Thursday, February 14, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2019

 2018 saw two Royal weddings take place with the nuptials of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank

And 2019 will se at least one more Royal tie the knot as Lady Gabriella is set to marry financier Thomas Kingston

Royal weddings are often huge events and have certain rules and traditions which must be followed at all costs

Read below to find out which strange traditions Lady Gabriella may have to include in her nuptials

Royal wedding 2019: Why Lady Gabriella WON'T turn into a BRIDEZILLA Royal wedding 2019: Lady Gabriella's connection with Prince Louis  Lady Gabriella Windsor, who is the 51st in line to the British throne, may have to follow some very unusual wedding traditions as a member of the Royal Family

 Although not a descendant of Queen Elizabeth II, Lady Gabriella is closely related to the monarch through her father, Prince Michael of Kent, who is the Queen's first cousin

 One Royal custom suggest the bride must carry a spring of myrtle in her bouquet. READ MORE: Royal wedding 2019: How Meghan could STEAL Lady Gabriella's THUNDER like with Eugenie The strange tradition dates back to Queen Victoria's time in the late 1800s

 Royal brides including Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie, the Queen, and Princess Diana all had myrtle in their wedding bouquets - so it's like Lady Gabriella will do the same

 Royal author Robert Jobson told "I'm sure Lady Gabriella will use myrtle as well

" Another custom related to the bouquet is to send it off to be laid on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey in London

 READ MORE: Royal wedding 2019: Lady Gabriella Windsor's wedding - latest details REVEALED Lady Gabriella's nuptials to be 'scaled down Princess Eugenie wedding' Royal wedding WAR: Will Lady Gabriella COPY Meghan Markle's wedding?  This gesture began with the Queen Mother in 1923 as she honoured her brother Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, who was killed during World War I

 Since then, the touching gesture has been done by many Royal brides. Lady Gabriella, who will wed at St George's Chapel in Windsor could be sending the bouquet down to London following the ceremony, just like Princess Eugenie did when she married at the same venue last year

 Another Royal wedding tradition relates to the rings. Since 1923, Royal brides have used Welsh gold in the wedding bands

 This custom was also introduced by the Queen Mother who used Welsh gold in her ring when she married "Bertie" who later became King George VI

 Welsh gold is quite rare and after Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret and Princess Diana all used it the original supply nearly ran out and

 Kate Middleton had to have her ring made from a different nugget of Welsh gold in 2011

 However, as Lady Gabriella is not a direct descendant of the Queen she may not use the rare gold as there are hardly any left

For more infomation >> Royal wedding 2019: The STRANGE wedding traditions Lady Gabriella may HAVE to follow - Today News U - Duration: 4:08.


Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.

rev up your engines, Rob says hey Scotty I got a 2016 honda pilot

elite with a nine-speed and I'm planning on keeping it for 10 years, what should I do

to ensure it stays reliable, don't listen to any BS anybody tells you, still change

the engine oil filter like every 5,000 miles, that's the main thing that makes

those things last, change the oil, do all the maintenance that you should you're

gonna keep it for 10 years, use that long live coolant and change it

once every five years that's no big deal, change the brake fluid once every four

or five years that's no big deal, but you just, if you want to keep it for ten years

you want to keep that stuff up, and you want of

course to stay away from really deep water you don't want to ever get water into the

electronic, because all modern vehicles they got so many

computer modules in them and some of them have 56 computer modules, some of them

156, so you don't wanna get the electronics wet, because that will ruin it over time

and then they're so complicated these days, nobody knows how to fix them, real Madrid

says Scotty my car tries to start on its own, if got one of

those remote starters my advice would be disconnected system, because they can go

haywire and do that, but if it's a normal car, what happens is the ignition

switches can short the power and they won't turn themselves off, and then it'll

keep running the starter, and the other thing is

if your starter is really shorting out it'll do that too, I remember when I was

a kid, I had an Opel and I knew the starter was going out and I'd parked at

the end of the driveway, and my mother parked the Chevy Impala we had behind it

and all of a sudden I'd always leave the car in reverse, and all of a sudden the

car started to crank the engine and reverse and it was backing into my

mother's new car, and I thought oh she's gonna kill me if it hits it, so I ran in

between them and I stuck my leg in there, and

man it had crushed my leg, I'm screaming at my mother, hey come out here come out here,

and she jumped in the Opel and took it out of gear and then I had to replace

the starter, so sometimes if the starter starts going it'll do that too,

bent bones says got a used Honda Accord with 150,000

miles, should I change the timing belt, well of course it depends on what year

it is you know, the newer ones have timing chains and you don't have to think about it

but if it has a timing belt, yes you definitely want to change it, and they tell

you to changes every 100,000 it's got 150,000 I would change it now then

you don't have to think about it, it's not that big of a deal if it's a

four-cylinder, if it's a v6 it's gonna cost you a lot of money because

that's a pretty involved job, but the four-cylinder ones it's not that bad of

a job changing the timing belt on a four-cylinder Honda, but it's a v6, one

it's a bigger job and two you want to use a really good mechanic, because it's

much harder to do than the four-cylinder one on a Honda, random computer geek says

my friend has a 2000 Camry with a 2.2, he wants to put a transmission from a 3.0

v6 in the same year, will the transmission fit or not, no it won't fit

their different engines, they have different specs, the computer would have

to be reprogrammed, now that's a very good question that fits a lot of stuff

though, because when I was young you could swap all kinds of things out, there

were a lot of universal stuff in cars, but not today, everything's made for

certain computer software, made for certain size engine, certain mounts

certain gear ratios, and it's best not to modify anything especially a toyota

they're pretty well designed in the first place, don't mess up with something

that was close to perfect to begin with, Peter and Peter says, hey

Scotty I'm looking to buy the 87 Chevy 350, but should I get a car or a truck

which is best to own, well back in 87 Chevy made pretty good pickup trucks

you know 350 v8 Chevy pickup trucks, you can't go wrong with them, it's old as the

hills, it's an 87 so you know you're talking about what, thirty two-year-old vehicle

that's pretty old, but if you live in Texas they're not rusted you know, look

as long as the frame isn't Rusted, you can always fix it up parts are always

available for those old things, and they can run a real long time, I would get a

Chevy pickup truck with the 350, if you want to get an old one like that

Joseph says Scotty your thoughts on a Chevy Corvair I'm looking at one

those were weird cars, that was when Ralph Nader wrote that book, unsafe at

any speed, because all the stuff he found wrong with them, but that

collectors items now, they were air-cooled six-cylinder engines and

especially with a standard transmission, they were relatively fast cars, now

there's a guy in Pennsylvania and he's got a big store, and he bought a lot

of the parts and he even makes new parts for the things, you can get parts from him

if you like a Corvair, and you wanna fix it up

the only real caveat I have is, check it out good, Jack it up to see if the frame

is rotten, cuz if the frame is rotten don't buy, you don't want to buy a car

with a rotten frame, then you got to do the whole body off the frame and it's

too much hassle, but as long as the frame isn't rot, like you get one from

California or Texas or Arizona, someplace that doesn't have snow in salt and stuff

they can be very fun cars to drive around in and their still not all

that expensive to buy, they are collector items, but they're never

gonna be cars that go for 40, 50, 60 thousand dollars, so they're kind of fun

to fiddle around with, so if you never want to

miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.


Vì Anh Thương Em - Dj Future [Video Gái Xinh] - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Vì Anh Thương Em - Dj Future [Video Gái Xinh] - Duration: 5:35.


[FREE] Summrsxo x Autumn x Xangang Type Beat 2019 "Valentine" (Prod. Jaboii) - Duration: 3:20.

[FREE] Summrsxo x Autumn x Xangang Type Beat 2019 "Valentine" (Prod. Jaboii)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Summrsxo x Autumn x Xangang Type Beat 2019 "Valentine" (Prod. Jaboii) - Duration: 3:20.


Eliana Albasetti y Federico Koch revelaron cómo superaron su quiebre a días de su matrimonio - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Eliana Albasetti y Federico Koch revelaron cómo superaron su quiebre a días de su matrimonio - Duration: 5:02.


Jsou hosté, kteří Barboru Tachecí (56) dost dráždí a ona se to ani nesnaží skrývat. Když do pořadu O - Duration: 4:14.

