Friday, May 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 6 2017


Oh man, it's been quite some time since I made a video!

I think the last time I uploaded was in like...October?


Let me fill you in on what I've been through...

Oho man...

Um, so last time I uploaded, I did - y'know, whatever, I don't even remember the last thing

I uploaded.

Um, AFTER that,

I, uh, whatever...I was doing a job...and, yeah I quit.

I quit that job.

[I'm laughing on the inside lol]

It wasn't serving me anymore, and things just kind of downward spiraled from there.

So, I stopped doing the job, um and I got really, really, really depressed.

Really depressed, like it was really bad.

Man, like that for 4 months I was depressed, and that person was NOT me.

Like I dunno who that was, but it wasn't me.

Yeah so um, I was super depressed.

My girlfriend left me, I became really really anxious and I felt -

You know that feeling where you're like tipping back on your chair, and it feels like you're

boutta fall?

Like it felt like that constantly.

Like, day in, day out, it was terrible.

I would wake up in cold sweats every single time, I would try to sleep as long as possible

to escape my thoughts.

I would wake up and I stopped drinking water, I stopped eating

healthy, I stopped working out -

Like my urine was like amber colored every time I went, so that's how bad it was.

It was the fall semester, so I became really negative, I was really down on myself about

my artwork, (cause I'm an art major)

It was just not fun, I started getting suicidal after a while, at first I didn't wanna eat,

I wasn't even hungry, and that turned into the complete opposite

I would just constantly eat to fill that void, and it was the worst I've ever felt, like


I started having suicidal thoughts, I really was a bad time.

And it was like that for 4 entire months.

So...yeah, up until the middle of March it was like that from the middle of October until

like the middle of March.

So that's like October, November, December, January, February, March, so that's 5.

5 1/2.

So that sucked.

And eventually I just had to make a decision to get better.

I didn't want to live like that any longer, and I wasn't gonna kill myself because that's

just not an option.

So I decided "I'm gonna get better, I'm gonna celebrate small victories, make positive affirmations,

start working out again, drinking water, being thankful for the little things, doing things

for other people, and that brought me up and out.

I'm back!

I was back to myself, and better.

Better than ever, I was really...I'm really thankful for being able to get out of that,

because that's not something I would wish on anybody.


I got some new glasses!! *cha-ching* I'm cool now!

Still got the dreads [I ended up cutting the dyed ends off]

Got a fresh cut yesterday actually, so I'm feelin', uh feelin' myself a lil' bit, feelin'

pretty good.

...feelin' pretty good.


I have a new workout program, I dunno if I said this already but as of today, I'm on

week 5, day 2 of my workout program.

I'm super excited, it's 12 weeks long, so I'm in phase 2, super excited about that.

I got another job, it's a lot better, the environment's amazing, my managers are extremely

kind and the positive influence and encouragement in the workplace is just...

It's not something you find commonly, y'know.

I'm really thankful for that.

I've just been taking really good care of myself and other people, and I'm super excited

about life again!!

There's a lot of things I have planned, I still have those plans I was talking about,

I still wanna create a logo, I still want to do all kinds of travel vlogs, and all kinds

of motivational stuff, as a matter of fact, I'm making a motivational video with my best


I'm sure we'll upload that to YouTube, and I'll link it in the description so you can

watch that.

We can start kicking off his channel, aww yeah!

Sooooooo...I THINK that's it, that's my life so far, between the last video and this one.

So, all I gotta say is, this summer is gonna be awesoooooooome!

It's gonna be so fun dude!

I'm going to San Jose, California for like 4 or 5 days, you best belieeeve I'm gonna

be takin' videos!

Oh, I need to get a new selfie stick cause my last one broke.

[ppppth] Well, that happens.

But, this summer is gonna be so much better than last summer, I'm super super fired up

for that.

Um...[pop poppop pop poppop pop]

So yeah!

I'm back to makin' videos whoooooooooo!

So uh...lezdewit!

