Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 12 2017

Talk Talky

My name is Jeff. Dab Bro

yo what's going on with your man DoolbagJohnson I just want to hit

you guys up real quick let you know my opinion on the new iPhone announcement

today so Apple I'm not gonna lie I'm not an apple guy at all I don't know own

anything Apple. I have had well Jamie's got in one of the old iPod Classic she

actually does still use that that thing is still kicking a lot of ass I'm not

gonna lie that thing is built like a shit brick house but besides that Apple

nope not in this house not an apple guy not an Apple family nobody here likes

Apple we are who we are and we don't have to like Apple I absolutely love my

lg g5 I'll be getting a g7 or whatever I'm not getting the v30

she's been using Samsung phones since the Samsung s4 has every year gotten the

new Samsung other than that back to a what we were talking about here the new

iPhone talk today Apple's keynote so they announced the iPhone 8 8 plus which

fuck you Apple that's the same damn phone again literally it would we ended

the a 11 chip and we slapped the same fucking price tag on it okay fuck you

again enough of that shit I get it you announced the Apple iPhone 10 as

well big fuckin improvement here Wow okay that I will round of applause I'm

not gonna lie so you could see what they all look like here if if I put my

fucking if I cover up the iPhone 10 there you'd think I just showed you a

picture of two iPhone eights or I mean iPhone 7s there are two iPhone eight

stay look exactly like iPhone 7s but yeah essentially so quick specs on them

and then I'll give you my opinion on it so 10 I'm gonna go I'm gonna be talking

about the ten to eight and then the eight plus and then the eight so you

have a 5.8 inch display it's a super retina HD so it's actually a true OLED

Oro LED display then you have the five and a half of the four

point seven inch respectively like you would normally have on the regular on

the plus so the cameras you have the wide angle on both the plus model of the

eight and the ten and then your standard so they're all twelve mikkel up twelve

mikkel yeah twelve Mikkel pamela's 12 megapixel cameras you have a face ID on

the ten so that is a big improvement it will literally it's got a pet apparently

like I don't know 500 or so whatever the hell invisible dot points are it could

be way more cook your way less I don't remember every detail but it it will

literally track every motion of your face and it actually evolves as you grow

if you get facial hair if you put in a hood whatever that's awesome so it

always recognized that and you could use that for Apple pay very secure good job

guys you still understand a touch ID on the other two they did do away with the

home button on the ten as well and they have an edge to edge top to bottom

display that looks nice it's already kind of been done maybe not a full

fuckin display like that on a flagship phone but still a nice nice touch I'll

give them that they put the AAA 11 chip in every one of

them now so every year they do fucking five six seven eight nine ten now

they're at 11 great they call it the a live and Bionic chip apparently it's got

a much stronger GPU it's a much more efficient CPU of course like every year

it's 70% more deficient they say the same shit every year so that means that

the fucking foam that they have right now has got to be like what like 9

billion times more efficient than the original one I doubt it so fuck off but

good they gave them wireless charging they even have wireless charging on the

eights as well and that's your main difference with that's it we've already

discussed the difference between the 7 and the 8 they put some trueform or

something like on in the screen they call trueform or something so if you

turn it like you have it on an angle see if my fucking phone let's turn on today

on an angle you get better uniformity but I don't know if you guys could see

here but I get fucking great uniformity on this screen already so whatever but

yeah other than that you got wireless charging and you got that true form

besides that guys sorry they say it's stronger glass not buying it the 8 and

the fucking A+ of the same damn phone besides that in the a 11 chips oh fuck

off you're buying the same phone again the only phone to speak about here is

the iPhone 10 so there you have it here you see I'm

putting some specs on the screen as well respects so yeah they come in 64 gig and

what 256 gig models they should have done fucking 128 and 256 but whatever

and a big difference in price though they're talking about a seven hundred

and eight hundred dollar price tag on the eights and a thousand dollar price

tag I guess as a on the 10 or the starting point on the 10 as far as I

know so yeah the super retina yeah

multi-touch we went through all the screen shit I'm not gonna get too

fucking fancy but the contrast ratio was apparently way better on the screen that

OLED it's like million to one contrast versus 1300 to one contrast on the or

fourteen to one contrast on the smaller one ironically true tone I guess they

all have the truth oh it's true tone is what they call that the thing where you

see the fucking contrast better from the side they all have 3d touch so the

cameras on the iPhone 10 you were looking at a 12 megapixel wide-angle and

telephoto camera so you have a wide angle can do up to 1.8 aperture the

telephoto is 2.4 and then on the other ones you have the 12 and the wide with

one point in 2.8 on the plus and then just a standard one 12 megapixel one

point aperture they all have image stabilization but the 10 has dual

optical image stabilization on both cameras whereas the other ones only have

the single optical stabilizer on the one camera other than that everything else

flesh-tone slow sync all the same stuff the regular one does not have portrait

mode or portrait lighting which apparently portrait lighting is still in

beta the front camera is called the true depth camera on the 10 so that one

actually does 7 megapixels it's got the same HD 1080 retina flash wide color

capture I don't actually know what the fuck they

mean by true depth maybe I didn't fucking I must have missed that part

on the keynote they all do Apple pay but now you can do Apple pay using the face

ID which they have on the Apple 10 which is cool so that's a little more secure

apparently the new iPhone 10 will last up to two hours longer than an iPhone 7

and they're saying that the battery in the iPhone 8 is the same as the iPhone 7

so that's about the same okay it's the same fucking shut up you already know

that but it does wireless now other than that they have this wireless pad

accessory they're talking about where you put your phone your air pods and

your watcher your eye watch Apple watch on there and cool I guess but yeah I

don't really have much else to say that's pretty much it I ran through it I

mean besides that there's a bunch of advanced modes that they have now for

the camera where you can do like different like photography lighting and

stuff like that that's all cool but that only looks like it's available on the

iPhone 10 from what I saw but that might be built into iOS 11 which they're

saying is a lot more intuitive now but I personally didn't see much of a

difference unless you have the iPhone 10 they were very focused on that and

that's fine that's awesome they're trying to say hey look we listened to

you guys this phone has everything you asked for and more but we also have the

fucking affordable one right here for you so they're saying that the 10 is

gonna be available for a lot more money and limited quantities apparently they

already use the word limited quantities and I guess that one's not releasing

till like November or something like that don't you around with limited

quantities either man cuz you are gonna have people that are gonna get pissed

off and be like you know I put all the faith in you guys I spent all this money

and you know what you let me down again and it's just a ridiculous thing so I'm

glad to see that you stepped up your game a little bit with the iPhone 10 but

uh Tyrone but I am NOT happy not happy that you guys are still going ahead and

releasing another phone that is the same phone like you should have just came out

with that iPhone 10 hold on one sec and gave everyone like an entry iPhone 10

and then the flagship so like maybe add the extra camera maybe give one of them

like a true OLED screen and the other one just had the

right now but do the edge-to-edge you know because a lot of the other stuff

like the chips and everything is the same so how hard would it have been I

think you guys still kind of dropped the ball a little bit I think you alienated

a lot of people so I still give you a big old two thumbs down and a big old fu

not gonna say the f-word with Tony standing right next to me what with that

neck what are you doing all right what do you need to say to the people real

quick I'm watching Harry Potter 5 ok you go finish watching the Harry Potter 5 I

love you and that being said that's my piece on it my opinion is you guys

should have just skipped the iPhone 8 and I know you're sitting there going oh

well we gave everyone an option no you alienated people stills what you did

you're making people who might not be able to afford that phone feel like crap

like oh yes if I do want the new iPhone I still have to buy the the old one

because I already have a 7 and I'm buying an 8 and it's the same damn phone

but at least I can say I have an 8 but then you have those same people who are

still gonna go and feel like crap around their fucking peers who go well I got

the iPhone 10 you must be a fucking piece of shit because unfortunately in

this world we live in and you know things like the type of phone you have

literally represent you as a person and your status and your success which I

think that's absolutely ridiculous no one is gonna make me feel unsuccessful

because of something that I choose to buy or wear or anything like that so

again I'm gonna leave you guys with that hit me up in the comment section with

your opinions I'd be glad to chat with you guys a little bit about it I want to

know how you will feel about the new iPhone and the iPhone 10 and the hour X

or 10 and the iPhone 8 and 8 plus me personally I think the iPhone 10 is a

group it looks like a phenomenal phone I don't even like iPhones Apple nothing

like that but I'll tell you what it's something I would I wouldn't switch from

Android but it's something I would get to try you know and then probably maybe

end up you know passing it down or selling it or something but uh I would

be willing to try it you know I and maybe it would sway me but not the way

it went down I wouldn't try it because I feel like you still you're gonna say we

were trying to include everyone I'm saying you were making

feel alienated and that's just my opinion you should have just skipped

over the same generation phone now because realistically since the iPhone 6

came out you've had a six a six and a seven and now an iPhone eight you

changed the chipset in it and through a second camera in it and change the

haptic button but you know what no you're giving people the same shit for

the past four years now enough is enough it's your band's

signing out peace I just wanted to thank you for watching this video if you liked

what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit the subscribe button if

you have not done so already follow us on Facebook Instagram Google+ give us

some Twitter love eyes and we've really enjoy when you guys leave us comments

down below



Stranger Things y Westworld triunfan en la segunda jornada de los Emmy Creativos - Duration: 4:40.

