Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2019

Hello Friend how are you?

I'm Svieta.

Today I'm going to show you how to make tortillas of wheat very special.

Apart from wheat flour they carry cream cheese and cooked potato.

Thanks to these 2 ingredients come out extra tender, soft and delicious.

Very nice to the palate, to bite because they do not have that gummy touch that they usually have

the typical wheat tortillas.

They are very soft.

They serve to accompany all kinds of meals.

You can even eat them alone, with a cup of tea or coffee.

You can also add them, adding them the spices that you like the most and thus personalize them.

Come on, it's a very interesting recipe.

Fix how soft they are and what beautiful that they are ... It's a wonder!

To prepare these tortillas, we are going to need cream cheese, eggs, cooked potato, flour,

salt and spices to taste.

We shell the eggs.

Cream cheese you can use the brand that more like it

With the help of a rod we mix the cheese cream with eggs until you get a mixture


We add 1 teaspoon of salt.

I'm going to add some oregano too.

And also of dried garlic.

We remove very well.

We peel the potato.

This potato, after cooking, weighs 200 g.

It is a potato a little bigger than the median.

I recommend cooking it with skin, so it's more tasty

We grate the potato.

We add it to the cheese and egg mixture.

We remove very well.

We sift the flour.

It is the common wheat flour, the all-purpose flour.

With the help of a spoon we stir very well.

We finished making the ball of dough with the hand.

It is a sticky mass because it has cheese and potato but I do not recommend adding more flour

because we're not going to manipulate her a lot.

Cover the dough and let it rest 20 minutes, to get properly wetted

the flour particles and so the dough is more elastic

We put to heat the pan over medium heat high.

Sprinkle the table generously with flour.

We dump the dough on the table.

You can not imagine how good it smells!

It is very aromatic.

We make a sausage with the dough.

Since we have floured the table well, the dough It is no longer sticky.

It does not stick to the table or to the hands.

Easy and comfortable

We divide the sausage into 17 - 20 pieces, according to the size of your pan.

If it's big you can make the tortillas more large (less pieces).

And also according to how you like tortillas, yes big or small.

Sprinkle the table with flour.

We take a piece of dough and stretch it making an omelet

First we crush it with our hands, giving it the shape, and then we stretch it with a roller.

I make them very finite because that's how I like them.

We put the tortilla in the pan.

When you see that it has filled with bubbles and it has turned golden below, we turn it over.

And, if you want, you can spread it with butter.

It gives a very good taste.

I love it but I understand that not all the World likes it

When you see that it is made below, the remove from the pan.

Notice how soft it is.

And they remain soft after cooling.

I have left a plate full of tortillas.

Let's see how they have been.

It makes me a little afraid to stain myself by eating them So, stand up, but it does not matter.

They are delicious.

Super tender and very soft when biting.

And well, the meat sauce is also delicious

Which, by the way, is the same one that I showed you make the video of the original lasagna.

Well, friends, this has been spectacular.

I think that once you try these tortillas, you will like it

You are going to repeat them.

Tell me in the comments, how about you? Did the recipe look like?

If you have found it difficult or easy.

If you liked it or not.

And well, if you liked it, share it in Social networks with your friends.

And, also, subscribe to my channel, if you still you have not done it, because it is totally


See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Salen EXTRA TIERNAS estas tortillas de harina, queso y papa - Duration: 7:50.



For more infomation >> POSTPARTO. ME SIENTO MUY CANSADA Y NECESITO AYUDA. - Duration: 4:34.


Sánchez presume de "amistad" con Rajoy y dice ahora que fue duro echarle así - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Sánchez presume de "amistad" con Rajoy y dice ahora que fue duro echarle así - Duration: 3:44.


Chiqui Aguayo mostró a los rostros de TVN y Canal 13 que integrarán "Échale la culpa a Viña" - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Chiqui Aguayo mostró a los rostros de TVN y Canal 13 que integrarán "Échale la culpa a Viña" - Duration: 2:14.


Santboiana y Barça Rugbi suman victorias en la Liga Heineken - Duration: 3:21.

 La decimoséptima jornada de la Liga Heineken sonrió a los dos equipos catalanes, con las victorias de la UE Santboiana, en el campo del Hernani, mientras que el Barça Rugbi decidió su partido en casa frente al Aldro Energía Independiente

 Ambos conjuntos están en la zona alta de la clasificación, en puestos de play-off, con los azulgrana quintos, y la Santboiana, en la sexta plaza

 El decano logró un importante triunfo en el campo del Hernani (24-37), en un partido con dos partes claramente diferenciadas

En la primera, se impuso el juego de los locales (20-8), aunque una doble amarilla del jugador local Xavier Garmendia, cambió por completo la decoración

   Hasta ese momento, los guipuzcoanos tenían un 15-0 a favor y controlaban casi todas las fases del juego

Desde entonces, la Santboiana fue creciéndose y, a base de paciencia, acabó asentándose continuamente en campo rival y avanzando de forma muy ordenada para después buscar huecos en el juego abierto, sacando mucho rédito

 Los locales se resistieron a caer y pusieron siempre contra las cuerdas al rival

Una impecable defensa catalana final les concedió un importante triunfo en un campo muy duro, donde los de Martinena mostraron dos caras diametralmente opuestas, aunque acabaron llevándose el triunfo

El Barça gana en casa  Por su parte, el Barça Rugbi se desquitó de la dura derrota en la Jornada 16 con un triunfo en casa (donde más les cuesta) ante un muy sólido Aldro Energía Independiente R

C (20-12)., quienes sienten que podrían haber sacado algo más, pero ya no les vale solo con la mejora en el juego; necesitan puntos

   En una primera parte muy trabada, con avances muy lentos y mucho juego al pie, el Barça creó más peligro a partir de los pocos momentos de descontrol y puso un margen en el marcador que supo mantener hasta el final, a pesar de que Independiente se acercó en más de una ocasión

 Los azulgrana se acercan a la 4ª plaza e Independiente debe recuperarse para seguir luchando por estar en la fase final por el título

 Resultados de la 17ª jornada  Hernani-Santboiana, 24-37  La Vila-Bizkaia, 20-27  Complutense Cisneros-Sanitas Alcobendas, 35-37  Barça Rugbi-Aldro Energía, 20-12  El Salvador

Ordizia, 51-10

For more infomation >> Santboiana y Barça Rugbi suman victorias en la Liga Heineken - Duration: 3:21.


Conil 0-0 Gerena: Empate (0-0) entre el Conil y el Gerena - Duration: 1:39.

  El Conil y el Gerena acabaron firmando las tablas con un 0-0 en el duelo celebrado este domingo en el Campo Municipal Jose António Pérez Úreba

El Conil venía de ganar su último partido mientras que los visitantes perdieron el suyo

Con este resultado, el equipo conileño se sitúa decimocuarto, mientras que por su parte el Gerena es decimosexto a la conclusión del partido

  Durante la primera parte ninguno de los equipos tuvo fortuna de cara a puerta y se marcharon al descanso con un marcador de 0-0

  Tras el descanso no hubo goles y el marcador no reflejó ningún cambio, por lo que el partido acabó con el definitivo 0 a 0

  Ambos equipos con 33 puntos se colocan decimocuarto y decimosexto clasificados respectivamente tras la finalizacion del partido del grupo 10 de Tercera División que se saldó con empate

  En la siguiente jornada el Conil jugará contra el Sevilla C fuera de casa y el Gerena disputará su partido contra el Atlético Espeleño en su estadio

For more infomation >> Conil 0-0 Gerena: Empate (0-0) entre el Conil y el Gerena - Duration: 1:39.


Operation BURNT HORIZON GAMEPLAY Rainbow INVITATIONAL 2019 - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Operation BURNT HORIZON GAMEPLAY Rainbow INVITATIONAL 2019 - Duration: 7:12.


Evolution of Fortnite Map (Season 1 - Season 8) - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Evolution of Fortnite Map (Season 1 - Season 8) - Duration: 11:31.


Paula Echevarría y el perfecto look seventy con botas blancas - Ultimas Noticias - Duration: 4:58.

 Lo reconocemos abiertamente: últimamente nos estábamos preocupando mucho por los looks, a cada cual peor que el anterior, que Paula Echevarría subía a Instagram

Que la actriz había pegado un bajón estilístico saltaba a la vista nada más echar un vistazo a sus redes sociales

Entre futuristas, chonis, poco currados y mezclando prendas a lo loco, así han sido los outfits con los que Paula Echevarría nos ha dejado sin palabras (para mal, muy mal) día tras día

Hemos contemplado atónitas como una de las celebs con más estilo de nuestro país caía en picado

No sabemos si era debido a su también declive profesional como actriz -recordemos que su serie 'Los nuestros 2' fue un auténtico fracaso de audiencia- o porque cansada de las polémicas en torno a sus posts -como con el que se rumorea que está embarazada-, había llegado a un punto que le daba igual qué ponerse

Hasta ayer que por fin pudimos volver a respirar tranquilas con un look que sí está a la altura de nuestra it girl patria por excelencia

Y es que la ocasión no merecía menos. Paula Echevarría acudía a un acto celebrado en el Hospital La Paz en Madrid amadrinado por la asociación Cris Contra el Cancer para conocer la nueva unidad que se ha implantado dentro de este centro hospitalario y concienciar así de la importancia de colaborar con ONG de este tipo

La actriz, siempre involucrada y dispuesta a participar prestando su imagen en actos de este tipo, nos volvía a demostrar su faceta más solidaria

Y además de llevar su sonrisa y mejor cara por bandera, la actriz nos ha sorprendido (para bien, sí para bien) con un outfit de inspiración seventy con un claro protagonista, mejor dicho, dos, las botas blancas

Pero vayamos por partes, porque si las botas son claramente retro, las prendas más de lo mismo

Con un total look firmado por la marca francesa Ba&sh compuesto por jersey de punto fino serigrafiado con el mensaje 'Born to dance' (170 €) y falda midi asimétrica con maxiprint floral (170 €), Paula Echevarría ha representado el estilo de la década de los setenta de una forma perfecta

 Si las prendas ya hablaban por sí solas y decían mucho sobre las intenciones estilísticas de la actriz al ataviarse con este look, las botas mucho más

Paula se suma así a la tendencia del momento en cuestión de zapatos con unas botas blancas de piel fruncidas con tacón ancho y puntera retro

Sin duda, el complemento ideal para rematar este outfit setentero. En serio, ¿todavía no tienes unas botas así? Tranquila, estás a tiempo de incorporarlas a tu colección con estos cuatro pares:Botines blancos con la punta cuadrada de Boohoo (56 €), botas de piel con tacón efecto madera de Zara (99,95 €), botas altas con detalles y tacón en color negro de Mango (139,99 €) y botas de media caña fruncidas de Purificación García (167 €)

For more infomation >> Paula Echevarría y el perfecto look seventy con botas blancas - Ultimas Noticias - Duration: 4:58.


