Monday, February 18, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2019

 O procurador Ivan Marx, do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) em Brasília, trabalha na denúncia criminal contra alvos da operação Bullish e mapeou um dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões causados pela JBS ao Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social (BNDES)

 Deflagrada em maio de 2017, a Bullish mirou supostas irregularidades em aportes de mais de R$ 8 bilhões do banco público na empresa do grupo J&F, cujos principais acionistas são os irmãos Wesley e Joesley Batista

 Enquanto a denúncia criminal deve ter como alvo os irmãos Batista, os ex-ministros Guido Mantega e Antônio Palocci e funcionários do banco, uma ação civil vai cobrar o dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões da empresa do setor de alimentos e proteína animal

A informação foi antecipada pelo jornal O Globo e confirmada pelo jornal "O Estado de S

Paulo".  O grupo J&F assinou um acordo de leniência com a Procuradoria da República em Brasília, mas o procurador Marx não participou do acordo

 Pelo pacto, a empresa já teria se comprometido a pagar cerca de R$ 1,7 bilhão, mas negou ter corrompido funcionários e ter sido beneficiada por decisões internas

Atualmente, o acordo está sendo renegociado e os procuradores envolvidos aguardam o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidir se irá rescindir os acordos de colaboração dos executivos da empresa

For more infomation >> ✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.


仮想通貨チャート分析!相場の〇〇は近い!リップル、ビットコイン価格予想!XRP、BTC今後の動向とは?ネムはどうなる?暴落気味仮想通貨最新ニュース!2019年2月初心者大損しない最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨チャート分析!相場の〇〇は近い!リップル、ビットコイン価格予想!XRP、BTC今後の動向とは?ネムはどうなる?暴落気味仮想通貨最新ニュース!2019年2月初心者大損しない最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 6:44.


CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 18:56.

For more infomation >> CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 18:56.


CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 0:18.


Ascite: definizione, consigli e trattamenti - Duration: 6:54.

L'ascite è un problema molto fastidioso per il quale esistono vari trattamenti.

Oggi ne scopriremo alcuni e vi daremo tutte le informazioni per conoscere meglio questa malattia Con il termine ascite si intende un accumulo di liquido che si verifica intorno all'area che circonda gli organi dell'addome.

Può avere un aspetto sieroso, è trasparente e si separa dal sangue quando questo si coagula. Questa sostanza è nota come "liquido ascitico".

Secondo lo specialista spagnolo Luis Téllez, l'ascite è: "un reperto esplorativo frequente, soprattutto nei pazienti affetti da cirrosi epatica".

Tra queste i tumori, l'ipertensione portaleo anche le infezioni sistemiche. Tuttavia, possono esservi molte altre cause.

Perché si presenta l'ascite? Per determinare le cause dell'ascite, occorre osservare la pressione dei vasi sanguigni.

Se è troppo alta, si è in presenza di ipertensione portale, con rischi significativi di soffrire di questa patologia.

Altri fattori possono condizionare la sua comparsa, tra cui il costante ed eccessivo consumo di alcol nel corso degli anni o anche un'infezione prolungata di epatite B o C.

Le conseguenze e gli strascichi dell'infezione epatica possono favorire la comparsa dell'ascite.

Tuttavia, questo rischio è presente anche nelle persone con cancro.

Nell'elenco a seguire abbiamo raccolto i tumori maligni che prevedono l'ascite tra i vari sintomi: Seno.

Fegato. Pancreas. Colon. Appendice. Ovaie e utero.

In tutti questi casi, il rischio di soffrire di ascite è alto.

Tuttavia, vediamo nei paragrafi a seguire come trattare questo disturbo e in che modo superare gli effetti dell'accumulo di liquido sieroso nell'area dell'addome.

Come trattare l'ascite; L'ascite può causare gonfiore nella pancia, disagio e difficoltà a livello di respirazione.

Quest'ultima è la conseguenza del fatto che il fluido può esercitare una certa pressione sui polmoni, rendendo difficoltoso il processo respiratorio.

Esistono diversi trattamenti per questa malattia ed è importante sapere come funzionano e il loro grado di efficacia.

Cambiamenti nello stile di vita; Se l'ascite è causata da un consumo eccessivo di alcol,

il medico raccomanderà un drastico cambiamento nelle abitudini alimentari e nello stile di vita.

Se non si è in grado di uscire subito da questa dipendenza, bisognerà farlo progressivamente.

In questi casi, potrebbe essere utile iscriversi a un gruppo di sostegno.

Può succedere che lo specialista imponga dei limiti all'assunzione di sale, una misura atta a prevenire l'ipertensione portale.

Allo stesso modo, il consumo di liquidi dovrebbe essere moderato.

Ciò riguarda anche l'acqua, che dovrà essere bevuta solo in piccole quantità, ma con una frequenza ben più alta.

Estrazione del liquido; Un altro trattamento dell'ascite prevede l'estrazione del fluido sieroso.

Il problema è che può riapparire, quindi si tratta di una misura palliativa, messa a punto esclusivamente per calmare il disagio e il dolore del paziente.

In molti casi per drenare il liquido ogni volta che appare, viene posizionato un catetere nel luogo dell'estrazione con un sistema di chiusura a rubinetto.

In questo modo, qualora sia necessario, il condotto di scarico può essere riaperto, permettendo al liquido ascitico di fuoriuscire.

Cure farmacologiche; Se lo ritiene necessario, il medico potrà prescrivere al paziente con ascite alcuni farmaci che favoriranno un graduale miglioramento del quadro clinico.

Tra questi vi sono: Diuretici: che permetteranno di eliminare il liquido in eccesso.

Antibiotici: aiuteranno ad affrontare le infezioni che potrebbero presentarsi internamente.

Se preferite optare per rimedi di tipo naturale, alcuni prodotti che vi aiuteranno a drenare il liquido accumulato nell'addome.

Tuttavia, ogni scelta dovrà essere discussa e condivisa con il medico curante. È sbagliato automedicarsi in caso di ascite.

Oltre a prescrivere un trattamento personalizzato ed elaborato in base ad un'accurata diagnosi, i medici di solito consigliano il riposo.

L'ascite è molto fastidiosa e può causare molto disagio e fastidio.

Mantenere posture comode e limitare di gravare sulla zona addominale saranno due accorgimenti di grande aiuto per prevenire il dolore.

Tuttavia, questo non significa ridurre completamente le proprie attività.

Tenete presente che fare un po' di attività fisica può prevenire un'ulteriore ritenzione idrica, contribuendo al miglioramento dell'ascite.

Seguite sempre le raccomandazioni del dottore e non prendete iniziative senza averlo prima consultato.

Avete mai sofferto di ascite? Quale trattamento ha funzionato meglio nel vostro caso? Speriamo di essere riusciti,

almeno in parte, a chiarire alcuni dei dubbi relativi a questo problema.

Conoscendo meglio una malattia, infatti, si è anche più pronti ad affrontarla e risolverla in modo efficace.

For more infomation >> Ascite: definizione, consigli e trattamenti - Duration: 6:54.


Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia sono tornati insieme - Duration: 1:42.

Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia sono tornati insieme

Francesco Sarcina è tornato con la moglie Clizia Incorvaia Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia sono di nuovo marito e moglie.

Dopo la rottura dello scorso novembre il leader de Le Vibrazioni e la fashion blogger hanno deciso di dare una seconda chance al loro matrimonio.

A dare l'annuncio è stata Clizia su Instagram, dove ha condiviso uno scatto con l'ex Professore di Amici di Maria De Filippi.

"Ricominciare per scrivere una nuova storia, lasciandosi alle spalle il passato e disegnando un nuovo PRESENTE! Le paure sono vecchi orpelli,

Amare ed essere amati è sempre una gran forma di coraggio", ha scritto l'ex concorrente di Pechino Express, sposata con Sarcina dal 2015. la bellezza é il nuovo incipit.

Il musicista è padre anche di Tobia, nato nel 2007 da una precedente relazione. I due hanno una figlia, Nina, di tre anni e mezzo.

Nuovo tatuaggio per Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia Per celebrare il ritorno di fiamma Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia si sono concessi un nuovo tatuaggio.

L'artista lo ha disegnato sul braccio, mentre l'esperta di moda sul décolleté. La coppia si è fatta tatuare sulla pelle un cuore.

"Nuova pelle", hanno annunciato all'unisono Francesco e Clizia, che insieme hanno partecipato a Pechino Express nel 2016

For more infomation >> Francesco Sarcina e Clizia Incorvaia sono tornati insieme - Duration: 1:42.


✅ PrÃncipe Harry e Meghan podem quebrar mais um protocolo. Entenda! - Duration: 1:27.

Ao que tudo indica, Meghan Markle não deixará suas raízes de lado. Segundo uma publicação do portal Sunday Times, a Duquesa de Sussex e o marido Príncipe Harry devem optar, para o filho que ainda não nasceu, que ele ou ela, estude em uma escola com o currículo norte-americano

  Se for concretizada, a escolha do casal pode quebrar anos de tradição da Família Real britânica que sempre optou em colocar as crianças nascidas em colégios com o currículo local

  A possível futura escola fica muito perto de Frogmore Cottage, a futura nova residência do casal, localizada na propriedade Windsor Great Park

Segundo o veículo E! Online, Harry e Meghan querem uma educação mais diversificada ao futuro filho

Além de Markle afirmar querer que o pequeno tenha plena consciência de sua herança americana

Vale lembrar que o Palácio de Kensington ainda não confirmou a informação

  Notícias Relacionadas   14/02/2019 | 18h51m - Karen Vieira Samantha Markle alfineta George Clooney após defesa à Meghan Markle   14/02/2019 | 08h00m - Giovanna Prisco Valentine’s Day: Os casais mais fofos do mundo dos famosos   13/02/2019 | 15h10m - Giovanna Prisco Grávida, Meghan Markle mostra o barrigão em evento

For more infomation >> ✅ PrÃncipe Harry e Meghan podem quebrar mais um protocolo. Entenda! - Duration: 1:27.





"流浪地球"在巨婴的驾驶下 偏离了轨道... | 娛樂新聞HK.Entertainment - Duration: 13:45.

For more infomation >> "流浪地球"在巨婴的驾驶下 偏离了轨道... | 娛樂新聞HK.Entertainment - Duration: 13:45.


