Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2019

Después de que se diera a conocer un nuevo escándalo de Wayne Rooney, en el que se lo vinculó con una camarera y alcohol en exceso, fue la ex estrella del Manchester United Keith Gillespie el que lo aconsejó basándose en su propia experiencia

El goleador inglés ya formó parte de diversos episodios, siendo uno de los más recordados el que protagonizó en septiembre del 2017 en el que una sensual mujer reveló cómo fue la noche en la que conoció al jugador, mientras su mujer estaba de vacaciones

"Fui atrapado en la cama con mujeres, perdí 7 millones de dólares de fortuna y terminé divorciado, no cometas los mismos errores", le advirtió el ex futbolista de 43 años en una crónica que escribió en el portal británico "The Sun"

"Futbolistas como yo y Rooney, tienden a actuar antes de pensar. Hacemos lo que queremos y luego pensamos en las consecuencias

Sé más que la mayoría de lo tentador que puede ser comportarse mal cuando ganas mucho dinero y tienes todo lo que te ofrecen en un plato", reconoció Gillespie, cuyas finanzas se vinieron abajo en 2010 cuando se declaró en bancarrota

MÁS: Nuevo escándalo de Wayne Rooney: fue arrestado en EEUU por estar ebrio e insultar en público "Las mujeres son un peligro para los futbolistas casados y eso es algo que todo futbolista sabe

Necesitas saber cómo manejar la atención de la manera correcta", consideró. "Wayne habrá encontrado que la atención de las mujeres le llega fácilmente

La gente se da vuelta en los bares para verte y las chicas se caen a tus pies, es una de las ventajas del trabajo, lo cual está bien si eres soltero", comentó el ex mediocampista

"Ahora es el momento de que Wayne ponga a su esposa e hijos primero porque ellos son los que inevitablemente tendrán que recoger sus pedazos", agregó Guillespe, quien aseguró que el goleador "necesita darse cuenta de lo que le está haciendo pasar a su familia, ya que ellos son los que realmente importan"

Las últimas informaciones acerca de Rooney y su esposa Coleen, con la que comparte cuatro hijos, no son alentadoras

Según el medio británico un allegado a la pareja informó que el futbolista "no quiere divorciarse, pero que podría ser lo mejor"

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Escándalo: las fotos de Wayne Rooney en estado de ebriedad Wayne Rooney se declaró culpable de conducir ebrio y le prohibieron manejar automóviles El drama de Wayne Rooney con el alcohol: el ultimátum de su esposa y la posibilidad del retiro

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Infidelidades, alcoholismo y pérdidas millonarias: el consejo de una ex estrella - Duration: 4:06.


Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.

Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.


Tin Showbiz - Sốt rần rần với phương pháp "trẻ hóa âm đạo" mà không gây đau đớn, xem quy trình lại - Duration: 2:34.

Với công nghệ cao không gây đau và không phải kiêng khem gì sau khi làm, việc "trẻ hóa âm đạo" giờ đây rất dễ dàng đối với các chị em

Trước đây, việc "trẻ hóa âm đạo" chỉ sử dụng biện pháp phẫu thuật may tầng sinh môn

Kỹ thuật của phương pháp này là may nối lại các cơ vòng của ống âm đạo với nhau, cắt bỏ phần niêm mạc thừa của âm đạo và tái tạo lại cơ vòng cửa mình

Phương pháp này có ưu điểm là giá thành rẻ, sau khi thực hiện có thể làm nhỏ lại phần cửa mình

Tuy nhiên, nhược điểm gây đau, nghỉ dưỡng và kiêng khem nhiều sau điều trị làm chị em e ngại

Chưa kể phương pháp này chỉ mang lại hiệu quả làm nhỏ phần cửa mình, tình trạng bên ngoài hẹp, bên trong lỏng lẽo, suy giảm chức năng co bóp vẫn nguyên trạng, điều này khiến phái đẹp chưa hài lòng

Các bác sĩ phụ khoa cho biết, khó có thể phục hồi chức năng của toàn bộ hệ thống âm đạo chỉ bằng biện pháp may vá thông thường, điều này bắt buộc phải có sự can thiệp của các công nghệ hiện đại

Và công nghệ mới nhất và cũng hiệu quả nhất hiện nay phải kể đến công nghệ Hifu âm đạo

Cơ chế Phương pháp này sử dụng thiết bị với phần đầu có dạng hình ống, trụ xoay 3600 phát tán bước sóng siêu âm hội tụ không xâm lấn, xuyên sâu bên dưới các mô cơ, kích thích tăng sinh collagen, tái cấu trúc cơ vòng và lớp niêm mạc, làm cho đường kính âm đạo được thu nhỏ như mong muốn

Công nghệ này sẽ hoạt động theo 2 cơ chế tác động như sau: Tác động se khít bên trong: V-HIFU 3600 phát ra sóng siêu âm hội tụ tác động trực tiếp lên thành ống âm đạo giãn rộng, đi xuyên qua các mô, giúp co rút các bó cơ có chức năng co giãn, kéo theo hiệu quả làm se khít toàn bộ ống âm đạo

Cấu tạo máy Hifu bao gồm phần máy to, cùng thiết bị có hình trụ dài để thực hiện kỹ thuật Hifu âm đạo

Thiết bị hình trụ này được chia làm nhiều loại để phù hợp với từng nhu cầu thực hiện của mỗi người

Tác động săn chắc, đàn hồi: Trong 0,1 giây, nhiệt độ của vùng sóng siêu âm có thể đạt trên 65℃ kích thích tăng sinh các sợi collagen và elastin liên kết chặt chẽ, nâng đỡ thành ống âm đạo được khỏe mạnh, săn chắc

Với đầu xoay 3600, V-HIFU mang lại kết quả trẻ hóa âm đạo toàn diện, ống âm đạo được thu hẹp, môi lớn môi bé được trẻ hóa đàn hồi

Thử nghiệm máy trên miếng thịt lợn, khi chạy máy, có thế thấy hiệu quả co lại ngay trên bề mặt miếng thịt lợn Quy trình Liệu trình trẻ hóa âm đạo không cần phẫu thuật, chỉ mất 30 phút điều trị và sau 3 ngày kiêng quan hệ

Trước khi thực hiện, bạn sẽ được bác sĩ thăm khám để chọn liệu trình cũng như đầu máy phù hợp

Lưu ý, phương pháp này nên được thực hiện sau kỳ kinh nguyệt khoảng 1 tuần. Bước 1: Bác sĩ sẽ vệ sinh sạch sẽ, đeo găng tay trước khi thực hiện kỹ thuật Hifu cho bệnh nhân

Bước 2: Sử dụng gel trơn chuyên dụng để bôi vào phần khoảng đen phía đầu máy. Bước 3: Sử dụng bao cao su bọc ngoài phần đầu máy để đảm bảo vệ sinh sạch sẽ, tránh lây bệnh truyền nhiễm

Bước 4: Sử dụng máy Hifu cho ống âm đạo. Sóng siêu âm hội tụ tác động trực tiếp đến thành ống âm đạo giãn rộng, đi xuyên sâu vào tận sâu bên dưới các mô cho hiệu quả co rút các bó cơ, giúp săn khít tổng thể ống âm đạo

Lưu ý, với mỗi phần của ống âm đạo, bác sĩ sẽ chỉnh các mức khác nhau của máy.  Phương pháp này có hiệu quả cải thiện quan hệ vợ chồng, âm đạo thu hẹp 2 size, khít nhỏ từ trong ra ngoài, tăng khả năng co bóp, thêm hưng phấn khi giao hợp

Tân trang thẩm mỹ vùng kín, làm săn gọn và trắng hồng cửa mình, môi lớn, môi bé. Ngoài ra nó còn lợi ích về mặt sức khỏe phụ khoa là giúp khắc phục chứng són tiểu không kiểm soát, tránh được các chứng viêm nhiễm âm đạo, tăng cường độ ẩm cải thiện tình trạng khô hạn Chi phí Để có được hiệu quả tối đa, bạn nên thực hiện liệu trình từ 3- 5 lần (tùy vào nhu cầu khách hàng vì độ rộng size mỗi người khác nhau)

Và giá cho mỗi liệu trình là từ 15 triệu đến 20 triệu. Phương pháp này được đánh giá cao hơn phương pháp laser và "dao kéo" bởi hệ thống điều chỉnh độ sâu chính xác, không gây đau hay chảy máu, khắc phục được những rủi ro viêm nhiễm của phương pháp phẫu thuật

For more infomation >> Tin Showbiz - Sốt rần rần với phương pháp "trẻ hóa âm đạo" mà không gây đau đớn, xem quy trình lại - Duration: 2:34.


Coralie Cardon, photographe tournaisienne, immortalise vos mariages - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Coralie Cardon, photographe tournaisienne, immortalise vos mariages - Duration: 0:27.


Chansons pour Enfants | Film d' Animation | JOHNNY LE COWBOY | Mini Disco - Duration: 3:08.

Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air

And then he stomps his feet on the ground Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air

Cowboy Johnny rides around on his horse Cowboy Johnny rides around on his horse

And then he swings his lasso in the air Cowboy Johnny rides around on his horse

Yippiaiyee Yippiayoo

Cowboy Johnny is the hero of our town He's the best one we've ever had

Cowboy Johnny is in love with Alí Cowboy Johnny is in love with Alí

And sometimes he gives her a kiss on her cheek Cowboy Johnny is in love with Marie

Cowboy Johnny takes her to the saloon Cowboy Johnny takes her to the saloon

And they dance around and have lots of fun Cowboy Johnny and Marie in the saloon

Yippiaiyee Yippiayoo

Cowboy Johnny is the hero of our town He's the best one we ever had

Cowboy Johnny is a hero of mine He's the tough guy all the time

But late at night he can't do any more He will lay knocked out on the floor


There's an Indian somewhere in the town (oeoeoeoe) There's an Indian somewhere in the town (oeoeoeoe)

And when Johnny finds out he goes after him There's an Indian somewhere in town (oeoeoeoe)

Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air

And then he stomps his feet on the ground Cowboy Johnny swings his lasso in the air

Yippiaiyee Yippiayoo

Cowboy Johnny is the hero of our town He's the best one we ever had

He's the best one we ever had

Cowboy Johnny is the hero of our town

For more infomation >> Chansons pour Enfants | Film d' Animation | JOHNNY LE COWBOY | Mini Disco - Duration: 3:08.


Un destino, una historia. Cienfuegos: Un Hombre de Mar - Duration: 1:12.

As a man of the sea, I feel happy,

because this is my life, this is where I was born.

Here, playing around at the water's edge by the quays with my brothers.

Being free and breathing in the fresh air, this is the healthiest life there is.


A good fisherman must not forget his arts

and also needs to be very crafty to know how to fish.

Because some say that they're fishermen, but they go to places where there's nothing.

The good fish always gets away,

because you always say - hey, the good one got away -

You never say - hey, I caught the best one - No, no, no.

However big the one you catch,

another gets away and you say that that one was bigger than this one.

The best I've caught, I don't know, that's my way, isn't it? Being born here.

I'm now almost 70 and this is where I'll be "leaving my shell", as they say.

For more infomation >> Un destino, una historia. Cienfuegos: Un Hombre de Mar - Duration: 1:12.


Muslim girls names starting with U V W X Y with meaning in English of Arbic Persian Turkish and Urdu - Duration: 10:45.

Muslim girls names starting with U, V, W, X and Y with meaning in English.

Ujas means Bright Ulfah means Friendship, harmony, love

Ulfat means Friendship, love, attachment, affection, familiarity

Ulima means Wise, learned Umaiyyah means Female servant or attendant,

a woman who serves for the country Umamah means Leadership, motherhood

Umaymah means Young mother Umm Kulthum means One with round face

Unaysah means Friendly Urooj means Height, exalation, height

Ushta means Everlasting happiness Uzma / Uzhmaa means Greater, more dignified,

more exalted Waahibah means Giver, generous

Waahidah means One , unique Waajidah means One who has achieved her goal,

a lover or beloved Waaliyah means The female governor, manages,

measures Waarithah / Waarisah means An heir, a master,

a lord, an owner, a successor Waasilah means Joining, connecting

Wafa means Loyalty, faithfulness Wafeeqa means Successful

Wafiyah means Loyal, faithful Waheebah means Giver, generous

Waheeda means Unique, singular, beautiful Wahibah means Giver, donor, The generous one

Wahida / Wahidah means Unique, exclusive Wajahat means Respect, high position, dignity,

comeliness, appearance Wajd means Passion

Wajihah means Of a good appearance, handsome, respectable, eminent, distinguished

Wakaalat means Leadership, advocacy, attorney-ship, Advocacy

Wakeelah means The trustee, the agent Waleedah means Newborn

Waliyah means Princess, friend Wamil means Beautiful

Waqaar means Dignity, grace Wardah / Warda means Rose , deep red color

, brave Warithah / Warisah means Heiress

Waseefah means Praised, One who describes Wasilah means Inseparable friend

Wasimah means Graceful, pretty Wateeb means Heart

Wazeerah means A female minister of state Wisaal means Communion in love

Xaviera means Brilliant, feminine form of xavier

Yaaqoot means Ruby, a precious stone Yafiah means High

Yakootah means Emerald Yalaa means Exalted, high

Yalda means Born at night Yalqoot means An early woman

Yamamah means Valley in Arabia Yamha means Dove

Yaminah means Right and proper Yanni means Little butterfly

Yaqoot means Ruby Yaseem means Morning fresh air

Yasirah means Lenient Yasmeen means Jasmine (flower)

Yumn means Good fortune, success Yumnaa means Right side, blessed, grace

Yusra means The prosperous one, easy

Ladies and gentlemen!

Thankyou very much for joining me.

Please note that this video tutorial is only for knowledge sharing purposes.

