Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 21 2019

La vida de Cabrera dio tantos giros que una sola temporada de una serie no alcanzaría para contarla a la perfección

Pasó de dormir en una plaza y revolver tachos de basura en busca de comida a convertirse en referente del fútbol femenino; fundar la Asociación Femenina de Fútbol Argentino (AFFAR), armar el primer equipo de chicas ciegas de Buenos Aires y disertar en la ONU (Organización de las Naciones Unidas) en Nueva York sobre su trabajo para empoderar a las mujeres y darles herramientas para tener una vida mejor

Nada mal para esta chica de 31 años que pudo revertir su destino a fuerza de empuje, ganas, constancia y pasión

Su infancia fue muy difícil: a los 13 años se fue de su casa y vivió algunos años en la calle

Dormía en un banco de la plaza frente a su escuela, hecha un ovillo y abrazando su mochila, para poder asistir por las mañanas

Así fue como terminó la secundaria, comenzó a estudiar Educación física, a trabajar como tesorera en un restaurante y a dar clases como personal trainer

Por aquel entonces, una amiga le propuso jugar al fútbol y, aunque dice que era muy mala jugadora, se presentó en una prueba en Platense y eso cambió todo para siempre

"Este deporte me dio herramientas y valores para poder encaminar mi vida, dándome normas que no tenía", explica , que una vez que la ficharon para el club empezó a entrenar sin parar y a buscarse sponsors para dejar de usar las camisetas viejas que les daban en el club

"Les mandaba mails a todas las marcas: desde Nike (de quien ahora, años después, es la cara de su campaña) hasta los comercios de la zona

Cayeron tres locales barriales y con eso pudimos comprar la ropa de entrenamiento

Y empezaron a venir más chicas, porque no podían creer todo lo que conseguíamos", cuenta orgullosa

El fútbol era su pasión, la hacía realmente feliz, pero la vida le dio otro revés

Resiliencia "Empecé a sentirme mal, me dolía mucho la cabeza y comencé a recorrer médicos

En total fui a tres, nadie me encontraba nada, pero se me había elevado una hormona, la prolactina

Me detectaron un tumor que era benigno y me operaron, por suerte con eso alcanzó

La mala noticia me la dio el endocrinólogo: no podía hacer actividad física. Y mi mundo se derrumbó, entré en una crisis tremenda porque quería seguir ligada con el fútbol

Y ahí fue cuando me propuse ser entrenadora", cuenta y otra vez tuvo que aprender a reinventarse: "Se me ocurrió ir al playón de la estación de Tigre con una sobrina de 9 años que hice pasar por una falsa alumna

Las dos vestidas con ropa deportiva, le decía ´si yo te digo corré, vos corré´. Armé una página en Facebook y estuvimos dos meses así hasta que empezaron a caer desde nenas de 10 años hasta mujeres de 45 que querían jugar al fútbol y no tenían dónde hacerlo

La municipalidad de Tigre me cedió el polideportivo Sarmiento y me largué. Venían algunas chicas que no podían pagar, se notaba que ni siquiera comían así que empecé a llevar chocolatada caliente, otras llevaban galletitas

Y me di cuenta que con el fútbol solo no alcanzaba". Entonces fue por más. Y creó la AFFAR, desde donde trabajan la parte social, educativa y deportiva

"Ya llevamos 5 años, le damos herramientas a las chicas dentro y fuera de la cancha

Las alentamos a seguir una carrera, por ejemplo, hicimos un convenio con el Instituto Johan Cruyff que nos beca a las chicas; nos llamaron de la ONU y ahora van a poder hacerse los aptos médicos gratis, eso para las que no tienen obra social es un paso enorme

Una persona que tiene problemas en su casa, que sufre violencia de género, que no tiene trabajo, que nunca estudió, llega a la cancha pensando en todos sus problemas, no en jugar", asegura

Su labor social Un día recibió un correo. Era Mirna Gamarra, una chica no vidente que quería jugar al fútbol y ningún club la aceptaba

aceptó el desafío sin saber cómo hacerlo, así que buscó en Internet cómo entrenarla y aprendió a resolver de forma casera algunas cosas, por ejemplo, a envolver la pelota en una bolsa para que pueda escucharla ya que no tenían dinero para comprar una con cascabel

Pero por supuesto no se quedó sólo con eso, sino que armaron un equipo (Las Ramonas), encontró un lugar para que puedan entrenar (el club Banco Nación), capacitó a más entrenadoras y se unieron a Paradeportes

Hoy además de tener su propia escuela de futbol junto a Boca, de ser manager del equipo femenino de futsal del Club Atlas, es también voluntaria en la Unidad Penitenciaria 47 de San Martin, dándole clases de fútbol a las internas

"Una experiencia increíble", asegura. Una topadora, en el último año ganó premios y reconocimientos; escribió un cuento para la antología "Pelota de papel 2" (Editorial Planeta) en el que jugadores consagrados hicieron su aporte; participó de la película "No llores por mí Inglaterra"; cerró la cumbre del W20 (la red transnacional que reúne a mujeres líderes y que busca influir en la agenda de los grupos de toma de decisión del G20) y a, fines de noviembre, va a comentar la Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol Sub-17 (atención Vero esto, no sé cuándo la suben) El máximo reconocimiento fue en enero cuando viajó a Nueva York para disertar en la ONU por su trabajo social

"Todos, como sociedad, debemos implementar la resiliencia en cada uno porque no nos damos cuenta del valor que tenemos cuando le decimos a otra persona 'yo confío en vos;

Cuando estaba en los peores lugares, nadie confiaba en mí y yo tuve que confiar en mí misma para poder salir de lo más bajo

Y cuando la gente empezó a confiar en mí, me empecé a sentir poderosa. Ustedes pueden darle poder y herramientas a las que no se sienten así

Y ese poder de confianza no solo puede transformar su vida sino la de todos", dijo emocionada en su discurso

¡Imparable! Por Paola Florio

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Dormía en la calle, superó una dura enfermedad y ahora es referente del fútbol f - Duration: 9:47.


¡El quitarrisas! Leones Negros empata en la compensación - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> ¡El quitarrisas! Leones Negros empata en la compensación - Duration: 1:02.


Martín Rodríguez no supo definir el segundo para Pumas - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Martín Rodríguez no supo definir el segundo para Pumas - Duration: 0:21.


最新ニュース 「化けたね」「まるで別人」 SKE48須田亜香里、金髪ロングのギャルになりきるビフォーアフターで驚きの大変身 - Duration: 2:50.

  SKE4 の須田亜香里さ が2月21日、 手なアイメイク 巻き髪でギャル 変身した姿をI stagram 公開。ファンか は「凄い!!  るで別人だねぇ などの驚く声が せられています

ギャルはつくれ 。  【画像 すっぴんと比べ と】   1 日に放送された イズ番組「今夜 ナゾトレ」(フ テレビ系)内で メイク中の動画 逆再生し、どの 点で正体を当て れるかというク ズ企画に出演し 須田さん

変身後のギャル を見ても出演者 正体を見破れず 街の一般女性に いても正解率が 7%という見事 変身ぶりを見せ いました。  放送終了後に 、「メイク問題 今夜は私だった うで!」とコメ トを添え、ギャ になりきった姿 Twitter も公開していた 田さん

新たなオフショ トが公開された nstagra でも、普段の清 風なイメージと 一転、ボリュー ーなつけまつげ ウエーブがかっ 金髪ロングヘア どギラギラとし 派手な仕上がり なっています

  須田さ のビフォーアフ ーにコメント欄 は、「亜香里ち ん化けたね」「 いなぁメイクっ 」「パッと見で か分からず」と く声が寄せられ いた他、「これ これで綺麗だけ 、普段のあかり がいい」「すっ んのほうがカワ イやん」「いつ のとすっぴんの うがかわいいよ などあまりの変 ぶりに普段の須 さんを恋しく思 声も上がってい した

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース 「化けたね」「まるで別人」 SKE48須田亜香里、金髪ロングのギャルになりきるビフォーアフターで驚きの大変身 - Duration: 2:50.


Sylvie Vartan attaquée par Laeticia Hallyday, un autre terrible coup bas - Duration: 1:26.

Dès qu'il s'agit de défendre les intérêts de Johnny,

Laeticia Hallyday n'est pas prête de transiger.


elle a décidé de trainer en justice Sylvie Vartan.

La veuve du taulier a en effet fait savoir par l'intermédiaire de Sébastien Farran,

son conseiller de l'ombre,

qu'elle allait s'opposer à un concert en hommage au rockeur disparu que proposera Sylvie Vartan en octobre prochain au Grand Rex.

Une action en justice pour être menée si la mère de David Hallyday maintenait ce projet.

L'intéressée n'a pas réagi à cette décision.

L'an dernier,

lors de son dernier concert,

Sylvie Vartan,

très sournoise,

avait effacé 'des registres' de l'histoire de Johnny Hallyday,

sa dernière épouse.

Sur les photos qui étaient diffusées dans le cadre de ce show en hommage à Johnny,

aucune trace de Laeticia.

« Nos duos étaient souvent le reflet de notre vie tumultueuse.

La vie nous a séparés mais nous avions beaucoup d'amour et de respect l'un pour l'autre.

L'amour que nous avons eu ne s'éteindra jamais… »,


en réplique à un tacle de Laeticia Hallyday.

« Ainsi que le constatèrent les spectateurs,

il n'y avait évidemment aucune photo de Johnny avec Laeticia durant ce photoroma scénique »,

précisait Journal de France.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan attaquée par Laeticia Hallyday, un autre terrible coup bas - Duration: 1:26.


Bản tin Horoscope - Ngọc Trinh: 'Phụ nữ không cần giả vờ ngu ngốc trước mặt đàn ông' - Duration: 3:33.

Sau nhiều năm kể từ khi chia tay tỷ phú Hoàng Kiều, người đẹp Ngọc Trinh kín đáo hơn trong việc chia sẻ chuyện tình cảm

Tuy vẫn giữ bí mật danh tính bạn trai hiện tại, nhưng cô vẫn thoải mái chia sẻ những quan điểm về tình yêu, hôn nhân trong một talkshow

Đặc biệt, khi được hỏi về món quà nhận được trong dịp lễ Valentine, người đẹp sinh năm 1989 cho biết cô hết sức bất ngờ và hạnh phúc khi nhận được "một bó hoa với 3 cây vàng bên trong" cùng với lời chúc hết sức ngọt ngào từ nửa kia của mình

Với món quà đầy ý nghĩa nhân ngày Valentine và cũng là ngày Vía Thần Tài (mùng 10 âm lịch), người đẹp khiến khán giả không khỏi ngưỡng mộ và xuýt xoa về chuyện tình cảm của cô với người yêu

Khi được MC hỏi về liệu rằng khán giả phải chờ đến bao giờ để thấy một cái kết viên mãn giữa hai người, "Nữ hoàng nội y" đã chia sẻ vô cùng sâu sắc: "Cái kết đẹp hay không là do ông trời, lúc nào Trinh cũng mong người ấy sẽ là người cuối của Trinh hết"

Cô còn cho biết thêm, dù đã bước qua tuổi 30, nhưng cô vẫn chưa nghĩ đến chuyện kết hôn hay đặt bất kì áp lực nào lên bản thân mình

Bởi vì với Ngọc Trinh, hiện tại cuộc sống của người đẹp đang rất vui vẻ và hạnh phúc

Dường như trải qua nhiều mối tình và không ít ồn ào, Ngọc Trinh đã nhận ra đâu chính là những giá trị thật sự mà cuộc sống mang lại cho cô

"Khi nào duyên tới, cả hai đã sẵn sàng để là của nhau thì mình sẽ kết hôn", người đẹp chia sẻ thẳng thắn

Khi được hỏi nếu như bị gia đình ép cưới như vai diễn Trang trong bộ phim điện ảnh Vu Quy Đại Náo, người đẹp sẽ giải quyết như thế nào, nữ diễn viên không ngần ngại chia sẻ: "Trong tình yêu và cả trong hôn nhân, tình cảm là vô cùng quan trọng

Trinh sẽ không bao giờ quen hoặc cưới người đàn ông mà mình không yêu, dù cho gia đình, ba mẹ hoặc bất kì ai có ép buộc mình phải cưới đi nữa"

Cô nàng còn thú nhận rằng tính cách của mình khá giống với nhân vật Trang của Vu Quy Đại Náo, một cô gái mạnh mẽ và rất "đàn ông" dù bên ngoài được đánh giá là "bánh bèo"

Trong phim, dù bị ép cưới nhưng nhân vật Trang, do Ngọc Trinh thủ vai, nhất quyết nói "không" và bỏ nhà ra đi một cách quyết liệt

Khi nhận được câu hỏi thắc mắc về bí kíp để thoát ế, Ngọc Trinh cho rằng, phụ nữ không cần giả vờ ngu ngốc trước mặt đàn ông hay bất kì ai

Hãy cứ sống đúng với bản thân mình, sống trung thực. Là phụ nữ, hãy luôn biết chăm sóc bản thân mình để mỗi ngày đẹp hơn, tự tin hơn

Rồi cái gì tốt đẹp cũng sẽ đến với mình. Người đẹp còn nói đùa rằng, muốn thoát ế ngay thì hãy đến rạp và xem phim Vu Quy Đại Náo để học các bí quyết "thả thính"

Phim Vu Quy Đại Náo: Quên danh hiệu Nữ hoàng nội y đi, từ giờ hãy gọi Ngọc Trinh là diễn viên

For more infomation >> Bản tin Horoscope - Ngọc Trinh: 'Phụ nữ không cần giả vờ ngu ngốc trước mặt đàn ông' - Duration: 3:33.


1080219正月十五日玄武堂總堂 第六位肉身寒單 - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 1080219正月十五日玄武堂總堂 第六位肉身寒單 - Duration: 1:29.


Comment devenir bon face à la caméra - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Comment devenir bon face à la caméra - Duration: 4:09.


Niño de 2 años sobrevive a extraña enfermedad - Duration: 4:51.

Ciudad de México— José Tadeo, de 2 años, es un niño como todos los demás en apariencia

Sin embargo, nació con la enfermedad acidemia metilmalónica, la cual ocasiona que su cuerpo no procese sustancias tóxicas que pueden acumularse en su sangre

Sin saberlo, su mamá y su médico emprendieron una batalla para que el niño logrará acceder a un medicamento que no había en México y por el cual ha mejorado su calidad de vida

Su neurólogo pediatra, el doctor Roberto Sandoval, explicó que esta enfermedad del metabolismo originada por factores genéticos afecta a un recién nacido por cada 50 o 100 mil en el país

"En México puede haber un paciente por cada 50 o 100 mil habitantes recién nacidos

El diagnostico oportuno a través del tamiz metabólico neonatal es una herramienta vital para un tratamiento oportuno", afirmó el médico

El especialista detalló que la acidemia metilmalónica ocasiona que el cuerpo no pueda procesar ciertas partes de proteínas y grasas adecuadamente, incluso, para explicar el proceso la asocia con los efectos de la diabetes y los daños que origina en órganos como el riñón y ojos al presentar niveles altos de azúcar

Sandoval sostuvo que la mejor manera de confrontar la enfermedad es a través del tamizaje neonatal para dar un tratamiento oportuno

José Tadeo es el primer niño en el país que tuvo acceso al tratamiento a base del ácido carglumico, con el cual ha mejorado su vida

Su mamá, la señora Guadalupe Pucheta, asegura que, con la toma del medicamento desde hace seis meses, su hijo menor pudo desarrollar la capacidad para comunicarse verbalmente

Ya no pasa la mitad del día dormido, ni se encuentra de mal humor como era hasta antes de la toma

"Fueron bastantes los cambios en Tadeo. Había días en los que se la pasaba totalmente agotado

Dormido. Había días que andaba muy irritable, había días que no dormía, y en cuanto empezamos con el medicamento fue bastante notorio su cambio", describió

Sus médicos y familiares buscan que este fármaco sea aceptado por las instituciones de salud del país para ayudar a otros niños

"Tenemos que basarnos en la información que tenemos de otros países y ya se ha demostrado que tiene muchos años de utilizarse y que la respuesta ha sido de manera satisfactoria", enfatizó Sandoval

Tadeo no tenía esperanzas en su diagnóstico. Hoy su mamá asegura que su hijo es un guerrero que demuestra su amor por la vida

For more infomation >> Niño de 2 años sobrevive a extraña enfermedad - Duration: 4:51.


