Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2019

Acacias 38 avance 952: Ramón se va recuperando de la muerte de Trini

Acacias 38 avance, Ramón se va recuperando de la muerte de Trini

En el avance de Acacias 38 capítulo 952, la muerte de Trini fue un duro golpe para Ramón, cuyo ánimo no ha parado de caer en picado.

Tras muchos días decaído, sin fuerzas y deprimido, parece que Ramón comienza a recuperarse de la pérdida de Trini, y por primera vez se acerca a su hija.

Por otro lado, Íñigo tiene noticias de Andrés, éste le da un ultimátum,

Íñigo tiene cuatro días para devolverle la mitad del dinero que le debe….

Es ahí cuando, por hacer un favor, Leonor se ofrece para pedir a Rosina el dinero que hace falta , sin embargo, él no quiere, es demasiado peligroso.

Por otro lado, las criadas descubren a través de Marcelina que Fulgencia se ha marchado a su pueblo..

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 avance 952: Ramón se va recuperando de la muerte de Trini - Duration: 1:45.


🦋 El perdón llega cuando los recuerdos ya no duelen - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> 🦋 El perdón llega cuando los recuerdos ya no duelen - Duration: 10:01.


Meghan Royals Es - Los príncipes William y Harry tomaron una drástica decisión para terminar con la - Duration: 3:32.

Meghan Markle– embarazada de siete meses- y el príncipe Harry han tenido muchos cambios en su personal en los últimos meses, y parece que eso no va a terminar pronto

De acuerdo al tabloide inglés Daily Mail, Harry y su hermano mayor William han decidido dividir su personal para ayudar a aliviar las tensiones entre ellos y sus esposas

Aunque Markle y Harry se alejarán de William y Kate Middleton cuando se muden de Kensington a Frogmore Cottage en Windsor, se cree que sus oficinas permanecerán en el Palacio de Kensington

Parte de esta división será la creación de equipos de comunicaciones separados, lo cual ahora es especialmente importante

 En los últimos meses, el Palacio de Buckingham ha luchado por contener "una marea de titulares negativos contra Markle"

Desde la llegada de Markle a la corona británica, los medios locales afirman que la ex actriz estadounidense, que está esperando su primer hijo en abril o mayo, era dictatorial hacia el personal del Palacio, lo que le valió el apodo de "duquesa difícil"

  También se dice que la mala relación entre Markle y Kate Middleton generó cortocircuitos entre los hijos del príncipe Carlos y el fallecida Lady Di

Se espera que al no trabajar más de cerca estas tensiones se terminen.  En los últimos días el sitio Radar Online señaló a Camilla Parker Bowles , esposa de Carlos, como la enemiga número uno de Markle

 "El drama con Meghan y Kate no es nada comparado con lo que está pasando con Camilla Parker Bowles"

   "Camilla realmente no habla con Meghan. No es amigable con ella", agregó la fuente

Incluso le dijo que "esto es en la vida real y que no eres una actriz que interpreta un papel"

Markle, sin embargo, tiene aliados dentro del Palacio de Kensington. La propia reina Isabel nunca aprobó a Camilla y el tórrido affaire de ella con Carlos cuando aún estaba casado con Lady Di

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Meghan Markle tiene una poderosa enemiga en el Palacio de Buckingham y no es Kate Middleton

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Los príncipes William y Harry tomaron una drástica decisión para terminar con la - Duration: 3:32.


Transporte aéreo de EE. UU. con ayuda humanitaria para venezolanos - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Transporte aéreo de EE. UU. con ayuda humanitaria para venezolanos - Duration: 1:00.


Un error de Maza casi le cuesta el empate a Lobos - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Un error de Maza casi le cuesta el empate a Lobos - Duration: 1:09.


Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.

Rev up your engines, mike says how many miles does scotty's wife's

lexus have, well I bought it from a customer of mine and his father died and he didn't

want it, it only had 60,000 miles when I got it, now it's got like 78,000 miles on it,

it's the best car we ever bought for $3,000, those things run forever you know, I had a

customer who bought the same exact car I worked on Thursday, there were two of them and they

were exactly the same, same gold and wheels same everything, she paid like $5,500 and

it had 120,000 miles, so I got a pretty good deal, but those things will run forever, if

you're thinking about getting a lexus get the 6 cylinder engines, cuz they last a lot

longer and they get better gas mileage than the 8's, there's really a big difference in

them, the customers I have with older 8's they all started to get expensive to repair,

with the 6's they don't, kodiak says what do you think of the 1996

suburban, they were great vehicles back in 96, the were solid, reliable, I got a customer

who's still driving his around and he loves the thing, he has no problems with it and

he gets them all over the place, now yes it's a huge gas hog, the gas goes in and the gas

goes out the tailpipe, their gas hogs, but they were really well built, now the modern

ones I see the rear ends go out, I see the transmission go out, I see the engines burn

oil, their no where near the vehicles that they used to be, back then they were solid

built and here in Texas they don't rust, so unless you take them to Galveston and the

ocean and saltwater, so you can get old ones that still have solid frames and keep fixing

them and driving them, overwhelming says what do you think of a Nissan

VG single cam engine, those are good engines if you take care of them, the thing that people

don't get about engines is, now they add more and more cams and originally the only had

one, the extra cams are to get extra horsepower or to burn more efficiently and have more

valves, ok when I was a kid if you had a 4 cylinder engine, it had 8 valves, an intake

and an exhaust valve for each cylinder so that's 8, now they have 16, two cams, and

it's a v engine they generally have 4 cams, it makes them more efficient but of course

it also makes them wear out fast, cost a ton more money to rebuild when they need rebuilding,

so as most things, some things get better, the gas mileage and the power, but then the

repair prices go up, so in the old days you could buy used cars and you could drive them

and fix them reasonably cheaply, you can't do it with modern cars, when their old if

they are wearing out a lot of times you just say goodbye to the car rather than do the

engine over because it costs too much money to do it right,

corrupted forever says I bought a pontiac firebird v6 it needs a tune up and other stuff,

I bought it for $900 should I keep it or resell it what do you think, now if you really like

the car, and you're happy with that v6 engine's lack of power, go ahead and keep it, if it

looks in good shape, if the body is not rotted or something, because it's a v6, the v6 does

not have resale value, everybody wants the v8's in those firebirds, and since you don't

have the v8, you're not gonna get that much money if you fix it all up and then sell it,

but if you like the way that it is, be happy with it and drive it around and fix it up,

just realize you don't want to put a bunch of money into that thing, cuz being a v6 it's

never gonna be worth all that much money, tulip says how often do you recommend changing

transfer case oil on an suv, I advise changing it every 40,000 miles or so regardless of

what people say, fluid doesn't cost much, a transfer case to replace one or rebuild

it costs thousands and thousands of dollars in any modern vehicle, changing the fluid

is a good thing, now I know a lot of these companies now say, it's a lifetime fluid,

asks the engineers what they mean by a lifetime fluid, I have and you know what they mean,

well it's good for the lifetime of the transfer case or the transmission itself, and I'm like

ok well what's that, well it depends on how they wear, I said well what's the warranty

for, well the warranty is 50,000 miles, well so I'm going to change the fluid every 40k

myself, and maybe it will go 200-300,000 miles and not just chance it and then after it gets

100k it breaks and they say, well now it's broken you change the fluid and the transfer

case, those things are expensive, recluse says what's your favorite repair manual,

well I like the alldata .com the internet website, I'm a professional mechanic, so I

have the subscription to all the cars that are in it and it's a great information system,

if you do your own cars there's all datadiy .com which is $20 a year, you get one car

at a time, and then it's $20 for extra cars, it's the same information I'm getting only

you only get one car at a time instead of all of them, I used to use books all the time

but now you hardly ever see anybody making them again, because the problem is there's

all these different models coming out, somebody has to get the book and they have to get one

of those models and they have to take it all apart and take all the pictures and show the

stuff, that is so labor intensive, and then hardly anybody buy books anymore, they don't

make any money, so almost all that stuff is going to online, that's just the way it is,

people aren't into books much anymore, go online you know if you got an older vehicle

sure go get an old book that somebody made, they were great books but like I say their

not making that many of them anymore, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.


Ayron puso a temblar el arco de Rodríguez con un cobro a balón parado - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Ayron puso a temblar el arco de Rodríguez con un cobro a balón parado - Duration: 1:11.


#6 NoAge: What do you mean, unfuckable? - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> #6 NoAge: What do you mean, unfuckable? - Duration: 2:16.


Shingo Review - Dragon Bowl - Duration: 32:38.

For more infomation >> Shingo Review - Dragon Bowl - Duration: 32:38.


Naked Naked (Pasión al desnudo,Indefenso)1993 - Sub español - Duration: 2:11:48.

For more infomation >> Naked Naked (Pasión al desnudo,Indefenso)1993 - Sub español - Duration: 2:11:48.


Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 18 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 18 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 3:28.


Meghan Royal - Lady Diana amie avec Freddie Mercury, les détails de leur folle soirée dans un bar g - Duration: 2:29.

Incroyable mais vrai ? Selon les révélations d'une actrice britannique, Lady Diana a secrètement fait la fête avec Freddie Mercury dans un bar gay

On le sait, Lady Diana était une femme totalement révolutionnaire au point de changer bien des règles du protocole royal de la famille royale

Plus naturelle que jamais, la mère des princes William et Harry n'avait pas peur de s'affirmer, en plus de briser les tabous

On se rappelle encore le jour où elle a tenu la main d'un malade du sida. Pas étonnant qu'elle soit rapidement devenue la princesse du peuple

Admirée de tous, la princesse de Galles a su toucher le monde entier avec sa personnalité hors du commun

Véritable rebelle, Lady Diana n'hésitait pas à se jouer des codes de la royauté, allant jusqu'à se rendre discrètement en soirée avec des artistes tels que Freddie Mercury

Du mal à y croire ? C'est en tout cas ce qu'affirme une célèbre actrice britannique ! Selon les confidences de Cleo Rocos dans son livre The Power of Positive Drinking, la comédienne a passé une soirée de folie à la taverne Royal Vauxhall de Londres, en compagnie de Lady Diana, du chanteur de Queen, Freddie Mercury et de l'acteur Kenny Everett

L'actrice raconte dans son bouquin que pour passer inaperçue dans le bar gay, la princesse de Galles s'est habillée en homme

Vêtue d'une veste militaire, d'une casquette et de lunettes de soleil, la mère de William et Harry a fait la fête jusqu'au bout de la nuit avant de rejoindre Kensington Palace en taxi

Une jolie anecdote. Et pour toujours plus d'histoires sur la famille royale, sachez que Kate Middleton a récemment été confondue avec une célèbre actrice par des journalistes

For more infomation >> Meghan Royal - Lady Diana amie avec Freddie Mercury, les détails de leur folle soirée dans un bar g - Duration: 2:29.


Interior Albun • holascrap • - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> Interior Albun • holascrap • - Duration: 14:00.