Oh what, I forgot what my outro was...

I said...I would be like...alright that's it, that's all!

Oh yeah! [laughs]

I said um, oh yeah, if you have any questions, comments, anything, the

comment section below, for YouTube

All my social media links are in the description, and follow me, find me, hit me up!

I'm tryna make new friends, I'm tryna talk to people, get some new experiences, so...

Follow me!!

I'll follow you back, we can talk about stuff, like-

Before I close out, you know, the whole reason I'm alive is like 3 reasons:


To learn a lot.


To have a great time (of course).


Make a positive impact in as many people's lives as I can.

And this is a way for me to do that, y'know I can't physically BE everywhere at once,

but I can be online, and that's the closest it can get!


Talk, talk to me, I wanna meet people man, like we're all here together, let's have a

great time!

So that's it, I'm super excited, and uh...I'm ready!

I'm ready to tackle the rest of my life, and um...

Let's do it!


As always...

Thanks for listening (:

For more infomation >> PositiVlog #60: LIFE UPDATE - Duration: 8:57.


Top 5 Jija Sali Jodis Of Bollywood ! Sister In Law OF Bollywood 2017 ! - Duration: 2:08.

Top 5 Jija Sali Jodis Of Bollywood ! Sister In Law OF Bollywood 2017 !

For more infomation >> Top 5 Jija Sali Jodis Of Bollywood ! Sister In Law OF Bollywood 2017 ! - Duration: 2:08.


I Dont Drink - Duration: 6:16.

