Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2019

Ciudad de México— Tras manifestarse frente a instalaciones de la Semarnat, ejidatarios de Álamos, Sonora, acordaron con autoridades de la dependencia la instalación de una mesa de diálogo para que se les otorguen permisos de exploración minera u otras alternativas económicas

De acuerdo con los ejidatarios, en la mesa de diálogo participarán los ejidos de La Aduana, Tetajiosa, Agua Caliente, Choquincahui, Baboyahui, Guirocoba y la comunidad de Minas Nuevas, ubicados en el Municipio de Álamos, Sonora, así como autoridades de la Semarnat y de la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)

En un comunicado, los ejidatarios informaron que esperarán un plazo prudente para la atención de sus peticiones

Advirtieron que, de ser nuevamente ignorados, escalarán su protesta hasta conseguir la respuesta satisfactoria a sus demandas

Lo anterior, luego de el plantón y los bloqueos viales intermitentes que realizaron frente a las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en demanda de que se les otorguen condiciones para la actividad minera, la cual se realiza desde hace décadas en Álamos Sonora y es su principal fuente de trabajo

Una comisión de ejidatarios fue recibida por las autoridades de la Semarnat y se inició una mesa de negociaciones en la cual se denunciaron diversos actos de corrupción realizados por funcionarios del Área Natural Protegida (ANP) Sierra de Álamos y Río Cuchujaqui

Al término de la reunión se firmó una minuta con los compromisos asumidos por ambas partes, no obstante, la Semarnat no emitió ningún pronunciamiento al respecto

For more infomation >> Acuerdan diálogo ejidatarios y Semarnat - Duration: 2:51.


Aprueban ampliación a prisión preventiva - Duration: 3:21.

Ciudad de México— El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó en lo general y en lo particular la reforma constitucional al Artículo 19 que suma nueve delitos al catálogo de los que ameritan prisión preventiva oficiosa

Con 377 votos a favor, 96 en contra y 5 abstenciones, Morena logró la mayoría calificada con el apoyo de sus aliados y los legisladores que hoy renunciaron al PRD

Con esto se logró la mayoría calificada necesaria para mandar la reforma a los Congresos estatales, donde deberá recibir el aval de 17 legislaturas locales, por tratase de una reforma Constitucional

Si se aprueba en los Estados, los delitos de corrupción, uso electoral de programas sociales, en materia de hidrocarburos, abuso o violencia sexual contra menores, robo al transporte de carga, feminicidio, robo a casa habitación, desaparición forzada de personas y aquellos en materia de armas de fuego de uso exclusivo del Ejército, ameritarán prisión preventiva de oficio

Durante la sesión, Morena y sus aliados rechazaron las reservas presentadas por la Oposición e incluso por integrantes de su bancada, como Lorena Villavicencio, quien propuso que sea un juez el que decida si un detenido es sujeto a presión preventiva oficiosa o no

La reforma constitucional fue aprobada en medio de protestas de la Oposición por la conducción de  Dolores Padierna a quien acusaron de hacer interpretaciones del reglamento de la Cámara de Diputados a conveniencia durante la sesión

El dictamen aprobado indica que la prisión preventiva oficiosa deberá evaluarse para determinar la continuidad de su aplicación cinco años después de su vigencia

Dicha evaluación, agrega, se realizará mediante informes emitidos por los gobiernos federal y locales, tomando en consideración al poder Judicial federal y de los estados, las procuradurías o fiscalías del País y los organismos de protección de los derechos humanos

For more infomation >> Aprueban ampliación a prisión preventiva - Duration: 3:21.


Trump, Giuliani niega que el presidente haya intentado obstruir la investigación de Michael Cohen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Trump, Giuliani niega que el presidente haya intentado obstruir la investigación de Michael Cohen - Duration: 1:01.


GH 02-15-19 Elizabeth / Franco / Drew (1/2) - Duration: 4:37.

[ Cliff clears throat ]

Uh, guys, you might want to wait for the honeymoon.

You know? [ Chuckles ]

The honeymoon.

We have that to look forward to, right,

in the conjugal-visit trailer at Pentonville? Elizabeth: No, no.

-It's gonna be awesome. -Don't -- Don't say that.

It's not even close to being over.

Listen to your wife.

My wife.

The police will have plenty of time to realize

that you're not...guilty.

What about Lulu?


You didn't tell me that your plan was gonna be dangerous.

It stands a better chance of flushing out the real killer

than anything we've tried so far.

You don't trust your case against Franco.

I didn't say that.

Baby, what<i> are</i> you saying?

First, I'm not convinced that Franco is innocent.

But if he is, the way to exonerate him

is by exposing the real killer,

making them feel overconfident,

like Franco's gonna take the fall...

[ Cellphone rings ]


What, you have to go?

Yeah, I should probably get to the hospital to check on Lulu.

Do you need me to drop you off at home?

No, I need more than a hunch to put my plan into action.

Where you gonna get more?

From the source.

I will not stand by while people blame my husband

for crimes he did not commit.

Please do not engage Lulu.

For some reason, I think she truly believes

that I attacked her.

Yeah, well... she almost died.

Maybe the trauma confused her memory.

Maybe when she's stronger,

uh, she'll realize she's wrong.

Well, "maybe" isn't good enough.

Press is gonna be all over this. I don't want you dragged in

and I don't want you associated with me at all.

Well, that's inevitable

once the news of our jailhouse wedding gets out.

How's that gonna get out? [ Sighs ]

I'm not saying anything. Drew's not gonna say anything.

Check out Cliff. I'm pretty sure he won't talk.

But I will.

Elizabeth, you can't tell the world that we got married.

Well,<i> our</i> sons need to know

that I will not hesitate to fight for you

and that you are not alone.

[ Gate opens ] Never again.

[ Footsteps approaching ]



Marrying hours are over. -[ Chuckles ]


I will see you at the arraignment,

Mr. Baldwin-Webber.

Mr. Baldwin-Webber? Are we -- Are we hyphenating now?

That's what we do? We're those people? I'm just trying it on for size.

-How about -- Mm... -Mm.


I love you. I love you.

[ Inhales deeply ]

Thank you, Drew.

My pleasure.

[ Knocks on bar ] Let's go.



You, too, Cliff.

I need a moment alone with our newly married man.


It's not in my best interest to talk to you, Commissioner.

You don't have to talk. Just look.

[ Sighs ] Look at what? What's that?

A wedding gift.

Here's to you and Franco and many happy years together.

[ Glass clinks ]


Have a look.

Doubles as a sneak preview to the prosecution's case.


[ Breathing heavily ]


What are you doing? What -- What -- What --

What is this? Don't you recognize your handiwork?


How could you do that to me? How could you do that to me?

I didn't -- I didn't -- I didn't do that.


I couldn't have done that.

Couldn't kill anybody.

Just couldn't. I don't have it in me anymore.

And if I live to be a million years old, I will never understand

how somebody could do that to my Kiki.

Only a person without a soul

could commit that kind of violence.

But you've got one, don't you?

You didn't attack Lulu.

And you didn't kill Kiki.

You didn't kill any of them.

For more infomation >> GH 02-15-19 Elizabeth / Franco / Drew (1/2) - Duration: 4:37.


Crazy Ball - Modifikasi Permainan - Permainan Olahraga - PJOK - Physical Education - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Crazy Ball - Modifikasi Permainan - Permainan Olahraga - PJOK - Physical Education - Duration: 4:13.


Informe de la moneda Bithumb Tiempo de la moneda 3ª semana de Febrero - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Informe de la moneda Bithumb Tiempo de la moneda 3ª semana de Febrero - Duration: 4:41.


Meghan Royals Es - La campaña global que prepara el gobierno de Trump para despenalizar la homosexu - Duration: 4:20.

El embajador de Estados Unidos en Alemania, Richard Grenell, encabeza un plan global del gobierno de Donald Trump para terminar con la criminalización de la homosexualidad en decenas de países donde aún es ilegal ser gay

Así lo adelantaron oficiales de la administración Trump a la cadena NBC News, quienes aseguraron: "Es preocupante que en el siglo XXI, 70 países continúen teniendo leyes que criminalizan la conducta o estatus LGBTI"

Los oficiales adelantaron a NBCNews que la estrategia podría combinar esfuerzos con organizaciones internacionales como Naciones Unidas y la Unión Europea

Además, explicaron que la embajada de Estados Unidos ha hecho el esfuerzo de llevar a una cena a activistas europeos de la comunidad LGBTTTI (Lésbico, gay, bisexual, transgénero, travesti, transexual, intersexual) para establecer el plan estratégico con el que buscan abolir la criminalización de la homosexualidad en países del Medio Oriente, África y el Caribe

La campaña se centra en el aspecto de la criminalización, y no en derechos de matrimonio igualitario

Fue pensada, entre otros factores, como una respuesta a la ejecución de un hombre gay en Irán a causa de ser homosexual

Richard Grenell ocupa el cargo más alto, en la administración de Trump, de alguien que ha reconocido abiertamente su homosexualidad, y estará a cargo del proyecto

Ha sido un crítico de Irán y ha presionado a naciones de Europa a abandonar acuerdos e imponerle sanciones

Grenell dijo recientemente al diario alemán Bild que la ejecución del hombre gay fue "una llamada de alerta para cualquiera que apoye los derechos humanos básicos

No es la primera vez que el régimen de Irán ha matado a un hombre gay bajo acusaciones de prostitución, secuestro e incluso pedofilia"

"Las ejecuciones públicas son demasiado comunes en un país donde las relaciones homosexuales consensuales son criminalizadas y castigadas por flagelación y muerte", dijo al medio alemán

El plan de la administración de Trump podría exponer a los aliados de EEUU en aquella zona, como Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Pakistán y Afganistán, pues sus leyes también condenan la homosexualidad, aunque no con la muerte

Sin embargo, NBCNews detalló que este plan contra leyes que no apoyan la diversidad sexual se da en un momento en el que el gobierno de Trump trabaja para reforzar sus lazos con varias naciones para unirse contra Irán, "una estrategia que encaja con el lanzamiento planificado de la administración de un ambicioso plan para la paz israelí-palestina"

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - La campaña global que prepara el gobierno de Trump para despenalizar la homosexu - Duration: 4:20.


FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 20 - Duration: 16:48.

Hi I'm Larry Withers and this is Day 20 of Figuary: Figure Drawing Month.

I have an artist friend, who teaches figure drawing at the local college.

He's a very fine artist but he has an unusual method of drawing.

He starts at one point in the contour and with his pen carefully follows complete the

outline of the figure.

It's rather unorthodox but he's able to achieve the most wonderful results.

I asked if he taught that method to his students.

He paused a moment and said, "No I would never teach my students that method."

When we first start drawing we're shown tried and true drawing methods designed to

make make sense of the figure and aid in drawing.

However, at some point you're going to start modifying those methods to suit your aesthetic,

your skills, your temperament, etc.

There are no has-to-be's in art.

The end result will justify the means.

Please visit our colleagues at Love Life Drawing Channel for daily drawing instruction throughout

the month of Figuary by following the link below.

Also post your Figuary drawings to Instagram: #figuary.

Good luck with your drawing today and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

We hope you've enjoy today's Figuary drawing session.

To continue drawing from this model, follow the link below.

For daily drawing instruction throughout the month of Figuary, follow the link below to Love Life Drawing.

