Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 12 2017

Hello, today I share them, these amazing Remedies for hemorrhoids.

Before we begin, I invite you to subscribe for free and activate notifications.


Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments, however, found

in an area "taboo" many people suffer in silence.

If you have pain, swelling or itching, here we are several home remedies

the hand to alleviate these ailments.


inflammatory garlic.

Garlic is considered one of the home remedies more anti-inflammatory power.

Simply boil for 30 minutes 2 cloves garlic, crushed in

two cups of water, let cool, strain and apply compresses on hemorrhoids.

You can also place a peeled garlic clove into the rectum and leave overnight to

more effectively.


Aloe vera or aloe.

Aloe vera is one of the ingredients of the kit header grandma and can

help relieve itching, burning and inflammation.

Cut a sheet of aloe vera and applying the same liquid several times a day, especially

after evacuating it is advisable to clean the area before applying.


Sitz baths.

Sitz baths are one of the most popular home remedies to reduce inflammation,

pain and itching of hemorrhoids.

For a sitz bath a bath, hot water is required and can be added if so

For a leaf decoction of horehound, horsetail or mauve.

The recommended duration is 15 to 30 minutes, the water will produce venous contraction

and reduce inflammation.


Pope miraculous.

A raw potatoes or potatoes are attributed anti-inflammatory and soothing properties

and its use in poultice or suppository form is recommended to relieve symptoms


You can scratch a potato and apply to the area several times a day, or, peel and cut

as a suppository.

Placed into the anus for a period of 20 minutes after evacuation.


Tomato poultice.

The tomato is a food that we always have at hand and attributed to him

resfrescantes and astringent properties.

You must place a cold tomato cut into slice on hemorrhoids by pressing.

The more mature better, let it act for 15 minutes daily and wash carefully

with cold water.



Horse chestnut is one of the most widely used medicinal plants to improve circulation

blood and inflammation.

It can be consumed as a tea or extract put compresses on Buckeye


Hemorrhoid sufferers can use the extract with a mixture of alcohol and water

to relieve inflammation, itching and sudden pain.


Spinach pasta.

This remedy is very appropriate to reduce swelling of hemorrhoids, as it has

a relaxing effect.

You need 3 sheets of chopped spinach as thin as possible and chopped

tablespoon olive oil, mixing until a smooth paste.

Apply a small amount of the paste on and within the anus, Leave it for a period

20 minutes.


With chamomile.

Since ancient times, Mexicans have used this herb to treat disorders

digestive as diarrhea, indigestion or cramps.

Chamomile oil can be applied directly, or can prepare a

infusion some dried leaves and flowers.

Boil for 15 minutes and applied with a cotton swab moistened well.


Flaxseed drink water.

Two tablespoons of flaxseed a day can loosen the stomach contents

and help relieve constipation and hemorrhoids.

Soak the seeds in water one hour before eating to seize properties

Mucus obtained.

The properties of the slug of flaxseed are due to its protein content, lecithin

and especially linoleic acid.


Ice magic.

The use of ice on the skin is one of the "grandmother's recipes" more effective.

It is a remedy at hand is the ice and provides immediate relief.

Just get ice, put it in a bag or wrap it in a cloth and place

in the affected area.

Ice should not directly touch the anus, as it can cause burns.

Do you have any idea of ​​this?

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

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and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Así están los nueve grupos de la Copa MX antes de que comience la última jornada - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Así están los nueve grupos de la Copa MX antes de que comience la última jornada - Duration: 1:02.


Conceptos estratégicos de Go: Kikashi. English subtitles (3 de 8) - Duration: 16:29.

Kikashi is a movement that forces the opponent to answer generally one way,

resulting in an exchange of rocks favorable to the player taking the kikashi.

Kikashi and sente may look the same, but the kikashi applies to movements that are

more or less incidental to the main flow of the game.

And once the stone that makes kikashi play, it can be abandoned without any problems.

The kikashi must be played at the right time.

If you miss the opportunity, it is lost forever.

This is kikashi, black must respond, since failure to do so this is a very big loss.


And right now, this point is crucial for both players, also black.

But, before playing this point, White will kikashi play again.


Black defends.

Before coming here again kikashi, black must answer, not to do this

It would be very large, it is the entire corner.

Black must answer.

This stone helps for the future, to close the corner, white territory.

In the absence of this stone it is easier to land to black.

Before playing here, white makes kikashi again, it agrees to defend this stone,

and now, white stands here, and black I would play this, but it is too

aji with these stones, therefore plays thus.

Aji still running, but this is important.

And this is a typical sequence of joseki.

When so if white plays the key point directly, without playing kikashi,

loses the opportunity definitely play here as black, black and white answers

reinforces this point, there is now no possibility of playing kikashi in a useful way.

When white plays here, it is important to respond black here, and should not worry

If white stretches in this way, since this typical Semai is favorable for black.

Here white is going to sacrifice a stone, a stone coming here, black jack, atari,

black champions semeai is favorable for black,

White has only two liberties and three black.

Therefore, this move does not work, black defends here.

Now White here, black stands, and stretches.

The order of the movements is very important, if white instead of starting here, begins

here, the result is not the same, because now when white plays here, not black

have to answer here, but playing here, and now must play, no longer exists

this movement since it does not require playing black.

After this move white, as mentioned, is dangerous to play this, it is more correct

play here, to reduce bad aji of this white stone.

If black plays here, imagine a situation, it is turn white, after

played this white makes Hane, and black is the right thing to eliminate bad aji directly

with this play, if you play up, ikken Tobi, could follow a sequence of this style ...

This is a sequence that occurred in a game of amateur players.

Black is expecting this type of play, then sacrifice these two stones in sente

However, thanks to that stone aji, white has a tesuji.

This move takes advantage of this stone Aji in conjunction with the corner, he is threatening

Here, she is capturing the two stones, and is threatening here who will not play this serves

because of this.

Therefore, when white makes Hane, the correct answer is this.

Let's see an example of kikashi that occurred in a game between two amateur players.

It's turn white, and plays kikashi here, It is threatening to cut, and if black advocates,

Indeed, this move is kikashi, forced to answer.

The game could continue this way.

Black plays here to prevent the escape of white, white should play this, to live,

sente and black jack, playing kakari, this way.

If white omits this move and is for example here, black is able to kill the target group,


Therefore, this move is mandatory and black in sequence just sat.

However, sometimes, a move that apparently kikashi, as in this case, may raise

doubt, black here, for example, could play like that ..., white, black, white ...

and now White takes sente and play here, it has not been necessary to defend, since the court

no longer exists, takes two black stones, the cut does not exist, and ends over white sente,

defended not black, however, the resulting final situation is not bad to white, as

He sente and ending in the group is alive.

He did not answer kikashi, but neither was very favorable outcome.

The question arises whether black advocates, If White tries to live the way we

seen now, a moment ago, and now white sente would apparently this group is

I live, but it is bad aji.

Atari, defends, short, and the target group It depends on a ko.

Ko favorable for black, since they have little to lose and much to gain.

White took sente, but this group is in danger.

If this were not played, this ko is very strong for black, can not afford

this movement, since it would be very large, therefore ko can not fight,

It is favorable for White.

So in conclusion, the kikashi, it really was, and black should be connected.

Sometimes there is a fine line between kikashi and aji Keshi.

Perhaps the main purpose is to create aji kikashi.

And in this sense it differs from sente.

Therefore, movements that cause bad aji to eliminate the opponent, not be considered kikashi

unless achieve something important.

For example, giving atari may seem unnecessarily kikashi, if forced to respond to the adversary,

but often, when giving atari we are strengthening

without achieving anything in compensation.

In this position Black can give atari above, is kikashi, since it requires

answer to white, can also give atari here is kikashi, since it requires

white answer, but in either case, black will always have

to defend this point.

And that's the right move, neither kikashi is right at this time, since

it is not known how the game will unfold, and which one will be more interesting.

If you connect white, now black you have sente, and can choose to play here instead of

Here, as if he had been given atari above, since it is this court.

And if you play here, also it has black and white sente have bad aji position here

... is a possible cut, after a Hane pair down is bad aji for White.

In this position, the correct play is here.

Either kikashi is aji Keshi, because they are eliminating possibilities.

Although it may seem, because it requires answering the opponent, this move is not kikashi,

Keshi is aji, since the possibility here, which threatens to come here is removed.

When the position is this, this threat no longer play the same way.

In this position this move is kikashi since it obliges white answer, since

no answer, this cut is very strong.

You must defend here, and this sequence is not good for white, which is divided.

For more infomation >> Conceptos estratégicos de Go: Kikashi. English subtitles (3 de 8) - Duration: 16:29.


Como augmentar nuestra motivación - Duration: 5:57.

Hello! How are you? how are you? Welcome back! in this video I would like to talk to you

on aspects that influence our motivation when we are in a process of change

so let's go in!

What is important to keep in mind is that at the moment when we think about change

whether it be our work, our personal relationships,

in our sentimental relationships, our personal development and even in our education

what we do is to generate a present state and a desired state.

The connection between these two states gives us a problem.

A problem that we have created in our present

that at the same time, reciprocally, what is generating us is an objective.

A goal to focus on this desired state.

Our behavior, what we will think,

what we will feel will be different in one state or another.

