Tupac Alive in Serbia!?!
Positive English Phrasal Verb That Bring Happiness To People (Perk Up) - Duration: 7:08.hi students its Shana your teacher from
espresso English dotnet and the phrasal
verb of the day is perk up this is an
interesting phrasal verb and you might
not have encountered it before but today
you're going to find out what it means
before I begin the lesson I want to
invite you into my phrasal verbs course
which is called phrasal verbs in
I made this course in order to help you
learn phrasal verbs in a more natural
way so some students try to learn
phrasal verbs by just studying long
lists of definitions and that's okay but
I think it's more interesting more fun
and more effective to learn phrasal
verbs through real situations so that's
what my phrasal verbs in conversation
course aims to do if you'd like more
information then click on the link in
the video description and you can see
what's inside the phrasal verbs in
conversation course you can see a free
sample lesson and you can sign up and
start those lessons today if you want so
let's get to today's phrasal verb perk
up here are the three possible
definitions remember that only one is
correct and as I'm talking I want you to
think about which is the correct meaning
and post your guests post your answer a
B or C in the comments to this video and
then keep watching to find out if you're
correct does perk up mean a to become
more cheerful or lively be to cooperate
with someone or C to express strong
gratitude let me describe a situation
let's say you have a young daughter
she's three years old and one day you
take your daughter out on a lot of
errands errands are tasks that you do
outside the house like going to the
supermarket the bank and the post office
this kind of thing and by the end of all
these errands your little girl is kind
of tired because it wasn't really very
much fun for her to
go to all these different places and do
all these different errands and so she's
in the car and she's kind of tired and a
little bit in a bad mood and she's
saying that she's hungry
and then you say hey why don't we go to
the toy store and immediately she perks
up and she starts talking about her toys
and she starts asking if you can buy
something at the toy store she perked up
when you mentioned the toy store so what
does it mean to perk up based on that
situation does it mean a to become more
cheerful or lively be to cooperate with
someone or see to express strong
gratitude what do you think the correct
answer and I hope you got it from my
description of this situation is a to
become more cheerful and lively so in
this example mentioning a toy store will
make usually a little boy or a little
perk up she will get happier she'll get
watch your full and livelier another
example of perk up is a lot of people
say that a cup of coffee can help them
perk up in the morning so if you're one
of those people who wakes up and you
don't have a lot of energy then drinking
coffee can help you perk up and become
happier and have an more energetic right
that's what lively means is to be more
energetic we also sometimes see the
phrasal verb perk up use with other
things that are not people when
something makes a situation a little bit
happier a little bit livelier one
example would be if you're decorating a
room in your house and the colors in the
room are a little bit subdued they're a
little bit boring maybe you just have
grey and black and white okay then you
might want to add some red or some blue
or some yellow paint to perk up the
design to make it a little bit happier
more cheerful
more lively so that's another example of
perk up in a situation where it's not
involving people it's a some thing in
this case a little bit of color making
the room more lively now we have one
more expression with perk up that you
might think is a little bit strange and
that is when someone's ears perk up so
what does it mean for your ears to perk
up it doesn't mean that your ears are
suddenly excited and jumping for joy
not literally anyway here's an example
let's say you're in your office and
nearby your boss is talking with another
manager and you can hear their
conversation but you're not really
paying attention you're focusing on your
own work and then your boss and this
other manager start discussing
promotions and talking about who's going
to receive a promotion this year well
then your ears would perk up that means
you would start becoming interested and
start paying attention to that
conversation about promotions because
it's interesting to you and you want to
know of course if you're one of the
people who will get promoted so if
someone says their ears perked up it
means they suddenly started becoming
interested or suddenly started paying
attention to something they were hearing
alright I hope now you understand what
it means to perk up and I'd love to see
you use this phrasal verb in your own
English so try to post an example post a
sentence in the comments of a time when
you perked up or someone else perked up
or you could use it in the expression my
ears perked up when you suddenly heard
something of interest to you I'd love to
see your sentences in the comments and
again if you want to get a lot more
practice with phrasal verbs then make
sure you check out my phrasal verbs in
conversation course because every single
lesson also has practice exercises and
actually inside the course you can send
your sentences to me and I will check
them and correct them to make sure that
you're using all those phrasal verbs
correctly I hope you enjoyed today's
daily phrasal verb lesson
and I hope I'll see you in the next one
Eternal Shia Sunni Hatred Is A Myth | Everybody's Lying About Islam 8 - Duration: 2:53.Today we're going to deal with one of the greatest myths about the Middle East.
We're told that The two main branches of Islam, the Sunnis and the Shias, have fought
each other forever, and there's nothing we can do about it.
