Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2019

The 51st area where its existence has been revealed to the world by CIA confidential documents.

However, the secret place has been hidden from view even to this day.

UFO research, which began in earnest in the 1960s, is a major area for research on the 51st area, and a lot of speculation comes out.

Marilyn Monroe, a world actor who died in 1962.

The reason she was killed was known to be an overdose of sleeping pills, but there was a debate over whether anyone was visiting her house at the time, and whether she was suicide or suicide to date, due to the statement by the housekeeper that she did not feel ashamed after Robert Kennedy's visit .

A rumor tells her that two weeks before she left the world, she told her friend that she knew the secret to proving the existence of a UFO, and after a while the CIA confidential document states that Marilyn Monroe is dangerous It is also known that the person is said to have been written.

Over time, some people thought of the film, which was released in 1964, in connection with her death, which was the movie on May 7th.

The content of the film was that the US and the Soviet Union were trying to reach a nuclear weapons disposal agreement and that the upper arm of the US Army was planning a coup against the secret.

And the name of the secret base that was made in secret was site Y.

Some people thought that the site Y secret base that appeared in the movie reminded them of the 51st district, and the possibility that confidential information about the 51st district was leaked to some celebrities and journalists.

In other words, their allegations are that Marilyn Monroe, who was close to politicians as he was known to celebrities, was also hearing confidential information.

Is it related to the death of the famous actor and the site Y that appeared in the movie?

There are a few people who contradict this claim.

Marilyn Monroe, who had a complicated male relationship, can not be assumed to have no reason to commit suicide, and even though she was killed because she knows the secret information, there are so many things that it is irresponsible to think of the area as 51.

In addition, Site Y was criticized for being more likely to have been inspired by another name project Y of the Los Alamos Institute, which actually existed.

In other words, there are countless unknown reasons to associate Marilyn Monroe's death with the site "Y" in the movie,

However, since it is impossible to know until clear evidence is available, we can not completely ignore the claim that Marilyn Monroe's death is related to Site Y.

Sudden death of famous actor.

Secret base site that appeared in movie made two years later Y.

What is the truth?

For more infomation >> 마릴린 먼로와 비밀 조직 사이트 Y의 관계... - Duration: 4:06.


Pastel de brownie y queso (Brownie Cheesecake) - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Pastel de brownie y queso (Brownie Cheesecake) - Duration: 4:43.


Urkullu y el PNV, hundidos al comprobar el inmenso error de su traición a Rajoy - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Urkullu y el PNV, hundidos al comprobar el inmenso error de su traición a Rajoy - Duration: 2:29.


¡ SHOCK ! La infanta Elena critica públicamente el pasado de Letizia: "los pobres y los plebeyos" - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> ¡ SHOCK ! La infanta Elena critica públicamente el pasado de Letizia: "los pobres y los plebeyos" - Duration: 12:26.


Ylenia, Raquel, Alejandro, Yoli, María Jesús y Juan Miguel son los nuevos nominados de GH DÚO - Duration: 4:40.

Tras la expulsión de la noche de Fortu Sánchez en la noche del pasado jueves 14 de febrero, los concursantes de 'Gran Hermano Dúo' disputaron el juego semanal del jefe de la casa.

En esta ocasión, la prueba consistía en comer por parejas el mismo espagueti y culminar con un beso en el menor tiempo posible, hazaña que consiguieron Irene y Kiko,

por lo que la pareja consiguió la inmunidad y la jefatura de la casa, así como un privilegio adicional en las nominaciones, por tercera vez en lo que va de edición.

Más tarde, Kiko Rivera e Irene Rosales, como jefes de la casa, estrenaron las nominaciones de la Gala 7 dando un punto a Yoli y Alejandro por ella,

me cae muy bien, pero dijo que quería ser un grano en el culo y yo estoy aquí dispuesto a explotarlo y tres puntos a Ylenia y Raquel porque para nosotros es una de las rivales más fuertes que hay aquí.

A continuación, Carolina Sobe y María Jesús Ruiz nominaron con un punto a Antonio y Juan Miguel y con tres puntos a Alejandro y Yoli porque no podemos nominar a Ylenia y a Raquel porque son nuestras amigas.

Después fue el turno de Yolanda y Alejandro Albalá, que se estrenaron como pareja de concurso nominando con un punto a Antonio y Juan Miguel porque la semana pasada me dio tres,

dijo la funcionaria; y con tres puntos a María Jesús y Carolinaporque me da la pelota y yo se la devuelvo. No quiero nominar a otro grupo, explicó el exmarido de Chabelita Pantoja.

Luego, Antonio Tejado y Juan Miguel votaron con un punto a Alejandro y Yoli por devolvérselo, no por otra cosa, dijo el peluquero; y con tres puntos a Ylenia y Raquel porque pocas opciones me quedan.

Por último, Ylenia Padilla y Raquel Lozano cerraron las nominaciones de la noche dándole un punto a María Jesús y Carolina y tres puntos Antonio y Juan Miguel para que salgamos todos nominados. No se lo voy a dar a María Jesús,

Ha sido una nominación grupal, estratégica... está claro, añadió el sobrino de María del Monte. No sé si hemos sabido contar o no. A ver si lo hemos conseguido.

Sin embargo, dándole uno, en lugar de tres, no consiguieron que la pareja formada por Carolina y María Jesús saliera a la palestra, ya que hubiesen hecho empatadas a puntos con ellas.

Escucha, pues le ha salido fatal..., dijo Jorge Javier Vázquez en plató, entre risas, ya que la alicantina y la extremeña salieron nominadas en primer lugar con seis puntos y solo fueron capaces de subir con su nominación a Antonio y Juan Miguel,

empatados a cinco puntos con Yoli y Alejandro, mientras que Sobe y Ruiz, con cuatro puntos, se libraron de la lista provisional de nominados,

a falta de que los jefes de la casa acudiesen al confesionario para hacer uso o no del poder extra del 'intercambio individual'. Y, a diferencia de las dos ocasiones anteriores, esta vez si lo hicieron.

Kiko e Irene salvan a Antonio y nominan a María Jesús; Por la amistad que me une desde pequeño me tengo que mantener fiel a mi corazón independientemente de lo que la gente de fuera piense...

Yo saco a Antonio, dijo Kiko Rivera, provocando una sonora reacción de desaprobación en plató. No sé si lo estará haciendo mal o no, pero eso depende de él, no de mí.

Tengo que sacarlo porque yo lo quiero desde pequeño y mi corazón lo dicta, que lo tengo que salvar, añadió el dj y cantante sevillano.

No pasa nada si nos abuchean, porque al final la última decisión la tiene el público, se defendió Irene Rosales antes de anunciar el nombre de la concursante a la que el matrimonio metía en la lista definitiva de nominados.

Yo decido meter a María Jesús, porque Carolina es un apoyo fuerte para mí aquí y si tengo que decidir entre las dos, prefiero que se quede ella en el concurso, argumentó la nuera de Isabel Pantoja.

For more infomation >> Ylenia, Raquel, Alejandro, Yoli, María Jesús y Juan Miguel son los nuevos nominados de GH DÚO - Duration: 4:40.


Surco Intrabético. Almería, Granada y Málaga - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Surco Intrabético. Almería, Granada y Málaga - Duration: 1:35.


Dell SupportAssist 3.0 Nuevas funcionalidades - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Dell SupportAssist 3.0 Nuevas funcionalidades - Duration: 3:04.


Nads Nose Wax Kit for Men & Women Review - Try it Peta - Duration: 10:01.

so you ready I'm ready okay hello everyone

John said he's ready I'm ready okay we're going to do a try Peta but it's

actually a Try it John I'm not happy because I care I I actually didn't want

to do it but John said he'd do it so it's fine so what we're going to be

doing today is we're going to be doing nose waxing and yes see this is what

you're great to do okay let's just get get going and all right so to do this

what we have to do is this is what's in the kit I'm just opening up the kit I've

actually already warmed up the wax is you have to warm up wax but there are

little things like this that are in the kit and this is actually this Part

obviously goes up your nose this part if you've got hair on top of your nose if

you've got hair on top your nose? no no he hasn't

and also it's also for doing the middle of the brows so it's quite a versatile

little tool and I think I'll keep them yeah I might use that in the shed for

something later on you could use it in the shed now what else comes with it

post wax calming wipe I think you are going to have some of that antibacterial

wipes so we'll have to do that first and what else have we got we've got the

direction so I think I pretty much know how to do that but I've got to read them

just in case what about a towel okay so why don't you

want you'll be fine if it does all fix it so we've heated the

wax and then checking the temperature we've done that and nose waxing so John

you're gonna have to read that because I've got the contacts in and I can't see

it just barely so you have a read of it it's just gonna read it and see I dip it

into them into the wax pot I guess this is the wax pot dip it in well you gotta

clean the inside of the nostrils with a tissue well let's use the antibacterial wipes

for that alright let's do that first so I'm just opening up the antibacterial

wipes I put that down then you dip the

applicator in the wax

ensure the wax covers the entire base do not dig too deep into the nose I don't think

what will dig too deep into your nose

so you do that I'm not gonna put my finger up your nose

alright hang on turn around don't show everybody what's up your nose

in the meantime I mean this is something that you know waxing it can be painful so I

mean I know how painful waxing can be each *great* so it is going to be a little

bit painful okay okay so your nose is all clean it's clean alright so what

does it say next well that's right that's what we just

went through yeah okay we've cleaned it dip it in make sure it covers applicator

evenly okay so come a little bit closer to me darling and face me like you know

that way that's it so we're going to put it into that why don't you clean the

applicator first just the top of it so it's gonna clean the applicator and

we've got to do two of them we can't just have one

okay let's see if we can get past one just about leaving it how long do you

leave it in there for okay does it say leave in here leave there pull a up

where's it say all that stuff read it okay the collar should sit outside the

nostril do not move or twist the applicator once it has been inserted let

the wax cool inside your nostril for at least 60 seconds but no more than 2

minutes okay so I'm gonna get to it 2 applicators out so the two are going up and

then you could pull them out or you can it I don't know what we're gonna do but

where's the other wipe that your had so I'm just gonna wipe this as well

right then so we're ready so why don't you hold he's gonna hold the wax pot I

would bet ever watch for seconds oh no cause it'd be on here so close all right

I'm holding the wax pot okay so I'm gonna put the first one in

I'm just swirling it around and not getting it on the collar because I've

got a little collar there so I'm not getting in on the collar because that

will probably hurt even more yep that's good okay you're ready you know

ready yeah you know okay and then I'll do the next one oh good I'll take this

you're gonna have to hold that oh you got on the collar oh yeah it's all right

right so there you go don't twist it no so we're gonna sit there now the

benefits of waxing if you have you know a lot of hair you might need to go and

have laser treatment just don't move it how's that feeling all right that's all

right I'm just trying to breathe okay just breathe through your mouth it's best

so the benefits of waxing is that when you wax it does

actually reduce the hair as it starts to grow it because it pulls out of the

follicle the hair out and it does inhibit growth so waxing is a really

good thing to do the only thing down so waxing you just can't bring it this way

bit more which love that's right no limit so I won't move anyway the only downside

to waxing is it can be very painful so I mean no however I have my legs wax but I

just I don't do anything else really I just leave the rest of it because it's

just too painful i've got a sensitive body also you can do laser treatment I'm not

sure about laser treatment up your nose I'm not sure about that whether that is

a thing but certainly Nose wax kit waxing is a thing which wait there you go hey you

going there John? okay it's been 60 seconds it's been a little bit just a little bit longer so

yeah so I would say that this is going to be effective it's going to be

effective but if you do have some lots of hair hanging out you know you do need

to do something about it so it didn't say anything John asked whether you

could wax your ears but it didn't say anything about ear waxing and I'm not

sure whether that work but you've got really nice ears anyway John so and you

he hasn't got any hair on his ears okay or on your nose which is good now you're

ready so look if you want me to pull them out or they can come out together or one

at a time. let's do it together alright so we're gonna do one okay

okay look at me why what I think I can do it and you okay yeah

just alright I'm gonna do it one okay oh

yeah okay ready I didn't I'm sorry i am not a very good

nurse quick! calming wax oil yeah just pull hey you know what there's still wax

up you know you're gonna have to get that out get the vacuum cleaner

no oh no this still works there so he's still got wax there on his nose but

it's okay because afterwards you can sort of pull it out you're gonna have to

pull it out yeah but anyway we'll do that later so what would you what's your

experience in with oh this is fantastic product I recommend you use on anything

but your nose! pretty I know it's hard on the camera cuz it's backwards yeah so

guys um yeah I didn't do it it's pretty gross really when you look at it oh my

god that's gross that makes me want to gag I told it it's making me want to gag

just looking at all right yeah it's great I loved every moment and I hope

maybe in next I'd know six to eighteen months I'll probably do it again by I

don't months you'd do it again no I thought you'd say six to never years you

do it again I know an hour by then we'll you know they would have grown again I

would use a lighter or something about a flamethrower

that was playing though wasn't it Thanks well thank you honey for doing that for

me he's such it he's such a hero oh yeah thank you so much for doing that you're

such a a a legend or a good sport yeah well quit cuz I certainly was not

going to do it and I did have to talk to him into it a bit and me and Dorian are going now

I knew I did what Dorian yeah it didn't he's probably panicking as well yeah

alright guys well I hope you've enjoyed that today I hope that's given you an

idea of how to use nose wax and and what it's like it's it's a good product and

obviously what it works pulls them right out it pulls him out and

if you it says even here that's 9 out of 10 so if you actually are having problem

with nose hair that is option there's also a little shavers a little sort of

much of things that you can put up there but anyway just wanted to give you an

idea of what nose waxing was about today I hope you enjoyed it and subscribe to

the channel do you think they should subscribe

oh god you have to be mad if you didn't win yeah and then you get these great

updates and also give us a like and give John and like because that was a really

brave thing to do cuz I know I wasn't here alright it's like if Johnny I like

as well that would be great he'd really enjoyed that oh that's fantastic thanks

a lot alright guys well you have a lovely day

wherever you are in the world and we'll see you next time in this torture

session is finished by now see ya later yeah


For more infomation >> Nads Nose Wax Kit for Men & Women Review - Try it Peta - Duration: 10:01.


