Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Saints Row IV modding contest prize unboxing (aka clumsy boy can't handle a pocket knife) - Duration: 27:32.Heeeeeello there everyone!
I'm Fan of Saints from Saints Row Mods forums,
Also known as Joachim Wałęga
On my YouTube channel
And in this mysterious place called Real Life™
And today I'll be recording an actual video, wow!
You wouldn't expect that to happen, right? I mean...
By the way, thank you for subscribing to my channel y'all 888 subscribers.
I've just checked and... wow!
I didn't think that... so many people would actually subscribe to a channel
That only has reuploads on it.
Like, my God, huh --
Are you sure you want to be subscribed that garbage I upload?
But... but thank y'all, I appreciate it.
So, let's get right to the point.
Today I'll be recording an unboxing
And it won't be just a regular unboxing, like everyone else does.
I'll record something very special because
I'll be showing you
My prizes from Saints Row IV Steam Workshop modding contest™
Organized by Volition and Deep Silver in February this year and...
The whole contest was about simply creating a mod and uploading it to Workshop.
There was a month to do it.
And there were three categories: clothes, weapons and misc.
I took part in "misc" so you could basically create anything you wanted
And I wrote two scripts in Notepad++, but I will talk about them a bit later.
For now I'd like to present you those two little sweet packages.
The first one, the small one is Intel Core i7 6700K.
It's seventh generation CPU, actually it has 4 GHz
And, well, it's really wonderful stuff, although I gotta admit
I'll have to buy a new motherboard and new memory sticks to put it in my PC so
It will take a while until I'll be able to do anything with it but
It really is quality --
Quality stuff and
Here, this big guy, it's actually stuff from Corsair.
It's a keyboard and a headset
And, to be specific, it's actually K70 RGB Lux keyboard and Void USB-Carbon headset so --
I'm not sure about the headset but the keyboard, it's actually one of the best out there.
I've checked and it really is just wonderful, like --
Wonderful quality, I --
I'm speechless, it's just --
I'm honored to get this stuff from Volition themselves, like, creators of Saints Row.
And, well, before we get to the actual unboxing
I'd like to tell you a few words about the contest itself because, well...
Some of you might be wondering, like
Bachatas 2017 - Lo Mas Romantico ► Prince Royce, Shakira, Romeo Santos, Marco Antonio Solís - Duration: 1:00:23.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton - Reggaeton Mix - Latin Hits - Latin Video Hits Mix - Duration: 1:00:37.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Shhh...Quiet Please! Reducing Verbal Stimming and Scripting in Children with Autism - Duration: 3:12.Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Barbara, autism mom,
behavior analyst, and best-selling author.
A common question I get is how to teach
children to be quiet during activities
where verbal stimming or scripting is
disruptive. Have you ever been in a
lecture where the material is way too
easy or completely over your head? If you
get into these situations, what do you
normally do? I bet you might doodle, play
with your hair, or scroll through
Facebook news feed on your phone. This is
the equivalent of a child with autism
engaging in self stimulatory behavior,
otherwise known as stimming. We all stim.
In fact, all of our solitary leisure
activities, such as shooting a basketball
into a hoop for a few minutes, playing
the violin until you get the notes just
right, or watching TV, are actually
stimming. These self stimulatory
behaviors keep our neurons in our brain
firing while we're not meaningfully
engaged with others or working on a task
where we need to concentrate. Since our
children with autism usually have poor
language, social, and leisure skills, some
kids with autism engage in stim behavior
for hours each day and these stim
behaviors are often very disruptive
across variety of settings, especially in
quiet settings like inclusion in school
or a church. Stimming can take very
different forms. Some kids might engage
in stimming by rocking their bodies,
flapping their fingers, or arms, or by
making loud vocalizations, while kids
with higher language abilities might
script lines from movies, or fill the
same things over and over again, or want
to watch the same YouTube clips for
hours. As both a behavior analyst and a mom
of a son with autism, you might be
surprised to learn that unless a stim
behavior is dangerous, I almost never
work on decreasing minor self stim
behavior directly and I
rarely tell kids to be quiet or to stop
scripting. Instead of focusing on
decreasing the stimming, I work on
improving language and learning skills
and eventually replacing very odd and
immature stim behaviors with more
socially appropriate leisure activities.
I also suggest that if there are
activities or parts of the day that
verbal stimming or scripting is high and
disruptive, such as during a
lengthy church service or an inclusion
in math class, these activities may need
to be stopped or additional supports or
services added so that the child can be
more appropriately engaged. For more
information on how to reduce stimming,
click the link right below to get a free
cheat with six steps I take to reduce
minor self stim behavior in children
with autism. I hope to see you next week!
Bye bye.
Samsung Gear S3 & Bear Grylls: Kako preživjeti - Duration: 1:31.survival is all about<font color="#E5E5E5"> getting the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">information at the right time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm Bear</font>
Grylls<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I'm here to show you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how the</font>
Samsung gear f3<font color="#E5E5E5"> can help you survive a</font>
battery for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> most of power</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> another</font>
nature<font color="#E5E5E5"> dramas are dropping priority stay</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">warm and dry you can burn up to 10,000</font>
calories a day out here<font color="#E5E5E5"> logs like this</font>
<font color="#CCCCCC">and the perfect</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to find</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> super boot</font>
snacks<font color="#E5E5E5"> just under the surface are the</font>
lesser<font color="#E5E5E5"> stag beetle</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> larvae you might want</font>
to look away<font color="#E5E5E5"> at this point when the</font>
temperature drops<font color="#E5E5E5"> a fire is a must if</font>
you want<font color="#CCCCCC"> to avoid hypothermia</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if you</font>
haven't got a<font color="#E5E5E5"> magnifying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> glass or</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">firesteel you can just take clear ice</font>
give it a good polish make it into the
shape for lens<font color="#E5E5E5"> use that the focus of</font>
sunlight<font color="#E5E5E5"> help create fire amazing fire</font>
to life<font color="#E5E5E5"> at high altitude</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 40</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> loses</font>
<font color="#CCCCCC">flurries almost twice as quickly</font>
stay high price
sometimes you just got to stop you've
done all you can<font color="#CCCCCC"> just save in a moment</font>
Samsung gear f3<font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ultimate survival</font>
Indian wedding dresses for women Flipkart amazon shopping online 787 - Duration: 0:38.Indian wedding dresses for women Flipkart amazon shopping online
Plody na perníku - SANANIM - sestřih - Duration: 7:28.SANANIM presents: „Public debate – Fetus on meth"
Today's debate is interesting at first glance, because I see a large proportion of girls and women in the audience.
This is nothing to boast about being pregnant and take drugs.
It's not the first thing you tell the doctor: I'm pregnant and I'm taking heroin and pervitin.
On the theme of mothers and children is SANANIM engaged at least for 15 years.
A topic we are dealing in all services.
When I see colleagues from SANANIM here, I know that they deal with this topic in the Outreach Programs, Contact Center (dropin center),
in Ambulant Care Center, Day Care Center, Therapeutic community "Karlov" and Aftercare.
It is our profile topic and we see it as very important.
A very frequent question whether the number of mothers is increasing or decreasing.
In the Czech Republic, the number of drug users does not change significantly through the time.
Pregnant women or mothers come quite early to our services.
Colleagues from low-threshold facilities are in contact with them from the early pregnancy stage. All the time.
Colleagues even help in the diagnosis of pregnancy. This is very valuable about Harm Reduction facilities.
Pregnant women that come and are in contact with the Harm Reduction programs
or a gynecologist or they are also in substitution therapy on buprenorphine or methadone,
these women cooperate very well and also the childbirth is normal without difficulties.
When we get the pregnant woman into the opiate substitution, we consider it a great success.
It is a favorable condition for both mother and child - legal and safer use, safe dosage, regular contact with the doctor etc.
The biggest damage is not caused by those substances themselves, but by those that are added to it.
Or because the substance is manufactured illegally and because the substance is contaminated and is injected
or because the dosage is not stable, so the amount is changing everytime.
All this (situation without substitution) is much more risky than the substance itself.
