 3:25.


【衝撃】パニック障害を告白した意外な芸能人をご覧ください・・・ - Duration: 5:18.

大みそかに放送される『第69回NHK紅白歌合戦』への出場も決まった『Sexy Z ne』の松島聡が、急性パニック障害のため一時休養に入ると、所属事務所のジャニーズ 務所から発表された

ジャニーズからは10月にも、『King&Prince』の岩橋玄樹がパニック障 の治療による活動休止を発表したばかり。幼少期からの持病だった岩橋と急性の松島で病 は異なるが、2カ月連続となる活動休止はファンに大きなショックを与えた

2人の先輩にあたる『KinKi Kids』の堂本剛も、かつてパニック障害を告 した1人。異変は親元を離れて単身上京した15歳ごろから始まったといい、自身の対談 組を書籍化した『ココロのハナシ』では、「10代のころは毎日死にたいと思っていた」 振り返っている

また、病気を発表する前年には、ソロアルバム『ROSSO E AZZURRO』で、 ニック障害の英名を意味する『Panic Disorder』という楽曲も発表してい

お笑いコンビ『中川家』の兄・剛にも、パニック障害を患っていた過去が。剛は電 に乗ると急に息苦しくなる症状などに見舞われたが、弟・礼二に相談しても「そんなん気 持ちようやろ」と相手にされなかったとのこと

その後、病気により活動が難しくなってくると、いつしかコンビでのレギュラーはすべて くなっていたという。しかし、次第に礼二も兄を支えるようになり、2001年には『M 1グランプリ』の第1回大会で見事に初代チャンピオンの座をゲット

また、当時の様子は、14年11月放送の『ザ!世界仰天ニュース』(日本テレビ系)で しく語られて再び話題となった。 お笑いコンビ『チョコレートプラネット』の松尾駿 よるモノマネが影響し、以前にも増して露出が増えているタレントのIKKOも、過去に ニック障害に悩まされたことを明かしている

10月に放送された『ビビット』(TBS系)では、最初に症状が出たのは39歳の冬だ たと告白。「外で電話していたら、急に首元が張るような感じがした」「どんどん発作の うになって即入院」と当時を振り返り、めまいや顔面マヒ、電話が鳴ると体が震えるとい た具体的な症状も明かしている

IKKOは、飛行機や新幹線に乗ると「苦しくなったときに『ここから出られるのかな? と不安になった」とも告白。どうやらパニック障害を患うと、日常の移動さえ困難になっ しまうこともあるようで、何よりも周りの理解とサポートが重要になるのだろう

2018.12.08 11:00 まいじつ パニック障害(パニックしょうがい 英語: Panic disorder ; PD)とは、予期しないパニック発作(P nic attacks, PA)が繰り返し起こっており、1か月以上にわたりパニッ 発作について心配したり、行動を変えているという特徴を持つ不安障害に分類される精神 害である健康な人の10%が著しくないパニック発作を経験しているが、パニック障害で ない

実際の危険にさらされた場合にはパニック症状は生じうるしそれも精神障害ではない。パ ック障害の原因として複数のルートが存在すると考えられているが、近年の研究によって の多くは心理的葛藤によるものではなく、脳機能障害として扱われるようになってきてい (ただし、純心理学的問題に起因するものもある)

治療には認知行動療法や薬物療法が推奨されている。治療には抗うつ薬が有効だが、ベン ジアゼピン系抗不安薬が多用されているという2008年の指摘がある。45歳以降の発 では、身体疾患や薬物が原因である可能性がある

カフェインを中止することが良い結果をもたらすことがある定型的なパニック障害は、突 生じるパニック発作によって始まる。本能的な危険を察知する扁桃体が活動しすぎて、必 もないのに戦闘体制に入り、呼吸や心拍数を増やしてしまう続いてその発作が再発するの はないかと恐れる「予期不安」と、それに伴う症状の慢性化が生じる

さらに長期化するにつれて、症状が生じた時に逃れられない場面を回避して、生活範囲を 定する「広場恐怖症」が生じてくる。wiki 「死にたい」とか普通に10代ある るじゃねーかwww ジャニーズのパニック傷害率異常だな パニック障害じゃなく ただの厨二病でしょそれ 1 芸能人じゃないけど実はオレも 中間おすすめ記事 自分も一度あったわ 急行電車に乗って下りられない不安からパニックになった や汗、手のしびれと指先の震えが酷くて倒れ込みそうになったら駅に着いて助かった んだったのか、未だに謎 26: >>19 そうそう突然やって来るからこれ怖 んだよな しかも原因もわからないし治し方も不明 次また来たらどうしようって不 とも戦わなきゃだし パニック障害の怖さはまじでなったことあるやつしか理解出来な と思う 90年代はそういうのが流行ってたな まあこの病気ほどわからないものは いよ 本人しかわからない 近い人がなったら「気の持ちようやろ」って絶対言うわ 自分の都合次第で起きる症状だな

誰しも辛い状況下で生きている中で"嫌"をアピール出来る人が羨ましい。 7 わかりやすいのだと動悸、震え、発汗。 慢性的に気分が落ち込んでなにもやる気がし い

冬でもシチュエーションによって脇汗顔汗出まくるし手が震える。 人に話しても んなそうだよとか、気にしすぎとか普通に言われる。 これはなかなか辛い病気だよ 精神科行かなくても大丈夫なのはパニック障害じゃないと思う 精神科っていってしま ば保険にもはいれないし会社にもつけない それでも精神科にいって薬を貰いたいぐら つらいのがパニック障害 死んでないんだからただの甘えだな 貧乏底辺な人や普通 生活してる人よりも 稼いだり充実してる人生で勝ち組なんだから 今更、昔は〇〇 したアピールしなくていいのにな 9 パニック障害ってアル中がなるイメージ 0代で死にたがる奴は勉強できないアホだけ アホが自己紹介してるだけ 取り憑か てるだけ

