Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2017: Roberto desenmascara a Francisca y Fernando ante María

Mientras Roberto desenmascara a Francisca y Fernando ante María, Isaac deja que Elsa se vaya sin confesarle que la ama.

Además, Irene, Adela y Severo arrinconan a Carmelo para que cuente la verdad. El lunes, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

El próximo lunes 18 de febrero, Antena 3 arranca una nueva ronda de capítulos de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

ficción líder de las tardes que promedia desde su estreno en febrero de 2011, casi 1,7 millones de espectadores por capítulo.

Mientras en la entrega del viernes, el compromiso de don Berengario y el desafío de Roberto son protagonistas,

el lunes, Roberto desenmascara a Francisca y Fernando ante María dándoles una lección inolvidable: disfruta de su pequeña venganza y gran victoria.

Las disculpas a María de más tarde no sirven para reparar el agravio.

Por su parte, Roberto lamenta haber puesto ante María la verdadera naturaleza de su madrina y de Fernando.

Más tarde, Raimundo trae a Francisca a la cocina para presentarle la situación de Fe y pedirle ayuda, pero ésta se niega, no moverá un dedo por la traidora desagradecida de Fe.

Por otro lado, en plena despedida de quienes fueron amores,

Isaac no dice nada y deja que Elsa se vaya sin confesarle sus verdaderos sentimientos: la ama. Antolina pide a Isaac una oportunidad, que intente al menos que lo suyo funcione.

Por su parte, Álvaro inaugura la remodelación del dispensario con la visita de Severo que no se encuentra bien.

Entretanto, Saúl ha citado a Prudencio y le pide ayuda para buscar la verdad sobre Julieta:

¿qué pasó de verdad con los Molero para que siga sin levantar cabeza? También Irene,

Adela y Severo arrinconan a Carmelo: no le dejarán marchar sin que cuente la verdad.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2017: Roberto desenmascara a Francisca y Fernando ante María - Duration: 3:14.


CineTux en Internet - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> CineTux en Internet - Duration: 2:51.


Una cucharada de miel al día y tu cerebro lo agradecerá - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Una cucharada de miel al día y tu cerebro lo agradecerá - Duration: 6:03.



Hello my loves Welcome to this new video in which

we're talking again about regrowth of hair

I show you a simple, homemade recipe and mostly based on simple ingredients that

you have daily to get rid of it, if you are new, think again

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In this preparation which takes place in two step you will need three ingredient

that you all have at home From the cucumber you will extract the juice

salt, coarse salt, if you do not have , and di bicarbonate of soda

Crush the essential is to extract the precious nectar, once it's good

apply on the very provided area if you want to wax at the same time know that it

Marries well with depilatory creams so you can add a little more

if you are not epilez, the advantage of this recipe is that not only does this exfoliate,

it will purify the skin and dry the bulbs and now if you have to add some

depilatory creams it will take off alone after a few minutes you see when

you are shaving the beard, the chin, the armpits the pubis, sometimes there are bulbs

, black stuff, full of buttons or spots that appear this will warn you

of these assaults, Now rinse the skin thoroughly

And apply this second recipe that was very used in previous centuries

simply because the products against regrowth of hair did not exist it was

the only way , Our dear grandmothers therefore possessed

this secret recipe for what hairs do push back too fast. Among these miracle cures,

sage oil, applied to the area shaved, just after our session "grubbing

This technique would make it possible, in effect, slow down the regrowth of hair

up to two or three months. Our adorable grandmothers also favored the use

lemon, in different forms. We can to pass a lemon, previously cut,

on the shaved area. But what made really unanimity after being tested

it was this juice of a lemon, half a liter of water

and five cloves, in a saucepan. boil by adding a little salt

which will then be applied to the skin, cold times. Or mix 5 spoons

lemon and 3 teaspoons salt. This last preparation will be

placed on the area concerned and should be kept all night. The result is strictly

the same You can apply this without waxing

it will slow down the regrowth of hair too It is very suitable for women who have

a down or very hairy, but also for children who have an early hair thrust

it's used in prevention, for that you must apply it like this both

see three days, but do the good of diligent way to have a maximum result

Thank you for watching this video until end think to share

subscribe Like and comment




Indiana Jones and the Sanctuary of the Black Order - TEASER TRAILER with English subtitles - Duration: 2:04.




and revenge, Herr Jones.

I'm the chosen by God.

I'm the first.

I'll do that mission real.




You're late!









For more infomation >> Indiana Jones and the Sanctuary of the Black Order - TEASER TRAILER with English subtitles - Duration: 2:04.


Meghan Royals Es - Alexia Keglevich, CEO de Assist Card: "Nos acostumbramos a un dólar a $38 y lo p - Duration: 17:17.

Alexia Keglevich es la CEO global de Assist Card, la compañía de servicios de asistencia a viajeros que concentra más del 65% del mercado local y tiene una facturación de USD 220 millones, con presencia en 36 países

Se trata de una ex empresa familiar fundada por un húngaro, proveniente de una familia noble, que tuvo que escapar de su país durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial

En 2011, Assist Card fue vendida al holding estadounidense de seguros Starr Companies –por unos USD 70 millones, aunque la cifra nunca trascendió públicamente–, y Alexia, que había ingresado a la compañía como cadete a los 16, y era CEO desde 2000, continuó en ese puesto

"Somos la empresa líder en asistencia al viajero saliendo de commodity. Hace 30 años era sólo seguro de viaje, asistencia médica, seguro de equipaje, pérdida de documentos

Eso ya es commodity: pasaron cientos de empresas que hacían cosas similares. El desafío de ahora es ser diferentes; Internet dio vuelta el mercado

Somos un genérico: la gente busca más Assist Card en Google que la categoría", dice Keglevich en el estudio de Infobae

– ¿Cuánto facturan? – Este año estamos programando USD 220 millones. Tenemos operaciones en 36 países

Dimos servicios en Europa desde siempre, pero este año lanzamos la venta en España

Nunca habíamos entrado en un mercado tan maduro vendiendo servicios. – ¿Cuánto es esa cifra de ingresos comparada con la del año anterior? – Estamos siendo bastante conservadores, calculamos que un 15% más

Pero depende de cada país: Corea va a crecer 20%, Argentina está más conservadora, Chile y Brasil están más agresivos

– La base de la compañía está en la Argentina. ¿Cuánto impacta lo que pasa en el país en la operación global? – El mercado argentino se vio afectado en el segundo semestre

Los argentinos somos muy viajeros, nos gusta. Estamos habituados, lamentablemente, a estas devaluaciones: nos acostumbramos a un dólar a 38 o 40 y lo primero que queremos hacer es volver a viajar

Si bien los viajes son uno de los primeros indicadores que se caen con una devaluación, también son el primer rubro en levantarse con un poco de estabilidad

Argentina es el 20% de nuestra facturación, por lo tanto hay impacto. La devaluación, respecto de la inflación, todavía gana, por eso a nivel de costos el botton line de la compañía se vio beneficiado

Pudimos offsetear el efecto Argentina. – ¿Cómo evalúa la coyuntura económica local? – En febrero la veo mejor que en diciembre

Creo que lo peor ya pasó. Está costando, y esto lo digo más como ciudadana que como CEO

Este año de elecciones genera cierta incertidumbre, pero estamos mejor, encaminados

Soy muy crítica de la sociedad argentina. – ¿En qué sentido? – Tenemos que dejar de quejarnos e involucrarnos

El tema de la informalidad de las economías es un gran tema que hay que abordar de verdad, y no desde la crítica

Tenemos que hacer lo que tenemos que hacer y no importa el estrato social en el que estamos

Trato de ser realista y ver las realidades de cerca. Los empresarios, y mucho más luego de los cuadernos, tendrían que hacer las cosas bien en lugar de criticar

Somos muy criticones, culturalmente. – ¿Hacer bien qué cosas, por ejemplo? – Los empresarios tenemos que hacernos cargo del poder que tenemos en nuestro círculo de influencia

Hay que ser coherentes y cuidadosos con los ejemplos que damos. En mi empresa trato de que los valores que se predican sean los que se aplican

 Hay que ser auténtico y hacer el bien, trabajar más para ser mejores. – ¿Cómo ve el 2019 para el negocio? – Lo veo con mucho crecimiento en los países andinos

Apostamos mucho a México, Colombia, Perú y Chile. También Brasil y el mercado español

Comenzamos a vender online en EEUU, un mercado muy interesante al que abordamos de una manera no convencional, no de manera física

Estamos en la industria correcta: el de los viajes es un sector pujante y en crecimiento, más allá de las crisis

Además, en los mercados emergentes los viajeros están empezando a descubrir este mundo ahora

– ¿Qué porcentaje de los viajeros contrata servicios de asistencia? – En EEUU y Europa el 100% viaja con un seguro, o varios

 En la región el mercado más penetrado es la Argentina, con 80%. México es lo opuesto: 90% viaja sin servicio

Es una locura. Yo acabo de venir de EEUU, hace 15 días, y me tuve que hacer dos radiografías de tobillo en una sala de emergencias y el precio era de USD 2

300. El latino aún piensa que no le va a pasar nada. – ¿Es por eso o es caro? – El servicio es baratísimo

Podés estar tranquilo y asegurado por todo el año, por todos los viajes que hagas, por USD 150

Hay un mal concepto de que el producto es caro. – ¿Y eso culpa de quién es? – De una idea antigua con la que se posicionaron estas empresas y otras hace unas década: "Caro, pero el mejor"

Los CEO de estos años tenemos que acostumbrarnos a bajar márgenes. La omnicanalidad te obliga a ser muy competitivo y a estar despierto e invertir

El mercado exige precio y calidad. Hay que ser barato y bueno. – ¿Qué porcentaje tiene del negocio en el país? – Por arriba del 65 por ciento

Hay muchos jugadores, pero entran y salen. Eso es por Internet también, que te pone a la misma altura de cualquiera

Alguien abre en su garage, pone plata en Google y te compite en esa plataforma. Pero cuando no das un servicio excelente entrás y salís muy rápido

Tenemos empresas con las competimos por nicho, pero no hay una en la región que cubra todos los canales

Una empresa familiar "Haberme ido a los 25 años de la empresa familiar fue una de las decisiones más difíciles y mejores que tomé en mi vida", cuenta Keglevich

Luego de varios años en la empresa –entró a los 16, cuando la empresa tenía 15 años, como office girl– y de haber aportado a la expansión global abriendo mercados en el sudeste asiático, esta relacionista pública de la UADE con MBA en el IAE, decidió dejar la compañía de su padre y buscar nuevos destinos

"A mí lo que me gustaba era el marketing y me metí con eso a comienzos de los '90

Ahora soy CEO y también al directora de marketing, lo que más me gusta. Me fui por unos temitas familiares, lo que suele pasar en este tipo de empresa", asegura para definir la habituales tensiones que suele haber en los negocios familiares, mucho más con un padre de carácter que era el corazón de la compañía

El conde Nicolás Keglevich nació en Hungría, desde donde tuvo que salir luego de la invasión rusa, en la Segunda Guerra

Es parte de una familia noble –"con castillos y demás", detalla Alexia–, que perdió todo

Con apenas seis años, y junto a su hermana de siete, vivió primero en un campo de refugiados en Bélgica y luego en otros puntos de Europa

Finalmente, se volvió a encontrar con su familia y viajó a América Latina, a Puerto Alegre, en Brasil

"Acá terminó el colegio secundario y por eso sabe las cuentas de multiplicar en francés y las cuentas más difíciles en portugués

Le costó bastante salir adelante. Empezó a vender fondos de inversión y volvió a Europa, a Suiza, y allí armó la compañía

Pero por cuestiones de amor volvió a Argentina y en ese momento comenzó la expansión fuerte de la empresa desde América del Sur", describe su hija

– Terminó volviendo a la compañía. ¿Por qué? – Pensé que iba a ser más fácil. Hablaba cinco idiomas, tenía experiencia y creí que cualquiera me iba a dar trabajo

Pero no, había muchos prejuicios. Al final entré al Banco Río y fue una experiencia espectacular, con la compra de Santander en el medio

Estaba en un gran momento y mi padre me llamó en el 2000. La sangre tiró y volví

Pero se cayeron las Torres Gemelas, el mercado de viajes se paralizó, llegó la crisis local y hubo que reinventar la compañía

– ¿Qué hicieron? – Es un caso de estudio del IAE. Hubo que repensar todo. Sabíamos que los viajes iban a seguir, sobre todo los corporativos

 Se me ocurrió lanzar un 2×1 y mi padre me dijo que estaba loca, que iba a terminar de fundir la compañía

 Nos quedamos con el 100% del mercado. – En 2011 decidieron vender la compañía. – Es un proceso que en algún momento muchas empresas familiares se plantean

Fue muy complicado. La empresa era 100% de mi padre: un fundador no es lo mismo que un accionista

– ¿Por qué vendió? – Creo que fueron dos motivos, uno un poco más oculto que el otro

Un buen líder sabe que la empresa debe seguir y eso requiere de mucha madurez y de poco ego

Las compañías tienen que pasar a segundo nivel y ahí está la grandeza del fundador

Y en empresas familiares la sucesión es algo muy complicado, de eso no se habla mucho

Vender es una salida elegante que alivia mucho las emociones: lo decide otro. – ¿Cómo fue el proceso? – Yo estuve 100% involucrada y duró un año y medio

Me encargué de los management presentation y viajé para presentar la compañía en muchos mercados

Tuvimos la suerte de poder elegir quién iba ser el próximo accionista. – ¿Habla con su padre de la compañía? – Si… pero hay una muralla china en el medio (risas)

Hace siete años que no está: hablamos, me pregunta. Además, no vive más en el país

– ¿Qué cree que opina de su gestión al frente de la empresa que fundó? – Creo que está contento

Muchas veces se sorprende. El legado está bien cuidado. Seguí leyendo: Reunión en Hacienda: los bancos privados le pidieron al Gobierno apurar las reformas estructurales Nuevos aumentos en el transporte: cuánto cuesta viajar en subtes, trenes y colectivos desde hoy

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Alexia Keglevich, CEO de Assist Card: "Nos acostumbramos a un dólar a $38 y lo p - Duration: 17:17.