(日) Sorry Not Sori : 다이어트 간식 오! 그래놀라 바 리뷰 [Sol-E] - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> (日) Sorry Not Sori : 다이어트 간식 오! 그래놀라 바 리뷰 [Sol-E] - Duration: 5:57.


Betty en NY | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:53.


These are my offices.

If you accept, this could be your new place of employment.

I thought you were smart.

Only an idiot would reject this offer!

Since when do you work for him?

He offered me a great positi,

-but I turned it down. -Why?

I knew he was only doing it to hurt you.

I asked you all here to inform you that as of today

all banking transactions will be managed by Beatriz Rincon.

They want to run the company as they please

and that's why they're hiding information.

This place is very expensive.

If we want to meet our goals,

we'll have to reduce our costs by a fourth.


What are you doing around my Fabio?

You obviously can't leave your man alone

because the vultures swoop in to devour him.

Fabi and I are getting married.

If only a few of these figures were a little higher.

We can touch this up.

I know exactly who can help us with this.

I need you to embellish the report.

What are you doing here?

I'm working on something for Mr. Armando.

What is it?

It's confidential.

Maybe our last shot is to hack her computer.

Ugly Betty's?

What? Hard drive not found?

I can help you, but I'll need to take it.

Go ahead.

Did she fall for it?

Yes, she thinks the hard drive is damaged.

I saw him take it,

but he was talking to Patricia, so I stayed away.

Beatriz? Betty!

Ronnie! Ronnie, open up!

I need my computer.


I need to go to my office.

To pray?

Yes, for your nose.


Betty, I really need that report.

I don't have it, sir.

Yes, put it in in a black binder if you want.

What do you mean you don't have it?

I don't. My computer crashed.

IT will get it back to me tomorrow.

You didn't save it on a CD, USB or the Cloud?


To make the most of my time, I didn't take any breaks.

I finished the report by 4AM and simply forgot.

You knew how important that report is!

My presidency is on the line!

I know and I'm really sorry,

but could you postpone the meeting till tomorrow?

I'm sure I can redo the report. Think you can reschedule?

What am I going to tell my parents and Daniel?

"Sorry, guys, but I don't have the report.

I can have it in a week or a month."

No, Beatriz! I need it now!

Mr. Armando, I didn't do it on purpose.

Please don't cry.

-I can't help it. -Don't do this!


Come on, come on.

Yes! I'm finally in!

-Already? -Uh-huh.

So what did you find?

Oh, my God!

I need a password to access the document, Patricia.

Another one?

-Yes. See for yourself. -That damn troll has no life.

How does she keep track of all those passwords?

Thing is, it could take me a long time to crack it.

If Betty comes back,

she'll realize what's going on and I'll be fired.

In that case, hurry.

This is your problem now.

-Hello. <i> -Betty?</i>

Can't talk right now, Nico. I'm in trouble.

<i> What is it now?</i>

My computer died on me and I lost a ton of important info.

Why didn't you call? Did it turn on okay?

Yeah, but then a message saying "hard drive not found" came up.

Oh, that's simple enough. I can fix it from here.

<i> -Really?</i> <i> -Are you at your desk?</i>

Yes, but the IT guy took my computer.

Get it back. Call me when you have it.

Oh, okay. Thank you so, so much.

I'll go get it right now. Bye!


Hey, Sandra. How are you?

Great. Can you do me a favor?


Tell Wilson to meet us outside Ronnie's office.

I have to report that the door was actually locked

and then I need written consent from the security staff,

Ms. Marcela, or Mr. Armando.

Quit being such a bureaucrat!

That's the protocol.

I can't overstep it unless it's a dire emergency.

This is a dire emergency.

There's important information in that computer.

Which is in there! We know he's keeping it there!

And there are other computer cables.

If those touch, they'll short-circuit

and the information will be lost.

You'll be blamed for that, taken to court, and sentenced.

Oh, damn. Why would I be sentenced?

Who was negligent? You or me?


We can request the authorization if you like.

Come on.

No, stop it! Stop, stop!

As long as I'm in service, no employee will suffer.

Step back so I can do my thing.

Be careful.


Don't touch and don't move!

Ronnie, why weren't you answering your door?

I had my headphones on and couldn't hear you.

-What happened? -I'm here for my computer.

No! I'm working on it.

Never mind, I figured out how to get what I need.

-You can't take it. -You gonna stop us?

She's gone.

Well, Mata?

Did you get what I asked?

We couldn't extract the information from the computer.

But if Beatriz hid, camouflaged or touched up...

Enough, Mata. Straight to the point.

...or touched up those figures,

she won't get to present the report either.

-Idiot. -Pardon?

You're an idiot.

Well, Armando?

Are you going to keep us here all day or start the meeting?

Well, it's just that... there's been a problem with our report.

It's not ready because my secretary's computer broke.


This is a very important meeting.

-What do you mean it broke? -There's nothing I can do.

This has been the shortest and most pointless meeting

in the history of V&M.

Come on, Danny Boy. Did you forget the rules?

Whoever shows up late and beat up has no say.

No one asked you, Ricardo.

Armando, aren't you ashamed?

You made your parents come all the way here for nothing.

Daniel, please. You're exaggerating.

Let's give Armando a vote of confidence

and postpone the meeting for two months.

I'm sorry, but after today,

I demand permanent supervision of the company's actions.

I can do it myself and keep everyone in attendance abreast.

In your dreams, Daniel.

Son, I'm sorry, but after today,

and taking into consideration that we're meeting again

in two months, Daniel has a point,

and he has the right to demand an audit of the company.


Okay, Nico, will it be much longer?

No way, this is a piece of cake.

Thank God!

<i> God, Betty?</i>

You can call me Nicol.

I'm in.

Thank you so much, Nico.

See you later, okay?

Demetrio, I'm glad you're here. We need to talk.

Me too, boss.

I've had some personal problems,

but first of all, these tamales are for you.

My wife made them.

She made them with lots of love.

Thank you. Julia's so thoughtful.

The truth is, I wanted to talk to you

because I've had some expenses,

and it's been so long since I got a raise that I thought...

Demetrio, the company is having serious problems,

and we need to restructure.


I'm really sorry...

but we're going to have to let you go.

I knew it, Patricia. I knew we'd get caught.

No, that's not going to happen.

We just have to pretend that nothing happened.

They're going to fire me, or even worse.

I'm going to get sued, I'm going to go to jail.

Oh my God, I'm not a guy who can survive in jail.

Shut up!

None of that's going to happen.

Nobody has to know you were involved.

We! You got that?

We were involved.

If I go down, Mata and you go down too.

Well, then all the reports shall be delivered

to Mr. Mata, our VP of Finance.

He'll be responsible for delivering them to me.

I disagree, Daniel. You can't do this.

I don't care.

If you'd submitted these reports on time,

you could've avoided this headache.

Son, Daniel is right.

This is the result of a disastrous meeting.

Well, that concludes the meeting.

We'll see each other...

Mr. Armando!

What do you want now, Betty?

Sorry, but I have the reports for today's board meeting.

Please pass those down. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Betty en NY | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:53.


Коробочка с сюрпризом. Подарок сладкоежкам.Три коробки в одной.Подарок сыну на 23 февраля - Duration: 8:55.

Welcome friends! Today I want to tell and show of course with what you can surprise sweet teeth!

I had a few videos on what to give a man for the upcoming holiday on February 23, but these ideas are not very suitable for a gift to little defenders

and after my son quite seriously said that we now have 3 defenders in our family, and they will protect me from monsters, I could not leave them without a special gift for such an important festival for Musin)

I made this box focusing on the tastes of the boys — the composition can be called goodbye teeth 3 — the first two times were related to the New Year holidays, but it cost three times)

So all the calculations are shown schematically, you can decorate according to your imagination, such a gift will suit both boys and girls

, you can hide the jewels and perfumes for little fashionistas, the main thing is not to overdo the sweets and take the flat tiles better,

then all 3 boxes will close without problems. I hope you enjoy this gift idea

How much joy you brought, you can see for yourself. This is despite the fact that they seemed to know how it would be, but did not realize that this gift was for them)))

Write in the comments if you would like to receive such a box for a holiday, if you have any questions,

I will be happy to answer your questions. Subscribe to my channel, put likes and good mood, lots of sunshine and spring! See you!)

For more infomation >> Коробочка с сюрпризом. Подарок сладкоежкам.Три коробки в одной.Подарок сыну на 23 февраля - Duration: 8:55.


El Barón | Capítulo 11 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:37.

This story is inspired by real-life people,

events and situations. It contains sex, violence,

and inappropriate or provocative dialogue.

Viewer discretion advised.


I take it you heard about what happened at the mall.

<i> Yeah, and I'm worried about</i> <i> the situation over there.</i>

My friend Papo Mejia's here. Do you know him?

No, I don't know him.

<i> Well, his dad was killed</i> <i> in that shootout,</i>

so I need to know who ------ up royally.

<i> I don't know</i> <i> what to say, Pablo.</i>

I'm very sorry for your friend's loss.

<i> People here are very pissed</i> <i> about the situation.</i>

I'm putting Papo on the line. Talk to him.


<i> Papo Mejia speaking.</i>

<i> Listen up, Nacho.</i>

Do you know who was the son of a bitch

who killed my dad in Miami?

<i> First of all, my most</i> <i> sincere condolences.</i>

<i> I know these are trying times.</i>

Secondly, I hate to spread rumors,

but word on the street has it Griselda Blanco, Godmother,

is responsible. Have you heard about her?

<i>People say she wrecked the place</i> <i> without a care,</i>

that she didn't ask questions and killed everyone there.

<i> Alright, Nacho.</i>

I need you to help me kill her.

Damn, Papo.

Honestly, bro, I'd love to help but Pablo clearly asked me

to play nice with Griselda and get along with her.

<i> Forget that.</i> <i> Help my friend out.</i>

<i> I promise you no one will know</i> <i> you were involved.</i>

Sure, Pablo.

It'll be my pleasure. That's what I'm here for, bro.

<i>I'll be on the first flight out</i> <i> to Miami tomorrow.</i>

I want to be blessed first.

Pick me up at the airport.

You got it, Papo.


That's right, ------- it!

