- Son of a bitch! - Spare me, sir!
Please don't kill me!
- My husband! - Spare me!
Producers Toru Akita Kaname Ogisawa, Keizo Mimura
Screenplay Koji Takada
Cinematography - Masahiko limura Sound - Masuhiro Hirokami
Lighting - Tadasaburo Ono Art Director - Shinichi Eno
Where's it hidden?
- There's no such thing. - Don't lie to me!
Spear it!
Editor - Yoshiki Nagasawa Assistant Director - Atsushi Mihori
Sets - Masao Ishii Set Decoration - Kazuhiro Yonezawa
Music Koichi Kawabe
- Wait! - Shut up!
No! Please don't!
Junko Miyazono
Reiko Oshida, Yukie Kagawa Kenji Imai, Ko Nishimura
My husband!
Let me go! No!
Chie Kobayashi, Yuriko Mishima Masaomi Kondo, Harumi Sone
Tetsuya Yamaoka Toshiko Sawa, Makajiro Tomita
Bring him here!
You heartless monster!
Come back, bitch!
Special Guest Star Tomisaburo Wakayama
Please, sir! Have mercy!
Directed by Nobuo Nakagawa
Forgive me!
Forgive me!
Listen to me! Anyone who cheats on his tax rice
will get the same! Remember that!
- Hurry! - Stop them!
Don't let them get away!
Come back here!
Boss Torazo,
you're disturbing our dojo. Please withdraw.
Look, miss,
those women offended Commissioner Shiozaki. I can't let them go.
Save your breath!
If you insist, you'll deal with me.
Can't you see this?
That's enough, Torazo.
But, sir...
It's all right. Withdraw.
Miss Okatsu, as a favor to me,
please forgive my men's rudeness.
I appreciate your consideration.
If you'll excuse me.
Rotten bastards!
I'd have fixed 'em good!
Thank you!
Please take care.
my name is Okatsu Makabe.
Thank you for rescuing that villager.
It was nothing.
I am Rui, a drifter with no home.
You'd best go, then, before you see more trouble.
- But... - I'll take care of the rest here.
All right, then. So long!
Hiranuma, still no word from Edo?
No, sir.
But we've sent many boxes of cash like this.
I'm sure the councillors will look favorably on you.
Drop the happy talk!
For a hatamoto, a posting to Kofu is virtual exile,
a huge step down from commissioner of Yamada.
Mr. Shiozaki,
if you need more cash for payoffs, just squeeze the peasants more.
You've entrusted me with this. I'll spare no effort.
As for the tax rice,
we can skim off half- no one will know.
All right, let's get going.
I don't intend to rot in this backwater forever.
Tighten it up!
If I may!
Are you all right?
You were out all night again.
Come with me.
You were with Saki again, weren't you?
You can confide in me. I'm your sister.
Is the training too hard?
Rintaro, starting tomorrow you're confined indoors.
I won't obey.
Not yet a fully certified master,
and you waste your time chasing girls?
You're a laughingstock. Learn from your sister.
Father, don't!
It's all right. I'm used to being called an idiot.
Enough! Come!
Tighten it up!
You'll start over from the beginning.
Let's see your basic strokes.
Have you even forgotten how to hold the wooden sword?
- Father. - I don't want to hear it.
Words like that wound his confidence even more.
He's already weighed down
by the Kogen School name and your high expectations.
He's such a disappointment.
He's just sensitive.
We need to guide him gently.
It's my fault for spoiling him because he lost his mother so young.
You mustn't lose hope, Father.
Please let me handle Rintaro.
Your victory.
You've made impressive progress.
- Samonji. - Yes, sir.
- Why did you let him win? - Sensei, I didn't!
That poisons the heart of one who learns the sword.
Master Makabe,
are you trying to insult me?
I'd like to request... a match with you!
I want to talk to you.
Sensei, if you don't go easy on him -
Are those the words of my assistant dojo master?
Shame on you!
what don't you like about me?
Go ahead. Tell me.