Also, subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 20 - Duration: 16:48.



ohh..so you're just going to eat by yourself and not share it with me

I'm the one who cook it for you. Give me some

it almost finish..sorry

ver ver, we haven't pack our stuff to go to Bali

what should we bring ?

let's not bring a lot of stuff, cause now the airway will charge for bagage

let's just bring cabin bags

but I want to bring a lot of clothes, I want to take a lot of pictures

and everyday I should change my clothes

omg ..it's too much

please...pay it for me..I want to bring lugages

noo...it's expensive

alright..and the.. which place should we visit there

play with phone all the time

Val : hmm I can read vero's mind

Ver : my stomach hurt..

Val : Hah ? My stomach is also hurt, I should go to the bathroom first

Ver : she step on my feet and doesn't even realize it

Val : what are you saying, I don't understand

Ver : look down man, you step on my feet

Val : OOHH, I'm sorry


what should I add more ?

let me help you

this is my mirror !

no but I need it too

doing brows is so much more important than a mascara

you don't need a mirror, just use your feeling

creating a great brows is as important as ceating a future

you can use it later, now you can use this first

waah, such a coincedence that you're wearing that

ofcourse , we're always twins

that's right, we're matching

ver, why are you wearing this ?

you told me to wear pink

pink that's right, but we're going to a wedding

and it's not Idul Fitri, why are you wearing mom's kaftan ?

it's okay...I think you should change Val

It can't be, you're changing, cause we should be match

no way, you do it

no , you do it

no, you do it, we should be match

For more infomation >> TWINS EXPECTATION VS REALITY (ENGLISH SUBTITLE) - Duration: 3:37.


北斗威力終於體現!美國GPS被迫全面升級,俄:中國好戲還在後頭 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 北斗威力終於體現!美國GPS被迫全面升級,俄:中國好戲還在後頭 - Duration: 5:57.


Karuppu Ulundhu Idli Podi in Tamil | கருப்பு உளுந்து இட்லி பொடி - Duration: 4:54.

Karuppu Ulundhu Idli Podi

For more infomation >> Karuppu Ulundhu Idli Podi in Tamil | கருப்பு உளுந்து இட்லி பொடி - Duration: 4:54.


【Hana】Quase 8 anos no YouTube - Parte 2/【ENG/日本語 subtitles】 - Duration: 10:15.

Hello!! Welcome to the part 2 of my video:

"Almost 8 years on YouTube"

In the first part I talked a little about my beginning in this website

and in part 2 I will talk about the genre of videos I meanwhile started making

That's it and I hope you'll like it

So months after I've put my first video

I uploaded my first song cover, you can see it here

As singing is something I like to do

I started uploading song covers

and YouTube is a great place to receive criticism and tips on how to improve

and... I think that I've improved a little since then

So... I think that it was, is a positive experience

Back then in the odottemita and song cover's world

there were a lot of tumblrs and pages that did gossiping

about the youtube dancers and people that did song covers

Actually I never was very featured

in those sites

but I was not really very active on YouTube

I had school

YouTube is a hobby

so of course I concentrated more in my studies

and in things from my private life

but that made me not to have a big audience

because I could put a video each month

but then only 9 months later I would put another

People in YouTube prefer someone that,

and it's understandable

They prefer someone that puts videos more frequently, and in a certain period of time:

There are youtubers that all the fridays upload a video,

every saturday they put a video out

and it makes sense, it makes more sense

in my case you never know if I will upload something again

if I will ever put something out again

It's always a surprise

Some years later I started having an interest in other type of videos

and there was a time where I loved watching vlogs

It was a thing I loved to do back then

I would go on YouTube, search "vlogs" and then watch other people's lives

and I also wanted to make vlogs but the thing was

my life wasn't that interesting to make weekly vlogs

so when I went to an anime event I decided to make one

It was this video:

Right here

It was in an event back in 2014

I uploaded my first vlog

and I was super happy

because it was something I really wanted to do

then meanwhile I went back to the song and dance covers but

as I don't have much time to learn the dances

and to train the songs

because of my life schedule

I couldn't put as many videos as I liked

and then it came a time where I was a little...

thinking on how can I build a public to my channel, how...

What's my goal with YouTube

Do I want to keep doing this?

and in October of 2016

maybe a little more early

I started to be aware that there were people doing reactions of Hello!Project MVs

I knew that kpop reaction videos existed

because I watched some channels

and since there wasn't many people doing that

The people that inspired me to...

Don't fall

I started watching reaction channels

because I knew kpop reaction channels

and I even followed some

but from Hello!Project I didn't know almost nothing

The channels that

gave me inspiration to start doing reactions were actually

Vince's channel and Chiima's channel

Watching their videos made me think "I want to do this too"

since in the world of jpop

Hello!Project was the agency I liked the most

and I thought that it could be a way of practicing my japanese since

I am learning japanese but I don't have no one to practice, to talk in japanese with

so as a way of

practicing I started to make H!P reactions in japanese

So in October 2016 I decided to film my first reaction

Back then I even thought of only doing that video

because I never imagined that it would have the attention it had


I uploaded the video

and I received a lot of comments

it had a lot of views

and I was happy, of course. One gets happy when they notice that people are liking the content they are making


I started making more reactions

but when you have more attention

it's both for the good side and the bad side

so I got a lot of positive comments and some negative


I also go some criticism

and I understand where it comes from but it also made me more

anxious while recording videos because

I am not fluent in japanese, I am just learning

and it's obvious that I will commit mistakes

and I am really thankful that people correct me in the comments

and that they give me tips on how to improve

but there was a time where

making videos in japanese made me very nervous

I would record the video

and I would be thinking "Is this correct?" "I wonder if this is not correct"

"This is not right" "Ok, this is ok"

Then I would start the editing and be "Argh I made a mistake here"

"I can't upload this" "I don't want to upload this"

so I started



"hate" is not really the word

but putting out reactions made me very anxious

and then people kept asking me

"Why don't you make a reaction of this?", "Why don't you make a reaction of that?"

"I miss your videos"

and I felt awful because I wanted to record but I had that hurdle in my mind

always thinking...

"It won't turn out well..."

"This is not good..."

I don't want to upload something that isn't good because

I am a perfectionist

and I get anxious if things aren't...

I mean not perfect but... how I want them to be

It's impossible to reach perfection...

nothing is perfect but

I... I like to have things right

I like to do things correctly

and knowing that they wouldn't be

made me not want to put videos out

In my last reactions, I remember that I would record them

then edit them

and I...

I would put the video

and wouldn't even care to check the comments

because it wasn't something that made me happy anymore

It wasn't something that I wanted to do because of all that stress attached

I like to record those videos but

back then in the middle of that whole stress I didn't feel like recording

this is a hobby, it's for me to have fun

so why am I "suffering" so much with this?

It didn't make any sense

So I decided to make a pause, because in the last months

even since last year

it was a very complicated time in my life so I didn't even have the

peace of mind

to record videos

Reactions are also a type of videos that

need to be made in the moment

The problem with reactions is that they are videos where you have to film, edit and put online very fast

you have to put the video out while it is still fresh

so that you can have attention in your reactions from the public

because if it's a thing that is not so recent, it won't have as much attention

so you won't have as many views

and for me

editing a thing so fast was a problem

I would record in japanese

and then I usually make a lot of cuts in the video

editing, putting the video, the background music and then uploading to YouTube

but I also had to write subtitles

as my japanese isn't perfect

I usually put subtitles in japanese so that I can be understood better

then I would also add subtitles in english and in portuguese

because I wanted to reach a bigger public

that couldn't understand japanese but that they would be able to understand with the subtitles in either english or portuguese

For instance, if I had a free day

I would record the video in the morning

edit and then in the afternoon

after waiting for the video to render and for it to upload into YouTube

I would be the rest of the afternoon until night putting the subtitles

making subtitles

is a thing that takes a lot of time

and it's tiring too

and doing that everytime a music video came out was tiring for me

It doesn't mean that I will stop making those videos

because after doing this pause

I feel with strenght to do that type of thing again but

maybe not as fast as I used to

I want to take things with more calm

and not being in that rush

doing all the editing


it was really tiring

and going through all that trouble and then not being proud of the video is a little...

it's not good... it's just making for making

Part 2 ends here

I will upload part 3 soon

It will be the conclusion of this little series

Thank you and until the next video!!

For more infomation >> 【Hana】Quase 8 anos no YouTube - Parte 2/【ENG/日本語 subtitles】 - Duration: 10:15.


wielkie zaskoczenie! Księżna Kate z mężem i dziećmi znikną z życia publicznego. Znamy prawdę... - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> wielkie zaskoczenie! Księżna Kate z mężem i dziećmi znikną z życia publicznego. Znamy prawdę... - Duration: 12:20.



Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.

In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with

the links to where you can buy the new adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and

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Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.

As you know Adidas will be releasing the adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.

I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any

resale Predictions.

Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase

links daily.

Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this

video or that thumbs down if you didn't.

I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.



Acuerdan diálogo ejidatarios y Semarnat - Duration: 2:51.

Ciudad de México— Tras manifestarse frente a instalaciones de la Semarnat, ejidatarios de Álamos, Sonora, acordaron con autoridades de la dependencia la instalación de una mesa de diálogo para que se les otorguen permisos de exploración minera u otras alternativas económicas

De acuerdo con los ejidatarios, en la mesa de diálogo participarán los ejidos de La Aduana, Tetajiosa, Agua Caliente, Choquincahui, Baboyahui, Guirocoba y la comunidad de Minas Nuevas, ubicados en el Municipio de Álamos, Sonora, así como autoridades de la Semarnat y de la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)

En un comunicado, los ejidatarios informaron que esperarán un plazo prudente para la atención de sus peticiones

Advirtieron que, de ser nuevamente ignorados, escalarán su protesta hasta conseguir la respuesta satisfactoria a sus demandas

Lo anterior, luego de el plantón y los bloqueos viales intermitentes que realizaron frente a las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en demanda de que se les otorguen condiciones para la actividad minera, la cual se realiza desde hace décadas en Álamos Sonora y es su principal fuente de trabajo

Una comisión de ejidatarios fue recibida por las autoridades de la Semarnat y se inició una mesa de negociaciones en la cual se denunciaron diversos actos de corrupción realizados por funcionarios del Área Natural Protegida (ANP) Sierra de Álamos y Río Cuchujaqui

Al término de la reunión se firmó una minuta con los compromisos asumidos por ambas partes, no obstante, la Semarnat no emitió ningún pronunciamiento al respecto

For more infomation >> Acuerdan diálogo ejidatarios y Semarnat - Duration: 2:51.


Ghamasan Special Talk : Neeraj Sir, Motherhood Hospital की डॉ. आशा बक्षी से विशेष बातचीत - Duration: 7:45.

Motherhood Hospital

Mother Care hospital

For more infomation >> Ghamasan Special Talk : Neeraj Sir, Motherhood Hospital की डॉ. आशा बक्षी से विशेष बातचीत - Duration: 7:45.


Chelsea news: Cesar Azpilicueta admits season rests on next NINE days after Man Utd loss - Duration: 2:51.

