Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2019

Acacias 38 avance 955: Flora es puesta en libertad sana y salva

Felipe y Celia tienen una fuerte discusión por su ausencia durante el cumpleaños de Lucía con el pretexto de ver a Milagros.

Lucía y Telmo deciden casarse y ponen en marcha la Fundación Marqués de Válmez.

Samuel regresa a casa con manchas de sangre en su ropa y se encuentra a Carmen y a Cesáreo cenando juntos. El Alday echa al sereno de su casa.

A pesar sus reticencias, Celia convence a Ramón para sacar de paseo a Milagros, que se tensa ante su tardanza.

Mientras tanto, Celia presume de niña a quien la presenta como su hija.

Jimeno Batán amenaza a Samuel porque no ha cumplido su encargo.

El de Alday visita a Espineira para contarle su plan para destruir a Telmo.

Íñigo hipoteca la Deliciosa para pagar al prestamista; tras una tensa espera, Flora es puesta en libertad sana y salva.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 avance 955: Flora es puesta en libertad sana y salva - Duration: 1:47.


Bernie Sanders Joins Democratic Presidential Race - Duration: 6:58.

-Well, you guys, Bernie Sanders has announced

that he is running for president.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Although at age 77 years old, he isn't so much running

as he's slowly wandering for president.

[ Laughter and applause ]

That's right, at age 77, Bernie is the only candidate

who tossed his hat and his teeth into the ring.

[ Laughter and applause ]

I saw that Bernie first announced

that he is running for Ver--

I saw that Bernie first announced

that he's running for president on Vermont public radio

at 6:20 a.m.

[ Laughter ] -Oh.

-It was a huge shock to the three people

listening to Vermont public radio at 6:00.

They couldn't believe it. They were next to each other.

They're all in the same kitchen. -"Merle."

-"Hey, Merle." -"Merle, get in here."

-"I am in here."

[ Light laughter ]

But within hours, his campaign raised more than $1 million.

[ Cheers ]

Bernie actually brought in so much money

that he spent the rest of the day attacking himself.

He's like, "We need to take the money out of my campaign!"

Some more campaign news.

Yesterday Democratic candidate Kirsten Gillibrand

was speaking at a bar in Iowa.

Did anyone see this?

But, no, she was in a bar and she was speaking.

She's running.

And not everyone was there to see her.

Watch this.

-I don't think you should back away from the bold ideas

that the base and the grassroots care about.

-Sorry, I'm just trying to get some ranch.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Come on!

That's my state, baby.

-Come on.

"I'm just trying to get some ranch.

That's all."

She's like, "Look, your election's in two years.

I need my ranch now, okay?

Come on. Keep talking. Yeah. Yeah.

Don't worry about it. I'm not worried.

I got to get my ranch."

-Mama needs her ranch.

-That's the best.

Well, there are already more than 10 Democrats

running for president.

And I read that some of them

have started trying to dig up dirt on each other.

-Ooh. -Yep.

There's a lot of rumors going around about the candidates.

For example, there's a rumor going around

about Elizabeth Warren

that says she told the cashier at IKEA that she was 1% Swedish

to get a discount on meatballs.

Do you believe this?

I'm not saying it's true. These are all rumors.

-It's a rumor.

-Do you believe this type of stuff?

-No, I cannot. -Well, here's John Delaney.

What they're saying about him is that he's one of the mice

from "Cinderella" that turned into a human.


-Look at my face. I'm in shock.

-That's shocking.

-Here's Kirsten Gillibrand. -Right.

-What they're saying about her

is that she's the top-selling real-estate agent

in the tri-state area five years running.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Someone said they saw that on the back of a park bench.

On the back of a bench by a bus stop they saw that.

The rumors. -"I need my ranch."


"Yeah, that's all well and good. I need my ranch."

[ Laughter ]

Oh, man. -The mayor of Hidden Valley.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Not bad, dude. Not bad.

And finally, here's Julián Castro right there.

They're saying he goes to bars

and tells people he's a better-looking Jimmy Fallon.

[ Cheers and applause ]

He is. He is much better-looking.

Some more news.

Last night, President Trump gave a speech in Miami

about the situation in Venezuela.

But he had some trouble saying the word "Venezuela."

Listen to this.

-A few weeks ago, on January 23rd, Vene-wella's --

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, my.

-"A few weeks ago, Venus Williams --"

[ Laughter ]

"A few weeks ago, Van Wilder --"

[ Laughter ]

And get this -- In honor of next's week's summit,

a barber in Vietnam is giving free haircuts

in the style of Trump and Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, barber came up with the idea

after realizing that he's really bad at cutting hair.

[ Laughter and applause ]

He's going to look like that anyway, so, yeah.

-There you go.

-I saw that tomorrow, President Trump

is meeting with the chancellor of Austria.

-Ooh. -Yeah.

Which can only mean that we're two days away

from having to apologize to the people of Australia.

[ Laughter and applause ] "I love Australia.

Austria. I love it.

I want to meet a kangaroo.

And the cast of 'Sound of Music.'"

♪ The hills ♪

Here's a big story.

16 states are now suing Trump

after he declared a national emergency

to get money for his wall.

Well, now Trump is getting back at some of those states

by filing lawsuits against them.

-Oh. -Check these out.

First up, Trump sued Hawaii

for putting pineapple on pizza and acting like it's normal.

Come on. Nobody -- It's not normal.

It's not a pizza. -Wow.

-Next up, he sued Colorado

for giving Utah and Wyoming a contact high.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Up next, he wanted to take Rhode Island to court

for not really being an island.

Fake news.

[ Laughter and applause ] -Wow.

-And, of course, Trump sued New Mexico for obvious reasons.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Listen to this, guys.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife

want to end all diseases by the end of this century.


[ Applause ] Sure.

When he heard that, the CEO of Tinder was like,

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Don't touch me.

Check this out.

The heir to Baskin-Robbins is walking away from the company

so he can promote healthy living instead.

But this was annoying.

Before he left, he sampled all 32 flavors.

-Really? -He's one of those guys.

He's one of those guys.

"Can I try the vanilla?

Thank you very much.

[ Laughter ]

Are you sure this is seven bean? I only taste six beans.

There's the seventh. I like it now.

I'm gonna get a smoothie instead. Sorry."

This isn't good, guys.

Over a dozen people in San Diego had to be rescued

after they got stuck on a gondola

at SeaWorld for four hours. -Oh.

-When they heard that, the whales at SeaWorld were like,

"Oh, wow.

Trapped for four hours.

Trapped, huh?

For four whole hours?

Yeah, wow. Sounds terrible."

Get this, guys.

Researchers say that they've created artificial intelligence

that's so good at texting

that it's too dangerous to be released.

Yeah, it even knows how to play with your emotions,

like making you see three bubbles come up

and then never sending anything.

Oh. Evil.

Evil robot.

And finally, I read that a "Golden Girls"-themed cruise

is setting sail next year.

Oh, yeah.

Dude, this girl was just like, "What?"

[ Laughter ]

That's the best reaction ever, yeah, yeah.

That's right, a whole cruise celebrating horny grandmas,

or as that's also known, a cruise.

That's what a cruise is.

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders Joins Democratic Presidential Race - Duration: 6:58.


Destapado el romance entre Alessandro Lequio y Cristina Tárrega - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Destapado el romance entre Alessandro Lequio y Cristina Tárrega - Duration: 3:09.


Los partidos no esperan a la campaña y llevan la batalla electoral al Congreso - Duration: 8:38.

 Sin ningún sonrojo ni espera. La convocatoria de elecciones generales para el próximo 28 de abril ha puesto al Gobierno y a la oposición en campaña electoral, pese a que oficialmente la legislatura no concluye hasta el próximo 5 de marzo

La ruptura del pacto de Toledo sobre la reforma de las pensiones, el insólito libro del jefe del Ejecutivo, Pedro Sánchez, titulado Manual de Resistencia, el diálogo con la Generalitat o el anuncio de que Ciudadanos de que no apoyará al PSOE han impregnando esta mañana la penúltima sesión de control al Gobierno

Los mensajes electorales se entrecruzan ya en la Cámara con los que se lanzan en los actos de partido

 En esta línea Sánchez ha defendido un balance de casi 9 meses "razonable y positivo", que ha logrado crear empleo, consolidar las cuentas y redistribuir la riqueza

No ha conseguido aprobar los presupuestos pero, en un claro primer mensaje de campaña ha prometido que volverá a traerlos

 El balance para el líder de la oposición, Pablo Casado, es muy distinto: Ha intentado "vender" la nación a los independentistas, no ha dejado de hacer "concesiones" a los separatistas en ocho meses y ha pinchado el crecimiento económico

Si convoca elecciones, según Casado, es obligado por el PP por haber desenmascarado su estrategia

Le recomendamos que vaya empaquetando el colchón y salga de La Moncloa, ha dicho

 Como se ha podido comprobar a lo largo de estos meses este lance sólo podía acabar mal

El presidente le ha reprochado "el nivel". "Usted tiene la lengua larga del insulto y las patas cortas de la mentira", le ha respondido, que ha echado mano de la "foto de Colón" para calificarla como de la "involución"

"Usted no está hablando de Cataluña, usted dibuja una España en la que sólo cabe usted y los que piensan como usted

Ojalá el próximo 28 de abril la mentira y la crispación salgan de la vida política con usted derrotado en las urnas"

Podemos también se lanza contra Sánchez Ni Podemos ha perdonado hoy la vida en el Congreso al presidente del Gobierno

En un claro intento de desligarse de su acción política, después de haberle apoyado durante su breve mandato, su portavoz Irene Montero, ha intentado asimilar al PSOE con la gestión gubernamental del PP y se ha atribuido todos los avances sociales de estos meses de Sánchez al frente del Ejecutivo

Montero ha asegurado que Sánchez ha traído los recortes por la puerta de atrás al haber dado órdenes "en secreto" para que los ministerios no puedan gastar más del 50% de lo presupuestado

Lo mismo que hizo en su día, ha señalado, el ex ministro de Hacienda, Cristóbal Montoro

La portavoz de Unidos Podemos se ha lanzado directamente a la campaña desde su escaño y ha pedido el voto abiertamente para su formación política

 Sánchez ha tratado de contenerla agradeciendo el respaldo parlamentario de su partido durante este tiempo pero no ha desaprovechado la oportunidad para recriminarle a Podemos que haya dinamitado el Pacto de Toledo

 Albert Rivera ha perseverado en los mensajes de los últimos días, en la ratificación pública de que no alcanzará con el PSOE un acuerdo y ha pedido al jefe del Ejecutivo que aclare si está dispuesto a negociar en la próxima legislatura con los independentistas e incluso si indultará a "los golpistas de Cataluña"

