Sunday, August 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2018

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top Latino Songs 2018 - Spanish Songs 2018 ★ Latin Music 2018: Pop & Reggaeton Latino Music 2018 - Duration: 1:10:40.


Arrimadas exige a Sánchez que defienda a "millones de catalanes atacados por el separatismo" - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Arrimadas exige a Sánchez que defienda a "millones de catalanes atacados por el separatismo" - Duration: 1:30.


Installer aspirateur sans fil polyvalent lidl silvercrest cyclonique SHAZ 22.2v A1 - Duration: 3:08.

Caution: The installation may vary depending on the product version. My version: SHAZ 22.2 A1

Support installation - cyclonic vacuum cleaner LIDL

hello, I'm going to install the support of the LIDL vacuum cleaner (SILVERCREST SHAZ 22.2 A1)

I will use the drill guide that is included

as well as the included screws and plugs

I will fix in plaster (BA13), wall hollow.on will use dowels adapted to its wall

these dowels are rather for a solid wall, I do not like, but I will test

if you use molly dowels, (steel dowels), the head of the screw should be about 1 cm (check before installation)

I will use a 6 mm wood drill bit (mm)

a level and check for the presence of an electrical outlet

before drilling your plasterboard wall

before I break, I always do 2 checks

there must be no electric wire (I control with a materials detector)

there should not be steel bars (which support the plaster), I control with the detector

we can also put a magnet, if it is attracted on the wall, it is that there is a bar in steel, it will be necessary to pierce another


I will put the bracket here (I have an electrical outlet)

I position the drilling guide, I upgrade, I make small holes

I pierce

put the ankle, and knock with a hammer

put the two screws

the screws go over, it's normal

we put the support, then I can put the vacuum cleaner

when the vacuum is not positioned, the support moves slightly, it does not move when there is the vacuum, do not worry it's normal

1 year later

we are 1 year later (after installation)

ankles did not move

on BA13 (plasterboard), the anchors included provide sufficient strength

check the anchors from time to time (if it moves you will change immediately)

if you have questions do not hesitate to ask them in comment of this video

thank you for watching this video, see you soon

For more infomation >> Installer aspirateur sans fil polyvalent lidl silvercrest cyclonique SHAZ 22.2v A1 - Duration: 3:08.


Cristina Cordula, « une terrible rumeur » - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Cristina Cordula, « une terrible rumeur » - Duration: 1:27.


Matrix inverses make sense: a simple condition for when the inverse exists - Duration: 17:31.

In a linear algebra course, Matrix inverses are something that get a lot of attention.

There are all these formulas thrown at you like for the determinants, the inverses of

a 2x2 matrices, cramner's rule etc etc.

These formulas are great, but I think they can obscure the very simple idea behind what

an inverse actually is, and when it exists. You've probably been taught that the inverse

exists if and only if the determinant isn't 0. But most students have no idea what the

determinant has to do with anything let alone inverses. I'm going to teach a completely

different condition for when an inverse exists, that I think is much more intuitive.

But before all that:

Do you know what a linear transform is? If not, go watch my last video because none of

this one is going to make sense at all otherwise. In fact, if you want to brush up on vectors

and bases, you can watch the video before that too.

Even though this video is about matrix inverses, I'm not going to define what an inverse

is straight away. Instead I'm going to define something called a left inverse because I

think understanding these first will give you a better intuition for inverses themselves.

Imagine you have a bunch of vectors in some vector space, in this case in 2d, and you

apply some Matrix M on them, here it rotates them. Then you think you'd like to undo

what you just did and get the vectors back to where they were. In this example, what

transformation undoes the rotation? Here, you'd just rotate everything back by the

same angle. That's all a left inverse is. It's the matrix that undoes the original

matrix, so it's like you've done nothing at all. If I wanted to write this as an equation,

it'd say, if you do M, then you do L , that's the same as if you did nothing. This thing

is called the identity matrix and it just means the transformation where you do nothing.

This thing is called the left inverse for… hopefully obvious reasons. So now we know,

the left inverse is a matrix that undoes the original matrix's action.

The annoying thing about inverses is really their name. It sounds like the *inverse* should

be the thing that undoes a matrix. Instead the definition of M inverse is:

M inverse undoes M


M undoes M inverse.

Going back to our example: if you do M first and then L, that's the identity. But it's

also true that If you did L first, then M, you'd also get the identity. So since L

undoes M and is undone by M, L and M are inverses of each other. You might wonder, is the left

inverse always also the inverse like this? No, obviously not, or they wouldn't have

different names, would they?

Before we move on, let me ask you a question to check you've understood this so far.

Imagine you have a matrix like this. What it does is that it takes a 3D vector, and

jumbles up the components. Does this matrix have a left inverse? As in, can you undo this?

