My Favourite Best 95% to 100% Profitable/Winning Trading Strategy Technical Analysis Urdu/Hindi
GARRY'S MOD: HL2RP ► ROLEPLAY БУДНИ ► ТЕСТ СЕРВЕРА GUBKE CHANNEL - Duration: 12:35.-------------------------------------------
Tram Ride Eudokiaplein - Rotterdam Centraal in 2018 - Duration: 10:10.Eudokiaplein
Psychologie Positive Et Bonheur Partie 1 - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
일부에 의해 잘못 알려지고 과소 평가되고 있는 E-737의 성능 - Duration: 13:06.-------------------------------------------
Lory Del Santo attacca Jane Alexander e Benedetta a Verissimo: 'E' una pedina' - Duration: 9:42.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220d Limousine BS Automaat AMG | Widescreen cockpit - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | Navi |LED |Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 250 e Automaat | Navi | LED | Harman Kardon | Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
UN ANNO SU YOUTUBE : Sebastiano Serafini in Giappone - Duration: 17:03.Sebastiano Serafini celebrates 1 year on the channel
Sebastiano Serafini I'm a big fan of yours!
Special: 1 year on YouTube
hello to everyone and welcome to part 2 of the special 25.000 subscribers
let's say that this is the video about 1 year on YouTube
what should I say?
It's the only thing that comes to my mind, what else should I say?
I can't believe we're in 25.000! I know it's a small amount for the YouTube standards...
but having 25.000 people that click subscribe on my channel
and some of you did also put the notifications on
I really (x6) appreciate it!
and I'm really thankful
I know this is a little channel, but
I'm happy right now with the small amount of subscribers that are interested in Japan
or foreign culture
I really talked about different things on this channel
and I'm really thankful for following me and this channel
I also want to end my top 10 chart of my favourite videos on this channel, like I said before
"this is the first video of the channel"
"I had eyes"
"the first bamboo chick of the channel!"
good, I will tell you my top 1, but before that,
I have a lot of friends (youtubers) that wanted to send me congratulations videos
because today I'm celebrating 1 year on YouTube!
and at the end I will tell you which is my favourite video of this channel! so stay tuned
Sebastiano Serafini, congratulations for your first year on YouTube
from trentino to trentino,
but the fact is that you travel more than me and you're also younger and also more (everything) than me
I hope that we can meet somewhere in this world
we never meet in Trento, neither in Tokyo
but there will be a occasion, for sure
well, congratulations!
Hi Seba!
congratulations for your achievment!
Fantastic! Greetings from Tokyo! we wait you here
8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - seconds! Bye!
Hi Seba, I send you a big hug
and good luck with your channel! Bye
1 year with Sebastiano Serafini!
congratulations and we will always support you!
Hi Sebastiano!
congratulations for your first year on YouTube
right now I'm in Italy and not in Tokyo
this is my home in Tuscany, I stay here 1 week
congratulations again and see you soon in Tokyo! bye bye
Hi Seba, happy one year on YouTube!
your channel is awesome, a really big hug from Mery (Wild At Earth)
thanks to you I became a poser!
the worst poser ever!
I really congratulate you for 1 year on Youtube
you're doing great!
and also congrats for your 25.000 subscribers
I needed to wait 5 years for 25.000 subscribers
so, you're doing great! fight!
and for the anniversary of Sebastiano Serafini on YouTube
with his hand and his eyes that are always covered...yipphie!
Hi Seba, I want to congratulate you for your achievement
I send you a kiss, and let's see where we meet next... Japan? Italy? England?
everywhere? bye!
bamboo chick, a really nice bamboo chick with a lot of power!
Sebastiano Serafini celebrates 1 year on the channel
best wishes!
congratulations Sebastiano Serafini!
mum? mum? congratulate him!
mum: congratulations!
congratulations for 1 year on this channel! I don't know why I'm running...
and remember, stay cool as always
Hi Seba, I really want to congratulate you for 1 year on YouTube!
Bravo, give it all and go on like this!
Hi Seba!
I had fun doing videos with you
and thank you for hosting me
congrats for 1 year on this channel
thank you for making me laugh and for making me hungry
and above all to make me think with your videos
go on like this! Ciao
from an italian in Japan,
really Seba, congratulations for your anniversary!
Hi Seba, congratulations for your year on YouTube!
Hi Seba, congratulations for 1 year on YouTube, I love you and never change!
what should you do on a Sunday having 10 seconds of your time available
obviously congratulations to my friend Sebastiano Serafini for his channel
and best wishes for your future ... professional and private
Hi Seba, congratulations for your frist year on YouTube!
I love you!
(no need to translate ... lol)
Hi Seba, congratulations for your year on YouTube!
Hi Seba! congratulations for your first year on YouTube!
Hi Seba, congratulations for you channel!
and also for the other channels of yours...since you have others too
and best wishes for the future adventures in other countries, like BKK
seriously, best wishes for future followers!
keep doing videos like only you can do!
Hi Seba! congratulations for your first year on YouTube!
Hi Seba, best wishes for your first year on YouTube!
we still have a lot of videos, you have to record them and I will help you editing them,
we keep fighting and nobody can stop us!
by from me and again best wishes partner!
Hi Seba congratulations for your first year on YouTube!
a big hug, bye!
Seba! from Oshio of SluggerPunch
best wishes for your first year on YouTube!
congrats for your first year on YouTube!
best wishes also to your bamboo chicks and guys
Seba congrats to your first year on YouTube!
with this voicemail I wanted to congratulate you for your first year on YouTube
I hope you will stay for other years, sending a big hug, bye!
best wishes for your first year on YouTube!
you're such a kind person and I'm glad that I met you,
never change!
I really thank you all!
