Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 16 2019

  チョコレートプラ ットの長田庄平が16 、自身のTwitte を更新。相方の松尾駿 「R-1ぐらんぷり2 19」の準決勝を突破 、自分が落選となって まったことについてつ った

 「R-1ぐらんぷり はピン芸人ナンバー1 決めるコンテストで、 ョコレートプラネット 2人はそれぞれピンで 場。しかし、15日の 決勝では松尾が決勝戦 進み、長田が落選して まうのだった

 長田は「今年は相方 Rー1の決勝行きまし 。悔しい、、絶対俺の が面白いのに!」と悔 さをにじませ、「敗者 活戦でリベンジかます 」と敗者復活戦に向け 意気込みをつづった

 「R-1ぐらんぷり 019」決勝戦は3月 0日19時から関西テ ビ・フジテレビ系で生 送。敗者復活戦もその に行われる。

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース : チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 1:21.


🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.


ニュース チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 3:09.

拡大写真 長田庄平(チ コレートプラ ット)【写真 竹内みちまろ  チョ レートプラネ トの長田庄平 16日、自身 Twitte を更新。相方 松尾駿が「R 1ぐらんぷり 019」の準 勝を突破し、 分が落選とな てしまったこ についてつづ た

 「R-1ぐ んぷり」はピ 芸人ナンバー を決めるコン ストで、チョ レートプラネ トの2人はそ ぞれピンで出 。しかし、1 日の準決勝で 松尾が決勝戦 進み、長田が 選してしまう だった

 長田は「今 は相方がRー の決勝行きま た。悔しい、 絶対俺の方が 白いのに!」 悔しさをにじ せ、「敗者復 戦でリベンジ ます!」と敗 復活戦に向け 意気込みをつ った

 「R-1ぐ んぷり201 」決勝戦は3 10日19時 ら関西テレビ フジテレビ系 生放送。敗者 活戦もその際 行われる。[ 部サイト]遠 茜子、漫画と コラボグラビ でギャルに! 服や水着姿披 「制コレ18 グランプリ・ 栖りんがヤン ャン表紙に登 !北海道で水 姿披露永尾ま や、水着やラ ジェリーカッ 満載のカレン ーが発売!パ レン3号・奥 かずさが1s 写真集発売決 !最大露出に 戦安座間美優 1st写真集 初のランジェ ー撮影に挑戦 ミスマガグラ プリの沢口愛 、3月に待望 写真集発売喜 乃愛、1st 真集で初の水 撮影挑戦!テ マは"高校最 の思い出旅" 坂46・渡邉 佐の1st写 集が発売!ア リカとバハマ 素顔見せる" ッツァレラボ ィ"井口綾子 1st写真集 売が決定10 最後で魅せる クシーなカッ も!橋本環奈 セカンド写真 『NATUR L』が発売永 怜子、2nd 真集『花一華 を発売!辰巳 都子、9年ぶ の写真集発売 セクシーショ トは「攻めす てしまった」

For more infomation >> ニュース チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 3:09.


筑波1分2秒台の激速マシン! ブリッツのシビック・タイプRは街中でも乗りやすい - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 筑波1分2秒台の激速マシン! ブリッツのシビック・タイプRは街中でも乗りやすい - Duration: 5:07.

------------------------------------------- 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:21. 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi

Please Watch Video Till End to Understand Trick Perfectly

For More Tricky Videos Check Description & Visit Channel for more Productive videos

For more infomation >> 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:21.


น้อมนำคำสอนเฟอร์กี้ : สิ่งต่างๆ ที่ทำให้ โซลชาร์ เหมาะกับการคุมแมนฯยูไนเต็ด - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> น้อมนำคำสอนเฟอร์กี้ : สิ่งต่างๆ ที่ทำให้ โซลชาร์ เหมาะกับการคุมแมนฯยูไนเต็ด - Duration: 4:13.


ЭГГ ВАРС НА ТЕЛЕФОНЕ? EGG WARS В МАЙНКРАФТ ПЕ ! - Minecraft pocket edition ( PE ) - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> ЭГГ ВАРС НА ТЕЛЕФОНЕ? EGG WARS В МАЙНКРАФТ ПЕ ! - Minecraft pocket edition ( PE ) - Duration: 13:28.


Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.

Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade

for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important

but made with a soul

of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself

Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little

in the end we got a little shop for our little angels

who will thank you sincerely and with love

and this real imtio, not buy for any money

so like if you liked the video

necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself

because it's cool, it's really cool

thank you all, bye bye

For more infomation >> Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.


田畑智子、老舗料亭の娘がなぜ女優に?きっかけを告白 - Duration: 4:44.

拡大写真 田 智子【撮影:小宮 あきの】   畑智子が、16日 送の『メレンゲの 持ち』(日本テレ 系)に出演

女優になったきっ けを語った。 田 の実家は、京都・ 園で300年続く 舗料亭「鳥居本」

由緒正しい家庭で しく育てられ、彼 自身も将来は実家 継ぐか舞妓になる だろうと思ってい そう

 その頃、映画監 の相米慎二が関西 映画のオーディシ ンを行っていたと う。中井貴一の娘 に適した子を探し いた相米監督は、 園で飲みに行った 「この辺に小学校 高学年くらいの女 子はいない?」と いて回ると、地元 人から「鳥居本の さん、確かそれぐ い」と教えてもら たのだとか

 翌日、相米監督 鳥居本に来店。1 歳の田畑は、いき り現れた見知らぬ 性に「誰だろ?こ オッサン」と不審 っていたという

その場には1歳上 姉もいたが、この 、親から「智子だ 呼ばれてるから行 てきなさいって言 れて、行ったらオ ディションだった と回顧

そのまま見事合格 、93年公開され 相米監督の映画『 引越し』でデビュ したと振り返って た

[外部サイト]京 通の羽田美智子が 介する絶品京都ス ーツ&開運スポッ とは!?今まで知 なかった京都!「 の冬の旅」をちょ ぴり体験柄本佑が そうだ 京都、行 う

」の"二代目旅人 に決定!美女レイ ーまとめ!「エヴ 」「アズレン」「 SSS.GRID AN」ほか人気キ ラがコミケに集結 NHKアナ登坂淳 、交際女性を明か 「明るくて力持ち チョコプラ松尾、 降り明星粗品、河 ミク……「R-1 らんぷり2019 の決勝進出者発表 2月16日誕生日 芸能人】NGT4 荻野由佳、オダギ ジョー、松岡茉優 …【昨日のエンタ ニュース】丸山桂 奈、月収ズバリ/ 本環奈、デコ出し ョット

For more infomation >> 田畑智子、老舗料亭の娘がなぜ女優に?きっかけを告白 - Duration: 4:44.


Лидер «Несчастного случая» Алексей Кортнев раскритиковал слушателей Пугачевой и Баскова - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Лидер «Несчастного случая» Алексей Кортнев раскритиковал слушателей Пугачевой и Баскова - Duration: 1:59.


Come eliminare gli acari e migliorare i sintomi dell'allergia!!! - Duration: 2:26.

Gli acari della polvere sono fra le prime cause dell'allergia.

Vivono meglio in ambienti umidi, e possono crearci molti problemi.

Vivere in un ambiente pulito e senza polvere è senza dubbio la prima cosa da fare: in questo articolo ti spieghiamo come combattere gli acari,

Oli essenziali.; Oltre a dare un eccellente aroma, gli oli essenziali possono combattere efficacemente gli acari. e di conseguenza migliorare i sintomi dell'allergia.

Si suggerisce l'uso di oli essenziali di limone, rosmarino, menta, cannella o lavanda.

Se non si ha un diffusore, si può usare una bottiglietta spray nella quale diluire in acqua qualche goccia di olio essenziale.

Ventilazione; Lenzuola, tappeti, tende, divani e materassi sono i luoghi favoriti degli acari,

ed è per questo che è importante ventilare ogni giorno tutti gli ambienti di casa.

Rinnovare l'aria interna è importantissimo per combattere gli acari.

Evita ambienti umidi; Gli acari vivono meglio in ambienti umidi, e uno dei primi metodi per eliminarli è proprio eliminare l'eccesso di umidità con un ottimo deumidificatore.

Rosmarino;L'aceto al rosmarino è un ottimo prodotto per pulire casa: disinfetta e pulisce in profondità.

Per prepararlo versa un pugno di rosmarino in una bottiglia piena di aceto, e fai macerare per 2 settimane.

Piante; Una soluzione semplice e naturale consiste nel mettere piante purificatrici in vari angoli della casa.

In questo articolo ti suggeriamo qualche pianta con ottime proprietà purificatrici.

For more infomation >> Come eliminare gli acari e migliorare i sintomi dell'allergia!!! - Duration: 2:26.


Which Religion is True? Islam/Hinduism/Christianity | Deen e Haq Ki Pehchan (By Ahmed Isa) NABA7 TV - Duration: 19:53.

Must Watch Full Documentary on Dajjal & World War 3 (Link in Description)

For more infomation >> Which Religion is True? Islam/Hinduism/Christianity | Deen e Haq Ki Pehchan (By Ahmed Isa) NABA7 TV - Duration: 19:53.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 200 ELEGANCE 184PK Autom Navi, Xenon, PDC, ECC - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 200 ELEGANCE 184PK Autom Navi, Xenon, PDC, ECC - Duration: 1:16.


Lazio: Luis Alberto, Parolo e Bastos out: per Inzaghi è piena emergenza - Duration: 3:18.