On the surface level this looks right.
Sunnis and Shias are now fighting each other as intensely as they ever have.
It's pretty horrible.
But It's not a story about immutable 1400 year old hatreds.
It's a story about very recent history, and the politics of the past 30 years.
The first thing to know, is that this is not an even fight.
Only 10-15% of muslims are Shia, and they only fully control two of the dozens of Muslim
If this were an eternal 1400 year battle, it would have been over 1200 years ago, and
all the Shia would be dead.
But the United States government really hates Iran, so we're sold the story that this
is somehow an even fight, and if we don't help Saudi Arabia and the Sunnis, Iran's
gonna control everything.
Like a lot of what the US government pushes, this is just ridiculous.
It's politics that makes wars, not religion.
And that's the problem of the Middle East today.
It's not that the region is special or different.
It's just that the cold war never ended in the Middle East.
From World War II through the 1980s the United States and the Soviet Union competed worldwide.
This turned a lot of places that are peaceful and prosperous today into war zones.
Iraq and Syria are horrible, but in the 1980's we had at least 10 separate Syrias going on.
When the Cold War ended, the rest of the world got much safer.
The Middle East didn't get that chance.
The region only has to deal with one super-power now, but it's also got to deal with a number
of local powers.
None of these powers will let the wars stop.
The Shia-Sunni divide certainly exists, but that's not what is at the root of these
It's power and money.
Same as it ever was.
If you want to learn more about the true problems of the region, I suggest you check out my
essay Everybody's Lying About Islam.
Also, you may want to consider chipping into my Patreon account.
YouTube just dramatically cut the revenue of all political news channels.
If my Patreon funding doesn't go up dramatically very soon, I'm afraid this channel may have
to end.
3 Fragen an... den Vizepräsidenten des BBK - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
✔[Здоровье позвоночника] Гимнастика Бониной, 5 ошибок при выполнении упражнений - Duration: 21:24.-------------------------------------------
How Can I Reduce My Shyness & Gain Self-Confidence? - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Luna Airco - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf.Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Star Wars - Main Title - Rebel Blockade Runner (Piano) - Duration: 2:54.Hey audience!
Hope you enjoyed the Star Wars theme.
You can check out a piano tutorial for this over on Sheet Music Boss which is my new project
with Sam where we release a new piano tutorial every single day of the year so go and check
it out!
If you want to support me, head on over to my Patreon and get some sheet music and mp3s
and cool stuff!
So be sure to SUBSCRIBE and I'll see you in the next one.
See ya!
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 1.8I TOURING - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Ed Sheeran "Perfect" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
Funny Cartoons for Kids T-Rex Vs Dinosaurs Videos for kids Funny Dinosaurs Cartoons for Children - Duration: 59:27.Funny Cartoons for Kids T-Rex Vs Dinosaurs Videos for kids Funny Dinosaurs Cartoons for Children
Positivity Challenge - What's the good side of dealing with mental illnesses? - Duration: 4:58.Hi!
so we are in the positivity challenge week
during this week I will be answering
every day one of your questions
that will try to challenge me
with finding the good sides
of very difficult and hard situations in life
I'd like to make clear
I do NOT underestimate the huge difficulty
of thess hard situations in life
these situations are definitely
NOT situations to wish for
what I am saying
that even in these difficult situations
you can choose not to concentrate
on the pain and the difficulty
but to try to distract yourself from these
by finding some good sides
and by trying
to make the best out of it
so the question for today
comes from
and again I'm sorry if I say it wrong
Sjarlie Wulp
that asks me what's the good side
of dealing with mental illness
such as depression or OCD
Thank You Sjarlie!
