Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017


It's what this country is made of.

A helping hand.

A shoulder to lean on.

Us is all of us.

Different looks.

Different voices.


One sacred bond.

But right now, that bond is fraying.

Where do we find common ground?

How do we get us?

The Y fills the gaps and bridges our divides.

It's a place where we can become us again.

Now, more than ever, the Y needs your support.

Because where there's a Y,

there's an us.

For a better us, donate to your local Y today.

For more infomation >> The Y: US (:90) - Duration: 1:31.


Chileno Diego Rubio brilla en triunfo de Sporting Kansas City sobre LA Galaxy - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Chileno Diego Rubio brilla en triunfo de Sporting Kansas City sobre LA Galaxy - Duration: 1:12.


La Criptografia Cientifica [HD-REM] - Duration: 1:17:47.

For more infomation >> La Criptografia Cientifica [HD-REM] - Duration: 1:17:47.


¿Hay alguna vacuna necesaria? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> ¿Hay alguna vacuna necesaria? - Duration: 3:56.


Las vacaciones de Andrea Janeiro como mayor de edad - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Las vacaciones de Andrea Janeiro como mayor de edad - Duration: 1:28.


Grow the Zombie Plant

For more infomation >> Grow the Zombie Plant


minecraft test video ~ (GONE WRONG!? GONE SEXUAL?! :O) - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> minecraft test video ~ (GONE WRONG!? GONE SEXUAL?! :O) - Duration: 0:46.


Sabudana Kheer | Sabudana Kheer for Fast | Sabudane Ki Kheer | Sago Pudding | Navratri Vrat Recipe - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Sabudana Kheer | Sabudana Kheer for Fast | Sabudane Ki Kheer | Sago Pudding | Navratri Vrat Recipe - Duration: 2:51.


La Criptografia Cientifica [HD-REM] - Duration: 1:17:47.

For more infomation >> La Criptografia Cientifica [HD-REM] - Duration: 1:17:47.


BREAKING: Media Busted Hiding Sick Dem Scandal | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:04.

The scandals in the Democrat Party are almost

disease-like in the way they spread through the entire political world.

One of the central scandals of the Democrat party looks ready to collapse.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught up in a scandal involving someone who allegedly

worked as her IT aide named Imran Awan.

Awan was caught trying to flee the country, and was arrested.

Democrats tried to defend Awan by saying that he is a husband and father.

The problem here is that now, multiple women have come forward to say that Awan abused

them in multiple ways — both physically and mentally, according to the Daily Caller.

Salam Chaudhry called the police in 2015 to complain that she was being beaten in her

home, located in a Manitoba Apartment Complex.

The apartment was paid for by Awan.

Worse yet, Chaudhry had two kids in the apartment when the beating occurred.

The second woman to report suffering abuse at Awan's hands is named Samara Siddique.

She confirmed with authorities on July 18th of 2016 that, "her boyfriend treated her

bad and kept her there like a slave … [she] wants him out of her life.

Ms. Siddique wanted info on how to obtain a restraining order against him," according

to the police report.

There were a total of three altercations between the two in 2016 alone.

One time, authorities found cuts on Siddique's arms and stomach.

These stories are horrific, but no one was prepared for the third woman's story.

Awan's stepmother, Samina Gilani, is the third victim, and her long and violent history

with Awan is enough to turn heads — and show that he is much more than a "father

and husband."

A 22-page police report reveals that she was exposed to threats, held in almost slave-like

conditions, and suffered abuse.

The events that she had to experience were horrific, and not something that anyone should

have to go through.

The report reads, "Imran Awan showed up and threatened me for calling the police.

Mr. Shahid Imran Awan threatened that he is very powerful and if I ever call the police

[he] will do harm to me and my family members back in Pakistan and one of my cousins here

in Baltimore."

She went on to explain that Awan told her that her phone was tapped and seemed to insinuate

that if she were to report him, there would be a price to pay.

Gilani confirmed with the Daily Caller that Awan held her against her will in her home.

He was using his father's name to store money that he received through ill-gotten


As she mourned the death of her husband, Awan's father, he tried to get Gilani to sign paperwork

that would give him rights to his father's money.

This is not acceptable behavior for someone who is working in the IT department of our


No lasting charges were ever filed against him for any of these crimes.

It is unknown what the final result is going to be for Awan, but he will not get away with

this horrific behavior.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Media Busted Hiding Sick Dem Scandal | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:04.


