Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 12 2017

hi everyone Nick here your English fluency coach and Here I am with a fun

new lesson for you helping you build your English fluency by teaching you

real everyday English that native speakers use so I'm from Australia I

live in Sydney if you don't know already and I'm an Australian I'm an Aussie even

though I have dark hair and maybe I don't look like an Aussie to you but

yeah I was born here in Australia I was born in Adelaide actually in South

Australia but I live in Sydney and I teach English fluency lessons English

conversation classes on skype and here in my office in Sydney so by the way if

you want to take a lesson with me you can have a free 30-minute consultation

so send me an email at real English speaker at gmail.com and ask me any

questions about my lessons so today I'm going to be talking about idioms what is

an idiom an idiom idiom idiom or idiom an idiom is a phrase or expression it's

like a sentence that you can use alone you don't have to put it with other

parts of a sentence you can just use it alone and it's it's like an expression

which has another meaning so it's not literal it's not exactly the same as the

words in the sentence and this can be quite difficult because because we do

use them a lot so it's really interesting to use idioms and an

important part interesting to learn them and it's an important part of fluent

conversation today I'm going to teach you eight common idioms that we use

quite a lot in conversation number one I've got a lot on my plate I've got a

lot on my plate what does it mean a lot on my plate what if you have too much

food on your plate a plate is what you eat

your food from right what if you imagine you have too much on there no I can't

eat all that so actually it's not about eating so it's not the same as the

actual words when you have a lot on your plate it means you have too much work to

do you have too many tasks and

responsibilities and it's just it's stressful for example hey I think I have

some good examples hmm just wait for this noise Sarah and James have a lot on

their plate at the moment with two new kids a big house and a new job I've got

so much on my plate right now I can't have I don't have time to meet you

I'm sorry okay so that's a very common one number two number two back to the

drawing board to go back to the drawing board so this is often used in business

in work situations the project proposal didn't work we have to go back to the

drawing board it means we have to go back to the planning stage we have to

cancel our plans because it didn't work and we have to go back to the planning

stage and start again a drawing board is like a big board where you write down

the ideas and you make the plans in a meeting often when you're designing

something or creating something the drawing board the planning design stage

okay back to the drawing board number three let's go into this one number

three to bite off more than you can chew to bite off more than you can chew

okay bye do you know the verb bite Oh maybe not with this noise but to buy

yeah is when you you eat something and you use your teeth and chew chew is the

action of moving your jaw and your teeth to soften your food so what do you think

it means to bite off more than you can chew

for example tom is working three jobs at the moment plus he's doing volunteer

work on the weekend he has bitten off more than he can chew present perfect

form of the sentence he has bitten off more than he can chew what do you think

it's similar to he's got too much on his plate or a lot on his plate

so to bite off more than you can chew means to accept too many

responsibilities and tasks and too much you can't do it because it's not

possible you don't have time so if you say yes I will do that yes I will do

that yes I will do that you are biting off more than you can chew more than you

can deal with more than you can handle Sarah is teaching 50 kids in her new

class I think she's biting off more than she can chew 50 kids in her class okay

number four is a pretty common one kill two birds with one stone kill two birds

with one stone two Birds look don't worry

it sounds a bit aggressive maybe you don't like this one it might sound a bit

violent to you but it's very common this is a very old idiom and we use it a lot

so a stone do you know what a stone is a stone is a

all rock to a stone this is a stone a small rock and you have two birds over

there and I have one stone no I would not try to kill two birds I love birds

but can you guess what it means if I try to do this so yeah it means to achieve

two things with one action or at the same time achieve two things at the same

time for example my friend and I were in the park yesterday and we were deciding

what we wanted to do and we wanted to go to the Art Gallery to look at an

exhibition but we were also hungry it was three o'clock we had not had lunch

we didn't have lunch before and I said well there's a cafe in the gallery in

the art gallery in the art exhibition in the the place where you look at the art

the gallery I said there's a cafe in there

so let's kill two birds with one stone let's go to the gallery and we can have

lunch in the Kellett in the cafe as well we can have lunch and then we can see

the art where kill two birds with one stone

Sara decided to visit her aunt in London while she was on a business trip she was

killing two birds with one stone all right let's go to number five to see eye

to eye to see eye to eye with some with someone we often use this in the

negative we don't see eye to eye for example my father and I don't see eye to

eye about politics what do you think it means do we agree about politics or

disagree it means we disagree we don't have the same opinions

so when you see eye to eye in the positive form it means you agree you

have the same opinion about something it looks like everyone

on the team does see eye to eye we all see eye to eye about this so we have no

problem John and Tim don't see eye to eye about this project I don't see eye

to eye with him so we can see eye to eye about something or see - I - I with

someone or just we don't see eye to eye very common in the negative my sister

and I don't see eye to eye to take something with a grain of salt here's my

salt shaker there's only a little bit of salt in there but these are called

grains grains of salt little pieces of salt so when you take something with a

grain of salt what do you think it means for example don't believe everything you

see in the news just take it with a grain of salt what do you think it means

it means to to not take it seriously to not believe everything maybe just a

little bit take it with a little grain of salt so you can believe some of it

but not all of it because not all of the news is really correct and we don't know

who we who we are getting it from or it's different opinions John doesn't

always tell the truth just take what he says with a grain of salt take what he

says with a grain of salt don't take it completely seriously just

a little bit but not everything alright that's a common one as well

let's go to number seven once in a blue moon once in a blue

Blue Moon sorry my singing terrible I know but what does it mean once in a

blue moon for example how often do you go to the gym yeah once in a blue moon

how often do you go to the cinema to see a movie once in a blue moon I go to the

cinema once in a blue moon do you think it's a lot or not much that's right not

often very rarely maybe once a year once or twice a year I go to the cinema not

me actually I like going to the cinema and I like going to the gym but for

something you do rarely you can say I do it once in a blue moon once in a blue

moon what do you do once in a blue moon

number eight to be on the ball to be on the ball for example I have three

meetings today and I have to give a presentation I really need to be on the

ball on the ball like balancing on the ball what do you think it means to be

really alert exactly to be aware and alert and energized so you can't make a

mistake you you have to be really alert for example I imagine doctors who work

in the emergency in the hotel in the hospital doctors who work in the

emergency section of the hospital the doctors and nurses have to be really on

the ball they have to be very quick and aware and alert because so much is

happening or Beach air traffic controllers the people who watch the

planes and give directions to the planes have to be really on the ball don't they

they can't miss something or there might be a big mistake and it could be bad so

do you have a job where you have to be on the ball

when do you usually have to be on the ball so let's have a look at the the

idioms the eight idioms and let's practice so I'm going to give you a

question and try to give me an answer with the idiom number one I've got a lot

on my plate do you have a lot on your plate at the moment when was the last

time you had a lot on your plate number two back to the drawing board back to

the drawing board can you remember a time when you had to go back to the

drawing board maybe with a project you were working on or an assignment number

three to bite off more than you can chew bite off more than you can chew think

about a time when you bit by the past tense bit off more than you could chew

at that time number four to kill two birds with one stone

when did you kill two birds with one stone can you think about a situation

where you achieved two things at the same time with one action can be social

can be work anything number five to see or not see eye to eye

tell me about someone you don't see eye to eye with number six to take it with a

grain of salt what do you think we should take with the grain of salt or

who in your life should you take with a grain of salt

number seven once in a blue moon what is an action or something that you only do

once in a blue moon

and number eight to be on the ball do you have a job where you have to be on

the ball can you think of a time when you had to really be on the ball so I

suggest you practice answering these questions watch the video again in this

question section and speak your answers out then you can write the answers down

but I suggest you practice speaking first and then writing and of course in

the comments below in the YouTube comments leave your sentences practice

and I will correct you talk with me tell me about you and use these idioms don't

forget to subscribe to my channel for more free video lessons get my ebook

sorry over here how to speak English with confidence in six fun steps free

ebook for you and you can join my newsletter and get lessons to your email

video lessons audio lessons you can check out my website real English

speaker calm I have free audio lessons on there so I hope you enjoyed the

lesson and I'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> 8 Common Idioms: Real English Conversation - Duration: 16:32.


奇跡体験!アンビリバボー あわや完全犯罪!目前で逮捕された保険金殺人犯!悲劇の裏に隠された衝撃真実! - Duration: 30:57.

For more infomation >> 奇跡体験!アンビリバボー あわや完全犯罪!目前で逮捕された保険金殺人犯!悲劇の裏に隠された衝撃真実! - Duration: 30:57.


Blast cone mechanics (ft. fatelin) - Duration: 0:22.

Yea! We're taking the turret together!

Yea! You get those minions, then we'll back

Blast cone? Gotcha, be right there




Guess I'll just back here...

I can't believe my ADC ditched me



I hate you


For more infomation >> Blast cone mechanics (ft. fatelin) - Duration: 0:22.


Nissan Note - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note - Duration: 0:52.


Lucifer returns Monday, Octo...

For more infomation >> Lucifer returns Monday, Octo...


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design 181 KW Trekhaak, Xenon, Leer, Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 R-Design 181 KW Trekhaak, Xenon, Leer, Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo V60 BWJ 2012 1.6 T3 150 PK R-DESIGN CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PDC/LEER/NAVI - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 BWJ 2012 1.6 T3 150 PK R-DESIGN CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PDC/LEER/NAVI - Duration: 0:57.


