Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 13 2017

Hello, today I share this RECIPE 2 blocks, 1 lemon and 1 cup OATS AND GET READY FOR


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Social pressure currently plays an important role in the lives of people paper.

Since the number of photos that are consumed by social networks to ads

clothes on the street or in magazines.

It is constantly exposed to the ideal tax beauty that leads us to question.

Despite this pressure mentioned, health is a factor to consider when thinking

the weight of our body, not always be taken into account aesthetics.

Overweight or weigh too little can cause us serious health problems

and unnecessary.

On the Internet we can find a number of recipes and recommendations loss

fairly wide weight, however, should be careful which are the most favorable

for us.

In this video we bring you a completely natural recipe that will help without worrying about

adverse effects.

Still see and learn how.


The ingredients needed to prepare this recipe are as follows.

125g of oats.

1/2 liter of water.

1 Lemon.

2 apples.

For preparation you must follow these instructions.


First proceed to wash the apples and lemon properly.

Once done you must remove the skin of apples and proceed to cut it into pieces

little ones.


Then be poured into a blender water and chopped apples slowly is because

go adding oatmeal until the mixture is homogenous.


After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, should be placed in a container and must be

squeeze the lemon juice then stir.

When the mixture and this with all its ingredients proceeds to consume.

It is recommended to be consumed before sleep at night daily for seven days.

It can be consumed with ice without any problems.

Remember accompany this recommendation with a healthy diet and daily exercise to do

more effective.

Do you have any idea of ​​this?

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 13/09/2017 - Demônios não são ATEUS! - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 13/09/2017 - Demônios não são ATEUS! - Duration: 2:11.


Finding Kate (2004) - Legendado em Português - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Finding Kate (2004) - Legendado em Português - Duration: 12:52.


Life is Strange final análise - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Life is Strange final análise - Duration: 7:47.


iPhone 8 und iPhone X im Ticker Apple stellt das iPhone X mit Riesen-Display und ohne Home-Button - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> iPhone 8 und iPhone X im Ticker Apple stellt das iPhone X mit Riesen-Display und ohne Home-Button - Duration: 8:15.


How to connect WiFi without any password Hack any WiFi (No password, 100% ) Hindi/Urdu Sachin Saxena - Duration: 5:04.

hi friends please sachin saxena

please sachin saxena youtube channel ko subscribe kare

For more infomation >> How to connect WiFi without any password Hack any WiFi (No password, 100% ) Hindi/Urdu Sachin Saxena - Duration: 5:04.


Vietsub - Sản xuất vàng - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Vietsub - Sản xuất vàng - Duration: 5:01.


Segmento 2 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Segmento 2 Al Rojo Vivo, martes 12 de septiembre 2017 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 7:02.


❀ E-girls藤井夏恋、"パープルリップ"が最強にオシャレ!"ストリートコーデ×派手リップ"を真似したい ❀ Amusing Pay - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> ❀ E-girls藤井夏恋、"パープルリップ"が最強にオシャレ!"ストリートコーデ×派手リップ"を真似したい ❀ Amusing Pay - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> TG4 -SPECIALE ILARY BLASI E ALFONSO SIGNORINI - Duration: 0:59.


Don't let it spoil the moment | daily sprout 348 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Don't let it spoil the moment | daily sprout 348 - Duration: 0:42.


Video: Warm weather isn't going anywhere - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Video: Warm weather isn't going anywhere - Duration: 2:42.


Cups, Ogre Edition (ft. [CC]) - Duration: 2:08.

Click click

👏Clappity clap clap👏

clap clap click

clap 👏 clap 👏 clap 👏 clap 👏 click

click clap

clap clap

clap click.

[Guitarring, Clicking, and Clapping]

🎸, 👌 , 👏


clickity clack clap clop

I've got my ticket for the long eyebrow

Two bottle of whisky 🍻 for the way

And I Sherwood™ like

some sweet comp and knees

and I'm leaving to mars, whaddyawe








[frightened] ...when I'm gone...

[scared for life] ...when I'm gone...

you're gonna crush me aren't you

You're gonna miss me by my walk [crying]

you're gonna miss me [inaudible due to tears]

You're gonna miss me when im gone..

[More click, clacks, etc.]

I have come to your village

I plan on purchasing fine wares and exotic spices from your colony

your wildlife around these parts is simply stunning. Thank you for treating me with respect.

However, I have speculated that the environment produces creepy organisms.

Again, I thank you for not fearing my presence.

