Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 21 2019

Sarah Alainn : Vocalist, violinist, composer, copywriter, radio and TV host.

For more infomation >> [HARIO×Sarah Àlainn] Tea Dripper LARGO & Heatproof Flavor Glass [TDR & HFG-300] - Duration: 1:01.


Waste Knights Board Game at Essen (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Waste Knights Board Game at Essen (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:57.


[簡易實用教學] 滑鼠游標注意事項與熱點設定 Cursor Hot Spot - Pro Motion NG - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [簡易實用教學] 滑鼠游標注意事項與熱點設定 Cursor Hot Spot - Pro Motion NG - Duration: 4:22.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Automaat BESTE PRIJS - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Automaat BESTE PRIJS - Duration: 1:13.


BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.

Brawl Stars Gameplay


For more infomation >> BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.


最新ニュース | 川栄李奈、プライベートファッションのこだわりは?レイザーラモンRG共感で"あるあるネタ"披露 - Duration: 2:50.

【川栄李奈/モデ プレス=2月21日 女優の川栄李奈が「 ニーカーベストドレ サー賞 2019」 受賞し、21日、都 で行われた授賞式・ 者発表会に出席した 【さらに写真を見る 川栄李奈・佐野勇斗 kemio・近藤千 ら受賞「スニーカー ストドレッサー賞 019 授賞式」の 様普段からスニーカ ファッションを楽し でいるという川栄は うれしいです」と受 を喜び、「これから スニーカーを履いて きたい

走る時以外でも、散 する時はスニーカー 履いています」と笑 を見せた。この日は レンジを基調とした ェックのセットアッ に白のスニーカーを わせて登場した川栄 普段のコーディネー でも、派手なファッ ョンのときは落ち着 たスニーカーを選ぶ がこだわりといい、 靴紐がかわいいもの 多いので、靴紐を自 で変えたりして楽し でいます」とプライ ートファッションに いて語った

2年連続受賞したレ ザーラモンRGは「 -1グランプリで早 と敗退したので嬉し です!」とトロフィ を高らかに掲げて喜 を表現し、川栄の" 紐のこだわり"に共 したようで、靴紐に なんだあるあるネタ 披露

DA PUMPの「 .S.A」に乗せて 靴紐変えるけどもと 戻す~♪」と歌い、 場を盛り上げた。2 22日の「スニーカ の日」にちなみ、「 ニーカーが似合う」 今後スニーカーを履 て欲しい」「スニー ーの需要喚起に貢献 てくれた」人物を各 門賞ごとに選出して 彰する「スニーカー ストドレッサー賞」

今回で第2回目の開 となった。今年度は 女優部門の川栄のほ 、俳優部門に佐野勇 、クリエイター部門 kemio、モデル 門に近藤千尋、スポ ツ部門にクライミン 選手の野中生萌、芸 部門にレイザーラモ RGが選出された

(modelpre s編集部)【Not Sponsored 記事】

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース | 川栄李奈、プライベートファッションのこだわりは?レイザーラモンRG共感で"あるあるネタ"披露 - Duration: 2:50.


[박상진의 e스토리] '종로시대' 롤챔스와 함께 새로운 도전 나서는 김민아 아나운서 - Duration: 16:05.

한국 리그 오브 레전드 e스포츠는 여러 면에서 새로운 도전을 시작했다. 2019년.

2013년부터 쭉 이어왔던 세계 최고의 리그라는 명성을 중국 LPL에게 넘겨준 채 도전자로 다시 시작했고,

라이엇 게임즈에서 직접 리그를 주관하며 리그 오브 레전드 전용 경기장인 롤파크에서 시즌을 시작했다.

샌드박스 게이밍과 담원 게이밍도 그리핀에 이어 챌린저스에서 롤챔스(LCK)로 승격해 새로운 리그에 도전한다.

'매드라이프' 홍민기와 '캡틴잭' 강형우 역시 선수 생활 이후 분석 데스크에서 새로운 모습으로 e스포츠 무대에 나선다.

김민아 아나운서 역시 2019 도전의 롤챔스와 같이 무대에 섰다.

기상 캐스터와 골프 쪽에서 활동했지만 e스포츠는 처음인 아나운서다.

리그 오브 레전드 게임을 즐기고 e스포츠를 좋아했지만, 취미로 즐기는 것과 일로 하는 것은 완전히 다른 일이다.

그런 김민아 아나운서는 정말 용감하게 롤챔스에 도전했고, 결국 역사적인 롤파크에서 열린 첫 롤챔스 무대에 함께 했다.

욕심이 너무 많았던 나머지 첫날 방송에서는 아쉬움을 남겼지만, 바로 다음 날 인터뷰에서는 매끄러운 진행을 보이며 시청자들에게 조금씩 다가갔다.

자신이 정말 하고 싶던 일을 하고, 꿈에 그리던 무대에 선 나머지 첫 무대에서는 욕심을 내다 오히려 아쉬운 모습을 보였다는 김민아 아나운서.

게임과는 관련 없던 일을 하던 아나운서는 어떻게 롤챔스 무대에 오르게 됐을까.

설날을 앞두고 롤챔스 방송을 준비 중이던 김민아 아나운서와 만나 이야기를 나눴다.

2019시즌이 시작된 지 3주가 지났습니다.

짧다면 짧고 길다면 긴 시간인데, 어떻게 지내고 있나요 하루가 어떻게 지나가는지 모를 정도로 일이 많아요.

많은 분이 저를 믿어주셔서 롤챔스라는 무대에 설 수 있게 됐는데,

준비는 했지만 부족했는지 시행 착오를 겪고 있어 지금도 계속 공부 중이에요.

매일 어제보다는 나은 방송을 하고 싶다는 생각으로 롤파크에 오고 있어요.

기상 캐스터와 골프 방송을 진행했지만, e스포츠 방송은 처음입니다.

e스포츠 관련 방송은 쉽게 접하기 힘든 영역인데, 어떻게 롤챔스 무대에 도전하게 됐는지 궁금합니다 리그 오브 레전드는 2017년 연말부터 시작했어요.

주로 서포터를 하고, 가장 좋아하는 챔피언은 레오나입니다.

게임을 하다 보니 자연스레 롤챔스도 보게 됐죠.

'나도 저 무대에 서고 싶다' 하는 생각만 했지 기회가 올 줄은 몰랐거든요.

그런데 작년 말 아나운서 모집 공고가 올랐어요.

정말 놓칠 수 없는 기회라 생각하고 제 모든 걸 바쳐 이력서를 써서 보냈죠.

나중에 들어 보니 지원자 중 이력서 평가 3순위 안에 들었다고 하더라고요. 그만큼 꼭 해보고 싶던 자리였습니다.

하고 싶어 하는 일을 하며 사는 게 제 목표였고, 면접에서는 제가 얼마나 하고 싶은지와 잘 해낼 수 있을지 설득했어요.

말을 어찌나 열심히 했는지 면접 시간이 한 시간을 넘었더라고요.

그리고 추석 당일 새벽에 합격했다고 연락이 왔어요.

제가 보여준 열정과 애정을 믿어보기로 했다고.

그걸 보고 좋아서 밤에 소리를 질렀습니다.

그리고는 바로 어떻게 해야 할지 준비를 시작했죠.

진짜 원하는 일을 하게 되어 정말 행복하고 좋은 성과를 내고 싶었어요.

지금 생각해보면 이해 가지 않을 정도로 첫날 인터뷰는 생각과 달리 아쉬움이 많았습니다.

방송 2일차부터 첫날의 어색함은 찾아볼 수가 없었는데, 대체 첫날에는 어떤 일이 있었을까요 제 욕심이 너무 과했어요.

게임을 보고 제가 묻고 싶던 걸 정리한다는 게 생각보다 많아졌고, 거기에 작가진이 정리한 질문도 추가됐죠.

거기에 분석 데스크 조언까지 듣고 들어갔는데, 막상 무대에 서니 경기 내용이 헷갈렸어요.

어느 세트에 나온 장면인지, 이게 누구 플레이인지.

너무 많은 걸 하려다 제 발에 제가 걸려 넘어진 거죠.

처음이니까 평소보다 더 여유 있게 정리하고 깔끔하게만 했으면 되는 건데, 잘하고 싶다는 욕심이 앞섰습니다.

선수의 대답을 들으며 다음 질문을 준비해야 하는데, 그것도 못 했죠. 제가 봐도 프로답지 못한 날이었어요.

그러다 보니 마지막에 했던 말만 들려서 그 질문만 하고.

제 실수로 같이 준비한 사람들까지 나쁜 평가를 받게 된 거 같아 정말 죄송했어요.

첫날 실수는 작가진보다 제 잘못이 컸어요.

그래서 다음 날부터는 작가진에서 준비해준 질문을 기본으로 제가 궁금한 부분 한두개만 추가해서 인터뷰 했죠.

너무 딱딱하다는 이야기도 있었지만, 첫날 같은 실수는 하지 말아야겠다는 생각이었습니다.

지금에서야 말하지만, 첫날은 퇴근이 아니라 도망간 거 같은 느낌이었어요.

리그 오브 레전드를 많이 했고, 그만큼 방송 적응도 빠를 줄 알았는데 그게 아니더라고요.

제게 재미있게 보는 것과 시청자가 만족하는 방송은 정말 다른 일이었어요.

저 나름 열심히 준비해서 방송에 들어갔는데 실제 경험을 해보니 부족한 게 많았죠.

첫날 방송을 마치고 들어가서 반응을 살펴봤는데 정말 마음이 아팠죠.

그래도 고쳐야 나아지니 반응을 하나하나 다 읽고 고치려고 했어요. 시청자 피드백을 받는다고 생각하면서.

처음부터 잘하고 싶다는 욕심이 부담된 거 같은데, 아무래도 라이브 인터뷰는 처음이다 보니 쉽지 않았을 거 같다는 생각도 듭니다 경기장 분위기를 제가 살리고 싶은 욕심이 있었어요.

경기장의 화려하고 활기찬 분위기를 인터뷰에도 녹여내고 싶었거든요. 그런데 그게 쉽지 않았어요.

그리고 인터뷰의 주인공인 선수들의 이야기도 제대로 표현이 안 됐고요.

다음 날부터는 선수들의 플레이를 빛나게 할 수 있는 인터뷰를 하자는 생각을 했습니다.

선수들과 너무 딱딱하게 이야기한다는 이야기도 있었는데, 일단 선수들에게 익숙한 사람이 되어야 가능할 거 같아요.

많은 피드백을 받고 있고 저도 제 경력에 맞는 모습을 보이고 싶습니다.

시청자들이 대단한 게 제가 인터뷰를 하고 나서 아쉬운 부분이 있다 싶으면 바로 이야기가 나오더라고요.

아직은 칭찬받기에는 이른 시기라고 생각합니다.

그래서 어떤 이야기를 들어도 다 받아들일 준비가 되어 있고요.

