Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 17 2019

"What is a security vulnerability?".

I don't think that there is an easy answer to this question.

And so in this video I want to go over a examples, and share my thoughts.

I'm really curious how you think about it, because my actual job is to find and report

vulnerabilities, but I don't really have a clear definition.

For me it's actually often just a "feeling" or an intuition that I have when I determine

if something is a vulnerability or not.

And I hope you find these examples thought provoking as well.

Let's start with a CVE.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly

known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.

So if something got a CVE assigned, it could mean that we all agree that it's a vulnerability.

But have a look at CVE-2018-17793.

This is labeled as a "virtualenv 16.0.0 - Sandbox Escape", and doesnt make any sense.

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions.

Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application

requires version 2.

How can you use both these applications, If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages?

Also, what if you can't install packages into the global site-packages directory?

For instance, on a shared host.

In all these cases, virtualenv can help you.

It creates an environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't share

libraries with other virtualenv environments.

So this just helps you developing python programs and I use it ALL the time for the reasons

that were just mentioned.

However I can see that maybe somebody misunderstands the purpose.

The name VIRTUAL environment, and it creates an ISOLATED python environment could be misunderstood.

Also we use language like we "enter" the virtual environment and we sometimes use shells

that indicate when a virtual environment is active.

So It does sound like a typical virtualisation technology, which we do use for security reasons.

For example using virtual machines to isolate malware.

And a virtualbox escape is indeed a vulnerability.

You escalate priviledges from the virtual machine to the host.

However here you should immediately understand that this is not the same thing.

This "virtual python environment" in quotation marks is just a way to structure python projects,

and maybe the language is slightly misleading to an outsider but of course any code ran

here can do anything.

That's why also the maintainers were so frustrated with the report and why so many

people, including me, joked about it.

Just because it's called virtual environment, it doesn't mean there is a virtual machine

with the goal of privilege separation.

So here we don't have a vulnerability.

Let's look at a second example.

I do quite a bit of ethereum smart contract audits.

And in those audits, we of course, look for typical security issues like reentrancy attacks,

logic bugs, and what ever.

So from the ICOs point of view, they want to issue a token, sell the token for an initial

amount of money, ICO (initial coin offering) to raise capital and use it to build something

with that raised money.

And the people buying those tokens hope that whatever this company builds, will cause the

token later to rise in value.

So from the ICOs point of view they mostly care about bugs that would allow others to

steal tokens or even to just manipulate their token balance.

That of course would mean huge financial losses.

However just because this is the ICOs point of view, and the ICO pays for the audit, this

is not my point of view.

Smart contracts are meant to be decentralized contracts between different parties.

So to me the point of view of somebody investing into that token is equally important.

So let's do an example of a vulnerable that I find thought provoking.

sometimes an ICO will advertise that a token has a limited available amount.

A fixed total supply.

But then they might implement a function on the contract that allows the owner of the

contract, so the ICO, to mint new tokens.

This means they can, at will, just raise the number of available tokens.

But this contradicts what they promised.

They promised limited availability but actually implement unlimited availability.

From the point of view of the ICO this is not really a security vulnerability.

They are the owner, they are in control, why would they care.

But from the point of view of an investor who would like to buy these tokens, I think

this is a big issue.

This contract is now very unfair, but the main issue is the contract contradicts promises

that were made.

So the issue could be titled "contract allows to mint tokens despite claim of fixed supply",

and that for me is a vulnerability.

Okay… third example.

A while ago a person wrote me that they found a session account hijack or something.

I can't find the original messages so I'm just telling based on how I remember it going.

the person also included reproduction steps in the message.

They were going like this:

First, Login to this site.

Then copy the cookie.

Now imagine you go to a different computer, we use a different browser now.

So we login here with a different account.

You can see it here.

Now we intercept this request again but replace the cookie from the first account.

BOOM we got access to the other account.

When people send me reports like this I don't even know what to say.

Like it's like DoS attack on my brain because I try so hard to understand if there is a


Of course there is none, this just how cookies work.

And just because you describe reproduction steps that resulted into access to the other

account doesn't mean this is a security issue.

You just literally explained how session cookies work.

Btw this is the kind of weird crap bugbounty triage people have to read.

Because people who don't really understand it report stuff like that.

And now try to explain to them that this not an issue.

Which of course I did.

Btw it was a regular PHP session id.

And the person still didn't quite get it.

And they insisted this is a security issue, a session or account hijacking.

They were arguing that this is just hex data.

So just 0-9 and a-f.

This is a lot less characters than a full alphabet from a-z.

They were saying it could be bruteforced.

Of course it cannot be realistically bruteforced it's way too long, and thus this isn't

a security issue but this opens up an interesting discussions.

Because let's say the session id is one character shorter.

Do we now have a Secrutiy issue?

Let's make it again shorter.




Well it think we can all agree that if the session id only had two characters, which

means there would only be 256 possible values for a session id, that this definetly would

be a security issue.

This could be easily bruteforced in a matter of seconds and you could access the account.

So we have this spectrum here and somewhere this example moves from being a vulnerability

to it not being a vulnerability.

And I'm sure we all would draw the line somewhere else, especially in those grey areas

where you can argue with bruteforce speed limitations and so forth.

Let's look at a fourth example.


So in cross site scripting issues you can somehow place javascript into a website.

And that javascript can then just do anything in that site.

So if your victim opens a site with your XSS payload, the XSS can do anything like stealing

their session cookie.

So one kind of XSS is what we call reflective XSS.

This happens when part of the URL is directly echoed back into the content of the page.

Now some browser vendors came up with the idea to implement a so called XSS auditor.

This is a best effort defense where the browser tries to look at the URL and check if it contains

something that looks like a javascript XSS injection and then see if it appears in the

document itself.

And then there are different strategies, the browser could for example block the whole

page, or just try to block that specific script.

But this creates two challenges.

Because people quickly figured out you can abuse that.

You could for example take a valid javascript snippet from the document, place it into the

URL and the browser will think you injected it.

But of course you didn't but the browser doesn't know that.

So this is a false positive.

So over the years those XSS auditors got refined but they just can't be perfect.

Because the browser can only guess and bypasses are found all the time.

Though in several cases it actually does stop XSS attacks, which is arguably great for the


However this caused a different problem.

Edge actually stopped and removed the XSS auditor and just recently we saw another proposal

to also remove the Chrome XSS auditor.

And maybe you wonder why, but let's read what it says here.

XSSAuditor Retirement Plan Proposal We haven't found any evidence the XSSAuditor

stops any XSS, and instead we have been experiencing difficulty explaining to developers at scale,

why they should fix the bugs even when the browser says the attack was stopped.

In the past 3 months we surveyed all (google) internal XSS bugs that triggered the XSSAuditor

and were able to find bypasses to all of them.

[...] Furthermore, we've surveyed security pentesters and found out some do not report

vulnerabilities unless they can find a bypass of the XSSAuditor.

And when I retweetetd this one person even commented.

I used to work for a security vendor.

We used to report XSS even if it got stopped by the auditor.

A lot of clients got unreasonably angry about us doing that, so we stopped.

The XSS auditor seems to be a nice first defense, but it was never meant as a protection or

mitigation against XSS.

XSS is not an issue in the browser, the issue is the webapp that doesn't properly encode


Triggering the XSS auditor means your site is vulnerable to XSS.

Maybe the XSS auditor stops one attack, but this doesn't mean it can't be bypassed

or your users use an old or different browser without the XSS auditor.

And now it lead to a culture where clients or the defensive-side in general, say, that

a XSS example that triggers the XSS auditor is not a vulnerability because it got stopped.

So when people try to report vulnerabilities, instead of spending there time on finding

more issues, they now have to spend time over and over again trying to argue why it is still

a vulnerability, or waste time on trying to bypass the auditor.

Even though the underlaying issue is the webapp failing to properly encode output.

I always report XSS issues even when they trigger the XSS auditor.

I don't think it's in the client's best interest, for me to waste time on trying to

bypass the browser.

My job is it to find vulnerabilities or vulnerability patterns in the software of a client, so the

client can fix the actual issues.

That's what they pay for.

I have actually a small related series to a similar topic.

Checkout my AngularJS playlist where I analyse a few angularjS sandbox bypasses.

Several people constantly had to find bypasses to proof to clients that by simply updating

angularjs it doesn't fix the underlying issue.

And this was successful, in the end the sandbox was removed, which allowed easier XSS without

a bypass, because the nice-to-have sandbox was misused as a security mitigation.

The client should just fix the underlying issue.

So this XSS example shows that even if it might not be directly exploitable because

something stopped you, it doesn't mean it's not a vulnerability.

And I have actually even one more example that goes a step further.

So here is example five.

So there was once a mobile app which communicated over SSL with the server, and SSL was properly

implemented in this case.

As you know, SSL protects against man in the middle attacks.

So even if you somehow man in the middle the network connection you cannot see, nor you

modify the messages exchanged between the mobile app and the server.

We can call this an ecnrypted TLS tunnel.

Now the messages exchanged were actually encrypted with AES in CBC mode with PKCS5 Padding.

And it turned out that the server was vulnerable to a padding oracle attack, because there

were kinda verbose errors when you sent a corrupted message to the server.

I don't wanna explain how that attack works here, but it can be used to recover the encrypted


So if you could somehow get your hands on an encrypted message sent from the app to

the server, then you could abuse the error messages to perform a padding oracle attack

and extract the clear-text data.

Is that a vulnerability, that you can decrypt encrytped data?

Well we had huge discussions about this because all of that happened inside of a TLS tunnel.

so even if you were able to get a network man-in-the-middle.

there was no way to actually get to the encrypted message.

SSL or TLS prevents that.

Now think about that.

If there were no encrypted messages, just SSL.

I would never report that "it uses SSL, that protects against MITM, this is safe").

Though I argue that because the client implemented this second layer of encryption, they wanted

that additional layer of protection, and breaking that layer through a padding oracle, is a


So I report that

So… now we had five different examples that all have something weird about them.

I hope they really help you to think about what a vulnerability is and how hard it is

to define what that means.

I don't think I have a clear definition and if I would try to come up with one, I

would find exceptions and contradictions easily.

For me it's actually mostly intuitive and a "feeling".

I think I know when something is a vulnerability and I know when it's not.

I would tell you that you should just read vulnerability reports to also learn that,

but actually it's not easy to build an intuition, because you would need the intuition in the

first place to filter out the stupid reports.

And I think this is what we see happening.

Due to more and more unexperienced bug bounty reports we get flooded with vulnerability

reports that are not vulnerabilities.

And sometimes they might even get a bounty, because the receiving client might not be

able to realize that the report doesn't make sense.

And suddenly you normalise a certain type of finding as it being a valid vulnerability

for a bug bounty.

And this creates this whole weird economic around it.

When at some point a site or triage team rejects those reports because they realise it's

not actually an issue, then you have people complain and point at previous payouts.

It's really messy.

All advice I can give is to stay sceptical about reports and when in doubt ask a few

trustworthy professionals about their opinion.

And hopefully over time you get the experience you need.

Oh… and we haven't even talked about severity ratings yet.

But I don't really care about that.

I have a hard time to determine if a vulnerability is low, medium, high or critical in a certain

context, so I don't think that calculating a precise score like CVSS makes sense.

I understand why for business tracking reasons the Common Vulnerability Scoring System exists,

but I don't know.

I never used it and I feel like something is forced to be ranked, that cannot realistically

be ranked.