Señala ASF fallas en reforma educativa - Duration: 4:52.

La Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF) señaló diversas deficiencias en la reforma educativa y opacidad en sus mecanismos

En el Informe General de la Cuenta Pública 2017, presentado hoy, en la evaluación 1588-DS refirió que la aplicación de la reforma por parte de la Secretaría de Educación Pública no arrojó avances, pese a los mecanismos de evaluación realizados

En el documento se indica que en 2017 se publicó un plan y quince programas de estudio de educación básica, sin embargo, no se definieron criterios para regular el desarrollo sistemático de la autonomía curricular

"En opinión de la ASF, a cinco años de la promulgación de la reforma educativa, se han realizado diversos cambios en los componentes del sistema; sin embargo, las deficiencias identificadas en el diseño e implementación de dicha estrategia, en el periodo 2013-2017, conllevan el riesgo de que, aun con su materialización, no se logre mejorar la calidad de la educación, ni elevar el nivel de aprendizaje", advirtió

El Servicio Profesional Docente (SPD), apuntó el órgano fiscalizador, no garantizó la idoneidad de un mayor número de maestros, ya que, si bien los procesos de ingreso, promoción, reconocimiento y permanencia se rigieron por la aplicación de evaluaciones, persistieron deficiencias

Entre las fallas se enlista la ausencia de mecanismos de control para asegurar que las plazas de ingreso y ascenso se otorgaran efectivamente a quienes obtuvieran los mejores resultados en las evaluaciones

Así como la carencia de esquemas de financiamiento que garantizaran la entrega de incentivos económicos a quienes destacaran en la evaluación de desempeño y la alta de una programación de mediano plazo para asegurar que todo el personal educativo en servicio fuera convocado a la prueba

Tampoco, se informó, se establecieron medidas de control para garantizar la adecuada operación de los Consejos Técnico Escolares, los Consejos de Participación Social en la Educación y el Servicio de Asistencia Técnica a la Escuela

No se instrumentó integralmente el Sistema de Información y Gestión Educativa, y no se implementaron mecanismos de seguimiento para conocer la contribución del Programa de Escuelas de Tiempo Completo y del de la Reforma Educativa

En cuanto a infraestructura y equipo, la ASF detectó la falta de un diagnóstico completo sobre el estado físico de los planteles, aunado a una insuficiente coordinación y supervisión, lo que provocó que no se lograra una correcta articulación de los programas Escuelas Dignas, Reforma Educativa y Escuelas al Cien

Respecto de las tareas de evaluación, los principales hallazgos fueron los siguientes: El Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación no contó con modelos de evaluación integrales que articularan los componentes, procesos y resultados del Sistema Educativo Nacional, y no dispuso de mecanismos para asegurar el uso de los resultados de las pruebas en la toma de decisiones de las autoridades educativas

For more infomation >> Señala ASF fallas en reforma educativa - Duration: 4:52.


Abandonó Pemex sitios contaminados: ASF - Duration: 3:29.

La Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF) detectó que, desde 2016, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) determinó no realizar la remediación de sitios contaminados por el derrame de hidrocarburos al considerar que se derivan de actos ilícitos

De acuerdo con el Informe de la Cuenta Pública 2017, Pemex Logística acordó desde mayo de 2016 no llevar a cabo la remediación de sitios contaminados por el derrame de hidrocarburos, que al 31 de diciembre sumaban 4 mil 509

Aunque Pemex Logística indicó que cuenta con el resolutivo de la Segunda Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación que la excluye de la responsabilidad de la remediación, la ASF señaló que la empresa no acreditó que la totalidad de los sitios contaminados fueran resultado de actos ilícitos y enfatizó que el fallo sólo aplica a un caso específico

Pemex Logística tampoco determinó el estimado de gastos para la remediación de otros 231 sitios contaminados

La estadística de la Secretaría de Energía (SE) reporta que en 2018 en el País se registraron 14 mil 894 tomas clandestinas, 43

72 por ciento más de las 10 mil 363 de 2017. A su vez, el incremento de tomas clandestinas se ha traducido en un aumento de sitios contaminados en el País, cuya principal causa es el derrame de hidrocarburos

Respecto de la Estrategia Ambiental de Pemex 2016-2020, la ASF señaló que no se cumplió con la elaboración y ejecución de programas de trabajo para atender sitios contaminados ni con la meta de remediación de 43 hectáreas anuales

Asimismo, Pemex no desarrolló el módulo de suelos del Sistema de Información de Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental para la administración y control del inventario de sitios contaminados, lo que implica que existe el riesgo de efectos adversos en la salud humana, la flora, la fauna y el medio ambiente, concluyó la ASF

For more infomation >> Abandonó Pemex sitios contaminados: ASF - Duration: 3:29.


Alain Delon brutal, sa réplique aux salves de son fils - Duration: 1:39.

Même si Alain Delon n'a pas réagi aux sorties médiatiques de son fils cadet,


il avait eu l'opportunité de livrer le fond de sa pensée à son sujet dans le passé.

C'était dans le cadre d'un dossier qui était consacré à leur relation par le magazine VSD.

A l'époque,

le fiancé de Capucine Anav était dépeint sous un mauvais jour,

et comme « accro à la drogue »,

allégation que celui-ci avait nié en affirmant que sa seule conduite à risque est « la moto » dont il se serait débarrassé.

«On se chuchote aussi qu'il s'évaderait dans les paradis artificiels.

Une situation que désapprouve évidemment Alain Delon »,

indiquait la publication.

Pour l'acteur mythique,

c'est une situation « inacceptables ».

Celui qui aurait été victime d'une chute dans sa propriété du Loiret aurait alors qualifié son fils de « gros branl*** ».

Par ailleurs,

il y a deux ans,

Alain Delon,

qui sera bientôt à l'honneur dans « Un Jour,

un destin »,

le rendez-vous de Delahousse,

sur France 3,

était allé jusqu'à remercier les policiers ayant interpelé son fils pour conduite en état d'ivresse.

«Il a (…) renversé son scooter sur la chaussée à proximité de la place des Victoires,

située entre les Ier et IIème arrondissements de la capitale ».

D'après Closer,

Alain Delon a « remercié vivement les forces de l'ordre pour l'accueil qu'ils ont fait à Alain-Fabien lequel a été très bien traité selon ses dires ».

For more infomation >> Alain Delon brutal, sa réplique aux salves de son fils - Duration: 1:39.



For more infomation >> AMARRES DE PAREJAS RÁPIDOS EFECTIVOS E INFALIBLES ! - Duration: 1:32.


Depuis l'affaire Benalla, Macron réorganise l'Elysée à tous les étages - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Depuis l'affaire Benalla, Macron réorganise l'Elysée à tous les étages - Duration: 7:35.


Vlog #10.3: 3 Yếu Tố Quan Trọng Quyết Định Ngôi Nhà Số của Bạn | Huy Sai Gon - Duration: 24:03.

For more infomation >> Vlog #10.3: 3 Yếu Tố Quan Trọng Quyết Định Ngôi Nhà Số của Bạn | Huy Sai Gon - Duration: 24:03.


FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 21 - Duration: 16:25.

For more infomation >> FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 21 - Duration: 16:25.


Meghan Royals Es - Club de cannabis evadió USD 3 millones en pago de impuestos; sus dueños podrían - Duration: 4:59.

La cannabis es un negocio que se mueve en efectivo en Estados Unidos y se presta al fraude tributario

Por ejemplo una pareja en el estado Colorado fue a prisión por evadir el pago de impuestos por más de 3 millones de dólares

Según las autoridades, el lucrativo club de marihuana, "Lazy Lion", que  Andrew Parch y su esposa Shuntay abrieron en enero de 2013, ganó más de 10 millones en tres años

Sin embargo, la pareja no declaró sus ingresos durante ese período e incluso exigió un reembolso en 2014, argumentando que había ganado apenas 19

292 dólares cuando su ingreso en verdad se acercaba a los 3 millones. Parch se declaró culpable la semana pasada, anunció la fiscalía este miércoles, y los cargos contra su esposa aún no han sido presentados

El caso ilustra los fraudes fiscales que se pueden hacer con un negocio de cannabis en Estados Unidos, donde la droga fue legalizada en muchos estados pero no a nivel federal

Eso se traduce en un negocio que se maneja solo en efectivo dado que los dueños de los comercios no pueden depositar el dinero en los bancos, que se rehúsan a involucrarse con esta multimillonaria industria

Según documentos judiciales, los proveedores de Parch y su esposa eran controlados por el propio "Lazy Lion"

Sus clientes podían comprar la marihuana en el club y fumarla allí mismo. Las autoridades determinaron la escala del negocio revisando los archivos de ventas de un programa que la pareja usaba para registrar todas las transacciones

Parch debe recibir sentencia en mayo. Podría recibir hasta 3 años de prisión y una multa de 250

000 dólares. Accedió igualmente a pagar a las autoridades tributarias más de 3 millones de dólares, según un acuerdo al que llegó con la fiscalía

El negocio de la marihuana Se espera que las ventas legales de cannabis aumenten por encima de los USD 10

000 millones en Estados Unidos con más de la mitad del mercado recreativo. En última instancia, se espera que la industria estadounidense sea 10 veces más grande que el mercado de Canadá

Si bien la legalización federal ha dado ventaja a las compañías canadienses, las empresas estadounidenses esperan cerrar la brecha rápidamente, según dijo Kevin Murphy, un ex banquero de Wall Street, director de Acreage Holdings, una firma estadounidense de cannabis  que opera en Canadá

En Estados Unidos, el cannabis está prohibido a nivel federal y en la mayoría de los estados se permite el uso limitado de marihuana medicinal

Sólo en la capital federal, Washington, y los estados de Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Orgeon, Vermont y Washington, se ha legalizado la marihuana para uso recreativo

Con información de AFP

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Club de cannabis evadió USD 3 millones en pago de impuestos; sus dueños podrían - Duration: 4:59.


Passion - Lift Up Jesus (Live) ft. Brett Younker - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Passion - Lift Up Jesus (Live) ft. Brett Younker - Duration: 5:00.


Bullet Journal My Set Up and flip through - Duration: 10:16.

Let's talk bullet journaling.

[ music ]

Come on in. Welcome to my home today I'm going to

give you a flip through of my bullet journa.

Tell you how I started it and what I do with it.

And sort of keep you up to turn to get you up to date with what I'm doing.

You will notice that this is actually, when you watch this, this is much much later than when it was recorded.

Simply because, well that's the way these things work out.

If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably be seeing more pictures of my bullet journal.

and it will be up to more up to date,

but this I want to show you how I'm doing and I've been doing this for about a month and a half.

and I really really love bullet journalin. So let's just jump into it

and the first thing that I did was and the first thing that I didn't do was not

buy a new bullet journal I had a graph notebook

this is just a simple book that I got from Walmart and then yeah I just used

it because I had it because I knew better than to spend money on something

like this because it wasn't sure I would actually do it.

So the first thing that I

did was create a key the key is really important.

The key shows you all of the different things that you're going to need to know about

in my key, I have, if I have a task I will put a dot ( . ) for it and then write down the task.

when I complete the task I'll put an X ( X ) on it.

if I need to move that task to a different day I will then put a migrated a little ( > ) greater than sign.

Or if I need to move that task to like a different month or something like

that or different week I will then put a forwarded task ( < ) which usually jumps it

back to my overall monthly Journal, monthly of thing,

And I will use the less than sign ( < )

If it gets deleted or is the relevant does not need to be on there I will cross it off.

If it's an event it's a circle ( O ) if it's a note it's just a dash ( - )

An important thing is or it's urgent I'll put a star ( * ) next to it.

What's really interesting is this route needs research I've actually changed the

so that if it needs research it becomes a question mark ( ?) and if it's an idea it's

been an exclamation point ( ! )

Makes sense.

The YouTube part of that I really didn't use.

Now what I'd also don't use is the index and I've heard a lot of people

talk about the fact that they do not use their index whatsoever.

I will flip through the book and find what I need really quick and I know where it is.

You will also notice that the pages are numbered. I numbered those by hand

simply because it was really easy and I left a lot of pages for my index,

but I' probably won't use them whatsoever.

Then I did my future log. My future log is

just that it has a calendar and it has all the months,

and things that I know

that are going to come up in those months and I write them down there,

so that way when I'm doing my weekly or monthly bullet journal page I can refer

back to this and I have those important things there, and I also can write them down when they come up.

So let's start off how I started this.

I started this in December and I just started this plain simple this is just a minimalist bullet journal.

Which just had the day the activity and then I had the task that I wanted to do for that month.

I didn't really like the spread I kept track of my exercise,

and my meditation that I did every day but, meh, it wasn't all that exciting.

So we do a weekly spread

The weekly spread just has the day, the date

and then what's going to be happening for that day.

You'll notice all seven days are there and then I have a note section.

This was really simple to do I

did try to get somewhat artistic on this.

but it's really easy.

But these were these were the early stages of my bullet journal.

As you can see I started to get more into it on starting on the 10th.

Where I really started keeping track

more track of what I'm just doing how I was doing it.

and the events that were

taking place we started I started with a tracker.

My tracker is just he guy wanted

to keep track of

my sleep

and also my... the water intake.

My water intake was really easy I just put the day of the month

and then in cups of water that I did and then fill in the squares as I did that.

Also for my sleep tracker I put the day and then the number of hours and then

fill in the squares as I slept.

That worked out really well.

This tracker for was going to be my tracker for...for my exercise and meditation did not

like that whatsoever

In any way shape or form.

So I found a different kind of tracker.

This tracker I keep track of the cleaning that I do.

and then the other various things that I need to do or have done and it also helps me keep

track of what's been going on.

Things like, if I ran the dishwasher a lot I

have that I can remember to change the dog's water bowl in the morning so I'm

not forgetting about things whatsoever I just have the day of the week,

and then the date on there and it's so simple

The mood tracker isn't all that important

but you can just see your different moods and I do have a key so that I for

this one I used it was just there supposed to be light bulbs from a light set,

and you can see how I was actually feeling for the month and it's just

something sort of neat to do

I was going to do a different kind of future log but

I did not like the future log so I did not continue it that's the cool thing about this.

With a bullet journal make the bullet journal yours.

If you decide you want to do it a certain way, do it that certain way.

