Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Youtube daily report w Feb 20 2019

[Roman: I mean, DokiDoki(Google Translated)LiteratureClub]

For more infomation >> BOOBIES and chairs | A Brand New Day ReDo p2 - Duration: 5:40.


美國情報局最值錢的間諜,提供的情報為美國站上峰,節約了20億美元 - Duration: 8:29.













美蘇冷戰 托卡契夫是美國中情局在蘇聯內部發展的最成功、










托卡契夫 在冷戰的前期







米格-25戰鬥機 但是托卡契夫為什麼要這樣做呢? 1930年代






托卡契夫 托卡契夫通常在午飯時分






米格-31戰鬥機 6年以來









米格-31戰鬥機的雷達 托卡契夫最初並沒有向中情局提出金錢上的要求










托卡契夫的畫像 1985年









(史海挖掘者) 阿道夫.












美蘇冷戰 托卡契夫是美國中情局在蘇聯內部發展的最成功、










托卡契夫 在冷戰的前期







米格-25戰鬥機 但是托卡契夫為什麼要這樣做呢? 1930年代






托卡契夫 托卡契夫通常在午飯時分






米格-31戰鬥機 6年以來









米格-31戰鬥機的雷達 托卡契夫最初並沒有向中情局提出金錢上的要求










托卡契夫的畫像 1985年










For more infomation >> 美國情報局最值錢的間諜,提供的情報為美國站上峰,節約了20億美元 - Duration: 8:29.



For more infomation >> GTA 5 AKSİYONLU ÇATIŞMA !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 2.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 15:36.


มารู้จัก Coleen&Brei MNL48 เพื่อนซี้สายร้อง - Duration: 3:28.

Hi ,Am Sun from RWP Channel

today i will talk about

Member of mnl48

But today is up to 2 members

is Coleen and Brei

they very interesting and have many request from fans

Let's go

Start with Coleen

Now she 16 and very cute

Always do cover song with Brei

MV is coming soon

she look higher than coleen

i hope MV liwake Maybe is good

Thank you for watching and sorry about the little information about they

If you have more information, you can comment

Don't forget to leave your like and subscribe for me and follow Coleen and Brei .byeeeee

For more infomation >> มารู้จัก Coleen&Brei MNL48 เพื่อนซี้สายร้อง - Duration: 3:28.


YES, IT'S ENCOURAGING SONG! 📡 top royalty free music - Duration: 2:36.

Encouraging song visualization for you! This is amazing top royalty free music animation.

Inspiring music, beautiful, melodic and just great!

For more infomation >> YES, IT'S ENCOURAGING SONG! 📡 top royalty free music - Duration: 2:36.


✅ Ministro do Supremo abre um inquérito contra o ex-presidente Fernando Collor por uso de verba na C - Duration: 2:38.

 O ministro Ricardo Lewandowski, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), decidiu abrir inquérito para investigar o senador Fernando Collor (PROS-AL)

A apuração diz respeito às revelações feitas pelo "O Estado de S. Paulo" em 2017 de que a Casa da Dinda – um dos principais símbolos do governo do ex-presidente – teve despesas mantidas com verba do Senado

O caso tramita sob sigilo no Supremo.  Conforme informou o jornal em novembro de 2017, o senador por Alagoas gastou cerca de R$ 40 mil mensais de sua cota parlamentar com segurança, conservação, limpeza e jardinagem na propriedade de sua família

O Guia do Parlamentar, porém, estabelece que o Senado não dispõe de serviços de manutenção e limpeza para residências privadas de parlamentares

Collor ocupa um apartamento funcional mantido pelo Congresso, em Brasília, que já inclui esses serviços pagos com recursos públicos

 Pagamentos mensais   Nas notas apresentadas por Collor ao Senado, de 2011 a abril de 2017, constam pagamentos mensais à empresa Citel Service

A partir de junho de 2017, ele aumentou as despesas e contratou a Avanço Service

À época, o Estado de S.Paulo entrou em contato com as duas empresas e foi atendido pelos mesmos funcionários, que disseram se tratar da mesma empresa

O senador deixou em branco nos comprovantes de pagamento o trecho do documento que pede a descrição dos serviços

A assessoria do parlamentar nega que ele desvirtue a cota.  Milhões em propina  Collor já é réu no Supremo Tribunal Federal por investigações da Operação Lava-Jato, que envolvem suspeitas dos crimes de corrupção passiva, lavagem de dinheiro e organização criminosa

Segundo as investigações, pelo menos entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, mais de R$ 29 milhões em propina foram pagos ao senador em função de negócios envolvendo a BR Distribuidora

 Procurada pela reportagem, a assessoria do senador informou que "houve um erro por parte da empresa prestadora de serviços"

"O erro já foi corrigido e os valores devidamente ressarcidos em 14 de dezembro de 2017", afirmou

 Lewandowski estabeleceu prazo de 60 dias para a Polícia Federal ouvir depoimentos e coletar as informações

O prazo pode ser prorrogado por quantas vezes forem necessárias e, depois disso, cabe à Polícia Federal elaborar um relatório sobre a investigação

Com base no relatório, a Procuradoria-geral da República decide se denuncia ou pede arquivamento


For more infomation >> ✅ Ministro do Supremo abre um inquérito contra o ex-presidente Fernando Collor por uso de verba na C - Duration: 2:38.


ЕТС2 Розыгрыш ключа от игры Euro Truck Simulator 2 путешествие по Европе 8🎮 - Duration: 3:28:08.

For more infomation >> ЕТС2 Розыгрыш ключа от игры Euro Truck Simulator 2 путешествие по Европе 8🎮 - Duration: 3:28:08.


E Beppe dal palco ne ha per tutti: "La Lega deve diventare intelligente" - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> E Beppe dal palco ne ha per tutti: "La Lega deve diventare intelligente" - Duration: 6:00.


Vlog Assaí atrás de óleo achei potes pra fazer sabão - Duration: 36:23.

For more infomation >> Vlog Assaí atrás de óleo achei potes pra fazer sabão - Duration: 36:23.


Simulation Scenario #2 Woundcare E mPACT RO - Duration: 16:40.

For more infomation >> Simulation Scenario #2 Woundcare E mPACT RO - Duration: 16:40.


Scimmie, Draghi e Lanterne: Storia di un Capodanno Magico - Capitolo 3 - Vietnam on the Road - Duration: 11:09.


New year's eve has gone and outside is raining

So we eat

4 days before, 122 km in the north

We arrived in Hue

What was that?

I don't know but it was good.

It was that one.

Oh God what is she doing?

I don't know!!

What is she doing? Did she put them on the floor?

No, she put them on to cook them

It doesn't seem expensive

that's ok

That one?


We arrived here and we hadn't the time to understand

what was on the menu that she chose for us

but that's okay because it was delicious


Where is it?

I don't remember!

Everything is so similar here

We will never find Brunello

Yes, it's him!!

Nicky, what do you want to buy?

I would love to have this!

Oh, sober shorts I see..

A baguette with everything inside

Yes, landscapes are beautiful and whatever,

but how beautiful is it to wake up and have breakfast included!

What a beautiful way to wake up!

We are in an abandoned park but we cannot go inside

There's a guard that kicks people out

It's the second time that we come in and the second time that he kicks us out

There's a man on his 50es that called himself as guard

Dressed up as a police man and he chases you on his motorbike

And he kicks you out of the park

But if you are srongly convinced about staying in the park

You can give him some money and everything will be fine

2 days before

A group of six monkeys just crossed the road here

They are hidden inside there and they're watching us somewhere

And sometimes they peek out

Here they are!

This is the workstation

They're slowly showing themselves

I think there are puppies and that one of them is like a guard

And it's keeping an eye on us

You take the crepe, you open it if you can

Take some random just grasped vegetables

Put some sauce

and close it

Et voila ready to eat

Google said to take the roundabout but..

That one?

The roundabout shocked us

just because we hadn't seen the bridge yet

an absolutely normal city bridge

that spits fire and water on weekends

and here I was babbling about the weather, our clothes

and that we were ready for an adventure on a bit particular boat

I fall down only by standing on this boat

No don't try it!!

She's teaching us where to make photos

Now she wants Nicole to touch that thing and I make a photo

What is she doing now?

Ah she wants to climb it

Mrs, what are you doing?

Ahh it's for the photo!

Go, go!

This morning we parked the scooter in the city

But we didn't know that after 3pm it couldn't stay there

People told us that someone moves it, but where?

We've been looking for it for one hour and everyone tell us different places

Now we are with this old man that's helping us to find it

Hoping to find it sooner or later

And looking for Brunello here and there

We found it!!

And meanwhile the old year was saying goodbye

for the first time we weren't only thinking about

what was going to come, but we were looking behind us

satisfied and happy for how our 2018 had been

full of fatigue and sacrifices made with joy and fully repaid

a year of changes, so full of emotions and achieved dreams that

as lanterns, shoving off lightened our eyes with joy

But there are things that never changes


New year's eve has gone and outside is raining

So we eat

For more infomation >> Scimmie, Draghi e Lanterne: Storia di un Capodanno Magico - Capitolo 3 - Vietnam on the Road - Duration: 11:09.


