Saturday, August 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2018

"Mi más profunda compasión y respeto para la familia del senador John McCain. ¡Nuestros corazones y nuestras oraciones están con ustedes!", escribió Donald Trump este sábado en su cuenta de Twitter tras conocer la noticia de la muerte del veterano de guerra que fue candidato presidencial de EEUU en 2008

My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!  — Donald J

Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2018 El ex mandatario Barack Obama, que enfrentó a McCain en las primeras elecciones generales en las que salió victorioso, publicó un comunicado para expresar su dolor por este fallecimiento

 "Compartíamos los ideales por los que generaciones de estadounidenses e inmigrantes pelearon, marcharon y se sacrificaron", apuntó

Our statement on the passing of Senator John McCain:  — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 26, 2018 "Un héroe americano, un hombre con decencia y honor y mi amigo

Será extrañado en el Senado de los EEUU y por los estadounidenses que respetan la integridad y la independencia

Mis condolencias a su familia", señaló el senador demócrata Bernie Sanders en su perfil de Twitter

John McCain was an American hero, a man of decency and honor and a friend of mine

He will be missed not just in the U.S. Senate but by all Americans who respect integrity and independence

Jane and I send our deepest condolences to his family.  — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) August 26, 2018 El vicepresidente Mike Pence también se expresó en Twitter: "Karen y yo rezamos por el senador John McCain, Cindy y su familia este fin de semana

Que Dios los bendiga a todos en este difícil momento". Karen and I are praying for Senator John McCain, Cindy and their family this weekend

May God bless them all during this difficult time.  — Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) August 25, 2018 El ex mandatario George W

Bush, quien venció a McCain en las primarias republicanas del año 2000, firmó un comunicado que difundió su fundación con sede en Dallas, Texas: "Algunas vidas son tan intensas que es difícil imaginar que terminen

Algunas voces, tan vibrantes que es duro pensar que se acallan". "Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them ended

Some voices are so vibrant, it is hard to think of them stilled. John McCain was a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order

" […] Full statement by President George W. Bush pic.twitter

com/W8LCxJXRLi  — George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) August 26, 2018 El senador republicano estadounidense John McCain murió este sábado a los 81 años debido a un cáncer cerebral

 Falleció rodeado de sus seres queridos en su casa cerca de Sedona, Arizona, un día después de que su familia anunciara que había decidido suspender el tratamiento del cáncer que lo había alejado de la política en los últimos meses

STATEMENT BY FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER ON THE PASSING OF SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN pic  — The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) August 26, 2018 Por su parte, el ex presidente demócrata Jimmy Carter publicó un comunicado a través de su fundación The Carter Center en Twitter: "Era un hombre de honor, un verdadero patriota en el mejor sentido de la palabra

Rosalynn y yo les extendemos nuestras más sinceras condolencias a su familia y al pueblo de Arizona a quienes representó por muchos años"

 MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Murió John McCain, héroe de la guerra de Vietnam y símbolo del Partido Republicano de EEUU

For more infomation >> Los mensajes de Trump, Obama y otros líderes políticos sobre la muerte de John McCain - Duration: 5:57.


Cero y van tres... juegos que Juvenal Olmos no dirige al Veracruz - Duration: 1:41.

   Con la ausencia de Juvenal Olmos en el banquillo de Veracruz ante Tijuana, son ya tres juegos consecutivos en los que el nuevo entrenador de los Tiburones Rojos no ha estado presente, pues aún incumple con la documentación necesaria para asumir oficialmente el mando como técnico escualo

 Debido a lo anterior, el interino Hugo Chávez fungió nuevamente como representante en el área técnica, tal como sucedió en el partido ante Tigres del pasado miércoles en la cancha del Estadio Universitario

 El chileno Olmos aún no está en condiciones oficiales para trabajar en el futbol mexicano, debido principalmente a que no tiene certificado su título de técnico en la Escuela Nacional de Directores Técnicos (ENDIT) de la Federación Mexicana de Futbol

 Desde hace 11 años no dirige y su documentación de trabajo no está al día. Aparte, todavía no tiene la visa de trabajo, que ya está tramitando apoyado por la directiva del club

 Se sabe que Juvenal está al tanto de todo lo que hace Veracruz en los entrenamientos diarios y está ocupado en conocer a los jugadores del plantel

For more infomation >> Cero y van tres... juegos que Juvenal Olmos no dirige al Veracruz - Duration: 1:41.





Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 8 - Duration: 3:27.

OK, so the next hormone that I would love to shed some light on for you is what is called


I bet it's another hormone that you are unfamiliar with…


When you are running on an empty stomach, your stomach releases ghrelin.

Ghrelin then sends a message to your brain telling you to eat.

When you are full after a meal, ghrelin release is stopped, and your brain doesn't get a signal

to keep eating.

In normal situations, ghrelin levels are at their peak before eating, and lowest about

an hour after you've had a meal.

Studies have shown that when overweight and obese people eat a meal, their ghrelin levels

only decreased slightly.

Under normal conditions, ghrelin levels should halt completely.

This means that the brain doesn't receive as strong of a signal to stop eating, leading

to overeating in many cases.

When ghrelin is present, we get hungry...and most of us would head to the pantry for a

snack or a meal.

This meal would then decrease ghrelin, and therefore would relieve our hunger.

But by doing so, we miss out on many of the benefits that ghrelin can offer, such as its

potent ability to stimulate growth hormone.

What this means is that, when you eat less frequently and allow large amounts of ghrelin

to be present in your body, you can effectively raise your human growth hormone levels.

To take advantage of this growth hormone spike, it's important to also exercise while ghrelin

levels are high, spiking growth hormone even more.

To properly take advantage of ghrelin, you need to adopt an intermittent fasting regimen

and eat less frequently.

As I mentioned earlier, I would really advise you to also work out in a fasted state, preferably

before your first meal of the day.

This will allow you to work out when ghrelin levels are at their peak, taking advantage

of the elevated growth hormone levels.

This will also help nutritionally replenish your body and muscles when you enjoy your

first big meal after you work out!

It turns out that breakfast, the supposed most important meal of the day, actually starts

your day off by decreasing ghrelin.

This sabotages your goal of better health and a better physique.

Once you retrain your body to not expect food all day, or in this case, the first meal in

the morning, these side effects of hunger become less of an issue due to the normalizing

of your ghrelin levels.

Your ghrelin levels also influences other factors, including your lifestyle habits.

For example, lack of sleep increases ghrelin, making you feel hungry when you shouldn't


Have you ever experienced the "should-I-go-to-bed-or-have-a-midnight-snack" conundrum?

This is a major reason why a lack of sleep is linked to weight gain.

Stress, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions also alter these hunger hormones,

which is why most people experiencing these emotions seek food for comfort and as a coping


By getting ALL of your hormones: insulin, leptin AND ghrelin, back to functioning properly,

with the help of intermittent are going to look and feel your absolute BEST

in no time!!

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 8 - Duration: 3:27.


亚运"5金王"再获喜讯:唐嫣回应"加油"两字!苦追1年终有所获 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 亚运"5金王"再获喜讯:唐嫣回应"加油"两字!苦追1年终有所获 - Duration: 4:43.


6 remedios caseros para aliviar el dolor de estómago de forma natural - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> 6 remedios caseros para aliviar el dolor de estómago de forma natural - Duration: 10:53.


Cuando necesitas ayuda pero eres Callo de Hacha y te aplacan por berrinchudo - Duration: 1:41.

      Exigía sus derechos y el internet le aplicó un "ya pague su multa, señora"     México

- El importante periodista y analista político Callo de Hacha, denunció en redes sociales un brutal abuso de la autoridad capitalina al ser blanco (jaja) de una multa por pasarse de tiempo en el parquímetro

    De acuerdo con las declaraciones del "Chumel Torres" moreno,  éste se encontraba adquiriendo un nuevo boleto de parquímetro cuando se pasó por sólo "3 segundos" y la policía lo atoró con la araña inmovilizadora

   Esta situación causó malestar en el comediante, quien se deschongó para reclamarle a los policías, quienes a pesar de haber cumplido la ley, fueron acusados por Callo de Hacha de ser aves rapaces a la caza de los automovilistas incautos

   Este escándalo doméstico, lejos de ayudarle a Callo de Hacha, le trajo críticas por parte de los usuarios en redes sociales, quienes no dudaron en apelar al sentido común del reglamento y lo bautizaron como #LadyCallo


For more infomation >> Cuando necesitas ayuda pero eres Callo de Hacha y te aplacan por berrinchudo - Duration: 1:41.


✅ Beşiktaş, Karius'u sosyal medyadan açıkladı - Duration: 1:10.

Beşiktaş, Karius'u sosyal medyadan açıkladı Beşiktaş, Liverpool'un kalecisi Loris Karius'u kadrosuna kattı

  Siyah beyazlı kulübün resmi Twitter hesabındaki arka plan fotoğrafına Karius'un fotoğrafı eklenirken, 'Come to Beşiktaş' notu düşüldü

Beşiktaş Kulübü henüz resmi bir açıklamada bulunmazken, bu fotoğrafın sosyal medya hesabı üzerinden paylaşılması, Beşiktaş'ın Alman oyuncuyu kadrosuna kattığı şeklinde yorumlandı

Siyah beyazlı kulüpten kısa bir süre içerisinde resmi açıklama bekleniyo  Kaynak: DHA loading

For more infomation >> ✅ Beşiktaş, Karius'u sosyal medyadan açıkladı - Duration: 1:10.


How To Grow Long and Thicken Hair Faster With Onion | Magical Hair Growth Treatment 100% Works - Duration: 2:18.

Every woman desires thick long, and lustrous hair.

Luscious hair that has enough shiny lengthy and strength is what everyone tries to achieve.

Unfortunately hair fall, hair loss, and impaired hair growth are common hair issues that people


Hectic lifestyles, pollution, and adulterated hair care products are to blame.

Growing your hair does require a lot of patience, but it also doesn�t have to be as painfully


Using growth-stimulating ingredients like onion can help boost the rate at which your

hair grows while also adding volume.