The substitution treatment is beneficial in this aspect.
The parent has secured prenatal care, treatment of infectious diseases or their prevention.
For us, the downside is that newborn babies have a withdrawal syndrome that we have to treat.
We work with pregnant women, mothers and or fathers in all types of services.
The first contact with them is in Harm Reduction services, which are designed for active users.
And those are the most excluded clients. There they can talk about being pregnant and what are the options.
We also offer outpatient treatment - occasional attendance, social work and services, assistance to doctors, or even ambulant treatment abstinence-oriented.
What a relief! (Someone closed the window) So handy people we have in SANANIM! :-)
We also offer substitution therapy, where pregnant women are received with priority.
For about 15 years they can be treated in stationary treatment (from morning to afternoon).
At the same time, we have succeeded, that the mother can be co-located with her child in a children's center.
So there is no need to interrupt the mother's contact with the child.
We have a therapeutic community that is the only one in the Czech Republic for mothers and or fathers with a child - 10 months long treatment.
Then we have the Aftercare. Services are build one on each other and cooperate.
Some legislators are therefore calling for a change in the law so that drug addicts who can not stop the drugs during pregnancy are sent to prison.
Another option would be to at least take maternity benefits.
I think that the system is not set up for such clients.
Definitely the criminalization of this issue will not lead to a reduction of the number of pregnant women who use drugs.
The result will be that pregnant women will not to go anywhere,
they will give birth outside health care facilities,
children will be detained somewhere, whether officially or unofficially.
What's better, what's worse? I have often witnessed these debates full of emotions.
I think it would be nice if we were successful in offering a range of possibilities and to choose individually what is appropriate or ideal for both the child and the mother or father.
We should always prefer and try if we can help the biological parent to get in such condition, that he can well manage the childcare because it's always better.
But at the same time, we should be able to admit when it is not possible and then choose other solutions.
how to make a lower third for your youtube videos - Duration: 8:49.WELCOME TO NOMAN GUJJAR CHANNEL
Radu Gheorghe - Şapca mi-e pe ceafă - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Фаршированные грибы запечённые под сыром - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
I CAN Do ALL Things - Duration: 3:37.The world is full of CANNOT Christians,
LOSERS. They cannot stop sinning, they
cannot do anything. But the true
followers of Jesus CAN DO ALL THINGS. The
Apostle Paul wrote: "I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me." If we
follow Jesus we can do all things.
Jesus enabled me. He gave me the strength
to do many things that I could not do. He
gave me the strength to stop smoking. He
gave me the strength to finish a
university degree that I could not. After
20 years he sent me back to university
and I finished the degree. He also sent
me to university to do an MBA degree and
I completed it with straight A's in all
my subjects. I can do all things through
Jesus Christ who strengthens me. I can
stop sinning. I can do everything that He
requires of me. The reason why believers
cannot do anything is because they are
not following Jesus, they do not believe
and they do not trust Him.
We read in Isaiah 40:28
"Do you not know? Have you not heard the
Everlasting God, the Lord the Creator of
the ends of the earth does not become
weary or tired. His understanding is
inscrutable. He gives strength to the
weary and to him who lacks might he
increases power. Though youths grow weary
and tired, and vigorous young men stumble
badly, yet those who wait for the Lord
will gain new strength. They will mount
up with wings like eagles. They will run
and not get tired they will walk and
will not become weary."
That is the inheritance of the children
of God. Jesus said:"Lo I am with you
He said:"Take my yoke upon you because of
My yoke is soft and my burden is not
heavy," because Jesus helps and sustains
us. Those who walk with Jesus can do all
things. They can overcome and they will
overcome. The kingdom of heaven is for
overcomers. Are we overcoming? Are we
trusting in Jesus? Is He giving us the
strength to overcome? The reason why
believers can do nothing is because they
are not committed, they are not following
Jesus Christ. They are not serious and
therefore they can do nothing. If you
follow Jesus and you are filled with the Holy
Spirit, you can do all things through
Christ who strengthens you.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
I am here to introduce you to Jesus
Christ so that you can know Him and
follow Him and have eternal life.
Subscribe to my channel to learn more
about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS 7P. - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
24 Hour Adventures | Book Recommendations - Duration: 7:06.Hey guys, it's Trina and today I'm
talking about books that take place
within a 24 hour time period. This video
is paid promotion for Disney-Hyperion
in celebration of their release of Kill
All Happies by Rachel Cohn. This book
released on May 2nd so it should already
be out by the time that this video is
posted and this is a YA contemporary
novel about a girl in high school who's
about to graduate high school and she
wants to throw this one last bash for
the graduating class in her school.
It's gonna be this wild party. She's hosting
it at a local restaurant named Happies -
that is where the title of this book
comes from - and she really hopes that
this party will be great for her friends,
and she really wants to hook up with her
crush at this party for the first time, but
she really does not wanna be caught by
one of her teachers. What she does not
realize though is that this restaurant
has a large fan following and so as her
party is going on a bunch of local fans
of the restaurant start showing up like
in droves and this party becomes a much
bigger event than she ever anticipated. I
have not read this book yet but one
thing that really captured my attention
in the synopsis is that as the party
kind of grows in size and gets out of control,
the people start to storm the abandoned
amusement park behind the restaurant. And
does and abandoned amusement park not just
sound really cool to you guys? I don't
know what it is but that just sounds
really fascinating to me. And another
thing that sounds really interesting
about this book to me is that the whole
story takes place within just a 24 hour
time period. I have flipped through this
one and something cool about it is that
the beginning of every single chapter
gives you a timestamp of when that
chapter takes place and then tells you
like in relation to when the party is
going to happen, like is this three hours
before the party starts? Is it five hours
into the party? That format is something
that was attention-grabbing to me. It
made me interested in this story and I
want to see how a story like this is
going to play out in just 24 hours. So
inspired by this short time frame that
this book takes place in, Disney
Hyperion asked me to come up with a list of
other books that take place in just 24
hours and include really cool adventures.
So the first book that came to mind when
I thought of a 24 hour adventure was a
new one, but I've got a couple of older ones on my list
too, but that is The Sun is Also A Star
by Nicola Yoon. This one just came out
at the end of last year and it is about a boy and a
girl who meet on one day. Natasha is an
immigrant from Jamaica and she and her
family are actually being deported on
this one day. And our other character
Daniel is a Korean American boy whose
family has a lot of expectations on him
about where he should go to college but
he does not have any interest in like
living out and fulfilling what his
parents expectations of him are. And they
end up running into each other and the
story just follows them over the course
of one day, it's actually about a 12 hour
time period as they get to know each
other and this one is a YA contemporary
romance and the cool thing about it that
I really liked is that these characters
were such opposites. Daniel is a lover,
he's a poet, he's a dreamer. Natasha is
very scientific minded and she doesn't
think she believes in love, and so there
is a case of insta-love in this story
that I thought it worked well because
when you're dealing with a story that is
stretched out over a very short amount
of time you're spending a lot of time
with those characters and that actually
lends more development to that kind of
instalove trope in my opinion. Like I
really did feel like I was spending so
much time with these characters that I
really could see why they were
interested in each other.
I really enjoyed this book and I would
definitely recommend it if you haven't
read it already. The next one that I can
think of that's also kind of similar to
the whole themes and everything of The
Sun is Also a Star is The Statistical
Probability of Love at First Sight by
Jennifer E. Smith. This is another YA
contemporary romance novel and this is
about a girl whose parents are divorced
and her father is about to get remarried
so she is flying to her father's
marriage and in the airport she meets a
cute boy and they have like a
conversation and then it turns out that
they end up on the same flight together
a seat apart. So they spend the entire
flight talking and getting to know each
other. This book is another one that has
the timestamp at the beginning of every
single chapter and I did really enjoy the
layout of that story. I really enjoyed
how cute it was. If you're looking for a
quick fluffy contemporary romance I
would definitely recommend this one, and
I have read all but one of Jennifer E.