I can't believe
all of you really took place on my channel
also only a hi on Facebook
and there are a lot more people
I'm speechless and I'm really happy
thinking that I never show my eyes, I love seeing people that still watch my videos
thank you also to all fanpages, memes about me
I really appreciate them
and believe it or not I'm happy seeing all of your creations
ok, let's hope to do another year...ah yes my favourite video of this channel
obviously it's the video with Kumiko, where we make the Obento
I choosed that one, because you see japanese culture,
we did a really japanese thing,
and we celebrated hanabi (seeing cherry blossoms falling)
and on that day we really had fun, so that's why it's on first place
let's watch a piece
omg, it's beautiful!
it's Sakura rain! well, they're beautiful and also tasty!
this was my favourite one and which one is your favourite?
and one thing that made me go crazy was the fanfiction!
you wrote a fanfiction about me?!
it was so funny
or when you do covers of my songs
I appreciate them a lot
or when I talked with some of you Live on instagram
I really appreciate that!
thank you all!
I'm watching the live of Seba's smile and seba's hand
and like all fanpages are commenting, I'm happy
"I'm taking my japanese book"
"please stay calm!"
"sended you a request"
"I want to do it, but"
I'm waiting, let's see if she accepts my request
she doesn't accept my request...
"I need to calm down, after that I accept it"
tension on another level
"omg" I'm having a lot of fun right now xD
I have fantastic fans
"you're Sebastiano Serafini, I'm a big fan of yours"
so sweet, I start crying
"thanks to you I started to study japanese"
"thanks to your videos I've made it!"
"wait I need to tell my mum that Seba is watching my Live, she's also a big fan of him!"
family meeting, now I need to call also my mum! -my mum is here now
she didn't accept my request yet to participate at the live, she needs to click on the button
and these are all pages that follow me
"ok, I'm ready to accept it!"
"I want to die!"
"now, I'm dying!"
(girls are talking nonsense, are too excited right now!)
"I'm dying!"
"I tried to draw you, if it's bad, don't say anything!"
"my mum isn't here yet"
"wow it's beautiful"
"a friend of mine said it's awful...omg my legs and hands are shaking right now!"
"this is what I did in japanese, Seba!"
"look this is my notebook!"
"I also tried to write your songs on this notebook, but my writing is awful"
"I'm dying for you"
now they're ok, but you needed to see their reactions before
they we're like going crazy, having no air, for about 5 minutes
" (---) came!"
"sorry for the shaking"
it's too funny
bye from seba's hand fanpage, from seba's hand and from my mums hand!
"I'm still trembling"
let's hope to do other videos in the next year of YouTube
a big hug and thank you for following this channel
and please turn on the notifications!
and thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
if nobody watches is because my videos are awful, so I will close this channel
(but, you stayed with us for 1 year)
(in reality this should be a bookstore)
(full of mangas)
(your eyes are a hidden world)
(we keep smiling with your music)
(your humor and optimism give me strenght in bad moments)
(we love you all)
(your smile brings happiness to this world)
(I bit my tongue!)
(now I'm also eating sushi)
(he had an illumination)
(it's for your mum, she wanted to see one eye -true!)
(I do this only for you)
(the water is so cold)
(now we go eating, I look like a ninja)
(our hero, having no fear)
(I'm crying because my camera fell in the Onsen)
(but I'm wearing a yukata and I'm handsome)
(I'm Rock 'n' Roll)
(so my video ends here)
(pink taxi!)
am I still on time?
I have our hometown in the background, but the fog...
you can't see anything
anyway happy 1 year here on YouTube
Ylenia Carrisi è viva ma invecchiata: la foto choc dopo 25 anni della figlia di Romina e Al Bano - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
I'M 25 BUT I LOOK 15 [SUB ITA] - Duration: 3:53.Hi guys it's Debbie! It's been quite a while. Does anything look... different?
Maybe the Christmas decorations...The metal on my teeth... Yes, in all my videos for the
next year more or less you will be seeing me wearing this beautiful new set
of braces! The point is that I am 25 years old,
actually in two months I'm going to be 26 years old. You are actually used to
seeing me like this: my face caked in makeup, my hair all fixed, accurately picked
outfits, I'm often on here talking about mature topics. And already I look slightly
younger than my age. But if you were to see me out outside of all of this, in my
old broken-down tracksuits, no makeup on, acne on display, hair in a Trunchbull bun
you would realize that I actually look waaay younger than my age. People have
always mistaken me for a younger person but now the fact of wearing braces has
taken it to a whole new level. I was on a flight a couple of months ago and I
happened to be sitting in the emergency aisle, where the emergency exit is. To sit
in the aisle you are required to be over 16 years of age. And I'm not joking two
separate hostesses came over to me and were like "Hi! Are you 16?" And I was thinking
in my head "My 15th birthday was over 10 years ago". And again at the gym I do
classes which theoretically you shouldn't do if you are underage or you
have to fill out or a series of paperwork, because you could potentially sustain
some injuries and I noticed that the gym instructors were becoming sort of
suspicious upon seeing me turning up in their classes, until one day one of them
just came over to me and was like "Excuse me... how old are you?"
And the same at the dentist, the doctor, the cinema! I've been to see films such
as "IT" or "A cure for wellness" and these are films which were screening for an
audience of exclusively over 14 year old viewers. And the cashier at both cinemas
asked if I was old enough! In America I was actually asked to show ID to watch
"IT". I've been to parties where they put the stamp on your hand if you are over
16 years of age and I've been in the queue, with everybody showing their ID
and when it was my turn they just put the stamp on my hand, without
questioning my age, without even asking for ID. And when they do actually ask for
ID they always look at it like... When I'm at work customers look at me and I can
tell then they're a bit suspicious in handed over their credit cards to this
teenage school kid. I've had people ask if my parents were home when delivering
packages, when I have to go through security checks the guards are always like "So we are
your parents?" And now I've gone on put on a brace. And no, I don't happen to have
thousands of thousands of euros for a classy Invisalign brace. I have the good
old school metal braces. So if anyone had the slightest doubt to whether I should
actually be driving the car around town, now I'm confusing you even more! This was
just a quick update because I haven't been posting that much, I apologise for
that. And now we are getting into the film awards season, I have a lot
to talk about, we've had some huge releases right now,
they have been the nominations for the Golden Globes,
the Academy Awards are just around the corner, although my relationship with the
Oscars is always this love and hate thing... So hopefully I will be posting more
and more often. So make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you
soon, bye!