Here in this video I will show you an amazing home remedies for hair growth.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

First take an onion.

Now peel out the onion.

Grained it to make thick paste.

Then extract the juice from it.

Add 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Add 1 tablespoon olive oil.

And add 1 tablespoon castor oil.

Mix it well.

Now take a cotton ball.

Apply it on your scalp with the cotton ball.

Leave it for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

You can use the hair mask 2 days in a week for the best result.

Nutrients in the onion juice applied to the hair may nourish the hair follicles, which

might increase volume, shine, and improve hair strength.

The extra nutrition may also minimize breakages and thinning.

As well as conditioning, using onion juice may also promote new hair growth in some people.

For more infomation >> How To Grow Long and Thicken Hair Faster With Onion | Magical Hair Growth Treatment 100% Works - Duration: 2:18.


#TheOpenHouse - You dont want a discussion - Duration: 7:15:29.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - You dont want a discussion - Duration: 7:15:29.


Free Vbucks Fortnite | free battle pass | free v-bucks - Duration: 4:35.

Free Vbucks Fortnite Real 2018

For more infomation >> Free Vbucks Fortnite | free battle pass | free v-bucks - Duration: 4:35.


朱婷把亚运赛场当秀场,对手变成小迷妹,跃居"人气女皇" - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 朱婷把亚运赛场当秀场,对手变成小迷妹,跃居"人气女皇" - Duration: 1:31.


Daughter and trump react to Senator John Mccain death news - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Daughter and trump react to Senator John Mccain death news - Duration: 2:15.


THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN, QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN VÀ THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH - Bài giảng của Cô Hằng Nga-UNIT 1-P2 - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN, QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN VÀ THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH - Bài giảng của Cô Hằng Nga-UNIT 1-P2 - Duration: 12:08.


AA group Clubhouse celebrates 38 years - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> AA group Clubhouse celebrates 38 years - Duration: 2:26.


Man Utd news: Fred discusses Red Devils title bid ahead of Tottenham clash - Duration: 2:46.

 United kicked-off their Premier League campaign with a 2-1 win over Leicester City in the opening game of the season

 However, just a week later, Jose Mourinho's side suffered a humiliating 3-2 defeat to Brighton at the Amex

 Mourinho's men next face Tottenham at Old Trafford on Monday evening and Fred, who joined the club earlier this summer in a £52million move from Shakhtar Donetsk, has urged his team-mates to take three points from Spurs

 "I watched some games in the Premier League last season, and I followed some of these players in the World Cup as well," Fred said in an interview with MUTV

 "I know about some of their players, and they're a great team too. "We know how much of a challenge it's going to be, but we want to win the Premier League, and to do this we have to play as well as we can

 "We have to go out and try to get the three points, to try and win in front of our fans, so that we can keep going in our search to win the Premier League

" Meanwhile, manager Mourinho admits that none of his players are happy following the defeat to Brighton

 However, he's determined to get his side looking towards the future rather than back at their poor result

 "I think nobody is happy, obviously," he told MUTV. "I have enough experience to know that in football you cannot look back for good results or bad results; you have always to look to the next one

 "That's our life. I'm really happy with the work we did in the week and with the players' commitment and I look forward to the game

" A win for United on Monday night would relieve the pressure from Mourinho who has come under huge pressure after a poor transfer window and the shock defeat to Brighton Former Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane has been repeatedly linked to the manager's job at Old Trafford, however, Mourinho is said have received the full backing from United chiefs despite their ongoing struggles

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Fred discusses Red Devils title bid ahead of Tottenham clash - Duration: 2:46.


The bad things that Page turners do - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> The bad things that Page turners do - Duration: 3:08.


Meghan McCain Shares Touching Tribute to Late Father: 'All That I Am Is Thanks to Him' - News Today - Duration: 4:22.

 Following Sen. John McCain's death at age 81 on Saturday after a battle with stage-four brain cancer, the late political maverick and war hero's daughter Meghan McCain shared a touching tribute on social media

 In a message she captioned "I love you forever – my beloved father @SenJohnMcCain," Meghan, 33, revealed that she was by her father's side as he "departed this life today

"  "In the thirty-three years we shared together, he raised me, taught me, corrected me, comforted me, encouraged me, and supported me in all things," she wrote

"He taught me how to live. His love and his care, ever present, always unfailing, took me from a girl to a woman — and he showed me what it is to be a man

"  When planning her wedding to Ben Domenech last fall, Meghan pushed the date forward in the wake of her father's cancer diagnosis

Despite his tenuous health, the ailing senator was on hand for his daughter's big day

 "All that I am is thanks to him," she continued in her tribute. "Now that he is gone, the task of my lifetime is to live up to his example, his expectations, and his love

My father's passing comes with sorrow and grief for me, for my mother, for my brothers, and for my sisters

He was a great fire who burned bright, and we lived in his light and warmth for so very long

We know that his flame lives on, in each of us. The days and years to come will not be the same without my dad — but they will be good days, filled with life and love, because of the example he lived for us

"  Cindy McCain, the Senator's wife of 38 years, also mourned the loss on social media

 "My heart is broken," tweeted Cindy, 64, minutes after her family announced his death

 "I am so lucky to have lived the adventure of loving this incredible man for 38 years," she continued

"He passed the way he lived, on his own terms, surrounded by the people he loved, in the place he loved best

"  Sen. McCain, the former POW and outspoken Republican politician nicknamed The Maverick for being unafraid to disagree with fellow members of his party, died at 4:28 p

m. on Saturday, his family announced in a statement, according to NBC News.  McCain is survived by wife Cindy, and his children: Douglas, Andrew, and Sidney (all with first wife Carol McCain) and Meghan, Jack, James, and Bridget, with Cindy

 On Friday, his family said that Sen. McCain, "with his usual strength of will," decided to stop treatment for the stage-four brain cancer he had been battling since its diagnosis last summer

 "In the year since," the McCain family said, "John has surpassed expectations for his survival

But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict


For more infomation >> Meghan McCain Shares Touching Tribute to Late Father: 'All That I Am Is Thanks to Him' - News Today - Duration: 4:22.


tips for productivity ft. the lightspeed planner (+ giveaway!) - Duration: 5:27.

hello! it's seo from tbhstudying, and i'm here to give you a couple of tips on how to stay productive.

this video was kindly sponsored by lightspeed planner, and they're also helping me run a giveaway for the lightspeed planner

so stay tuned till the end of the video!

the key thing is to remember that we all have the same 24 hours in a day

being productive is not a magical and exclusive trait that only some people have. it is entirely possible

to get what you want to get done in a day.

first, understand the difference between goals and tasks. goals are long-term things. you won't get them done in a day,

so don't beat yourself up over being unable to complete a goal in that day.

tasks are single item things that you can get done

focus on the set tasks that you have for the day, and don't get distracted from them.

break down large tasks into smaller tasks.

you won't be able to write an entire novel or an entire research paper in a single day

at least.... not very well. break that sucker down into manageable

tasks and spread them out within the timeframe that you have to work with.

next, figure out what times you work best and utilize those times to your advantage

for example, i'm not a morning person, so i wouldn't wake up super early to get work done.

that would just be a total waste for me. instead, i'd use my afternoons and nights to get things done

some people might be the complete opposite

however, do keep in mind that it's completely pointless to purposefully wait for the supposedly perfect time to do work

keep a good balance between those two concepts & understand your own personal preferences and balance in order to exploit it to your best advantage

then, remove all distractions from your workspace. put your phone away and put it on "do not disturb"

if you don't have to use your laptop, then put it away

remove all possibility of getting distracted. get the materials that you need and only those. nothing more and nothing less.

website blockers and apps like focus, tide, and flipd can help with that

work smarter and not harder. this might seem a little strange, but only put the amount of work and effort that you have to

let's say you have to take notes on a certain chapter

you've got a lot of different options you can take in order to reach the same end

don't waste your time and energy on something that requires far less

also, don't bother with multitasking

it only erodes your focus and causes you to do several things poorly rather than just doing one thing

well. this can also cause you to take more time to finish things rather than just going through your to-do list one by one.

and most importantly, learn how to prioritize your tasks. what do you have to get done? that's your to-do list.

now, what are the things that you absolutely must get done? do you have an assignments due tomorrow?

do you have a test tomorrow? then, focus on that one first. after that consider your remaining tasks.

is there something that you should probably do but isn't as demandingly important?

do you have an essay due in a couple of days but not tomorrow? do that one next.

finally, leave the least important tasks for last. do you have to reorganize your desk?

do you have a project that's due in four weeks. do you have to scrub your toilet?

these are the things that you could do, but don't absolutely have to do.

i mainly prioritize tasks based on their deadlines and then, i start ranking them by their difficulty.

some folks like starting with the hardest tasks first,

but i usually start with the easiest for no other reason other than the fact that I'm a COWARD and

finishing easy tasks quickly makes me feel really good about myself and my productivity.

anyhow, the lightspeed planner was created precisely to help you prioritize your tasks and focus your productivity.

it's a minimal and undated daily planner that's designed to be professional and effortless to use.

as you can see, there are boxes for different levels of priorities and another box

for non-task related things such as notes and appointments.

the boxes are big enough for multiple tasks if you're an exceptionally busy person, and

they're just the right size for you to fit one day in. the planner lays flat.

it has additional sections of the back for notes, gratitude logs, and goals.

they've kindly given me a code for you guys to use for 20% off their official website

the code is "tbhstudying" and i'll leave the link in the description

unfortunately, their website only handles U.S. orders. so, if you're an international kid, then i'll also provide the amazon link below.

i'm also running an international giveaway with them! hurrah!

now you guys can get the opportunity to win your own lightspeed planner!

you must be subscribed to my youtube channel, and you must also be following @lightspeedplanner and myself (@tbhstudying) on Instagram

then, fill out the google form because i'm tired of using all those giveaway websites and i miss having google lay out all the data for

me in google sheets

finally, leave a comment about your own goals and what you plan to do. i will leave the link in the description as well.

so, please check it out as well as all the rules in the description as well (god i rly do love using "as well" huh)

this giveaway will end on august 31, 2018 and you must be at least 18 years old or have your parents' permission

you must also be comfortable with giving your name and shipping address to me. don't worry,

i'm not gonna doxx you or anything like that and everything will remain confidential

thank you so much for watching and i hope this video helped

remember to subscribe and have notifications for my channel turned on if you're interested in more of my content~

hope you have a lovely day and stay productive. bye!

