Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2019

video funny

For more infomation >> Aprende Los Colores Un Jefe En Pañales Y Baby Shark - Alien Dame Tu Cosita Part 30 - Duration: 5:23.


Sorprendida por el talento y la belleza de Angela Aguilar. - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Sorprendida por el talento y la belleza de Angela Aguilar. - Duration: 3:17.


Suenan campanas de boda para Kiko Matamoros y su nueva novia - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Suenan campanas de boda para Kiko Matamoros y su nueva novia - Duration: 2:23.



For more infomation >> +57 300 331 1654 . WHATSAPP .REGRESOS Y AMARRES DE PAREJAS CON ALTA MAGIA NEGRA! - Duration: 1:50.


El inesperado romance entre Diego Leuco y Sofía Morandi - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> El inesperado romance entre Diego Leuco y Sofía Morandi - Duration: 2:14.


Pablo Casado promete al PP olvidarse del aborto y moderar su discurso - Duration: 14:04.

 «Somos centristas y moderados. Ahora toca dar una imagen institucional y tranquila»

Una vez que su gran objetivo de adelantar las elecciones se ha hecho realidad, el PP quiere cambiar el chip y pasar de la oposición más beligerante a un tono constructivo y fiable

A poco más de dos meses de las generales, los populares creen que están a tiempo de calmar los ánimos y llevar el debate político desde los exabruptos de las últimas semanas hacia el eje de la gestión gubernamental

Pero para eso tienen que virar apresuradamente al centro, en menos de 70 días. El presidente del partido, Pablo Casado, cree que el frenesí político que ha desembocado en la convocatoria de elecciones generales para el 28 de abril lleva su firma

Y se jacta de ello. En su opinión, «la oposición firme del PP ha tumbado al Gobierno de Sánchez»

En su relato de los hechos, los populares han «salvado a España por tercera vez» de la crisis territorial y económica, «responsablemente y sin estridencias»

 Pero Casado es consciente de que erró al insultar reiteradamente al presidente del Gobierno -«felón», «traidor», «ilegítimo», «okupa»- y al traer al primer plano del debate la derogación de una ley del aborto amplísimamente aceptada en la sociedad

Por eso ha cedido a la presión interna y ha decidido renunciar al tono crispado y al debate sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, al menos hasta que la legislatura eche a andar

 El líder popular ha hecho saber a sus colaboradores su intención de llevar a cabo una campaña «moderada y tranquila», en la que se escenifique el PP es «el ancla segura» de la democracia, un partido que prioriza la gestión a la política de luces cortas o a la ingeniería social

«El PP es una fuerza centrista y moderada», invocó el miércoles Casado, escasos minutos después de que la legislatura quedara vista para sentencia tras el rechazo a los Presupuestos

 «Quiere asumir un papel más presidencialista, incluso a la hora de vestir. Ya no estamos en la oposición dura, sino en otra cosa», apuntan fuentes de Génova

Para escenificar esa moderación, el candidato popular ha ido comunicando a los suyos que, además del aborto, tampoco hablará, en la medida de lo posible, de la exhumación del dictador Franco

Antes al contrario, se centrará en un discurso amable y propositivo, con mucho énfasis en dos flancos: la unidad de España y la economía

 Fuentes cercanas a Casado aseguran que «el centro no se busca, se gana». Es decir, cuando se ensancha el discurso para ampliar las bases electorales, el voto útil acaba llegando

«Es como un tronco, cuanto más ancho, más abarca. Aunque esté situado más a la derecha, ocupa el centro», agregan

 Esta estrategia pasa por no desdeñar la inercia feminista, puesto que se prevé que el próximo 8-M sea un éxito

Y el tema del aborto es el que más controversia ha generado en el seno del partido, donde son mayoría los que no quieren viajar al pasado

Casado ha defendido la vuelta a la ley de supuestos, la de 1985, y ha llegado a decir: «Si queremos financiar las pensiones y la salud, debemos pensar en cómo tener más niños y no en cómo los abortamos»

Alarmas en el ala moderada del PP Esos comentarios encendieron las alarmas en el ala moderada del PP

La vicesecretaria general de Estudios y Programas, Andrea Levy, pidió esperar a que se pronuncie el Tribunal Constitucional, ya que la ley de plazos de Zapatero está recurrida por el propio PP

La secretaria de Igualdad de Galicia, Susana López Abella, cercana a Alberto Núñez Feijóo, fue más allá y afirmó que la actual legislación es «adecuada»

A ello le añadió un argumento liberal: las mujeres «siempre han de ser libres». «Cuando me entrevistan, todo el mundo entiende mis motivos sobre el aborto, por mi experiencia personal», les ha transmitido Casado a los suyos, en referencia a los problemas que tuvo con su primer hijo -nació con sólo 25 semanas de gestación y pesando 700 gramos-

En el PP hay quien lo entiende sin más y quienes apuntan que «debe hablar como presidente del partido» y no «sólo como Pablo Casado»

En todo caso, los críticos juzgan «muy acertado» el anuncio de moderación. «¡Es que el aborto no nos da absolutamente nada!», enfatiza un dirigente de Génova

 Poco a poco, Casado va incidiendo en el nuevo enfoque de su discurso. El viernes, enmarcando con una sonrisa el viraje consumado de Pedro Sánchez, dijo: «Somos la fuerza tranquila y moderada que necesita España (

) Somos el centro reformista, liberal-conservador, en el que la gente puede confiar

Tenemos las cosas muy claras, sabemos cómo tenemos que gestionar y lo que necesita España

Y lo hemos puesto en práctica». Casado sabe que la campaña le llega muy pronto, con apenas 200 días en el cargo y con la derecha trifurcada, pero cree que está «preparado» porque cuenta con mucho más músculo territorial y porque tiene una mano de cartas ganadora en el debate de ideas con Cs y Vox

A los primeros les augura una desaceleración demoscópica y a los segundos la ley electoral les pone techo, opina

Por el contrario, el presidente del PP cree que Podemos tendrá más votos de los que auguran los sondeos

«Su techo es mayor», ha dicho en privado.  Los trackings que recibe el PP, elaborados por GAD3 y por Sigma Dos, le vaticinan una victoria con dos décimas de ventaja sobre el PSOE

Y colocan a la suma de PP, Cs y Vox en la horquilla de la mayoría absoluta. En todo caso, Casado desconfía porque en las últimas elecciones había algunas que inducían a pensar en un triple empate y el PP le acabó sacando 50 escaños al PSOE y 105 a Ciudadanos

«El PP siempre es el partido que más crece en la campaña, y a Ciudadanos siempre le ha ido mejor en las encuestas que en las urnas», resumen en Génova

El equipo de campaña para virar al centro El encargado de llevar el PP de nuevo al centro será Javier Maroto, que dirigirá la campaña

Al vicesecretario de Organización lo acompañarán, como codirectores, Javier Lasquetty (director de Gabinete de Casado), Rafa Rubio (miembro del gabinete del presidente) y Rafael Laza (director de Gabinete de Maroto)

Serán ellos los que, junto a Casado y a Teodoro García Egea, secretario general del PP, resuelvan el sudoku de las listas, en las que quieren colocar a dirigentes veteranos y con experiencia de Gobierno

"Podemos tirar de muchos ex ministros y ex secretarios de Estado; gente con mucha experiencia a la que no le importa que las elecciones sean mañana o dentro de tres meses, porque ya saben cómo funciona el Estado", apuntan en el entorno del presidente 'popular'

Lasquetty es partidario de centrar el discurso del partido en el "contrato liberal" que desgranó Casado en la convención del PP

"El PP está preparado para volver al Gobierno. Tenemos muy clara nuestra agenda de libertad, en la que lo primero que haremos será bajar todos los impuestos y mejorar la educación y los servicios sociales para que los españoles puedan elegir más", ha enfatizado Casado

Para la cúpula del PP, las elecciones del 28-A se dirimirán en términos binarios

"O la Constitución o el caos". El miedo al presidente catalán, Quim Torra, será otro de los ejes de una campaña con un lema de tres cifras: 155

De hecho, en el primer acto oficioso de esta larga precampaña Casado se dirigió expresamente a los votantes del PSOE descontentos con las negociaciones de Pedro Sánchez y los independentistas catalanes

"Si no queremos más Sánchez, que manden los comunistas, que gobierne Torra en España de facto, vayamos todos a apoyar a nuestros excelentes candidatos, a reivindicar nuestra tradición como partido que más ha hecho por España y, sobre todo, vayamos a recuperar la ilusión y dignidad de una nación extraordinaria", añadió ayer

For more infomation >> Pablo Casado promete al PP olvidarse del aborto y moderar su discurso - Duration: 14:04.


Flyway Kero Kero Bonito sub español Live KEXP - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Flyway Kero Kero Bonito sub español Live KEXP - Duration: 2:04.


No Fantástico Escola militarizada 'Efeito Bolsonario' - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> No Fantástico Escola militarizada 'Efeito Bolsonario' - Duration: 7:38.


NEW YORK UPDATE 02-17-19 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> NEW YORK UPDATE 02-17-19 - Duration: 1:31.


NEW YORK 02-17-19 - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> NEW YORK 02-17-19 - Duration: 1:51.


