Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 12 2017

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Canciones Nuevas De Reggaeton Mix 2017 J Balvin, Maluma, Shakira, Wisin, Nicky Jam, Nacho, CNCO - Duration: 37:28.


✨Tamburo Dello Sciamano Per Meditazione 🌼 Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:07:06.

For more infomation >> ✨Tamburo Dello Sciamano Per Meditazione 🌼 Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:07:06.


Portugal, el bacalao a bras y la música de Joao Bomtempo - Duration: 14:06.

Bom dia! Today we're going to Portugal.

Today we will cook the Brás style codfish.

It is a very typical recipe from Portuguese cuisine, originating originally in Lisbon,

in the Barrio alto, by an innkeeper called Mr. Brás in the eighteenth century.

He had the clever idea of ​​using leftover cod and mixing it with eggs and onions.

So it gave rise to this delicious recipe.

While cooking, we will hear the music of a portuguese composer, also from the eighteenth century

and the first half of the nineteenth century, called Joao Bomtempo.

This composer, actually Joao Domingos Bomtempo, was born in 1771 in Lisbon.

He was a contemporary of such important composers as Mozart or Beethoven,

and he became a great friend of Clementi.

We're going to hear one of his sonatas for fortepiano.

The fortepiano is the predecessor to the modern piano.

As you can see, they were themselves works of art because in the construction, which was handmade,

they took well care of many details of form and decoration.

Later we will meet the pianist whom we are going to hear,

so that she shows us these instruments.

Now let's make an experiment.

We would like to show you what the "sonata form" is, through cooking.

Sonata form is a musical structure

used in many of the works that were composed at that time,

and it has three parts.

In the first part the musical themes are presented, which are like the ingredients

and it is called "exposition".

The second part elaborates and mixes these themes,

it's like cooking these ingredients, and it's called "development".

And in the third part we get again the same ingredients, but as they have been already "musicaly cooked",

they create a completely different effect on the ear. It's called "recapitulation".

Well, since we're going to hear an example of movement with the "sonata form",

let's try to combine it well with this recipe.

Let's get started!

The "exposition" starts.

We need about 280 gr. desalted cod.

We have used codfish belly but flaked cod can be used if you prefer.

400 gr. of potatoes.

A large onion cut into thin slices.

A clove of minced garlic, a teaspoon of pepper, salt to taste,

four eggs,

a handful of black olives

and fresh parsley.

The first thing to do is to desalinate cod the previous day.

This is how salted dried cod looks.

To desalt, we must put it into water for 24 hours, changing the water every 6 to 8 hours.

It is very important to keep it in the fridge so that it doesn't smell.

Once desalted, it looks like this.

To fully prepare the cod for this recipe, boil for one minute.

We drain it,

and we crumble into very small pieces.

Potatoes have to be cut into very thin strips.

And soaked well in water to loosen the starch

so that they don't stick when frying.

We have reached the development! We start cooking.

First we drain the potatoes and dry them well with a cloth.

And we fry them over medium-high heat so they are crunchy.

When they are ready, we remove them and let them rest.

Then sauté the onions and garlic over a low heat until very soft and transparent.

When ready we add the cod.

Stir and add the potatoes.

We mix well again.

Now we beat the eggs,

and we add them after putting pepper and salt to taste.

We are already in the recapitulation. Do you realize that it sounds the same as at the beginning?

And we also have the same ingredients already cooked.

We just need to stir until the egg hardens a little, but not too much, so that it doesn't dry.

When ready, we serve.

And we put parsley and olives all over it, for decoration and flavoring.

So, this is the Cod-a-braz recipe. Let's taste it!

Mmm it's yummy. You have to try! You will like it.

Well let's go now to see our friend the pianist who will show us the fortepianos

which we've been listening to .

Hasta ahora. See you in a while!

She is Laura, she is the girl who has performed the piece that we've heard while cooking.

And Laura, this is the instrument which you played, right?

Yes, it's a Broadwood from 1832

-How old! -Yes, it's from the collection of Antonio Serrato in Madrid.

-What can you tell us about Bomtempo?

-Well, he is the composer whose music you have heard before, and he was born in Lisbon,

but as he had liberal ideas, after the French Revolution, he went to France.

Then he went to England, and after his return to Lisbon, he had to stay five years

in the Russian Embassy because they were against such advanced ideas as he had,

and he was persecuted and had to hide there.

-Anyway, he is a very unknown composer, right?

-Yes, he is not well known outside Portugal, but well worth listening to his works.

-Well, Laura, would you play a little for us? -Of course!

Let's listen, and I say goodbye now and leave you with Laura. See you next time!

For more infomation >> Portugal, el bacalao a bras y la música de Joao Bomtempo - Duration: 14:06.


Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Capítulo 15 - Resumen - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido Tiene Familia | Capítulo 15 - Resumen - Duration: 4:00.


Soluciones para la Industria Química - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Soluciones para la Industria Química - Duration: 1:58.


Hoy voy a cambiar | Lupita D'Alessio se recupera de una crisis por sus adicciones - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Hoy voy a cambiar | Lupita D'Alessio se recupera de una crisis por sus adicciones - Duration: 2:38.


Hoy voy a cambiar | Ernesto acude al auxilio Lupita D'Alessio tras sus excesos - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Hoy voy a cambiar | Ernesto acude al auxilio Lupita D'Alessio tras sus excesos - Duration: 1:48.


Así será el Homenaje a Ángel Nieto en Madrid - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Así será el Homenaje a Ángel Nieto en Madrid - Duration: 5:17.


VEO Botellas de vino y cava con etiquetas en braille de "La Voz en Off" - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> VEO Botellas de vino y cava con etiquetas en braille de "La Voz en Off" - Duration: 2:53.


"Un Hombre Para Otros" - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> "Un Hombre Para Otros" - Duration: 1:55.


✨Musica 432 HZ Rilassante Per Attirare Energia Positiva💮 - Duration: 1:00:14.

For more infomation >> ✨Musica 432 HZ Rilassante Per Attirare Energia Positiva💮 - Duration: 1:00:14.


5 Desayunos para la perdida de peso que te llenan de verdad - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 5 Desayunos para la perdida de peso que te llenan de verdad - Duration: 3:41.


Himno Club Atlético Capurro - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Himno Club Atlético Capurro - Duration: 2:58.


El Bienamado | Chuy muertes besa a Justina - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> El Bienamado | Chuy muertes besa a Justina - Duration: 1:07.


Eva - Ykee Benda

For more infomation >> Eva - Ykee Benda


Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.


Grusel-Schocker "Es": Bester Horrorfilm-Start aller Zeiten! - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Grusel-Schocker "Es": Bester Horrorfilm-Start aller Zeiten! - Duration: 1:39.


NASA Confirm Nibiru Arrival Date Confirmed & Planet X Location NASA Confirm 13th September 2017 - Duration: 41:54.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm Nibiru Arrival Date Confirmed & Planet X Location NASA Confirm 13th September 2017 - Duration: 41:54.


Life is Strange: Before the storm (POLSKIE NAPISY) (#5) - Trudna miłość [Epizod 1] - Duration: 27:13.

For more infomation >> Life is Strange: Before the storm (POLSKIE NAPISY) (#5) - Trudna miłość [Epizod 1] - Duration: 27:13.


✨Tamburo Dello Sciamano Per Meditazione 🌼 Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:07:06.

For more infomation >> ✨Tamburo Dello Sciamano Per Meditazione 🌼 Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:07:06.


How to THINK BIG - DREAM BIG - What is MAGIC OF THINKING BIG - Duration: 9:23.

Have you observed it why some people are super successful and most people are

living hand-to-mouth life have you observed that why some people

are getting rich gain more success day by day and enjoying a successful life while

others are not. do you know what is thinking big? In the book magic of

thinking big by David J Shwartz A story was written that a Vice president

of a marketing company held a meeting with the representative of the marketing

department. generally the purpose of the meeting was to make a point deep clear.