For more infomation >> tips for productivity ft. the lightspeed planner (+ giveaway!) - Duration: 5:27.


Arsenal Vs West Ham United: 5 things we learned – Flatter to deceive - Duration: 8:25.

Arsenal hosted West Ham United on Saturday afternoon, looking for their first league win of the season

Here are five things we learned from the 3-1 victory.This certainly wasn't the performance that Arsenal fans had been hoping for

West Ham United arrived in terrible form themselves, failing to earn a point in either of their opening matches, and looking largely disjointed and unprepared after throwing together a new manager with a plethora of new players

This should have been a comfortable win. It wasn't. The 3-1 scoreline flattered the Gunners greatly, especially considering Danny Welbeck only scored with moments remaining

But secure the win they did for Unai Emery's first points as head coach. Here are five things we learned from the open, entertaining but concerning 3-1 victory

1. How many of these players are overrated?.This is something that Henry Payne had via the Pain in the Arsenal Twitter account

He simply asked who else is coming to the realisation that many of these players are substantially overrated

And as I thought about it, I acknowledged that my general perspective of the players in the squad is far too optimistic

Aaron Ramsey is a good midfielder, but is he world-class? Are either Sokratis or Shkodran Mustafi good Premier League defenders? Are Granit Xhaka and Hector Bellerin anything more liabilities? These are all questions that I asked myself throughout this match

Most of the time, I came down thinking worse of the player than I initially had.Even some of the better players in the squad like Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Nacho Monreal could all be mentioned in the same vein as players who are overrated

It is something that I will keep a keen eye on as the season progresses. It may time for Arsenal to be a little more ruthless in their self-evaluation

2. Lacazette needs to start. I love the aggressive nature of Unai Emery's substitutions

He is not afraid to admit that he got it wrong and he's more than happy to change things early in games, being proactive in trying to alter the course of matches

And on this occasion, it was the half-time introduction of Alexandre Lacazette that changed the game

However, while it was nice to see Emery make this change early in the match, I would much rather have seen Lacazette start

Every time that Lacazette has been brought on, including in the preseason, he has made a palpable difference to the team, providing a true focal point as the central striker and allowing a nice foil to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, which in turn creates space for the Gabonian who shifts to the left flank

It was Lacazette's turn and cross that resulted in the second goal, he held off the challenges of the West Ham defenders with a strong, stable base that allows him to back into defenders and keep hold of possession, and his presence allowed Arsenal to get up the pitch when they were under pressure late on It seems obvious. Lacazette needs to start

3. Bellerin needs to get his act together The demise of Hector Bellerin has been odd. The Spaniard broke into the first team with such youthful energy, exuberance and verve

He was quick, athletic, he bounded up and down the right flank like a gazelle, firing crosses into the box, snapping into tackles, and providing a consistent and speedy outlet

But since that first full season in the starting XI, his level has slowly deteriorated

First, it was an ankle injury two years ago that severely restricted his sharpness

Then, last season, his defensive acumen was challenged. And now, his performances have worsened to the extent that he is now a liability

On this occasion, it was Michail Antonio that gave the right back the runaround. The combination of Antonio's searing pace, imposing power and frame, and willingness and intelligence in being direct with his runs on and off the ball caused Bellerin's all sorts of problems

Antonio turned him inside-out on several occasions, skipping past him with ease when he could receive the ball and turn, and also driving past him looking for through passes from his teammates

It was a very poor display from Bellerin. Another one. He needs to get his act together

4. First win of the year significant.I have continually stated that this season is not about results

As Emery continues to implement his ideas at the club, the performances of the team, the adaptation of the players to the new tactics and systems, and the evaluations that Emery makes which will motivate personnel decisions further down the line are all more important than the results

That said, that does not mean that I am happy when Arsenal lose. It also does not devalue the importance of results, it merely heightens the significance of other aspects

And so, it is important that Arsenal got their first win of the year, even if there were major shortcomings in how they got it

West Ham had plenty of chances to hurt their hosts and perhaps should have done better on the numerous counter-attack opportunities

But Arsenal rode the storm, and their luck, bundled their way to a second goal and clung on for the three points The Unai Emery era is well and truly underway

5. Defensive problems continue.Perhaps the most important task of Unai Emery, in succeeding Arsene Wenger, was to re-structure, organise and discipline the defence

Throughout Wenger's later years, scoring goals was rarely a problem. With a myriad of attacking weapons provided the freedom to play as they please, this was a creative, but vulnerable, team

Emery, it was believed, was set to provide stability in defence. And the recruitment in the summer certainly implied that the changes Emery would make would be defensive ones

A new centre-half, a new goalkeeper, a new central defensive midfielder. But this was a quintessential Wenger performance

The high line, a lack of pressure on the ball, a slow midfield that failed to win second balls and struggled to screen and protect the back four, two centre-backs who looked lost at the best of times, repeatedly scrambling to keep tabs on a mobile centre-forward, two advanced full backs without much wariness of the counter-attack

It is unfairly demanding to expect the defensive shortcomings of previous years to be fixed within one summer and three weeks of the season

They are far more deep-rooted than that. But the defensive problems that have been present at the Emirates are still there

For more infomation >> Arsenal Vs West Ham United: 5 things we learned – Flatter to deceive - Duration: 8:25.


美戰艦轟炸機抵達中東,開戰對象並非伊朗,這國向全世界求救 - Duration: 3:51.

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曾拒絕中國五代機,面對美國制裁,伊朗追悔莫及 - Duration: 12:48.

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Free Vbucks Fortnite | free battle pass | free v-bucks - Duration: 4:35.

Free Vbucks Fortnite Real 2018

For more infomation >> Free Vbucks Fortnite | free battle pass | free v-bucks - Duration: 4:35.


世界上威力最大的核武器曝光:原來不在俄羅斯,很多人都不知道 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 世界上威力最大的核武器曝光:原來不在俄羅斯,很多人都不知道 - Duration: 6:19.


Police chase ends in crash in Dickinson - Duration: 0:26.

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中國陸軍正式接收S-400,俄媒:性能遠超紅旗-9,可攔截隱形戰機 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 中國陸軍正式接收S-400,俄媒:性能遠超紅旗-9,可攔截隱形戰機 - Duration: 4:47.


Granny's Gardens: Ep 4: Frozen Brains - Duration: 26:32.

It's so cute. I mean... okay. Welcome Ladies and you boys too I'm Aravero, here as always

and here is like a second and a half after the last episode. So,

I'm going to start to try to make some pants. So, apparently, it looks like I'm

going to need some pants. Oh, let's see, legging core, armor plates and armor trim

so we need to figure out how to make these pants

I know what to do. We need to go to the patt--- stencil table which means I'm

gonna need some more sticks. What happened? Okay. There we go. I'm gonna need

some more patterns, is what I was trying to say. Give me this-there and those-

there. Patterns. I'm gonna need a whole bunch more patterns, it looks like, for

the making of this armor. So, I'm just going to stow all of these in here. Okay.

So, the next thing I need is a leggings core pattern, one of these things an

armor plates pattern and that thing, an armor trim pattern. Ooh,

trim. Somebody recommended this particular mod to me this Tinker's or...

Construct's Armory. Okay, that's why I wasn't getting it. Constructs Armory as

opposed to Tinker's Armory that's why it wasn't coming up. Anyway, so let me have...

Brain! My brain is frozen! My brain is frozen. You're looking at a fro- frozen

brain. Ok, So, we need to get... We probably, need to make some wooden parts of these,

in order to get... Um, can we just put those over there? Because, there's no point in

wasting all of that wood. All right. And then wouldn't? Ok, So we're probably gonna

have to make clay molds to that for that. Which means

that somehow I've got to get the clay that I just took up, thinking I could use

that, that-that terracotta. I mean I know I saw it. There's that, come on where's

the terracotta? I just have to.. Wait was that clay?

No. That's andesite. I just had some terracotta that we just fished up. Ok,

this terracotta that we just fished up, there's something I can do with that to

turn it into regular clay, and the way I can turn it into regular clay is with a

pulverizer, which is going to want power. Or, yep it's gonna need a pulverizer.

That's going to want power. Ok, so make the pulverizer, is piston, copper gears,

that's going to require a mold. Got myself backed into a corner here with

the clay. Aha! now I've got you. There you are you reclusive little beast. Give me

that. Give me that. Alright, there's a little bit of gold, a

little bit of gold. Seven. That'll be 14 ingots by when the smeltery

finishes with it. Yep yep yep yep. Now we can be making some ghasts. Now, we can be

making some casts.

Alright, well something's gone a little bit wrong here

in my smeltery. The one thing about the smeltery is you can't just throw things

indiscriminately in there and expect them to smelt up into what you threw in

there. Come here, mouse stop behaving badly. I've

got four ingots of gold. Whoops. Yeah, that's it. Four ingots of gold and I'm

gonna make these casts out of this so we can get us some pants. Oh my gosh four

ingots of gold. I ended... I started out with seven and ended up with four and

this is supposed to double my ores. So, that's just because it made into these

Well, it made molten electrum I'm sure

part of it went there, and maybe some of it went into the constantan, or the invar.