¡Gooool, gooool, goooool de Pumas! - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> ¡Gooool, gooool, goooool de Pumas! - Duration: 1:20.


Beelze - Cancion de Paz (Prod La Fabrica) - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Beelze - Cancion de Paz (Prod La Fabrica) - Duration: 2:33.


Vicky Cristina OVIEDO | Vlog na ESPANHA 🇪🇸 - Duration: 3:09.

Those of you who've watched "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" are going to remember that the characters

played by Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall and Javier Bardem come to this city in the movie.

I'd like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.

To come where?

To Oviedo.

Woody Allen has even a statue here in this city.

Not only Woody Allen, this city is full of statues.

Oviedo is the capital of the region of Asturias, which is in Northern Spain.

Just a reminder that Oviedo, as well as Santander, is on one of the

main routes to Santiago de Compostela,

so it's very common to see pilgrims around these cities.

And when you see a little shell on the floor,

that means that you're on a pilgrimage path.

An interesting fact is that Asturias is one of the few Spanish regions

that weren't occupied by the Moors, you know? So here you won't find that type of

Arabic architecture, which is so common in Southern Spain.

If I didn't control myself, I'd only come to Spain, guys.

There are so many cool cities to see here that it's

almost inexhaustible, so it's really worth it visiting the smaller towns as well and getting off

the Madrid-Barcelona-Seville path, because there are so many cool places to see in this country.

For more infomation >> Vicky Cristina OVIEDO | Vlog na ESPANHA 🇪🇸 - Duration: 3:09.


Lady Gaga Presents: Enigma - Live in Vegas - Trailer - Duration: 0:55.

Hello Gaga

I am your Enigma

Why did you come to me now?

Because I have something to show you

The future

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga Presents: Enigma - Live in Vegas - Trailer - Duration: 0:55.


XQC Reacts: Best Cartoon Network Opening Themes [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 11:56.

XQC Reacts: Best Cartoon Network Opening Themes [ +Twitch Chat ]

one more time 777 govt Gentilly and 777 bhaijan 277 know them today and it was

pretty pot 70 we got all of the QC eleventy-seventh cept I found a 777 sex

des Cillian 700,000 Quintus Cillian 777 credence check what 100 is about 600 des

silly and 777 undecillion 777 des silly and 700 on it and they fuck my god Jesus


okay so this is nothing is that all all the cut nude openings like these like as

you pretty good nostalgia

since ecstasy

Johnny Bravo hey man what's this man that take less fit

it sounds good out of Juggalos I have an Avenue with a bullet coming out all the

sounds are bugged the fuck is this

oh this music is so like okay hey whatever she looks up this let it show

up jumpin let me just yet

not now yo


with Mojo Jojo rubber that

but evil might do whatever right Mojo Jojo another favorite that I like him so

much I call my slur craft account Mojo Jojo

no kidding I actually beat the small out of

privilege to lift them with it with any motive Jojo I'm here steps are also now

down a little

no Kappa didn't look okay but is it right watches come on Jojo

all right crash - okay well I mean did did this did okay well listen guys it's

other somewhere okay it's out there somewhere

I've been this loud what is this I've heard about it I was like twice I think

777 triple step II

why did you like locked up one boo-boo

hey retard thirteen looks Wow and the time this is the truth

I don't know what religious fascism 277,000 1777 fuck my wife warm us up

instant classic excuse yeah

I sent a my data this is none anima text you see first time donating can you

please listen to this song I think he'll like it thank you XP Ciel

okay next Liz this whole of it one more trash xqc please jump or city for nobody

guys how many of you guys just went when that comes school you went home and from

front of school years I get a snack and you eat in my playing date with

these shows in the background like like a CD farmer you wouldn't really watch it

you just had in the back cake helices like a voice I've never really watch

them and watch them see nowadays I play a game help my feet I have a mind of

their and I alt-tab and I watch me on my second monitor not gonna Daisy I'd only

have one monitor and her usual watching shows it like just like all timing

the fuck is this

can't believe watching this man for 17 minutes

cha I'm gonna fix my friend Mike that clock

change they find this 9 a.m.

Velma is stupid kreygasm

8x cucm I did it this show sucks

I am whistle

yeah she did actually don't even realize much Mosley Chozen I wish I wish was a

video that they had like all of the old shows like like spongebob and ship 777

you really thought I was going to do

For more infomation >> XQC Reacts: Best Cartoon Network Opening Themes [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 11:56.


Malagueña salerosa RU Sub - Manuel Giusti & Juan Carlos Ramirez - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Malagueña salerosa RU Sub - Manuel Giusti & Juan Carlos Ramirez - Duration: 2:52.


Sweet California - Moving Target ♫ Karaoke - Lyrics - Instrumental - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Sweet California - Moving Target ♫ Karaoke - Lyrics - Instrumental - Duration: 3:10.


Marino Luanco 3-1 Covadonga: El Marino Luanco gana en el Estadio Municipal de M - Duration: 2:38.

  El Marino Luanco venció en casa 3-1 el partido disputado este domingo en el Estadio Municipal de Miramar

Antes de este partido, ambos equipos venían de una racha positiva de victorias. Los locales concatenaban cuatro victorias consecutivas, mientras que los visitantes venían de ganar tres partidos

Con este resultado, el conjunto luanquín es segundo, mientras que el Covadonga es sexto tras la finalización del partido

  El equipo visitante se adelantó en el marcador gracias al acierto de cara a portería de Pablo Coutado en el minuto 11 y los 45 minutos terminaron 0 a 1

  En la segunda parte, el equipo local logró el empate con un gol de Álex Arias en el minuto 67

El Marino Luanco acertó a darle la vuelta al marcador gracias a otro gol de Álex Arias en el minuto 75 para hacer el 2-1

El Marino Luanco aumentó su diferencia con el último tanto de Álex Arias en el minuto 86, que dejó el marcador en un 3-1, terminando de este modo el encuentro

  Fue un partido en el que se movieron los banquillos. Por el Marino Luanco se dio entrada a Iván Fernández, Álvaro y Mikel por César, Fassani y César y por parte del Covadonga entraron Alex Sandoval y Nacho Velardi por Edu Font y Pablo Coutado

  En el encuentro se vio un total de una tarjeta amarilla, que fue para los visitantes

Se mostró cartulina amarilla a Pelayo Castañón.   El Marino Luanco se queda en la segunda posición con 57 puntos y los de Fermín Álvarez Rodriguez ocupan el sexto lugar con 44 puntos tras la disputa del encuentro

  La próxima jornada el Marino Luanco se enfrentará al Llanes, mientras que el conjunto oventese disputará su partido ante el Club Siero

For more infomation >> Marino Luanco 3-1 Covadonga: El Marino Luanco gana en el Estadio Municipal de M - Duration: 2:38.


Breaking Celeb News | House Dems want White House to hand over Trump-Putin meeting notes - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | House Dems want White House to hand over Trump-Putin meeting notes - Duration: 1:52.


Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Dominical Domingo 17 Febrero 2019 Loteria Nacional de Panama Numeros - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Dominical Domingo 17 Febrero 2019 Loteria Nacional de Panama Numeros - Duration: 1:16.


Irlanda | ¿Necesitas una agencia para venir? - Duration: 6:58.

When we moved to a new country

and especially when we invest a lot of money in a project

we want everything to go perfectly

That is why many of the people who want to come to Ireland or who are already on the way to come

They have many doubts about whether to contact an agency to help them in the process

or contact directly the English school or the university

anyway in this video I'll give you my opinion regarding that

Sharing my experiences

with all the people

that as well as me

embrace a new adventure.

Welcome to my channel.

Hi guys, I'm Frankie and welcome one more time to my channel

As I said at the beginning of the video,

I will be talking today about the agencies and the English schools and universities

Many people who follow me on the channel ask me questions like:

What do you think, is it better if I go with an agency or do I speak directly with the school?

It is a question a bit vague and a bit difficult to answer

because it is depending on what you really want

and depending on the things offered by the agency or what the school offers you

I'll tell you about a personal case ...

back then, in 2013

I used an agency to come to Ireland because it was the best chance I had in my case

because I was in Venezuela

it was a difficult time in my country

then it was difficult for me to contact a school directly

and also because I did not have the necessary information to be able to know what I had to do

then I did not know that I could contact the school directly

and a friend told me: "go to Ireland, I went through this agency"

and that's what I did.

I thought it was super cool

because they provided me with all the papers I needed there, in Venezuela,

They helped me with the paperwork I had to do etc.

However, when I arrived here, the school was the one who did everything with me,

if I had some problem or needed to make a change, etc. etc.,

I had to go to the school reception and talk to them

basically when I got here,

the agency did not help me because all the info was given to me by the school

and if I needed something, I had to make an appointment with the agency,

wait for the appointment, go there and they would tell me something that I already knew

then it was like a waste of time, but as I said, in my case it worked to come here

Once I was here, it did not make any sense for me to contact them

I mean, the agency

then everything was done through school

and once you get here, you start talking to your classmates who already have time here

you start talking to me ... I can give you a lot of advice

and you're going to realise that if you come with an agency,

maybe it's helpful or maybe it's not helpful once you are here

but if you are in your country of origin, then they will help you or they will advise you on what you have to do

you have to put on a scale what you want

if you want to come with an agency because they offer to help you with the papers,

they help you with the insurance,

help you with things like the accommodation, tell you where you have to go,

they hire you a taxi or someone to pick you up at the airport here in Dublin

they take you to the house, etcetera, etcetera;

or if you prefer something that is more direct and only talk to the college or university

but it's going to depend on you basically because

There are some agencies that charge a commission to help you

I do not know what the commission is, it can be 50 euros, to say the least,

or 100 euros or it is included in the invoice for the payment of the university or the English course

then there are some that do not charge anything and I guess they are arranged with schools

but that is going to depend on you

because remember that this is going to be the intermediary between the school or the university and you

but when you arrive here, you can already have a direct relationship with the school if you want

however, one of the things that I always say

it is that here, as of 2019, many schools have people who work and speak in other languages

then there are specific departments that are responsible for the sales

then they have teams that speak Portuguese, Korean, Spanish,

so if you ask me,

What would I do now in 2019 to come here to Ireland?

