Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 12 2019

Se han resistido todo lo que han podido y más, pero la presentadora y la colaboradora de Telecinco al final ya no han podido seguir por más tiempo haciéndose las olvidadizas sobre lo suyo.

Desde hace semanas circulaban rumores en los mentideros rosas sobre la posibilidad de que la presentadora de Telecinco Sandra Barneda .

y su novia y colaboradora de la misma cadena, Nagore Robles, estuvieran atravesando una crisis sentimental.

Por más que se hablaba de su crisis (basados muchos rumores en la falta de interacción juntas en sus redes sociales) lo cierto es que tanto una como la otra evitaron pronunciarse ni a favor ni en contra...

Hasta ahora. alimentando un poco más las especulaciones de ruptura.

Este domingo coincidiendo con el 36 cumpleaños de Nagore, ambas disfrutaron de un día de campo junto a su mascota .

y así se pudo ver en el Instagram de Barneda, que despejó cualquier temor o sospecha de sus seguidores.

Vamos, que si había alguien que tuviera dudas de que Sandra y Nagore siguen felices .

y enamoradas, la presentadora de Telecinco le tranquilizó con una bonita felicitación para su chica: "Y por muchos más...

happy todo for you and you".

For more infomation >> Sandra Barneda y su novia, Nagore Robles, hacen frente a los rumores finalmente - Duration: 1:42.



Hello, how are you? I am Wesley Gimenez

Founder of Krav Maga Skull school

and he is Cassio

today we will do a combat: knife vs weapon

Who do you think wins? gun or knife

probably most will say gun, but wait and see the result

there may be some surprises

distance control is key to self-defense

for each distance there is a more efficient blow or defense

we will test the weapon vs knife in the short, medium and long distance

special video for police officers and security guards

who often thinks that having a gun is enough to defend yourself

you will learn when each weapon is more efficient

let's use an air soft pistol and a knife with red paint

he's going to try to shoot me and I try to cut him with the knife.

Let's go for the test!

putting more paint

leave your comment here: who will win?

gun vs knife - at what distance

at the end of the video we will make the final conclusion

putting the protective goggles

knife ready

I hope it does not mess the floor too much ...

let's go

Cassio will take the initiative at this moment.

He'll try to shoot and I'll cut

the gun is ready for firing and unlocked

When he tries to get the gun out, I'll try cut him

last chance: how far will he win?

leave your comment


he'll give the signal to try to get the gun and I'll try to cut him first

ready! go!

Got a shot? I did not make it

wow, look how cassio is looking

big damage

heart and head

he did not get a shot, that is, I could have continued attacking him

now it will be 2 meters away

putting more red paint

now, 2 meters away

remember the gun is now ready for use and unlocked

let's go second test

lol ... you realize that I really want to cut him...

he was cuted again and the gun dismounted .. lol

I hit 1 or 2 stabs before he hit a shot

at 2 meters the knife was faster again

Let's pause to fix the gun and I'll be right back.

we come back

weapon repaired

during the repair cassio told me that the gun failed what is possible to happen in reality as well.

We are in doubt, who would hit first

we will repeat the test with 2 meters away, but now I will take the initiative

02 meters

When I move, you shoot me

he could not shoot me and I cut him several times

let's try 3 meters away


gun ready

Attention guys

if you try to repeat this test use the protective equipment like the glasses

because the plastic projectile hurts a lot

putting more red paint

I think I spent a lot pait in the first time.

the grass and the white wall is all dirty red paint..kkk

let's go

come here cassio

03 meters

03 meters. I think at this distance he can beat me.

ready? GO

now he win

when the knife came close to him I felt the firing of the gun

remembering that the risk is: the inertia of the movement

and you can cut him

03 meters so is the minimum distance for anyone who has a gun to have any chance

the tip is:

If you have a gun

train take the gun quickly

lift the shirt fast to take off the gun

a common mistake

try to pull the gun stopped in the same place

train this in motion to increase the distance and have more reaction time

was a test that closely approximates reality

then understand that firearm does not always win, depends on the distance and the surprise factor

You need about 1-1.5 seconds to shoot.

So you need to improve your workout to shoot fast.

You understand that only 1 meter away you can not shoot first

02 meters? no you can't

your chances start at 3 meters

how to react against a knife at close range?

I'll show you some defenses and options

I'm dirty with ink too ... lol

understand that

in the short distance with the gun at your waist

there is not enough time to get the gun and shoot him

so you should:

use the 360 ​​degree defense. which is the lateral defense by expelling his arm. already has this video here on the channel

or else, make a frontal kick to move it away and create distance

and shoot him

so in the short distance there is no time to pick up the gun

turning your back on running is not an option either

you need to stop the first aggression or approach and increase you distance

again, but now with an upward attack

forget it

you should

Defend, back off and pick up the gun to shoot him

create the maximum distance between you and the enemy

did you like this video test? leave your comment and subscribe in the channel

I'm going to have a lot of work to clean up.

subscribe in the channel...be come Skull (caveira)

final conclusions

based on video and tauller theory

21 foot

Let's make some conclusions.

tauller's theory says that

that the police officer needs at least 6.4 meters or about 21 feet to react securely against an aggressor with a knife

a well-trained police officer needs 1 to 1.5 seconds

to pick up the gun, aim it and make 2 shots

and at this time a healthy man can advance up to 6.4 meters

that is, to react in safety the police officer needs this minimum distance



Corinna se reinventa tras las escuchas de Villarejo: ahora en Rusia y con nuevo amigo - Ultimas Noti - Duration: 9:32.

  más conocida por todos como o la 'amiga entrañable' del rey Juan Carlos, vuelve a escena

Tras estar en paradero desconocido durante varios meses, que coincidieron con la aparición de las cintas en las que se podía escuchar a la 'princesa' poniendo en un aprieto al padre de Felipe VI, Corinna está de vuelta, aunque esta vez tiene un nuevo destino y nuevos e influyentes amigos con los que codearse

Bien es sabido que si algo se la da bien a Larsen es elegir sus amistades. Corinna podría perder el aristócrata apellido Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn en breve, ya que se espera que su exmaridose case con su novia, Alana Bunte, en los próximos meses

Incluso la familia alemana ya la ha eliminado de su sitio web, quitando cualquier rastro de ella

Pero a Corinna parece preocuparle bien poco, pues está más que entretenida en otros menesteres

Desde Rusia con amor En esta caso, acompañar en todo momento a , actual presidente de la Cámara de Cuentas rusa

Juntos se les vio a principios de este mes de febrero en una fiesta celebrada en Moscú en honor del famoso director de orquesta Valeri Guérguiev, tal como cuenta '¡Hola!'