MMD -///Prueba 1///- Rin and Miku - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> MMD -///Prueba 1///- Rin and Miku - Duration: 2:17.


El romántico mensaje de More Rial por su aniversario con Facu Ambrosioni - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> El romántico mensaje de More Rial por su aniversario con Facu Ambrosioni - Duration: 2:30.


NYPD: Brooklyn Synagogue Vandalized In Possible Hate Crime - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> NYPD: Brooklyn Synagogue Vandalized In Possible Hate Crime - Duration: 1:05.


Urgen vÃctimas a CEM prevenir pederastia - Duration: 3:46.

Ciudad de México— Víctimas de abuso sexual de sacerdotes expresaron a la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM) la urgente necesidad de prevenir la pederastia clerical

El pasado viernes, el presidente de CEM, Rogelio Cabrera, el secretario Alfonso Miranda Guardiola y un canonista se reunieron con las víctimas Jesús Romero, Joaquín Aguilar y Jorge

En el encuentro, que duró más de tres horas en las oficinas del organismo religioso, los afectados expusieron el grave problema de encubrimiento que existe por parte de la jerarquía católica cuando una víctima se atreve a denunciar

También, señalaron la colusión que existe entre las autoridades civiles, sacerdotes y Obispos para ocultar el problema

Joaquín Aguilar, víctima y director en México de la Red de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual por Sacerdotes (SNAP, por sus siglas en inglés), afirmó que este primer acercamiento fue satisfactorio

"Se tiene que prevenir, prevenir este tipo de casos. Ya no podemos darnos el lujo dentro de todo el País de seguir con el problema", dijo en entrevista con REFORMA

Agregó que abordaron la importancia que tiene escuchar a las víctimas y buscar los mecanismos para la reparación integral del daño

"Le expusimos que tiene que existir un control del Vaticano, desde arriba, de las congregaciones

Yo creo que es una de las grandes deudas que hay porque las congregaciones se rigen por sus propias reglas", señaló

El activista planeó que los protocolos que la Iglesia católica hizo para prevenir los abusos sexuales de sacerdotes no están encaminados a tratar con las víctimas

"Tiene que existir sensibilidad cuando se pregunta a los menores. El tema se vuelve invasivo y los niños no quieren hablar", enfatizó

Explicó que SNAP y otras organizaciones presentarán una propuesta de ley para que en el norte del País se tipifique la pederastia como delito grave

For more infomation >> Urgen vÃctimas a CEM prevenir pederastia - Duration: 3:46.


¿Por qué Martín Cárcamo tendrá que usar lentes de contacto en Viña? el animador explica la razón - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué Martín Cárcamo tendrá que usar lentes de contacto en Viña? el animador explica la razón - Duration: 2:54.



El pedalista colombiano pudo recuperarse y al final se impuso en la última etapa del Tour Colombia.

El ciclista colombiano Nairo Quintana se quedó con la victoria de la última etapa del Tour Colombia 2.1 y habló de esa caída a pocos metros de la meta, que por poco le quita el protagonismo en la jornada.

"Como en la vida, si alguna vez hay un tropiezo y te caes, bueno tienes que levantarte y nuevamente coger impulso y salir adelante para poder ganar. Así fue en esta oportunidad para mí", dijo Quintana sobre la caída.

Igualmente, el pedalista nacional aseguró que en esta segunda versión de la competencia mostró un nivel más alto y pudo ser protagonista, a pesar de no haber quedado en el podio de la competencia liderado por Miguel Ángel López.

"El nivel durante todos estos días había sido muy alto. El cariño de la gente y los ánimos que me daban durante todo el día fue lo que me dio esas últimas fuerzas para dar el último esfuerzo y ganar la etapa", puntualizó el corredor nacional.

Finalmente, de lo que significó comenzar su temporada en Colombia, Nairo Quintana aseguró que es muy satisfactorio poder ver la alegaría de la gente, ya que sin duda, esto sirve para darle a los colombianos un momento diferente, alejado de todos los problemas que hay.

"Emoción, alegría, esto es para todos los colombianos para que lo disfruten, para todos los invitados, para toda la gente que, a pesar de tantos problemas, esto puede ser un bálsamo de alegría para que seamos felices y hagan deporte", finalizó Quintana.

For more infomation >> NAIRO HABLÓ DE LA CAÍDA QUE CASI LE QUITA LA ETAPA EN EL TOUR COLOMBIA- LeGossip 247 - Duration: 2:09.


There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.


Meghan Royals Es - Ella es la doble egipcia de Yalitza Aparicio, la mexicana de origen indígena nom - Duration: 4:14.

El rostro de Yalitza Aparicio se ha convertido en uno de los más populares durante los últimos meses ante el éxito de la película "Roma" y era cuestión de tiempo para que alguien le encontrara una doble

Usuarios de las redes sociales descubrieron que los rasgos indígenas de la nominada al Oscar como Mejor Actriz se replicaron en una mujer del otro lado del mundo

Las cejas, los pómulos, la nariz, la boca y el mentón de Sherine Sayed han sido comparados y descritos como idénticos a los de la intérprete de "Cleo" en el filme basado en la infancia del director mexicano Alfonso Cuarón

Sayed Mohammed es originaria de El Cairo, Egipto. Es actriz, cantante y famosa desde el año 2000

En 2015 participó en una serie televisiva llamada "Mi Camino", donde presentaban la historia de una joven que luchaba por conseguir su sueño de ser una cantante famosa

Relato similar a lo que le ha sucedido a Yalitza desde que Cuarón la eligió como protagonista de "Roma"

Como cantante, Sherine tiene cinco álbumes, con ventas de más de 20 millones de copias

Yalitza enfrenta el racismo mexicano Mientras en el extranjero aplauden el talento y belleza de Yalitza Aparicio, algunas celebridades mexicanas han dado de qué hablar por criticar y humillar a la nominada al Oscar

Sergio Goyri, Laura Zapata, Patricia Reyes Espíndola, Yuri y Elsa Burgos, son algunas figuras públicas que han criticado el trabajo de Yalitza Aparicio como protagonista de la película "Roma"

La han llamado fea, que no tiene preparación ni vocación actoral y hasta "pinche india" para denigrar su actuación como la trabajadora doméstica y estrella de la película del mexicano Alfonso Cuarón

El caso más reciente es el del actor mexicano Sergio Goyri, quien la llamó "pinche india" y aseguró que no merecía la nominación como Mejor Actriz a los premios Oscar

La grabación se volvió viral rápidamente y en redes sociales no dejan de criticar a Sergio Goyri por sus comentarios racistas hacia Aparicio

Yalitza respondió así en un comunicado: "Yo estoy orgullosa de ser una indígena oaxaqueña y me apena que haya personas que no sepan el significado correcto de las palabras"

El diario The New York Times la consideró el descubrimiento del año y la Academia de Hollywood la nominó al Oscar en la categoría de Mejor Actriz

Ha dicho que quiere prepararse para seguir su carrera actoral.

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Ella es la doble egipcia de Yalitza Aparicio, la mexicana de origen indígena nom - Duration: 4:14.


法案可決「仮想通貨を財産として認める」あの場所では簡単に仮想通貨が購入可能に!!仮想通貨XRP.リップルとBTC.ビットコイン今後の影響とは?最新ニュース!2019年2月暗号通貨最前線最新情報 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 法案可決「仮想通貨を財産として認める」あの場所では簡単に仮想通貨が購入可能に!!仮想通貨XRP.リップルとBTC.ビットコイン今後の影響とは?最新ニュース!2019年2月暗号通貨最前線最新情報 - Duration: 7:25.


Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.


Novo super oceano está em formação na Terra, diz estudo! - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Novo super oceano está em formação na Terra, diz estudo! - Duration: 3:43.


Porsche Cayenne 4.8 S Aut * GTS uitgevoerd * NL AUTO * Panoramadak * - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 4.8 S Aut * GTS uitgevoerd * NL AUTO * Panoramadak * - Duration: 1:13.


Surah Al-Furqan - Beautiful Quran Recitation by Ismail Annuri - Duration: 18:58.

For more infomation >> Surah Al-Furqan - Beautiful Quran Recitation by Ismail Annuri - Duration: 18:58.


Tin Việt - Công Phượng cập bến Incheon United: Đơn giản là không từ bỏ - Duration: 5:59.