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Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11, Nazli i Ferit - bilijar ( 11 Bölüm -Bilardo Dersi) - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11, Nazli i Ferit - bilijar ( 11 Bölüm -Bilardo Dersi) - Duration: 4:27.


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For more infomation >> Baby Doll Cosmetic Set Ice Cream Make Up Set Learn Colors for Kids Lip Balm Eye Shadow Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 4:08.



Talk Talky

My name is Jeff. Dab Bro

yo what's going on with your man DoolbagJohnson I just want to hit

you guys up real quick let you know my opinion on the new iPhone announcement

today so Apple I'm not gonna lie I'm not an apple guy at all I don't know own

anything Apple. I have had well Jamie's got in one of the old iPod Classic she

actually does still use that that thing is still kicking a lot of ass I'm not

gonna lie that thing is built like a shit brick house but besides that Apple

nope not in this house not an apple guy not an Apple family nobody here likes

Apple we are who we are and we don't have to like Apple I absolutely love my

lg g5 I'll be getting a g7 or whatever I'm not getting the v30

she's been using Samsung phones since the Samsung s4 has every year gotten the

new Samsung other than that back to a what we were talking about here the new

iPhone talk today Apple's keynote so they announced the iPhone 8 8 plus which

fuck you Apple that's the same damn phone again literally it would we ended

the a 11 chip and we slapped the same fucking price tag on it okay fuck you

again enough of that shit I get it you announced the Apple iPhone 10 as

well big fuckin improvement here Wow okay that I will round of applause I'm

not gonna lie so you could see what they all look like here if if I put my

fucking if I cover up the iPhone 10 there you'd think I just showed you a

picture of two iPhone eights or I mean iPhone 7s there are two iPhone eight

stay look exactly like iPhone 7s but yeah essentially so quick specs on them

and then I'll give you my opinion on it so 10 I'm gonna go I'm gonna be talking

about the ten to eight and then the eight plus and then the eight so you

have a 5.8 inch display it's a super retina HD so it's actually a true OLED

Oro LED display then you have the five and a half of the four

point seven inch respectively like you would normally have on the regular on

the plus so the cameras you have the wide angle on both the plus model of the

eight and the ten and then your standard so they're all twelve mikkel up twelve

mikkel yeah twelve Mikkel pamela's 12 megapixel cameras you have a face ID on

the ten so that is a big improvement it will literally it's got a pet apparently

like I don't know 500 or so whatever the hell invisible dot points are it could

be way more cook your way less I don't remember every detail but it it will

literally track every motion of your face and it actually evolves as you grow

if you get facial hair if you put in a hood whatever that's awesome so it

always recognized that and you could use that for Apple pay very secure good job

guys you still understand a touch ID on the other two they did do away with the

home button on the ten as well and they have an edge to edge top to bottom

display that looks nice it's already kind of been done maybe not a full

fuckin display like that on a flagship phone but still a nice nice touch I'll

give them that they put the AAA 11 chip in every one of

them now so every year they do fucking five six seven eight nine ten now

they're at 11 great they call it the a live and Bionic chip apparently it's got

a much stronger GPU it's a much more efficient CPU of course like every year

it's 70% more deficient they say the same shit every year so that means that

the fucking foam that they have right now has got to be like what like 9

billion times more efficient than the original one I doubt it so fuck off but

good they gave them wireless charging they even have wireless charging on the

eights as well and that's your main difference with that's it we've already

discussed the difference between the 7 and the 8 they put some trueform or

something like on in the screen they call trueform or something so if you

turn it like you have it on an angle see if my fucking phone let's turn on today

on an angle you get better uniformity but I don't know if you guys could see

here but I get fucking great uniformity on this screen already so whatever but

yeah other than that you got wireless charging and you got that true form

besides that guys sorry they say it's stronger glass not buying it the 8 and

the fucking A+ of the same damn phone besides that in the a 11 chips oh fuck

off you're buying the same phone again the only phone to speak about here is

the iPhone 10 so there you have it here you see I'm

putting some specs on the screen as well respects so yeah they come in 64 gig and

what 256 gig models they should have done fucking 128 and 256 but whatever

and a big difference in price though they're talking about a seven hundred

and eight hundred dollar price tag on the eights and a thousand dollar price

tag I guess as a on the 10 or the starting point on the 10 as far as I

know so yeah the super retina yeah

multi-touch we went through all the screen shit I'm not gonna get too

fucking fancy but the contrast ratio was apparently way better on the screen that

OLED it's like million to one contrast versus 1300 to one contrast on the or

fourteen to one contrast on the smaller one ironically true tone I guess they

all have the truth oh it's true tone is what they call that the thing where you

see the fucking contrast better from the side they all have 3d touch so the

cameras on the iPhone 10 you were looking at a 12 megapixel wide-angle and

telephoto camera so you have a wide angle can do up to 1.8 aperture the

telephoto is 2.4 and then on the other ones you have the 12 and the wide with

one point in 2.8 on the plus and then just a standard one 12 megapixel one

point aperture they all have image stabilization but the 10 has dual

optical image stabilization on both cameras whereas the other ones only have

the single optical stabilizer on the one camera other than that everything else

flesh-tone slow sync all the same stuff the regular one does not have portrait

mode or portrait lighting which apparently portrait lighting is still in

beta the front camera is called the true depth camera on the 10 so that one

actually does 7 megapixels it's got the same HD 1080 retina flash wide color

capture I don't actually know what the fuck they

mean by true depth maybe I didn't fucking I must have missed that part

on the keynote they all do Apple pay but now you can do Apple pay using the face

ID which they have on the Apple 10 which is cool so that's a little more secure

apparently the new iPhone 10 will last up to two hours longer than an iPhone 7

and they're saying that the battery in the iPhone 8 is the same as the iPhone 7

so that's about the same okay it's the same fucking shut up you already know

that but it does wireless now other than that they have this wireless pad

accessory they're talking about where you put your phone your air pods and

your watcher your eye watch Apple watch on there and cool I guess but yeah I

don't really have much else to say that's pretty much it I ran through it I

mean besides that there's a bunch of advanced modes that they have now for

the camera where you can do like different like photography lighting and

stuff like that that's all cool but that only looks like it's available on the

iPhone 10 from what I saw but that might be built into iOS 11 which they're

saying is a lot more intuitive now but I personally didn't see much of a

difference unless you have the iPhone 10 they were very focused on that and

that's fine that's awesome they're trying to say hey look we listened to

you guys this phone has everything you asked for and more but we also have the

fucking affordable one right here for you so they're saying that the 10 is

gonna be available for a lot more money and limited quantities apparently they

already use the word limited quantities and I guess that one's not releasing

till like November or something like that don't you around with limited

quantities either man cuz you are gonna have people that are gonna get pissed

off and be like you know I put all the faith in you guys I spent all this money

and you know what you let me down again and it's just a ridiculous thing so I'm

glad to see that you stepped up your game a little bit with the iPhone 10 but

uh Tyrone but I am NOT happy not happy that you guys are still going ahead and

releasing another phone that is the same phone like you should have just came out