【High Calories】 Devil's Sauce !? Kimchi Tartar On Fried Chicken Tower [6654kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 6:21.hello it's kinoshita yuka
i made fried chicken tower with kimchi tartar sauce
you don't think that mixing tartar sauce with kimchi is something so tasty ?
me too, i think it's so tasty
and making it was so easy too
in a previous video we saw how we made tartar sauce
and because in the previous video i made plenty of it, i used what left, making tartar sauce is easy after all
that's why i'm looking forward to try it
so, let's see how we make it
let's make first kimchi tartar sauce
i'm going to use the tartar sauce that's left from the deep fried oysters
and let's mix with it the kimchi
and let's add to the kimchi...
some garlic and red pepper
and we mix
black pepper
we add some salt...
and we done
Jaan, i made here mashed potato...
and i'm going to top it with fried chicken
i have 2kg of fried chicken
this looks so tasty
- it took me 10 min to do that -
let's put this here
jaaan, we did it
jan! let's pour over it this kimchi tartar sauce
aaah, looks so tasty
from everywhere!
jaaan, we did it
and today...
i made soy milk miso soup too
using carrots, burdock root and sweet potato
i use plenty of ingredients
ah, looks so yummy
we all know that tartar sauce is so tasty and adding to it kimchi, it will makes it tastier for sure
looks so yummy
this fried chicken is really delicious
and kimchi tartar sauce goes so well with fried chicken
the strong taste of the garlic from kimchi tartar sauce is really tasty
and the kimchi spices makes the taste stronger
tartar alone is tasty but adding to it kimchi is much more tastier
aah, i'm really happy
i think fried chicken is so high in calories...
and on top of that, tartar sauce is so high in calories too...
what makes mixing it together so heavy
kimchi with tartar is so excellent
the sweet taste of tartar with the spicy taste of kimchi, this sweet spicy taste is really tasty
and i think adding to it mayonnaise will makes it irresistible
and here soy milk miso soup
the sweet potato in it is so tasty
and it's a good thing that is with plenty of vegetables
this soup is so refreshing
i can see the mashed potato now
mashed potato!
mixing it with kimchi tartar sauce is so tasty
this mashed potato goes so well with the sauce
tartar, fried chicken and kimchi, that's 3 languages from different countries and this is so amazing
i made a huge amount of the tartar sauce, but i consumed every bit of it
i recommend to make a big amount of it each time you make it
mixing both mashed potato and tartar sauce together is so yummy
ah, my cat LON is here
she gone
we use eggs and onion to make tartar sauce
and this looks like mayonnaise a little bit
what makes it looks like salad sauce
- no, in each 100g there is 211kcal - that's why maybe it's low in calories
isn't that !
the last bite, itadakimasu
not the last bite, but the last piece
kimchi tartar sauce on Fried chicken tower was so tasty
and the kimchi tartar sauce was so easy to make, and this is so good
all you need to do is to make tartar, bring the kimchi, cut it and mix it
and i think it's tastier with some garlic and red pepper
because today is really high in calories, i'm so happy about that
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this too ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
you can tell me in the comment section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Abstract Painting demonstration in Acrylics with masking tape | Abaris - Duration: 6:52.Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
DAS WIFI PROBLEM! 🤷Ortsunabhängiges Arbeiten auf Reisen!? - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
La causa de lo causado - Duration: 6:06.La comunicación es esencial para el gobierno. No se trata solo de informar, también se debe generar acuerdo en lo que se hace y en quien gobierna
En el pasado hasta lo que se hacía bien se perdía por la incapacidad de comunicar
Hubo necedad e indolencia. Cada crisis dejaba un catálogo de lo que no debiera hacerse
No se informaba, ni siquiera se hacía sentir que la gente importaba. La indiferencia sobre la situación fue despotismo, lo que no se perdona
Así se sintió y el votante se lo cobró con creces al gobierno y a su partido.Ahora es diferente, pero se ha ido al otro extremo
El protagonismo presidencial expone a la institución. Se supone que se había centralizado la comunicación social
Al parecer solo sucedió en los contratos con los medios. Los secretarios salen por su cuenta, eso no es malo, pero sí que se contradigan como sucedió con los titulares de Turismo, Miguel Torruco, y el de Comunicaciones, Jiménez Espriú, en el uso futuro del controvertido aeropuerto de Santa Lucía
Que el Presidente realice una conferencia diaria de prensa lo expone y personaliza en extremo la comunicación institucional, aunque da ocasión para conducir la agenda informativa
La campaña ya terminó. Ya se ganó. Lo que corresponde ahora es cuidar el proyecto y sí, la comunicación es fundamental, pero debe administrarse
Sin embargo, el Presidente supone que no ha acabado la contienda. El Presidente no puede informar u opinar todos los días de todo, porque lo hace propenso al error y compromete a su gobierno
Un candidato puede equivocarse, un Presidente no, además, el silencio también comunica
Las palabras presidenciales son un recurso muy preciado. Lo que vale se cuida y se administra para que no se desgaste o deprecie, más cuando hay propensión de confundir lo que se quiere con la realidad, como fue el caso al decir que había confianza con referencia a la recuperación del peso frente al dólar o del índice de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, cuando horas después ambos indicadores sufrirían un revés
Esto afecta la credibilidad presidencial, porque la referencia no es lo que ocurre en un día, sino la tendencia, dramática si se consideran los índices económicos a partir del anuncio de la cancelación del aeropuerto de Texcoco
La política y la economía están plenas de incertidumbre. La certeza y la confianza no se construyen con palabras, sino con hechos y resultados
Además, las prédicas a la buena conducta del contribuyente o del inversionista porque ya no hay corrupción son gritos en el desierto frente a una realidad que al menos hasta hoy día no ha cambiado
Es explicable y seguramente cierto que la austeridad y probidad del Presidente y del gabinete le haga sentir al mandatario que el cambio es realidad, pero hay una enorme distancia para decir que la corrupción se ha acabado