He has with him on the stage an ordinary looking fellow Harry a marketing

department member who has earned up to sixty thousand dollars this year but the

earnings of other representatives were just twelve thousand dollars averaged

The vice president challenged other representatives that I am asking you one

thing just have a good look at Harry look at him,Now whats the Harry got that

you people have not. Harry earned five times more than you but

look it either Harry is smarter than you. No I have checked the personality tests

of him and no such visible difference from you people was shown there

did he works more harder than you, NO according to report he took more time off

the most of you. Did Harry had a better territory,No .Did Harry had

more education had better health, again NO. Harry is about

as average as you but one thing that has made the real difference the difference

that he has earned five times more than you and this one thing

that Harry thought five times bigger than you

success is not determined by the size of one's brain but by the size of one's

thinking the more closely you observe the people the more closely you observe

the people you will find that the difference between super successful and

ordinary people is one thing super successful thought big and that's the

magic of thinking big the size of bank accounts, the size of

happiness accounts the size of ones general satisfaction is dependent all on

the size of one's thinking how much one is thinking what is the level of

thinking of one what is the level of thinking of you there is a magic in

thinking big. Now one question arises if thinking big accomplishes so much then why

not people think big to achieve, to become successful. the answer to this is

that our society our environment people around us put hundred 100% 200% effort

to make you think small, act small, act like them, be a mediocre

they tell you that it's not possible all depends upon fate.

you have to live what you are you can not eat you big so thinking big is

just a busted idea it's just a waste of time

you cannot achieve it you should be content you cannot think and grow rich

people around you will tell you that whatever will be it will be and destiny

is outside of your control so forget about your dreams dreaming big is just a

waste of time Thinking big is just a waste of time.

forget the finer home forget a nice life

forget the better life, lie down and wait to die

also the mediocre people will tell you that there is too much competition for the

top spots in life and you will fail you will waste your time blah blah blah but

this is not right my dear . there is much space available for the people who

dare to think big.

one of the personal selection executive I have read in a

book that he told that he received 50 to 250 times as many applications for the

jobs that pay ten thousand dollars per year then for the jobs that pay

50 thousand dollars per year so there is much competition for a second-class job

but for the first class job, for the top executives job, for the CEO there is very very

less competition no one is even competing here if the competition is but

it is very less competition. everyone is trying to get into the mediocre job

everyone is drawing a level is thinking small and dreaming small.

magic of thinking big idea comes from some of the great models of success

that existed on this planet Earth a saying that AS ONE THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE

Emerson said that great men are those who see that thoughts who rule the world

Minds like Milton who in Paradise Lost

wrote that the mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of Hell or

hell of heaven. amazing minds like Shakespeare who observed that there is

nothing either good or bad except the thinking make it

they are all talking about the the taking the thought process amazing minds of all our talking

about the magic of thinking big but how can we prove that thinking big big idea

works now look at the most successful people living around you are look at the

history and look and observe and read about the most successful people and

closely observe and you will find thinking big does work magic

so think big and you will live big you will live big in happiness you will

live big an accomplishment big in income big in friends beg in respect

so start now think big Achieve big start with this

thought of great philosopher life is too short to be little you have only one

life so live it like yours. like the Gary Vee said, Steve job said that realize

that you will die someday so don't live other other people dreams.Live your own

life you can dream big you can achieve a great big and it should be think big you

can achieve what you want a dream life a successful life a comfortable life a

sense of accomplishment the sense of satisfaction and this is the true meaning of LIFE

For more infomation >> How to THINK BIG - DREAM BIG - What is MAGIC OF THINKING BIG - Duration: 9:23.


✨Musica 432 HZ Rilassante Per Attirare Energia Positiva💮 - Duration: 1:00:14.

For more infomation >> ✨Musica 432 HZ Rilassante Per Attirare Energia Positiva💮 - Duration: 1:00:14.


Sinead O'Connor On Her Interview With Dr. Phil: 'I'm Hoping We Can Save Some Lives' - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor On Her Interview With Dr. Phil: 'I'm Hoping We Can Save Some Lives' - Duration: 0:58.


Sinead O'Connor: 'I Love About My Mother That She's Dead' - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor: 'I Love About My Mother That She's Dead' - Duration: 3:22.


Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.


San Holo - I Still See Your Face (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> San Holo - I Still See Your Face (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:39.


Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active S-Edition - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active S-Edition - Duration: 0:51.


Law of Attraction Sleep Technique For Attracting What You Want - Duration: 7:41.

Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness now this video

I'm gonna be sharing with you

How you can sleep and Grow Rich with this technique now the idea behind?

this is

Understanding that we have an ability to influence our

Subconscious mind in a very powerful way and what I'll be doing in this video is giving you some practical tools towards applying

What is called this NLP technique neuro-linguistic programming?

using this powerful tool to

Influence your subconscious mind in a powerful way so that over the course of the next couple of weeks you feel

Completely different about yourself, and you start to see massive results in your life now. This is something

I've talked before about on this channel is

understanding the power of the the window right before we go to bed at night the 10 to 15 minute window is when our

brainwave activity is going for more of a

Alpha or beta state into a theta state and the theta state is where we have much more power over our subconscious mind

We're much more closer to the suggestibility of our subconscious mind and as we feel the emotions as we go to bed

That's when we have the most power over influencing our subconscious mind now not to you know

I just kind of gave it a basis there

So we know the context of the video that I'm about to do and the context

I'm about to give you

Because what I found recently this is something that for me is just a couple weeks old is I've been doing this technique

And it's been giving me amazing

Results and what I did is I just applied this NLP technique to this idea of understanding

It is something that has influenced my life in many ways now

Here's the technique, and here's what we're gonna do what we're gonna do is

We're going to break down first off the intention

For what we want to create in our life or one major thing that we want to happen

what we do is we focus on that one thing we focus and we turn it into what is called a mental image a

Mental image could be a snapshot

It could be one seemed like kind of like in a movie of something that makes you feel a certain way now

This is important as you look at this mental image

Let me give you some examples say your intention is to

run your own business or to make a certain amount per month or per year

Have a visualization or a snapshot of what that means to you are a scenario of you being in that see yourself in that situation

And really make sure you can feel it if you're having a hard time feeling you could just put your hands over your heart like

This and you can focus on being in that situation

Now the idea is that as you are evoking in this emotion as you are looking at that snapshot that

Represents a symbol to you that symbol is what you want to create and that symbol is also the emotions that that

feeling or that the emotions of what that snapshot will bring you whatever the

Manifestation is that you want now what we are going to do with this NLP technique is we are going to anchor that snapshot

Anchor that whole idea into one word that word can be whatever is related to it

So let me give you an example of a couple different ways we could do that me

I use the word of either abundance or wealth now wealth because my intention is to be able to grow

myself to be able to grow within and then also grow without so that I can have more freedom to

Make different types of content for you guys, so I have a certain image of what that would represent to me

Which has to do. I'll just let you I'll just tell you guys what it is

It's traveling and being able to speak so I have that image of me

You know be able to get on planes going up going places and then being in front of a crowd and speaking as I have

That image there is a certain emotion that that invokes within me

And then what I do is I enter in and as I'm in the peak of that visualization

What I do is

I think of the word

Wealth or the word abundance and what I do is I then create an anchor with my hands for me

I just pinch my index finger to my thumb like this now this creates a physical anchor to where in the future as

I look at this image

Or as I even go like this there is an ability to generate that state from within now what you can

Do is say you have a visualization of you want to be in a relationship

So what you could do is you could think of being in the relationship a certain scenario?

And what you do is you wait till you get to the peak of that moment until you can really feel it

and then what you do is you think of a word that that whole situation that whole mental image can represent and

As you focus on that you can then use an anchor the anchor could be this you could do different things as well

But this to me is just the most simple one because it's also something

That's easy to do as I'm going to bed

I can just kind of lay down and just kind of go like this while I'm thinking of the word

Now the idea is that what you can do is if your visualization

Visualizing yourself in a relationship you could visualize yourself in a certain scenario and at the peak of it you could think of the words

Connection or the words compassion and as you do that you are anchoring in not only the mental aspect of thinking of the word which

Represents that mental image, which has the feeling attached to it?

But the physicality of doing this with your fingers as well now

This is something that as you do when you go to bed at night is so powerful because the language that your subconscious mind

speaks in is through the medium of

Feeling and as you are putting that

Feeling as you're going to bed into the theta state that is the closest to your subconscious mind and as you have that mental image

That self image for who you are you'll find that Ruth repetition

This is so powerful now the other aspect of this is when you wake up in the morning

You can wake up and do the same thing anchoring that emotion anchor in that

physicality of doing that and you'll find that

Over time you will start to see the results in your life and more

Importantly you will start to feel as if it is a part of who you are

And that's what's most important anyway

so remember that all you have to do is realize that as you go to bed a night that is the

Most important time that you can feel the emotions of what you want to

experience and create in your life all you have to do is this simple process of

First off having a mental image for what you want to create

Have a mental image that makes you feel a way that is conducive of what you want to experience

Put your hands over your heart so that you're able to bring the awareness

Within and then what you can do is at the peak of that emotion after a 5-10 minutes of doing it

Anger in the word that you want to use that can be

Representative of that emotion and that word can be something such as wealth such as abundance such as connection love

Whatever you want it to be and as you are at the peak

And you say that word at the same time

do the anchor with some sort of physicality do it with the pinching of the fingers or whatever resonates with you and

As you are able to do that you'll find that you anchor in which is the NLP?

technique that kind of

Emotion that state of being and then what you can do is do that as you go to bed at night within the last five

or 10 minutes

And then at the same time when you wake up in the morning

Decide that you do it as well so that you have the most impact

Over your subconscious mind if you do this over the course of the next couple weeks. You'll find that you start to feel

Completely different about yourself

and you'll find that then you start to experience massive results in your life, so

With that being said I hope you guys enjoy this video feel free to like this video if you liked it subscribe

If you haven't already and also hit that little notification gear so that you can get the daily videos that I do

Some people say that even though I do daily videos

They only see a couple a week so make sure you do that if you want to see the daily biz and other than that

I will see you guys on the next vid. Please much love and namaste

For more infomation >> Law of Attraction Sleep Technique For Attracting What You Want - Duration: 7:41.