Wohnwagen Adria Alpina 663 UK & Adria Adora 472 UP - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Wohnwagen Adria Alpina 663 UK & Adria Adora 472 UP - Duration: 8:03.


Karine Ferri, grosse prise de tête avant le mariage - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri, grosse prise de tête avant le mariage - Duration: 1:17.


サッカー神業 キッカーボール編 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 7:50.

Hello!! We are KAMIWAZA!!

Welcome to soccer trick shots Kickerball edition!!

Tacchan will deliver a great cross.

I will connect well with it and hit the crossbar!!

Please watch this!!

I can do this!!

I will kick a ball while riding a truck!!

It is very dangerous. Stop it!!

It's dangerous!! Stop it!!!!!

There is a danger of life!!

Upper right, A mouse!!

Is it mouse?

Can you see that?

That's basketball hoop. haha

Let's do this!


Upper left, Rabbit!!

What is the biggest thing in Nara?


The Great Buddha of Nara



Mount Ikoma!


The biggest in Nara is...

Tsuburo Lake!!!

Stop it!

Let me go when I get ready.

Tsuburo Lake shot!

Oh my god!

This is Tsuburo Lake!

This is Tsuburo Lake!!!

Do you know Kickerball?

This ball makes a messed curve!

Even if I kick from corner behind the corner.

I can score!

Watch this!

Falcon punch!

Show me your moves!

You did it...

Bottom right, reindeer!

Don't try this at home.

Can you see that pin?


I will hit that in 2 seconds.


Watch this!

You scared me!

I will deliver the world best cross!

And I will pass the ball to him with the world best kick!

And I will score with the world best kick!!

Let's do this!

World best shot 3 in a row!


Lower left corner, mouse!

We are here at sea in Shizuoka prefecture.


What's Shizuoka prefecture known for?


Mount Fuji!


Shizuoka prefecture is about AJ UNITED!!

A is here with us today!!

So please open this champagne with kicker ball!

Let's do this!!

Let's go!!!

*Do not attempt.

He will hit that crossbar with kickerball!

Curl shot! (He ate a snack which name curl)

Eat too much. haha

I get this basket hoop on the car.

And I will score with kickerball!!

How difficult is it?

*Do not attempt.

Thank you for watching!

How was soccer trick shots kickerball edition?

You can buy a kickerball from the link in description.

Get a ball and Let's make it curve!!

We will upload new trick shots videos so please subscribe!!

See ya!!


For more infomation >> サッカー神業 キッカーボール編 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 7:50.


La Giornata Giusta / Pesca alla Trota in Lago - Duration: 10:25.

Winter is luckily ending

And today is a beautiful day

It's hot

It should increase the wind a little, but it's not a problem

I try to change fishing technique today

With my Rodolon Rod

2 gram floater

Looking for some big trout under the shore

Two honey buds

With the other rod instead I fish on the bottom of the lake

Here some nice trout should turn

Oh!! The big one !!

Here's the big trout !!

My goodness if it pulls !!

Wait, wait

It will take me a while because it's really big

Dad: "If you're okay with the drag ". The problem is that I have a very thin line

Oh!! The big one !!

Dad: " What a giant"

It will be 2-3 kg

It's one of those with that red livery

The big one!!

Dad: "My goodness!!"

What a fat one !!

It's a span wide

Dad: "What a trout"

I free from the line the trout and let's see how it is

Finally a big trout, after many times fishing

A nice trout of about 3 kg

Dad: "3 kg for sure"

What a trout!!

A brook trout !!

I knew there was one below there

They are coloured!!

A nice brook trout

Very coloured

Today is a good day for brook trouts

Another brook trout !!

This is also a little bigger

Damn, it seems to be in a mountain lake here ( just joking)

Dad: "The system you use to capture them is amazing"

Jumping the bait under the shore

This is beautiful and pale

Just beautiful fish

A little stupid to eat under the shore

But their den is there


Under the shore

Under the shore!!

This is another brook trout


Dad: "How beautiful !!"

They really look like mountain ones

Dad: "What reflections they have !!"

Yes they are just a little less colorful than mountain ones

Evidently even breeding them they became almost perfect

For more infomation >> La Giornata Giusta / Pesca alla Trota in Lago - Duration: 10:25.


Kensington Palace était sous le CHOC hier après avoir perdu plus de 150 000 abonnés Instagram. - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Kensington Palace était sous le CHOC hier après avoir perdu plus de 150 000 abonnés Instagram. - Duration: 3:46.


Laeticia Hallyday, son rendez-vous secret, cet homme qui la rend heureuse - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, son rendez-vous secret, cet homme qui la rend heureuse - Duration: 1:19.


Los 8 mejores remedios caseros para combatir las verrugas - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Los 8 mejores remedios caseros para combatir las verrugas - Duration: 10:06.


Xu Hongfei's Art in Salamanca #VR180 #stereoscopic #3D 4K #VirtualReality #VR #360Video - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Xu Hongfei's Art in Salamanca #VR180 #stereoscopic #3D 4K #VirtualReality #VR #360Video - Duration: 1:51.


Descubren granada oculta en el ano de un recluso - Duration: 2:06.

Se presume que el explosivo sería utilizado para asesinar a otro reo de la cárcel de máxima seguridad conocida como "El Pozo"

 Honduras.- Un caso insólito y altamente peligroso se registró el pasado miércoles en una cárcel de máxima seguridad de Honduras, donde se detectó que un reo tenía escondida en el ano una granada de fragmentación con la que se presume que sería asesinado otro recluso

 Según reportaron medios locales, el día de los hechos, el reo Edgar Misael Martínez tuvo que ser trasladado, por razones médicas, de la prisión a un centro médico no identificado y, a su regreso, le fue hallado el aparato explosivo introducido en su cuerpo

 Fuentes oficiales consultadas por la la agencia EFE aseguraron que Martínez salió de la prisión sin ningún objeto extraño en su cuerpo, pero regresó con la granada, lo que fue descubierto al pasar por los aparatos de un riguroso control de seguridad, como parte de la revisión que se le hace a todos los reos al salir y entrar a la cárcel conocida como "El Pozo"

 "Lo bueno" del hecho es que la granada no explotó y que personal médico del centro penal se encargó de extraerla del cuerpo de Martínez, "sin necesidad de cirugía", aunque siempre con "mucho riesgo", destacó la fuente, quien indicó que ya "se ha iniciado una investigación" con por lo menos dos personas

 En un comunicado, el viceministro de Seguridad, Luis Suazo, informó el jueves que la granada que llevaba Martínez, quien es miembro de la "Mara-18" (pandilla), fue descubierta a través de una "radiografía de baja radiación" hecha en la prisión

 En tanto, el abogado Carlos Chajtur dijo el jueves a periodistas que el explosivo al parecer sería utilizada para "acabar" con su defendido, el reo Magdaleno Meza, por lo que solicitó a las autoridades penitenciarias que su cliente sea enviado a otra instalación, como una unidad militar, porque su vida corre peligro en cualquier cárcel

 Con información de EFE.

For more infomation >> Descubren granada oculta en el ano de un recluso - Duration: 2:06.


La promesse faite par le prince William à la princesse Diana RÉVÉLÉE -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> La promesse faite par le prince William à la princesse Diana RÉVÉLÉE -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:51.


Charlène et Albert de Monaco, cette « provoc » d'une proche qui les agace - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Charlène et Albert de Monaco, cette « provoc » d'une proche qui les agace - Duration: 1:19.


Prince Harry : sa grosse crainte quand William a demandé Kate Middleton en mariage -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry : sa grosse crainte quand William a demandé Kate Middleton en mariage -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:01.


✅ Breaking News - Man United want new contracts for David de Gea and Marcus Rashford - Duration: 1:56.

Manchester United are planning to offer David de Gea and Marcus Rashford new contracts before the end of the season

While a permanent replacement for Jose Mourinho remains a question for the summer, executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward is keen to tie his first-team stars to long-term deals

Speaking to investors on Thursday he ruled out making an announcement on Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's future before the end of the campaign

Share this article Share But negotiations are believed to be ongoing with De Gea, and preliminary talks have begun with Rashford over new deals

The key pair are both out of contract in summer 2020, while midfielders Juan Mata and Ander Herrera - both free agents this summer - are also on the to-do list

'We are a long way through the ones we had planned to do in this season,' Woodward told investors

'But obviously we want to finish off the final few as rapidly as we can.'Anthony Martial, Luke Shaw, Chris Smalling, Scott McTominay, Phil Jones and Ashley Young have all extended their contracts this season

United suffered a damaging Champions League defeat by PSG in midweek, their first since Solskjaer replaced Mourinho in December

They must overhaul a two-goal deficit in the reverse leg in Paris, without the suspended Paul Pogba, to make the quarter-finals

They face Chelsea in the FA Cup fifth-round on Monday night.  Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Man United want new contracts for David de Gea and Marcus Rashford - Duration: 1:56.


How To Unlock Your Phone With Your Voice | Latest Voice Lock 2019 - Duration: 4:45.



For more infomation >> How To Unlock Your Phone With Your Voice | Latest Voice Lock 2019 - Duration: 4:45.


Kids English Learning cartoons with Problem Solving Surprise Robot | educational cartoons - 01 - Duration: 3:32.

colors abc kids educational

For more infomation >> Kids English Learning cartoons with Problem Solving Surprise Robot | educational cartoons - 01 - Duration: 3:32.


PmNarendraModi Said : Pakistan के मंसूबे कभी पूरे नहीं होंगे | Pulwama Terror Attack | Ghamasan - Duration: 3:03.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

pulwama Terror Attack


For more infomation >> PmNarendraModi Said : Pakistan के मंसूबे कभी पूरे नहीं होंगे | Pulwama Terror Attack | Ghamasan - Duration: 3:03.


Marc Overmars tips Alexis Sanchez to leave Manchester United and make sensational Arsenal return - Duration: 2:07.

 Marc Overmars believes the door would be open for Alexis Sanchez to return to Arsenal after a disappointing spell at Manchester United

 The Chile international has struggled to produce his best form at Old Trafford since leaving the Emirates more than a year ago and the 30-year-old is set to cut an unhappy spell in Manchester short

 Overmars, who won the Premier League and FA Cup during a three-year stay at Highbury under Arsene Wenger, has 'great respect' for Sanchez but believes he may have been mistaken to ditch the Gunners in favour of a move to the north of England

 But the Ajax director of football believes the door could still be open for him to make a sensational return to north London because Arsenal have failed to replace him

 'I have great respect for Alexis, because he did extremely well in Arsenal, I do not know if it was a good decision to leave,' he told ADN Deportes

 'English football changes you, it turns you around, it took me a step forward. Arsene Wenger arrived a year before me, Dennis Bergkamp made a big impression in England, it was a fantastic time, I think we changed the history of the club a bit

 'This type of players were very important for Arsenal, because that's where they take you to focus, after Alexis, Arsenal tried to sign another player like that, but he was not given, so he could go back to Arsenal

'  Manchester United would no doubt be keen to offload the Chilean – who is their highest earner

Whether Arsenal would be willing to welcome Sanchez back is another question.

For more infomation >> Marc Overmars tips Alexis Sanchez to leave Manchester United and make sensational Arsenal return - Duration: 2:07.


Przypomina.grypę, może.zabić w jeden dzień. Każdy rodzic.powinien.się dowiedzieć o tej chorobie - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Przypomina.grypę, może.zabić w jeden dzień. Każdy rodzic.powinien.się dowiedzieć o tej chorobie - Duration: 5:13.


Arsenal or Chelsea? Michael Owen and Joe Cole reveal who players would prefer to join - Duration: 2:33.

 Michael Owen and Joe Cole are both in agreement that players would favour a move to Chelsea over Arsenal because of a greater chance of silverware

 The two Premier League giants are on the same number of points after 26 games in the Premier League this season, winning, drawing and losing the same number of matches while also sat on exactly the same goal difference

 Both clubs are just a point behind Manchester United who currently occupy the fourth and final Champions League spot, with both desperately hoping to play top-tier European football again next season

 Unai Emery and Maurizio Sarri have been under pressure in recent weeks, in what is their first seasons in charge, but despite Chelsea's recent struggles, including a 6-0 defeat to Manchester City on Sunday, former Liverpool and Manchester United striker Owen believes players would choose the Blues over their London rivals 'every day of the week'

 'Chelsea and Arsenal are virtually mirror image,' Owen told BT .  'They're on the same points in the Premier League, on the same goal difference in the Premier League, and in the same round of the Europa League

It's pretty much a level playing field, but which team would you prefer to play for?  'Which team do you look at and go, wow what player, good team? Everyone says Chelsea are under a big cloud, but I'd prefer Chelsea every day of the week over Arsenal

'  Cole believes the higher levels of expectation is a major draw at Stamford Bridge, with prospective signings not convinced they would lift trophies at the Emirates

 'Because the expectation is that they (Chelsea) have always got to be there (competing for titles), which Chelsea have been for the last 20 years, it becomes a crisis quicker than it does at Arsenal,' Cole added

 'With Arsenal, they're probably not going to win anything, they're in a ten year transitional period

Chelsea demand to win things.  'If you're a player, you'd much rather move to Chelsea than Arsenal, there's a better quality of player there and you've got more chance of winning things


For more infomation >> Arsenal or Chelsea? Michael Owen and Joe Cole reveal who players would prefer to join - Duration: 2:33.