And to move from one state to another, we will need: Resources

And the main resource is ours: Motivation

The motivation would be the gas we need to start this trip

that is to say of passing from this present state to the desired one.

What will contain the motivation will be determined by three aspects

First, this desired state has to be something we really want

or something that we really want.

The second aspect will be that: we really have to be committed to this desired state

with the obtaining of this desired state and its attainment

and third and not least it is that:

we really think it is an attainable and useful goal.

If these three premises are not met our motivation level will drop.

Low and then what can generate this? That is, I started a process of change process

from a present state to a desired state

but that my motivation level is not high enough

and that these three premises are not fulfilled and what happens? is that I stay halfway.

And when I stay halfway, I experience frustration.

That can lower my confidence level and we do not want it in any moment!

so ask yourself when you are facing a problem, before a goal

to achieve a desired state

Is it really something you want? Are you committed enough to that?

Do you really think it is achievable and useful?

for example, something very common would be to say: I want to lose five kilos

But is it really something I want? Can that really help me?

Am I really committed to starting an exercise plan and diet from a nutrition plan?

because maybe yes, it would be fine, I could ... I should ... but I feel good and

there is no real reason that really motivates me to want to lose those five kilos.

Maybe with a couple, I'm already very happy

But how my speech is in him should ... and it would be fine ... that I .... had a less size

initiated a change without actually being committed to this change.

Nor do you really connect with the utility you have in me

lose those five kilos.

If those five kilos really are affecting your health

then yes, there is, there will be a real motive, but if you feel good,

you're great, great, but there seems to be a social, environmental,

that with five kilos could be better ...

Is that a problem you have generated?

Or is it a problem that is generating who? Whose goal is this?

because if you really want it, you're committed and you think it's really useful and beneficial

you're going to have gasoline, enough energy, enough motivation

to be able to start that journey towards your desired state.

It happens that many times we raise problems in our present state that are not ours

And we try and we want to do them but they are not ours, they do not connect with what our real motivation is

and it is very important to take these three premises into account

that affect our motivation, because that will cause

any change process that I started, personal, professional,

social relations, sentimental even in education

by the time I start it I will be really committed to this

sufficiently motivated to achieve this desired state

thus reinforcing my self-confidence.

and so far I would like you to tell me

if in some process of change that elements were those that made difficult not

hindered your motivation, what were those reasons that made you

that you will not reach your desired state, to your goal.

I hope this video has been useful, and if so give the "Like"

and if you have not already done so, do not forget to subscribe to keep up to date

of the contents that we will be publishing

and see you next week! Bye!

For more infomation >> Como augmentar nuestra motivación - Duration: 5:57.


Le SMS de soutien de Carla Sarkozy à Brigitte Macron- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Le SMS de soutien de Carla Sarkozy à Brigitte Macron- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:43.


¿Por qué leer? (Spanglish Version) ǀ Un Cinéfilo Entre Libros - Duration: 1:53.

Why I read?

Because reading invited us to discover infinite worlds where ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.


and take advantage of THE PEARKS OF BE A WALLFLOWER.

And world where there are PAPER TOWNS and A MONSTER CALLS to explain THE MÉCANIQUE DU COEUR.

On this way my heart begins to live an endless number of emotions,


LES MISERABLES will show their most humble side. Everyone's LAS VISITAS will be the stars and THE GOLDEN COMPASS

will tell me the way to them.

In another life, my soul will be renewed because the problems will not worry me anymore.



MATILDA will immerse herself in the world of INK HEART and then decide where we live.

What Abut Love? Love will not have me DESESPERADO because I know that THE FAULT IN OUR STARS we will meet,

even if they spend the

BINBIR GECE waiting for that moment. When the TWILIGHT falls or before BREAKING DOWN taking care that the ECLIPSE

doesn't leave us blind.

And they believe that life was ABZURDAH, right?

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué leer? (Spanglish Version) ǀ Un Cinéfilo Entre Libros - Duration: 1:53.


¿Cuál es el papel del Secretario General de la ONU? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuál es el papel del Secretario General de la ONU? - Duration: 1:54.


Hugo Parte 1 - A Floresta | PS1 (Sem comentários) [PT] - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Hugo Parte 1 - A Floresta | PS1 (Sem comentários) [PT] - Duration: 6:28.


¿Por qué recomiendan limitar el azúcar durante el embarazo? - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué recomiendan limitar el azúcar durante el embarazo? - Duration: 1:01.


Vincent Cassel nostal­gique ? L'ac­teur poste une tendre photo de sa fille bébé - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Vincent Cassel nostal­gique ? L'ac­teur poste une tendre photo de sa fille bébé - Duration: 2:13.


LUIS MENA - ASOT radio 004. - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> LUIS MENA - ASOT radio 004. - Duration: 8:45.



For more infomation >> EMPIRE


9/12: Brown U. Professor Questions Why Bannon Agreed to TV Interview on State of Mind - Duration: 24:04.

For more infomation >> 9/12: Brown U. Professor Questions Why Bannon Agreed to TV Interview on State of Mind - Duration: 24:04.


Neues Apple-Hauptquartier Das Ufo ist gelandet - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Neues Apple-Hauptquartier Das Ufo ist gelandet - Duration: 6:50.


Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headset - Duration: 9:31.

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Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headset - Duration: 9:31.


SEPTEMBER 2017 - how to unfollow everyone on instagram at once - instagram hacks , instagram triky - Duration: 0:35.

Thank you for watching! More @ www.frantisekjuris.eu

For more infomation >> SEPTEMBER 2017 - how to unfollow everyone on instagram at once - instagram hacks , instagram triky - Duration: 0:35.


BRUTAL: Trey Gowdy Just Exposed Dem's Biggest Fear That Would END Mueller Investigation - Duration: 1:38.

It looks like the Justice Hound of the House Trey Gowdy is back again and this time he

has discovered something the Democrats don't want getting out about that "dirty dossier"

on Trump.

So Rep Gowdy was busy doing his duty as the Chairman of the Oversight Committee when 'BAM!',

it hit him.

He needed to see what the FBI and Justice Department saw in that Dossier that made this

whole investigation into the Trump campaign start in the first place.

Trey Gowdy said that Dems are scared that the ENTIRE investigation into Trump was built

on a piece of fiction.

Gowdy told the Daily Caller,

"I don't know why anyone — from [California Rep.] Adam Schiff, to Vanity Fair, to Rachel

Maddow — would not be curious whether or not the world's premier law enforcement

agency relied upon a dossier in connection with an investigation without vetting it."

"For the life of me I don't understand why they are focused on this, unless they

are fearful that the bureau did rely on a piece of fiction."

According to Trey, he thinks that Comey may have jumped the gun and started the case without

vetting any of the info.

It makes sense since the Dossier was already disproven.

If that is the case, then the entire investigation is a sham and Comey and Susan Rice and Loretta

Lynch need to go on trial instead.

This is a big breakthrough for Trey Gowdy and every Conservative.

Make sure everybody sees this.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BRUTAL: Trey Gowdy Just Exposed Dem's Biggest Fear That Would END Mueller Investigation - Duration: 1:38.


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast and Naturally at Home | Cure It Naturally - Duration: 3:25.

Toenail fungus also known as Onychomycosis is a very common problem

symptoms include inflammation swelling yellowing thickening or crumbling of the nail

it is usually not painful unless the infection spreads

fungus tends to thrive under certain conditions such as abnormal ph levels of the skin a

weakened immune system continuous exposure to a moist environment

including sweaty shoes and socks poor hygiene and diabetus if left untreated

toenail fungus can cause cracking splitting and even complete loss of the

toenail the good news is that toenail fungus is curable and can be treated

inexpensively in this video I shared some best and simple home remedies for

toenail fungus Tea Tree Oil tea tree oil has antiseptic as well as antifungal

properties that help a lot in the treatment of toenail fungus this oil is

also used to treat other kinds of skin infections mix a few drops of tea tree

oil in one teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil use a cotton ball to apply

the mixture on the affected toenail leave it on for 10 minutes and then use

a toothbrush to gently scrub the affected nail do this two or three times

daily until you are satisfied with the result

Apple Cider Vinegar apple cider vinegar is mildly acidic and can help prevent

toenail fungus from spreading at the same time it kills bacteria and fungi

use apple cider vinegar to treat toenail fungus mix equal parts of apple cider

vinegar and water soak your toenail in this solution for 30 minutes daily

when done dry your toenail thoroughly when used daily for a few weeks you will

notice improvement very quickly Baking Soda baking soda is a readily available

staple in most kitchens that can also be used to cure toenail fungus it will also

help neutralize foot odor add 1/2 cup of baking soda 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen

peroxide and 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to 4 cups of hot water mix the ingredients

thoroughly and then add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to it soak the affected toenail

in this solution for about 10 minutes wash with clean water and dry your foot

thoroughly repeat the process twice daily for several week if you liked the

video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends for more home remedies

and healthy tips subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast and Naturally at Home | Cure It Naturally - Duration: 3:25.


Nie da się ukryć | TVP Info | Ultra HD | 12-09-2017 | Wtorek | Coty Gadasz - Duration: 24:32.

For more infomation >> Nie da się ukryć | TVP Info | Ultra HD | 12-09-2017 | Wtorek | Coty Gadasz - Duration: 24:32.


