Friday, February 15, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

we're taught that a a toothpaste and a toothbrush is enough it's not enough

it's just not teeth cleaning has to be something that you can do yourself at

least it has to be a choice so we decided that we're going to introduce a

polisher this is our magic there's so many benefits to a polisher that there's

absolutely no way it can be denied there's two times a year that you

remember your teeth being really clean is when you went to the dentist if you

went twice because he always polished your teeth you have to ask yourself why in

the world was it not available why did they say no one gets the tooth polisher

they're tremendously effective against the last part of stains smoke? You can still

smoke if you drink wine you can still drink wine

and so it always removes it so the stains were in a big deal especially the

smoking which was pretty big for us if someone starts to smoke and wants to

change their mind and they want to erase the evidence

the polisher does it it's the last step to be able to take certain stains and saying

I'm gonna work on these myself I'm gonna do it over time by the time I go to the

dentist for a checkup all I'm gonna needs the checkup when

you're able to use a polisher and you have a serum that cleans your teeth and

you have a high intensity professional strength bleaching gel there is nothing

that can stop that tooth from being cleaned all the time as much as possible

now you've got the tools and now you've got the polisher and you've got the

details it's your last step having a perfectly manicured image by

brighter image lab if you made it this far it's because you probably liked

the video do me a favor hit the like button and hit the subscribe button help

us grow this channel our subscribers mean the world to us I think you'll like

what's coming this year amazing smile makeovers for people all over the world

thank you for watching the video and hit this subscribe button

talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> #1 Teeth Whitening Hack! NEW Tooth Polisher Gets Teeth Their Whitest by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 2:16.


The Rebirth Of Microsoft - How Satya Nadella Saved It (Or Did He?) - Duration: 7:36.

Microsoft today is a company on the rise, with its reach ever expanding into new industries.

But less than a decade ago, Microsoft had a very different image: one of stagnation,

bureaucracy and decline.

The recent reinvention of the company has been a lesson for the history books and in

this video we'll see how it happened.

This video is brought to you by Dashlane.

Never forget your passwords again by registering with the link in the description.

For most of Microsoft's history it was Bill Gates who was at the helm.

It was under his guidance that Microsoft first conquered the operating system market and

in fact he was so successful that the US government almost broke Microsoft up.

But after 25 years of leadership, Bill eventually stepped down and the man he chose to replace

him well, he had a much more different vision for Microsoft.

Steve Ballmer was not a technology guy: even though he was the 30th employee hired at Microsoft

and had been around for decades, he had worked in departments like business management and


In Steve's eyes it was these departments that were responsible for Microsoft's success

and so he did his best to reorganize leadership around the business people instead of the

technology people.

As he himself put it, he wanted to "break up the technology fiefdoms," which in his

view were spending ridiculous amounts of money trying to develop new technology without any

idea whether it would be beneficial to the dominance of Windows in the PC world.

Steve saw that Windows worked and he tried to promote it as much as possible.

That's why the biggest move in his career was the attempt to spread Windows to the mobile

market, first through Windows Mobile and then Windows Phone.

In many ways, Steve was continuing the philosophy Bill Gates had adopted two decades earlier:

aggressive expansion and an outright war against competition.

Unfortunately, Microsoft was far too late in the smartphone game, so Steve's dream

of making billions by selling phones never materialized.

If you look at a chart of Microsoft's stock price under his tenure you're gonna see

just how bad things were: even though Microsoft's revenue increased during this period, the

loss of the smartphone market was just too much.

These years under Steve became a lost decade for Microsoft and in 2014 when he announced

his resignation, the stock jumped 7% on the news: that's how badly investors wanted

him to go away.

The biggest question then became who would be his successor and everyone naturally assumed

Microsoft would hire someone external to reshape the company and to bring it back on the path

of innovation.

The answer, however, was exactly the opposite: not only was the new CEO a longtime insider

at Microsoft, he was in fact the leader of one of the division Steve Ballmer himself


Satya Nadella had been around in Microsoft since 1998 and a decade later, when Steve

Ballmer announced the creation of Microsoft's enterprise division, Satya became its executive


Of course, at the time nobody considered Steve's idea to push Microsoft into the enterprise

business as viable.

This was before Amazon Web Services had become profitable and before the cloud had really

taken off in the mainstream.

In reality, when Steve saw that Windows Phone wasn't working he wanted to pivot towards

else and enterprise was his idea.

Unfortunately, this pivot began only a few years before he was forced to resign, but

internally, it was becoming clear that enterprise was indeed the way to go.

The immense success of Amazon's cloud business convinced Microsoft's board that they should

work in that direction as well, and who better to execute that plan than the man in charge

of Microsoft's own cloud efforts.

When Microsoft announced that Satya Nadella would be the new CEO, the entire world was


To start things off nobody even knew who he was: when you look at the search volume from

Google Trends for his name you'll see what I mean.

So out of nowhere, a rather unknown executive becomes the CEO of Microsoft and unsurprisingly

there's a lot of skepticism around the decision.

But then, something almost magical happens: the stock starts climbing up after a decade

of stagnation and Microsoft's cloud computing platform, Azure, starts growing rapidly and

becomes incredibly profitable.

Within a few years praise for Satya Nadella's leadership is coming from across the world

as everyone believes they're witnessing a miracle.