I'm not absolutely sure which one. Okay, there's our cast for the pants,

there's our wooden armor plates, so we can make that cast. And hopefully I have

enough gold to be able to make these casts. Okay, there's that and there's also

this one, and... Uh oh, I used up all my gold already? Now I have a clay cast which

means I can only use it once and I wasted clay. I didn't mean to use

that clay. Okay, all right, all right, we'll be fine, we'll be fine. Okay, so this

is trim, this part is decorative I think. Let's see what the book says about these

various pieces and parts if we can. Okay, so, for materials, we can use

what looks interesting? We have iron. Let's see, Iron gives us durability of 12,

base multiplier value. Okay, multiplier and the property of "magnetic" which will

help draw items to us if we use it for the core. If we use it for the trim

it's does... something mathematic I don't understand.

And for modifier plates, how suitable the armor is to armor as armour plating,

total durability of the armor will be multiplied by that total durability of

the armor. Okay, so 12 multiplied by that, well that doesn't really seem like that

strong of a durable-durability. Durability 12. Okay and look at these,

these so over here is what a full iron armor would look like. What else?

Have we got? Access to cobalt. I thought I heard a spider. That scared me just a

little bit. Copper. Durability 12 has the quality of "ambitious" It'll gain XP if we

use copper for any part of it. That could be valuable. I don't have bronze. I have a

little bit of lead. What if, that says we have 16 durability. There it is "heavy"

which means they can't knock me back and additional protection from magic attacks.

Huh? Okay. That's interesting. I have a little bit of electrum due

to the accident that we had. "Getting hit it charges your armor, once it's

fully charged, get hit again to discharge and deal damage to all surrounding

creatures. Okay, that's a little scary. And, steel we don't have. So, let's just, let's

just, let's just, let's just, throw pieces down here and see what we've got in here

that we can pour into it. I can't pour seared stone into it. Actually, I'm gonna do

the base of iron, because it seems fairly safe, and I have a lot of iron. Okay, so

and this here says material costs three and that one's got a material cost of

one. So, let's just use the base, iron for the base, and make that iron.

And then, and then, we have this cast because we got it out of gold, we will be

able to use it again. So, that part's gonna be awesome. Yay! We have pants. I

wonder if I could put those on as they are? Nope, I cannot. Okay, and we're gonna

have to build us a pattern chest down here for... Let's see, this is going to be

the next largest part. This one is the material cost of five. This one's the

material cost of three. So, put that one there. Get out of my hand. Let's see then.

It said we could use copper. We could use invar... It doesn't have, okay, did we look

at copper? I know we could make it out of invar. It was, oh lead, I don't have any lead in

here. I have seen some but I didn't get it in here, or else it made into

something else. Let's check that out. I'm pretty sure I've thrown some lead in

there to smelt. So, let's see if I can find out what has happened to my lead

that I've thrown in there to smelt. Uses.

Here smelting. It doesn't look like it alloys. It looks like it should be in

there. It's just smelting, doesn't, don't see any

alloying. Okay, whatever. Okay, maybe I didn't put any in there.

I've seen some around. Copper. Well let me make one out of copper.

Let's check copper. Can make those parts? We can make boots, I don't see the

parts, the pieces and parts for the armor under copper. Escape. Let's check the

book again, materials materials materials materials materials materials. Armor

materials, copper copper, "ambitious" Yes I want the copper. I want the copper, I do

want the copper. How much copper do I have? Four ingots, that's enough. Let's get

copper. Yay! This particular set of armor is gonna look so weird. Come on, come on,

Is it done? Is it done? Yeah, it's done. Okay and then we're gonna

have to remake this one with some gold whenever we get it, but then I'm gonna

use the invar for this. Okay, it says in the book that the invar works

it says invar works doesn't it?

juda do too I thought I saw invar gggg Oh.

Electrum. It was electrum. Do I have electrum then? Electrum, yeah okay

it was the electrum I wanted. It wasn't the invar. I lied.

Good grief, that one was fast. Alright, so let's go up here to this table up

here. Yeah that table right there. And, I should be able to make a pair of

pants now with these parts and pieces. Oh my gosh look what it looks like. Oh, I

should tell you, my friend who recommended this mod told me that he

thought I would like this because it would allow me to make purple armor

later. But for now, we just need something on our pants. I'm wearing a miniskirt!

Alright. Now that I have pants, let's go see what's going on inside this thing,

because, you know, it's standing between me and and complete ownership of this

here thingamabober. I want to know what is happening here.

I heard a bunch of hisses, spiders swirling around. There's spiders somewhere. I don't

know where they are but I'm gonna find them. That, that's a little disturbing.

That's more than a little disturbing. Okay. Yep, spiders. What kind of spiders

are in here? Oh there it is. Oh shoes. Do I have Quark in this one? I don't know.

Hahaha, what's around this corner? Nothing. So many spiders. Are you stuck?

You're not stuck in your own web. Give me that. Give me that.

So many spiders. Torch it up, come on torch it up. Give me this thing. Okay, yeah

you can just be torched up. A bunch. It's okay. No strings. No strings attached.

Oh my gosh, the heck? It was something. Oh my gosh the heck? That was... that was not a

real tunnel a minute ago but now it is. Okay, so oh my gosh there's so many

things up there. Let's eat something before I die.

Oh my gosh, up there. I don't have any blocks. That was well thought out. Okay,

go there, go there, go up there. What's in the chest. Oh yay! Ten kisses! I just have

a feeling that I need to stop and read that book. Okay, I don't really need these

things. In fact I'm gonna get rid of these chests so that I can know that

I've already raided them, for one thing. I need to read this ten kisses one though.

Let's see.

Done. Okay. Here you stay here for now and

I'm gonna read that other one later. Save that for my bedtime story. Oh no..., what's up

here? I hear skeletons now. Oh my gosh. I hear

skeletons now. And, yes, I have a plentiful supply. That, that looks like a trap. I

have a plentiful supply of torches, I do, I do, I do. Alright. What?

Uh-oh there's an egg in here. That, just about scre---, freaked me out. Why is there

an egg? Oh my gosh. Why are you in here? Why is there a roadrunner in here,

huh? Tell me why? Eeny meenie miney moe. Oh my gosh. This way. Yep, that way, that way

is better because that one gets us to another spawner that we

can disable. Yay. So, this is just another, um, this is just a dungeon. Yay, let's just,

let's just other one. Oh, that one's got

some bogeys in it. Uh oh. Uh oh. Oh no. No. No. Not with the bone. Get the torch. Get the, get the

Get the sword out. Get the sword out. No. Sword sword sword sword. Can you

guys like stop? And die please? Die. Thank you. Oh gosh, eat. Oopsie, I hope I didn't

take out any of the torches I had placed here already. Okay. There's so many of

them back there. I need to eat still. Why? Why is that like that ? Oh my gosh,

it's more elevated too. Alright. I haven't been up there yet. I need some blocks.

No no, not with the bed with the torch! No, don't go up

there. Oh my gosh, don't go up there. There's another one right here. Oh my

gosh. Yeah yeah. No. Stop. Stop. It's gonna take me longer than the time I have left

in this video to get finished here. No, this is,

this is not me dying. There's, there's a something there. Okay,

there's also that there. Okay there's, oh there's one. He's behind a wall thou gh. He

can't get me. He can't get me. I promise you he can't get me. Well, he can get me.

Okay, what's going on here? What's happening here?

I betcha, I betcha there's a hole there. Okay, there's a hole there. And oh? What's

this? What's this? I see a string. There's nothing here. That's weird.

Okay, um, go this way. What about here? Some more here. Oh, there's so many spiders in

here. It's full of spiders. It's full of spiders. No don't take out torches, silly

people. Don't take the torches down. And that roadrunner, I swear, the roadrunner.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Go over there. Vine, stop being contrary.

This is, this is scary. George. Nothing is quite so troublesome and disturbing as

as, as spiders. I swear. I saw that. There's one right there. Come here you.

What are you doing? Stop hiding from me. No, don't. Die there. Die. Do die. Do die.

That's what I want, is for you to die. Okay.

Here's another one. Eat me. Eat eat eat eat eat. I may not have enough food for this.

You die. Thank you. And then, there we go. What do we got here?

I hear you. Come and get me. Don't come and get me. There you go. Stay over

there. Stay over there.

Up, or through. Oh, gosh. There's so much tunnel back here. Okay, what about here?

Alright, one more. Oh, It filled my inventory slots. Yeah, I forgot I had that

mod. I was like gonna have to panic. Okay. No, I don't have to panic. I just have to

move on up this dungeon that's all. We just have to move up the road. We just

have to go up. I know there's more than five of these in my...There's more than

five torches in my inventory, I promise you there is. This is-this is-this is not

a good place for my torches to be compared to where my sword is, though.

There's people been talking to me lately about how I should change how I

have my stuff to something more conventional. Let me out of here. No. No.

No creepers in close quarters! Okay. Now I have no idea where I am relative

to the creeper. That's not a good thing. Let's go find another place to be. Oh my

gosh, what have I got here? Okay another staircase yay!

Spiders scared me. Nope nope nope nope

nope. That roadrunner's been running around in here.

Okay. Oh another one coming at me. Hey, quit quit quit. Just quit killing

me, okay? Thanks. No. No. No, I really need to step away for a moment and and eat. Yep,

mm-hmm that's a thing. That's a thing that needs to be done. I need to eat and

recover and maybe eat some more. Come on, come on regen regen regen. Come on.

What's the deal here? Eat it. Go. Where's he at? Can I just go down there and stick

another one down there for a minute? Yep. Can I? Oh there's a spawner in there.

Give me it. Give me it. I want, I want...No , don't hit me. Yeah, I

hit nothing. I know. I'm that bad. That's not okay. No, come on.

Alright, I gotta go in here. I gotta get a lit on there, lid on there. Light on

that. Light light light light. Okay. All right. Oh there's so many of them in here. I'm

gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die, because there's too many

of them at once. Come on, come on eat. There, eat something. Alright, let's try

this again. We need to take out some more. I got that one. I got him. I got him. I got

him. No. Take a shot. Take a shot. Take a shot.

Both of you, take a shot. Thank you. Like don't actually hit me though, that's not

the goal here. The goal is for me to be able to get in here and torch that

spawner up. Yep. mm-hmm.