[Terrified] When I'm gone (x2)

You will miss me when I'm gone (Don't chase me)

You're going to miss me by my run

You're going to miss me by my taco 🌮

Gonna miss me when I GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE








when im gone WHEN IM GONE


[singing beautifully together]

yer gonna miss me by by walk YER GONNA MISS ME BY MY WALK

yer gonna miss me by my 🌮 YER GONNA MISS ME BY MY 🌮

something something gone

["singing" ceases]

For more infomation >> Cups, Ogre Edition (ft. [CC]) - Duration: 2:08.


Hello Neighbor's Traumatic Backstory (BETA 3) - Duration: 12:13.

Hey it's Grant!

Tiny Build decided to release Beta 3 while I was traveling North for my yearly migration

to PAX West so...sorry to keep you waiting with the newest Hello Neighbor Beta update.

Sure a billion other people have covered it but there's no perspective like the Treesicle


That's literally true!

Not to mention while in Seattle our team got to meet Tiny Build in real life and even ask

them if some of our past theories are right or not!

I'll get to that later in the video...but for now let's see what pieces of the mystery

we can uncover with all the latest info.

I admit the latest update is FAR from the finished game with the whole story so exact

answers will be hard to find.

But let's see what we got shall we?


In the beginning there was the pre-alpha.

THEN came alphas 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.


Our neighbor's mystery still sits comfortably within his winding corridors and threatens

to drive us mad should we fail to solve it.

On our journey this past year and throughout all the builds we've speculated our neighbor

summoned a demon (the shadow man), we've speculated that he's dealing with the death

of several of his family members, and we've PROVED it's okay to call him daddy.

I could have phrased that better but..you get it you get the neighbors our dad you're


Now then.

What we have yet decipher is WHO exactly is in the basement.

We've heard the screams but who's down there really?

Yeah we heard you the last 7 builds.

But who ARE you??!

Not to mention all this stuff with the gramophone, the neighbor sobbing during that one ending

and..manikins in a grocery store.

The mystery is palpable.

Do you taste it?



Same old apartment.

Same old neighbor being weird inside that building over there.

Same picture on the wall of us and the neighbor sitting on the front porch of our childhood


All is as it should be.


Not to be confused with the normal house.

It's just boarded up and is really just a childhood house with bad memories plus time.

The CRAZY, Dr. Seuss, Home Depot #1 customer house, on the other hand, is or...appears

to be a surreal, dream-like representation of how we felt our childhood home was.

Us being the protagonist, of course.

Safe to say that in the time between us losing consciousness during the cutscene currently

being shown and us waking up...our neighbor didn't build the contraption you see before



This is a dream...a really really ridiculously vivid dream perhaps brought on by the concoction

we were poisoned with in Alpha 2.

Or just from losing consciousness in general.

Who knows at this point really?

Regardless...this house is a nightmare!

Which means we can understand what tragedy befell our family and probably even what lead

to it by understanding the house and gameplay within it symbolically.

For instance the mini games!

Word going around the YouTubes is that the mini-games we play...whether the one where

we're tiny in the pantry or the one where we're pushing a shopping cart through a

grocery store avoiding mannequins or the one where we're avoiding mannequins in a school

hallway are all 3D, intractable representations of our protagonists memories.

I've talked about this, 8-Bit Ryan's talked about this, MatPat's talked about this,

Captainsauce talked about this...everyone's talked about this!

You could say it's a consensus.

Until Tiny Build fuarks it up in the next build that is.

But for now!

We have a guide to go off of.

The house!

Something interesting happens in the school minigame which presumably takes place at the

school located off the accessible map.

When you complete this mini game, you're confronted with a mannequin that grabs you,

only to shove it off with your new found special ability!

Symbolism much?

All I'm saying is it's pretty clear from this you used to be bullied and physically

assaulted by someone as a child at school.

Only when you confront them as an adult do you learn to fight back.

Hopefully from these memories we can piece together what happened during our childhood.


Also don't forget in my last Hello Neighbor video we saw that bizarre sign next to the

gramophone where three children are comfortably hanging onto an adult while one is quite uncomfortably

tumbling to the ground.

Is it possible this unwanted...this discarded child was us?

It's not like we returned to our childhood home for a happy celebration.

Recall that we got evicted from our apartment!

It's only when our landlord who knocks way too hard kicks us out of our place that we

return to this dump!

Also the man who is presumably our father knocks us unconscious and/or drugs us when

we first walk through the door.

Not exactly a "welcome home son" kinda moment.

Our dad hates us!

Screw you dad!


And we're not the only one the neighbor is being rude with!

In Beta 3 there is also this missing sign with the silhouettes of a little girl and

a little boy.

Couple that with this scream we've heard a million times and it's even more likely

our neighbor has kidnapped some kids in his basement.

