Thursday, February 21, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 21 2019

beauty saloon



Oh my God

what it is

it is beautiful

no no no, comon



oh yeah

thank you

it's not finished


yes yes!!!

what is it

it's mask

I finished

stop stop stop


and dress?


no no no

I'm kidding

very nice Anna

I'm go

OK, very nice!


Wow, hello

what is it?

I'm sorry

ok, comon

For more infomation >> Anna plays beauty salon and helps Victor get to the disco - Duration: 3:57.


Aprende las recetas para convertirte en un "genio de la cocina" que "no puede cocinar" - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Aprende las recetas para convertirte en un "genio de la cocina" que "no puede cocinar" - Duration: 11:30.


Receita de SUCO PARA LIMPAR O INTESTINO e Emagrecer #sucodetox - Duration: 0:53.

Juice Recipe To Clean The Intestine And Lose weight

Hi, how are you?

Sign up for our channel and leave it like on video.

Cleaning the intestine can be easy with this delicious juice.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


2 apples

2 leaves of lettuce

2 tablespoons oat flakes

300 ml of water

sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, sugar and drink next.

Share this recipe.

See you

For more infomation >> Receita de SUCO PARA LIMPAR O INTESTINO e Emagrecer #sucodetox - Duration: 0:53.


【DFFNT 字幕付き ONで見れます。】新賢人さんのディシディア Y'shtola NT編 part19.5 4戦【リアクト垢】 - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> 【DFFNT 字幕付き ONで見れます。】新賢人さんのディシディア Y'shtola NT編 part19.5 4戦【リアクト垢】 - Duration: 15:15.


Michel Sardou face aux drames, un opération, un cancer - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Michel Sardou face aux drames, un opération, un cancer - Duration: 1:35.


Vanessa Paradis et Johnny Depp, leurs enfants leur rendent la vie dure - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis et Johnny Depp, leurs enfants leur rendent la vie dure - Duration: 1:33.


[ENG]눈오는날 아슬란 인절미빵 사러가는길 | 여자친구의 감성&힐링 나레이션 VLOG(feat. 태리)[커플브이로그] - Duration: 5:24.

Hello everyone, it's taeri.

I met guri today. I have a lot of snow today

I'm going to step on my eyes.

Where is he going?

I'm going down the escalator.

My shoes were wet.

I came to buy asian bread.

Pop up for 10 days at our department store I have a store with me.

I hurried to hear from you. I took a shot at how to make it.

Fill the cream with the cream evenly on the side and apply it.

The size is big.

After that, It makes a setting on the side buried.

And wrap them one by one to eat. You gave it to me.

I think it would be a good gift.

We buy 8 pieces and divide them into 2 boxes. You packed it.

The price is 1 $ 3 $ 4 for $ 10.

We came to eat champon.

It looks like it's just been called Mont-Champon.

It looks delicious, so I came to have lunch.

Sprinkle with vinegar

I'm waiting for your order.

Shy ... taeri's heart

The champon came right out and it was great.

The mackerel was very varied with meat, mushrooms and squid.

It was delicious and shaved and broth. Better than others

It was a good champon to eat on a snowy day.

I did not eat rice because the rice was free here.

I ate a bite.

I also eat radish.

A feast for six

For dessert, ice cream

I took footprints on the road.

Now that we have finished shopping and take the bus It is the way to go home.

Why is it always raining when I go home?

Thank you for watching our video today. Thank you.

Please look forward to our food videos.

See you next time.


For more infomation >> [ENG]눈오는날 아슬란 인절미빵 사러가는길 | 여자친구의 감성&힐링 나레이션 VLOG(feat. 태리)[커플브이로그] - Duration: 5:24.


Prueba vinagre como desengrasante para tu lavavajillas - Duration: 5:54.

No necesitas una fórmula mágica para convertir el vinagre en un desengrasante para tu lavavajillas.

Inclusive, solo debes combinarlo con un poco de jabón líquido y bicarbonato de sodio.

¿Necesitas un desengrasante para tu lavavajillas? Como muchos lo saben, este elemento de la cocina suele acumular residuos de grasa y alimentos que,

además de ser desagradables, pueden acumular una gran cantidad de bacterias.

Por eso, es fundamental hacerle una limpieza profunda con los productos apropiados.

En la actualidad se pueden adquirir muchas fórmulas desengrasantes de origen industrial.

Sin embargo, muchas están llenas de químicos que pueden ser dañinos para el ambiente.

Así pues, si estás buscando una alternativa ecológica para cumplir esta tarea, no dejes de probar este efectivo ingrediente: el vinagre.

Por qué utilizar el vinagre como desengrasante? El vinagre, especialmente el blanco y el de sidra de manzana, tiene interesantes aplicaciones en el hogar.

De hecho, mucho antes de que los productos industriales invadieran el mercado,

era la opción número uno para desinfectar y facilitar muchas labores domésticas.

Hoy proponemos su uso como desengrasante para tu lavavajillas, ya que ayuda a desprender todos esos residuos de grasa que suelen acumularse en su superficie.

Además, debido a su contenido de ácido acético, actúa como desinfectante eliminando bacterias.

Entre otras cosas, usarlo en esta tarea de limpieza disminuye la presencia de malos olores en la cocina.

También abrillanta el material del lavavajillas y hace ver todo más impecable.

¿Sigues sin probarlo? ¡Toma nota! Cómo preparar un desengrasante de vinagre para tu lavavajillas.

No necesitas una fórmula mágica para convertir el vinagre en un desengrasante para tu lavavajillas.

Inclusive, solo debes combinarlo con un poco de jabón líquido y bicarbonato de sodio.

Si ya cuentas con todos estos ingredientes, no dejes de seguir los pasos para su elaboración.

Ingredientes; 1/2 taza de vinagre blanco o de sidra de manzana 125 ml; 2 cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio 40 g; 1 cucharadita de jabón líquido 5 ml.

Preparación; Primero, combina el bicarbonato de sodio con el jabón líquido.

Posteriormente, rocía la preparación sobre el lavavajillas, distribuyéndola de manera uniforme.

A continuación, rocía el vinagre para que haga un ligero efecto efervescente con los demás ingredientes.

Frota con una esponja y deja reposar 5 minutos. Por último, enjuaga con agua tibia.

Desengrasante con limón y vinagre; Otra fórmula natural que puedes usar como desengrasante para tu lavavajillas es la mezcla de limón con vinagre.

Ambos se caracterizan por sus propiedades antimicrobianas y su capacidad para desprender la mugre.

¿Quieres aplicar esta alternativa? ¡Apunta! Ingredientes; Un limón; 1/2 taza de vinagre 125 ml.

Preparación; Corta un limón por la mitad y frótalo sobre la superficie del lavavajillas.

Espera que actúe alrededor de 10 minutos y enjuaga. Seguidamente, rocía el vinagre.

Consejos para mejores resultados. De inmediato notarás la diferencia.

Si deseas mejores resultados al usar estos desengrasantes para tu lavavajillas, asegúrate de ser constante con su uso.

Si bien no es necesario emplearlos todos los días, lo ideal es hacerlo al menos una vez a la semana.

Esto evita que se acumule demasiada grasa y residuos en la superficie.

Evita derramar aceites o mantecas dentro del lavavajillas.

Ten en cuenta que estos se pueden solidificar, afectando también las tuberías.

Por ello, busca formas alternativas para deshacerte de los restos de grasa de la cocina.

¿Ya los probaste? Si aún no le das la oportunidad a estos desengrasantes naturales, pruébalos ahora.

Te darás cuenta que no necesitas comprar esos costosos productos del mercado que, además, son dañinos para el ambiente.

For more infomation >> Prueba vinagre como desengrasante para tu lavavajillas - Duration: 5:54.


Tin Việt - Trở lại Việt Nam sau kỳ nghỉ Tết, thầy Park bất ngờ đi khám sức khỏe - Duration: 3:25.

 Ba ngày sau khi trở lại Việt Nam, HLV Park Hang Seo hôm nay đã tới bệnh viện E Trung ương (Hà Nội) để khám sức khỏe

Trước đó, nhà cầm quân người Hàn Quốc đã có một quãng thời gian nghỉ Tết ở quê nhà

 GS.TS Lê Ngọc Thành - Giám đốc bệnh viện E Trung ương cho biết: Ông Park Hang Seo tới bệnh viện để làm giấy khám sức khoẻ cho người ngoài đến Việt Nam làm việc

Đây là một trong những hoạt động được Bộ Y tế cấp phép cho Bệnh viện E thực hiện nhiều năm nay

 Hoạt động này được tiến hành tại khoa Kiểm tra sức khỏe với các bước theo yêu cầu của hồ sơ khám sức khỏe như lấy máu xét nghiệm, chiếu chụp, khám chuyên khoa: Mắt, Răng hàm mặt, Tai mũi họng; khám tổng thể… Thời gian từ 40 - 60 phút tùy theo chỉ định của loại giấy khám sức khỏe

 Đại diện bệnh viện E cho biết, kết quả thăm khám cho thấy HLV Park Hang Seo đủ tiêu chuẩn sức khỏe để làm việc tại Việt Nam

 Phía bệnh viện cũng cho biết, kết thúc buổi khám sức khỏe, ông Park Hang Seo cám ơn các y bác sĩ Bệnh viện E đã hỗ trợ, khám và cấp phép một cách nhanh chóng và thân thiện

Ông Park Hang Seo đã gửi lời chúc mừng các thầy thuốc nhân Ngày thầy thuốc Việt Nam

 Như tin đã đưa, sáng 20/2, ông Park Hang Seo đã có cuộc làm việc với các ban chuyên môn của LĐBĐVN (VFF), nhưng nội dung chính là chuẩn bị cho đội tuyển U23 Việt Nam tham dự Vòng loại U23 châu Á 2020

 Cuộc làm việc có sự tham gia của cả HLV Hoàng Anh Tuấn, được ông Park Hang Seo mời để có ý kiến tư vấn, góp ý

Ông Hoàng Anh Tuấn trước đó đã giới thiệu danh sách 60 cầu thủ từ tuổi 1997-2000 để HLV Park Hang Seo xem xét

Tuy nhiên, vấn đề liên quan đến chuyện ông Park Hang Seo có dẫn dắt đội tuyển U22 Việt Nam dự SEA Games 2019 hay không thì chưa được bàn đến

 Theo Tổng thư ký VFF Lê Hoài Anh, ông Park Hang Seo đã đề nghị chưa bàn đến vấn đề này và ông sẽ có những đề xuất cụ thể thông qua người đại diện

Trước đó, VFF khẳng định trong hợp đồng ban đầu, ông Park Hang Seo nhận trách nhiệm dẫn dắt đội tuyển U22 Việt Nam dự SEA Games

 Theo tìm hiểu của Tiền Phong, nhà cầm quân người Hàn Quốc trên thực tế đã có những trao đổi với VFF về vấn đề này

"Hiện tại VFF và HLV Park Hang Seo chưa làm việc cụ thể để lên kế hoạch. Việc ông Park Hang Seo cầm đội nào sẽ được tính toán sao cho mọi thứ diễn ra tốt nhất"-Tổng thư ký Lê Hoài Anh cho biết

For more infomation >> Tin Việt - Trở lại Việt Nam sau kỳ nghỉ Tết, thầy Park bất ngờ đi khám sức khỏe - Duration: 3:25.