Alright, yep. Okay. Get you. Alright, all of you die. Alright, die.

Oh! What the heck? What the heck? I just heard some kind of, like, electrical

noise. I just heard some kind of electrical noise. Which doesn't make any

sense. Like, why would I have heard an electrical noise? Like, it sounded like a

buzzer. You know, like one of those prank buzzers. And, my sword is really really

not doing very well. I need to get out of here. Need to get out of here. I need to

mark, I need to light this one up. There we go. Okay, right there. Okay okay okay. I

know. I need a better sword. Okay, that roadrunner. Do you know the way out?

Look at him kicking up dust. He hasn't got any idea how to get out of here. Okay,

There's the first, one of the first, spawners. No, that's not one of the first.

It is. Maybe it is. Maybe it is. Let's get out of here. No. Hello there's a spider

there. You are not supposed to be there. Die.

How is there not enough light in there to prevent that from spawning? Okay,

There's one in there, too. No. I'm lost-ed I'm lost-ed. I never get lost. I never

ever get lost. I'm lost-ed. See, I didn't put my torches all on one

side of the tunnel, so now I don't have any idea which way to go. Down. Ah there's

where we got the treasures from. So, we're almost to the front.

Well folks, I think that's about half of that thing. I'm gonna need a better sword, I'm gonna

need a better sword. So, that'll have to be enough of that dungeon for today.

We'll just have to leave what's in there in there, for the next time. And, I guess

we'll have to be working on a sword. And I've been doing some mining and hoping

to get some more gold and I haven't gotten any more gold yet so anyway. I'm

out of time for this episode. Ara-doodle-doo. Toodle-loo.

For more infomation >> Granny's Gardens: Ep 4: Frozen Brains - Duration: 26:32.


Bode Miller and wife Morgan on their baby's drowning: 'It happens in the blink of an eye' - Duration: 6:03.

By Cindy Boren , Reporter July 30 Seven weeks after their toddler daughter drowned in a swimming pool, Olympic skiing champion Bode Miller and his wife have gone public with their grief, encouraging parents to become more aware of how quickly small children can drown and how prevalent such deaths are

"There's not a day that goes by that I don't pray for the opportunity to go back to that day and make it different

But now we have this opportunity to make other parents' days different," Miller's wife, Morgan Beck Miller, said in a "Today" show interview that aired Monday morning

Emeline, known as Emmy, was 19 months old when she died June 10, the day after falling into a neighbor's pool in Southern California in an accident her father said happened "in the blink of an eye

" It had been an ordinary day, Emmy's mom, a professional beach volleyball player, recalled in the tearful interview

"Every morning, the kids would go swimming and Bode would go swimming with them, and they'd be in there for hours

And they loved it," Morgan Miller said. After attending a birthday party, Morgan and Emmy stopped at home, where Bode was leaving to take his oldest daughter to a softball game

 (The couple has a son together and is expecting another child in October; Bode Miller has two children from other relationships

) "He was loading up the car when we got back and I gave him a kiss. And out of nowhere, [Emmy] leaned over and gave him another kiss

And we were so amused by her reaction because it was not typical of Emmy," Morgan said

"So I kissed him again and she did it again and we laughed. Then I turned around and I walked inside and she waved and said bye to her dad

" She and her children then headed for their neighbors' home. "We go over, back and forth, multiple times a week

They're family to us," Morgan said. "And it was just a normal day over there. We sat on the sofa, and she played in front of us

" With other kids playing nearby, "Emmy would go back and forth, which was all of 15 feet

And all of a sudden, it was just too quiet for me. We're in mid-conversation and I stood up

And I turned and I went right to where the boys were and I said, 'Where's Emmy?' " Emmy's father, an Olympic gold medalist in Alpine skiing, described her as "a bear" who "had such a powerful bull-like personality where she just did what she wanted

" That made the silence even more alarming. "Before Nate [their son] could respond, I turned around and the door that leads to the backyard, that was closed, had this tiny sliver of light coming through the side," Morgan Miller said

"And my heart sank and I opened the door and she was floating in the pool. And I ran and I jumped in

" She started CPR, and the neighbor called 911. Although it initially appeared as if the baby might survive, "the doctor said her brain had just not had enough oxygen for too long of a time," Bode Miller said

The Millers' story is one that is familiar to all too many parents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified drowning as the leading cause of death from unintentional injuries for children aged 1 to 4

The Millers had taken precautions, making sure their pool is surrounded by a fence

Now, they want to raise awareness. "We have the choice to live our days with purpose," Morgan Miller said, "to make sure that no other parent has to feel what we're feeling

" We want to thank our friends, family and every one of you who sent a message, said a prayer or donated for the overwhelming expression of support - we are truly touched and blessed

Our midwives started a gofundme campaign to raise funds and we intend to donate these funds raised to worthwhile causes connected to water safety education

We are inspired to make our baby girls memory go forth and help prevent as many drownings as possible

We will post more soon on our plans and efforts. A post shared by Bode Miller (@millerbode) on Jun 19, 2018 at 6:22pm PDT Read more from The Post: The Jets have begun training camp, but Sam Darnold is nowhere to be found Former wrestler Brian Lawler, son of WWE star Jerry Lawler, dies after hanging himself in his jail cell Braves' Sean Newcomb addresses ugly old tweets after just missing a no-hitter Dismissing Josh Hader tweets as foolish youth misses a valuable opportunity Bradley Kim of Air Force is first active football player at a service academy to come out Former Cowboys WR Dez Bryant spills his feelings for his 3

49 million Twitter followers

For more infomation >> Bode Miller and wife Morgan on their baby's drowning: 'It happens in the blink of an eye' - Duration: 6:03.


ASMR 咀嚼音 Chicken Nuggets チキン・ナゲット 炸雞塊拼盤 치킨 너겟 먹방 Nuggets de poulet *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:54.

hi guys! welcome to my channel

today i'm eating Chicken Nuggets

chicken nuggets

potato churros


curry sauce

sweet chili sauce

creamy deluxe sauce

sweet & sour sauce


please enjoy with me

thanks for watching

see you on next video


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For more infomation >> ASMR 咀嚼音 Chicken Nuggets チキン・ナゲット 炸雞塊拼盤 치킨 너겟 먹방 Nuggets de poulet *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:54.


Former President Obama Praises Sen. John McCain for Showing the World What 'Courage' Means - Duration: 3:37.

 Former President Barack Obama penned a respectful tribute to Sen. John McCain, who died of brain cancer at the age of 81 on Saturday

"John McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of politics," Obama, 57, wrote

"But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher — the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed

The statement continued: "We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world

We saw this country as a place where anything is possible — and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way

" Obama's statement went on to reference McCain's military service — and the five years he spent in captivity as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam

"Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did," Obama wrote

"But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John's best, he showed us what that means

And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heartfelt condolences to Cindy and their family

"  McCain, the former POW and outspoken Republican politician nicknamed The Maverick for being unafraid to disagree with fellow members of his party, died at 4:28 p

m. on Saturday, his family announced in a statement.  On Friday, his family said that McCain, "with his usual strength of will," decided to stop treatment for the stage-four brain cancer he had been battling since its diagnosis last summer

 "In the year since," the McCain family said, "John has surpassed expectations for his survival

But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict

"  In July 2017, McCain revealed that he had been diagnosed with glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer, just days after he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye

 McCain later revealed during a September 2017 interview with 60 Minutes that he asked doctors to be forthright about his health

 "Some say 3 percent, some say 14 percent. You know it's — it's a very poor prognosis," he said

"So I just said, 'I understand. Now we're going to do what we can, get the best doctors we can find and do the best we can, and at the same time celebrate with gratitude a life well lived


For more infomation >> Former President Obama Praises Sen. John McCain for Showing the World What 'Courage' Means - Duration: 3:37.


《如懿传》第16集 邬君梅不是戴米老鼠耳坠? - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 《如懿传》第16集 邬君梅不是戴米老鼠耳坠? - Duration: 5:33.


북한 김정일이 막내아들인 '김정은'을 후계자로 지명한 이유 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 북한 김정일이 막내아들인 '김정은'을 후계자로 지명한 이유 - Duration: 2:54.


颜值不斗艳 剧情不争奇 《如懿传》靠实力演员挽回口碑 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> 颜值不斗艳 剧情不争奇 《如懿传》靠实力演员挽回口碑 - Duration: 11:58.


Zhumazhan Baizhumin - Nomads as the founders of statehood - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> Zhumazhan Baizhumin - Nomads as the founders of statehood - Duration: 14:51.


북한 2대 독재자 김정일이 문화산업에 집착할 수 밖에 없었던 이유 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 북한 2대 독재자 김정일이 문화산업에 집착할 수 밖에 없었던 이유 - Duration: 4:13.


A famous Japanese in the world What is the result of asking a total of 10,000 - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> A famous Japanese in the world What is the result of asking a total of 10,000 - Duration: 8:08.


Fundindo F-22 e F-35: o que querem os EUA contrapor ao T-50 russo - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Fundindo F-22 e F-35: o que querem os EUA contrapor ao T-50 russo - Duration: 6:11.


A reveladora EQM do Aleandro 1de3 | Aleandro's revealing NDE 1of3 - Duration: 28:38.

Hello everyone, welcome to the "AFINAL, WHAT ARE WE?" channel.

In 2010 Aleandro had an NDE very detailed and revealing.

It all started when he was run over.

As our goal here is to share with you everything we know,

Here is the first part of this interview.

Let's watch it?

Good evening, Aleandro.

Good evening, Carlos, everything okay?

Everything okay?

Thank you so much for sharing with us your history, your NDE.

I would like you to introduce yourself and tell us your profession ...

and detail as nearly as possible your near-death experience.

Good evening everybody, my name is Aleandro Ferreira, I am a lawyer,

and a few years ago ...

I had an accident...

very serious and I went into a coma.

The accident was as follows.

Here at home there are two garages.

There is the front garage .... very wide ... and with no ramp.

and there is the other garage that is in the back of the house, which is very steep and has a very high ramp.

