Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 14 2019

Segundo a revista People há problemas no relacionamento de Khloe Kardashian e Tristan Thompson

Os boatos começaram depois que a irmã de Kim Kardashian passou a compartilhar nas redes sociais, posts muito enigmáticos, levando as pessoas a especular sobre o status de sua relação com o jogador de basquete

De acordo com a publicação, o casal não tem passado muito tempo junto, e isso estaria afetando o relacionamento

Uma fonte disse à People: "Khloe está feliz vivendo em Los Angeles, em vez de Cleveland

Elas são felizes em Los Angeles. Elas passam muito pouco tempo em Cleveland, onde Tristan está

Khloe age muito como uma mãe solteira.". "Toda a sua vida é True", continua o informante

"Khloe é uma ótima mãe. É tão óbvio o quanto ela adora ser mãe. Ela gosta disso

True está mais grandinha agora - elas freqüentam aulas com outros bebês da idade de True e Khloe está se certificando que ela tenha amigos

", justificou. Recentemente Khloe compartilhou uma série de mensagens enigmáticas sobre relacionamento no Instagram Stories, como mensagens sobre ciúmes e problemas de confiança: "É mais difícil agora"

"A insegurança tornou-se um modo de pensar, tornar-se ciumento tornou-se um hábito, a confiança é difícil de ser obtida, a mágoa tornou-se natural e a separação tornou-se a única opção"

"Tudo vai acontecer para você de repente e você será grato por não desistir

Bênçãos estão chegando. Acredite nisso." Esses foram alguns posts que a socialite andou compartilhando

Notícias Relacionadas   13/02/2019 | 17h24m - OFuxico Kourtney Kardashian mostra o primeiro corte de cabelo da filha   12/02/2019 | 14h50m - Giovanna Prisco Filha de Khloe Kardashian comemora 10 meses, sorri em foto e web não aguenta   10/02/2019 | 17h00m - OFuxico Irmãs Kardashian ganham US$ 10 milhões em processo

For more infomation >> ✅ Khloe Kardashian age como mãe solteira, diz revista - Duration: 2:08.



Ancora una notte violenta a . Paura al rione Monti intorno alle 21,30. Fuori da un locale di via dei Serpenti è scoppiata una rissa tra tifosi della Lazio e del Siviglia

Almeno una quarantina i giovani coinvolti. E poi la spedizione degli ultrà laziali nelle strade del rione per dare la caccia ai rivali che cercavano di nascondersi dentro ristoranti e birrerie

Tre al momento le persone soccorse e trasportate in ospedale con ferite d'arma da taglio

Si tratta di due spagnoli, presumibilmente tifosi del Siviglia, e di un americano, che si sarebbe trovato coinvolto per caso

Il più grave è uno spagnolo trasportato in ospedale in codice rosso. Sul posto la polizia

  Domani allo stadio Olimpico è in programma la partita di Europa League . Sul posto sono arrivate due ambulanze e diverse auto della polizia

Tutto è successo in pochi attimi. Uno dei feriti è stato soccorso nei pressi della fermata Cavour della metro B

Dopo lo scontro alcuni tifosi spagnoli hanno cercato di rifugiarsi in alcuni locali per fuggire agli ultrà della Lazio

In piazza Madonna dei Monti e in via dei Serpenti sono arrivate diverse volanti della polizia e decine di poliziotti con caschi e scudi in assetto antisommossa

"Sembrava una spedizione punitiva. Abbiamo visto correre decine di giovani vestiti di nero

Erano incapucciati. Altri indossavano caschi e avevano bastoni e cinture in mano

E' come se stessero dando la caccia a qualcuno. E infatti, a un certo punto, hanno fatto irruzione in un locale - raccontano alcuni ristoratori -  Quando è arrivata la polizia erano già fuggiti

La rissa sarebbe scoppiata in via Leonina proprio dove otto anni fa era stato pestato a morte un giovane musicista"

1 Non è la prima volta che il rione Monti è teatro di aggressioni e violenze

I comitati della zona hanno più volte invocato maggiori controlli. "E' un triangolo maledetto quello tra via Leonina e piazza Madonna dei Monti, ci sono anche attività che vendono alcolici tutta la notte

Quando ci sono le partite vengono tutti a bere qui. I controlli sono pressoché zero

I vigili ultimamente hanno fatto qualche multa nel rione ma si vedono raramente - spiega Lisa Roscioni del coodinamento dei Comitati Monti -  Abbiamo più volte segnalato la situazione di pericolo

Ma il Comune non ci ascolta e vorrebbe anche pedonalizzare quest'area con il rischio di aggravare la situazione facendola diventare il rione solo una meta turistica della movida danneggiando i residenti e le attività degli artigiani

C'è il pericolo che questa zona si trasformi alla notte in tappeto umano di ubriachi"

Quattro accoltellati in una maxi  tra ultrà scoppiata in pieno centro a  prima di 

I feriti sono stati portati in ospedale. Tra loro due spagnoli, presumibilmente tifosi del Siviglia, e un inglese

Il più grave è uno spagnolo trasportato in ospedale in codice rosso. Sul posto la polizia

Domani allo stadio Olimpico è in programma la partita di Europa League Lazio- Siviglia

La rissa sarebbe scoppiata intorno alle 21.30 in via Leonina e avrebbe coinvolto circa 40 persone

I due tifosi spagnoli feriti sono stati soccorsi in un ristorante dove si erano rifugiati mentre l'inglese in strada




✅ Os ministros do Supremo discutem as investidas contra o Poder Judiciário e a apuração sobre Gilmar - Duration: 3:10.

Os ministros do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) participaram de um almoço de confraternização nesta quarta-feira (13) no qual discutiram possíveis investidas contra o Poder Judiciário, como a PEC da Bengala, que voltou a ser aventada na Câmara dos Deputados, e a divulgação de uma apuração da Receita Federal sobre o ministro Gilmar Mendes

As informações são do jornal Folha de S.Paulo. O almoço foi marcado pelo presidente do Supremo, ministro Dias Toffoli, para celebrar o início do ano do Judiciário – as atividades na corte começaram no último dia 1º

Segundo relatos de interlocutores, os magistrados demonstraram unidade em torno dos temas, considerados de interesse institucional, e observaram que as divergências existentes entre si se limitam ao campo do debate jurídico

Conforme os relatos, houve unanimidade nas críticas à ideia de parlamentares da base do governo de revogar a PEC da Bengala que, em 2015, elevou de 70 para 75 anos a idade de aposentadoria dos ministros do Supremo