Zaszynobus Kędzierzyn Koźle - Opole (Nysa). SU42-518 + Bmnopux - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Zaszynobus Kędzierzyn Koźle - Opole (Nysa). SU42-518 + Bmnopux - Duration: 12:07.


Świątynia Dumania Adama Naruszewicza Hotel Zamek Biskupi w Janowie Podlaskim, Biuro rachunkowe Łódź - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> Świątynia Dumania Adama Naruszewicza Hotel Zamek Biskupi w Janowie Podlaskim, Biuro rachunkowe Łódź - Duration: 0:17.


Singer Bans American Flag From Concerts, Says She Can't Even Look At It While Trump's President - Duration: 1:20.

It's so typical of radical liberals.

They pretend to be patriotic Americans, but immediately turn on their own the moment they

don't get their way.

REAL patriots love this country no matter what, and will always work to make it better.

Grammy-nominated recording artist Lana Del Rey is not a real patriot.

Sure, she's featured the American flag as a backdrop to many of her concerts in the


But because her candidate didn't win the last presidential election, she's now banning

the Stars and Stripes.

The 32-year-old model-turned-singer told Pitchfork that she feels "uncomfortable" and "less

safe" as an American living under President Trump.

As for using the American flag at her concerts:

"I definitely changed my visuals on my tour videos.

I'm not going to have the American flag waving while I'm singing 'Born to Die.'

It's not going to happen.

"I'd rather have static.

"I feel less safe than I did when Obama was president."

I say, if she's going to boycott the flag, we BOYCOTT HER!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Singer Bans American Flag From Concerts, Says She Can't Even Look At It While Trump's President - Duration: 1:20.


Tokyo to Osaka: Cheapest and Fastest Transport Options - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Tokyo to Osaka: Cheapest and Fastest Transport Options - Duration: 3:26.


Let's Read Umineko Episode 3 Pt 18 'A Set of Closed Rooms' - Duration: 52:49.

My theory is still alive since George is still alive. It's why I was hesitant to do all servants. I'm glad I didn't, but it is on it's last leg. If they really are dead.

That's understandable

Oh I'm very much ok with this.

I don't have to believe in them to get advice. It's like an extra voice in my head

You know no crack that can be used. No other ways to get in stuff like that.

Yeah I was going to ask if you could talk through it.

Ah I know what they're doing here. They're going to be all of the keys to open up the doors. They'll be behind a different door. I'll need a board to counter this one.

I'm going to go ahead and make a diagram for this one second.

I already know where this is going. The last key is going to be the parlor room key so it completes itself.

I'm already getting an idea on how to get around it.

So I'm using Shannon in this case and all she would need to do is work backwards and once finishing up Kumasawa. She locks herself in the parlor room and commits suicide. At least that's what I think so far.

and it's going to be a perfect loop.

So the way the chapel works is that only the chapel key opens it. So it has to be locked before Kinzo is locked in his room.

But I mean you could just go back and get the key.

So Kanon had to have died and been locked up before Kinzo.

It means a room was locked from the inside.

From the top. Let's assume Shannon is guilty because it is the easiest to go with right now. Since we started with her might as well go with her.

So what needs to happen is kill Kanon. Lock his door with the parlor room key and master key inside.

Put Kinzo's body in the furnace lock it with the chapel room key.

Then going to the VIP room have Genji's body in there with the master key and the boiler room key.

Now kill Gohda lock his key and the VIP key in the room.

Kumasawa is the last one kill her lock the door with the master key and 3rd floor waiting room key inside.

Go to the parlor room lock the door from the inside and put the master key and 2nd floor guest house key inside and kill yourself.

Thus breaking this lock. That's before any reds though.

I actually need that.

If she doesn't say that it makes it even easier.

I don't give a damn what he says.

No if he's part of the group he could easily lie.

Hey want 20 million, "sure" ok lie for me.

aw how adorable.

Why would that matter?

But they were unable to do anything.

Could have been a type of trap. Kinda like a trip wire.

Still going with my theory though.

That's why I never brought it up. I'm not that good with coming up with trap ideas or how they work. I think it's better to just have normal ways to have someone get killed.

That's true. No matter how stupid it is if it's possible it's possible.

I don't think that's what happened, but it is possible.

She's not denying it was a trap.

The way I approached it really let's any of the servants be able to do it. I don't remember if you could lock the chapel without the key.

The way to attack these closed rooms is go after what makes them closed off in the first place. In this case it is the idea of keys being locked in a different room. It's just how I approach these issues and so far it's worked out pretty well.

The only way to open the parlor room is with the parlor room key. So you need to make it look like it's impossible to open the door without the key that is locked in a different room.

I didn't go the trap route I'm not that creative.

I want the red that not everyone was killed by the same person or something like that.

It's exactly what I jumped to. I just went straight to that point.

When you start resulting to that you know this is the right track.

If she does deny it I'm right.

If not i'll make a quick adjustment of how the person died last.


Yeah it's over.

That's fine.

Yes one died by accident. Since no one committed suicide. They wanted to make it appear that they were dead and accidentally killed themselves. This makes it an accident and not an intentional suicide.

They wanted to fake their death but accidentally lead to their death.

I'm not letting her off.

There we go.

I guarantee they wanted to set up a fake murder, but accidentally killed themselves. Good game

Do it.

I accept it.

It means that it would give away something pretty large if he isn't letting her say that.

She might need a little more than that.

I consider that I was close enough to the answer. I only had to make a very slight adjustment at the end.

I couldn't have predicted some of those reds so from what I could think of I think that is pretty good.

The way I'd get around it would be another culprit shots the last person and locks the door when it is open. The door since it is inside can be locked without actually closing the door first.

Generally doors inside a house can be locked before closing them so it would be able to happen in the parlor room.

For more infomation >> Let's Read Umineko Episode 3 Pt 18 'A Set of Closed Rooms' - Duration: 52:49.


Let's Tax This - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Let's Tax This - Duration: 0:16.


Evie's Bow is Stolen By CJ Hook - Part 37 - Descendants in Avalor Disney - Duration: 5:08.

Disney Doll Story




I can't see her.



You have so many treasures.

Some of them are mine.

Mostly my dad's.

I want you to see something.

What is it?

I took this from Huntsman's lodge.



Throw the rope.

It's Evie.


It's a bow and arrows.

Not just any bow and arrows.

The Huntsman's bow and arrows.

Is this the bow used to capture Snow White's heart?


But the huntsman lied about the heart.

Are you alright?


She told me to go somewhere.


The mermaid who rescued me.

Everybody hold on.

We are not out yet.

Is this magical?

Yes, the legend has it that it can pierce through anything.

Did you try it?

I can't wield it.

I'm not strong enough to pull the bow.

So why did you show me this?

Can you wield it?

It requires magic to use it.


We made it.

That's the location.

it's not going to be easy.

The passage here is too narrow for this ship.

Can we get in using the boat?

We'll have to.

Shouldn't we try to find the urn first?

No, the mermaid is waiting for me.


I can't.

Uma couldn't pull it either.


wouldn't Evie know how to use it?

She's good with bows.

But she wouldn't be on my side.

She will be if I know why you need this bow?



You said you'll be better if you get more power.

I was getting better.


Get out.

I don't want you to see me like this.

I think it's a curse and it's a very powerful curse.

Any idea what the curse might be?

I have no idea, but seeing as how powerful that curse is, it must be Maleficent.

Maybe we can get Uma to release all of her souls if we can lift that curse.


Looks like she will die from the curse at this rate.

Right there.

This is where the mermaid told us to go.

A cave?


What's all this?

Someone's been collecting lots of stuffs.



It's you.

I want to give you something.

It might belong to you.


These are.

Yes, Avalor's treasures.

They were on CJ's ship before it was burnt down.

There is a map here too.


I think it's time you set aside your pride and ask for help.



If I don't have my pride, what have I got left?


I'm really saying this as a friend.


I need more power.

I need that bow to get an enchanted engine for the new ship.

I can convince Evie to help you get it, but she will probably want this bow.

I don't know about that.

That bow can be used to hunt down anyone's heart.

Did you find everything you were looking for?


Good thing I came to pirate's cove.

A book and an urn?

Oh, this isn't just any book and any urn.


The ship's leaving in 10 minutes.

Next stop, Arendelle.