0       La sconfitta di Europa League contro il Siviglia ha lasciato il segno anche nell'infermeria della Lazio

Gli infortuni di Luis Alberto, Parolo e Bastos si sono aggiunti a quelli di Immobile, Milinkovic, Wallace e Berisha, già out con gli spagnoli

È piena emergenza per Inzaghi. Alla ripresa degli allenamenti di oggi a Formello, sono tuttavia giunte buone notizie da Immobile

Il bomber, fermatosi nel finale della gara di Frosinone per un'elongazione al flessore della coscia destra, è tornato a lavorare col gruppo per l'intera seduta

Sarà nella lista dei convocati già per la trasferta di domenica col Genoa: Inzaghi valuterà se schierarlo dal primo minuto

Per la gara di Marassi non si prevedono però altri recuperi. Milinkovic, da una settimana alle prese con uno stiramento, continua ad allenarsi a parte: in mattinata si è sottoposto a ulteriori controlli

Appare difficile il suo rientro per il ritorno di Siviglia. — Lazio, Lulic: "Niente alibi: a Siviglia possiamo farcela!" ULTIMI STOP — Da valutare i tempi di recupero per gli infortunati di ieri, comunque out per Marassi

Luis Alberto ha avvertito il riacutizzarsi di noie agli adduttori: non ci dovrebbero essere lesioni

Più preoccupanti i problemi di Bastos: probabile stiramento all'adduttore. Distorsione alla caviglia destra (senza interessamento dei legamenti) per Parolo

Non sarà pronto per domenica neanche Berisha alle prese con un risentimento al polpaccio

Inoltre, verrà valutato nelle prossime ore Radu causa un forte affaticamento muscolare

Così per Genova si ipotizzano varie novità in formazione. In difesa, tornerà dal 1' Luiz Felipe, mentre Patric si propone da vice Radu

A metà campo in rampa Romulo, Badelj, Cataldi, Durmisi (opzione pure per la fascia sinistra della difesa)

In avanti, se Immobile non partirà dal primo minuto, sarà confermato Caicedo. scrivi il tuo commento 0      

For more infomation >> Lazio: Luis Alberto, Parolo e Bastos out: per Inzaghi è piena emergenza - Duration: 3:18.


ОБЪЁМНЫЙ ЖГУТ С БИСЕРОМ | Фриволите/Анкарс/Tatting - Duration: 13:38.

Hello everyone, I am glad to welcome you on my channel and today we will weave

addition to my previous master class are these are the earrings

tatting technique but as many wrote to me

such an interesting idea how to insert

bead harness I decided to check it out and then look what I got in my opinion very much

interesting result and if you are on my channel for the first time, then do not forget to subscribe to it and also click on the bell

not to miss notifications about my new master classes

initially the second idea

I had a harness in my use of bead weaving as I did here, but also inside I wanted to insert a regular

such a rope would give us rigidity and would also keep the products in the shape we need

but this idea turned out to be a bit to fail as I simply did not find the required diameter

so this idea is me

cast aside and

I agree with the majority opinion that the beads are inserted into a rope

gives a very interesting result and if you take the more another some

the contrasting color will be very unusual

well for work we need threads you can use kapron

polyester anything I have low it is polyester

70 l


silver gray also for work we need two dudes since we remember that the scheme we have consists entirely of combined rings

we will fly the usual Czech black beads and to strengthen the harness it will need several sizes of beads

6 as far as I remember, these are four millimeter beads, and such are straight

tiny then probably millimeter 2

most of all we need 4 millimeters of beads, they are our foundation so let's get down to it this time

By the way, the harness made a little smaller, so

we will already weave rings


on the one hand, its 8 nodes on the other, and according to the scheme 6 nodes on the one hand, and

three peaks

3 on the other

I put bead shuttles on beforehand in my 2 shuttles but we need only one bead

since we will interweave it only on one side of the little rings and

so i tie the ends of the threads and

I start to weave you see we have stockings without beads do not pay attention that I have a little bit here

should go from the side where we will not have a peak with the beginning of 6 knots

we thread the ends of the threads right away; in general, this weaving is no different from my previous one

master class, that is, if you have already woven a tourniquet, you will understand how to weave the earrings

further we turn and

weave the second side here we will have to weave

beads in peak, that is, at the beginning we weave three knots we begin weaving with the reverse do not forget

after the first three knots we make a pike but do not forget that we must also let in the beads

therefore we adjust two beads and

we ping three more knots on after this ringlet we tighten on such rings we need to weave

4 pieces and in the meantime I continue weaving

are you already the third ring

so we have the fourth ring ready here show me a little closer what you should get

now when weaving the next little ring we have to connect with one side of the first ring

so that we have a closed motive and on the other hand we also weave beads


watch what kind of shuttle we have to do the work

that is, look here if I have this dude without light beads

each with beads but without beads will be considered

we have to weave them the first side

that is, we start weaving

weave already three, then we join the batch from the first ringlet and we interweave all three nodes

weaved three knots

further we enclose

bend gently in this way our rings

we pass in peak

perform the connection

weave further three knots

then again turn the work and

weave three


2 beads are flying in peak and three more knots of the ring can then be tightened.

we adjust two beads after the first three woven knots and

weave them to the peak further weave three more knots and drag out the work

next ring weave exactly

we began a shuttle without beads

first side

three little rings wove now do the connection for the second baking calcium

that is, as you can see the scheme has not changed at all

weave three more knots

overturn and dock the second side of the ringlet

three knots then peak with two beads three more knots

In total, I will weave 5 rows down. Look, look, that is, weave not for long and

in the end I also want to note that the very last ring will be without using

beads I do it in order to more or less do not with even more

little ringlets you make the longer you will have your earring just continue to spin in a spiral

I'll get back to you when I weave the last ring without using beads

well i'm done weaving

Here is such a blank

I also want to show here the last ring I wove without using beads all of me here 20 rings

even without

fortification and without beads inside

harness turns out enough

hard moderately hard I would even say the last little ring I already

I fixed the tips of the threads already tucked in and

now we need to take a needle and thread and we will begin the jointing of the jointing very quickly and

at the beginning we go through the first ring

that's where that's where we start

and this first ring we will sew on the opposite side over here

then we have to go to the middle, that is, if we have 6 knots here, we have to go through three nodes

we do this in order to come out clearly in the middle and start


already beads

so i go through three nodes a

further just go out igor below

through our whole earring here and

starting to wear

At first, I will be 4 millimeter bead used

all I need to wear

5 4 millimeter beads

I already put it on the fourth and


put on and push them inside

like this

now we got the earring

very strong she will not go anywhere since she has a foundation

then we put on a bead 6 millimeters

then again 4 millimeters and the smallest 2 millimeter bead

Further, in order to fix all this matters, we need to wear a little bead

just plain Czech beads

then we will go in the opposite direction, that is, without passing through

little beads the very last we go through all the beads to the end


now we have to go through

beads which we have

inside the earrings

i.e. 5 beads

four millimeters y

I can't see a needle right here

you won't have to pull it out right here and

all here is a look, in fact, we have an earring ready to fix the tip, I will fix it

neatly above

clothes I use the most common of these such circles that you need to bend the bottom hook for the ring and

put on

one of the rings all the further we just clamp

all the earring is ready here we have such earrings

Well, on this my master class

ends and comes to an end I hope this video was

interesting and useful for you

if you like the master class, then do not forget to put my fingers up as well as subscribe to my channel and write

I am always interested in the comments to know the opinion on my master classes.

For more infomation >> ОБЪЁМНЫЙ ЖГУТ С БИСЕРОМ | Фриволите/Анкарс/Tatting - Duration: 13:38.


✅ Jonathan Couto quebra silêncio e fala sobre acusações feitas por Letícia Almeida: ''Mentiras'' - Duration: 3:37.

 A família Pôncio se envolveu em uma grande polêmica no ano passado após Letícia Almeida revelar que sua filha, Maria Madalena, era de seu concunhado Jonathan Couto, e não de seu namorado Saulo Pôncio

 Nesta quarta-feira, 13, a atriz foi ao programa de Luciana Gimenez para falar sobre o ocorrido e acusou Jonathan de abuso sexual

O desejo do músico era deixar a mídia longe do caso e mantê-lo apenas no âmbito na justiça

Entretanto, após as acusações de Letícia, ele se defendeu e contou sua versão da história

   "É verdade que eu me submeti a um momento de fragilidade e cometi um ato de infidelidade em uma relação sexual consensual com Leticia Almeida da qual resultou o nascimento da minha filha, Maria Madalena

Do mau passo dado por mim que resultou nesse verdadeiro massacre midiático que venho sofrendo, somente restaram duas coisas boas: a Maria Madalena e ter encontrado o apoio da minha esposa Sarah e de toda a minha família que perdoaram o meu erro e me deram forças para prosseguir a minha vida

Entretanto, não posso me calar ante as mentiras proferidas pela Leticia, sem qualquer prova, que tem me causado profundo desgaste

Embora eu reconheça que devo sofrer as consequências dos meus erros, não aceito as injustas acusações de quem apenas busca se eximir de qualquer responsabilidade e se aproveitar com a divulgação do próprio erro", comenta Jonathan

 Além disso, o músico contou o que aconteceu na noite. "Estávamos em casa conversando e, como sempre fui amigo de Letícia, depois de todos irem dormir, continuamos conversando no terceiro andar da casa onde tinha um amigo meu que estava dormindo no sofá

Saímos, compramos sorvete e quando voltamos, fomos para o terraço da casa, cujo acesso é feito através de uma escada tipo aquelas de incêndio que é muito difícil de subir

É totalmente impossível que uma pessoa que esteja no nível de embriaguez alegada pela Letícia consiga subir aquela escada

 Vou reagir vigorosamente a todos os ataques que vier a sofrer da Letícia, sempre no campo da justiça, com serenidade e dentro da verdade", contou

 O pai de Maria Madalena reconheceu a paternidade da filha, além de pagar a pensão para ajudar nas necessidades de Maria Madalena

 "Da minha parte, reconheci espontaneamente a paternidade da minha filha e ofereci o pagamento de pensão, o que venho fazendo regularmente

A Leticia nunca permitiu que eu tivesse qualquer contato com a minha filha", contou

O importante para o pai é ver sua filha bem. "O que eu desejo é que, no fim de tudo, a verdade apareça

A minha maior preocupação é com a preservação da minha filha, que deve ficar excluída desses conflitos", finalizou

   Os advogados, Luiz Fernando Gevaerd e Diogo Domingues, responsáveis pelos processos familiares afirmam que as acusações de Leticia são falsas e que a história é cópia de uma terceira pessoa que havia compartilhado o seu relato na internet com a atriz

 "Depois de Letícia ter acusado publicamente Jonathan de a ter estuprado, essa terceira pessoa entrou em contato com a família avisando que Letícia estava usando a sua história, que tanto a fez sofrer, para acusar injustamente Jonathan

Ela mostrou os prints das conversas e temos uma declaração oficial confirmando que a história contada por Leticia é dessa terceira pessoa

Em razão disso, tomamos todas as medidas judiciais cabíveis para a defesa do Jonathan", afirma Diogo Domingues

For more infomation >> ✅ Jonathan Couto quebra silêncio e fala sobre acusações feitas por Letícia Almeida: ''Mentiras'' - Duration: 3:37.