Los CDR tratan de parar a la fuerza Cataluña con el corte de las comunicaciones - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Los CDR tratan de parar a la fuerza Cataluña con el corte de las comunicaciones - Duration: 3:28.


Dupont-Aignan : « Marine Le Pen devrait tirer les leçons de son échec à la présidentielle » - Duration: 37:49.

For more infomation >> Dupont-Aignan : « Marine Le Pen devrait tirer les leçons de son échec à la présidentielle » - Duration: 37:49.


Matan a activista que estaba en contra de termoeléctrica - Duration: 3:06.

Cuernavaca— El activista Samir Flores, uno de los opositores al proyecto de la termoeléctrica La Huexca, fue asesinado en la comunidad de Amilcingo, en el Municipio de Temoac, Morelos

De acuerdo con los informes, Flores fue baleado durante la madrugada afuera de su domicilio, y fue trasladado a un hospital, donde falleció

Una comisión de pobladores urgió a las autoridades investigar el ataque contra uno de sus principales dirigentes, quien participa activamente en las luchas sociales en la región oriente del Estado de Morelos

Desde Monterrey, el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador condenó el crimen y ofreció una investigación para esclarecer lo ocurrido

"Lamento mucho el asesinato de un dirigente opositor a la termoeléctrica, es un asesinato vil y cobarde

Vamos a tener más información para investigar y proceder para que se esclarezca este crimen reprobable, lamentable, y vamos a dar a conocer una postura el día de hoy que tengamos más elementos", dijo el Mandatario en su conferencia matutina

El tabasqueño no descartó que este asesinato podría tener como móvil afectar la consulta ciudadana que se llevará a cabo este fin de semana sobre la operación de la planta

"La consulta la tenemos que continuar porque es un proceso que ya se acordó (.) ya se informó, ya la gente tiene todos los elementos y no podríamos detenerla porque no sabemos también con qué intención se cometió este horrendo crimen, a lo mejor, entre las posibilidades, era afectar la realización de la consulta", advirtió

"Tenemos que tener todos los elementos y hoy decidimos"

For more infomation >> Matan a activista que estaba en contra de termoeléctrica - Duration: 3:06.


États-Unis : Trump contre le retour d'une femme ayant rejoint l'État islamique - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> États-Unis : Trump contre le retour d'une femme ayant rejoint l'État islamique - Duration: 7:56.


Monica Bellucci, 54 ans, une bombe, son surprenant secret de forme dévoilé - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Monica Bellucci, 54 ans, une bombe, son surprenant secret de forme dévoilé - Duration: 1:25.


Quieren erradicar extorsión sindical - Duration: 4:58.

Ciudad de México— Pago de cuotas para evitar estallamiento de huelga, imposición de compra de materiales con la misma organización y amenazas de multa, la extorsión de grupos sindicales están al acecho de diversas sectores, principalmente el de la construcción

Expertos laborales y líderes de cámaras esperan que a través del artículo 378 de la iniciativa de reforma a la Ley del Trabajo, que se discutirá en la Cámara de Diputados, se ponga fin a esta acción ilegal que provoca un sobrecosto de hasta de 20 por ciento en la construcción

El artículo 378 prohibe a los sindicatos "ejercer actos de violencia en contra de sus miembros, el patrón, sus representantes o sus bienes, o en contra de terceros"

Pero hasta ahora, las historias de extorsión se repiten una y otra vez. Luis X, arquitecto que tuvo a su cargo la remodelación de una tienda al interior de un centro comercial, refiere que al lugar llegaron tres hombres pertenecientes al Sindicato Belisario Domínguez, afiliado a la CTM, que le pidieron 25 mil pesos para continuar con la obra

"Llegaron de una manera amenazante a pedir esa cantidad o de lo contrario nos dijeron que no podríamos continuar con la obra

Lo mismo hicieron con otros establecimientos de la misma plaza. Además, nos querían obligar a que les compráramos a ellos el material de construcción, pero ya con eso nos salíamos del presupuesto", relató

Como se negaron a comprarles el material, tuvieron que pagarles una multa de 3 mil pesos más

En otros casos, los sindicatos exigen que los trabajos, incluso del orden público, sean asignados a sus empresas afiliadas

Por ejemplo, en la remoción de escombros en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, gente identificada como parte del Sindicato Libertad impidió a la empresa contratada originalmente realizar los trabajos de traslado de residuos, relató uno de los contratistas

"Cuando se trata de obra pública, alguien les avisa y a veces todavía no se licita y ya están emplazándolos a huelga por firma de contrato colectivo de trabajo

Puede ser que a una misma obra la emplacen dos o tres sindicatos", dijo Pablo Franco, experto en temas sindicales

José Armando Arias, secretario general del Sindicato Nacional de la Construcción, Terraceros, Conexos y Similares, detalló que la mayoría de los pagos se hacen en efectivo

Armando Díaz Infante, recién nombrado presidente de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Construcción, delegación CDMX, señaló que es importante que las propuestas que el nuevo Gobierno busca implementar en lo laboral abarquen a los sindicatos

El sobrecosto de la obra puede ser de hasta 20 por ciento por la cantidad de dinero que exigen los sindicatos a las constructoras, dijo Oscar de la Vega, abogado laboral

For more infomation >> Quieren erradicar extorsión sindical - Duration: 4:58.


Alexandra de Hanovre ignore son père, la mise au point de Caroline de Monaco - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Alexandra de Hanovre ignore son père, la mise au point de Caroline de Monaco - Duration: 1:19.


Martín Pallín, otro tonto útil de la propaganda separatista, carga contra el Supremo... - Duration: 7:27.

Todos sabían que la 'corpo' de TV3 iba a poner toda la carne en el asador para convertir todos sus programas

de análisis en una gigantesca campaña de desprestigio a la justicia española y al Tribunal Supremo. Y que para ello iban a sacar a todos los fichajes estrella que pudieran encontrar.

Parece que ya han sacado sus principales casquillos, porque están empezando a repetir, el juez emérito del Tribunal Supremo,

José Antonio Martín Pallín, que ya pasó en TV3 en 'Els Matins' y 'Tot es Mou',

apareció este miércoles por Catalunya Radio, la radio de TV3, ante Mónica Terribas para seguir con lo que lleva siendo su misión desde que fichó como comentarista del juicio al Procés:

cuestionar todo lo que hace la sala del Tribunal Supremo para insinuar que el juicio a los independentistas no está siendo un juicio legal.

Son muchas las anormalidades desde el punto de vista político, desde el punto de vista del derecho parlamentario,

desde el punto de vista del derecho procesal y desde el principio de que la libertad es la regla y la prisión en la excepción.

Como su colega Luis López Guerra, el magistrado Martín Pallín se sumaba a la consigna de que el hecho de que Oriol Junqueras

y los demás acusados por el Procés debían estar en libertad y que retenerle en prisión era una anomalía jurídica.

La libertad es un valor superior del ordenamiento jurídico sino ha cambiado la Constitución Española esta noche, decía irónico Martín Pallín.

Martín Pallín sabe perfectamente que en varias ocasiones los instructores de juicios han usado la prisión preventiva hasta el plazo de dos años,

que es el máximo que permite la normativa de las instrucciones judiciales como bien saben quienes la han padecido como Francisco Correa o Paco Granados,

aunque las quejas parece que sólo se dan si son independentistas catalanes.

En todo caso sorprende que Martín Pallín y sus colegas independentistas no piensen que tanto ha podido influir en que siga en vigor la prisión preventiva de Junqueras

y los demás la fuga de España de Carles Puigdemont, Ponsati, Comín o la valiente Marta Rovira (la de 'no daremos un paso atrás').

El diálogo entre Mónica Terribas y el magistrado llegó a su momento más rocambolesco cuando Pallín, además de despreciar a sus compañeros magistrados del Supremo cuestionando que conocieran el Código Penal,

deslizara la idea de que quienes merecían una amonestación por el destrozo de los coches de la Guardia Civil durante los registros a la consejería de Economía :

el día que ANC y Omnium Cultural aún lideradas por 'los Jordis' convocaron una manifestación que rodeó el edificio en el momento del registro dejando sitiados a los funcionarios : no eran ni los miembros de la ANC y Omnium del 'escrache',

ni los Jordis, sino que quienes tenían que responder por aquello eran los Guardias Civiles responsables de aquellos vehículos.

En opinión de Martín Pallín, si se fuera verdad que en aquellos coches había armas, los guardias responsables deberían ser procesados y sometidos a consejo de guerra.

Martín Pallín : Sobre los hechos concretos, nunca he entendido que se pueda construir un delito de rebelión sobre los acontecimientos que vio toda España en la televisión e incluso televisiones extranjeras.

Esa recalcitrancia de empeñarse en la movilización, la protesta, el destrozo que el fiscal llamó 'devastación' Mónica Terribas : Yo he leído los escritos de acusación y se utiliza la palabra 'devastados'.

Martín Pallín : Hombre, no. Martín Pallín : ¿Devastados? Mónica Terribas : Devastados y destrozados, concretamente. Estaban para el desguace, por lo menos los dos coches que hemos visto.

Por cierto también otra cosa que he escuchado en medios, que se dicen solventes y periodísticos, de que allí había cargadores y armas largas.