Justo un día después, aparecieron de nuevo en público cuando se le hizo entrega a Guérguiev de la Orden de la Estrella de Italia en la Embajada italiana en Moscú

  Con un vestido burdeos y su rubia melena peinada con ondas, Corinna no se separó ni un momento de su nuevo e influyente amigo

¿Pero quién es Kudrin? Hijo de padre ruso y de madre letona, nació en la actual Letonia y estudió economía

tres menos que Corinna, que el pasado 28 de enero sopló las 55 velas. Es autor de más de 15 trabajos científicos en los campos de economía y finanzas y desde 2016 es decano de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Liberales en la Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo

 Un currículum admirable para un hombre cuya vida personal es un verdadero misterio

Se sabe que se ha casado dos veces y que tiene un hija del primer matrimonio y una hijo del segundo, que le gusta el tenis y la natación, y poco más

La discreción es una de sus máximas, algo que no hace extrañar que se haya convertido en uno de Su vida 'borrada' en la corte alemana La vida de Corinna desde hace un par de décadas ha sido un ir y venir, un periplo por distintos países, siempre en ambientes pudientes

Tras un matrimonio fallido con , con el que tuvo una hija, Anastasia, la princesa conoció al príncipe Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, segundo hijo del príncipe Alexander, jefe de la casa de los Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, y la princesa Gabriela, nacida como condesa de Schönborn-Wiesentheid

 Se casaron en el año 2000 en secreto en Londres, ya que la familia de él no aprobaba dicha relación

El hecho de que Corinna fuera ocho años mayor que y que tuviera una hija de un matrimonio anterior no gustaba demasiado a los Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Sin embargo, el príncipe siguió a su corazón y de esa relación nació Tras su divorcio en 2005, Corinna dejó de llevar el apellido de la familia y perdió su título de princesa, tal como aseguró su exsuegro a 'LOC' en 2017

  Sin embargo, ella parece empeñada en que se la siga conociendo como la princesa Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Así lo hizo saber respondiendo al mensaje público de su exsuegro: "En lo que respecta al derecho alemán, la posición es clara y de seguir utilizando el apellido de casada tras divorciarse

Por este motivo, tampoco hay limitación alguna respecto del uso por parte de ella del tratamiento"

Una "amistad entrañable" Su matrimonio con el príncipe le valió una lista de buenos contactos que no dudó en utilizar para sus propios negocios y para disfrutar de una intensa vida social que la llevó a conocer en 2006, un año después de su divorcio, durante Allí empezó lo que al final se convirtió en una amistad de la que la prensa no supo hasta aquel accidente que sufrió el Rey emérito en Bostuana en 2013, durante un safari de la agencia Boss Sporting, donde ella misma organizaba safaris de lujo para clientes de alto standing

 A partir de entonces, los medios empezaron a cuestionar la naturaleza de esa relación entre el Rey y la princesa alemana, algo que provocó que la propia Corinna concediese una exclusiva en la que habló sobre su "amistad entrañable" con el padre de Felipe VI

Sin embargo, poco a poco fueron descubriéndose informaciones, como que la princesa había estado viviendo durante temporadas en   Fue quizás el hacerse pública lo que hizo que la relación de amistad de Juan Carlos y Corinna llegara a su fin

Sin embargo, el pasado verano vivimos un último capítulo al aparecer unas cintas grabadas por el comisario Villarejo en las que Corinna hablaba sin tapujos del Rey emérito

o "Rompí por primera vez con el Rey en 2010 porque llevaba 3 años con otra mujer", son algunas de las perlas que dijo

Dama de compañía de Charlène Y después de España fue el turno de Mónaco, donde la princesa posee una casa con vistas al mar en Montecarlo

Fue a finales de 2013 cuando comprobamos que había afianzado su relación de amistad con y acompañó en sus viajes al extranjero, como el funeral de Nelson Mandela

Su vinculación a Alberto de Mónaco viene de lejos, ya que es amiga del príncipe desde hace años

Fue una de las invitadas a su boda con Charlène. Ya durante esa breve pero intensa relación entre las dos mujeres, vimos que pues estuvo en la comitiva que acompañó a Alberto y a su esposa cuando viajaron al país para estrechar su relación con sus dirigentes

Vestida de riguroso negro, Corinna no dudó en posar ante las cámaras con los dirigentes monegascos y el patriarca ortodoxo de Moscú

Ahora, el destino la ha llevado de nuevo a la capital rusa. ¿para quedarse? 

For more infomation >> Corinna se reinventa tras las escuchas de Villarejo: ahora en Rusia y con nuevo amigo - Ultimas Noti - Duration: 9:32.


ALLEN&HEATH XONE:96 | Unboxing & Review (Español) - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> ALLEN&HEATH XONE:96 | Unboxing & Review (Español) - Duration: 5:59.


Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi chagrinée, sa troublante confidence sur ses rêves - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi chagrinée, sa troublante confidence sur ses rêves - Duration: 1:20.


ももクロは「年下のお姉さまたち」 矢野顕子の賛辞が共感呼ぶ - Duration: 3:09.

  『鶴瓶と糸井。 第4回 ももクロは ごい。」』のなかで トークバラエティ番 『桃色つるべ~お次 方どうぞ~』でもも ロと共演している鶴 が「やっぱりいいよ ももクロは

いまだに色あせなく いいね…」と話して る。 彼はさらに「 もクロとはじめて会 たとき、とにかく彼 たちは、耳がこっち 向いてると思った」 人気アイドルにあり ちな「聞いてるふり けで、キャッキャし るっていう」のが無 、しっかり耳を傾け 内容を受け止めてか リアクションすると ろに感心したという

 そんな対談内容を んで、インド哲学研 者の三浦宏文さんが NSで2月11日に ももクロは耳がこっ を向いている。うま 表現だなぁ…」とツ ートした。するとそ を矢野顕子がRTし 「そうなのよ、本当 そうなのよ…」とつ やいた

 矢野顕子が「もも ロってね、いい方向 物事を持っていくの 、全く躊躇しない。 は年下のお姉さまた だわって思っていま 」との表現で称賛し ところ、フォロワー ら反響があった

 「ももクロちゃん ンバーそれぞれが、 々な形の母性の塊だ 思ってます」、「私 年上のお姉さんです 、見習おうと思いま ー。耳を向けるって 歳を重ねるにつれ、 けてるつもりになっ いきがちですもんね

耳を向けられるおば ちゃんになりたい、 ろう!」などのコメ トが寄せられている  画像は『高城れに ももいろクローバー  2019年2月9 付Instagra 「ニッポン放送もも ロくらぶxoxoバ ンタインDE NI HTだぁ~Z201 (裏)にお越しいた きありがとうござい した」』のスクリー ショット(Tech nsightJap n編集部 真紀和泉  

For more infomation >> ももクロは「年下のお姉さまたち」 矢野顕子の賛辞が共感呼ぶ - Duration: 3:09.


Animal Mortel En Nz! | SWEET AS KIWI #2 | Eng Sub - Duration: 5:27.