I can not guarantee the accuracy of the meanings and pronunciation of names in this tutorial.

Name can be spelled and pronounced differently.

I would advise you to consult a local scholar for verification before deciding a name for

your baby.

Thank you very much fo joining me.

Please like, share and subscribe.

I'll see you next time.

Until then, take care, keep learning, keep enjoying, Good day.

Like, share, subscribe, Ifactner.

For more infomation >> Muslim girls names starting with U V W X Y with meaning in English of Arbic Persian Turkish and Urdu - Duration: 10:45.


@Madrid Informa del 9 al 16 de febrero - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> @Madrid Informa del 9 al 16 de febrero - Duration: 2:00.


Tin Showbiz - "Đông Cung" chính thức lên sóng, công chúa xinh đẹp Bành Tiểu Nhiễm bị ép phải lấy ch - Duration: 2:16.

Với 2 tập đầu tiên, "Đông Cung" gây ấn tượng bởi những cung cảnh thiên nhiên xanh mát, phần tạo hình của các diễn viên cũng được khán giả khen ngợi là đẹp mắt

Dẫu vậy, tình tiết phim chưa có nhiều kịch tính, hấp dẫn như kỳ vọng. Những tập đầu tiên của webdrama Đông Cung vừa lên sóng với sự góp mặt của bộ đôi nam nữ chính Bành Tiểu Nhiễm – Trần Tinh Húc

Trong 2 tập đầu tiên, tình tiết phim xuất hiện dồn dập, cuộc đời của nhân vật Tiểu Phong (Bành Tiểu Nhiễm) cũng được thể hiện với những câu chuyện rối rắm đan xen nhau

Tiểu Phong là đích công chúa của nước Tây Châu. Vì muốn mối quan bệ ban giao với Đông Cung được tốt đẹp, quốc vương Tây Châu đồng ý gả Tiểu Phong cho 1 vị hoàng tử Đông Cung

Về phần Tiểu Phong, do từ nhỏ được nuông chiều nên khi lớn lên, nàng ta khá ương bướng, cứng đầu

Lại thêm phần Tiểu Phong quý mến sư phụ Cố Kiếm nên nàng càng phản đối hôn sự sắp đặt này hơn

Nàng công chúa Tiểu Phong bị ép phải lấy chồng xa. Sau khi thuyết phục quốc vương Tây Châu không thành, Tiểu Phong bèn bỏ trốn

Rồi số trời xui khiến làm sao, Tiểu Phong lại vô tình cứu sống Ngũ hoàng tử của Đông Cung – Lý Thừa Ngân (Trần Tinh Húc)

Trước đó, Lý Thừa Ngân đã bị thích khách ám hại. Dù Lý Thừa Ngân may mắn thoát chết nhưng anh trai chàng – Thái tử Đông Cung đã không giữ được mạng sống

Trong lúc chạy trốn kẻ địch với người đầy thương tích, Lý Thừa Ngân đã chạm mặt Tiểu Phong

Nhưng thời điểm này, cả Tiểu Phong lẫn Lý Thừa Ngân đều chưa hề hay biết gì về thân phận của đối phương

Tiểu Phong có tình cảm đặc biệt với sư phụ Cố Kiếm. Sau khi trở về Đông Cung, Lý Thừa Ngân nhận nhiệm vụ sang Tây Châu cầu thân

Oái oăm hơn, người mà Lý Thừa Ngân phải cầu thân lại là công chúa Tiểu Phong. Trước khi sự thật này được hé lộ, Tiểu Phong đã tiếp tục bày trò hòng trốn tránh chuyện cưới xin

Trong thâm tâm Tiểu Phong mong rằng Cố Kiếm sẽ đưa cô đi khỏi, trốn chạy khỏi cuộc hôn nhân chính trị này

Tiểu Phong vô tình cứu sống Lý Thừa Ngân. Tiểu Phong nói rằng nàng thà cưới một tên chăn cừu nhưng được ở gần người thân còn hơn làm vợ của hoàng tử ở đất nước Đông Cung xa xôi

Tuy nhiên, đến cuối tập 2, Cố Kiếm lại quyết định làm 1 việc khiến Tiểu Phong đau lòng, ấy là nắm tay nàng đưa đến cho Lý Thừa Ngân

Cố Kiếm cũng từ bỏ tình cảm dành cho Tiểu Phong, chàng chấp nhận để nàng về bên người đàn ông khác

Cố Kiếm đưa Tiểu Phong đến gặp Lý Thừa Ngân. Với 2 tập đầu tiên, Đông Cung gây ấn tượng bởi những cung cảnh thiên nhiên xanh mát, hùng vĩ

Phần tạo hình của các diễn viên cũng được khán giả khen ngợi là đẹp mắt. Dẫu vậy, tình tiết phim chưa có nhiều kịch tính, hấp dẫn như kỳ vọng

For more infomation >> Tin Showbiz - "Đông Cung" chính thức lên sóng, công chúa xinh đẹp Bành Tiểu Nhiễm bị ép phải lấy ch - Duration: 2:16.


Tin Showbiz - Choáng với dòng tin nhắn của anh shipper thu về 17k like sau 30 phút, chị em đọc xong - Duration: 1:46.

Bạn có tò mò dòng tin nhắn của anh shipper này có gì đặc biệt mà các chị em lại phản ứng "kinh khủng" như vậy không?  Ngày nay, việc mua hàng online đã, đang và sẽ phát triển mạnh mẽ nên kéo theo đó là sự xuất hiện và "ăn theo" của một nghề khác là shipper

Đó là những người sẽ phụ trách việc vận chuyện và giao hàng hóa mà bạn đã đặt.  Cũng chính từ đây mà có hàng trăm hàng nghìn câu chuyện liên quan đến những người làm nghề shipper

 Đương nhiên sẽ có nhiều chuyện không hay nhưng cũng có tình huống vô cùng dễ thương từ các anh giao hàng

Anh chàng shipper dưới đây là một ví dụ.  Mới đây, trong một nhóm kín trên MXH, dân mạng, đặc biệt là hội chị em lại được phen nháo nhào vì anh shipper ngọt ngào mất phần thiên hạ

Theo đó một cô nàng có tài khoản Facebook tên H.N đã chia sẻ câu chuyện của mình như sau:  "Đây là anh shipper nhắn tin cho mình

Mình đặt ship theo giờ, ổng tới sớm mà mình đang học không ra được kêu ổng chờ tý

Cái ổng nhắn cho mình thế này. Group mình chỉ cho bí quyết để chuyển thành shipper riêng đi mọi người!"  Theo đó, anh shipper chỉ nhắn một dòng khá đơn giản: "Học xong thì ra ngoài cổng

Anh chờ". Thế nhưng bất ngờ là không chỉ cô nàng H.N mà rất nhiều chị em khác vô cùng phấn khích trước dòng tin nhắn

 Chỉ sau khi đăng tải được 30 phút, dòng tin nhắn đã thu về hơn 17k lượt yêu thích và hàng nghìn bình luận

 Ai cũng khen anh chàng này còn ngọt ngào hơn khối anh người yêu khác: "Đọc qua cứ tưởng người yêu", "Nghe êm tai quá!", "Ngọt ngào nhỉ?", "Chủ thớt không nói mình còn tưởng đây là Valentine của bạn ý", "Dễ thương nhỉ?", "Nguyện dành cả thanh xuân để chờ anh shipper này",…  Dân mạng cũng không quên chia sẻ về những anh shipper dễ thương mà mình được gặp:  – Mình hay đặt hàng rồi thấy đúng mỗi ông shipper đó ship

Còn trẻ và đẹp trai lắm. Mỗi lần mình gọi điện để lấy hàng là cứ: "Em à? Anh đây

Tí ra lấy nhé, anh chờ em ngoài kia".  – Giao hàng nhiều quen quá có lần anh shipper bảo: "Bé đâu rồi? Hôm nay có học không?"

Con tim tan chảy.  – Hôm nay đang học cũng có anh shipper gọi đến bảo: "Em cứ học đi anh chờ ngoài này cũng được"

 Hiện tại câu chuyện về những anh shipper dễ thương vẫn đang thu hút sự chú ý cực lớn của cộng đồng mạng, nhất là hội chị em

theo Helino

For more infomation >> Tin Showbiz - Choáng với dòng tin nhắn của anh shipper thu về 17k like sau 30 phút, chị em đọc xong - Duration: 1:46.


Fortu se convierte en el quinto expulsado de 'GH DÚO' - Duration: 4:37.

El pasado 14 de febrero tuvo lugar la séptima gala de 'Gran Hermano DÚO' y, como cada jueves, uno de los nominados de la semana tendría que abandonar la famosa casa de Guadalix de la Sierra.

Como se dijo varias veces a lo largo de la noche, este fue el Día de San Valentín más duro para la pareja formada por Fortu y Yoli,

ya que lo celebraron en la palestra, conscientes de que tendrían que decirse adiós muy pronto y sin fecha prevista de reencuentro.

En la misma línea que el resto de la semana, los porcentajes ciegos para la expulsión se mantuvieron prácticamente inamovibles, repartiéndose al inicio de la gala en un 68,9% frente a un 31,1%.

Parece que hay hoy un favorito para tener un encuentro conmigo, dijo Jorge Javier Vázquez antes de dar inicio a una ronda rápida con el resto de concursantes para que estos desvelaran a quién preferían ver fuera y,

excepto Raquel Lozano e Ylenia Padilla, todos se decantaron por la salida Fortu y la consiguiente permanencia de Yolanda.

Fortu le pide matrimonio a Yoli en directo durante la gala; Hace ocho años que nos conocemos, llevamos cuatro años viviendo juntos...

Yo creo que ya va siendo hora de que haya una unión como Dios manda y quiero pedirte matrimonio cuando salgamos de aquí,

se declaró Fortu, provocando un gran aplausopor parte de todos sus compañeros, mientras su recién prometida se levantaba para darle un beso,

contando que ya sabía que lo iba a hacer, puesto que el cantante se lo comentó en el confesionario, apesadumbrado tras la salvación de Raquel durante el 'Límite 48 horas',

que implicaba su separación forzosa dos días después, y que frustraba sus planes para el Día de los Enamorados en la casa.

Minutos más tarde, el conductor del programa instó a los dos nominados a despedirse de sus compañeros, antes de conocer el veredicto definitivo del público desde la sala de expulsión.

Aquí está escrito el final para uno de los dos, dijo el de Badalona mostrando el sobre con el nombre del expulsado, antes de que Sánchez le diera la razón, matizando que solo su etapa en Guadalix de la Sierra.

A continuación, el presentador aludió la pedida de matrimonio que tuvo lugar minutos antes, afirmando que quedó un poco deslucida por las circunstancias, ha sido una petición agridulce. Sí, pero sabemos que cuando salgamos de aquí...

San Valentín es todos los días, ¿no?Si no ha podido ser ahora, cuando salgamos de aquí lo celebraremos con todo el amor que sentimos el uno por el otro,

aseguró el vocalista de Obús antes de conocer la decisión de los espectadores. La audiencia ha decidido que debe abandonar la casa de 'GH DÚO'...

¡Fortu!, desveló Jorge Javier Vázquez, provocando en el expulsado un gesto de celebración por la salvación de su novia.

Fortu, tras su expulsión: Vais a conocer a Yoli mejor; No, por favor no.

No me han dejado romper esto, pero rómpelo tú en mi nombre. salgo igual que entré. Entramos aquí... Cariño, lucha. No te vengas abajo, por favor. Rompe este muro.

Lucha, ya sabes cómo son y ve a por el más fuerte, el cabecilla y luego a por los demás ¿Me lo prometes?, le dijo el ya exconcursante a la salvada, que, por su parte, aseguró que ahí seguiremos en la lucha.

Me he alegrado porque creo que Yoli lo va a hacer mejor porque su temperamento es más tranquilo que el mío, le explicó el quinto expulsado de la edición al presentador.

Le hacía falta, la vais a conocer mejor, aseguró el madrileño, antes de despedirse de su pareja: Te quiero. Puede hacer un gran concurso, podéis conocerla un poco mejor...Tarda en volver a casa.

For more infomation >> Fortu se convierte en el quinto expulsado de 'GH DÚO' - Duration: 4:37.


Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.

Yes friends. Hello.

Today. In GSM Communication


Xiaomi Redmi

Note 3

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

screen will change.

As you see. The device came in 3 parts.

I think our client tried to change it.

Did not change. Even the back cover


3 pieces came to us. Flexi

That's how the flexi got it.

That's the back cover. The device is that way.

In total 3 pieces

friends who sent us.

Let's see. I hope it works.

Friends. About this


watching our videos

we do not recommend changing the screen.


you may experience such problems.

Friend with this white screw

magnet does not hold. This is wrong.

They're wrong. Normally he was here.

Normally, the camera doesn't damage the side of the camera.

To prevent this camera from damaging the focus

the screw that should stop

they're wearing this side.

It doesn't hold a magnet like you see.

The other black screws hold the magnet.

But this white screw does not hold the magnet.

His reason

is the screw that is attached to the camera.

Focus on time

magnet is for

inside the camera

to avoid damage

to avoid damage to the focus

Xiaomi wearing a screw in there.

There's no one here.

There's one screw missing here.

Probably our client tried to change his own.

This screw size is also different from friends.

At the bottom

length is different than others.

When we put it in the wrong place

It goes up to the screen. And it could break the screen we're wearing.

For him

Note the location where the screws are removed.


at the same time where the vibration motor is located.

Antenna. Yeah, network antenna.

This is NFC.

What we call NFC and wireless charger.

Yes friends. NFC and wireless charging

That's what we call it.

First of all when friends repair a device

We remove the battery socket.

We cut the current from the device so that it does not short-circuit.

Previously removed.

Yes, it was removed in advance. They don't have any bands down there.

The customer has already tried to remove his own.

