Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 20 2019

Pls SUB Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

Pls SUB Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

For more infomation >> 2019 Mazda3 vs. Honda Civic: Which is better? |Exterior|Interior|Performance| Comparison - Duration: 26:09.



For more infomation >> ОЦЕНИВАЮ КАНАЛЫ ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ И ТАК ДАЛЕЕ - Duration: 9:20:15.


2 Minute Storage Tip - How to Easily & Compactly Store Your Blending Foams and Distress Ink Pads - Duration: 5:48.

hi everyone welcome to Hedgehog Hollow today I have a 2 minute tip for you and

today is a viewer requested one as well so somebody asked me about blending foam

so somebody noticed that I store my blending phones on the bottom of my

distress paths and they asked how do you do that what's the easiest way so I'm

currently transitioning from the range of blending foams to the new Nouveau

ones and I recently did an event at Legacy paper arts over in Columbus and

lots of you got to try these and the reason I've transitioned well first of

all you know I love tonic but the reason is this new tool allows you to kind of

hold on top of that tool so when your ink blending I feel like I have more

control and all of a sudden I suddenly get way better results because I'm not

holding it like this I can hold you at that angle and I get a much softer edge

so that's a reason of transition for me there also a breath better price point

as once you get three of these handles in a pack and my refills you get twenty

in a pack as well they're much cheaper plus of course you get your Hedgehog

holo coupon code every single month that you can use against them too and also

you'll see there look my foam doesn't lift up or my velcro should say doesn't

lift up off the edge it's really well stuck down I've been using this one for

a long time I've had though a while I've been product testing them and I've never

had one that lifts up like this either anyway back to the storage tip so how do

I get mine to stick on here really nicely well I bought a box of velcro

sticky dots and this is what I use so I don't use the furry side I just used the

coarse side I'm sure they I know there's a male/female side I can never remember

which is which but I just used that there's self-adhesive dots and I stick

it on the back of my distress pad like this and that sticks my dock down and

then they sit in my drawer like this now the only downside for me is they don't

then stack but if you use something like the stamp and storage storage or I use

the Alec straws which works perfectly for me and I'll show you in a second

what my drawers look like this works really really well because these just

sit straight in my drawer works perfectly and then when I want to

use it I just peel that off the bottom I pop it on the top and off I go again and

I do have a separate phone for my oxides and my distress inks because the inks

have a different property Ranger do not recommend blending the two inks on the

same door where they say to have a separate ones now you could have a door

blur for each color family so you could have a Browns of pink purples etc etc

you don't necessarily have to have one for each one you can wash them out in

between as well I don't have enough room to have a handle at this point for each

color either so this works really well for me I maybe have about ten handles

and then I just take the foams on and off and that's a really great way for me

to save space now let me quickly show you what my drawer looks like because a

couple of you asked me that as well so this is how I store all of my ink pads

and they're stored in the wide Alex drawers from Ikea and at the back of

these drawers I have some wooden pieces that we just cut to size in the back

which means I can get four rows of distress inks in here and they fit

perfectly across you'll see they're nice and snug in here and I have them stored

in the rainbow order from Ranger I'll put a link in the video description to

the download that gives you the rainbow order and I have let's have a look we

have one two three four drawers full of distress inks here so these go from the

Reds into the oranges and I have distress ink on the top and then

distress oxide on the bottom and underneath each pad I got Maddie to make

me some labels so this one under here says abandoned coral and under the top

abandoned curl there's also another label so I know exactly where they go

back I don't have to worry about knowing and then as I showed you underneath I

have my door burs stored underneath so all of my drawers are laid out like this

with my oxide they have hero arts in another drawer scrapbook com in another

drawer and that's how all my inks are store them in an upcoming studio tour we

have coming or see how all of my inks are stored but somebody asked us if it

could be out distress inks this is how I have them stored and it's really nice

because I can fit eight distress inks perfectly across really nice and snug

they don't move and these drawers are the perfect height for them as well you

can also double and even triple stack women if you

- - but for me I like it laid out just like this so I hope that answers your

question on my storage of my distress oxides and my doors if you have any

questions about how I do things in the craft room any tips tricks any of those

things just leave us a comment we always try to add them to our video list and we

get to them and you can leave those in the comments below don't forget to hit

that subscribe button and also ring the bell to get notifications of our future

videos as well everything I use if you want the exact same things are in that

links below plus all of those exclusive coupon codes for hedgehog Hollow plus

you can sign up to our exclusive a Friday newsletter full of steals deals

and exclusive hedgehog Hollow coupon codes we just send out one every single

Friday so you can sign up to that at the Hedgehog hollow dot-com and ok to give

us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this two-minute tip I'll see you again soon

happy something bye


For more infomation >> 2 Minute Storage Tip - How to Easily & Compactly Store Your Blending Foams and Distress Ink Pads - Duration: 5:48.


Geraldine Bazán reveló las razones de su divorcio | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Geraldine Bazán reveló las razones de su divorcio | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:52.


✅ A Câmara dos Deputados derrubou o decreto sobre sigilo de documentos e impôs ao governo de Bolsona - Duration: 3:09.

 A Câmara dos Deputados impôs nessa terça-feira a primeira derrota ao governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro no plenário da Casa, ao derrubar o decreto que alterou as regras da LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação)

Aprovado em votação simbólica, texto seguirá para análise do Senado.  Se entrar em vigor, o projeto tornará sem efeito o decreto assinado no dia 24 de janeiro pelo vice-presidente, Hamilton Mourão, e que alterou as regras de aplicação da LAI e permitiu que ocupantes de cargos comissionados da gestão, em muitos casos sem vínculo permanente com a administração pública, possam classificar dados do governo federal como informações "secretas" e "ultrassecretas"

 Isolado, o PSL foi o único a orientar os seus deputados a votarem contra a urgência do projeto de decreto legislativo

Nessa votação, foram 367 a favor do projeto e apenas 57 contra.  Parlamentares ouvidos pela imprensa afirmaram que esse foi o primeiro dos recados que a Casa pretende mandar ao Palácio do Planalto

Eles reclamam de falta de interlocução com o governo, e líderes ficaram irritados por não terem sido chamados para reunião sobre Previdência antes que a proposta venha para o Congresso Nacional, o que está previsto para esta quarta-feira

 Segundo deputados, o assunto foi introduzido na reunião de líderes durante a manhã

Um dos insatisfeitos com a atuação do governo federal, o alagoano Arthur Lira, líder do PP, trouxe o assunto à pauta

 Já o líder do governo, Major Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), manifestou-se contra a inclusão do PDL na pauta, mas foi vencido

Para evitar uma sinalização de derrota, ele liberou a votação da base durante a orientação que é feita em plenário

 O parlamentar negou que o episódio tenha sido uma derrota: "O Parlamento tem a possibilidade controlar os atos do Poder Executivo, isso é uma prerrogativa constitucional"

 No entanto, parlamentares do centrão afirmam que o recado é enviado também a ele, e que há uma movimentação no grupo que inclui partidos como DEM, PP, PR e PRB para que ele seja substituído

 Pelo texto anterior da lei, a classificação que impõe sigilo de 25 anos a informações só poderia ser feita por presidente, vice-presidente, ministros de Estado, comandantes das Forças Armadas e chefes de missões diplomáticas ou consulares permanentes no exterior