Bueno, menos mal que no les han hecho caso porque eso daría lugar a un consejo de Guerra contra los Guardias Civiles. Mónica Terribas :

¡Exactamente! Martín Pallín : No se pueden abandonar unos coches con armas.

Mónica Terribas : Estamos hablando de opiniones, José Antonio Martín Pallín ¿Sobre esto se puede sostener una acusación de un delito de rebelión?

¡Sobre el derecho a la libre expresión de una publicación! Martín Pallín : ¡Yo estoy perplejo de cómo se ha llevado el juicio! Llevo desde el 30 de octubre de 2017,

cuando el fiscal [Maza] pone una querella que en toda mi vida profesional no había visto,

de 106 páginas, copiando prácticamente el Informe de la Guardia Civil empecé a escandalizarme. Y ahora ya no sé cómo calificar mi perplejidad ante lo que está pasando.

¡Señores es que [los jueces del Tribunal Supremo] ¡No se han leído ni el Código Penal! Que Martín Pallín discrepe del criterio de Maza (fallecido poco después de finalizar la instrucción al actual juicio del Procés) no es una novedad.

Ambos coincidieron como magistrados del Supremo y ya tuvieron célebres discrepancias:

Maza era partidario de la Doctrina Parot para retener a los asesinos en serie en prisión y Martín Pallín era contrariO de esa doctrina y partidario de sacar a aquellos asesinos de la prisión.

En lo referido a su actual condición de comentarista del juicio al Procés, como era en radio nos quedamos sin poder ver la cara de satisfacción de Mónica Terribas ante las palabras de Martín Pallín.

Eso sí, se debe advertir a TV3 y Catalunya Radio que se les están empezando a acabando sus 'fichas'.

¿Repetirán? ¿Veremos a López Guerra en Catalunya Radio? ¿Repetirán con Elpidio José Silva? ¿O aún guardan a alguno en la nevera,

algún garzonito o similar? Les quedan bastantes semanas de juicio y si quieren repetir la estrategia de cuestionar la legitimidad del mismo todos los días van a tener que empezar a renovar panelistas.

Ella igual se tiene que comprar algún 'analista pro:indepe nuevo'. Que el juez Marchena se compre un reloj, decía burlona Terribas para que el juez midiera los tiempos.

Y en su caso tiene la ventaja de que el dinero de esa compra saldrá del bolsillo de todos los ciudadanos.

For more infomation >> Martín Pallín, otro tonto útil de la propaganda separatista, carga contra el Supremo... - Duration: 7:27.


Detenido un jefe de voluntarios en Cantabria por quemar el monte - Duration: 5:13.

 La Guardia Civil ha detenido al jefe de voluntarios de Protección Civil en Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria) por supuestamente ser el causante del incendio forestal que se produjo en la sierra de La Alcomba, en ese municipio, donde se quemaron más de 130 hectáreas de arbolado y monte bajo

 Según ha informado el Instituto Armado, el hombre, de 26 años y natural de Santander, fue detenido ayer y el alcalde de Ramales de la Victoria, Cesar García, ha anunciado a Efe que será expulsado de la agrupación de voluntarios de Protección Civil, que depende del Ayuntamiento

 Cesar García ha reconocido que ha sido "un golpe" para él, en lo personal, y para el Ayuntamiento la detención de este joven, que se ofreció para trabajar voluntariamente en la agrupación, de la que era el responsable

 El hombre fue detenido por su presunta vinculación con ese incendio, que ha sido uno de los más virulentos y los que llevó a una mayor intervención de los efectivos que trabajaron en los fuegos registrados durante cinco días en Cantabria y que obligó al traslado a la región de la Unidad Militar de Emergencias

 La investigación que ha llevado a la detención de este hombre fue iniciada por agentes del Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza (Seprona) de la Guardia Civil de Ramales de la Victoria que, tras la colaboración ciudadana, tuvieron "fundadas sospechas" sobre la posible vinculación del detenido con el incendio en ese municipio

 Durante sus indagaciones, los agentes del Seprona comprobaron que el hombre entró en contradicciones sobre el lugar donde se encontraba en el momento de producirse el incendio de la sierra de la Alcomba, que comenzó la noche del 17 al 18 de febrero

 Las pesquisas realizadas y las diferentes pruebas conseguidas llevaron a la detención ayer miércoles, a las 21

00 horas, de ese hombre, que fue citado como sospechoso en las dependencias de la Guardia Civil de Ramales de la Victoria

 El equipo de investigación del Seprona de la Guardia Civil de Cantabria, como hace en cada incendio que se sospecha que es intencionado, realizará un informe técnico para determinar su desarrollo, las causas o métodos utilizados u otros factores de interés

 Este jefe de los voluntarios de Protección Civil de Ramales es el tercer hombre investigado en Cantabria como presunto autor de los incendios forestales que registró la comunidad autónoma desde el jueves, 14 de febrero, hasta la madrugada del martes, 19 de febrero, con casi 200 focos en más de la mitad de los municipios de la comunidad autónoma

 Los otros dos hombres están siendo investigados, uno de 35 años por su presunta relación con un incendio en El Tojo, en el municipio de Los Tojos, y otro, de 39 años, por otro en San Roque de Río Miera

 La Guardia Civil continuará con las investigaciones de los incendios, que se consideren intencionados, y las actuaciones preventivas para intentar evitar otros nuevos

 Según recuerda el Instituto Armado, la información que tengan los ciudadanos pueden facilitarla a la Guardia Civil al teléfono 062 o a las patrullas que se encuentren en los lugares de los incendios

For more infomation >> Detenido un jefe de voluntarios en Cantabria por quemar el monte - Duration: 5:13.


Gad Elmaleh inquiet pour sa carrière américaine, sa décision implacable - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Gad Elmaleh inquiet pour sa carrière américaine, sa décision implacable - Duration: 1:27.


IZONE 내이름은 위즈원, 공식이죠 🧙‍♀️💗 IZONE announcing the news in February With Subtitles - Duration: 4:16.

Stop! Don't come in.

- I haven't introduced yet. - Sorry.

- MIN JU will... - Next.

Reporter MIN JU and CHAE WON, please come out.

[Two Kims were introduced]

- Hello. I'm reporter Ming. - Reporter Ming.

[KIM CHAE WON] [Surprised] - Reporter Ming! - Are we reporters?

What news did you prepare?

The 2nd news that I will introduce...

- Nervous. - I was. It's about CHAE WON

and YU JIN's graduation ceremony!

[Congratulations! KIM CHAE WON and AHN YU JIN graduated]

I went to CHAE WON's graduation ceremony.

What about me?

- Next time. - I'm going to visit your entrance ceremony.

[Saving] I will reserve the chance for you.

[3 years later] If you can't come, you may come to my graduation ceremony.

[There are at least 4 chances] - Right. - You don't have to come.

There's one more.

- YU JIN, how do you feel? - Okay.

[YU JIN will enter a high school] Let's ask her about how she feels.

[She will become a high school student]

YU JIN graduated from a middle school.

So, I'm going to enter a high school.

I wonder if my friends are watching me on V LIVE.

May I call their names?

- Class 3 friends in the 9th grade of Kwanak Middle School. - Love carried by TV.

Are you watching me now? If I have a chance,

I want to treat you to lunch. Please call me, friends.

[YU JIN, do you remember me? My number is 91 from Class 3!] And.. .

I'd like to thank teachers from the middle school.

Thank you, WIZONE, for congratulating me.

- WIZONE, thank you for congratulating CHAE WON's graduation. - Thank you.

[Approaching] Thank you for congratulating us.

- Go! - Breaking news. - Breaking news?

- Why do you say so calm? - It's not usual.

- IZ*ONE will... - Your concept is very...

Officially, IZ*ONE will recruit the first generation

[Feathers are flying on screen] of WIZONE.

[Finally! Recruiting official members of fandom] This Friday. From when? 2 PM!

[2 cuties are coming in] - 2 PM! - 2 PM. I didn't

expect you would say this so calmly.

- I prepared some wild reactions. - You had a wrong concept.

You chose a wrong concept.

- I will say that. Please shout out together. - Okay..

[Caution: Volume] Did you volume down?

Everyone, we're going to recruit the 1st generation of WIZONE!

[Mom, I'm the official member of WIZONE]

[I will attach the ID card on my forehead] If we have 12 members here..

- Finally! - It would be louder. - Sure.

That's all for today's announcement.

CHAE YEON, is there anything you want to say?

Let's have some time to talk about IZ*ONE's TMI.

- TMI! - Suddenly!

- Suddenly! - Everyone, get ready. - Good!

- This is how a live broadcast goes. - Right.

- I prepared something. - You did.

I've been waiting for today.

HITOMI's "Sorry sorry"

[Sorry Sorry] is now drawing fans' attention.

Following that, CHAE WON...

These days... What's wrong?

CHAE WON told me about how to do it.

- Did she? - She did.

- I was surprised... - Sorry sorry.

[HITOMI learned it from CHAE WON] We heard it now.

[Finally, I heard it with my ears!]

I was surprised by CHAE WON. In the waiting room,

I heard she called her by her name, KIM CHAE WON.

- I'm an elder sister! - So CHAE WON...

[They quarreled because HITOMI talked down] She said, "I'm older!"

[That's so cute!] I thought they would

fight together but

CHAE WON started laughing out loud.

[Angel-like CHAE WON] It was so cute when she said, "I'm older!"

- Please say "KIM CHAE WON". - KIM CHAE WON.

Hey! I'm older than you!

[She's a big sister!] - Exactly like this. - Elder sister!

I personally like this.

- When CHAE WON calls her "HITOMA". - Right.

- HITOMA. - Please show. - HITOMA.

[So cute vibe] Who is it?

Okay. Since we deliver the news for February in a pretty and cool way,

I hope you look forward to our news for March.

We'll be back with IZ*ONE news.


[Closing song]

- Should we do something like paper work? - Yes.

[IZ*ONE is so cute in that role play!] Thank you very much.

[My reactions will be reported on 9PM news show] Thank you!