Meghan Royals Es - Las impactantes imágenes de la inundación de un estadio en Brasil - Duration: 2:32.

Una fuerte lluvia azotó a Vitória da Conquista y aplazó el inicio del duelo entre el conjunto local y el Bahía en el estadio Municipal Lomanto Junior correspondiente a la sexta ronda del Campeonato Baiano

La tormento provocó cortes de luz en la zona e incluso dejó a cuatro radios de la ciudad sin transmisión debido a problemas con sus antenas: Radio Club de Conquista, Radio Transamérica y Radio Brasil

Los chaparrones y el viento generaron que un aluvión invada la platea principal del estadio en donde se encontraba la mayoría del público

Los espectadores tuvieron que pararse sobre los asientos mientras el agua corría cual cascada por debajo de los mismos

El sistema de drenaje de la zona Este de la ciudad no funcionó y provocó inundaciones en las calles y dentro del estadio

Los videos difundidos en las redes sociales denotan la magnitud de la tormenta y la gravedad de las consecuencias

Los bomberos de la zona tuvieron que ayudar para evacuar las gradas, pero luego de unos minutos, cuando la tormenta calmó, el partido comenzó y los aficionados volvieron a sus lugares

Al partido, finalmente se disputó y el conjunto visitante se impuso 3 a 1. MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Siete juveniles, un masajista futbolista y ningún entrenador: la historia detrás del 20-0, el resultado más humillante del fútbol italiano La fortuna que estima ganar Qatar por el Mundial 2022

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Las impactantes imágenes de la inundación de un estadio en Brasil - Duration: 2:32.



For more infomation >> PEQUEÑA GUÍA DE BÚZIOS (HASTA LA PLAYA NUDISTA) - EP. 2/3 - Duration: 16:46.


¿Qué mensaje secreto esconden los maquillajes de Emma Stone? - Ultimas Noticias - Duration: 5:17.

La tez blanca y el cabello pelirrojo sirven para indentificarla en cualquier escena o alfombra roja, pero

Su forma de seguir las tendencias es siempre diferente a la del resto. Nunca la veremos con un look demasiado arriesgado y sus jamás serán muy llamativos, pero no te equivoques, bajo esa apariencia de querer pasar inadvertida, , concretamente su forma de maquillarse cada vez que acude a una alfombra roja

La mezcla entre y su compromiso social ha contribuido a que el look de Emma Stone se convierta en el mejor cartel para dar luz sobre un asunto

El ingenio de la maquilladora es capaz de combinar colores como el morado, el verde y el blanco en un ahumado nada hortera, a pesar del mix 'tutti frutti' de sombras

Y no, no se trata de los colores que serán tendencia, aunque la maquilladora se ha atrevido incluso a incluir el living coral en el maquillaje de Emma

  Todo comenzó en los Globos de Oro de 2018, una de las ceremonias más políticas y feministas de la historia de los premios, con el fenómeno #MeToo en auge y el negro como color protagonista de la alfombra roja

En un momento en el que precisamente no podía manifestar nada con su outfit, . Verde, morado y blanco

Puede que poco tengan que decir para ti estos colores, pero en realidad fueron los elegidos para

Pero ahí no quedó la cosa. De una forma, menos directa, maquilladora y actriz se aunaron para crear una nueva forma de maquillaje, el maquillaje con mensaje

No siempre se trata de un tema político o reivindicativo, a veces tan solo se trata de pistas ocultas

Sí, reconocemos que puede parecer un poco descabellado ponerse a desenmarañar los maquillajes de Emma Stone, pero

  Antes de que pudiéramos disfrutar de 'La favorita', cuando la película solo se proyectaba en los grandes certámenes de cine

Emma ya nos dejó entrever cómo era su papel en la película, ese personaje que le ha valido de nuevo la nominación al Oscar, en este caso a mejor actriz de reparto (aunque se merecía más la nominación a protagonista)

Si no la has visto, no te vamos a hacer un spoiler, pero , si te presentas en la première con y tu maquilladora acompaña la descripción …, puedes imaginarte de qué va la cosa un poco

  Rizando el rizo. Pongamos que sigues de promoción de la misma película y que tu personaje es… peligroso

Un maquillaje de estilo vintage con un delineado muy fino, sombras plateadas y con la melena acomodada a un lado, solo puede rematarse con un labial burdeos, tan oscuro que casi sea marrón…

Que no estamos locas ni se nos ha ocurrido a nosotras, que lo puso Rachel Goodwin en la descripción del look

  Y ya por último… ¿Que la gala del MET es de temática religiosa? Pues Rachel Goodwin hila tan fino que se marca un maquillaje con sombras ultradoradas y como descripción 'God is in the details'; vamos, que Dios está en todas partes, hasta en los detalles dorados del maquillaje de Emma Stone

Apuntamos también que fue la excusa perfecta cuando . El maquillaje siempre ayuda

For more infomation >> ¿Qué mensaje secreto esconden los maquillajes de Emma Stone? - Ultimas Noticias - Duration: 5:17.


Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.

Rev up your engines, mike says how many miles does scotty's wife's

lexus have, well I bought it from a customer of mine and his father died and he didn't

want it, it only had 60,000 miles when I got it, now it's got like 78,000 miles on it,

it's the best car we ever bought for $3,000, those things run forever you know, I had a

customer who bought the same exact car I worked on Thursday, there were two of them and they

were exactly the same, same gold and wheels same everything, she paid like $5,500 and

it had 120,000 miles, so I got a pretty good deal, but those things will run forever, if

you're thinking about getting a lexus get the 6 cylinder engines, cuz they last a lot

longer and they get better gas mileage than the 8's, there's really a big difference in

them, the customers I have with older 8's they all started to get expensive to repair,

with the 6's they don't, kodiak says what do you think of the 1996

suburban, they were great vehicles back in 96, the were solid, reliable, I got a customer

who's still driving his around and he loves the thing, he has no problems with it and

he gets them all over the place, now yes it's a huge gas hog, the gas goes in and the gas

goes out the tailpipe, their gas hogs, but they were really well built, now the modern

ones I see the rear ends go out, I see the transmission go out, I see the engines burn

oil, their no where near the vehicles that they used to be, back then they were solid

built and here in Texas they don't rust, so unless you take them to Galveston and the

ocean and saltwater, so you can get old ones that still have solid frames and keep fixing

them and driving them, overwhelming says what do you think of a Nissan

VG single cam engine, those are good engines if you take care of them, the thing that people

don't get about engines is, now they add more and more cams and originally the only had

one, the extra cams are to get extra horsepower or to burn more efficiently and have more

valves, ok when I was a kid if you had a 4 cylinder engine, it had 8 valves, an intake

and an exhaust valve for each cylinder so that's 8, now they have 16, two cams, and

it's a v engine they generally have 4 cams, it makes them more efficient but of course

it also makes them wear out fast, cost a ton more money to rebuild when they need rebuilding,

so as most things, some things get better, the gas mileage and the power, but then the

repair prices go up, so in the old days you could buy used cars and you could drive them

and fix them reasonably cheaply, you can't do it with modern cars, when their old if

they are wearing out a lot of times you just say goodbye to the car rather than do the

engine over because it costs too much money to do it right,

corrupted forever says I bought a pontiac firebird v6 it needs a tune up and other stuff,

I bought it for $900 should I keep it or resell it what do you think, now if you really like

the car, and you're happy with that v6 engine's lack of power, go ahead and keep it, if it

looks in good shape, if the body is not rotted or something, because it's a v6, the v6 does

not have resale value, everybody wants the v8's in those firebirds, and since you don't

have the v8, you're not gonna get that much money if you fix it all up and then sell it,

but if you like the way that it is, be happy with it and drive it around and fix it up,

just realize you don't want to put a bunch of money into that thing, cuz being a v6 it's

never gonna be worth all that much money, tulip says how often do you recommend changing

transfer case oil on an suv, I advise changing it every 40,000 miles or so regardless of

what people say, fluid doesn't cost much, a transfer case to replace one or rebuild

it costs thousands and thousands of dollars in any modern vehicle, changing the fluid

is a good thing, now I know a lot of these companies now say, it's a lifetime fluid,

asks the engineers what they mean by a lifetime fluid, I have and you know what they mean,

well it's good for the lifetime of the transfer case or the transmission itself, and I'm like

ok well what's that, well it depends on how they wear, I said well what's the warranty

for, well the warranty is 50,000 miles, well so I'm going to change the fluid every 40k

myself, and maybe it will go 200-300,000 miles and not just chance it and then after it gets

100k it breaks and they say, well now it's broken you change the fluid and the transfer

case, those things are expensive, recluse says what's your favorite repair manual,

well I like the alldata .com the internet website, I'm a professional mechanic, so I

have the subscription to all the cars that are in it and it's a great information system,

if you do your own cars there's all datadiy .com which is $20 a year, you get one car

at a time, and then it's $20 for extra cars, it's the same information I'm getting only

you only get one car at a time instead of all of them, I used to use books all the time

but now you hardly ever see anybody making them again, because the problem is there's

all these different models coming out, somebody has to get the book and they have to get one

of those models and they have to take it all apart and take all the pictures and show the

stuff, that is so labor intensive, and then hardly anybody buy books anymore, they don't

make any money, so almost all that stuff is going to online, that's just the way it is,

people aren't into books much anymore, go online you know if you got an older vehicle

sure go get an old book that somebody made, they were great books but like I say their

not making that many of them anymore, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.


DG2 by Diane Gilman Virtual Stretch BootCut Jean Basic - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> DG2 by Diane Gilman Virtual Stretch BootCut Jean Basic - Duration: 16:53.


First attempt MAKEUP just for FUN - Duration: 22:51.


For more infomation >> First attempt MAKEUP just for FUN - Duration: 22:51.


Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 18 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Какой сегодня праздник 🎂: на календаре 18 февраля 2019 года - Duration: 3:28.


Zola sends a message to Chelsea fans over Sarri ahead of Man United clash - Duration: 3:24.