For more infomation >> Land Rover Freelander 1.8I HARDBACK/CABRIO XE, YOUNGTIMER, AIRCO, CENT-VERGRENDELING, ELEK-RAMEN, RA - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai i10 1.0 5DR i-Motion CLIMA NAVIGATIE OUTLET - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0 5DR i-Motion CLIMA NAVIGATIE OUTLET - Duration: 0:42.


Miley Cyrus - Younger Now (Toy Story Version) - Duration: 4:12.

[Verse 1] Feels like I just woke up

Like all this time I've been asleep Even though it's not who I am

I'm not afraid of who I used to be

[Chorus] No one stays the same (oh, oh)

You know what goes up must come down (oh, oh)

Change is a thing you can count on (oh, oh) I feel so much younger now (oh, oh)

[Verse 2] Feels like I've been living in a dream

But never make it to the end My eyes open when they feel the light

It's always right before I'm about to scream

[Chorus] No one stays the same (oh, oh)

You know what goes up must come down (oh, oh)

Change is a thing you can count on (oh, oh) I feel so much younger now (oh, oh)

[Bridge] What goes up must come down

What goes up must come down What goes up must come down

What goes up must come down (yeah)

[Chorus] No one stays the same (oh, oh)

You know what goes comes back around (oh, oh)

Change is a thing you can count on (oh, oh) I feel so much younger now (oh, oh)

I feel so much younger now (oh, oh) I feel so much younger now (oh, oh)

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus - Younger Now (Toy Story Version) - Duration: 4:12.


Honda Civic 1.8 i-Vtec 142pk Sport / Rijklaar / 24 maanden Garantie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8 i-Vtec 142pk Sport / Rijklaar / 24 maanden Garantie - Duration: 0:54.


Ted Cruz Gives Porn Video A Thumbs Up On Twitter, Internet Immediately Pounces - Duration: 4:03.

Family values conservative Ted Cruz found himself in a bit of an odd predicament within

the last 24 hours.

It seems that on Twitter he perhaps accidentally liked a not safe for work porn clip on Twitter.

Now, obviously the internet, Twitter, everybody, jumped on board talking about how ridiculous

this was.

In fact, one of the most popular responses to Cruz's tweet was simply "OMG" because they

couldn't believe that Ted Cruz would be either stupid enough or careless enough to actually

share this porn clip on Twitter by liking it and allowing all of his followers to see

that he liked it.

Now look, in Cruz's defense slightly I have scrolled through Twitter a few times and accidentally

as I'm scrolling through my phone liked somebody's tweet that I didn't mean to like.

Wasn't anything harmful or anything that might get me into trouble, but occasionally out

there there's people who get likes from me that weren't actually supposed to happen but

I don't care enough to undo it.

But I've never accidentally liked a porn video, one because I'm not following any porn folk

on Twitter, at least not to my knowledge, but more importantly I think I would notice


I think most Americans would have enough sense when you start seeing your notifications go

wild about a porn video, you probably should jump on that as quickly as possible and Ted

Cruz didn't.

His communications director many hours later came back and said, "Hey, we've deleted the

offensive tweet.

It's taken care of."

Still no word yet necessarily as to whether Cruz did it intentionally or if it was an

accident, or whatever.

The Hill actually reported that his Twitter account may have been hacked, however there

is absolutely no evidence and no word from the Cruz office that that is even a possibility.

Now, I do not want to attack Ted Cruz or anybody for their porn preferences or what they do

behind closed doors, that's not what I'm here to do.

Personally I don't even care.

But Ted Cruz does, and that's where this creates a bit of a problem.

Look, I don't care if you like porn videos on Twitter all day long.

The problem is you're trying to insert yourself, your policies I should say, into other people's



Like when you wanted to ban sex toys in the state of Texas, and then at the same time

you're clearly a big fan of porn.

Let people enjoy the same liberties that you have Ted.

Your old college roommate has come out since this tweet happened in the last few hours,

and admitted that yeah, in college too you also kind of liked what he called "mediocre


But again, neither here nor there.

I'm not here to try Ted Cruz's sex life, or his personal habits, or his porn watching


All I'm saying is that this is very hypocritical for a man who wants to take away your right

to do what you want to do behind closed doors because he somehow apparently has this public

hang up about it.

Yet at the same time he's clearly not adverse to watching porn videos, you know, things

like that.

You can't take on a holier than thou persona and try to regulate the sex lives of other

people if you can't even get your own sex life in check enough that you're not sharing

porn videos to the world on Twitter.

For more infomation >> Ted Cruz Gives Porn Video A Thumbs Up On Twitter, Internet Immediately Pounces - Duration: 4:03.


Prezentacja nowej mapy | Junkertown (napisy PL) - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Prezentacja nowej mapy | Junkertown (napisy PL) - Duration: 5:03.


How to Change Google Keyboard Theme on Android - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> How to Change Google Keyboard Theme on Android - Duration: 2:22.


Vlog Number One: Zero Edit Video - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Vlog Number One: Zero Edit Video - Duration: 8:07.


Connecting JSR to JSRF (JSRFTheory Tribute) [30 SUB Special] - Duration: 27:18.

Jaomabike everyone, it is I Jinx Maguffin

And for my long overdue 30 subscriber special

I'm gonna use both theory and fact to connect the worlds of Jet Set Radio to Jet Set Radio Future

Now...as I was writing this script, I realized that the only way for me to connect the games was for me to answer ALL the important questions in future's story

Then, relay those answers back to the original

I finally decided halfway through, "Aww the heck with it." I'm just gonna answer all of future's questions and connect the worlds at the sametime

No biggie:)

Strap in folks, this is gonna be a long one

Now, Question #1

Q.1 Are we in the same Tokyo-to?

Now- If one was too look at the maps from both games, uh... They could obviously say that NO it's not

But do to further research, I can deduct that this IS the same Tokyo-to it's just that the maps view different perspectives. Now....

The map of Jet Set Radio shows us ALL of Tokyo-to, but the map in future shows us a smaller portion of the island. Much, much smaller

Specifically this little region right here

Because... in this region everything would "FIT"

Now check this out

If I were to flip the map of future upside down, it would match up with everything in the Jet Set Radio map....observe....

Benten-cho is the city of the night just like: 99th Street, The Sky Scraper District, and Highway Zero and all the other night stages

There's also Kogane-cho, which is "The city of the Sunset" just like: Kibogaoka Hill, Rokkaku Dai-Heights and the Fortified Residential Zone, PLUS, both parts of the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

And finally we have Shibuya-cho "The city of the sunset"- err Daylight sorry about that. I mixed that up a bit sunrise, BLAH!!!

We have Shibuya-cho, city of daylight, which includes: Chuo Street, Dogenzaka Hill, Hikage Street and Shibuya Terminal

I mean, c'mon it's a bus terminal in Shibuya, Shibuya Terminal, that's just economically correct

Now here's the kicker...

Benten-cho is in the west, Kogane-cho is in the east and Shibuya-cho is in the south

Which would fit perfectly with a FLIPPED, Jet Set Radio Future Map

Now that we've proven that let's just ask ourselves, "Does it look like the same Tokyo-to?" I mean do both Tokyo-to's look the same?

Definitely, I mean besides the fact that Tokyo-to of future, which, I'm now just gonna call "Tokyo-two" to save time

It has great technological advances such as: Zero-Beats, Terror Drones, and Holographic Signs, but that's about it on the whole future portion of Tokyo-two I mean....

There's no flying cars, there are no teleporters, nothin' like that. So, Tokyo-two and Tokyo-to they definetly both look virtually the same but...

Before I finish off this question...I just wanna say that the new GG garage, it must be located somewhere between or (i'm sorry) somewhere in the exact middle of all 3 districts of Tokyo-two

That would make it easier for them to access all the districts at once and penetrate the homes of other rival gangs

And vice versa- kinda like how yo-yo was kidnapped

Alright Question #2

Is Jet Set Radio the same radio station as the original?

Yes it is, and here are the 2 reasons why...

First off, this quote...

This quote shows us that everything before this point was Jet Set Radio

2nd off, we know it's the same DJ for both stations because; "K" both looks and sounds the same. In fact he has the same voice actor "Billy Brown"

Although, "K" has definitely aged; from the deepness of voice to the grayness of his hair, but by how much?

