Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2019

写真拡大    ン芸人ナンバーワン 定戦「R-1ぐらん り2019」準決勝 15日に大阪市中央 のなんばグランド花 で行われ、決勝進出 10人が決まった。 30人のネタを見た 者の本命は、昨年の M-1グランプリ」 制したお笑いコンビ 霜降り明星の粗品( 6)だ

  もし優勝すれば 上初の「M-1」「 -1」の2冠となる 「話題作りのために 品って言うんでしょ 」と言われそうだが それは真っ向から否 しておく。今年は2 戦、準々決勝、準決 と3回ネタを見たが 全て会場は爆笑だっ

  コンビで活動し いる芸人が「R-1 に出ると口をそろえ 「緊張しました」と う。出番前にしゃべ 相手がいないからか 舞台袖の雰囲気は「 ンと張り詰めた」と う慣用句がよく似合

「間違えたら誰も助 てくれない」「間を けないテンポで全て 分が話し続けなけれ いけない」などたく んの不安要素の中、 ツッコミとボケの役 分担がない」も違和 のひとつだろう

  コンビではツッ ミ担当の粗品はボケ 「フリップ」という パートナー"を選ん 。フリップにボケさ て自分がツッコむと うピン芸人の王道と ってもいいスタイル もともとピンで活動 ていた粗品にとって 関西の人気番組MB 「2012オールザ ツ漫才」で史上最年 の19歳で優勝した きの原点である

  色物が多い「R 1」の中で埋もれや いフリップ芸でも粗 は違う。霜降り明星 漫才の特徴のひとつ もあるが、ツッコミ ワードセンスが抜群 ぎる。  「なんで ねん!」「違うやろ 」といったツッコミ 抜群の間で言うだけ は「M-1」の決勝 も残れなかっただろ

「M-1」決勝1本 の冒頭。静止画のよ に止まってせりふを うせいやに渾身のツ コミ。  「ボラギ ールのCMか!」  「ん?」とちょっと えさせてから「あぁ るほど!」と思わせ と爆発的な笑いとな 、それまで重かった 場の雰囲気を一変さ た

このワードチョイス 、お客さんに考えさ ようとして理解でき い言葉を選んでは意 がないが、理解でき ギリギリラインを使 てくるのはさすがで る。  昨年のR- 王者・濱田祐太郎( 9)はフリ、ボケ、 ッコミを全部自分で る漫談スタイルで優 したが、個人的には ツッコミなしのボケ るスタイル」がR- には強いイメージが る

  代表格は16年 勝のハリウッドザコ ショウ(45)、1 年優勝のアキラ10 %(44)。さらに 16年準優勝の小島 しお(38)、17 準優勝のサンシャイ 池崎(37)といっ 面々だ

  ツッコミなしで ここで笑ってくださ 」とお客さんにサイ を出せる振り切った ケの持ち主。となる 今回、粗品のライバ は松本りんす(41 となるのか。くしく ザコシ、アキラと事 所が一緒だが…

  決勝は3月10 、フジテレビ系で午 7時から生放送。お い新世代、粗品の歴 的快挙の瞬間を見逃 な!     (わ なべ)

For more infomation >> 史上初のM-1&R-1の2冠へ! 霜降り明星・粗品の挑戦/芸能ショナイ業務話 - Duration: 5:22.


【1週間ダイエットチャレンジ7日目最終日】10分のアクションラストチャレンジで痩せる! - Duration: 10:50.

1 Week Diet Challenge. Day 7. Last day.

It is slightly difficult.

At first, from the step.

Hands above

Good attitude

Firm stomach consciousness.

It is the last day.

It's difficult, but let's do our best together

People who can not do lightly practice, please review.

It is OK.

Next will go next.

Let's firmly conscious of the upper body


Support your own weight

Next, without bending the knees, front, side, back

First from the front

It firmly supports. Do not bend your knees

Steps I did first. As I left my left foot, I left the left hand and returned.


Sounds good

Next, one-to-one

I'm out of breath


Twist dramatically

Hang in there

Next, it is kicking.

I did a raised leg before

Next time, give it as soon as possible, slowly lower it

Two more

front kick

Hold the knee, stretch it, hold it, hold it down

You do not have to get there soon.

You do not have to warp

In the end, turning kick

Front kick from the front. Roll kick from the side.

Thank you for your hard work!

It was a hard work for a week.

Continue to do our best

Sorry, I'm out of breath

Thank you for watching me for a week!

Well then

I also do business trip with Nerima station studio. Private diet gym ACTION STYLE (action style)

For more infomation >> 【1週間ダイエットチャレンジ7日目最終日】10分のアクションラストチャレンジで痩せる! - Duration: 10:50.


Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 118 - O Bem no Limite das suas Forças. - Duration: 4:06.

The Good at the Limit of Your Forces.

- To please God and secure his future position,

will it suffice for man not to do evil?

This is question 642 of "The Book of Spirits."

Spirituality in Drops

-Not; it is for him to do good at the limit of his strength,

because he will answer for the result of the evil

that has arisen in the function of the good not practiced.

It was the answer that the spirits gave to this throbbing question.

Kardec, when, in a given circumstance,

consulting a dream of Luther with paradise,

he saw himself out of his body in his sleep

and, taken by entities he did not perceive, angelic,

could plunge into a very dark, cold zone...

he heard groans, shouts, altercations, revolts...

It is the description that Humberto de Campos does

in the psychography of Francisco Cândido Xavier

that we are translating here to our tone.

And the coder asked:

- But where did these screams come from? Who are they? Are they the crucifiers?

The spirits who guarded the encoder said: - No!

- Are the emperors who determined the killings?

- Not! The spirits again stated negatively.

Then the encoder:

- So it was the genocides, Genghis Khan, Alaric ...

Thinking of those men who have borne great slaughter.

And the spirits said: - No!

Kardec posed new questions and because

all the answers were negative, he then asked:

- So, what is it? - Where did these moans come from?

- Who are those who suffer?

And the spirits said:

- These are they who knew the truth and the good, and did not practice.

It tells the spirit of Humberto de Campos that Allan Kardec

woke up that morning and formulated this question

that heads the theme of our program now.

It is not enough not to do evil; it is necessary

to do good at the limit of our forces,

because we will be held accountable for

everything that happens bad because

of the good we fail to do, that is,

we can not stay "sitting on the fence",

we can not stay in inertia by seeing

injustice , motionless, saying:

- "I am not doing injustice; ;

it is not I who are perpetrating evil;

it is not I who are violating,

establishing the violence ... ".

It is necessary to have an active position in the good;

good can not be timid and indifferent

to the circumstances that come to it.

We can not simply be someone

who witnesses the wrong done by others

and crosses his arms saying:

- "it is not I who are doing evil!".

We need to do all the good that is

within our reach, at the limit of our strength!

This is the invitation that Spiritism does to you and to all of us!

For more infomation >> Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 118 - O Bem no Limite das suas Forças. - Duration: 4:06.


Luta Livre 2 Mulheres e 1 homem SBT Repórter 1996 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Luta Livre 2 Mulheres e 1 homem SBT Repórter 1996 - Duration: 3:31.



For more infomation >> O COLETIVO DOS DRAGÕES - (MUITAS MUDANÇAS ESTÃO EM ANDAMENTO) - Duration: 4:30.


THE NOW UNITED SHOW: S2E1 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> THE NOW UNITED SHOW: S2E1 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 10:23.


fabio rocha - A rebelião de Lucifer (o diabo) - Duration: 10:23.

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ.

In the previous video I spoke about the reason behind the purpose of Lucifer's (the devil's) creation by God.

In the video I mentioned that Lucifer rebelled against God. Lucifer, a good angel created by God, rebelled at a certain point, and God has no other choice but to cast him and his followers out of Heaven.

From this, Hell was "created". Hell is just a consequence of this angelic rebellion (Satan and other angels who then became demons).