 Chelsea assistant head coach Gianfranco Zola has insisted that Blues fans must have patience with Maurizio Sarri and what he is trying to achieve at the club

 One of the criticisms that has been labelled at Maurizio Sarri this season is his stubbornness to not adapt to situations throughout the campaign

 The Italian continues to pursue with the 4-3-3 formation, with Jorginho playing in the 'regista' role, while N'Golo Kante has been forced into a more forward-thinking position on the right of the midfield three

 Meanwhile, the partnership of David Luiz and Antonio Rudiger have held the middle of the defence, with Marcos Alonso often keeping his place at left-back despite some disappointing performances

   But it is the style of play that is continuing to be the same throughout his time at the Blues right now, even when it doesn't seem to be working in matches

 Fans have become frustrated with the way that the Blues have been playing, especially in the last few months, but Zola insists that he Sarri is adapting his style in a way that is benefiting the side but that it will just take time to develop

 "How do you know we are not making changes? We are adjusting a few things. Understand that this is the Premier League," Zola said

 "But without, you know, changing where we want to go. The direction is always the same

Two years ago, you were probably asking the same questions to Pep Guardiola. You were asking if he'd keep playing from the back all the time

   "He said this was not in discussion and part of my game, even in the difficult moment

Maybe he adapted. He has improved a lot in that, because he got his team defending better and pressing better, attacking better

 "He has adjusted something but not the way he saw football. There are questions about what we're doing, a lot of doubts, but we are trying to adapt to the league

We are adapting to the league, but we don't change what we believe is good for this club because, otherwise, we are nothing

 "You admire what Pep has done. Certainly he's a good inspiration. Not everything comes together straight away

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from  via the free  football

london app  for  iPhone  and  Android . Available to download from the  App Store  and  Google Play

For more infomation >> Zola sends a message to Chelsea fans over Sarri ahead of Man United clash - Duration: 3:24.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer explains why Alexis Sanchez's Man Utd form is like ketchup - Duration: 3:16.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer believes that Alexis Sanchez's goals for Manchester United will flow like ketchup once he builds up his confidence in front of goal

 Sanchez, 30, has endured a difficult time at United since joining from Arsenal last January, scoring just five goals in 37 games for the club in all competitions

 The Chile international has only started three of Solskjaer's dozen games in charge but is expected to be in the team to face Chelsea in the FA Cup on Monday night with both Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard ruled out through injury

 Sanchez did score in the previous round of the competition against his former club Arsenal and Solskjaer thinks that like a bottle of ketchup, the goals will come pouring out of him once he finds the net again

 Speaking ahead of the game with Chelsea, Solskjaer said: 'I think he's a very good player

He's very talented, but of course there's only so many things you can sit down and talk about and tweak

 'If he could just get that goal I'm sure that would release his confidence. That's what it's about when you go through periods when you don't perform up to your standard because we know there is a very, very good player there

 'It's one of those things. You get that bottle of ketchup when it never comes out – but when it suddenly comes there's loads

'  Solskjaer has managed to extract improved performances from a host of United players since replacing Jose Mourinho in December with the likes of Paul Pogba, Marcus Rashford and Victor Lindelof all making huge improvements under the Norwegian

 He hasn't quite managed to have the same effect with Sanchez so far, though, with the Chilean providing an underwhelming performance off the bench in United's Champions League defeat to PSG last week

 After that 2-0 loss at Old Trafford, Solskjaer suggested that there was nothing he could do to instigate a change in Sanchez's fortunes and challenged him to 'find himself' at the club

 Solskjaer again laid down the gauntlet Sanchez to rediscover his form, saying: 'He's been here for a year

I've been here for two months with him and he's been injured for the first part of it

 'It's unfair to just expect him to be at the top straight away. I'm sure we'll see the best of him before the end of the season

 'We need every player to perform to the best level. We are challenging to be top four, challenging against very, very good teams

You need the players to step up now and you expect that at Manchester United at the end of the season


For more infomation >> Ole Gunnar Solskjaer explains why Alexis Sanchez's Man Utd form is like ketchup - Duration: 3:16.


3 hurt in 44-vehicle pileup on I-96 east of GR - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 3 hurt in 44-vehicle pileup on I-96 east of GR - Duration: 1:39.


Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.

Rev up your engines, mike says how many miles does scotty's wife's

lexus have, well I bought it from a customer of mine and his father died and he didn't

want it, it only had 60,000 miles when I got it, now it's got like 78,000 miles on it,

it's the best car we ever bought for $3,000, those things run forever you know, I had a

customer who bought the same exact car I worked on Thursday, there were two of them and they

were exactly the same, same gold and wheels same everything, she paid like $5,500 and

it had 120,000 miles, so I got a pretty good deal, but those things will run forever, if

you're thinking about getting a lexus get the 6 cylinder engines, cuz they last a lot

longer and they get better gas mileage than the 8's, there's really a big difference in

them, the customers I have with older 8's they all started to get expensive to repair,

with the 6's they don't, kodiak says what do you think of the 1996

suburban, they were great vehicles back in 96, the were solid, reliable, I got a customer

who's still driving his around and he loves the thing, he has no problems with it and

he gets them all over the place, now yes it's a huge gas hog, the gas goes in and the gas

goes out the tailpipe, their gas hogs, but they were really well built, now the modern

ones I see the rear ends go out, I see the transmission go out, I see the engines burn

oil, their no where near the vehicles that they used to be, back then they were solid

built and here in Texas they don't rust, so unless you take them to Galveston and the

ocean and saltwater, so you can get old ones that still have solid frames and keep fixing

them and driving them, overwhelming says what do you think of a Nissan

VG single cam engine, those are good engines if you take care of them, the thing that people

don't get about engines is, now they add more and more cams and originally the only had

one, the extra cams are to get extra horsepower or to burn more efficiently and have more

valves, ok when I was a kid if you had a 4 cylinder engine, it had 8 valves, an intake

and an exhaust valve for each cylinder so that's 8, now they have 16, two cams, and

it's a v engine they generally have 4 cams, it makes them more efficient but of course

it also makes them wear out fast, cost a ton more money to rebuild when they need rebuilding,

so as most things, some things get better, the gas mileage and the power, but then the

repair prices go up, so in the old days you could buy used cars and you could drive them

and fix them reasonably cheaply, you can't do it with modern cars, when their old if

they are wearing out a lot of times you just say goodbye to the car rather than do the

engine over because it costs too much money to do it right,

corrupted forever says I bought a pontiac firebird v6 it needs a tune up and other stuff,

I bought it for $900 should I keep it or resell it what do you think, now if you really like

the car, and you're happy with that v6 engine's lack of power, go ahead and keep it, if it

looks in good shape, if the body is not rotted or something, because it's a v6, the v6 does

not have resale value, everybody wants the v8's in those firebirds, and since you don't

have the v8, you're not gonna get that much money if you fix it all up and then sell it,

but if you like the way that it is, be happy with it and drive it around and fix it up,

just realize you don't want to put a bunch of money into that thing, cuz being a v6 it's

never gonna be worth all that much money, tulip says how often do you recommend changing

transfer case oil on an suv, I advise changing it every 40,000 miles or so regardless of

what people say, fluid doesn't cost much, a transfer case to replace one or rebuild

it costs thousands and thousands of dollars in any modern vehicle, changing the fluid

is a good thing, now I know a lot of these companies now say, it's a lifetime fluid,

asks the engineers what they mean by a lifetime fluid, I have and you know what they mean,

well it's good for the lifetime of the transfer case or the transmission itself, and I'm like

ok well what's that, well it depends on how they wear, I said well what's the warranty

for, well the warranty is 50,000 miles, well so I'm going to change the fluid every 40k

myself, and maybe it will go 200-300,000 miles and not just chance it and then after it gets

100k it breaks and they say, well now it's broken you change the fluid and the transfer

case, those things are expensive, recluse says what's your favorite repair manual,

well I like the alldata .com the internet website, I'm a professional mechanic, so I

have the subscription to all the cars that are in it and it's a great information system,

if you do your own cars there's all datadiy .com which is $20 a year, you get one car

at a time, and then it's $20 for extra cars, it's the same information I'm getting only

you only get one car at a time instead of all of them, I used to use books all the time

but now you hardly ever see anybody making them again, because the problem is there's

all these different models coming out, somebody has to get the book and they have to get one

of those models and they have to take it all apart and take all the pictures and show the

stuff, that is so labor intensive, and then hardly anybody buy books anymore, they don't

make any money, so almost all that stuff is going to online, that's just the way it is,

people aren't into books much anymore, go online you know if you got an older vehicle

sure go get an old book that somebody made, they were great books but like I say their

not making that many of them anymore, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.


Santa Ana: At least 4 killed in suspected DUI crash I ABC7 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Santa Ana: At least 4 killed in suspected DUI crash I ABC7 - Duration: 2:21.


Very Important Message! - Duration: 2:35.

A very Important Message

Well Hi, this is Yovette again. It's with great sadness and a heavy heart that I

am here today. I have an announcement that I want to share with you. As of

March 15th you will no longer see me posting on Facebook or YouTube, at least

that's my intention for right now. It is all over this particular flower and

these particularl leaves that I've been doing on YouTube and posted videos, and

there seems there is some conflict going on between the Bob Ross company and the

Jerry Jenkin, Gary Jenkins company. I do not wish to be in the middle of

this conflict. I have corrected the situation to the best of my ability by

deleting two of my old floral videos and posting two new ones. I still want my

viewers to be able to see how I paint the basic flower and the basic leaf. The

new videos will be posted after this announcement announcement. So please read

the letter in the description below to learn what this is all about. Kathwren

Jenkins posted this letter to my public timeline in facebook. I would rather have

had a personal letter from her but that was not the case.

I do wish however to set the record straight with Kathwren. I have been

teaching Bob Ross classes since the late 90's. All of my techniques were learned

directly from the Bob Ross Company and their wonderful instructors. I have

never taken a class from Gary Jenkins. I have never ever taken a class from

Kathwren Jenkins, or any teachers that they might have. I did not learn how to

paint flowers or leaves from the Jenkins. I learned it from Bob Ross. So I may be

back at a later date but for now I am going to close with just Thanks

to all of you wonderful viewers that I have developed such a special

relationship with! Thank you for watching and take care

till we meet again. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Very Important Message! - Duration: 2:35.


LA civil rights activist calls for arrest of Smollett, believes he lied about alleged attack I ABC7 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> LA civil rights activist calls for arrest of Smollett, believes he lied about alleged attack I ABC7 - Duration: 4:37.


How to Disagree in English Politely—Speak Confident English - Duration: 7:42.


it's Annemarie with Speak Confident English.

And I'm curious,

have you ever been listening to someone else talk...

Maybe it's a discussion your friends are having or you're in a business meeting

and the whole time that you're listening you're just thinking,



absolutely not because you totally disagree with the other person.

So when you disagree with someone,

what do you do?

What should you say in English to express your disagreement,

share your opinion,

but still be polite.

Of course you want to keep your friendships and business relationships intact.

But there are times in life where we totally disagree with someone and we

probably need to say something.

So in this lesson today,

I want to focus on three really simple strategies that you can use to disagree

with someone and share you own opinion,

but still be really polite about it.

All right.

So for today's lesson,

we're going to imagine that you're in a business meeting and you and your

colleagues are brainstorming,

having a discussion,

making some future plans,

and someone shares an opinion that you just totally disagree with.

Here is the first step to doing it.

Politely show that you understand the other person's opinion.

Let's be honest.

We all want people to listen to us and hear us when we feel like someone isn't

hearing what we're saying.

We get frustrated,

we get defensive and we try to explain it again and again.

So instead of having a really aggressive situation,

the best thing that you can do is show them that you heard them.

Show them that you understand and some great ways that we do that in English or

with phrases like,

I see what you're saying or I understand your perspective.

I can understand why you think that.


that's a fair point.

There's some truth to what you're saying,

but now with all of those,

you've taken that first step to show that you understand.