Let's see if the battery has been damaged.

The battery blew this place up.

As you can see, friends. We say it all over our videos.

but still people

trying to change it.

Yeah. Microphone.

Microphone Part

and also charge


Charging socket and microphone part.

There are also network antennas available.

Yeah. The customer sent us this way.

He wants this side. Yeah. Yeah.


The arrow sign already indicates which socket is installed.

Call it now.

As you can see, the arrow says that this should be above.

Master battery is the location of that thing

Do not stick with fireproof tape.

Let's not take fireproof tape from there.

Let's have a test.

Yeah, finally, let's get the battery connector.

I hope after installing the battery connector works.

Because the battery is severely damaged.

Does it indicate charging?

Yeah. Then master this battery


the only one because of the damage to the battery

due to damage.

Hopefully the battery is one.

But the battery

I think you're done, Master.

I wonder if he's in that socket.

Let's keep the socket pressed. Let's have a look.

Don't master the battery in the case.

It hurt the battery.

Show me the battery.

Yes friends as you can see. This is how the screen changes.

Let's show, master.

And the back. This is how the screen changes.

After replacing the following parts

tighten the screws.

Screen change

This is how the screen changes.

This device is of course our customer

He tried to change his own screen.

trying to change the screen

damaged the battery of the device.

Damage to the battery.

Let's get that battery out and show it, master.

Let's get that battery out.

Yeah. He's got a lot of damage to the device's battery.

He blew the battery.

For that we have a battery

We'll ask. We'il tell our client.

We'il need a battery. According to that

We will try again. I hope it works.


We think it's from the battery.

For him

It's a good idea to warn again, friends.

People who are not experts in this subject

our videos or our different videos

especially in Xaiomi

especially on Xiaomi

We do not recommend screen replacements.


you may experience such problems.

Thanks for watching.

In this video, at least how the screen is changed

we tried to show.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.


How to disassemble 📱 Prestigio Muze X5 (PSP 5518) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 5:20.

Hello and welcome!

Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,

we glad to offer you a new video

in which we look at how to disassemble

📱 Prestigio Muze X5 (PSP 5518)

For more infomation >> How to disassemble 📱 Prestigio Muze X5 (PSP 5518) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 5:20.


ALCALÁ MÁS CERCA - Nuevas líneas de autobuses - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> ALCALÁ MÁS CERCA - Nuevas líneas de autobuses - Duration: 4:32.





For more infomation >> COMO DIBUJAR UNA VELA KAWAII FACIL PARA NIÑOS | Dibujos - Duration: 3:06.


Vixa Mix 2019 Ep.10 - DJ KondiX - Duration: 31:43.

For more infomation >> Vixa Mix 2019 Ep.10 - DJ KondiX - Duration: 31:43.



subtitles in English more or less translated by google translator and I hope that is fine.

Hi guys and girls, I hope you are very well

today we come with another video, of so many and so many that I have to do

well we start in this video reaction and we go to the country of vietnam

vietnam, I think if I think so

So we're going to react, I do not know what it is, I do not know if it's a Dj or something

same is a request that they leave me and with pleasure I do it

so, let's go lets go

so let's start


As I said I think it's from Vietnam

or it will be from Russia, I do not believe. I think it's from Vietnam

I apologize for the name, but I do not know how to pronounce it

that's how

touliver or not or something like that

good for what I see it's like an electronic disk

of the trans or something like that

it's music for clubs

it's very good that tone my taste

I was surprised

the tone is very good

to be in the disco

if it's like a DJ

and it's like an event or something

here they are like in the creation of the album or the experiences of when that mixture started or something like that,

yes, they are in the studio, making the disk

as it is said or not, a few letters appear

that applaud

They are there

those tones and those tone changes sound very good

Yes, that's like a concert where they are there

where are they playing, well where is the DJ playing

are the car

Well, there was the video, there was the video

and this mixture does not sound so bad

I do not know if it will be very recognized if yes or no

is very good all those changes of the tones

and shows how the experiences that this DJ of this Vietnam has had, or that I think it is of beech.

if I'm not mistaken

but very, very good the electronics

And well, I believe that until here the video

and I hope you liked it, that you liked it

and as I always tell you, as I always tell you

subscribe to my channel, if you liked

And when you sign up, there are side by side there is a Tinker Bell, you press there, to notify you when I upload a video or e-mail or I don't know where notifies you.

same as below in the registration box, I leave social networks, web page, is another form of search that you have.

as well as down here you can leave me your comments, they are good or bad, requests, suggestions. I will gladly answer or give you heart

the sun, the sun how am I recording with the light of day

as well, good or bad, but rather, good, good

and share the videos so that many more people know these artists that you request or that I sometimes do

So, see you in the next video. Take care of all, boys and girls ... and with the sunlight. goodbye.

For more infomation >> TOULIVER X SLIMV - EM ƠI CỨ VUI - K-DF REACTION V-POP EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 6:10.


Muslim girls names starting with U V W X Y with meaning in English of Arbic Persian Turkish and Urdu - Duration: 10:45.

Muslim girls names starting with U, V, W, X and Y with meaning in English.

Ujas means Bright Ulfah means Friendship, harmony, love

Ulfat means Friendship, love, attachment, affection, familiarity

Ulima means Wise, learned Umaiyyah means Female servant or attendant,

a woman who serves for the country Umamah means Leadership, motherhood

Umaymah means Young mother Umm Kulthum means One with round face

Unaysah means Friendly Urooj means Height, exalation, height

Ushta means Everlasting happiness Uzma / Uzhmaa means Greater, more dignified,

more exalted Waahibah means Giver, generous

Waahidah means One , unique Waajidah means One who has achieved her goal,

a lover or beloved Waaliyah means The female governor, manages,

measures Waarithah / Waarisah means An heir, a master,

a lord, an owner, a successor Waasilah means Joining, connecting

Wafa means Loyalty, faithfulness Wafeeqa means Successful

Wafiyah means Loyal, faithful Waheebah means Giver, generous

Waheeda means Unique, singular, beautiful Wahibah means Giver, donor, The generous one

Wahida / Wahidah means Unique, exclusive Wajahat means Respect, high position, dignity,

comeliness, appearance Wajd means Passion

Wajihah means Of a good appearance, handsome, respectable, eminent, distinguished

Wakaalat means Leadership, advocacy, attorney-ship, Advocacy

Wakeelah means The trustee, the agent Waleedah means Newborn

Waliyah means Princess, friend Wamil means Beautiful

Waqaar means Dignity, grace Wardah / Warda means Rose , deep red color

, brave Warithah / Warisah means Heiress

Waseefah means Praised, One who describes Wasilah means Inseparable friend

Wasimah means Graceful, pretty Wateeb means Heart

Wazeerah means A female minister of state Wisaal means Communion in love

Xaviera means Brilliant, feminine form of xavier

Yaaqoot means Ruby, a precious stone Yafiah means High

Yakootah means Emerald Yalaa means Exalted, high

Yalda means Born at night Yalqoot means An early woman

Yamamah means Valley in Arabia Yamha means Dove

Yaminah means Right and proper Yanni means Little butterfly

Yaqoot means Ruby Yaseem means Morning fresh air

Yasirah means Lenient Yasmeen means Jasmine (flower)

Yumn means Good fortune, success Yumnaa means Right side, blessed, grace

Yusra means The prosperous one, easy

Ladies and gentlemen!

Thankyou very much for joining me.

Please note that this video tutorial is only for knowledge sharing purposes.

I can not guarantee the accuracy of the meanings and pronunciation of names in this tutorial.

Name can be spelled and pronounced differently.

I would advise you to consult a local scholar for verification before deciding a name for

your baby.

Thank you very much fo joining me.

Please like, share and subscribe.

I'll see you next time.

Until then, take care, keep learning, keep enjoying, Good day.

Like, share, subscribe, Ifactner.

For more infomation >> Muslim girls names starting with U V W X Y with meaning in English of Arbic Persian Turkish and Urdu - Duration: 10:45.


झटपट पालक राईस - Healthy Palak Rice - Easy Spinach Rice Recipe In Marathi - Archana - Duration: 3:22.

Because of the fast pace life now a days...

Everyone from children to adults are moving towards fast food.

I mean they have already moved on it.

So today I will show you tasty, quick and nutritious recipe.

Palak rice (Spinach leaves rice).

Let's heat the oil.

Here we are taking 3 tablespoon of oil.

Oil is heated now let's add green chillies to it.

I have taken 3 green chillies.

Then 1 tablespoon of coriander leaves finely chopped.

1 tablespoon of ginger and garlic paste.

And now sauté this well.

Sauté it for some time and then add 2 onions chopped lengthwise.

And now let the onions cook.

Onion has become nice and soft, now to this we will add biryani masala.

Around 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder.

Salt as per the taste.

Now goes in the important ingredient of this recipe.

And that is spinach.

Here I have chopped spinach leaves lengthwise.

I have taken 1 bunch of spinach leaves.

I have removed it's stem and just used it leaves.

Now mix it.

Now to this add 4 cups of cooked rice.

Now mix this.

Now how to make this rice!

Here we have taken 4 cups of rice.

So we will take 8 cups of water.

And keep that water to boil.

Add little salt to it.

Once the water boils and washed rice to it.

And let it cook till it's grains are nice and separated.

And later we have to strain out it's water.

Now mix it properly.

And let it steam for 5 to 10 minutes.

For the colour I am adding spinach leaves paste.

But it's optional, if you want you can add, if not it's fine too.

Here I have taken 3 tablespoons of spinach paste.

It is very easy to make.

I have taken spinach leaves and added some water to it.

And grounded it into the mixer.

Now mix this.

Now cover this with a lid and wait for 10 minutes.

Let's check if the rice is steam.

It is nicely steam.

Turn off the flame.

It has got nice colour and aroma.

Now let's remove this.

Palak rice is ready.

Sometimes you have to lie to your kids for their health.

So do try this.

And make it for your children.

And as I always say...

Like, share and subscribe to Ruchkar Mejwani.

For more infomation >> झटपट पालक राईस - Healthy Palak Rice - Easy Spinach Rice Recipe In Marathi - Archana - Duration: 3:22.


Shadab Khan Dance In PSL 2019 Opener is Special For Hasan Ali In PSL 4 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Shadab Khan Dance In PSL 2019 Opener is Special For Hasan Ali In PSL 4 - Duration: 3:17.


Epic Gold Digger Prank !! GTA 5 !! Rich vs Poor Experiment @Part1 - Duration: 4:12.

GTA 5 Gold Digger Prank

Rich vs Poor Experiment in GTA 5

For more infomation >> Epic Gold Digger Prank !! GTA 5 !! Rich vs Poor Experiment @Part1 - Duration: 4:12.


Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.

Yes friends. Hello.

Today. In GSM Communication


Xiaomi Redmi

Note 3

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

screen will change.

As you see. The device came in 3 parts.

I think our client tried to change it.

Did not change. Even the back cover


3 pieces came to us. Flexi

That's how the flexi got it.

That's the back cover. The device is that way.

In total 3 pieces

friends who sent us.

Let's see. I hope it works.

Friends. About this


watching our videos

we do not recommend changing the screen.


you may experience such problems.

Friend with this white screw

magnet does not hold. This is wrong.

They're wrong. Normally he was here.

Normally, the camera doesn't damage the side of the camera.

To prevent this camera from damaging the focus

the screw that should stop

they're wearing this side.

It doesn't hold a magnet like you see.

The other black screws hold the magnet.

But this white screw does not hold the magnet.

His reason

is the screw that is attached to the camera.

Focus on time

magnet is for

inside the camera

to avoid damage

to avoid damage to the focus

Xiaomi wearing a screw in there.

There's no one here.

There's one screw missing here.

Probably our client tried to change his own.

This screw size is also different from friends.

At the bottom

length is different than others.

When we put it in the wrong place

It goes up to the screen. And it could break the screen we're wearing.

For him

Note the location where the screws are removed.


at the same time where the vibration motor is located.

Antenna. Yeah, network antenna.

This is NFC.

What we call NFC and wireless charger.

Yes friends. NFC and wireless charging

That's what we call it.

First of all when friends repair a device

We remove the battery socket.

We cut the current from the device so that it does not short-circuit.

Previously removed.

Yes, it was removed in advance. They don't have any bands down there.

The customer has already tried to remove his own.

Let's see if the battery has been damaged.

The battery blew this place up.

As you can see, friends. We say it all over our videos.

but still people

trying to change it.

Yeah. Microphone.

Microphone Part

and also charge


Charging socket and microphone part.

There are also network antennas available.

Yeah. The customer sent us this way.

He wants this side. Yeah. Yeah.


The arrow sign already indicates which socket is installed.

Call it now.

As you can see, the arrow says that this should be above.

Master battery is the location of that thing

Do not stick with fireproof tape.

Let's not take fireproof tape from there.

Let's have a test.

Yeah, finally, let's get the battery connector.

I hope after installing the battery connector works.

Because the battery is severely damaged.

Does it indicate charging?

Yeah. Then master this battery


the only one because of the damage to the battery

due to damage.

Hopefully the battery is one.

But the battery

I think you're done, Master.

I wonder if he's in that socket.

Let's keep the socket pressed. Let's have a look.

Don't master the battery in the case.

It hurt the battery.

Show me the battery.

Yes friends as you can see. This is how the screen changes.

Let's show, master.

And the back. This is how the screen changes.

After replacing the following parts

tighten the screws.

Screen change

This is how the screen changes.

This device is of course our customer

He tried to change his own screen.

trying to change the screen

damaged the battery of the device.

Damage to the battery.

Let's get that battery out and show it, master.

Let's get that battery out.

Yeah. He's got a lot of damage to the device's battery.

He blew the battery.

For that we have a battery

We'll ask. We'il tell our client.

We'il need a battery. According to that

We will try again. I hope it works.