Marc Overmars tips Alexis Sanchez to leave Manchester United and make sensational Arsenal return - Duration: 2:03.

 Marc Overmars believes the door would be open for Alexis Sanchez to return to Arsenal after a disappointing spell at Manchester United

 The Chile international has struggled to produce his best form at Old Trafford since leaving the Emirates more than a year ago and the 30-year-old is set to cut an unhappy spell in Manchester short

 Overmars, who won the Premier League and FA Cup during a three-year stay at Highbury under Arsene Wenger, has 'great respect' for Sanchez but believes he may have been mistaken to ditch the Gunners in favour of a move to the north of England

 But the Ajax director of football believes the door could still be open for him to make a sensational return to north London because Arsenal have failed to replace him

 'I have great respect for Alexis, because he did extremely well in Arsenal, I do not know if it was a good decision to leave,' he told ADN Deportes

 'English football changes you, it turns you around, it took me a step forward. Arsene Wenger arrived a year before me, Dennis Bergkamp made a big impression in England, it was a fantastic time, I think we changed the history of the club a bit

 'This type of players were very important for Arsenal, because that's where they take you to focus, after Alexis, Arsenal tried to sign another player like that, but he was not given, so he could go back to Arsenal

'  Manchester United would no doubt be keen to offload the Chilean – who is their highest earner

Whether Arsenal would be willing to welcome Sanchez back is another question.

For more infomation >> Marc Overmars tips Alexis Sanchez to leave Manchester United and make sensational Arsenal return - Duration: 2:03.


【SUPER SPICY!】 NEW 2.5x SPICY FIRE NOODLE!! I End Up Crying!! [6.2Kg] 7000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:15.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !

i received this thing from one of the viewers from korea

what do you think is inside the box ?

but it's written on the box


this is the new version of spicy fire noodle

it's 2.5 times more spicy

hai, Lon !!!

it's 2.5x more spicy than the normal spicy fire noodle

its spicy smell is so dangerous

and this is a letter written by the korean viewer

his japanese is so good

i want from you, yuka-chan, to try this new version of the spicy fire noodles that was released in korea

his japanese is like a native japanese


thank you so much

"if you find it so spicy you can use milk, cheese or eggs too"

i think it's so spicy

but today i'll eat it with some rice

let's see the recipe

let's start with making corn rice

let the rice first in a water for 30 mins and after that dry it

you can use raw corn, but i'll use this canned corn

let's add the corn

consomme and soy sauce

we fill it with water for the the rice cooker

and we cook it like usual

and i'll make some boiled dumplings as well

waaw, the corn is so fluffy

waa, its color looks so tasty

this is the package, the same bird as usual

and you find inside it, this noodles...


and fire sauce

i boiled the noodles...

i got rid of the water

and i'll add this sauce

and we mix it

until now, it does not looks so spicy at all

but the smell is so amazing, you can feel the spices

and after that we add this seasonings

jaaan, i did it

and here some corn rice

and some dumplings soup

and if it's so spicy i'll use eggs and cheese


this time it's a lot

the smell is so spicy

mmmmm !


this is really spicy

so dangerous

i ididn't do any think yet and the spices exploads in my mouth

let's eat the rice

mmmm! corn rice is truly delicious


i'm sweating now

this is really spicy

let's take another bite

i already want to use milk and cheese

it was so much for just a bite

it's better to eat it using chopsticks

the spices will cover the spoon if you use it

my mouth is burning now

it's so spicy, i need milk for sure

tea will not hold it

today i'm not going to use eggs and cheese, just to keep the taste as it is

but the spices that cover my mouth is really burning and hurt

but the texture of the fire noodle is so soft and this is so tasty

i can feel the spices by just looking at it

let's eat it like a pasta

that's a lot

too much


it's so spicy but its taste is so delicious

this is really spicy

a real hell

i need a lot of rice

Samyang is really making a really spicy and "deathly" noodles


but the noodle is really soft and tasty

and the taste of the corn rice is so refreshing and delicious

dumplings soup

huge !!


the weather is not that hot, but i'm sweating a lot

i used this time 5 packs

10 packs will need a lot of cheese for sure

at first you don't feel the spices that much but after that it will start burn

spicy !!!

the taste of the corn in the corn rice is so notable and strong

aaaaah, this is so spicy !!

2.5x spicy, this is really too much

anyone will find it spicy

this is really amazing


my mouth hurt so much all this time

and i'm sweating a lot

you always sweat a lot when you eat a spicy food


i need to eat plenty of rice after every bite

the corn rice still hot after all this time


i need to rely on the milk to save me


i thought that i'm going to get used to the taste but it still spicy

and because i'm not going to add cheese, it's so spicy

it's really spicy

and even my ear start hurt


it's so scary to sip it

aaah, that's a lot

it's so spicy that even my ear start hurting

the last bite



the new 2.5x spicy fire noodle was so spicy

but it was really delicious

spicy but tasty

and to let the taste as natural as possible i didn't use eggs and cheese, and i did my best for that

i'm so glad that i was able to try this new version

special thank to the korean viewer for this precious gift

and i ate plenty of corn rice as well

it helps a lot against all this spices

it was so spicy but tasty, so why you don't try this as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye !

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【SUPER SPICY!】 NEW 2.5x SPICY FIRE NOODLE!! I End Up Crying!! [6.2Kg] 7000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:15.


Cassette Toilet - What Is It -How To Use it - Where do I Dump It -Lets Dump It - Duration: 3:50.

oh no the red light is on we've got a dump this thing it's time girl the

taller dumped are you ready are you gonna do it can we flip for it

can you flip I flip you I need a quarter here all right heads I'm dumping tails

she's dumping oh it's the heads I gotta do it Oh No all right let's get ready to

do it all right guys it's that fateful day and the girl has

let me down and mate I lost the cut-offs damn it to hell

let's do it talk about shit alright pull this green thing girl what he even does

is heavy Wow oh my god hi now you step on this thing right here right

get the crap off the light tilt this back just in case open this up stand

aside now turn away all right now we gotta get

a warship you gotta grab the hose big boy

I didn't know that technology

and that's just to rinse it out and clean it

well let's get the camera back in there all

right this is the camper cam that keeps your stuff from turning the bricks we

don't want no bricks around here right you see I'm going to carefully measure

this out

all right that's how it's done that's about what three or four days a bathroom

activity yeah a lot of people will carry an extra cassette with them for such

things take a hope hopeful take care of you

For more infomation >> Cassette Toilet - What Is It -How To Use it - Where do I Dump It -Lets Dump It - Duration: 3:50.


ウェットフードをおねだりして冷蔵庫の前を離れない子猫の声に耳をかたむける はじめての子猫保護96日目 - Duration: 2:46.

"What's up?"

I tried to listen to the voice of the kitten

96days after I saved kitten for the first time in my life.

"Do you want wet food?"

"Do you dislike dry food?"

"It on the dish"

"is it wrong?"

"is it wrong?"

"It on the dish now"

"You have it?"

Kitten who lives in this house, quite formidable……

For more infomation >> ウェットフードをおねだりして冷蔵庫の前を離れない子猫の声に耳をかたむける はじめての子猫保護96日目 - Duration: 2:46.


[ENG]한 구독자 부모님의 분식집을 털어버렸습니다... 학교 앞 분식꼬치 전메뉴 먹방 SKEWERED FOOD MUKBANG EATING SHOW - Duration: 14:43.

Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !

Today What I'm going eat is ~

It's been a while…

I went to the snack stand in front of school

It hasn't been a long time since I moved to seoul..

I asked to our subscribers

where is the best place for a snack foods around here

and then one of subscriber told me

about the his parents who run a snack stand, (the name of place is 'JJUN JJU SNACK')

so, I went to there !

Let's go out to eat

Pikachu tonkatsu and cheese ball .. ETC !!

In the snack stand (All the Menus of skewered food)

You've got to eat Pikachu tonkatsu in here

They sell the ramen and kimbop..

Today I'm going to eat the skewered food

Please give me the all of skewered foods one by one

(There are 15 skewereds)


Do you have some soda ?

Owner : Of course

Please give me one

Owner : Sprite or coke ?

Please give me both

There are a lot of students coming…

Ta-da, it's coming

It's not coming all the food .. but

I'll do it first

[Lots of food]

I'll enjoy it !

I'll eat rice cake skewers first


[Chewing Chewing]

I think it's mixed with chicken sauce and red pepper paste

It's very soft

(What is this…?)

I guess.. it's cheese on stick..

or rice cakes ?

This is tteok-dog(made with rice cakes)

That is tteok-stick

tteok-dog will be delicious

It's too hot

I'll coo it and eat it

[Yum yum]

[Yum yum]

(Let's drink sprite !)

When I was kid,

I bought the pikachu tonkatsu with the pocket money from mom

(I love pikachu tonkatsu !)

(This is…)

I didn't see it even I really go to a lot of places..

This is Mini tonkatsu

made by skewers

I'm sure the taste similar with pikachu tonkatsu

I liked it whenever Mini tonkatsu came out in school meals

This one will be taste better with Ketchup or chicken sauce.

I'll try to eat tteok-dog

It's very chewy.


(What is that…?)

That is skewered quail egg

(The skewered are made with quail egg)

I haven't eaten it for a while

Seriously, it's very delicious

When I was kid…

(Calculating the age…)

Chicken nugget (1 for 1,000 won)

I feel like I'm in the unlimited restaurant

Owner : There's more food to come..

How many more are left….?


almost 8…


Yep, i'm okay

Wow… it looks so good

What is this ? I've never seen it before

There's a lot of food here..

There's a lot of food.. but it doesn't fit in it… TT

This is Bulgalbi skewers

There's rice cake in here..

How many kinds of skewered food here ?

Owner : We have 30 skewered food ..

You are going to have tteok-bokki ?

(Excuse me …?)

Nope… I'm enough .. thank you

I have to eat this before it gets cold

The sauce is ..looks great, right ?

It's very soft

Owner : You want some fish cakes broth ?

Yep, please

its like a udon broth

It's good

This is Sundae skewers

actually it's not sundae…. it's galbi hot bar…

oh… sorry, it's chicken hot bar…

I don't know what exactly is.. because there's so much food..

This is one of the best snack..…

Chicken bar

I've eaten most of skewered food tho…

Everything is here

There's a very unique point about here,

this is the original pikachu tonkatsu as we know…

What is this ?

Owner : One is a rib flavor, and the other is original flavor..

this is rib flavor

comparing these two...

This one is more softer than original

It tastes like fried something…

When I was kid,

I thought about which side should I eat first…hand.. or

ear part...

This is 'so-tteok so-tteok' (Beef skewers with rice cake)

you have to eat sausage and rice cake together

Do not eat it separately.

(eat it at once)

This is fried bread

I'll eat for dessert later

I ate it together (lol)

Sausage with rib flavor

This is cheese chicken skewers

Does that look familiar to you ..?

(Flash back)

This is Fried Sundae skewers

I think this is a good option when you can't eat 1 portion of sundae alone

it's so delicious, they've put chicken sauce on it

I had it before,

but , they've put tteok-bokki sauce on it.

((She's got a bit on her lip, Lol)

[Noisy and Crowded]

Fried bread with sugar

I have to takeout this

It's 23,400 won

I did take out my food..

I paid 23,400 won for the foods

It's 500-1,000 won for each...

There's all types of Skewers food in there

I think that was the best snack place I've ever been

(I gave my best…)

… It was a fantastic experience..

I enjoyed that ! See you tomorrow ~

For more infomation >> [ENG]한 구독자 부모님의 분식집을 털어버렸습니다... 학교 앞 분식꼬치 전메뉴 먹방 SKEWERED FOOD MUKBANG EATING SHOW - Duration: 14:43.


Bule mencoba "LIMA MACAM" Makanan Tradisional CIREBON - ''5 dishes to try CIREBON'' - Duration: 11:27.

today I'm taking you on a food tour in Cirebon to some of the local eateries

to eat the top foods you must eat while in Cirebon I'm Marissa Iskandar and

let's explore this city's culinary together starting off here

alrighty so first on the menu is empal gentong

over here this one is with coconut milk and then this one is

empal asem

mmmmm.....but they both look so completely


one has a nice thick broth and one has more of a thin clear broth

to it and both of them look so good and of course it's served with white


do I put the rice here or in the soup?

the soup you put there

ooo yes just slowly just put it slowly then eat it

ooo okay thank you

all righty so I'm gonna get started with the very famous one empal gentong


just top all this meat on here and then slowly drizzle on all this broth

all righty lets eat

oooo this looks so good

I'm so excited to try one of the famous dishes here



that broth that is just soaked in the rice is so good so delicious

I believe there's some lemongrass and I can taste the coconut man


and they give you plenty pieces of meat inside mmm.... and I love the fresh green onion

that they put so fragrant in flavor and taste

this is good

all righty so now I'm gonna try empal asem

and it looks a lot different

the broth is more clear and I did notice that they have a lot of tomatoes in

here as well as fresh green onion and a lot of chunks of beef


woaaa it definitely has that tomatoey flavor

in there just as you see in the broth mmm....

and I do taste a little asem flavor


and the chunks of beef are a little bit fatty and meaty

its good mmmm.....


but if I had to compare which one is better here I definitely would go with

the empal gentong this is my pick it is very good very flavorful and rich

reallly good mmmm.....

next is a dish called mie koclok served with cabbage,

bean sprouts, green onion, egg noodles placed in a tin container and simmered in

hot water top with white pepper a gravy like soup

mmmm....and also shredded chicken and fried shallots

alrighty so I'm gonna try mie koclok


Wow that is phenomenal

the taste it's super flavorful and peppery too mmmm....

and very creamy


slurp.... slurp.... slurp......

one of the best noodle dishes I've ever tried here in Indonesia

slurp....... slurp.... slurp.......slurp..... slurp....

wow I've never eaten anything like this Cirebon has really has surprised me

with their noodles it's something so different and the gravy or the

broth it tastes a little bit like chicken-fried steak the gravy

slurp....mmmmmm...... SO GOOD

slurp.... slurp..... slurp....