Well… let me know how you feel about this.

And by the way, this is my view in late 2018, and my opinions on something like this can

change, so keep that in mind before you angrily explode.

And now let the hunger games begin.

For more infomation >> What is a Security Vulnerability? - Duration: 16:08.


ทีมแพทย์บาเยิร์นยืนยัน 'โกม็อง' ฟิตทันดวลลิเวอร์พูล ,ปืนโดดแจมหงส์ ล่าตัว 'เดอ ลิกต์' 75 ลป. - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> ทีมแพทย์บาเยิร์นยืนยัน 'โกม็อง' ฟิตทันดวลลิเวอร์พูล ,ปืนโดดแจมหงส์ ล่าตัว 'เดอ ลิกต์' 75 ลป. - Duration: 1:58.



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For more infomation >> ❤ แซนด์วิชวันแห่งความรัก 🌹 ขนมหวานแห่งวาเลนไทน์ 2019 | Sherberley - Duration: 11:50.


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MY WORLD RECORD! Showdown Solo :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 12:18.

Brawl Stars Gameplay

gaming channel


For more infomation >> MY WORLD RECORD! Showdown Solo :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 12:18.


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For more infomation >> Diciotti: Conte, Di Maio e Toninelli indagati. M5s vota su Salvini - Duration: 4:44.


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For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Andrea Del Corso: il vero motivo per cui ha detto di No a Teresa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:45.


Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa" - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa" - Duration: 3:42.


Meditação Guiada Thetahealing: Resgate a Confiança na Intuição | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 15:39.

For more infomation >> Meditação Guiada Thetahealing: Resgate a Confiança na Intuição | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 15:39.


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For more infomation >> TANNUS: Test in Strada della Gomma Antiforatura #3 - Duration: 4:03.


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For more infomation >> Sonidos e imagenes de animales para niños - Los animales dela granja en español - Duration: 3:12.


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078. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> 078. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 9:42.


How Amazon Started, Grew and Became A Trillion Dollars Company - Duration: 11:29.

How Amazon Started, Grew and Became A Trillion Dollars Company Inc, popularly known as Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos, an American entrepreneur.

Amazon started out as an online bookstore but is now a multinational company and the

largest e-commerce marketplace and cloud computing platform in the world with a revenue upwards

of $177 billion in 2017.

How Amazon Started

In 1994, Bezos quit his job as vice president of D.E Shaw & Co, a Wall Street firm and relocated

to Seattle Washington where he devised a business plan for a new company.

This move was fueled in part by his regret for not taking part in the internet business

boom at the time.

On July 1994, Bezos named his new company Cadabra Inc. but it was quickly discarded

when Bezos' lawyer disclosed that he misheard the name as "Cadaver" over the phone.

By September 1994, Bezos toyed with the name "Relentless" which was also scrapped because

friends told him the name sounded sinister.

The Relentless domain is still owned by Bezos and redirects to the current website.

Eventually, Bezos settled on the name "Amazon", an authoritative name that referenced the

largest river basin in the world.

This reference also represented his vision of making the company the biggest in the world.

Its launch tagline was "Earth's Biggest Bookstore."

He once told a reporter, "There's nothing about our model that can't be copied over


But you know, McDonald's got copied.

And it's still built a huge, multibillion-dollar company.

A lot of it comes down to the brand name.

Brand names are more important online than they are in the physical world."

Bezos did his research on the future of the internet that predicted the growth of annual

web commerce at 2300% so he created a list of products that could be marketed online

and narrowed it down to what he believed would be the most promising.

These products included compact discs, computer hardware, and software, videos and books.

In the end, he decided that because of the enormous worldwide demand for literature,

the low unit prices for books and a large number of books available in print, his new

business would sell books online.

Bezos invested almost $250,000 to start up Amazon in the garage of his rented house in

Bellevue, Washington.

The First Book Sold

In July 1995, Amazon sold its first book, Douglas Hofstadter's Fluid Concepts and Creative

Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought and in the next two

months sold to all 50 states in the US and more than 45 countries with sales up to $20,000

each week.

By October the same year, Amazon announced its intention to go public.

When eBay was established in 1995, Amazon tried to compete with its own auction site.

The project failed but Bezos was not unhappy.

He bought the skeleton of an Ice Age cave bear for $40,000 and had it displayed in the

entrance hall of the company headquarters next to a sign that read, "Please Don't Feed

The Bear."

The sign is still there till date.

In 1996, Amazon was reincorporated in Delaware and its employee count went up to 11 which

prompted its move out of Bezos' garage into a small warehouse that would become its second

official headquarters.

Amazon Went Public

On May 1997, Amazon issued its first public stock offering at $18 per share.

Around this time, Amazon was sued by Barnes & Noble who declared that Amazon's claim

to be "the world's largest bookstore" was unfounded as it "...isn't a bookstore

at all.

It's a book broker."

The suit was subsequently settled out of court and Amazon continued to make the claim.

In October 1998, Amazon was sued by Walmart who claimed that Amazon stole Walmart trade

secrets by employing former Walmart executives.

This suit was also settled out of court but Amazon had to put internal restrictions in

place as well as the reassignment of the former Walmart officers.

In the same year, Amazon went on to take over companies such as,,


In 1999, Amazon attempted to branch out into the publishing business by buying a discontinued

imprint, "Weathervane" a trade name under which it would publish books.

According to The New Yorker, an American magazine, the books the company published were "selected

with no apparent thought".

The imprint disappeared soon after and by 2014 Amazon agents conveyed that they had

never even heard of it.

Also in 1999, Amazon's online shopping gained national spotlight and recognition when Bezos

was named the "Person of the Year" by Time magazine for successfully popularizing


Amazon in the New Century

In June 2000, Amazon updated its logo to include the curved arrow, shaped like a smile moving

from the A to the Z that is popular around the world today.

It was also at this time that the online platform started offering free shipping on orders above

$100 and the platform opened up to accept third-party sellers.

Some sources claim that Amazon had not expected to make profits for at least four years, a

sluggish growth that caused shareholders to complain that the company's profitability

was not fast enough to justify their investments in the long term.

The internet bubble burst that occurred roughly from 1995 to 2000 as a result of the extreme

growth in the usage and adjustment to the internet destroyed many e-companies.

However, Amazon survived this bleak period and moved on to become a huge participant

in online sales.

Towards the end of 2001 Amazon finally turned its first profit of $5 million at 1¢ per

share on revenue of over $1 billion which was extremely little but it proved that Bezos'

unorthodox model of business could actually succeed.

Between 2001 and 2011, Amazon experienced rapid growth.

In 2002, the Amazon Web Services was launched for developers to include features of

into their own websites.

In that same year, Bezos launched the concept of "two-pizza teams" to the company.

It was a concept that involved organizing employees into groups consisting of less than

ten people – the ideal amount that would be satisfied by two pizzas for dinner – who

were expected to work independently.

The teams were given strict goals and equations were used to measure their success.

Bezos once said, "Communication is a sign of dysfunction.

It means people aren't working together in a close, organic way.

We should be trying to figure out a way for teams to communicate less with each other,

not more."

It was a widely hated concept among the Amazon employees due mostly to the stress involved.

In 2004 Amazon's online shopping sales finally surpassed the book sales for the first time

in the history of the company.

In 2005 the now extremely popular membership program, the Amazon Prime was launched.

In 2007 Amazon launched new services like the home grocery delivery service, the online

music store and the now-famous electronic reader.

They were labeled AmazonFresh, Amazon Music, and Amazon Kindle respectively.

In 2008 Amazon released a search feature that costumers would pay for which allowed advertisers

to direct Amazon traffic to their own sites.

This feature was named Product Ads.

Amazon in Recent Years In 2010, the Kindle electronic books sales

finally exceeded that of printed books for the first time in the history of the company.

By 2011, Amazon had grown to be an employer of up to 30,000 full-time employees and at

the end of 2017; the number had skyrocketed to 566,000 worldwide.

In June 2017, Amazon announced its intention to use $13.4 billion to acquire Whole Foods;

an extravagant supermarket chain with more than 400 stores, a move that media experts

figured would strengthen its physical presence.

By August the acquisition was approved.

As of August 2018, Amazon owns a 5% share of retail spending in the US as well as a

43.5% share of online spending with a net income upwards of $3 billion.

As at 2018, Amazon net worth was valued at $1 Trillion making it the second company in

the world to reach that mark.

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For more infomation >> How Amazon Started, Grew and Became A Trillion Dollars Company - Duration: 11:29.


Paul Cezanne - la montagna Sainte Victoire - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Paul Cezanne - la montagna Sainte Victoire - Duration: 3:33.


Ep. 6: PARTY TIME TOGETHER | 後編 | アイドリッシュセブン Vibrato - Duration: 11:23.

Drink it to the last drop and be showered with kisses.

Red hot Thunder Dry.

Buy now and get this gift.

Suggestive stuff for the middle of the day.

It'll probably sell out again.

Ah, should we go ahead and use this for cleaning?

-Ah, beats me. -I'll set it aside for now.

You're quite the diligent one.

Nope, kind of sloppy.

Didn't you just say I was diligent?

That you are. You should do things you like on days off.

Things I like...

Right. Not things for everyone else.

Thinks I like...

Don't sweat it. Find something if you don't have anything.

Find something?


Have this for now.

I can't drink at this hour.

Why not? It's your day off.

That hits the spot! Nothing better than beer during the day!

This is great!

I know, right?

I got some candy.

You want some too, Iorin?

I don't want any.


Those are just "treats" to bribe you, you know.

You're eating that despite Mitsuki making lunch.

I'm going to eat the lunch, too.

Nagi likes parties, doesn't he?


Is it because he has blond hair?

That's so stereotypical.

Wonder if everyone went somewhere?

It doesn't seem like they did.

How do you know? You psychic?

Of course not.

I asked them to let me know if they were going somewhere far.


Whoa! Did you see yours?

King Pudding and rabbits.

It's Usamimi Friends.

Oh man, I gotta get a picture.

Twenty three, twenty four,

twenty five, twenty six... Shit!

Mission complete.

No way! Aren't you trying to get a six pack?


Our battle of who's the sexiest has only just begun... Oh!

Oh no! It's already this late?!

We haven't even done anything!

Actually, we've done quite a bit.

Cleaning, laundry, practicing...

It's our day off!


I've been excited since yesterday, too, you know.


I even woke up early.

Not like I did anything special but it's been a while since I've relaxed.

Days like this are nice, too.

I see. So that's the so-called Japanese culture of "wabi-sabi".

Hmm, maybe?


Let's get that six pack.

-What?! -Show me what you've got!

One, two, three... Oh, break.

You give up too quickly.

I'll join in!

I can't muster up any energy. I'm so hungry.

Nagi, there's something we could do!



Come on! Come to me!

Yes! Keep going! Aw, man. One more try!

You're gonna play again?

Well, Nagi is down in the dumps, after all.

I mean, Nagi really cares about us, doesn't he?

He's always the one asking if we want to do something together.

There are a lot of times I think things are fun because he's around.

He can act a bit crazy but he's more perceptive than you think.


It's like he's perceptively crazy. He has come through for us a lot.

It's over...

-But you're so close. -I'm out of money.

-Iorin... -Let's win this and head home.


Can you get that for me? I'm busy with this.

It's Mikky.


What? Iorin?

He's playing games in the arcade.

Quit saying things how they aren't!

Eyes front and center!

