Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2019

Muchas son las enfermedades que hoy muchas de las personas padecen hoy en día.

y la verdad es que muchos de estos padecimientos pueden ser sumamente peligrosos y no solo eso sino también hasta letales si no se controlan a tiempo.

Son varios los métodos que se pueden emplear para mejorar nuestra salud y no solo eso sino también para evitar que los problemas de salud surjan .

y lleguen a perjudicarnos de una manera de la cual luego podamos arrepentirnos.

Cuando se nos detecta alguna enfermedad lo primero que hacemos es acudir al doctor y solicitarle algún tratamiento para que esta no siga avanzando y nosotros no nos sintamos tan mal,

sin embargo, hay muchas de estas medicinas que no funcionan tan bien como lo haría un tratamiento natural.

El día de hoy te queremos hablar acerca de la diabetes y no solo eso, sino que también te estaremos dando uno de los remedios naturales más efectivos para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Presta mucha atención a este post.

Líbrate de la diabetes en poco tiempo; La diabetes es una enfermedad que hoy en día se ha vuelto popular puesto a que .

la alimentación de las personas hoy en día no suele ser la más adecuada y pues entre las consecuencias destacan el desarrollo de este problema de salud.

A pesar de que se cree que esta enfermedad es inofensiva si no se controlan los niveles de azúcar a tiempo,

principal problema que causa esta enfermedad, esto puede ser altamente letal, el que se baje demasiado o se eleven demasiado, puede resultar bastante perjudicial.

Muchos son los medicamentos y tratamientos que se pueden emplear para que esta enfermedad pueda ser tratada de la manera correcta sin embargo

hay otras formas mucho más naturales como la que te enseñaremos hoy, que te ayudará a decirle adiós a la diabetes.

Preparación y consumo; Corte y triture los pimientos y agregue los huevos crudos y agregue una cucharadita de sal y mezcle muy bien. Vas a necesitar 12 chiles o ajíes o pimientos; 2 huevos; Sal marina.

Almacene en un recipiente y todas las mañanas en ayunas o media hora antes del desayuno consuma una cucharadita de la preparación.

Esperamos que esta receta te ayude a recuperar tu salud y además le digas adiós a la diabetes.

For more infomation >> Quita la diabetes para siempre en un día solo debes hacer esto!!! - Duration: 3:07.


El Estado Islámico secuestró a doce personas en Irak y ejecutó a ocho de ellas - Duration: 2:22.

Terroristas de ISIS El grupo yihadista Estado Islámico (ISIS) ha ejecutado extrajudicialmente a ocho personas de un grupo de doce que secuestró ayer en el oeste de Irak, cuando buscaban setas cerca de la frontera con Arabia Saudita, informaron este martes fuentes de seguridad

El comandante de la Policía Salam Abdelqader había dicho previamente a EFE que los yihadistas ejecutaron a dos de los secuestrados, un militar y un policía, y se llevaron al resto del grupo a un lugar desconocido

"Hombres armados del ISIS secuestraron ayer por la tarde a doce personas residentes de la zona de Al Najib", situada a unos 350 kilómetros al oeste de la ciudad de Ramadi, capital de la provincia de Al Anbar, según la fuente policial

Un equipo de búsquedas conjunto del Ejército y la Policía encontró seis cadáveres de miembros del grupo de secuestrados, afirmó a EFE una fuente de seguridad de Al Anbar que pidió el anonimato

Combatientes de ISIS Precisó que las víctimas "fueron disparadas en la cabeza y el pecho" e indicó que los cuatro secuestrados restantes están en paradero desconocido

Un sanitario del centro médico de Al Najib, Ahmed Kamal, señaló a EFE que las fuerzas de seguridad les han entregado seis cadáveres de personas "ejecutadas por disparos"

El grupo fue capturado cuando buscaba setas en la zona de Al Safaui, en la frontera entre Irak y Arabia Saudita, detalló Abdelqader

El ISIS mantiene células activas en Irak y comete frecuentemente atentados contra las fuerzas de seguridad y contra la población civil, a pesar de que las Fuerzas Armadas concluyeron su ofensiva contra los yihadistas en diciembre de 2017

Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Profanaron 80 tumbas en un cementerio judío en Francia

For more infomation >> El Estado Islámico secuestró a doce personas en Irak y ejecutó a ocho de ellas - Duration: 2:22.


Thalía contó su secreto mejor guardado: ¿cómo hace para eliminar las arrugas? - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Thalía contó su secreto mejor guardado: ¿cómo hace para eliminar las arrugas? - Duration: 2:53.


Giannina Maradona celebró los 10 de su hijo, Benjamín - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Giannina Maradona celebró los 10 de su hijo, Benjamín - Duration: 1:49.


Ivana Icardi atacó a la mamá de Wanda Nara - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Ivana Icardi atacó a la mamá de Wanda Nara - Duration: 3:25.


Meghan Royals Es - Lady Gaga y Christian Carino cancelan su compromiso a 5 meses de su anuncio - Duration: 3:11.

 Se murió el amor entre Lady Gaga y su prometido o más bien, su ex. El representante de la cantante reveló a People que la pareja se separó a menos de un año de su compromiso

 Tras dos años de relación y después de haberse comprometido en octubre del año pasado, Christian Carino y Lady Gaga se separan definitivamente

Aún es incierto cuándo se separaron, pero los rumores empezaron a circular desde los Grammy Awards (10 de febrero) ya que la cantante asistió a la premiación sola y no llevaba puesto su anillo de compromiso

 Antes de los Grammy, Christian acompañó a Lady Gaga a los Screen Actors Guild Awards el 27 de enero y a los Golden Globes el 6

Durante esas apariciones, la pareja se mostró cariñosa y muy romántica, aún no había señales de una posible separación

 Incluso, él compartió una tierna e íntima imagen de la cantante en la cama sosteniendo el Globo de Oro que "Shallow" ganó a Mejor Canción Original

En su speech de agradecimiento, la cantante no mencionó a su entonces prometido.    Gaga y Carino hicieron pública su relación en febrero de 2017 al mostrarse extra cariñosos en el fin de semana del Super Bowl –la cantante se presentó en el Halftime Show de ese año–

También fueron captados muy románticos en el concierto de King of Leon.  Luego, la actriz confirmó su compromiso con Carino en octubre de 2018 durante un evento de las Mujeres en Hollywood organizado por Elle US

 Antes de Christian Carino, la actriz fue relacionada sentimentalmente con el actor Taylor Kinney, con quien se comprometió en febrero de 2015 después de cinco años de noviazgo

Rompieron su compromiso en julio de 2016.  Hasta el momento, ni la actriz ni el productor han dado declaraciones al respecto, pero se espera que pronto expliquen a qué se debe su separación

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Lady Gaga y Christian Carino cancelan su compromiso a 5 meses de su anuncio - Duration: 3:11.


Ignacio Gutiérrez reveló sin querer la nueva casa televisiva de Iván Núñez - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Ignacio Gutiérrez reveló sin querer la nueva casa televisiva de Iván Núñez - Duration: 2:43.


Ex's Hate Me - RICT Cover (Phiên bản cute nhất) - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Ex's Hate Me - RICT Cover (Phiên bản cute nhất) - Duration: 3:42.


Cuando se mire a los catalanes, profecía - Duration: 7:55.

 En 1918, y en el capítulo XVIII del Libro III de su célebre -y tan leído- Concepte general de la ciència catalana (tomo la cita de la web Rodamots), el filósofo Francesc Pujols describía con turbadora precisión este momento de la declaración de los acusados en el juicio

La cita es larga, pero imprescindible, y además tengo el mérito de que voy a verterla por vez primera al castellano: «Tal vez no lo veremos, porque estaremos muertos y enterrados, pero es seguro que los que vendrán después de nosotros verán a los reyes de la Tierra ponerse de rodillas ante Cataluña

Y será entonces cuando los lectores de mi libro, si todavía quedan algunos ejemplares, sabrán que tenía razón

Cuando se mire a los catalanes, será como si se mirara la sangre de la verdad; cuando se les dé la mano, será como si se tocara la mano de la verdad»

 ¿Vivísimo, no? Continuemos. «Muchos catalanes se pondrán a llorar de alegría; habrá que secarles las lágrimas con un pañuelo

Porque serán catalanes, todos sus gastos, allá donde vayan, los tendrán pagados. Serán tan numerosos que la gente no podrá acogerlos a todos como huéspedes en sus viviendas, y les ofrecerán el hotel, el más preciado regalo que se le pueda hacer a un catalán cuando viaje»

 Me hace feliz haber dado la frase exacta, siempre tan imprecisamente citada, que resume el catalan dream

Pero no desfallezcamos. «Al fin y al cabo [en esta locución está la prueba irrevocable del hecho diferencial y de que el seny no es un mito: el original dice al cap i a la fi, y no es lo mismo, no es lo mismo], y pensándolo bien, más valdrá ser catalán que millonario

Como las apariencias engañan, aunque un catalán sea más ignorante que un burro, los extranjeros lo tomarán por un sabio, que lleva la verdad en la mano

Cuando Cataluña sea reina y maestra del mundo, nuestra reputación será tal, y la admiración que se nos manifestará alcanzará tales cimas, que muchos catalanes no se atreverán a descubrir su origen y se harán pasar por extranjeros»

 ¿Sutil, pero intenso, no? Llega el último. «Si alguien se maravilla de que Cataluña -que, en comparación con otras naciones, no tiene nada y no representa nada; que no tiene lo más mínimo, es decir la independencia política; cuya decisión no pesa nada en los consejos de Estado- esté destinada a dominar el mundo, si alguien se maravilla de esto, nosotros responderemos esto otro: 'Si les hubiesen dicho a los romanos, cuando querían dominar Judea, que los judíos los dominarían a ellos, así como a toda Europa y América -que aún no había sido descubierta- es seguro que se habrían echado a reír»

 Nadie sabe cómo me alegra la vida oír a Turull, y lo de ayer fue glotonería. Turull es poco conocido en el Resto De y es una verdadera lástima

Si Pujols le dedicó estos párrafos inmortales, no sería en vano. Turull es un arquetipo hecho carne y no al contrario como suele suceder y es lógica

Turull es el hombre que cuando describe una campaña institucional del referéndum, finalmente desechada, que mostraba a un pájaro escapando de la jaula aclara a los siete magistrados: -Yo hasta miré que no fuera un periquito

 Turull es el que nada más arrancarse así brilló: «El presidente dijo que habría referéndum o referéndum

O sea, que debía ser pactado». Turull es el que calificó de este modo la replicación de las páginas pro-referéndum: «Es que en este país hay mucho talento para hacer webs»

Turull es el que se atrevió, sí, nadie me creerá, pero lo hizo: «En este país lo aprovechamos todo»

Turull es el que dio el argumento más demoledor oído hasta ahora contra la acusación de rebelión, y por lo mismo de violencia: «Pero

si este es el país de Pau Casals». Aunque no negaré que tuvo un bajón de azúcar, cuando tras decir que Cataluña es una sociedad muy madura, concedió: «Bueno, ni mejor ni peor que las otras, claro»

 Todo empalidece, sin embargo, ante la portentosa maniobra general que tuvo su declaración

Es verdad que la semana pasada el ex consejero Forn obró el prodigio de una policía encargada de que el orden legal se quebrara en las calles sin una mala palabra

Pero lo de Forn fue solo un ensayo técnico de la apoteosis desplegada ayer por el gran Turull

El primer gobernante que reconoce, y tenía que ser catalán, que asaltó una democracia con toda legalidad

For more infomation >> Cuando se mire a los catalanes, profecía - Duration: 7:55.


41395 - Aleph (Audio Oficial) (Prod. TREETIME) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 41395 - Aleph (Audio Oficial) (Prod. TREETIME) - Duration: 3:01.


Cuauhtémoc Blanco ratifica su respaldo a la Guardia Nacional - Duration: 3:19.