A manobra permitiria que o presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) indicasse quatro ministros para a corte, em vez de dois

Se a idade de aposentadoria baixar, deixarão o Supremo antes do fim do mandato de Bolsonaro os ministros Celso de Mello, Marco Aurélio, Ricardo Lewandowski e Rosa Weber

Pelas regras atuais, só os dois primeiros devem se aposentar, em 2020 e 2021

Os ministros Luiz Fux, que estava em viagem, Cármen Lúcia, que teve audiência, Celso de Mello e Marco Aurélio não participaram do almoço

Os presentes teriam criticado investigações desautorizadas sobre membros da corte

O caso mais recente envolveu o ministro Gilmar Mendes. No início da semana, vieram a público trechos de uma apuração interna da Receita que mencionava supostos indícios de crime, o que teria extrapolado a alçada do órgão

Toffoli pediu providências à Receita e à Procuradoria-Geral da República sobre o caso

Alguns ministros do STF também se disseram surpresos com a reação de parlamentares da bancada evangélica contra o julgamento de dois processos, iniciado nesta quarta, que discutem se houve omissão do Congresso ao deixar de legislar sobre a criminalização da homofobia

Na noite de terça-feira (12), 22 parlamentares contrários ao julgamento tiveram audiência com Toffoli em seu gabinete

Ao abrir a sessão nesta tarde, o presidente do tribunal enfatizou que os processos estavam na pauta desde meados de dezembro, quando todo o calendário do semestre foi divulgado

A observação soou como um esclarecimento de que os processos não foram pautados de última hora com objetivo de afrontar o Legislativo

A manutenção dos processos sobre a criminalização da homofobia na pauta desta quarta foi vista na corte como uma demonstração de que prevalece a independência do Poder Judiciário

Esse julgamento começou às 14h30 desta tarde e, conforme anunciou Toffoli no início da sessão, vai continuar na sessão plenária desta quinta-feira (14)

Um eventual pedido de vista por algum dos magistrados, porém, pode levar ao adiamento do debate


For more infomation >> ✅ Os ministros do Supremo discutem as investidas contra o Poder Judiciário e a apuração sobre Gilmar - Duration: 3:10.


Learn 13 HEART EXPRESSIONS in English ❤️ - Duration: 16:19.

"She seduced him with some light-hearted banter."

[Laughs] Huh?

Are you trying to tell me something?

Hi, guys.


The heart - it's the thing that keeps us alive; it's in our chest, and in English, we use it

to use it for a lot of expressions.

And E, here, is helping us, showing us, you know, how we can have fun with it.

And I'm going to have some fun teaching you this lesson, and you're going to have some

fun learning some things; especially on this special holiday, Valentine's, where we celebrate

love and the heart.

Are you ready?

Let's go to the board.

So, here, E is saying the balloon is light; not heavy.

So that's not serious.

Another word for "heavy" is "serious".

And "heart", it means with emotion, so this is a light emotion or a fun thing to talk about;

fun conversation.

Are you ready to have some fun?

You'll learn...

So, our little hearts will tell us which phrase we're talking about, and they all have to

do with sort of an emotional quality; how the emotions come together.

And our big heart, we have a couple of them: "heart of gold", "half-hearted", "change of

heart", "cross my heart", "follow your heart".

I've expanded some of them out here, but let's go from here.

"Heart of gold" is...

Well, gold is precious, right?

It's special.

If you have a heart of gold, we usually say you're a very good person.

"He has a heart of gold.

They're nice".

"Half-hearted" I'll come to in a letter...


"A change of heart", I'll do that as well.

But this one I like, here.

These two I want to tell you about.

You'll see people go: "Cross my heart", and it means: "I promise", because my heart...

Remember what I said about heart?

If you don't have a heart, you will die, so when I say: "Cross my heart", I mean, like:

"I promise so much that I put my life on it.

I cross my heart this is true."

And: "Follow your heart".

"Follow your heart" means: Do what you love.

Seeing clearly is not something I'm good at or love, but you get the point.

So, if you like playing soccer, play soccer.

If you like to read, read.

If you want to start a business, start a business.

Follow your heart because, you know, it's the thing you love.

Right now I'm having a "heart to heart" with you.

And what is "heart to heart"?

A serious conversation.

So, if you say to someone: "Okay"...

You have a girlfriend: "Nancy, we have to have a heart to heart."

She'll go: -"Baby, what about?"

-"Your breath, it stinks."


"Heart to heart", serious conversation.

"By heart".

Like my heart, it's always there for me.

I don't need to think about it, I don't need to try to make it work; it's just there.

When you know something by heart, it means you know something completely; you don't have

to study it, you don't have to look at it.

Like, if I'm reading this book: "She seduced him with some light-hearted banter", I'm reading.

If I know it by heart, I will say: "She seduced him with some light-hearted banter.

I do not need to look; I know it by heart."


That means you don't need to study; you know it.

No one should question you on it.

"Have your heart set on something".

You really want it.

It's, like, you see a shirt, and you think the shirt is amazing, and you really want

to have this shirt.

If you have your heart set on it, it will actually make you cry if you don't get it.

Or a job, you really want a job and you go for that job, and you have your heart set

on it - it means: I want this very, very strongly.


All right.

Here's one.

I like this one: "take heart".

Watch romance movies, you'll see this.

You're not going to see...

Or if you see Batman from the 1960s, you'll say: "Take heart, bat-watchers.

Batman will get out of it.

We promise."

It means: "Be encouraged.

Have faith.

Know that things will be good."

So if you're a little girl and your father goes: "Take heart.

Our dog will come back."

You really shouldn't; he's gone for good, but if he says: "Take heart" - be encouraged,

have faith the dog will come back.

You can believe.


"Take heart we will make America great again."

I don't believe I said that.

Forgive me, everybody, please.


And Donald, I am not talking to you.

So, moving on.

I can say: "Cross my heart", we talked about it up there - promise.

I promise Donald I'm not.

But let's go up here: "to not have a heart to do something", it means you couldn't do

it because it was really, really wrong or really, really bad and you know it's bad.

So, did any of you guys watch Bambi?

Do you know what happens to Bambi?

Bambi's momma?

You don't?


[Shoots] Now, I wouldn't have the heart to do that.


I would not have the heart to kill Bambi's mother.

And if some of you don't know that, I am very sorry that I just ruined your life.

Bambi's mother gets killed, but I wouldn't have the heart to kill her.


So, when you don't have the heart to say something, it's like telling children there's no Santa Claus.

Most of us don't have the heart to say there's no Santa Claus.

E, he tells a child, he'd go: "There's no Santa Claus.