At that time, we rarely used this garage.

A car was stored there.

I remember that on that day I suddenly had the idea of ​​changing the two cars.


so I parked the [other] car in the back garage.

In that back garage, the gate is not automatic ... it's a manual gate.

So I had to get in driving the car ... park the car ... get out of the car ... and close the gate manually.


I remember that day I parked the car ...

I got out of the car...

and as I went down the ramp to close the gate, I heard a voice shouting,

"My son ... the car is coming down ..."

It was my mother who was screaming, warning me that the car was coming down.

Automatically, when I turned ...

it was all very fast...

I was closing the gate when I realized that the car was practically touching me.

By reflex I held the car's airfoil ...

it was a kind of car that has a rear aerofoil ...

and ... by instinct ... I do not know if it was the instinct, or the reflex or what was ...

that made me think, "If I do not hold [the airfoil] the car will run over me."

it was all very quick ...

the brain made me act according to the instinct of defense ... very quick.

I grabbed the airfoil ...

but even so it did not stop me from getting hit by the car ...

the gate was almost closed ...

so the car practically squeezed me ...

against the gate.

As my bladder was full ... I remember that ...

my basin suffered a great pressure and broke.

My basin pressed the bladder ... that burst ...

and damaged other muscles as well.

The luck I had is that the back gate of my house is light.

And it dismounted.

Then the car passed ...

it pressed me against the gate ... and it ... passed under the gate...

The gate unlatched ... shifted off the rail ... and the car passed ...

because if the gate were heavy, it would have ...

really... I would have suffered a fatal accident.

Anyway ... the car crossed the street, my legs being under the car ...

the car dragged me and it just stopped at the other side of the street ...

at the curb.

When the wheel ...

When the tire got at the curb ... the pressure was so great that I was thrown ...

against the wall.

And the wall fell.

A few pieces of the wall fell on me, so strong was the impact.

It formed a hole in the wall ...

With this impact, I ended up having more damage in my body ...

the basin broke in several places ...

besides other damages ... and an immense pain.

A pain I did not remember feeling in my life before.

I had felt kidney colic when I was a child ...

people say that it is a pain very close to the pain of childbirth ...

but equal to this pain ...

I've never had a more horrible sensation.

At this moment, it's so strange... we just want to die.

We only think of wanting to die so that we stop feeling the pain.

So, at that time I just wanted to die, to sleep, something like that to stop the pain.

Even so I was not unconscious.

I was conscious all the time, feeling that pain ...

My luck is that the people on the street ... there was a church nearby ...

the impact was so strong that soon everyone came to see what happened ...

in five minutes the people of the fire department arrived ...

I was taken to an emergency hospital ... here in my city ...

where some exams were made ...

you know how public hospitals are ... the exams take a long time to be made ...

my city is a metropolitan city but it is not the capital ...

I live in Anápolis, which is near Goiânia city...

So it took a few hours before the surgery.

Meanwhile, the medical doctors did not want to sedate me completely because ...

because of my condition...

as I was feeling so much pain, very active, screaming a lot ...

My screams were very loud ... very loud ... because the pain ... was unbearable.

The doctors did not want to sedate me because they were afraid that sedation...

could cause a side effect and I could die.

As long as I was active, it was a sign of life ... inside me.

Until one of the medical doctors ... after I did an exam ...

I do not remember the name of the exam ...

I think the orthopedist told me that my basin had broken in several pieces.

But there was no way of doing surgery in the basin at that moment,

because before that they had to check internally how my organs were ...

so, I should go under a laparoscopy first ...

to know what happened inside ...

so that, in the future, the surgery could be done.

Then... soon other medical doctors who arrived went to the operating room ...

where until that moment were just me and the nurse.

and the nurse said, "he's screaming a lot."

I was screaming a lot ... screaming very, very, very much ... afraid of pain ...

then I remember that she ... put ... a needle in my ... arm ...

and told me not to worry that that pain would pass ...

and suddenly I fell asleep.

Did not they want to sedate you until the time of surgery?

Until the time of surgery.

I was at the base of a slightly weaker sedative.

So... soon I was sedated ... sedated ... and I fell asleep.

And the pain stopped.

She put the needle in my arm ... I was sedated ... it was a very strong sedation ...

and soon I fell into a deep sleep ... a deep sleep.

Soon after, I do not know if it was a matter of minutes or a few hours later,

I remember that I woke up ...

and the strangest thing is that when I woke up, I was ...

when I opened my eyes ... I saw myself ... on a stretcher ... or a surgical bed ...

with doctors and nurses around me ...

and it was well at the time that they were doing the surgical procedure ...

they were cutting my abdomen ... from below the chest to below the navel ...

that's where the procedure was done... I do not remember the name [of the procedure] now ...

so they could see my inner state ... in that moment.

And I remember that when I saw that procedure,

and I saw that it was really me who was there,

I did not think about the fact of seeing my body.

My reaction was to start screaming ... because someone was cutting me.

Where were you at that moment?

I was on the ceiling.

On the ceiling, watching my body ...

being cut ... by doctors ...

and the strangest thing is that I did not feel pain.

I did not feel any pain.

But the fact that they were cutting me off ...

that I was seeing myself there ...

scared me a lot.

I panicked.

I panicked at that moment.

And from the panic it changed to despair.

But nobody heard me.

No one heard me.

Did you hear what they were saying?


I heard what they were saying but no one heard me.

In fact they did not talk much ... they did not say much.

And the screams I gave, desperate for them to stop, did not help because they did not listen to me.

that's when ... suddenly ... something came up in front of me ...

and it was taking me ... it was a very strong light.

A very strong light ...

a light that ...

automatically would blind anyone ...

because it was a light I'd never seen ...

But did it bother his eyes?


it did not bother my eyes ... but sithe was very strong.

Strong ... and it was taking me ... the light began to take me ...

What does "take me" mean?

It ... it was ... it ...

It's a very strange thing, I do not know how to explain it. It seems like it was being part of ... of my body.

Part of me.

And as it came ... closer to me ... as it took me ...

you know, I could even say that it was sucking me, but it was not sucking me,

it was taking me ... it was taking me ...

it was being a part of me at that moment.

And a calm ... and a peace ... unequaled began to take hold of me.

That's when it took me completely ...

and I've lost my senses again ...

Let me ask you something... you said you opened your eyes, you saw yourself from above, looking down ...

so you said "open eyes"

and then "you become unconscious again" ...

well, this is physical language.

When you were up there did you see something like a body next to your vision?


I could not see ... it's like it was an aerial view.

Just the vision ... without body?

Just the vision ... without body.

But at that moment I did not think I didn't have a body ...

because my mind was turned to the act ...

what was happening to my body there at that moment ...

I did not realize if there was a body ... or not.

If someone asked me if there really was a body or not ...

It was a mechanical act ...

it was my vision that was acting there at that moment.


My vision and my sensations.

I felt I had ... that I had ... that I had feet ...

I felt I had, but in relation to seeing [the feet] ...

only if someone came in at that moment and asked me, "Can you see?"

As this did not happen, I just had the vision ...

that light

it was part of me at that moment ...

Was it just a light?

If you were up there and the body was down here, where was that light?

It ... she appeared from somewhere ...

But was it in front of you, behind you...?

In front of me ... that's it ... it started to take me in front of me ... like this.

I could say it had taken all the environment ...

But did this light have an origin?

Was it coming out of a point? What was that light like?


It didn't come from a point.

It was like I was already in this place ...

and I was arriving...

I was arriving and it was taking me.

It's a kind of tunnel, but ... you know ...

how do you imagine a tunnel?

You enter a tunnel.

I could say it was a tunnel ... in a tunnel you enter.

But not in this case.

In this case, it seems that I was already in this environment ... seeing me ... in another environment ...

and suddenly for me to be able to fully enter this environment that light began to take me.

And did you feel yourself moving toward this light?

Or did it come toward you?

It came [toward me].

It came ... and ...

And did you see both the light and the body down there being operated?

Yes. The light and the body.

From the moment I started to see the light ...

my thoughts turned to it ... just for that.

Because it was ... a peace ... it's like an anesthesia.

It's as if at that moment I had been anesthetized again ...

but it was not a feeling of ... rest ...

it was not a feeling of ... stopping a pain ...

it was a ... it was a peace ... it was a force ... that ...

that I can not explain.

And it was such a sense of ecstasy ...

that from the moment it took me completely ...

at this moment, my vision, if I may say so ...

because I do not know if it was vision, because I do not even know if there was a body there at that moment ...

my vision distorted and I lost my senses again ...

if we can say that they are senses ... at that moment.

And about the time ...

time has not ... had no explanation ...

I do not know if after a few seconds or a few minutes ...

my vision ... it worked again ...

and that light that took me was all over the place.

Everywhere ... totally.

Totally ... in that location.

That's when I came across ...

and looked ... to my side ...

I saw a person ...



for me to calm down...

in that moment...

and that face looked familiar to me ...

that face seemed familiar to me ...

that presence ... seemed familiar.

I was sure that I knew that person.

I felt that person as if he were a very close person ... of me.

That's when he revealed ... to be my grandfather.

My grandfather.

But my grandfather died when I was two years old.

So I figured out that that was ... so to speak ... the soul of my grandfather ... or something that ... has no explanation.

And the peace I was feeling beside him ... the security he was making me feel ... it was very intense.

It was very intense.

Because it was a ... a ... a ...

a succession of events...

and from that moment on... that voice ... to feel that voice ... to hear ... that voice ...

it really cherished me...

I felt much peace at that moment.

And that place ...

What was this place like?

It was a place ...

a heady light ...

a huge light that took the whole place ...

the infinite ... in all directions ...

the infinite in all directions ...

something ... inexplicable because ...

in that place you could feel ...


you could feel

You forgot all the torments ...

that you had in your life.

All the torments.

I even made an outline ... of that location ...

later if you want I can show you ...

I do want ... I do want ... Can you email it to me?

I can.

Do you have it there with you?

It is here.