And this leads me to Question #3

How long has it been? From Jet Set Radio to Jet Set Radio Future

I'm very sorry to tell you but this question is unanswerable; NULL

I mean the only unit of time we have is that JSRF is set in 2024

And that's it. I mean there are no character ages given off in either games for me to even speculate the time jump

Originally, I theorized that since- ya know, the game Jet Set (Grind) Radio was made in 2000 and JSRF was set in 2024... that it had been 24 years

Sadly though, this breaks 1 of the 2 requirements in order to work with both stories

It has to be long enough for "K" to turn old, but at the same time short enough so that the rudies are still young

So ugh sorry about that:(

Onto Question #4, "Who caused the black out on 99th Street?"

It had to have been....drum roll please

The Noise Tanks

because they did the exact same thing in the first game

I can't tell you exactly why they did it but they did it

Question #5 "Who attacked and robbed the record store on Chuo Street?"

The answer has got to be, "Zer0-Beat". Specifically the 3rd one

I would like to give a quick little shoutout to JSRFTheory. If not for his Zero Signal video I wouldn't be able to simplify this answer for you guys so... special thanks to him, go check him out, links in the description all that good stuff

But back to it

Who is the 3rd Zero-beat?


He's the one you play as at the end of the game, the reason why they're are 2 at the final taggers tag instead of 3, and he's also the one who sprayed all that crazy graffiti throughout Tokyo-two

Here are my 3 reasons why I think that the 3rd zero-beat did it

(1) Unlike his brothers, he was always on the prowl. #2 He was always spraying his graffiti throughout Chuo Street. and (3) where's the 1st place we ever see him? Dancing on Chuo Tower

This leads to the second part of this question

Why did he do it?

Allow me to explain. In the Original Jet Set Radio there was a mysterious indie record known as "The Devil's Contract". That was rumored to be able to summon a demon

Combo refuted these acuzations as a myth, but due to the presence of the demon rhino and the appearance of A.Ku.Mu, I beg to differ

The Devil's Contract was originally in the possession of Coin, who had a record store in Grind City that was broken into

What a coincidence that the same thing would happen in future, resulting in the disc being stolen again

We know that it was The Devil's Contract used in future because it sounds like Grace & Glory

And in JSRF, the final boss theme is a remix of that exact song

So...thanks to Gouji's broadcast, we know that The Devil's Contract requires negative energy in order to operate. Which brings us to our next question...

Question #6 "What is the Rokkaku Expo?"

Now, it was originally set up in Rokkaku Stadium, yet somehow ended up in Shibuya Terminal...I Don't Know

The Rokkaku Expo was a ploy to bring an absurd amount of people into one spot; then, absorb their negative energy to charge The Devil's Contract

Gouji's offerings worked in both games ,but he was ultimately defeated in both

Question #7 Why was beat spreading vicious rumors?

Well...beat went to dogenzaka hill, which we now know is in Shibuya-cho, the GGs home turf

After the event that caused the GGs to split, Corn replaced beat as the leader of the gang and found a new garage

Beat, knowing info about past GG members, started spreading vicious rumors to lure them out and reclaim his role as leader through winning the Dogenzaka hill race

which...he obviously lost

Question #8 Why was the Goddess statue stolen?

I'll have to explain that one later. Now for the rest of the video I'm just gonna explain the characters and answer story problems simultaneously

but first...Question #9 How are there spray cans all around the city?

So... apparently due to some street soul hippy dippy crap, only rudies can see the spray cans and use them to spray the graffiti that brings out the soul of the street

My question is, "How are the spray cans randomly spread-out throughout the city?"

*chuckle* That bump was made by faust of JSRL. I just wanna say that, I hope we're cool even though I stole your video:)

Question #10, Our first character question. Now! I'll be explaining Gum + Corn

After the event that caused the GGs to split apart, Corn and Gum stuck together; this is not because they were dating

Now...look...I'm not just saying that because I pair Beat and Gum, but because them dating just doesn't fit up with gum's character

Same thing with Beat and Gum that also doesn't fit

When introducing the GGs, "K" says and I quote, "Gum, a real cool lady who leaves a trail of broken hearts wherever she goes"

And in the manual it says, "She's a perverse lady with the tendancy (JONATHAN) to abandon a guy 10 minutes after breaking his heart"

That means that, Corn and Gum would've broken up long before the GGs did

That being said....Why did they stick together?

The reason is... Corn and Gum....


Now I'm sure someone's probably gonna be like, "Well actually Corn was a mistranslation of Kone in the American version so..."

Guess what punk!?

It's says it in the manual, it says it in the game, I'm RUNNING WITH IT!

Here's my 1st reason why...

They're both named after food, so, it would be kinda weird if they weren't related

#2 because of their genes

In Jet Set Radio, Gum is shown to have blond hair. Just like Corn does in future

Before we go any futher, let me explain Tab

Corn and Gum didn't want the rest of the gang to know that they were related so... Corn sprayed his hair brown with a spray can and called himself Tab

After the GGs split, it was just him and Gum; so, he had no one to hide his true identity from and reverted to his old self

in JSRF, Gum still has blond hair

supporting my theory further

Question #11 Explaining Yo-yo

Now before I go any further, I want everyone to know that "Potts" has got to be Yo-yo's dog

I mean...

Not only do they have the same entry dance in future, but they have the same glasses type

It's little but they're definitely related. It has to be his owner, that has to be his pet

I want everyone to know that for later on so...but back to Yo-yo

In Jet Set Radio, he was fat; but after the GGs broke up, ya know, he kept skating around doing some parkour and it caused him to lose lots of weight

And after learning about the GGs reformation, he sprayed his hair green along with Potts' fur to match his new weight and look

After re-joining the GGs gang, he is kidnapped by the Golden Rhinos shortly after and is used as the base for NT- 3000

The question is, Why?- I mean... Why did this happen to Yo-yo of all people?

I mean...

Storywise, a lot of crap kinda revolves around him, but at the same time beat is the main character so just- why?

Well, I mean the answer is pretty simple.

Yo-yo is the 1st character we ever play as/the one we ever control and so... I think that he is supposed to represent us as the player

Even though we don't always play as him...

I believe that yo-yo, he represents the main character or us, ya know?

Just the new guy coming into the GGs, stuff like that. We are the new player and Yo-yo is the new player. Even though lore wise his is returning, but to all the new players of JSRF...

We are new and we're a new rudie in a new world in this new like...place

Ah, I'm spitballing again...

Sorry about that

Question #12 Explaining Beat

In the original Jet Set Radio, he was the leader of the GGs until they all broke up and Corn assumed leadership

Years later, beat is back in Shibuya-cho ready to become leader of the GGs once again, and uses nasty rumors to lure them out

The big question for beat is, What is his universal meaning?

Besides being the franchises mascot 2 games running...

He may have a much bigger role lore wise, I mean-

Not only does he coincidentally have a robotic clone of himself that shares the same name, but his name can be heard in the final boss theme of both games

Okay, I-I know the final boss thing is stretching it but hear me out

What if beat is an alien? Ya know, an invader from planet skratch

Uh, the reason I say that is because nothing is really known about his past, and I got this theory from studying the JSRF graffiti soul

It's obvious that it was modelled after beat's design

Both it and beat are the only ones in the series to ever where those kind of headphones

Also, the graffiti soul's eye are the same shape of beat's glasses; and the arrors at the bottom point left and right just like the tattoos on beat's shoulders

The 3 rows in the middle of its eyes are a homage to the Original, that's all I can really tell you

But that's not important

Now let's look at the shape of the logo's head

It combined with the eyes appears to look like an alien

The logo looks really freaky and has headphones so I guess you could call it...."The Headphone Wearin' Freak"

Ah yeah, It's all comin' back full circle. yeah(2x) that's what Gum called Beat when she 1st heard about him. It's all comin' back full circle now

Now I know what you're saying, Why would an alien come to Tokyo-to?

Well, check out these clips...

Beat may have come to Tokyo-to to meet "K" or maybe he really is an invader

Question #13 I'm gonna be explaining Garam and just why is he randomly hanging out in the sewers?

Well here's my theory, after the GGs split, Garam wandered around for a little bit as a lone rudie

A few years later he heard that cube was hangin' out with Poison Jam in the sewers and went to go see her

I figured that Cube and Garam were friends because in Jet Set Radio their costumes both had very gothic elements, but...anyway....

He goes to speak with Cube and gets threatened by Poison Jam. Cube then offers to spare his life if he sends civilians to the bottom point of the underground Tokyo sewage facility

So then people get caught in Garam's trap and he sends 'em to cube

Now, here are 2 side questions. 1...

Why are people going to the sewer facility in the 1st place?

The reason...to get home

The only way to get to the Fortifed Residential Zone and Kibogaoka Hill is through the sewage facility

I'm not sure why it's down there of all places, but alright sure(2x)

and #2 what happened to those who "were" sent to Cube?