Then if it does have a left inverse, figure out if it has an inverse as well. Put you

answer in the poll in the corner, and pause the video now to think about it.

The answer is that it does have a left inverse. It's the one that takes a vector like this

and rearranges the components like this. It's clear that this is a left inverse of A since

it undoes it like so. But A is also a left inverse of it, as you can see, because A undoes

this matrix. So B is the inverse of A.

Now that we know what an inverse is, let's think more about when they exist or don't.

Again, it's going to be more convenient to look at when a left inverse exists first.

Here's another question. This matrix takes a 2d vector a b and sends it to a 0. Does

this matrix have a left inverse? If so, figure out what it is.

Again put your answer in the poll in the corner and pause now to think about it.

Notice something about this matrix. It takes the vector a b to a 0, but it also takes a

d to a 0 as well. This… is a bad thing, and it's because of this that the left inverse

doesn't exist.

Why? Well, say you have some vector v and M takes it to w. The left inverse of M, if

it exists, knows M and what w is, but it doesn't know what vector produced w. Just using the

information given, it needs to find what the original vector was, so that it can take w

back to where it came from. However. If there's some other vector u that also goes to w, the

left inverse has a problem. it can't just look at w and know for sure it whether it

came from v or from u because there isn't enough information. This means the left inverse

*can't* take w back to where it came from, so… it doesn't exist.

This thing here, where two different vectors v and u get mapped to the same vector, i.e

M(u)=M(v), is what I'll call M losing information. What we've just seen is that if M loses

information it doesn't have a left inverse. But what about the other way around? If M

doesn't lose information, does this mean the left inverse exists? Well, yes actually.

Because all the left inverse has to do to undo M is find the vector w came from. Since

there's only one vector v it could be, there is an inverse that takes w and returns v.

This doesn't mean it's easy to find out what v is necessarily, but looking at w does

in principle give you enough information to undo M and return v.

So a matrix has a left inverse if and only if it doesn't lose information.

Let's look at another example to understand this point better. Imagine I have a matrix

from 2d to 3d and what it does is, it rotates any 2D vector into 3D space like this. Does

this matrix have a left inverse? Pause the video to think about it.

The answer is, it does have a left inverse because A doesn't lose information. If you

want to take vectors like this back, you know where they came from so all you have to do

is rotate the plane back. Let B be a matrix that takes 3D vectors to 2D that rotates this

plane back. It is a left inverse of A.

Now, is B the inverse of A? In other words, Is A B's left inverse? Pause the video and

think about it.

The answer is, no, B has no left inverse

We'll show that by showing B loses information. First, pick any 3D vector that's not on

this plane. B has to send it to some 2D vector, so let's just say here. But there's another

3D vector that's already sent there. It's this vector u that's on the plane. So B(u)

is equal to B(v). Hence B loses information and doesn't have a left inverse.

There's an important lesson to be drawn from this example. You might have wondered

before why we only ever talk about the inverses of a square matrices. What's so special

about transformations from n dimensions to n dimensions? The reason is, non square matrices,

i.e ones from n dimension to m dimensions never have an inverse. The issue is, if you

have any transformation going from a bigger space to a smaller space, like B which went

from 3d to 2d, you have to lose information. These types of matrices always send some vectors

to the same place.

If you have a matrix from a smaller to a bigger dimension, it's possible that it has a left

inverse- like A did in our example. But it's left inverse goes from big to small, like

B, and so it can't be undone. Hence, even though some nonsquare matrices have left inverses,

they never have an inverse.

Square matrices don't have these issues at all though. Actually, for square matrices,

everything massively simplifies because the left inverse is always equal to the inverse.

So if a square matrix has a left inverse, it automatically has an inverse.

I am not going to prove this fact. You are, for homework. But I will give you an illustrative

example in a little to help you understand why it's true.

Once you've proved it, you'll see that for a square matrix A, if B undoes A, then

A undoes B as well. This gives us an easy criteria for checking whether A has an inverse

or not, because it's the same criteria we used to check whether A has a left inverse:

Just ask, does A lose information? If yes… then sorry, A inverse doesn't exist.

If no, then A inverse does exist. But you might be thinking, ok, so what? How

is this easy to check? Wouldn't you have to compute the outcome for every single vector

that goes into M and compare the results to every other vector's and see if any of them

match? Isn't that beyond tedious?

Thankfully there is an easy way to check this condition. All you need to do is figure out

which vectors get mapped to 0. For any linear map, 0 is always mapped to 0, but all you

need to check is if there's any *other* vector mapped to 0 or not, and that's enough

to decide if M loses information. Why would that be enough?