Hellllooo my little pickle spiders!

today we're gonna speak about a story happened 8 years ago in new zealand

but it still continue to scare in new zealand

but it change the fact

that no animals can kill you in new zealand

it's totally wrong!

let's go

so it's not really precise where!

where this story happened in new zealand

but it speak about a 22 years old canadian

8 years ago he just took some holidays

in new zealand for a couple weeks

and this canadian had the good idea

honestly it's a good idea!

to swim naked in a river

at this point you can think it's normal!

it's cool to swim like adam and eve!

in beautiful rivers in new zealand

yep but be careful!

during this awesome bathing

this canadian got bite

the tip of the penis

so yeah the tip of the penis

by a katipo spider!

the katipo spider is a cousin of the black widow

it's a really popular spider

in australia

she is venomous

but you cannot die after the bite

but you can die with the condition

of the after bite

the next day when he woke up

his penis was huge!

and he had a red stuff on the tip!

and he was like "what happen fuckkkk"

he started to have really strong pain

and bad feelings

so he went directly to the hospital

where they treated him

under medicine he was way better

but it still continue to have some heart problem

so he was transfer for 7 days

in the auckland hospital

where doctors and specialist followed him

to try to find what happened

and how to resolve this situation

because his life was in the line

it's crazy because it was the first time

that the bite of this spider

create a myocardite or heart inflamation

so everything's end good!

he was treat

but you need to know

well this spider... it can be small but

but this spider killed two people in new zealand in the 19th century

after that i did some research

to see if it was true that there is no mortal animal in new zealand

and i found a website that you can find on description

they spoke about the katipo spider

well it maybe not katipo the real prononciation...

pardon my french

but yeah they also speak about the red back

red back in french

this spider is really popular in australia

it's one of the most venomous spider in the world

and you can find some in new zealand!

and this website show us how

to act if we got bite by this spider

but yeah

when you arrive in new zealand first thing that people said

no worry compare to australia

no animal can kill you!

but it's wrong eventually !

but for this canadian the doctor

said that this particular bite

was in a bad place!

i think it was in a place

really highlight of the human body!

yep the tip of the dick

well yeah hard to be bitten there!

it was hard!

but in the other point

it can change the idea that

we are safe everywhere

and you need to be careful

so yeah there is... yes new zealand

is an island far from everywhere

but it's normal that you can find animals or


can come in this country

so yeah just be careful

when you hangout

yeah so just to tell you

that you cannot take new zealand

like a care bears country

or teletubbies world

so yeah be careful


well once again i hope that i'm not scare you!

don't worry it's not gonna be just horrible stories!

but yeah i really wanted

to change this theory like

in new zealand no animals can kill you

yep it's possible

but yeah you can also be crush by a cow

it can kill you too

it not because of the animal

but yeah be careful there are some spiders

who can put your health in risk

so imagine you already have a heart problem

just a little bite

and it's... shit

well hope you liked this video

always subscribe!

if it's not already done! like this video

and comment if you are some stories to tell

if you want that i talk about

or that you heard or just your advise

on those little interesting stories

and sympatic

hope you liked

open your eyes have a free mind

see you next time


For more infomation >> Animal Mortel En Nz! | SWEET AS KIWI #2 | Eng Sub - Duration: 5:27.


Caroline de Monaco et Ernest-August renouent, la raison dévoilée - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco et Ernest-August renouent, la raison dévoilée - Duration: 1:21.


Buğdayın Sağlık Açısından Bilinmeyen Yönleri - Duration: 2:20.

Hi Friends Derman Yout Welcome to Channel

In this video you will find it very useful again

We want to share a knowledge

The benefits of wheat have long been known

but the benefit of which form is consumed

it depends

40% of nutritive properties during wheat processing


Wheat, which is located among whole wheat foods, provides for cereal consumption

very useful in terms of health

Dietary fibers, manganese

of wheat

If we have a look

A, C, E, K

Vitamins B6 and B12

iron, calcium, phosphorus

we see

In addition to phosphorus potassium

is quite rich

An alternative food source for healthy eating

wheat, in terms of health

provides many advantages

Wheat preserving general health

contains nutrients and vitamins

The tasks of the body and organs

For healthy conduction

provides the necessary nutrients

Wheat for people with diabetes

is an ideal food source

Blood sugar level in wheat body

helps to balance

diabetics due to this feature

consumed by

What are the harms of wheat

Wheat according to the health conditions of the person

can have some damages

can have some damages

for medical purposes

Excessive consumption

vitamin deficiency

Depending on excessive consumption

may cause indigestion and bloating

If You still haven't subscribed to our channel

Clicking the Subscribe Button at the Right Bottom Corner


Goodbye to see you in our next video

For more infomation >> Buğdayın Sağlık Açısından Bilinmeyen Yönleri - Duration: 2:20.


Adriana Karembeu, gros regret, terrible amertume après la naissance de Nina - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Adriana Karembeu, gros regret, terrible amertume après la naissance de Nina - Duration: 1:25.


Elizabeth II, grosse inquiétude pour sa sécurité, sa fuite planifiée en cas de débordement - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Elizabeth II, grosse inquiétude pour sa sécurité, sa fuite planifiée en cas de débordement - Duration: 1:19.


Léa Salamé victime d'une odieuse critique, son attitude sur France 2 agace - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Léa Salamé victime d'une odieuse critique, son attitude sur France 2 agace - Duration: 1:25.


Laeticia Hallyday lâchée par Alessandra Sublet, sa confidence qui en dit long - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday lâchée par Alessandra Sublet, sa confidence qui en dit long - Duration: 1:26.


Thai nhi bị nấc cụt trong bụng mẹ lúc 7 tháng -nguyên nhân vì sao - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Thai nhi bị nấc cụt trong bụng mẹ lúc 7 tháng -nguyên nhân vì sao - Duration: 3:38.


রিয়াল মাদ্রিদ ফুটবল ক্লাবের খেলোয়াড়দের সুন্দরি বউ - ২০১৯ ! Real Madrid Players Hottest Wives - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> রিয়াল মাদ্রিদ ফুটবল ক্লাবের খেলোয়াড়দের সুন্দরি বউ - ২০১৯ ! Real Madrid Players Hottest Wives - Duration: 3:20.


اغرب 10 مدارس في العالم لن تصدق ماذا يتعلم الطلاب فيها 😱 ! - Duration: 7:16.

The 10 strangest schools in the world Schools are no longer linked to those buildings that contain dozens of students who are involved in the educational process before the university,

but to include schools that do not care about literacy and theories, but are interested in teaching other things that you will not believe!

"List Verse" reviewed the world's 10 strangest schools, drawing on the science that it teaches to its students, some of which lead to the teaching of prostitution and magic. Learn about these schools in this video

School of Witches The school was established in Roseville, Chicago, and moved to Massachusetts. The school is famous for following the same city where 200 people were convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to death between 1692 and 1693.

The sorcerer's school has 40,000 students who receive magic arts, but most of them receive the arts online.

The Future School Is located in the state of Philadelphia, and is one of the most important technology schools in the world, where teachers give lectures using smart displays.

Everything in this school depends on modern technology, so smart cabinets are opened with magnetic cards. Mathematics is taught through One Note, a note-taking application.

Brooklyn Free School There are no curricula at this school, and students have the freedom to choose what they teach even if their choice is to spend time playing and entertaining

But the strangest part of this school is that the students are their true managers, while teachers are only student aids. Each student is also allowed to choose his / her study room and learn his / her lessons.