With Pablo on our side

it'll be very easy to take that bitch out.

Oh, honey! That's just great!

I love you!

Oh, wow!

We have to go to the airport tomorrow, Paisa.

While were recruited Papo to get back at Godmother,

CENTAC agents were working to catch us.

Miami-Dade Police thanks you for coming.

We'll call to have you undergo a physical examination.


They tried to find trained officers,

but they couldn't stop the flow of drugs.


They even tried to hire people who wanted the job!

But few wanted to sign up for the fight.

Good morning!

That looks great!


I made you breakfast.

I hope you won't turn it down.

Really, Justin?

You're not gonna change your attitude?

If you aren't, you should leave.

I already apologized, Marce. It won't happen again.

Come on, Richie. Let's go.

-I'm not done. -Come on! Let's go!

If you want to do well,

hang a pair of tennis shoes where everyone can see them.

I know what I'm talking about.

We have to work very hard with the new recruits.

They're not what we expected,

but we need to make the best of it.

You think those retards will help us arrest traffickers?

Washington needs to know about the drug problem.

The president only cares about Iran.

He'll only look our way once Miami becomes a war zone.

More than it already is? Impossible!

-We've reached rock bottom. -No, Thompson.

We're nowhere near it.

He'll only start to care when the death toll rises.

Then CENTAC has to make a difference no matter what.

Hey! How you doing, man?

-Hey, what's up? -All good?

Good, yeah.

Yeah. Word.

Justin, don't you think this neighborhood

is a little too ghetto for us to be selling coke?

No. Why do you say that?

Look around you.

I doubt anyone here will pay $30 for this.

Hey, brother, what's the matter with you?

Don't show it off. There could be cops around.

Alright, relax. It's no big deal.

No, you relax.

Relax. So we're going to sell here?

Let's go over to that corner.

Don't worry about the quality. This stuff sells anywhere.

Are we gonna follow Marcela's advice?

Really, dude?

You think I'm going to climb a tree to hang some shoes?

Look, this is a revolver.

This is the cylinder. It holds six bullets.

Do you like it?

It's pretty, isn't it?

This is a pistol.

It can hold up to 12 bullets.

Sonny, you need to be like your brothers.

A badass.

Don't think twice about pulling the trigger

to protect your family.


Now I'm going to teach you how to load it.

What are you doing?

It's pretty obvious.

I'm teaching your son to be a man.

Champ, wait for me by the pool. I'll catch up with you there.

Wait for me by the pool.

We'll pick this up again later.

You're going to lecture me again.

Lecture you, Griselda? What are you doing?

He's just a child!

He's not going to be a two-bit hit man, you hear?

He's gonna go to school here, Europe, or wherever he wants.

He's going to be someone in life!

Get this through your head, Darwin.

Sonny already has a path.

He's my son.

He's the heir to my empire whether you like it or not.

You can't disavow me in front of him

because whether you like it or not he's my son too.

We'll see about that.

Do something for me.

Go outside. He's waiting for you.

You're annoying me.


Indio, I need you to bless me tonight.

I'm going to the States. I know who killed my dad.

That bitch is going to pay. See you soon.



Get to work!

You know what to do. Start packing.

Yes, sir.


<i> Hey, coz!</i> <i> It's Mosco.</i>

Why are you calling me? What happened?

The boss is pissed at you guys, bro.

Especially Godmother.

Why's that?

What do you mean?

You killed the man's dad!

<i> Mr. Papo is heading over</i> <i> to find your boss.</i>

And he's not planning to be nice.

What do you want in exchange for getting me this info?

<i> Really, man?</i> <i> Money!</i>

Help a guy out and help me get over there.

<i> Come on.</i>

You got it.

Tell me when and where Papo's going to land.

It's too hot!

The humidity is killing me! If I keep going, I'll faint.

Quit your whining, Richie.

We've been at it for a long time

and haven't sold a single gram.

We're failures, Justin!

I think we're doing something wrong.

Let's stand here with this bro.

Marcela was right about the shoes!

It seems someone's looking out for us.

Despite it all, she's thinking of us.

Oh, stop it.

-Hey, guys! -She has a man.

What's up?

You speak English?

English? Of course, yeah.

You have something for the party tonight?

-For the party? -Yeah?

Yeah, we got some.

What do you got?

We got the best one in town, man.


Ah, ah, ah. 50 bucks a pop.

Easy, guy. I'm got it.

There you go. Here's your money.

Enjoy, my friend.


Our first sale!

That was it!

Let's stand over there to see what happens.

Right here.


What I loved most about the business

was that someone else did the work for me.

How's it going, Jesus? Did you get it done?

George, light it up!

Coke was grown and processed in Colombia.

Then it was sold.

I picked up stocks of it three times a week, distributed it

and lived the good life while reaping the profits

and investing my money.

They're good. I like them.

Hey, speaking of something else.

How much longer are we going to wait before... we do it?

I don't know. Not long.

At the end of the day, Pablo wants Griselda out.

You know Papo wants to kill her ASAP.

We just have to be patient.

Patient? For how much longer?

It feels like we keep postponing this on and on.

It feels like it'll happen by the time we're maggot food.

-Maggot food? -When we're dead.

At times... I don't know how to say this.

I love certain phrases...

but they sound a little crass.

You know?

Excuse you!

I mean...

Are you calling me crass?

No, I'm just saying that...

Well, forgive me, you high-society snob.

No, honey. Just hear me out.

I'm listening.

You're going to be the queen of this place.

Queens need to know how to address their court.

What the ---- are you talking about?

We're going to meet very important people...

Very important? Really?

So I need to measure up to the disgusting

and perverted narcos who're going to come here?

What are you talking about?

This cheap whore isn't worthy of them?

I didn't say that.

It's just that sometimes...

-You know what? -We have to watch what we say.

If you don't, you'll say stupidities like your husband.

Martin, the palm tree! I'm ignoring you.

Put the palm tree over there.


I'm an idiot. I messed up.

I'm a fool.

-I deserve that. -That and more.

In fact, I won't get any today. That's my punishment.

Nothing for three days!


Isa's nightclub was being modeled

after New York's best clubs and it was going to be epic.

Miami would finally get to know the meaning of the word party.

And I was going to be in the middle of it!

For more infomation >> El Barón | Capítulo 11 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:37.


Gods uitspraken aan het hele universum De zeventiende uitspraak - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> Gods uitspraken aan het hele universum De zeventiende uitspraak - Duration: 14:23.


Portugal 1985 | 100$ Escudos (50 Anos Fernando Pessoa) | Moeda Comemorativa - Duration: 3:56.

Hello everyone and welcome to one more episode of Portuguese Numismatic.

Already subscribed to our channel?

If not, click below and we'll get started!

So welcome again and today to you bring a commemorative coin from Portugal.

This coin and the great Portuguese poet Fernando Person and it is $ 100 escudos.

I want first and foremost to ask everyone to go to Facebook.

The Portuguese mint (INCM Books) is to make a contest where the title you have

more likes, is the winner and wins the book of this excellent poet.

See everything following the link below in the description and do like on our cover.

Help us to win the competition !!

thank you guys.

Come on then, this coin is about the celebration of the 50 years of the death of Fernando Pessoa.

vvira !!!!!!

Born in 1888, Fernando Pessoa made several works, both at the level of poetry, where

include "The Message", the publications coming from his heteronyms, he also had

as a journalist and political commentator, but unfortunately only had recognition for the

his work after his death in 1935.

This coin is of cupronickel, of finishing normal.

It is 34 mm in diameter and weighs 16.5 grams.

It has the edge serrated and was only minted 500,000 coins.

On the obverse of this coin, we have here very large, the face value. $ 100 shields.

We have the national coat of arms on top, so more square than normal, there are back we have

written "Portuguese Republic".

Below we have the name of the author "José Aurélio "and the INCM mint.

Turning the currency, we see several faces, various faces, various glasses, various


We can see here 4 faces of Fernando Pessoa overlapping, we have in the background the

of the sea, here the seagulls, and also a sailboat.

We have written back:1888 - Poet Fernando Person - 1935.

Below we have 1985.

We can see the value in the 2018/2019 yearbook.

We have here the value of € 2 for finishing normal, 16 € for BNC finish and 350 €

for PROOF finishing.

Already know people, do like, subscribe and leave your comments below.

Let's grow the channel with more coins, more information and more history.

Thank you all and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Portugal 1985 | 100$ Escudos (50 Anos Fernando Pessoa) | Moeda Comemorativa - Duration: 3:56.


✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.

 O procurador Ivan Marx, do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) em Brasília, trabalha na denúncia criminal contra alvos da operação Bullish e mapeou um dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões causados pela JBS ao Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social (BNDES)

 Deflagrada em maio de 2017, a Bullish mirou supostas irregularidades em aportes de mais de R$ 8 bilhões do banco público na empresa do grupo J&F, cujos principais acionistas são os irmãos Wesley e Joesley Batista

 Enquanto a denúncia criminal deve ter como alvo os irmãos Batista, os ex-ministros Guido Mantega e Antônio Palocci e funcionários do banco, uma ação civil vai cobrar o dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões da empresa do setor de alimentos e proteína animal

A informação foi antecipada pelo jornal O Globo e confirmada pelo jornal "O Estado de S

Paulo".  O grupo J&F assinou um acordo de leniência com a Procuradoria da República em Brasília, mas o procurador Marx não participou do acordo

 Pelo pacto, a empresa já teria se comprometido a pagar cerca de R$ 1,7 bilhão, mas negou ter corrompido funcionários e ter sido beneficiada por decisões internas

Atualmente, o acordo está sendo renegociado e os procuradores envolvidos aguardam o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidir se irá rescindir os acordos de colaboração dos executivos da empresa

For more infomation >> ✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.


Isola 2019, la scenata improvvisa di Soleil: "Ho avuto paura", Jeremias senza parole - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Isola 2019, la scenata improvvisa di Soleil: "Ho avuto paura", Jeremias senza parole - Duration: 4:40.


Multan a todos los partidos con 321 mdp - Duration: 6:54.