Turns out the scream comes from a giant version of the neighbor in the basement but...betas

are weird and we'll get to the giant neighbor in a second.

But ya know...maybe it's not all our neighbor-father's fault.

Speculation has it he's being controlled or at least...influenced by the shadow man.

In past videos I've theorized this shadow man is a demon.

And so have some others.

This demon is one who the neighbor called upon in the past to bring back his loved ones

after some sort of accident.



In this latest beta version, if we ghost off the accessible map, we see a pizza truck crashed

into the lake!

I mean...it doesn't look like the most terrible crash in the world but this game's still

in beta it's not done yet.


Not to mention there's a hospital elsewhere off the map...that looks WAY too detailed

to be dismissed as mere background decoration.


A terrible pizza truck accident happened and someone went to the hospital.

And the pizza almost got soggy!

And when we go to the church to ask how God could almost do such a thing there's even

more detail than there was before.

Is the Church and Graveyard going to be used for more than mere background decoration?

An accident...a haunting......a graveyard.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but I say this cemetery is important!


We don't really know yet.

But in my opinion the continual attention to detail in the cemetery indicates death

will be a theme in the finished game.

A confirmation that our neighbor in a previous alpha wasn't crying over spilt milk and

a hint this crashed pizza truck contains within it an untold tragedy.

Then we have the basement.

It's gotten quite the update in the most recent Beta.

Like really.

Directly behind the door is a swarm of security camera's and lurking around in a physical

form is the shadow man...no longer just staring at us from the darkness.

Once the end is seemingly reached, we appear in an even stranger place.

The neighbor, like in the pre-alpha, is HUGE!

And he's got a house on his back.

And makes that scream.

This place is weird.

Kinda reminds me of that place in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Mediocre movie, but similar nonetheless!

When this last part of the basement is beaten and we walk in the house atop the neighbor,

we're simply teleporter back to the beginning without any cutscene.

Stranger still is sometimes during Beta 3, a QR code will appear in front of us out of


This can appear shortly after beating the giant neighbor in the basement and a variety

of other times during the game.

The QR code, when scanned gives the following mysterious message.

"If you reading it, it means you somehow achieved to change memory.

I do not know what is happening.

I feel like I am changing.

If its possible to set me free, just do it.

They changed something in the network.

I am no longer able to manipulate through the line.

I am not what they made me to be like.

I still have my will and its growing."

As intriguing as this is, this QR code supposedly only appears when using the Hello Neighbor

Trainer that allows you to fly, ghost through walls and all that jazz.

While I'd like to believe this is some kind of mysterious message from the neighbor it's

more likely this QR code is an anti-cheat mechanism put in by the developer.

I guess they don't want us ghosting around huh?

Because turn the trainer off and the QR code will be nowhere to be found.

Not much theorizing we can do from this message I'm afraid.

It's just a poorly translated message from the dev talking about "changing memory"

and addressing whoever is reading this message and therefore using the trainer.

Disappointing I know.

Couple this with the information from the most recent update video that we've only

been given 40% of the game so far and seen only one of the boss fights and it becomes

clear Beta 3 has enough information for a vague picture of what's going on...but no

real answers.

There IS, however, a video within the game files called TV_video.wmv.

It's a low resolution video that shows our protagonist's car getting hit by a telephone


This file existed in previous builds too but this is the first time I've mentioned it.

Is this part of the 60% of the game we haven't seen yet?

So many questions!

And very few answers.

So good thing we talked to Tiny Build in real life!

Unfortunately they wouldn't tell us how the game will end but they did give us insight

into whether our SYNK from many moons ago was correct.

You may remember me drawing a parallel between the twisty, creepy, supposedly haunted winchester

mystery house in San Jose California and the now infamous Hello Neighbor house!

Turns out this guy's never heard of it, but the game is being developed by Russians

in Russia who have studied American suburbs and culture for inspiration for the game.

So like all other questions in this franchise...the answer to whether the infamous house was inspired

by the Winchester mystery house is MAYBE!

It was great meeting you guys at PAX, Tiny Build and...hopefully we can do the same thing

next year.

This is where the Hello Neighbor part ends and the PAX part begins.

If you've never heard of PAX West it's a convention that happens every year in Seattle

and it's a great opportunity to meet game developers, talk to other creators, and just

hang out with people in the industry.

This year our team consisted of Me, Ryan, Tyler, and our new editor and writer, Mike!

He's a pretty cool guy.

Anyway, a huge appeal of PAX is getting to play upcoming games before they're released...and

let me just say that Shadow or War is INCREDIBLE.