this was actually the hardest question I got
especially when I was thinking about depression
I just didn't manage to think of good sides
of depression by myself
So I turned to the internet
and very quickly actually
I found few articles
that shade some light on the bright side
of being in depression
I put links to the two of them
in the description of my video below
these are the two articles I liked the most
and i just want to show you briefly
what they say
so the first article is
how depression makes you stronger
and it says:
Keedwell says there is good evidence
from long-term studies
to show that after their depression
many patients seem to be able to cope better
with challenges
for most, their vitality,
their social interaction
and their general health
actually improved on recovery
and so did their work performance
I know from patients
that it can also make you more realistic
in your outlook
you develop more empathy
to those around you
Keedwell suffered a bad spell of depression
in his thirties
it went on for months
but I did come out of it
and I think I was a better doctor
as a result
I certainly had more empathy
with my patients
It also made me put my problems
into perspective
and I probably had a little more humility
so this was a one article
and the other one is
can depression make us better people
and here it says
Tom Wootton takes the idea
further than anyone else
with his belief that
depression can be a beautiful part of your life
so then they just list a few benefits
of being in depression
one of them is creative thinking
in the way of being more artistic
here someone says
the slowing down enforced by the illness
helped sharpen her work
depressive bouts feed her art
great leaders who lived with depression
showed their most creative thinking
and leadership at times of crisis
they could face painful disaster
with the sense of possibility
that less emotionally tested leaders
failed to grasp
so here there are apparently some bright sides
to depression too
I know you asked about
mental illness in general
and not only about depression
but I guess each illness is different
and has its own points of light
but probably the common
between them all
is that you get a different perspective about life
perspective that regular people
without this illness don't get
and I guess this is also something valueble
I wish you and everyone
good mental and physical health
and I hope you liked my answer
to this question
if so, please hit the thumbs up
and you are welcome to follow me
by subscribing to my channel
and I hope I will see you in my next videos
answering more challenging questions
Roses - Shawn Mendes - Cover by Hyavie - Duration: 4:41.Hi, my name is Hyavie, and this my version of Roses by Shawn Mendes
I hope you'll enjoy.
7 Tips for a PROFESSIONAL looking Resume - Duration: 7:11.I like this one this I don't want to
read this what kind of font is this this
stuff is just garbage so many of you out
there may be looking for a job or
changing jobs and you need to write a
resume but you might have been out of
the game for a while or you just don't
know how to do one well I'm going to
give you seven tips that you need to
know so check it out
hello and welcome to hindsight 101 or
you're learning about things that will
help you in everyday life now I'm going
to tell you the 7 tips that you need to
know in writing a good resume
the first one is readability you better
please two people first the machine
that's scanning it and the person that's
actually looking at it and what I mean
about a machine scanning it you want to
make it readable you don't want to use
any crazy fonts or any quirky style you
want to keep it very basic and easy to
read so what you want to do is outline
kind of how you want it to go you want
to bold your titles your name make the
bear font a little bit bigger than the
rest so the scanner can decipher what
would it need to look at but then on the
other hand you want to make it readable
for a person and that person may only
have a few seconds - only a few minutes
look at your resume so you need to wow
them very quickly if you want to put the
important stuff that you need to sell
yourself on at the beginning you want to
make it with readable thoughts not too
small not too big not crazy like comics
and number two what you want to do is
update your resume what I mean by that
is updated often so know don't update it
when you're applying for a job that
could be 20 years that could be five
years you never know you want to update
once a year because you never know
what's going to happen you never know
what opportunity is going to come or you
never know what pitfalls are going to
face you with downsizing layoffs
anything so you always want to be
prepared and you always want to have
your resume up to date and ready so
you're not scrambling or wondering how
do I need to write this it's been so
long I don't know what to do be prepared
number three you're going to want to
write down your accomplishments not your
duties no one wants to know that you
know I scheduled I kept the books I did
that people want to know I ran a two
billion dollar company
I'm edge thirty people I save the
company a hundred thousand dollars tell
your future employer about your
accomplishments not about your job
duties no one cares about that they want
to know how you're going to be a win for
their company number four make sure you
get a copy of the job description and
take out key words what you want to do
is take some of those key words and put
them into your resume that will really
impress an employer and that'll give
them the chance to relate what you do to
what they want you to do so it kind of
gives them a visual of how can I picture
this person at our company so keep that
in mind
pick up key words whatever it is try to
take out key words that they're looking
for say there's certain skill sets or
different things that you need take
those out if you have them or you've
done them and put them into your resume
that'll make you stand out from the rest
of the people who probably didn't do it
now number five just keep it simple
I like to say go back to basics so I've
mentioned it before use basic phones
don't do anything too crazy or fancy I
know you may want to be creative and
there's other ways you can be creative
you still have to make it readable for
someone to want to look at it my biggest
pet peeve of resumes that I've seen come
through my desk were emails now hot
girls sexy 99 may be great for you when
you email your friends but a for a
future employer get rid of it you can go
to any site Yahoo Gmail Microsoft they
all give out free email
so it's not going to cost you anything
and get something simple you could
either do if your name is Bob Smith B
Smith Smith B just do something simple