El Consejo General del INE aprobó multas por alrededor de 321 millones de pesos, impuestas a todos los partidos, por irregularidades en sus informes de ingresos y gastos correspondientes al ejercicio fiscal 2017

El consejero Benito Nacif, presidente de la Comisión de Fiscalización, expuso que en los dictámenes sobre los informes de gastos e ingresos de partidos políticos nacionales y locales durante 2017, se consideró la sanción de 38 conductas distintas

"Cuatro de ellas, concentran el 50 por ciento del total de las multas propuestas

Los comités ejecutivos nacionales, concentran el 13 por ciento del total de las sanciones, mientras que, para los partidos políticos nacionales con acreditación local, los partidos políticos locales, corresponde el 80 por ciento, 87 por ciento, perdón, de las sanciones restantes", expuso

Nacif dijo que las dos conductas con multas más altas fueron la no comprobación de ingresos y el reporte de gastos en un informe distinto al fiscalizado

El consejero Ciro Murayama, integrante también de la Comisión de Fiscalización, destacó el avance del INE en las tareas de fiscalización en los últimos años así como en las conductas de los partidos políticos

"A partir de lo encontrado, se proponen sanciones por 321 millones de pesos. Sé que es la cifra que estará en la prensa, la que llama la atención mediática, las multas; pero vale advertir que se trata de sanciones que equivalen al 1

6 por ciento del universo de recursos fiscalizado", indicó. "Se detectaron faltas en los ingresos por 82

4 millones de pesos, es decir, el 1.01 por ciento del ingreso neto de los partidos en 2017 tuvo alguna inconsistencia (

) Por el lado de los gastos se detectaron irregularidades en 178.1 millones de pesos, esto es el 1

9 de los egresos no se erogaron conforme a la norma, mientras que 98.1 por ciento se gastó correctamente", agregó Murayama

Se replantea la fiscalización del futuro.- Córdova El consejero Presidente Lorenzo Córdova destacó ante el Consejo el volumen de lo fiscalizado a partidos políticos nacionales y locales y los avances del INE en esta material

"Los dictámenes y proyectos de resolución (.) sobre lo gastos ordinarios realizados en 2017 por los nueve partidos políticos nacionales y los 40 locales, reflejan los avances que se han logrado en materia de rendición de cuentas y control administrativo de esos institutos políticos

"Sabemos con certeza de qué fuentes ingresaron a los sistemas de partidos nacional y locales, los 10 mil 466 millones de pesos registrados en los dictámenes que hoy conocemos y cómo se gastaron los nueve mil 506

7 millones detectados", expuso Córdova. Destacó la preeminencia del dinero público sobre el privado en las finanzas de los partidos políticos durante 2017, de acuerdo a lo detectado

"Sabemos también que del total de recursos que les ingresaron el 97.8 corresponden a dinero público y que únicamente 237 millones el 2

2 por ciento del total fueron recursos de particulares", apuntó. El Presidente del INE dijo que si bien falta mucho camino por recorrer para que los partidos sean las organizaciones que demanda la democracia en el siglo XXI, el ejercicio de fiscalización genera contextos de exigencia importantes que fortalecen el régimen de partidos políticos que no tienen en el centro las sanciones sino la inhibición de conductas irregulares

"Desde ahora vale la pena señalar que el sistema de fiscalización hoy está siendo repensado para el Instituto Nacional Electoral, para que en un futuro ojalá no lejano, los partidos políticos no sean los responsables de presentar los informes, sino de validar los informes que automáticamente día a día la autoridad electoral podrá ir generando, a partir del acceso privilegiado que tiene al sistema fiscal y al sistema financiero de nuestro País", planteó Córdova

For more infomation >> Multan a todos los partidos con 321 mdp - Duration: 6:54.


Ilie Năstase a primit acordul Amaliei! Ce planuri are cu iubita tinerică şi cu fiica lui cea mică - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Ilie Năstase a primit acordul Amaliei! Ce planuri are cu iubita tinerică şi cu fiica lui cea mică - Duration: 4:54.





Инсайдеры подтвердили слухи о расставании Леди Гаги с женихом - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Инсайдеры подтвердили слухи о расставании Леди Гаги с женихом - Duration: 1:09.


L'obiettivo è sbloccare l'accesso agli aiuti per il Paese bloccati dal regime al confine con la Colo - Duration: 4:30.

"Sono qui per proclamare che sta per aprirsi una nuova epoca in America latina. In Venezuela e in tutto l'emisfero occidentale il socialismo sta morendo, la libertà, la prosperità, la democrazia stanno rinascendo

Oggi i nostri cuori sono pieno di speranza per la determinazione di milioni di venezuelani, il patriottismo della loro Assemblea nazionale, e l'incredibile coraggio del presidente a interim, Juan Guaidò"

Così comincia il comizio di Donald Trump a Miami, davanti a una folla piena di emigrati dal Venezuela

Il presidente degli Stati Uniti dalla Florida lancia un ultimatum alle forze armate di Caracas e soprattutto ai loro capi: "Perderanno tutto", se rimangono fedeli al presidente Nicolas Maduro

E' un duro monito perché smettano di bloccare gli aiuti umanitari, che l'Amministrazione Trump continua a spedire in Colombia

Quegli aiuti affluiscono e si accumulano da settimane, ma non riescono a raggiungere la popolazione

I militari schierati col regime hanno ostruito la principale autostrada che attraversa il confine tra Colombia e Venezuela: il mondo intero ha visto le foto dei Tir e container piazzati di traverso, per impedire ogni transito lungo le tre corsie del passaggio

Per Washington, come per molti altri governi che non riconoscono la legittimità di Maduro, quel confine chiuso con la forza è l'ultimo simbolo dell'arroganza del regime: preferisce affamare la sua popolazione anziché ammettere la grave emergenza umanitaria in un paese che fino a pochi anni fa era tra i più ricchi del subcontinente

Mancano ormai quattro giorni alla scadenza dell'ultimatum, lanciato sia dal governo Usa sia dal leader dell'opposizione e presidente a interim Guaidò, perché il confine sia riaperto e gli aiuti possano raggiungere chi ne ha bisogno

Sono ormai una cinquantina i governi mondiali che si allineano con Washington e con Guaidò, nel negare il riconoscimento a Maduro

Ha aperto la strada proprio Trump, che fu il primo a riconoscere Guaidò come presidente legittimo: lo ha seguito il Gruppo di Lima che riunisce 14 paesi delle due Americhe; sia pure con esitazioni e riserve (spicca l'incertezza dell'Italia) alla fine si è unita a loro anche l'Unione europea

Per Trump se i militari non accettano l'amnistia offerta da Guaidò "non avranno rifugio, non avranno una via di uscita"

Anche se la posizione ufficiale degli Stati Uniti non esclude "alcuna opzione dal tavolo", il consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale John Bolton ha escluso l'ipotesi di un intervento militare

E come immediata risposta a Trump, il presidente del Venezuela, Maduro, ha annunciato che nelle prossime ore arriveranno nel Paese 300 tonnellate di aiuti umanitari provenienti dalla Russia

Si tratta, ha sottolineato, di "aiuti che arrivano legalmente nell'aeroporto di Maiquetía, trattandosi di medicinali di alto costo per aiutare il popolo"

Infine Maduro ha assicurato che il suo governo accetterà senza problemi l'appoggio di altri Paesi canalizzato attraverso l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni unite


For more infomation >> L'obiettivo è sbloccare l'accesso agli aiuti per il Paese bloccati dal regime al confine con la Colo - Duration: 4:30.


レディー・ガガ、婚約者と破局か - Duration: 3:08.

(C) AFLO  初主演の音楽映画 アリー/スター誕生 でゴールデン・グロ ブ賞の主演女優賞に ミネート。現地時間 4日に発表になるア デミー賞でも主演女 賞にノミネートされ グラミー賞では楽曲 シャロウ ~「アリ /スター誕生」愛の た』で、最優秀ポッ ・パフォーマンス( ループ)賞に輝いた ディー・ガガ

ショービジネスで躍 を続けているが、婚 者のクリスチャン・ リーノ氏と破局した 能性があるという。 E!Onlineに ると、約4ヵ月前に レントエージェント クリスチャンさんと 約したことを認めた ガ

ある情報筋の話では 2人は先週に破局。 リスチャンさんは「 死になってヨリを戻 うとしている」との とだ。しかし他の2 の情報筋は、ガガと リスチャンさんが交 中と話しているとい

 現地時間10 に開催されたグラミ 賞では、婚約指輪を ていなかったガガ。 リスチャンさんの姿 なかった。しかし、 る情報筋は「パフォ マンスの都合で指輪 していなかっただけ

ガガの忙しさが一段 するまで、2人は結 式の計画を立てない いるが、今年中に結 する予定でいる」と っているという。  最近、新たに2つ タトゥーをゲットし ガガ

脊柱に沿って1輪の ラのタトゥーを入れ 『アリー/スター誕 』へのトリビュート 、ガガ演じるアリー 劇中で歌うエディッ ・ピアフの歌『バラ の人生』を意味する la vie en rose」を刻んだ

もう1つは腕に小さ 五線譜。ともにバレ タインデーに投稿さ ているようだが、ク スチャンさんと過ご たのか、気になると ろだ。

For more infomation >> レディー・ガガ、婚約者と破局か - Duration: 3:08.


Allarme Oms, l'Italia è uno dei paesi con l'aria più inquinata - Duration: 1:36.

Il prossimo video partirà tra 5 secondi (annulla) Umberto Bossi, bollettino medico: «E' stabile e reattivo» EMBED L'inquinamento atmosferico come una guerra

L'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità lancia un allarme di vaste proporzioni che riguarda principalmente i bambini

Lo smog, considerato come 'il nuovo tabacco', causa la morte di 600mila tra bimbi e ragazzini ogni anno a causa di infezioni respiratorie acute

Il rapporto dell'Oms rivela che ogni giorno, circa il 93% dei bambini sotto i 15 anni (1,8 miliardi) respira aria così inquinata da minare seriamente la loro salute e il loro sviluppo

Secondo l'Organizzazione, circa il 91% degli abitanti del mondo respira aria inquinata: questo porta a 7 milioni di morti ogni anno

For more infomation >> Allarme Oms, l'Italia è uno dei paesi con l'aria più inquinata - Duration: 1:36.


✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.