그리고 같이 분석 데스크에서 방송하는 하광석 해설과 홍민기 해설,

그리고 강형우 해설 모두 제가 경기를 볼 때 쉴 새 없이 질문하는 걸 다 받아주시느라 고생하고,

롤챔스 경력 초반인 지금은 제가 스스로 준비하는 거 만큼 다른 분들이 도와주시는 게 많아요. 작가님들도 저 때문에 고생하시죠.

시청자 피드백도 마찬가지예요.

하루는 도저히 시청자 반응을 볼 자신이 없어서 다시는 안 보겠다고 웹 브라우저의 즐겨찾기를 다 지우고 잤는데,

다음 날 아침에 생각해보니 제가 나아진 게 없던 거 같더라고요.

그래서 부랴부랴 다시 다 돌아가며 찾아보고 즐겨찾기를 복구한 일도 있었습니다.

어떤 피드백이든 다 받아들이려고 하고, 다행히 첫날보다 다들 좋은 이야기를 해주셔서 감사하게 생각합니다.

아직도 제가 부족한 부분을 지적해주는 분들도 있지만, 제가 그만큼 더 늘어야 한다 생각하고요.

제 첫 목표는 시청자들이 좋은 인터뷰라고 이야기해주지 않아도, 좋지 않은 인터뷰라고는 하지 않았으면 하는 겁니다.

리그 오브 레전드를 좋아하는 만큼 점점 롤챔스에 잘 적응해가고 있는데,

지금까지 인터뷰로 만난 선수 중에 기억나는 선수가 있나요 인터뷰 한 모든 선수가 개성 있는 선수들이에요.

그 중에 '트할' 박권혁 선수가 지금 바로 생각나요.

선수들을 처음 만나다 보니 얼굴은 아는데 목소리는 현장에서 처음 들어보거든요.

그런데 질문을 하고 잠시 질문지를 보는 순간 배우 이선균 목소리가 들려서 깜짝 놀랐죠.

선수들이 이야기를 잘해줘서 제가 부족한 부분이 있어도 잘 넘어가거든요. 말도 잘했고요. 목소리 정말 멋있었어요.

그리고 MVP를 네 번 연속으로 받은 '타잔' 이승용 선수는 좋은 성적을 내고도 겸손한 모습을 보이는데,

거기서도 자신감이 느껴지는 게 인상적이었어요.

얼마 전 카밀로 활약한 '온플릭' 김장겸 선수에게 어떻게 하면 카밀을 잘할 수 있나 물어봤는데,

처음에는 못했지만 열심히 노력해서 잘하게 됐다는 이야기를 듣고 제가 반성하게 됐어요.

처음부터 잘하는 모습을 보이려고 했다가 오히려 반대의 결과가 나온 게 라이브 인터뷰가 처음인데도 제 욕심이 너무 과했다는 생각이 들더라고요.

저도 열심히 노력해서 익숙하고 편안한 인터뷰를 진행하고 싶습니다.

그리고 이번 시즌 활약 중인 '조커' 조재읍 선수와 동갑으로 알고 있습니다.

같은 나이인 조재읍의 활약을 보고 어떤 생각이 들던지 롤챔스를 준비하면서 선수들의 나이를 봤거든요. 조재읍 선수가 저와 동갑이더라고요.

이번 시즌 전에는 나이 때문에 좋은 모습을 보일 수 있을지 의문을 가진 사람이 많았지만 샌드박스의 돌풍을 이끌고 있죠.

저도 서포터 유저니까 쓰레쉬를 해봤는데, 차라리 파이크를 하는 게 낫겠다는 생각이 들 정도로 쉽지 않았어요. 쓰레쉬를 정말 잘하더라고요.

조재읍 선수의 활약을 보고 저도 더 잘할 수 있겠다는 자신감을 얻었어요.

게임도 그렇고, 방송도 그렇고 오래 하고 싶은 게 사람 마음이거든요. 선수들도 마찬가지일 거 같아요.

롤챔스에 합류하기 전부터 게임을 많이 하는 거로 알려졌는데, 얼마나 많이 했었나요 요즘은 방송 준비에 집중해서 잘하지는 못하고 있지만,

예전에는 쉬는 시간이 나면 리그 오브 레전드를 했어요.

사람들이 요즘 뭐하냐고 물어보면 게임한다고 할 정도로.

한 번은 피들스틱 서포터를 해보고 싶어서 일을 끝내고 집에 와서 시작했는데,

제가 너무 못하는 게 화가 나서 시간 가는 줄 모르고 계속했어요.

다음 날 일정이 있어서 그만하자 하고 일어나 보니 열 네시간동안 계속 게임만 했죠.

이렇게 열심히 붙들고 살았는데 실버와 브론즈만 왔다 갔다 하고 있습니다.

그래도 돌격 넥서스 모드는 성격 급한 저에게 잘 맞아서 열심히 하고 있어요.

제가 자주 하는 레오나 궁극기 쿨도 잘 돌아오고, 명중 판정도 더 잘 뜨는 거 같아요.

이제 정식으로 롤챔스 무대에서 활동하니 방송도 게임도 열심히 하고 싶어요.

골드는 기본으로 가고 싶고 목표는 플레티넘입니다.

저 같은 사람도 정말 재미있게 하는 걸 보니 왜 리그 오브 레전드가 하는 것도,

보는 것도 모두 인기 있는 게임인지 알 거 같아요.

게임에서 목표는 플레티넘에 오르는 거라고 말했는데, 그렇다면 어떤 아나운서로 기억되고 싶은지 제가 리그 오브 레전드를 시작하고 경기도 보기 시작했는데 방송에서 안경 낀 아나운서가 멋있게 나오더라고요.

그래서 찾아보니 김수현 아나운서였어요. 말도 시원시원하게 하고요.

작년 스프링에는 김수현 아나운서가 팀 소개 콜을 했는데, 그걸 보면 경기장 전체를 김수현 아나운서가 지배한다는 느낌을 받았어요.

그런데 경기 중간에 하던 해적 방송이나 경기 인터뷰를 보면 친근한 누나 같은 모습이더라고요.

다정다감한 모습인데 멋있을 때는 멋있고, 진짜 뭐든 잘하는 거 같았어요.

저도 다른 사람이 보기에 상황에 맞는 최고의 모습을 보이는 아나운서가 되고 싶어요.

한 가지만 잘하는 이미지로는 길게 갈 수 없다고 생각하거든요.

단단하고 꽉 찬 내용을 가지고, 또 부드러운 분위기를 가진 아나운서가 되고 싶습니다.

인터뷰를 마치며 롤챔스 시청자들, 그리고 인터뷰 독자들에게 인사 부탁드리겠습니다 먼저 죄송하고 감사하다는 이야기를 하고 싶습니다.

첫날은 정말 죄송한 마음뿐이었습니다.

롤챔스를 오래 본 분들에게 첫날 미숙한 모습을 보여 죄송하고, 그래도 남겨주신 피드백들이 도움이 되어 저도 적응하는 데 도움을 받고 있습니다.

제가 놓치는 부분도 다 잘 잡아주시더라고요.

한마디 한마디가 모두 도움이 되어 저에 관한 이야기는 어디에 있든 읽어보려고 합니다.

열심히 하는 건 너무 당연한 이야기고, 잘하겠습니다.

잘하면 뭘 잘했는지, 못하면 뭘 못 했는지 언제나 많은 이야기 부탁드리겠습니다.

For more infomation >> [박상진의 e스토리] '종로시대' 롤챔스와 함께 새로운 도전 나서는 김민아 아나운서 - Duration: 16:05.


Dan Negru, anunț tranșant după 13 ani de căsnicie cu Codruța: „E alegerea noastră" - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Dan Negru, anunț tranșant după 13 ani de căsnicie cu Codruța: „E alegerea noastră" - Duration: 3:28.


BIAS Rack | Aaron Patrick of All That Remains #whyBIAS - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> BIAS Rack | Aaron Patrick of All That Remains #whyBIAS - Duration: 3:57.


Halala Ki Haqiqat By Maulana Jarjis Ansari | molana jarjis | jarjis ansari | peace islam - Duration: 4:47.

Maulana jarjis ansari about halala

For more infomation >> Halala Ki Haqiqat By Maulana Jarjis Ansari | molana jarjis | jarjis ansari | peace islam - Duration: 4:47.


El Barón | Capítulo 13 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:00.



What is this? What happened?

Tell me right this second and tell me the truth.

-It'll be worse if you don't. -Okay.

<i> Isabel was already in deep</i> <i> with me and all my problems.</i>

<i> I had to tell her</i> <i> that we saved Papo Mejia</i>

<i> from the Godmother's wrath</i>

<i> and that we were going</i> <i> to hide him in our home.</i>

<i> This secret, and a few others,</i>

<i> would soon be discovered.</i>


Even the injured manage to escape from you!

I told you, ma'am.

They cast a protective spell on him.

Plus, this dummy ain't worth a damn.

-What could I have done? -What you were supposed to.

How could you not see which way Mejia went?

I didn't see them. I swear they didn't go that way.

I'm not stupid. That was the only way out.

They had to have left through there.

What happened, babe?

I didn't send you to go hang out.

I sent you to help them.

Or are you double-crossing me?

What happened?

Cat got your tongue?

Godmother, I didn't see which way...

Hey! Why are you hitting her?


I want to hit her too!

Don't interrupt me when I'm correcting my people, Darwin!

Leave him!

I said leave him!

He needs to learn how we treat traitors.


He's a hitman known as Toto.

He tried to kill Luis Fernando Mejia, alias Papo.

He gave us some information, but we're currently trying

to negotiate with the judicial system

so he'll talk to us.

This guy is a key component in this investigation.


Yes, Zamora?

What information has he given?

We have the name of the woman

who ordered the hit on Papo Mejia.

Why don't we arrest her?

Because she's under investigation.

I suppose you know how the system works, right, Zamora?

We can't waltz in and arrest her just because.

-Of course. -Thanks.

Plus, we'd have to find her first.

Her and Papo Mejia,

who was taken from the hospital yesterday.

In other words, they pulled the wool over your eyes.

I see that.

It's as close as we've been able to get.

Thanks to Thompson, we caught the gunman, okay?

We also have the registration number of the car

that was involved in the hospital shootout.

Here's all the information you need.

Model, year, registration, everything.

There's no excuse.

As soon as you have news and you locate it, tell us.

Did you see that?

They send us to do their dirty work

so they can take the credit. Awesome.

If I were you, I'd start thinking of retirement.

Excuse me.

Thank you.





Sweetie, how are you?

I was just praying to the virgin right now

so she'll protect you and bring you back home soon.

I'm going back, Mom.

I've wanted to talk to you so badly.

Me too, honey. Me too.

Where are you?


<i> Miami?</i>

What do you mean?

Tell me the truth. Are you okay?

I mean, two teenagers by themselves,

<i> far away from home...</i>

I've seen the news.