so if someone wants to email you it's
easily remembered and it correlates with
your resume because it's part of your
name you want to take out the technical
jargon no one's going to understand
except for the people that you worked
with you might have to change your title
from something crazy that you had was
project superstar which no one knows
what that means
but in actuality you are project manager
so put that down but make sure whatever
general title you use closely relates to
what you're doing number six I can't say
this enough check for errors double
check run it through your spell checker
send it to a friend actually send it to
a couple of friends read it put it down
come back to an hour later you'll never
know how many errors that you whiz past
because you know your resume and you
skip past certain words because you
assume they're correct when they're not
it happened to everyone so always have a
second pair of eyes to look at it
because sometimes spell checker doesn't
always catch a word if it's spelled
right but it just me maybe the totally
wrong word so always have friends
families also we have a communications
department at my job so a lot of times I
may have a friend or coworker take a
look at it you can hire somebody there's
tons of people English majors anybody
that will take a look at your resume a
future employer will think if you can't
pay attention to detail for something as
simple as a resume I'm not going to give
you a job here managing people
or handling billions of dollars lastly
number seven this one's kind of a
special one to me always make sure your
resume is on hand you never know when an
opportunity is going to strike a lot of
you carry a cellphone you can save it to
your cell phone so you can easily email
it to someone if you need to I like to
keep it in Dropbox because I can email
it or if I desktop I can email it from
there I can edit it on my phone I can
edit on the desktop so I'm a big fan of
saving an updated copy of my resume and
outbox and you never know someone says
shoot me your resume I just send it to
so and then I don't have to remember
later oh I have to send some of my
resume or oh like I said if you keep it
updated you can just shoot it off on
hand and not send someone a couple days
later because you need to review it
check some facts have somebody look over
it you already have it ready people will
be impressed that you took a little time
beforehand and you got it to them
quickly please hit that like button if
you enjoyed this if you want to see more
of this kind of content hit subscribe
【MUKBANG】 [Subway] Overfilled ? 10 Luxury Shrimp..etc Sandwiches & Potato M, 5136kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 8:48.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa I bought some limited seasonal release items from Subway
their new luxurious footlong shrimp sandwiches
I bought other things as well: 1 ham and mascarpone, 1 turkey bacon n' egg
1 teriyaki chicken, 1 shrimp and avocado and our seasonal edition luxurious shrimp sandwich
1 mango n' orange juice, 1 mango n' coconut juice 3 medium cheezy fries ~these guys right here~
these luxurious shrimp sandwiches have been all the rage as of recent
since april they've been doing this 'everybody spring' marketing campaign (using a play on words of shrimp in 'everybody spring)
and at the center of this marketing blitz is the shrimp sandwich we're eating today
using over 15 of the worlds greatest shrimps in each of their sandwiches
and I would see pics of these all over the internet
I, as a shrimp lover, just had to try them out for myself and so I ordered them here today
subway looks so yummy
subway has reg and footlong sizes and the reg is about 15cm and the footlong is bout 30cm
I ordered footlongs today and I thought I'd get these footlongs but instead
they sent me 2 regular 15cm sized ones did they do this as a value added service?
because its easier to eat it that way? ~I wonder~
itadakimasu lets kick it off with these luxurious shrimp sandwiches
K this is what it looks like its so packed full of shrimp looks so delish
but it doesn't quite live up to the pics I saw online though. .....
aside from shrimp there is egg, slice cheese, and bacon as for sauce its basil and caesar sauces
looks so good that aroma is so intoxicating
for bread I asked for them all to be ?honey oat?
they had me at honey
its good but I don't think I got any shrimp
~gimme a sec~
so delish the shrimp are so nice and plump and that creamy egg is so nice in here
that basil sauce is so good I love the cheese as well and its packed with so much other stuff like onion
lettuce tomato etc. subway is always packed with so much veg its good for you
I asked for honey oat today and the bread is so sweet fluffy and delish
the shrimp is so truly good
shrimp is so nice ain't it love that deep exquisite taste of genova sauce
the bread is so sweet and tasty its perfectly suited to my tastes
its so yummy I can eat just the bread alone
next up is shrimp avocado
that combo of shrimp and avocado is sooo good and they're using some sort of creamy dressing as well
this is one of their cheezy fries love that aroma
it tastes so good the fries are so crispy and that cheese sauce is lovely
next is teriyaki chicken
juicy thigh meat covered in sweet and salty sauce
theres no going wrong with teriyaki chicken
next is ham and mascarpone
the ham has a slight salty flavor and the mascarpone pairs very nicely with it
apparently they've smoked this ham at 'yamazakura' I love that aroma and flavor
next up is turkey breast this should taste rather fresh and light
its made of bird meat its very tender and easy to eat its loaded down with veg
and has a very healthy feel to it the regular size is 268kcal
and the luxurious shrimp sandwich was 500kcal
so this is probably really nice and healthy for you
next is another luxurious shrimp sandwich I forgot to show you guys earlier but this is what it looks like
this is honey oat bread guys its so light fluffy and yummy
K, here's a look at the shrimp
as pictured it probably has the same amount in it but looking at it like this it doesn't look like a lot
but there is quite a lot in it
(regretfully after a second look this was a shrimp avocado sandwich instead apologies)
whoa... wait a minute.. this is shrimp avocado
oopsie so uhh lets compare the 2 shrimp sandwiches after I finish this
so this here is the featured shrimp sandwich
well would you look at that... it is full of shrimp afterall
so delish its even got cheese and bacon
so extravagant
its so packed full of plump juicy shrimp ~sorry for badmouthing the shrimp earlier~
so since the mango coconut drink is melting away I'll try that next
I've been drinking this mango orange drink it tastes so much like orange juice and mango...