Com isso, 251 pessoas estavam autorizadas a fazerem a classificação.  No decreto da gestão Bolsonaro, publicado com Mourão na Presidência interinamente, o número passou para 449, ao serem incluídos os assessores comissionados do Grupo-DAS de nível 101

6 ou superior, entre os mais elevados do Executivo, a fazê-lo.  Motivos para o sigilo  – Risco à vida, à segurança ou à saúde da população;  – Risco a projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento científico ou tecnológico, assim como a sistemas, bens, instalações ou áreas de interesse estratégico;  – Risco à segurança de instituições ou de altas autoridades nacionais ou estrangeiras e seus familiares

 Situações ultra-secretas (governo federal)  – Relatórios das Forças Armadas;  – Comunicados produzidos pelas embaixadas no exterior;  – Análises do Ministério das Relações Exteriores;  – Dados sobre a comercialização de material bélico

Bolsonarocongressogoverno federallegislativolei de acesso à informaçãoprimeira derrota

For more infomation >> ✅ A Câmara dos Deputados derrubou o decreto sobre sigilo de documentos e impôs ao governo de Bolsona - Duration: 3:09.


La peligrosa cultura de la narcoestética | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> La peligrosa cultura de la narcoestética | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:53.


Dos perros salvaron a dos niños de morir en la vía | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Dos perros salvaron a dos niños de morir en la vía | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Jacqueline Bracamontes y su secreto para lucir esbelta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Jacqueline Bracamontes y su secreto para lucir esbelta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:33.


Niño en silla de ruedas saltó en trampolín | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Niño en silla de ruedas saltó en trampolín | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:29.


El momento en que un halcón quiso llevarse un perrito | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> El momento en que un halcón quiso llevarse un perrito | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.


La furia de dos choferes que estalló en la calle | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> La furia de dos choferes que estalló en la calle | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.


Paola Villalobos habla de la agresión que recibió | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Paola Villalobos habla de la agresión que recibió | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.




For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful LUXURY TINY HOME QUALITY CONSTRUCTION & MANY UPGRADES - Duration: 4:36.


Implementan ley contra discriminación por el peinado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Implementan ley contra discriminación por el peinado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:46.


No estoy invitada al Venezuela AID Live, Olga Tañón | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> No estoy invitada al Venezuela AID Live, Olga Tañón | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.


Chyno estará en el concierto Venezuela AID Live | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Chyno estará en el concierto Venezuela AID Live | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:48.


Rescatan a un hombre atrapado en un parque nacional | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Rescatan a un hombre atrapado en un parque nacional | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.


2700 disfrazados de pitufos rompieron récord en Alemania | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 2700 disfrazados de pitufos rompieron récord en Alemania | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


CoZ2: Continuing Attacks on Zombie Tide #CoZ2 #ClashOfZombies2 - Duration: 8:15.

Hello youtube friends, welcome to the channel Johny Bala Games,

Good crowd, let's continue the attacks here. no Tide Zombies beauty,

Good guys, I ask you first. to leave your liked in the video,

and if you are not subscribed here on the channel inscribe beauty,

Let's try to do it, I'll try to do it here. now, up to level 20,

or to the level that I can not, Let's now start,

speed up the game here, but now, prioritize more for the ability of the Magneto,

for here it is quiet, wing, only the Magneto that attacks even because the

game recognizes that it is tropa aeré ne, so if you leave it on automatic and do not

for the other heroes to attack, he will use only the skill of the hero who

der né, focus here now and reach level 20,

Then I'll do another video showing final,

I'm doing this because I'm recording videos many long ne,

is ... discourages a little watching, right? I do not know, record half a hour of video,

I think it discourages a little watch, so that's why I prefer to make video

small, up to 15 minutes maximum,

is already beginning to increase the can not see that it's getting

a little more difficult, will arrive the moment that I will start to

losing heroes, will be inevitable right, Good, I spent here pretty in this,

good of this layout that I'm using to make the attacks here,

and that when loose here right in the middle here in the, in any corner, they can see that they are going

be obliged and separate, oh my defenses that are in the middle there,

will give enough damage, I lost, lost,

or almost, I almost lost the hero there,

I managed to pass yet, we're at 18 right now, right?

or 19, I did not look well,

vish, this level here is too difficult, mano will not give no, ah ...

this level here, I'll talk to you saw, these beasts there,

knot, it's too much trouble, I'll try to do it without accelerating here using

only the ability of Magneto eim, Even so, it will not, the Magneto will not

is killing her with only 1 attack yet, my chance and come all from the same side,

our, look at the damage alone, still missing

missing how many?

3, Ours will not give no,

Our hand, everything came in the same place, I think which gives eim,

I'm going to speed up here, Knot, I got through,

good luck, let's jump to the next level,

this one is one of the levels that I think more boring when this much comes from that first

beast there, I forget her name

more knot, she wrecks cool with that whirlwind of

sand, This one is more peaceful, I lost 2 heroes

there is more soft, Look, oh, I got here at 20 o'clock,

so I'll record another video later the attacks to see how far I can get,

here is showing that I am in the 258, I think maybe I'm over

It's because it takes a while to update here the rank,

but we'll see there in the next video, do not forget to watch

here on channel eim, good guys

we came to the end of another video here at channel,

I ask you to leave yours I liked at video,

I'll leave it there, too. in the comments your rank you got

oh to let us know beauty, if you are not subscribed here on the channel,

sign up to accompany the next videos here,

and thank you all stay with God until the next video and


For more infomation >> CoZ2: Continuing Attacks on Zombie Tide #CoZ2 #ClashOfZombies2 - Duration: 8:15.


Tips de Embarazo Primerizo | Escenciales de Embarazo - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Tips de Embarazo Primerizo | Escenciales de Embarazo - Duration: 11:21.


✅ Bolsonaro já "esclareceu" caso Bebianno, diz porta-voz perguntado de áudios - Duration: 2:16.

 O porta-voz da Presidência da República, general Otávio do Rêgo Barros, não comentou hoje o vazamento de áudios que desmentem a versão do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) sobre uma conversa com o ex-ministro Gustavo Bebianno (PSL), que foi demitido ontem da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência

 Apesar de insistentemente questionado sobre o assunto por jornalistas hoje, quando deu à imprensa um boletim sobre ações do governo, Rêgo Barros limitou-se a ler, por ao menos três vezes, uma nota segundo a qual Bolsonaro "considera que as informações foram devidamente esclarecidas no dia de ontem, por meio da divulgação de uma nota e um vídeo distribuído aos órgãos de imprensa"

Os questionamentos dos jornalistas foram sobre os áudios revelados, e não sobre a demissão do ex-ministro

Veja também Após demissão, Bolsonaro agradece Bebianno e cita "questões mal entendidas" Substituto de Bebianno liderou socorro em terremoto e "barrou" EUA no Haiti Câmara derruba decreto sobre sigilo e impõe derrota ao governo Bolsonaro "No mundo real, não existe nenhuma crise no governo", diz Moro  A nota e o vídeo citados pelo porta-voz foram divulgados ontem, antes de virem a público hoje os áudios que mostram que Bebianno de fato conversou com Bolsonaro na semana passada, ao contrário da versão antes divulgada pelo presidente e por seu filho, o vereador carioca Carlos Bolsonaro (PSC)