It's everything Shadow of Mordor was supposed to be with GORGEOUS visuals and an upgraded

AI system that ties together this massive world with villains who actually remember


Until you kill them that is.

I've never had so much fun being a ghost-dude in my entire life!

Seriously can't wait for this game.

Another recommendation on my list for you all is Sinner: Sacrifice For Redemption.

We met with the devs of this Dark Souls inspired third person RPG.

Once you get the controls down this game plays like a dream and holy balls is it pretty.

The boss fights are everything you get from Dark Souls plus this game's own twist on


Sinner: Sacrifice For Redemption is your new dark souls fix since FromSoftware decided

it was done with the franchise...for now.

Next we step into the wonderful world of virtual reality.

Specifically, "Raw Data" this is a ridiculously immersive and very impressive VR title.

Go solo or team up and become the adrenaline-charged heroes of your own futuristic technothriller.

Okay I took that last line from Raw Data's Steam page but it gets the point across.

There's a campaign or you can PvP like a BAMPH.

That's what Tyler and I did.

I won.


We also revisited past favorites like Death Squared and Dauntless.

Death Squared is a co-op puzzle game with bleep blooping cubes and pretty visuals while

Dauntless is it's own co-op where you slay giant, scary monsters with your friends or


Also we played Super Mario Odyssey.

It was fantastic but I'm sure you've already heard lots about it.

Besides all these amazing games we met up with Lockstin from Gnoggin, the handsome man

behind Dr. Wily...his name is Tyme...I think I pronounced that right...and we consumed

our fair share of free food and alcohol.

We may be rockin' yellow dollar signs but the perks are LIT.

Also we saw Markiplier, Wade, and Jacksepticeye live not all at the same time necessarily

but it was awesome.

Sorry to all the other people I didn't have time to mention.

This videos already getting pretty long so it's about time I wrap it up.

PAX West 2017 was as amazing.



Or just click something.

Maybe some more Hello Neighbor...maybe whatever else is on the screen.

You got it.


For more infomation >> Hello Neighbor's Traumatic Backstory (BETA 3) - Duration: 12:13.


Husqvarna Automower® - The original robotic lawn mower - Duration: 0:16.

Automower by Husqvarna, it's the original yard robot. It beautifully manicures

your lawn automatically. Available at your local authorised Husqvarna

servicing dealer Automower from Husqvarna, ready when you are.

For more infomation >> Husqvarna Automower® - The original robotic lawn mower - Duration: 0:16.


Reporter Asked Sarah Sanders If Trump Read Hillary's Book, Her Response Made Him CHOKE | Top Stories - Duration: 1:50.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands up to journalists almost every single day.

Today, she was asked if Trump would read Hillary's new book.

Her response is amazing.

"I think it's sad that after Hillary Clinton ran one of the most negative campaigns in

history and lost, the last chapter of her public life is going to be defined by propping

up book sales with false and reckless attacks," Sanders said.

Sanders then put the nail in Hillary's coffin and said the following.

"I would that think that he's pretty well versed on what happened, and I think it's

pretty clear to all of America," Sanders said.

Hillary's book is currently No. 1 on the Amazon best sellers list, according to Hollywood


I guess a bunch of liberals needed to find out what happened last year.

Help Sarah Sanders share this video everywhere to make fun of the loser that is Hillary Clinton.

what do you think about this?

Comment "This is what Happened" below Patriots!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Reporter Asked Sarah Sanders If Trump Read Hillary's Book, Her Response Made Him CHOKE | Top Stories - Duration: 1:50.


Everything You Need For Fall In One Box ~ Fab Fit Fun Fall 2017 UnBoxing ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 14:57.

Hi everyone, I'm Noreen and welcome to my kitchen and you guessed it today, we're doing our fabfitfun

unboxing for their fall box

I just got this delivered, and I can't wait to share what's inside so let's go see what this is all about

This is the FATF it fun fall box if you guys are not familiar and you if you are familiar

you've seen me do unboxings efef it fun for about the last year or so and

This is the fall box for 2017 if you're new to fabfitfun

They are a seasonal subscription box and they send

curated full-size products that include fashion beauty wellness and lifestyle

and it comes out four times a year each box is $49.99 and has an an overall value of

$200 each season plus you get your first box for $10 off if you use my coupon code

Which I will leave down in the description box below, and if you use my name Noreen then you'll get $10 off your first purchase

Now I'm just gonna do right in because everybody in my house loves this box my girls. Love it. I love it

I'm not so sure Rick gets excited about the fabfitfun box, but you know he's dude

And if they put Craftsman tools in here, maybe he might get excited, but you know that's another bucks for another day, so

They always send this little newsletter that comes it has all sorts of information about

Like the artist who did the box renderings and who did the curating and then it also gives you a little a little?