Then in step number two,

we apologize before we disagree.

It's simply a polite way to introduce that disagreement.

Let me give you an example.

I see what you're saying,

but I'm sorry I have to disagree with you or I understand your point of view,

but I'm sorry to say I have a different opinion.

I understand why you think that,

but respectfully I have to disagree.

In all of those examples I start with step one showing that I understand their


Then I use an apology to politely and smoothly transition into my disagreement.

Doing that can help keep the situation really calm and it can push away or avoid

some of those tense,

negative emotions that sometimes happen during disagreements.

Now in this lesson,

I've shared just a few examples with you,

but I have so many more and I've shared those with you in the online lesson.

So after you finish watching this video,

be sure to check those out.


before I move on to step three,

sometimes the situation is really delicate and we want to be very careful about

our disagreement.

So if you want to be extra,


extra polite,

you could also use this strategy of pretending that you're not really sure if

you disagree.

Here's what I mean.

Instead of saying something direct like,

I'm sorry,

I disagree with you,

or I'm sorry,

but I don't share that opinion.

We can use something that's a little bit more in the middle like I see what

you're saying,

but I'm not sure if I agree in that example.

Instead of being really direct with,

I don't agree with you,

it's more like,


I'm not sure.

It's a little less aggressive.

And then finally,

step three of how to disagree with someone politely is to always offer an

alternative solution.

If you truly want to be effective in arguing for your opinion or position,

the best way that you can do that is to offer support and a solution.

Doing this also helps to soften the disagreement after you've used the first two

steps with something like,

I see what you're saying,

but I'm not sure that I agree with you.

You can follow that with a sentence that will help you introduce your position

or opinion.

For example,

instead I think we should or my suggestion would be,

and finally from my point of view,

I'd recommend,

so here's how it might look put together.

I see what you're saying,

but I'm sorry.

I disagree.

I think that the outcome of this decision is going to affect everyone on the


So I think it's best that we include everyone as we prepare to make this


In that example,

I included language to show that I understood the other person's position.

I apologized before introducing my disagreement and I offered a solution or


So now it's your turn to put this all together.

Before I share this week's challenge question with you,

if you like this lesson,

please be sure to let me know and there are three great ways for you to do that.

Number one,

give this video a thumbs up on YouTube and subscribe to this channel so you

don't miss any future lessons.

Number two,

share it with friends and colleagues on Facebook.

And finally,

if you know someone who could use some help knowing how to disagree with someone

in English,

share this by email.

So now I'm very curious.

My questions for you this week are one,

have you ever had a disagreement in English?

If you have,

how did you resolve it?

I'd love to know what steps you took and maybe you've got some great advice or

an expression that you used that could be helpful to someone else in the

confident English community.

And I'd love to have you share that and you can do that in the comments just

below and in situation number two,

you and your colleague are responsible for planning a team building event at


But here's the problem.

There's one weekend that works best for your boss or it's the weekend that your

boss prefers.

But unfortunately that weekend,

several of your team members won't be there.

They have a conference to go to.

So what do you do?

Your coworker thinks you should stay with the weekend that your boss prefers,

but you think this is a team building activity.

We should have everyone there.

So you need to disagree with your colleague.

How could you do that?

Share your example with me in the comments below.

It's the best place to get feedback and learn from others in our community.

With that,

have a fantastic week.

Thank you so much for joining me and I look forward to seeing you next time for

your Confident English lesson.

For more infomation >> How to Disagree in English Politely—Speak Confident English - Duration: 7:42.


The Story of Kul Tiras - Past, Present, Future [Lore] - Duration: 25:02.

This video is brought to you in collaboration with

Tuh tuh tuh tuh, lalalalalala Hello everyone!

We've done a deep dive on the story of the Zandalari but not so much about the kul tirans

so that's about to change.

From the knowledge that we knew before we could party in the area to the stories added

with battle for azeroth...this is the story of Kul Tiras.

Way back when, over 2700 years before the dark portal opened up, we had King Thoradin

of Arathor unite the human clans, team up with the high elves and dominated the trolls.

After his reign had ended, new generations of humans expanded the nation of Arathor in

size and power.

Some of the humans would expand to the coastal region known as Gilneas where they constructed

a series of robust harbors.

The settlers fished the waters and engaged in rigorous trade with others parts of Arathor.

The boldest of these sailors ventured into the open waters around Gilneas.

Legends of the tidesages tells us that in the beginning, they were blind.

They were lost.

They left the howling streets of their homes in search of greater existence.

In the end, they found the sea.

Or rather, it found them.

Though the waves howled as home did, it was not the shuttered existence we knew.

For most, that was enough.

With each writhe came loss, but sustenance.

With sustenance, freedom.

We scanned the horizon for home, sailor's eyes on the horizon day and night.

We knew not what we sought.

A matrimony of earth and tide that might shelter our children from the tumult of life at sea.

Stormsong was the first to hear them.

Not the crashing waves at the surface -- gentle whispers, imperceptible to all but him.

They guided his mind ever deeper, revealing untold truths of the powers within him.

We would never be the same.

It began simply.

Stormsong's gifts guided fish into our nets and fresh water into our mouths.

No longer were we slaves to the elements.

We were the masters.

As our lord's gifts grew, others too heard the whispers.

Soon the very wind in our sails was ours to command -- the waves pushing us ever onward

into the night.

With time our hulls impenetrable to even the worst denizens of the deep below.

The depths' guidance became clear; they guided us home.

A new home.

The land was rich and could provide for endless generations.

We guided others to us, sending our sages to ensure safe passage.

House Stormsong laid claim to the most fertile valley in the northern reaches.

It took our lord's name as tribute for our gifts.

We were home.

A tale that explains how the Tidesages came to be, sea priests that are able to commune

with the elements and guided their people to kul tiras.

Stormsong might have had an easy time claiming the fertile valley in the northern reaches,

but not all of kul tiras was so easily taken.

It was not an completely empty land waiting to be used.

There were already beings living there, some a bit more hostile then others like the savage

group of warmongering barbarians that called themselves the Drust.

We know that Vrykul devolved into what we know as today to be humans under the influence

of the curse of flesh.

The drust also find their origins with the vrykul, similar to the kul tirans they took

to the sea and settled in this region.

Drustvar was their ancestral home and they did not take kindly to these strangers in

their lands.

The kul tirans tried to go for peace when they landed, but the Drust went to war immediately.This

carried on for countless years, until the ancestors of House Waycrest decided that something

had to be done.

When peace wasn't an option, the early kul tirans started to fight back.

The Waycrests have always been hearty folk, but the Drusts's magic was strong.

Lead by Gorak Tul they used their druidic powers for dark rituals and massive damage,

but some amongst the Drust were not down with what Gorak Tul was doing.

These so called thornspeakers joined kul tiran society and taught their ancient ways to those

who heard the call of the wilds.

For generations they have been the guardians of balance in nature, the keepers of the cycle

of nature, of life and death.

Despite these new teachings, the kul tirans were losing their war against the drust.

In the end, it was their scholars that managed to turn the tide.

They began to uncover weaknesses in the Drust's magic like silver and alchemical fire.

They compiled what they learned into a treatise on weapons and tactics that could be used

to defeat the barbarians.

The order of Embers was the name given to those who took up these arms against the Drust.

Using the tools and methods uncovered by the scholars, they were able to counter the Drust's

magic, and ensure their victory in the war.

They even pushed their great leader Gorak Tul into retreat.

When he ran out of living warriors, he created a new army out of stone constructs, but not

even they were able to bring him the victory he desired.

Arom Waycrest, still a cornel leading the final assault stabbed Gorak Tul, but while

stories of this event always said that he killed him, Gorak Tul did not die.

Wounded and broken for sure, but not dead.

Gorak tul and his followers retreated into Thros, the Blighted Lands.

A land of death, decay and torment, an area that we would call the Emerald Nightmare.

Here they would stay, regaining their strength and trying to figure out a way to return to

the physical world.

Meanwhile in Drustvar, Arom Waycrest was given the title of Lord

and from that point on, it would be his bloodline that would rule Drustvar.

Kul Tiras, the land rich with metal ores and other valuable natural resources would prosper

and thrive.

The kingdom of arathor eventually split apart while the island bastion of kul tiras continued

its traditions of trading and shipping.

That came with dangers of its own amongst them pirates and sea monsters, breeding tough

and proud people.

The city-state boasted a massive navy – the greatest in all of Arathor.

Its most daring captains explored the coasts of the Eastern Kingdoms, returning with exotic

goods and tales of strange lands in the remote corners of the continent.

Its amongst these daring captains where the ruler of all of kul tiras would emerge, but

the history of it is not really fleshed out.

We only know it as far back as Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore , but we do know that House

Proudmoore would rise up to lead kul tiras from their seat of power in Boralus.

This is the capital of kul tiras located within Tirigarde Sound.

Daelins powerful fleet and seafaring knowledge made them a powerful ally for the Alliance

of Lordaeron that was formed to combat the threat of the invading Horde.

Though the war was won, it was no easy victory with many casualties including his oldest

son Derek Proudmoore.

He died while fighting together with his father, died to the flames of the enslaved red dragons,

yet the Alliance was able to save Azeroth and force the orcs to either retreat or surrender.

Those that surrendered were placed within interment camps.

Some might say that death would have been a kinder alternative, yet all the same, Daelin

would remain a loyal ally to the Alliance despite peace making it splinter.

Meanwhile his remaining family members were still back home at kul tiras.

There is his wife Katherine Proudmoore, his second son Tandred and his daughter Jaina.

Tandred and Daelin don't really have a whole lot of history with eachother but that's

not surprising since Tandred was considered to be non canon, not part of the official

lore until they changed their mind with Battle for Azeroth.

Jaina is another story, quite a large one infact, and she WAS very close to Daelin.

"Ahoy, ahoy, sweet Daughter of the seas.

Ahoy, this child be mine.

The Admiral's girl.

His whole entire world.

For as long as stars do shine."

"Hihi, promise you'll come back?"

"I'll weather every storm if I know you'll be waiting for me."

"Time to go Jaina!"

"I love you papa."

"Come topside sweetheart."

When her talent for magic was discovered, her mother had to move heaven and earth to

smooth her path.

She had to fight Daelin to allow her to be trained in Dalaran yet she was able to convince

the lord admiral and this would put Jaina into contact with some of the greatest heroes

and villains that warcraft has ever known.

She even came in close contact with the royal family of Menethil.

Prince Arthas would become the one she gave her heart too, but Arthas would fall into

darkness and bring ruin to their kingdom.

Plague and death would rule the lands of Lordaeron too which Bolvar Fordragon sends his daughter

Taelia to kul tiras to be safe from the Scourge.

Daelin personally tasked his most trusted knight Cyrus Crestfall with raising the girl

which saved him from joining them at Theramore.

She was taught how to fight, how to ride and how to sail... she grew up to be a bad ass

with a kind heart, earning her rank amongst the Proudmoore guard.