hi guys do too late here again for

another episode of pickup daily I got a

question from set it today that says how

do I approach night game if I don't

drink I'm going after this talk about

alcohol talk about the effects of

learning and a little bit more on this

episode pick up daily

how do I approach night game if I don't

drink that's a very interesting question

see a lot of guys think that once

they're in a nightclub or in they're in

a bar or they're in a lounge that they

have to drink because it's socially

expected of them but for me I don't

think that's true at all there's a lot

of pickup guys who just don't drink at

all and because it's not a healthy thing

to do and where am I so like for me I'm

a coach right and me and all my coach

friends we're in nightclubs literally

every night like I think over the last

eight years I've missed like 25 28

nights or something total and otherwise

I was I was in a club or in a bar or

something like that's that's how

hardcore we are if I drink every time I

went out I would pay every day for eight

years my liver would be gone like it'd

be game over I would be a dead dead

human being right now and so no none of

that to jigging is very very expensive

when you when you go out a lot so I

don't even drink yeah whatever

and three alcohol impairs your ability

to learn an ability to document and pick

up what's going on when you're running

game officialy when you're running game

for practice so I don't actually drink

when I go I probably have I guess in my

instagramming I drink whiskey and shit

but like it's not like a constant thing

and what I'm really comfortable when I

go out into a club and I'm not drinking

like it's it's fine

you know I've got a couple other friends

who are just like straight stone-cold

sober and they just go out and have a

good time have social times if you feel

like it's really really uncomfortable to

be in a drinking environment and not be

drinking then feel free to drink

something and non-alcoholic because that

usually is pretty cheap and too it's

it's not going to impair your learning

and screw up your game you know

sometimes I do some of the best polls so

I'm drinking but then I have some of the

worst sex because the whiskey affects my

stamina it affects my awareness and it


the ability to keep it up for a long

long time and that's just real right so

sometimes I'll get into this thing where

I'm drinking and then I hang out this

girl and we pull and then it's like okay

great we're about to fuck and I know

that it's just going to be like not a

stellar interaction and so but you know

you're already down the path is like

it's like why do I drink so much it's

fucking dumb uh but I you know so I try

to minimize that for myself I learned

from Jessie at rst you can do tech tonic

and lime or bitters and soda like that

bit as and so does my thing where wiII

you drink the thing and it's you know

you kind of fit in and do whatever but

you don't really need to fit in at all

it doesn't really matter you're there to

have meet people have conversation it's

just like guys like I can't do this why

should I do do this for game then don't

dude like fucking go talk to the girls

in the smokey video like or pull them

off the dance floor like don't you don't

have to go play to a weakness just to

fucking feel like you're fitting in and

silliness the whole point of game is to

stand out to look like a high-value

target you know for women so not

drinking when everybody else is drinking

will make you stand out how you handle

that will give you status or low high

status or low status in the club so if

somebody asks you hey where's your drink

you can say something along the lines of

oh I'm not drinking tonight which is

usually true and a guys will go like oh

man not drinking what the fuck man what

the fuck you're like just not drinking

tonight bro like it's chill but I wanted

to buy you a shot now I'm going to buy

it for you right now do you need to be

to have something in your hand these

people are they're lonely they feel like

they need alcohol anyway and in order to

be there and so they feel like in order

for you to fit in with them they you

need that alcohol as well in my opinion

you should just cheer those people up by

being charismatic and awesome and then

they will not feel the need to buy you

drinks in order to get you on their

level I don't have a gig banging drunk

chicks so I don't ever do the like for

like drinking thing I you know at most

will do a couple drinks maybe a with

dinner or something but I'm not going to

like use alcohol as

a tool to finish a pickup to close

because it's and it kind of violates

some of my own ethical standards so

that's that when it comes to drinking I

say you go out and get my again and

learn how to have fun without using

alcohol or dancing or trivia if you go

to trivia nights it's like that as a

crutch as I have to do this stuff in

order to be here in this environment

otherwise I don't belong that's just

bullshit data this is bullshit so a man

stand up

stop being peer pressured into doing

things that are bad for you I'm

traveling all over the country with my

buddies as attractive man and I'm doing

a live workshops if you want to learn

how to do this shit in person in field I

show up we go to a mall do a bunch of

day game go to my clubs and we go out

and try to pull it's great it's fun it's

awesome check out the schedule over

there in this card ant I do this every

damn day I'll pick up daily so join me

tomorrow until then stay awesome

call me close till I get out

Thomas barely outside I don't want to

wait to a dry don't reach easily

For more infomation >> I Dont Drink - Duration: 6:16.


Prawo przebaczania grzechów i uzdrowienie człowieka sparaliżowanego #20 - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Prawo przebaczania grzechów i uzdrowienie człowieka sparaliżowanego #20 - Duration: 2:58.


Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting | Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs - Duration: 1:03:38.

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Horse Animals Fighting | Learning Colors For Children With Colourful Horse Songs - Duration: 1:03:38.


Video Diary - Offering My Journey to Help YOU - Duration: 5:44.

Good morning! I'm experiencing something

right now that I've heard other people

tell me... I actually coached a few people

through it but now I'm in it. This

situation... where your loved one is ill.

You're taking care of your loved one

and it's cancer. It's a

horrible cancer and how do you as a

caretaker, as a person who obviously

wants to do everything possible for your

loved one to heal, how do you still ... What do

you do with your emotions? What do you do

with your feelings? What do you do with

your body aches? What do you do with your

own health? What do you do with the guilt

that you're not important in this... in

this in this minute, in this situation, in

this now... and yet you are important. You

have to be important because you are a

part of their support, you are part of

your children's lives, you are a part of..

you're important just because of you! That is

hard. I had a really, really difficult

time yesterday and I couldn't, didn't

want to burden Matthew even though I did.

At one point I did... you know, break and I

poured out all of my concerns and there

are some other challenges with kids, you

know, there's so much to do. So here is

what I've learned and here's what I want

to tell you. One you gotta prioritize. I

had to just sit down and say okay what's

important right now?

Children's stuff. Children's schools. Work,

income that actually we can't live

without it. Everything else has to be

secondary. But at the same time the

number-one priority is health. Okay I

can't do any of that without my health.

And so what does that mean?

Physical health, emotional health

spiritual health.

So yesterday I was just feeling like I

just wanted to stay in bed, cover myself

with a blanket and give in to despair.

instead I went for a walk. I made myself

go for a walk.