I made a sketch ...

once ...

It's this sketch here ...

I do not know if you can see it well.

Yes, I can.

Here is a ... here is is a kind of a lake ...

it is a lake

and you can see that this place has no end ...

it's very green...

and there has these kind of ... I do not know if they are housing ...

Do they look like crystals ...?

Yes ... it was a kind of ... this is how I was able to describe what it was ... this.

Where we went in ... and out ...

Some were on earth and others were ...


Yes ... so to speak ... floating.

But you say you do not know if they were buildings ... housing ... so they were very big?

Yes, very.

Very big and translucent.

And you can notice here ...

Did not you see anyone getting out or getting into those places?

After a few moments, after being there ... I could see people entering ... and leaving ...

these places.

This is one percent of what existed there ...

because for you to put on paper ...

it is very complicated...

this is just a rough sketch of this place.

The light was everywhere ...

was everywhere ...

it was the infinite ... immense ...

of course I did not put people here ... but they were many.

Were there many people?

Many people.

These places here ...

if you pay attention ...

I draw the background here ...

I put the mountains in pencil ...

because you could see through those places.

yeah ... they were translucent ...

Yes ... [you could see] through them.

Did these people see you?

Did they see you?

Did they communicate with you?

Yes, but the form of communication did not need the speech.

I remember that right at the beginning ... when I tried to talk ...

I could do it, but there was no need for speech.

There was no need for speech.

Practically the movements just happened ...

you thought and automatically ... people felt what you were going through at that moment.

The person's gaze was the form of communication.

You looked at the people in this place ...

And you could know what they wanted to transmit to you ...

and the strangest thing is that many of these people knew me.

They called me by my name ...

and I was sure that I knew them.

What the floor was like ... was it green ... was it concrete ... was it some material you did not know what it was?

It was a material that I did not know what it was ...

that I did not know what it was.

You know when...

I do not know if you ever ...

when you were a child there were those soap bubbles, weren't there?

When you touched a soap bubble it emitted kind of colors [through its surface] ... right?

In this place ... at least within these establishments ...

when you came into contact with him ... it produced colors ... on all of it.

You're saying ... "inside the establishment",

I mean, are you referring to what I call crystal?

Yes, inside that place.

- So you... - When I woke up...

- Did you go inside it? - When I woke up, I was inside one of those.

Were you inside one of those?

Yeah, when I woke up I was in one of those.

Doing what?

How were you there?

As soon as I woke up I was inside one of these places ...

my grandfather was close ... to me ...

and it was as if I had not been in any accident.

But were you standing?

Because [first] you were on the operating table.

When you saw yourself in this place how were you?

I was lying.

But I could not see ... this ...

I could not see where I was lying ...

because [where I was lying] it was made of the same material ... of that place I was inside ...

It was somewhat transparent ... translucent ...

It was like I was ... on the top of ... it was like I was floating in the water ...

but I did not sink and I did not get wet either ... it was strange.

It was ... it was a substance ... it was something ... I had never seen.

And the walls... how were them ... or there were not walls?

The walls, so to speak, were ...

I could see through the walls ...

through these surfaces ...

I could see the whole place through this ...

I saw the nature outside ...

I saw other people ... I could see everything.

And [when you are there] you have the full knowledge of where you were.

Nothing in that place was closed, nothing was closed, there was nothing ...

There were no concrete walls, so to speak.

You could see that there was a surface, but you could see through that surface.

That surface let you see through it.

And from the moment you touched this wall ... on that surface ... it reflected colors ...

It reflected colors as if you had touched a soap bubble ... so to speak.

But the feeling is different.

And did you see your own body ... in this situation?

The strangest thing is that [it happened] only when I really needed to see my body ...

because most of the time I did not need to see it, there was no need.

I did not need hands, I did not need feet ...

on that place you did not need this ... because ...

I think you just forgot ...

you forgot you had ... that you had a body ... that you ...

It's very strange ...

- But you saw your grandfather ..." - It looks like in that place ...

your vision and your thoughts were enough.

That was enough.

And your grandfather ... did you see him as if he were in the flesh, so to speak?

So to speak, yes.

So to speak, yes, because I needed that vision of him.

That vision of him made me feel secure.

And was he the only person on your side when you woke up?

At that moment, yes.

He was the only person standing next to me.

And what happened then?

Then he told me ...

he explained to me what had happened ...

and that I really had to go through that situation ...

and that I was there so that I could remember ... really ... what I would have to do ...

what I would have to do.

Until then these were words that seemed to me to be some kind of enigma or something like that...


my presence in that place was so strong [to me] that ...

that ... the words ... so to speak ...

they were not as strong as the feeling of being there.

then ... the urge to be there, the desire to stay there was very strong.

The peace ... was very strong.

You have no other desire than to be there,

to stay there ... and not to go anywhere else.

Do you remember leaving this building ... let's call it "building" ... with your grandfather?

I do remember.

I remember leaving it ... having walked through these ...

thourgh these places ... and ...

it was a heady blend of nature with ... with these ... with these kind of ... crystals ... huge ...

huge buildings ...

nature worked in perfect harmony with everything you could see.

the people ... could they fly?

Cause I saw crystals in the air.

What were they doing there?


I could see people getting in and out those places ...

Including those in the air?

including the people who were there ... I wouldn't say flying ...

I will say that in this place I felt very light ...

it was like this ... if you thought you wanted to go to a place ... you would go.

You would go.

And the thought ...

And did you see people going?

Yes ... I saw people ... and I saw other forms too ... forms of light ...

What do you mean?... What do you mean?

wait... wait...

explain to me...

other forms of light ... what is this?

It was like this ... some of these people I was looking at ...

some of them almost had no ... shape ...

some were so transparent ...

so transparent ... that I could barely see ... their transparency.

I knew there was a being there.

But the transparency was very big.

And some other people I could see more concretely ...

while others were more ...

and the more transparent the person was, the lighter the person was.

Only those people who were more transparent, so to speak ... physically ... let's say so ...

they were able to go to those places that were high up.

And did you have any non-verbal communication ... with some of these more transparent beings?

In the next video Aleandro will tell us, among other things,

how his grandfather, who is already deceased,

made him go back to the past and become aware ...

about how he treated his parents.

Do not miss it.

And if you like, please subscribe to our channel,

click "like", make comments, share our videos,

click the bell because then you will always know when there are new videos,

and if you have any questions ...

or if you went through an NDE and you would like to share your story with the world,

please write to us.

Our email is ...

This is a new frontier of human knowledge.

Let's explore it together?

For more infomation >> A reveladora EQM do Aleandro 1de3 | Aleandro's revealing NDE 1of3 - Duration: 28:38.


NO BOTES ESTA AGUA FUERA ➜ Ella es MUY PODEROSA y usted necesita saberlo - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> NO BOTES ESTA AGUA FUERA ➜ Ella es MUY PODEROSA y usted necesita saberlo - Duration: 4:46.


Carros fora de linha no Brasil ainda têm força no maior mercado mundial - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Carros fora de linha no Brasil ainda têm força no maior mercado mundial - Duration: 2:26.


Klebber Toledo se ajoelha para colocar aliança de casamento em Camila Queiroz - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Klebber Toledo se ajoelha para colocar aliança de casamento em Camila Queiroz - Duration: 4:19.


Fusca german look: mudança das rodas renova visual e diribilidade - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Fusca german look: mudança das rodas renova visual e diribilidade - Duration: 3:23.





get to know me! - Duration: 19:47.

greetings and salutations everyone today in this video I am going to do a get to

know me tag because that's right guys I'm turning into a basic youtuber oh no

just joking I just think this is gonna be really fun it's something that I

really wanted to do let's get into it fam why don't we but first let's get some

fucking funfetti bullshit all up in here

omigod, look at that

that's so good I just Googled to get to know me tag

questions and then oh like specifically YouTube and then this

website called YouTube society came up and then had a list of questions so if

these aren't the right questions I don't care so first question what is your

middle name well my middle name is Jeneva: J E N E V A that name came from my

great-grandmother on my mom's side so my mom's mom's mom I I don't really

remember her because she died when I was pretty young but that's where I got it

from what is your favorite color you'd think that it would be pink but it's

actually indigo indigo is my favorite shade well I like I liked it because it

was like the blood color of gamzee from Homestuck but I just think it's a really

beautiful color who was your first best friend

well my first and only best friend is Alicia and you met her before so how

tall are you I am 5 foot 4 cats or dogs


funniest moment throughout school I would say probably um I was walking

with my English teacher to his office and he fell down and I thought he died

um luckily he did it um but I was really scared in that moment because I

literally thought like oh holy shit like if he legit dies right now people are gonna think

that I pushed him or some shit because me and him kind of went back and

forth in class it was scary in the moment but when I think back on it's

pretty funny how many countries have you visited unfortunately only this one the

u.s. because I'm poor and also because I kind of am skittish with traveling it

makes me kinda nervous some countries that I would like to visit are Iceland

Lebanon Canada mainly for Newfoundland Nova Scotia and I think Japan will be

pretty cool yeah I don't know if I got a Germany if I got asked to go anywhere I

probably like a for how long I think that's the big determining factor it was

gonna be a long time I think I might have to be like but if it's like a week

I think I could maybe hack that are you in or have you been to college

I am currently in college I mentioned it in my previous video that I go to the

Colorado phone school and I major in screenwriting what was your favorite

worst subject in high school I think my favorite subjects in high school were

psychology science and then choir I love my choir class but my worst subject was

history fuck history what is your favorite drink water I

don't know um I like a lot of things I don't drink soda I'm just now kind of

getting into coffee I like tea La Croix Powerade that's my that's my like when I

want to be saucy Hi-C

but water water's good. water's tasty! I have a mosquito bite on my hand, it hurts! what is your