 O procurador Ivan Marx, do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) em Brasília, trabalha na denúncia criminal contra alvos da operação Bullish e mapeou um dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões causados pela JBS ao Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social (BNDES)

 Deflagrada em maio de 2017, a Bullish mirou supostas irregularidades em aportes de mais de R$ 8 bilhões do banco público na empresa do grupo J&F, cujos principais acionistas são os irmãos Wesley e Joesley Batista

 Enquanto a denúncia criminal deve ter como alvo os irmãos Batista, os ex-ministros Guido Mantega e Antônio Palocci e funcionários do banco, uma ação civil vai cobrar o dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões da empresa do setor de alimentos e proteína animal

A informação foi antecipada pelo jornal O Globo e confirmada pelo jornal "O Estado de S

Paulo".  O grupo J&F assinou um acordo de leniência com a Procuradoria da República em Brasília, mas o procurador Marx não participou do acordo

 Pelo pacto, a empresa já teria se comprometido a pagar cerca de R$ 1,7 bilhão, mas negou ter corrompido funcionários e ter sido beneficiada por decisões internas

Atualmente, o acordo está sendo renegociado e os procuradores envolvidos aguardam o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidir se irá rescindir os acordos de colaboração dos executivos da empresa

For more infomation >> ✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.


冯提莫《有可能的夜晚》 [软字幕] - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 冯提莫《有可能的夜晚》 [软字幕] - Duration: 4:35.


仮想通貨チャート分析!相場の〇〇は近い!リップル、ビットコイン価格予想!XRP、BTC今後の動向とは?ネムはどうなる?暴落気味仮想通貨最新ニュース!2019年2月初心者大損しない最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨チャート分析!相場の〇〇は近い!リップル、ビットコイン価格予想!XRP、BTC今後の動向とは?ネムはどうなる?暴落気味仮想通貨最新ニュース!2019年2月初心者大損しない最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 6:44.


CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 18:56.

For more infomation >> CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 18:56.


CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> CerbIu 27 Life/Играем с вами/миниигры в майнкарфт - Duration: 0:18.


Ellie Goulding - Burn - Feng Timo cover (with Lyrics/Subtitles) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Ellie Goulding - Burn - Feng Timo cover (with Lyrics/Subtitles) - Duration: 3:55.


Draw Tip Tuesday - Big Shape First! - Duration: 3:48.

Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!

Here's your weekly dose of inspiration To build a creative habit

One drawing at a time Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool.

When drawing, it's easy to get caught up in the details.

You lose track of where you are and your proportions might be completely 'off'.

Or, even worse - you don't even get the chance to get caught up, because you feel

a little overwhelmed and don't know where to even begin, or how to begin.

I have a very cool trick for you, that you can use when you're a beginner, but it's also

a great technique for the more advanced.

Today we are using a pen and a brush marker.

Mine is grey but you can use any color you like, as long as it's not too dark.

Instead of the marker, you can also use paint and a big brush.

Pick up your brush or brushmarker and look at the overall shape first.

I am not looking at the mug, the brush and the tube of toothpaste in it

as seperate things.

I just look at the shape it forms together.

It helps to squint your eyes a little bit to see the big overall shape.

Make big gestures, fill the big shape.

Don't slow down, don't think about it too much.

And it definitely does NOT have to be perfect.

Then again look at the overall shape and use your line to capture it.

Look at proportions.

Don't outline the first rough shape you put down, but use it as a background.

Slow down to find the right proportions, measuring the touching points of things and the proportions

between the different shapes.

Focus on one little bit, draw its shape, then draw the shape you see next to it,

and move around the subject that way, filling the drawing bit by bit.

As you can see,

In my first rough shape, I placed the shape of the handle too close, so now with my pen,

I can correct it.

Explore the details.

fill them all in.

You could also use a thinner pen and add thin lines for even more detailed drawing and hatching.

The subject can be anything.

Make it as complicated as you like, but start small.

Don't build a huge still life that can overwhelm you with all its details,

perspective and overlap.

Start with something simple, like I did by grabbing this mug with my toothbrush and toothpaste

from the bathroom.

Drawing the print on the mug is another great exercise.

It's a hand written font, and copying or mimicking it will make you really focus on

shapes and proportions.

If you try to copy someone's handwriting, you will see that it's quite tricky, but when you

slow down, you can get really close!

Just to give it a bit of weight, I am adding a light cast shadow.

It makes the mug sit on the surface rather than floating on the page.

My motto is: 'Everything is interesting when you draw it', and you could even add a bit of writing

maybe about the taste of the toothpaste, or your experience making this drawing, to make it

more personal and interesting.

So  Why don't you give this a try?

Start with a bold shape, then pick up a pen and get the details down.

You can pick your toothbrush holder or anything that you have at hand.

And please share what you make on social media.

If you use the hashtag 'DTTinAction", I can see what you make!

See you next week.

For more infomation >> Draw Tip Tuesday - Big Shape First! - Duration: 3:48.


Vin Diesel's Family: Twin Brother and 3 Kids - Duration: 3:04.

Mark Sinclair more known to millions of people worldwide as Vin Diesel is one of the most

talented and extraordinary Hollywood actors.

Apart from being an exceptional movie star, he is also a well-known producer, screenwriter

and director.

He made an acting debut in 1990, yet got international fame only in the beginning of 2000s after

being featured in Fast and Furious, xXx and other hit films.

Today, he is an award-winning actor, who leads active social life, visiting multiple events

together with a wife and children.

He is very busy with work, however always makes fans happy with updates of new pictures

on social media, where he is followed by almost 50 millions people.

And now let's find out more about his family.

According to Diesel, he doesn't know his biological father's name as when he was

born, the dad had left the family.

As for the mother, her name is Delora and she used to work as a psychiatrist.

When Vin was a small kid, she married Irving H.Vincent.

Delora always knew about son's dream to become a film performer one day and so, presented

him a book called Feature Films at Used Car Prices that pushed Vin to pursue acting career

and never give up.

It would be also interesting to know that the actor's step-father Irving worked as

a drama teacher and was even a filmmaker for a short period of time.

It was he, who taught Diesel all the possible and impossible secrets of the moviemaking

business he knew himself.

Very few people know that Vin has a twin brother Paul, who works backstage as a sound producer

and film editor.

There is also a maternal half-sister Samantha, who is into the film industry, being a producer.

She resides in LA, is married and raises a child.

Tim is a maternal half-brother, but unfortunately, there is no available information about his

either personal or professional life.

As for Diesel's love life, he has never been married but is in a long-term relationship

with a model Paloma Jimenez.

The couple met in 2007 and after a few months of dating, started living together.

Their first child, a daughter Hania was welcomed in 2008, making both love birds parents for

the very first time.

Hania goes to school and is interested in sports, especially judo.

In 2010, the couple became parents to a son Vincent.

Like Hania, he is a school-boy, who likes copying dad's roles.

So, who knows, maybe he is going to be another famous Hollywood actor one day soon.

In 2015, Pauline became a beautiful addition to the family.

She is now a little kid, who is growing healthy and cute.

All the children can often be seen with Diesel not only on social media photos but also outside.

For more infomation >> Vin Diesel's Family: Twin Brother and 3 Kids - Duration: 3:04.


드랙퀸 나나영롱킴이 직접 답변합니다 | 네온밀크 - Duration: 11:04.

We posted about my Q&A and Thanks for sending your questions!

We got a jar with your questions and I'll pick one by one

Oh please understand the chain sound

*Rapping* I GOT A BOY by Girls' Generation

[PD] Set in 1 min

I look good tho

I'm coming

[PD] Hello, [NANA] Huh, Hello

[PD] Hand her a mirror, manager.


I'm gonna start. Wait I should take off my sunglasses, it's too dark.

[Q] Do you actually sing while lip-syncing?

I do actually sing. For example, BREATHE by Lee Hi

If you mouth gets watery easily … Do you smoke a lot?


[Q] Not all the drag queens are transgender, But how do you conceal your center part?

Well.. When you tuck, you need to roll it well…

DM me! I'll show you!

Who is your favorite drag queen in Korea and in America?

Bambi! Hello, president,

There's a bar called Trance and I love Ninano from there. She always slays the stage.

And in America? It should be Kim Chi.

[Q] How do you release your stress? I'm Super tired of parenting.

Wait but you love your children, right? Cheer up!

I usually play Overwatch with Bambi…

I'm super good at playing Widowmaker I just slay everyone's head

Or smash their head with Reinhardt

[Q] What does make your brow shape change every time?

It's just my hands


[Q] Any tips for makeup on nose piercing?

Do makeup as if it's not there And wipe off with q-tips.

[Q] What's your position? - BOTTOM

[Q] Are you gonna release any new projects soon?

With Neon Mil…


[Q] Is drag queen your full time job? - No, I have another daytime job.

Americano vs. Latte vs. Caramel Macchiato? - Tea please.

[NANA] What's this? Coffee? [PD] Water

Ah tap water

[Q] How long does it take for you to get ready?

1 hour only for makeup, And 2 or 2 and half for wig and outfit.

[Q] Do you custom-order your headpieces? I love them!

[Q] Do you custom-order your headpieces? I Love them!

No not yet, I need to work in Korea a bit more.

[Q] What is Marie's favorite snack?

My ear? My hand? and…

[Q] What is your life motto?

Live free but not too freely

It's hard actually. You don't get it? Me neither.

Ok, this one is from Venezuela

[Q] Is there anything else you want to do in the future? Love from Venezuela.

I think I'll keep doing drag actually.

[Q] Are you happy now?

[Q] Where do you get inspiration for your makeup and outfits?

On the street or even on TV.

I'd say I just put every inspiration together and finalize makeup and look in the end.

[Q] Do you experience hard time for being a drag?

Literally every time! Especially when I'm in outfit that makes me hard to move.

And the hardest time was when I reached my limit but I couldn't overcome.

That's why I had 2-3 years of break and realize having those period actually helped me.

I found myself refreshed a lot.

[Q] Introduce your tattoo supers quick!

Can you see them? No? Ok next time then.

I wrote Asuka Langley Soryu from <Neon Genesis Evangelion>, and she's one of my favourite.

She looks very tough but actually a bit sad inside, And I've loved her since my childhood.

[Q] Did you come out? - Not really, but everyone already knows.

How come? I don't know.

[Q] Please give comments to your colleague drag queens!


Kuciia! She's preparing her own brand and I wish her good luck!