But the truth is that when Satya took over from Steve, Azure had been in development

for over six years and the enterprise division which is now the bread and butter of Microsoft

had been profitable even during Steve's time.

Ironically, even though during Steve's leadership the stock price didn't move, Microsoft's

net income more than tripled.

So Microsoft's rebirth at the hands of Satya isn't an economic one: the fact of the matter

is that Microsoft was wildly profitable before and continued being so after.

What Satya did achieve was a philosophical rebirth, and while that might not sound nearly

as impressive, it's actually just as important.

When Satya took over, Microsoft was suffering from decades of bad reputation, which was

honestly very much deserved: from anti-competitive practices to suppression of open-source development,

there were very few people saying nice things about Microsoft in 2014.

And yet, the reorganization Satya enacted after he took over had an incredible effect.

Microsoft essentially did a 180 degree turn on its philosophy: it not only embraced open-source

development, but actively started supporting it, so much so that one of Satya's biggest

moves was to acquire Github.

It is extremely telling that in Satya's first ever speech as CEO of Microsoft, he

didn't mention Windows even once.

In fact, during that speech Satya announced that he'd be bringing Microsoft Office to

iOS and within a few months he did the same for Android.

It turns out that in such an interconnected world making friends is better than making


Of course, none of what Satya gets credit for today would've been possible without

the groundwork Steve Ballmer laid a decade earlier.

While everyone is quick to praise Satya for economic achievements he might not have been

fully responsible for, we should recognize his true contribution: taking decades of cutthroat

aggression and transforming it into an attitude of productive collaboration.

And speaking of productive collaboration: if you've ever been afraid of forgetting

your passwords and especially if you're using just one for all your accounts, you

should try managing your passwords with Dashlane.

The Dashlane app can generate strong passwords and store them safely across all your devices,

automatically filling them in when you need them.

Dashlane is available on every popular desktop and mobile device and it also offers a VPN


Managing all your passwords with Dashlane is a breeze and just so you can see what I'm

talking about, I'm gonna give you a free trial of Dashlane and 10% off their premium

service if register using the link in the description and use the code 'businesscasual'.

Anyway, thank you for watching.

In case you somehow missed it I just started an Instagram page, where I'm gonna share

awesome side content and teasers for future videos, so go and follow me there.

We're gonna see each other again in about two weeks, and until then: stay smart.

For more infomation >> The Rebirth Of Microsoft - How Satya Nadella Saved It (Or Did He?) - Duration: 7:36.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Access Originele kilometers| Airco| Electrische pakket| - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Access Originele kilometers| Airco| Electrische pakket| - Duration: 1:20.


Bản tin Horoscope - Còn ai hot hơn Nam Em đầu năm 2019: Gửi ảnh phản cảm cho Lee Min Ho, công khai - Duration: 7:09.

Công khai gửi ảnh nhạy cảm cho Lee Min Ho Mở đầu năm 2019, Nam Em đã gây chú ý khi công khai tin nhắn của mình gửi đến tài khoản Lee Min Ho

 Rất bất ngờ, người đẹp chụp lại tin nhắn mà mình đã gửi cho ngôi sao điện ảnh Hàn Quốc gắn kèm nội dung: "Where are you? - Anh ở đâu?"

  Nhưng sốc hơn thế, trong đoạn chat mà Nam Em gửi tới tài khoản "leeminho_87" còn có cả một hình ảnh được cho là phản cảm

Trong ảnh, người đẹp đang quỳ trên mặt đất, áo quần xộc xệch khi thực hiện một động tác yoga

Ngoài việc gửi đi bức ảnh nhạy cảm, Nam Em còn được cho là mất kiểm soát khi liên tục nhắn "Hello", "Hello"

bởi chưa thấy hồi đáp. Có vẻ như cô bị phát cuồng tài tử điện ảnh Hàn Quốc và cũng chẳng mấy quan tâm tới chuyện giữ hình tượng hoa khôi nổi tiếng mà mình đang có

  Tin nhắn mà Nam Em gửi tới minh tinh Hàn Quốc ngay lập tức vấp phải những phản ứng trái chiều

Cho rằng Nam Em lố lăng, người hâm mộ Lee Min Ho tại Việt Nam mong người đẹp miền Tây hãy "buông tha cho oppa" của họ, đừng làm phiền bằng những tin nhắn vô bổ

  Tuy nhiên, số khác tinh ý phát hiện ra tài khoản mạng "leeminho_87" được Nam Em nhắn tin là giả mạo

Lúc này, nhiều người lại phải bật cười vì tin yêu mà Nam Em gửi trao mỹ nam đã bị

nhầm địa chỉ.  Bị chỉ trích ảo tưởng sứ mệnh bản thân Tết Nguyên đán vừa qua, Nam Em lại gây chú ý khi đăng tải đoạn clip bộc lộ cảm xúc u buồn

 Đính kèm clip là đôi lời tâm sự gây chú ý của người đẹp. Mới đầu xuân năm mới nhưng Hoa khôi Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long 2015 đã buồn bã khi thời gian qua có rất nhiều người hiểu nhầm về cô

  Nam Em cũng cho biết sứ mệnh của mình ngay từ khi sinh ra là "cứu dân giúp người"

Để thực hiện tốt sứ mệnh này, cô tự động viên mình phải cố gắng giữ gìn sức khỏe

  "Giá như cuộc đời tôi có thể chiếu thành phim thì nhiều người sẽ nghĩ khác về tôi lắm! Kiếp này sinh ra là để cứu dân giúp người