Vincent Cassel et Tina Kunakey, ce sera une fille - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Vincent Cassel et Tina Kunakey, ce sera une fille - Duration: 1:35.


Lucía Rivera: "No entiendo tanto odio hacia mí por ser adoptada por Cayetano Rivera" - Duration: 2:09.

Si Marc Márquez reaccionaba en tono de humor y de la forma más tierna a la noticia de su relación con Lucía Rivera, la de su chica no ha podido más diferente.

Un día después de que saltara la noticia y conociéramos que el piloto y la modelo mantenían una discreta relación sentimental desde hace unos meses,

la hija de Cayetano Rivera y Blanca Romero ha estallado en su cuenta de Instagram.

Y sí tiene 20 años y es joven, pero sabe muy bien lo que dice y cómo lo dice.

No entiendo tanta inquina y tanto odio hacia mí por el simple hecho de ser adoptada por mi padre, ha escrito la asturiana a la que Cayetano Rivera adoptó cuando se casó con la actriz,

Lucía se defiende así de todas las acusaciones que ha leído en redes sociales desde que se destapó por su noviazgo. modelo y presentadora Blanca Romero.

Y ha apuntado sobre el tema de su adopción por el diestro que no es cosa que ella haya decidido y recuerda que nadie le ha obligado a hacerlo.

Lucía Rivera, que sueña con ser un ángel de Victoria's Secret y vive en París donde está labrándose un futuro como modelo,niega ser una oportunista.

No sé dónde veis el interés si me va bien y no me hace falta nada de nadie.

Simplemente el cariño de los míos, ha escrito en una de sus historias de Instagram.

Si hubiera querido vivir del cuento hubiera tomado caminos mucho más fáciles, simplemente me dedico y me desvivo por lo que me gusta, ha continuado.

Recordad que somos un espejo y que vemos en los otros lo que somos, ha dicho sin miramientos. Además ha mandado un recadito a todos esos que la critican.

For more infomation >> Lucía Rivera: "No entiendo tanto odio hacia mí por ser adoptada por Cayetano Rivera" - Duration: 2:09.


NoAge: what if your underwear could talk - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> NoAge: what if your underwear could talk - Duration: 2:57.


COMO DIBUJAR UNA CONEJITA KAWAII FACIL PARA NIÑOS | Dibujos | Learn draw - Duration: 3:49.

How to draw an easy kawaii bunny for kids

How to draw an easy kawaii bunny for kids

For more infomation >> COMO DIBUJAR UNA CONEJITA KAWAII FACIL PARA NIÑOS | Dibujos | Learn draw - Duration: 3:49.


¿Quieres saber por qué Belén Esteban está hablando de su historia con Jesulín 20 años después? - Duration: 3:36.

Resulta tremendamente cansino este tema; años y años viviendo y hablando de lo mismo.

Hay quien dirá que Belén Esteban nunca ha dejado de hablar de Jesulín de Ubrique, pero lo cierto es que sus comentarios no son tan habituales .

O no lo eran hasta hace unos días, cuando Sálvame Telecinco rescató lo que le sucedió a la colaboradora con el torero hace casi 20 años,

cuando ella abandonó Ambiciones la casa de los Janeiro en Cádiz .

Y esa es la razón por la que en estos últimos días no la hemos dejado de escuchar pronunciar su nombre.

No es fácil entender la historia si no se ven todos los capítulos, porque el asunto empezó de una forma y ha tomado un cauce tan inesperado que ha derivado en otras cuestiones no se entiende muy bien cómo.

Todo empezó el 6 de febrero, cuando Sálvame emitió unas grabaciones que había llevado al programa el paparazzi Diego Arrabal que nunca se habían escuchado hasta entonces.

En ellas, Jesús Janeiro explicaba hace más de 18 años que Belén Esteban abandonó Ambiciones por decisión propia y no porque nadie la echara: Se ha ido de casa por cómo es.

En ese momento, la versión que la colaboradora ha mantenido durante décadas se empezó a tambalear, según recoge Paula M. Gonzálvez en huffingtonpost.

El enfrentamiento de la expareja de Jesulín y de Arrabal, que se ha ido prolongando, ha dado lugar al meme más viral de esta semana:

En las grabaciones incluso se habla de un momento bastante delicado en el que 'la Esteban' le habría lanzado un objeto a su expareja.

¡Se han dicho barbaridades! ¡Que si he tirado un cuchillo, hombre!, se quejaba este lunes 11 de febrero en el programa.

Jesulín le concedió la entrevista a Arrabal, según la versión del paparazzi, diez días después de la ruptura de la pareja.

Arrabal había mencionado la existencia de las grabaciones, Belén Esteban le retó a hacerlas públicas y...

Al conocer el contenido de los audios, Belén Esteban se defendió atacando. así lo ha hecho.

Pero no todo acabó ahí. Yo te he podido acusar de cosas, apuntó.

El programa ha querido estirar la historia y lo está haciendo. Tanto que ha derivado en el nombre de Cristina Tárrega.

El resurgir de esta historia ha coincidido con la vuelta a los ruedos del torero y con los rumores de separación de su mujer María José Campanario.

De ahí se ha pasado a hablar de las supuestas infidelidades de Jesulín -tanto durante la época en la que estuvo con Belén Esteban como durante su matrimonio- y de ahí que se haya acabado apuntando a una famosa presentadora con la que el torero ha estado: al final,

la propia Esteban perdió los nervios y dijo que la persona en cuestión está trabajando en El programa de Ana Rosa, y todos acabaron apuntando a Tárrega.

La historia continúa con los enfados diarios de la colaboradora de AR.

For more infomation >> ¿Quieres saber por qué Belén Esteban está hablando de su historia con Jesulín 20 años después? - Duration: 3:36.


Doha 2019: la cuenta atrás para la final - Duration: 1:57.

Simona Halep espera ganar su segundo título en el Qatar Total Open el sábado cuando se enfrente a la belga Elise Mertens

-A +AWTA StaffFebruary 16, 2019PISTA CENTRAL- comienza a las 3:30 p.mFinal de dobles - [4] Anna-Lena GROENEFELD (GER) / Demi SCHUURS (NED) vs CHAN Hao-Ching (TPE) / Latisha CHAN (TPE)No antes de las 6:00 p

m.Final de individuales - [1] Simona HALEP (ROU) vs Elise MERTENS (BEL)  View this post on Instagram  Doha ❤️A post shared by Simona Halep (@simonahalep) on Feb 15, 2019 at 9:30am PST PELOTAS DE PARTIDOHalep está aspirando a convertirse en la cuarta campeona que gana dos veces en Doha después de Anastasia Myskina (2003-04), Maria Sharapova (2005, 2008) y Victoria Azarenka (2012-13)

La rumana aseguraría su 200a victoria en el cuadro principal de su carrera levantando el título, y ya aseguró un regreso al No

2 del mundo después de derrotar a Lesia Tsurenko en la segunda ronda.Mertens está en su primera final en Doha en su segunda participación, ya que perdió en la segunda ronda de su debut el año pasado contra Julia Goerges

La número 1 belga, la única competidora de su país en el cuadro de esta semana, parece ser la primera belga en ganar el título en Doha desde que Justine Henin ganó el trofeo en 2007

Serían uno de los tres países en tener más de una campeona desde que comenzó el evento en 2001 (Rusia, República Checa)

Mertens también apuesta por ser la primera campeona no cabeza de serie en Doha desde que Lucie Safarova ganó el título en 2015

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For more infomation >> Doha 2019: la cuenta atrás para la final - Duration: 1:57.


Karine Ferri sans Yoann Gourcuff à Paris, ce renfort qui lui fait grand bien - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri sans Yoann Gourcuff à Paris, ce renfort qui lui fait grand bien - Duration: 1:17.


Boateng, ahora o nunca - Duration: 3:14.

 Kevin-Prince Boateng llegó al Barça entre bambalinas. Nadie lo vio venir. El delantero parecía estar inmerso en su invierno futbolístico

Lejos quedaba el recuerdo de aquella jugada que le hizo a Eric Abidal que aún le recuerdan en un Milan-Barça

   Boateng estaba disfrutando en el Sassuolo de la titularidad y del fútbol tranquilo

Sin la presión de los grandes. Hasta que le llamó el Barça para una emergencia. Se había marchado Munir (tras negarse a renovar) y Suárez se quedaba sin relevo natural

   De nuevo un caso parecido al de Murillo: el perfil tenía que ser un jugador con experiencia en la Liga, de rendimiento inmediato y a precio muy bajo

Y con ese discurso fue anunciado Boateng, que se presentó con un mensaje directo y resabiado

"Ahora estoy en el Barça. Y Messi es el mejor jugador del mundo; de este y de todos los mundos", dijo cuando le preguntaron por Cristiano

 Boateng apareció con la lección bien aprendida: sabía donde llegaba, cuál sería su rol y el objetivo que tenía

"No vengo a ser titular. Sé que vengo para ayudar y el rol que me corresponde.Esta oportunidad no se puede dejar pasar

quería venir corriendo y no en avión". El delantero también explicó que su objetivo es alargar su vínculo con el Barça a partir de junio

Pero de momento no está teniendo oportunidades para demostrarlo.  El delantero llegó, hizo un entrenamiento y fue titular ante el Sevilla en la Copa en el Sánchez Pizjuán

Ocurrió el 23 de enero, jugó 63 minutos y nunca más se supo del delantero.  El cruce copero con el Madrid rompió los planes de Valverde con las rotaciones

Y el calendario ofrece pocas oportunidades para que tenga oportunidades. La más cercana parece el encuentro ante el Valladolid

El partido más acesible en el tour de force que le espera al Barça ante equipos como Olympique de Lyon, Sevilla y Madrid

   No lo tendrá sencillo Boateng, porque el equipo ha tenido una semana limpia de encuentros entre semana y porque Valverde acostumbra a ser conservador con las rotaciones

Sobre todo en Liga y Champions.

For more infomation >> Boateng, ahora o nunca - Duration: 3:14.


Meghan Royal - Meghan Markle : un de ses anciens films va être rediffusé à la télévision - Duration: 1:10.

 Après avoir quitté sa vie d'actrice pour se consacrer à son mariage avec le prince Harry et sa nouvelle vie de château, Meghan Markle s'apprête à faire son grand retour sur le petit écran

Comme le rapporte The Hollywood Reporter, la société Artist Rights Distribution a récemment racheté les droits du téléfilm The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down (Le Guide de la lutte contre la déprime des garçons et des filles en français) et compte le rediffuser à la télévision américaine prochainement

 Sorti en 2011, la duchesse de Sussex campait dans cette comédie signée Paul Sapiano le personnage de Dana, une fêtarde célibataire qui écume les boîtes de nuit de Los Angeles

A ses côtés, jouaient également Max Greenfield, alias Schmidt dans la série New Girl et Adam Pally, aperçu dans Happy Endings

Un retour à l'écran pour Meghan Markle qui ne manquera pas d'éveiller la nostalgie des fans de Suits, la série qui l'avait révélée aux yeux du monde et qu'elle a quitté en 2018

 D'autant plus que, malgré ce qu'avaient annoncé les producteurs de la série, l'épouse du prince Harry ne compte pas reprendre son rôle de Rachel Zane, et ce même le temps d'un unique épisode

"Il n'est pas prévu qu'elle retourne dans la série", avait ainsi assuré un proche de Meghan Markle à Harper's Bazaar, relayé par The Express en janvier dernier

Cette même source avait par ailleurs précisé que la série "n'a pas proposé à Meghan Markle de faire un don de plusieurs millions de dollars à une organisation caritative pour qu'elle revienne le temps d'un épisode"

For more infomation >> Meghan Royal - Meghan Markle : un de ses anciens films va être rediffusé à la télévision - Duration: 1:10.


Jugador de Liga MX, sustituto de Giovinco en Toronto - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Jugador de Liga MX, sustituto de Giovinco en Toronto - Duration: 2:52.