 Hned v úvodu Barbora Tachecí začala Emmu Smetana chválit. To u ní není úplně zvykem a nejednoho posluchače, který zkušenou moderátorku zná, to zaujalo

„Od přírody jsem skeptická povaha, takže jsem počítala s tím, jak to nakonec dopadlo," nechala se slyšet Smetana, když přišlo na přetřes její angažmá na Nově, kde působila celkem tři a půl roku

Pak se se zástupci televize kvůli vyhazovu soudila, před rokem ale soud prohrála

 „Líbilo se mi to dobrodružství, že zkoumám to naprosto nové prostředí, učila jsem se samotné řemeslo

Kromě Televizních novin jsem potřebovala být i v terénu a vidět, jak ty zprávy vznikají, být u jejich zrodu

To mi zajistilo ‚dobrodrůžo' na první rok, pak jsem se chtěla pokusit o nějaké změny a s tím zřejmě rostla míra iritace mých šéfů, kteří asi nechtěli nic měnit," pokračovala Smetana, která v dobré víře chtěla měnit zažité pořádky a narazila na odpor vedení

 „Zjistila jsem, že lidé vedoucí zpravodajství jsou na stejném levelu jako diváci, měla jsem o nich do té doby jiné mínění," poznamenala Emma, jež měla za to, že půjde o lidi s velkým intelektuálním rozhledem a zkušenostmi

  Sama nemá pocit, že by se v životě zachovala někdy tak, aby se musela stydět. „Věřím tomu, že jsem se vždycky chovala rovně a přímo

Jako dítě jsem musela lhát a bylo to hrozně nepříjemné. Vnímám jako luxus, že dneska můžu žít v pravdě," nechala se slyšet a v té souvislosti zmínila své současné angažmá v DVTV

Později se jí Tachecí zeptala, zda je opravdu tou levicovou intelektuálkou, jak ji mnozí vidí

  „Mám pocit, že se tato pravolevá pravidla setřela a politické i intelektuální spektrum se definuje jinými parametry

Cítím se být proevropská. Nejraději bych byla, kdyby Evropská unie byla federací, a věřím v mezispolečenskou solidaritu," dodala Smetana, která často a ráda zmiňuje fakt, že se cítí být Evropankou

 A divák nebo posluchač zase mohl mít pocit, že Tachecí je Emmou natolik fascinována, že v ní buď vidí samu sebe před x lety, anebo ji mrzí, že takové možnosti jako zpěvačka a moderátorka ona neměla

 „To jsme ještě nezažili, takhle pochvalnou Tachecí, to si snad pustím ještě jednou, já snad špatně slyším," vtipkoval jeden z nich

 V této souvislosti se nabízí připomenout legendární rozhovor, jejž s Emmou Smetana vedla Daniela Drtinová, která také neskrývala fascinaci její osobou

Následně Emma rozšířila řady DVTV.

For more infomation >> Jsou hosté, kteří Barboru Tachecí (56) dost dráždí a ona se to ani nesnaží skrývat. Když do pořadu O - Duration: 4:14.


Make Money Unlocking Your Phone {Working 2019!} - Duration: 5:27.

Make Money Unlocking Your Phone

For more infomation >> Make Money Unlocking Your Phone {Working 2019!} - Duration: 5:27.


तिल की गजक | Til Ki Gajak | Til Gur Gachak Recipe | Til Chikki Recipe - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> तिल की गजक | Til Ki Gajak | Til Gur Gachak Recipe | Til Chikki Recipe - Duration: 4:20.


LỄ HỘI TRUYỀN THỐNG RƯỚC HỘI MẪU Xã Lại Yên Hoài Đức Hà Nội 2019 Phần 5 Rước Oản - Duration: 26:35.

For more infomation >> LỄ HỘI TRUYỀN THỐNG RƯỚC HỘI MẪU Xã Lại Yên Hoài Đức Hà Nội 2019 Phần 5 Rước Oản - Duration: 26:35.


Какой сегодня праздник: на календаре 15 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник: на календаре 15 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:46.


Premio solidario a la Fundación Leo Messi - Duration: 1:50.

 La Fundación Leo Messi nació con el objetivo de luchar para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los niños y que estos pudiesen perseguir sus sueños

En el año 2018, se iniciaron las obras del SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, destinado a ser unos de los principales centros monográficos de oncología pediátrica de Europa, y para el que tanto la Fundación Leo Messi como la figura de Leo Messi han sido claves, tanto por la aportación económica realizada, como por liderar la campaña de sensibilización y captación de fondos que ha permitido recaudar más de 30 millones de euros en un tiempo record, acercando así el sueño perseguido por los impulsores del proyecto

Además de los proyectos realizados en Cataluña, donde destaca la colaboración en otros proyectos de investigación con los principales hospitales de la ciudad condal o la colaboración con Special Olympics Catalunya, la actividad de la Fundación Leo Messi se extiende por todo el globo, en colaboración con entidades de reconocido prestigio como UNICEF

Para 2019, la Fundación espera poder seguir con su importante labor, y centrando sus esfuerzos en mejorar la salud de la infancia a través de distintos ámbitos de actuación, acercar a los niños y niñas más desfavorecidos a sus sueños

” Un centro pionero  El Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, en Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona), celebró en octubre el inicio de las obras de su nuevo centro de cáncer pediátrico, que prevé abrir en 2020 en un acto simbólico en el que  participó Leo Messi

El nuevo SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona permitirá atender a 400 pacientes al año, un 30% más de los que puede tratar actualmente el centro (215 casos nuevos y 70 de recaídas): "Pensamos que el centro será un antes y un después para los pacientes, familiares y profesionales, y uno de los centros más grandes de Europa”, ha explicado el director gerente del Hospital, Manel del Castillo

 Ya curamos al 80% de los niños con cáncer, pero todavía perdemos a niños y es un drama personal que intentaremos mejorar en este centro, con métodos innovadores”, dijo sobre un centro que tendrá los últimos avances y tecnología en la lucha contra el cáncer

Messi, feliz  Messi  expresó  estar "feliz” por ver cumplido su sueño de crear estas instalaciones, para las que la donación de su fundación ha sido clave, en el día en que ha anunciado la culminación de la campaña de recaudación, con 30 millones que permitirán construir el SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

"Es un placer estar hoy aquí, para mí es un momento muy feliz, extraordinario, poder ser parte de este proyecto y verlo hecho realidad

Agradecer a toda la gente que colaboró de una manera u otra para que esto sea posible”, ha afirmado el capitán del FC Barcelona, que ha sido el principal embajador de la campaña '#ParaLosValientes'

El nuevo centro de cáncer pediátrico del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu prevé abrir en 2020El jugador deseó que en este nuevo centro se puedan curar todos los casos de cáncer infantil: "Ojalá puedan los chicos seguir combatiendo esta enfermedad tan cruel como es el cáncer

Y que entre todos podamos colaborar para que sea más fácil, dentro de lo que cabe

Estoy muy feliz por poder cumplir este sueño”, ha reiterado. Leo celebró uno de los goles en el Camp Nou dedicándole a todos los que luchan por esta idea y contra el cáncer infantil

La instalación  La instalación contará con 13.196 metros cuadrados en un edificio de cuatro plantas situado al lado del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, conectado al edificio principal por una pasarela; contará con 38 habitaciones, 8 cámaras para el trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos, 24 boxes en el Hospital de Día y 18 despachos para consultas externos

Además, el nuevo centro tendrá un servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Pet y Terapia Metabólica, varios quirófanos, laboratorios de investigación y otros servicios no asistenciales para los pacientes y sus familiares

For more infomation >> Premio solidario a la Fundación Leo Messi - Duration: 1:50.


Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


Get Hacked Games For ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Get Hacked Games For ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:19.


The Segovia Sessions - Interview Scott Tennant Part I - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> The Segovia Sessions - Interview Scott Tennant Part I - Duration: 4:51.


Man shot, wounded while driving on I-25 - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Man shot, wounded while driving on I-25 - Duration: 0:43.


I-TEAM: Dozens of nurses licenses suspended, revoked in western Massachusetts - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> I-TEAM: Dozens of nurses licenses suspended, revoked in western Massachusetts - Duration: 2:17.


Missing man's daughter: 'I need to know what happened' - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Missing man's daughter: 'I need to know what happened' - Duration: 2:09.


One hurt in semi accident on I-90 near Mill Road exit on Thursday - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> One hurt in semi accident on I-90 near Mill Road exit on Thursday - Duration: 0:33.



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Timon & Pumbaa | I Think I Canada Episode 3 - Blue Goat - Duration: 3:49.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Timon & Pumbaa | I Think I Canada Episode 3 - Blue Goat - Duration: 3:49.


#EwangeliarzOP || 15 lutego 2019 || Mk 7, 31-37 - Duration: 1:26.


I have friends who when seeing me live on TV - and there were times when I was there quite often -

they prayed that I would not say something silly.

It happens sometimes that you just open your mouth and you are surprised yourself that you are talking nonsense.

Today we read in the Gospel that Jesus heals a man and he is able to speak right as a result of this healing.

Whenever you have the feeling that you open your mouth and talk about things that do not bring you anything good,

that what you say sounds silly and awkward

and these wrods choke other people - this is the Gospel for you.

Ask the Lord to let you speak right. Speak good things that bring life.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 15 lutego 2019 || Mk 7, 31-37 - Duration: 1:26.


Cummings: Hearing for Michael Cohen is back on - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Cummings: Hearing for Michael Cohen is back on - Duration: 3:21.


Cummings: Hearing for Michael Cohen is back on - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Cummings: Hearing for Michael Cohen is back on - Duration: 3:21.


Royal Az - Billie Eilish Shares Her Valentine's Day Playlist and Plans: 'I Bought Myself Chocolate' - Duration: 2:18.