Ráng lên cái xác ơi! Tâm sinh sướng", người đẹp sinh năm 1996 cho biết. Khẳng định "kiếp này sinh ra là để cứu dân giúp người", có vẻ như Nam Em đang tự nghĩ mình là

nữ hiệp. Phía dưới phần bình luận, không ít dân mạng mỉa mai hoa khôi: "Đã cứu giúp được gì chưa?"; "Cứu dân giúp người?"; "Ngáo lắm rồi"

Kể lại quá khứ nhiều lần bị hiếp nhưng tẩu thoát thành công Trong một bài phỏng vấn mới đây, Nam Em không ngại công khai quá khứ nhiều lần bị hiếp dâm

Theo đó, Nam Em khẳng định trong tình yêu cô rất lý trí, khi lên giường lại càng lý trí

  "Khi yêu tôi lý trí cực. Đặc biệt khi lên giường càng lý trí. Hễ mà mọi người, ai mà muốn cái gì với tôi thì não tôi lập tức 'khóa cái cạch' liền

Nhiều người mời tôi vào trong phòng còn muốn hiếp tôi nữa. Không hiểu sao những lúc đó có người độ hay sao mà những lúc đấy tôi rất mạnh mẽ, đẩy người ta văng ra rồi chạy

Cũng nhiều lần rồi.", Nam Em giãi bày.  Kể lại câu chuyện chẳng mấy hay ho, Nam Em vấp phải không ít "gạch đá" từ cư dân mạng

Nhưng chưa hết, Hoa khôi Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long 2015 còn tiết lộ bản thân sở hữu một công ty chuyên book quảng cáo

Thậm chí mời cả vợ chồng danh hài Trường Giang - Nhã Phương để đóng cho nhãn hàng

  "Tôi có một công ty quảng cáo, là công ty đã book Trường Giang - Nhã Phương đó

Tôi nghĩ chắc cả hai có biết công ty của tôi nhưng tại tiền nhiều quá mà. Công ty giải trí N

E, mấy nhãn hàng lớn đều làm việc với tôi khi book nghệ sĩ. Tôi không muốn show vì không đại gia nào muốn nói mình đại gia hết", Nam Em chia sẻ

  Bỗng dưng đem vợ chồng Trường Giang - Nhã Phương vào câu chuyện của mình khiến mỹ nhân họ Nguyễn bị chỉ trích "hám fame"

Bởi trước đó, câu chuyện giữa cô và nam danh hài xứ Quảng đã chấm dứt từ lâu, bây giờ Trường Giang lên chức bố, Nam Em lại lôi ra để đánh bóng tên tuổi

Ngoài ra, nhiều bình luận cũng mỉa mai Nam Em vì nếu cô là đại gia thì đã không

nợ tiền mua ca khúc.  Sao Việt Kể lại quá khứ nhiều lần trốn hiếp thành công, Nam Em ăn đủ gạch đá ngày đầu năm Sao Việt Khẳng định sứ mệnh cứu dân giúp người, Nam Em không ngờ bị dân mạng phản ứng quá chát

For more infomation >> Bản tin Horoscope - Còn ai hot hơn Nam Em đầu năm 2019: Gửi ảnh phản cảm cho Lee Min Ho, công khai - Duration: 7:09.


[SooFactory] 진정성 100% 댓글읽기 - Duration: 11:20.

Want to see your Jennie Solo dance practice video

Think it was a mistake. I shouldn't have posted the video

I have uploaded two videos so far

but there were a lot of comments

Thank you so much for your support!

So today, I decided to read all your comments and follow up on your feedback and suggestions

장라희 said, that poor bear

heard you like those teddy bear type guys, what are you doing with his arms?

I know I should have treated him better


Hyejunlee said what's your hobby?

I want to hear you singing

me singing?

Is there any particular song you would like to hear then?


I will take that back actually

but ok I will see what I can do about singing

Bella Cho said, I saw you dancing on instagram. Show us videos of you dancing!

You know it looks funny when a tall person like me dances. I kinda look like a water strider walking on water when I dance

No I don't think so

If you can stand that, then yes I will film myself dancing

What exactly do you mean you look like a water strider?

You see their long legs paddling on water That's me dancing

C Fulop said, looking awesome, Sue! <3 Good luck on your project

C Fulop said, looking awesome, Sue! <3 Good luck on your project

Thank you! I should work harder

Violet Sumin Hong said,

Oh wait, we have the same name!

She said I'm always cute and elegant

Woah! I can be cute and elegant at the same time?

Haha Thank you!

Uh uh they don't seem to agree with you Sumin

but thank you so mcuh! I'm so flattered!

이민규 said, Hi I'm a huge fan from Shanghai!

Woah I have a fan from Shanghai!?

If you don't mind, could you please do a what-do-I-do-daily video to give us an insight about your day? Thanks!

I think he meant something like vlogs right

It'll be just me eating all day long

but if that's okay, then I wil make one!

Shauna Choi said, I saw you working out a lot on tv

what kinds of leggins do you wear when you work out

Yes I live in leggins

I've got lots to say about leggigns

There are some brands I love

I will pick some of my favorite leggins

and make a try-on and review video

dm liu said 秀敏加油,你可以的!