- Bye. - Bye.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> IZONE 내이름은 위즈원, 공식이죠 🧙‍♀️💗 IZONE announcing the news in February With Subtitles - Duration: 4:16.



looky here everybody mr. Rudy has stopped by with us

how you doing Rudy I'm doing pretty good you fabulous bad girl you know you're

enjoying this snow heck yeah I like me some snow as long as the roads don't

close yeah that's the one worried but I heard up in Wisconsin they already got

about three inches of snow up there is what I heard and we don't want to go

that way no this is probably number two you right this is chickenshit for me you

always have your snowshoes on oh yeah for sure yeah well we're gonna cook up

some dinner you guys are welcome to stick around and meet with us all right

all right dinner is ready we're gonna eat this

dinner up y'all want to see you it's pretty good-looking yeah and then we're

gonna do a video video for you guys say hi girl

okay everybody let's talk to Rudy for a little bit you know what's up guys where

are you headed today well we're heading to Thunder Bay Ontario on our wait that

way anyways but right now we're in Chicagoland

Thunder Bay that sounds like fun water it is pretty close to water yeah yeah I

go all the way up to oh Claire Wisconsin I head to 53 and go up to Duluth

Minnesota and then I took believe it's highway 2 it goes all the way alongside

the lake up there and that goes right up to Thunder Bay up

there that's pretty cool you're an international player

yeah I am definitely an international crossing the border yeah no we're just

down here regular aisle boring people I'm not wearing Chicago I'd like getting

out of here safely yeah don't worry it is a lot of fun it's kind of exotica in

a way right yeah it is yeah like if you have ever seen me cross at International

folds mm-hmm you have yeah yeah there's a basically we cross on the same bridges

with the railway goes over oh that did it yeah

do they make your check and like you can things are cheaper to purchase down here

in America right that used to be true but it's not so much anymore there is

still a few things that might be cheaper but because the dollar is so high right

on the US dollar it's like 1:30 Canadian compared to the US right now so that's

like 30 33 percent difference so if you if you consider all of that and you

factor all of that into it things aren't so cheap anymore yeah I guess that look

at yeah I know but in the past I've talked to people that said that was a

big difference for certain items yes for certain items that might still be but

for pretty average things that you might be shopping for it really isn't

much of a difference anymore and you look at snowing out there right this is

just like baby steps for you oh yeah exactly for us this is this is nothing

especially if you drive up in Ontario and stuff like that way worse up there

or no Manitoba like or you saw the video where we did he was in Fargo there

mm-hmm that was that was much worse than what

we have today I think you win over 5000 subscribers other day you're hot you're

burning it up streaks out we try we try well you do some really good content

you're filming and takes your work is just fabulous oh thank you appreciate

that we do try our best we we have some good plans lots of plans for this summer

we planning on going to the truck show and Louie well if nothing goes wrong and

then it's summer we want to do some camping already got some plans for our

trip plans for camping and stuff so hopefully we'll get some good footage of

that get the drone out yeah I'm good drone flights out there

and hopefully you can get some good nice pictures again like you seen my sunrises

and sunsets I think that video were you and Chuck a jukebox was chasing each

other with the drones that was fine yeah we need to do that again now that would

be kind of fun to do yo we got a gremlin dog over here yeah that's just his

nature you know it's like that old adage about the the turtle and the support

beam you know whatever and at the end the tree

you know turtle saves the Scorpion and the Scorpion kills it anyway yes

yeah so that's kind of what we have planned for this summer hopefully we can

make good on all of that hopefully everything will work out that way and

even got Rudy on our mast just the ends right Rudy's gonna feel left out the

heaven map it's at home another home yeah that one goes up at the Canada yeah

he's just took the part of America that is yeah it is

well I'm looking forward to to summer again that I can't wait well you know

you'll see it before your your people's will up there yeah I will yeah

I always get the wife jealous Peschel if we get a nice hole going south I always

make sure I send their pictures it's nice and warm down

when does spring and why come on say spring I mean like typical spring

windows bud start coming on the trees usually May yeah

by May long weekend usually oh that that's not so far different you know

that our weather yang story she minute yeah I mean the snow is usually all gone

by by end of March maybe April mid-april usually it's most at time it's all gone

I mean we have time to where we still get snow and June these it is the

weather the same as when he was a kid well see I didn't grow up in then Canada

what I was you when you moved I was actually already married

I was 19 when we moved to Canada well that's been a few years ago yeah I was

in 2001 and so you might tell me where you grew up some people may not know

yeah sure I can do that I was born in Bolivia and shortly after

I was born my parents moved to Paraguay so for for most of my

young girl years I was living in Paraguay until I was 10 years old and

then we moved back to Bolivia for 4 years and then we moved back to Paraguay

again and so then you know I started working and stuff and then shortly after

that I got married moved to Canada 2001 just after 9/11 yeah yeah we were

actually delayed a little bit because of 9/11 I'm I didn't know the flights were

all shot down right only airports were shut down all in the world and that was

that was interesting Rudy speaks high German and Spanish and a little bit

France but he won't talk about it no no I don't speak no French but I do speak

Lord German High German a little because he can say partly Lou fronts like that


not really but no if you can speak German you speak French though because

there's so much Carlos Spanish as I should closer to that's what I mean

because it's got elements of both yeah yeah yeah like like especially the

numbers like keen says is very close to close to the French 1,500

I found it there with me this is weird because I'll try to communicate with

anybody right sure with whatever I got to use and when I go to Mexico or

something that look at me like that's not how you say it you know what I like

did you understand close enough yeah I insulting your mom or something yeah

yeah but no so that's that's how I grew up and I'm always been living in Canada

since 2001 we I'm married and we have two kids

our daughter is his handicap so she's in the wheelchair so she did okay yeah

she's doing okay yeah because she actually likes them videos and all she

loves the attention like any woman does yeah and so yeah she loves she loves it

when she can be on camera so we you know we make daily vlogs pretty much every

day anyways the all day we've limits a day here and there but you've had mom

out on the truck with you a little bit ago

night sure did she enjoyed it she enjoyed it that's good oh yeah we had a

good time and we got lucky that we got the nice trip going to tax

one way I always always nice yeah it was that was like summer weather for Canada

oh yeah everything artic blast wasn't it what Sun that was during the artic blast

wasn't it I'm not sure I don't remember I just remember it was really nice down

there we didn't she said it was being really cold and snowing up there in your

last day that day where's the spring flowers there yep yeah it was green

grass when we were in debt and Heaston last time mm-hmm that was the

same with us look at the greenery mm-hmm I saw a trucker jukeboxes videos today

and he was up in North Carolina the same thing it's all green no they're in the

same 72 degrees that's a really nice area I like North Carolina not a lot

y'all sure do don't get over there enough yeah kind of

been getting shorter trips here the last couple of weeks but hopefully they'll

change how do you maybe noticed a break volume that's of difference going on

with Canada I mean I think we're heading into a recession and yeah

and that you will too if we do yeah for sure that that will definitely happen so

far I haven't really noticed too much like we I've been getting loads every

time I want to go and I get a load right away it just not been super long trips

but it seems like I get a little right away so it might take longer for it I

didn't think about that but for you guys to feel it because as far as Frank

coming into Canada yeah brother plenty of it going to Canada I'm not sure if

there is usually it's the opposite usually there is lots of freight going

to the US but not so much coming back you manufactured goods is that what you

did not at all yeah yeah just just anything that goes in a dry drive van

and I will put you down over there but yeah so that's pretty much what we do is

anything that goes in a drive and is pretty much more evolved I mean we do a

little bit of liquid stuff but for a most most part that's dry goods

all right well we'd better let you guys go y'all

say how to roadie and go over and check out his channel if you would please yeah

definitely you know you might not regret it right

hey this is my cup of tea yeah yeah we we go down a road and we

travel Canada in the United States so you get to sequel to the countries and

and some nice scenery is up in Canada it's for sure also here in the US but

that's like a it both countries that's like I'm gonna ask my pop yeah so you

guys be safe out there I will catch you on the flip side well there goes Chuck

or Rudy everybody

For more infomation >> TWO SHIPS PASS IN THE NIGHT - TRC AND TRUCKER RUDI - Duration: 11:35.


Devil Fruit | Hounted House Monster Trucks | Vehicles Videos | Kids Cartoons - Duration: 3:23.

Devil Fruit Hounted House Monster Trucks

For more infomation >> Devil Fruit | Hounted House Monster Trucks | Vehicles Videos | Kids Cartoons - Duration: 3:23.


Lere - BLOCKED (prod. Monurga) - Duration: 1:28.


You blocked me for a whole 2 days

I told God that I'm fed up with this

Holy Spirit said the devil wins -

The devil wins if I accept defeat

So I chilled a bit

Sent you that message on your insta

But still frustrated that you blocking me

My calls ain't going through, I'm hurting kid

Then she calling my name

I say I'm sorry because I couldn't think

She tells me everyone's a snake

In her past they always creeping round - her state

Of mind is that I'll snap

That she waiting for my fangs

And I tell her that's not right

I love God more than I love you -

So there no way in hell that I can

Holy Spirit kept me calm

He explained she'll try my heart

Every time she getting mad

It's an attempt to make this crash

Our friend ship - so steer it back

Holy Spirit said I should steer it back

'cause she don't know how to trust a man

So I treat her like a cameraman try to make her smile

But don't say cheese, 'cause I ain't even got me that

She treats me like a counselor, she listens to me run my mouth -

And sometimes I don't know why

You know what this is like between you and I - you know, it's a really good song but nobody needs to know

For more infomation >> Lere - BLOCKED (prod. Monurga) - Duration: 1:28.


Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden - Duration: 3:30.

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden

For more infomation >> Dragon fruits roots as fertilizer | Dragon fruit rootstock | ছাদকৃষি | YT |#momtazgarden - Duration: 3:30.


#2 - Живая игрушка. Arduino + DFPlayer Mini - MP3 - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> #2 - Живая игрушка. Arduino + DFPlayer Mini - MP3 - Duration: 10:41.


Cristiano Ronaldo usa luxuosos ténis… no valor de mais de 13 mil dólares - Duration: 1:10.

Cristiano Ronaldo voltou a brilhar, mas não pelo seu talento no mundo do futebol.Desta vez, foi o look do craque português que esteve em destaque

De acordo com o jornal mexicano Récord, os luxuosos ténis que o futebolista usou antes da partida entre o Atlético de Madrid e a Juventus, para os oitavos de final da Liga dos Campeões, não passaram despercebidos

O calçado usado pelo jogador da equipa italiana, da marca Nike, conta com vários diamantes Swarovski, cujo o valor está acima dos 13 mil dólares, mais de 11 mil euros

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo usa luxuosos ténis… no valor de mais de 13 mil dólares - Duration: 1:10.