Betty en NY | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo - Duration: 8:47.


The numbers presented to me are frightful.

I can't present that at the board meeting

with my father and Daniel in attendance.

I need you to massage those numbers.

Betty, I'd love to submit a real report

and calmly fulfill my role as president,

but Daniel's in my head and if he finds out

about those numbers, he'll demand my resignation.

Yes, but what you're asking goes against

my personal and professional sense of ethics.

I understand, of course,

and it obviously goes against mine too.

Look, I'm not just doing it for me, I'm doing it for you too,

and for your friends and everyone else

who works at this company

so that they won't lose their jobs.

Betty, if I'm fired, Daniel will take my place,

and he'll do what he does to every company he acquires:

Plunge it into bankruptcy and sell it.

Oh no! There's got to be another solution.

I can't find one.

But if you don't want to do it, it's fine.

I won't force you.

Just promise me you'll think about it.

Executive assistant.

Executive assistant.

Enough! Stop reminding me!

It's not fair, Marcela!

The probationary period isn't even over,

and she was already given the position?


She should be the secretary, and I should be his assistant.

I need that salary.

What would she do with the money?

Buy tacos and tamales for the squad?


I need that money because I'm a high-maintenance woman.

Be satisfied with what you make, Patricia,

and don't be ungrateful.

You make much more than those girls out there.

Easy for you to say! You're rich.

The wealthy go through life saying

it's okay to be poor, but you don't know anything.

You don't know how terrible it is to live in poverty.

Do you know how long it's been

since I had truffle oil in my salad?

Or since I had quality champagne?

And that's not the worst part.

You'll never guess what happened to me today.

I couldn't get my car from where it's parked

because I haven't paid in two months,

my cell phone was shut off, and I'm four months behind

on my association payments.

I'm freaked out because they'll probably take me to court

and evict me.

Plus, all my cards are maxed out!

I'm going to have to declare bankruptcy.

Enough, Patricia!

We'll figure out how to resolve your problems later,

and don't worry about your phone.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

I haven't posted a Story in months.

The point is that this girl, Beatriz,

no matter how much we hate her and want her out of V&M...

I have no reason to fire her.

What if she makes a serious mistake?

I doubt it.

The idiot appears to be

very professional, honest, and ethical.

And Armando defends her for everything.


Where's Efrain?

Sofia. Wait.

Where are you, you bastard?

Please wait, Sofi.


You'd better not be hiding him because I'll kill both of you.

Calm down, I swear Efrain isn't here.


Then he's probably spending my money on that whore.

But I'm about to find out on what.

No, wait.

You're going to get me in trouble...

Try to stop me and it's you who'll be in trouble!


Let's see.

What a coincidence. Just what I was looking for.

Professional photographer?

May I ask why they're paying a professional photographer

that kind of money?


That lawyer's a good-for-nothing.

I wasn't expecting him to tell me that I owe $50,000.

At least your blood pressure didn't go up, thank God.

Because I don't have a pulse.

Where am I going to get that kind of money?

We could mortgage the house

or take out a home equity line of credit.

No, Julia.

I just paid the house off.

That's why.

Since it's ours, it'll be easier to get the bank

to loan us the money.

The important thing is getting out of trouble.

And you keeping your license.

I don't like working all my life

just to lose it all now.

We're not losing it.

We're investing it in your peace of mind.

Sofia, we're practically family.

Get over here!

Tell me right now why that much was spent.

Efrain is my friend and partner.

I don't care. Tell me now!

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. For Jenny.

Jenny's a model.

She needs to make her mark in the fashion industry.

She mentioned it to Efrain, who thought it was a good idea.

So do I.

That's why that bastard can't afford

to put the kids in soccer.

Wait, Sofia.

September 25th?

That's our wedding anniversary.

He had a seminar in Boston that day and refused to take me.

The truth is, whatever you want.

Of course I want.

You're going to kill me, honey.


What are you doing here?

I came to say hello, you bastard.

Ridding this city of rats!

That's what you are!

A filthy rat!

Hello again, Ronnie.


Hey, can I call you Ro?

Of course. Whatever you like.

Ro, I've been thinking about your dinner invitation.

Did you really?


Well, it wasn't really an invitation.

It was more of an insinuation.

Okay, then let's make it official.

Would you like to have dinner with me?

And that's how the attack went down!

That was great.

Only that I...

Well, I would've set the place on fire.

Oh Lord.

But it's Sofia's business.

Of course.

She can't let the other woman have what she built.

Enough, girls.

Stop talking nonsense.

What Sofia did wasn't right.

I know, Ines, but...

That tramp's gonna think twice before trying anything again.

I'll always have your back.

Same here.

Sofia, the officer police are here to see you.

Sofia Montes, you've been accused of assault

through the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

Come with us.

For more infomation >> Betty en NY | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo - Duration: 8:47.


Million Arthur: Arcana Blood - Official Announcement Trailer - Duration: 0:33.

Time to kick it into overdrive!

The hit 2D fighting game Million Arthur: Arcana Blood is coming to Steam!

Eat lead!

Scared of a little shot?

Remember me each time you look at the moon.

Blade-Protector, advancing!

Let's make this quick, shall we?

All 44 characters come together

in a chaotic clash like never before!

Steam version Coming Summer 2019

For more infomation >> Million Arthur: Arcana Blood - Official Announcement Trailer - Duration: 0:33.


El Barón | Capítulo 10 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:16.

life people,

events and situations. It contains sex, violence,

and inappropriate or provocative dialogue.

Viewer discretion advised.


Isa! Are you around, honey?

We can go get the clothes you need for...

-Hey, Paisa. -Nacho, Isa isn't here.

What do you mean? She promised she'd stay put.

She told me she was meeting you at the mall.

Damn it!

What is it? What's going on?

She went to Griselda's to avenge Mark.

-Close the door. -You have to stop her!

I will!

Isabel was out of control.

If I didn't get to her in time, things would go horribly wrong.

Whatever it is you have to say, say it in the water.

Come on. Get in.

Oh, how nice. Very nice.

You like to talk in the water?

Alright, then.

Tell me...

have you ever done it with a woman?

I never have.


And despite how interesting or appealing the concept sounds...

I don't think Nacho would be cool with it.

What? Aren't hippies?

Any self-respecting hippie is up for anything.

He's must be a conservative hippie.

We don't have to tell him if he won't be cool with it.

No, he won't think it's cool that we didn't ask him to join.

-I hadn't considered that. -Godmother.

I agreed to come here...

because I...

I have something very important to tell you.

Something that could be of great use to you.

Believe me.


Why are you so rude, Judy?

Quit being so imprudent! Can't you see we're busy here?

I came to tell you that Nacho's here.

Hello, Godmother! How are you?

Here comes the man this party was missing.

Sorry, Darwin, but I'm here to break up your party.

Godmother, I have news about the Cubans.

You'll die when you hear this.

Judy, get my robe.

Why don't you get dressed and wait for me in the car?

Let her stay. You're welcome to join us.

Let's go.

Don't get started without me.

I didn't like the idea of leaving Isabel on her own.

It was obvious she was capable of anything.

I've been pleasantly surprised by you today.

First your wife and now you.

How about that?

Well, the information is worth it, Godmother.

I know where the Cubans' headquarters is located.

Really? Tell me.

Tell me so I can get rid of them.

It's in a bar called The Crown, close to Dadeland Mall.

If you hurry, you'll catch them.

They're meeting there right now.

Good tip.

It's great to know which side you're on.

Of course, Godmother.

I hope this information is useful to you

and that you make the most of it.

And since we're here, there's something I'd like to tell you.

Don't take this the wrong way. How should I say this?

Isabel does whatever I tell her to.

If you're going to invite her to one of these parties,

don't do it without asking me.

I'm sorry, Ignacio. I'm so embarrassed!

It's fine.

I didn't picture you as a jealous and possessive type.

I thought you were an open-minded hippie,

a New York man, an educated man.

The kind who likes to try everything.

I'm not.

I didn't force her to come here, though.

She came here because she had something to tell me.

Do you know what it was?

-Darwin. -Hmm.

Forgive me for being so nosy, but I noticed Godmother's scar.

What happened?

She and her ex, Bravo, fired at each other.

What happened to him?

He died.

Let's talk about something else.

You want something stronger? You have any vices?


Darwin, have Rios get the war wagon ready ASAP.

It's going to rain bullets today.

Sweetie, we should go. Good luck today, Godmother.

Thank you.

Chabelita, your husband thinks you came here

to intercede on behalf of the Cubans.

Are you really that much of a softie?

Oh, Godmother! What can I say?

It's not my place to say,

but I knew that information would lead to a war

and I felt I should come here to tell you to take it easy

and be careful.

How sweet!

You're so naïve, sweetie.

Get this through your head, sweetheart.

There's no growth in this business without bloodshed.

You're always welcome here.

You can come over whenever you want, doll.

Is it dry yet?

Yes. It's ready to be sold too.

I'll get it.

Who is it?

Agents Thompson and Fernandez from CENTAC.

What is my dad doing here?

Relax, son. Open the door.

We just want to ask a few questions.

Marce, it's the cops.

Something fishy is going on here.



Sorry, I was just about to shower.

Agent Joe Fernandez... and Thompson.

We'd like to talk to you for a bit.

Sure. Is something wrong?

A realtor who passed away recently sold this apartment.

We have a couple of questions for you.

Are you Isabel Garcia?

No, no. Not at all.

I'm Marcela.

Come inside while I get my ID.

What are we going to do if they come into the kitchen?