Bambi! I don't think Bambi's here.

She's really big here Because she's doing something that nobody ever done before in Korea.

I hope she can keep making good contents and shows And never forget to call me…

Got it?

Mini Han! See you on the weekend!

Mikju! I think she's so cool with her pole dance skill.

If it's not Bambi,

If it's not Mikju, Did you see my split?

Bori, She's been the best one in Gay community.

Jungle! I miss you!

Look at her body, like f**king beautiful.

Oh I dropped something.

[Q] Are all the drag queens of Seoul actually friends?

Well… I don't know…

Actually we are a bit competitive But it totally evokes each other.

And we eventually get to grow up together And help each other in the end of the day.

[Q] What do you think of me? [NANA] DM ME!

[Q] I want to be a drag queen but my BF said No.

Like he should to like and respect everything that I do

[Q] Do you custom-order your headpieces? I Love them!

… no?

[Q] Anything you don't really like when you meet fans in person?

Please don't pull my wig or outfit

I prepare a lot to look like that but if you pull them it makes me uncomfortable, like physically.

This much to go!

[Q] Can I be strong and happy like you all the time?

I'm not strong and happy all the time.

I get hurt easily and cry a lot.

Well.. I'm hap…. I'm happy…


[Q] How often do you buy beauty product and which one the most?

I love orange and gold color But I buy foundation most frequently.

[Q] Tell us about your first love

My first love…

[Q] Why are you always so skinny? [NANA] I've got love handle

[Q] Can girls do drag makeup? [NANA] Of course, girls also have eyes nose and mouth.

[Q] Give us your fierce facial expressions.

Want more? 5 seconds more.

[Q] Would you marry me? [NANA] DM ME

What marriage…. I should make money…. And also I need to love first….

You should love first…


What's difference between you and other drag queens?

I think I'm more lively than other queens.


[Q] One word for baby drag queens! [NANA] DO WHATEVER YOU WANT

[Q] Who's your ideal type? [NANA] Nam Ju-Hyuk

Sorry, it was hard.

[Q] What's the secret of your skincare routine?

I spend a lot of time in cleansing

Especially I do deep-cleaning every three days, And wear moisturizing mask pack every night.

[Annoyed] You know it's your own fight with your skin.

[Still annoyed] Once you get tired, you'll get the answer from your skin.

Ah… in Korean…

[Q] Are there any goals you want to achieve in 2019?

Work hard but less than last year.

I didn't take no rest last year actually, I didn't even go on vacation in last summer.

I couldn't even go trip with my bf… That's why we broke up….

[Q] How did you meet team NEON MILK?

I was a bar manager in Itaewon and it was before Yunho started NEON MILK,

It was so f**king fun

And Yunho started NEON MILK and he was so good

So I was like, should I start again? It must be fun.

Technically he woke me again

[hidden footage] around the time NANA was taking break, But still need to lip-sync to gay diva during other drag queens' set at NEON MILK

[Q] How did you feel when you had drag makeup for the first time?

Fun and weird.

*flashback to 12 years ago

[Q] What do you think about doing makeup tutorials? [NANA] Subscribe!

Was it good? She said yes,

[Q] What is your favorite song?

Belief by Lee Sora

[Q] Flash Question! Why do you think so many gays love Lee Sora?

Because I love her?

[Q] Can iPhone recognize your drag face?

She even can't when I just wake up.

*embarrased* One more time,


[Q] Do you love chicken? [NANA] I DO LOVE CHICKEN

Can I say a brand name?

I always order Honey Combo from Kyochon With Potato Wedges on the side and watch TV show

[Q] When was your last kiss?


[Q] What did you gain and lose after being drag queen?


I don't have time for people who already left.

Cz I'm busy caring of people who's still round me

Got it?

[Q] WIG: short vs. long? [NANA] Short!

Ive got a small head and short hair makes it even smaller.

you'll never know, Bambi?

[Q] Your favorite body part? [NANA] How can I show this…?

[Q] Whats your favorite drag outfit?

Designers from Lang N Lu (@langnlu) made a rainbow dress for me

[Q] Had you not chosen to be a drag queen, what other profession would you find yourself excelling in?

Ive never thought about it actually

Last one!

[Q] What would you tell to NANA of 2007?

Dear NANA in 2007, you will wear lipstick and wig soon.

And you will find yourself enjoy and love it so much and keep doing it for like 10 years.

Even though everyone points at you and say bad word to your face,

In 10 years, you will meet a lot of amazing fans who love you as a person and everything that you do

So please never give up and hope you enjoy your life.

and also (gasped)

you will meet a boy and fall in love with him

But you have to break up with him and find another one asap

That mo***rf**ker ugh so f**king annoying

Anyway 2007 NANA, and 2019 NANA, Both of you are so amazing.

Please subscribe & like!

For more infomation >> 드랙퀸 나나영롱킴이 직접 답변합니다 | 네온밀크 - Duration: 11:04.


ASUS G703GI Thermal Testing, Overclocking and Undervolting - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> ASUS G703GI Thermal Testing, Overclocking and Undervolting - Duration: 6:52.


Chelsea WILL sack Maurizio Sarri THIS MORNING claims Chris Sutton after drab Man Utd loss - Duration: 6:05.

 That's according to Chris Sutton, who suggests Sarri could even be sacked by 9am this morning

 The Blues crashed to a sorry FA Cup fifth-round exit at the hands of Premier League rivals United with a meek performance in front of their own fans, who turned on Sarri during the game

 The Italian coach was booed off at half-time while his decisions also received jeers from the crowd after he brought on full-back Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpilicueta with 10 minutes remaining rather than introduce Callum Hudson-Odoi or Olivier Giroud

 Chelsea have now lost five games in 2019 alone across all competitions. That is in stark contrast to their early season form having opened their campaign without defeat in 18 games between the top-flight's opening day and late November

 That saw them tipped to challenge for the Premier League title at one stage but things have quickly unravelled since then and former Napoli boss Sarri finds himself under increasing pressure just eight months into his reign

 The 60-year-old has added to the scrutiny over his future himself, admitting his players are "extremely difficult" to motivate after a loss at Arsenal last month and following that up with several public criticisms of his squad

 Having appeared to lose the dressing room, Chelsea fans also made their feelings towards Sarri known against United, chanting 'F*** Sarri-ball!' and joining in with the away fans as they jeered, 'You're getting sacked in the morning!' And former Chelsea striker Sutton expects club owner Roman Abramovich to swing the axe imminently - even though Chelsea face Manchester City in the Carabao Cup final on Sunday

 That game falls exactly two weeks after the Londoners lost 6-0 away from home against City in the league in what was their heaviest defeat in 28 years

 Sutton told BBC Radio 5 Live: "Sarri won't survive tonight. Well he might until 9 o'clock in the morning

If he does survive tonight, do you have to question the owner's ambition?  "I remember Sarri saying we'll be better in the second half of the season

He's done himself so much damage with the things he's said as much as anything. "And it's about performances on the pitch, you can't be beaten 4-0 by Bournemouth and humiliated by Man City

 "Backed up with the things he said, the pressure on him, he signed Jorginho, there aren't changes, they play the same way, they're a one-trick pony

  "History tells us the Chelsea owner doesn't mess about. You'd have to question his appetite If he doesn't sack the manager

  "Where are Chelsea? They're sixth. Would the owner fancy Chelsea getting into the top four with recent performances? With a manager who says he can't motivate his players? A manager who says he'll let his star man go? Really?  "The Chelsea owner will be thinking, 'Will we get top four? Can I go to the Manchester City game with confidence?' Absolutely not

Is he going to chuck all his eggs in the Europa League basket with a manager who can't motivate his players? No

 "He'll get the sack for numerous reasons - things he's said, that he can't motivate the players, his inability to be able to adapt and change

 "They're a one-trick pony. Everyone knows the way they are playing. That will ultimately be his downfall

 "The fact he said he can't motivate the players is an issue. This is his last game at Chelsea

The Italian job is over for him.  "I don't see it lasting now. How can it? There's a way to lose a game

The fans have turned on him.  "What is positive about Sarri at the moment? Why would you risk letting him take charge against Man City in their sort of form? He's gone

He's done." Despite another defeat, Sarri said post-match that he has no concerns about his job security

 Asked by journalists if he was worried about his future, he responded: "No. I was really very worried when I was in league two in Italy

Not now. "It's not my problem. My problem is to start [preparing for] the game [against Man City] tomorrow morning and to work with my players to try and improve in a few days, and find more determination, more aggression

  "Because we conceded the second goal without determination or aggression. "I am worried about the results, not about the fans

I can understand the situation and our fans, because the result wasn't really good

  "We are out of the FA Cup, so I can understand our fans [being angry]. But I am worried at the moment about our results


For more infomation >> Chelsea WILL sack Maurizio Sarri THIS MORNING claims Chris Sutton after drab Man Utd loss - Duration: 6:05.


11 Social Media Habits That Hurt Your Art Career (And How To Break Them) - Duration: 25:05.

For more infomation >> 11 Social Media Habits That Hurt Your Art Career (And How To Break Them) - Duration: 25:05.


Seeing Djokovic-Nadal final was a big motivation, says volleyball player - Duration: 1:56.

 In an interview, the volleyball player Jelena Blagojevic commented on Novak Djokovic's 15th Grand Slam title at the Australian Open

The Serb said: "In the sports, the technique and tactics can be ruled very well.  And from the sports side, everyone can compete at a very good level

Everything is about what you do on the court and what you can show, a little bit like Novak Djokovic in the Australian Open final

" "For me, it was a big motivation", she continued about how it felt like to see Djokovic dominating Rafael Nadal

 "I saw the match with Nadal the morning after our match against LKS. Someone could think it went easy - 6: 3, 6: 2, 6: 3, but Novak stays focused, sees the situations and he is able to anticipate them

He just shows the journey to success is long."   She now tries to give her best when she heads into the court: "I love my job

When I started playing volleyball, I put the heart on it. For me, my team is like a second family

' Djokovic said: "I'm a true believer in visualisation. I do that a lot. I think that I had to do that more than ever in my life 12 months ago after the surgery because I wasn't playing well, I wasn't feeling good on the court, I was questioning everything, I was doubting whether I will be able to play everyone on this level because I didn't know to what extent the operation of my elbow would affect my game

For more infomation >> Seeing Djokovic-Nadal final was a big motivation, says volleyball player - Duration: 1:56.