There are tons and tons of different videos on how to do this.

Now this one shows a lot of how you can

move a task cancel a task.

Because on the 17th I was going to make oat milk but I

did not need to do that until later simply because of the way things worked out.

But as I did a task I'd cross it off and it really does... if you have like a task that is like in progress.

you can put half a slash on there and then when you

finish it you can finish off the slash now the fun part about this is you

can have all sorts of things it's on your weekly calendar and then you know

you can go look at it and it just keeps everything there and in perfect harmony.

Now come January what I doing was I got a little bit more artistic

I do like this page New Year be you

That was something which you did hear about in January.

I did a monthly page which yeah I don't really use it

I'll be honest with you a hundred percent but I also was able to start

using the theme which you'll notice that my theme for my spread for the month

will also be the theme that you will see in the videos.

Yeah sort of easy that way

this tracker once again is the same repeat as the last month's tracker

Everything is just about the same and this tracker was what did not work.

this was going to be a combination of sleep and mood tracker and I would just mark

the different moods and everything and there's a key at the bottom.

I did not like this what-so-ever.

The water tracker was does exactly the same.

it's just this time it went down the page

That I do like so next month it will be different

and that's a cool thing I can change this up i've watched tons of videos to

see other people how other people do this

Then you get into your once again weekly trackers (spreads)

The weekly logs and then the weekly logs are really interesting

now if you're wondering why this weekly log looks sort of funny it's simply

because I tried to do a video where I was going to write down you know should

do my weekly of page show you how I did it and I found out that I do something

weird I actually write add an angle.

Which is how I've always written.

and I forgot about that so when I do this I'm going to have to actually figure I'm

gonna have to actually angle the camera so that you can see that but yes and so

the writing looks very very strange

But this is last week's and it's just so

easy to keep track of all the things which I need to do and all the things

which I have done

And it is so simple

And then this week which we're doing I

did a different one because I'm going to start keep keeping track of my meals.

Which I can write my meals there

I have the week and have the day of the week

and then I have my tasks that I need to do and also I have a spot for doing my

meals it is that simple

Now some of the things which I can tell

you about and can warn you about is don't decide to spend a whole lot of

money when you first go into this

You can do your tracker you can do your

bullet journal without spending a penny you could use just a pen you don't have

to have anything special all of those things are just bonuses

if you want that

you'll love it but for mine if you just follow me on instagram you will see what

I'm gonna do because I'm going to be posting more about my tracker on and

about my bullet journal on Instagram.

but you can see what I do and how I do it

and I will be doing more videos about the bullet journal but if you have

questions about this let me know down in the comments what kind of questions

because I know that this video is probably really long already so I will,

I just want to show you flip through this and show you how I did it.

If this is your first time here remember to subscribe.

Hit that like button and also

ring that bell so that we get notifications when I do new videos so I

hope I get to see you again next time

If you like this video, give it a thumbs up

You can share it don't forget to subscribe and check out the other videos

on this channel

I love making these videos for you and I hope I get to see you again next time

[ music ]

For more infomation >> Bullet Journal My Set Up and flip through - Duration: 10:16.


Verbs & Prepositions: SURPRISED Plus Prepositions - English Vocabulary Word Lesson - Duration: 5:08.

Word Wednesday starts right now

Hey guys! It's Michael here from Happy English,

and today I've got another Word Wednesday

vocabulary building lesson just for you.

This month's Word Wednesday series is talking about

verb + preposition combinations.

Today we're going to look at

the prepositions that collocate with the verb, surprised.

First, we're going to listen to a story

that has today's verb + preposition combinations

in context.

After the story, we'll take a look at

each verb in preposition combination.

Are you ready?

Let's check it out!

Many tourists are surprised when they come to

New York City

Sometimes they are surprised

that it's such a safe place.

I live here so I know that New York is a

safe place, but I'm not surprised that a

lot of tourists don't know that.

In addition, I think that some tourists are

surprised at the people here

and how friendly they are.

As well, I think that

visitors to New York are often surprised by

the number of beautiful gardens, parks,

and beaches that we have here.

You may be surprised to know that New York is

full of surprises!

Surprised is the past tense of the verb surprise

and we often use the phrase be surprised.

Be surprised can be followed by a number of prepositions

including with.

We can also use surprise that and

surprised to, plus a verb.

So for today's English lesson,

let's take a look at the different ways

we use surprised.

Basically, surprised at...surprised by...and surprised with

are generally the same.

The meaning and usage is basically the same.

However, we tend to use surprised

with those three prepositions like this.

First of all, we often use surprised at

followed by a person.

You can be surprised at someone when they do

something unexpected or unusual for them.

I'm surprised at Joe.

He usually answers his emails right away, but I haven't

heard from him for two days.

I'm really surprised at my boss!

He gave us the afternoon off today

and he never does that.

We were really surprised at the

waiter at the restaurant last night.

He was so rude.

Next. when we use surprised by

or surprised with,

we often talk about a situation.

I'm surprised by the service

at this restaurant today.

It's usually never this slow.

When I went to the museum,

I was surprised by the exhibition.

I didn't expect it to be so great.

Johnny said that he was going to

quit the company today.

We were all surprised by the news.

Next, you can use surprised to.

The pattern is surprised, followed by to,

followed by a base verb.

I was surprised to hear that Johnny quit the company.

Hey! Were you surprised to find that

birthday present on your desk?

I wasn't very surprised to learn about Tommy's accident.

He's not a very careful driver.

Finally, you can use surprised, followed by that,

followed by a subject and verb.

I'm surprised that it's so warm today.

It's still February.

We were surprised that Bob didn't come to work today.

He's usually never absent.

I'm surprised that Jane stayed so late at the

party last night.

She usually doesn't stay out that late.

Okay, those are the different ways that we use surprised

plus some prepositions.

Keep in mind if you want to remember this vocabulary,

you need to take each phrase,

write it in a sentence that's true for you,

and then memorize your sentences.

Okay, that brings us to the end of this Word Wednesday

English lesson.

Thanks for watching.

Thanks for subscribing!

And I'll catch you guys next time right here

at Happy English.

Catch you later!

For more infomation >> Verbs & Prepositions: SURPRISED Plus Prepositions - English Vocabulary Word Lesson - Duration: 5:08.


Prothom Dekha Prem |প্রথম দেখা প্রেম। Bangla Short Film 2019 |Sopno Multimedia Dhaka [Full HD 1080] - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Prothom Dekha Prem |প্রথম দেখা প্রেম। Bangla Short Film 2019 |Sopno Multimedia Dhaka [Full HD 1080] - Duration: 5:25.


ధనస్సురాశి 2019 వారికి 2019 - 20 లోఏ వ్యాపారం లాభాన్నినష్టాన్ని ఇస్తుంది Rasi Phalalu 2019 to 2020 - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> ధనస్సురాశి 2019 వారికి 2019 - 20 లోఏ వ్యాపారం లాభాన్నినష్టాన్ని ఇస్తుంది Rasi Phalalu 2019 to 2020 - Duration: 2:14.



Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.

In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with

the links to where you can buy the new Nike Zoom Rookie Galaxy.

If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and

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As you know nike will be releasing the Nike Zoom Rookie Galaxy.

I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any

resale Predictions.

Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase

links daily.

Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this

video or that thumbs down if you didn't.

I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.



¡El quitarrisas! Leones Negros empata en la compensación - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> ¡El quitarrisas! Leones Negros empata en la compensación - Duration: 1:02.


What I Saw - Duration: 41:58.

For more infomation >> What I Saw - Duration: 41:58.


'I Get To Go Home': Charlee Shaw Leaves Hospital After Christmas Eve Crash - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 'I Get To Go Home': Charlee Shaw Leaves Hospital After Christmas Eve Crash - Duration: 2:30.


Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer I Animated Froztee And Friend Songs | HolyTales Bible Songs - Duration: 3:48.

Boys girls Do u know where we are. Mmm i can hear reindeers

so Santa cant be far thats right ray look Santa's sleigh

You know Dasher, and Dancer, and

Prancer, and Vixen,

Comet, and Cupid, and Donna and Blitzen

But do you recall

The most famous reindeer of all

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer

had a very shiny nose

and if you ever saw it

you would even say it glows.

All of the other reindeer

used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph

play in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas eve

Santa came to say:

"Rudolph with your nose so bright,

won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then all the reindeer loved him

as they shouted out with glee,

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,

you'll go down in history!

Oh wow amazing lets sing again everyone join us

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer

had a very shiny nose

and if you ever saw it

you would even say it glows.

All of the other reindeer

used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph

play in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas eve

Santa came to say:

"Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then all the reindeer loved him

as they shouted out with glee,

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,

you'll go down in history!

Rudolf have the cutest nose all of the north pole

look santa and Rudolf fly

look rudolf nose is so bright will santa gve me a present tonight

if you all sleep tight

For more infomation >> Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer I Animated Froztee And Friend Songs | HolyTales Bible Songs - Duration: 3:48.


How to write professional emails in English - Duration: 18:31.

Oh, there's free cake in the staff room?

Thanks for letting me know.

See you there.

Yeah, free cake.

All right.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on writing a business or professional email

in English.

Now, this is useful for those of you who are just starting a corporate job, or if you are

looking to work in an English environment where emails are constant.

So, I use my email every day.

I can tell you 100% that I have used all of these at one point or another in my emailing

career, we'll say.

So, I've sent thousands of emails, and I've used all of these.

So, these are phrases that you can use in internal emails between yourself and your

colleagues, or between yourself and someone who works with your company.

So, maybe you know someone who is selling, you know, technology to your company, like

printers or computers; maybe there's someone who supplies paper for your company and you

have to interact with them, so you can use these phrases and expressions with them.

All right?

So, first we'll start with the greeting.

We have: "Hello", "Hi", "Hey, Steve".

Steve - these are all for Steve.

So, you notice...

If you're wondering: "Why didn't you put 'Dear'?

Why didn't you put 'To whom it may concern'?"

You could still use those.

I guess it depends on your own personal comfort with formality.

Having worked, like, you know, in Canada and exchanging emails with people in the United

States, most people are comfortable with a "Hello" or a "Hi".

Only use a "Hey" for someone you know.

So, these are in level of formality.

Of these three, "Hello" would be the most formal; "Hi" would be very neutral; and "Hey"

is a very familiar, very informal, so only use this with people you know well or that

you have a good professional relationship with.


All right, so one thing you might do in an email is to introduce a new topic or to inform

someone of something; maybe not just one person, maybe a group of people, maybe a whole department.

So, for example: "This is to inform you that..."

Very general.

So, maybe someone has received a promotion in your company.

This is something you might see from your boss; or if you are a boss or a manager,

you might send this to your team.

"This is to inform you that", you know...

Let's say Rosa; you have an employee named Rosa.

"This is to inform you that Rosa has been promoted to the position of..."


So you're giving information to your team.

This one: "Just to let you know"...

Now, this is very informal.

So, only send this to people you know well, people within your company, maybe a friend

in the company.

So: "Just to let you know" is a much more informal, casual way that you can use in an email,

instead of: "This is to inform you that..."


So, for example: "Hey.

Just to let you know, I'm not here on Friday.

Please see me if you need anything from me before Friday."


Also, you're introducing a topic, or informing your company, or someone of something, so:

"Hey, Steve.

Good news!", "Hey, Steve.

Bad news.", "Hey, Steve.

I've got good news.", "I've got bad news."

Now, you notice, here, I used an exclamation after "Good news", you know, it's a good idea

to make it seem exciting, so: "Good news!

You know, I just got promoted."


Or: "Good news!

I'm getting a raise."


Something like this.

"Bad news.

We're not getting pizza for free today.", "Bad news.

I can't make lunch, sorry."


"I can't make lunch."

It doesn't mean you're creating lunch, you're making lunch; it means: "I can't go to lunch

with you."


So, you have: "This is to inform you that...", "Just to let you know...", "Good news!", "Bad news.",

"I've got good news.", "I've got bad news."


Next, if you are following up on a previous discussion, a previous email...

Now, "following up" means you had a conversation about a topic before, maybe in person, maybe

in email, maybe by carrier pigeon-I don't know-and you want to follow up on that email.

A carrier pigeon is a bird who brings a letter.

So, you can say: "Hey, Steve.

As we discussed,..." or "As discussed,..."

You can obviously add to this: "As discussed yesterday,...", "As discussed at the meeting,...",

"As discussed this morning, please remove your shoes when you enter"-I don't know-

"my office"?

It's a strange thing, maybe.

I don't know, it depends where you are in the world, perhaps.

So, next, instead of saying: "As discussed,..." you can also say: "To follow up on our meeting,...",

"To follow up on our discussion,..."

This is the same thing.

You know, "As we discussed,..." or "To follow up,...", "To give an update on the information

we discussed,..."

You can say, you know: "please come to work on time".


Or: "don't leave your lunch in the fridge for five days."

Other people use the fridge, Steve.

So, next: "Regarding", or "In regards to..."

Now, you can use either one of these.


So, it just depends how you feel in the moment.

So, you know, let's see...

What else has Steve done lately?




"Regarding the quality of your deodorant, please change it soon; everyone can notice.

Everyone notices."


So: "in regards to", maybe Steve wears strong cologne or strong deodorant and it smells

very strong, so, you know, you're just having fun with Steve in an email.


"As far as _______ goes,..."

So, this is similar to saying: "Regarding/In regards to", but you put the topic here.

So, if you are sending an email about your company budget: "As far as the budget goes,

please be careful with your spending."


"As far as, you know, this weekend's tour goes, it's going to begin at 11 o'clock."


Same here: "On the topic of _______", and you follow up.


Next, if you want to ask for something, if you want to request something - many, many,

many, many options.

All right?

So: "I'd like to know if/when/how/who", okay?

Any question you can think of.

"I'd like to know when the meeting ends.", "I'd like to know if I should bring anything."


Next, instead of saying: "I'd like to know", you can also just say: "Hey.

Could you let me know if/when/how", etc.

Maybe you're collecting money because it's Rosa's birthday, you know, in the department,

and you could say: "Hey.

Could you let me know how much money I should contribute?"

You know, for Rosa's present or for Rosa's gift card, or whatever.

All right?

Next, a little more serious: "Could you confirm", right?

"Could you, like, 100% let me know (confirm) if/when/how", etc.

So, this is probably a more serious topic; although you could use it to be funny, because

it's a more formal expression.

You know: "Could you confirm how much money I should give or how much money I should contribute?",

"Could you confirm if we're getting paid today?"

You know, just I want to make sure we're getting paid.

Next: "Do you know if/when/how", etc.


So: "Do you know...?"


So: "Do you know when...?

When the money will be in my account?"


"Do you know if the printer needs more ink?"


"Do you have any details/any update on a topic?"


So, if you're ordering promotional material for your company from another company, and

you've been waiting for a long time, maybe one week, two weeks, which is a long time

in most businesses, so: "Hey.

Do you have any update on the promotional material?

Do you have any details or any new details on the promotional material?"

And another way to say this...



Could you give me an update?

Could you give me a quote or an estimate?"

So, a "quote" is if you are in charge of, you know, dealing with some of the upper-end

parts in your company where you're dealing with other companies, and you want to know:


How much money does it cost for you to print this promotional material for us?"

Or: "How much money does it cost for five new computers?

Could you give me a quote?"