with that iPhone 10 hold on one sec and gave everyone like an entry iPhone 10

and then the flagship so like maybe add the extra camera maybe give one of them

like a true OLED screen and the other one just had the

right now but do the edge-to-edge you know because a lot of the other stuff

like the chips and everything is the same so how hard would it have been I

think you guys still kind of dropped the ball a little bit I think you alienated

a lot of people so I still give you a big old two thumbs down and a big old fu

not gonna say the f-word with Tony standing right next to me what with that

neck what are you doing all right what do you need to say to the people real

quick I'm watching Harry Potter 5 ok you go finish watching the Harry Potter 5 I

love you and that being said that's my piece on it my opinion is you guys

should have just skipped the iPhone 8 and I know you're sitting there going oh

well we gave everyone an option no you alienated people stills what you did

you're making people who might not be able to afford that phone feel like crap

like oh yes if I do want the new iPhone I still have to buy the the old one

because I already have a 7 and I'm buying an 8 and it's the same damn phone

but at least I can say I have an 8 but then you have those same people who are

still gonna go and feel like crap around their fucking peers who go well I got

the iPhone 10 you must be a fucking piece of shit because unfortunately in

this world we live in and you know things like the type of phone you have

literally represent you as a person and your status and your success which I

think that's absolutely ridiculous no one is gonna make me feel unsuccessful

because of something that I choose to buy or wear or anything like that so

again I'm gonna leave you guys with that hit me up in the comment section with

your opinions I'd be glad to chat with you guys a little bit about it I want to

know how you will feel about the new iPhone and the iPhone 10 and the hour X

or 10 and the iPhone 8 and 8 plus me personally I think the iPhone 10 is a

group it looks like a phenomenal phone I don't even like iPhones Apple nothing

like that but I'll tell you what it's something I would I wouldn't switch from

Android but it's something I would get to try you know and then probably maybe

end up you know passing it down or selling it or something but uh I would

be willing to try it you know I and maybe it would sway me but not the way

it went down I wouldn't try it because I feel like you still you're gonna say we

were trying to include everyone I'm saying you were making

feel alienated and that's just my opinion you should have just skipped

over the same generation phone now because realistically since the iPhone 6

came out you've had a six a six and a seven and now an iPhone eight you

changed the chipset in it and through a second camera in it and change the

haptic button but you know what no you're giving people the same shit for

the past four years now enough is enough it's your band's

signing out peace I just wanted to thank you for watching this video if you liked

what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit the subscribe button if

you have not done so already follow us on Facebook Instagram Google+ give us

some Twitter love eyes and we've really enjoy when you guys leave us comments

down below



Bishop Noel Jones sermon

For more infomation >> Bishop Noel Jones sermon


Destiny 2 Lore Prince Uldren (and Variks) betrayed us! - Duration: 15:37.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Lore Prince Uldren (and Variks) betrayed us! - Duration: 15:37.


Czyszczenie Pszenicy Do Siewu 2017. Separator. Opinia Rolnika. Pszenżyto z Centrali. - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Czyszczenie Pszenicy Do Siewu 2017. Separator. Opinia Rolnika. Pszenżyto z Centrali. - Duration: 6:44.


FIFA 18 - Proviamo la DEMO! - Gameplay ITA PS4 PRO / XBOX ONE / Nintendo Switch / PC - Duration: 1:06:21.

For more infomation >> FIFA 18 - Proviamo la DEMO! - Gameplay ITA PS4 PRO / XBOX ONE / Nintendo Switch / PC - Duration: 1:06:21.


Audi AIcon e Volkswagen Sedric. L'auto-guida totale secondo i brand del Gruppo Volkswagen [ENGLISH] - Duration: 2:17.

This is the future of the cars according to VW, Level 5 autonomous driving. There's not even the steering wheel. It will take you where you'll want to go

ok, maybe this one is a bit better with 26 inch rims, full LED, it's called Alcon, it's very long. They said that once the batteries are dead, it goes to a charging station by itself

there are some people inside but we can tell you that there's no steering wheel. I really like the stop lights with LEDs. We probably prefer cars where we can actually drive

For more infomation >> Audi AIcon e Volkswagen Sedric. L'auto-guida totale secondo i brand del Gruppo Volkswagen [ENGLISH] - Duration: 2:17.


ぺこ&りゅうちぇる結婚式、明石家さんま"登場"のサプライズ - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> ぺこ&りゅうちぇる結婚式、明石家さんま"登場"のサプライズ - Duration: 3:46.


Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11, Nazli i Ferit - bilijar ( 11 Bölüm -Bilardo Dersi) - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11, Nazli i Ferit - bilijar ( 11 Bölüm -Bilardo Dersi) - Duration: 4:27.


Kilgus Diaries Episode 1: How I Started Working in The Lycoming County District Attorney's Office - Duration: 2:47.

it's a different perspective because -- the story that you told me about you know

before you came on as a prosecutor being sick to your stomach because you

couldn't defend a guy who beat up his wife right and you called up Jerry and

you said ---that, that is a signature story of mine because I've never -- tell it to the audience

real quick just real quick -- ok so I was working at Casale & Bonner as a law

clerk so I was studying for the bar and then I became a lawyer and they sent me

over to do a protection from abuse case and we were defending the guy that

allegedly abused his wife and it was in front of Judge Anderson across the way

was this woman who her face was battered and she was holding this infant and Weis

Options was around her you know victims advocates and it seemed to me in my mind

they were, there was this bright gold light shining on them and I just had

this solid clear feeling I was in the wrong place it was so bad that I I went

back across the street and sat at my desk and closed the door I was like I

can't do this I'm sorry I had worked really hard I mean I, I worked full time

in law school I you know I, so you called Jerry...

I called Jerry and I said I, I don't think I can do this and I went home and

I said to him I can't do this there's no way I can't do it I don't know what I'm

gonna do and he's like "well you worked so hard I mean what are you gonna do

just give it up?," and I was like I'm sorry I just can't do it so I went back to

work the next morning just heartsick and the phone rang like right away in the

morning and it was one of the ADA's saying, "hey like two years

ago you put in your resume," because before I moved to Pennsylvania I put my

resume in to lots of law firms and the DA's office he said "you put your

resume in a couple years ago or we were wondering if you were still interested

in the job," and I said yes, "oh good when can you come over for an interview?,"

now, so I walked across the street talked to the DA, hired me, came back and told

them I'm gonna go work in the DA's office and it was like it fit me like

a glove, it fit me like a glove I, advocating for victims of crime to me,

was my life's work

For more infomation >> Kilgus Diaries Episode 1: How I Started Working in The Lycoming County District Attorney's Office - Duration: 2:47.


Mężczyźni używają Livioon http://tomaszciesielski.livioon.com - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Mężczyźni używają Livioon http://tomaszciesielski.livioon.com - Duration: 1:37.


Etude House: Fix and Fix Fixer Mist Review 에뛰드 하우스: 픽스앤 픽스 픽서 미스트 리뷰 - Duration: 2:43.

Hello! Thank you for visiting my YouTube channel. Today s review is about Fix and Fix Fixer MIST!

Maybe I can start with what this MIST can do.

This is a makeup boosting fixer,

which seals the makeup and keeps it in place by coating the skin with a weightless and thin film.

What is good about this product? It's easy to carry in your bag and you don't have to touch your face.


I will apply Any Cushion Cream Filter foundation on my hand,

but I will apply Fix Mist only on one half of my hand.

Alright, maybe I applied too much of mist. But, let's wait until it dries off!

And here are the results:

Touching with cotton pad to my hand where MIST was not used. As you can see,

foundation is easily removed from my hand.

And now part where I used the mist.

Cotton pad is clean!

Now I showed you all the good parts of this mist, but there are some cons.

1. With the spray, it's difficult to control how much liquid you want to use.

You can end up with huge water drops on your face, like it happened to me during the testing.

But even if it happens it doesn't affect your make up, so don't worry.


2. One weak layer for fixing is probably not enough, depending on how much and what kind of makeup you used.

It's up to you decide, if you want to buy the product or not.

I recommend it as it's wonderful for sensitive skin and you can feel a little bit of hydrating effect as well.

I hope you liked this review, see you next week!! ♥ Bye~

For more infomation >> Etude House: Fix and Fix Fixer Mist Review 에뛰드 하우스: 픽스앤 픽스 픽서 미스트 리뷰 - Duration: 2:43.


HD My best machete! The customized Ontario 22" HD - Duration: 12:31.

Hello! Today, i'm reviewing my most favorite machete!

This is a 22" Ontario machete.

As it says on the blade itself - Ontario U.S.

This is the HD - which stands for Heavy Duty model. Originally, its got a pressure formed plastic handle, with no rivets whatsoever.

To me, the one handed handle was simply too short. I wanted something to grab with both hands when chopping dead standing trees etc.

The handle itself is made of the end part of an axe haft.

When clearing brush, i can just choke on the upper part for better control, or on the lower part for more speed and power.

The blade itself is 22" long, that's around 55cm.

The blade is 3mm, that's 0,118" thick.

The entire machete weighs around 900g (2LBS), making it heavy enough for some chopping, but light enough to clear brush.

That's why in my opinion, this is the perfect machete!

It's made of 50-55hRc hard 1095 carbon steel, which holds an edge very well.

Only when i hit a rock, the blade gets a ding. Pine or spruce knots do not roll the edge at all.

Let's test the heck out of this tool.

Unfortunately, when the blade bites in too deep, it tends to lock itself in the chopped piece of wood.

A machete is not made to split wood, but whatever.

Here i got some trees that need to be removed, let's check how they stand up against my machete.

This one is thicker, thus i'm using the two-handed grip.