Trump administration issues new travel ban restricting entry from 8 countries - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Trump administration issues new travel ban restricting entry from 8 countries - Duration: 1:07.


LEARN COLOR Motorcycles VS Surprise Eggs for kids and Nursery Rhymes cartoon for babies Children - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> LEARN COLOR Motorcycles VS Surprise Eggs for kids and Nursery Rhymes cartoon for babies Children - Duration: 1:39.


Play game Plant Vs Zombies | Tải và chơi game Trồng hoa bắn Zombies trên máy tính - Duration: 46:34.

For more infomation >> Play game Plant Vs Zombies | Tải và chơi game Trồng hoa bắn Zombies trên máy tính - Duration: 46:34.


Academy of Art University: Co...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University: Co...


Irving Finkel and the Chamber of Chessmen I Curator's Corner Season 2 Episode 9 - Duration: 8:28.

Hello my name is Irving Finkel. I work in the British Museum. I'm a curator

and welcome to my corner.

So today we're going to talk about the Lewis Chessmen.

The Lewis Chessmen are not in my department which is called the Middle

East they're in a totally different department which I don't approve of but

I can't do anything about it. They've been carved in the middle of the

12th century out of walrus tusks by craftsmen who were really geniuses but

they imparted to those chess pieces a huge dollop of humanity and rather a lot

of humour. So these chessmen probably were carved north of England in

Norway, Scandinavia - we don't know where, there are different theories about it.

Some group of them was buried on the shore of Lewis for reasons we don't really know

and lay there from the middle of the 12th century till about 1830 so those

chess pieces are quite extraordinary they were found somewhere on the Isle of

Lewis on a white silvery beach on the northern shore

sometime in 1830 nobody - quite knows what really happened there's a story

about a nunnery there's a story about a murder there's all the usual stories, but

the most reasonable one is that a cow was munching grass which was growing

on the edge of the beach and somehow with its foot or its nose

dislodged something which slid apart and there revealed and some kind of case

where all these small ivory chess pieces, who must have terrified the life out

from the first person who saw them because they probably thought they were

devils, but wisdom prevailed and somebody local scooped them up or most of them.

They were taken to the mainland on the quiet they were sold to a collector

here and a collector there and the bulk of them ended up in the British Museum

and the rest in the Museum in Edinburgh.

When you see them for the first time something magical happens and they bewitch you,

and of course that's what happened to me, that's what happens to all curators in this Museum

they come here as children, they fall in love with certain things and for me it was in the first place

the Lewis chess pieces, I never managed to get them out of my system,

I've always, always been crazy about them.

So in the old days when I was a young person, you could buy replicas of these chess pieces

in the shop. It was an innovation, they were about one pound twelve shillings

and sixpence and they were made by craftsmen who did their utmost to

reproduce the look of ancient ivory so they were very impressive.

We were not a particularly affluent family and we were brought up in such a way that we

only had treats on a small number of occasions like birthdays and things of

this kind so I acquired my set of replicas of the Lewis chess pieces,

32 pieces, on Christmas and birthdays over many many years of work.

In fact, when I got my PhD I still was short seven pawns and my dad decided he would

buy those as a small gesture. So I finally had a whole set to play with.

When you have that chess set in front of you, you feel like a general with an army at your

disposal fighting to the death but also tinged with a big dollop of humanity as I said.

So it's a marvellous matter that they've come to light because thousands and thousands and thousands

of people have seen these chess pieces. In fact they're in the back of people's mind and

sometimes you see them on biscuit tins, sometimes you see them on calendars and

of course you will have seen them in that cursed horrible film! Whose name I

forget about some kid with glasses who had nothing better to do one afternoon

than to play a game of chess and they used the replicas of the Lewis chess

pieces which belong to me.

Thing was the movie wasn't very interesting but

the chess piece part was very interesting indeed because if you ever

saw it you will have seen how wicked this queen could be and how vulnerable

this poor military knight could be in the face of her fury. So these are the

actual ones and I would quite like to be able to bring this alive for you by showing

you that film if I can remember what it was called but as I can't what we're

going to do now is a kind of reenactment of it in the British Museum so that it brings

it back into your memory in case you've forgotten too.

Knight to E5.

Queen to E5.

That's totally barbaric!

That's wizard's chess.

See you've packed.

I see you haven't.

Change a plan, my parents decided to go to Romania

to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there.

