Talk Talky
My name is Jeff. Dab Bro
yo what's going on with your man DoolbagJohnson I just want to hit
you guys up real quick let you know my opinion on the new iPhone announcement
today so Apple I'm not gonna lie I'm not an apple guy at all I don't know own
anything Apple. I have had well Jamie's got in one of the old iPod Classic she
actually does still use that that thing is still kicking a lot of ass I'm not
gonna lie that thing is built like a shit brick house but besides that Apple
nope not in this house not an apple guy not an Apple family nobody here likes
Apple we are who we are and we don't have to like Apple I absolutely love my
lg g5 I'll be getting a g7 or whatever I'm not getting the v30
she's been using Samsung phones since the Samsung s4 has every year gotten the
new Samsung other than that back to a what we were talking about here the new
iPhone talk today Apple's keynote so they announced the iPhone 8 8 plus which
fuck you Apple that's the same damn phone again literally it would we ended
the a 11 chip and we slapped the same fucking price tag on it okay fuck you
again enough of that shit I get it you announced the Apple iPhone 10 as
well big fuckin improvement here Wow okay that I will round of applause I'm
not gonna lie so you could see what they all look like here if if I put my
fucking if I cover up the iPhone 10 there you'd think I just showed you a
picture of two iPhone eights or I mean iPhone 7s there are two iPhone eight
stay look exactly like iPhone 7s but yeah essentially so quick specs on them
and then I'll give you my opinion on it so 10 I'm gonna go I'm gonna be talking
about the ten to eight and then the eight plus and then the eight so you
have a 5.8 inch display it's a super retina HD so it's actually a true OLED
Oro LED display then you have the five and a half of the four
point seven inch respectively like you would normally have on the regular on
the plus so the cameras you have the wide angle on both the plus model of the
eight and the ten and then your standard so they're all twelve mikkel up twelve
mikkel yeah twelve Mikkel pamela's 12 megapixel cameras you have a face ID on
the ten so that is a big improvement it will literally it's got a pet apparently
like I don't know 500 or so whatever the hell invisible dot points are it could
be way more cook your way less I don't remember every detail but it it will
literally track every motion of your face and it actually evolves as you grow
if you get facial hair if you put in a hood whatever that's awesome so it
always recognized that and you could use that for Apple pay very secure good job
guys you still understand a touch ID on the other two they did do away with the
home button on the ten as well and they have an edge to edge top to bottom
display that looks nice it's already kind of been done maybe not a full
fuckin display like that on a flagship phone but still a nice nice touch I'll
give them that they put the AAA 11 chip in every one of
them now so every year they do fucking five six seven eight nine ten now
they're at 11 great they call it the a live and Bionic chip apparently it's got
a much stronger GPU it's a much more efficient CPU of course like every year
it's 70% more deficient they say the same shit every year so that means that
the fucking foam that they have right now has got to be like what like 9
billion times more efficient than the original one I doubt it so fuck off but
good they gave them wireless charging they even have wireless charging on the
eights as well and that's your main difference with that's it we've already
discussed the difference between the 7 and the 8 they put some trueform or
something like on in the screen they call trueform or something so if you
turn it like you have it on an angle see if my fucking phone let's turn on today
on an angle you get better uniformity but I don't know if you guys could see
here but I get fucking great uniformity on this screen already so whatever but
yeah other than that you got wireless charging and you got that true form
besides that guys sorry they say it's stronger glass not buying it the 8 and
the fucking A+ of the same damn phone besides that in the a 11 chips oh fuck
off you're buying the same phone again the only phone to speak about here is
the iPhone 10 so there you have it here you see I'm
putting some specs on the screen as well respects so yeah they come in 64 gig and
what 256 gig models they should have done fucking 128 and 256 but whatever
and a big difference in price though they're talking about a seven hundred
and eight hundred dollar price tag on the eights and a thousand dollar price
tag I guess as a on the 10 or the starting point on the 10 as far as I
know so yeah the super retina yeah
multi-touch we went through all the screen shit I'm not gonna get too
fucking fancy but the contrast ratio was apparently way better on the screen that
OLED it's like million to one contrast versus 1300 to one contrast on the or
fourteen to one contrast on the smaller one ironically true tone I guess they
all have the truth oh it's true tone is what they call that the thing where you
see the fucking contrast better from the side they all have 3d touch so the
cameras on the iPhone 10 you were looking at a 12 megapixel wide-angle and
telephoto camera so you have a wide angle can do up to 1.8 aperture the
telephoto is 2.4 and then on the other ones you have the 12 and the wide with
one point in 2.8 on the plus and then just a standard one 12 megapixel one
point aperture they all have image stabilization but the 10 has dual
optical image stabilization on both cameras whereas the other ones only have
the single optical stabilizer on the one camera other than that everything else