Cuernavaca, Mor.- El gobernador Cuauhtémoc Blanco acudió a la conmemoración del CVI Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano y ratificó su respaldo al proyecto de Guardia Nacional que impulsa el Gobierno de México para atender el tema de seguridad en las entidades del país

Blanco aseguró que en Morelos se tiene una adecuada coordinación con el Ejército Nacional e instituciones encargadas de la seguridad y justicia de todos los niveles de gobierno, en el trabajo diario para devolver la paz a los ciudadanos

El problema de inseguridad que se vive en el país y Morelos se está combatiendo con decisión, y en la entidad el trabajo coordinado con la Guardia Nacional será fundamental para la recuperación de la paz y la seguridad, puntualizó Cuauhtémoc Blanco

En la ceremonia el comandante de la 24 Zona Militar, general Armando Gómez Mendoza, reiteró el compromiso de las fuerzas armadas de cumplirle a México y a Morelos con honor, lealtad y compromiso

"Estamos conscientes de nuestro compromiso con México, somos y seremos en todo momento garantes de la integridad y soberanía de nuestro territorio", afirmó

Con respecto a la creación de la Guardia Nacional el general mencionó que históricamente se vive un momento que permitirá refrendar el compromiso de nuestro instituto armado con los mexicanos en todo el territorio nacional, con la finalidad de lograr la seguridad que todo ciudadano se merece

Agregó que durante los 106 años de su creación, el Ejército Mexicano se ha transformado en una institución sólida, profesional, confiable que cada día se prepara para servir mejor a la sociedad, por ello ha sido necesario modernizar y ampliar su infraestructura, así como fortalecer sus capacidades a la par de las exigencias actuales

"Las mujeres y hombres que integramos la Defensa Nacional estamos comprometidos con las labores diarias que se nos encomiendan, logrando que se haga  patente nuestra entrega, patriotismo y amor por nuestro país", dijo

For more infomation >> Cuauhtémoc Blanco ratifica su respaldo a la Guardia Nacional - Duration: 3:19.


Wanda estalló contra un diario italiano por el conflicto de Icardi con el Inter - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Wanda estalló contra un diario italiano por el conflicto de Icardi con el Inter - Duration: 3:10.


Una de las Bandana espera un bebé: ¡se agranda el grupo! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Una de las Bandana espera un bebé: ¡se agranda el grupo! - Duration: 2:29.


Capitana Marvel, "de las mejores películas de la historia": críticas - Duration: 2:06.

En Estados Unidos dieron los primeros pases de prensa para ver la película, y los críticos afortunados elogiaron lo buena que es la película

El usuario de Twitter 'The Troubledude', quien vio la película, tuiteó que "he estado en una reciente proyección de prueba de Capitana Marvel y puedo decir que Carol Danvers será el próximo rostro de Marvel

Carismática e imponente, Danvers ha llegado para quedarse". "La película es increíble y todavía estoy en trance

Esto es poder femenino", continuó el asistente a la película quien felicitó a Marvel Studios

Steven Weintraub, editor en jefe de Collider, señaló que "cuando terminó la proyección de Capitana Marvel todo el mundo hablaba del gato

Deben. Ver. Ésta. Película" Otros espectadores comentaron que "¡no hay que creerse los rumores! Ésta película es hermosa y sorprendente" y señalaron la muy buena actuación de Larson

"Una de las mejores películas de la historia", continuaron los elogios.  El 7 de marzo será el estreno de Capitana Marvel

For more infomation >> Capitana Marvel, "de las mejores películas de la historia": críticas - Duration: 2:06.


2-19-19 - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 2-19-19 - Duration: 2:58.


Porsche Boxster 2.7 265pk | Black Edition | PDK automaat | origineel Ned. - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Porsche Boxster 2.7 265pk | Black Edition | PDK automaat | origineel Ned. - Duration: 1:14.


Allah Ki Shan Me Qawwali - Main Hoon Banda Mera Khuda Tu Hai - Duration: 11:09.

Main Hoon Banda Mera Khuda Tu Hai

For more infomation >> Allah Ki Shan Me Qawwali - Main Hoon Banda Mera Khuda Tu Hai - Duration: 11:09.


Envy You - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Envy You - Duration: 4:41.


Cómo Reparar un Disco Duro dañado✅ externo o interno | Victoria HDD SSD | ACTUALIZADO 2019 - Duration: 12:53.

Hi everyone, a few months ago I did a tutorial on how to repair a hard drive using the

Victoria application, although now I want renew that video for two reasons.

The first is that in the comments you have left some doubts about certain aspects

of the program that I have been clarifying one by one, but I think it's better to make a new video

more complete where response to all of them.

In addition, there is currently one more version current program, so I take advantage

and I make this new video using the version now more recent.

The first logical thing is to download the program whose link I will leave you in the description of

video, and once we have it, we just have to unzip the Zip by right clicking

and clicking on Extract.

Now we enter the folder that was created and we have to execute the file called

Victoria.exe, although it is very important that let's do it as administrator, because if not

the program will not work correctly. To do this we simply right click

on the file, and then on Run as administrator.

Once with the program open, which as you have seen, it does not require installation,

We went to see each of the options and how they should be used.

The first thing we will see is this window, and here in the part on the right is where you

your storage units appear, so it is very important to select the

correct unit that you want to repair.

Also if you have a USB external hard drive, and is connected, the program also what

will recognize, for example I will connect a external hard drive, and you'll see how it appears

now also in the box.

In my case I now have a total of 4 discs hard, 3 internal and one external, which is precisely

the one that I'm going to repair.

When it comes to knowing which is each hard drive, you can be guided by their size, for example

in my case my external hard drive is this one 160GB so you have no loss, although

if in yours you have two hard drives of the same capacity and do not know how to differentiate

which is which one to insure you first of what disk you are selected

A method to know which name corresponds to each hard drive in the event that you saw

before the problem of not being sure which is what, it is to open the Disk Manager

of Windows, for that we write in the search engine from Windows at the bottom left the word "Disco

Hard ", and we enter this application of here, "Create and Format Partitions of the


As you see we get this window with all our hard drives, and if we right click on

one of the boxes on the left, in the that corresponds to the disk that we want to see

your name, and then we enter properties, this window will open, where you can

see the name of the hard drive, so now you already know to which concrete unit it belongs.

Once, clarified this, I frame with the mouse the hard drive that we want to repair, and fix

that in the top part of the program also indicated the hard drive that I just

select, so remember that it is very important not to confuse you from disk.

Now we go to the tab that says SMART, and if we click on the "Get SMART" button

We can see information about the state of the disk.

In my case as you see, I leave several paramentos in yellow, and that's a bad sign, although

It would be worse if they came out in red.

To give you an idea, I will select another of my hard drives, that this almost new,

and so you see the difference, for example I select this one terabyte, I return to the SMART tab,

I give Get SMART, and I get almost everything in green, which indicates that the disk status

it's good.

While the Get SMART only gives us information about the general state of the disk, but what

important is how we do to repair or improve the state of our disk, and to

I re-select the disc I want repair, that this one here of 160GB, and we

we go to the tab that says "Test".

This tab is what you really have who learns to use, and for that we're going to see

what does each of the main options do?

If we look at the option "Ignore" it comes checked by default, and this option what

does it allow us to scan our disk hard in search of damaged sectors, but the

program will not repair them, just will tell us how many damaged sectors you have found

but without doing anything else.

So if I leave marked "Ignore" and then I press the "Scan" button

to start the scan, we'll see how the program start looking for defective sectors.

But as I say, this option is only informative, and in my case I want that if I repair the sectors

defective, and for that we have the option "Remap".

So I'm going to stop the scan by pressing Stop, and mark "Remap", pulse again

"Scan", and now the program does not just it will tell how many damaged sectors it finds

but also try to repair them.

If you look here we see a series of colored squares, and that's what it tells us

is the status of each scanned sector, the of white color that as you can see are the majority,

are those that are in perfect condition, while that the two in gray are sectors with

a slightly longer reading time, but even so it is also in a state

optimal and there is nothing to worry about.

For its part, the green color indicates that the sector has become somewhat slow, and if you look

the program gives me the option to mark those sectors to be repaired, but this

it's really not necessary, since a sector in green, it's not worrisome, so my

advice is that you leave the green sectors unmarked.

Next are the Oranges, the Reds, and the Blues, which are sectors that really

they should worry, because the color Orange it indicates a reading time too much

elevated, that is, the orange sectors still work but possibly not long

so that they start to fail.

The Reds on their part are sectors that are in a defective state, while

that the Blues, are sectors that directly they give reading failure, that is, they are totally


Therefore, these blue sectors need be reassigned so the disk does not use them

more during its operation, at the time that are replaced by sectors in good condition

of the disk backup area, and for that We are using the "Remap" option, to

that the program makes a reassignment of these defective sectors.

By the way, before continuing, I also I commented that if you click on the option that

says "Grid", that is, grid in English, we can change the scan view, to

so instead of seeing squares, it will show a graph where it is easier to go seeing

the status of each sector of the disk.

Now that we know what the option is for "Remap", and how to repair bad sectors,

with her, I want to clarify that this method, does not erase information from the disk, so

it is safe to mark this option, and it is the I recommend you use.

The "Remap" what it does is try to recover the defective sector, to make it healthy,

or in the case that you can not, mark it as not functional and replaces it with one in good

state of the reserve area, since the discs hard bring spare sectors.

Now, that the hard drive is still repairing with the "Remap", I will explain other methods

of repair, which are precisely the that in the previous video, you had doubts.

Specifically one of those options is "Erase", or "erase" to sound easier. If we mark

this option, what the program does is that when we start the scan, and find a

damaged sector, it overwrites it by deleting all your information, as this can also be

fix a sector that has become slow, but this implies that we can lose part

of the information that we had saved On the disk.

That is, "Erase" you should only use it if the hard drive you are trying to repair,

he has nothing stored in him, or at least nothing that you care about losing, since you could

if you could lose some files, if the program just overwrites

those sectors in particular.

I want to clarify, that "Remap" and "Erase" are two complementary methods, that is,

you can use the "Remap" and once you have concluded that repair, re-repair

the disc using now "Erase", although in that case remember that as I said,

with "Erase" you can lose information, so it is only recommended to use it in

hard drives in which you have nothing saved.

And finally I want to talk about the option "Write", writing in English, which is

it's here, and it's the one you have to use with more concern of all, since what

what that option does is format the disk hard completely, that is with this option

the program does not stop to find what sectors are defective to repair them, if not

that directly overwrites the entire disk to completely erase the information.

Or what is the same erases absolutely all Hard disk sectors are damaged

or not, and in that way try to make them healthy, even those who were already

although as I say the price if you mark this option, is that all the disc information

hard will be completely erased, to the point that even the partitions will disappear

that you had on the disk, so only you must use this option if the hard disk

It does not contain anything you want to keep.

In fact, I'm going to do a test, and notice that If I check the "Write" option, it will not let me

mark any other option of the program, and when I hit the "Scan" button to

start scanning I get a window of warning asking me if I'm sure

to continue, since the entire hard drive will be erased.

That is why the option "Write" never it must be marked, unless you are very

sure that the selected disc does not contain absolutely nothing, and therefore you do not care

that all information is deleted. Further, check carefully if you have selected the disk

hard right, and do not go to erase another hard drive by mistake.

In any case, if you do not want to take risks, I recommend using only the "Remap" option

when it comes to repairing a disc, and if you have information in it, is in fact the only

option that you must use, to not lose anything.

In addition, I also want to emphasize, in that although the "Remap" option does not erase

information, that does not mean that it is advisable is that you always do backup

of all your important files, to avoid then lamenting.

Since a hard drive that has given samples of being in poor condition, we never know in what

moment a critical failure can occur that could endanger the information,

so again remember always do Backup everything you want

keep, just in case.

To conclude, as you can see the program has many more options and other tabs

which we have not spoken, but when you use it, never touch any of those options,

that you could damage the disk information hard if you do not know what you're doing,

what you simply work with only Get Smart, and Test tabs, always using

Only the options that I have commented.

That is, always note that the "Read" option marked, and if possible use only the

"Ignore" option if you only want see the bad sectors without the program

do nothing, or the "Remap" if you want to repair the disc without losing information.

And here the video, I hope that I have been useful, if so, you can give

Like, or if you have any doubt leave it in the comments, and do not forget to subscribe,

See you later.

For more infomation >> Cómo Reparar un Disco Duro dañado✅ externo o interno | Victoria HDD SSD | ACTUALIZADO 2019 - Duration: 12:53.


(Eng Sub)다육이 깨진 화분 절대 버리지 마세요!!(多肉植物) - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub)다육이 깨진 화분 절대 버리지 마세요!!(多肉植物) - Duration: 5:49.


Klopp says Liverpool will turn Bayern frustrations on Man Utd - Duration: 3:19.