Detenido un jefe de voluntarios en Cantabria por quemar el monte - Duration: 5:13.

 La Guardia Civil ha detenido al jefe de voluntarios de Protección Civil en Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria) por supuestamente ser el causante del incendio forestal que se produjo en la sierra de La Alcomba, en ese municipio, donde se quemaron más de 130 hectáreas de arbolado y monte bajo

 Según ha informado el Instituto Armado, el hombre, de 26 años y natural de Santander, fue detenido ayer y el alcalde de Ramales de la Victoria, Cesar García, ha anunciado a Efe que será expulsado de la agrupación de voluntarios de Protección Civil, que depende del Ayuntamiento

 Cesar García ha reconocido que ha sido "un golpe" para él, en lo personal, y para el Ayuntamiento la detención de este joven, que se ofreció para trabajar voluntariamente en la agrupación, de la que era el responsable

 El hombre fue detenido por su presunta vinculación con ese incendio, que ha sido uno de los más virulentos y los que llevó a una mayor intervención de los efectivos que trabajaron en los fuegos registrados durante cinco días en Cantabria y que obligó al traslado a la región de la Unidad Militar de Emergencias

 La investigación que ha llevado a la detención de este hombre fue iniciada por agentes del Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza (Seprona) de la Guardia Civil de Ramales de la Victoria que, tras la colaboración ciudadana, tuvieron "fundadas sospechas" sobre la posible vinculación del detenido con el incendio en ese municipio

 Durante sus indagaciones, los agentes del Seprona comprobaron que el hombre entró en contradicciones sobre el lugar donde se encontraba en el momento de producirse el incendio de la sierra de la Alcomba, que comenzó la noche del 17 al 18 de febrero

 Las pesquisas realizadas y las diferentes pruebas conseguidas llevaron a la detención ayer miércoles, a las 21

00 horas, de ese hombre, que fue citado como sospechoso en las dependencias de la Guardia Civil de Ramales de la Victoria

 El equipo de investigación del Seprona de la Guardia Civil de Cantabria, como hace en cada incendio que se sospecha que es intencionado, realizará un informe técnico para determinar su desarrollo, las causas o métodos utilizados u otros factores de interés

 Este jefe de los voluntarios de Protección Civil de Ramales es el tercer hombre investigado en Cantabria como presunto autor de los incendios forestales que registró la comunidad autónoma desde el jueves, 14 de febrero, hasta la madrugada del martes, 19 de febrero, con casi 200 focos en más de la mitad de los municipios de la comunidad autónoma

 Los otros dos hombres están siendo investigados, uno de 35 años por su presunta relación con un incendio en El Tojo, en el municipio de Los Tojos, y otro, de 39 años, por otro en San Roque de Río Miera

 La Guardia Civil continuará con las investigaciones de los incendios, que se consideren intencionados, y las actuaciones preventivas para intentar evitar otros nuevos

 Según recuerda el Instituto Armado, la información que tengan los ciudadanos pueden facilitarla a la Guardia Civil al teléfono 062 o a las patrullas que se encuentren en los lugares de los incendios

For more infomation >> Detenido un jefe de voluntarios en Cantabria por quemar el monte - Duration: 5:13.


États-Unis : Trump contre le retour d'une femme ayant rejoint l'État islamique - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> États-Unis : Trump contre le retour d'une femme ayant rejoint l'État islamique - Duration: 7:56.


도베르만 대신 만져..아니 괴롭혀 보겠습니다 🤪 - Duration: 5:47.

도베르만 베니 Doberman Benny

For more infomation >> 도베르만 대신 만져..아니 괴롭혀 보겠습니다 🤪 - Duration: 5:47.


Cute Korean/Japanese 🌈 Couple (Relationship Goals)[MiChaeng] - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Cute Korean/Japanese 🌈 Couple (Relationship Goals)[MiChaeng] - Duration: 4:32.


미우새 홍자매 따라 광장시장 소소하게 가봤습니다^^* 나름이 먹방 KOREAN FOOD MUKBANG - Duration: 13:15.


I can't climb stairs well.. because I'm so old..

[Cheer up.. Pat, pat.]

I have to research a lot before coming here

you got it ?

Where am I going ?


What's that ?

There are so many people here…

as I expected…

Why am I here at GwangJang Market !

You know that one of variety show named "My Little Old Boy'

It's very hot lately..

(Blah Blah)

As a viewers of "My Little Old Boy'

I want to eat too…(that is…?)

So I came here !

If you want to eat tteok-bokki & Red fish cakes

Just go straight through the North Gate 2

but maybe it's not find a place..

because there are many exit here..

Hello *^^*

Hello *^^* x 2

(A shy laugh…)

Excuse me ~

would you mind if I film a video with eating food in here ?

(Owner) Of course, why not ?

Thank you so much *^^*

Can I seat here ?

Excuse me …~

(Simple Menus)

I'll try all of them except drug Gimbap

Put it in the cup so that its easier to eat. (1 for 1,000 won)

Wow ~~

It's this one ! the sauce ..

put the sauce on.. like this…

That's what I want lol

I was curious about it

[Yum !]

(It looks like a chilly day..)

I thought It would be tastes like a red fish cakes

but it's different

(I want to try it…)

[Yum !]

(Being serious)

you know.. Spicy red fish cakes are really spicy

but this is not too spicy

but the sauce has a spicy flavor

Excuse me, can I get a red fish cake ?

I'll using again

Wow ~~

It seems like a plain red fish cake

but if you look like this…

Look at this, it's spread red sauce on it

I think..

it's more like.. strong flavor

Let's dig in ~~

Mmmm ~

It's spicy ~

There's sesame in the sauce and..

I think..they've put some red chili-pepper paste in it…

[Yum !]

[Chewing chewing]

There are a lot of customers… so

I'll eat quickly.

Excuse me, Can I have tteok-bokki ?

[It's coming]

It looks like a cup tteok-bokki


Did you came here out of "My Little Old Boy' ?


Me too !

you know that… rice cakes can be easily overcooked

it's overcooked but ..

it's still delicious

It taste like a cheese

They've put a lot of sauce in here

[Chewing Chewing]

It's a bit spicy .. Sorry, can I get a coke ?

It's too much


It's so good

You wanna try it ?

[100% adapted At Market]

- How was it ? - It's delicious


the weather is cold and this is so hot…

I have a runny nose lol

[Done !]

It was really nice

It tastes like in front of school

You know that

Let me introduce one of the most famous in GwangJang market

That is ... a Bindae-tteok ! (Mung-bean pancake)

(I'm here at very famous Bindae-tteok place !)

Excuse me ~

would you mind if I film a video with eating food in here ?

I have a question.

How many Bindae-tteok do you sell in a day ?

- I can't count - Really? How many…?

What !? thousands ?!

'What an amazing…'

(I am at Sun-hee's Bindae-tteok.ft. "My Little Old Boy")

It feels very tough to film it on alone after long time

Can I order ?

Please give me the Modum-jeon (Assorted pan-fried delicacies)

and 1 sprite please !

Modum-jeon ( 2 Mung bean pancake + 1 Meat bindae-tteok : 10,000 won)

I'll enjoy it !

I've been speaking in dialect

(10 MIN AGO)

That's it

(Pickled onion)

It balances out greasiness

In total…10,000 won…it's really cheap, isn't it ?

[peek-a-boo XD ]

It's pretty heavy

I learned how to eat Bindae-tteok well.

Mung bean pancakes can getting cold quickly

(Being serious)

You're supposed to eat first the end of pancakes parts

eat with onions, like this

It's really good

There's bean sprouts and mug bean in here

When you taste too oily ~

eat with pickled onions

This is why I come to the market !

[embarrassed] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Let's dig in]

It's not easy to eat with chopsticks..

[Use both hands]

(It's still steaming..)

It didn't take many ingredients

but It's delicious

End parts are my favorite

(It's too hot…)

Meat bindae-tteok in this house is way better than Nokdu binder-tteok

(Put on these gloves…)

I love it

I'm better to eat now

[They've ordered makgeolli from the next table…]

(What ! Makgeolli !?)

They've sell Makgeolli here..


(Just drink a sprite)

People says Bindae-tteok gets soggy very fast...

So I ate it fast..

but it's still crispy


When you eat Bindae-tteok.. Onions are better than Kimchi

I think it's greasy

I love the onions ..*^^*

Meat bindae-tteok is break easily..

It's break easily..


It taste like a ….

Meatball… you know.. common food on Chuseok (Korean thanks giving day)

(Oh, I got it)

(Finally ....take off the gloves...)

(Good job...!)

I enjoyed that !

I'll pay for it ..

(Owner) It's free, it's my pleasure

No way ~ you can't

That's unfair.. I have to pay for it

Thank you so much ~

Thank you so much ~ x 2

The line is so long…

See you tomorrow !

For more infomation >> 미우새 홍자매 따라 광장시장 소소하게 가봤습니다^^* 나름이 먹방 KOREAN FOOD MUKBANG - Duration: 13:15.


RYCE - I'll be there - Duration: 1:43.

You and I must make a pact

We must bring salvation back

Where there is love, I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you

I'll have faith in all you do

Just call my name, I'll be there

Don't you know, baby

I'll be there, girl

I'll be there, baby

Just call my name, I'll be there

I'll be there, girl

I'll be there, baby

Just call my name, I'll be there

For more infomation >> RYCE - I'll be there - Duration: 1:43.


"– Lättmanövererad skida med bra flow!" SKIDTEST: Head Kore W 99 (2020) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> "– Lättmanövererad skida med bra flow!" SKIDTEST: Head Kore W 99 (2020) - Duration: 3:20.


BRIT Awards 2019: The 1975 give passionate speech about misogyny in the music industry - Duration: 2:25.