The Mick on FOX - Kaitlin Ols...

For more infomation >> The Mick on FOX - Kaitlin Ols...


Supergirl Season 3 "I Got This" Extended Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:42.

I tried to be Kara Danvers for 15 years.

But I'm not supposed to be her.

What makes me me is Supergirl.

I can tell when someone is lying to me.

You don't have to hide it from me.

Meet Robert DuBois, goes by "Bloodsport."

I got this.

They'll never see it coming.

National City is my town.

Supergirl Season 3 premiere Monday October 9th on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl Season 3 "I Got This" Extended Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:42.


iPhone X — Introducing iPhone X — Apple - Duration: 3:39.

Jony Ive: For more than a decade,

our intention has been to create an iPhone that is all display.

A physical object that disappears into the experience.

♪ Music playing ♪

This is iPhone X.

Developing the form and display together

defines a whole new integration,

making the boundary between the device and the screen

hard to discern.

The custom OLED panel was engineered to fold

and seamlessly combine with the external surfaces.

Mechanical buttons give way to touch and gestures.

There's no Home button.

A single swipe takes you to the Home screen.

A more responsive touch system means the gestures in iOS 11

are more fluid.

The polished stainless steel band

reinforces the water-resistant, all glass design.

This new glass formulation,

the most durable ever in a smartphone,

enables, for the first time, wireless charging.

Our new TrueDepth camera system,

contained within this tiny space,

uses extraordinary depth sensing technology

to let you unlock your phone with a glance.

We call this FaceID.

It maps the unique geometry of your face

with over 30,000 invisible dots.

This data is analyzed by the neural engine

on the A11 bionic chip, the first of its kind.

Your iPhone now recognizes you,

even in the dark, and will adapt to your physical changes.

This makes your face your secure password.

So with just a look,

you can authenticate your phone or use Apple Pay.

The TrueDepth camera also enables new experiences.

Like bringing emojis to life

by mapping more than 50 facial muscles in real time.

So you can be happy,

or sad,

or cross.

Both the front- and rear-facing cameras

now have Portrait Mode.

And for the first time,

you can actually define the light in a scene.

Based on fundamental photographic principles,

Portrait lighting

produces the effect of real studio lighting.

On the back,

the dual camera system is completely redesigned.

It's made even smarter by the A11 bionic chip.

With machine learning,

the camera detects elements in the scene

to optimize the image before the photo is even taken.

The camera we use every day now delivers so much more.

And as iOS becomes

the world's largest platform for augmented reality,

it will redefine what's possible.

This is iPhone X.

For more infomation >> iPhone X — Introducing iPhone X — Apple - Duration: 3:39.


Soy Luna 2 Pocałunek Delfi i Pedro | odc.66 NAPISY PL - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 Pocałunek Delfi i Pedro | odc.66 NAPISY PL - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I + 5DRS CV+AB/ST.BKR/ELEK.RAMEN/RADIO.CD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I + 5DRS CV+AB/ST.BKR/ELEK.RAMEN/RADIO.CD - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 0:57.


The Gang's All Here - Duration: 14:51.

Quick Clip cuz pulling Up to the airport ii i am Now off to a playlist live DC it's gonna be such a fun weekend

Got My Uber Driver as Always This is an intro of Every travel

Vlog Ever smile At A33 Airport Because i can't Get em ride

Pulling Up there Now and i'm gonna Get there it's something like a 45-minute flight Unless My flight Leaves in like an hour cuz i

Cut it real close to this airport but i'm gonna Get there soon and gonna. Have so much fun?

All right Y'All we Made It Here's the hotel Room before We trash It me Danny Janine and Shelby You're all gonna Be staying here?

I'm first to arrive well a lot i landed at 11:30 Danny Lines At 4:00

Janine and She'll Be Lit at Like 8:00 but all'S well it's Actually Good Because i can Like Edit some vids i'm not to go

Down Starbucks Get a Little

something to eat I'M starting and

Literally on the walk-in i met a Subscriber it's straight Walk into the door it's Funny That Happened last Year do and then i didn't

Meet Anyone for Like five more Hours so we'll see if That's gonna be how it is this Year Here we have the lobby?

This is Always so fun to people watch

especially When

She's Not somebody i know are they waving at me okay i think They're waving at me down there do you Guys see them

Look i don't know who that is They're waving Guys i Got my badge This is my first time being Featured

Literally I set a Goal While i set five Goals at The end of 2016

for My YouTube Channel and Being Featured a Playlist Is One of them so

Got it

How was your flight oh Delay It as Always

did you find American Yeah

I hate them so much we've Located a Nice view on the second Floor Overlooking the lobby?

Remember What this Looks Like Tomorrow it's gonna look quite different yeah i got some starbucks

That Was also quite the line That's also something That's not gonna be possible Tomorrow so today is like Business day Right Here you're working

For Playlist I have Read the Lowdown What'S today okay so today is business day so you have to have like a Special Pass like?

Do anything today

AnyBody can so come into the lobby but like in order to go to like the floor is only

Two Panels and Stuff You have to have a Business Pass Regular Registration opens Up 4:00 p.m.

There's a Party Tonight There's a Kick-off Party Tonight Yeah


Tomorrow's When the Madness ensues also i don't think i commented but i got more Eyelash extensions

Swear i wouldn't do that But Now i'm Just gonna

Go Broke Because i can't live Without them and i have located Food it is lunch Time

we both Got This little Chicken and cheese Thing White Get that first bite Reaction

so Good

Chicken so


They had all these Games from hasbro One of Which is the bopet Which i did not remember What it Was we Just opened it

and Now it'S all coming back to me

Talk about fun Am i right Danny

Danny Watching The view out there yeah shelby about to be here

Do it

I'm back on the roof where i witnessed last year if you Watch last Year so this long The prettiest Sunset of my entire life


Inclement weather Is

Inhibiting that at The moment But That's okay i have my little Glass of prosecco

Looks Like The probably the in club Lounge or something it's so like

Tap Turn

YouTuber Creator Lounge Sync

So we're getting some snacks Having a Drink and gonna Go maybe Get some dinner I'm Really not Hungry Cuz would a Big Launch of

Those Like Kind of latish and

Aaron and I i Just hang in i'm so Excited since you got Here i've like Hyped Up the energy Hey

different Level We Sat Down and She's like I'm so happy i'm so happy okay sorry i'm in a Great mood

Get Get With It okay there it is Early I'm so happy Where's Danny so getting Ready

For The backstage Pass Up sorts of the Main stage i don't know why Just follow

Followed The Crowd and here we are

You Ready

Someone Just Punch a Boyfriend Daddy

All right i forgot to blog for the past bitch but we post Mated some Food i got some pennies for Just a day With

Danielle and Kevin Now we Got The Whole squad ladies we Almost all Match

Right We Are Almost All Match But Danny's not Matching Either Excited Phil do That

Tomorrow Reena For me all blacks

Tomorrow a Black Ladies My Wife Will see babban so about to head Out so Excited and

Tonight Is the vip Party Number One and it's gonna be a lot of fun so i will Head there and then i gotta meet

Up at 10:00 a.m. And i don't know how much Else i'm gonna, Vlog this evening But


Next Morning Not alive

I'm still alive but wanna lie that you Sit on i've Been Barely we're grilling starbucks line I'm with Danielle and Sarah

And we're all Mostly we Eat Up today all Right Now we have Checked in for our meet up

We all chill in about to go

Like I love demi Lovato no That's the one song i like?

None of us Said we're going on Natural orange meat oh?

I'm waking Up a Little bit oh?

That Makes so much sense

I'm Nervous Now i should Have spit out my gum

That made It to the meal Here's Everybody can I meet Up give them that autograph Sarah hi i'm like shaky i think

But from Excitement Here

Like different I'm Here with the cutest Girls right Here They're from north Carolina north

Come on and represent and she might want to go to unc potentially so we're Just talking college are y'all having fun

Hi i'm here lily

And She Said she came to this Meetup for me she's the first person to say That and i'm so happy are you having fun?

I'm having a Great Time

Shoes Not The best choice at the moment but Hanging in there hello jenna our Meetup Between

It was the One like Carrying the orange Beat-Up Sign Who let us in she's so cute and she Just walked Around and had a

Basket of Food She's Like

And i was like Yeah i'll get this diet coke so i picked Up the cam she goes

Do You want Ice and Picked up out of This basket a cup of Ice

So i was like Yeah Actually Where's it come from

I'm like alive Now i'm having so much Fun They're playing some good music and i'm a coffee Kick It in it's a Great

Book She's Got these Little cat Ears i said it looks Like She's in on the What's it called the girl group in riverdale

It's okay

They Look Like They've Been best Friends their Whole Lives They've Known each Other oh?

Do you Guys Have anything you want to say to the vlog

Look What the Wind blew in back there i'm here with caroline you have anything You want to say to the vlog?

Straight Into the point i like it how are you rate the Meetups tara

Switches i hop how would we raise The Meetup right up right Up i

Was telling Her how brain-dead i am

First Meetup Well done is This your first wow That's a Good for Example it's Been a minute i Just woke up from a nap

Exhausted we're trying to make dinner Plans we're in Malawi

Tonight All Right Got The squad christie's Here

We have see each Other Actually since this Exact weekend last Year?