 Jurgen Klopp believes Liverpool's night of Champions League frustration will soon turn into a positive

 The Reds were unable to wrest control of their round of 16 tie with Bayern Munich after the first leg ended in a goalless draw at Anfield on Tuesday

 The German side were the happier at the final whistle, and will be regarded favourites going into the return leg on March 13

 But Klopp believes Bayern's failure to register an away goal could change how the initial meeting is viewed in the intervening weeks

 "I'm sure Bayern will feel a little bit better than we do," he said.    "But we have three weeks (until the second leg) and day by day the result will be a bit better for us and a bit worse or Bayern because it's 0-0 – the best draw you can get

 "It'll be tough to go to Bayern and get a result. If we'd have won 1-0 what would have changed? A 0-0 would get us through but it would still be tough

"  Bayern have lost just once at home this season, and Klopp – who will have Virgil van Dijk back for the return game after he missed the Anfield leg through suspensions – is aware of their strength at the Allianz Arena

 "They don't have any problems at home," the Liverpool manager. "We will see who is available, that's for both of us important

 "(Leon) Goretzka I'm pretty sure will play and Arjen Robben could be fit. That can make a big difference with his experience

 "A lot of things can change. But we will have at least one more player back and can play better than tonight

It's not decided.  "But I don't think there's any weak team in the Champions League, certainly not at home

"    Liverpool have four Premier League games before the trip to Munich, starting with Sunday's titanic showdown at bitter North West rivals Manchester United

 "We have a massive game now, it's true," said Klopp. "Now we have to recover and prepare for Manchester United who are obviously in good shape as we all saw on Monday

 "I don't think about it now, but I know it will come and we start preparing for that one

 "It's another tough one, but that's how it is at a top club. We play Bayern tonight, and then United on Sunday

 "That's cool actually, but it won't be easy of course."

For more infomation >> Klopp says Liverpool will turn Bayern frustrations on Man Utd - Duration: 3:19.


Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's Elimination Chamber Assault - Duration: 1:13.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's

Elimination Chamber Assault Becky Lynch was not invited to Elimination Chamber but she

showed up anyway When it was all said and done The Man left Ronda Rousey busted open

and Charlotte Flair extremely bruised Charlotte Flair has taken a beating before This is nothing

new to her However she probably won't volunteer to be the target from any crutch shots anytime

soon Flair uploaded a picture to her Instagram story showing off her sick bruises Her arm

is pretty much covered at this point which Becky Lynch probably considers a job well

done This has to only add fuel to the fire needed to burn through the road to WrestleMania

for Charlotte Flair We just have to wonder if any receipts are coming Becky Lynch's

way Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's Elimination Chamber Assault - Duration: 1:13.


Man Utd player ratings: The TWO out of 10 flop... one striker gets just FIVE - Duration: 6:54.

David De Gea - /1 It's been everything you'd expect from David De Gea. The Spaniard has been remarkably consistent, one outstanding performance that springs to mind was when he kept out Tottenham Hotspur at Wembley Stadium last month

 It can't be ignored that United struggled to keep clean sheets this season under Jose Mourinho, which perhaps prohibits De Gea from getting a greater rating

Luke Shaw - 7/1 It's been a great season from Luke Shaw in terms of getting his career back on track

 Even under Mourinho he was a consistent performer, which has seen him recalled to the England squad

Chris Smalling - 6/1 Chris Smalling has earned himself a contract extension but it doesn't look like he'll be first choice from now on at Old Trafford

 It's not been his best season, but he's still stepped up on occasions.Victor Lindelof - 7/1 After an underwhelming first season in the Premier League, you wondered whether Victor Lindelof would ever make it at Manchester United

 But it must be said, he has since made amends and now looks every bit of an £9million midfielder

Ashley Young - 6/1 Ashley Young has proved he can still be relied on by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

 The former winger has been made to fill in at full-back this season and been pretty consistent throughout the campaign

 He had a horrible afternoon against Paris Saint-Germain though on Tuesday against former team mate Angel Di Maria

Eric Bailly - 5/1 Eric Bailly's United days looked doomed when he was hooked by Mourinho in the first half against Newcastle in October

 But since Solskjaer took over he has shown that he may still have a future after all, a similar story with many players at the club

 Arsenal were keen on taking Bailly on loan in January but United were not prepared to let him go

Phil Jones - 5/1 To the dismay of some United fans, Phil Jones has put pen to paper on a new contract

 It's not been his best season but he's a sturdy back-up option to have among the squad

 He provided another comical moment when he scored an own goal in the Champions League defeat at Valencia

Antonio Valencia - 5/1 Antonio Valencia looks unlikely to ever return to the starting eleven unless required

 The Ecuadorian has given his all for the club but he's hardly set to world alight when he has featured this season

Diogo Dalot - 5/1 Glimpses of encouragement but has failed to put together a run of games

 Has shined on occasions, notably in the Champions League against Young Boys. The former Porto man needs to put fitness worries behind him and kick on in the second half of the season

Fred - 2/1 The £52million flop has been nothing but a catastrophe for United since arriving from Shakhtar Donetsk

 He was recently left out of the squad that travelled to Fulham which suggest he may no longer have a future with the club

 His only goal came against Wolves back in September and he has not featured in the Premier League since the Boxing Day win over Huddersfield

Juan Mata - 5/1 Juan Mata has struggled to make an impact this season. His best performance came under Jose Mourinho at his old club Chelsea in a 2-2 draw

Nemanja Matic - 6/1 The Serbian has really stepped up since Solskjaer came in and quickened up his game

 He's been a regular starter since the beginning of the season.Ander Herrera - 7/1 Ander Herrera has been the unsung hero of the campaign

 He's impressed so much, he looks set to extend his stay at Old Trafford beyond the summer when he looked set to leave

Paul Pogba - 7/1 We've seen two completely different Paul Pogba's this season. In this first half of the season he was the shadow of the World Cup winner we saw in Russia

 But it must be said, he has since made amends and now looks every bit of an £9million midfielder

Alexis Sanchez - 3/1 Alexis Sanchez has staked a good claim to go down as one of the worst signings in United's history

 He fell out of favour under Mourinho and hasn't been getting a game under Solskjaer having managed just one Premier League goal all season

Anthony Martial - 7/1 Anthony Martial has been a shining light in 219 so far and finally stamped his mark on the starting line up

 He enjoyed a brief purple patch in October but struggled for form in Mourinho's final months at the helm

Jesse Lingard - 6/1 Jesse Lingard has definitely improved in recent months but it's been another stop-start campaign

 He has turned in a few top performances but is still lacking consistency.Marcus Rashford - 7/1 Marcus Rashford has been electric in the past few months, leading the line for United

 His goals earned him the Premier League Player of the Month award for January and if he can keep this kind of form up then it will be deemed a great season for the England international

Romelu Lukaku - 5/1 Romelu Lukaku has had a dismal season and supporters have not been impressed by his performances

 Fans have made jokes about his heavy touch but the Belgian will be keen to prove his doubters wrong and show the world why they paid £75m for his signature

For more infomation >> Man Utd player ratings: The TWO out of 10 flop... one striker gets just FIVE - Duration: 6:54.


Wausau Comm. of the Whole - 2/19/19 - Duration: 1:03:13.

For more infomation >> Wausau Comm. of the Whole - 2/19/19 - Duration: 1:03:13.


Leke Pehla Pehla Pyar-Status Video Song 2019 | So Sweet Couple Romantic Love |Love Buddy Status - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Leke Pehla Pehla Pyar-Status Video Song 2019 | So Sweet Couple Romantic Love |Love Buddy Status - Duration: 0:25.


Am I robot? - Duration: 4:27.

Hello, my friends! Today we have terrible weather: sleet and strong wind. Well, and, of course, the weather is cold.

In this video, I would like to talk to you not about the weather, but why I look like a robot in some of my videos.

We are all full of self criticism, we don't like something in ourselves, we try ... some of us try to rectify it, some of us tolerate it

and believe that people should accept them as they are. I'm one of those people who is working on yourself and trying to become better.

Why do I look like a robot in some of my videos, why don't I have facial expressions and gestures? Because for a very long time, during long time, I really didn't like my facial expressions.

I have very mobile facial expressions, I think that I have... The wind is blowing me over. I think my lips move all over my face, and I use too much my lips and forehead for speaking.

Well, so, my lips should speak, but my forehead speaks too. I know, lot of people speak like that. There is such a thing, yes.

Many people use their forehead to express their emotions. And, as I said, I didn't accept that for a very long time, I didn't like it,

so I tried to speak in such a way when I used as little facial expression as possible. And yes, unfortunately, some of my videos ...

well, a little artificial, because my face, my facial expressions don't move in these videos, and the person looks a bit artificial, unnatural.

I'm referring to me. But I try to work on my facial expressions, and it seems to me that they changed a lot lately, and don't annoy me as much as before.

So, I think that I'll use more my facial expressions and my arms in my next videos, I'll smile. Yes, probably, to smile is the most difficult thing for me.

And I'll try to make my videos better for you and for me. Why also for myself? Because I also watch my videos and sometimes I don't have pleasant to look at me.

It's very often due to my facial expressions. And sometimes I don't show some videos (or remake them again and again) just because I don't like my facial expressions.

Sometimes even because I don't like my hairstyle or my makeup. Therefore, I'll work on myself, on my videos and I can promise you that they will be better.

At least I'll try to do it. I just hope the wind doesn't prevent you to hear what I'm talking about. Thank you for watching this video!

Give me a like! Don't be greedy! I'm very pleased when you give me likes!

It cheers me up, and I can see that you like my videos, and I should continue to make them. Thank you! Bye!

What awful weather!

This video I have made under the roof of the playground slide.

For more infomation >> Am I robot? - Duration: 4:27.


Lauren Young: "I think someone is lying!" - Duration: 20:57.

Lauren Young: "I think someone is lying!"

Tumagal ng tatlong taon ang relasyon ni.

Lauren Young kay Elmo Magalona kaya.

hindi maiwasang tanungin ang aktres.

tungkol sa ex-boyfriend sa presscon.

ng Hiram Na Anak, na ginanap.

sa 17th floor ng GMA Network Center kagabi, February 18.

As expected, reporter's delight si.

Lauren dahil hindi uso sa kanya.

ang salitang off the record kaya.

may sagot siya sa lahat ng mga tanong tungkol kay Elmo.

Sa mga hindi nakakaalam, ang ina ni Elmo na si.

Pia Magalona pa rin ang manager ni Lauren,.

kahit naghiwalay na sila ng ex-boyfriend.

Pahayag ng Kapuso actress sa PEP.

(Philippine Entertainment Portal),.

"That was seven years ago.

"When nag-break kami ni Elmo,.

sinabi ko talaga kay Tita Pia,.

'We broke up, but I'm okay with him.

We're okay.

"'And if you can be with me professionally,.

we could still work together.

But if not, then mag-adjust tayo.

"She was, like, work is work.

So, kapag nagkikita kami,.

we never talk about our personal lives.

"Pero sometimes, siyempre it's a normal.

conversation naman, but ano talaga.

"First of all, she's my manager.

She's like my mom as well.

"Ang dami na naming pinagsamahan ni Tita Pia.

"She's a great manager for me,.

hindi ako nauubusan ng mga project at.

ang gaganda lagi ng mga nakukuha ko na projects.


Dahil sa pagiging open ni Lauren,.

kinuha ng PEP. ph ang pagkakataon na.

itanong ang reaksiyon niya tungkol.

sa akusasyon ni Janella Salvador,.

noong October 2018, na pisikal siyang sinaktan diumano ni Elmo.

Sina Lauren at Janella ay parehong ex-girlfriends ni Elmo.

Ayon kay Lauren, "I know Elmo very differently.

"I mean, siyempre ang pangit kasi.

if I would say I believe the girl,.

then what will my management say about it?.

"But if I say that I believe the boy,.

then everyone's gonna be, like,.

'Oh, you're a victim blamer!'.

"I mean, no matter what I say,.

someone will get angry.

"But for me, the safest answer.

and most showbiz answer for tonight is,.

it's none of my business,.

because hindi ko kilala si Janella.

Sabi pa niya tungkol kay Elmo,.

"We say hi but we don't have a relationship.

like that anymore, and I don't know anything about it.

"But for me, I love Tita Pia and, I think,.

she's the best.

It's unfortunate that there's news like that.".

Nang tanungin kung naranasan niyang.

"masaktan physically" ni Elmo, "Nope!".

ang mariing sagot ni Lauren.

Sabi pa niya, "Do you think someone can hit me?.

Sapakin kita diyan, upuan ko lang sila… charot!".

Pero ayon kay Lauren, "For me, it's either.

I think someone is lying! Hahaha! I don't know….

"Sometimes, some people bend the truth,.

some people… sucks if it's true,.

sucks if it's not true.

Then, someone is a liar.

"But for me, it's none of my business.

Rason pa ni Lauren, "And siyempre,.

mag-comment lang ako 'tapos may.

lumabas na article, sasabihin nila, 'Nangingialam ka!'.

