Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 12 2017

Pope came here, so?

All of this discomfort and just because the pope is coming

After that Colombia spends 30 thousand millon pesos for bring him

on top of everything

we have to put up with the traffic jam, humm

Hey no, what an awful third world city

anything happens and it is blocked

at least the pope would talk about important things

but he is coming to endorse the suppose peace that this country has

Popes coming really will be serve for something?

Well, I'll pass over there to give a view and see what happen

No, what an awful traffic jam!

Ok, I'll going to gossip what is going on with the pope?

Precisely I had to find this stupid preppy

Hey Mincho

I'm not surprised to find you here into all this pilgrimage

But you were not an atheist?

We came here to fill us with popes coming

Let's see

Mincho, Mao

This has generated so much expectative in Colombia

I just came here to see if all of this about the pope serves for something

Well, this only serves is for you to stop to be so ignorant

mediocre and embrace the faith of God

Okey, let's see what do the people think?

What does pope coming leaves to Colombia?

A peace message

He leaves us more join, happiness. That's his teaching

To contribuite since an spiritual point of view, we all build a better country

He will give us a unity message

We can see the amount of people who are joining

For an a cause of a person, probably some of them don't believe in him

But although they don't believe in him, it's someting spiritual

But formany of us this is very important, for the religion

Pope coming, what message can it leave to the education?

When we educate with the difference, the respect

because of what the other think?

Because of our diverse way of being

If you could say the pope please give a message to the teachers, what would be that message?

Commitment, more commitment with this youth that is so disoriented

Teachers, we are in your hands

note that all the students are avid

And you educators, you have the future in your hands

Well Mincho, Mao.

We can see

The people say the he's a figure that independently of ideological or religious beliefs

he is a figure who unites

Popes presence as an educational act, give us a clear message

the importance and the need of spiritual strengthening

acknowledging the differences

being able to accept the other

knowing that we must be act as humans.

Mincho, Mao

actually the message that hi gives to the Colombian teachers

is that we must have a greater commitment with the formation in values

spiritual formation and human being

I think this is a great message

For more infomation >> ¿Vino el papa y que? SUBTITULED ENGLISH - Duration: 4:20.


Los famosos reportan los destrozos del Huracán Irma | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Los famosos reportan los destrozos del Huracán Irma | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:38.


#DAEnUnMinuto: Ana baila como ventilador y a Luis se le hizo comer mangú - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> #DAEnUnMinuto: Ana baila como ventilador y a Luis se le hizo comer mangú - Duration: 2:06.


First major US offensive of WWI - 9/12/1918 - Duration: 0:50.

Today in military history, 1918.

The United States launches its first major offensive

of World War I as an independent army.

Under the command of General John J. Pershing,

the american expeditionary force was tasked with leading

an attack against the German occupied, Saint-Mihiel salient,

a triangular wedge of land critical for rail transport

to the eastern front.

Despite wet conditions, Pershing sent tanks

and infantry across the trenches at Saint-Mihiel,

causing the Germans to retreat and abandon the salient.

The victory allowed the allies to continue to press

the Germans further south, bolstering the morale

of Pershing's army.

Wanna know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

Wanna happens tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> First major US offensive of WWI - 9/12/1918 - Duration: 0:50.


Qué es Metroid: Samus Returns | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Qué es Metroid: Samus Returns | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 4:41.


GUESS WHOSE BODY PART (Subtitulado en español) [Dolan Twins] - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> GUESS WHOSE BODY PART (Subtitulado en español) [Dolan Twins] - Duration: 7:55.


Unravel (Cover Latino TV) 「東京喰種」 [Tokyo Ghoul] - Iris - Duration: 1:38.

Patreons: Alberto Flores - Mr. Bear McHuggins - Sebastián Rodríguez - ZuelaCorp

For more infomation >> Unravel (Cover Latino TV) 「東京喰種」 [Tokyo Ghoul] - Iris - Duration: 1:38.


Generación de Jesús - decisión - Programado por Alex Fuentes - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Generación de Jesús - decisión - Programado por Alex Fuentes - Duration: 10:05.


AVEC DES AUSTRALIENS ! | Desire UHC S7E1 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 22:18.

For more infomation >> AVEC DES AUSTRALIENS ! | Desire UHC S7E1 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 22:18.


"GROWS" REALITY WITH BITcoin .. Grows with Us Grows with grows coin - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> "GROWS" REALITY WITH BITcoin .. Grows with Us Grows with grows coin - Duration: 0:43.


Citroen Xsara - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroen Xsara - Duration: 0:54.


[Free] Desiigner Type Beat

For more infomation >> [Free] Desiigner Type Beat


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Drunk Review - Duration: 6:02.

Rhianna was definitely the best part of this movie

Cheers, and welcome to another drunk review

today I'm reviewing a movie

which is not something that I've done drunk on this channel before

I literally just came back from seeing

Valerian and the city of a thousand planets

I also just found out that the director is also the

director of The Fifth Element and I feel betrayed

now that I have this information

like I can tell

I mean the CG is definitely elevated but it's

obvious that the same style is seen in both movies

especially in the designs of the aliens and the color scheme

so yeah I'm not surprised

so this review will contain spoilers. if that bothers you, click away

I will put a card

I always forget which side, I think it's this one

I'll put a card here and you can go watch that video instead

so basically if you don't know Valerian

follows the story of major valerian and Sargent laureline

I think that's how you say her name

but I mean come on, she's Cara Delevingne

you can't have a movie with Cara Delevingne and not be like

oh that's Cara Delevingne

because let me tell ya the girl's acting is a bit flat

fuck if I don't forgive her because she's gorgeous

anyway the story follows valerian and laureline

and they're sent to retrieve this converter and

which is a creature by the way. fucking adorable little bastard um...

anyway they were sent to retrieve this creature and bring it to Alpha

which is a space station which was ejected from earth like 700 years ago or

I guess it was only 300 years ago? it was ejected from Earth's orbit a while back

and it's since grown to this huge thing with all these different

creatures on it, like all of these different alien civilizations kind of

conglomerated and I really wish that they would have explored that better

to quote my friend Jamie "this movie would have been fantastic if there were

absolutely no humans in it"

there are so many cool concepts in this movie that

just aren't explored fully and that's so sad

especially considering The Fifth Element is one of my favorite sci-fi movies

god damn it Luke Beson why do you do this to me?

why do you break my heart? you're better than this

and it turns out that the planet this converter is from, Mule

actually was destroyed by the commander

and blah blah blah long crazy war backstory nonsense

and it got blown up

but a few people from the planet, they are called pearls,

a few of them survived and they found their way to Alpha and

they were building a spaceship so they could fly off again and get a new planet

I guess? um...wasn't 100% clear cuz they said phrases like "get your planet back"

and I'm like but it blowed up? it blew up people!

the dynamic between Valerian and laureline was very cliche

and I really wish they' wouldn't have gone that route

but bubble. fucking bubble. I love bubble. why was bubble not in more of this movie

bubble is a glamopod. basically a gelatinous shapeshifter

and in her human form she looks like Rihanna and performs

changing outfits and hair styles and colors and everything

and that's a really cool scene

it is a bit pander-y

it's a bit obvious that it was added in for sex appeal to the straight male audience

but I forgive it because Rihanna

like her backstory like why is her backstory not in it more?

and oh I was so worried these k12 or something

these k12 robots I was so afraid that they were gonna be all

planting and no payoff because they kept pointing them out and they made a point

to say yeah no these things have to come with us because the commander programmed

them and we can't deactivate them blah blah blah

I was so worried that that wasn't gonna go anywhere thank fuck I was wrong

and it did that thing that I absolutely hate it when movies do where

it makes it look like it's gonna be a very satisfying happy ending

and then oh no shit gets real again they're in danger again

and it's like nooooooo!

do we have to go through this nonsense again?

fuck it's already three fucking hours long

that was all bubble...BUBBLE!

overall it was an entertaining movie it had decent effects and an OK story

pretty flat characters but you know I'll forgive it cuz it looked kind of cool

I'm a little disappointed that I let my friends talk me into going to see it

instead of one of the thousand other movies that are in theaters right now

that I want to see

that's it. that's really all of my thoughts on it

if you saw Valerian, let me know what you thought below

don't forget to Like share and subscribe

i have a paypal and a patreon

i would love you forever if you would donate a little bit of money

and i will see you next time

[finger snaps] bye

For more infomation >> Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Drunk Review - Duration: 6:02.


Hurricane Jose's strange path may bring it back toward the Bahamas and US - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Jose's strange path may bring it back toward the Bahamas and US - Duration: 1:13.


Лесные Прогулки (Episode 28) - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Лесные Прогулки (Episode 28) - Duration: 7:06.


BREAKING: Egypt cuts military ties with North Korea | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:41.

Egypt's defense minister, on a visit to Seoul, announced that his country has cut military

ties with North Korea, according to a report by South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

There was no immediate confirmation from the Egyptian government of the agency's report,

but Cairo has come under mounting pressure in recent weeks to sever ties with North Korea

as the United States seek to curb Pyongyang's efforts to develop long-range nuclear weapons.

Last month Washington cut or delayed nearly $300 million in aid to Egypt over its human

rights record and its ties with Pyongyang.

In an Aug. 24 briefing, US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the Trump

administration has had conversations with Egypt about the need to isolate North Korea.