ためしに神社でお払いしてみい、 益々悪くなるかもしれんがw 有名人はスト スや重圧に晒されやすい職業だからな タフな人じゃないと精神的な病にかかる 1 新幹線とか乗ってる時にパニックになる人ってたしかにいそうだよね 12 深く 事を考えすぎなんだよ 諦めも大切 俺も飛行機、電車の急行とトンネルとか本当に にそうになる

結局それぞれ避けようとするがそれがまた逆効果みたいなんだよね。エレベーターとか嫌 し窓の無い高層ビルとかよく仕事できるなと思うよ 14 死にたいなら死ねばいい に 甘えだよね 14 表に出る仕事に向いてなかったんだろう パニック障害 人は発達(IQ+AQ)の検査した方がいいよ 発達故の生き辛さや遺伝的変異でパニ ク障害発症してるかもしれんからね 電車の発作はほんとにビビった

行きの電車でだけ起こる。 帰りの電車に乗ろうと駅に向かうだけで落ち着く 結局 キシルと10年付き合った。 153: >>150 分かるわ。朝の方が電車の 雑度が高いせいかと思ったが帰りでの混雑だとそこそこ耐えられる

時間に追われてると起きやすいみたい。 15 パニック障害と鬱一緒にするなよ パニック障害は別に死にたいとか思ってる人の病気じゃねーぞ 俺は死にたいと思った とがない 結構悲惨な生活してた時期もあったはずなんだが 16 要するに 本人の若年化だろ ゆとり厨二精神の大人が増えただけ 自分は縁がないと思ってる コロッとやられる 頭で考えても理解しようとしてもコントロールできなくて無理 が狂うのかと思う 17 それでも「今」に至れるくらい環境や支えに恵まれてたん から、彼らはやっぱり幸せな部類だよ 鬱とかパニックになりやすい人は他人の感情や 情を感じ取る神経が過敏になってるから無駄に神経すり減らして自滅する おすすめ記事 001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmat memory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww 引用元:

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】パニック障害を告白した意外な芸能人をご覧ください・・・ - Duration: 5:18.


How To Registration Domain Through bKash From ExonHost - Duration: 8:16.

How to buy domain through bKash From ExonHost

For more infomation >> How To Registration Domain Through bKash From ExonHost - Duration: 8:16.


Grande Fratello Vip: Giulia Salemi non riesce a dimenticare Francesco Monte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: Giulia Salemi non riesce a dimenticare Francesco Monte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:10.


VIAGGIARE CON 10 EURO AL GIORNO IN INDIA (del sud) - viaggiare low cost | Beyond The Trip - Full HD - Duration: 6:22.

10 euros per person per day. Are they enough??

When in January we left for our long term trip we had a challenge: to be able to live with

10 euros per day but then we arrived in India

and here is another story. we will show you what we can do with

our budget of 10 euros per day e especially if we can save money

We will show you where we sleep what we eat

and how we move here in india. Here we go! Voilà here is the luxury suite is

wonderful. Those are the cushions. We put them on the ground because we were afraid of getting them dirty. And then look at those 2 birds on the headboard

What a beauty ... the bathroom is simply a ' artwork

And look at this shower really functional

Are they enough?!

Found one that costs 500 now let's see the room. In the end we chose this one

large, three windows, bright and there is also wi fi (in theory). Do you want to see

bathroom? naaaaa ok

Are they enough?!

today we take you with us to taste the thali this indian specialty

It is a complete menu that includes chapatti, rice, papadum and lots of curries, sauces, vegetables

and in this there is also the banana

it's really exquisite

how much did we spend on this banquet? one euro each

Are they enough?!

here in Udupi this specialty of southern India was born masala dosa and we came to

taste it in a traditional restaurant near the temple. Look how beautiful

It is a kind of huge crepes made with flour rice and another cereal and inside there

they are just potatoes, they are eaten with sauces

and for these two delicious dosas we have spent 100 rupees that are just over one euro

Are they enough?!

today we will eat a specialty of the Indian street food

Angela is already buying ... these are meatballs

and here they are, the Dal Vada

they are a typical snack, here they eat them for breakfast. lunch, dinner, tea, coffee

they are really good they are made with lots of them ingredients a bit like everyone

Indian dishes. Among other things when you start eating them do not finish anymore because they last a lifetime

look how they are made inside. They are crispy outside and soft inside

they are really very good and then they cost a little ... how much did we pay for them?

10 rupees that are 12 cents

Are they enough?!

The best coffee drunk here in India in the last 10 days

coffee as well as tea here in india I am a real art and

they sell to all the stalls on the side road and then it costs very little for this

coffee we spent 10 rupees ie the equivalent of 12 cents

of euros and that's what's true for you the taste that is good remains in your mouth


Are they enough?!

This is a local bus

the bus took us to the station central of Thanjvur

As soon as we got off, we asked for a little bit around and in two minutes

we were already on the other bus to Madurai. And we have already left!

Are they enough?!

We are in Aleppey, also called alappuzha aleppey is famous for its canals

There are several ways to browse these waters from those more expensive like the

boat houses on which you can even sleep we obviously have the cheaper ones

we have chosen the latter type and today in fact we take a nice ferry

Where do we go?


this is a good way to discover the Backwaters. We recommend it to those who have little

time because you can do everything during the day and for those with a low budget

we spent 50 cents each for a total of five hours of navigation

Are they enough?!