In this video I'm going to tell you the details of the angelic rebellion. Why did Lucifer rebelled against God? I'm going to provide the answer to that question.

If we go read Ezekiel 28:14 (and following verses) and also Isaiah 14:13-15, we see that Lucifer (who was in full communion with God), one day, began to think more highly of himself than he should.

He thought that he was smarter than God. Lucifer wanted to remove God from the His heavenly throne and sit there himself. According to these biblical passages that I just referred,

Lucifer apparently became so impressed with his own beauty, intelligence, power, and position that he began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged to God alone. The sin that corrupted Lucifer was self-generated pride.

We've had hear that pride is the chief sin of all other sins; pride is the root of all evils

There's a theory that many theologians believe which offers an explanation for the angelic rebellion.

They say that in their pre-fallen state the angels were given a foreknowledge of humans (who would be inferior to them), as well as a foreknowledge that God himself (the second Person of the Trinity) would be incarnated as a man and redeem the universe through his death on the cross.

This revelation angered Lucifer because it meant he and the other angels would have to worship God incarnate. Lucifer and the other angels who fell were so proud of being superior to men that their overweening arrogance wouldn't allow them to worship Jesus Christ the God-Man. This refusal stemmed from pride.

That, anyway, is the theologian's theory.

Lucifer thought that this divine plan was outrageous, it didn't fit in his own intelligence, hence he wanted to usurp God's throne so he can rule according to his mindset (which for him was better than God's).

Now, here's a question: Why didn't God forgave Lucifer?

Lucifer sinned by pride... Why didn't God forgave him so that everything would be problem-free?

Because in order to be forgiven, one first has to admit responsibility for wrongdoing, the guilt of their sins. When we recognize that we fell and then repent,

we can (and should) ask God for forgiveness, and He forgives us, we receive forgiveness. Since Lucifer is and has always been convinced that God is wrong, he will not forgive himself because he doesn't see a need to.

He is in a permanent state of rebellion against God. As I've mentioned, the angelic nature is far superior than ours... This entails that their intelligence is much more advanced than ours.

For an angel to fully understand something, the throughout knowledge comes to their minds like a thunder (it's instant). They can see the consequences very down the road; we sometimes don't see the far reach of the consequences of our actions.

Angels can see and know things throughout very quickly and very far into the future. Because of this, any decision of their will is definitive (they cannot go back on it).

When they understand something and they act upon that in a certain way, that's an action 'written in stone' for them. This is stemmed from angelology (i.e., theological study of angels).

God probably has forgiven Lucifer. He's a God of love, of forgiveness. It's just that Lucifer hasn't received this forgiveness (which probably won't ever receive in his heart).

Like I've said, Lucifer is and has always been convinced that God is wrong, he will not forgive himself because he doesn't see a need to.

On the other hand, we have no knowledge that God provided a plan of redemption for the angels as He did for mankind (for us, God sent us His only Son to die on the cross as divine cancellation of our debt that our offenses generated towards Him).

Now, did Jesus' sacrifice applies to the angelic realm? We don't know. We have no knowledge of angelic redemption plan.

Well, these are the details of Lucifer's rebellion. I hope you liked the video. You might ask, "Why is this knowledge so important?"...

Well, this angelic rebellion makes us ponder upon our own rebellions against God. How many times we wanted to take God's place? How many times we decided to do our own will in life?

How many times we thought that God is unjust?

"Why did God allow my dad to die in a car accident? Why God?... If I was God, I would've make things happen differently! God is unjust."

"Why did God allowed me to have cancer?"; "Why did God allowed me to marry this woman? I can't stand her anymore!"; "Why doesn't God help me have a better job?"; "Why do I have so many pains and aches?"...

All these murmurs and lamentations, complains... We're like Lucifer, we want to be God, we're smarter than Him. "If I was God, my life would've be so much better", you might say.

If we deeply think about our murmuring towards God and His plan, we're being Lucifer-alike. We tend to overview our personal history as not holy, unjust, a mistake. We start to think God is a monster,

that He doesn't know how to will real goodness towards you, that He doesn't answer your prayers, He doesn't pay attention to you, He refuses to make you happy. From this,

we start to live life without God in the picture: we just follow our own instinct, we just do our own will. Asking for the Lord's help stops, there's no more "Lord, what is your will for me? Send me a sign, guide me".

So don't think that, "Ah, those angels deserved Hell" because you know what, you and I deserve Hell too! But God didn't want us to end there, so He sent us Jesus Christ as a means for us to end up in Heaven in full communion with Him.

Compare the angelic rebellion with your own cases of rebellion against God. Don't just look at the war that was in Heaven in the past as something that doesn't affect us. The devil have us in his hands many times.

Remember that was him who tempted our forefathers Adam and Eve, "God said for you now to have the fruit of this tree? He said that because He knows that if you eat from this fruit, you'll be like Him, and He doesn't want that!" [cf. Genesis 3:1-5]

Adam and Eve caved in to the devil's lie and we have this tendency to think we are better than God or even better without Him in our lives. We want to be the 'god' of our lives.

That's why we see new movements, philosophies and ideas/ideologies like the New Age Movement. All of them basically say that we're the ones in control, we're the ones who can empower ourselves, etc.

It's all about our own will, our own strength. God has nothing to do with us.

I hope this video enlightened you in some way, I hope the message causes you to meditate about your life, your rebellions. I hope you're now able to clarify when someone asks you

"Why did God create the devil, and on what grounds did he rebelled?"

I hope you can bring clarity to that brother or sister in Christ. See you next week, God willing.

For more infomation >> fabio rocha - A rebelião de Lucifer (o diabo) - Duration: 10:23.


Lágrimas, aplausos y tristeza: el último adiós a Emiliano Sala en Progreso - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Lágrimas, aplausos y tristeza: el último adiós a Emiliano Sala en Progreso - Duration: 2:35.


Se la jugó: Pancho Saavedra pintó todo su cuerpo para vivir tradicional fiesta de Rapa Nui - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Se la jugó: Pancho Saavedra pintó todo su cuerpo para vivir tradicional fiesta de Rapa Nui - Duration: 1:50.


暖心!上海女排教練輸北京後爲劉曉彤披棉服:國家隊的必須保護好 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 暖心!上海女排教練輸北京後爲劉曉彤披棉服:國家隊的必須保護好 - Duration: 2:38.


La desesperación de Junqueras - Duration: 9:16.

 Hay muchas maneras de abordar el juicio que ha empezado a celebrarse en el Tribunal Supremo, pero todas ellas se pueden reconducir a dos géneros: la crónica teatral y la crónica de sucesos

El primero permite el vuelo de la pluma, el yo, la referencia erudita y el análisis psicológico de los personajes

Pero, no lo olvidemos, tras caer el telón, el actor que interpreta a Hamlet deja de estar muerto, se levanta de las tablas y se da una ducha

El segundo -si no se envilece copulando con la literatura- es prosaico, alérgico a la metáfora e impersonal; y si el cronista cuenta que Hamlet murió por una herida incisa producida por un objeto cortante que interesa un pulmón, sabemos que el pobre desgraciado ya no podrá soltar de nuevo su monólogo

 No sé qué pasará cuando los magistrados dicten su sentencia, pero como el juicio ha empezado por las declaraciones de aquellos que pueden ver gravemente afectada su vida por una muy larga temporada en prisión, uno habría esperado que se preocupasen por la realidad y no por interpretar otro capítulo más de ese tostón narrativo, de ese culebrón de cuernos, engaños, reproches y venganzas, enfáticos y ridículos, conocido como El procés

Pero no. Por un lado, hemos visto a un hombre, Junqueras, y a su abogado apuntarse a un guion que exigiría que los siete jueces fuesen siete actores contratados por TV3, en el que la -según los días- república fantasma y la -según los días- declaración virtual de independencia son un acto de amor y no de agresión