La sorgente della felicità - Duration: 5:54.

hello everyone I want to talk about this video of the source of the origin of the

happiness what is the source of happiness

here is a very interesting speech because there are people who go to

looking for happiness in fact external that is they believe that if they will succeed in

conquer that person then yes they will be happy then if they do not conquer it

they feel unhappy but even if the conquer this happiness after a while

it is exhausted and often happens that maybe then the relationship but also bad and

so you're much worse to come out of a relationship that when there is not

you had this relationship some believe that aset where if I found

a job I would be happy then find the work and after a while they realize that

they are worse than before they make a sacrificed life they can not

to do their hobbies to do the things that he likes become slaves of

this working system others believe that happiness is happiness

keep buying the new car the new home material objects of

any kind and even here they discover that these objects can support

to happiness over a period of time short

the problem with is that if you're unhappy in whatever you have

on the outside wherever you go you will take you always behind the unhappiness because ed

unhappiness it's a feeling, for example, think

threw to San Francesco they have deliberately renounced everything

what others believe give happiness such as money

the objects the riches san francesco and buda have renounced

yet they are happy people were people happy

think of mother Teresa of calcutta mother teresa calcutta could have

sleep peacefully in hotels a five stars instead slept in the brose

of and he was a happy person then the happiness is not in the things we do

we have but it is in our interiority it's inside us so it's not a

something you can look out for, on the contrary if you seek it out safe

mathematically that you will find many ways to be miserable, true happiness

he must find it inside you and here how do

how do you find happiness inside themselves

well you have to eliminate everything that gives unhappiness and what gives unhappiness

mental poisons are mental poisons there are two anger and attachment

from anger then envy is born the resentment born resentment from

attachments from attachment is born to jealousy

the desire to possess things is born born the desire to condition the

others and they are all things that they give of happiness

think of a jealous person but second you can somehow one

jealous person can be happy no you can not think of a person

envious but according to you it is possible that an envious person can be

happy no it is not possible then the true one

happiness is a flight on oneself and it consists in eliminating these

and mental eliminating mental poisons then we can go towards happiness

towards happiness and beyond pure wellbeing but we must learn to

liminal mental poisons eliminate the attachments and anger and replace them

with what Well, replace them with anger

replace it with a patience with the compassion, that is, to want to help

others to overcome new suffering attachments we can replace them

with love, love, not attachment attachment I want you to own

love I want you to be happy but also to love for ourselves

wish for ourselves happiness here if we can

transform mental poisons into we would really come out to be happy

have energy to live this mysterious experience but anyway

fascinating that is called life for this video is all follow me too

on the maximum instagram page taramasco subscribe to the channel and sign up

also to my new happiness channel well-being of which you place the link in

description hello to everyone

For more infomation >> La sorgente della felicità - Duration: 5:54.


E' arrivata la bufera - The Wilderness Waterway EP 03 - Duration: 4:02.

It's a new day in the Everglades, Florida

Trump's shutdown is not finished yet

I'm leaving at my own risk because the rangers

and search&rescue guys are currently home with no paycheck

Among these there are also Devin and Rachel, despite they are facing hardships

in the last days they have been very helpful and they helped me in the

preparation for the expedition and let me sleep in their camper the night before leaving

The weather is still uncertain, but I take off

from the narrow Turner River

which connects further south to the so-called "Wilderness waterway"

The important thing is to follow the compass!

I had the impression of being a little lost for a moment,

nothing serious though

Navigating here is not easy

low tides can actually slow you down but I already have

a first goal to reach, Bruce the wise man pointed that out to me...

Despite the shutdown, my not too good gear, the unstable weather

I'm happy to be in the water and

mostly to be looking for a great place

These are

the famous cheekees, they are a shelters, sort of mountain refuge, that the Americans

which are very good in these kind of things, build for paddlers

In the native language cheeckee means "home", it is a small stilt house with a ceiling

shelter from predators, tides and in theory from the rain

It seemed like a quiet night but now it's pooring rain like hell

it gave rain for the day after tomorrow actually

The canoe is very exposed to the elements and it fills with water quickly

Now the canoe is secured

the field is safe

Dear Igor D'India, with the following I would like to invite you to think about this

next time please consider that Florida in winter is cold (at night)

especially if you leave the heavy sleeping bag at home and do not bring the mattress

and try to be cool and you want to sleep on a tarp

To get to the sanctuary

I have to cross very wide bays and a network of rivers and canals

affected by strong tides, lots of surprises ahead for me!

Who the hell does the weather forecast in Florida?

Harlequin? Pulcinella?

Or as they would say on the Discovery Channel

"Yes, the weather forecast did not guess it right!!"

"UUH what a fatigue! I got tired!"

"Ah, I'm already tired!"

"Damn it, you're really tired! Really!"

I think I have to find a shelter, because now there is a huge piece of bay

Here ... about surprises!

For more infomation >> E' arrivata la bufera - The Wilderness Waterway EP 03 - Duration: 4:02.


Crenças Limitantes: Live - Como elas Impedem a Manifestação dos Sonhos | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 52:57.

For more infomation >> Crenças Limitantes: Live - Como elas Impedem a Manifestação dos Sonhos | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 52:57.


Einstein üzenete - E = mc² - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Einstein üzenete - E = mc² - Duration: 3:02.


구독자 김xx님께 바치는 도미노 직화스테이크피자 먹방 Pizza mukbang eating ASMR - Duration: 8:04.

Food: Steak Pizza Please enjoy watching! plz 'Like' and 'Subscribe'

Hello yeppys!

Let's try the pizza that a subscriber named Kim Kwang Hee has asked us to try.

I don't know if it's a girl or a man, but thanks to Kim Kwang-hee, I'm glad to have a nice pizza.

I even prepared a menu with steak pizza that she(he) likes.

Let's try Kim Kwang Hee's favorite.....

what pizza?

we prepare steak pizza!

let's try steak pizza!

it saying hi to itmself

( come closer )

The bread on the edge of the pizza is crispy and delicious.

how was it?


yes, it's delicious

( come closer )

( Do I have to keep doing this? )

Don't look at me, eat in front of the microphone.

( eating like this )

( funny... )


dear Kim-kwang hee, thank U for recommended this

Thanks to you, I'm enjoying this pizza. Thank you very much.

It is my first time eating steak pizza, it is really delicious.

Kim kwang hee, Thanks to you, we enjoyed the pizza very much.

bye bye! Plz a lof 'Subscribes' and 'Like'!

For more infomation >> 구독자 김xx님께 바치는 도미노 직화스테이크피자 먹방 Pizza mukbang eating ASMR - Duration: 8:04.


Cătălin Botezatu, scandal monstru de dragul Biancăi Drăguşanu! "Ce ipocrizie! Voiați să fie sfânta F - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Cătălin Botezatu, scandal monstru de dragul Biancăi Drăguşanu! "Ce ipocrizie! Voiați să fie sfânta F - Duration: 4:38.


Isola dei Famosi 2019/ Eliminati e nomination: Giorgia Venturini torna a casa? - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2019/ Eliminati e nomination: Giorgia Venturini torna a casa? - Duration: 7:13.


Os Filhotes Gamers | EP 9 MINECRAFT 🐾 Patrulha Canina Dublado Português | Novelinhas com Tia Fê - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Os Filhotes Gamers | EP 9 MINECRAFT 🐾 Patrulha Canina Dublado Português | Novelinhas com Tia Fê - Duration: 10:57.


NÃO BUSQUE NOS HOMENS O QUE SÓ DEUS PODE TE DAR! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> NÃO BUSQUE NOS HOMENS O QUE SÓ DEUS PODE TE DAR! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:44.


ALBA PARIETTI/ "La volgarità e il trash mi danno fastidio" (Isola dei Famosi 2019) - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> ALBA PARIETTI/ "La volgarità e il trash mi danno fastidio" (Isola dei Famosi 2019) - Duration: 5:40.


OM-D E-M1X Hands On Review - Michael Hurren - Duration: 3:12.

Hi, I'm Michael Hurren, I'm a cinematographer, photographer and Olympus visionary.

Shooting desert racing is both hard on the photographer and camera.

What drew me to the Olympus system was its small size, lightweight and ruggedness.

I'm often walking many kilometers in the central Australian desert,

with a full kit of cameras on my back, and the conditions I shoot in can be horrendous.

Off-road race cars can travel on rough terrain, sometimes faster than 200km/h.

Tracking and capturing these vehicles, air time between the bumps, is essential.

With the introduction of the OM-D E-M1 Mark II, I had a package

that was fast enough to shoot a trophy truck in the desert.

Now with the OM-D E-M1X, I have a camera where all of my favorite features are refined even more.

The vertical grip and button placement fit my hand perfectly,

and the new toggles give me quicker access to move my focus points.

Having a little bit more mass in the body also helps me balance along the lenses

like the M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO.

The new intelligent subject detection focus feature identifies that I'm shooting cars,

and locks on without me having to move my focus points.

That's one less thing for me to worry about,

and all I need to do now is frame and capture the truck using the camera's high burst rate.

To get the best shot, you've got to put yourself on the dirty side of the track.

Over the years I've used the OM-D system

I've put my cameras through so much punishment:

From glaciers, torrential rain, extreme heat, and loads of outback dust.

I've never once had to clean my sensor and my cameras have never stopped.

When you've walked so far into the desert and you only get one chance to shoot the cars as they pass,

you need to be able to rely on your gear.

With E-M1X's improved weather sealing and dust reduction, it's a camera I can rely on.

When shooting in the desert, lack of light isn't a problem,

so I put the OM-D E-M1X 7 stop stabilization to use on my panning shots,

giving me sharp pans at slow shutter speeds.

Also, when shooting out of a moving helicopter,

I find the range of the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS PRO super convenient—

the new intelligent subject detection means I can keep the truck in frame,

and the internal stablilizer combined with the in-lens stabilizer

gives me an extra half a stop for consistently sharp images.

When shooting jumps in sand dunes,

you don't get to see the truck until it's airborne and coming straight at you.

The E-M1X acquires the truck quickly, and holds focus until it's left the frame.

The E-M1X has changed the way I shoot motor sport.

Focus speed, high frame rate, ruggedness, reliability, and brand new technology like intelligent subject detection.

This camera lets me push the boundaries of my photography.

For more infomation >> OM-D E-M1X Hands On Review - Michael Hurren - Duration: 3:12.


081. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> 081. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 7:47.


El Fin de la Vida como la Conocemos: las 3 Formas de Vida del Futuro - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> El Fin de la Vida como la Conocemos: las 3 Formas de Vida del Futuro - Duration: 11:26.


The Juice Plus Company - Consumer to Consumer - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> The Juice Plus Company - Consumer to Consumer - Duration: 4:31.


핫이슈 l 고나은, '슬플 때 사랑한다' 출연..형사 역할 만반의 준비 중 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l 고나은, '슬플 때 사랑한다' 출연..형사 역할 만반의 준비 중 - Duration: 2:51.


✅ Ex-peoa Cátia Paganote anuncia biografia e promete revelações íntimas - Área VIP - Duration: 3:13.