For more infomation >> Evie's Bow is Stolen By CJ Hook - Part 37 - Descendants in Avalor Disney - Duration: 5:08.



now I relapse Cavalry's a hey what's up guys welcome to game of

two-for-two calm this is Geoffrey today I'm looking at kill streak in Call of

Duty World War 2 playing the beta I want to see guys I think that the kill

streak was little limited so today I'm gonna talk about three kill streak I

think they need to implement the game this is my opinion and if you have any

ideas a kill streak that you think you want to see in the game please let me

know in the comment section and if you haven't subscribed to this channel yet

please don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to hit that notification

bell to keep yourself updated with all the brand new videos okay guys let's

look at the kill streak number one I was thinking this I think it should be the

limited kill ship when you reach to 20 kills I think they should actually do

like a nuclear gas the reason why I said that is because when you think about

nuclear gas they actually use this back in World War one during World War two

this was like the mains of all means this is like destroy all the soldiers on

the battlefield so I think basically the same way actually the nuke was the final

kill streak in modern warfare 3 it's the same thing it's just like the nuke only

thing is it's just gas you know there's a plane fly overhead and drop a bomb

full of gas and actually destroy everything on the stage it seriously

guys think about it it's a wonderful idea

we all know that it actually existed back then so I think it should be you

know the ultimate kill streak that that is something you have to get like 25

kills or 30 kills that should be something special

now the second kill streak I'm looking at I wanna see guys we know the dogs

might come but this is an idea I was thinking about a little while now it

just could be a kill streak where you can call a dog and he can stay on your

side so basically he could be on the side you feel like for like maybe a

minute so you run around the stage he's actually keeping your companion people

my track snake you or something like that and he'll be able to be like your

second eye so something like that you know a kiss our adult companion will be

a good kill streak that is something I think after like 10 kills you should be

able to get because it's amazing cuz I can say the dogs is really a big part of

World War two one World War one so bringing them in and using them like

that cuz actually technically they actually use dogs like that back then

the dogs used to go and in holes and take out the enemies and stuff but using

the dogs to be on your side to help you to be a second eyes a perfect kill

streak an Aussie guys it she's something unique something

different has never been done and call of duty yesterday actually had a little

John that actually protects you but a live dog something like that is

something unique and I think that'll be a great idea

my final kill streak that I think they should implement in the game is

something unique something special we all know that the zombie mode has become

one of the biggest part and Call of Duty so why don't unless a swarm of zombies

and make them attack the people on the stage seriously guys this is something

special this is something to tie both games together cuz we all know the

zombies right now is one of the most popular thing in corner to do so using

the zombies as a kill streak and we all know is actually a part of the story so

that'll be awesome that would be sweet guys think about it the thought of

knowing that a swarm of zombies on the map will be one of the most unique thing

that ever happened in Call of Duty franchise and everybody will be picking

this one kill streak though this kill streak should be like what after you

reach like 17 kills or something like that but this is so unique Telus we

crazy and we all know the zombies is something special so putting this kill

streak in the game well made the game more playable I think it'll bring a lot

of new people in the game specially the people who actually play the game just

for the zombie mode there'll be something to look forward to so this is

my tree kill streak I think they need to put in the game this is my ideas I know

the world war two actually have a lot of stuff they could put in the game but

this is my tree kill streak I think they need to put in the game I don't know how

y'all feel about them if y'all think they got kill streak let me know in the

comment section if y'all don't if you all don't like them let me know too guys

alright guys thanks for watching my video and I'll see you all on another

Call of Duty video

For more infomation >> CALL OF DUTY WORLD WAR 2 KILLSTREAK IDEAS AND REWARDS - Duration: 4:01.


Carlos Kleiber; Tristan und Isolde, LIVE at Bayreuth (1976): Act III: Wenkoff, Ligendza [SUBS] - Duration: 1:14:00.

Act III: Prelude

(A castle garden. On one side, a long wall interrupted by a watch tower; In the background, the castle gate.

The whole scene suggests the absence of a master, ill-kept, here and there dilapidated and overgrown.

In the foreground Tristan lies sleeping on a couch, stretched out as if lifeless, beneath a great lime-tree.

At his head sits Kurwenal, bending over him in grief and listening carefully to his breathing.

From outside a shepherd's pipe is heard.)

(The shepherd enters and looks on with interest, visible waist high above the parapet.)

Kurwenal! Hey! Say, Kurwenal! Hear me, friend! Has he not waked?

If he awoke, it would be but for ever more to leave us;

unless Isolde came here first, for she alone can heal.

What have you seen? No ship there on the sea?

To a different tune my pipe I would blow, the merriest tune that I know!

But tell me truly, good old friend, what ails our noble lord?

Do not ask me, you'd never understand it.

Watch the sea; if sails come in sight then pipe your merriest tune!

(The Shepherd turns and looks out over the sea, shading his eyes with his hand.)

Lone and bare the sea!

(He puts the pipe to his lips and goes out playing.)

Again I hear it. Why wakes it me?


Where am I?

Ha! He is speaking! Yes, I heard him! Tristan! Master! My lord! My Tristan!

Who calls me?

Ended! Ended! Praise be to heaven! Sleep is ended and to Tristan life is granted!


Where—was I? Where—am I?

Where you are? In safety, peaceful and free.

Kareol, Lord; do you not know your fathers' hall?

My fathers'?

Sir, look around!

What awoke me?

The shepherd's piping ended your slumber; he guards your herds over there on the hillside.

Mine the herds there?

Yours, I said it! Yours the land, house and hall.

Your men are true, and served their lord as best they could, and held the hall secure,

that you, their lord and master gave them to be their lawful own,

when leaving all behind, to foreign lands you fared.

What foreign land?

Why, to Cornwall!

Bold and daring, there where you'd gather'd honour and glory, Tristan, my lord, won his fame!

Am I in Cornwall?

Not so: in Kareol.

How came I here?

Well now, how you came?

No horse carried you here, for you were brought by a boat.

But on my shoulders down to the boat you first were borne:

they are broad: they carried you to the shore.

Now you are back home, at home once more, your native land, your fatherland,

familiar things are near you, the sun will shine to cheer you,

now death and wounds are over and easily you'll recover.

(He lays his head on Tristan's breast.)

Think you so? I know it's not so, but yet I cannot tell you.

Where I awoke stayed I not:

but where I wandered, ah, that I cannot tell you.

The sun I could not see, I saw no land nor people, but what I saw, that I can never tell you.

I was—where I have been forever, where I must ever go: the boundless realm of endless night,

and there we know one thing only: endless godlike all-forgetting!

How could that knowledge leave me? Love came to grieve me,

love it was that drove me forth and made me seek the daylight.

Then all I knew was yearning, my love inwardly burning

from darkness dread and tender, drove me to find the splendour

that falsely bright and golden on you Isolde shines!

Isolde still in realms of sunlight! In day-lit brightness lives Isolde!

Frenzied yearning, keen foreboding! Ah, to see her how I'm longing!

Crashing once I heard the gates of oblivion close behind me.

Wide once more the gates are open, the streaming sunlight forced them wide;

with eyes that day had blinded, I had to leave night's darkness.

I must seek her, I must see her,

I must find her, for with her alone united can Tristan, Tristan find release.

Woe again, I must bear daylight's harsh, deceitful glare;

cruel deluding forms arise, wake my brain to madness and lies!

Accursed day, you shine again! Must you ever watch my pain?

Must you ever burn beside us? E'en at night would you divide us?

Ah, Isolde! Oh, Isolde! When, tell me when, oh when will you quench its burning?

When will you end my yearning? The light—when dies the spark?

When will the house be dark?

I scorned her once through love of you, but now like you, how I long to see her!

Trust what I say: I know you'll see her—here today.

She'll come, I can assure you, if she's alive she will cure you.

Still glows that fiery spark, the house is not yet dark,

Isolde lives in light; she called me from the night.

She's alive, so let that hope sustain you!

Though foolish and dull you hold me, this time you will not scold me.

As dead there I saw you lie, since Melot, who betrayed you, dealt you that cruel blow.

The wound was grievous: how to heal it?

Your foolish servant had the thought that she who Morold's wound could close,

would surely heal the new wound that Melot's sword inflicted.

For help and healing I did send; to Cornwall I despatched a friend,

a loyal man, he's on the sea bringing Isolde here.

Isolde comes! Isolde's near!

O loyalty! Highest, noblest loyalty!

My Kurwenal, my true old friend!

my friend who never fails me, ah, how can Tristan thank you?

My guard, my shield, in war and strife, in weal or woe you're mine for life:

those whom I hate, you hate them too; those whom I love, are loved by you.

When good King Mark my service did hold, to him you were truer than gold!

When I betrayed him, that noble lord, then how gladly you gave accord!

Yours you are not, wholly mine,— you feel with me, when I suffer,

but what I suffer, that you cannot suffer.

This anguish of yearning, cruel smart, this feverish burning in my heart;

could I reveal them, could you but feel them:

then here you would not linger, but hasten up to the watch tow'r,

with all your senses searching the ocean and keenly peering and spying,

there where her sails must be flying, the wind behind them, you must find them,

for with love to drive her onward, Isolde comes to join me!

It nears! It nears so bravely and fast! It waves! It waves, the flag on the mast!

The ship! The ship! It's rounding the reef! Do you not see? Kurwenal, do you not see?

(The shepherd's mournful tune is heard as before. Tristan looks at Kurwenal in silent expectation.)

No, there's no ship in sight!

Is that your song to me?

O ancient mournful piping, is that your song of woe?

Through evening silence once it rang, when as a child I learned how my father perished;

through morning greyness, still more fearful, when the son of his mother's fate was told.

When he who sired me died, she died as I was born;

the mournful piping, through their pain, once sang to them its doleful strain;

it asked me then, it asks me now:

what is the fate before me, to which my parents bore me?

What is my fate?

That mournful piping plainly tells me; 'tis yearning—and dying!

