<b>Sid: This man prayed for</b> <b>Arafat and his leaders,</b>
<b>and Arafat and 60 members</b> <b>of his cabinet were</b>
<b>physically healed on this</b> <b>edition of It's</b>
<b>[music♪] Life after death</b> <b>experiences and angelic</b>
<b>communications are on the</b> <b>increase.</b>
<b>Terminally ill patients</b> <b>whom doctors have given no</b>
<b>hope are unexplainably</b> <b>cured.</b>
<b>People are being</b> <b>mysteriously protected</b>
<b>from natural disasters.</b>
<b>Sid Roth, your</b> <b>investigative reporter,</b>
<b>examines this invisible</b> <b>world on It's Supernatural.</b>
<b>Sid: Hello.</b>
<b>I'm Sid Roth your</b> <b>investigative reporter.</b>
<b>My guest Dave Duell met</b> <b>with the man that has been</b>
<b>in the news, Arafat, in a</b> <b>way different than any</b>
<b>news reporter has written</b> <b>it.</b>
<b>Now Dave, how in the world</b> <b>did you have a private</b>
<b>meeting with Arafat?</b>
<b>Dave: It was all God, Sid.</b>
<b>I have a good friend in</b> <b>Denver and he drilled some</b>
<b>oil wells over there in</b> <b>Israel,</b>
<b>and he became acquainted</b> <b>with different people,</b>
<b>met the mayor of</b> <b>Bethlehem,</b>
<b>and told him about a plan</b> <b>that God had given him for</b>
<b>different things for</b> <b>Israel and the</b>
<b>And before long, he was</b> <b>invited by Arafat,</b>
<b>and this man was looking</b> <b>for a couple men to go</b>
<b>with him, and he got laid</b> <b>on his heart that I should</b>
<b>go with him.</b>
<b>And so I got to go with he</b> <b>and his son,</b>
<b>and we ended up in Tunis,</b> <b>Tunisia.</b>
<b>Sid: How did you even say,</b> <b>can I pray for you?</b>
<b>I mean, I just don't</b> <b>picture that,</b>
<b>Dave: We were talking</b> <b>about different things and</b>
<b>politics, and all this,</b> <b>and pretty soon my friend</b>
<b>said, "Tell the Chairman</b> <b>what you do."</b>
<b>And I knew this was my</b> <b>opportunity.</b>
<b>And I stood right up in</b> <b>front of him and talked to</b>
<b>him about what I've seen</b> <b>in my life,</b>
<b>what I've seen God do in</b> <b>miracles and casting</b>
<b>devils out of people.</b>
<b>Sid: All right.</b>
<b>Tell me the greatest,</b> <b>we'll pick up right here.</b>
<b>But tell me the greatest</b> <b>miracle you have seen with</b>
<b>your own eyes.</b>
<b>Dave: I was in England,</b> <b>Sid,</b>
<b>and I was doing, just</b> <b>ministering and they</b>
<b>brought up a healing line</b> <b>there.</b>
<b>And here comes this woman</b> <b>in a wheelchair,</b>
<b>and her head was about</b> <b>this big,</b>
<b>Her eyes were swollen</b> <b>shut.</b>
<b>Her nose was about like my</b> <b>fist.</b>
<b>Big lips, she couldn't</b> <b>talk.</b>
<b>And the reason, she had</b> <b>this big upside down tumor</b>
<b>sticking on her head with</b> <b>hair sticking out of it.</b>
<b>Sid: What a horrible.</b>
<b>Dave: Horrible looking</b> <b>thing.</b>
<b>And man, you just wanted</b> <b>to grab and shake it,</b>
<b>and man, I prayed.</b>
<b>Sid: I don't know.</b>
<b>I don't that would want to</b> <b>even touch it.</b>
<b>Dave: I just hated that</b> <b>thing.</b>
<b>And man, I just did</b> <b>everything I could,</b>
<b>prayed over it, demanded</b> <b>that thing to leave,</b>
<b>and didn't see anything.</b>
<b>So I went to the next</b> <b>person.</b>
<b>I looked back and it was</b> <b>shaking, [dramatic music♪]</b>
<b>Sid, just like it was a</b> <b>vibrator.</b>
<b>And I told the people,</b> <b>"Take a look,</b>
<b>look at this!</b>
<b>Look at this!"</b>
<b>And in two minutes time</b> <b>that thing disappeared,</b>
<b>disappeared in front of</b> <b>her eyes and it was just</b>
<b>like pulling a mask off of</b> <b>this woman's face.</b>
<b>As a healing power came</b> <b>down her head,</b>
<b>her head became normal and</b> <b>her eyes opened up,</b>
<b>and her nose became</b> <b>normal,</b>