Smith's books and The Statistical
Probability of Love at First Sight is
definitely my favorite one of hers. The
next two books that I have to recommend
to you guys that do include 24 hour
adventures are... kind of cheating on this
list, but I definitely think they fit
with this. So the first one is Just One Day by
Gayle Forman. This is a book about a girl who is
on a college trip, she's in London and
then she meets a boy and they decide to
go to Paris together and spend just one
day together. Now, contrary to what a lot
of my friends thought - like I had a
conversation with some friends recently
and they thought that this entire book
takes place in just one day because
that's what the title leads you to
believe, but it's only about the first
third of this book that takes place in
that 24 hour period where they are
spending that one day in Paris.
The rest of the book takes place over
the course of a year and it talks about
the ways in which that one day affected
our main character's life. So technically
this book takes place over the course of
a year but there is such an emphasis on
that one day and how it changed her life
and how it really affected her, I
definitely think that this does include
a 24-hour adventure and as for that day
spent in Paris it was quite an adventure,
it is quite a romance. This book is not
just a romance though. You can see through
the repercussions of that day that the
main character does go through a
depression and that was something that
really impacted me. I felt like it
reflected some feelings and thoughts
that I had gone through when I was a
teenager so I really have a great
appreciation for this book. The last
book that I'm fitting in here as a 24 hour
adventure is Before I Fall by Lauren
Oliver. It takes place over the course of
7 days but the main character is
reliving just one day over and over 7
different times, so technically it's only
taking place over 24 hours. The main
character we follow is like one of
the popular girls in school, she's kind of
a mean girl, and she experiences
something at the end of this one day and
the next morning she wakes up and it's
the same exact day. And by reliving that
day she starts to learn a lot of stuff
about herself, her friends, her peers at
school. Something that was really
fascinating about this book to me is
that the day would repeat itself like
word for word, she knew everything that
was going to happen minute to minute,
hour to hour but one day she would spend
time getting to know this one person
that she had never spoken to before, then
the next day she'd go and meet another
person and over the course of this story
she learned that there are going to be
people in your day, any day of your life,
that you don't interact with that have
just like their problems and their
burdens and their struggles that you
will never even know because you don't
get a chance to talk to them. And so I
really enjoyed how this book explored
her living that day fully and really
understanding all the events that led up
to the things that happen at the end of
that day. If you have liked any of the
books that I have mentioned or you like
the 24 hour time period set up, Kill All Happies
is a book that you may want to check out.
If you have a favorite book
that takes place within 24 hours please
leave that down below. Thank you guys so
much for watching and I will see you in the comments. Bye!
[music only]
Saints Row IV modding contest prize unboxing (aka clumsy boy can't handle a pocket knife) - Duration: 27:32.Heeeeeello there everyone!
I'm Fan of Saints from Saints Row Mods forums,
Also known as Joachim Wałęga
On my YouTube channel
And in this mysterious place called Real Life™
And today I'll be recording an actual video, wow!
You wouldn't expect that to happen, right? I mean...
By the way, thank you for subscribing to my channel y'all 888 subscribers.
I've just checked and... wow!
I didn't think that... so many people would actually subscribe to a channel
That only has reuploads on it.
Like, my God, huh --
Are you sure you want to be subscribed that garbage I upload?
But... but thank y'all, I appreciate it.
So, let's get right to the point.
Today I'll be recording an unboxing
And it won't be just a regular unboxing, like everyone else does.
I'll record something very special because
I'll be showing you
My prizes from Saints Row IV Steam Workshop modding contest™
Organized by Volition and Deep Silver in February this year and...
The whole contest was about simply creating a mod and uploading it to Workshop.
There was a month to do it.
And there were three categories: clothes, weapons and misc.
I took part in "misc" so you could basically create anything you wanted
And I wrote two scripts in Notepad++, but I will talk about them a bit later.
For now I'd like to present you those two little sweet packages.
The first one, the small one is Intel Core i7 6700K.
It's seventh generation CPU, actually it has 4 GHz
And, well, it's really wonderful stuff, although I gotta admit
I'll have to buy a new motherboard and new memory sticks to put it in my PC so
It will take a while until I'll be able to do anything with it but
It really is quality --
Quality stuff and
Here, this big guy, it's actually stuff from Corsair.
It's a keyboard and a headset
And, to be specific, it's actually K70 RGB Lux keyboard and Void USB-Carbon headset so --
I'm not sure about the headset but the keyboard, it's actually one of the best out there.
I've checked and it really is just wonderful, like --
Wonderful quality, I --
I'm speechless, it's just --
I'm honored to get this stuff from Volition themselves, like, creators of Saints Row.
And, well, before we get to the actual unboxing
I'd like to tell you a few words about the contest itself because, well...
Some of you might be wondering, like
What's the Deal with All These Fat-Burning Clinics? - Duration: 17:37.Hey, everybody! It's Heather and this is
What's up Wednesday. Welcome! I hope
everybody's having a happy hump day. I
know that this weekend was crazy, so I
didn't get a lot done and I'm looking
forward to this next weekend to actually
have some time for myself and and to do
the stuff that I didn't get to this last
weekend, which is usually house stuff.
Today, over on the blog, is recipe day and
I had intended to share some of my
favorites, my old favorites and some of
the new favorites that I've just
recently created for sharing with non-
keto and keto friends and family for
get-togethers since Memorial Day's at the end
of the month and that's really kind of
the unofficial kickoff for
summer and everything barbecue and
backyards. But Mother Nature has kind of
presented most of the country, or a good
portion of the country, with some
challenges. I know that I have clients
that woke up to snow again today. They
dealt with it over the weekend. So you
know, you can say well it's the end of
April... but now it's May, so what's Mother
Nature's excuse? I'm not really sure.
And here in Florida it feels like we're
10 feet from the surface of the Sun
and that summer is well into August at
this point. But I know that that's just a
small portion of this. I know that feels
like my entire world is summer and
hot and so I'm looking for some easy
dishes. But I know some of you are still
trying to warm up those bones
and break that chill a little bit, so
today over on the blog, I shared my
newest creation - my Vegetable Beef Soup,
which I had created for my clients and
they got that in their March Meal Plan
and Shopping List. I had such great
feedback from it and I know that it's a
huge favorite in my house. It reminds me
of being a little kid, growing up in
Seattle, lots of rainy days and lots of
Campbell's soup... and vegetable beef was
one of my favorites... and so this is kind
of nostalgic for me and it reminds me of
all of those
moments growing up. And the best part
about it is that there's none of the
sodium, there's none of the crap, it's all
really good stuff and it's super easy to
make and freeze, as well. So for those of
you that that might not eat all of it,
which is not my house - when I make
something it's gone. I don't get
leftovers unless I make huge pots of
stuff. If you're lucky enough to
have some to freeze, be sure to freeze
it. It freezes really well since there's
really no fats in it other than from the
beef. Fats tend to be a
little bit tricky when freezing,
this is not bad at all. And if you have
single-serving size Pirex glass
dishes or even mason jars to freeze them,
that's the best way to do it. Then you
can just pull it out, reheat it, and you
have a couple days worth to go
to. So that's what's over on the blog
today. {Hi, Leslie!} Today I wanted
to kind of talk... since we're talking
about food... there's this craze - and I know
it's all over Central Florida. I have a
couple clients that are... and not just local
but they're from all parts of the
country... that have come to me after this
thing. And I don't know if you guys
know about this or have heard about it, but
there are these fat-burning clinics. Burn
fat. Or sometimes the
chiropractors will have them in their
offices and they're
forty-day programs where you get on and
after the forty days
you'll have lost so many inches and
like 40 pounds on it, which is all
fine and good but, like my clients can
attest, after the 40 days, if they've lost
a significant amount of weight -
or any weight for that matter - they
start to put it on very quickly
afterwards. And so I've had the
opportunity to actually get my hands on
some of these programs and they're all
pretty much the same the 40-day premise,
really focusing on calorie restriction,
eliminating all fats to speak of, and
there really aren't any fats
in there, and it forces the body to kind
of go into starvation mode. The other
thing, too, is they're doing intermittent
fasting... they don't have you eating until
after lunch. So what is that, folks? You
don't eat from dinnertime
until lunchtime the next day?