Things are so ugly down there.

Anything could happen to two boys on their own.

Don't believe everything you see.

It's not that bad. I'm fine.

I just...

I never should've left.

What do you mean?

Tell me truth. Are you okay?

Do you want me to go get you?

No, don't worry, Mom.

I promise we'll see each other again soon.


It's okay.

How are you? How do you feel?

I'm really sorry Griselda hit you.

That was terrible. I'm so sorry.

Sonny almost hit you too.

I'm sorry.

I don't want that to happen.

I don't want Sonny to become a murderer like his mother.

We have to get out of here or she'll kill us both.

I've been thinking of a plan,

but I don't know if it's possible.

You're thinking of running away with your son, right?

I want to leave too.

I'd love nothing more, but it's too hard.

I know...

but I also know who can help us.

Paul, Richie called his mother and said that Justin and he

-are in Miami. -What?

Are you sure?


Could you believe the coincidence?

This is unbelievable.

Please, Paul, do whatever it takes to find our son.

Okay, I will, I will. Don't worry.

All set.

Want to drive?


What's wrong, man?

Are you pissed about last night?

Just let it go. Forget about it.

I'm not that type of person.

What type of person?

We slept with a woman, that's all.

It's not just that.

It's everything.

I don't like this stuff.

I don't want to sell drugs or share girls.

I don't want to be here.

I don't want to be here!

Calm down.

Do you want everyone to find out?

You know what?

We're doing what we dreamed of.

We're making money, sleeping with goddesses,

and we've got a car. No one can touch us.

This may be your dream, but it's not mine.

Give me a break.

What are you trying to say? Spit it out.

I called my mom.

She's a wreck because of me.

I promised her I was going back.



With the money I have,

I can rent a car and go back to New York.

Alright. Fine. Beat it.

I'm not going anywhere, though.

Especially not now that I'm finally making my way.

And you know what?

You're a ------- coward.

I might be a coward, but I'm not an idiot.

They ran away from home in New York.

One is 17 and the other is 16.

My son's name is Justin Thompson

and the other kid is Richie Perez.

Yes, I'll send you the pictures I have via fax

so you can give them to your agents.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

What happened?

Justin is in Miami.

In Miami?

What a coincidence.

I don't think it is.

Do you think he came to see you?

No, he didn't come to see me,

but we both came down for the same reason.


How long are we going to be hiding this guy?

Until Rafa Cardona gets here.

I spoke to Pablo.

He said they were sending him to sort things out.

And you believed him? That was all talk.

-What if this guy dies on us? -He won't.

Open your eyes!

They're taking you for a ride.

Are you expecting anyone?


Hey, Chabela.


How's it going, Nacho?


What brings you by?

I came to talk.

Oh yeah?

What about?

I know what game you're playing.

Where the ---- am I?

Papo Mejia.

What the hell is going on? Why is he here?

Hold on, Darwin.

I can explain. Let's talk.


Hey, hey!

Calm down, Darwin.

Put the gun down.

Are you the one who took him?

Griselda is looking for him and you're keeping him here.

It was an order from the people in Medellin.

Please put that gun down.

Darwin, you have to be wise in these types of situations.

You know more than anyone that if the Godmother

finds out about all this, she'll kill all of us,

including you.

You know that, right?

You don't know the ----show you're starting.

I want to make music...

Hey, what's up?

No, no.

Put your ------- guns down!

Put them down!

Put it down, Drake.

Okay, okay.

Darwin... everything's fine.



Where is...


Can you help him please?

Darwin, listen to me.

Neither you nor I have anything to do with this,

much less Isabel.

I'm begging you to put your gun down.

Everything is alright, man. Please.


Come, get him out of here.

Take him downstairs.


Don't give me that ----.

I know you're doing this

because you don't like Griselda.

Listen carefully.

You're going to help me with what I came to ask you

or I'll ---- your whole life up.


Have you seen my husband?

No, I haven't.

Where the hell is he?

If you see him, tell me.

Fix your face.

Sonny's party is later and I don't want people seeing you

looking like a freak show, got it?

I want you looking very cute, very sexy.

Yes, I know you know Griselda well,

but everything has a limit.

That woman is losing her mind.

Why do you say that?

She beat the crap out of Judy this morning

because she didn't know who took Papo Mejia.

She wanted my son to hit her too.

Sonny is only seven and she's teaching him

how to handle guns and how to shoot.

I can't let my son become a hitman.

I won't allow it.

That's very unfortunate,

but what exactly do you want from us?

I need to get to Medellin with my son.

I want him to go to school and have friends his own age,

not a bunch of thugs.

That's only logical.

He makes all the sense in the world.


That kid has the right to live a completely different life,

not to grow up and become a hit man with Griselda.

That's horrible.

Look, Darwin, I truly admire what you're doing.

You're an amazing father, but I still don't understand

where we fit in with all of that.

I can't fly on a normal plane because Griselda would find me.

I know you know how to fly planes.

Forget it.


Sorry, but it's way too risky.

Count me out.

I'll be clear.

If you help me, I swear you can count on me for life.

-Really? -Yeah.

And if we don't?

I'll go straight to Griselda

and tell her you have Papo Mejia here.

Your call.

This is my house, man,

and that over there is a phone.

If I want, I can call the Godmother right this second

and tell her you want to take the kid.

You'll be in a world of trouble.


why don't we stop with the threats already?

You're right, man.

I'll be in trouble...

but so will you and all of you.

You either help me or we're all dead.

You know what?

I'll take you.

For more infomation >> El Barón | Capítulo 13 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:00.


Betty en NY | Capítulo 11 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:27.


Mr. Massu? It's Beatriz Rincon.

I'm going to accept your offer.

Let's do business together.

I'm so happy to hear that, Betty.

I knew you'd say yes.

<i> That's how we do business</i> <i> in Manhattan.</i>

<i> Welcome.</i>

We're talking about a big-time commission.

I maintain my offer.

$5 million. Just tell me how you'd like it.

In five CDs of $1 million each in my name.

I see you've thought of everything.

It's not the most convenient of transactions,

but we have a lot of experience in this, so don't you worry.

Okay, I'll want half before the sale

and the other half after the sale.

I have to go now.

Oh no, what have I done?


$5 million?

$5 million.

That commission

that Armando Mendoza's assistant is receiving

could have gone to you.

So that honest, irreproachable, clean, pure, meticulous,

and innocent assistant to the president

turned out to be quite calculating.

Let's just say she's beginning to discover

the benefits of being adjacent to power.

If she agreed to this, that means she'll agree

to other under the table deals.

Just like you used to, remember?

You were a master cheat.

By the way, you never told me why you left V&M.

I heard you were fired.

-No. -No?

No, you've got it all wrong. I quit.


I don't believe in Armando Mendoza as president.

He's not fit to hold that position.

Let me tell you something.

Things will change there very soon.

Marcela, you cannot reduce my salary.

Boil me alive if you like.

With chopped up potatoes and carrots,

but please don't reduce my salary.

I swear I tried to help you,

but Armando got upset when he found out

how much you were making.

You have no idea the trouble that caused for me with him.

But I just sold my last watch,

which was barely enough to buy a few trifles.

What you're paying me isn't enough to survive.

Patricia, the problem is you want a millionaire's lifestyle,

and no job will pay you that much.

Are you taking my baby?

What baby?

My car!

Betty, we're so sorry we didn't take you out to lunch

to celebrate your promotion.

Don't worry about it.

The problem is our paychecks are practically spent

the moment we get them.

Especially now that that shameless tramp

is bleeding Efrain dry.

Yes, but we all share our lunch.

Have some of what I made today.

It turned out really good.

Betty, we're very proud and very happy

about your promotion.

Of all of us in the squad, you've gone the furthest.

That's true.

Congrats, champ. You knocked us all out.

You know you can count on all of us.

We're a team.

All for one...

...and one for all!

Thanks, girls.

I'd like to share some of my tamales with you.

My mom made them.

She wants to start selling them.


What's the hold up? Keep passing them down.

They smell delicious.

I thought it would run out before getting to me.

They smell so good.

Next time we get paid, Betty, we'd like to take you

to that new French restaurant that just opened.

Oh Ines, you're dreaming.

Marcela went last week, and a meal there

costs an entire paycheck.

That's expensive.

<i> Glasses up, glasses down,</i>

to the middle,

gulp it down!

Girls, I've invited you all to lunch,

and so I had the restaurant closed

to everyone but us!

Feel free to order whatever you like.

If you're in the mood for lobster, order it.

Or even two!

Can we get seconds?

Of course, Bertha.

You can order to go.

Miss Beatriz, ladies.

It's a pleasure to have you back.

Likewise, Jean Pierre.

These are my best friends in the world.

A pleasure.

Please treat them like the queens they are.

-The usual? -The usual.

Thank you.

Hi, Jean Pierre. I'd like a table for two.

I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Valencia,

but Ms. Beatriz had the restaurant closed to all

except she and her friends.

She did what?

That damn gargoyle.

Marcela, do something about this.

Don't pay attention to him. Let's find a table.

No, Patricia. Beatriz is too powerful,

and I don't want any problems with her.

Let's just go.

What about a lobster tail to go?

No! Let's go!

Oh my God.



Betty, you've become a trending topic on social media

since you got rich.


Are you listening, Betty?

This is the juiciest gossip of the year.

What gossip?

About that Manhattan diva's salary.


Bertha, remember that that's confidential information.

Your job depends on your discretion and care.

But not telling it would be an act of betrayal

against the squad, Ines.

Can you believe Mr. Armando found out

about Patricia Fernandez's salary?

Oh yeah?

-He didn't know? -No!

I heard Armando and Marcela fighting.

Apparently she authorized her salary

without his consent.

But that ends today.

Your boss ordered a new contract

for Patricia Fernandez.

That bottle blonde's salary was reduced!

And they adjusted yours!

Mr. Armando must really value you.

Now that's a good boss.

He really is.

Dad, you're the best golfer in the club.

It's like you've been playing your whole life.

That's life, honey.

When you're talented, you're talented.

Everyone else can cheer me on.

No. Come.

I can't pass up the opportunity

to speak with my former assistant.


Mr. Armando.

Is that you?


Sorry, let me introduce my family.

This is my father, and you've already met my mother.

Demetrio Rincon, at your service.

Well, not anymore.

I stopped working when my daughter became a millionaire.

Now, resting is my passion.

Thank you for hiring my daughter, Armando.

You opened the doors of Manhattan to her.

I don't regret it.

I'm so happy to see you're doing well.

Betty, you're not just brilliant.

You look interesting.

Why don't we spend more time together?

Remember when you brought me the checks at this golf course?

That was a long time ago. You've got a good memory.

I'm sorry, but I can't help myself from doing this.


You're really in love, huh?

Who were you thinking of?

Her boyfriend.

The one who came out in the cards.

-What's his name? -Nicolas.