Today we travel aboard a typical Indian train

We are going from Varkala to Aleppey. It's not a long way, it's about two hours

and you know how much it cost 120 rupees 1 euro and 50

Are they enough?!

today we go to Pondicherry, from here inside!

How's the situation? Comfy! We arrived in Pondicherry

and we're going from the bus station to the center with this sort of shared tuk tuk,

But it is shared with 30 people. Then everyone screams !!!!

we paid 30 cents in 2

so great price and now we do gods accounts see how much we spent in

Are they enough?!

And now let's see how much we spent in

in india. Finding cheap accommodations has not always been easy

especially in the Tamil nadu where the rooms cost slightly more than the

average we spent between 400 and 500 rupees a

night which means 2.5 / 3 euros in average per head per night. The government buses

and trains, especially in the sleeper class are very cheap not

so comfortable but cheap on average for travel time is spent between 30

cents and 50 cents. To eat

we spent 2 euros and 50 a day

The extras are really low also because here in south india the attractions

main ones are temples and often they are free or they charge a small one

fee for mobile phones or cameras besides this, however, we have included

in the extra even for small expenses like dust to wash clothes

trousers they broke they had to therefore change them in total

as extra we spent 50 cents per person per day. So here in south india

we spent an average of 6 euros e fifty per head per day !!! I'm gonna

move here. Me too!

if you liked this video, do not forget to subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> VIAGGIARE CON 10 EURO AL GIORNO IN INDIA (del sud) - viaggiare low cost | Beyond The Trip - Full HD - Duration: 6:22.


estreitos a Florida selvagem - Duration: 2:06.

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Like & Share

For more infomation >> || Merey Mola Da Naam Hovey || Super Hit Qasida || - Duration: 5:11.


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For more infomation >> videoplayback online video cutter com - Duration: 0:39.


他与谭松韵有过一段情,搭档钟汉良昙花一现,如今因《香蜜》大火 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 他与谭松韵有过一段情,搭档钟汉良昙花一现,如今因《香蜜》大火 - Duration: 5:26.


R3社が仮想通貨決済を楽に!リップル社とついに!需要高まりXRP価格高騰なるか?暴落していたripple好材料2018年12月最新ニュース!swell未発表2019年1月最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> R3社が仮想通貨決済を楽に!リップル社とついに!需要高まりXRP価格高騰なるか?暴落していたripple好材料2018年12月最新ニュース!swell未発表2019年1月最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 5:25.


Алисия Викандер в фильме «Из машины» 👽👽👽 — Фантастический триллер 2014 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Алисия Викандер в фильме «Из машины» 👽👽👽 — Фантастический триллер 2014 - Duration: 1:04.


Prospekte #2 - 2018/19 - Hornbach, Müller, Norma - Duration: 2:18:00.

For more infomation >> Prospekte #2 - 2018/19 - Hornbach, Müller, Norma - Duration: 2:18:00.


妳變了!老公狠嗆一句 林可彤丟下暴哭兒炸怒離家 - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 妳變了!老公狠嗆一句 林可彤丟下暴哭兒炸怒離家 - Duration: 7:40.


Globalize Your Portfolio

For more infomation >> Globalize Your Portfolio


Don't Think, Feel So Good! - Duration: 24:29.

For more infomation >> Don't Think, Feel So Good! - Duration: 24:29.


Laura Smet son mariage avec Raphaël, a-t-elle trahi son père ? - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet son mariage avec Raphaël, a-t-elle trahi son père ? - Duration: 1:25.


Best Funny Musically video - Duration: 4:50.

Best Funny Musically video

For more infomation >> Best Funny Musically video - Duration: 4:50.


All I want for Christmas is... KEYBLADE WAR! - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> All I want for Christmas is... KEYBLADE WAR! - Duration: 1:03.


Superb Sokratis, the centre-back issue & missing Ozil - Arsenal talking points - Duration: 7:18.

 Lucas Torreira took all the headlines again after the win against Huddersfield but there was another stand out performer for Arsenal who is not really getting the credit he deserves this season

 The home side may not have been overly stretched by a Huddersfield side who came to north London without any real intention to play for anything but a draw, but almost everything Sokratis did he did with impressive style

 There were a fair few who questioned the deal to bring the Greece international to the Emirates, with plenty suggesting that Sven Mislintat had brought in a player who was past his best

 But Sokratis has been excellent since his arrival and is proving to be yet another astute signing by Mislintat

 He reads the game exceptionally well, he is strong, powerful and possesses good pace, something that few gave him credit for when he first signed from Borussia Dortmund

 Arsenal have lacked a centreback like Sokratis for some time. He is the leader at the back that they have been crying out

The sight of him celebrating forcing a Huddersfield attacker into giving away a goal kick late on summed up his performance

 Arsenal were far from their best against Huddersfield but Sokratis helped pushed them on and never let standards slip at the back, even as injuries forced Unai Emery into making changes late on

 It was yet another excellent display from a player who is proving a lot of people wrong

  Torreira shines once again  It's impossible to talk about Saturday's game without paying homage to Lucas Torreira - again!  What a player, what a signing

Looking at the Premier League this season, it's tough to find any player who has made as big an impact for his team than Torreira

Virgil van Dijk at Liverpool perhaps.  This has been such a demanding week at Arsenal and Torreira has played every single minute of it all - yet on Saturday he was once again the man who was the heartbeat of the Arsenal side