 Cátia Paganote causou nos últimos meses com sua participação em 'A Fazenda', a ex-peoa acabou sendo expulsa do reality ao agredir Evandro Santo, algo que é proibido dentro do confinamento

 Para os próximos meses a loira está preparando o lançamento de sua biografia que contará diversos momentos de sua vida

Em conversa com o Uol, Cátia disse que o livro revelará também histórias mais íntimas, como seus namorados da juventude, embora ela esclareça que não revelará o nome de ninguém mas dará pistas

 "Venho recebendo ligações de muitas pessoas que não me ligavam há muito tempo

Todo mundo curioso com o que vou revelar e eu só digo que tudo que está escrito são fatos que aconteceram na minha vida

Não estou falando da vida de ninguém, estou falando da minha".  "Claro, que falo de muitos famosos, mas nada ofensivo

Vou evitar dar muitos nomes porque não quero confusão na minha vida, mas vou dar pistas e as pessoas podem até descobrir de qual celebridade estou falando

 Eu quero evitar processos", brinca a ex-paquita.  Em outro momento Cátia antecipa um dos capítulos do livro: "Tive muitos namoricos e 'peguei' muitos famosos: ator, jogador de futebol, deputado, empresário, nadador, sertanejo e pagodeiro

Dois do mesmo grupo de pagode! Estava solteira".  Sobre ser uma paquita a loira conta: "Nós nos divertíamos bastante, mas tínhamos regras e condutas de comportamento que eram conduzidas pela Marlene Mattos, como se manter magra, por exemplo

Esse capítulo tem humor, drama e sofrimento. Foi uma época de muito aprendizado"

 Por fim, o livro vai citar também a participação de Cátia no reality 'A Fazenda', no qual ela comemorou ser expulsa, uma vez que isso acabou gerando uma grande repercussão e colocando seu nome em destaque

Cátia Paganote posa de biquíni e celebra o verão  Aos 42 anos, a ex-paquita Cátia Paganote publicou uma foto, na sexta-feira (4), de biquíni e arrancou elogios dos seus seguidores

 No click ela aprece com um biquíni cavado exibindo o corpão. Na legenda a ex participante da 'A Fazenda', celebrou o dia ensolarado

 "Verão", escreveu Cátia na legenda…Veja o post! Cátia Paganote posa ao lado de Xuxa após encontro de paquitas  A participação no reality 'A Fazenda' trouxe Cátia Paganote de volta para a mídia e a peoa deu o que falar após ser expulsa do programa

Agora livre do confinamento, a loira aproveitou a tarde do último domingo para se encontrar com as antigas colegas de trabalho

 Xuxa promoveu um encontro de suas paquitas e posou sorridente ao lado de Cátia

Na legenda de uma foto com a eterna 'rainha dos baixinhos' a ex-peoa escreveu: "Hoje a tarde foi maravilhosa

Estive recordando momentos da minha vida que sempre vão ser lembrança e sempre estarão presentes na minha vida

"  "Minhas eternas amigas, minhas irmãs, amiga de trabalho e pessoa que eu vou levar no meu coração para toda a vida

Amei a nossa tarde…já estou com saudades", escreveu. Confira o click! Veja também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Ex-peoa Cátia Paganote anuncia biografia e promete revelações íntimas - Área VIP - Duration: 3:13.


震撼! 刘丹和杨幂发生冲突! 刘丹直截了当地宣称:杨幂没有监护权,杨幂在小米米的心里并不重要......真相是什么? 怎么了? - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> 震撼! 刘丹和杨幂发生冲突! 刘丹直截了当地宣称:杨幂没有监护权,杨幂在小米米的心里并不重要......真相是什么? 怎么了? - Duration: 13:40.


What Type of Investor Typically Invests in Commercial Property? - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> What Type of Investor Typically Invests in Commercial Property? - Duration: 3:24.


Часть 3 Красивый рюкзак своими руками для девочки. Вязание из трикотажной пряжи. - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> Часть 3 Красивый рюкзак своими руками для девочки. Вязание из трикотажной пряжи. - Duration: 20:11.


BOOBIES and chairs | A Brand New Day ReDo p2 - Duration: 5:40.

[Roman: I mean, DokiDoki(Google Translated)LiteratureClub]

For more infomation >> BOOBIES and chairs | A Brand New Day ReDo p2 - Duration: 5:40.


美國情報局最值錢的間諜,提供的情報為美國站上峰,節約了20億美元 - Duration: 8:29.













美蘇冷戰 托卡契夫是美國中情局在蘇聯內部發展的最成功、










托卡契夫 在冷戰的前期







米格-25戰鬥機 但是托卡契夫為什麼要這樣做呢? 1930年代






托卡契夫 托卡契夫通常在午飯時分






米格-31戰鬥機 6年以來









米格-31戰鬥機的雷達 托卡契夫最初並沒有向中情局提出金錢上的要求










托卡契夫的畫像 1985年









(史海挖掘者) 阿道夫.












美蘇冷戰 托卡契夫是美國中情局在蘇聯內部發展的最成功、










托卡契夫 在冷戰的前期







米格-25戰鬥機 但是托卡契夫為什麼要這樣做呢? 1930年代






托卡契夫 托卡契夫通常在午飯時分






米格-31戰鬥機 6年以來









米格-31戰鬥機的雷達 托卡契夫最初並沒有向中情局提出金錢上的要求










托卡契夫的畫像 1985年










For more infomation >> 美國情報局最值錢的間諜,提供的情報為美國站上峰,節約了20億美元 - Duration: 8:29.



For more infomation >> GTA 5 AKSİYONLU ÇATIŞMA !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 2.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 15:36.


มารู้จัก Coleen&Brei MNL48 เพื่อนซี้สายร้อง - Duration: 3:28.

Hi ,Am Sun from RWP Channel

today i will talk about

Member of mnl48

But today is up to 2 members

is Coleen and Brei

they very interesting and have many request from fans

Let's go

Start with Coleen

Now she 16 and very cute

Always do cover song with Brei

MV is coming soon

she look higher than coleen

i hope MV liwake Maybe is good

Thank you for watching and sorry about the little information about they

If you have more information, you can comment

Don't forget to leave your like and subscribe for me and follow Coleen and Brei .byeeeee

For more infomation >> มารู้จัก Coleen&Brei MNL48 เพื่อนซี้สายร้อง - Duration: 3:28.


YES, IT'S ENCOURAGING SONG! 📡 top royalty free music - Duration: 2:36.

Encouraging song visualization for you! This is amazing top royalty free music animation.

Inspiring music, beautiful, melodic and just great!

For more infomation >> YES, IT'S ENCOURAGING SONG! 📡 top royalty free music - Duration: 2:36.


✅ Ministro do Supremo abre um inquérito contra o ex-presidente Fernando Collor por uso de verba na C - Duration: 2:38.

 O ministro Ricardo Lewandowski, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), decidiu abrir inquérito para investigar o senador Fernando Collor (PROS-AL)

A apuração diz respeito às revelações feitas pelo "O Estado de S. Paulo" em 2017 de que a Casa da Dinda – um dos principais símbolos do governo do ex-presidente – teve despesas mantidas com verba do Senado

O caso tramita sob sigilo no Supremo.  Conforme informou o jornal em novembro de 2017, o senador por Alagoas gastou cerca de R$ 40 mil mensais de sua cota parlamentar com segurança, conservação, limpeza e jardinagem na propriedade de sua família

O Guia do Parlamentar, porém, estabelece que o Senado não dispõe de serviços de manutenção e limpeza para residências privadas de parlamentares

Collor ocupa um apartamento funcional mantido pelo Congresso, em Brasília, que já inclui esses serviços pagos com recursos públicos

 Pagamentos mensais   Nas notas apresentadas por Collor ao Senado, de 2011 a abril de 2017, constam pagamentos mensais à empresa Citel Service

A partir de junho de 2017, ele aumentou as despesas e contratou a Avanço Service

À época, o Estado de S.Paulo entrou em contato com as duas empresas e foi atendido pelos mesmos funcionários, que disseram se tratar da mesma empresa

O senador deixou em branco nos comprovantes de pagamento o trecho do documento que pede a descrição dos serviços

A assessoria do parlamentar nega que ele desvirtue a cota.  Milhões em propina  Collor já é réu no Supremo Tribunal Federal por investigações da Operação Lava-Jato, que envolvem suspeitas dos crimes de corrupção passiva, lavagem de dinheiro e organização criminosa

Segundo as investigações, pelo menos entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, mais de R$ 29 milhões em propina foram pagos ao senador em função de negócios envolvendo a BR Distribuidora

 Procurada pela reportagem, a assessoria do senador informou que "houve um erro por parte da empresa prestadora de serviços"

"O erro já foi corrigido e os valores devidamente ressarcidos em 14 de dezembro de 2017", afirmou

 Lewandowski estabeleceu prazo de 60 dias para a Polícia Federal ouvir depoimentos e coletar as informações

O prazo pode ser prorrogado por quantas vezes forem necessárias e, depois disso, cabe à Polícia Federal elaborar um relatório sobre a investigação

Com base no relatório, a Procuradoria-geral da República decide se denuncia ou pede arquivamento


For more infomation >> ✅ Ministro do Supremo abre um inquérito contra o ex-presidente Fernando Collor por uso de verba na C - Duration: 2:38.


ЕТС2 Розыгрыш ключа от игры Euro Truck Simulator 2 путешествие по Европе 8🎮 - Duration: 3:28:08.

For more infomation >> ЕТС2 Розыгрыш ключа от игры Euro Truck Simulator 2 путешествие по Европе 8🎮 - Duration: 3:28:08.


WoT Blitz. Update 5.8 Review. New Chinese TDs - Duration: 3:44.

The long-awaited Update 5.8 for World of Tanks Blitz

is just around the corner.

It brings numerous changes.

Dynamic lighting was improved on the Faust map.

Before, it was lit by just the Moon.

We installed more powerful lamps in the spotlights,

and now the lighting looks more realistic in different parts of the map.

We also reworked the lighting in the rocket hangar.

Just look at the flashlight flare on the back of the vehicle.

The radio now transmits in FM.

And the rocket lifting off in the beginning now belongs to a different nation.

Let's talk vehicles.

A branch of Chinese tank destroyers was added to the game.

Five vehicles of Tiers VI to X.

The first new vehicle is the WZ-131G FT.

This agile tank destroyer can defeat any Tier VI enemy.

It can always be where it's needed most.

At Tier VII, there's the T-34-2G FT.

A mobile tank destroyer with good damage per shot and a quick reload time.

It has a similar play style to the E-25:

get into position first, take a shot, reload, shoot again.

Its small size and good concealment are perfect qualities for a predator.

The WZ-111-1G is at Tier VIII.

The good penetration rate and damage per shot

help you confidently and reliably destroy enemy vehicles.

It's better to keep your distance in battle though.

The WZ-111G FT carries on this trend at Tier IX.

This vehicle performs best when it's a considerable distance from the enemy.

The gun can penetrate any vehicle of Tiers IX and X.

A great option for those who want to cause consistent damage.

And at the top of the tree is the WZ-113G FT.

