Little Nightmares
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005) [PS2] #2: Nauka zabijania - Duration: 12:39.-------------------------------------------
Apocalypse Radiation Island 3D -Radiation island - Bikini atoll - Duration: 4:49.Apocalypse Radiation Island
Radiation Island
Bikini Atoll
FESTA NO MOTORHOME DOS AMIGOS com cachorro | Travel and Share | T4. Ep. 165 - Duration: 8:18.-------------------------------------------
👋🏼 Greetings & Farewells (Informal/Formal) + Times of the Day - Duration: 5:46.Welcome back to the channel Marta Teaches!
I'm Teacher Marta, and today we are going to learn greetings and farewells.
When traveling to another country, it is polite to know a few words in the local language
even if you do not speak that language because it shows respect for culture.
In addition, people appreciate that you are making an effort to communicate
and tend to be more willing to help you.
There are two kinds of greetings: informal and formal.
You can use informal greetings with people you already know a little bit better,
such as your family, your friends, a close co-worker, etc.
In order to greet a person in an informal setting,
we can use some of the following words:
Notice that all these words begin with the letter "H"
which is pronounced just like the letter "R" at the beginning of words in Portuguese, with the sound
Let's practice!
Repeat after me.
The connotation of these greetings can vary a bit.
From top to bottom, they are listed from the most formal to the most casual.
To say goodbye to someone in an informal situation, we can say the following words:
or simply
All of these words basically have the same meaning.
I have also listed these farewells from the one that has the most formal tone to the most casual one.
Now, let's learn the time periods of the day.
An interesting fact about this word is that it is composed of two smaller words:
There are two words used to refer to the nighttime.
When you want to refer to the beginning of the night, you will usually say
and when you want to talk about the night when it's already really dark, you can just say
Some people omit the "T" at the end of the word "night" and pronounce it
Either pronunciation is correct.
So, this is another informal way to greet people,
by saying only those words during the corresponding period of the day.
You can use formal greetings with people you are not familiar with or you do not know.
For example, a salesperson, someone on the street, in the work environment,
or with a superior of yours, such as a teacher or your boss.
If you wish to greet them in a formal way, it's very simple:
you just need to add the word "good" in front of any of the time periods of the day.
Therefore, in the morning, you would say "good morning"
and in the afternoon, "good afternoon."
These two expressions are used both to greet and to say goodbye.
However, with nighttime it works a little differently.
When you are arriving at a place and you want to greet people,
you can say "good evening."
And when you're leaving, you can say "good night."
Let's practice the expressions.
Repeat after me.
As today's homework,
I would like you to practice these greetings and farewells
by saying them aloud to a friend.
And, from now on in the videos, I'm going to start greeting and saying goodbye to you
using these words so that you get used to hearing them in English.
I hope you enjoyed the video.
If you liked it, don't forget to give us a "thumbs up"
and to share the video on social media with your friends,
as it can be useful to other people.
Thank you very much, and I'll see you next class!
Como Gerenciar Projetos Online? - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Talking Tom's Brainy Songs and Farty Beats - Duration: 1:25.Yeah, baby, uh-huh, yeah
You make my heart go boom
Cake, bake, flake
Turns into the room
Cake, bake, flake, yeah girl, sweets give me a belly ache
Time to enter the den of the dentist
Be brave and listen up
To this sentence
Cake, bake, flake, girl
Sweets give me a belly ache
Helping hands, helping hands
Look out! Helping hands, yeah!
You are just so awesome!
Like a flower in blossom!
Maintain you focus
He disappears like this: poo-poo-poo-poo-
Yo, yo, yo! Benny B-bizzle on the camera
Talking T-tizzle coming at you, yo.
The man's the dog, yo.
And this is the cat's meow
SID MEIER'S RAILROADS North US 1 - Duration: 26:39.youtubers hello here is your powermafia friend
Here we sid Meirer's railroads
dear game for me
that is a game that I really like, go to his gameplay
I will play one of the scenarios it to us
northeastern United States
going to goals
I have up to the year 1930
have to do these
three things here that is new york, philadelphia and washigton
have to upgrade these three cities to turn terminals
send fifty passenger cars washington
until 1930 and then we have two more goals
I will talk about them later.
give an ok here
put in the most realistic way is the hard way
that a train does not pass into the other
if the line is blocked have to do some diversion, something to solve the problem
'm playing against an opponent
including one of the goals is to buy his actions
so let the gameplay
'm playing against a adversarioe then have to purchase his actions
one of the objectives ... he's here and I'm here already we expanding
the business
buy products , carry passengers ... that sort of thing you Will
understanding as we go to the playing
you go
accompanying do some joints
put a train to work
which is the first train set and is a tremendous crap this that is the truth
if you see ... it will drag ... look it 24 kilometers
will give about 30 kilometers on the descent who knows
already'll put a route with another train
no give to place yet because not I have money
turn oil into products here
on another station that I did
put a train to work
with oil and turning product and then we sell the product
in other market towns there
I will see what opponent doing .. . he has not done anything yet
good you always go looking at what this guy is doing ... this guy is tricky
catch this refinery and put up for auction
what happens here is that the mayor of a city railway requests
a bonus this beautiful am I ugly is the opponent
now I bought the refinery
I will make money in freight
and also in manufacturing
make money on both ends
already launched a new train here. then already of to give an upgrade
the train to go faster
logical that maintenance is a little more expensive .. however the yield is better here
expanding the business
reaching new places
draw a little line here
here philadelphia
philadelphia other city
wigmiton to philadelphia and
and al returns to philadelphia
and there we will work with passenger
already have some product to sell
and so on
progress the business
I doubled this line because I will make a new business
working with steak
steaks ... it looks
full steak then I already put here already seeing
all in and do not know what will happen
the news journal
my opponent this trabalhano primarily with passengers
to stretch the ..... let's do the following I will stretch the line
working with two cities with the food
I must put a term to do every thing that is best
that I already will change the composition
to already already carries food also
can for up to
passenger here
I think so
Place auction in two
two factories for me to make money
keep an eye on the auction is very important
and remember that I still have to take fifty passenger cars
so I have to
to work at it there still
I'm plotting one geito to I can carry these products
here is another train, take that
no problem
let go
buying food manufactures
I already have to go building the line to washington
I will choose to make a
an express link
these train has to work with food now
when the money start to come
giving ugrade the station
trains clashed here
there we have to make a change
but this is something the game has no way
no problem no
here I already called the three cities
was the first goal
lack thirty-two years and I still have that you bear the fifty passenger cars washigton
and to upgrade the stations
we already starting with trains here
direct link
washigton start bringing people
bad the opponent (computer) is that it does not have these goals
it hinders
also getting an unequal contest
here we start carry more oil
this line here, I think ...
is the last trip it
do the following
howI want to take the NY passenger
I have to leave them there
have money and want to buy
see what our friend doing here
I did as possible to plan ...
avoid the train and make the effort train have more efficiency
take a pause here
good youtubers we will see in chapter next if I can make goals
when I'm
needing to upgrade the terminal turn stations
already delivered a car
passenger on NY
let's see next video I'll be able to serve the rest
a hug
SOLTANDO AMARRES Y RECUPERANDO EL PODER VIBRATORIO por Gabriela Lunari - Duration: 1:26:09.-------------------------------------------
Tender Wings of Desire: A Colonel Sanders Novella - Duration: 0:59.This Mother's Day, let Colonel Sanders
take care of dinner
and Mom's fantasies.
by giving her
Tender Wings of Desire.
To call their affair passionate was an understatement.
Sometimes it seemed as
though Madeleine and Colonel Sanders had
been made to love each other,
and they tried to do so at every given opportunity.
As she lied in Colonel Sanders' arms, she
could not help but feel as though she
finally belonged somewhere, to someone,
and she knew in that exact moment what it
meant to feel love.
Don't you wish you were a mom?
Empreender na Prática: História internacional de sucesso no setor automotivo | Guatemala - Duration: 10:57.-------------------------------------------
O lado secreto da vida nas Favelas - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Como Acertar no Presente do Dia Das Mães Gastando Pouco! - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Primo maggio 2017, vlog epico in riva al mare nella spiaggia della sardegna - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Rupert Spira - A 'observação' é um estágio intermediário - Advaita - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
Blaze Hearts - Making of - Duration: 2:56.This week Jean showed to us these riffs and
He had an idea to put some punch on them
So we started to work on this new song
(Jean) -Laughs- (Gu) So what's your idea for an introduction?
(Will) It was that -singing-
(Jean) Start it Will
(Jean) Let's see if we can hear the guitar (Will) Let's go
(Will) So, I'm feeling very fluid, you know?
(Gu) Yeah
(Will) I think that needs a little more repetition
(Jean) Yeah, 'cause when I make it (the riffs)
(Jean) I kinda have a starting point and I know where I'm going
(Jean) But this one doesn't have a starting point
(Jean) This one is the coolest of them right?
(Gu) I think it's the another one, I think it's the -singing-
(Gu) And the another one -singing-
(Jean) I think that one is cool, because it will sound stronger
(Jean) You know?
(Will) and if you make it twice...
(Will) Then hold on that riff to do the verse
(Jean) Well, I kinda couldn't find a place to this riff here
(Will) It sounds like a chorus to me
(Will) or some bridge to the chorus, you know?