 Billie Eilish's Valentine's Day will be full of two things: chocolate and good music

 The "Ocean Eyes" singer is sharing her Valentine's Day playlist, "Love, Billie," on JAY-Z's streaming service Tidal to help fans celebrate the holiday, which she will be spending abroad since she is currently out on tour

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 "I will be in Stockholm on a day off in the middle of my tour," Eilish, 17, tells PEOPLE exclusively

"I bought myself some chocolate in Berlin, and I am going to eat a lot of it."  Eilish's playlist includes a mix of newer hits like Kendrick Lamar and Zacari's "LOVE

," The 1975's "Falling For You," The Neighbourhood's "Baby Came Home 2/Valentines," and Lana Del Rey's "Without You," as well as older classics like Johnny Mathis' "Misty" and "It's Not for Me to Say," Frank Sinatra's "My Funny Valentine," The Beatles' "Something" and Nat King Cole's "L-O-V-E

"  Additionally, it features Eilish's own hit, "When the Party's Over."  Eilish will be playing shows abroad until March before hitting the Coachella stage in April

She'll then head to Australia and return to the United States and Canada for her When We Fall Asleep tour starting in May

 Now through Friday ata.m. ET, new members can sign up to Tidal and get 60 days free through their Valentine's Day offer on TIDAL


For more infomation >> Royal Az - Billie Eilish Shares Her Valentine's Day Playlist and Plans: 'I Bought Myself Chocolate' - Duration: 2:18.


Fantasy Premier League tips: Who should I captain in FPL GW18? Kane, Sane, Rashford - Duration: 4:08.

 Fantasy Premier League bosses need to get their captain selection right this weekend with several tempting candidates to choose from

 A Friday night deadline is set catch out thousands of managers with Liverpool kicking off the Premier League action away at Wolves

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Mohamed Salah is an obvious choice to get GW18 off to a flier, but Arsenal and Chelsea have relatively comfortable home fixtures while Manchester United could be set to shine under new manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

 Meanwhile, West Ham are on a four-match winning streak and Harry Kane will hope to punish FPL gaffers who overlooked the Tottenham ace away at Everton – but who will you choose to wear the armband?Mohamed Salah (Liverpool) vs Wolverhampton Wanderers (A) The Egyptian is finding some form and now has 10 goals and fives assists so far this season

 Salah is most likely to break down a stubborn Wolves rearguard, although superstitious managers may shy away from using their captain on the opening day of a gameweek

Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur) vs Everton (A) At the other end of the fixture list, Kane and his Tottenham team-mates have a tough trip to Everton

 The England captain has gone two league games without a goal but could come roaring back against the Toffees after getting a rest in the Carabao Cup

Eden Hazard (Chelsea) vs Leicester City (H) Deployed as a 'false nine' in recent weeks and seemingly flourishing, with the Belgian picking up a goal and assist last time out against Brighton

Leroy Sane (Manchester City) vs Crystal Palace (H) Pep Guardiola's rotation policy is notoriously difficult to predict, but Sane was not included in the matchday squad against Leicester on Tuesday which would suggest he is due a run-out this weekend

 Two assists last time out against Everton also strengthen his case for inclusion, with Palace the visitors to the Etihad

Felipe Anderson (West Ham United) vs Watford (H) Four wins on the bounce for the Hammers, in no small part down to Anderson and his understanding with Robert Snodgrass

 The dup have more than made up for the absence of the injured Marko Arnautovic, so Watford should be wary of the Brazilian

Marcus Rashford (Manchester United) vs Cardiff City (A) Jose Mourinho's departure is expected to trigger an upswing in results for United, with several marginalised players such as Paul Pogba returning to the fold

 Rashford has been getting solid game-time this season and could immediately benefit from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's more attacking style of football

TOP CHOICE – Alexandre Lacazette (Arsenal) vs Burnley (H) The Frenchman only came on as a substitute in the disappointing Carabao Cup defeat to Tottenham and should be fresh when Burnley visit the Emirates

 Emery has been reluctant to start both Lacazette and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in attack together, but the former has played through the middle when it has happened

For more infomation >> Fantasy Premier League tips: Who should I captain in FPL GW18? Kane, Sane, Rashford - Duration: 4:08.


How to Stop Caring What People Think of You - NO ADS - Duration: 12:31.

- Hi everyone and welcome to my channel.

My name is Ray.

Today's topic, or today's video is going to be about

how to stop caring about what other people think about us.

(exuberant music)

So why do we really care about what other people think?

But where does it originate?

Where does it start, this caring

about what other people think?

I would say that the first beginning is from our ego.

The ego that is part of the separated self.

In other words we are no longer united.

The more united we are the more self-love we have

the more we accept that we are perfect as we are.

But the less and the more divided we are

the more we're playing the game of separateness.

The game of separateness meaning

I am different from anybody else.

And in other words we are not all part of God's creation,

or God viewing himself in a different perspective.

Every human being is pretty much the same.

So when we look at life in that way we are

having a more separated or divided experience.

And therefore we try to become more normalized.

We try to become more social acceptable.

We want to belong because we don't understand

that we are already there.

We're already belonging.

And the deeper we are in the separateness

and the lower our, you can say our love for ourself

or the more decreased it is the harder it is for us

to see that everything is within the self.

Everything meaning the love for the self.

The unconditioned love that we have

for ourself makes us perfect.

And the higher perspective and the higher vibration

a person becomes the more he accepts and loves himself.

And then the vibration that he emanates or he

or she emanates actually a vibration

of total acceptance and self love.

And then other people can notice.

When you are afraid of someone or when you trying

to fulfill someone else's needs

or someone else's expectation of you they will feel it.

It can be anything normal.

It can be an argument with your mother.

Your mother expects you to do something.

Or your father expects you to do something

or be a certain type of person.

If you're giving into that and you're

not standing your ground

and I'm talking about not a small argument

but sort of your father wants you to be a lawyer,

you want to be something else.

You want to be an artist.

Or they think that you should eat more

and you don't want to.

Or they think that you are not healthy enough.

Stuff like that.

When you are holding your ground eventually they give in.

We care that much because there's somebody else there

that is someone somehow influencing our opinion

our external look, our sensation of what

it means to be normal in other words.

Now nobody really wants to be normal

but everybody wants to be normal.

So both of these things exist simultaneously.

In other words we want to be considered normal

and yet we want to be ourself.

Being ourself is not normal because there's

eight billion non-normal people on

the planet incarnated right now.

Everyone has their own opinion.

So yes there is something that is called a mainstream.

Something that is considered to be what most people do.

But it's not necessarily the good thing

or the good way of expressing ourself.

We understand that.

And we are working to be more and more unique

and individual.

So we choose how we look by choosing our clothes.

And we choose how we express ourself.

And some of us in adolescent years for example

become a little bit more eccentric because we care

more about what other people think.

So we try to generalize ourself

and become a part of a group.

So you can be a jock for example

when you're in school years.

Or you can be a weirdo or a freak.

Or you can be a computer geek and stuff like that.

It's still a generalization.

So it's still within the standards of what normal is.

So the more we try to fulfill other people's demands

or requests of us whether it be our parents expectations

of our partners or our friends

or try to be normal the less we feel ourself.

And the more we care about what other people think.

Now the more self-love have for ourself

the more appreciation we have for ourself

and this happens by the way naturally

when we mature and grow so when we are adolescent

or kids we still don't have the character.

We still don't know who we are.

So we define ourself according to what we see outside

and what we feel like we need to belong to.

And then when we mature eventually we lose

the grip of what society wants of us.

Some of us become more and more normal and standard.

According to our job, according to the expectations.

And then we don't really live a completely fulfilling life.

Because we know that there's other things

that we could've done.

And we cannot feel miserable on the day-to-day experience.

Others become more themself.

And that's what I'm talking about.

When we become more of our true self and

it doesn't mean that it's the ego want.

In other words it's not the expectation

of what society wants us to be.

Like more materialistic or working nine to five jobs

or all these type of things.

But we become more of our true expression using

the gifts that we were born with.

Because this is just planned.

This is like a computer game.

So our avatar came here with a certain gift.

A certain way of thinking.

And that's his tools.

Those are his gifts for this type of life.

So the more we become ourself

the more unconditional love we have towards ourself.


The less we think about what other people think about us.

In other words, we understand that the more of

the true self we are or the true expression

of the self wants to appear, the less we actually care

about what other people think.

But still we have to find the proper balance.

In other words we are living in a society.


For example if I'm a nudist...

It's called naturalist today, and I'm going to the beach

I'm not just going to take going to take off my clothes

because there's certain kids there.

And there's certain people there that might educate

their kids in a certain way.

And that will hurt the balance of society.

So even though in my private or with my friends,

or when I go out in nature by myself, I will

be completely naked, in other scenarios I will find

the right balance with society.

Meaning I do care about what they say

or what they act or what they're going to do.

But by myself I will act completely different.

Which is also okay by the way.

So I'm not caring about what they think about me.

I'm more about trying to keep the peace between everyone.

And this is just one example.

There are many different examples.

And everybody's sitting somewhere between

the I want and have then.

And I belong and want to please other people.

I for example, I'm trying to please other people only

to a certain degree.

In other words if something hurts my neutrality

and it's a negative experience for me I'm not going to go

and do something about that.

I'm going to just chill.

I'm going to tell them and be honest about whatever

it is that they're asking me to do.