I remember every name. I save it to my hard drive.

I just hope he's not a filthy, cheating rat

like my jerk of a husband.

Enough, Sofi.

I like Nicolas.

He was the one that helped you

when you had computer problems, right?

That kid's a genius.

Do you have a picture of him, Betty?

We want to see him.

Is he cute? Tall?

Is he muscular?

What about his heart and mind?

I don't have any pictures of him.

It's simple, darling.

Just give me his full name and we'll find him fast.


He's very shy.

He doesn't use social media.

That's smart.

I don't understand why young people

put their whole lives on the internet

for everyone to see.

That's just what everyone does.

Well, I have to go.

I forgot that Mr. Armando asked me

to do something very important.

Feel free to finish the tamales.

Thanks for lunch. Love you.


What's wrong, honey?

You haven't touched your food.

I'm not that hungry.

You can't say no to dessert.

I made you your favorite rice pudding.

I'll serve you.

Everything okay at work?

Everything's great.

I did want to ask you something, though.

If someone were to receive a commission

for facilitating the sale of something,

is that illegal?



There are these fabric suppliers.

They're high quality, their prices are pretty good,

and they're offering a commission

if we make the deal with them.

Do the bosses know about that?


Then that's not a commission, Betty.

It's a bribe.

No, it's not a bribe.

Many people do it and nothing happens to them.

Besides, the family of the co-worker doing it

is having serious financial troubles.

She needs the money.

Beatriz Aurora, are you being offered a bribe?

No, no.

I said a co-worker.

Then tell that... co-worker to take some ethics classes

because in Timbuktu, here and everywhere else,

getting money under the table is called a bribe.

It's illegal, and one could go to prison.

And Beatriz, I think your co-worker's parents

probably paid for their child's education,

which I'd guess took a lot of effort,

and they didn't raise their daughter like that.

No amount of money can buy your dignity, Beatriz,

and whatever financial hardships that family

is going through, they don't matter.

It turned out delicious. You're going to love it.

I hit the jackpot with you, honey.

So the uggo did have a price.

Of course she did, sir.

I was with Massu when she accepted.


That's just what I needed to see Armando go down.

I can't wait to see his face

when he finds out his right hand, his brain,

is stabbing him in the back.

That woman is a traitor, a cheat,

a social climber, sir.

That's right.

Who knows how much she's stolen.

That's why there's a God.

Yes, and all this is Armando's fault for trusting in her.

You know what?

I'm certain that without her, the company will be

too much for him.


Sir, have you considered... has it crossed your mind

that I could be a very useful, efficient

and even key piece in your company?

No, Mata.

You're going to be my right-hand man at V&M

when I take the presidency from Armando.

Julia, where's Betty?

She left early this morning.

She said she had something urgent to do at work.

What's Betty told you about her work?

Not much.

I just know that she's dedicated

and that they're happy with her there.

I hope she behaves herself.

These Manhattan enterprises deal with a lot of money

and I'd hate for our daughter to allow herself

to get blinded.

What? Of course not.

Our daughter was raised right by her parents,

who gave her an honest, upright upbringing.

Applying make-up in the office?

Don't tell me your water was shut off

because you couldn't pay it.

I thought that was included in the maintenance fees.


What do you want?

Why are you so bitter?

You should be relaxed after what happened the other night.

Listen, Daniel, what happened the other night

isn't happening again.

And I owe you nothing after I gave you that information,

so leave me alone.

Daniel, what are you doing here?

Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Did you forget your sister?

I just came to talk to your future husband

because I received some very valuable information.

Daniel, stop fighting with Armando.

Come to my office and have a coffee with me instead.

I can't right now. I'm speaking to Patricia.

Don't be mean. I'm your sister

and it'll just be 10 minutes.

I'll bring him right back.

See you soon.

-I have to tell you something. -Oh yeah?

I can't believe this.

No, no, no.


Oh, it's you, bud.

You're in the wrong restroom.

Believe it or not, I didn't come to argue

with your future husband but to do him a favor.

You'd never do Armando a favor.

Unless it benefitted you, of course.

Well, you're right about that.

Tell me, does Armando still trust his assistant?

More than anyone in the world.

He trusts her more than he trusts me.


Because I have some information Armando's going to love.

You'll see.

What are you doing here, Betty?

I have something important to tell you.

Not now. I saw Daniel Valencia's car

and must find out why he's here.

-But this is very important. -And this is urgent.

I accepted a bribe.

Fernando Massu is going to pay me 10% over the total sale

for having influenced your decision.

For more infomation >> Betty en NY | Capítulo 11 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:27.


Partenerul Simonei Halep a fost la un pas să fie executat silit! Fizioterapeutul Andrei Cristofor a - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Partenerul Simonei Halep a fost la un pas să fie executat silit! Fizioterapeutul Andrei Cristofor a - Duration: 4:03.


Construyó Conagua sin estudio: ASF - Duration: 4:50.

La Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua) inició, en 2014, la construcción de infraestructura hidráulica para mitigar las inundaciones en la zona oriente del Valle de México sin contar previamente con un estudio de la problemática

De acuerdo con el informe de la cuenta pública 2017 de la Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF), la Conagua desarrollo 52 obras de infraestructura hidráulica para mitigar las inundaciones en las inmediaciones del polígono del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (NAICM)

No obstante, fue hasta 2017 cuando contó con un estudio sobre la problemática de inundaciones que tiene la zona oriente del Valle de México por lo que, si bien acreditó avances en las obras, no fue posible identificar aquéllas que se originaron a partir de la construcción del NAICM y las que tenía previstas antes de ese proyecto

De las 52 obras realizadas, la Conagua acreditó que dos se terminaron de forma anticipada en 2017 por controversias por la posesión de la tierra y el desabasto de material para continuar con su construcción

En 39 obras reportó un avance físico-financiero de 100 por ciento, de las que 34 se concluyeron al cierre de 2017 y cinco, en 2018, de acuerdo con las actas de entrega-recepción

Mientras que en 11 obras, la Conagua acreditó un avance físico de entre 27 y 86 por ciento

En nueve obras reportó que continuaban en construcción al cierre de 2017 y en dos documentó su terminación anticipada en 2018, por falta de suficiencia presupuestaria

Cabe recordar que luego de que la nueva Administración Federal canceló la construcción del NAICM, la Conagua aseguró que la infraestructura hidráulica ya construida contribuiría a mitigar el problema de inundaciones en esa zona e incluso, anunció que continuaría construyendo obras que contribuyeran al mismo fin

Pero la ASF concluyó que, por las deficiencias observadas en la planeación y en el desarrollo de la infraestructura relacionada con el proyecto hídrico del NAICM, no se tiene certeza de que las obras realizadas sean las necesarias para prevenir y mitigar las inundaciones en la zona oriente del Valle de México

La Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF) detectó incumplimientos en las especificaciones de construcción del Canal Colector de los Ríos de Oriente, en el Estado de México

En la revisión documental de los distintos contratos, se identificó incumplimiento en las especificaciones de construcción en la ejecución de las tabletas de concreto armado en el revestimiento del Canal

Además, existieron diferencias de volúmenes en las tabletas de concreto y en el tendido de tezontle de ocho pulgadas para la formación de las vías de acceso al Canal y una omisión en la aplicación de penalizaciones a la empresa de supervisión externa por incumplimiento en sus términos de referencia contractuales

For more infomation >> Construyó Conagua sin estudio: ASF - Duration: 4:50.


BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.

Brawl Stars Gameplay


For more infomation >> BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.


OMG 3Q | Review Kim Bàng Thống - Chuyên Gia Đánh Bóng Ghế Dự Bị | Khóii ( Replay ) - Duration: 18:43.

For more infomation >> OMG 3Q | Review Kim Bàng Thống - Chuyên Gia Đánh Bóng Ghế Dự Bị | Khóii ( Replay ) - Duration: 18:43.


Actualización de Eventos del Medio Oriente, Feb 18, 2019 - Duration: 54:46.

For more infomation >> Actualización de Eventos del Medio Oriente, Feb 18, 2019 - Duration: 54:46.


Pilotenausbildung mit VR │ Vortrag Learntec 2019 │ Lufthansa (Udo Link) & 3spin (Thomas Hoger) - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> Pilotenausbildung mit VR │ Vortrag Learntec 2019 │ Lufthansa (Udo Link) & 3spin (Thomas Hoger) - Duration: 13:13.


Malena senza filtri: "Fabrizio Corona non ha vera attrazione per le donne"" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Malena senza filtri: "Fabrizio Corona non ha vera attrazione per le donne"" - Duration: 2:34.


Carlos Costa: "Não uso e nunca usei drogas" - Duration: 1:36.

Aregra era colocar perguntas em que o polémico cantor tivesse de definir o seu "top 3"

Comida favorita, artistas de que mais gosta ou quais os homens portugueses mais bonitos foram algumas das questões colocadas

Porém, os mais curiosos quiseram saber mais sobre a sua intimidade."Sexo, álcool ou drogas", perguntou um internauta, merecendo uma rápida resposta

Carlos colocou sexo no primeiro lugar das suas preferências.O álcool ficou em segundo e, de acordo com o próprio, é apenas consumido "socialmente"

Quanto às drogas, o cantor foi célere na resposta: "Não uso e nunca usei drogas".Quer ficar a conhecer um pouco mais sobre Carlos Costa? Clique na galeria e veja todas as respostas às perguntas dos fãs!

For more infomation >> Carlos Costa: "Não uso e nunca usei drogas" - Duration: 1:36.


ทำให้ดู : แปปซี่ +นมเปรี้ยว กินด้วยกันได้หรอ??! - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> ทำให้ดู : แปปซี่ +นมเปรี้ยว กินด้วยกันได้หรอ??! - Duration: 2:26.



Em 2015, João Manzarra abriu o 'Antigo Talho', um restaurante vegan, em Lisboa. Esta quarta-feira, 20, o apresentador anunciou nas redes sociais que este projeto chegara ao fim

No texto publicado explica que vai vender o restaurante - dado que deixou de morar na capital, não é "viável manter um negócio à distância"

Leia a publicação na íntegra:."Vou passar o meu negócio e gostava de ser o primeiro a dar a notícia

O Antigo Talho nasce na minha cabeça, ainda sem nome na altura, em 2015 e abre portas em Dezembro de 2017

Foi um investimento muito grande de tempo e dinheiro com elevado sentido de missão num espaço que tanto me tem orgulhado

Foram mais de 6000 refeições livres de sofrimento e centenas de amizades com clientes, fornecedores e parceiros

Acontece que por circunstâncias da vida Lisboa deixou de ser a cidade onde moro e para mim não é viável ter um negócio à distância

Este é o único motivo.Servem estas linhas para agradecer a todos os que fizeram (e ainda fazem) parte deste projecto, do primeiro esboço à ultima sobremesa

A loja continua aberta e com fantásticas promoções.Em caso de real interesse em dar continuidade ou transformar o lugar em algo ainda mais excepcional contactar através de email para oantigotalho@gmail

com para saber condições.Despeço-me com um abraço e a garantia de num tempo próximo reinvestir em novo projecto por um planeta mais amigo de si próprio"

For more infomation >> JOÃO MANZARRA FECHA O SEU RESTAURANTE VEGAN - Duration: 2:50.