 Chelsea were knocked out of the FA Cup by Manchester United on Monday evening thanks to goals from Ander Herrera and Paul Pogba

 The Blues were pretty dismal as their woes continued and further pressure was heaped onto manager Maurizio Sarri

 They now have to face Manchester City in the Carabao Cup final before playing Tottenham in the Premier League the week after

 Chelsea have already suffered at the hands of City this year, losing 6-0 at the Etihad just under two weeks ago

 And Azpilicueta, who has won the FA Cup with Chelsea, believes the season rests on the next nine days

 "Hopefully we can have a good nine days. It's the whole season," he told Chelsea TV

 "We know that a trophy in the middle is everything, to bring the fans back to Wembley with the spirit to get the Cup

 "We will be back at the Bridge against Malmo to finish the job we started last Thursday, to get through to the next round

" READ MORE: WHO DOES GARETH BALE WANT TO MOVE TO?   Against Manchester United on Monday, Chelsea looked devoid of ideas and were punished when the Red Devils pushed forward

 Two free has for Herrera and Pogba were enough too heap further misery onto Chelsea's defenders

 Azpilicueta doesn't think his side pushed hard enough to even cause United problems

 "We didn't put Manchester in difficulties even at 2-0 down," he said. "We were not very good in the final metres, so we paid for that

 "And at the end we couldn't score." Come Sunday evening, Chelsea could have just the Premier League to play for, if they are defeated by Malmo and Manchester City

 A Malmo loss, however, seems unlikely, with the west London side already 2-1 up from the first leg

For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Cesar Azpilicueta admits season rests on next NINE days after Man Utd loss - Duration: 2:51.


Man Utd hero Paul Scholes backed to get Sir Alex Ferguson advice for Oldham - EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 3:01.

 Scholes took control of his boyhood club at the start of the week and led them to a 4-1 victory against Yeovil on Tuesday night

 The 44-year-old's appointment was delayed for a few days as the EFL had to ratify a potential 'conflict of interest' because of Scholes owns a 1 per cent share in National League side Salford City

 But once he got the all clear, the former Manchester United midfielder started about trying to make a late play-off push with the Latics

 Oldham, who are looking to get promoted back to League One at the first time of asking, sit 11th in the table, six points outside of the top seven but with a game in hand

 However, if things turn sour then the 11-time Premier League winner has admitted he may turn to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer or Sir Alex Ferguson

 And club captain Clarke feels such advice will be beneficial for the new boss and the team

 "The guys you are talking about, Solskjaer is in the hot seat [at United] at the minute," Clarke exclusively told Express

 "With our manager and his past playing career there it makes perfect sense. "Mike Phelan and Sir Alex Ferguson, they've had fantastic careers in management and in coaching and if the opportunity or possibility to speak to these great footballing people [arose] then it would be most sensible to use them and use that experience

" Scholes admitted in his unveiling press conference that he would be willing to pick up the phone if the going got tough

 "I haven't yet but I will do when things come up that I possibly don't know how to deal with," he said

 "I am coming to my hometown club which can only be a good thing or a bad thing, we'll see over the next few weeks

   "I have watched this team a lot and I think they're capable of winning a lot of games

" Meanwhile, Clarke also revealed what Scholes is looking for from his Oldham team

 "We had a meeting with him before [the first training session] and he put across what he was after," Clarke said

 "How he wanted the lads to work and some of the values he has worked by throughout his career

We then went out on the training ground and worked hard and it was a really good morning's work


For more infomation >> Man Utd hero Paul Scholes backed to get Sir Alex Ferguson advice for Oldham - EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 3:01.


Man Utd news: Mauricio Pochettino 'could have agreed' to take charge - Brazil - Duration: 2:48.

 That's according to ex-United defender Derek Brazil, who reckons the Tottenham boss' appointment might already be a done deal

 Old Trafford chief executive Ed Woodward gave Ole Gunnar Solskjaer the nod after Jose Mourinho was axed in December

 Solskjaer was expected to return to Molde at the end of the season but has performed better than expected

 United have been on a stunning run of form domestically. However, they slumped to a 2- defeat against Ligue 1 giants PSG in the Champions League on Tuesday

 Brazil says the result proved Solskjaer still has plenty to prove. He also reckons Woodward might have already held talks with Pochettino over taking the reins

 "If anything it shows how far we are behind teams in Europe," he told Love Radio

 "PSG have been building this team for two or three years to win the Champions League

 "You take the two players out last night but I think the two midfielders for them last night were outstanding

They were top class. "In terms of the manager situation with Solskjaer, it would have been a mistake, even before last night, to say 'here's the job'

 "If they say to him 'you can have the job', players may take their foot off the pedal

 "Like I said on one of your other shows, when Mourinho was fired and there was speculation over who will come in to replace him, and Solskjaer was appointed until the end of the season, nobody knows whether they have already done a deal with Pochettino

 "He may have been asked straight away whether he wants the job, and he could have agreed to join at the end of the season

 "That would put United in a difficult situation." United face Chelsea in the FA Cup on Monday

 Solskjaer says his side will not panic despite their underwhelming Champions League performance

 "We still want to impose ourselves on games," said Solskjaer. "You don't panic because you have lost a game - it doesn't change the mindset

 "We need to keep working on the way we want to play."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Mauricio Pochettino 'could have agreed' to take charge - Brazil - Duration: 2:48.



Hello everybody, How are you? With us everything is great

and today we will react to Morissette Amon

and this time we will react to Morissette singing: And i am telling you

Forgive our pronunciation, our English is not good

and we hope you enjoy this reaction

Well, seizing the opportunity

if you watched other videos and have not signed up yet

sign up for our channel

click I liked it, click the notification

and in the description of all the videos is the link to our instagram

We have already given the information

and we go to the reaction because we are curious

to know how this song was in the interpretation

of the great Morissette

Let's react!


I love the way

as Morissette puts "Drive"

she does it very easily

she really has a great vocal ability

because this way of singing, putting "Drive"

is a very advanced technique

it is necessary to have a great knowledge

about your own voice

to be able to do this, and how it does it with ease

This use of the "Drive" is a characteristic of Morissette's voice

Whenever she can use this at some point in her performance, she puts

Very cool, because it exploits this feature a lot

But not only that

has a very great potential

to use ornaments like melisma

it makes very beautiful melismas

for low notes and for low notes

She is really very talented Morissette

This issue of using the "Drive" is so beautiful

really impress

the way she emphasizes this technique

in their performance or interpretation

This also helps a lot in your performance because

Because the "Drive" brings a force and aggressiveness for its interpretation

this is very harmonious with what she wants to express

she also uses the body to sing, she does not stand still

she moves

and her facial expression changes according to what she sings

That is, besides being a great singer, she is also a great performer.

Morissette is sensational

Remember that "Drive" is a very different technique than "Fry"

the "Fry" is

In this case you need to decrease the volume of the voice to emit this sound

The "Drive" does not need

the drive can be used in various ways, at various intensities

more generally in high notes, a more open voice

and much in the voice of the mask

I need to make a remark

as Morissette has a very good respiratory technique

because it puts ""Drive", melisma

all these ornaments

and still moves on the stage

it is very important that the artist has a control

over the air he is emitting

-over the air he is emitting -Administration

And she does it very well

otherwise she could run out of air

and besides wearing all those vocal ornaments

she also holds the notes very well

-She also holds the notes very well -Yes

we must remember that besides doing all this

she uses belting

is the emission of the note where the air leaves without obstacles

in close voice the modal voice

Usually belting is used in mixed voice

it is as if the air exits in a very free way, it is necessary to have a control of the breathing

because, as Nah said, she uses many vocal ornaments

besides the corporal expression

because she does not use the voice alone, she expresses herself with the body as well

and this is another great feature of Morissette

this way of demonstrating, interpreting what she sings

Because the singer

he is also an interpreter

because it has this question of the body

where the body acts along with the voice

-She is incredible, we are very fans of Morissette -Yes

-Blimey... -It is breathtakin

It is breathtakin because

it's great to hear an artist like Morissette

the more we react to it

the more we are impressed by her talent

since from the beginning

we have already seen that she is that type

of artist who in a short time already

shows that she has great ability and vocal domain

But it surprises us more and more

your talent is infinite!

We even realize that she used the "Staccato"

the "Staccato" is a note emission that is not successive

It has intervals

Different from Legato

is cool because she always surprises us

we know she's a singer

who has a lot of potential

she's a great singer

we've seen how talented she is and that's indisputable

we've seen how talented she is and that's indisputable But what surprises ...

It is that she chooses the perfect moments to use the vocal ornaments

she does not deliver everything at once

She manages everything very well in each presentation she uses ornaments and techniques in a different way

That is, she is very careful in preparing her performance

She knows how to manage the vocal ornaments very well

of course, as we mentioned in this presentation

there are some characteristics that come from her artistic personality

such as the use of "Drive",melisma,apogiatura

all in the right dose, and in a very smart way too

because she does not exaggerate, she always uses, but in the right measure

She always uses the embellishments in a very good way, in the right measure

The morissette is incredible

-Amazing! -For sure

But this is our opinion

now we want to know your opinion

so comment on what you think of this presentation

And we want to know two things

For you what is the best song sung by Morissette?

and if you have more suggestions

you can write in the comments because we read them all

And if you know someone who is a fan of Morissette

and likes that kind of content, then share the video with that person

So this is personal

we hope you enjoyed this video and we see you in the next reaction

Tchau (Goodbye)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]VOCAL COACHES REACT: MORISSETTE AMON - AND I AM TELLING YOU - Duration: 10:53.


After Disappointing Coming Out Experience, Queer Person Seeks Family Of Choice. - Duration: 6:13.


My name is Jessica and I'm from Boston, Massachusetts.

I grew up in a large Vietnamese-American family - of immigrants, actually.

And growing up, we were the only one that was like us.

Everyone else was affiliated with a party, political or church, and our family just wasn't.

And so everyone I knew that meant something to me was my family.

And growing up I thought that's where I was supposed to be.

Puberty hit.

Things started to change.

I realized I wasn't quite like them.

I was definitely queer.

There was something different in the way that I saw people, the way that I saw how romance

and how people can be towards each other.

Coming from a family like that, I just know that I just could not come out to anybody

in my family except for my gay uncle.

He was the only other person that could even understand.

He was the person that I really wanted to bring into my world into all these huge steps.

I had the time finally to go and grab dinner with him.

And on this trip, in this car, in Boston, Massachusetts, just casually on our way to

dinner, I looked at him and I told him, you know, "Hey, I have something to say.

You know, I think it's really important."

He's like, "Yeah, you can - you know, you can always tell me anything."

I told him I was queer.

And I told him that I was specifically not straight, not gay.

And I don't remember the exact wording, but I made sure that he knew that I was not straight

or gay - that I was into people.

He looked at me, he frowned and he said, "You have to pick one."

And my heart sank.

I just couldn't believe it.

I thought he would - out of all the people that I knew, try to understand where I was

coming from or at least accept what part of me that was and then ask more questions later.

What came out afterwards was more questions that were asking me, you know, like, how would

you feel if you were, you know, dating a girl she started seeing a guy?

And you know, I didn't - I didn't care.

That didn't matter to me.

And all these questions that he had for me were not questions more about me, it was more

like just statements that made me feel like I just didn't belong.

I just could not believe that the only person I really wanted to be a part of my life just

didn't understand, couldn't understand and did not want to understand.

That's when I realized I wanted a chosen family, a queer family, that purposely will talk about

these things that we value.

I started looking into it more about the different things that are happening in New York because

I had friends who were here.

I had, you know, just more contacts that were out here doing stuff.

And I bit the bullet.

I took the leap and I moved to New York City right after I graduated college.

So through just dating other queers and people who are more oriented to the same events and,

I guess, musicians and things like that, I, you know, met a lot of people through that.

I was dating somebody and their roommate seemed to be really interesting.

And then one day, the person I was dating, they were not feeling the best and I wanted

to go to a club and I asked her instead.

I was like, you know, I think...

I think she would like this.