The daughter of a shabby country samurai
has the chance to marry a direct retainer of the shogun.
I cannot let you have my daughter.
Why not?
You stop at nothing to achieve your ambition,
even killing innocent people.
You're in too much of a hurry to return to Edo.
Continue like this and you'll soon bring ruin on yourself.
Mr. Shiozaki!
I'll repeat this every day if I have to until it sinks in.
That Makabe geezer is a real handful.
The stubborn mule! If we were to pass the word up the -
Do you know why I asked you here today?
Don't be too attached to a run-down country dojo.
I'll build you a shiny new one in Edo.
you once said you'd rather be a farmer
than go on being a samurai.
Do you still feel that way?
Sure I do.
What? Don't look at me like that.
What's wrong? You're acting strange today, Saki.
Do you like children?
I'm going to have a baby.
Are you sure?
Can it really be true?
I'm going to be a father.
That good-for-nothing Rintaro has gone out again, hasn't he?
It's a strange world.
My daughter's a natural with the sword,
but the one who counts is clumsy as a wooden puppet.
I'm leaving this house, Okatsu.
I'm going to live with Saki and become a farmer.
Don't be stupid!
You're cruel, Okatsu. You know I have no instinct for the sword.
It's because you're not my real sister.
What are you saying?
I've had all I can take!
I was forced to learn swordsmanship from when I was little.
I was always compared with you and called a good-for-nothing.
Father always loved you more, though I'm his flesh and blood.
So you can take over the dojo!
Rintaro, wait!
Let him go.
I don't care what happens to him.
He's not my son anymore.
Thank you!
Hey, more sake!
Rintaro, haven't you had enough?
Money, money, it's always money!
Saki, did Rintaro come by?
No, not here.
Please give him this. It's just a little to tide him over.
It's all I can manage right now.
Thank you.
I'd like to help you two any way I can.
So don't ever despair, and let me know where you settle down.
I will.
This is all?
What good is this much?
I think we should tell your sister about the baby.
Maybe she can help.
Don't be a fool.
She's only doing this out of gratitude to my father.
We'll do this on our own.
If you're looking for money, maybe I can help.
Yes, please.
And... game!
Two and three make five.
Build on your luck and you can win big.
What'll it be? Odd or even?
Let the real men step forward.
Anybody for odd?
- Odd! - The bets are in!
The youngster's got guts.
Five and three - even. You dug your grave.
Makabe may be a country samurai,
but he has no fields or timber lands,
so the kid's debts will make the geezer and Okatsu both cry uncle.
Another for you?
Sensei, we've got trouble!
Look at that! Even again!
Here we go again. Ready?
Master Rintaro, please take this.
I'm sure your luck will return.
Two and six - even.
Hold it! Show me the dice!
What's the problem?
You're not implying this game is rigged?
It's fishy, even dice this many times!
Show me what's fishy about these!
You've thrown mud in the boss's face.
You'll pay for this!
What do you think you're doing?
- Who are you? - Get the hell down!
Boss Torazo...
Iooks like you have moles in your gambling house.
Bitch! Messing up my dice game too?
You're plenty messed up without my help.
You rig your games and cozy up to corrupt officials.
You're a despicable excuse for a man!
Shut your trap! We've got a score to settle!
Damn bitch!
Why'd you do that?
Listen here, you good-for-nothing.
Go find the geezer and Okatsu and bring them here.
I work for Mr. Shiozaki now.
You tricked me!
Get out of here!
He grabbed some money!
Where the hell could he have gone, Boss?
He can't be far.
Hey, don't miss any place he could be hiding!
I don't get it.
That's it! He must have gone to the shrine!
Rintaro, what's going on?
What happened?
Don't ask questions. Keep quiet and follow me.
You find anything?
Damn it!
How did you get hurt?
Samonji did it.
He's one of Shiozaki's dogs now.
So that's how it is.
That two-faced scoundrel.
Damned if I'll let him beat me!
Okatsu, I want you to know: Saki's going to have my baby.