That's intermiitent fasting, and I talk about
that, but what my clients have found is -
first of all, usually the price
point like twenty-five
hundred to three thousand dollars for
this forty days, you do get some of the
extras - they do some blood work and
and they have some supplements for you
based on what the blood work
says, and they do some body scans and
things like that. So, there's
something to that, but the
big part of it, the big chunk, is the
eating. And they give you this food
journal, which by the way I have one, and
they also give you these meals and
meal plans... sort of... with some recipes
that really are not appealing.
There's nothing that I looked at
that I went, "Wow, that would really make me
excited to eat." Not that eating needs to
be everything but at least you shouldn't
dread eating. And the thing about this is
if you're not learning why the stuff
works or how it's working, after the forty
days when you start to gain weight again -
because you will if you start
incorporating everyday foods back in
you're going to start putting the weight
back on. They have this great
discount where you can come back and for
another $1,500 do it all over again. Well,
that's a lot of fun. If you talk to
anybody that's actually done this, they
can tell you for the most part, yes, their
energy shifted because their body was
forced into the fat-burning mode.
The whole premise is to get your body
into fat-burning mode. That's how you
lose inches, that's how the weight comes
off, because you're forcing your body to
use your fat stores. You can do that
without these serious calorie
restrictions. I do it all the time. My
clients do it all the time. There
is no calorie counting when you are full
and satiated, which by the way fats do
that for you and we need that... we need
that for our brains. We need fats to burn.
Our bodies were meant to be fat
burners. We became glucose burners over
time. That's happened since basically
we've added
all of these sugars and processed foods
into our diets over the last hundred
years. And also 24-hour food marts and
whatnot. You've got food available
all the time. But a hundred years ago,
even back in the 1910s and 20s, people
didn't have access to food 24 hours a
day. So, when you were done with dinner,
you were done. Suppertime was it and
you weren't going back into the
kitchen for more and you didn't need to
eat again until breakfast. Our bodies were
meant to go longer and we were meant to
burn fat.
Well, like I said, these fat burning
clinics, they get you in there, they put
you on these serious calorie restricted
diets, they don't give you the fats which
make people happy. That's the
flavor. That's what keeps you satiated.
That's what staves off the
hunger. When you are on a low-fat diet,
a high protein diet, you may experience
things like diarrhea, headaches,
insatiable hunger, nausea... and that doesn't
go away until you eat fat again. It's
kind of, I don't know, it seems to go
against a lot of the things that would
make sense, at least the things that I've
experienced and my clients have experienced
with having fats in their diet. But,
the upside is, you force your body
into fat-burning mode. That's awesome.
That's what we do. That's what
the ketogenic lifestyle is about.
That's what intermittent fasting does,
it forces your body to use those fat
stores. If you're not feeding your body
every 8 to 12 hours, you're giving your
body time to burn through any glucose
that you've had during that day and it
then goes to those pockets, like on
your stomach and your hips and your arms
and you know everywhere else that you're
trying to lose. And you're trying to work
out and you can't get to it... because the
body wants to hold on to it. But one
thing that really has become apparent
over my three years of doing this myself and
working with other clients and also all
of the research that I do, pretty much on
a daily basis, is that it takes time for
your body to not only become a fat
burner but really become fat-adapted,
meaning that it takes more than 40 days
for the body to
not only go after the fat, but to want to
continue to go after the fat. So after
the forty days, if you're doing this, and
you then deviate a little bit, the body
then goes, "Oh, yay! Glucose! Yeah, we love
glucose. That's what we're going to use!"
And then the fat burning process stops.
It takes time. It takes time for the body
to really truly become a fat burner. It
will be a fat burner for short periods
of time but it will then revert back to
the easiest thing, which is glucose. So it
takes time. It takes a lot longer than
forty days. It takes longer than sixty
days. It takes longer than 90 days. It
takes being consistent and then when you
do deviate a little bit, it doesn't throw
you all out of whack.
You're easily back into fat-burning mode.
And you can tell... I just read a fantastic
article. This is really more for people
maybe in the medical field, like
medical students or family members that
might be around that medical field,
talking about the fat burning process
and how you can easily slip in and out
of it once you really become that - back
to what we were supposed to be, which is
fat burners anyway! You know this is
not really rocket science. If you
look around and talk to people that have
done these really expensive programs, a
good portion of them - 75% or more - have
gained some or most of the weight back
unless they go back to the beginning and
start the process all over again and
it's extremely expensive, you don't
really learn anything about your body.
The whole key is to
not have to have somebody help you for
the rest of your life. You should be
able to learn and take that and go and
do that for the rest of your life. But
how do you know what's going on if
you're just following what somebody said
and the minute you deviate, it's back to
square one again? It's learning about the
things that work for your body. It's
learning about what it needs to be a fat
burner. A true fat burner can go 3 to 6
hours to 12 hours to 16 hours between
They can workout on an empty stomach and
not have to carb-load and their energy
levels stay good. That's how you can
tell you're truly fat adapted and
becoming a fat burner, when you can
easily have whatever you're
breaking your fast with... like today I had
leftover grilled veggies, which were
awesome, some rotisserie chicken, lots of
olive oil on top of that, over an avocado -
it was amazing. I had that with my fatted
up coffee and that was about 11
o'clock, so that was a 17 hour fast for
me. It's almost 3:10 my time, Eastern
Standard Time, it's been 4 hours, over 4
hours, and I'm no closer to being hungry
than I was when I finished my meal four
hours ago. This will push me through
right until dinner. That's what it feels
like to be fat adapted and not be tired
and not have that afternoon crash and
not feel like if I don't get something
quick I'm going to faint,
my blood sugar's gonna crash. There's no
blood sugar spikes because
you're using fat to fuel you through the
day. There's so much more to it but
really what I wanted to kind of get out
there is that I'm getting people that
are coming to me from all over the country
saying, "I just got off this program or I'm
thinking about doing this program... What's
the difference?" Well, the difference is, I
can teach you all the things that you
need to know to be able to do this for
yourself, for way less than 2,500 or
3,000 dollars, and get something
that you really understand and
can feel, and start making the
connections with your body and what it
feels like to be able to get through the
day without being hungry as soon as you
eat. To not have those glucose
spikes, to keep your blood sugar
levels even throughout the day, and
"hangry" isn't a thing. You don't
get hungry and angry because you're
satiated, you got those fats to fill you
up, you're not calorie counting, you're
not on these crazy steak-and-tomato
only-for-dinner diets.
That's insane, people. It's
unnecessary. It's not just insane,
it's unnecessary.
There are so many better ways to do it and
it starts with the food. It starts with
eating really good, clean foods that fuel
your body. Eating strategically. Eating
things that will fill you up so that you
don't have to worry about, "Well, what can
I snack on? How am I going to go
out and run all these errands and what
if I get caught out there for four hours
and I don't have purse nuts, what then?"
Well, chances are, you probably don't need the purse
nuts if you're fueling up
before you go, eating strategically,
eating things that are going to fuel
your body throughout the day, then
that's not even an issue anymore.
I want you to know there are options.
And, by the way, the options are going to
be even bigger soon, from me, my offerings.
But, in the meantime, I'm going to put it
out there. In June, June 1st,
all of my prices are going up: my
coaching packages are going up. I'm doing
a lot of one-on-one coaching right now
and I only have so much time to do that
so between now and June 1st, my prices
are going to stay the same. But as of
June 1st, they will be going up. They will
be doubling... actually more than
doubling. So the $199 goes to $399 and the $349
goes to $749, so it's quite a big jump. And,
by the way, if you sign up between now
and June 1st, I'm going to send you a
copy, a paperback copy, of my Ketogenic
Solutions, my how to get started in this
keto world with a personal note from me.