And she agreed to it.

And that was the first night we spent like one-on-one with each other and it was fantastic.

We had a - we had a blast.

We didn't have to worry about anything.

And we had the same experience of getting hit on by these guys from Long Island, so

we had a story to tell after that, too.

Before I knew it, you know, we just got along so well, it was just almost unexplainable

how we could just say something.

It was just magical.

And we talked about, you know, our own families and I was asking, like, "Do we have - do

we have this same kind of like sibling dynamic?

Is this something we want to continue?"

It's kind of like when you're asking someone, you have that feeling of "I think we were

on the same page" and so I asked, like, "Can we - I would like to be your queer

chosen sibling?"

And she agreed.

She was like, "I know - you're like the family I've always wanted.

Like, I've always wanted, like, a sibling that could you just talk to.

They do their own thing but you can always come back to each other, no matter what.

And that you always have the other person's best intentions in mind."

It felt so great because it felt like you're part of a team.

You felt like somebody was rooting for you.

You have somebody that's supporting you in any way that they could.

I've talked to people who have had similar experiences and we've created our own queer


Of our own chosen queer family, I have, you know, a sister, a brother, you know, a gay

mom and a gay dad because we chose to be there for each other in this way and be able to

lean on each other in this way.

Not just because, you know, we're the only gays in town, it's not because we're the

only Vietnamese not-Catholics in town, etcetera etcetera.

We're people who want to be together because we enjoy each other's company and we're after

the same goals.

And seeing that now I understand more about myself and where I'm going because I have

set myself up to be the best version of me that I can be with people who want that same


For more infomation >> After Disappointing Coming Out Experience, Queer Person Seeks Family Of Choice. - Duration: 6:13.


আজ কার বাসায় গেলাম আর এতো মজার মজার খাবার খেলাম !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> আজ কার বাসায় গেলাম আর এতো মজার মজার খাবার খেলাম !! Bangladeshi Woman Vlogger - Duration: 10:03.


American Masters: Sammy Davis Jr.: I've Gotta Be Me - Movie - Duration: 1:40:17.

For more infomation >> American Masters: Sammy Davis Jr.: I've Gotta Be Me - Movie - Duration: 1:40:17.


wielkie zaskoczenie! Księżna Kate z mężem i dziećmi znikną z życia publicznego. Znamy prawdę... - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> wielkie zaskoczenie! Księżna Kate z mężem i dziećmi znikną z życia publicznego. Znamy prawdę... - Duration: 12:20.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Aspiration Green Airco - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Aspiration Green Airco - Duration: 1:12.


Zámecký pán Stropnický natřel vrata a slibuje: „Ukážu vám i koupelnu" - Duration: 3:42.

Bývalý šéf zelených Matěj Stropnický s přítelem Danielem Krejčíkem si pospíšili a už zvou návštěvníky na prohlídku svého sídla v Osečanech na Příbramsku

Pár věří, že mu prohlídky přinesou další peníze na opravy zchátralé památky. Zámek je stál 12 milionů, které postupně splácí

To byl ale jen začátek, spoustu dalších peněz spolkne rekonstrukce zanedbané budovy a úpravy okolí

Stropnický při prohlídkách slibuje „totální zámek". Blesk Zprávám odkryl, co to znamená, i to, že ho k tomu inspirovala matka jeho životního partnera

„Nevím, jestli neuděláme dva okruhy, protože každý máme jiný názor na to, co se má přesně vyprávět

Dan chce, aby to bylo spíš hodně zábavné, já chci spíš, aby se ti návštěvníci přeci jen něco dozvěděli," popisuje pro Blesk Zprávy Matěj Stropnický

Návštěvníci tak sice uvidí totéž, ale každý z průvodců bude říkat něco jiného. „Ale ne tak, že je to naaranžované, že je tam ještě neoschlý inkoust Františka Ferdinanda d'Este, ale tak, že návštěvníci mohou třeba potkat toho, který zrovna neprovází, jak jde z koupelny

Je to trochu sranda, ale mě to v té knížce bavilo," dodává Stropnický. Na průvodcovské brigády Matěj Stropnický jezdil vždy na měsíc a vzpomíná na ně doteď rád

„Sice to člověk dělá z velké lásky, protože tehdy jsem dostával 35 korun na hodinu plus za každý světový jazyk příplatek dvě koruny

Takže jsem většinou tu brigádu musel trochu dotovat, ale byly to ty nejlepší prázdniny," svěřuje se

Stropnický už dříve přiznal, že sami s Krejčíkem opravu zámku finančně neutáhnou

Na kolik tedy přijde taková prohlídka v Osečanech? „My si řekli, že abychom nemuseli papírovat, dáme dobrovolné vstupné

Takže každý po prohlídce ocení výkon průvodce a také to, co viděl, slyšel a tak dále

" Chce se tak vyhnout i možným konfliktům s návštěvníky, kteří by mohli být nespokojení, že při prohlídce viděli jen holé stěny

For more infomation >> Zámecký pán Stropnický natřel vrata a slibuje: „Ukážu vám i koupelnu" - Duration: 3:42.



For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration NAVI PANORAMADAK CAMERA CLIMATE TEL EERSTE EIGENAAR - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> ASMR DESSERT BROWNIE CHOCOLATE CAKE EATING SOUNDS MUKBANG 브라우니 초코 케이크 먹방 - Duration: 3:35.


Liverpool news: Rio Ferdinand singles out one player in his criticism vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 2:40.

 Ferdinand was working as a pundit for the Champions League last-16 first leg match at Anfield

 The game was goalless at half time but both sides had chances to open the scoring

 Bayern Munich started the better side and caused some nervy moments in the Liverpool defence

 Ferdinand says Bayern surprised the hosts by preventing them from playing out from the back

 And he laid blame at Reds goalkeeper Alisson for a number of hairy moments in the opening 45

 "I think they took the game away from Liverpool at the beginning," Ferdinand said on BT Sport

 "Liverpool normally come out of the blocks fast. "They would have said in the changing room 'let's start this game fast, let's get amongst this Bayern Munich team' - they weren't allowed to

 "Neuer was dictating things from the back and at times when they had the ball themselves Liverpool, they played themselves into problems

 "Alisson has been very lax with the ball, giving up possession very easily and putting his team under pressure at times

 "This has been a very different performance and intensity from Liverpool that we normally see because Bayern Munich have dictated that

 "I have to say they have defended well, the professionalism, the experience they've used, keeping the full-backs in, the manager's played a masterclass in that

 "In the games we've seen previously, these Bayern full-backs normally play high up the pitch

 "They know where they are, they're at Anfield, they know that space and speed will kill them here

" The game remained goalless meaning Bayern failed to score an away goal to take back to the Allianz Arena

 Bayern's Joshua Kimmich will miss the second leg through suspension.

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Rio Ferdinand singles out one player in his criticism vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 2:40.


Woman, 21, shares protective grandad's very specific list of 'boyfriend rules' - Duration: 2:20.

 A woman has shared her protective grandad's list of 'boyfriend rules' which he says any future partner must adhere to

 Amie McHugh said she was "howling" when she received the WhatsApp message from her grandpa William

 Written entirely in capital letters, the message demands his grandaughter's man always offers to pay the bill in his presence, supports Celtic and is "financially well off"

 William also says he "must have a car" and "be very kind", but first and foremost, he must be Roman Catholic

 Amie, from Airdrie, Lanarkshire, in Scotland, posted a screenshot of the demands to social media with the caption: "Howlin at ma grandas rules for ma boyfriend

"  The message read: "Rule 1 he must be RC [Roman Catholic]. Rule 2 he must be Celtic supporter

 "Rule 3 he must be working. Rule 4 I must like him.  "Rule 5 he must like me. Rule 6 he must be financially well off

 "Rule 7 he must never look at another girl while in this relationship.  "Rule 8 he must be very kind

Rule 9 he must have a car.  "Rule 10 whenever in my company he must offer to pay bill

"  Grandad William stopped himself at ten rules in total but warned there may be more - signing off the message "ok that's it so far"

 The message has become a viral hit, racking up more than 6,000 likes since it was posted on Saturday

 Daniella Bonner said: "I am crying I think I'm in love with him."   Another Twitter user added: "The first four rules would defo be ma granda for anybody

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Woman, 21, shares protective grandad's very specific list of 'boyfriend rules' - Duration: 2:20.


Lord of the Universe ep 07 - Duration: 10:06.


For more infomation >> Lord of the Universe ep 07 - Duration: 10:06.


Fat Arse (Fast Car Parody) - Duration: 1:43.

My Dad's' in jail

Inmates tease him 'cause he's fat

He's been there for a while

And heard every fat jokes, picture that

Morbidly obese

He's more cellu-heavy than cellulite

They call him "Barge-Arse"

He doesn't go a day without a fight

When dad was home

He'd sweat just holding the remote control

I'd say "good morning"

He'd reply "blllrrrrrrrrrr"

My mum threw the towel in

She couldn't love a man with massive tits

KFC banned him

For assaulting staff when they were out of chips

I remember we were driving

Driving in his car

Sitting low in his Pulsar

Stuck at the lights behind a truck

Some kid yelled out "hey Uncle Buck"

And he got mad

So he turned the car right around

In a fit of rage

He mowed some children down

Killing them, instantly



For more infomation >> Fat Arse (Fast Car Parody) - Duration: 1:43.


Pink's adorable son Jameson just did something huge - Duration: 3:58.

 Over the course of her 25 year career Pink has proven she is one tough cookie, and the award-winning songstress appears to have passed some of her trademark gumption on to her son, Jameson Moon

 The tiny tot, who Pink shares with former motocross star Carey Hart, is already following in his father's footsteps by riding an electric bike - despite being just two years old

 Taking to Instagram, the proud dad shared a video of his youngest child showing off his riding skills which he said Jameson "picked up instantly"

Jamo blows me away!!!! Today at the shop I broke out his @ridestacyc electric bike

Literally his first go he made it the length of my shop! I was a little nervous about the throttle, but he picked it up instantly

Not bad for 2 years old. Gonna have my hands full lol.  "Jamo blows me away!" Carey, 43, captioned the sweet clip, telling his 935,000 followers that the toddler "made it the length of the shop" on his first try

 "Not bad for two-years-old. [I'm] gonna have my hands full," he joked.  Dressed in a camo jacket, grey joggers and wellington boots, the adorable little boy looked to be well within his comfort zone as he navigated the bike without assistance

 Fans of the family quickly shared messages of support in the comment section, with one writing: "You and your wife are so talented 0 did you expect any less from your kiddos? They are definitely going places

"  Others branded the longterm couple "the coolest parents ever" and praised the duo for pushing their children to reach their full potential

 "Wow, I honestly didn't think that was possible for a kid so young! Really amazing to see, go Jamo!" a delighted user wrote

Getty Images  Pink and Carey's seven-year-old daughter Willow Sage was also seen playing with a red scooter in the background of the video

 The sweet footage comes after the famous foursome stepped out together for a ceremony to honour Pink with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on February 5

 The straight talking singer later appeared on Ellen DeGeneres and declared she had been "embarrassed" by the experience

 "It was so much attention! I hate compliments, and that's a huge compliment, so I was crawling out of my skin," she laughed

For more infomation >> Pink's adorable son Jameson just did something huge - Duration: 3:58.


News24 - Man Utd transfer news: What Louis van Gaal did to burn relationship with Angel Di Maria - Duration: 3:18.