(Gu) Let's get what we have... (Jean) Well, I want to feel the expectation from the intro
(Jean) Feel that something is coming
Nessuna pianificazione per quanto attenta può sostituire una botta di... - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Capítulo 55 - Esteban Sapir - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Brandon Jonak & Pep.B - Where Do I Go (feat. Ezra James) [Ascension NCS Release] - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
"Je suis un missionnaire". Arcade: « Dieu a besoin de vous! » - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Narcos Type Beat - Escobar (Prod.Proffeny) - Duration: 3:45.BUY BEATS HERE - SOUNDCLICK.COM/PROFFENY
Tutkalsız ve Boraksız Pofuduk Slime, Clear Men Fluffy Slime Nasıl Yapılır? Traş Köpüğünden Slime - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
UM DIA NO CAMPO (ROÇA; INTERIOR) // IN THE COUNTRYSIDE OF RIO DE JANEIRO - BRAZIL - Duration: 3:46.Today I'm going to show you How good it is the life away from the city
Here, in the countryside
There's a lot of cool stuff to do!
Let's go!
One of the good things here is that you can harvest by yourself!
1, 2, pull up, Samuel!
Pull up!
Now you just have to pull up a little bit! Go!
It's a giant!
You took the root!
But that's not the root! That is cassava!
Cassava! For cooking!
Here, you pick up the fruits straight from the tree!
It is a lemon! It looks like an orange! It is big!
Let's take it?
Not that easy, lol.
This lemon is strong, so that we can do a really good lemonade
Do you know how good it is this fruit?
It's name is jocote (Spondias purpurea)
Do you know how to climb a tree? I am learning!
Oops! I think I need a little help here!
This is my mom, Kely!
Sleep, sleep, sleepy! So that you can wake up Monday!
Dit it fall asleep?
Put your finger on this one! You just need to swipe!
Sleep, sleep, sleepy! So that you can wake up Monday!
Please, like the video and activate the bell!
Little Nightmares | 小小梦魇 | #2 - Duration: 15:02.Little Nightmares
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005) [PS2] #2: Nauka zabijania - Duration: 12:39.-------------------------------------------
Apocalypse Radiation Island 3D -Radiation island - Bikini atoll - Duration: 4:49.Apocalypse Radiation Island
Radiation Island
Bikini Atoll
Analysis of The Truth About Corey Goode By Bill Ryan Don't Let the Fear of Disinformation Divide - Duration: 37:28.Analysis of The Truth About Corey Goode By Bill Ryan -- Don't Let the Fear of Disinformation
Divide Us!
by Justin Deschamps
The following is an "outing" of the Secret Space Program insider and whistleblower Corey
Goode. It was produced by Bill Ryan, of Project Avalon, one of the forums Goode initially
was using to release information, prior to going public in 2015. I have a lot of respect
for Ryan, and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, as they have played a large role in my awakening.
But I think there is a serious problem within the truth movement that this issue is highlighting.
This article is not pro-Goode or pro-Ryan. However, as it stands, it seems the dialog
needs some clarification, and we hope to offer that here.
Update: Apparently a lot of people feel I am coming out against Corey Goode, this is
not the case. This article is my attempt to objectively analyze the claims of Ryan, and
present them in a somewhat unbiased way, for your consideration. Please read the article
completely before making your conclusions.
Firstly, for clarity, despite the fact Stillness in the Storm has featured a great deal of
Goode's testimony over the years, we do not claim the information to be unquestionably
Goode's overall rhetoric to seek the truth, discern, get healthy, and be a better person
is a message we agree with, thus we are allies in that regard. His work is a series of unproven
claims, but these claims have much indirect support to confirm them, and are highly thought-provoking,
serving in consciousness expansion for that reason. The fact that the claims are unproven
doesn't mean they are untrue, but their incredible scope makes it difficult to believe. And all
the more easy to dismiss.
Secondly, those who are comfortable with uncertainty will have no problem contemplating Goode's
material with an open unbiased mind, discerning objectively what they find. But to those who
need definitive answers, the temptation to blindly believe or reject information is always
great. And to make matters worse, there are scores of people who tend to reject any information
that doesn't fit their worldview or belief system, a form of emotional discernment.
What this does is shift a discussion away from seeking for the truth, analyzing claims
by themselves, and move it to a discussion about the person's character and past. Instead
of listening to the message, we can be tempted to focus on the messenger�who they are as
a person, what they like or don't like, what crimes they have committed, who are they associated
with, and so on. And while this can make people feel good or bad about the messenger, and
by proxy the information, it doesn't in the least confirm or deny the veracity of what
is claimed�it doesn't help determine if it is true or not. This is a strawman tactic
to pull people's focus away from the issues at hand and on to the person sharing the data�one
of the methods the powers that be use all the time.
Before long, a claim of truth isn't judged on its merits alone�on what it actually
says and if this matches reality�instead it is "discerned" by focusing on who is saying
Unfortunately, because of time constraints, people in general simply don't have the ability
to dig deeply into a topic so they can make an honest assessment. This creates a perfect
storm�people who want to know the truth, who want an answer, but can't devote the time
or energy to seek for it properly�making them very easy to persuade with smear campaigns
and unfounded claims.
To add another layer of complexity to an already complex situation, there are very real disinformation
agents out there who most definitely are muddying the waters.
Related 7 Insane US Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened
But here's a little secret: all information is just a vehicle for ideas, and can be discerned
at a personal level to see if it is true or not. Whether an idea came from an outright
disinformation agent, like the mainstream media, or from the mouth of Jesus himself,
you can analyze it and draw a conclusion.
So in the end, since information, regardless of the source, can be evaluated for its truthfulness,
is it really worth it to go on disinformation agent witch hunts? Especially, if the end
result is division of the truth movement?
Obviously, denying the fact that someone could be an agent isn't advisable, but rejecting
a whole body of information based purely on a suspicion isn't a good idea either. And,
as anyone who has studied counterintelligence knows, the best way to combat disinformation
is by studying it, which can reveal clues as to what the players behind it are trying
to do.
So either way you look at it, avoiding reality, whether from a disinformation agent or not,
isn't productive.
Disinformation witch hunts are a big thing in the truth movement and the cost is unimaginable.
In my view, the whole truth movement is divided into camps that believe their version of truth
is right and everyone else is wrong. Almost no one is taking a holistic perspective to
consider all the information and discuss it openly with everyone. Considering we're all
reaching for the same goal�the truth�this seems decidedly unproductive and it pits people
against each other. In the end, everyone loses because the Cabal's NWO agenda moves forward
at pace, while we bicker about who is right or wrong.
Speaking as someone who is a somewhat public figure, I can tell you that I am constantly
receiving messages and emails from people who are very concerned that this or that person
might be a disinformation agent�to the point of making them clearly upset and out of balance.
Obviously, this won't make understanding the truth any easier.
Paranoia is communicable, and it spreads like wildfire on the internet. But given what was
just described, we need not take such a reactionary stance.
If you discovered that you might have been deceived, the last thing you want to do is
become emotionally reactive and fearful, shutting down your neo-cortex and rational mind�the
things we need to discern properly. When this happens, it is because our sense of reality
is being threatened, our belief system, but it requires that we face the situation with
a cool head; that way we can properly understand the information we're absorbing.
I'll share that in my years of being a truth seeker, I've seen my fair share of disinformation
scares. I have even been called a "disinfo agent" several times, with usually the haziest
arguments to back up the accusations.
At the end of the day, whether or not my chosen sources of information were disinformation
agents or not didn't really matter�I was still empowered with my own mind to discern
and make sense of the world, and that's just what I did. In those cases where a person
did appear to be a disinformation agent, interestingly enough, I still made good use of the data
to help expand my consciousness.
Frankly, I've learned a lot from so-called disinformation agents and a lot of them were
on mainstream television. That doesn't mean I believe them blindly, quite the contrary.
But as I said, all information is merely a vehicle for ideas, what we do with these ideas
is far more important than where they came from. And it's not discernment to blindly
reject or accept something without thinking about it.
So don't let the disinformation fear-mongers get you down�trust me, there's plenty of
them out there.
But to be clear, I don't think Bill Ryan has an insidious agenda. It seems like he's trying
to do what he feels is right, and I respect him for that.
But I will say this: no matter how bad things get, no matter how deceived we might feel,
it is never a valid excuse to stop working with each other in the pursuit of truth and
ending the madness in this world.
We are each unique perspectives on all that is, and as such, no one has all the answers.
Everyone is seeking the truth, whether they realize it or not. And those who are self-identified
truthers are even more empowered because they can consciously make the choice to work with
others. Whether we like someone or not, or even agree with them, should not stop us from
gaining wisdom through discussion.
Reviewing the Claims
Here's a list of what Ryan is claiming against Goode:
Kerry Cassidy doesn't think Corey Goode is authentic.
Goode sent some messages to Ryan that Goode later denied sending. Ryan believes when Goode
sent the messages, he was in a "split-minded state." (i.e. under mind control). Apparently
the messages were on Goode's computer, and the person he sent them to, which Ryan discovered
later. Ilie Pandia, an alleged IT specialist, reviewed
Goode's messages and claimed that Goode is not actually an IT professional, as Goode
claims. Ryan and others view this as a point of proof that Goode is a liar.
During the interview with Christine in Sept-Oct 2014, Goode said he was unemployed. Ryan claims
that later, Goode said he lost his six figure income job after being outed by Cassidy and
himself. Ryan claims this false statement by Goode is proof that he is lying about his
past employment. Goode was allegedly using the Project Avalon
forum as a "catchment area" for former MILABs, counseling them without the permission of
the moderators. This was viewed by Ryan et al as a grave infraction, although it is not
clear if Goode agreed not to talk to MILABs on the forum, thus deceiving the moderators.
Goode's wife Stacy joined the forum and made a post that claimed Bill Ryan was once a member
of the Church of Scientology. Ryan claims that the person she found in her research
was not actually Ryan, a different Bill Ryan, and edited her posts accordingly, but did
not notify her of the changes. Ryan claims Stacy and Goode reacted aggressively, saying
that Ryan had censored her on the forum. This appeared to make the situation even more tenuous.