"E, basa kayo nang basa.

Tinanong lang ako, sumagot lang ako.".

Tumagal ng tatlong taon ang relasyon ni.

Lauren Young kay Elmo Magalona kaya.

hindi maiwasang tanungin ang aktres.

tungkol sa ex-boyfriend sa presscon.

ng Hiram Na Anak, na ginanap.

sa 17th floor ng GMA Network Center kagabi, February 18.

As expected, reporter's delight si.

Lauren dahil hindi uso sa kanya.

ang salitang off the record kaya.

may sagot siya sa lahat ng mga tanong tungkol kay Elmo.

Sa mga hindi nakakaalam, ang ina ni Elmo na si.

Pia Magalona pa rin ang manager ni Lauren,.

kahit naghiwalay na sila ng ex-boyfriend.

Pahayag ng Kapuso actress sa PEP.

(Philippine Entertainment Portal),.

"That was seven years ago.

"When nag-break kami ni Elmo,.

sinabi ko talaga kay Tita Pia,.

'We broke up, but I'm okay with him.

We're okay.

"'And if you can be with me professionally,.

we could still work together.

But if not, then mag-adjust tayo.

"She was, like, work is work.

So, kapag nagkikita kami,.

we never talk about our personal lives.

"Pero sometimes, siyempre it's a normal.

conversation naman, but ano talaga.

"First of all, she's my manager.

She's like my mom as well.

"Ang dami na naming pinagsamahan ni Tita Pia.

"She's a great manager for me,.

hindi ako nauubusan ng mga project at.

ang gaganda lagi ng mga nakukuha ko na projects.


Dahil sa pagiging open ni Lauren,.

kinuha ng PEP. ph ang pagkakataon na.

itanong ang reaksiyon niya tungkol.

sa akusasyon ni Janella Salvador,.

noong October 2018, na pisikal siyang sinaktan diumano ni Elmo.

Sina Lauren at Janella ay parehong ex-girlfriends ni Elmo.

Ayon kay Lauren, "I know Elmo very differently.

"I mean, siyempre ang pangit kasi.

if I would say I believe the girl,.

then what will my management say about it?.

"But if I say that I believe the boy,.

then everyone's gonna be, like,.

'Oh, you're a victim blamer!'.

"I mean, no matter what I say,.

someone will get angry.

"But for me, the safest answer.

and most showbiz answer for tonight is,.

it's none of my business,.

because hindi ko kilala si Janella.

Sabi pa niya tungkol kay Elmo,.

"We say hi but we don't have a relationship.

like that anymore, and I don't know anything about it.

"But for me, I love Tita Pia and, I think,.

she's the best.

It's unfortunate that there's news like that.".

Nang tanungin kung naranasan niyang.

"masaktan physically" ni Elmo, "Nope!".

ang mariing sagot ni Lauren.

Sabi pa niya, "Do you think someone can hit me?.

Sapakin kita diyan, upuan ko lang sila… charot!".

Pero ayon kay Lauren, "For me, it's either.

I think someone is lying! Hahaha! I don't know….

"Sometimes, some people bend the truth,.

some people… sucks if it's true,.

sucks if it's not true.

Then, someone is a liar.

"But for me, it's none of my business.

Rason pa ni Lauren, "And siyempre,.

mag-comment lang ako 'tapos may.

lumabas na article, sasabihin nila, 'Nangingialam ka!'.

"E, basa kayo nang basa.

Tinanong lang ako, sumagot lang ako.".

For more infomation >> Lauren Young: "I think someone is lying!" - Duration: 20:57.


Lawmaker proposes adding two lanes with no speed limit on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Lawmaker proposes adding two lanes with no speed limit on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 1:18.


News24 - Man Utd spoke to Zinedine Zidane before appointing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer - ESPN pundit - Duration: 2:45.

 That is the opinion of ESPN FC pundit and former West Ham goalkeeper Shaka Hislop

 Zidane has been out of a job since leaving Real Madrid at the end of last season

 The France legend has been linked with taking over at Manchester United and more recently Chelsea, due to the increased pressure on Blues boss Maurizio Sarri

 Hislop was asked by ESPN presenter Dan Thomas whether Zidane, if he received a phone call from Chelsea, would take a job at Stamford Bridge on an interim basis until the end of the season

 Hislop is adamant Zidane has already turned down offers, including that of United before Ole Gunnar Solskjaer came into the role

 "I'm sure he's had many a phone call since leaving Real Madrid, very similar to that," he said

 "I'm sure he had that call from Manchester United. "You don't think that when Man United sacked Mourinho they called Zidane? I think so

" Sarri's long-term future at Chelsea is in doubt after Blues fans turned on the Italian during the 2-0 FA Cup fifth round loss to Manchester United on Monday

 Zidane is the favourite to replace Sarri if he was to be relieved of his duties. But Hislop does not think Chelsea and the former Real Madrid boss would be a match made in heaven

 "Very, very slim," Hislop said of Zidane's chances of joining Chelsea. "I just feel Zidane is going to go somewhere, and he'll have his choice of clubs

 "I don't see Chelsea in the same echelons as the kind of clubs that would be interested in Zidane

 "I don't see Chelsea or [Roman] Abramovich spending that kind of money that other clubs would spend on Zidane

" After knocking out Chelsea, United will face a trip to Wolves in the FA Cup quarter-final

 The tie will take place over the weekend of March 16 and 17.

For more infomation >> News24 - Man Utd spoke to Zinedine Zidane before appointing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer - ESPN pundit - Duration: 2:45.


AN INDIAN TOURIST IN A TURKISH VILLAGE. Does it also happen in India? - Duration: 12:50.

it's okay to get lost every once in awhile

Just leave yourself to the situation and enjoy it

This is what happening to me right now

We are not able to understand each other's language

even translate app is not working because of poor internet

After Aiyden left me with them...

He is Mr Omer

He is Mr Shareef

not Nawaz Shareef!

Then they asked me Did I had food?

I said No

Though because of the language barrier,

I couldn't understand what exactly they wanted to say

then he offered me to join them

Now we are going to attend a wedding ceremony

In such situation, i am going to attend a wedding

They have followed me everywhere

Now I am popular even in this small village

I want to show you whatever we interact with eachother

but we don't talk that frequently

but the conversations happening between us are interesting

They are still discussing me and my channel

I am enjoying this

finally he understood

I am not staying in a hotel anymore

Now going to stay at their home

YouTube worked

I always find the people of villages are warmer than those living in cities

I am going to attend a wedding in this attire!

After his repeated requests now I am going inside

After coming here, it feels like

I am becoming the centre of attraction

instead of the bride and groom

I am enjoying this

its 9:30 pm

after attending the wedding

we went to a hospital

where he works

then finally we came here

this is Mr Omer's house

Now we are going to have dinner

Before coming here, he said... I am not sure you'll like my house!

I replied, I would be honored to be your guest

he felt comfortable

I do Couchsurfing to experience the local culture

Actually, initially he also arranged a hotel room for my stay

but after watching my YouTube videos

he offered me to stay with his family

So thanks to you and YouTube

There are many things to eat

Thats my favourite

and many more things...

I hope it dont hits me

I am Mr Omer just had Pear

They grow them here

This is their house

he is their youngest son

They grow everything here

Green Chilly, Capsicum, Tomatoes, other vegetables...

also hen

here is the cow

This is a typical village

I always wanted to stay at such place

The region adjacent to Black sea is Moutaineous

Its called Black sea region

I wanted to stay in a village

I had a comfortable stay last night

Though sometimes

I feel hesitated while staying with a family

I dont know when I will overcome this

but still I enjoy stay with such people

Cow is called INEK

EKMEK is bread

SU is water

Süt is milk

CHAI is tea

ŞEKER is Sugar

SABUN is soap

I am a MISAFIR, it means a guest

We are all together

There are a few things which I cant eat

thats mutton

I can eat these things

This is how they eat togeather

After having the breakfast

I was about to leave

they wanted to gift me something

I said, you've already so much for me

I can't take anymore

Yesterday I gifted them a souvenir from India

But now they want me to accept their gift

They want me to gift this...

They are nice people

They want me to visit another house

They want me to see how Gozleme is made

Actually Gozleme is not like Indian 'Parantha', but..

what I had in breakfast looked like 'Parantha'

So for you... Gozleme is something like Indian 'Parantha'

You can stuff it with things like Cheese, Potato, etc

During my childhood

My grandmother used to make things like this

sitting together with other ladies at home

He said... they are stocking these things for winter

time to leave, its 10:30 am

They are very nice people

I expected this warmth and friendliness from the rural people of Turkey

They were amazing people

I had a wonderful time with all of them

i will cherish these moments forever

These people are as beautiful as this landscape is

For more infomation >> AN INDIAN TOURIST IN A TURKISH VILLAGE. Does it also happen in India? - Duration: 12:50.


Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 58 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 47:58.

For more infomation >> Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 58 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 47:58.


Far Cry New Dawn - GTX 1060 6gb / 3gb - 1080p - 1440p - 1800p - 4K - i5 8400 / i3 8100 Benchmark PC - Duration: 22:11.

For more infomation >> Far Cry New Dawn - GTX 1060 6gb / 3gb - 1080p - 1440p - 1800p - 4K - i5 8400 / i3 8100 Benchmark PC - Duration: 22:11.


EDC (every day carry) 2019.my ideas. - Duration: 19:16.

For more infomation >> EDC (every day carry) 2019.my ideas. - Duration: 19:16.


Jazz Jennings is Worried She Won't Like Sex | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:23.

Jazz Jennings is Worried She Won't Like Sex | Heavy.com

Jazz Jennings is worried she won't enjoy having sex because of how "effed up her whole vagina is," according to an exclusive clip of tonight's episode shared by People.

On Tuesday's episode of I Am Jazz, the 18-year-old reality star goes on a date with her boyfriend Ahmir Steward, who she admits "isn't the textbook definition of who I expected I would go out with.

" However, she admits that there is "something about him" that she's drawn to and she feels like there is "so much to him and I'm only scratching the surface.

Steward is 19-years-old and, according to Radar, the two met on the internet.

"Jazz met him online and they're still together," a source told Radar.

Friends and fans of Jazz seem to primarily approve of Steward, although many have been cautioning Jazz to take it slow with her new boyfriend for the time-being.

It's unclear whether or not Jazz plans to listen to the advice of her friends and fans to take it slow, as the 18-year-old girl definitely isn't shy about talking about sex.

She brought up her "needs" to her parents in last week's episode, and in the clip People shared for tonight's episode shows her bringing up the topic during a date with her new beau.

During their conversation (in the clip above), Jennings notices that Steward's eyes are gazing downward toward her chest, and she asks him if her cleavage looks good.

"You're looking at my eyes, but then your eyes are like," she says, emulating his facial expression.


She then brings up sex to an already-blushing Steward.

"I hope I like sex," she says, which causes Steward to giggle.

However, she has reasonable fears about intercourse, due to her recent gender confirmation surgery.

"Everyone likes it, but what if I don't because of how effed up my whole vagina is?" she asks Steward.

She eventually shrugs off her fears, and flirtatiously tells Steward: "Well, we gotta try it first, right?".

Whether she will like sex or not will have to wait, as Jazz can't have intercourse for some time following her bottom surgery.

In last week's episode, she brought up her sex drive to her parents, which admittedly made her father visibly uncomfortable and her mother somewhat flustered.

"Even though I have a low libido and I don't have those desires all the time, I want to still be able to explore sexual things," she tells her parents.

"If I try it and I like it, then maybe that will create desire within me, you know? But I still want to be able to learn how to kiss and do other things that people do in relationships.".

She then tries to reassure her parents that she is waiting until marriage to have sex, which spurred a bit of a reaction from her mother.

"You're not allowed to [have sex]! You have to wait months [after the surgery]," Jeanette reminds her.

Either way, Jazz has a couple of months to figure out if she's ready for sex with Steward, since she can't physically have intercourse at the moment anyway.

What do you think of Jazz's new boyfriend? Do you think she is rushing into things with Steward, or do you think he is a good match for her? Let us know in the comments below, and tune in to I Am Jazz, which airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c on TLC.

READ NEXT: Ahmir Steward, Jazz Jennings' Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

For more infomation >> Jazz Jennings is Worried She Won't Like Sex | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:23.


Watch how The Masked Singer hides the identity of its contestants - Duration: 2:06.