I don't know. We have so much coke here.

You're Colombian.

We could end up in jail.

I don't get why my dad's here. How'd he get to Miami?

I think he's tracking you.

Maybe he knows you're living here.

No way!

We didn't tell anyone.

He's a cop.

You know what? I have the answer.

Why are you bringing that out?

We might need it.

Sure, sure.

You're going to shoot your dad?

A pretty girl like you will get a job soon.

Who rented you this place?

Um... a real estate agency.

You're learning.

Do you know Mark Alonso?

No. No, I don't know him.

Your boyfriend answered the door.

Can we talk to him?


I live alone.

I was sure I heard a young man's voice.

No, that was me.

It probably sounded deeper because I was in the bathroom.

That's alright, Marcela. Pleasure meeting you.

And remember, we're here to serve you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You are welcome.


We should've searched the apartment.

Well, guess what? We don't have a warrant.

Like you've ever cared about that.

That Colombian is hiding something.

That wasn't her voice. Plus, she seemed nervous.

Of course she was nervous.

If an agent like me came to my door, I'd be nervous.

Especially if he stares at me like a pervert.

You're right about that, Joe.

That was one hot babe. I saw you staring at her butt.

You were checking her out,

but you're trying to play the perfect cop.

I'm not a perfect cop, Joe.

I just try to do my job as best I can.

Let's go meet Sergeant Nelson.

Are you going to stay mad or are you going to talk to me?

What was going through your head, Isabel?

What were you thinking?

I may not have a degree like you,

but I'm not a ------- idiot, Nacho.

That's not what I said so don't try to make this about me.

What were you going to do at Godmother's?

Do you have any idea of the danger you were in?

Nacho, my plan was to avenge my friend.

Avenge him.

So what was the plan?

You'd go into the house, shoot Godmother twice in the head

and then what? You'd walk out?

I thought about it.

It crossed my mind.

No, I just wanted to make sure that animal was there

so I could give the Cubans her location

so they'd cut her into pieces, like she did to my friend.

I wanted them to throw the pieces into her pool.

That's what I wanted. That was my fantasy.

I'd considered that possibility, but we have to be smart.

If they realize we're involved with what you just said,

the one's who'll be cut to pieces and thrown in that pool

will be us!

So what was the smart thing to do, Nacho?

Sit still while that hag wanted to party?

Let her touch me and basically rape after my friend's death?

It's using our ------- head and doing things right!

How the hell are we supposed to do that?

Tell me!

With the Cubans.

But I'm the one who'll do it.

You're staying out of it.

You're not the person I'm talking to right now

and I won't let you become that -------person.

You don't know who I am.

They're in Dadeland. At a bar called The Crown.

Got it, Godmother.

Quickly. We don't have all day.

We have to crush them before they get away.

Consider it done, Godmother. I'll get rid of them today.

Let's go.

May the Virgin keep you!

For more infomation >> El Barón | Capítulo 10 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:16.


Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.

Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade

for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important

but made with a soul

of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself

Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little

in the end we got a little shop for our little angels

who will thank you sincerely and with love

and this real imtio, not buy for any money

so like if you liked the video

necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself

because it's cool, it's really cool

thank you all, bye bye

For more infomation >> Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.


A Bittersweet Divorce, a Brutal Health Crisis and a Truly Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Inside Avril La - Duration: 2:23.

A Bittersweet Divorce, a Brutal Health Crisis and a Truly Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Inside Avril La

Andrew Lipovsky/NBC

For a while there, was drowning.

Itwas 2014 and the pop star, a year into her whirlwind second marriage to Nickleback frontman Chad Kroeger, was busy touring in support of her self titled fifth album, released in November the year prior. And the Canadian was feeling uncharacteristically unwell and could not figure out why.

She visited doctor after doctor, presenting them with the same thing:"Im achy, Im fatigued, I cannot get the f k out of bed," as she recalled to in October. "What the f k is wrong with me?" Their conclusions? Dehydration and exhaustion.

But when the tour ended, taking the apparent root cause for her diagnoses with it, things only got worse. By October, during a trip to Las Vegas with girlfriends to celebrate her 30th birthday, she was almost entirely unable to participate in the simplest of activities."I could barely eat, and when we went to the pool, I had to leave and go lie in bed," shetold in 2015 "My friends asked, Whats wrong? I didnt know."

But when one friends intuition brought her to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Hadid, who knew a thing or two about battling a mystery illness and, in turn, gave Lavigne the number of a specialist, the pop punker finally got the answers shed been longing for: She was suffering from a severe case of Lyme disease."It was a relief," she told in January "I was like: OK, now I can at least start treating something."

And then, as she told Billboard? "I was in bed for f king two years."

At first, she suffered in silence at her home in Ontario, not letting the world in on what had befallen her. She was put on multiple antibiotics and antimalarials, prescribed by doctors to combat a disease that doesnt yet have a standard protocol for treatment."Its a bug a spirochete so you take these antibiotics, and they start killing it," Lavigne explained to Billboard. "But its a smart bug: It morphs into a cystic form, so you have to take other antibiotics at the same time. It went undiagnosed for so long that I was kind of f ked."

Her mom moved in help take care of her, filling in for Kroeger who could only be of assistance sporadically during breaks in his tour."I felt like I couldnt breathe, I couldnt talk and I couldnt move. I thought I was dying," she told People."There were definitely times I couldnt shower for a full week because I could barely stand. It felt like having all your life sucked out of you."

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

With her fans growing worried by her absence from the spotlight, she took to social media in December to explain why she hadnt been seen in weeks. Interacting with fan site @AvrilMusicChart on Twitter, she wrote in direct message,"I feel bad because I havent been able to say anything to the fans to let them know why I have been absent. Im torn as Im quite private. Im not feeling well. Im having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers."

The private message soon became public and went viral. The hashtag PrayForAvril soon began to spread."The get well messages and videos they sent touched me so deeply," she told People. And yet, she still wasnt ready to let them in on what, exactly, was going on.

But by April of 2015, her desire to bring awareness to the disease outweighed her fear of having her diagnosis coming to define her if only slightly. And so, she appeared on the cover of People under the words "Her Secret Health Crisis: I Thought I Was Dying." After that, there was no going back.

"I feel like I have a responsibility I cant just sit on my ass and do nothing," she told a week later. "I need to talk about Lyme disease, because its real, its out there, it was a simple bug bite and it could happen to anybody. People need to know about it, because its not talked about that much and a lot of the information thats out there is inaccurate."

And yet, she was still attempting to downplay how bad things still were for her. In the People story, she claimed to be "80 percent better." Speaking with Billboard, she was quick to highlight the "good that has come out of it" namely, the opportunity for downtime for the first time in her 15 year career. And her social media remained cheerful as ever.


"I put on a brave face because I didnt want it to be a part of my identity," she told last year. "So the second I was up, I would take a picture and post it on Instagram and act like my life was f king great."

When she went on Good Morning America two months later, however, it was abundantly clear that things werent f king great. Ostensibly there to promote her new single "Fly," tied to the 2015 Special Olympics World Games, conversation naturally turned to the big revelation Lavigne had made just months earlier. And thats when the singer known for her punk ish, unflappable attitude absolutely lost it, breaking down in tears while describing her path towards diagnosis.

"I was like, Im going to be brave and tell the world whats going on. And I did it because I was releasing a song for the Special Olympics and I wanted it to do well, so I got forced to sit on camera and talk about it [onGMA]," she told Billboard. "I wasnt ready, and I shouldnt have done it. I was a mess." Elsewhere in the profile, the author noted that Lavigne was "annoyed that I didnt understand how misleadingly edited the GMA interview was," though she was not directly quoted as saying such.

Things would go from bad to worse a few months later when, on September 2, Lavigne that, after months of speculation regarding the status of their marriage speculation based, primarily, on her absence from public life she and Kroeger were separating after two years of marriage.

"It is with a heavy heart that Chad and I announce our separation today," she wrote. "Through not only the marriage, but the music as well, weve created many unforgettable moments. We are still andforever will be, the best of friends, and will always care deeply for each other. To all our family, friends and fans, thank you sincerely for the support."

While Lavigne has largely kept quiet on what went wrong in the relationship ever since, always keeping talk of Kroeger remarkably positive, if she talks at all, while defending him when tired Nickleback jokes arise, a source told E! News at the time that the split was .

Jag Gundu/Getty Images

"Honestly, shes doing OK," the insider told us. "This has been in the works for awhile."

As the source explained, the couple, who met when her then manager Larry Rudolph suggested they collaborate professionally "Hes had a ton of hit songs. He plays guitar. This could be great," she recalled to Billboard. "A month later, I had a 14 carat ring on my finger" "didnt see eye to eye on a lot of things" at the end of the day.

"They originally got together to make an album and thats where the spark between them originated," the insider continued. "But it just slowly died out."

However OK she was and however slowly the spark disappeared, it stillcouldnt have felt great. What divorce does? Yet, Lavigne has magnificently found a way to keep both of her splits she was married to Sum 41 lead singer Deryck Whibley from 2006 to 2010 not simply amicable, but downright friendly. When she was finally ready to get back into the studio and record music for her long awaited sixth studio album Head Over Water, out today, it was in Kroegers studio where she sang her first note in years. He eventually worked on several tracks from the album, including the inspiring, spiritual title track a track that came to Lavigne on one of the worst nights of her life.

As she tells it, she was laying in bed with her mother and barely able to breathe. Fearing that it might be the end for her, the woman whose family raised her devoutly Christian began to pray."I had accepted that I was dying," she told Billboard. "And I felt in that moment like I was underwater and drowning, and I was trying to come up to gasp for air. And literally under my breath, I was like, God, help me keep my head above the water."

And thats when she grabbed her phone, opened her Notes app, and began to document the beginnings of what would be her comeback single.

"I wasnt even thinking about music," she told . "It just happened."

As she told this week,"Music really lifted me up and made me feel better. I was able to take a hard time in my life and make the best out of a circumstance that was I was going through...At first I didnt know I was making an album I just naturally turned to songwriting in a time of healing."