flesh-tone slow sync all the same stuff the regular one does not have portrait
mode or portrait lighting which apparently portrait lighting is still in
beta the front camera is called the true depth camera on the 10 so that one
actually does 7 megapixels it's got the same HD 1080 retina flash wide color
capture I don't actually know what the fuck they
mean by true depth maybe I didn't fucking I must have missed that part
on the keynote they all do Apple pay but now you can do Apple pay using the face
ID which they have on the Apple 10 which is cool so that's a little more secure
apparently the new iPhone 10 will last up to two hours longer than an iPhone 7
and they're saying that the battery in the iPhone 8 is the same as the iPhone 7
so that's about the same okay it's the same fucking shut up you already know
that but it does wireless now other than that they have this wireless pad
accessory they're talking about where you put your phone your air pods and
your watcher your eye watch Apple watch on there and cool I guess but yeah I
don't really have much else to say that's pretty much it I ran through it I
mean besides that there's a bunch of advanced modes that they have now for
the camera where you can do like different like photography lighting and
stuff like that that's all cool but that only looks like it's available on the
iPhone 10 from what I saw but that might be built into iOS 11 which they're
saying is a lot more intuitive now but I personally didn't see much of a
difference unless you have the iPhone 10 they were very focused on that and
that's fine that's awesome they're trying to say hey look we listened to
you guys this phone has everything you asked for and more but we also have the
fucking affordable one right here for you so they're saying that the 10 is
gonna be available for a lot more money and limited quantities apparently they
already use the word limited quantities and I guess that one's not releasing
till like November or something like that don't you around with limited
quantities either man cuz you are gonna have people that are gonna get pissed
off and be like you know I put all the faith in you guys I spent all this money
and you know what you let me down again and it's just a ridiculous thing so I'm
glad to see that you stepped up your game a little bit with the iPhone 10 but
uh Tyrone but I am NOT happy not happy that you guys are still going ahead and
releasing another phone that is the same phone like you should have just came out
with that iPhone 10 hold on one sec and gave everyone like an entry iPhone 10
and then the flagship so like maybe add the extra camera maybe give one of them
like a true OLED screen and the other one just had the
right now but do the edge-to-edge you know because a lot of the other stuff
like the chips and everything is the same so how hard would it have been I
think you guys still kind of dropped the ball a little bit I think you alienated
a lot of people so I still give you a big old two thumbs down and a big old fu
not gonna say the f-word with Tony standing right next to me what with that
neck what are you doing all right what do you need to say to the people real
quick I'm watching Harry Potter 5 ok you go finish watching the Harry Potter 5 I
love you and that being said that's my piece on it my opinion is you guys
should have just skipped the iPhone 8 and I know you're sitting there going oh
well we gave everyone an option no you alienated people stills what you did
you're making people who might not be able to afford that phone feel like crap
like oh yes if I do want the new iPhone I still have to buy the the old one
because I already have a 7 and I'm buying an 8 and it's the same damn phone
but at least I can say I have an 8 but then you have those same people who are
still gonna go and feel like crap around their fucking peers who go well I got
the iPhone 10 you must be a fucking piece of shit because unfortunately in
this world we live in and you know things like the type of phone you have
literally represent you as a person and your status and your success which I
think that's absolutely ridiculous no one is gonna make me feel unsuccessful
because of something that I choose to buy or wear or anything like that so
again I'm gonna leave you guys with that hit me up in the comment section with
your opinions I'd be glad to chat with you guys a little bit about it I want to
know how you will feel about the new iPhone and the iPhone 10 and the hour X
or 10 and the iPhone 8 and 8 plus me personally I think the iPhone 10 is a
group it looks like a phenomenal phone I don't even like iPhones Apple nothing
like that but I'll tell you what it's something I would I wouldn't switch from
Android but it's something I would get to try you know and then probably maybe
end up you know passing it down or selling it or something but uh I would
be willing to try it you know I and maybe it would sway me but not the way
it went down I wouldn't try it because I feel like you still you're gonna say we
were trying to include everyone I'm saying you were making
feel alienated and that's just my opinion you should have just skipped
over the same generation phone now because realistically since the iPhone 6
came out you've had a six a six and a seven and now an iPhone eight you
changed the chipset in it and through a second camera in it and change the
haptic button but you know what no you're giving people the same shit for
the past four years now enough is enough it's your band's
signing out peace I just wanted to thank you for watching this video if you liked
what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit the subscribe button if
you have not done so already follow us on Facebook Instagram Google+ give us
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