Wheels on the Bus | Baby Bao Panda Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 48:20.

I wanna ride on that bus!

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;

Swish, swish, swish; Swish, swish, swish;

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,

All through the town.

The driver on the bus go move on back..

Move on back Move on back

The driver on the bus go move on back..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down

Up and down Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down

All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;

Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep;

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;

All through the town.

The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;

Wah, wah, wah Wah, wah, wah;

The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;

All through the town

The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;

Shush, shush, shush. Shush, shush, shush.

The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;

All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

For more infomation >> Wheels on the Bus | Baby Bao Panda Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 48:20.


New Star Wars 9 image as filming wraps - stars share emotional goodbye messages - Duration: 2:21.

Filming has wrapped on Star Wars 9 - and we have a new image from set. Director J

J. Abrams announced an end to principal photography today by sharing an emotional message and new image of Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac hugging in the desert

Isaac looks like he has a tear in his eye as Boyega looks off into the distance - maybe pondering life after Star Wars? JJ Abrams said: "It feels impossible, but today wrapped photography on Episode IX

There is no adequate way to thank this truly magical crew and cast. I'm forever indebted to you all

" The news that filming has wrapped will please fans who have waiting to hear anything about the production

Details have been scarce, as to be expected, as Disney keeps us all waiting for a trailer

John Boyega also shared the photo and a message: "That's a wrap on Star Wars episode 9 and the end to a chapter of my life that I couldn't be more thankful for

What a process! It really has been a joy to be in these movies surrounded by amazing people

I personally want to thank JJ Abrams for giving me a chance to make my dreams come true

"To our supporters. See you SOON! May the force be with you." JJ Abrams isn't done with Star Wars yet, he now has post production to go through to make sure Episode IX is ready for its December 2019 release

The as yet untitled film will mark the end of the Skywalker saga. Fans are already trying to see if the photo gives anything away

Does this mean all three survive? Why are they in the dessert? We need answers! We'll have to wait and see and get our answers from a galaxy far, far, away

For more infomation >> New Star Wars 9 image as filming wraps - stars share emotional goodbye messages - Duration: 2:21.


Ben Simmons Opens up About LeBron James Joining Lakers Over Sixers | - Duration: 5:41.

Ben Simmons Opens up About LeBron James Joining Lakers Over Sixers |

When LeBron James made the decision to head to the Los Angeles Lakers in NBA free agency, it was widely viewed as an expected move.

But to some extent, the Philadelphia 76ers had to believe they were in the mix to land the future Hall-of-Famer.

After all, the Sixers are a young team on the rise with quite a bit of talent (even prior to their recent trades).

We all know how things played out, though, as the decision didn't take much time, and the recruitment of Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid wasn't enough to lure LeBron to Philly.

One big hope for the Sixers on the push to land James surely involved the fact that he and Simmons are close friends.

And their relationship is something the reigning NBA Rookie of the Year recently spoke about.

Simmons joined Laugh Out Loud's 'Cold As Balls' with Kevin Hart, a known Sixers fans.

He stated that LeBron is "definitely" a mentor to him, leading to Hart asking about James' free agency.

Here's a look at the back-and-forth between the duo:.

  Kevin Hart: "When the whole LeBron phenomenon and talk of where he was going to go – end up, was Philadelphia a real thing? Ben Simmons: "I think if it was probably earlier in his career it would've been a different story.

But I think now, he's you know, towards the end, so he's able to make a decision based off how he feels and where he wants to be."   Hart: "But a piece of you is like fu** that.

I don't need you here, Bron, this is my situation." Simmons: "Yeah, we got this right?".

It seems Simmons wasn't sweating the decision his friend made in free agency, and it's understandable.

The Sixers had a strong core and have only built on that since the start of the year behind a few big moves from new general manager Elton Brand.

Beyond that, Simmons has to be happy with the players around him and the massive upside of the current roster.

Sixers Bolster Starting Five for Title Run Through Trades.

Although Philly was unable to land a max-level player in free agency prior to the year, the front office took it upon themselves to bolster the roster and create a win-now situation.

The Sixers first acquired Jimmy Butler from the Minnesota Timberwolves sending a package which featured Robert Covington and Dario Saric.

Butler has seemingly grown more and more comfortable in Philly since first coming to town.

And as solid as the Sixers' starting lineup looked with Butler, things went one step further just prior to the NBA trade deadline when they acquired Tobias Harris in a trade with the Los Angeles Clippers.

Sixers Alter Second Unit With Trades.

With Butler and Harris in town, it means the team's first unit features Simmons, Embiid, Butler, Harris, and JJ Redick, who's played the best basketball of his career in Philly.

But even beyond that, the Sixers bolstered their second unit, trading multiple pieces including former No.

1 pick Markelle Fultz, Mike Muscala, and Landry Shamet, among others.

The front office brought in the likes of James Ennis, Boban Marjanovic, Mike Scott, and Jonathan Simmons.

While these are all role players, they provide depth off the bench, something the Sixers were lacking prior to the trade deadline.

Beyond that, the moves and new-look roster immediately increase the team's outlook and chances to contend for a title this season.

READ NEXT: Ben Simmons Loves Tobias Harris & Boban Marjanovic's Dance Moves.

For more infomation >> Ben Simmons Opens up About LeBron James Joining Lakers Over Sixers | - Duration: 5:41.


ABC for Kids | Phonics Song | Kindergarten Learning Videos & Nursery Rhymes - Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:51.

Alphabet Phonics Song

A is for apple a- a- apple

B is for ball, b- ball

C is for camel c - c - camel

D is for Doll d-doll

E is for elbow e-e-elbow

F is for foot f-foot

G is for goldfiish g-g-goldfish

H is for hand h-hand

I is for igloo i-i-igloo

J is for jar j-jar

K is for kitten k-k-kitten

L is for leaf l-leaf

M is for monkey m-m-monkey

N is for nose n-nose

O is for omelet o-o-omlet

P is for pie p-pie

Q is for quarter q-q-quarter

R is for rose r-rose

S is for sailboat s-s-sailboat

T is for tire t-tire

U is for under u-u-under

V is for vase v-vase

W is for wagon w-w-wagon

X is for xylophone x-xylophone

Y is for yellow y-y-yellow

Z is for zoo z-zoo

These are the alphabets and the sounds that they make

yeah yeah

For more infomation >> ABC for Kids | Phonics Song | Kindergarten Learning Videos & Nursery Rhymes - Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:51.


ワクワクさんがYouTuberデビュー 「ワクワクさんチャンネル」開設 - Duration: 2:38.

※画像はYouT be「ワクワクさ チャンネル【公式 」のスクリーンシ ットです。   ワクワクさん と久保田雅人さん 自身の公式チャン ル「ワクワクさん ャンネル」の開設 報告するツイート 投稿しました

「ないなら作る精 を作ってくれたの ワクワクさん」「 れてうれしい」と ットの反応も上々 す

   現在、ワク クさんチャンネル は2本の動画を公 しています。最初 動画「【速報】あ ワクワクさんが遂 YouTuber ビューしちゃいま た!」(2分38 )の公開日時は2 19年2月14日 表示されています

ワクワクさんがY uTuberにな たのは、バレンタ ンデーだったので ね。 【ワクワク お知らせ】ワクワ さんのYouTu eチャンネルがは まりました!楽し 工作をたくさん紹 していきますよ

みんな登録してね 宜しくお願い致し す!https: / vMqzdJu  久保田雅人(ワ ワクさん役) 公 (@kubot _waku) F bruary 1 , 2019

For more infomation >> ワクワクさんがYouTuberデビュー 「ワクワクさんチャンネル」開設 - Duration: 2:38.


Manchester City warned Champions League win is only way to prevent failure - Duration: 3:06.

 Manchester City have reached just one semi-final in their seven attempts at European club football's greatest prize and Gundogan admits they should have lifted the trophy at least once

 "We've experienced a lot in the Champions League in recent years – not all of it positive, of course, and we should've won it at least once," said the Germany midfielder ahead of tomorrow's first leg of their last 16 tie at Gundogan's hometown club Schalke

 Europe is the last unconquered frontier for City, having won every domestic prize

 Gundogan said: "If you want to be in the international elite, as a club and as a player, you need to clinch this trophy

 "If we were to win it someday, the club would enter a new era – the same level as Real, Barca, Bayern or Juventus

" The first leg is in Gelsenkirchen and Gundogan accepts City are hot favourites because of the club's contrasting fortunes

 The Blues are powering towards an historic Quadruple, while Schalke are struggling in 14th in the Bundesliga

 Yet Gundogan says they should still be wary.  "We are clear favourites in this tie and rightly so," he said

"However, every team in the last 16 has earned the right to be there. "Because of that, we'll respect our opponents and prepare for it as if it's a final because it's the knockout phase and every mistake can be severely punished

" Gundogan, 28, spent the first 18 years of his life in Gelsenkirchen and recalls how his backyard was his first football pitch and some garage doors his first goals

 "I grew up in Gelsenkirchen-Hessler, where we lived in a flat on the ground floor," he said

"We had two doors and behind the back door was the backyard, where there were around 20 or 25 garages

  "My brother and other friends used these garage doors as goals and played football there until it got so intense, the garage doors got broken

 "My father then had to replace them. He was mad at us and screamed at us out the window but we didn't really listen to him and kept playing

 "I now have the opportunity to fly to Gelsenkirchen with Man City and play football

Who would have thought that? You move out of the Ruhr region, into the big wide world of football, to England and the Premier League, and then come back home in the Champions League to play football

For more infomation >> Manchester City warned Champions League win is only way to prevent failure - Duration: 3:06.


A TRUE FRIEND – Ditty – lovely song for kids. Animated nursery rhymes for children - Duration: 3:25.

Ditty sing with us

If you can promise you won't tell and

swear you can keep things for yourself then

I will let you in on a secret

Something that no one even knows yet

Although I have so many friends now

That counting them is simply trouble,

The greatest friend I've ever had is

One from a rather ancient wardrobe.

One from a rather ancient wardrobe. (You must have a huge wardrobe!)

Friendship is the greatest

Treasure you can't measure.