 Even before his goal, he was the stand out player on the pitch, but his spectacular finish late on that sealed the win put the gloss on another excellent display

 Just when you thought he couldn't get much better, Torreira has now added goals to his game

 He played as a striker when he first arrived in Italy from Uruguay and by the way he volleyed Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's cross in late on, you could see he still knows how to finish - even if that isn't his forte nowadays

 We may only be in December, but Arsenal's player of the season already looks nailed on

  The centre-back issue  Things were bad for Arsenal at centre-back before Saturday's game, now they are even worse

 With Rob Holding ruled out for the season, Emery will now be without both Sokratis and Shkodran Mustafi for the trip to Southampton next week

 Sokratis will only be absent for one game through suspension, but Mustafi could be facing three weeks on the sidelines with a hamstring injury which could rule him out of the festive period

 One thing that is for sure is that Emery will have to go with a makeshift centreback partnership at St Mary's next weekend

 Laurent Koscielny will get some minutes against Qarabag on Thursday in the Europa League, but it would be a big ask to throw him straight into a Premier League starting XI next weekend - especially after Arsenal have managed his comeback so carefully

 So it could be a partnership of Nacho Monreal and Stephan Lichtsteiner against Southampton next weekend, one that might not inspire too much confidence

  Missing Mesut  There may be plenty of critics queueing up to write Mesut Ozil off right now, but Saturday was a prime example of how Arsenal miss him when he is not around

 Without Ozil - and Aaron Ramsey - Arsenal lacked any sort of craft or guile from midfield to unlock a resolute Huddersfield side

 For all the games that Ozil struggles to make a mark in, there are others that he takes by the scruff of the neck and wins single handily for Arsenal

 We've seen that this season against Leicester and it really felt like he would have made a big difference if he was on the pitch against Huddersfield

 The German is close to a return after his back injury and having him available again will be a major boost to Emery and Arsenal - no matter what his critics say

  Mkhitaryan's struggles  A big reason why Arsenal need Ozil back is the form of Alex Iwobi and Henrikh Mkhitaryan

 Both players came on for the second half against Huddersfield but again failed to really make much of an impact on the game

 Iwobi enjoyed a fine start to the season but his form has certainly dipped right now, and Mkhitaryan is really struggling in the final third

 For a player of his experience and pedigree, the Armenia international just isn't delivering enough decisive moments in the final third

Arsenal desperately need more from him.  Fortunately Lucas Torreira stepped up when needed to get the win against Huddersfield, but Emery will want to see players like Iwobi and Mkhitaryan contributing far more in terms of goals and assists

 Arsenal are heavily reliant on Aubameyang and Lacazette when it comes to scoring goals and they need others to share the burden at times

Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Superb Sokratis, the centre-back issue & missing Ozil - Arsenal talking points - Duration: 7:18.


FOX Report With Jon Scott 12/09/18 5AM | December 09, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:41.

For more infomation >> FOX Report With Jon Scott 12/09/18 5AM | December 09, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:41.


Mission Ramen #1 - Sapporo - Duration: 12:06.

During this video, the focus of the camera gave me some troubles

I hope you will like it anyway enjoy watching

hello wanderer friend and welcome in this new format of video

You have understood already if you have a minimum of japanese culture

or even culinary culture we will talk about food

few weeks ago I was on facebook and on the group "JAPAN CONNECTION"

I found this map which is from the website

and I got revelation

I set myself for mission to eat all of the ramen on this map

If you don't know what is ramen it is a big bowl of soup with noodles

which are, at the beginning, imported from china

but it's totally a japanese specialty

It is cooked with a fish base but it is more often cooked with meet and pork is the most famous

and it is seasoned wit 4 main sauces

Miso, Soy, Salt, and an other that i forgot

and on top of that you add mushroom, vegetables, fish paste, lot of things

so Ramen is truly my favorite dish in Japan

in fact, one of my favorite

caus Yes, Captain obvious, we don't only eat raw fish and sushi in Japan

so it is really interesting dish because there is bunch of varieties

it is different in each prefectures of Japan

and on top of that, it can also be different between each shop

because it depends of what you top it with

for the story, the passion between myself and Ramen has started a longtime ago

even much before I stepped in Japan

because I discovered it with animation that you may be know

NARUTO obviously, this the anime that do a Ramen apology

and I had the feeling that when an animation makes hungry

the dish is in real really good

this is it for the dish introduction but I won't speak only about food

because it might be boring after a while

I'll use this kind of video to show you city's shots that might not take place in my vlogs

and I will try to make this format more interactive

Discover Ramen with Japanese people

I will work on my japanese and ask directly to the people where is the best ramen shop in every cities

and we start today with SAPPORO

because like you can see on the map, I show it again

on hokkaido there is 4 specialties of Ramen

as the ones from Kushiro and Asahikawa that I had already eaten

but at that time I didn't have the idea f this video

so we will consider them as ticked

Now we take care about Saporro with is the main city in Hokkaido

that I know because I spent few months here

and we will start to go to see old friends

who you might know if you have watch my old videos

just here to update if you need it



so I stopped 5 minutes to drink a small beer

its a bit noisy here because at the moment it is summer,

in July in Sapporo , there is what we call the beer Garden

and it is even more important in Saporro because the city is known for her beer

Sapporo is a bit like Bordeaux

the kind of place that, overseas, people don't know that is a city

it is only an alcohol name

before I came to sapporo, before I came to japan this year

for me Sapporo was only a beer and nothing else

so Cheers

forget about Asahi and Kirin (Japanese Beer brands)


Hello my name is Lolo and I am a lame tourist

to finish this tour, I am now in Susukino

which is the heart of Sapporo city

which is the side of bars, Restaurant, isakayas, Karaokes, night clubs

but also of weirder places

really weird

he is shy obviously

so I walked around enough, it is time to eat know

I am Back home!