Yannick Djaló  assinala aniversário da namorada nas redes sociais - Duration: 1:44.

"Hoje a Rainha faz anos.Meu amor, desejo que continues a realizar todos os teus sonhos e que continues a brindar-nos com a tua alegria por muitos anos

Desejo-te um dia fantástico".Esta foi a mensagem que Yannick Djaló deixou no Instagram dedicada à namorada, Daisy Gonçalves, que assinala hoje o seu aniversário

Na imagem partilhada pelo futebolista, vê-se a aniversariante rodeada de amigos e do namorado, a tirar uma selfie

No seu Instagram, Daisy deixou uma mensagem em vídeo logo pela manhã, a agradecer o carinho recebido: "Acordei assim!!!! Esbanjando alegria!!!! Parabéns p mim e para todos aniversariantes de hojeeee

que dia lennndoooooo!!!! E ameeeeei acordei ( tarde né pra deixar entrar as msgs com calma 😂😂😂) com msgs super calorosas e cheias de amor e carinho!!! Amooooooo tudo isso!😘 thank youuu thank youuuuu🌟"

For more infomation >> Yannick Djaló  assinala aniversário da namorada nas redes sociais - Duration: 1:44.



Foi através das stories do Instagram, que Jessica Athayde decidiu desabafar com os fãs, abordando um tema que, aparentemente, a tem incomodado

Ao partilhar um texto que fala sobre amigos, a atriz escreveu: "Estar grávida diz muito acerca de amizades verdadeiras"

Nas frases abaixo, podia ler-se: "Amigos próximos são verdadeiros tesouros. Às vezes conhecem-nos melhor do que nós nos conhecemos a nós próprios

Com honestidade gentil, guiam-nos e apoiam-nos, partilham os nossos choros e as nossas lágrimas"

Mais à frente, o texto finalizava com: "A presença deles lembra-nos que nunca estamos realmente sozinhos"

Recorde-se que a atriz já falou abertamente sobre o facto de a gravidez não estar a ser fácil, e de não se "sentir a pessoa mais feliz" e, agora, parece que os obstáculos também se têm sentido a nível de relações



District attorney charges Colorado man in the 1973 murder of an 11 year old Corona del Mar girl Lo - Duration: 4:38.

District attorney charges Colorado man in the 1973 murder of an 11 year old Corona del Mar girl Lo

Nearly 46 years after the lifeless body of 11 year old Linda Ann OKeefe was found among the cattails in Newport Beachs Back Bay, Orange County prosecutors announced Wednesday that theyve charged a Colorado man in the girls death.

James Alan Neal, 72, faces one special circumstances murder count making the case eligible for the death penalty along with proposed sentencing enhancements for kidnapping and lewd and lascivious acts.

The significant arrest for the brutal sexual assault and murder of Linda OKeefe is an affirmation to never give up on solving cold cases, Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said.

If convicted, Neal faces a minimum of life in prison without parole. Spitzer is assessing whether to pursue capital punishment.

Death may be a consideration in this case, he said at a Wednesday morning press conference in Santa Ana. There is a process in place to consider death, and I will follow that process.

Genetic material run through a genealogical website, Family Tree DNA, pointed investigators to Neal in January, Spitzer said, however he would not comment on whether the DNA directly matched the suspect or belonged to a relative.

As a result of genealogical submission they got an indication that James Alan Neal might be the suspect, Spitzer said.

Through good, old fashioned police work, officers pursued Neal as a suspect and, during surveillance, collected a DNA sample from him, Spitzer said.

Neal was arrested without incident Tuesday by local authorities in Colorado Springs, Colo., where he remains in custody and, barring any legal challenges, awaits extradition to California, Newport Beach Police Chief Joe Lewis said.

The charges against Neal are sealed.

Neal, previously known as James Alan George Layton, lived in the Newport Beach area with his family at the time of the OKeefes death, the district attorney said.

He left the area shortly after this particular murder, Spitzer said.

Layton moved to Florida and changed his surname to Neal following an incident there, though Spitzer declined to elaborate.

At this time we are not discussing his criminal history, Spitzer said.

Neal later moved to Colorado.

Linda vanished on July 6, 1973, while walking home from summer school at what was then Lincoln Intermediate now Lincoln Elementary in Corona del Mar. Her body, still clad in a white dress adorned with blue flowers that her mother had sewn, was found the next day in a ditch along Back Bay Drive. She had been strangled, her body discarded in the brush.

Her parents are deceased, though her two sisters are still alive and have been notified of the arrest, Lewis said.

OKeefes case is fresh on the minds of law enforcement and area residents because it was the topic of a 2018 , where Newport police revisited the case on its 45th anniversary, narrating the events that preceded her death in OKeefes imagined voice.

The Twitter campaign coincided with the release of a video overview of the case and a.

Parabon NanoLabs, a medical laboratory based in Virginia, used DNA evidence to create a facial composite and calculate information about gender, ancestry, freckles, skin tone, and eye and hair color. The lab provided two profiles: one of a man in his mid 20s and another detailing what he might look like today in his late 60s or early 70s.

Police said that when they released the profile they hoped it would provide a break in finding Lindas killer after an investigation spanning four decades. The suspect snapshot did not lead to Neals arrest, authorities said.

While the Twitter campaign did not directly lead to the identification of the suspect, the anniversary of the murder and the public awareness campaign reinvigorated interest and urgency to crack the cold case, Newport Beach police said. Lindas photo hangs on the wall of the police departments detective unit.

Retired Newport Beach Police Officer Stan Bressler was on duty when OKeefes body was discovered. A patrol officer in 1973, he remembers responding to Back Bay Road and spreading out across the road while searching the crime scene.

Bressler lived in Costa Mesa at the time and had three school aged kids, so the case resonated.

Things like that just didnt occur in Newport Beach back then so it was a shock to everybody, Bressler said. It hit the department really hard.

Id always hoped that theyd get the guy, Bressler said.

For more infomation >> District attorney charges Colorado man in the 1973 murder of an 11 year old Corona del Mar girl Lo - Duration: 4:38.


"Há 5 meses que conheço o verdadeiro significado de felicidade" - Duration: 1:18.

Esta quarta-feira, dia 20 de fevereiro, a bebé completa mais um mês de vida, um dia especial que a mãe 'babada' fez questão de assinalar nas redes sociais

"Há cinco meses que conheço o verdadeiro significado de felicidade, cinco meses de uma vida inteira pela frente

e já te amo tanto, tanto", escreveu a ex-concorrente da 'Casa dos Segredos' na legenda da fotografia de Ariel partilhada na sua conta do Instagram

Uma imagem que 'derreteu' os fãs."Está uma princesa", disse uma seguidora."Tão linda", lê-se num outro comentário

For more infomation >> "Há 5 meses que conheço o verdadeiro significado de felicidade" - Duration: 1:18.


[HARIO×Sarah Àlainn] Tea Dripper LARGO & Heatproof Flavor Glass [TDR & HFG-300] - Duration: 1:01.

Sarah Alainn : Vocalist, violinist, composer, copywriter, radio and TV host.

For more infomation >> [HARIO×Sarah Àlainn] Tea Dripper LARGO & Heatproof Flavor Glass [TDR & HFG-300] - Duration: 1:01.


Waste Knights Board Game at Essen (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Waste Knights Board Game at Essen (русские субтитры) - Duration: 3:57.


[簡易實用教學] 滑鼠游標注意事項與熱點設定 Cursor Hot Spot - Pro Motion NG - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [簡易實用教學] 滑鼠游標注意事項與熱點設定 Cursor Hot Spot - Pro Motion NG - Duration: 4:22.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Automaat BESTE PRIJS - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Automaat BESTE PRIJS - Duration: 1:13.


BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.

Brawl Stars Gameplay


For more infomation >> BIG GAME TROLLING! Shelly Boss Troll! :: Brawl Stars Gameplay - Duration: 11:44.


最新ニュース | 川栄李奈、プライベートファッションのこだわりは?レイザーラモンRG共感で"あるあるネタ"披露 - Duration: 2:50.

【川栄李奈/モデ プレス=2月21日 女優の川栄李奈が「 ニーカーベストドレ サー賞 2019」 受賞し、21日、都 で行われた授賞式・ 者発表会に出席した 【さらに写真を見る 川栄李奈・佐野勇斗 kemio・近藤千 ら受賞「スニーカー ストドレッサー賞 019 授賞式」の 様普段からスニーカ ファッションを楽し でいるという川栄は うれしいです」と受 を喜び、「これから スニーカーを履いて きたい

走る時以外でも、散 する時はスニーカー 履いています」と笑 を見せた。この日は レンジを基調とした ェックのセットアッ に白のスニーカーを わせて登場した川栄 普段のコーディネー でも、派手なファッ ョンのときは落ち着 たスニーカーを選ぶ がこだわりといい、 靴紐がかわいいもの 多いので、靴紐を自 で変えたりして楽し でいます」とプライ ートファッションに いて語った

2年連続受賞したレ ザーラモンRGは「 -1グランプリで早 と敗退したので嬉し です!」とトロフィ を高らかに掲げて喜 を表現し、川栄の" 紐のこだわり"に共 したようで、靴紐に なんだあるあるネタ 披露

DA PUMPの「 .S.A」に乗せて 靴紐変えるけどもと 戻す~♪」と歌い、 場を盛り上げた。2 22日の「スニーカ の日」にちなみ、「 ニーカーが似合う」 今後スニーカーを履 て欲しい」「スニー ーの需要喚起に貢献 てくれた」人物を各 門賞ごとに選出して 彰する「スニーカー ストドレッサー賞」

今回で第2回目の開 となった。今年度は 女優部門の川栄のほ 、俳優部門に佐野勇 、クリエイター部門 kemio、モデル 門に近藤千尋、スポ ツ部門にクライミン 選手の野中生萌、芸 部門にレイザーラモ RGが選出された

(modelpre s編集部)【Not Sponsored 記事】

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース | 川栄李奈、プライベートファッションのこだわりは?レイザーラモンRG共感で"あるあるネタ"披露 - Duration: 2:50.


Want To Win $100K Cash?

For more infomation >> Want To Win $100K Cash?


You Won't Believe Who Is Under The Lion Mask! | Season 1 Ep. 8 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> You Won't Believe Who Is Under The Lion Mask! | Season 1 Ep. 8 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 1:06.


You Won't Believe Who Is Under The Rabbit Mask! | Season 1 Ep. 8 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> You Won't Believe Who Is Under The Rabbit Mask! | Season 1 Ep. 8 | THE MASKED SINGER - Duration: 1:11.