I would contact directly with the school

but obviously, I already feel comfortable enough to talk to the school and say:

"This is what I want, this is what I do not want, etc., etc."

instead an agency will always answer any questions because what they want is to sell

but in any case, that help from the agency is not so personalised

and not as good as what we want

because remember that we are not the only students,

they have a lot of students and they have a lot of prospects to whom they are giving services

then I, personally, would contact the school directly

and well guys, remember that this is my personal opinion

This is all based on my opinion and experience, right?

so I've used two agencies in my life to study English

the first time was when I lived in London and the second time was when I came here to Dublin

it went well but that was in 2011 and in 2013, if I remember correctly ...

2011-2013, yes ... something like that.

then, you know? it was great for me

Now, that I already have the experience, I would not use them because I know how to deal with the schools

Anyway, it's your choice.

And if you liked the video, you know what you have to do:

click the "Like" button below

click on the bell so that YouTube notifies you every time I upload a video

subscribe to the channel

leave all your comments and questions down here too

and can you tell me what you want me to talk about or what your questions are

so I can answer them all

until next time!

And if you liked this video, but you have not seen my previous video yet, what are you waiting for?

it is the one that appears here above

And if you're looking for more content, then you will like this video on which I'm already working on.

See next time!

For more infomation >> Irlanda | ¿Necesitas una agencia para venir? - Duration: 6:58.


OTKRIVENJE | 13. POGLAVLJE - Novi svjetski poredak u Otkrivenju - Duration: 1:02:52.

For more infomation >> OTKRIVENJE | 13. POGLAVLJE - Novi svjetski poredak u Otkrivenju - Duration: 1:02:52.


Čudna jada od Mostara grada - Himzo Polovina - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Čudna jada od Mostara grada - Himzo Polovina - Duration: 4:53.


Evolution of Fortnite Map (Season 1 - Season 8) - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Evolution of Fortnite Map (Season 1 - Season 8) - Duration: 11:31.


Fortnite Livestream With TK Teawrex Doing cool things - Duration: 55:45.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Livestream With TK Teawrex Doing cool things - Duration: 55:45.


Biggest Investment of 20 billion Dollar Agreement Signed Muhammad Bin Salman - Duration: 5:08.

Subscribe Now

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Biggest Investment of 20 billion Dollar Agreement Signed Muhammad Bin Salman - Duration: 5:08.


央视段子手朱广权,一位你相见恨晚的主持人 - Duration: 6:20.


一位你相见恨晚的主持人 朱广权

1979年4月21日 出生于吉林省松原市





担任播音员 。






担任CCTV-13新闻直播节目《新闻直播间》的主持人 。


担任CCTV-13综合资讯类节目《共同关注》的主持人 。


担任"第30届樱花诗赛"决赛的评委 。




参加央视端午特别节目《诗礼端午》的录制 。





表演小品《藏经纸轶事》 。
























" "小伙伴儿们






























" 他也能来段朱氏段子













" 因为一本正经的讲段子




"从此我爱上看新闻了!" .










(图片来自东方IC) .





















"(图片来自东方IC) .













For more infomation >> 央视段子手朱广权,一位你相见恨晚的主持人 - Duration: 6:20.


아버지와 아들 사이의 대화 ... - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> 아버지와 아들 사이의 대화 ... - Duration: 11:03.


Man United squad confirmed to face Chelsea - Duration: 4:13.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has included youngster Tahith Chong in Manchester United's travelling party for their away match against Chelsea in the fifth round of the FA Cup

 The winners of the game will progress into the quarter-finals, and with Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur having already dropped out of the competition, whoever prevails in the Monday night clash at Stamford Bridge will have an excellent chance of going all the way to lift the trophy

 Reigning Premier League champions Manchester City are still in contention after having defeated Newport County 4-1 on Saturday

 United lost their first game since the appointment of Solskjaer as interim boss in mid-week against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League

   Prior to their 2-0 loss at Old Trafford, which saw Paul Pogba sent off in the second half, the 12-time winners of the FA Cup had gone 11 games undefeating, drawing only once in a meeting with Burnley that ended 2-2

 Chelsea have had a difficult run of late under Maurizio Sarri with wins over Malmo in the Europa League and a 5-0 thrashing of Huddersfield Town contrasting with a 4-0 defeat to Bournemouth and a 6-0 hammering by Manchester City

 The Blues will be boosted by the news that Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard have not travelled with the Unitd squad to London

 Both players were forced off against Paris Saint-Germain with first half injuries, and their pace and movement had been key to keeping the home team in the game as the French champions took a more cautious approach to counter-act their speed on the break

 Sarri is set to send his team out to play on the front foot on Monday evening, to try and dominate possession and win the ball back in the opposition's half

   His style of play is likely to be more effective with Lingard and Martial ruled out, although Chong may be pressed into service in order to add some freshness to Solskjaer's attack

 "I think they'll be out for two-to three weeks," said the Norwegian caretaker on his two injured forwards

"Then you're looking at young players."   Manchester Evening News report that Antonio Valencia, Marcos Rojo, Matteo Darmian and Phil Jones were also missing from the group that left the north west for London

 First-choice goalkeeper David De Gea has traveled after being rested in earlier rounds of the FA Cup

He was joined by back ups Sergio Romero and Lee Grant.    The outfield players in the group included defenders Ashley Young, Chris Smalling, Diogo Dalot, Eric Bailly, Luke Shaw and Victor Lindelof

 Midfielders Ander Herrera, Andreas Pereira, Fred, Nemanja Matic, Paul Pogba and Scott McTominay are in the squad

 Chong is one of five forwards set to be available for selection alongside Alexis Sanchez, Juan Mata, Marcus Rashford and Romelu Lukaku

Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Man United squad confirmed to face Chelsea - Duration: 4:13.


Man Utd news: Gary Lineker reveals Marcus Rashford doubts ahead of PSG tie - Duration: 3:18.

 That's the view of Gary Lineker, who has compared the United forward to PSG ace Kylian Mbappe

 Rashford gets the chance to come up against Mbappe tomorrow as Manchester United host PSG in the Champions League last-16

 There are plenty of comparisons between the two youngsters, who have both shone in recent months

 But Lineker rates Mbappe ahead of the Englishman, with the PSG star having impressed as France won last summer's World Cup

 And the Match of the Day host believes Rashford needs to star in the Champions League to be considered among the best

 "United's chances improved with the absence of their [PSG's] best player, Neymar," Lineker wrote for inews

 "But PSG still have Kylian Mbappe, who I think is going to be the next global superstar after Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar

He is a phenomenal player and has won loads of stuff already including a World Cup

 "It will be fascinating to see him on the same pitch as Marcus Rashford, who is a massive talent

Rashford seems to be bossing it as a central striker. "There are a lot of similarities between them

Both have electric pace, both can beat people and they can both finish. "But there are differences too

It's a bit like comparing Michael Owen with the Brazilian Ronaldo, one is a powerhouse, a real athlete, the other is a bit more delicate in his play

 "Mentally we know that Mbappe can deal with the big games. "We don't know that with Rashford yet because it is only now that he is getting the chance to play in the position he enjoys the most

" PSG will be without Neymar for both legs of their tie with Manchester United.  Edinson Cavani is also a major doubt for the first clash at Old Trafford on Tuesday (8pm)

 Rashford is expected to start for United despite being left on the bench for Saturday's win over Fulham

 United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said: "We're missing Antonio [Valencia] and Matteo [Darmian] – they're the two that are not available

 "It's a big, strong and healthy squad which is always [good] when the big games come up – many to pick from


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Gary Lineker reveals Marcus Rashford doubts ahead of PSG tie - Duration: 3:18.


Man United's season so far without Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard's goals and assists - Duration: 4:27.

 Manchester United have had a remarkable resurgence under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer since his appointment in late December

 The Reds have won all but two games since the Norwegian rejoined his old club, with a late fightback to draw with Burnley and a humbling 2-0 home defeat to Paris Saint-Germain being Solskjaer's only blemishes thus far

 United's form has seen them finally creep into the top four, just a point ahead of fifth-placed Arsenal, a feat that seemed impossible under Jose Mourinho just a few months prior

 Unfortunately for Solskjaer though, his only defeat against PSG not only meant they would be up against it for the second leg in France from a results point of view, but a suspension for Paul Pogba and injuries to Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard added to United's woes

 Pogba has received heavy plaudits since his return to form under the baby-faced assassin, but Martial's influence has been throughout the whole season, as well as Lingard's unsung antics

 Both Jesse and Anthony will out for at least five games in what is a heavily congested time fixture-wise for the club

 But just imagine if United had to deal without both players from the start of the season

 How much impact have they actually had?  Martial and Lingard have been involved in 22 goals (16 goals, 6 assists) so far this season in all competitions and have been permanent fixtures for the club this campaign

 The Frenchman in particular has shown what confidence can do for a young player as he has eradicated the notion of last season that he lacks work-rate

 The former Monaco winger has scored 11 goals this season, with nine being in the Premier League as well as creating two for his team-mates

 If you take Martial's goals out of the equation, United would have dropped points at home against Newcastle and Bournemouth as well as away at Everton

 More notably, erasing the Frenchman's goals against Chelsea and Arsenal would both result in defeat

 Meaning that in total, the 23-year-old has earned the Red Devils eight points this year on his own

 Lingard, on the other hand, started the season quite slowly but has still managed five goals and four assists in all competitions

 Eradicating these from United's league results would mean getting rid of Lingard's goal as well as Martial's against Arsenal, turning that one into a 2-0 defeat from a 2-2 draw

 Lingard's crucial last minute assist for Victor Lindelöf in the draw against Burnley would be scratched off, meaning Solskjaer would already have his first league defeat of the season

 The Norwegian's first game in charge would not look quite as handsome either with Lingard being directly involved in three of United's five goals in their 5-1 thrashing against Cardiff

 So taking this into consideration, Lingard has earned United two points this season by himself, adding that to Martial's eight, they have earned a combined ten points for their club

 If we take this off United's total of 51, then we would see all of Solskjaer's hard work to claw the Manchester side back into the top four disappear

 As with a new total of 41, United would sit in what has been a more familiar position of sixth, just two points ahead of Wolves and with a far inferior goal difference from +17 to -1

 So, United fans will certainly be hoping that they can both get back to full fitness as quickly as possible

For more infomation >> Man United's season so far without Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard's goals and assists - Duration: 4:27.


