During this video, the focus of the camera gave me some troubles
I hope you will like it anyway enjoy watching
hello wanderer friend and welcome in this new format of video
You have understood already if you have a minimum of japanese culture
or even culinary culture we will talk about food
few weeks ago I was on facebook and on the group "JAPAN CONNECTION"
I found this map which is from the website www.tasteatlas.com
and I got revelation
I set myself for mission to eat all of the ramen on this map
If you don't know what is ramen it is a big bowl of soup with noodles
which are, at the beginning, imported from china
but it's totally a japanese specialty
It is cooked with a fish base but it is more often cooked with meet and pork is the most famous
and it is seasoned wit 4 main sauces
Miso, Soy, Salt, and an other that i forgot
and on top of that you add mushroom, vegetables, fish paste, lot of things
so Ramen is truly my favorite dish in Japan
in fact, one of my favorite
caus Yes, Captain obvious, we don't only eat raw fish and sushi in Japan
so it is really interesting dish because there is bunch of varieties
it is different in each prefectures of Japan
and on top of that, it can also be different between each shop
because it depends of what you top it with
for the story, the passion between myself and Ramen has started a longtime ago
even much before I stepped in Japan
because I discovered it with animation that you may be know
NARUTO obviously, this the anime that do a Ramen apology
and I had the feeling that when an animation makes hungry
the dish is in real really good
this is it for the dish introduction but I won't speak only about food
because it might be boring after a while
I'll use this kind of video to show you city's shots that might not take place in my vlogs
and I will try to make this format more interactive
Discover Ramen with Japanese people
I will work on my japanese and ask directly to the people where is the best ramen shop in every cities
and we start today with SAPPORO
because like you can see on the map, I show it again
on hokkaido there is 4 specialties of Ramen
as the ones from Kushiro and Asahikawa that I had already eaten
but at that time I didn't have the idea f this video
so we will consider them as ticked
Now we take care about Saporro with is the main city in Hokkaido
that I know because I spent few months here
and we will start to go to see old friends
who you might know if you have watch my old videos
just here to update if you need it
so I stopped 5 minutes to drink a small beer
its a bit noisy here because at the moment it is summer,
in July in Sapporo , there is what we call the beer Garden
and it is even more important in Saporro because the city is known for her beer
Sapporo is a bit like Bordeaux
the kind of place that, overseas, people don't know that is a city
it is only an alcohol name
before I came to sapporo, before I came to japan this year
for me Sapporo was only a beer and nothing else
so Cheers
forget about Asahi and Kirin (Japanese Beer brands)
Hello my name is Lolo and I am a lame tourist
to finish this tour, I am now in Susukino
which is the heart of Sapporo city
which is the side of bars, Restaurant, isakayas, Karaokes, night clubs
but also of weirder places
really weird
he is shy obviously
so I walked around enough, it is time to eat know
I am Back home!
I have one thing ask you
where is the best ramen shop in Sapporo
For me personally, SHINGEN
Is it in the city center?
It is like in Susukino
Miso Ramen and fried rice
of course miso ramen
and for you what is the best one?
your favorite?
mine is ONIMUSHA
In susukino
Is it good too?
good! Onismusha is a bit thick
like also a bit fatty
so if you eat everything you will feel totally full
Yeah, that is okay, that is the goal!
I know I know
my friends were all agreed
this one was obviously the best one
when you see the queue, I think it is good
but there is too much time to wait, more than an hour
I will try to find an other one, they gave me one or two more names
I will try to finally eat a ramen because I'm hungry
or even starving !
here there is some spot, let's eat! finally
so this is it finally,
what you should know is that the Sapporo specialty is Miso
You can find Miso Ramen everywhere in Japan but the best ones are from Hokkaido
so we will taste that now
this is not the one my friends advised me but this is actually also a good one
as you can see, Ramen shops aren't fancy establishments
here, I am lucky to have a table but there a lot of shops that are really small
with only a counter to eat on
because Ramen is a popular dish, really affordable
you can find it from 500 YEN
wich is the cheapest and I think there more expensive ramen than 1400 YEN
and this is already an important sum of money
it depends of the size and f what you add in it
because you have a basic ramen and then you can add everything you wan in it
but of course it cost more
this is it ! It is finally arrived
in fact I just made a mistake because splitting chopsticks like this isn't really polite
normally you should split it like this
in my first vlog I translated "Itadakimasu" by good appetite
it was totally wrong because it is something you dont say to other people
it is something you say to yourself
It is a bit like "thank for this dish" in a religious way but isn't it like that
and it is not either 'Thanks for this dish" because you can use it for many situations
it is more thanks to life to bring this by yourself or by other people
Japanese is really difficult isn't it?
so itadakimasu, bon appetit good appetite what every you want but me, I go for it
yes! we do it like this
it is Japanese manner
you can't do that is France, I already said it in a video
but here making noises while you eat it is totally normal
it is even better because if you dont do it some people can think it is not good for you
but you do this mainly with noodles dont do that with any food either
but when you are in a Ramen shop you can hear a lot of slurp slurp and nobody is shocked , it is normal
but you need skills
I am quite good with chopsticks but eating eggs is annoying, really annoying
this time a took a full bundle, a large bowl with eggs and seaweeds
this one has something, I don't know if it is the best
perhaps the other one I couldn't go was better
but this one is already really good
I almost see the end of it
compared to others, this one is not heavy
quite salty even this is not the made about salty base
The miso is generally quite salty
It is not heavy at all, I took a large one
I don't feel it, I will be full a the end but it is easy to eat
So i think I will even finish the soup
because you have to know that it is not obligatory to finish the soup in the Japanese culture
so to conclude, Perhaps it is not the best in Sapporo
If you listen people
but It was really good, one of the best miso Ramen that I ate in hokkaido
In this kind of video i will make a top 3, I will not put notes because it will be hard
compared to the tow other that I already tried
the ones you couldn't see in video
I will put this one at the first place
Kushiro Ramen was a bit spicy and a less salty
at the second place
and Asahiwa ramen that was also with miso base
it was very good but I will put it under the other ones
it will evaluate
I hope you like this video, I tried few thing, I dont know what it will be after editing
don't forget the blue thumb If you like the video and if you want I continue this series
It is quite important because like this I will know if you liked it
and help me to improve this kind of video
tell me what you liked and what you disliked in the comments
It will be really interesting for me
and if you just want to say Hello, you can
and don't forget to click on this button to subscribe
and don't miss anything coming soon on this channel
and especially the next "MISSION RAMEN"
Mission completed ! See you ! Ciao!
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