We think it's from the battery.

For him

It's a good idea to warn again, friends.

People who are not experts in this subject

our videos or our different videos

especially in Xaiomi

especially on Xiaomi

We do not recommend screen replacements.


you may experience such problems.

Thanks for watching.

In this video, at least how the screen is changed

we tried to show.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.


Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.

Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.


U&D: Angela lascia la trasmissione, Nino Castanotto accusato di truffa - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> U&D: Angela lascia la trasmissione, Nino Castanotto accusato di truffa - Duration: 5:02.


Thái bình quê lúa//Không khí tết/Sinh nhật Tôm Tít/Cỗ cúng đầu năm mới/Đại gia đình đoàn tụ - Duration: 19:52.

For more infomation >> Thái bình quê lúa//Không khí tết/Sinh nhật Tôm Tít/Cỗ cúng đầu năm mới/Đại gia đình đoàn tụ - Duration: 19:52.


トップニュース 鳥栖のCB高橋祐治が結婚を発表!元AKB48で女優の新妻が2ショット写真を公開! - Duration: 3:10.

屈強な体躯を活 したハードチャ ジが身上の高橋 2年目の鳥栖で さらなる飛躍が 待される。写真 茂木あきら(サ カーダイジェス 写真部) 2月 5日、サガン鳥 のDF高橋祐治 クラブのホーム ージを通して結 を報告

お相手は、およ 2年前から交際 続けてきた元A B48の高城亜 さんだ。「私事 大変恐縮ですが 2019年2月 5日に入籍いた ましたことをご 告させていただ ます

引き続きサガン 栖のために頑張 ますので、応援 ろしくお願いし す」とのメッセ ジを寄せた。  ちらと前後して 高城さんも自身 ツイッターでフ ロワーに想いを えている

「私事で大変恐 ではございます 本日、サガン鳥 の高橋祐治さん 入籍致しました とをご報告させ いただきます。 れからの人生を 婦で支え合い、 るく穏やかな家 を築いていけた と思っておりま

まだまだ未熟で が、今後とも何 よろしくお願い し上げます」と った。関係者に るとふたりは金 日に、佐賀県内 市役所に婚姻届 提出したという  現在25歳の 橋は、京都サン U-18出身

京都やカマタマ レ讃岐などJ2 研鑽を積み、昨 に鳥栖へ移籍し 初のJ1を経験 た。187セン の長身を利した 人守備に強みを 揮し、不動のC として30試合 1得点)に出場

今季も最終ライ の要として活躍 期待されている 女優の高橋メア ージュンさんと モデルの高橋ユ さんはともに実 お姉さんだ。  涯の伴侶を得て さらなるスケー アップが待望さ る

For more infomation >> トップニュース 鳥栖のCB高橋祐治が結婚を発表!元AKB48で女優の新妻が2ショット写真を公開! - Duration: 3:10.


Would You Rather? LOL Punk Boi or Hairdorables Ultra Rare Rayne - Duration: 9:11.

Would you rather pick LOL Punk Boi or Hairdorables Ultra-Rare Rain?

Perfect but a little more energy and a little quicker. So, would you rather?

I got this.

Would you rather choose LOL Punk Boi or...

Hi my name is Anjali and today my question for you is would you rather

have LOL Punk Boi or Hairdorables Ultra Rare Rayne?

LOL Punk Boi.

Or Hairdorables Ultra Rare Rayne.

That is what we're going to see if you could figure out today?

Let's look at each of the dolls from head to toe to see who we want.

LOL Punk Boi or Hairdorables Ultra Rare Rayne.

Punk Boi... Rare Rayne.

Punk Boi... Rare Rayne.

Punk Boi... Rare Rayne.

Punk Punk Punk Boi. Rare Rare Rayne. Punk Rayne. Punk Boi Punk Rayne.

In case you didn't know my dad got Punk Boi from Hairdoralbes Hack.

Huh! How did you get LOL doll Punk Boi from the Hairdorables Hack?

I'm glad you asked.

If you watch this Hairdorables Hack from beginning to end you'll see how to get the LOL Punk Boi.

Because the hacks are the same. LOL plus Hairdorables equals the sam...


In case you don't want to watch the whole entire video

it's called Ebay hacks. That's how we got Ultra Rare Rayne.

That's how we got Rare Neila.

And that's how we got Ultra-Rare Punk Boi.

Punk Boi!

Let's go Punk. Let's go Boi.

Punk Boi.

Now I know it might not be easy for some of you to decide

but let's take a good look at both of them

and try our best to see which one we'd rather have.

Ok. Let's get started with Punk Boi.

This is Punk Boi. Who, by the way, is an actual boy.

Actually now that I think about it Punk Boi is an actual doll who has boy parts.

Potato! Potato!

How do I know? Because I saw Punk Boi undressed.

There are some things that you can't unsee.

Ok so Punk Boi is 3.5 inches tall and weighs 2.8 ounces completely dressed and holding his carton of milk.

He has big brown eyes like my brother,

an awesome mohawk style of hair. surrounded by colbalt blue dyed hair.

Punk Boi is wearing a black and white shirt that says TROUBLE!

Trouble, Trouble, Trouble all over here.

He is also wearing grey shorts with a red and black flannel shirt wrapped around his waist... little waist.

For extra cool he has his sweat bands

and black sneakers and carries around a black milk carton with a straw in it.

Guess what the milk carton features?

His missing pet.

And the cutest thing of all is he has a bandaid on his right leg which means he probably got a boo-boo from being Punk Boi.

Punk Boi...Punk Boi...Punk Boi...Punk Boi...

Isn't Punk Boi cute?

Ok. Let's have a look at Ultra Rare Rayne

so we can answer the question which one you like better.

LOL Punk Boi?

Or Hairdoralbes Ultra Rare Rayne?

Ok. This is Ultra Rare Rayne.

We didn't see any girl parts because she is covered in gold glitter as if a bathing suit was painted her.

Anyway she is 5.5 inches tall from her rollers skates to the top of her ponytail

and she weighs 5 ounces.

She has big beautiful blue eyes

purple hair with gold and blue hair tinsel.

She is wearing a yellow dress that extends to a see through wrap around with many colors.

It has purple, blue, yellow, green and gold glitter.

And she has her awesome gold and purple glitter roller skates that are so cool.

In addition she has a parasol

that doesn't open up but it's super pretty.

It's full of glitter and very colorful.

I see red, purple, blue, green and yellow.

In Spanish Para means stop

and Sol means sun.

Para Sol - PARASOL!

In case you didn't know a parasol is like an umbrella but it's to keep the sun out instead of the rain.

She also comes with blue glitter glasses to complete her amazing ensemble.

Isn't Ultra Rare Rayne cute?

Ok. Here is Ultra Rare Rayne!

And here is Punk Boi!

Which one did you like the best? Before I tell you who I liked better let me tell you some stuff that are important.

Both Ultra Rare Rayne and Punk Boi are very well made.

They feel nice and strong like me.

Rayne has real hair but Punk Boi does not.

It would be cool if we could get Punk Boi with real cool hair.

Ok the last thing I want to say is Punk Boi he has no problem standing wherever I put him.

If I put him over here he stands.

If I put him over there he stands.

But Rayne has to be placed on our roller skates so she won't fall over .

And even on her roller skate she falls over.

Rayne get up.

Once I get Raye standing up be sure not to sneeze.


Rayne get up.

I can't lie but that is a bit frustrating

I'm only 7 years old. I shouldn't be doing all this work to just stand up a doll.

I only have reading, fundation, math, writin... all this other stuff I have to do.

Ok now it's time for me to tell you who I would rather have.

Even though I have both.

Here's Punk Boi and her's Ultra Rare Rayne.

The one I like best is both of them.

It's not easy to decide. They are both so cute.

Who would you rather have? Punk Boi or Ultra Rare Rayne?

Leave a comment down below.

Just by the way you can also pick both.

For more infomation >> Would You Rather? LOL Punk Boi or Hairdorables Ultra Rare Rayne - Duration: 9:11.


Part 1 - Jadu Ki Haqiqat Aur Elaj - Dr Farhat Hashmi - Duration: 26:09.

Subscribe our Channel. Like & share Videos. jazakallah.

For more infomation >> Part 1 - Jadu Ki Haqiqat Aur Elaj - Dr Farhat Hashmi - Duration: 26:09.


Ksiądz.przegrał z Kościołem. Duchowny.opowiedział.szokujące fakty, został z niczym - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Ksiądz.przegrał z Kościołem. Duchowny.opowiedział.szokujące fakty, został z niczym - Duration: 5:53.


Romelu Lukaku to be handed Man Utd escape route this summer - Duration: 2:17.

  Romelu Lukaku could he handed a Manchester United escape route - if Mauro Icardi leaves Inter Milan

  Striker Lukaku has seen his game time at Old Trafford shrink after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took over as caretaker boss from Jose Mourinho

 Norwegian Solskjaer has preferred to lead the line with Marcus Rashford rather than Lukaku - the Belgian starting just two games under the stand-in manager

  The lack of minutes could force Lukaku towards the United exit, two years after he joined for £75million from Everton

  According to TuttoMercarto, Lukaku would be available for around £80m with would be funded by Icardi's exit

 Lukaku's potential transfer to the San Siro is likely to depend on how Inter's relationship with star front man Icardi develops throughout the rest of the season

  Icardi has a £96.8m release clause in his Inter contract, with Chelsea and Real Madrid among a list of potential suitors

 Argentina international Icardi was striped of the Inter captaincy earlier this week, with keeper Samir Handanovic taking over the armband

 The decision led to Icardi refusing to play in the Italian's Europa League clash with Rapid Vienna

 Luciano Spalletti's men won 1-0 in Austria, thanks to Lautaro Martinez's penalty, but the rift between Icardi and Inter could spark the striker to leave

 Spalletti is still hoping Icardi, whose current deal runs out in 2021, will sign a new contract in Milan, and said last Sunday: "Mauro is evidently seeing his performance affected by some situations that have been going on recently

 "He needs to free himself from the talk that is around him.  "The directors agreed to start talking about the contract, so now they need to go there and conclude it


For more infomation >> Romelu Lukaku to be handed Man Utd escape route this summer - Duration: 2:17.


Meghan królewska - Bartosz Opania przeszedł drastyczną metamorfozę! Jest nie do poznania [ZDJĘCIA] - Duration: 2:21.

 Bartosz Opania zmienił się nie do poznania. Aktor, którego widzowie najlepiej pamiętają z roli doktora Latoszka w "Na dobre i na złe", w niczym go dziś nie przypomina

W serialu nie pojawił się od stycznia ubiegłego roku, choć jego postać nie została uśmiercona

Opania skupia się obecnie na graniu w teatrze. To właśnie z premiery jego nowego spektaklu, pochodzą zdjęcia, które zszokowały fanów

Na premierze "Telewizja kłamie" w Teatrze Palladium, Bartosz Opania pojawił się w złotej, błyszczącej marynarce, z dodatkowymi kilogramami oraz siwiejącymi włosami

Na najnowszych zdjęciach naprawdę trudno go rozpoznać. Zobaczcie, jak wygląda dziś Bartosz Opania w naszej GALERII

Bartosz Opania: metamorfoza [FOTO] Bartosz Opania jest synem popularnego aktora, Mariana Opanii

Od wielu lat jest w związku z żoną Agnieszką, z którą ma 4 dzieci: trzech synów i córkę

Aktor unika pokazywania się na warszawskich salonach oraz dzielenia się szczegółami dotyczącymi jego życia prywatnego

Skupia się na karierze teatralnej, a a za wspomniany spektakl "Telewizja kłamie", w którym występuje u boku m

in. Tamary Arciuch i Bartka Kasprzykowskiego, zbiera świetne recenzje. Na swoim koncie ma role w takich produkcjach, jak "Wkręceni", "Na dobre i na złe", czy "Blondynka"

 Zobacz metamorfozę Bartosza Opanii w galerii --->  

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Bartosz Opania przeszedł drastyczną metamorfozę! Jest nie do poznania [ZDJĘCIA] - Duration: 2:21.


U&D, una donna a Striscia la Notizia accusa Nino Castanotto di essere un truffatore | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> U&D, una donna a Striscia la Notizia accusa Nino Castanotto di essere un truffatore | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:22.


여진구, 커피마시며 러블리 애교 '여심저격' - KN Channel - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> 여진구, 커피마시며 러블리 애교 '여심저격' - KN Channel - Duration: 1:02.


Man Utd transfers: 3 players Solskjaer should sign - break transfer record, get Spurs star - Duration: 6:28.