نجیب کشمی جانم دل درد مندی مرا همتو دمبوره تیت اوووو جوان بشنو DAMBORA 2019 - Duration: 4:39.

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For more infomation >> نجیب کشمی جانم دل درد مندی مرا همتو دمبوره تیت اوووو جوان بشنو DAMBORA 2019 - Duration: 4:39.


Marcelo responds to Real Madrid fan's criticism on Instagram after Girona loss - Duration: 4:14.

Football News24/7  Real Madrid suffered a huge setback in their quest to hunt down Barcelona at the summit of the La Liga table today

 After a welcome return to form under Santiago Solari and on the back of a 3-1 win away at city rivals Atletico, expectations were understandably high against Girona this afternoon

 And everything appeared to be going swimmingly in the first-half, with Casemiro heading Los Blancos into a deserved lead over the Catalan side at the Bernabeu

 But after the break, it all descended into chaos, with Cristhian Stuani and Portu turning the game on its head to hand Girona all three points

 Barca are now nine points clear of their eternal rivals, with the two sides meeting in La Liga on March 2

 A number of Real players really struggled to match Girona in the second period of the game, but it was left-back Marcelo who bore the majority of the criticism

 He was lacklustre defensively once again and a remarkable statistic surfaced in the wake of his latest sub-par display

 In the last nine La Liga games that Marcelo has started, Real have managed just one win

 That exact statistic was uploaded by a Los Blancos supporter on Instagram and Marcelo himself humbly replied

 It's hard not to feel a bit sorry for him after reading his response. MARCELO ADMITS IT'S HIS FAULT  https://twitter

com/FlacoRMCF/status/1097192980774043649  The Brazilian icon said from his official account: "It's all my fault

We move on!"  At 30-years-old, he knows he has to perform better as one of the experienced leaders in the Real dressing room

 Sergio Reguilon has been mighty impressive when called upon by Solari and it looks as if the 22-year-old may be first-choice for the rest of the season

 However, after the game, Solari gave an odd response when questioned on Marcelo's performance

 When asked by a reporter, the Argentine replied: "Good, he played well."  Should Marcelo be dropped? Have your say in the comment box below

For more infomation >> Marcelo responds to Real Madrid fan's criticism on Instagram after Girona loss - Duration: 4:14.


Chelsea vs Man Utd: The THREE reasons Blues are sudden favourites - Martin Keown - Duration: 1:59.

That is the verdict of Premier League pundit and Arsenal legend Martin Keown.

The three-time FA Cup winner is wary of United's chances following the knocks to Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard.

Both United forwards picked up muscle injuries in Tuesday's Champions League defeat to PSG.

The midweek loss at Old Trafford ended Solskjaer's unbeaten run as interim manager.

And while Maurizio Sarri's Chelsea have endured some torrid results themselves of late, including last weekend's 6-0 thumping at Manchester City, they are going into Monday's showdown off the back of a win.

The Blues saw of Malmo in Sweden on Thursday in their 2-1 Europa League round of 32 first leg triumph.

Monday's FA Cup fifth round tie now awaits to the two rivals at Stamford Bridge.

And Keown feels there are a few positives for Chelsea fans to hold to ahead of the game.

As well as the absence of Martial and Lingard for United, the former defender believes history indicates Chelsea's players turn up for these games, and the Malmo victory was crucial for their confidence.

On United being without Martial of Lingard, Keown said on BBC's Football Focus: "I think that's a huge loss.

"Martial and Lingard were coming into some real form and they lose that pace somehow.

"I just think that Chelsea, although it has been a real difficult time for them recently, I think they made that first step against Malmo in midweek and I fancy Chelsea now.

"With those injuries, I make them the favourites.

"Hazard surely will turn up. It seems those Chelsea players, whenever there is that narrative, they can see the light at the end of the tunnel like they did in the Carabao Cup against Spurs.

"Now they are at home as well. I think they'll go to work on Manchester United."

For more infomation >> Chelsea vs Man Utd: The THREE reasons Blues are sudden favourites - Martin Keown - Duration: 1:59.


Wii Fit U - Obstacle Course (Beginner) - Duration: 2:45.

I came in likea wrecking ball

Oh no, the rolling logs of doom.


For more infomation >> Wii Fit U - Obstacle Course (Beginner) - Duration: 2:45.


Tampa Bay Real Estate Market Forecast 2019 - Duration: 6:22.

Hey there this is Debbie Wright with Charles Rutenberg Realty, serving all of Tampa Bay

including Saint Pete to Clearwater, and I'm here to talk to you today about the Tampa

Bay real estate market 2019 so follow me.

Okay so the most frequently asked question I get is, is the market going to crash again?

Well, the short answer is no, I don't think it's going to crash.

Is it going to adjust?

Yeah, we've been feeling that adjustment in 2018, and I think we're still going to

feel it.

And so what I want to do is just historically kind of summarize where we've been, that

will help us figure out where we're going.

So if we look at the historical data in Tampa Bay, the crash of '06 to '08, everybody

tanked, prices tanked, you know the economy tanked, we had predatory lending practices,

everybody gets to buy a home mentality, there are a lot of things that went wrong.

So that being said, obviously the federal government has corrected a lot of that with

regulation and how lenders are allowed to lend, and what's going on in the market.

We even see that right now, there are been a lot of, some defaults that have increased

lately, and so the lenders are getting a little bit tighter, and interest rates are ticking


So I mean, it's all like this little cocktail.

We have to pay attention to all the signs along the way, but for a general rule, we

waded through so much inventory of the crash.

We are at an equity point where we should be, based on where we left off.

If you look at '06 to now, we're right where we should've been had we just kept on that

steady two to three percent rise.

So we're cooling off, we're balancing out now.

We don't have that extreme sellers market we had over the past three, three to five


And I was involved in that too with my home.

I was in a bidding war, just like everybody else, overbidding for properties and stuff.

So, a lot of that we haven't seen in the last year, we have seen the multiple offer situation

but not like it was, not that feverish "there's no inventory" feel and we are low in inventory.

It's not where it should be or where we'd like it to be, but for the most part, we're

seeing a lot of those investors, hopefully as leases come up, they'll start shedding

some other properties.

I've noticed that recently, you know, a lot of the properties coming on the market, or

just investors kind of tired of the renting game and like to liquidate some of their properties.

And they're getting handsomely rewarded with lots of good equity, because they held onto

them for over 10 years.

That leads me to my point: the general rule of thumb is the real estate market is a seven

to ten year flow, you buy low, you sell high, and that's what's happening here.

You know, obviously the variable of the crash is in there, but for the most part, if you

remove that, it's still the same.

That's typically how it goes,.

So we are scheduled for a cooling down more, of a balanced market, and more of a buyer's

market coming up.

At certain price points, we already have a buyer's market over $400,000 and higher,

you'll see it is more of a buyer's market.

Houses remain on the market a little bit longer looking for buyers, and then under that price

point, we see it is more of a seller's market because inventory is a lot lower, especially

200 and under, 250 and under, and it does depend on the area of course.

These are general summary statements, but you'll you'll notice it if you're trying to

look for a house or looking to sell your property.

So part of what we need to look forward to in the future here is that interest rates

are going to tick up.

That means buyers will buy less home if they were looking for a $250,000 home last year

and they couldn't find it, took a break over the holidays and are looking to resume, they

may be looking at a little bit lower priced properties now because interest rates are

ticking up.

And they're predicted to go into the high fives by the end of 2019, and that may mean

in the sixes next year.

So that's important now, so the sellers may want to get their properties ready and get

them on the market, and buyers need to ship and shape up their credit and income and debt

portfolio, so they can present themselves to their lenders and get great financing terms,

maybe buy their rate down a little bit of for the upcoming year.

Or, maybe qualify for some homebuying programs.

There are grants and bond programs through the state of Florida that will help first-time

homebuyers with down payment assistance.

And then there's of course sellers making your properties attractive with concessions

to buyers and offering closing cost assistance, or flooring credits, or repair items, etc.

You can always work it in and you can market it, just kind of depends on what's going on

with your property specifically as a seller, and then of course if the buyer is looking

for something specifically, having an open mind on how to get there.

That being said, I encourage both sellers and buyers, surround yourself with professionals

and a good team of people, people were working for you and in your best interest, who are

going to help you to get the most for your home and help the buyer get the most for what

they're buying, the price and the affordability of what they're doing.

So if you have any questions, let me know.

Give me a call, you can text, you can send me a message on Facebook, or email, I'd

love to speak with you about that, and I hope you have a great day!

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> Tampa Bay Real Estate Market Forecast 2019 - Duration: 6:22.


I Love You - Duration: 3:03.

Doctor Check to the Scarlett Rouge !Problem

For more infomation >> I Love You - Duration: 3:03.


HOW I REALLY TRAIN || MY CURRENT WORKOUT SPLIT *update* - Duration: 14:15.

how I really train my current workout split

how I really train my current workout split

For more infomation >> HOW I REALLY TRAIN || MY CURRENT WORKOUT SPLIT *update* - Duration: 14:15.


#127 Búral som?! • Mix z ciest (No.83) - Duration: 10:12.

There he goes!

They've got us!

What if he hit him?

(probably just to get outta the parking spot)

Now he's gonna turn it off.


What an as*hole! :D

Before we start, take a moment to enjoy the new overlay!

Going 60 kph on a 50 kph limit is not enough for somebody.

After a few more km.

(audio muted because of youtube)

Snails meeting in the left lane.

A pile of winter road dirt.

Even in fog like this there are idiots with a DRL.

Check the line.

Even enough time to gain some karma. :D

Ideal racing line. :D

0.5 m in my lane so I flashed on him. Then he turned on his high beam on me...

... couldn't wait to break in his lane.

Fresh organs, om nom nom. :D

"Park everywhere" on the pedcross. Tons of free parking spaces 'round though.