The 1975 made a powerful statement about misogyny as they accepted their BRIT Award on Wednesday

The band – who scooped two gongs at the prestigious ceremony –  used the opportunity to highlight a point very dear to their hearts

Taking to the stage to accept the award for Best British Group, the group's lead singer Matty Healy, 29, quoted music journalist Laura Snapes as he revealed he had a message he wanted people to "really, really think about"

He emotionally said: "I just want you to listen to me for one sec. I just thought you should all really, really think about it

"A friend of ours, Laura Snapes, said this: 'In music male misogyny acts are examined for nuance and defended as traits of difficult artists, and those who [criticise] them as hysterical people who don't understand art

'" The group were heaped with praise online as they used their speech to highlight the issue

One fan wrote: "# BRITAwards Matty Healy used his acceptance speech to call out sexual assault in the music industry I love him and the band so much, well done the 1975"

As another added: "The 1975 BRITS speech was the best thing ever". Despite the group's powerful speech, some fans were a little more distracted by fix claims which were circulating as they bagged their two gongs

They begun speculating that all might not be as it seemed after noticing that UKTV played an advert celebrating The 1975's victory ahead of the star-studded ceremony

The advert described the group as 'BRIT Winners' and went on to list them as 'Best British Group' and 'British Album Of The Year' – gongs the band did in fact go on to bag

Mirror online contacted the BRIT Awards and The 1975 for comment. Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at  webcelebs@trinitymirror

com  or call us direct 0207 29 33033

For more infomation >> BRIT Awards 2019: The 1975 give passionate speech about misogyny in the music industry - Duration: 2:25.


WARSZAWA 🏞️ Łazienki Królewskie [4K] - Duration: 5:48.

Warsaw The Royal Łazienki

Myślewicki Palace

Palace on the Island


Palace on the Island

New Orangery


Old Orangery

Music Dan Gibson

Pictures and assembly Eugeniusz Delbowski

For more infomation >> WARSZAWA 🏞️ Łazienki Królewskie [4K] - Duration: 5:48.


Om Nom Stories Play Doh Sparkle Glitter Dresses Princess Making for Kids - Duration: 6:59.

Welcome to our channel.

Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!

You are watching the video "Om Nom Stories Play Doh Sparkle Glitter Dresses Princess Making for Kids"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> Om Nom Stories Play Doh Sparkle Glitter Dresses Princess Making for Kids - Duration: 6:59.


オースティン♡オースティン♡オースティン♡【ハローキティ・いまのお仕事紹介Vol.3】 - Duration: 2:05.

Hello! This is Kitty!

This time, I met an international star

who is also a great YouTuber.

That person seems to be filming now.

This way?

Oh, please take a look.

That's the great YouTuber.

Also a world famous star.

Mr. Austin Mahone.

Let's listen to what he said straight away.

Hey, Hello Kitty. Congratulations on your new YouTube Channel, keep up the hard work, I love the channel.

Thank you!

Please give me advice as an experienced YouTuber.

Make sure you make a video every single day so that it grows. I'll see you on the other side!


Thank you very much.

Please tell me about your latest single.

I have a new single out. It's called "Why Don't We." You should check it out. It's atsui.

Thank you very much.

In closing, would you mind taking a picture with me?


I'm so excited, he's even better looking up close.

He even escorted me. He is a true gentleman!

OK. Say cheese.

Thank you very much.

This will be a good memento.

Afterwards, I went to see him perform his new single, it's a fantastic song!

I couldn't help but dance.

Next time, I will report on an event featuring Austin and me.

So today, together with Austin....

Please subscribe to my channel!

For more infomation >> オースティン♡オースティン♡オースティン♡【ハローキティ・いまのお仕事紹介Vol.3】 - Duration: 2:05.


(EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP4 [소리] - Duration: 8:12.

SoRi's Youtube Channel

Isn't it similar with Kim Wan-sun's style?

I think this one would fit well on UV sunbae

Girly natural vibe

If I grab is like this and cut it a little bit on the back too

(got off the the car and heading for shopping)


There are the shops

If there is any that I think is nice I will go inside and check it out

And here

There are a lot of delicious Italian restaurants

A lot of delicious food

(today I think I will eat something delicious)

As I came here I should eat too, don't you think so?

Here is so cute

As expected, tiger pattern

(some extravagant hippie discovery)

This one is cute too

(some hippie style sunglasses )

(trying on each of them for choosing the stage costumes)

Isn't it similar with Kim Wan-sun's costume?

(first costume-Kim Wan-su's style)

The Levi's jeans brand

It feels like it should be well with those kind of jeans, you know what I mean, don't you?

Do you know? The Levi's leather jackets blend?

It feels similar with those jackets

I think UV Sunbae would like it

(only imagine and we can say it would fit well)

(SoRi's real fashion show starts now)

~(the shoulder are rising up)

(Belly dancer SoRi is coming)

It looks like a tango costume

Are you sure it fits me well?

(it's a style that not to everybody would fit)

will try the next one

(provocative pose)

I think is kind of big for me

The waist is big too

(such a girly style, going back to teenage time)

It has a thin and nice material

so soft

I think the color is pretty as well

(I just put on the dress I got)

How is it?Is it cute?

Got a good item

Here is 30% off price

30% off so I think is a really good purchase

They have nice clothes

It's like a remodeled dress

So I bought that

I can see some traces of fingers

But I think the quality is good

Here are the clothes I got

(it looks like the shopping bag will explode)

Here are the clothes I tried on earlier

later, for "I'm Ready" promotion

(Laughing SoRi)

I will wear them during the I'm Ready promotion

I need to think how should I wear them so it would look nice

But I bought a lot of nice clothes

Got a good item

I feel good

Finally SoRi tried on LA style clothes

(LA girly style dress)

(moving to the next shopping place)

~As I bought so many at good price from one shop

I feel so good

This kind of jackets

are best for the taking off for "I'm Ready"

(uniform style-the perfect style for I'm Ready concept)

(model walking)

This one is good for wearing during daily life as well

Wearing this when I am going out

(the point of this costume is the line from the back)

This one is pretty but, the design is nice

but the chest part is too open

~it might not be good for TV broadcasting

I don't think it will work

This kind of shape

is really good for dresses

I am going to take some photos

I think is difficult to dance wearing this one

But there are many people who were wearing this, it was in trend

Like tight fitting clothes?

I am going to change (pretending to be sensual)

This one is open-shoulders style

and it includes even a belt

It doesn't fit me though

It is cut till up here

If I cut it like this in front

I think it would look great on the stage

It looks really pretty when I dance as well

But it looked quite different than what I saw on the mannequin

Grab it like this

(black fits SoRi so well)

And cut it a little bit on the back too

I think it looks pretty for a stage costume

Even though is leather

it doesn't feel uncomfortable

(that one?)

This is the one I wanted to try the most

I am going to try it on

This one is not bad

If I cut a little bit in front

Or pull the shoulders

The design is really nice

(what do you guys think?)

It's warm

I know it's quite low-cut and short

it's quite warm

(really warm looking costume?)

I think is good

(got a lot of items from this shop as well)

The name of the shop is House London

Is the shop from where I tried on the clothes I showed to you earlier

Which one do you think I actually bought?

So pretty

Really pretty

Actually many of those I thought would fit me well actually they didn't

If my body shape would have looked better

Always having regrets

If you have a nice body, anything you wear it looks pretty, even big dresses

I think I still have a lot to work on

Anyway, what do you think I got?

Are you curious too, aren't you?

Are you curious of what I got?

You will find out later

(stay tuned for the next episode of SoRi's USA trip)

Shopping made me tired

For more infomation >> (EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP4 [소리] - Duration: 8:12.


KT : NBA players react to Zion Williamson's injury - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> KT : NBA players react to Zion Williamson's injury - Duration: 3:41.


Anthony Martial apologises to fiancée over his "mistakes" amid cheating allegations - Duration: 2:31.

 Anthony Martial has issued a public apology to his fiancée amid cheating allegations

  The Daily Star alleges Martial slept with a French model last summer while his partner Melanie Da Cruz was pregnant

 She gave birth to their son Swan just weeks after the apparent meeting with Martial jetting home from Manchester United's pre-season tour to be by his fiancées side

  Martial took to Instagram on Wednesday night to apologise to her and his family for his "mistakes" and posted a picture of the couple on the back of a boat

 "I would like to apologise to my relatives, my beautiful family and especially my fiancée for the harm I have done in recent months," he posted

 "I made mistakes and I'm sorry it will not happen again." Read More Man Utd set to hand Marcus Rashford six-year contract after breakthrough in negotiations  Martial and French TV star Da Cruz got together in 2016 after he split from previous girlfriend Samantha Jacquelinet

They have a daughter together called Peyton.   Da Cruz made her name on a French adaptation of Big Brother and has since become a reality TV star

 Martial has played a key role in United's recent revival under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at Old Trafford

 The Frenchman picked up an injury in the Champions League defeat to PSG last week and was tipped to be on the sidelines for up to three weeks

  But both he and Jesse Lingard - who was also injured during the match - have made rapid recoveries and could even feature against Liverpool this weekend

Read More Why Jose Mourinho made Paul Pogba feud public  United are yet to taste defeat in the Premier League under Solskjaer and go into the clash in fourth place

 They will also have one eye on the title race with victory over Liverpool handing a real boost to City as they look to retain their crown

Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> Anthony Martial apologises to fiancée over his "mistakes" amid cheating allegations - Duration: 2:31.



For more infomation >> CAR TRAP REMİX 2019 I BEST CAR TRAP RAP MİX - Duration: 6:25.


占卜揭秘:这段感情该不该复合?旧情人哪里好,时间会给你答案 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 占卜揭秘:这段感情该不该复合?旧情人哪里好,时间会给你答案 - Duration: 3:47.


Royal Az - Melody Thomas Scott Feels 'Blessed' to be Celebrating 40 Years on The Young and the Rest - Duration: 7:24.