Indians in Dubai: Luxury & Labour Camps - Duration: 16:34.

For more infomation >> Indians in Dubai: Luxury & Labour Camps - Duration: 16:34.


'I don't know how I turned it around': Bencic's epic comeback against Sabalenka sets up Halep clash - Duration: 5:27.

Belinda Bencic had to come back from the brink against No.8 seed Aryna Sabalenka, saving six match points en route to the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships quarterfinals

-A +AStephanie LivaudaisFebruary 20, 2019 DUBAI, UAE - Belinda Bencic had to come back from the brink against No

8 seed Aryna Sabalenka, saving six match points en route to the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships quarterfinals

 Bencic had taken the opening set against a determined Sabalenka - who started the season with a title at the Shenzhen Open and a semifinal at the St

Petersburg Ladies Trophy. But her opponent wouldn't back down, taking the second and pushing Bencic to the edge in the third set, holding match point six times

 Read more: 'She needs time': Kvitova, Halep, Pliskova sympathetic with Osaka's plight The 21-year-old Swiss finally solved the puzzle in the end, needing almost two and a half hours to emerge victorious 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(7)

 "Honestly, in these kinds of matches you have no idea what's going on," Bencic told press about saving six match points

"You don't think about the score. When you're match point down, you're already on the edge

I don't know how I turned it around. "My team always kept believing in me, and I'm happy because I stopped believing in myself anymore

Just happy I turned it around."Please enable Javascript to watch this video Everything seemed to be going Bencic's way at the start: coming into this match with a four-match winning streak, Bencic opened proceedings by holding serve under fire - saving two break points

She responded emphatically by reeling off five games in a row to go up a double break, 5-1

Although Sabalenka managed one of the breaks back, she couldn't stop Bencic from tearing through the set to claim it 6-4

 But it was a totally different story in the second set as Sabalenka found her range

The Belarusian opened up a 3-0 lead with an early break, and her firepower pushed Bencic behind the baseline and kept her running from end to end

Bencic's frustration mounted as she surrendered another break to Sabalenka, who took the set 6-2

 In photos: A decade in Dubai: The 10 most recent winners  With both players dialed in and playing their best tennis, it's no surprise that the third set evolved into a rollercoaster battle as both players struggled to maintain the lead

The pair traded breaks twice, with Sabalenka getting ahead both times and Bencic fighting her way back into it - first at 2-3 and then again at 4-5

In the latter exchange, Bencic was forced to save match point as Sabalenka tried to serve out the set from 40-30

  .@BelindaBencic saves match point with the fierce forehand! #DDFTennis pic.twitter

com/rUMLAzZEGs — WTA (@WTA) February 20, 2019   In fact, Bencic had to save six match points in total as Sabalenka put her under pressure time and time again: at 5-5 and 6-6 on the Bencic serve, Sabalenka created three more match points but each time Bencic drew out the errors to extend her stay in the match

 Bencic had to mount one final comeback as Sabalenka got ahead to a 4-1 lead in the tiebreaker after reeling off four points in a row, but she got the job done with just one match point to win after two hours and 26 minutes on court

 "It means a lot to be in the quarterfinals," Bencic said. "In this tournament, I've never gone far and it's only my third time here

I didn't feel quite good, because it's the desert so the ball is flying and it's a little tricky for my game

" What a match!@BelindaBencic saves 6️⃣ match points to upset Sabalenka, 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(7)! #DDFTennis pic — WTA (@WTA) February 20, 2019   Up next for Bencic is the No

3 seed Simona Halep, who defeated Lesia Tsurenko in straight sets, 6-3, 7-5 earlier in the day

 It'll be a big challenge for the Swiss player: Halep and Bencic have faced each other only twice previously, with Bencic claiming victory in the final of Toronto in 2015 Toronto, and Halep winning at 2014 Wimbledon

 "Simona is a champion, of course she plays a lot different than Sabalenka," Bencic said

"I'm going to watch her tapes tomorrow, but today I just want to enjoy. I have no pressure against anyone

I'm enjoying this kind of situations."Topics: aryna sabalenkabelinda bencicdubai duty free tennis championshipsdubaimatch reportwtastephanie livaudais

For more infomation >> 'I don't know how I turned it around': Bencic's epic comeback against Sabalenka sets up Halep clash - Duration: 5:27.


97 - original audio/song by Camden Ashby - Duration: 4:02.

Spirited away,

Sat around watching morning TV,

This is when music and I became intertwined,

Hey, maybe I'm still searching for Carmen Sandiego

Grew out of my clothes and my best shoes,

Only grew so tall,

Genetically forever small

I remember spending my summers at the Montessori,

Forever proud to be a kid,

This is only a part of my story,

So what if I'm a man-made boy

Thankful for my mother who raised me,

Thankful for my sisters who stood by me,

Thankful for my brother & the others

Yeah I'm a 90s baby,

97, 97, started in 97,

97, 1997

Con y sin tecnología

Let's take care of each other,

The world isn't perfect cara mia,

Growing up imperfect won't matter

Don't forget to stop by Camden Town

I remember spending my summers at the Montessori,

Forever proud to be a kid,

This is only a part of my story,

So what if I'm a man-made man

I'm a 90s baby,

97, 97, started in 97,

97, 1997

97, 97, 97

started in 97,

97, 97 97 1997

A 90s baby, 97


For more infomation >> 97 - original audio/song by Camden Ashby - Duration: 4:02.


Akshay Kumar Kesari Trailer Reaction | Akshay Kumar | Parineeti Chopra | Anurag Singh | 21st March - Duration: 5:51.

kesari Trailer Reaction

For more infomation >> Akshay Kumar Kesari Trailer Reaction | Akshay Kumar | Parineeti Chopra | Anurag Singh | 21st March - Duration: 5:51.


Toddler Fun Learning Videos | Cartoons For Kids | Nursery Rhymes - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:24.

Hi I'm Bob the Train

Look at all those numbers come let's play with them




And 4




And 8


And 10

Oh isn't this fun




And 4




And 8


And 10

One more time let's go




And 4




And 8


And 10

I love to play with numbers

Come with me sing with me and dance to the number song

Did you enjoy that..

Come back soon to play with Bob the Train

For more infomation >> Toddler Fun Learning Videos | Cartoons For Kids | Nursery Rhymes - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:24.


Dog's Head Gets Stuck In Tire - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Dog's Head Gets Stuck In Tire - Duration: 1:45.


Ricky Hatton posts bizarre bondage Valentine's vid - and has to apologise to his parents - Duration: 1:50.

It was a knockout treat on Valentine's Day: boxer Ricky Hatton gagged, handcuffed, stripped to bondage pants and being spanked with a cat o' nine tails

So graphic was Ricky's vid, he and girlfriend Charlie Nordell had to call their parents and apologise

Ricky giggled to the Mirror about it at the Only Fools and Horses musical premiere, calling it "50 Shades of Ricky"

"It gave us a laugh," he said, before boasting: "I didn't realise what a good a*** I had

" The video, posted on his Instagram account to celebrate the romantic day, was swiftly deleted

In it, Ricky declares: "This is the best Valentine's Day ever!" Then he spots the camera

It was intended as a joke, he insists, after viewers assumed it had been leaked. Fortunately, their parents found it funny

"My mum and his mum and dad all thought it was hilarious," insists Charlie. "I had to call my mum and tell her – I went, 'This is gonna go wild now'

She said, 'He's got a very good bum'." Charlie adds: "It was a joke. You can hear me laughing in the background

"Setting the record straight, we are not into that."

For more infomation >> Ricky Hatton posts bizarre bondage Valentine's vid - and has to apologise to his parents - Duration: 1:50.


Queen Royal - The Queen looks a little unsteady as she grapples with a flag pole - Duration: 3:38.

The Queen's busy working week in Scotland continues just days she made the rare decision to pull out of an engagement due to feeling under the weather with a cold

 Her Majesty, 92, was at Leuchars Station in Fife today to presented a new standard to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards as Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment

At first it appeared that the monarch was in danger of a mishap as she stepped forward to touch the new standard on its flag pole, but it soon became clear that the wasn't in any danger

Following a parade by veterans, the Queen viewed equipment and vehicles and met families at the base

The monarch was elegant as usual in a pale blue coat, teamed with a matching hat for the occasion

  It's been a busy week for the Queen who is carrying out engagements in Scotland after cancelling a planned appearance at a church service at St Paul's Cathedral last Thursday because she was suffering from a summer cold

The Queen was formally welcomed to Edinburgh on Monday, at the Ceremony of the Keys event in Edinburgh - an ancient tradition which sees Her Majesty offered the keys to Edinburgh under a military guard of honour

The event marks the start of Holyrood Week, known in Scotland as Royal Week, during which the Queen visits various regions in Scotland

Clearly feeling herself again the monarch was all smiles as she honoured the squadron with the Freedom of The City of Edinburgh, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Freedom of the City of Edinburgh is bestowed upon those who are held in the highest esteem by the citizens

It is a tradition that dates back over 500 years to 1459. The honour was bestowed upon the squadron by the city in the same year as RAF100 - a year of events to commemorate the air force's achievements since its creation

Over the course of the week, she's been meeting subjects across all walks of life and was set to host thousands of guests at Holyrood Palace

 Yesterday, she welcomed guests to her annual summer Garden Party in Edinburgh, attended by her sons Princes Andrew and Edward, following a meeting with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

 Her grandson the Duke of Cambridge is also in Scotland this week for a number of engagements

  Today will be nearby, handing out awards at the Royal Society of Edinburgh and will also be admitted as an honorary fellow of educational charity

He will also attend a service at the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle, before joining a reception to mark 70 years of the NHS


For more infomation >> Queen Royal - The Queen looks a little unsteady as she grapples with a flag pole - Duration: 3:38.


Parents' heartbreak as tiny premature baby diagnosed with killer hospital bug - Duration: 7:21.