Going 50 kph on a 90 kph limit so he can aim for the center line.

Oversize load sign, lvl PRO.

... but not lasting long.

As a nice citizien I wanted to let them know.

Attempt no. 1.


Attempt no. 2.

They laughed and noticed that.

But who's gonna clean it up?

They teach them well.

On a phone with indicator turned on... (it's a driving instructor)

To be continued.

For more infomation >> #127 Búral som?! • Mix z ciest (No.83) - Duration: 10:12.


BIG REVEAL! New Season, new Bike! //EDGESOFSUPERMOTARD - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> BIG REVEAL! New Season, new Bike! //EDGESOFSUPERMOTARD - Duration: 3:32.


Marfil: Exploring One of Guanajuato's Most Popular Suburbs + Stunning Gardens - Duration: 10:30.

we are on the bus headed to Marfil. Harper and I are back from Merida and Cancun

and we're doing a family day

and I just realized how loud the music was so...

just outside Guanajuato city there's a suburb

called Marfil and if you're thinking of moving here you're probably going to

want to check it out. it's a residential area where a lot of families live and

there are also some great restaurants out there, and one of our favorite places

ever: exhacienda San Gabriel. but we'll get to that in a minute

some quick pros and cons of Marfil from my point of view... on the plus side

you've got some great restaurants here and some beautiful houses. one of the best

schools in the Guanajuato area is in Marfil and a lot of families we

know are based out of this part of town. the downside is that it's not as

walkable as Centro and I don't find it as pretty. you'll either need a car or be

prepared to take buses taxis or ubers to get around and to get to Guanajuato

centro. since what we love about Guanajuato is its walkability and the wow

factor of the historic center it's important for us to live as close to the

action as possible but a lot of other people prefer to live a little farther

out from the action and Marfil might be a good choice

on our visit the day we shot this footage we had lunch at the gene byron

Museum and the restaurant was so lovely I felt like we were in the Italian


whether you want to move to Marfil or not what you are going to want to see is

one of my absolute favorite spots to go near Guanajuato

and that's exhacienda San Gabriel. if you've got kids or if you're just

looking for a beautiful place to chill, relax, to breathe, and to be around

growing things get yourself over here. this place was a former silver operation

that has since been turned into a museum with an old beautiful property you can

tour but the star attraction is the gardens. you can spend hours wandering

and relaxing here or if you're a three-year-old I hear that running

circles around the fountains is very fun there's also a little snack bar so if

you get hungry you can get a snack and a drink

if you're hungry for Italian food you're going to want to head over to trattoria

la terrazza. the restaurant is beautiful and a little fancy so be

prepared for higher prices than you'd pay at other restaurants but guys they

have playgrounds with babysitters yeah babysitters

so if you're a parent you might--just might--get to finish all your food before

it gets cold. I mean if that's not worth the extra cost I don't know what is. I

really do not understand why every restaurant does not have this feature

also don't forget to tip the people watching your kids! so that's just a

taste of Marfil. you might want to move here or you might just want to come over

for an afternoon of good food and garden strolling

For more infomation >> Marfil: Exploring One of Guanajuato's Most Popular Suburbs + Stunning Gardens - Duration: 10:30.


How To Get A Rash | 5 ITCHY Ways! - Duration: 3:50.

Hello boys and girls. In this video I'm gonna be telling you how to get a rash

Why would you want to give yourself a rash on purpose? I'll tell you why

because the ladies dig it. Back me up ladies. I love a man with a heat rash. Queries of

the interweb. What's going on Joel here and I amusingly answer questions that are

searched for every single day on the interweb. So I'm gonna get two

objections right off the bat, here's the first one. Why would anyone want to give

themself a rash on purpose? why would you even make this video? I have two answers

to that question. The first answer is according to vidIQ's keyword research

tool, the term how to get a rash is searched for over 22,000 times per month.

That means there's 22,000 of you who are looking for this crap.Iif that's how you

stumbled upon this video you have no one to blame but yourself and if you're

subscribed to me well then you've come to expect this kind of crap anyway.

Secondly if you do the opposite of the things I share with you you won't get a

rash huh? Reverse reverse engineering psychology. I don't know I'm very

scientific. So how to get a rash. Let's begin. The first way to give yourself a

rash is a dry shaving with a razor. Nothing will mess up your face more than

taking a dry razor to the face. Out of shaving cream? Yeah that soap

you're using isn't gonna cut it. You're gonna get a rash on your face. You are

gonna hurt your face really hard and talk about ingrown hair or whatever. Dry

razors to the face is gonna f up your face bra. A second way to give yourself a

rash is itchy fabric. I want you to replace that comforter on your bed with

something made out of like wool or a nylon or something very itchy okay. I'm

sure you have something laying around your house, you know that blanket you use

for your dog? Go ahead and use that on yourself. You're wondering why your dog

is always scratching themselves, it's because the blanket you gave them sucks.

Maybe you have an itchy ass sweater. Put it on over your bare body and see how

that works out for you. A third way to give yourself a rash is

exposure to skin irritants. If you got like some soaps some skincare crap that

irritates your skin, maybe some detergent, you wash the laundry or

dishes with. Use laundry detergent as lotion, let's see how that works out for

you or the dish soap okay, rub rub dish soap in your armpits and just leave it.

Don't do that. A fourth way to get a rash on purpose is

to dry out your skin like on your arms and legs and face okay. You're always

being told to moisturize for a reason. Moisture is good, is good for your

skin, the moisture, you got to get the moisture.

In this case you're gonna not get the moisture. You're gonna let your skin get

so dry... I couldn't think of any analogy. Dry out your skin to the point where it

looks like the surface of... I'll put a picture up okay, I'll put a picture. A

fifth way to give yourself a rash and this is gonna be a little bit gross so

brace yourselves, you're gonna do two things okay. You're gonna take the

underwear from yesterday and the day before that you haven't washed you're

gonna spray some water on it okay. You're

gonna make it as moist as you can and

then you're gonna wear that underwear for the next 24-48 hours. There's nothing,

nothing good is gonna happen to your to your region down there by doing this.

Yeah I don't know if what you get will be considered a rash or some sort of

other weird skin crap but it's not gonna be good. This is what I do. I arm you with

the tools and skills you need to be successful in life. Stay moist my friends.

I'll see you in the next video peace

For more infomation >> How To Get A Rash | 5 ITCHY Ways! - Duration: 3:50.


i feel like I'm drowning - Duration: 0:42.

you`re a good man

i really value you as a friend

but I'm in love with someone else.

kill me!

I hate you! I never loved you!

you killed her.

no, not yet

because I only want to be with you.

For more infomation >> i feel like I'm drowning - Duration: 0:42.


Probuď své vlny s Curly Girl Method I MuhalkaCZ - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Probuď své vlny s Curly Girl Method I MuhalkaCZ - Duration: 7:41.


Thank you very much for 1000 subscriptions (4K) (GoPro Hero7 Black) - Duration: 5:13.


Listen, we're very happy.

A couple of days ago we reached 1000 subscriptions on our channel.

Yes, we are really shocked.

We waited for that number.

And finally it happened.

For how long the channel has been active?

Since June, so that's over half a year.

Of course there are channels where it goes much faster

but we work at our own pace, we publish videos

mainly about our travels.

We don't have any big advertisements on Facebook and such.

It just happened.

We did it. We reached 1000.

We are very glad that you're with us

that you watch us, that you like our films

that you're writing so many comments.

Yes, that's something that really motivates us

if we read those very positive comments.

Most thumbs are thums up

although rarely there are also thumbs down of course.

It's a pity that those who give thumbs down don't write why

cause that would also be a motivation for us.

if someone would write: I give you a thumbs down cause I don't like this and this.

Maybe we could improve on that

but now we simply don't know about it.

But in general there are a lot of positive reactions

from people who say that we inspire them

or who want to go on a big or small trip because they were watching us.

And that's what it's about.

That's what it's about. To go outside.

Some people never went anywhere or are afraid to go

and I hope that we can show them that it's not that complicated.

If you want to, if you have a dream to go somewhere

it doesn't have to be the end of the world, the middle of Asia, the Pamir Mountains or high passes.

You can go to Slovakia, or just 20 km outside of Cracow or Warsaw

and you can also find some really nice places there.

So please stay with us.

There will be a lot more nice videos.

We reached the 1000, and on that occasion we also have a new camera

the Gopro Hero 7 Black

with which we are now filming.

We would like to improve the quality, the image and the sound

I hope this camera will help in that.

It has a lot of nice options that we don't know how to use yet

cause we've had the camera for 2 days now.

We'll learn how to use it and make a video about it.

I am going to make a film about this GoPro 7

with the main point of focus on how to use it while travelling.

Our channel is about travelling.

Not only, but so far our content is mostly about travelling.

And I think that thanks to this new function called... What is it called?

Hyper Smooth Stabilisation, did I say that well? - I think so.

the camera gives amazing possibilities

because you don't need to carry a gimbal.

That's great, a better quality.

So we reached the 1000, we have a new camera

we are developing our channel and planning several interesting things.

We would finally like to publish the long awaited Caucasus.

We have the materials, but they are not assembled yet.

Only the first episode is 90% ready.

Unfortunately we don't have enough time.

We're mainly busy with the Asia series

and the other things fall to the background.

So thank you for being with us!

We are glad.

And we'll work on.

Let us know what you like but also what you don't like

cause that is just as important.


En om te zorgen dat het niet te grappig is, geven we Dorenda een duw.

For more infomation >> Thank you very much for 1000 subscriptions (4K) (GoPro Hero7 Black) - Duration: 5:13.


i broke my eye(captions on) - Duration: 14:10.

hi guys!!! welcome to my channel

today i will be drawing something for you/boys at my school

the iconic "i broke my eye" in drawing form:)

soo some of you guys may not know about this

but in my one video i said i broke my arm but people thought that i said

thus the "i broke my eye" meme came to be

people actually come up to me in the hallways and say it to me

i normally don't reply because i don't see the point

butttttt i can get a couple views out of this

hahahahahahahahah anywhooooo enjoy the video

love you guys se you in the next video bye bye~

For more infomation >> i broke my eye(captions on) - Duration: 14:10.


My secret mission to stop Tseries... - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> My secret mission to stop Tseries... - Duration: 15:24.