Damn those bastards! Let them come! I'll -
No, Rintaro. Get away while you can!
A hunter in Otsuki named Jinkuro Oga was once our retainer.
He's a kind man. He'll shelter you.
What will you do?
Don't worry about me.
Rintaro, for Saki's sake,
and for your baby's sake, you must be strong.
Now hurry!
What are you doing here?
Boss Torazo, what exactly is Rintaro accused of?
What's he accused of?
He stole money from the gambling house.
He deserves to be torn limb from limb.
I see.
Boss, please let Rintaro go.
I'll make amends.
Move it!
Come on, come on!
Stop dragging your feet! Over there!
Your punishment is to become Shiozaki's concubine.
You'd better not object.
No, I won't!
What? We had a deal!
Anything but that! I'd rather die!
Uppity bitch!
Sack of shit!
I'll accept any other punishment,
but please spare Rintaro!
Please spare Rintaro!
Like it or not, you'll be Shiozaki's concubine.
No! Never!
Damn bitch!
This is what you get until you say yes!
Over here, sir.
This is one stubborn bitch.
Okatsu! Forgive me!
What are you saying?
If Rintaro is safe, what happens to me doesn't matter.
Mr. Shiozaki,
I offer my life in exchange for Okatsu.
- No, Father! - Stay out of this!
Mr. Shiozaki,
the son's offense is the father's offense.
Do with me as you wish.
Very well.
Sensei, you trained me hard with this wooden sword.
Today I get to repay the debt.
Not another word!
Do with me as you wish.
Please, Mr. Shiozaki! Please spare my father!
If you want your father spared,
you'll do as I say.
No, please don't make me!
We had a deal! Let Okatsu go!
your body is everything I'd imagined.
I'll never let you go.
Please spare my father.
I'm afraid I can't oblige.
You father tried to thwart my ambitions.
But from what I hear,
you aren't even his real daughter.
Forget about him.
In that case,
please untie my hands.
Very well.
You demon!
Keep her locked in here, Torazo.
No food or water until she gives in.
Sit up, Okatsu.
Listen to me, Okatsu.
My wish to return to Edo has happily been granted.
I've been given the high post of South City Commissioner.
Come with me and live in the lap of luxury.
What do you say?
You can choose me... or death. Those are your choices.
Such a stubborn woman. Why not just forget about her?
I'm leaving right away, but I suggest you think about it.
Torazo, give her until evening.
Then do as you see fit.
Back so soon?
Okiwa, you won't believe what I heard.
Makabe and his daughter Okatsu both died in jail.
Are you telling me
there's no one left to pay us for all our trouble?
In that case...
maybe it's time to get rid of him.
You're not thinking...?
He's got money, you know.
Your connection with him is ancient history.
I've worried from the start that helping him could jeopardize us.
Plus we can sell the girl for at least 30 gold pieces.
Come on.
How are you doing?
It doesn't seem to be getting better.
In fact,
my husband was saying maybe we should take you to a doctor.
Don't worry. We'll keep you out of sight.
You're very kind.
Don't mention it.
- Jinkuro, what are you doing? - Shut up!
You bastard!
It's no use screaming and hollering.
What'll it be, Okatsu?
Have you decided to serve Mr. Shiozaki?
You leave me no choice. Bring her out.
Let's go.
I said let's go!
Stop resisting!
Get her!
The prisoner's escaped!
Come back here!
Go ahead and cut her down!
Stinking bitch!
- You! - Run, Okatsu!
Damn bitch!
Slice her up, men!
Okatsu! That was amazing!
You saved my life, Rui.
Never mind that. You've got to run.
I'm going to Edo.
To avenge your father?
That's all there is for me now.
When I was a baby,
I was left like a bunch of trash down by the river.
I was nearly frozen from the cold when my parents found me.
Day after day they warmed me and saved my life.
Even if I have to turn into a demon,
I will kill Shiozaki and Samonji.
please be watching.
I vow to avenge your death.
Don't worry about Rintaro.
No matter what it takes,
I swear to you...