 Manchester United were haunted by PSG star Di Maria last week, with the Argentina international impressing in a 2-0 Champions League win at Old Trafford

 The 31-year-old signed for the Red Devils in 2014 with Van Gaal forking out £60million to make Di Maria the most-expensive player in English football at the time

 Things at Manchester United started well for the Argentine, with a fine solo goal against Leicester standing out in the memory

 Ultimately, though, the forward failed to live up to expectations. And few tears were shed when Van Gaal sold him to PSG in 2015, just a year on from his arrival

 Di Maria has now opened up about their feud. And the PSG star has insisted Van Gaal was always criticising him for losing the ball during his time at United

 "At Manchester [United], the first two months went well," he told Sports France. "Then there is a fight and after a big fight, the relationship is not the same anymore and it's the coach who decides if you play or not

 "There are times when I lost the ball easily and these are the things he showed me

Trending  "He always showed me the negative and it started to weigh me down, until one day I argued with him

" "I told him that I did not want to see that anymore, that I was doing good things, and I asked him why he was not showing them to me

 "He did not like the way I told him and the problems started from there." Di Maria was popular when he signed for United

 But unforgiving fans subjected him to boos and taunts when he returned with PSG seven days ago

 The forward was also sent flying by United skipper Ashley Young, who barged him onto the metal railings around the pitch

 But, speaking after that game, Di Maria insisted he was not fazed by the reaction of the United crowd

 "It was difficult from the opening minute," the former Real Madrid star added. "But I knew this was going to happen

 "But I've said it in the past and I reiterate it, I never spoke badly of the people here and of this club

 "These are things that happen and people took it badly. I only had problems with the coach [Louis van Gaal] here


For more infomation >> News24 - Man Utd transfer news: What Louis van Gaal did to burn relationship with Angel Di Maria - Duration: 3:18.


PandaTheGamerBoy you idiot - guestsarenotbad103 - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> PandaTheGamerBoy you idiot - guestsarenotbad103 - Duration: 1:03.



Sessantacinque fatture per operazioni inesistenti o gonfiate, per un valore complessivo di 724

946 euro. Eccolo il conto che i magistrati di Firenze hanno presentato a Tiziano Renzi e Laura Bovoli, ritenuti gli amministratori di fatto della cooperativa Marmodiv utilizzata dai due per "alleggerire" la loro società Eventi6 degli oneri previdenziali e fiscali

E "guadagnare qualche soldo in più", per dirla con le parole di "Lalla". Marmodiv nasce dalle spoglie di un'altra cooperativa, aperta per gli stessi fini: la Europe Service, che ha cessato l'attività tra il maggio e il giugno del 2012

"Qualche mese dopo - si legge nell'ordinanza che ha portato agli arresti domiciliari i genitori di Matteo Renzi - Piergiovanni Spitieri (già amministratore della Europe Service, ndr) diviene amministratore unico della Marmodiv, avente lo stesso oggetto sociale della Europe Service, e divenuta nel giro di poco tempo il maggior prestatore di servizi su Firenze della Eventi6"

Fin dall'inizio della sua attività commerciale c'è qualcosa che non torna. La prima fattura contestata dalla Guardia risale al 2013 (400 euro) emessa dalla ditta Punchihewa Priyantha, per "operazione inesistente"

L'anno dopo sono 31 le fatture sospette, per un importo totale di 33.172 euro. Le cifre aumentano col passare degli anni: 64

941 euro nel 2015, 108.261 euro nel 2016. Le fatture inesistenti Nel 2017 cambia qualcosa

Scrive il gip di Firenze: "Al fine di consentire alla Eventi6 l'evasione delle imposte sui redditi e sul valore aggiunto, la Marmodiv emetteva sei fatture per operazioni in parte inesistenti"

Insomma, erano gonfiate. Un esempio, la fattura numero 89 del 30 novembre 2017: emessa dalla Marmodiv per una cifra di 60

430 euro, sovraffatturata di 35.330 euro. Nel corso di quell'anno, le fatture nel mirino degli inquirenti valgono 311

704 euro. Nel 2018, altre cinque per un valore di 206.368 euro. In totale, dunque, 724

946 euro in sei anni. Un mare di soldi, come si vede. Gestito, secondo la procura fiorentina, direttamente da Lalla e Tiziano: "Vi sono indizi per ritenere che siano i veri amministratori della cooperativa, e si siano intromessi nell'amministrazione della stessa fintanto che non l'hanno ceduta"

Passaggio che nella tesi dell'accusa era preliminare all'ennesima bancarotta pilotata

A questa conclusione i pm sono arrivati non soltanto attraverso i documenti ma anche grazie alle confessioni dei dipendenti



這個星座就是「三分鐘熱度」的代表人物!其實什麼都會一點也不錯啊! - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 這個星座就是「三分鐘熱度」的代表人物!其實什麼都會一點也不錯啊! - Duration: 5:01.


Kubi 【RINGO ft. GUMI & Otomachi Una】 (English Subs) - Duration: 4:00.

"Head" Song by RINGO Vocals by GUMI and Otomachi Una

Translation by Releska (releska.com)

My dreams had been corrupted.

Before I stow them away, I'll think about them once more.

Faced with an eccentric diversion,

I was cornered, and it felt like I had died.

My habits are old-fashioned:

Before I give up, I'll double-check things.

Faced with scrupulous alterations,

My white heart was plastered up.

Meetings that weren't born;

a world in which I couldn't laugh; and

dreams that weren't granted—

I pray that they may even fly on the next stage.

I strangled you

and I experienced the joy that comes after death.

I'll strangle you…

Let's cut away any lingering attachment you have for love or dreams.

Your voice faded, then was interrupted.

Before I finish strangling you, let me enjoy it once more.

They say that if you die

your body and soul will be at peace. I wonder why that is…

The sacrifices that I could not save;

miracles that did not occur; and

an unchanging comedy—

I hope that I will act them out upon the next stage.


I was dead.

"By the time I realised it, it was too late—you were a ghost."

For the sake of you, who failed to kill me…

"I'll strangle you, then I'll make you the same as me…"

I strangled you

and I tore off my lonesome bluff and threw it away.

I'll tightly grasp your hand.

I won't run or hide anymore!

Decapitate me, right away

and close the curtain on this wretched conclusion.

Cut my head off.

Though I may be born again, be by my side...!

Though I may stop breathing, will you be by my side?

Let's be the same!

For more infomation >> Kubi 【RINGO ft. GUMI & Otomachi Una】 (English Subs) - Duration: 4:00.


Pep Guardiola: Why Liverpool cannot be considered title underdogs to Man City - Duration: 3:53.

 Pep Guardiola insists it's time to stop calling Liverpool title underdogs.  On the eve of Manchester City's return to Champions League action, the Catalan coach still had domestic matters on his mind

 Notably Jurgen Klopp's side, who are pushing the Premier League champions all the way at the top of the table

 City face Schalke in Gelsenkirchen on Wednesday night when Guardiola can take another step towards an unprecedented quadruple

 The Bundesliga strugglers are expected to put up little resistance in the face of a rampant City, who have won 12 of their last 13 games in all competitions

 Guardiola was at pains to warn against complacency against a side that sit 14th in the German top flight

But his own deviation from the topic of the Champions League betrayed his concerns about the threat being posed on the home front

 Liverpool put an end to Guardiola's hopes of conquering Europe last season with a 5-1 aggregate win in the quarter-finals

 The former Barcelona and Bayern Munich manager defended that defeat on Tuesday night – suggesting the Merseysiders have been allowed to go under the radar

 "I think last season against Liverpool, I reviewed the game and we did quite well," he said

"I don't have many regrets. People said it was a shock - it was Liverpool my friends

 "When people say it would be an incredible achievement for Liverpool to win the Premier League, it's Liverpool! Incredible trophies in their backroom

 "For us it's nice to be there every season and fight with them - especially the last two seasons

"  There is a school of thought that City were shocked when coming up against a resurgent Liverpool team after dominating the rest of the Premier League

 But a genuine title race this time around may well benefit Guardiola's pursuit of European football's biggest prize

 "You never know," he added. "I would like to be 10 or 12 points in front of Liverpool, honestly, but that's not normal

 "I believe the team after three seasons are doing better things than the first season

We've been together a long time and we know each other better.  "But this competition is special

The teams are good, the atmosphere, you have to suffer the bad moments, survive them and in the right moments make the difference

 "We arrive with many dreams in our heads.  "In 12 games we won 11 and you can lose once

The players are quite well and it's a challenge for us.  "You cannot go through if you are not yourself, if you do not give your best performance

You will be out sooner or later.  "In the quarters if you want to go through you have to be yourself every minute, impose your game and after we will see

 "I want us to be ourselves. It's a challenge and I'm delighted to face it."

For more infomation >> Pep Guardiola: Why Liverpool cannot be considered title underdogs to Man City - Duration: 3:53.


Andrew McCabe: 'Not Surprising' Trump Tried To Intervene In SDNY Probe | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 16:04.

For more infomation >> Andrew McCabe: 'Not Surprising' Trump Tried To Intervene In SDNY Probe | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 16:04.


Andrew McCabe On Whether He 'Hates' President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Andrew McCabe On Whether He 'Hates' President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 7:20.





Alicia o la última fuga (1977) - Duration: 1:29:02.

For more infomation >> Alicia o la última fuga (1977) - Duration: 1:29:02.


Paula fala sobre Isabella: 'Foge quando o Rodrigo ronca e está grudada' - Duration: 1:50.

No Quarto Diamante, os acorrentados Tereza, Paula, Hariany, Carolina, Elana e Danrley combinam como vão se deitar para dormir

"Viu, Paulinha, eu não incomodo, não, tá? Eu não ronco.", diz Tereza. "Gente, e a Bella? Ela sempre foge pra cá porque o Rodrigo ronca e está grudada com Rodrigo", comenta Paula, falando sobre Isabella

"E tá com a mão e não pode trocar", lembra a pernambucana. Entenda a dinâmica dos Acorrentados Por decisão do BigBoss, os brothers ficarão acorrentados por quatro dias

Divididos em dois grupos através de um sorteio, eles precisam fazer tudo juntos: desde ir ao banheiro, entrar na piscina e dormir

Na quinta-feira, 21/2, haverá Prova do Líder e, com isso, uma chance de escapar da corrente

O novo Líder se livrará das correntes e poderá curtir o Quarto do Líder sozinho, uma vez que os outros confinados não vão poder entrar

Paula fala sobre Isabella: 'Foge quando o Rodrigo ronca e está grudada' — Foto: TV Globo

For more infomation >> Paula fala sobre Isabella: 'Foge quando o Rodrigo ronca e está grudada' - Duration: 1:50.


✅ A Justiça inocentou o ex-deputado Jean Wyllys por chamar Bolsonaro de "racista" e "corrupto" - Duration: 3:04.