Bolsonaro agradece Bebianno e cita "questões mal-entendidas" UOL Notícias  Carlos chegou a publicar no Twitter um áudio chamando Bebianno de mentiroso e dizendo que o pai e o então ministro não tinham conversado

Bolsonaro replicou a publicação, alimentando a crise que culminou com a saída de seu subordinado

 Bebianno foi demitido do cargo de ministro da Secretaria-Geral da República ontem no fim da tarde

Pouco depois, o governo divulgou um vídeo em que Bolsonaro agradecia o ex-ministro pelo trabalho realizado e disse que "diferentes pontos de vista sobre questões relevantes trouxeram a necessidade de uma reavaliação"

 Os áudios vazados hoje, revelados pela revista "Veja", mostram divergências entre Bolsonaro e Bebianno sobre a visita de um representante do Grupo Globo ao Palácio do Planalto, e depois sobre a divulgação da versão de que ambos não teriam conversado

Bebianno fala sobre ser chamado de mentiroso e Bolsonaro defende Carlos UOL Notícias

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro já "esclareceu" caso Bebianno, diz porta-voz perguntado de áudios - Duration: 2:16.


シビックタイプR の2.0ターボを560馬力に強化、ヴァンダルがサーキット専用車『ワン』発表 - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> シビックタイプR の2.0ターボを560馬力に強化、ヴァンダルがサーキット専用車『ワン』発表 - Duration: 2:45.


吴秀波崩溃了? 双方的家人分崩离析,最糟糕的事情发生了! - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波崩溃了? 双方的家人分崩离析,最糟糕的事情发生了! - Duration: 10:54.


Lawmaker proposes adding two lanes with no speed limit on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Lawmaker proposes adding two lanes with no speed limit on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 1:18.


2019 Mazda3 vs. Honda Civic: Which is better? |Exterior|Interior|Performance| Comparison - Duration: 26:09.

Pls SUB Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

Pls SUB Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

For more infomation >> 2019 Mazda3 vs. Honda Civic: Which is better? |Exterior|Interior|Performance| Comparison - Duration: 26:09.



For more infomation >> ОЦЕНИВАЮ КАНАЛЫ ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ И ТАК ДАЛЕЕ - Duration: 9:20:15.


Liverpool sent WARNING by Man Utd legend Paul Scholes: 'We don't want them to do that' - Duration: 2:37.

 The Reds are fighting Manchester City for the title and face their arch-rivals at Old Trafford

 And Scholes still thinks United taking on Liverpool is a bigger rivalry than the Red Devils taking on City

 The Oldham manager has warned Liverpool that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's United will do everything they can to stop them matching the record of Premier League titles held outright by the Red Devils

 He told Sky Sports: "Of course I will be watching on Sunday, definitely. It's the big one really

 "It certainly was when I was playing. Obviously City have done better over these last few years but United vs Liverpool is a big, big game

 "Liverpool are going well and so are Manchester United. I think it's the biggest rivalry in English football

 "We know if City keep going the way they are it may overtake it a little bit. "You'd expect two Manchester teams to be the biggest rivalry but I don't think it is

 "I still think it's Liverpool for Man Utd, especially with Liverpool trying to match United's record of winning the league

 "We don't want them to do that." Liverpool currently sit second in the Premier League

 They are level on points with City but do have a game in hand over Pep Guardiola's side

 That match is against United as their title rivals play in the Carabao Cup final against Chelsea

 Liverpool could be top of the Premier League table by then if they can secure a point at Old Trafford from 2

05pm. But it will be a tough task to beat Solskjaer's United. Since the Norwegian replaced Jose Mourinho he has lost just one match - the clash against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League

For more infomation >> Liverpool sent WARNING by Man Utd legend Paul Scholes: 'We don't want them to do that' - Duration: 2:37.


Preview: Chaos Tends To Follow Me | Season 3 Ep. 15 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Preview: Chaos Tends To Follow Me | Season 3 Ep. 15 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:36.


Ari Melber Presses President Donald Trump Ally On Ominous Mueller Claim | The Beat With Ari Melber - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Ari Melber Presses President Donald Trump Ally On Ominous Mueller Claim | The Beat With Ari Melber - Duration: 12:10.


2 Minute Storage Tip - How to Easily & Compactly Store Your Blending Foams and Distress Ink Pads - Duration: 5:48.

hi everyone welcome to Hedgehog Hollow today I have a 2 minute tip for you and

today is a viewer requested one as well so somebody asked me about blending foam

so somebody noticed that I store my blending phones on the bottom of my

distress paths and they asked how do you do that what's the easiest way so I'm

currently transitioning from the range of blending foams to the new Nouveau

ones and I recently did an event at Legacy paper arts over in Columbus and

lots of you got to try these and the reason I've transitioned well first of

all you know I love tonic but the reason is this new tool allows you to kind of

hold on top of that tool so when your ink blending I feel like I have more

control and all of a sudden I suddenly get way better results because I'm not

holding it like this I can hold you at that angle and I get a much softer edge

so that's a reason of transition for me there also a breath better price point

as once you get three of these handles in a pack and my refills you get twenty

in a pack as well they're much cheaper plus of course you get your Hedgehog

holo coupon code every single month that you can use against them too and also

you'll see there look my foam doesn't lift up or my velcro should say doesn't

lift up off the edge it's really well stuck down I've been using this one for

a long time I've had though a while I've been product testing them and I've never

had one that lifts up like this either anyway back to the storage tip so how do

I get mine to stick on here really nicely well I bought a box of velcro

sticky dots and this is what I use so I don't use the furry side I just used the

coarse side I'm sure they I know there's a male/female side I can never remember

which is which but I just used that there's self-adhesive dots and I stick

it on the back of my distress pad like this and that sticks my dock down and

then they sit in my drawer like this now the only downside for me is they don't

then stack but if you use something like the stamp and storage storage or I use

the Alec straws which works perfectly for me and I'll show you in a second

what my drawers look like this works really really well because these just

sit straight in my drawer works perfectly and then when I want to

use it I just peel that off the bottom I pop it on the top and off I go again and