<b>her lips came normal, her</b> <b>neck went down.</b>
<b>And we're all amazed.</b>
<b>And she walked out of the</b> <b>wheelchair,</b>
<b>going, "Thank you Jesus!</b>
<b>Thank you Jesus!"</b>
<b>Sid: Now you told stories</b> <b>like this to the PLO.</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>Sid: These people are, I</b> <b>mean,</b>
<b>this just isn't your</b> <b>Sunday afternoon social</b>
<b>that you're having there.</b>
<b>Dave: And as I was talking</b> <b>to them,</b>
<b>just the anointing of the</b> <b>Holy Spirit came in the</b>
<b>room and they didn't say</b> <b>who they believed in or</b>
<b>They went, "God!"</b>
<b>Sid: Really.</b>
<b>Dave: "God is here."</b>
<b>And I told Arafat, I said,</b> <b>"How would you like to see</b>
<b>my Jesus heal all of your</b> <b>men."</b>
<b>Sid: What did he say?</b>
<b>Dave: He said, "I think</b> <b>that be a good idea."</b>
<b>I said, "Follow me."</b>
<b>I became like commander in</b> <b>chief in his office and I</b>
<b>just walked around and</b> <b>looked at these 12 key PLO</b>
<b>And the Holy Spirit began</b> <b>to speak to me which,</b>
<b>what was the problems.</b>
<b>I told a guy about a back</b> <b>problem and I said,</b>
<b>"Your right leg is about</b> <b>that short."</b>
<b>And I said, "Now watch</b> <b>this,</b>
<b>Sid: Stop.</b>
<b>What did, did the thought</b> <b>cross your mind if when</b>
<b>you said, "Watch this</b> <b>Arafat,</b>
<b>it didn't happen?</b>
<b>Dave: No.</b>
<b>I know my Jesus, praise</b> <b>God,</b>
<b>and it was a Divine</b> <b>assignment.</b>
<b>And I prayed for so many</b> <b>people.</b>
<b>Sid: All right.</b>
<b>You say, "watch this",</b> <b>this was to Arafat?</b>
<b>Dave: This was not on</b> <b>Arafat.</b>
<b>Sid: No, I know.</b>
<b>Dave: His key guys.</b>
<b>Sid: But was Arafat</b> <b>watching?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh yes and he got</b> <b>right down there.</b>
<b>Sid: All right, tell me</b> <b>what was wrong with this</b>
<b>key guy?</b>
<b>Dave: His leg was about an</b> <b>inch short.</b>
<b>And I said, "Now watch</b> <b>this."</b>
<b>And the Holy Spirit</b> <b>lengthened his leg like</b>
<b>And I said, "Perfect!"</b>
<b>And Arafat goes,</b> <b>"Perfect."</b>
<b>And went to the next guy,</b> <b>and the guy goes,</b>
<b>"I'm healed!</b>
<b>I'm healed!</b>
<b>My back's healed!"</b>
<b>And he bent up and over,</b> <b>and we went to the next</b>
<b>Sid: Wait.</b>
<b>I want to go back to the</b> <b>thing that Arafat was</b>
<b>In other words, someone</b> <b>extended their legs.</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>Sid: And there was a</b> <b>difference in their heels.</b>
<b>Dave: Just like that.</b>
<b>Sid: Is there a difference</b> <b>in my heels,</b>
<b>by the way?</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>Would you like to?</b>
<b>Sid: I would you like you</b> <b>to pray,</b>
<b>Dave: Okay, okay, let's</b> <b>sit you straight.</b>
<b>Now watch camera.</b>
<b>You see his leg right</b> <b>here?</b>
<b>I don't know if you can</b> <b>focus in on right there.</b>
<b>That's an inch short.</b>
<b>Sid: There is a</b> <b>difference.</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah, there is a</b> <b>difference.</b>
<b>Sid: I just wanted to see.</b>
<b>Dave: Okay, you see that</b> <b>right there?</b>
<b>Sid: It's about a heel</b> <b>difference.</b>
<b>Dave: Okay.</b>
<b>Now watch this come.</b>
<b>Here comes the power, Sid.</b>
<b>See that thing lengthen?</b>
<b>Praise God.</b>
<b>God just lengthened your</b> <b>leg right there.</b>
<b>Did you see that grow?</b>
<b>Sid: Now, I want everyone</b> <b>to know this is not a</b>
<b>This was not preplanned.</b>
<b>Dave: No.</b>
<b>Sid: This was, you did</b> <b>this,</b>
<b>Arafat's watching.</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>You want to see a replay</b> <b>of this?</b>
<b>Sid: No, I don't know.</b>