La cuestión en comunicación es que a la narrativa de la 4T le entró agua. Se dice que por la corrupción propia del modelo neoliberal el país creció un miserable 2 por ciento anual con una dramática iniquidad en la distribución de la renta nacional
Esto hundió a los mexicanos en la pobreza y en la violencia. El Estado se volvió en personero de los intereses de unos cuantos frente a la miseria de muchos
Precisamente porque no habría corrupción y prevalecería la austeridad, el gobierno tendría para dar a muchos y el país crecería a 4 por ciento para empezar
La narrativa se colapsa porque los pronósticos de crecimiento, al menos para el primer año, son inferiores al despreciable 2 por ciento del pasado inmediato
Incluso, ya hay quien dice que los errores del Presidente han generado desconfianza y ahuyentado inversiones por lo que el crecimiento podría ser de 1
3 por ciento.Las palabras poco pueden hacer frente a la realidad, así sean de un funcionario encumbrado o hasta del mismo Presidente, aunque siempre habrá la tentación de regatear su sentido y remitir a otros la causa de lo causado @berrueto
Glitzer-Joystick zum Malen und Zeichnen für Kinder | Vẽ và Tô Màu Đồ Chơi Game - Duration: 3:53.Glitter joystick coloring and drawing for kids | Painting for toddles
TOP 5 Best Drones with Camera UNDER 100 $ - Duration: 7:17.Guys, I don't know if you realize that 16 days are left before Christmas and in reply
to all that write me about which is
the best drone for beginners
I had the idea to make this video that is a chart about top 5 best drones with camera under 100 $
I have reviewed during 2018, and the best means cheap, wiht or
withiout gps and with or without optical flow sensor, all
with camera, under 100$ so keep
vwatching this video and make the right choise [Musica]
Price 38$ - Stability - Radiocontroller
Flight Time - Aggressive shape - Stability
GPS - Compactness - Radiocontroller
Camera - GPS - Reliability
Shape - Flight Time - Stability
Lo Slittino 🛷 Canzoni di Natale per Bambini in Italiano 🎄 - Duration: 14:22.-------------------------------------------
Rangoli Design: 15 to 8 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam for Sankranti (2019) - Duration: 5:11.Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Rangoli Design: 15 to 8 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam for Sankranti (2019)
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
"BOMBA GİBİ PATLADI" Ağır Çekim'de Kavanoz Patlatmak! - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Sera Ebbasta, non solo Corinaldo: i 4 agghiaccianti precedenti, l'ipotesi del lupo solitario - Duration: 2:22.Non è la prima volta che uno spray urticante viene usato ai concerti di Sfera Ebbasta e i concerti del trapper non sono nemmeno gli unici teatri di episodi analoghi
Casi simili, che fortunatamente non sono finiti in tragedia come invece accaduto la notte scorsa a Corinaldo alla discoteca Lanterna Azzurra, si sono verificati durante serate di Achille Lauro, Ghali, Marracash e in un caso anche a un concerto di Elisa
Una delle ipotesi è che ci siano una o più persone che si dedicano a frequentare concerti e a utilizzare spray urticanti per seminare il panico e approfittare in qualche modo di questa situazione, l'altra è che questa stia invece diventando una moda ai concerti rap e che a utilizzare gli spray siano 'lupi solitari'
Sono almeno quattro, oltre quello di Corinaldo, i casi di uso di spray alle serate di Sfera Ebbasta
Nel 2017 si registra un episodio a gennaio al Mamamia di Senigallia. Poi ci sono due casi con il trapper milanese nel mirino: a Rimini e a Modena, durante la festa Pd di Ponte Alto
Infine appena tre mesi fa è la volta di Cuneo, durante il concerto alla Mondovicino Arena
Attimi di panico e un giovane in ospedale è il bilancio della serata e il concerto viene sospeso proprio perché qualcuno ha usato spray urticante
Il fratello di una delle ragazze ferite la notte scorsa ha avanzato l'ipotesi che a utilizzare le bombolette al peperoncino sia stato qualcuno che vuole fare un dispetto al Trap King ma appena un mese fa, il 7 novembre scorso, lo spray è stato usato anche durante un concerto di Achille Lauro all'Alcatraz di Milano
GARRY'S MOD: HL2RP ► ROLEPLAY БУДНИ ► ТЕСТ СЕРВЕРА GUBKE CHANNEL - Duration: 12:35.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane | 1.2 Energy TCe 130pk Limited R-LINK - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Le secrets de Laeticia Hallyday et Eddy Mitchell - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
My Favourite Best 95% to 100% Profitable/Winning Trading Strategy Technical Analysis Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 19:33.My Favourite Best 95% to 100% Profitable/Winning Trading Strategy Technical Analysis Urdu/Hindi
GARRY'S MOD: HL2RP ► ROLEPLAY БУДНИ ► ТЕСТ СЕРВЕРА GUBKE CHANNEL - Duration: 12:35.-------------------------------------------
Tram Ride Eudokiaplein - Rotterdam Centraal in 2018 - Duration: 10:10.Eudokiaplein
Psychologie Positive Et Bonheur Partie 1 - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
MA VIDEO CENSURÉE EST ENFIN PUBLIQUE ! - Duration: 4:53.My dear fellow Americans
the situation is critical
just like my voice btw
I have something of the utmost importance to share with you
After the "Yellow jackets" out of control,
Donald Trump trying to destroy the world
the emergence of the "Laptop selfie sticks" on the market
I hereby declare that the video I filmed with Rayan Jimenez for Coca-cola
that was censored
is finally public
The content of the video may hurt the sensitivity of young kids
keep your kids away from the screen
fellow Americans
Hi everyone !! How are you ?
I am with Rayan Jimenez today, one of the best park riders in the world
and we got a little surprise for you today : A Game of Scoot !
Let's do it
Let's get into it right away, let me explain what a game of scoot is
Everytime we fail reproducing the trick of the other
we get a letter, and the first finishing the word "SCOOT" looses
it is as simple as that, it's a small contest
Rayan will start by showing me a trick, and I'll have to land it too
and if I don't land it, I'll get a "S". The first letter of the word "SCOOT"
What's your first trick ?
Finger whip !
My turn
Sketchy but that'll do
I'm going to try a little combo on the ledge over there
Little boardslide on the rail
Should be easy
Superman there !
Take one : Superman (with a stupid accent)
nice !