Countries that do business with Pyongyang, she warned, enabled money to go into North

Korea's illegal nuclear and ballistic weapons programs.

Mohammed el-Menshawy, an Egyptian analyst based in Washington, told The Associated Press

the Trump administration has been privately urging Cairo to cut military ties with Pyongyang.

"The recent cut in the US military aid to Egypt was a clear message to Cairo: You choose

us or North Korea, you cannot have military relations with both of us," he said.

"Cairo got the message and it cut ties with North Korea."

Yonhap's report late Monday quoted the South Korean Defense Ministry as saying Egyptian

Defense Minister Sidki Sobhi told his South Korean counterpart that Cairo had "already

severed all military ties with North Korea."

"Egypt will actively cooperate with South Korea against North Korea acts that threaten

peace," the agency quoted Sobhi as saying.

Yonhap said Sobhi was responding to a request from South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo

for Egypt to join efforts to toughen sanctions on the North over its recent ballistic missile

and nuclear tests.

In Cairo, Egypt's military spokesman Col. Tamer el-Rifai would only say that Sobhi discussed

military and security cooperation with South Korean officials.

He declined to elaborate.

Several Egyptian news websites posted Sobhi's comments only to remove them later.

The daily El-Masry El-Youm published his comments in the first run of its print edition, but

removed them in later ones.

Egypt has for decades maintained close ties with North Korea, with the secretive nation

selling weapons to Egypt and upgrading its arsenal of medium-range, ground-to-ground


A 2015 UN report said North Korean front companies and shipping agents engaged in weapons smuggling

have called on Egypt's Mediterranean city of Port Said, which also sits on the northern

end of the Suez Canal.

In February, UN investigators said they acquired evidence of North Korean trade in "hitherto

unreported items such as encrypted military communications, man-portable air defense systems,

air defense systems and satellite-guided missiles" in the Middle East and Africa, among other


They said Egypt intercepted a vessel in August 2016 commanded by a North Korean captain carrying

30,000 PG-7 rocket-propelled grenades and related subcomponents.

They were in wooden crates concealed under about 2,300 tons of limonite.

Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian business tycoon who owns a telecom and media company, helped

set up North Korea's main cellular telephone network in 2008.

The company's total investment in the communist nation stands at $500 million, according the

website of Egypt's Foreign Ministry.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Egypt cuts military ties with North Korea | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:41.


Kia Cerato 1.6-16V LX - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia Cerato 1.6-16V LX - Duration: 1:01.


NASA Confirm: 13th September 2017 is when Nibiru 2017 new evidence today - Duration: 1:26:06.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 13th September 2017 is when Nibiru 2017 new evidence today - Duration: 1:26:06.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


Why Do I Have Freckles? - Duration: 3:23.

One of my favorite things to learn about is my own body!

And the other day, I was looking in the mirror while I was washing my hands, and I started

thinking about the freckles that I have on my face.

You might have freckles, too — little tan or light brown spots on your skin.

They might be on your face, like mine are, or they might be on your shoulders, arms,

or other places!

Sometimes the spots kind of run together and make larger patches of color.

I like my freckles.

They're part of what makes me, well … me!

But I've noticed that some of my friends have no freckles at all!

[Squeaks squeaks]

No, you don't have any, Squeaks!

So why do I have them—and others don't?

The freckles on my skin are made of something called melanin, which gives our hair, eyes,

and skin their color.

If you have lighter skin, then your skin makes less melanin.

And if you have darker skin, then your skin makes more melanin.

But melanin does more than just give our skin its color!

It has another important job to do.

The melanin in our skin catches and soaks up some of the light that comes from the sun.

That's a good thing, because if we get too much of the sun on our skin, it can damage,

or hurt our skin, making it red and sore.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Right, Squeaks!

Melanin helps to keep our skin from getting a sunburn.

When you're out in the sun for a while, your skin starts to make more melanin to try

and keep you from getting a sunburn.

Since melanin is kind of brown or tan in color, you get tanned after you spend time in the sun.

And it's that same brownish melanin that causes some of us to get freckles.

When you're out in the sun, the sunlight causes your skin to make melanin.

But in some people, small spots on their skin make more melanin than other parts of their skin.

The parts that make more melanin turn darker than other parts.

And each darker part is what we call a freckle.

So I have freckles because some parts of my skin make more melanin.

And it takes sunlight to really make freckles show up!

That's why babies usually aren't born with freckles — they get more of them as

they spend time in the sun growing up.

Now, not all of the kinds of spots you can get on your skin are freckles.

If a spot doesn't change much after you've spent a lot of time in the sun,

it's probably not a freckle.

But why doesn't everybody have freckles?

Well, if you have lighter skin and eyes, like I do, then you're more likely to get freckles

than someone who has darker skin and eyes.

And if one or both of your parents have freckles, then you're more likely to get freckles

than someone whose parents don't have freckles.

But people with darker skin and eyes can still get freckles, and so can people whose parents

don't have freckles!

Some animals can get freckles, too, like dogs and cats.

But most animals don't, even ones that have other kinds of spots all over their skin.

One of the coolest things about freckles is that they can change.

For example, in the winter, or other times when we're not spending lots of time in

sun, freckles can fade, or get lighter.

Eventually, they can totally disappear!

And freckles can change as we get older.

Kids, teenagers, and younger adults tend to have more freckles than older adults.

But if you do have freckles, now you know a little bit more about one of the things

that makes you … you!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Why Do I Have Freckles? - Duration: 3:23.


Jaguar Racing | I-PACE eTROPHY - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Jaguar Racing | I-PACE eTROPHY - Duration: 1:31.


Plus Size Fashion Try On Haul | Eloquii - Duration: 9:13.

hello guys and dolls okay I don't know why I feel very theatrical in this dress

it's it's the dress actually what it is I am so excited about today's try on

haul I wish I could do this literally all day but you guys might want me to

actually review these clothes for you so we're gonna do that! today I'm gonna be

doing a try on haul from Eloquii which is one of my absolute favorite

clothing brands I have bought so much from Eloquii over the years and they

asked to partner with me on a video I was like yes please can we make that

happen we think that their clothing is just a perfect confluence of like really

great cuts, amazing fabric, great quality, fashion forward, but timeless! like a lot

of that pieces that I have from them still look in trend even though they're

several years old and furthermore everything's such good quality that it

stands the test of time and there's such a great like variety of styles there's

workwear, they're sexy like going out to club dresses there's stuff like this

that's somewhere kind of like in the realm of both goth and vintage which is

basically perfect for me so I love this brand I really really do they are

offering my viewers a special coupon so if you go to eloquii.com that's e-l-o-q-u-i-i.com/vintage

then use the code vintage you'll get 50% off your

first item and 40% off the rest of your order they ship to the US and Canada and

they have sizes 14 through 28 they also have a few other size ranges they have a

petite line and something called the viola which is for women who are

pear-shaped which thank you very much I definitely appreciate that! when I saw

this dress on the site it was like seeing my fashion dreams coming true

before my very eyes ever since I saw the Mad Men season 5 premiere I've been

wanting the dress that Megan wears when she sings to dawn zou Bisou Bisou and

had these great angel bell sleeves and it was black so I'm fed on the hunt for

something like that and when I saw this on the Ella Cui's

site I was like I cannot get this dress fast enough I need this in my life oh my

god this is the dress I've been looking for it's a little bit longer than

Megan's dress but that's actually perfect for me I

like this length of dress or cuff suggests below the knee because it hits

my my laying in a really flattering spot also if you know if you want to have it

home you can always take it to a tailor and get it shorter you know there's

nothing wrong with you know or you can just squish it up like this rack it out

but um oh that's actually quite sexy I like that so for me this dress is sort

of a cross between that megan dress and Elvira gives me like this total like

goth vibe so it's a little bit witchy it's a little bit vintage it's a little

bit perfect for me because that's basically my aesthetic to a tee I also

like is that even though this is very body skimming and everything that's also

extremely comfortable it's lined the quality of this fabric I wish you guys

could be here to feel it with me it just feels so good this dress looks fabulous

on its own but as you guys know I am a huge fan of belting things because I

always I'm trying to snatch that waist so I have this belt it's more kind of

like a kg like kind of course at belt style and I just want to show you like

are we ready is it October yet because I am ready I am ready this to me is just a