 Sánchez ha eludido las dos cuestiones amparándose en que el texto original de la pregunta era diferente

Ante el silencio del presidente, el líder de Ciudadanos ha asegurado que él sí se compromete, en caso de llegar a La Moncloa, a no indultar a nadie

Y ha reiterado que, precisamente, por la ambigüedad de Sánchez, ha decidido que en ningún caso pactará con él tras los comicios

 El jefe del Ejecutivo ha arremetido contra Rivera acusándole de querer poner "un cordón sanitario" al PSOE

"Usted lidera el cambio de chaqueta permanente", le ha reprochado, "porque su concepción de la democracia es excluyente"

De nuevo ante el líder de Cs ha sacado Sánchez a relucir la foto de Colón y le ha espetado: "Se ha puesto usted una chaqueta que huele a naftalina"

 El combate parlamentario ha seguido en las siguientes preguntas al Gobierno. La vicepresidenta, Carmen Calvo, ha asegurado que se enteró de que los secesionistas iban a pedir la independencia el 1-O mientras el Gobierno del PP "permitía un referéndum ilegal"

La portavoz parlamentaria de los populares, Dolors Monserrat, ha enhebrado igualmente lo que en su opinión ha sido una larga lista de concesiones a los separatistas

"Esto ha sido la mayor deslealtad de un Gobierno en la democracia, nos han mentido y nos han traicionado y lo van a volver a hacer", ha advertido antes de asegurar que Sánchez pasará a la historia como "el cómplice de Pedralbes y el traidor a España" y Calvo como "la relatora de su fracaso"

For more infomation >> Los partidos no esperan a la campaña y llevan la batalla electoral al Congreso - Duration: 8:38.


Cake Baloo por Carles Mampel - Duration: 8:34.

Mix all solids in a food processor.

Add eggs, banana puree, rum and vanilla extract.

Heat butter up to 60ºC and add to the mixture.

Fill a buttered and floured stainless steel frame with the batter up to 40% capacity.

Arrange diced banana and minced pecan nuts on the dough.

Finish filling with the batter up to 65% of the mould capacity.

Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes.

After 8 minutes, cut the centre with the help of a knife dipped in water.

Bring back to the oven to finish baking.

Once the cakes are cooked, perfect the shape and set aside.

Mix hot coconut pulp with melted couverture and Cremsucre.

Add the coconut liquor.


Mould in a mini-spheres shaped silicone mould and freeze.

Once frozen, unmould.

Coat with Ivoire 35% couverture and batter the spheres with dry grated coconut.

Paint with silver spray and set aside.

Mix syrup and rum.

Scrape vanilla pod and add the seeds to the mixture.

Dip the cakes in the rum bath.

Finish perfecting the shape with the help of the stainless steel frame.

Freeze and set aside.

Melt couverture.

Add grape seed oil.

Mix with a silicone spatula.

Set aside.

Toast the grated dry coconut in the oven.

With the cake frozen, bathe 1/3 of the height in the Dulcey Glaçage at 33ºC.

Batter with toasted grated dry coconut.

Aside, melt white couverture and paint a stainless frame somewhat bigger with it.

Insert the cake in the bathed frame and let dry.


Finish the cake with the coconut ganache spheres and white chocolate decorations.

For more infomation >> Cake Baloo por Carles Mampel - Duration: 8:34.


El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2020: Antolina descubre a Álvaro ¡lo tiene en su sus manos! - Duration: 5:22.

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2020: Antolina descubre a Álvaro ¡lo tiene en su sus manos!

Mientras Antolina descubre a Álvaro y lo tiene en sus manos, Fe se marcha sola de Puente Viejo.

Además, María se está planteando seriamente marcharse para siempre. El jueves, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

Este jueves 21 de febrero, Antena 3 estrena el penúltimo capítulo de la semana de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

su exitosa ficción diaria que sigue manteniendo la fidelidad de la audiencia cada tarde.

Mientras en la entrega del miércoles, la despedida de Fe y la confesión de don Berengario son protagonistas,

el jueves, don Berengario ha confesado, pero no por ello se siente mejor.

Por otra parte, tras lo que Prudencio le ha contado, a Saúl sólo le falta preguntar a Julieta.

Don Berengario confiesa a la joven que no sabe si vale la pena callar y Julieta, además, no sabe si sería mejor hablar.

Saúl escucha parte de la conversación, pero de momento, disimula intrigado.

Entretanto, los matones no venían a atacar a Álvaro de nuevo. Al contrario, resulta que tienen "negocios" en común.

Antolina está en el colmado cuando Dolores vuelve a ver a los tres forasteros mal encarados.

Antolina se hace la encontradiza y entabla conversación con los forasteros mientras les da de beber. A la par, Isaac no entiende a su mujer:

Antolina se ha levantado hoy muy animada y acto seguido va a que la vea el doctor… a solas. Elsa no tiene más remedio que marcharse.

Por su parte, Elsa demuestra que tienen la gripe bajo control. Álvaro cree que merece un sueldo, pero ella se niega.

Más tarde, Antolina ha venido para decirle a Álvaro que lo ha descubierto. Lo tiene en sus manos.

En La Casona, Raimundo dice la verdad a Fe: Mauricio no va a acompañarla, pero ella debe irse igualmente.

Es una situación extremadamente dolorosa para ella echar una última mirada a Puente Viejo y marchar sola.

Finalmente, Francisca teme que María esté pensando en marcharse después del estrepitoso fracaso con el movimiento contra Roberto.

No va mal encaminada la Montenegro: María se está planteando seriamente marcharse de Puente Viejo para siempre.

Julieta duda si no sería mejor contar la verdad

tTas lo que Prudencio le ha contado, a Saúl sólo le falta preguntar a Julieta.

Don Berengario confiesa a la joven que no sabe si vale la pena callar y Julieta, además, no sabe si sería mejor hablar.

Saúl escucha parte de la conversación, pero de momento, disimula intrigado.

Fe se marcha sola de Puente Viejo

Raimundo dice la verdad a Fe: Mauricio no va a acompañarla, pero ella debe irse igualmente.

Es una situación extremadamente dolorosa para ella echar una última mirada a Puente Viejo y marchar sola.

María se está planteando seriamente marcharse de Puente Viejo para siempre

Francisca teme que María esté pensando en marcharse después del estrepitoso fracaso con el movimiento contra Roberto.

No va mal encaminada la Montenegro: María se está planteando seriamente marcharse de Puente Viejo para siempre.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2020: Antolina descubre a Álvaro ¡lo tiene en su sus manos! - Duration: 5:22.


El bicarbonato de sodio hará que el cabello crezca más rápido| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> El bicarbonato de sodio hará que el cabello crezca más rápido| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 4:35.


ASMR|태국 마마 슈림프 톰얌꿍 라면과 속초 오징어 순대 먹방~ - Duration: 8:48.

Hello~ Everyone! I am G-NI (KANI JJANG)

Today I have prepared

squid sausage and

instant noodles from Thailand.

I eat now.

I will say hello also in Thai language today.


Today's menu is MAMA noodles.

Thank you!

I will get noodles ready first.

I am gonna cut cuttlefish sausage while waiting for 2 minutes.

I think it's done.

I will try noodle first.

This is tom yum kung flavoured noodles.

But I have not tasted tom yum kung until now.

And this is very delicious.

Tom yum kung also tastes like this?

I ate Thailand mama noodles and cuttlefish sausage very well.

I have to taste real tom yum kung later.

See you again~

For more infomation >> ASMR|태국 마마 슈림프 톰얌꿍 라면과 속초 오징어 순대 먹방~ - Duration: 8:48.


Boeing создает подводные истребители для ВМС США - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Boeing создает подводные истребители для ВМС США - Duration: 1:50.


30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.

Kotlas Airport, great weather - clear and frosty (-25°C)

Monument at the terminal - Yak-40 RA-87336 - previously flew in Kotlas airline

I was registered and "pleased" with a flight delay for 1 hour

Delay means that the second part of the flight will take place in the dark and video quality will be bad :(

2AOAO planned to open that flight on January 14, but the beginning was postponed due to the low demand

Only 4 passengers flew on this flight

Tickets for that flight are not sold on the Internet, they can only be bought at the airport ticket offices

RA-67603 flies since 1989

19 seats

Penal colony number in Kotlas

Vychegda river

My height is 190 cm

Uftyuga river

Forest felling

At dusk, clearly visible places where cuttings are conducted

For more infomation >> 30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.


JOAN DE TROYA - ACID MOOD [Shotby.PHARA33] - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> JOAN DE TROYA - ACID MOOD [Shotby.PHARA33] - Duration: 4:20.


Cuando Kiko Hernández era joven - Duration: 2:51.

Es uno de los referentes de Sálvame, veterano de las broncas en el plató de Telecinco y hasta presentador cuando se ausentan los conductores oficiales. Han pasado muchos años.

El viaje televisivo de Kiko Hernández ha dado mucho de sí desde que quedó como tercer finalista en la tercera edición de Gran Hermano,

donde protagonizó un tórrido edredoning con Patricia Ledesma, a la postre única novia oficial del tertuliano, que siempre se ha guardado como un tesoro su vida privada, según ABC.

Y eso que ha sacado rédito a su trayectoria televisiva gracias a su paso por diversos programas del corazón, desde A tu lado a La Noria,

hasta que debutó en Sálvame hace casi una década, en 2010, programa en el que sigue hoy en día como uno de los colaboradores principales junto a Belén Esteban, Mila Ximénez y Lidia Lozano.

Pero mucho antes de convertirse en uno de los fijos de Sálvame, la gallina de los huevos de oro de las tardes de Telecinco,

Kiko Hernández debutó en televisión para hablar, curiosamente, de romanticismo.

Fue tras la muerte de José María Íñigo que se descubrieron los primeros pinitos de Kiko Hernández en televisión.

Fue durante el homenaje que Sábado Deluxe le hizo al querido presentador de radio y televisión cuando,

en el vídeo, apareció un fragmento del programa ¿De qué parte estás? que presentaba en los años 90.

Lo que no se podían ni imaginar los propios organizadores del programa es que entre las imágenes emitidas en 1995 aparecería un jovencísimo Kiko Hernández

por primera vez en un plató de televisión, como invitado para dar su opinión sobre el romanticismo.

Parece que el tertuliano de Sálvame le cogió el gustillo a eso de verse en el medio catódico, pues a partir de ahí no dejó de probarse ante las cámaras.

Otra de sus desconocidas apariciones en televisión fue en la serie Farmacia de Guardia.

Fue el escritor Miguel Herrero quien, revisando viejos archivos, se topó con Kiko Hernández como figurante entre el reparto de la mítica ficción.