It bites just past the center.

This tree is quite soft, although the machete does a good job.

The machete got stuck. Although, the occurring situation makes it easy for me to show, how much can i bend the machete without breaking or warping it.

Time for some low grass slashing.

It does a good job with slashing grass and other greenstuff.

Unfortunately, i struck a stone, which is inevitable when doing such work.

This is how the dents look like. Those can be straightened out with a hammer or simply filed out.

For more infomation >> HD My best machete! The customized Ontario 22" HD - Duration: 12:31.


滚滚长江东逝水-[ENG SUB]-Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1994 (三国演义) - Duration: 2:57.

Linjiangxian [Poem Style] from <<Romance of the Three Kingdoms>>

Surging, the Long River flows eastward,

carrying countless heroes within its waves.

Right and wrong, victory and defeat; all become void with a turn of the head.

Still the green mountains remain; how many sunsets pass?

A white-haired fisherman, on the river,

habitually gaze at the autumn moon and spring winds.

At a merry meeting with others, over a bottle of wine,

How many past and present events, are brought up in blissful conversation?

At a merry meeting with others, over a bottle of wine,

How many past and present stories, are brought up in blissful conversation?

For more infomation >> 滚滚长江东逝水-[ENG SUB]-Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1994 (三国演义) - Duration: 2:57.



Talk Talky

My name is Jeff. Dab Bro

yo what's going on with your man DoolbagJohnson I just want to hit

you guys up real quick let you know my opinion on the new iPhone announcement

today so Apple I'm not gonna lie I'm not an apple guy at all I don't know own

anything Apple. I have had well Jamie's got in one of the old iPod Classic she

actually does still use that that thing is still kicking a lot of ass I'm not

gonna lie that thing is built like a shit brick house but besides that Apple

nope not in this house not an apple guy not an Apple family nobody here likes

Apple we are who we are and we don't have to like Apple I absolutely love my

lg g5 I'll be getting a g7 or whatever I'm not getting the v30

she's been using Samsung phones since the Samsung s4 has every year gotten the

new Samsung other than that back to a what we were talking about here the new

iPhone talk today Apple's keynote so they announced the iPhone 8 8 plus which

fuck you Apple that's the same damn phone again literally it would we ended

the a 11 chip and we slapped the same fucking price tag on it okay fuck you

again enough of that shit I get it you announced the Apple iPhone 10 as

well big fuckin improvement here Wow okay that I will round of applause I'm

not gonna lie so you could see what they all look like here if if I put my

fucking if I cover up the iPhone 10 there you'd think I just showed you a

picture of two iPhone eights or I mean iPhone 7s there are two iPhone eight

stay look exactly like iPhone 7s but yeah essentially so quick specs on them

and then I'll give you my opinion on it so 10 I'm gonna go I'm gonna be talking

about the ten to eight and then the eight plus and then the eight so you

have a 5.8 inch display it's a super retina HD so it's actually a true OLED

Oro LED display then you have the five and a half of the four

point seven inch respectively like you would normally have on the regular on

the plus so the cameras you have the wide angle on both the plus model of the

eight and the ten and then your standard so they're all twelve mikkel up twelve

mikkel yeah twelve Mikkel pamela's 12 megapixel cameras you have a face ID on

the ten so that is a big improvement it will literally it's got a pet apparently

like I don't know 500 or so whatever the hell invisible dot points are it could

be way more cook your way less I don't remember every detail but it it will

literally track every motion of your face and it actually evolves as you grow

if you get facial hair if you put in a hood whatever that's awesome so it

always recognized that and you could use that for Apple pay very secure good job

guys you still understand a touch ID on the other two they did do away with the

home button on the ten as well and they have an edge to edge top to bottom

display that looks nice it's already kind of been done maybe not a full

fuckin display like that on a flagship phone but still a nice nice touch I'll

give them that they put the AAA 11 chip in every one of

them now so every year they do fucking five six seven eight nine ten now

they're at 11 great they call it the a live and Bionic chip apparently it's got

a much stronger GPU it's a much more efficient CPU of course like every year

it's 70% more deficient they say the same shit every year so that means that

the fucking foam that they have right now has got to be like what like 9

billion times more efficient than the original one I doubt it so fuck off but

good they gave them wireless charging they even have wireless charging on the

eights as well and that's your main difference with that's it we've already

discussed the difference between the 7 and the 8 they put some trueform or

something like on in the screen they call trueform or something so if you

turn it like you have it on an angle see if my fucking phone let's turn on today

on an angle you get better uniformity but I don't know if you guys could see

here but I get fucking great uniformity on this screen already so whatever but

yeah other than that you got wireless charging and you got that true form

besides that guys sorry they say it's stronger glass not buying it the 8 and

the fucking A+ of the same damn phone besides that in the a 11 chips oh fuck

off you're buying the same phone again the only phone to speak about here is

the iPhone 10 so there you have it here you see I'm

putting some specs on the screen as well respects so yeah they come in 64 gig and

what 256 gig models they should have done fucking 128 and 256 but whatever

and a big difference in price though they're talking about a seven hundred

and eight hundred dollar price tag on the eights and a thousand dollar price

tag I guess as a on the 10 or the starting point on the 10 as far as I

know so yeah the super retina yeah

multi-touch we went through all the screen shit I'm not gonna get too

fucking fancy but the contrast ratio was apparently way better on the screen that

OLED it's like million to one contrast versus 1300 to one contrast on the or

fourteen to one contrast on the smaller one ironically true tone I guess they

all have the truth oh it's true tone is what they call that the thing where you

see the fucking contrast better from the side they all have 3d touch so the

cameras on the iPhone 10 you were looking at a 12 megapixel wide-angle and

telephoto camera so you have a wide angle can do up to 1.8 aperture the

telephoto is 2.4 and then on the other ones you have the 12 and the wide with

one point in 2.8 on the plus and then just a standard one 12 megapixel one

point aperture they all have image stabilization but the 10 has dual

optical image stabilization on both cameras whereas the other ones only have

the single optical stabilizer on the one camera other than that everything else

flesh-tone slow sync all the same stuff the regular one does not have portrait

mode or portrait lighting which apparently portrait lighting is still in

beta the front camera is called the true depth camera on the 10 so that one

actually does 7 megapixels it's got the same HD 1080 retina flash wide color

capture I don't actually know what the fuck they

mean by true depth maybe I didn't fucking I must have missed that part

on the keynote they all do Apple pay but now you can do Apple pay using the face

ID which they have on the Apple 10 which is cool so that's a little more secure

apparently the new iPhone 10 will last up to two hours longer than an iPhone 7

and they're saying that the battery in the iPhone 8 is the same as the iPhone 7

so that's about the same okay it's the same fucking shut up you already know

that but it does wireless now other than that they have this wireless pad

accessory they're talking about where you put your phone your air pods and

your watcher your eye watch Apple watch on there and cool I guess but yeah I

don't really have much else to say that's pretty much it I ran through it I

mean besides that there's a bunch of advanced modes that they have now for

the camera where you can do like different like photography lighting and

stuff like that that's all cool but that only looks like it's available on the

iPhone 10 from what I saw but that might be built into iOS 11 which they're

saying is a lot more intuitive now but I personally didn't see much of a

difference unless you have the iPhone 10 they were very focused on that and

that's fine that's awesome they're trying to say hey look we listened to

you guys this phone has everything you asked for and more but we also have the

fucking affordable one right here for you so they're saying that the 10 is

gonna be available for a lot more money and limited quantities apparently they

already use the word limited quantities and I guess that one's not releasing

till like November or something like that don't you around with limited

quantities either man cuz you are gonna have people that are gonna get pissed

off and be like you know I put all the faith in you guys I spent all this money

and you know what you let me down again and it's just a ridiculous thing so I'm

glad to see that you stepped up your game a little bit with the iPhone 10 but

uh Tyrone but I am NOT happy not happy that you guys are still going ahead and

releasing another phone that is the same phone like you should have just came out