No Santa Claus."

I don't have the heart to do that.


It means I cannot do that because it's not nice; it's too unkind.

"Change of heart".

A "change of heart" means from something maybe, like: "I love you.

I love you" to: "I hate you!"

You've changed your heart; you've changed your mind.

You go into a store and go: "Oh, I love these shoes.

I think I want to buy them.

They're amazing."

Then you put them on and go: "Ow, ew, ow, they hurt."

I have a change of heart; I don't want the shoes anymore.

I've changed my feelings.

All right?

The worst is when you're dating a girl and she has a change of heart - that's bad; it

hurts real, like, in here.

Anyway, "in the heart of hearts".


There's a heart, and inside the heart, there's a heart.

It means in the most honest, truest place in you.

Inside of you; the real you.

If someone says to you: "In your heart of hearts, do you believe?"

They mean: "In that part of you that's really, really true and honest, the real you, do you

believe truly inside?"

Because we say many things, but when they say: "In your heart of hearts", not just the

words, but go deep inside: "Is this true to you?"

That's what they say: "in your heart of hearts".

"In my heart of hearts I believe this", it means from the deepest part of me; the most

honest part.

And "half-hearted", oh, boys and girls, that means to not do your best.

That's how I spent most of my high school.



"I put in half-hearted work", it means, it's like: "Ah, I'm not going to really work that



And I think most of us are like that, right?

In something, taking out the garbage, you do it half-hearted, like: "Okay, I'll take

it out."

All right?

Or cleaning the toilet: "Okay, I'm going to do it."

You don't really don't want to do it; your heart's not into it.

When somebody has their heart into something, they do it 100%.

When it's half-hearted, it's like: "If I have to, I'll do it.


Anyway, I half-heartedly want to go on to the next part of our lesson because it's a


Well, actually, I don't mind.

In my heart of hearts, I think it's good for you, but I'm sure you half-heartedly will:

"Don't, James, because then I have to think."

But let's face facts: Thinking is where you learn the most and learn best.

Let's go do our quiz.


Okay, so time to get back for a little heart to heart on "heart".

Of course, I have to give you your bonus, so I'm going to give you three other ones,

but this time I'm going to give you the meaning and then I'm going to give you the phrase

that usually goes with it.

So, sometimes when we talk about being excited or scared, we say: "My heart skipped a beat.

My heart skipped a beat", which means if your heart goes: "[Beat], [beat], [beat]", it will

go: "[Beat], [pause], [beat], [beat], [pause]".

And you're like: "What?

What happened?"

I was scared, so my heart almost stopped for a second and then jumped again.

So: "My heart skipped a beat because I was excited.

"Will I win the car?

Will I win the car?

[Gasp], [beats], [pause]."

Or I'm scared; somebody scares me: "Boo!"

Nervous: "My heart was in my mouth.

I'm nervous."

So, you're about to...

Let's say you're about to get married and you see your beautiful wife coming down, and

you're nervous, and you're like...

You're so excited that, or nervous, or: What's going to happen next?

Your heart is in your throat; you can feel it up here, like when I'm making this sound.

It's up here; not down in my chest.

Happy or entertaining.

Remember at the beginning Mr. E had the balloon and he was holding it up, and he had a big

smile on his face?

That means happy or entertaining.

Mr. E was enjoying himself or he was happy.

So, if you have a "light-hearted conversation", it's usually a fun conversation or a happy

conversation; it's not serious and it's not...

It's not sad.


Well, time for us to do our quiz.

All right?

Are you ready?

I love this complete lesson format.


You come in, get a lesson, get a quiz, get a bonus, and then another quiz.

It's like going to school.

[Laughs] Anyway, let's go.

So: "The doctor didn't _________________ to tell

Mr. E he would die in five minutes."


It has to be didn't want to be unkind.

Which one did we do about unkind or too mean?

Yeah, that's mean saying you're going to die in five minutes.

Yes: "The doctor didn't have the heart".

Remember we said that's too hard, too mean?

The doctor didn't have...

Didn't have...

Didn't have the heart to tell Mr. E. He didn't have the heart to do it; it's just too mean.



What about the next one?

"The girl had a _________________ with her boyfriend about her strong feelings for him."


And we have to use it...

It means serious talk.

A serious talk.


There are two people involved, right?

"Heart to heart", see?

Two people: "heart to heart".

"...a heart to heart".

Serious talk, right?

You have a hard talk from your heart.

How about number three?

"In order to pass the test on engVid, James had to know the alphabet _________________."

And this is to memorize, so you don't have to study anymore or look at it because you

know it.

That's right, you know it: "by heart".

I know it by heart, so I don't need to study it; I know it.

How about this one?

"His _________________ on going to Japan for cherry blossom season."

Japan has a beautiful season in May where there's some beautiful flowers and they're

all white, and, like, you might really, really want to do it.

You really want to do this or really want something.

And what do we say when you really want something?

You, what?

Remember we said your heart is set on something?

To really want it; my "heart was set on".

"His heart was set on going to Japan for cherry blossom season."


So, his heart was: "I really want that."

Next: "They enjoyed a _________________ conversation

about Mickey Mouse."

And Mickey Mouse is funny because Mickey Mouse makes me laugh, right?

Does Mickey Mouse make you laugh?

I've got a joke for you; it's going to make you laugh.

I said he was going, and I put the word "sent".

Nobody sent him there; sorry, guys.

See, that's light-hearted.

He was set.

His heart was set on going.


Sorry, let's get back down here.

Now that we're laughing, and it's going to be a similar phrase: "They enjoyed a _________________

conversation about Mickey Mouse."

You saw me laughing because it was funny.

I hope you got the hint from there because I made a mistake and I thought it was funny,

and I was happy.


A light-hearted conversation, which we've just had about Mickey Mouse and my mistake.

Anyway, that's our quick quiz.

I do have some homework for you.

Bit tough, bit tough, but hey, you can do it; you're big boys and girls.

I want you to write out a sentence...

A ten-sentence story, so it has to have ten sentences.

It's a lot of work, I know.

And I want you to use at least three "heart" idioms.

I could have done, here, like: "The doctor didn't want to have a heart to heart with

Mr E." Sorry.

"The doctor didn't have the heart to tell Mr. E he was sick.

He told his wife to have a heart to heart with him instead; and instead, she had a light-hearted

conversation before she brought up the topic."

I mean, not the best sentences, but I just did it in, what?

Five seconds?

I speak English.

I can use almost all of them and put them in for you, like: "My heart was in my mouth

when I saw her.