Wow this is a must-try when you come to Cirebon the flavor is phenomenal it is

something out of this world



next is a very famous Cirebon traditional dish called nasi jamblang

a locals favorite dish that I had to try and I was so surprised

this dish is served with many side dishes you just choose which ones you

want to pick

alrighty so I finally get to try nasi jamblang

oooooo...... so excitng

alrighty this dish looks really good I'm gonna start off with something that I've

never tried before which is pepes kepiting

woooaa.....looks really good

Wow it is spicy a little crunchy I'm not sure what's inside besides the crab and

then it is spicy and also with a little bit of a saltiness flavor to it it's

good its interesting

and then next up is lidah

the meat is a little bit tough

beef tongue which is lidah and

cutting into it was a little bit tough eat it with

the rice

Wow it tastes like lengua back home that I'm used to eating which

we call lengua which is cow tonque

woaaa...that's good I like that

alrighty so next up is tuna

woaaa..... look at that

that is some flavorful tuna

mmm... a little sweet

this is very interesting to me

it's stingray




I taste a very smoky flavor ugh its so


It almost taste like they barbecue ( smoke it outside on a charcoal fire) it or

they satay it outside it is very good very flavorful you can taste all the

Indonesian herbs Wow.... the stingray it's the best part of this

whole dish so far


all righty so and then there we have

satay potatoes

woaaa... that is different


its good

taste like a potato on a satay skewer


alrighty and I have some tofu nice and golden-brown


very spongy oo... very good it's very delicious



alrighty so mostly this dish is more salty and sweet but if you ever

come to Cirebon you must try this nasi jamblang it s very delicious

last on this food tour is called nasi lengko that is served with white rice top with

bean sprouts, tofu, tempeh, drizzled with sweet soy sauce and top with green

onions, fried shallots, green chili, and spicy peanut sauce

are you hungry yet??? I am

alrighty so now I'm gonna try nasi lengko another popular Cirebon dish

excuse me


excuse me

excuse me

alrighty so actually I don't know how to eat it so I'm just gonna mix it my

own way I was asking the waiter but he's kind of too shy to explain it to me so

I am just gonna top it off with the sambal kacang (spicy peanut sauce) sauce and just kind of mix

it all up get all that flavor infused in the rice woaaa.....

that sauce is really good mmm...

it has a nice nutty flavor to it and a

little hint of spiciness but with the different textures of the tofu

and tempeh woaaa... it is really good

very sensational and very good


all righty so I can tell this dish is very different to me it's all packed

with protein with the bean sprouts the tofu and tempeh wow there is a lot of

protein here


but what makes this dish definitely is that sambal kacang sauce it is so

delicious drizzled on top and just infused in that rice wooaaa... it's so good


alrighty so the guy was telling me that this dish is really popular for

breakfast lunch and dinner but it's mostly more popular for breakfast and

dinner and when you're in Cirebon this is another dish that you must try

it's a traditional local dish from Cirebon

really good


all righty so this wraps up my food

culinary adventure isn Cirebon and everything was delicious I totally

recommend everybody to come visit Cirebon and try the delicious

culinary here so until then I want yall to keep living keep exploring and

keep eating bye

For more infomation >> Bule mencoba "LIMA MACAM" Makanan Tradisional CIREBON - ''5 dishes to try CIREBON'' - Duration: 11:27.


더러운 소문의 주인공이 나라면? [좀 예민해도 괜찮아 시즌2] - EP.04 - Duration: 14:43.

Do you know the intern from marketing team?

Her name is Yoonjoo Kang, maybe?

Her grade is the highest of all the interns here.

Ah, the one who goes out with Chief Cha?

Women live so comfortably.

Maybe she's earned the score with her body.

Women's bodies are the useful tool, you see.

You're running your mouth. Are you talking about me?

[It's okay to be sensitive?2] (What if I'm the center of a dirty rumor?)

What about the research I asked you?

I've organized all the cases of this year's confectionery industry.

I've collected the oversea's cases, as well as the domestic cases.

Great. Thank you.

I don't like to lose.

Sangwook seems to be the same.

It starts again...

Their eyes will shoot the beam anytime soon.

They're not gonna grab each other by the collar, are they?

You're preparing for the mid-assignment, right?

It's very important for the final evaluation, so don't loosen up.

Yes, ma'am.

She scared me.

I'm so worried.

I haven't even decided to topic.

Me too.

Yoonjoo seems to enjoy it.

Right. Challenges fire my competitive spirit.

I thought it would get more interesting, since I had a rival.

What is that reference?

I'm writing a project proposal.

The data to write one.

It's all mine.

You're writing it already?

We got the mid-assignment yesterday,

and how could you possibly start it already?

Ah, that's...

What is the most important thing in the confectionery marketing?

Uh... A brilliant ad or...

No, no. It's always the brand-new product.

When honey-based product was in a boom, everyone made one.

It's the competition of who makes the brand-new ones faster.

The assignment for the interns will be the proposal of developing new product.

Manager Gye already told him in advance. That's so unfair.

I didn't ask him to tell him.

He just told me.

If you feel bad about it, you should go smoking with him.

Want a cigarette?

Or not.

How cheap.

But the real problem started from there.

Since I recognized the unfairness,

I started to see what I had overlooked.


Bring two cups of coffee to the director's room.

See? Sangwook is always an exception for the errand.

Doesn't he have hands or feet? That perverted manager.

Gimme that. I'll do it.

Hey, why do you do all these?

We're the youngest ones of the team. Probably that's why.

The guy over there drinking water isn't the youngest one then?

Hey, Sangwook!

Why don't you wash dishes?

Hey, Yoonjoo.

Why do I get implicated in the matter?

Have you ever washed the dishes, even for once?

But instead, I do the jobs that needs strength.


Get out of my way.


I did the heavy work, now you wash the dishes.

I will. I will do it later. It's not that difficult.

Yeah, neither is doing the coffee errand.

But why are you always the exception?

What's the worst of it was that...

There was a business meeting I really wanted to go.

Hey, section chief Hong.

Don't you know how important that meeting is?

You should give them some trust.

Bring Sangwook with you. Only women isn't unacceptable.

It's the meeting Yoonjoo and I have prepared.

You know women are unfavorable in joining the company.

You should try to teach things to our future member, you know?

You're not quick enough.

He said women are unfavorable on my face.

At the end, I couldn't attend that meeting.

So is that how you do it? Fine.

I will show what I can do with the result.

Then I can make you unable to object.

Aren't you going home?

You got first.

Take it easy.

I won't take it easy, and I will beat you. No, I'll beat everything.

With my best effort.

Way to go.

Ugh. You wait and see, Sangwook and Manager Gye!

Yoonjoo, you haven't left yet?

You're doing the assignment, right? Don't push yourself too hard.

I'm about to leave.

Is that so? Then shall we head out together?

Where do you live? It's late. I'll take you home.

No, it's fine.

But it's cold. Maybe I can take you to the subway station.

I might miss the last train.

Then if it's only to the subway station...

Let's go.

You've worked hard to do take care of the business along with the assignment.

The first place is from our team, out of all the interns in the company.

Congratulateion, Yoonjoo.

I'm looking foward to see your final assignment.

Thank you.

Wow, Yoonjoo. We can't beat her.

She worked hard. I knew it.



I've proved myself with the result.

So I had thought everyone would recognize me

until I heard that shocking conversation.

Do you know the intern from marketing team?

Her name is Yoonjoo Kang, maybe?

Her grade is the highest of all the interns here.

Ah, the one who goes out with Chief Cha?

Women live so comfortably.

Maybe she's earned the score with her body.

What? They said I earned the score with my body? What the hell.

It's difficult to write the proposal on that level,

without the help from someone like Chief Cha.

Two of them at the late night.

Someone saw them getting into Chief Cha's car together.

Where could they have gone?

It's obvious. She's learned the bad things already.

Women's bodies are the useful tool, you see.

My blood rushed through my body.

Is this what I got from spending so many days and nights for the assignment?


You're running your mouth. Are you talking about me?

No... No, I mean...

You don't know what happened,

and you are speaking thoughtlessly. It disgusts me.

Kang Yoonjoo!

Lower your voice.

You've done nothing well.

Manager Gye!

What have I done wrong?

You didn't behave yourself, so this kind rumor is going around.

I feel ashamed to see people from other teams.

You trust those rumors and not me?

You saw me overwork to do the assignment.

I've earned the score with my own effort.

Isn't it you who did something wrong in the first place?

Manager! What did I do?

I didn't do anything to be misunderstood.

I'm sorry, manager.

I took her to the subway station. It got somehow twisted.

Don't mind it. I know you're not that kind of person.

And am I?

I can't believe it. Do you know what you're doing?

Yoonjoo. Stop it.

I know you've done nothing wrong.

But you shouldn't have acted so rude in front of the manager.

Go back and apologize.


Why should I apologize to them?

Company life is all about relationships.

It's you who loses out on the manager.

You need to get an intership evaluation, too.

No. I can just quit it. I can't be treated like this.

You're acting childish.

Don't get so emotional.

Section Chief!

You know how angry and upset I am.

I'm the victim of those dirty rumors,

and can you believe it's my fault to be a victim?

Of course I don't. But if you quit now, the things will get worse.

And nobody will feel guilty about it.

Isn't that more unfair?

I can't win that witch.

Everything is so frustrating.

They're so mean.

How could they talk about someone whom they don't even know well.

You must be tired.

Yoonjoo. Are you really gonna quit?

I've been thinking...

I'm gonna be on top for the final assignment

and get accepted to the company. And then...!

And then...?

Then I'll quit.

I won't even look at the company ever again.

Just wait and see who will be a real loser.

They will feel sorry for letting go of me.

It will be the real end.

That's so you.

It's good to see our errogant Yoonjoo.



Evaluate regardless of gender

The problem isn't so simple, you see.

Ah, you see. It is... The problem isn't so simple, I tell you.

About Kang Yoonjoo...

Yes, manager.

Her personality...

She... doesn't fit in well with our company, does she?

I explained well enough.

Just fire her.

She won't be any good for us.

Her capability at work is the best.

She's good at making proposal and processing it.

And she got accepted with the university's recommendation.

It's very complex to let her go in the middle,

and we need to get approved from the director.

Is that so? Ah... Okay, okay!

You take care of the business.

Sigh... The interns nowadays are so rude.

It's a relief...

[It's okay to be sensitive!2]

For more infomation >> 더러운 소문의 주인공이 나라면? [좀 예민해도 괜찮아 시즌2] - EP.04 - Duration: 14:43.


真冬の海で高級魚を【手づかみ!】/捌いて食す! - Duration: 5:31.

In the winter ocean, I am going to handcatch poisonous Fish and eat them!

But this day, it was too cold and windy...

Few days later..

I wear my wetsuit at the cold Beach.

the weather is much nicer, but still cold..

my new socks

Lets get in to this cold water!

Thanks to the socks, my feet are much warmer

still there are small waves left

lots of seaweeds at the bottom


I have nothing in my hands, of course not with spear

There is not any fish swimming in this cold sea


I aproach him quietly...

A puffer fish! : (Higan-fugu )

This is one of the best tasting fish in Japan

because he swells,

hard to push him in..

A smaller one

This one is Kusa-Fugu, a different species which has poison all over his body including the muscles

I release him

many of them..

There are much less Higan-Fugu, which is bigger and able to eat its muscles

Find one!


is it dead?

start moving, was he pretending dead??

he doesnt seems to be healthy...

eyes are closed..

oK, I release him..

about a hour has passed..

Now I can no longer stand this cold water...

There are 2, but I am not aware of it

My hands are red because of the coldness

I got 2 of the fish which can kill you easily if you dont cook them properly..

They have the poison called tetrodotoxin

the poison can cause you numbness first, then dyspnea and loss of consciousness to death.

what a teeth!

take off the fins, as they have poison

take off the skin

the skin is also poisonous

the poison is also in the eye or brain,

The soft roe and liver. Although they seems really tasty to me, they are more poisonous

also poison in eggs

I am going to cook this muscle or the bone

boiled water

then cold water with ice

this is one of the best tasting Sashimi!

very chewy and tasty.

eat with Ponzu

For more infomation >> 真冬の海で高級魚を【手づかみ!】/捌いて食す! - Duration: 5:31.


*찬미의 화장대 공개!* 즐겨쓰는 향수부터 기초 제품 꿀템까지💄😉 요청주셨던 것 모두 소개합니다! [찬미찬미해 (like CHANMI)] - Duration: 6:53.

Let me show you my makeup table!

I used to show you in my Home Tour video and this is my most favorite corner

My Gumis! Hi! This is Chanmi

This is the content you have been asking for! Every video will have this comment "when are you filming this.."


Let's go to that room shall we?

I told you before that this is my most favorite room or corner in my house

This is a makeup pouch I use the I go on stages

Here is..well kinda highlight but

Doesn't it look's beard...

And here are skincare items

This is Toner pad from GUDAL (Vitamin C)

It's very moisturized. Each cotton pad soaked with toner

One side is rough

Another is flat and smooth

You need to wipe your face with the rough surface first

Then wipe again with smooth part. This will help you cleanse even more after facial washing

I use this product a lot!

Then we have perfumes!

The most favorite are placed above

The downward we go, the less likely I will use

The most favorite is... ah I have so many tho ><

Let's..let's begin with the most used one!