 Dưới đáy vực sâu Ngày 24.8.2017, U22 Việt Nam thất bại đau đớn 0-3 trước U22 Thái Lan, bị loại từ vòng bảng Seagame 29, HLV Hữu Thắng từ chức

Thời kỳ u ám, ảm đạm đó như một chấm tàn tận cùng thất vọng cho bóng đá nước nhà

 Hình ảnh Công Phượng cúi đầu, đôi mắt rầu rĩ trả lời phỏng vấn sau thất bại, ám ảnh đến cùng cực của sự bất lực khi mọi thứ đã an bài

Nhưng trong đôi mắt đó, ta bắt gặp ánh nhìn của lòng quyết tâm, sự trở lại. Anh nói: "Xin lỗi người hâm mộ (NHM) đã kỳ vọng mà bọn em không thể làm được

Chắc chắn, bọn em sẽ thành công trong tương lai." Có giận, có thương nhưng ai cũng tin, chờ ngày đó

 Tháng 10.2015 trước đó, bản hợp đồng cho mượn một năm tại Nhật mang lại cho anh vỏn vẹn 5 lần ra sân với tổng thời gian thi đấu chừng 80 phút

Có lẽ là một trong những nguyên nhân chính khiến anh trầy trật tìm lại chính mình ngày trở về

 Thời điểm Quang Hải, Bùi Tiến Dũng cùng nhiều cái tên khác được tung hô, chào đón sau kỳ tích tại Á vận hội 2018, AFF Cup 2019, là khi hình ảnh Công Phượng đăm chiêu, nhạt nhòa, ẩn sâu trong niềm hứng khởi của toàn đội

Có ai còn nhớ anh từng là tâm điểm, niềm tự hào của bóng đá Việt. Chiếc áo V-League đã không còn vừa vặn Đáp lại sự kỳ vọng của NHM, Công Phượng đã giữ lời

Cái cách anh trở lại thật mãn nhãn. Vùng đất UAE ngập nắng gió, cát bụi là nơi "đóa hoa Phượng" bung nở rực rỡ

Những pha chạm bóng đầy quyết tâm cùng bước chạy máu lửa như muốn trút đầy cơn thịnh nộ, thách thức bất công của cuộc đời đen bạc trong nghiệp quần đùi áo số

 Hẳn chẳng ai quên khoảnh khắc anh đi bóng giữa vòng vây 3 cầu thủ cao lớn của Nhật Bản tại Asian Cup 2019, cùng vô số tình huống khiến NHM vỡ òa thảng thốt tại giải đấu này

Anh tới đây để lấy lại những gì đã mất. Công Phượng đã sẵn sàng, trở lại và khẳng định năng lực, phẩm chất để chơi lớn

Với anh, chiếc áo V-League đã không còn vừa vặn. Incheon United, đội bóng đang chơi tại K-League đã không bỏ lỡ cơ hội chiêu mộ Công Phượng khi đã theo dõi anh từ lâu

Bản hợp đồng chất lượng về mọi mặt này không những đáp ứng đủ chuyên môn mà sẽ còn là thỏi nam châm hút NHM Việt xem K-League

 Cuộc đời là vậy, bên kia nỗi sợ là tất cả những gì bạn muốn Cơ hội luôn kèm thách thức và thuận lợi sẽ có khó khăn

Bóng đá Hàn thiên về thể lực và tốc độ. Xét về cơ hội cùng thuận lợi, lối chơi nhanh nhẹn, linh hoạt, lắt léo của Công Phượng sẽ được hỗ trợ từ những đồng đội giàu cơ bắp

Nhưng thách thức và khó khăn cũng chính là điểm này. Công Phượng hiểu rằng, mình cần "hít thở" không khí chiến đấu thường xuyên, cạnh tranh sòng phẳng nếu như không muốn kết cục tại Nhật lặp lại

 Chàng cầu thủ tài hoa, lĩnh xướng hàng công CLB HAGL cùng đội tuyển Việt Nam, anh có mọi thứ tại đất nước của mình

Song ở vùng đất mới, anh phải bắt đầu lại. Sẽ không ưu ái, không bênh vực, và không nổi bật như những gì anh có được nơi quê nhà

 Thật khó để khẳng định Công Phượng sẽ thành công ở Incheon United. Nhưng Phượng đã không chọn sự an toàn là "bó đuốc sáng" tại quê nhà, anh chọn mình là "đom đóm lập lòe" nơi xứ người

Bó đuốc sẽ có lúc lụi tàn trong bóng tối, nơi đom đóm lập lòe tựa sao sáng, bền bỉ cả cuộc đời, không bỏ cuộc

 Cũng bởi ý chí vươn xa hơn, sứ mệnh thay đổi tư duy "Cầu thủ Việt chỉ có thể chơi được V-League"

For more infomation >> Tin Việt - Công Phượng cập bến Incheon United: Đơn giản là không từ bỏ - Duration: 5:59.


There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.


Wife of Aurora massacre victim got text from husband I love you, Ive been sh0t at work New York D - Duration: 2:22.

Wife of Aurora massacre victim got text from husband I love you, Ive been sh0t at work New York D

For Terra Pinkard, the nightmare began with an ominous text from her husband: I love you, Ive been shot at work.

Pinkard would soon learn that her husband, Josh Pinkard, was among the five people killed when a co worker who was being terminated from Henry Pratt Co. opened fire. Pinkard, 37, was the manager of the plant, where water valves are made.

In a Facebook message posted on Sunday, Terra Pinkard said it took her several times reading it for it to hit me that it was real.

Then, she wrote, she started calling his phone. She texted and FaceTimed him — and got no response. She reached someone at the plant who told her she was barricaded in her room with police everywhere.

You guys. I cant even begin to start saying thank you for the love that has been poured out on us. Friday afternoon,...

Of course my heart dropped, Pinkard wrote. Then she said she loaded the couples three children into her car and drove toward the plant, but was stopped by an officer stationed at one of the closed streets, who could not provide any information.

So then she drove to two local hospitals but still could not get any news of her husband.

While waiting at the second hospital for news, chaplains, my pastor, neighbors, his coworkers, came to sit with me and hold my hand, she wrote. Hours later, an officer told her of a staging area for victims families. I dont know how my body drove itself there but it did, Pinkard wrote.

There, another officer read a list of fatalities; her husbands name was on it.

I immediately left and went to get my kids, she wrote. Out of state family members were still on flights into the Chicago area — Josh Pinkard hailed from the small town of Holly Pond, Ala., though his immediate family now lives in Oswego — so Terra Pinkard said her pastor supported her as she broke the news to her children.

I told my children that their dad did not make it and is in heaven with Jesus, she wrote. Ive never had to do something that hard.

Josh Pinkard had worked for Mueller Water Products, Pratts parent company, for at least a dozen years and started working in Aurora last April, according to his LinkedIn page. Loved ones say he was devoted to his wife and children and was a fan of sports teams from Mississippi State University, where he earned his bachelors degree.

I want to shout from the rooftops about how amazing Josh was! his wife wrote in a Facebook post Sunday. He was brilliant! The smartest person Ive ever met! My best friend! The man I would have leaned on during devastation like this who would tell me its ok Terra, it is all going to be fine. The man who was dying and found the clarity of mind for just a second to send me one last text to let me know he would always love me. This unbelievable person was robbed from us.

Authorities identified the other Henry Pratt Co. employees who were killed when gunman Gary Martin opened fire as Clayton Parks, 32, of Elgin; Trevor Wehner, 21, of Sheridan, Ill.; Russell Beyer, 47, of Yorkville; and Vicente Juarez, 54, of Oswego. Wehner was a Northern Illinois University student who had started an internship at Henry Pratt the day of the shooting.

Five Aurora officers were also injured when Martin opened fire on first responders. Four of those officers had been released from the hospital as of Sunday, officials said. Martin died at the scene in an exchange of gunfire with police, authorities said.

For more infomation >> Wife of Aurora massacre victim got text from husband I love you, Ive been sh0t at work New York D - Duration: 2:22.


塔罗牌占卜测试:你在对方的心里有多重要? - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 塔罗牌占卜测试:你在对方的心里有多重要? - Duration: 3:11.


★Kennedy Givens 🍒★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Stylish Summer fashion style - Duration: 2:09.

★Kennedy Givens 🍒★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Stylish Summer fashion style

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Kennedy Givens 🍒★ Gorgeous Fashion Model | Stylish Summer fashion style - Duration: 2:09.


Cardi B Shows Off Cleavage & Abs In Yellow Bra & Posts NSFW Comment About Offset - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:48.

Cardi B was sizzling in a new Instagram video on her account! She wore a yellow bra and wrote a super NSFW comment to accompany the clip as well

   If you've got it, flaunt it! Fresh off her Grammy win on Feb. 10, rapper Cardi B, 26, posted a hot Instagram video dancing in a yellow bra less than a week later, on Feb

16! Cardi danced on a couch in gold high heels, a Moschino jacket and pants, and a revealing yellow bra

She also rocked a matching fanny pack and white hat. Cardi wore her long dark hair in a ponytail, and rocked dark blue eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, and matte brown lipstick

 "It's so tight he think he slipped in my butt I don't swallow plan B I just swallow the nut 🥜," Cardi captioned her post

"#Thotiana Mix with a little bit of PleaseMe …fit @moschino bra @laurenceandchico

"    Cardi's vid came two days after she posted a video with 27-year-old husband Offset grinding onto her

The couple had a period of separation after cheating rumors surfaced, but they have seemingly gotten back together, and Offset was Cardi's date to the biggest night in music! View this post on Instagram It's so tight he think he slipped in my butt I don't swallow plan B I just swallow the nut 🥜 #Thotiana Mix with a little bit of PleaseMe … fit @moschino bra @laurenceandchico A post shared by CARDIVENOM (@iamcardib) on Feb 16, 2019 at 6:20pm PST  The rapper also responded to an Instagram comment, saying that "the nut" is "healthy like egg yolks," which the account @CommentsByCelebs caught in a screenshot

We love that Cardi keeps it real! View this post on Instagram Looking for a way to spice up your avocado toast? Look no further

#CommentsByCelebs A post shared by Comments By Celebs (@commentsbycelebs) on Feb 16, 2019 at 6:47pm PST  We've said it before and we'll say it again, but we're just Team Cardi, plain and simple! We'll support whatever makes her happy

If that's dancing around in a gorgeous suit and bra? We're here for it! We can't wait to see more videos from Cardi dancing and just having a good time, enjoying herself, in the future!