I do have a separate phone for my oxides and my distress inks because the inks

have a different property Ranger do not recommend blending the two inks on the

same door where they say to have a separate ones now you could have a door

blur for each color family so you could have a Browns of pink purples etc etc

you don't necessarily have to have one for each one you can wash them out in

between as well I don't have enough room to have a handle at this point for each

color either so this works really well for me I maybe have about ten handles

and then I just take the foams on and off and that's a really great way for me

to save space now let me quickly show you what my drawer looks like because a

couple of you asked me that as well so this is how I store all of my ink pads

and they're stored in the wide Alex drawers from Ikea and at the back of

these drawers I have some wooden pieces that we just cut to size in the back

which means I can get four rows of distress inks in here and they fit

perfectly across you'll see they're nice and snug in here and I have them stored

in the rainbow order from Ranger I'll put a link in the video description to

the download that gives you the rainbow order and I have let's have a look we

have one two three four drawers full of distress inks here so these go from the

Reds into the oranges and I have distress ink on the top and then

distress oxide on the bottom and underneath each pad I got Maddie to make

me some labels so this one under here says abandoned coral and under the top

abandoned curl there's also another label so I know exactly where they go

back I don't have to worry about knowing and then as I showed you underneath I

have my door burs stored underneath so all of my drawers are laid out like this

with my oxide they have hero arts in another drawer scrapbook com in another

drawer and that's how all my inks are store them in an upcoming studio tour we

have coming or see how all of my inks are stored but somebody asked us if it

could be out distress inks this is how I have them stored and it's really nice

because I can fit eight distress inks perfectly across really nice and snug

they don't move and these drawers are the perfect height for them as well you

can also double and even triple stack women if you

- - but for me I like it laid out just like this so I hope that answers your

question on my storage of my distress oxides and my doors if you have any

questions about how I do things in the craft room any tips tricks any of those

things just leave us a comment we always try to add them to our video list and we

get to them and you can leave those in the comments below don't forget to hit

that subscribe button and also ring the bell to get notifications of our future

videos as well everything I use if you want the exact same things are in that

links below plus all of those exclusive coupon codes for hedgehog Hollow plus

you can sign up to our exclusive a Friday newsletter full of steals deals

and exclusive hedgehog Hollow coupon codes we just send out one every single

Friday so you can sign up to that at the Hedgehog hollow dot-com and ok to give

us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this two-minute tip I'll see you again soon

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Um, I actually made plans with that girl that I met the other night.

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Is that okay?


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These L.K. Bennett Booties Are on Serious Sale for Under $150! - Live News 247 - Duration: 4:49.

 Whether little black booties, over-the-knee, or even thigh-high boots, we love to love them! Boots are by far the easiest and most versatile option when paired with any of our outfits Need an added element of edge? Add a thigh-high boot! Hoping to strut in style? Add a little black bootie! There is simply no scenario where adding a boot to any outfit is wrong  Another trend we'll never give the boot to? A great pair of velvet ankle booties! We found a showstopping, stylish pair on sale at one of  favorite brands, , for nearly $350 off the original price A deal that good demands our attention — and space in our closets, too!    When it comes to velvet, there is just something oh-so-luxe about it In reality, it's why we reserve this luxurious material strictly for holidays and special occasions This luxurious material is just that — special But this material, once-reserved for special occasions only, can be an everyday option, too! While the little black bootie reigns supreme in almost every closet (including ours!), it was only a matter of time before the equally stylish little velvet bootie gave them a run for their money  The Ayla Bronze Velvet Ankle Bootie is the ideal shoe for boot lovers looking to exude that once-reserved holiday elegance and work into their everyday lives Designed with a slim silhouette, this bronze bootie is nothing short of sleek! The slender block heel is constructed with an almond-toe style that we truly just adore!  The coming-and-going of seasons is often a tricky time when looking for appropriate style options Winter seasons often call for a darker tone, while spring is all about fun and fresh florals! The in-between can be much more tricky Naturally, we're here to help navigate through this otherwise uncomfortably awkward time Surely, there is no better way to transition from winter to spring than in these ultra-flattering bronze metallic booties! It's safe to say shoppers can intend on eliminating all of that fashion limbo  The metallic bronze shade featured is not only perfectly on trend with all of those dark and mood winter hues, but is fun and fresh! The bronze shade closely resembles a darker dandelion tone, which is obviously on trend when opting for springtime shades    These stylish stunners will make navigating the tail end of winter a little easier! We'd start with a fabulous pair of leather leggings and add an oversized cable-knit black sweater for a luxurious, layered look! The secret to executing the most stylish of outfits? Planning ahead! Instead of being blindsided by Mother Nature, add a classic black tote with enough room to carry extra layers We can even prepare for the most unpredictable of storms by carrying a down-parka inside the tote! Talk about being smart and stylish!  Of course, we can't forget to mention the most transitional day-to-night look It goes without saying that these stunners will pair perfectly with this blushing sweater dress that will keep all boot lovers pretty in pink  Just because the weather is changing, our style doesn't have to Go ahead and transition from winter to spring and slip into the most perfect slip dress Sure, there will still be a chill in the air, so what better way to warm up our look than with these heartwarming ankle booties! Add a knee-length duster for an added layer of goodness!  Not only have these ultra-luxe captured our hearts and closets, but it seems to be the same for A-list celebrities as well Drawing a liking from major fashion players such as  to and , it's no wonder why the velvet trend is in fact, everywhere  With star-studded talent leading the pack in these stylish staples, surely there is no better time than the present to jump on this velvet bandwagon with these stylish stunners      Check out more of our picks and deals here!  This post is brought to you by Us Weekly's Shop With Us The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post  The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team We welcome your feedback at ShopWithUs@ Happy shopping!

For more infomation >> These L.K. Bennett Booties Are on Serious Sale for Under $150! - Live News 247 - Duration: 4:49.


Best Glitter Lipstick 👄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2019 - Duration: 10:56.

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For more infomation >> Best Glitter Lipstick 👄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2019 - Duration: 10:56.


Neymar reveals why he's been crying at his house for two days - Duration: 3:10.

  Paris Saint-Germain superstar Neymar admits his latest injury set-back left him in tears for days

 The Brazilian isn't expected back until April - and says the broken metatarsal he suffered last month has taken its toll mentally

 Neymar was injured in PSG's 2-0 win over Strasbourg on January 23.   He will miss most of the club's Champions League quest with the French champions already having one foot in the quarter finals

  In an interview with Spectacular Sport , he opened up about days spent crying at his home as he comes to terms with being sidelined at such a crucial stage

 "I think this time was even more complicated than the first one," said the 27-year-old

Read More Neymar to Real Madrid? 3 reasons why PSG might be keen on the transfer  "The first one when I hurt, I said, 'come on, let's operate, solve it soon,' - there was no need to be sad

 "But this time it took me longer to digest. I spent a couple of days crying at home

"  PSG fans will feel for their hero but see his frustration as sign he isn't ready to leave the French capital yet

  His agent dad Neymar Santos Sr left the door very much open to a move last week

 The Brazilian left the Nou Camp to join PSG in a controversial world-record €220m deal in 2017

Read More Gareth Bale transfer: Premier League clubs on red alert as Real Madrid 'name price' for Welshman  But just a few months later rumours started to emerge saying the front man was unhappy at the club and wanted a move back to La Liga

  He has been heavily linked with a return to Barcelona and also with a switch to rivals Real Madrid

 Now his dad has added fuel to the fire. Read More Barcelona president reveals how long Lionel Messi will stay at the Nou Camp   Neymar Sr told Téléfoot : "The future is in Paris, the present is in Paris

 "It is difficult to speak about the future in football, it can change at any moment

"   PSG look to put Manchester United to bed in the second leg of the last 16 tie on March 6

 They lead 2-0 but coach Thomas Tuchel says it is far from over and that United are more than capable of turning things around

Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

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Who Is Kylie Jenner's BFF Jordyn Woods? 8 Things to Know About the Model - News Today - Duration: 5:35.