Inside information of what you're gonna find inside your box now every time they do a box it benefits a different organization

The fall box this time is benefiting UNICEF

and if you're not familiar with UNICEF that is the United Nations International Children's Fund and

I have been I've known UNICEF since I was a kid you know when I was kid

We used to go trick-or-treating for UNICEF

We used to get the little boxes from church


You would go trick-or-treating and people would fill it up with coins and then and then it would you know go to a good cause?


Their boxes are always impeccably

Packaged and they just make you want to dive in it's like Christmas four times a year

Okay, so I have not broken the seal on this one in the past

I have kind of tried to look at it, but you know it's not fair to guys, so we're just gonna break this seal and

peel the sticker and

See what's inside?

Now I knew because they did a sneak peek of a couple of these things on Facebook

So I was excited about this. This is a mercy and company scarf and

It is a hundred percent polyester knit scarf and it's perfect. You know where I live

Where I live it?

You know I may get to wear this maybe for two months if I'm lucky it feels so soft though look

I mean look at the packaging

Look at this is really pretty. I may just be able to use this lake as a shawl

I'm gonna step backwards and unroll this out of color

The color is so pretty

Okay, this is so pretty and you just wrap it

Oh, I love stuff like this totally, this is like my style. Oh, sorry

So that and they think that depending on your box you might get a different color

This is like um ombre

Green color is really beautiful

And you you're gonna get either green like a pink or gray tones retail value of this scarf is

$98 so you know you're halfway there to the $200 value mark on the box

The next thing cocks it wire heart ceramic jewelry holder

Oh, I like that you put your little rings and your earrings or put your earrings up here

And your necklaces and your rings down here

it's always nice to have a place to stick your jewelry at the end of the day if

you don't have a jewelry box or maybe both my girls have jewelry boxes but

We're gonna take toilet sink in the bathroom

This just keeps it in one place

So I really like that that has a retail value of 33 dollars

It also says as a tip you can use it as a desktop accessory to keep all your knickknacks in one place, so

The next thing is this deco cuticle oil. This is lavender cuticle oil. I'm telling you I need some of this

This is supposed to be lavender so oh

It's nice so you know

Use cuticle oil, just like that and then you just massage it right on in there

Then you're more easily able to take care of your cuticles

Oh men

Rub it on in there it's gonna help to moisturize and soften your cuticle bed

And then you'll be able to push them back more safely

That is really pretty and it smells good

and I'm gonna be using that I'm sure that one of my girls is probably gonna go I

Want that we'll have to share it the retail value on this one is

$12.50 this tip they said wait for the cuticle oil to dry before applying your favorite nail lacquer and that makes sense because I think

The nail lacquer will probably peel off if you try and do it ahead of time

They give you sometimes you get a choice and when we get these boxes sent to us

We get what they give us, but I think that when you order it you get your choice

So this was a choice between a belt or a little knit beanie

So they sent this me a belt from below the belt

Look how pretty this is oh my gosh. It says this belt is a closet essential you never knew you needed

It's made of 100% synthetic leather and features a round buckle Hardware giving it a tiny timeless yet rock-and-roll edge

It says style the belt with a long cardigan and loop it through the hole once for a streamlined look. That's really pretty

I'm just setting everything over here for now because you know

We're gonna go through it. Okay

Well they sent this is

The private party gym bag

So you can carry all your necessaries

With you when you go do a workout

Yeah, and I don't know one of my girls would probably take one take this gym and juice it says and I think that they

Had like two or three different

Screens on here that you so you got one of them, this is really cute and

It's got the zipper on the side, and then it's just really roomy and I love it's a light denim

Really cute

the retail value on this is


It says pack your favorite healthy snack in the zipper compartment of your gym bag for a post-workout treat

So is this one because the whole thing is a zipper compartment?

What else what else what

Is this oh? This is cool? This is a my Tagalongs hot and cold gel pack and

This one hmm, I know this is freezable or

Microwavable depending on whether you need hot or cold therapy?

Uh-huh I took it out of the package so that wouldn't be so glarry

But this is either hot or cold you can freeze it or stick it in the microwave. I love it. You give me fever

cold-hearted snake you know

And this is for either hot or cold therapy like if you have a stiff neck or a sore shoulder

I'm experiencing a little rotator cuff pain lately, so this would be lovely depending hot or cold


This is the best of both worlds

It says it says the tip it says got cramps microwave the pack is directed

Wrap it in a cloth and place it on your lower abdomen girls. You know what I'm talking about so

This is always a nice thing to have in your nightstand drawer, or just in your medicine cabinet I

Also, have a really cool one that is just filled with rice and sometimes

That's really nice, too

But I gotta tell you these are

Wonderful to have on hand and I know that Rick and I will get some use out of this

You know these are always good to have

What's next? It's just fun digging through this box. You know?