For more infomation >> Cardi B Shows Off Cleavage & Abs In Yellow Bra & Posts NSFW Comment About Offset - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:48.


NYPD: Brooklyn Synagogue Vandalized In Possible Hate Crime - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> NYPD: Brooklyn Synagogue Vandalized In Possible Hate Crime - Duration: 1:05.


How to Gain Lots of Followers on Instagram (100% WORKING 2019) *UNPATCHABLE* - Duration: 6:45.

hey was up guys before the video starts I want to give a shout out to silent

Walker for inspiring me to make a video on this topic I'll leave a link to this

channel below if you want to go check him out he's a pretty cool guy alright

anyways and also I want to tell you like this isn't like it won't affect your

real followers it's just like good for pranking people and looking cool like

you can do this to get verified but it's not real verified yet badge but it's

still pretty cool and yeah I hope you enjoy if you really do want like how a

legit video on how to gain a lot of followers on Instagram I'll happily make

one just request it and if I see a lot of people on it I'll happily do it oops

that's nap chat I'll be making a snapchat video like next if you want to

check it out and it's legit too but anyways alright let's get into it so

today what we're doing is gaining like millions of followers on Instagram and

I'm gonna be showing you how first thing you got to do go to Safari and find 2 to

up I already have it loaded you because why not but here don't just type into to

up dog VIP that's all you have to do to top dog VIP and click go you can also do

this on Android works on both now I click install click install again and it

should be installing right here takes about 5 2 seconds or 5 to 10 I think

and then it will be untrusted so what you want to do go into your settings go

to general scroll down to profile device management and find the one that has two

two app not it that's two two app is verified it even if it's unverified you

can still try should trust it probably now click trust all right now going you

should be able to open it now yep okay now which one do you put really

simple go to search click on it type in Instagram oh I don't know how to spell

Instagram rocket but yep Instagram rocket om fair warning you're gonna have

to delete the original Instagram if you if you want this to work

yeah now it's downloading you have to let it download into top first then you

can download it onto your device so I'll just cut the waiting part out all right

guys it's done downloading one is done it should just pop up on your screen and

it should say install but if it doesn't pop up on your screen which want to do

go into - - up and in the right hand corner there should be like a cloud

button go to downloaded then just manually download it from here

but I'm not going to because I already clicked install and it's already done

which is pretty fast it looks a little weird cuz I'm on my iPad but it will

work on anything basically so yeah just wait for it to load waiting all right

now you have to sign in so let me do that alright I logged in so I'm gonna

turn on notifications and allow and you don't want to update well you could but

probably don't what's good about this at the tweaked version is you can like save

the videos on to your camera like I want to save if I want to save like this

baseball video just pick whatever resolution you want I'll pick that one

let allow it and boom add it to camera you let me prove it photos

all right pretty cool and now all right so oh yeah by the way you should check

out my account free logos and thumbnails for like free logos and thumbnails I'm

not making them right now but I'll make them in the future so I check it out

anyways what you want to do to a hack basically or like tweak the amount of

followers and stuff you have there should be like an ad on the bottom right

here just click on 2x you know show this what you want to click is proofing

options but there's a lot more stuff you can do like here's the option you can

let's roam that there's a story option that's wrong with that there's like

profile team discussions and yeah all that cool stuff if you want we need to

make a video on that just comment down below but right now we're focusing on

spoofing options so here you can you can see that Oh accidently clicked on the ad

don't do that right here you can see that you can add a verified badge so now

I'm verified what you can also do change the amount of people that you have

following you I'm gonna show you two like two thousand two million three

hundred sixty thousand sometimes eighty one foot yeah set it up click allow and

in following that's optional well all this option was just political

let me give seem legit like 109 128 919 and smoothing host yes

I'll be like 2016 let's do what is 58

easy as that all he has to do to get a bunch of followers really cool to trick

your friends and it's also a really good app like it's true just like the normal

Instagram with a lot of options like share photos and all that cool stuff can

repost I recommend you don't because it has basically stealing but yeah thanks

for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video and if you didn't comment on why

and feel free or dislike if you really didn't enjoy it and yeah I just really

want to know your opinions and comment down what I should do next and how

probably I might do it I'm looking for suggestions and watch out because in a

few I'm gonna be posting like apex and fortnight videos just right now I want

to do simple videos like that but yeah I hope you enjoyed leave the credit to the

person down in description below and I'll leave all my contact info

information below sorry I can't talk and yeah if you need anything just comment

down below or contact me but don't use my email unless is for like business

business purposes but yeah hope you enjoyed in see you later

I mean I do even everything

For more infomation >> How to Gain Lots of Followers on Instagram (100% WORKING 2019) *UNPATCHABLE* - Duration: 6:45.


Finally official: Zac Taylor announced as 2019 Cincinnati Bengals head coach - Duration: 5:19.

CLOSE Rams quarterbacks coach and expected Bengals head coach Zac Taylor on his team's 13-3 loss in the Super Bowl

Paul Dehner Jr., CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11As expected, the Cincinnati Bengals officially announced Zac Taylor will become the 10th head coach in franchise history

 The confirmation came Monday after weeks of speculation and tip-toeing around the inevitable

Taylor, the former Los Angeles Rams quarterbacks coach, became the Bengals' choice last month following an interview in advance of the NFC Wildcard Playoff Round, a week after the team parted ways with long-time coach Marvin Lewis

 "I am happy and fortunate to join the Cincinnati Bengals as head coach," Taylor said in a statement

"This is a great organization with good people and a rich history, and I am excited to get started

I am looking to add to that history by setting high standards, and holding everyone here accountable to those standards

There is a lot of work to do, and this is Day 1. We're going to attack every day with enthusiasm to get this team ready to go

" Zac Taylor on Super Bowl LII: 'Just wasn't our night'Bengals Xtra: Could the Bengals be the next Rams?Special offer: Check out this special offer and never miss a thingMore: Five things to know about Zac TaylorHis task is to snap the league's longest playoff win drought, dating back 28 years to Jan

6, 1991. "Zac is a bright coach with an offensive mind and background, which is important to have in today's NFL," said Bengals president Mike Brown

"And he's young. He embraces new ideas and new ways to do things, which will be a good thing for us

I believe our team will be exciting and fun to watch with him at the helm."Per NFL rules, the announcement had to wait until after the Rams season ended

That happened Sunday in the Super Bowl when the Patriots defense stifled quarterback Jared Goff and the Rams offense in a 13-3 victory

 "It's tough," Taylor told The Enquirer after the game. "That's a good team. Good defense

Sometimes things just won't go your way and you try to solve it throughout the game, it just wasn't our night tonight

"The move puts the Bengals on the same track as many teams around the league. Taylor, 35, is an up-and-coming offensive mind yet to prove himself at any level as a head coach

Of the eight coaches hired by teams this offseason, six have an offensive background, with four of those having never led a team at the professional level

Taylor's inexperience extends in that he served as offensive coordinator and called plays only in an interim basis for a few months with the Miami Dolphins in 2015 and for one season in '16 at the University of Cincinnati

 But he comes to the Bengals from the Sean McVay tree.McVay, the youngest coach in the league and youngest ever to lead a team to the Super Bowl (he turned 33 last month), turned the Rams into an offensive powerhouse and threat to win the title in just two seasons on the job

Taylor was on staff for the turnaround (the Rams went 4-12 the season before McVay arrived in 2016), serving as assistant wide receivers coach in 2017 and helping Goff emerge as one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL this season

 The Bengals hope Taylor brings McVay's high-powered offense with him. But Taylor said he learned more about what it takes to lead a team from McVay during his time in Los Angeles

 "Non-football, the way that he treats people," said Taylor last week in Atlanta. "That way that he treats every person in the building and affects them and motivates them

You want to take your game to a higher level because of the way he treats you and the respect he gives you

You always feel valued. Any time you have a leader at the top of your organization that makes the people feel valued, you get the best out of everybody

"Jon Gruden said last month at the Senior Bowl that Brian Callahan was leaving his spot as Oakland Raiders quarterbacks coach to become the Bengals offensive coordinator

It has been reported special teams coodinator Darrin Simmons, quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt, safeties coach Robert Livingston, cornerbacks coach Daronte Jones and wide receivers coach Bob Bicknell will remain as holdovers from Lewis' staff

 The Bengals will pick 11th overall in this year's NFL Draft and, according to director of player personnel Duke Tobin, could select as many as 11 times


For more infomation >> Finally official: Zac Taylor announced as 2019 Cincinnati Bengals head coach - Duration: 5:19.


Melodies Of Life - (English) - Final Fantasy IX - (HD) - Duration: 6:08.

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark

For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart

To weave by picking up the pieces that remain

Melodies of Life... Love's lost refrain

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why

We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye

And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?

Let them ring out loud till they unfold

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me

Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine

Adding up the layers of harmony

And so it goes, on and on

Melodies of life... To the sky beyond the flying birds

Forever and beyond

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by

Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky

I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings

Leave them now and see what tommorow brings

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?

Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine

Adding up the layers of harmony

And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life...

To the sky beyond the flying birds. Forever and on

If I should leave this lonely world behind

Your voice will still remember our melody

Now I know we'll carry on

Melodies of Life... Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts

As long as we remember

For more infomation >> Melodies Of Life - (English) - Final Fantasy IX - (HD) - Duration: 6:08.


Dawn Before Dusk - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> Dawn Before Dusk - Duration: 22:37.


心理测试:四种唇色中哪种对你有吸引力,你的伴侣对你的感觉如何 - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:四种唇色中哪种对你有吸引力,你的伴侣对你的感觉如何 - Duration: 3:57.


Becky Lynch Appearance Receives Ridiculous Turnout - Duration: 1:20.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Becky Lynch Appearance Receives Ridiculous Turnout

Becky Lynch is one of the top draws in WWE and if you need proof of that then all you

have to do is show up at one of her appearances Because fans in Houston couldn't wait to

see The Man Before an appearance today fans lined up around the building as they waited

to meet Becky Lynch This is a pretty impressive show of support to say the least Lynch commented

about how the McMahon Family is ruining everything she built It didn't seem to change the minds

of these fans because they still turned out in droves At this time Becky Lynch is not

booked for a match at Elimination Chamber It would be pretty hard to imagine that WWE

will keep her off of the event entirely especially since Charlotte Flair will be at ringside

for Ronda Rousey's match against Ruby Riott and Flair also assaulted Lynch in a big way

at last night's WWE live event Friends what are your thought about this Have your say

in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Becky Lynch Appearance Receives Ridiculous Turnout - Duration: 1:20.


We Are Number Two - Duration: 2:37.







We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

Now, Listen Closely

Here's a little lesson in trickery

This is going down in history

If you wanna be Villain Number Two,

You have to chase a superhero on the run

Just follow my moves, and sneak around

Be careful not to make a sound


*Wilhelm Scream*

No, don't touch that!

We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two

Ha ha ha

Now look at this net, that I just found

When I say go, be ready to throw

And GO!

You Stupid

Throw it on him, not me

Ugh, let's try something else

Now watch and learn, here's the deal

He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!

Ha ha ha




We Are Number Two


Villain Number Two!


We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two



Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> We Are Number Two - Duration: 2:37.


How To Win Every Game Of Fortnite And Rocket League!!!! - Duration: 3:55.

sub to pewdiepie

For more infomation >> How To Win Every Game Of Fortnite And Rocket League!!!! - Duration: 3:55.


Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.


Gắp Hai Con Bọ Ve Bự Trong Tai Con Chó Xám Mà Mình Mệt Luôn | TQMT Tập 408 - Duration: 11:43.

Hello friends

This is in Vietnam and where I live

I'm Vietnamese, I love cats and dogs

I live in different circumstances and you live in different circumstances

I have my difficulties that you do not know

I have many thoughts different from other people

I am sure my dogs are happy

they are free to have ticks

I thank you so many of my good friends

My nephew asked a lot

I am the person with the highest education level in the house

so I will teach common knowledge

my father is a teacher, my wife is also a teacher

I am a business accountant but I do not have a job

I thank you for giving these gifts

God brings you to me

I don't like ticks, they make my cats and dogs itchy

God bless you

For more infomation >> Gắp Hai Con Bọ Ve Bự Trong Tai Con Chó Xám Mà Mình Mệt Luôn | TQMT Tập 408 - Duration: 11:43.


'DREAM TEAM' Nottingham Forest have found new Clough and Taylor in O'Neill and Keane - Duration: 6:08.

NOTTINGHAM FOREST have found the new Clough and Taylor in Martin O'Neill and Roy Keane

 And don't take my word for it.  That's the view of the daughter of Brian Clough's legendary No 2 at Forest, Peter Taylor

 Wendy Dickinson, and her brother Phil Taylor, gave the go-ahead for their dad's brilliant 1980 autobiography With Clough By Taylor to be republished for a new audience

 She lived through the extraordinary friendship that helped Forest win promotion to the top flight, the league title and back-to-back European Cups in 1979 and 1980

 O'Neill, who played for Clough throughout those glory days, has recently returned to the City Ground as manager

 And when Keane decided to continue his managerial partnership with O'Neill at Forest, Wendy was delighted

 She told me: "I was so thrilled. O'Neill and Keane are as much of a dream team as Clough and Taylor

 "I think they are the natural successors.  "Martin has been a great manager who has achieved some real success

"  Taylor always believed O'Neill — who has bossed Republic of Ireland, Leicester, Aston Villa, Norwich, Celtic, Sunderland and Wycombe — would one day go on to manage

 Wendy commented: "I remember my dad saying of Martin, out of all the players in that team, he'd be the one who would make it as a manager

 "Dad was a huge fan of Martin's. Brian was not so. He had his issues with him.  "I'm not quite sure why because Martin was such a talented player

 "Dad always said Martin was an intelligent guy who brought a lot to the game. We see that in his management

"  There is a section about O'Neill in the book.  Wendy added: "Dad said 'O'Neill was withdrawn and in the clouds

He required time and patience from Brian and myself. Someone at Forest said Martin thinks he is a better player than he is'

 "My dad retorted 'That is not bad for a start but I'd prefer if it was the other way round'

"  O'Neill has won two, drawn two and lost two of his first six games in charge at Forest

 But Wendy believes the club are destined to finally return to the Premier League after 20 years

 The team are currently just six points behind the play-off spots.  Wendy said: "I was checking the promotion odds the other day and you could get 20-1 on Forest going up

I think that's a great bet."  Taylor died in 1990, aged 62, from the lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

 Proceeds from the book's reissue will be donated towards medical research of the deadly disease

 CHARLTON targeted fans who forgot all about Valentine's Day.  The League One club texted: "Make up for it with a £5 ticket for tomorrow

"  Did seeing Charlton and Blackpool draw 0-0 really compensate for a meal out or a weekend away?  IT WASN'T a great weekend for the once 'Golden Generation' of English football

 Frank Lampard's Derby were KO'd in the FA Cup, Paul Scholes' Oldham were held 1-1 by Crewe and Salford City, where David Beckham now owns ten per cent, lost

Derby boss Frank Lampard reckons red-hot Chelsea star Eden Hazard is better than Lionel Messi

For more infomation >> 'DREAM TEAM' Nottingham Forest have found new Clough and Taylor in O'Neill and Keane - Duration: 6:08.


Chelsea ace speaks out about manager Sarri's uncertain future - Duration: 3:45.

 Olivier Giroud has urged the Chelsea family not to panic over the fortnight that could decide their season

  The Blues host Manchester United on Monday night, kicking off a crucial run which could either end with the FA Cup holders still chasing three trophies and a top-four place – or Maurizio Sarri in danger of the sack

  Giroud, however, has coped with pressure impressively throughout his career, winning three FA Cups with Arsenal and the World Cup last year with France

  The 32-year-old striker netted a cheeky back-heel in Chelsea 's Europa League first leg 2-1 win against Malmo

 And he is relaxed about his club's season now balancing on a knife-edge. "You don't think too much about it

" he said.  "We are not in the best position, but we have big games to come.  "In the league, we have Spurs, which will be massive for us, very important

"   The humiliating 6-0 defeat at Manchester City , eight days ago, saw Sarri's side drop from fourth to sixth

 They host a United side expected to bounce back from the Champions League defeat to Paris Saint-Germain, which ended a run of 10 wins in 11 games under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

 But Giroud is adamant the Chelsea dressing room has not lost faith in Sarri, their under-fire head coach

 "I haven't heard about that," he said. "I haven't felt anything about them dropping the coach

 "I don't have much to say about that. We stick altogether, the staff and the team

We want to look forward and be positive. We will work on the same path and the same targets

That's it."  Nor is Giroud concerned about Chelsea losing touch with the top four – despite winning only two of their last six league games

 "We are not worried about the situation and I am sure Man United will drop points," he said

"We are confident and want to carry on with a good spirit and humility."  The United game is followed by a rematch with City in the League Cup final next Sunday

 Spurs – winners at Stamford Bridge for the first time in 28 years last season – are up after that in the top flight

 Giroud added: "We want to qualify in every single competition, so it is going to be a massive game against Spurs

 "We need momentum and to keep going that way. So we are looking forward to it.  "I have had to deal with pressure throughout my career

I played big games with my clubs and the national team.  "In these kinds of moments, you need to think collectively and be positive

 "In Sweden (against Malmo), that's what we showed on the pitch.  "Even though the score could have been better, we are pleased with the win

We have got strong characters in the team.  "A few players tried to bring leadership to the team and the result showed it worked


For more infomation >> Chelsea ace speaks out about manager Sarri's uncertain future - Duration: 3:45.


World War 3 fears: Modi urged to 'TAKE REVENGE' on Pakistan for terror attack - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:54.

World War 3 fears: Modi urged to 'TAKE REVENGE' on Pakistan for terror attack

INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been urged to take "revenge" on Pakistan after

a terror attack by militants in the disputed Kashmir region which claimed the lives of

44 paramilitary police, further ramping up tensions between the two nuclear-armed nations.