Usually a PDF or, you know, maybe some companies send a physical paper with the breakdown of


"Could you let me know how much it costs?"

"Could you give me an estimate?"


This means an idea of how much money things are going to cost.

All right, so, so far we've said: "Hey, Steve", we've introduced a topic, maybe we have followed

up on a previous discussion, we've asked some things, requested some things.

And, well, let's see what's next.

Stay tuned.

Come on.

Okay, so next we have saying: "Thanks".

So, you can write: "Hey.

Thanks for getting back to me."

So, you sent an email, they sent an email back and they answered a question for you,

and you want to send another email...

This is, like, the third email in the chain, so you would say: "Hey.

Thanks for getting back to me."

This means: "Thanks for writing back.

Thanks for answering my question."


And then you can use one of the other phrases: "Regarding this question,..."



"Thanks for the info".

"Thanks for the information", if you want to be more formal.

Again, if you are in a company where you know the people well: "Thanks for the info" is

pretty casual, pretty informal; only really use it with people you know well.

"...the information", if it's, like, the owner of the company - probably "...the information"

is better.

"Thanks for the heads up."

So, this is a little more informal as well.

So, "Thanks for the heads up" is usually: Thanks for the warning, thanks for the update.

So, for example, if someone sends you an email and they say: "Hey.

There's going to be a new position opening next week.

Why don't you, you know, update your resume and get ready?

Because I think you would be good for this job."

So, you could say: "Oh, there's going to be a new position opening in the company.

Thanks for the heads up."


"Thanks for the warning", so I know before other people.

So, think of "heads up", oh, you can...

You can see the information that's in the future.


All right.

"Thanks for the update.", "Thanks for the email."

Very general.


Thanks for following up on..." or "Thanks for following up with..."

Thanks for, basically, you know, keeping up to date or getting new information from this

person or on this topic.

So: "Hey.

Thanks for following up with the accounting department.", "Thanks for following up on

our contract."


"...our contract discussion", something like that.

"Thanks for your help.", "Thanks for your help with" something.


Thanks for looking into this, into that."

If you look into something, it means you, you know...

You research it, you take a deeper look.

So, if a colleague asks you to look into something, they're asking you to get the details of a

situation or get the details of something.

And if they look into something and they send you the information, say: "Hey.

I got the information.

The cost of this is $224."

It's like: "Oh, $224.

Thanks for looking into this.

This cost changes everything."


So, many ways to say thanks; many things to be thankful for.

And finally, closing your email; the ending, you can say: "All right.

I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

So, this is if someone has asked you for something, has made a request, and, you know, you send

them some information, you respond, and you can just end with: "Okay.

I'll get back to you."

Or, if you want to, you know, be extra polite and say: "Hey.

I'm going to do this": "I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

This is very similar to: "I'll let you know as soon as I can."


So, this one, very, very common.


"I will let you know.

When I know"-okay?-"I'll let you know".

"I'll keep you posted."

This means: If I have new information, I will send the information to you.


"I will give you an update when I know something."


And then next, here, you're asking for, you know...

You've asked a question and you want a response, so you end it with: "Please let me know" or

just: "Let me know".

Add a "please" if you want to be extra polite.

"Please keep me posted".

"I'll keep you posted.", "Keep me posted."

Keep me updated.

If there's any new information, tell me.


Send me an email if there's any new information on the topic we have discussed.

And, you know, there's a lot of talk about: How should you end your email?

What's too formal?

What's not formal enough?

Do people still use "Sincerely"?

I really only use "Sincerely" on, like, government documents, things that are official from the


If you, you know, have a complaint letter to a landlord where you're renting, you know,

your apartment: "Sincerely" works for those official situations.

In most internal company emails, I usually end mine with: "Thanks".

You could say: "Regards", you could say: "All the best".

So: "Thanks" works for internal, "Thanks" works for somebody you're working with outside

the company.

"Sincerely" I would just keep it to more official, official, official situations where you're

dealing with government, or banks, or bigger companies.


All right.

Whew, that's it, guys.

So, to test your understanding of this material, as always, you can check out the quiz on

And what I want to see from you guys is in the comments write me an email.

Use, like, as many of these phrases as you can, and just send a sample email to me in

the comments that I can read, and, you know, I can...

I can see how you guys are doing.

All this stuff that I gave you today, except for the ending, it doesn't have to go in this



Like, you might just start an email, saying: "Hey, Steve.

Hey, Rosa.

Thanks for getting back to me."

This could be the first thing; it doesn't have to be the introductory part that I did

in the previous board.

It depends what the email is about, of course, and what you want to stress.

All right?

So, write me in the comments, and do the quiz, which I already said.

And then after you do the quiz, after you, you know, check the comments and all that

stuff, go to YouTube, tell your friends.

Say: "Hey.

I like this video by Alex.

Subscribe to his channel.


Who's this person?






Emma, yeah, I like these people.

I like these people.

Yeah, they have lots of good information over here."

So, subscribe to them, check us all out on engVid, and check me out on Facebook, check

me out on Twitter...

I'm talking way too much and promoting too much, so one more thing: If you want to support

what we do, check out the "Support" link on engVid, and you can donate and help us do

this for a long, long, long, long time.

All right?

So, thank you very much.

Til next time, thanks for clicking.

And I'm going to go have that cake.







For more infomation >> How to write professional emails in English - Duration: 18:31.


Bullet Journal My Set Up and flip through - Duration: 10:16.

Let's talk bullet journaling.

[ music ]

Come on in. Welcome to my home today I'm going to

give you a flip through of my bullet journa.

Tell you how I started it and what I do with it.

And sort of keep you up to turn to get you up to date with what I'm doing.

You will notice that this is actually, when you watch this, this is much much later than when it was recorded.

Simply because, well that's the way these things work out.

If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably be seeing more pictures of my bullet journal.

and it will be up to more up to date,

but this I want to show you how I'm doing and I've been doing this for about a month and a half.

and I really really love bullet journalin. So let's just jump into it

and the first thing that I did was and the first thing that I didn't do was not

buy a new bullet journal I had a graph notebook

this is just a simple book that I got from Walmart and then yeah I just used

it because I had it because I knew better than to spend money on something

like this because it wasn't sure I would actually do it.

So the first thing that I

did was create a key the key is really important.

The key shows you all of the different things that you're going to need to know about

in my key, I have, if I have a task I will put a dot ( . ) for it and then write down the task.

when I complete the task I'll put an X ( X ) on it.

if I need to move that task to a different day I will then put a migrated a little ( > ) greater than sign.

Or if I need to move that task to like a different month or something like

that or different week I will then put a forwarded task ( < ) which usually jumps it

back to my overall monthly Journal, monthly of thing,

And I will use the less than sign ( < )

If it gets deleted or is the relevant does not need to be on there I will cross it off.

If it's an event it's a circle ( O ) if it's a note it's just a dash ( - )

An important thing is or it's urgent I'll put a star ( * ) next to it.

What's really interesting is this route needs research I've actually changed the

so that if it needs research it becomes a question mark ( ?) and if it's an idea it's

been an exclamation point ( ! )

Makes sense.

The YouTube part of that I really didn't use.

Now what I'd also don't use is the index and I've heard a lot of people

talk about the fact that they do not use their index whatsoever.

I will flip through the book and find what I need really quick and I know where it is.

You will also notice that the pages are numbered. I numbered those by hand

simply because it was really easy and I left a lot of pages for my index,

but I' probably won't use them whatsoever.

Then I did my future log. My future log is

just that it has a calendar and it has all the months,

and things that I know

that are going to come up in those months and I write them down there,

so that way when I'm doing my weekly or monthly bullet journal page I can refer

back to this and I have those important things there, and I also can write them down when they come up.

So let's start off how I started this.

I started this in December and I just started this plain simple this is just a minimalist bullet journal.

Which just had the day the activity and then I had the task that I wanted to do for that month.

I didn't really like the spread I kept track of my exercise,

and my meditation that I did every day but, meh, it wasn't all that exciting.

So we do a weekly spread

The weekly spread just has the day, the date

and then what's going to be happening for that day.

You'll notice all seven days are there and then I have a note section.

This was really simple to do I

did try to get somewhat artistic on this.

but it's really easy.

But these were these were the early stages of my bullet journal.

As you can see I started to get more into it on starting on the 10th.

Where I really started keeping track

more track of what I'm just doing how I was doing it.

and the events that were

taking place we started I started with a tracker.

My tracker is just he guy wanted

to keep track of

my sleep

and also my... the water intake.

My water intake was really easy I just put the day of the month

and then in cups of water that I did and then fill in the squares as I did that.

Also for my sleep tracker I put the day and then the number of hours and then

fill in the squares as I slept.

That worked out really well.

This tracker for was going to be my tracker for...for my exercise and meditation did not

like that whatsoever

In any way shape or form.

So I found a different kind of tracker.

This tracker I keep track of the cleaning that I do.

and then the other various things that I need to do or have done and it also helps me keep

track of what's been going on.

Things like, if I ran the dishwasher a lot I

have that I can remember to change the dog's water bowl in the morning so I'm

not forgetting about things whatsoever I just have the day of the week,

and then the date on there and it's so simple

The mood tracker isn't all that important

but you can just see your different moods and I do have a key so that I for

this one I used it was just there supposed to be light bulbs from a light set,

and you can see how I was actually feeling for the month and it's just

something sort of neat to do

I was going to do a different kind of future log but

I did not like the future log so I did not continue it that's the cool thing about this.

With a bullet journal make the bullet journal yours.

If you decide you want to do it a certain way, do it that certain way.

There are tons and tons of different videos on how to do this.

Now this one shows a lot of how you can

move a task cancel a task.

Because on the 17th I was going to make oat milk but I

did not need to do that until later simply because of the way things worked out.

But as I did a task I'd cross it off and it really does... if you have like a task that is like in progress.

you can put half a slash on there and then when you

finish it you can finish off the slash now the fun part about this is you

can have all sorts of things it's on your weekly calendar and then you know

you can go look at it and it just keeps everything there and in perfect harmony.

Now come January what I doing was I got a little bit more artistic

I do like this page New Year be you

That was something which you did hear about in January.

I did a monthly page which yeah I don't really use it

I'll be honest with you a hundred percent but I also was able to start

using the theme which you'll notice that my theme for my spread for the month

will also be the theme that you will see in the videos.

Yeah sort of easy that way

this tracker once again is the same repeat as the last month's tracker

Everything is just about the same and this tracker was what did not work.

this was going to be a combination of sleep and mood tracker and I would just mark

the different moods and everything and there's a key at the bottom.

I did not like this what-so-ever.

The water tracker was does exactly the same.

it's just this time it went down the page

That I do like so next month it will be different

and that's a cool thing I can change this up i've watched tons of videos to

see other people how other people do this

Then you get into your once again weekly trackers (spreads)

The weekly logs and then the weekly logs are really interesting

now if you're wondering why this weekly log looks sort of funny it's simply

because I tried to do a video where I was going to write down you know should

do my weekly of page show you how I did it and I found out that I do something

weird I actually write add an angle.

Which is how I've always written.

and I forgot about that so when I do this I'm going to have to actually figure I'm

gonna have to actually angle the camera so that you can see that but yes and so

the writing looks very very strange

But this is last week's and it's just so

easy to keep track of all the things which I need to do and all the things

which I have done

And it is so simple

And then this week which we're doing I

did a different one because I'm going to start keep keeping track of my meals.

Which I can write my meals there

I have the week and have the day of the week

and then I have my tasks that I need to do and also I have a spot for doing my

meals it is that simple

Now some of the things which I can tell

you about and can warn you about is don't decide to spend a whole lot of

money when you first go into this

You can do your tracker you can do your

bullet journal without spending a penny you could use just a pen you don't have

to have anything special all of those things are just bonuses

if you want that

you'll love it but for mine if you just follow me on instagram you will see what

I'm gonna do because I'm going to be posting more about my tracker on and

about my bullet journal on Instagram.

but you can see what I do and how I do it

and I will be doing more videos about the bullet journal but if you have

questions about this let me know down in the comments what kind of questions

because I know that this video is probably really long already so I will,

I just want to show you flip through this and show you how I did it.

If this is your first time here remember to subscribe.

Hit that like button and also

ring that bell so that we get notifications when I do new videos so I

hope I get to see you again next time

If you like this video, give it a thumbs up

You can share it don't forget to subscribe and check out the other videos

on this channel

I love making these videos for you and I hope I get to see you again next time

[ music ]

For more infomation >> Bullet Journal My Set Up and flip through - Duration: 10:16.


'I made mistakes... it will not happen again': United star Martial issues apology to fiancee - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 'I made mistakes... it will not happen again': United star Martial issues apology to fiancee - Duration: 3:01.


Liverpool news: Xherdan Shaqiri makes transfer claim - 'Rodgers called me several times' - Duration: 2:42.

 The Swiss international spent three years in the German capital, where he won three Bundesliga titles

 Shaqiri struggled for game time in his final season at Bayern under Pep Guardiola before seeking an exit from the Allianz Arena

 And now the £13.5million summer signing has revealed that he could have made the switch to Anfield a lot sooner

 "Brendan Rodgers called me several times but Bayern didn't allow me to leave," he told Liverpool's official programme ahead of the clash

 Shaqiri eventually moved onto Inter Milan before signing for Stoke City. This will be the first time that the 27-year-old has faced Bayern since waving goodbye

 When asked if he's faced Bayern since, he replied: "No. It was difficult with Stoke and I was there for three years! "But no, I've never been back there

 "Even with Inter Milan we only played in the Europa League so this will be the first time

 "A lot of people are going to come to watch and I am very happy to be going back there, after a long time to play in the Allianz Arena

" Shaqiri has proved a bargain since the Reds activated his relegation clause last July, scoring six times in 20 Premier League appearances

 "It's an amazing stadium to play in and I am really looking forward to going back there to see the fans there," he continued

 "Obviously it is going to be a very, very good game and I wanted this - I wanted to play against Bayern Munich

 "I'm looking forward to seeing my old team-mates and also people I worked together with at Bayern Munich

 "It's going to be emotional for me because In nearly two-and-a-half years I had an amazing time and we won a lot of titles

 "I will never forget this - but I also want to get there to win the game."

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Xherdan Shaqiri makes transfer claim - 'Rodgers called me several times' - Duration: 2:42.


Passion - Lift Up Jesus (Live) ft. Brett Younker - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Passion - Lift Up Jesus (Live) ft. Brett Younker - Duration: 5:00.


心理测试:4个胸针,你最喜欢哪个?秒测你前世是个什么样的人 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:4个胸针,你最喜欢哪个?秒测你前世是个什么样的人 - Duration: 4:13.


🔥 💰 Highest Paying IT Certification in 2019! MAKE A TON OF MONEY TODAY!!! 🔥 - Duration: 4:43.

You know what they say it's all about the money the money is everything without money,


We can't eat drink sleep.

Do whatever we wanna do so a lot of people are focused on money.

They want to pay their bills and they're like.

What are the highest certifications.

You know the highest paying certifications out there, because we as humans are very curious

about this and so today I'm going to be revealing the top or certifications that pay the most

you will be shocked to see how much these certification We'll pay so definitely stay

tuned and subscribe Be sure to subscribe to the Tezzan channel I'm always posting videos

and I need your support.

Okay the first highest paying certification is the ccie The ccie is a networking certification

and the average ccie professional makes 100 and 54000 dollars every year and this is just

the average there are people who are making way more.