necessary clothing item I am so in love with this I really love the neckline of

this too because even though I'm not wearing it with a long necklace today

this would be perfect for wearing with like my moon pendant or just anything

that's a little bit of like a vault like on a longer chain this is like the

perfect like kind of like foundation for having some really fun jewelry but the

dress itself is not playing the dress itself is just as fabulous as whatever

you want to pair with it so love this but we are going to have to move on to

other things my darlings fabric on this dress is a fabulous cotton it reminds me

a lot of poplin where it's like very crisp and it has just a really great

like like fit and flare to it you see how I just sort of like glazed really

nicely yet beetle print dress as I said Beatles if I get closer you can see that

these are little feels how cute I know I know I know it has these really great

little side ties as well I think that you could probably maneuver it to wear

it up on the shoulder but I don't like that I like it feels weird so I believe

it's meant to be worn off the shoulder like this this would look a little bit

tidier if you wore it with a strapless bra but I couldn't be bothered today so

I didn't do that I just poached my regular bra straps down this

dress has functional buttons so you will button yourself in and out of it

I love the length on it it's not too short it's not too long it's just

perfect pill styling tip for you guys I have

this dress which is a fit-and-flare doesn't technically need a belt it looks

great without the belt as well but I paired it with this belt which is also

from ellic we oh god I love their belt selection if you like belts you need to

check out their belt selection it's my go-to place to get any kind of like fun

funky any kind of belt but you haven't both adhere at your waist maybe this is

the smallest part of your waist but if you actually tuck it down a little bit

it actually will elongate your waist a little bit more and then it just flares

out a little more from the point where that where the belt is so it will

actually give you a little bit more of like a and long gated waist silhouette

button will tip alright guys so here's my next piece is super 70s and as you

guys know I'm really into seventies style so this is amazing

I love the print on this from further away it looks like coconuts but up close

you can see that it's flowers I love their prints oh my god the top here has

a little tie here which you can tie up I actually like it open a little bit show

a little bit of that neckline it's so flowy and I really love the arms on this

that's something I really really love they get the cut of their clothing so

perfect so the front here you have a nice like straight you know there's no

there's no visible elastic but in the back here they do have a little bit of

elastic so that does have a little bit of flexibility to it but it doesn't ruin

the silhouette this is a dress that reminds me of something that they would

have on good girls revolt so again we've got that vintage vibe going on and I

feel like everything that I have this time has a little bit of like a vintage

Flair to it from different eras which I am all about my favorite Eloisa I've had

this for a number of years so I always actually keep it downstairs for when I

want to try some things so let's do it

I mean damn this you know nice pair of knee-high boots perfect fall outfit oh

it's so cute he's sweaty ahead pull my hair up but now it looks like super mod

which is perfect because this outfit is also super mod so first of all I feel

like we need to write an epic poem to these sleeves yeah I know so uh so these

have this is a shirt that's made out of a poplin material has that nice like

crisp cotton feel to it it's a very short top so if I wear it untucked you

guys know I like to show you guys things like tuck and untucked I don't love it

untucked I don't think that this is me living my best life or my best look I

think that they are aware that this is a tough that looks best tucked in so I

think it's a purposeful choice but also if you're shorter than me I'm five six

this might be a better option for you because it won't be too long

yeah the neckline on this is fairly plain which again I like because I can

jazz this up with jewelry or just kind of leave it playing because the pants

that I'm wearing whoa are everything so if you guys remember the leggings video

that I made last year comparing you know everything from six dollar leggings to

more expensive high-end leggings these were one of the winners the miracle

flawless like leggings from another use exact pair but you know the miracle

flawless leggings from Elle Oakley were one of the winners because they actually

passed the bend-over test where you couldn't see your underwear through them

they have a nice amount of opacity love the side panels here these stretch it

just kind of nips in the waist they're so comfortable they don't stretch out

and most importantly whatever the fabric content they're made out of makes it so

that these actually hold up to the chub-rub

so you guys know how leggings always get that weird pilling that happens in the

inner thigh the miracle flawless leggings that I have in the black with

the leather strips on them they still haven't peeled and I've had them for

three years I know I know I know it's like the best thing ever like I love the

way they make my butt look - it's like ooh Aspen angel have any supposed to be

so comfortable and they look kind of mod they my knee almost is something that

Austin Powers would wear doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo

doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo dit-dit-dit-dit-dit-dit different oh no

no no awesome powers fans out there come on man so those aren't the four outfits

that I have to share with you guys today I am super excited to hear your feedback

so please let me know in the comments what your favorite outfit is I'm sort of

like tossed out between like this one but actually I really think my favorite

is that black dress I mean you just see it on my face like how in love with that

dress I am I think it's just one of the most perfect clothing items have ever

ever put on in my entire life also wanna remind you guys about the coupon it's

50% off your first item 40% off every additional item it's a crazy awesome

deal so I'll have that link in the description or down below for you guys

as well as information about the coupon code and that's it thank you guys so

much for watching and I will see you in my next video remember to vintage or

tacky just beer I'm kind of beautiful

For more infomation >> Plus Size Fashion Try On Haul | Eloquii - Duration: 9:13.


Hyundai i10 1.25I I-CATCHER - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.25I I-CATCHER - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai i10 1.0I I-MOTION COMFORT SLECHTS 11063 KM - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0I I-MOTION COMFORT SLECHTS 11063 KM - Duration: 0:55.


Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE COOL - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE COOL - Duration: 0:55.


Citroën Saxo 1.0I 538, APK TOT 12-10-2018, 188.054 KM NAP - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.0I 538, APK TOT 12-10-2018, 188.054 KM NAP - Duration: 0:47.


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 8 - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 8 - Duration: 2:32.


CUTTING vs BULKING - Which One FIRST For Beginners? - Duration: 4:33.

It's hard enough that, as beginners, jumping into the world of fitness means undoing a

lot of bad habits, adding new good, but difficult habits, and exuding patience for results while

staying motivated.

But, when we actually sit down and start writing out goals, things quickly become a bit hazy.

Sure, we all want to look a certain way or be able to physically do certain things.

But often, one question fills the mind of the average beginner: Should you first try

to lose weight, aka cut, or build muscle, aka bulk?

Unfortunately, the discrepancy of factors doesn't ever truly allow for a perfect answer.

The science isn't exactly concrete, and often the preferences and work ethic of the

beginner play more into the role than anything else.

A safe answer here would be, "it depends."

But even without the concrete evidence, one can still muster up a clearer, yet subjective

take on the matter granted that a reasonable explanation is given.

For me personally, I do believe one choice is better than the other.

In almost all accounts outside of skinny hard gainers, or people that frankly don't care

about aesthetics, when given the choice, cutting first is the better option.

Here's my reasoning.

Let's first address bulking.

The point of bulking is to lift weights and eat excess calories with more protein in order

to pack on more muscle.

However, simultaneously beginners will be adding more fat on top of the fat they already


You're stronger and have more muscle, sure, but you won't see it in the mirror, which

can be quite demotivating.

And if you can't remain motivated, you might end up quitting altogether.

Cutting first instead, where you're eating at calorie deficit, preferably also with a

higher protein intake, will be much friendlier in terms of visual results and staying motivated.

One might assume that cutting first means you'll just end up looking skinny and weak,

but for beginners, that's often not the case… as long as they are resistance training

as well.

The fact is, beginners have the great fortune of experiencing what we call "newbie gains."

Newbie gains is a provocative and ambivalent mechanic in its own right, is often described

as the period in which a novice lifter is able to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength.

With resistance training and "newbie gains," beginners on a cut will at the very least,

retain as much muscle as possible.

In many cases, they can still experience muscle hypertrophy, or muscle growth, early on in

their cut.

The science is not clear in this matter, but we can hypothesize that since beginners are

so far removed from their genetic ceiling potential and typically have excess stored

energy, it's the perfect environment for growth even in the face of a deficit for maybe

the first week to a month.

On top of that, deficit or not, neural adaptations in strength will still occur, such as improved

motor unit recruitment and rate coding.

End result, you will become stronger.

But one reason that I think, above all else, makes cutting first better than bulking is…

practicing technique.

It makes more sense to work on technique during a cut for a few reasons.

One, when starting off, you should be working with a lighter load to focus more on your

technique rather than growth.

Not much of an issue during a cut, where the focus is fat loss.

Bulking, on the other hand, benefits directly from higher volume and intensity, and going

lighter in the beginning will cut into potential growth.

Two, when you do start working with heavier loads, you'll also end up burning more calories

and thus lose more weight.

And three, and perhaps the best reason, is once you do start bulking, you've got your

technique down pat, maximizing the growth potential discussed earlier, making it simpler

to hit new PRs, tack on more muscle, and avoid injuries.

All the while actually being able to see your hard-earned results!

And that sums up my stance on it.

Unless you have a health or personal preference to bulk instead, cutting first seems to make

the most sense.

But remember… cutting and bulking should only be temporary phases.

Your end goal, unless you want to become a bodybuilder, is to find a middle ground that

you're satisfied with and can maintain for the rest of your life.

Balance and overall health is key.

Everything else will follow.

But again, this is my stance on it.

Whether you agree or disagree is up to you!

In fact, let me know your opinion in the comments.

If you find some holes in my reasoning, then feel free to let me know!

I'm always open to feedback.

Other than that, as always, thank you watching.

For more infomation >> CUTTING vs BULKING - Which One FIRST For Beginners? - Duration: 4:33.


THE SIMS 4 DISNEY`S DESCENDANTS 2 Create a Sim Edition - Duration: 10:53.

THE SIMS 4 DISNEY`S DESCENDANTS 2 Create a Sim Edition 2017

Uma, daughter of Ursula

I made them in Sims 4.There are links that helped me, but I made most of these things in Sims4Studio

Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook

Gil, son of Gaston

Dizzy Tremaine, daughter of Drizella Tremaine

to be continued

For more infomation >> THE SIMS 4 DISNEY`S DESCENDANTS 2 Create a Sim Edition - Duration: 10:53.