 The Norwegian's record still makes for impressive reading, with 10 wins, one draw and a solitary defeat against one of Europe's best sides since he took over from Jose Mourinho last December

 And that leaves him squarely in the driving seat to take over when the club appoint a full-time successor in the summer

 However, the 2-0 reverse to PSG at Old Trafford exposed some frailties in the squad and Solskjaer will need to undertake some major surgery if he does get the job

 Here, Express Sport looks at three players Solskjaer could turn to when the transfer window opens again

Kalidou Koulibaly It seems an obvious one as the Napoli defender was being tracked by the club long before Solskajer took over

 But the 27-year-old remains one of the best defenders in Europe and United have been short at the back for some time now

 Mourinho spent big money on the likes of Victor Lindelof and Eric Bailly during his tenure but the pair simply do not work as a partnership

 Bailly, in particular, was given the run around by Kylian Mbappe in the PSG clash and his days as a first-team regular appear to be numbered

 Lindelof, meanwhile, has bags of potential and has shown flashes of brilliance this season, but the Sweden international would benefit from a more experienced head alongside him

 Koulibaly could be the man to guide him and his no-nonsense style would provide United's backline with a nice balance as Lindelof has shown he is comfortable with the ball at his feet and as brought the ball out of defence to great effect at times

 The Senegal star would not come cheap, though. Reports before the January transfer window opened suggested the Red Devils were happy to pay around £90million to get him and that would make him the world's most expensive defender by some distance

 Nothing transpired in January but United could feasibly go back in for him in the summer

However, his contract at Napoli runs until 2023 so do not expect the Italians to lower their asking price

Joao Felix United are spoilt for choice in attack - so much so that Romelu Lukaku has had to make do with a place on the bench for large parts under Soslkjaer

 And even if Felix would not go into the first team straight away, his signing would be a nod to the glory days under Sir Alex Ferguson that Solskajer is trying to get back to

 The 19-year-old Benfica sensation has been compared with Cristiano Ronaldo and United fans have been desperate for somebody to fill his shoes ever since he left the club for Real Madrid in 2009

 Felix has similar qualities to Ronaldo; flair, raw pace and a keen eye for goal, and is perfectly suited to Solskjaer's exciting style of play

 The good news is they have been linked with him for a while now. The bad news? So has almost every high-profile club in Europe

 However, if United can steal him from under the noses of their European rivals, they will have secured themselves one of the most highly-rated attackers on the continent and proved they can still mix it with the very best in the transfer market

Kieran Trippier Ashley Young has proved himself an able stand-in at right-back for United - but there is no getting away from the fact that they desperately need an upgrade

 Now 33 - and a winger by trade let's not forget - Young has done an admirable job but United cannot be expected to challenge for the Premier League title next season with a winger-cum defender in a crucial position

 Diogo Dalot remains an option and is an exciting promising prospect, but he has proved he is not yet ready for the rigours of regular Premier League action

Meanwhile, Antonio Valencia hs only featured once under Solskjaer and is out of favour

 Trippier, however, appears to tick every box in terms of the sort of player they need

The Tottenham right-back is quick, aggressive and a superb crosser of the ball. Ferguson's United sides relied heavily on crosses and, with Solskjaer trying to re-install a similar philosophy, they could do a lot worse than signing Trippier who is one of the best deliverers of the ball in the Premier League

 Prising him away from Tottenham could be difficult but the lure of Old Trafford would surely be too good for United fan Trippier to turn down - even if he did start his career at neighbours Manchester City

 Spurs could be willing to listen to offers as he is by no means a guaranteed starter anymore

In fact, he was left out of Mauricio Pochettino's starting XI for what was their best performance of the season in the 3-0 victory over Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League

 Even if Solskjaer does not get the job, could we see him in Manchester with Pochettino in the dugout?

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfers: 3 players Solskjaer should sign - break transfer record, get Spurs star - Duration: 6:28.


U&D: la scelta di Teresa sarebbe Andrea, ma lui avrebbe risposto 'picche' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> U&D: la scelta di Teresa sarebbe Andrea, ma lui avrebbe risposto 'picche' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:25.


Uomini e donne, puntata pomeridiana odierna: Luigi interessato a Valentina | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, puntata pomeridiana odierna: Luigi interessato a Valentina | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:16.


Man Utd transfers: 3 players Solskjaer should sign - break transfer record, get Spurs star - Duration: 5:57.

 The Norwegian's record still makes for impressive reading, with 10 wins, one draw and a solitary defeat against one of Europe's best sides since he took over from Jose Mourinho last December

 And that leaves him squarely in the driving seat to take over when the club appoint a full-time successor in the summer

 However, the 2-0 reverse to PSG at Old Trafford exposed some frailties in the squad and Solskjaer will need to undertake some major surgery if he does get the job

 Here, Express Sport looks at three players Solskjaer could turn to when the transfer window opens again

Kalidou Koulibaly It seems an obvious one as the Napoli defender was being tracked by the club long before Solskajer took over

 But the 27-year-old remains one of the best defenders in Europe and United have been short at the back for some time now

 Mourinho spent big money on the likes of Victor Lindelof and Eric Bailly during his tenure but the pair simply do not work as a partnership

 Bailly, in particular, was given the run around by Kylian Mbappe in the PSG clash and his days as a first-team regular appear to be numbered

 Lindelof, meanwhile, has bags of potential and has shown flashes of brilliance this season, but the Sweden international would benefit from a more experienced head alongside him

 Koulibaly could be the man to guide him and his no-nonsense style would provide United's backline with a nice balance as Lindelof has shown he is comfortable with the ball at his feet and as brought the ball out of defence to great effect at times

 The Senegal star would not come cheap, though. Reports before the January transfer window opened suggested the Red Devils were happy to pay around £90million to get him and that would make him the world's most expensive defender by some distance

 Nothing transpired in January but United could feasibly go back in for him in the summer

However, his contract at Napoli runs until 2023 so do not expect the Italians to lower their asking price

Joao Felix United are spoilt for choice in attack - so much so that Romelu Lukaku has had to make do with a place on the bench for large parts under Soslkjaer

 And even if Felix would not go into the first team straight away, his signing would be a nod to the glory days under Sir Alex Ferguson that Solskajer is trying to get back to

 The 19-year-old Benfica sensation has been compared with Cristiano Ronaldo and United fans have been desperate for somebody to fill his shoes ever since he left the club for Real Madrid in 2009

 Felix has similar qualities to Ronaldo; flair, raw pace and a keen eye for goal, and is perfectly suited to Solskjaer's exciting style of play

 The good news is they have been linked with him for a while now. The bad news? So has almost every high-profile club in Europe

 However, if United can steal him from under the noses of their European rivals, they will have secured themselves one of the most highly-rated attackers on the continent and proved they can still mix it with the very best in the transfer market

Kieran Trippier Ashley Young has proved himself an able stand-in at right-back for United - but there is no getting away from the fact that they desperately need an upgrade

 Now 33 - and a winger by trade let's not forget - Young has done an admirable job but United cannot be expected to challenge for the Premier League title next season with a winger-cum defender in a crucial position

 Diogo Dalot remains an option and is an exciting promising prospect, but he has proved he is not yet ready for the rigours of regular Premier League action

Meanwhile, Antonio Valencia hs only featured once under Solskjaer and is out of favour

 Trippier, however, appears to tick every box in terms of the sort of player they need

The Tottenham right-back is quick, aggressive and a superb crosser of the ball. Ferguson's United sides relied heavily on crosses and, with Solskjaer trying to re-install a similar philosophy, they could do a lot worse than signing Trippier who is one of the best deliverers of the ball in the Premier League

 Prising him away from Tottenham could be difficult but the lure of Old Trafford would surely be too good for United fan Trippier to turn down - even if he did start his career at neighbours Manchester City

 Spurs could be willing to listen to offers as he is by no means a guaranteed starter anymore

In fact, he was left out of Mauricio Pochettino's starting XI for what was their best performance of the season in the 3-0 victory over Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League

 Even if Solskjaer does not get the job, could we see him in Manchester with Pochettino in the dugout?

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfers: 3 players Solskjaer should sign - break transfer record, get Spurs star - Duration: 5:57.


Husky Dog Sledding in Norway മഞ്ഞു മലകൾക്കിടയിലൂടെ ഒരു റൈഡ് MALAYALAM VLOG I deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> Husky Dog Sledding in Norway മഞ്ഞു മലകൾക്കിടയിലൂടെ ഒരു റൈഡ് MALAYALAM VLOG I deutsche Untertitel - Duration: 20:07.


Crazy week in Seattle | 70 years record broken | Snowy week - Duration: 3:00.

Hey Guys! what's up? welcome back to unscramble

When I saw weather prediction that said Seattle will be snowy for a week,

When I saw weather prediction that said Seattle will be snowy for a week,

I thought it would just like any other year, I have seen here with few snow flakes but,

Its not just snow flakes, turned out to be so much of fun here.

Its not just snow flakes, turned out to be so much of fun here.

Its not just snow flakes, turned out to be so much of fun here.

Its heavy snow fall here, and its just been a day only.

Its heavy snow fall here, and its just been a day only.

Coming week would be so much fun for me as I love snow!!

Coming week would be so much fun for me as I love snow!!

I love to walk, play, eat and do loads of fun in the snow.

I love to walk, play, eat and do loads of fun in the snow.

I love to walk, play, eat and do loads of fun in the snow.

So, from now on I will try and share every fun I do in next coming week,

So, from now on I will try and share every fun I do in next coming week,

So, from now on I will try and share every fun I do in next coming week,

So, from now on I will try and share every fun I do in next coming week,

Let's see how it goes, I am really excited!!

This year its absolutely different, its been heavily snowing for 3 day continuously.

This year its absolutely different, its been heavily snowing for 3 day continuously.

Though it may look like but, I am not in a mountain pass,

Though it may look like but, I am not in a mountain pass,

It's just across the street from my house.

It's just across the street from my house.

There was a warning to shop grocery and stuff in advance as it was a prediction for a snow storm but,

There was a warning to shop grocery and stuff in advance as it was a prediction for a snow storm but,

I forgot some important stuff and here I am at my almost empty daily grocery store.

I forgot some important stuff and here I am at my almost empty daily grocery store.

I forgot some important stuff and here I am at my almost empty daily grocery store.

I forgot some important stuff and here I am at my almost empty daily grocery store.

Its 4th continues day of snow, I am out just to have fun.

Its 4th continues day of snow, I am out just to have fun.

I love to walk in snow fall.

I love to walk in snow fall.

I am loving it!!

I am loving it!!

I always imagined to be in a place where I can enjoy such beautiful snow fall

honestly, never realized that I would ever see so much of snow in Seattle, because

honestly, never realized that I would ever see so much of snow in Seattle, because

honestly, never realized that I would ever see so much of snow in Seattle, because

Seattle is popular for it's rain not snow but, this this is snowiest winters in 70 years.

Seattle is popular for it's rain not snow but, this this is snowiest winters in 70 years.

So, that's it. I hope you liked this video,

So, that's it. I hope you liked this video,

Personally, my week was full of fun and excitement.

If you liked this video, do give it a thumps up,

Subscribe to my channel &

press the bell icon to never miss an update from unscramble.

And yes

Happy Valentine's day!!

Until next video, See ya!

For more infomation >> Crazy week in Seattle | 70 years record broken | Snowy week - Duration: 3:00.


(ENG sub)GUESS THE 2018 MUSIC VIDEO BY THEIR OUTFIT - Duration: 15:45.

Hello my dear, This is GoToe

Today's KPOP game is

In 2018 released song,

guess KPOP song with their outfits

In someway, It looks incredible difficult

but I am so confident with that (death flag)

first, I am making KPOP reaction video steadily

when I filming my dance video, Clothes are one of my point

My first reference of that is

their MV clothes. Those are my 1st option

if that clothes are too difficult to wear

2nd option is their clothes at Music broadcasting like music bank , M countdown

3rd is their dance practice video on Yt

those are my steps for my dance video look

So in case of today's quiz

Even if I do not know the song exactly, I might know the approximate feeling

and all the songs are from 2018

I can reduce the choice of various songs

I think I can get a good result today depends on my feeling (death flag)

Explanation is over now

I explained why I would be good at this video for one minute.

I always talk about that when I do this game

I've never see this video before

Nobody give me sth if I do this well

I just wanna share this experience with you

(Don't you think KPOP game is so exciting?? I love it)

I know the answer with that shoes

that is power up

so ea------sy

When he dance, he is the most happiness person in the world

I think I can answer it all cuz those are from 2018

That's Jungkook clothes in FAKE LOVE

I think many people answer it

This clothes are so unique

I am confused with NCT but

they are Black & White concept

This is easy too


I think yes

This clothes and another color, two concept

I think I am doing well


Everyone know this

KAI clothes of TEMPO

I wear that clothes my RPD video in ULSAN

Point of this wear is difference of two socks , black and white

Just tell you



Because this song was released

2nd, JANUARY..?? nono someday in January

It was long time ago

1st excuse - Song was released long time ago

Where did that confidence come from?

I can't imagine anything

Maybe I didn't do reaction with that...?

I know this choreo

I really like this choreo

This is feels like...


A totally irrelevant answer

not easy....

I didn't do reaction with that too... I missed a lot I think

I missed many answer already

I can't feel anything

Some... fresh boygroup...?

It is really difficult quiz!!

Normally in case of them

My pace is so famous in this year's song

I am going crazy


Do you know your sins?

That is because

I am only focus on check-pattern before

I need to say sth from now

I need to know a little bit, but I do not feel it at all

wow.. this is from 2018....?

(I think he is confused with HEY MAMA)

I thought that song released few years ago

(He confused for sure)

That is from 2018.. wow

Time flies like an arrow

I need to answer it like this question

MAMAMOO...? ( He thought about their recent ceremony clothes)

Why was he bowing now?

why now?

They showed many solo artist songs

3rd excuse - I didn't listen solo artist song a lot

Oh that brand looks so familiar to me

What can I do with that brand....

I even didn't answer it anything

That is so hard......

(I am hard to with editing this - GoToe)

What is his excuse now?

Solo song of HYORIN


and THEOBYS too

they are really famous internationally

So I think some people in Korea are unfamiliar with them a bit I think

I need to answer it!!! but

what am I talking about now...

(You'd better to do streaming in this case!!)

I really like this song...

My favorite brand...

That BB T-shrits is 350 euro in Europe ( Suddenly?? )

It will be much cheaper when I get a tax-free

He just chat in front of camera for 5 minutes

I went to Balenciaga store at Europe few days ago

I can't buy that T-shirts bcz it was sold out

(Why am I talking about it?)

I need to answer this question but I just chat now


I don't know the answer!

I answered first 3~4 questions and did nothing after that

(I really can't think anything)

I really thought I can do it so well

(He plays GUESS the BRAND of Clothes game alone)

I feels WANNAONE with this wear

please give me 0.5 point with that

I remember this moment

I wear SEUNGWOO's clothes in my recent video

His airport fashion with coat

Can I bet at MAMAMOO one more time??