so juicy and delish this is the frozen coconut mango drink
the cup is so KAWAII as well
this is what it looks like inside
a piece of mango... I love mango
I love the combination of coconut and mango flavors
so this may be called frozen mango coconut... and it may have been frozen at one point in time....
but currently its taken on a nice 'soft' texture I definitely prefer softer mangos over frozen ones
there's bits of mango in the mango n' orange juice as well I thought it was just juice until now
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita subway's extravagant shrimp sandwich was so delish
the shrimp n' avocado was tasty was well
the one I liked just might be the chicken teriyaki one
among today's selections it would be a toss up between the extravagant shrimp and the chicken teriyaki
the mango drinks were both so delish
I like coconut a lot and I love coconut milk I really love sweets made of coconut
and of course I do love mangos as well so delish.... so soft and sweet
this was my first time trying these cheezy fries they were so delish
subway's fries are so yummy aren't they they're so crisp on the outside with a moist interior
I really enjoyed the cheezy flavor as well
subway's luxury shrimp sandwiches are here for a limited time so please give them a try
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Because He Did - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
5 AWESOME PEN TOOL TIPS FOR ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - Illustrator Pen Tool Tutorial - Duration: 5:41.today I have five really awesome pen tool
tips for adobe illustrator that will
save you time and headaches
welcome back to Satori graphics
Tom here with another graphic design
tips video it's rejected by subscriber
and my five awesome pen tool tips I had
today are not the basics of such if you
want me to make a video on the basics of
using the pen tool in Illustrator let me
know in the comment section below my
five pen tool tips are a little more
advanced than the mere basics if you
find them helpful leave a like on your
way out as that would really help let's
dive into these pen tool tips
my first awesome pen tool tip has two
parts to it let's say that we want to
create a shape for a logo design and
have a rough sketch of how it's going to
look at being said you may want to
freehand draw with a pen tool which is not
a continuous line if you hit shift
command a on a Mac or shift control a on
a PC you would disallow that pen tool so
you can move to a new point for freehand
drawing any stage
the second part is that we can overlap
pass like so because we don't have be
precise was freehand drawing later we
can grab the join tool here I rub out
the unwanted lines like so
my design here is just a way to show you
the technique it is also very useful for
drawing vector art in Illustrator to the
next awesome pen tool tip and Adobe
Illustrator saves a lot of time whilst
using the pen tool you may need to edit
or move your path by the way to recreate
in the line you would normally have to
click on to the to selection tools over
here in the tool window if you would
resize a line or move it hold down
command on an apple for control on a PC
and you will then be able to move your
line around the resizer if you hold down
shift works resizing the scale will be
also with the pen tool selected if you
hold down the alt or the option key you
can then turn points into anchor points
and edit a line like so this will save
time and hassle of having to choose the
selection tools and hopping back to the
pen tool over and over
I use this pen tool tips so often is very
simple yet a design life hack saver you
may need to never get your scream around
so that you can see different parts of
your design there's no need to select
off up your path just hold down the
spacebar until you see this icon up here
and then click around your screen like
another space guy related tip is that
when you are making your path and you
make a new point hold down your click
and then hold down the space bar you can
move the points location while still
being on the path even if you're editing
an anchor point you can still use the
spacebar to move its location the last
awesome pencil tip for a table a
straighter is based around the shift key
if we make a point and then hold down
shift we control the perfect line
horizontally on the new point and we can
hold down shift then you will see that
you could draw a line perfectly 45
degrees 90 degrees 135 degrees and 180
degrees in both directions from any
point you wish
so were my 5 pen tool tips really really great
helpful let me know in the comment
section below if you thought they helped
you out I always love to read your
comments and I have had a great
suggestions from subscribers and viewers
in the past I'm really happy with the
great of this channel and I strive to
make solid on point content for you guys
so seeing positive feedback makes me
want to try even harder
subscribe to to Tory graphics with five
uploads per week you haven't done so
already and until next time design your
future today peace
[ENG/中字] TWICE Reveals Why They Chose Nature Collection 트와이스가 소개하는 네이처컬렉션에 가야하는 이유 - Duration: 1:38.[TWICE reveals why they chose Nature Collection]
Chaeyoung: Should we reveal our first reason to choose Nature Collection?