4 - Tarabayo Ya School for prostitution This school in Valencia, Spain, aims to teach night girls the best methods of working in prostitution. This is legal in Spain. Training lasts for one week and is available to both sexes.

The study includes theoretical and practical lectures on the history of the development and development of prostitution and the skills they need to develop their activities at a cost of € 100

Harvey Milk School Named after Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist. The school is open to all students, regardless of their identity or sexual orientation, and was established in New York with the aim of granting degrees to gay men, women and transgender people

6 - Jolo Primary School Run by one teacher named Sean Quinn, came to the 18-year-old Chinese village of Jolo.

The school is located in a mountain in the rugged village of Jolo, with only a narrow rocky road full of dangerous curves. And repeated incidents of fall and injury of students while going to spend on the mountain, prompting the teacher to cooperate with the people of the village to create a toilet inside.

Donzhnhong Primary School Is located in a mountain cave in a Chinese village called Miao, one of the poorest provinces, so there are no resources to build a stand-alone school so the school was set up inside this cave.

The name of this school in Chinese means "inside the cave". The school opened in 1984 and has 8 teachers and 186 students.

Abu" primary school The first underground school in the United States, created by US President John F. Kennedy during the Cold War with Russia,

was trying to build government buildings that could be used as shelters to protect citizens from possible nuclear attacks. The school designed to resist the radiation caused by a nuclear explosion of 20 million tons.

Schools inside the train Indian teacher Indergate Korana has been interested in educating the children she sees on the train after she is sure they can not be taken to school. Her program began in 1985 with the education of 4,000 students across India.

Street children, working children or beggars on the train and the children of poor families gather at the train stations to learn to read and write with entertaining means such as singing, music and pictures.

Floating schools Students stop going to school because Bangladesh has been hit twice a year for flooding that makes it difficult to access clean water and electricity. Homes, health care centers and even floating schools have been established.

100 solar-powered floating schools have been established with a small library and students can access the Internet and collect their lessons.

For more wonderful video, forget to admire the video and subscribe to the channel and activate the alarm bell

For more infomation >> اغرب 10 مدارس في العالم لن تصدق ماذا يتعلم الطلاب فيها 😱 ! - Duration: 7:16.


Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker!! Just like the Parks!! Disney DIY - Duration: 8:20.

Hey guys my name's Hailey welcome back to the Disney cupcake channel today we're gonna be making some Mickey Mouse waffles so let's get started

So as you guys know

I love the Disney foods so so much and once I saw this waffle maker come on shop dizzy not calm I

Absolutely had to pick it up so today I'll be doing a video about like how the waffle maker works and everything is you can?

make with this waffle maker so let's get right into it so as I said I found this waffle maker on shop disney.com

and here's just a quick little look at the box

it makes six waffles at once and it rotates four and even cook and you can't adjust the shade of

the waffle so you can make them a little more burnt if you'd like or you can make them really light

here's a look at the back of the box and I'll have the link down below if you guys like to pick up this item

and this was released for making his 90th birthday

Inside it gives you the little instruction booklet along with some recipes so you can make a bunch of different types of waffles

So there's a recipe for buttermilk waffles

cinnamon waffles chocolate waffles pumpkin waffles and strawberry yogurt waffles today I'm just gonna be using a pack of

waffle mix which I'll show you guys here in a minute and

maybe one day soon I can try one of these recipes because they all sound, so

Good so let's go down to the kitchen and start making some Mickey Mouse waffles so the things you'll need to make these waffles are


waffle mix I

highly recommend this brand I like peanut tree nut allergy and this is a brand that I use a lot and I really really like

It so I'm going to be using this friend today and waffle mix you're going to need one large bowl one measuring cup

another measuring spoon a

spoon and a whisk and the waffle maker also comes with this little scooper so you scoop the right amount into each waffle

So let's start getting the mix together this is plugged in ready to go

So why come don't mix it will be ready this does beep really really loud

So just warning all of you head users right now

somebody's using about a 1/2 cup of mix I'm only gonna be making a couple waffles for you guys today, so

you're going to put that into our larger Bowl

and now we need 1 cup of water

Next we'll be taking our width and

whisking all the mix together and just make sure there's no clumps or anything

So this batter pot will really depend on what type of bat are using or committing it from scratch

as I said I'm not really gonna be making that that many well please today just because

I've already had some

2 more of these like there's new food videos

So make sure you guys stay tuned for that or if you have any suggestions of items that you guys like me to try to

make let me know in the comments down below because I really would like to try to make some new Disney foods

So now that that is done mixing

we are finally ready to put it inside the maker

So the waffle maker has really simple buttons it has an on/off switch

Anna, has the little knob to make the waffles lighter or darker I haven't set on light right now

sigh prefer my waffles a little bit lighter

it has this handle that you have to use to rotate the waffle maker so you can open both top and

bottom of the maker it

has two lights that will show you when the waffles are ready and I'll turn off while they're cooking and it will also beep when

ever it's done

The waffles take around 3 to 5 minutes to cook and I love the design of the maker and has Mickey's head on the front

and Mickey's bottom on the back

inside the handle it has this little lock


on each side it has a section to make three Mickey waffles

So one scoop is enough for each of the waffles so I'm just going to take one scoop of my batter

So then you're just going to use your spoon to help get any of the extra batter off

then you're going to pour it in

and make sure you fill up the entire Mickey

And once that is done you're going to push the lid down lock it and then rotate it to the other side

and fill the other side as well

Push down the other side lock it and rotate it back to the top it will start steaming as well

And you also might want a fork to help get the waffles out so you don't burn yourself

And there are waffles I think I didn't put on the patterns oh, oh them

but it does take practice when you start using a new maker

the bottom is for sure perfect though


No Mickey what happened Oh No, oh my gosh they look so good

And now for the moment of truth the taste test

does this taste like the real Mickey waffle from Disney World

Let's find out

It is shrimp food is better Mickey mouse-shaped

The batter is never gonna be the exact same at it as season worlds

but since I already used this batter a lot and I like this banner

It tastes really good to me and it's even better that it doesn't make you sheep and even though this is not the exact

shape of the ones at Disney this is the closest waffle maker

I've ever seen to the true shape and size of the miniature Mickey waffles at the US Disney parks I

love it it's amazing I'm gonna make these like every single day

Let me know down below if you have had to make you awful and do you like it there is so much stuff you can

do with this waffle maker especially with all different

recipes you can make the chocolate waffle and put ice cream on it and make an ice cream sandwich

You can do chicken and waffles and I'm so so excited

to make more things with it so I may be doing a part two to this video so you guys can see some of the

Other different things you can make with this waffle maker if you guys are interested in that let me know down below in the comments

and I will start making that video I hope you guys enjoyed this video

Remember to like and subscribe to my channel for new videos every Tuesday and Thursday all about Disney have you guys have a magical day?

And remember to do what you love and do it makes you happy and I'll see you guys next time bye

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker!! Just like the Parks!! Disney DIY - Duration: 8:20.