 They wear sweatshirts that say, "Don't talk to me."  But it takes more than just those four words to protect the identity of the celebrity contestants on The Masked Singer, Fox's unique singing competition that's already been ordered for a second season

In this exclusive clip from the Feb. 27 two-hour finale, viewers can see what lengths the production goes to to make sure no one can figure out who is under those crazy masks

 "I feel like I'm going on a CIA mission or something," says one of the contestants, whose voice is disguised as well

 "It's like a non-stop murder mystery masquerade party, but with more singing, and less murder," adds host Nick Cannon

He, along with panelists Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Ken Jeong, and Nicole Scherzinger, and most of the crew have no idea who's wearing the costumes

 The semi-final episode of The Masked Singer airs Feb. 19, when two celebrities will be eliminated

The final three mysterious crooners will participate in the two-hour finale airing Wednesday, Feb 27, from 8-10 p

m. ET on Fox.  Related content: The unicorn speaks: Tori Spelling on her exit Margaret Cho reveals the worst part of playing the poodle The Masked Singer type TV Show Genre Reality run date 01/02/19 Status In Season Cast Nick Cannon, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Nicole Scherzinger Network Fox Complete Coverage The Masked Singer

For more infomation >> Watch how The Masked Singer hides the identity of its contestants - Duration: 2:06.


即便流落街頭,鄭欣宜也不去找父親鄭少秋 - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> 即便流落街頭,鄭欣宜也不去找父親鄭少秋 - Duration: 10:59.


Becky Lynch's Updated WWE Entrance Video - Duration: 1:22.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Watch Becky Lynch's Updated WWE Entrance Video

Becky Lynch is The Man and now you can enjoy the intensity of her Titantron video package

from the comfort of your own home Lynch's The Man moniker has been a mainstay in WWE

since before Survivor Series but it was being injured by Nia Jax and standing tall that

really cemented it Since then the fans have rallied around Lynch in a very big way WWE

recently got around to uploading Becky Lynch's updated video package that they play during

her entrance This video has only been up for two hours and has already amassed around 45,000

hits It includes a lot of updated video clips but you'll notice how her notorious bloody-face

shot after that Nia Jax punch isn't included This video is still a very good representation

of who The Man is Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section


For more infomation >> Becky Lynch's Updated WWE Entrance Video - Duration: 1:22.


'아내의 맛' 이만기♥한숙희, 장모님 댁에서 개 목욕시키다 꿩 잡은 사연 - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> '아내의 맛' 이만기♥한숙희, 장모님 댁에서 개 목욕시키다 꿩 잡은 사연 - Duration: 5:44.


Is-it Love? Matt (Chapter 1 - Part 11) - Duration: 7:02.

Is-it Love? Matt (Chapter 1 - Part 11)

For more infomation >> Is-it Love? Matt (Chapter 1 - Part 11) - Duration: 7:02.


Ready-to-eat Hotpot REVIEW // Chloe Curly - Duration: 7:54.

Hi, welcome back, today I will review Ready-to-eat Hotpot

with ASMR :)))

I pick the hot and spicy flavor :)))

Let's unbox...

oh, don't forget to keep the direction ;))

It looks quite easy(?)

What do we have inside???

little packages... interesting...

there are hot pack, hotpot paste, 2 packs of veggies

chinese ramen, wet towelette, chopsticks, and vienna sausage.

*trying to understand the instuction...

OK! I got it...

put 2 packs of veggies first then ramen into the bowl(?)

put the paste in, kinda done? oh :))) I almost forget the sausage...

put the hot pack to the black plastic bowl under and pour water in pour water to the line

put the hotpot bowl on top and close the lid.

now wait about 10-15'

wowwwww, we can hear the sizzle :)))

Let's check it

... oh ok... quite different than I expect.

I thought it will bubbling like real hotpot but...

don't worry, it still very hot guys

Time to eat


I eat with my sister so I add some side dishes

the flavor is very good, however it quite (I mean very) spicy

I don't like the veggies... It quite weird(?)

So that is my review about the Ready-to-eat hotpot

see you guys next time for more food stuffs


For more infomation >> Ready-to-eat Hotpot REVIEW // Chloe Curly - Duration: 7:54.


✪ 사실입니까? : 류지혜 이영호 2차폭로 폭행 ✪2019 Special News✪ - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> ✪ 사실입니까? : 류지혜 이영호 2차폭로 폭행 ✪2019 Special News✪ - Duration: 8:28.


Chelsea latest news: Maurizio Sarri WILL be sacked because Roman Abramovich is thinking this - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Maurizio Sarri WILL be sacked because Roman Abramovich is thinking this - Duration: 3:30.


Ahmir Steward, Jazz Jennings' Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 11:29.

Ahmir Steward, Jazz Jennings' Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Ahmir Steward, Jazz Jennings' newest love interest on TLC's I Am Jazz, is 19-years-old and, according to Radar, the two met on the internet.

"Jazz met him online and they're still together," a source told Radar.

Steward hails from Philadelphia, and is spending some time in Florida with Jazz, although the two are currently doing the long-distance relationship.

Jazz has divulged to friends on the show that she has kissed Steward "a lot," and that she is quite smitten with him.


According to his Instagram bio, he plans to change the world by being an advocate of LGBTQ and mental health.

He also made it clear in his bio that he hates homophobia, referencing a quote: "It's not a phobia.

You're not scared. You're an asshole.".

Friends and fans of Jazz seem to primarily approve of Ahmir, although many have been cautioning Jazz to take it slow with Steward for the time-being.

Here's what we know about Steward:.

He Graduated High School But Currently Has No Job or Plans to Enroll in College, According to Jazz.

When Jazz dropped the ball to her parents, Greg and Jeannette Jennings, that her new beau was flying to Florida to spend some time with Jazz, her parents cautioned Jazz on taking it slow with Steward and question whether or not she is ready for the relationship.

Greg Jennings drills his daughter with questions to find out more about her new flame, finding out that Steward is 19-years-old, lives in Philadelphia and graduated high school, but isn't currently working or going to college.

Her father seems somewhat concerned about Steward, telling the cameras: "Admittedly, I'm not sure where the commonality is and what's making this click so positively for Jazz.

But ultimately, we can't stop him from coming to Florida.".

Steward is flying to Florida from Philly, where he currently lives, to visit Jazz.

However, Steward's dad lives in Fort Lauderdale, as Jazz revealed on the show this week, so he has some ties to the state, and a place to stay while he visits Jazz.

Jazz is Quite Smitten With Steward & Says They Have The "Ultimate Connection".

Jazz is apparently pretty crazy about Steward.

She spoken with her parents at length about Steward, her feelings about him, and how she has "needs" that she hopes Steward can fulfill.

When asked about Steward, Jazz said, "I feel like I've been ready to fall in love for so long," the 18-year-old gushed, according to Your Tango.

"It's like the ultimate connection." She continued: "Amir just gets me and I get him.".

However, her parents have their reservations about Steward.

"Jazz is really into this guy — I've never seen her actually like a boy," Jeanette, Jennings mother, admits.

"And I know she's feeling better about herself — she feels whole now and I think that's what made it so easy for her to accept somebody into her life.

But this is different than [our] other three kids because number one, she's transgender.

Number two, she just had the surgery and number three, [he's] a stranger.

So you know, as parents, you just are protective of that.

Any parent would be.

Plus, she's never had a boyfriend in a sexual way so this is new territory for us.".

Her Friends, Family & Fans Have Been Urging Jazz to Take is Slowly With Steward.


Jazz has been cautioned by both friends and fans alike to take things slow with her new boyfriend.

Jazz recently took to Twitter to ask her fans what they thought about Steward, and many followed in her parent's footsteps and warned her to slow things down.

Just like her parents, fans responded to Jazz's inquiry about Ahmir with some concern, mainly for the fact that he has no job and isn't currently enrolled in college.

Although she says she is trying to motivate him to go back to school, fans have still cautioned her about moving too fast and falling too quickly for the young man.

Others felt that he wasn't trying to rush her into anything, which they believe shows a level of maturity from the 19-year-old.

Some also said that as long as Jazz is happy, it's none of anybody's business either way.

And Jazz does seem pretty happy; the above Instagram photo shows the two with their arms around each other, with Jazz smiling at the camera and Ahmir smiling at her.

"Thank you @ahmirsteward for going on this incredible journey with me; you are one of the kindest, most creative, and brilliant people I've ever met! I hope you all like him as much I do!!" she wrote on Instagram.

Steward Has Received Encouragement & Support From Fans Since Appearing on I Am Jazz.


There is little known about Steward at this time; however, he writes in his Instagram bio that he is a blogger and a student.

He also said in his Instagram stories that he recently started at the University of Southern California, so Jazz may have finally convinced him to enroll in school.

He quickly rose to Instagram fame after appearing I Am Jazz, and mentioned in his Instagram stories that he was incredibly nervous and "panicking" about the episode airing.

However, he also wasn't expecting the wave of positive response and has been flooded with many encouraging messages since the episode aired.

Steward also said that he wasn't expecting his account to "blow-up" and was unable to respond to everyone as he was in the middle of class.

Nonetheless, he said that being on the show was a "terrifying, exciting, and surprising learning experience.".

He is Not Transgender, Although He is a Major Supporter of LGBTQ Rights & Feminism.


After news of his and Jazz's relationship spread and his Instagram account blew up, many fans were curious whether or not Steward was also transgender.

Although Steward doesn't have many of pictures on his Instagram, a recent throwback pic of him as a baby helped confirm whether the 19-year-old is part of the trans community.

"Nope," he replied to a commenter, who asked if he is trans.

However, he's been very vocal about his support for the LGBTQ agenda and feminism.

In the above post, he asked those of his followers who are against LGBTQ rights and feminism to "click that unfollow button.".

"I'd … like to take this time to ask all of my followers that are against Feminism to kindly do me a favor and click that unfollow button," he said in a January post.

"Let's spread love and positivity this year.".

What do you think of Jazz's new boyfriend? Do you think she is rushing into things with Steward, or do you think he is a good match for her? Let us know in the comments below, and tune in to I Am Jazz, which airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c on TLC.

READ NEXT: Jazz Jennings' Friends Are Concerned About Boyfriend Ahmir.

For more infomation >> Ahmir Steward, Jazz Jennings' Boyfriend: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 11:29.


A state proposed bill would eliminate speed limits for certain lanes on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> A state proposed bill would eliminate speed limits for certain lanes on I-5 and Highway 99 - Duration: 2:32.


Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's Elimination Chamber Assault - Duration: 1:13.

Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's

Elimination Chamber Assault Becky Lynch was not invited to Elimination Chamber but she

showed up anyway When it was all said and done The Man left Ronda Rousey busted open

and Charlotte Flair extremely bruised Charlotte Flair has taken a beating before This is nothing

new to her However she probably won't volunteer to be the target from any crutch shots anytime

soon Flair uploaded a picture to her Instagram story showing off her sick bruises Her arm

is pretty much covered at this point which Becky Lynch probably considers a job well

done This has to only add fuel to the fire needed to burn through the road to WrestleMania

for Charlotte Flair We just have to wonder if any receipts are coming Becky Lynch's

way Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Charlotte Flair Shows Off Sick Bruises After Becky Lynch's Elimination Chamber Assault - Duration: 1:13.


Cómo Reparar un Disco Duro dañado✅ externo o interno | Victoria HDD SSD | ACTUALIZADO 2019 - Duration: 12:53.

Hi everyone, a few months ago I did a tutorial on how to repair a hard drive using the

Victoria application, although now I want renew that video for two reasons.

The first is that in the comments you have left some doubts about certain aspects

of the program that I have been clarifying one by one, but I think it's better to make a new video

more complete where response to all of them.

In addition, there is currently one more version current program, so I take advantage

and I make this new video using the version now more recent.

The first logical thing is to download the program whose link I will leave you in the description of

video, and once we have it, we just have to unzip the Zip by right clicking

and clicking on Extract.

Now we enter the folder that was created and we have to execute the file called

Victoria.exe, although it is very important that let's do it as administrator, because if not

the program will not work correctly. To do this we simply right click

on the file, and then on Run as administrator.

Once with the program open, which as you have seen, it does not require installation,

We went to see each of the options and how they should be used.

The first thing we will see is this window, and here in the part on the right is where you

your storage units appear, so it is very important to select the

correct unit that you want to repair.

Also if you have a USB external hard drive, and is connected, the program also what

will recognize, for example I will connect a external hard drive, and you'll see how it appears

now also in the box.

In my case I now have a total of 4 discs hard, 3 internal and one external, which is precisely

the one that I'm going to repair.