And what I would love for you to do is...
you know, books? Remember books?Remember
what a book felt like? It's kind of
awesome to go through and you can highlight
things for when you can go back later on and
you can throw it in your purse or in your
backpack or your back pocket, if you have
big pockets, you can totally do that, but
it's an actual copy of a book that you
can reference and look at at any time
during your journey. So that's my offer
to you. I really hope you take advantage
of this offer because I'd hate for you
to miss out. Bathing suit
season is coming. Here, it's already
started. What can I say? So, us Floridians are
behind the eight ball, if you haven't
started yet. I posted a
picture, I posted a collage, yesterday
of kind of the transformations that I've
undergone since I started this whole
journey three years ago and the
side-by-sides are really telling.
Physically, you can see those changes but
what you can't see is everything that
happened along that
journey, which is... the health; the
overall mental wellness; the peacefulness
of not feeling like I'm struggling to
try and figure out how the hell this
body works and what's going to work on
it. I have that figured out. And that
gives me a peace of mind that you can't
buy for twenty five hundred bucks, you
can't buy it for ten thousand dollars
there's no amount of money in the world
that compares to what peace of mind,
through figuring this stuff out, will
bring you.
I can't say enough about it, my
client can't say enough about it, and I
have a feeling that you're probably
right there on the edge waiting to
figure this out for yourself, so head
over to It Starts With The Food dot com. On
the blog, you've got the
vegetable beef recipe - so easy.
If you make it, tell me! Tell me about how
great it was! Tell me what kind of
memories it brought up for you.
Also, go over to the Work With Me Page.
If you haven't signed up for a free
Discovery Call with me, what are you
waiting for? You can talk to me for
thirty minutes to see if maybe I might
be able to help you figure out how your
body works and what we can do to bring
health and wellness and overall
well-being back into your life or into
your life for the first time, if that's the
case. So, that's it for today. Quite a lot.
Take it all in. If you've got some of
these programs in your area that I
talked about, go check them out just for
yourself, just for your own
thoughts and well-being, you can
start to understand what I'm talking
out. The extremes that people are
going to, not only financially, but
putting their bodies through physically.
There's a better way. I have it. Till
next Wednesday, take care!
[AOR] GT3 Pro S7 - Round 6 Zhuhai Intl - Highlights - Duration: 19:01.AERO DAMAGE 22
Finally it's drying up and I can come in for tyres and REPAIR THE DAMAGE
But first, lets get thrown out by a cut-track penalty!
Finally the damage from lap 1 can be repaired
Trying to get some heat in the tyres, improving lap times and slowly advancing up the field...
PAUSE the screen. WHAT Col.McCoy left the session?
Samsung Gear S3 & Bear Grylls: Kako preživjeti - Duration: 1:31.survival is all about<font color="#E5E5E5"> getting the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">information at the right time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm Bear</font>
Grylls<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I'm here to show you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how the</font>
Samsung gear f3<font color="#E5E5E5"> can help you survive a</font>
battery for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> most of power</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> another</font>
nature<font color="#E5E5E5"> dramas are dropping priority stay</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">warm and dry you can burn up to 10,000</font>
calories a day out here<font color="#E5E5E5"> logs like this</font>
<font color="#CCCCCC">and the perfect</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to find</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> super boot</font>
snacks<font color="#E5E5E5"> just under the surface are the</font>
lesser<font color="#E5E5E5"> stag beetle</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> larvae you might want</font>
to look away<font color="#E5E5E5"> at this point when the</font>
temperature drops<font color="#E5E5E5"> a fire is a must if</font>
you want<font color="#CCCCCC"> to avoid hypothermia</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if you</font>
haven't got a<font color="#E5E5E5"> magnifying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> glass or</font>
<font color="#E5E5E5">firesteel you can just take clear ice</font>
give it a good polish make it into the
shape for lens<font color="#E5E5E5"> use that the focus of</font>
sunlight<font color="#E5E5E5"> help create fire amazing fire</font>
to life<font color="#E5E5E5"> at high altitude</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 40</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> loses</font>
<font color="#CCCCCC">flurries almost twice as quickly</font>
stay high price
sometimes you just got to stop you've
done all you can<font color="#CCCCCC"> just save in a moment</font>
Samsung gear f3<font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ultimate survival</font>
Black Sails || Wars of Faith - Duration: 3:39.They paint the world full of shadows.
And then tell their children to stay close to the light.
Their light.
Their reasons, their judgements.
Because in the darkness...
There is possibility, there is...
In every sense of the word.
But I've lived long enough to know that...
Any promise made beside the word "forever"
Is no more than a lie agreed upon.
There is no forever.
Everything moves towards its end.
The closer we get to ours, the louder that clock ticks
The less the same man will let a promise deprive him of happiness.
Either you are unkillable, friend.
Or way over due.
So I will come back from the dead
And lay claim to what I am owed.
Tomorrow you will join us.
Or you will all be looking over your shoulder the rest of your lives.
I wonder if you can help me locate an old friend of mine.
I returned because in this place I believe I can find the man nessecary to do so.
His name is Charles Vane.
I wonder if he's still here.
So now you have everyone's eyes where you want them...
On the two of us what happenes next?
I tried to save her... Madi...
I tried to save her.
Where's Madi?
Right now...
Good men are not what the moment requires.
Right now, the time calls for dark men
To do dark things.
Today we reclaim what is ours!
Today there will be vengeance for the death of Charles Vane
Strife is good
Strife makes a man strong
For if a man is capable of conforting death daily functioning in the face of it
There's no telling what else that man can do
And a man whose limits cannot be known
Is a very hard man to defeat in battle.
We are many, they are few.
To fear death is a choice!
And they can't hang us all.
Open fire!
I gave you all an order, fire!
Take cover!
A man puts a dead thing in the ground...
He expects it to stay there.
It comes back.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
becoming a Confident English speaker - Duration: 5:14.Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on how to learn English
I can't remember how many times I've heard people say:
I don't feel confident in my English
I feel nervous when I speak English
I lose my confidence when I speak English
Let's talk about confidence and speaking English
Every adult learner comes into the world of foreign language learning with a certain package
We are who we are in terms of personality
some people are outgoing while others are shy
some are confident while others are not
Some feel comfortable in their skin while others don't and want to change who they are
It's all well and good, it's all common sense, right?
However, many people forget the package they bring into the learning process
and blame the foreign language for their undesirable personality traits
for their lack of confidence
Confidence has very little to do with your English skills
I've had many students with very poor English skills but high self-confidence
who were still able to get their message across
and I've also had students with high-intermediate English skills but low self-confidence
who were struggling to string a sentence together
Despite his poor accuracy, the extremely confident Cristiano Ronaldo has a better speaking fluency
in Spanish than the native but shy Leonel Messi.
Don't blame the foreign language for your personality traits.
If you lack confidence it is not because of your English skills.
If you lack confidence it's because you lack confidence
it's how you walked into the classroom
The same way don't blame the foreign language alone for your lack of speaking fluency
Before you blame your English you need to take a long and hard look in the mirror and
do an honest assessment of your native language fluency and your overall self-confidence
Don't blame the English language for your lack of confidence.
How can you speak English confidently?
I don't know, I guess you gotta have to learn the bloody language
Longman dictionary defines confidence as the belief that you have the ability to do things well
here is your answer: become a confident speaker of English by learning to speak English well
all these confidence gurus on Internet promising to make you a confident speaker of English
confident and fluent of course
Nobody can teach you how to be confident
it's like somebody teaching you how to be funny
you can't fake confidence, the same way you can't fake being funny
that's how you become a confident speaker of English?
you learn the bloody language and you learn it well, but most importantly,
you have things to say, things of value to other people
English alone won't get you far
English is extremely important tool but it is just tool
you need that tool to help you display your real skills and expertise
well, I can't help you with that but I can help you with your English,
after all I've learned the bloody language and I've learned it well
and I've written a book about it
Don't waste your time watching useless confidence building videos and read my book
which is available on Amazon and
Angry People vs Bikers 2017 - Motorcycle Road Rage - Duration: 7:18.Dude are u stupid?
Dude are you stupid?
Whats wrong with you?!
Dude, get off the street!
Relax man!
Dude, its dangerous ...