Now this is an interesting matter, I tell you for why

because in that film which will become nameless in this speech

it was necessary to have a chess set where children in the school could

play a game and the wardrobe mistress was sent to the British Museum to get a

set of Lewis chess piece replicas because she was a British Museum girl

because her father and her grandfather had been keepers in this Museum back in

time a long way. So she knew all about the Lewis chess pieces. Like me,

she's grown up admiring them. So she came here to buy a set of replicas and lo and

behold there were none available in the shop even for ready money. So she rang me

up knowing I had these replicas and to cut a long story short they borrowed my

replicas for use in the film. Now this isn't just a small matter, it's a matter

of extremely significant archaeology because when the chess pieces were first

discovered some of them were red. Most of them were white but some were red - they'd

been stained artificially in the workshop to distinguish the two sides on

the chessboard because as we have black and white pieces so originally they were

white and red. Well it turns out nowadays that you cannot, for love nor money,

tell which of those pieces was originally red because all the colour

has vanished even on the inside of the pieces where you have the kind of

net of structure which formed the marrow of the tusk so to speak even in the

interstices inside the core of the piece there is no trace of red.

So I'd asked the man who makes these marvellous replicas to make a replica set in red so we can

see what they would really look like. So what actually happened was that all the

children in the world saw the replicas of the Lewis chess pieces as they were

originally red and white and if they watched attentively which I hope they

did they will have seen how unpleasant and vicious in nature the red queen could

be when provoked.

They are amazing things and I think they

really need to be appreciated for lots of reasons.

Somehow or other they captivate the passerby. It is true in museum that when

people have been there a while their legs get weary and they're actually

thinking, longing, for open the fields and yoghurt. But sometimes things arrest

their attention and I have been many times hanging around by the

case where the chess piece are, I'm often hanging around there because I've

always expected one of these days they will have a conversation that I can

overhear but leaving that aside it is always a heartwarming thing to see jaded

people who rather wish they were no longer in the British Museum at all

seeing these chess pieces and being electrified by them and stooping down

and saying look at that and look at that and isn't that marvelous and that is

what they are they are marvellous.

For more infomation >> Irving Finkel and the Chamber of Chessmen I Curator's Corner Season 2 Episode 9 - Duration: 8:28.


JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 23, 2017 - Duration: 1:00:48.

For more infomation >> JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 23, 2017 - Duration: 1:00:48.


¿Hay alguna vacuna necesaria? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> ¿Hay alguna vacuna necesaria? - Duration: 3:56.


Woh Zamana, Kare Deewana With Radhika Apte - Duration: 1:16.

Woh Zamana, Kare Deewana With Radhika Apte

Woh Zamana, Kare Deewana With Radhika Apte

Woh Zamana, Kare Deewana With Radhika Apte

For more infomation >> Woh Zamana, Kare Deewana With Radhika Apte - Duration: 1:16.


Ewangeliarz OP - 25 września 2017 - (Łk 8, 16-18) - Duration: 2:33.

I really like the word 'mystery'.

I discovered it many years ago

thanks to Gabriel Marcel, a Christian philosopher, (though he didn' like to be called one)

who had been fascinated by the issue of 'a mystery'.

A mystery, they way a Christian should see it,

is not about some little secrets

known to few only,

or some magical keys

which would open some secret little boxes.

No. God is a mystery.

A mystery being such a depth

you can't understand.

He is the depth of life and love

which created everything, which created me.

It's where my questions and deepest yearnings come from.

We are a part of this mystery.

If we tried to step aside all this, and become cunning conquerers

of the little classified things, we would get past God.

But if we let ourselves get into that mystery in prayers,

if we make our lives become part of His life,

and part of the history of salvation,

giving Him thanks for all the past, giving Him all the present,

hoping for a good future, then we will become a part of God's mystery.

If we let God love ourselves,

if we ask Him for us to be able to reciprocate this love

and pass it on, then we will become a part of His secret.

Today's Gospel is inviting us to do this.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 25 września 2017 - (Łk 8, 16-18) - Duration: 2:33.


REACTION [Official MV] จริงๆมันก็ดี (DRUNK) GENA DESOUZA - Duration: 6:15.

Hi guys all right? My name is Luckas.