Los juristas huimos del derecho penal de autor, que mete en la cárcel al gitano, al negro, al pobre o, ahora, al hombre, por serlo

Y de su versión especular. No hay prueba más evidente de desesperación del abogado que el intento de convencer a un juez de que tu cliente ha sido toda su vida buena persona, honrado y ciudadano ejemplar, aunque a las 17

14 del 1 de octubre asesinase a su esposa apuñalándola treinta y cinco veces. Cuando Junqueras dice que siempre ha sido pacifista, que ama a España, que votar no es delito y que por eso esto es un juicio político, se apunta a la necia estrategia del maltratador que afirma «la quise y todo lo que hice, lo hice porque la quería»

 Intentar convencer al juez de que eres buena persona es pésima estrategia Por otro lado, hemos visto el comportamiento del acusado Forn -y de su abogado-, que pasó de puntillas sobre su biografía y se centró en discutirle al fiscal y a la abogada del Estado los hechos, dando una explicación, más o menos convincente, de por qué no deberían interpretarse tal y como se recogen en los escritos de las acusaciones

Esta aproximación permite al acusado utilizar las reglas que le favorecen: la presunción de inocencia y la necesidad de que los acusadores demuestren hechos concretos que además encajen sin estridencias en las descripciones de los códigos penales

Sí, Forn tiene en su contra que la experiencia nos indica que su versión esquizoide -que la mano derecha haga lo posible por votar, mientras la izquierda cumpla las resoluciones de los tribunales que ordenan que la votación no tenga lugar- es más fácilmente explicable como mendacidad: los secesionistas contaban con todo el aparato político y el poder coactivo en Cataluña, y con organizaciones afines dispuestas a la astucia y la resistencia frente a los garrulos españoles; no eran ciudadanos reuniéndose y protestando, sino los tipos al mando que en vez de cumplir con sus obligaciones ponían palos en las ruedas, como los polis corruptos que avisan al narco de la redada inminente

Pero Forn tiene a su favor que los jueces pueden creerlo mendaz y desobediente, y aun así comprar por convicción su discurso de que, por mendaz y desobediente que fuera, la violencia no alcanzó la intensidad precisa, no se dirigió concretamente al fin previsto en la norma que regula la rebelión y todo lo que hicieron no fue más que un esperpéntico teatro de marionetas destinado a engañar a los ilusos

 Veremos a qué camino de estos dos se apunta el resto de los acusados. Para saberlo, no nos sirve de mucho el análisis de las cuestiones previas que antecedieron a las primeras declaraciones

Los abogados defensores usamos todo lo que tenemos a mano y era lógica la denuncia de infracción de derechos, aunque se hiciese con la desmesura de afirmar que todas las libertades de la Constitución, salvo la petición, se habían violado, o que se mencionase la tortura por la supuesta desigualdad entre el detalle de las lesiones de los agentes de la policía nacional y guardia civil, y la ausencia de las de los ciudadanos que quisieron evitar su intervención

 Forn, sin embargo, dio explicaciones, utilizó las reglas que le favorecen Los abogados piensan en convencer a jueces extranjeros de lo chungo que es ser catalán en España, de lo peligroso que es defender el secesionismo, de que los jueces no son imparciales, de que Cataluña es una colonia, de que el pseudoreferéndum nació de la actividad de pobres ciudadanos perseguidos -y no desde el poder, con el aval y los medios del poder, y con la complicidad del poder- y de que la presunción de inocencia no está garantizada pues hay una secretaria de Estado algo bocazas

Es su apuesta y veremos su recorrido.  De momento, los parciales jueces fascistas del Estado autoritario antes conocido como España, se han tragado una larguísima homilía del acusado Junqueras, cuando podrían perfectamente haberle cortado y recordado que no se le juzga por haber estudiado Historia o por cantar el Virolai, que no solo no se le ha perseguido, sino que ha llegado al segundo puesto de representante de España en Cataluña, y que lleva décadas dándonos la brasa con eso mismo que reproducía en el juicio, lo que demuestra su escasa pertinencia

Y esos mismos jueces fascistas, en estos tres días, sólo le han leído algo la cartilla a los fiscales y a la abogada del Estado, cuando insistían en lograr de un acusado, no su declaración, sino la que se encontraba en la cabeza de los interrogadores

 En todo caso, esto no ha hecho más que empezar. Si se quiere respetar a ciudadanos aún inocentes a los que se juzga para saber si son culpables de delitos concretos, hablemos de hechos y de su prueba, de leyes, de reglas

Incluso, aunque ellos quieran hablar de unicornios.

For more infomation >> La desesperación de Junqueras - Duration: 9:16.


SANABAGUN.が新メンバーの加入を発表した。 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> SANABAGUN.が新メンバーの加入を発表した。 - Duration: 1:59.


宝塚歌劇団星組のトップスター・紅ゆずるとトップ娘役・綺咲愛里が退団することがわかった。 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 宝塚歌劇団星組のトップスター・紅ゆずるとトップ娘役・綺咲愛里が退団することがわかった。 - Duration: 1:40.


Lần Đầu Tiên Trong Đời Bói Bài | Đầu Năm Thầy Bảo Chưa Cần Xem Đã Thấy Đại Cát - Duration: 12:39.

For more infomation >> Lần Đầu Tiên Trong Đời Bói Bài | Đầu Năm Thầy Bảo Chưa Cần Xem Đã Thấy Đại Cát - Duration: 12:39.


Meghan Fashion - Meghan Markle and Harry to 'SEPARATE' from Kate and William as Cambridges face 're - Duration: 4:17.

 Meghan Markle and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, have been surrounded by persistent rumours of a break since sourced suggested the Duchess of Sussex reduced her sister-in-law to tears during a fitting for Princess Charlottes's flower girl dress last year

Royal insiders have dismissed claims of a break between the sisters-in-law, suggesting the real tension fuelling the rumours has historically been between Prince Harry and Prince William

E! News chief correspondent Melanie Bromley claimed the reported division plaguing the Sussexes and the Cambridges could soon deepen as William and Kate come to term with their future role within the Royal Family

  Speaking exclusively to, Ms Bromley said: "It's two women who are both going through changes that have actually to do with the brothers

 "William is facing the reality of his future role right now – it's heartbreaking to say but the Queen is 92 and that means there are going to be big changes in the monarchy in the next ten, maybe 15 years

 "That's a reality everyone is preparing for." In addition to facing the reality of being second in line to the throne, Wiliam and Kate have also to handle the pressure of raising their three children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis

Ms Bromley added Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are undergoing changes of their own as the pair are soon to welcome their first child

  READ MORE: Prince William's PROMISE to Princess Diana REVEALED: 'I will give it back when I am KING' She continued: "William and Kate have a different purpose than Harry and Meghan and that is definitely going to impact the future of the house of Cambridge and the house of Sussex

 "There are differences in general between these two families, new families with children coming into the picture and lots of changes

This fact is being portrayed as Meghan versus Kate." Ms Bromley added: "The idea that Kate somehow hasn't been welcoming to Meghan is completely unbelievable because if anyone understands what Meghan is going through is Kate

 "That Meghan has come in and she thinks she knows how to do things better is also unbelievable

" Last week five of Meghan Markle's friends attempted to counter the negativity directed at the Duchess of Sussex in an interview with People magazine

 One of Meghan's inner circle said: "Meg has silently sat back and endured the lies and untruths, we worry about what this is doing to her and the baby

  "It's wrong to put anyone under this level of emotional trauma, let alone when they're pregnant

" Royal historian Kate Maltby has urged Meghan and Harry to "walk away" from the Royal Family to escape media scrutiny

 Ms Maltby argued the monarchy cannot be made truly inclusive and suggested the Duchess and Prince Harry walk away

 Writing for CNN, she said: "The simple solution is to abolish an absurd and anachronistic system

 "If Meghan and Harry want to be truly radical, perhaps they should walk away completely

 "They could have no greater influence on Royal life than by denouncing it." Meghan and Harry married last May in a star-studded ceremony at Windsor Castle

For more infomation >> Meghan Fashion - Meghan Markle and Harry to 'SEPARATE' from Kate and William as Cambridges face 're - Duration: 4:17.