What? Shopping?



Nagi, quit playing around.

-Red bean paste? -Ah, that's mine.

-You might have a screw loose. -It's gonna be like dessert!

Make something normal, too. You finished up over there?

Ha! Take a look at this.

-You're a natural. -Amazing Tama.

-Proud of you! -Yama-san! Get your hand off me!

I'm going to take a picture, everyone!

- Magical... - Cocona!

Looks like everyone's having a good time.

Wow, that looks good.

What does?


I simply thought it looked good.

"Yamato: Wanna join?"

And now for our dumpling party!

Let's eat!

It's delicious!

Nothing goes better with dumplings than beer!


The red bean paste ones are good. Have some too, Iori.

I'm fine.

And next is...

This is so red. Is this So-chan's?

Wah! It's so red!

- Do you want some, too? - Cut it out. Seriously!

Oh! Having fun here?

Have some too, Banri!

Did you have some?

Yes I did!

Just don't go overboard.

Guess it's a bit too late.

Yum! The dumplings are delicious.

-Whose did you eat? -Mine!

The secret ingredient is our love for manager.

I want to try Nagi's dumplings, too.



Oh? Could it be TRIGGER?

I'll get the door!

You stay here, So-chan.

I'll go.

-Huh? -I'm not the soba guy!

-Please come in. -Thank you.

Here, for you.

Thank you so much.



-Come on in! -Glad you guys could make it.

-It's TRIGGER! -Hey.

This looks like a blast.

-Nagi. -Oh?

Here's a present.


A limited edition Cocona! Where'd you get this?

Got it in the arcade with Iorin.

Oh! I don't know how to thank you. How should I express my feelings...

Normally is fine. Did you do something today, Nagi?

We had lunch and did some training.

That's not "having fun".

Yes. But...


It was a good day off.

For more infomation >> Ep. 6: PARTY TIME TOGETHER | 後編 | アイドリッシュセブン Vibrato - Duration: 11:23.


🎀Заколки цветочки из репсовых лент 2,5 см МК Канзаши 🎀 Hair clips of ribbon 2,5 cm 🎀 Laço flor - Duration: 10:38.

We need 6 pieces grosgrain ribbons of 2.5*9 cm

These flowers are made the same, but from pieces of ribbons of different lengths

For the blue color I took pieces of ribbons of 10 cm

For the pink color I took pieces of ribbons of 9 cm

Sew all 6 petals, be sure to grab the corner laid

Do 6 punctures with a needle

We close the thread in the ring and pull together

Thanks for watching! Put likes, subscribe to the channel and press the bell!

For more infomation >> 🎀Заколки цветочки из репсовых лент 2,5 см МК Канзаши 🎀 Hair clips of ribbon 2,5 cm 🎀 Laço flor - Duration: 10:38.


Vera dimensione e forma della Terra - Duration: 19:02.

For more infomation >> Vera dimensione e forma della Terra - Duration: 19:02.


膠囊起泡史萊姆!一壓配件就出來了~ [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 膠囊起泡史萊姆!一壓配件就出來了~ [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:04.


Bye Bye || Gacha Life - Duration: 0:52.


wow, kim really hates me because she doesn't want me to add subtitles ;c



wh- who the flipflop is this handsome looking boi?

jesus ch-

why he cryin'?




"You wanna have a bad time?"

yeah, me neither.




hey guys, why is a building called "buliding" when it's already build?

answer: idk. you guys guess


chuck-e-cheese is quaking.






wait- whats 9+10?

first one to answer gets a cookie. B)

okay im like, dead inside rn.




For more infomation >> Bye Bye || Gacha Life - Duration: 0:52.


Minecraft 幸運方塊【空島床戰】😂 !! 共⭐58種⭐超神裝備【神巧夢幻隊伍】!! 全字幕 - Duration: 21:30.

For more infomation >> Minecraft 幸運方塊【空島床戰】😂 !! 共⭐58種⭐超神裝備【神巧夢幻隊伍】!! 全字幕 - Duration: 21:30.


送雍正皇帝對聯喻韓國瑜選總統? 天文宮:自行體會- 热门新闻 - Duration: 2:50.

國民黨總統提 名人選未定 ,

藍營不少人拱 高雄市長韓 國瑜參選,

而韓國瑜今天 上午到永安 區天文宮參 加活動,

管委會準備一 幅雍正掛在 養心殿的對 聯「惟以一 人治天下、 豈為天下奉 一人」贈送 韓國瑜,

引發外界聯想 是否有「天 命」?天文 宮管委會表 示,

這幅對聯是去 年11月8 日接獲神明 指示寫下要 送給韓國瑜 ,

當時韓尚未當 選,

至於是否有特 別的意義,

廟方則請大家 自行體會。

天文宮今天上 午舉行書法 比賽,

韓國瑜也到場 參加,

管委會常務監 察蘇國泰表 示,

早在去年高市 長選戰還未 開打前,

永安天文宮神 明就指示管 委會邀請韓 國瑜到訪,

當時韓只是高 市黨部主委 ,

到了11月8 日,

主神徐府千歲 透過乩身代 言寫下「惟 以一人治天 下 豈為天 下奉一人」 兩句話,

此為清朝雍正 皇帝掛在養 心殿的對聯 ,

並指示管委會 贈送給韓國 瑜。

「惟以一人治 天下、 豈 為天下奉一 人」源自唐 代,

代筆的書法家 淡大教授張 炳煌表示,

字面上意思是 說,

皇帝一個人是 來治理天下 的,

豈要讓天下來 侍奉皇帝一 人,

天下的解讀很 廣,

高雄當然也是 一個天下,

一定要有人好 好來治理才 會繁盛,

不能單憑一人 ,

需要大家同心 協力來治理 ,

大家共同來努 力。

韓國瑜今天到 天文宮後,

受到民眾熱烈 歡迎,

廟方也在韓上 香後,

將對聯送給韓 國瑜,

媒體追問此舉 是否把韓比 喻成雍正? 韓國瑜笑而 不答,

只說「天下」 可以改成「 高雄」,

而政治人物要 念茲在茲,

重視人民的生 活。

For more infomation >> 送雍正皇帝對聯喻韓國瑜選總統? 天文宮:自行體會- 热门新闻 - Duration: 2:50.


預警機誕生至今75年,從未被擊落過,這裡的奧秘是什麼?- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 5:28.

預警機作為空 軍戰鬥力的 倍增利器

可以在幾百公 里之外發現 、


並跟踪多達上 百個敵機目 標

因此預警機能 夠在現代化 戰爭中發揮 至關重要的 作用。

例如1982 年6月9日

以色列與敘利 亞在貝卡谷 地展開了一 場"中東歷 史上規模最 大的空戰"

以色列兩架E -2C"鷹 眼"預警機 在戰場上空 監視

將敘軍戰機的 型號、



航向等數據傳 輸給以軍的 F-15和 F-16戰 機

連續擊落81 架敘軍戰機


連續被擊落8 1架飛機

打出了81: 0的戰績

這在現代空戰 史上是前所 未有的。

從194 4年美國通 用公司將A N/APS -20型雷 達(S波段 )安裝在格 魯曼公司的 TBM-3 W"復仇者 "艦載魚雷 機上

從而誕生世界 第一架艦載 預警機AD -3W

至今已有75 年

主要軍事強國 先後服役了 二百多架各 種型號的預 警機。

但從沒有一架 預警機被擊 落過

這裡的奧秘是 什麼呢? 實際上

如果要咬文嚼 字

歷史上還真的 有過預警機 被擊落的案 例

例如在196 9年

美空軍的一架 EC-12 1電子偵察 /預警機從 日本基地起 飛赴半島北 方的外圍海 域執行戰略 偵察任務

在咸鏡北道的 日本海公海 上空進行偵 察飛行。

由於當天正值 金日城的誕 辰日

半島北方空軍 出動兩架米 格-17戰 鬥機

採取秘密低空 出航

突然躍起攻擊 的戰術

將這架EC- 121偵察 /預警機當 場擊落

墜毀在距離朝 鮮海岸線9 0海裡的公 海

當時機上共有 機組乘員3 1人


美國E- 2C預警機 也有被"擊 落"的記錄

不過是美國人 自己幹的。

1991年 7月8日

一架美國海軍 的E-2C 預警機在飛 行過程中突 發大火

機上的5名空 勤人員被迫 跳傘逃生。

而起火的E- 2C預警機 仍然在繼續 飛行

出於安全和保 密的考慮

美國派遣F/ A-18大 黃蜂艦載機 擊落了這架 E-2C預 警機。

以上的案例都 具有一定的 特性

權當聽故事了 。


預警機是難以 擊落的

這主要和預警 機的作戰性 能和任務特 性有關。

現代的專業預 警機都往往 在機背背負 了一個大雷 達

對數百公里內 的廣大空域 瞭如指掌。

對方戰機一進 入到雷達有 效探測距離 內就會被發 現

更不用談擊落 了。

以E-2 C預警機為 例

一般在900 0米的高空 進行巡邏

飛機航線是一 條呈8字形 的一百多公 里的長條帶 狀。

E-2C預 警機搭載的 遠程搜索雷 達的探測距 離達到了4 80千米

最多可同時引 導45架戰 機進行空戰 。

最新的E-2 D"先進鷹 眼"預警機 換裝了採用 UHF頻段 的APY9 有源相控陣 雷達

能夠監視探測 的空域面積 比E-2C 多出了2.


特別是UHF 頻段還具備 反隱身能力 。

美國的美 國的E-3 A"望樓" 預警機由波 音707- 320B民 航機改裝而 成

能在1萬米以 上高度連續 飛行8~1 0小時

有效探測半徑 為370公 里

能同時識別和 顯示600 個空中目標

引導100架 殲擊機進行 攔截。

預警機在發現 有敵機接近 後

可以指揮其他 戰機前往攔 截

還可以自己提 前離開相關 威脅區域。

只要預警機自 己不作死

不進入對方防 空導彈的射 程內

就很難被擊落 。

要想有效 擊落預警機 的辦法並不 多

第四代隱身戰 鬥機偷偷接 近預警機

發射導彈將其 擊落是個好 主意

但隨著預警機 雷達性能的 提升

未來將會對隱 身戰機進行 一定的克制 。

另外一種方法 就是使用超 遠程空空導 彈攻擊預警 機。

例如俄羅斯曾 計劃研發射 程超過40 0千米的K S-172 超遠程空空 導彈。

中國也正在研 發新型遠程 空空導彈

針對目標直指 預警機等高 價值目標。

For more infomation >> 預警機誕生至今75年,從未被擊落過,這裡的奧秘是什麼?- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 5:28.


Banu Avar ile 2019 Türkiye Gerçekleri - Survivor - Medya Basın - Belgesel - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> Banu Avar ile 2019 Türkiye Gerçekleri - Survivor - Medya Basın - Belgesel - Duration: 15:25.



For more infomation >> ΒΟΛΤΑ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΠΙΟ ΤΡΕΛΟ HONDA INTEGRA TYPE R DC2 JAPAN SPEC (GREEK SUBS) - Duration: 11:56.


What is a Security Vulnerability? - Duration: 16:08.

"What is a security vulnerability?".

I don't think that there is an easy answer to this question.

And so in this video I want to go over a examples, and share my thoughts.

I'm really curious how you think about it, because my actual job is to find and report

vulnerabilities, but I don't really have a clear definition.