When It was decided That I looks like a Young Hillary Clinton you know and we're all gonna comment That she Does look like

We Got The squad we're walking to a sushi place I'm starving Blows Up for Dinner

Janine Actually Ate Here last night i'm sure they recommended It absolutely no One's here where they're where their sole income for today

right back in the Room and waking Up some we're all well Today's Wearing stripes deviating from the Plan We Thought last night and

We Asked What i don't know i'm talking ah we're all Wearing Black and we're about

to go

Meet Up with the rest of This squad and then Go down to the party but i'm planning on Staying for a Very Brief Amount

Of time Because i have to wake Up very Early so Um yeah we'll see how that Goes but

It'S gonna be fun and yeah i've Got nap like Ruined me like i was doing better at 7:00 a.m.

This Morning When i'd Wake up then i was doing

Two Hours Ago after i took off like Three or not but whatever all right gotta Head there now

All Right That's it for Today's, Vlog I'm Wondering on My iPhone them Because My camera is

It's probably Ten Feet Away But That Feels Very far right Now looks i'm so tired it's about 1:00 a.m.

I have to be up at Around eight ish to get Ready

I'm anko it's my Panel everything all Morning so our first Panel ever i'm so Excited it'S about growing up on Youtube so

We did Grow up on YouTube oh Geez right here and then uh?

My Voice is so loud and They're so you're like Yelling non-stop also yeah i Just pops it we can Ignore it it's cool it

Is the next day I'm here in the Green Room this is What It looks like it'S sort of like The holding Room for

you Check in here like 30 minutes before your Panel meet up in about What's Millennia sh Minutes Somebody Go off to my Panel

There's Been Reading Over the questions on my Phone

Not Really Been Thinking of What i'm gonna Say I Just wanted to like Read them Kids Already Curve Balls But They're Pretty Much Just

What i Expected to be talking about Should be a lot of fun

I don't know it's a Pretty like Easy topic to talk about because

Let'S Just Like about My so he's gonna be on side and y'All we're truly Living in 2017 look at This time It Says game

It'S a Headset wait i'll show it i show all This works?

What - all right What if you have Bad Vision those blur Together

About to go on the panel backstage

Come on i did not Expect it to be on the main stage we're all like oh okay?

I know i was like Hello look yeah i just met up with shelby and Danielle

They've Got Blogs we had Big plans for Brunch With like cinema and

It is party free right Now

Yeah we're like Family Brothers like one

Yeah Last Night we were like we had planned for like a day we're like we're gonna get a Really Good Dinner

Like Then we went to this like Really Cheap Sushi Was shut by the way you know it was bought ukulele find it oh yeah?

Saving That cash Money but it's Funny our plans have Been Really ambitious and Really Under Doing

This Is a Really Cool Place Danielle Tobias Turday and They have like

four They have couches and Stuff you can Sit on where the regular old table

Will Street View That's a Little close view i love some Greenery and first meal of The day We Have a Little


What i don't remember they call uS something Weird it's literally Just a Breakfast burrito but

Home fries i'll do cilantro so That's out There's a Lot

Jazzy Music coming back in the grove Again Danielle

Like Every night in la i got a couple Pieces of Jory at H&M trying to locate an uber does that not look like the

Bank in Harry potter Over There anyone i think so we're now on the roof

Playlist Just Spinning Out Some of our friends Have Left

Some of us still Here Just Chillin on the roof we Got a Little view

This is Finally Sunny Today so i'm hoping you're gonna have a Good Sunset so i think we might Just Hang Around Until Sunset?

Sun is still Very high we've Got a Ways. To go oh look how cute They are taking pics

more Pics Pics all Around Hey there's in a time i have fajitas

back at The Lounge That Was a Beautiful shot awesome We Got that Sunset

There we Go we Have this is John and if you Guys Know

I'm Fairly like How much Was It confident i've Showed a video before

Me like watching That World of Dan's Royal Family Like front Row view 12 minute long

Video Just Cuz it'S so good and i'm insisted that i watch it like once a month to like Feel like

motivated and so we see him in he has a World of dance Shirt and we're like Danielle's Like i

recognize that is yeah She's like oh you were like the Great World of Dance Like The competition on show and he's like Yeah i

Was in Royal Family and i Was like shut up

We're at a Lincoln We Have met a Subscriber?

How fitting Now by this Reflection Pool Everyone's Here reflecting and

Yeah all right Now back in the hotel Room mats you pack Up all my Stuff that Is over there i head out at

6:45 in the morning for a Really Early Flight and

Overall it's Just Been such a fun playlist live

For more infomation >> The Gang's All Here - Duration: 14:51.


Hyundai i10 1.0i I-Motion Unieke uitvoering. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i I-Motion Unieke uitvoering. - Duration: 0:54.


Chrysler Voyager 3.3I V6 LX - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Voyager 3.3I V6 LX - Duration: 0:59.


Apple Watch Series 3 — Surf — Apple - Duration: 0:46.


♪ Music playing ♪


For more infomation >> Apple Watch Series 3 — Surf — Apple - Duration: 0:46.


Florida Republicans Say Spending Money On Hurricane Relief Is "Theft" - Duration: 4:41.

As most people are fully aware, the United States has been suffering from a slew of natural

disasters within the last month.

Of those disasters, hurricanes Harvey and Irma have proven to be some of the most destructive

storms that have hit the United States, at least within the same month span, in quite

some time.

Irma has devastated Florida.

Now, she's made her way through Georgia, South Carolina, causing widespread destruction.

Harvey, as we all know, caused massive flooding in the city of Houston, and Galveston, and

other areas that were impacted by this storm.

Congress, rightfully so, has been working on aid packages to help people put their lives

back together and to help rebuild the areas that were devastated by these natural disasters.

It would make sense, for members of Congress, whether Democrat or Republican, to vote in

favor of these aid packages.

This isn't reckless government spending.

This is helping American citizens continue to live, to give them their homes back, to

give them their schools, and roads, and bridges back.

Remember, it's not just personal property that was lost here.

Federal property, roads, bridges, police departments, schools, absolutely obliterated in this storm.

Don't tell that to two Republican representatives from the state of Florida, Matt Gaetz and

Ted Yoho, because those two idiots, from the state of Florida that was just devastated,

decided to vote against those aid packages.


Well, as Matt Gaetz tells us, because it would be generational theft.

The government just can't be spending all this money on things.

"It's the government's job to take care of people in times of crises," according to Gaetz,

"but come on now, we've got to have a limit on how much we can spend."

For the record, Matt Gaetz, is the idiotic congressman who originally proposed the piece

of legislation to completely abolish the EPA.

Unfortunately, he also happens to be my representative right here in the Florida panhandle.

To be honest, I am very seriously considering launching a campaign against him for 28, because

I'm so pissed off at everything I've seen this idiot do since the day he came into office.

Gaetz, your state, the majority of your state, maybe not our district right here, has been

devastated by Hurricane Irma.

Same thing with you, Ted Yoho.

Your district actually did get pretty much destroyed, and you have the audacity to go

up there in Washington DC and say, "You know what?

You guys don't deserve any aid.

What about future generations?

What about the rest of the country?"

Let me tell you something.

If you think you have enough money to start giving shit away to millionaires and billionaires

in the form of tax breaks, but you don't have enough money to take care of people who lost

everything, then you're in the wrong business, then this country has the wrong priorities,

because that's what Republicans are trying to do.

They're saying, "To hell with the victims.

We're going to go ahead and give more money to millionaires, and billionaires, and corporations

who are polluting and destroying this country both physically and economically, because

we don't give a damn about you.


You lost everything, and the federal government is out millions, possibly billions, of dollars

because we can't repair the roads and schools and bridges.

Well, oh well.

These millionaire donors of mine need tax breaks."

That's what these Republicans are saying.

I sincerely hope that both of these men, that this is their last term in Congress.

They are selfish, disgusting, immoral.

I don't even want to continue that list of adjectives because it's going to get a little

not safe for work if I have to.

These are horrible human beings, Matt Gaetz and Ted Yoho.

That's the bottom line.

They want to give more money to millionaires while people in their own state are suffering,

wondering how they're going to put their lives back together, many not ever be able to fully

do that.

But, that's what you get when you vote Republican.

For more infomation >> Florida Republicans Say Spending Money On Hurricane Relief Is "Theft" - Duration: 4:41.


China's Thriving Pet Industry // Touring a Chinese Pet Market - Duration: 4:38.

Hey guys, today we're walking around Chengdu, China's pet market and we're

doing a little bit of shopping actually. Sara's a biology teacher. She has a fish

tank in her classroom, so we're looking for a few supplies for that, but I also

wanted to talk to you guys today about pets in China and how the whole industry

is growing really quickly. They're becoming more and more popular.

This is pretty overwhelming. There's a hedgehog over here.

So China is currently sitting at number three as far as dog population - dogs as

pets - which is pretty good, but considering the population of China - they

have about four times as many people as America and about half as many dogs. So

it's still growing. It's a market that has lots of room to grow.

Oh my god! Kitties!

That's so cool.

So according to goumin.com, it's a pet website in china, they say that the pet

industry is growing about 32.8% a year and has been since 2010 and will

continue to grow at that rate until 2020.

That is a huge turtle.

So why are pets becoming more popular in China now?