Así que siete años antes de participar en Gran Hermano, al televisivo ya le había picado el gusanillo de ser famoso.

For more infomation >> Cuando Kiko Hernández era joven - Duration: 2:51.


Experiencia FisioSalud Élite - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Experiencia FisioSalud Élite - Duration: 1:30.


Jurgen Klopp Rues Liverpool Wastefulness Against Bayern Munich But Insists 0-0 Is 'Good Enough' - Duration: 2:21.

 ​Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has admitted that Tuesday's 0-0 draw with Bayern Munich in the first leg of the Champions League last 16 tie was not the 'result we dreamed of', but added it is still 'good enough to work with' ahead of the return leg in Germany next month

  Liverpool were wasteful in front of goal during the game, often failing to hit the target or play the killer final ball in good areas

It resulted in just two of their 15 efforts going on target.  "It's not the result or the game we dreamed of

Not really a lot of things happened in the game but it was an intense one," Klopp said after the final whistle, via LiverpoolFC

com.  "There was a lot of respect involved in the game and that made life uncomfortable

But in the first half we still had chances. We had 10 or 12 situations where everything was prepared, everything was on a plate, and then we played a very average last pass or gave it away," he added

Unbeaten in our last 20 European games at Anfield.Onto Munich we go! ✊ pic.twitter

com/Gvw3WCpwRm— Liverpool FC (@LFC) February 19, 2019  "It's 0-0, the best draw you can get

It will be a tough one again to play at Bayern. If we win 1-0 tonight, what would have changed really? Then a 0-0 is enough as well, or we draw 1-1 - but that's now enough as well

So it's not perfect but good enough to work with." Looking ahead to the trip to Munich next month, Klopp said, "It's not decided What we wanted tonight was to get a result that we can work with - and we can work with that result

  "As I said, it's not decided and we still feel like we are properly in the competition, but we have to show that in three weeks


For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp Rues Liverpool Wastefulness Against Bayern Munich But Insists 0-0 Is 'Good Enough' - Duration: 2:21.


Karl Lagerfeld, una encrucijada en la historia de la moda - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Karl Lagerfeld, una encrucijada en la historia de la moda - Duration: 7:27.


El detalle del Príncipe Harry con Meghan por San Valentín, duramente criticado - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> El detalle del Príncipe Harry con Meghan por San Valentín, duramente criticado - Duration: 3:23.


Como Fazer Suco de GROSELHA Natural ? #receita - Duration: 0:52.

Currant Juice Recipe

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The currant juice is delicious.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


1 cup red currants (fruit, not syrup)

200 ml of water

Sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, drink and drink right away.

Share this recipe.

And do not forget to sign up for our channel.

See you

For more infomation >> Como Fazer Suco de GROSELHA Natural ? #receita - Duration: 0:52.


Choupette, la gata de los 3 millones de euros, heredará parte de la fortuna de Lagerfeld - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Choupette, la gata de los 3 millones de euros, heredará parte de la fortuna de Lagerfeld - Duration: 2:47.


Meghan Royals Es - Un asesor militar adjunto de Venezuela ante la ONU consideró "ilegal" al régimen - Duration: 4:20.

El coronel venezolano Pedro José Chirinos, asesor militar adjunto de Venezuela ante la ONU reconoció este miércoles a Juan Guaidó como presidente interino del país y consideró "ilegal" el régimen de Nicolás Maduro

"Me declaro en total y en absoluta desobediencia ante el gobierno ilegalmente constituido del señor Nicolás Maduro

Reconozco y ofrezco mi obediencia y subordinación al gobierno de transición a cargo del señor presidente, ingeniero Juan Guaidó", dijo en un video difundido en redes sociales

La experta en asuntos militares Sebastiana Barráez confirmó a la AFP que se trata del asesor militar adjunto, lo cual "realmente no tiene gran impacto", aunque se suma a varios casos de militares que reconocen a Guaidó

Desde que se autoproclamó presidente interino en funciones constitucionales el 23 de enero, Guaidó ha recibido el reconocimiento de un coronel del Ejército y un general la Aviación, ambos en servicio pero sin comando de tropas, un mayor general de la Aviación retirado, y un puñado de oficiales de menor rango

El coronel, Rubén Alberto Paz Jiménez, afirmó que "el 90% de las Fuerzas Armadas" están descontentas y están "siendo utilizadas" para mantener a Maduro y la cúpula gobernante "en el poder"

Una fallida rebelión de 27 militares de la Guardia Nacional el 21 de enero hizo estallar brotes de violencia, con pequeñas protestas y saqueos

La ONG Control Ciudadano calcula que unos 180 efectivos fueron detenidos en 2018 acusados de conspirar, y unos 10

000 miembros de la Fuerza Armada pidieron la baja desde 2015. Aunque esos episodios evidencian fisuras en el apoyo de las Fuerzas Armadas a Maduro, el ministro de Defensa, general Vladimir Padrino reiteró este martes la "obediencia, subordinaciòn y lealtad" de los militares al mandatario socialista

Maduro dijo también este martes haber recibido la promesa de "lealtad" en una reunión con "1

000 comandantes militares", realizada en vísperas de la movilización que convocó Guaidó para acompañar a brigadas de voluntarios que irán a las fronteras a recoger ayuda humanitaria

El gobierno y el cuerpo castrense se niegan al ingreso de esa carga de medicinas y alimentos, que ven como un pretexto para una intervención armada de Estados Unidos

Con información de AFP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: La contradicción de Nicolás Maduro sobre la ayuda humanitaria en 14 días El régimen de Maduro ordenó cerrar la zona fronteriza con las Antillas holandesas para bloquear la ayuda humanitaria

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Un asesor militar adjunto de Venezuela ante la ONU consideró "ilegal" al régimen - Duration: 4:20.


tìm hiểu kỹ hơn về chứng bệnh liệt dương ở nam giới | trị liệt dương mới nhất 2019 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> tìm hiểu kỹ hơn về chứng bệnh liệt dương ở nam giới | trị liệt dương mới nhất 2019 - Duration: 3:35.


Cake Baloo por Carles Mampel - Duration: 8:34.

Mix all solids in a food processor.

Add eggs, banana puree, rum and vanilla extract.

Heat butter up to 60ºC and add to the mixture.

Fill a buttered and floured stainless steel frame with the batter up to 40% capacity.

Arrange diced banana and minced pecan nuts on the dough.

Finish filling with the batter up to 65% of the mould capacity.

Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes.

After 8 minutes, cut the centre with the help of a knife dipped in water.

Bring back to the oven to finish baking.

Once the cakes are cooked, perfect the shape and set aside.

Mix hot coconut pulp with melted couverture and Cremsucre.

Add the coconut liquor.


Mould in a mini-spheres shaped silicone mould and freeze.

Once frozen, unmould.

Coat with Ivoire 35% couverture and batter the spheres with dry grated coconut.

Paint with silver spray and set aside.

Mix syrup and rum.

Scrape vanilla pod and add the seeds to the mixture.

Dip the cakes in the rum bath.

Finish perfecting the shape with the help of the stainless steel frame.

Freeze and set aside.

Melt couverture.

Add grape seed oil.

Mix with a silicone spatula.

Set aside.

Toast the grated dry coconut in the oven.

With the cake frozen, bathe 1/3 of the height in the Dulcey Glaçage at 33ºC.

Batter with toasted grated dry coconut.

Aside, melt white couverture and paint a stainless frame somewhat bigger with it.

Insert the cake in the bathed frame and let dry.


Finish the cake with the coconut ganache spheres and white chocolate decorations.

For more infomation >> Cake Baloo por Carles Mampel - Duration: 8:34.


趙方婧 & 劉泓君 - 知否demo9 (Cover:楊昊昆)【動態歌詞Lyrics】 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 趙方婧 & 劉泓君 - 知否demo9 (Cover:楊昊昆)【動態歌詞Lyrics】 - Duration: 4:37.



I always wanted to see my name in lights

good morning people of the world the world childers ladies oh yeah that's you

guys dogs babies where are we today my black

shirt that's you someone just got me up I slept really good last night guys

almost after you went to bed you slept almost your whole shit I think I needed

it I didn't wake him up but he came barreling up here about 15 minutes

before I stopped him what and he scared me half to death and I said what and he

said did you yell at me I said no that's what I heard though I was asleep I

wonder I better call and check on my kids to

make sure they're all okay right yeah Jess Matt right now wasn't me

I'll get down here can you believe that where have you been where are we at I

made you get dog we are and exit something in Oklahoma weird a Valero

so you look on the sign RV parking slash disposal I know

are we on forty or forty four forty all right how are we supposed to be on

well-well get up we're gonna get on 44 when we get to Oklahoma City we didn't

with you Oklahoma City we're still on 40 she told me to go on 40 I forgot to tell

you to get on the Parkway I know I did tell you you said 40 44 I said yeah 40

44 oh well I thought it was 44 40 oh this is why she was taking me this is 30

this is 30 miles further OMG yeah 30 miles oh well now I gotta go 70 yes no

you don't I gotta make up 30 miles the miles that were on there's the same cuz

this is the way she was trying to take me anyway

yeah but they are only paying their pay in 30 miles less than we're used to then

you use more fuel we're gonna go we're gonna go we're going on hard I'm gonna

make a left and go through the woods all right this stupid thing when I was

trying to look at the routing it wouldn't give it back to me it would

just show me the next turn because she kept trying to take me the other way and

40 and 44 we're both in Oklahoma City yes oh well I love you good I don't know

30 miles are you mom I wanted to go through Missouri but oh

well well you might if you take the back road you might I hope I left I will that

means I got to pull out the map book you know how often I pull out a map book

anymore that's just sad to say not very often do we even have a new map

brand-new 18 years out though it is not even a laminated large print map and we

still using the same one you found on the fuel island yes someone left it for

me they got a new one they left one that's what I always do with them

not that I'm buying any map books but if I buy one I'm leaving the old one on the

on the fuel island let's see what edition we have here music in this video

and some upcoming videos is provided by Leggett II one of my favorite

up-and-coming rock bands their link is in the description check them out I just


mirrors free righteous braids large-print for old men that's what

edition has well yeah Paul fella I bought that I bought that

he bought one for me remember I think he stole them Paul fell my my old hand that