Airbnb Instant Book: Turn ON or OFF?? - Duration: 4:22.

hello YouTube it's Richard founder of short-term rental secrets.com and

Airbnb super host and today on this video we're going to address if not the

number one certainly one of the top questions that I'm asked repeatedly and

that is Airbnb instant book yay or nay so you may recall I filmed a video a

long time ago where I recommended instant book as the importance of

instant book make sure that you accept instant bookings it will drive more

revenue and I really believed in it and then subsequently I had a couple of bad

experiences back to back where instant bookings were like really problematic

and people had a party in my home and I just got really soured on it so I was

willing to forgo some of the benefits of instant book because I just wanted like

safety and security and so I turned it off and I filmed the video on that well

it's now a different day I've rethought about things Airbnb has changed their

business and I'm here to give you my most current thinking's as to why to use

instant on and whether it's right for you so here's the reason I turned it

back on as you know I had a security problem and I think Airbnb became aware

of it it wasn't just me I haven't read anywhere officially that

they've like solved the problem but I think they've definitely taken steps to

address it and so as a consequence I always want to be optimizing my listings

and making as much money as possible and I was prepared to like try it again and

see if there was any incidents I'm happy to report since I've turned it on which

has been now several months I've had no problems at all and everything has been

fine so I do think that they've shored up their security breach whatever was

occurring I don't see any signs they want to compete with regular hotels so

when you're a guest and you're shopping for a place to stay and you're calling

or looking at the Marriott or the Hilton you don't have to worry about

availability like they're only showing you what's available and that's a flaw

with Airbnb is that they're showing you everything whether it's available or not

and I don't mean that the calendar is blocked I just mean the calendars open

but if you don't have instant booked on there's an added layer of like

uncertainty I have to now ask if I can stay there maybe answer some questions

and that period could be anywhere from like a very responsive host as an hour

to an unresponsive host can be 24 hours 48 hours or I've been

book places for a conference in Boston and I got no response an Airbnb does not

want that bad guest experience or that lost revenue so they're gonna do

everything in their power to push towards instant-on everywhere in order

to encourage people to go to instant book you have unlimited cancellations

now so if somebody books your place and you're not comfortable with it you can

cancel that reservation it used to be limited to three now it's an unlimited

number of cancellations so that's a really strong weapon in your arsenal and

encouraging you to do instant book conversely if you don't have instant

book enabled you are very restricted and they're super harsh about cancellations

so it's almost like you need to turn it on to protect your account and your

super ho status and the fourth reason although I think it's pretty small right

now it's clearly showing us the future and so you want to pay attention to it

now and you want to get ahead of the curve is on a recent search I was flying

out to Jackson Hole and and when I looked for hotels the search engine

showed me the list of different hotels you know Marriott Hilton and

interspersed in there was also Airbnb and it said Airbnb and we're gonna do a

video charles write this down about how to optimize your title for this new form

of search but what's really interesting as it relates to the instant book it

also showed people like myself which Airbnb listings were available for

instant booking so like if you're not doing that yet

you need to have the instant book on and you need to have that optimized title

because this is the wave of the future people aren't going to be going to

Airbnb to book your place they're now gonna be booking your place on kayak

Expedia Hipmunk etc so that's it as always I keep the opportunity to change

my mind if I do change my mind I'll film another video and let you know why I'd

love to hear your comments and your experiences with instant book and if you

thought this video is helpful please go ahead and like it and as always please

thanks for very much have a great day

For more infomation >> Airbnb Instant Book: Turn ON or OFF?? - Duration: 4:22.


How To Make Compelling Drone Videos - Don't Fly High all the time - Duration: 4:32.

hey everybody so today we are going to talk about how to make your drone videos

just a little bit more exciting than everybody else's that sound good if it

does I do tips just like this every single week and if you really want to

have more tips go ahead and click that subscribe button and don't forget that notification button

today we're talking about not flying high all the time a

good high shot from three four hundred feet is really cool but when that's all

you do it's not really really cool when you watch TV or you watch a movie or you

watch a video do you really like to see the same basic shot over and over and

over and over and over no you don't you want to see something different what I

love to do is I love to get a nice 3 or 4 hundred foot shot sometimes I don't even do it

for every single video but one of the things that you really need to do is you

need to get lower you need get down to 200 feet even under 100 feet under 100

feet is some of the coolest stuff but be careful because trees and powerlines

tend to be you know on average around 60 70 80 feet so you want to stay above or

if you're a below 80 feet keep an eye out for objects above 80 feet you

usually pretty safe but don't count on it because you do have the high

transmission lines out in the country so you got to watch out for those but

around the city usually around 80 to 100 feet is pretty safe lower than that you

can get some really cool tree lines when I check out these videos I've been

putting together for you guys and it's a lot more exciting you want to do some

low shots where you can do some fast you could do some slow-mo

if you do 60 frames per second remember the frames per second you can watch the

video I don't know which site it is you can watch a video about frames per

second and all of that stuff but you want to get a variety of shots and one

of the coolest shots you want to get is you want to get shots that have motion

in them not just some static boring shot look at these different shots that are

more interesting when you have something moving someone moving some whatever not

just a static shot you want to have something fun something interesting and

you want to frame it well like all of these other things I've told you about

if you look at the rule of thirds and all these other things you've got a

thousand videos to teach you how to frame a video

and frame your shot but what you really want to do is you want to have a good

variety and tell a story and the way you do that is you get lower you get a

little faster sometimes when you're lower also you want to mix up your shots

if you go look at all the tips and maneuvers that video that I did that

gives you some ideas you want to do combination shots and you want to do

different things like an orbit and a tilt or if you can get really fancy you

can do where you come and down come in sideways and tilting and if you can get

up to like three maneuvers at one time without looking stupid and do it nice

and smooth that is gonna be some of the best shots you'll ever get I've been

working with a guy lately who is awesome at doing that when I watch his footage

I'm just my mind is blown I'm like I want to be able to do that and I'm

practicing and I'm gonna keep practicing because I want to get those shots just

like he does so there's a specific maneuver shot or something that you like

go ahead and leave a comment below and if something you'd like me to teach or

at least learn and maybe teach you how to do it go ahead and leave a comment

below on that and of course you know because I'm not perfect, leave a

comment on something else if it has to do with this video don't forget to like

this video and share it with someone you think might get something out of it and

of course as always fly safe and I have to find a new tagline if you have a good

one let me know bye



For more infomation >> How To Make Compelling Drone Videos - Don't Fly High all the time - Duration: 4:32.


Unravel (Cover Latino TV) 「東京喰種」 [Tokyo Ghoul] - Iris - Duration: 1:38.

Patreons: Alberto Flores - Mr. Bear McHuggins - Sebastián Rodríguez - ZuelaCorp

For more infomation >> Unravel (Cover Latino TV) 「東京喰種」 [Tokyo Ghoul] - Iris - Duration: 1:38.


Attack on Attack on Titan Season 2 (Review/Rant) - Duration: 19:50.

Hey, guys!

So, I'm finally my review of Attack on Titan Season 2.

I'm sorry it's so late, and there haven't been any videos coming out on this channel


Most of it was due to personal issues, but this particular one I've been waiting to make

because...I needed to wait until I was less salty about it.

I was quite, uh, salt-encrusted after watching...

I wanted to wait until the hype died down a little bit.

That's also why I'm using face cam.

So, last time I made a video saying anything negative, I got a copyright strike.

Just to be safe, that's why I'm using face cam.

All that being said, let's just get into the video, now.

There will be spoilers- extensive spoilers- of Attack on Titan season two.

I was actually really excited that they were making a season two of Attack on Titan.

If you watched my other Attack on Titan videos, you that I really enjoyed the first season.

While it did have some flaws, I think it was overall pretty well-done.

So, I was quite disappointed, and I find that pretty regrettable; I was actually really

hoping to have a positive experience with Attack on Titan Season 2, but...that just

didn't happen, so...Now, let me get into why.

Firstly, characters, the main characters being Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir, and Historia...and

Connie and Sasha, a little bit more than they were in the previous season.

And I'm wondering why they were expecting anime-only watchers to be invested in them,

because they have barely any lines in the first season; you could have cut all of them

out of it and it wouldn't have made a difference, like, story-wise.

Well, at least, as far as we knew at the time of watching the first season.

I mean, obviously, they reveal that Reiner and Bertholdt are titans and were present

in the first season as titans, but we didn't know that until the second season.

So, as someone who watched the anime without reading the manga first, I didn't think they

were important at all, so when I saw the Season 2 promotional poster, you know, the one with

Eren very small in the middle and they have these giant heads of, like, Reiner, Bertholdt,

Ymir, and Historia on the sides, I just thought...'what'?

Most of the emotional punch in this season was supposed to come from the reveal that

Reiner and Bertholdt are titans.

However, they kind of made the same mistake that they made with Annie that I hoped they

would fix in this season, but they actually made it even worse, almost...

Well, the thing with Annie in the first season is that Eren's reaction to her betrayal seems

so over-the-top considering how well he actually seems to know Annie.

I just had to assume that it was because he felt he had a very strong relationship with

her, even though we didn't really get to see that much.

And the same thing goes for this season.

Reiner and Bertholdt, while [Eren] does say, 'oh, Reiner was like a big brother to me,

I looked up to him so much,' he says that, but they never show that.

In the first season, he had very minimal interactions with Reiner and Reiner himself had very few


Everything we know about Reiner is told to us.

Their instructor tells us, like, 'oh, he's very strong and loyal, and his comrades trust


We're told that.

Then we see him fooling around with Eren a little bit while training, you know.

But, like, that doesn't seem like such a brotherly bond, or like, such a strong bond.

So, since we don't really get to SEE for ourselves the relationship between Eren and Reiner and

Bertholdt, the emotional impact is much less than it would have been had we gotten some

of those scenes.