Hi guys, today I went back to do more of a reaction. Yes.

back to reaction here in the channel

thai-pop. I wanted to make a comment about reactions

but I leave it to do in a V-pop reaction

it is something related to v-pop. Returning

pro thai-pop to Gena Desouza made a comeback

Drunk with the music, man Jingjing go dai

And this song I'm looking forward to seeing

and I will react, you asked too

but I would have to watch, so let's watch

because it looks very good, looking forward to seeing

the thai-pop is coming back little by little, the good, right,

because it has one there that are not so good, so good have to go back

but without ado let's see, 1 2 3 and has

this song does not seem a children's music?

I do not know if in Thailand too, but here in Brazil yes

I've loved this her hair, reddish middle, orange half

Then I was longing to see

a new thing in Thailand but it is good, Thai-pop

well recorded

in legal scenarios

through pop through rap

Cool ... I love it

Guys, spotify would not arrive in Thailand? Why not have the songs there?

I sought this song in Spotify and have not found


to please her record label put on Spotify to be able to listen in Brazil


Look there, Itunes

but I do not have...

Iphone, my phone is Samsung

Oh people, the music is cool to

highlighting the Thai music right because

because we need to ... Thai music

gone pop Thai music I was used to seeing a few years ago

so I am very happy when something new comes out

The Gena had some other single before? I saw something

of cover, but single even though she already had?

and dancing I've seen that has the dance version

I want to learn the choreography

ah this record you are betting enough

And another thing, Gena Desouza where she is?

she is from Brazil? Because in Brazil there is the surname de Souza.

is she is Brazilian and we do not know? Is she Latin?

MBO. In the day MBO

I thought so, something not so different right

something new in the world of music

but I'm glad that Thai music is coming back slowly

good Thai music is coming back, the pop thai

I am very happy, thank Thailand, thank you for watching

I hope you enjoyed this video, do not forget to subscribe to the channel

because we will again have videos almost every day

I will not promise every day because it can happen to give trouble

and do not give to post but now almost every day we will again have videos

and thank you because I got to 1200 subscribers

here the channel, thank you

and we hit one more goal? I want to get to 2000.

help me reach two thousand. and do not forget to see my latest video

which speaks of lakorn, you give Thailand, have to watch

because lakorn is very good, I spoke of the Side by Side

so I'll leave here in the related video, Side by Side

watch for you, do not forget to give comment like

share with your friends and sign up in the channel ok?

and we see in the next video, a kiss. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> REACTION [Official MV] จริงๆมันก็ดี (DRUNK) GENA DESOUZA - Duration: 6:15.


WWE HELL IN A CELL (2) (259 VLOG 341#) - Duration: 3:10.


Hey there, guys. Tyreese Joyner here. This is another edition of the 259 vlog.

Today, I'm here to tell you about Hell in a Cell.

Of course, I already talked to guys about that last year. If you want to see that video, check it out in the description down below.

So Hell in a Cell is a hellacious structure.

The Hell in a Cell pay-per-view debuted on October 4th, 2009. They were 3 Hell in a Cell matches at that time.

John Cena against Randy Orton inside Hell in a Cell, DX versus Legacy inside Hell in a Cell, and finally, CM Punk against the Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell.

In 2010, Randy Orton and Sheamus went inside Hell in a Cell, so does Kane and the Undertaker.

In 2011, Mark Henry and Randy Orton went inside Hell in a Cell, and of course, John Cena, Alberto Del Rio, and CM Punk went inside Hell in a Cell.

In 2012, CM Punk and Ryback went inside Hell in a Cell.

And CM Punk and Ryback appeared in Hell in a Cell again in 2013, and Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan went inside Hell in a Cell.

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose went inside Hell in a Cell, and so does John Cena and Randy Orton.

Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns went inside Hell in a Cell.

And finally...

Kevin Owens went inside Hell in a Cell with Seth Rollins, especially Roman Reigns and Rusev, and even the Divas went inside Hell in a Cell. Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks.

And now, this year's Hell in a Cell, Shane Mcmahon and Kevin Owens will be locked inside Hell in a Cell this year, and that'll happen in 2 weeks. Because, that's the Smackdown exclusive pay-per-view.

Last year, it was the RAW exclusive pay-per-view, yeah Hell in a Cell, this time now, Hell in a Cell is on the Smackdown Live exclusive pay-per-view.

All right, y'all, thanks for watching. Tootle loo.


For more infomation >> WWE HELL IN A CELL (2) (259 VLOG 341#) - Duration: 3:10.


Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 This video is blocked in almost every country PArt 9 - Duration: 1:28:42.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 This video is blocked in almost every country PArt 9 - Duration: 1:28:42.


Gotway ACM16 820 Wh -VS- KingSong KS-16S 840 Wh (Clash of Giants #1) - Duration: 4:27. PRESENTS


Tonight's host: Justina

FIGHT: KingSong KS-16S 840 Wh vs Gotway ACM16 820 Wh

Today: Clash of Giants!

KingSong KS-16S

vs Gotway ACM16

The rules are simple:

Who gains more points, will stay alive in one piece.

Round 1: Design

The external look is completely different, you have to agree.

Gotway looks like a prototype in comparison,

especially with those visible screws in the casing.

KINGSONG wins first round!

Round 2: Pedals

In both devices, the pedals are placed ~13 cm above the ground.

They length is the same.

The pedals are finished with a grip tape.

As you can see, here is the whole, and here just two parts.

The pedals are V-shaped, to increase the rider's comfort,

What's important: Gotway has magnetic pedals.

Because of that, Gotway wins this round.

Round 3: weight

Size: 16"


This one has 17,5 kg (38,5 pounds),

and this one is 18 kg (39,7 pounds).

KingSong wins - not by much.

Round 4: range

Battery capacity - Gotway: 820 Wh,

manufactured by Panasonic,

real range: up to 65 km.

KingSong - battery capacity: 840 Wh,

manufactured by Sanyo - a Panasonic subsidiary.

Real range: up to 70 km

Next round for KingSong!

Round 5: power

Electric motor rated power: Gotway - 1500 W

KingSong - 1200 W

Maximum power output:

3000 W,

and 3000 W.

Maximum speed:

up to 35 km/h; up to 35 km/h [according to the devices specification]

I'd like to make this draw,

but let's the numbers decide:

Gotway wins.

Round 5: lights

Here we have side LEDs, that indicate the battery status.

We can also configure them,

to animate differently when riding.

Both unicycles have front and real lamps built-in.

Here, the rear lamp doubles as a battery indicator.

Here, the unicycle is symmetrical.

You can ride it both ways,

and the lamps will adjust.

- it has two, independend, strong lamps.

This round, wins definitely KingSong.

Round 7. Trolley handle

KingSong has a built-in, trolley handle.

For Gotway we can buy one and attach it ourselves...

but let's bet hones -

the manufacturer could do better.

KingSong wins in this round.

Round 8: additional equipment

KingSong, despite it's a lighter device,

it has the following features inside:

side LEDs, expendable handle and speakers.

Gotway has a USB port only.

Finally, KingSong. wins

Round 9: Off-road

Both unicycles have the same tyre cut.

However KingSong has bigger pads on the pedal,

which is better in off-road usage.e.

This round wins KingSong.

Today's fight, KingSong wins definietly.

If you like style lifestyle and you wan't more videos of this series, let me know in the comment section below! Justina.

Dziekujemy za ogladzanie. (C) 2017

For more infomation >> Gotway ACM16 820 Wh -VS- KingSong KS-16S 840 Wh (Clash of Giants #1) - Duration: 4:27.


Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 This video is blocked in almost every country PArt 8 - Duration: 49:20.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 This video is blocked in almost every country PArt 8 - Duration: 49:20.


Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 Everyone is Very Scared When Talking about This 2017 - Duration: 1:44:02.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update 25st September 2017 Everyone is Very Scared When Talking about This 2017 - Duration: 1:44:02.


NASA Confirm 25th September 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 55:56.

Thank you for watching videos Subscribe to channels - LIKE - SHARE to track channel

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm 25th September 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 55:56.


Lord of Light R'hllor by Thoros of Myr - Game of thrones history (English Subtitles Synched) - Duration: 3:40.

THOROS: I was born youngest of eight in Myr across the Narrow Sea.

So my father gave me over to the Red Temple.

In their wisdom, they decided to make me a priest

instead of a warrior or a temple prostitute like other children.

It was not the path I would have chosen.

Sure, I prayed the prayers and I spoke the spells,

but I also led raids on the kitchens.

And from time to time, they found girls in my bed.

Such wicked girls.

I never knew how they got there.

Then again I did have a gift for tongues.

And when I gazed into the flames, well, from time to time I saw things.

Even so, I was more bother than I was worth.

When the High Priest foresaw Robert's ascension,

he sent me to turn the Storm Lord to the Lord of Light.