Ryan claims that in Stacy's subsequent posts, she revealed that Goode was working with "higher
authorities" and was asked to produce a dossier on Ryan by a senior member of the church.
Ryan implies this is further evidence of Goode working for shadowy groups.
Ryan claims Goode was given FBI database access during this time, which Goode apparently disclosed
to Ryan in a skype message, also viewed by Ryan as an indication Goode is an agent.
After the drama on the forum, Stacy's account was "unsubscribed" and Goode left soon after
on his own accord. Goode then started a blog and posted several items that attempted to
smear Avalon, according to Ryan. Goode then began to speak with David Wilcock,
and seemed to have a more "polished" version of the story than Goode had previously given
to Christine, which Ryan and Cassidy thought indicated duplicity.
An alleged intelligence agent contacted Ryan to inform him that he had recorded Goode and
Stacy speaking in their home by activating the webcam on a computer near by, using well-known
methods available to government agents. In the recording, Goode and Stacy are allegedly
discussing how they plan to deceive David Wilcock. Ryan claims that Goode was desperate
for money, was looking for stardom and that apparently the intelligence community was
"letting this all happen" because it fit their agenda, all according to Ryan's unnamed source
in the intelligence community. The same intelligence contact sent a screenshot
from a phone of a skype conversation between himself and Goode to Ryan, wherein Goode says
"you are now on the payroll... so am I.. it is what it is." Ryan asserts that this is
proof Goode is an agent. Ryan claims the substance of Goode's testimony
and story is a "carbon copy" of other insiders, like Michael Relfe. Furthermore, he also feels
some of Goode's claims are just too wild to believe, e.g. that there are thousands of
undetectable planet-sized spheres in the solar system.
Ryan also feels that if Goode was authentic, he would never be allowed to talk. He further
claims that Goode is likely a false whisleblower, only allowed to talk because he was given
false memories and experiences that serve the agenda, much like what Dr. Steven Greer
claimed in November 2016. Ryan claims that if Goode was authentic, he
should have been silenced by now, like other whistleblowers. The fact that he wasn't, in
Ryan's mind, is proof that Goode is an agent. Ryan claims that even if some of the information
Goode brings forth is true, the whole data set is "is almost valueless for research purposes."
[However, this is not valid because information is inherently valuable, but said value is
dependent upon the person who analyzes it.] Ryan claims, although some disinformation
agents genuinely believe their own testimony, he thinks Goode is a conscious deceiver.
There is a lot to sort through here.
Analyzing the Claims
Firstly, there are two kinds of evidence to consider, one deals with events or incidents
that may or may not be true, and can be verified to some extent, and the other is personal
In the first category, Ryan claimed that Goode sent messages and later denied them. He claims
that Goode is not actually an IT professional, which a colleague of Ryan's gave an endorsement
of after reviewing Goode's chat logs. Ryan claims that Goode was not fired from his job
as a result of being outed by them in 2014-2015. Ryan claims footage of Goode and his wife
concocting a plan to deceive Wilcock was captured, but not supplied for review here. Finally,
there is a screenshot from a skype message that appears to be an admission by Goode that
he is "on the pay roll."
All of these points can be confirmed or refuted with evidence, should it surface. However,
there is not evidence available to confirm any of this, save the photo, which we'll discuss
in a moment. And since no footage of the conversation between Goode and Stacy to deceive Wilcock
has been supplied, it is an unsubstantiated claim made by Ryan.
Thus, any conclusions drawn from these claims are speculations upon the assumption that
the above listed items are true. In other words, there is not enough evidence presented
by Ryan to objectively and materially confirm the claim that Goode is a disinformation agent.
This doesn't mean the claims are untrue, just that they haven't been verified with material
At this stage, the only hard evidence for us to work with is the screenshot of the skype
conversation supplied by Ryan.
On this score, the skype image's authenticity has not been confirmed (seen below).
It could be a forgery, or it could be real.
Assuming it is real, the content of the message is not clear enough to make any definitive
conclusions. It could simply be proof of what Goode has already claimed, that he was working
for the government at one time, and would therefore "be on the pay roll." Or it could
be evidence he is being paid by some clandestine agency. And some have asserted (see the comments
section) that the chat log itself was doctored, evidenced by the edit symbol at the top left
of the field, in Goode's message.
The other points listed above are incidents that call Goode's character into question
or references of incredulity on Ryan's part�as a matter of fact, the bulk of his argument
is a series of statements about how authentic whistleblowers can't come forward and are
silenced, and therefore, "I, Ryan, can't believe Corey Goode." And the items that draw Goode's
character into question, as we discussed earlier, have no bearing on whether his claims are
accurate or not. If Goode claimed he was taken aboard a Solar Warden spacecraft, the fact
that he lied about his IT job wouldn't change anything.
In conclusion, there are points raised by Ryan that are worthy of investigation. And
if Goode, or others, can address these claims with specificity and evidence, it would help
clear the air for all involved. But even if everything claimed by Ryan were true, it would
only, at best, draw Goode's testimony into question, which frankly, people should be
doing anyway. No one's character, story, or claim is so good that it should be believed
without question.
For what it's worth, when I personally met Corey last year at the Mount Shasta SSP Conference,
I got the impression he was in his character authentic. In my personal exchanges with him
I did not detect any duplicity or feel he was trying to deceive me. Not that this has
any impact on whether his claims are true or not.
In the final analysis, there is no clear evidence presented here that Goode is a disinformation
agent, although, as I said, there is reason to suspect him of being one, as there always
has been. One reason being that there simply isn't any evidence to confirm his story. But
the case for Goode being a disinformation agent has never been strong, so this is just
a healthy dose of doubt.
And in general, almost anyone can, and should be, suspected of being a disinformation agent,
because we've all shared inaccuracies at one time or another. But more specifically, if
Goode is one such agent, it would still be valuable to research his testimony, for the
reasons of counterintelligence listed above.
With all due respect to Ryan, he appears to be resting his conclusions on hazy unproven
evidence, and mostly on the ideological belief that "authentic whisleblowers are usually
quickly silenced." But incredulity isn't enough to disprove something. Hundreds of years ago,
people thought it was incredulous or unbelievable that the earth orbited the sun�this didn't
change reality one iota because the truth isn't democratic.
So for those of you reading these words, trying to make sense of the situation, it is my conclusion
that there is no valid basis, as of yet, to support the claim that Goode is a false whistleblower.
If such information becomes available, then, and only then, can an honest and verifiable
conclusion be made. All else is just speculation, which can still be very beneficial if done
in an honest way.
Until then, we must navigate the seas of uncertainty, keeping an open mind so as to not blind ourselves
to greater truths.
Smear Campaign?
In preparing this post, I reached out to someone working closely with Corey Goode, who said
that there is a coordinated smear campaign taking place at the moment targeting whistleblowers
that feature similar content as Goode. And Goode himself stated this would happen last
year on his website.
Within one week, three different "independent" sources came forward claiming that Corey Goode
was a disinformation agent, Bill Ryan (in the posting here), C.W. Chanter, the YouTuber,
and Randy Maugans. Whether or not these individuals coordinated behind the scenes is unclear.
And the prominent ufologist, Dr. Steven Greer, also held the Cosmic False Flag presentation
last year, wherein he specifically named Corey Goode and William Tompkins as mind-controlled
disinformation agents. You can read my analysis of that talk below.
Related Uniting The People For Full Disclosure | Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag Presentation:
Review, Commentary, Analysis and Assessment of Claims Against Goode and Tompkins
As much as I would like to say that it's silly that we have to deal with disinformation witch
hunts, it really isn't.
The fact is, the truth movement is a mess, running in a million different directions,
with various camps and groups all competing at various levels to be king of the truth
hill. But as I've mentioned, it's a foolish effort.
No one has all the answers, everyone has a piece of the truth puzzle, and we're all striving
to find the truth. Why let disagreements about something we can't even confirm divide us?
No one really knows whether or not Goode is authentic or not, not even he knows, so why
stop working with each other to seek the truth?
I implore you, whoever you are, to not let the program of divide and conquer pull you
down. We're all in this together, and the more of us that act like it, the better we'll
all be.
P.S. A special thanks to those who decided to share their truth even though it was controversial.
What we as a community decide to do�if we let our selves be divided�is up to us.
- Justin
The Truth about Corey Goode
Here's some information. It's far from complete, but it presents a sample of some of the problems.
(By the way, the last time I conferred with Kerry Cassidy about this, she told me that
she fully shares the view that Corey is compromised and is an unreliable witness. Or else, of
course, she'd have interviewed him by now.)
Corey first came to our attention as a problem before Christine Anderson�s 2014 interview
with him was published. He�d been active behind the scenes (by invitation) in investigating
the Jesse Ames affair.
He sent some messages in the middle of the night, that he denied any knowledge of. Our
very strong (unproven) suspicion was that he had indeed sent them, but had done so in
an altered or split-minded state, and in the morning had no memory of what he�d done,
though everything was there on his own computer and that of another person.
Ilie Pandia (who, like Paul, knows a LOT of technical, geeky stuff about computers and
the net) then looked closely at some of his statements, and raised a flag that there was
absolutely NO WAY he was an 'IT expert� as he had claimed. That simply wasn�t true.
This was the first time we�d realized there was a definite, proven, problem, and that
Corey had been lying about his expertise. (Claims about expertise can of course only
be refuted by someone who really is an expert.)