Or whatever it is that they're asking me to be.

And I'm going to just tell them without fighting, okay?

It's not about fighting anything.

It's because you're finding windmills.

And nothing's going to happen.

You're trying to catch raindrops.

You're never gonna catch them.

It's about being your true self.

It's about accepting how you really are

and what you really want to be.

But also understanding that there is a balance

that needs to be kept with other people.

When you're not fighting them and you're just expressing

who you are, then you're true to yourself.

And when you're true to yourself

you can cultivate an inner love.

And when you start loving yourself much more

then you start accepting other people as they are.

And then what we're actually creating is this

heaven on earth type of scenario.

In my retreats for example, when we having a sharing circle

we know in advance that there is no judgment whatsoever.

If one person is a vegetarian or one person is a vegan

or one person eats meat, or if one person comes from

a different culture, or if one person doesn't know

his English very well everyone is unique and everyone

is exactly where they're supposed to be.

In their path and in that time for their path.

So there's no judgment.

And when there's no judgment you don't really care

about what other people think.

In other words when you come to ask question

or when you consult with someone they will tell you their

opinion without judging you.

Without making you feel bad for whatever

it is that you did so far.

In other words total acceptance of thy self.

And there's one more method that I can tell you

that is really, really good to use when we're working

on caring less and less about

what other people think about us.

And more and more about our self-love.

And that's called the SO-What Method.

And it's pretty much saying okay something bad happened

in our life.

Someone said something about us at work.

A partner just had a big argument with us.

Our sibling or our parents or somebody close to us

from our family also pissed us off, doesn't accept us

as we are and we're already tired of it, so what?

So what?

There bigger things that have happened in your life.

Big negative impacts that you had.

Troubles that you went running into.

When your heart rate was 150 and you thought your

whole life was going to end now it's time

to understand to put all these things in proportion.

The So-What Method pretty much says so what?

It's going to pass.

Instead of waiting a few days for it to pass

why not let it pass in an hour?

Why not let it pass in a minute?

Why not understand and connect to the energy

of who you're going to be in a few days where

it already passed?

And ask future you to pass that vibration back

into present you.

Because time is just an illusion.

So to summarize, the more we care about what other

people think the more it means that we actually need

to care about ourself much more.

Care about our self-love, acceptance

and sometimes it's hard for us to see the light

in the end of the tunnel.

And understand that this is a path.

But sometimes if you look now retroactively

at your life, and you will see that there were

certain points in your life where you're very

disappointed, or you didn't know where you were going to.

Or you were in a bad relationship.

But today we think kind of cleared up.

And you can really understand why those things happened

in the perfect synchronicity that they had to happen

in order for you to become the person that you are today.

So what you actually need to do if you're suffering

is let go.

Let go of the expectation

that something will happen.

You can visualize it.

You can energize it.

You can feel that it's coming.

But let go of the expectation because

that's the only way it's actually going to come.

It's sort of like when we want a relationship

and we're hanging on to that need so much

it's not going to happen.

Only when we let it go the solution will come.

And something the solution doesn't come from

the mind or the subconscious.

The solution is something that we couldn't even imagine.

But it just appeared out of nowhere.

And when we look back at our life at those particular times

we can understand that we didn't have the right trust.

And the right letting go.

And the right acceptance.

And the right self-love.

But today we already know.

We've tasted it a little bit of that solution.

So we can actually duplicate it and understand everything

is going to be fine.

And we need to learn how to love ourself.

See the positive things that we do have because everybody

has some talents.

Everybody has some beauty.

Everybody's perfect as they are.

And focus on those things to create the higher vibration.

That higher vibration emanating from our heart.

And that the universe can provide us with more and more

reasons to care and love ourself.

And don't forget, don't try to fight it.

Don't try to fight other people's opinion on you.

You are perfect.

You are unique.

You are amazing.

And you should be exactly who you are without trying

to identifying with other normalities.

Without trying to pleasing other people's perception

of what you should be.

Be yourself.

Thank you very much for watching me my friends

and namaste.

And I will see you in my next video.

(slow-paced ethereal music)

For more infomation >> How to Stop Caring What People Think of You - NO ADS - Duration: 12:31.


YUGI H5 - Share CODE (15.02.2019), test bộ bài côn trùng for Nông Dân - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Share CODE (15.02.2019), test bộ bài côn trùng for Nông Dân - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 11:30.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Cruise/Clima - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Cruise/Clima - Duration: 1:21.


Love Park - Valentine's Day Meet Up - Park Travel Review - Duration: 5:37.

hi everyone and welcome to Happy Trails hiking this is an exciting day I'm

eating with miss Kathy we found a park here in st. Louis and I can't wait for

you guys to meet her too so come on along I'm so excited!

alright guys we found a park it's Valentine's Day and we are at Love park

can you even believe it love park how perfect is that

and it's like 60 degrees degrees similarly spending ice tomorrow of

course we are welcome to Missouri. if you don't like

the weather just a minute. exactly well we're gonna walk and kind of talk and

we'll let you guys in on our conversation a little bit as we go it's

Kathy can you tell us about your channel and

what people can expect to see when they come over yeah

the new tagline for my channel is running the gamut of life so I am a mom

of four children and I've been married almost 27 years this August what 27

years can get and I'm a care giver for my father-in-law with dementia oh wow so

basically this channel started out as a documentary of my life video diary type

thing but I'm just now starting to livestream and interview guests and do

real talk awesome awesome so come over and check me out yeah I'll have the

links in the description below of course guys but yeah go over it and see what

miss Kathy has to offer check out our live stream and and hang out for a

little while she's pretty open and everything that I've found about her

channel is just pure joy and happiness so you guys have to go over and see if

I'm right thanks we're scaling this tower guys we're doing this okay I

thought I was gonna have to climb out the little foot thingies there but their

stairs over there so that's where we're going

rockwall much I'm tall enough to see though the window. get up to the top

and then for those of you know I'm afraid of heights

this would be fun oh yeah that's fun really when you get us on a playground

we're all just big kids right Cathy and I had a great time getting to know each

other and playing on the playground equipment and really how could you not

get to know each other and have a good time while swinging on sweets from now

on at business meetings I think they should forget the

icebreakers and just have them play on playgrounds it's much more fun

hey Kathy what is your favorite parts about youtubing the interaction with

other fellow youtubers yeah I'm most doesn't see this is so fun

Jeff okay live streams chatting you need to know people getting to know the

behind the scenes yeah super fun awesome okay um how long have you been youtubing

2010 well that doesn't end I decided to start a reading channel for my

preschoolers yeah so that's miss Kathy and Jesse I gifted my channel to my

daughter a year ago and I'm monitoring it now and

still doing books but I started out reading on preach to my preschoolers and

this other channel just now I Kathy because that seems to be yes you are

miss Kathy you do where would you see yourself next year as a youtuber you

know good good question I really hope that this new life stream

series real talk signs that I have encouraged a handful of people but

that's my goal with bringing real talk and encouraging people through life

situations awesome mentoring them. I'm an introvert

so to be able to introvert yes and that's what makes live streams so hard

for me it's because there's a whole crowd of people yeah and I have trouble

just saying okay miss Cathy I really just want to tell you something right

now but I can't so that's where the teacher and me comes up hey look we

found a drainage ditch. miss Kathy and I covered a whole lot of topics in the

short we were together at love park well we

had a great time together and I hope you'll go over and check out our channel

it was fun it was so much fun thank you so much for meeting us for meeting me

yeah this is awesome and well or it could be outside yes and well enjoy the

cold for the next couple days get your hot chocolate and coffee ready I'm

actually heading no trips not fun stuff well thank you for joining us here today

and it's been great to meet you you too everybody run over to this Cathy's

Channel and say hello everybody until next time thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Love Park - Valentine's Day Meet Up - Park Travel Review - Duration: 5:37.


Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.

rev up your engines, Rob says hey Scotty I got a 2016 honda pilot

elite with a nine-speed and I'm planning on keeping it for 10 years, what should I do

to ensure it stays reliable, don't listen to any BS anybody tells you, still change

the engine oil filter like every 5,000 miles, that's the main thing that makes

those things last, change the oil, do all the maintenance that you should you're

gonna keep it for 10 years, use that long live coolant and change it

once every five years that's no big deal, change the brake fluid once every four

or five years that's no big deal, but you just, if you want to keep it for ten years

you want to keep that stuff up, and you want of

course to stay away from really deep water you don't want to ever get water into the

electronic, because all modern vehicles they got so many

computer modules in them and some of them have 56 computer modules, some of them

156, so you don't wanna get the electronics wet, because that will ruin it over time

and then they're so complicated these days, nobody knows how to fix them, real Madrid

says Scotty my car tries to start on its own, if got one of

those remote starters my advice would be disconnected system, because they can go

haywire and do that, but if it's a normal car, what happens is the ignition

switches can short the power and they won't turn themselves off, and then it'll

keep running the starter, and the other thing is

if your starter is really shorting out it'll do that too, I remember when I was

a kid, I had an Opel and I knew the starter was going out and I'd parked at

the end of the driveway, and my mother parked the Chevy Impala we had behind it

and all of a sudden I'd always leave the car in reverse, and all of a sudden the

car started to crank the engine and reverse and it was backing into my

mother's new car, and I thought oh she's gonna kill me if it hits it, so I ran in

between them and I stuck my leg in there, and

man it had crushed my leg, I'm screaming at my mother, hey come out here come out here,

and she jumped in the Opel and took it out of gear and then I had to replace

the starter, so sometimes if the starter starts going it'll do that too,

bent bones says got a used Honda Accord with 150,000

miles, should I change the timing belt, well of course it depends on what year

it is you know, the newer ones have timing chains and you don't have to think about it

but if it has a timing belt, yes you definitely want to change it, and they tell

you to changes every 100,000 it's got 150,000 I would change it now then

you don't have to think about it, it's not that big of a deal if it's a

four-cylinder, if it's a v6 it's gonna cost you a lot of money because

that's a pretty involved job, but the four-cylinder ones it's not that bad of

a job changing the timing belt on a four-cylinder Honda, but it's a v6, one

it's a bigger job and two you want to use a really good mechanic, because it's

much harder to do than the four-cylinder one on a Honda, random computer geek says

my friend has a 2000 Camry with a 2.2, he wants to put a transmission from a 3.0

v6 in the same year, will the transmission fit or not, no it won't fit

their different engines, they have different specs, the computer would have

to be reprogrammed, now that's a very good question that fits a lot of stuff

though, because when I was young you could swap all kinds of things out, there

were a lot of universal stuff in cars, but not today, everything's made for

certain computer software, made for certain size engine, certain mounts

certain gear ratios, and it's best not to modify anything especially a toyota

they're pretty well designed in the first place, don't mess up with something

that was close to perfect to begin with, Peter and Peter says, hey

Scotty I'm looking to buy the 87 Chevy 350, but should I get a car or a truck

which is best to own, well back in 87 Chevy made pretty good pickup trucks

you know 350 v8 Chevy pickup trucks, you can't go wrong with them, it's old as the

hills, it's an 87 so you know you're talking about what, thirty two-year-old vehicle

that's pretty old, but if you live in Texas they're not rusted you know, look

as long as the frame isn't Rusted, you can always fix it up parts are always

available for those old things, and they can run a real long time, I would get a

Chevy pickup truck with the 350, if you want to get an old one like that

Joseph says Scotty your thoughts on a Chevy Corvair I'm looking at one

those were weird cars, that was when Ralph Nader wrote that book, unsafe at

any speed, because all the stuff he found wrong with them, but that

collectors items now, they were air-cooled six-cylinder engines and

especially with a standard transmission, they were relatively fast cars, now

there's a guy in Pennsylvania and he's got a big store, and he bought a lot

of the parts and he even makes new parts for the things, you can get parts from him

if you like a Corvair, and you wanna fix it up

the only real caveat I have is, check it out good, Jack it up to see if the frame

is rotten, cuz if the frame is rotten don't buy, you don't want to buy a car

with a rotten frame, then you got to do the whole body off the frame and it's

too much hassle, but as long as the frame isn't rot, like you get one from

California or Texas or Arizona, someplace that doesn't have snow in salt and stuff

they can be very fun cars to drive around in and their still not all

that expensive to buy, they are collector items, but they're never

gonna be cars that go for 40, 50, 60 thousand dollars, so they're kind of fun

to fiddle around with, so if you never want to

miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.


Freeman Liquidator's - Consolidated (021219) - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Freeman Liquidator's - Consolidated (021219) - Duration: 1:59.


最新ニュース ノブ、『ゴチ』ピタリ賞で"大クセ"喜び「I am ゴチ!」 - Duration: 2:38.

 お笑いコンビ・千 のノブが、きのう14 放送の日本テレビ系『 るぐるナインティナイ 』(毎週木曜 後7: 6)の人気企画『グル チキンレース ゴチに ります!』(=ゴチ) 「ピタリ賞」となった

自らの結婚記念日に、 事に100万円をゲッ したノブは「当分卒業 るわけにはいかない! I am ゴチ!(ワ がゴチじゃ!)」と" クセ"喜びコメントを せた。  この日の チには、歌手のGAC Tと元ゴチメンバーの 階堂ふみがゲスト出演

東京ドームホテル最上 の高級イタリア料理店 アーティストカフェを 台に、バレンタインゴ バトルを繰り広げた。  ノブは、ピタリ賞 なった瞬間を振り返り 信じられないくらい、 れしかったですが、一 おいて、視聴者の『お かい!』の声が聞こえ きそうで怖かったです  (ゴチメンバーにな て)3回目で100万 んて貰ったら、スタッ に嫌われるとも思いま た」と率直な思いを吐

 賞金の使い道に いては「ゴチでピタリ を出せた芸能人生で良 ったです。悔いはあり せん。この賞金でいい 店に行かせていただい 、値段当てさらに勉強 ます!! 岡村(隆史 さんファン、(田中) くんファン、(土屋) 鳳ちゃんファン、ケン ィ(中島健人)ファン 方すいません! ノブ 当分卒業しそうにない す」と語っていた

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース ノブ、『ゴチ』ピタリ賞で"大クセ"喜び「I am ゴチ!」 - Duration: 2:38.


Breaking Celeb News | Cardi B is already back on Instagram - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Cardi B is already back on Instagram - Duration: 1:55.


Falsa economia (desconto): Liberdade financeira x Impacto de um simples ferro de passar roupa! - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Falsa economia (desconto): Liberdade financeira x Impacto de um simples ferro de passar roupa! - Duration: 6:17.


Postará se nevěrník o své dítě a A.N.D.U.L.U? Jako chlap je pro mě mrtvý, vzkázala ! - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Postará se nevěrník o své dítě a A.N.D.U.L.U? Jako chlap je pro mě mrtvý, vzkázala ! - Duration: 2:35.


✅ Fabiana Justus faz revelações sobre o pós-parto e mostra o corpo na web - Duration: 3:04.

 Fabiana Justus usou das redes sociais nesta quinta-feira, 14, para mostrar um pouco de como estão sendo os dias após o seu parto

A empresária, que deu à luz duas meninas, as irmãs gêmeas Chiara e Sienna, fez questão de mostrar não só a barriga, que os internautas tanto questionaram, mas também contou um pouco como estão as duas garotinhas, que segundo a influenciadora digital, estão super bem

 A dúvida dos seguidores veio à tona, justamente pelo fato das duas terem nascido antes do previsto, porém, segundo a mamãe, tudo está sob controle quanto a saúde e desenvolvimento das herdeiras

Dando umas dicas para as futuras mães, que passarão pelo mesmo momento, Fabiana contou que as enfermeiras trouxeram à tona algumas curiosidades que ela não sabia, mas refletem totalmente na questão estética do corpo

 "Queria mostrar como a minha barriga já desinchou bem. Ainda tem uma barriguinha, mas lembra do tamanho que estava

Cada dia, ela desincha mais. Os médicos e as enfermeiras falaram que quanto mais elas mamam, mais vai contraindo o útero e ele vai voltando para o tamanho normal

E eu achei muito isso. Desde o dia em que elas nasceram até hoje já desinchou bem

Eu só preciso perder a mania de colocar a mão na barriga!", disse ela, em tom bem descontraído

 Em uma sequência de vídeos gravados em frente a um espelho, a loira, que aparece com um traje bem a vontade, contou que tomará os cuidados necessários para preservar a imagem das duas filhas, pelo menos nestes primeiros dias de vida, a fim de evitar maiores problemas, a filha de Roberto Justus contou que prefere aderir a todos os cuidados necessários, para que nem ela, nem as duas tenham complicações

 "O legal é que elas ficam com a gente o dia inteiro, só quando tem muita visita que a gente acaba levando elas pro berçário

Para não ficarem aqui com muita gente e a noite a gente opta por deixar elas no berçário porque tem gente olhando o tempo todo

E como a gente tá muito cansado a gente capota e a cada três horas eles trazem elas para mamar

A gente preferiu assim, porque a gente ficou com medo delas dormirem aqui e a gente não acordar, sei lá, e eu estou com cicatriz, me recuperando", pontuou a estrela

 Por fim, Justus revelou que a maior emoção desde a chegada das irmãs é o ato da amamentação

Para ela, tem sido algo totalmente emocionante, por mais que seja doloroso, a influenciadora digital contou que não há nada mais prazeroso do que saber que está alimentando suas próprias filhas

 "Eu estou amamentando minhas bebês de três em três horas, isso para mim é uma emoção muito grande

Amamentar é a coisa mais dolorida e prazerosa ao mesmo tempo", finalizou ela

For more infomation >> ✅ Fabiana Justus faz revelações sobre o pós-parto e mostra o corpo na web - Duration: 3:04.


Ace Combat™ 7: Skies Unknown | Como Desbloquear a Skin Especial do MiG-21 Pyro | Ás Inimigo 1/24 - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Ace Combat™ 7: Skies Unknown | Como Desbloquear a Skin Especial do MiG-21 Pyro | Ás Inimigo 1/24 - Duration: 6:50.


Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.

rev up your engines, Rob says hey Scotty I got a 2016 honda pilot

elite with a nine-speed and I'm planning on keeping it for 10 years, what should I do

to ensure it stays reliable, don't listen to any BS anybody tells you, still change

the engine oil filter like every 5,000 miles, that's the main thing that makes

those things last, change the oil, do all the maintenance that you should you're

gonna keep it for 10 years, use that long live coolant and change it

once every five years that's no big deal, change the brake fluid once every four

or five years that's no big deal, but you just, if you want to keep it for ten years

you want to keep that stuff up, and you want of

course to stay away from really deep water you don't want to ever get water into the

electronic, because all modern vehicles they got so many

computer modules in them and some of them have 56 computer modules, some of them

156, so you don't wanna get the electronics wet, because that will ruin it over time

and then they're so complicated these days, nobody knows how to fix them, real Madrid

says Scotty my car tries to start on its own, if got one of

those remote starters my advice would be disconnected system, because they can go

haywire and do that, but if it's a normal car, what happens is the ignition

switches can short the power and they won't turn themselves off, and then it'll

keep running the starter, and the other thing is

if your starter is really shorting out it'll do that too, I remember when I was

a kid, I had an Opel and I knew the starter was going out and I'd parked at

the end of the driveway, and my mother parked the Chevy Impala we had behind it

and all of a sudden I'd always leave the car in reverse, and all of a sudden the

car started to crank the engine and reverse and it was backing into my

mother's new car, and I thought oh she's gonna kill me if it hits it, so I ran in

between them and I stuck my leg in there, and

man it had crushed my leg, I'm screaming at my mother, hey come out here come out here,

and she jumped in the Opel and took it out of gear and then I had to replace

the starter, so sometimes if the starter starts going it'll do that too,

bent bones says got a used Honda Accord with 150,000

miles, should I change the timing belt, well of course it depends on what year

it is you know, the newer ones have timing chains and you don't have to think about it

but if it has a timing belt, yes you definitely want to change it, and they tell

you to changes every 100,000 it's got 150,000 I would change it now then

you don't have to think about it, it's not that big of a deal if it's a

four-cylinder, if it's a v6 it's gonna cost you a lot of money because

that's a pretty involved job, but the four-cylinder ones it's not that bad of

a job changing the timing belt on a four-cylinder Honda, but it's a v6, one

it's a bigger job and two you want to use a really good mechanic, because it's

much harder to do than the four-cylinder one on a Honda, random computer geek says

my friend has a 2000 Camry with a 2.2, he wants to put a transmission from a 3.0

v6 in the same year, will the transmission fit or not, no it won't fit

their different engines, they have different specs, the computer would have

to be reprogrammed, now that's a very good question that fits a lot of stuff

though, because when I was young you could swap all kinds of things out, there

were a lot of universal stuff in cars, but not today, everything's made for

certain computer software, made for certain size engine, certain mounts

certain gear ratios, and it's best not to modify anything especially a toyota

they're pretty well designed in the first place, don't mess up with something

that was close to perfect to begin with, Peter and Peter says, hey

Scotty I'm looking to buy the 87 Chevy 350, but should I get a car or a truck

which is best to own, well back in 87 Chevy made pretty good pickup trucks

you know 350 v8 Chevy pickup trucks, you can't go wrong with them, it's old as the

hills, it's an 87 so you know you're talking about what, thirty two-year-old vehicle

that's pretty old, but if you live in Texas they're not rusted you know, look

as long as the frame isn't Rusted, you can always fix it up parts are always

available for those old things, and they can run a real long time, I would get a

Chevy pickup truck with the 350, if you want to get an old one like that

Joseph says Scotty your thoughts on a Chevy Corvair I'm looking at one

those were weird cars, that was when Ralph Nader wrote that book, unsafe at

any speed, because all the stuff he found wrong with them, but that

collectors items now, they were air-cooled six-cylinder engines and

especially with a standard transmission, they were relatively fast cars, now

there's a guy in Pennsylvania and he's got a big store, and he bought a lot

of the parts and he even makes new parts for the things, you can get parts from him

if you like a Corvair, and you wanna fix it up

the only real caveat I have is, check it out good, Jack it up to see if the frame

is rotten, cuz if the frame is rotten don't buy, you don't want to buy a car

with a rotten frame, then you got to do the whole body off the frame and it's

too much hassle, but as long as the frame isn't rot, like you get one from

California or Texas or Arizona, someplace that doesn't have snow in salt and stuff

they can be very fun cars to drive around in and their still not all

that expensive to buy, they are collector items, but they're never

gonna be cars that go for 40, 50, 60 thousand dollars, so they're kind of fun

to fiddle around with, so if you never want to

miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Make Your Car Last Forever - Duration: 5:27.


The Most Relaxing Slime Part 85 - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> The Most Relaxing Slime Part 85 - Duration: 10:01.


Exercício para Melisma - Vozes Femininas | Pra Cantar - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Exercício para Melisma - Vozes Femininas | Pra Cantar - Duration: 7:05.


Jsou hosté, kteří Barboru Tachecí (56) dost dráždí a ona se to ani nesnaží skrývat. Když do pořadu O - Duration: 4:14.

 Hned v úvodu Barbora Tachecí začala Emmu Smetana chválit. To u ní není úplně zvykem a nejednoho posluchače, který zkušenou moderátorku zná, to zaujalo

„Od přírody jsem skeptická povaha, takže jsem počítala s tím, jak to nakonec dopadlo," nechala se slyšet Smetana, když přišlo na přetřes její angažmá na Nově, kde působila celkem tři a půl roku

Pak se se zástupci televize kvůli vyhazovu soudila, před rokem ale soud prohrála

 „Líbilo se mi to dobrodružství, že zkoumám to naprosto nové prostředí, učila jsem se samotné řemeslo

Kromě Televizních novin jsem potřebovala být i v terénu a vidět, jak ty zprávy vznikají, být u jejich zrodu

To mi zajistilo ‚dobrodrůžo' na první rok, pak jsem se chtěla pokusit o nějaké změny a s tím zřejmě rostla míra iritace mých šéfů, kteří asi nechtěli nic měnit," pokračovala Smetana, která v dobré víře chtěla měnit zažité pořádky a narazila na odpor vedení

 „Zjistila jsem, že lidé vedoucí zpravodajství jsou na stejném levelu jako diváci, měla jsem o nich do té doby jiné mínění," poznamenala Emma, jež měla za to, že půjde o lidi s velkým intelektuálním rozhledem a zkušenostmi

  Sama nemá pocit, že by se v životě zachovala někdy tak, aby se musela stydět. „Věřím tomu, že jsem se vždycky chovala rovně a přímo

Jako dítě jsem musela lhát a bylo to hrozně nepříjemné. Vnímám jako luxus, že dneska můžu žít v pravdě," nechala se slyšet a v té souvislosti zmínila své současné angažmá v DVTV

Později se jí Tachecí zeptala, zda je opravdu tou levicovou intelektuálkou, jak ji mnozí vidí

  „Mám pocit, že se tato pravolevá pravidla setřela a politické i intelektuální spektrum se definuje jinými parametry

Cítím se být proevropská. Nejraději bych byla, kdyby Evropská unie byla federací, a věřím v mezispolečenskou solidaritu," dodala Smetana, která často a ráda zmiňuje fakt, že se cítí být Evropankou

 A divák nebo posluchač zase mohl mít pocit, že Tachecí je Emmou natolik fascinována, že v ní buď vidí samu sebe před x lety, anebo ji mrzí, že takové možnosti jako zpěvačka a moderátorka ona neměla

 „To jsme ještě nezažili, takhle pochvalnou Tachecí, to si snad pustím ještě jednou, já snad špatně slyším," vtipkoval jeden z nich

 V této souvislosti se nabízí připomenout legendární rozhovor, jejž s Emmou Smetana vedla Daniela Drtinová, která také neskrývala fascinaci její osobou

Následně Emma rozšířila řady DVTV.

For more infomation >> Jsou hosté, kteří Barboru Tachecí (56) dost dráždí a ona se to ani nesnaží skrývat. Když do pořadu O - Duration: 4:14.


Guardians Of The Galaxy - Fooled Around And Fell In Love scene - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy - Fooled Around And Fell In Love scene - Duration: 2:13.


Ronald McDonald House to open Deaconess Gateway location - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ronald McDonald House to open Deaconess Gateway location - Duration: 0:57.


#EwangeliarzOP || 15 lutego 2019 || Mk 7, 31-37 - Duration: 1:26.


I have friends who when seeing me live on TV - and there were times when I was there quite often -

they prayed that I would not say something silly.

It happens sometimes that you just open your mouth and you are surprised yourself that you are talking nonsense.

Today we read in the Gospel that Jesus heals a man and he is able to speak right as a result of this healing.

Whenever you have the feeling that you open your mouth and talk about things that do not bring you anything good,

that what you say sounds silly and awkward

and these wrods choke other people - this is the Gospel for you.

Ask the Lord to let you speak right. Speak good things that bring life.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 15 lutego 2019 || Mk 7, 31-37 - Duration: 1:26.



For more infomation >> GOOD GUY DRAMA @ HIGH LOVE 🚀 [DIRTY VERSION] - Duration: 1:57.