Well, some people say it's a sign of wealth. People that are buying them to show off.

If you have a pet it shows that, you know, you have extra spending money. I don't

know if that's the case for sure, but I do see some pets that are, like, really

groomed up to look like pandas, poodles with dye jobs, like things that you would

only do just to attract attention. It could also just relate to these people

have more money, so they can afford to have the pets now, they've always wanted

pets and now they can get them.

Interestingly enough though, the facts

show that the majority of pet owners in China are between the age of twenty and

thirty five actually seventy three point two percent of pet owners. You've got to

wonder if all the cute cat videos that are spread all over social media these

days have something to do with that.

Where are we going in here? This is uh...

dark and mysterious.

So if I was gonna spend some money on an industry in China, I think the pet

industry would be a pretty good choice. A lot of people are spending money on

grooming, on pet sitting, bathing their pets, all kinds of stuff. Even - uh,

subscriptions to dog television. Television for your dog. Plus on top of

that, you got all your your fees for food and medical bills.

Is that a groundhog?

Get some snacks? Yeah!

Ok, we're headed out and we got what we needed

some fish food, some plants. We didn't buy any animals, but there were quite a

few. Some that surely shouldn't be in cages. Make sure you subscribe and you

hit the bell icon after you subscribe you will get yourself notified every

time I put up a new video. Pets are cool stay in school.

For more infomation >> China's Thriving Pet Industry // Touring a Chinese Pet Market - Duration: 4:38.


Hilal & Leon | Another Love - Duration: 1:06.



How does love start in one's heart?

When does it grow to the point to ask for the impossible?

Leon: Let yourself go for once.

Hilal: Don't you dare touch me again.

Leon: To have feelings for a rebellious Turkish girl is not acceptable.

Hilal: You mean nothing to me from now on.

Hilal: Please accept my apologies.

Leon: Your apologies have been accepted.

Leon: Why aren't your eyes looking into mine?

Leon: If we want to, we can forget this war.

Mehmet: Why are you protecting this man?

Hilal: Because I love him!

Hilal: Let's pay the price together.

Leon: Will you wait for me?

Hilal: I'll wait.

For more infomation >> Hilal & Leon | Another Love - Duration: 1:06.


From Italy To Endless Love: Episode 1, Meet The Travelers (+ ENG SUB) - Duration: 15:17.

una web serie about Nightwish Italian fans

we chose 9 fans, in each episode they will discuss their 'being a Nightwisher'. Let's meet them

Hi Nightwishers, I am Silvia

I am 24 years old

and I am a die-hard NW fan

Hi! I am Eric

And I am Matilde

Hi everybody! My name is Valeria

I am 22 years old

and I study in Milan

Hello! I am Antonietta and I am 50

I live in Cortefranca near Brescia

I am Loris

I have been a member of the fanclub

from the very beginning

so I had to take part in this documentary

Bonjour! My name is Claudia

I am 18 years old and I study at Languages High School

Next year I will have my state examination

I live near Corsico-Milan

Hello hello hello Nightwishers friends!

let me introduce myself, I am Gloria

But there's more: a part of the serie will be filmed in Kitee

Hi, I am Adriano, I am 20

I live in Calalzo di Cadore,

A lost hamlet in Belluno's Dolomiti (Veneto)

I am the one that will bring you the videos from Kitee

especially for this fandoc part

Our Nightwishers introduce themselves

with five objects that represent them

In this short video I will show you

5 things that represent me

Let's begin with the funniest one

This huge toothbrush

so fluffy!

and this dentist's mirror

This is because I am a dental hygienist

I take care of mouth and teeth health

So I tell you this: BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!

with a fluffy toothbrush!!

5 objects...

The first one: a ''Magic'' card

It's a card game I really love

one of my passions

my object is a camera

because taking pictures has always been one of my passions

This is ''The Phantom of the Opera

the edition of the 25th anniversary

from the first staging in London

It is the very first musical I ever listened to

and I fell in love with

I am a professional cook

So by popular demand, my first object is

related to my job

it's my personal knife

My coworker call it ''Holy santoku'' (typical Japanese knife)

because I lend it only in exceptional situations

The objects I am going to show you are:

A drumstick because I am drummer

and this is my very first passion

since I was a kid

First of all there's this one

*mumbles: oh god if I loose it I am lost too*

here it is: it is a pick, a NW pick, Marco's pick!

*mumbles: uhg no, no messages pop up please!!''

I love music and I play guitar

of course this is also about NW

So it blends these two things I love

Let's begin!

The first thing I will show is

This book:

It's titled ''Afterdark''

It's the first book that introduced me to Murakami

It also represents

my obsession for reading

and anything from Japan and japanese culture

The first object I want you to see is

my book about ''Innistrad''

for those unaware it is part of Magic The Gathering

the famous card play

And I chose this because I love reading and fantasy

and of course I like Magic!!

I am book lover

I love reading, every genre! I really read everything

But my favourite books are fantasy- gothic

with vampires! This one is about Dracula

totally recommended!

Proceding with important objects...

we have this one, my first swedish book

it really mirrors me because

Swedish is my main language course at the university

Some years ago I got interested in bike and cycling

this is my helmet, I use it with my mountain bike

I go biking in the week ends

when the weather is good

so I can run and wander near my house

The second object is

this make up brush

is one of the first make up brushes I ever bought

it's actually a blush brush

it shows my love for make up

My laptop

because I write, I love writing

through my laptop I write down my thoughts and I express my self

I tried to write my books

The second item that represents me is

a garment, a pair of jeans

it's my second skin

these trousers are the ones that I wore

at the italian concerts of the band

this one is an amulet

For me it has a completely different meaning

it is the symbol of equilibrium

everything that is...

I don't know how to explain it

but is everything that is good, and that you need

to have an equilibrium

this is what this lucky charm is about for me

Singing is my real love

I am trying to make it big

this is my microphone

custom made, I use it at home

*Sings ''The Phantom Of The Opera*

That's it!

Here we have a passion in common!

Eric: I play guitar... Matilde: and I sing

We would like to create a NW Cover Band

and by the way, my mic is signed by Marco!


This is my first finnish book

I used it in Erasmus

I must say that it has been very useful because

finnish is not easy at all!

Another passion I have since a child

is cars!

I now own real cars and model, like this one

I have several scale models

of every type

We have this orange notebook

It may not seems like something special

But if we look inside we see tons of notes and summaries

It's the notebook I am using to prepare my next exam

I am studying in Rome, to get a ''Human Nutrition Degree''

Because nutrition has always fascinated me

In fact I am already a dietitian

I love reading, in particular thrillers

My favourite author is Patricia Cornwell

This is her first book I ever read, in the 90

I fell in love with the adventures of

the Forensic Pathologist named Kay Scarpetta

and since then I bought every book

I already shown it, this is Elan

Elan is my favourite song

I know it's not the best NW song

Basically Elan, as a song, completely changed my life

and I am not kidding

My leather jacket

because even though I am a good guy

I am and I always will be a metalhead

I follow Paganism

Here's my pentacle

But I really want to show you is

my tarot deck

I can read tarots

You could be easily surprised by

by the truthful responses tarots can give


This is a Darth Vader keychain

It represents me because

I am a ''little bit'' fanatic

The fourth object I am showing you is

an old Wrestling Card Album

It's mine, not my son's

as you may guess

I really like Wrestling

we often watch it at home

we also buy live events from the U.S.A

My passion for cars encouranged me to

study, from high school to university,

mechanics. I graduated in engineering

this is my book, a fundamental piece in my bookshelves

my fourth element is

I chose this,

this controller

it's a Xbox controller

videogames, gaming

and all that concerns games and consoles

have marked a huge part of my teenhood

and still today, at the honorable age of

almost 25

I am a proud gamer

My necklace with Marco's pick

it's an accessory that I always wear

and he is my favourite singer

the first object of my chart is this album

the second NW album I ever listened to

and the album of the first NW concert I ever saw

then we have this thing:

it might seems banal, like: ''yeah, you like music, here's headphones''

this is true also but I chose these headphones because

even though they are broken,

they accompanied me abroad

and it was the ''fullest'' year in my life

everything happened

psychologically and about experiences

A NW object

the first album I bought

in 2004

I hope light doesn't shine too much

the original version of Once, I got in the release year

moreover is a limited edition!!

my disc is Endless Forms

because....uhm...dunno! Why?

Because it's Floor first album

and it is also the first concert I attended

Lastly, the object that introduced to the band

Originally the DVD I borrowed from a friend

then I bought it for my own collection

I then show you this one:

This is the first Fanclub tshirt I got with the membership card

I wore it 24h 7 days per week

to do anything, even cleaning up

and as you can see the tee is

worn out and bleached

well, it's now fully personal!!

it truly represents me because I am a little messy

I couldn't wish for a better t-shirt

the fifth object is about NW

and it's Dark Passion Play

I chose it because it's the first one I bought

it's also the one that marked my becoming a fan

at first I was only a listener

but after buying DPP

I became so passioned that I bought all the albums too

from the first to the last

and some gadgets, limited editions...

every NW object I own

is very important to me, and they all represent me

I also wear the jewels

I got them as a 50th birthday present

and I am very happy about it

Last but not least

something NW themed

my Elan single

the first single I got autographed

it's my ''ode to joy''

when I am sad I sing this song

and I reborn completely

at last my NW object

I hope you can see it properly

Himos Park 2016 poster

it's signed by Tuomas

I was given this poster in November

by Plamen, the music teacher of the band

these were my objects

I hope I will show you something interesting from Kitee

but also something good for this fandoc

See you soon, from the Kitee Music and Art Festival in July

Goodbye! Keep metal and carry on!!