favorite animal if the ears don't give it away I don't know what will I do love

cats but I also some good honorable mentions would be ferrets rabbits and

unicorns what's your favorite perfume I don't work perfume I used to wear

perfume but I don't anymore because I'm always paranoid that it makes me smell

like you're like the body your own chem- the own smell of your own body mixes

kind of weird with certain perfume so I try and stay away from them but my tried

and true perfume that I will maybe sometimes wear is midnight pomegranate

by the Bath and Body Works they don't I don't know if they sell it anymore

I remember that they had like the sell on Bath Body Works then I bought like

four and so this is still one of them and I haven't had to buy anymore since

then so I hope that I mean think if they don't sell them any more than that's

okay because I don't really wear it anyways but that was my scent back in

the day. tea or coffee well for most of my life have been a tea girl I would

say that I still am because if I were to have coffee I would need it to be like a

cold brew with a lot of sugar and cream but any type of tea I would drink like

no cream no sugar added I would just drink it cuz teas awesome I love my leaf

juice what would you name your children well news here guys is I would not

really have children I kind of don't want to just cuz I understand that to

have a child is a lot of responsibility and I can barely really take care of

myself as it is so I'd rather not have kids and I also genetically with my

depression and my anxiety I really don't want to put that on to another child or

on to my own child because I just don't want them to have the same

experiences that I did that would be so painful for me as a parent to know

that my kid is going through the same thing that I had to go through and I

just don't want to feel guilty about that if I did ever change my mind I

would definitely still not have my own child I would probably adopt because there are

already so many children on this planet that need love and why wouldn't you want

to give them your love you know because I think having your own child can

be sometimes selfish especially in this day and age but it also depends on

the political climate in the future how that's going because if climate change

is really hitting us hard then why the fuck am I gonna bring life on this

planet right anyways but some names that I do really enjoy are the following:

Misha Anakin Jubal Leland Willow Laramie Milo

Elwood Delilah Sunrose Jules Lazuli Johanna and Lavinia so if I don't have a

child these names will probably become book characters what sports do you play

or have you played um a lot of people will say this is like not a sport but I

beg to differ I used to be a cheerleader Believe It or Not for a very long time

and in high school I really wanted to be a cheerleader but because of what I was

going through I just thought I was never good enough to be in that kind of

group so I just kind of stayed at home stayed inside and did nothing for a very

long time then around junior year I started getting the skateboarding

because I wa- i watched the king of the road on viceland and I I thought those

guys were just so fucking cool and rad and like I just really resonated with

them with that kind of group so then I was like I totally I totally want to go

like start skateboarding and so I did I haven't done it in a long time because

I've been kind of focusing more so on college but I this this fall winter

because I and that's another thing I hate skateboarding or doing anything

physical in the summer time because it's really hot and I get exhausted easily in

the heat and so but I'm hoping that this fall once it gets colder I'm gonna start

skateboarding again and try and like it's some new tricks in

because that's what I really want let me show you my board

my very first skateboard is a toy machine board designed like The Joy

Division cover okay so this is what it looks like and see where is it

toy machine right there where the trucks are and then known pleasure this is so

lit I love my board so much in here I have the toy machine logo my little

loyal pawn I love him I love this board this is my baby I call him boy toy or BT

for short if I ever get really good at skateboarding I'm so like scared that

one day like I'm gonna accidentally focus BT it'll ruin me what is your

favorite book I don't read I know I'm a writer and I don't read isn't that

awful it's just that I have a hard time really focusing on the words and like

you know and I really have to be in the mood for it because if I'm distracted by

other things I'm not gonna really take in what's on the page honestly my

favorite book of all time is probably either

Bunnicula by James Howe or Molly moon's book of hypnotism by Georgia byng one

of the books that really liked that I've read recently then I really liked was a

room with a view by EM forster I don't know what it was about this book but I

was just like this is amazing and I Love Lucy and I don't know it just made me

very emotional who are some of your favorite youtubers well I really love

Shane Dawson Garret Watts I mean the whole Shane crew like Ryland Morgan Drew

I love them they're like I just want to be their best friend honestly that would

be honestly dream come true also with their paranormal videos like I know that

they're like silly and mainly just for entertainment but I still I think it

would be fun to go on a paranormal investigation with them what is your

favorite movie I don't know if I have a favorite movie which is probably like even

as like a film student I don't really watch movies that's like sad isn't it

I really like eighties eighties movies indie movies like coming-of-age I'm like

I just really enjoyed that yeah animation any kind of animation is really

good I really like old old movies like uh rear window and monkey business those

are I love those I think they're really funny um or like it's big I know it's a

mad mad mad mad world that's funny as fuck that's comedy at

its best really are you single or taken I'm single because relationships

sometimes are hard for me I like the idea of a relationship and the idea of

romance is always very compelling but in reality in theory it's like nice but

then in in practice it's like NOT for me it's just I really don't feel

comfortable like it's it's like it feels okay for like the first couple times

like where you're like oh cute hold hands like lil kiss but after that it's

like okay get the fuck away from me and I don't know why I'm like that um I just I I just

always been like that like I I always like feel like oh yeah I really love

this person but then like it's always like in my head like I'm in love with

them in my head but in real life it's like do I really like them I don't know

it's kind of complicated huh what's your idea of an ideal first date well I'm not

very picky I always think that like like first date like okay there's an ideal

date and then the ideal first date you feeling me so as a first date I

would just like to like hang out with them somewhere that's chill low-energy

you know not very overwhelming not an overwhelming environment and just talk you

know really good to know each other I mean if you're gonna go see a movie or

something like that like that's okay but I really just want to take the time to

get to know them and talk but and ideal date so this is someone that

you've been with for a while I'm assuming and so this is like oh my god

babe we should like to go do this my ideal date would probably be like going

ghost hunting honestly or like stargazing but looking for UFOs really because the

truth is out there fam but then at the same time like like you can go on dates

with your friends people don't think this is a thing but it's totally a thing

you can go on dates with your friends and it's not that big a deal so oh and

also all the things that you kind of do with the romantic partner

I mean maybe besides the kissing and the smooching and the .... you know what I mean

um you can do that with a friend you can hold your friend's hand like if they're

comfortable with that so that's why I'm like I don't necessarily need a romantic

partner because all the things that I can get from a romantic partner I can

just get from like a couple of my friends and feel fulfilled emotionally

how many girlfriends and boyfriends have you had

I've had one girlfriend one boyfriend and I think maybe that's where I'm gonna

put the brakes oh yeah I just don't know if like the dating life is for me but

you know I say that but life works in mysterious ways

favorite memory from childhood like since my birthday is in October

I've always loved Halloween and like spooky things so I have this really

vivid memory of me playing with a bunch of Halloween decorations

inside my house and we're listening to like a spooky Halloween soundtrack and

there's like this really scary like noise and I grabbed all my scarecrow

friends and I'm like we gotta hide and like I ran and I hid with them like

underneath the fort that I made you know like the monsters coming the

monsters coming and literally it's just me playing with myself and these

Halloween decorations but I really love that memory it just makes me like I

don't know it's cute to me do you speak any different languages and how well so

I kind of know how to speak English barely even as a writer I barely know

how to speak English I know how to write in English speaking it's a different

story and then the other language that I know how to write and speak and read is

German because I took four years of German in high school because it was

required for the IB program I don't really remember how to speak it because it's

been like a year so um I wasn't very good in the first place but ich heiße

Sophia jah? Mein Haare ist Rosa und mein augen ist Braun and ich liebe Katzen

und jah ich liebe film do you have any siblings yes I do

I have three sisters I have one older sister and two younger sisters Tavi or

Octavia, Deja, and then LeAura and they're they're my best friends in the whole

entire world I mean I know that Alicia's like my best friend but like literally

like my sisters like they mean the world to me and I'm just so lucky to have them

in my life how would you describe your fashion sense I don't know I'm kind of I

would I want to be a little more if I'm not already I would like to be a little

more eccentric or eclectic because I think I I don't mind standing out I like

like statement pieces because I think fashion is more so a form of art

as opposed to just you know you know it can be it can just be clothes to cover your

body but I like while I'm doing it I would like to have it be some form of

art or arty kind of way but I don't know I don't know how to really describe

it it can be super casual like kind of grungy

but then it can also be like kind of like out there I don't know what is your

favorite restaurant I really like sit-down restaurant so I'd have to say

the Denver diner Pete's Kitchen Annie's cafe or Gunther toody's what are some of

your favorite TV shows that's a loaded question um right now I really love Steven

universe um all my life I've loved Sailor Moon as far as like real

television right now I'm really into Twin Peaks I think that's a very

interesting show and I love the theme opening um PC or Mac I am a Mac person

Apple you know my phone is also an Apple phone which is the next question which

is well phone do you have I have an iPhone 8 I have a MacBook Pro that's

just the kind of life I live judge me if you'd like

tell us one of your bad habits and I think some of my bad habits would be

saying um a lot and so you know I don't know like a lot of speech things I would

say are probably bad habits but that's just because I'm trying to process

because that brings like going so fast on my mouth was trying to keep up and be like

bluhhh you know um saying you know mm-hmm also I would say

picking my lips I'd like to pick the skin off my lips and then until they

bleed and that's usually like an anxious habit that I have the other thing is

biting my finger like like chewing on it because I'm like I usually do that when

I'm focusing on something I'd start chewing on my fingers and now there's

like scars all over them um some other bad habits that I have is forgetting to

eat because I end up focusing so much on whatever it is I'm working on I think

that's all the questions there are only thirty questions but I hope this opened

your guys's eyes to Who I am as a person maybe a little bit and I just hope you

guys had fun I do want to say at the end of September um September 29th a

Saturday I am going to release like a Q&A video if you are interested in

asking me a question please leave a comment and I will get to that otherwise

if I don't get enough questions because I know that I'm kind of

underground if I don't get any questions it's not that big a deal I'm just gonna kind

of do a sleepover Saturday which is this thing that I thought would be a good

idea which is like you know the things that you do at a sleep over you pick

one of those things then you do it right I don't know it'll make more sense once

I do it but I just want to let you guys know so if you have questions ask me and

I'll get back to you and then at the end of September anyways thanks for watching

I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll talk to you guys later! Bye!

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