No! Ah, no! It is not so! Yearning! Yearning!

In dying ever yearning, though yearning brings no dying!

What never dies, yearning now calls for death's repose to the healer far away.

Dying in the boat I lay, the fest'ring poison near my heart.

Ah, I heard that mournful piping,

my sails were blown by the wind there to Ireland's maid.

She healed my wound, she soothed my pain, but with the sword she struck again,

the sword then she let fall to save me; a poisoned potion then she gave me:

I hoped the draught would wholly cure me, instead a mighty enchantment came o'er me:

that death would never find me, that grief would ever bind me.

The drink! The drink! The dark fatal drink! Ah, from heart to brain how wildly it flowed.

No healing cure, not death itself can set me free from the yearning pain:

nowhere, ah, nowhere can I rest: cast back by night to burning day,

on anguish and on repining the sun will ever be shining.

O cruel sunlight searing my brain, for me no escape from the burning and pain!

From blazing torment, heat that enslaves me, no cooling shadow shelters or saves me.

From all the scorching anguish of grief, can no balsam comfort me, bring me relief?

The dark fatal drink, with anguish imbued, by me, by me that potion was brewed!

From father's grief and mother's woe, from lovers' tears of long ago,

from laughter and weeping, rapture and sadness, my hand distilled the potion of madness!

Poison I brewed, poison I tasted, that moved my mind to limitless rapture,

I curse you, dark fatal drink!

And curse him by whom 'twas brewed!

My master! Tristan! Fearful enchantment!—

O love's deceit! O might of love! The world's holiest dream!

What is this you have wrought!

He lies there now, the noblest of men, he who loved as no man ever loved.

Now see what reward his great love has won, what thanks love must ever win!

Can you be dead?—Live you still?

Killed by the curse you swore?

He's breathing! Yes! He's stirring! He lives, and gently he moves his lips!

The ship—is it in sight?

The ship? Ah, yes 'twill soon be here; no longer will it tarry.

On board Isolde, see her wave, see her drink atonement's cup:—

See you her? Say, do you not see?

How with tender sweet devotion, moving o'er the paths of ocean?

The waves are like flow'ring fields before her, gently t'ward the land they draw her.

She smiles to me rest and soothing peace, she brings me now my last release.

Ah, Isolde!... Isolde!

How fair thou art!—

And Kurwenal, you, you see her not? Away, be watchful, you lazy churl!

What my eyes can see so plainly, do your eyes seek it vainly?

Did you not hear? Go up and watch! Haste to the watch tow'r! Are you in place?

The ship? The ship? Isolde's ship? You have to see it! Must now see it!

The ship? Can you see it?

(The shepherd's pipe is heard without, playing a joyful tune.)

Be joyful! Joyful!

(He rushes to the watch tower and looks out to sea.)

Ha, the ship! From northward it is nearing!

Knew I not? Said I not? She is alive and bringing me life!

Only Isold' the world holds for me; how could Isolde from it be free?

Heiha! Heiha! See her bravely sailing!

The friendly wind swelling the sail. See her race! See her fly!

What flag is she flying?

The flag of rejoicing at the masthead, cheerful and bright!

Hahei! Of rejoicing! Bright in daylight I'll see Isolde! Isolde to me!

Is she in sight?

The ship has passed under the cliff!

Beyond the reef? Danger is there! There breakers are raging,

ships have been shattered! And who's at the helm?

The trustiest seaman!

Will he betray? One in Melot's employ?

Trust him like me!

You're treacherous too!— Unfaithful! Now can you see her?

Not yet!

She's lost then!

Heia! Heiahahei! They're by! They're by! Safely they're by!

Heihaha! Kurwenal, truest of friends! All I have and hold today I bequeath you!

She flies like the wind!

Now can you see her? See my Isolde?

It's she! She waves!

O sweetest of maids!

In harbour they land! Isolde—ah! She gives a leap, springs from the deck on shore!

Then down from the watch tow'r, stop idle gaping! Go down! Go down to the shore!

Help her! Help you my bride!

I'll bring her to you: safely I'll bear her! But you, Tristan, rest here quiet on your couch!

(Tristan tosses on his couch in feverish excitement.)

O blessed sunlight! Ah blessed day! Hail to the joyful sunniest day!

Turbulent blood, jubilant heart! Joy without measure, rapturous pleasure!

To this bed chained fast how can I bear them? So up and away, where the hearts are beating!

Tristan the knight, rejoicing in night, Has vanquished death itself today!

Once bleeding and wounded I fought and conquered Morold:

now bleeding and wounded today I capture Isolde!

Heia, my blood! Freely you flow now! She who can close my wound forever,

she comes like a queen, she comes here to heal. Disolve O world, as I hasten to her!

Tristan! Beloved!

What, hear I the light? The torch light—ha!

The torch now is out! To her! To her!

(Isolde hastens in breathlessly. Tristan, nearly fainting, rushes towards her.

They come together; she receives him in her arms, where he sinks slowly to the ground.)



(Tristan turns his dying eyes on Isolde.)



'Tis I, 'tis I, sweet dear friend! Wake and hear once more when I call!

Isolde calls; Isolde came, with Tristan she would die now!

Deaf to my cry? Grant me one moment, one single moment, open your eyes!

The dreary days I waited in yearning to spend one hour with you close beside me:

you'd cheat Isolde, deprived by Tristan of even this one single ever-fleeting final worldly joy?

You're wounded? Where? Ah, let me heal it! In joy then we'll share the night together;

wounds must not kill you, not a wound received in strife: but let us united leave now the light of life!

All broken your glance! Still your heart!

Have you no fleeting breath for me?

Must I in sorrow linger here, I who joyful came to wed you boldly over the sea?

Too late! Hard-hearted man! Treating me so with cruellest ban?

Ah, no relief for my anguished grief? Deaf to my pleading, silent, unheeding?

One moment, ah! Oh wake once more!

Tristan!—Ah! Hear!—He wakes!


(She sinks down unconscious upon Tristan's body.

Kurwenal stands in speechless horror, gazing motionless on Tristan.

From below is now heard the dull murmur of voices and the clash of weapons.)

Kurwenal! Hear! Another ship!

Hell and fury! All give a hand! Marke and Melot—see where they stand!

Weapons and stones! Help me! The gate!

(He hastens with the shepherd to the gate which they try quickly to barricade.)

Mark has arrived with knights and men! In vain we fight; we are outnumbered!

Stay here and help!

While life is left me none shall dare to intrude!

Isolde! Lady!

Brangäne's call? What seek you here?

Open, Kurwenal! Where is Isolde?

Betrayed by you too? Curses upon you!

Get back you fool! Don't bar the way!

Heiahaha! The day has come when I slay you!

Die, treacherous cur!

(Kurwenal throws himself upon Melot and strikes him to the ground.)

Woe's me! Tristan!

Kurwenal! Kurwenal! Hear, you're mistaken!

Treacherous maid! Come! Follow! Drive them away!

Hold you reckless man! Are you demented?

Here death rules alone!

Naught else awaits you King, if you enter: so if you seek it, come on!

Go back! Wild madman!

Isolde! Lady! Joy and Life! What see I? Ha! Live you? Isolde!

O needless rage! Tristan, where are you?

(Kurwenal, fatally wounded, totters before King Marke.)

He lies there—here— where I'm lying—!

Tristan! Tristan! Isolde! Woe!

Tristan! Master! Chide me not! I your true one, join you here!

Death all round me! All are dead!

My friend! My Tristan! Truest of friends! Today, once more must you betray your kinsman?

Here where he comes to bring you proof of how he trusts you?

Awaken! Awaken! Awaken at my sorrow!

You faithless, faithful friend!

She wakes! She lives! Isolde! Hear me, forgive your Brangäne!

The drink and its secret I told to King Marke; and so he set out over the sea,

eager to find you and to renounce you, bestow your hand on his friend!

O why, Isolde, why this to me? When I heard the truth, I, at last, understood it all,

rejoicing when I learned my friend was free from blame!

To him you love I would unite you, my swiftest vessel flew in your wake.

But ill fortune followed me, overtaking the peace I bring!

I swelled the harvest of death: my haste garner'd but grief!

Hear you us not? Isolde! Dear one! Reply to your faithful maid!

Mildly, gently, see him smiling, see his eyes softly open.

Ah behold him! See you not? Ever brighter, brightly shining,

borne in starlight high above? See you not?

How his heart so proudly swells, full and bold it throbs in his breast?

Gentle breathing stirs his lips, ah, how calmly soft his breath:—

See him, friends! Feel and see you not?

Can it be that I alone hear this wondrous, glorious tone,

softly stealing, all revealing, mildly glowing, from him flowing,

thro' me pouring, rising, soaring, boldly singing, round me ringing?

Brighter growing, o'er me flowing, are they waves of tender radiance?

Are they clouds of wonderful fragrance?

They are rising high around me, shall I breathe them, shall I hear them?

Shall I taste them, dive beneath them? Drown in tide of melting sweetness?

In the rapturous swell, in the turbulent spell, in the welcoming wave, holding all.

I'm sinking,— I'm drowning,—

unaware,— highest love!