Meanwhile Jaina would take the survivors of Lordaeron and come in contact with the new

Warchief of the Horde.

Together with thrall she fought side by side against the might of the Legion, bringing

down archimonde himself.

Thrall and Jaina worked very hard on getting somekind of peace going between the factions,

but not everyone could so easily forget about the past.

Her father couldn't, not after fighting with the Alliance of Lordaeron and losing

his son.

He found Jaina at Theramore and could not see that Thrall's horde was a different


He refused to listen to his daughter and Jaina made the impossible choice.

She decided to step to the side while Thrall and the horde moved into Theramore to take

care of her father.

"It is over!

Stand down, humans!"


Why wouldn't you listen?"

With the survivors returning home, news of Jaina's betrayel reached kul tiras and Daelin's

people cried out for vengeance for his death, but the rest of the Alliance did not seek


The plague of undeath in lordaeron had already left the Alliance reeling, and its other leaders

had little pity for Daelin Proudmoore, who had launched a war of aggression on his own


In fury, the people of Kul Tiras isolated themselves from the rest of the Alliance.

But their anger was not focused on King Varian Wrynn or any of the other Alliance leaders.

Instead, they grew to hate Jaina Proudmoore, the daughter who had betrayed her family.The

song she and her father used to share now became a cautionary tale to remind the people

of what she had done.

"I heard, I heard across a moonlit sea, the old voice warning me.

Beware...beware...the daughter of the sea.

Beware....Beware... of ME"

The death of Daelin would shock Kul Tiras and send it down a road of problems all around.

Jaina's mother had to deal with a massive blow as she herself took up the mantle of

lord admiral of kul tiras.

Not only did she lose her husband, her own daughter let it happen.

Not to mention that Priscilla Ashvane was whispering in her ear.

She too had lost her husband at theramore, but did not have the best intentions for Katherine

in mind.

She was now the leader of the fourth and final ruling house in kul tiras , namely house ashvane.

Where as proudmoore held dominion over their military, ashvane held dominion over their


A power couple when working together, but incredibly dangerous when one wants to betray

the other.

In Drustvar we see House Waycrest fall to the ancient darkness they believed was once


Lady Meredith Waycrest, Lord Arthus Waycrest and their daughter Lucile live in their manor,

their family line putting them in a position of power, ruling the land of Drustvar.

Visions of the past show us that Lady Waycrest was always ruthless and willing to do what

ever she thought was best for the family.

When her daughter fell in love with Alexander Treadward, she did not approve.

He was not good enough, just a common merchant unfit the marriew her daughter no matter how

much in love they might be.

Assassins were hired by Lady Waycrest to make sure this union would never happen.

So when her husband fell ill, Meredith called to any power in the world that might save


No price was too high to pay and in her darkest hour, Lord Gorak Tul answered the cry and

promised that death would never part the couple...House Waycrest had once defeated him and now they

would be his ticket back into the real.

Drustvar is plunged into darkness, covens and ancient magics of the drust covering the

land once more.

In Stormsong valley the benevolent voice of the tidemother has changed.

Communing with the seas does not come without risks as the seas hold many dark and powerful

creatures like the naga with their Queen Azshara allied to the old god N'zoth.

She has plans with the kul tiran fleet, whispering to Lord Stormsong of house stormsong, taking

him and their order of tidesages into the darkness.

Normally they would bless their ships before thei set sail, but now they were convinced

to use their powers and capture it.

Captain Tandred Proudmoore the fearless explorer,and their proud kul tiran sailors, at some point

sailed into uncharted waters and along the way, a mighty storm at sea had taken him.

They're believed to be lost, another blow for Katherine, another member of her family


Meanwhile time did not stand still and with the defeat of the Burning Legion, some thought

it might mean peace was coming to world.

Instead we saw Sargeras stab the planet of Azeroth greatly hurting the world as well

as the titan spirit inside and Azerite pops up all across the surface.

This powerful resource could change the face of war in warcraft forever, too which the

Horde and Alliance do what they do best and go into another war.

That massive sword does not really go unnoticed nor the war that followed so naturally news

of this reached kul tiras.

Some suggested that the Horde would not care for their neutrality so perhaps it was in

their best interest to team up with the Alliance, but Katherine refused.

When they asked for their help to avenge Daelin's murder, they spat in their faces and to beg

for aid when theý're not even under attack would make them seem weak.

They'll not be reaching out to anyone, not after what happened with Jaina, kul tiras

will protect its own.

This made things a little bit awkward for the Alliance as they showed up at kul tiras

to ask for their aid in the war.

Jaina was fully aware of what her people thought of her, yet for the sake of Kul Tiras, for

the sake of the Alliance, she tried to convince them anyways.

"I have come to ask kul tiras for aid, on behalf of the alliance."

"The alliance?

HA, where were they when we begged for their help?

When our husbands and sons and brothers were slaughtered at theramore?!"

"Do not blame the alliance for my actions."

"So you admit it.

You admit that you were responsible for the deaths of our men!"

"... I was..."

"Le gasp."

"But I will do anything in my power to ease the suffering of kul tiras."

"Katherine...enforce our laws.

The punishment for treason is death."

Not exactly a warm reception and while Jaina is left in the hands of Priscilla Ashvane,

heroes of the Alliance are thrown into the prison complex of Tol Dagor, run by Ashvane


Thankfully there are some amongst the kul tirans able to see that they need the Alliance

as much as they need them so heroes are saved from prison by Flynn Fairwind, former pirate

captain and Taelia Fordragon too which their adventures in kul tiras can begin.

I've done the stories of the dungeons and zones in full detail, but I'll do a quick

summary for those of you that clicked on this video to figure out the story of kul tiras.

We're informed that the houses in Kul Tiras don't work together liked they used too.

In Drustvar we find out that Gorak Tul has made his return and has corrupted House Waycrest.

We party with their daughter Lucile, reform the Order of Embers and take on the darkness

of the Drust.

Her parents, now undead monstrosities, are put the sword while the real Gorak tul still

waits for us in the blighted lands but atleast the area is a bit safer.

In Stormsong Valley we see that those who worried about the Horde not caring about their

neutrality were right.

The Horde strikes out pre-emptively.

Their spies reports that the farms and villages of Stormsong Valley are sending supplies to

Kul Tiran soldiers.

It is only a matter of time before they do the same for Alliance troops and this cannot


They will seize Stormsong for the Horde, cut off their supply lines and establish a foothold

for their forces.

The alliance naturally strikes back while also discovering that some of the tidesages

have allied themselves with Queen Azshara and by extention the old god n'zoth.

Darkness is spreading across the land and they don't really seem to care that the

fleet has gone missing.

We team up with Brother Pike, a tidesage with a clear head, able to see that what is going

on is not right and togerher we cleanse their corrupted organisation as well as figuring

out that the fleet is not entirely lost.

Though he personally cannot call their mariners home, atleast we know that the ships are still

out there...somewhere.

The fate of their fleet lies with the Proudmoores now.

In Tirigarde we uncover that Azerite did not only change the war for the Alliance and the

Horde, it almost made quite an impact right here in kul tiras.

Ashvane is gathering and weaponzing a whole bunch of azerite.

Scheming and plotting with the pirates that are gathering within Freehold.

Lead by Harlan Sweete, the guy so ruthless that he pushed Flynn out of the pirate life,

Sweete is uniting the different bands of pirates under one banner, the Irontide Raiders.

Whereas Freehold was once a haven for pirates, scoundrels, and those who wished to live free

of Kul Tiran Control, now it's the Irontide Raiders that rule the city.

With their forces and weaponised Azerite they plan to take away control of Kul Tiras away

from Katherine,but together with Cyrus, Flynn and Taelia, we uncover her plans, find the

evidance needed and force her to run.

She would make a return, a display of her full force, but all these events had Katherine

realise that perhaps returning to the Alliance was not such a bad idea.

She had foolishly handed over her daughters fate to priscilla, a mistake she regretted

greatly, so heroes of the alliance were asked to make things right.

Tracking down Jaina lead them all the way into the blighted lands where they not only

confronted the real gorak tul, they also reunited Katherine with jaina.

The whole ordeal made the lord admiral better understand what had happened to the daughter

of the sea.

The road that she had traveled while away from home and together they left that horrible

nightmarish place.

Now with Ashvane ready to siege Boralus and take kul tiras by force, Katherine knows what

she has to do.

"Our harbor defenses won't be enough."

"Father's pendant."

"For generations the heart of the kul tiran fleet.

I thought that hope had returned with this seal.

That perhaps I could call the fleet home as your father did.

I was wrong, it was never meant for me."

Jaina takes the pendant of her father and starts humming daughter of the sea.

Her father would find his way back to her, weather any storm and so does her brother.

Her powers are able to locate the missing fleet and save them from the dark magic entrapping


"There you are."

Oooow snap tandred is home baby, you better be scared ashvane.

"We're home tandred!

Captain, pirates in our harbor."

'All hands, lets show them what kul tirans are made off."

As Tandred is saved by his sister, Ashvane now faces overwhelming odds and has no other

choice but to surrender.

She's placed within the prison she once ruled where as Jaina becomes Lord Admiral

of Kul Tiras and they officially rejoin the Alliance.

They got their fleet with Tandred back, the houses have been saved from the darkness they

were facing and they're more then ready to stand with the Alliance in their war against

the Horde.

This war campaign has both sides construct outposts in enemy territory.

Most notably is probably Rexxar taking on Stormsong Valley, the mok'nathal that took

Daelin's life now walks the lands of the kul tirans.

Assaults happen frequently, many lives are taken while some are brought back in undeath.

Yet the Alliance does not stand still.

With Kul Tiras at their side they make their plans to assault the heart of the Zandalari

empire and remove one of the horde's most powerful allies from the war.

Last time their ships even came close, it did not end too well for them.

The defenses of the capital are no joke, we'll need a plan to make it work.

A plan that involves placing some massive explosives and drawing out the majority out

of their forces into Nazmir.

With the Horde distracted, a quick strike could have the king of the Zandalari surrender

and bring the war with the Horde that much closer to an end... but that would be the


Rastakhan did not rule his people for over 200 years without reason.

With the power of the loa of death at his side, he refuses to surrender.

A fight till the bitter end which has quite the opposite effect.

Instead of a surrender, what they really accomplished was lighting a fire in the heart of the trolls

and push them that much closer to the Horde.

But adding them as an allied race has not been done quite yet nor have the kul tirans.

They will become available at some point and when they do, you'll have the option to

make one of those thick monsters hunters yourself.

It could be a druid, going back to the history with the drust.

A hunter, warrior or mage, not surprising of course considering Jaina Proudmoore.

Monks, which I personally find really interesting especially since Paladins are not on the menu.

Paladins were originally created with the whole alliance of lordaeron standing up against

the Horde so you'd imagine that the Kul Tirans are familiar with their teachings but

they're not.

Instead they've picked up the ways of the monk which was first introduced with Mists

of Pandaria.