La Fundación Messi dota de nuevas técnicas a un hospital infantil - Duration: 2:44.

 El hospital argentino Garrahan incorporará este año una técnica de diagnóstico nueva ern Argentina para la detección de un tipo frecuente de tumor cerebral infantil

 Ello será posible gracias al convenio al que han llegado con la Fundación Messi que hará una aportación de 100

000 euros para que la unidad de investigación sea una realidad: "Antes de fin de año vamos a tener puesta a punto una técnica de diagnóstico molecular, que no está en el país, para el meduloblastoma, que es un un tipo muy frecuente dentro de los tumores del sistema nervioso central", explicó Guillermo Chantada, coordinador de Medicina de Precisión y líder en investigación en el centro de salud en declaraciones a la agencia Télam

 Esta novedad es solo uno de los aspectos con los que podrá contar disho hospital con esta ayuda de la Fundación Messi, ya que tal y como explica Chantada, podrán llevar a cabo otros avances gracias al convenio con la entidad del delantero azulgrana

 "Hace muchos años que trabajamos junto a la Fundación Messi. Ellos tienen una pata en Argentina y otra en Barcelona, España, y gracias a esto venimos articulando con el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona, el tercer centro de salud pediátrico más importante del Europa", explicó Chantada

 El coordinador del Garrahan, recordó la vinculación existente entre el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu y el Garrahan: "hasta hoy más de 50 profesionales del Garrahan se formaron en el Sant Joan de Déu, que este año abrirá un 'Cancer Center', que es una unidad especializada en cáncer infantil que sólo existe en otro país de Europa"

diátrico más importante del Europa", comentó Chantada en referencia al centro que será pronto una realidad y que Leo Messi ha sido el alma mater de su creación a través de su Fundación

 Finalmente, Chantada especificó qur la mitad de los euros aportados por la Fundación Messi se destinarán a becas de formación para profesionales argentinos en este centro del hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona y la otra mitad será para "investigaciones en los tumores del sistema nervioso central, conocidos vulgarmente como tumores cerebrales"

For more infomation >> La Fundación Messi dota de nuevas técnicas a un hospital infantil - Duration: 2:44.


Truco sencillo para limpiar la grasa de la estufa en sólo 2 minutos - Duration: 3:01.

Para muchas personas limpiar la cocina podría parecer una tarea de enormes proporciones y que puede tomarle unas cuentas horas.

Muchos optan por contratar un ayudante de limpieza, pero la solución que te traemos hoy es menos costosa y complicada y solo te tomará dos minutos

y tu cocina lucirá como nueva Mantener un hogar limpio y ordenado requiere en primer lugar de planificación y organización,

limpiar es una de esas cosas que se van aprendiendo con la práctica con el método más antiguo el ensayo y el error.

Ya que por más que alguien nos enseñe, me atrevo a afirmar que nadie sabe limpiar hasta que llega el momento de lidiar con las suciedades más profundas del hogar.

Los lugares más complicados de limpiar son aquellos que se usan más, como el baño y la cocina ya que es donde se acumula la mayor parte de sucio y baterías, por lo que el trabajo pareciera nunca terminar.

Es por ello que en esta ocasión te ofreceremos una serie de trucos que facilitarán tu trabajo al momento de limpiar la cocina evitándote muchos dolores de cabeza y espalda.

Adiós grasa; Uno de los grandes retos en la limpieza de la cocina es eliminar la grasa de las hornillas, muchas veces el olor desagradable de algunos químicos

y las alergias que estos pueden causar en nuestras manos son uno de los motivos por el que muchas personas prefieren buscar opciones naturales,

Eliminar la grasa de la estufa nunca fue tan fácil, solo necesitarás un algodón, un envase mediano con alcohol, un cepillo dental y un paño. efectivas y más económicas.

Con estos utensilios realizarás el siguiente procedimiento: en primer lugar mojaras en algodón en el alcohol y lo pasaras por la estufa en todos los lugares en donde puedas visualizar la grasa acumulada.

Luego empapa el cepillo dental con alcohol y cepillas las áreas que aún mantengan la grasa adherida, al eliminar la grasa utiliza el paño para secar y eliminar el excedente.

Sí la grasa de tu cocina es muy vieja aplica empapa el paño con el alcohol

y colócalo sobre la estufa por varios minutos para que este vaya arrancando la grasa de la superficie de la estufa, luego frota con el paño y verás como la grasa ya no está.

For more infomation >> Truco sencillo para limpiar la grasa de la estufa en sólo 2 minutos - Duration: 3:01.



look at how Sergei network barely

fit into the car today the most small tuk tuk

and we are now going on a boat trip

3 temple

meet the sunset

most of Ayuttai located within the island

formed by the three rivers chao praya prosad and loburi island size two s

half to four and a half kilometer on the orders of the monarch dug more

50 channels for which the city got the nickname eastern

venice merchants from europe proclaimed Ayutthaya best city

which they ever beat or boating walk around the historic island

provides for more favorable way to see some of the most famous

temples of Ayutthaya we enjoyed the river breeze watched

observed the daily life of the local residents and saw the famous Buddhist


the Burmese invaded Ayutthaya in 1767 and almost completely burned the city and razed it

its with the earth today only a few ruins give an insight into an impressive city

ticket 20 baht worth

afraid to scare everyone

the state was trading all over the world with china i malaysia

India and Japan Europe flourished art literature and architecture

my bone temple wat phanan

Choing legend says to period heyday ayutthaya thai king named

fractal king on the item asks the emperor Chinese wife his daughter when she sailed

on the boat from china king was not to greet her she had

broken heart she waited for a long time but the king never appeared

she killed herself the king was very upset and he built

in place of her cremation temple in order to soul and and found peace and he called the temple

Wat Pho Nan Chong Wat Pho Nan Chong is the largest

and the oldest in Ayutthaya Buddha statue made of brick and lime

solution from the chronicles it is known that when Burmese captured Ayutthaya

the Buddha's tears flowed a statue of width 14 meters from knee to knee and 19 meters

tall with decoration on the head

this temple is very revered by Thais and they don't miss the opportunity

worship the buda image and get prediction

long tail boat tour around Ayutthaya takes about two hours with

stops for 20-30 minutes 3 temple tour of the rivers held against the hour

arrows Phutaisavan temple or monastery

buddhist kingdom located on the south bank of the river Chaopraya

the temple was built in the fourteenth century king under he body founder of Ayutthaya

where he lived before the creation capital on the island

the temple was probably built by a large number of enslaved Khmer

residents forcibly relocated from Angkor

In Ayutthaya, the monastery was one of first built temples had

the preaching hall and the great saint Reliquary monument to the King of Literacy

monument to the king

Ayuttai ruler can be seen next to the temple

boat trip can be watched another historical monument

church of st. joseph catholic church built by the french

seventeenth century king's reign on paradise great marked the climax

Kingdom relations with Europe in this period

the French appealed to the monarch with a request give them the opportunity to build here

the catholic church during dawn in Ayutthaya was 3 royal

the palace 375 temples 29 fortified forts number

the city gate was 94 in the city lived over a million people

there were a lot of foreigners french portuguese japanese dutch and

the English Wat Chayvanaram one of the most impressive

and beautiful ancient buddhist monasteries

which was built by King Prasat tongom first year of his reign

1630 the temple is located on the outside bank of the river chaopraya

and is oriented perpendicular to the river about sutton

probably built a temple for three reasons firstly he served suitable

a monument to his mother's dust which was buried in two square gear

on the eastern side of the site second according to scientists of the time

the temple functioned like a magic model the universe representing the kingdom symbol

the suitability of the king to manage finally his deliberate design at Kmersky

style served to commemorate the king's victories over


one of the legends says that buddhist monks

predicted the destruction of Ayutthaya late buddhist millennium if not

accumulated enough merit therefore king prasad he began a massive

building and renovation campaign temples throughout the city

whatever the reason for the return of the Khmer style

marked a new era of architecture in Ayutthaya this temple consists of the main

Prang Khmer type towers and 4 smaller prangs all stand on the same foundation

and surrounded by 8 smaller prangs and gallery

along the gallery there were 120 covered gold statues of Buddha in honor of the victory over

maram devil 12 crowned statute

surrounded by eight smaller pranks

each prang's ceiling was made of wood and was decorated

gilded star patterns their black lacquer interior walls

painted with murals while the outer walls were decorated with twelve

stucco bas-reliefs depicting stories from buddha life wat tea here khan

Ram was a royal monastery he was the temple where the king and his descendants performed

religious rites as the place of cremation of princes princesses and

other members of the royal family

1767 Ayutthaya was captured Burmese troops and the temple became

army camps after the fall of Ayutthaya robbery was abandoned

Buddha beheading and selling bricks common practice wreckage of cannonballs and

guns were found during excavations although the temple was damaged during

pillaging it remains one of most well-preserved monuments

Ayutthaya glory is the only temple with night light

if you liked the video subscribe to our channel ask

questions leave comments of everything to you good to new meetings



Martillo hidráulico de 3 toneladas para forja en matriz abierta. - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Martillo hidráulico de 3 toneladas para forja en matriz abierta. - Duration: 4:45.



For more infomation >> TELESHOPPING V MINECRAFTU!!! 🛒 | HORST FUCHS UKAZUJE NOVÁ ŠÍLENÁ SLUCHÁTKA?! 😱🎧 /w Kuky - Duration: 5:48.


★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️ - Duration: 2:15.

★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️ - Duration: 2:15.


Period drama couples || someone you loved - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Period drama couples || someone you loved - Duration: 2:56.


Macron fait débat à l'approche des européennes - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Macron fait débat à l'approche des européennes - Duration: 7:11.


Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.

For me Transposium was a unique opportunity

for the first time in my life to meet other trans people,

to realise Iam not alone,

that there are people who face the same things as I do,

who experience similar things as I do,

and that in spite of that, in this society, they remain proud

and empowered.

I would like for this Transposium

to do that for another person,

to empower them, to motivate them,

and to give them a chance to realise that their difference

is just a reason to be proud and strong in this world.

For more infomation >> Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.


Has Khloe Kardashian split from Tristan Thompson? Sources claim couple are done for good� Daily Ma - Duration: 4:17.

Has Khloe Kardashian split from Tristan Thompson? Sources claim couple are done for good  Daily Ma

She soldiered on with her romance with Tristan Thompson, even after it was revealed he had cheated on her multiple times during their relationship.

But now it seems and Tristan Thompson have called it quits, with multiple sources confirming the news to

The new report sees a family insider tell the website They are done for good.

Has Khloe Kardashian split from Tristan Thompson? Sources claim couple are done for good; she is seen with True at niece Stormi Websters birthday party last weekend

Her little Valentine: While Khloe celebrated True on Instagram on Valentines Day, she did not mention Tristan

It will perhaps not come as a surprise to Kardashian watchers, who have noted Khloes recent move back to Los Angeles with her and Tristans daughter True.

Indeed she has not been seen with Cleveland based Tristan since mid January.

He was not at her side on Saturday, when she and True celebrated her niece Stormi Websters first birthday at a party in Los Angeles with family and friends.

And on Valentines Day on Thursday, it was little True who Khloe was celebrating, not her errant lover. 

The last picture? Khloe and Tristan were seen together on January 13 when she joined her for dinner after his team the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Los Angeles Lakers in LA

Keeping Up With The Kardashians star Khloe was understandably left devastated when her partner cheated on her just days before she gave birth to their daughter, now 10 months. exclusively revealed how he was caught on camera getting close to another woman in April. 

However she stood by Tristan, 27, allowing him at the birth and even choosing to remain in Cleveland with her man. 

But rewatching the difficult time on the latest series of her reality TV show gave Khloe a chance to reflect on all that happened.

As they were: A pregnant Khloe, 34, with Tristan, in February 2018, before his cheating was exposed

Love rat: exclusively revealed how he was caught on camera getting close to another woman in April

She recently admitted that Tristans actions were f asterisk asterisk asterisk ed up and disgusting, but insisted they had worked through their issues with countless hours of help.  

However the NBA star is currently back on the road with his team, while Khloe is happily living her own single mom life in Los Angeles.

A source recently told that Khloe spends very little time with Tristan. The insider shared: Khloe and True are happy in Los Angeles. They spend very little time in Cleveland, where Tristan is. 

She very much acts like a single mom. Her whole life is True. Khloe is a great mom. Its so obvious how much she loves being a mom. She likes that True is a bit older now they attend classes with other babies Trues age and Khloe is making sure she has friends ... Khloe and Tristan are really focused on doing whats best for [daughter] True. 

They are not going to get engaged anytime soon. The focus right now is on whatever is best for True. Tristan is trying everything he can to regain her trust, but Khloé is spending more time in LA because True has so many family members and such a support system there. 

Support: Khloe, seen with Scott Disick this week, has moved closer to her friends and family

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For more infomation >> Has Khloe Kardashian split from Tristan Thompson? Sources claim couple are done for good� Daily Ma - Duration: 4:17.