For more infomation >> TOP 5 FUTURE TECHNOLOGY INVENTIONS | 2019 - Duration: 7:04.


Ken Anderson opens up on why he never returned to WWE after departure - Duration: 1:13.

Ken Anderson, who is best known for his ring name Mr. Kennedy in the WWE, reflected on

why he never returned to the WWE after departing.

He worked for the sports entertainment company between 2005 and 2009.

Anderson made his debut on the SmackDown brand on August 2005 and the following month, he

captured his first and only title with the company, the United States Championship, and

would hold onto it for a month.

He would win the annual Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 23.

Anderson departed from WWE on May 29, 2009.

During a recent interview with the Pancakes and Powerslams Show, Anderson gave his take

on never returning to the WWE.

"I don't really know," said Anderson.

"I think part of it had to do with my attitude, probably.

I was very – I was like bitter for a couple of years after I left WWE, and said some things

I probably shouldn't have said.

In hindsight, I can say if I could point to any one reason, I would point to myself."

For more infomation >> Ken Anderson opens up on why he never returned to WWE after departure - Duration: 1:13.


Wes Nelson parties with bevy of lingerie-clad beauties after Megan Barton-Hanson split - Duration: 3:11.

The video will start in 8 Cancel Wes Nelson spent a night out surrounded by beautiful lingerie-clad women after his split with Megan Barton-Hanson

The Love Island star appeared to have firmly moved on as he partied with a group of girls wearing nothing but their undies

Ahead of tonight's Dancing On Ice double elimination, the 20-year-old single lad, who is partnered with Vanessa Bauer on the ITV show, was spotted enjoying a night out at Shooshh nightclub in Brighton

Wes was pictured in the club last night, the same evening his ex Megan partied with fellow Islander Charlie Brake

Onlookers say Wes spent two hours at the club with a male pal before chatting to a group of girls outside the venue, hugging them and posing for snaps with them

Inside, Wes grinned as he posed for pictures holding up a sign that read "Reserved for Wes"

The reality hunk wore black jeans and a tight-fighting cream jumper that clung to his muscles

And he didn't seem to mind that he was joined for the snaps by a number of gorgeous girls wearing tiny black knickers and lacy red corsets

Wes and Vanessa have faced romance rumours since they were paired together on the show, which left his ex Megan extremely jealous

Speaking on This Morning last week, Wes revealed how he really feels about Vanessa

Asked the reason for his split, Wes said that his training was largely to do with it and insisted that it didn't have anything to do with Vanessa

"Vanessa this, Vanessa that - it's not like that," he said. "With training it made it difficult to plan ahead

" He added: "When you come home you want to know that the three hours that you get home is quality time" But Phillip Schofield pointed out that Dancing on Ice was only on for 10 weeks and that she could have waited until after it was over

"You cant just say, 'wait for me'," he said. "If it's making you that upset and sad, who am I [to tell you to wait]

" He explained: "I think she wishes that I didn't do Dancing on Ice, we wanted a simpler life

I'm a very driven person." Branding it a "holiday romance kind of thing" he spoke about how Megan has blocked him on Instagram

Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033

For more infomation >> Wes Nelson parties with bevy of lingerie-clad beauties after Megan Barton-Hanson split - Duration: 3:11.


Abuse was the only way I felt love after being abandoned by my family as a child - Duration: 10:15.

Aged 10 months old, me and my brother Martin, who was 15 months older, were found abandoned at the side of the road in Ireland

We were placed in care, only to find out we were actually brothers when the authorities handed us back to our alcoholic father when I was five

My parents were travellers. The authorities then were always keen to get as many kids out of care as possible

They traced my father and he came back for us and we moved to Manchester, but he quickly sent us out to beg and steal anything he could sell

Martin and I also realised we had 12 other siblings. None of us were cared for, but there was a sense of care between me and my brothers and sisters

Whatever we got from begging we would share out among us all before our parents got wind of it

There was zero affection from our parents. We were never even touched unless it was to be beaten

My sisters ended up running away because they were sexually abused by my father

My dad once had my hand stretched over a chopping block to chop my fingers off because I wouldn't hand over a tuppence coin to him

He only didn't do it because my mum caught him. I remember her saying, 'How can he go begging for us with just the one hand?' When I was eight, my parents just disappeared

My older sister came to take the young kids away, and me and Martin decided to leave too

We set fire to my parents' quilt as we left to burn the house down. I'd had no affection or love, but the memories of having a home were all I had

I didn't want anyone else to live there. Too young to be charged at just eight years old, we were placed in a children's home for a few months

It was fantastic. They handed us plates of food three times a day. We had warm beds, clean clothes

We were encouraged to play, and they set us up at a school. But this seemed alien, so we never went to the school and instead roamed the streets stealing

It was all we knew. Sadly, Martin and I were deemed too disruptive and were sent to Rosehill Remand Centre

There, we were both sexually assaulted by the staff and eventually, as we always were, sent somewhere else for bad behaviour

This time I was separated from Martin too, which to this day is one of the most devastating things that's ever happened to me

It was a different regime at St Vincent's school, and without Martin, I was alone and scared to death

We were punished in horrible ways, whether it be beatings or having nettles rubbed over our naked bodies and newts shoved in our mouths

At night boys were taken out of their beds to be abused and I would lie there paralysed with fear

There wasn't a day that went by I wouldn't pray for my safety. One teacher in particular, Mr Sweet, was terrifying

He beat us all and was very militant. But one day he started to take a strange interest in me

We had gone on a day out to a farm and I was tending to some chickens. 'You like tending to the animals, don't you?' he said

'I love them,' I replied. 'It's a good thing to be loved, isn't it?' he said flashing a rare smile

I told him I didn't know. From that moment, he knew how to get me. He led me into a shed and demanded I performed a sex act on him

He then raped me. All the time he was whispering in my ear how much he cared for me and how he loved me

This continued regularly. In many ways it was nice to hear someone say they loved me

He told me I was special to him, with warnings not to mention our relationship, otherwise he would stop loving me and I'd be in serious trouble

This went on for months until one day I saw one of the younger lads running into a small room Mr Sweet usually took me to

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I bent down and looked through the keyhole

I heard the boy whimper and Mr Sweet tell him, 'Shh, I'm not going to hurt you.' I felt betrayed, marched outside and attempted to kill myself

I don't remember tying the noose around my neck, but remember lying in the grass as I'd crashed to the ground

No one cared about me. I tried to carry on. The pain and hurt turned to anger, and when Mr Sweet approached me in assembly a few days later saying, 'I need you to help me with something,' I saw red

'I don't want you to love me any more,' I said. My anger had taken over any fear

'I'm not doing anything for you any more, so f***ing leave me alone.' Swearing at him didn't go down well

I felt my head smash against the wall. Another teacher joined in and they started attacking me

I fought back, kicking Mr Sweet's glasses off his face. The other kids cheered when this happened, which lifted my spirits

I was punished with a caning on my backside which drew blood, and from then on Mr Sweet bullied me every day

The worst being when he broke my thumb from treading on my hand, grinning wildly

I hatched many plans to escape, but never managed to. Then aged 12, I got called into the head teacher's office

'Your parents are taking you home,' he explained. I felt my stomach sink and protested I didn't have parents

The social services report proved otherwise. 'Your brother Martin is going too,' he said

If he was going, that changed everything. Two women from social services drove me to my mother

She shook my hand. She'd mistreated me my entire life and greeted me as though I was a stranger

Then she held out her other hand for the envelope of money from social services

She was paid to have me back, that's the only reason she took me. My younger siblings ran up to me, excited to say hello, but none of us cuddled

Five minutes later Martin turned up. We hugged and it felt amazing. He'd been abused in care too

The system had failed us. I carried the guilt of my abusers on my shoulders. I attempted suicide again at 15 and felt guilty I'd allowed men to abuse me just to feel love

I talked to a lot of therapists, but tried to take my own life again for the last time in 2000

Little boy with cancer defies odds to meet and name baby sister before dying Eventually, I had an amazing counsellor called Chris who changed me

He said I had to face my past in order to move forward. He also got me writing my books, which was therapeutic

My father died aged 55 and I didn't go to his funeral. By the time I'd had successful counselling and my mother died aged 84, I went to her death bed

It was part of my healing. I kissed her on the forehead as if to say, 'I forgive you'

I didn't feel any emotion, but I needed to do it for me. Me and Martin have remained close and live down the street from each other

I don't see many of my other siblings, but I'm now married with three children and nine grandkids, all of which are adored

I was worried what people would think of me and my past. Now I'm proud to have overcome such horror

I wrote to help myself, but I hope it helps others. I want to lend a voice to people who have suffered too

My lack of care destroyed my life. But I want people who have been abused to know they're not alone

For more infomation >> Abuse was the only way I felt love after being abandoned by my family as a child - Duration: 10:15.


2/17/19 2:30 PM (I-64, Henrico, VA 23228, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 2/17/19 2:30 PM (I-64, Henrico, VA 23228, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


Frankie Grande Is 'Dating Again' After Split From Married Couple: People Can 'Smell That I'm Single' - Duration: 2:47.

 Embracing his newfound relationship status! isn't down in the dumps following his split from a married couple he was previously dating — and admitted he received an outpouring of love following the breakup

 "It was an interesting experience for me [this] Valentine's Day," the dancer, 36, exclusively told Us Weekly at the Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 16

"It's interesting. When [I became] publicly single, I got so many messages from boys that I had not spoken to in so long on Valentine's Day, being like, 'Boo, what are you doing today? How you doing?' I was literally like, 'Oh, my God, wait, what's happening?' So I think the single people smell that I'm single

"  As for whether or not Grande is ready to move on, he told Us that he's "certainly dating again" and "feeling strong, and confident, and ready to meet whoever is the right person or persons out there for me

" The former Broadway star added: "This will be the year of love, I'm sure of it."  Us broke the news of Grande's relationship with married couple and in November 2018

The Livin' La Vida Grande star told Us that they had been dating for about three months at the time

 Grande revealed to Us in January that he had split from the husbands. "I am single

I've been single for about a month now," he told Us."It's really good."  The Big Brother alum explained: "I'm super grateful for my last relationship

I grew so much in it, and at the same time, it wasn't working out anymore. I'm super glad that we decided to end things amicably

And that we can all remain friends … that's the important thing."  Grande told Us at the time that being "in a throuple" was "so complicated" because "you have double the highs, double the excitement … but also double the lows, double the drama

"  With reporting by Emily Marcus

For more infomation >> Frankie Grande Is 'Dating Again' After Split From Married Couple: People Can 'Smell That I'm Single' - Duration: 2:47.