 O TJ-RJ (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro) julgou improcedente uma ação em que o então deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ) acusou o seu ex-colega Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) por calúnia, injúria e difamação

A ação se baseia em uma entrevista publicada pelo jornal "O Povo", em agosto de 2017, e na qual Wyllys se refere a Bolsonaro usando termos como "burro", "canalha" e "racista"

 Ele também utilizou as palavras "desonesto", "desqualificado", "fascista", "corrupto", "canalha", "nepotista", "boquirroto" e "responsável por lavagem de dinheiro"

 No processo, Bolsonaro pedia R$ 20 mil de indenização por danos morais, pleito que acabou negado na sentença assinada pela juíza Marcia Correia Hollanda, com base no argumento de que Wyllys contava com imunidade parlamentar até o ano passado

 "O réu, de fato, teceu comentários graves sobre a conduta do autor [do processo, Jair Bolsonaro], como de outros políticos então em evidência (por exemplo João Dória), e expôs, com palavras fortes, suas previsões sobre a sucessão presidencial, que a história cuidou de mostrar absolutamente equivocadas", sublinhou a magistrada

 "O entrevistado também tratou da reforma da Previdência, com críticas sobre o tema, aspectos tributários, violência, movimento neoliberal, além de outros assuntos", diz o trecho seguinte

"Enfim, a entrevista não se destinou a, exclusivamente, comentar e atacar as condutas do autor desta ação

Foi feita uma abordagem da conjuntura política nacional e da sociedade brasileira, com o viés ideológico do então deputado no exercício de seu mandato

"  O texto prossegue: "No caso em exame, apesar de reconhecer o inequívoco tom ofensor dirigido pelo réu ao autor, inclusive imputando-lhe a prática de crime de lavagem de dinheiro, na esteira da posição consolidada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, entendo que as declarações estão abarcadas pela imunidade parlamentar"

 Por fim, Marcia Hollanda reitera a então condição parlamentar de Wyllys: "Com efeito, embora reconheça que a conclusão desta sentença seria diferente se a parte ré não exercesse, no momento do fato, mandato parlamentar, deve prevalecer a proteção conferida ao então congressista pela Constituição Federal, como reiteradamente decidido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal

A imunidade parlamentar cede, tão somente, quando for possível demonstrar o rompimento do nexo entre as declarações e a atividade legislativa, o que não ocorreu na hipótese dos autos"

 Desistência  Reeleito para o seu quarto mandato consecutivo na Câmara dos Deputados, Jean Wyllys anunciou no mês passado a sua desistência de assumir a legislatura (2019-2022)

Ele atribuiu a decisão ao fato de estar recebendo ameaças de morte contra si e sua família

 Na última segunda-feira, ele quebrou o silêncio mantido desde então

Em entrevista na Europa, ele confirmou ter deixado o Brasil e que está morando na Alemanha, na tentativa de obter uma bolsa de doutorado, já que é formado em Jornalismo e tem mestrado em Letras e Linguística pela pela Universidade Federal da Bahia

Disse, ainda, que recentemente recusou uma proposta de asilo político na França

BolsonaroJean Wyllysprocesso

For more infomation >> ✅ A Justiça inocentou o ex-deputado Jean Wyllys por chamar Bolsonaro de "racista" e "corrupto" - Duration: 3:04.


✅ Marina Ruy Barbosa e José Loreto trocam beijos em capítulo de O Sétimo Guardião - Duration: 2:16.

 Durante a noite desta terça-feira, 19, uma cena um tanto quanto polêmica foi ao ar em O Sétimo Guardião, trama das 21h, da TV Globo

Marina Ruy Barbosa, que interpreta a personagem Liz, acabou trocando beijos com Eurico Junior, personagem que José Loreto dá vida

As filmagens vieram à tona durante um instante bem conturbado da vida do ator e da atriz

 Após a confirmação da separação de Loreto com Débora Nascimento, surgiram diversos rumores sobre a possibilidade da ruiva ser o pivô do término dos dois

Por meio de sua conta no Twitter, a estrela se pronunciou e pediu respeito por parte das pessoas que estão a acusando de qualquer atitude indevida, que teria desencadeado a separação do pai e da mãe da pequena Bella

 "Hoje comecei a ser apontada por fofoqueiros da internet de ser talvez pivô de uma separação, que devem assistir muita televisão e pelo visto a novela

Amo meu marido e sou muito feliz no casamento e nunca teria, nem nunca tive nada além de uma parceria profissional e amizade no trabalho por consequência da novela

Completamente infundado tudo isso", desabafou a atriz.  Por coincidência o beijo aconteceu alguns dias após o escândalo envolvendo o nome deles

Diversos fãs começaram a relacionar os acontecimentos, enquanto outros disseram que não passou de uma mera eventualidade

Após o episódio, Marina sofreu uma debandada de amigas: Bruna Marquezine, Thaila Ayala, Giovanna Ewbank e Fiorella Mattheis deixaram de seguir a atriz nas redes sociais

 De acordo com o enredo da novela, se você achou que os dois se distanciariam após todo o acontecimento, está bem enganado! Neste instante da história os dois estão em um processo de reconciliação, justamente pelo fato de que Gabriel (Bruno Gagliasso) descobrir uma grande maldição e abandonar Liz (Marina Ruy Barbosa)

Ao que parece, eles ainda protagonizarão muitas cenas calientes daqui em diante, o que causará grandes alvoroços na web, assim como o beijo causou

For more infomation >> ✅ Marina Ruy Barbosa e José Loreto trocam beijos em capítulo de O Sétimo Guardião - Duration: 2:16.


Odborník, který se staral o Jiřího Pomeje: Bohužel, na to tableta není - Duration: 2:38.

 Přestože se původně zdálo, že se Cimický snaží krotit jeho závislost na alkoholu a tišících lécích, tak to byl jen střípek jeho nalomené psychiky

Pomeje potřeboval pomoc, aby ustál situaci, ve které se nalezl.   „Jeho problémy jsou globálnější

To, že pil, všichni vědí. Dovedete si představit, co by člověk dělal, kdyby se mu najednou zhroutil svět, rozpadly se mu vztahy? V tuto chvíli by člověk měl zmobilizovat všechnu energii a sílu

Proto on přišel. Nepřišel proto, že pije. Nemůžeme se divit, že se v takové chvíli člověk napije

On hledal způsob, jak to zvládnout," řekl Expres.cz renomovaný psychiatr.  Jiřího trápily myšlenky na smrt, ale to je prý normální u každého těžce nemocného člověka

Daleko hůř se vzpamatovával z odchodu manželky Andrey.  „Řešili jsme i to, jak ho opustila žena

Vyrovnával se s tím špatně. Ocitl se sám. Mužský je velké dítě. Nikdy nedospěje. I když předstírá, že je chlap, to malé dítě v něm je

Pochopitelně, že mu chybí a trápí se tím. Jsou to ale věci, které jsou mezi nimi a musí to vyřešit oni

Ani tableta na to není," uzavřel Cimický.  Jiří Pomeje je momentálně hospitalizovaný v Nemocnici Na Pleši s rakovinou, která už se z hrtanu rozšířila i do kostí

 VIDEO: Jiří Pomeje PROMLUVIL: Nechte mě v klidu umřít!   Video délka: 00:37 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Jiří Pomeje PROMLUVIL: Nechte mě v klidu umřít! David Kundrát

For more infomation >> Odborník, který se staral o Jiřího Pomeje: Bohužel, na to tableta není - Duration: 2:38.


Tuesday night playoff hoops: Feb. 19 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Tuesday night playoff hoops: Feb. 19 - Duration: 2:32.





Kate Armstrong - Art and Technology - Duration: 9:10.

New technology is changing every aspect of our life and is making us question many of our assumptions

Questions like what is art anyway?

Our first guest left Vancouver to explore the intersection

Between new technology and art in Toronto and then New York

But she has returned teaching at Emily Carr where she's a director of the innovative living labs

she is so respected for her approach to

Curation and for producing a new kind of art that pushes against boundaries. We never even knew were there

Please welcome Kate Armstrong

Thank you so much for the introduction it is so nice to be here today I

Thought I would take the opportunity

To do a little bit of truth-telling or myth-busting or something like this. I'm gonna advance the slide so you can see my title


So I have the great good fortune in my life to have spent millions of hours with artists and to have been talking about them

and working with them in a range of ways over the years and I've also have the other good fortune of having a ton of

Opportunity in my day to day job and other kinds of experience to be like working with and talking to people who are not

Artists so people from social impact people from technology

business government

You know lots of different spheres and in a lot of those conversations

I'm the one sitting there saying arts really important

Like there are some things that you guys need to be paying attention to in terms of

Art being like this vital part of building a healthy City

So when I sat down to think about what I would talk about today, I kind of I kind of thought

you know in the course of those conversations there have actually been some points where I've realized there's some

misapprehensions like maybe basic maybe even structural

Misapprehensions that some people have about art and maybe that artists have about themselves or what they're doing

So I just thought I'd bring forward some of those today in a bit of a light spirit

So I'm gonna start with a basic framework

So let's look at so we have field field of activity right sphere of activity

We've got individual that's working within that field and then we have the instantiation of the work that they're doing in that field

What does that mean? Let's look at business. There's an example the CEO

Let's say is the individual working in that sphere and the company is part is what the instantiation of work looks like in that sphere

It's Vancouver

so we have to say real estate real estate is there and you know Realtors are there and properties or however

we want to look at it, but when it comes to art

I want to say that most people would put it like this where there's like the artists and then there's

The art that the artist makes but this is actually kind of misaligned and it weirdly it

results in sympathy understandings

like I want to say

let's take a moment in the first slide to put art as a

Field and to really make this kind of bold statement that art is a job like it's a profession

So let's start at the end the artwork I want to say that this is kind of for the most part what people have in

Their mind when they think about the spectrum of artistic artworks, maybe it makes sense, you know

Either you're going to a museum or you're in grade 3 and somebody is tasking you with making something out of popsicle sticks

You know, but I kind of also wanted to bring it forward in order to say, you know

I think with this kind of vision of art and art activity

We're accidentally teaching ourselves that when we look at a piece of art

we're supposed to know what to think and I'm not sure if that's the case because

When people are asked what they think about something that they don't know anything about let's say they tend to default into opinion

Do you like it?


This actually makes it easier in the end for us to dismiss art as irrelevant because is it awesome?

Yeah Wow

Ok, so to go to the concept of to pinpoint the conversation on the individual artist for a second

We have all seen a tote bag with van Gogh's face on it. Right? We know that people like to focus on

geniuses and on the individuals who are kind of in these areas spheres, but sometimes

focusing on the talent or the activity of an individual

Actually makes it harder to understand why that activity is relevant to anyone else

So here's the example there. So there are some awesome thing made by some dude

There is wow that guy really enjoys doing that thing. That's his obsession or that's his hobby

And then here's where you have a little bit of a place to play you can say

Oh, well, I don't need a sculpture or you can say I actually do need that sculpture

Thank you, or you can say you know, and this is the context of public art funding why I'm not gonna pay for that

That's that guy's random hobby. Right? Anyway, we end up with this kind of right

So all of this is leading to a giant

So what it's like a giant so what when it comes to the question of like why art should matter or why it is important

to our shared culture

It's kind of no wonder that we've gotten ourselves a bit confused about this whole art thing

so here are a couple of more things that people some people don't get about what artists do so

Criticality, I had this conversation with a politician

Once they were facing some heat from like there was some kind of policy conversation

They were having in the the artist community was like giving them some heat and they said you know

I love the arts community and like a huge supporter and they go but why why are artists so difficult and

And and I got I get it right. I understand and but it made me realize

That I think sometimes people don't realize that you know

It's actually an artist job to like evaluate and to like press and to you know

Eviscerate in some cases like we should be glad right

this is in praise of difficult people but it's also to say artists are practical artists are political and

You know sometimes when they're when we think that they're looking like they're being difficult. It's because they're being judged by some kind of other

discourse outside of their own concerns

so and the ambiguity

Artists are great at ambiguity it I'm sure it makes me sound like I'm dissing them

But I'm really not when I say that I wanted to bring up a slide

So here's to put together scientific method and to put it against artistic method, okay?