I talked about he was a thief okay he was still good guy but he was 11 was

you even truck driving in 2011 probably ma there's there's roads missing I know

there is but it's okay there's a lot of a lot of Obama work went on after this

oh I don't know why I put it back over there for I got a look at it we're not

cooking nothing today would you know 800 miles to Chicago we're almost there I

did cook some coffee he's gonna get some Chester chicken gizzards I'm cheating

today imma cheating my thought y'all know that though it's just it's my

nature chicken chicken is a weakness of mine

it's like weird exit 212

okay because 15 miles ahead it's a golden pony I'm on the opposite

direction that kind of sounds nasty down it I'll be I'll be your golden pony I

can make anything sound nasty damn it damn it boy

alright you say we're at exit - what well I don't think that's possible

look at the green sign right there see the Green Mile

if I if i hook a left up here on 48th we can go up to Tulsa and then I'll feel

you here grace drinking yes they hear it she has to be on camera drinking every

time make that disappear all right so I'm going to 217 I'm hooking a left

problem solved there's even an interest there for the for the toll road so you

know I just want to go through Missouri Missouri where you from Missouri

I'm from the woods you tell on what they said on that stupid game thing you tell

them what they say I was watching that and I heard well I was listening when

they might had to divert my eyes to see who was speaking someone was talking

about them cow-tipping Midwesterners you too was going on this road less traveled

before we start this video let me just say rest in peace to all the YouTube



okay Oh somebody to get money you want to get money will you get money it's

your motherfucking shit that's what they said they called us counting

Midwesterners don't they know that we have our own stupid game out in the

woods we sit around on our porch and and and you hear that little freaky kid with

the with the goose eyes playing the banjo then I'm down down down down down

down right I'll insert that right here

and when people come to buy we don't sell crack out there right we can cook

up some methamphetamines and in what get ours right all right so the garage not

not honest but some people are cooking it what

they'll bring a pig over and the book can trade you this pick for somebody go

fast well sure you can and you know what if

they don't got enough pigs under their arm they better bring back some chicken

later because you know that's pretty cheap just saying their woods get their

country gangsters anything country and they're big and fat and and trot along

very slowly you gotta use your hosts shoulder okay you gotta you gotta put

your house shoulder in a cow and if you're not careful if it's a short cow

you could end up with your head up a cow's and that tail is late though if

they stand like smacking you the tail you can put high up so we face dangerous

every day nowhere near the cows anyway I gotta get up here and get my chicken and

maybe I'll talk to you again are you anything else she won't talk about no no

my Alex Express hello she passed Alex Express guys did you pass him at a high

rate speech yes I passed him at a high rate of speed and then he came up beside

me so I was cussing him Alex I have to say

normally when guys do that I tried to not look because they're wanting to show

me their man parts I just want to run into the side of him when they do it

maybe he waved and I was like no I know this person and then and then it dawned

on her name on the trailer no he was to me well I saw the name on the trailer

I was like oh okay and how did he pass you because the speed limit went down to

sixty because of a construction zone are you saying he was disregard limit okay

okay she didn't I said it sorry has accident that's funny though how y'all

like the girls new lip stuff I really like this color on her see he tells me

that because he wants me to wear this one all the time to give me lots of

compliments and give a lot to compliment so I'll wear this one all the time

okay lower that yeah tell y'all tell her that's the color for you girl it looks

like a good color it's got a little metallic shimmer to it not that I'm a

fashion guru but I know what does it for the boys right just saying you can't

tell you took me a chicken lickin now I'm gonna go get a gizzard

apparently I went the wrong way oh it's okay

you alright I found my exit we'll see you guys in a little bit

For more infomation >> AIRPLANE ON THE GROUND IN CHICAGO - TEAM LARGE CAR TO THE RESCUE - Duration: 15:14.


Single or Married BY Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 0:46.

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For more infomation >> Single or Married BY Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 0:46.


SAKSHI CHOPRA In BIKNI || HOT AVTAAR: Sakshi के जलवे देखना हो तो इधर आइए - Duration: 0:49.

Bikini Photoshoot

Sakshi Bikini Photos

For more infomation >> SAKSHI CHOPRA In BIKNI || HOT AVTAAR: Sakshi के जलवे देखना हो तो इधर आइए - Duration: 0:49.


Předpověď na 24h - 20. 2. 2019 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na 24h - 20. 2. 2019 - Duration: 1:03.







For more infomation >> AYVA ÇEKİRDEĞİ MASKESİ NASIL YAPILIR ? - Duration: 0:38.


Đồ Chơi Tài Xỉu Bịp Cách Chơi Tài Xỉu Lắc Tai Xiu Bip Mới Nhất 2019 - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> Đồ Chơi Tài Xỉu Bịp Cách Chơi Tài Xỉu Lắc Tai Xiu Bip Mới Nhất 2019 - Duration: 9:03.


Gdzie są polscy "sprawiedliwi"? Czy potomkowie powinni oddawać medale? - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Gdzie są polscy "sprawiedliwi"? Czy potomkowie powinni oddawać medale? - Duration: 6:42.


Dance practice but it' 12 minutes of us messing around - Duration: 12:27.

'Kay, it's recording

Aha, she's looking at us

Oh, we should like, grab on to each other's...

thingy (strings lmao)

[inaudible complaining]

so loud

We're having a concert, guys

Y'all hear that??

Y'all hear that????

That's how loud the music is from the aerobics room

And we're not even- fRANKIE LMAO


Sponsor me NCT


Eh, SM Town

Yeah, Station..

- Station 3 - Station 0

- Was it three? - Station 3

Oh Station 3



Let me collab with the '00 line

Watch out for our

Dream in a dream promotions because it deserved better

- Reverie. By Reverie - By Reverie

We have, like

So our main group is, like, A-teen

And then, like, in A-teen there's

That's our concept

How do you open this

Ya guys, we're using...

This is- this- th-

The squash court is now a dance practice...

Dance practice room (cuz we broke as hell)

Duck down (???? Bend down lol)

Y'all see that

What the heck's wrong with this thing

- Idk - Oh my God

She has white patches on her- oh it's not seen

But she has white patches on her...

- back - Now you can scan for my fingerprint

This is W

This is M

M or W

We got these strings

- Stwings - For our performance


- The weather is sooo good, oh my god- Right?

Looks like it's gonna rain

Hope it does rain

We got these masks

Today is the last day

- Of practice - Of practice

'Cause we have our performane tomorrow on a Wednesday

Two times

Do you wanna wear it or no?

- I don't mind not wearing it - Should we just keep it?

Yea just keep it

Keep souvenir

- We can uh, what's it called - And then we can just put the blings (in our eyes)


We can auction this

It's our merch

Gang gan- ow

Look I'm a- I'm a

Pro boxer

Ya, what she said

That's us. Gang

See you tomorrow :)

For more infomation >> Dance practice but it' 12 minutes of us messing around - Duration: 12:27.


Man United 'must offer Jadon Sancho Champions League football' - Duration: 2:48.

Manchester United 'will need to qualify for next season's Champions League to stand any chance of signing Borussia Dortmund wonderkid Jadon Sancho

'The Old Trafford club have made signing a right-sided forward one of their priorities for this summer and have reportedly made the 18-year-old England international their top target

Sancho joined Borussia Dortmund from United's bitter rivals Manchester City back in August 2017 in search of first-team football and has since taken the Bundesliga by storm

Manchester United 'are interested in signing Borussia Dortmund wonderkid Jadon Sancho' The 18-year-old England international is enjoying an excellent season with Borussia Dortmund According to The Mirror, United are determined to sign Sancho but know they will need to finish in the top four and ensure they can offer him Champions League football next season

The teenage winger has also shone in the Champions League for Dortmund this season and the club are set for a return to the competition next season as they currently lead the Bundesliga

United, by contrast, are fourth in the Premier League but face a battle with Arsenal and Chelsea between now and the end of the season

United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is trying to lead them back into the Champions League Sancho's  form has led to him winning his first three caps for England this season Sancho was on Manchester City's books for two years before swapping England for GermanyDortmund insist that Sancho, who has been capped three times by Gareth Southgate, is not for sale at any price and the player is contracted until June 2022

But any offer in excess of £100million would test their resolve, especially as they only paid £8m to sign Sancho from City's academy 18 months ago

City would benefit from any Sancho sale, having inserted a 15 per cent sell-on clause into the terms of his deal

London-born Sancho has been in outstanding form this season, scoring eight goals and contributing 13 assists in all competitions


For more infomation >> Man United 'must offer Jadon Sancho Champions League football' - Duration: 2:48.


Learn to Trade Stocks

For more infomation >> Learn to Trade Stocks


I Spy Color Song in Telugu | Learn colour with Fun | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 1:46.

Hey Kids, lets play a game today

I will ask you a colour and you

Point out objects of that colour to me

Ready, lets go…

I spy something Red

I spy something Red

What is it? Can you see

I see a red rose, a red house, a red hat, a red dress…

I spy something Brown

I spy something Brown

What is it? Can you see

I see a brown pants, a brown shirt, a brown tree bark, a brown bag

I spy something Yellow

I spy something Yellow

What is it? Can you see

I see yellow shoes, yellow bus, the yellow sun, a yellow scarf

I spy something Pink

I spy something Pink

What is it? Can you see

I see a pink cup, a pink saucer, a pink purse, a pink bow

Hey Children! These colours are so beautiful!!

For more infomation >> I Spy Color Song in Telugu | Learn colour with Fun | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 1:46.


Wyzwanie na kołach: jak zdobyć Panhard EBR 75 FL 10 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Wyzwanie na kołach: jak zdobyć Panhard EBR 75 FL 10 - Duration: 3:53.


Trøndelag i arbeid - Mari Kristine - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Trøndelag i arbeid - Mari Kristine - Duration: 1:52.


Jurgen Klopp & Niko Kovac both explained heated exchange at end of Liverpool v Bayern - Duration: 3:04.

 Liverpool and Bayern Munich produced a bore draw in their Champions League last 16 first leg at Anfield

 Given both teams proficiency in attack, and their defensive troubles, many expected the tie to be a high scoring one

 However, that did not prove to be the case.  Chances were few and far between during the 90 minutes, with both goalkeepers rarely being troubled

 That means that there's all to play for going into the second leg at the Allianz Arena next month

 Bayern will go into the tie as favourites, knowing that a win on the night would see them through to the quarter-finals

 However, Liverpool know that a score draw would see them through.  While Tuesday night's encounter was a drab affair, there was a talking point between both managers after the game

 Jurgen Klopp and Niko Kovac were seen arguing after the game, with the former clearly wound up

 Watch the moment below:  It was unknown what the argument was about at the time

 But both managers were asked about the exchange after the game, and it seems the cause of the issue was about the handshake

 "I wanted to shake Niko's hand immediately and then he went in the crowd of his players," said Klopp, per Sky Sports

"I thought he shakes the whole of Bayern's hands.  "Then when he came back I said 'I am waiting' and he apologised and I said no problem and he wants to apologise again

That's how it was."  And Kovac's version of events was the same as Klopp's.  "That was funny," said the Bayern boss

"We were on English soil. In Germany it is normal when games end you shake hands with your players

 "In England, first the coaches shake hands. So I did what I did in Germany, said sorry and made up for it

And in Germany we will do it as we do it in Germany."  So there we have it. It seems there won't be any animosity when the two managers face off for the second leg on March 13

 Who do you think will progress to the quarter-finals? Have your say by leaving a comment below

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp & Niko Kovac both explained heated exchange at end of Liverpool v Bayern - Duration: 3:04.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-fun - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-fun - Duration: 1:12.