OMG!! HyPixel İnanılmaz Sıralama Bugu #HideAndSeek(ComeBack)[Laby Mod İndirme] - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> OMG!! HyPixel İnanılmaz Sıralama Bugu #HideAndSeek(ComeBack)[Laby Mod İndirme] - Duration: 4:59.



*watch pt 1 first*

This is I will always love you this has sexy back in it but the person that linked it said ..

think it was star mamamoo star

um that the i will always love you is better in this video but that the sezy back is better in the other video

so were doing this one... I got my braces tightened during the week

i know i mentioned it before but I'm finding it difficult to talk

so if I'm *hissing*?

thats why

Oh my god was on one of her audition video's?


*pretends doesn't sound like a bag of dying cat's singing*

It's freezing on me...

we made it so far

oh little cutie

Come on

Giving me goosebumps already

What a talented talented human

I mean is she human?

What a beautiful sight

a talented human surrounded by glowing waving radish's

she's going to hit the high notes




*whats happening*

She's not human

Oh my god, go away

stop it

Like.. seriously seriously

Alright guys, well last one of this is going to be

Ultimate Yebba experience. I don't know what that means

but this is linked with the other's and I always do like a funny video or something at the end..

I'm really sad

This is coming to an end

but it's technically not really the end..with other video's and a couple more thing's I want to do

more project's so..

that is a noise I did NOT need in my ear..

so it's not over but I'm sad that it's over..

but not really over *can't make up mind*

you know what I mean?

it's like that bad relationship where your on and off again

I love you then you break up and hate them and then on and off, on and off, and on and off...

except I don't hate mamamoo..I love them

"she is the epitome of remarkable elegance and class"..

like myself *sassy*

Lady like myself

cause I'm so classy

"With a regal demeanor befitting of a true Queen""

Dolphin squeaking

She sound's it's a squeaky toy legit..

*vibrate laughs*

*mimics* my phone

"who am I kidding"?

*sings along*

that sounds like the start of "Idol" (bts)

They look like they belong in St. Trinian's (movie)

"fire in the hole"

She makes her own hype squad

"where's play"

Where'd she go?


what the hell?

only she would pick up a water bottle and show off how it doesn't break...

not that you would expect a water bottle to break..

she looks like a Victoria Secret model...

just saying..

pop it pop it pop it break it yeah

*goofy/ creepy smile*

You know it bad if even the knowing bro's don't know what to do..

even their sitting in the back like "help us"

you cute little weirdo

She's that girl you expect to be all cute .... but then she open's her mouth and.. she..

I just clipped a clip on my foot and I don't know why...*side tracked*

she looks terrified




what a cute little weirdo7

that's the exact way to sum...(I said solar) her up



this is the end

who's that? who's there?

we've officially finished the mamamoo member moment's

I know I still have more to do..

there is more

there will be more but we have official finished ..Im sad

*being sad*

And thank you guys

for sticking with me through this series and thank you for all of your help and contribution and

Comments and likes and shares. They really do mean so much to me guys have no idea and....

I am just and idiot talking to a camera..

You guys

Make me being an idiot talking to Commodus so much that make sense and

I don't know. I just thank you so much. I really really really appreciate it. I'm

Very new new channel. I'm a very small channel, but the fact you guys take the time out of your day to watch on to


You know interact just means obviously world to me and

yeah, I don't know just

Thank you. That's really all I can say because I don't know what else to say and I just really really appreciate you guys

Thank you so much for everything. So yeah gonna go I'll be back with more

Please comment down below everything that I've missed in this series and it will all be going into another video

Obviously, they're will still be more mamamoo video's.. they are coming..

I have a couple more all ready in mind

That's it

I'm sad

Okay, I'm gonna go you guys have a good day. And thank you guys so much for watching

I love you. I love you, and I love you. Bye



Javed Akhtar और Shabana आतंकवादी देश Pakistan नहीं जाएंगे | Ghamasan - Duration: 0:52.

Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi

javed akhtar on pulwama terror attacks

javed akhtar exclusive

For more infomation >> Javed Akhtar और Shabana आतंकवादी देश Pakistan नहीं जाएंगे | Ghamasan - Duration: 0:52.


Najveći Psi Na Svijetu? Top 10 Najvećih Pasmina Pasa - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Najveći Psi Na Svijetu? Top 10 Najvećih Pasmina Pasa - Duration: 5:03.


ทำนามบัตรง่ายๆด้วยมือถือ |Nicetomeetyou - Duration: 18:09.

For more infomation >> ทำนามบัตรง่ายๆด้วยมือถือ |Nicetomeetyou - Duration: 18:09.


【酒井千佳の気分は明朗快晴】結局は非効率? 効率重視「ながら生活」が思わぬ結末に… - Duration: 4:43.

「ながら見」には をつけて~(夕刊 ジ)   私 効率重視派です。  時間がもったい いと思ってしまう で、ひとつのこと するのが苦手で「 がら」生活を送っ います

  音楽を聴きな ら事務作業をした 、歩くときも何か えごとをしながら いたり。通勤時は 車の中でスマホを ってこのコラムを いています

お風呂の時間も無 にしたくないので 今日は○○につい 考えようと決めて ら入ります

  最も「ながら をしてしまうのは レビ。自分のオン アを確認したり、 の天気予報やバラ ティー番組を見た と毎日テレビを見 時間は長いのです 、テレビだけを見 ということがなか かできません

  家にいるとき 、何かしら情報収 をしたいので、家 帰ったら真っ先に レビをつけるので が、常にながら見

ご飯を食べながら レビを見たり、料 をしながらテレビ 音声だけを聞いた 、テレビを見てい つもりがついつい 元のスマホで調べ のをしていたり…

  そんなことを ていると、あれ今 結局何だったんだ け? ということ 多々あります

録画している番組 もう一度巻き戻し 見ることになるの 、結局、非効率的 なっている、そん ことが日常茶飯事 す

意味がないのはわ っているのですが やめられません…

For more infomation >> 【酒井千佳の気分は明朗快晴】結局は非効率? 効率重視「ながら生活」が思わぬ結末に… - Duration: 4:43.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 SDI Baseline |L.M. Velgen - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 SDI Baseline |L.M. Velgen - Duration: 1:12.


Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.

 Het CBS presenteerde vandaag haar cijfers over de energierekening. U kreeg al eerder signalen door maar dit is toch wel heel erg: gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit, door gas en stroomkosten

Via de Telegraaf.  Bijna de helft van de kosten voor stroom en gas komt door belastingen

De andere helft is onderhevig aan schommelingen van marktprijzen voor olie en gas

Met name gas heeft een grote impact op uw rekening, want dat importeren we natuurlijk uit Rusland en moeten we ook nog eens omvormen voor ons gasnetwerk

 De NOS meldt dat er een recordaantal mensen is overgestapt van energieleverancier, waarvan een groot deel direct na Prinsjesdag

Daar werd toen al aangekondigd dat men meer zou gaan betalen voor stroom en gas, maar toen ging dat nog gepaard met 'lastenverlichtingen' waardoor Nederlanders er alsnog op vooruit zouden gaan

Totaal niks van waar dus.  Sterker nog, dikke kans dat de rekening nog verder omhoog gaat! Op 13 maart worden de doorrekeningen van het voorlopige klimaatakkoord gepresenteerd

Hierdoor krijgen we een béétje een beeld van wat de kosten verder zullen gaan zijn

 Dat beeld zal natuurlijk compleet verstoord gaan worden want het is een week voor de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen, dus reken maar op een bult vage plannen/constructies en niet waar te maken toezeggingen

  Waardeer jij de artikelen op Volg ons dan op Twitter!

For more infomation >> Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.


Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.

 Het CBS presenteerde vandaag haar cijfers over de energierekening. U kreeg al eerder signalen door maar dit is toch wel heel erg: gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit, door gas en stroomkosten

Via de Telegraaf.  Bijna de helft van de kosten voor stroom en gas komt door belastingen

De andere helft is onderhevig aan schommelingen van marktprijzen voor olie en gas

Met name gas heeft een grote impact op uw rekening, want dat importeren we natuurlijk uit Rusland en moeten we ook nog eens omvormen voor ons gasnetwerk

 De NOS meldt dat er een recordaantal mensen is overgestapt van energieleverancier, waarvan een groot deel direct na Prinsjesdag

Daar werd toen al aangekondigd dat men meer zou gaan betalen voor stroom en gas, maar toen ging dat nog gepaard met 'lastenverlichtingen' waardoor Nederlanders er alsnog op vooruit zouden gaan

Totaal niks van waar dus.  Sterker nog, dikke kans dat de rekening nog verder omhoog gaat! Op 13 maart worden de doorrekeningen van het voorlopige klimaatakkoord gepresenteerd

Hierdoor krijgen we een béétje een beeld van wat de kosten verder zullen gaan zijn

 Dat beeld zal natuurlijk compleet verstoord gaan worden want het is een week voor de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen, dus reken maar op een bult vage plannen/constructies en niet waar te maken toezeggingen

  Waardeer jij de artikelen op Volg ons dan op Twitter!

For more infomation >> Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.


Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.

 Het CBS presenteerde vandaag haar cijfers over de energierekening. U kreeg al eerder signalen door maar dit is toch wel heel erg: gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit, door gas en stroomkosten

Via de Telegraaf.  Bijna de helft van de kosten voor stroom en gas komt door belastingen

De andere helft is onderhevig aan schommelingen van marktprijzen voor olie en gas

Met name gas heeft een grote impact op uw rekening, want dat importeren we natuurlijk uit Rusland en moeten we ook nog eens omvormen voor ons gasnetwerk

 De NOS meldt dat er een recordaantal mensen is overgestapt van energieleverancier, waarvan een groot deel direct na Prinsjesdag

Daar werd toen al aangekondigd dat men meer zou gaan betalen voor stroom en gas, maar toen ging dat nog gepaard met 'lastenverlichtingen' waardoor Nederlanders er alsnog op vooruit zouden gaan

Totaal niks van waar dus.  Sterker nog, dikke kans dat de rekening nog verder omhoog gaat! Op 13 maart worden de doorrekeningen van het voorlopige klimaatakkoord gepresenteerd

Hierdoor krijgen we een béétje een beeld van wat de kosten verder zullen gaan zijn

 Dat beeld zal natuurlijk compleet verstoord gaan worden want het is een week voor de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen, dus reken maar op een bult vage plannen/constructies en niet waar te maken toezeggingen

  Waardeer jij de artikelen op Volg ons dan op Twitter!

For more infomation >> Energie steeds duurder – Huishoudens dit jaar gemiddeld 334 euro duurder uit - Duration: 2:38.



For more infomation >> "I HAVE TO PICK MY FRIEND POGBA!" | KURT ZOUMA'S DREAM 5-A-SIDE TEAM - Duration: 2:20.


★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️ - Duration: 2:15.

★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Taylor Hing★ In my 23's I just enjoy the moment 😘❤️ - Duration: 2:15.


Period drama couples || someone you loved - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Period drama couples || someone you loved - Duration: 2:56.



*watch pt 1 first*

This is I will always love you this has sexy back in it but the person that linked it said ..

think it was star mamamoo star

um that the i will always love you is better in this video but that the sezy back is better in the other video

so were doing this one... I got my braces tightened during the week

i know i mentioned it before but I'm finding it difficult to talk

so if I'm *hissing*?

thats why

Oh my god was on one of her audition video's?


*pretends doesn't sound like a bag of dying cat's singing*

It's freezing on me...

we made it so far

oh little cutie

Come on

Giving me goosebumps already

What a talented talented human

I mean is she human?

What a beautiful sight

a talented human surrounded by glowing waving radish's

she's going to hit the high notes




*whats happening*

She's not human

Oh my god, go away

stop it

Like.. seriously seriously

Alright guys, well last one of this is going to be

Ultimate Yebba experience. I don't know what that means

but this is linked with the other's and I always do like a funny video or something at the end..

I'm really sad

This is coming to an end

but it's technically not really the end..with other video's and a couple more thing's I want to do

more project's so..

that is a noise I did NOT need in my ear..

so it's not over but I'm sad that it's over..

but not really over *can't make up mind*

you know what I mean?

it's like that bad relationship where your on and off again

I love you then you break up and hate them and then on and off, on and off, and on and off...

except I don't hate mamamoo..I love them

"she is the epitome of remarkable elegance and class"..

like myself *sassy*

Lady like myself

cause I'm so classy

"With a regal demeanor befitting of a true Queen""

Dolphin squeaking

She sound's it's a squeaky toy legit..

*vibrate laughs*

*mimics* my phone

"who am I kidding"?

*sings along*

that sounds like the start of "Idol" (bts)

They look like they belong in St. Trinian's (movie)

"fire in the hole"

She makes her own hype squad

"where's play"

Where'd she go?


what the hell?

only she would pick up a water bottle and show off how it doesn't break...

not that you would expect a water bottle to break..

she looks like a Victoria Secret model...

just saying..

pop it pop it pop it break it yeah

*goofy/ creepy smile*

You know it bad if even the knowing bro's don't know what to do..

even their sitting in the back like "help us"

you cute little weirdo

She's that girl you expect to be all cute .... but then she open's her mouth and.. she..