Get off the street
im gonna call the cops on you if you not chill your shit
ok look i relax now
where do you have to go?
i have to go EHHHHH direction blankenburg
trainstation, you have to go there
can you take me with u ?
i cant
there is the trainstation, YOU CANT RUN ON THE STREET
that could be fatal
go ride your bike dude
Polish people trying Ghanian food for THE FIRST TIME! [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 11:09.Good day, my people! Oyinbo Nwunye for you again
Today I am going to show you, how Polish people try Ghanian food, for the first time
So, I hope you will enjoy the video... Let's go and see their reaction!
This looks a bit like Polish "Tatar" (raw, chopped beef)
Generaly it's very positive
Only that this dark red "cake" over here
It's seriously spicy
Aha, I supposed to speak "Śląski" dialect - It's thunderly spicy
Good, a bit fishy, this sauce over here
For me this tastes like..
Polish food, good one
This tastes like a meat!
But it's rice and beans.. Look at this
This fish is quite standard, like our, Polish own
I like that. The fish is freaking awsome
Fish like fish..
This egg fascinates me
Yeah, the egg is ok, it's tasty
This tastes like a Polish dory fish
But it's so spicy I am gonna cry
I could eat this
This is fish?
This sauce infact is spicy
But what this is? This, this this?
The fish is spicy
Oh, and egg over here
This egg sauce.. is nice - Yeah
But this reminds me of some Polish flavour
Thunderly spicy!! - Spicy, umm
Terribly spicy.. I need to finish that egg
Too spicy for me!
This is Zobo, or Sobolo
Sobolot? - Yes, Hibiscus tea
This smells beautifuly - And it tastes good
How is it?
Try it!
But I am scared
Try it!
It's a bit like... It doesn;t have that characteristic flavour, but it's a bit like chokeberry
Mmm.. like a Rose Tea, right?
Smells like a compote
Grandma's one
Oh, damn
It's like juice, undiluted one
Like a cherry juice
It's like non-alcoholic Kirsch (cherry vodka)
Which is bad
I would add 1kg of sugar in it
I would sweeten it up
I can drink that.. tho it's not so fabulous
This is Palm Nut Soup
Soup made out of palm kernels
And I should it this - with my fingers? - YES
THIS is a soup? - Yes, with rice balls
Supposed the soup be eaten with a fork?
.. with your hands
Mmm.. this is delicious!
Good one
This could be my dinner
I like it too
So now we are going to mess ourselves..
Mhm, this is fine
Extra, right?
Jesus, Maria, how good this is!!
It's damnably spicy
The sauce
This one is good
Yes, it's very good
We could be eating this one for dinner
Mm.. mhm, mhm
It's just epic
This is good, but spicy
It's my favourite, yes
Would you compare this to something in Poland?
Yeah.. it's a bit like curry... - Yeah
You do allow us to takeaway, right?
I want the whole pot!
It's too like Polish stew
Yeah.. I actualy miss sour cucumber with this
We could make a fusion out of this one
I am sure they have better eating manners there, comparing to us here..
It's tasty, finely spiced, but what is this meat?
Beef and a cow tripe
This is beef?
Very good. The sauce is delicious
Are you eating this?
I can share if you want..
Chicken Light Soup
And Fufu. - It smells nice
Fufu? Oh, fufu...
Tastes like a mix of rice and potatoes
We can move to Africa now.. We like the food
I am considering moving to Africa
It's good, but too little spices here
I would add alot of garlic here
Hey, this sauce is seriously good
What is this here? It looks like "Gołąbki", but..
This is fufu
It's like the dumplings from Śląsk
That tastes a little Polish
But it's differently shaped
I could finish the whole plate
But it's little spicy
I don't know how you think
For my taste buds it's just right
I seriously like the fact that I can finaly eat chicken with my hands
Just like it's meant to be eaten
Instead of playing with forks
No undue courtesy
Guess I won't talk too much today
Thumbs up!
I could actualy order this in a restaurant
Alright.. where do we have any Ghanian restaurant here?
This chicken together with this.. (fufu)
This is better than our Polish potatoes
It's delicious - Yeah, very much
I can feel some veg inside this.. like soy bean.. inside this fufu
I don't know about that.. for me it's a bit like potatoes
For me it's ok
But, the previous one was better
Fried Plantain now
This is gotta be delicious
That red sauce is spicy, I warn you
What does this resamble to me...
Some candy of some sort
It's sweet!! Finaly something sweet!
Mmm, this is good
Baked banana
Yeah just baked banana
It tastes just like banana, like ordinary Polish banana
"Polish banana".. LOL There is no Polish Bananas
Tastes like banana
Not for me..
This sauce more resambles something Asian to me
It's actualy sweet, isn't it?
Sweet and spicy
I mean the banana
The sauce is spicy
The banana is tasty
I have no clue what to compare this to
It smells enjoyable
And it's so delicate.. not very crunchy
I like the spicy sauce
Well, it's too spicy for me
This tastes like that dried fruits they sell as snacks localy
Yeah, kind of..
I like it
It's sweet, you will like it obviously
This is Vitamin C, or Lickylicky (Yooyi)
Alright then
Wow, this is so good
Wait for me!!
It's like a sparkling tablet
It's kind of suede
Jeez, how I would like to have this at home
You could make fur coats out of these nuts
I would like to request a change of my partner
I am not surprised (poiting at her actual partner)
Greetings for Adrian, behind the camera
It's weird
Like suede!
It's like some sort of beebread and it melts down
It's freaking awsome!
Super, right?!
This is so extra! I want more!
It's like a sweet chocolate or something
Yeah it tastes like a chocolate to me
You know how this tastes to me, like a watermelon.. or a cucumber
For me straight up cough pills
Damn thats good!
It's like a chocolate when you lick it
But it doesn't taste lika a vitamin C to me
It's much more sweet
Nicely sweet.. Look at his reaction, someone record this
This is so fine! - Yeah this one is very fine
My child, when I send you to a pharmacy for a vitamin C, please you need to bring this
I could actualy munch alot of this with passion
It's good, very good. It's sweet, and the consistency
But not oversweet, just a touch of it
And it has this fruity aftertaste... - Exactly!
Take a close shot on his eyes!!
It's good
Where do you have the stone?
I think I swallowed it
It's like sucking vitamin C tablets
Alright, so we fight for the last one?
Come on, take it
StrzeleckiGarage #3 - PETROLHEADS LIFE - e38 WRC, e36 rebulid, Dodge Stealth, Audi s3 1/4 - Duration: 24:03.-okay, it's time to move on
-I'll show you next thing I'll be working on.
-It's another beemer e36, since they are really cheap It's fun to work on them.
-Unfortunatly previous owner had a little meeting with a light post.
-Lucky for me... wait where is a professional stand for the hood.
-I've been working on this car yesterday for a while. I removed all broken parts from the front.
-Aproximetly light post was somewhere around here and everything that was on a way got smashed.
-It's good that we have some new parts already.
-Here we go, new water pump and new belts.
-We'll use previous e36 for body parts as front bummper,
but it would be nice to find mstyle one.
-Head lights, because one light is broken, basically whole front.
-I took some car chemistry with me, so I can do little cleaning under the hood since It's already apart.
-You might wonder why another e36? Especially with small engine as 1.8is.
-Answer is really simple, 1600 onion coins (polish zloty/EUR 400) for this beauty.
-I already spent 200 onion coins on the hood, which is not on it's place yet.
-Another 200 on other car parts as water pump etc. So it makes a total of 2000ZŁ so far
-We'll see how much it'll cost in the end, when the car will be finally running.
-1.8 is will drift just fine on wet, on dry pffff... We know it rather won't.
-It has LPG system, making it really cheap to drive even on daily baisis.
-It's a COUPE! Making it more valuable. Insurance paid for the whole year already. What to want more!?
-Let's get back to work..
-Still running!!
-What's better than owning e36? Owning 2 of them :V
-Most interesting part, using a big hammer!!
-Someone was driving on dirt roads, sand everywhere..
-Okay, cleaning stuff!
-Diper for oil, APC and some pieces of cloths.
-Finally I did it. End of work for today water pump on it's place, rest looks shiny.