with that iPhone 10 hold on one sec and gave everyone like an entry iPhone 10

and then the flagship so like maybe add the extra camera maybe give one of them

like a true OLED screen and the other one just had the

right now but do the edge-to-edge you know because a lot of the other stuff

like the chips and everything is the same so how hard would it have been I

think you guys still kind of dropped the ball a little bit I think you alienated

a lot of people so I still give you a big old two thumbs down and a big old fu

not gonna say the f-word with Tony standing right next to me what with that

neck what are you doing all right what do you need to say to the people real

quick I'm watching Harry Potter 5 ok you go finish watching the Harry Potter 5 I

love you and that being said that's my piece on it my opinion is you guys

should have just skipped the iPhone 8 and I know you're sitting there going oh

well we gave everyone an option no you alienated people stills what you did

you're making people who might not be able to afford that phone feel like crap

like oh yes if I do want the new iPhone I still have to buy the the old one

because I already have a 7 and I'm buying an 8 and it's the same damn phone

but at least I can say I have an 8 but then you have those same people who are

still gonna go and feel like crap around their fucking peers who go well I got

the iPhone 10 you must be a fucking piece of shit because unfortunately in

this world we live in and you know things like the type of phone you have

literally represent you as a person and your status and your success which I

think that's absolutely ridiculous no one is gonna make me feel unsuccessful

because of something that I choose to buy or wear or anything like that so

again I'm gonna leave you guys with that hit me up in the comment section with

your opinions I'd be glad to chat with you guys a little bit about it I want to

know how you will feel about the new iPhone and the iPhone 10 and the hour X

or 10 and the iPhone 8 and 8 plus me personally I think the iPhone 10 is a

group it looks like a phenomenal phone I don't even like iPhones Apple nothing

like that but I'll tell you what it's something I would I wouldn't switch from

Android but it's something I would get to try you know and then probably maybe

end up you know passing it down or selling it or something but uh I would

be willing to try it you know I and maybe it would sway me but not the way

it went down I wouldn't try it because I feel like you still you're gonna say we

were trying to include everyone I'm saying you were making

feel alienated and that's just my opinion you should have just skipped

over the same generation phone now because realistically since the iPhone 6

came out you've had a six a six and a seven and now an iPhone eight you

changed the chipset in it and through a second camera in it and change the

haptic button but you know what no you're giving people the same shit for

the past four years now enough is enough it's your band's

signing out peace I just wanted to thank you for watching this video if you liked

what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit the subscribe button if

you have not done so already follow us on Facebook Instagram Google+ give us

some Twitter love eyes and we've really enjoy when you guys leave us comments

down below



Global Warming Effect on Hudson Bay - Duration: 9:15.

Global warming is one of the hottest debates between scientists and researchers around the world

This video will be investigating the science behind global warming and its effect on the home of polar bears

Hudson Bay

So, you have probably heard many debates on global warming on TV these days

But what is it exactly and how do we see it?

Global warming is the term used to describe the condition

how the Earth's surface temperature is rising in climate change

In 2013,

the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change has stated that "it is extremely likely that human

influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since mid 20th century."

According to NASA and National Geography's climate scientists,

Global warming is a result of enhanced greenhouse effect

The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

absorb the sunlight rays that are heating the Earth's surface by radiation

The emission of greenhouse gases has been one of the largest human influences on global warming

Greenhouse gases include Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide

Greenhouse gases are not toxic gases and harm the nature

In fact, the earth needs greenhouse gases to prevent from going into ice age

However with the over amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

it traps too much heat and raises the Earth's surface temperature

A largest proportion of greenhouse gases are produced from the process of burning fossil fuels

The combustion reaction in the process generates a huge amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor into the atmosphere

One of the main sources is caused by deforestation

According to the the research published in journal Nature,

there are more than 3 trillion trees globally

however, humans call down 15 billion trees each year

with an accelerating rate as the human population increases

The global tree population has declined by 46%

since the human civilization

In the process of photosynthesis

the leaves absorb the Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and then release oxygen water as the product

but as the number of trees decline and the burning of fossil fuels

the rate of producing oxygen cannot exceed the rate of the carbon dioxide production

Located in Northeast Canada Hudson Bay is the home of polar bears

With the global warming effect,

The ice layers has been decreasing each year and becoming thinner and thinner so are the polar bears

The change of landscape has strongly influenced the polar bears ravening

Polar bears are at the top of the food chain in Arctic Ecosystem

As the main Source of food for the polar bears

the ringed seals contain a high fat content and calories enough to keep a polar bear healthy

A seal comes around 12 breathing holes in the ice with it claws

Polar Bears will be waiting in one of the holes and trap its prey

According to former researcher from Canadian Wildlife service,

Ian Stirling's observation from 1970 to 1999,

"although the bears population has held steadily the animal's body mass is decreasing and getting thinner"

By 1999 the biologist has correlated a steady decline in Polar Bear's health with a decline of sea ice

Furthermore, it's not just the bears getting thinner,

the females gave birth less often and the cubs survival rate also declined

From the polar bear body mass graph, in the Arctic sea ice extent graph,

a clear correlation of negative linear trend can be seen

It is suggested that the decrease of sea ice and polar bear body mass has a relationship and direct influence

The decrease of sea ice changes the landscape for the ecosystem

The evidence provides a full support on The Age's statement

In the article according to CWS study,

"it is said the melting of ice affected only on Western Hudson Bay."

however the melting of sea ice is not only disrupting the environment and ecosystem in Hudson Bay

Global warming is affecting the environment globally

One of the most significant ice melting is located at the Arctic circle

Despite the fact of the increase of sea ice in Antarctica,

It does not make up the accelerated Arctic sea ice loss

According to the climate scientists at NASA

"Even though Antarctica sea ice reached a new record of maximum this past September,

global sea ice is still decreasing.

That's because the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice."

According to the data on National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

the minimum ice coverage has decreased by 40% from 1980 to 2015

So where has the ice gone?

Every particle has 3 forms: solid, liquid and gas

When the ice melts, it transforms from solid to liquid and goes into the ocean as water

Every year the amount of ice that melts increases at a exceeding rate

According to the graph from GMSL

the trend has a rate of increasing 3.2mm per year

It is believed that the sea level will increase by 50cm to 1m by the end of the century

The solution of Global warming is so simple but so difficult to accomplish

The main problem is to remove the gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere

As the video explained earlier,

the combustion effects from burning fossil fuel plays a major role

in producing greenhouse gases

To improve the situation, one of the solutions is

renewable energy

Renewable energy collected from renewable resources are naturally replenished

on a human time scale, including wind, hydro, solar, etc

Wind power is generated by air flow running the wind turbines which transfers the kinetic energy to electricity

wind power generates 4% of the world's demand electricity

If we can increase wind powers efficiency in producing electri city

the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be greatly reduced

One of the positives of wind power is that these wind turbines can be built on both land and sea

It is believed in the long term wind power has the potential to

perform five times better than its current production

Global warming is a problem that needs to be fixed

if nothing is done within the decade

the Earth is going to face both economic and environment problems

Like the effect on Hudson Bay

the climate change effect will only impact the ecosystem

around the world much more significantly

Global warming is capable of changing landscapes and climate

Causing National disasters such as floods and droughts

These disasters can influence the agricultural productions

disrupting the Import and export of food and farming products

Climate change not only impact on humans, but also the natural environment and animals

Due to the disruption in the ecosystem and food chain

some animals will force to migrate, changing their habitats and some will become extinct

Hudson Bay is one of the places that suffers the most due to global warming

Just because of these changes in Sea ice because the polar bears to be starving

Imagine in the next few years

if nothing is done about global warming

What kind of negative impacts can we be facing in?

In conclusion, to help make this world become better

start helping promote renewable energy and save electricity

Hey guys, thank you so much for watching!

If you've enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe and help this channel grow

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Global Warming Effect on Hudson Bay - Duration: 9:15.


DOJ Won't Bring Charges Against Officers In Gray Case - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> DOJ Won't Bring Charges Against Officers In Gray Case - Duration: 0:22.


BIG NEWS! YAMAHA Brand eBikes coming! - Duration: 1:52.

Hey, what's up?

Guess what?

Yamaha just came out with a press release, like a few minutes ago with some really exciting

news that...

I'm sure you've probably surmised from the title of the video.


It's true, just like Japan; here in the good old US of A, Yamaha is going to come out with

electric bikes of their very own.

No more motor systems only, now they're going to have complete finished electric bikes from


This year at Interbike Yamaha is going BIG!

They're paying out the nose to advertise at every point of registration, they got this

big press room at the show, and probably some more stuff too.

They've even sent out materials at the dealer level to showcase their heritage in the eBike


Official YAMAHA zip ties!

This is what the fuss is all about; they're making an electric bike brand of their very


They have a website, but there's nothing on it as of yet... (patience is a virtue)

Do they even have anything finished?

When are they going to come out?

Will they have an entire line of electric bikes?

How much are they going to cost?

Why can't I guy one now!?

Is it going to be a direct import of their Japanese electric bikes?

Well I hope not because I gotta go faster than 15mph.

But, dig this: Guess who has the first interview 9am on Wednesday morning when the show starts?


It's Blue Monkey Bicycles!

Check it out!

Here's the email!

So what do you want to know?

Let me know in the comment section below and I would be happy to ask Yamaha, on your behalf.

You got about a little over a week as of the time that I'm recording this video.