Christine�s Sept-Oct 2014 interview with Corey was largely unplanned: she had a dictaphone
in her pocket when she went to visit him at his home, and took the opportunity to record
their sporadic conversation (with his full permission, on two separate days). Christine
had been intrigued by Corey for a while, and had previously recommended him to be an Avalon
Moderator (an idea which the other mods had all rejected).
The recorded audio took a great deal of editing, to make the published version a lot more coherent
than the original really was. There were many long pauses, hesitations, ramblings, and stumblings.
Corey stated that he was on quite heavy pain medication, was on disability, had problems
with his memory, and had not been working for quite a while. (He lied about this later,
publicly claiming that he�d been earning a �six figure income�. This was a flat-out
falsehood.) I have all the original raw audio archived.
All this time, he�d been continuing to make valid and interesting contributions to the
forum. It seemed as if he might know something, somehow, but by the time we reached December
2014 it was clear that he was damaged or compromised in some way.
Further problems appeared that same month, when it became known that Corey was �counseling�
over 30 Milabs (military abductees), despite being quite unqualified to do anything of
the sort. The forum has a duty of protection, as Milabs are real people with often real
and very serious problems, that need the most expert help.
We didn�t know who all these people were, as Corey was doing this behind the scenes
using the forum as a kind of catchment area. We received a report from one person (a current
forum member) who�d been shocked, appalled and angered that Corey had totally (and sensationally)
misrepresented her story to myself. That�s all documented, also.
His wife Stacy then joined the forum, with username SilverPhoenix. All her posts can
be searched for. For reasons unknown, she made an incorrect statement in a forum post
that I�d been a member of the Church of Scientology: she cited the wrong �Bill Ryan�
in her �research� � an American, an older person, and certainly not myself.
I edited her post to correct it � quite mildly � but as circumstance would have
it, I was already late for an appointment and had to leave before I could PM her to
let her know why I�d made the edit. I returned 4 hours later to find that all hell had broken
loose, and that she was protesting she�d been �censored�.
Corey took her side in the ensuing fracas, while Stacy continued to vent, very much out
of control. In one of her several very long posts she revealed that Corey had been in
extensive contact with higher authorities � one of whom was a �senior member of
the Church of Scientology�, which might raise an eyebrow or two � to assemble a
�dossier� on me and one other unnamed person that extended to over 70 pages. All
this can be read in detail on this thread:
The ensuing firefight, all of which was instigated by Stacy and Corey, resulted in Stacy being
unsubscribed, at which point Corey left of his own accord. He was never banned from the
What happened after that was that Corey opened a blog page, now taken down by him (but all
of which has been archived), which was brimming with falsehoods and a deliberate, concerted
attempt to smear Avalon publicly.
Coincidentally with that, he was now talking with David Wilcock, recounting a suddenly
highly polished, enhanced and embellished version of the hesitant and fragmented story
he�d told Christine. I wrote to David to warn him of the documented history, but he
was not interested. (Kerry also tried to warn David, but that, too, was not heeded.)
I have correspondence from one person who claimed to be intel-connected (this is unproven,
and there are reasons to doubt this, which is entirely another story) that Corey had,
in January 2015, been recorded under surveillance, without his knowledge or permission, and had
been planning with Stacy, in their home, what story to invent to tell David Wilcock. (His
webcam and computer audio had been remotely activated, something we all now know is simple
for the agencies to do.)
Again, this is unproven, but the claim was credible. It seemed that Corey was seeking
stardom (he needed the money, very urgently), and that while the intel agencies knew exactly
what was happening � they often do, of course � they were quietly sanctioning all this,
as it played right into their agenda.
It seems quite possible that Corey had NOT been instructed to go public with invented
or embellished stories, but that when he did, he received full, passive �support�. (Or
� the entire roll-out of events might have been pre-programmed, just like setting up
the cycle on a washing machine. This can be done, too.)
The same person who reported the existence of the surveillance video shared a screenshot
of a Skype text chat with Corey, in which Corey confirmed that he was �now on the
pay roll�, and referred to 'a superior'. What exactly that means is quite an interesting
Even though this summary is a long one, there�s not nearly enough room here to dissect his
claims about the Secret Space Program, the �Blue Avians�, how he was a kind of selected
special envoy to major multilateral United-Nations-style ET meetings, the 100 Jupiter-sized spheres
that he claimed were in the Solar system (of course invisible, and undetectable by any
known means), and ridiculous extremes like the Hollow Earth.
Even his claim to have been age-regressed and memory-wiped was a direct copy-and-paste
of the extraordinary (but plausible and well-documented) claim by Michael Relfe from a decade and a
half earlier.
As I've explained previously, if he�d really had the experiences he claimed, he�d never
be allowed to talk. (Kerry and I were told that genuine Camelot whistleblower Henry Deacon
(real name Arthur Neumann), after his impromptu public statement on stage with Bob Dean at
the July 2009 Barcelona Exopolitics Conference that he had been to Mars, �would never be
allowed to talk about that again�: a prediction, or a warning, that appears to have been very
As I�ve also mentioned elsewhere, one might imagine the possibility of Ed Snowden having
his own show on Gaia. It'd never happen: he�d be marched away in handcuffs within hours
of appearing at the studio.
The extremely strong likelihood is that Corey is, as they say, �damaged goods�. (As
Richard Dolan said to Jimmy Church, rather in exasperation: �I think that there's something
desperately wrong with some of these individuals who come out as so-called whistleblowers.
There's something not right about them.�)
The same is very likely to be true of many claimed whistleblowers, of course, notably
quite a few that have been showcased on Miles Johnston�s �Bases� series, but also
elsewhere. Some are allowed to talk (i.e. they�re not stopped or punished), but the
agencies know full-well that they�re already compromised with implanted false memories,
so the result is opportunistically convenient public disinformation.
People who really tell the exact truth about highly sensitive material are usually silenced
pretty quickly � somehow. In 2008, I lost a good friend, who spoke out. His name was
Jon Danner. One of the nicest people on God's Earth.
Jon had recorded a short audio message that Kerry and I played at a conference, announcing
that he was planning to 'come out' to tell his astonishing true story live, in person,
over the coming months.
He was in perfect health, but collapsed and died three weeks later, while Christmas shopping
with his family.
Jon's grieving wife said this to me in a phone call: He didn't want to be famous, he didn't
want money. He just wanted to help everyone.
Anyone who is still of value to the agencies or the military, and is a valuable functioning
asset as part of a classified program, would never be allowed to go public. With one or
two possible exceptions among those who have ever claimed anything of note, it�s only
the malfunctioning former insiders who have ever said their piece and lived to tell the
That doesn�t mean those people aren�t genuine: it just means that their testimony
may well be flawed.
To reference one of the final scenes from the first Jason Bourne movie, when Bourne
tracks down his former handler and demands to know who he really is, he�s told:
�You�re US government property. You�re a malfunctioning 30 million dollar weapon.
You're a total goddamn catastrophe, and by God, if it kills me, you're going to tell
me how this happened." There�s a great deal of truth in those lines.
Does this mean that there may be grains of truth in some of Corey�s claims? Yes, of
course that�s possible. But the point is that, as with all disinformation (= part truth,
part falsehood), the unsavory mix is almost valueless for research purposes, and its intention
is always to confuse and muddy the waters, until no-one can see where they�re going
any more.
Disinformation is one of the agencies� most useful weapons, it�s pretty clever, and
it almost always works to plan. (That's why there's such a lot of it!)
Some of Corey�s claims may be founded in fact (the Secret Space Program is a reality,
of course, and there are good reasons to believe it�s really very advanced), some of his
claims may be consciously fictionalized (there are strong reasons to suspect this), and yet
some other details may well be implants. (Meaning, overlaid pseudo-realities injected under pain
of hypnosis, electronics, and/or drugs.)
The reality may be a mix of those three. One piece of data, to be analyzed in any way by
anyone who cares to, is Corey�s post here, in which he 'doesn't buy' the idea that he
was ever a Milab. (He changed his mind, later. Or, maybe, his 'mind was changed', as it were.)
* Omnisense already posted this and quite a bit else, but what he contributed appears
to have been overlooked.
An asset who�s more ideal still is someone who�s presenting disinformation, but is
totally sincere and believes everything they�re saying. Andy Basiago is a perfect example,
but this, too, is another story. This does not seem to be the case with Corey. It�s
known and documented that he�s well-capable of conscious deceit�. and the only question,
really, is where that stops.
For all these reasons, and quite a few more, the Avalon moderators (and almost everyone
who�s been following this saga closely) cannot support Corey's claims or in any way
hold them of value.
There are reasons why the 2014-2015 Secret Space Program Conference organizers didn�t
invite him or any other claimed whistleblowers to present their story. Their stance, which
they explained publicly, is that whistleblowers simply can't be relied on, wholesale, to provide
reliable information. (In passing, they also revealed that Corey had tried to organize
many of his followers to lobby on his behalf for him to be a speaker.)
Their stated position was that the safest way through the morass of misinformation and
disinformation was to support serious document research � an approach which Joseph Farrell
and Catherine Austin Fitts endorse very strongly � rather than wild, unverifiable, uncorroborated
testimony and rumor, which is currently proliferating everywhere and is of little or no serious
research value.
My intention to make all this clear mirrors Richard Dolan's own exasperation, that so
many people are taken in by this and other similar claims that are benefiting no-one
except those who (a) want to deceive us, and (b) want to cause friction and factionalization
in the alt community.
I'm no-one's enemy here. But, I am a friend of the truth. (And, fully on record, so is
Kerry Cassidy. As best I know, she agrees with everything I've stated here, though some
of the details of Corey's earlier interaction with the Avalon community she may not be fully
aware of.)