 Melody Thomas Scott is celebrating 40 years of playing the fabulous Nikki Reed Newman on The Young and the Restless

 "I don't think any actor in this business ever thinks they'll be playing the same role for 40 years," the actress tells PEOPLE in this week's issue (on stands Friday) about her fan-favorite character, which was first introduced on Feb

20, 1979. "There are very few people that make it that far, so I feel extremely blessed

" Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications

 CBS will air a special episode Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET/PT to mark the milestone, featuring vintage flashbacks from iconic past episodes to pay tribute to Scott's character on the daytime soap opera

The episode will also focus on Nikki's current story, as she sits locked up in jail while penning a letter to her grandchildren about the details of her fascinating life and marriage to marriage to Victor (played by Eric Braeden)

 "It's the kind of thing that straws along and happens — you don't think about it," the 62-year-old actress adds

"You're just busy doing what you love to do and then all of the sudden your production office tells you, 'oh, your anniversary is coming up,' and you just think, 'oh my goodness, I can't believe it's been this long

'"  Evolving from "a poor girl from the wrong side of the track" into "the matriarch of Genoa City," Nikki's "bad attitude" has come a long way in four decades — but Scott admires her for it

 "Nikki is much more cultured, but, on the other hand, she still leads with her heart instead of her mind," she says about what she loves most about her character

"She's never really learned lessons from the debacles that have happened, and I think that makes her still rather endearing to the fans

"  "No matter what heights Nikki reaches, she's still underneath it all and pretty naïve, even though she's learned how to use her femininity and her money and her standing in the community to her benefit, but she's still, underneath it all, pretty lost," she adds

 Call it fate — or encouragement from an agent who knows best! — but Scott was once a young "frustrated comedian" looking to pick up a quick television role to kickstart her career

 "I remember my talent test and I remember being very nonchalant about the whole thing because the same week I had gotten a sitcom pilot for NBC, and I'm such a frustrated comedian that I, of course, wanted to do that pilot," she says, while remembering her first year on the show

"My agent [said], 'oh, come on…it's only three years…you'll have a lot of fun,' and I listened to her because I trusted her, in spite of the fact that I wanted to do the sitcom

"  "Well, the moral of that story is always listen to your agent because boy is she right because the sitcom never got past the pilot stage, so it was definitely the right decision," Scott says with a laugh

 And, boy, was she happy she listened. Although the storyline of Nikki and Victor's undying love saga "has to be the most precious part of the show for me," Scott owes it to Y&R for introducing her to her own real-life love: she married executive producer Edward J

Scott in 1985.  "Nikki didn't just change my career, but it changed the course of my entire life in allowing me to meet my future husband, who's responsible for the children I had," says the mother of three

"It just really changed my life in a profound way, and I'm also very grateful for that

"  Scott's long-running role on Y&R has opened doors that led her to places she would have never expected, such as her friendship with the late Aretha Franklin

 "I had been at work all day and I had had a long, hard day, I was tired and cranky," Scott says of the moment she met the music icon early in her career

"I lived near a pretty expensive newsstand and I'm there looking through magazines, again, not in the best of moods and I kind of notice this woman a few feet away from me also perusing through magazines, and I caught the look she had on her face – after a while you recognize a fan's shock at seeing you

"  "I hadn't yet learned how to be humble with my fans and this story taught me a huge lesson," she continues about the craziest fan encounter she's had in 40 years

"The woman comes up behind me, taps me on the shoulder and I kind of spun around very rudely, and she said, 'excuse me, don't you play Nikki on The Young and The Restless?' and I'm like, 'yes, yes, yes' – I just was terrible – and she extends her hand out to me for me to shake it and she says, 'Aretha Franklin, good to meet you

'" For more, pick up this week's issue of PEOPLE, on stands Friday  "Well! Aretha Franklin! And I had just been so rude to Aretha Franklin! I just wanted to fall into a hole and I started to apologize and I started to carry on about how great I thought she was," she says

"Well, may I say, the few times we ran into each other for business reasons at award shows or whatever, since then, she never forgot that night at the newsstand

I'm telling you, the last time I saw her before she passed on, she was still reminding me of that

It was a huge, huge lesson – never be rude no matter how tired you are; always be gracious!"  Aside from traveling, reading and wishing her beloved terrier Reilly would "live forever," Scott's "sick actress answer" to what makes her the most happy in her day-to-day life is simple: her career

 "Being on a set, being on a soundstage, breathing in that air, just being there in the center of your joy – that's it for me and there's nothing better," she says

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Melody Thomas Scott Feels 'Blessed' to be Celebrating 40 Years on The Young and the Rest - Duration: 7:24.


Svansjöns förskola i Sverige - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Svansjöns förskola i Sverige - Duration: 3:52.


愛しのハムケツ♡ソファんぽはハムケツ祭♪Pooh's cute buttocks☆English subtitles - Duration: 2:32.

Pooh's cute buttocks

Please subscribe!

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> 愛しのハムケツ♡ソファんぽはハムケツ祭♪Pooh's cute buttocks☆English subtitles - Duration: 2:32.


Emma Marrone grida dal palco "Aprite i porti": fan entusiasti, ma sui social tanti insulti - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Emma Marrone grida dal palco "Aprite i porti": fan entusiasti, ma sui social tanti insulti - Duration: 3:40.


✅ Breaking News - 'I've won five Champions Leagues, these guys 0': Ronaldo mocks Atleti - Duration: 4:01.

A wound-up Cristiano Ronaldo continued to taunt Atletico Madrid fans after Juventus' 2-0 defeat, holding up five fingers in the media zone for each of his Champions League titles

 Having been singled out by the Spanish supporters on Wednesday night, the Portuguese responded to taunts by repeatedly performing the gesture, a clear reference to his incredible success in the competition

 And evidently the 34-year-old was still seething after the game as he marched through the Wanda Metropolitano media zone with a scowl on his face

Scroll down for video. He refused to speak directly to any journalists but again held up the five-finger gesture and declared: 'I won five Champions Leagues and these guys none

'Ronaldo made a zero with his hand as if to drive home the point as he sped away clutching his luxury wash bag under his arm

   The Portuguese forward was jeered throughout the match at the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium

Share this article Share As a former Real Madrid legend, he attracted plenty of ire from the home support and it seemed to get under his skin

 He fixed those mocking him in the stands with a glare and held the five fingers towards them, shaking his hand in a wave to ridicule the naysayers

 His response was unequivocal and impossible to argue with having won the Champions League four times with Real Madrid and once with Manchester United

  But it will take a special effort to add number six to the list this season. Juventus will need to produce a remarkable turnaround in the second leg to reverse the two goal deficit

 Late goals from Uruguayan defenders Jose Gimenez and Diego Godin mean Diego Simeone's side will be heavy favourites to progress

Juventus boss Massimilano Allegri still holds out hope that his men will be able to turn it around

  'We were not dead after the 3-0 home defeat against Madrid last season and we are not dead now,' Allegri told UEFA

com.'We have to forget this defeat quickly and try to play better in Turin because against a team like Atletico you miss a pass and you are in trouble

'We'll have some players back and there's no point crying over spilt milk. We got the approach wrong in the second half - it's that simple

These things can happen.'It will not be easy in Turin - we will need a great game, but I remain confident

'And Diego Simeone accepted that Atletico will have to 'suffer' if they want to progress to the quarter-finals

 'We know it will be difficult in Turin, I'm sure we will have to suffer a lot. I don't see any other way to do it,' he said

 'These are my boys. There are lots of things you can win, but you remember these moments of a competitive team

'It's the best thing that can happen to a sportsman - being in a group that knows how to compete and fight like brothers

'We were a really strong team. We took the game to where we wanted it to be.'We got comfortable as the minutes passed, created chances and finally got the goals that give us a win against a really, really strong opponent,' he concluded

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For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - 'I've won five Champions Leagues, these guys 0': Ronaldo mocks Atleti - Duration: 4:01.


(Eng Sub) 슈앤트리 그것이 알고싶다! (Q&A 답변) - Duration: 10:24.

Hello! This is SHU AND TREE

I've found so many replies from the Q/A video.

It seems that those questions are quite similar

So, I'd like to answer them from now on.

Question1 What made you the pet(dog) groomer?

6 years ago,

I was an ordinary office worker.

I didn't graduate from a special grooming school.

My family had little puppy, Yorkshire Terrier, JJong.

She used to be an abandoned dog but my daddy decided to have her.

She became one of my best friends.

Someday, I gave her a little haircut.

just with a clipper!

My sister came back home and asked me.

'Has she got a hair cut at a dog grooming shop?'

I told her that I groomed her.

But she never believed me.

Suddenly, I realized that I may be talented at pet grooming.

That's the why I started the pet grooming.

I registered for a evening pet grooming class after work.

My life was tough at that time since I had to go to the class right after working.

I always practiced at the class until the closing time.

It was so much fun for me even though I got sometimes tired.

Enjoying the grooming,

I got a certificate and prize, working as a grooming trainer.

I finally met SHU at that time.

This is the reason i stared the grooming work.

hope it's a good answer for you.

Question2 How many years have you worked as a groomer?

I went to the grooming class for a year

and worked as a grooming trainer for the next year.

Well, But I didn't enjoy training

I was interested in grooming than in training.

After quitting the trainer job, I started to grooming at a pet shop.

At a veterinary clinic and my shop, Shu and Tree,

I've been working for 5 years.

It is total 7 years including 2 year experience at grooming class.

Question3 Happy/unhappy experience as a pet groomer.

Let's begin with the happy things.

It's the best job that I can be with my puppies, Shu and Tree

I'm really pleased that the customers are happy with the grooming.

One more,

I feel thrilled with the likes and support of you on video reply.

Next, Hard things,

I can spend days telling you this.

First, ​It's physically tough.

5 minute video is edited

form 3 or 4 hour grooming.

It's not easy work with 3 or 4 hour scissoring since I feel tired for my fingers and arms.

I exhausted if the puppy gets easily distracted.

You know, puppies can't talk.

I wish they could tell what they like or hate while grooming.

Then I can be more careful for what they don't like.

It's absolutely important talking with the owner about the puppy before grooming.

Communication with them let me know more about the puppies.

If you have a plant to go to any grooming shop,

Communication with the groomer about any detail for the puppy would help her.

Question4 How to make puppies relax while bathing and grooming.​

This is kind of difficult to answer.

I have to be honest that no puppy likes grooming.

There might be exception.

​But most of them get stressed.

They certainly need the bathing and grooming.

except for some breeds.

It's tough but important to groom

not making puppies get so much stressed.

I try to make them feel comfortable as much as I can.​

Spa can be the way!

If the puppy doesn't get scared of water,

I can make him relaxed with the spa.

I can also focus on grooming with him.

at a quiet atmosphere.

There is no such special skill.

Please let me know if you have a better idea!

Question5 What hair-cutting tools I use.

I've found many groomer, trainee and pet owner who gives his pet the hair cut.

I'd like to briefly introduce my tools.

These are Madan's Curve Scissors.(from Japan)

I use it to delicately trim around paws and in front of eyes.

A lot of people asked about these scissors.

It's no brand.

I got them from Taobao.

These are better at cutting than plain ones.

These are normal A-shin Scissors.(from Korea)

I use them conveniently for any parts.