The Chinese Tier X vehicle has exactly what you want in a TD.

High damage per shot. Each shot is satisfying.

The solid cabin armor deflects enemy shells.

Just make sure you don't flash your lower armor glacis.

And its speed and maneuverability let you use a number of cunning tactics.

The update brings two new Legendary camouflages to the game.

Origin for the T-54 first prototype, the Soviet Tier VIII Premium vehicle.

And Wild for the Leopard 1, a German Tier X vehicle.

When a real predator goes hunting, everyone in the vicinity trembles.

Football enthusiasts will like the rare warpaints for any vehicle:

Old Signora,


and Olé, Olé, Olé.

The already familiar Verdun Forest and Nine Lives

will be resupplied for free in Update 5.8.

And one more thing:

Certificates for Free XP can now be combined.

10 Common certificates can be combined into 1 Rare.

10 Rare ones into 1 Epic.

And 10 Epic ones into 1 Legendary.

The latter will give you 350,000 Free Experience per use.

You can find the full change log in the game client.

Subscribe to our channel and good luck on the battlefield!

Hey, there's something about Mad Games here.

Are we recording this as well?

For more infomation >> WoT Blitz. Update 5.8 Review. New Chinese TDs - Duration: 3:44.


Pregnant Meghan Markle steps out with friends in Night New York City - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Pregnant Meghan Markle steps out with friends in Night New York City - Duration: 3:22.


Lord Of The World Episode 7 (Machine English Subtitles) - Duration: 13:50.

Peanuts who are not good

Village wind

Where is the end of the world car radiation

I really don't understand

Thought idiom

Chengdu has gone to ignore it.

Are you still in the distributed?

It's not the thing that comes to the flower

The doctor's public thing

Chengdu bathroom

Dear one

This place

Why are you angry?

Are you sure you are here?

We choose one family to live in the learning forest for generations.

How can I admit my mistake?


It's a bit strange today.

It's not that we usually enter school and go smoothly.

The high priest should know it.

I have an uneasy feeling


I seem

A few small sly, you dare to commit suicide, mastered by the Great God.

This guest is a master of others, who are they?

I do not know either

Even the back

What do you mean by sending six people to the village level?

Is it

Is the person in the day after tomorrow

Not right

Walking the day after tomorrow

Should not raise such a group of people, the highest hand strength is too weak

Air water

A young woman who has been fighting for thousands of miles today

Business wisdom

You don't think this thing

A little balloon, I think it is very close.

I will not excuse them for this hatred.

If you want to destroy the north, maybe I can help you.

do not forget

I am the mysterious gambling god in the whole space.

What is the return?

You feel

How can you repay me?

in case

You give me revenge. My mother needs someone to accompany you.

Even if it is a break?

I will help you catch your enemy.

By the time

They want to kill you, you will follow you.


Let me do this kind of thing

Still forget it


Woman who never sleeps in the city

The heart is like a mirror

TV sees the ugly world

The actor is kind and elegant

God's breath

You said

You learn the new secrets of a family.

Let's go see antiques.

The high priest said

Where can I go if I get his approval?

The calculator is no longer in the age of

Come with me.

In fact, you don't have to be too sad.

Although it is full of land here

Can you please see the body of your master?


They are still alive

Don't you know?

Where the aircraft's medicine can take it

Never leave a dead body


Helping me will make people lose accurate judgments.

You can see it

Footprints from the neighborhood

You mean

If you have a large group, you can do it.

Do you continue to play for this save?

and so

They may still be alive

Do not return

Who will be?

If it is indeed Beijing, it's mine.

We are looking for the Arctic to settle accounts.

If you are not doing it, you are so impulsive.


In the middle of some people's economy

Why exactly

Just treat us as a group

Just the ancient poems in your body to buy and wake up

Hard work

It's nothing

Maybe I think too much.


We chose 140 people to be cold winter nightclubs to hear the names of snowy birds.

But today

This is nothing

Do not feel the huge fluctuations in the stock market

There is a power of blood killing

Then you are the entrance to the ancestral tomb.

this is

Ask 0 killing how do you know that Wanlisha Town rents everything is a picture bed

You follow me, I need another injection of my blood on the stone at the entrance.

You can start the war without a small sand town. I can't take you in. You can crack the killing.

I want my space mysterious stock god

The rest will be killed by such a small savvy

You hold me tight

What to do

Of course, take you in.



There are other people

If you use your method

Open the Mirage Kill

Are you not afraid that they will sneak into the tombs of your ancestors?

hold me

This is a little tight

These points

you deserve it

Pony off commentary culture

Public official microblog


After starting to draw comics

The prize draws around 200,000 RMB

Every week there is a suitcase

Come and pay attention to it.

The most is the spring of the year, the benefits of the school, the correctness of the two is a new and full of information.

Chasing the fucking are also don't forget to study hard. There is no information in the 41st issue.

Have a good look.

February 18th, this week, Xiaolu and Xiaolan's 73-level Xiao Li Xiaoyu

Sad, this sentence is very real. February 19th, this week, the soul sword statue of the 14th episode

The traveler went to the mountain dog's hunting high and was followed by the follow-up on February 20th.

The fifteenth episode of Mytel's true identity has fresh Sosong Golden Field Blue can prepare Shicon Temple

Two gifts to break the sky, the master of the 11th episode of blood, the back of the ridge, the animal husbandry, the dust, the death

Life hanging a line

Drunk Westward Journey Season 2 Episode 9

The monkey brother was chosen to pursue the killing of a small language, and the deadly 10,000 swordsman is the seventh episode of TV.

Chen Sumu cleaning for the beauty of the students, please come out the second day of the casualties

Your episode 9 white memories childhood girl

What do the masters do first?

On the 21st of February, the 19th episode of the 3rd season of the bad guys in Jianghu

Late childhood brothers play dreams and true and false Li Xingping for the people and fight for nuclear design map 17

In the life insurance, Ganoderma lucidum kills the tail and is not the face of the kite protagonist.

Non-adolescent 36-level children walk the temple to solve the problem of food and do the minute to socialize

The little non-human blood eagle lord 11th concentrated mountain building investigation background was attacked the truth blood parrot small

Prepare the team for the team, and fight for the second season, the sixth episode of the angels

Jinan Luoning City Water Bar

Jingzhi Red Adzuki, the second season, the eighth episode, the red bean, the mung bean, the lover, the parents, do not know

Knowing when our little beans will meet the temptation of taking the other half of his medicine, Episode 4, Black Fungus

To find out the song 20, most of them will be said to be on February 23 this Saturday.

And the mainland's 40-level bald head team spun strangely away from the life crisis February 24

On the 4th, the naming service of the 6th episode of the martial arts and turmoil on the 4th is a little fast.

Douro's 2 dynasty Tangmen ended last week with Shrek Silla Academy team full of wisdom

Wang Dong's 25 minutes later

Coming soon

Who might decide to counter the subordinates and see another popular fox demon Xiaohongniang homepage

Formal order

On this day, everyone will meet on time.

Want to mention the wonderful story of Guman? Do you want to know what new caps are worth looking forward to in the near future?

Concerned? Public number search sells hot

For more infomation >> Lord Of The World Episode 7 (Machine English Subtitles) - Duration: 13:50.


Torchwood - Series 6: God Among Us part 2, out now! - Duration: 0:31.

I think someone might be working with him, someone in Torchwood!

And we're going to ensure that Flight 405 lands safely

Come to the cockpit. You'll want to see this...

He has just set the two of us against each other...

So that we're not asking ourselves why we're here.

For more infomation >> Torchwood - Series 6: God Among Us part 2, out now! - Duration: 0:31.


How To Shred | Add Some Style And Flair To Your Mountain Bike Riding - Duration: 3:39.

- Shredding, what is it?

Let's do it.

First, a quick disclaimer.

This has to be done in moderation

and on the right trails, because it can really tear them up,

so either do it on trails that can take it

or bring your shovel and be prepared to dig.

Corners are probably my favorite place to shred.

Coming in hot, get the bike sideways gripping,

and then getting fast to the corner

is one of the best feelings ever,

and this is a really good corner to do it on.

It's nice and soft, it's covered in leaves, it's off-camber,

but on the outside there's a berm to catch me,

but also, this trail is covered in leaves,

so I'm not really damaging the trail at all,

I'm just wiping the leaves off the top.

You might have a preferred way to turn to begin with,

but practice both ways for maximum shreddage.

You will crash at some point, so get padded up

and be prepared to lose a bit of skin.

(tense electronic music)

Shredding jumps is all about getting the bike sideways

in the air, whipping it, scrubbing it, moto-style.

Now, it does take a lot of practice and a lot of experience

to get the bike sideways in the air,

but the best thing to do when you're trying to start this

is to find a hip jump where you've got to turn a little bit

to get into landing, and that's where you get

a really comfortable feel for turning after takeoff.

Look for the landing and try to flow

through the air into it.

Don't sit in takeoff and turn.

You need to be comfortable and relaxed on the bike.

Scrubbing is all about keeping it low,

fast, and stylish, complete moto-style.

Whips is about going big and showing off.

(tense electronic music)

Landings are for squares.

Much better just to send it to flat with style

to make it look like you're just going way too fast

to try and land where all the other losers are landing.

Be ready for a big impact and try and make sure

you land straight and in control.

Stand neutral on the bike

to let the bike do the work for you.

Only recommended on hard tails if you're a superhero.

This is gonna give your bike a hard time

so it better be up to it.

You need to add jumps and manuals now for this, of course,

and be ready to hit the back brake.

This is almost a perfect recipe for a loop-back.


Take off the jump

and keep the front wheel higher than usual,

and go a bit faster than normal

so that you land with the front wheel up slightly

and your back wheel clears the knuckle.

I like to keep it kind of flat and pump my legs

into the landing to then make the front wheel rise

to the balance point, or, alternatively,

do a nose press on the table,

and that pops you into a nice manual on the landing.

(calm music)

You're gonna need a pretty solid bike setup

when it comes to shredding hard and staying in control,

well, most of the time,

so by that, I mean hard tire pressures,

something like 30 PSI in the rear,

maybe slightly less than that up front.

Also, you can think about adding volume spacers,

so I've done that to my fork.

I've now added one,

so I've got two gray volume spacers inside there.

Rear end on this canister is pretty progressive anyway

so I've not done anything to that.