Chloe - Woman Eau de Parfum

How should I describe this...

This is kind of fresh scent after you got out from shower!

But it's never true in real life! You know?

And next.. LANVIN Modern Princess

I bought from Korean drugstore called LOHBS

They just give out free trial and I immediately fall for it!

Chloe is very young, a girl walking in white flowers garden

LANVIN is even lighter and good for summer

I use these two a lot

And now you can see my eye shadow palettes!

I really love them

I like single shadow item, but it's quite inconvenient

I am kinda collecting them now

I'm a big fan of NAKED

This palette is called NAKED HEAT

My cat used to make a mess at this one before

You can see some breaks-down here

But I still wanna show this, I love this brand

Then, CLIO Super SUFER

It's limited edition ;)

But only for the case ^^ You still can buy exact same colors

I post about this on IG a lot

Believe it or not? With merely this palette, you can do full eye makeup look

And the package is thin so easy for carrying around

I also have some single eyeshadows right here

Today I did my eye makeup with BBIA 02 and 08

The light pink color is good for base, while the brown is good for eye contouring

Your eyes will look popping!

These 2 are my favorite matte eye shadows!

This is kinda...hell lol



I use these two kids a lot

Pink Honey (CLINIQUE) is good when you do full me today

It is pigmented and comes out nicely to complete your look

Nude Pop is when you have no-makeup look hehe

Tho I don't do much makeup, I still wear blusher you know

Just few base makeup with mascara

So for the no-makeup look, you shouldn't put on blusher too will look like you have reddish

So this product is very good-to-go since it doesn't contain red base

Here we have pencils and brushes

I use 2 BBIA brows pencils

I wanted to buy SHU UEMURA.. but I was broke..

So I went around to look for an alternative like Brows pencil

so I bought these two and I love using them very much!

We finally are with lips products!!


I have big greed for

This is how much I have

If you are curious on one-by-one..I need to do another contents for it

It's really A LOT

First.. this is the color i use the most

Peripera Ink the gelato 4

Most of the fans want to know which lip product I used on stage

It's this one..

I put several times to get the pigmentation, but if you put once, it really brightens up your lips

I think it comes out natural and suits well for students

Today I wear this one!

LUNA - Urban Rose

This is nudy pink but it won't darken your face

sometimes you might worry, but this one won't work that way

So you have seen my makeup vanity for today, how do you like it?

Is it fun..?

I think I'm not the best at describing but..

I really hope you like this video!

And if you want to see more contents like shadow palette or..

you want to see more lip products review

Please leave lots of comments so I will film more videos for you!

Thank you, My Gumis, for watching my video

Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you like this content

ya know ^^?

Please leave lots of comments ^^ I read them all u know ^^ hehe

For more infomation >> *찬미의 화장대 공개!* 즐겨쓰는 향수부터 기초 제품 꿀템까지💄😉 요청주셨던 것 모두 소개합니다! [찬미찬미해 (like CHANMI)] - Duration: 6:53.


일본 후쿠오카 먹방여행🇯🇵 냠냠 VLOg_ 라멘, 스테이크, 장어덮밥, 우동 등♡ feat. 정수 日本食べる旅行 Japan Food Trave (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 13:57.

2019. 1. 21 ~ 24 Fukuoka Mukbang Trip :D

This video was edited mainly on Mukbang♡

Please watch it comfortably-♥

As soon as we arrived, we went to eat ♡0♡

((Hakata station_Kitte 101 Kisuimaru))

We ordered this one!

Tada★ First meal in Japan!

First meal is really important, isn't it~?

Looks delicious ♡♥

Luliy&Jungsoo : Yoohoo~ ' 3 '*

Pit a Pat fluttering first bite...♡

Luliy: How does it taste? Luliy: Is is really delicious?!

For a start, salmon with rice ~ ~

Mm ~ ♥♥

Really tasty TOT

Wow ㅠ ㅠ.. The smell of the sea wafts ♪

Is this Salmon Roe ?!

Oh!! It's salty ^0^

There are variety of Sashimi so you can taste various flavors♡

[Miso soup]

Happy Happy... *::♥::*

Raw shrimp !!

Wow,, Raw shrimp,, It's really fresh ㅠ ㅠ,,,

First meal in Japan was successful ♬

((#2. Hakata_Ichiran Ramen)) We are here to eat Ichiran Ramen for dinner !!

Ramen! Isn't it must-eat? : 3

White boiled egg came first

Whoa!!! How can be an egg so tasty..?!

The yolk is really soft and very lovely.. ㅠ ㅠ ♥

Whoops! Haha. It was supposed to be put in Ramen!

Luliy: Thank you so much ~ ~

The egg is really tasty♡

Ta-da ~ ~ ★

Here comes Ichiran ramen ♬♪♡

Yeah ~ ~ ~

slurp slurp - -


Everyone.. It's the best Ramen I've ever eaten...b

The meat broth has really deep taste... T T♡

I didn't know there could be such a delicious Ramen...

I think I know why people say Ichiran is the best! Really delicious

Noodles also has deep taste of the broth : )

300%-satisfactory Ramen ^♥^

Ichiran Ramen is really awesome b^ ^b

It is the best Ramen ever !!

((#3. Kokura Station_Sukesan Udon)) Tada! Udon with fried burdock and

katsudon of famous Sukesan Udon !!

I will try to enjoy it ♡

I heard this Udon is so famous and delicious. I will try it!

Mm !!! ♪ Awesome..!!

The soup is REALLY deep

Udon noodles are very unique!!

[Fried burdock]

THIS ONE is totally my taste☆

Noodles are soft and unique! I've never eaten anything like this before

You really have to try it!! I love the texture of noodles

It is so tasty that I feel really good♥

Upper part of Fried burdock is crunchy

Lower part of it is wet and soggy because of the soup

I think both parts are fascinating♡

I really want to recommend this place because of reasonable price ^-^

((#4. Kokura Ikinari Steak)) Steak house that I accidentally found by the smell : D

Tada~ Japanese Sirloin Steak ★

And Jungsoo's American Sirloin Steak !!

Jungsoo: It is medium rare ~

Jungsoo: It's really good

★ Steak Mukbang start ★

Wow!! Really tasty !!!!

Rice can't be left out ♧

How can steak be so delicious??

Steak here is VERY VERY.. delicious !!

It's the best steak I've had lately ♪

Enjoying white rice ♡

Happy with tears ㅎ_ㅎ

It is really delicious. So we ordered one more Haha

sizzle- sizzle- Yummy sound ♪♬

Oh this is hot @3@

As expected, the steak of this house is delicious♥

I'll come here again next time♡

((#5. Kokura_Amu Plaza Hakusai)) Morning of the third day♪

We came to eat Japanese home-style food

Isn't it neat and cute ^-^ ?

[ Rolled Omelet ]

It is soft and smooth♡

[ Miso soup ]

Fried Shrimp (???)

Oh the sauce has unique taste : D

The best thing is that various side dishes are served in a special way♡

It is simple meal that we can feel various tastes ♪

[ Grilled Fish ]

I really like Japanese home-style food♥

It was a perfect meal for me I think ^-^/

♣This time, I'll show you a variety of food

at 100-year tradition Tanga market in Kitakyushu : )

Please appreciate it following what I see ^-^

There are lots of unseen food different from Korea ~

Wow!! There is unique kind of Sushi ♥0♥

It's good to eat, but it's also great to watch a variety of food like this♡

((#6. The last supper_Food from Izutsuya department store!!))

Lunchbox that has various and cute side dishes : D

♡Umeboshi rice ball♡

♡very expensive Rice with Grilled Eel♡

The last supper!! We will enjoy it ♪

Bon appetite ~ ~♥

Mm ~ ~ ♥♥♥

Grilled Eel is melting in my mouth ㅠ ㅠ

It has really soft texture T♡T

This one is fried shrimp, it was for sale☆

Super delicious !!

VERY! tasty

Not cruchy, but it is savory and light♡

This is Umeboshi rice ball♡

I really like Umeboshi : )

Umeboshi is the love T T ♡

[ Fishcake ]

a bite of rice ball~ after the side dishes~

How can everything so delicious?!

Truly there were nothing tasteless

I want to take this Rice with Grilled Eel to home T_T

What is this ?_?

Fried fishcake ??

[ Rolled Omelet ]

I want to come Japan again and eat many delicious food

This hotel is really awesome

You can see the night view of Kokura station *::★::*

I'm eating while watching the night view : )

For 3 nights and 4 days at Fukuoka&Kitakyushu

We had a lot of delicious food

Really fun and happy♡

It's a memory I will never forget : )

For more infomation >> 일본 후쿠오카 먹방여행🇯🇵 냠냠 VLOg_ 라멘, 스테이크, 장어덮밥, 우동 등♡ feat. 정수 日本食べる旅行 Japan Food Trave (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 13:57.


Przyimki (PREPOSITIONS) w języku angielskim i TROCHĘ JAPOŃSKIEGO! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Przyimki (PREPOSITIONS) w języku angielskim i TROCHĘ JAPOŃSKIEGO! - Duration: 5:59.


EXAMS vs NORMAL Days - Kids Routine | #Fun #Roleplay #Bloopers #MyMissAnand - Duration: 10:16.

As its Exam time

fun, enjoy that we generally do in Normal days

its exact opposite we face during exam days

and there's remains only study.. study...

In our Normal days we're like Randchodhdas from the movie 3 idiots

and during our exam days we're like Ishaan Awasthi from the movie Tare Zameen Par

So today's video is related to it.

and If you too agree with me

then turn this grey LIKE button to blue

and get this video to 2,00,000 LIKES

also do SUBSCRIBE to my channel

so lets get started

its in dream...

Today is my exam

where is my school?

Today is my exam

and what's happening with me?

from where these exam papers falling out!!

oh it was in dream

you're doing cheating

you failed

it was a dream....

you're looking so happy today

whats the matter!!

you know today we've two PT periods

a free period and a craft period

and today our Hindi teacher too is not coming

so two more free periods

so today is gonna be so much fun in school

yes Mumma.. I've to go now

have this to sweeten your mouth so that your exam would be good

so why don't you give me a chocolate to sweeten my mouth

ok Go now and Best of luck for your exam

oho.. its a bad omen

now you need to sit here for some time

then you may leave

but Mumma I am getting late

Mumma I'll be late because of your all these dramas

its 21st century

don't believe in these superstitions

now I am going

Namaste Aunty!

Aunty! Will Bhavya play

sure why not

can I speak to her


hello will you come to play with me

will you play at home

no not at home. lets go down

I'll call Arushi too

will you come to play??

Me and Bhavya too will be there


Hello Aunty!! Is Rama there?

she is studying as she has exams

Aunty will she come to my home to play

she'll not come. also don't make calls again and again

Aunty! Can I play with Tripi

he got tired of studying continuously

he is sleeping and he won't be able to come now

Aunty he is tired os studying!!!!

I think she too has Exam fever

I send her back and told that you got tired of studying

now my dear child will comfortably sleep

dear bring vegetables first then you play

Mumma can I bring it after playing

No bring vegetables first


is there's money inside ti


my sweet Dadi Will you get me glass of water please

take it yourself

and if you're going then bring it for me too

lets bring water

have it

lets eat something

wow all things I am getting on my hands

where is my book??

oho.. they don't let me to go anywhere

lets eat some ice cream

now what you want

I need to go for potty

today is my birthday

will have fun today and full day party...

I think Lego Friends is inside this

wow this is looking interesting

what's inside it

oho.. ruined my birthday

what you've cooked today

these doesn't quenched my hunger

ok I'll make dosa for you

Mumma when it get cooked

I'll serve it in two minutes

Mumma can you give it here as I am watching my favourite cartoon

have it

Mumma.. haven't you make dinner??

as we gonna to go outside to eat pizza today

can we order Pizza today

its your exam time my child

you've these almonds to sharpen your mind

if this too not working then have these walnuts

this will surely sharpen your mind

now go and study

what's this

this is carrot juice

but Papa I told you to bring ice cream shake

but its good for your health

it has vitamin A

For more infomation >> EXAMS vs NORMAL Days - Kids Routine | #Fun #Roleplay #Bloopers #MyMissAnand - Duration: 10:16.


Royal Az - Andy Cohen on His Journey to Parenthood: 'As a Gay Man, I Never Thought It Was in the Ca - Duration: 2:10.

 Andy Cohen "always knew [he] wanted a family," but he admits that he wasn't sure becoming a father would ever become a reality for him

 "As a gay man, I never thought it was in the cards for me," the Watch What Happens Live host, who welcomed son Benjamin Allen via surrogate on Feb

4, told PEOPLE and Weekly Editorial Director Jess Cagle in a candid interview for this week's issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday

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 "When I came out to my parents in 1988, my mom said she had to mourn the life that I wasn't going to be able to have

And that life meant getting married and having kids," recounts Cohen, 50.  "[At that time] people were dying of AIDS; [that's] what was happening in the gay community

So all these years later, gay men are raising families and getting married. There were points where I thought that it was too late for me or that I was really focused on my career, and I was having too much fun to think about it

It was still there nagging at me in the back of my head."  Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter

  Andy Cohen Explains His Decision to Become a Single Parent  "Turning 50 also played a big part," Cohen continues

"I just realized that now was the time. From the time I decided, 'Okay, I'm doing this,' which was December 2017, for the entire year of 2018 I lived my life as though it was my last year on the planet

"  "I went to London twice. I followed the [Grateful] Dead on tour. I went to Israel for the first time

I went to Europe for three weeks. I took advantage of every opportunity, and it was a joyous, joyous year," he raves

 "I knew that I was turning a page on that chapter in my life. It's not to say that I can't go to a party anymore, but things are changing

"  Now that he's 10 days into fatherhood, Cohen has started dreaming even more about the things he can't wait to experience alongside his baby boy as Benjamin grows up

 "First day of school, bar mitzvah, just tucking him in, being on the beach with him," the Bravo star tells Cagle of what he's looking forward to most

"I'm in a place in my life where I have a pretty generous schedule and where I can afford to pick up and go somewhere for the weekend

"  "I'm excited to go on adventures with him and show him the world," Cohen shares

"I want to see him running around a big green yard. I want to teach him to swim."  For more about Andy Cohen's life as a new dad, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Andy Cohen on His Journey to Parenthood: 'As a Gay Man, I Never Thought It Was in the Ca - Duration: 2:10.