While Lavigne was working on the album and managing her Lyme disease "Its up and down. Im doing my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle eating healthy, sleeping well, and working out. I definitely have to pace myself. But at the same time, I have my life back now: Im able to make music and make videos," she told EW of her recovery efforts a wild conspiracy theory was running rampant on the internet, resurfacing thanks to her time out of the spotlight.

The gist of the bizarre claim, which began on a Brazilian fan site inasmuch as you can call a blog entitled Avril Esta Morta or Avril is Dead a fan site , asserts that after the death of her grandfather in 2003, Lavigne took her own life, unable to cope with the loss coupled with the mounting pressures of following up her wildly successful debut album Let Go. As the outlandish story goes, her record label then replaced her with a doppelganger named Melissa Vandella who had supposedly been hired to help confuse the paparazzi that were constantly following Lavigne. Adding fuel to this wild fire is the existence of a photo of Lavigne with the name Melissa written in Sharpie on her hand during the photo shoot.

Over the years, theorists have supported the bonkers story with perceived inconsistencies in the appearance of Lavignes skin, jawline, and eye corners, as well as her approach to fashion and her handwriting. You know, all normal things that tend to happen to a woman as she progresses through her 20s.

Pap Nation /

For years, Lavigne had never denied or even addressed the rumors, only fanning the flames. But during a November interview with Australias KISS 1065, where she was asked if shed laughed at the strange story, she finally ."Yeah, some people think that Im not the real me, which is so weird," she said. "Like, why would they even think that?"

Speaking with EW this week, she elaborated on the subject when asked if it had affected her personally. "More like that its just a dumb internet rumor and [Im] flabbergasted that people bought into it," she told the magazine. "Isnt that so weird? Its so dumb. And I look the exact same. On one hand, everyone is like, Oh my god, you look the same, and on the other hand people are like Oh my god, she died."

While the internet has been foolishly debating over whether or not shed dead, the last few years have managed to give Lavigne a new lease on life.

"It put things in perspective and showed me how much the small things in life friends, love, family, just your health matter the most," she told People. Shes even embarked on , dating Phillip Sarofim, son of Texas billionaire Fayez Sarofin, since early 2018.Since its inception, theyve done little to call attention to the romance, never confirming it publicly, but theyve been as recently as this week, following Lavignes appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon on February 13.

And while a quick skim of much of the press that shes done in the lead up to Head Above Waters release makes clear that she really doesnt want to talk about her, shes thankful that, at least, its allowed her to do some good."It was painful to face it, and I dont like to talk about it sometimes, but to turn it into music and put it out there into positive experiences to help others has been good," she told EW.

"My approach now is one day at a time. Dont overwork myself just ease back into it," she told People."Im in a good place."

Head Above Water is available now.

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For more infomation >> A Bittersweet Divorce, a Brutal Health Crisis and a Truly Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Inside Avril La - Duration: 2:23.


Bücür ve Minik 🐶 Bücür Kedi 9. Bölüm | Çizgi film 2019 aç izle Türkçe çocuk animasyon - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Bücür ve Minik 🐶 Bücür Kedi 9. Bölüm | Çizgi film 2019 aç izle Türkçe çocuk animasyon - Duration: 1:30.


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DIETRO LE QUINTE/ Il piano "segreto" Di Maio-Pd per fermare Salvini in Sardegna - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> DIETRO LE QUINTE/ Il piano "segreto" Di Maio-Pd per fermare Salvini in Sardegna - Duration: 3:52.


Serie A Atalanta, Gasperini: «Il Milan ha un po' il carattere di Gattuso» - Duration: 3:13.

 BERGAMO - Il Milan sarà un crocevia importante per l'Atalanta: vincere all'Atleti Azzurri d'Italia, per gli orobici, significherebbe sorpassare i rossoneri e raggiungere il quarto posto

In conferenza stampa, il tecnico nerazzurro Gian Piero Gasperini esordisce così: "La gara col Milan sarà un bell'esame, di quelli tosti, corposi

Ma ci arriviamo preparati: non sono partite decisive, ma importanti sicuramente, che ti possono dare fiducia e convinzione"

Gasperini prosegue: "Inizia un periodo in cui affronteremo squadre che ci sono vicine in classifica

A questo punto del campionato è importante potersela giocare: viviamo questo momento con voglia di fare bene

Ai fini della classifica non è una partita determinante, ma noi dobbiamo giocarla al meglio, come quando abbiamo affrontato la Juve"

 I ROSSONERI - Sul suo collega seduto sulla panchina rossonera, Gasperini dichiara: "Gattuso è stato bravissimo, ha dato una svolta al Milan

L'ha reso una squadra difficile da superare, che ha un po' il carattere del suo allenatore

Il Milan è una grande squadra, con giocatori importanti. Per noi sarà un'occasione per misurarci con loro"

Il tecnico dei bergamaschi conclude: "Queste sono partite che noi dobbiamo interpretare con grande rispetto, attenzione, concentrazione

E dovremo esprimerci al meglio: va fatta una prestazione di livello. All'andata non avevamo fatto una grande partita, domani mi auguro sarà una gara diversa, servirà un'Atalanta migliore

Da allora sia noi che loro siamo cresciuti tanto". Per Gasperini quella di domani sarà la centesima panchina in A con l'Atalanta: " Magari farne altre cento così, con questi risultati"

I tifosi atalantini credono nel quarto posto: "Noi dobbiamo prendere questa energia, questa spinta esterna che ci arriva dall'ambiente e portarla in campo: noi abbiamo bisogno di fare prestazioni importanti da qui alla fine"


For more infomation >> Serie A Atalanta, Gasperini: «Il Milan ha un po' il carattere di Gattuso» - Duration: 3:13.


Cât costă să te distrezi pe iaht în Dubai Marina? Cum se organizează Raluca Zenga și gașca ei de fet - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Cât costă să te distrezi pe iaht în Dubai Marina? Cum se organizează Raluca Zenga și gașca ei de fet - Duration: 2:58.


Breaking Celeb News | Joe Flacco has potential to 'fail miserably' with Broncos: ex-teammate - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Joe Flacco has potential to 'fail miserably' with Broncos: ex-teammate - Duration: 2:59.


Hamsik: «Mai stato vicino alla Juve. Peccato per lo Scudetto perso» - Duration: 2:53.

 BRATISLAVA (Slovacchia) - Marek Hamsik si appresta a volare in Cina per raggiungere i compagni di squadra del Dalian impegnati nel ritiro precampionato

L'ex capitano del Napoli è stato intervistato a Bratislava, in Slovacchia, da Sky Sport

   SULL'ESPERIENZA IN CINA - Hamsik si dice emozionato e pronto per affrontare una nuova avventura calcistica: "Sono emozionato e vediamo come andrà quanta nuova avventura in un paese che non conosco

Non so cosa mi aspetterà. Quando ho saputo dell'interessamento del Dalian mi sono messo in contatto con Carrasco per avere informazioni, manca ancora un po' all'inizio del campionato e avrò tempo per ambientarmi

"  NAPOLI, UN ORGOGLIO - Hamsik lascia il Napoli dopo 12 stagioni e si definisce orgoglioso del passato partenopeo: "Posso solo ringraziare Napoli e il presidente De Laurentiis, sono orgoglioso di essere parte di questa famiglia

Non ho pianto ma ho scritto quello che sentivo con il cuore. Spero di piangere quando tornerò a Napoli per il giro di campo di fronte ai tifosi azzurri

"  SCUDETTO CHE RAMMARICO - Un'esperienza ricchissima quella con il Napoli ma nella quale non mancano i rimpianti, su tutti lo Scudetto perso lo scontro campionato contro la Juventus: "Il momento più bello? Non so dirlo precisamente, sicuramente la vittoria di un trofeo dopo 25 anni e la festa che c'è stata dopo

Anche la qualificazione in Champions: l'unica cosa che è mancata è lo Scudetto."  MAI VICINO ALLA JUVENTUS - Tante le offerte ricevute dallo slovacco che ha precisato di non essere mai stato vicino alla Juventus: "In passato ho ricevuto offerte ma non sono stato vicino alla Juve, non potrei mai fare una cosa del genere ai tifosi del Napoli

Sono stato vicino al Milan ma in azzurro mi sentivo importante e sono sempre voluto rimanere


For more infomation >> Hamsik: «Mai stato vicino alla Juve. Peccato per lo Scudetto perso» - Duration: 2:53.


Uang. Lagi-lagi uang ? - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Uang. Lagi-lagi uang ? - Duration: 8:47.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI R-LINE EDITION 160PK DSG7, Leer, Xenon Led, Full - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI R-LINE EDITION 160PK DSG7, Leer, Xenon Led, Full - Duration: 1:11.


最新ニュース : チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 1:21.

  チョコレートプラ ットの長田庄平が16 、自身のTwitte を更新。相方の松尾駿 「R-1ぐらんぷり2 19」の準決勝を突破 、自分が落選となって まったことについてつ った

 「R-1ぐらんぷり はピン芸人ナンバー1 決めるコンテストで、 ョコレートプラネット 2人はそれぞれピンで 場。しかし、15日の 決勝では松尾が決勝戦 進み、長田が落選して まうのだった

 長田は「今年は相方 Rー1の決勝行きまし 。悔しい、、絶対俺の が面白いのに!」と悔 さをにじませ、「敗者 活戦でリベンジかます 」と敗者復活戦に向け 意気込みをつづった

 「R-1ぐらんぷり 019」決勝戦は3月 0日19時から関西テ ビ・フジテレビ系で生 送。敗者復活戦もその に行われる。

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース : チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 1:21.


ニュース チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 3:09.