And Mr Modi has given soldiers free rein to tackle cross-border insurgency, with Indian

authorities detaining 23 people so far in connection with the killings, which occurred

when a suicide bomber crashed a car laden with explosives into a convoy of lorries on


Indian television station NDTV said Mr Modi had spoken about the deaths of the officers,

also known as japans, at an event in the Indian state of Bihar in the India's north-east.

Ram Vilas Paswan, whose Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) is allied with Mr Modi's Bharatiya

Janata Party, said: "We will take revenge for each and every drop of blood shed in Pulwama."

Bihar's chief minister Nitish Kumar added: "After the killing of jawans, the entire nation

is angry.

Please don't forgive them.

"The entire country is thinking the targeting of the jawans was an act of cowardice."

Mr Modi himself said: "To the people who have gathered here, I would like to say the fire

that is raging in your bosoms is in my heart too."

Indian forces have detained 23 men suspected of links to the Pakistan-based militant group

that masterminded the bombing of an Indian security convoy that killed 44 paramilitary

police, a top police official said on Sunday.

The 23 men included members and sympathisers of Jaish-e-Mohammad, the militant group which

has claimed responsibility for Thursday's attack, the deadliest on Indian security forces

in decades.

The attack has fuelled tensions between India and Pakistan - the two countries have twice

come close to all-out war over Kashmir.

India has demanded Pakistan close down the Jaish and other Islamist militant groups that

operate from its soil, while Islamabad has rejected suggestions it was linked to the


Kashmir, a Muslim-majority region at the heart of decades of hostility, is claimed in its

entirety by India and Pakistan, but is ruled in part by both south Asian countries.

Representatives of India's National Investigating Agency (NIA) questioned the suspects about

the bombing on Sunday, two security officials said.

One source said: "They are trying to reach out to the top commanders of Jaish-e-Mohammad,

including its Kashmir Chief."

Mohammed Umair, the commander of the Jaish in Kashmir who is believed to have plotted

the attack, is suspected to be hiding in the region where the attacks took place, the officials


The officials say Umair had "radicalised and motivated" the Kashmiri school dropout who

carried out the attack.

Umair is thought to have entered Indian Kashmir from Pakistan in September to head the Jaish

in the region.

Security forces suspect he is in hiding in southern Kashmir, according to the officials,

who could not be named as a matter of policy.

Indian officials say Umair is a nephew of the chief of the Jaish, Masood Azhar, who

is believed to be in Pakistan.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised a strong response to the attack and says he

has given the military a free hand to tackle cross-border militancy.

The Jaish, considered to be one of the most lethal militant groups, has expanded its presence

in Kashmir, the police officer said.

India has raided the houses of suspected militants across South Kashmir to find information on

those who masterminded and executed the attack.

Muzaffar Ahmad Malik, whose brother declared himself a militant a year ago, told Reuters

that his house was raided on Saturday by Indian troops.

Mr Malik said: "They were looking for militants, as they said that they had information about

militants hiding in the house."

Investigators are now trying to figure out how a large quantity of explosives used in

the attack was smuggled into Kashmir, the officials said.

A spokesman for the ministry of home affairs declined to comment.

For more infomation >> World War 3 fears: Modi urged to 'TAKE REVENGE' on Pakistan for terror attack - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:54.


Woman, 61, with full time job slept in phone box because she couldn't afford rent - Duration: 4:25.

 A woman with a full time job slept in a city centre phone box - because she still couldn't afford her rent

 The unnamed 61-year-old worked full time at a factory but said she couldn't afford more than a couple of nights in a B&B or hotel

 She worked night shifts, and decided it wasn't worth spending the money on somewhere to stay for a few hours once she finished

  So instead she slept in a phone box and then spent the day in cafes and libraries, Leicestershire Live reports

 The shocking tale came to light when a member of staff at Help the Homeless Leicester and UK met the woman during a weekly meal for the homeless

 Corrie Moulds,  charity co-founder, said: "I'd noticed her a couple of times and tried to chat to her but she said she was ok, I assumed she had accommodation but was there just for the meal

 "Then about three weeks ago she took a hot water bottle so I pushed a little more and asked if she had money for heating, electric, and said we could help if she needed it

 "She was very coy and evasive but eventually she told me she had nowhere to live and that she was sleeping in a phone box

Read More Pregnant teen on Universal Credit faced starvation - then something incredible happened    "She told me she was working full time at a factory and worked night shifts five nights a week, whenever she could she was using her wages to stay at a B&B but on the nights she worked, she'd finish her shift and sleep in a phone box for a couple of hours before spending the day in cafes and libraries

 "She couldn't afford more than one or two nights a week in a hotel or bed and breakfast and said it wasn't worth going there after work

 "I couldn't believe it when she said she was sleeping in a phone box, I couldn't believe she's a working woman and it had to come to this

"  As Corrie began to help her, the woman shared more of her back story.  She had lived alone in another city, retired at 60 and started to claim her private pension

 Soon after retiring she started to struggle financially and started to look for work again

 She struggled to find employment because of her age so moved to Leicester to stay with a family member

 After arriving she started work at a city factory with the intention of setting up a home of her own

Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online  As time went on and she found she couldn't afford the upfront costs involved and was struggling to raise a deposit or rent on anywhere close enough to work

 The arrangement to live with her relative was temporary and the woman felt she was becoming a burden so said she had found accommodation elsewhere and moved out

 Unbeknown to her family member she had nowhere to go and headed for the phone box

 Corrie said: "She was there for a few weeks, it's horrible to think it had got to that point for her

 "It could happen to anyone and there's no shame in asking for help when you need it

"  The charity, funded by donations from local people, have now put up a deposit and first month's rent on a room in a shared house for the lady

 Corrie and the team have also provided crockery, furnishings and other items she needed to get set up in her new home

  To contact the charity search Facebook for Help the Homeless Leicester and UK.

For more infomation >> Woman, 61, with full time job slept in phone box because she couldn't afford rent - Duration: 4:25.



For more infomation >> TUTORIAL - COMO INSTALAR O VIRTUAL BOX - Duration: 3:13.


We Are Number Two - Duration: 2:37.







We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

Now, Listen Closely

Here's a little lesson in trickery

This is going down in history

If you wanna be Villain Number Two,

You have to chase a superhero on the run

Just follow my moves, and sneak around

Be careful not to make a sound


*Wilhelm Scream*

No, don't touch that!

We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two

Ha ha ha

Now look at this net, that I just found

When I say go, be ready to throw

And GO!

You Stupid

Throw it on him, not me

Ugh, let's try something else

Now watch and learn, here's the deal

He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!

Ha ha ha




We Are Number Two


Villain Number Two!


We Are Number Two


We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two

We Are Number Two



Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> We Are Number Two - Duration: 2:37.


OFF SIDE : DIYUSI.23 - Duration: 16:09.

For more infomation >> OFF SIDE : DIYUSI.23 - Duration: 16:09.


Um novo super oceano está em formação na Terra. - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Um novo super oceano está em formação na Terra. - Duration: 3:43.


Trumps government ASKED Japans prime minister to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize Daily Mail O - Duration: 5:56.

Trumps government ASKED Japans prime minister to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize Daily Mail O

Donald Trumps administration asked Japans prime minister Shinzo Abe to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize after he and North Korean dictator Kim Jong un met for a historic summit, according to a Japanese newspaper.

Trump boasted Friday during a White House Rose Garden press event that Abe had handed him the most beautiful copy of a five page letter about the nomination but concluded Ill probably never get it.

The request came during the fall, months after the Trump Kim summit in Singapore on June 12, according to the newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

Abe ultimately submitted Trumps name, citing his efforts to defuse decades long tensions on the Korean peninsula.

He said, "I have nominated you, respectfully, on behalf of Japan. I am asking them to give you the Nobel Peace Prize", Trump told reporters on Friday. I said thank you.

Many other people feel that way, too. Ill probably never get it. Thats okay, he said.

President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his Japanese counterpart nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize

A Japanese newspaper now reports that someone in Trumps administration asked Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to submit the presidents name to the Nobel committee

Its unclear how common it is for governments to lobby each others leaders for award endorsements.

The Japanese Embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump has made strides in opening talks with North Korea, saying consistently that the hermit kingdoms belligerence should have been countered by his predecessors.

Last years meeting was the first between a sitting American president and a North Korean head of state.

A spokesman for Japans Foreign Ministry in Tokyo told Reuters that it was aware of Trumps remarks but would refrain from commenting on the interaction between the two leaders.

The Nobel Foundations website says a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize may be submitted by any person who meets the nomination criteria, which includes current heads of states.

Under the foundations rules, names and other information about unsuccessful nominations cannot be disclosed for 50 years.

But that wall of silence has been ineffective in at least one recent instance.

Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong un, pictured last year during their first summit in Singapore, will meet for a second time later this month; in his Nobel nomination, Abe cited the presidents efforts to bring stability to the Korean peninsula amid nuclear saber rattling

Former President Barack Obama posed with his Nobel Peace Prize on Dec. 10, 2009, less than a year into his presidency; a Nobel official later said the committee regretted giving him the prestigious award

The former non voting secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize committee said in 2015 that members regretted giving the prestigious award to former president Barack Obama in 2009, less than a year into his first term.

Geir Lundestad told the Associated Press that the committee had hoped the prize would strengthen Obama, but instead it was met with ridicule since he hadnt yet had a significant impact on global affairs.