She looked so beautiful, my heart skipped a beat.

And we had the most light-hearted conversation; I fell in love."

Did it again; five more seconds.

This might be a little harder for you, but that will help you really establish if you

understand them or not.

And 10 sentences will be better than mine because I put three sentences back to back.

You can make a real story, and you can work on other things, like your grammar, your vocabulary,

and whatnot.



Anyway, cross your heart you will do it.


I used one there, right there.

"Cross your heart" means to promise.


So: Yes, I promise I'll be done soon.

Stop making that damn noise.

That's the horn for saying: "You've gone over time", which I probably have.

So, where I want you to go to do the other quiz to see how well you really understand

all of the phrases we've used today is go to www.eng as in English, vid as in

( and I want you to subscribe, so please look around somewhere there's a

"Subscribe" button.

Press it.

And there's going to be a little bell; hit that bell, and you'll be able to get all our

latest videos.

Mine first, and other ones will come right to you on your cell phone, on your laptop,



Anyway, please subscribe.

It's been fun, once again, and I'll talk to you soon.

Don't forget the homework.

For more infomation >> Learn 13 HEART EXPRESSIONS in English ❤️ - Duration: 16:19.


My Own Bakudeku Kiss made me Depressed - My Hero Academia Kissing Videos Update - A Tragedy Post - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> My Own Bakudeku Kiss made me Depressed - My Hero Academia Kissing Videos Update - A Tragedy Post - Duration: 3:54.


Noticias Telemundo, 6 de febrero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 6 de febrero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:44.


Noticias Telemundo, 13 de febrero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:41.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 13 de febrero de 2019 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:41.


Pese a sus crímenes, muchos rezan por El Chapo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Pese a sus crímenes, muchos rezan por El Chapo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:57.


Achille Lauro violento con i suoi fan: «Ragazzino di m***a», poi pugni calci e insulti - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Achille Lauro violento con i suoi fan: «Ragazzino di m***a», poi pugni calci e insulti - Duration: 1:53.


✅ Bolsonaro endossa publicação do filho dizendo que Bebianno mentiu - Duration: 1:22.

 O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) compartilhou na noite desta quarta-feira (13/2) no Twitter a publicação em que seu filho Carlos Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) afirmou ser uma mentira a declaração do ministro da Secretaria-Geral, Gustavo Bebianno, de que teria falado com o presidente recentemente

 Desde que o jornal Folha de S. Paulo revelou um esquema usado pelo partido do presidente de usar candidatos laranja para financiar candidaturas, Bebianno, que era presidente do PSL na época das eleições, a situação do atual ministro se complicou

 Bolsonaro retransmitiu na sua conta mensagem na qual seu filho diz que o ministro não conversou com o presidente sobre a revelação do esquema de candidaturas laranjas do PSL

 O presidente também compartilhou a mensagem em que Carlos publicou um áudio gravado pelo próprio presidente no qual afirma que não falaria com Bebianno

 "Ontem estive 24h do dia ao lado do meu pai e afirmo: 'É uma mentira absoluta de Gustavo Bebbiano [sic] que ontem teria falado 3 vezes com Jair Bolsonaro para tratar do assunto citado pelo Globo e retransmitido pelo Antagonista", ressaltou o filho do presidente

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro endossa publicação do filho dizendo que Bebianno mentiu - Duration: 1:22.


Muccino si affida alla Mercedes Classe B per il casting del nuovo film - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Muccino si affida alla Mercedes Classe B per il casting del nuovo film - Duration: 4:38.


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For more infomation >> Beni Tanıyın| Nasıl Japonya'da Üniversite Okuyorum? |Japonya'da Sevgililer Günü Çikolatası - Duration: 15:33.


峯田和伸(銀杏BOYZ)と橋本マナミがダブル主演を務める、日台合作映画「愛情出演」(仮)の撮影が2人の故郷・山形にてスタートした。 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 峯田和伸(銀杏BOYZ)と橋本マナミがダブル主演を務める、日台合作映画「愛情出演」(仮)の撮影が2人の故郷・山形にてスタートした。 - Duration: 2:48.


খালেদা জিয়ার কারামুক্তি ২টি উপায়ে তথ্যমন্ত্রী ড. হাসান মাহমুদ॥ আইনী লড়াই অথবা রাষ্ট্রপতির ক্ষমা - Duration: 4:59.

আনন্দ ভ্রমণে ফ্যান্টাসি কিংসডমে॥ পিকনিক স্পট আশুলিয়া॥ Picnic spot at nearable Dhaka-Part-01

ঢাকা উত্তরের মেয়র উপনির্বাচন/ গাড়ি নেই আতিকুলের বাড়ি নেই ববি হাজ্জাজের DNCC Election-2019

For more infomation >> খালেদা জিয়ার কারামুক্তি ২টি উপায়ে তথ্যমন্ত্রী ড. হাসান মাহমুদ॥ আইনী লড়াই অথবা রাষ্ট্রপতির ক্ষমা - Duration: 4:59.


R A V I - Socha Nhi Tha (Official Video) - Valentine's Day Special - Latest Romantic Songs 2019 - Duration: 3:59.

Zindagi ke aise mod par

Mujhe tum miloge kabhi socha nhi tha

Mere dil ki awaz ban

Tum hi dhadkoge kabhi socha nhi tha

Rabba mujhko na kabhi usse door karna ve

Sanson ki wajah whi hai baat tu samjhna re...

Har kadam pe mujhko bas sath uske chalna hai

Ho halat kaise bhi par ishq usi se karna hai

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Toote na toote kabhi apni ye jodi

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Tera mera jane na kya Kon sa ye nata hai

Tu dikhe na pal bhar bhi to

dil seham sa jata hai

Bhool kar khud ko iss qadar

Tumhe chahane lagunga kabhi socha nhi tha

Mere dil ki awaz ban tum hi dhadkoge kabhi socha nhi tha

Ishq mein tere ab mujhko dubte hi jana hai

Sath tere jeena mujhko sath tere marna hai

Raah-e-ishq mushkil hai par sath mera dena tu

Hoga na ruksat mujhse kar le ye wada tu

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Toote na toote kabhi apni ye jodi

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Subscribe To SRD Records

For more infomation >> R A V I - Socha Nhi Tha (Official Video) - Valentine's Day Special - Latest Romantic Songs 2019 - Duration: 3:59.


100 करोड़ देशवासी एक साथ सड़क पर आ गए तो हर मुद्दा हल है | - Duration: 23:51.

Every 100 million countrymen came together on the road, then every issue is resolved.