He is cheering me on saying I can do it

I remember I was so nervous filming my very first video

I think a lot of you were nervous for me

I've gotten many kind messages

Thank you so much for your words of support!

I will get used to talking to the camera soon hopefully

최낙현 said, did you become a journalist

Not yet. I still have mandatory miss korea duties and obligation to fulfill

So after I finish my duty, I'll continue persuing my dream

Shauna Choi said, share your stories about studying abroad in Beijing

I like this idea

I studied in Beijing for a year in my junior year

and I had the best time in my life there in all aspects

I think it'll be fun to have my Chinese friends to join me sometime

and go grab some good Chinese food

I know lots of good Chinese restaurants…yeah I invite them here

민설아 said, share things we should prepare and do in high school abroad

I think it will get too long if I share my stories here

I will make a separate video about what I did in high school in the states

김가현 said, any tips on learning English?

For me, living with a local host family helped a lot learning the language.

You get to really experience the local culture and the language as you live with them

and also, I was the only Korean student in my grade back in high school

so I was in a good English speaking environment that helped me pick up the language quickly.

Luke Sibic said Soo!!!!! We miss you!!! Love the video lol

That's my host brother, luke

He said he misses me

I should facetime him soon

김범석 said, Hi! you might not know me, but I know you. I another student at Dickinson.

Ah Dickinsonian

I'm a freshman at Dickinson. I know I've got time but I don't know whether I should get a job in Korea

or in the states once I graduate.

I couldn't make it to dickinson reunion this summer

But I think it is still too soon to worry about this for you

I think it'd be better to first experience different ways of living and working in both countries

doing internships during the summer

and find out the right work environment for you

explore first and then weigh the pros and cons of working in your chosen nations.

And I think it'd be also helpful to go out and participate as many social activities as you can

I think it is important to build relationships with people you know and expand your network

networking is also important for your career there.

you get to find many opportunities

from the people around you

that is beneficial to your careers

so go and explore different enviromemnts first

oh and we have an alumni meet in Seoul where you can get some good advice from Dickinson alumni who are settled in Korea

Join us next time!

dreamyanniko said, I saw you working out a lot, I want to know your workout routine

oh that..

my team here should run with me then

I wish I could share what I see now with you. My team already hates it. / No, not true

I just saw you going like…

I was just looking out the window/ oh really

So I've been going to a running class for a 10km marathon next month

near the Seoul Forest station

They don't seem down for this/ I'm so down

So in order to film this running class I attend, my team should run with me too

We will run together

You know people of my age should really watch out... you never know

I mean I got shaky hands so I don't know how it would turn out

but we'll see

"DANBI said, I want to get some tips on how to choose good english names "

when you have a hard-to-pronounce Korean name.

In my case, I just go by my Korean name, Soo

I don't have a perfect answer, but I have met some Korean people

who have chosen English names which I personally felt culturally unfit

I will explain this further in another video.

Wonwoo Kim said I'm your fan!

I went to high school in the states too so I could really resonate with your story

I see lots of food posts on your Instagram

Could you make a video about what you do for fun? or do mukbang for your next video!

I see a lot of mukbang requests

Alright then I should do mukbang for my next video

We moved here because that cafe was too loud

Alright we still have many comments left to go through

myungho1 said, you did a brief summary of your study abroad experience

could you extend your topic and make a second video about your experience abroad

about some challenges you've faced while abroad

things you should know before studying abroad..etc

or some advice you want to give for students who are planning to go study abroad

Yes that's right. So I only gave a detailed outline about my journey abroad

So for Part II , I will share more of my

personal stories

I stutter so much today

I wonder why? haha

This morning



For real?

I heard some depressing stories from my friend who studied abroad

He used to cry alone in his room

Living in a country where you don't speak the local language

is definitely a challenge

It's hard to adapt to living in a new country

and make friends when you have a language barrier

I went through a phase like that too in my early days in the U.S

Although I learned English when I was in Korea

It was difficult to understand everything

when I first got there

Local people speak really fast

and they have their own accent and slangs

So it took some time to adapt to all these

I will share some of my stories about this later when I talk about my host family in a different video

Thank you for your ideas!

lydiaershui said 关注啦啦啦啦 超棒 好漂亮的 多拍点vlog好不好

another request on making vlogs

I should really get on it and start vlogging

I am still in the process of learning…camera skills

I've been practicing self-shooting

and it's hard to position a camera and get the right angle by myself

but I will try and shoot my full day routine

like me getting ready for work and eating lunch…etc will do!

You guys gave me so many good suggestions and ideas

I've got lots to do now!

This is so great

I will make more types of videos that you guys requested

Now I just have to decide which one to make first

I remember reading lots of mukbang requests

work out routine video request

and my stories about study abroad

I will share more of my personal stories, stories about things I did in college and high school,

and some tough phases I went through while studying abroad

Thank you all again for these great suggestions

I will continue to respond to all your comments like this

I'm afraid some of the comments would get cut out of this due to the time constraint of this video

But don't get upset! I read all your comments!

Thank you again for all your lovely comments

I'll see you all next saturday at 10am again (Friday 8pm in the eatern standard time)

See you soon! Thank you!

Ah..I still feel awkward in front of the camera…

What do I do…

For more infomation >> [SooFactory] 진정성 100% 댓글읽기 - Duration: 11:20.