Get typing now, let me know what you want to see.

As a little pre-cursor you can check out the video of the comparison I did with the Yamaha

PW vs the Bosch Performance models.

In the future they're gonna come out with the Bosch Performance CX and the Yamaha PWX.

I'm going to be trying out both those motors at Interbike and I'll let you guys know what

I think of those new motors.

It's going to be good.

Other than that!

Start typing your questions in the comment section because...

I could use the engagement....

See you later!

For more infomation >> BIG NEWS! YAMAHA Brand eBikes coming! - Duration: 1:52.


Can I Get a Breast Lift in My 20s -Dr.Cortes - Duration: 6:42.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: Can I get a breast lift in my 20s?

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

The breast lift procedure's purpose is to lift drooping breasts that start sagging due to the relaxation

of the skin envelope of the breasts.

This procedure aims to make your cleavage look fuller and restore the firmness of the breasts

and their natural position on the chest wall.

Women of different ages come to my practice to ask for a breast lift surgery.

Most of them are over 40 years old, but there are plenty in their 20s and 30s too.

It is true that breast ptosis mostly occurs with age, but in younger women, it usually occurs

after significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies.

The volume of the breast, and therefore its weight, is also responsible for a certain degree of ptosis,

which may coexist with hypertrophy.

In other words, if the patient has developed overly large breasts in her teen years,

by her 20s she might already be confronted with a certain level of sagginess.

Only a few patients resort to plastic surgery to correct breast ptosis in their youth

because they believe they are too young for a breast lift.

But this procedure is not about your age, but the condition of your breasts.

If your nipple is facing downward and you notice that a significant part of the mammary gland

is positioned under the inframammary fold, then you might need a breast lift,

even if you are just around 20 years of age.

If your cleavage looks empty and there is no upper pole fullness,

you might also have breast ptosis that needs correction.

Undergoing a breast lift in your 20s is not a guarantee that your breasts will maintain

their elevated appearance for the rest of your life.

If the patient experiences pregnancies or weight loss after the procedure, the shape,

position, and consistency of the breasts might change once more.

I usually recommend my patients to undergo this procedure when their family is complete

or when they don't expect to get pregnant at least in the next two years following the procedure.

But it is understandable that patients want to get a breast lift sooner in life.

The result of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately.

The shape of the breasts is rounder, the breasts are firm and positioned higher on the thorax

and more symmetrical.

However, the lifting is really definitive after a year, when the scars gradually fade

until becoming thin white lines almost undetectable.

If you have a breast lift in your 20s, you might need additional breast enhancement surgery later on in life.

In this video, we discussed: Can I get a breast lift in my 20s?

Next week we will discuss: Breast augmentation with liposuction.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Can I Get a Breast Lift in My 20s -Dr.Cortes - Duration: 6:42.


My Actual Reaction to The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance - Duration: 1:46.

Kazooie is just in the corner like "wtf"

For more infomation >> My Actual Reaction to The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance - Duration: 1:46.


Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11 - Nazli i Ferit - Povređen i ljut (11 Bölüm -Kırgın ve Kızgınım) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Pun mesec (Dolunay) - epizoda 11 - Nazli i Ferit - Povređen i ljut (11 Bölüm -Kırgın ve Kızgınım) - Duration: 3:07.


[MMD - MME] Hand in Hand (Youtube Video Editor) - Duration: 5:36.

I'm humming a song

A song I release

To where my finger points out

The point I see with my eyes closed


"Hand in hand"

That hand of yours

May be someone else's hand I don't know

"Hand in hand"

I'm holding the hand


To the future

Don't cry

You don't just understand this yet

Words and feelings

Are something you barely see

The gentleness changes tomorrow

The gentleness The gentleness changes tomorrow

The gentleness

I release to people I love, things I like

And places I like


"Hand in hand" See

"Hand in hand"

A song you shouted

Will wrap

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's hand

Without any hesitation


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand" Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future

These casual words

And these forgotten melodies

Create smiles

Before I know

This affection

You draw with your voice, with your finger

And with your heart will spread

To tomorrow


"Hand in hand"

The hand you're holding

Will wipe away

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's tears

In faraway place


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future Forever

To the future

I'm humming a song

A song I release

To where my finger points out

The point I see with my eyes closed


"Hand in hand"

The hand you're holding

Will wipe away

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's tears

In faraway place


"Hand in hand"

A song you shouted

Will wrap

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's hand

Without any hesitation


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand" Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future

For more infomation >> [MMD - MME] Hand in Hand (Youtube Video Editor) - Duration: 5:36.


Let's Read Umineko Episode 3 Pt 18 'A Set of Closed Rooms' - Duration: 52:49.

My theory is still alive since George is still alive. It's why I was hesitant to do all servants. I'm glad I didn't, but it is on it's last leg. If they really are dead.

That's understandable

Oh I'm very much ok with this.

I don't have to believe in them to get advice. It's like an extra voice in my head

You know no crack that can be used. No other ways to get in stuff like that.

Yeah I was going to ask if you could talk through it.

Ah I know what they're doing here. They're going to be all of the keys to open up the doors. They'll be behind a different door. I'll need a board to counter this one.

I'm going to go ahead and make a diagram for this one second.

I already know where this is going. The last key is going to be the parlor room key so it completes itself.

I'm already getting an idea on how to get around it.

So I'm using Shannon in this case and all she would need to do is work backwards and once finishing up Kumasawa. She locks herself in the parlor room and commits suicide. At least that's what I think so far.

and it's going to be a perfect loop.

So the way the chapel works is that only the chapel key opens it. So it has to be locked before Kinzo is locked in his room.

But I mean you could just go back and get the key.

So Kanon had to have died and been locked up before Kinzo.

It means a room was locked from the inside.

From the top. Let's assume Shannon is guilty because it is the easiest to go with right now. Since we started with her might as well go with her.

So what needs to happen is kill Kanon. Lock his door with the parlor room key and master key inside.

Put Kinzo's body in the furnace lock it with the chapel room key.

Then going to the VIP room have Genji's body in there with the master key and the boiler room key.

Now kill Gohda lock his key and the VIP key in the room.

Kumasawa is the last one kill her lock the door with the master key and 3rd floor waiting room key inside.

Go to the parlor room lock the door from the inside and put the master key and 2nd floor guest house key inside and kill yourself.

Thus breaking this lock. That's before any reds though.

I actually need that.

If she doesn't say that it makes it even easier.

I don't give a damn what he says.

No if he's part of the group he could easily lie.

Hey want 20 million, "sure" ok lie for me.

aw how adorable.

Why would that matter?

But they were unable to do anything.

Could have been a type of trap. Kinda like a trip wire.

Still going with my theory though.

That's why I never brought it up. I'm not that good with coming up with trap ideas or how they work. I think it's better to just have normal ways to have someone get killed.

That's true. No matter how stupid it is if it's possible it's possible.

I don't think that's what happened, but it is possible.

She's not denying it was a trap.

The way I approached it really let's any of the servants be able to do it. I don't remember if you could lock the chapel without the key.

The way to attack these closed rooms is go after what makes them closed off in the first place. In this case it is the idea of keys being locked in a different room. It's just how I approach these issues and so far it's worked out pretty well.

The only way to open the parlor room is with the parlor room key. So you need to make it look like it's impossible to open the door without the key that is locked in a different room.

I didn't go the trap route I'm not that creative.

I want the red that not everyone was killed by the same person or something like that.

It's exactly what I jumped to. I just went straight to that point.

When you start resulting to that you know this is the right track.

If she does deny it I'm right.

If not i'll make a quick adjustment of how the person died last.


Yeah it's over.

That's fine.

Yes one died by accident. Since no one committed suicide. They wanted to make it appear that they were dead and accidentally killed themselves. This makes it an accident and not an intentional suicide.

They wanted to fake their death but accidentally lead to their death.

I'm not letting her off.

There we go.

I guarantee they wanted to set up a fake murder, but accidentally killed themselves. Good game

Do it.

I accept it.

It means that it would give away something pretty large if he isn't letting her say that.

She might need a little more than that.

I consider that I was close enough to the answer. I only had to make a very slight adjustment at the end.

I couldn't have predicted some of those reds so from what I could think of I think that is pretty good.

The way I'd get around it would be another culprit shots the last person and locks the door when it is open. The door since it is inside can be locked without actually closing the door first.

Generally doors inside a house can be locked before closing them so it would be able to happen in the parlor room.

For more infomation >> Let's Read Umineko Episode 3 Pt 18 'A Set of Closed Rooms' - Duration: 52:49.


Are You an Empath?

For more infomation >> Are You an Empath?


Qual a melhor técnica para analisar o mercado? Dificil hein!? - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Qual a melhor técnica para analisar o mercado? Dificil hein!? - Duration: 8:36.