I just clipped a clip on my foot and I don't know why...*side tracked*

she looks terrified




what a cute little weirdo7

that's the exact way to sum...(I said solar) her up



this is the end

who's that? who's there?

we've officially finished the mamamoo member moment's

I know I still have more to do..

there is more

there will be more but we have official finished ..Im sad

*being sad*

And thank you guys

for sticking with me through this series and thank you for all of your help and contribution and

Comments and likes and shares. They really do mean so much to me guys have no idea and....

I am just and idiot talking to a camera..

You guys

Make me being an idiot talking to Commodus so much that make sense and

I don't know. I just thank you so much. I really really really appreciate it. I'm

Very new new channel. I'm a very small channel, but the fact you guys take the time out of your day to watch on to


You know interact just means obviously world to me and

yeah, I don't know just

Thank you. That's really all I can say because I don't know what else to say and I just really really appreciate you guys

Thank you so much for everything. So yeah gonna go I'll be back with more

Please comment down below everything that I've missed in this series and it will all be going into another video

Obviously, they're will still be more mamamoo video's.. they are coming..

I have a couple more all ready in mind

That's it

I'm sad

Okay, I'm gonna go you guys have a good day. And thank you guys so much for watching

I love you. I love you, and I love you. Bye



Top Comment ✔️Trăng đêm 16 trăng tròn, Em lên 16 mông tròn hơn Trăng! - Phần 43 - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Top Comment ✔️Trăng đêm 16 trăng tròn, Em lên 16 mông tròn hơn Trăng! - Phần 43 - Duration: 10:50.


Concorrenti Sanremo Young 2019: scelti i dieci cantanti del cast - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Concorrenti Sanremo Young 2019: scelti i dieci cantanti del cast - Duration: 2:32.


FUNNY NOOB compilation 2019 | Best noob compilation 2019 | Fortnite battle royale - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> FUNNY NOOB compilation 2019 | Best noob compilation 2019 | Fortnite battle royale - Duration: 1:40.


[성수커플] 수은이를 위해 1일 PT 강사가 된 성현이?! 마 이게 운동이다! - Duration: 6:09.

[ Suddenly, pretending to be boxer]

[Come here] Sooeun, soon!




You are new.

Are you the person who wants to do PT?

[What is this]

[Material monster] I will introduce PT.

I was PT Trainer for 18 years.

I am good at making PPT.

[Group work 1 tool] [It is too PT]

Welcome to PT Channel by Lee Seonghyun.

Say something to subscribers.

[Prepared] Exercise is competing with myself.

[I am good at this] Hello.

Do you want to have good body?


I want to have good body.

[Is this PT?]

[Tired] I don't want to stand up.

You should stand up. You should stand up.

[Weird] You should stand up.


[Disgusting] You are physical energy is not good, how could you employ PT?


I head that you are trying get me PT.

Do you know the price?

Isn't it 600000 or 700000won?

You have boyfriend but why did you want to get PT?

[I don't believe you]

[No more persuasive power] You could have good body because you have exercise master.

Let's start exercise.

Wind sound

Today, you should have yoga mat.

Did you bring yoga mat?

[What?] No~

[I] brought it.

[Then, why did you ask me..?]

I order from Coopang and it was 34000won.

It was not used for 3 weeks.

Reflect on yourself.

[I agree]

You should put yoga mat to be safe and handle it.

[Put Yoga mat to be safe] smooth it in line.

[Safe posture]

Stand up.

[Dust] Stop it. It is mess.

Stand up.

We failed health.

I don't want to.

[Surprise] You said you will get me PT.


[40kg versus 70kg] Too heavy.

[Listen] 40kg versus 70kg Stand up.

40kg versus 70kg Move.

Stand up.

[First] You should tell

me what kinds of exercise you want to do.

[First] physical energy is too low.

Bad health

You know yourself well.

Bad health.

It is not bad health.

You should have good health.

Are you cursing me?

[Realized] No~

[Before exercise] Your tension is low.

[Before exercise] Let's have high tension.

Follow me.







Hold this

Tension up~

[I might be lost by dwarf lee seong hyun. Don't do that.

[I might be lost by dwarf lee seong hyun.

[I might be lost by dwarf lee seong hyun.] Everytime

I need to do exercise training.

I made name.

It is chain link from the hell.

[Why is it like that..?]

It is just exercise in mineral springs] Connect your arm like chain.

It is just exercise in mineral springs] and hold up.

One, two


Urgent Hey, XX, leave me.

Leave me, really

So funny..

Safe rule You should hold it in right way.

[Wait] I will get PAS.

[This time] I will hold it.

Heavy Are you gonna hold me?

Heavy I am 70kg.

I will try. Ok.

You might can't hold me.


[unexpected back pain]

[ Don't care] It might be hurt.

We are done for chain link exercise.

There is another flexibility stretching.

Look at me.



straight your leg.

straight your leg.

healthy stretching from memory Straight your hands,

healthy stretching from memory and put it down slowly.


that's good.


Strong hand even though it is stiff.

Strong hand even though it is stiff. Wait.

Stay there.

Hurt No.

[ Is this PT? Saying anything. Stay there. No.

Is this PT? Saying anything. I bend, so what now?

Certify that you are having 10 years experience for Taekwondo

Straight your arm and leg.

We are done for flexibility exercise.

Third one.

Spread legs.

[Lumber] Hurt.

[Sparta] Spread your knee.

Hold hand.

How much does it hurt?

It's very hurting.

I will do little bit more.


[breathing] breath out the air.

My leg won't work that way.


[Exercise wildcat(a runaway) engine] What is that Hahahaha

Second one!

Hold the edge of leg

can you hold it?

[Lumber] Hurting..

[No give up] Hold your toe

[Don't push me] it's hurt.

[One-way street] Don't push it. Then, hold your edge of toe.

I can't hold it.

Come here. No.

Come here.

Ok? I catched him.

Are you refusing it? Chokeslam

MMA atmosphere suddenly. Come here.

MMA atmosphere suddenly. Chokeslam.

[Counterattack] Chokeslam.

Hair loss crisis

Too bad.

Tap out

Tap out Surrender!

I am sorry!!

So hurting.

[See] Where?


So cute. Bring Chucky

Forth one is butterfly stretching.

[Try it] Butterfly shape.

[ So proud control CV Yeah. good.

Your leg should stuck to the floor.

[Lifeline] It hurts.

[Lifeline] Ok.Ok.

You can pull my hoodie

then, I will release it.

[I will pull it every time]

[Disappeared] Start.

[Disappeared] Where are you?

Different posture What happened?

Same hair horn mode

Same hair horn mode release it.

Different technique Come here.Come here.Come here.

I got you Bedrock.

Press tap!!

Stick nail. Surrender Sorry.

Stick nail. Surrender Sorry.

Become emaciated. We will do

hard training now.

Stop it.

You want apple hip.

Never heard No.

Stand up.

You are too active today.

In order to make apple hip

You should use muscle in hip.


So how do you use your hip muscle.

Cursing Have you had lots of punishment?

Let's do squat using transparent chair. There is transparent chair.

Let's do squat using transparent chair. Did you know that?

Come here first.

Ok. You are sitting.

Now. I will remove chair.

One, two, three


There was not chair before.

There is chair. You can sit here.


Bike posture.

Follow first. I will start now.

Pretend to drive bike.

Press right accelerator.

vroom, vroom

Attacking fact This is so nice.


I am shock now.

Hey, learn properly!!

It is in a science textbook, really.

(embarrassed 222) (retirement declaration of Korean science) In what science text book, huh?

(just keep going) Alright, vroom vroom

(just keep going) push the right twice and

(just keep going) go!

(wants to refuse it) Vroom~~Vroom~great!

There's a car right in front of me

You're doing weaves, or not?

(Safe driving) No weaves, no no

(Seonghyun rider) It's a game, calm down.

(anyway) You're doing weaves so? What should we do?

Go fast with left and right


(Calm down)(Calm down)(Retaliatory driving) 6984, you son of b**ch

(Calm down)(Calm down)(Retaliatory driving)

(Finally) In most of exercises, what do we do in last?

When we do the ab workout

we punch our abs

(Uh-uh) So you're punching my ab?

(Oops)(No way) No no, I'm not!

(Cudgel) Because it is exercise for hip-ups, so I'll hit your butt

(A quack PT trainer arrested) Aren't you badass?

(A quack PT trainer arrested) Hey, what's the matter?

(You're asking?) No, I'm not doing this!

(You're doing it!)(Hip-ups)

(You're so mean) I'm not doing it!

(You're so mean) Hey, wait!

(Unemployment crisis)

(Change business as a pet trainer) Left, go straight, that's right

Hugh are you good? Isn't it fun Hugh?

Leave me!

(He's tallking?)


(Come back Soon!) Why don't we exercise together?

(!!!!!) Okay, okay, alright

(No soliciting)

Okay, you're doing Jiu-jitsu

(That's how the PT channel became into a MMA channel..) Jiu-jitsu, alright

(That's how the PT channel became into a MMA channel...)

(That's how the PT channel became into a MMA channel...) Hey, it's my hair!

For more infomation >> [성수커플] 수은이를 위해 1일 PT 강사가 된 성현이?! 마 이게 운동이다! - Duration: 6:09.


Exploring AU DE FRENTE | #capoeiraByMinho (Ep6) - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Exploring AU DE FRENTE | #capoeiraByMinho (Ep6) - Duration: 6:15.


Inter, Bergomi e il valore della fascia: "I capitani danno l'esempio" - Duration: 3:16.

0       Beppe Bergomi, 55 anni. Getty In casa Inter tiene banco la questione legata a Mauro Icardi

All'attaccante argentino è stata tolta la fascia di capitano, affidata ora a Samir Handanovic

Essere capitano significa innanzitutto dare l'esempio, significa rappresentare in Italia e nel mondo non solo il club, ma milioni di appassionati

La storia dell'Inter è piena di capitani che hanno segnato generazioni e portato con orgoglio i colori nerazzurri

Tra questi c'è Beppe Bergomi. Bergomi, come si interpreta il ruolo di capitano? "Essere capitano non significa entrare in campo per primi e scambiarsi i gagliardetti

Ma è dare l'esempio, ogni giorno, dentro e fuori dal campo, stando attenti anche alle piccole cose che poi sono quelle che fanno la differenza

È metterci la faccia sempre, quando le cose vanno bene e nei momenti di difficoltà

È aiutare gli stranieri ad ambientarsi e a superare le difficoltà dell'impatto con una nuova cultura e una nuova lingua

È senso di appartenenza da trasmettere e pretendere da tutta la squadra". Icardi, lo choc, lo strappo e la fuga: videostory delle 24 ore più dure Che idea si è fatto del nuovo caso Icardi? "Togliergli la fascia è stato un gesto molto forte, ma mi ritrovo nelle parole di Spalletti

È difficile prendere certe decisioni ma bisognava dare un segnale e tutelare squadra e società

Insomma, è come un padre che deve punire un figlio, lo fa per il suo bene, per fargli capire che sta sbagliando e per aiutarlo a crescere

Ecco, Mauro secondo me dovrebbe capire questo". Quindi sta dalla parte della società? "L'Inter è stata spesso accusata di essere troppo "buonista"

Stavolta ha preso una scelta coraggiosa, facendo capire a tutti che il bene del club e della squadra viene prima di qualunque cosa


For more infomation >> Inter, Bergomi e il valore della fascia: "I capitani danno l'esempio" - Duration: 3:16.


Tai Chi on Top of a Mountain?? - Duration: 5:36.

all right so today we're going to ching ding and that is the very top of the

mountain it's just we can see it from master Gu's place me and master gu have

been planning to do this for months but haven't got around to it so the

weather's pretty good now for the last few days but yeah we're

going to go stay up there sleep with the monks and hopefully get a lovely sunset

and sunrise little time-lapse hope you enjoy so I've been to the top of the

mountain one time before and that was the very first time that I got to the

Wudang mountains and I was down in town and got this really dodgy meal so I had

bad food poisoning I was out of action for two days and then on the third day

decided to come and walk up the top like we're doing now I was literally the most

painful thing ever absolutely no energy this morning of dudes and pull-ups and

the pull-up bar me and master gu made it ages ago using some wire it's a dodgy

setup and yeah just fell off and I hit the back of my head smack my bum every

time I walked up this path I haven't been on my best form

so before those the road with cars this is how the emperors of mountain and the

guys do it like old men 65 or something and they're very small they're they're

just tough tough nuts okay so 600 quiet for those guys to

carry that man from the bottom from now on all the way to the top so that's a

pretty good wage for China so I guess they're happy to get the job

okay we made it

good morning the time is 5 a.m. just gonna grab some breakfast with the rest

of the monks and guests then go see the sunrise

it's just Congee or Joe which is rice porridge and some just dropped my

chopsticks some Baozi / bread

we're walking to the top now

almost at the top

so this must be some sort of public holiday because everyone is walking on

the stairs and then bowing every three or so finally they reach the top and

pray Taoism is alive and well in the Wudang mountains so this is big old wall

defending the whole of the Golden Temple I expect that's because back in the day

lots of robbers probably wanted to get all that gold from the golden top

well incidentally that's why Tai Chi and Kung Fu was born because the monks had

to defend their temples it's pretty cool just on the path as these random temples

just dot around I'm walking on paths like these and seeing all the palaces

I'm always astounded by just how much effort and work it must have taken

Master Gu told me roughly three hundred thousand workers that came to

the Wudang mountains when the Emperor's started building these palaces so yeah

just really an unbelievable amount of manpower

For more infomation >> Tai Chi on Top of a Mountain?? - Duration: 5:36.