It's not impossible to explain.

Some pandaren have a lust for traveling and there could have easily been a few that made

their way to kul tiras and passed on their fighting style.

Other options include the Priest, rogue, and shamans, calling back to that history of the


The racial mount is a kul tiran charger, another horse to be added to the collection.

Not only does the kul tiran military prises itself on mastery of the sea through their

vasty nasty, they also do so with their armed cavalary.

It's hard to say what the future is going to bring for Kul Tiras.

We know that Mechagon is on the agenda, a vault in kul tiras that's going to open

up to reveal an ancient lost gnomish city.

This might tie in with what happened to Meckatorque during the battle of Dazar'alor.

We know that N'zoth and Azshara are on their way, a taste of what's to come in Stormsong

valley with the Crucible of Storms.

A long-sumberged evil stirs beneath the Shrine of the Storm.

The whispers that drove lord Stormsong to madness echo within the depths, a siren song

of eldritch power.

Those who listen and obey prepare dark ritual to carry out their master's will.

Whatever nightmarish schemes fuel their fanatical devotion, one thing is certain: they must

be stopped.

A taste of things to come while right now in the game you can already scout out the

area and go through a pretty cool questline that's inspired by the Darkest Dungeon.

I won't go into too many details of the crucible of storms...I am very excited for

the return of everyone's favorite waifu.

The battle of Dazar'Alor inflicted some heavy blows to the Horde Horde and the Zandalari

meaning that the Alliance has the upper hand but the war isn't quite over yet.

The horde liberated Priscilla from Tol Dagor right into a secret meeting with Sylvanas.

Who knows what those two ladies are talking about, but I think it's pretty safe to say

that it won't be any good for Kul Tiras.

They also obtained the body of Derek Proudmoore, the same Derek who died to the dragon flame,

and they're planning to warp and twist his mind, turn him into a weapon.

Where the alliance attacked them with an army, they will use one forsaken to murder them

in their sleep.

Will Derek be able to resist or will we see the death of Katherine to balance out the

death of Rastakhan?

What connection will we see between the resurrection of Derek and the resurrection of Jaina's

old childhood friend Calia Menethil?

What kind of relationship will be there between King Anduin Wrynn and Taelia Fordragon?

Is the line of Stormwind going to continue with these two?

Still so much on the horizon, who knows how the Battle of Azeroth is going to end...I'm

still hoping to have our final battle against the awakened titan spirit currently slumbering.

Waking up with one hell of hang over and pissed at the world for not focusing more on healing


That's wishfull thinking I suppose...but for now you're familar with the history

of Kul Tiras, lets hope that they release them as an allied race soon.

For now thank you very much for watching everyone!

If you want more details on all the things that we talked about today, then check out

the related wowhead article in the description down below!

Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next

time guys...see ya!

For more infomation >> The Story of Kul Tiras - Past, Present, Future [Lore] - Duration: 25:02.


VSCode Settings.json | Switch back from Settings UI to Settings.JSON | - Duration: 2:50.



While I was working with course, one thing happened.

Visual Studio kept updating every single month.

Now if you press COMMAND (⌘) + COMMA (,)

or if you press COMMAND (⌘) + SHIFT (⇧) + P

and search for settings and open the settings,

you get a shinny new UI, the user interface for settings area.

But the hacker in me doesn't really like it.

And throughout this course, I'll be teaching you to configure

all the different settings through this particular file "settings.json"

So, how about we go ahead and make this our default settings for the

time being. Press COMMAND (⌘) + SHIFT (⇧) + P search for settings

And click on Open Settings.

Now search fro Settings again.

And as you can see Workbench does settings that determines

which setting editor to be used by default is set to UI.

I want you to go ahead and set it to json.

As soon as you do it, this bar basically indicates

that this setting has been updated.

After setting your Settings Editor to JSON

Go down here, or search for "Use Split JSON"

E.g. "Settings Use Split JSON" – and you'll meet this particular setting

Here I want you to go ahead and check mark this setting

It should be check marked so that you can see a split of

All of your default settings as well as your "settings.json" file

E.g. now if I press COMMAND (⌘) + COMMA (,)

Your settings will look like this!

You will have the "Default User Settings" on the left

and your "User Settings" on the right.

This is very important for this course becuase in this entire course

I'll be doing all of the settings and searching for them through this area.

Now if I go back and press COMMAND (⌘) + COMMA (,)

The "settings.json" file opens up.

That is exactly what we want for this course

But if you would still like to access the UI for Settings, what can do is

press COMMAND (⌘) + SHIFT (⇧) + P

Search for Open Settings — and here it is

Open Settings UI. If you click it, you'll be in the UI of the settings.

But we can set up a keyboard shortcut for that as well.

To do that, you can either go from here to the keyboard shortcuts

Or you can press COMMAND (⌘) + K then COMMAND (⌘) + S

And access these keyboard shortcuts.

Search for open settings — this is the setting we want.

Open Settings UI

Click on the plus icon (+) and let's type COMMAND (⌘) + PERIOD (.)

Press [ENTER]

Now if you press COMMAND (⌘) + PERIOD (.)

you will be opening up the UI settings.

And if you will press COMMAND (⌘) + COMMA (,)

you will be opening up the normal JSON settings.

Let's try it out. I am going to press COMMAND (⌘) + COMMA (,)

and it opens up the settings.json file.

I am going to press COMMAND (⌘) + PERIOD (.)

and there you have it. A new shiny UI of settings.

So that's about it.

You can obviously set a different keyboard shortcut here

but I tend to go with this one.

👍 Tweet your progress with #VSCODEpro @MrAhmadAwais

For more infomation >> VSCode Settings.json | Switch back from Settings UI to Settings.JSON | - Duration: 2:50.


I and x27 . m A Celebrity 2019 Richard Reid Crowned King Of The ... 10 daily - Duration: 3:12.

I and x27 . m A Celebrity 2019 Richard Reid Crowned King Of The ... 10 daily

10 daily Senior Entertainment Reporter

2019 02 17T10:17:31 and x2B;00:00

Richard Reid has been crowned king of the jungle in the fifth season ofIm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! Australia.

Speaking to 10 daily just moments after being named series victor, Richard said he was ecstatic with the win.

"Ive accomplished what I wanted to do," he said.

"To challenge myself as I never have before and for people to really know me, to make sure Ive done everything I can to let people know who I really am."

"I just hope that any kid out there who doubts themselves or has been bullied, depressed, shy or scared knows that if I can do it whos just a big scared kid inside anyone can do it," he continued.

"And come out of the jungle... with abs!"


During his time in the jungle, Richard faced his fears, personal demons and created some lifelong bonds, all the while revealing a new side to himself.

"Im used to seeing him on TV," Richards sister Deane told 10 daily, "but not like this.Its different, I think that this is the first time that Ive seen Richard on TV where hes really been Richard."

For Richard, the jungle wasnt just a fight for his nominated charity, Beyond Blue; it was a process of understanding authenticity.

"I came into the jungle thinking I was authentic. I am a character in the sense that Oh, uncle Martys such a character," he said.

"I am a character and I have a lot of idiosyncrasies, in the past, theyve always been amped up."


After two or three days of being that "amped up," Richard said his walls became to come down, and he became more raw and honest with his campmates.

Richard also faced some of his greatest fears along the way, never backing down during Tucker Trials.

"Somehow people figured out Im claustrophobic, I cant stand spiders I already got stung by scorpions and I never told anyone this but I hate snakes! Hate them!"

It only seemed fair that Richard should get picked for Bogged Down, a solo trial where he had to climb into an enclosed series of tunnels full of spiders, scorpions, crocs and you guessed it snakes.

Having to move a giant python out of the way to get a snake, Richard said he kept motivating himself knowing how hungry his campmates were.

"It was just like a triumph over fear, I was so proud of myself, even in the middle of that [trial] I was like... good for you!" he said.

"Then there was another big snake head coming at me and I was gently pushing it away with my foot like bye Felicia!"

"I felt like a warrior that day, a real winner and Im not used to feeling like a winner in my life."

Hell have to get used to the feeling now!

Turn your day into a 10 out of 10 daily.

Turn your day into a 10 out of 10 daily.

Usually when the celebs are sobbing its because of a particularly grisly Tucker Trial but on Sunday they each received a different kind of surprise.

The series has been renewed ahead of the fifth seasons final week.

Even though he admitted it was an easy decision to join the fifth season of Im A Celebrityů Get Me Out Of Here, the comedian wont be laughing when he spots his first creepy crawly.

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For more infomation >> I and x27 . m A Celebrity 2019 Richard Reid Crowned King Of The ... 10 daily - Duration: 3:12.


How Do I Handle Money Without Failure? - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> How Do I Handle Money Without Failure? - Duration: 2:04.


#EwangeliarzOP || 18 lutego 2019 || Mk 8, 11-13 - Duration: 1:43.


All stupidity, all narrowness of mind, and narrowness of heart, all malice sucks up oxygen from the environment.

When you meet malicious people, somehow very hurt by the bitterness that they carry in themselves,

it suddenly becomes stuffy, as if someone closed the window.

And then you need to take a deep breath, a breath from spiritual life, from a completely different space.

Just from God, to bring life where it is suddenly sucked by some malice and stupidity.

Jesus sighed deeply in his spirit when he heard the words of foolishness, stupidity, narrowness and sinfulness.

And this is a great hope that we do not have to draw oxygen from outside.

There can be really many fools and people with narrow minds around us.

But you can take a deep breath and take action and say words that will bring life back to you.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 18 lutego 2019 || Mk 8, 11-13 - Duration: 1:43.



For more infomation >> Opel Zafira TOURER/7-PERS./BSN+/I-LINK-NAVI/2XPDC+ASS/TABD/INR&GAR.MOG. - Duration: 1:24.


YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những Trận Chiến Phù Thủy Cực hay - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Tuyển tập những Trận Chiến Phù Thủy Cực hay - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:20.


How To Live Stream On Amazon (For Brands) Amazon FBA - Duration: 16:05.

For more infomation >> How To Live Stream On Amazon (For Brands) Amazon FBA - Duration: 16:05.


Halo MCC - The Radial Deadzone Quirk - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Halo MCC - The Radial Deadzone Quirk - Duration: 5:25.


Meghan królewska - Horoskop na luty i marzec 2019! Ryby (tak jak Rihanna) muszą być asertywne w pra - Duration: 8:24.