«Когда меня спрашивают о любимом забеге, я не думая отвечаю, что это Будапешт» — Вера Филимонова - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> «Когда меня спрашивают о любимом забеге, я не думая отвечаю, что это Будапешт» — Вера Филимонова - Duration: 3:12.


Bh:n GRACE sätter din komfort i fokus - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Bh:n GRACE sätter din komfort i fokus - Duration: 0:43.


틱톡 200K 조회수 영상 모음집٩(๑• ₃ -๑)۶ [ENG SUB] TikTok 200K View Video - Duration: 1:19.

Today! I've brought 7 videos with 200K views!

I hope 'heart' is 200k in the near future. LOL

For more infomation >> 틱톡 200K 조회수 영상 모음집٩(๑• ₃ -๑)۶ [ENG SUB] TikTok 200K View Video - Duration: 1:19.


Bývalá hvězda Tváře Eva Burešová: Odhalí sexy zadeček i ve StarDance?! - Duration: 1:34.

 Tělo by jí mohla závidět nejedna žena, není tudíž divu, že se herečka na focení nestyděla

„Není to nic sprostého, nic abnormálně hambatého. Nic víc, než můžeme vidět denně na obrazovkách či hudebních klipech," vyjádřila se k odvážným fotografiím maminka devatenáctiměsíčního syna Nathaniela

   V pěvecké show Tvoje tvář má známý hlas, kde se umístila na druhém místě, dokázala, že má »stříbro« v hrdle

Kdyby přišla nabídka do taneční soutěže, nerozmýšlela by se prý dlouho.   „Byla by to skvělá zkušenost a já myslím, že si takové nabídky váží každý, komu to kdy bylo nabídnuto," odpověděla Eva na otázku Blesku

Zda je skutečně její účast ve hře či nikoliv, ale zatím neprozradila.    VIDEO: Eva Burešová z Tváře: Lascivní taneček v rozkroku nového muže?   Video délka: 00:43 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Eva Burešová z Tváře: Lascivní taneček v rozkroku nového muže? redakce Blesk, hudba: hudebnibanka


For more infomation >> Bývalá hvězda Tváře Eva Burešová: Odhalí sexy zadeček i ve StarDance?! - Duration: 1:34.


ASMR|태국 마마 슈림프 톰얌꿍 라면과 속초 오징어 순대 먹방~ - Duration: 8:48.

Hello~ Everyone! I am G-NI (KANI JJANG)

Today I have prepared

squid sausage and

instant noodles from Thailand.

I eat now.

I will say hello also in Thai language today.


Today's menu is MAMA noodles.

Thank you!

I will get noodles ready first.

I am gonna cut cuttlefish sausage while waiting for 2 minutes.

I think it's done.

I will try noodle first.

This is tom yum kung flavoured noodles.

But I have not tasted tom yum kung until now.

And this is very delicious.

Tom yum kung also tastes like this?

I ate Thailand mama noodles and cuttlefish sausage very well.

I have to taste real tom yum kung later.

See you again~

For more infomation >> ASMR|태국 마마 슈림프 톰얌꿍 라면과 속초 오징어 순대 먹방~ - Duration: 8:48.


La confisca dei soldi 💰 - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> La confisca dei soldi 💰 - Duration: 6:59.


BHC 신메뉴♬ 뿌링 치즈볼, 뿌링 소떡소떡, 뿌링 치즈스틱 리얼사운드_ 뿌링 사이드메뉴 솔직리뷰&먹방! 新しいチーズボール Cheese Stick (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 14:35.

BHC New menu_Side dishes

Bburing Sodduck-sodduck + Bburing Cheese stick + Bburing Cheese ball

Hello Sprouts♧ Here's Iluliy♥

What I brought today is !

BHC's new menu! New side dishes☆

★:: Ta-da ~ ::★

This is 'Bburing Sodduck-Sodduck' (sausage&rice cake screwer)

'Bburing cheese stick'

This.. is 'Bburing Cheese ball'

Wow BHC released amazing new dishes..♥

I can't wait to taste those!

I'll try it right away ;*D

::[complimentary coke]::

Oh!! Delicious T0T ♡♥

Bburing seasoning smells very strong @_@

It's good♡

One more !

While existing cheese balls are soft and light,

this is more intense and salty☆

Once, I've thought

"What if Bburinkle seasoning is on it?"

while eating cheese ball.

Then 'Bburing cheese ball' came out, as it happens.

I was surprised Haha

Salty and savory Bburing powder on cheese balls

I think it's so delicious♪

Now..'Bburing cheese stick'!

Gosh.. it's not crispy..

it's little bit soggy T_T

The taste of seasoning is too strong

to feel the taste of cheese ㅠ_ㅠ

bah.. it's a little disappointing TㅅT

The taste is not bad, but cheese doesn't stretch,,

It's like kind of salty cracker


Though it's good to have 'Bburing cheese stick' for new menu,

I'm little disappointed because it's soggy due to too much seasoning

and because the cheese inside is already hardened.

Now I'll try 'Bburing Sodduck-Sodduck'!!

CRISP - - -

crisp crisp crisp!

Oh wow!! It's good >_<

The rice cake is so chewy♡

Sausage & rice cake together ♪

Wow it's awesome♥

It tastes really good with Bburing seasoning :D♬

♡ This is delicious ♡

I think I would order and eat it a lot ^0^

Surely lots of people will like it I think♥

'Bburing Sodduck-Sodduck', it's good! b

When I'm done eating all~ these

I will give you the comprehensive review honestly!

Bburing cheese ball is good, but i'm thinking

it would be better if there is less seasoning powder on it!!

This cheese stick, I think people would either like it or hate it!

I'm thinking it would be better

if it is fried a bit again in air fryer.

My favorite is Bburing Sodduck-sodduck♪

Suitable amount of seasoning makes it tastier I think : )

It was a good idea to order this ㅎ_ㅎ♡

It's nice because rice cake is crispy on the outside, but chewy on the inside♬

But after having more than two cheese balls..

I began to feel too much salty taste ㅠ_ㅠ

I think that's because of excessive seasoning

Except for that, it is unique and good!

Still, i think original cheese ball tastes better

All ends with cold ★:: COKE ::★

I enjoyed it today, Sprouts~

Though I explained about taste while eating,

I will summarize it again !

First of all, Bburing cheese ball, its first taste was really good

But there are few flaws.

Because there was too much seasoning on it,

'Salty taste' became stronger at the end.

And because of strong seasoning,

it was hard to taste unique savory flavor of cheese inside

So that was little disappointing.

But it was quite palatable

And the most disappointing thing was

'Bburing cheese stick'

Because there was excessive seasoning,

cheese stick was very soggy.

That was disappointing

Of the three, this didn't suit my taste the most

And the best thing was 'Bburing Sodduck-sodduck'!

I was suprised because it was SO delicious than I expected!!

Rice cake was so crispy

and sausage was also good ^0^♪

There were things to be desired

and things I enjoyed.

As the taste is a subjective matter,

I think each person will have a slightly different feelings

And the taste could be different by each branch

so keep that in mind and watch my review!

Anyway, I enjoyed it overall ^-^

Then I will come back to you with more delicious video

Bye bye ~♡

For more infomation >> BHC 신메뉴♬ 뿌링 치즈볼, 뿌링 소떡소떡, 뿌링 치즈스틱 리얼사운드_ 뿌링 사이드메뉴 솔직리뷰&먹방! 新しいチーズボール Cheese Stick (JP/ENG SUB) [이루리] - Duration: 14:35.


(EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP3 [소리] - Duration: 6:21.

SoRi's Youtube Channel

I arrived to the beach

This is Venice beach

The sunset

I need to take one too

People are leaving the kickboard scooters like this after riding them

I will just take it

It's kind of scary

Why it does this sound?

So there is this kind of color too?

This world is awesome

The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside

My style

I arrived to the beach

Venice beach?

This place is Venice beach everybody!!!

It was very hot during daytime

But because of the seaside, the wind here is strong

Now is around 5, it's getting darker

And today

In USA is the Thanksgiving Day!

So everybody came to eat lunch as is a holiday

quite freely

~free spirit fits me well, isn't it?

(here is the free spirit)

(the beautiful sunset seen from Venice beach)

(the difference of temperature between day and night in LA is quite big)

The sunset!!

Everybody this is the place I saw it a lot of times at TV

the famous Venice beach

It's a hot place

Here people are riding the kickboard scooters

(a lot of people riding the electric board)

I need to try it too

After they are riding it

they can just leave it like this anywhere

Is OK just to ride it?

How does it works?

From this place named "Bird" (the kickboard rental company)

I think is like this

(suddenly an alarm started)

(what is she doing?)

How does it work?

Notice: Don't do this!

Why does it make sound?

Everybody actually it cannot be just taken like this

You should reserve it through application

Like this

I did something that not a smart person would do

There are so many here

They are just leaving them here and leave

(there is not a separate place for parking them)

You can recharge them too

I want to ride a skateboard too

(such a beautiful color of the sky )

so beautiful

there are such colors of the sky too

~in this world

Why I didn't know?

(after taking a walk to the Venice beach now is time for dinner)

Really beautiful

this is LA

~why I didn't know till now that there is such a beautiful place


The street is so beautiful

I came to eat

But the street is really nice, isn't it?

(people walking on the street said "hi"to the camera)

They said "hi" to the camera

So cool

(Love for those who said "hi" to SoRi's camera)

This is Santa Monica

shopping downtown place

If you check on the back of this street, there is a mall too

And also a lot of people

tourists and locals as well

There are places where you can do some shopping, eat or drink coffee

Isn't it pretty?

(arriving at the dinner place)

I will have dinner here

Steak and shake

It came out

This is the shake

As the name of this place is Steak and Shake

The shake here is quite popular

I ordered strawberry shake

It looks I eat after a long time

First this is the original hamburger

(the LA original hamburger)

Look closer

It will fit in my mouth to eat it?

Let's try it

It's delicious

(shaking the head in approvement)

Is it because I am hungry?