(Isolde sinks, as if transfigured, in Brangäne's arms upon Tristan's body.

Profound emotion and grief of the bystanders. Mark calls down a blessing on the dead.)

For more infomation >> Carlos Kleiber; Tristan und Isolde, LIVE at Bayreuth (1976): Act III: Wenkoff, Ligendza [SUBS] - Duration: 1:14:00.


Carlos Kleiber; Tristan und Isolde, LIVE at Bayreuth (1976): Act II: Wenkoff, Ligendza [SUBS] - Duration: 1:18:32.

Act II: Prelude

(A garden with high trees in front of Isolde's chamber. Bright and pleasant summer night. Sounds of hunting.

A burning torch stands at the chamber's open door.

Brangäne, on the steps of the chamber, is watching the retreat of the still audible hunt.

She looks anxiously back into the chamber, where she sees Isolde approaching.)

Gone are the horns! I heard them die away.

No, they are near; loud and clear they sound.

(Isolde listens.)

Fear and concern delude your ear;

by rustling branches you are deceived, which laughing dance in the wind.

By fervent longing you're deceived, your desire deludes your ear.

I hear still the horns in cry.

(Isolde again listens.)

No hunting call sounds so fair;

I hear the soft murmuring streamlet, gently flow on its way.

If horns were near how could I hear it?

In silence of night like laughter it sounds.

My lover waits in silence of night,

as if horns still were loudly sounding— you try to hold him from me?

Your lover waits, O hear my warning! For him a spy waits by night.

You may be blinded, that does not mean that eyes are blinded to you!

When still aboard the ship, when Tristan's trembling hand

conveyed the bride, scarce in her senses, to her husband King Mark,

when all in concern turned their glances on you, and Mark so gracious, mild and kind,

deplored the weary voyage, that had left you weak and pale,

then one there was, I marked him well,

at Sir Tristan he was gazing; with spite in is eyes, hate in his glance,

keenly did he observe him to spy if aught could serve him.

Oft I find him lurking around.

He plans some secret snare; of Melot, now beware!

Speak you of Melot? Oh, you are deceived! Is he not Tristan's truest of friends?

When my Tristan must leave me, then he is with Melot alone.

What makes me suspicious wins him your favour!

From Tristan to Marke Sir Melot goes to sow his seeds of hate.

And those who planned this hunt in the darkness, decided on so swiftly,

seek a nobler prey than you dare believe, they hunt a nobler game.

To serve his friend he thought of a plan, we're helped by Melot his friend:

and now you suspect his friendship?

Better than you he cares for me, he opens ways that you would close.

So end my time of anguished waiting! The signal, Brangäne! Oh give the signal!

Out with the torch's final gleam!

Let night now enfold us; call on the night.

For night pours her silence on grove and hall,

and night holds my heart in rapturous thrall.

Extinguish the burning light!

End now the warning glare! Ah bring my lover here!

Oh leave the signal to warn you, leave it to show you the danger!

Oh sorrow! Sorrow! Ah, Brangäne! Accursed was the potion!

For a single time I strayed and disobeyed your word.

Had I been deaf and blind, your—word brought sudden death.

But your disgrace, all your grief and your shame, my—hand, my hand only has caused it!

Your—hand? O foolish maid! Love's Goddess do you not know?

Nor her enchanted might?

The fairest, bravest queen she is, and all the world obeys her will!

Life and death she holds in her hand,

weaving spells from joy and grief, true love she weaves from hate.

A deadly deed rashly and wildly I planned, Love's Goddess seized the deed from out my hand:

the death-devoted claimed as her own, now all my life is hers alone.

Ah, let her tend it, oh, let her end it, ah, let her guide it, let her decide it;

I'll no more betray her: but ever shall obey her!

Although by the spell of love's fatal draught all sense of reason has left you;

though you're unheeding when I would warn you: oh hear me now, oh hear my pleading!

Let the clear beacon of light burn brightly! Ah, tonight at least, leave that light!

She who kindles all my wild desire, she who has set my heart on fire,

whose smile has made my darkness bright, Love's Goddess says: it must be night!

Then glory shines beside her, while your light would hide her.

Go watch for us, and guard us well.

The torch here—though it were my light of life— laughing I'll extinguish, come fair night!

(She throws the torch to the ground, where it gradually goes out.

Brangäne turns away in consternation and ascends an outside staircase leading to the battlements.

Isolde listens and peers, at first shyly, into an avenue.

Urged by her increasing desire, she approaches the avenue and looks more carefully.

She waves her kerchief, first slightly, then more plainly, waving it quicker as her impatience increases.

A gesture of sudden delight shows that she has perceived her lover in the distance.

She raises her head higher and higher to see better into the distance,

she hastens to the steps, from the top of which she beckons to the person approaching.)




(They embrace passionately, and come downstage.)

— Art thou mine? — Do I behold thee?

— Dare I embrace thee? — Can I believe it?

— Tristan! Tristan! — Here on my breast!

— Ah, do I feel thee? — Ah, do I see thee?

— These thine eyes? — This thy mouth?

— Here thy hand? — Here thy heart?

— Is't I? Is't thou? Held in my arms? — Is't I? Is't thou? Am I deceived?

Is it a dream?

O wonder, O wonder! O sweetest, highest, boldest, fairest, holiest love!

— Joy unequaled! — All surpassing!

— Love unbounded! — Endless! Endless!

— Unimagined, never known! — Overflowing, high-enthroned!

— Joyful rapture! — Love's enchantment!

High in heaven, earth-forsaking!


— Tristan mine! — Isolde mine!

Mine and thine!

— Ever! Tristan mine! Isolde ever thine! — Ever! Isolde mine!

— Tristan! — Isolde!

Ever, ever mine!

How long so far! How far so long!

How far so near! So near how far!

O foe to friendship cruel distance! Weary hours of anguished waiting!

O farness and nearness! How divided. Glorious nearness! Lonely farness.

In darkness thou, in light was I.

The light! The light! O cruel light! How long you seemed to burn!

The sun had set, the day had died, but all their spite was burning still:

that fiery signal glared thro' the night,

and barred me from my beloved, forbade me to go near her.

Thy beloved's hand ended the light; though my maid was fearful I had no fear;

for I trusted in mighty love, boldly defied bright day!

The daylight! The daylight! The envious daylight, the hard-hearted foeman, hate and loathing!

You quench'd the torch, and I'd quench the day,

to relieve of light's cruel torment, the frenzied suff'ring of lovers!

Is there a grief, is there a care, left unawakened by its glare?

Even when night's splendour had come,

light still burned in thy house, threat'ning drove me away!

Though light was burning within my house, within my heart it once did blaze,

cherished proudly by my own lover: Tristan, when he betrayed!

When bright with day's deceitful flame, across the Irish seas he came,

a bride for Mark to claim, and doom his true love to death.

The day! The day that shone all round,

where you shone like the glorious sun in highest honour's dazzling ray,

it stole Isold' away!

For while mine eyes beheld that glow, my heart was crushed by heavy woe:

in day's resplendent shine how could Isold' be mine?

Was I not thine when thee I chose? What lies could evil day disclose

to force thee to betray me, thy true and destined loved one?

Around thy head in splendour bright, were glorious rays of fame and might,

by them my heart was blinded and madness held me captive.

That sudden radiance that was shed upon my weak defenceless head,

that noonday blaze of worldly glory, with all its radiant worthless story,

through head and mind then it stole, down to my deepest, inmost soul.

And in that holy dark there I perceived a spark,

unknown and unexpressed, a vision scarcely guessed;

a vision whose enchantment I scarcely dared to gaze on;

but when daylight shone before me, that vision shone in glory.

It seemed so noble, fine and proud, that boldly and clear I cried it aloud;

to all who'd hear I praised in pride the world's loveliest royal bride.

The spite that day had waked for me, the envy that destroyed my joy,

the slander that was tainting my fame and reputation;

I would dare defy, I swore I'd try

confute my foes who'd shame me; in Ireland I would claim thee.

Deluded slave of day!

Deceived by day as thou wert deceived, I, though I loved thee, how I suffered;

naught but the daylight's glare revealed thee, its lying splendour then concealed thee,

though in my heart I yearned to love thee, within that heart I learned to hate thee.

Ah, but my heart was breaking, my secret wound was aching.

He whom my love concealed traitor he stood revealed,

there to my gaze so tender he blazed in day-lit splendour

within that burning glow, defied me as my foe!

All that had shown thee false to me, from light of day I swore I would flee,

and deep into night with thee I'd fly, where my heart had told me delusion would die;

where deceit and lies could make no capture; there we would drink eternal rapture,

and we, I by thy side, would then in death abide.

I saw my death within thy hand, then I understood what thou hadst planned;

when I had realised all thine intent, and by atonement knew what was meant:

then there dawned in my heart with tender might, the wondrous charm of night;

my day would lose its light.

But ah, deceit lay w=ithin the drink, night once again from my grasp did sink:

no death in the potion lay, it drove thee back to the day!

I praise the potion! Bless that draught! Praise all its magical mighty craft!

Through the doors of death there flowed a tide, when those portals were open wide,

then they revealed my dream of delight, the enchanted realm of night.

