hi everyone Nick here your English fluency coach and Here I am with a fun
new lesson for you helping you build your English fluency by teaching you
real everyday English that native speakers use so I'm from Australia I
live in Sydney if you don't know already and I'm an Australian I'm an Aussie even
though I have dark hair and maybe I don't look like an Aussie to you but
yeah I was born here in Australia I was born in Adelaide actually in South
Australia but I live in Sydney and I teach English fluency lessons English
conversation classes on skype and here in my office in Sydney so by the way if
you want to take a lesson with me you can have a free 30-minute consultation
so send me an email at real English speaker at gmail.com and ask me any
questions about my lessons so today I'm going to be talking about idioms what is
an idiom an idiom idiom idiom or idiom an idiom is a phrase or expression it's
like a sentence that you can use alone you don't have to put it with other
parts of a sentence you can just use it alone and it's it's like an expression
which has another meaning so it's not literal it's not exactly the same as the
words in the sentence and this can be quite difficult because because we do
use them a lot so it's really interesting to use idioms and an
important part interesting to learn them and it's an important part of fluent
conversation today I'm going to teach you eight common idioms that we use
quite a lot in conversation number one I've got a lot on my plate I've got a
lot on my plate what does it mean a lot on my plate what if you have too much
food on your plate a plate is what you eat
your food from right what if you imagine you have too much on there no I can't
eat all that so actually it's not about eating so it's not the same as the
actual words when you have a lot on your plate it means you have too much work to
do you have too many tasks and
responsibilities and it's just it's stressful for example hey I think I have
some good examples hmm just wait for this noise Sarah and James have a lot on
their plate at the moment with two new kids a big house and a new job I've got
so much on my plate right now I can't have I don't have time to meet you
I'm sorry okay so that's a very common one number two number two back to the
drawing board to go back to the drawing board so this is often used in business
in work situations the project proposal didn't work we have to go back to the
drawing board it means we have to go back to the planning stage we have to
cancel our plans because it didn't work and we have to go back to the planning
stage and start again a drawing board is like a big board where you write down
the ideas and you make the plans in a meeting often when you're designing
something or creating something the drawing board the planning design stage
okay back to the drawing board number three let's go into this one number
three to bite off more than you can chew to bite off more than you can chew
okay bye do you know the verb bite Oh maybe not with this noise but to buy
yeah is when you you eat something and you use your teeth and chew chew is the
action of moving your jaw and your teeth to soften your food so what do you think
it means to bite off more than you can chew
for example tom is working three jobs at the moment plus he's doing volunteer
work on the weekend he has bitten off more than he can chew present perfect
form of the sentence he has bitten off more than he can chew what do you think
it's similar to he's got too much on his plate or a lot on his plate
so to bite off more than you can chew means to accept too many
responsibilities and tasks and too much you can't do it because it's not
possible you don't have time so if you say yes I will do that yes I will do
that yes I will do that you are biting off more than you can chew more than you
can deal with more than you can handle Sarah is teaching 50 kids in her new
class I think she's biting off more than she can chew 50 kids in her class okay
number four is a pretty common one kill two birds with one stone kill two birds
with one stone two Birds look don't worry
it sounds a bit aggressive maybe you don't like this one it might sound a bit
violent to you but it's very common this is a very old idiom and we use it a lot
so a stone do you know what a stone is a stone is a
all rock to a stone this is a stone a small rock and you have two birds over
there and I have one stone no I would not try to kill two birds I love birds
but can you guess what it means if I try to do this so yeah it means to achieve
two things with one action or at the same time achieve two things at the same
time for example my friend and I were in the park yesterday and we were deciding
what we wanted to do and we wanted to go to the Art Gallery to look at an
exhibition but we were also hungry it was three o'clock we had not had lunch
we didn't have lunch before and I said well there's a cafe in the gallery in
the art gallery in the art exhibition in the the place where you look at the art
the gallery I said there's a cafe in there
so let's kill two birds with one stone let's go to the gallery and we can have
lunch in the Kellett in the cafe as well we can have lunch and then we can see
the art where kill two birds with one stone
Sara decided to visit her aunt in London while she was on a business trip she was