For me it's actually often just a "feeling" or an intuition that I have when I determine

if something is a vulnerability or not.

And I hope you find these examples thought provoking as well.

Let's start with a CVE.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly

known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.

So if something got a CVE assigned, it could mean that we all agree that it's a vulnerability.

But have a look at CVE-2018-17793.

This is labeled as a "virtualenv 16.0.0 - Sandbox Escape", and doesnt make any sense.

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions.

Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application

requires version 2.

How can you use both these applications, If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages?

Also, what if you can't install packages into the global site-packages directory?

For instance, on a shared host.

In all these cases, virtualenv can help you.

It creates an environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't share

libraries with other virtualenv environments.

So this just helps you developing python programs and I use it ALL the time for the reasons

that were just mentioned.

However I can see that maybe somebody misunderstands the purpose.

The name VIRTUAL environment, and it creates an ISOLATED python environment could be misunderstood.

Also we use language like we "enter" the virtual environment and we sometimes use shells

that indicate when a virtual environment is active.

So It does sound like a typical virtualisation technology, which we do use for security reasons.

For example using virtual machines to isolate malware.

And a virtualbox escape is indeed a vulnerability.

You escalate priviledges from the virtual machine to the host.

However here you should immediately understand that this is not the same thing.

This "virtual python environment" in quotation marks is just a way to structure python projects,

and maybe the language is slightly misleading to an outsider but of course any code ran

here can do anything.

That's why also the maintainers were so frustrated with the report and why so many

people, including me, joked about it.

Just because it's called virtual environment, it doesn't mean there is a virtual machine

with the goal of privilege separation.

So here we don't have a vulnerability.

Let's look at a second example.

I do quite a bit of ethereum smart contract audits.

And in those audits, we of course, look for typical security issues like reentrancy attacks,

logic bugs, and what ever.

So from the ICOs point of view, they want to issue a token, sell the token for an initial

amount of money, ICO (initial coin offering) to raise capital and use it to build something

with that raised money.

And the people buying those tokens hope that whatever this company builds, will cause the

token later to rise in value.

So from the ICOs point of view they mostly care about bugs that would allow others to

steal tokens or even to just manipulate their token balance.

That of course would mean huge financial losses.

However just because this is the ICOs point of view, and the ICO pays for the audit, this

is not my point of view.

Smart contracts are meant to be decentralized contracts between different parties.

So to me the point of view of somebody investing into that token is equally important.

So let's do an example of a vulnerable that I find thought provoking.

sometimes an ICO will advertise that a token has a limited available amount.

A fixed total supply.

But then they might implement a function on the contract that allows the owner of the

contract, so the ICO, to mint new tokens.

This means they can, at will, just raise the number of available tokens.

But this contradicts what they promised.

They promised limited availability but actually implement unlimited availability.

From the point of view of the ICO this is not really a security vulnerability.

They are the owner, they are in control, why would they care.

But from the point of view of an investor who would like to buy these tokens, I think

this is a big issue.

This contract is now very unfair, but the main issue is the contract contradicts promises

that were made.

So the issue could be titled "contract allows to mint tokens despite claim of fixed supply",

and that for me is a vulnerability.

Okay… third example.

A while ago a person wrote me that they found a session account hijack or something.

I can't find the original messages so I'm just telling based on how I remember it going.

the person also included reproduction steps in the message.

They were going like this:

First, Login to this site.

Then copy the cookie.

Now imagine you go to a different computer, we use a different browser now.

So we login here with a different account.

You can see it here.

Now we intercept this request again but replace the cookie from the first account.

BOOM we got access to the other account.

When people send me reports like this I don't even know what to say.

Like it's like DoS attack on my brain because I try so hard to understand if there is a


Of course there is none, this just how cookies work.

And just because you describe reproduction steps that resulted into access to the other

account doesn't mean this is a security issue.

You just literally explained how session cookies work.

Btw this is the kind of weird crap bugbounty triage people have to read.

Because people who don't really understand it report stuff like that.

And now try to explain to them that this not an issue.

Which of course I did.

Btw it was a regular PHP session id.

And the person still didn't quite get it.

And they insisted this is a security issue, a session or account hijacking.

They were arguing that this is just hex data.

So just 0-9 and a-f.

This is a lot less characters than a full alphabet from a-z.

They were saying it could be bruteforced.

Of course it cannot be realistically bruteforced it's way too long, and thus this isn't

a security issue but this opens up an interesting discussions.

Because let's say the session id is one character shorter.

Do we now have a Secrutiy issue?

Let's make it again shorter.




Well it think we can all agree that if the session id only had two characters, which

means there would only be 256 possible values for a session id, that this definetly would

be a security issue.

This could be easily bruteforced in a matter of seconds and you could access the account.

So we have this spectrum here and somewhere this example moves from being a vulnerability

to it not being a vulnerability.

And I'm sure we all would draw the line somewhere else, especially in those grey areas

where you can argue with bruteforce speed limitations and so forth.

Let's look at a fourth example.


So in cross site scripting issues you can somehow place javascript into a website.

And that javascript can then just do anything in that site.

So if your victim opens a site with your XSS payload, the XSS can do anything like stealing

their session cookie.

So one kind of XSS is what we call reflective XSS.

This happens when part of the URL is directly echoed back into the content of the page.

Now some browser vendors came up with the idea to implement a so called XSS auditor.

This is a best effort defense where the browser tries to look at the URL and check if it contains

something that looks like a javascript XSS injection and then see if it appears in the

document itself.

And then there are different strategies, the browser could for example block the whole

page, or just try to block that specific script.

But this creates two challenges.

Because people quickly figured out you can abuse that.

You could for example take a valid javascript snippet from the document, place it into the

URL and the browser will think you injected it.

But of course you didn't but the browser doesn't know that.

So this is a false positive.

So over the years those XSS auditors got refined but they just can't be perfect.

Because the browser can only guess and bypasses are found all the time.

Though in several cases it actually does stop XSS attacks, which is arguably great for the


However this caused a different problem.

Edge actually stopped and removed the XSS auditor and just recently we saw another proposal

to also remove the Chrome XSS auditor.

And maybe you wonder why, but let's read what it says here.

XSSAuditor Retirement Plan Proposal We haven't found any evidence the XSSAuditor

stops any XSS, and instead we have been experiencing difficulty explaining to developers at scale,

why they should fix the bugs even when the browser says the attack was stopped.

In the past 3 months we surveyed all (google) internal XSS bugs that triggered the XSSAuditor

and were able to find bypasses to all of them.

[...] Furthermore, we've surveyed security pentesters and found out some do not report

vulnerabilities unless they can find a bypass of the XSSAuditor.

And when I retweetetd this one person even commented.

I used to work for a security vendor.

We used to report XSS even if it got stopped by the auditor.

A lot of clients got unreasonably angry about us doing that, so we stopped.

The XSS auditor seems to be a nice first defense, but it was never meant as a protection or

mitigation against XSS.

XSS is not an issue in the browser, the issue is the webapp that doesn't properly encode


Triggering the XSS auditor means your site is vulnerable to XSS.

Maybe the XSS auditor stops one attack, but this doesn't mean it can't be bypassed

or your users use an old or different browser without the XSS auditor.

And now it lead to a culture where clients or the defensive-side in general, say, that

a XSS example that triggers the XSS auditor is not a vulnerability because it got stopped.

So when people try to report vulnerabilities, instead of spending there time on finding

more issues, they now have to spend time over and over again trying to argue why it is still

a vulnerability, or waste time on trying to bypass the auditor.

Even though the underlaying issue is the webapp failing to properly encode output.

I always report XSS issues even when they trigger the XSS auditor.

I don't think it's in the client's best interest, for me to waste time on trying to

bypass the browser.

My job is it to find vulnerabilities or vulnerability patterns in the software of a client, so the

client can fix the actual issues.

That's what they pay for.

I have actually a small related series to a similar topic.

Checkout my AngularJS playlist where I analyse a few angularjS sandbox bypasses.

Several people constantly had to find bypasses to proof to clients that by simply updating

angularjs it doesn't fix the underlying issue.

And this was successful, in the end the sandbox was removed, which allowed easier XSS without

a bypass, because the nice-to-have sandbox was misused as a security mitigation.

The client should just fix the underlying issue.

So this XSS example shows that even if it might not be directly exploitable because

something stopped you, it doesn't mean it's not a vulnerability.

And I have actually even one more example that goes a step further.

So here is example five.

So there was once a mobile app which communicated over SSL with the server, and SSL was properly

implemented in this case.

As you know, SSL protects against man in the middle attacks.

So even if you somehow man in the middle the network connection you cannot see, nor you

modify the messages exchanged between the mobile app and the server.

We can call this an ecnrypted TLS tunnel.

Now the messages exchanged were actually encrypted with AES in CBC mode with PKCS5 Padding.

And it turned out that the server was vulnerable to a padding oracle attack, because there

were kinda verbose errors when you sent a corrupted message to the server.

I don't wanna explain how that attack works here, but it can be used to recover the encrypted


So if you could somehow get your hands on an encrypted message sent from the app to

the server, then you could abuse the error messages to perform a padding oracle attack

and extract the clear-text data.

Is that a vulnerability, that you can decrypt encrytped data?

Well we had huge discussions about this because all of that happened inside of a TLS tunnel.

so even if you were able to get a network man-in-the-middle.

there was no way to actually get to the encrypted message.

SSL or TLS prevents that.

Now think about that.

If there were no encrypted messages, just SSL.

I would never report that "it uses SSL, that protects against MITM, this is safe").

Though I argue that because the client implemented this second layer of encryption, they wanted

that additional layer of protection, and breaking that layer through a padding oracle, is a


So I report that

So… now we had five different examples that all have something weird about them.

I hope they really help you to think about what a vulnerability is and how hard it is

to define what that means.

I don't think I have a clear definition and if I would try to come up with one, I

would find exceptions and contradictions easily.

For me it's actually mostly intuitive and a "feeling".

I think I know when something is a vulnerability and I know when it's not.

I would tell you that you should just read vulnerability reports to also learn that,

but actually it's not easy to build an intuition, because you would need the intuition in the

first place to filter out the stupid reports.

And I think this is what we see happening.

Due to more and more unexperienced bug bounty reports we get flooded with vulnerability

reports that are not vulnerabilities.

And sometimes they might even get a bounty, because the receiving client might not be

able to realize that the report doesn't make sense.

And suddenly you normalise a certain type of finding as it being a valid vulnerability

for a bug bounty.

And this creates this whole weird economic around it.

When at some point a site or triage team rejects those reports because they realise it's

not actually an issue, then you have people complain and point at previous payouts.

It's really messy.

All advice I can give is to stay sceptical about reports and when in doubt ask a few

trustworthy professionals about their opinion.

And hopefully over time you get the experience you need.

Oh… and we haven't even talked about severity ratings yet.

But I don't really care about that.

I have a hard time to determine if a vulnerability is low, medium, high or critical in a certain

context, so I don't think that calculating a precise score like CVSS makes sense.

I understand why for business tracking reasons the Common Vulnerability Scoring System exists,

but I don't know.

I never used it and I feel like something is forced to be ranked, that cannot realistically

be ranked.

Well… let me know how you feel about this.

And by the way, this is my view in late 2018, and my opinions on something like this can

change, so keep that in mind before you angrily explode.

And now let the hunger games begin.

For more infomation >> What is a Security Vulnerability? - Duration: 16:08.