谣言! 刘伟伟因离婚时不知道杨幂怀孕而感到遗憾。 刘伟伟离婚后仍对杨幂有感情! 会发生什么? 真相让数百万粉丝流下眼泪! - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> 谣言! 刘伟伟因离婚时不知道杨幂怀孕而感到遗憾。 刘伟伟离婚后仍对杨幂有感情! 会发生什么? 真相让数百万粉丝流下眼泪! - Duration: 12:35.


史上初のM-1&R-1の2冠へ! 霜降り明星・粗品の挑戦/芸能ショナイ業務話 - Duration: 5:22.

写真拡大    ン芸人ナンバーワン 定戦「R-1ぐらん り2019」準決勝 15日に大阪市中央 のなんばグランド花 で行われ、決勝進出 10人が決まった。 30人のネタを見た 者の本命は、昨年の M-1グランプリ」 制したお笑いコンビ 霜降り明星の粗品( 6)だ

  もし優勝すれば 上初の「M-1」「 -1」の2冠となる 「話題作りのために 品って言うんでしょ 」と言われそうだが それは真っ向から否 しておく。今年は2 戦、準々決勝、準決 と3回ネタを見たが 全て会場は爆笑だっ

  コンビで活動し いる芸人が「R-1 に出ると口をそろえ 「緊張しました」と う。出番前にしゃべ 相手がいないからか 舞台袖の雰囲気は「 ンと張り詰めた」と う慣用句がよく似合

「間違えたら誰も助 てくれない」「間を けないテンポで全て 分が話し続けなけれ いけない」などたく んの不安要素の中、 ツッコミとボケの役 分担がない」も違和 のひとつだろう

  コンビではツッ ミ担当の粗品はボケ 「フリップ」という パートナー"を選ん 。フリップにボケさ て自分がツッコむと うピン芸人の王道と ってもいいスタイル もともとピンで活動 ていた粗品にとって 関西の人気番組MB 「2012オールザ ツ漫才」で史上最年 の19歳で優勝した きの原点である

  色物が多い「R 1」の中で埋もれや いフリップ芸でも粗 は違う。霜降り明星 漫才の特徴のひとつ もあるが、ツッコミ ワードセンスが抜群 ぎる。  「なんで ねん!」「違うやろ 」といったツッコミ 抜群の間で言うだけ は「M-1」の決勝 も残れなかっただろ

「M-1」決勝1本 の冒頭。静止画のよ に止まってせりふを うせいやに渾身のツ コミ。  「ボラギ ールのCMか!」  「ん?」とちょっと えさせてから「あぁ るほど!」と思わせ と爆発的な笑いとな 、それまで重かった 場の雰囲気を一変さ た

このワードチョイス 、お客さんに考えさ ようとして理解でき い言葉を選んでは意 がないが、理解でき ギリギリラインを使 てくるのはさすがで る。  昨年のR- 王者・濱田祐太郎( 9)はフリ、ボケ、 ッコミを全部自分で る漫談スタイルで優 したが、個人的には ツッコミなしのボケ るスタイル」がR- には強いイメージが る

  代表格は16年 勝のハリウッドザコ ショウ(45)、1 年優勝のアキラ10 %(44)。さらに 16年準優勝の小島 しお(38)、17 準優勝のサンシャイ 池崎(37)といっ 面々だ

  ツッコミなしで ここで笑ってくださ 」とお客さんにサイ を出せる振り切った ケの持ち主。となる 今回、粗品のライバ は松本りんす(41 となるのか。くしく ザコシ、アキラと事 所が一緒だが…

  決勝は3月10 、フジテレビ系で午 7時から生放送。お い新世代、粗品の歴 的快挙の瞬間を見逃 な!     (わ なべ)

For more infomation >> 史上初のM-1&R-1の2冠へ! 霜降り明星・粗品の挑戦/芸能ショナイ業務話 - Duration: 5:22.


【1週間ダイエットチャレンジ7日目最終日】10分のアクションラストチャレンジで痩せる! - Duration: 10:50.

1 Week Diet Challenge. Day 7. Last day.

It is slightly difficult.

At first, from the step.

Hands above

Good attitude

Firm stomach consciousness.

It is the last day.

It's difficult, but let's do our best together

People who can not do lightly practice, please review.

It is OK.

Next will go next.

Let's firmly conscious of the upper body


Support your own weight

Next, without bending the knees, front, side, back

First from the front

It firmly supports. Do not bend your knees

Steps I did first. As I left my left foot, I left the left hand and returned.


Sounds good

Next, one-to-one

I'm out of breath


Twist dramatically

Hang in there

Next, it is kicking.

I did a raised leg before

Next time, give it as soon as possible, slowly lower it

Two more

front kick

Hold the knee, stretch it, hold it, hold it down

You do not have to get there soon.

You do not have to warp

In the end, turning kick

Front kick from the front. Roll kick from the side.

Thank you for your hard work!

It was a hard work for a week.

Continue to do our best

Sorry, I'm out of breath

Thank you for watching me for a week!

Well then

I also do business trip with Nerima station studio. Private diet gym ACTION STYLE (action style)

For more infomation >> 【1週間ダイエットチャレンジ7日目最終日】10分のアクションラストチャレンジで痩せる! - Duration: 10:50.


I wanna post my new drawings (don't fite meh) - Duration: 0:15.


this meme is

Face Expression meme inspired by SlS and Quartelz 0w0

this always happen to me QwQ

OoOOOHHHmMm I'm a FanGuRlll

yey Bestiess

yeah bai

For more infomation >> I wanna post my new drawings (don't fite meh) - Duration: 0:15.


Jocko Willink: How To Overcome Fear - Duration: 2:01.

How you overcome fear.

The first thing you've got to realize is that most of

the fear that you have isn't a reality. It's just built up in your head. So what

you need to do to overcome your fear is to go and face it. Go and look at it. Go

on the attack. Move towards it. That's what you need to do if you're afraid of

something. Don't hide from it. The more you hide from it, the bigger it gets. The

scarier it gets. Don't allow that to happen.

Instead, confront it, face it and get after it.

I'll give you a really straightforward example: jumping out of an airplane. When

I was in the SEAL Teams, that's something that we had to do. The first time you

ever jump out of an airplane. It's a very unnatural thing to do. And if you have

any sense of self-preservation, you're gonna look at the open door of a moving

aircraft that's at 1,200 feet above the ground you're gonna think yourself "this

doesn't seem like a good idea." So it's a very unnatural feeling to think "I'm

gonna look at that door, I'm 1,200 feet above the ground I'm going 120 miles an

hour in an airplane and I'm supposed to step out this door and trust that this

cord on my back is gonna pull out this parachutes." Occasionally, someone will

freeze in the door. They will clamp on to the door and they don't want to go out.

It's the classic situation where they hesitated for that moment and that

moment grows and the fears grow and instead of doing what they're supposed

to do they end up being a no jumper and returning to the earth inside of the

plane. Which is not the way it's supposed to work. So what I learned to do is look

put all that stuff aside. There's the door. Guess what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna walk

towards that door. I'm gonna step out of it and I'm gonna get some.

For more infomation >> Jocko Willink: How To Overcome Fear - Duration: 2:01.


Real Madrid chose not to pursue Mauro Icardi, his wife & agent Wanda Nara, opening door for Chelsea - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Real Madrid chose not to pursue Mauro Icardi, his wife & agent Wanda Nara, opening door for Chelsea - Duration: 4:51.