I have one thing ask you

where is the best ramen shop in Sapporo

For me personally, SHINGEN



Is it in the city center?

It is like in Susukino



Miso Ramen and fried rice

of course miso ramen

and for you what is the best one?

your favorite?

mine is ONIMUSHA

In susukino


Is it good too?

good! Onismusha is a bit thick

like also a bit fatty

so if you eat everything you will feel totally full

Yeah, that is okay, that is the goal!

I know I know

my friends were all agreed

this one was obviously the best one

when you see the queue, I think it is good

but there is too much time to wait, more than an hour

I will try to find an other one, they gave me one or two more names

I will try to finally eat a ramen because I'm hungry

or even starving !

here there is some spot, let's eat! finally

so this is it finally,

what you should know is that the Sapporo specialty is Miso

You can find Miso Ramen everywhere in Japan but the best ones are from Hokkaido

so we will taste that now

this is not the one my friends advised me but this is actually also a good one

as you can see, Ramen shops aren't fancy establishments

here, I am lucky to have a table but there a lot of shops that are really small

with only a counter to eat on

because Ramen is a popular dish, really affordable

you can find it from 500 YEN

wich is the cheapest and I think there more expensive ramen than 1400 YEN

and this is already an important sum of money

it depends of the size and f what you add in it

because you have a basic ramen and then you can add everything you wan in it

but of course it cost more

this is it ! It is finally arrived

in fact I just made a mistake because splitting chopsticks like this isn't really polite

normally you should split it like this

in my first vlog I translated "Itadakimasu" by good appetite

it was totally wrong because it is something you dont say to other people

it is something you say to yourself

It is a bit like "thank for this dish" in a religious way but isn't it like that

and it is not either 'Thanks for this dish" because you can use it for many situations

it is more thanks to life to bring this by yourself or by other people

Japanese is really difficult isn't it?

so itadakimasu, bon appetit good appetite what every you want but me, I go for it

yes! we do it like this

it is Japanese manner

you can't do that is France, I already said it in a video

but here making noises while you eat it is totally normal

it is even better because if you dont do it some people can think it is not good for you

but you do this mainly with noodles dont do that with any food either

but when you are in a Ramen shop you can hear a lot of slurp slurp and nobody is shocked , it is normal

but you need skills

I am quite good with chopsticks but eating eggs is annoying, really annoying

this time a took a full bundle, a large bowl with eggs and seaweeds

this one has something, I don't know if it is the best

perhaps the other one I couldn't go was better

but this one is already really good

I almost see the end of it

compared to others, this one is not heavy

quite salty even this is not the made about salty base

The miso is generally quite salty

It is not heavy at all, I took a large one

I don't feel it, I will be full a the end but it is easy to eat

So i think I will even finish the soup

because you have to know that it is not obligatory to finish the soup in the Japanese culture


so to conclude, Perhaps it is not the best in Sapporo

If you listen people

but It was really good, one of the best miso Ramen that I ate in hokkaido

In this kind of video i will make a top 3, I will not put notes because it will be hard

compared to the tow other that I already tried

the ones you couldn't see in video

I will put this one at the first place

Kushiro Ramen was a bit spicy and a less salty

at the second place

and Asahiwa ramen that was also with miso base

it was very good but I will put it under the other ones

it will evaluate

I hope you like this video, I tried few thing, I dont know what it will be after editing

don't forget the blue thumb If you like the video and if you want I continue this series

It is quite important because like this I will know if you liked it

and help me to improve this kind of video

tell me what you liked and what you disliked in the comments

It will be really interesting for me

and if you just want to say Hello, you can

and don't forget to click on this button to subscribe

and don't miss anything coming soon on this channel

and especially the next "MISSION RAMEN"

Mission completed ! See you ! Ciao!

For more infomation >> Mission Ramen #1 - Sapporo - Duration: 12:06.


Baleines à bosses en Australie à la Gold Coast - Backstages - Duration: 4:02.

Hello Curioous!

Welcome to our backstages

Today we'll do something on our Bucket list

We want to see whales!

From very close!

Very close

And see them jumping right next to us


Being able to touch them

and laugh with them

We were in Brisbane, went to the Gold Coast

We've rented a private boat with Darryl

Our driver...

not "driver"

Our operator...

Our sailor!

Darryl our sailor on his boat


The... devis

The devis?

"Eau de vie"

The French alcohol

On our way we've picked up our friend Vanessa

Hello Vanessa!

She came to film the backstages

Hopefully she was there

we couldn't have done it alone

So we've arrived at the marina at 7 am

We've jumped on the "Eau de vie"

It was funny because inside it was like a tiny house

Like the Parisian tiny appartments

He said: "don't worry today we'll hit each other...

...that's normal, it will move!!"

What do you mean it will move?

Like.. a lot?

It was funny because at one point

he explained me how to hang

to shoot properly

Hopefully he did...

a beautiful choreography!

I didn't have the camera with me?

Of course you did

A double : Fleur and the camera...

After that we've spent 2 hours sailing

we were so focus

trying to spot any spit or blow

or tail

And suddenly...

A blow!

During one hour it was the big show

Look at that!

It was quite funny with the camera

It was moving a lot

I was trying to know where they would come up

but hard to tell

Greg was sitting

Like this

Focus, just focus

How is the Lord doing?