Pepee Cartoons : Tell Your Love | Kids Shows | Cartoon Story For Children - Duration: 11:21.

Pepee Cartoons : Tell Your Love

For more infomation >> Pepee Cartoons : Tell Your Love | Kids Shows | Cartoon Story For Children - Duration: 11:21.


Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 2:56.


Perchè i cani si rotolano sull'erba | Qua la Zampa - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Perchè i cani si rotolano sull'erba | Qua la Zampa - Duration: 2:34.


Being Joe Hawley Volume I - We Goof'd (reupload) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Being Joe Hawley Volume I - We Goof'd (reupload) - Duration: 1:45.


HOUSE RELAX I SUMMER SOFT MİX 2019 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> HOUSE RELAX I SUMMER SOFT MİX 2019 - Duration: 3:56.


Guido i longboard Alexa [Bia Backstage] - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Guido i longboard Alexa [Bia Backstage] - Duration: 1:39.


Rale Deep Dark Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat 2019 FREE - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Rale Deep Dark Beat I Türkçe Rap Beat 2019 FREE - Duration: 3:28.


Luis Giraldo i hulajnoga Jhona [Bia Backstage] - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Luis Giraldo i hulajnoga Jhona [Bia Backstage] - Duration: 1:17.


Steve Harvey Doesn't Like Being a Grandfather - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Steve Harvey Doesn't Like Being a Grandfather - Duration: 6:39.


Adam DeVine on His Big Break - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Adam DeVine on His Big Break - Duration: 6:36.


Meghan królewska - Richard Gere ma 69 lat i właśnie został ojcem. Znamy płeć dziecka - Duration: 1:52.

 Richard Gere w wieku 69 lat ponownie został ojcem. Jak donosi hiszpański magazyn "Hola!", 36-letnia żona aktora, Alejandra Silva, urodziła chłopca

Syn pary przyszedł na świat w sobotę w Nowym Jorku. To już drugie dziecko zarówno Richarda Gere'a, jak i jego ukochanej

Gwiazdor filmu "Pretty Woman" ma już 18-letniego syna, Homera, ze swojego drugiego małżeństwa z Carey Lowell

Z kolei hiszpańska specjalistka od reklamy wychowuje 5-letniego syna, Alberto, który jest owocem jej pierwszego małżeństwa ze znanym geologiem, Govindem Friedlandem

69-letni Richard Gere został ojcem Richard Gere wziął sekretny ślub z młodszą od siebie o 34 lata Alejandrą Silvą w kwietniu 2018 roku

Jego partnerka jest córką biznesmena i byłego wiceprezesa klubu piłkarskiego Real Madryt

 W sierpniu media obiegła informacja, że para spodziewa się swojego pierwszego dziecka

 Zobacz zdjęcia niemal Richarda Gere'a i jego 36-letniej żony w naszej GALERII >>

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Richard Gere ma 69 lat i właśnie został ojcem. Znamy płeć dziecka - Duration: 1:52.


Steve Harvey's Valentine's Day Advice - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Steve Harvey's Valentine's Day Advice - Duration: 5:27.


✨How to Stop Procrastinating & Have More Time to Do What You Want - Duration: 8:54.

In this video I am going to be talking about 6 techniques to help you stop procrastinating.

I am Andrea Jean and on this channel we talk about all things motivation.

If you are interested in that go ahead and hit that subscribe button.

Let's get into it.

Procrastinating we all do it.

It is the devil sometimes.

But, having some strategies to do those things we don't want to can be really helpful.

So my first strategy to help you stop procrastinating is set up your environment so that it is conducive

to you having focused attention.

If there

is a project

that you need to complete or homework assignment or a task

you need to do set up your environment so that

there are

limited distractions.

For more infomation >> ✨How to Stop Procrastinating & Have More Time to Do What You Want - Duration: 8:54.


What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About? - Duration: 3:55.

These are ESV scripture journals. Now available in the complete set. I'm going to tell you

about them in just a moment.

These are the ESV scripture journals. The complete set. I've got the New Testament, I've got

the Old Testament. Now, you're watching this video, I had to set up this video. You know,

like get the camera set up and the lights. One of the things you don't really think about

is, how do you not make it look bazaar, sitting behind these two giant boxes of books being

dwarfed by them. I don't know. This probably looks crazy. But anyways, here they are, these

two giant boxes. This is the complete set of journals. I'm just going to show them to

you and then tell you why they might be of interest to you and how you might put them

to use. So, this is the set that came out first, the New Testament. Brand new, 2019 is the

Old Testament. The complete Old Testament. So, we just take this top off here and we've

got the journals. There is one for every book of the Bible. Well, not quite. Some of the

books are stacked together. You find like the minor prophets all together in, I guess,

three volumes and so on. But, this is the Old Testament beginning in Genesis, running

all the way across. And then here we've got the New Testament, beginning in Matthew of

course, and then running through to Revelation. These are scripture journals. What is the

point and purpose of a scripture journal, what is the format? Well, I just happen to

have one extra one here. This is the letters of Paul to Timothy and the letter of Paul

to Titus. And so I'll open it up and show you what's inside. It's actually super simple.

The point is, you've got the Bible on one side of the page, on the other side you have

just lined pages so you can take your notes. So, we crack it open. We've got 1st Timothy,

chapter 5, into chapter 6 on the one side. And on the other side just a blank sheet of

paper ready for your notes. In terms of the scripture, it just is the very, very basic

ESV text which means it has chapters and verses and headings. There's no cross-references,

there's no footnotes, none of the explanatory notes you might find in your standard ESV

text or in your ESV study Bible. None of that. Just the chapter markings, the verse markings,

and the various headings. Beyond that, it's just meant for you to write. For you to write,

to doodle, to do whatever it takes for you to better understand the text. So, why would

you want to use one of these? They're ideal for personal Bible study, if you're just going

through a text, you want to better understand it and you like to take notes. That would

be ideal. Of course, you can write the notes on the lined page, you can also write all

over the text. These are relatively cheap to buy, relatively cheaply made, so you can

go through a lot of them. You can just go through and make it your own, in that sense,

and buy another one next year, if you want to read these books again. Also great for

pastors who are studying a text so they can really engage with the text in that deeper

way, and not have to mark up their preaching Bible. And of course, for Bible studies, really

for any purpose, you might find something like this helpful. You can buy them online

in individual, so I bought this one just from Amazon, just as is, just for a few dollars.

Or, as I'm showing you here, you can now buy the entire set as well. So, ESV scripture

journals, New Testament, Old Testament. I find them helpful, I'm thankful for them,

maybe something you'll find helpful as well.

For more infomation >> What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About? - Duration: 3:55.