To be continued

A web serie created by: Nightwishers Italy,

the official italian fanclub of Nightwish

For more infomation >> From Italy To Endless Love: Episode 1, Meet The Travelers (+ ENG SUB) - Duration: 15:17.


Arsenal should start Alexis Sanchez, Jack Wilshere and Reiss Nelson to make sure of victor - Duration: 8:59.

Arsenal should start Alexis Sanchez, Jack Wilshere and Reiss Nelson to make sure of victory against Cologne in the Europa League

ARSENAL take on Cologne in the Europa League on Thursday at the Emirates.

Having not had to play in the tournament for 17 years, only a win is acceptable for Arsene Wengers side.

Arsenal are gearing up for their first game of this seasons Europa League.

Gunners last played in Europes second-tier back in 1996-97.

The last time the Gunners played in this competition it was called the Uefa Cup and they were beaten by Galatasaray on penalties in the final.

Football Whispers look at what team Arsenal should play against the Bundesliga side and whether Arsene Wenger should go with youth, or play his first-choice side.

Just like Manchester United showed last season, the Europa League can provide teams with a gateway back into the Champions League.

It's always been seen as the poorer little brother of Europe's elite competition, but when teams like Arsenal can't guarantee they can finish in the top four, it requires respect and can't just be dismissed.

In the early stages, there is scope to find the balance between youth and experience.

Arsenal were handed a favourable draw, with fixtures against BATE Borisov and Red Star Belgrade also to come.

  Arsenal 3-0 Bournemouth: Gunners hit back with morale boosting victory against Bournemouth at the Emirates.

Alexis Sanchez could be in line for a start against Koln at the Emirates.

  Arsenal midfielder Francis Coquelin does funny swan dive when he pulls his Hamstring.

Koln have lost three of their four games this term.

In fact, their only win came against TS Lever in the DFB Pokal - a side who play in the fifth tier.

A 1-0 defeat to Borussia Monchengladbach on the opening day was followed up with a 3-1 home defeat to Hamburg.

Then at the weekend they fell again, conceding another three away at Augsburg.

Arsenal shouldn't need to be at full-strength to take on Koln this Thursday, but you can't risk taking the chance on a full XI of inexperienced kids.

Winning 3-0 at home to Bournemouth on Saturday will give Arsene Wenger's team confidence.

However, it's still been a shaky start to the season.

Conceding three and going behind to Leicester was masked by the 4-3 win, but defeats to Stoke City and Liverpool exposed weaknesses in the North London side.

  Asmir Begovic bursts the football after some dodgy goalkeeping for Bournemouth at Arsenal.

Jack Wilshere could be eased back into the first-team against Koln.

They still have a strong squad, and with some seasoned heads, mixed with some of their promising young players, the Gunners could still go far in the competition.

Here is how Arsenal should line up for Thursday's fixture at the Emirates.

With Petr Cech in goal, and Shkodran Mustafi in front, you have the start of a strong spine.

With Laurent Koscielny suspended, Rob Holding and Nacho Monreal are the best options on either side.

In midfield, this would be the perfect chance to hand Jack Wilshere some minutes.

He hasn't played for the Gunners in 13 months and is now fit after recovering from a broken leg.

On the right, Wenger would have the chance to reward Reiss Nelson for his superb displays for the Under-23 side.

  Wenger says Sanchez will be back at Arsenal and at his best soon.

Reiss Nelson is also pushing for a start in Arsene Wengers XI.

The 17-year-old has scored six goals in four games, including a stunning free-kick against Manchester United on Friday.

He's able to play as a wing-back or as a central midfielder.

With Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain gone, Nelson has all the attributes to replace the versatility the Liverpool signing offers.

Up front, Wenger could opt to give starts to Theo Walcott and Alexis Sánchez.

Both have combined for 108 minutes so far and need more time on the pitch to gain match sharpness.

On the left, Danny Welbeck deserves another start after his excellent display against the Cherries.

Rather than picking a young side that could face the wrath of the home crowd, adding players who need minutes with some exceptional youth talent is the ideal mixture for Thursday's fixture.

  Liverpool 4-0 Arsenal: Firmino, Mane, Salah and Sturridge score as Reds smash terrible Gunners.

Keep up to date with ALL the football news, gossip, transfers and goals on our club page plus fixtures, results and live match commentary.

For more infomation >> Arsenal should start Alexis Sanchez, Jack Wilshere and Reiss Nelson to make sure of victor - Duration: 8:59.


Summer relaxation or summer jobs during college - Duration: 7:35.

What did I do during the summers while being in college?

Well, during my sophomore year, I had a Computer Science class where the professor was so nice.

His name was Dr. Liu and we just clicked.

Actually, for tests, he would come to my dorm room and help me to take the tests.

Since it was a lot of math, a regular person would have had a really hard time understanding

how to write the answers.

Since Dr. Liu knew the steps to figure out the answer, he knew what questions to ask

me to do the answers.

I remember my very first computer programming final.

I started at 8:00 in the morning and I gave up at 5:00.

I didn't have any food or drink during that time.

The person who was writing for me had no idea what programming was so I was very frustrated.

After that experience, I knew I had to be friends with the teacher assistants.

That helped a lot.

Now getting back to Dr. Liu, he asked me if I had any plans for the summer.

I said no.

He told me that he had a project for me and another student.

I was in shock by this awesome opportunity, but there was a huge problem to solve before

accepting the job and that was the dorm that I stayed in was closed for the summer.

I would have to rent an apartment and get people to help me during the summer.

I asked an aide who was at the dorm since August.

She was pretty good in helping me.

She said yes she could be my room mate.

I asked a few friends at church if they would help me during the summer.

They said sure so we found an apartment

That summer was just wonderful for me.

I learned a lot about programming.

I also developed true friendships.

I never had a real job before.

Sometimes I helped out at Easter Seals with making address labels and other small jobs.

All in all, the summer was really helpful in determining what I wanted to do for a career.

The following spring, there was a job fair at the student union.

My friend helped me to create a resume.

I thought that it would be a good exercise to do.

I never thought I would get a summer job.

So the following day my friend and I went to the student union.

We walked around talking to people.

We started to talk to Unisys.

The guy was really interested in me and my friend and the recruiter exchanged phone numbers.

We left the fair.

I was excited but I did not want to put my hope too high.

Around six my friend called me that the guy wanted to see my computer set up in my dorm


I said absolutely so all three of us met before he was heading to Michigan.

Yes, I said Michigan.

I would have to live there for ten weeks.

I think that he offered me the position on the spot.

My mom had to find a place for me to stay and an aide who could help me.

She was successful with both things and found transportation for me so I could get to work

and back.

She found two dorm rooms at a local small university.

There was a local agency where we hired a guy who was going to help me during the summer.

We moved in on a Saturday and the guy came in later that day.

We just took him to dinner and tried to get to know him.

He asked us how much money we were paying the agency.

We told him and did not think about it.

Sunday morning came and my parents walked into the dorm and the guy was packed and was

waiting for a taxi.

He said he could not do the job.

My mom was very good at changing people's minds.

She asked him why he could not help.

Basically, he would be making $200 a month and could not send that amount home in Mexico.

My mom didn't try to convince him to stay.

What now?

The only thing that we could do is to have my mom stay with me.

The university said that she could stay.

That was a huge blessing.

Dad would visit every weekend and that was a big help for us.

Working for Unisys was unbelievable helpful for me in knowing what it is like working

for a corporation.

They had two components that I would be programming for a banking system for the United Kingdom.

I fell in love with programming that summer.

The department was really small and the people were really friendly.

God makes everything possible for a reason no matter if the outcome is good or bad.

I graduated in four and a half years so I had another summer to do something.

My friend found a project at Washington University in Saint Louis.

I thought that would be a great experience so I applied.

I thought I would never get it because students from the top universities would get it.

I got a letter that said I was accepted.

They already knew that I was disabled and needed help.

If I could bring an aide with me, they would have given the same opportunity to them as


I asked a friend at the dorm and he said he could go with me.

Matt was going into law, not computers.

So, what would he do for the summer since we were in a Computer Science Department?

The amazing thing was there was a Computer Science professor who also had his law degree.

Everything worked out wonderful.

The other students accepted me and we did things at night and on the weekends.

The project that I was working on was interesting and challenging.

Looking back on the three summer experiences gave me the confidence that programming was

the field for me.

Without that experience, the classroom work did not really prepare me for a job after


If you are in college yourself and you figure out what field you are going into, I highly

suggest that you should find a professor who can work with during the summer.

That will really help you.

If you can not find a professor to work with, just go to the career center at your college

and see if they could help you to find a summer job.

That is the best way to know your field.

Trust me.

For more infomation >> Summer relaxation or summer jobs during college - Duration: 7:35.