Royal Az - William and Harry 'could ease tension by splitting royal household within weeks' - Duration: 2:43.

 Princes William and Harry are set to split their household within weeks, according to reports

  The siblings are thought to be forming separate courts before the birth of Harry's child with Meghan Markle , The Sunday Times says

 The paper adds it understands courtiers hope the formal move could 'ease tensions' between the two young royal couples

 The Times reported last October the princes were considering making a formal division of their joint household Kensington Palace, and now it reports this is finally going ahead

   William and Harry have shared the household for 10 years but now have differing royal responsibilities

 A source who reportedly knows the brothers told the paper: "William and Harry's double act has naturally been supplanted by the two couples and their families

"  There have been multiple reports of differences between the pairings of William and Kate and Harry and Meghan in recent months

  The Dukes reportedly had a falling out after Harry announced his engagement to  Meghan  last year

 According to one of their mutual friends, Harry didn't believe his big brother was making enough effort to welcome his new fiance into the family

  Meghan Markle's baby sets impressive new record - and it hasn't even been born yet     The pal said last November: "Harry felt William wasn't rolling out the red carpet for Meghan and told him so", reports  Vanity Fair

 "They had a bit of a fall out which was only resolved when Charles stepped in and asked William to make an effort

"   Rumours were further fueled by the news Meghan and Harry  would no longer be moving  into an apartment next door to Kate and William

  They are instead moving into Frogmore Cottage  in Windsor instead, after a refurbishment

 The couple's baby is reportedly due in March or April.

For more infomation >> Royal Az - William and Harry 'could ease tension by splitting royal household within weeks' - Duration: 2:43.


Good Queen mom make close with Dutches daughter | Queen grandma kiss Duke baby | Monkey Daily 2615 - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Good Queen mom make close with Dutches daughter | Queen grandma kiss Duke baby | Monkey Daily 2615 - Duration: 10:53.


ICE EATING ASMR - Pomegranate vs. Matcha ✅ - Duration: 2:03.

ICE EATING ASMR - Pomegranate vs. Matcha ✅

For more infomation >> ICE EATING ASMR - Pomegranate vs. Matcha ✅ - Duration: 2:03.


How to Form an LLC in Colorado - Duration: 4:16.

How to form an LLC in Colorado. If you are interested in starting an LLC in the

Centennial state, you're in good company. Colorado has one of the top economic

climates in the country with a strong culture of entrepreneurship and access

to venture capital. Every state has slightly different requirements

for forming an LLC. Follow along closely to learn the required steps for creating

your own limited liability company in the state of Colorado. There are two ways

to form an LLC in Colorado. You can form one yourself or you can hire a service

to do it for you. Let's start by looking at the five basic requirements to form

an LLC in Colorado on your own. One: Name your LLC. You'll need to choose a company

name that complies with Colorado naming requirements and do a name search on the

Colorado Secretary of State website to make sure the name isn't already taken.

You should go ahead and register the web domain for your business website and

email as well. Two: Choose a registered agent. Colorado requires that you

nominate a registered agent for your LLC who is your business's point of contact

with the state. The registered agent can be an individual within the company

including yourself or you can hire a professional service authorized to do

business in Colorado. Three: File the articles of organization. To register

your LLC, you will need to file the articles of

organization with the state of Colorado. This can be done at the secretary of state

website. You will need to state whether your LLC will be member-managed or

manager-managed. Member-managed means all members of the LLC manage the company.

This is good for small organizations where everyone is involved in the day-to-day

operations. The second option is manager-managed where individuals are appointed

to manage the LLC. This is appropriate for large organizations where not

everyone is involved in the day-to-day affairs of the business. Four: Create an

operating agreement. You should also create an operating agreement to

establish ownership terms and member roles.

This is an internal document for reference and does not need to be filed

with the state of Colorado. This foundational document is the core

of your LLC and will help you maintain your organization as well as further

establish your LLC as a separate legal entity. Five: Obtain an EIN. Lastly you'll

need to get an employer identification number or ein from the IRS, also known as

a federal tax identification number. Your EIN is like a social security number for

your LLC and is important for taxes and banking. EINs are free of charge and

can be obtained from the IRS online or through the mail.

And with that you have formed a Colorado LLC on your own. Option Two: Hire a

Professional Service. The second way to create a Colorado LLC is to hire a

professional service to create your LLC for you. Hiring a professional service to

file your forms and act as your registered agent for the LLC will cost

you an additional fifty to one hundred and fifty dollars. However there are

several benefits to working with a pro. A hired registered agent helps with

getting your reports filed on time, helps you stay organized by keeping your

business mail separate and is available at all regular business hours to accept

official mail and legal papers on your LLC's behalf. A final and important

additional benefit of using a service is privacy. A professional service will

provide a level of privacy by withholding your personal name and home

address from the LLC's contact information. There are many reasons you

might not want your personal information easily accessible and associated with

your business. Hiring a professional LLC formation service is an easy way to

accomplish this. Now that you have seen the different requirements and ways you

can form an LLC in Colorado, visit our site and take some time to research your

options and establish a solid foundation for your business activities. Click on

the links in the description below to research the top five professional

formation services or get more information on how to form a Colorado

LLC on your own. We offer a host of free templates and tools to help accelerate

your small business from operating agreements to business plans, all free of charge.

Visit us at

For more infomation >> How to Form an LLC in Colorado - Duration: 4:16.


Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:54.

 Getting real. (nee Baldwin) admitted that getting married to at such a young age is a daunting prospect

 'It's definitely scary to be this young and be married," she said during an appearance on episode four of 's Zaza World Apple radio show on Thursday, February 14

"I think the forever aspect for me is just like, you don't think about that until you get married

And then you're like, OK, this is really, like, this is forever. Meaning, like, there is no end

"  For the model, 22, it's been a particularly strange adjustment due to her lack of dating experience

'[I'm] somebody who was never really in any serious relationships. Going from there to that, to that, to married

"  She continued: "I've always been so independent. So for me, trying to cohabitate with someone and learn how to, like, do life with another person, that directly has just been interesting

It's so different. When you're single you literally don't have to think about anything else

You think about your family, because it's your family. And you know, you love them

You think about your parents, siblings, whatever … But I think that's also what it's like when you're in a serious relationship … You have to consider another person

"  Still, Hailey, concedes that marriage has its perks. "It's a scary thing, but it's also the person that I've literally been in love with for so many years

So, that's the best part about it. Like, I feel like he's my best friend. And we just get to do life together forever, now

"  The Calvin Klein face concluded, "I think when you're with somebody all the time and you've been in a long term relationship, the only thing that changes is you've just made a commitment

To, like, have to work things out … And it feels great. … [The] most certainty you can have in a relationship is marriage

'  Two days prior, the music video vixen voiced a similar sentiment to Bustle, telling the website that being a wife "took some getting used to, for sure

It's definitely strange. It takes adjusting."  Hailey also told show hosts Jenner, 23, and on Thursday that she and the musician are still dealing with issues that have happened in the past

"Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through," she said

 The Grammy winner, 24, previously admitted in Vogue's March cover story that he has some demons in his closet

"I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed," he said

"Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing

"  A source told Us Weekly in February that the Drop the Mic host has been the "Baby" singer's rock throughout his struggles

"They don't have problems — it's Justin who does," the insider told Us. "He has anxiety and a lot of big issues that make it difficult for him to function on a daily basis

And he's so reliant on Hailey."  Hailey said her "I dos" to Justin in a New York City courthouse three months after they rekindled their romance in June

The pair previously dated from 2015 to 2016.

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:54.