From the dream that my inmost heart did enshrine, gone was the daylight's false lying shine;

and night-sighted, before me I saw the truth in glory.

By revenge the day that you scorned was fired; and with your sins he then conspired.

What you perceived in glory of night to the empty pride of kingly might

you were forced to surrender,

and lonely on royal throne I lived on in splendour.

Could I bear it then?

Can I bear it now?

Oh, were we but by night enfolded, the envious day, so keen and spiteful,

yet might keep us apart, but cheat no longer my heart.

For his empty pomp, and his glittering lies mean naught, after night has blessed our eyes:

and the flickering glare, the flash of his lightning blind our sight no more.

When for death's dark night, loving, we've yearned, when all her holy secrets are learned:

then daylight's falsehood, fame and might, praise and renown that shine so bright,

like motes in sunbeams scattered are turned to dust and shattered!

And of daylight's idle burning all that remains is yearning,

that yearning deep for holy night,

where endless and always true, love brings laughing delight!

(Tristan draws Isolde gently down on to a flowery bank, kneels down before her and lays his head on her arm.)

Oh, sink around us night of loving,

let me now forget I'm living,

bear me softly unto thee,

from the world oh set me free.

— Now ev'ry light has lost its gleaming; — All our doubting, all our dreaming;

— All remembrance, — All reminding,

holy twilight radiant blinding drives afar my fear—

world-release is here.

In my breast the sun is declining, high above new stars are shining.

To thy enchantment all surrender and melt before thy glance so tender.

— Heart on heart and mouth on mouth; — One the breath that now we breathe;

bright desire of joy will blind me, and all the world I leave behind me:

— All that the day lit with its lie, — And all of its madness I can defy,

I, myself, am the world:—

love so pure and holy, love so true and noble,

no more to awaken, dreamless, long-awaited joy.

Lonely watcher in the night,

you who dream in love's delight,

hear my warning call aright;

my foreboding makes me fear,

waken sleepers, danger's near!

Ah, beware! Ah, beware! Soon the night will pass!

(Tristan and Isolde are lying side by side on the bank of flowers, enraptured.)

— Hear, beloved! — Let me die now!

— Envious watcher! — I'll not waken!

— But the day must Tristan waken? — Let the day to death be given!

Day and death if they united, they'd destroy the love we plighted?

Our loving? Tristan's loving? Thine and mine, Isolde's loving?

What though death should strike it? Death could not destroy it.

Though I confronted mighty death, threatening both my limbs and my life,

which I so freely to love have yielded,

what though his stroke descended, could love itself then be ended?

Though I should die, find the death I long for, yet how could the love within me perish,

the ever-living with me be ended?

If love will not die in Tristan, then how can Tristan die in loving?

But our sweet loving, is it not Tristan "and" Isolde?

The word that joins us: "and", how it binds us in loving bonds;

if Tristan dies, would love then not be dead?

What could death destroy, what could death kill, but Tristan's ill,

that holds him far from Isolde, ever, ever to love her?

But this conjunction: "and", if it's destroyed,

unless Isolde by life has been forsaken, could Tristan by death be taken?

(Tristan gently draws Isolde towards him.)

So let us die and never part, die united, heart to heart,

never waking, never fearing, nameless, endless rapture sharing,

each to each devoted, in love alone abiding!

— So let us die and never part, — Die united, heart to heart,

— Never waking, — Never fearing,

nameless, endless rapture sharing,

each to each devoted, in love alone abiding!

Ah, beware! Ah, beware! The night will soon be o'er!

— Shall I hear her? — Let me die now!

— Must I waken? — Never waken!

— With the day must Tristan waken? — Let the day to death be given!

— Can daylight's menace so lightly be met? — From his lies ever we'll fly!

— Its dawning ray will fright us no more? — Ever guarded by night!

O eternal night, blessed night! Holy, noble night of love!

— When you enfold us, — When we are blessed,

how could we be wakened from you without dismay?

Now banish all fearing, sweetest death, longed for and hoped for love-in-death!

Thine arms around me, thine alone,

love sacred and glowing, from all waking grief released!

How to grasp it, how to leave it,

sweet enchantment, far from sunlight,

far from day and parting sorrow.

— No illusion, — Tender yearning!

— No more fearing, — Sweetly burning,

— No more grieving, ah, expiring; — Ah, expiring;

— No more pining, night-enfolded! — Night-enfolded!

Undivided, never parting, thine alone, ever thine

in boundless realms of rapture, blessed endless dreaming:

— Thou, Isolde, — Tristan, thou,

— Tristan, I, — I, Isolde,

— No more Isolde! — No more Tristan!

— Ever nameless, never parting, — Ever!

— Newly learning, newly burning; — Endless!

— Endless ever joined in joy, — Ever joined in joy,

— Endless! Ever! — Ever! Endless!

— Ever-glowing love, — Highest holy love!

— Endless ever, — Ever-glowing love,

highest holy love!

(Brangäne utters a piercing shriek.)

Save yourself, Tristan!

(Mark, Melot and courtiers, in hunting dress, rush up the avenue and pause horrified, opposite the lovers.

Isolde, seized with involuntary shame, leans on the bank of flowers with averted face.

Tristan, stretches his mantle out with one arm, so as to hide Isolde from the gaze of the others.

In this position he remains for some time, motionless, staring at the men, who stare back at him.)

The empty day at last has dawned!

Now, noble lord, I ask you, if what I said was true;

I staked my head thereon, have I redeemed it now?

Behold him in the very act:

guarding your name, faithful and true, I save my king from shame.

Have you then saved me? Think you that?

See him there, the truest of the trusted; look on him, the friendliest of the faithful:

his devotion's freest deed stabs my heart: by Tristan I'm betrayed!

Tricked by Tristan, can I hope now; by deceit so deeply wounded,

how by Melot's act can I be restored?

Daylight phantoms! Morning visions, empty and false. Away! Away!

This to me? Ah, Tristan, this?

Ah, where is loyalty if Tristan can betray? Oh where is truth, oh where is faith?

From him who held them dear, from Tristan they have fled.

What Tristan bore upon his shield, where is that shining virtue now,

if from my friend it's flown, if Tristan can betray?

(Tristan slowly lowers his eyes to the ground; his face expresses increasing grief as Mark continues.)

Oh why your service long and true,

the noble fame, the kingly might you won for Mark your friend?

Must noble fame, kingly might,

must all your service long and true by Mark's disgrace be paid for?

Say, did you find my thanks too small,

when all that you had won me, fame and throne, I bequeathed to you as my heir?

A widower, I had no child,

I loved you so that nevermore I sought again to marry.

When all my subjects high and low, with prayers and warnings came to urge me

a queen to choose for Cornwall, to choose a royal consort;

when you yourself insisted too that what the court and country wanted

gladly should be granted;

opposing the court and land, opposing even you, with craft and kindness firmly I refused,

till, Tristan, till you threatened forever to leave my court and land,

if you did not receive command, to win me a royal bride.

Your wish was not denied.

This woman wondrous fair, your valour won for me,

who could behold her, who could know her, who could proudly dare to claim her

and not feel himself most blessed?

I have never dared to lie beside her, my desire only could revere her;

she is wondrous, fair and noble, and my soul was filled with gladness;

my foes you defied, I owe you this joy, owe to you my bride.

When I was blest by this gift, my heart grew open and soft to pain and smart,

there where I'm weakest undefended, there I am wounded,

have no hope left that I will ever recover:

oh why so deeply, unhappy one, ah why do you wound me?

There with the weapons poisonous edge that sears my brain and scorches my soul,

destroying faith in friend who was true.

My trusting heart was tortured by doubt, so through the night I must stalk and prowl,

on friend's actions be spying, till I find my honour is dying.

What no heaven can heal, why this hell must I suffer?

With no hope of cure, why must I bear the shame?

The deep mysterious source, the causes of my woe,

who'll tell me where they flow?

O Monarch, that I can never tell you;

and what you ask, that never can be answered.

(He turns towards Isolde, who looks tenderly up at him.)

To land where Tristan's bound for, wilt thou Isolde follow?

The land that Tristan means, where sunlight casts no beams;

it is the sacred realm of night from which my mother sent me forth.

I was conceived in death and darkness; in death to languish, in light she left me.

And the refuge on earth of her who gave me birth,

the wondrous realm of night from which I came to light:

I offer now to thee, yet I must go there first.

So let Isolde now declare if she will join me there.

When for a foreign land a friend once sought my hand,

that faithless one true and bold, I, Isolde, followed.

But now thou show'st thine own land, thou lead'st me to thy homeland;

how could I flee that land, by which the world is spanned?

Where Tristan's home may be, there goes Isold' with thee.

So let me follow true and bold, and lead me, lead Isold'.

(Tristan bends slowly over her and kisses her gently on the forehead.)

Betrayer! Ha! My King, to vengeance! Can you bear the disgrace?

Who dares to risk his life against me?

My friend was he, and truly and well he loved me;

my name and fame— who cared for them more than he did?

He tempted my heart into pride; for he led those who urged me on,

name and fame to increase by claiming thee for King Marke!

Thy glance Isolde, blinded him too,

and jealous, my friend then betrayed me to Marke, whom I betrayed.

Guard yourself, Melot!