拡大写真 長田庄平(チ コレートプラ ット)【写真 竹内みちまろ  チョ レートプラネ トの長田庄平 16日、自身 Twitte を更新。相方 松尾駿が「R 1ぐらんぷり 019」の準 勝を突破し、 分が落選とな てしまったこ についてつづ た

 「R-1ぐ んぷり」はピ 芸人ナンバー を決めるコン ストで、チョ レートプラネ トの2人はそ ぞれピンで出 。しかし、1 日の準決勝で 松尾が決勝戦 進み、長田が 選してしまう だった

 長田は「今 は相方がRー の決勝行きま た。悔しい、 絶対俺の方が 白いのに!」 悔しさをにじ せ、「敗者復 戦でリベンジ ます!」と敗 復活戦に向け 意気込みをつ った

 「R-1ぐ んぷり201 」決勝戦は3 10日19時 ら関西テレビ フジテレビ系 生放送。敗者 活戦もその際 行われる。[ 部サイト]遠 茜子、漫画と コラボグラビ でギャルに! 服や水着姿披 「制コレ18 グランプリ・ 栖りんがヤン ャン表紙に登 !北海道で水 姿披露永尾ま や、水着やラ ジェリーカッ 満載のカレン ーが発売!パ レン3号・奥 かずさが1s 写真集発売決 !最大露出に 戦安座間美優 1st写真集 初のランジェ ー撮影に挑戦 ミスマガグラ プリの沢口愛 、3月に待望 写真集発売喜 乃愛、1st 真集で初の水 撮影挑戦!テ マは"高校最 の思い出旅" 坂46・渡邉 佐の1st写 集が発売!ア リカとバハマ 素顔見せる" ッツァレラボ ィ"井口綾子 1st写真集 売が決定10 最後で魅せる クシーなカッ も!橋本環奈 セカンド写真 『NATUR L』が発売永 怜子、2nd 真集『花一華 を発売!辰巳 都子、9年ぶ の写真集発売 セクシーショ トは「攻めす てしまった」

For more infomation >> ニュース チョコプラ長田、相方のR-1決勝進出に「絶対俺の方が面白い」 - Duration: 3:09.


🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.


筑波1分2秒台の激速マシン! ブリッツのシビック・タイプRは街中でも乗りやすい - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 筑波1分2秒台の激速マシン! ブリッツのシビック・タイプRは街中でも乗りやすい - Duration: 5:07.

------------------------------------------- 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:21. 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi

Please Watch Video Till End to Understand Trick Perfectly

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For more infomation >> 100% Winning Auto Bet Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH-BCC) Trick/Strategy 2019 Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:21.


น้อมนำคำสอนเฟอร์กี้ : สิ่งต่างๆ ที่ทำให้ โซลชาร์ เหมาะกับการคุมแมนฯยูไนเต็ด - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> น้อมนำคำสอนเฟอร์กี้ : สิ่งต่างๆ ที่ทำให้ โซลชาร์ เหมาะกับการคุมแมนฯยูไนเต็ด - Duration: 4:13.


ЭГГ ВАРС НА ТЕЛЕФОНЕ? EGG WARS В МАЙНКРАФТ ПЕ ! - Minecraft pocket edition ( PE ) - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> ЭГГ ВАРС НА ТЕЛЕФОНЕ? EGG WARS В МАЙНКРАФТ ПЕ ! - Minecraft pocket edition ( PE ) - Duration: 13:28.


Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.

Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade

for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important

but made with a soul

of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself

Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little

in the end we got a little shop for our little angels

who will thank you sincerely and with love

and this real imtio, not buy for any money

so like if you liked the video

necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself

because it's cool, it's really cool

thank you all, bye bye

For more infomation >> Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.


Лидер «Несчастного случая» Алексей Кортнев раскритиковал слушателей Пугачевой и Баскова - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Лидер «Несчастного случая» Алексей Кортнев раскритиковал слушателей Пугачевой и Баскова - Duration: 1:59.


田畑智子、老舗料亭の娘がなぜ女優に?きっかけを告白 - Duration: 4:44.

拡大写真 田 智子【撮影:小宮 あきの】   畑智子が、16日 送の『メレンゲの 持ち』(日本テレ 系)に出演

女優になったきっ けを語った。 田 の実家は、京都・ 園で300年続く 舗料亭「鳥居本」

由緒正しい家庭で しく育てられ、彼 自身も将来は実家 継ぐか舞妓になる だろうと思ってい そう

 その頃、映画監 の相米慎二が関西 映画のオーディシ ンを行っていたと う。中井貴一の娘 に適した子を探し いた相米監督は、 園で飲みに行った 「この辺に小学校 高学年くらいの女 子はいない?」と いて回ると、地元 人から「鳥居本の さん、確かそれぐ い」と教えてもら たのだとか

 翌日、相米監督 鳥居本に来店。1 歳の田畑は、いき り現れた見知らぬ 性に「誰だろ?こ オッサン」と不審 っていたという

その場には1歳上 姉もいたが、この 、親から「智子だ 呼ばれてるから行 てきなさいって言 れて、行ったらオ ディションだった と回顧

そのまま見事合格 、93年公開され 相米監督の映画『 引越し』でデビュ したと振り返って た

[外部サイト]京 通の羽田美智子が 介する絶品京都ス ーツ&開運スポッ とは!?今まで知 なかった京都!「 の冬の旅」をちょ ぴり体験柄本佑が そうだ 京都、行 う

」の"二代目旅人 に決定!美女レイ ーまとめ!「エヴ 」「アズレン」「 SSS.GRID AN」ほか人気キ ラがコミケに集結 NHKアナ登坂淳 、交際女性を明か 「明るくて力持ち チョコプラ松尾、 降り明星粗品、河 ミク……「R-1 らんぷり2019 の決勝進出者発表 2月16日誕生日 芸能人】NGT4 荻野由佳、オダギ ジョー、松岡茉優 …【昨日のエンタ ニュース】丸山桂 奈、月収ズバリ/ 本環奈、デコ出し ョット

For more infomation >> 田畑智子、老舗料亭の娘がなぜ女優に?きっかけを告白 - Duration: 4:44.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T 90pk Tekna - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T 90pk Tekna - Duration: 1:14.


Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115 Tekna 21 % KORTING (Rijklaar - Panoramadak) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115 Tekna 21 % KORTING (Rijklaar - Panoramadak) - Duration: 1:11.


🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> 🔥 СТАНОК ИЗ БОЛГАРКИ своими руками - Duration: 10:34.


Liverpool news: Man City star Kevin de Bruyne makes Premier League title claim - Duration: 2:10.

 The Reds maintained their place at the top of the table with a dominant 3-1 win over arch-rivals Manchester United yesterday

 A late brace from substitute Xherdan Shaqiri ensured all three points went to Jurgen Klopp's side

 City had won against Liverpool's rivals Everton, earlier in the weekend. And De Bruyne has since opened up on the Premier League title race after returning from injury

 "I don't know why they can't sustain it," said the Belgium international. "I think they will go on to the end

 "To be fair I'm not too worried about them - they will do what they do and we'll have to try to win our games and go forward

They'll try to keep pace with us and vice versa. "But it's still early. There's no pressure we need to do what we do

"  De Bruyne has played down the significance of the January 3 meeting between Liverpool and City though

 "You know how it goes," he said. "You can have a week where you lose three games and everyone speaks differently

 "There's is still so long to go. The amount of games can trip you up, injuries can trip you up

" Both Liverpool and City have a busy schedule over the festive period before they face off in the New Year

 City take on Crystal Palace, Leicester and Southampton in the Premier League. Liverpool face Wolves, Newcastle and Arsenal

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Man City star Kevin de Bruyne makes Premier League title claim - Duration: 2:10.


Adını Sen Koy Episode 111 English Subtitles - Duration: 52:47.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Episode 111 English Subtitles - Duration: 52:47.


★Stassi Rossi★ Travel as much as u can, as far as u can,as long as u can - Duration: 2:24.

★Stassi Rossi★ Travel as much as u can, as far as u can,as long as u can

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Stassi Rossi★ Travel as much as u can, as far as u can,as long as u can - Duration: 2:24.


Nothing's Changed - Original Rock Song - Duration: 2:52.


I guess that's all I thought I needed

And a change of place and a change of pace and maybe a friendly face but I

Wasn't an entirely honest with my intentions

So you swept right through it blew me off direction

And sent me scrambling for the nearest position

To place myself right by your side

In time before life could pass me by again

I can't believe it's happening all over again

{Radiohead intensifies}

Nothing's changed!

Nothing's changed!

I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own

So I won't give it a shot, stay alone


I guess that's what I thought I needed

Some broken promises, and I think honestly it was nothing but a ruse I told myself


In fear that I'd never hear those words from someone else

{Sooomeone else!}

Because you know I love a liar who can play my heart

And tear it all apart because I love the pain even if it drives me insane

I guess not the passion of old has come back again!

I can't believe it's happening all over again!

Nothing's changed!

Nothing's changed!

I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own

So I won't give it a shot, stay alone

{Gratuitous guitar solo!}

I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own

So I won't give it a shot, stay alone

For more infomation >> Nothing's Changed - Original Rock Song - Duration: 2:52.


Can & Sanem || Cat and Mouse Game - Duration: 2:09.

who is he?

who is Mister Can? i don't know him!

he is the boss but i've never seen him!

if you want..

but only if you really want,

then stay with me!

if you want me to go, i will..

if you want me to stay, i will

Sanem, what are you doing?

again i don't understand you!

Sanem, don't do this!

what did i even do?

that's what i am asking!

what are you doing? can we make it clear?

i don't understand anything!

what's difficult to understand?

don't run away! where are you going?

Mister Can, what are we doing right now?

i have no clue to be honest

For more infomation >> Can & Sanem || Cat and Mouse Game - Duration: 2:09.


THE BREAKER UPPERERS (2019) - Netflix Original Movie - One Minute Movie Review - Duration: 1:26.

the breaker uppers is the Netflix original comedy starring QE comedians

Madeleine Sami and Jackie Van Beek this raunchy comedy is also written and

directed by the same duo from New Zealand the pair played BFFs who run a

business focused on helping people get out of relationships for the right price

they'll put an end to any romance both women have a very complicated past but

it managed to put their differences aside and try to help couples in need

now I will say this film has a very different feel in comparison to most

buddy comedies but that was actually kind of a nice change of pace and I

really think this movie is gonna bring a lot more opportunity to Sammy and Bambi

the situation's they put themselves into are not only pretty funny there's some

of the most original sequences I've seen in a comedy the movie does Dragon parts

and it does take a little bit of time to get into it first but it's still

definitely worth watching overall the breaker uppers is one of the

better netbooks original comedies I've seen both Sammy and Bambi play very well

off of each other and make for a pretty great comedy team it's not the funniest

movie I've seen but it's enjoyable enough to put on if you just want to

turn your brain off and have a good laugh that's why I give the breaker upperers at THREE!