I'll make him a proud heir to the Makabe name.
I'm no longer Okatsu Makabe.
Only the waters of this river
know where I came from.
These veins of mine
may even carry the blood of an assassin.
Pushed to the west
Drifting to the east
Night after night
The fallen leaf pursues
The end of the journey
For the woman of two names
Plucking the strings of this wretched world with stubborn pride
With stubborn pride
It's about time he got back.
Is this the home of Jinkuro Oga?
I'm so glad.
Who are you?
You must be his wife.
I'm Okatsu Makabe from Kofu.
You're really Okatsu?
My brother and his wife were supposed to come here.
I haven't seen them.
I wonder what happened.
At any rate, come inside.
My husband should be home soon.
He might know something.
Thank you. I will.
Coming all this way - I imagine you're worn out.
This should refresh you.
Here you go.
- Drink it right down. - You're very kind.
I understand my husband was once your family's retainer.
Yes, he was such a nice man.
He used to play with my brother and me.
To this day,
he speaks of someday repaying your kindness.
Damn. Slim pickings.
One drizzly winter's day...
I'm back! Man, it's cold!
That's Okatsu, isn't it?
That's right.
She came looking for Rintaro and the girl.
I gave her a powder and put her out.
With her good looks, we can get 100 ryo for her easy.
You're not seriously thinking of selling her!
It's too risky!
Don't be so fainthearted.
We've also got her shamisen.
That's worth something too.
You're one hell of a woman.
What are you doing, you lech?
Give me a hand here, will you?
What do you think?
A real knockout, eh?
She's okay. I'll give you 50.
Let's not play games here.
I can see the glint in your eyes.
- Seventy. - Eighty.
Take it.
This is only 60.
Look, the last one turned out to be pregnant.
She can't work if she throws up on customers.
You owe me 20 for my losses.
Very well. I'll get rid of the baby.
Let me use your lantern room.
Give me something for this shamisen too, will you?
What do you think you're doing?
Go get yourself a drink somewhere.
The only fun I get to have is when the sun is still out.
Shut your trap and go!
Jealous old bat!
- Hey, Roku! - Yes, sir!
Just so you know, even after she wakes up,
she won't be able to do anything for a while.
Let her rest a while or you'll ruin your merchandise.
Take her upstairs.
Wait, Oshin.
This one's a real beauty.
You got her cheap, didn't you?
- I'm counting on you. - I understand.
Hey, Boss.
We got a "Wanted" poster from Kofu.
Post it over there.
It's a woman this time.
Some monster who mowed down the whole of Torazo's clan.
She's really good-Iooking too.
Let me see that.
She's an eyeful, all right.
Why does she look so familiar?
Great. Another one laid up with something.
We get nothing but damaged goods these days.
What's the boss thinking?
Saki! It is you!
How did you wind up here?
We were deceived.
Jinkuro and his wife set a trap for us.
Rintaro was...
Rintaro was what?
He was killed
and thrown into a ravine.
So that's what happened.
How he must have suffered!
Jinkuro and Okiwa,
you killed my only brother, and I'll never forgive you.
You mustn't cry, Saki.
You don't want to upset your health.
Remember, you have Rintaro's baby to think about.
I want to have this baby, no matter what it takes.
You've got to help me!
If I stay here,
I know I'll lose my baby too.
Of course I'll help you.
There's only this child now to carry on the Makabe name.
I'm not about to leave it to those villains.
Stop your whimpering! Out of the way!
We're gonna drag that kid out of you and make you feel better.
No! Help me! Please!
Back off, bitch!
Please don't hurt her!
This won't take long.
Let her go!
Mind your own business!
Stop struggling!
I'll take care of her.
What are you doing?
- Please don't do this! - Stubborn bitch!
- Settle down! - Please!
- Okiwa, need a hand? - Yeah.
Sister, help!
Let me go!
It's my custom to break in my new girls personally.
Damn you!
If you don't want to be crucified, start undoing your sash.
I see.
Very well.