<b>Dave: Look at that replay.</b>
<b>The Holy Ghost just put it</b> <b>back,</b>
<b>just like it was a minute</b> <b>ago.</b>
<b>Now watch it grow again.</b>
<b>Boy, if TV can do it,</b> <b>Jesus can do it.</b>
<b>Do you see that thing</b> <b>grow?</b>
<b>Sid: Yes.</b>
<b>That is amazing.</b>
<b>Dave, all right, Arafat</b> <b>was as amazed as everyone</b>
<b>watching us right now.</b>
<b>What happened?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh, he said,</b> <b>"Perfect!"</b>
<b>So I went to the next man</b> <b>and he had coke bottle</b>
<b>glasses, real thick.</b>
<b>I said, "Take your glasses</b> <b>off."</b>
<b>He took his glasses off.</b>
<b>I just blew in his eyes.</b>
<b>I went [blowing].</b>
<b>I said, "Now read."</b>
<b>He could read perfectly.</b>
<b>He was instantly healed.</b>
<b>The man, this big strong</b> <b>man,</b>
<b>started crying like a</b> <b>baby.</b>
<b>Sid: These are the</b> <b>Palestinian leaders.</b>
<b>Dave: That's exactly</b> <b>right.</b>
<b>Sid: You're talking about.</b>
<b>Dave: This is the top of</b> <b>the line.</b>
<b>Sid: These are suicide</b> <b>bomb people,</b>
<b>Dave: Oh yes.</b>
<b>They were all around</b> <b>there.</b>
<b>And that guy started</b> <b>crying like a baby.</b>
<b>And I went to the next</b> <b>guy,</b>
<b>and Jesus healed him.</b>
<b>The next guy, and I said,</b> <b>"Okay,</b>
<b>now Chairman, it's your</b> <b>turn.</b>
<b>You got a bad back problem</b> <b>right here,</b>
<b>and your right leg is that</b> <b>short."</b>
<b>Sid: This is Arafat.</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>And I'm telling him this.</b>
<b>Sid: How did you know his</b> <b>leg was short?</b>
<b>Dave: I saw it, one of the</b> <b>gifts of the Holy Spirit</b>
<b>that God has put in my</b> <b>life,</b>
<b>years ago, when God gave</b> <b>me that power of the Holy</b>
<b>And man, so I said, "Okay,</b> <b>Mr. Chairman,</b>
<b>you sit in the chair."</b>
<b>And just like we saw your</b> <b>leg lengthen there,</b>
<b>it lengthened.</b>
<b>I said, "Okay, your back</b> <b>is healed."</b>
<b>And he checked, and he</b> <b>said,</b>
<b>he leaped out of the chair</b> <b>and he said,</b>
<b>"I'm healed!</b>
<b>I'm healed!"</b>
<b>And man, everybody jumped.</b>
<b>You know, when the boss</b> <b>jumps,</b>
<b>everybody jumps.</b>
<b>There was a knock at the</b> <b>door and that's when all</b>
<b>these men come started</b> <b>parading up there.</b>
<b>And, Sid, in my life, I</b> <b>don't know why Jesus did</b>
<b>this, but I believe every</b> <b>person was healed we laid</b>
<b>hands on.</b>
<b>Sid: Now Arafat invited</b> <b>you back.</b>
<b>Is that right?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh, he was so</b> <b>excited.</b>
<b>He put us first class</b> <b>back.</b>
<b>He said, "Please come</b> <b>back.</b>
<b>As soon as you can, please</b> <b>come back."</b>
<b>So we came back two months</b> <b>later and he introduced us</b>
<b>to all the key PLO</b> <b>leaders.</b>
<b>Sid: Listen, I want to</b> <b>find out, [music♪]</b>
<b>I want to know how these</b> <b>miracles work with me,</b>
<b>work with Arafat.</b>
<b>I want to understand this.</b>
<b>Next when we come back on</b> <b>It's Supernatural.</b>
<b>We will return to It's</b> <b>Supernatural right after this.</b>
<b>Sid: Hello. I'm Sid Roth here</b> <b>speaking to Dave Duell.</b>
<b>I'm going to tell you</b> <b>something.</b>
<b>This man found himself in</b> <b>front of Arafat and all of</b>
<b>is big shots, prayed.</b>
<b>Arafat saw miracle and</b> <b>invited Dave Duell back.</b>
<b>What happened when you</b> <b>came back?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh, he introduced us</b> <b>to all his key PLO leaders</b>
<b>again and he just said he</b> <b>was so excited.</b>
<b>He said, "We're so happy</b> <b>to have these men back</b>
<b>with us, the men who love</b> <b>us and the men who know</b>