Well, according to Cube's cutscene, they were eaten. That's right lunch for the master

You see how she said, "more helpless prey"?

Th-That proves that the 29 people who fell in Garam's trap before you were saved and then killed

Question #14 I'm going be explaining, Cube, the character with the biggest role in the entirety of the JSRF plot

Now! After the GGs split up, she stopped hanging out with Combo and took leadership of Rapid 99

She then left them to join Poison Jam

For Cube's story we have 3 game changing questions...1....

Why did she join and leave Rapid 99?

#2 Why did she join and leave Poison Jam?

#3 How did she know that NT-3000 was a fake

The 1st answer took some thinking...but then it kinda came to me

Cube joined Rapid 99 because they were a woman only gang and believed that women were better men, hence this quote

Now the 2nd and 3rd answers are because she was working with the Rokkaku group

Now...this explanation has a lot of theory but it's backed up by a lot of fact so...

While Cube was with Rapid 99, she was approached by Gouji that told her if she could get rid of the GGs there would finally be peace on the streets and another Coin incident would never happen

She agreed to this and was given a helmet that could control Poison Jam who were still trapped at the bottom of the Tokyo Undergound Sewage Facility

Now remember, at the end of Jet Set Radio it never officially said that Poison Jam was free of their mind control devices

...And I know that Rokkaku made the helmet because it's golden and have atennas that look similar to Zer0-beat's

Now back to the story...

Even though Poison Jam was under Cube's control, they still had mental defects from the mind control devices

They had difficulty speaking and would sometimes make strange noises to compensate

Cube let Poison Jam onto the streets to lure the GGs to the bottom of the Tokyo underground sewage facility by stealing the Goddess statue in their turf

Once the GGs arrive to Cube's dinner party, she throws away her helmet and lets PJ loose on the GGs

Sadly though, they're afraid due to their new found control and run away from the GGs until they're found and clobbered

Cube then abandons Poison Jam and uses the distraction to kidnap Yo-yo for Rokkaku

Rokkaku then creates NT-3000 to trick and destroy the GGs

Cube watches the chaos as the GGs fight off the Rokkaku police and realizes that there will never be peace on the streets

She then unveils NT-3000 as a fake and then returns to the bottom of the Tokyo underground sewage facility to think on her mistakes

That was a really big theory, but if there ever is a remake I want a deep explanation like that one. A really cool and deep story like I said before

Question #15 Explaining Boogie

I want everyone to know that Boogie is just a random girl who has no affilation to piranha whatsoever except for her skin color

Question #16 Why did the Noise Tanks think that Jazz was a GG?

Although, the Noise Tanks never officially said that

I believe that when they were rounding up the gangs for Deathball, they found a lone rudie Jazz and affiliated her to the hottest gang at the moment

Question #17 What's up with Clutch?

Now, during this happy time that Yo-yo is missing a random man appears in the garage and guess what...

He then steals your Graffiti Souls and then you have to catch him

This scenario makes me ask...

Why are Graffiti Souls so important?

There's no real answer but maybe Lore-wise there's more to these souls than just unlocking graffiti

Also I think Clutch knew Yo-yo was in the residential zone because he lives there

Question #18 Explaining the NT Series

Now...The NT-001s faced off against the original GGs but were destroyed and sent into repair

999 models later and we have the failed NT-1000 prototype, Roboy

It never officially stated that he was 1000, but I just figured as much

1000 models later and we have the NT-2000s, the current model which went up against the newly reinstated GGs of JSRF

That is until they were replaced by the more superior NT-3000 model which was destroyed, ending the NT series

Now the question that comes from this lore is... Why was Roboy's design discarded?

We know that Roboy was a Noise Tank prototype because he shares the same dance of an NT-2000, and we know he was thrown away because it says so in the manual

JSRFTheory believed it was because of his personality

That is a very reasonable idea and theory because Roboy for all we know was the 1st Noise Tank to ever speak

Gum said that ,"he has always been pretty annoying" so perhaps he was like this when he was reactivated after Corn fixed him up

By the way, when "K" calls Corn a self styled genius, he means that he's smart

I wish they expanded on that a bit more in game with his personality, but anyway, my theory about Roboy's rejection is actually a style choice

I think that the developers of the game didn't want, ya know, this look to be the model for the Noise Tanks

And thought it would fit more with the GGs

That's just my theory

Question #19 How does Potts walk- err skate among us?

The answer is...he's a ROBOT

In Jet Set Radio he was made into a machine by the Noise Tanks and mooed like a cow. Ever since then he's been able to skate on 2 legs like everyone else

I'm gonna call him NT-002 and get this, he and NT-3000 are the only Noise Tanks to ever dance like that so...

Perhaps...Potts may be the most advanced Noise Tank of all time. I mean, saying the fact as the most advanced originally was NT-3000 and he was defeated

Question #20 Why does Rapid 99 hate Poison Jam so much?

It's simple, Poison Jam stole there leader Cube from them

Question #21 Why did the Immortals help the Noise Tanks and NT-3000 after they stole their turf

Well, there are 2 possible answers via theory

The Noise Tanks (a) could've threatened their lives or (b) they already had the brainwashing chip implemented in their brains after their turf was taken

Now, if the 2nd one is true, that means that the Love Shockers are the only gang to not have the chip even though they lost at deathball

Probably because hayashi crashed the party giving them time to escape

Question #22 Why didn't Poison Jam kill Cube?

Besides the fact that they were theoretically under Cube's control, in Jet Set Radio, Poison Jam was defeated before she showed up. So there's no way thery would've know she was a GG

I don't know if I said this earlier but...

(Poison Jam) They were theoretically trapped at the bottom of the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

...because they went, ya know, mental from the mind control

Question #23 What is the fate of Poison Jam?

After the GG tag battle, they were free from the mind control and wanted revenge on Rokkaku

They planned on doing that by destroying NT-3000

They were ultimately defeated by him and the rest is unknown

These theories are getting more and more far fetched

Question #24 WHERE IS THE PIZZA GUY!!!!

Question #25, here's the one that everyone's been waiting for...

If Rokkaku was killed at the end of Jet Set Radio, how is he alive in JSRF?

Now, this is pure theory, but with all the facts I've gathered it could definitely work. Hear me out

"Goji" did die in Jet Set Radio, but his son who took over had the same name yet it was spelled differently

Here's my reasoning why "Goji" senior is definitey dead

Check out the statue in Rokkaku Dai-Heights

Although "K" says "it's just a statue", I think it's a grave stone

A statue to an ancestor and a grave stone could EASILY be the same thing

And speaking of statue, look...it looks just like the original "Goji" in Jet Set Radio

I mean, he has the cane and all

Rokkaku Dai-Heights was probably named in honor of the deceased "Goji" (SR)

Now that we've explained that, I can tell you my theory

"Gouji" in JSRF is actually a Noise Tank that was programmed to continue the will of "Goji" by using The Devil's Contract

I know that it was a Noise Tank for 2 reasons....1

It showed what looked like a Noise Tank for Goji's son at the end of Jet Set Radio

And 2, Noise Tanks can change their appearance as shown by NT-3000

The Noise Tank changed his appearance to look like a Rokkaku decendent, and called himself "Rocker" to show difference between him and his creator

If "Gouji" (JR) in JSRF really was a Noise Tank, that would explain alot

It would explain why he was stuttering and his vocal pitch shifts and glitches

And why his mouth animation was so robotic

And also it would explain why he turned into a robot after he absorbed The Devil's Contact

I know it's really crazy of a theory, but it could definitely work

I-I think that's about it. We did it:)

I know you guys were looking for an answer as to why only rudies can see the spray cans and I'm sorry but...

That's just some hippy dippy soul crap and we're never gonna get an answer to it

Thank you all so much for *watching* my long overdue 30 subscriber special

Even though I already put out my 40

I'm sorry guys it's just that people have been checking out my channel a lot more, thanks to shout outs from multiple people, and leaving me with lots of specials to do

I know you guys may call it a copout but that's only because all my other specials aren't out yet

This uh- this video was a lot more explaining the story than it was connecting the worlds, but that's ok

Those first couple of questions really showed some strong possible connections

Guys...this may be one of the last JSRF videos I do until a new installment is announced so...

You know what, I'm gonna answer 2 more questions just for you guys

Final Question #1 Why did Yo-yo lie?

Let me explain what I mean...

After Yo-yo was rescued, "K" tells us that he went looking for information and was captured by the Golden Rhinos

But in the cutscene where Yo-yo...vanished...it shows Yo-yo's glasses on the floor

Maybe they flew off when he was taken, and "K" specifically said "no ransom note"

Something that's only found after kidnappings so...

If Yo-yo was kidnapped, why are we told that he went looking for answers?

Because Yo-yo is a liar!