Royal Az - My heart kept beating OUTSIDE body in operation which saved life - Duration: 4:52.

 Midland dad James Walton owes his life to a heart in a box, kept beating outside his body as surgeons prepared for a remarkable transplant op

 The donor heart kept beat in a transparent box as blood was pumped through it to keep it alive

 Father-of-one James is the first person to have the amazing new procedure at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and the only third person in the UK to be saved that way

 Desperately ill after his aorta had 'burst', and barely able to walk more than a few yards, James was put on the urgent transplant list on January 3 this year

 Miraculously, just five days later a donor was found and James was given a new heart on January 8 – but the way it was done would have seemed like science fiction not long ago

 "As soon as I woke up, I felt like a new person," says James, who has a three-year-old son named Jack

"I felt great. I can breathe again. Most importantly, I can spend time with my little boy

"  James, who works as a joiner, was born with Marfan Syndrome which affects the connective tissue in the body and can lead to heart valve problems later in life

 In 2015, his health began to deteriorate and in October he needed surgery after his aorta ruptured

 The following year he had further surgery to have his aortic valve replaced, and finally a pacemaker fitted

 But all the operations failed to do the trick, and James was left barely able to walk, in pain and having difficulty breathing

 The only option left was to find a new heart.  "My heart wasn't working right so it was affecting my day to day life," recalls James, 34

"I was finding it hard to breathe, and to play with my little lad.  "I couldn't really do anything in the end

"  James became so ill that on some days he couldn't even get out of bed. Despite having a pacemaker fitted, his heart could not get enough oxygen round his body

 And, especially when he was asleep, his heart was beating dangerously slowly.  "James couldn't walk more than 100 yards at work," says wife Kat

"He couldn't play football or go to the park with our three-year-old boy. He was exhausted all the time

 "His heart wasn't pumping enough blood and wasn't giving enough oxygen to the body

Sometimes he couldn't even get out of bed for days because of the pain."  James was admitted to the Royal Stoke Hospital at the beginning of December, where they first discussed a heart transplant as an option

 Then, just after Christmas, he was transferred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, and was put on the transplant list on January 3

 "Our whole family was shocked when we heard he was on the transplant list," admits Kat

"We were told that we would probably be waiting for around three months, or possibly even a year

   "But James was too ill to leave hospital. We got told he would have to stay in until they found one, and we were preparing for a long wait

 "When we heard they had found a heart just five days later we were absolutely stunned

"  James was taken down to surgery where Mr Majid Mukadam had retrieved the heart from the donor patient

 The heart was put in the 'Heart in a Box', where it continues beating and remains alive by pumping blood round its 'box body'

 Usually, transplant organs are kept in a ice box to preserve them, which can pit surgeons against the clock

 But the new Heart in a Box means that surgeons have more time to carry out the operation, making it easier for medics and the patient

 Immunosuppressant drugs are also pumped through the blood, minimising the chance of the heart being rejected

 The hospital is one of the only centres in the UK  to have one, after the QEHB Charity and Heart Research UK raised £265,000 to fund the amazing machine

 Now, just five weeks on, James is back home in Stoke-on-Trent, and is making the most of family life

 "It's still early days, but James is much more active," says Kat. "Jack now has his Daddy back

He can chase him around and play games with him. Before, he would be too out of breath and too tired

 "He's even cooking! It's only a few weeks after the transplant and we can't believe the difference

"    *************  The couple only discovered last week that James was the first 'guinea pig' to try the Heart in a Box

   The procedure isn't necessary for all transplant patients, but because James had undergone multiple heart surgeries previously, he fit the criteria

 Surgeon Majid Mukadam explained that because James had a lot of scar tissue, his heart would 'cling' to his body, taking them longer to remove it

 Therefore, the Heart in a Box was vital for a successful transplant.  "There's people on the list who have been waiting seven or eight months to get a call," adds James

"I was so lucky I was only on the list for five days.  "I don't know anything about my donor yet, but I want to write a letter to the family when I get the opportunity

I'll always be grateful for them for giving me a second chance."  Barbara Harpham, Chief Executive at Heart Research UK, says: "To see such a young man given the gift of life is a wonderful way to show it was well worth all the effort to get this revolutionary machine in the Midlands

   "It will go on to save many lives.  "We're very  grateful to everyone who gave to the Heart in a Box Appeal and at the same time remember with thanks, the donor and their brave family who made this precious gift possible for James

"     ******************************     HOW IT WORKS  Heart in a Box keeps a donated heart beating outside of the body, with blood pumping through the organ, along with immunosuppressant drugs

 It's equipped with an oxygen tank, supply of blood, batteries, and special electric and mechanical equipment to monitor the organ, and pumps nutrient-rich warm blood round the donor heart, keeping it beating as though inside a body

   This helps to irrigate the heart and make sure that it is in the best condition possible before transplant

 Crucially, compared to the traditional ice box method, this lengthens the amount of time that surgeons have to carry out the transplant, making the operation easier for both surgeons and patient

 Heart in a Box is transportable and means that organs can be moved around the country to save lives here in Birmingham

For more infomation >> Royal Az - My heart kept beating OUTSIDE body in operation which saved life - Duration: 4:52.


E-commerce in China is pretty unique | Around the world with Wilbur - Duration: 0:56.

Hi! I'm Wilbur, and I'm travelling around the world to learn how people behave online in different countries.

This week, I'm in China.

Did you know that Chinese e-commerce is very different from e-commerce anywhere else in the world?

Online marketplaces are very popular, but forget Amazon and eBay.

In China, local sites like, Taobao and Pinduoduo reign supreme!

In terms of online payments, the most popular methods are Alipay and WeChat Pay.

You can learn more about digital marketing around the world in The Webcertain Search And Social Report.

Check out the link in the description!

For more infomation >> E-commerce in China is pretty unique | Around the world with Wilbur - Duration: 0:56.


The Bachelor's Colton Underwood: 'I was grabbed and touched inappropriately' at charity event - Duration: 4:14.

 Bachelor Colton Underwood made an early exit from a charity event after he was allegedly touched inappropriately

 The reality star, 27, said on Instagram that he was attempting to take photos with fans at an event for his Legacy Foundation on Wednesday when a personal line was crossed

 "I'm sorry if you didn't get a picture at the event last night, but at one point during the event I was grabbed and touched inappropriately while people were throwing cameras in my face," he wrote on his Instagram Story

"I am the type of person who would have stood in line for hours to make sure anyone who supported the event got a picture, but once that happened I had to do what was best for me as a human being

" Colton Underwood/Instagram  ABC did not return PEOPLE's request for comment.  The incident, which was first reported by TMZ, occurred at his foundation's Garden Party at Mavericks Beach Club in San Diego

 The event was slated to run from 6-9 p.m., and all proceeds from the $25 tickets went to the Legacy Foundation

The former NFL player launched the charity in 2015 to aid people living with cystic fibrosis

 "I didn't sign up to be a piece of meat or a zoo animal. I hope we run into each other at another event or on the street and I can take the time to say hello," he continued

"Thank you again for coming to support Legacy and the fight against CF."  TMZ reports fellow Bachelor Nation stars Becca Kufrin, Garrett Yrigoyen, Blake Horstmann, and Tanner Tolbert were all in attendance

 Underwood's season of The Bachelor has shed light on sexual assault, and drew praise for the way it handled contestant Caelynn's revelation that she was drugged and raped in college

 "My life was flipped upside down," she told PEOPLE of the assault. "And even though I've moved on, it is something I will struggle with forever

"  Underwood, who snagged the Bachelor role after an emotional stint on Bachelor in Paradise, shocked fans this week when he sent controversial contestant Demi home moments after she confessed she was falling in love

 "I appreciate you saying that to me. There's a part of me that just doesn't know if we can get there," he said

"I just don't know right now if I can see myself with you at the end of this."  The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8 p

m. ET on ABC. The Bachelor Chris Harrison hosts the veteran reality romance series

Will you accept this rose? type TV Show seasons 23 episodes 232 Genre Reality run date 03/25/02 creator Mike Fleiss Cast Arie Luyendyk Jr, Nick Viall, Ben Higgins, Chris Soules, Juan Pablo Galavis, Chris Harrison Network ABC Available For Streaming On Complete Coverage The Bachelor

For more infomation >> The Bachelor's Colton Underwood: 'I was grabbed and touched inappropriately' at charity event - Duration: 4:14.


【Joey】 What's Inside (cover) / 内臓ありますか 歌ってみた - Duration: 3:26.

(Music by PinocchioP Translation by forgetfulsubs)

What's inside?

I felt like maybe I had finally understood it all, but in the end I'm back at square one

I can watch the world from above, but this body of mine still lives off of junk food

Karma is nowhere to be found, the future is ever uncertain

Even as the years passed, you the bully, still looked so happy.

It's useless to say anything, it's useless to be told anything. Lethargy, ignorance-- the more apathetic

The more fear of being hurt lies beneath. I wanted to be loved, without loving.

Karma is nowhere to be found, the future is ever uncertain

They say the heavens are watching, but all the things truly evil remain evil still

Is everyone working hard doing nothing but the things you don't really want to do, yet again today?


Are you clicking your tongues inwardly while giving a servile bow?


Are you a good person? (Yes--)

Or are you evil after all? (Yes--)

And this is unrelated but do you want to go to a fun party tonight?

I shed no blood nor tears, and lack in kindness but

Even if our scattered thoughts clash with each other

What's inside, do we all still have organs?


Even if you leave me, even if I understand it was a commonplace thing--

Even if we were to cry so hard our bodies started to wither--

What's inside, do we all still have organs?

(Yeah, yeah.)

(Yeah, yeah.)

One person says they're the victim, but according to another they're the criminal

"Maybe they're both wrong" you might say but all the onlookers stop thinking at that point.

Karma is nowhere to be found, the future is ever uncertain

You can do things as uproariously as you like, but in an end what matters is the result alone...?

Is everyone working hard doing nothing but the things you don't really want to do, yet again today?


Can you meet your profit margin without really doing anything at all?


Has something nice happened to you recently? (Yes--)

Or did something bad end up happening instead after all? (Yes--)

And this is unrelated but there's a weekend-only sale coming up, do you want to go with me?

I might lose my dreams, I might search and only find a tiny bit but

If worst comes to worst I can sell them but

What's inside, do we all still have organs?


Even if your outsides are beautiful, and even if you hate how ugly you are on the inside

Everyone's the same when you peel off their skin

What's inside, do we all have organs?

Is everyone working hard doing nothing but the things you don't really want to do, yet again today?


Is everyone working hard doing nothing but the things you don't really want to do, yet again today?


Karma is nowhere to be found, the future is ever uncertain

And this is unrelated but will you scream real loud for me?

I shed no blood nor tears, and lack in kindness but

Even if our scattered thoughts clash with each other

What's inside, do we all still have organs?


Even if you leave me, even if I understand it was a commonplace thing--

Even we were to cry so hard our bodies started to wither--

What's inside, do we all still have organs?


With however much happiness you have And about this much trauma

It's like comparing apples to oranges

A hail of sympathy and disgust

Even if your outsides are beautiful, and even if you hate how ugly you are on the inside

Everyone's the same when you peel off their skin

What's inside, do we all still have organs?

(Yeah, yeah)

(Yeah, yeah)

For more infomation >> 【Joey】 What's Inside (cover) / 内臓ありますか 歌ってみた - Duration: 3:26.


SOFIA THE FIRST NEW MAKE UP 💄 Custom SOFIA PRINCESS Doll With Candy | Kids Makeup & Dressup - Duration: 6:18.

Welcome to our channel.

Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!

You are watching the video "SOFIA THE FIRST NEW MAKE UP 💄 Custom SOFIA PRINCESS Doll With Candy"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> SOFIA THE FIRST NEW MAKE UP 💄 Custom SOFIA PRINCESS Doll With Candy | Kids Makeup & Dressup - Duration: 6:18.


Giv Syn til Tanzania - 6-årige Salim ser for første gang i sit liv - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Giv Syn til Tanzania - 6-årige Salim ser for første gang i sit liv - Duration: 0:36.


Hyundai i20 Coupé 1.2 HP i-Motion Comf - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 Coupé 1.2 HP i-Motion Comf - Duration: 1:12.


Wstrząsająca historia pana Wojciecha. Katarzyna Dowbor i "Nasz nowy dom" właśnie zmieniają jego życi - Duration: 5:02.