Just so happen that I had my well-checkup,

yearly annual well-checkup so I

went to the doctor, he ran a whole bunch

of tests. You know it was kind of

like odd but but also very natural that

here this doctor has to take care of me

as well and I have to tell them about my

tiny little aches and pains that seemed

insignificant. And then most important

thing yesterday and the hardest of all

is... I actually well I sang through the

day I sat by my piano and I just

sang because that's the way that I let

out my emotions and I sang a beautiful


that is a prayer...

In the evening,

I took my mom out to an event that I had

been invited for a long time. It was the

Thistle Farms, their annual event. Big event.

and Reba was singing, and it was just so

beautiful and at one point we were like

wait we can't go to a concert you know

it's not appropriate to go out while

we're in this situation where the next

morning we're going in for scans and to

see how the medicine is working it's


we need to be home with Matthew and yet

it was the right thing to do. It was

exactly the place where I needed to be

because and I'm wearing the shirt today

"love heals" because yes, love heals! I was

reminded that if love can heal the most

horrible situations. If love can heal and

restore the lives of those who have been

abused, who have gone through so much, who

have gone through... in and out of prisons,

addictions... If love can heal that, If

love can heal those tremendous

wounds, then love can kill, can it can

heal cancer too. And that's just it! Love

can heal. Love heals every body! Love heals.

Love is the most powerful tool and

medicine that we have. And for those of

you who are you know who

who equate love with God and I am one of

them, God is love.

I've learned that, that's how I first

understood God. That God is love, that's

where we go for healing. So I hope this

was helpful to you. I hope that on a day

when you feel giving in to despair and

fear, that you can remember this, that to

go to Love. Love that will heal you and

give you strength to then help those

around you that you love... I love you

Thank you for journeying with us. Thank you

For more infomation >> Video Diary - Offering My Journey to Help YOU - Duration: 5:44.


Retro Reviews - Darkwing Duck - Duration: 2:09.

Today I'll be looking back at Darkwing Duck.

Originally released in 1992 on the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Darkwing Duck gets resurrected on the Disney Afternoon Collection.

Like many of the Capcom Disney adventures, Darkwing Duck is a 2D action platformer.

And like Ducktales, you can choose which levels you want to visit.

There's 3 available from the start, then 3 more open once you've completed those, followed

by a final stage.

You shoot some sort of arm cannon, not completely dissimilar to mega man, and you can hang on

ledges and hooks.

There's 3 different gas attacks you can pick up as a secondary weapon, and you switch them

on the fly ingame, but their usefulness is a little too situational.

You can also press up to raise your cape, but it doesn't deflect as many attack as it


You also can't scale the surfaces you cling to which is really weird.

If you wanna jump down a ledge you press jump and down, but if you want to stop hanging

and drop down you just press down, without jumping.

It's really strange and I never got used to it.

The questionable mechanics don't completely ruin what's otherwise a solid platformer.

The boss fights are highlight here, and so are some of the more unique platforming sections,

and I'm glad they added a rewind feature so it's less frustrating familiarizing yourself

with the enemies and environments, which are pretty unique and refreshing.

Darkwing Duck is very challenging, so you'll definitely need several go at it before you

attempt to beat it without cheating.

There stages are fairly linear with only a handful of secrets to discover.

The difficulty feels pretty cheap at times.

Some enemies aren't that hard they're just a lot of hits.

And if you move off the screen even a little they respawn.

Overall, Darkwing Duck is a cult classic that could have seen more success if the mechanics

came to a full realization.

What do you think about Darkwing Duck?

Start a dialogue in the comments and share this video with the outsiders.

For more infomation >> Retro Reviews - Darkwing Duck - Duration: 2:09.


PositiVlog #60: LIFE UPDATE - Duration: 8:57.


Oh man, it's been quite some time since I made a video!

I think the last time I uploaded was in like...October?