Carefully check your vacation purchases before heading to the airport

You never know when they may end up containing human-

skull fragments. Passengers in Ft. Lauderdale were seriously

delayed in 2013 when the clay pots they'd checked in their luggage

were found to contain fragments of human skull. According to the

TSA, the flyers claimed they didn't realize that their souvenirs came

with bonus body parts inside. The pieces weren't considered a



10 Real Transforming Vehicles You Didn't Know Existed - Duration: 16:16.

For more infomation >> 10 Real Transforming Vehicles You Didn't Know Existed - Duration: 16:16.


Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:59.

 Getting real. (nee Baldwin) admitted that getting married to at such a young age is a daunting prospect

 'It's definitely scary to be this young and be married," she said during an appearance on episode four of 's Zaza World Apple radio show on Thursday, February 14

"I think the forever aspect for me is just like, you don't think about that until you get married

And then you're like, OK, this is really, like, this is forever. Meaning, like, there is no end

"  For the model, 22, it's been a particularly strange adjustment due to her lack of dating experience

'[I'm] somebody who was never really in any serious relationships. Going from there to that, to that, to married

"  She continued: "I've always been so independent. So for me, trying to cohabitate with someone and learn how to, like, do life with another person, that directly has just been interesting

It's so different. When you're single you literally don't have to think about anything else

You think about your family, because it's your family. And you know, you love them

You think about your parents, siblings, whatever … But I think that's also what it's like when you're in a serious relationship … You have to consider another person

"  Still, Hailey, concedes that marriage has its perks. "It's a scary thing, but it's also the person that I've literally been in love with for so many years

So, that's the best part about it. Like, I feel like he's my best friend. And we just get to do life together forever, now

"  The Calvin Klein face concluded, "I think when you're with somebody all the time and you've been in a long term relationship, the only thing that changes is you've just made a commitment

To, like, have to work things out … And it feels great. … [The] most certainty you can have in a relationship is marriage

'  Two days prior, the music video vixen voiced a similar sentiment to Bustle, telling the website that being a wife "took some getting used to, for sure

It's definitely strange. It takes adjusting."  Hailey also told show hosts Jenner, 23, and on Thursday that she and the musician are still dealing with issues that have happened in the past

"Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through," she said

 The Grammy winner, 24, previously admitted in Vogue's March cover story that he has some demons in his closet

"I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed," he said

"Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing

"  A source told Us Weekly in February that the Drop the Mic host has been the "Baby" singer's rock throughout his struggles

"They don't have problems — it's Justin who does," the insider told Us. "He has anxiety and a lot of big issues that make it difficult for him to function on a daily basis

And he's so reliant on Hailey."  Hailey said her "I dos" to Justin in a New York City courthouse three months after they rekindled their romance in June

The pair previously dated from 2015 to 2016.

For more infomation >> Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:59.


Anthony Davis Trade Talk: Pelicans Star Says Celtics Are on Wish List | - Duration: 5:26.

Anthony Davis Trade Talk: Pelicans Star Says Celtics Are on Wish List |

The early rumors involving a potential Anthony Davis trade pointed to the star forward not having interest in the Boston Celtics as a long-term home.

Apparently, that wasn't quite the case and Davis cleared that up during NBA All-Star weekend.

As Media Day for the All-Star Game got underway, it wasn't surprising that one of the first questions the New Orleans Pelicans big man was asked involved his potential trade.

And as ESPN's Tim Bontemps revealed, Davis didn't hold back when addressing the topic of the Celtics by stating that they are on indeed on his wish list of potential teams.

Anthony Davis is asked about the Boston Celtics not being on his list.

"They are on my list." — Tim Bontemps (@TimBontemps) February 16, 2019    .

Bontemps also quoted Davis as saying that "they were never not on my list," a statement he repeated multiple times.

It's an eye-opening comment from the NBA star, whose request to be moved from the Pelicans grabbed the bulk of the attention prior to the NBA trade deadline.

While the team opted against shipping him out of town before the deadline, instead choosing to wait for the offseason, a big reason was believed to be due to the Celtics.

Celtics' Jayson Tatum Key to Anthony Davis Trade.

It's been said multiple times that one reason why the Pelicans decided against trading Davis before the end of the year was so they could receive a formal offer from the Celtics.

Due to the Rose Rule, Boston can't acquire Davis via trade and have he and Kyrie Irving on the roster this season, and it can't happen until the guard becomes a free agent.

But as Fletcher Mackel of WDSU revealed previously, the Pelicans have an interest in Jayson Tatum and believe they can land him in a potential deal for Davis.

This is certainly realistic and a deal with Tatum should have a serious chance at panning out in the offseason, but it's unknown exactly what the Celtics could be willing to offer at this point.

Can Celtics Top Lakers' Huge Offers?.

This is the million dollar question, but if Danny Ainge and company do opt to go all-in on Davis, which is expected, it will certainly be a huge trade offer.

Especially considering there was chatter that the Los Angeles Lakers offered Lonzo Ball, Brandon Ingram, Kyle Kuzma, Josh Hart, Ivica Zubac, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and two first-round picks.

That deal was obviously declined by the Pelicans, and it was later revealed by ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski that they wanted a "historic haul of picks" which includes four first-rounders.

  The Pelicans haven't countered the Lakers' offers but do have expectations that Johnson will overwhelm them with young players and a historic haul of draft picks.

To New Orleans, that means four first-round and second-round picks as part of a trade package, league sources told ESPN.

For good measure, Davis did confirm that both the Lakers and New York Knicks are on his list of preferred destinations, calling those reports "true," as Mike Singer of the Denver Post revealed.

The offers from Los Angeles will look different during the offseason due to players who are set to become free agents, but they will still have little trouble creating one of the best packages of the bunch.

READ NEXT: Mavericks Rumors: Julius Randle 'Very Much' Wants to Play for Dallas.

For more infomation >> Anthony Davis Trade Talk: Pelicans Star Says Celtics Are on Wish List | - Duration: 5:26.


Bản tin Horoscope - Người vợ đập cốc trà sữa vào mặt bồ của chồng lên tiếng sau khi clip đánh ghen - Duration: 2:30.

Mới đây, trên mạng xã hội xuất hiện một clip vợ đi đánh ghen khi phát hiện chồng đang ôm ấp người phụ nữ khác trong quán trà sữa

Cụ thể, hai người đang ngồi tâm sự thì chị vợ bất ngờ xuất hiện bắt quả tang tại trận

Bất chấp đang bầu bí, người vợ lao đến giật tóc, đánh nhiều cái vào đầu cô gái đang ngồi cạnh chồng

Đỉnh điểm là chị vợ còn cầm cốc trà sữa trên bàn đập vào đầu cô bồ nhí. Đi cùng hành động, cô vợ còn chửi mắng chồng và bồ nhí thậm tệ

Bị bắt tại trận, người chồng đến ôm vợ ngăn cản. Trong khi cô bồ nhí im re, nép vào một góc và lấy tay ôm đầu che mặt để tránh bị quay camera

Ngay khi xuất hiện clip đã nhận được rất nhiều quan tâm. Đáng chú ý, cư dân mạng tinh ý nhận ra nam chính trong clip chính là chàng trai từng được mệnh danh "người chồng quốc dân" khi cách đây 3 năm, anh từng lên mạng xã hội chia sẻ dòng tâm sự xót xa khi phải chứng kiến vợ trải qua những ngày tháng sinh nở vất vả

Theo một số nguồn tin, anh chồng trong đoạn clip là Đ.Đ.T và chị vợ tên H.A.T. Cũng chính câu chuyện tình cảm động của họ qua lời kể của anh chồng từng khiến nhiều người ngưỡng mộ

Khi tin đồn đến tai, cặp đôi đã lên tiếng. Khẳng định sự việc trên xảy ra là đúng, tuy nhiên người vợ cho biết chuyện này đã là quá khứ và chị đã tha thứ cho anh từ lâu

Hiện tại, họ đã hòa giải và cùng nhau tập trung chăm lo cho tổ ấm gia đình. Yolo Vụ hot girl Bắc Ninh bị đánh ghen hắt 2 lít mắm tôm lên người: Nhiều thông tin trái ngược

For more infomation >> Bản tin Horoscope - Người vợ đập cốc trà sữa vào mặt bồ của chồng lên tiếng sau khi clip đánh ghen - Duration: 2:30.