Are there benefits to filing early? & What happens if I miss the deadline? - Barber Financial Group - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Are there benefits to filing early? & What happens if I miss the deadline? - Barber Financial Group - Duration: 1:38.


Introducing The Birdhouse Tiny Trailer For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Introducing The Birdhouse Tiny Trailer For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:12.


YOUNG STEVEY- I CAN (Vídeo Oficial) Shot by DAN ESPINOZA - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> YOUNG STEVEY- I CAN (Vídeo Oficial) Shot by DAN ESPINOZA - Duration: 3:10.


Sarasota resident celebrates 105, shares her secrets to a long life - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Sarasota resident celebrates 105, shares her secrets to a long life - Duration: 2:24.


'Proven Innocent's Rachelle Lefevre: I Think Madeline Will 'Go All The Way To Expose' Gore Bellows - - Duration: 2:25.

'Proven Innocent's Rachelle Lefevre spoke EXCLUSIVELY with HL about her role as a lawyer who was wrongfully convicted

Her character is going to go to great lengths to take down the man who put her behind bars

   Proven Innocent is switching up the legal drama series. The show follows Madeline Scott (Rachelle Lefevre), a talented lawyer with a taste for justice

Madeline and her brother, Levi Scott (Riley Smith), were wrongfully convicted at 18 for the murder of their friend, Rosemary

The case became a media sensation, and Gore Bellows (Kelsey Grammer) was the man who sent Madeline and her brother and jail for something they didn't do

 HollywoodLife visited the set and talked with Rachelle about the show, including Madeline's feelings about Gore

Madeline is out of prison and has created a life for herself, but she hasn't forgotten what Gore did to her and her brother

"I think Madeline will go all the way to expose Gore," Rachelle told HollywoodLife

"I don't think there's any stopping her. He stole 10 years of her life by putting her in prison for a crime she didn't commit

I don't think that that's something that's she's just going to be able to move on from

"    But does Rachelle think Gore could be redeemed? She had a surprising answer

"I do think there's a redeeming quality in Gore Bellows, and I think it's sort of the tragedy of his character, which is that he genuinely believes that he's on the right side," Rachelle continued

"Those are the hardest villains to watch because it's heartbreaking. Because you get the impression that if he could just see the truth that he could actually be an incredible ally

He's the kind of guy you want on your team, and you want him in your foxhole. It's just that he believes the wrong thing and so they can't find their way to one another

"   Proven Innocent also stars Russell Hornsby, Vincent Kartheiser, Nikki M. James, and Clare O'Connor

The series will air Fridays at 9 p.m. on FOX.

For more infomation >> 'Proven Innocent's Rachelle Lefevre: I Think Madeline Will 'Go All The Way To Expose' Gore Bellows - - Duration: 2:25.


🐝 Dog Days | Break-Fix Break-Fix at Noob-Shire Farms - Duration: 4:50.

Gemfan 5045 bullnose

Eff'ing EV100's, SUCK. You hear it? Tweet tweet tweet tweet.

Tweet tweet tweet. The battery's full.

This FlosStyle 5-inch is a continuous case of changes. I actually had my

pigtail damaged. Waited about two weeks for that to be delivered. And what would happen

is every time I would smash into the ground, it would bend this. I gave it

some flex to take some of that, but it wasn't perfect. What I've ended up doing should

actually help some things because I can shorten the antenna length. I've went

ahead and heat shrunk with clear. All of this this heat shrunk so if it touches

the frame, it should be fine. And this allows it to be inside of the frame a bit,

shortening this. This should be safe and it should stop smashing into the

ground because it's behind the arms.

Quite, quite a difference there. Okay so now, with that... there you go, right there

right... forever-tubes. So my antennas now, are inside the forever-tubes.

I'm just gonna zip tie that. No giant things sticking out. Should be tight.

Now that's a lot cleaner.

All right, working on my last few sets of HQ's.

For more infomation >> 🐝 Dog Days | Break-Fix Break-Fix at Noob-Shire Farms - Duration: 4:50.


The Light - Inspiration From The Other Side - Duration: 6:59.

So I'm standing here looking at this body that's

10 feet away

Whoever I am, I always am

and whatever is on the floor is nothing more than

A shell.

And suddenly I found myself

coming out of my body

and coming

to be still just underneath the ceiling.

I just saw the form of me

but I was no longer there.

There are now a number of cases that have come

through and we've also found them in our studies

Where particularly we can pinpoint

that consciousness appears to be ongoing

when the brain is shut down

and people are able to verify specific details

of what was happening

during that period.

which tells us that awareness, consciousness

has not shut down even though the brain has shut down.

I was alone in the light and it was surrounding me.

and the feeling of love

It was like bliss

total ecstatic bliss!

The feeling of love was so overwhelming that . .

that's all it was. It was the only thing that existed

There was me in the light

there was love, joy,

knowledge, wisdom

incredible feeling of beauty!

just being in the light. The light was me, I was the light.

I was the light.

One of the most devastating thoughts

that I have

to most people because they fear this the most

and that is on a religious vein

that they seek

God or they seek

Christ outside of their body

that they are actually part of that entity.

that we, each one of us are a thought

and fragment

of all that is

We are also

a fragment of the creator

however small that would be

centillions, septillions, octillions, we are a fragment

of the consciousness of all that is.

So that we should look within ourselves to evolve.