Towards the final episodes, they're talking about all the great memories they had with

Reiner and Bertholdt that we never saw, so that just doesn't have the same punch as just

showing it to us.

This is an instance that they should have shown rather than told.

And overall, compared to the first season, there's really not much character development

going on, 'cause we're kind of just getting to know this new cast.

So, it's more of character reveals than development, I would say.

However, because they're kind of just introducing us to these new characters– I mean, technically,

they were there before, but that same intimate connection that we feel with Eren, Mikasa,

and Armin, at the very beginning, is not there for these characters.

Yes, I understand they're supposed to be mysterious, but they should have tried to replicate Eren's

feeling that this totally came out of nowhere, these guys would never betray us, because

that was the whole emotional focus of the season.

It just doesn't really make any sense why they would use distance from the characters

to create mystery.

There are other ways to create mystery than to use distance.

So, basically, it took a lot longer for us to get to know these characters than it did

in the first season for us to get to know, uh...the main...are they even the main characters?

I'm not even sure, but...the...uh...main characters of season one, how about that?

For example, I think the best example of this is Armin's introductory scene.

Within, like, two or three minutes, they basically tell us everything we need to know about Armin

up until episode five when his character development really kicks off.

We see just from the way he interacts with these bullies, we really see his personality.

We see he's very smart, he's brave, he's not afraid to be hurt for his heretic beliefs,

he's weak, and then we see from the way that he reacts to Eren and Mikasa rescuing him

that he resents his own weakness and wants to be strong, and his goal is to stand next

to Eren and Mikasa as equals.


Everything we need to know- boom, two minutes, done.

Something like that would have been really helpful for this season just to help us get

to know the characters more instead of jumping right into it.

So, the other complaint I had about character was the balance of screen time that different

characters had.

One of the major things that kind of bothered me about this season was Sasha; there was

way too much Sasha.

The season was only half the size of the previous season, so why would you include, like, an

entire half-episode centered on a character who has changed nothing and didn't end up

changing anything in the entire season.

I understand including that if the season was longer, maybe, or if that actually came

into play before the end of the season, but it didn't.

It just seemed like wasting screen time on a character that doesn't really add anything

to the story right this second.

If the Sasha flashbacks are actually necessary to the plot later on, then put it later, not

right now.

Now, I don't think I would be as miffed about including so much Sasha if there was more

Connie, reason being that Connie ended up kind of being important towards the end of

the season when his family is transformed into titans and he's basically lost everything.

Wouldn't it have been way more emotionally impactful to include Connie's flashbacks?

That would have been a lot more heart-breaking later on, which was what they were trying

to do, 'cause we had that one scene where he looks at the picture frame and looks upset.

We would have understood that feeling more and sympathized with him more, and just felt

overall more emotional impact if we had seen flashbacks of Connie instead of Sasha.

Okay, so, a massive strong point of season one was using character to prop up theme.

Okay, I know a bunch of other anime reviewers say that that is absolutely not true, but

if you want to see my argument about that, then just watch any of my character analysis

videos on the Attack on Titan cast.

I don't know if you'll agree, but you'll see what I'm trying to say, there.

So, a major theme of season one was moral ambiguity, and whether the ends really justify

the means.

Like, is it okay to leave behind your humanity for the sake of "saving" it.

So that's why I think it was a major mistake to drop Jean so much.

He's one of the characters that provides that voice of dissent; he's the one who doesn't

think the ends justify the means.

If you watched my Jean video, then you know that I was arguing that he thinks that morality

is objective; just because you're working towards this greater goal doesn't mean that

doing this shady thing is right.

Having more of Jean in this season would have made a lot of sense to provide more thematic

richness, like, especially with the final implications towards the end that Eren is

finally just going to abandon his friendships, his old relationships, and just gonna kill

the titans, and Bertholdt's line that someone has to get their hands dirty, and then we

see Erwin at the end thinking, 'oh, we lost so much, but it was worth it because we found

out a little bit more about the titans.'

So having Jean there really would have added that voice of dissent that was kind of missing.

Okay, so now Eren's development over the course of the season...For being the main protagonist,

it-it was...not as much as I thought was going to happen.

So, one of the most interesting things about Eren from season one was the idea that as

I said in one of my Eren videos, he's abandoning his humanity to destroy what he hates.

That was a major theme in season one.

We saw that recur in Armin's character, Erwin, but now they're introducing this new power,

the Coordinate.

Um, honestly, I have no idea where they're going with this theme-wise, because the destruction

of the friendship between Eren and Reiner and Bertholdt is reinforcing those themes

from season one of sacrifice, abandonment of relationships, you know, morals, etc.

But, the Coordinate doesn't seem to cost Eren anything, so it's kind of interesting to see

this thematic shift and I'm wondering what they're going to do with it.

Is this marking the beginning of lame power-ups, or is this actually going to make this even


I don't know, because the season ended pretty early.

Also with Eren, though, on another note, we do see a bit of a change from season one.

We're kind of seeing the degradation of his ideals.

Like, in season one, it's basically the same situation: they knew with certainty who the

titans were before they actually went to confront them about it, yet this time Eren is completely

ready to fight, so we do see a bit of character development there.

But again, I'm much more worried about the Coordinate and how that's contributing to

the theme, or whether it's contributing to the theme.

Then the other thing is Armin, who barely did anything this season.

I mean, I'm okay with that; he's a side character and he was developed a lot in the first season,

but the thing with Armin is that he's the one who thinks the ends justify the means,

and we see that.

He's willing to resort to psychological attacks on Bertholdt to win, but then we get no closer

about that.

Even Eren has this face as Armin says this that looked disturbed, but we never hear what

happens, what becomes of that; there's no conclusion regarding that scene.

So, I'm guessing they'll fix that in Season 3, or Armin will just keep spiraling downwards

with no closure and eventually something big will happen with him, but...I don't know.

Okay, so, that's it on character for now.

Now, I'm going to talk about the overall atmosphere of the show.

Now, I'm not an expert on directing or anything like that by any stretch of the imagination,

but I have to say it just didn't really feel like the same show as season one.

One of the strong points of season one was its intensity.

That was one of the things that kept bringing me back despite poor pacing in season one

because it was just interesting to watch.

But this season just felt so strange.

The signature screaming from season one- that was, like, one of the things that Attack on

Titan was notorious for; characters would scream their heads off in season one but this

time it was just, I don't know, a little bit of screams.

I mean, of course there was Eren screaming, as usual, but it just didn't seem as intense.

Maybe it was also the music.

There were a few times when it was really conspicuously quiet and the pacing of the

dialogue was a little bit strange so that I actually noticed that there was no music;

usually I'm not the type of person who notices background music, but this time I actually

did notice several times.

Like, that short little conversation between Historia and Ymir after Ymir is ejected from

her titan, the reveal that Reiner has a split personality- that also was kind of interesting

because they were arguing, but there was no, like, music or anything.

And there were some, like, conspicuous gaps in the dialogue.

Okay, so now...I don't even know if this counts as atmosphere, but this just really irked

me about this season- is the flash-backing.

And I'm not talking about the long-term flashbacks, like Sasha's flashbacks; I'm talking about

the flash-backing to stuff that we literally just saw.

Okay, in that episode where Mikasa gets crushed by a titan a little bit, and then, like, a

few seconds later after she takes a tumble on the ground with Eren, she's like, in pain

and then they show us the exact shot they used of her getting squeezed by the titan

even though we just saw that.

Like, that was not even more than five minutes ago; we just saw that.

It's like, you think I forgot what just happened?

They were clearly just trying to fill up the episode because even if we didn't remember

that she got squished by a titan, if she took a tumble all over the ground and is in pain,

that would make perfect sense.

So that was completely unnecessary in every regard.

The other thing that I found kind of funny, even, is that they flash-backed to Carla and

her death even though that's, like, the most iconic scene in Attack on Titan.

Like, even people who haven't watched Attack on Titan see that, and they know it's Attack

on Titan.

Why are you flash-backing to that?

And it's even written into the dialogue when Eren's crying, so we know he's thinking about

that; you don't need to show us that that's the same titan!

We remember that titan; that was one of our first experiences with a titan 'cause it was

in episode one, they had that giant shot of it.

They were, again, trying to fill the episode and also underestimating the emotional weight

of their own show, which is actually really sad.

Misuse of flashbacks was a huge problem in this.

Like, they flash-backed to things we didn't need flashbacks for and then they didn't flash

back to things we should have gotten flashbacks for.

And the writing was just so...clunky, especially towards the end.

My least favorite scene in the entire show is when the Armored Titan is running, right?

And he has his hands around his neck like this to protect Bertholdt and then for some

reason, all the cadets decide to just gather on his arms, right?

And they're just talking to Bertholdt and Reiner.

First of all, Reiner doesn't immediately do this...and just, like, flick them all off,


And secondly...what even was that?

That was just a bunch of, like, random info-dump fan service, okay?

They're like, 'oh, Bert, we had such a close relationship with you because you sleep weird!'


First of all, they never showed us that in season one, they never showed us that in season

two, and they didn't even do a random flashback to a still that they could have just drawn

up real quick.

That shows nothing about their relationship.

Like, I can make fun of someone's sleeping positions if I'm not friends with them.

And using that to predict the weather shows nothing about their relationship either.

It just shows they were really, really bored, okay?

And that felt so out of place; don't say something silly like that in the middle of a scene that's

supposed to be so intense like that.