-Still some work to be done. But so far it looks fine. Over and out!
-What a Ferrari!!??
-So dirty!! -All dirty after winter!
-It's been there for a while! Time to take this classy youngtimer for a spin.
-Good! Red is the fastest!
-Looks clean and shiny.
-Finally you can see something threw the windshield.
-Compressor, Looks like it's working.
-And the last one 1.9bar!
-Thank you, we going!
-Floor it!!
-You can hear them! -You can hear the high revs!!
-We're in!
-Maybe some neighbors, drag race?? :)
-Neighbors drag race? -We've got a place!
-You want to feel that embarrassment? -Yea sure..
-We'll see!!!
-4 wheel drive cars won't play in this place.
-Barrels are burning!! It smells so bad..
-Neighborn is there? He is!!
-Ohhh You bitch!!
-Ha he won!!
-Fucker! One more time!!!
-Almost same. -That's one quick S3.
-He'll be overreacting after this win..
-uuuUUUu neighbor failed! -He felt to confident
-End of driving for today -Dodge got his ass beaten!
-Time to take apart front parts from this missile.
-I'll be bending, You have to use the hammer.
-First part is on it's place, stringer got few hammer shoots.
-And now we have to put this and that.
-We'll see when we install head lights if it's going to look nice and symetric.
-Time for some more cleaning and painting.
-That part would be helpfull
-But it sound like lawn mower (OR A HONDA)
-6 cylinders, 4 cylinders. I wouldn't call it a progress.
-But when You don't have what You want. You buy anything that's cheap!
-End for today.
-FUCK You won't belive what happend..
-7er is finally running great, got cleaned, some zip lines and screws were used.
-Everything is on it's place, already did some painting on doorsteps.
-So it'll finally look and drive good.
-We'll driving not soo fast. Okay maybe a little, 100km/h on dashboard.
Hood opened while driving and it smashed the windshield.
-I already bended it back to it's place, because it was way more inside the car.
-Oh no!!!! oh no!!!!!
-Driveshaft? -Left driveshaft is gone..
-What a fuck up :D
-How come??!!! On dirt?? -You have one wheel drive car, sir!
-Plus right rear window fell down.
-Kurwa! It cracked on dirt road???
-Stones man! Hidden stones!
-Okay we had an action, time for reaction!
-In theory, changing a driveshaft should be a quick job to do.
-As in e30, you have to unscrew this main nut, plus 6 little bolts down under the car.
-Ready! Set! Go!
-3 bolts already gone, 3 more to go!
-Okay! 6 bolts gone! -One main nut left.
-As always during working on cars, You always have one shitty screw or nut to unscrew.
-This time I don't have that big one.
-socket 36.
-We've got it! Time to finally do it!
-ahhh I thought it would be harder.
-Another great situation.. We suspect that my lovely dog Jimmy. Could steal this big nut..
-It ain't that small and we cannot find it..
-hahah serching team! -Jimmy you little dick!
-I've got it! -Is it?
-Little fucker..
-Jimmy you are banned!
-What happend?
-Some part of rear bummper fell off.
-It was a first turn!!
-We will make it back home? -We won't?
-I doesn't want to rev high.
-Maybe you're out of gas? -Nah it's car battery
-Adam! Call your neighborn
-Only one question, You've got it?!! -I got something!
-Okay, let's get tha fuck out of here. We're almost out of power again!
-Nothing to see here. -Nothing to see through the windshield.
-I can't belive it.. You didn't clutch kicked on that turn..
-Rather not, almost out of power.. -Power? -Maybe just not on the streets.
-Still moving! -Last meters!
-I thought it will die by that hole. -It will make it!!!
-Ahhh It didn't!!
-Now what?
-Neighborn -He'll be pissed, we called him a while ago already
-Calling 997. -You have a gift of selling people or info.
-We're going home to get next car battery and then We'll return for the car.
-Soo, We keep walking!
-It doesn't want to go any faster! -It sucks!!!
-7er got abandoned in the middle of the forest.
-It stopped like this? -Yes, it died here.
-Hold it! -Is it recording? Fine.
-That's it? -Wait a sec.
-As you can see, dark woods.
-Hold it and try to connect cables better, if it won't work.
-Interesting, how am I suppose to do it during holding camera and trunk..
-OO It's this one!
-Does it work? -No?
-How about now?? -Come on! Sparks everywhere!
-Ahh You fucking bitch!
-Now the other one!
-I broke this piece of wood.
-Come on lets go!
-As fast as possible, straight to garage.
快樂氰化物:實驗結果 Lab Results - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts [中文字幕] - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News! Air Canada Rouge to commence services this Winter to Argyle International Airport - Duration: 2:21.Welcome to the Argyle International Airport
In the beautiful Caribbean Island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Introducing a new non-stop weekly route on Air Canada Rouge
This Winter
From the Pearson International Airport
On Air Bus A319 Rouge
To the Argyle International Airport
On its Air Bus A319 Rouge
Commencing from December 14, 2017
To April 12, 2018
Shhh...Quiet Please! Reducing Verbal Stimming and Scripting in Children with Autism - Duration: 3:12.Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Barbara, autism mom,
behavior analyst, and best-selling author.
A common question I get is how to teach
children to be quiet during activities
where verbal stimming or scripting is
disruptive. Have you ever been in a
lecture where the material is way too
easy or completely over your head? If you
get into these situations, what do you
normally do? I bet you might doodle, play
with your hair, or scroll through
Facebook news feed on your phone. This is
the equivalent of a child with autism
engaging in self stimulatory behavior,
otherwise known as stimming. We all stim.
In fact, all of our solitary leisure
activities, such as shooting a basketball
into a hoop for a few minutes, playing
the violin until you get the notes just
right, or watching TV, are actually
stimming. These self stimulatory
behaviors keep our neurons in our brain
firing while we're not meaningfully
engaged with others or working on a task
where we need to concentrate. Since our
children with autism usually have poor
language, social, and leisure skills, some
kids with autism engage in stim behavior
for hours each day and these stim
behaviors are often very disruptive
across variety of settings, especially in
quiet settings like inclusion in school
or a church. Stimming can take very
different forms. Some kids might engage
in stimming by rocking their bodies,
flapping their fingers, or arms, or by
making loud vocalizations, while kids
with higher language abilities might
script lines from movies, or fill the
same things over and over again, or want
to watch the same YouTube clips for
hours. As both a behavior analyst and a mom
of a son with autism, you might be
surprised to learn that unless a stim
behavior is dangerous, I almost never
work on decreasing minor self stim
behavior directly and I
rarely tell kids to be quiet or to stop
scripting. Instead of focusing on
decreasing the stimming, I work on
improving language and learning skills
and eventually replacing very odd and
immature stim behaviors with more
socially appropriate leisure activities.
I also suggest that if there are
activities or parts of the day that
verbal stimming or scripting is high and
disruptive, such as during a
lengthy church service or an inclusion
in math class, these activities may need
to be stopped or additional supports or
services added so that the child can be
more appropriately engaged. For more
information on how to reduce stimming,
click the link right below to get a free
cheat with six steps I take to reduce
minor self stim behavior in children
with autism. I hope to see you next week!
Bye bye.
The 100 4x11 Extended Promo "The Other Side" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Shots Fired 1x08 Promo "Hour Eight: Rock Bottom" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Surprising my parents after 8 months abroad! - Duration: 16:27."We prepared something for you"
"Let's see if it has arrived yet"
First my cousin Lisa entered the room, me behind her
My dad cried. He never cries.
"Thank you for the surprise"
I don't know how much of you know that I sing
and that I write my own songs
and that I can express things better through music
I am not able to talk properly today
I wrote a song for you, which is dedicated to this day and our family
(Excuses about the terrible guitar)
The song is in german, so everybody is able to understand
But I should just shut up and start
The Legendary Starfy [Part 2]: Raging Calamari - Duration: 18:02.Time for secrets!
These levels are pretty much solely for treasure.
There's no story progression or anything like that in here.
So, as one would guess, the secret levels are all optional.