IL gaslighting - Duration: 2:49.

hello I wanted to talk in this video of the gaslighting a form of manipulation

affective is a form of manipulation affective and which tends to say ad

weaken the mental stability of the person who fakes the other person to one

certain point of view is considered unstable yes unstable advice

crazy even and how it is done this is done but let's say like all of them

the manipulations at the beginning with one sort of ramon ding of attentions of

be present to pretend to be in love to pretend we say very careful and for

then move on to close in silence making it clear that ad

another person has committed some he made something wrong for you

that you're good, you closed in silence and you have not been following this

but it starts to become elusive by putting some small clues about mistakes made by

another person in such a way that the other person slowly begins to believe that

his behavior is behavior wrong that is not a behavior

just that maybe he's doing is not doing the right things and then continuing

to instill doubts, for example maybe you forget about the things I have

said one thing that I know he had taken a commitment with you and is not keeping

put some little doubt in the way such that the other person if obviously

has a predisposition for example to fear for example, abandonment fears feeling

inadequate slowly let's say it loses the esteem in itself loses confidence in

I believe myself to lose the blow believe me it is not adequate and in this

way it becomes more and more dependent on who effect on the material but in the

manipulation and obvious that is one subtle and refined handling

you need to be able to put it in act

see a lot of cold blood then i narcissists and succeed elis trony there

they can do it quite easily just because they manage to keep one

emotional detachment and therefore does not enter in empathy with people milk

they think in a lucid way because it is think lucidly in seduction

it is essential if one in the manipulation even more if one is

lets not get excited will never succeed nor to involve how

do not paint well for this video everything if you write to the channel to have it

possibility to ask a question of the center a video response service you

liked to put a lay that share more more friends bye

For more infomation >> IL gaslighting - Duration: 2:49.


تزيين جنب ستارة بفستونة ذات اجنحة من قطعة قماش140 ستارة سهلة على مواسير decorating curtain - Duration: 10:08.

I have written precise measures for easy understanding

For more infomation >> تزيين جنب ستارة بفستونة ذات اجنحة من قطعة قماش140 ستارة سهلة على مواسير decorating curtain - Duration: 10:08.


Incredibly Stunning Kebenevägen 315 Skärhamn - Duration: 5:00.

Incredibly Stunning Kebenevägen 315, Skärhamn

For more infomation >> Incredibly Stunning Kebenevägen 315 Skärhamn - Duration: 5:00.


Worst comes to worst my beat comes to first【英語VLOG】a trip to Kanazawa やりたいことやろうぜ - Duration: 4:36.

Hi I'm Takeshi

I'm back again

the last episode I said that I had my MacBook Pro stolen

and I felt very depressed

I rapped about my feeling so please check out my previous video

and then many people many people in Japan outside Japan

sent me a lot of messages which were very heartwarming

thank you so much for supporting me

I would have given up without your help

don't worry man I'm okay now

I've restarted making vlogs making beats again

I'll never give up whatever happens

I'm gonna focus on the quality of my beats

focus on the quality of my vlogs

so please look forward to my future videos

worst comes to worst my beat comes first

peace out

For more infomation >> Worst comes to worst my beat comes to first【英語VLOG】a trip to Kanazawa やりたいことやろうぜ - Duration: 4:36.


GTA 5 - My Adventures (Episode 1/Season 1) (Real life/IRL/Realistic)(Funny Moments/Epic/Mr.Yellow) - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 - My Adventures (Episode 1/Season 1) (Real life/IRL/Realistic)(Funny Moments/Epic/Mr.Yellow) - Duration: 7:33.


Fox News host reveals bizarre reason he hasn't washed his hands for 10 YEARS - Duration: 2:31.

  Fox News presenter Pete Hesgeth left viewers shocked when he revealed he hasn't washed his hands for 10 years

 And he has a rather bizarre reason for abstaining from the everyday practice most people do without thinking

 He doesn't think germs are real.  Speaking on Fox and Friends, the anchor said: "My 2019 resolution is to say things on air that I say off air

 "I don't think I've washed my hands for 10 years."  As his co-hosts burst out laughing, he continued: "Really, I don't really wash my hands

 "I inoculate myself. It's just, germs are not a real thing, I can't see them therefore they're not real

" Read More BBC cameraman 'violently attacked' at Donald Trump rally  When asked if he thinks he's becoming immune to bacteria, he added: "Exactly, I can't get sick

"  However, he later told USA Today that his hand-washing comments were simply intended as a joke

 He said: "We live in a society where people walk around with bottles of Purell (a hand sanitiser) in their pockets, and they sanitise 19,000 times a day as if that's going to save their life

 "I take care of myself and all that, but I don't obsess over everything all the time

"  And after his comments were met with some criticism online from people who asked if he'd feel comfortable with a restaurant worker handling his food without washing their hands first, he said people had overreacted

 The presenter said it was ridiculous that people took things so "literally and seriously" that their "heads explode"

 Bacteria that can be spread by unwashed hands includes salmonella and E coli, and according to experts, regularly washing your hands is one of the best ways to remove germs, to avoid getting sick, and avoid passing germs on to others

  Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at webtv@trinitymirror.com or call us direct 0207 29 33033 Read More Showbiz and TV editor's picks

For more infomation >> Fox News host reveals bizarre reason he hasn't washed his hands for 10 YEARS - Duration: 2:31.


How to get free robux 2019 | roblox free robux - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> How to get free robux 2019 | roblox free robux - Duration: 4:32.


Medical Reasons For Not Losing Weight - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Medical Reasons For Not Losing Weight - Duration: 12:55.


PLAYMOBIL - O FILME (2019) | Primeiro trailer dublado da animação - Duration: 2:06.

You must be wondering what's going on?

A minute ago,

I was with my brother Charlie.

-It's magic. -Not Charlie, no!

And now here we are.

We are entering the hostile territory.

In this world, nothing is what it seems.

I have to find my little brother.

What's going on in this crazy place?

I have to get help.

I pay what is fair.


That's not cool.

Lucky for you, I have my contacts.

Who wants to have fun?



Relax, girl.

Follow me!

No, this is rubbish anyway.

I'm going to save you, little brother!

Release the beast!

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

For more infomation >> PLAYMOBIL - O FILME (2019) | Primeiro trailer dublado da animação - Duration: 2:06.


Perchè i cani si rotolano sull'erba | Qua la Zampa - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Perchè i cani si rotolano sull'erba | Qua la Zampa - Duration: 2:34.


Ce vedetă de la "Bravo, ai stil!" a purtat în TRAMVAI o ţinută sofisticată din emisiune? Toţi călăto - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Ce vedetă de la "Bravo, ai stil!" a purtat în TRAMVAI o ţinută sofisticată din emisiune? Toţi călăto - Duration: 2:37.






Hello, how are you? I am Wesley Gimenez

Founder of Krav Maga Skull school

and he is Cassio

today we will do a combat: knife vs weapon

Who do you think wins? gun or knife

probably most will say gun, but wait and see the result

there may be some surprises

distance control is key to self-defense

for each distance there is a more efficient blow or defense

we will test the weapon vs knife in the short, medium and long distance

special video for police officers and security guards

who often thinks that having a gun is enough to defend yourself

you will learn when each weapon is more efficient

let's use an air soft pistol and a knife with red paint

he's going to try to shoot me and I try to cut him with the knife.