<b>their God."</b>
<b>Man, that sounded like it</b> <b>was just like it came</b>
<b>right out of the Bible.</b>
<b>Man, I tell you it was so</b> <b>excited,</b>
<b>And he opened up all his</b> <b>offices to us.</b>
<b>Everywhere we went we had</b> <b>miracle services.</b>
<b>There wasnít one office</b> <b>closed to us.</b>
<b>Sid: Out of curiosity</b> <b>between the two of us,</b>
<b>did Arafat or any of his</b> <b>chief lieutenants make</b>
<b>Jesus their Messiah?</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>It was wonderful.</b>
<b>One of the key men, I mean</b> <b>one of the men that was</b>
<b>used in a lot of this</b> <b>stuff,</b>
<b>his wife had a bad chest</b> <b>problem,</b>
<b>couldn't find out the</b> <b>problem,</b>
<b>didn't know what the</b> <b>answer was for years.</b>
<b>And he said, "Would you</b> <b>please come to my house</b>
<b>and pray for my wife."</b>
<b>And he said, "Oh, it would</b> <b>be a wonderful thing."</b>
<b>And we went there and</b> <b>visited a little bed.</b>
<b>And all I did, Sid, was</b> <b>just blew on her</b>
<b>[blowing], released the</b> <b>power of the Holy Ghost.</b>
<b>She said, "It's gone!</b>
<b>It's gone!"</b>
<b>She, both of them started</b> <b>crying.</b>
<b>And we introduced them to</b> <b>Jesus through the blood</b>
<b>Both of them received</b> <b>Jesus.</b>
<b>Sid: I'm curious.</b>
<b>How did this power happen?</b>
<b>Did it just happen one</b> <b>day?</b>
<b>How do you move in this</b> <b>kind of power?</b>
<b>Dave: I grew up on a farm</b> <b>and a ranch.</b>
<b>I knew Jesus when I was a</b> <b>little boy,</b>
<b>but I never had the power.</b>
<b>And I went through live</b> <b>saying,</b>
<b>where's the power, where's</b> <b>the power,</b>
<b>got to have the power.</b>
<b>And the Bible says, when</b> <b>you get hungry you're</b>
<b>going to find it, when you</b> <b>seek you're going to find,</b>
<b>when you knock the door</b> <b>will be open to you.</b>
<b>So God put a man into my</b> <b>life,</b>
<b>told me about these</b> <b>things.</b>
<b>I was introduced to this</b> <b>power of the Holy Spirit</b>
<b>at a businessmen's meeting</b> <b>and I received that</b>
<b>infilling of the Holy</b> <b>Spirit,</b>
<b>my life changed instantly.</b>
<b>The Bible came alive.</b>
<b>I started praying for my</b> <b>sick cows and horses.</b>
<b>God started healing my</b> <b>sick cows and horses.</b>
<b>Sid: Serious.</b>
<b>Dave: Serious.</b>
<b>I started practicing on</b> <b>them.</b>
<b>And like I said, you know,</b> <b>my reputation began to go</b>
<b>throughout the land.</b>
<b>One cow told another cow.</b>
<b>One horse told another</b> <b>horse.</b>
<b>Sid, I got speaking</b> <b>engagements all over.</b>
<b>Sid: He's just kidding.</b>
<b>I want you to know.</b>
<b>Am I right?</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>Sid: But you did pray for</b> <b>the animals.</b>
<b>Dave: And they got healed,</b> <b>yes.</b>
<b>And that's, I saw God's</b> <b>power there and then God</b>
<b>put me in a supernatural</b> <b>situation up in Canada,</b>
<b>my first miracle service</b> <b>where I was scared to</b>
<b>I couldn't preach.</b>
<b>It was terrible according</b> <b>to me.</b>
<b>And I saw a woman healed</b> <b>of multiple sclerosis that</b>
<b>was blind, on crutches.</b>
<b>Her blind eyes opened,</b> <b>crutches fell and she went</b>
<b>right in front of the</b> <b>crowd.</b>
<b>That's my first miracle I</b> <b>saw.</b>
<b>Sid: Now I've heard of a</b> <b>famous world-renowned</b>
<b>evangelist, I believe his</b> <b>name is Robert Thom.</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>Sid: All right.</b>
<b>And he had an amazing</b> <b>thing happen in reference</b>
<b>to you.</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>He was a prophet from</b> <b>South Africa.</b>
<b>I read his book, "New Wine</b> <b>is Better".</b>
<b>Sid: I read about him,</b> <b>too.</b>