You are truly lucky

If you have a friend

And although this friend comes

From pure imagination

Friendship is the greatest

treasure you can find

When he appeared here for the first time,

He said that he is rather bored and,

He's looking for someone to play with

Doesn't want to scare anyone.


Lazy and from that day morning and evening

He's been my greatest friend forever.

I just keep playing with this monster,

Which makes me happier than ever.

Friendship is the greatest

Treasure you can measure

You are truly lucky

If you have a friend

And although this friend comes

From pure imagination

Friendship is the greatest

Treasure you can find

I haven't told my mom about it

Haven't said anything to dad yet

That I have here in my own closet

This monster, which is just my best friend. (And mine!)

He's always there to have some fun with

Has great ideas by the million

Gives good advice when I need him to

So what if he's made up, I ask you?

Friendship is the greatest

Treasure you can't measure.

You are truly lucky

If you have a friend.

And although this friend comes

From pure imagination

Friendship is the greatest

Treasure you can find

Please check out our other music videos, too.

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For more infomation >> A TRUE FRIEND – Ditty – lovely song for kids. Animated nursery rhymes for children - Duration: 3:25.


Melody Thomas Scott tearfully remembers late Y&R costar Kristoff St. John: 'I adored him' - Duration: 5:34.

 Melody Thomas Scott is still mourning the death of her The Young and the Restless costar Kristoff St

John.  Explaining why she didn't allow herself to really feel the loss after first hearing of his death, the 62-year-old actress said she felt like she had to "remain stoic" because she still had episodes to film

 "I couldn't, we still had shows to shoot, and I had to remain stoic. I said backstage, when I come out and anybody asks me, I'm going to remain stoic," a tearful Scott said on Monday's episode of The Talk

 "I adored him. We all adored him. There was something very unique and magical about him

He would just draw you into his wonderful world. And all of his bear hugs, I can't believe I'll never get a bear hug," added the actress, who's celebrating her 40th anniversary of playing Nikki Newman on the long-running soap

 Scott said St. John was always a pleasure to be around — and the first person she'd seek out at parties

 "Going to any kind of event, any party, the first thing I said when I got there was 'Where's Kristoff? I want to find Kristoff, I want to be with him, I want to be in his air space

' Because that's the kind of guy he was, and I think that came through on camera," she added

"I think everybody sensed that. I mean, everybody adored him."  After his death, Scott released a statement, saying, "We will desperately miss my dear friend, Kristoff

We all loved him so much. I'm brokenhearted."  The two-time Emmy Award-winning actor was found dead Feb

3 in his home in the San Fernando Valley.  According to the Los Angeles Police Department, a death investigation took place for a possible alcohol overdose

 PEOPLE previously reported that an autopsy has been completed, but a cause of death has been deferred pending additional results

 The actor's son Julian died by suicide in 2014, and some of the actor's final social media posts reflected on that

On Jan. 21, St. John retweeted someone's post about losing a child that read, "Grieving the loss of a child is a process

It begins on the day your child passes, and ends the day the parent joins them."  "Never a truer word was spoke," tweeted St

John, who is survived by his fiancée, Kseniya Mikhaleva, daughter Paris (with ex-wife Mia St

John), and daughter Lola (with ex-wife Allana Nadal). "Thanks for posting this."  In her first interview since the tragedy, Mia told Entertainment Tonight that St

John thought he saw Julian shortly before he died.  "He was just so depressed. We knew he was drinking and just saying he didn't want to be here anymore," said Mia, who married St

John in 1991. The former couple split in 1995 but remained close.  "'Julian's at the door,'" she recalled him telling her over the phone

 The Young and the Restless star will be buried next to his son at the Valley Oaks Memorial Park in Westlake Village, California, according to TMZ

 This article originally appeared on The Young and the Restless type TV Show Genre Soaps run date 03/26/73 Network CBS Complete Coverage The Young and the Restless

For more infomation >> Melody Thomas Scott tearfully remembers late Y&R costar Kristoff St. John: 'I adored him' - Duration: 5:34.


'9골 6도움' 포그바 최고의 상승세? 손흥민이 한수 위 - Duration: 2:55.

유지선 기자= 맨체스터 유나이티드의 미드필더 폴 포그바가 올레 군나르 솔샤르 체제에서 9골 6도움을 기록하며 가파른 상승 곡선을 그리고 있다.

그러나 손흥민을 넘진 못했다.

맨유는 19일 새벽 4시 30분(한국시간) 영국 런던에 위치한 스탬포드 브릿지에서 열린 첼시와의 2018-19 잉글랜드 FA컵 5라운드(16강) 경기에서 2-0으로 승리했다.

이로써 맨유는 8강행 티켓을 손에 거머쥐면서 귀중한 한발을 내디뎠다. 승리의 주역은 포그바였다.

이날 경기서 중원에 선발로 나선 포그바는 전반 31분 날카로운 크로스로 에레라의 선제골을 도왔고,

전반 45분에는 래쉬포드가 올려준 크로스를 문전에서 머리로 깔끔하게 밀어 넣으면서 추가골을 터뜨렸다.

1골 1도움을 기록한 포그바는 경기 종료 후 MOM으로 선정됐고, 최근 12경기에서 9골 6도움을 기록했다.

올레 군나르 솔샤르 감독이 부임한 12월 19일 이후에만 무려 15개의 공격 포인트를 기록한 것이다.

그러나 포그바가 넘지 못한 선수가 딱 한 명 있다. 엄청난 상승세다. 바로 손흥민이다.

손흥민은 같은 기간(12월 19일 이후)을 놓고 봤을 때, 11골 5도움을 기록하며 총 16개의 공격 포인트를 기록했다.

포그바의 상승세도 대단했지만, 손흥민이 최근 두 달 동안 EPL에서 가장 많은 공격 포인트를 기록한 것이다.

축구통계전문 `옵타`도 19일 포그바의 최근 활약을 조명하면서 "지난해 12월 19일 이후 포그바보다 많은 공격 포인트를 기록한 선수는 EPL 내에서 손흥민이 유일하다"고 전했다.

For more infomation >> '9골 6도움' 포그바 최고의 상승세? 손흥민이 한수 위 - Duration: 2:55.


New Star Wars 9 image as filming wraps - stars share emotional goodbye messages - Duration: 2:21.

Filming has wrapped on Star Wars 9 - and we have a new image from set. Director J

J. Abrams announced an end to principal photography today by sharing an emotional message and new image of Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac hugging in the desert

Isaac looks like he has a tear in his eye as Boyega looks off into the distance - maybe pondering life after Star Wars? JJ Abrams said: "It feels impossible, but today wrapped photography on Episode IX

There is no adequate way to thank this truly magical crew and cast. I'm forever indebted to you all

" The news that filming has wrapped will please fans who have waiting to hear anything about the production

Details have been scarce, as to be expected, as Disney keeps us all waiting for a trailer

John Boyega also shared the photo and a message: "That's a wrap on Star Wars episode 9 and the end to a chapter of my life that I couldn't be more thankful for

What a process! It really has been a joy to be in these movies surrounded by amazing people

I personally want to thank JJ Abrams for giving me a chance to make my dreams come true

"To our supporters. See you SOON! May the force be with you." JJ Abrams isn't done with Star Wars yet, he now has post production to go through to make sure Episode IX is ready for its December 2019 release

The as yet untitled film will mark the end of the Skywalker saga. Fans are already trying to see if the photo gives anything away

Does this mean all three survive? Why are they in the dessert? We need answers! We'll have to wait and see and get our answers from a galaxy far, far, away

For more infomation >> New Star Wars 9 image as filming wraps - stars share emotional goodbye messages - Duration: 2:21.


Rustic Beautiful The Tiny Home In Town | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Rustic Beautiful The Tiny Home In Town | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:13.


마지막으로 주인 얼굴 봤던 '버스정류장' 찾아와 매일 기다리는 강아지 - Duration: 3:20.

어느 날부터 한적한 버스정류장에 매일 출근 도장을 찍는 강아지 한 마리가 나타났다.

이곳에서 버스를 기다리던 승객들은 유독 사람을 따르는 녀석을 귀여워해 주며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

하지만 사람들의 따뜻한 손길에도 녀석은 때때로 쓸쓸한 표정으로 정류장에 들어서는 버스만을 응시했다.

그런 녀석에게는 사실 사람들이 잘 알지 못하는 슬픈 사연이 숨겨져 있었다.

지난 15일(현지 시간) 터키 매체 '', CNN 터키 뉴스 등 다수의 외신은 자신을 버린 주인을 하루도 빼놓지 않고 기다리는 한 유기견의 안타까운 사연을 전했다.

터키에 있는 한 버스정류장에는 약 1년 전부터 유기견으로 추정되는 강아지 한 마리가 모습을 드러냈다.

인근 지역 주민에 따르면 녀석은 매일 아침 버스정류장에 나타나 하염없이 버스에서 내리는 승객들을 쳐다봤다.

이에 주민들은 강아지가 옛 주인을 기다리고 있다고 추측했다.

사실 녀석의 주인은 해당 버스정류장이 있는 마을에 살았는데 이사를 하면서 강아지를 유기하고 떠났다.

녀석이 버려진 이유는 그저 털이 많이 빠져 주인이 불편함을 겪는다는 것뿐이었다.

그렇게 주인은 떠나가고, 강아지는 1년 동안 자신이 버려진 버스정류장을 맴돌았다.

혹시 주인이 돌아올지도 모른다는 녀석의 작은 기대 때문이었다.

그런 강아지가 불쌍했던 인근 의류매장 사장 부부는 녀석에게 캔(Can)이라는 이름을 선물한 뒤, 자신들이 직접 돌보기 시작했다.

그러나 사장 부부의 보살핌에도 녀석은 매일 아침이 되면 집을 나가 버스정류장에서 주인을 기다리고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

버스정류장을 지키는 강아지의 사연에 수많은 누리꾼은 안타까운 심정을 드러냈다.

사연을 접한 누리꾼들은 "강아지가 너무 불쌍하다",

"제발 끝까지 책임질 자신이 없으면, 반려견을 키우지 않았으면 좋겠다",

"녀석이 끝까지 주인을 기다릴 생각을 하니 눈물이 앞을 가린다" 등 반응을 쏟아냈다.

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