una web serie about Nightwish Italian fans
we chose 9 fans, in each episode they will discuss their 'being a Nightwisher'. Let's meet them
Hi Nightwishers, I am Silvia
I am 24 years old
and I am a die-hard NW fan
Hi! I am Eric
And I am Matilde
Hi everybody! My name is Valeria
I am 22 years old
and I study in Milan
Hello! I am Antonietta and I am 50
I live in Cortefranca near Brescia
I am Loris
I have been a member of the fanclub
from the very beginning
so I had to take part in this documentary
Bonjour! My name is Claudia
I am 18 years old and I study at Languages High School
Next year I will have my state examination
I live near Corsico-Milan
Hello hello hello Nightwishers friends!
let me introduce myself, I am Gloria
But there's more: a part of the serie will be filmed in Kitee
Hi, I am Adriano, I am 20
I live in Calalzo di Cadore,
A lost hamlet in Belluno's Dolomiti (Veneto)
I am the one that will bring you the videos from Kitee
especially for this fandoc part
Our Nightwishers introduce themselves
with five objects that represent them
In this short video I will show you
5 things that represent me
Let's begin with the funniest one
This huge toothbrush
so fluffy!
and this dentist's mirror
This is because I am a dental hygienist
I take care of mouth and teeth health
So I tell you this: BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!
with a fluffy toothbrush!!
5 objects...
The first one: a ''Magic'' card
It's a card game I really love
one of my passions
my object is a camera
because taking pictures has always been one of my passions
This is ''The Phantom of the Opera
the edition of the 25th anniversary
from the first staging in London
It is the very first musical I ever listened to
and I fell in love with
I am a professional cook
So by popular demand, my first object is
related to my job
it's my personal knife
My coworker call it ''Holy santoku'' (typical Japanese knife)
because I lend it only in exceptional situations
The objects I am going to show you are:
A drumstick because I am drummer
and this is my very first passion
since I was a kid
First of all there's this one
*mumbles: oh god if I loose it I am lost too*
here it is: it is a pick, a NW pick, Marco's pick!
*mumbles: uhg no, no messages pop up please!!''
I love music and I play guitar
of course this is also about NW
So it blends these two things I love
Let's begin!
The first thing I will show is
This book:
It's titled ''Afterdark''
It's the first book that introduced me to Murakami
It also represents
my obsession for reading
and anything from Japan and japanese culture
The first object I want you to see is
my book about ''Innistrad''
for those unaware it is part of Magic The Gathering
the famous card play
And I chose this because I love reading and fantasy
and of course I like Magic!!
I am book lover
I love reading, every genre! I really read everything
But my favourite books are fantasy- gothic
with vampires! This one is about Dracula
totally recommended!
Proceding with important objects...
we have this one, my first swedish book
it really mirrors me because
Swedish is my main language course at the university
Some years ago I got interested in bike and cycling
this is my helmet, I use it with my mountain bike
I go biking in the week ends
when the weather is good
so I can run and wander near my house
The second object is
this make up brush
is one of the first make up brushes I ever bought
it's actually a blush brush
it shows my love for make up
My laptop
because I write, I love writing
through my laptop I write down my thoughts and I express my self
I tried to write my books
The second item that represents me is
a garment, a pair of jeans
it's my second skin
these trousers are the ones that I wore
at the italian concerts of the band
this one is an amulet
For me it has a completely different meaning
it is the symbol of equilibrium
everything that is...
I don't know how to explain it
but is everything that is good, and that you need
to have an equilibrium
this is what this lucky charm is about for me
Singing is my real love
I am trying to make it big
this is my microphone
custom made, I use it at home
*Sings ''The Phantom Of The Opera*
That's it!
Here we have a passion in common!
Eric: I play guitar... Matilde: and I sing
We would like to create a NW Cover Band
and by the way, my mic is signed by Marco!
This is my first finnish book
I used it in Erasmus
I must say that it has been very useful because
finnish is not easy at all!
Another passion I have since a child
is cars!
I now own real cars and model, like this one
I have several scale models
of every type
We have this orange notebook
It may not seems like something special
But if we look inside we see tons of notes and summaries
It's the notebook I am using to prepare my next exam
I am studying in Rome, to get a ''Human Nutrition Degree''
Because nutrition has always fascinated me
In fact I am already a dietitian
I love reading, in particular thrillers
My favourite author is Patricia Cornwell
This is her first book I ever read, in the 90
I fell in love with the adventures of
the Forensic Pathologist named Kay Scarpetta
and since then I bought every book
I already shown it, this is Elan
Elan is my favourite song
I know it's not the best NW song
Basically Elan, as a song, completely changed my life
and I am not kidding
My leather jacket
because even though I am a good guy
I am and I always will be a metalhead
I follow Paganism
Here's my pentacle
But I really want to show you is
my tarot deck
I can read tarots
You could be easily surprised by
by the truthful responses tarots can give
This is a Darth Vader keychain
It represents me because
I am a ''little bit'' fanatic
The fourth object I am showing you is
an old Wrestling Card Album
It's mine, not my son's
as you may guess
I really like Wrestling
we often watch it at home
we also buy live events from the U.S.A
My passion for cars encouranged me to
study, from high school to university,
mechanics. I graduated in engineering
this is my book, a fundamental piece in my bookshelves
my fourth element is
I chose this,
this controller
it's a Xbox controller
videogames, gaming
and all that concerns games and consoles
have marked a huge part of my teenhood
and still today, at the honorable age of
almost 25
I am a proud gamer
My necklace with Marco's pick
it's an accessory that I always wear
and he is my favourite singer
the first object of my chart is this album
the second NW album I ever listened to
and the album of the first NW concert I ever saw
then we have this thing:
it might seems banal, like: ''yeah, you like music, here's headphones''
this is true also but I chose these headphones because
even though they are broken,
they accompanied me abroad
and it was the ''fullest'' year in my life
everything happened
psychologically and about experiences
A NW object
the first album I bought
in 2004
I hope light doesn't shine too much
the original version of Once, I got in the release year
moreover is a limited edition!!
my disc is Endless Forms
because....uhm...dunno! Why?
Because it's Floor first album
and it is also the first concert I attended
Lastly, the object that introduced to the band
Originally the DVD I borrowed from a friend
then I bought it for my own collection
I then show you this one:
This is the first Fanclub tshirt I got with the membership card
I wore it 24h 7 days per week
to do anything, even cleaning up
and as you can see the tee is
worn out and bleached
well, it's now fully personal!!
it truly represents me because I am a little messy
I couldn't wish for a better t-shirt
the fifth object is about NW
and it's Dark Passion Play
I chose it because it's the first one I bought
it's also the one that marked my becoming a fan
at first I was only a listener
but after buying DPP
I became so passioned that I bought all the albums too
from the first to the last
and some gadgets, limited editions...
every NW object I own
is very important to me, and they all represent me
I also wear the jewels
I got them as a 50th birthday present
and I am very happy about it
Last but not least
something NW themed
my Elan single
the first single I got autographed
it's my ''ode to joy''
when I am sad I sing this song
and I reborn completely
at last my NW object
I hope you can see it properly
Himos Park 2016 poster
it's signed by Tuomas
I was given this poster in November
by Plamen, the music teacher of the band
these were my objects
I hope I will show you something interesting from Kitee
but also something good for this fandoc
See you soon, from the Kitee Music and Art Festival in July
Goodbye! Keep metal and carry on!!
To be continued
A web serie created by: Nightwishers Italy,
the official italian fanclub of Nightwish
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