A progressive suspension setup means that you can run your

sag same as normal, so about thirty percent on the rear

for me, slightly less than that up front,

probably about twenty-five percent,

so still good for the small bumps and for grip in turns,

things like that, but then it gets progressive,

the further you go into the travel the harder it gets

to compress, so it means that you don't wildly

bottom out on those big hits, and it helps you

stay in control.

(slow electronic music)

Whoa! You're never too old to shred it.

Make sure you send us your send of the weeks,

to the dirt shed show using the uploader,

if you wanna see a wicked video of Blake shredding it

last year at Dartfest, over there.

Thumbs up for shredders, hit the sub button.

For more infomation >> How To Shred | Add Some Style And Flair To Your Mountain Bike Riding - Duration: 3:39.


☀️WAKING UP AT 5AM - MY 5AM MORNING ROUTINE 2019 - Duration: 10:55.

how in the heck do people get up at 5 o'clock 6 o'clock

early early early crazy I know right and what are people actually doing that

early in the morning why would someone do that to themselves in this video I'm

gonna take you through my 5 a.m. morning routine and show you how I get stuff

done I'm a mom of three with a full-time career so keep on watching and you know

over here we like to make the mundane and just a little bit insane I'm gonna

tell you a little secret come here know a little bit closer yep

that's good that's good it takes a lot of practice but I know that you can do

it so if you keep watching me and all my 5 a.m. videos you're gonna feel so

motivated you're gonna spring out of bed tomorrow

morning and you're gonna feel real good

good morning it is early luckily got Messier

I literally just rolled out of bed let's see oh damn it is

4:53 the Pavey was up at about 420 to nurse so get my booty up a bright and

early we're gonna have a kick-ass day and

we're gonna eat a lot of shit does everybody feel really good if you

want to come along with me Thank You bud watching but first let's

get some coffee shall we yeah buddy

the kids like sleeping the whole flippin get some stuff done but our hour and a

half before they wake up but we can be very quite so don't make the beep

mocha goodness

well now that we've gotten the coffee out of the way the next thing that I

like to do is the creative part of my life and that is blogging YouTube and

Instagram absolutely love it it gives me a high of being creative and putting

value out there for the world so I'm just going through now checking that

this is the only time in the day when I really get to do this sort of stuff

because I do have a career and a family and kids so I make full use of my

mornings to do this sort of stuff here I'm just creating an Instagram post I do

whatever aspires me and it's on my mind for that particular post I'm really into

a blue theme lately I love the sky it's just absolutely beautiful it makes me

think about having your head in the clouds which essentially to me means

dreaming really big so dream big you all dream big

just gonna finish up a last few things here before I head on upstairs and put

on my mom hat tell me how do you make time in your life for hobbies and things

that really inspire you also I rely so heavily on this planner here to keep me

organized for all the things I don't know how people survive with that one

so this morning and my daughter wanted to help with her laundry and putting it

in the washing machine and I was like yeah girl I am all for that self

sufficiency life so at this stage in her life she thinks it's fun and cool so I

definitely want to positively reinforce that and you know what she did a pretty

darn good job she's very interested in dressing herself so I fully support that

as long as it's weather appropriate may look a little bit funny somedays so I

just offer some guidance here and there but she generally does pretty good

now I'm just gonna do my daughter's hair here it is so much easier when she's

sitting and contained eating breakfast watching a show that sort of things so

this is when I try to do it she's less of a wiggly worm

so doesn't you look perfect but it gets the job done and you better believe it

this is my second cup of coffee YUM

so now that I'm all dressed and ready for the gym I'm just gonna make my bed

here I make my bed every single day if it is unmade I feel like there's a piece

of me missing or something it is such a habit that I have ingrained

so all chaos could be going down but as long as the bed made I am good and again

more diaper changes and they never end

you better believe I'm eating my son's leftover oatmeal and not ideal but I

don't want it to go to waste and at least I'm getting something to eat here

for breakfast before we head to the gym

some of you are not going to believe this but I actually floss every day and

I don't say that to be like yay I floss I'm so so so fabulous but really it's

just a habit that I've gotten into and I can't see this stuff so there you go the

importance of habits especially good ones bad ones those are hard to break

so now that we are back from the gym I'm just gonna jump in the shower quick and

get all refreshed and that's a wrap oh oh here in the mouth thank you so

much for watching I truly appreciate it I hope I inspired

you to wake up earlier give you some ideas if so go ahead hit that subscribe

button give this video a thumbs up share all the goodness time for this moment to

get something to eat and get to work and it is just about 11 o'clock so we got

quite a few things accomplished today and I hope I motivated you to do the

same we'll see in the next one check you later Gator whoa whoa whoa whoa wait one

minute one minute one last thing that I want to know what do you all like to do

when you get up earlier or why do you want to get up earlier tell me let me

know put it in the comments let's have a discussion

what is it felt waking early that you would like to do or would like to be

doing maybe we can get some dialogue going and encourage one another to get

our booties up to get all the good things done that really inspire us and

motivate us to live our best lives and with that without further ado peace



For more infomation >> ☀️WAKING UP AT 5AM - MY 5AM MORNING ROUTINE 2019 - Duration: 10:55.


America Ferrera Won't Rule Out a Career in Politics - Duration: 3:59.

-I will say, you know, obviously, you're based in L.A.

We were talking backstage, your son is in L.A.

Did you -- Because I enjoy this a great deal.

Did you enjoy being on an airplane without him?

-It was amazing. -Yeah.

-I've never enjoyed a flight -- a cross-country flight more.

-It's the best thing in the world, yeah.

-You know, I got on the plane, and I was like, I could --

I could watch movies, I could drink wine.

-Yeah. -I could just sit here.

I could sleep. And so I was, like --

I didn't know what to start with.

[ Laughter ] So I sort of like --

I sort of did a little bit of all of it.


-And then it was all over way too soon.

[ Laughter ]

-You and your husband, I have heard,

have a different approach with reading materials

for your young child. -Yeah.

Well, I think our child should, you know, have stories like

"Goodnight Moon," and, you know, "Dragons Love Tacos."

Again... -Dragons, yeah, exactly.

-We broke ground for dragons. There was another dragon...

-Before you, nobody would be, like, dragons or tacos.

-There were no dragons. Dragons like tacos?

-Yeah, nobody even put those two together, ever.

-Exactly. So those are the type of books

that I think our son should be --

You know, that we should read to him.

And my husband thinks that that's dumb,

that that's like "talking down" to the kid.

-Oh, wow. -And so he, like, reads him,

like, "A Brief History of Time." -No.

-And like, Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species."

Meanwhile, my husband has never read any of those books.

[ Laughter ]

But, like, now that he's a dad, he's like,

"Why do I have to read him kids books?"

He doesn't talk like that. [ Laughter ]

I talk like that when I'm -- -That's so funny,

because I feel like what he's doing then is --

those were books he always wanted to read,

and now he's using the kid as an excuse.

-Oh. -That's like me saying,

"I want him to watch 'Breaking Bad'"!

[ Laughter ] -Yes, exactly!

-"Wait a second. You want him to, or...?"

Yeah. "I think it's important!"


-And I want to talk to you about your organization,

Harness, which we've talked about before.

-Yeah. -This is just --

Is it about getting people engaged in politics?

-Yes, absolutely. I mean, you know,

I think that artists have an incredibly important role

to play in society and culture

and what we deem acceptable in our culture.

And so with everything going on in the world

and in our country, we have been, at Harness,

my organization that I co-founded with my husband,

"who talks like this." [ Laughter ]

We have been creating spaces for front-line activists

and organizers to be in relationship

with storytellers and artists and creators

so that the story of the issues

and the people who are living the issues

and most impacted by the issues

are authentically represented in the culture.

And so that's the work we've been doing at Harness.

-That's great. [ Cheers and applause ]

You know, um...

Sometimes people will ask me if I'm -- if I would ever

consider running for office,

because we talk about politics on the show.

But it's a hard no. But would you?

'Cause I feel like you'd be very good at it.

-This is actually my announcement that I'm running --

-Oh, good, thank you. 2020.

No, I'm not. Just to be clear.

[ Laughter ]

You know, it's so funny, 'cause I think --

I used to have this knee-jerk reaction to that

of, like, "No! No way. I would never run for politics.

That's not for me."

But I think that's part of the problem.

I think the fact that we think of ourselves

as separate from politics is the problem.

Like, whether you want to be a part of politics,

politics is a part of your daily life.

And so I think that we are at a crossroads in our history

where we all should be asking ourselves,

"Is there a role of leadership and representation

that I could take on?"

And so it's not just a flat no anymore.

It's we all belong in politics.

We all need to be represented, and so I refuse to say no now.

And I think we all should be asking ourselves the question.

-That's just wonderful to hear. [ Cheers and applause ]

I would be thrilled, of course, if you would make that choice.

Thank you so much for being here.

It's just always such a pleasure to see you.

America Ferrera, everybody!

For more infomation >> America Ferrera Won't Rule Out a Career in Politics - Duration: 3:59.


Juliana & Valentina ep.77 (english subtitles) *FULL EP READ DESCRIPTION* - Duration: 0:18.


I'm srry, Val.

I came as fast as I could.

For more infomation >> Juliana & Valentina ep.77 (english subtitles) *FULL EP READ DESCRIPTION* - Duration: 0:18.


Dancing Line - The Nature by fourtwo42 [FANMADE] - Duration: 2:25.

Dancing Line - The Nature by Fourtwo42 [FANMADE]

For more infomation >> Dancing Line - The Nature by fourtwo42 [FANMADE] - Duration: 2:25.


Royal Az - Meghan Markle should use US trip to meet up with her dad, says sister Samantha - Duration: 3:44.