<b>This man really moved in</b> <b>the power.</b>
<b>Dave: Oh, it was powerful.</b>
<b>Little did I know that I'd</b> <b>ever meet this man.</b>
<b>And God gave him a vision</b> <b>in a Denny's in Oklahoma</b>
<b>City to go to our town and</b> <b>through supernatural</b>
<b>connections, it was done</b> <b>immediately.</b>
<b>And I got the privilege of</b> <b>picking him up.</b>
<b>I traveled with this man.</b>
<b>Sid: Did he come to your</b> <b>town to see you</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>The Holy Ghost told him</b> <b>that.</b>
<b>Go immediately to this</b> <b>town.</b>
<b>And I got to pick him up</b> <b>and traveled with him for</b>
<b>a week, and that's how my</b> <b>ministry started.</b>
<b>He said, "Stand next to</b> <b>me."</b>
<b>He said, "The gifts I got,</b> <b>you'll get."</b>
<b>He said, "You - "</b> <b>Sid: So the gifts, if I can</b>
<b>use a medical</b> <b>expression,</b>
<b>are contagious.</b>
<b>Dave: They are.</b>
<b>You become who you hang</b> <b>around with.</b>
<b>Sid: I'm going to hang</b> <b>around with you.</b>
<b>Dave: It's not work.</b>
<b>It's not taught.</b>
<b>It's caught</b>
<b>Sid: Did he pray for you</b> <b>to have these gifts?</b>
<b>Dave: Yes, he did pray</b> <b>over me in a little city</b>
<b>out in Eastern Colorado,</b> <b>and I was under the power</b>
<b>for, under the power of</b> <b>the Holy Spirit,</b>
<b>laying on the floor.</b>
<b>He prophesied over me for</b> <b>about 20 minutes.</b>
<b>Things, Sid, that he</b> <b>prophesied to me 20 years</b>
<b>ago are now coming to pass</b> <b>in my life at this very</b>
<b>Sid: You know, one of the</b> <b>first times that I met</b>
<b>you, Dave, you prayed for</b> <b>me and I talk about this</b>
<b>all over, because it was</b> <b>the most amazing thing.</b>
<b>You prayed the way this</b> <b>man prayed for you.</b>
<b>You came towards me.</b>
<b>I don't know that you even</b> <b>touched me.</b>
<b>I doubt if you even</b> <b>touched me.</b>
<b>And I felt like a karate</b> <b>chop.</b>
<b>Dave: I remember.</b>
<b>Sid: Over the back of my</b> <b>knee like this and like</b>
<b>this, and you know, you</b> <b>can't stand.</b>
<b>If you're standing and</b> <b>something hit you there.</b>
<b>Now when I fell over, I</b> <b>got up.</b>
<b>My son-in-law was in the</b> <b>front row.</b>
<b>I walked up to my</b> <b>son-in-law.</b>
<b>Now this is the honest,</b> <b>this is the truth.</b>
<b>I walked to my son-in-law</b> <b>and I said,</b>
<b>"Who hit me?"</b>
<b>Dave: That's right.</b>
<b>Sid: Now I knew that it</b> <b>was God.</b>
<b>But I mean, who hit me?</b>
<b>You answer me.</b>
<b>Who hit me?</b>
<b>My son-in-law said no one</b> <b>was behind me.</b>
<b>Who hit me?</b>
<b>Dave: That's exactly</b> <b>right.</b>
<b>It was either an angel,</b> <b>whatever,</b>
<b>but it was so</b> <b>supernatural.</b>
<b>That's what happens.</b>
<b>You see, most of this you</b> <b>don't learn in seminaries.</b>
<b>I call it burning bush</b> <b>university,</b>
<b>man, where the Holy Spirit</b> <b>teaches you.</b>
<b>He has taught me over all</b> <b>these years.</b>
<b>He's given me a chop where</b> <b>I was,</b>
<b>I was going to pray for</b> <b>this lady one night,</b>
<b>and I was, God opened up</b> <b>my eyes and there's a</b>
<b>supernatural realm out</b> <b>here.</b>
<b>Even Arafat knew that.</b>
<b>I told him that.</b>
<b>He said, "Yes, there is."</b>
<b>And God opened my eyes and</b> <b>I saw eight hoses coming</b>
<b>out of the sky, like water</b> <b>hoses,</b>
<b>into this woman's back.</b>
<b>It amazed me.</b>
<b>I said, "What is that?"</b>
<b>Sid: What was going on?</b>
<b>Dave: And the Lord said,</b> <b>"Those are curses of the</b>
<b>generations on this woman,</b> <b>oppression,</b>
<b>depression, sickness."</b>
<b>I said, "God, what do you</b> <b>want me to do about that?"</b>
<b>He said, "Take your arm</b> <b>like a sword and cut them</b>