I know I look like a Lord sitter like that

But it's the only way to be relax

if not I'll through up

And suddenly the big jump...

The whale...

You talk rubbish

You'll see next week

Watch the episode next week

I've found a trick against seasickness

I was in front the steer

pretending to sail the boat

Honestly it works

That's strange

Same when you are in a car with someone driving

But if you drive yourself you don't feel anything


So we had a beautiful show for an hour

And after that


Not a single fish

Not even a seagull to eat my vomit

Oh no!


We've talked a lot with Darryl

He said that one time he sailed for 3 months

3 months at sea, Australia to USA I think

For 3 months!

With food reserves, going through storms

Talking about storms he said

that he used a hammock for sleeping

On a bed that's fine but if it's moving a lot you fall

He also used harness just in case

Can you imagine?

I can't do it

Me neither

I'd prefer 3 months in a farm...

It was an amazing experience

We have to do it again but this time in the water

Would you do it?

If the sea is calm, crystal clear

and if I can touch the bottom...

So see you next week...


So see you next...

Stop it!


So see you...

So see you...

So see you next week

That's it see you next week?

We'll see you next week

you can leave a message

A comment

I mean a comment

A thumbs up

And subscribe


See you very soon

For more infomation >> Baleines à bosses en Australie à la Gold Coast - Backstages - Duration: 4:02.


Fist of Fury (1972) Cast : Then and Now - Duration: 2:23.

Fist of Fury (1972) Cast : Then and Now

For more infomation >> Fist of Fury (1972) Cast : Then and Now - Duration: 2:23.


Experience traditional culture on Seoul Subway Line 3 (Gyeonbukgung Palace, Tonging Market + more!) - Duration: 12:37.

seoul... a bustling city with so much to offer visitors. from the traditional to the

modern, tourists have an almost endless amount of things to experience. today on

tastes seoul good, we explore some of the historical sites on line three of the

Seoul metro system. although transferring subway lines is easy, we will show you

some of the many gems of Seoul easily accessible on this subway line, so get

ready and let's start our journey! first stop on our line three journey today is

this place. so this is the Soedamun prison museum. so this is a special

museum that shows where the Japanese held, tortured, and later executed the

Koreans during the Korean independence freedom movement. all right so some

things you see might be a little upsetting.also we've been asked not to

record in here so we're gonna show you everything through photos. if you're

interested in Korean, this is a great place to check out. so let's go

check it out. alright so the cost of tickets 3000 won per person. the seodaemun

prison history Hall is a museum and former prison. in 1910 the great Korean

Empire was colonized by Japan. for decades

activists fought for freedom from the Japanese. many of those activists ended

up here, where they were held, tortured, and eventually executed. the museum now

stands to honor those who gave their lives to achieve independence and

democracy. walking through the museum is chilling. visitors can step into one of

the jail cells that held prisoners. entering the solitary confinement cells

is especially eye-opening as the cells are dark, cold, and haunting. perhaps the

most harrowing scene is the rooms that depict how Korean inmates were tortured.