That actually made me laugh!

That's not supposed to be funny, like, right there!


Why are you putting a joke right there?


But it wasn't even a joke; they played it like it was serious.

If you're going to flashback to the most iconic scene in the entire show and show us how Mikasa

got injured twice in the same episode less than, like, ten minutes apart, then at least

give us some stills while they're talking of flashbacks of them bonding together.

You know, sitting around a table.

And Connie was like, 'we used to say that we'd grow old together and get drinks together

when this war was over!'

Okay, show them talking about that, show them having fun.

The relationship between Reiner and Bertholdt and the other cadets was really forced.

Okay, so, most of my complaints are centered around the end- towards the end of the series

just because, like, they could have fixed a lot of the flaws that were there in the

beginning, but they didn't, so...Let me talk about the disaster that was the last episode,


They were clearly trying to fill up the episode.

For the pace that the show likes, they didn't have enough content to fill up a twenty-minute

episode, apparently.

So, they decided to include lots of random things and repetitive things.

Like, there are so many shots of Hannes just flitting around doing literally nothing.

Like, it just looks like he's dilly-dallying and hesitating to take that first swing at

the Smiling Titan even though before that he was like, 'don't worry, kids!

I got this!' and he, like, runs in.

Yeah, and they just tried to draw everything out really long.

I actually read, um, Chapter 50 of the manga, which is the same content as the final episode

of the season.

And there's a single panel of Armin protecting Jean and I just felt like that was a lot of,

uh, Jearmin fan service right there because they just drew that out way longer than they

needed to.

I thought it would just be, like, him lifting his sword up, maybe, you know, holding it,

maybe shaking a little, but no, he's uh...he's doing that like, airport worker motion and

uh, screaming repetitively in a monotone voice.

But really, it was like, borderline silly.

Like, I actually laughed when that popped on screen, which is bad because I'm not supposed

to laugh at that moment.

Then the other thing is in the manga, they actually tried to make you think Erwin actually

died for a second.

Here they obviously showed you that Erwin was not dead pretty quickly.

So I would have liked it if they played it off like Erwin was dead for just a little

bit longer.

'Cause I know if I didn't know he was still alive before watching that because I had read

the manga chapter, then I would have been like, 'what?!

How'd he survive that?' you know what I mean?

Okay, I don't know, but it just felt so fan-service-y with Historia doing that cutesy little flip.

I know some people were saying it looked really, like, cool, but honestly it looked like she

was doing a magical girl transformation which did not feel right in this show, especially

considering how seriously they take the other characters.

It just didn't feel like they were taking Historia seriously as a fighter, which I found

really annoying, because one of things I liked about the first season is that the female

characters aren't treated as, like, a lot weaker than the male characters.

I mean, you could argue, but it's harder to argue than most other action shows that I've

seen, so this season just seemed to be way more fan-service-y.

And then there was the EreMika fan service.

I mean, I actually do ship EreMika, but was that even necessary?

Even as an EreMika shipper, I felt like that was really forced and kind of random and didn't

really add anything to the story.

But, since I do like EreMika if you have an argument telling me why that was actually

really good for the show as a whole, then please tell me in the comments because I'd

like to believe it was useful in some way.

It did kind of break the atmosphere of Eren's screaming; I mean, I know that it maybe was

supposed to, but if you just go watch that scene again but keep your eye on the Smiling

Titan this time, it's a little bit funny, like, I don't know...There are a lot of unintentional

funny things in this season, I feel like.

And the very end of the episode just reinforced the thematic inconsistency and also just...broke

the atmosphere again because it was so cheesy!

Like, I could just smell the cheese, and don't get me wrong; I like cheese, but not when

my shows are cheesy.

I feel like it should have ended on a darker note, kind of like the first season.

That was one of the things that was attractive about the first season.

So, yeah, I get that Eren's Coordinate was supposed to be an optimistic discovery, but

it just seemed kinda weird that they would just embrace it, especially after they were

so careful about his titan powers in the first season.

For him to have this mysterious power to control titans- doesn't that have even worse political

implications than him being a titan in the first season?

So why are they all so chill about using it?

So now, how this contributed to thematic inconsistency- I talked a little bit about it earlier, but

now I'm going to talk about it more.

This new attitude towards the Coordinate diminishes the idea that he's sacrificing in order to

change something, as Armin said in the first season.

That was, like, the whole point of season one, basically, that if you want to achieve

something great, you have to give up something that's really important to you.

So it becomes a war of what's more important.

But now, with his Coordinate, no one's really taking that attitude.

Now, Eren is fighting against people who've abandoned their humanity, but not as someone

who's lost his humanity.

He doesn't even need to be a titan to use his Coordinate; now he can just control titans,

and they didn't really highlight that element of sacrifice as much with Eren, which is kind

of important since he's the protagonist...at least, I think he's the protagonist, so...having

him drive home the theme is actually...it's not 'actually,' it's really important, right?

Especially since he was the more major deliverer of that theme in the first season.

So, that is about it for the bad things I had to say.

Now I'm going to talk about some things that were okay, actually.

Or, maybe I shouldn't say "okay," but kind of got me thinking a little, you know...So

firstly, the world-building and foreshadowing.

The world-building was a major issue I had with the first season- um, the world not being

fleshed out enough, particularly in regards to classism.

They act like it's so important in season one but they never actually show you that;

they say there's censorship, they say there's a great discrepancy between the outer walls

and the inner wall, but it doesn't really affect the main cast.

And the same with Wallists; they don't really have an impact on the main cast other than

being politically there.

So, they did start to touch a little bit on Wallism, but they did kind of drop it towards

the end; they weren't really talking about walls anymore...But, on another note, some

of the foreshadowing, um, is starting to come into place.

If you watched the OVA with the talking titan, we find out the identity of that talking titan

in Ymir's flashback; we actually see her in the background with the short, blond hair

and the giant blue eyes, so that was kind of cool.

We see that the reason the Armored Titan never showed up in Trost is because of Reiner's

split personality.

And we see the actual cause of Marco's death.

Okay, so, I was complaining earlier that the theme of moral ambiguity didn't really come

back because of the lack of dissent among the cast, but you could argue...I could argue,

to myself...that the moral ambiguity piece is returning but just in a different form

where it's more like, 'are Reiner and Bertholdt wrong?'

If they're all fighting for what they believe is the greater good, then are they wrong?

Reiner and Bertholdt present the idea of doing something because you believe in it or doing

it because you were forced to do it and you don't really understand why you're doing it.

But one thing I am wondering about, if you guys have any ideas, is why did they put this

idea of doing something believe in it or doing something because you were told to but don't

understand why in parallel with Ymir and her little selfishness theme.

On the one hand, you have Ymir and Historia who decide, 'you know what?

We're gonna live just for ourselves,' and then we have Reiner and Bert, who are giving

their lives for someone else's goal.

So, the idea of, like, the ends justify the means is still present to a degree, I suppose.

Huh...I'm kind of just, like, thinking about this right now, um...this isn't really in

my script, but this idea of moral ambiguity layered on top of the selfish lifestyle kind

of brings into question who's actually living the right way, here?

Is there a right way?

Do the ends justify the means, but does it depend on what the ends are?

But, I just don't want to devote any of my brain power to thinking about this season

anymore...I mean, I'll probably make another Attack on Titan video once I catch up with

the manga, if I ever catch up.

(sigh) So many chapters...Nope, ExtraCred is giving me an evil look; okay, I gotta catch


If you guys have any thoughts that you want to let me know about, feel free to do that

in the comments.

So, that's about all I have to say for now, um.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed that somehow, and goodbye!

For more infomation >> Attack on Attack on Titan Season 2 (Review/Rant) - Duration: 19:50.


This Is Not What You Think It Is... *SCIENCE EXPERIMENT* - Duration: 11:28.

you know good morning guys my name's Adam welcome back channel ordaining vlog

today we're on life radio going right now let's do it

well I hear a night outside right 105 radio station we're going to go inside

you with the store yes today I'm gonna keep it quiet a little bit because

there's someone on the radio right now I want to ease it on you know Sam's dude

sooo guys were here in the radio station right now super excited him here with

the wonderful Eileen Walsh was going buried in an interview today just

finished the interview in the radio it was freaking amazing with Eileen I'm

head home and I'm back in my house right now so here's the thing I just want to

talk to you guys about a little something before laughter I want to say

how massive honor it was to be on the radio with ìiím Walsh today once again

thank you so much Eileen but you guys never like off an ocean some night you

know when you can't possibly get to sleep in your bed do you ever reverse

the bed and put the pillow in the opposite side of the bed because I do

that if I can't get the sleep it's the weirdest thing ever it helps me get the

sleep I just flip the pillow right I'm like hmm completely different bad this

is more comfortable developing if any you guys do that what oh what's up guys

I'm here right now you know it's been a once I blog today it's later on in the

day it's like what time is it right now five past eight o'clock right of five

past dates like to even almost getting night times trying to get dark I said

why not I've got a little practice to when you probably know from the title of

this video right here what's in this package but it is the coolest thing

honestly I've seen this thing online okay and I've wanted this for a long

time I was like damn where do I get that stuff I never really went out of my way

to find because I didn't really need it that much flopped a company came to me

today from my home time company for my home time gave this to me now they don't

sell it in my home time I don't know if they did yet but they do have an online

shop so you guys want to check it all right leave a link in the description

let's open this up beside we got this massive package right here's a sack

alright so what this is it's thermosetting plastic which means you

heat this up in boiling water you can mold it you can create things out of it

and then it will harden when it cools and you have this thing that you've

created go all these different colors here tiny black beads

they've got blue beads these super luminescent neon colored red ones are

still think came along with it that's it right there if you want to check it out

somewhere online know if you guys will buy this or not but I just want to show

you just in case I'm not getting paid to say this by the way 0% money is going to