Bea Miller - i can't breathe (official video) - Duration: 3:43.♪
♪ Somebody get me a hammer ♪
♪ Wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors ♪
♪ And go back to a time that was different ♪
♪ A time when I ♪
♪ Didn't feel like there was something missing ♪
♪ Now my body and mind are so distant ♪
♪ Don't know how to escape from this prison ♪
♪ How can I ♪
♪ Free my mind ♪
♪ 'Cause I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ How can I live in the moment ♪
♪ When my thoughts never feel like my own and ♪
♪ Don't know how to admit that I'm broken ♪
♪ How can I ♪
♪ Be all right ♪
♪ 'Cause I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
♪ I can't breathe ♪
Don't even Emails from an A$$hole Childrens "Classics" - Duration: 5:18.wanted children's DVDs movies wanted for
children ages 5 and up we'll take all
unwanted DVDs from me to blank at blank
gun org hey there I'm trying to get rid
of a bunch of movies I've had since I
was a kid the movie stores won't take
them and it would be a shame for me to
just throw them out I'd love the past
amount of people who can enjoy them let
me know if you're interested like from
Julia to me Mike which movies do you
have and how much do you want for them
from me to Julia Julia here is the full
list Alvin and the Chipmunks Aladdin
backdoor cream pies - Beauty and the
Beast big black threesome
Fantasia finally 18 legal the lion king
mattress slaves 3 The Mighty Ducks toy
stories wet squirters 5 please let me
know which ones you want thanks Mike
from Julia to me Mike some of those
titles are inappropriate from me to
Julia Julia which titles are
inappropriate Mike
would you Lea to me I think you know
which one's from me - Julia are you
talking about Fantasia I know I thought
it was a Vietnam War movie - I assure
you it has nothing to do with Asia it is
completely appropriate for children
the only other title I think you are
referring to as an appropriate is the
Lion King but I think you are confusing
that with the Scorpion King
the violent movies young Dwayne Johnson
while the Lion King does have adult
themes is nothing like the score
I hope this clears things up Mike from
Julia - me know explain to me how these
movies are for children
backdoor cream pies big black threesome
finally 18 illegal mattress slaves three
wets quarters five it sounds to me like
your journey throughout your old porn
collection for me - Julia pornography
what a disgusting accusation what kind
of a person do you think I am you have a
really perverted mind and you think
those movies are adult films you've
really never heard of those movies where
was your childhood I'll find the plot
summaries for you back to our cream pies
Cindy a little girl with big ambitions
decides to open a bakery in her parents
kitchen selling pies to children who
come to her backyard
Cindy learns that running a business
isn't all fun and games in this
hilarious tale of entrepreneurship
big black threesome Barry Billy and
Bernie are three lovable black bears who
have zany adventures during their quest
for honey finally 18 and legal a
coming-of-age story about a young girl
who becomes an independent woman
mattress slaves three part three of the
shocking documentary about slave labor
in the mattress industry of third world
countries acceptable for kids and in my
opinion a necessity to educate them on
some real world issues I never bought a
foreign mattress again after this I
opener what squirters five the squirters
gang is back again in this heartwarming
tale about a group of will to try to
find their long-lost father in a vast
ocean of wet sea critters once again I
hope this clears things up for you Mike
from Julia to me you expect me to
believe that all those movies simply
have unfortunate titles nice try from
Lena Julia sorry to disappoint your sick
mind Julia but yes they are all
children's movies so do you want them or
not by the way I just found three more
movies to air the collection I'm
offering Toy Story 2 James and the Giant
Peach Walt Disney's double penetration
cock blast 3 Mike from Julia to me
ok I've had enough of this you are not
Romi - Julia think of the children Julia
they will never get to enjoy these
classic films because of you but from
Julia to me go to hell
Cory Booker: Why Trump should try being nice on Twitter - Duration: 4:50.There's a common question that people might ask: Is the world better off if Donald Trump
stayed off Twitter?
I actually think what I would just rather see is Donald Trump not be mean on Twitter.
I really worried when Donald Trump started using Twitter as a way to be demeaning and
degrading, and he would call people out, he would attack people's character.
And that to me was very frustrating, when I watched candidate Trump take his rhetoric
from the campaign trail, use Twitter to elevate that kind of toxin into our American dialogue.
And now he's president of the United States, and I do worry about foreign policy done by
Not because it couldn't be a strategic use of larger-scale messaging.
I mean, Donald Trump seems to have followers all over the globe.
I just worry about him using that platform in a way that could be shooting from the hip,
that could be dangerous.
Could undermine even his aspirations for peace in communities, or for solving international
So the great thing about Twitter is it's this platform that's neutral, but it's a powerful
platform, in the same way that radio became powerful in
On a Sunday night a week after my inauguration, I used the radio to tell you about the banking
crisis and about the measures we were taking to meet it.
In the same way that TV, suddenly in the Kennedy-Nixon debates, became a powerful platform.
The candidates need no introduction.
The Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and the Democratic candidate, Senator
John F. Kennedy.
Well now technology, innovation, has brought us to a new level of social media.
Since I've been in Newark politics, I've noticed that a lot of people pick on cities in America.
And so I get kind of tired of that, and a long time ago I began to respond to people
who had big platforms, who were attacking our city.
My first person was Conan O'Brien, who, on his show, attacked us.
The mayor of Newark, New Jersey, wants to set up a citywide program to improve Newark
residents' health.
That's good.
If the health care program would consist of a bus ticket out of Newark.
It wasn't even on social media, but I responded with social media
Last week Conan O'Brien took a swing at our city.
And before you knew it, this Cory-and-Conan kerfuffle, this fight we kept going back and
forth on social media and on his show, that it ended up getting millions and millions
of people tuning in to a fight where I was getting a chance to brag about Newark.
You failed to understand that city is one of the fastest-growing cities in the Northeast.
I'm officially putting you on the Newark, New Jersey, airport no-fly list.
Try JFK, buddy.
Eventually I went on The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien.
The two buried the hatchet in their tongue-in-cheek standoff.
O'Brien called it the most expensive joke ever told, making a $100,000 donation to Mayor
Booker's Newark Now charity.
And so my point is that I've learned that social media can be a great platform.
That when you encounter people who are trolling cities, that you can do something about it.
So whether it's Conan O'Brien, Mindy Kaling,
Cory Booker?
I can't believe he came.
I guess anything to get out of Newark.
I think that when you defend your city, but defend it with kindness, and defend it with
humor, or defend it with generosity of spirit, you actually can turn people around, or at
least get them to profess the truth.
That America is great, and America's great because we have great communities everywhere,
including in places like Newark.
Look, I don't wanna throw advice at President Donald Trump.
I mean, clearly he must think to himself, "I don't need Cory Booker's advice; look how
well I'm doing.
I'm president of the United States."
But I do think that Donald Trump would shock the world if he shifted and just said, "You
know what?
I'm going to live kindness on the internet."
Our president should always be calling us to be a nation that we actually all wanna
be, a nation that is indivisible, a nation that works for liberty and justice for all.
And to do that we must all evidence patriotism, which is love of country.
And to love your country, you got to love your fellow countrymen and countrywomen.
And so, Donald Trump, stay on Twitter, but just elevate the conversation.
Be a uniting force, not a dividing force.
Be an elevating force, not a degrading force.
Talking Tom's Brainy Songs and Farty Beats - Duration: 1:25.Yeah, baby, uh-huh, yeah
You make my heart go boom
Cake, bake, flake
Turns into the room
Cake, bake, flake, yeah girl, sweets give me a belly ache
Time to enter the den of the dentist
Be brave and listen up
To this sentence
Cake, bake, flake, girl
Sweets give me a belly ache
Helping hands, helping hands
Look out! Helping hands, yeah!
You are just so awesome!
Like a flower in blossom!
Maintain you focus
He disappears like this: poo-poo-poo-poo-
Yo, yo, yo! Benny B-bizzle on the camera
Talking T-tizzle coming at you, yo.
The man's the dog, yo.
And this is the cat's meow
Your Back Is Not Out Of Place - Duration: 2:08.This is Wes with Velocity Physical
Therapy here today to talk to you about
your alignment. What if I told you that
your back isn't out of place? We hear it
all the time that my back's out of whack
things are not lined up very well, but
what if maybe that feeling of being out
of alignment is more accurately
described as a movement disorder or even
maybe increased sensitivity at your
spine. A back that doesn't feel right
often is just not moving well. You might
say but I feel better when things get
realigned. Well let's talk about why that
might actually be. We've been attributing
pain to structure almost exclusively
for a really long time, but it turns out
pain is much more dynamic and much more
interesting than this. Did you know that
the sleep that you get the quality of it
how long you sleep the amount of stress
in your life and how you feel about your
pain all have a lot more to do with your
pain in the position of your spine?
That's because all pain regardless of
where it's coming from
actually it's all routed from your brain.
Maybe be feeling aligned has more to do
with the pain than actually being aligned.
Or maybe having somebody help move your
spine in a little different way, helped
to feel better. So why is this even
matter anyways you just want to feel
better? Well it matters because it
changes the way that I interact with my
patient. It changes the way I talk to
them it changes the way that I actually
physically treat them and make a plan
for them. Structure matters of course but the minute palpations and classifications of
rotations at each vertebra aren't useful
in helping you to feel better. What's
clear is your body wants to move it
wants to be used it wants to work and we
can help you figure that out. Find a
knowledgeable P.T. to help you do with
your pain. We're here if you need us
May 4th: A Star Wars Tribute - Duration: 2:03.You must feel the Force around you.
[Lightsaber igniting]
I am a Jedi my father before me.
If you only knew the power of the dark side.