Harmful Persistence In Beatmaking - Duration: 2:51.

welcome to beacon where I deconstruct hip-hop beats today I want to talk about

failure and persistence every once in a while there is a comment on the making

hip-hop subreddit that says and if you make X beats per day for Y weeks you'll

definitely get better but will you persistence is praised

we're told that persistent people always succeed because they have what it takes

to get up and try again I wholeheartedly agree with that but I think a crucial

detail is missing mere persistence will not get you where you want to go when

you're trying to learn how to play guitar and you practice every day you

expect to be getting better right but if you're consistently making the same

mistake in your practice routine it actually makes it more difficult for you

to play because you've engraved that mistake into your muscle memory and it

messes with everything you do in your playing you were persistent with your

practice routine but instead of helping you grow it set you back because now you

also have to relearn and it takes much more time and effort than just studying

something new so if your process is the same each time you sit down to make X

beats per day for Y weeks your results are not going to vary significantly and

the only thing you're gonna develop is the patterns you follow in your process

which could be the very thing you're trying to break free from by embarking

on this x beats per day for y weeks journey and in the end of last week when

you look at all the work you've done you might find that you're not happy with it

that this is not something you hoped you'll end up with I think this is very

dangerous to our faith in ourselves I can easily picture someone feeling

disheartened looking at all the work they've done but not seeing much

progress in it I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we get more specific

about the things we want to get better at there's a greater chance that we'll

be able to develop approaches that would help us grow but what I just said is

useless if you're just opening your first DAW for the first time the amount

of everything you want and need to know is overwhelming there's no way you can

set specific goals for yourself at this point what you can do though is just

play with it without thinking much about what is supposed to go where and how

everything should work together this example might be dumb but as kids we all

play it pretending to be adults and now that we actually are adults and we know

what it feels like we can compare our experience to how we imagined being an

adult was when we're little to me it feels like we got all of it right even

though we were just playing it's the same thing here but a lot faster you

have to have that child phase when you're just starting out

when you don't care about the end result and you don't hold yourself responsible

for not making something good you'll be learning a lot by just messing around

but it's important to catch the moment when it's time to get more systematic

and organized with your work at that point you'll already be equipped with

enough knowledge to be able to recognize things you can do to improve and that's

when being specific about your goals and applying the right kind of persistence

come in that's it for today share what helped you improve or your plans for the

future in the comments thank you for watching and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Harmful Persistence In Beatmaking - Duration: 2:51.


Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headset - Duration: 9:31.

Thanks for the likes and comments!

Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headset - Duration: 9:31.


Patient Testimonial: Brenda Kay Senne - Total Knee Replacement - Duration: 7:49.

(upbeat music)

- My name is Brenda Kay Senne, and I am 58 years old.

I'm from a small town in Iowa called Thompson,

and it's in Winnebago County,

and it's right along the Minnesota border,

so I'm about an hour away from the Clarion facility.

And I had a total right knee replacement

on November 30th 2016, so I'm eight weeks post-op.

Basically through word of mouth.

I had a relative that had a partial knee replacement,

and then in the facility at that I work in, Garner at IMT,

there were several patients of Dr. Lee

that highly recommended him.

Plus, I did a lot of research online.

I was very concerned about infection rates,

and this hospital had the lowest

infection rate of all of them

that I had considered going to.

I had lack of movement.

I was less than 75% flexion.

I could not walk more than a block

without having to stop and rest.

With being bone-on-bone and the bone spurs,

it was just pain, constant.

It was always there.

It was there when you slept,

it was there when you were holding your grandbaby.

I mean, you constantly had that pain.

I'm still so new.

I'm only eight weeks out.

I'm still in physical therapy,

but I'm so excited because I was able to actually

cycle all the way around last, no, Monday

in therapy on a bike,

and I haven't been able to do that for years.

So, I'm thinking that's probably

the biggest thing that's happened to me in my life

for a long time, is being able to get my legs

to actually ride a bike.

A lot of people take that for granted,

but when you can't and you're not able to,

it's kinda, it's hard, because it's a part of your lifestyle

that you really don't wanna give up,

but you're forced to.

Oh, man, when I was here in the hospital,

they made my stay absolutely wonderful.

I did not wanna leave.

I begged on my last day, just let me stay here one more day.

They are, I consider them part of my family,

even though I only spent two days with them.

They took care of me, they made me feel comfortable,

they provided me with the inspiration that I needed.

You know, when you're, I'm a big person.

I'm 5'8.5", and when they told me

two hours after surgery

that it was time to get up and walk,

I just look at them and said,

"Are you sure this knee can handle my body size?"

You know, and they gave me all the confidence in the world,

and once they got me out of bed, we walked,

and I walked, and I walked,

which was just amazing.

Without pain!

No pain, first time in about 20 years.

If you're apprehensive about getting something fixed,

then it's not bad yet.

I mean, you know.

You get to the point where you know you can't,

your whole life is changed because of

something that you have no control over.

Case in point, I became a new grandma,

and, okay, I'm gonna cry.

My son told me that I could hold him,

unless I was sitting down,

because they were afraid I was gonna fall.

Trip and fall, 'cause I have done that.

I had to have surgery on my arm,

'cause I tripped and broke my wrist.

But I knew that I needed to have a new knee.

I had to find somebody who would do it.

I had my third surgery on my knee.

I was only able to regain a flexion of probably 90%.

And so from that point on, and that was 20 years ago

was my last knee surgery.

So, from that point on, it just,

I could feel it slowly getting worse and worse.

Things that I enjoyed doing like golfing

and that sort of stuff, I had given up doing

because it became so difficult to do.

But when I fell and broke my arm,

you know, it was kinda like I blamed it on the icy sidewalk.

You know, that sort of thing.

And then I started thinking, no,

it was because I wasn't picking my leg up

because I don't have that mobility to do that anymore.

And then, in the last year and a half,

it had gotten worse.

I mean, to the point where

I was pretty much walking straight-legged,

and walking with my hip.

I wasn't using any of my knee joint whatsoever,

'cause there wasn't anything there to use.

And then with the conversation with my son about

the safety of me and the new baby,

then I knew that things really must be bad

when my children are telling me,

"You need to have this done.

"You need to get this fixed now."

My daughter kept saying,

"You can't be miserable like this anymore, mom.

"We've got too much we wanna do with you,

"and sitting in a chair is not one of them,"

which is what I had to do.

Most orthopedic surgeons that I saw

before I saw Dr. Kakade told me that I was too young,

because the life of a knee replacement

is guestimated at about 20 years,

and at 55 and 56, you know,

they kept telling me that I was going to

outlive the life of my knee replacement.

And like I told a lot of orthopedic surgeons that I saw is,

if you make me wait to that magical number,

which no one could really give me,

be it 62, or 65, or however old,

I will be in a wheelchair.

I won't be walking anymore.

And I'd rather take the chance

of having a new knee and enjoying a lifestyle

that someone my age does,

and worry about the wheelchair

in the later life of my knee,

which to me makes no sense,

because I'd rather be in a wheelchair

at 78 than at 58, by far.

And, like, the way that the medical community and

all of the changes that we've seen in the last 20 years,

who knows, maybe they'll have a more bionic way

for me to survive in 20 more years.

Who knows?

But yeah, and I'll take the wheelchair

20 years from now instead of now.

Iowa Specialty Hospital and Orthopedic Specialists,

I would recommend to anybody.

Actually, I already have.

I've referred four of my friends,

not all knee patients, but shoulders, hips, and knees,

to visit these people, talk to them.

They're kind, they're informative,

they are intelligent, they know their field,

and I've not found anybody better

in any of the research that I've done.

For more infomation >> Patient Testimonial: Brenda Kay Senne - Total Knee Replacement - Duration: 7:49.


CHINA'S NEW SILK ROAD - ONE BELT ONE ROAD (A Brief Overview) - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> CHINA'S NEW SILK ROAD - ONE BELT ONE ROAD (A Brief Overview) - Duration: 6:44.


How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast and Naturally at Home | Cure It Naturally - Duration: 3:25.

Toenail fungus also known as Onychomycosis is a very common problem

symptoms include inflammation swelling yellowing thickening or crumbling of the nail

it is usually not painful unless the infection spreads

fungus tends to thrive under certain conditions such as abnormal ph levels of the skin a

weakened immune system continuous exposure to a moist environment

including sweaty shoes and socks poor hygiene and diabetus if left untreated

toenail fungus can cause cracking splitting and even complete loss of the

toenail the good news is that toenail fungus is curable and can be treated

inexpensively in this video I shared some best and simple home remedies for

toenail fungus Tea Tree Oil tea tree oil has antiseptic as well as antifungal

properties that help a lot in the treatment of toenail fungus this oil is

also used to treat other kinds of skin infections mix a few drops of tea tree

oil in one teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil use a cotton ball to apply

the mixture on the affected toenail leave it on for 10 minutes and then use

a toothbrush to gently scrub the affected nail do this two or three times

daily until you are satisfied with the result

Apple Cider Vinegar apple cider vinegar is mildly acidic and can help prevent

toenail fungus from spreading at the same time it kills bacteria and fungi

use apple cider vinegar to treat toenail fungus mix equal parts of apple cider

vinegar and water soak your toenail in this solution for 30 minutes daily

when done dry your toenail thoroughly when used daily for a few weeks you will

notice improvement very quickly Baking Soda baking soda is a readily available

staple in most kitchens that can also be used to cure toenail fungus it will also

help neutralize foot odor add 1/2 cup of baking soda 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen

peroxide and 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to 4 cups of hot water mix the ingredients

thoroughly and then add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to it soak the affected toenail

in this solution for about 10 minutes wash with clean water and dry your foot

thoroughly repeat the process twice daily for several week if you liked the

video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends for more home remedies

and healthy tips subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast and Naturally at Home | Cure It Naturally - Duration: 3:25.