ทีมแพทย์บาเยิร์นยืนยัน 'โกม็อง' ฟิตทันดวลลิเวอร์พูล ,ปืนโดดแจมหงส์ ล่าตัว 'เดอ ลิกต์' 75 ลป. - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> ทีมแพทย์บาเยิร์นยืนยัน 'โกม็อง' ฟิตทันดวลลิเวอร์พูล ,ปืนโดดแจมหงส์ ล่าตัว 'เดอ ลิกต์' 75 ลป. - Duration: 1:58.



For more infomation >> TRADİTİONAL HOT TOWEL ROZER TURKİSH SHAVE ASMR - Duration: 10:16.


❤ แซนด์วิชวันแห่งความรัก 🌹 ขนมหวานแห่งวาเลนไทน์ 2019 | Sherberley - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> ❤ แซนด์วิชวันแห่งความรัก 🌹 ขนมหวานแห่งวาเลนไทน์ 2019 | Sherberley - Duration: 11:50.


藤沢五月,ミシミシって,ブラシ折れた理由明かす!スポーツ - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 藤沢五月,ミシミシって,ブラシ折れた理由明かす!スポーツ - Duration: 4:10.


AzjaStop #15 Goa Gaja, Tegenungan, Balijski street food - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> AzjaStop #15 Goa Gaja, Tegenungan, Balijski street food - Duration: 9:50.


MY WORLD RECORD! Showdown Solo :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 12:18.

Brawl Stars Gameplay

gaming channel


For more infomation >> MY WORLD RECORD! Showdown Solo :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 12:18.


PewDiePie Slap T-series For 10 Min - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> PewDiePie Slap T-series For 10 Min - Duration: 10:01.


КАК СДЕЛАТЬ ЭДИТ #4 #Edit - Duration: 3:38.

Hi, in my latest videos

about edits, you had a lot of questions

how to that, that and that

so I have understood, that my way of making edits is too hard

so today I will tell you about an easy one

here is an example

Armenka <3

You may saw it on my instagram

Let's start right now

today, maybe it will be weird for people who watched my previous video

we will do an edit in Noizz

You might know this program

except this program we need

music, photos(videos), topic

Topic - the idea of your edit

I will do edit for or of my lovely Armenka

when you will have all photos or videos, you can start

make a slideshow with these photos

u can make it in Videoleap

For more infomation >> КАК СДЕЛАТЬ ЭДИТ #4 #Edit - Duration: 3:38.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Tekna - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Tekna - Duration: 1:05.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 115pk DIG-T Connect Edition - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 115pk DIG-T Connect Edition - Duration: 1:24.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC N-Connecta Designpack - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC N-Connecta Designpack - Duration: 1:15.


Bye Bye || Gacha Life - Duration: 0:52.


wow, kim really hates me because she doesn't want me to add subtitles ;c



wh- who the flipflop is this handsome looking boi?

jesus ch-

why he cryin'?




"You wanna have a bad time?"

yeah, me neither.




hey guys, why is a building called "buliding" when it's already build?

answer: idk. you guys guess


chuck-e-cheese is quaking.






wait- whats 9+10?

first one to answer gets a cookie. B)

okay im like, dead inside rn.




For more infomation >> Bye Bye || Gacha Life - Duration: 0:52.


Summit1G No Scope Kraber Collateral Kills !!! Apex Legends Highlights #7 - Duration: 10:27.

Some lead right here bashing home

Whole team full team in here I just lit one in there. Okay. I'll noscope on juvenile it to unroll it

I'm healing my shields quick

Right about me


Vote let's jog for the highlights

Not the guy behind

Keep it go. Yeah, keep making it move that way. I'm gonna go this way - fuck it. Hold on mascara ground

Followed like punching was


Going up noodle. Yeah gonna be gonna meet economy. We just got to run it. We just gonna run it

I'm actually driving a portal

I just suicided know what just to say that you cuz I followed you

I've never been in this part of the map before my bad well

Yeah, I know annihilate I'm chucking them so hard


My god

Why go good shit

No one knocks

On the back

You know

Guess what there's another TV - oh fuck I

Love this game. I love you. I fucking love you. Dude. You are beautiful

My whole team just you guys left I just killed everyone. Thanks guys

You're gonna grab all the loot

Here's what you do go to the redeploy? All right. Look the direction you want to go?

Then look straight up in the air

Once you get to the top and lunch after you've launched hit your free look button and look around

Then if you go towards tall objects like the side of the map. You'll start hovering


So I over here if I go over on this side. I'm hovering

Right, you can only help her so many times though

But if you're really good at it

Cover a really long distance I

Could get our banners and run all the way to the one

Legend whether the last chain you doctored the check, yeah, but it's the new moly bro

Crazy dad -

Come on bearable. He's executed his ass later Doug. Oh, oh

My god, dude, oh my god what the fuck's happening right now and then I died

This cave is so

Fuck that guy

Oh my god, that was so close holy that was close

For the highlights, okay. So listen up guys is now

I'm an enemy. I'm coming from here

Okay, this is a bit fucked up because you can see it like if you I mean no one is going to see that pixel

Yeah, right. I don't think so. You could place it even here

If you are like a big fella fucker, like look at this one guys

Thanks, I backed out the door I


Then without us dope anymore

Hey, no, I didn't know this

Okay, sorry you guys

Yeah, oh shit there's obviously a fucking

Yeah, Luke they give it a $10 could you please give me your best impression of an Italian slick daddy

I don't know man, like I don't

I can't do it. I can't do Italian. I can't do European accents

All right. I can do a little bit of Australia the other night

Outside of that I can't do anything you talk to me about Irish. Hey, they flutter you bloody ass bastard

You bust your bloody ass busted. I don't know right United Kingdom. I

Look at you

Stupid boy. I

mean, I don't know I

have no idea

For more infomation >> Summit1G No Scope Kraber Collateral Kills !!! Apex Legends Highlights #7 - Duration: 10:27.


Scotland Diary - From Edinburgh to Loch Ness (2/11) 괴물 네시는 어디에 있을까요? (Eng sub/한글자막) - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Scotland Diary - From Edinburgh to Loch Ness (2/11) 괴물 네시는 어디에 있을까요? (Eng sub/한글자막) - Duration: 8:00.


翻墙神器wireguard搭建IPv6隧道,因为更少的阻断,所以有更快的速度 - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> 翻墙神器wireguard搭建IPv6隧道,因为更少的阻断,所以有更快的速度 - Duration: 11:49.


Ben Great - Groupies - Duration: 2:10.

yo yo it's 10pm when i pick up my phone lil bitch hit my line tryna see what i'm on

she said i'm with my best friend and we bored as fuck

i got a forty ounce of kush and some henny pull up

she said i would come through but my car in the shop

the gas price is too high to tow my car off the lot

i'm sweat pants big chillin got my hair in a bun

i know you lying seen the addy its whatever we on

big pimping chain rocking like the way that i turn

you can't stop me can't stop me i been waiting too long

it's 12am here's your uber i been waiting too long

you wit your friend you wit your friend and you ain't wearing no thong

a grade hoe with b plus grade pussy the bitches think they bad but fuck it they

just some groupies all my bitches 10s yeh they bad and boujie

but i can never love 'em or trust 'em 'cause they some groupies

10 bad bitches tryna see what they about i just want some pussy they just want the

clout 10 bad bitches tryna see what they about

i just want some pussy they just want the clout

now she sliding to my dms searching what section we in

trying to sit where we seated she don't know what i'm bout

baby you acting too conceded something i don't believe in

maybe you need to leave here you don't know what i'm bout

now she stepping outside [?] if you woulda played your role i woulda followed

it up you say i play with your emotions while you

bottle em up i know you good at sucking dick but can you

swallow enough

a grade hoe with b plus grade pussy the bitches think they bad but fuck it they

just some groupies all my bitches 10s yeh they bad and boujie

but i can never love 'em or trust 'em 'cause they some groupies

10 bad bitches tryna see what they about i just want some pussy they just want the

clout 10 bad bitches tryna see what they about

i just want some pussy they just want the clout

For more infomation >> Ben Great - Groupies - Duration: 2:10.


Breathtaking oceancoast hiking | Day 4 of Camino del Norte from Irún to San Sebastián - Duration: 19:55.

Hello and good morning from our epic location at the oceanside!

We had a beautiful night, it was very quiet, we slept really well except for the slope

that it was going downhill.

The night was very warm because trees protect us from wind.

So it was very quiet and as I said one of the most beautiful locations are when we are

stelth camping and not in hte official camping sites.

So we are really enjoying it so far.

Our plan today is to get to San-Sebastian and then to the camping site that will be 24 kms.

So it will be the longest day so far out of all 3 days of our Camino.

Now we have to find the Camino del Norte route so it's about 4 to 5 kms to it and then to

follow it to San-Sebastian and to the camping site.

But we are starting really early today, the earliest that we start normally.

Normally we start like at 10-11 am and now it's like 8.30 so we should get there in time.

That's the real Camino experience.

There are some mountains shelters here.

That's a surprise really.

And we see that here it's possible to camp cause there's very perfect ground for it.

And we didn't get to it 1 km or so.

We thought that it's prohibited for the whole area but it's like perfect for it.

It's extremely hard here to find the way.

Lots of narrow middle paths in the forest and lots of vegetation so without navigation

it's quite impossible to do that.

So massive, it's the coolest path ever.

Is it all formed by the air and the wind and rain?


Today's weather is more likely what you would expect from the North oceancoast or at least

what we expected from it.

The sky is full of clouds and it feels like it's gonna rain any minute.

But we really don't want that because we dont have a waterproof camera neither the case

for it.

So it would be a gap in the footage.

Maybe it's not happening.

There are lots of flies around that are very annoying and biting maybe that's because we're

sweating like crazy.

But the air is so stuffy now, it's very hard to breathe and even harder to walk.

That uphill was absolutely a killer.

Now we are out on the GR 121.

But this little mountanious part was worth like 10 normal routes.

Because of its beauty and what we see on it.

So we don't regret it.

Now we are off to the Camino, very close.

We are running out of water now.

But we are not sure if we can drink from this river.

it should start somewhere near here high in the mountains.

But not sure.

We conquered all of that mountain, now we are turning this way.

We found that there are lots of wooden bridges throughout the GR routes.

Almost exclusively on the GR we find them.

And not in the hard places so we don't really understand why they built them.

So now we are crossing the car road and the Camino del Norte goes along the car road.

But we continue on the GR route because we prefer to go on the mountain path than on

the car road.

Let's go there.

This GR goes parallel to the Camino and the car road.

So you don't lose anything, just winning.

Still can't believe that we managed to pack all the things in the smaller backpacks.

Mine was this one the turquoise color and it's 50 L but we managed to take it smaller

to 20 L. So now this is my backpack.

And this is my husband's.

This is a real step forward to us in going lighter.

Today is a big day cause we receive our new photo camera in the village San Sebastian.

We bought it because it's lightweight so we can leave our DSLR at home.

Because it's too heavy for the long hikes especially.

So we did it on purpose in San Sebastian.

We bought it from ebay and told them to send it to San Sebastian because we knew we'll

walk by this city so it's very convenient.

They can send all around the world, any country, any place.

During today we met several people that were greeting us in some unknown language so we

guess it's a basque language.

And it's very interesting for us to hear it because it's very unusual.

And we want to learn some words actually and not being an idiot and to greet them in their

own language from now.

Getting close to the city just got the 4G coverage.