 Jesteś ciekawy, co czeka Cię w nadchodzących tygodniach? Sprawdź koniecznie najnowszy horoskop z magazynu "Flesz", który przygotowała numerolog Agnieszka Zub

Chcesz wiedzieć więcej? Zadzwoń: tel. 708 788 284 lub *74 40 43). Opłata za minutę połączenia: 4 zł netto (4,92 zł brutto)

Nowa miłość? A może rozstanie? Awans czy problemy w pracy? Sprawdź swój znak! BARAN  Uczucia  Znajomość z pracy przerodzi się w coś poważniejszego

Związki, które zmagają się z jakimś problemem, mogą liczyć na happy end, a potem szczęśliwe chwile

   Kariera  Światło dzienne ujrzą pewne ciemnie sprawki szefa. Nie rób z tego afery, bo możesz  dużo na tym stracić, na przykład obiecaną premię

Nie podejmuj pochopnych decyzji.  BYK  Uczucia  Czas planować wspólną podróż, zaręczyny czy ślub

Single, przy okazji załatwiania spraw urzędowych, trafią na kogoś, z kim mogą umówić się na randkę

Nie szukajcie znajomości w Internecie.    Kariera  Ktoś będzie naciskał, abyś podpisał jakiś kontrakt czy umowę

Nie rób tego od razu! Najlepiej będzie ją skonsultować z ekspertem. Inaczej możesz potem wpaść w kłopoty

  BLIŹNIĘTA  Uczucia  W związkach nadal problemy w komunikacji. Nie będziesz wiedzieć, co myśli druga strona

Dla singli pozornie poważna znajomość okaże się początkiem komplikacji.   Kariera  Czas sprzyja przede wszystkim twórcom, artystom i literatom

Jeżeli chcesz zmienić pracę, pojawi się taka możliwość, szczególnie korzystna dla osób urodzonych w maju

RAK  Uczucia  Możesz liczyć na partnera. Single powinny spodziewać się spotkania z kimś, z kim spędzą potem długie lata

Jeżeli jesteś w separacji, daj partnerowi drugą szansę. Wykorzysta ją!  Kariera  Szykuje się dobrze rokująca współpraca z kimś o dużym doświadczeniu, ale i sporych wymaganiach

Poradzisz sobie z nimi bez trudu, a już latem odniesiesz pierwsze sukcesy! LEW  Uczucia  Zaintryguje cię ktoś z grona współpracowników

Może nawiązać się flirt, ale w tym momencie okoliczności nie będą wam sprzyjały, więc nie nastawiaj się na seks

   Kariera  Twój szef poprosi cię o ponowne wykonanie jakiegoś zadania. Nie sprzeciwiaj się, nawet gdy uznasz, że wywiązałaś się z niego perfekcyjnie

Zmień detale.  PANNA  Uczucia  Zmienne nastroje: raz euforia, raz przygnębienie

Sprawy finansowe mogą stać się źródłem sporu między tobą i partnerem. Single dostaną zaproszenie od kogoś, kogo już znają

 Kariera  Trudny klient lub napięta sytuacja z szefem. Niesłuszna ocena sprawi, że będziesz musiał udowadniać, że to nie ty popełniłeś błąd

Nawet gdy ci się to uda, nie spodziewaj się przeprosin. WAGA  Uczucia  Trudny czas przed tobą

Wiesz, że musisz podjąć niełatwą decyzję i wydaje ci się, że cokolwiek postanowisz, skończy się to dla ciebie źle

Na krótką metę – tak, ale potem się to zmieni.   Kariera  Nie szukaj sojuszników wśród współpracowników, bo nie masz w tym gronie zbyt wielu entuzjastów planu, który chcesz przeprowadzić

Dopiero kiedy się powiedzie, zyskasz poklask. SKORPION  Uczucia  Krótkie wyprawy sprzyjają nie tylko parom, ale i osobom stanu wolnego

Spontaniczny urlop da wiele okazji do rozmów, a co za tym idzie rozwiązywania problemów

 Kariera  To dobry moment, aby postawić na swoim. Porozmawiaj ze swoim przełożonym o nowym pomyśle

Przygotuj plan marketingowy, a z łatwością uda ci się przekonać szefa. STRZELEC  Uczucia  Załatwiając sprawy w banku lub urzędzie, trafisz na sympatyczną osobę

Nie tylko poda ci ona pomocną dłoń, ale i zaprosi do miłego spędzania wspólnego czasu

 Kariera   Będziesz miał okazję dorobić, pracując w firmie po godzinach lub w domu

Szef lub klient cię doceni. Spodziewaj się wynagrodzenia odpowiedniego do trudu, jaki wkładasz w pracę

KOZIOROŻEC  Uczucia  Jesteś samotna? Do ciebie należy inicjatywa. Idź do teatru albo klubu

Tam może czekać „ten jedyny". Osoby w związkach powinny unikać sporów finansowych

 Kariera  Nowy kontrakt, nowe zadania, nowy projekt. Propozycja będzie wymagać krótkich podróży i dodatkowych szkoleń, ale warto w nią zainwestować czas i wysiłek

WODNIK  Uczucia  Pojawi się ktoś z przeszłości i zrodzi się pokusa romansu. Nie licz na nic więcej, bo kochanek czy kochanka ma już własne poukładane życie

 Kariera  Masz dość swojej pracy? Pojawią się nowe propozycje. Wstrzymaj się jeszcze z decyzjami

Przemyśl wszystkie za i przeciw! RYBY  Uczucia  Szukasz kogoś, kto jest taki jak ty – a to nie tędy droga! Jeśli wybierasz się w bliską czy odległą podróż zawodową, to tam czeka cię interesująca i dobrze rokująca znajomość

   Kariera  Skupisz się na zadaniach zespołowych. Działania w grupie mogą być jednak trudne

Ktoś może wywierać presję, a ktoś inny zrzuci na ciebie więcej obowiązków. Zaprotestuj

 Zobacz także: Wodniki ( jak Ola Kwaśniewska) czeka rewolucja życiowa! Jaka? Sprawdź swój horoskop

For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Horoskop na luty i marzec 2019! Ryby (tak jak Rihanna) muszą być asertywne w pra - Duration: 8:24.


치솟은 손흥민 위상, 아일랜드 매체가 뽑은 EPL 남부 올스타 포함 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 치솟은 손흥민 위상, 아일랜드 매체가 뽑은 EPL 남부 올스타 포함 - Duration: 3:26.


MARTIN KEOWN: Hitting rock bottom could jolt Chelsea into life - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> MARTIN KEOWN: Hitting rock bottom could jolt Chelsea into life - Duration: 8:43.


✅ Breaking News - Ryan Giggs reveals what Louis van Gaal told Manchester United chief - Duration: 1:49.

Ryan Giggs has revealed that Louis van Gaal told Manchester United's executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward that Giggs should take over when the Dutch boss finished his contract at Old Trafford

Instead Van Gaal did not make it to the end of his contract as he was sacked by the Red Devils after finishing outside the top four in the 2015-16 season

 Giggs was an assistant to the Dutch manager during his tenure and the Wales manager has revealed what Van Gaal said to him

  Share this article Share Giggs told the Guardian: 'No, it was more Louis [van Gaal] who said it

You know how Louis is. He told Ed Woodward [United's executive vice-chairman]: "I will be manager for three years and then Ryan will take over

"'Typical Louis. No one else made me any promises. I didn't think I was ready when I finished playing but, after working with Louis, I felt more than prepared

 'I know it didn't work out for United but Louis was brilliant for me because he is a teacher

' Giggs took the Wales job in 2018 replacing Chris Coleman after leaving United two years prior

 The former United winger won 13 Premier League titles and two Champions League trophies during his time at Old Trafford

  Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Ryan Giggs reveals what Louis van Gaal told Manchester United chief - Duration: 1:49.


DRAWING FOR ROBOTIC - Duration: 5:36.

G'day it's Dash how are you all going?

I'm going to draw this picture

This is for Robotic

one of my YouTubers

Robotic is from Australia

up in Northern Victoria,

and what he does is gaming

So please go to his channel

He has some quite good stuff

and if you're going to support

please watch a few of his videos

give them a like

and tell him that you came from me

Anyway, starting now

So it took me 2 and a half hours

thankyou for watching

feel free to like,

drop a comment, share this video,

share any of my videos, or subscribe to my channel

Also check our my artwork channel

and Robotic's channel

For more infomation >> DRAWING FOR ROBOTIC - Duration: 5:36.


„Robíme si starosti o vás" - Otvorený list pre mladýych ľudí v tejto krajine - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> „Robíme si starosti o vás" - Otvorený list pre mladýych ľudí v tejto krajine - Duration: 0:59.


CORRE - JF | Decoff | Tenshin | DP51 | Robs | Tchop (Prod. Nova Guarda) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> CORRE - JF | Decoff | Tenshin | DP51 | Robs | Tchop (Prod. Nova Guarda) - Duration: 6:31.


Quando Deus nega seus sinais (Homilia Diária.1086: Segunda-feira da 6.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Quando Deus nega seus sinais (Homilia Diária.1086: Segunda-feira da 6.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:13.


Oração de Domingo, Elevai os vossos Pensamentos, Bezerra de Menezes - Duration: 29:57.


For more infomation >> Oração de Domingo, Elevai os vossos Pensamentos, Bezerra de Menezes - Duration: 29:57.


Chegou Match Respeito aos Lisos - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Chegou Match Respeito aos Lisos - Duration: 0:16.


✅ Bruna Marquezine revela como deseja curtir o Carnaval - Duration: 1:26.

Ainda nos Estados Unidos, Bruna Marquezine deu uma entrevista para o perfil no Instagram da grife Miu Miu

Durante a conversa, a atriz revelou como deseja curtir o Carnaval. "Tenho planos de viajar para Salvador e voltar a tempo para curtir minha cidade, o carnaval carioca

Eu amo o carnaval dessas duas cidades", contou ela. Bruna também deu dicas para conseguir aguentar a maratona de blocos e desfiles, sem perder a diversão

"Para o Carnaval, tudo o que você precisa é de muita água para manter-se hidratado e descansar um pouco para reunir energia suficiente para longos dias de diversão", disse

Para finalizar, a artista revelou o que considera essencial para curtir a maior festa do País

"Criatividade para as fantasias de Carnaval, um monte de glitter e amigos também são essenciais", disse Bruna Marquezine

  Notícias Relacionadas   16/02/2019 | 15h10m - Giovanna Prisco Em Nova York, Sasha e Bruna Marquezine têm dia de beleza   16/02/2019 | 11h20m - Julia Teixeira Bruna Marquezine se revolta após morte de jovem em hipermercado   15/02/2019 | 20h10m - Giovanna Prisco Jonathan Azevedo comenta sobre seu órgão sexual em vídeo

For more infomation >> ✅ Bruna Marquezine revela como deseja curtir o Carnaval - Duration: 1:26.


🦋 El perdón llega cuando los recuerdos ya no duelen - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> 🦋 El perdón llega cuando los recuerdos ya no duelen - Duration: 10:01.


Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.