 Katarzyna Dowbor wraz ze swoją ekipą dała nadzieję na lepsze życie bardzo wielu osobom

Jedną z nich był pan Wojciech, który od lat zmaga się z niepełnosprawnością. Dziennikarka i prezenterka postanowiła mu pomóc

 Katarzyna Dowbor wraz z ekipą programu „Nasz nowy dom" emitowanego w telewizji Polsat pomogła już bardzo wielu osobom w spełnieniu ich marzeń

Uczestnicy, którzy zwracają się do niej o pomoc, nierzadko mają za sobą bardzo trudne doświadczenia życiowe

Jedną z takich osób był pan Wojciech Durka z Wąsewa. To właśnie do niego 11 lutego przyjechała ekipa telewizji Polsat, aby odnowić jego dom

 Już wkrótce dom pana Wojciecha będzie nie do poznania. Dla niego remont obecnego lokum jest wybawieniem z dramatycznej sytuacji życiowej i materialnej

Mieszkaniec Wąsewa, któremu zdecydowała się pomóc Katarzyna Dowbor, jest osobą niepełnosprawną

Na skutek poważnej choroby musiał poddać się amputacji obu nóg. Mężczyzna od dekady porusza się na wózku inwalidzkim

Jego dom jest bardzo mały i nieprzystosowany do potrzeb osoby niepełnosprawnej. Dietą chciał wyleczyć nowotwór

Pacjentka miała rozerwaną pierś Katarzyna Dowbor wraz z ekipą pomogą niepełnosprawnemu panu Wojciechowi Pan Wojciech mieszka w domu ze swoją żoną i 4-letnią córką Anią

Jednak oni sami nie zgłosili się do udziału w programie. List do redakcji Polsatu napisał brat niepełnosprawnego mężczyzny, który nie mógł już dłużej patrzeć na cierpienie członka rodziny

Na odpowiedź nie trzeba było długo czekać – 1 lutego przyjechała ekipa, aby dokonać wstępnych oględzin i wybrać odpowiednie rozwiązania, tydzień później rozpoczęły się prace ekipy remontowej

 – Jesteśmy szczęśliwi, że tak nieoczekiwanie zmienią nam się warunki życia – mówi szczęśliwy mieszkaniec Wąsewa

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ I FILMEM:  „Nasz nowy dom" już wkrótce będzie gotowy

W Wąsewie trwa rewolucja W czasie remontu rodzina zamieszkała w hotelu. Już wkrótce Katarzyna Dowbor zabierze ich do odnowionego domu

Będzie on w pełni przystosowany do potrzeb osoby niepełnosprawnej. Projektanci zadbali, aby pokrzywdzony przez życie mężczyzna mógł żyć w bardziej komfortowych warunkach niż do tej pory

 Remont starego domu potrwa zaledwie 6 dni. W Wąsewie trwa prawdziwa rewolucja. Efekty z pewnością będą spektakularne

Ekipa programu „Nasz nowy dom" ma niespełna tydzień, aby dokonać cudu. Jednak – jak już wielokrotnie można było się przekonać – dla Katarzyny Dowbor nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE: źródło: Tygodnik Ostrołęcki

For more infomation >> Wstrząsająca historia pana Wojciecha. Katarzyna Dowbor i "Nasz nowy dom" właśnie zmieniają jego życi - Duration: 5:02.



For more infomation >> VEJA O QUE ACONTECE QUANDO UMA OVELHA SE AFASTA DO PASTOR - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:30.


Fabiano RESPONDE // Cuidado com o seu horizonte - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Fabiano RESPONDE // Cuidado com o seu horizonte - Duration: 1:16.


Gosia Andrzejewicz opowiedziała.nam o.swoich wymarzonych.walentynkach. Można się zdziwić - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Gosia Andrzejewicz opowiedziała.nam o.swoich wymarzonych.walentynkach. Można się zdziwić - Duration: 5:05.


Marina Borruso: Ancora sofferenza? - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Marina Borruso: Ancora sofferenza? - Duration: 2:22.


【SUPER SPICY!】 NEW 2.5x SPICY FIRE NOODLE!! I End Up Crying!! [6.2Kg] 7000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:15.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !

i received this thing from one of the viewers from korea

what do you think is inside the box ?

but it's written on the box


this is the new version of spicy fire noodle

it's 2.5 times more spicy

hai, Lon !!!

it's 2.5x more spicy than the normal spicy fire noodle

its spicy smell is so dangerous

and this is a letter written by the korean viewer

his japanese is so good

i want from you, yuka-chan, to try this new version of the spicy fire noodles that was released in korea

his japanese is like a native japanese


thank you so much

"if you find it so spicy you can use milk, cheese or eggs too"

i think it's so spicy

but today i'll eat it with some rice

let's see the recipe

let's start with making corn rice

let the rice first in a water for 30 mins and after that dry it

you can use raw corn, but i'll use this canned corn

let's add the corn

consomme and soy sauce

we fill it with water for the the rice cooker

and we cook it like usual

and i'll make some boiled dumplings as well

waaw, the corn is so fluffy

waa, its color looks so tasty

this is the package, the same bird as usual

and you find inside it, this noodles...


and fire sauce

i boiled the noodles...

i got rid of the water

and i'll add this sauce

and we mix it

until now, it does not looks so spicy at all

but the smell is so amazing, you can feel the spices

and after that we add this seasonings

jaaan, i did it

and here some corn rice

and some dumplings soup

and if it's so spicy i'll use eggs and cheese


this time it's a lot

the smell is so spicy

mmmmm !


this is really spicy

so dangerous

i ididn't do any think yet and the spices exploads in my mouth

let's eat the rice

mmmm! corn rice is truly delicious


i'm sweating now

this is really spicy

let's take another bite

i already want to use milk and cheese

it was so much for just a bite

it's better to eat it using chopsticks

the spices will cover the spoon if you use it

my mouth is burning now

it's so spicy, i need milk for sure

tea will not hold it

today i'm not going to use eggs and cheese, just to keep the taste as it is

but the spices that cover my mouth is really burning and hurt

but the texture of the fire noodle is so soft and this is so tasty

i can feel the spices by just looking at it

let's eat it like a pasta

that's a lot

too much


it's so spicy but its taste is so delicious

this is really spicy

a real hell

i need a lot of rice

Samyang is really making a really spicy and "deathly" noodles


but the noodle is really soft and tasty

and the taste of the corn rice is so refreshing and delicious

dumplings soup

huge !!


the weather is not that hot, but i'm sweating a lot

i used this time 5 packs

10 packs will need a lot of cheese for sure

at first you don't feel the spices that much but after that it will start burn

spicy !!!

the taste of the corn in the corn rice is so notable and strong

aaaaah, this is so spicy !!

2.5x spicy, this is really too much

anyone will find it spicy

this is really amazing


my mouth hurt so much all this time

and i'm sweating a lot

you always sweat a lot when you eat a spicy food


i need to eat plenty of rice after every bite

the corn rice still hot after all this time


i need to rely on the milk to save me


i thought that i'm going to get used to the taste but it still spicy

and because i'm not going to add cheese, it's so spicy

it's really spicy

and even my ear start hurt


it's so scary to sip it

aaah, that's a lot

it's so spicy that even my ear start hurting

the last bite



the new 2.5x spicy fire noodle was so spicy

but it was really delicious

spicy but tasty

and to let the taste as natural as possible i didn't use eggs and cheese, and i did my best for that

i'm so glad that i was able to try this new version

special thank to the korean viewer for this precious gift

and i ate plenty of corn rice as well

it helps a lot against all this spices

it was so spicy but tasty, so why you don't try this as well ?

and as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye !

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【SUPER SPICY!】 NEW 2.5x SPICY FIRE NOODLE!! I End Up Crying!! [6.2Kg] 7000kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:15.


サッカー神業 キッカーボール編 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 7:50.

Hello!! We are KAMIWAZA!!

Welcome to soccer trick shots Kickerball edition!!

Tacchan will deliver a great cross.

I will connect well with it and hit the crossbar!!

Please watch this!!

I can do this!!

I will kick a ball while riding a truck!!

It is very dangerous. Stop it!!

It's dangerous!! Stop it!!!!!

There is a danger of life!!

Upper right, A mouse!!

Is it mouse?

Can you see that?

That's basketball hoop. haha

Let's do this!


Upper left, Rabbit!!

What is the biggest thing in Nara?


The Great Buddha of Nara



Mount Ikoma!


The biggest in Nara is...

Tsuburo Lake!!!

Stop it!

Let me go when I get ready.

Tsuburo Lake shot!

Oh my god!

This is Tsuburo Lake!

This is Tsuburo Lake!!!

Do you know Kickerball?

This ball makes a messed curve!

Even if I kick from corner behind the corner.

I can score!

Watch this!

Falcon punch!

Show me your moves!

You did it...

Bottom right, reindeer!

Don't try this at home.

Can you see that pin?


I will hit that in 2 seconds.


Watch this!

You scared me!

I will deliver the world best cross!

And I will pass the ball to him with the world best kick!

And I will score with the world best kick!!

Let's do this!

World best shot 3 in a row!


Lower left corner, mouse!

We are here at sea in Shizuoka prefecture.


What's Shizuoka prefecture known for?


Mount Fuji!


Shizuoka prefecture is about AJ UNITED!!

A is here with us today!!

So please open this champagne with kicker ball!

Let's do this!!

Let's go!!!

*Do not attempt.

He will hit that crossbar with kickerball!

Curl shot! (He ate a snack which name curl)

Eat too much. haha

I get this basket hoop on the car.

And I will score with kickerball!!

How difficult is it?

*Do not attempt.

Thank you for watching!

How was soccer trick shots kickerball edition?

You can buy a kickerball from the link in description.

Get a ball and Let's make it curve!!

We will upload new trick shots videos so please subscribe!!

See ya!!


For more infomation >> サッカー神業 キッカーボール編 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 7:50.


チョコ・マカロンのシンプルな作り方~ガナッシュをたっぷり詰めて - Duration: 2:46.

When the dust disappears Macaronage to crush the surface bubbles

The state where gloss appears in the fabric is the best.

Pull out the air to bubble the surface I will erase it.

It will not stick even if you touch it Dry it.

Warm heavy cream I add.

Of chocolate and fresh cream Mix them when the temperature becomes uniform.

Of chocolate and fresh cream Mix them when the temperature becomes uniform.

For more infomation >> チョコ・マカロンのシンプルな作り方~ガナッシュをたっぷり詰めて - Duration: 2:46.


La Biblia Hablada en Audio Romanos 14, 1-23 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> La Biblia Hablada en Audio Romanos 14, 1-23 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 8:50.


Top 4 - Momentos Sexys em Boku no Hero Academia (ATIVE AS LEGENDAS) - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Top 4 - Momentos Sexys em Boku no Hero Academia (ATIVE AS LEGENDAS) - Duration: 2:33.


Nads Nose Wax Kit for Men & Women Review - Try it Peta - Duration: 10:01.

so you ready I'm ready okay hello everyone

John said he's ready I'm ready okay we're going to do a try Peta but it's

actually a Try it John I'm not happy because I care I I actually didn't want

to do it but John said he'd do it so it's fine so what we're going to be

doing today is we're going to be doing nose waxing and yes see this is what

you're great to do okay let's just get get going and all right so to do this

what we have to do is this is what's in the kit I'm just opening up the kit I've

actually already warmed up the wax is you have to warm up wax but there are

little things like this that are in the kit and this is actually this Part

obviously goes up your nose this part if you've got hair on top of your nose if

you've got hair on top your nose? no no he hasn't

and also it's also for doing the middle of the brows so it's quite a versatile

little tool and I think I'll keep them yeah I might use that in the shed for

something later on you could use it in the shed now what else comes with it

post wax calming wipe I think you are going to have some of that antibacterial

wipes so we'll have to do that first and what else have we got we've got the

direction so I think I pretty much know how to do that but I've got to read them

just in case what about a towel okay so why don't you

want you'll be fine if it does all fix it so we've heated the

wax and then checking the temperature we've done that and nose waxing so John

you're gonna have to read that because I've got the contacts in and I can't see

it just barely so you have a read of it it's just gonna read it and see I dip it

into them into the wax pot I guess this is the wax pot dip it in well you gotta

clean the inside of the nostrils with a tissue well let's use the antibacterial wipes

for that alright let's do that first so I'm just opening up the antibacterial

wipes I put that down then you dip the

applicator in the wax

ensure the wax covers the entire base do not dig too deep into the nose I don't think

what will dig too deep into your nose

so you do that I'm not gonna put my finger up your nose

alright hang on turn around don't show everybody what's up your nose

in the meantime I mean this is something that you know waxing it can be painful so I

mean I know how painful waxing can be each *great* so it is going to be a little

bit painful okay okay so your nose is all clean it's clean alright so what

does it say next well that's right that's what we just

went through yeah okay we've cleaned it dip it in make sure it covers applicator

evenly okay so come a little bit closer to me darling and face me like you know

that way that's it so we're going to put it into that why don't you clean the

applicator first just the top of it so it's gonna clean the applicator and

we've got to do two of them we can't just have one

okay let's see if we can get past one just about leaving it how long do you

leave it in there for okay does it say leave in here leave there pull a up

where's it say all that stuff read it okay the collar should sit outside the

nostril do not move or twist the applicator once it has been inserted let

the wax cool inside your nostril for at least 60 seconds but no more than 2

minutes okay so I'm gonna get to it 2 applicators out so the two are going up and

then you could pull them out or you can it I don't know what we're gonna do but

where's the other wipe that your had so I'm just gonna wipe this as well

right then so we're ready so why don't you hold he's gonna hold the wax pot I

would bet ever watch for seconds oh no cause it'd be on here so close all right

I'm holding the wax pot okay so I'm gonna put the first one in

I'm just swirling it around and not getting it on the collar because I've

got a little collar there so I'm not getting in on the collar because that

will probably hurt even more yep that's good okay you're ready you know

ready yeah you know okay and then I'll do the next one oh good I'll take this

you're gonna have to hold that oh you got on the collar oh yeah it's all right

right so there you go don't twist it no so we're gonna sit there now the

benefits of waxing if you have you know a lot of hair you might need to go and

have laser treatment just don't move it how's that feeling all right that's all

right I'm just trying to breathe okay just breathe through your mouth it's best

so the benefits of waxing is that when you wax it does

actually reduce the hair as it starts to grow it because it pulls out of the

follicle the hair out and it does inhibit growth so waxing is a really

good thing to do the only thing down so waxing you just can't bring it this way

bit more which love that's right no limit so I won't move anyway the only downside