[Darth Vader breathing]
Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.
How To Help Someone Who May Be Suicidal | Ask Direct Questions - Duration: 1:57.I think, when it comes to helping a loved one who is struggling with mental illness—especially
where that mental illness is progressing to the point where it's maybe scary and you're
concerned that that person is having suicidal thoughts or harming themselves—I think it's
really important that we ask direct questions.
There's a difference in being invasive and overbearing, but I think when someone is struggling,
in some ways, they're wanting somebody to reach out and ask those hard questions.
And often we don't know what to say with those who are struggling.
We're not sure if we're going to trigger them or if they're going to feel embarrassed or
feel ashamed.
But I think it can lighten their load when we ask them those direct questions and you
say, you know: "Have you had thoughts of hurting yourself?" or "Have you had thoughts of ending your life?"
Things like that.
And sometimes we worry about maybe being overbearing and, and I think that when you have the thought
of: "You know, I need to just—I know so-and-so is struggling—but I don't want to be overbearing
or for them to feel embarrassed or know that I know."
I think it's really important that you act on that thought.
It's better to err on the side of reaching out, and caring, and loving, than to act off
of an assumption.
And how important it is for those who are struggling to feel that someone cares and
is going to be there for them.
And especially be consistent.
And that's hard, because there are some times where the person who is struggling may not
want that help or they may not want that support at that time and they may shut down.
But through being consistent in showing love and in showing care they're going to know
that they have someone to turn to when they're ready for that.
Syberia 3 - The Valsembor horror - Trophy/Achievement (CZ) - Duration: 3:33.Your task to get this reward is
Listen to two people tell you the story of a local legend.
Once he gets to the harbor, go drunk Captain and talk to him.
He'll tell you about the monster waiting on the bottom of the lake.
After talking with the captain, go to the ligthouse where the fisherman catches the fish.
Talk to you with a fisherman and he will tell you about the lake monster.
Once you have an agreement with the fisherman, you will receive a reward.
I will be very glad if you start subscribing to the channel.
This will support me in translation trophies, achievements and turning these video tutorials.
If you can not get the reward, let me know in the comments. I will gladly help you.
If you guide a little help, or have already earned a reward, surely leave a LIKE!
I wish you luck, to gain additional rewards!
Still Loving You | 闪耀的恩秀 | 빛나라 은수 - Ep.107 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.05.04] - Duration: 32:20.Thank you for everything.
And I'm sorry.
Stay healthy and well.
Must you really go?
Don't go.
Don't go. Stay by my side.
I don't want any more regrets.
Thank you.
And sorry.
I didn't have the courage to ask you to be with me.
That's why I was going to run away.
Don't be like that anymore.
There's no need.
I'll stay by your side.
I'm not going anywhere.
(Episode 107)
Can we talk?
- Talk? Sit. / - Thanks.
So what is it you want to discuss?
It's about work.
Keeping the traditional method
inevitably drags down efficiency
in terms of price and sales.
We should expand our production line...
That again?
Since Yoon Ga Food has gone public,
we must show our investors clear growth, but
there's no way as things stand.
Even the Well-being Stew Suho developed
is being produced at an outside plant.
It will cost a bit at first,
but with our own production line, we can
produce it on our own without
having to rent, and it turn, lower the price.
That seems to make sense.
But what Yoon Ga Food's image?
Are we to forfeit our principle of adhering
to the traditional method?
Image is important too.
Don't make it sound so extreme.
I'm just telling you where we currently stand.
The company's image is important,
but we can't ignore performance either.
The discussion on this matter is over.
I'm not being stubborn.
It's what our company really needs.
Why are you so wishy-washy?
You must know as you've
worked at both the company and the restaurant.
That's why I can't take sides.
You're both right.
Dad's right and he's right too.
Man. I feel like a fence-sitter.
I'm thankful to him.
It had been awkward, but
he made you burst into laughter.
It felt awkward as it had been a while.
I'm sorry I'm not a smooth-talker.
That's your appeal.
When I first met you,
I liked how you weren't brazen
and was like a shy little boy.
It goes both ways.
You came across to me
like a bubbly high school girl.
You were artless and liked to laugh.
I think that's what stole my heart.
The alcohol must be kicking in.
Let's start over.
And let's not break up again.
I'll never lose you again.
I caused you a lot of distress and many tears.
I want to spend my life making it up to you.
Please give me a chance.
You didn't miss me?
Am I weird?
No. I can also see where
both father and Suhyeon are coming from.
Right? I'm not a fence-sitter, right?
Did someone call you a fence-sitter?
No, but
that's how I feel.
You're right, and you're right too.
I think you're taking an agnostic stance.
Right? I'm not a fence-sitter, right?
Has there ever been such a hot fence-sitter?
Princess Fiona, come here.
I'll kiss your curse goodbye.
Will you stop loving me when I get older
and become wrinkly and fat?
No kiss will be able to undo that.
It's not like I won't age with you.
When my hairline recedes
and I get a paunch,
what will you do?
Will you hate me when my paunch keeps me
from hugging you tight?
What is this?
Is it something you must think about?
I was trying to imagine you with
gray hair and a paunch.
You obviously don't love everything about me.
Is that so?
Oh, come on.
You'll still love me when I get old, right?
Let me think about it.
Think about it.
I want to think about it.
Say you'll love me. Say it.
I'm going to think about it.
Don't think about it. Say you'll love me.
Are you hiding a pot of honey in the bathroom?
Didn't you go to the bathroom?
You keep flitting in and out
that I can't focus on my yoga.
Are you keeping tabs on my bladder?
You're going too often.
You go several times during the night too.
I can't sleep well because of you.
Wait. Do you...
Do I what? What?
Do you have
a bladder infection?
Aunt Sunjeong.
I'm a urologist.
Don't doctors get sick?
Don't chefs get hungry?
One can't see right under one's nose.
I'm the only one attentive enough.
No one else is as caring as me.
I'm all set, Aunt Sunjeong.
Please don't concern yourself with me.
Wretched girl. You should be grateful.
Do yoga with me. Come.
I'm tired.
You don't work out at all these days.
You've gained weight.
Good grief. Look at her.
Fine. It's time for us to part ways. Indeed.
Did you sleep well last night?
No. Did you?
I haven't slept so well in a long time,
free of worries.
It's been tough, hasn't it?
Bitna's issue was one thing, and
I must have missed you a lot,
even though I'd told myself I'd gotten over you.
Let's not break up again.
It's me.
How are you, Ms. Kim?
Very well, Dr. Kim.
Mom, Jae-u wants to take us out to lunch.
Would that be okay?
Mother, come with us.
Okay. Let's go.
Enjoy your lunch.
Thank you.
- Here. / - Oh, my.
Don't fuss over an old lady like me.
You and Yeonmi should eat your fill. Dr. Kim.
Mother, please just call me Jae-u.
I'd like you to treat me like a son.
Fact is, Yeonmi isn't my daughter.
Mom is my late husband's mother.
She's my mother-in-law.
Oh, I see.
We didn't mean to keep it
from you, but it's a bit weird, right?
I live with my mother-in-law too.
Have you told her you're seeing Yeonmi again?
Not yet.
I wanted to get your permission first.
Why bother with an old hag whose days are numbered?
This is how old folks joke around.
You're embarrassing me by
taking my joke so seriously.
Yeonmi and I want to pursue a serious relationship.
May I say something?
Yes. Please go ahead.
Don't you think it's fate that
you two are seeing each other again?
Despite all the trials and tribulations,
you two still love each other, which tells me
you're fated to be together.
That's why
I'd like you two to get married.
I'd like that.
I was going to ask soon anyway.
Yeonmi's someone very valuable to me.
I don't want to be forced to separate again.
I'd like us to get married and
spend the rest of our lives together.
I'm relieved.
You've reaffirmed your love for each other,
so why mind what anyone thinks?
My wish is that you nurse each other's wounds of
loneliness from your ex-spouses' deaths and
live as happily as anyone else.
Got it, Yeonmi?
Thank you.
I'll be good to you.
Let's eat.
Let's go share the good news with Sumin.
You go.
Let's go together.
I want to let her know I got an 80% on math.
80% is good news?
My score shot up by 20% from 60%.
But yours only went up by 5% from 95%.
Whatever. I'll go alone.
Uri will let Sumin know how well I did, right?
It looks like a bladder issue,
not a problem with your pelvic muscles.
But there's drug treatment for incontinence,
so don't stress yourself out.
- Okay. Thank you. / - Sure.
- Her shot, please. / - Okay.
Why do my feet get this swollen?
Oh? What brings you here?
Isn't your deadline tomorrow?
My legs just brought me here.
Like this.
Will you come here?
Come on.
Okay. Take a seat here.
- Here? / - Yes.
Your leg.
What are you doing?
Hang on. Okay.
I hear your legs get puffy during a pregnancy.
I'm a complete novice, but
I watched videos and
practiced many times yesterday.
Does it feel good?
This is nice.
They say this is a good spot.
- Yes, it feels good. / - Right?
Sumin, Sumin.
I just have to get this last one.
What could it be?
What are you doing?
A crossword puzzle.
It's hard as I haven't done it in a while.
Oh? You only have one left.
Yes. It being the last one,
I find it a bit hard.
After assuming the throne, King Jeongjo
gave his father Prince Sado this new name?
Oh. Prince Jangheon?
I think it's Prince Jangheon.
It is Prince Jangheon.
How did you know?
Surprisingly, I'm a history buff.
Actually, I saw it in a TV drama.
I learn history from TV dramas.
It's still impressive.
It's nothing.
will you sit and solve this with me?
Is the makeup not taking?
Are you seeing someone after work?