But you have to spare Saki.
Don't worry. They're only going to kill the kid in her belly.
It's the kid I want you to save.
Enough of your demands!
- Okatsu! - Stop struggling!
I said to stop struggling!
Come on, Okatsu. Do as I say.
I'm taking Okatsu!
You're drunk as a skunk again!
Want me to tell Okiwa?
Kill him, Jinkuro. You want my body, don't you?
I won't let a wild ape like you take her.
Piece of shit!
Okiwa, help!
No, Okatsu! Wait!
- No, Okiwa. Don't! - How dare you betray me!
You beast!
What's all the ruckus?
What is it?
Could you men help me up? I still feel numb all over.
If you insist.
Are you all right?
Please watch out for her.
All right.
Stop! Don't do this!
Go to hell!
I've had all I can take!
Yeah, well, I feel the same way!
You greedy old bat! I was tired of you anyway!
I'll take care of you like I did your husband!
Now I see your true colors! I'll kill you!
Jinkuro and Okiwa.
So you've seen the ugly truth about each other.
You'll have to finish this fight in hell.
you let this woman rot your very soul.
What's that?
You killed my brother, and you'll die for it.
Damn you!
Okiwa, it's all this bitch's fault!
Run her through!
Damn bitch!
Don't kill me, Okatsu!
It was all Jinkuro's doing! Please!
I beg you, let me live! I did nothing wrong!
Okiwa, you plotted the death of my one and only brother,
which I have yet to fully avenge.
This is for his departed soul.
Prepare to die!
Okatsu the Killer?
I'm taking this with me, Officers.
You're getting the reward for catching me,
and you still want more?
- If I may. - What is it?
Reports say an odd-Iooking man tore down the poster of Okatsu the Killer
and has created a stir up and down the highway.
Commissioner, it's that brash bounty hunter we've heard about.
Okatsu should be in Edo any time now.
We've got to find her before he does.
Otherwise it'll be mud on our faces.
Let's go.
Osode's not back yet?
Her lesson's running awfully late tonight.
She's probably just chatting with her teacher again.
Shall I send someone after her?
Who are you?
I've seen this kind of sword wound before.
At whose hand?
Okatsu Makabe, daughter of the Kogen School's founder.
Okatsu the Killer.
She's become a bloodthirsty killer. Get word out immediately.
She's to be killed on sight.
- What a frightful woman! - She cut them all down.
Twenty ryo is a nice reward.
Sensei, it's the perfect night for a trip to the pleasure quarters.
Fine. I'll treat you to their best courtesans.
You're in a generous mood!
Speaking of which, I understand Okatsu is a real looker too.
It'll be something to see when she's crucified.
Is it true she's a full master, just like you?
She never beat me even one out of three.
I'd like to be in the officer's place and kill her myself.
Sensei, a traveling swordsman is requesting a match.
That's rude at this hour. Send him away.
I tried. He says otherwise he'll take the dojo sign.
- What sort of fellow? - A slight-Iooking youngster.
Very well.
This could be entertaining. I'll give him a broken arm for his trouble.
Who the hell are you?
How dare you barge in like this!
You're being rude. Remove your hat.
I said remove your hat!
That stance!
On your feet, Samonji!
You were never one to bow to my skills with the sword.
Or is your sword only good
for breaking into houses?
What's the matter, Samonji? You have a fine dojo,
but if you can't stay on your feet, your name's worthless.
How many times did you strike my father?
A hundred? A thousand?
Over his whole body!
Shiozaki made me do it!
It wasn't my fault!
I'm not to blame!
I'm not finished with you yet!
- Quick-Draw Okatsu! Freeze! - Surrender!
If you get in my way,
I won't hold back!
After her!
Come on, men! Freeze!
Hold it right there, Okatsu! Surrender!
Don't try to resist!
Step back.
I can't let you have this woman.
She's my catch.
What do you intend to do with me?
Turn you over to Commissioner Shiozaki.
I can't let you do that!
Let me go!
I haven't had a catch in a while.
