Today we spend more time with those we work with than those we live with. Do you know that ?Because we go to work early
morning we come back in the evening and we have a proper interaction with those we work with
and yet let me tell you what else happens when we come back home our kids are sleeping
and sometimes we are wide awake but sitting in front of a T.V.
A computer
or a telephone. That's what's happening. So have you interacted with those you live with ? No; But do you interact with
those you work with? Yes; so many people are getting married at the workplace. Now do you know why.
Because we interacting with people so much more than we would at home
and once you get married; the marriage doesn't work, why? because now you're living with them.
I hope you're following what I'm saying here.
You married them because you work with them. Now that you're living with them the marriage is not working because you no
longer working with them, this is what it is. So this is why work with those who live with.
Work on your marriage that's what they say, you know what that means that means like you spend time interacting at work
you must come home and do the same thing. Switch off your phone; you know; it can't just be work all the time. I tell people one of the biggest
failure of parents, is that they give preference to money over children. So you might say well we have to provide food
we're not talking about providing food we're talking of extra excess which means your salary is already $10000 a month
and now because you want another $1000 you allow them to phone you at any time of the night
or day back at home every single day of your life for the rest of the year what was the point of getting married
and what was the point of having children you rather have married your money
and you rather have really looked at your money as your own kids, your offspring. What was the point so you need to
set yourself a deadline or should I say a limit. If I this particular time I knock off its over.
Sometimes if it's your own business you might not be able to do that
but you need to also set yourself a limit in terms of.
If I am earning so much yes if I get a salary increment "Alhamdulillah"
but after that "In-sha-Allah" I'll start cutting my hours a little bit
you know some people have their own business so they work very hard for 10 years "from what time to what time" say
for example working hours 8 to 5. If it's your own business you need to work from 7 to 6; 1 more hour on
either side of the day because it's your own business
but if you do that for more than 10 years you have not succeeded. Why; because it's your own business you now need to
start delegating things you need to create a manager, you need to create a director, you need to step back, you need
to start enjoying your life
and your money, you need to start enjoying it with the right people, your children. You are a parent. So now what
happens you have a manager who manages So now you come to work at nine o'clock
and you leave at three where does the excess time go or I drop my children off to school
and you leave at three. Where does the excess time go? I drop my children off to school
and I pick them up. "Alhamdulillah" Some people might be thinking, you know the manager might be pinch you need to
cater for that. They needs to be an allowance and now a days you have C.C.T.V.
"Subhun-Allah" you can have it all over the show. You can actually have so much that, you know technology here in
Singapore on your mobile phone you can sit
and watch what's going on everywhere you can have 20 cameras at your workplace
and you can continue in your surveillance of it with your mobile phone; you know what I'm talking about
so what that means is; you need to spend a little bit more time for things that are now more important you cannot keep
on; some people increase and say no my business is gone big so now I go at 4 o'clock in the morning
and I come back at 9 o'clock at night. Why did you have children and why did you get married.
And if that is really the case take all your children and your spouse and everyone to your workplace
and operate from there. Yes.
You haven't had breakfast, you haven't had lunch, you haven't had supper with your children
and it's been the whole week. came weekend we going Golfing; Golf; all play golf ."Allah-Hu-Akber" I'm not talking of V.W. "Golf"
We're talking of the golf "the Tiger Woods" "Allah" protect us from that type of behavior.
So my brothers and sisters I want to add something even more important. Making time for your Maker your "Rab".
If you don't make time for him, it's not like you just suddenly going to have the link with your maker
and you haven't made time. Look I can give you a powerful example for your business
and mine we will do so much in order to develop it for your salary
and mine we will do so much in order to get a better one
Right? What about in order to develop my link with my Maker. Imagine if your boss tells you; you know what I give you an
increment of 50%
and I only want you to increase half an hour a day. 50% that means from my $10000 a month
it's becoming $150000
and only half an hour in. "yes yes yes" no problem. I tell you what my boss increase me one
hour and increase the salary 100%
That's what we would say, but "Allah" is telling you I'm asking you for 24 minutes; 1 minute for every hour
that I give you in the day; are you ready ?