me I wanted this I got these for free and I was like okay this is the bacon

this is the Freak kilogram of white ones white thermoset

and classic palettes now we're gonna actually do some of this in this vlog

today we're gonna stick it in boiling water see what the story is does it work

is it fake is it real what is the story here actually instructions on the bag -

that's the right there super excited for this

Trillian high quality thermal plastic pallet destructions fellas suitable

container with hot waters air temperature for mountain is sixty

degrees Celsius possible use a thermometer to check the temperature of

the water I don't have a thermometer guys so probably not to use a

thermometer step two with polymorph pellets into the container after two

minutes when the polymorph paddles turn clear you can stick them together and

move the container and extract any remaining liquid between the pallets 5

step 5 you can I mold into your desired shape

and then steps X finally once the mold is complete allow to cool down to room

temperature before you so you can make things that's what we're gonna do guys

we've got all these here and we've got this one let's get some boiling water

okay guys so got myself some boiling water in a bowl here this we're gonna be

doing it under right now right yes it's gonna be freakin amazing okay so start

with the red one no I'm saying red I wonder if I can make purple by mixing

the colors together not really sure if I can that's we're gonna try here today

first mission make purple I'm not gonna use it all because I still want to save

some of these because I'm really like Enda crafts and if I ever want to make

something I need something I can give it like damn I can make this is kind of

like 3d printing you can make anything so we're gonna pour this in here okay

better add some boiling water guys this is gonna be so cool right I hope it

works and it goes there's my first time ever trying thermoplastics I've got a

full cattle here boiling water so we can try it over and over since - wait 1 to 2

minutes I can already see them starting to go clear I don't know if you guys can

see that that's it right down there see they're sort of going kind of

transparent that's not affectionate er I'm going to spin 90 see if they collect

together oh my goodness what the heck look at this they've actually oh my god

they formed a new ball they're actually starting to go soft that is really cool

I'm gonna take it Mohanji to see if I can mush it avoid here what this is real

look at that that's really weird it doesn't even feel warm when I take it

out of the water tray that water was boiling oh my god it's like freakin

slain so I can basically make anything I want throw to this right now I could I

could make a freakin foam cover that's what we're gonna do first though I want

to make some red with us I hope they mix properly with red

like the glue together instantly I mean it's kind of making purple they're

mixing together I'm gonna need a lot more red so what I'm gonna do is I'm

gonna half the size of what this says here put some Latin and then add more

red just to see if it will go purple because a blue has really strong a

darker color who came up with this idea I know thermosetting plastics have been

a thing for ages but I never know you that you could just melt them like this

and have them that sensitive to heat okay I'm gonna start molding that's nice

am I gonna make it actually go purple as damn it's actually working it's going

purple you see that guys it's purple I don't know it's a little show but on the

camera but this is purple to me I don't hold it up in front of like you'll see

it boom purple that is that right there so to make a phone cover what I'm gonna

do is match you know the mold the phone cover I know this stuff if you bind it

with plastic get some assay stuff will get messy it will not be a good

experience because plastic this case this plastic sticks to plastic wants a

stop there's no getting it off so I wanna make a phone cover so I've got

some here aluminum foil oh man your phone however you want to say it I'm

just gonna take this wrap it around my phone okay there we go wrap that around

my phone now we're gonna do is start adding the thermosetting plastics to

this wrap it around the ten phone because my phone is made of plastic

you're actually gonna do this neon color because there was one point if you look

back like so far back like really far back you'll see that one of my old logs

have tried to spray-paint my phone and it went horribly wrong

and I try to do this color ID here so that's what were gonna do we're gonna

bring back an old memory kind of associate this color with the phone and

see you're gonna force into the pool might need all of this boiling water and

Dan that's so much just let it simmer away here nice summer in a way it looks

like I'm cooking math or something but I'm not okay guys I think it's reading I

think it's just about cooked I'm gonna open it up here and open it okay it's

getting messy okay we're pretty well let us wrap this around the phone thing

before it start to get hard as you can see very pliable

very pliable turn the hardened already you're really like you had a short

harden time

okay so I think we're getting someplace no guys I've got it molded entirely here

on my phone which looks freakin crazy I really did forget to put the you know

what do you call it the camera hole which I will try and do

whenever it's completely hard maybe like with a lighter someone front of my

trying mold or in that part as this thing was hardened and assertive Kutner

on the edge of it here with scissors just to smooth and I'd you know give it

a little bit of us straight and look so I'm going to pull off this tape no

because I think it's fully hardened I call the tape ten five unmolded here oh

wow look at that okay we've got ourselves a foam mold

does it fit the actual phone need a little bit more exhausting tear more

just mess with the scissors it's starting it harder and harder to cut

this it's just getting super solid what the hell breaking works what the heck oh

my goood oh that working with my phone camera thing as night and make a hole

there yes I think if I had a better stab at this if I had another goal I could

probably make something way cooler looking than this but this was in just

you know ten minutes I made a foam cover our - this thing's

late cops are just like any old phone cover woods you know I'm saying well I

mean for the idea of this plastic I mean that's super hard right here look at

this that's solid that started as a putty playdough material and it's like

that's not gonna break I'm gonna make you know why don't we make a pickin by

just butter how am I gonna give another stab at this later the good thing about

this if I suspect this thing this giant thing that's already been molded in hot

water it remould I mean cools I'm gonna I can actually mold this big lump of

purple stuff maybe some do you want to help me make a fudgy spinner

alright oh that yeah you excited yes so guys my brother's time right here you

guys know Sam's gonna see Sam's channel go to my channel look at little boxes

and click on Sam's games they don't know you and I good Sam and

I'm gonna pour you a little bag of these for your channel if you want to make

something right if I follow this up anymore and if I could to explode

because it has to go flat so I'm gonna give you some of the opinion anymore to

let me know really give me some more Waxhaw stuff them don't self them yet

you know I may take the drugs here how much afraid for you first okay

give some some of these pellets if you want to use on your channel them oh

Jesus some of them scary full bag you know say that Sam's channel right there

if you guys ever want to check it out Sam's gals know the fudge offenders a

little bit of a dead meme right now and if you know it does it dad mean I don't

wait day all these ghost eats me they're starting to go really see three right

now sadly I come over he's been sleeping on the bad West is waiting for these to

kick they're ready Sam the plastic sticks the plastic so I'm gonna gently

press this on here get herself some sort of mold shape and get it off as soon as

possible so maybe there there there and then pull it off

okay so gar cells are fried to spanner shape

but Orion actually what if I press these barons inside it make sure that the

Barons stay put and don't fly all over the place when I read put this on so if

I put this sight on here this is the finished product right here it's a fight

to spend it doesn't really spend for that long and whenever I put on these

little pegs here it doesn't work very well but I pry into this a lot more

effort this could be a really cool thing it actually bounds pretty well I just

sort of tried to keep it matched to this what do you think it would Sam give a

shot what do you think I mean we made it from pure dolphin anyways guys massive

thank you the company give me them today if you want to check my link in the

description but on that I'm gonna add this vlog right here guys if you enjoy

please smash that like button a piece of smash it let you throw these bags of

like all the terraforming class terraform plastics was it called

thermosetting plastics let me know you thought of thermoset plastics also hit

the notification bell for a notification shirt today zone okay Charlotte goes to

day Burton one two three nice bed by the way and I smashed the Bell

to bat smile thank you so much thank you so much Fred in the bell but all night

if any more you guys want to know if hit and shouted smash the Bell and let me

know in the coments don't open on that guys thank you so much for watching as I

sign off and I will see you guys tomorrow in the next video

For more infomation >> This Is Not What You Think It Is... *SCIENCE EXPERIMENT* - Duration: 11:28.


Vlog#41 Morality vs Respect - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Vlog#41 Morality vs Respect - Duration: 10:30.


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Drunk Review - Duration: 6:02.