<b>And I was still seeing in</b> <b>the Spirit.</b>
<b>But my arm turned into a</b> <b>sword and the fire run</b>
<b>around it.</b>
<b>That was a weapon God gave</b> <b>me,</b>
<b>a gift of the Holy Spirit.</b>
<b>And told that woman what I</b> <b>saw and she said,</b>
<b>"Chop, brother chop!"</b>
<b>And so when I chopped it,</b> <b>I saw all those hoses,</b>
<b>and she was instantly</b> <b>free,</b>
<b>I never seen so much power</b> <b>released.</b>
<b>She about killed two</b> <b>ushers.</b>
<b>She banged into them and</b> <b>all three of them wept.</b>
<b>And I've used that all</b> <b>over the world,</b>
<b>and I see people that are</b> <b>oppressed just by cutting</b>
<b>over their head.</b>
<b>I know this sounds so</b> <b>funny and stupid,</b>
<b>but I can get people set</b> <b>free just like that.</b>
<b>Sid: From depression?</b>
<b>Dave: Depression,</b> <b>sicknesses,</b>
<b>any kind of things right</b> <b>in front of your eyes.</b>
<b>Sid: Well let me ask you a</b> <b>question.</b>
<b>Can we do this to those</b> <b>that are watching on</b>
<b>television or watching</b> <b>this video when we come</b>
<b>back in a moment?</b>
<b>Dave: We sure can.</b>
<b>Sid: Will people be</b> <b>healed?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh yeah, of course.</b>
<b>Sid: But let me ask you a</b> <b>question before we do</b>
<b>How do you hear God's</b> <b>voice so clearly?</b>
<b>Dave: I went out, when I</b> <b>receive that power of the</b>
<b>Holy Spirit, I said, God,</b> <b>I want to know your voice,</b>
<b>got to learn to listen to</b> <b>your voice.</b>
<b>This may sound so stupid,</b> <b>but another farmer,</b>
<b>rancher got filled with</b> <b>the spirit when I did.</b>
<b>We said, we got to learn</b> <b>how to listen to the</b>
<b>And so we played hide and</b> <b>go seek in the spirit.</b>
<b>Sid: What do you mean?</b>
<b>Dave: People are going to</b> <b>say,</b>
<b>you're crazy.</b>
<b>Sid: Well they already are</b> <b>saying that.</b>
<b>Dave: I said, "You go get</b> <b>in your pickup and you go</b>
<b>ride in town, and I'll ask</b> <b>the Holy Ghost where</b>
<b>you're at."</b>
<b>And so I took me a half a</b> <b>day to find him.</b>
<b>Sid: You did find him.</b>
<b>Dave: I found him after</b> <b>half a day.</b>
<b>We practiced like that for</b> <b>six months,</b>
<b>and pretty soon the city</b> <b>was too small,</b>
<b>because I could drive</b> <b>right to him.</b>
<b>Sid: Dave, we're going to</b> <b>be back right after this</b>
<b>Let me tell you something.</b>
<b>If you know someone that</b> <b>is sick,</b>
<b>you make sure they be back</b> <b>right after this word.</b>
<b>We'll be right back with</b> <b>more of It's Supernatural</b>
<b>Sid: Hello. Sid Roth back</b> <b>again with Dave Duell.</b>
<b>You heard about miracles.</b>
<b>You saw miracles already.</b>
<b>But that's good for them.</b>
<b>What about you?</b>
<b>What about you?</b>
<b>Dave, what about those</b> <b>that are watching us right</b>
<b>You talked about being</b> <b>able to cut generational</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>Sid: Like strings in the</b> <b>spirit off of people and</b>
<b>also they get healed.</b>
<b>Dave: Right.</b>
<b>Sid: What's going to</b> <b>happen right now?</b>
<b>Dave: Well just as you</b> <b>were talking about that,</b>
<b>this is the way the gifts</b> <b>of the Holy Spirit</b>
<b>I immediately saw in the</b> <b>realm of the Spirit,</b>
<b>in my mind's eye, a man</b> <b>about 23 years old,</b>
<b>dark, black hair.</b>
<b>He's a nice looking man,</b> <b>but he's been under</b>
<b>oppression for three</b> <b>years.</b>
<b>He sits in his house and</b> <b>he can't do anything.</b>
<b>He's immobilized.</b>
<b>And Jesus is going to set</b> <b>that man free today.</b>
<b>Sid: Now how about others</b> <b>that do not fit that</b>
<b>Dave: You can hang right</b> <b>into it.</b>