 You've seen her all over Kylie Jenner's social media, but who exactly is Jordyn Woods?  Aside form being able to pull off any shade from her bestie's lipkit, Woods, 21, has been inspiring girls all over with her beauty, confidence brains

Get push notifications with news, features more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications

 Here's eight things you may not have known about Jenner's best friend.  Woods is signed to Wilhelmina International's Curve, their division for plus-size models, plans to change the plus size industry

 "There's so many people out there just like me, right now the curve industry is just blowing up because people are realizing curve models are cool, most people are not that skinny," she previously told Teen Vogue

"I just want to make a change in the curve industry because I want other curve girls to realize that you don't have to dress a certain way because you are curvy

"  In August, she debuted her size-inclusive fashion br SECNDNTURE, which was inspired by her passion for fitness

 The model admitted to NY Mag that her agent found her on the social media app emailed her directly from there

 Since Jenner gave birth to Stormi in February 2018, Woods has played the role of an aunt to the 1-year-old

 "She is amazing," Woods told PEOPLE of Stormi in August 2018, sharing that she's having a blast being an auntie to the daughter of Jenner boyfriend Travis Scott

 "Her mom is her mom, but I can be the aunt that spoils her gives her whatever she wants," she added

 "A lot of my friends have kids so I feel like it is just fun," Woods remarked

"I am the aunt with 20 kids, I won't have to do anything at the end of the night

I can actually get a good night's sleep."  This past fall, Woods launched a makeup collaboration with Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics

 "Since the beginning of her business we wanted to collab together because we're always sharing ideas with each other," the model told PEOPLE in August

 However, it took a lot of brainstorming iterations until the pair settled on the final version

 "We've redesigned the collection at least five times because we couldn't settle on one thing

We had multiple different [ones] we thought it was going to be we finally figured out one that made sense," she said

"We have been working on this for a minute. It's been the past couple of years I feel like, or at least a year

"  In December, Woods shared a new Instagram photo where she smiled prominently to reveal that the gap between her two front teeth (which she's become known for) had been closed

 Woods didn't caption the photo, but simply tagged Los Angeles-based cosmetic dentist Dr

Kam Kamangar to seemingly confirm she visited him for the procedure.  The change came after Woods wrote on Instagram in June 2017 that she would "not fix" her gap

 "Today on set. often people have the nerve to say fix your teeth… for your information," she wrote

"No I will not fix my gap to blend in with the rest of society! My gap makes me who I am

Your individuality is one of your special powers in this generation where everyone's trying to fit in keep up

😘."  Not only is Woods very close friends with Jaden Willow, but she's known their father for a very long time even refers to the famous actor as "uncle

"  Woods' mother Elizabeth, who is a popular Los Angeles socialite, has a lot in common with Kris Jenner — she too is a momager

 Woods' baby sister Jodie, is a dead ringer for her twin. She too is managed by their mother has no problem hanging out with celebrities all day alongside her big sister

For more infomation >> Who Is Kylie Jenner's BFF Jordyn Woods? 8 Things to Know About the Model - News Today - Duration: 5:35.


Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 7 Peaches - Duration: 26:47.

Washington Grown is brought to you by

the Washington State Department of Agriculture's

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

And Northwest Farm Credit Services,

supporting agriculture in rural communities

with reliable, consistent credit and financial services

today and tomorrow.

Hi, I'm Kristi Gorenson, and welcome to Washington Grown.

In the summertime here in Washington,

peaches are a juicy favorite.

Their sweetness, their sunset colors,

and their soft, fuzzy skin remind us that there's a reason

we refer to good things as, "just peachy."

We'll make a vegan peach cheesecake

at Harvest Beat in Seattle.

Kind of looks like a weird science experiment

at this stage.

It does, but it's cool.

Then we'll visit the peach orchards at Tonnemaker's farm.

I try not to pick favorites really just whatever is ripe.

Whatever is ripe today.

Right. They're all your babies.

And Tomas will be on the street with some fresh peach pops.

I just picked it off the tree, put it in some ice,

and there it is.

All this and much more today on Washington Grown.

We grow 'em big in Washington.

You're like, "I can put her to work."

Right now. Oh yeah.

Are you getting tired already?


Am I doing this right?

It's like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

This is one of the hardest things I've ever done

on this show.

Cheers. Thanks for having us.

Walk over to Wallingford in Seattle

and you will stumble upon a culinary gem,

Harvest Beat.

This vegan restaurant

offers a completely unique dining experience.

Step inside and you will instantly be wrapped

in a welcoming atmosphere.

I feel like this is just such a homey community feeling

that I really like.

It's like a little community coming here

and chef Joe always comes and welcomes us

every time we get here.

It's one seating every night.

So everybody comes in at 7:00

and they're prepared to have a two-hour dining experience.

We have a totally set menu,

based off of our small farms that we love to use

and I'll get up by ringing a gong.

I love it.

Kind of slows everybody down

and kind of sets the focus for the night.


So talk about our farm

and talk about the connection that we have with them.

So we do it kind of on I like to call it "micro seasons"

because we'll change the menu every three weeks.

So we just try to give everybody a snapshot of what's the best.

What's happening now.



Chef Joe Ianelli

knows that having a micro seasonal coursed menu

is an ambitious undertaking

but his patrons are always appreciative

of the beautiful dishes presented to them.

It tastes extremely healthy, very fresh,

and it's very satisfying, and it's really tasty.

I'm just amazed

how they've mixed some really complex flavors together

in a way that works.

Later in the show chef Joe will be showing me

how to make a peach spiced vegan cheesecake.

Kind of looks like a weird science experiment

at this stage.

It does but it's cool.

We're heading to Royal City, Washington

to visit Tonnemaker Farms where, for multiple generations,

they've been growing fresh and tasty organic peaches.

I'm here with Kole Tonnemaker of Tonnemaker Farms.

Give me a little bit of history about your family farm.

So my grandfather bought this in 1962

and my grandparents came out and started with sagebrush

and planted the first orchard on the Frenchman Hills

and so they were just incredibly hard-working into their 70s.

And then talk about a family farm,

well we raised a family here.

Kole's son, Luke Tonnemaker,

is part of their third generation at the farm

and today he's showing me around their peach orchards.

They're beautiful.



Usually the top of the tree ripens first,

so when you look up there

there's a lot that are very perfectly round.

Oh yeah.

You look down here; you see these ones that are not quite...

they're kind of triangular almost.

Those are gonna need a few more days.

Yeah, each peach is hand selected.

When we go through,

it may take two or three pickings

to finish a particular variety.

The Tonnemakers farm 126 acres

with 400 different varieties of produce and 40 types of peaches.

We're picking an early Hale variety called Delp

that was discovered in the Yakima Valley

in the '50s or '60s.

We've had to get new trees made

because peach trees don't last over fifty years in this climate

So go back to the old varieties

and they have at least as good a flavor, if not better,

than the new ones.

So that's cool. So here at Tonnemaker

you're kind of bringing back some of the...

We're certainly trying to preserve them.

The Diamond Princess is a newer one that's very red

but it's very excellent and that's being picked right now.

And that's one we like of the more modern varieties.

I try not to pick favorites really just whatever is ripe.

Whatever is ripe today.

Right. They're all your babies.

Yep. Like we were talking about earlier

that the top of the tree ripens first,

This is the top?

this is the top but it's down here now.

This is a problem you can see with peaches sometimes.

So how would I pick it?

Just kind of, with your whole hand, grab it

and then just kind of roll to the side.