cells feature lifelike recreations of the pain and suffering the activists

endured in the walls of the now Museum. visiting seodaemun prison is a very

sobering experience. so I saw a lot of things in there that's very shocking and

it could be a little upsetting. so do know that. all right so again I couldn't

take any video in here. that's against the regulations .so there's so much I

couldn't show you. so I highly recommend you to come check this place out for

yourself. all right so now that we've gone to our first

stop on line threes ten goes in next place are you ready I think you are all

right let's check it out

all right for our second stuff we've traveled just one stop on a line three

and we have landed here so this is goong-bok guma station exit number five

so walking out the station we are greeted with this it's absolutely

beautiful so this is a very historical site in Seoul we are gonna go check out

the ticket box right and grab the tickets I'm going to take a look inside

so let's go in book palace was the main palace during the joseon dynasty and

served as home of the king as well as the government of the dynasty the name

young book means greatly blessed by heaven is since between Gwang ha moon

and bukhansan mountain and is easily reached by subway line through 8 all

right so this is actually a reconstruction so go buck boom was

finished being built in 1395 however in 1592 it was burned down this is the

1800s they've been reconstructing it so bits and pieces of it have been

reconstructed for us to view however parts may have still not been

reconstructed however what we have here is absolutely amazing and is something

that you absolutely must visit with checking out solve

three guided tours are available in various languages no visit to Seoul

would be complete without visiting this palace I recommend going early as crowds

can get quite large during the afternoon all right so entrance to goong-bok

palace is only three thousand won per adult so it's very affordable and one

thing that you can do it is also rent a han book which is a Korean traditional

costume and there's many places around where you can do that I decided not to

do it because it's a little cold today but maybe you should do this is one of

my favourite places in all of notebook palace so this is a two storey pavilion

it was reconstructed in 1867 and this particular place was for banquets and

entertainment when they were hosting foreign dignitaries this is so coming to

gamble Geun Palace is so much fun if you're coming here I recommend planning

for a few hours as there is so much to see this is a really big place and also

you might be able to see the changing of the guard ceremony alright but I'm

almost out of time so I'm gonna move on to the next stop on our journey of

subway line three slow let's go alright so after all that exploring the I've

worked a little bit of an appetite so I've come here so this is tounging Chi

Cheng Tong in market and this is a very special market so bring your appetite

and let's go explore

women market they expect 1941 nowadays the market is home to 75 stores and

while the majority of the stores are restaurants and grocery stores you can

also find clothing and souvenir shops here

what makes this market so unique is that visitors can buy a roll of coins and

those can be exchanged for one of the dozens of delicious food items being

sold by the vendors series of five thousand one and what we're gonna do is

buy some coins which we can then get a empty lunch box then go around and fill

up all kinds of good stuffs let's go my empty lunch box and then I have this

called goop dog so each one is worth 500 won so when taken out to different

sellers and there we can exchange these coins for some delicious food so there's

all kinds of great stuff and smells wonderful so check it out

nice we have two points left so I think we have a lot of food already but sure

we still buy something even more delicious all right we have everything

from our 10 points so let's go so we haven't eat it all right so we got all

of our food so this was in total was 5,000 won it was a lot of fun to walk

around and see what they have and choose our food so you go upstairs and there

are places to eat so I'm gonna start my favorite things so this is the oil fried

dough cookie so it's a rice cake that has some seasoning on it and a fryer I

absolutely love it here so what I'm taking mmm so go

so it's got a little bit of spice to it so if you don't like spicy food you

might want to pass on this however it's really famous here next is this this is

a kimchi Geun which is made with kimchi and is kind of like a pancake but it's

saber see what it is so the outside is crispy the inside is nice and soft it's

a little tangy a little sour cuz the kimchi right next we have this this is

called a Mya gimbap so it's an addictive gimbap so on the outside it is dried

seaweed inside is rice and carrot and there's some sesame oil not a good step

on it so let's see how this one is

so they put a nice mustardy sauce on it so yeah it's really addicting it's cold

but uh and refreshing now I see what they call it addictive kimbap because

you want more more MORE so there was an absolutely delicious

meal I really enjoyed it was so much fun walking around and checking out all the

different sellers with my little coins alright so now that I'm full I'm ready

to check out the next thing on line three so let's get ready and go alright

so that lunch was delicious but now it's time for our next stop so what can just

down the street across from gimbap kuma station exit six is this so this is the

Seoul Museum of History and I think it's gonna be really exciting to find out a

little bit more about to Korean culture and Korean history so let's go check it

out the Seoul Museum of History features the traditional site of Seoul enter the

museum and you will be greeted with artifacts and other items from Seoul's

past the museum allows visitors to have a deeper understanding of Korea life and

culture in this exhibition we learned more about the Joseon dynasty

so entrance into the Seoul Museum of History is forever there might be some

exhibitions where you do need to pay an admission price to get in but the

majority of it is free there's also a cafe down on the first floor so if you

come here things are in English as well as other languages you can also get an

audio guide which you can tap on different exhibition parts and you can

listen to the histories that's really fascinating so I've learned a lot about

it and I highly recommend you coming here

but this is a miniature replication of the city of Seoul

so it seems weirdly accurate so as you can see it's divided by the Han River

from the north and the south so today we are in the northern part of Seoul

checking out this museum but as you can see it's a huge City there's so much to

see and do that if you're traveling here you're gonna be really busy for quite a

while I think it's time to get back on to line three and see what else we can


the next place we are visiting is the GU Chun hanok village so first this is

located outside exit number one of Angoon station so as you're coming here

you can see all this beautiful traditional Korean style housing and

there's plenty of things to see and do so make sure you come here it makes the

perfect Instagram picture location in Muhammad village is one of the most

photogenic spots in all of Seoul visitors can enjoy the traditional style

housing while the modern skyline of Seoul sits in the background visiting

the village allows you to truly step back in time and immerse yourself in

traditional Korean culture

all right so behind me is the son hada village so Hamid is the name of the

Korean traditional style housing so it's got that nice slanted roof and this is a

really cool place to come check out one thing to remember that these are our

real houses where real people still live so if you're visiting this village be

sure to be respectful and clean up after yourself

and try not to make too much noise as there are real people who live here so

just try to enjoy the beautiful sights with China Hamid village

For more infomation >> Experience traditional culture on Seoul Subway Line 3 (Gyeonbukgung Palace, Tonging Market + more!) - Duration: 12:37.


Undo my sad - Cover by Feng Timo - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Undo my sad - Cover by Feng Timo - Duration: 3:18.


Man Utd told to pay WHOPPING £90m in January to land defensive solution - Duration: 3:17.

 Man Utd have struggled with a leaky defence so far this season, and it's reported that they'll have to splash out £90m to land top target Kalidou Koulibaly from Napoli

 The Red Devils have conceded 26 goals in 16 games in the Premier League thus far, giving them the joint-worst defensive record of the top 13 sides in the standings

 SEE MORE: 'Are we saving money for January?' – Jose Mourinho jokes at press conference, issues Paul Pogba challenge  It has been a major factor in their struggles to keep up the pace in the battle for a top four finish, and so it would appear as though they need to address it moving forward in order to compete

 As noted by The Independent, Jose Mourinho was left frustrated as they failed to land a defender in the summer, although the Portuguese tactician does have several options at his disposal already

 Nevertheless, the likes of Eric Bailly, Victor Lindelof, Chris Smalling and Phil Jones haven't been able to keep things tight at the back, and in turn it has led to continued speculation of a swoop for a defensive target

 According to The Times, United must pay £90m if they wish to prise Koulibaly away from Napoli, with the 27-year-old firmly establishing himself as one of the top defenders in Europe

 Koulibaly has made 174 appearances for Napoli since arriving in 2014, while he also has 29 caps for Senegal as he has gained plenty of experience at the highest level

 Further, aside from his defensive solidity, aerial prowess and pace, he's also comfortable in possession to be able to build out from the back

In turn, he could tick all the right boxes for Mourinho.  Nevertheless, that is a sizeable transfer valuation which has been quoted, and so it remains to be seen if Man Utd are willing and able to match such demands to take him to Old Trafford

 Koulibaly is arguably perfect for the Premier League, but it will seemingly take a massive investment to convince Napoli to sell their influential ace

More Stories about Kalidou Koulibaly Video: Man United transfer target Koulibaly's amazing recovery run for Napoli against Atalanta December 3, 2018 22:12 Jose Mourinho wants Manchester United to pay what it takes to seal powerhouse transfer December 3, 2018 9:21 Jose Mourinho opens up on Manchester United's potential move for £94m-rated defender December 1, 2018 22:54

For more infomation >> Man Utd told to pay WHOPPING £90m in January to land defensive solution - Duration: 3:17.