Is it Ms. Oh Eunsu's brother?
Well... Why?
It's just that you're really getting gussied up.
Okay. Let's get going.
Ji-eun, do you have a date?
Why? Does it look like I do?
Yes. You're made up and dressed to the nines.
Very pretty.
Women marry when they start looking prettier.
Is that what's going to happen?
I'm not at that point yet.
Why the long face, Ms. Park?
Are you jealous because I told Ji-eun
how pretty she looks?
Why would I be jealous?
Why are you glaring at me like that?
Okay, okay.
You don't look bad today either. Not bad.
Not bad?
Let me tell you.
Hello, I'm contestant no. 7 for the Miss...
Miss what?
Mister Korea?
I won the Miss Chili Pepper pageant.
I'm off.
Ms. Park, are you okay?
Miss Chili Pepper.
So weird.
She's full of herself and now lies compulsively.
I told you to go.
It's okay, mother.
I've entered into a stage where I can work.
But there's fire and knives in the kitchen.
It makes me nervous.
I'll be careful.
Dinner today is
beef and mushroom hot pot,
chive and cucumber salad, and...
Zucchini pancakes?
Your sense of smell is remarkable.
She's just telling us what she's seeing.
You're using kelp broth for the hot pot.
Have you always had such a keen sense of smell?
You're like me when I first got pregnant.
How can you say that to a virgin?
Despite being a urologist,
she's inexperienced in love.
Indeed, seeing you, I think
you need to a love coach.
What's with everyone?
So bring that writer home.
He's busy.
He's busy? Busy men are no good.
Sumin, you should break it off.
A busy man makes a woman lonely.
I'll set you up with a great guy.
Excuse me, Bitna?
You're badmouthing Suhyeon in front of his mom.
I'm not, mother.
Why didn't you call your servant?
Isn't it heavy?
Let's go.
I'm not sure yet.
Is marriage too much?
As you know, marriage is reality.
I know Mom's for it,
and I'm very grateful for your offer,
but you know it won't be easy
for us to become a family.
In some sense, it might be unreasonable.
One may even think it's selfish.
But since we're sure we like and love each other,
would our kids like us
to sneak around like this?
Since we have Ms. Kim's blessing,
I don't know want this to be a secret affair.
It will be hard at first, but
I believe the kids will come around.
Is it right to cause our kids distress because
we want to be happy?
I don't think there's right or wrong in love.
We made many sacrifices.
Let's be a bit selfish this time.
Let's get our kids' blessing first.
If they're okay with it, I'll consider it again.
Mother and father, enjoy the wedding.
- We will. / - Have a good time.
You two are visiting your parents, right?
We'll be late, so take your time.
Thank you.
- Bye. / - Bye.
Eunsu, you're making breakfast on the weekend?
But mother and father aren't home.
People get hungry on the weekends too.
Then can you make me decaf coffee
and French toast?
Oh. And scrambled eggs too.
You can bring them up, right?
Bitna, do you think this is a hotel
where you can order room service?
Oh, right right. Sorry.
Call me when it's done.
I'll come down and have it.
You won't even do that?
You're rather two-faced.
You change when mother and father aren't around.
When you ask someone to do something,
you should say, "Could you please?"
or "Would you be so kind."
What you did was demand, not request.
Never mind. I won't eat.
You're making a fuss over nothing.
Kim Bitna, when will you grow up?
- We're here. / - Come on in.
- We're here. / - Hi, Suho.
Did you get to see Mr. Kim?
Did it go well?
That's so great, mom.
I feel abashed.
What for?
I told you your happiness is all that matters.
I like Mr. Kim. Suho does too.
But still...
Mom, date openly.
You don't have to worry about what anyone thinks.
But I worry about Eunho.
Eunho's still young.
I'll talk to him.
Just focus on yourself.
All you've done is make sacrifices.
- Eunsu. / - Yes?
I'm thinking of...
What is it
that you're so shy about it?
What do you think about
me marrying Mr. Kim?
Housekeeper, the fruit's not ready yet?
Just a moment.
What a slowpoke.
Good grief.
Dad, what will you do about medical volunteering?
Oh. I decided not to go.
Plenty of orthopedists have already applied,
so they say I'm not needed.
That's great, father.
Then are you seeing...
Yes. We decided to get back together.
I'm grateful to you both.
That's great, dad.
Okay. Let's have fruit.
Put it there.
He'd kept all these.
(Prenatal Journal)
Mom, let's go.
I'll keep your memories now.
Here you are.
You found them.
May I take these?
It's okay, right?
Go ahead if you want to.
I have something to tell you.
Didn't we leave too early?
We didn't even stay for dinner.
I felt a bit weird.
It looked like you were talking to mother.
Did something happen?
Mom wants to marry Bitna's dad.
I see.
She wasn't notifying me.
She merely asked me how I felt about it,
but I was at a loss for words.
So did you say she couldn't?
I only said I'd respect her decision.
I couldn't get myself to say that
she had my blessing to marry him.
You did more than enough to express your support.
Do you really think it was enough?
Of course.
You always wanted mother to be happy.
Maybe I didn't.
I told her to find happiness, but
I must not have meant it.
When mom mentioned marriage,
it upset me.
I'm sorry. I was tactless.
No, don't mind me.
I should've smiled and
congratulated her.
Darn it.
Let's go.
Dad, why can't you just spit it out?
I'm going to get married.
With Ms. Park?
I would like your blessing.
Please help us.
I know Sumin's way too good for me.
So what will you do?
I'll make Sumin happy.
Do you think the kids will be okay?
Wounds heal in time.
We'll just have to try
not to deepen their wounds.
Dad decided to get back together with her.
What are you talking about?
The laundress...
Dad says he wants to marry her.
Marry her?
Mom, what do I do?
Prepping our Yacht | Vlog 086 - Duration: 13:25.*Disclaimer: Nobody understands him. It's not just you!
Mini Mansion Chic Shack Lime Green THOW, Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:42.Mini Mansion Chic Shack Lime Green THOW, Small House Design Ideas
468 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottagein Olympia, Washington, Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 4:29.468 Sq. Ft. Tiny Cottagein Olympia, Washington
Vintage Spring Cleaning Hacks - Duration: 3:16.♫ Music ♫
Playdough Modelling Clay with Lollipop With Angry Birds Molds Best Learning Colors Video for Kids - Duration: 6:18.Playdough Modelling Clay with Lollipop With Angry Birds Molds Best Learning Colors Video for Kids
Injustice 2 NEW DLC Characters, Release Date, Hidden Characters. DC Comics Never Looked Better - Duration: 2:32.what's up you guys and welcome to a
brand new segment right here on
injustice two giving you full details
everything that we know about the game
and what we look forward to right here
now this game is gonna head toward us I
made a sixteen it's still on schedule
everything is a-okay you have twenty
nine characters that already got
previewed for us on their YouTube
channel and also under websites I'm
going to have a link in the description
for you guys to check them out however
there is still nine more characters that
are supposed to be coming toward this
game now and bone is the maker of this
game this game draws a lot of its
fighting mechanics from mortal kombat
left the decapitation and taking bodies
apart because these are superheroes of
course from the DC Universe so far like
I said 29 characters there is nine more
to come so that gives us a total of 38
add bone put out a tweet just yesterday
asking gamers do you want to see some of
the brand new DLC coming to this game
being characters from the previous game
or do you want something that is
completely brand new look for that poll
to be held on Twitter if you do want to
go ahead and casting your votes this
game will be coming to the Xbox one
PlayStation 4
I am definitely looking forward to it
one of the things that you see right
here is the characters they're modeling
looks completely different from Batman
Arkham Asylum the last game was very
similar in everything it did to Batman
Arkham Asylum I could see that the
characters have gone through a big
transformation Harley doesn't look the
same the Joker that just got announced
yesterday looks completely different the
game looks definitely like it went
through its paces to appeal to brand new
players and to players that are coming
back and hopefully trying to get a new
experience in the game like I said this
game draws a lot of its fighting
mechanics from Mortal Kombat so you're
going to have finishers you're going to
have a lot of super moves that you can
see right here in the trailer that will
resemble anything that you're used to in
Mortal Kombat I can't wait for this game
let me know your thoughts on it and
which character you're looking forward
to see in the game
this is my fight fruits you need me
we both knew it would end this way
Fantastic Four WebSeries Episode 9: Negative Notion - Duration: 9:20.Let's try Hamiltonian vectors set X through Z this time.
Dr. Richards, the dimensional portal has successfully stabilized.
It was about time.
I've gathered you all here to discuss my latest discovery.
Ever wonder how the Skrulls were able to travel at trans-luminal speeds and reach us from
the furthest corners of the universe?
Yeah, sure…
Psst, Like all the time…
Keeps me up at night…
I know all you did.
Now I have the answer.
You see, In Einstein's theory of Relativity, the universe can be described as the thin
layer that can be warped.
A manifestation of these warps is gravity.
However you can warp the space-time fabric in even more imaginative ways to be able to
shorten the distance between two points on the fabric.
In effect, we can circumventing the distance along the surface.
Like a wormhole, of sorts.
But this method is inefficient.
Of course it is.
However, I stumbled upon a set of interdimensional coordinates to effectively transcend the fabric
entirely, and going under it.
We can go into a subspace of sorts.
A Negative Zone in space-time.
And I've found a way to reach it.
Does anybody besides me ever get tired of feeling like the dumb kid in science class?
Dear, what are you thinking?
You did say I owed us vacation…
What are we waitin' for?
Phase space anchor initialized.
So are we goin' to another dimension?
not exactly.
You are as dumb as a sack of rock Ben.
Which is what you happen to look like.