  Samantha Markle last night warned Meghan she should use her baby shower trip to visit her estranged father as "life is short"

  The royal's half-sister wished Meghan an "exciting baby shower" in New York but suggested it was a great chance to bury the hatchet with Thomas Markle Sr

 "You never know when you're going to get that opportunity again," Samantha, 54, said

  The Duchess of Sussex, 37, has been on the visit to New York since Thursday in preparation for her lavish baby shower, which will be held at a posh $75,000 (£57,000)-a-night penthouse suite in a luxury hotel

 Neither her dad or her mum Doria Ragland, 62, are invited, it's reported.  But Samantha, of Ocala, Florida, said: "Setting all personal things aside, I understand a baby shower is an exciting time – it's about getting with friends, getting things ready for the baby

   "But you are on this continent Meghan and I would just really love to see her have contact with my dad while she's here

"   "Life is very short and you never know when you're going to get that opportunity again so it would seem par for the course and I hope it happens," she told Mail Online

  Thomas missed Meghan's wedding last May in Windsor, Berkshire, after being caught staging fake paparazzi photos near his home in Rosarito, Mexico

 The retired lighting director then suffered a series of heart attacks and was forced to pull out of the nuptials – leaving Prince Charles to walk Meghan down the aisle

   Since then, their relationship has reportedly been fraught.   The dad claimed Meghan had frozen him out and recently blasted the royal for "chastising him" for speaking in the media

 Samantha, meanwhile, has not seen her sibling since 2008.  Speaking last month, the writer said: "She's a woman, she's got her own thing going on and we wish her well but family is family and you don't replace your whole family with a parade of celebrities

 "She can't replace me with George Clooney or Serena Williams – I'm her sister. I hope we might get to bridge that gap and if not, she might regret it

   "All I can say is I cry. With a baby coming, it might be time to look at things and try it again

"   Meghan is due to give birth to her first baby in the spring.  The tot may share a birthday with their great-grandmother, the Queen

 The monarch turns 93 on April 21.  Prince Louis was born on April 23 and David Beckham turns 44 on May 2

 Four-time Golden Globe winner Al Pacino will be 79 on April 25.

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Meghan Markle should use US trip to meet up with her dad, says sister Samantha - Duration: 3:44.


Time Management | Crystal Sparks - Duration: 13:23.

Time management strategies how to get more done and keep Jesus at the center

of it all I figure to get a lot out of it may give me three practical tips

coming up next

Hey everyone welcome to Wednesday's with Crystal I'm Crystal Sparks I'm so glad

that you are here on my channel hey whether this is your first time here

maybe you watch every single week or perhaps somebody shared it with you I'm

so thankful for you to spend this time with me hey do me a favor hit the

subscribe button that way you never miss out on anything that's happening here on

my channel every single week on Wednesday I put on a new video and my

channels purpose is this is to help grow your faith and help equip you to

accomplish your dreams and your goals so I was reading a statistic the other day

and I thought it was really interesting and it said this that 80% of Americans

cite that they feel overwhelmed if they feel like there's more things to do then

there is time to do it have you ever been guilty of saying man all's I need

is more time alright how about you guys like you feel like sometimes you're just

running from one thing to the next and you feel like you're just never having

enough time there's always so many things to do so many errands to run and

it just feels like you're stretched thin well whatever I was reading the Bible

the other day I thought hit me that Jesus had his ministry for three years

he lived 33 years on this earth and out of that he fulfilled

almost 400 prophecies in those that short period of time and what I love is

we can learn a lot about Jesus through studying the different stories but I

want you to just really pause and in this video I want us just to really

realize like how much Jesus did in the little ways that he did them in fact

even his mode of transportation decided that he was never in a hurry here he is

the son of God he's got all these prophecies to fulfill in his lifetime

and he never gets in a hurry in fact he's so much not in a hurry that when he

tells his disciples to go find a way for him of transportation he tells him to

find a donkey and not just any donkey he has for a baby donkey now I want you to

think about this that is like the slowest moving animal and Jesus could

have picked anything he could have picked a strong horse he could have

picked anything right he could have picked a chariot with a team of horses

leading it but he picks a baby donkey every time you see Jesus you never see

him running place to place you never see him stressed out or overwhelmed you see

him just calmly moving from location to location assignment to assignment It was

as though he knew that everything was going to work out in just the right time

I heard this recently and I couldn't I just can't agree with it more and it

says this that any time that we are feeling stressed it's because we begin

living in Pride and I thought about in my own life that the times when I don't

feel like my time is being managed right and I began to let stress get on me it's

because I'm walking in Pride and simply put I begin to think that the results

are all based on my performance and how well I do them how quickly I can get

things done see Jesus lived his life fully looking

to God as his source he knew that if he was going to be able to do all that God

had sent him to do it was only gonna happen if God empowered him to do it so

he didn't let himself get in a rush he didn't let himself get in a hurry and

back in Luke chapter 8 we read the story of Jarius coming to Jesus and he's

telling him that his daughter is sick and has need of him so Jesus as Jesus

does doesn't get in a hurry and he's just walking through the crowd when a

woman with issue of blood touches the hem of his garment right then he stops

and has this meaningful conversation with her

don't you know Jarius must have been frustrated knowing the urgency with his

daughter he was probably thinking Jesus like don't you even care my daughter is

dying I need you to hurry up and there Jesus in that moment that woman's life

was changed forever see Jesus knew that he had enough to not only heal the woman

with issue of blood but he knew it didn't matter what was happening with

Jerry's his daughter the his strength was more than sufficient so he didn't

allow himself to get in a hurry or how about the story in John chapter 11 it

tells us about Lazarus they send word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick and the

Bible says and Jesus stayed there a few more days and then they sent word to

Jesus that now Lazarus was dead and then Jesus decides to come see it almost

seems like Jesus never gotten a hurry no matter how urgent the situation was he

had made up his my god you're my source and I don't know

that you're gonna fulfill everything that you sent me to do I'm not gonna let

pride come in and let me push into a place of stress but I'm gonna carefully

walk out the plan that you have for me the first thing that I want you to do is

you begin to think about this time management strategy is own the language

that you're saying the words that are coming out of our mouth are defining the

life that we live listen to how you say things I remember

there wasn't too long back and I had a whole bunch of things on my calendar and

Brian was telling me babe there's no way that you can do all this and I was like

well I have to go to this party and I have to go to the school meeting and I

have to and he's like crystal honestly you don't

have to do any of these things you're choosing to do them and a lot of the

things that are on our calendars aren't things that if we just be real honest

aren't things that we have to do it's things we're choosing to do maybe we're

choosing to do them because we're trying to get their approval of others maybe

we're choosing to do them because we're trying to make ourselves feel like we're

better than than what we are sometimes it's just doing it to make up for

failures that we made in the past so we're overcompensating with filling

our schedule in these other areas see the truth is you don't have to do

anything you're choosing to do it and every time used to begin to say the

words I have to do it you are getting yourself into a victim mentality I love

my friend Allison Faulkner said recently that whenever we talk that we're owning

the language of being a victim and when we own the language of being a victim

then everything in our life we look like they are taking from us and stealing

from us and you never feel positive and happy when you're in the state of being

a victim so instead of saying I have to do these things change your language too

I choose to do these things and just making that small change is going to

begin to change the way you show up to that circumstance um I loved in Matthew

11:30 it says that my yoke is easy and my burden is light when Jesus gives you

something to do it doesn't come with stress worry anxiety frustration know

Jesus said the things that I've called you to do the things that I've asked you

to do they are see and his burden is like you know last

year with everything we had going on in our church and we were expanding into

our second campus and I had a lot of things happening in my ministry and a

lot of things happening in my family and I put a sign on my wall and it said this

it said overwhelm is a choice and every time I looked at it it served as a

reminder to me that if I was being overwhelmed it's because I chose it not

because my schedule dictated it and whenever you feel stress it's a choice

whenever you feel joy it's a choice whenever you feel peace it's a choice

see every day you cannot allow your schedule to determine your feelings

instead you've got to let your feelings determine your schedule right and so

when we begin to show up with joy then Alice and our day becomes great so maybe

the problem isn't as much the things that you have in your schedule but it's

the way that you're showing up but to change that you have to change the way

you're talking you have to own the language the second thing I want you to

get out of this is to own the time does your time reflect what is important you

have to own your time so I'll just tell you that a lot of times we're good at

giving time to all the things that aren't important that we forget the

things that are the most important I love that Jesus in his lifetime

fulfilled every single prophecy that was spoken over him he healed I love that

the Bible says that he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed

of the devil it tells us all that the great and

wonderful things that he did but what I love is he was never too busy for the

things that were most important it talks about daily he went as his custom was to

go to prayer see here's the thing is that a lot of times what we do is we

fill our schedule with everything else and then we schedule the things that are

the most important and so for Bryan and I we always have Thursday nights our

date nights and so every single Thursday we're going to make it our goal to go

out on a date does it happen every week no but we

always try for it right because you've got to begin to schedule the things that

are important if family time is important to you can you show me where

it is at on your schedule if making time to read is important to you can you show

me where you made time for it see you need to begin to own your schedule when

you begin to lay out the most important things and then schedule your life

around those things then all of a sudden you'll begin to realize that you have

the time for the things that are the most important and so I would just

challenge you that just because others expect you to do it doesn't mean that

you have to do it and that just because you love it doesn't mean you still have

to do it so sometimes there's things that I love but maybe it's not the

season for me to be able to do those but on the flip end of it I'll say that if

scheduling that one thing that I love is going to make me be able to show up

better and the rest of the week then I'm going to make sure to make time for that

so I want it I want you to ask this question whenever you're trying to make

a decision of do I need to say yes to this event or yes to this assignment ask

yourself this what if I didn't do this and if it brings you peace to put it

down then walk away from it you know I had a major decision to make last year

as far as for time management goes and it was a really big thing a really big

thing that a lot of people wanted me to do and honestly I loved doing it but

every time I thought about doing it it just brought immediate dread and so if I

might ask myself this question what if I didn't do it and I put it down and I

walked away from it and I felt immediate peace and even though a lot of people

were disappointed in me a lot of people were sad that I didn't do it I knew it

was the right thing for me in that season so for you maybe you're listening

in and you're going through a difficult time in time management maybe is

something that you love but maybe it's just not the right season for you to be

doing it so ask yourself what if I didn't do it and the third and final

thing is defend what God has called you to do defend what God has called you to

do you know last year was probably our most successful year on my ministry just

continue to expand through YouTube and my online courses and God just doing

amazing things all over the world I'm getting to go to different places and

speak and minister and in all that our staff had over doubled our church had

doubled in size I'm just amazing growth right but at the

end of the year the Lord just really firmly said crystal you did really good

at these things but you didn't do what I called you to

do and he took got real firm with me that he wanted me to make an appointment

every single week where I would sit down and begin to create new content began to

write next but begin to give myself to the

things that God had called me to do now it's part of my assignment running my

staff yes it's part of my assignment growing our church yes it's part of my

assignment traveling and speaking yes but here's the thing is I was doing a

lot of the things that God called me to do but I wasn't making the time for the

one thing that I knew that he had called me to do and that is writing and

creating content so in that I want to challenge you that you can only have

three things that are important and that remain the focus in your life and so

those three things are going to get the majority of your time your energy your

resources and so you want to make sure that those top three things are

important so I want to challenge you again are you defending what God has

called you to do are you letting everybody else is calling and what they

need from you become your purpose when you start getting real diligent about

defending what God's called you to do you'll be surprised at how quickly God

begins to accelerate you and grow you like never before so hey I hope you got

something out of that and let's begin to be more purposeful with our time I hope

it spoke to you can you give me a favor and share it with your friends and

family my podcast just continues to grow and this YouTube channel continues to

grow and God is just doing amazing things and so if you'll do me a favor

and share it and then also if you haven't done so already you want to be

subscribed to my emails they're really good I have really good emails and I

send them out from time to time it lets you know about different events that I

have going on it has different things that I've got going on in my ministry

and I have some really exciting content that I am developing that putting out

this year and so you want to be the first to know about that and so you can

do that and be connected to my emails by texting the key word Wednesday to 330

733 that's Wednesday to 330 733 follow the prompts and you'll be able to be in

the note whenever something's going on and so hey let's do something awesome

for God's asleep

For more infomation >> Time Management | Crystal Sparks - Duration: 13:23.