Imagine two vectors u and v do both go to w, so M loses information. Then the vector

u-v, by linearity, gets mapped to 0. So whenever you have 2 vectors going to the same thing

like this, you always get at least 2 vectors ending up at 0. So you can check whether a

matrix loses information by checking how many things go to zero. In other words, figure

out how many vectors v satisfy the equation Mv=0. This is part of why you spend so much

time in linear algebra courses studying the solutions to equations like this. You can

solve for v by a) using subsitution b) using Gaussian elimination or (c) by getting your

computer to do the Gaussian elimination for you.

But the point is, you can find out if M loses information easily enough this way, and that

tells you whether M has an inverse.

Let me summarise quickly what we learnt in this video:

1. A left inverse of a matrix is matrix that undoes it.

2. That the left inverse exists if you don't lose information: i.e, if the matrix never

sends two different vectors to the same vector. 3. The inverse is the matrix that both undoes

the matrix, and is undone by the matrix 4. Nonsquare matrices never have inverses.

5. For a square matrix, the left inverse is equal to the inverse

6. You only need to check if the square matrix loses information or not to decide if it has

an inverse. 7. You can check whether the matrix loses

information by looking at how many different vectors get mapped to 0. This you can do by

solving the equation Mv=0.

And so that's it. But before you run off, here's some homework for you. The first

one is multiple choice. Which of these is the inverse of this matrix? I know that you

can just check each of these to see which works, but I'd rather you did it another

way. And for crying out loud, don't use the formula for the inverse. Once you've

figured it out, put your answer in the poll.

Question 2. Prove that for a square matrix M inverse is equal to the left inverse of

M. There's lots of hints in the description for this, but first I want you to try question

3 because it's a very illustrative example.

Question 3. Suppose we have the matrix from before. If we have a left inverse for it,

L, then we know L undoes M. We also know M takes the basis vectors to these vectors,

so L must take them back. First show that these two new vectors form a basis.

Then, to show that M undoes L, we need to show that for any vector v, if you apply L

then M, you get v back. Show this by writing v as a linear combination of the basis in

the first part. Hopefully doing this first will help you with the proof in question 2.

As you will have noticed, the first question was from What I like about

questions from there it is that they don't just give you a formula and then ask questions

where you plug numbers into that formula. That's what I found a lot of highschool

and early university textbooks, and it's annoying because that doesn't teach you

anything. Instead, they get you to do examples like this one, and understand the principle

yourself, then in the next few question, lead you to finding the general solution on your


As you can see, this is exactly how I like to learn new maths- before reading the proof

of anything I'll do lots and lots of simple examples first and try and understand the

underlying reasoning, so I love how Brilliant allows you to do this in a structured way.

They have loads of different maths and science course on their website, which you can access

completely with a monthly or yearly membership. If you follow the link in the description

or on screen, you can get 20% off an annual subscription.

Alright, so that's all for this video, I hope you enjoyed it. The next one is about

changing basis, which is key to understanding loads of Quantum mechanics, including the

Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It should be up here in 2 weeks, as long as I don't

decide I hate the just after uploading it like I did for the original version of this

one. Anyway, subscribe if you'd like to be notified when my next one is up. Thanks

for watching!

For more infomation >> Matrix inverses make sense: a simple condition for when the inverse exists - Duration: 17:31.


Nguyên nhân người thân không được vào phòng đẻ kể cả Ông Chồng - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Nguyên nhân người thân không được vào phòng đẻ kể cả Ông Chồng - Duration: 1:51.


Le père de Laeticia, révélant un message secret -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Le père de Laeticia, révélant un message secret -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:56.


【MMD】Change 【+Motion DL】|| ORIGINAL (Cover) - Duration: 1:06.

Mmm, baby I don't understand this..

You're changing-

I can't stand it.

My heart can't take this damage.

And the way I feel, can't stand it.

Oh, baby I don't understand this.

You're changing I can't stand it.

My heart can't take this-


And the way I feel, can't stand it.

Oh, baby I don't understand this.

Boy, you're making it hard for me.

Boy, you're making it hard for me..

Boy you're making it hard for me..

For more infomation >> 【MMD】Change 【+Motion DL】|| ORIGINAL (Cover) - Duration: 1:06.


Baby Shark Sing Head Shoulders Knees & Toes Nursery Rhymes for Children with Baby Songs! - Duration: 2:26.

hi everyone! I'm Stevie! I'm Katrin! and we're here to do heads shoulders knees

and toes with you in a swim along version! you ready Katrin? yep!

Haed, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Ad eyes and ears And mouth and nose

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Ad eyes and ears And mouth and nose

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

Ad eyes and ears And mouth and nose

Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes

For more infomation >> Baby Shark Sing Head Shoulders Knees & Toes Nursery Rhymes for Children with Baby Songs! - Duration: 2:26.


Jean Roch partage un cliché souvenir de Johnny Hallyday à Saint-Tropez - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Jean Roch partage un cliché souvenir de Johnny Hallyday à Saint-Tropez - Duration: 1:41.


Pixelzone Brasil Vs I - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Pixelzone Brasil Vs I - Duration: 0:45.