So first of all, I meet a lot of people who don't even know that there is an artistic method

Okay, so we need to do better at talking about this the scientists have that nailed and nobody argues with them at all

So what is the artistic method?

I mean an artistic method it's like I want to characterize it like this you do it and then you look at what you did

In order to understand what it is that you've done

Like this is what making is right and it's important because it means that artists are

comfortable operating in the context of ambiguity and the unknown


You know when you need an artist and you ask them to explain what their art is about and they look really uncomfortable

And then they start using a lot of words and they say things like I'm interested in interrogating uncertainty

And and you sit there and you go. Oh, can you get to the point and you're just looking at something?

That's a bunch of blue blobs. Anyway, and you think okay, you know, like maybe they've had a little bit too much, you know, like


You know

That's discourse. Okay

So I think a lot of people don't realize too that there is like there's an industry there's a community

There's a dialog there's a discourse. There's complexity. There's a lot of stuff that artists are thinking about that

maybe you don't know and that is

okay, we can turn the situation around if there's a dinner party and you meet somebody who's building a blockchain app and you say oh


what's blockchain and they say it's a distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties in verifiable and

permanent ways

Generally speaking. You're satisfied with that

You can go to your follow-up questions with that person

But this just my last point is to say it's kind of not always or nests not necessarily the artists job to make everything

Really easy for you to understand and I think that generally speaking

sometimes because you're using your eyes to look at art you think people sometimes end up with the

concept that it's a surface thing that is happening on the surface, but

Obviously you do not need to have a right of immediate understanding you don't have to

Understand something in its fullness in the first 11 seconds of beholding something in order for it to make sense. Ultimately. Thank you

For more infomation >> Kate Armstrong - Art and Technology - Duration: 9:10.


Варю гречку по-старорусски и рецепт гречки - биологически активной! - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Варю гречку по-старорусски и рецепт гречки - биологически активной! - Duration: 4:09.


MasterChef: Αυτός είναι ο παίκτης που αποχώρησε | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:34.

 Στο καινούργιο επεισόδιο του MasterChef, το βράδυ της Τρίτης, οι κριτές έπρεπε να επιλέξουν τον παίκτη ο οποίος θα αφήσει πίσω την ποδιά του και θα αποχωρήσει από το διαγωνισμό

 Για πρώτη φορά, ο Σωτήρης Κοντιζάς, ο Πάνος Ιωαννίδης και ο Λεωνίδας Κουτσόπουλος αποφάσισαν να βγάλουν όχι τρεις, αλλά εννέα υποψήφιους προς αποχώρηση

 Όλοι έβαλαν τα δυνατά τους για να παρουσιάσουν όσο πιο καλά μπορούν το πιάτο που έπρεπε

 Αφού ολοκληρώθηκε η διαδικασία, οι κριτές ανακοίνωσαν τα αποτελέσματα φωνάζοντας τα ονόματα των παικτών που περνούν στην επόμενη φάση

 Στο τέλος έμεινε ο Θάνος Σπανός και η Κωνσταντίνα Δημητρίου με το χειρότερο πιάτο να το έχει ο Θάνος και να αποχωρεί οριστικά από το MasterChef

 Δείτε το παραπάνω βίντεο.

For more infomation >> MasterChef: Αυτός είναι ο παίκτης που αποχώρησε | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:34.


Ted's Federal Election Speech - Duration: 5:09.

To pick up where the last speaker left off, you can see a pattern here. You can see a pattern in Labour speakers on this motion.

They have no choice but to go by the farce of their speaking lines

That there has been some sort of cut.

Isn't it hilarious, after so many years in opposition, that they continue to pick out fictitious numbers and try to talk about a cut.

You know, this was mentioned in my electorate only three weeks ago with respect to health.

So I looked at the statistics. Since the coalition has been in power, funding to health has actually doubled. Doubled!

Do you know why Labor carry on like this? They run the 'gonna' principle

The member for Solomon should learn this gonna principle because it's his party's principle:

'We were gonna do more. We were gonna do this. We were gonna give more to health.

we were gonna do more for education.' Despite the fact that today there is record spending in health,

there is record spending on education and there is an unprecedented recapitalisation of our defence forces, they're gonna do more, Deputy Speaker!

Their entire argument is the gonna principle.

But there's a difference, you see. The difference between our side and their side is that we know how to manage money.

Those opposite do not. If I have to pay tribute to those who are speaking from Labor on this motion

today, it is that they've had the courage to at least try to put up an argument. Many of their colleagues are hiding in their suites because they don't want to talk on a motion about economic management.

It is clearly the weak spot—or one of two weak spots; we also know about national security and protecting our borders.

This motion is about the economy. We know that, when it comes to managing money, Labor are weak—that's their track record; it's sad because the losers are the Australian people—whereas the Liberal-National coalition's track record is strong. It is strength versus weakness.

We know that we have enjoyed 27 years of consecutive economic growth. We know that the unemployment rate is at five per cent.

We know that the Australian GDP is growing at a rate faster than the OECD average, faster than all of the G7 bar the United States.

Now, there's a reason that we celebrate good economic outcomes, and the Prime Minister articulates this well—that is, the economy isn't the end game. Having a good strong economy is not the end game; it is the means.

A strong economy is the means by which we can recapitalise the Australian Defence Force—$200 billion. A strong economy is the means by which we can ensure that we have record numbers of jobs created under this government.

A strong economy is the means by which we can recapitalise the Australian Defence Force—$200 billion. A strong economy is the means by which we can ensure that we have record numbers of jobs created under this government. The economy is the means by which we can have families putting food on the table and we can have families educating their children.

A strong economy is the means by which our people prosper. A strong economy is the means by which the everyday Australian household can pay the bills and can have a fulfilled life. That is why the economy is so fundamentally important.

And yet we see Labor government after Labor government ruin the economy, and when they do they also ruin the end game.

They compromise the ability of people to feed their families and to find their jobs. They compromise the ability for us to afford health care and for us to afford the necessary services. That is why everything comes back to the economy.

It is why the Liberal-National government will always stand firm on the economy.

When we do, we unashamedly take the high moral ground because we know that the most vulnerable people in this country can be best served only when the government is able to serve them.

And only when you have money in the bank, only when you're making a surplus—which we will be delivering next year—are you best able to deliver on that. Meanwhile, we

will continue to hear the gonna arguments from the Labor Party—what they're gonna do, what they would do. We all know it's false. Look at their track record.

For more infomation >> Ted's Federal Election Speech - Duration: 5:09.


Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment - Duration: 13:01.

This Liberal-National Government takes the needs of older Australians very seriously.

In the term of this 45th Parliament as a Government, we have delivered on a significant body of legislation

that comprehensively improves both the financial security and independence of retirees.

And will ensure the highest quality aged care for older Australians that can no longer manage on their own.

While the previous Labor Government legislative the pension age to 67, the Morrison Liberal-national Government has announced that the pension

age will go no higher.

It will remain at 67 years.

Not only should this come as welcome news for Hard working Australians

approaching retirement

But the governments ability clip the pension age at 67, while ensuring a sustainable social security system

Is due only to the strong economy that a Liberal National Government delivers

Beyond simply maintaining the pension age, the government's record of delivery for older Australians is unprecedented.

We retained the energy supplement.

And notably, since the coalition was elected, pensions have increased by a touch under $100 per fortnight for singles, and almost $150 per fortnight for couples.

The Liberal - National Government also supports older Australians to voluntarily stay in the workforce. Thanks to a variety of Measures. Some the subject of this bill.

That also include the prevision of wage subsidiaries, of up to $10,000 for employers who welcome older Australian on their pay roll.

While making the case that only a Liberal-National Government will fully protect the security, the independence and welfare of older Australians.

I cant move to the substance of this bill, without first touching on the flip side deputy speaker.

That is, what this government wont do.

We wont steer the income of more than 900 thousand Australians. Who will loose an average of $2200 every year under Labor.

We wont kick the floor under the property market.

And threaten the value of peoples homes.

Whilst simultaneously driving up rent, by adopting Labour's disastrous policy of ending negatively gearing and jacking up capital gains tax.

We wont adopt labours plan to rip over $200 Billion in extra taxes from the pockets of every day Australians.

We wont legislate an economy destroying 45% of emissions reduction target by 2030

That, if imposed, would mean a new dark age, a dark age not only for Australian jobs and industry.

But quite Literally for millions of Australians.

Including many older Australians who would face the devastating twin impacts of sky rocketing electricity prices

and rolling black outs under labours policy.

Nor will we tempt a recession. Deputy speaker.

Or threaten AAA credit rating. Or risk the jobs of every day Australians.

by deviating from our plan for a strong economy.

A strong economy that ulitmatelty protects medicare.

Puts more drugs on the PBS

Secures the age pension, builds schools, hospitals and pays teachers and nurses.

These are the responsibilities that concern this government.

We wont be distracted by the false construct or voodoo economics of the Labour Government.

Second only to the Primary aim of keeping Australians safe. It is a key objective that this liberal national government to

help Australians live, healthier, longer and more active lives.

In last years budget, the government announced a comprehensive package of measures to help achieve this aim.

Some of these measures are the object of this bill.

The social services legislative amendment supporting retirement incomes bill 2018

Which will give retirees more options and a better deal in retirement.

The bill aims to enhance the standard of living for Older Australians.

By providing more flexibility an choice when it comes to finance management.

There are three specific changes proposed by the bill to help achieve this.

Firstly, Schedule one establishes new means test rules that better accommodate the development of new and innovative income streams for retirees.

These changes allow an innovative pooled life time income stream products to qualify for tax concessions.

Provided they comply with the requirements.

Pooled life time income products, such as Amenities.

Are financial products that effectively pool the contributions of multiple people to provide consistent income to surviving members for life.

the existing means test rules were designed for simple income stream products.

And would not be suitable for the wide range of more complex products that are expected to emerge in the near future.

And in the event of no action being taken, would leave the system open to exploitation and distort peoples financial positions.

The new means test rules, will apply to all pool life time income products. Purchased on or after commencement.

1st of July, 2019.

Held by social security or the department of veteran affairs

Products acquired before commencement, will not be affected by the new rules.

The new means test will only assess 60% of payments from any pooled life time income stream.

By doing so, it accepts that part of payments from the income stream simply represent return on the individuals initial investment.

And therefore, should not be counted as income

Then 60% assessment continue for a minimum of 5 years or until the person reaches there threshold day.

Which currently is when they reach 84 years.

beyond this point just 30% of the purchase amount will be assessed.

Schedule 1 also amends the rules for investment type.

life insurance products to make sure that they are consistent with the new rules

with the pooled income products.

Secondly, deputy speaker.

Schedule 2 of the bill increases the work bonus, being an income test concession, for

age pension and DVA pension.

over a qualifying age, encoring them to work in order to supplement their pension.

the proposed increase is from $250 to $300 per fortnight

Which represents the only increase since 2011

There is also a mechanism for pensioners

that takes advantage of the work bonus

To take any unused portion, of the current $250, up to a total of $6500, and use it to exempt future earnings from the income test.

Schedule 2 will increase the maximum unused concession from $6500 to $7800

In line with proposed increase in the work bonus amount.

The work bonus will also be extended under the schedule 2 provision.

to include all income from gainful work that involves personal excursion. For the first time will also include self employed income.

Together with income from work as a contractor or consultant.

As the work bonus currently only applies to employment income

this extended application improves both consistency and equity.

Together with all schedule 2 reforms, will increase payments for more than 88,000 social security pensioners and extend eligibility to another 1150 retirees.