Passo dopo passo sveglia il bambino disegnare e colorare Dragon ball I Pittura Dragon ball (Parte 6) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Passo dopo passo sveglia il bambino disegnare e colorare Dragon ball I Pittura Dragon ball (Parte 6) - Duration: 4:11.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D X-now Airco - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D X-now Airco - Duration: 1:11.


Juventus, sciopero del tifo per i prezzi alti - Duration: 1:24.

 TORINO - Sciopero del tifo e spazi vuoti da record: serata silenziosa all'Allianz Stadium ieri sera, nonostante la vittoria della Juventus contro il Frosinone in campionato

I gruppi ultrà bianconeri, quest'anno non nuovi a proteste di questo tipo, hanno imposto il silenzio alla Curva Sud per contestare i prezzi troppi alti (ieri una curva costava 45 euro): non una novità, visto che fin dalla campagna abbonamenti la società aveva chiarito la politica, aumentando tutto del 30% circa in virtù della possibilità di vedere Cristiano Ronaldo

Al netto della protesta ultrà, tuttavia, il venerdì sera invernale e lo scarso appeal di una Juventus- Frosinone con i bianconeri a +11 hanno scoraggiato il pubblico occasionale che ha lasciato ampi spazi vuoti anche nelle tribuna Est e Ovest

La dichiarazione d'amore di Pjanic e il regalo di Berna: Juve, reazioni social

For more infomation >> Juventus, sciopero del tifo per i prezzi alti - Duration: 1:24.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Cream Puff - Duration: 15:14.

Cream puff

Inside this pastry ball is vanilla cream & milo cream

Let's eat :)

Cream puff was yummy

If you like sweet food with so much cream, so this perfect for you

I bought this at Junction store on Riau street

So this cake store is inside supermarket

If you stay/live in Bandung & Bogor you can visit to this address

When we inside that store, that box already there (couple of box)

with 4 pastry balls inside that box

and not filled with cream yet. Still empty pastry ball

So when we ready to buy/pay this cream puff

The seller will ask us : Do you want this pastry balls filled with vanilla cream or milo cream ?

You can choose with vanilla/milo cream inside all pastry balls

or you can order like me, half filled with vanilla cream & half with milo cream

But price will be different

If you choose filled with vanilla cream only or milo cream only, the price Rp 25.000 ($ 1.77)

If you want half vanilla cream & milo cream, the price Rp 35.000 ($ 2.48)

As you saw, i ate 4 pastry balls with cream inside, make my stomach so full

because sweet food make stomach full faster

Yesterday i almost catch a cold

Because the weather is not good & always raining

I almost catch a cold & my head was little bit dizzy, sneezing & cough

and my body temperature was a bit cold

And that the sign that i'm gonna catch a cold

So i ate fruits

If you catch a cold. This not sponsored okay

This Decolgen is good in the weather like this, especially if you catch a cold

Can cure : dizzy, sneezing & cough

If you have a sign that you will catch a cold that i mention, so this medicine good for you

But you can choose any kind medicine that good for you, but for me this medicine is good for me

i already ate 5 tablet (follow the instruction) & my body start feeling better

So last night, my body still cold & i need something warm

I'm not make a video for that

At the middle of the night, i decided to cooked noodles & boiled egg

I ate it & make my body warm & not cold again

And today my body feeling better

So if you have a sign that you gonna catch a cold, you can choose those medicine or any kind medicine that good for you

Take care of your health, eat fruits & drink a lot water

Outside is raining

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Cream Puff - Duration: 15:14.


Major's testing new treats/Major testuje nowe smakołyki - Duration: 5:24.

What will you say for a test of a new treat, what?

We will see, do you will like it


Do you wanna a biscuit?

Wait! Come here

Easy! Well, have it

Bite it, this is, why you have teeth


If you like it, I'll buy more

Major, do you wanna one more?

Good dog! So...catch


Major enjoys new treats


thanks to them, he can clean teeth

A ball to cleaning teeth

Biscuits to cleaning teeth

Do you want more?

There's a weekend, we can do it


Bravo. Oh, you didn't catch it

This is, how wolf likes biscuits


I'll give you one more

& then we'll go for a walk

Don't eat to much, because with a full stomach ,walking isn't so nice

But you probably don't care about it, right?

Come here


I know, that you can jump. Sit!

Down. Down!


Good dog!

& this is, how major enjoy new treats

Fifth more?

So let's go, fifth more

I'll buy more of it

You like it



Smaller target, harder to catch, right?

You'll get after walk, oh right?

Thumbs up for Major's new treats

Major, a professional tester of dog treats

Thanks for watching

& see you next time


For more infomation >> Major's testing new treats/Major testuje nowe smakołyki - Duration: 5:24.


Lord of the Universe ep 06 EnglishSub - Duration: 17:44.

For more infomation >> Lord of the Universe ep 06 EnglishSub - Duration: 17:44.


CM7 Logs⟩ [T] Left on Seen - Duration: 4:14.


It's the tool in which we get to know each other.





Or even hate.

I always thought that by communicating more with my mercenaries, that would make me a

better person and more loved by them.

They would always want to be around me.

That happened, but the opposite happened as well.

I want to talk with you about something that broke my heart, and the only solution for

it is the hardest.

My YouTube journey have always been dry, until I joined the Tanki X Closed Beta.

From that moment, my channel got a sudden bump into a mini successful one.

Thanks to me spamming random gameplay and update videos almost every single day.

Because of that, I got a community around me.

I tried to be as communicative as I can to everyone.

Someone sent me a PM?

I reply.

A comment?

I reply.

A message in Tanki X chat?

I reply.

I would even get to know them personally, what they like and dislike.

It was fun don't get me wrong, but you know how people would be angels when you first

meet them, and then their true self comes out as time goes on?

That's what happened in short.

People considered me as a legend at the start, but I fell down so hard just because I communicated

so much with them.

You ever wonder why big YouTubers don't communicate much with their fanbase?

I didn't want to be like them, I wanted to be communicative, but it seems like I can't

make it work.

This also happens in real life, and I hate it with passion.

I don't understand why.

Why when I become communicative, people start avoiding me?

Why when I respond to everything you say, you move further away from me?

Even people whom I consider as "Best Friends" do this to me, and it punches me in the heart

every time it happens.

I think I know why.

It's because of who I am.

It's because I hate to lie.

I hate to fake to you a LMAO every time you talk.

I hate to agree with whatever you say.

But you hate to hear the truth and honesty all the time…

That's the truth.

We live in a world where people only want to hear satisfactory lies.

When you tell the truth, you're frowned upon and hated.

Anyways, sometimes people would cling into me because I am communicative with them, and

I hate that too.

I need my personal space and time you know.

Heh, I became clingy to someone in the past, but that's for another time.

I hate to be left on "Seen", because I hate to leave you on "Seen".

I would get in a conversation with someone and respond as soon as they reply back, but

I would be left out on "Seen".

Funnily enough, we have an unofficial word here in Arabic which is "Seen".

It means "to ignore".

For example "Look at him seening me".

I am pretty sure there's a lot more that I want to say but I forgot to add it, because

there's just so much to say about this topic.

This is tough, but it must come to an end.

I thought so much about this, and it seems to be the only solution.

To stop myself from being hurt every time I am left on "Seen", I have to…

Cut all means of Communication.

Maybe being communicative is not something for me.

Maybe hiding in the shadows is what I am better at.

It reminds me of …

Hello tankers. I am Godmode_ON!

And I am CaptainMaxwell7!

Thank you very much for watching.

Take good care of yourself, and please… be nice to other people, especially in the Internet.


For more infomation >> CM7 Logs⟩ [T] Left on Seen - Duration: 4:14.


Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.

For me Transposium was a unique opportunity

for the first time in my life to meet other trans people,

to realise Iam not alone,

that there are people who face the same things as I do,

who experience similar things as I do,

and that in spite of that, in this society, they remain proud

and empowered.

I would like for this Transposium

to do that for another person,

to empower them, to motivate them,

and to give them a chance to realise that their difference

is just a reason to be proud and strong in this world.

For more infomation >> Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.


Metro Exodus - GTX 1060 6gb / 3gb - i5 8400 - i3 8100 - 1080p - 1440p - 4K - Benchmark PC - Duration: 23:11.

For more infomation >> Metro Exodus - GTX 1060 6gb / 3gb - i5 8400 - i3 8100 - 1080p - 1440p - 4K - Benchmark PC - Duration: 23:11.


"Eu e o Zé Pedro saímos hoje do 'Agora Nós', depois de 4 anos juntos" - Duration: 3:10.

Tânia Ribas de Oliveira anunciou esta terça-feira que deixará de ser apresentadora do programa das tardes da RTP, assim como José Pedro Vasconcelos

"Eu e o Zé Pedro saímos hoje do 'Agora Nós', depois de 4 anos e meio juntos", foi assim que Tânia Ribas de Oliveira anunciou aos fãs que o programa das tardes da RTP deixaria de ser conduzido por si e por José Pedro Vasconcelos

"Temos a mais pura sensação de missão cumprida e estamos felizes com os projectos que aí vêm para um e para o outro

Estamos muito felizes e saímos hoje para preparar os nossos novos projectos!", acrescentou

Apesar dos rumores que Tânia ficaria sozinha na apresentação, a mesma esclarece anunciando também que o programa passará então a ser apresentado por Vanessa Oliveira, que assumirá o 'controlo' já na próxima segunda-feira

"O Agora Nós consolidou também a certeza de que partilhei palco com um amigo.Conhecia o Zé há muitos anos (crescemos no mesmo bairro) mas a relação que criámos foi muito bonita, de grande respeito, frontalidade e amizade

São 4 anos e meio de convivência diária, com momentos de loucura e de ternura em doses nem sempre iguais

Quando fomos apresentar o Agora Nós à imprensa, em 2014, o Zé Pedro ofereceu-me a ampulheta que vêem na foto

E disse-me 'é uma questão de tempo'.Hoje, que o nosso tempo juntos no programa chega ao fim", contou

Tânia rematou o texto com um profundo agradecimento ao parceiro televisivo."Aquilo que fizemos dele é que foi extraordinário e não trocava estes anos por nada

Obrigada, querido Zé.Estamos felizes, expectantes e empenhados nos nossos próximos projectos, mas sei que nunca esqueceremos estes tempos bons que a RTP permitiu que vivêssemos com uma equipa incrível"

Quando ao futuro, Tânia refer apenas que continuará na mesma estação."Na segunda feira, aplaudam a Vanessa Oliveira na apresentação do Agora Nós

For more infomation >> "Eu e o Zé Pedro saímos hoje do 'Agora Nós', depois de 4 anos juntos" - Duration: 3:10.


Grammys: ela vestiu-se como o muro que Trump quer construir - Duration: 3:10.

Chama-se Joy Villa e, no último domingo, aproveitou a passagem pela passadeira vermelha dos Grammys para expressar o seu apoio às políticas anti-imigração de Donald Trump

A cantora e compositora californiana começou por pisar a red carpet com um vestido prateado, arame farpado (ou um material semelhante) sobre os ombros, uma coroa de pregos na cabeça e uma mala com a frase "Make America Great Again" (Façam a América Grande Outra Vez), slogan de campanha do atual presidente dos Estados Unidos

Minutos depois, já em frente aos fotógrafos, surgiu um segundo vestido, até aí guardado sob o primeiro

O padrão imitava os tijolos de uma parede e, nas costas, a frase "Constrói o muro"

"É nisto que acredito.Acredito no Presidente.Acabei de lançar um álbum chamado Home Sweet Home [Lar Doce Lar] e é sobre o meu amor pela América

Com o arame farpado, estou só a divertir-me", admitiu Villa à revista Variety.O vestido é da autoria de Desi, um atelier dedicado ao desenhar peças para celebridades

No Instagram, o designer fez uma publicação, horas antes da cerimónia: "Os pontos de vista, pensamentos e opiniões que os meus clientes expressam não são necessariamente os meus"

Desta vez, foi o "muro" de Trump, uma das medidas mais apregoadas pelo presidente como forma de deter a vaga de imigração proveniente do México, mas esta não foi a primeira vez que Joy Villa usou a moda e a atenção mediática sobre uma passadeira vermelha para expressar posicionamentos políticos

Na última edição dos Grammys, usou um vestido anti-aborto.Branca, a peça tinha estampado o desenho de um feto

Mais uma vez, a mensagem veio na mala: "Escolhe a vida".Em 2017, o slogan "Make America Great Again" percorreu todo o vestido, ainda com o nome de Donald Trump escrito nas costas

Joy Villa não foi a única a apoiar o presidente através da roupa.Ricky Rebel, um cantor de glam rock, pisou a red carpet com um blusão onde se podia ler "Keep America Great" (Mantenham a América Grande) e ainda "Trump 2020"

Uma blusa, calças e botas de salto alto, tudo branco, completaram o visual do artista, a quem têm sido dirigidas algumas críticas por ser ativista dos direitos LGBT e, em simultâneo, apoiante de Trump

For more infomation >> Grammys: ela vestiu-se como o muro que Trump quer construir - Duration: 3:10.