In the manual it says and I quote, "He loves to tell a lie more than anything else"

So...here's what I think really happened

After Yo-yo was rescued, he told everyone that he went looking for information so that he wouldn't be made fun of for being kidnapped

His untruthful story spread through the streets until it was heard by "K" and broadcasted to us

Final Question #2 This is a really cool one right here guys

Why are they called the GGs?

Every other gang name isn't abbreviated and usually fits with the outfit or environment of the gang

But not the GGs...why is their name so special? What does it mean?

After I discovered the answer I felt kinda silly, and I'm sure you guys will too

They're not the GGs...

They're the G.ood G.uys

Just uh....just let that sink in for a second...

For more infomation >> Connecting JSR to JSRF (JSRFTheory Tribute) [30 SUB Special] - Duration: 27:18.


Add Voice & Live Annotations Over Screenshots with Microsoft Snip - Duration: 4:08.

Snipping tool is one of the best to that we are using for the same taking screenshot and

doing some editing but today I am going to show you one of the best snipping tool that

sleep and its a provided by the Microsoft itself so What U required go to the mix Dart

Office Dot com slash and you need to be download is 1 and here I have option to record your

voice also on and you can also provide the annotation on your skin shot so then after

click on the just click on the download it and install this one now just open the ship

ok as a senior it's a going on the top and whenever your mouse is going there this option

is coming MS screenshot option is coming ok as a senior first one is the screenshot second

one is and third one is the camera and second one is a whiteboard animations so if you want

to use the camera you can use it if you wants to use the whiteboard animation you can also

use this one and for captured just click on the capture and when you select this one it

will be comp like this ok as a senior it's a very miss you have the very good zooming

facility so if he wants to take the particle area so just like that one ok so currently

I just wants to capture this entire area so I selected this one okay now it is showing

how miss you can use the your recording you can use the pain and share option is also

there so this was the best thing is we just taken the screenshot and we wants to use on

voice so and even the highlighters are there so if you wants to record something so just

type on the record agency near your recording is started so whatever animation means if

you want to write something you can write that one so the next person that are going

to be used it will be in there able to use that one and two stops recording just click

on the stop by Jassi near many options are now available here and if you wants to copy

you can copy this one okay after that we will just use the another of like a whiteboard

animation as a senior when I click on the same it's going to be updated and it will

be same in the library option for nothing to worry about it and the second of energy

senior we have also of like if you just take the screenshot and if you want to use the

pain you just select the pain and you can also use the size and then after right on

whatever you want to write down and Ashley if you have the Touchpad it will be give you

the better I am better result but actually I'm using the mouse so it will not miss you

are able to define whatever you want to define you have highlighter and you can easily define

that one okay II feature that I really love is a whiteboard animation whiteboard if you

want to see if you are a teacher and he wants to define something so on that condition white

wood is really good miss you can be used as a pen and highlighter is there whatever you

want to write you can easily explained that one so it's a good for the teachers also and

it if you are using this one it's a really good and the third one is the camera so this

one you must be try and third one is camera and if you wants to use that one you can use

that one as a third of a library as a senior year when I click on the the library I have

all the options that that I work I did miss with here early able to access each and everything

that you did so hope you like my videos please subscribe thanks thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Add Voice & Live Annotations Over Screenshots with Microsoft Snip - Duration: 4:08.


Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee (Mweshi Remix) - Duration: 3:43.

Luis Fonsi Despacito

David Guetta-2u





(Aho whii)





Found my heart and broke it right here




Ohhh Why

Te Amo



Deja que te diga cosas al oido



No limit to the sky...

I won't fly for you

(Aho whii)





tell em

When it comes to you

When it comes to you


a b c d e f g,open heart and mind to see,that

we were meant to be together on a Castle on a Hill,

I still feel,

love for you,I'll wait and always be down,

Letting all these feels out

(Im trying to speak now)

Mission Impossible goals but I still got to Cruise in that Men in Black and I Will

just,Sam Smith(sing),different kind of Notes and like SamSung

Ohhh Why


Ohhh Why

No limit to the sky that I wont fly for you


Ohhh Why

subscribe to my channel

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee (Mweshi Remix) - Duration: 3:43.


Oscar De La Hoya | Floyd Mayweather's a Fraud, He Bet on Himself, But I Respect Conor McGregor - Duration: 1:28.

without you yeah I mean with you I mean did you wake up in a bad mood defending

my sport that's it defending my sport I I love boxing and my boxing gave me

everything I have and I'm a promoter for many years to come and I just you know I

just I just thought that it was a fraud and I still think it's a fraud and I

think it's it's look I mean I mean the fact that some news broke out today this

morning that mayweather bet on himself you know in the 10th round ironically

was it yes so I mean what does that tell you what does that tell you I mean so

you're suspecting me when is this so it's like it's like Mayweather detsen

doesn't throw a single punch or does nothing in the first four or five rounds

and then when he wants to turn it up he turns it up and knocks them on in ten

raw or stop some attacker is that

everything the best-case scenario with me was scoring a knockout and all these

casual sports fans saying I was a great light what is the right away I respect

you I respect McGregor for what he does in the MMA in the Octagon I respect I

mean there's no doubt about it he's awesome and obviously I respect me with

what he does in the boxing ring and I'm glad that so many people bought the

fight so they can see what boxing's all about I mean and and what boxing's are

about in September 16 with canal intervals it

For more infomation >> Oscar De La Hoya | Floyd Mayweather's a Fraud, He Bet on Himself, But I Respect Conor McGregor - Duration: 1:28.


Babies Are Master Learners: How Adults Can Stimulate Their Innate Learning Skills | Janet Lansbury - Duration: 5:04.

When we're considering offering young children technology and mobile devices or other kinds

of screens when they're very, very young we have to consider, first of all, the stimulation


These are brand-new people to the world that are very, very sensitive and highly aware,

and all of this works to their great advantage as learners and absorbers of their environment

and life.

We develop more in the first three years than the whole rest of our life put together, so

they're able to learn from an empty room, being at a position where they're ideally

free to move their bodies, so they're able to turn their heads—we say start infants

on their backs for that reason—and they could be fascinated by dust particles or the

corner of the room or natural light coming in, a number of things, and they are learning

something from that, they're figuring something out.

So when we offer technology it's an onslaught on their senses basically.

Not so much a phone but a larger screen.

But even a mobile device or a small screen, it's not something they're going to be

able to master, it's not something they're going to be able to understand how it all


Imagine an infant who, from the RIE approach, we believe wants to be capable, wants to be

competent, wants to be able to do things and feel a sense of agency in the world right

away rather than being passive to something that sort of takes over and you're drawn

into it because there's so much going on there.

For young children it can be very over-stimulating and it can discourage them from being the

active learners that we want them to be, that will help them throughout life and help them

prosper and help them reach their full potential, make school easier, a lot of practical things

like that, and make them be able to retain what they learn and be interested in knowing


So it's interesting—screens are kind of the extreme on one end of things babies can't


Just to give you an example, there are screens where babies are totally passive and it's

just coming at them and they can't really get it, then there's something like a toy

where you push a button and it makes a sound.

So that's pretty hard for them to understand too, I mean, they have a little bit of agency

there: they can figure out, "Well if I do this it makes a sound," but they're never

going to really understand where the sound comes from in those early years, in the first

year or two.

And then there's a rattle.

I mean, is a rattle a terrible thing?


But with this approach we just try to be aware that a rattle is a mystery, there's a mysterious


Then there's those rattles where you can see through them to the little thing that's

making the sound, the little bell or whatever, and so the child can feel a little more capable

of mastering that and understanding that, so that's a little more encouraging.

But then what about taking—one of the things we use as play objects in our classrooms where

we teach parents, and we recommend this at home too, is little stainless steel cups or


So let's just say a child has a block and a little stainless steel cup and decides to

take the block over here and make these sounds, now take it over here and make this sound.

So now they're making the sound, they're deciding to make the sound, they're creating

the sound in a sense.

So which do you think would be the most fulfilling for a child?

Which do you think would really encourage them to be creative, to be learners, to analyze,

to use these higher order learning skills?

For more infomation >> Babies Are Master Learners: How Adults Can Stimulate Their Innate Learning Skills | Janet Lansbury - Duration: 5:04.


Top 5 Destiny 2 Easter Eggs (Social Spaces) - Duration: 3:17.

This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here with a video that contains a big Destiny 2 story


So if you haven't completed the campaign, you might wanna click off this.

Do it now.

Everybody else, let's remove the blur and crack on!

In this Top 5 video, I'll be listing the best Easter eggs found within the game's

two social spaces: the Farm and the Tower.

There are lots of goodies in these two areas, and so I've gone ahead and compiled the

best of the best for you today.

Without any further ado, let's start with a classic...

Destiny 1's football or soccer ball stood out in the futuristic setting.