What I knew was

that I was immortal

that I was eternal

that I was indestructible

That I always had been

and that always would be

and that there was no way in this world

that I could ever be lost

That it was impossible for me to fall into a crack

in the universe somewhere

and never be heard from again.

I just knew that I was utterly safe

and that I always had been

forever and ever and ever

and when that block of knowledge was

digested by me as it were

another block of knowledge came in

another whole field.

came into my being

and what I knew then was that

the universe runs according to a perfect plan

I knew that the plan was perfect

and everything that we think about as

hard to understand or unfair

or cruel, brutal, whatever

that that was all

really without meaning

and I know that's very difficult


I knew this

I understood it

I comprehended it in a way that

when I came back from the experience

I really couldn't comprehend anymore

but I understood

that all of things that we worry about and that

concern us we don't have to worry about at all.

There is a perfect plan

and the plan is working itself out

in it's perfection.

I really believe that we are

a loving


of our higher consciousness

I believe that we have

within this physical presence

that we currently have

I believe that some of that light is within

and some of that God presence

that God is all that oneness, that unity

and so I believe that

a part of that is within me

right here

and I believe that's my connection

to that communication

to what I call spirit

and so

to go back to it

is just releasing the physical bounds that we have

and then reconnecting to our totality.

It is about bringing the light into this earth

stay here

be an anchor

let the light come in through you

Don't abandon this world

we need you

We need you here

We need you to be present

You're here to anchor the light.

For more infomation >> The Light - Inspiration From The Other Side - Duration: 6:59.


The Most Interesting Slime Videos 2019 #99 - HuHu Slime - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> The Most Interesting Slime Videos 2019 #99 - HuHu Slime - Duration: 10:01.


Don't Make These 10 Health Mistakes (For Men). - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Don't Make These 10 Health Mistakes (For Men). - Duration: 3:41.


'It's the only way to get noticed!' Rachel Johnson STRIPS on Sky News - Daily News - Duration: 2:44.

Rachel Johnson stripped off on Sky News this evening in a bid to 'get noticed' she told the audience and a stunned panel of co-presenters

The Pledge host joked she will bare her breasts whenever she is talking about Brexit to be able to be heard

Ms Johnson, journalist and sister of Brexiteer Boris Johnson took inspiration from Dr Victoria Bateman's naked appearance on BBC Radio 4 and GMB

 She said: 'As I know it can be hard to get your voice heard about Brexit nowadays

'It feels like we've hit saturation point. Enter pro-EU campaigner Victoria Bateman who's come up with a striking way this week to get herself noticed

'Appearing across the media completely starkers to make various points about Brexit – leaving Britain naked

'So in tribute to Dr Dateman I've decided to follow suit – every time we decide to talk about Brexit just to make sure I get noticed

'During the unexpected stripping Carole Malone pointed out that co-host Nick Ferrari had gone completely red faced

 However, Ms Johnson tweeted after the show to say she was 'wearing a boob tube' and was not totally naked

  Share this article Share 133 shares Dr Bateman made her naked protest by writing 'Brexit leaves Britain naked' across her body before appearing on the Radio 4 Today programme

During her time as an economist the campaigner said she had written about Brexit and people had barely taken notice - so she decided to get them interested - by doing it naked

  She said: 'The key message that I have is that Brexit is the Emperor's new clothes

It's just not possible to deliver.' 

For more infomation >> 'It's the only way to get noticed!' Rachel Johnson STRIPS on Sky News - Daily News - Duration: 2:44.


The Top 10 Best Superhero Movies In The Last Decade - Comic Basics - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> The Top 10 Best Superhero Movies In The Last Decade - Comic Basics - Duration: 10:45.


Mrs. Mom's Show - The Deaf Q&A Part 4 - Duration: 14:56.

For more infomation >> Mrs. Mom's Show - The Deaf Q&A Part 4 - Duration: 14:56.


foot massage in Kagoshima Japan - vlog 9 - Duration: 6:34.

where we going today?

we are going to ashi tsubo

ashi is foot tsubo is.. what is tsubo?

it's like spot, that massage witch they press like shiatsu kind of thing

and we usually go to one shop, one woman witch stays really far from our home

uhhh, I'm going to die now

but today she came near our place so

not really near but its closer then where she lives right?

we're going to have some ashi tsubo massage pressing the foot

it's really good I love that place let's go

made one small pitstop

I need to get one router have to across all this country by car

I'll need internet so let's see what they have let's go

it's too expensive


for me to have one router so I can use with my notebook

while I travel in Japan but

Oh too much money I need to check sim free as well, they have some good options

so, let's go

we got here today is very windy and cold

so I don't think I can talk

I get some... let's go

so we got here I tried to record but they didn't like a lot they kept looking at the

camera so I stopped

Japanese people don't like to record a lot right?

always their pictures on social media they blur their faces, some mosaic for people not to see

over exaggerate, they think they are Julia Robert

they think people will steal their information

people will steal their information I hear this a lot

like nooo, they will steal my information

at least where we live everybody knows me

of course, you are the only Brazilian

the only Brazilian the only chocolate

and I am handsome, of course

stinky foot

yeah right? my foot is stinky?!

hope not

I think that I will take my shoes out

so if my foot is stinky

it will get better because

poor woman have to touch my foot and if my foot is stinky


you can smell? it's not stinky

so this place, they massage your foot right?

they press your foot like honestly sometimes you want to to cry

because it's too strong

but it's good right?

it's not too strong she doesn't press strong, you feel pain

yeah right

because your body has some problem

your body have some problem and you feel pain like crazy

I am not joking it really hurts

but you know, in the end you it's like ahhh, it's good

yes, I need to walk on that mat wait our time

just walking on this place but it's too cold

anyone can use this washroom

2019... anyone...

it's nice didn't expect to see this things here

I'm impressed

yes finally I'm home

message is good I love message who doesn't like message anyway

well, thank you for today I had a great time

hope you guys had a great time watching this video

please like this video subscribe to this channel if you haven't already

and share with your friends see what they think about this places we went today

so you guys tomorrow Bye

For more infomation >> foot massage in Kagoshima Japan - vlog 9 - Duration: 6:34.