Giapponesi Provano Merendine Italiane Kinder - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Giapponesi Provano Merendine Italiane Kinder - Duration: 10:45.


Ralph Lauren Мода весна-лето 2019 🔴 Коллекция в цветовых переплетениях черного, белого и золотого - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Ralph Lauren Мода весна-лето 2019 🔴 Коллекция в цветовых переплетениях черного, белого и золотого - Duration: 10:25.


Mude Seu Café da Manhã Para Este Shake e Perca Peso por 15 dias Seguidos! - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Mude Seu Café da Manhã Para Este Shake e Perca Peso por 15 dias Seguidos! - Duration: 5:54.


BENDY V MINECRAFTU!!! ✒️ | ZLÁ ALICE ANGEL MÁLEM UMUČILA IKONA K SMRTI?! 😳💀 /w Ikonova Videa - Duration: 14:09.

For more infomation >> BENDY V MINECRAFTU!!! ✒️ | ZLÁ ALICE ANGEL MÁLEM UMUČILA IKONA K SMRTI?! 😳💀 /w Ikonova Videa - Duration: 14:09.


Cristina Ferreira apresenta equipa que a ajuda a fazer sucesso na SIC - Duration: 0:46.

Apresentadora juntou numa animada aula de ioga os profissionais que todos os dias tornam possível que o 'Programa da Cristina' vá para o ar

Cristina Ferreira quis esta sexta-feira, dia 15, homenagear os profissionais que diariamente contribuem para que o 'Programa da Cristina', da SIC, seja líder de audiências

Depois de juntar os seus colaboradores para uma divertida aula de ioga, a apresentadora resolveu nas suas InstaStories apresentá-los aos seus seguidores

For more infomation >> Cristina Ferreira apresenta equipa que a ajuda a fazer sucesso na SIC - Duration: 0:46.


Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.

For me Transposium was a unique opportunity

for the first time in my life to meet other trans people,

to realise Iam not alone,

that there are people who face the same things as I do,

who experience similar things as I do,

and that in spite of that, in this society, they remain proud

and empowered.

I would like for this Transposium

to do that for another person,

to empower them, to motivate them,

and to give them a chance to realise that their difference

is just a reason to be proud and strong in this world.

For more infomation >> Džolijevo iskustvo sa Transpozij_uma - Duration: 0:43.



Hello my loves Welcome to this new video in which

we're talking again about regrowth of hair

I show you a simple, homemade recipe and mostly based on simple ingredients that

you have daily to get rid of it, if you are new, think again

subscribe, like and comment, think also at the notification bell

In this preparation which takes place in two step you will need three ingredient

that you all have at home From the cucumber you will extract the juice

salt, coarse salt, if you do not have , and di bicarbonate of soda

Crush the essential is to extract the precious nectar, once it's good

apply on the very provided area if you want to wax at the same time know that it

Marries well with depilatory creams so you can add a little more

if you are not epilez, the advantage of this recipe is that not only does this exfoliate,

it will purify the skin and dry the bulbs and now if you have to add some

depilatory creams it will take off alone after a few minutes you see when

you are shaving the beard, the chin, the armpits the pubis, sometimes there are bulbs

, black stuff, full of buttons or spots that appear this will warn you

of these assaults, Now rinse the skin thoroughly

And apply this second recipe that was very used in previous centuries

simply because the products against regrowth of hair did not exist it was

the only way , Our dear grandmothers therefore possessed

this secret recipe for what hairs do push back too fast. Among these miracle cures,

sage oil, applied to the area shaved, just after our session "grubbing

This technique would make it possible, in effect, slow down the regrowth of hair

up to two or three months. Our adorable grandmothers also favored the use

lemon, in different forms. We can to pass a lemon, previously cut,

on the shaved area. But what made really unanimity after being tested

it was this juice of a lemon, half a liter of water

and five cloves, in a saucepan. boil by adding a little salt

which will then be applied to the skin, cold times. Or mix 5 spoons

lemon and 3 teaspoons salt. This last preparation will be

placed on the area concerned and should be kept all night. The result is strictly

the same You can apply this without waxing

it will slow down the regrowth of hair too It is very suitable for women who have

a down or very hairy, but also for children who have an early hair thrust

it's used in prevention, for that you must apply it like this both

see three days, but do the good of diligent way to have a maximum result

Thank you for watching this video until end think to share

subscribe Like and comment




Georgina esteve no estádio a apoiar Ronaldo e levou reforços... as amigas - Duration: 1:02.

Cristiano Ronaldo defrontou esta sexta-feira, dia 15, ao serviço da Juventus o Frosinone

Uma partida que levou novamente Georgina Rodríguez ao estádio para apoiar o seu amor

Porém, desta vez a modelo espanhola não foi sozinha.Tal como podemos ver na sua mais recente InstaStorie, Georgina fez-se acompanhar por um grupo de amigas a que chamou "família"

Importa recordar que jogo foi favorável ao craque português.A Juventus ganhou [3-0] e com a ajuda de um golo seu

For more infomation >> Georgina esteve no estádio a apoiar Ronaldo e levou reforços... as amigas - Duration: 1:02.


The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:28.

 There are five Premier League chiefs in the list of the top 10 richest owners in world football

  But somewhat surprisingly, Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour is not at the top of the tree

 However, the money invested into Manchester City has been mammoth - so much so, that by January 2018, they had a bigger annual spend on their defence than 52 actual countries

 City are not the only ones to have substantial investment pumped into their team, with clubs from around Europe and also the United States boasting billionaire backers

 Here are the top 10 richest owners in world football. 10. Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - £3

8billion  Despite their inactivity in the transfer market, Spurs certainly do not lack any financial backing

  Owner Joe Lewis, one of the richest men in the UK, financed the reported £800million bill for the construction of Tottenham 's new stadium

9. Zhan Jindang - Inter Milan - £5.2billion  A chinese billionaire who earned his fortune through Suning

com, one of China's largest appliance retailers and e-commerce companies, Jindang took over Inter Milan in 2016

 His impact resulted in instant on-field success, as Inter improved from a seventh place finish in 2017 to 4th place and a return to the Champions League in 2018

8. Shahid Khan - Fulham - £5.4billion  After watching his team suffer relegation during the season in which he bought the club, Khan has financed a return to the Premier League this season

 He is not shy at making big decisions either, as he illustrated this season when he replaced manager Slavisa Jokanovic with Claudio Ranieri following a poor start to the season, after spending over £100million on 12 new players in the summer of 2018

7. Nasser Al-Khelaifi - PSG - £6.2billion  Since becoming club president in 2011 when his Qatar Sports Investment company took control, Al-Khelaifi has helped guide Paris Saint-Germain to dizzy new heights, including five league titles and four Coupe de France crowns in the last six years

 A combined £350million was spent over the last two summers to acquire the services of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, both moves making up the top two most expensive transfers of all time

6. Stan Kroenke - Arsenal - £6.4billion   Known as 'Silent Stan' throughout the Arsenal faithful, Stan Kroenke has a net worth that doesn't appear to add up with Unai Emery's transfer budget

 Owner of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, the American also owns NFL outfit the LA Rams, as well as the Gunners, whom he became majority shareholder of in 2011

5. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - £8.3billion   Arguably the man who transformed Chelsea from a Premier League side to a European giant, Roman Abramovich took over the West London club in June 2003

 By 2006, Chelsea had won consecutive Premier League titles, two more than they had when Abramovich took over

 In terms of Chelsea fans, Abramovich has proven it is possible to buy happiness

4. Philip Anschutz - LA Galaxy - £10billion  A recipient of National Soccer Hall of Fame Medal of Honour for his contributions to the growth of football in the United States, Anschutz is owner of MLS side LA Galaxy

 The signings of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Zlatan Ibrahimovic outline his ambition for the club, who have won the MLS Cup on five occasions

3. The Agnelli family - Juventus - £10.4billion   Having owned Serie A side Juventus since 1947, the Agnelli family owning Juventus is reportedly the longest running sporting dynasty in Italy

 Despite their fortune, Juventus have garnered a reputation for smart transfer dealings, signing Andrea Pirlo, Dani Alves and Paul Pogba on free transfers in recent years

2. Sheikh Mansour - Manchester City - £17billion  Historically the ugly duckling of the two Manchester clubs, Manchester City have gone onto win three Premier League titles this decade and have an annual defence spending greater than 52 countries since the purchase of the club by Mansour in 2008

 City Football Group are also contributing hugely to the surge in popularity of the MLS, founding New York City FC in 2015, who have since signed David Villa, Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard

  While Mansour's value is only £17billion, the Mansour family have an estimated worth of close to £1trillion

1. Dietrich Mateschitz - New York Red Bulls - £17.8billion  Co-founder of the Red Bull energy drink company, Mateschitz is heavily involved in a number of sports, as well as the New York Red Bulls

 Originally the New York Metrostars, Mateschitz bought and rebranded the team, which has gone onto win the Eastern conference five times since his arrival

For more infomation >> The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:28.


Boateng, ahora o nunca - Duration: 3:14.

 Kevin-Prince Boateng llegó al Barça entre bambalinas. Nadie lo vio venir. El delantero parecía estar inmerso en su invierno futbolístico

Lejos quedaba el recuerdo de aquella jugada que le hizo a Eric Abidal que aún le recuerdan en un Milan-Barça

   Boateng estaba disfrutando en el Sassuolo de la titularidad y del fútbol tranquilo

Sin la presión de los grandes. Hasta que le llamó el Barça para una emergencia. Se había marchado Munir (tras negarse a renovar) y Suárez se quedaba sin relevo natural

   De nuevo un caso parecido al de Murillo: el perfil tenía que ser un jugador con experiencia en la Liga, de rendimiento inmediato y a precio muy bajo

Y con ese discurso fue anunciado Boateng, que se presentó con un mensaje directo y resabiado

"Ahora estoy en el Barça. Y Messi es el mejor jugador del mundo; de este y de todos los mundos", dijo cuando le preguntaron por Cristiano

 Boateng apareció con la lección bien aprendida: sabía donde llegaba, cuál sería su rol y el objetivo que tenía

"No vengo a ser titular. Sé que vengo para ayudar y el rol que me corresponde.Esta oportunidad no se puede dejar pasar

quería venir corriendo y no en avión". El delantero también explicó que su objetivo es alargar su vínculo con el Barça a partir de junio

Pero de momento no está teniendo oportunidades para demostrarlo.  El delantero llegó, hizo un entrenamiento y fue titular ante el Sevilla en la Copa en el Sánchez Pizjuán

Ocurrió el 23 de enero, jugó 63 minutos y nunca más se supo del delantero.  El cruce copero con el Madrid rompió los planes de Valverde con las rotaciones

Y el calendario ofrece pocas oportunidades para que tenga oportunidades. La más cercana parece el encuentro ante el Valladolid

El partido más acesible en el tour de force que le espera al Barça ante equipos como Olympique de Lyon, Sevilla y Madrid

   No lo tendrá sencillo Boateng, porque el equipo ha tenido una semana limpia de encuentros entre semana y porque Valverde acostumbra a ser conservador con las rotaciones

Sobre todo en Liga y Champions.

For more infomation >> Boateng, ahora o nunca - Duration: 3:14.


Ce-ai făcut Raluca? Maurice Munteanu, siderat de momentul concurentei "Bravo, ai stil!", în Gala din - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Ce-ai făcut Raluca? Maurice Munteanu, siderat de momentul concurentei "Bravo, ai stil!", în Gala din - Duration: 3:14.


✅ Reação de marido de Ju Paes a ensaio ousado de Carnaval surpreende atriz. Saiba! - Duration: 3:07.

 Rainha de bateria da Grande Rio, Juliana Paes mergulhou no universo burlesco para um ensaio de pré-Carnaval diante das lentes de Fernando Tomaz

"O Carnaval te dá essa licença poética para ousar um pouco mais, para estar com o corpo mais a mostra é achei que tinha a ver", afirma ao Purepeople sobre a sessão de fotos

A atriz também contou como ela e o marido reagiram aos cliques. "Fazendo já fiquei muito feliz, mas quando olhei falei: 'Sou eu mesma?!'

No primeiro momento, me achei linda e era o que queria. Em um segundo momento falei: 'Será que não estou ousada demais? E o Dudu? Ele vai me matar!'