 The parents of a premature baby are demanding answers after she tested positive for a hospital infection linked to the deaths of two other tots

 .  Two premature babies at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Glasgow, died after an S

aureus outbreak last month.  One of the tragic tots had been in the incubator next to Charlotte, who was born weighing just 1lb 5oz

  Charlotte's mum, Lynn, 32, told the Daily Record : "The baby beside us was very unwell and passed

 "We have lived with other parents losing their babies. We have seen their tears

 "We have seen the horrible state of them being told their babies were going to die

 "We asked if Charlotte had got this (infection) but we were told she didn't. But at the back of our minds, something felt wrong

" Read More Dad who caused 'life-changing' brain damage by shaking baby daughter jailed    On January 30, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board announced two babies had died and a third was "stable" after contracting the infection

 Yesterday, they confirmed Charlotte and three other infants had been found to have S

aureus on their skin.  They said they were not infected and were not being treated for the infection

 Lynn, however, said a swab of Charlotte's throat had tested positive for the bug

The tot is in intensive care.  Since December, five people have died from hospital infections in the Glasgow area

 Last night, Labour's health spokeswoman Monica Lennon said: "NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde must do everything it can to reassure the public that infection control procedures are being closely examined

 "We need to understand what has caused these infections and what action can be taken to prevent further outbreaks

" Read More Woman, 27, with 'abdominal infection' woke up in hospital to find she's given BIRTH    

 She was born 12 weeks premature in the maternity unit at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, on January 4 and transferred to the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow

 Charlotte was fed intraveneously through her umbilical cord but nurses were concerned about the risk of infection so they switched to using a cannula – a small flexible plastic tube – inserted into a vein in Charlotte's leg

 A day later, she had become very ill, with staphylococcus at the site of the insertion

  The infection turned into sepsis and she was treated with five different types of antibiotics

 Cleaning in the ward was increased and swabs were taken.  Charlotte's stomach became distended and Lynn noticed bradycardia – incidences of a heart rate that is much slower than normal

 She raised her fears with staff but says a nurse told her it was "normal in premature babies"

 On January 29, a second staph infection was found and a scan of Charlotte's stomach revealed a large mass

Read More Mum 'branded inhumane' for not aborting 'goner' twins now has two healthy boys    She was sent to the neonatal department at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow

There, the couple were told Charlotte was very unwell.  Lynn,of Greenock, said: "We weren't allowed to touch her

We had gone from, 'She's fine', to her being put on a ventilator."  Charlotte had surgery to remove the mass, which built up after the second staph infection caused a hole in the tot's gut, allowing fluids to leak out

 Again the couple asked if it was S. aureus. Again they were assured it was a different type of staphylococcus

 Lynn said that on February 13, Charlotte was transferred to the RAH in Paisley because there was a very sick child who needed her bed

 The next day, the parents were told she had a staph infection on her skin but assured it was not S

aureus.  Lynn said: "I asked if she should be in isolation but they said they didn't have a single room available

They said she could have got it because of poor handwashing."  The couple said that on Friday, they were told a swab of Charlotte's throat had tested positive for S

aureus. The tot was then put through "vigorous antibiotic treatment".  She added that if a new swab shows she still has the bacteria, Charlotte will be treated with a cream applied to her throat

 Lynn added: "Medics told us she had three different staph infections in six weeks

For me, this all stemmed from the Royal.  "Something must be done about infection control

Why should cleaning and handwashing be upped when something happens? It should be at that level all the time

"  Lynn and husband John, 36, who lost premature baby Robyn in March, say it has been agony watching Charlotte suffer

 An NHSGGC spokeswoman said: "As part of our rigorous management of three cases of S

aureus infection at the PRMH, we have identified that this is an extremely rare strain which is highly resistant to the two antibiotics normally prescribed

 "It is resistant to the skin cleaning agent routinely used in hospitals across the UK

 "This is the first time this strain of bacteria has been identified in Scotland

These cases have only been identified in two other countries.  "We have continued to screen babies in our three neonatal units and there have been no further cases of infection

 "We have, however, identified four babies who have the bacteria on their skin. None of the babies is infected and none need treatment for S

aureus.  "We have also put in place further infection control measures including staff screening, the prescribing of different antibiotics and the introduction of a new skin cleaning agent

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Parents' heartbreak as tiny premature baby diagnosed with killer hospital bug - Duration: 7:21.


Louisville vs. Syracuse Betting Line, Prediction & Pick | - Duration: 6:27.

Louisville vs. Syracuse Betting Line, Prediction & Pick |

The college basketball slate for Wednesday night is loaded with interesting games, one of which comes in the form of the "other" ACC national matchup.

While the UNC Tar Heels and Duke Blue Devils matchup has drawn a lot of attention (for good reason), the ESPN game between the No.

18 Louisville Cardinals and Syracuse Orange has the potential to be a great one.

Louisville enters this game holding an 18-8 record while Syracuse isn't far behind at 17-8.

The two are also close in the ACC standings, as the Cardinals (9-4) hold a slight edge over the Orange (8-4).

This will be the first and only meeting between the two schools this year unless they were to meet in postseason play.

These teams have been featured in a few great games over the years and have an even 5-5 split in the past 10 meetings.

While Louisville has won three of four, Syracuse picked the most recent win, back in February of last season in a narrow 78-73 finish.

We're going to take a look at the betting line, over/under and offer up a prediction and pick on this matchup.

Louisville vs.

Syracuse Betting Line & Over/Under.

*Betting information from Bovada and provided by Odds Shark.

Louisville Cardinals vs.

Syracuse Orange (-2 at -105) Over/Under: 132 (-105).

While Syracuse sits as a slight favorite, Odds Shark details that Bovada listed the game on Tuesday evening as a pick, but it quickly moved in favor of the home team.

It's a close matchup on paper and both teams have done well against the spread, with Louisville posting a 14-11-1 record and Syracuse has gone 14-11 ATS to this point.

One interesting thing that stands out is that the Orange are just 9-7 against the spread at home while the Cardinals are 7-3 covering when on the road this season.

Both teams have been great in terms of covering recently, though, and with the two jockeying for position and a possible top-four spot in the ACC up for grabs, there's a lot to play for.

Louisville vs. Syracuse Prediction.

Currently, Louisville is tied with the Florida State Seminoles for the No.

4 spot in the ACC while Syracuse is a half-game behind and holds the No.

6 seed.

Both teams have players capable of taking over games if they get hot, and while the Orange are possibly a more well-rounded group right now, Louisville forward Jordan Nwora has tremendous upside.

Nwora is averaging 17.5 points and 7.7 rebounds per game this season and has shot 460 percent from the field.

Tyus Battle (17.4 points) and Oshae Brissett (13.1 points, 7.9 rebounds) lead the Orange this season.

The two teams have had ups and downs of late, losing two of three and both face top-five teams this coming weekend.

Syracuse draws Duke while Louisville is at home against Virginia so either could be in a prime lookahead spot.

I like how the Cardinals have played of late and the success they've had away from home this year.

In the 11 games since January 12, they've lost just three times and each game was against a top-25 opponent with only one by more than five points.

I'll take the points with Louisville on the road, but it's a tough call.

Prediction: Louisville Cardinals 68, Syracuse Orange 65  (Louisville +2).


Duke Betting: Latest Line, Odds & Prediction.

For more infomation >> Louisville vs. Syracuse Betting Line, Prediction & Pick | - Duration: 6:27.


Darth Maul: Being Sick Sucks - Duration: 0:03.

Hope you can play dead

I *am* dead...

For more infomation >> Darth Maul: Being Sick Sucks - Duration: 0:03.


Lemon Way Embellished ShortSleeve Tee - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Lemon Way Embellished ShortSleeve Tee - Duration: 8:15.


FOX TV - Should I open an investment Isa or just top up my pension? - Duration: 10:46.

I have some spare cash which I'm willing to put away for the long term. Should I open an investment Isa before this year's deadline, or pay extra into my pension? Investment Isa versus pension: What's the best way to save in the long run?Tom Selby, senior analyst at AJ Bell, replies: There are a number of things to consider when deciding whether to top up your Isa or pension

First of all, for most people it is not an either/or decision – providing you haven't used up all of your allowance in either product, you can choose to pay into an investment Isa AND a pension before the end of the tax year

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next How to start investing in an Isa and make your money work

I have an investing Isa but want to open another that does. Seven Isa myths busted: They're not just for savers with

Where do Isa millionaires invest? We reveal their top 10. Share this article Share 17 shares HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa - and our pick of the platforms How to find and compare the best online broker or DIY investing platform In fact, for many people this will be the most sensible approach

The extent to which you go for one over the other will mostly depend on your priorities

Investment Isas are a good option if you want to benefit from tax-free investment growth while retaining the flexibility to access some or all of your pot tax-free at any time

Pensions, on the other hand, require you to lock your money away until age 55. In return for this you don't have to pay tax on the money you pay in – in the jargon, you get tax relief at your 'marginal rate' of income tax

Just think of this as a savings bonus from the Government. Tom Selby: 'It makes sense to utilise as much of the £40,000 annual tax-free pension allowance and the £20,000 Isa allowance as you can afford'A quarter of the money you take out after age 55 is also tax-free, with the rest taxed in the same way as income

In practice, this means if you're a basic-rate (20 per cent) taxpayer getting £100 into your pension will only cost £80, with the extra £20 added automatically by your provider through tax relief

A higher-rate (40 per cent) taxpayer can also claim back an extra £20 in tax relief through their tax return, while additional-rate (45 per cent) taxpayers can claim back an additional £25

The combination of free money through tax relief and the ability to withdraw 25 per cent of your fund tax-free means that for most people (and particularly higher earners), pensions offer the best retirement savings deal – provided you are comfortable not getting at your money until age 55

The good news this tax year is there is no rush to use up your pension tax allowances ahead of a significant reduction, as has been the case on several occasions since 2010

That said, it makes sense to utilise as much of the £40,000 annual tax-free pension allowance and the £20,000 Isa allowance as you can afford – particularly with a Budget on the horizon later this year

How to check if you are close to breaching the Lifetime Allowance  Use This is Money's pension calculator, which will show you both your projected retirement income and final savings pot, based on relatively conservative investment returns

Answer seven quick questions, and on the final page there are options to click on both projected income and savings

   It's also worth noting that while the pensions annual allowance is £40,000 for most people, this is not the case for everyone

Anyone who has used the pension freedoms to take a taxable income from their pot from age 55, for example, will be subject to a much lower £4,000 annual allowance

Similarly, savers with total earnings above £150,000 could also have a lower pensions allowance, with the level gradually reducing to a minimum of £10,000 for those with total earnings of £210,000 or more

If you think you might be affected by this it's worth speaking to a regulated financial adviser to discuss your options

Wealthier savers should also check they are not bumping up against the Lifetime Allowance before making extra contributions

The Lifetime Allowance is the maximum you are allowed to put in a pension during your life and still qualify for tax relief

 There are hefty tax penalties if you breach the limit, which is currently £1million but is due to rise to £1,030,000 in 2018/19

I want to drip feed money into an investing Isa - is it still possible this close to the deadline? You can open an Isa and opt for phased investments over time, or put your money in an Isa cash park and leave it for now

Read more here.  Whether you opt for an Isa, a pension, a Lifetime Isa (see below), or a combination of products, you should also consider how you pay your money in

There are two options: make a single lump sum payment or drip feed on a regular (usually monthly) basis

Clearly, if you are aiming to make use of your allowances before the end of the tax year you will be looking at lump-sum investments

But you can open an investment Isa before the deadline, and then either phase payments in slowly over the coming months, or let the money sit in a cash park until you are ready to invest

The advantage of drip-feeding is that it can help smooth out any significant movements in the stock market because you are buying investments at different prices as you go

For example, when markets fall you can benefit from buying stocks and shares at lower prices

What about the Lifetime Isa?  There's also another savings product, the Lifetime Isa, which could be attractive to some younger savers before the end of this tax year, writes Tom Selby

The annual allowance is lower than a normal Isa at just £4,000, but any money you save is boosted by a 25 per cent Government bonus, up to a maximum of £1,000

This is the same as the savings bonus available to basic-rate taxpayers through pensions

Withdrawals are tax-free provided you're using the money to buy a first home worth £450,000 or less, are aged 60 or over, or fall into terminal ill health

However, any other withdrawals will be hit with a 25 per cent Government charge, meaning you might get back less than you put in

In addition, this product is only available to people aged 18-39, and only from a handful of providers

Read a This is Money guide to Lifetime Isas here.  ISA ESSENTIALS FOR SAVING AND INVESTING Savings picks: Our five favourite cash Isas for 2018 How to start investing in an Isa Everything you need to know about Isas! Podcast special How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa Investing Show: Tips to invest your Isa How do the experts invest their Isas? How to be a successful investor: Our free guide Ten of the best tracker funds and ETFs for your Isa 50 of the best funds and investment trusts How to invest in an Isa easily - quick guide to get started   Previous 1 2 3   Next TOP SIPPS FOR DIY PENSION INVESTORS Low 0

25% funds fee £1.50 fund dealing Flexible service Free fund dealing £186 annual flat-fee £12

50 trading Reduced Sipp fee 0.3% annual charge Service fee 0.35% Wide fund choice

For more infomation >> FOX TV - Should I open an investment Isa or just top up my pension? - Duration: 10:46.