Wednesday Morning Snowy Road Conditions - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Wednesday Morning Snowy Road Conditions - Duration: 1:32.


7-Year-Old Boy Called 'Little Hitler' For Raising Money For Trump's Wall - Duration: 4:19.

There Is Nothing More Sweet Or Innocent Than A Child That Sets Up A Lemonade Stand Or In

This Case, A Hot Chocolate Stand.

But Now That Everything Is Politicized And Children Are Fair Game, The Left Will Stoop

To Harassing Even Children If They Step Out Of Line.

A Seven-Year-Old Boy Was Accosted And Called "Little Hitler" After Setting Up A Hot

Chocolate Stand To Raise Money For President Trump's Border Wall, His Parents Say.

The Child's Name Is Benton Stevens And He Lives In Austin, Texas.

After Watching President Trump's State Of The Union Address On February 5th, Benton

Was Moved To Raise Funds To Help Build The Border Wall Between The Us And Mexico.

His Parents Are Both Active Members With The Republican National Committee.

Benton Has Raised Almost $5,000 Between His Hot Chocolate Stand, A Matching Donor And

Venmo Receipts.

That's Quite An Accomplishment For A 7-Year-Old.

Unfortunately, According To His Parents, Benton Has Lost His Privacy After Videos And Photos

Of Their Son Were Posted To Facebook.

"People Think He's Brainwashed," His Mother, Jennifer, Said.

"Well, Of Course, He Supports Trump Because We Do, And He Hears How We Talk And This And


Call That Brainwashing, But I Call It Parenting Because We Instill Our Values In Him."

Young Benton Set Up His Stand Over The Weekend At A Strip Mall Northeast Of Austin.

His Brothers And Parents Helped Him Set It Up.

They Made Signs And Brewed Hot Chocolate With Him.

Within An Hour, His Parents Say, He Made About $231.

Tragically, He Was Forced To Shut Down After Patrons Complained To The Store Owner Benton

Had Placed His Stand In Front Of.

What Kind Of Petty Monster Does Something Like That?

A Leftist One.

"I Guess Some Liberals – Or Whatever You Want To Call Them – They Were Griping At

The Owner (Of The Store) And Going In And Yelling At Him And Slamming Him On Facebook,"

His Mother, Jennifer, Said.

Extortion By Facebook…


All Of This Did Not Stop Benton, Who Is Actually Fired Up By The Responses He Got From The


He Set His Stand Up Again The Next Day And Was Harassed In Person And Online.

"He Was Called A Little Hitler Yesterday," His Mother Said.

"A Guy Pointed At Him In His Car And Then He Said That We Didn't Like Brown People.

I Don't Understand That At All."

What A Jerk.

The Family Is Standing Strong On Principle Though And Vow That The Money Raised Will

Go Directly Towards Funding The Wall.

"There's A Gofundme Page And We're Also Part Of The Rnc And We're Pretty Connected

There So We Will 100 Percent Make Sure It Goes Towards The Wall," They Said.

"Gofundme Donations Can Be Funneled To The Trump Administration Through A Category Called

"Gifts To The United States" For "General Use By The Federal Government," But Donating

To Specific Government Projects Is A Much More Complicated And Unclear Process, According

To Business Insider.

"In Light Of All The Publicity Surrounding Benton's Border Wall Fundraiser, His Father

Told Fox News That It's Actually Inspired Some Reconciliation Across Party Lines In

Their Texas Town.

"People Who Were Originally Very Mean Have Started Apologizing For What They Said And

Sticking Up For Benton," Shane Said.

"He Is Close To $5,000 Raised Now And Is Thinking About Doing A Free Hot Chocolate

Stand For People From Both Sides Of The Debate Since There Are So Many From Both Sides Sticking

Up For Him."'

The Family Should Send Their Funds To Triple-Amputee Veteran Brian Kolfage For The "We Build

The Wall" Movement.

They Are Already On The Border And Working On The Wall.

And I Bet There Is A Visit To The White House In Benton's Future Somewhere.


For more infomation >> 7-Year-Old Boy Called 'Little Hitler' For Raising Money For Trump's Wall - Duration: 4:19.


Os Filhotes Gamers | EP 9 MINECRAFT 🐾 Patrulha Canina Dublado Português | Novelinhas com Tia Fê - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> Os Filhotes Gamers | EP 9 MINECRAFT 🐾 Patrulha Canina Dublado Português | Novelinhas com Tia Fê - Duration: 10:57.


Jussie Smollett Guilty Of Giving False Info To Cops In 2007 - Duration: 3:14.

For The Five People Left In The United States That Still Believe Jussie Smollett Was Beaten

By Bigoted Trump Supporters Roaming The Streets Of Chicago, It Turns Out There's Yet Another

Reason To Be Skeptical: He's Done This Sort Of Thing Before.

Nbc Philadelphia Reports That In 2007 The Empire Actor Pleaded "No Contest" To Driving

Under The Influence, Driving Without A License…And Giving False Information To Law Enforcement:

The Case Is Coming To Light As Chicago Police Investigate Whether Smollett Made Up A Story

About Being The Victim Of A Racially, Motivated Hate Crime.

Chicago Police Have Requested Lapd Provide Them Information About The 2007 Arrest, According

To Multiple Law Enforcement Sources Familiar The Investigation.

Chicago Police Officials Say They Have Shifted Their Focus From A Hate Crime Investigation

To One Of Filing A False Report […] Police Sources Tell Nbc News That The Lapd

Made The Initial Arrest.

The Case Was Handled By Prosecutors With The La City Attorney's Office In The Van Nuys


The Washington Times Notes That It's Unknown What Exactly The "False Information" Concerned.

Smollett Was Sentenced To Two Years' Probation In The Case.

So, To Recap: Smollett Has A History Of Hating Donald Trump

And Smearing His Voters; Police Didn't Find Any Video Footage Of

The Attack From Cameras In The Area; Smollett Won't Turn Over The Complete Phone

Records That His Manager Claims Show They Were Talking When He Heard The Attack;

Police Didn't Find Any White Suspects Like He Described But Rather A Pair Of Nigerian

Brothers With Ties To Empire; Police Say Records Show The Brothers Bought

The Rope That Wound Up Around Smollett's Neck;

Police Found A Magazine And Stamps That May Have Been Used To Make An (Almost-Certainly

Fake) Letter Threatening Smollett; And Smollett Has Lied To Police Before.

At This Point, Man-Made Global Warming Is More Plausible ThanJussie's Original Story.

Ladies And Gentlemen, It's Officially Past Time To Stop Treating Jussie Smollett As A

Potential Victim, Or To Indulge Any Of Liberals' Patented "Even If This Example's Fake,

We Still Need To Discuss The Broader Issue…"


The Only Conversation America Needs Right Now Is How To Legally Punish Hate Hoaxers

For Wasting Law Enforcement's Time, So There's Finally Some Price To Counter The Guaranteed

Fame And Sympathy The Media Will Heap On Every Lie, No Matter How Much It Smells Like The

Last One.

When You Share To Your Friends You Greatly Help Distribute Our Content.

Please Take A Moment And Consider Sharing This Video With Your Friends And Family.

Thank You, We Appreciate It!

For more infomation >> Jussie Smollett Guilty Of Giving False Info To Cops In 2007 - Duration: 3:14.


Feet Feet Song | Preschool Nursery Rhymes for Babies | Children Song - Kids Baby Club - Duration: 2:32.

Feet Feet Song

For more infomation >> Feet Feet Song | Preschool Nursery Rhymes for Babies | Children Song - Kids Baby Club - Duration: 2:32.


US : Miranda Lambert Is 'Ready To Have Children' After Whirlwind Marriage: Found Her 'One & Only' - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> US : Miranda Lambert Is 'Ready To Have Children' After Whirlwind Marriage: Found Her 'One & Only' - Duration: 4:13.


How to watch the BRITs 2019: What time and channel is it on TV tonight? - Duration: 3:08.

It may not seem like a year ago since the finest stars in music walked the BRITs red carpet with white roses in support of the Time's Up and #Metoo movements, before Stormzy called out Theresa May for her response to 2017's Grenfell Tower Fire

But the BRITs 2019 is now just a matter of hours away. It's the UK's answer to the Grammy's and has seen a number of iconic outfits (think Geri Halliwell's Union Jack dress) and we can't wait to see the red carpet this year

The performances have been announced we sure won't be disappointed. Previous years have included Kendrick Lemar, Rita Ora, Liam Payne, Cheryl, Drake and Rihanna

Mastercard have been the long-term sponsor of the highest profile music awards ceremony in the UK

So what's in store for this year, when is it on TV and how can you watch it? Don't make any plans for tonight (Wednesday, February 20) when you can catch all the awards, speeches and performances on ITV

The ceremony will take place from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, and will air with a slight delay in the live broadcast from 8pm - 10

20pm to allow for any unexpected issues or swearing. There will be a Facebook Red Carpet live stream from 4

30pm, hosted by Jamie Laing and Yasmin Evans. YouTuber Todrick Hall will present the YouTube Live Stream of the show to an international audience from 7

45pm GMT / 2:45pm ET / 11:45am PT, joined by co-host Vick Hope. Once the show is over, they will continue broadcasting an Official After Party on YouTube The long awaited nominations were announced on Saturday, January 12

Anne-Marie and Dua Lipa lead with for nods each meanwhile George Ezra and Jorja Smith each have three nominations

Hugh Jackman will open the show and headlining the night is Calvin Harris. We can also expect to see performances from Little Mix, George Ezra Jorja Smith and The 1975

The ceremony will be held at London's O2 for the 9th year running. Fancy being there? You can get tickets to the BRITs from AXS here

Grab yours quick though! Jack Whitehall will be back on our screens for the second year in a row

Last year, he made quite the impression after he poked fun at a number of stars including Sam Smith

He said: "If you like Adele songs but find them too upbeat, Sam Smith is performing!" The BRITs are the British Phonographic Industry's annual popular music awards

The term BRIT is short for British, Britain or Britannia

For more infomation >> How to watch the BRITs 2019: What time and channel is it on TV tonight? - Duration: 3:08.