Car Games for Kids 8 - free car racing videos to play 2017 - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Car Games for Kids 8 - free car racing videos to play 2017 - Duration: 12:36.


Zinedine Zidane, sobre el Real Madrid: "La presión es igual si es Liga o es Champions" - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Zinedine Zidane, sobre el Real Madrid: "La presión es igual si es Liga o es Champions" - Duration: 0:23.


Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: conheça a importância do Setembro Amarelo - - Duration: 16:57.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: conheça a importância do Setembro Amarelo - - Duration: 16:57.


JUEGOS MENTALES que te pondrán a pensar | Sólo un genio resuelve esto en 10s - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> JUEGOS MENTALES que te pondrán a pensar | Sólo un genio resuelve esto en 10s - Duration: 5:13.





FIFA 18 - Proviamo la DEMO! - Gameplay ITA PS4 PRO / XBOX ONE / Nintendo Switch / PC - Duration: 1:06:21.

For more infomation >> FIFA 18 - Proviamo la DEMO! - Gameplay ITA PS4 PRO / XBOX ONE / Nintendo Switch / PC - Duration: 1:06:21.


[MMD - MME] Hand in Hand (Youtube Video Editor) - Duration: 5:36.

I'm humming a song

A song I release

To where my finger points out

The point I see with my eyes closed


"Hand in hand"

That hand of yours

May be someone else's hand I don't know

"Hand in hand"

I'm holding the hand


To the future

Don't cry

You don't just understand this yet

Words and feelings

Are something you barely see

The gentleness changes tomorrow

The gentleness The gentleness changes tomorrow

The gentleness

I release to people I love, things I like

And places I like


"Hand in hand" See

"Hand in hand"

A song you shouted

Will wrap

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's hand

Without any hesitation


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand" Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future

These casual words

And these forgotten melodies

Create smiles

Before I know

This affection

You draw with your voice, with your finger

And with your heart will spread

To tomorrow


"Hand in hand"

The hand you're holding

Will wipe away

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's tears

In faraway place


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future Forever

To the future

I'm humming a song

A song I release

To where my finger points out

The point I see with my eyes closed


"Hand in hand"

The hand you're holding

Will wipe away

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's tears

In faraway place


"Hand in hand"

A song you shouted

Will wrap

"Hand in hand"

Someone else's hand

Without any hesitation


"Hand in hand"

These strong feelings

Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand" Will embrace someone else's shoulder

"Hand in hand"

Remember this


To the future

For more infomation >> [MMD - MME] Hand in Hand (Youtube Video Editor) - Duration: 5:36.


Hazec - Liberdade (Prod. Bixo do Mato) - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Hazec - Liberdade (Prod. Bixo do Mato) - Duration: 2:05.



Talk Talky

My name is Jeff. Dab Bro

yo what's going on with your man DoolbagJohnson I just want to hit

you guys up real quick let you know my opinion on the new iPhone announcement

today so Apple I'm not gonna lie I'm not an apple guy at all I don't know own

anything Apple. I have had well Jamie's got in one of the old iPod Classic she

actually does still use that that thing is still kicking a lot of ass I'm not

gonna lie that thing is built like a shit brick house but besides that Apple

nope not in this house not an apple guy not an Apple family nobody here likes

Apple we are who we are and we don't have to like Apple I absolutely love my

lg g5 I'll be getting a g7 or whatever I'm not getting the v30

she's been using Samsung phones since the Samsung s4 has every year gotten the

new Samsung other than that back to a what we were talking about here the new

iPhone talk today Apple's keynote so they announced the iPhone 8 8 plus which

fuck you Apple that's the same damn phone again literally it would we ended

the a 11 chip and we slapped the same fucking price tag on it okay fuck you

again enough of that shit I get it you announced the Apple iPhone 10 as

well big fuckin improvement here Wow okay that I will round of applause I'm

not gonna lie so you could see what they all look like here if if I put my

fucking if I cover up the iPhone 10 there you'd think I just showed you a

picture of two iPhone eights or I mean iPhone 7s there are two iPhone eight

stay look exactly like iPhone 7s but yeah essentially so quick specs on them

and then I'll give you my opinion on it so 10 I'm gonna go I'm gonna be talking

about the ten to eight and then the eight plus and then the eight so you

have a 5.8 inch display it's a super retina HD so it's actually a true OLED

Oro LED display then you have the five and a half of the four

point seven inch respectively like you would normally have on the regular on

the plus so the cameras you have the wide angle on both the plus model of the

eight and the ten and then your standard so they're all twelve mikkel up twelve

mikkel yeah twelve Mikkel pamela's 12 megapixel cameras you have a face ID on

the ten so that is a big improvement it will literally it's got a pet apparently

like I don't know 500 or so whatever the hell invisible dot points are it could

be way more cook your way less I don't remember every detail but it it will

literally track every motion of your face and it actually evolves as you grow

if you get facial hair if you put in a hood whatever that's awesome so it

always recognized that and you could use that for Apple pay very secure good job

guys you still understand a touch ID on the other two they did do away with the

home button on the ten as well and they have an edge to edge top to bottom

display that looks nice it's already kind of been done maybe not a full

fuckin display like that on a flagship phone but still a nice nice touch I'll

give them that they put the AAA 11 chip in every one of

them now so every year they do fucking five six seven eight nine ten now

they're at 11 great they call it the a live and Bionic chip apparently it's got

a much stronger GPU it's a much more efficient CPU of course like every year

it's 70% more deficient they say the same shit every year so that means that

the fucking foam that they have right now has got to be like what like 9

billion times more efficient than the original one I doubt it so fuck off but

good they gave them wireless charging they even have wireless charging on the

eights as well and that's your main difference with that's it we've already

discussed the difference between the 7 and the 8 they put some trueform or

something like on in the screen they call trueform or something so if you

turn it like you have it on an angle see if my fucking phone let's turn on today

on an angle you get better uniformity but I don't know if you guys could see

here but I get fucking great uniformity on this screen already so whatever but

yeah other than that you got wireless charging and you got that true form

besides that guys sorry they say it's stronger glass not buying it the 8 and

the fucking A+ of the same damn phone besides that in the a 11 chips oh fuck

off you're buying the same phone again the only phone to speak about here is

the iPhone 10 so there you have it here you see I'm

putting some specs on the screen as well respects so yeah they come in 64 gig and

what 256 gig models they should have done fucking 128 and 256 but whatever

and a big difference in price though they're talking about a seven hundred

and eight hundred dollar price tag on the eights and a thousand dollar price

tag I guess as a on the 10 or the starting point on the 10 as far as I

know so yeah the super retina yeah

multi-touch we went through all the screen shit I'm not gonna get too

fucking fancy but the contrast ratio was apparently way better on the screen that

OLED it's like million to one contrast versus 1300 to one contrast on the or

fourteen to one contrast on the smaller one ironically true tone I guess they

all have the truth oh it's true tone is what they call that the thing where you

see the fucking contrast better from the side they all have 3d touch so the

cameras on the iPhone 10 you were looking at a 12 megapixel wide-angle and

telephoto camera so you have a wide angle can do up to 1.8 aperture the

telephoto is 2.4 and then on the other ones you have the 12 and the wide with

one point in 2.8 on the plus and then just a standard one 12 megapixel one

point aperture they all have image stabilization but the 10 has dual

optical image stabilization on both cameras whereas the other ones only have

the single optical stabilizer on the one camera other than that everything else

flesh-tone slow sync all the same stuff the regular one does not have portrait

mode or portrait lighting which apparently portrait lighting is still in

beta the front camera is called the true depth camera on the 10 so that one

actually does 7 megapixels it's got the same HD 1080 retina flash wide color

capture I don't actually know what the fuck they

mean by true depth maybe I didn't fucking I must have missed that part

on the keynote they all do Apple pay but now you can do Apple pay using the face

ID which they have on the Apple 10 which is cool so that's a little more secure

apparently the new iPhone 10 will last up to two hours longer than an iPhone 7

and they're saying that the battery in the iPhone 8 is the same as the iPhone 7

so that's about the same okay it's the same fucking shut up you already know

that but it does wireless now other than that they have this wireless pad

accessory they're talking about where you put your phone your air pods and

your watcher your eye watch Apple watch on there and cool I guess but yeah I

don't really have much else to say that's pretty much it I ran through it I

mean besides that there's a bunch of advanced modes that they have now for

the camera where you can do like different like photography lighting and

stuff like that that's all cool but that only looks like it's available on the

iPhone 10 from what I saw but that might be built into iOS 11 which they're

saying is a lot more intuitive now but I personally didn't see much of a

difference unless you have the iPhone 10 they were very focused on that and

that's fine that's awesome they're trying to say hey look we listened to

you guys this phone has everything you asked for and more but we also have the

fucking affordable one right here for you so they're saying that the 10 is

gonna be available for a lot more money and limited quantities apparently they

already use the word limited quantities and I guess that one's not releasing

till like November or something like that don't you around with limited

quantities either man cuz you are gonna have people that are gonna get pissed

off and be like you know I put all the faith in you guys I spent all this money

and you know what you let me down again and it's just a ridiculous thing so I'm

glad to see that you stepped up your game a little bit with the iPhone 10 but

uh Tyrone but I am NOT happy not happy that you guys are still going ahead and

releasing another phone that is the same phone like you should have just came out