Are you trying to hint I'm dumb?
Who's hinting?
I accept your apology. I can snap your neck with my eyelid matchstick.
Better hope I won't decide to practice.
You don' even know yourself.
We've entered the negative zone!
I dunno.
I thought maybe it would look more, you know, zappy.
Yeah, like industrial lights, magic and stuff.
You know.
Instead, it's like normal space. Except kinda red
This is textbook late entropic system.
An Entropic universe if you will.
English please…
When you're cooking eggs in a frying pan, and you turn off the stove, what happens to the temperature?
It cools down.
Exactly, the heat dissipates and eventually fades.
So this universe is the pan?
This has to be a broken and old universe Ben.
Most of its energy dissipated due to age.
By my estimates, it's only got one million years more until it succumbs to heat death.
The end of the universe.
Red energy is of lower intensity, that's why it looks red.
So how come we don't need to wear space suits or anything?
The laws of physics in this universe are breaking down.
I know what you are all thinking.
We should look for alien life.
Maybe in that station over there.
Imagine, there could be an entire new book of biology to write here!
Tell me if I got it right.
You say this is a dying universe, right?
So if we find something that stayed alive in a dying universe at that station; do you
think the people left standing at the end of the game are the nice people, or the vicious jerks?
We don't have much of a choice.
We are explorers after all Ben.
You didn't hear my warnin' last time we went to space.
Just sayin'.
But I know that if we do find evil aliens, you can talk'em to death.
Get us down there.
This is kinda cool and all.
Where are the aliens?
Let's be careful, we don't have a good track record of alien contact.
I'm getting bored.
There's no getting bored of meeting aliens.
(Alien Gibberish)
Activating universal translators
My name is Annihilus.
Welcome to my home.
It's an honor to be in your home.
-Thank you -Forgive me for the conditions.
Our universe is in a state of final decay.
We think it only has about half a million years to go.
You don't seem to be affected by the entropic collapse.
By your appearance, I can tell you come from Ultraspace.
A higher level of reality.
An upper universe.
Please explain.
Every universe starts with the big bang.
Then it expands.
But after billions of billions of years atoms will lose their spin and fall apart.
The universe's energy will dissipate into nothingness.
All of reality can be described as a Super-universal structure.
Entire universes stacked one on top of each other, piled up.
Universes explode into existence at the top, and go down the stack as they grow older.
My universe, at the end of its fuel, is at the bottom.
Your universe is young and bright.
At the top of the stack.
The formation and location of universes across this super-universal structure is governed
by this set of equations.
Too complicated for such a young species as yourselves, but I'm sharing it with you
Of course!
The coordinates to get here were of negative value, meaning we went under, under to an
older universe!
This set of equations means a lot.
We are very grateful Annihilus.
I am not being entirely selfless.
You see, our home is dying, and you just provided us a way out.
I just needed to distract you long enough for us to secure our escape.
What do you mean?!
Ain't life a peach.I told ya' Reed!
Oh no, the Fantasticar!
They, they…
It's ruined!
Not necessarily.
I built the Fantasticar to be very resilient.
We should go after those bugs!
No, our priority is to fix our means of getting out of here.
Johnny, help me to spot weld this back together.
On it!
Foolish beings, we'll escape death.
Don't really feel sorry for those idiots.
Can't that thing go any faster Ben?
We're lucky it's even workin' ya flame-brain.
You're doing good Ben.
Just keep us stead until we reach the threshold of the dimensional portal.
What happened?
Why are the alien bugs on the floor?
Oh my god!
Did you see that?
We only had to look at them and they feinted!
Not quite.
If I'm not mistaken, having adapted to the conditions of an older universe, they cannot
bear our richer atmosphere and higher gravity.
They can no longer survive a higher universe.
So this was all a waste of time.
On the contrary.
What do you mean?
Annihilus gave us the key to all reality.
The Super-universal structure equations.
With them, I'll find the answer we need to prevent the end of the world.
Wienerschnitzel® | Blazin' Bacon Guacamole Chicken Schnitzel Review! 🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:03.YouTube and social media peep this out
guys it's Ian K back again with another
one for ya' here on another extremely
hot and crispy day in Southern
California gang over a Wienerschnitzel
at the moment to take a look at one of
3 brand new chicken schnitzel
sandwiches that considering the weather
situation at the moment seems like I'm a
glutton for punishment that's right guys
Wienerschnitzel is bringing something
just a little bit closer to actual
schnitzel to their menu and of the 3
that they currently have available right
now I thought I'd go with the one that
looked the most interesting to me and
like I said earlier given my current
weather situation I want you guys to
know how much I love you because I'm
definitely doing this one for you guys
for sure so let's see exactly how heated
this blazin bacon guacamole chicken
schnitzel sandwich truly is over here at
Wienerschnitzel but like always before
I take that first bite to give you my
thoughts like I always do let's get
right up on it first for that closer
look let's peep this out
Wienerschnitzel's bringing some heat to
the menu with their all-new blazin
bacon guacamole chicken schnitzel
sandwich it's definitely a mouthful of a
title but considering what it says on
the top of the wrap here it could be a
heated one at that let's see what this
one's packin under the hood underneath
the semi toasted bun we've got a very
nice portion of creamy guacamole here
along with a very generous amount of
their blazin sauce here that's
definitely going to be delivering some
heat to the party without a doubt we've
got some leaf lettuce looking pretty
fresh and normally tomato but of course
I left that off here but let's go a
little bit further and see where the
Bacon's at it looks like we've got about
two strips of fairly decent-sized bacon
right there guys looking pretty good
sitting on top of a very crispy chicken
patty which is bringing a little
authenticity to the schnitzel name
considering actual schnitzel is usually
a thin cut of veal and this one being
chicken it really is a step in the right
direction and it does look pretty crispy
so there you go it's the all-new blazin
bacon guacamole chicken schnitzel
sandwich here at Wienerschnitzel let's
peep out this flavor yeah I'm definitely
leaving the diaper on this one guys
there's a lot of blazin sauce on this
chicken sandwich right now along with
it's smelling very hot and spicy but
let's just give this a shot it's the
all-new blazin guacamole bacon chicken
schnitzel here at Wienerschnitzel well
there was a lot of guacamole on that
first bite and the flavor was very very
rich very creamy but I do have to say
the blazin sauce that's on here a
little bit of a light sizzle in the
background but that guacamole is muting
a lot of the power that I think it's
trying to give me right now but I'm
really digging it considering the
weather situation I'm very OK with
that as for the chicken patty itself
it's just a processed piece of chicken
pretty much what you'd expect but it
really is kind of on the juicy side
which is kind of nice I'm glad there's a
little bit of juiciness to it at least
but the bacon so far not really
there for me let's keep going
all right there it is some nice
smokiness and the bacon but now the
blazing sauce is really coming up on the
back end with the heat right now not a
lot of guacamole in that bite so I'm
really feeling the effects of what that
is it's definitely a quick hyper type of
sizzle and I'm really glad that
guacamole is on this because it really
cuts some of that but when you get it
just by itself I can easily see why they
call it blazin it really is it is
pretty hot well the back of the wrapper
is definitely drenched in that blazin
sauce with some of the guacamole but as
you can see it's not
very thick sandwich but what you do get
does have some pretty nice flavor to it
guys there's a lot of bread in the bun
here as you can see and the thinness of
the patty of the chicken itself could be
a little bit thicker but for what it is
it definitely has the flavor like I said
you're getting a nice amount of heat the
smokiness of the bacon the creaminess of
that guacamole in there as well and a
pretty nice flavor combo overall it's
got some nice flavor on its own but
watch out for that blazin sauce because
it really does bring some wicked
sexiness to your taste buds especially
if you like spice it really is pretty
hot let me give you one more shot of
what I'm working with your guys in the
very back as you can see no shortage of
guacamole and that blazin sauce mixed
in together in one that really is the
highlight of this one as it should be
and like I said the chicken patty
although I wish it was a little bit
thicker does have some decent flavor the
breading is decent but just overall a
very very tasty chicken sandwich with
some nice heat to go with it so what do
you guys think are you into blazin heat
on your chicken sandwiches are you gonna
give this one a shot and if you've had
the guacamole here at Wienerschnitzel
already how do you think it compares to
the other guys drop a comment down below
definitely let me know and as for
the score on this one on that bomb sexy
face scale of 1 to 10 the all-new
blazin bacon guacamole chicken
schnitzel it's a heated mouthful of a
title over here a Wienerschnitzel
it's gonna get a rock-solid 8.5 out of
10 I almost took a point off for this
one because I think it's a little
overpriced for the size of the sandwich
itself but it really does make up for it
with a very nice amount of heat to go
with a very tasty flavor profile and hey
it resembles what schnitzel actually is
and that's definitely a plus considering
the name of the place where I'm getting
this right now not bad and that's it for
this episode of peep this out guys as
you know I've got content every single
week here on my channel so while you
stay tuned for the next review coming
real soon in the meantime stay frosty
blazingly hot and crispy that is most
definitely the truth alright guys until
next time I'll talk to you soon
Syberia 3 - You call that cheating...? - Trophy/Achievement (CZ) - Duration: 1:55.Your task to get this reward is
Find 15 points on interest in items in your inventory.
Once you get any item into your inventory, select it and Select the option to explore.
Rotate the object and move the cursor to find the point on the object and click on it.
Kate says a short sentence to the subject and is done.
Some Objects can be researched after they have been altered or upgrade.
So explore the 15 items in your inventory and get a trophy.
I will be very glad if you start subscribing to the channel.
This will support me in translation trophies, achievements and turning these video tutorials.
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I wish you luck, to gain additional rewards!
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