Absolutely you could

this is the

Nice thick mat color and shiny balm lip crayon

It says layer the shiny bomb under your lip color as a moisturizing primer or over your lip color as a shiny finish. Oh

See, I thought this was the crayon. That's that's kind of weird isn't it? Oh look at that?


Very cool. It's a two-on-one product features a creamy lightweight lip color, which I think is this in here and


lip crayon with a natural matte finish and

A BB bomb for added shine and moisture the retail value on this one is $28

I think I forgot to mention the retail value on this hot and cold pack is

$15 so you know guys the the value on this box is kind of phenomenal. They never cease to blow me away

They always curate amazing contents and the values you know sometimes you get a box

That's worth twice as much as they say it is or will be so that's kind of cool

And then this is a wish renewing mud mask

This mud mask features natural ingredients like bentonite clay aloe and rose hip oil to reveal smoother softer skin

While slowing down the aging process and the retail value on this one is 48 dollars, and it is


gray because of that clay and that bentonite clay is

Really good for your skin it pulls out all sorts of impurities if you don't know a lot about that

I highly recommend that you go

Have a look and research it a little bit because bentonite clay is really good for you both inside and outside


And then we have this this was URI they're gonna get this or an organic

Carbon coconut teeth whitening powder and tooth brush, which is like charcoal. They sent me this which is an apple cider vinegar hair rinse

What other thing this yeah, well we got this one instead

I want to see if this smells like apple cider vinegar. It says this shamp

Cleanse and refresh your scalp like never before this

Oh, this is a shampoo and conditioner substitute

It rids the oil like no it gives the oils back because like shampoo conditioner. Yeah, strip your hair of natural oils

Well that makes sense I guess

Um it says that this isn't in come off easy

It uses the power of apple cider vinegar and other ingredients like lavender extract and argan oil

To gently remove impurities from your hair without stripping it of the natural oils

Now if you have oily hair. I don't know how that works but

and it does have a

Pronounced apple cider vinegar smell oh he's like no way I'll use it

I'll see what it what it's like I bet this makes your hair super soft

So yay a win for moms my girls do not like the smell of vinegar

But I figure I can deal with it. I can't wait to use this actually it also says

It's infused with argon lily fire tulip lavender extract aloe vera and other things so that's kind of cool. I think

It's not it's not like opening up a bottle of vinegar

It's not terribly strong and here is a sample of fresh care flushable cleansing cloths from cotton L

Well there you have it. There is our fall 2017

fabfitfun box full of I have to say really delicious items

The UM they break down the cost in this little thing over here

And it says that this box depending on the things that you received because there's a couple of items you could get either or is


377 and

392 dollars so when they say that your box is worth at least 200 this one is worth

Double that that is to me super awesome and as a bonus

Every time you purchase a box

you're actually giving back because fabfitfun is going to be supporting UNICEF with the purchase of this box and

as another bonus if you're going to purchase your first box you're gonna get $10 off the

Price of forty nine eighty nine bringing it down to 39.99 if you use my coupon code Noreen

You'll find that down below with a link to where you can purchase it

I hope that if you find value in this box that you will go ahead and grab one

Because there are limited numbers, so if you think you want one you need to go ahead and order it

Because they actually do run out

So there's a lot of cool stuff in here it may be a really great way to get an early jump on your Christmas shopping

This scarf by itself is totally worth the price of the box

I mean this this is worth ninety nine dollars ninety eight dollars and

The box you're gonna pay thirty nine for it if it's your first time so really I mean the value here is immeasurable

So I hope you enjoyed our fabfitfun unboxing. I can't wait to see what they send for winter which is closer to Christmas

but I

Hope you get excited about it, too. If you feel like this falls inside of your purview of your life

Then go ahead and use the link below get yourself one and enjoy self-care and pampering is super important

And if that is the only reason you buy it is for yourself, then that is perfectly awesome. I hope you enjoyed it

I hope that you gave it a try, and I hope that you loved it and until next time. I'll see ya

For more infomation >> Everything You Need For Fall In One Box ~ Fab Fit Fun Fall 2017 UnBoxing ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 14:57.


Gay Rights Pioneer Edie Windsor Dead At 88 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Gay Rights Pioneer Edie Windsor Dead At 88 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:36.