Chicago police questioning 2 people in connection with Jussie Smollett attack - Duration: 4:27.

JUST WATCHEDJussie Smollett opens up on attack: I'm pissed offReplayMore Videos

MUST WATCH Jussie Smollett opens up on attack: I'm pissed off 02:03Chicago (CNN)Chicago police are questioning two people in connection with last month's attack on actor Jussie Smollett, a police spokesman said

Smollett, star of The "Empire," told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who yelled "racial and homophobic slurs

" Smollett alleged that one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him before running away

JUST WATCHEDPolice release photo of persons of interest in actor's attackReplayMore Videos

MUST WATCH Police release photo of persons of interest in actor's attack 01:56"These individuals are not yet suspects but were in (the) area of concern and are being questioned," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Thursday in a tweet

"Investigation continues.""The people of interest are alleged to be in the area where a crime was reported," Guglielmi said in a subsequent tweet

"They are not considered suspects at this time as they are currently being questioned by detectives

" Police said the individuals were met by officers at Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Read More Through s meticulous investigation, #ChicahoPolice detectives have identified the persons of interest in the area of the alleged attack of the Empire cast member

These individuals are not yet suspects but were in area of concern and are being questioned

Investigation continues.— Anthony Guglielmi (@AJGuglielmi) February 14, 2019 Police previously released surveillance images of two people they said were wanted for questioning

Smollett gave his first detailed account of the attack Thursday morning on "Good Morning America," saying he was "forever changed" by it

"I don't subscribe to the idea everything happens for a reason," he told ABC's Robin Roberts, "but I do subscribe to the idea that we have the right and the responsibility to make something meaningful out of the things that happen to us, good and bad

"The 36-year-old said he was on the phone with his manager and crossing an intersection when he heard someone say, "Empire!" When he didn't respond -- "My name ain't 'Empire,'" Smollett said -- he said he heard someone yell a racial slur

"So I turned around and said 'What the f**k did you just say to me' and I see the attacker masked," Smollett said, appearing to get emotional

"He said 'This MAGA country n****r' and he punched me in the face so I punched his a** back

"Jussie Smollett gives details about his attack and says he's 'forever changed' The attackers soon ran off, and Smollett told Moore that he had been jumped

Smollett told Roberts he had seen the images released by police and said, "For me, I don't have any doubt in my mind that's them

" He also rejected reports that said he told police the attackers were wearing Make America Great Again hats

"I never said that," he said. "I didn't need to add anything like that. They called me a f****t, they called me a n****r

There's no which way you cut it. I don't need some MAGA hat as the cherry on some racist sundae

"Smollett said he assumes he was attacked because of his criticism of President Donald Trump, telling Roberts, "I come really hard against 45

"CNN's Ryan Young reported from Chicago while Dakin Andone reported and wrote this story from Atlanta

CNN's Lisa Respers France and Sandra Gonzalez contributed to this report.

For more infomation >> Chicago police questioning 2 people in connection with Jussie Smollett attack - Duration: 4:27.


Cum au petrecut fetele de oraș de Ziua Îndrăgostiților? Conduse de ispita Maria Ilioiu, domnișoarele - Duration: 4:47.

Fetele de oraș par să nu se bucure prea mult de iubirea "băieților de oraș", spre probabila lor dezamăgire, motiv pentru care au petrecut, împreună, de Ziua Îndrăgostiților, conduse de Ispita Maria Ilioiu

În Noaptea de Sf. Valentin, unul dintre restaurantele de fițe ale Bucureștiului s-a declanșat o adevărată fiesta

Invitatele fiind, cu toate, celebre în lumea mondenă de pe la noi.Mai exact, Maria Ilioiu, cea mai sexy Ispită de la "Insula Iubirii", alături de Larisa Munteanu, dansatoarea favorită a maneliștilor, dar și de Andreea, bruneta care s-a despărțit de curând de fiul lui Sile Cămătaru, au decis să își facă de cap într-un restaurant de lux

Așa că, alături de alte câteva prietene de-ale lor, fetele de oraș nu au avut niciun fel de inhibiții pentru a transforma seara într-un adevărat eveniment

Fără niciun bărbat în preajmă, fetele, după ce au golit pahar după pahar – fără să fie vreo picătură de apă în ele – au început să danseze

Și, evident, au făcut-o cum știu ele mai bine. Adică, într-o manieră în care, cu siguranță, a ațâțat la maximum publicul masculin, mai ales că, la un moment dat, Ispita Maria Ilioiu a început să o mângâie tandru – să zicem pe șolduri – pe dansatoarea manelișitilor, Larisa Munteanu, iar aceasta din urmă, obișnuită evident cu atingerile unor alte femei, a savurat fiecare moment cu un zâmbet larg, sincer

Normal, după ce s-au săturat de dans și pentru că vinul nu e suficient de tare, iar pentru euforie trebuie o cantitate impresionantă, lucru care, evident, le-ar strica talia, fetele s-au pus să se hidrateze cu lichide puse în diverse pahare mici

Mai pe românește, shot-uri. Pe care, ca niște petrecărețe care se respectă, le-au golit, fără să clipească, dintr-o înghițitură, moment în care, cu bateriile reîncărcate, au continuat să facă show în respectivul restaurant de lux

Ispita Maria Ilioiu s-a apucat de afaceri.Succesul pe care l-a avut în televiziune, faptul că fizicul ei impecabil a făcut-o celebră, corpul de fotomodel acoperit de tatuaje nefiind, adeseori, prea mult ascuns de haine, a făcut-o pe Maria Ilioiu să îşi dorească să reuşească şi în lumea modei, aşa că, de curând, a anunţat că se lansează în afaceri, decisă parcă să îi concureze în afacerile cu haine pe Cătălin Botezatu sau Bianca Drăguşanu

Între timp, așa cum e de așteptat, Maria Ilioiu speră să revină în rolul care a consacrat-o, cel de ispită

"Aş accepta oricând să fiu în rolul de ispită, pentru că de fiecare dată m-am simţit bine, m-am distrat şi am învăţat lucruri noi despre mine, mi s-au confirmat anumite percepţii

De exemplu cât de falşi şi ipocriţi sunt unii oameni.", a mărturisit Maria Ilioiu

For more infomation >> Cum au petrecut fetele de oraș de Ziua Îndrăgostiților? Conduse de ispita Maria Ilioiu, domnișoarele - Duration: 4:47.


Guardiões Dos Gems Episódio 6 Parte 1 | Sempre Unidos - Duration: 10:06.

Perlo: It was those gems, they're out of control! They ran out for everything. type of field, causing the grinding.

Agata: We need to find them

Aventurino: There's so much going on, first I and Ice Quartz we fusioning , second there was a diamond called magenta, and dps appeared that ametrine and now these corrupted gems

Aventurino: There's so much going on, first I and Ice Quartz we fusioning , second there was a diamond called magenta, and dps appeared that ametrine and now these corrupted gems

Spirit: Now I just have to do everything ...

Spirit: Ah Spirit: Spinel for! I'm here, the Pink Agate!

Spirit: Ahhhhhhh, I did not want to do that! Aventurino: Do ​​not hurt her

Spirit: Stop! Spirit: Spinel, please stop! I do not want to hurt you

Agate: Stopice! (Stop-Ice)

Ice: Agata have you lost track of? We have to poof!

Agate: But she's going to get hurt! Ice: It's better she poof than one of us splintered

Agate: Ice you would not understand.

Ice: Pink Agate? Agate: Hum

Ice: Who was Spinel? Agate: Sorry to never tell, but it's complicated

this happened many behind...

*Music* There I had to face

In that horrible place, I should not show a bit of doubt

But pulled against the hands I felt a little pain

I would not rather be like this ....

But she made me free, free, free

But she made me free, free, free

free, free, free.... From there

Spinel: What happened? I'm all confused Agata: Spinel!

Citrine: Is .... hellow? Agate: Who are you?

Citrine: I am Citrine, pleasure Sun: Sun

Spinel: What now? Agate: Now what?

Spinel: I think we need to go, right? Agate: Spinel, it's not going

Spinel: I know you do not want me to go ... But I think it's better now all go your way

Agate * sad *

Agate: Yes it is ... Sun: I know a way that we can take home.

Citrine: Thank you for everything!

Sun: Errrr ... Let's go before the portal closes!

Agate: Are not you going to say goodbye? Spinel: It's never goodbye ..

Star: The ship is out of fuel. Aventurino: Have not you checked before?

Star: Obviously I checked! But it was full before we got here.

Aventurino: You'll tell me that the fuel has gone magically

Star: Maybe. Agate: Hey guys, what's going on here?

Star: Some problems ... Agate: Well, then we need a lift ..

Aventurino: Ice how many contacts do you have in this thing?

Ice: Wait there ... Ice: Hmmm ... Chry: Ah! Ice!

Tur: Ice, how much tempu Ice: Guys, I need a little help from you ...

Chry: Ahhhhh ... Tur: How can this happen?

Ice: I think it was the impact of the crash. Chry: How bad, how are you going to become the ender-ice now?