(He attacks Melot.)

(As Melot stretches out his sword, Tristan lets his own fall and sinks wounded.

Isolde throws herself on his breast. Mark holds Melot back.)

For more infomation >> Carlos Kleiber; Tristan und Isolde, LIVE at Bayreuth (1976): Act II: Wenkoff, Ligendza [SUBS] - Duration: 1:18:32.


8 Ways to Become a Baking Soda Cleaning Master - Duration: 5:23.

Hello Peaches, Kermit and I are back again for another green cleaning lesson and this

time we are going to examine BAKING SODA! and just some of its amazing uses.

So what is this baking soda stuff anyway?

Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical salt that can be found naturally in the Green River Basin.

There, it can be mined commercially.

It also can be made bymixing two naturally occurring compounds together,

sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide.

There are so many amazing uses for baking soda that it was hard for me to narrow it down.

But through the painful process of elimination, these are my 8 favorites.

You don't have to be James Brown to notice that occasional funky

funky smell that can come from the drain of your sink.

The fix? Well, just add a cup of baking soda to that funky funk and let it

sit for an hour or so. Then boil 2 cups of white vinegar and dump it down the drain.

Flush with hot water and your drain is no longer funky – it's fresh.

And speaking of funky smells,

before you turn in tonight, take a cup of baking soda and sprinkle it

on the bottom of your dishwasher. Let it work while you sleep! Run the dishwasher on empty

when your rooster crows and your dishwasher will stink no mo'.

Fall is upon us and that means that winter is just around the corner. Do you have pesky ants looking to make your

home their home? Fret not ant haters, if you've got baking soda, you have the upper hand.

Mix 1 part baking soda with 1 part powdered sugar, place a couple of tablespoons worth

into a shallow dish and set it out for your anty friends. The sugar will draw them in and the

baking soda will blow them up (well it'll blow up their intestines anyway).

Did you know that baking soda, when used on the scalp, can help break down dirt and oil? It's true!

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo every couple of weeks. Fight oil and clarify

your hair of all that product build-up.

As long as you're in the bathroom already,

why not use that baking soda to clean your tub?

Mix ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup dish soap

You have to use off of it during this clean because it does not keep.

You can also use about 10 drops of your favorite citrusy essential oil, because it breaks down soap

scum and of course, for that yum yum smell. Today I'm using lemon.

Mix mix mix!

Word to the wise, protect your knees here with knee pads or kneeling on a towel.

It's go time

- Take your sip, do your dip, and apply your mixture onto the tub and let it sit for about

10 minutes. Then take a wet sponge, use the scrubby side, and scrub it all down again

starting in from the back. Now rinse to your little heart's content.

If you don't have a hand-held shower head, you can use a container.

And lastly, use a squeegee or a nice thick

towel to buff dry. There it is - ready for the next bath time fun fanatic.

Not lovin' your yellowish teeth? Don't worry. Add baking soda to your toothpaste

and brush, brush, brush. Your smile will sparkle.

Washing dirt and pesticides off your fruits & veggies.

Mix 3 Tbsp of baking soda with 1 c. water and add to a spray bottle and

spritz your produce. It will add the abrasion you need to get your produce uber-clean.

Rinse with tap water when done.

And, of course, what is baking soda known for?


Fill up a shaker bottle (I got this one from the thrift store)

and optionally add your favorite essential oil and a deodorizer you have. Tuck it into your

smelly sock drawer and the odors will disappear.

As an honorable mention tip, do like me and

pour your soda in a parmesan cheese container. Then keep it near your sink and your amazing

sodium bicarbonate will always be with in your reach. Sprinkle onto pretty much any

surface or into any cleaning concoction to give it that abrasion oompf.

Well, baking soda enthusiasts, there are so many ways to use baking soda, I feel that

we've only scratched the surface. In what ways do you use baking soda in your home?

Perhaps you use it for baking?

And, if you miss me already, we can have more

good clean fun, if you connect with me on facebook or twitter which is linked in the

description below.

And, well, my Peaches, keep it real and stay true to yourself. We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 8 Ways to Become a Baking Soda Cleaning Master - Duration: 5:23.


The Link Between Verbal Abuse and Anxiety That No One Talks about - Duration: 10:05.

The Link Between Verbal Abuse and Anxiety That No One Talks about

Anxiety can be the result of many abusive behaviors and traumatic experiences.

Verbal abuse can also play a huge role in this illness.

Sticks and stones may break your bones and words….they can hurt you too.

Verbal abuse is demeaning, disrespectful and just plain wrong.

Have you ever had someone in your face yelling at you because they're upset, or have you been called names before?

I have, and unfortunately, I have called people names myself.

We often look over this form of abuse and think it's okay, but it's not okay at all.

Verbal abuse – the worst kind

Whether it's bullying, cyber bullying or domestic abuse, verbal onslaughts can be worse than any other form of abuse.

The reason this is true is that it affects the connection between the right and left hemisphere of the brain.

Considering our brain develops over time, for many years, the developmental process is affected by this violent


Just as with sexual or physical abuse, we are changed dramatically as children, then as adults,

we look at the world in a completely different way than those who were not abused.

Many of us suffer from anxiety as a result of verbal abuse.

Observations show the truth

While observing, through a brain scan, young adults between 18-25, scientists were able to tell the difference between

those who suffered from anxiety and depression as opposed to those who did not.

Those who did suffer from anxiety and depression were also former victims of verbal abuse.

It turns out that these same individuals which experienced verbal abuse,

went through this trauma during middle school years, a time when the brain is developing at its highest rate.

Verbal abuse/emotional abuse

Both verbal and emotional abuse are similar.

In fact, when someone is verbally abused, it affects them emotionally.

Particular words even used passively, can cause severe damage to the self-esteem and emotions.

This can act as a domino effect, causing disruptions in the victims work, relationships and home life, even years later.

At some point, anxiety will kick in, which will then become a rather uncontrollable response to otherwise normal

changes in life.

You can see the connection between these things and even imagine the permanent and detrimental damage that can and will

be done to the brain and its structures.

Now, let me be frank with you

There are many symptoms associated with verbal abuse.

There are immediate consequences as well as long-term effects.

Here are a few examples of the damage that can be done just by speaking harshly.

All these things can be directed linked to anxiety disorders, by the way.

This is going to make you think about what you say beforehand, trust me.

Short-term effects:

Trouble communicating

Overanalyzing situations

Low self-esteem and no enthusiasm for life

Impaired decision making

Long-term effects:


Chronic pain

Digestive disorders

Anxiety (there it is, folks)



Eating disorders


Now you can see what your harsh words and name calling can do to someone you love.

Maybe it doesn't cause this much damage in the first, second or third incidence, but over time, great harm can be done.

Basically, people learn to frame their life around what others think and say about them,

if they have yet to discover their own healthy self-esteem.

Anxiety surely can come from verbal abuse, and if you are enduring such abuse, you need to put a stop to it.

Want to know how to recognize verbal abuse?

Let me help you change your life, check out the list of indicators below.

Name calling

Verbal abusers use name calling as a way to shock you into doing what they think is right.

It's basically about instilling fear.

Calling you names is normal to them, and damaging to you.

Behind closed doors

Most often, the verbal abuse will happen behind closed doors.

This is because the abuser knows that others will recognize the abuse, while the victim, alone,

will be easier to manipulate.

Surprise abuse

Many times the verbal abuse will occur when you are starting to gain a little enthusiasm.

If you seem happy, notice how the abuser will swoop in and start criticizing you.

I believe, personally, that the abuser is afraid of losing control when you're happy.

I will even surmise to say that if they aren't the source of your happiness,

they become petrified and use abuse to gain control again.

Attacks the victim's interests

The abuser will attack the things that the victim loves to do.

If you are able to function enough to enjoy something on your own, the abuser will degrade what you do.

Notice how your abuser never likes the things that you are interested in.

It's a clue.

No apologies

Unlike most other disagreements or fights where both parties apologize, the abuser will never admit to any wrongs.

When he is proved wrong and there's really no way for him to deny that fact, he will respond with,

"Just drop it" "Just forget about it" and "It's over".

This shows that he cannot win but he will not lose control.


The victim of a verbal abuser will always feel isolated from other people, namely family, and friends.

The abuser feels that once you're isolated, they have full control to make you into whatever they want.

Of course, a little personal input

Since I started blog work for this page, I have over turned many rocks which covered the damage done to me in the past.

I have discovered so many things which have played a role in my life and that molded who I am today.

Unfortunately, many of the things that I overlooked were actually abusive and destructive.

These were both things that I had done and things that were imposed upon me as well.

Verbal abuse was one of those things, and I believe whole heartedly that a good portion of my anxious behaviors derived

from the hateful words and manipulative actions of my abusers.

I know now that it wasn't normal to be called names, degraded and humiliated in front of other people.

I no longer have the victim mentality that I once buried myself in, and I hope my work can help you too.

For more infomation >> The Link Between Verbal Abuse and Anxiety That No One Talks about - Duration: 10:05.


Shreem Brzee Q & A: Dr. Pillai, How Was Shreem Brzee Revealed? - Duration: 5:11.

]Mohini:]>> Dr. Pillai can you talk about how Shreem Brzee was revealed?