In the mountains there was no signal whatsoever.

So now we can start shooting Instagram stories and start sharing with you guys.

So really happy about it.

We are getting close to the Pasaia town and there we should take the ferry that will take

us to San Sebastian.

This is gonna be cool experience.

And the update about my knee.

It's kind of feeling better when I'm going downhill especially steep hill it's starting

to hurt again.

I'm really hoping that it's not going to be the deal today.

We've been seeing around lots of these massive beautiful flowers.

Do you guys know what are these?

Because we haven't seen them before.

This boat trip was a real dissapointment.

It turned out to be the 30 sec trip so we just didn't realize we were there.

And now we are heading to San Sebastian to buy some food as always, go to the supermarket,

put a stamp in the church and probably buy me some T-shirt.

I really hope so cause I really need it.

Bought some grapes and some plums as always to have a snack.

And we received the parcel.

Now let's open it.

If it's our camera inside or something else.

Let's have a look.

This is our baby.

Where are you?

Lots of paper.

That is so tiny.

Especially compared to our DSLR.

Now we can take photos.

But we have to learn how to use it.

And it's gonna take time.

But it's cool anyway.

It's so tiny, can't believe it.

So we couldn't find here in the city where to put the stamp because the churches are


And we don't know how to call anyone.

So we think we skip it for now and it's not a big deal.

In the next city we'll do it.

And now we'll go to the Decathlon which is the best shop to buy the sports goods and

we'll buy a T-shirt for me.

Let's go!

I think we found it.

Not my favourite color but will go.

That is so crowded, so many people.

We are still going, super tired and still can't get out of the city.

It's super big.

And the heat is killing us.

The hot sun all day long till the very end.

So from how tired we are we feel like we are doing the impossible today but we are doing it.

Still 7 kms left.

So now we are almost at the camping site.

And what are your impressions of the day?

It wasn't an easy day.


Because we crossed a lot of cities.

Lots of pavement roads, busy streets, lots of traffic.

You know it's very stressful, very crowded.

In addition to that tropical hot weather, it was killing us.

But the start of the day was spectacular.

It is the highlight of today.

Now we are very tired and all we want is to take a shower.

Yes, lay down flat and sleep.

See you tomorrow on the next day!

Thank you so much for watching!

If you enjoyed our video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and leave us a comment below

sharing your opinion.

Subscribe to our channel and hit notification bell to always stay up to date with all our

hiking adventures and nature walking videos.

Also follow us on social media such as Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Hope you are having a great day and we'll see you in our next video!


For more infomation >> Breathtaking oceancoast hiking | Day 4 of Camino del Norte from Irún to San Sebastián - Duration: 19:55.


My son died while I was battling breast cancer and it almost destroyed me - Duration: 9:10.

I loved my job as a primary school teacher and I desperately wanted children. Being a mum and having a family was everything to me

Tom was born first – he is now a 24-year-old actor – and he was 14 months old when James came along

But James was born with a rare chromosomal disorder, which created complicated special needs and health problems

He was allergic to virtually everything, and he had dual sensory loss, learning disabilities and autism

I gave up my job to care for him. I wanted to help him achieve everything he was capable of

It was challenging at times – I would set alarms to give him medication every two hours, apply wet-wrap bandages over his whole body for the first two years and be ready for allergic reactions

My husband Steve and I faced serious situations so many times: in 2012 he had a stomach bleed, and had life-threatening surgery, but James bounced back, so while we worried, we never expected anything else

I was told when he was a baby that James would never accomplish anything. But I decided differently

He was the first child in his school to get a communication aid after I saw Stephen Hawking using one, and, at seven, James had an operation that enabled him to walk for the first time

He did things that were incredible and we were so proud. Everything he did was a miracle

In early 2014, when he was 19, James was accepted into Star College, Cheltenham, a residential place where he'd learn to live independently as an adult

It was a huge achievement given there was so little hope for him when he'd been born

James' disabilities had never stopped us doing what we wanted to do as a family. James couldn't fly but we went to Disneyland Paris seven times on the Eurostar, and we also visited the top of Snowdon – Steve and Tom climbed and James and I went up on the train

Looking after James was a full-time job, so when, in September 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I put myself on the back burner as always

I waited a few weeks and delayed my treatment – only by four weeks – to make sure there was a care package in place for James

I wasn't concerned about me, just him. I chose a double mastectomy, because the cancer I had was likely to recur in the other breast, and I didn't want any care for James to be compromised if it did

After surgery I had chemotherapy, but I remained positive, as with James' illnesses my focus was on getting well and getting us all back to normality

It was hard because Steve was working as an accountant while caring for us all. But everybody helped, especially Tom

When my hair started falling out due to the chemo, Steve shaved my head, which James found hilarious

He looked on, belly laughing. Humour was our coping mechanism and our home was always filled with laughter

We were lucky. We had a nice home and a happy family, but we weren't materialistic

We'd learned early on that the most important thing in life was each other. My treatment was going well and we decided 2015 was going to be a good year

Our goal was to get to April when the invasive treatment was over, and buy a hot tub for the garden to celebrate

But in February, James became ill. He had an infection from which he recovered, but a week later he became unwell again and was admitted to hospital

He developed sepsis, but despite two operations in one day, it resulted in organ failure and he died

It destroyed me. I had cared for James 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 22 years

He had no verbal communication, so I was his eyes and his ears, his advocate. He was my job, my best friend, he was part of me… He was my life

And when he died, I couldn't cope. The medics insisted on continuing my chemotherapy, so I delayed the funeral so I could get over the treatment to say goodbye properly

At my next chemo session, I clung onto James' cuddly toy and wouldn't let go. I managed to hold it together for the funeral, even reading a letter telling James how much he was loved and how privileged we were to have been his family

But after that I knew I wasn't coping. I'd write to James every day, setting down my feelings, my memories, because I was frightened of forgetting

I locked myself away because it was easier than seeing other people who still had their family

I needed to go on for Steve and Tom, but it felt like I was no use to them any more, because such a big part of me was missing

I was referred to a psychiatrist who gradually helped me find a way forward. But I sought refuge in food

I'd always yo-yo'd, but after James' death I ballooned to a size 18-20. Although I recovered from breast cancer I'd never felt so low, and I went from 11st to 14½st

I was bald, flat-chested and obese. The psychiatrist helped me take little steps towards recovery

And when I went interrailing in June 2017 with Steve to celebrate my 50th birthday, stopping in Venice, a gondolier took our photo

I was horrified. I looked as awful as I felt – but it was what I needed to take back control

I had to lose weight and joined a Slimming World group. By November 2017 I'd lost 3½ stone

I maintained that loss and underwent a DIEP flap breast reconstruction in January 2018, where my stomach tissue was transplanted to create new breasts

Once I'd recovered from that I lost another stone, taking me to 9st 13lb. I have learned to enjoy exercise and I feel so energised

It keeps my body healthy, and it's also great for my mental health. I have too much life left to throw it away and I owe it to my family, and James, to live the life I'm privileged to have

I believe James is around me and laughing with me, so I'm rebuilding my future and taking him forward with me

I think about James every day, but life is short. I appreciate every day for what it is

I've had a brush with death and been given a second chance – James hasn't. I have to make every moment matter

For me and for him. Slimming World became part of Julia's therapy to reclaim her life

It transformed her way of eating and gave her back some control. 'Before, I'd start the day well with Bran Flakes or Special K, but by mid-morning it was time for coffee and chocolate biscuits or a chunk of cake – I bought lots of cakes and I'd have several slices a day

I bought tubs of chocolates, which I ate in no time, then for lunch I'd have a toastie loaded with cheese, then nuts and crisps and yet more chocolate

'Tea would be fish and chips, or pizza, and I'd often eat late into the night. Now, breakfast is mixed fruit and fat-free natural yoghurt, lunch is salmon with jacket potato and green vegetables, and dinner is now a healthy roasted vegetables and tomato pasta

However, at weekends I still treat myself to a huge cooked breakfast.'  Slimmingworld

For more infomation >> My son died while I was battling breast cancer and it almost destroyed me - Duration: 9:10.


[Nightcore] Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes - Duration: 2:40.

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million Always had high, high hopes

Mama said Fulfill the prophecy Be something greater

Go make a legacy Manifest destiny Back in the days

We wanted everything, wanted everything Mama said

Burn your biographies Rewrite your history Light up your wildest dreams

Museum victories, everyday We wanted everything, wanted everything

Mama said don't give up, it's a little complicated All tied up, no more love and I'd hate to see you waiting

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million Always had high, high hopes

Mama said It's uphill for oddities The stranger crusaders

Ain't ever wannabes The weird and the novelties

Don't ever change We wanted everything, wanted everything

Stay up on that rise Stay up on that rise and never come down

Stay up on that rise Stay up on that rise and never come down

Mama said don't give up, it's a little complicated All tied up, no more love and I'd hate to see you waiting

They say it's all been done but they haven't seen the best of me So I got one more run and it's gonna be a sight to see

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

Didn't know how but I always had a feeling Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million Always had high, high hopes

For more infomation >> [Nightcore] Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes - Duration: 2:40.


James Weir recaps Married At First Sight 2019 episode 13 - Duration: 13:02.

 It's one of just two food insults on Sunday night. The second comes at the hands of the former adult virgin

Out of everything he has done, this act is perhaps the worst. But more on food later

Get your junk food platters ready. Matthew and Lauren are on the rocks all because he said he's not attracted to her

And tonight, our predictions come true. Matthew does a bash and dash. Lauren is humiliated and she doesn't know who to blame

She wants to hate Matthew but she can't help but think she let herself get cocky

She confides in us that because she's Matt's first, she was worried he'd fall in love with her too soon

It never occurred to her the opposite could happen. In only seems appropriaye to again quote Married At First Sight oracle Tracey Jewel: Matthew has hib ip and quib ip

 We still don't know where Elizabeth is and we've honestly looked everywhere. No new make up tutorial videos have been posted on her YouTube account

We've printed missing person flyers and left them on the store counters of Priceline Pharmacies all around Sydney

Local fire stations say they haven't received any late-night triple-0 calls about pizza-toast related fires

It's like she just vanished. Sam's furious at his wife's disappearance. She hasn't called or texted once

He even left a voicemail and she had the gall to not respond. Who the hell doesn't listen to their voicemails? A lunatic, that's who — the kind of person who'd do something like, I don't know, fake a funeral

 "I feel disrespected," he huffs. Tell it to a voicemail, Samuel. We then watch him apply calamine lotion to his contagious chicken pox welts and, honestly, why would a woman not want to be around this, it doesn't make sense

 You know, with all the ugliness happening on this show, let's just take a moment to appreciate a beautiful man with a bun wearing a fabulous silk shirt

 There's just so much drama happening at the moment, I feel a personal duty to weed out the crap and just present the important information

We find out Matthew has slapped Lauren with the ultimate insult — and it's not that he told everyone he's not attracted to her in the slightest

This insult came in the hours after. Lauren tells us that she got home and Matthew wasn't there

And more importantly, neither was their food. "He packed up everything in the fridge

All the food's gone. Everything's gone," she says. This is the ultimate low blow

 "Your husband took food from you?!" Cyrell screams. We're glad you appreciate the gravity of this situation, Cyrell

 Melissa, like us, reacts appropriately. At the commitment ceremony, a famished Lauren sits on the couch and tells the experts everything

She's so starving after her fridge was robbed that she barely has the strength to go into it