Let's go for the test!

putting more paint

leave your comment here: who will win?

gun vs knife - at what distance

at the end of the video we will make the final conclusion

putting the protective goggles

knife ready

I hope it does not mess the floor too much ...

let's go

Cassio will take the initiative at this moment.

He'll try to shoot and I'll cut

the gun is ready for firing and unlocked

When he tries to get the gun out, I'll try cut him

last chance: how far will he win?

leave your comment


he'll give the signal to try to get the gun and I'll try to cut him first

ready! go!

Got a shot? I did not make it

wow, look how cassio is looking

big damage

heart and head

he did not get a shot, that is, I could have continued attacking him

now it will be 2 meters away

putting more red paint

now, 2 meters away

remember the gun is now ready for use and unlocked

let's go second test

lol ... you realize that I really want to cut him...

he was cuted again and the gun dismounted .. lol

I hit 1 or 2 stabs before he hit a shot

at 2 meters the knife was faster again

Let's pause to fix the gun and I'll be right back.

we come back

weapon repaired

during the repair cassio told me that the gun failed what is possible to happen in reality as well.

We are in doubt, who would hit first

we will repeat the test with 2 meters away, but now I will take the initiative

02 meters

When I move, you shoot me

he could not shoot me and I cut him several times

let's try 3 meters away


gun ready

Attention guys

if you try to repeat this test use the protective equipment like the glasses

because the plastic projectile hurts a lot

putting more red paint

I think I spent a lot pait in the first time.

the grass and the white wall is all dirty red paint..kkk

let's go

come here cassio

03 meters

03 meters. I think at this distance he can beat me.

ready? GO

now he win

when the knife came close to him I felt the firing of the gun

remembering that the risk is: the inertia of the movement

and you can cut him

03 meters so is the minimum distance for anyone who has a gun to have any chance

the tip is:

If you have a gun

train take the gun quickly

lift the shirt fast to take off the gun

a common mistake

try to pull the gun stopped in the same place

train this in motion to increase the distance and have more reaction time

was a test that closely approximates reality

then understand that firearm does not always win, depends on the distance and the surprise factor

You need about 1-1.5 seconds to shoot.

So you need to improve your workout to shoot fast.

You understand that only 1 meter away you can not shoot first

02 meters? no you can't

your chances start at 3 meters

how to react against a knife at close range?

I'll show you some defenses and options

I'm dirty with ink too ... lol

understand that

in the short distance with the gun at your waist

there is not enough time to get the gun and shoot him

so you should:

use the 360 ​​degree defense. which is the lateral defense by expelling his arm. already has this video here on the channel

or else, make a frontal kick to move it away and create distance

and shoot him

so in the short distance there is no time to pick up the gun

turning your back on running is not an option either

you need to stop the first aggression or approach and increase you distance

again, but now with an upward attack

forget it

you should

Defend, back off and pick up the gun to shoot him

create the maximum distance between you and the enemy

did you like this video test? leave your comment and subscribe in the channel

I'm going to have a lot of work to clean up.

subscribe in the channel...be come Skull (caveira)

final conclusions

based on video and tauller theory

21 foot

Let's make some conclusions.

tauller's theory says that

that the police officer needs at least 6.4 meters or about 21 feet to react securely against an aggressor with a knife

a well-trained police officer needs 1 to 1.5 seconds

to pick up the gun, aim it and make 2 shots

and at this time a healthy man can advance up to 6.4 meters

that is, to react in safety the police officer needs this minimum distance



O Sétimo Guardião': Valentina cai em buraco e descobre novo caminho à fonte - Duration: 2:19.

Valentina (Lilia Cabral) conseguirá mais uma forma de acessar a tão preciosa fonte, nos próximos capítulos da novela "O Sétimo Guardião".

De acordo com a coluna de Patrícia Kogut, após a vilã e Sampaio (Marcello Novaes buscarem uma nova entrada pelo matagal e ela conhecer Murilo (Eduardo Moscovis) na forma humana,

Valentina contará com a ajuda de Feijão (Cauê Campos) para descobrir um novo acesso ao local.

Sampaio encontrará o menino, sumido desde que caiu em um buraco perto do aquífero, e o levará até a mãe de Gabriel (Bruno Gagliasso) para contar como tudo aconteceu.

Os dois voltarão ao local onde o garoto desapareceu mas não acharão o buraco.

Valentina então decidirá ir até lá sozinha e verá com os próprios olhos que o menino não estava mentindo. Feijão será reencontrado pelo capanga de Valentina.

O menino será imediatamente encaminhado para a mansão da empresária e, chegando lá, a vilã até defenderá o garoto após ele ser agredido por Olavo (Tony Ramos.

Ela fará de tudo para arrancar do garoto informações sobre o local no qual desapareceu.

Feijão mentirá e ele e Sampaio vão até as proximidades do lugar, mas não acharão o buraco.

Gabriel e Murilo ficarão sabendo do motivo pelo qual o menino está na mansão da megera.

Feijão fará até Machado (Milhem Cortaz) jurar que prenderá ela, mas, esperta, a empresária conseguirá evitar ser presa.

For more infomation >> O Sétimo Guardião': Valentina cai em buraco e descobre novo caminho à fonte - Duration: 2:19.



Nos próximos capítulos de O Sétimo Guardião, da TV Globo, que vai ao ar às 22h, Valentina (Lilia Cabral) mostrará toda sua maldade e frieza.

A mãe de Gabriel (Bruno Gagliasso) não é mais a mesma pessoa após ter perdido o casarão e a fonte para seu filho.

Porém, o que deixou a megera "doida" foi Eurico (Dan Stulbach) não conseguir defender o imóvel na frente da juíza.

Por conta de seu erro, Eurico terá de pagar seus pecados com a malvada.

Com sua paciência esgotada, a vilã planejará a morte do ex-guardião, arquitetando tudo para não deixar nenhum rastro.

A cobra irá por fim na vida do prefeito o envenenado, para jamais ser taxada como a culpada do crime.



Badai - Tiara Amora {Cover} - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Badai - Tiara Amora {Cover} - Duration: 5:39.


Dueling Rallies By Trump, O'Rourke Held In El Paso - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Dueling Rallies By Trump, O'Rourke Held In El Paso - Duration: 2:08.


¡Cuidado con tu hígado! Estos 6 alimentos pueden hacerle daño - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> ¡Cuidado con tu hígado! Estos 6 alimentos pueden hacerle daño - Duration: 7:55.





Otimize os processos da sua clínica - DS Dicas - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Otimize os processos da sua clínica - DS Dicas - Duration: 4:02.


OS PAIS DO REINO DO SERVIÇO | Tipo 2 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> OS PAIS DO REINO DO SERVIÇO | Tipo 2 - Duration: 1:56.