These are Utsumi Super Curve Scissors.(from japan)

I love these Japanese ones

and use them for making a round shaped head.

Question6 What made you create the grooming videos?

I wanted to keep the memory of Shu and Tree with making video

and share it with others.

It's same for the grooming videos.

They are actually my portfolio.

Many people started to be interested in our channel and videos.

Thank you for your likes and support.

I will continue to make good videos that can make you happy and smile.

We are so grateful for your support.

I answered some of your questions.

hope it is the good answer for you.

I will try to answer more question

and communicate with you all.

Thank you for watching the video!

See you again!

To be continued.

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub) 슈앤트리 그것이 알고싶다! (Q&A 답변) - Duration: 10:24.


Receita de SUCO PARA LIMPAR O INTESTINO e Emagrecer #sucodetox - Duration: 0:53.

Juice Recipe To Clean The Intestine And Lose weight

Hi, how are you?

Sign up for our channel and leave it like on video.

Cleaning the intestine can be easy with this delicious juice.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


2 apples

2 leaves of lettuce

2 tablespoons oat flakes

300 ml of water

sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, sugar and drink next.

Share this recipe.

See you

For more infomation >> Receita de SUCO PARA LIMPAR O INTESTINO e Emagrecer #sucodetox - Duration: 0:53.


montare tub bec la o plafoniera cu tub neon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> montare tub bec la o plafoniera cu tub neon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Duration: 5:48.


Multas para pedestres e ciclistas? Foco deveria estar em questões mais importantes - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Multas para pedestres e ciclistas? Foco deveria estar em questões mais importantes - Duration: 1:01.


Little Einsteins O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime! Episode 3 - Amy Boyle - Duration: 3:31.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Little Einsteins O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime! Episode 3 - Amy Boyle - Duration: 3:31.


✅ Espelho da Vida: Julia desmaia ao visitar Danilo na prisão - Duration: 1:41.

Grávida de seu primeiro filho, Cris/Julia (Vitória Strada) deve passar por maus bocados, após a prisão de Danilo (Rafael Cardoso), em Espelho da Vida

No capítulo desta quinta-feira (21) da atual novela das 18h da Globo, a protagonista, aliás, deve visitar o amado na prisão

Em tal ocasião, a filha do coronel Eugênio Castelo (Felipe Camargo), contudo, deve chegar a desmaiar, ao ter contato com Danilo, atrás das grades

Como será que o casal vai conseguir se livrar de tal situação? Confira o resumo completo da novela de hoje: Danilo afirma ao Inspetor que não roubou as joias de Julia

Gustavo encontra Cris/Julia e informa sobre o ocorrido com Danilo. Eugênio expulsa a filha de casa

Alain é entrevistado sobre a mudança de protagonistas em seu filme, e se enfurece com Isabel

Michele se revolta contra Pat, que revela a Vitor sobre a viagem da amiga

Otávio impede que Gustavo atire contra Danilo. Abigail e Zezé descobrem que foram enganadas por Aristides

Cris/Julia visita Danilo na prisão e desmaia. Notícias Relacionadas   20/02/2019 | 18h03m - Julia Teixeira Bomba! Espelho da Vida: Pat não é filha de Marcelo   20/02/2019 | 13h05m - Flávia à vila Espelho da Vida: Avó de Júlia incriminará Danilo   20/02/2019 | 12h10m - Julia Teixeira Rafael Cardoso posa sem camisa com amigos e 'leva bronca' da esposa

For more infomation >> ✅ Espelho da Vida: Julia desmaia ao visitar Danilo na prisão - Duration: 1:41.


Ruído branco bebê sono - 10 horas - Water Fountain Sounds - Duration: 10:02:17.

For more infomation >> Ruído branco bebê sono - 10 horas - Water Fountain Sounds - Duration: 10:02:17.


Viitorul ginere al lui Mugur Mihăescu lucrează la Rolls Royce! Fiica actorului are o relație de câți - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Viitorul ginere al lui Mugur Mihăescu lucrează la Rolls Royce! Fiica actorului are o relație de câți - Duration: 2:14.


【MUKBANG】 Crispy & Sticky!! Pork And Grated Yam Rice Bowl [8000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:23.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (Eng by ~AphexxLegend~)

So today tadaa I've made some crispy torotoro (yam) its made with crispy pork and tororo

I made a bit too much of the tororo grated yam and its covered the pork I made the pork to a crispy perfection

lets see how its made

These are the ingredients pork starch vegetable oil sugar salt mirin sake grated ginger

grated garlic rice mizuna herb yam and yolks

Add starch to pork

Add 3 milimeters of vegetable oil to a pan and once it comes to heat fry the pork

Once it takes on color drain it of oil

In another frying pan add sugar soy sauce mirin sake and grated ginger

once it heats up add the pork we made previously

I can eat bucket loads of this stuff

plate out the rice and our herb



tororo yam

its hiding all the pork


it broke

Are the yolks are on tadaa its all done

It looks delicious I have a japanese style soup with leek and minced beef


The pork looks amazing lets eat it with the yam

bust up some yolks

its def gonna be yummy

the surface of the pork is so crispy its so very fatty and delish

its topped with all this tororo making it so yummy

this mustard green is so yummy and crunchy

there are so many different types of mouthfeels in this dish the gooey tororo and crisp pork and crunchy mustard green

The pork is so sweet and salty

The leek is so tender and sweet

I really love that fatty pork

lets take a moment to add some wasabi and soy sauce

this stuff goes awesome with tororo

I love mixing light and fresh flavors with heavy rich foods

(RAW EGGS ARE SAFE IN JAPAN salmonella = no smelly = no safe = yes tasty =yes)

Since I covered it in so much starch it stays crispy for so long

last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita the crispy gooey bowl was so yummy

its a perfect balance of fresh and rich flavors

whenever you add deep fried things it really makes things better deep fried stuff is the G.O.A.T.

It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you want

Me to do or eat comment section if you like this video plz hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

lets all eat yummy stuff tomorrow

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Crispy & Sticky!! Pork And Grated Yam Rice Bowl [8000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:23.


Meghan si po svatbě s princem Harrym hraje na Britku, míní fanoušci - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Meghan si po svatbě s princem Harrym hraje na Britku, míní fanoušci - Duration: 3:59.


WARSZAWA 🏞️ Łazienki Królewskie [4K] - Duration: 5:48.

Warsaw The Royal Łazienki

Myślewicki Palace

Palace on the Island


Palace on the Island

New Orangery


Old Orangery

Music Dan Gibson

Pictures and assembly Eugeniusz Delbowski

For more infomation >> WARSZAWA 🏞️ Łazienki Królewskie [4K] - Duration: 5:48.


Scenariu exploziv! Cristian Cioacă ar putea fi eliberat cu ajutorul lui Victor Ciorbea! Soțul Elodie - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Scenariu exploziv! Cristian Cioacă ar putea fi eliberat cu ajutorul lui Victor Ciorbea! Soțul Elodie - Duration: 3:25.


Rent Ä Schubert – Olaf bei den "Fettboys" | Microsoft - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Rent Ä Schubert – Olaf bei den "Fettboys" | Microsoft - Duration: 1:40.


Baldur's Gate - odc.49 - Bez Komentarza - Fade (włącz napisy/tłumaczenia dialogów ang.) - Duration: 43:09.

For more infomation >> Baldur's Gate - odc.49 - Bez Komentarza - Fade (włącz napisy/tłumaczenia dialogów ang.) - Duration: 43:09.


Roadmap to matura 2023 - Etap 2 Apply - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Roadmap to matura 2023 - Etap 2 Apply - Duration: 2:17.


Fosta iubită a lui Gabriel Cotabiţă s-a măritat! Cântăreaţa Dalia Puşcă e în al nouălea cer: „A fost - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Fosta iubită a lui Gabriel Cotabiţă s-a măritat! Cântăreaţa Dalia Puşcă e în al nouălea cer: „A fost - Duration: 2:53.


Литые диски RW H-497 цвет DDN F/P - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Литые диски RW H-497 цвет DDN F/P - Duration: 1:33.


Roadmap to matura 2023 - Etap 3 Adapt - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Roadmap to matura 2023 - Etap 3 Adapt - Duration: 2:19.


frase do dia quando Deus quer agir - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> frase do dia quando Deus quer agir - Duration: 0:26.


Anna plays beauty salon and helps Victor get to the disco - Duration: 3:57.

beauty saloon



Oh my God

what it is

it is beautiful

no no no, comon



oh yeah

thank you

it's not finished


yes yes!!!

what is it

it's mask

I finished

stop stop stop


and dress?


no no no

I'm kidding

very nice Anna

I'm go

OK, very nice!


Wow, hello

what is it?

I'm sorry

ok, comon

For more infomation >> Anna plays beauty salon and helps Victor get to the disco - Duration: 3:57.


[ENG]눈오는날 아슬란 인절미빵 사러가는길 | 여자친구의 감성&힐링 나레이션 VLOG(feat. 태리)[커플브이로그] - Duration: 5:24.

Hello everyone, it's taeri.

I met guri today. I have a lot of snow today

I'm going to step on my eyes.

Where is he going?

I'm going down the escalator.

My shoes were wet.

I came to buy asian bread.

Pop up for 10 days at our department store I have a store with me.

I hurried to hear from you. I took a shot at how to make it.

Fill the cream with the cream evenly on the side and apply it.

The size is big.

After that, It makes a setting on the side buried.

And wrap them one by one to eat. You gave it to me.

I think it would be a good gift.

We buy 8 pieces and divide them into 2 boxes. You packed it.

The price is 1 $ 3 $ 4 for $ 10.

We came to eat champon.

It looks like it's just been called Mont-Champon.

It looks delicious, so I came to have lunch.

Sprinkle with vinegar

I'm waiting for your order.

Shy ... taeri's heart

The champon came right out and it was great.

The mackerel was very varied with meat, mushrooms and squid.

It was delicious and shaved and broth. Better than others

It was a good champon to eat on a snowy day.

I did not eat rice because the rice was free here.

I ate a bite.

I also eat radish.

A feast for six

For dessert, ice cream

I took footprints on the road.

Now that we have finished shopping and take the bus It is the way to go home.

Why is it always raining when I go home?

Thank you for watching our video today. Thank you.

Please look forward to our food videos.

See you next time.


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