There are people making a little bit less, but the average salary for a ccie is 100 and

53 thousand dollars each year that is crazy.

That's a huge amount of money and hopefully you guys can get that just work hard study

for your Cia and make a hundred and 53000 dollars a year just kidding it's not that



The second highest paying certification out there is the aws certification amazon Web

service certified Dev ops engineer and this is at the professional level at the professional


You know you're gonna be doing all type of of things in the cloud, with a toe us okay

you're gonna have to know all about amazon and how they work in Background and you know

the server hosting aws platform and all types of things.

I might leave a link down below in the description letting you guys know what it's about.

But it's a really good certification made by amazon amazon actually offer to um amazon

called me off for an interview three times early in my career, but I never took the interview

just because I already had a job at the time, but amazon is a great employers definitely

study for their certification and use their products Amazon is a great company and they're

only growing and I forgot about the money who you can expect to make a hundred and 16000

dollars with this certification so if you get the certification you're, gonna be rich



The third highest paying certification is the cis P ok.

This is a security certification.

It demonstrates that you know a lot about security.

You know how to defend your company from all types of it.

Security threats.

You know how to manage everything you got everything on lockdown okay a hundred and

10000 dollars with this certification who needs College who needs boot camps, who needs

all these other things when you can just make a hundred and 10000 dollars with the Cissp


So go study with your Cissp.

Let's go study for your Cissp just make a boatload of money guys it's easy alright the

fourth certification on my list is the mcse.

Okay Microsoft.

Certified System engineer these guys make 90000 dollars a year on average.

That's crazy.

I mean it's still good that's still good.

You can still make a ton of money with that Just stunning Microsoft, I mean, if you like,

windows, if you like, dealing with Microsoft server and doing things in the cloud, they

have a lot of exams that you can get your mc is he with basically once you have your

mc is a you have a nine exams.

You can choose from to get your m ca e and there's, a lot of jobs out there for the certification

the work.

I do right now is sort of related to the mc so it's a definitely a good certification

if you will use a lot in the work environment anyway, those were the four certifications

for 2019.

If I miss some, if you think there are other better certifications out there.

That can pay you a lot more.

Let me know down below in the comments be sure to subscribe to the Tezzan channel I'm

always posting videos and I need your support.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> 🔥 💰 Highest Paying IT Certification in 2019! MAKE A TON OF MONEY TODAY!!! 🔥 - Duration: 4:43.


心理测试:你觉得哪双脚最好看?测你在恋爱时的眼瞎程度 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:你觉得哪双脚最好看?测你在恋爱时的眼瞎程度 - Duration: 5:12.


Six Minutes of Me Shading Colours (Hopefully this can help) - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Six Minutes of Me Shading Colours (Hopefully this can help) - Duration: 6:54.


আমার সন্তান আমার পৃথিবী ! A Normal Day In My Life !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> আমার সন্তান আমার পৃথিবী ! A Normal Day In My Life !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:06.


How To Sign: 7 Rings by Ariana Grande (Sign Language, PSE, ASL, CC) - Duration: 11:50.

- [Becca] Take one, action.

- I feel pressure.

You're watching me.

Hey everyone, what's up?

Welcome back to my channel.

'Tis me, Jackie G.

How are you?

I'm good.

Today, I will be showing you my interpretation of

"7 Rings" and how I sign it.

Let's jump right in.

Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles.

So I did breakfast, it would be eating but with a B.

I could have done, morning food.

I could have signed it that way but I prefer breakfast

because she sings that line so quick.

Breakfast at


I didn't want to finger spell Tiffany's

because again, she is quick.

I was gonna use, Tiffany's, with a T in the moment,

I signed ring, so I just kept it

because I like that way better when I was editing it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's or Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles.

That's bottles of Champagne.

Girls with tattoos,

who like getting, which means you're like infatuated,

you're drawn to it, who like getting in trouble.

Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines.

I did lashes, as in eye lashes,

and I like to put in some attitude.

Lashes and diamonds.

This is like, you know, your ring finger

and it's like shining with a diamond, ATM machines.

By myself, all of my favorite things, yeah.

I did buy, buy, buy, buy, buy,

all my favorite things.


Been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch.

Been through, some bad shit.

So experience some bad shit,

should be a sad bitch.

Who knows, I've become mean.


Again, attitude, savage.

Rather be tied up with calls and not strings.

Prefer to be locked, finger spell up,

rather be tied up with calls,

not strings and this means relationship.

Write my own checks like I write what I sing, yeah.

Okay, so I sign checks, write, same as I write songs.

My wrist, stop watchin', my neck is flossin'.

Bracelet on the wrist, finish watching.

My neck and I outline my neck is flossy meaning it's glossy,

it's shining.

Make big deposits.

I did chuck of money, feed it.

So like you're feeding it to, you know, the machine

or the bank person, whatever.

Money feed it, make big deposits.

My gloss is poppin'.

Lips poppin' because it's poppin',

it's shinin'. It should be shinin'.

You like my hair? Gee, thanks, just bought it.

You like my hair?

You can sign hair, hair.

You know, just you know, this my hair.

You like my hair? Gee, thanks.

I just shorten that to thanks.

Just, as in recently, just bought it.

This is a sign, the official sign for bought or buy,

and I just used my way of signing it would be bought.

I just bought this hair, so thanks.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.

When she's rapping, I prefer to use English.

What they say is what they mean,

and it's hard to interpret it because there are so many

ways to interpret it, so I'd rather use English

and like let you think for yourself.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it, yeah.

I want it, I got it. I want it, I got it.

I want it, I got it. I want it, I got it.

Those are all like basic signs.

Just use them and put in some attitude, some of that.

Facial expression, that.

Like my hair? Gee, thanks, just bought it.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it, yeah.

Wearing a ring, but ain't gon' be no "Mrs."

Wearing, that's very very English sign.

Wearing a ring, which is just ring.

Putting on a ring.

So wearing a ring not no married.

Bought matching diamonds for six of my bitches.

Bought matching diamonds for six my bitches.

I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches.

I prefer to spoil this liter-, like literally,

means ruin and I know someone commented and said,

"The proper use of the word, spoil in that way,

would be spoil."

When I was learning ASL,

one of my teachers taught spoiled like, get it.

When you're giving your friends or your kids things

you're ruining them, you're spoiling them,

because if a kid is like given everything then he's ruined,

he's spoiled.

I didn't even know that other sign existed

but now I know.

Spoiled, spoiled.

I'd rather spoil all my friends with my money.

This is my favorite lyric because it's just so fun to do.

Think retail therapy, so think buy, buy, buy, buy, buy

my new addition.

I love that sign, addiction.

Who said, money can't solve your problems?

Must not have had enough money to solve them.

English, but fits the beat.

This song is all about attitude.

They say, "Which one?" I say, "Nah, I want all of 'em".


They say which one?

And then it flips to me saying, I role shift.

Nah, I want all of 'em.

Happiness is the same price as red-bottoms.

Happiness the same price as red heels.

My smile is gleamin', my skin is beamin'.

My smile is shining.

My skin is shining.

The way it shines I know finish, seen it.

I bought a crib just for the closet.

Both his and hers, I want it, I got it, yeah.

I bought a house for,

just for,

do I do just?

Yeah, I bought a house for the closet

both his and hers,

I want it, I got it, yeah.

I want it, I got it.

I want it, I got it.

I want it, I got it.

You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it, yeah.

("7 Rings" by Ariana Grande)

So now, she just like keeps going with I want it, I got it.

I want it, I got it, and then she's like ahhh haaa.

So like you can just go ahhh yaaa, try to match her,

what you think she is doing with her voice.

So I always try to and match it with my lip movement

because I know that really helps me a lot when I'm trying

to read someone.

Now is the rap, like the true business, the rap.

The like meat of the song.

Receipt. Receipts, be lookin' like phone numbers,

if it ain't money then wrong number.

Again, English here,

because I mean I want to honor those lyrics because damn!

Okay, receipts, so I do a long strip of paper.

Receipts look like phone numbers,

if it ain't money, so if not money, wrong number.

Wrong number.

Black card is my business card,

the way it be settin' the tone for me.

Black card is my buiness card, the way it be settin' up,

the feeling for me.

I wasn't sure how to sign that part because not sure,

what is means.

When I'm trying to translate songs I'm always trying to ask

myself, what does that mean?

What does that mean?

I really honestly, I'm not sure, what that means.

I think it might like evolve, you're so rich that

you have an American Express, I don't know.

I'm not rich, I don't understand.

Okay, the way it be settin' the tone for me,

I don't mean to brag

but I'd be like put it in the bag, yeah.

When you see them racks they stack up like my ass, yeah.

I don't want to brag, I don't want to boost,

but I'd be like put it in the bag,

so I'm just signing put

and then I sign, like bag, basket.

Put it in the bag, yeah.

When you see them racks, so again, I do a chuck of money.

When you see them racks, they stack up like my ass.

And I just point to my ass because that's the sign for ass.

You point.

Yeah, shoot.

That's just, doesn't mean anything, so shoot.


I could have done, shoot.

Make it all back in one loop.

Okay, so arrive one drive.

Drive, yeah.

Give me the loot.

Give me the money, give me the money!

Never mind, I got the juice nothing but net when we shoot.

Never mind, I have the juice.

And this means, inspiration.

So never mind, I have the inpsirtation don't need you.

Never mind, I got the juice, have.

I did easy, like nothing but net, when we shoot.

So easy playin', easy basketball, easy.

Look at my neck, look at my jet,

ain't got enough money to pay me respect.

Look at my neck, I just outline by neck again,

look at my neck.

Look at my jet, so look at my jet.

Ain't got enough money to pay respect.

That's quick but muscle memory, man.

If you practice and practice and practice.

Your muscles they will remember it,

and you will wake up the next day and it'll just do it.

It will just happen.

Ain't no budget when I'm on the set.

Ain't money comin' in, budget.

That's budget, money coming in.

When I'm on set, so when on set, when on set.

That's what I use when I'm just signing away.

("7 Rings" by Ariana Grande)

If I like it then that's what I get, yeah.

I just sign, if I like it, then I get, yeah.

I want it, I got it. I want it, I got it.

I want it, I got it.

You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it.

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it, yeah.

And that's it!

Ariana Grande, the Queen.

The one that's doing things right now.

"7 Rings", my ASL PSE interpretation.

It's just flat out not pure ASL.

It has parts in there that I think show a little bit of ASL,

which is why I always label my video ASL/PSE.

I don't know, it's just my way of signing.

Thanks for watching! Come back, please.

Sub if you haven't.

Go check out my video, thanks Becca for helping me always.

- [Becca] You're welcome!

- Bye!

Oh! And check out my Instragram @tismejackieg.

Jackie G.


For more infomation >> How To Sign: 7 Rings by Ariana Grande (Sign Language, PSE, ASL, CC) - Duration: 11:50.


劉青雲,張達明,張耀揚,新年齊聚,吳鎮宇這是又要干啥 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 劉青雲,張達明,張耀揚,新年齊聚,吳鎮宇這是又要干啥 - Duration: 4:51.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Alternate Story -Supreme Leader- - Duration: 3:39.

You failed him by thinking his choice was made.

It wasn't!

There's still conflict in him.

If he would turn from the dark side, that could shift the tide!

This could be how we win!

This is not going to go the way you think.

Oh, still that fiery spit of hope?

You have the spirit of a true Jedi!

And because of that...

you must die.

My worthy apprentice,

son of darkness,

heir apparent to Lord Vader.

Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve.

Where there was weakness, strength.

Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny.


don't do this.

I know what I have to do.


You think you can turn him?

Pathetic child,

I cannot be betrayed.

I cannot be beaten.

I see his mind.

I see his every intent.


I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true!

And now, foolish child, he ignites it...

and kills his true enemy!!!


Ben. No!!!


For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Alternate Story -Supreme Leader- - Duration: 3:39.


„Nevšímavost, lhostejnost, strach!" I tohle zabilo týraného chlapečka (†3), říká ředitel Fondu ohrož - Duration: 2:54.

Případ nyní šetří policie, otčím byl obviněn z těžkého ublížení na zdraví a týrání

Proč Simona T. (19) svého přítele nezastavila a nezabránila včas tragédii, vysvětlila strachem

„Bála jsem se, že by mi malýho vzala sociálka, kdybych to nahlásila," popsala.  Podle jejích slov muž bil dítě každý den

„Kluk ho nechtěl poslouchat, tak ho za to mlátil, netušila jsem, že to dojde takhle daleko," řekla exkluzivně Blesku mladá žena

Poté, co případ vyšel najevo, se našlo i mnoho svědků, kteří tvrdili, že viděli na dítěti modřiny, popáleniny od cigaret… nikdo ale nezasáhl a chlapci nepomohl

 „Je to opravdu katastrofa a a je hrozné, že se to vůbec může stát.  Je to způsobeno i tím, že se lidé bojí

Setkáváme se s tím  v Klokánku, že lidé mají strach týrání oznámit, aby někoho z něčeho nenařkli, aby je někdo pak nežaloval," vysvětluje ředitel FOD Jan Vaněk a dodává, že stát by měl naopak lidi, kteří se svým svědectvím snaží dítě ochránit, před něčím takovým bránit

„Protože to dítě si samo nepomůže. Máme všichni čekat, až někdo zareaguje? A když nikdo nezareaguje, tak to dítě třeba umře!" zlobí se Vaněk, který připomíná, že je potřeba, aby i okolí bylo všímavé, nejen pediatr nebo učitelé ve škole

„Pokud veřejnost něco takového vidí, na hřišti, ve škole, u doktora, tak je dobré to nahlásit na OSPOD a řešit situaci

Drobné modřiny, to že dítě nemá opakovaně do školy svačinu, je zanedbané, špinavé, může poukazovat na větší problém v rodině, který může končit až smrtí," dodává Vaněk a uzavírá s tím, že kdyby oznámení o podezření na týrání bylo i jen anonymní, může pomoci

„U anonymního hlášení je pak ovšem špatná zpětná vazba, jestli s tím případem někdo něco dělal, ale ta možnost samozřejmě je a je rozhodně lepší, než neudělat nic," končí Vaněk

For more infomation >> „Nevšímavost, lhostejnost, strach!" I tohle zabilo týraného chlapečka (†3), říká ředitel Fondu ohrož - Duration: 2:54.


Daňová přiznání musí odevzdávat i zaměstnanci. Podívejte se, v jakých případech - Duration: 1:34.

Pan Michal pronajímal v lednu a únoru 2018 svůj byt, celkové příjmy z pronájmu činily 12 000 korun

V březnu 2018 byt prodal. Po celý rok 2018 byl pan Michal zaměstnancem firmy AB, kde pracoval na hlavní pracovní poměr

Za rok 2018 si musí pan Michal sám podat daňové přiznání, do kterého uvede příjmy a výdaje z pronájmu dle § 9 zákona o dani z příjmu

Bude muset vyplnit i přílohu číslo dva daňového přiznání. Příjem z prodeje nemovitosti je od daně z příjmu fyzických osob osvobozen, neboť mezi nabytím a prodejem nemovitosti uplynulo 7 let

Prodej nemovitosti, u které není splněna podmínky bydlení, je od daně z příjmu fyzických osob osvobozen, jestliže mezi nabytím a prodejem uplyne alespoň pět let

Daňově osvobozené příjmy se přitom do daňového přiznání neuvádí. Další zajímavé informace najdete na portálu FinExpert

For more infomation >> Daňová přiznání musí odevzdávat i zaměstnanci. Podívejte se, v jakých případech - Duration: 1:34.