When it comes to knowing which is each hard drive, you can be guided by their size, for example

in my case my external hard drive is this one 160GB so you have no loss, although

if in yours you have two hard drives of the same capacity and do not know how to differentiate

which is which one to insure you first of what disk you are selected

A method to know which name corresponds to each hard drive in the event that you saw

before the problem of not being sure which is what, it is to open the Disk Manager

of Windows, for that we write in the search engine from Windows at the bottom left the word "Disco

Hard ", and we enter this application of here, "Create and Format Partitions of the


As you see we get this window with all our hard drives, and if we right click on

one of the boxes on the left, in the that corresponds to the disk that we want to see

your name, and then we enter properties, this window will open, where you can

see the name of the hard drive, so now you already know to which concrete unit it belongs.

Once, clarified this, I frame with the mouse the hard drive that we want to repair, and fix

that in the top part of the program also indicated the hard drive that I just

select, so remember that it is very important not to confuse you from disk.

Now we go to the tab that says SMART, and if we click on the "Get SMART" button

We can see information about the state of the disk.

In my case as you see, I leave several paramentos in yellow, and that's a bad sign, although

It would be worse if they came out in red.

To give you an idea, I will select another of my hard drives, that this almost new,

and so you see the difference, for example I select this one terabyte, I return to the SMART tab,

I give Get SMART, and I get almost everything in green, which indicates that the disk status

it's good.

While the Get SMART only gives us information about the general state of the disk, but what

important is how we do to repair or improve the state of our disk, and to

I re-select the disc I want repair, that this one here of 160GB, and we

we go to the tab that says "Test".

This tab is what you really have who learns to use, and for that we're going to see

what does each of the main options do?

If we look at the option "Ignore" it comes checked by default, and this option what

does it allow us to scan our disk hard in search of damaged sectors, but the

program will not repair them, just will tell us how many damaged sectors you have found

but without doing anything else.

So if I leave marked "Ignore" and then I press the "Scan" button

to start the scan, we'll see how the program start looking for defective sectors.

But as I say, this option is only informative, and in my case I want that if I repair the sectors

defective, and for that we have the option "Remap".

So I'm going to stop the scan by pressing Stop, and mark "Remap", pulse again

"Scan", and now the program does not just it will tell how many damaged sectors it finds

but also try to repair them.

If you look here we see a series of colored squares, and that's what it tells us

is the status of each scanned sector, the of white color that as you can see are the majority,

are those that are in perfect condition, while that the two in gray are sectors with

a slightly longer reading time, but even so it is also in a state

optimal and there is nothing to worry about.

For its part, the green color indicates that the sector has become somewhat slow, and if you look

the program gives me the option to mark those sectors to be repaired, but this

it's really not necessary, since a sector in green, it's not worrisome, so my

advice is that you leave the green sectors unmarked.

Next are the Oranges, the Reds, and the Blues, which are sectors that really

they should worry, because the color Orange it indicates a reading time too much

elevated, that is, the orange sectors still work but possibly not long

so that they start to fail.

The Reds on their part are sectors that are in a defective state, while

that the Blues, are sectors that directly they give reading failure, that is, they are totally


Therefore, these blue sectors need be reassigned so the disk does not use them

more during its operation, at the time that are replaced by sectors in good condition

of the disk backup area, and for that We are using the "Remap" option, to

that the program makes a reassignment of these defective sectors.

By the way, before continuing, I also I commented that if you click on the option that

says "Grid", that is, grid in English, we can change the scan view, to

so instead of seeing squares, it will show a graph where it is easier to go seeing

the status of each sector of the disk.

Now that we know what the option is for "Remap", and how to repair bad sectors,

with her, I want to clarify that this method, does not erase information from the disk, so

it is safe to mark this option, and it is the I recommend you use.

The "Remap" what it does is try to recover the defective sector, to make it healthy,

or in the case that you can not, mark it as not functional and replaces it with one in good

state of the reserve area, since the discs hard bring spare sectors.

Now, that the hard drive is still repairing with the "Remap", I will explain other methods

of repair, which are precisely the that in the previous video, you had doubts.

Specifically one of those options is "Erase", or "erase" to sound easier. If we mark

this option, what the program does is that when we start the scan, and find a

damaged sector, it overwrites it by deleting all your information, as this can also be

fix a sector that has become slow, but this implies that we can lose part

of the information that we had saved On the disk.

That is, "Erase" you should only use it if the hard drive you are trying to repair,

he has nothing stored in him, or at least nothing that you care about losing, since you could

if you could lose some files, if the program just overwrites

those sectors in particular.

I want to clarify, that "Remap" and "Erase" are two complementary methods, that is,

you can use the "Remap" and once you have concluded that repair, re-repair

the disc using now "Erase", although in that case remember that as I said,

with "Erase" you can lose information, so it is only recommended to use it in

hard drives in which you have nothing saved.

And finally I want to talk about the option "Write", writing in English, which is

it's here, and it's the one you have to use with more concern of all, since what

what that option does is format the disk hard completely, that is with this option

the program does not stop to find what sectors are defective to repair them, if not

that directly overwrites the entire disk to completely erase the information.

Or what is the same erases absolutely all Hard disk sectors are damaged

or not, and in that way try to make them healthy, even those who were already

although as I say the price if you mark this option, is that all the disc information

hard will be completely erased, to the point that even the partitions will disappear

that you had on the disk, so only you must use this option if the hard disk

It does not contain anything you want to keep.

In fact, I'm going to do a test, and notice that If I check the "Write" option, it will not let me

mark any other option of the program, and when I hit the "Scan" button to

start scanning I get a window of warning asking me if I'm sure

to continue, since the entire hard drive will be erased.

That is why the option "Write" never it must be marked, unless you are very

sure that the selected disc does not contain absolutely nothing, and therefore you do not care

that all information is deleted. Further, check carefully if you have selected the disk

hard right, and do not go to erase another hard drive by mistake.

In any case, if you do not want to take risks, I recommend using only the "Remap" option

when it comes to repairing a disc, and if you have information in it, is in fact the only

option that you must use, to not lose anything.

In addition, I also want to emphasize, in that although the "Remap" option does not erase

information, that does not mean that it is advisable is that you always do backup

of all your important files, to avoid then lamenting.

Since a hard drive that has given samples of being in poor condition, we never know in what

moment a critical failure can occur that could endanger the information,

so again remember always do Backup everything you want

keep, just in case.

To conclude, as you can see the program has many more options and other tabs

which we have not spoken, but when you use it, never touch any of those options,

that you could damage the disk information hard if you do not know what you're doing,

what you simply work with only Get Smart, and Test tabs, always using

Only the options that I have commented.

That is, always note that the "Read" option marked, and if possible use only the

"Ignore" option if you only want see the bad sectors without the program

do nothing, or the "Remap" if you want to repair the disc without losing information.

And here the video, I hope that I have been useful, if so, you can give

Like, or if you have any doubt leave it in the comments, and do not forget to subscribe,

See you later.

For more infomation >> Cómo Reparar un Disco Duro dañado✅ externo o interno | Victoria HDD SSD | ACTUALIZADO 2019 - Duration: 12:53.


EL TEQUILA | Su importancia en la economía mexicana - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> EL TEQUILA | Su importancia en la economía mexicana - Duration: 2:23.


✅ BBB19: grupos dos acorrentados são formados. Confira! - Duration: 1:11.

"A novidade a vocês é que serão acorrentados, uns aos outros emdois grupos: um com 5 pessoas, outro com 6 pessoas", reveou à casa, Tiago Leifert, após a elimnaão de Maycon

"Só há uma chance de se livrar da corrente: vencer a prova do líder na quinta-feira", disse Leifert competando: "Só uma pessoa ficará livre na prova do líder"

Grupo branco e vermelho foram formados. Vermelho: Tereza, paula, hariany, Carolina, Elana e Danrley

Branco: Gabriela, Isabella, Rodrigo, Rízia e Alan. Banheiro: "Um vai ao banheiro e os outros ficam na porta, do lado de fora

No mais, usem a criatividade", terminou o apresentador. Notícias Relacionadas   19/02/2019 | 23h19m - Esther Rocha BBB19: Vem saber a audiência da Globo na eliminação de Maycon   19/02/2019 | 23h15m - Luigi Civalli BBB19: Memes movimentam a web em noite de eliminação   19/02/2019 | 23h04m - Ará Rocha BBB19: Maycon é eliminado no quinto paredão

For more infomation >> ✅ BBB19: grupos dos acorrentados são formados. Confira! - Duration: 1:11.


✅ A Câmara dos Deputados derrubou o decreto sobre sigilo de documentos e impôs ao governo de Bolsona - Duration: 3:09.

 A Câmara dos Deputados impôs nessa terça-feira a primeira derrota ao governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro no plenário da Casa, ao derrubar o decreto que alterou as regras da LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação)

Aprovado em votação simbólica, texto seguirá para análise do Senado.  Se entrar em vigor, o projeto tornará sem efeito o decreto assinado no dia 24 de janeiro pelo vice-presidente, Hamilton Mourão, e que alterou as regras de aplicação da LAI e permitiu que ocupantes de cargos comissionados da gestão, em muitos casos sem vínculo permanente com a administração pública, possam classificar dados do governo federal como informações "secretas" e "ultrassecretas"

 Isolado, o PSL foi o único a orientar os seus deputados a votarem contra a urgência do projeto de decreto legislativo

Nessa votação, foram 367 a favor do projeto e apenas 57 contra.  Parlamentares ouvidos pela imprensa afirmaram que esse foi o primeiro dos recados que a Casa pretende mandar ao Palácio do Planalto

Eles reclamam de falta de interlocução com o governo, e líderes ficaram irritados por não terem sido chamados para reunião sobre Previdência antes que a proposta venha para o Congresso Nacional, o que está previsto para esta quarta-feira

 Segundo deputados, o assunto foi introduzido na reunião de líderes durante a manhã

Um dos insatisfeitos com a atuação do governo federal, o alagoano Arthur Lira, líder do PP, trouxe o assunto à pauta

 Já o líder do governo, Major Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), manifestou-se contra a inclusão do PDL na pauta, mas foi vencido

Para evitar uma sinalização de derrota, ele liberou a votação da base durante a orientação que é feita em plenário

 O parlamentar negou que o episódio tenha sido uma derrota: "O Parlamento tem a possibilidade controlar os atos do Poder Executivo, isso é uma prerrogativa constitucional"

 No entanto, parlamentares do centrão afirmam que o recado é enviado também a ele, e que há uma movimentação no grupo que inclui partidos como DEM, PP, PR e PRB para que ele seja substituído

 Pelo texto anterior da lei, a classificação que impõe sigilo de 25 anos a informações só poderia ser feita por presidente, vice-presidente, ministros de Estado, comandantes das Forças Armadas e chefes de missões diplomáticas ou consulares permanentes no exterior

Com isso, 251 pessoas estavam autorizadas a fazerem a classificação.  No decreto da gestão Bolsonaro, publicado com Mourão na Presidência interinamente, o número passou para 449, ao serem incluídos os assessores comissionados do Grupo-DAS de nível 101

6 ou superior, entre os mais elevados do Executivo, a fazê-lo.  Motivos para o sigilo  – Risco à vida, à segurança ou à saúde da população;  – Risco a projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento científico ou tecnológico, assim como a sistemas, bens, instalações ou áreas de interesse estratégico;  – Risco à segurança de instituições ou de altas autoridades nacionais ou estrangeiras e seus familiares

 Situações ultra-secretas (governo federal)  – Relatórios das Forças Armadas;  – Comunicados produzidos pelas embaixadas no exterior;  – Análises do Ministério das Relações Exteriores;  – Dados sobre a comercialização de material bélico

Bolsonarocongressogoverno federallegislativolei de acesso à informaçãoprimeira derrota

For more infomation >> ✅ A Câmara dos Deputados derrubou o decreto sobre sigilo de documentos e impôs ao governo de Bolsona - Duration: 3:09.


✅ A Justiça mandou soltar o presidente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria, que havia sido preso p - Duration: 4:16.