Actually those type of clothes are

If you saw this video before, You can answer it for sure

What does that mean????

I've never see that MV before...

I really know this song well..... I swear

That wear is sooooo familiar to me

Do you KNOW what is your sins?????

Unfortunately, My video about sneak into BTS MV video was

just after that scene so....

That's why I can't answer it

(That is my 4th excuse,,, sorry)

I see so many GUCCI in MV

I am always trying to buy same wear with them

The reason why I can't is,,, most of those are luxury

white,, and yellow

yellow socks...

I saw this MV so many times

cuz I love this choreo

I need to concentrate

I really know it

that is I LOVE YOU - EXID right?

I just film this choreo yesterday and I weared IRENE's cloth

I wanted to do with SEULGI's but I don't have that red pants

I know this well


I answered 5????

Did you answered more than I???

Yes, we did GUESS the songs

with their outfits , 2018 songs

I am so embarrassed now

I really thought I can do it well

Because when I saw the list of KPOP game

I always bring things that I can do best.

I bring this bcz I am so confident with it

It was not a picture of clothes, but a picture of a top and a bottom separated

I think it is much harder than I thought

(5th excuse)

Even I knew that MV so well

I said my first priority at my clothes is their MV

normally when I see MV

I can't see all of their clothes

I choose only the clothes that I think are the most special

I just knew that now

I really don't know about others

I just knew that fact

at YES OR YES question

because My image of that song is

check pattern with red and yellow

and other check pattern with yellow

that is typical clothes of that song to me

But I just realized

there are many other clothes in that MV

It is really shocked, I didn't imagine that I didn't know that

as I told it before

I filmed my video yesterday

and I did RBB of Red Velvet

So I watched their MV yesterday

Bcz my bias is Seulgi, so her clothes are my 1st option

In that MV, her clothes are

Red training pants and check-pattern jacket

I am trying to do that

but I don't have nice red training pants in my house

Mine are so old

So I changed with IRENE, with check-pattern pants and black shirts

You can see it my recent video

Even I saw both just yesterday

but I can't recognize SEULGI's clothes

It was so embarrassed me

I think I need to focus more on their clothes from now

next I thought

There are so many luxuries in their MV

I saw many items with their BIIIIIG LOGO

when I see their MV, especially boy group

I really think if that clothes are nice, I really want to buy it

So I ask some clothes with comments and TWITTER before to search it

All of you know the answer why I can't buy it

all of those are luxury

I can't afford it

It is a bit weird talk about it wearing GUCCI hoodie but....

(Can you skip this beautiful pinky hoodie??)

Anyway, I just trying to buy more same clothes with them

It is better to use it in my video, of course I can wear it in my daylife

Especially that GUCCI Cardigan of KANGDANIEL

Normally I don't wear Cardigan but

I think that is so nice

and Balenciaga BB logo T-shirts too

I will buy it If I have chance later

i don't know why the end of this video is like that

Personally I failed today's video...

I was wrong with many questions

Just leave a comment about your scores

I hope to compare it with you

I will leave mine too

Thank you for watching

and see you next time

For more infomation >> (ENG sub)GUESS THE 2018 MUSIC VIDEO BY THEIR OUTFIT - Duration: 15:45.


Lecture 16: 2nd Level Packaging: PCB- I - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Lecture 16: 2nd Level Packaging: PCB- I - Duration: 25:49.


Sophie Kinsella & Lucy Vine in conversation - Duration: 58:59.

For more infomation >> Sophie Kinsella & Lucy Vine in conversation - Duration: 58:59.


Semi crushes car on I-75 in Marion - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Semi crushes car on I-75 in Marion - Duration: 1:48.


Vezë ne Speca / Cooking Egg in Bell Pepper - Duration: 7:19.

Omelette in paprika

2 pieces of red pepper

1 onion

1 piece of garlic

4 pieces of eggs

A bit of salt

Some pepper

Something aromatic

250 ml of water

Cook for 30 minutes at medium level

Stir in between

For more infomation >> Vezë ne Speca / Cooking Egg in Bell Pepper - Duration: 7:19.


Episode 52: Can I raise an issue that I haven't seen? - Duration: 1:30.

Can you raise an issue about something you haven't seen? If that's something

you're wondering then check out today's 2-minute top tip. So yes, you can raise an

issue about something you haven't seen and particularly in leadership positions

there's often an expectation that actually you do tackle things that you'd

been made aware of. In order to effectively, my top tip is: make sure you've got the

evidence to back up what you're talking about. And that can simply be what people

are telling you. As a leader or manager in a school it's unrealistic that you

would see firsthand every issue or incident that happens and so people

reporting things to you and you raising it with the people or persons it

involves is perfectly acceptable. Of course if you're unsure then do consult

with your HR or legal teams just to make sure you're on strong footing. If you

give it a go then let me know how you get on and if you've got a question for

me then you can ask me at and if you're not already

getting these tips into your inbox every week then it pop along to and sign up so you don't miss out on a single one.

For more infomation >> Episode 52: Can I raise an issue that I haven't seen? - Duration: 1:30.


Jabeur: 'I know I'm talented, but talent without work is nothing' - Duration: 4:30.

Ahead of next week's Dubai Duty Free Championships, Tunisian trailblazer Ons Jabeur opens up about her unconventional journey from a country with little tennis history to a current career-high ranking in the Top 60

-A +AWTA StaffFebruary 15, 2019 DUBAI, UAE - When it comes to trailblazing in tennis, few have done it quite like Tunisia's Ons Jabeur, who has racked up milestone after milestone not only for her country but her region

 The 24-year-old became the first Arab player to win a junior Grand Slam title at Roland Garros in 2011, and then six years later at the same venue to reach the third round of a senior Grand Slam

Last year, Jabeur capped off a career-best season by becoming the first Arab WTA finalist in Moscow, where she beat Sloane Stephens and Anastasija Sevastova before falling to Daria Kasatkina - and she currently sits at a career-high ranking of World No

56, once again the best peak set by an Arab woman. View this post on Instagram  She's here and she wants to fight 🥊 Bring it on @selimasfar 🥊😁 #fun #boxingA post shared by Ons Jabeur (@onsjabeur) on Jan 30, 2019 at 3:58am PST  Ahead of her appearance at next week's Dubai Duty Free Championships, Jabeur opened up to Reem Abulleil of The National about what it's taken to get this far

 "I didn't have a good team behind me," she explained about the six years it took her to crack the Top 100 after her junior success

 "No one could tell me what to do because we come from a country where tennis is not really popular, so maybe I was missing someone who can tell me what to do, tell me where to go - and fortunately I was able to do that on my own

 "I was trying to see how players practice on tour, I was trying to be there with the professionals because it was something new for me and new for my country - it was kind of difficult

But I'm happy it came now, at least it came. For many players it didn't come at all and they gave up before reaching the ranking they want

" 2011 Roland Garros girls' champion Ons Jabeur with runner-up Monica Puig From a young age, Jabeur faced high expectations due to her precocious shotmaking skills - now evident on a regular basis for Tour audiences, such as the phenomenal pickup with which she won October 2018's Shot of the Month

But it took her a number of years to figure out the kind of set-up she wanted around her

 "I learned from also choosing my team, I'm not 16 or 17 anymore," she explained. "When I was 17 I had coaches who tried to control me, tried to do things that I didn't like and I couldn't say no

I was just working until I couldn't take it anymore and I would explode. I learned to say no and now I'm growing up and I think I can make my own decisions

"Please enable Javascript to watch this video To this end, her team now includes French coach Bertrand Perret and husband and fitness trainer Karim Kamoun

It's a truism in sports that talent without a work ethic won't get an athlete far, but Jabeur points out that the opposite also holds

"Many people were telling me how talented I am - I know I'm talented, but talent without work is nothing and talent with so much work is also nothing," she said

 "I was trying to have good balance and everyone tells you to work, work, work - but I'm not an animal, I need to rest also

I think sometimes I was working too hard and there was no results and I got annoyed and probably didn't win any matches, I wasn't enjoying maybe being on the court

" Now, though, everything is pointing in the right direction for Jabeur - who says that she dreamed of winning Roland Garros at the age of six, and even though "everybody laughed", she still has that goal in her sights

 "I know I have a huge opportunity to be one of the greatest players and I'm really working on it," she declared

Topics: dubai duty free tennis championshipsons jabeur

For more infomation >> Jabeur: 'I know I'm talented, but talent without work is nothing' - Duration: 4:30.


Brewster admits he considered QUITTING football after ankle injury - Duration: 3:22.

 Liverpool youngster Rhian Brewster has admitted he considered ending his fledgling career during the tough times of his rehabilitation process

 The 18-year-old striker hasn't played for over a year after suffering a long-term ankle injury, but Brewster is now back in training and with Jurgen Klopp's first team in Marbella this week

  Brewster had been earmarked by Klopp to play a part for the Reds this season, but the forward is still awaiting his first-team debut after working his way back to fitness after his damaging setback

    And while Brewster is taking big steps towards his eventual comeback out in Spain, it is expected that he will have to wait until next season before his time truly arrives at Anfield with Liverpool currently embroiled in their most serious title tilt for 29 years

 It's been a long way back for the talented teenager and Brewster revealed he thought about quitting football during some of his lower moments of the past 12 months

  He told "I think [rehab] taught me I am a strong person to have been through what I have been through in the last 13 months

 "It's been a bumpy ride, but for me to come out of the other end, I think has helped me a lot

   "There were so many points during the rehab where I thought I wanted to scrap football or I was feeling annoyed at the situation I was in, but to get through it and reach the other end, it's shown me I am a strong person and that I know what I want to do

"   Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain had a big hand in helping his less experienced team-mate back towards fitness, with the pair regularly taking part in gym sessions together at Melwood over the past 10 months

 And Brewster has talked up the role the former Arsenal star had in ensuring his focus stayed steady during the arduous rehabilitation process

 "He's been great," Brewtser explained. "To have an older player of his ability who has been around for a long time, to have him next to me and help me along the way has been amazing

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "I couldn't have asked for someone better to do my rehab with

"   Brewster is still awaiting his full debut under manager Klopp but he hasn't ruled out the prospect of a maiden bow before the end of the current campaign

 "The next target? To get back playing, a few U23s games and stuff, get my fitness back and hopefully, maybe, make my debut this year, if not next," he said

For more infomation >> Brewster admits he considered QUITTING football after ankle injury - Duration: 3:22.


Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.

Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> Hulk And Spiderman Combine Defeat Red Hulk, Thanos - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:29.


Nightcore - Please Me (Cardi B & Bruno Mars) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:03.

lyrics on the video

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Please Me (Cardi B & Bruno Mars) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:03.


♪ True Love Will Find You In The End | JVRJMNZ [Lyrics Video] - Duration: 1:53.

True love will find you in the end

You'll find out just who was your friend

Don't be sad, I know you will

But don't give up until

True love will find you in the end

This is a promise with a catch

Only if you're looking can it find you

'Cause true love is searching too

But how can it recognize you Unless you step out into the light

Don't be sad I know you will

Don't give up until

Don't give up until True love will find you in the end

For more infomation >> ♪ True Love Will Find You In The End | JVRJMNZ [Lyrics Video] - Duration: 1:53.


My Crazy Experiences In Japan - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> My Crazy Experiences In Japan - Duration: 7:30.



Hey guys Hash is here from hash vlog.So,today there is a interesting new from smartphone

world that samsung S10 Hands on and Teaser leaked ahead of launch.Samsung posted three

new teaser videos for the Galaxy S10 family,This confirm that its support 4K selfie camera,

reverse wireless charging .The hands on also shows that the smartphone have Ultrasonic

in-display fingerprint reader, like we have seen in oneplus.We can also see a screen protector

on the phone that includes two cutouts, one for the oblong hole in the top-right corner

where the selfie cameras are located, and a second hole where we expect the in-display

fingerprint scanner.

So lets come with the other features of this smartphone.The Samsung s10 is powered by snapdragon

855 processor.But its going to be a 5G supported processor.Its have a massive 3,300mAh battery

according to the report.There is a Samsung's Infinity-O display, an in-display fingerprint

scanner and a triple-camera.Samsung is all set to launch its Galaxy S10 family on February

20 in usa.

So guys,What you think about this phone.Do you really like this new features?If you have

any answer comment me down.I going to upload more video about this later.So make sure that

subscribe this channel and Amplify using Bell icon for notification.Share this to your friends

and family.Thank you watching and I am Ashkar from HASH VLOG.

For more infomation >> SAMSUNG GALAXY S10 OFFICIAL TEASER AND HANDS-ON LEAKED - Duration: 2:13.


Brewster admits he considered QUITTING football after ankle injury - Duration: 3:06.

 Liverpool youngster Rhian Brewster has admitted he considered ending his fledgling career during the tough times of his rehabilitation process

 The 18-year-old striker hasn't played for over a year after suffering a long-term ankle injury, but Brewster is now back in training and with Jurgen Klopp's first team in Marbella this week

  Brewster had been earmarked by Klopp to play a part for the Reds this season, but the forward is still awaiting his first-team debut after working his way back to fitness after his damaging setback

    And while Brewster is taking big steps towards his eventual comeback out in Spain, it is expected that he will have to wait until next season before his time truly arrives at Anfield with Liverpool currently embroiled in their most serious title tilt for 29 years

 It's been a long way back for the talented teenager and Brewster revealed he thought about quitting football during some of his lower moments of the past 12 months

  He told "I think [rehab] taught me I am a strong person to have been through what I have been through in the last 13 months

 "It's been a bumpy ride, but for me to come out of the other end, I think has helped me a lot

   "There were so many points during the rehab where I thought I wanted to scrap football or I was feeling annoyed at the situation I was in, but to get through it and reach the other end, it's shown me I am a strong person and that I know what I want to do

"   Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain had a big hand in helping his less experienced team-mate back towards fitness, with the pair regularly taking part in gym sessions together at Melwood over the past 10 months

 And Brewster has talked up the role the former Arsenal star had in ensuring his focus stayed steady during the arduous rehabilitation process

 "He's been great," Brewtser explained. "To have an older player of his ability who has been around for a long time, to have him next to me and help me along the way has been amazing

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "I couldn't have asked for someone better to do my rehab with

"   Brewster is still awaiting his full debut under manager Klopp but he hasn't ruled out the prospect of a maiden bow before the end of the current campaign

 "The next target? To get back playing, a few U23s games and stuff, get my fitness back and hopefully, maybe, make my debut this year, if not next," he said

For more infomation >> Brewster admits he considered QUITTING football after ankle injury - Duration: 3:06.