Let me fill you in on what I've been through...

Oho man...

Um, so last time I uploaded, I did - y'know, whatever, I don't even remember the last thing

I uploaded.

Um, AFTER that,

I, uh, whatever...I was doing a job...and, yeah I quit.

I quit that job.

[I'm laughing on the inside lol]

It wasn't serving me anymore, and things just kind of downward spiraled from there.

So, I stopped doing the job, um and I got really, really, really depressed.

Really depressed, like it was really bad.

Man, like that for 4 months I was depressed, and that person was NOT me.

Like I dunno who that was, but it wasn't me.

Yeah so um, I was super depressed.

My girlfriend left me, I became really really anxious and I felt -

You know that feeling where you're like tipping back on your chair, and it feels like you're

boutta fall?

Like it felt like that constantly.

Like, day in, day out, it was terrible.

I would wake up in cold sweats every single time, I would try to sleep as long as possible

to escape my thoughts.

I would wake up and I stopped drinking water, I stopped eating

healthy, I stopped working out -

Like my urine was like amber colored every time I went, so that's how bad it was.

It was the fall semester, so I became really negative, I was really down on myself about

my artwork, (cause I'm an art major)

It was just not fun, I started getting suicidal after a while, at first I didn't wanna eat,

I wasn't even hungry, and that turned into the complete opposite

I would just constantly eat to fill that void, and it was the worst I've ever felt, like


I started having suicidal thoughts, I really was a bad time.

And it was like that for 4 entire months.

So...yeah, up until the middle of March it was like that from the middle of October until

like the middle of March.

So that's like October, November, December, January, February, March, so that's 5.

5 1/2.

So that sucked.

And eventually I just had to make a decision to get better.

I didn't want to live like that any longer, and I wasn't gonna kill myself because that's

just not an option.

So I decided "I'm gonna get better, I'm gonna celebrate small victories, make positive affirmations,

start working out again, drinking water, being thankful for the little things, doing things

for other people, and that brought me up and out.

I'm back!

I was back to myself, and better.

Better than ever, I was really...I'm really thankful for being able to get out of that,

because that's not something I would wish on anybody.


I got some new glasses!! *cha-ching* I'm cool now!

Still got the dreads [I ended up cutting the dyed ends off]

Got a fresh cut yesterday actually, so I'm feelin', uh feelin' myself a lil' bit, feelin'

pretty good.

...feelin' pretty good.


I have a new workout program, I dunno if I said this already but as of today, I'm on

week 5, day 2 of my workout program.

I'm super excited, it's 12 weeks long, so I'm in phase 2, super excited about that.

I got another job, it's a lot better, the environment's amazing, my managers are extremely

kind and the positive influence and encouragement in the workplace is just...

It's not something you find commonly, y'know.

I'm really thankful for that.

I've just been taking really good care of myself and other people, and I'm super excited

about life again!!

There's a lot of things I have planned, I still have those plans I was talking about,

I still wanna create a logo, I still want to do all kinds of travel vlogs, and all kinds

of motivational stuff, as a matter of fact, I'm making a motivational video with my best


I'm sure we'll upload that to YouTube, and I'll link it in the description so you can

watch that.

We can start kicking off his channel, aww yeah!

Sooooooo...I THINK that's it, that's my life so far, between the last video and this one.

So, all I gotta say is, this summer is gonna be awesoooooooome!

It's gonna be so fun dude!

I'm going to San Jose, California for like 4 or 5 days, you best belieeeve I'm gonna

be takin' videos!

Oh, I need to get a new selfie stick cause my last one broke.

[ppppth] Well, that happens.

But, this summer is gonna be so much better than last summer, I'm super super fired up

for that.

Um...[pop poppop pop poppop pop]

So yeah!

I'm back to makin' videos whoooooooooo!

So uh...lezdewit!

Oh what, I forgot what my outro was...

I said...I would be like...alright that's it, that's all!