[Dr. Pillai:]>> Well, Shreem Brzee was revealed not totally at one time.

In 1998 or 97, I was visiting India.

And at the time, I got this technique from a Divine Source.

There was a King in India, an Emperor; and this Emperor was a great man.

And he said, "See I have a great life.

I have all of these palaces and great food and wine and everything, but my citizens don't

have the ability to even have a decent meal.

So no matter what I do, I can't do that on a mundane, practical level.

So some Divine Solution should be there for everybody to have a life like me.

So he took off from his job as a King and meditated for 1500 years.

And then his body turned into light and so on.

And at that time, it was revealed to him that this sound Brzee, B_R_Z_E_E, would help people

to have the money in order to live a great life.

And he was looking for someone to give this technology, the sound technology.

And then he thought for some reason.

Maybe he was wrong, because after I got it, I didn't do much with it.

I was very serious for 2 years, but then I just dropped it.

But then, he won't leave me, because he's still alive in another plane.

So I just have now been put in a place, in a tight spot.

And that tight spot is to make this happen.

And I am now fully convinced.

And the revelation of how it works and how it should be done have come to me now in a

more profound, scientific way.

And then the delivery also is going to be very different from the delivery that I knew

of when I received it in 1998.

So it's a sound that can help manifest because Brzee, itself, is the sound for the Goddess

of Wealth.

There is a Goddess of Wealth.

There is a God or Goddess for every experience, or every object, or every idea.

And this is one who is in charge of providing wealth.

So that's a great opportunity because right now, what we have been thinking is we have

to really scratch our brain and strategize whether I can make money doing this, or doing

that, or learning this skill, or learning that skill.

Everybody has done that.

The schools are teaching that, and then there are so many seminars going on everywhere,

and they also teach that.

But what I teach is different here.

And it is using a supernormal force, a Goddess, or God.

So just think of the Bible, the Old Testament.

And God says in the Old Testament: "Give me a call.

I will answer all of your calls.

And I will make the end of the earth as your inheritance."

That's a promise.

So God makes deals.

And there are so many deal making Gods in India, elsewhere too.

So they live in a plane of how to manifest material reality.

For more infomation >> Shreem Brzee Q & A: Dr. Pillai, How Was Shreem Brzee Revealed? - Duration: 5:11.


Phone Charger Review | Native Union Night Cable - Duration: 4:56.

Hey everybody, it's Julia with Konkin Can Do and today, I am talking about the Native

Union Night Cable.

If you don't know what that is, well, let me show ya.

If you're somebody like me, I use my phone a lot.

And now that the newer iPhones are coming out, well, the battery life is just really

not what it used to be and I find myself, more often than not, looking for a place to

plug in when I'm using my phone.

This cord just doesn't really do it anymore and it doesn't reach very far.

Especially if it's at night and I'm starting to run out of battery power and I'm hanging

out in bed just catching up on some emails, okay, I'm playing candy crush.

I need something longer than this.

So a couple years ago, Ben bought me this amazing Christmas present.

I'm pretty hard to shop for so I give him mad props for this.

Ta Dah!

This is called the Night Cable by Native Union.

And it is so fantastic.

It just keeps going and going and going, Ah!!!!!

These night cables are ten feet long and come in six colours and are super strong.

Ben got this really nice black and white one.

They call it Zebra or something like that.

I got the red one cause I like red.

It doesn't matter where I am, I can find a plug within reaching distance of this.

I've got the freedom to move around and do whatever I please.

Because sometimes you need to plug in your phone and not be two feet away from a plug.

Just saying.

This puppy has got a Lifetime Limited Warranty on it.

As long as it only breaks from general wear and tear and not from doing silly things like

dropping it in the water, or playing jump rope with it, then you can get another one.

These cables charge Apple devices and Android devices and they are Apple certified.

It also has this nifty little weight on it, it's like a little ball thing that you can

slide up and down the length of your cord so that you can kind of just place it somewhere

and it stays.

I have two big complaints.

Number one, get some better colours.

You say, oh fantastic, six colours, da da da da da.

Well guess what?

They're pretty lame.

Like don't get me wrong, I love the colour red.

I think they're pretty cool looking but I think you could do better.

Where's the pink?

Can I get it is Seahawks colours please?

I have read some bad reviews on this puppy and it's not unwarranted.

But it is warranteed.

It was about a year in when this little part broke off in my phone.

We were able to get it out no problem but what the heck?

All it took, was for us to send them a photo of our receipt and a photo of the broken item

and they replaced it for us.

So easy, super fast.

It took less than a week to get that sorted out.

Good work Native Union.

They're pretty reasonable.

If you're in Canada, this puppy costs you $54.99 and if you buy more than $99 from their

website, you get free shipping.

If you're one of our US viewers, you can buy this for $39.99 US and you get free shipping

on anything over $49.

But here's the secret, Native Union sells these on Amazon and if you have Amazon Prime,

you don't have to pay shipping if you're just buying one.


It's the same thing, you still get the warrantee.

If you found this video helpful and you are thinking about purchasing the Native Union

Night Cable, or looking at some of their other products, I've included my Amazon links below.

There's one for the Canadian Store one for the US store.

But it actually does help us out a lot.

That's all I really had to say, I hope you guys enjoyed, if you have any questions, please

ask below, you know I really don't have enough good things to say about this thing, but again

it can break.

And I have seen other review say that thing, it'll fall off your phone perhaps.

It didn't happen to Ben but it happened to me, might have been my fault, I don't know.

Please give us a like or hit subscribe.

It's super helpful for us and it lets us know what videos you like and if you don't like

it just give it a thumbs down cause then, at least you're showing an opinion.

That's it for Konkin Can Do today.

See ya later.

You could knock somebody out with this thing.

For more infomation >> Phone Charger Review | Native Union Night Cable - Duration: 4:56.


Chevrolet Cruze Station Wagon , NAVI,CAMERA,ECC,PDC,TEL,CRUISE,TEL 1.4T LT - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Cruze Station Wagon , NAVI,CAMERA,ECC,PDC,TEL,CRUISE,TEL 1.4T LT - Duration: 0:43.


Kids Toys Gone High-Tech - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Kids Toys Gone High-Tech - Duration: 1:51.


Hartnana Homemade Lip Balm 💋 Easy to Make - Kid Friendly Lip Balm Recipe💋 - Duration: 10:23.

okay this is what you need to make lip balm we're gonna make vanilla lip balm

today because Sarah Bell really think she needs it and she will be making it

over there soon all right we need a tablespoon of coconut oil probably gonna

want a night just scoop that out your finger it's good all right then you need

a tablespoon that is a better hunter I'm really just a big clump so I was trying

to clean that hair that the tables about half of that I think would be a

tablespoon so why don't you go ahead and

and get a knife or something and take a piece of that off all right

I'm not gonna move my camera all over the place because that's just gonna be

in the way can you do it over on the other side when I'm recording them we're

not a super precise family so we're just gonna take a hunk of it off yeah about

that much off and then put the big hunk in the in there and then you need a

tablespoon of the emulsifying wax save save those little scraps in there next

time you decide to make it not it okay that's me and then we will take it over

and put it in the microwave or we'll start with 30 seconds but we want it to

all get melty but not super hot 30 seconds

and we'll just watch that perhaps you could play Fur Elise once in a pan we're

gonna check it yeah I think you should mix it a little bit we have this metal

grate because we have a really really old microwave see the spoon back in

there for another 30 seconds

all right it's been 30 seconds the big clump is melting the big clump isn't

melting maybe we could stab it Scout a little bit covered in coconut oil hmm

everything I've got your fingers in there let's let me good the wax hasn't

melted really either so all right back in the microwave for another 30 seconds

all right it's been another 30 seconds

it doesn't want to get like just keep keep stirring it yeah all right

9 30 seconds

everything else is melted

I've had this cocoa butter for a while so it's kind of gotten hard over the

years just chalk this up it in probably

just try to run in and around the edges of the jar or the thing that's hot it'll


alright the 30 seconds alright checking it again now no chunks moving down

getting smaller that smells like chocolate really dark chocolate

chocolate vanilla flavored

kind of move it to the side so I'm not looking at you yeah we're getting there

I think like 15 more seconds or something it'll be pretty much

completely melted

okay let's see let's see the little what's left I think that's good give it

a really good stir okay now let's move it back over to the counter where our

know what then you need a quarter of a teaspoon

over that it's an all natural lip bone

it's a quarter of a teaspoon of vanilla extract in it and then put it in your

container the container of choice yes very mixed in I think it will be good

it's just some of its most hardened yeah it's hardening okay and then we're

gonna pour it into an old Yost container your POS and we made too much that's all

right I have other containers we can put it in there you go

and then if you're going to use any OS container you need to breathe it first

put the lid on you put the lid on you just need to freeze it first like that

solidifying oh good to know all right well find a place in the

freezer and put it in the freezer and then we will pull up okay so it ended up

making these three containers full of lip balm then

coconut lip balm we're gonna pop them back into the freezer and let them

finish getting hard and then Sarah is going to press the yellow slid that lid

back down on the container and we will have a lip balm thank you Sarah for

helping okay so you did all of it you're the best


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