Jihyo: When you go to Nature Collection, there will be various types of time-saving-item for lazy person~
Dahyun: Just like after we filmed for a long time for today~
Chaeyoung: After the busy schedules, don't you feel lazy when you go back to the dorm?
Tzuyu: I wanted to sleep more~
Sana: Is there any way to do cleansing with just one step?
Jihyo: Nature Collection is a must for this situation!
Jihyo: Different types of time-saving-tem are ready for you
Tzuyu: No matter how tired you are!
Sana: You can't give up your beauty~
Chaeyoung: No matter how tired you are, let's do cleansing before you sleep
Dahyun: If you go to sleep right away because you are tired, there will be troubles TT
Jihyo: Everyone, don't forget Nature Collection~
Don't forget~ Bye~
#NatureCollection #WhenYouAreTired #JustOneStep #TimeSavingItemforLazyPerson #Lazy-nism #TimeSaved
Come to Nature Collection now to get different types of time-saving-item for lazy-nist
Momo: The second reason to choose Nature Collection! Should we say it now?
Nayeon: Nature Collection can be a <Sleeping Beauty-item>!
Momo: Get prettier when you sleep~
Jeongyeon: So your face will goes well with the makeup in the morning
Nayeon: When I have Nature Collection as my <Sleeping Beauty-tem>,
Nayeon: Now I'm the sleeping forest princess~
Mina: Even when you're sleeping,
Jeongyeon: You shouldn't give up your beauty!
Nayeon: Now you can look for various types of <Sleeping Beauty-tem> in Nature Collection!
Nayeon: Beautiful person should look pretty while sleeping too~
Jeongyeon: As we are getting sleepy now, should we get pretty together?
Nayeon: Everyone please come to Nature Collection~
#NatureCollection #SleepPrettily #BetterMakeup #I'mTheSleepingForestPrincess #SleepingBeautytem #ImNaYeonAdmitsThatShe'sPretty
Come to Nature Collection to get various types of Sleeping Beautytem
Zimbabwe is the most highly developed country in Africa after South Africa - Mugabe - Duration: 0:37.WATCH: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe says Zimbabwe is the most highly developed country in Africa after South Africa. Mugabe speaking at the World Economic Forum claiming that America is rather a fragile State and not Zimbabwe Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe made an appearance at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa in Durban on Thursday morning, attending a session on fragile nations but he doesn't think his country falls in this category. When asked if Zimbabwe is a fragile country, the president laughed and answered: "That's not true." Fears are growing in Zimbabwe that the country will once again enter a period of hyperinflation as a result of the central bank's introduction of bond notes. But Mugabe, sitting on a panel at the WEF, dismissed the idea that Zimbabwe is in a fragile state. "Zimbabwe is one of the most highly developed countries in Africa and after South Africa, I want to know which country has that level of development that we see in Zimbabwe," Mugabe said. The 93-year-old president spoke slowly before an audience, which laughed at some of the claims. He justified his claim that Zimbabwe is highly developed by saying it has 14 universities and a literacy rate of 90%. He admitted that, "yes, we have our problems", but quickly dived into the abundance of mineral resources Zimbabwe has and said farmers expect bumper harvest this year. "We have resources, perhaps more resources than [any] other country in the world," he said. "We are not a poor country. We can't be fragile country. We've got these resources." Mugabe also linked Muslims to terrorism around the world. The president breathed a "thank God" out that attacks have not occurred in Zimbabwe. "In Africa, we also have had that touch of the Muslim world in a number of countries. But in the south, where we are, that's not our experience and thank God," Mugabe said. The president also believes that Zimbabwe is less fragile than the United States, disagreeing with the view that his country should be called vulnerable. "I can call America fragile," Mugabe said. "But if someone wants to call us fragile, they are free to do so." World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa,world economic forum,durban,south africa,mugabe,Robert Mugabe,We are not a fragile country,Zimbabwe,World Economic Forum,africa,zimbabwe bob marley,zimbabwe music,robert mugabe funny speeches,robert mugabe speeches,robert mugabe documentary,robert mugabe 2017,robert mugabe quotes,sabc news,actuality,mugabe speeches,mugabe quotes,zimbabwe,highly developed,WEFAfrica2017,2017,fall,funny speech,UN,america Robert Mugabe,Zimbabwe,World Economic Forum
Starco vs AMX (will he really 1v1) - Duration: 2:58.Going out to 1v1 Starco (He said he wanted fair fight)
Jumped out as soon as I showed up... Go figure!
He asked me to stay, I am sure he is porting back fully skilled, we will just wait and see...