Shawn Mendes takes off for Calvin Klein underwear campaign! | Shawn Mendes, shirtless, underwear [Ho - Duration: 1:52.

Shawn Mendes fans are over for the new photos he's just taken from his underwear campaign for Calvin Klein !  !  !  ! Only his boxer briefs for the hot new #MyCalvins campaign

Shawn published the pictures in the social media after the fans saw his posters hanging in some stores

PHOTOS: Take a look at the latest pictures of Shawn Mendes  . This is not the first time we've seen Shawn shirtless for a while

Previously, he had shown his hot body in a Flaunt title page shoot. Shawn was annoyed that more would come out of the campaign, so we can not wait!  ] "

@ CalvinKlein #MyCalvins. Campaign comes this week, "he tweeted . Like Just Jared Jr

at FB Source link

For more infomation >> Shawn Mendes takes off for Calvin Klein underwear campaign! | Shawn Mendes, shirtless, underwear [Ho - Duration: 1:52.


It didn't take long for NFL players to blast a controversial call - Duration: 2:01.

 The officiating crew at the 2019 Super Bowl is under more scrutiny than ever after an egregious missed call at the end of the NFC championship game helped the  Rams secure their spot in Atlanta, and it only took a few minutes for the refs to make a controversial decision in the first quarter

 On a 2nd-and-14 play during the Patriots' second offensive drive of the game, quarterback Tom Brady dumped the ball off to Rex Burkhead – who was immediately tackled by Nickell Robey-Coleman

Don't hit each other too hard, guys! 15-yard penalty for footballing. pic.twitter

com/3cY034H41l  — Cameron DaSilva (@camdasilva) February 3, 2019    It was a bang-bang play – but officials deemed the tackle an illegal hit

Although the incorrect player was announced, Robey-Coleman was flagged for personal foul for hitting a defenseless receiver

 Many NFL players couldn't believe the call. Terrible personal foul call 🤦🏾‍♂️ give him a chance to see you? I'm so confused  — Eddie Royal (@EddieRoyalWR) February 3, 2019   Hey that's a BS reason to call a flag… how many times have we seen defensive players be there on time… Idk man  — Dez Bryant (@DezBryant) February 3, 2019   First terrible call of the game

 — Sage Rosenfels (@SageRosenfels18) February 3, 2019   Here we go again ? Can't be on 23 ?  — Chris Harris (@ChrisHarrisJr) February 3, 2019    Instead of facing a 3rd-and-very-long situation deep in their own territory, the Patriots got an automatic first down and moved up 15 yards to the 35-yard line

The Patriots extended the drive and put themselves in position to get on the board, but kicker Stephen Gostkowski missed a 46-yard field goal

Gallery The last time every NFL team played in a Super Bowl view 30 images

For more infomation >> It didn't take long for NFL players to blast a controversial call - Duration: 2:01.


吴京四句话打脸冯小刚、姜文,并透露支持《流浪地球》原因 - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 吴京四句话打脸冯小刚、姜文,并透露支持《流浪地球》原因 - Duration: 8:09.


Liverpool youngster reveals reaction to being named in Steven Gerrard's book - Duration: 3:30.

 Take it as read. Doncaster Rovers loan star Herbie Kane is a midfielder with a great future

  Just ask Steven Gerrard who was his boss at the Liverpool Academy and who waxed lyrically about Kane in his world-wide read autobiography

 Gerrard name-checked Kane, now 20, as a young player with a successful career ahead of him

 And Kane, who pretended to be Gerrard playing football in the back garden, is ready, willing and able to live up to his hero's high expectations

  Kane will hopefully get to prove Gerrard's point playing for adopted club Rovers against Crystal Palace in the FA Cup fifth round

Read More Adrien Rabiot 'picks his next club' amid Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham interest  He said of his book mention: "I was pleased and quite shocked

I can't remember who told me about it first. I went out and got the book myself.  "My nan also bought the book herself as well

She got it just for that. I was pleased. Someone speaking about me as high as a player he was, I couldn't believe it

 "When I was younger being a midfielder, he was the kind of person I looked up to growing up

Just from his goals and the way that he played.  "Yes, that's who I looked up to

And I joined Liverpool because I felt good when I went there. It felt more like home and that's why I went there

 "The only memory I had was when I was little and Liverpool played against Luton in the FA Cup

Then Steven Gerrard was the manager of the under 19s. Read More Liverpool legend names unsung hero who should be first name on Jurgen Klopp's teamsheet  "He would give me advice and tips if I asked

He was very approachable and he was a good help for everyone."  Gerrard wasn't Kane's only admirer at Liverpool

Everyone connected with the club thinks he has a real future and proved that by getting him to sign a new three-and-a-half year contract last month

 That stopped half a dozen Championship clubs from pursuing him in the January window with Kane seriously impressing in his loan season at Doncaster

 But wouldn't Kane have been happier joining his Liverpool team-mates at their Marbella training ground last week instead of battling in the FA Cup under boss Grant McCann?  No chance

 Kane added: "I would 100 per cent rather be in the FA Cup. I'm trying to win something rather than being out in a training camp

I want to win.  "That's what I'm looking for. And I would probably say it's the biggest game of my career

But I don't really look into it too much.  "I just go out there and play and try and win

I'm not interested in who we are playing or anything like that. I just focus on myself and our team

 "I couldn't tell you who I play like. You would have to ask someone who has watched me

I would say I have got technique and I can run.  "I'm box-to-box. I like defending and I like attacking

I was tempted by the interest in me because I want to challenge myself and I want to get higher up the league

 "But I'm playing here and doing well. The manager trusts me. I want to try and get Doncaster promoted so I'm happy to stay here

"   Kane, though, is highly ambitious and after watching his pal Trent Alexander-Arnold play in last season's Champions League Final against Real Madrid , he would love to be alongside his team-mate again

 He said: "I was pleased for him. He's taken every chance he's had so fair play to him

Hopefully I can join him soon. He's showed what he's capable of and I'm looking to do that maybe in a different way

 "Seeing people from the academy getting their chance gives me belief and hopefully I will be able to join them soon

"   The irony is not lost on his growing band of admirers that his initials mirror Harry Kane

But this HK has only met the England and Tottenham namesake briefly – literally.  Kane added: "Yes, I have seen him once at St George's Park when he was on England duty and so was I

I think he was getting into an ice bath……" Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> Liverpool youngster reveals reaction to being named in Steven Gerrard's book - Duration: 3:30.


外媒:烏克蘭買了100輛坦克,想要戰鬥力更強? - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> 外媒:烏克蘭買了100輛坦克,想要戰鬥力更強? - Duration: 7:41.


Destiny 2: Improving Crimson Doubles // Ascendant Nomad - Duration: 9:31.

I want to preface this video by saying I am not a game developer, I have no experience

making games, only playing them.

I expect you, the viewer, to take my opinions with a grain of salt and question them,

as you would with anyone unqualified to talk on a certain subject matter.

Crimson Doubles, to me, is a broken game mode and is simply not fun.

Hello everyone, welcome back to the channel.

My name is Ascendant Nomad and I'm going to be giving my thoughts on Crimson Doubles as

a game mode.

I mean, what the hell right?

We've all got a voice and based off the reaction from my last video, people like what I have

to say.

Well, some people at least.

So I thought I'd go for it.

I don't want to just talk claptrap.

I don't want to be another toxic voice in a sea of salt and anger, especially after

yesterday's announcement that trials is effectively shelved for the foreseeable future.