Nisan sahilde gezerken kendine arkadaş buldu Fun Kids Video, Çocuk Videosu - Duration: 15:16.

Hello friends

For more infomation >> Nisan sahilde gezerken kendine arkadaş buldu Fun Kids Video, Çocuk Videosu - Duration: 15:16.


Fate/Grand Order - Mecha Eli-chan Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 10:50.

I see you are in your room, pilot candidate. It's me. M・A・E・C (Magus Aegis Elizabeth Channel).

So you are on standby at home today with nothing to do. How pitiful. Don't you have any desire to improve yourself?

Well......that said. Even though it's Valentines it's a good thing that you aren't getting too restless.

As such, I have an important suggestion. Without delay, come down to the Chaldea Underground Hangar.

I'll say it first, three minutes. My reactor will not have tolerance for anything more.

Choice 1: Three minutes, isn't that too quick!? Choice 2: If I don't make it......?

Fufufu. You sure have the luxury of wasting your breath, Guda. My sadistic side is excited.

Of course, for every minute of tardiness it'll be one Mecha-Eli punch. Or would you prefer the Death Cutter?

Choice: That's just an execution——————!

Indeed. That's why I've been saying to come quickly as soon as possible. So that, my reactor doesn't rampage any further.

Fast! Normally you always sidetrack but, only for today you're on time for some reason!

Plus you have so much leeway, without catching your breath!

I've never experienced this irritation before, failure to analyze your actions! All I can feel is some kind of illogical dissatisfaction here!

Eei, Mecha-Eli punch (Invulnerability Pierce), Mecha-Eli punch (Invulnerability Pierce)!

Choice 1: I came on time but got yelled at———! Choice 2: Could it be, you wanted more leeway?

——————T, that's right. Why am I angry......

I should be pleased about you keeping to schedule since you normally fail to be punctual...I wonder if it's a bug.

Or could it be, this has rised above the permissable range of anger, and I just want to punch you over anything......?

Choice 1: (Is that just a bug?) Choice 2: Be the way, what did you want from me?

Pilot. Did you just say something?

Towards this Steel Demoness Mecha-Eli chan, who is the most beautiful metal on earth as the guardian deity of Csjete,

Whether its a bug, being overly-retro, or my flat head, you should know the path of fools who spin those kind of thoughts?

No, there's not need to explain right Guda? You are wise, being my servant after all.

Now. There is no other reason as to why I called you out. In this sacred space——————

In this Hangar that could be called the homeland of the mecha's soul, to bestow the greatest honor.

Take it. This is from me, the proof between collaborators that I gift to you.

Choice 1: Could it really be—————— Choice 2: Mecha-Eli chan has chocolate......!

Choice 1: It's not even food——————!? Choice 2: It's a mecha——————!

Obviously. I am unable to intake carbohydrates, sugars, and calcium. I'm made of metal after all.

However, that is that. I understand what today's ocassion is. This is the me who's accepted Halloween after all.

......Eh-, ahem. As such, kneel and receive this.

This is the bond of steel that connects the two of us.

Anytime, and at any moment, it is a servant's crown that will allow your voice command to reach my AI.

Yes——————this is the must-have item for a protagonist! Today is indeed the award ceremony! What's the matter, Guda. With this the two of us are somewhat unified in body and mind you know?

Perhaps, you had preference for a more simpler transceiver design?

Choice 1: ——————n o, i a m, h a p p y? Choice 2: ——————j u s t, t h e s h o c k i s a b i t m u c h

※Tokusatsu......meaning magical energy from a special kind of filming Fu. That's right. This is something I acquired from my most respected tokusatsu,

The greatest transmission device, one that will never have its colors fade. For the newest head-mount display,

My favorite tactics, intended attacks, my desired supply items, and words that will elevate my ambitions,

It is all displayed as a manual. You are to be dilligent, and follow it.

Mu? Why did I make this? Obviously, it's out of kindness.

You have been very much lacking for quite some time. I thought that this would be an opportunity to reform you.

Isn't it wonderful? Even I am fearful of my own creativity. Elizabeth Bathory was a genius.

............well that aside.

........................what are you doing. If you dilly-dally I'll spew fire from my mouth.

Hurry put it on. This is the kind of place for that.

Choice 1: ku......(It's embarrassing, but I have no choice......) Choice 2: Alright (now that I look at it closely it's really cool!)

——————great——————.........! Oh my, my pilot, you're too cool......!

ah——————no. Nothing. That was just a bug. Please pay it no mind.

Pilot. No, Master.

As my pilot candidate, I have even higher hopes for greater development.

I am the executor of justice but, I am nonetheless a weapon. If the user's heart is not strong enough I'll fall to the likes of a useless dragon.

That receiver, has a Forced Suspension Function included in it. It is like a command seal, to me.

Well, the success rate is 12% but, it's much better than having nothing at all.

Choice 1: Definitely better than having nothing......! Choice 2: Well, I probably won't go to the extent of using it

Yes. But it'll become a brake for the heart. It's because of you that's why I have a Humanity Circuit.

In any case, that is my gift to you. The greatest form of trust that I have tried to materialize.

If you feel it's a shame that it is not food, then go to the cafeteria now. Enjoy the chocolate over there.

It's because what I am able to give, is nothing that's dazzling or attractive.

Choice: It's plenty attractive I think......

Choice: But, thank you. I'll take good care of it that so. Hearing those words have made my reactor calm down.

To give it a test, please order your first command. I won't get angry at any command, as a first-time service.

Choice: Alright, well then——————

Choice 1: (Is that just a bug?) Choice 2: Be the way, what did you want from me?

——————That's right. This isn't about my Humanity Circuit.

Now. There is no other reason as to why I called you out. In this sacred space——————

Choice 1: Definitely better than having nothing......! Choice 2: Well, I probably won't go to the extent of using it

——————that's right.

Upon seeing you with that helmet on, I will surely not go berserk.

In any case, that is my gift to you. The greatest form of trust that I have tried to materialize.

If you feel it's a shame that it is not food, then go to the cafeteria now. Enjoy the chocolate over there.

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Mecha Eli-chan Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed) - Duration: 10:50.


BIG Wild South African Bass - Duration: 20:12.

For more infomation >> BIG Wild South African Bass - Duration: 20:12.


Frankie Grande Is 'Dating Again' After Split From Married Couple: People Can 'Smell That I'm Single' - Duration: 2:49.

 Embracing his newfound relationship status! isn't down in the dumps following his split from a married couple he was previously dating — and admitted he received an outpouring of love following the breakup

 "It was an interesting experience for me [this] Valentine's Day," the dancer, 36, exclusively told Us Weekly at the Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 16

"It's interesting. When [I became] publicly single, I got so many messages from boys that I had not spoken to in so long on Valentine's Day, being like, 'Boo, what are you doing today? How you doing?' I was literally like, 'Oh, my God, wait, what's happening?' So I think the single people smell that I'm single

"  As for whether or not Grande is ready to move on, he told Us that he's "certainly dating again" and "feeling strong, and confident, and ready to meet whoever is the right person or persons out there for me

" The former Broadway star added: "This will be the year of love, I'm sure of it."  Us broke the news of Grande's relationship with married couple and in November 2018

The Livin' La Vida Grande star told Us that they had been dating for about three months at the time

 Grande revealed to Us in January that he had split from the husbands. "I am single

I've been single for about a month now," he told Us."It's really good."  The Big Brother alum explained: "I'm super grateful for my last relationship

I grew so much in it, and at the same time, it wasn't working out anymore. I'm super glad that we decided to end things amicably

And that we can all remain friends … that's the important thing."  Grande told Us at the time that being "in a throuple" was "so complicated" because "you have double the highs, double the excitement … but also double the lows, double the drama

"  With reporting by Emily Marcus

For more infomation >> Frankie Grande Is 'Dating Again' After Split From Married Couple: People Can 'Smell That I'm Single' - Duration: 2:49.


MEPHILES, O Ouriço das TREVAS! - Sonic 2006 #15 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 20:50.

For more infomation >> MEPHILES, O Ouriço das TREVAS! - Sonic 2006 #15 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 20:50.



For more infomation >> BIANCA DRĂGUȘANU, RĂPUSĂ: „NU ȘTIU DACĂ O MAI DUC MULT!" - Duration: 4:10.


Korres Pure Greek Olive Oil Nourishing AntiAging Lip O... - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Korres Pure Greek Olive Oil Nourishing AntiAging Lip O... - Duration: 7:50.


Venezuelanos recebem ajuda humanitária... do governo (Legendado) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Venezuelanos recebem ajuda humanitária... do governo (Legendado) - Duration: 1:05.


IT'S NO USE! Surge Silver, o Ouriço do Futuro - Sonic 2006 #03 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 21:01.

For more infomation >> IT'S NO USE! Surge Silver, o Ouriço do Futuro - Sonic 2006 #03 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 21:01.


Por Que o Knuckles Sempre Está Procurando Alguma Coisa? - Sonic 2006 #06 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> Por Que o Knuckles Sempre Está Procurando Alguma Coisa? - Sonic 2006 #06 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 20:48.


Chazinho com o Robotnik - Sonic 2006 #04 - LEGENDADO - Duration: 21:32.

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Nests for canaries. Which nest is better for the breeding of canaries.

Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.

On this occasion, in this video we are going to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of nests

of the canaries and we will see what are the best nests for the breeding of canaries, and

As you know there are many types of nests different we can use in breeding

of canaries. I do not linger anymore, we started!

The breeders of canaries can find in the market many types of nests and models

different If we make a classification general of canary nests we can

classify them at first in nests outer and inner nests, and in turn

Sort them according to their material. The outer nests for canaries that we have

at our reach they are basically like these models you see, left outside nests

completely closed since only they have an entrance in the front

which is where the players access to the nest to incubate the eggs and feed

to their chicks and to the right outside nests open, for example, this model has built-in

a door with which we can access to change the eggs or to ring the chicks and this

another model that does not have this door so we must pick up the nest every

Once we want to manipulate the eggs or the little canaries.