90s Female Action Actress Then and Now 2019 - Duration: 10:03.

90s Female Action Actress Then and Now 2019

Press the bell icon on me and never miss another object

Oh, my baby

I'm crazy

What you've been that before me we post on got your feet both fly

You'll get to flap with me. I

Can take you down fall

Take you around

a walk across walking played lucky

Oh, my baby

So, I'm crazy

My baby

So I'm crazy but you've been that bad we musta got feet

You get to fly

I can take you down for

Take you around

Crosswalker player



My baby

Comes they've written it yet. So I'm crazy, but you've been that bad for me

Meatballs done got your feet

you get


Can take you down for a ride

Take you round

Get across walking dead like it

Oh, baby

So, I'm crazy

My baby

So I'm crazy but you've been that bad we musta got feet

you get to fly I

Can take you down for ride

Take you over

Crosswalking played like


my baby

Cuz they've written it yet. So I'm crazy

But you've been that bad for me

Repost I got your feet

You'll get to flap with me. I

Can take you down for a ride

Take you around

One gauge across walking dead like

Oh, baby

So I am crazy

I'm crazy. But you've been that bad. We musta got your feet

You get to flap with me

We can take you down for right

Take you around

Crosswalking red block


My baby

ghost apron

so high

But you've been that bad for me meatballs done. Got your feet

You get to fly


Can take you down fall, right

Take you around

Crosswalking played like

For more infomation >> 90s Female Action Actress Then and Now 2019 - Duration: 10:03.


SML Movie: Black Yoshi's Koolaid Problem Reaction - Duration: 21:12.

SML Movie: Black Yoshi's Koolaid Problem Reaction

For more infomation >> SML Movie: Black Yoshi's Koolaid Problem Reaction - Duration: 21:12.


Ex-Fed Prosecutor: Public Michael Cohen Hearing 'Going To Be Dramatic Day' | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> Ex-Fed Prosecutor: Public Michael Cohen Hearing 'Going To Be Dramatic Day' | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 14:40.


Czy sadzić tulipany wiosną? | - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Czy sadzić tulipany wiosną? | - Duration: 2:37.


Supershowerbabybowl - Duration: 21:34.

For more infomation >> Supershowerbabybowl - Duration: 21:34.





Indian Hash Bust - Duration: 44:12.

For more infomation >> Indian Hash Bust - Duration: 44:12.


✅ Brumadinho: acordo avança e Justiça garante auxílio emergencial - Duration: 3:27.

 Belo Horizonte (MG) – Na terceira audiência entre a Justiça, a Vale e os atingidos pelo rompimento da barragem Mina Córrego do Feijão, em Brumadinho (MG), houve avanços nas negociações e foi feito um acordo preliminar

O acerto feito nesta quarta-feira (20/2) garantirá pagamento de verba emergencial e contratação de uma assistência técnica independente para avaliar os danos ao longo da bacia do Rio Paraopeba

 As negociações começaram logo após o rompimento da Barragem I da Mina do Córrego do Feijão, no dia 25 de janeiro

Até então, a Vale queria a garantia de pagamento apenas para as comunidades das chamadas zonas de autossalvamento (ZAS), deixando de fora o resto da cidade de Brumadinho e quem vive às margens do Paraopeba

 "Estivemos na audiência hoje com a Comissão de Atingidos e, dessa vez, a Vale teve que cumprir com algumas decisões que o juiz foi dando, e que ela se recusava nas mesas de negociação", disse o coordenador do Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), Joceli Andriolli

"Ela vinha em um processo de enrolação e hoje, frente ao juiz, teve que ceder a um direito que é fundamental, o de todas as pessoas no território de Brumadinho e também ao longo do rio receber mensalmente um auxílio emergencial", detalhou

 O procurador Edmundo Dias, do Ministério Público Federal (MPF), explicou que foram negociados os valores de R$ 1

000 por adulto atingido e R$ 300 por criança e adolescente a jusante de Brumadinho e em uma faixa de 1km à margem do Rio Paraopeba

Ainda não há previsão para o início destes pagamentos, mas Dias afirma que, na medida em que essas pessoas foram sendo incluídas no cadastro, começaram a receber o recurso

 Vale pagaráAlém da verba emergencial, foi acordada a contratação de uma assistência técnica a ser escolhida pelos atingidos e apresentada à Justiça

A assistência será responsável pelo cadastramento das pessoas atingidas e levantamento dos danos causados

 As providências serão custeadas pela Vale e determinarão, além de quem se encontra na faixa geográfica a ser contemplada com o auxílio financeiro, outros possíveis beneficiados

Ressarcimentos de gastos do Estado de Minas Gerais também passarão a ser pagos pela mineradora e essa verba será retirada do dinheiro que está retido na Justiça

 Ao fim da reunião, o consultor geral e diretor jurídico da Vale, Alexandre D'Ambrósio afirmou que a audiência foi construída também em colaboração com a empresa e confirma a postura da mineradora de construir um acordo emergencial

"É um avanço na reparação e o objetivo da Vale é fazer a reparação de todos os danos

A Vale quer a mesma coisa que todos os órgãos. Queremos trabalhar junto para levar a reparação do dano causado", explicou

 A audiência aconteceu na 6ª Vara de Fazenda Pública de Minas Gerais e teve a participação dos atingidos e suas comissões, do Ministério Público Estadual e do Ministério Público Federal

Outra audiência está marcada para o dia 7 de março para dar avanço a outros pontos previstos no Termo de Ajuste Preliminar (TAP), que não foi totalmente contemplado hoje

Enquanto os envolvidos se reuniam, o MAB esteve presente e fez um ato (fotos em destaque e abaixo) na porta do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais (TJMG), onde houve a audiência

For more infomation >> ✅ Brumadinho: acordo avança e Justiça garante auxílio emergencial - Duration: 3:27.


Cine îi ține locul Flaviei Mihășan la «Neatza cu Răzvan și Dani». Vedeta va intra în concediu de mat - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Cine îi ține locul Flaviei Mihășan la «Neatza cu Răzvan și Dani». Vedeta va intra în concediu de mat - Duration: 5:32.


✅ Ticiane Pinheiro esclarece reclamação em aeroporto:'Nunca quis diminuir ninguém' - Duration: 2:30.

 Criticada após falar que aeroporto virou rodoviária, Ticiane Pinheiro esclareceu o ocorrido em seu perfil no Instagram e se desculpou com os seguidores

"Acho que fui mal interpretada ou não fui tão clara quanto deveria. Sempre viajei para o Rio de ônibus noturno, saindo de SP meia noite e chegando cedinho no Rio, sempre fui para Ubatuba de ônibus

As filas nas rodoviárias muitas vezes são enormes tanto na bilheteria como no embarque

E, nesse dia, o aeroporto estava assim. Foi só isso o que eu quis dizer

Nunca quis diminuir ninguém", afirmou a mulher de Cesar Tralli, de quem espera o primeiro filho

  Grávida, apresentadora não costuma usar fila preferencial  À espera de uma menina que vai se chamar Manuella, Ticiane explicou que a reclamação era sobre as filas nos aeroportos

"Eu não precisaria estar na fila porque estou gestante, mas como estou me sentindo bem, fico na fila sempre

Naquele dia, porém, a cena era atípica, muita gente mesmo, e eu fiz o registro sobre a lotação do aeroporto às 6 da manhã

Muitas pessoas que, assim como eu, com frequência acordam cinco horas da manhã, pra viajar para algum lugar, trabalhar, e voltar no mesmo dia estavam estranhando aquela situação

Foi só isso. Como vi que gerou uma interpretação errada do que eu quis dizer, apaguei o Stories alguns minutos depois", comentou

Empresária planeja parto normal em nova gravidez  Exibindo a barriguinha saliente, Ticiane contou anteriormente em seu canal no YouTube como pretende dar à luz

"Eu tive cesárea na Rafa porque ela estava com o cordão enrolado no pescoço e não deu para ser normal

Acho muito legal o parto normal quando ele vem e é para ser, quando a bolsa estourou

Forçar o parto normal acho que é ir contra a natureza, se está tudo apropriado para vir ao mundo de parto normal é maravilhoso

Vou sim tentar o parto normal e espero que ela queira, mas se não, vou fazer cesárea como foi a Rafa, bem tranquilo", disse a artista, cujo os sintomas da segunda gestação já são notados

 (Por Patrícia Dias)

For more infomation >> ✅ Ticiane Pinheiro esclarece reclamação em aeroporto:'Nunca quis diminuir ninguém' - Duration: 2:30.


✅ "A reforma é fundamental para a Previdência não quebrar e será justa e para todos", disse Bolsonar - Duration: 3:38.

 O presidente Jair Bolsonaro afirmou em um pronunciamento exibido nesta quarta-feira (20) na TV que a reforma da Previdência Social é fundamental para o sistema não quebrar

Disse também que a mudança será "justa" e "para todos".  Mais cedo, nesta quarta, Bolsonaro entregou ao Congresso Nacional a proposta de emenda à Constituição (PEC) que trata das mudanças no sistema previdenciário

 "Hoje, iniciamos o processo de criação de uma nova Previdência. É fundamental equilibrarmos as contas do país para que o sistema não quebre, como já aconteceu com outros países e em alguns estados brasileiros", afirmou

 Entre outros pontos, a PEC prevê: idade mínima para homens e mulheres poderem se aposentar; fim da aposentadoria exclusiva por tempo de contribuição; regras de transição para aposentadoria

 De acordo com o presidente, é preciso garantir que todos recebam a aposentadoria "em dia" e que o governo consiga ampliar a capacidade de investir na melhoria da qualidade de vida da população

 "A nova Previdência será justa e para todos, sem privilégios", destacou

 Íntegra do pronunciamento do presidente  Boa noite!  Estamos determinados a mudar o rumo do nosso país

Nossos objetivos são claros: resgatar a nossa segurança, fazer a economia crescer e servir a quem realmente manda no país, a população brasileira

Sendo assim, ontem encaminhamos ao Congresso um pacote anticrime.  E hoje iniciamos o processo de criação de uma nova Previdência

É fundamental equilibrarmos as contas do país para que o sistema não quebre, como já aconteceu com outros países e em alguns estados brasileiros

 Precisamos garantir que, hoje e sempre, todos receberão seus benefícios em dia e o governo tenha recursos para ampliar investimentos na melhoria de vida da população e na geração de empregos

A nova Previdência será justa e para todos. Sem privilégios.  Ricos e pobres, servidores públicos, políticos ou trabalhadores privados, todos seguirão as mesmas regras de idade e tempo de contribuição

Também haverá a reforma dos sistemas de proteção social dos militares

 Respeitaremos as diferenças, mas não excluiremos ninguém. E com justiça: quem ganha mais, contribuirá com mais, quem ganha menos, contribuirá com menos ainda

 Quero lembrar que, hoje, os homens mais pobres já se aposentam com 65 anos e as mulheres com 60, enquanto isso, os mais ricos se aposentam sem idade mínima

isso vai mudar.  A nova Previdência fará a equiparação e as pessoas de todas as classes vão se aposentar com a mesma idade

Mas isso não ocorrerá do dia para a noite. Estão previstas regras de transição para que todos possam se adaptar ao novo modelo

 No tocante aos direitos adquiridos, todos estão garantidos, seja para quem já está aposentado ou para quem já completou os requisitos para se aposentar

 Também fazem parte da nova Previdência o combate às fraudes e medidas de cobrança aos devedores da Previdência

 Os projetos seguiram hoje ao Congresso Nacional para um amplo debate social sob o comando dos presidentes da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia, e do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre

 Nós sabemos que a nova Previdência exigirá um pouco mais de cada um de nós

Porém, é para uma causa comum: o futuro do nosso Brasil e das próximas gerações

 Estou convicto que nós temos um pacto pelo país, e que juntos, cada um com sua parcela de contribuição, mudaremos nossa história, com mais investimentos, desenvolvimento e mais empregos

 Meu muito obrigado! Jair Bolsonaropresidenteprevidênciapronunciamentoreforma

For more infomation >> ✅ "A reforma é fundamental para a Previdência não quebrar e será justa e para todos", disse Bolsonar - Duration: 3:38.


✅ Ex-Miss Bumbum revela segredo da sua boa forma e beleza - Duration: 1:18.

Vencedora do concurso Miss Bumbum 2017, a life coach Rosie Oliveira revelou em entrevista o segredo de sua boa forma

"Sou apaixonada por vinho e adepta dele na minha dieta. O motivo é simples: o resveratrol, substância encontrada na casca e na semente de uvas pretas e vermelhas, convertem o excesso de gordura branca em gordura marrom, mais fácil de ser eliminada pelo corpo", declarou a musa

Rosie, que bebe pelo menos uma taça de vinho por dia, ainda lembrou os efeitos benéficos do consumo de uvas

"Frutas, em geral, são ricas em resveratrol, principalmente aquelas com cascas escuras como amora, morango e maçã

Além disso elas têm ação oxidante, ajudando na eliminação de toxinas do organismo", falou

  Notícias Relacionadas   18/12/2018 | 00h30m - Pedro Ungheria Rosie Oliveira faz ensaio sensual vestida de Mamãe Noel   10/02/2018 | 16h46m - Caroline Huertas Miss Bumbum desfila pela Acadêmicos do Tatuapé   29/09/2017 | 23h00m - Andréia Takano Miss Bumbum Amazonas revela dieta para manter corpão

For more infomation >> ✅ Ex-Miss Bumbum revela segredo da sua boa forma e beleza - Duration: 1:18.


✅ Após homenagem, Ana Furtado faz agradecimento a Mara Maravilha - Área VIP - Duration: 2:04.

 Mara Maravilha revelou na noite desta última terça-feira (19) que radicalizou o visual em homenagem a apresentadora Ana Furtado, que enfrentou um câncer de mama

+ Com vídeo emocionante Ana Furtado comemora última sessão de radioterapia: 'A cura é minha'  Na tarde desta quarta-feira (20), Ana usou os stories de seu Instagram para fazer um agradecimento a singela homenagem

 "Gente, eu acabei de ver o post da Mara Maravilha. Muito obrigada pelo carinho eu tô realmente muito emocionada, não só com essa, mas com todas as outras manifestações de carinhos nas minhas redes sociais

E dizer, repetir, que sem vocês tudo teria sido mais difícil. Muito obrigada", falou ela no vídeo

+ Ana Furtado comemora gravidez de Claudia Leitte  Confira o vídeo:   Mara Maravilha faz homenagem a Ana Furtado e radicaliza o visual  Mais uma mudança de visual no mundo dos famosos! Isso porque, na noite desta última terça-feira (19), Mara Maravilha surpreendeu ao revelar que mudou completamente seu corte de cabelo

 Mara publicou vários clicks de sua mudança e na legenda ela revelou o grande motivo

O seu corte foi uma singela homenagem a apresentadora Ana Furtado, que recentemente se curou de um câncer na mama

Confira a homenagem! Ana Furtado faz reflexão: 'Aprendi mais com a doença do que sofri'  Ana Furtado só tem motivos para celebrar

A apresentadora que recentemente lutou contra um câncer de mama, mudou radicalmente o visual para marcar uma nova página na sua vida

 Nesta quarta-feira (20) usou suas redes para fazer uma reflexão e contou que durante esse último ano ela aprendeu muito com a doença

Confira! Confira também: Ana Furtado muda o visual e deixa cabelo curtinho "A opinião dos outros se torna irrelevante", dispara Mara Maravilha sobre amadurecimento Ana Furtado alcança 3 milhões de seguidores e comemora de maneira hilária

For more infomation >> ✅ Após homenagem, Ana Furtado faz agradecimento a Mara Maravilha - Área VIP - Duration: 2:04.