Após ter a prisão temporária decretada e prestar esclarecimentos à Polícia Federal, o presidente da CNI (Confederação Nacional da Indústria), Robson Andrade, foi solto na noite desta terça-feira (19) por decisão da Justiça Federal

As informações são do jornal O Globo e do portal de notícias G1. A decisão partiu do mesmo juízo que havia decretado sua prisão, a 4ª Vara Federal de Pernambuco

Segundo fontes, a Justiça entendeu que não havia necessidade de mantê-lo preso após a execução de mandados de busca e apreensão e após a tomada de seu depoimento pela PF

Segundo a PF, na ação batizada de "Operação Fantoche", um grupo de empresas atuaria desde 2002 executando contratos vinculados ao Ministério do Turismo e entidades do Sistema S

Os contratos serviriam para encobrir desvios de recursos. A PF estima que os envolvidos teriam recebido repasses de R$ 400 milhões

"A atuação do grupo consistia na utilização de entidades de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos, para justificar celebração de contratos e convênios diretos com o Ministério e Unidades do Sistema S

Tais contratos, em sua maioria, voltados à execução de eventos culturais e de publicidade superfaturados e/ou com inexecução parcial, sendo os recursos posteriormente desviados em favor do núcleo empresarial por intermédio de empresas de fachada

", diz nota da PF. Andrade foi preso na manhã desta terça-feira dentro do avião quando se preparava para desembarcar em Brasília

No total, foram cumpridos dez mandados de prisão temporária. Ao ser preso, Andrade, que está à frente da CNI desde 2010, saiu acompanhado do superintendente jurídico da instituição

Em Brasília, a Polícia Federal interditou todo o sétimo andar da CNI, onde funciona o departamento financeiro da instituição

Além de Andrade, outros três presos também foram presos em Brasília. São os presidentes das Federações da Indústria de Alagoas, José Carlos Lyra de Andrade, da Paraíba, Francisco de Assis Benevides Gadelha, e de Pernambuco, Ricardo Essinger

Em reunião que estava marcada para esta terça-feira na CNI, a diretoria discutiria, segundo fontes da instituição, justamente um posicionamento para o Sistema S no novo governo de viés liberal e que pretende diminuir a carga tributária sobre a indústria

As federações do sistema sobrevivem com contribuição das empresas do setor

A operação mobilizou 213 policiais federais e 8 auditores do Tribunal de Contas da União com para cumprir 40 mandados de busca e apreensão e dez mandados de prisão temporária em Brasília, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraíba, Mato Grosso do Sul e Alagoas

Empresas fantasma O delegado federal Renato Madsen, que participa das investigações, pontuou que as empresas são investigadas pela criação de fachada para dificultar possíveis investigações

"Eles criaram empresas sem fins lucrativos para dificultar a investigação do TCU

Queremos investigar até que ponto esse esquema partiu do sistema S daqui e reverberou em outros Estados

" O delegado explicou que as investigações começaram há alguns anos, a partir de uma empresa que recebia dinheiro para realizar eventos culturais: "A investigação começou há alguns anos, a partir de uma empresa que estava recebendo grande parte de recursos para eventos culturais

Percebeu-se que esses valores estavam superfaturados e que foram criadas empresas de fachada

Conseguimos identificar também que o dinheiro não era destinado totalmente a essas produções culturais", disse Madsen

De acordo com informações da Polícia Federal, as entidades do Sistema S e o Ministério do Turismo acertavam contratos com uma Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (Oscip) para oferecer o serviço cultural

Essa organização, por sua vez, foi um canal encontrado pelo grupo criminoso para não prestar constas diretamente aos órgãos de fiscalização e se afastar da contratação direta com o Ministério do Turismo e o Sistema S

"O processo de prestação de contas está previsto em legislação. O que se observa é que uma organização criminosa se aproveitou dessa sistemática pra desviar esses recursos", disse o delegado, durante entrevista coletiva

"Após recebermos notícias relacionadas a possíveis fraudes, começamos a pedir quebra de sigilo bancário para entender porque parte do dinheiro que era repassado para eventos culturais ficava no meio do caminho

" Confederação Nacional da Indústriajustiçapresidentepreso

For more infomation >> ✅ A Justiça mandou soltar o presidente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria, que havia sido preso p - Duration: 4:16.


Arkansas raises Teacher's Salaries; Minimum will be $36,000 in 4 years - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Arkansas raises Teacher's Salaries; Minimum will be $36,000 in 4 years - Duration: 1:46.


'아내의 맛' 이만기♥한숙희, 장모님 댁에서 개 목욕시키다 꿩 잡은 사연 - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> '아내의 맛' 이만기♥한숙희, 장모님 댁에서 개 목욕시키다 꿩 잡은 사연 - Duration: 5:44.


Ivana Icardi atacó a la mamá de Wanda Nara - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Ivana Icardi atacó a la mamá de Wanda Nara - Duration: 3:25.


Koki,が美容誌に初登場 強い女性に憧れ「私の母のように」 - Duration: 2:17.

 木村拓哉と工藤 香夫妻の次女でモデ のKoki,が、2 日発売の『VOCE (講談社)4月号に 場。同誌では、Ko i,が初めてメイク 存在を感じた幼き日 母や祖母との記憶か 、現在のモデル活動 中で気づいたメイク ップが引き出す多彩 力について語ってい

 美容誌に初登 となったKoki, 同誌で「一番印象に っている思い出は、 稚園のクリスマスパ ティで、母にピンク グロスをつけてもら たこと。口紅をつけ だけでこんなに人の 象や雰囲気が変わる だって

それが初めてのメイ の記憶」(中略)。 物心ついたときから っと、母がメイクす ときは隣でずっと見 いたから……。今、 れがとても参考にな ている気がします」 どとメイクの魅力を る

 そのほかにも 誰かと比べてネガテ ブにとらえるのでは く、むしろそれをチ ームポイントとして 調してみたら、唯一 二の個性になる。人 同じじゃなくていい (中略)私自身、そ な芯が強い女性に憧 ます

そう、私の母のよう 」とも話している。 ※Kokiの表記 「o」の文字上にオ バーライン(̄)が るのが正式

For more infomation >> Koki,が美容誌に初登場 強い女性に憧れ「私の母のように」 - Duration: 2:17.


BBB19: Tiago Leifert desmente boatos da Casa de Vidro e dispara: "Fake news" - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> BBB19: Tiago Leifert desmente boatos da Casa de Vidro e dispara: "Fake news" - Duration: 1:57.


Пластический хирург о Ларисе Долиной: «Для своих 63 лет она выглядит достойно, но ботокс не помешает - Duration: 2:28.

 Известный пластический хирург Александр Вдовин изучил фотографии певицы и сделал определенные выводы, о которых он рассказал порталу «»

По мнению врача, во внешности звезды заметно вмешательство профессионалов в области косметологии и пластики

 «Для своих 63 лет певица выглядит весьма достойно. Несмотря на возраст, у Ларисы Александровны нет проблем с провисшим овалом лица, а это значит, что вовремя были приняты необходимые меры

У Ларисы Александровны нет второго подбородка, выраженных носогубных складок — все самые основные возрастные проблемы решены

Возможно также, что была сделана блефаропластика», — утверждает Вдовин.  По его мнению, Лариса Долина проходила процедуру нитевого лифтинга

Именно благодаря ему сохранился красивый овал лица. Но есть и недостатки, например, возрастное опускание век — птоз и морщины

 «Вопрос с морщинами в области лба можно решить при помощи инъекций ботулотоксина

Но к ним я советую прибегнуть после блефаропластики. Запомните: все косметологические, аппаратные и инъекционные методики лучше делать после более глобальных вмешательств», — говорит специалист

Фото: Personastars На эту тему: «Насмотрелась на лица-тряпочки»: Ольга Дроздова рассказала о ботоксе и пластике

For more infomation >> Пластический хирург о Ларисе Долиной: «Для своих 63 лет она выглядит достойно, но ботокс не помешает - Duration: 2:28.


Kvůli MOSTU! mě vyhodili z vlaku! Hospodský Eda ze Severky promluvil pro eXtra.cz - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Kvůli MOSTU! mě vyhodili z vlaku! Hospodský Eda ze Severky promluvil pro eXtra.cz - Duration: 2:07.


Late actor Anthony Quinn to be honored with son's art - Latest News - Duration: 6:00.

 Long before films were watched on cellphones there lived movie star Anthony Quinn

"Zorba the Greek," "Lust for Life" with Kirk Douglas, "Viva Zapata!" with Marlon Brando, "Lawrence of Arabia" with Peter O'Toole, "La Strada," "Requiem for a Heavyweight," "The Guns of Navarone

"  Up for four Oscars, he won two Supporting.  Decades before "Roma" he said: "I'm from Chihuahua

They're not giving awards to Mexicans."  Tempestuous, temperamental, Tony had three wives, one marriage lasting about 30 years

I was close to my forever friend. Even in the hospital. Even with his family.  Lorenzo is his dad's mirror image and artistic image

Actors Studio, then — like father like son — an artist and sculptor. Lorenzo showed on Prince Street

The place has since become a clothing store. Now he exhibits in London's Halcyon Gallery

His foundry's in Madrid and Barcelona, where he lives. Home was once here — East End Avenue

 So why am I telling you all this? Publishers and documentarians both plan to immortalize Anthony, who left us in 2001

 Lorenzo was thus here to organize getting his own sculptures — like those cows, flowers and other towering things nobody understands — along Park Avenue

Kate hates men — and doors!  Kelli O'Hara. Singing at a "Kiss Me, Kate" preview, her finger somehow got caught in the set door

 How, when exercising your throat, your finger catches in a door, this I don't know

I only know she yelled for help. And during the SOS hit a high-C to belt out the song's final line, "I hate men

"  Came a standing ovation.  Also a stage manager to fix the damn door.  With music and lyrics by Cole Porter, the show opens March 14 at Studio 54

Fun dazed  Joel Grey and Ron Rifkin dined together on Perry Street.  A fan, one lamb chop over, leaned in to Rifkin and said: "Love your work, Mr

Grey."  Joel's mouth stayed shut while Tony-winning actor Rifkin, who knows how to play a part, replied, "Thanks

Hope you enjoy my Yiddish language production of 'Fiddler on the Roof.' It opens Thursday

" 'Future' scary  Called "foreign policy whiz kid geopolitical scholar," Parag Khanna has advised US Special Operations Forces

Gen. David Petraeus introduced Khanna's book "The Future Is Asian" at the Metropolitan Club

 Aldon James, who forever governed Gramercy Park's National Arts Club, sent it to me

 Author: "In the 19th century, the world was Europeanized. 20th century Americanized

21st century, it's Asianized. With multicivilization trade, finance, infrastructure, diplomacy, Arabia to Japan, Russia to Australia, Turkey to Indonesia, it can link five billion people

"  The book is nervous-making. Pay attention  Viggo — forget Viggo who, like another movie star's named Viggo — researched his Tony Lip character at Tony Lip's Italian Restaurant in Franklin Lakes, NJ

Owner, Tony's son Frank, who's also in "Green Book," is doing an Oscar party. Eaters will include the tribe: Danny Aiello, Vincent Pastore, Federico Castelluccio and Anthony Mangano

 . . Anchor Chris Wallace — loved, adored, watched, followed, respected — especially by Democrats — please, ease up on the shoe polish hair dye

 . . Here are questions a major magazine wants celebs to answer: What happens to the free clothes

 . . you ever pay for anything . . . you wait in a doctor's waiting room like anyone else

 . . you read celebrity gossip . . . what's a star's pre-nup look like . . . must assistants sign confidentiality agreements?  Italy's Leaning Tower of Pisa has gotten righted

Maybe the engineers should drop in on us downtown to keep City Hall from falling over

 Bitched only in New York, kids, only in New York.   Share this:

For more infomation >> Late actor Anthony Quinn to be honored with son's art - Latest News - Duration: 6:00.


✅ Após anúncio de separação, José Loreto e Débora Nascimento mantém fotos e declarações no Instagram - Duration: 1:51.

 Débora Nascimento e José Loreto anunciaram sua separação no sábado, 6

A informação foi divulgada por Leo Dias e depois foi confirmada pela assessoria do ator

 Apesar disso, os pais de Bella, de apenas 10 meses, ainda não apagaram as fotos juntos e muito menos as declarações nas redes sociais

 Na última segunda-feira, 18, a atriz decidiu parar de acompanhar a vida do ex-marido no Instagram e parou de seguí-lo

 Apesar de José negar, o ator está sendo acusado de ter traído sua esposa

E quem vêm sendo apontada como pivô da separação é nada mais nada menos que Marina Ruy Barbosa, casada com Alexandre Negrão

Após as especulações, muitas famosas acabaram deixando de seguir a ruiva, incluindo Débora

 "Marina Ruy Barbosa, apontada como a pivô da separação de Débora Nascimento e José Loreto, se pronunciou com exclusividade sobre a onda de boataria que tomou conta dos últimos dias na TV Globo

A pergunta para Marina foi direta: Marina, você está sendo apontada como a pivô da separação da Débora e do Loreto

O que tem a dizer sobre isso ? Veja a resposta da atriz: 'Atualmente eu e o José Loreto estamos fazendo um par romântico na novela e por isso podem fazer especulações

Nós nos tornamos muito amigos, por quem tenho muito carinho, o que me deixa ainda mais triste em relação a isso tudo'", publicou Léo Dias em suas redes sociais


For more infomation >> ✅ Após anúncio de separação, José Loreto e Débora Nascimento mantém fotos e declarações no Instagram - Duration: 1:51.