Rhianna was definitely the best part of this movie

Cheers, and welcome to another drunk review

today I'm reviewing a movie

which is not something that I've done drunk on this channel before

I literally just came back from seeing

Valerian and the city of a thousand planets

I also just found out that the director is also the

director of The Fifth Element and I feel betrayed

now that I have this information

like I can tell

I mean the CG is definitely elevated but it's

obvious that the same style is seen in both movies

especially in the designs of the aliens and the color scheme

so yeah I'm not surprised

so this review will contain spoilers. if that bothers you, click away

I will put a card

I always forget which side, I think it's this one

I'll put a card here and you can go watch that video instead

so basically if you don't know Valerian

follows the story of major valerian and Sargent laureline

I think that's how you say her name

but I mean come on, she's Cara Delevingne

you can't have a movie with Cara Delevingne and not be like

oh that's Cara Delevingne

because let me tell ya the girl's acting is a bit flat

fuck if I don't forgive her because she's gorgeous

anyway the story follows valerian and laureline

and they're sent to retrieve this converter and

which is a creature by the way. fucking adorable little bastard um...

anyway they were sent to retrieve this creature and bring it to Alpha

which is a space station which was ejected from earth like 700 years ago or

I guess it was only 300 years ago? it was ejected from Earth's orbit a while back

and it's since grown to this huge thing with all these different

creatures on it, like all of these different alien civilizations kind of

conglomerated and I really wish that they would have explored that better

to quote my friend Jamie "this movie would have been fantastic if there were

absolutely no humans in it"

there are so many cool concepts in this movie that

just aren't explored fully and that's so sad

especially considering The Fifth Element is one of my favorite sci-fi movies

god damn it Luke Beson why do you do this to me?

why do you break my heart? you're better than this

and it turns out that the planet this converter is from, Mule

actually was destroyed by the commander

and blah blah blah long crazy war backstory nonsense

and it got blown up

but a few people from the planet, they are called pearls,

a few of them survived and they found their way to Alpha and

they were building a spaceship so they could fly off again and get a new planet

I guess? um...wasn't 100% clear cuz they said phrases like "get your planet back"

and I'm like but it blowed up? it blew up people!

the dynamic between Valerian and laureline was very cliche

and I really wish they' wouldn't have gone that route

but bubble. fucking bubble. I love bubble. why was bubble not in more of this movie

bubble is a glamopod. basically a gelatinous shapeshifter

and in her human form she looks like Rihanna and performs

changing outfits and hair styles and colors and everything

and that's a really cool scene

it is a bit pander-y

it's a bit obvious that it was added in for sex appeal to the straight male audience

but I forgive it because Rihanna

like her backstory like why is her backstory not in it more?

and oh I was so worried these k12 or something

these k12 robots I was so afraid that they were gonna be all

planting and no payoff because they kept pointing them out and they made a point

to say yeah no these things have to come with us because the commander programmed

them and we can't deactivate them blah blah blah

I was so worried that that wasn't gonna go anywhere thank fuck I was wrong

and it did that thing that I absolutely hate it when movies do where

it makes it look like it's gonna be a very satisfying happy ending

and then oh no shit gets real again they're in danger again

and it's like nooooooo!

do we have to go through this nonsense again?

fuck it's already three fucking hours long

that was all bubble...BUBBLE!

overall it was an entertaining movie it had decent effects and an OK story

pretty flat characters but you know I'll forgive it cuz it looked kind of cool

I'm a little disappointed that I let my friends talk me into going to see it

instead of one of the thousand other movies that are in theaters right now

that I want to see

that's it. that's really all of my thoughts on it

if you saw Valerian, let me know what you thought below

don't forget to Like share and subscribe

i have a paypal and a patreon

i would love you forever if you would donate a little bit of money

and i will see you next time

[finger snaps] bye

For more infomation >> Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Drunk Review - Duration: 6:02.


다운사이징 DOWNSIZING 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 다운사이징 DOWNSIZING 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:32.


Justice League NEWS Will Green Lantern Appear? Will Armie Hammer PLAY Shazam Tease? - DCEU News - Duration: 7:12.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie and

DC extended universe and Shazam so everyone that said on my video where I

casted Armie Hammer to be the Green Lantern in the Justice League movie

people what kind of positive about that but it appears during an interview with

et Canada that mr. hammer insists that no one from Warner Brothers has spoken

to him about joining the Cinematic Universe aka the DCAU and about him

potentially being in the Justice League movie he said this no no one's called me

hammer revealed no one's called me no nothing so it's left a lot of people up

in the air because even if he said no one had actually contacted him obviously

the Green Lantern role and the Shazam role is being kept secret dead hi

personally I think he is going to be in at the Justice League movie as most

likely the Green Lantern because as we know Aquaman was casted five years

before he played Aquaman according to Jason Momoa during an interview where he

said he had to keep its secret for five years so obviously in the trailer we had

the infamous bits no a lanterns obviously steppin wolf I've been saying

it wrong guys I admit I've been saying Stefan wolf but it's actually

Steppenwolf so apologies so obviously everyone thinks at the end of the

trailer that it's Howard Jordan speaking to Alfred but that doesn't really mean

it can't be him just because Steppenwolf says no lanterns

just because Steppenwolf is kind of taking out Earth's protective doesn't

mean they've wiped out the of the lantern score as a whole because

there is so many green lands to pull from so personally I think the person at

the end is Green Lantern and though most people seem to think it's Superman or

some people even didn't think it's the flash or cyborg but comment down below

guys who would it be do you think our Mohammed will actually

play the Green Lantern if army hammer is being truthful and he isn't playing the

Green Lantern personally I think he should play Shazam why because he's a

bit like Zac Efron armie hammer he's got the body he's got the blond hair he's

got the look he could play a perfect schism if he want to and I'm not the

only person thinking this as many artists have casted army hammer in the

Schism role as if you go onto YouTube and type in army how Shazaam many

pictures come up and video is the same thing as if you google it's many

pictures come up as him in a dishes Amaral so it would be very interesting

if armie hammer was secretly Shazam all this time and he was trolling with Henry

Cavill and they all got the tail all implying that the army hammer was going

to be Green Lance and that would be quite surprising if armie hammer

actually turned out to be Shazam instead of green lantern but obviously along

with everything cows is also a lot of other people you cast earlier in the

week I casted if John Cena could potentially be coming to the DC extended

universe because that just makes a lot more sense than anyone else taking up

the Shazam role because obviously he's got the massive of following he's an

absolute kind of beast he's got the fan following he got the

kid following but no one actually knows who's going to be Shazam and then you

could also cast Derek Derek is someone who's been linked

with Dutchess AMRO for quite a while obviously Alan Ritchson was originally

everyone's fan cast he actually kind of got into the Bates about playing Shazam

but now he has taken on the role in other Titans movie he's taken on the

role in The Times movie so that's not going to happen now but what is

interesting is Derek did have do a promotional work with the Dwayne Johnson

The Rock and obviously on his YouTube channel with the hashtag Shazam so it

seems they might have spoken about the role with Dwayne Johnson because

obviously Dwayne Johnson is playing Black Adam so he would have some say I

guess you could say and um I posted image if I can like pop it up above but

in this image he did hashtag Shazam so it's like he's putting himself out there

and he has kind of posted lots of images he even reposted some fanart of Shazam

saying how cool is this Shazam has always been one of my favorite my

favorites dream Captain Marvel obviously everyone knows they can't use Captain

Marvel obviously due to Marvel for nothing's posted some other things with

Superman images and he's posted a lot of images that you could read into him

actually wanting to play Shazam in the DC extended universe movie so

guys let me know who do you think should be Shazam

could it be are we hammer could it be John Cena could it be washed you know

it's not going to be washed you but I think I still want John Cena but Dury

could be a good she could be a good person to Kass but anyway guys is armie

hammer gonna be Green Lantern or is he gonna be John Cena

that'll most likely be the title guys I've got some pretty cool videos I'm

working on for tomorrow and Friday which are taking longer to kind of make

so this is why this video came out today instead uh and longer in a week I know

it's that you guys love to parody my video yesterday so if you've got any

video ideas pop them down below and be sure to make them as I intend to do it

just see video every single day up to the Justice League premiere anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment that would be cool

that would help the channel grow and join that notification squad so you

never miss a Justice League news video and I'll catch you soon guys catch ya


For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Will Green Lantern Appear? Will Armie Hammer PLAY Shazam Tease? - DCEU News - Duration: 7:12.


9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza - Duration: 6:10.

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza

For more infomation >> 9 10 Muharram Ka Roza In Urdu 2017 Ashura Ka Roza - Duration: 6:10.


Are You an Empath?

For more infomation >> Are You an Empath?


TJ Aparecida | Conheça o Sala das Promessas no Santuário Nacional - 12 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Conheça o Sala das Promessas no Santuário Nacional - 12 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:38.


Senhor, Eu Me Sinto tão Cansada... - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> Senhor, Eu Me Sinto tão Cansada... - Duration: 8:54.



For more infomation >> SEM PRECONCEITO - VÍDEO MOTIVACIONAL | MOTIVATION (Subtitle English) - Duration: 2:44.


Yakuza 0 1080p 60 FPS #1 - Duration: 1:08:12.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Yakuza 0 1080p 60 FPS #1 - Duration: 1:08:12.


PRS Sonzera 20 Lead Channel - Duration: 3:23.

Amp Settings: Dirty Channel: Presence 12:00 Reverb 10:00 Bass 11:00 Mid 11:00+ Treble 12:00 Level .5 Drive 1 Bright Switch on

For more infomation >> PRS Sonzera 20 Lead Channel - Duration: 3:23.


Lunes de Tutorial #4: 5 aplicaciones de teléfono para editar fotos y añadirles textos o gráficos - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Lunes de Tutorial #4: 5 aplicaciones de teléfono para editar fotos y añadirles textos o gráficos - Duration: 3:06.


Της αγάπης αίματα - Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης (1977) - Duration: 3:09.

Bloods of love turned me all crimson

And happiness unseen obscured me

I got oxidated in the humidity of people

Oh distant mother, my rose unfading

In the open sea they awaited me

With three-sail bombard ships and opened fire

Dear sin, if only I had a love (affair)

Oh distant mother, my rose unfading

Sometime in July, her big eyes

Were half-opened inside my bowels

For a moment to enlighten the pure life

Oh distant mother, my rose unfading

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