Is there any point to the M249? - Rainbow Six: Siege - Duration: 8:23.

What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and by popular demand, this episode of Rainbow Six Siege

Loadout META will focus on Capitao and I have to say to all of you requesting a comparison

of the PARA-308 and the M249: "Good Choice!"

According to the in-game stats, the two guns have exactly the same damage and fire rate;

the only difference is the capacity of each gun which makes it seem as if the two choices

are virtually identic al.

But of course we know by now that there are loads of other hidden stats to consider, so

let's get right to it!

At first glance, the stats seem kind of evenly split with a damage and capacity advantage

going to the M249 but the, let's say: "comfort of use" stat advantages going to the Para.

But the question is: "How much are those three extra points of damage at max range

for the M249 really worth?"

My answer is, probably not all that much.

The average kill distance in Siege has always been just under 10m and the damage drop-off

for both of Capitao's starts at 25m.

And at the end of the day, the 3 points of extra da mage only results in a max Damage

Per Second output advantage of 33 points; nothing to really right home about.

And speaking of not writing home, the fire average fire rate for machineguns in Siege

is 741.6 RPM while the average for Assault Rifles is 746.7 RPM, almost identical and

pretty much a full 100 rounds per minute (or 1.5 rounds per second) faster than either of Capitao's primary guns.

Both guns might hit reasonably hard with each shot but the slower fire rates are really

a significant disadvantage when spraying for those oh-so-rewarding headshots.

But for the sake of argument, let's look over the shots to down or kill and time to down or kill stats.

Up to 25m distance (i.e. almost all engagements you will ever have in Siege) there is no difference

in damage, so the shots to kill are the same and with the exact same fire rate, of course

the time to kill is also the same.

At max range after damage drop-off, the M249 needs one less bullet to down an opponent

in exactly half of our test permutations of different armour types and bullet strike locations.

This results in an improved time to kill of just over 92ms in these specific cases.

So sure, in theory the M249 does come away with a bit of an advantage at long ranges...

if you ever manage to find a map with sightlines that are that long.

Good luck!

Being a belt fed LMG, the M249 of course comes with a significant capacity advantage.

You can pre-fire for an awfully long time before needing to reload with this thing, glorious!

But if you ever need to reload the SAW during a gunfight…

May God, Buddha or the Flying Spaghetti Monster help you because the reload time is an eye

watering 7.6s for both full and tactical reloads.

The Para's reload times are much more palatable, with 3.3s being the exact average for all

Assault Rifle full reloads and 2.6s being only just slower than the 2.5s average.

But let's just go back to the reload of the M249 for a second before we move on because

as an open bolt weapon, we should really see a difference in full and tactical reload times.

See when you empty the gun completely the bolt should remain to the front and Capitao

should have to manually recock the gun but for a tactical reload, the bolt should still

be at the back, meaning that you can skip the recocking; giving you a slightly shorter reload time.

So why are the two times the same in Rainbow Six Siege?

Well, you see Capitao's M249 is not just any normal machinegun but instead it is one

of those rare firearms that has been blessed by Harry Potter himself because it will never run out of bullets.

As you can see, after firing off all 100 bullets the gun still has ammunition remaining!

Even when you go ahead and use up all of your reserves, the gun is still loaded…

But luckily for us, Capitao is a very sporting old chap and for the sake of game balancing,

he has entered into a verbal agreement with the rest of team Rainbow to not take advantage

of the magical properties of his M249 and instead, he just pretends to no longer be able to shoot.

Oh and even though he never runs out of ammo… he also recocks his gun during every reload cycle.

Just to create a fair and balanced environment.

Holy cow… sometimes I amaze myself at the amount of nonsense that goes through my head…

moving on!

When it comes to Aim Down Sight time, the Para-308 once again has a very firm advantage

and if you can take the added recoil, the 40% ADS time advantage of the angled grip

can widen the gap between the two guns even more.

270ms vs. 600ms is not even comparable and the fact is that you really need to be pre-aimed

with the M249 before going into any engagement if you want to stand any chance of coming away victorious.

When it comes to hip-fire spread, both guns are virtually identical in most situations.

Prone, kneeling and standing still will result in exactly the same spread for both guns.

It's not until you start jogging (that's basically moving forward w ithout holding the

walk or sprint buttons) that an advantage for the lighter Para-308 starts to emerge.

This advantage also transfers into the spread while firing in full auto, where the Para

ends up spraying its bullets in a cone that is about 25% smaller than that of the M249.

And last but not least, controllability.

Once you attach the vertical grip and muzzle brake for the Para, the recoil becomes very

manageable and the LMG is also extremely controllable since the general recoil buff to all LMGs

several seasons ago.

So I would say that the M249 is maybe just that little bit easier to control, especially

if you're running the angled grip to minimise your ADS time on the Para-308 but at the end

of the day, both guns are very manageable and you should not really have any issues

in handling their recoil.

Conclusion time!

The sad fact is that Capitao's guns just never quite measured up to the weapons available

to most of his colleagues.

In a one-hit-kill headshot game, high fire rate is king and both of the firearms we have

looked at today are quite a bit below average.

Nevertheless, if you are one of those masochist people I'm always reading about and you

decide to play Capitao anyway, then my recommendation would be to run the Para-308 for maximum effectiveness.

Having a much better aim down sight time, with the added ability of attaching the angled

grip pretty much seals the deal.

If you are not pre-aiming constantly with the M249, you will sooner or later lose gunfights

because you were not able to aim in quickly enough.

Everything is secondary… a little more damage, more bullets but slower reload… all of those

factors won't really play a massive role in any given match; ADS times is what kills

the effectiveness of the LMG class in Rainbow Six Siege, even after the recoil buff.

To be fair though, these disadvantages are not necessarily deal breakers.

You can adapt your playstyle to work around the slower ADS time and I guess the M249 is

still viable but why make your life harder than it needs to be.

Playing Capitao is already enough punishment as it is.

But that's just my opinion.

Let me know yours in the comments section below!

Do you ever use the M249?

Do you maybe even prefer it?

Or do you just stick to the simpler option of the Para-308?

I will look forward to hearing your thoughts and until then, thank you so much for watching.

I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next episode!

For more infomation >> Is there any point to the M249? - Rainbow Six: Siege - Duration: 8:23.


Queen Royal - Princess Diana and Fergie became 'firm friends' due to KEY struggle with Royal Family - Duration: 4:29.

 Sarah Ferguson faced a "very difficult" time in the months following her 1986 marriage to Prince Andrew and sought comfort in her close friendship to Princess Diana, explained Ms Arbiter

The royal expert said the Duchesses were thrust into the spotlight following their marriages to Prince Charles and Prince Andrew but the Royal Family had failed to offer the support needed for the pair

 Speaking on Nine News' The Windsors podcast, Ms Arbiter said: "It's all so quick and then Prince Andrew, he was still serving in the Royal Navy so he'd be gone for months at a time

 "And I think Fergie found that very difficult because when they were together they were a force to be reckoned with

 "They laughed all the time. They are very similar in terms of the things they enjoy

 "But when he was gone, she really felt his absence acutely and that's where the Royal Family has become much better in later life

 "They didn't really know how to rally around and offer someone the support they needed, which I think this is why Fergie and Diana became such firm friends very early on because they could identify with the struggles of marrying into the Royal Family

" The royal expert said both Fergie and Diana were like "two little naughty schoolgirls" when together

 She added: "I think it was at Royal Ascot that they were photographed prodding the men in front, prodding their bottoms with their umbrellas

Fergie and Diana were in fits of giggles. "That's what they used to do - they used to giggle a lot

 "And I think there was a lot of comfort at the sort of formal stayed family engagements that everyone was expected to roll out for because Diana had a wicked sense of humour, she was cheeky, she was naughty, she loved to laugh, and Fergie made her laugh and Fergie was equally naughty

 "She just wasn't quite as subtle about it as Diana was. "So they really enjoyed each other early on and they bonded over what is was like to marry into this very traditional formal Royal Family

" The comments come as royal expert Claudia Joseph said Meghan Markle's father Thomas Markle has been "alienated" by the Royal Family in the same way the families of Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson were

 Ms Joseph said Meghan's father should have been warned about the press in the upcoming days to the royal engagement The royal biographer said both Diana and Fergie would often complain their families were also alienated and not part of the "royal circle"

 Thomas Markle last week disclosed a handwritten letter to himself from the Duchess of Sussex where she pleaded for him in the months following her wedding to "stop lying" to the media

 The Mail on Sunday published the extracts from the letter, which Mr Markle said left him feeling "devastated"

 Part of the letter reads: "Your actions have broken my heart into a million pieces - not simply because you have manufactured such unnecessary and unwarranted pain, but by making the choice to not tell the truth as you are puppeteered in this

Something I will never understand." Hollywood actor George Clooney waded in on the row and lambasted the press for "chasing" Meghan Markle in the same way as Princess Diana

 Mr Clooney said the Duchess was getting "a raw deal" and suggested history was repeating itself over the media coverage of the two women

For more infomation >> Queen Royal - Princess Diana and Fergie became 'firm friends' due to KEY struggle with Royal Family - Duration: 4:29.


Gorgeous Luxury Custom Tiny House on Wheel For Sale only $35k - Duration: 3:48.

Gorgeous Luxury Custom Tiny House on Wheel For Sale only $35k

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Luxury Custom Tiny House on Wheel For Sale only $35k - Duration: 3:48.


Fine Tune Friday|| Convo & Questions - Duration: 6:31.

Hello Purposeful People and welcome back!

Happy Friday!

Oh my gosh!

It's been a fantastic week of conversation, of prayer, of just testimony and encouragement

of each other.

I Wow!

Just Wow!

Thank you all so much!

Ok, so I hope that you all are ready to celebrate the true love of Valentine's day which is

celebrating the fact that, you can get your candy for half off to 75% off now.

So celebrate, save your coins, give double.

We like chocolate.

Hello Purposeful Family and welcome back, if you are new here; hello my name is Torrie

and this is Oscar, who appears with me every so often in videos.


I am the founder of Our Given Purpose dot com, which is a faith-based Christian website.

On it, you can find Bible study, devotionals, free-ebooks, the links to the podcast, everything

that we are doing at Our Given Purpose is found on the website so I hope that you will

go and subscribe there so you will be notified of any changes.

Also if you are new to this YouTube channel, please click the subscription button and the

bell so you'll be notified each time there is a new upload.

We are undergoing some changes so I don't want to give a schedule but I know for a fact

we that we will be here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I believe the titles are going to be changing and maybe some other things as we grow and


So welcome and thank you all for tuning in.

This week has been really interesting because I have shared on numerous occasions that I

am going through the chronological Bible within the year.

so a lot of what I'm studying at the moment will be evident in the podcast as well as

on this channel and right now I am in the book or actually finishing the book of Exodus.

and coming after Job.

Uh, I know that there is a lot of I don't want to say controversy but there's some arguments

as to where the book of Job actually belongs as far as a time period but I was not allowing

that to dissuade me so I read Job after I finished Genesis.

So this week as far as Exodus was concerned we talked about giving and what do we actually

give when we are asked for something.

when your giving something and that's what you've been taught that where you know you

kind of stay because that's what you learned what we know and I am and it took a while

for me to actually start to really understand this as far as how I came to believe in a

Triune God that there is Father, Son, Holy Spirit and that only came because of reading

the Word of (God)for myself.

That is wasn't about religion as a whole but my ideology and how I looked at God through

Christ for my redemption and salvation.

So for this video for Fine Tune Friday I'm still in the midst of a few conversations

and they are really going well so I may share some of that on mindset Monday but for today

I guess some journal prompts for our weekend and just have us thinking about you know how

we view religion as a whole versus how we think of God.

Question number one.

Have I ever considered another religion?

Number two if I have considered another religion does that make me does that convict me less,

or more and what is my resolve or what has my resolve been within that? and number three

what do I believe the origin of religion is?

Now I have my own uh I guess as I've read through and I don't want to say I've dug really

deep into each little subsect of religion I have not done that I hope to because its

interesting to see how people come to know God and what they believe or who they believe

God is in light of how they were brought up how they were introduced to God and then where

they I guess place God within their lives.

how we do that is I think indicative of the way we live and how we treat each other and

what we believe our purpose in this life is.

Is there an eternity? is there something that we are working towards or is this life just


And I believe that that causes us to think deeper about God and I think that's something

that we should welcome.

we should welcome the questions, we should welcome the not always just the doubt but

just the we know that there is something more and we understand and when I say we I mean

I and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

that we believe that there is more to this life than just this life and that there is

something we are working towards as far as eternity is concerned and that the things

that we are doing now will be judged and will be determined where we actually end up in

our spirit selves. and that's what I believe.

I believe that there is more to life than just this life.

that there is more.

I do believe that.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, thank you all so much for joining me in the meantime

please check out Our Given Purpose dot com and subscribe.

Subscribe to this channel as well as follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest,

we are there throughout the week.


Oscar is just, being Oscar.

This is the life of a dog.right?...

Have a great weekend Purposeful People and I will see you all on Monday!