I don't catch and release.
Come on.
Run, Okatsu!
You let my prize catch go.
Kill me if you want!
But please let Okatsu go!
Are you related?
But I want Okatsu to have her revenge.
Hear me out.
Okatsu's father was tortured to death
by Commissioner Shiozaki.
Then how do you explain the murders at Awajiya?
That wasn't Okatsu.
Shiozaki was behind those murders too.
There's proof.
The Awajiya victims were all struck from overhead.
Okatsu always strikes from the side.
You're saying Shiozaki's a rogue commissioner?
Please believe me. I have proof.
All right.
Show me!
Lead the way!
Now you can see for yourself how corrupt Shiozaki is.
Who are you?
Who are you?
- How dare you soil our dojo! - I'll fight you!
Hold it!
Let this one live... as a witness.
- And you are? - Oinosuke Sagara,
North City Commissioner.
I sent Rui to spy on Shiozaki
and catalog his dastardly deeds.
Then the reward for Okatsu will come from you?
That's right.
Kill Okatsu,
and I'll double the reward.
I like that.
I'll do it.
How are you feeling?
I'm fine now. I finished my whole meal.
I'm so glad.
the baby kicks sometimes.
Must be a rambunctious little boy.
That would make me very happy.
I've asked the priest of this temple to help you,
but you'll have to manage on your own from now on.
You can't leave me alone!
Saki, listen to me.
You belong to the Makabe family now.
You have to give the family a strong and healthy heir.
I will.
Having lost both father and brother,
I was grief-stricken and miserable.
Father... Rintaro...
I promise to avenge your deaths.
Mr. Shiozaki asked you here
because he wanted to comfort you.
He's such a kind-hearted man.
Osode, were you aware that he had asked your parents
for your hand?
No, not at all.
Your father was very receptive.
If it weren't for that terrible tragedy,
you'd have been a bride by now.
Please don't.
I can't possibly think of marrying right now.
That's entirely understandable.
You're suddenly all alone.
How Ionely you must be.
I understand.
What are you moping around in here for?
Didn't I go get Osode for you?
Okatsu killed Samonji.
I underestimated Okatsu.
Is the money safe?
It's well-guarded. I'm sure it's fine.
It won't all come apart now, will it?
Stop your worrying.
Don't forget: I'm a city commissioner.
You're right.
What's Osode up to?
Don't be like that.
Don't get serious about a young thing like that.
What do you expect? I've been with you since you were a nobody.
No, don't stop.
hopelessly in love with you.
Be my wife.
You mustn't, Mr. Shiozaki!
You never change, do you?
- Guards! - Quiet!
You're lucky I showed up, young lady.
This piece of scum didn't just kill my father.
He stole my virtue as well.
He's the one who killed your father!
That's a lie!
Just watch. I'll show you who this scum really is!
You preen like a mighty judge, but you should stand accused.
What are you going to do to me?
Exactly what you deserve:
Give you a taste of what you did to the farmers,
to my father and Rintaro, and to the Awajis,
all for the sake of your filthy ambition!
Okatsu, wait!
I'll give you anything you want!
Money? Position?
Don't embarrass yourself!
For a ruthless killer, you're facing your own death poorly!
Stay where you are!
You're in league with this scum, but you'll drag him with this rope
until his head comes off.
Then I'll spare your life.
The reward for killing you is now 50 ryo.
You'll have to come with me.
Fine. I can die now with no regrets.
Do whatever you want with me.
is this the North Commissioner's payoff for me killing Okatsu?
You greedy bastard! You heartless fiend!
Tell him I'll accept it as a down payment.
You mean...
you're not going to...?
I'm going to let you go this time.
I figure in a year the reward on your head will double.
Don't expect any mercy then. Remember that.
your underwear's showing.
Take my horse. Hurry!
A woman's suffering
A shower of drawn blades
For what sin, what crime
Is this the atonement
The ropes that fly to bind her
Are quickly cut in two
Even the moon disappears behind her shooting star
Behind her shooting star
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