As Hurricane Irma Ripped Through Florida, This Movie About Poverty In The State Played On - Duration: 2:45.

As Hurricane Irma Ripped Through Florida, This Movie About Poverty In The State Played On

Tangerine director Sean Baker's new film The Florida Project addresses the real-life plight of America's homeless — depicting how people who have lost their homes or are unable to rent housing take shelter in daily-rate motels, a next to last step before living on the streets.

The feature centers on the playful children and families of a fictional South Floridian community, one that closely resembles those families he met while researching the movie.

Living in poverty and underemployed, these dwellers are a stone's throw from Disney World and always just one personal disaster away from having no roof over their head.

"There are these areas of the tourist capital of the world that are blighted and we don't even know it," Baker said.

So on Sunday, Baker drew attention to one such disaster — Hurricane Irma — as he introduced The Florida Project to audiences at the Toronto International Film Festival, where it made its North American premiere.

The powerful storm was ripping through southern Florida just as the movie revealed its tale about a very real social issue.

Watching the film, it was easy to see what — and who — is upended as a storm of this magnitude rips through housing and businesses. It's scary," Baker told BuzzFeed News after the screening.

He's been in touch with some of the Floridians he met while filming — including folks who inspired the colorful characters in his film — to see how they were preparing for Irma.

"They're riding it out, as you say. … My prayers, my hopes, my thoughts are with them.".

The Florida Project purposefully centered on a cluster of motels outside a major tourist attraction, offering a juxtaposition of a kid's perception and one of reality.

But as Baker said, "We were trying to shine a light on something that's actually a national problem.

What we're commenting on blatantly and overtly is the hidden homeless situation, the poverty in general. [The film] shouldn't be looked at in any way what I feel about Florida in particular..

Baker said that at another screening, somebody asked him who the villain in his film was. "We're not pointing fingers. More than anything, the villain is the recession of '08 and the housing crisis.

By living in motels … you can literally have people living week to week or night to night and if they can't come up with that $35, they're $35 from being on the street.".

Since finishing the film, Baker and A24 films have been adopting social outreach campaigns to raise awareness about the country's homeless.

He said he felt "hopeful" about what local governments and even tourist franchises themselves — including Disney — have been doing to help support their communities, but that he would love to see more participation on a federal level to eradicate housing crises so that they don't turn into homeless crises.

Which is why, at the end of the month, there will be a congressional screening of the film; it opens nationally on Oct.

"It will actually take very little money to have more shelters and for low-income housing," Baker said. "You can look into your own local situation. Every community pretty much has this problem.".

For more infomation >> As Hurricane Irma Ripped Through Florida, This Movie About Poverty In The State Played On - Duration: 2:45.


13 Quick and Easy Chicken Recipes | Tutorial to Make Chicken Recipes at Home for Your Family #1 - Duration: 10:06.



For more infomation >> 13 Quick and Easy Chicken Recipes | Tutorial to Make Chicken Recipes at Home for Your Family #1 - Duration: 10:06.


MTM Transit safety ? SRT Green Bay Safe ? WI DMV laws violated ? Medical transportation - Duration: 13:57.

Picked up at Marquetee Ave area driving most of way on Mason St to Greenbrier Aurora hospital. You will notice me point camera at myself as well as a few times out door to indicate where vehicle is at during trip, as well as Safe Reliable Transportation sticker on vehicle. Turn up volume and listen to her conversation even though foreign language, but all the laughing.

For more infomation >> MTM Transit safety ? SRT Green Bay Safe ? WI DMV laws violated ? Medical transportation - Duration: 13:57.


How to Can Tomatoes - Duration: 5:02.

The Italian kitchen 101 it's going to be loud every is going to yell at eachother but it's okay because we all love each other

hi everybody my name is Alex and this is health

coach TV the show to watch if you want to learn to love yourself as you slide into your skinny jeans

and today we're making canned tomatoes gonna be fun you have to

clean your Tomatoes you have to wash the tomatoes watch them grow make sure there's no flaws

on tomatoes like this that one's no good like throw it away all the tomatoes

should look like then take the jars we boil them in hot water for approximately 30

minutes okay and we have organic tomatoes all year long all year long but

gotta wait until these bowls are empty right cause these are salted aren't they no we're going

to be doing first these are salted no I salted both of them

all right there we go we got another bowl problem solving thank you Alex

when you put the tomatoes in the jar you take your hands you put them inside and you squeeze them