It was reminder of what was, and what will never be again…

Or, something like that!

Anyway, it has returned to Destiny 2, accompanied by goal posts.

These can be found to the right of the main area on the Farm and in the Hangar in the


Score and you'll be presented with some fireworks.

On the Hangar pitch, you can actually activate some blockades to try and block the ball.

It's a nice tool for trolling, if you want to spoil people's fun!

While Destiny 2 doesn't have any controllable space flight, which some players were disappointed

by, you can at least show off your ship in the Hangar.

Right next to the football pitch, you'll spot this button.

Give it a push and your ship, complete with whatever shader you have equipped, will zoom

in for you and any observers to admire.

I tried jumping on it, but clipped right through, so no additional secrets here I'm afraid!

Ignore the "Don't Touch This" warning message found at the top of the main Tower

area and you'll be treated to a game of "The Floor Is Lava!"

The objective here is to get to the blue checkpoint without touching the ground.

You can make a few errors, as I'm doing here, but do your best to stick to railings

and other elevated objects.

It's just like we all played when we were kids, except in Destiny 2's version, making

it to other side will grant you an agility boost.

Run faster, jump higher, and - well - turn glowing blue!

You can use your boosted jump to find even more secrets!

This is a fun one, and grants a similar speed boost to the "The Floor Is Lava" Easter


This time, though, it's on the Farm.

First, you'll need to reach two points on the map.

One on top of the water wheel, which you'll need to walk on top of for a few seconds,

and another in the center of the rope here.

Do that and you'll be granted a boost of agility.

You'll also be able to interact with this fire.

Do so and you'll then have to complete a time trial, which will have you bouncing around

the map.

Finish it quickly enough and you'll then be granted a red glow and an even faster running

speed and higher jump height.

Again, this allows you to reach previously unreachable places, while also surprising

Guardians who are new to the game.

At number one, is a big ball!

But not just any big ball!

It's the big Traveler ball.

To unlock it, you'll need to navigate other, smaller balls about the Tower map.

There are four small balls in total, which go here, here, here, and here!

The challenge with this is to avoid other Guardians who may try to join in on the ball

action, and end up resetting the Easter egg.

Place all four balls in the right locations, and you'll gifted with this magnificent


Yep, that's the Traveler, in bouncy ball form, taking the number one spot today!

Which Destiny 2 Easter egg is your favorite?

Let me know in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this video, hit the "Like" button, and subscribe, if you haven't already.

This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Destiny 2 Easter Eggs (Social Spaces) - Duration: 3:17.


Are You an Empath?

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O QUE AS MULHERES TÊM NA MALA? (c/ Inês Rochinha) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> O QUE AS MULHERES TÊM NA MALA? (c/ Inês Rochinha) - Duration: 4:25.


Sinead O'Connor Claims She Was Beaten Daily By Mom: 'She Ran A Torture Chamber' - Duration: 3:24.

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For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor: 'I Love About My Mother That She's Dead' - Duration: 3:22.


Dr. Phil's Surprise For Sinead O'Connor - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Dr. Phil's Surprise For Sinead O'Connor - Duration: 1:18.


Sinead O'Connor On Her Interview With Dr. Phil: 'I'm Hoping We Can Save Some Lives' - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor On Her Interview With Dr. Phil: 'I'm Hoping We Can Save Some Lives' - Duration: 0:58.


EL LÁPIZ ✏️ | DrawXpress ESPECIAL VUELTA AL COLE - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> EL LÁPIZ ✏️ | DrawXpress ESPECIAL VUELTA AL COLE - Duration: 3:16.


Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Felt Like An 'Impostor' When She Had The #1 Song In The World - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Felt Like An 'Impostor' When She Had The #1 Song In The World - Duration: 0:59.


The Heartbreaking Reason Sinead O'Connor Says She Keeps Her Head Shaved - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> The Heartbreaking Reason Sinead O'Connor Says She Keeps Her Head Shaved - Duration: 1:31.


Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Sinead O'Connor Describes Event She Says Made Her Suicidal: 'I Lost My Mind' - Duration: 3:17.


Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Ripped Up A Picture Of The Pope On Live TV - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Ripped Up A Picture Of The Pope On Live TV - Duration: 1:20.


Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Was 'Devastated' When Mom Who She Claims Abused Her Died - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Why Sinead O'Connor Says She Was 'Devastated' When Mom Who She Claims Abused Her Died - Duration: 1:32.


Dr. Phil Talks With Sinead O'Connor About NJ Hotel Breakdown - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Dr. Phil Talks With Sinead O'Connor About NJ Hotel Breakdown - Duration: 1:07.


If Kate Middleton is pregnant with twins it lead to history-making change in Royal succession - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> If Kate Middleton is pregnant with twins it lead to history-making change in Royal succession - Duration: 13:38.


Probe Technology Breakdown - Oscilloscope Front End Design (part 6) - Duration: 18:32.

okay so I want to talk a little bit about probing we have several people

that work in in probing they have there's a whole group that's devoted to

probing because it doesn't do any good to have highfalutin performance here if

you can't get that highfalutin performance off the board and into the

oscilloscope one of the hardest things to do is to figure out how to probe that signal

without disturbing it too much and also maintaining its performance all the way

through a system that a human can hold a human can soldier a human needs to get to

from the oscilloscope to the to the the pc board and so there's a number of probe

technologies that kind of up that game in order to give you more bandwidth and

more signal fidelity getting to getting from the board to the scope

considerations for picking a probe one obviously the number one the number one

is a signal bandwidth another one would be the source impedance what is the

impedance I'm trying to probe if I'm trying to probe 25 ohms you know it it

it doesn't do me any good if I put a probe that's 10 ohms there ultimately if

that probe is 10 ohms then that's going to load a huge factor if I'm probing

something that's a megaohm node it doesn't really do me any good to put a

50 ohm input impedance probe on there because that's loading that megaohm

down to the point where you're not going to get any signal into the probe so what

you're trying to probe is one of the fundamental things to you know in

selecting what kind of probe you're going to use the signal size you know

some of our probes that are designed to measure you know multi gigahertz they

really can't accept very very large signals whereas a megaohm or 10 mega

ohm passive probe you can put quite a bit of voltage on those guys before you

destroy it but you're not going to get the bandwidth through the probe

single-ended and differential measurements you know a lot of the

signaling done at very high speeds is differential this guy goes up there's

two traces one goes up and one goes down and the information is carried between

those two so it doesn't it's it's harder to just probe one of them if you really

want to see what the what's going on on the other one so this particular probe

right here is basically can measure both of those

simultaneously and then send those you know convert them from differential to

single them and send it into the single at an input of the scope probe output

impedance is another one what are we driving are we driving the 50 ohm input

or we driving the 1 mega ohm input for driving the 50 ohm input we need a low

output impedance on the probe if we're driving the 1 mega ohm input we can have

a lot larger output impedance on that probe and then of course cost and then

you know ruggedness and all those things play into it so one of the the first

type of probe that yeah you might come across or that and the cheapest one it's

used for the for driving the one mega of one mega ohm input this is called high

impedance passive probes they're more rugged they're pretty cheap they handle

larger voltages and they have the highest input resistance to probe

the highest resistances on a board the cons obviously are lower bandwidth we

can't get more than about 500 megahertz through that guy and they have a lot

heavier capacitive loading which does contribute to the lower bandwidth to the

next set that we came up with was a low impedance resistor divider probe these

are good to maybe 2 gigahertz or so they have lower capacitive loading than a

high z probe does they're cheaper than an active probe but they do have lower

input resistance than this guy does you know this guy might be 10 mega ohms

input this one might be a kOhm or so, so that does limit the the the amount of

impedance that you can probe and the scope because it's a 50 ohm system the

scope needs to have a 50 ohm input if it doesn't then its output impedance well

it doesn't necessarily have to have a 50 ohm put but the the what goes on between

that cable and the and the 1 megohm at the input is that there's a big

discontinuity there and it affects the signal integrity so you'd really want to

drive into a 50 ohm input and then the next class which is where most of Mike

and Ned and the probes team focused a lot of their energy are our highest

performance differential active probes that we have you know

the highest one we have now goes up to about 30 gigahertz really low capacitive

lower loading it does have higher input impedance in the divider probe and lower

capacitance I believe and then it's good for both differential and single ended

measurements you have the ability you could maybe put one of these on ground

and then one on the signal to measure you know single ended signals or you

could put them across a input to measure the differential signals and we even

have one now that that can take and and and depending on how you process the

signals in the probe you can do single ended or differential or make a common

mode measurement you can you can do instead of this minus that for

differential signals you can do this Plus this inside the amp for common mode

signals and you can do that with an electronically switched chip here that

you don't need to change your probing configuration so if you're going to go

to the time to actually get these things soldered in and all that it's really

nice to be at a switch between the measurement classes

well that happen to resolder in them the the leads so what's inside these guys if