That should, yep. Come right off.

Look at how pretty that is. It is like perfectly round.

Oh my gosh. That is so juicy.

It takes a lot of work to make organic peaches this good

so I asked Luke about some of the challenges they face.

Well you can see on the leaves here there's some white.


That's powdery mildew, which can scar the fruit.

I see, yeah.

So this is the scarring. So that occurs right after bloom

and then there's spotted wing drosophila,

which is a fruit fly.

Despite those pests,

mother nature is on their side with great growing conditions.

The overall climate is very conducive.

We tend to have the right temperatures

to grow good peaches.

It isn't 50 degrees one day and minus 10 the next,

and that's what stone fruit needs, especially,

is a consistent temperature.

We have the heat when we need it to really bring in the sugars.

Well yeah. I mean you can taste them. It's delicious.

And a lot of your peaches are sold here

or where else do they go?

We sell some right here at the farm

and then we take them to farmers markets.

A lot of them go to restaurants.

Harvest Beat is one restaurant that buys.

Oh cool. Yeah.

Yeah. Getting tree-ripe peaches anywhere is extremely difficult,

and that's something that a small farm can do

that the big farms can't do better.

So the next time you bite into a peach,

thank farmers like the Tonnemakers

for them being beautiful, delicious, and just peachy.

Hey! Let's go!

When you think about summer,

you're probably thinking about fresh peaches,

and when you take those fresh peaches

and you make them into an ice pop, now we're talking.

Let's check them out.

Hey everybody!

I'm here with Mandolyn here in Kendall Yards in Spokane

and you run, not necessarily a food truck,

but a pretty delicious little cart.

Absolutely, it's great for the markets.

I can scoot in and out on a bike.

We just try to get the fruit at the peak of the season

and make a pop out of it.

What started this whole venture of Fannie's Ice Pops?

Well I have twins

and so I just wanted to have something that was healthy

and fun for them to have.

Right. Okay.

And so it just blossomed into this little business.

One day somebody said, "you know, you should sell these!"

Absolutely. They did, at a garage sale.

"You should sell these." So we did,

and now people say, "you should go on Shark Tank."

That's awesome!

Mandolyn has a special flavor today

that only pops out in the summertime.

Famous, seasonal roasted peach and vanilla.


So where are the peaches coming from

that you're making these out of?

Kind of depends

but usually I always try to get them from the farmers market

or today I was up at Green Bluff getting some.

So I just really try to support locally.

Here we go. This is the moment of truth. Cheers.


Oh wow!

I just picked it off the tree, put it in some ice,

and there it is.

You got a winner right here.

Yeah. Thank you.

Thank you.


So let me ask you a question, do you enjoy a good peach?

I love peaches.

Yeah, no. Just bite into a peach. The best.

I love peaches!

Do you like peaches?

She likes peaches!

So why don't you give that a try and tell me what you think.

Very good. I love the vanilla.

It's pretty rad.

So much peach is in there.

Super! Yeah.

You like it?

Well Cori obviously likes it.

It's like biting into a peach.

The vanilla and peach together, it's the move.

I would highly recommend it.

You enjoy that, okay?

What do you say?

Thank you.

You are so welcome. Thanks for coming.

You may know that peaches are a stone fruit,

but what plant family are they from?

Find out after the break.

Coming up we'll be making a vegan, peach cheesecake.

Okay, now I have hair spray.

So we'll just do it from a distance.

And we'll be in the Second Harvest kitchen

trying out a viewer's peach recipe

that is fast, easy, and peachy.

Peaches are a member of the rose family.

We're back at Harvest Beat, a vegan restaurant

where the menu changes with the micro seasons.

Chef Joe Ianelli loves to respect the food of the moment.

We believe that food should be as locally sourced as possible.

There's just so much more life

when your greens are picked that morning or the morning before.

You can taste it.

It's just the way food should be done.

It's incredible.

I've never seen, first of all, such passionate chefs, I feel,

and I've never had such delicious, healthy food.

It's like a little community coming here

and chef Joe always comes and welcomes us

every time we get here.

I love it. I absolutely love it. I like the farm-to-table idea.

When it's the right season,

chef Joe loves to incorporate Washington peaches

any way he can.

We've done grilled peaches in salads.

Just simply like that.

We'll do peach sorbets, peach ice cream,

I mean there's so many things you can do.

Yeah. What are we gonna make?

So we are gonna make a peach, spiced cheesecake.

I'm excited because, you know,

I would guess you kind of have to get creative

when you want to do things like whipped cream and that.

You know,

that you would normally have like milk or butter.

Yeah. Exactly. Especially in the dessert world,

you really have to step outside the box to make some things

that are just equally as beautiful and delicious

as things in the other world of dairy and butter and things.

Yeah. The other world.

First we start to make the crust.

We pour maple syrup on some pecans

and then sprinkle on nutmeg, cinnamon, and truffle salt.

Once the pecans are coated,

we place them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven

for about 20 minutes.

While the pecans roast, we begin making the whipped cream.

Joe pours coconut milk into a pot and adds in some aromatics,

chamomile, and rose petals.

He finishes with a bit of agave.

Now the interesting part of making vegan whipped cream

is going to be this really cool product that we use.

It's called agar agar.

Okay. Yeah. I've heard of it.

Which is a type of gelatin flake

in the sense of adding thickness to it.

But it comes from...

The ocean.

The ocean.

We add in the agar agar and make sure it dissolves.

Then Joe pours the hot mixture into a blender.

Once the mixture is blended,

we pour it into a pan to be chilled.

Once it's chilled,

we put it into a food processor to be whipped.

Kind of looks like a weird science experiment

at this stage.

It does but it's cool.

When the whipped cream is done,

we move on to finishing our crust.

We deseed some dates and add them to the food processor

along with our candied pecans.

So this is our crust.

That is the crust.

I could just eat this.

We place our crust into the bottom of ring molds

and then get ready to make the peach flavored cheesecake.

Now let's get into our peaches

because we love our peach season.

This is the most important part.

Yeah. And Tonnemaker,

we love Tonnemaker, the farm and orchards.

They have some of the best products in the world.

Like without them...that's what makes our restaurant successful.

We chop our Tonnemaker peaches and add nutmeg, cinnamon,

vanilla, and some maple syrup.

We caramelize them on the stove

with the help of some Washington wine.

You know I have hair spray.

So we'll just do it from a distance.

So yeah.

Once the peaches are deglazed,

we begin making the cheesecake batter.

So the cheesecake,

to make it a cheesecake and make it kind of authentic and creamy,

we use soaked cashews and a little bit of fresh lemon juice

and that gives it this creamy, tangy, almost like cheese flavor

Yeah. Interesting.

We put two cups of the cashews

and our caramelized peaches into the blender.

We add in coconut milk, coconut oil, and a splash of vanilla.

Chef Joe adds in a soy lecithin to act as a natural emulsifier.

Then we blend it all together

and our vegan cheesecake batter is ready.

I pour the batter into the molds.

And we call all the drips and stuff like that angel share.

There we go.

Yes. For the little spirits around the kitchen.

Well they're going to be happy today.

We send it to the fridge to chill for about two hours

and then it's finally time to assemble this dessert.

I'm a horrible painter and so this is when I can do my Picasso

or Bob Ross happy little things.