Oh yeah! [laughs]

I said um, oh yeah, if you have any questions, comments, anything, the

comment section below, for YouTube

All my social media links are in the description, and follow me, find me, hit me up!

I'm tryna make new friends, I'm tryna talk to people, get some new experiences, so...

Follow me!!

I'll follow you back, we can talk about stuff, like-

Before I close out, you know, the whole reason I'm alive is like 3 reasons:


To learn a lot.


To have a great time (of course).


Make a positive impact in as many people's lives as I can.

And this is a way for me to do that, y'know I can't physically BE everywhere at once,

but I can be online, and that's the closest it can get!


Talk, talk to me, I wanna meet people man, like we're all here together, let's have a

great time!

So that's it, I'm super excited, and uh...I'm ready!

I'm ready to tackle the rest of my life, and um...

Let's do it!


As always...

Thanks for listening (:

For more infomation >> PositiVlog #60: LIFE UPDATE - Duration: 8:57.


PHPExcel : Working With Excel Spreadsheet in PHP #4 Fetching Data from Excel File + Upload - Duration: 5:01.

welcome back in PHP Excel tutorial series.

in this chapter,

i will demonstrate and explain how to extract data

from excel spreadsheet file.

and then combine it with file upload function.

here we used excel file

which have been generated from previous tutorial.

we put that file alongside the php script.

first, load the excel file

by using PHPExcel IOFactory built-in function,

with file-name as a parameter.

set active sheet to first sheet,

using setActiveSheetIndex() method.

we're about to display the fetched data

into an HTML table.

so echo a table opening and closing tag separately.

before looping,

define the row start number of data series

from the excel file.

in this example, the data series start from 4.

for the loops condition,

we keep going down row by row

until the end of data series.

which is indicated by a cell that contains no value.

we can use getValue() function,

after getCell(), to get cell's value.

and don't forget to increment the row pointer to avoid infinite loop.

let's try to make a change in excel file.

instead of putting the file in the server side,

we can combine this with file upload.

first we need to add "IF" logic to separate the form and the result.

then, make an upload form.

lastly, change IOFactory load parameter

to a variable which contain temporary name of uploaded file.

this concludes this chapter of tutorial.

thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> PHPExcel : Working With Excel Spreadsheet in PHP #4 Fetching Data from Excel File + Upload - Duration: 5:01.


NEW l Quran Recitation Really beautiful Amazing Crying - Duration: 4:00.

By those [angels] who extract with violence

And [by] those who remove with ease

And [by] those who glide [as if] swimming

And those who race each other in a race

And those who arrange [each] matter,

On the Day the blast [of the Horn] will convulse [creation],

There will follow it the subsequent [one].

Hearts, that Day, will tremble,

Their eyes humbled.

They are [presently] saying, "Will we indeed be returned to [our] former state [of life]?

Even if we should be decayed bones?

They say, "That, then, would be a losing return."

Indeed, it will be but one shout,

And suddenly they will be [alert] upon the earth's surface.

Has there reached you the story of Moses? -

When his Lord called to him in the sacred valley of Tuwa,

"Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed.

And say to him, 'Would you [be willing to] purify yourself

And let me guide you to your Lord so you would fear [Him]?'"

And he showed him the greatest sign,

But Pharaoh denied and disobeyed.

Then he turned his back, striving.

And he gathered [his people] and called out

And said, "I am your most exalted lord."

So Allah seized him in exemplary punishment for the last and the first [transgression].

Indeed in that is a warning

Indeed in that is a warning for whoever would fear [ Allah ].

Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven?

Allah constructed it.

He raised its ceiling and proportioned it.

And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness.

And after that He spread the earth.

He extracted from it its water and its pasture,

And the mountains He set firmly

As provision for you and your grazing livestock.

But when there comes the greatest Overwhelming Calamity -

The Day when man will remember that for which he strove,

And Hellfire will be exposed for [all] those who see -

So as for he who transgressed

And preferred the life of the world,

Then indeed, Hellfire will be [his] refuge.