this is the debt that we're trying to measure there's some signal we're trying

to measure and it's got some output impedance basically whatever probe we

hook onto that is going to affect the signal we're trying to measure so if

this is really large we want this resistance here to look large in other

words so we don't get a lot of voltage division across there the problem with

it is that you know this type of topology does have a significant amount

of capacitance so you know this is the the high z input passive probe that we have

and you know it's got like I think it's a rated bandwidth of about 500 megahertz

or so that's when we're probing FF of about 25 ohms if this voltage or if this

impedance goes up that capacitance you know is in parallel with that ultimately

and it's going to bring down the bandwidth capability we can measure

based on how big that capacitor or how big this source resistance is so you

know don't think just because you grabbed a 500 megahertz probe you're

gonna be in a measure 500 megahertz on anything you measure it really

depends you know you got to kind of think about what you're trying to probe

and what the loading is of that the next one is that one I talked about so it's a

resistive divider probe this guy basically has a 450 or 950 ohm resistor

and then that works with the 50 ohms of the scope to give you a resistive

divider here if it's 450 it's a 10 to 1 divider to the scope if it's 950 it's a

2:1 divider why would you want to use one over the other

obviously you want more signal maybe but maybe what you're trying to measure has

a Thevenin resistance you don't want to load down as much so you might pick 950

ohms at the expense of the divider again it has lower capacitive loading but you

still have to kind of you know think about what you're trying to measure

before you hook this thing up and figure out what it's doing to your signal

differential active probes there's actually a an IC inside a probe body

this this particular circuit is I think I don't know if it's this exact one I

don't think it is but there's something like this in this little probe body here

so this thing connects to the scope and going down this thing there's DC lines

control lines and everything to actually buy us up the amplifier that's in there

and then ultimately then that guy has two inputs that these little different

accessories plug into to make you know to give you different types of

performance you know the longest accessories and depending on the

probe tip they might be better for more all-around probing at these

frequencies but they don't give you quite the bandwidth of some of the finer

accessories so there's a I mean we have numerous accessories to allow you to

probe various things and part of what Mike and his team do is they educate

customers on what accessory you actually need to probe and these are very

sophisticated customers that still kind of need to be educated because you know

we spend more time thinking about this than they do on what ultimately is the

best set of accessories to probe the signals that they want to measure

basically the way this thing works is you know it's a it's a

a tip resistor that might be large together with a capacitance here and

that forms a what we call a tip zero so at high frequencies you let more signal

in and then on the other side of this guy there's a load that has a resistor

in a capacitor in series with it the multiple the the the resistance times

the capacitance here is equal to the resistance times the capacitance there

and what that will give you is a very flat response versus frequency so it

allows us to do you know do probing you know up into the tens a couple tens of

gigahertz range and then various types of accessories and you have a picture of

some of the other things you know depending and this is a this is one that

looks kind of like this one but this one has a something you can actually hold

and browse around I think this one's not rated quite for the bandwidth of some of

these others but it does give you the convenience to be able to kind of probe

around and see very fast signals in something that you can actually hold in

your hand and then there are some things here these little these little breakaway

components that you can either solder down onto your board and then plug in

this probe head to to get more set or you know better performance and then we

have we have some other applications that if you don't want to probe

something you know with the with that input Network if you're probing like a

coax if there's like a year your test board has coaxial cables coming out or

whatever you can plug something in you can you can screw this guy on to that

and then ultimately you're in a coaxial environment so you can still have the

functionality of some of the probe functions but now you're not soldering

something down onto the board so that's pretty much all I had there's obviously

numerous places that you can go to learn more about all this stuff you know we

have keysight.com there's App notes and data sheets you could probably spend the

rest of your life reading those there's this thing called the oscilloscope blog

that we have and I'd forgotten to put the the YouTube channel on there now

Are there any questions?

ultimately you have to put enough protection on there so the thing is

somewhat robust but not so much that it causes a lot of capacitive loading so

you know ultimately if you're gonna the larger the more energy that you're going

to try to protect against that usually involves bigger structures bigger diodes

you know if they're ESD diodes across your front-end and then you're going to

take a capacitive penalty for that now we do do things where we try to

compensate out that some of that capacitance by judicious placement of

inductances for instance between them so like I've had a capacitance here and I

have two inductors that looks almost like you can configure the L of the

inductors you put there with the capacitance to kind of make it look like

the square root of L over C almost looks like 50 ohms it now it's a lumped

approach so it has a limited bandwidth but ultimately that's the kind of things

that we do so like on that on the eight gigahertz preamp I could go back if I

could find it see this little this little spirally thingy here that's

actually a little spiral inductor on the chip and that's used to compensate out

like I told you that the input capacitance of the amplifier because

there's capacitance there too and also the capacitance of the little ESD diodes

that are there now then a lot of times what we'll do is we'll do some off chip

compensation two more ESD protection there might be limiting circuits here

sometimes we use a thing called a spark gap which is basically a two traces

close close together that if the signal gets large enough it will break down the

dielectric in between them and a lot of that energy will go across that spark

gap and not get into the amp stuff like that I think we've used that improves

before I don't know if there's one on the front end of storm

Ryan do it we don't have spark gaps on that one do it now yeah there's a

limiter though for the 50 ohms yeah and that limiter one of his functions is

to protect that solid-state attenuator in the 50 ohm path so the limiter is

basically the first thing that is find the BNC I didn't have that on the

diagram but that basically protects the the attenuator first and then

secondarily the front end of the amp but I think I think if something's going to

get damaged that's probably the attenuator in this particular guy first

yeah yeah yeah so that wrist wraps important yeah and

then ultimately you know the you know if you're gonna pay hundreds or tens of

thousands of dollars for an instrument you do have to be aware that it

can be damaged if you're reckless in handling it.

One of the ways to determine it is if the signal is too big it's going to be clipped on the

screen so you know if you if you if you basically see it's clipped and you don't

want it you know then you'll change the volts per division but in that in that

auto scale function one of the things it does is it measures the ADC codes that

it's acquiring and if it does side I'm speculating here because I didn't design the

auto scale function obviously but if it sees that the ADC is clipped it will one

of the things that we'll do is reduce or you know it will go in and change the

the front end hardware to put in more more attenuation to get that get that

thing centered on screen better yeah

yeah "over voltage" will detect it, too. over voltage is meant more as part of our

protection strategy you know if you have very slow like maybe somebody puts their

probe down on a 10 volt signal or a 10 volt DC that one it's it's it's

something that's not moving because our over voltage has a limited bandwidth but

ultimately hopefully before it does much damage I mean heating up our termination

resistor or things like that it will it will send a flag there's actually over

voltage circuitry on here to detect that coming in to this guy and then that

sends a flag to the CPU system to basically go and throw that past select

relay so what it does is it throws the relay to the high impedance side so if

you ever if you're ever probe in something and you start moving voltages

up you know like to say you're probing to DC and you're a power

apply and you move the power supply voltages up at some point you'll hear a

real a click and on the screen it'll say over voltage limit reached check your

system or whatever you know and that's part of our protection strategy - yeah

I'm not an expert on calibration but I can talk

about a little let's go to a block diagram so one of the things that

calibration has to do well what calibration is used for is figuring out

you know we get out we get a chip for instance you know nominally if I click

in a gain of two I'd like to have a gain of two but because of process variation

you know variation in the attenuator it might not be a gain of two so that's one

of the simpler calibrations to think about in terms of how do we get the gain

of this to be what we think it is or what we want it to be given variations

in the process and that's where calibration comes in so one of the

things that we will do is we will send from a resource on the on the board or

whatever we will hook in a DC signal here that we for instance will ramp you

know so it's basically one of the ways that we do it is I mentioned that that

offset DAC the voltage DAC that's a DAC that of course that has to be calibrated

too but once it's calibrated and I'm not really sure about the chicken or the egg

thing you know fast somebody has a bit more of an expert in that in right in

those routines and everything but once that thing is calibrated we can

configure that to put out a ramp and if we know what we're putting out into the

front end and the ADC is used to ultimately measure that then we can go

in and fine-tune what the gain gain coefficients are in here and that's

another thing that that gain vernier is used for you know the continuously

variable gain you can set that to to have an offset or whatever and offset in

gain to scale against the errors in the stepped gain for instance but yeah

basically it's a it's kind of a you need to have observability and you need to

a way to stimulate to sit with with stimulate the circuit with something

that's known and once you have that then there's a whole bunch of code you know I

mean it takes several months a lot of times or you know to get a really

sophisticated oscilloscopes to get that first cal to ultimately work and there's all

kinds of calibrations. There's timing cals there's trigger cals there's interleave

cals for high-performance stuff you know so I don't claim to know how all

that stuff works but in general it's providing known things that you can

measure and then figure out what the error in your measurement are and then

coming up with coefficients to minimize that error

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