(the next burger: frisco melt)

(butter toast with melted cheese and patty)

The best

This is my style

I will eat well

This is the first time eating this

(because of low battery the mukbang video ends here)

The bread is crunchy outside and soft inside

This is my style

(next day morning)

Hi everybody

I am SoRi

This is the second day in LA


Today's schedule

I am going to do some shopping in preparation for my second single "I'm Ready"

Is not decided what kind of costumes I would get

But I will go to get some clothes for my stage performance or other promotion activities

If I get some nice ones, I will do a new Haul video for you

And also

The most important reason I am going shopping now in LA

and going by car around 30 minutes

Today in USA


So I chose some black pattern clothes as well

and my hair is black too

Let's check out the Black Friday in USA together

The weather is so nice

(stay tuned for the next episode of SoRi's USA trip)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) [Vlog] 소리 미국 출장기, EP3 [소리] - Duration: 6:21.


塔罗牌占卜:不占不知道,原来2019年你们之间的缘分这么深? - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 塔罗牌占卜:不占不知道,原来2019年你们之间的缘分这么深? - Duration: 10:16.


心理测试:哪一对猫头鹰情侣最恩爱,测你跟另一半的缘分有多深 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:哪一对猫头鹰情侣最恩爱,测你跟另一半的缘分有多深 - Duration: 5:27.


Wenger makes surprise Tottenham claim - and Arsenal fans won't like it - Duration: 3:48.

  Arsene Wenger says Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham have emerged as successors to his successful Arsenal sides

 The French boss won three Premier League titles, including the 2004 Invincibles, two Doubles and seven FA Cups in his 22-year Gunners reign

  But as he plots a route back into the game after his departure last summer, he admits it is now arch rivals Tottenham who are bringing through the best young players with the potential to succeed

 Wenger calls himself an Arsenal fan now and is desperate not to offend successor Unai Emery, but he had to concede it's Tottenham who lead the way when asked if Pochettino was the current boss closest to his own winning methods

 He said: "Tottenham have a good, young generation. They have a core of young players such as (Harry) Winks, (Harry) Kane, Dele Alli and (Eric) Dier like we had at Arsenal

 "Man United had it too, with their Giggs, Scholes, Beckham and Butt generation, but now they (Tottenham) have established a good, basic platform to develop from

 "Tottenham's players are maturing too so it will be interesting to see how they develop

"  Wenger, speaking after being handed a Lifetime Achievement prize at the Laureus World Sport Awards in Monaco, proudly finished above Tottenham in the title race for the first two decades of his reign until he stumbled in 2017 and last season

 Blame for the slump was partly levelled at the fact that he had years of selling his best players to fund the move to the Emirates Stadium

 But Wenger does not think Pochettino and the Tottenham faithful will suffer the same fate and lose their star men as they prepare to move into their much-delayed new ground

 He explained: "We built the Emirates without one penny injected by anybody. So, that means, this was all done on transfer policy, from the first to the last moment

 "We could only survive by having a good transfer policy, and by selling our best players

 "People forget that now because the finances of football have changed as the television money has improved a lot

 "The weight of a transfer is less today because television money has doubled compared to a few years ago

"  Wenger also claimed his success at Arsenal paved the way for coaches such as Pochettino to follow in his footsteps

 He explained: "When I first came to England I had to show people that we can win

I think I opened the door for all the managers from foreign countries, because it was a belief that a foreign manager cannot be successful in England

 "I managed to do that, and that is, of course, significant."  Looking refreshed and relaxed after a few months out of the managerial hot seat, Wenger concluded that he is addicted to working in football

 "I cannot switch off and die," he said. "I have to accept that I got a virus somewhere in my body and it will remain there

When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is 'what kind of game is on tonight?' That is my life


For more infomation >> Wenger makes surprise Tottenham claim - and Arsenal fans won't like it - Duration: 3:48.


Pizza Hut serves meat to vegetarian in 'shocking' restaurant blunder - Duration: 3:28.

  Blundering Pizza Hut served meat to a vegetarian man in a "shocking" restaurant mix-up

  Abhishek Bhartiya, 30, had never eaten meat in his life as he is a devout Hindu

 He ordered the buffet option, suitable for vegetarians, at a Pizza Hut branch with his wife Prerna Goel on Sunday

 But the pizza was in fact was a beef one.   It left the software engineer furious and upset, the Nottingham Post says

 "I am very troubled by the fact I ate beef. It is the very sentiment of my religion not to eat beef as we worship cows," he said

 "I had never eaten meat in my life until this moment and it has left me very upset

It is shocking that this could have happened." Read More Takeaway app Deliveroo wants to pay you to go to festivals and eat food    The couple, of St Ann's, Nottingham, told a member of staff straight away and felt so upset by the incident that they decided they could not eat there any more and had to leave

 The pair claim they asked staff about what they could eat and were told all pizza with a green handle was vegetarian

 Abhishek picked a pizza beside a green handle from the selection at the restaurant, in Nottingham city centre

 And they claim they were still charged the full price for their meal and not offered a refund

 Abhishek, who has no children with his spouse, added: "I couldn't bring myself to eat anything else for the rest of the day

 "I can see that the handles must have been switched accidentally but they told me so convincingly that the green handles were all vegatebles

 "I want other people to know that they should be more aware as this system clearly isn't 100% perfect

 "I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone else." Read More Vegan McDonald's customer who complained about veggie wrap 'told to kill herself' by trolls    A Pizza Hut Restaurants spokeswoman said the company was aware of the incident and apologised for the inconvenience caused to the couple

 She said: "We are aware of an incident that took place at our restaurant in Nottingham and are sorry for any inconvenience caused; we're in direct contact with the customers involved

 "On our buffet station, we separate our vegetarian pizzas and meat pizzas and also use colour-coded spatulas to make it as clear as possible

 "Our staff regularly check our buffet station, but in this instance a green spatula indicating a vegetarian pizza had been moved

 "All of our staff receive specialist training and our nutritional information is available in a printed book in each of our restaurants and online

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Pizza Hut serves meat to vegetarian in 'shocking' restaurant blunder - Duration: 3:28.


Piosenka dla dzieci ,,Kolory'' - nauka kolorów dla najmłodszych - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Piosenka dla dzieci ,,Kolory'' - nauka kolorów dla najmłodszych - Duration: 2:43.


30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.

Kotlas Airport, great weather - clear and frosty (-25°C)

Monument at the terminal - Yak-40 RA-87336 - previously flew in Kotlas airline

I was registered and "pleased" with a flight delay for 1 hour

Delay means that the second part of the flight will take place in the dark and video quality will be bad :(

2AOAO planned to open that flight on January 14, but the beginning was postponed due to the low demand

Only 4 passengers flew on this flight

Tickets for that flight are not sold on the Internet, they can only be bought at the airport ticket offices

RA-67603 flies since 1989

19 seats

Penal colony number in Kotlas

Vychegda river

My height is 190 cm

Uftyuga river

Forest felling

At dusk, clearly visible places where cuttings are conducted

For more infomation >> 30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.


Why Klopp and Kovac clashed at full-time after Liverpool vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 2:02.

  Niko Kovac says his clash with Jurgen Klopp at the end of the goalless Champions League draw between Liverpool and Bayern Munich was all down to a cultural misunderstanding

 The two bosses were seen in a heated discussion shortly after the full-time whistle blew at Anfield, with Klopp pointing an accusatory finger at his Bayern Munich counterpart

 But the row stemmed from confusion between the bosses, with Kovac keen to get onto the pitch and congratulate his players for their performance before he shook Klopp's hand

 "That was funny," said Kovac after the game.  "We were on English soil. In Germany it is normal when games end, you shake hands with your players first

Read More Sadio Mane criticised by Liverpool fans for what he did late on against Bayern Munich  "In England, first the coaches shake hands so I did what I did in Germany

I said sorry and made up for it. In Germany we will do it as we do it in Germany

"  Klopp also played down the incident at full-time.  "Full-time? No, it's not a problem," said the Liverpool boss

 "I wanted to shake Niko's hand immediately and then he went into the crowd of players and then he came back and apologised, and I said it was no problem

"  Liverpool will head to Munich for the second leg in three weeks' time.

For more infomation >> Why Klopp and Kovac clashed at full-time after Liverpool vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 2:02.


Meet Matatini new comers Te Rangiura o Wairarapa - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Meet Matatini new comers Te Rangiura o Wairarapa - Duration: 2:35.


Carros automáticos vão ultrapassar, em vendas, os manuais em 2019 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Carros automáticos vão ultrapassar, em vendas, os manuais em 2019 - Duration: 1:01.


La Biblia Hablada en Audio 1 Corintios 3, 1-23 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> La Biblia Hablada en Audio 1 Corintios 3, 1-23 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 8:16.


✅ Verão 90: JanaÃna cogita se separar de Herculano - Duration: 2:08.

Desde o início de Verão 90, novela da Rede Globo, ficou claro que Janaína (Dira Paes) e Herculano (Humberto Martins) são completamente apaixonados

Eles até iniciam uma relação, mas já começam a enfrentar muitos obstáculos

No capítulo desta quarta-feira (20), a cozinheira cogita a possibilidade de se separar do cineasta, com medo de prejudicar o trabalho de João (Rafael Vitti) na Pop TV

Confira o resumo completo do capítulo de hoje: Herculano deixa claro a Gisela que só está no barco com ela por Isadora

Janaína desconfia da demora de Herculano. Galdino consegue escapar de João

Jerônimo finge para Quinzinho que não está interessado em Vanessa. Fernando envia para Mercedes a foto que tirou de Gisela e Herculano

Galdino conta a Jerônimo que João o procurou. Mercedes se impressiona com Janaína

Janaína conta a Janice que Mercedes lhe mostrou as promissórias assinadas por Herculano, e revela seu temor em prejudicar o trabalho de João na PopTV

Vanessa se surpreende com a pesquisa de Jerônimo sobre a família de Quinzinho

Herculano tenta se explicar a Janaína que, com medo de prejudicar João, insinua que os dois devem se separar

Vera conta a Nicole que Quinzinho marcará a data do casamento com Larissa

Mercedes não deixa Nicole entrar em sua casa para falar com Quinzinho

Lidiane impede que Adriane beije Patrick. Jerônimo se assusta ao ver João apresentando o Vibration

Notícias Relacionadas   19/02/2019 | 06h00m - Julia Teixeira Verão 90: Gisela vê beijo de Herculano e Janaína   18/02/2019 | 19h05m - Flávia à vila Jesuíta Barbosa comenta sobre a novela Verão 90: 'Novela alegre'   18/02/2019 | 16h44m - Giovanna Prisco Verão 90: Após colocar o irmão na cadeia, Jerônimo vira o diretor da Pop Tv

For more infomation >> ✅ Verão 90: JanaÃna cogita se separar de Herculano - Duration: 2:08.