with that iPhone 10 hold on one sec and gave everyone like an entry iPhone 10

and then the flagship so like maybe add the extra camera maybe give one of them

like a true OLED screen and the other one just had the

right now but do the edge-to-edge you know because a lot of the other stuff

like the chips and everything is the same so how hard would it have been I

think you guys still kind of dropped the ball a little bit I think you alienated

a lot of people so I still give you a big old two thumbs down and a big old fu

not gonna say the f-word with Tony standing right next to me what with that

neck what are you doing all right what do you need to say to the people real

quick I'm watching Harry Potter 5 ok you go finish watching the Harry Potter 5 I

love you and that being said that's my piece on it my opinion is you guys

should have just skipped the iPhone 8 and I know you're sitting there going oh

well we gave everyone an option no you alienated people stills what you did

you're making people who might not be able to afford that phone feel like crap

like oh yes if I do want the new iPhone I still have to buy the the old one

because I already have a 7 and I'm buying an 8 and it's the same damn phone

but at least I can say I have an 8 but then you have those same people who are

still gonna go and feel like crap around their fucking peers who go well I got

the iPhone 10 you must be a fucking piece of shit because unfortunately in

this world we live in and you know things like the type of phone you have

literally represent you as a person and your status and your success which I

think that's absolutely ridiculous no one is gonna make me feel unsuccessful

because of something that I choose to buy or wear or anything like that so

again I'm gonna leave you guys with that hit me up in the comment section with

your opinions I'd be glad to chat with you guys a little bit about it I want to

know how you will feel about the new iPhone and the iPhone 10 and the hour X

or 10 and the iPhone 8 and 8 plus me personally I think the iPhone 10 is a

group it looks like a phenomenal phone I don't even like iPhones Apple nothing

like that but I'll tell you what it's something I would I wouldn't switch from

Android but it's something I would get to try you know and then probably maybe

end up you know passing it down or selling it or something but uh I would

be willing to try it you know I and maybe it would sway me but not the way

it went down I wouldn't try it because I feel like you still you're gonna say we

were trying to include everyone I'm saying you were making

feel alienated and that's just my opinion you should have just skipped

over the same generation phone now because realistically since the iPhone 6

came out you've had a six a six and a seven and now an iPhone eight you

changed the chipset in it and through a second camera in it and change the

haptic button but you know what no you're giving people the same shit for

the past four years now enough is enough it's your band's

signing out peace I just wanted to thank you for watching this video if you liked

what you saw pop that thumbs up button go ahead and hit the subscribe button if

you have not done so already follow us on Facebook Instagram Google+ give us

some Twitter love eyes and we've really enjoy when you guys leave us comments

down below



Como Acabar com a Insônia / Como Dormir mais Rápido / Como Curar a Insônia 💤 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Como Acabar com a Insônia / Como Dormir mais Rápido / Como Curar a Insônia 💤 - Duration: 5:22.


Origins of the Cosmos - Duration: 7:26.

Welcome back to another episode of the Lost Codex.

Today, we delve into a topic so few have explored; something far more ancient than previous topics:

the birth of the cosmos.

The origins of the Universe and all creation remain a partial mystery, even to the most

dedicated and ancient of scholars.

Although we've gleaned information from lost records that predate even the Titanforge

keepers, there are still pieces of the puzzle that are missing and mysteries that we may

never solve.

Nevertheless, our research is ongoing and our records are ever expanding.

Let us begin:

Before the comsos and the Universe roared into existence, before life took its gasping

first breath, there was only Light...and there was Void.

With neither time nor space to confine it, the Light ebbed and flowed through existence

like a current.

Strands of chronomatic energy danced and swam in and around itself and wherever it expanded,

a symphony of hope, warmth and harmony hummed and sang.

Yet even as the light expanded, parts of it flickered and dimmed.

Where the light faded and ceased to be, the void bubbled into existence and began to spread.

The Void- the mirrored, twisted reflection of the Light- was a power driven to devour,

consume and envelop all energy and forcibly warp the fabric of creation onto itself.

Although the light and void stretched and flowed in each other's wake, the two forces

grew increasingly turbulent.

The inseparable yet opposing energies of creation collided with one another and ignited a series

of cosmically, catastrophic explosions.

In that destructive, blinding moment, our universe was born.

Raw, astral energies roared across the nascent universe as the primordial forces of creation

churned into countless new worlds.

For a time inconceivable to the mortal mind, this newly born Universe- now known as the

Great Dark Beyond- frothed and expanded in a chaotic storm of cosmic fire and magic.

Amidst the vast cauldron of churning, primordial energies, the most chaotic and volatile of

these powers came together to form the Twisting Nether.

While this chaotic dimension existed outside the borders of the physical universe, Light

and Void energies bled and twisted together at its edges.

This amalgamation of Light and Void threw the Nether into a state of turmoil, which

would occasionally allow the Nether's volatile energies to rupture and tear through reality,

flooding into the Great Dark and warping creation wherever it touched.

As the cosmic fires of creation roared across the Universe, shards of light were catapulted

throughout the galaxy.

These shards would pollinate countless celestial bodies of forming worlds with the sparks of

life, resulting in the origination of countless new life forms.

From the churning, volatile storms of recently birthed planets rose one life form in particular:

the Elemental spirits.

These primordial beings of fire, earth, air and water ranged in size and shape, each differing

across the myriad of worlds throughout the cosmos.

The shards of light flung throughout the stars would occasionally cluster and congregate

into beings of far greater power than the Elements.

Among these were the Naaru, harmonious beings of shimmering, holy energies.

These crystalline entities saw the cosmos for what it was: a vast ocean of potential

where life could blossom and grow across the limitless worlds.

The Naaru set out to safeguard and nurture new life, vowing to use the holy magic that

suffused them to bring hope and harmony wherever they went.

Perhaps the most extraordinary life form that arose into creation were the titans.

These cosmically vast beings started their existence as World Souls that slumbered deep

within the molten core of a select few planets throughout the cosmos.

As World souls matured and grew, their energies and life essence imbued the world they inhabited

for epochs of time, before finally awakening.

As its eyes opened, gleaming with the brilliance of a shining star, the very first Titan awoke

as a colossal living world.

With a cloak of shimmering stardust billowing in its wake and body infused with the very

fabric of creation, the first Titan that awoke gazed upon the cosmos, and found himself alone.

His name was Aman'thul.

Although we don't know when or why Aman'Thul awoke when he did, at the time, he was the

only Titan in existence.

Despite this, something stirred within Aman'thul, prompting him to set out in search of others

of his kind.

The lonely Titan roamed the Great Dark Beyond and eventually, his search would pay off.

Upon discovering the sleeping Titans, Aman'thul nurtured the world souls as they slept, until

eventually awakening them from their slumber and welcoming them into the cosmos.

In time, several World souls has awakened with Aman'thuls aid and with each Titan

that awoke, Aman'thul learned more about the mysteries of his kin and the challenges

that came with discovering and nurturing a world soul.

Those that did awake, pledged themselves to him and his quest.

Together, the Titans, now known as the Pantheon, set off across the stars with a purpose:to

search every corner of the Great Dark in hopes of finding more of their cosmic, slumbering


Thank you again for joining us for another episode of the Lost Codex.

If you've missed our previous episodes, click the links below and don't forget to

check us out on Twitch, Instagram and Patreon!

Stay tuned!

For more infomation >> Origins of the Cosmos - Duration: 7:26.


Audi AIcon e Volkswagen Sedric. L'auto-guida totale secondo i brand del Gruppo Volkswagen [ENGLISH] - Duration: 2:17.

This is the future of the cars according to VW, Level 5 autonomous driving. There's not even the steering wheel. It will take you where you'll want to go

ok, maybe this one is a bit better with 26 inch rims, full LED, it's called Alcon, it's very long. They said that once the batteries are dead, it goes to a charging station by itself

there are some people inside but we can tell you that there's no steering wheel. I really like the stop lights with LEDs. We probably prefer cars where we can actually drive

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