✅ "Nunca nem vi", dispara Antonia Fontenelle ao opinar sobre atitude de globais - Área VIP - Duration: 2:33.

 A separação de José Loreto e Débora Nascimento continua rendendo! A atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa foi apontada como o grande pivô da separação e muitas companheiras da emissora optaram por deixar de segui-la nas redes sociais, dividindo a opinião da web

 + Chega ao fim o casamento de Débora Nascimento e José Loreto, diz jornalista  Nesta terça-feira (19) quem pareceu não estar nem aí para toda essa polêmica, foi a youtuber Antonia Fontenelle , que através de sua rede social falou sobre o assunto

+ Antonia Fontenelle recebe troféu 'Prêmio Área Vip' e faz agradecimento  Fontenelle publicou um vídeo em seu instagram e nos comentários um de seus seguidores perguntou o que ela achava sobre a atitude das globais em pararem de seguir a atriz apontada como o pivô da separação

 "Lady e as meninas parando de seguir a Marina hein? Que coisa não!?", escreveu ele

Fontenelle, então, com toda a elegância disparou: "Já falei, elas que são ricas e famosas que se entendam

Nunca nem vi", disparou ela.  Confira a publicação: Após Débora Nascimento, outras famosas deixam de seguir Marina Ruy Barbosa  Depois de Débora Nascimento, mais duas atrizes deixaram de seguir a atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa nas redes sociais

O fato se deu logo após a ruiva ter sido apontada como o pivô da separação de Débora com José Loreto

 Marina, que é casada com Xande Negrão, por sua vez, logo após a divulgação do possível romance com Loreto, tratou de usar as suas redes sociais para desmentir o boato

As outras duas atrizes que deixaram de seguir Marina, foram … Confira! Marina Ruy Barbosa se pronuncia após ser apontada como pivô da separação de José Loreto e Débora Nascimento  Neste último sábado, 16, uma notícia pegou a web de surpresa, o fim do casamento de Débora Nascimento e José Loreto, eles estavam juntos há sete anos e dessa relação nasceu a pequena Bella

 A informação sobre a separação foi revelada pelo jornalista Leo Dias e confirmada pela assessoria de Débora Nascimento

 A atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa, que faz par romântico com Loreto na novela, foi apontada como o grande pivô da separação

O colunista Leo Dias conversou com a atriz e foi bem direto na pergunta … Confira! Confira também: Marina Ruy Barbosa é flagrada sem aliança Marina Ruy Barbosa liga para Leo Dias e fala sobre José Loreto: "Vou ter que me afastar" Marina Ruy Barbosa nega festa íntima com elenco de 'O Sétimo Guardião'

For more infomation >> ✅ "Nunca nem vi", dispara Antonia Fontenelle ao opinar sobre atitude de globais - Área VIP - Duration: 2:33.


Globo faz paródia do Fofocalizando no BBB19, surpreende internautas e diretor comemora - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Globo faz paródia do Fofocalizando no BBB19, surpreende internautas e diretor comemora - Duration: 3:19.


🇳🇿 ICH TANZE MIT EINEM UREINWOHNER | Lake Aniwhenua & Taupo | Neuseeland | Weltreise Vlog #6 - Duration: 7:30.

What happened before

So, now we're about to go to Lake Aniwhenua

and I'm very happy that we cooked so much yesterday

because now I don't have to cook today

Let's go!

Now we're having a quick break at a nice river!

I just arrived at Lake Aniwhenua

It's a pretty small place inhabited by the New Zealand natives, the Maori

This is a very small place, like a farm

The Maori are taking care of us, introducing their culture and cooking dinner for us as well!

I'm excited!

Now we're having a traditional Maori dinner!

Saw that?

So nice. We're the guests of a Maori-owned hostel

This is way beyond a normal hostel experience

It's like a show

Once the bus approaches town, one of them got onto the bus, introduced himself

and showed us how they used to greet other Maori

We even learned a traditional Maori dance

the HAKA

We ate traditional Maori food

In the evening, we sat together at a bonfire

One of the Maori guys told us about their old legends and culture

How they are living today

and about his thoughts on living together with the people of a western culture

It was eye opening

I'll definitely link this place in the video description.

There, you can also find all the equipment I'm using

and what I packed into my backpack!

As well as a donation link for PayPal, if someone feels like doing that :-)

Back to the video!

Look, I just found a new friend

We're just on our way to Taupo

This is just a short break in Waitapu

Here, you can see some more geothermal springs

Yap. Even today, I still have some of our wraps haha

I just arrived at Taupo. Let's have a quick look around

Just a tip for you: In Taupo, it's probably the cheapest place to do a skydive in New Zealand

I booked one for today

I'm only here for a few hours

and it got canceled.

Too many clouds

Okay, I gotta admit, I thought I would never talk

about McDonald's... but look

If you want to save money for food etc.

don't go into the usual supermarkets in town

look for Pac n Saves (no advertisement here)

Sometimes you can save half the price!

Just to explain what I'm doing in general

I just started traveling the world on my own

in New Zealand

So, what am I doing now?

I'm traveling the world on my own

in New Zealand and after that

I wanna go to Asia

Currently, I'm on a bus tour all around New Zealand with Stray (no advertisement)

and there you go from place A to place B

but you can always hop off or hop on on a following bus, as you like

A pretty nice concept

The running order of the places is fixed

You often get together with the same people again

that you may have met at one place or the other before

(speaking mistake)

You often meet the same people again

that you may have se.. (speaking mistake)

the same ... (speaking mistake)

You often meet the same people again that you ... (speaking mistake)

what the ...

And then you ...

If you hop off in city A

and then you hop on again

there may be some people that you met in one of the places before

but you also meet new people from all other the world all the time

as some people always hop off and some new hop on again

Pretty cool

It's just about to rain, so I'll try to hitch hike for the first time in my life

That was pretty easy

First, I felt pretty embarrassed just standing there with my thumb up

People are just looking and passing by ...

But then a guy picked me up, has been living here for 23 years now

He had a pretty nice car by the way

That was fun

Let's check out this Bungy place now even though I'll do mine in Queenstown

That one is supposed to be much higher and more exciting

And doing it two times would be a waste of money

So, I just went down the street to hitchhike back to the pickup point

So, I just went down the street to hitchhike back to the pickup point

and just then

Lightning (our bus driver) passes by and picks me up on the street!

So nice. Awesome!

Hello. How are you?

This is good, right?

We could decide between two activities, a big walk or just going around town

As I hurt my feet a few days ago, I decided to just look around town

(speaking mistake)

What am I saying?

So, there were two different activities we could choose

first: a 1 hour hike passing by waterfalls and lakes

or just take a look around town or do a Bungy there

As I hurt my feet a few days ago, I decided to go into town

Even though I would have loved to do the hike

Now that Lightning picked me up on the street on his way to pick up the hiking people

I got to see the beautiful end of the hike!

Subscribe for free and smash the bell

For more infomation >> 🇳🇿 ICH TANZE MIT EINEM UREINWOHNER | Lake Aniwhenua & Taupo | Neuseeland | Weltreise Vlog #6 - Duration: 7:30.


✅ Marquezine, Ewbank e mais: atrizes se unem contra Marina Ruy Barbosa - Duration: 1:14.

 A polêmica envolvendo Marina Ruy Barbosa, José Loreto e Débora Nascimento ganhou novos personagens nesta terça-feira (19/2)

Apontada como pivô da separação de Loreto e Débora, a ruiva virou alvo de outras atrizes da Globo que, descontentes, deixaram de segui-la nas redes sociais

 Entre tantas famosas, Bruna Marquezine — acusada de ser inimiga de Marina no passado — e Giovanna Ewbank, esposa de Bruno Gagliasso, atual par romântico de Barbosa em O Sétimo Guardião, excluíram a jovem de seus perfis no Instagram

Marquezine, Ewbank e mais: atrizes se unem contra Marina Ruy Barbosa   9 FOTOS  Com elas, Fiorella Mattheis, Thaila Ayala, Sophie Charlotte e Mariana Goldfarb (namorada de Cauã Reymond) também deixaram de ser amigas de Marina na rede

Vale ressaltar que Débora Nascimento, a personagem mais afetada com todo o ocorrido, também deletou a ruiva de sua conta

Marquezine, Ewbank e mais: atrizes se unem contra Marina Ruy Barbosa   3 FOTOS

For more infomation >> ✅ Marquezine, Ewbank e mais: atrizes se unem contra Marina Ruy Barbosa - Duration: 1:14.


✅ Tiago Leifert revela que boatos da Casa de Vidro são Fake News - Duration: 1:36.

 Antes de anunciar Maycon como o quinto eliminado do Big Brother Brasil 2019, durante a noite desta terça-feira, 19, Tiago Leifert fez questão de desmentir um boato que veio à tona nas redes sociais no decorrer desta semana

Segundo o apresentador do reality show, não passam de Fake News que foram disseminadas de forma errônea

 Após colocar um ponto final nos comentários, Tiago deu risada e disse que o pedido que Hana fez, para a volta da atração, não seria atendido

"Casa de vidro? Não estou sabendo, é fake news", disse ele. Logo após, ele fez a revelação de que o vendedor de queijo deixaria o confinamento com 55,72% dos votos

 A Casa de Vidro, era uma atração, que veio à tona de 2011, no programa, quando cinco dos brothers eliminados da edição ficaram em um espaço, parecido com um aquário em um shopping no Rio de Janeiro

Após ficar um bom tempo no local, eles disputaram, por voto popular, uma repescagem para regressar ao programa

 Logo após revelar a eliminação, Leifert fez a revelação de que os confinados foram vítimas de uma escolha do público e ficarão acorrentados até a próxima quinta-feira, 21, dia em que somente o vencedor da Prova do Líder poderá se desacorrentar, enquanto o restante ficará por quatro dias presos, fazendo todos os afazeres juntos

For more infomation >> ✅ Tiago Leifert revela que boatos da Casa de Vidro são Fake News - Duration: 1:36.


✅ Marina Ruy Barbosa passeia sem aliança e assessoria explica: 'Tirou para gravar' - Duration: 2:23.

 Marina Ruy Barbosa curtiu um tempo livre na companhia da mãe, Gioconda, no Shopping da Gávea, na zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, no começo da noite desta terça-feira (19)

Após lamentar rumores que a envolvia em polêmica diante da separação de José Loreto e Débora Nascimento, a atriz apostou em uma produção confortável e discreta para o passeio: sem maquiagem, ela prendeu os fios em um coque e jantou em restaurante no local

Nos cliques, a mulher de Xande Negrão aparece sem o anel de compromisso na mão esquerda  Ausência de aliança é explicada por assessoria  Procurada pelo Purepeople, a assessoria da ruiva explicou que a atitude é algo recorrente dela em dias de gravação de "O Sétimo Guardião"

"Está tudo bem no casamento dela, apesar de toda essa bagunça. Ela tira a aliança para gravar", disse a representante da atriz

Atriz explica festa com elenco: 'Fiquei muito triste'  Depois de negar ter promovido uma festa com parte do elenco da novela sem a presença dos respectivos companheiros, Marina entrou em detalhes sobre a comemoração em conversa com o colunista Leo Dias, relatada por ele no programa "Fofocalizando"

"Convoquei todo mundo em grupo no Whatsapp e no final do convite coloquei um celular com símbolo de proibido, para não fazerem vídeos e focar na festa, interação

Saiu que eu tinha convocado e proibido de levarem marido e namorados, o que pra mim parecia uma suruba

Eu fiquei muito triste, mais com as pessoas daquele grupo por que alguém passou para você deturpando

Eu pedi para não focarem em filmar, fazerem vídeos", explicou a jovem, que teria cancelado a comemoração

Marcello Novaes, colega de elenco, então, teria remarcado a confraternização em sua casa

"Marina disse que foi com Xandinho Negrão e foram vários atores, incluindo José Loreto com a Débora Nascimento

Estavam na festa, Loreto e Débora, no sábado passado. Léo, não tem porque eu mentir

Marcos Caruso e José Loreto são grandes amigos meus, eu lamento que a partir de agora vou ter que me afastar dele", finalizou o colunista, citando palavras da ruiva

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