For more infomation >> 100 करोड़ देशवासी एक साथ सड़क पर आ गए तो हर मुद्दा हल है | - Duration: 23:51.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Aut Innovation - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Aut Innovation - Duration: 1:09.


✅ "Mentira absoluta": Carlos diz que Bebianno não falou com Bolsonaro - Duration: 3:08.

 O vereador Carlos Bolsonaro (PSL) usou o Twitter no começo da tarde de hoje para desmentir o ministro da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência, Gustavo Bebianno, que ontem disse ter conversado três vezes com o presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) por telefone e negou ser pivô de uma crise no governo, em entrevista ao jornal "O Globo"

 Carlos, que acompanhou o pai durante os 18 dias de internação no Hospital Albert Einsten, em São Paulo, afirmou que esteve ao lado de Bolsonaro durante as 24 horas do dia e classificou a fala do ministro como "mentira absoluta de Gustavo Bebbiano [sic]"

Veja também Bebianno liberou a ex-assessora verba eleitoral usada em gráfica de fachada Bebianno nega irregularidade e diz que trabalhou 'com perfeição' na campanha Bolsonaro aumenta pressão sobre Bebianno por caso dos laranjas do PSL Bebianno contradiz presidente do PSL e nega responsabilidade sobre laranja  No tuíte, o parlamentar reproduziu um post do site "O Antagonista" que citou "O Globo": Ontem à noite, Bebianno disse ter cancelado visita que faria hoje ao Pará a pedido de Bolsonaro

À tarde, ele cancelou duas agendas que teria no Palácio do Planalto, onde fica seu gabinete

Hoje, o secretário-geral não tem nenhum compromisso agendado. O filho do presidente não detalhou o que motivaria a crise envolvendo Bebianno, que é seu desafeto desde a campanha eleitoral, quando o hoje ministro era presidente interino do PSL

Carlos Bolsonaro divulga áudio do pai com Gustavo Bebianno UOL Notícias Áudio de suposta conversa Mais tarde, Carlos publicou um áudio que comprovaria que o pai não falou com Bebianno

 Ainda na noite de hoje, a conta de Jair Bolsonaro no Twitter compartilhou o post do filho com o áudio

 Ontem, o jornal "Folha de S.Paulo" revelou hoje que a Polícia Federal intimou a prestar depoimento uma candidata a deputada federal de Pernambuco usada como laranja pelo partido do presidente, hoje presidido pelo deputado federal Luciano Bivar (PE)

 Reportagem de domingo  revelou que o grupo do atual presidente nacional da sigla PSL, criou uma candidata laranja no estado que recebeu do partido R$ 400 mil de dinheiro público na eleição de 2018

 Maria de Lourdes Paixão, 68, que oficialmente concorreu a deputada federal e teve apenas 274 votos, foi a terceira maior beneficiada com verba do PSL em todo o país, mais do que o próprio presidente Bolsonaro e a deputada Joice Hasselmann (SP), essa com 1,079 milhão de votos

 Hoje, a Folha revelou que Bebianno liberou R$ 250 mil de verba pública para a campanha de uma ex-assessora, que repassou parte do dinheiro para uma gráfica registrada em endereço de fachada -sem maquinário para impressões em massa

 Na ocasião, ele era responsável formal por autorizar repasses dos fundos partidário e eleitoral a candidatos da legenda

 No início da tarde de hoje, o porta-voz da Presidência, general Otávio do Rêgo Barros, foi questionado se Bolsonaro havia conversado com Bebianno e Bivar sobre os casos

Rêgo Barros disse não ter conversado com o presidente sobre o assunto, e por isso, não soube responder

Após alta de Jair Bolsonaro, porta-voz nega suspeita de câncer UOL Notícias

For more infomation >> ✅ "Mentira absoluta": Carlos diz que Bebianno não falou com Bolsonaro - Duration: 3:08.


令人震惊的新闻!翟天临的硕士论文找到了,跟陈坤的论文有8处重合??怎么了? 一个公然的秘密,激怒了数百万中国人! - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> 令人震惊的新闻!翟天临的硕士论文找到了,跟陈坤的论文有8处重合??怎么了? 一个公然的秘密,激怒了数百万中国人! - Duration: 20:13.


C. Ghosn saute sans parachute doré - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> C. Ghosn saute sans parachute doré - Duration: 6:22.


Brothers Osborne - I Don't Remember Me (Before You) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Brothers Osborne - I Don't Remember Me (Before You) - Duration: 3:25.


Learn 13 HEART EXPRESSIONS in English ❤️ - Duration: 16:19.

"She seduced him with some light-hearted banter."

[Laughs] Huh?

Are you trying to tell me something?

Hi, guys.


The heart - it's the thing that keeps us alive; it's in our chest, and in English, we use it

to use it for a lot of expressions.

And E, here, is helping us, showing us, you know, how we can have fun with it.

And I'm going to have some fun teaching you this lesson, and you're going to have some

fun learning some things; especially on this special holiday, Valentine's, where we celebrate

love and the heart.

Are you ready?

Let's go to the board.

So, here, E is saying the balloon is light; not heavy.

So that's not serious.

Another word for "heavy" is "serious".

And "heart", it means with emotion, so this is a light emotion or a fun thing to talk about;

fun conversation.

Are you ready to have some fun?

You'll learn...

So, our little hearts will tell us which phrase we're talking about, and they all have to

do with sort of an emotional quality; how the emotions come together.

And our big heart, we have a couple of them: "heart of gold", "half-hearted", "change of

heart", "cross my heart", "follow your heart".

I've expanded some of them out here, but let's go from here.

"Heart of gold" is...

Well, gold is precious, right?

It's special.

If you have a heart of gold, we usually say you're a very good person.

"He has a heart of gold.

They're nice".

"Half-hearted" I'll come to in a letter...


"A change of heart", I'll do that as well.

But this one I like, here.

These two I want to tell you about.

You'll see people go: "Cross my heart", and it means: "I promise", because my heart...

Remember what I said about heart?

If you don't have a heart, you will die, so when I say: "Cross my heart", I mean, like:

"I promise so much that I put my life on it.

I cross my heart this is true."

And: "Follow your heart".

"Follow your heart" means: Do what you love.

Seeing clearly is not something I'm good at or love, but you get the point.

So, if you like playing soccer, play soccer.

If you like to read, read.

If you want to start a business, start a business.

Follow your heart because, you know, it's the thing you love.

Right now I'm having a "heart to heart" with you.

And what is "heart to heart"?

A serious conversation.

So, if you say to someone: "Okay"...