For more infomation >> Fine Tune Friday|| Convo & Questions - Duration: 6:31.


AȘA s-au pozat Marina și Daniel în urmă cu o seară! "Plușica", eliminată oficial din Casa Puterea Dr - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> AȘA s-au pozat Marina și Daniel în urmă cu o seară! "Plușica", eliminată oficial din Casa Puterea Dr - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> HADDAD VOLTA A SER ADVOGADO DE LULA - Duration: 1:08.


Reprogramação Mental: Depressão e Perdão | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 15:28.

For more infomation >> Reprogramação Mental: Depressão e Perdão | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 15:28.


Adela Vinczeová rok a půl po svatbě: První slova o rozvodu! Donutil ji k tomu... - Duration: 1:50.

 Více než rok a půl žijí ve spokojeném manželství. Až rapper Majk Spirit přinutil slovenskou moderátorku začít mluvit o rozvodu

Dvojice se setkala v zábavné  Chart Show, kterou Adéla moderuje a Majk během zpívání trochu poupravil text a vyznal Adéle lásku

   A tím ji pěkně zaskočil. „No, vy jste teď všichni strašně hustí, když už jsem vdaná, protože víš, že na to nebudu moct reagovat," opáčila na rappera, který ukázal na její snubní prsten

 „Ten nejde sundat a tím pádem je to celé vyřešené. Proto nevěřím těm tvým narážkám, protože už jsi si jistý, že bych se tebou nikam nešla," reagovala Vinczeová

A Majk se nenechal odradit. „Nic ale není na sto procent, víš," rýpnul si do ní.  Vinczeová chvilku stála jako opařená, než se rozmluvila

„Ale my jsme spolu ještě krátce. Tak mi to přijde hloupé se už rozvádět. Ale když mi ještě třikrát takto v nějakém pořadu zazpíváš, začnu o tom uvažovat, ale teď se mi to zdálo ještě málo," zakončila zkušená moderátorka debatu a Spiritovi už nedala šanci na další reakci


For more infomation >> Adela Vinczeová rok a půl po svatbě: První slova o rozvodu! Donutil ji k tomu... - Duration: 1:50.


Piotr Bolek o AI/ML przy Turbinach Powietrznych - Duration: 1:07.

Airfusion is a very cool topic

because it's connected with power engineering on one side

and with Artificial Intelligence on the other.

With power engineering indirectly, but still quite significantly

because it involves monitoring infrastucture

which produces electricity

in an ecological, modern and future-oriented way.

Airfusion, or the nature of the project

consists of monitoring the windmills

and analysing photos,

detecting faults before they manifest

or cause serious trouble,

supporting people with artificial intelligence,

which analyses photos taken by drones.

A very interesting and future-oriented topic.

I can probably be used in many different ways,

in monitoring varied infrastructure,

not only energy infrastructure, but for example roads, bridges.

For more infomation >> Piotr Bolek o AI/ML przy Turbinach Powietrznych - Duration: 1:07.


韓國旅遊篇!!想去明洞怎麼用韓語問(⊙o⊙)?!❤5-min.韓國 - Duration: 3:24.

Hello, I'm Min Ponie

I'm Korean

If you come to Seoul, South Korea

and want to go to the famous tourist attraction which is called


But I don't know how to go there

Can anyone help me?

If you remember this sentence, you can solve the problem

Let's learn with Ponie

Go go sing~

I want to go to Myeongdong

Myeongdong gago sipeoyo

The first word in this sentence is [Myeong-dong]


There is no pronunciation for [ㅕ] in Chinese

so when I am using Chinese to pronounce

it's very troubled

I had to take a phonetic pronunciation of similar words

That is [i + eueo]

Everyone just remembers to connect [i],[eueo] to pronounce it

(Look at the shape of mouth)

Ok, it' so

[ㅕ]this pronunciation is very common in Korean

with this opportunity today, I hope everyone can practice more

The Korean pronunciation of [Myeong]

has the pronunciation of [ㅕ]


The word [dong] in the back is very similar to the pronunciation of Korean

but the pronunciation is not as strong as Chinese

is [dong] instead of [ddong]

By the way, I should tell you

[ddong] in Korean has other meanings, that is


the pronunciation of [명동] is


gago sipeoyo

can be understood as [want to go]

Then connect the words together to complete the sentence

Want to go to Myeong-dong

myeongdong gago sipeoyo

Add a word like [hello] in front

annyeonghaseyo myeongdong gago sipeoyo

Of course [명동] this word can be replaced by other places

More exercises we will continue in the next video

3-min. Korean is over


For more infomation >> 韓國旅遊篇!!想去明洞怎麼用韓語問(⊙o⊙)?!❤5-min.韓國 - Duration: 3:24.


National emergency today? We'll wait and see - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> National emergency today? We'll wait and see - Duration: 0:55.


Como Recondicionar Um Alto Falante Cap - Consertos De Alto Falantes - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Como Recondicionar Um Alto Falante Cap - Consertos De Alto Falantes - Duration: 1:42.


Ksiądz.przegrał z Kościołem. Duchowny.opowiedział.szokujące fakty, został z niczym - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Ksiądz.przegrał z Kościołem. Duchowny.opowiedział.szokujące fakty, został z niczym - Duration: 5:53.


Thái bình quê lúa//Không khí tết/Sinh nhật Tôm Tít/Cỗ cúng đầu năm mới/Đại gia đình đoàn tụ - Duration: 19:52.

For more infomation >> Thái bình quê lúa//Không khí tết/Sinh nhật Tôm Tít/Cỗ cúng đầu năm mới/Đại gia đình đoàn tụ - Duration: 19:52.


ASMR咀嚼音 駄菓子を食べる。うまい棒 Japanese Cheap sweets EATINGSOUNDS - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> ASMR咀嚼音 駄菓子を食べる。うまい棒 Japanese Cheap sweets EATINGSOUNDS - Duration: 12:06.


丘みどり巨大折り鶴ステージで3年連続紅白出場宣言 - 音楽 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 1:17.

 演歌歌手丘みどり 34)が15日、都 で、新曲「紙の鶴」 歌唱イベントを行っ 。 金色の紙で作っ 巨大折り鶴をステー に設置して「金の鶴 乗って演歌界の金メ ルを目指します」と 言

"金メダル"とは紅 歌合戦へに3年連続 場を果たすことだ。 年8月公開の映画「 っ越し大名」で女優 ビューすることも決 っている。「いつか 場公演ができるよう 歌も芝居も頑張りま 」

昨年はテレビ出演が 39本、コンサート ど150本以上をこ した。今年はさらに イペースで仕事にま 進するという。

For more infomation >> 丘みどり巨大折り鶴ステージで3年連続紅白出場宣言 - 音楽 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 1:17.


SPY FINANZA/ L'attacco all'Italia per fermare l'asse Conte-Merkel - Duration: 12:38.

For more infomation >> SPY FINANZA/ L'attacco all'Italia per fermare l'asse Conte-Merkel - Duration: 12:38.


Khi chơi Dream league soccer 2019 cạnh team chơi Liên quân cùng lớp chửi team trong trận đấu =)) - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Khi chơi Dream league soccer 2019 cạnh team chơi Liên quân cùng lớp chửi team trong trận đấu =)) - Duration: 6:23.


Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.

Yes friends. Hello.

Today. In GSM Communication


Xiaomi Redmi

Note 3

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

screen will change.

As you see. The device came in 3 parts.

I think our client tried to change it.

Did not change. Even the back cover


3 pieces came to us. Flexi

That's how the flexi got it.

That's the back cover. The device is that way.

In total 3 pieces

friends who sent us.

Let's see. I hope it works.

Friends. About this


watching our videos

we do not recommend changing the screen.


you may experience such problems.

Friend with this white screw

magnet does not hold. This is wrong.

They're wrong. Normally he was here.

Normally, the camera doesn't damage the side of the camera.

To prevent this camera from damaging the focus

the screw that should stop

they're wearing this side.

It doesn't hold a magnet like you see.

The other black screws hold the magnet.

But this white screw does not hold the magnet.

His reason

is the screw that is attached to the camera.

Focus on time

magnet is for

inside the camera

to avoid damage

to avoid damage to the focus

Xiaomi wearing a screw in there.

There's no one here.

There's one screw missing here.

Probably our client tried to change his own.

This screw size is also different from friends.

At the bottom

length is different than others.

When we put it in the wrong place

It goes up to the screen. And it could break the screen we're wearing.

For him

Note the location where the screws are removed.


at the same time where the vibration motor is located.

Antenna. Yeah, network antenna.

This is NFC.

What we call NFC and wireless charger.

Yes friends. NFC and wireless charging

That's what we call it.

First of all when friends repair a device

We remove the battery socket.

We cut the current from the device so that it does not short-circuit.

Previously removed.

Yes, it was removed in advance. They don't have any bands down there.

The customer has already tried to remove his own.

Let's see if the battery has been damaged.

The battery blew this place up.

As you can see, friends. We say it all over our videos.

but still people

trying to change it.

Yeah. Microphone.

Microphone Part

and also charge


Charging socket and microphone part.

There are also network antennas available.

Yeah. The customer sent us this way.

He wants this side. Yeah. Yeah.


The arrow sign already indicates which socket is installed.

Call it now.

As you can see, the arrow says that this should be above.

Master battery is the location of that thing

Do not stick with fireproof tape.

Let's not take fireproof tape from there.

Let's have a test.

Yeah, finally, let's get the battery connector.

I hope after installing the battery connector works.

Because the battery is severely damaged.

Does it indicate charging?

Yeah. Then master this battery


the only one because of the damage to the battery

due to damage.

Hopefully the battery is one.

But the battery

I think you're done, Master.

I wonder if he's in that socket.

Let's keep the socket pressed. Let's have a look.

Don't master the battery in the case.

It hurt the battery.

Show me the battery.

Yes friends as you can see. This is how the screen changes.

Let's show, master.

And the back. This is how the screen changes.

After replacing the following parts

tighten the screws.

Screen change

This is how the screen changes.

This device is of course our customer

He tried to change his own screen.

trying to change the screen

damaged the battery of the device.

Damage to the battery.

Let's get that battery out and show it, master.

Let's get that battery out.

Yeah. He's got a lot of damage to the device's battery.

He blew the battery.

For that we have a battery

We'll ask. We'il tell our client.

We'il need a battery. According to that

We will try again. I hope it works.


We think it's from the battery.

For him

It's a good idea to warn again, friends.

People who are not experts in this subject

our videos or our different videos

especially in Xaiomi

especially on Xiaomi

We do not recommend screen replacements.


you may experience such problems.

Thanks for watching.

In this video, at least how the screen is changed

we tried to show.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Telefonumun ekranı kırıldı, kendim evde değiştirsem sorun yaşar mıyım ? - Duration: 11:35.


Serghei Mizil, atac fără precedent la adresa bărbatului care a lăsat zeci de câini să moară! "Asemen - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Serghei Mizil, atac fără precedent la adresa bărbatului care a lăsat zeci de câini să moară! "Asemen - Duration: 4:05.


Post.Barbary Kurdej-Szatan bije.dzisiaj.rekordy. I nie bez powodu - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Post.Barbary Kurdej-Szatan bije.dzisiaj.rekordy. I nie bez powodu - Duration: 5:16.


✅ Como são feitas as Leis Ordinárias - MAPA MENTAL Passo a Passo - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> ✅ Como são feitas as Leis Ordinárias - MAPA MENTAL Passo a Passo - Duration: 5:10.


Dünyayı Onlar Yönetiyor! En Zengin Gizemli Aileler Karanlık Güçler Yeni Dünya Düzeni - Duration: 19:46.

For more infomation >> Dünyayı Onlar Yönetiyor! En Zengin Gizemli Aileler Karanlık Güçler Yeni Dünya Düzeni - Duration: 19:46.



subtitles in English more or less translated by google translator and I hope that is fine.

Hi guys and girls, I hope you are very well

today we come with another video, of so many and so many that I have to do

well we start in this video reaction and we go to the country of vietnam

vietnam, I think if I think so

So we're going to react, I do not know what it is, I do not know if it's a Dj or something

same is a request that they leave me and with pleasure I do it

so, let's go lets go

so let's start


As I said I think it's from Vietnam

or it will be from Russia, I do not believe. I think it's from Vietnam

I apologize for the name, but I do not know how to pronounce it

that's how

touliver or not or something like that

good for what I see it's like an electronic disk

of the trans or something like that

it's music for clubs

it's very good that tone my taste

I was surprised

the tone is very good

to be in the disco

if it's like a DJ

and it's like an event or something

here they are like in the creation of the album or the experiences of when that mixture started or something like that,

yes, they are in the studio, making the disk

as it is said or not, a few letters appear

that applaud

They are there

those tones and those tone changes sound very good

Yes, that's like a concert where they are there

where are they playing, well where is the DJ playing

are the car

Well, there was the video, there was the video

and this mixture does not sound so bad

I do not know if it will be very recognized if yes or no

is very good all those changes of the tones

and shows how the experiences that this DJ of this Vietnam has had, or that I think it is of beech.

if I'm not mistaken

but very, very good the electronics

And well, I believe that until here the video

and I hope you liked it, that you liked it

and as I always tell you, as I always tell you

subscribe to my channel, if you liked

And when you sign up, there are side by side there is a Tinker Bell, you press there, to notify you when I upload a video or e-mail or I don't know where notifies you.

same as below in the registration box, I leave social networks, web page, is another form of search that you have.

as well as down here you can leave me your comments, they are good or bad, requests, suggestions. I will gladly answer or give you heart

the sun, the sun how am I recording with the light of day

as well, good or bad, but rather, good, good

and share the videos so that many more people know these artists that you request or that I sometimes do

So, see you in the next video. Take care of all, boys and girls ... and with the sunlight. goodbye.

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