Important notice regarding the use of my music - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Important notice regarding the use of my music - Duration: 2:23.


약물 때문에, 발.기도 안 된다…유명 헬스 트레이너의 고백 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 약물 때문에, 발.기도 안 된다…유명 헬스 트레이너의 고백 - Duration: 4:47.


Egg fried rice in Tamil/Egg fried rice restaurant style with English subtitles - Duration: 5:39.

subscribe my channal

hallo friends,welcome to secret of samayal

today we are going to make a restaurant style egg fried rice recipe

this will be exactly with the flavours and texture as in the restaurants

follow the steps as i'am doing,you will get an excellent egg fried rice

come on,lets move to the preparation

to boil the rice,i have taken 1 litre of water in a vessel

water is boiling now

this is basmathi rice soaked in water for 20 mins

now lets add the rice to the boiling water

you no need to make rice specially for fried rice,you can use your leftover rice also

if you have leftover rice you can keep it in the fridge for sometime and make fried rice

this should cook for about 10 mins untill the rice is 3/4 th cooked

lets see what all the vegetables i have taken for fried rice

i have taken some carrots chopped into julions

diagnolly chopped beans

4 to 5 garlic pods fine chopped

sliced cabbage

1 medium size onion chopped

i'am going to use 3 eggs

now lets mix the spice powder for the fried rice

1/4 tsp sugar

1 tsp pepper powder

salt to taste

mix well

in restaurants they will use ajino moto for fried rice,we will avoid it at home

our rice is half done now,

lets cook for another 4 mins

after 4 mins

our rice cooked 3/4 th now

lets drain all the water from the rice

spread the rice in a wide plate like this and wait till it comes to room temperature

now in an iron wok

add some oil and heat it well

now except garlic add all the vegetables into the kadai

added onion,cabbage,carrots and beans

fry on high flame

now add some sliced capsicum to it

fry on high flame and keep it crisp

add some spice mix to it

now add the fried vegetables to the rice

add 1/2 tsp seseme oil

don't think why seseme oil in fried rice

thie seseme oil will give the distinct flavour of the fried rice

mix well

if you keep this rice and vegetable mixture ready,you can make your egg fried rice whenever needed

in hotels they will prepare 1 plate of fried rice at a time in a huge kadai,that's why it is fuming hot and each and every rice will be fried well

if we prepare fried rice at home in large quantity,you will never get the flavour and texture of that of a restaurant

if you made upto this process,then you can make small quantities of fried rice whenever needed by just adding egg

mix evenly like this

you would have not tried like this

try once,you will defenitly get the restaurant style fried rice at home

in the same kadai,add 3 tsp oil

divide the rice mixture into 2

oil is hot now,add half the chopped garlic

i have beaten 3 eggs,now adding half the quantity

wait for some time and then scramble the egg

fry in high flame,now add some spice mix

egg is scrambled well

now add half the quantity of rice

add spice mix according to taste

fry well now on high flame

if you want,you can add some soya sauce now

our fried rice is now ready

our egg fried rice is now ready

you can serve with any manchurian item with this fried rice

try at home and send me feedback

if you like this video,please subscribe my channal

For more infomation >> Egg fried rice in Tamil/Egg fried rice restaurant style with English subtitles - Duration: 5:39.


十二星座女和「男閨蜜」變情侶的機率,早已了解彼此所以更「甜蜜」! - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 十二星座女和「男閨蜜」變情侶的機率,早已了解彼此所以更「甜蜜」! - Duration: 10:16.


How to Install Python 3.7.2 and Run a Script - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> How to Install Python 3.7.2 and Run a Script - Duration: 3:09.


#1 Teeth Whitening Hack! NEW Tooth Polisher Gets Teeth Their Whitest by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 2:16.

we're taught that a a toothpaste and a toothbrush is enough it's not enough

it's just not teeth cleaning has to be something that you can do yourself at

least it has to be a choice so we decided that we're going to introduce a

polisher this is our magic there's so many benefits to a polisher that there's

absolutely no way it can be denied there's two times a year that you

remember your teeth being really clean is when you went to the dentist if you

went twice because he always polished your teeth you have to ask yourself why in

the world was it not available why did they say no one gets the tooth polisher

they're tremendously effective against the last part of stains smoke? You can still

smoke if you drink wine you can still drink wine

and so it always removes it so the stains were in a big deal especially the

smoking which was pretty big for us if someone starts to smoke and wants to

change their mind and they want to erase the evidence

the polisher does it it's the last step to be able to take certain stains and saying

I'm gonna work on these myself I'm gonna do it over time by the time I go to the

dentist for a checkup all I'm gonna needs the checkup when

you're able to use a polisher and you have a serum that cleans your teeth and

you have a high intensity professional strength bleaching gel there is nothing

that can stop that tooth from being cleaned all the time as much as possible

now you've got the tools and now you've got the polisher and you've got the

details it's your last step having a perfectly manicured image by

brighter image lab if you made it this far it's because you probably liked

the video do me a favor hit the like button and hit the subscribe button help

us grow this channel our subscribers mean the world to us I think you'll like

what's coming this year amazing smile makeovers for people all over the world

thank you for watching the video and hit this subscribe button

talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> #1 Teeth Whitening Hack! NEW Tooth Polisher Gets Teeth Their Whitest by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 2:16.