While the interior nests for canaries Most common are these three types. For

side, we have the typical interior nest that has been used all of life, on the other this

other type of plastic nests and finally this type of nests for canaries that are

balcony nest flame. Regarding the materials of the nests,

they are very different, since there are aluminum or steel, plastic and even

wood, and as with the nests, There are also many types of nests

mainly the nest of pita rope that is the traditional one that has been used

all the life, the sheep's nest that is he calls him that because inside he has

a kind of wool, the jute nest or the white polyester nest.

Then, once we know the classification of the different nests of

the canaries we are going to analyze the advantages and inconveniences of the nests for canaries.

On the one hand, the main advantages of External nests would be:

They do not take up space inside the cage so which is a good option for cages of 50

or 60 cm, especially when future offspring jump from the nest or when we separate the young

of the parents with the separating grid and that the space will be very small.

Also, being an outside nest and having a kind of walls at their ends, we get

or we reduce the probability that some pigeon may fall from the nest except for the

front side that is where they have access parents inside the nest.

On the other hand, this type of nests has some inconveniences:

First, they are less hygienic nests since the stools stay on the edges of the

nest and glued to the walls of the nest or even if it's an open outside nest the

Stools come to fall on the floor of one's own aviary

Second, in some cases and depending of the couple do not get to feel completely

insurance in this type of nests so you can have some problems during the incubation

of eggs or during breeding. And finally, as outdoor nests are

placed in one of the doors of the cage we will be without an access door, what

which may be a problem in those cages in which there is only one or two

doors since it will make access difficult for cleaning, to fill feeders

or place the fruits and vegetables, as well as the breeding paste.

And taking advantage of the fact that we are talking about nests exteriors for canaries I'm going to give you some

tips that I have been learning over time since I have used them in the breeding of canaries

for several years. The first advice is that you always try to place the nest in

an end or a front in which they are not bother when we clean the cage, fill

feeders, etc. In addition, it is important that do not place the nest in a place where

we are going continuously to avoid scare them during breeding, so there's

than to place it in a place where they are calm and feel safe. The second

advice is that if you can place several nests in different locations of the cage

so that the couple of canaries choose the nest that you like more and more tranquility transmit.

As for the indoor nests for breeding of canaries, the main advantages of this

Type of nests could be: That both parents can feed at the same time

to their chicks, since this type of nest allows them to sit comfortably on the ends

and feed all the offspring well. Also, they are much easier nests

clean, change and replace. Since with this type of nests the feces

of the young usually fall at the bottom of the cage so we will dirty less the aviary

and will facilitate your cleaning. The majority of pairs of canaries are usually

feel more comfortable and safe with this guy of canaries.

While the main drawbacks would:

That to access the nest and review it we would have to enter the hand inside the cage by

what could disturb the couple. And mainly that with this type of nests

we would remove space inside the cage, which would be a big problem in cages

of small size. In the case of indoor balcony nests

we would have the problem of being constantly cleaning the nest holder since the stool

of the young would be deposited in the holder nest instead of falling to the tray of the cage.

As for the material of the nests from now I advise you to use this type, both

I like many other breeders agree, in that it is one of the best for its ease

to substitute one for another, for its price already which are very economical, because they are nests

very clean and also, being a nest that It has no curbs and it's white

to allow better detection and control of possible mites or piojillos since they are going away

to see very well with the white background, and to be a material that is not porous we will avoid that

the piojillos can lodge and reproduce at.

Nor should there be problems with the nest traditional of pita rope since always

has been raised in those kinds of nests, but if we neglected a little may appear and

reproduce this type of parasites quickly. On the other hand, the materials that you can

put the canaries to make the nest They are mainly goat hair, sisal

and jute, if you want we'll see more forward in future videos of the channel.

Finally, once we know the advantages and drawbacks of each type of nest, os

will you ask what is then the type of nest in which the canaries breed best?

Well tell you that it will depend on the point of view of the breeder, the conditions of your

aviary and the type of cage you use, but above all the best nest will be the one

prefer your canarian couple that is which is really going to take care of

the laying of eggs, of their incubation and feed the young.

I have used both types and have never had problems with none, I have been raised well

both in indoor and outdoor. Those who are in the channel from the beginning

you know that before I was raising in cages of 60 cm so I used outer nests and

later I went to subway cages, that even if you divide them in half and breed with

a couple at each end leaving a cage 50 cm, the size in volume is higher

which is a cage that has more depth and height, and in subway cages nursery with indoor nests

since I have no space problems. I hope once again that you liked the

video and I can serve you, if so, do not forget to share it on your networks

social and whatsapp groups to help us among the breeders. If you are not yet subscribed

to the channel I invite you to subscribe for free here below so you can see new videos

every week. Take this opportunity to leave you up here some very interesting videos

about the breeding of canaries and as always ... I hope in the next video.

For more infomation >> NIDOS PARA CANARIOS 🐣 CRIA DE CANARIOS | COMO CRIAR CANARIOS - Duration: 8:05.


Jennifer Lopez lernt jetzt, wie eine Stripperin zu tanzen! - Aktuelle Nachrichten - Duration: 2:37.

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Die Allrounderin feiert damit einen Anlass, den man ihr wahrlich nicht ansieht: J

Lo wird 50! Bevor es jedoch so weit ist, steht mit "Hustlers" noch ein ganz anderes Projekt auf dem Plan

In dem Film von Lorene Scafaria spielt die Schauspielerin die Anführerin einer Gruppe von Stripperinnen in New York

Um für diese Rolle fit zu sein, übt sie nun schon emsig an der Stange zu tanzen.In der TV-Show Jimmy Kimmel Live auf ABC erzählte Jen im Interview, dass sie zurzeit mit der fachkundigen Hilfe einer Akrobatin vom Cirque du Soleil hart für den Film trainiert

"Wir haben eine Stange im Haus, eine transportable Stange. Daran kann man üben", berichtet sie

Doch ein Kinderspiel sind die Lern-Einheiten keinesfalls – im Gegenteil: "Es ist hart

Ich habe überall blaue Flecken. Es ist wirklich hart", fügte die Beauty hinzu.Jimmy (51) wollte daraufhin wissen, ob das Tanzen im Stil einer Stripperin wirklich herausfordernder sein, als beim klassischen Tanz

Jenny erklärte, die Anforderungen seien zumindest andere: "Es ist wie Akrobatik. Es sind andere Muskelgruppen, das Auf und Ab an der Stange, was man mit seinen Beinen macht – es ist hart"

Der Film selbst beruht auf einer wahren Geschichte und setzt sich der Regisseurin zufolge mit einem hochaktuellen Thema auseinander: den tradierten Rollen von Männern und Frauen in der Gesellschaft

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lopez lernt jetzt, wie eine Stripperin zu tanzen! - Aktuelle Nachrichten - Duration: 2:37.


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John Mulaney to host 'SNL' again - Latest News - Duration: 1:22.

 Writer-comedian John Mulaney will host NBC's "Saturday Night Live" on March 2, joined by musical guest Thomas Rhett

The announcement was made during Saturday's telecast hosted by Don Cheadle.  This will be the second hosting stint for former "SNL" writer Mulaney whose first turn in April 2018 was well received, as was Mulaney's recent appearance on "Weekend Update" alongside Pete Davidson

 Mulaney is one of only three former "SNL" non-cast member writers to host the show, along with Larry David and Conan O'Brien

 Mulaney, who is part of the voice cast of Netflix's animated comedy series "Big Mouth," headlined his own short-lived Fox sitcom "Mulaney" and won an Emmy Award for writing the 2018 comedy special "John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous at Radio City

" Share this:

For more infomation >> John Mulaney to host 'SNL' again - Latest News - Duration: 1:22.


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「DOUBLE DECKER!」本編の空白を埋める「EXTRA」全3話の配信詳細とストーリーが明らかに - Duration: 4:14.

5月24日には全 話を収録した ブ ーレイ&DVDが リース    映画.com ニ ース] テレビア メ「DOUBLE DECKER!( ブルデッカー) グ&キリル」の本 で語られなかった ピソードを、全3 で描く「DOUB E DECKER ダグ&キリル XTRA」の配信 細とストーリー概 が発表された

  「DOUBL DECKER! ダグ&キリル」は サンライズが企画 制作、漫画家の桂 和氏がメインキャ クターデザインを めるという「TI ER & BUN Y」のタッグで制 され、昨年9~1 月に放送&配信さ たオリジナル作品

ふたつの太陽が昇 都市国家リスヴァ ッタを舞台に、危 薬物アンセムを取 締まる捜査機関「 EVEN-O特殊 捜査係」に所属す ベテラン刑事のダ ・ビリンガムと、 米刑事のキリル・ ルーベリが、2人 組で行動する捜査 制「ダブルデッカ システム」のもと 型破りなバディと て活動していく

  2月10日に 信されたEX#0 「七人の刑事の日 !」は第4~5話 間に起きたエピソ ドで、キリルがダ と理想の相棒関係 築けずに思い悩む を描く

3月10日正午配 開始の#02「イ ファナル・アンフ ア!」は、第8~ 話の間に起こった 語で、大富豪が主 するパーティーに 入することになっ キリルが、難しい 装を要求される任 に挑む

4月10日正午に 信される#03「 事カリアゲ 湯け り殺人事件簿!」 、テレビシリーズ 終話の後日談

SEVEN-O特 犯捜査係の面々は 日々の疲れを癒や ため温泉旅行へ出 けるが、そこで思 ぬ事件に巻き込ま てしまう

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Hejt doprowadził ją do nerwicy! To pierwsze tak mocne wyznanie. Co jeszcze we Fleszu? Agnieszka Chylińska wydaje kolejną książkę!  Po sukcesie płyty "Pink Punk" Agnieszka Chylińska wraca do pisania! O czym będzie jej najnowsze dzieło? Czy znów napisała coś dla dzieci? Ponadto - Olga Kalicka i najnowsze zdjęcia z synkiem! Czy młoda mama wróci do serialu "rodzinka

pl'? Tylko we Fleszu najbliższe plany aktorki. Co jeszcze? Dżins na nowy sezon! Przegląd z wiosennych kolekcji już od 69,99 zł!   A to wszystko w nowym "Fleszu" - od poniedziałku w sprzedaży!   Zobacz: Ile zarabia "Jak to melodia?" z Norbim? Zaskakujące wyniki

 Robert Janowski na okładce Flesza.

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