O futuro da tecnologia para contact center. Entrevista a Miguel Noronha, da Altitude Software. - Duration: 24:03.

For more infomation >> O futuro da tecnologia para contact center. Entrevista a Miguel Noronha, da Altitude Software. - Duration: 24:03.


Fedora 29 sul Raspberry Pi 3 ⋆ Ha senso l'uso Desktop sui single board computer? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> Fedora 29 sul Raspberry Pi 3 ⋆ Ha senso l'uso Desktop sui single board computer? ⊷ #gon_4chiacchiere - Duration: 9:10.


✅ Traiu ou não? Tristan Thompson abre o jogo sobre polêmica com Khloé Kardashian - Duration: 1:23.

 Mais uma vez, esta semana trouxe ao holofote o relacionamento de Tristan Thompson e Khloé Kardashian

   O jogador surgiu desacompanhado da amada durante o dia 14 de fevereiro, Dia dos Namorados americano, mas comemorou dois dias depois de jeito exuberante com Jordyn Woods, uma das amigas de Kylie Jenner, irmã de Khloé

   Segundo o TMZ, Khloé estaria farta de tanta traição - o atleta a traiu enquanto ela estava grávida de True - e teria decidido realmente cortar tudo - e desta vez, para valer

   Ainda segundo a publicação, foi durante a segunda-feira, 18, que a irmã de Kim Kardashian teria cortado oficialmente os laços com o pai de sua filha, com o qual não se casou

   Tristan não gostou de ver a notícia rodando a mídia e decidiu se pronunciar

"Fake News [Notícias Falsas]", escreveu ele em seu Twitter na noite desta terça-feira, 19

 Porém, o astro do basquete voltou atrás e pouco após 1 hora da publicação, excluiu esse conteúdo do ar


For more infomation >> ✅ Traiu ou não? Tristan Thompson abre o jogo sobre polêmica com Khloé Kardashian - Duration: 1:23.


✅ A procuradora-geral da República defende inquérito na Justiça gaúcha contra o deputado Paulo Pimen - Duration: 3:25.

A procuradora-geral da República, Raquel Dodge, apresentou ao STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), na segunda-feira (18), contrarrazões aos embargos de declaração em inquérito que investiga o deputado federal Paulo Pimenta (PT-RS), pedindo o envio imediato dos autos para a Justiça Federal no Rio Grande do Sul

Mesmo já havendo decisão do relator do caso, ministro Luiz Fux, de maio de 2018, remetendo os autos à primeira instância, a defesa tenta manter o processo na Corte Suprema

A PGR avalia tratar-se de manobras protelatórias, com o objetivo de retardar as investigações

As informações são da PGR e do jornal O Estado de S.Paulo. Na manifestação, Dodge enfatiza que Paulo Pimenta insiste em teses já analisadas, e rechaçadas pela Primeira Turma do STF

Ao justificar a negativa ao pedido da defesa, no ano passado, Fux considerou que os fatos não estavam relacionados ao mandato parlamentar

E, segundo a nova jurisprudência da Corte, a aplicação do foro por prerrogativa de função se limita aos crimes que tenham ocorrido durante o mandato, e relacionados ao exercício do cargo

Preliminarmente, a procuradora-geral sustenta que o pedido da defesa nem sequer deve ser conhecido, por não atender aos requisitos mínimos de admissibilidade

Pimenta teria de apontar efetiva omissão na decisão do colegiado, o que não foi demonstrado

Caso o recurso seja admitido, Dodge opina pela rejeição. "Não há fundamento que ampare a pretensão do embargante, que se limita à revisão de teses já devidamente decididas e afastadas no julgamento do agravo regimental", reforça

A PGR rechaçou ainda o pedido de arquivamento feito por Pimenta, acrescentando que já solicitou novas diligências, ainda pendentes

Raquel Dodge destacou também que as matérias relativas ao mérito da investigação serão apreciadas em momento oportuno pelo MPF de primeira instância, órgão competente para análise do processo

Por fim, requer a imediata remessa dos autos à Primeira Vara Federal de Uruguaiana (RS) e ao Juizado Especial Federal Criminal da mesma cidade

Investigação Paulo Pimenta é alvo de uma investigação que apura supostas práticas de ocultação de bens, lavagem de dinheiro e peculato

Um dos pontos principais é apurar se o parlamentar efetivamente administra a Arrozeira Beira Rio

Durante as investigações, foram coletados indícios de que a empresa estaria sendo utilizada para prática de fraudes que consistiam no depósito de sacas de arroz e o posterior desaparecimento destas

Também precisa ser esclarecida a origem de depósitos na conta bancária do deputado

Resposta de Paulo Pimenta O deputado reitera ter pedido o arquivamento do inquérito e ressalta que a investigação já dura mais de dez anos

Ele cita entendimento do ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do STF, que prevê o fim de investigações que se prolonguem por mais de 8 anos sem encontrar indícios de autoria dos investigados

"Após mais de 8 anos de investigação, não há nenhum fato típico praticado pelos investigados (quis) ou qualquer indicação dos meios que os mesmos teriam empregado em relação às condutas objeto de investigação, ou ainda, o malefício que produziu, os motivos que o determinaram, o lugar onde a praticou, o tempo ou qualquer outra informação relevante que justifique a manutenção dessa situação de injusto constrangimento pela permanência do inquérito sem novas diligências apontadas pelo titular da ação penal", consta em voto do ministro

gaúchainquéritojustiçaPaulo Pimentaprocuradora-geral

For more infomation >> ✅ A procuradora-geral da República defende inquérito na Justiça gaúcha contra o deputado Paulo Pimen - Duration: 3:25.


Dobra wiadomość o chorobie Alzheimera! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Dobra wiadomość o chorobie Alzheimera! - Duration: 2:54.



For more infomation >> DISCURSO DE TRUMP TEVE ESTILO NAZISTA, DIZ MADURO - Duration: 3:29.


30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.

Kotlas Airport, great weather - clear and frosty (-25°C)

Monument at the terminal - Yak-40 RA-87336 - previously flew in Kotlas airline

I was registered and "pleased" with a flight delay for 1 hour

Delay means that the second part of the flight will take place in the dark and video quality will be bad :(

2AOAO planned to open that flight on January 14, but the beginning was postponed due to the low demand

Only 4 passengers flew on this flight

Tickets for that flight are not sold on the Internet, they can only be bought at the airport ticket offices

RA-67603 flies since 1989

19 seats

Penal colony number in Kotlas

Vychegda river

My height is 190 cm

Uftyuga river

Forest felling

At dusk, clearly visible places where cuttings are conducted

For more infomation >> 30-летний L-410 2АОАО | Рейс Котлас - Архангельск - Duration: 16:02.


BPI Family - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> BPI Family - Duration: 0:36.


Ultimele detalii despre starea de sănătate a fostului iubit al Simonei Sensual! "Nu cred că o mai du - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Ultimele detalii despre starea de sănătate a fostului iubit al Simonei Sensual! "Nu cred că o mai du - Duration: 4:41.


Cristina Ich şi Alex Piţurcă s-au despărţit. Fotbalistul nici nu vrea să audă de împăcare - Duration: 4:27.

O zicală cunoscută spune că dragostea durează trei ani, Alex Piţurcă şi Cristina Ich au demonstrat că nu este întotdeauna adevărat

Ei şi-au spus adio după doar o lună de relaţie pe care au trăit-o intens nu doar în viaţa reală, ci şi pe Instagram, căci Cristina a făcut risipă de declaraţii de dragoste şi de pictograme cu inimioare

Alex Piţurcă şi Cristina Ich au format un cuplu timp de o lună, iar povestea lor de dragoste s-a încheiat la fel de brusc cum a început atunci când a fost surprinsă sărutându-se cu fostul iubit în faţa blocului în care acesta locuia

Dacă acum o săptămână, Alex se declara îndrăgostit până peste cap, considerând-o pe Cristina un dar trimis de la Dumnezeu, se pare că în prezent nu vrea să mai audă de cea alături de care îşi făcea planuri măreţe

"Sunt cel mai fericit om. O iubesc cum nu am mai iubit până acum și simt că este jumătatea mea

Nu excludem nici posibilitatea de a ne căsători, dar până atunci vrem să ne trăim iubirea, să ne bucurăm de ea fără să ne gândim la altceva

Cristina este o femeie miraculoasă, pe care mi-a trimis-o Dumnezeu", declara acesta pentru cancan

ro.După ce Alex Piţurcă a descoperit imaginile surprinse de paparazzi, în care iubita sa îl săruta pe fostul prieten, a decis să pună capăt legăturii şi să nu îi acorde o a doua şansă

Cristina a recunoscut că a fost în vizită la fostul prieten, iar surse apropiate acesteia susţin că lucrurile nu au decurs aşa cum s-ar putea crede, judecând după cadrele fotoreporterilor

Aceştia au povestit că ea a fost sunată de Luca, care susţinea că se simţea foarte rău

De dragul vremurilor bune şi a relaţiei pe care au avut-o timp de trei ani, Cristina nu a putut rămâne indiferentă, aşadar l-a vizitat pentru a se asigura că fostul iubit nu a păţit nimic grav

La plecare, fostul iubit ar fi insistat să fie sărutat, iar prinţesa Instagramului nu a stat prea mult pe gânduri

.Pe de altă parte, Cristina este de părere că fostul iubit a făcut intenţionat acest gest pentru a-i crea probleme

"L-am pupat pe obraz și mi-a zis să îl pup și pe gură, și l-am pupat. Nu a fost nimic altceva

După părerea mea, cred că totul a fost pus la cale de el, intenționat mi-a zis să îl pup pe gură, doar ca să ne filmeze paparazzi", a explicat aceasta

For more infomation >> Cristina Ich şi Alex Piţurcă s-au despărţit. Fotbalistul nici nu vrea să audă de împăcare - Duration: 4:27.