And what I will give you in return. Something worth more than your entire salary the fact that you are breathing, you are
alive, you are seeing, you are watching, your hearing, you can walk, you can eat, you have cloth
and you have so much. I gave you absolutely everything
and I'm asking you for every hour that I've allowed you to live; give me back 1 minute.
Brothers and Sisters food for thought; isn't it; food for thought "Allah-hu-Akber".
Why they say food for thought; have you ever thought of it ? That also is food for thought. So this is why we say
You need to make time for your maker; "yes" make time for your family
but they need to watch you, they need to see you; prioritizing your life they will salute you because you will have
taught them without even speaking to them. This is how you prioritize, for 10 years I worked very hard then I cut
down because I needed to make time for my family and children
and thereafter as my child grew up a little bit older in the teenage years I was with my child and I was there
when ever he or she needed me that is a parent.
That is a parent. We are not there for our children nowadays so who is there for our child and I tell you.
I'm trying to think of names of movie stars. They are there for our children from [ ]
So many others I don't even know their names. I just know the one.
I don't know why; I read it somewhere. To be honest with you he's entertaining our children and so are the others
and what are they doing, they just acting in front of them all day and the kids are so happy
and excited so now he wears clothes not like yours but like "Tom Hanks".
And he talks not like you; "like those guys they are you know".
And he walks not like you but he walks like; you know with the bounce.
In his legs and his feet
and the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he operates what's cool to him, is not what you consider cool in this heat
of Singapore.
It is what is considered cool of the screen. So these are the people who are now bringing up our children. Why ?
I wasn't even bothered to be there when my child needed me most. He turned to the Internet or should turn to the net
and some ugly person who was there as a woof waiting in ambush to keep my innocent child has got a hold of my daughter
"Astaghfirullah" for example. This is just an example because.
I wasn't there and she had to turn to a chat room in order to release some steam.
This is what's going on talk about
Parental Guidance. Are you see ? We are talking of patent problems, reality on the ground what is happening you don't know
where our children are turning for help that you are not offering them as a parent.
When your child needs help who would you like that child to turn. We don't even have patience with our children.
So it brings me to the next point and that is the point of patience. You need a lot of patience like you say sacrifice
a lot. When your child comes up to you with something weird don't just shown them address the issue
and not in a way that will change the child away. Gone are those days
when you could just slap a child into position. It's not longer that way you know they say
when you are balancing a wheel; have you ever watch them balancing a wheel. The wheel goes around
and they put a little small piece of lead, a few little point milligrams in order to get that straight
and they do it so tirelessly slowly but surely and they carry on until it's is zero
when it's zero they release the tire, they put in the next one. Have you watched it happening ? I'm sure you would.
Why because 1 small gram more this side of that side will really cause a big disturbance on the wheel the most
beautiful of Motor Vehicles which might be a Rolls Royce can have such a [ ] for such a.
Trembling feeling because of what an gram of lead which was put on the wrong side of the wheel
or at the wrong place at the wrong time.
You follow ? So with us our children are more important than the wheels on the cars. We need to spend much more time with them
and you need to be very very careful because 1 g / 1 mg that you might place on the wrong place of
that particular child will result in a problem. You know before when we were young we used to have springy head.
You know what's a springy head ? You're looking forth and you get a 1 slap on your face and this is what happens.
It comes back so you're still looking at the straight path. Today the children you cannot slap them anymore. Why ?
They have sticky head. The difference between a springy head
and a sticky head. You know it's stick head ? they are looking; they made little blunder; you slap them.
It's now stuck that way so they're no longer looking in the right direction. We had a spring here where they would slap
us and we still say that "DAD I love you, I still love you" that's how goes. Now slap "I don't love you anymore you are the worst
how could you slap me? You reach your hand
Ok; they don't come back home that evening where did they go to a guy who promised them something on a chat room.
That's what happened or someone else. A cool dude who was looking cool outwardly because he was on drugs
and having the cigarettes and everyone was around him so they wanted to be accepted
and they went there. You have a responsibility as a parent speak beautifully to your child, talk to them listen to them
even when this tell you something weird, something strange it's because they would like you to clarify it for them at least Allah
brought it to your attention.
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