Here he come lets see how it goes from here.
What a real fight??? So I count us down.
That giant's silence make the game a little tricky.
Well I was going to run until the skill wore off, but that reflect took care of him...
Well there you have it a snake that changed his stripes. He really fought 1v1 and took it like a real player...
Dinosaurs Fighting Epic Battle Action Short Movie For Kids 3D Dinosaur Elephant Cartoon For Children - Duration: 16:21.Dinosaurs Fighting Epic Battle Action Short Movie For Kids 3D Dinosaur Elephant Cartoon For Children
(Airsoft) Tokyo Marui X ARMY 1911 4.3 Custom Stainless Version - Duration: 2:06.This is a custom pistol put together using the lower frame of the Army 1911 and the slide of the TM Hi-Capa 4.3 stainless version!
Isn't it beautiful? :D
Unfortunately, I can't change the markings, so the gun doesn't make much sense...
But to me, what matters more is that it looks good, feels great to hold and shoots well!
Since it uses the TM 4.3 slide, I have kept the stock sights on
I also managed to make the trigger pull a bit lighter
Both the thumb safety and grip safety are functional
Thanks for watching!
#StBLive - Gin; Williams GB Extra Dry Gin Review (by Steve the Barman) - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
第2回ギネス記録にチャレンジ!ついに宇宙へ進出!? - Duration: 3:04.Hi there, Virtual Youtuber, Kizuna Ai here.
Is everyone enjoying Golden Week?
Today, again we're going to challenge another Guinness World Record!
The record we're challenging this time is...
Space swimming!
The current record for swimming in space stands at 8 hours, 56 minutes.
Ah, space is dangerous, isn't it?
I've neverr been before, so I'm looking forward to it!
Let's go!
First, I'm going to fly to space!
I'm off!
And so I'm now in space!
The stars against the blackness of space are so pretty!
And now I'll stay here for over 8 hours, 56 minutes.
Ah, this will be easy.
I just have to stay here.
Challenge, start!
One hour later...
3 hours later...
This has gotten kind of boring...
It's pretty long, 8 hours.
Just spinning...
Google myself...
5 hours later...
8 hours, 57 minutes later...
[exhales in space]
A new record!
A new record by just sleeping!
Even if I fail tomorrow, that's two records!
Since I'm an intelligent super AI,
It's easy for me. Easy!
And so, I'd like to come back!
I'd... like to go home...
Go... home.
Go... home.
How... how do I get home?
Someone save me!
「H E L P !」
「H E L P !」
Ah? No, no, no
Ah, no I'm fine.
I asked for help, but where are you taking me?
What are you doing with me?!?
I need to upload this to Youtube!
I'm fine, so let me go!
Earth please, Earth!
【MUKBANG】 [Subway] Overfilled ? 10 Luxury Shrimp..etc Sandwiches & Potato M, 5136kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 8:48.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa I bought some limited seasonal release items from Subway
their new luxurious footlong shrimp sandwiches
I bought other things as well: 1 ham and mascarpone, 1 turkey bacon n' egg
1 teriyaki chicken, 1 shrimp and avocado and our seasonal edition luxurious shrimp sandwich
1 mango n' orange juice, 1 mango n' coconut juice 3 medium cheezy fries ~these guys right here~
these luxurious shrimp sandwiches have been all the rage as of recent
since april they've been doing this 'everybody spring' marketing campaign (using a play on words of shrimp in 'everybody spring)
and at the center of this marketing blitz is the shrimp sandwich we're eating today
using over 15 of the worlds greatest shrimps in each of their sandwiches
and I would see pics of these all over the internet
I, as a shrimp lover, just had to try them out for myself and so I ordered them here today
subway looks so yummy
subway has reg and footlong sizes and the reg is about 15cm and the footlong is bout 30cm
I ordered footlongs today and I thought I'd get these footlongs but instead
they sent me 2 regular 15cm sized ones did they do this as a value added service?
because its easier to eat it that way? ~I wonder~
itadakimasu lets kick it off with these luxurious shrimp sandwiches
K this is what it looks like its so packed full of shrimp looks so delish
but it doesn't quite live up to the pics I saw online though. .....
aside from shrimp there is egg, slice cheese, and bacon as for sauce its basil and caesar sauces
looks so good that aroma is so intoxicating
for bread I asked for them all to be ?honey oat?