to waxing is it can be very painful so I mean no however I have my legs wax but I

just I don't do anything else really I just leave the rest of it because it's

just too painful i've got a sensitive body also you can do laser treatment I'm not

sure about laser treatment up your nose I'm not sure about that whether that is

a thing but certainly Nose wax kit waxing is a thing which wait there you go hey you

going there John? okay it's been 60 seconds it's been a little bit just a little bit longer so

yeah so I would say that this is going to be effective it's going to be

effective but if you do have some lots of hair hanging out you know you do need

to do something about it so it didn't say anything John asked whether you

could wax your ears but it didn't say anything about ear waxing and I'm not

sure whether that work but you've got really nice ears anyway John so and you

he hasn't got any hair on his ears okay or on your nose which is good now you're

ready so look if you want me to pull them out or they can come out together or one

at a time. let's do it together alright so we're gonna do one okay

okay look at me why what I think I can do it and you okay yeah

just alright I'm gonna do it one okay oh

yeah okay ready I didn't I'm sorry i am not a very good

nurse quick! calming wax oil yeah just pull hey you know what there's still wax

up you know you're gonna have to get that out get the vacuum cleaner

no oh no this still works there so he's still got wax there on his nose but

it's okay because afterwards you can sort of pull it out you're gonna have to

pull it out yeah but anyway we'll do that later so what would you what's your

experience in with oh this is fantastic product I recommend you use on anything

but your nose! pretty I know it's hard on the camera cuz it's backwards yeah so

guys um yeah I didn't do it it's pretty gross really when you look at it oh my

god that's gross that makes me want to gag I told it it's making me want to gag

just looking at all right yeah it's great I loved every moment and I hope

maybe in next I'd know six to eighteen months I'll probably do it again by I

don't months you'd do it again no I thought you'd say six to never years you

do it again I know an hour by then we'll you know they would have grown again I

would use a lighter or something about a flamethrower

that was playing though wasn't it Thanks well thank you honey for doing that for

me he's such it he's such a hero oh yeah thank you so much for doing that you're

such a a a legend or a good sport yeah well quit cuz I certainly was not

going to do it and I did have to talk to him into it a bit and me and Dorian are going now

I knew I did what Dorian yeah it didn't he's probably panicking as well yeah

alright guys well I hope you've enjoyed that today I hope that's given you an

idea of how to use nose wax and and what it's like it's it's a good product and

obviously what it works pulls them right out it pulls him out and

if you it says even here that's 9 out of 10 so if you actually are having problem

with nose hair that is option there's also a little shavers a little sort of

much of things that you can put up there but anyway just wanted to give you an

idea of what nose waxing was about today I hope you enjoyed it and subscribe to

the channel do you think they should subscribe

oh god you have to be mad if you didn't win yeah and then you get these great

updates and also give us a like and give John and like because that was a really

brave thing to do cuz I know I wasn't here alright it's like if Johnny I like

as well that would be great he'd really enjoyed that oh that's fantastic thanks

a lot alright guys well you have a lovely day

wherever you are in the world and we'll see you next time in this torture

session is finished by now see ya later yeah


For more infomation >> Nads Nose Wax Kit for Men & Women Review - Try it Peta - Duration: 10:01.


[ENG]짬뽕(쟁반짬뽕) 볶음밥 군만두 | 중식특집 제2탄!!!! ASMR 먹방리뷰[커플먹방] - Duration: 12:17.

I ran out of food on the floor ...

Why blow your mouth

Our score today.

Out of 5

Hello everyone.

taeri guri taeguri.

I came to eat delicious food today.

In fact, the last time we had Chinese food You did it.

This time, I prepared for the second shot.

Prepare food with a tray of seafood chanpon I've done it.

It's a tray of seafood.

It's Champon.

Oh~ It's a tray champon.

I tried to eat champon today, I'm dressed.

I am in brown clothes ...


It's gray.

Why am I doing this today. I guess guri is color blind.

So now the delivery has come I'll show you.

This is a seafood chanpon

I saw this for the first time.

And everybody. I have less.


I got one more.

That's what it is.

I have fried rice together.

Wow ~ I almost shed on the floor.

And we have our own food.

We made our own grilled dumplings for any kind of food.

Actually, the buns are delivered separately.

But today

I'll show you our homemade dumplings.

This is our dumplings.

There is a mixture of kimchi dumplings and meat dumplings.

So, you guys have everything we need. I'll come back after I'm done.

One, two, three ! @ #! # @! $ @! $ @%!

In fact, it's similar to today's menu I was featured.

However, The reason is...

I liked it so much.

Once the name of the food here is.

Seafood chanpon What is here?

Egg fried rice What is here?

We made our own buns.

dumpling dumpling

dumpling dumpling

This is buns. And before us This is a side dish.

And this is soy sauce, a friend of buns.

And what is today's drink? Today's drink

Coke. I'll pour it in the cup once.

Wow So let's try our food.

Champon ready!

Start eating!


Cotton suction machine


fried rice


Chopped chopsticks

Shrimp + mushroom


Plenty of sauce



space out


Let's eat the dumplings left over here with the sauce.

I'll sprinkle some source

Sprinkle with teriyaki mayonnaise sauce I'll see.

I'll sprinkle with teriyaki sauce first.

This time, ! @ #! @ # $ @! # @! # @

As if nothing happened ...

You and taeri sprinkle Bush.



I'm really a smiley.

Everyone, we have food on the floor of our house. I was shedding.

Sauce and food and Kashio Bushi etc

You guys are ready.

Why did you blow this into your nose?

I'll try it now.


Fried rice

Champong soup ...

Egg quilt


I almost smiled and spit.


Dumplings together

I ate well.

I think I did a mukbang that was funny today.

I was eating food before

I dropped the spoon and the plate and everything on the floor.

I watched guri eat in the middle.

How was the food of today as a whole?

I had a bit of a chanpon.

I was really hungry.

! @ #! $ # @! # ^ # ^ # $ @% & $ ^% $ ^ I can not speak properly.

You guys actually stopped broadcasting a while ago I took a break and I broadcast again.

And the tray champon is different from the general champon.

Something is a lot of flavor because it is a seafood chanpon I think it's different.

Certainly, there was a lot of scent of fire. It was more delicious.

And how was the flavor of the fried rice?

I used to taste ordinary fried rice.

I had the best fried rice today.

Oh really? Fried rice was the best.

And dumplings I had the best of buns.

Do you want this? It's a bun.

We made the grilled dumplings, but we sprinkled the sauce.

It was really delicious.

When Teriyaki and Mayonnaise meet It's a combination of fantasy.

A good friend

Why? You often make funny jokes these days.

Where I ordered when I featured it last time

I can order again I think it was delicious.

It was really delicious today.

Chinese food is always good.

That's right.

So today's score for us is

4 out of 5

Please watch our broadcast today. Thank you very much.

Okay, then you'll be fine with our subscription.


For more infomation >> [ENG]짬뽕(쟁반짬뽕) 볶음밥 군만두 | 중식특집 제2탄!!!! ASMR 먹방리뷰[커플먹방] - Duration: 12:17.


076. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> 076. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:36.


★Алоэ и мед: Две чайные ложки в день, и забудете о колите, гастрите, язве, запоре и камнях в почках! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> ★Алоэ и мед: Две чайные ложки в день, и забудете о колите, гастрите, язве, запоре и камнях в почках! - Duration: 2:24.


#IlPOLIMIrisponde - Perchè le batterie delle auto elettriche richiedono lunghi tempi di ricarica? - Duration: 3:56.

All batteries take a long time to recharge if we want to make maximum use

of their storage capacity. This is because part of their storage capacity

can only be recharged slowly, not quickly.

Let's take an example: there are some batteries that can be charged

to 80% in 30 minutes, but charging the remaining 20%

takes a further 30 minutes. This is what happens

in electric vehicles: in this case we want to make maximum use

of the batteries' storage capacity to maximise the vehicle's range.

Electric vehicles usually have lithium ion batteries

like this one: inside are coiled

electrodes connected respectively to the positive pole

and the negative pole of the battery. Inside

electrochemical reactions take place that allow the conversion

of electrical energy into chemical energy, changing

the structure and chemical composition of these electrodes.

In a dead battery the lithium is predominantly

at the positive electrode. To charge it we need a flow of electrons

from the battery's positive pole to its negative pole

therefore, a flow of lithium from the positive electrode to the negative electrode.

Electric energy accumulates by transferring lithium to the negative electrode.

As batteries discharge, the opposite naturally occurs:

electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole and at the same time

lithium flows from the negative electrode to the positive electrode.

In this way chemical energy is again converted into electrical energy

minus some inevitable losses, and the lithium is transferred once again

to the positive electrode. Therefore, the amount of lithium in the electrodes

determines the state of charge of the battery, but this also influences the potential difference

"delta V" which is measured at the battery's poles.

For example, 2.8 volts will be measured when the state of charge of the battery

is 0; while 4.2 volts will be measured when the state of charge of the battery is 100%.

To increase the charging speed, lithium must be transferred more quickly

to the electrodes, or the electrical current between the poles

must be increased. This however causes an increase in potential difference

because of resistance inside the battery related to electrochemical reactions

and the transport of lithium. Potential difference has a maximum limit

beyond which the materials in the electrodes degrade due to undesirable electrochemical reactions

This maximum limit is reached when charging the battery at a high current;

therefore, you must gradually reduce the current or the charging speed.

So, it is possible to charge a battery at a high current up to, for example,

80%, which takes 30 minutes. Recharging the remaining 20%

will take a further 30 minutes because it is operating at a low current.

Further increasing the current in the first phase of charging

does not have any significant effect; it only slightly reduces the total time

and at the same time increases the thermal and mechanical stresses

that the battery is subjected to and reduces its life expectancy.

There are strong efforts being made to improve battery technology

particularly lithium batteries; developments to date, however,

do not suggest any revolutions in the short term.

For more infomation >> #IlPOLIMIrisponde - Perchè le batterie delle auto elettriche richiedono lunghi tempi di ricarica? - Duration: 3:56.


Justyna Żyła zrobiła sobie tatuaż! Dla Piotra? Zobacz, jak wygląda! - Duration: 3:42.

 Już wkrótce Justyna Żyła po raz pierwszy weźmie udział w rozrywkowym show! Była żona Piotra Żyły została zaproszona do programu Polsatu "Dancing with the Stars

Taniec z Gwiazdami". Już wiadomo, że 31-latka nie zatańczy ze Stefano Terrazzino, a jej partnerem będzie Tomasz Barański! Na Instagramie Żyły pojawiło się nowe zdjęcie, jednak nie z parkietu, a z kulinarnej sesji

Uwagę zwraca jej nowy tatuaż! Czy Justyna zrobiła go dla Piotrka? Justyna Żyła ma tatuaż   Justyna Żyła do show-biznesu weszła za sprawą głośnego rozwodu z Piotrem Żyłą

31-latka na początku zeszłego roku poinformowała fanów i media o niewierności skoczka i jego odejściu do innej kobiety

Małżeństwo od lat uchodziło za idealne, wobec czego zdrada Piotra Żyły zszokowała opinię publiczną

  Skoczek zaprzeczył wiadomościom o zdradzie, na co Justyna odpowiedziała rozbieranymi zdjęciami w "Playboyu"

O odważnej sesji zdjęciowej zatytułowanej "Góralu, czy ci nie żal?" mówiło pół Polski

Justyna powiedziała w wywiadzie o Piotrze:   Choć małżeństwa nie udało się uratować, Justyna i Piotr dziś przyjaźnią się ze sobą

Para dzieli się obowiązkami rodzicielskimi. Justyna i Piotr są rodzicami: Kuby i Karolinki

Wydaje się, że 31-latka już pogodziła się ze stratą ukochanego. Jednak najnowszy tatuaż, który wykonała sobie na ręku może świadczyć o czymś innym

Była żona skoczka wytatuowała sobie symbol nieskończoności, pióro i napis "Love", czyli miłość

Czy wciąż tęskni za Piotrem?  Pasją 31-latki od wielu lat jest gotowanie. Gwiazda prowadzi swój kanał na YouTubie "uwaŻyła" poświęcony kuchni

Również jej Instagram pełen jest zdjęć smakołyków. Jak Justynie uda się pogodzić gotowanie z tańczeniem? Wszystko okaże się po 1 marca, po pierwszym odcinku "Tańca z Gwiazdami"

 Zobacz też: Justyna Żyła stroi fochy w "Tańcu z gwiazdami"?  Justyna Żyła ma nowy tatuaż  Czy zrobiła go dla Piotra?

For more infomation >> Justyna Żyła zrobiła sobie tatuaż! Dla Piotra? Zobacz, jak wygląda! - Duration: 3:42.


Adevărul despre vacanța în Dubai a lui Gheorghe Turda împreună cu sora lui! Fosta lui prietenă spune - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Adevărul despre vacanța în Dubai a lui Gheorghe Turda împreună cu sora lui! Fosta lui prietenă spune - Duration: 5:33.


Předpověď na víkend - 15. - 17. 2. 2019 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na víkend - 15. - 17. 2. 2019 - Duration: 1:02.


Przypomina.grypę, może.zabić w jeden dzień. Każdy rodzic.powinien.się dowiedzieć o tej chorobie - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Przypomina.grypę, może.zabić w jeden dzień. Każdy rodzic.powinien.się dowiedzieć o tej chorobie - Duration: 5:13.


Călin, fostul concurent de la Exatlon, despre Giani Kiriță: "Intimidează mult" - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Călin, fostul concurent de la Exatlon, despre Giani Kiriță: "Intimidează mult" - Duration: 3:17.


How To Unlock Your Phone With Your Voice | Latest Voice Lock 2019 - Duration: 4:45.



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