There you go. Happy little clouds.

I love this part of it.

We begin our artistic creations

by topping off the cheesecakes with our vegan whipped cream.

Joe sprinkles on some blueberry powder

and adds a pomegranate reduction.

With our cheesecakes complete it's now time to dig in.

Eating this, I would never think it doesn't have dairy in it

or anything like that.

That's the beautiful part.


We have lots of carnivore friends that come in

with their vegan counterparts...

Oh sure.

And they end up leaving really satisfied.

You won't miss anything.

You'll be so happy you came here.


To get Harvest Beat's recipe for peach, spiced, vegan cheesecake,

head over to wagrown.com.

When people hear Washington State,

they usually think of our apples, our grapes, and hops,

but what about our peaches?

Today we're learning about peaches from James Michael,

the vice president of marketing for North America

for the peach growers of Washington State.

Peaches, and cherries, and the stone fruits,

they like just a certain little microclimate.

Fortunately, in the Northwest

we've got tons of them scattered around,

you know, mountain sides and valleys,

but here in this place,

this is Parker Heights above Wapato Washington,

just outside of Yakima,

right in the heart of the Yakima Valley.

We have hot summer days but the really cool nights.


And it's just that perfect recipe for flavoring.

Washington peaches travel all over the world,

especially to Taiwan and Canada.

So I asked James about how many peaches Washington produces.

Peach production in Washington has been pretty steady

for the last five years, about eight thousand tons.

Overall our growers are finding the right variety,

the right hillside, the right fruit,

you know, and root combination to get that flavor profile.

Where does that 8,000 tons fit into the rest of the nation?

We're top 10.

California and then the southern states,

South Carolina and Georgia, are the big three

in terms of production but we fit a niche in the late season.

So we're north, we're a little bit later in our ripening,

a little later in our delivering to the shelves,

but our growers benefit from an extra hour of light

because of where we're at north.

So we get that flavor development,

those extra sugars, that extra juiciness.

So we're a great flavor, a great peach to end the summer with.

But growing these great tasting peaches is no easy task.

Growers that invest their entire livelihood,

their whole annual income on success of a harvest,

and things like peaches,

you might have a narrow window of a couple of weeks

and there's just too many factors at work every day

to guarantee any of it.

What's the future of the Washington peach?

Are we growing? Is it shrinking for things like hops and grapes

or what's gonna happen?

We'll never be the world's largest peach producer

but we can produce a really great quality piece of,

you know, dessert quality fruit.

May not be the biggest but probably the best.

That's what I think.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Appreciate it.

Coming up we'll meet a very special agriculture storyteller.

Oh there you go. Yeah. Work it. Beautiful smile.

Diamond Princess,

Elegant Lady,

Sweet Dream,

these names couldn't be more fitting

for the delicious and delectable peach.

With more than 300 varieties of Peaches in the U.S

and over 2,000 worldwide,

it can sometimes be hard to choose.

Peaches can be white, yellow, or red,

and they're classified into three categories;

freestone peaches are best to eat fresh.

Clingstone are best for canning and baking,

and semi-freestone are a combination of the two.

Let's check in with our produce manager, Ralph,

to learn about choosing peaches at the store!

In the summertime, Washington peaches are in season.

Go for the heavy ones, that's where the juice is at!

And always, for freshness, give them a whiff.

Thanks, Ralph!

Now if you buy peaches at the store

that aren't quite ripe yet,

keep them at room temperature until they're ripe,

and then put them in the refrigerator.

You can even speed up the ripening process

by putting them in a brown paper bag on your counter.

Because the sweet dream is only so when it's perfectly ripe!

Today I'm in Moses Lake

meeting with a very special agriculture storyteller.

I'm Sue Tebow. I am the founder of agri.CULTURE.

What is agri.CULTURE?

agri.CULTURE is a social media based blog

about people of agriculture.

So it's culture of agriculture.

So my tagline, "one story at a time" is just that.

There's one story every morning

for you to read about an agriculture person.

Since starting this project two years ago,

Sue has gained over 12,000 followers

on Facebook and Instagram

and has posted over 650 daily agriculture stories.

There's such that disconnect

between the people who grow the food

and the people who eat the food,

that I thought I could help bridge that gap

in a very creative way.

So I came up with a story idea.

Just a simple story and one single photo, anonymous,

that tells the story of that person for that day.

There's a story of a man one day,

a woman, or a child.

It's whoever has something to say.

Sue didn't grow up on a farm

and admits she used to feel the farmer-consumer disconnect

but when she married her husband,

who also happens to be a farmer,

she soon realized that feeding the world

took a lot of hard work.

Sue decided it was important

to share these stories with the world.

Everybody matters, all their stories matter.

I have approached people for stories and they say,

"Oh, I'm not fancy. I don't have anything important to say"

but they do. They really do.

They may not know they do,

but they do and, as soon as they start telling their story,

they find out that they even surprise themselves

that they do have things to say.

So are you primarily running on Facebook?

Is that kind of where most of this stuff's happening here?


My thought behind that was social media is huge.

I would like to reach a younger generation

and that's all social media.

If the average age of a farmer is 58,

who's gonna grow the food in 15 years.

Yeah. Good question.

So we need to get the word out.

Bridge the gap to the younger generation, the upcoming,

and social media was the way to get that.

Speaking of the younger generation,

Sue invites us to the Verhey peach farm

as she goes to profile third-generation

McDarra Vonstein.

Sue chats with McDarra about her family's peach operation

and her role in it all.

I will go home, type this up,

and then your story will appear on agri.CULTURE

probably in a couple of weeks.

Sweet! Cool.

All right. So tell me about how long has your family

been in the peach business?

We've been growing peaches for probably close to 50 years now.

It started with my grandpa in like the '60s.

What exactly is your job in the orchard?

What do you do?

Mostly I sell at the shop here.


And then I also will get the peaches out of the orchard

for the lady who picks for us

or sometimes I go to farmers markets.

I just kind of do whatever I need to do.

Whatever is needed.

Once Sue gets the story she needs,

the two do a photo shoot full of smiles and laughter.

This is really cute. Really good.

Oh there you go. Yeah. Work it. This is really cute.

You're so pretty. Beautiful smile.

And just like that,

another unique and important agriculture story is told.

Tomás and I are in The Kitchen at Second Harvest

and we're joined by Laurent Zirotti,

the owner and chef of Fleur de Sel restaurant and creperie.

Thanks for being here.

Thank you Kristi.

And we get to taste test some recipes that have been sent in

by viewers of Washington Grown.

We love seeing your recipes,

Yeah, we do.

and today, we get to talk about fresh peaches,

which is a summertime favorite for so many people

here in Washington.

Especially us, yeah, we love 'em!


I love peach...

Bite into one, and it's super juicy,

The smell, the smell of a fresh peach.

Ah, the smell.

And if you've never gone to an orchard

and had the opportunity to pick one off the tree,

and try it, you owe it to yourself to do so.

I like, you had good technique there.

Yeah, exactly.

To me it's the smell of summer.

When they are ripe, you get that smell.

You can make great things with it.

And you know, for fresh, it's like a summertime thing,

and once the season is over, it's hard to find.