Nobody got a letter yet
we'll see how long it'll last
oppo briflip ?
you mean on the other side ?
you know your regular side ?
yes ?
well it's not that one
Well done ! - "Thanks man"
but we're still at the same point, nobody's winning, we have to do something
We could do a shifumi and the winner wins ! ("The winner wins" ? WTF)
Ready ? - "Yes let's go !"
You're gonna loose ! -"No you're gonna loose !"
Dude ! Seriously ?!
Whaaaaat ?!
The is endless !
Let's hillbomb this !
Motived guy right there
Okay Rayan, not we need to get serious about this
the cup challenge !
Okay, I am so so sorry guys, we still can't tell who's best
huuuuum dude, I might have a idea
but you're not gonna like it
oh no !
no not that !
dude no choice at this point
It's because it's cold right ?
I was in the pool before
I swear it was there before !
It is already the end of this Game of Scoot !
Rayan won but he clearly cheated
they all know why
and I'll see you next week for some new adventures
See you soon ! Thank you Rayan !
This take good ?
it was good right ?
Hell yeah that's a wrap b*tches !
Комп для стрима 4К@60кадров vMix - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
【High Calories】 Devil's Sauce !? Kimchi Tartar On Fried Chicken Tower [6654kcal] [Use CC] - Duration: 6:21.hello it's kinoshita yuka
i made fried chicken tower with kimchi tartar sauce
you don't think that mixing tartar sauce with kimchi is something so tasty ?
me too, i think it's so tasty
and making it was so easy too
in a previous video we saw how we made tartar sauce
and because in the previous video i made plenty of it, i used what left, making tartar sauce is easy after all
that's why i'm looking forward to try it
so, let's see how we make it
let's make first kimchi tartar sauce
i'm going to use the tartar sauce that's left from the deep fried oysters
and let's mix with it the kimchi
and let's add to the kimchi...
some garlic and red pepper
and we mix
black pepper
we add some salt...
and we done
Jaan, i made here mashed potato...
and i'm going to top it with fried chicken
i have 2kg of fried chicken
this looks so tasty
- it took me 10 min to do that -
let's put this here
jaaan, we did it
jan! let's pour over it this kimchi tartar sauce
aaah, looks so tasty
from everywhere!
jaaan, we did it
and today...
i made soy milk miso soup too
using carrots, burdock root and sweet potato
i use plenty of ingredients
ah, looks so yummy
we all know that tartar sauce is so tasty and adding to it kimchi, it will makes it tastier for sure
looks so yummy
this fried chicken is really delicious
and kimchi tartar sauce goes so well with fried chicken
the strong taste of the garlic from kimchi tartar sauce is really tasty
and the kimchi spices makes the taste stronger
tartar alone is tasty but adding to it kimchi is much more tastier
aah, i'm really happy
i think fried chicken is so high in calories...
and on top of that, tartar sauce is so high in calories too...
what makes mixing it together so heavy
kimchi with tartar is so excellent
the sweet taste of tartar with the spicy taste of kimchi, this sweet spicy taste is really tasty
and i think adding to it mayonnaise will makes it irresistible
and here soy milk miso soup
the sweet potato in it is so tasty
and it's a good thing that is with plenty of vegetables
this soup is so refreshing
i can see the mashed potato now
mashed potato!
mixing it with kimchi tartar sauce is so tasty
this mashed potato goes so well with the sauce
tartar, fried chicken and kimchi, that's 3 languages from different countries and this is so amazing
i made a huge amount of the tartar sauce, but i consumed every bit of it
i recommend to make a big amount of it each time you make it
mixing both mashed potato and tartar sauce together is so yummy
ah, my cat LON is here
she gone
we use eggs and onion to make tartar sauce
and this looks like mayonnaise a little bit
what makes it looks like salad sauce
- no, in each 100g there is 211kcal - that's why maybe it's low in calories
isn't that !
the last bite, itadakimasu
not the last bite, but the last piece
kimchi tartar sauce on Fried chicken tower was so tasty
and the kimchi tartar sauce was so easy to make, and this is so good
all you need to do is to make tartar, bring the kimchi, cut it and mix it
and i think it's tastier with some garlic and red pepper
because today is really high in calories, i'm so happy about that
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this too ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
you can tell me in the comment section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
I'M 25 BUT I LOOK 15 [SUB ITA] - Duration: 3:53.Hi guys it's Debbie! It's been quite a while. Does anything look... different?
Maybe the Christmas decorations...The metal on my teeth... Yes, in all my videos for the
next year more or less you will be seeing me wearing this beautiful new set
of braces! The point is that I am 25 years old,
actually in two months I'm going to be 26 years old. You are actually used to
seeing me like this: my face caked in makeup, my hair all fixed, accurately picked
outfits, I'm often on here talking about mature topics. And already I look slightly
younger than my age. But if you were to see me out outside of all of this, in my
old broken-down tracksuits, no makeup on, acne on display, hair in a Trunchbull bun
you would realize that I actually look waaay younger than my age. People have
always mistaken me for a younger person but now the fact of wearing braces has
taken it to a whole new level. I was on a flight a couple of months ago and I
happened to be sitting in the emergency aisle, where the emergency exit is. To sit
in the aisle you are required to be over 16 years of age. And I'm not joking two
separate hostesses came over to me and were like "Hi! Are you 16?" And I was thinking
in my head "My 15th birthday was over 10 years ago". And again at the gym I do
classes which theoretically you shouldn't do if you are underage or you
have to fill out or a series of paperwork, because you could potentially sustain
some injuries and I noticed that the gym instructors were becoming sort of
suspicious upon seeing me turning up in their classes, until one day one of them
just came over to me and was like "Excuse me... how old are you?"