"Lesbian … threesomes," is all she whispers. My gosh, what Lauren would give for one of Lizzie's stale handbag biscuits

 Matt takes over and cringes again about Lauren's "sexual appetites". We still don't know why he insists on making it a plural

 "We got to the dinner party and my default setting is honesty so I got asked a question … are you attracted to Lauren? What ended up coming out was … I don't think I am," he tells the experts

 Matt still doesn't see what's wrong with telling a group of randoms at dinner that you think your partner is meh while they're literally sitting next to you

 "I feel like shit," Lauren says. "The thing that pisses me off the most is that Matthew was a virgin coming into this

And to me, when you lose your virginity to someone you have to surely be sexually attracted to them

I just feel used because was he just doing it to have that experience for the first time?" Matthew takes several long blinks before saying, "No, because Tinder, Lauren, duh," and we're all shocked that Matthew knows what Tinder is

 And that's when he does it. He reveals his card. He has bashed and dashed. Lauren bows out

She can't wait to get back to the uncomplicated life of ménage à trois and unleashing the beast

 As a sidenote, is Martha aware she's wearing a lime green polo because it seems really off brand

 Also, Melissa confirms the last time she had sex was New Year's Eve 2009 and everyone acts real cool about it

 Putting her evil genius plan into motion, Ines lies and says John Aiken is very good at therapying and she would like to stay another week please so she can continue cheating with Sam

 And now it's time for Sam to activate his side of the plan. We secretly wish he hibs ip and quibs ip with Ines, but he doesn't

 Of course, we have to ask where Lizzie is. "Who? Oh, the girl with the pizza-toast," Sam replies

 "She has disrespected me!" he claims, still looking fresh from his international fake funeral

 But John knows something we don't. "What I can tell you and the group is Elizabeth has not been feeling well," he informs

"She's got struck down by a virus and she was not able to make the dinner party last night nor the commitment ceremony tonight

" We want more answers. Did she get struck down after eating a particularly old slice of pizza-toast? We would like to know so we can avoid the same demise

But Sam is too perturbed to ask any further about his wife's welfare. "I'm sick as a dog and I'm till here," he strops

 "I think communication wouldn't go astray — just would've been nice to know what had happened … maybe her reach out," he adds, not even the slightest bit aware of the irony

 He's mortified Elizabeth has stood him up and made him look like an idiot. Only he's allowed to make her look like an idiot

Sam really can't read a room. He thinks — because of his all-over body sores and being abandoned — we have sympathy for him, and he proceeds to mock Lizzie in an attempt to further nudge us to his side

It's ugly. Only we're allowed to mock Lizzie. "She tried to force-feed me Nutella!" he laughs about his wife, mocking the delicious junk food platter she assembled

 "It was pretty full on. I was pretty turned off by her … Like, get away from me, you know? All of a sudden she's trying to eat my face off!" We're disgusted

As humans, all anyone of us want is to meet someone who will willingly force-feed us Nutella

He had that and he threw it away and now he's sitting here laughing. Sam doesn't deserve love or Italian confectionary spreads

 For more observations on junk food platters and fabulous silk shirts, follow me on Twitter and Facebook: @hellojamesweir

For more infomation >> James Weir recaps Married At First Sight 2019 episode 13 - Duration: 13:02.


What is a Security Vulnerability? - Duration: 16:08.

"What is a security vulnerability?".

I don't think that there is an easy answer to this question.

And so in this video I want to go over a examples, and share my thoughts.

I'm really curious how you think about it, because my actual job is to find and report

vulnerabilities, but I don't really have a clear definition.

For me it's actually often just a "feeling" or an intuition that I have when I determine

if something is a vulnerability or not.

And I hope you find these examples thought provoking as well.

Let's start with a CVE.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly

known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.

So if something got a CVE assigned, it could mean that we all agree that it's a vulnerability.

But have a look at CVE-2018-17793.

This is labeled as a "virtualenv 16.0.0 - Sandbox Escape", and doesnt make any sense.

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions.

Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application

requires version 2.

How can you use both these applications, If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages?

Also, what if you can't install packages into the global site-packages directory?

For instance, on a shared host.

In all these cases, virtualenv can help you.

It creates an environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't share

libraries with other virtualenv environments.

So this just helps you developing python programs and I use it ALL the time for the reasons

that were just mentioned.

However I can see that maybe somebody misunderstands the purpose.

The name VIRTUAL environment, and it creates an ISOLATED python environment could be misunderstood.

Also we use language like we "enter" the virtual environment and we sometimes use shells

that indicate when a virtual environment is active.

So It does sound like a typical virtualisation technology, which we do use for security reasons.

For example using virtual machines to isolate malware.

And a virtualbox escape is indeed a vulnerability.

You escalate priviledges from the virtual machine to the host.

However here you should immediately understand that this is not the same thing.

This "virtual python environment" in quotation marks is just a way to structure python projects,

and maybe the language is slightly misleading to an outsider but of course any code ran

here can do anything.

That's why also the maintainers were so frustrated with the report and why so many

people, including me, joked about it.

Just because it's called virtual environment, it doesn't mean there is a virtual machine

with the goal of privilege separation.

So here we don't have a vulnerability.

Let's look at a second example.

I do quite a bit of ethereum smart contract audits.

And in those audits, we of course, look for typical security issues like reentrancy attacks,

logic bugs, and what ever.

So from the ICOs point of view, they want to issue a token, sell the token for an initial

amount of money, ICO (initial coin offering) to raise capital and use it to build something

with that raised money.

And the people buying those tokens hope that whatever this company builds, will cause the

token later to rise in value.

So from the ICOs point of view they mostly care about bugs that would allow others to

steal tokens or even to just manipulate their token balance.

That of course would mean huge financial losses.

However just because this is the ICOs point of view, and the ICO pays for the audit, this

is not my point of view.

Smart contracts are meant to be decentralized contracts between different parties.

So to me the point of view of somebody investing into that token is equally important.

So let's do an example of a vulnerable that I find thought provoking.

sometimes an ICO will advertise that a token has a limited available amount.

A fixed total supply.

But then they might implement a function on the contract that allows the owner of the

contract, so the ICO, to mint new tokens.

This means they can, at will, just raise the number of available tokens.

But this contradicts what they promised.

They promised limited availability but actually implement unlimited availability.

From the point of view of the ICO this is not really a security vulnerability.

They are the owner, they are in control, why would they care.

But from the point of view of an investor who would like to buy these tokens, I think

this is a big issue.

This contract is now very unfair, but the main issue is the contract contradicts promises

that were made.

So the issue could be titled "contract allows to mint tokens despite claim of fixed supply",

and that for me is a vulnerability.

Okay… third example.

A while ago a person wrote me that they found a session account hijack or something.

I can't find the original messages so I'm just telling based on how I remember it going.

the person also included reproduction steps in the message.

They were going like this:

First, Login to this site.

Then copy the cookie.

Now imagine you go to a different computer, we use a different browser now.

So we login here with a different account.

You can see it here.

Now we intercept this request again but replace the cookie from the first account.

BOOM we got access to the other account.

When people send me reports like this I don't even know what to say.

Like it's like DoS attack on my brain because I try so hard to understand if there is a


Of course there is none, this just how cookies work.

And just because you describe reproduction steps that resulted into access to the other

account doesn't mean this is a security issue.

You just literally explained how session cookies work.

Btw this is the kind of weird crap bugbounty triage people have to read.

Because people who don't really understand it report stuff like that.

And now try to explain to them that this not an issue.

Which of course I did.

Btw it was a regular PHP session id.

And the person still didn't quite get it.

And they insisted this is a security issue, a session or account hijacking.

They were arguing that this is just hex data.

So just 0-9 and a-f.

This is a lot less characters than a full alphabet from a-z.

They were saying it could be bruteforced.

Of course it cannot be realistically bruteforced it's way too long, and thus this isn't

a security issue but this opens up an interesting discussions.

Because let's say the session id is one character shorter.

Do we now have a Secrutiy issue?

Let's make it again shorter.




Well it think we can all agree that if the session id only had two characters, which

means there would only be 256 possible values for a session id, that this definetly would

be a security issue.

This could be easily bruteforced in a matter of seconds and you could access the account.

So we have this spectrum here and somewhere this example moves from being a vulnerability

to it not being a vulnerability.

And I'm sure we all would draw the line somewhere else, especially in those grey areas

where you can argue with bruteforce speed limitations and so forth.

Let's look at a fourth example.


So in cross site scripting issues you can somehow place javascript into a website.

And that javascript can then just do anything in that site.

So if your victim opens a site with your XSS payload, the XSS can do anything like stealing

their session cookie.

So one kind of XSS is what we call reflective XSS.

This happens when part of the URL is directly echoed back into the content of the page.

Now some browser vendors came up with the idea to implement a so called XSS auditor.

This is a best effort defense where the browser tries to look at the URL and check if it contains

something that looks like a javascript XSS injection and then see if it appears in the

document itself.

And then there are different strategies, the browser could for example block the whole

page, or just try to block that specific script.

But this creates two challenges.

Because people quickly figured out you can abuse that.

You could for example take a valid javascript snippet from the document, place it into the

URL and the browser will think you injected it.

But of course you didn't but the browser doesn't know that.

So this is a false positive.

So over the years those XSS auditors got refined but they just can't be perfect.

Because the browser can only guess and bypasses are found all the time.

Though in several cases it actually does stop XSS attacks, which is arguably great for the


However this caused a different problem.

Edge actually stopped and removed the XSS auditor and just recently we saw another proposal

to also remove the Chrome XSS auditor.

And maybe you wonder why, but let's read what it says here.

XSSAuditor Retirement Plan Proposal We haven't found any evidence the XSSAuditor

stops any XSS, and instead we have been experiencing difficulty explaining to developers at scale,

why they should fix the bugs even when the browser says the attack was stopped.

In the past 3 months we surveyed all (google) internal XSS bugs that triggered the XSSAuditor

and were able to find bypasses to all of them.

[...] Furthermore, we've surveyed security pentesters and found out some do not report

vulnerabilities unless they can find a bypass of the XSSAuditor.

And when I retweetetd this one person even commented.

I used to work for a security vendor.

We used to report XSS even if it got stopped by the auditor.

A lot of clients got unreasonably angry about us doing that, so we stopped.

The XSS auditor seems to be a nice first defense, but it was never meant as a protection or

mitigation against XSS.

XSS is not an issue in the browser, the issue is the webapp that doesn't properly encode


Triggering the XSS auditor means your site is vulnerable to XSS.

Maybe the XSS auditor stops one attack, but this doesn't mean it can't be bypassed

or your users use an old or different browser without the XSS auditor.

And now it lead to a culture where clients or the defensive-side in general, say, that

a XSS example that triggers the XSS auditor is not a vulnerability because it got stopped.

So when people try to report vulnerabilities, instead of spending there time on finding

more issues, they now have to spend time over and over again trying to argue why it is still

a vulnerability, or waste time on trying to bypass the auditor.

Even though the underlaying issue is the webapp failing to properly encode output.

I always report XSS issues even when they trigger the XSS auditor.

I don't think it's in the client's best interest, for me to waste time on trying to

bypass the browser.

My job is it to find vulnerabilities or vulnerability patterns in the software of a client, so the

client can fix the actual issues.

That's what they pay for.

I have actually a small related series to a similar topic.

Checkout my AngularJS playlist where I analyse a few angularjS sandbox bypasses.