Mas quando mostrei as fotos, ele disse: 'Nossa nega, tá linda!' Então, ufa! (risos)", relata a artista sobre o empresário, de quem ganha companhia em boa parte dos eventos relativos a folia

  'Batida insana', afirma sobre conciliar gravações e Carnaval  Além de se preparar para a Sapucaí, Juliana já começou a gravar "A Dona do Pedaço", novela das nove que irá suceder "O Sétimo Guardião"

"É complicado para caramba. Tenho um time de pessoas na minha vida que já são amigos: Dra Heloísa Rocha, minha ortomolecular e faz a minha suplementação; Roberta Niemeyer, que tem uma clínica de estética com tudo que você puder imaginar; tenho meu personal, Rafa Lund que está todo dia comigo

E eles me ajudam na minha batida insana de gravação. Quando estou no Rio, dou conta: durmo pouco, acordo cedo para gravar, emendo com ensaio de carnaval

Nesse momento, estou fora do Rio e da minha rotina", avaliou a musa, que viajou para a região Sul por conta da trama

Mudança de peso é relevada por atriz: 'Não faz diferença'  A mãe de Pedro e Antonio, flagrados com ela em momento divertido de treino, também ponderou sobre o corpo antes da folia

"Quando ganha 1kg antes do Carnaval, a gente sabe (risos). 'Hum, a barriguinha ontem estava mais enxuta'

A pessoa sabe. Mas de fato não faz diferença. No final das contas, ficamos brincando sobre preparação, dieta, estética, coisa e tal

E o que importa é a energia que a gente coloca ali. A nossa alegria, descontração, a intensão

Tem uma coisa na avenida que é colocar a intensão naquilo que que a gente se propõe

Sinto que a Avenida é um canal de manifestação de energia positiva. Estou ali para levar energia para as pessoas

Estou Ali para levar uma fagulha, um brilho para o olhar das pessoas que estão assistindo

Isso se dá através da minha animação, da minha empolgação, do meu sorriso

Do meu desejo genuíno de estar ali, da minha paixão pelo Carnaval. Isso, diante de um 1kg, 2kg, não faz diferença na verdade", opina Juliana

 (Apuração de Patrick Monteiro e texto por Marilise Gomes)

For more infomation >> ✅ Reação de marido de Ju Paes a ensaio ousado de Carnaval surpreende atriz. Saiba! - Duration: 3:07.


The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:44.

 There are five Premier League chiefs in the list of the top 10 richest owners in world football

  But somewhat surprisingly, Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour is not at the top of the tree

 However, the money invested into Manchester City has been mammoth - so much so, that by January 2018, they had a bigger annual spend on their defence than 52 actual countries

 City are not the only ones to have substantial investment pumped into their team, with clubs from around Europe and also the United States boasting billionaire backers

 Here are the top 10 richest owners in world football. 10. Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - £3

8billion  Despite their inactivity in the transfer market, Spurs certainly do not lack any financial backing

  Owner Joe Lewis, one of the richest men in the UK, financed the reported £800million bill for the construction of Tottenham 's new stadium

9. Zhan Jindang - Inter Milan - £5.2billion  A chinese billionaire who earned his fortune through Suning

com, one of China's largest appliance retailers and e-commerce companies, Jindang took over Inter Milan in 2016

 His impact resulted in instant on-field success, as Inter improved from a seventh place finish in 2017 to 4th place and a return to the Champions League in 2018

8. Shahid Khan - Fulham - £5.4billion  After watching his team suffer relegation during the season in which he bought the club, Khan has financed a return to the Premier League this season

 He is not shy at making big decisions either, as he illustrated this season when he replaced manager Slavisa Jokanovic with Claudio Ranieri following a poor start to the season, after spending over £100million on 12 new players in the summer of 2018

7. Nasser Al-Khelaifi - PSG - £6.2billion  Since becoming club president in 2011 when his Qatar Sports Investment company took control, Al-Khelaifi has helped guide Paris Saint-Germain to dizzy new heights, including five league titles and four Coupe de France crowns in the last six years

 A combined £350million was spent over the last two summers to acquire the services of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, both moves making up the top two most expensive transfers of all time

6. Stan Kroenke - Arsenal - £6.4billion   Known as 'Silent Stan' throughout the Arsenal faithful, Stan Kroenke has a net worth that doesn't appear to add up with Unai Emery's transfer budget

 Owner of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, the American also owns NFL outfit the LA Rams, as well as the Gunners, whom he became majority shareholder of in 2011

5. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - £8.3billion   Arguably the man who transformed Chelsea from a Premier League side to a European giant, Roman Abramovich took over the West London club in June 2003

 By 2006, Chelsea had won consecutive Premier League titles, two more than they had when Abramovich took over

 In terms of Chelsea fans, Abramovich has proven it is possible to buy happiness

4. Philip Anschutz - LA Galaxy - £10billion  A recipient of National Soccer Hall of Fame Medal of Honour for his contributions to the growth of football in the United States, Anschutz is owner of MLS side LA Galaxy

 The signings of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Zlatan Ibrahimovic outline his ambition for the club, who have won the MLS Cup on five occasions

3. The Agnelli family - Juventus - £10.4billion   Having owned Serie A side Juventus since 1947, the Agnelli family owning Juventus is reportedly the longest running sporting dynasty in Italy

 Despite their fortune, Juventus have garnered a reputation for smart transfer dealings, signing Andrea Pirlo, Dani Alves and Paul Pogba on free transfers in recent years

2. Sheikh Mansour - Manchester City - £17billion  Historically the ugly duckling of the two Manchester clubs, Manchester City have gone onto win three Premier League titles this decade and have an annual defence spending greater than 52 countries since the purchase of the club by Mansour in 2008

 City Football Group are also contributing hugely to the surge in popularity of the MLS, founding New York City FC in 2015, who have since signed David Villa, Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard

  While Mansour's value is only £17billion, the Mansour family have an estimated worth of close to £1trillion

1. Dietrich Mateschitz - New York Red Bulls - £17.8billion  Co-founder of the Red Bull energy drink company, Mateschitz is heavily involved in a number of sports, as well as the New York Red Bulls

 Originally the New York Metrostars, Mateschitz bought and rebranded the team, which has gone onto win the Eastern conference five times since his arrival

For more infomation >> The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:44.


George Clooney diz que Meghan está a ser cercada pelos "media" tal como a princesa Diana foi - Duration: 1:34.

Oator George Clooney criticou a forma como os media estão a tratar Meghan Markle, a mulher do príncipe Harry

Clooney afirma que a Meghan está a ser "perseguida e difamada", e compara a sua situação ao escrutínio que foi feito à vida da princesa Diana

Sendo amigo da família real britânica, e um dos convidados do casamento real, o ator não se conformou com o facto dos media terem publicado uma carta alegadamente escrita por Meghan Markle ao pai, posteriormente publicada no jornal britânico Daily Mail no domingo

Em declarações num evento de promoção da sua nova série, George Clooney mostrou-se preocupado com a situação, dizendo à imprensa britânica que não conseguia descrever o quão frustrante é ver isso a acontecer

A duquesa de Sussex tem sido alvo de muitas críticas por parte da imprensa, a última foi o modo como Meghan fechou a porta num carro oficial da família real britânica

Diana, a princesa de Gales e mãe do príncipe Harry, morreu na sequência de um acidente de carro num túnel, em Paris, em 1997, enquanto era perseguida por paparazzis

For more infomation >> George Clooney diz que Meghan está a ser cercada pelos "media" tal como a princesa Diana foi - Duration: 1:34.


La plantilla, clave en la renovación de Ernesto Valverde - Duration: 3:42.

 Ernesto Valverde seguirá la próxima temporada como entrenador del Fútbol Club Barcelona

Así lo ha comunicado el club durante la mañana del viernes. La continuidad de Valverde se debe, en gran medida, al gran apoyo que tiene en el vestuario azulgrana

 Como en todos los equipos grandes, no es nada sencillo entrar en un vestuario como el del Barça

La gestión de la plantilla es una de las tareas más complicadas y fuentes cercanas al vestuario aseguran que Valverde lo ha conseguido

El ejemplo más claro está en Leo Messi. El astro argentino mantiene una buena relación con el entrenador y ha aceptado la suplencia en varias ocasiones

Además de Messi, está la gran mayoría de la plantilla, con los pesos pesados en primera línea, que en las apariciones públicas siempre han hecho patente el interés en la continuidad del técnico en el banquillo azulgrana

 Con la plantilla a favor, a Valverde se le han disipado las dudas que tenía en los últimos meses

Mientras el presidente Josep Maria Bartomeu aseguraba que Valverde seguiría sí o sí, Valverde ni afirmaba ni desmentía

Con el comunicado de este viernes, el Barça confirma al entrenador para la próxima temporada y termina con todos los rumores sobre su futuro

LA CANTERA, CUENTA PENDIENTE  Uno de los temas que más se le achaca a Ernesto Valverde es su gestión sobre la cantera azulgrana

El técnico prefiero manejar una plantilla corta y en pocas ocasiones ha recurrido al filial azulgrana

Durante esta temporada, se ha podido ver el debut de los defensas Chumi, Cuenca, Miranda o el centrocampista Riqui Puig

Eso sí, todos en la Copa del Rey salvo Miranda, que jugó el partido de  Champions con la clasificación en el bolsillo

En los últimos partidos, Valverde prefirió apostar por Semedo o Sergi Roberto en el lateral izquierdo

   El único que se ha consolidado es Carles Aleñá. El centrocampista se ganó a pulso una oportunidad de Valverde y ya es uno más en la rotación del técnico

Por ello, parte de la afición no entiende que no se dé más oportunidades a los canteranos

A Valverde se le achaca las llegadas de jugadores como Murillo o Boateng en el mercado de invierno

Dos jugadores que no están participando en la dinámica de partidos y que su papel se podría desempeñar perfectamente por los jóvenes de la Masia

Esa será, sin duda, una de las tareas a mejorar para Valverde durante la próxima temporada


For more infomation >> La plantilla, clave en la renovación de Ernesto Valverde - Duration: 3:42.


Jugador de Liga MX, sustituto de Giovinco en Toronto - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Jugador de Liga MX, sustituto de Giovinco en Toronto - Duration: 2:52.


¿Quieres saber por qué Belén Esteban está hablando de su historia con Jesulín 20 años después? - Duration: 3:36.

Resulta tremendamente cansino este tema; años y años viviendo y hablando de lo mismo.

Hay quien dirá que Belén Esteban nunca ha dejado de hablar de Jesulín de Ubrique, pero lo cierto es que sus comentarios no son tan habituales .

O no lo eran hasta hace unos días, cuando Sálvame Telecinco rescató lo que le sucedió a la colaboradora con el torero hace casi 20 años,

cuando ella abandonó Ambiciones la casa de los Janeiro en Cádiz .

Y esa es la razón por la que en estos últimos días no la hemos dejado de escuchar pronunciar su nombre.

No es fácil entender la historia si no se ven todos los capítulos, porque el asunto empezó de una forma y ha tomado un cauce tan inesperado que ha derivado en otras cuestiones no se entiende muy bien cómo.

Todo empezó el 6 de febrero, cuando Sálvame emitió unas grabaciones que había llevado al programa el paparazzi Diego Arrabal que nunca se habían escuchado hasta entonces.

En ellas, Jesús Janeiro explicaba hace más de 18 años que Belén Esteban abandonó Ambiciones por decisión propia y no porque nadie la echara: Se ha ido de casa por cómo es.

En ese momento, la versión que la colaboradora ha mantenido durante décadas se empezó a tambalear, según recoge Paula M. Gonzálvez en huffingtonpost.

El enfrentamiento de la expareja de Jesulín y de Arrabal, que se ha ido prolongando, ha dado lugar al meme más viral de esta semana:

En las grabaciones incluso se habla de un momento bastante delicado en el que 'la Esteban' le habría lanzado un objeto a su expareja.

¡Se han dicho barbaridades! ¡Que si he tirado un cuchillo, hombre!, se quejaba este lunes 11 de febrero en el programa.

Jesulín le concedió la entrevista a Arrabal, según la versión del paparazzi, diez días después de la ruptura de la pareja.

Arrabal había mencionado la existencia de las grabaciones, Belén Esteban le retó a hacerlas públicas y...

Al conocer el contenido de los audios, Belén Esteban se defendió atacando. así lo ha hecho.

Pero no todo acabó ahí. Yo te he podido acusar de cosas, apuntó.

El programa ha querido estirar la historia y lo está haciendo. Tanto que ha derivado en el nombre de Cristina Tárrega.

El resurgir de esta historia ha coincidido con la vuelta a los ruedos del torero y con los rumores de separación de su mujer María José Campanario.

De ahí se ha pasado a hablar de las supuestas infidelidades de Jesulín -tanto durante la época en la que estuvo con Belén Esteban como durante su matrimonio- y de ahí que se haya acabado apuntando a una famosa presentadora con la que el torero ha estado: al final,

la propia Esteban perdió los nervios y dijo que la persona en cuestión está trabajando en El programa de Ana Rosa, y todos acabaron apuntando a Tárrega.

La historia continúa con los enfados diarios de la colaboradora de AR.

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