When Robert seized his crown,

we'd take all of Westeros from the Seven in a single stroke.

Perhaps they thought Robert would listen to a kindred spirit.

Or perhaps celibacy had addled the High Priest's brain.

I didn't know, and didn't care.

I was free.

I did my duty as I saw it.

Drinking and whoring and waving my sword around,

the only gods Robert cared about anyway.

Years passed, Robert became King, I became a joke.

We both became fat.

I even won some glory in Greyjoy's rebellion.

First through the breach and all that. (CHUCKLES)

It's amazing what boldness a full bladder can inspire.

But Robert had stopped listening to my sermons a long time ago.

Even if I'd still bothered to give them.

Then came Robert's death and the war.

I'm not speaking of those brats squabbling over the world's pointiest chair.

Powers long asleep are waking and moving through the land.

I've seen them in my flames.

Shit, I've seen them with my own two eyes.

The Lord of Light is real.

And if he's real, then all of it is real.

Man once again faces the war for the Dawn which has been waged since time began.

On one side is the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire,

the God of Flame and Shadow.

Against him stands the Great Other whose name may not be spoken.

The Lord of Darkness, the Soul of Ice,

the God of Night and Terror.

According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn

to wake dragons from stone

and reforge the great sword, Lightbringer,

that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago.

If the old tales are true,

a terrible weapon forged with the lifeblood of a loving wife's heart.

Part of me thinks man was well rid of it.

But great power requires great sacrifice.

That much, at least, the Lord of Light is clear on.

I sound like a dried out old woman, I know.

But as our former Hand liked to say,

"Winter is coming."

When the cold winds rise, all men,

no matter their faith or lack of it,

huddle beside my night fires.

And I pray the prayers and speak the spells

and beseech the Lord of Light to bring back the Dawn.

So far so good.

But reprobate as I am, I can't help but wonder

what will happen if, one day,

our Lord does not answer.

Imagine a night that goes on forever.

So dark and full of terrors.

I think I need another drink.

For more infomation >> Lord of Light R'hllor by Thoros of Myr - Game of thrones history (English Subtitles Synched) - Duration: 3:40.


Mobile Legends WTF Moments 16 - Duration: 11:02.

Plz subscribe to my channel to update the latest videos

Thank you so much for watching!

Please subscribe to my channel.

1 subscriber = million pleasure

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments 16 - Duration: 11:02.


✔✔ "가해자 직장 잃을지도"···성추행 피해자에게 동료 경찰과 '합의'해달라 말한 여경 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ "가해자 직장 잃을지도"···성추행 피해자에게 동료 경찰과 '합의'해달라 말한 여경 - Duration: 4:04.


爵士音樂, ジャズ&ボサノバBGM. カフェ BGM, 作業用や勉強用にも, JAZZ+BOSSAでオシャレでゆったりとした時間を - Duration: 3:37:24.

Title: Jazz & Bossa Nova BGM! Cafe BGM! Work and also for the study! The time and spacious with stylish JAZZ + BOSSA!

For more infomation >> 爵士音樂, ジャズ&ボサノバBGM. カフェ BGM, 作業用や勉強用にも, JAZZ+BOSSAでオシャレでゆったりとした時間を - Duration: 3:37:24.


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Ewangeliarz OP - 25 września 2017 - (Łk 8, 16-18) - Duration: 2:33.

I really like the word 'mystery'.

I discovered it many years ago

thanks to Gabriel Marcel, a Christian philosopher, (though he didn' like to be called one)

who had been fascinated by the issue of 'a mystery'.

A mystery, they way a Christian should see it,

is not about some little secrets

known to few only,

or some magical keys

which would open some secret little boxes.

No. God is a mystery.

A mystery being such a depth

you can't understand.

He is the depth of life and love

which created everything, which created me.

It's where my questions and deepest yearnings come from.

We are a part of this mystery.

If we tried to step aside all this, and become cunning conquerers

of the little classified things, we would get past God.

But if we let ourselves get into that mystery in prayers,

if we make our lives become part of His life,

and part of the history of salvation,

giving Him thanks for all the past, giving Him all the present,

hoping for a good future, then we will become a part of God's mystery.

If we let God love ourselves,

if we ask Him for us to be able to reciprocate this love

and pass it on, then we will become a part of His secret.

Today's Gospel is inviting us to do this.

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