Several people constantly had to find bypasses to proof to clients that by simply updating

angularjs it doesn't fix the underlying issue.

And this was successful, in the end the sandbox was removed, which allowed easier XSS without

a bypass, because the nice-to-have sandbox was misused as a security mitigation.

The client should just fix the underlying issue.

So this XSS example shows that even if it might not be directly exploitable because

something stopped you, it doesn't mean it's not a vulnerability.

And I have actually even one more example that goes a step further.

So here is example five.

So there was once a mobile app which communicated over SSL with the server, and SSL was properly

implemented in this case.

As you know, SSL protects against man in the middle attacks.

So even if you somehow man in the middle the network connection you cannot see, nor you

modify the messages exchanged between the mobile app and the server.

We can call this an ecnrypted TLS tunnel.

Now the messages exchanged were actually encrypted with AES in CBC mode with PKCS5 Padding.

And it turned out that the server was vulnerable to a padding oracle attack, because there

were kinda verbose errors when you sent a corrupted message to the server.

I don't wanna explain how that attack works here, but it can be used to recover the encrypted


So if you could somehow get your hands on an encrypted message sent from the app to

the server, then you could abuse the error messages to perform a padding oracle attack

and extract the clear-text data.

Is that a vulnerability, that you can decrypt encrytped data?

Well we had huge discussions about this because all of that happened inside of a TLS tunnel.

so even if you were able to get a network man-in-the-middle.

there was no way to actually get to the encrypted message.

SSL or TLS prevents that.

Now think about that.

If there were no encrypted messages, just SSL.

I would never report that "it uses SSL, that protects against MITM, this is safe").

Though I argue that because the client implemented this second layer of encryption, they wanted

that additional layer of protection, and breaking that layer through a padding oracle, is a


So I report that

So… now we had five different examples that all have something weird about them.

I hope they really help you to think about what a vulnerability is and how hard it is

to define what that means.

I don't think I have a clear definition and if I would try to come up with one, I

would find exceptions and contradictions easily.

For me it's actually mostly intuitive and a "feeling".

I think I know when something is a vulnerability and I know when it's not.

I would tell you that you should just read vulnerability reports to also learn that,

but actually it's not easy to build an intuition, because you would need the intuition in the

first place to filter out the stupid reports.

And I think this is what we see happening.

Due to more and more unexperienced bug bounty reports we get flooded with vulnerability

reports that are not vulnerabilities.

And sometimes they might even get a bounty, because the receiving client might not be

able to realize that the report doesn't make sense.

And suddenly you normalise a certain type of finding as it being a valid vulnerability

for a bug bounty.

And this creates this whole weird economic around it.

When at some point a site or triage team rejects those reports because they realise it's

not actually an issue, then you have people complain and point at previous payouts.

It's really messy.

All advice I can give is to stay sceptical about reports and when in doubt ask a few

trustworthy professionals about their opinion.

And hopefully over time you get the experience you need.

Oh… and we haven't even talked about severity ratings yet.

But I don't really care about that.

I have a hard time to determine if a vulnerability is low, medium, high or critical in a certain

context, so I don't think that calculating a precise score like CVSS makes sense.

I understand why for business tracking reasons the Common Vulnerability Scoring System exists,

but I don't know.

I never used it and I feel like something is forced to be ranked, that cannot realistically

be ranked.

Well… let me know how you feel about this.

And by the way, this is my view in late 2018, and my opinions on something like this can

change, so keep that in mind before you angrily explode.

And now let the hunger games begin.

For more infomation >> What is a Security Vulnerability? - Duration: 16:08.


WHAT A MES Ozil likes post criticising Arsenal boss Emery after being left out for Europa League tri - Duration: 5:45.

MESUT OZIL has risked another bust-up with Unai Emery after liking a social media post criticising the Arsenal boss

 The German winger, top earner at the Emirates on £350,000-a-week, was left out of Thursday's Europa League trip to BATE Borisov

 Ozil has only figured for 102 minutes in 2019 after falling out of with the Gunners' Spanish manager

 After missing Saturday's victory at Huddersfield through sickness, the 100th he has been unavailable for due to injury or illness for the club, he returned to training this week and attempted to remain upbeat despite his omission

 But the 2014 World Cup winner appeared to hit back at Emery's latest snub after a fan commented on one of his Instagram posts

 A follower wrote: "We miss you bro. Keep fighting and stay strong. Show Emery, dumb pundits and the whole world they are wrong

"  And eagle-eyed Gooners quickly spotted Ozil's agreement with the post message after he liked it

 Emery explained his decision to not bring the ex-Real Madrid playmaker to Belarus pre-match, saying: "We are here with the players who I think are OK to play

The players not in the squad is because [Aaron] Ramsey has not trained with us, Sokratis [Papastathopoulos] has started to train but not enough, Mesut is the same

" THREAD AND WHITE Arsenal's new 2019-20 Adidas home and away kit 'leaked' and fans love them  Ex-Gunners and England defender Martin Keown claims the whole situation is embarrassing as he claimed only Ozil really knows whether his fitness and health problems are true

 Keown said: "Is he injured? Is he ill? One of the things as a player is that you have to be available for selection and give consistency

 "He hasn't been able to give either of those so he has to work to get back in to the team

That's what he has to do and what the manager wants him to do. But it's now becoming embarrassing the situation and with no Ramsey too

 "We don't know if he is really injured or not. To miss (100 matches) is quite remarkable

I would say that is questionable but only the player really knows."  Meanwhile, Emery has been warned by another Arsenal legend that the apparently disgruntled Ozil could end up getting him the sack

 Ray Parlour, who helped the club to win three Premier League titles, said: "It's been a little bit like PSG with Neymar

 Neymar ended up getting Emery the sack. Fans are loving Arsenal's new 2019-20 home and away kit  "He lost the dressing-room and Neymar was pulling the strings there

Maybe it could be the same at Arsenal."  And when quizzed whether Ozil will leave North London at the end of the campaign, Parlour added: "It looks like that could happen

I go back to the dilemma of what Arsenal have got. He's on £350,000-a-week. Who is going to pay that sort of money?  "There's got to be a time in your career, when you're over 30 you know you're on a slippery slope

You have to come to a decision.  "He could stick his heels in and sit out his contract, and say 'play me when you want'

The players hold all the power." Arsenal fans not impressed with Mesut Ozil's workrate during training

For more infomation >> WHAT A MES Ozil likes post criticising Arsenal boss Emery after being left out for Europa League tri - Duration: 5:45.


Prince William and Prince Harry will split their Royal home in the coming weeks - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Prince William and Prince Harry will split their Royal home in the coming weeks - Duration: 1:59.


Detroit Lions: Jon Gruden, Raiders an 'excellent choice' for 'Hard Knocks' - Duration: 6:53.

CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMOREThey can't say no, no matter how much they'd want to, so the Detroit Lions have taken to promoting another team for the HBO series "Hard Knocks

"Both Lions coach Matt Patricia and general manager Bob Quinn joked at a forum for season ticket holders Monday that the Oakland Raiders would be an ideal fit for the reality series that goes behind the scenes of an NFL training camp

"I think Jon Gruden is an excellent choice for that show," Patricia said. "I think the Oakland Raiders and everything they've got going on right now would be fantastic viewing for everybody to watch

"The Lions and Raiders are two of five teams that can be compelled to take part in a series that got its start way back in 2001

 Dec 16, 2018; Cincinnati, OH, USA; Oakland Raiders head coach Jon Gruden takes the field for warmups prior to the game against the Cincinnati Bengals at Paul Brown Stadium

Mandatory Credit: Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports (Photo: Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports)The Lions have never appeared on the show, but the Raiders, playing their final season in Oakland before moving to Las Vegas, with the No

4 pick in the draft and a big personality in Gruden, are considered the more attractive option for TV

4th & MONDAY:Our NFL newsletter always brings the blitzWHO WILL GET KYLER MURRAY?Teams that could draft Heisman winnerThe NFL exempts teams from appearing on "Hard Knocks" if they have a new coach, if they've made the playoffs in either of the last two seasons, or if they've appeared on the show at some point in the last 10 years

Only the Lions, Raiders, New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Washington don't fall into one of those categories

"Nobody wants to do it," Quinn said. "Except Oakland."Patricia joked that he wouldn't want to take part in the show because "I would get a lot of phone calls from my mom at night

" But there are more practical reasons why the Lions want to keep cameras away, too

The last three teams to appear on "Hard Knocks" have finished with losing records, and Quinn said the show can give opponents valuable insight into scheme and personnel

"One of my guys in scouting watches that show," Quinn said. "If we're playing them that year, we DVR that show, we watch that show, we might glean a little thing about a personnel matter or a scheme thing

That's something that other teams always do. I know we do it, we did it at our previous team (the New England Patriots), I've done it here

So it's real."Is it going to be a matter of a win and loss? I'm not sure, but we take the stuff that we do behind our doors pretty privately and pretty securely so that's something that definitely is a factor

"The Lions play the Raiders – and Giants and Washington – this fall.Follow Dave Birkett on Twitter @davebirkettFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInNFL mock draft: Post-Super Bowl edition Fullscreen Posted!A link has been posted to your Facebook feed

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Giants - Dwayne Haskins, QB, Giants Aaron Doster, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen7. Jaguars - Drew Lock, QB, Missouri Denny Medley, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen8

Lions - Greedy Williams, CB, LSU Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen9. Bills - Jonah Williams, OT, Alabama Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen10

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For more infomation >> Detroit Lions: Jon Gruden, Raiders an 'excellent choice' for 'Hard Knocks' - Duration: 6:53.


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Blake's Urban DH POV | Racing The Valparaíso Cerro Abajo Urban Downhill - Duration: 3:47.

Right, this is the first straight down

coming in.

(whistle blows)

Then it's like quick sprint

down this bit.

(spectators cheer)

Oh hey, really fast down here.

Be careful,

this ground is so slippery,

I'm running super hard tires,

I like running 40.

This bit's sketchy.

Nice, then it's steps.

(whistle blows)


Alright, this is the death bit.

I hate this bit, hate it.

(spectators cheer)

Really bad.

First gap.

(spectators cheer)

Don't like this bit.

I hate this bit, horrible.

Then it gets really narrow here, really narrow.

Then onto Grandma's roof.

It's steep here.

On the brakes,

and then through the house.

Through the house.

Oh my God, over-jumped that.

Over-jumped that.

Now it's on the power to jump the,

switching to jump this thing.

Oh, cased that.

Proper cased that.

Bombing down here, bombing,

and there's this bit, sketchy, drop,

brakes, pull out,

cross this road.

(whistle blows)

And we got some riders in front of us,

this bit is the plaza death.

You don't wanna go too fast,

'cause it's really slippery.

You bomb down here,

and there are more steps.

And then the road gap.

I mean, we're alright.

I'm gonna stay quite low on this,

then pop out.

That was a bit deaf.

This is called mono,

this is where it's flat out, man.


(spectators cheer)


Real slippery, man.

There's like dirt all over the road.

This is sick, Benny!

Nice, oh look at this bit.

You could use the curve of the bike,

there you go, real tight here,

real tight.

This is a mono section.


We got this track,

I don't wanna go too fast,

but people have been bombing here.

And you got this step on,

step off.

Step off,

then you got this big gap, nice.

Bomb down here.

Bombing really fast into this last block,

where you don't wanna go too fast properly.


This is Rob Berezo.

Wow, so much fun.

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