I want to offer solutions to problems and I want to be balanced, as balanced as I can be giving any kind of opinion.

Because I don't believe in validating one-sided arguments.

Even if it all does fall on deaf ears, and nobody really cares, people moving on to the next big thing...

I still have to try to make my points known.

So here goes.

Crimson Doubles to me, is not great. It's broken.

But I don't think it's a lost cause.

There are a lot of great aspects to the game mode and it does bring out the spirit of Valentine's

Day quite well.

Here's some things I like about the game mode.

Number one - there's a heavy emphasis on teamwork, as there's a debuff called "drifting apart"

which reveals your location to the enemy if you drift too far apart from your teammate.

You have to be close and in sync with your partner's movements.

It's almost like a forced, social interaction which is also a game mechanic.

Like a mechanical way to play socially.

Which I really dig!

Number two - because of this forced teamwork, you have the opportunity to really dovetail

with your partner.

Synchronized movements, engagements and kills are all incredibly satisfying, and when it does happens

there's no sense of "I" did that, it's "WE" did that.

It feels good, and builds trust in your partner.

Achieving something, big or small, with someone helps to further the connection that you have with them,

just like a real relationship.

Number three - doubles in general.

It's a nice change of pace, and welcome return to the playlist selection.

Rumble and quickplay were getting old.

The format of 2v2 is supremely underrated, in my opinion,

and it was one of my favourites whenever it came around in Destiny 1.

Now, having said all that, I believe the problems outnumber the positives.

Here's what I didn't like.

Number one - the spawn system is absolutely screwed up for doubles, especially on the

bigger maps.

If you or your teammate dies, you'll be put in the spawn that's the furthest distance

away from the average position of your two opponents.

Now I don't know exactly how the spawn system works,

this is just based off my observations over the last 5 years of playing Destiny,

because this system has been present since Destiny 1, and it's never been great.

It's shortcomings are made a whole lot worse in Crimson Doubles.

By the time you respawn, your teammate has most likely died or is about to die.

Usually, it's because it's almost impossible to hold your own against two people.

No matter how skilled you are.

And also because the Vengeful buff is about as useful as a cat flap in an elephant's house.

Speaking of which...

Number two - the buff you get when your teammate goes down, Vengeful, doesn't do nearly enough

to make you feel like you can overcome two players, especially if they're good.

Boosted weapon handling and increased movement doesn't do anything against a co-ordinated

two-man attack.

Number three - with the "reunited" buff that you get when you're with your teammate, your

abilities charge a lot quicker.

This basically devolves every single firefight into and exchange of grenades

and the first engagement is almost always decided by who threw the better nades.

Because of this, you see a lot of double-grenade exotics being equipped and abused.

Shinobu's Vow with Skip Grenades that have a longer shelf life than Spam itself are particularly

egregious and obnoxious to play against.

Actually using your gun feels like it's now secondary.

Number four - heavy.

For the duration that the rounds are, you can very easily stretch your heavy usage until the round

is over, especially if you have a machine gun.

The amount given for heavy in Crimson Doubles is the same as Quickplay, but we have approximately

one third the opponents to face.

You do the maths.

This allows for some pretty horrible steamrolling experiences.

Competitive was already plagued by over-reliance on heavy spawns.

In Crimson Doubles, in order to win, you have to get heavy.

End of story.

So those are my complaints.

What about the solutions?

Fortunately, with an experience as unpleasant as Crimson Doubles, almost anything one can

suggest would probably improve it.

The question is what do we want Crimson Doubles to be?

Do we want it to be some half-baked, throwaway game mode used sparingly once a year to mark

Valentine's Day?

Or do we want it to be something that feels unique, something people look forward to,

something that truly celebrates partnership?

I know which one I'd rather, and assuming you all want the latter too, here's my suggestions

to helping achieve that.

Number one: either remove heavy entirely or reduce heavy amount drop to approximately

half of what it does right now.

2 grenade launcher ammo.

25 bullets of Machine Gun or less.

1 Wardcliff rocket.

If we want to reward skilled interplay and teamwork, reducing the amount of things in

the game mode that could prevent that is essential.

And besides, there's absolutely no reason for me to have 47 machine gun bullets for 2

opponents in a 2 minute round. That's madness.

Number two: retune the re-united buff to favour health recovery rate and get rid of the accelerated

ability recharge rate that it is now.

Let there be a small boost to whatever recovery value you're using, i.e. if you're running

a 4 recovery hunter, your recovery is boosted to 6 with reunited.

If you run a 10 recovery Warlock, your maximum recovery is now 12.

This may cause issues with protracted firefights, but that's what teamwork is for.

Work for the kill, instead of working to stay behind cover and throwing grenades every 5 seconds.

It would make the firefights a lot more intense, a lot more co-ordinated and a lot more reliant on your teammate.

Number three: grant bonus super energy per kill and assist if both of you downed someone.

This one is pretty simple - both of you should get involved with the kill.

The downside to this is that you could get your super WAY before they do.

You might have full super while they've barely got a third.

But honestly, that's gonna happen anyways if you kill them more than they kill you.

Number four: the Vengeful buff should keep the current ameliorations - the accelerated movement

and weapon handling, but there should also be a damage boost to go with it.

Make it like a rambo mode, emulating rage.

Rage for your fallen loved one.

Hell if it makes it easier, think of it as "John Wick" mode

and your partner is the dog.

BUT give it a stricter time limit - 10 seconds of going full Rambo with the damage boost and

accelerated movement and weapon handing?

That's enough to wipe the other team twice.

So maybe just make it active for half that time?

That way, it forces combat in a purposeful and meaningful way.

Like I said, I'm no game developer, but I love Destiny and I love playing it.

I would absolutely adore it if they address some of these problems,

or if we just got a fully stripped down, classic Doubles mode.

I hope my suggestions resonate with you and, optimistically, on one or two of the developer

team too.

Thumbs up if you liked this video, subscribe if you loved it, make sure to hit that bell

to be part of the notification squad.

Hit me up with your comments below - what are your thoughts on Crimson Days?

Is it a good event? Could it be better? What are your thoughts?

Also, join the discord server if you just wanna chat more about Crucible, improvement or this video.

Before we wrap up, a quick word now from this channel's sponsor, Bountey.

Bountey is the game changing platform that allows fans to support their favourite creators

by helping pay for content that they want to see.

Submit ideas to your favorite creator, and vote for the best ideas from their community

with your wallet.

The creator chooses the idea they likes best, makes the content and gets paid for it.

Content for the fans, by the fans.

To learn more, click the link in the video description below.

And that's it from me.

Normal service will resume with the next video being a Crucible Doctor video, I promise.

Keep an eye out for that one, it's gonna be juicy.

Once again, I'm Ascendant Nomad, and I'll catch you in the next one.


For more infomation >> Destiny 2: Improving Crimson Doubles // Ascendant Nomad - Duration: 9:31.


GRAVITAPPER Gameplay - Casual Arcade Game for iOS - Duration: 6:06.

Hello everyone to Big Paw Gaming!

Gravitapper is a casual arcade game that focuses on beating high-scores

and competing against global players.

It is a simplistic game where you have to run the ball through a cave

and avoid it hitting the walls while collecting another lost balls

for extra points.

The levels are randomly generated, so each time you play, it will feel a bit different.

Are you able to beat your previous record?

The graphics are very simple but they work here fine.

The music is hypnotic, putting your focus on the game.

I managed to hit pretty good score of over 12k within the first few minutes of gameplay.

How about you?

If you want to try it, the links are in the description below.

For the score, I give the game 4/10.

While I like it has very small amount of ads, it just missing content for now.

Hopefully devs will add that (they mentioned it that they plan to)

and the score could potentially be as high as 6-7.

I hope you like this video and watch it to the end.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.

Remember to hit the subscribe button to stay tuned for newest mobile game reviews.

Thanks for watching!

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