'흰 피부+반전 볼륨감'으로 "맥심 표지모델 돼달라" 소리 나오는 치어리더 - Duration: 2:42.

황효정 기자 = 팬들의 마음을 설레게 하는 '고척돔 여신' 치어리더가 있다.

최근 키움 히어로즈 구단 팬들 사이에서는 치어리더 김한나가 연예인 못지않은 인기를 누리는 스타로 꼽힌다.

동덕여대 방송연예과를 전공해 방송 일을 준비하던 김한나는 대학 선배의 추천을 받아 치어리더로 정식 데뷔했다.

데뷔 직후부터 숱한 주목을 받으며 FC 서울, 서울 SK 나이츠 등 종목을 오가는 다양한 활약을 보였다. 

이같은 치어리딩 경력을 바탕으로 현재는 키움 히어로즈의 간판으로 불리는 치어리더가 됐다.

경기장을 찾아오는 팬들 곁에서 통통 튀는 응원을 선보이는 김한나는 그라운드에 활력을 불어넣어 주는 비타민 같은 존재라는 전언이다.

그런 김한나는 과거 자신의 인스타그램을 통해 "치어리더 일정으로 식단과 운동으로는 (다이어트에) 부족한 부분이 있다"고 밝힌 바 있다. 

그럼에도 불구하고 독보적인 몸매의 소유자로 유명한 김한나다. 

긴 생머리에 커다란 눈 등 상큼한 비주얼과 흰 피부에 춤으로 다져진 육감적인 몸매는 그야말로 큐티섹시의 정석이라고.

범접할 수 없는 김한나만의 분위기에 야구장을 방문한 팬들뿐 아니라 일반인 누리꾼들조차도 "'맥심' 가 달라"고 요청을 쏟아내는 상황이다.

그렇다면 밝은 응원과 아름다운 몸매로 고척돔을 뜨겁게 달구는 김한나 치어리더의 일상을 사진으로 만나보자.

For more infomation >> '흰 피부+반전 볼륨감'으로 "맥심 표지모델 돼달라" 소리 나오는 치어리더 - Duration: 2:42.


인종 차별: 미국 배우 허위신고 기소로 물의 - Duration: 6:28.

Image co yright E A 이미지 캡 '엠파이어'의 배우 스몰렛이 폭 허위 신고를 한 혐의로 기소됐다 미국 시카고 경찰 배우 저시 스몰 이 인종차별과 성 소수자 혐오 폭행 사건을 허위 신고 다는 혐의로 기소 다. 미국 폭스T 인기 드라마 ' 파이어'에 출연 인 배우 스몰렛은 지난 1월 거리를 혼자 걷다 인종 별적 욕설을 듣고 성 소수자 혐오 행을 당했다고 경 에 신고했다. 시 고 경찰은 수사 계에서 가해자들이 스몰렛에게 돈을 고 폭행 자작극을 펼쳤을 가능성을 치채고 이를 언론 전하면서 사건 위성에 대한 의혹 제기됐다. 스몰 의 변호인은 "의 에 대해서 철저한 수사를 진행할 것 며, 수비적으로 호할 것"이라고 했다. 동성애 혐 를 정신 질환으로 볼 수 있나? 대 , 동성 결혼 찬 국민투표 '반대 ' 승리  지난 0일 경찰 대변인 앤서니 구글리엘미 스몰렛에 대한 사고발을 진행한다 전했다. 스몰렛 '치안 문란행위 와 '허위 신고' 혐의로 기소됐다. 경찰은 "형사들이 그의 변호팀에게 락해 체포 일정을 협의할 예정"이라 밝혔다. Im ge copyri ht Chica o Police 이미지 캡션 국 시카고에서 C TV에 잡힌 두 의자  스몰렛의 변호인인 토드 퓨 빅터 헨더슨은 명을 내고 "다른 시민들처럼, 스몰 씨에게도 무죄 정의 원칙이 적용 다. 수사 도중 짜와 가짜 정보가 모두 새어나간 이 사건 같은 경우 는 더더욱 이 원 이 중요하다"고 했다.용의자로 지 됐던 인물은 누구 가? 폭행 사건 력 용의자로 지목 었던 두 남성은 제 관계로 밝혀졌 며, 사건 전 편 점에서 폭행 당시 착용하고 있었던 키마스크 등 물품 함께 사는 모습 CCTV에 포착 다. 올라 오선다 로와 아벨 오선다 로 형제는 폭행 건 직후 미국을 났다가, 지난주 입국 직후 경찰에 체포됐다. 수사에 적극적으로 협조하 다는 입장을 밝힌 후 형제는 풀려났 . 가해자 중 한 명은 스몰렛의 트 이너였으며, 가해 둘 다 '엠파이 '에서 단역 배우 출연한 적 있다 Skip T itter pos by @Cha lieDeMar EXCLUSIVE I tracked down surv illance o the Osun airo's bu ing suppl es before "attack"S urces say Jussie Sm llet tol brothers what to b y.Countle s phone c lls place for this Visited m re stores than I wi h to admi . @cbsch cago http :// 6h2g6Y9a ic.twitte .com/ULr3 TDe9Q— Ch rlie De M r (@Charl eDeMar) 2 19년 2월 20 End of witter po t by @Ch rlieDeMar 스몰렛의 입장은  스몰렛은 '엠파 어'에서 게이 가 역으로 캐스팅된 후 커밍아웃했다. 그가 동성애 혐오 범죄를 당했다고 려지면서 소셜미디 에서는 그에 대한 폭발적인 지지가 아졌다. 그는 음 을 사러 나갔을 , 두 백인 남성 인종차별적 욕설 퍼붓고, 성 소 자 혐오 발언을 으며 주먹으로 때 고 화학 물질을 리고 밧줄로 목을 졸렸다고 밝힌 바 있다. 스몰렛은 해자들이 도널드 럼프의 슬로건인 미국을 다시 위대 게'를 연상시키는 "이 나라는 위대 다"라는 말을 했 고 증언했다. 스 렛은 충격을 받아 이 사건 이전 모 으로 절대 돌아갈 수 없다고 말했다  이 사건이 터진 후, 대중은 물론 아카데미 수상자 올라 데이비스와 퍼모델 나오미 캠 과 같은 할리우드 스타들도 지지의 소리를 전했다.

For more infomation >> 인종 차별: 미국 배우 허위신고 기소로 물의 - Duration: 6:28.


Best Nursery Rhymes | 3D English Rhymes | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Farmees - Duration: 1:02:55.

Hey kids!

Do you know what happened to Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Poor Humpty Dumpty,

I hope he gets well soon!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

For more infomation >> Best Nursery Rhymes | 3D English Rhymes | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Farmees - Duration: 1:02:55.


Khloe Kardashian 'confirms' Tristan Thompson 'cheated' with Jordyn Woods as Kim unfollows them - Duration: 3:51.

Khloe and Kim Kardashian appear to have confirmed reports that Tristan Thompson cheated with Jordyn Woods

Following reports that Tristan hooked up with Kylie Jenner's BFF at a party, Tristan took to Twitter to shout "FAKE NEWS"

But now, it appears that Keeping Up With The Kardashians star Khloe has confirmed the shocking betrayal

Taking to Twitter tonight, she 'liked' a supportive message from a fan who branded Tristan a "sick man" and Jordyn a "terrible woman"

It said: " @khloekardashian dont let anyone ever say this is your fault!. He is a sick man and if its true, then she is a terrible woman, both terrible people that do not deserve your love

TRUE does and ur doing great showing her that love." Also, her sister Kim has unfollowed both Tristan and Jordyn on Instagram, giving them the ultimate celebrity snub

Kim famously caused drama with Tristan the first time he was found to be cheating on Khloe, just days before she gave birth to their daughter True, now 10 months

She also described what he did as "f****d up" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show when she was quizzed about the situation

At the time of writing, Khloe is still following Tristan and Jordyn on Instagram

Kylie is still following them both too. Kendall doesn't follow Tristan but still follows Jordyn

The basketball star reportedly hooked up with 21-year-old Jordyn at a house party on Sunday night, according to  TMZ

"Tristan and Jordyn were all over each other making out," an insider told the site

"Everyone was just hanging out, smoking Hookah and drinking when they were instructed to stop all use of cell phones or leave

It's not unusual for phones to be confiscated while at the party with high-profile people

However, the vibe was chill and nobody was really checking for security until later in the night

"Once partygoers put their phones away, Kylie Jenner's best friend Jordyn Woods arrived to the late-night kickback

Thompson and Woods were all over each other, and, it wasn't just 'friendly'. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other

" The source added: "When partygoers asked to use their phone, they were told that they may as well leave if they needed to do so as Jordyn wouldn't be leaving anytime soon

Jordyn didn't leave the party until the early hours of 7 a.m." Following the allegations,  Instagram  site Hollywood Unlocked revealed that a contributor was at the house party and saw what went down

Khloe then 'liked' the post and responded with multiple emoji's of a person yelling

While her best friend Malika Haqq replied 'STRONG FACTS.' Mirror Online has contacted Khloe and Tristan's representatives for comment

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For more infomation >> Khloe Kardashian 'confirms' Tristan Thompson 'cheated' with Jordyn Woods as Kim unfollows them - Duration: 3:51.


Paw Paws Ep 3 with Johny Johny Yes Papa, Wheels on the Bus Kids Songs & Cartoons | Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:56.

Paw Paws

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