You have a girlfriend: "Nancy, we have to have a heart to heart."

She'll go: -"Baby, what about?"

-"Your breath, it stinks."


"Heart to heart", serious conversation.

"By heart".

Like my heart, it's always there for me.

I don't need to think about it, I don't need to try to make it work; it's just there.

When you know something by heart, it means you know something completely; you don't have

to study it, you don't have to look at it.

Like, if I'm reading this book: "She seduced him with some light-hearted banter", I'm reading.

If I know it by heart, I will say: "She seduced him with some light-hearted banter.

I do not need to look; I know it by heart."


That means you don't need to study; you know it.

No one should question you on it.

"Have your heart set on something".

You really want it.

It's, like, you see a shirt, and you think the shirt is amazing, and you really want

to have this shirt.

If you have your heart set on it, it will actually make you cry if you don't get it.

Or a job, you really want a job and you go for that job, and you have your heart set

on it - it means: I want this very, very strongly.


All right.

Here's one.

I like this one: "take heart".

Watch romance movies, you'll see this.

You're not going to see...

Or if you see Batman from the 1960s, you'll say: "Take heart, bat-watchers.

Batman will get out of it.

We promise."

It means: "Be encouraged.

Have faith.

Know that things will be good."

So if you're a little girl and your father goes: "Take heart.

Our dog will come back."

You really shouldn't; he's gone for good, but if he says: "Take heart" - be encouraged,

have faith the dog will come back.

You can believe.


"Take heart we will make America great again."

I don't believe I said that.

Forgive me, everybody, please.


And Donald, I am not talking to you.

So, moving on.

I can say: "Cross my heart", we talked about it up there - promise.

I promise Donald I'm not.

But let's go up here: "to not have a heart to do something", it means you couldn't do

it because it was really, really wrong or really, really bad and you know it's bad.

So, did any of you guys watch Bambi?

Do you know what happens to Bambi?

Bambi's momma?

You don't?


[Shoots] Now, I wouldn't have the heart to do that.


I would not have the heart to kill Bambi's mother.

And if some of you don't know that, I am very sorry that I just ruined your life.

Bambi's mother gets killed, but I wouldn't have the heart to kill her.


So, when you don't have the heart to say something, it's like telling children there's no Santa Claus.

Most of us don't have the heart to say there's no Santa Claus.

E, he tells a child, he'd go: "There's no Santa Claus.

No Santa Claus."

I don't have the heart to do that.


It means I cannot do that because it's not nice; it's too unkind.

"Change of heart".

A "change of heart" means from something maybe, like: "I love you.

I love you" to: "I hate you!"

You've changed your heart; you've changed your mind.

You go into a store and go: "Oh, I love these shoes.

I think I want to buy them.

They're amazing."

Then you put them on and go: "Ow, ew, ow, they hurt."

I have a change of heart; I don't want the shoes anymore.

I've changed my feelings.

All right?

The worst is when you're dating a girl and she has a change of heart - that's bad; it

hurts real, like, in here.

Anyway, "in the heart of hearts".


There's a heart, and inside the heart, there's a heart.

It means in the most honest, truest place in you.

Inside of you; the real you.

If someone says to you: "In your heart of hearts, do you believe?"

They mean: "In that part of you that's really, really true and honest, the real you, do you

believe truly inside?"

Because we say many things, but when they say: "In your heart of hearts", not just the

words, but go deep inside: "Is this true to you?"

That's what they say: "in your heart of hearts".

"In my heart of hearts I believe this", it means from the deepest part of me; the most

honest part.

And "half-hearted", oh, boys and girls, that means to not do your best.

That's how I spent most of my high school.



"I put in half-hearted work", it means, it's like: "Ah, I'm not going to really work that



And I think most of us are like that, right?

In something, taking out the garbage, you do it half-hearted, like: "Okay, I'll take

it out."

All right?

Or cleaning the toilet: "Okay, I'm going to do it."

You don't really don't want to do it; your heart's not into it.

When somebody has their heart into something, they do it 100%.

When it's half-hearted, it's like: "If I have to, I'll do it.


Anyway, I half-heartedly want to go on to the next part of our lesson because it's a


Well, actually, I don't mind.

In my heart of hearts, I think it's good for you, but I'm sure you half-heartedly will:

"Don't, James, because then I have to think."

But let's face facts: Thinking is where you learn the most and learn best.

Let's go do our quiz.


Okay, so time to get back for a little heart to heart on "heart".

Of course, I have to give you your bonus, so I'm going to give you three other ones,

but this time I'm going to give you the meaning and then I'm going to give you the phrase

that usually goes with it.

So, sometimes when we talk about being excited or scared, we say: "My heart skipped a beat.

My heart skipped a beat", which means if your heart goes: "[Beat], [beat], [beat]", it will

go: "[Beat], [pause], [beat], [beat], [pause]".

And you're like: "What?

What happened?"

I was scared, so my heart almost stopped for a second and then jumped again.

So: "My heart skipped a beat because I was excited.

"Will I win the car?

Will I win the car?

[Gasp], [beats], [pause]."

Or I'm scared; somebody scares me: "Boo!"

Nervous: "My heart was in my mouth.

I'm nervous."

So, you're about to...

Let's say you're about to get married and you see your beautiful wife coming down, and

you're nervous, and you're like...

You're so excited that, or nervous, or: What's going to happen next?

Your heart is in your throat; you can feel it up here, like when I'm making this sound.

It's up here; not down in my chest.

Happy or entertaining.

Remember at the beginning Mr. E had the balloon and he was holding it up, and he had a big

smile on his face?

That means happy or entertaining.

Mr. E was enjoying himself or he was happy.

So, if you have a "light-hearted conversation", it's usually a fun conversation or a happy

conversation; it's not serious and it's not...

It's not sad.


Well, time for us to do our quiz.

All right?

Are you ready?

I love this complete lesson format.


You come in, get a lesson, get a quiz, get a bonus, and then another quiz.

It's like going to school.

[Laughs] Anyway, let's go.

So: "The doctor didn't _________________ to tell

Mr. E he would die in five minutes."


It has to be didn't want to be unkind.

Which one did we do about unkind or too mean?

Yeah, that's mean saying you're going to die in five minutes.

Yes: "The doctor didn't have the heart".

Remember we said that's too hard, too mean?

The doctor didn't have...

Didn't have...

Didn't have the heart to tell Mr. E. He didn't have the heart to do it; it's just too mean.



What about the next one?

"The girl had a _________________ with her boyfriend about her strong feelings for him."


And we have to use it...

It means serious talk.

A serious talk.