they had me at honey
its good but I don't think I got any shrimp
~gimme a sec~
so delish the shrimp are so nice and plump and that creamy egg is so nice in here
that basil sauce is so good I love the cheese as well and its packed with so much other stuff like onion
lettuce tomato etc. subway is always packed with so much veg its good for you
I asked for honey oat today and the bread is so sweet fluffy and delish
the shrimp is so truly good
shrimp is so nice ain't it love that deep exquisite taste of genova sauce
the bread is so sweet and tasty its perfectly suited to my tastes
its so yummy I can eat just the bread alone
next up is shrimp avocado
that combo of shrimp and avocado is sooo good and they're using some sort of creamy dressing as well
this is one of their cheezy fries love that aroma
it tastes so good the fries are so crispy and that cheese sauce is lovely
next is teriyaki chicken
juicy thigh meat covered in sweet and salty sauce
theres no going wrong with teriyaki chicken
next is ham and mascarpone
the ham has a slight salty flavor and the mascarpone pairs very nicely with it
apparently they've smoked this ham at 'yamazakura' I love that aroma and flavor
next up is turkey breast this should taste rather fresh and light
its made of bird meat its very tender and easy to eat its loaded down with veg
and has a very healthy feel to it the regular size is 268kcal
and the luxurious shrimp sandwich was 500kcal
so this is probably really nice and healthy for you
next is another luxurious shrimp sandwich I forgot to show you guys earlier but this is what it looks like
this is honey oat bread guys its so light fluffy and yummy
K, here's a look at the shrimp
as pictured it probably has the same amount in it but looking at it like this it doesn't look like a lot
but there is quite a lot in it
(regretfully after a second look this was a shrimp avocado sandwich instead apologies)
whoa... wait a minute.. this is shrimp avocado
oopsie so uhh lets compare the 2 shrimp sandwiches after I finish this
so this here is the featured shrimp sandwich
well would you look at that... it is full of shrimp afterall
so delish its even got cheese and bacon
so extravagant
its so packed full of plump juicy shrimp ~sorry for badmouthing the shrimp earlier~
so since the mango coconut drink is melting away I'll try that next
I've been drinking this mango orange drink it tastes so much like orange juice and mango...
so juicy and delish this is the frozen coconut mango drink
the cup is so KAWAII as well
this is what it looks like inside
a piece of mango... I love mango
I love the combination of coconut and mango flavors
so this may be called frozen mango coconut... and it may have been frozen at one point in time....
but currently its taken on a nice 'soft' texture I definitely prefer softer mangos over frozen ones
there's bits of mango in the mango n' orange juice as well I thought it was just juice until now
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita subway's extravagant shrimp sandwich was so delish
the shrimp n' avocado was tasty was well
the one I liked just might be the chicken teriyaki one
among today's selections it would be a toss up between the extravagant shrimp and the chicken teriyaki
the mango drinks were both so delish
I like coconut a lot and I love coconut milk I really love sweets made of coconut
and of course I do love mangos as well so delish.... so soft and sweet
this was my first time trying these cheezy fries they were so delish
subway's fries are so yummy aren't they they're so crisp on the outside with a moist interior
I really enjoyed the cheezy flavor as well
subway's luxury shrimp sandwiches are here for a limited time so please give them a try
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Mainframe advertisement Open Days 2017 - Duration: 0:23.Look, flight tickets to New York have been discounted!
Let me see...take them!
Ok, I am booking it.
And now you used mainframe!
Did you know that you use Mainframe every day just by paying with a credit card?
Come to our Open Days and find out more.
Princess Coloring Page l Coloring Book Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:11.Hi Kids
My Other Games
8 - Como montar soportes para motores Z de la Impresora 3D - Duration: 13:37.-------------------------------------------
Malvares de Moscoso e J.CNNR - Trens cara ao sul (videoclipe) - Duration: 4:09.[Trains facing the South]
I'm going to gift you an everlasting revelry, tonight you're going to meet my favorite daughter,
and I'm going to bewicht your music forever
I'm going to gift you an everlasting revelry, tonight you're going to meet my favorite daughter,
and I'm going to bewicht your music forever
I will give your fever swollen eyes the light and repose they never had in life
That taste on the tongue will disappear and the fingers will learn new songs
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance on streets of vice
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance, we will dance
You will see white people mourning your death, taking pity on your soul's fate, unaware that it was mine long before the crossroad
You will see white people mourning your death, taking pity on your soul's fate, unaware that it was mine long before the crossroad
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance on streets of vice
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance, we will dance
I'm going to gift you an everlasting revelry, tonight you're going to meet my favorite daughter,
and I'm going to bewicht your music forever
I'm going to gift you an everlasting revelry, tonight you're going to meet my favorite daughter,
and I'm going to bewicht your music forever, your music forever, your music forever...
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance on streets of vice
We will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will pluck the riot's notes,
we will get into Zion, we will get into Zion, we will dance, we will dance
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