Hmm... I think I missed something...
Hmm. Guess I didn't miss anything. Jumpcut back, then.
Got distracted for a moment...
Um, does he just keep multiple diaries all around the place?
Cool. Just some more unhelpful advice from him.
Okay, I think I'm starting to get the theme of this level...
Oh, that's it. And there's a...face made of pearls, too.
Before I leave, though, I think I missed something again...
Nope, I didn't. It was just a loop back. Well, time to jumpcut back.
Well, time for the next real level, then.
...Who is speaking right now?
Anyway, tutorial, because... Why not?
Time for the first boss battle!
A true challenge of the ages.
Yay, an amnesia plot! Everyone loves those, right?
Uh... Connotations.
Well, that explains why you're an amnesiac, then. actually the most reasonable thing I've heard all day.
Uh... Seems like overkill on the saving, no?
Well, there's the secret door...
There we go.
Urrgh, stop making...making fun of you so easy for me!
Well, apparently, that doesn't matter at all.
Well, new secrets for later, at least.
Okay, these sections are pretty annoying.
Granted, they're only in this world, but still...
You know what? Why don't we check out how "Stuff" works?
Basically, you can change what Starfy wears on the pause menu.
It doesn't change the overworld sprite, just the pause menu.
Oh... That's something I completely forgot about.
I guess different combinations of clothes and extras unlocks... specials.
Huh. Neat.
Anyway, that's what "Stuff" is.
More saving? Geez, they really want to drill in how important saving is, don't they?
Well, all you're sniffing is treasure, so... Go for it.
Guess I missed those cracks in the wall, there.
Good to know the standard here is to keep your diaries in bright treasure chests.
Seems very forward-thinking.
Well, that's that level. And that's it for this episode.
Next time: Secret levels... and bunnies, I guess.
Thanks for watching.
Quantas pessoas "escutam" o que você fala? - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Edição Especial AcuteSauce 65218(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:05.The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
Special edition Acutesauce65218
Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.
Review al samponului Schauma. Pareri pro si contra | Rocsee from Daily Talks - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Wodór z wody - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
CETE reúne gestores do Médio Parnaíba para assinarem acordo(04.05.17) - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Radu Gheorghe - Şapca mi-e pe ceafă - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Boiled Vegetables This way you are losing the family without knowing it - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
how to make a lower third for your youtube videos - Duration: 8:49.WELCOME TO NOMAN GUJJAR CHANNEL
Plody na perníku - SANANIM - sestřih - Duration: 7:28.SANANIM presents: „Public debate – Fetus on meth"
Today's debate is interesting at first glance, because I see a large proportion of girls and women in the audience.
This is nothing to boast about being pregnant and take drugs.
It's not the first thing you tell the doctor: I'm pregnant and I'm taking heroin and pervitin.
On the theme of mothers and children is SANANIM engaged at least for 15 years.
A topic we are dealing in all services.
When I see colleagues from SANANIM here, I know that they deal with this topic in the Outreach Programs, Contact Center (dropin center),
in Ambulant Care Center, Day Care Center, Therapeutic community "Karlov" and Aftercare.
It is our profile topic and we see it as very important.
A very frequent question whether the number of mothers is increasing or decreasing.
In the Czech Republic, the number of drug users does not change significantly through the time.
Pregnant women or mothers come quite early to our services.
Colleagues from low-threshold facilities are in contact with them from the early pregnancy stage. All the time.
Colleagues even help in the diagnosis of pregnancy. This is very valuable about Harm Reduction facilities.
Pregnant women that come and are in contact with the Harm Reduction programs
or a gynecologist or they are also in substitution therapy on buprenorphine or methadone,
these women cooperate very well and also the childbirth is normal without difficulties.
When we get the pregnant woman into the opiate substitution, we consider it a great success.
It is a favorable condition for both mother and child - legal and safer use, safe dosage, regular contact with the doctor etc.
The biggest damage is not caused by those substances themselves, but by those that are added to it.
Or because the substance is manufactured illegally and because the substance is contaminated and is injected
or because the dosage is not stable, so the amount is changing everytime.
All this (situation without substitution) is much more risky than the substance itself.
The substitution treatment is beneficial in this aspect.
The parent has secured prenatal care, treatment of infectious diseases or their prevention.
For us, the downside is that newborn babies have a withdrawal syndrome that we have to treat.
We work with pregnant women, mothers and or fathers in all types of services.
The first contact with them is in Harm Reduction services, which are designed for active users.
And those are the most excluded clients. There they can talk about being pregnant and what are the options.
We also offer outpatient treatment - occasional attendance, social work and services, assistance to doctors, or even ambulant treatment abstinence-oriented.
What a relief! (Someone closed the window) So handy people we have in SANANIM! :-)
We also offer substitution therapy, where pregnant women are received with priority.
For about 15 years they can be treated in stationary treatment (from morning to afternoon).
At the same time, we have succeeded, that the mother can be co-located with her child in a children's center.
So there is no need to interrupt the mother's contact with the child.
We have a therapeutic community that is the only one in the Czech Republic for mothers and or fathers with a child - 10 months long treatment.
Then we have the Aftercare. Services are build one on each other and cooperate.
Some legislators are therefore calling for a change in the law so that drug addicts who can not stop the drugs during pregnancy are sent to prison.
Another option would be to at least take maternity benefits.
I think that the system is not set up for such clients.
Definitely the criminalization of this issue will not lead to a reduction of the number of pregnant women who use drugs.
The result will be that pregnant women will not to go anywhere,
they will give birth outside health care facilities,
children will be detained somewhere, whether officially or unofficially.
What's better, what's worse? I have often witnessed these debates full of emotions.
I think it would be nice if we were successful in offering a range of possibilities and to choose individually what is appropriate or ideal for both the child and the mother or father.
We should always prefer and try if we can help the biological parent to get in such condition, that he can well manage the childcare because it's always better.
But at the same time, we should be able to admit when it is not possible and then choose other solutions.
Soy Luna 2 -Rozmowa Ambar i Luny o ich przeszłościach/cz1[Tłumaczenie PL]Odc.17 - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Soy Luna 2 -Rozmowa Ambar i Luny o ich przeszłościach/cz2[Tłumaczenie PL]Odc.17 - Duration: 0:24.-------------------------------------------
The Thread of Life - Christina Rossetti (Poetry reading by Jordan Harling) | Jordan Harling Reads - Duration: 2:59.The irresponsive silence of the land, The irresponsive sounding of the sea,
Speak both one message of one sense to me: —
Aloof, aloof, we stand aloof, so stand Thou too aloof bound with the flawless band
Of inner solitude; we bind not thee; But who from thy self—chain shall set thee
What heart shall touch thy heart?
what hand thy hand?— And I am sometimes proud and sometimes meek,
And sometimes I remember days of old When fellowship seemed not so far to seek
And all the world and I seemed much less cold, And at the rainbow's foot lay surely gold,
And hope felt strong and life itself not weak.
Thus am I mine own prison.
Everything Around me free and sunny and at ease:
Or if in shadow, in a shade of trees Which the sun kisses, where the gay birds
sing And where all winds make various murmuring;
Where bees are found, with honey for the bees; Where sounds are music, and where silences
Are music of an unlike fashioning.
Then gaze I at the merrymaking crew, And smile a moment and a moment sigh
Thinking: Why can I not rejoice with you ? But soon I put the foolish fancy by:
I am not what I have nor what I do; But what I was I am, I am even I.
Therefore myself is that one only thing I hold to use or waste, to keep or give;
My sole possession every day I live, And still mine own despite Time's winnowing.
Ever mine own, while moons and seasons bring From crudeness ripeness mellow and sanative;
Ever mine own, till Death shall ply his sieve; And still mine own, when saints break grave
and sing.
And this myself as king unto my King I give, to Him Who gave Himself for me;
Who gives Himself to me, and bids me sing A sweet new song of His redeemed set free;
He bids me sing: O death, where is thy sting?
And sing: O grave, where is thy victory?
The Thread of Life - written by Christina Rossetti
Narrated by Jordan Harling
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