Tiago Bandeira saiu em defesa da irmã, Bárbara Bandeira, e garantiu que esta está feliz

Um semana após a polémica que dava conta da alegada relação da cantora com Francisco Maria Pereira, conhecido por Kasha, o filho de Rui Bandeira afirmou, em declarações à Vidas, que a família está unida

«Para mim o essencial é que a minha irmã e a família se mantenha unida. Graças a Deus é isso que está a acontecer

A Bárbara já teve de levar com muitas coisas em cima e esta é só mais uma», declarou

Recorde-se que Bárbara, de 17 anos, terá sido proibida pela mãe de manter o namoro com o vocalista dos D

A.M.A, de 29. Uma gravação tornada pública revela uma discussão acesa entre Siara Holanda e Kasha

«Cara, tens 29 anos vai arranjar uma cena para ti de outra onda. A minha filha é menor, tem 17 anos, deixa ela, eu estou-te a pedir», refere a mãe de Bárbara Bandeira

Depois disso, um amigo da família garantiu que a cantora saiu de casa.Bárbara Bandeira no Festival da Canção para apoiar Kasha

Uma semana depois de ter vindo a público o alegado romance com Francisco Maria Pereira, conhecido como Kasha, Bárbara Bandeira assiste de perto à estreia dos D

A.M.A no Festival da Canção. A cantora esteve nos estúdios da RTP onde nesta noite de sábado, dia 16, decorreu a primeira semifinal

Os DAMA são um dos 16 compositores do histórico certame da RTP, dado que assinam o tema de João Campos, É o que É

Bárbara Bandeira não prestou declarações à imprensa, naquela que é a primeira aparição pública após polémica

A cantora de 17 anos chegou ao estúdio 1 da RTP cerca de meia hora antes do arranque da emissão e, quando abordada pelos jornalistas, recusou, com um sorriso, prestar quaisquer declarações, seguindo depois para o estúdio

Porém, no InstaStories, a artista expressou a sua opinião sobre os favoritos à vitória ao promover o número para a votação na música assinada pela banda D

A.M.A. e ainda o tema interpretado pelos Calema. A cantora fotografou o palco durante as duas atuações e escreveu o número para votar por cima da imagem

 .Apesar desta promoção, a música escrita pela banda D.A.M.A e cantada por João Campos não passou à final




Ci sono cibi che andrebbero eliminati dalla nostra alimentazione? - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Ci sono cibi che andrebbero eliminati dalla nostra alimentazione? - Duration: 8:02.


Vídeo de Lewis Hamilton e Nicole Scherzinger na cama está a incendiar a Internet - Duration: 1:36.

Lewis Hamilton e Nicole Scherzinger viram um vídeo em que surgem deitados na cama a trocar beijos cair na Internet depois de terem sido alvos de um ataque de um "hacker"

O piloto de Fórmula 1, considerado um dos melhores profissionais dessa indústria, e a cantora, que se celebrizou ao serviço do grupo musical The Pussycat Dolls, estão a ser tema de notícia na imprensa

De acordo com a informação avançada, este domingo, pelo jornal britânico "The Sun", foi divulgado na Internet um vídeo de dois minutos no qual o ex-casal aparece na cama aos beijos

Até ao momento, o alegado registo terá contabilizado 286 mil visualizações.A intérprete, de 40, e o condutor, de 34, mantiveram uma relação amorosa durante oito anos, com diversas interrupções

Em 2015, os dois optaram para colocar um ponto final no namoro

For more infomation >> Vídeo de Lewis Hamilton e Nicole Scherzinger na cama está a incendiar a Internet - Duration: 1:36.



Rita Pereira arrojou na escolha do vestido para a gala deste domingo, 19 de fevereiro, do Dança com as Estrelas

Depois de ter sido forçada a ausentar-se da apresentação de Dança com as Estrelas por motivos de saúde, Rita Pereira regressou este domingo, dia 17 de fevereiro, em grande forma

No regresso, a companheira de Pedro Teixeira arrasou com um vestido que deixava ver quase tudo

A apresentadora escolheu para a ocasião um vestido assinado por Elisabetta Franchi, com o valor de 1868 euros

Com um decote em forma de coração e uma longa racha do lado esquerdo, o modelo evidenciou a boa forma física da recém-mamã e deixou tudo e todos de boca aberta

 .Nas redes sociais, Rita partilhou várias imagens do look escolhido e recebeu vários elogios

 «Que rica perna», «Estavas linda como sempre! Parabéns. Para quem esteve tão doente e no hospital…estar com ar tão belo», «Uma verdadeira estrela

», «Adorei o vestido, lindíssimo», «Poderosa», «Vejo todas as galas e esta foi a que mais gostei em relação aos apresentadores, estavam lindíssimos, vestido top» ou «Arrasou», são algumas das mensagens deixadas pelos fãs da atriz

No entanto, houve quem não gostasse desta escolha: «A Rita fica bem com qualquer coisa, mas esse vestido é horrível, parece feito de um cortinado», lê-se

Rita vive dias difíceis.No domingo passado, dia 10 de fevereiro, a apresentadora foi impedida de estar no Dança com as Estrelas

Este sábado, dia 16, a recém-mamã divulgou que está no hospital, como resultado de uma virose

«Querida traqueobronquite aguda bacteriana, já te aturo há uma semana. Se calhar agora deixavas-me em paz», escreveu nas redes sociais, através de um Instastory

Nas imagens é possível ver Rita deitada numa cama de hospital, com uma máscara de oxigénio na cara

For more infomation >> RITA PEREIRA MOSTRA QUASE TUDO EM VESTIDO DE LUXO - Duration: 3:50.


Não houve Eurovisão nos Massive Attack – mas a visão de uma Europa perdida - Duration: 6:22.

Eles tinham avisado.Veja-se o que disseram quando anunciaram a presente digressão: "Não haverá finais felizes à Hollywood

"Leia-se a entrevista que Robert del Naja (3D) concedeu ao PÚBLICO: "Não haverá espaço para nostalgias

"Ainda assim, no final, muita gente queria ouvir mais.Desejava celebração.Um final radiante

É natural.A maior parte dos que lotaram por completo o Campo Pequeno (esta terça-feira repete-se) cresceu a ouvir Mezzanine, o terceiro álbum dos Massive Attack, lançado há 20 anos, que é o pretexto para a presente digressão

Mas eles não estão aí.Eles estão num plano em que a intensidade e a justeza das emoções surgem em primeiro lugar

Em vez de Eurovisão e distracção, devolvem-nos uma visão de uma Europa que nos últimos 20 anos não foi capaz de se regenerar

Cada vez mais envolvida em impasses sociopolíticos, mas ainda assim, caminhando, como se nada fosse, como se estivesse tudo bem

Poder-se-á sempre questionar qual a eficácia, do ponto de vista político, de um espectáculo audiovisual como aquele que o Campo Pequeno viu e ouviu, no meio de tantos estímulos, mas isso eles só podem controlar, até certo ponto

Agora que tentam, disso não restam dúvidas.A música, essa, como se esperava, resultou na interpretação de todas as canções do álbum, misturadas com versões de temas (dos Velvet Underground, The Cure, Bauhaus, Ultravox, Peter Seeger) que influenciaram a feitura do mesmo através da extracção de pequenos apontamentos sonoros – ou seja, a música foi quase sempre assombrada e inquieta, por vezes diluindo a sua tensão em momentos em que o balanço físico do dub se fazia sentir, para logo de seguida regressar o caos, com guitarras cerradas, impulsos rítmicos entorpecedores que vão em crescendo, tudo envolvido por um ruído sintético abstracto de paranóia

Os Massive Attack nunca fizeram parte do circo do rock & roll, trocando juras de amor com a assistência, dizendo que vão tocar a última para segundos depois regressarem a pedido do público

Esse tipo de coisas.E não era agora que o iriam fazer, num espectáculo em que contaram com as imagens do documentarista inglês Adam Curtis

Não existem propriamente mensagens.Não é por aí que eles se posicionam.O que há é a projecção de cenários, de interrogações, de dúvidas, de que ninguém escapa

"Pensa, atreve-te, faz", lê-se às tantas nos ecrãs.Sim, vemos Blair ou Trump – logo seguido de assobios da assistência –, mas não existe propriamente um inimigo visível

Políticos somos todos nós.No limite o que é veiculado é que estamos todos perdidos, na imensidão do espaço digital, no excesso de informação, na sensação equívoca de que tudo já foi tentado (ideologias políticas ou conceitos musicais) e não existe nada de novo a propor

É necessário reagir com ideias novas à paralisia.Vestidos de negro, quase sempre em contraluz, lá vemos o ruivo 3D, e o colectivo de músicos, entrando depois em cena, espaçadamente, Daddy G, o veterano Horace Andy e Elisabeth Frazer

Nos ecrãs vão sendo projectadas imagens, disparos de luz intensa e frases interpeladoras em português

Começaram com I found a reason, dos Velvet Underground, ruído seguido de lirismo, Saddam Hussein e Barbie, duas baterias e guitarras contorcendo-se, para de seguida entrarmos nos ritmos dolentes com Risingson, antes de regressarem as versões com 10:15 Saturday night, original dos The Cure, com 3D a incarnar Robert Smith, tal como fará de Peter Murphy na magnífica recriação de Bela lugosi's dead dos Bauhaus, assumindo a herança pós-punk do projecto

Em Man next door ou See a man's face é a voz em falsete de Horace Andy que brilha, enquanto a voluptuosidade de Elisabeth Frazer se faz sentir em Black milk, na recriação enlevada de Where have all the flowers gone? (original de Pete Seeger), com imagens angustiantes de conflitos nos ecrãs

Mas claro que os momentos mais festejados acontecem quando são tocados temas como Inertia creeps, com o som maquinal entrecortado pela voz sussurrada de 3D e as guitarras estridentes até ao desvario total, enquanto nos ecrãs vemos imagens grotescas de Trump e Putin, confundindo-se

O mesmo entusiasmo do público faz-se sentir no crescendo emocional de Angel, com Horace Andy a mostrar que continua em grande forma, ou no minimalismo encantatório de Teardrop, com Elisabeth Frazer a brilhar

Pelo meio ainda existe uma citação irónica a Levels de Avicci e uma recriação punk efusiva de Rockwrok dos Ultravox, antes de se entrar em Group four, com 3D e Elisabeth Fraser a partilharem as vozes

No final não houve confetti, festa, celebração.Apenas uma frase nos ecrãs: "Está na hora de deixar os fantasmas para trás e começar a construir o futuro

For more infomation >> Não houve Eurovisão nos Massive Attack – mas a visão de uma Europa perdida - Duration: 6:22.


ASMR|태국 마마 슈림프 톰얌꿍 라면과 속초 오징어 순대 먹방~ - Duration: 8:48.

Hello~ Everyone! I am G-NI (KANI JJANG)

Today I have prepared

squid sausage and

instant noodles from Thailand.

I eat now.

I will say hello also in Thai language today.


Today's menu is MAMA noodles.

Thank you!

I will get noodles ready first.

I am gonna cut cuttlefish sausage while waiting for 2 minutes.

I think it's done.

I will try noodle first.

This is tom yum kung flavoured noodles.

But I have not tasted tom yum kung until now.

And this is very delicious.

Tom yum kung also tastes like this?

I ate Thailand mama noodles and cuttlefish sausage very well.

I have to taste real tom yum kung later.

See you again~

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