There are two people involved, right?

"Heart to heart", see?

Two people: "heart to heart".

"...a heart to heart".

Serious talk, right?

You have a hard talk from your heart.

How about number three?

"In order to pass the test on engVid, James had to know the alphabet _________________."

And this is to memorize, so you don't have to study anymore or look at it because you

know it.

That's right, you know it: "by heart".

I know it by heart, so I don't need to study it; I know it.

How about this one?

"His _________________ on going to Japan for cherry blossom season."

Japan has a beautiful season in May where there's some beautiful flowers and they're

all white, and, like, you might really, really want to do it.

You really want to do this or really want something.

And what do we say when you really want something?

You, what?

Remember we said your heart is set on something?

To really want it; my "heart was set on".

"His heart was set on going to Japan for cherry blossom season."


So, his heart was: "I really want that."

Next: "They enjoyed a _________________ conversation

about Mickey Mouse."

And Mickey Mouse is funny because Mickey Mouse makes me laugh, right?

Does Mickey Mouse make you laugh?

I've got a joke for you; it's going to make you laugh.

I said he was going, and I put the word "sent".

Nobody sent him there; sorry, guys.

See, that's light-hearted.

He was set.

His heart was set on going.


Sorry, let's get back down here.

Now that we're laughing, and it's going to be a similar phrase: "They enjoyed a _________________

conversation about Mickey Mouse."

You saw me laughing because it was funny.

I hope you got the hint from there because I made a mistake and I thought it was funny,

and I was happy.


A light-hearted conversation, which we've just had about Mickey Mouse and my mistake.

Anyway, that's our quick quiz.

I do have some homework for you.

Bit tough, bit tough, but hey, you can do it; you're big boys and girls.

I want you to write out a sentence...

A ten-sentence story, so it has to have ten sentences.

It's a lot of work, I know.

And I want you to use at least three "heart" idioms.

I could have done, here, like: "The doctor didn't want to have a heart to heart with

Mr E." Sorry.

"The doctor didn't have the heart to tell Mr. E he was sick.

He told his wife to have a heart to heart with him instead; and instead, she had a light-hearted

conversation before she brought up the topic."

I mean, not the best sentences, but I just did it in, what?

Five seconds?

I speak English.

I can use almost all of them and put them in for you, like: "My heart was in my mouth

when I saw her.

She looked so beautiful, my heart skipped a beat.

And we had the most light-hearted conversation; I fell in love."

Did it again; five more seconds.

This might be a little harder for you, but that will help you really establish if you

understand them or not.

And 10 sentences will be better than mine because I put three sentences back to back.

You can make a real story, and you can work on other things, like your grammar, your vocabulary,

and whatnot.



Anyway, cross your heart you will do it.


I used one there, right there.

"Cross your heart" means to promise.


So: Yes, I promise I'll be done soon.

Stop making that damn noise.

That's the horn for saying: "You've gone over time", which I probably have.

So, where I want you to go to do the other quiz to see how well you really understand

all of the phrases we've used today is go to www.eng as in English, vid as in

( and I want you to subscribe, so please look around somewhere there's a

"Subscribe" button.

Press it.

And there's going to be a little bell; hit that bell, and you'll be able to get all our

latest videos.

Mine first, and other ones will come right to you on your cell phone, on your laptop,



Anyway, please subscribe.

It's been fun, once again, and I'll talk to you soon.

Don't forget the homework.

For more infomation >> Learn 13 HEART EXPRESSIONS in English ❤️ - Duration: 16:19.


Saab 9-5 2.0T - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 2.0T - Duration: 1:13.


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배수구 구멍으로 얼굴 빼꼼 내밀고 노는 일본 길고양이들 - Duration: 1:50.

배수구에 난 작은 구멍도 재밌는 장난감으로 승화시키는 아기 고양이들이 귀여움을 자아낸다.

지난 23일(현지 시간) 온라인 미디어 보어드판다는 배수구 구멍으로 얼굴을 빼꼼 내밀고 장난을 치며 노는 고양이들의 사진을 공개했다.

거리 곳곳을 돌아다니며 일상 사진을 찍는 일본 사진작가 니안 키치()는 최근 거리를 떠도는 고양이들의 비밀 통로를 발견했다.

아기 고양이들은 배수구 쪽을 서성이다 조그마한 구멍 안으로 쏙 들어가더니 다시 슬며시 고개를 내밀며 밖으로 나오는 장난을 계속했다.

니안은 "아기 고양이들에게 거리 전체가 재미있는 장난감으로 가득 찬듯 보이나 보다"라며 "일상에서 소소한 즐거움을 공유하는 모습이 아름답게 느껴져 녀석들을 사진에 담았다"고 말했다.

실제 니안이 공개한 사진 속에는 아기 고양이들이 구멍을 들락날락하며 친구들과 장난을 치는 모습이 담겨있다.

특히 한 사진에는 니안이 뿅망치로 녀석들에게 장난을 거는 모습이 마치 두더지 게임을 연상케 해 엄마 미소를 짓게 한다.

For more infomation >> 배수구 구멍으로 얼굴 빼꼼 내밀고 노는 일본 길고양이들 - Duration: 1:50.


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Girl who wed zombie sex doll reveals how they consummated marriage - and now want kids - Duration: 3:00.

 The woman who married a zombie sex doll has revealed they've consummating the marriage - and now are trying for kids

 Felicity Kadlec, 20, tied the knot with Kelly Rossi, a zombie doll who she claims is 37-years-old

 The 'beautiful' ceremony took place in Tiverton, Rhode Island, USA, and saw eight of Felicity's other dolls attend to show their support

 Felicity, who now lives in Vinita, Oklahoma, claims that marrying Kelly has made then feel closer and more intimate - and now the couple are planning kids

  Felicity told The Sun: "We are exploring our options. It would be me carrying the child and using donor sperm

 "We haven't got as far as working out the logistics of it yet – that is a work in progress, but it is something we are serious about

 "We have a loving home, why wouldn't we want to bring a child into that world and raise them in the loving environment?" Read More Girl, 20, weds zombie doll called Kelly and is more intimate with 'love of her life'    Felicity was initially gifted Kelly by her late father after becoming obsessed with horror movies and zombie dolls

 She tried to fight off her feelings, but the doll became a shoulder to cry on when her father died in 2017

 Despite Kelly's zombie-like appearance, Felicity claims that she loves her doll deeply and wouldn't change her for the world

 Felicity said: "Our wedding ceremony was beautiful and perfect - exactly the way I dreamed it would have been

 "I made sure that the whole wedding was done properly so it would be as official as possible, and we consummated the marriage afterwards

Read More  "I am intimate with Kelly – I caress her and feel safe with her, and I feel a genuine connection when I'm having an intimate moment with her

"  "Kelly was the groom as she takes the male role in our relationship, she is a tom boy so wore a suit - I feel she was most comfortable as the groom

 "Getting married to her has made me feel so much closer to her, both emotionally and intimately

"  The pair have matching wedding rings and Felicity even has a tattoo of Kelly's name on her forearm

 She then wrote her own name on the doll's. Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Girl who wed zombie sex doll reveals how they consummated marriage - and now want kids - Duration: 3:00.