<b>You can come right into</b> <b>this thing and receive it</b>
<b>for yourself.</b>
<b>Sid: Okay.</b>
<b>I want you to pray as</b> <b>God's spirit directs.</b>
<b>You're hearing God's</b> <b>voice.</b>
<b>I know that you're hearing</b> <b>God's voice and I know</b>
<b>that the miracles are</b> <b>going to be released in a</b>
<b>power explosion right now.</b>
<b>Would you look at people</b> <b>and pray for them.</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>You see, it's the Holy</b> <b>Spirit that brought us to</b>
<b>this oppression,</b> <b>depression thing and so</b>
<b>everyone that's oppressed</b> <b>right now,</b>
<b>and there is a lot of</b> <b>people watching this</b>
<b>And we have authority in</b> <b>Jesus' name,</b>
<b>so I'm going to pray a</b> <b>little simple prayer for</b>
<b>So in the mighty name of</b> <b>Jesus,</b>
<b>right now I command every</b> <b>oppressive spirit off of</b>
<b>I command it broken.</b>
<b>I command you released</b> <b>right now in Jesus' name.</b>
<b>I tell you what, Sid.</b>
<b>I found out the shorter</b> <b>the prayer,</b>
<b>the greater faith.</b>
<b>You don't have to pray</b> <b>long prayers.</b>
<b>Sid: You know, as I read</b> <b>the New Testament,</b>
<b>I don't see that Jesus</b> <b>prayed these long</b>
<b>grandiose prayers that man</b> <b>prays.</b>
<b>Dave: No.</b>
<b>Sid: There's a big</b> <b>difference between</b>
<b>religion and God.</b>
<b>Dave: Oh man, I tell you</b> <b>what,</b>
<b>we get baptized religion.</b>
<b>I tell you what, Jesus</b> <b>came to destroy religion.</b>
<b>Man, I tell you what, the</b> <b>only thing he put down</b>
<b>because religion binds up</b> <b>people.</b>
<b>And Jesus came to set us</b> <b>free.</b>
<b>Sid: Now I notice that you</b> <b>have a certain joy,</b>
<b>a certain, you're not real</b> <b>serious and deadpan.</b>
<b>Dave: I love it.</b>
<b>Sid: Tell me some of the</b> <b>funniest miracles that you</b>
<b>have ever participated in.</b>
<b>Dave: I tell you, the</b> <b>first devil I ever cast</b>
<b>out of a person, you know,</b> <b>people out here say,</b>
<b>devils, there's devils?</b>
<b>The first one was in a</b> <b>Presbyterian lady and I</b>
<b>was taught at that time</b> <b>you had to get their</b>
<b>And so I said, come out!</b>
<b>Sid: You had to get the</b> <b>demon's name?</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah, I said,</b> <b>"What's your name in</b>
<b>Jesus' name?"</b>
<b>And for 15 minutes, I'm</b> <b>saying that.</b>
<b>And all at once, this</b> <b>little voice comes out of</b>
<b>her mouth, and boy, my</b> <b>eyes about popped out.</b>
<b>And this demon said,</b> <b>"Straight hair!"</b>
<b>Straight hair.</b>
<b>Sid: That was the name of</b> <b>the demon?</b>
<b>Dave: Yeah.</b>
<b>That was the name of the</b> <b>demon.</b>
<b>I said, "Straight hair,</b> <b>what do you mean straight</b>
<b>"Straight hair!"</b>
<b>I said, "What do you do?"</b>
<b>"She gets a permanent and</b> <b>I make it straight."</b>
<b>That was his job.</b>
<b>Sid: And did she say</b> <b>that's what was happening?</b>
<b>Dave: And she came alive</b> <b>and said,</b>
<b>"It's true!</b>
<b>It's true!</b>
<b>And after I get a</b> <b>permanent,</b>
<b>30 minutes it's straight.</b>
<b>I've never been able to</b> <b>hold a permanent."</b>
<b>Man, I command that devil</b> <b>and it came out.</b>
<b>She got a permanent.</b>
<b>We prayed for her, and she</b> <b>came and said,</b>
<b>"Look at this."</b>
<b>It was stuck.</b>
<b>Sid: Now you did something</b> <b>so funny that a national</b>
<b>television show that</b> <b>showed what happened,</b>
<b>you know, on videos and</b> <b>things like that,</b>
<b>they showed it.</b>
<b>Tell me about that.</b>
<b>Dave: Oh yeah.</b>
<b>I was preaching and I was</b> <b>telling them I heard God</b>
<b>God laughs.</b>
<b>God is, Jesus came down</b> <b>here to show about God.</b>