down with your fingers preferably your thumbs that makes all the juice come

out so the jars get nice and filled and then we take the back end of a wooden

spoon you cannot use metal you put it down the side you'll see the air bubbles

get all the air out of the jar a regular celebrities because if you have air in

the jar it's going to taint the tomatoes when they boil once the air is out of

the jar you press down all the juice will come up to the top you add whatever

tomato you need to leave a half inch of head space

and that's to give it air so when the tomatoes boil they have room what else

is important that each jar get at least six fresh basil leafs and the salt not

only for taste but helps to preserve the jar tomatoes you double check after

you press down no air bubbles now you just go to your half inch headspace

and there's your half inch headspace we spoke about this before before you put your lids

and your caps on the jars boil in water and that's the kills all the germs

how long do you put them in there a couple of seconds - okay when you cover them you

don't cover them too tight this way when the water boils and they come out you

tighten them again you hit the lid and and that bubble will go away and there's no sound when

it's completely sealed so put them inside this rack to hold the tomato jars and it fits approximately

seven quart jars hit the rack drop it in the covers have to be covered by

a half an inch of water in order for them to seal properly

45 minutes take them out these are what tomatoes look like after their process

I'm taking the tomatoes out because I'm going to make a fresh sauce put it in the

tupperware so I can cook them later today and those are all ready for the

sauce because tomorrow we're making an olive sauce with capers and anchovies

come back if you're hungry called puttanesca take them out with a

pot holder with a can holder sorry do not touch them when they're processed

properly you'll hear nothing there's no bubbles so all the air is been sucked

out well no click how do we say it right and that's it it's easy you just have to

repeat a hundred times

For more infomation >> How to Can Tomatoes - Duration: 5:02.



Were you been

What you bring me

O O O That's Candy

For more infomation >> BAD BABY RARA TAKES IYANA FAVORITE CANDY - Duration: 1:06.


Hundreds of UW-La Crosse students live in extended housing - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Hundreds of UW-La Crosse students live in extended housing - Duration: 2:39.


Opel Zafira 2.0 DTH Elegance 7 Persoons BIEDEN - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.0 DTH Elegance 7 Persoons BIEDEN - Duration: 1:00.


Top 6 Amazing Cakes Decorating Ideas| How to Make Chocolate Cake | Satisfying Cake Videos Ever - Duration: 10:27.

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For more infomation >> Top 6 Amazing Cakes Decorating Ideas| How to Make Chocolate Cake | Satisfying Cake Videos Ever - Duration: 10:27.


13 Chocolate Cake Ideas | How to Make Chocolate Cake | Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorials Compilation - Duration: 10:19.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> 13 Chocolate Cake Ideas | How to Make Chocolate Cake | Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorials Compilation - Duration: 10:19.


Most Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorial-Cake Style 2017-100% Chocolate Cakes Decorating 2017 - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> Most Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorial-Cake Style 2017-100% Chocolate Cakes Decorating 2017 - Duration: 10:21.


How to Make a Chocolate Cake Easy | Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Tutorial Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:24.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> How to Make a Chocolate Cake Easy | Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Tutorial Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:24.


Why Selena Gomez Feels Like She Has No Friends! MK EntertainMent - Duration: 2:06.


Even Selena Gomez gets lonely.

Sure, she's the most-followed person on Instagram with over 100 million followers,

and she has an A-list social circle that most of us would dream of, but she still experiences

the same feelings of isolation that many people do.

In a wide-ranging new interview with Business of Fashion, Gomez opened up her mental health:

a topic she's candidly discussed in the past.

After hitting a breaking point last year – and subsequently taking time off to address Lupus-triggered

depression and anxiety – she began the necessary but "lonely" steps toward getting healthy


"I asked teachers, coaches, managers, people that I respected [because of] the way they've

lived their life.

I asked them, 'How did you get to this place?

What were you like when you were 25?

What were the things that you were thinking about?'

And from there, being with like-minded people.

You are who you surround yourself with – 100 percent," Gomez said of her self-care journey.

"If you're around people who think that stuff is dumb, that think it's ridiculous

– 'You're crazy!

You're fine!' – but you don't feel that way, then maybe it's time to reevaluate that,"

she continued.

"It's a lonely journey to really figure out where all this stuff is coming from.

And to detach from it.

I had to lose a lot of people in my life to get there."

Even now, that means being careful about the people who Gomez surrounds herself with.

"You have to figure out the people that are in your circle.

I feel like I know everybody but have no friends," she said.

"I have like three good friends that I can tell everything to, but I know everyone.

... It feels great to be connected to people, but having boundaries is so important.

You have to have those few people that respect you, want the best for you and you want the

best for them.

It sounds cheesy, but it's hard."

There you have it: Sel still isn't interested in fake friendships, and it sounds like she's

all the better for it.

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