✅ Preta Gil revela passado com Carolina Dieckmann: "Achava antipática" - Duration: 1:54.

 Amiga de longa data de Carolina Dieckmann, Preta Gil revelou que não gostava da atriz antes de realmente conhecê-la

Participante do Encontro com Fátima Bernardes desta quarta-feira (20/2), a cantora entrou no debate sobre amizades e contou que "não ia com a cara da atriz", mas a situação mudou por causa de Ivete Sangalo

 "Achava antipática, chata, metida, nojenta. Ela falava a mesma coisa de mim para a Ivete

Um dia a Ivete enganou as duas: convidou a gente para encontrar uma a outra num hotel

Quando dei de cara, pensei: 'Que saco essa menina'", relembrou. Preta Gil revela passado com Carolina Dieckmann: "Achava antipática"   8 FOTOS  "Depois comecei a ver que ela não era chata e antipática

A amizade nasceu quando a gente quebrou o preconceito que uma tinha pela outra", concluiu Preta

A artista ainda recebeu, no matutino, uma linda homenagem de Carolina

 No telão, a loira abriu o coração ao falar sobre o relacionamento. "Há 10 anos que posso estar em qualquer lugar do mundo que no dia do Bloco da Preta sei que vou estar com ela

Só quero coisa boa pra você, que seja mais um ano lindo, de muita alegria e emoção", declarou

 Diante da mensagem, Preta não conteve as lágrimas, sendo consolada pela apresentadora

"É um choro bom, de emoção. Ela é assim mesmo, pode tá a casa caindo, se eu falar que estou com problema, ela sai de casa para me ajudar

É uma amizade que me emociona mesmo", disse Preta Gil.

For more infomation >> ✅ Preta Gil revela passado com Carolina Dieckmann: "Achava antipática" - Duration: 1:54.


Další oběť Michaela Jacksona (†50)? Nechutnosti s dvanáctiletou! - Duration: 2:38.

 Zvěsti o sexuálním obtěžování dětí se s Michaelem Jacksonem táhly ještě za jeho života a další nepřestávají vycházet na povrch ani po jeho smrti

Naposledy šla „s pravdou" ven neznámá žena, která tvrdí, že byla králem popu také zneužita

V době, kdy ji měl Jackson obtěžovat, jí bylo pouhých 12 let.    Jeho pozornost si získala kvůli svému chlapeckému vzhledu

K sexuálnímu obtěžování mělo docházet od roku 1986. Žena, která se zařadila mezi další Michaelovy oběti, disponuje také důkazy v podobě milostné korespondence či kopií šeků, které podepisoval sám král popu

 Každý z dopisů, které dívka tehdy od Jacksona obdržela, měl intimní charakter. Zpěvák jí vyznával lásku a vypisoval své touhy

Její mlčení si tehdy koupil za neuvěřitelných 20,5 milionu korun.    Kdysi se také mluvilo o tom, že zpěvák se měl bláznivě zamilovat do Emmy Watson (28), představitelky Hermiony v Harry Potterovi

Prý se nechal slyšet, že by se s ní rád oženil. Herečka byla během natáčení prvního dílu sotva jedenáctileté děvčátko, což ve světle těchto skutečností zní ještě hůř, než kdy dřív

 VIDEO: Nahrávka Michaela Jacksona. Zpěvák na ní mluví o plánovaném turné. Z jeho hlasu je však poznat, že je pod vlivem silných léků   Video délka: 00:53

24 480p 360p 240p REKLAMA  Nahrávka Michaela Jacksona. Zpěvák na ní mluví o plánovaném turné

Z jeho hlasu je však poznat, že je pod vlivem silných léků

For more infomation >> Další oběť Michaela Jacksona (†50)? Nechutnosti s dvanáctiletou! - Duration: 2:38.


Niño de 2 años sobrevive a extraña enfermedad - Duration: 4:51.

Ciudad de México— José Tadeo, de 2 años, es un niño como todos los demás en apariencia

Sin embargo, nació con la enfermedad acidemia metilmalónica, la cual ocasiona que su cuerpo no procese sustancias tóxicas que pueden acumularse en su sangre

Sin saberlo, su mamá y su médico emprendieron una batalla para que el niño logrará acceder a un medicamento que no había en México y por el cual ha mejorado su calidad de vida

Su neurólogo pediatra, el doctor Roberto Sandoval, explicó que esta enfermedad del metabolismo originada por factores genéticos afecta a un recién nacido por cada 50 o 100 mil en el país

"En México puede haber un paciente por cada 50 o 100 mil habitantes recién nacidos

El diagnostico oportuno a través del tamiz metabólico neonatal es una herramienta vital para un tratamiento oportuno", afirmó el médico

El especialista detalló que la acidemia metilmalónica ocasiona que el cuerpo no pueda procesar ciertas partes de proteínas y grasas adecuadamente, incluso, para explicar el proceso la asocia con los efectos de la diabetes y los daños que origina en órganos como el riñón y ojos al presentar niveles altos de azúcar

Sandoval sostuvo que la mejor manera de confrontar la enfermedad es a través del tamizaje neonatal para dar un tratamiento oportuno

José Tadeo es el primer niño en el país que tuvo acceso al tratamiento a base del ácido carglumico, con el cual ha mejorado su vida

Su mamá, la señora Guadalupe Pucheta, asegura que, con la toma del medicamento desde hace seis meses, su hijo menor pudo desarrollar la capacidad para comunicarse verbalmente

Ya no pasa la mitad del día dormido, ni se encuentra de mal humor como era hasta antes de la toma

"Fueron bastantes los cambios en Tadeo. Había días en los que se la pasaba totalmente agotado

Dormido. Había días que andaba muy irritable, había días que no dormía, y en cuanto empezamos con el medicamento fue bastante notorio su cambio", describió

Sus médicos y familiares buscan que este fármaco sea aceptado por las instituciones de salud del país para ayudar a otros niños

"Tenemos que basarnos en la información que tenemos de otros países y ya se ha demostrado que tiene muchos años de utilizarse y que la respuesta ha sido de manera satisfactoria", enfatizó Sandoval

Tadeo no tenía esperanzas en su diagnóstico. Hoy su mamá asegura que su hijo es un guerrero que demuestra su amor por la vida

For more infomation >> Niño de 2 años sobrevive a extraña enfermedad - Duration: 4:51.


FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 21 - Duration: 16:25.

For more infomation >> FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 21 - Duration: 16:25.


Queen Royal - Meghan Markle given HUGE boost by popstar royalty - 'We BOW down to you' - Duration: 2:35.

 The Queen and King of pop, who won best international group at the ceremony, collected their gong via video link while standing in front of a portrait depicting Meghan dressed as a queen

According to the Daily Telegraph, Beyonce explained the image was in honour of 'Melanated Monas', which are believed to be a reference to Meghan's biracial heritage

It is also influenced by the iconic Mona Lisa painting. Taking to Instagram to explain why the couple were standing in front of the image, Beyonce wrote: "In honour of Black History Month, we bow down to one of our Melanated Monas

 "Congrats on your pregnancy! "We wish you so much joy." The picture was designed by artist Tim O'Brien, who also produced a similar picture of Beyonce

 READ MORE: Meghan Markle baby shower: How much has Meghan's baby shower cost? Support from Beyonce and Jay Z, who this year collaborated as The Carters, comes at a time when Meghan's family feud has become a hot discussion point for Royal fans across the world

 She has faced allegations from her sister and father, with both making claims about her lifestyle

 Meghan has spent the last days enjoying time with friends in New York before she is due to give birth to her first child with Prince Harry in the spring

 Pals threw a baby shower for her, which was attended by a string of celebrities including Meghan's Suits co-star Abigail Spencer

 Beyonce and Jay Z's acceptance speech was widely shared on social media, leaving many to speculate the exact meaning of the portrait

 In her acceptance speech, Beyonce said: "Thank you so much to the Brit Awards for this incredible honour

 "You guys have always been so supportive. "Everything is love. Thank you."

For more infomation >> Queen Royal - Meghan Markle given HUGE boost by popstar royalty - 'We BOW down to you' - Duration: 2:35.


Xét xử vụ chạy thận ở Hòa Bình - Duration: 8:59.

Xét xử vụ chạy thận ở Hòa Bình: Bé gái được vào tòa vài phút để gặp bố

Cô bé chưa tròn 5 tuổi háo hức đến Tòa để… hát quan họ cho bố nghe và được đặc cách cho vào gặp bố vài phút giữa phiên xử gây xúc động cho những người có mặt

Vừa bước từ trên xe thùng xuống sân TAND thành phố Ḥa B́nh bị cáo Bùi Mạnh Quốc - sinh năm 1986, Giám đốc Công ty TNHH Xử lý nước Trâm Anh - trong tư thế bị còng tay, được hai chiến sỹ Cảnh sát hỗ trợ tư pháp đưa vội vào phòng xét xử. Chợt có tiếng gọi từ phía sau: "Anh Quốc ơi!".

Đó là tiếng gọi của chị M - vợ của bị cáo Quốc. Bị cáo cố nhoài người nhìn lại phía có giọng nói thân thuộc và bắt gặp hình ảnh cô vợ trẻ sinh năm 1991 bế đứa con gái bé nhỏ chưa đầy 5 tuổi của mình.

Ngoài 2 người này còn có bà ngoại cháu bé, em trai và em vợ của Quốc. Họ cùng nhau bắt chuyến xe sớm từ thành phố Bắc Ninh (tỉnh Bắc Ninh) cho kịp dự phiên tòa sáng 08/01/2019 xét xử vụ án liên quan đến sự cố chạy thận nhân tạo làm 9 người tử vong vào năm 2017.

Trong vụ án đó, Bùi Mạnh Quốc được xác định là bị cáo đầu vụ và bị truy tố về tội "Vô ý làm chết người" - một tội danh với khung hình phạt có thể lên đến 10 năm tù.

Theo quy định tại Thông tư số 01/2014/TT-CA, trẻ dưới 16 tuổi không được phép vào phòng xử án, trừ trường hợp được Tòa triệu tập. Do vậy, vợ bị cáo chỉ có thể bế bé T.A (con gái) quanh quẩn ở góc sân Tòa.

Đúng thời điểm Hội đồng xét xử tạm dừng phiên tòa khoảng gần 1 tiếng để hội ý về việc tiếp tục xét xử hay hoãn phiên tòa (theo đề nghị của đại diện Viện Kiểm sát và luật sư do bị cáo Hoàng Công Lương vắng mặt),

có lẽ đã quan sát thấy bé T.A bên ngoài phòng xử, Bùi Mạnh Quốc nhờ bà Bùi Thị Thu Hằng - Kiểm sát viên chính giữ quyền công tố tại phiên tòa - giúp để chị M. được đưa con gái vào với bố.

Vị đại diện Viện Kiểm sát không nỡ từ chối lời đề nghị này. Theo quan sát của PV Infonet có mặt tại đó, bà Hằng đã 2 lần ra ngoài gọi điện thoại, rồi sốt sắng chạy lên tầng 2 tìm đến phòng làm việc của lãnh đạo TAND thành phố Hòa Bình với mong muốn lời đề nghị gặp con gái của Bùi Mạnh Quốc được chấp thuận.

Đó là một quyết định mang tính phá lệ, nhưng cũng đầy tình người. Sẽ không có gì ngạc nhiên về quyết định này nếu chứng kiến thời điểm đầu giờ sáng,

khi phiên tòa chưa bắt đầu, một không khí hết sức thân mật trong phòng xử, khi người nhà nạn nhân dành cho các luật sư và nữ Kiểm sát viên Bùi Thị Thu Hằng những cái bắt tay và cái ôm thật chặt.

Sau khi bé T.A được mẹ và bà ngoại đưa vào gặp bố, bất ngờ cháu bé khóc ré lên và ôm chặt lấy bà ngoại khi Bùi Mạnh Quốc muốn được bế con vào lòng.

Ngồi giữa hai cảnh sát hỗ trợ tư pháp, bị cáo Quốc nói điều gì đó với con gái, đồng thời cố với tay sang để được cầm tay con gái, nhưng mỗi lần như vậy cháu bé lại càng khóc to hơn.

Có lẽ việc phải xa bố khi mới chỉ 3 tuổi, hoặc cũng có thể trong một không gian quá đặc biệt đã khiến cháu bé sinh năm 2014 không cảm thấy thoải mái. Ngồi trước mặt chồng, M khóc cùng con.

Ngay cả một số luật sư - những người thường xuyên phải chứng kiến nhiều tình huống tương tự - cũng không khỏi xúc động.

Cuộc gặp gỡ cha - con chỉ diễn ra trong khoảng 3 phút ngắn ngủi. Trước khi đưa con gái ra khỏi phòng xử án, M. dúi cho chồng một túi đồ, và đương nhiên việc này không được chấp thuận bởi lực lượng cảnh sát hỗ trợ tư pháp.

Bế bé T.A rời khỏi phòng xử án, bà ngoại cháu bé nói với PV Infonet, T.A là đứa bé ngoan và "rất khôn".

"Vì mẹ bán hàng nước ở công viên thường hay bị dẹp nên buổi tối ra chơi với mẹ, cháu thường chủ động chào rất to mỗi khi các ông dân phòng đi qua. Cháu bảo: "Phải chào to để các ông không đuổi mẹ".

Cũng theo lời bà, cháu đã được ông ngoại dạy thuộc làu một số bài quan họ và rất háo hức đến Tòa để… hát quan họ cho bố nghe.

Vợ chồng Bùi Mạnh Quốc - Dương Thị M kết hôn năm 2014, đến năm 2016 cùng nhau thành lập Công ty TNHH Xử lý nước Trâm Anh.

Ngày 28/5/2017, Quốc là người trực tiếp sửa chữa hệ thống lọc RO số 2 tại đơn nguyên thận nhân tạo, BVĐK t?nh Hòa Bình <>.

Tại đây, Quốc tiến hành các thao tác thay thế vật liệu lọc, dùng hỗn hợp chất Axit Flohydric (HF) và Axit Clohydric (HCL) lau chùi 02 màng lọc cũ, thay 02 màng lọc mới và dùng hỗn hợp chất trên đổ vào các cột lọc, cho vận hành và sục rửa các cột lọc, sau đó bơm nước vào các cột lọc để sục đẩy các chất cặn bẩn và hóa chất ra ngoài.

Thực tế nước trong các cột lọc lúc này vẫn tồn dư lượng lớn các hóa chất mà Quốc sử dụng để sục rửa. Tiếp đó, Quốc mở van nối giữa các cột lọc với tank RO số 2, do đó, số hóa chất HF và HCL theo hệ thống nước hòa vào nước trong tank RO số 2.