<b>And it says in Hebrews</b> <b>1:9,</b>
<b>"Jesus had more joy above</b> <b>all his fellows."</b>
<b>He was the happiest man on</b> <b>Earth.</b>
<b>And that tells me we have</b> <b>the happiest God in the</b>
<b>Sid: So tell me what</b> <b>happened on that video.</b>
<b>Dave: And so I was, when I</b> <b>heard God laugh and I</b>
<b>heard God laugh.</b>
<b>He went, "Ha, ha, ha, ha!"</b>
<b>And I got so excited, I</b> <b>hit the pulpit and broke it.</b>
<b>(LAUGHS) And they sent it in to</b> <b>this DVD deal, </b>
<b>and it went off on, and</b> <b>I've been on it three times.</b>
<b>Dave: And I</b> <b>heard God laugh!</b>
<b>(Gutteral laugh) Haw, haw haw</b> <b>haw!</b>
<b>[audience: applause, cheers]</b>
<b>Dave: I thought it was funny</b> <b>after I saw it.</b>
<b>Sid: Dave, how can those</b> <b>that are watching us right</b>
<b>now hear God's voice?</b>
<b>How can those that are</b> <b>watching us right now have</b>
<b>faith to believe that they</b> <b>can be healed?</b>
<b>Dave: Yes.</b>
<b>I know that's a process</b> <b>and we're all learning.</b>
<b>Man, I just grew up in a</b> <b>normal so-called Christian</b>
<b>And then after I had that</b> <b>explosion of the Holy</b>
<b>Ghost, I learned how to</b> <b>listen to the voice of the</b>
<b>Spirit and the miracles</b> <b>started happening in my</b>
<b>And the more I practiced,</b> <b>you see,</b>
<b>we're afraid to practice</b> <b>on people.</b>
<b>And I learned to listen.</b>
<b>I don't hear, Dave, now do</b> <b>this and this.</b>
<b>I don't hear an audible</b> <b>voice.</b>
<b>Sid: What do you hear?</b>
<b>Dave: I'm strongly</b> <b>impressed.</b>
<b>I know how the gifts</b> <b>function.</b>
<b>We're spirit, soul and</b> <b>body.</b>
<b>We have a spirit, we live</b> <b>in a body,</b>
<b>we have a mind, we have</b> <b>emotions.</b>
<b>And so many of us are, all</b> <b>we're taught all our lives</b>
<b>is to listen to the brain.</b>
<b>But we have a spirit and</b> <b>the Holy Spirit speaks</b>
<b>through the spirit, and</b> <b>we're impressed.</b>
<b>We're, you start</b> <b>functioning in the gifts,</b>
<b>like if you have back</b> <b>problems.</b>
<b>I can look at people and</b> <b>know where their back</b>
<b>problem is.</b>
<b>I can hear the Holy Spirit</b> <b>telling me exactly where</b>
<b>it's at, where the problem</b> <b>is at,</b>
<b>which leg is short.</b>
<b>That's the way - Sid: So</b> <b>when you prayed for me</b>
<b>earlier, you, I knew I had</b> <b>a short leg.</b>
<b>There's no way you could</b> <b>have known unless God</b>
<b>showed you.</b>
<b>Dave: That's right.</b>
<b>Sid: And then why did you</b> <b>pray to do it again?</b>
<b>Dave: Oh, that's just for</b> <b>break religion.</b>
<b>Man I tell you what, we</b> <b>get so religious.</b>
<b>I believe when Jesus</b> <b>healed somebody,</b>
<b>did he cry?</b>
<b>He laughed.</b>
<b>I could see Jesus walking</b> <b>around,</b>
<b>healing people, laughing.</b>
<b>It's a joyous time.</b>
<b>I have more fun than</b> <b>anybody else.</b>
<b>I laugh more than anybody.</b>
<b>It's just the joy of the</b> <b>Spirit to see people</b>
<b>healed, to be set free.</b>
<b>Man, it's just exciting.</b>
<b>Sid: Let me ask you a</b> <b>question.</b>
<b>Are you being provoked to</b> <b>jealousy?</b>
<b>What you're watching right</b> <b>now,</b>
<b>it's not religion.</b>
<b>It's not tradition.</b>
<b>It's reality.</b>
<b>You can know the God that</b> <b>created this whole</b>
<b>But there is no other name</b> <b>given unto men in which we</b>
<b>must be saved.</b>
<b>Dave: That's right."</b>
<b>Sid: But the name of</b> <b>Jesus.</b>
<b>Dave: That's right.</b>
<b>Sid: You see, if you</b> <b>repent of your sins and if</b>
<b>you make Jesus your savior</b> <b>and Lord,</b>
<b>you then can have this</b> <b>life,</b>
<b>this abundant life, this</b> <b>reality.</b>
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