Oh man, it's been quite some time since I made a video!
I think the last time I uploaded was in like...October?
Let me fill you in on what I've been through...
Oho man...
Um, so last time I uploaded, I did - y'know, whatever, I don't even remember the last thing
I uploaded.
Um, but...um AFTER that,
I, uh, whatever...I was doing a job...and, yeah I quit.
I quit that job.
[I'm laughing on the inside lol]
It wasn't serving me anymore, and things just kind of downward spiraled from there.
So, I stopped doing the job, um and I got really, really, really depressed.
Really depressed, like it was really bad.
Man, like that person...like for 4 months I was depressed, and that person was NOT me.
Like I dunno who that was, but it wasn't me.
Yeah so um, I was super depressed.
My girlfriend left me, I became really really anxious and I felt -
You know that feeling where you're like tipping back on your chair, and it feels like you're
boutta fall?
Like it felt like that constantly.
Like, day in, day out, it was terrible.
I would wake up in cold sweats every single time, I would try to sleep as long as possible
to escape my thoughts.
I would wake up and I stopped drinking water, I stopped eating
healthy, I stopped working out -
Like my urine was like amber colored every time I went, so that's how bad it was.
It was the fall semester, so I became really negative, I was really down on myself about
my artwork, (cause I'm an art major)
It was just not fun, I started getting suicidal after a while, at first I didn't wanna eat,
I wasn't even hungry, and that turned into the complete opposite
I would just constantly eat to fill that void, and it was the worst I've ever felt, like
I started having suicidal thoughts, I really just...it was a bad time.
And it was like that for 4 entire months.
So...yeah, up until the middle of March it was like that from the middle of October until
like the middle of March.
So that's like October, November, December, January, February, March, so that's 5.
5 1/2.
So that sucked.
And eventually I just had to make a decision to get better.
I didn't want to live like that any longer, and I wasn't gonna kill myself because that's
just not an option.
So I decided "I'm gonna get better, I'm gonna celebrate small victories, make positive affirmations,
start working out again, drinking water, being thankful for the little things, doing things
for other people, and that brought me up and out.
I'm back!
I was back to myself, and better.
Better than ever, I was really...I'm really thankful for being able to get out of that,
because that's not something I would wish on anybody.
I got some new glasses!! *cha-ching* I'm cool now!
Still got the dreads [I ended up cutting the dyed ends off]
Got a fresh cut yesterday actually, so I'm feelin', uh feelin' myself a lil' bit, feelin'
pretty good.
...feelin' pretty good.
I have a new workout program, I dunno if I said this already but as of today, I'm on
week 5, day 2 of my workout program.
I'm super excited, it's 12 weeks long, so I'm in phase 2, super excited about that.
I got another job, it's a lot better, the environment's amazing, my managers are extremely
kind and the positive influence and encouragement in the workplace is just...
It's not something you find commonly, y'know.
I'm really thankful for that.
I've just been taking really good care of myself and other people, and I'm super excited
about life again!!
There's a lot of things I have planned, I still have those plans I was talking about,
I still wanna create a logo, I still want to do all kinds of travel vlogs, and all kinds
of motivational stuff, as a matter of fact, I'm making a motivational video with my best
I'm sure we'll upload that to YouTube, and I'll link it in the description so you can
watch that.
We can start kicking off his channel, aww yeah!
Sooooooo...I THINK that's it, that's my life so far, between the last video and this one.
So, all I gotta say is, this summer is gonna be awesoooooooome!
It's gonna be so fun dude!
I'm going to San Jose, California for like 4 or 5 days, you best belieeeve I'm gonna
be takin' videos!
Oh, I need to get a new selfie stick cause my last one broke.
[ppppth] Well, that happens.
But, this summer is gonna be so much better than last summer, I'm super super fired up
for that.
Um...[pop poppop pop poppop pop]
So yeah!
I'm back to makin' videos whoooooooooo!
So uh...lezdewit!
Oh what, I forgot what my outro was...
I said...I would be like...alright that's it, that's all!
Oh yeah! [laughs]
I said um, oh yeah, if you have any questions, comments, anything, the
comment section below, for YouTube
All my social media links are in the description, and follow me, find me, hit me up!
I'm tryna make new friends, I'm tryna talk to people, get some new experiences, so...
Follow me!!
I'll follow you back, we can talk about stuff, like-
Before I close out, you know, the whole reason I'm alive is like 3 reasons:
To learn a lot.
To have a great time (of course).
Make a positive impact in as many people's lives as I can.
And this is a way for me to do that, y'know I can't physically BE everywhere at once,
but I can be online, and that's the closest it can get!
Talk, talk to me, I wanna meet people man, like we're all here together, let's have a
great time!
So that's it, I'm super excited, and uh...I'm ready!
I'm ready to tackle the rest of my life, and um...
Let's do it!
As always...
Thanks for listening (:
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