Corinna se reinventa tras las escuchas de Villarejo: ahora en Rusia y con nuevo amigo - Ultimas Noti - Duration: 9:32.

  más conocida por todos como o la 'amiga entrañable' del rey Juan Carlos, vuelve a escena

Tras estar en paradero desconocido durante varios meses, que coincidieron con la aparición de las cintas en las que se podía escuchar a la 'princesa' poniendo en un aprieto al padre de Felipe VI, Corinna está de vuelta, aunque esta vez tiene un nuevo destino y nuevos e influyentes amigos con los que codearse

Bien es sabido que si algo se la da bien a Larsen es elegir sus amistades. Corinna podría perder el aristócrata apellido Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn en breve, ya que se espera que su exmaridose case con su novia, Alana Bunte, en los próximos meses

Incluso la familia alemana ya la ha eliminado de su sitio web, quitando cualquier rastro de ella

Pero a Corinna parece preocuparle bien poco, pues está más que entretenida en otros menesteres

Desde Rusia con amor En esta caso, acompañar en todo momento a , actual presidente de la Cámara de Cuentas rusa

Juntos se les vio a principios de este mes de febrero en una fiesta celebrada en Moscú en honor del famoso director de orquesta Valeri Guérguiev, tal como cuenta '¡Hola!'

Justo un día después, aparecieron de nuevo en público cuando se le hizo entrega a Guérguiev de la Orden de la Estrella de Italia en la Embajada italiana en Moscú

  Con un vestido burdeos y su rubia melena peinada con ondas, Corinna no se separó ni un momento de su nuevo e influyente amigo

¿Pero quién es Kudrin? Hijo de padre ruso y de madre letona, nació en la actual Letonia y estudió economía

tres menos que Corinna, que el pasado 28 de enero sopló las 55 velas. Es autor de más de 15 trabajos científicos en los campos de economía y finanzas y desde 2016 es decano de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Liberales en la Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo

 Un currículum admirable para un hombre cuya vida personal es un verdadero misterio

Se sabe que se ha casado dos veces y que tiene un hija del primer matrimonio y una hijo del segundo, que le gusta el tenis y la natación, y poco más

La discreción es una de sus máximas, algo que no hace extrañar que se haya convertido en uno de Su vida 'borrada' en la corte alemana La vida de Corinna desde hace un par de décadas ha sido un ir y venir, un periplo por distintos países, siempre en ambientes pudientes

Tras un matrimonio fallido con , con el que tuvo una hija, Anastasia, la princesa conoció al príncipe Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, segundo hijo del príncipe Alexander, jefe de la casa de los Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, y la princesa Gabriela, nacida como condesa de Schönborn-Wiesentheid

 Se casaron en el año 2000 en secreto en Londres, ya que la familia de él no aprobaba dicha relación

El hecho de que Corinna fuera ocho años mayor que y que tuviera una hija de un matrimonio anterior no gustaba demasiado a los Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Sin embargo, el príncipe siguió a su corazón y de esa relación nació Tras su divorcio en 2005, Corinna dejó de llevar el apellido de la familia y perdió su título de princesa, tal como aseguró su exsuegro a 'LOC' en 2017

  Sin embargo, ella parece empeñada en que se la siga conociendo como la princesa Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Así lo hizo saber respondiendo al mensaje público de su exsuegro: "En lo que respecta al derecho alemán, la posición es clara y de seguir utilizando el apellido de casada tras divorciarse

Por este motivo, tampoco hay limitación alguna respecto del uso por parte de ella del tratamiento"

Una "amistad entrañable" Su matrimonio con el príncipe le valió una lista de buenos contactos que no dudó en utilizar para sus propios negocios y para disfrutar de una intensa vida social que la llevó a conocer en 2006, un año después de su divorcio, durante Allí empezó lo que al final se convirtió en una amistad de la que la prensa no supo hasta aquel accidente que sufrió el Rey emérito en Bostuana en 2013, durante un safari de la agencia Boss Sporting, donde ella misma organizaba safaris de lujo para clientes de alto standing

 A partir de entonces, los medios empezaron a cuestionar la naturaleza de esa relación entre el Rey y la princesa alemana, algo que provocó que la propia Corinna concediese una exclusiva en la que habló sobre su "amistad entrañable" con el padre de Felipe VI

Sin embargo, poco a poco fueron descubriéndose informaciones, como que la princesa había estado viviendo durante temporadas en   Fue quizás el hacerse pública lo que hizo que la relación de amistad de Juan Carlos y Corinna llegara a su fin

Sin embargo, el pasado verano vivimos un último capítulo al aparecer unas cintas grabadas por el comisario Villarejo en las que Corinna hablaba sin tapujos del Rey emérito

o "Rompí por primera vez con el Rey en 2010 porque llevaba 3 años con otra mujer", son algunas de las perlas que dijo

Dama de compañía de Charlène Y después de España fue el turno de Mónaco, donde la princesa posee una casa con vistas al mar en Montecarlo

Fue a finales de 2013 cuando comprobamos que había afianzado su relación de amistad con y acompañó en sus viajes al extranjero, como el funeral de Nelson Mandela

Su vinculación a Alberto de Mónaco viene de lejos, ya que es amiga del príncipe desde hace años

Fue una de las invitadas a su boda con Charlène. Ya durante esa breve pero intensa relación entre las dos mujeres, vimos que pues estuvo en la comitiva que acompañó a Alberto y a su esposa cuando viajaron al país para estrechar su relación con sus dirigentes

Vestida de riguroso negro, Corinna no dudó en posar ante las cámaras con los dirigentes monegascos y el patriarca ortodoxo de Moscú

Ahora, el destino la ha llevado de nuevo a la capital rusa. ¿para quedarse? 

For more infomation >> Corinna se reinventa tras las escuchas de Villarejo: ahora en Rusia y con nuevo amigo - Ultimas Noti - Duration: 9:32.


Meghan królewska - Richard Gere ma 69 lat i właśnie został ojcem. Znamy płeć dziecka - Duration: 1:52.

 Richard Gere w wieku 69 lat ponownie został ojcem. Jak donosi hiszpański magazyn "Hola!", 36-letnia żona aktora, Alejandra Silva, urodziła chłopca

Syn pary przyszedł na świat w sobotę w Nowym Jorku. To już drugie dziecko zarówno Richarda Gere'a, jak i jego ukochanej

Gwiazdor filmu "Pretty Woman" ma już 18-letniego syna, Homera, ze swojego drugiego małżeństwa z Carey Lowell

Z kolei hiszpańska specjalistka od reklamy wychowuje 5-letniego syna, Alberto, który jest owocem jej pierwszego małżeństwa ze znanym geologiem, Govindem Friedlandem

69-letni Richard Gere został ojcem Richard Gere wziął sekretny ślub z młodszą od siebie o 34 lata Alejandrą Silvą w kwietniu 2018 roku

Jego partnerka jest córką biznesmena i byłego wiceprezesa klubu piłkarskiego Real Madryt

 W sierpniu media obiegła informacja, że para spodziewa się swojego pierwszego dziecka

 Zobacz zdjęcia niemal Richarda Gere'a i jego 36-letniej żony w naszej GALERII >>

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Richard Gere ma 69 lat i właśnie został ojcem. Znamy płeć dziecka - Duration: 1:52.


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Top 10 Best Professional Photo Editing Apps for Android 2019 (Edit Photos Like A Pro)

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