Thirdly, deputy speaker.

Schedule 3 of the bill extends the existing pension loans scheme (PLS). Available through Centerlink, to all older Australians with secure real estate, while also providing

improved access to the scheme.

The PLS operates as a type of reverse mortgage

Where amounts borrowed are a debt payable to the commonwealth

which is secured against real property owned by the retiree in Australia

The loan is subject to a compound interest rate, set by the minister which is currently at 4.25%.

The loan may be payed at anytime with the debt you usually recover following the sale of the property.

or from the persons estate after their death.

Schedule 3 amends all relevant legislation to allow any Australians subject only to reaching age pension

To allow any Australian subject only to reaching age pension age

age, or other relevant qualifying age. To participate in the PLS.

Irrespective of their income or asset test assessment

including pensioners assessed at a maximum pension rate.

Those participating in the PLS

can draw on the equity in their homes and effectively borrow to a new threshold of 150% of the maximum fortnightly pension. rate. Inclusive of any special assistance

subject to any special assistance or other supplements

that may apply in their case.

This measure will better and more comprehensibly target the PLS

to meet the needs of a diverse range of retirement situations.

Giving older Australians flexibility, and more choice

via an affordable government regulated scheme to support their standard of living in retirement, while allowing them to remain in their own home.

In summary, this bill provides for three technical reforms to better support Australians in their retirement.

New means test rules will ensure a fair and sustainable assessment of newly developed income stream products.

The increase and extension of the work bonus will mean that less income from work will be assessed for income testing purposes,

allowing higher income support payments to be maintained for eligible veterans and pensioners.

And the expansion of the Pension Loan Scheme, the PLS, will allow retirees, including for the first time maximum rate pensioners, to improve their standard

of living by accessing the equity in their home as a government loan while still living there.

The reforms outlined in this bill will give older Australians more choice and greater flexibility in managing their finances.

allow them to keep more of their pension

when they work

and allow retirees who own their home to receive more income.

by leveraging these successful social security programs to better support the need of retirees. this bill further delivers on the Liberal National Governments strong ongoing commitment to older Australians.

Thus, deputy speaker, I commend the bill to the house.

For more infomation >> Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment - Duration: 13:01.


✅ 'Verão 90': Jerônimo aproveita prisão do irmão, João, para se declarar a Manu - Duration: 3:13.

 Jerônimo (Jesuíta Barbosa) vai mostrar sua total falta de caráter na novela "Verão 90"

Nos próximos capítulos, o vilão vai aproveitar que seu irmão, João (Rafael Vitti), está preso por sua causa e irá se declarar para Manu (Isabelle Drummond), embora ela esteja noiva do radialista

Quem antecipa é o portal "Observatório da Televisão". O filho exemplar de Janaína (Dira Paes) terá ido para a cadeia acusado de matar Nicole (Bárbara França) - a VJ vai perder a vida durante uma discussão com Quinzinho (Caio Paduan)

Ao receber a visita de Jerônimo, Manu vai se surpreender. "Ainda não entendi porque você veio me procurar", diz a filha de Lidiane (Claudia Raia)

  'Gosto de você, Manu, e João não te merece', diz Jerônimo  É nesse momento que o filho rebelde de Janaína se declara para a ex-estrela infantil

"Eu vim porque eu não quero te ver iludida achando que o João é o cara mais legal do mundo, enquanto eu

Eu gosto de você, Manu. Sempre gostei.Quando a gente era criança era uma paixonite, coisa de moleque

Morri de ciúmes quando começou esse papo de Casal Patotinha. Mas depois

quando eu te vi lá na Guarda. Meu coração quase saiu pela boca!", inicia

"E eu não acreditei que mais uma vez o João chegou na minha frente! Eu vi que tinha te perdido de novo

Mas agora. Eu não acho justo ver você sofrendo por alguém que não te merece

", completa o malandro, que já se passou por rico para enganar Vanessa (Camila Queiroz)

Jerônimo tira Manu do sério com declaração: 'Vai embora!'  A declaração de amor revolta Manu

"Que história é essa agora, Jerônimo? Chega, Jerônimo, vai embora, por favor", diz a noiva de João

Só que o filho de Janaína não desiste. "Eu ainda vou te provar que meu irmão não vale nada", promete o rapaz, a levar um soco do irmão durante briga quando João conseguir deixar a cadeia

Só que a conversa acaba sendo flagrada por Lidiane, que não gosta nenhum pouco

"A Manuela tem uma gravação importante amanhã, já devia estar na cama

Se você veio aqui pra defender o seu irmão", diz. Antes de sair, o malandro completa: "Na verdade eu vim fazer justamente o contrário

Vim tentar abrir os olhos da Manuela e mostrar pra ela quem é o João

Um dia você vai ver que eu tô falando a verdade.". E a ex-musa de pornochanchadas acaba defendendo o vilão

"Esse menino sabe o irmão que tem.!", dispara, tirando do sério a filha

"Chega, mãe! Minha cota de chateação já estourou!", encerra Manu.    Leia também sobre a novela "O Sétimo Guardião": Luz e Laura brigam por causa de Gabriel e Laura é dada como morta    (Por Guilherme Guidorizzi)

For more infomation >> ✅ 'Verão 90': Jerônimo aproveita prisão do irmão, João, para se declarar a Manu - Duration: 3:13.


✅ Bebianno: "Carlos fez uma macumba psicológica na cabeça do pai" - Duration: 3:14.

 O agora ex-ministro-chefe da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República Gustavo Bebianno afirmou nesta terça-feira (19/2) – em entrevista ao programa Os Pingos nos Is, da Rádio Jovem Pan – que, embora magoado com a exoneração, ainda nutre respeito, afeto e amor – "por que não dizer?" – por Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), a quem se refere sempre como "meu presidente"

 Mas, como não poderia deixar de ser, Bebianno joga a responsabilidade sobre toda a "trama" que levou à sua queda do primeiro escalão do governo Bolsonaro sobre o filho vereador do presidente

"Eu fui demitido por Carlos Bolsonaro [PSC-RJ]", atacou. "Carlos fez uma macumba psicológica no pai

"  Segundo o ex-ministro, Bolsonaro é uma personalidade com muito carisma e a maior liderança política surgida no país em muito tempo

"Mas, como ser humano, não é perfeito e comete deslizes", disse. Um desse deslizes, de acordo com ele, é não controlar o filho

 "Existe uma falha no que diz respeito ao comportamento do Carlos", afirmou Bebianno

"Se ele fosse meu filho, eu estaria preocupado. Carlos coleciona inimigos com sua 'metralhadora giratória' e não mede as consequências dos seus atos", ressaltou

 O ex-secretário-geral ainda revelou que o filho do presidente e seu desafeto tem um "nível de agressividade acima do normal"

Bebianno contou que, no Rio de Janeiro, Carlos é conhecido como "destruidor de reputações" mesmo entre os membros do PSL

"Muitas pessoas foram atacadas por ele, virou uma bola de neve, e as pessoas têm medo de confrontá-lo", falou

 "Carlos é o filho do presidente, um rapaz famoso, muito bonito, alto, mas o sucesso subiu à cabeça

Ele precisa fazer uma reflexão, suas atitudes fazem muito mal às pessoas

Isso não é cristão, não é correto. E foi o que tentei argumentar com o presidente", declarou Bebianno

 Pessoa doce No entanto, o ex-secretário falou que Carlos, às vezes, é uma pessoa doce, positiva, mas em outras ocasiões entra em altos e baixos

Ele lembrou o ataque sofrido por Bolsonaro durante a campanha, em setembro de 2018

 "Carlos não queria ver aquilo. Ele deitou a cabeça no meu ombro e chorou compulsivamente

Ele é a pessoa que mais sofre com essa agressividade, esse ódio. Carlos vive numa grande caixa da teoria da conspiração que ele acha que tem contra a família e o pai", observou Bebianno

 Nada de "homem-bomba" Gustavo Bebianno assegurou que não alimenta mágoa contra Carlos

"Não tenho sentimento de ódio contra ele", disse. E garantiu que não será nenhum tipo de "homem-bomba" contra o governo

"Tenho caráter. Não vou atacar o nosso presidente em absolutamente nada

Bolsonaro é correto. Tenho certeza de que ele tomou a decisão [de demiti-lo] com sofrimento

É um patriota que quer o bem do nosso país. Tenha certeza: esse governo vai dar certo", encerrou

For more infomation >> ✅ Bebianno: "Carlos fez uma macumba psicológica na cabeça do pai" - Duration: 3:14.


핫이슈 l '불타는청춘' 조하나, 전원일기 남편 금동이 "김광규 결혼 실제키 여자친구 무용가 나이 이혼" 가족사 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l '불타는청춘' 조하나, 전원일기 남편 금동이 "김광규 결혼 실제키 여자친구 무용가 나이 이혼" 가족사 - Duration: 4:37.


✅ "No mundo real, não existe nenhuma crise no governo", diz Moro - Duration: 2:39.

 Um dia após a queda do ministro da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência, Gustavo Bebianno, o ministro da Justiça, Sergio Moro, disse hoje não há crise no governo

  Segundo Moro, o vazamento de áudios que desmentem o presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) e a demissão do ministro Bebianno não afetarão a tramitação do pacote de medidas de segurança elaborado pelo Ministério da Justiça

Veja também Chamado de mentiroso, Bebianno recebeu áudios de Bolsonaro, diz Veja Caixa 2 não tem mesma gravidade de corrupção, diz Moro sobre pacote de leis Senado aprova convite a Bebianno para falar sobre candidaturas "laranjas" Exoneração de Bebianno não afeta articulação política, diz líder do governo  "No mundo real não existe nenhuma crise no governo

O governo está apresentado projetos. Hoje é um projeto consistente. Amanhã vai ser apresentado um projeto da nova Previdência, absolutamente consistente", disse Moro

Dizer que usou o Whatsapp para falar comigo é demais, diz Bolsonaro UOL Notícias  "Eu não tenho nenhuma dúvida que vai ser aprovado", disse o ministro Onyx Lorenzoni, da Casa Civil, sobre o pacote de Moro

 O ministro deu declarações aos jornalistas após reunião com o presidente da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), os ministros Onyx Lorenzoni, Santos Cruz (Secretaria Geral), Damares Silva (Mulher, Direitos Humanos) e Paulo Guedes (Economia) A declaração foi dada após reunião na Câmara para entregar o pacote de projetos da área de segurança

 O ministro considerou que a ideia era apresentar um projeto único, mas durante os estudos optaram por viabilizar o desmembramento

  "Isso não muda nada o comprometimento do governo e do Congresso em relação à criminalização do caixa 2", considerou

 "Havia um sentimento de que o caixa dois é um crime grave, mas não é tão grave como homicídio e corrupção e houve uma reclamação para que não fosse tratado juntamente com os crimes mais graves

É uma reclamação compreensível,  foi aceita", disse sobre pedidos de políticos para o desmembramento da criminalização do caixa 2, disse Moro

Líder da oposição rebate: "governo é uma crise" O líder da oposição, deputado Alessandro Molon (Rede-RJ), rebateu a declaração de Moro e disse que o governo "é uma crise"

 "O governo deve explicar publicamente com que objetivo decidiu dividir o pacote

Com que objetivo. Está atendendo o pedido de alguém? De quem está atendendo o pedido?", disse

 Molon ainda considerou que o governo Bolsonaro fica sob suspeita com essa decisão de "fracionar o pacote"

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