But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from [unlawful] inclination,

Then indeed, Paradise will be [his] refuge.

They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival?

In what [position] are you that you should mention it?

To your Lord is its finality.

You are only a warner for those who fear it.

It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.

For more infomation >> NEW l Quran Recitation Really beautiful Amazing Crying - Duration: 4:00.


Fresh morons, a generous selection of their aggravation! 🔥 MAY 2017 - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Fresh morons, a generous selection of their aggravation! 🔥 MAY 2017 - Duration: 12:10.


Embroidery the process started earlier.Part 1. - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Embroidery the process started earlier.Part 1. - Duration: 10:18.


Pseudal Straights Sergi Constance - Duration: 3:03.


Are you SPORT SCIENCE Sergi Constance was born

October 25, 1988 in Valencia, Spain.

Its height is 185 centimeters, and weight 94 kg.

From early childhood, he is and most Spanish

children interested in sports, focusing basic

attention to football.

Even in school physical education It was his favorite subject.

In 2006, immediately after the School goes to Cergy

university on faculty Physical Culture and Sports.

It was in that year he began training within


As recognized himself Cergy he always wanted to be

massive, and it is this and brought him to the gym


Soon he decides perform at the championship

Spain, which holds the first among juniors.

Shortly thereafter, he received proposals

to shoot for a few sports magazines.

In 2011, he moved to category Mens Physique, which

immediately takes 1st place on one of the tournament.

In 2013 Sergi wins 4 tournaments in a row.

Finishing in 1st place in the tournament he was in 2014, so

received professional card and became the face of one of the most popular

brand manufacturers sports nutrition.

At the moment, the athlete He is living in Florida, USA.

It combines acting career athlete, fitness model

and represents the interests of several sports


In three of their favorite exercise Cergy calls

bench press on an incline bench, squats and deadlifts.

He eats six times a day, making much emphasis on

protein intake.

Among the additives which he uses Cergy calls

vitamins, glutamine, btsaa, casein and nitric oxide.

And, of course, it is a staunch opponent of the forbidden

preparations openly declaring its position against


All of his victories he achieved solely because

iron character and perseverance.

And generally less than a gram a week - is not considered.

Cergy is very popular in in social networks.

At this point in his profile instagrame signed

more than 2.5 million people.

A reference to his instagram you can find in the description

to the video.

Write in the comments, Who of you believes in what

similar shape can be done clean?

All other place huskies this video, I want to learn

how many of us sane.

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This will greatly help the development of our channel.

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For more infomation >> Pseudal Straights Sergi Constance - Duration: 3:03.


Laggy Splix and Channel intro - Duration: 13:18.

Hey guys!

Gbunny here with some splix

i didn't know what to record because

i'm tired

and only have a track pad (no mouse)

but then

i thought what better than old-fasioned splix

ahhhh i died

sheep sound?

also my computer is laggy

i usually use my desktop... except i'm not right now


InSeCuRiTy SoUnDs! XD

no but seriously how have you guys been?


just starting to build up a bit of a base


uh (again)

For more infomation >> Laggy Splix and Channel intro - Duration: 13:18.


Introducción al canal - Duration: 1:00.

Hi everybody and welcome to this new channel

In this short video i will explain some things you have to know about this channel (the order is random)

1.- What am I gonna upload. I`ll playinternet games or low requirement games you recommend me, because my

computer is not very fast. When I get a new one I´ll tell you, and, since then, you can recommend me any games you want

2.- Objective. The only objective I have is having fun doing what I like, and make you have fun

3,.When I´m gonna upload videos. I´ll record all week and then I´ll distribute the videos between Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holydays. When I´m in vacations I´ll upload everything I can so you can enjoy your free days

4.- Comments rules.- No swear words, No offending, no unrelated comments, no spam and use this as a communication method

5.- Some more details. No games with sexual content, I´ll make livestreamings when I want to, and, youtube is not a priority, it´s me


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