And the same at the dentist, the doctor, the cinema! I've been to see films such
as "IT" or "A cure for wellness" and these are films which were screening for an
audience of exclusively over 14 year old viewers. And the cashier at both cinemas
asked if I was old enough! In America I was actually asked to show ID to watch
"IT". I've been to parties where they put the stamp on your hand if you are over
16 years of age and I've been in the queue, with everybody showing their ID
and when it was my turn they just put the stamp on my hand, without
questioning my age, without even asking for ID. And when they do actually ask for
ID they always look at it like... When I'm at work customers look at me and I can
tell then they're a bit suspicious in handed over their credit cards to this
teenage school kid. I've had people ask if my parents were home when delivering
packages, when I have to go through security checks the guards are always like "So we are
your parents?" And now I've gone on put on a brace. And no, I don't happen to have
thousands of thousands of euros for a classy Invisalign brace. I have the good
old school metal braces. So if anyone had the slightest doubt to whether I should
actually be driving the car around town, now I'm confusing you even more! This was
just a quick update because I haven't been posting that much, I apologise for
that. And now we are getting into the film awards season, I have a lot
to talk about, we've had some huge releases right now,
they have been the nominations for the Golden Globes,
the Academy Awards are just around the corner, although my relationship with the
Oscars is always this love and hate thing... So hopefully I will be posting more
and more often. So make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you
soon, bye!
谈合作的男演员!一提到罗晋,唐嫣笑得好甜蜜,网友:好幸福啊 - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
DIY Christmas Gift Ideas! EASY & Affordable | HelloRasmus - Duration: 7:15.It's time to get creative!
I'm Rasmus and today we're doing -
- DIY Christmas presents -
- that people actually want!
No more macaroni paintings!
No more ashtrays made of play-doh -
- and no more homemade poetry..
I like you like I like Nutella.
Let get this Christmas party started.
Let's turn these old flower pots into hats -
- and face masks..
No that's a bad idea..
Let's just paint on them -
- and make them pretty again.
I'm using normal acrylic paint to paint the flowerpots-
- but you can use any paint you want.
I'm just gonna paint the base black -
- and green and while this one dries, I'm trying to -
- turn this flowerpot into a polar bear.
Painting a cute face on the flowerpots totally work -
- because when you put the plant inside -
- it looks like they've got hair.
If you don't have paint you can also use a permanent marker -
- like sharpies, to draw on the flowerpots.
The colors are not as vibrant, but it totally works.
Posca markers are a great substitute for paint as well and they make it -
- a little bit easier to draw the details.
Do you need a present for someone with beautiful hair like mine?
Well, maybe if they have beautiful hair -
- they sometimes get it... (in their mouth)
They might need a scrunchie -
- to keep track of all that hair.
So I'm gonna show you how you can make scrunchies -
- from an old tie.
This is the perfect gift for Dad -
- if he has long beautiful hair.
You need to cut a piece of the tie.
Maybe around 25 to 30 centimetres.
Take an elastic string and cut it around half the size of the tie.
Now you just need to put the elastic through the tie.
It can be a little bit difficult, but I have faith in you.
Tie a knot on the ends of the elastic string
- and now all you need to do -
- is sew the ends together.
That's it..voila!
We are going to turn old pickle jars into cool candy containers -
- but how are you going to do that Rasmus?
Well, I'm gonna show you.
To do this I'm gonna decorate the lids -
- and I'm gonna use these old toys.
For this DIY, you need pickle jars.
Firstly clean the jars and remove the labels with water and soap.
I'm decorating the lids with old toys -
- and I'm just using hot glue to glue them on.
I got these toys from a secondhand store -
- but if you don't want to use toys -
- you could use pine cones or even rocks.
Now it's time for painting..
What you wan't to do, is paint the entire thing
The paint I use is actually old wall paint -
- but if you have it use spray paint -
- just remember to spray outside.
Now all you need is candy and you've got -
- the perfect gift.
Do you know someone who buys stuff -
- and does that person carry the stuff that they buy -
- in a homemade tote bag, that you made yourself from old fabric?!
Now they do!
First thing you need to do is cut a big square in the fabric.
It needs to be around 40 centimeters on one side and 80 centimeters on the other side.
Fold it in the middle.
The fold should be in the bottom -
- and you need to sew two of the sides together.
You can use a sewing machine -
- but I actually just sew mine by hand -
- even though I'm a terrible "sewing person"
You also need to cut some handles.
Depending on the length you want -
- cut them like that.. I think mine are like 80 centimeters.
You make sure to cut the handles twice as wide as you want -
- so you can fold them in the middle and sew them together.
Wow magic! Look at this wonder.
Now it's time for drawing.
I'm using these cool textile markers -
- that I bought in Korea.
Firstly I'm doing a quick sketch with a pencil -
- and then I'm gonna fill in with color.
I'm making this tote bag for my girlfriend -
- and she loves two things: dogs and popcorn.
- so I've got an idea for something funny..
You probably need a present for someone who loves coffee or tea or any liquid.
Well this is the perfect gift.
You can design your own cup.
You could draw on it.
You can paint on it.
You can write on it.
You can pee in it.
No don't pee in cups!
Let's do this.
I'm using permanent markers to draw on the cups -
- but the best thing to do is use markers -
- that work on ceramics.
You can get them most places.
My best tip is writing a funny quote on the cup or turning it into a cartoon.
I'm making this cup for myself because:
"This llama doesn't need your drama"
Thank you guys for watching!
I hope this inspired you -
- to go make your own Christmas presents.
Christmas is all about family, showing that you care -
- and of course all about presents -
But you don't have to go and buy expensive presents!
You can make them yourself -
- I'm a big fan of making them from recycled materials -
- and reusing those.
Go out there get creative -
- and if you do show me on Instagram.
Just share a photo and tag me.
Tell me in the comments, if you have another good idea for DIY Christmas presents.
- and I will see you next Sunday -
- because I share videos every Sunday.
Thanks for watching and see you. BYE!
Thank you for watching this video, now it's time to watch another video!
Not because I say so, but because it is your destiny.
Maybe I don't know..
also make sure to subscribe to my channel and like this video -
- and hit the bell icon and also be nice to animals and your grandma -
- and okay bye!