Autism & Senses: Sound - Duration: 3:03.

Hearing is our sense of sound. it allows us to interprets noises from our environment.

But what does it mean to be over-under sensitive to it? Let's take a look!

Hearing is one of our senses. It allows us to detect tone and pitch, or a sounds direction or proximity to us, its volume or its timing

and so can tell us if we are in danger or convey verbal information.

If you are under sensitive to it you might not notice sounds such as being spoken to, you might have difficulty recognising

tone or pitch and so miss verbal cues such as sarcasm emphasis or emotion.

You might seek out sounds or make your own like banging objects or being in crowded noisy spaces

you might have difficulty understanding language or conveying emotion in your voice.

It's important to know that this is due to how the brain processes sound information not due to hearing.

For example: imagine there is an ambulance siren in the distance.

Some people's brains will filter this out as it's far away but for others it will feel louder

as their brain is focusing in on it.

Another example: imagine you're talking to a friend in a cafe.

For some people the sounds of other people talking are barely noticeable, as their brains filter them out,

but for others these noises are very distracting!

What can you do to help? Things such as visual cues to support verbal information,

or maybe even things like five-point scales to help them know they're speaking volume,

avoiding sarcasm - if the person has difficulty with this,

and communicating emotions verbally so there's no confusion,

also allowing us to listen to background music or noise

such as white noise as this can help provide stimulation and keep us engaged.

If you're oversensitive to it you might notice tiny noises that others wouldn't and be bothered by them,

you might have difficulty recognizing tone or pitch,

things such as sarcasm or emphasis because it's hard to filter out all those sounds.

This could mean you don't always notice danger or being spoken to.

You might seek out certain sounds or make your own to replace unpleasant ones from around you.

You might find a lot of noise too much and that this noise can hurt,

and you might avoid noisy places.

What helps?

Noise cancelling headphones or ear defenders and background music.

Avoiding loud and busy places.

Avoid sarcasm if the person has difficulty with this.

Try to communicating emotions verbally or using visual supports.

Give extra time to allow them to process all the information.

Warn before loud situations.

and having strategies such as having a safe space to go to can help too!

Have we missed anything?

Let us know in the comments below and don't forget to hit subscribe

to get updates on our next sensory video!

For more infomation >> Autism & Senses: Sound - Duration: 3:03.


[ENG] 강아지먹방|대추랑생강이랑 Ginger&Jujube VLOG #3 어느 날의 아침시간 (강아지/댕댕이/강아지먹방) - Duration: 2:37.

VLOG#3 Someday Morning

Ginger (Boy)

Jujube (Girl)

Good morning!

I'm sitting right here~

Hey, hey, Look at me!

It's time for me to eat snack!!

Whaaat?! Snack~?!

YEAH!! It's snack time~

Hey! Calm down like I do!!

I want it NOW!!!!


Me too! I want my snack, too~~

Unless you want to see my butt!

Hehe~I finished mine~

Haha It's my turn now~~!

I also want it too...

Ah~ It so delicious~

I finished!

Is there any more snack? I want more~


Okay.... Bye....

Jujube&Ginger | Subscribe&Thumbs up!

For more infomation >> [ENG] 강아지먹방|대추랑생강이랑 Ginger&Jujube VLOG #3 어느 날의 아침시간 (강아지/댕댕이/강아지먹방) - Duration: 2:37.


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Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler calls for Man City to be EXPELLED from Champions League - Duration: 2:49.

 City are sweating on how UEFA may punish them following allegations about their financial conduct on website Football Leaks

 The most extreme punishment they could face is being booted out of Europe for a season - although Pep Guardiola says he is certain that won't happen

 Fowler spent three years at City between 2003 and 2006 but that hasn't stopped him turning against his former employees

 "Manchester City should be booted out of the Champions League if it is proved that they cheated to beat Financial Fair Play," he told the Mirror

 "I am a big admirer of my former club and, under Pep Guardiola, they continue to raise the standards of the Premier League

 "But four years ago, they were hit with a £49million fine by UEFA for failing FFP

 "And if - and let's not forget it is still a very big "if" - it is proved they cooked the books to beat the regulations that all clubs competing in Europe have to adhere to, then hitting them in the pocket will not be enough this time

 READ MORE: SARRI MAKES HUGE TITLE CLAIM "Before any City fans break into a sweat of outrage, I think it's important to stress here that I am not trying to play the role of judge, jury and executioner

 "It is vital that no one jumps to any conclusions solely on the basis of the allegations recently made by Football Leaks

 "First of all, we don't know whether the claims are true. And, secondly, if they are, then City must be allowed to present a case for the defence

 "But the silence from those in charge at the Etihad is deafening." Guardiola has spoken with Etihad chiefs about the situation and believes they will still be allowed to take part in the Champions League next season

 He said: "I don't think we will be banned because I trust in my chairman and my CEO and what they have explained to me

I trust in them."

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