For more infomation >> THE BREAKER UPPERERS (2019) - Netflix Original Movie - One Minute Movie Review - Duration: 1:26.


Action och galna upplevelser i Rotorua - Nya Zeeland VLOGG - Duration: 12:53.

Hey, hey!

We are in...


Rotorua is located in the heart of the North Island of New Zealand.

Yes, and this place has a lot of geothermal activity.

There is boiling water underground, and many geysers and hot springs.

All of this has of course attracted tourists, which is why there is a lot to do here.

So many activities! Many of which are action packed and get the adrenaline pumping.

- People also come here for the spa options and to relax. - Yes.

This place offers a little bit of everything, and we will be trying a little bit of everything!


Kids, where do you want to begin?

- The balls! - Go in the balls!

- Yes, go in the balls. - Let's go!

- Who wants to go with me? - I do!

Our team is the best! Our team is the best!

- Forget about them! - Yes.

That one is for you.

We will go first.

The first ride will be a race. One ball on each side.

That one is yours, and this one is ours.

We only have one GoPro to film in one of the balls.

Which one?

- Which one do we film in? In yours, I think. - Yes.

- Okay! - Yes!

Here I come!

Are you ready? Go for it!

Hold on, do you want to...? Oh!

Let's get in!

Come on!

Good job, Harry! Nice!

Nice work, buddy!

Are you ready? Hold on! I'll pull it down.

Come on, Harry!

How was that?

- Really fun! - Really fun!

In unison! Yes, it actually was really fun!

At times like these we wish we had a cameraman, because you two won.

- Yes. - By a lot!

- Yes. - But we couldn't film it from inside.

We won!

- Harry, you got water in your eyes, didn't you? - Yes, so I got these goggles!

- Yes! - Mhm.

- Who is going with whom this time? - Harry and I!

We will go down much worse tracks! That was just the first easy one.

- Yes, that one wasn't... - There next three tracks are worse.

Are you ready?

- Yes! - Yes!

What an amazing start to the day!

So much fun!

A third of Rotorua's population is made up of the Māori which are the indigenous people of New Zealand.

Therefore, this is a place to experience the Māori culture.

It sounds more like noise.

Do you know what it is?


It is a traditional Māori dance.


That was so cool!

Harry did the haka!

A war dance!

- I think that you did the best one, Harry. - Yes, I agree.

- The best part was that the kids were so calm! - Yes, they sat completely silent and just...

That has never happened before during any cultural experience.


- The Māori people... Thumbs up! - Yes. So much fun!

This is the Pohutu Geyser.

This place smells like eggs.

Why is that?

Because sulfur is coming out of the ground.

That's correct.

A geyser is cracks in the earth which are filled with water and reach all the way down to where magma is.

The water gets extremely hot and turns into steam.

Then it erupts through holes in the ground.

The mud is bubbling! Look!

Apparently this mud is very good for the skin.

Some people travel to Rotorua and pay to have a mud bath and apply the mud to their skin.

Would you want to do that?

- No! - No!

We didn't get a mud bath - we got a mud mask instead.

At a spa.

Yes, we did.

Now we are going to fly!


- Let's see, Harry. - Oh! You will look like Superman!

Yes, you will look like Superman.

Oh! Harry is wearing a cape.

Legs straight.

Legs bent.

- Perfect! - Bravo! Perfect.

Hips forward.



- Arms... - Slower.



Excellent! Perfect.

How excited are you?

Really excited!

How excited are you?

How excited are you?

- Super excited! This will be perfect! - Me too! Me too!

When I did like this... probably meant "yes".

Wasn't that so much fun?!

- Really fun! - Really fun!

- It was so much fun! - Incredibly fun!

Now we are going to swing!

- Lie down for me. - Oh, really?

See you when you get back down!

How does it feel, Harry?


Oh, God! How high are we going?

- Are you ready? - Yeah!

- Grab the ripcord. - Yeah!




So, that swing...

That counts as my challenge, right?

- No... I don't think so. - Yes!

We fell head first at first. Didn't we, Harry?

Yes, it's actually fun.

I mean, what's worse... Falling from a tower, or swing on a swing?

Swing, swing.

I think that you will have to give it another try. Besides, I also went in the swing.

So the challenge is something that only I do?

Yes, because no one else dares.

Right now we are at a lookout spot between two lakes.

There is the blue lake.

And there is the green lake.

There is a village buried under the green lake. It is sacred to the Māori people.

You are not allowed to swim in it, or ride a boat, or fish.

But in the blue lake you can do all of those things.

We hope that you have enjoyed watching our Rotorua vlog!

- It has been a lot of fun to film! - Yes, it really has!

- There is so much to do here! - Yes.

- So much! - We just scratched the surface.


Thank you for watching this video!

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Leave a comment, ask questions and have a great time until we see you next time!

- See you! - Bye bye!

Take care!

For more infomation >> Action och galna upplevelser i Rotorua - Nya Zeeland VLOGG - Duration: 12:53.


Three Little Kittens | Little Eddie Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:00:55.

Three Little Kittens

For more infomation >> Three Little Kittens | Little Eddie Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:00:55.


Multifandom 〆 UNSTEADY - Duration: 4:07.

13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo

13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo

Lale devri


13 reasons why

Fazilet hanim ve kizlari

Lale devri

13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo

13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo


Fazilet hanim ve kizlari

13 reasons why

The vampire diaries

13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo

13 reasons why

The vampire diaries

Fazilet hanim ve kizlari

The vampire diaries

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo


13 reasons why

Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo


13 reasons why

Fazilet hanim ve kizlari

For more infomation >> Multifandom 〆 UNSTEADY - Duration: 4:07.


Meghan Markle is finding Royal life 'DIFFICULT' claims expert - 'It's such a MINEFIELD' - Duration: 2:04.

 Ms Seward is editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, which focuses on the UK Royals

Meghan has been publicly criticised by both her father, Thomas, and half-sister Samantha

There have also been reports of tension between Meghan and her sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge

 Speaking to Fox News Ms Sweard commented: "I should think she's finding it pretty difficult

 "It's a minefield, being a member of the Royal family. "Perhaps she should have eased herself into it a little more

" Earlier this week Mr Markle published deeply personal extracts of letters he received from the Duchess following her wedding to Prince Harry

 He added he had more letters, and suggested they could also be released. In one handwritten letter to her father Meghan wrote: "If you love me, as you tell the press you do, please stop

 READ MORE: 'Monarchy is the problem NOT Meghan Markle' - Royal author hits out  "Your actions have broken my heart into a million pieces

 "Not simply because you have manufactured such unnecessary and unwarranted pain, but by making the choice to not tell the truth as you are puppeteered in this

" The Duchess also accused her father of "creating so much pain". Relations between Meghan and her father deteriorated after he was caught staging photographs with paparazzi photographers, shortly before her May 2018 wedding

 Mr Markle then announced he wouldn't be able to attend the wedding because of a medical complaint, resulting in his daughter being accompanied down the isle by Prince Charles

 READ MORE: Why bringing up royal baby will cost more for Meghan and Harry  According to Royal expert Hugo Vickers relations between the two may be beyond the point of repair

 He asserted: "It's all become ridiculous. "The best thing would be some sort of reconciliation with him, but it may have gone too far

" There have also been repeated claims of tensions between Meghan and her Royal counterpart, the Duchess of Cambridge

 According to one report, published in The Sun late last year, Kate was left in tears as a result of Meghan's requirements for Princess Charlotte's bridesmaid dress

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle is finding Royal life 'DIFFICULT' claims expert - 'It's such a MINEFIELD' - Duration: 2:04.


Breaking Celeb News | Luis Severino, Yankees reach four-year, $40 million deal - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Luis Severino, Yankees reach four-year, $40 million deal - Duration: 2:53.


Breaking Celeb News | Joe Flacco has potential to 'fail miserably' with Broncos: ex-teammate - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Joe Flacco has potential to 'fail miserably' with Broncos: ex-teammate - Duration: 2:59.


Stone Cold Steve Austin reveals why he sees himself in Becky Lynch - Duration: 2:24.

 Stone Cold Steve Austin remains one of the biggest names in wrestling as a result of the following he gained during the Attitude Era

 The anti-establishment hero became the poster boy of the iconic period in WWE as a result of his memorable feud with owner Vince McMahon

 Irish superstar Lynch has now assumed a similar role, styling herself as "The Man" and recently being removed from her Wrestlemania title match with Ronda Rousey by McMahon

 The rivalry between Lynch and McMahon has seen her popularity amongst fans sky-rocket and made her arguably the biggest star of the women's roster

 Austin has now revealed he sees striking similarities between the Irish wrestler and his younger self

Read More Becky Lynch responds to Vince McMahon after WWE chief's shock WrestleMania 35 decision    "She does remind me a lot of myself," Austin said on Sirius XM radio

 "If you line up that women's roster and you line up that roster back in the day when I was still in the ring, and you said, 'hey, I need you to pick out my next breakout superstar

' I don't think your gonna pick out Becky Lynch and I damn sure know you wouldn't pick me out of that line-up

 "I've loved what she's done, I love what she's doing. Read More The Undertaker sends wrestling fans into meltdown as shock return is revealed    "I like her swagger

And she's the hottest thing going right now.  "She's not a person who's dwelling on this being the most athletic match in the world, she's a great worker in the ring, but it's character driven

 "'The Man' - I love this gimmick. If you're a young lady, calling yourself  'The Man' just like Ric Flair used to be - 'To be the man, you gotta beat the man'- but, this is a whole different entity with the way Becky presents it, and obviously, she's a female, it's an awesome gimmick and it's money

" Read More WWE news

For more infomation >> Stone Cold Steve Austin reveals why he sees himself in Becky Lynch - Duration: 2:24.


Why Maurizio Sarri is on the right path at Chelsea - Duration: 4:00.