Việc tồn dư hóa chất là nguyên nhân dẫn đến sự cố y khoa xảy ra ngày hôm sau (29/5/2017) làm 7 người tử vong, sau đó số người tử vong tăng lên thành 9 người.

Ý thức được hành vi gây nguy hại của mình, Bùi Mạnh Quốc cùng với bị cáo Trần Văn Sơn là 2/7 bị cáo trong vụ án đã chủ động bồi thường và hỗ trợ các gia đình nạn nhân tử vong.

Ngoài việc bố mẹ chồng đi vay mượn để khắc phục hậu quả, chị M chia sẻ, một nhóm bạn học đại học của chồng đã quyên góp được 25 triệu đồng và trao cho gia đình để giúp vượt qua thời khắc khó khăn này.

Trong vụ án này, ngoài bị cáo Quốc, còn có bị cáo Hoàng Công Lương bị Viện Kiểm sát Nhân dân tỉnh Hòa Bình truy tố đối với tội danh "Vô ý làm chết người" theo quy định tại khoản 2 Điều 98 Bộ luật Hình sự năm 1999.

Các bị cáo còn lại bị truy tố về tội danh "Thiếu trách nhiệm gây hậu quả nghiêm trọng" theo quy định tại khoản 2 Điều 285 Bộ luật Hình sự 1999.

For more infomation >> Xét xử vụ chạy thận ở Hòa Bình - Duration: 8:59.



Gonçalo Costa tem apenas 21 anos, mas uma história de vida que dará um livro. O jovem participou no First Dates e teve um encontro com João

Ficaram amigos e tudo correu bem, mas a produtora do programa disse à Imprensa que não imaginava o passado polémico do concorrente

 .Em 2016, Gonçalo era conhecido por Carter e publicou um vídeo nas redes sociais, onde ameaçou mandar o próprio cão pela janela

O momento tornou-se viral e levou-o a tribunal. Pagou pelo erro. Refez a sua vida e, agora, é gerente de pastelaria

Gonçalo Costa conta, em exclusivo à Nova Gente, a história de vida dramática.O que é que o levou a participar no Firt Dates? Foi à procura do amor?

Atualmente estou solteiro. Já tive duas relações duradouras, mas não deram certo. Como vi o programa, tive curiosidade

Fui pela experiência e para conhecer alguém. Também sabia que, ao participar no programa, ia conhecer alguém com a mesma orientação sexual que eu e provavelmente iríamos tocar no tema da homofobia e do preconceito

Sabia que íamos poder partilhar a nossa história e dar o exemplo. O preconceito está em todo o lado e no nosso País dizem que está melhor, mas não está

Quis dar o exemplo?.É uma coisa de que se tem de falar. Para saber das coisas temos de ouvir falar delas

Temos de ter testemunhos, saber histórias, ter alguma coisa para saber o que é. Já tinham existido casais homossexuais, mas pelas mensagens que tenho recebido dizem que nós fomos os mais marcantes

Sentiram-nos mais à vontade, sem nenhum problema em estar ali.O Gonçalo e o João estavam muito descontraídos durante o encontro, mesmo estando à frente de várias câmaras…

Muita gente pergunta se aquilo é manipulado. As câmaras nem se veem, como se fosse um reality show

Nem notamos que são câmaras. Eu seja em que situação da minha vida for, eu sou sempre o mesmo

Foi só entrar. A única coisa diferente é que tinha a Fátima Lopes e Ruben Rua. A produção foi cinco estrelas e aconselho qualquer pessoa a participar

Eu gostei.«Vamos ter um segundo encontro em março, no Douro».O que é que achou do João, o match encontrado para si?

Quando cheguei, olhei para ver quem era o rapaz. Fisicamente não era aquilo que eu estava à procura

Nós temos sempre os nossos requisitos. Mas mal me sentei e comecei a falar com ele, gostei da forma como ele falou

Ele é mesmo assim. Ali e fora dali. É muito carinhoso e isso conta muito. Na procura de conhecer alguém não tem de ser propriamente para conhecer alguém

Uma amizade já chega na minha opinião. Pedi à produção que gostava de alguém que soubesse ter uma conversa, que tivesse conteúdo, e acertaram

O João realmente tem essas características. .No final ambos disseram que queriam ter um segundo encontro, já aconteceu? Têm falado?

Eu e o João combinámos que não íamos dizer a ninguém, que ia ser surpresa. Nós não estamos juntos

Há muita gente que pensa que estamos a namorar. Somos bons amigos, falamos todos os dias

Estamos a conhecer-nos, mas nós trabalhamos muito. Eu trabalho durante o dia, o João trabalha mais à tarde e à noite

Então não temos o tempo que queríamos para desenvolver algo. Ele é do Algarve, eu sou de Lisboa

Mas já estamos a tratar e vamos ter um segundo encontro em março, no Douro. Vamos registar alguns momentos

A comunidade LGBT que viu e que segue quer saber mais, como é que correu. Até porque o João já me mandou uma prenda para o meu trabalho e tudo

As pessoas têm muita curiosidade. .«Não tenho contacto com o meu pai, porque me abandonou quando eu era mais novo»

Como é que a sua família reagiu à participação?.Eu só contei à minha mãe. Só contei à minha mãe um dia antes de ir gravar o programa

A minha mãe apoia-me em tudo. Seja bom ou mau. Eu disse-lhe que ia participar no programa da Fátima Lopes, ela sabe que eu estou solteiro

Tenho a sorte de a minha família materna me apoiar na minha orientação sexual e nas minhas escolhas

A minha família paterna é mais reservada. Eu não tenho contacto com o meu pai, porque me abandonou quando eu era mais novo

 .O que é que aconteceu com o seu pai?.Isso é uma coisa que me provoca angústia e tristeza

Nunca pude falar com o meu pai sobre aquilo que me faz feliz. Acho que os pais só querem ver os filhos e eu ser assim é a maneira como eu sou feliz e não escolhi

Eu tive de aceitar que o meu pai me abandonou, ele também vai ter de aceitar a forma como eu sou

Não sei o que é que a vida me reserva em termos de relação com ele e com a minha família paterna, que são pessoas de quem eu gosto muito, mas como são mais reservados e moram no Norte… Esta história de eu gostar de homens e ter alguma exposição nunca gostaram muito

Então decidiram afastar-se um bocadinho. Eu respeito isso. Não guardo mágoa, mas fico triste porque é a minha família e eu gostava de me relacionar com eles

  .«Vinha da escola para tomar conta do meu pai».O Gonçalo não fala mesmo com o seu pai atualmente?

Não, não. Eu já tinha ido à Fátima Lopes, em 2016, à procura dele. O meu pai teve um acidente e ficou numa cadeira de rodas

Quando ele saiu do hospital, o meu pai e a minha mãe ficaram juntos  e vivíamos todos juntos com o meu irmão

Quando eu tinha oito ou nove anos, eu fui um mini enfermeiro. Cuidei do meu pai. Vinha da escola para tomar conta do meu pai, para tratar daquelas coisas que são precisas para alguém que está na situação dele

Desde fazer o esvaziamento, da algálias, dos lanches, do tomar banho… Qualquer coisa

Ele precisava de ajuda e a minha mãe tinha de trabalhar. Passado uns anos, ele teve uma infeção urinária e conheceu uma enfermeira no hospital

Ficaram juntos, mesmo ele estando de cadeira de rodas. Senti que ele destruiu um bocadinho a nossa família e afastámo-nos

Entretanto a rapariga deixou-o e ele ficou sozinho. Houve um dia em que entregou a casa, vendeu o carro e desapareceu

 .Durante o encontro, o Gonçalo falou também de um livro sobre preconceito e a sua história de vida, que está a escrever

Como é que está a correr?.O livro já está a meio. É uma coisa que eu quero muito

Há uns anos não sabia bem sobre o que seria, mas agora tenho a certeza. Como trabalho muito, às vezes não tenho o tempo que eu queria para o escrever

Mas tenho sempre um tempinho e sempre que tenho aproveito para o escrever. É fácil porque é sobre mim

É só ir escrevendo. Vai ser uma história sobre a minha vida, um testemunho, em relação à sexualidade, à homofobia e ao preconceito

Vai ter testemunhos de pessoas que estão ligadas a mim. Explico como é que contei, como é que foi a relação

Como é que começaram a aceitar e conto alguns episódios de homofobia que sofri na escola que ninguém sabe

«Disseram-me: 'Grita que és paneleiro, se não vou-te mandar para a linha e vais morrer'»

Falou sobre o livro com a Fátima Lopes durante o programa?.O João foi à casa de banho e a Fátima Lopes sentou-se à mesa comigo

Eu contei-lhe e ela quase chorou à minha frente. Até se arrepiou. Disse-lhe que lhe agradecia a oportunidade e que gostava de ir ao programa dela já com o livro, com mais conteúdo para falar

Eu não vou escrever o livro para ficar milionário. Os livros vão ser vendidos, mas o meu objetivo principal é a história que está lá dentro

É bom que as pessoas percebam que, para acontecer o que me aconteceu a mim, é porque está a haver falha dos pais

Na escola somos muito cruéis, egoístas. Não pensamos antes de agir. Mas se a nossa educação for usada, soubermos respeitar o espaço dos outros… Houve coisas que me aconteceram

Era uma altura em que chovia muito, queríamos era sair da escola e ir rápido para casa

Eu apanhava o metro para ir para casa. Houve um dia em que os mais velhos, os 'mauzões' da escola, estavam no metro

Faltavam quatro minutos e pouco para o metro. Eles começaram com as piadinhas, os calduços

Eu levantei-me porque entretanto já só faltava um minuto para o metro vir e eles chegam-se ao pé de mim, agarram-me pelos braços e metem-me depois da linha amarela (de segurança)

Pegaram em mim e meteram-me no ar e disseram: 'Grita que és paneleiro, se não vou-te mandar para a linha e vais morrer'

Eu era um. Eles eram seis. Portanto eu tinha de fazer o que eles mandavam. Ficar em pânico na minha adolescência só por gostar de pessoas e por haver pessoas que não respeitam, digo que os pais dão educação mas os filhos não a sabem usar

 .A sua mãe tem conhecimento destes momentos difíceis?.Eu não contei, porque sei que os pais sofrem muito

Eu sempre preferi não contar. Uma vez mandaram-me para uma poça de lama. Cheguei a casa todo sujo e disse à minha mãe que ia a correr para apanhar transporte para casa e que cai

Saia da aula para ir à casa de banho e eles estavam na casa de banho a fumar cigarros e ganzas

Obrigavam-me a bater em mim próprio, chegaram-me a apagar cigarros nos braços. Eu era um miúdo e guardava tudo para mim

Se calhar fui mais revoltado por causa disso. Eu era muito bom aluno, mas era muito revoltado

Se tivesse de responder, respondia. O que me fazia era eu ser julgado e mal tratado por gostar de pessoas

 .«Queria contar, mas não ganhava coragem».E agora sente que é altura para partilhar essas histórias com o mundo? 

Eu recebo mensagens com histórias e, inclusivamente, o meu date no programa foi expulso de casa às 4h00 quando a mãe soube

A minha mãe também idealizou que eu ia casar e ter filhos, mas isso tudo pode acontecer e vai acontecer

Não tem nada a ver se é com um homem ou uma mulher. A minha mãe sempre respeitou as minhas relações, o meu namorado vinha cá a casa, dormia cá

Eles davam-se muito bem. Não foi fácil na altura em que contei. Queria contar, mas não ganhava coragem

Mas sabia que estava a mentir. Perguntavam-me por namoradas e eu não dizia a verdade

Até que um dia enviei uma mensagem, ela não gostou. Sentiu-se mal no trabalho e tudo

Mas depois tivemos uma conversa e aceitou, respeitou e esteve sempre comigo. Tenho pena de não poder fazer isso com o meu pai

 .Acha que o facto de ter aparecido na televisão pode ajudá-lo a reencontrar o seu pai?

O meu pai é muito como a família dele. São muito reservados. Eu consigo pôr-me nos dois lados, mas o de filho fala sempre mais alto

O meu pai é muito novo e teve o acidente muito novo. Agora tem 43 anos. Eu tinha quatro ou cinco anos quando ele teve o acidente

Ele já se tentou suicidar e tudo. O meu pai não pode ser pai a part-time. Não pode ser pai e depois dizer que se acabou o nosso contrato

Eu sigo a minha vida, tu segues a tua. O meu padrasto é que tem sido o meu pai. A minha mãe tem marido, está casada e refez a vida dela

O meu padrasto trata-me super bem. Aceitou-me mesmo na vida dele como filho dele

Quando eu preciso dele, ele está lá.  



POG'S OF WAR Stats reveal telepathic understanding between Pogba and Rashford since Solskjaer took o - Duration: 3:51.

MANCHESTER UNITED have flourished under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's leadership – and perhaps none more so Paul Pogba and Marcus Rashford

 The Red Devils welcome Premier League highflyers Liverpool to Old Trafford on Sunday with a lot more local rivalry at stake

 Jurgen Klopp's Reds are two places higher in the Premier League table, but the hosts have two more titles to their name when it comes all-time records

 Currently 14 points ahead of United, Liverpool look bang on course to finish ahead of their arch-enemy this season

 But Solskjaer and United will desperate to do all they can to destroy the title hopes of Klopp's boys while attempting to avenge the 3-1 defeat at Anfield back in December

 That defeat was Jose Mourinho's final match in charge, and since then, caretaker boss Solskjaer has revitalised United to guide them back in to the top four

 They are the only unbeaten Prem side since that day and also top the charts for points gained, wins and fewest goals conceded

 And with Pogba and Rashford bang in form under the Norwegian following the gloomy days of Mourinho, they will certainly their chances of toppling title hopefuls

NO REAL OPTION Unloved Gareth Bale favours Man Utd transfer but Chelsea are preferred choice of Real Madrid as summer move looms  The French midfielder and England striker were played together 11 times under Jose this season before his departure

 That produced zero assists for each other, with only two chances provided, averaging 7

6 passes a game.  In their eight matches since the two men have certainly hit top gear as United rocketed up the league

 They have assisted each other three times and created 12 chances.  And with the pair sharing an impressive 14 goals between them, the Stretford End will be praying they continue that rich vein of form this weekend

 And with it all to play for on Sunday, their developing partnership prove to be key in toppling their old foes

New Manchester United signing Noam Emeram scores brilliant free-kick in training game English Premier League TableSee More Tables See Full Table

For more infomation >> POG'S OF WAR Stats reveal telepathic understanding between Pogba and Rashford since Solskjaer took o - Duration: 3:51.



Longe dos olhares do público, Solange F, de 42 anos, mantém uma vida discreta. Os tempos mediáticos já lá vão e a ex-apresentadora, agora, mantém-se mais recatada

A viver uma relação amorosa há cerca de um ano com Catarina Henriques, Solange esteve à conversa com a VIP e revelou que, apesar de estar a atravessar uma das melhores fases da sua vida ainda não oficializou o namoro

Aproveitando a oportunidade, sublinhou-se o termo «ainda», com reticências, e conseguiu-se saber mais pormenores

O pedido de casamento já foi feito, porém o casal ainda não encontrou o momento ideal para contrair o matrimónio

Mãe de uma menina, Nuna, de nove anos, Solange F que, em tempos, referiu, à Imprensa, que a bebé é fruto de «uma inseminação artificial caseira», assume que a filha aceita com muita naturalidade a orientação sexual da mãe

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