Lucía Rivera y Marc Márquez: La pareja del año... o de la semana - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Lucía Rivera y Marc Márquez: La pareja del año... o de la semana - Duration: 10:01.


Jovem faxineiro passou para Medicina na USP - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Jovem faxineiro passou para Medicina na USP - Duration: 1:56.


Curso de Sabonete Artesanal - COMO Fazer Sabonete Artesanal DECORADO? - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Curso de Sabonete Artesanal - COMO Fazer Sabonete Artesanal DECORADO? - Duration: 2:20.


The Most Relaxing Slime Part 88 - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> The Most Relaxing Slime Part 88 - Duration: 10:01.


Harmonia Universal - Letra e Música de Paulo Chagas Ferreira - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Harmonia Universal - Letra e Música de Paulo Chagas Ferreira - Duration: 2:54.


[SUB ESP] BLACKPINK - entrevista en Good Morning America | anuncia Tour por EUA - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESP] BLACKPINK - entrevista en Good Morning America | anuncia Tour por EUA - Duration: 2:48.


#1 Teeth Whitening Hack! NEW Tooth Polisher Gets Teeth Their Whitest by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 2:16.

we're taught that a a toothpaste and a toothbrush is enough it's not enough

it's just not teeth cleaning has to be something that you can do yourself at

least it has to be a choice so we decided that we're going to introduce a

polisher this is our magic there's so many benefits to a polisher that there's

absolutely no way it can be denied there's two times a year that you

remember your teeth being really clean is when you went to the dentist if you

went twice because he always polished your teeth you have to ask yourself why in

the world was it not available why did they say no one gets the tooth polisher

they're tremendously effective against the last part of stains smoke? You can still

smoke if you drink wine you can still drink wine

and so it always removes it so the stains were in a big deal especially the

smoking which was pretty big for us if someone starts to smoke and wants to

change their mind and they want to erase the evidence

the polisher does it it's the last step to be able to take certain stains and saying

I'm gonna work on these myself I'm gonna do it over time by the time I go to the

dentist for a checkup all I'm gonna needs the checkup when

you're able to use a polisher and you have a serum that cleans your teeth and

you have a high intensity professional strength bleaching gel there is nothing

that can stop that tooth from being cleaned all the time as much as possible

now you've got the tools and now you've got the polisher and you've got the

details it's your last step having a perfectly manicured image by

brighter image lab if you made it this far it's because you probably liked

the video do me a favor hit the like button and hit the subscribe button help

us grow this channel our subscribers mean the world to us I think you'll like

what's coming this year amazing smile makeovers for people all over the world

thank you for watching the video and hit this subscribe button

talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> #1 Teeth Whitening Hack! NEW Tooth Polisher Gets Teeth Their Whitest by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 2:16.


'Proven Innocent's Rachelle Lefevre: I Think Madeline Will 'Go All The Way To Expose' Gore Bellows - - Duration: 2:25.

'Proven Innocent's Rachelle Lefevre spoke EXCLUSIVELY with HL about her role as a lawyer who was wrongfully convicted

Her character is going to go to great lengths to take down the man who put her behind bars

   Proven Innocent is switching up the legal drama series. The show follows Madeline Scott (Rachelle Lefevre), a talented lawyer with a taste for justice

Madeline and her brother, Levi Scott (Riley Smith), were wrongfully convicted at 18 for the murder of their friend, Rosemary

The case became a media sensation, and Gore Bellows (Kelsey Grammer) was the man who sent Madeline and her brother and jail for something they didn't do

 HollywoodLife visited the set and talked with Rachelle about the show, including Madeline's feelings about Gore

Madeline is out of prison and has created a life for herself, but she hasn't forgotten what Gore did to her and her brother

"I think Madeline will go all the way to expose Gore," Rachelle told HollywoodLife

"I don't think there's any stopping her. He stole 10 years of her life by putting her in prison for a crime she didn't commit

I don't think that that's something that's she's just going to be able to move on from

"    But does Rachelle think Gore could be redeemed? She had a surprising answer

"I do think there's a redeeming quality in Gore Bellows, and I think it's sort of the tragedy of his character, which is that he genuinely believes that he's on the right side," Rachelle continued

"Those are the hardest villains to watch because it's heartbreaking. Because you get the impression that if he could just see the truth that he could actually be an incredible ally

He's the kind of guy you want on your team, and you want him in your foxhole. It's just that he believes the wrong thing and so they can't find their way to one another

"   Proven Innocent also stars Russell Hornsby, Vincent Kartheiser, Nikki M. James, and Clare O'Connor

The series will air Fridays at 9 p.m. on FOX.

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