Live Life On Your Own Terms

For more infomation >> Live Life On Your Own Terms


👑👑 [Afro-House] - Deejay Poco - Las Varandas - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Afro-House] - Deejay Poco - Las Varandas - Duration: 3:35.



I wil show you how you can instal fifa 18 demo on pc

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You must instal ORIGIN aplication, so please visit the link "download" and instal the aplication!

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For more infomation >> CUM SA INSTALEZI FIFA 18 DEMO PE PC | ORIGIN | HOW TO INSTALL FIFA 18 DEMO ON PC - Duration: 1:18.


Como augmentar nuestra motivación - Duration: 5:57.

Hello! How are you? how are you? Welcome back! in this video I would like to talk to you

on aspects that influence our motivation when we are in a process of change

so let's go in!

What is important to keep in mind is that at the moment when we think about change

whether it be our work, our personal relationships,

in our sentimental relationships, our personal development and even in our education

what we do is to generate a present state and a desired state.

The connection between these two states gives us a problem.

A problem that we have created in our present

that at the same time, reciprocally, what is generating us is an objective.

A goal to focus on this desired state.

Our behavior, what we will think,

what we will feel will be different in one state or another.

And to move from one state to another, we will need: Resources

And the main resource is ours: Motivation

The motivation would be the gas we need to start this trip

that is to say of passing from this present state to the desired one.

What will contain the motivation will be determined by three aspects

First, this desired state has to be something we really want

or something that we really want.

The second aspect will be that: we really have to be committed to this desired state

with the obtaining of this desired state and its attainment

and third and not least it is that:

we really think it is an attainable and useful goal.

If these three premises are not met our motivation level will drop.

Low and then what can generate this? That is, I started a process of change process

from a present state to a desired state

but that my motivation level is not high enough

and that these three premises are not fulfilled and what happens? is that I stay halfway.

And when I stay halfway, I experience frustration.

That can lower my confidence level and we do not want it in any moment!

so ask yourself when you are facing a problem, before a goal

to achieve a desired state

Is it really something you want? Are you committed enough to that?

Do you really think it is achievable and useful?

for example, something very common would be to say: I want to lose five kilos

But is it really something I want? Can that really help me?

Am I really committed to starting an exercise plan and diet from a nutrition plan?

because maybe yes, it would be fine, I could ... I should ... but I feel good and

there is no real reason that really motivates me to want to lose those five kilos.

Maybe with a couple, I'm already very happy

But how my speech is in him should ... and it would be fine ... that I .... had a less size

initiated a change without actually being committed to this change.

Nor do you really connect with the utility you have in me

lose those five kilos.

If those five kilos really are affecting your health

then yes, there is, there will be a real motive, but if you feel good,

you're great, great, but there seems to be a social, environmental,

that with five kilos could be better ...

Is that a problem you have generated?

Or is it a problem that is generating who? Whose goal is this?

because if you really want it, you're committed and you think it's really useful and beneficial

you're going to have gasoline, enough energy, enough motivation

to be able to start that journey towards your desired state.

It happens that many times we raise problems in our present state that are not ours

And we try and we want to do them but they are not ours, they do not connect with what our real motivation is

and it is very important to take these three premises into account

that affect our motivation, because that will cause

any change process that I started, personal, professional,

social relations, sentimental even in education

by the time I start it I will be really committed to this

sufficiently motivated to achieve this desired state

thus reinforcing my self-confidence.

and so far I would like you to tell me

if in some process of change that elements were those that made difficult not

hindered your motivation, what were those reasons that made you

that you will not reach your desired state, to your goal.

I hope this video has been useful, and if so give the "Like"

and if you have not already done so, do not forget to subscribe to keep up to date

of the contents that we will be publishing

and see you next week! Bye!

For more infomation >> Como augmentar nuestra motivación - Duration: 5:57.



Hello, today I share them, these amazing Remedies for hemorrhoids.

Before we begin, I invite you to subscribe for free and activate notifications.


Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments, however, found

in an area "taboo" many people suffer in silence.

If you have pain, swelling or itching, here we are several home remedies

the hand to alleviate these ailments.


inflammatory garlic.

Garlic is considered one of the home remedies more anti-inflammatory power.

Simply boil for 30 minutes 2 cloves garlic, crushed in

two cups of water, let cool, strain and apply compresses on hemorrhoids.

You can also place a peeled garlic clove into the rectum and leave overnight to

more effectively.


Aloe vera or aloe.

Aloe vera is one of the ingredients of the kit header grandma and can

help relieve itching, burning and inflammation.

Cut a sheet of aloe vera and applying the same liquid several times a day, especially

after evacuating it is advisable to clean the area before applying.


Sitz baths.

Sitz baths are one of the most popular home remedies to reduce inflammation,

pain and itching of hemorrhoids.

For a sitz bath a bath, hot water is required and can be added if so

For a leaf decoction of horehound, horsetail or mauve.

The recommended duration is 15 to 30 minutes, the water will produce venous contraction

and reduce inflammation.


Pope miraculous.

A raw potatoes or potatoes are attributed anti-inflammatory and soothing properties

and its use in poultice or suppository form is recommended to relieve symptoms


You can scratch a potato and apply to the area several times a day, or, peel and cut

as a suppository.

Placed into the anus for a period of 20 minutes after evacuation.


Tomato poultice.

The tomato is a food that we always have at hand and attributed to him

resfrescantes and astringent properties.

You must place a cold tomato cut into slice on hemorrhoids by pressing.

The more mature better, let it act for 15 minutes daily and wash carefully

with cold water.



Horse chestnut is one of the most widely used medicinal plants to improve circulation

blood and inflammation.

It can be consumed as a tea or extract put compresses on Buckeye


Hemorrhoid sufferers can use the extract with a mixture of alcohol and water

to relieve inflammation, itching and sudden pain.


Spinach pasta.

This remedy is very appropriate to reduce swelling of hemorrhoids, as it has

a relaxing effect.

You need 3 sheets of chopped spinach as thin as possible and chopped

tablespoon olive oil, mixing until a smooth paste.

Apply a small amount of the paste on and within the anus, Leave it for a period

20 minutes.


With chamomile.

Since ancient times, Mexicans have used this herb to treat disorders

digestive as diarrhea, indigestion or cramps.

Chamomile oil can be applied directly, or can prepare a

infusion some dried leaves and flowers.

Boil for 15 minutes and applied with a cotton swab moistened well.


Flaxseed drink water.

Two tablespoons of flaxseed a day can loosen the stomach contents

and help relieve constipation and hemorrhoids.

Soak the seeds in water one hour before eating to seize properties

Mucus obtained.

The properties of the slug of flaxseed are due to its protein content, lecithin

and especially linoleic acid.


Ice magic.

The use of ice on the skin is one of the "grandmother's recipes" more effective.

It is a remedy at hand is the ice and provides immediate relief.

Just get ice, put it in a bag or wrap it in a cloth and place

in the affected area.

Ice should not directly touch the anus, as it can cause burns.

Do you have any idea of ​​this?

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



12 Poderosos Antibióticos Naturales Y Caseros Que Sí Funcionan, Antibioticos Naturales - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> 12 Poderosos Antibióticos Naturales Y Caseros Que Sí Funcionan, Antibioticos Naturales - Duration: 5:43.


Love On Top - «Este exercício tira as máscaras e faz-nos olhar com o coração» - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> Love On Top - «Este exercício tira as máscaras e faz-nos olhar com o coração» - Duration: 13:33.



For more infomation >> Lexus RX 300 EXECUTIVE Aut NAVI LEDER CRUISE ELEKTR. STOEL VERWARMD '01 - Duration: 0:56.


Homilia | Padre César Moreira - Missa de Aparecida - Matriz Basílica - 11 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Padre César Moreira - Missa de Aparecida - Matriz Basílica - 11 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 14:32.


¿Por qué leer? (Spanglish Version) ǀ Un Cinéfilo Entre Libros - Duration: 1:53.

Why I read?

Because reading invited us to discover infinite worlds where ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.


and take advantage of THE PEARKS OF BE A WALLFLOWER.

And world where there are PAPER TOWNS and A MONSTER CALLS to explain THE MÉCANIQUE DU COEUR.

On this way my heart begins to live an endless number of emotions,


LES MISERABLES will show their most humble side. Everyone's LAS VISITAS will be the stars and THE GOLDEN COMPASS

will tell me the way to them.

In another life, my soul will be renewed because the problems will not worry me anymore.



MATILDA will immerse herself in the world of INK HEART and then decide where we live.

What Abut Love? Love will not have me DESESPERADO because I know that THE FAULT IN OUR STARS we will meet,

even if they spend the

BINBIR GECE waiting for that moment. When the TWILIGHT falls or before BREAKING DOWN taking care that the ECLIPSE

doesn't leave us blind.

And they believe that life was ABZURDAH, right?

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