 Maurizio Sarri is under intense pressure at Chelsea after a dismal start to 2019

 Looking set to be in title contention after a brilliant start to the new season under the manager, the Blues are now in danger of missing out on the Champions League altogether after winning two of their six league games since the turn of the year

 As bad as the 4-0 defeat at Bournemouth at the end of January was, it was to get even worse for the team as they were humiliated 6-0 at Man City last weekend

 Although he is now the favourite to be the next Premier League manager to lose his job, Marco Materazzi, who won the World Cup with Italy back in 2006, believes the club need to stick with the Italian

 The former defender has claimed the manager is on the right path in west London and he believes he could be the next Italian manager to win the club some more silverware

  "Will his lack of trophies stop Chelsea winning the Europa League? Well, he's performed and got fantastic results with small teams and with Napoli," the ex-Everton man told Eurosport

 "When you face Juventus, it's difficult for everyone to win.  "Napoli is an incredibly solid club at the moment, but it's not easy to be a coach there, but doing better than Sarri did with the club is incredibly hard

 "Sarri has had big teams like Napoli for just three or four years – it's not like you can take any team and can start winning straight away

 "I believe he is on the right path, and when you start winning, you never get tired of it

 "Sarri started well at Chelsea, then he had some problems, now he's on the right path and he's bought a fantastic striker in that he knows very well in Higuain

 "However, he has teams in front of him that are better, or better equipped, to win at the moment

 "I believe Manchester City are the best equipped team to win this league at the moment

 "Liverpool did great things in the Champions League last season and they have a great coach who has been there for two-and-a-half years and therefore knows English football better than Sarri at the moment

 "I hope Sarri's team can play well as his teams always have done.  "I hope his team can reach the top four because that would maybe mean the beginning of constructing something important for him at Chelsea

 "Chelsea is probably the most Italian club in England.  "Out of all the Italian coaches – Ancelotti, Ranieri, Sarri, Vialli – almost every one of them has won titles and I hope Sarri can win as well

 "Ranieri didn't win a trophy but he was decisive in building a great Chelsea.  "He made the semi-finals of the Champions League, for example

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Why Maurizio Sarri is on the right path at Chelsea - Duration: 4:00.


Wheels on the Bus | Best Sing Along Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:23.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The children on the bus will seat and talk

Seat and talk.. Seat and talk..

The children on the bus will seat and talk

All the way to school

The driver on the bus will drive safely

Drive safely Drive safely

The driver on the bus will drive safely

All the way to the school

The sign on the bus mean stop right there

Stop right there Stop right there

The sign on the bus mean stop right there

When we drive around

The light on the bus go blink blink blink

Blink blink blink Blink blink blink

The light on the bus go blink blink blink

When we get to school

The door on the bus will open for us

Open for us Open for us

The door on the bus will open for us

When we get to school

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

All through the town.

For more infomation >> Wheels on the Bus | Best Sing Along Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:23.


Man Utd news: Mauricio Pochettino 'could have agreed' to take charge - Brazil - Duration: 2:46.

 That's according to ex-United defender Derek Brazil, who reckons the Tottenham boss' appointment might already be a done deal

 Old Trafford chief executive Ed Woodward gave Ole Gunnar Solskjaer the nod after Jose Mourinho was axed in December

 Solskjaer was expected to return to Molde at the end of the season but has performed better than expected

 United have been on a stunning run of form domestically. However, they slumped to a 2-0 defeat against Ligue 1 giants PSG in the Champions League on Tuesday

 Brazil says the result proved Solskjaer still has plenty to prove. He also reckons Woodward might have already held talks with Pochettino over taking the reins

 "If anything it shows how far we are behind teams in Europe," he told Love Sport Radio

Mauricio Pochettino has been linked with Man Utd (Image: GETTY) "PSG have been building this team for two or three years to win the Champions League

 "You take the two players out last night but I think the two midfielders for them last night were outstanding

They were top class. "In terms of the manager situation with Solskjaer, it would have been a mistake, even before last night, to say 'here's the job'

 "If they say to him 'you can have the job', players may take their foot off the pedal

Man Utd caretaker boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has impressed in the Premier League (Image: GETTY) "Like I said on one of your other shows, when Mourinho was fired and there was speculation over who will come in to replace him, and Solskjaer was appointed until the end of the season, nobody knows whether they have already done a deal with Pochettino

 "He may have been asked straight away whether he wants the job, and he could have agreed to join at the end of the season

 "That would put United in a difficult situation." United face Chelsea in the FA Cup on Monday

Man Utd sacked Jose Mourinho in December (Image: GETTY) Solskjaer says his side will not panic despite their underwhelming Champions League performance

 "We still want to impose ourselves on games," said Solskjaer. "You don't panic because you have lost a game - it doesn't change the mindset

 "We need to keep working on the way we want to play."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Mauricio Pochettino 'could have agreed' to take charge - Brazil - Duration: 2:46.


Tin Hóng Hớt - Lời xin lỗi muộn màng của tài xế tát người phụ nữ chiều mùng 1 Tết: "Do tôi quá nóng - Duration: 3:04.

Những ngày gần đây, cộng đồng mạng đang dành rất nhiều sự quan tâm của mình tới vụ việc một bé trai khi sang đường không cẩn thận đã va vào xe của một người phụ nữ đang di chuyển, khiến cho chị này bị ăn tát oan từ người đàn ông ngay trong chiều ngày mùng 1 Tết

Người đàn ông sau hành động lỗ mãng trên đã bị cộng đồng mạng lên tiếng chỉ trích, thậm chí tìm tới tận nhà để "đòi lại công bằng" cho người phụ nữ đi xe máy

Thậm chí, anh này còn bị công an thị xã Long Khánh, tỉnh Đồng Nai mời lên làm việc nhưng không hề có mặt

Tuy nhiên mới đây nhất, trên mạng xuất hiện một đoạn clip, ghi lại cảnh người đàn ông công khai lên tiếng xin lỗi người phụ nữ đi xe máy vì hành vi bạo lực của mình trong ngày đầu năm mới, đồng thời cũng xin lỗi cộng đồng mạng vì đã có cách hành xử như vậy

Trong đoạn clip được đăng tải trên mạng xã hội, tài xế chiếc ô tô mang BKS 63A-052

** đã nhận rằng do quá nóng nảy nên mới dẫn tới hành động sai trái như vậy, đồng thời gửi lời xin lỗi tới tất cả mọi người

"Tôi là T. Hôm nay tôi lên đây để xin lỗi các anh em cộng đồng mạng và chị đi xe máy

Tôi đã có những hành động sai trái với chị, xin chị bỏ qua vì lúc đó quá nóng nảy

Con tôi có va vào xe của chị, nhưng tôi ở trong xe cũng không biết đúng sai, lại nóng quá nên tôi có chạy ra và tát vào mặt chị

Khi bạn bè đưa camera lên mạng thì tôi thấy mình quá sai nên hôm nay tôi chân thành gửi lời xin lỗi đến chị đi xe máy và mong chị tha thứ cho tôi

Tôi cũng mong cộng đồng mạng và các ngành an ninh báo chí và những người quan tâm đến sự việc này, mong mọi người bỏ qua cho tôi với lời xin lỗi chân thành

Riêng em gái đi xe máy, nếu tôi biết được em ở đâu thì tôi sẽ đến tận nhà em, trước là xin lỗi em, xin lỗi gia đình em và cha mẹ em

Nhân dịp năm mới, tôi đã làm mọi người buồn phiền, tôi cũng gửi lời chúc tốt đẹp trong năm 2019 đến mọi người, mong mọi người tha thứ và bỏ qua cho tôi"

Như đã đưa tin trước đó, sự việc trên xảy ra trên đường Nguyễn Tri Phương, phường Xuân An, thị xã Long Khánh (Đồng Nai) vào chiều mùng 1 Tết và đã được camera hành trình ghi lại

Theo đó, bé trai khoảng hơn 10 tuổi bước ra từ một chiếc xe ôtô 7 chỗ mang biển số 63A-052** để sang bên kia đường có việc

Sau khoảng vài phút, bé trai từ bên kia đường quay lại xe nhưng lại chạy ào ra đường và không quan sát 2 bên, nên một phụ nữ chở theo con nhỏ đang đi không xử lý kịp đụng phải

Vì người phụ nữ chạy chậm nên không có hậu quả gì xảy ra, bé trai đứng dậy và đi vào xe ôtô bình thường

Thấy cháu bé bị như vậy, người đàn ông trên ô tô đã không phân biệt phải trái, lao ra tát thẳng vào mặt người phụ nữ, thậm chí còn muốn tìm hung khí để tiếp tục đòi đánh tiếp người phụ nữ

  Danh tính và địa chỉ nhà của người đàn ông tát người phụ nữ trong đoạn clip cũng được  dân mạng tìm thấy sau đó

Vụ việc càng bị đẩy đi xa hơn khi ngày 6/2 tức mùng 2 Tết nhiều người tập trung tại nhà của người đàn ông trong đoạn video clip nhằm "đòi công bằng" cho người bị tát

 Tuy nhiên, thời điểm tìm đến nhà, chỉ có một người phụ nữ trong nhà và nói không biết sự việc vừa xảy ra, xe ôtô đã được cho mượn cùng ngày

  Sáng 7/2, công an phường Xuân An đã ghi nhận vụ việc, lập hồ sơ báo cáo lên Công an TX

Long Khánh để xử lý. Công an xác định tài xế trong đoạn clip là Nguyễn Thành T. (tự Đớm, ngụ P

Xuân Hoà). Cơ quan công an sau đó đã tiến hành mời tài xế T. lên trụ sở để làm việc, tuy nhiên, anh T

 không có mặt ở nơi cư trú nên công an chưa thể lấy lời khai làm rõ hành vi của tài xế

Theo lãnh đạo UBND phường Xuân An, T. đã tắt điện thoại và vẫn chưa lên trình diện

Nguồn: Tổng hợp YAN NEWS kính chúc quý độc giả một năm mới dồi dào sức khỏe, an khang thịnh vượng và như ý cát tường

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