Mohamed Salah proved against Bayern why Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are a cut above - Duration: 5:34.

 It's only through merit that Salah draws comparisons to the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi

 This is a player who scored a record-breaking 32 Premier League goals on his return to England after a forgettable short stint at Chelsea

 He pipped Kevin De Bruyne and David Silva to the PFA Player of the Year award and later finished third in the FIFA World Player of the Year awards

 Throughout the whole of 2018, it was only his opponent Robert Lewandowski, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi who netted more goals than his 37

 This is a forward who does not even play solely through the middle. Admittedly, his role in Jurgen Klopp's side has evolved since the beginning of this season, which has seen him adopt a more central position

 But he's producing the numbers of a traditional goalscoring centre-forward. It's deceiving

 What is even more frightening is that even though the numbers stack up, Salah misses an awful lot of chances

 There is an art and elegance in the positions he takes up, how he anticipates where the ball might drop

An instinct that can't be taught, it's second nature. And yet after almost every performance, you can't help but wonder whether Salah could have had a couple more goals to his tally, if he has scored at all

 This was depicted best on his league debut for the Reds 18 months ago, a 3-3 frenzy against Watford at Vicarage Road in which he scored have scored five or six

 He turned in a goal he almost had no right to score, jetting in before a defending to scramble the ball home

 Salah's performance against Bayern was the perfect example that with the Egyptian you have to take the rough with the smooth

 At times he struggled to get the ball under control but whenever he had it you could hear the pause in anticipation that something would happen

 With Salah, you are never quite sure what he's going to do and that unpredictability is a rare brilliance, but there's no consistency to it

 When he dances inside from the right, he tries to work half a yard with a jink, or an angle that he can use to his advantage

 The result can be devastating, as seen in the Champions League semi-final against Roma last term when he curled a beauty past his now team-mate Alisson

 It's not often it happens though and that's where there's a difference. How many times have you seen Messi put the ball postage-stamp? It's a lot more often than not

 Salah's movement is exceptional though and David Alaba could not afford to switch of all night at Anfield

 There was one brief moment in the first half when the forward ghosted in behind the Bayern defence and Jordan Henderson found him with a raking pass

 Salah couldn't catch a clean connection to trouble Manuel Neuer. It would have almost been a carbon copy of Ronaldo's goal against Manchester United in the group stages, a finish that he made look so simple

 Then there was a perfectly crafted, deft touch from Salah which nearly saw Joel Matip open the scoring in the first half

 He squandered perhaps the best chance to break the deadlock himself when he he headed wide from Trent Alexander-Arnold's teasing delivery

 After the interval it didn't get much prettier, there was a misplaced pass to Roberto Firmino which generated a roar of frustration from The Kop

 He also failed to control the ball on the byline after Andy Robertson had ghosted in on goal before hitting the first-man from an 80th minute corner

 And that's what makes him so unique. He's sometimes awkward, clunky and frustrating but he will always have that flash of mastery in his locker that can cut teams apart

 The match itself was crying out for a hero, somebody to take the game by the scruff of the neck

Something we have seen Ronaldo and Messi do on many occasions.  Tuesday was a quiet night from Salah but you'd be a fool to dismiss him having a say at the Allianz Arena or at Old Trafford on Sunday

For more infomation >> Mohamed Salah proved against Bayern why Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are a cut above - Duration: 5:34.


Sydney Cost of Living Is Expensive - Duration: 8:07.

Due to rising cost of living spurred on by the over-inflated housing market, Sydneysiders

are giving up on the Sydney dream. Sydney has become too expensive for the average Australian.

According to the Economist, Sydney is the tenth most expensive city to live in in the

world — by far the most expensive Australian city — and is ranked as more expensive than

every single city in America. It has an index value of 102. For comparison, New York City

has an index value of 100. Singapore is the most expensive city to live in with an index

value of 116.

So what are Sydneysiders saying? Well, a lady by the name of Priscilla Meyer and her young

family are giving up on the Sydney dream. She has been living with her husband and toddler

at her mother's house for the past three years in the suburb of Parklea.

Just for your interest, I was born in Sydney and lived in the suburb of Baulkham Hills,

but even 30 years ago, my parents left because Sydney was becoming far too busy for them.

Parklea is about 1½ hours from the CBD, depending on how you travel. Due to high property prices

and rising cost of living, Priscilla and her family are looking to buy in Melbourne, Victoria,

where they can get a house an hour's drive from the CBD for under $500,000. Although

moving cities is not ideal, according to the Economist's Most Liveable Cities 2018, Melbourne

comes in at number two. Sydney is fifth on the list, while South Australia's Adelaide

comes in at number ten. Not bad Australia.

Ms Meyer stated:

"Sydney's just unaffordable for us. We can't even think about it anymore, we've stopped

dreaming about it."

Another Sydney resident, David Boyd, was once a high-flying banker. But everything went

south when he lost his job during the 2008 global financial crisis. He struggles to find

enough money to provide the basics for his 10-year-old daughter, Kali.

Mr Boyd stated:

"I was at the top of the tree. I was wining and dining and had the beautiful house on

the beach, half a million dollars in the bank and now I'm at the opposite end of the scale.

I've lost everything and now I'm struggling to make ends meet, I don't know where my next

meal will come from."

He's currently receiving Centrelink payments, but they're simply not enough. Almost three

quarters of his payments are swallowed up paying the rent for his small two-bedroom

flat that he shares with his daughter in Penshurst in Sydney's south.

His daughter has a skin condition and requires special serums and oils, but these are not

covered under the Australian Government's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as they are

non-prescription. With regards to his daughter, Mr Boyd said:

"I'm concerned to be able to feed my daughter … and I live for her, if I didn't have her

I wouldn't have kept going."

In March, there will be state elections in New South Wales and parties are making lots

of campaign promises to improve housing affordability. But according to the head of the NSW Council

of Social Service, Joanna Quilty, these measures will simply not help the people who need help

the most. She said:

"I think there is a focus on middle-income families and that is fair enough, but I think

it's those who are in low-income households who are really struggling, who aren't as vocal,

who are really being overlooked."

The New South Wales economy is actually booming at the moment, but public housing is severely

lacking. There were 60,000 people waiting for public housing at the end of last financial

year, and Ms Quilty has been trying to urge the State Government to do something about


"We know that the majority of people that are living below the poverty line are renting

and really struggle to find affordable accommodation. There needs to be a significant boost in investment

towards social and affordable housing. We certainly have a really strong economy and

we're in a good position so I think there's no excuse for leaving these people behind."

With regards to the Federal Government, she states that they really have the power to

improve these people's lives through increased Centrelink payments:

"Because the rate that they're set at, at the moment, is actually below the poverty

line, so people on those allowances are actually behind the eight ball from the start."

At the Federal level, the Australian Labor Party is promising a review of welfare payments

if elected, but has not committed to increasing them. The current government says its focus

is on helping unemployed people move into the workforce, but obviously, for a person

in the 50s or 60s, this is easier said than done.

Mr Boyd is a bit cynical about politicians' promises. He stated:

"Before an election, politicians will say anything and after an election, promises are

just scrapped. I look upon Gladys [Berejiklian] as Marie Antoinette — let the little people

eat cake. In terms of people doing it tough she's in another world."

Ms Quilty says that the NSW Council of Social Service have undertaken cost of living surveys

stating that dental care is by the far most unaffordable essential item. She stated:

"Strategies like forgoing medical treatment and medicine, we also hear that they skip

meals and limit their use of the car."

Priscilla Meyer's mother, Allison Williams, thinks that her daughter's generation are

more financially stretched than when she was a young parent. She said:

"It's so much harder now — they both have to work full time and if they don't there's

not enough money to try and save, plus childcare is so expensive, travel is so expensive."

Associate Professor Ben Phillips from Australian National University's Centre for Social Research

& Methods said that NSW standards of living started to plateau around 2013.

"Over the last 30 years we have had living standards increase very strongly by say 60,

70% both in NSW and Australia. The last 10 years things have turned though."

Both major parties are making campaign promises to help out cash-strapped Sydneysiders. The

Berejiklian Government have been rolling out various schemes such as $300 baby bundles,

and free car registration to those who spend $25 or more per week on Sydney toll roads.

The State Opposition are promising to give school children free bus travel, and provide

solar panel rebates if elected.

Independent polling analyst, Andrew Catsaras, stated:

"When you're promising to do something about the cost of living, it's almost like promising

people you're going to do something about ageing. It really is a very nice promise to

make but whether or not you can actually deliver is another thing all together and I think

voters see it that way. In small pockets with particular offers it may make a difference,

but across the board I don't think it makes much difference at all."

I'd like to finish this video with a breakdown of what the average Sydneysider actually spends

their money on. Between 2008 and 2018, the biggest increase in spending was with medical

expenses, which have increased from 2.8% of household income to 4%.

The second biggest increase was with international holidays, which increased from 2.2% in 2008

to 3% of their income.

Household maintenance increased from 2% to 2.7%. Childcare expenses increased from 0.8%

to 1.4% of income. And the fifth biggest increase came with restaurant meals, rising from 2.8%

to 3.4% of household income.

Although the media have been playing up the cost of energy, which has almost doubled over

the last ten years, people are actually using less. People have quickly adapted their behaviour.

It turns out that petrol prices are lower than they were ten years ago, so not as much

household income is being spent on fuel.

Housing is by far the biggest expense, but it turns out due to lower interest rates,

it hasn't jumped as much as other areas.

So there we go. Sydney has become unaffordable for the average Aussie. What are your thoughts?

Should people just pack up and move to a cheaper city, leaving their family and friends behind?

Or should people force the government to act to stop putting money before people? Or, will

Sydney just crash and burn and become Australia's next ghetto? Let me know what you think below.

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