Tur: Chrysoprase! (Shout) Chry: * Laughter *

Agate: Guys ... I think you should see this ... Agate: How ... I had pissed you off!

Ice: Ruby? Chry: It will not be like that!

Agate: Why are you doing this? Red Pearl: You know very well ...

Aventurino: Pink Agate, What are we going to say the red diamond? Agate: It Does not Matter...

For more infomation >> Guardiões Dos Gems Episódio 6 Parte 1 | Sempre Unidos - Duration: 10:06.


✅ Mulher de Boechat recebe e coloca aliança do marido: "Melhor presente" - Duration: 1:12.

 Veruska Seibel Boechat, ex-mulher de Ricardo Boechat, homenageou o jornalista nesta quinta-feira (14/2), em referência ao Valentine's Day

Nas redes sociais, a mulher publicou uma foto em que exibe a aliança de casamento do marido, recebida após seu falecimento, e fez um desabafo melancólico

 "E no meio de tanta dor, recebi o melhor presente que eu poderia receber, já sem esperanças de conseguir

Meu coração é só amor", escreveu Veruska na legenda a imagem. Mulher de Boechat recebe e coloca aliança do marido: "Melhor presente"   8 FOTOS   Boechat e Veruska estavam juntos desde 2005 e costumavam se declarar com frequência na internet

O apresentador morreu na última segunda-feira (11/2), vítima de um acidente de helicóptero, em São Paulo

Ele recebeu homenagens de vários famosos, que lotaram o Twitter e o Instagram com condolências

For more infomation >> ✅ Mulher de Boechat recebe e coloca aliança do marido: "Melhor presente" - Duration: 1:12.


Premio solidario a la Fundación Leo Messi - Duration: 1:50.

 La Fundación Leo Messi nació con el objetivo de luchar para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los niños y que estos pudiesen perseguir sus sueños

En el año 2018, se iniciaron las obras del SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, destinado a ser unos de los principales centros monográficos de oncología pediátrica de Europa, y para el que tanto la Fundación Leo Messi como la figura de Leo Messi han sido claves, tanto por la aportación económica realizada, como por liderar la campaña de sensibilización y captación de fondos que ha permitido recaudar más de 30 millones de euros en un tiempo record, acercando así el sueño perseguido por los impulsores del proyecto

Además de los proyectos realizados en Cataluña, donde destaca la colaboración en otros proyectos de investigación con los principales hospitales de la ciudad condal o la colaboración con Special Olympics Catalunya, la actividad de la Fundación Leo Messi se extiende por todo el globo, en colaboración con entidades de reconocido prestigio como UNICEF

Para 2019, la Fundación espera poder seguir con su importante labor, y centrando sus esfuerzos en mejorar la salud de la infancia a través de distintos ámbitos de actuación, acercar a los niños y niñas más desfavorecidos a sus sueños

” Un centro pionero  El Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, en Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona), celebró en octubre el inicio de las obras de su nuevo centro de cáncer pediátrico, que prevé abrir en 2020 en un acto simbólico en el que  participó Leo Messi

El nuevo SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona permitirá atender a 400 pacientes al año, un 30% más de los que puede tratar actualmente el centro (215 casos nuevos y 70 de recaídas): "Pensamos que el centro será un antes y un después para los pacientes, familiares y profesionales, y uno de los centros más grandes de Europa”, ha explicado el director gerente del Hospital, Manel del Castillo

 Ya curamos al 80% de los niños con cáncer, pero todavía perdemos a niños y es un drama personal que intentaremos mejorar en este centro, con métodos innovadores”, dijo sobre un centro que tendrá los últimos avances y tecnología en la lucha contra el cáncer

Messi, feliz  Messi  expresó  estar "feliz” por ver cumplido su sueño de crear estas instalaciones, para las que la donación de su fundación ha sido clave, en el día en que ha anunciado la culminación de la campaña de recaudación, con 30 millones que permitirán construir el SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

"Es un placer estar hoy aquí, para mí es un momento muy feliz, extraordinario, poder ser parte de este proyecto y verlo hecho realidad

Agradecer a toda la gente que colaboró de una manera u otra para que esto sea posible”, ha afirmado el capitán del FC Barcelona, que ha sido el principal embajador de la campaña '#ParaLosValientes'

El nuevo centro de cáncer pediátrico del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu prevé abrir en 2020El jugador deseó que en este nuevo centro se puedan curar todos los casos de cáncer infantil: "Ojalá puedan los chicos seguir combatiendo esta enfermedad tan cruel como es el cáncer

Y que entre todos podamos colaborar para que sea más fácil, dentro de lo que cabe

Estoy muy feliz por poder cumplir este sueño”, ha reiterado. Leo celebró uno de los goles en el Camp Nou dedicándole a todos los que luchan por esta idea y contra el cáncer infantil

La instalación  La instalación contará con 13.196 metros cuadrados en un edificio de cuatro plantas situado al lado del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, conectado al edificio principal por una pasarela; contará con 38 habitaciones, 8 cámaras para el trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos, 24 boxes en el Hospital de Día y 18 despachos para consultas externos

Además, el nuevo centro tendrá un servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Pet y Terapia Metabólica, varios quirófanos, laboratorios de investigación y otros servicios no asistenciales para los pacientes y sus familiares

For more infomation >> Premio solidario a la Fundación Leo Messi - Duration: 1:50.


Como doblar ropa de niños con el Metodo KonMari🌟Organizar Ropa Metodo Marie Kondo🌟Maglambymaleisa - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Como doblar ropa de niños con el Metodo KonMari🌟Organizar Ropa Metodo Marie Kondo🌟Maglambymaleisa - Duration: 10:03.


Какой сегодня праздник: на календаре 15 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник: на календаре 15 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 2:46.


Jak jsme vás informovali, kanadské soudy v předešlých dnech měly rozhodnout, že se synové Tomáše Ple - Duration: 5:18.

 Když Tomáš Plekanec v srpnu loňského roku, jenom den poté, co zveřejnil prohlášení o rozchodu s matkou svých dvou synů, odletěl do zámoří, měl Lucii Vondráčkové sdělit, že si nepřeje, aby ona a jejich synové letěli za ním do Montrealu

To alespoň od prvních dní rozvodových tahanic tvrdí oblíbená pěnice, která se přesto do Kanady vydala

Tam se ubytovala v domě, který pro ni a jejich syny pronajal a zařídil právě Tomáš Plekanec

 Zatímco se ale Tomáš Plekanec ještě před koncem roku vrátil do Česka, Vondráčková s dětmi zůstala v Kanadě, kde děti chodí do školy a školky a navštěvují tamní kroužky

Nutné je připomenout, že se oba jejich synové v Kanadě narodili, tudíž mají i kanadské občanství

 Soudní pře obou rodičů dokonce zašla tak daleko, že Tomáš Plekanec v prosinci podal na Lucii Vondráčkovou žalobu za zadržování obou synů v Kanadě a právě tento spor se v posledních dnech v Kanadě řešil před soudem

Jak nám sám potvrdil Luciin otec Jiří Vondráček, soudkyně měla odsouhlasit, že se děti musí vrátit do Česka

To Blesku potvrdila i právní zástupkyně Tomáše Plekance Lenka Radoňová. „Soud ve věci tzv

návratové žaloby vyhověl Tomáši Plekancovi. Nicméně všechny strany zavázal mlčenlivostí, takže vám nemohu sdělit žádné podrobnosti a velice mě překvapuje, že odněkud unikají," uvedla Radoňová

 Co to ale nyní znamená?  Přestože se Lucie Vondráčková měla na místě proti rozhodnutí soudu odvolat, kanadské právo nezná odkladný účinek

Na rozhodnutí odvolacího soudu by tak zpěvačka i se syny musela počkat v Česku. Existuje ale způsob, jak to obejít

 V nejbližších dnech by tak v Kanadě mělo proběhnout řízení, během něhož se má rozhodnout, zda na odvolací soud bude moct Lucie Vondráčková počkat i se syny v Montrealu, nebo se bude muset vrátit do Česka

 Pokud by soud rozhodl v její neprospěch, mnoho času jí nezbyde. Na sbalení svých věcí bude mít totiž přesně sedm dní

Tak dlouho se ještě po rozhodnutí soudu v její neprospěch bude moct zdržovat na území Kanady

Přesněji řečeno, tak dlouho se tam budou moct zdržovat jejich synové, jejichž pasy by nyní měl mít v držení Tomáš Plekanec, který si syny s největší pravděpodobností do Kanady poletí osobně vyzvednout

 Podle serveru měl syny do své péče získat právě Tomáš Plekanec, jenž by v den odletu do Česka měl získat i jejich zdravotní dokumentaci a osobní věci

Málokdo ale počítá s tím, že by Lucie Vondráčková zůstala v Kanadě sama bez svých dvou synů, ačkoliv by klidně mohla

Podle slov jejího otce se snaží alespoň Plekance přesvědčit, aby je tam v nejhorším nechal do konce školního roku

 Jelikož jsou ale jejich vztahy napjaté jako struna, jenom těžko se dá předpokládat, že by v případě svého konečného triumfu vyšel Plekanec Vondráčkové vstříc

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