And fresh, you know you don't have to...

that's what we're trying to do here at Second Harvest also,

is to teach people how to cook fresh produce.

They receive a lot of fresh produce at Second Harvest,

and we're trying to show them that making food, it's easy.

And not to be afraid.

Not to be afraid, exactly. To put your hands in and...

To let the mistakes happen, because that's how you learn.


Yeah, and also, when you cook, you cook with your heart.

You cook and, the food will taste always better

when you cook it yourself.


I love it. And that's what you do, is you help,

you teach some of these classes, right?

Yeah, at Second Harvest.

I bet they love you.

I love them.

I love them more than that.

We did this summer, a peach, we had some peach here,

donated by the growers of Washington

and we did a peach cobbler, but I'm excited about this recipe.

Yeah, so this is Easy Peach Cobbler,

by our viewer, MaryLou, and she says that her family

has a tradition of going to an orchard in Royal City

and picking a bunch of fresh peaches.

So this is easy, it involves like, you know,

the Krusteaz pancake mix,


some sliced peaches.

So, very easy and we can't wait to see how it tastes.

I like easy.

But first, here's how you make it.

I cannot wait to taste it.

Yeah, that came together really quick.


You can taste the blueberry.

You know, that peach and blueberry combo is pretty good.

I like that a lot.

It is, it's unusual, but very good.

You definitely can taste the blueberry.

Yeah, it comes through.

But the peaches are nice.

That is a sweet treat for sure.

Don't give it to your kids right before bed

Right, exactly.

'cuz they'll be up all night.

This is a great dessert for sure. And you know,

I could actually see creating something like this

on a camping trip,

especially when you use like that Krusteaz mix.

It's easy to do in a camper.

That's a perfect idea.

Take it camping, Boom.

This is great. Nice job!

Everything tastes delicious outside, right?


When you're with your family.

It's part of you know, that's the experience of anything.

It's environment.

Everything will taste better with good friends,

like us today.

Everything will taste much better.

Love it.

Well, we want to thank MaryLou

MaryLou thank you.

Nice job MaryLou.

for Easy Peach Cobbler.


To get MaryLou's recipe for Easy Peach Cobbler,

visit wagrown.com.

Peaches straight from the orchard

to peaches on your plate, if they're from Washington,

you can guarantee these peaches are going to be

the juiciest and sweetest you've ever had.

That's it for this episode of Washington Grown.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Washington Grown Season 6 Episode 7 Peaches - Duration: 26:47.


Khloe Kardashian Comments on Post About Tristan Thompson Cheating on Her With Jordyn Woods - Live N - Duration: 2:51.

 Speaking her truth. weighed in on reports that her boyfriend, , cheated on her with sister 's best friend

 The Good American founder, 34, commented with speaking head emojis on Hollywood Unlocked's Instagram post about the scandal on Tuesday, February 19

Kardashian's close friends also chimed in with words of support. "Amen!!!!" wrote

Added, "STRONG FACTS."  A source told Us earlier on Tuesday that Thompson, 27, and Woods, 21, were "making out" at a house in L

A. on Sunday, February 17.  The insider added that when Kardashian confronted the NBA player about the incident, he admitted to it and they have since split and "aren't speaking

"  Thompson, who gifted the reality star a lavish floral bouquet on Thursday, February 14, for Valentine's Day, addressed the reports via Twitter on Tuesday, writing in a since-deleted post, "FAKE NEWS

"  This is not the first time that the athlete has been unfaithful to the Revenge Body host

In April 2018, he was caught cheating on her with multiple women days before she gave birth to their daughter, True

A source later revealed to Us that the basketball player cheated on Kardashian throughout her pregnancy

 Although the pair stayed together, a source told Us in October 2018 that the Strong Looks Better Naked author had "doubts" about their relationship

 Meanwhile, Woods is a member of 21-year-old Jenner's inner circle and frequently hangs out with the makeup guru's older sisters

Woods also previously collaborated with Kardashian on her Good American line and partnered with Jenner for a Kylie Cosmetics collection

 In June 2018, Jenner revealed to Vogue that Woods lives with her and they "are always on the same page about things


For more infomation >> Khloe Kardashian Comments on Post About Tristan Thompson Cheating on Her With Jordyn Woods - Live N - Duration: 2:51.


IT'S ALLI OVER Tottenham's Dele Alli dumps girlfriend Ruby Mae and moves onto Love Island's Megan Ba - Duration: 3:29.

FOOTIE ace Dele Alli has dumped his girlfriend — and set his sights on Love Island beauty Megan Barton Hanson

 The Spurs and England star called off his romance with lingerie model Ruby Mae, 23, three weeks ago

 Dele, 22, told close pals that after two-and-a-half years in a relationship he wanted to have fun again as a single man

 And we can reveal he has swapped numbers with single Megan, 24, after meeting in a London club on Saturday night

 A source said: "Dele told Ruby it wasn't working. She's devastated and fought to stay together but his mind is made up

 "It wasn't long before he started enjoying his newfound single status — partying at Tape on Saturday night where he met Megan for the first time

"  Midfielder Dele is injured and missed Tottenham Hotspur's 3-0  win over  Borussia Dortmund last Wednesday

 Megan split from Love Island co-star Wes Nelson, 20, last month. She accused his Dancing on Ice pro stake partner Vanessa Bauer, 22, of getting involved in their relationship

 She was pictured arriving at Tape on Saturday night in a skintight pink latex dress

 Dele, surrounded by a large and rowdy entourage, managed to avoid being photographed at the venue, near Oxford Street

 Celebs from Strictly, The Greatest Dancer and Love Island were partying inside

 A fellow partygoer revealed: "Dele was really keen on Megan and went over to introduce himself right away

 "There were plenty of other girls in the club including lots of Megan's co-stars but it was her that caught his eye

 "He called her beautiful and said he wanted to take her out   for dinner. Before the night was over they exchanged numbers

 "Megan was thrilled. She's been down   and Dele is definitely her type.  "She was wary given his split and questioned whether things are definitely over between him and Ruby

" Their flirtation came on the same night three men were stabbed outside the club

GOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL exclusive@the-sun


For more infomation >> IT'S ALLI OVER Tottenham's Dele Alli dumps girlfriend Ruby Mae and moves onto Love Island's Megan Ba - Duration: 3:29.


ローラ、ラガーフェルド氏死去「涙がとまりません」 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 1:50.

 モデルでタレン のローラ(28)が フランスの高級ブラ ド「シャネル」など 手掛けた著名デザイ ー、カール・ラガー ェルド氏の訃報を受 、「今日は涙がとま ません」と悲しみを づった

 ローラは20日、 ンスタグラムを更新 ラガーフェルド氏の 真を複数アップし、 あなたがファッショ 界に与えた素晴らし 影響は、この先もず と心の中に残り引き がれていくでしょう

今日は涙がとまりま ん。ありがとう。安 かな眠りを。Res  in Peace とつづって悼んだ。 ラガーフェルド氏は 933年9月、ドイ 北部ハンブルク生ま 。65年からイタリ のブランド「フェン ィ」のデザイナーを め、83年に「シャ ル」のアーティステ ックディレクターに 任し、経営危機にあ たブランドを復活さ 、モードの「帝王」 呼ばれた

19日、パリ近郊の 院で死去した。85 だった。

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