killing two birds with one stone all right let's go to number five to see eye
to eye to see eye to eye with some with someone we often use this in the
negative we don't see eye to eye for example my father and I don't see eye to
eye about politics what do you think it means do we agree about politics or
disagree it means we disagree we don't have the same opinions
so when you see eye to eye in the positive form it means you agree you
have the same opinion about something it looks like everyone
on the team does see eye to eye we all see eye to eye about this so we have no
problem John and Tim don't see eye to eye about this project I don't see eye
to eye with him so we can see eye to eye about something or see - I - I with
someone or just we don't see eye to eye very common in the negative my sister
and I don't see eye to eye to take something with a grain of salt here's my
salt shaker there's only a little bit of salt in there but these are called
grains grains of salt little pieces of salt so when you take something with a
grain of salt what do you think it means for example don't believe everything you
see in the news just take it with a grain of salt what do you think it means
it means to to not take it seriously to not believe everything maybe just a
little bit take it with a little grain of salt so you can believe some of it
but not all of it because not all of the news is really correct and we don't know
who we who we are getting it from or it's different opinions John doesn't
always tell the truth just take what he says with a grain of salt take what he
says with a grain of salt don't take it completely seriously just
a little bit but not everything alright that's a common one as well
let's go to number seven once in a blue moon once in a blue
Blue Moon sorry my singing terrible I know but what does it mean once in a
blue moon for example how often do you go to the gym yeah once in a blue moon
how often do you go to the cinema to see a movie once in a blue moon I go to the
cinema once in a blue moon do you think it's a lot or not much that's right not
often very rarely maybe once a year once or twice a year I go to the cinema not
me actually I like going to the cinema and I like going to the gym but for
something you do rarely you can say I do it once in a blue moon once in a blue
moon what do you do once in a blue moon
number eight to be on the ball to be on the ball for example I have three
meetings today and I have to give a presentation I really need to be on the
ball on the ball like balancing on the ball what do you think it means to be
really alert exactly to be aware and alert and energized so you can't make a
mistake you you have to be really alert for example I imagine doctors who work
in the emergency in the hotel in the hospital doctors who work in the
emergency section of the hospital the doctors and nurses have to be really on
the ball they have to be very quick and aware and alert because so much is
happening or Beach air traffic controllers the people who watch the
planes and give directions to the planes have to be really on the ball don't they
they can't miss something or there might be a big mistake and it could be bad so
do you have a job where you have to be on the ball
when do you usually have to be on the ball so let's have a look at the the
idioms the eight idioms and let's practice so I'm going to give you a
question and try to give me an answer with the idiom number one I've got a lot
on my plate do you have a lot on your plate at the moment when was the last
time you had a lot on your plate number two back to the drawing board back to
the drawing board can you remember a time when you had to go back to the
drawing board maybe with a project you were working on or an assignment number
three to bite off more than you can chew bite off more than you can chew think
about a time when you bit by the past tense bit off more than you could chew
at that time number four to kill two birds with one stone
when did you kill two birds with one stone can you think about a situation
where you achieved two things at the same time with one action can be social
can be work anything number five to see or not see eye to eye
tell me about someone you don't see eye to eye with number six to take it with a
grain of salt what do you think we should take with the grain of salt or
who in your life should you take with a grain of salt
number seven once in a blue moon what is an action or something that you only do
once in a blue moon
and number eight to be on the ball do you have a job where you have to be on
the ball can you think of a time when you had to really be on the ball so I
suggest you practice answering these questions watch the video again in this
question section and speak your answers out then you can write the answers down
but I suggest you practice speaking first and then writing and of course in
the comments below in the YouTube comments leave your sentences practice
and I will correct you talk with me tell me about you and use these idioms don't
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video lessons audio lessons you can check out my website real English
speaker calm I have free audio lessons on there so I hope you enjoyed the
lesson and I'll see you next time bye
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