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Inspiring the Valley: Fresno students erase the stigma around continuation schools - Duration: 2:58.

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10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.

 Valentine's Day is a time for romance, and millions of people around the world celebrate it each year

 The 14 February has become one of the highest grossing commercial holidays, but there's also a fascinating history of how it came to be

 Once a day to commemorate the various Saint Valentines, its significance has changed over the years and it is now largely associated with romantic love and affection

 Here are 10 Valentine's Day facts that you might not have known: 1. The earliest surviving Valentine was written by a prisoner in the Tower of London  In 1415 the French Duke of Orleans was imprisoned in the Tower of London having been captured at the Battle of Agincourt

 In a letter to his wife he wrote, "Je suis desja d'amour tanné, Ma tres doulce Valentinée

"  This translates as "I am already sick of love, my very gentle Valentine." Read More Happy Valentine's Day 2019! What is the true history behind Saint Valentine?   2

Victorians used to send each other 'Vinegar Valentines'  Sending Valentine's Day cards anonymously became popular in the Victorian era, but there was a dark side to the tradition

Just as people used to send romantic (and often racy) messages to their loved ones, they would send rude or insulting cards to anyone they didn't like

3. In Japan, only women buy gifts on Valentine's Day  This is because of a translation error made by a chocolate company in 1936, when Valentine's Day was first introduced to Japan

Only women give gifts on Valentine's Day .  It's traditional for single women to reveal who they fancy on Valentine's Day by giving them a small chocolate gift

4. The saying 'wear your heart on your sleeve' comes from an old Valentine's Day tradition  In the Middle Ages schoolboys would draw the names of girls out of a hat, to find out who would be their Valentine

 They'd wear the name pinned on their sleeve for the rest of the week. 5. In the UK, people celebrating Valentine's Day spend on average £28

45 each.  In the USA it's significantly higher, with the average person spending $221

34 (around £172) for the occasion. 6. In Finland, they celebrate Friend's Day (Ystävänpäivä) instead of Valentine's Day  The 14 February celebrates friendship instead of romance in Finland, and people buy cards and gifts for their pals

7. Saint Valentine was executed for illegally performing weddings  Roman soldiers were forbidden from marrying, as the Emperor Claudius thought that married men made poor soldiers

Valentine, who was a priest, disagreed with the ban and performed weddings in secret

 He was eventually discovered, thrown in prison and executed on the 14 February.  Legend says that before his death he wrote one final letter to the woman he loved, signing it "From your Valentine

" 8. Valentine's Day is the second most popular time of year to send cards  Globally, over one billion cards are sent for Valentine's Day each year

Only Christmas - when around 2.6 billion cards are sent - beats it. 9. Condom sales spike in February  Durex have reported that sales of condoms are 20-30% higher around Valentine's Day

10. Valentine's Day was once banned in the UK  Oliver Cromwell banned Valentine's Day celebrations (as well as Christmas) when he became Lord Protector in 1653

The holiday wasn't restored until 1660, when the monarchy was reinstated and Charles II took the throne

Read More Valentine's Day 2019

For more infomation >> 10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.


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Depressed alcoholic told to start drinking again by GP eight days before he killed himself - Duration: 6:06.

 A GP told a depressed alcoholic to start drinking six pints of beer a day again to ease his withdrawal symptoms eight days before he killed himself, an inquest heard

 Dr Vikash Patel advised Stephen Appleton to resume his old boozing habits and warned him of the dangers of giving up too quickly when he visited him at his surgery

 The 51-year-old was found hanging at his home in Windsor, Berkshire, just over a week later on 12 April

 At an inquest into his death today, Dr Patel was questioned about why he had advised Mr Appleton to start drinking again

 The GP told the inquest: "Stephen had reduced his alcohol intake, had been abstaining for two or three days

My understanding at the time is that he was consuming somewhere in the region of six pints a day before

 "We had a discussion about the risks of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. My main concerns were with respect to withdrawal seizures, which can potentially be fatal

 "I was told that his alcohol consumption should be reverted back to original levels and reduced by 10 per cent per week

 "I felt that to be reasonable or he would have run the risk of potentially fatal consequences

"  Dr Patel told the inquest that he was following advice from Turning Point, an addiction service based in Slough, which he then passed on to his patient

 Mr Appleton, who lived with his partner Sandra Smith and his daughter, worked in investments in the City of London for 15 years before he was made redundant in 2009

 He then began counselling people who were going through bankruptcy.  Mr Appleton began drinking in 2016 and was having six pints of strong lager every day when he sought professional help, the inquest heard

 Ms Smith said that he had gone cold turkey for a few days when he went to see Dr Patel

 She said she was shocked that the doctor had told him to take up drinking again, and that night he downed two bottles of wine

 Ms Smith told the inquest: "On 4 April Stephen and I went to see Dr Patel. Stephen said he had been abstaining from alcohol for days

He was feeling optimistic. I was hopeful we could finally get some help.  "However, when we saw Dr Patel, he told Stephen that stopping drinking alcohol immediately was dangerous and could cause a seizure

 He told Stephen to start drinking again.  "I was shocked and could not believe it

Dr Patel said to taper off slowly in a controlled way. How could I control the drinking of a man who drank in secret?"  Ms Smith described how Mr Appleton had become consumed by financial worries before his death, despite earning about £100,000 a year and owning properties and a racing car

 She said that his job advising people experiencing bankruptcy was bringing him down and that he said each person he spoke to "took a part of him"

 Dr David Bremner, medical director at Turning Point, said: "Whilst we can't comment on the individual circumstances surrounding the sad death of Mr Appleton, we do advise GPs to refer patients who are alcohol dependent to specialist treatment services

 "We recommend that while someone is waiting to be assessed by specialist treatment services they should not suddenly stop their drinking because of the risk of seizures and death

   "However, this would have to be viewed on the individual circumstances and the advice where anyone is experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms is to access emergency services

"  The inquest continues.

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