No Nobel Peace Prize ever elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama, Lundestad wrote in his memoir.

Even many of Obamas supporters believed that the prize was a mistake. In that sense the committee didnt achieve what it had hoped for.

Trump noted on Friday that they gave it to Obama.

He didnt even know what he got it for. He was there for about 15 seconds and he got the Nobel Prize. He said, "Oh, what did I get it for?"

The surprising anecdote came as he hailed Pyongyangs tremendous economic potential and his great relationship with Kim ahead of a second scheduled summit between the two leaders late next week.

Trump also took a second dig at Barack Obama, suggesting his predecessor had been close to going to war with the nuclear armed state.

Recalling a conversation he had with Obama shortly before his inauguration, Trump said: I dont want to speak for him but I believe he would have gone to war with North Korea.

I think he was ready to go to war, he told me he was so close to starting a big war with North Korea. Where are we now? No missiles, no rockets, no nuclear testing.

Weve learned a lot. But much more importantly than all of it – much more important, much, much more important than that – is we have a great relationship. I have a very good relationship with Kim Jong un. And Ive done a job.

Trump also ran through some of the highlights of the fiery rhetoric he and Kim exchanged in 2017 when tensions between the two countries were skyrocketing.

It was a very tough dialogue at the beginning: "fire and fury," "total annihilation," "my button is bigger than yours", he recalled.

People said "Trump is crazy." And you know what it ended up being? A very good relationship. I like him a lot and he likes me a lot. Nobody else would have done that. The Obama administration couldnt have done it.

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For more infomation >> Trumps government ASKED Japans prime minister to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize Daily Mail O - Duration: 5:56.


Melodies Of Life - (English) - Final Fantasy IX - (HD) - Duration: 6:08.

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark

For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart

To weave by picking up the pieces that remain

Melodies of Life... Love's lost refrain

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why

We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye

And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?

Let them ring out loud till they unfold

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me

Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine

Adding up the layers of harmony

And so it goes, on and on

Melodies of life... To the sky beyond the flying birds

Forever and beyond

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by

Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky

I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings

Leave them now and see what tommorow brings

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?

Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine

Adding up the layers of harmony

And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of life...

To the sky beyond the flying birds. Forever and on

If I should leave this lonely world behind

Your voice will still remember our melody

Now I know we'll carry on

Melodies of Life... Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts

As long as we remember

For more infomation >> Melodies Of Life - (English) - Final Fantasy IX - (HD) - Duration: 6:08.


There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease PARODY - Duration: 1:07.


Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Full Body Whitening Tips in Urdu/Full Body ko Gora Karne ke Upay//How to get Full body Lightening - Duration: 4:09.


Soud vyhověl Plekancovi. Vondráčková má manželovi odevzdat pasy dětí - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Soud vyhověl Plekancovi. Vondráčková má manželovi odevzdat pasy dětí - Duration: 3:31.


'DREAM TEAM' Nottingham Forest have found new Clough and Taylor in O'Neill and Keane - Duration: 6:08.

NOTTINGHAM FOREST have found the new Clough and Taylor in Martin O'Neill and Roy Keane

 And don't take my word for it.  That's the view of the daughter of Brian Clough's legendary No 2 at Forest, Peter Taylor

 Wendy Dickinson, and her brother Phil Taylor, gave the go-ahead for their dad's brilliant 1980 autobiography With Clough By Taylor to be republished for a new audience

 She lived through the extraordinary friendship that helped Forest win promotion to the top flight, the league title and back-to-back European Cups in 1979 and 1980

 O'Neill, who played for Clough throughout those glory days, has recently returned to the City Ground as manager

 And when Keane decided to continue his managerial partnership with O'Neill at Forest, Wendy was delighted

 She told me: "I was so thrilled. O'Neill and Keane are as much of a dream team as Clough and Taylor

 "I think they are the natural successors.  "Martin has been a great manager who has achieved some real success

"  Taylor always believed O'Neill — who has bossed Republic of Ireland, Leicester, Aston Villa, Norwich, Celtic, Sunderland and Wycombe — would one day go on to manage

 Wendy commented: "I remember my dad saying of Martin, out of all the players in that team, he'd be the one who would make it as a manager

 "Dad was a huge fan of Martin's. Brian was not so. He had his issues with him.  "I'm not quite sure why because Martin was such a talented player

 "Dad always said Martin was an intelligent guy who brought a lot to the game. We see that in his management

"  There is a section about O'Neill in the book.  Wendy added: "Dad said 'O'Neill was withdrawn and in the clouds

He required time and patience from Brian and myself. Someone at Forest said Martin thinks he is a better player than he is'

 "My dad retorted 'That is not bad for a start but I'd prefer if it was the other way round'

"  O'Neill has won two, drawn two and lost two of his first six games in charge at Forest

 But Wendy believes the club are destined to finally return to the Premier League after 20 years

 The team are currently just six points behind the play-off spots.  Wendy said: "I was checking the promotion odds the other day and you could get 20-1 on Forest going up

I think that's a great bet."  Taylor died in 1990, aged 62, from the lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

 Proceeds from the book's reissue will be donated towards medical research of the deadly disease

 CHARLTON targeted fans who forgot all about Valentine's Day.  The League One club texted: "Make up for it with a £5 ticket for tomorrow

"  Did seeing Charlton and Blackpool draw 0-0 really compensate for a meal out or a weekend away?  IT WASN'T a great weekend for the once 'Golden Generation' of English football

 Frank Lampard's Derby were KO'd in the FA Cup, Paul Scholes' Oldham were held 1-1 by Crewe and Salford City, where David Beckham now owns ten per cent, lost

Derby boss Frank Lampard reckons red-hot Chelsea star Eden Hazard is better than Lionel Messi

For more infomation >> 'DREAM TEAM' Nottingham Forest have found new Clough and Taylor in O'Neill and Keane - Duration: 6:08.


導入による減収見込みで批判が集まる軽減税率制度 その是非を聞いてみると… - Duration: 6:08.

(maroke/i tock/Gett Images P us/写真はイメー です) 5日、政府 10月から実施を予 している軽減税率制 導入による減収によ て、約80億円が不 する見込みであるこ が判明

 財務省はタバコ税 増税や総合合算制度 見送り、そして社会 障費抑制などを減収 埋め策として用意し いる模様。社会保障 捻出のために増税す にもかかわらず、そ を抑制することに批 的な声が上がってい

  ■特定品目を8 に据え置き 軽減税 制度とは、平成31 10月の消費税率1 %引き上げに伴って 部商品の税率を8% 据え置くもの。現在 ところは一部を除く 料食品と、定期購読 約をした週2回以上 行の新聞が対象だ

 さらに政府は経済 策としてクレジット ードカードや電子マ ーのキャッシュレス 済に購入額の2%分 ポイント還元する方 を表明。増税に伴う 済の落ち込みを最小 にするとしている

しかし、店舗運営者 らは対応したシステ を導入せねばならな ことや、クレジット ードの手数料負担増 に不安が集まってい 。  ■軽減税率に 成する? 政府が導 を予定する軽減税率 ついて、しらべぇ編 部では全国の20代 60代の男女1,6 4名に調査を実施

  結果、「軽減税 導入に賛成」と答え 人は44.6%。反 派のほうが上回る結 となった。 ■職業 で意見に差が 次に 成派を職業別に見て ると、傾向が出た。  専業主婦(夫)の 合が高く、51.5 と賛成者が5割を超 る

やはり家計を預かる のとしては、直結す 消費税は少しでも安 ほうが助かるという とだろう。 一方そ 他は軒並み割合が低 、税を自分で納付す ことが多い商工サー スや自営業は3割に まる

会計処理の煩雑さや 導入に伴う設備投資 に頭を悩ませ「延期 てほしい」と思って るのかもしれない。  ■賛成者の意見は  軽減税率導入賛成 いう主婦のIさん( 0代・女性)に聞い みた

 「正直消費税の増 については不満があ ますが、少しでも税 が安くなるのなら、 のほうがいい。色々 備が大変なこともわ りますが、後々導入 てよかったと思うと が来るのではないか 思います」  ■反 者からは延期を望む  一方反対している はシステム会社に務 るのOさん(40代 男性)だ

 「軽減税率のため 社会保障費を抑制す なんて本末転倒でし う。務めている会社 は既に軽減税率に対 したシステムを開発 てありますが、営業 て回ると『そんな金 い』という会社も多

   それに選挙戦 で消費増税の実施を 昧にして、なかなか 表しないじゃないで か。直前になって新 いシステムを入れろ いわれても対応でき い。先送りが妥当だ 思う」   導入に 満を感じる人が多い 減税率

軽減税率の対象がわ りにくく、さらに増 自体に反対意見が多 ため、「軽減税率も 税もいらない」と思 ている人も多いのだ 増税、そして軽減税 はどうなるのだろう 。  ・合わせ 読みたい→引退した 井静香・元金融相、 おいに吠える 「晋 よ、消費増税で国を ぼすことなかれ」 (文/しらべぇ編集 ・佐藤 俊治) 【調査概要】 方法 インターネットリサ チ「Qzoo」 調 期間:2018年1 月14日~2018 12月17日 対象 全国20代~60代 男女1,664名 有効回答数) 入による減収見込み 批判が集まる軽減税 制度 その是非を聞 てみると…

For more infomation >> 導入による減収見込みで批判が集まる軽減税率制度 その是非を聞いてみると… - Duration: 6:08.