GOLDVADER – 007 vs Star Wars – Darth Vader vs James Bond - Duration: 2:36.Goldvader
he's the man
the man with the mighty touch
a Sith Lords touch
such a cold Vader
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in
Words of force he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a Jedi knight knows when he's touched him
It's the dark sides touch from
Mister Gorldvader
Padawan beware who's side you endorse
he's with the dark side of the force
The dark side of force
Only force
The dark side of force
Only force
I am Vader… Darth Vader
if you want to see how this film was done,
head over to the media division YouTube channel
for a complete tutorial
and while you are there, you WILL subscribe
Let the dark side lead your way and check it out
【ENG SUB】 [리치/영웅리그][Kel'Thuzad] 이런 게임을 하고싶다 / Heroes Of The Storm_Rich - Duration: 22:49.Gondar~
G : Bluebeetle's main heroes are all banned lol
R : Deckard, Tyrande, Ana all banned kkkkkk
R : This is sure. It's time for Kel'Thuzad
It's good to use Kel'Thuzad against their tankers and dealers
Yesterday, I hosted to Noblesse and watched his stream
He was playing TL
Enemies' Kel'Thuzad had 15 stacks in lv 2, so he had Spike
I'll show you the same thing
I'll use W if you use Hook. It doesn't matter if you grab or not. It's trust
G : Fenix at top again...
R : Of course. That's all what Fenix does
My Globe!
G : Top lane is disaster
G : Kill??
That was close
R : Help me Hanzo hurts!
Every tanker would've died not only Garrosh
G : Top lane looks fun. Let's just leave it like that
R : There's nothing we can do
G : Nothing changes even of we go for help
R : We must do the same thing faster
He should use his D
R : Kel's Q is quite strong you know G : It pushes well!
R : Yeah it pushes Tower pretty well
Q damage got buffed
G : I smell them.. at camps
None of our business
W is ready for your Hook!
HoTS is based on trust!
W is ready again
G : Hook isn't
G : We are pushing faster! This is miracle!
R : Medivh never goes to help kkkkk. Pity Dehaka lol
G : Don't you dare look over it
R : How can you not? That's so pitiful
G : Hey where are you!
R : I'm out of mana..
G : Oh god.. right..
G : It's better to have Fort broken...
R : We can't blame Dehaka..
G : They are here
G : Let's try 5:5
R : Fenix failed E!
G : You'll live... or not
R : Dehaka came to late
G : I wish this stupid laning ends fast
(In Game Chat) Rich : You can just miss some top XP, and capture the beacon
If we killed Fenix, we could've killed more
G : They are not allowing us to step on it R : Damn it really hurts
G : Slowly capture it R : One Hook!
G : and pull smoothly
R : Help!
G : I don't have skills to help you mate R : That crab is killing me
Let's just do the same thing lol
We just have to do this over and over
Are they on Bruiser camp?
G : Nope R : That would be so annoying if they did
G : Break that Fountain
What should I choose
Accelerated Decay
G : We took their Fort too!
R : Now it's balanced
G : Help! R : There's silence
Dehaka... just capture the top beacon...
Why did you come :(
G : The beacon!!
Garrosh denied with his Unstoppable
(In Game Chat) Rich : You don't have to come, just capture the top beacon
G : Let's go
We are good at deleting those things
(In Game Chat) Rich : We are really good, so if you are not coming fast enough, it's better to just stay at top
I stacked up good.. He has no Unstoppable
Nice movement
Oh I only need one more stack!
G : You're almost done R : We'll win after it is done
Hide this Spike
G : Hey this thing is on my way!!!
R : ? Sorry kkkkkkk
I didn't know Spike was blocking you
G : Can you get him?
R : Of course
R : How's that!
Hey! Help me with him!
G : I'll go for Gorge
R : Great combo kkkkkk
What was that perfect combo kkkkk
G : We're leading the level
R : We can't lose if Kel finishes his quest
G : You know, we also have what is called "Mercenary" R : Nearly finished Globe quest
G : It's not Dark Conversion! R : Oh yeah? Let's kill him
R : You good?
G : Yes... No, no I'm bad
R : Good?
G : No, I consumed something tho
R : Kill him please
G : That's better
G : At least 4 Ults were used to me
R : I missed my skills few times but..
Use your R!
Combo is ready
G : Portal! Use it after Portal!
R : Good bye!
Stukov's slow!
He's good at Medivh
G : What's this!
R : Where is he going lol
I'll wait for him
G : Surround him!
R : He'll be hearthing
G : Yeah he's gone
R : We saved him lol
WTF? Why is he here?
Hey!! Help me! Save me!
He's used his Unstoppable
G : You can make mistakes..
R : Yes...
R : Do we have to stay here? It's anxious
Stay still!!
Help me!
G : Help me too!
R : Mal'Ganis is crazy here
Do something!
G : When will he die?
Dehaka pulled him out of Q..
G : Oh Medivh is out of mana
G : Where are we! Hell? R : I'm out of this
G : Twilight Dream is out tho
R : I'm out of mana
We'll win easily after lv 20... Can I go for Fountain?
Consume Garrosh!
Watch this
G : Ok I will
I'm watching
R : How beautiful this is
R : Nice speed
G : Run!!!!!
R : It's not place to fight!
What's this? He teleported forward! Kill him!
I'm Silenced!
He's too strong
Protect the Keep!
Don't worry I can handle that
I just have to clear minions
G : Show me something!
R : Ok!
Just minions!
G : Cool
That was close!
G : Our Hellbat!
Took down the Keep!
R : How did they? kkkk
I don't want to fight here, I want to fight in bottom lane
G : I'll just step on it
R : Good waves we got
This place is bad for our comp
G : This place is dangerous
G : Medivh is our ward
G : I think they're after Dehaka
R : He's already dead
G : Don't give up so easily
G : Yeah he's dead
but save Bluebeetle
What the hell is this thing?
Get rid of this!
R : Medivh is dead!
I cancelled his D
Get rid of this!!!!
Do something!!
G : Show me!
Show me~
R : I'm waiting for Dehaka
We can't lose. We have healer
G : Yeah, healerXdealer, Bluebeetle
R : My arms hurt. I focused too much
We'll win easily after lv 20
G : I'm concerned about top
R : Top is dangerous. It's good for them to expect comeback
but now it's time to go
G : When Hanzo is far
R : Is Mal behind us?
R : Garrosh looks like he's up to something G : Why don't we.. retreat?
R : We did but he didn't
Why is this thing mad again?
R : Just let him use his Unstoppable
That's insane save!!!!!
That was crazy!!!!
R : Eat him! G : Yum yum
You're out of Unstoppable~
Medivh saved us all, I mean saved this entire game
G : That was beautiful save
G : Hellbats are doing great job!