Rev up your engines, mike says how many miles does scotty's wife's

lexus have, well I bought it from a customer of mine and his father died and he didn't

want it, it only had 60,000 miles when I got it, now it's got like 78,000 miles on it,

it's the best car we ever bought for $3,000, those things run forever you know, I had a

customer who bought the same exact car I worked on Thursday, there were two of them and they

were exactly the same, same gold and wheels same everything, she paid like $5,500 and

it had 120,000 miles, so I got a pretty good deal, but those things will run forever, if

you're thinking about getting a lexus get the 6 cylinder engines, cuz they last a lot

longer and they get better gas mileage than the 8's, there's really a big difference in

them, the customers I have with older 8's they all started to get expensive to repair,

with the 6's they don't, kodiak says what do you think of the 1996

suburban, they were great vehicles back in 96, the were solid, reliable, I got a customer

who's still driving his around and he loves the thing, he has no problems with it and

he gets them all over the place, now yes it's a huge gas hog, the gas goes in and the gas

goes out the tailpipe, their gas hogs, but they were really well built, now the modern

ones I see the rear ends go out, I see the transmission go out, I see the engines burn

oil, their no where near the vehicles that they used to be, back then they were solid

built and here in Texas they don't rust, so unless you take them to Galveston and the

ocean and saltwater, so you can get old ones that still have solid frames and keep fixing

them and driving them, overwhelming says what do you think of a Nissan

VG single cam engine, those are good engines if you take care of them, the thing that people

don't get about engines is, now they add more and more cams and originally the only had

one, the extra cams are to get extra horsepower or to burn more efficiently and have more

valves, ok when I was a kid if you had a 4 cylinder engine, it had 8 valves, an intake

and an exhaust valve for each cylinder so that's 8, now they have 16, two cams, and

it's a v engine they generally have 4 cams, it makes them more efficient but of course

it also makes them wear out fast, cost a ton more money to rebuild when they need rebuilding,

so as most things, some things get better, the gas mileage and the power, but then the

repair prices go up, so in the old days you could buy used cars and you could drive them

and fix them reasonably cheaply, you can't do it with modern cars, when their old if

they are wearing out a lot of times you just say goodbye to the car rather than do the

engine over because it costs too much money to do it right,

corrupted forever says I bought a pontiac firebird v6 it needs a tune up and other stuff,

I bought it for $900 should I keep it or resell it what do you think, now if you really like

the car, and you're happy with that v6 engine's lack of power, go ahead and keep it, if it

looks in good shape, if the body is not rotted or something, because it's a v6, the v6 does

not have resale value, everybody wants the v8's in those firebirds, and since you don't

have the v8, you're not gonna get that much money if you fix it all up and then sell it,

but if you like the way that it is, be happy with it and drive it around and fix it up,

just realize you don't want to put a bunch of money into that thing, cuz being a v6 it's

never gonna be worth all that much money, tulip says how often do you recommend changing

transfer case oil on an suv, I advise changing it every 40,000 miles or so regardless of

what people say, fluid doesn't cost much, a transfer case to replace one or rebuild

it costs thousands and thousands of dollars in any modern vehicle, changing the fluid

is a good thing, now I know a lot of these companies now say, it's a lifetime fluid,

asks the engineers what they mean by a lifetime fluid, I have and you know what they mean,

well it's good for the lifetime of the transfer case or the transmission itself, and I'm like

ok well what's that, well it depends on how they wear, I said well what's the warranty

for, well the warranty is 50,000 miles, well so I'm going to change the fluid every 40k

myself, and maybe it will go 200-300,000 miles and not just chance it and then after it gets

100k it breaks and they say, well now it's broken you change the fluid and the transfer

case, those things are expensive, recluse says what's your favorite repair manual,

well I like the alldata .com the internet website, I'm a professional mechanic, so I

have the subscription to all the cars that are in it and it's a great information system,

if you do your own cars there's all datadiy .com which is $20 a year, you get one car

at a time, and then it's $20 for extra cars, it's the same information I'm getting only

you only get one car at a time instead of all of them, I used to use books all the time

but now you hardly ever see anybody making them again, because the problem is there's

all these different models coming out, somebody has to get the book and they have to get one

of those models and they have to take it all apart and take all the pictures and show the

stuff, that is so labor intensive, and then hardly anybody buy books anymore, they don't

make any money, so almost all that stuff is going to online, that's just the way it is,

people aren't into books much anymore, go online you know if you got an older vehicle

sure go get an old book that somebody made, they were great books but like I say their

not making that many of them anymore, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> Here's How I Bought a Luxury Car for $3,000 - Duration: 5:33.


Novo Quasar Brave. Você é maior que seu medo. | O Boticário - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Novo Quasar Brave. Você é maior que seu medo. | O Boticário - Duration: 1:01.


Capitol Connection: Reporters Roundtable discusses minimum wage hike - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Capitol Connection: Reporters Roundtable discusses minimum wage hike - Duration: 6:22.


The Most Relaxing Slime Part 91 - Duration: 10:01.

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For more infomation >> The Most Relaxing Slime Part 91 - Duration: 10:01.


Pediatric Nosebleed Cauterization and Aftercare - Duration: 2:47.

If a child (or adult) has a persistent recurrent nosebleed, cauterization can be considered

to try and prevent them from happening in the future.

First, a cotton ball soaked with 4% lidocaine is placed into the affected nasal cavity to

numb the area to be cauterized.

This step prevents it from hurting.

Nasal cautery can be performed without sedation in cooperative children, typically starting

around age 5 years.

Usually, silver nitrate cauterization is tried first before other more invasive methods of

cautery is utilized including electricity.

After about 10 minutes, the lidocaine soaked cotton ball is removed when the area should

be as numb as it will get.

A small wooden stick tipped with a chemical called silver nitrate is then applied to the

area that is causing nosebleeds.

With application, nitric acid is created thru a chemical reaction which then cauterizes

the nasal mucosa and hopefully stops any bleeding.

As the area heals, thicker scar tissue is formed which decreases risk of future nosebleeds.

Complete healing usually takes about 2-3 weeks.

It is not unusual for light nosebleeds to still occur for a few days, but after about

1 week, it should dramatically decrease and eventually stop.

During this healing process after nasal cauterization, aftercare should be performed to minimize

mucosal irritation as well as to help the area heal as quickly as possible.

In our practice, we typically recommend applying an oil-based emollient called ponaris.

Apply 1-2 drops against the tip of the nose three times a day.

Do NOT sniff it in.

Just let gravity ooze the emollient back into the nose.

If you taste it, you put too much.

Use less the next time.

Alternatively, patients can apply vaseline to the cauterized mucosa with a finger three

times a day.

In order for this to work, it needs to be applied thoroughly all over the cauterized


Finally, a saltwater nasal spray can also be used throughout the day.

Patients should be aware that such water-based rather than oil-based products need to be

used frequently on an almost hourly basis for it to help heal the nasal mucosa.

For more infomation >> Pediatric Nosebleed Cauterization and Aftercare - Duration: 2:47.


Living With Boys part 4 - Duration: 2:34.

Two weeks later when Luke isn't sick, Liam and Liliana haven't been seeing each other for a long time

For more infomation >> Living With Boys part 4 - Duration: 2:34.


Soția lui Gică Popescu a plecat în America! Luminița este în vizită la nepoata ei, Kira Hagi - Duration: 1:54.

Luminița Popescu, soția fostului mare fotbalist Gică Popescu, se află într-o vizită în Statele Unite, în San Francisco, acolo unde s-a întâlnit cu nepoata Kira

Luminița Popescu, soția fostului mare fotbalist Gică Popescu, se află într-o vizită în Statele Unite, în San Francisco, acolo unde s-a întâlnit cu nepoata Kira, fata lui Gheorghe Hagi

În vârstă de 22 de ani, Kira este deja actriță și studiază la școli înalte de peste Ocean, având apariții și în piese pe scenele din România

Luminița s-a întâlnit la San Francisco cu o bună prietenă din România, stabilită în California, Kira Hagi fiind cea care și-a surprins mătușa în fotografie

Gică Popescu a rămas acasă, fiind prins cu treabă, fostul mare fotbalist ocupându-se, din partea guvernului, cu buna organizare a Campionatului European de Fotbal din 2020, care se va desfășura și în țara noastră

For more infomation >> Soția lui Gică Popescu a plecat în America! Luminița este în vizită la nepoata ei, Kira Hagi - Duration: 1:54.


#EwangeliarzOP || 18 lutego 2019 || Mk 8, 11-13 - Duration: 1:43.


All stupidity, all narrowness of mind, and narrowness of heart, all malice sucks up oxygen from the environment.

When you meet malicious people, somehow very hurt by the bitterness that they carry in themselves,

it suddenly becomes stuffy, as if someone closed the window.

And then you need to take a deep breath, a breath from spiritual life, from a completely different space.

Just from God, to bring life where it is suddenly sucked by some malice and stupidity.

Jesus sighed deeply in his spirit when he heard the words of foolishness, stupidity, narrowness and sinfulness.

And this is a great hope that we do not have to draw oxygen from outside.

There can be really many fools and people with narrow minds around us.

But you can take a deep breath and take action and say words that will bring life back to you.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 18 lutego 2019 || Mk 8, 11-13 - Duration: 1:43.


Man discovers 30 year old Apple computer still in working order Nation - Duration: 2:10.

Man discovers 30 year old Apple computer still in working order Nation

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Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 26F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph..

Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 26F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.

Updated: February 17, 2019 @ 4:29 pm

A New York professor has Gen Xers reminiscing about their childhood after he posted images of his decades old Apple lle computer on Twitter Saturday night.

John Pfaff dusted off the old computer that has been sitting in his parents attic for decades, and to his surprised it still turned on.

"Put in an old game disk. Asks if I want to restore a saved game. And finds one!," he tweeted. "It must be 30 years old. Im 10 years old again." Apple IIe was the third model in the Apple II series and released in 1983.

Oh.My.God.An Apple IIe. Sat in my parents attic for years. Decades.And it works.Put in an old game disk. Asks if I want to restore a saved game. And finds one!It must be 30 years old.Im 10 years old again.

This  and full functionality of the Shift and Caps Lock keys. All models of this computer were discontinued in 1993. Pfaff restored the saved game of Adventureland, a text command game released for microcomputers by Scott Adams in 1978.

"What shall I do next," "This is tricky, because three decades later I cant quite remember where I left off this round of Adventureland."

Pfaff found floppy disks with several different games of the time including; Millionware, Neuromancer and Olympic Decathlon. Besides finding games on the floppy disks, Pfaff came across saved copies of his high school assignments and a note from his late father.

Just found this letter my dad typed to me in 1986, when I was 11 and at summer camp.I REALLY WONDER what my theory abt the daily newspaper comics Spider Man was.My dad passed away almost exactly a year ago. Its amazing to come across something so ordinary from him.

"Just found this letter my dad typed to me in 1986, when I was 11 and at summer camp," he tweeted. "My dad passed away almost exactly a year ago. Its amazing to come across something so ordinary from him."

Pfaff showed off the vintage system to his own children and their reaction is what youd expect from a generation that has moved on to an iPhone X.

"My oldest, who is 9, exclaimed "thats a computer?!" in genuine surprise, and then pointed at the floppy drives and asked "what are those?" My younger twins just kept laughing at how silly it seemed to them."

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