MMD -///Prueba 1///- Rin and Miku - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> MMD -///Prueba 1///- Rin and Miku - Duration: 2:17.


Flyway Kero Kero Bonito sub español Live KEXP - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Flyway Kero Kero Bonito sub español Live KEXP - Duration: 2:04.


La prensa extranjera cree que España tendrá que arriesgar "su integridad territorial" para resolver - Duration: 8:46.

 "Todo esto pone sobre la mesa un conflicto político. La pregunta es cómo un país puede resolverlo sin arriesgar su integridad territorial"

Así se expresó la corresponsal del diario francés Le Monde, Sandrine Morel cuando EL MUNDO le preguntó por el juicio a la independencia de Cataluña que se celebra en el Tribunal Supremo desde el pasado 12 de febrero

 Esta periodista, residente en Madrid desde 2010, reconoció que "el independentismo catalán tiene la idea de que con el apoyo internacional puede revertir la situación y conseguir los apoyos que no logró el 1 de octubre de 2017", día en que se celebró el referéndum ilegal independentista

"Fuera de España ya no interesan los argumentos que esgrimen las defensas de los acusados de que estamos ante un juicio político", advirtió Morel, "porque esto ya llevan mucho tiempo diciéndolo"

 Lo que ahora interesa a Le Monde es saber por qué los independentistas catalanes no apoyaron el proyecto de Presupuestos Generales del Estado presentado por el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez

"La posición de los independentistas con los Presupuestos les va a hacer daño, porque es una decisión que no se entiende al tratarse de un Gobierno que intentó establecer el diálogo

Este es un tema que trasciende muchísimo", manifestó la corresponsal del diario francés

 Este periódico también contactó con el corresponsal del diario británico The Times, Graham Keeley

"La crisis que originó la independencia es una amenaza a la estabilidad de España, que puede afectar el futuro del país a corto, medio o largo plazo", confiesa este periodista, que tiene claro que el juicio al procés "es muy importante para ver si la justicia española puede darles un juicio justo a los acusados", así como para saber cómo actúa la democracia española

"La justicia es fundamental para cualquier democracia", reconoció Keeley. Este corresponsal compara el referéndum ilegal catalán con la consulta sobre la permanencia de Reino Unido en la Unión Europea -Brexit-, celebrada el 23 de junio de 2016

"Hemos visto los problemas que puede causar un referéndum. El Brexit dividió a la sociedad británica", señaló, para advertir de que el 1-O "también ha causado los mismos problemas en España"

 En Estados Unidos también despertó interés "el conflicto" catalán, como lo define el corresponsal de The New York Times, Raphael Minder, que coincide con la francesa Sandrine Morel en que el interés de la prensa extranjera está ahora centrado en "la derrota presupuestaria del Gobierno a raíz del veto de los parlamentarios catalanes"

 Precisamente, el primer día del juicio, la salas que acondicionó el Supremo para que la prensa pudiera seguir las sesiones estaban abarrotadas de medios extranjeros

No pasó así los dos días siguientes, jornadas en las que los corresponsales prefirieron cubrir el debate de los Presupuestos en el Congreso

"El New York Times no tiene ninguna razón por hacer un seguimiento diario de un juicio de varios meses", confesó MInder

"Es un juicio sin precedente idéntico" "Es un juicio histórico y sin precedente idéntico, por mucho que algunos intenten compararlo con asuntos pasados como el 23-F", reconoció Minder, que lo calificó como "un tema complicado" y destacó que el interés de su medio está puesto sobre todo en la comparecencia de Mariano Rajoy como testigo en el juicio

Reconoce que seguirá el juicio "de manera puntual". Una de las críticas que despertó este proceso penal entre los corresponsales extranjeros consultados fueron las medidas cautelares adoptadas por los magistrados en relación a nueve de los 12 acusados que se sientan en el banquillo

"Hay muchas críticas sobre la duración de la prisión preventiva, que ha provocado dudas sobre la dureza de las medidas cautelares" aplicadas, reconoció la corresponsal de Le Monde, que considera "desmesurados" los 25 años de prisión que pide la Fiscalía para el ex vicepresidente de la Generalitat catalana, Oriol Junqueras

 Dicho esto, Morel reconoce que no es "un juicio normal", pero deja claro que "tampoco es como un juicio a un político por corrupción, porque hay más de dos millones de personas que les votan", en referencia a los independentistas catalanes

 El corresponsal de The Times coincide con la periodista de Le Monde en que "es difícil entender por qué los acusados llevan en la cárcel tanto tiempo cuando hay maneras de mantenerles vigilados fuera de prisión"

Dos de los acusados llevan en prisión preventiva desde el 16 de octubre de 2017 -es el caso de Jordi Sànchez y Jordi Cuixart-; el resto entró en la cárcel el 2 de noviembre del mismo año y el 23 de marzo de 2018

 El partido Vox, personado en el juicio como acusación popular, también recibió críticas de algunos de estos corresponsales

Fue el caso de la francesa Morel, que considera que su presencia en el proceso "es dañina para la Justicia española"

"Fuera se preguntan cómo el Estado español puede conllevar este tema y hacer resurgir a algunas formaciones", explicó

 "Es muy negativo para el Estado español que exista la posibilidad de que la acusación popular la lleve un partido político porque pone la política dentro del juicio, cuando justamente se intenta decir a España que no es un juicio político", concluye Sandrine Morel

For more infomation >> La prensa extranjera cree que España tendrá que arriesgar "su integridad territorial" para resolver - Duration: 8:46.


✅ Duda Nagle posta foto fofa com Zoe e Sabrina Sato se derrete: 'Meus amores' - Duration: 3:43.

 Duda Nagle e Sabrina Sato são só amor pela pequena Zoe. Na tarde deste domingo (17), o ator publicou uma foto com a menina no colo em que os dois aparecem esbanjando fofura

Sabrina Sato, que estava fora de casa a trabalho, comentou a postagem cheia de saudade

"Meus amores. Mamãe tá chegando". A artista está envolvida com os ensaios de Carnaval da Unidos de Vila Isabel e da Gaviões da Fiel

Muitos seguidores deixaram mensagens carinhosas para o casal. "Família abençoada

Lindo de ver vocês", escreveu uma fã. Outra pessoa ainda brincou: "Duda deve estar dizendo para a filha

Zoe, um dia isso tudo será seu".  SABRINA FALA DA VOLTA AO TRABALHO NO INSTAGRAM  Nessa semana, Sabrina publicou uma foto em seu Instagram em que aparece glamourosa antes de um ensaio da Gaviões da Fiel

Na legenda, ela fez uma reflexão sobre a vida profissional e a rotina de mãe

"Nessa foto, além de estar olhando para o meu peito cheio de leite e me perguntando se ia pesar muito na hora de sambar, também pensei nas mulheres que me inspiram nesse momento de viver a maternidade e voltar ao trabalho

Cedo ou tarde todas nós mamães ou a maioria passam por isso. E a inspiração e força a gente encontra umas nas outras com seus relatos e histórias

Obrigada pela força mulheres e mães maravilhosas!", disse a apresentadora

Sabrina recebeu muitas mensagens de apoio após a postagem. "Difícil tarefa de voltar ao trabalho e deixar um pedaço de nós! Estou sofrendo, mas vamos seguir que tudo vai dar certo", comentou uma internauta

APRESENTADORA VAI FAZER BONITO NO CARNAVAL  Em recente conversa com o Purepeople, Sabrina falou sobre a expectativa para o desfile deste ano e deixou claro que sua prioridade é fazer bonito na avenida, mas sem se preocupar de forma exagerada com o corpo

O foco da artista no momento é a filha, Zoe. "O corpo não é minha preocupação

É só amamentação mesmo. Fui liberada essa semana para voltar a malhar

Até então eu só estava caminhando. Agora que eu fui liberada para sambar, então estou indo devagar", disse Sabrina, que chegou a ficar com bolhas nos pés após um ensaio técnico

A artista também precisou recorrer a ajuda profissional para combater o cansaço durante a fase de amamentação

SABRINA FALA DOS MOMENTOS LONGE DA FILHA  Na conversa com o Purepeople, a japa também comentou que sente muita saudade quando precisa ficar longe da filha

Sabrina fez sua primeira viagem de avião depois do nascimento da menina na última semana para um ensaio de Carnaval da Vila Isabel, no qual homenageou a menina com sua roupa

"Por mais que eu ame sair no Carnaval, foi bastante difícil deixá-la de casa

É a primeira vez que vamos ficar 12 horas longe uma da outra. Acabando o ensaio, eu pego um voo e volto para casa correndo, mas foi muito difícil

Passei a madrugada com ela, dando de mama, com ela no colo, mas não é fácil

Estou o tempo inteira ligada no celular recebendo vídeo e foto da minha mãe e do Duda

Deixei umas 15, 20 mamadeiras tiradas de leite e ela está tomando tudo

Tive que tirar mais leite aqui no Rio para não cair leite na Sapucaí inteira (risos)", contou a artista

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