Kill him!
R : Bring him back!
??? Bluebeetle saved Malfurion!
Stay still!
One more?
This is it!
Where's my Chain?
Yeah, whatever. We killed him
Pull one more
G : What do you want? They're all things hard to kill tho
R : Let's go for the Boss
I'm fast
G : I don't think they'll kill Guardians
R : Nah, they will
If not, I'll break these
G : Is it good to break those? R : It's their last Fountain
Got it
G : Not bad
R : It'll be annoying
Boss is killing me!
G : Leave that
R : F***in' awesome!!!!
R : Hello Malfurion?
G : One more~ R : Kill him~
That was close~
I know where you'll go!
Core! Let's go
G : I upgraded Gorge
R : I only have to throw Q
Is it here?
This is all I have to do! Use Q!
Q can break the Core!
This is cool lol. 20% per one Q
G : This comp... Tier 1
R : Kel is good
Чем занимались К-ПОП звёзды до того как стать АЙДОЛОМ? РАБОТАЛ В в МАКДОНАЛЬДЕ?아이돌의 전직업?|kyungha|경하 - Duration: 12:18.-------------------------------------------
Justice With Judge Jeanine 12/09/18 3AM | December 09, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:22.-------------------------------------------
Women's knees buckle in hpynosis as hypnotist drops them to the floor in stage show induction - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
Abstract Painting demonstration in Acrylics with masking tape | Abaris - Duration: 6:52.Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
The lessons I want to teach myself - Duration: 1:28.Life is too short.
The guy that gets hit by a motorcycle,
the family who saved up for retirement,
only to find out that
one of them is diagnosed with cancer.
These are true stories.
They didn't see it coming.
Because no one can.
So if you want to achieve something amazing,
you've got to start now.
Not later.
If you aren't sure if you want to do something,
ask yourself
what would I do if I wasn't afraid?
Stop thinking that you need everyone to like you.
A person can love someone because they're so caring.
But another person can hate them
because of that exact same reason.
Some people just don't click.
Because when you break a mirror,
piecing it back together again,
it will never be the same.
Life really is full of ups and downs.
You just don't know
when the downswing is gonna happen.
It can happen anytime.
We just don't know.
So when you are at rock bottom,
it's about believing that you will get out of it.
It may take time
but it will get better.
Being alone and feeling lonely
are two different things.
Don't compare yourself to other peoples highlight reels.
A snapshot of someone's life is not really reality.
It's a single still moment.
You don't know what happened
before and after that very moment.
Because life is always moving.
People can be upset.
People can be vulnerable.
We just don't want to show our emotions.
Because it looks like we're kind of weak.
But it's okay to cry.
It's okay to be sad.
Because these are real emotions.
Embracing them allows you to find yourself.
The person who controls your life is you.
Everything you did that led you up to this very moment
is your choice.
Because if you can't take ownership of your past,
how do you plan to take ownership of your future?
Where you are today is your choice.
Be proud of it.
Because it's yours.
호치야 고마워! 불닭쫄볶이 & 통삼겹 먹방~MUKBANG~Buldak Tteokbokki Noodles & Bacon ASMR - Duration: 14:18.Youtube friends! Click 'Subscribe button' and 'Like button'. b^^d
Blue Dragon = b^^d
b^^d = Prumir
Today, the menu is 3 new buldak tteokbokki noodles, bacon and pickled radish and wasabi.
Thanks for the food.
Let's eat
This is fried powder.
Samantha Brown Packing Cubes 5piece Set - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Curiosity and Cats - Duration: 11:03.-------------------------------------------
[SUB ESP] Entrevista con Jennie de BLACKPINK: Una estrella de k-pop habla de ir en solitario "SOLO" - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
ĐỨA CHÁU VÔ THỪA NHẬN TẬP 187 | AVNI LẬT MẶT PANDIT CHIẾM THẾ CHỦ ĐỘNG TRONG TÙ - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
I'm A Celebrity's Holly Willoughby 'SMASHES' first ever Bushtucker Trial - Duration: 2:22.I'm A Celebrity. Get Me Out Of Here! host Holly Willoughby struck her best aggressive game face as she prepares to take on her first Bushtucker Trial
The 37 year old, who has made no secret of her fear of insects and creepy crawlies, appears fully ready for action as she donned a night pink cape and matching sweat band
Holly also pulled on a black Extra Camp T-Shirt and rubber boots for the ITV programme's iconic Celebrity Cyclone challenge, set to air on Saturday
It was revealed this week the This Morning presenter had agreed to tackle her first series challenge, after being persuaded by bosses of the "once in a lifetime" opportunity
Top Stories I'm A Celebrity: Sair Khan HITS OUT at lack of airtime in cheeky comment I'm A Celeb: Harry Redknapp has painful FALL as he's caught short in Celebrity Cyclone I'm A Celebrity: James McVey is caught off guard as Dec QUIZZES him over shock comments Yet a teaser posted on Extra camp star Scarlett Moffatt's Instagram page proved she would not be going it alone
Former Jungle Queen Scarlett wore matching team colours as she struck a strongman pose by Holly, while fellow Extra Camp favourites Joel Dommett and Joe Swash appeared to be their competition
Scarlett let slip a few secrets to the trial in her image caption as she wrote: "What a time to be alive! "Cyclone with @hollywilloughby (her first trial and she bloody smashed it) and my big brother!" Most Popular Jamie Redknapp RESPONDS to Emily Atack's affections as 'sweet' James McVey 'to LEAVE' I'm A Celebrity after confession about girlfriend Kirstie I'm A Celebrity host Holly Willoughby shows off legs in frilly white one piece One excited fan wrote underneath: "I knew she would do it, love her
" Another put: "Omg I can't wait to watch it." Meanwhile, back in camp, the contestants will be seen tackling the same trial during the main episode
I'm A Celebrity airs every night on ITV. Top Stories I'm A Celebrity: Celebrity Cyclone set for BIG change in show final I'm A Celebrity: Nick Knowles reveals horror secret injury which made him want to QUIT Who left I'm A Celebrity tonight? James McVey becomes latest star to leave jungle
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