Fiesta Latina 2018 - Wisin, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Maluma, Anitta - Reggaeton Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:07:16.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Fiesta Latina 2018 - Wisin, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Maluma, Anitta - Reggaeton Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:07:16.


miter saw station for Evolution Rage 3 - Duration: 15:52.

Google Subtitles

Hi Everyone I'm Paulo Costa,

Welcome to my channel. #A Minha Bancada

I received this saw for my Channel

Now I'll have to find a place to put it

So today I'm going to arrange a cutting station to put this saw

The place where I will create the cutting station, will be in this space

I will have to modify this whole space,

so let's get going

I started by removing all the objects,

I cleaned the entire area

I'm going to put an OSB board on the wall

I made some cutouts for the board to pass between the shelf supports

I fixed to the wall with screws and dowels

now I'm going to cut the wood to make the benches

the wood that I will use is 7cm by 4.5cm pine

Here I am already using my new saw

is spectacular, if you want to see the unboxing has the link above

I will prepare the first structure, one of the four sides of the bench

I did the drilling with this jig for inclined holes

I'm fixing with screws

I used UHU wood glue

to create a more solid and firm structure

I already prepared the four sides

Now I'll cut the platters

The first one is already concluded

only took the platters from the back,

because underneath is to put my bench saw

then I will lock and adjust the measurements with the top

I cut the wood to the top,

it was wood that I recycled

it's pine, docking

I'm going to fix the top with screws

I pre-drilled with a reamer

for the screw head to be embedded in the wood

this video has the support of (

the largest online store in europe, from tools to professionals

if you do not know this online store, I will leave the link in the description to visit

I hope you are enjoying this project.

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let's continue with this project

Now I will put the base to put the saw

this base will be lower

so that the top of the base of the saw is at the same height as the benches

I fixed the base first with 4 clamps

I set the saw, and now just adjust the base

put a stick with the right cheek, pick up the two tables

and adjusted the base of the saw to the bar

with a level made the final rectification

then it was only fastened with screws

now went to make a box to put around the saw

to aspirate the sawdust

I used the remnants of the OSB board to make the box

I will put the Osb, as missing on the walls, above the bank

I have a problem here, it does not always work as we want

I'll have to make an adjustment so that the saw makes all the positions inside the box

without impeding the smooth running of the saw

The best solution was to make a box to put on each side of the main box

It turned out to be perfect.

I'm going to take advantage of the bottom of this bench to put a top

to then put wood

I'll finish the sawdust collection box

I'll put a front

here i will use a bit of white mdf

I took the mold and cut it.

I made a mold on paper, to cut and adjust to the positions of the saw

I passed the final mold to the MDF

I cut and then I passed sandpaper to Round the edges

I got to the end of another project

I'm super excited about my new cutting station

For My New Saw

Is the Evolution Rage 3

I'm very happy with this saw

it cuts several materials with the same disk

it's a multifunction

if you want to see the unboxing the link is in the description

I have not finished this space yet

still need to put the tools in the panel

will stay for a next video

If you want to follow this video

do not forget to subscribe to the channel

enable notifications to be the first to receive the video

If you liked this project, click the like

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Until next video

For more infomation >> miter saw station for Evolution Rage 3 - Duration: 15:52.


Tượng Danh Y Hải Thượng Lãn Ông tại Bệnh Viện 121- Cần Thơ - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Tượng Danh Y Hải Thượng Lãn Ông tại Bệnh Viện 121- Cần Thơ - Duration: 2:32.


👍FRANCÉS FÁCIL [NATIVA] - Clase 15: Descripción física, argot ("verlan"), fonética del [e] - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> 👍FRANCÉS FÁCIL [NATIVA] - Clase 15: Descripción física, argot ("verlan"), fonética del [e] - Duration: 11:44.


K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ - Duration: 0:47.

The most hyped cringe you've ever experienced.

For more infomation >> K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ - Duration: 0:47.


Matrix inverses make sense: a simple condition for when the inverse exists - Duration: 17:31.

In a linear algebra course, Matrix inverses are something that get a lot of attention.

There are all these formulas thrown at you like for the determinants, the inverses of

a 2x2 matrices, cramner's rule etc etc.

These formulas are great, but I think they can obscure the very simple idea behind what

an inverse actually is, and when it exists. You've probably been taught that the inverse

exists if and only if the determinant isn't 0. But most students have no idea what the

determinant has to do with anything let alone inverses. I'm going to teach a completely

different condition for when an inverse exists, that I think is much more intuitive.

But before all that:

Do you know what a linear transform is? If not, go watch my last video because none of

this one is going to make sense at all otherwise. In fact, if you want to brush up on vectors

and bases, you can watch the video before that too.

Even though this video is about matrix inverses, I'm not going to define what an inverse

is straight away. Instead I'm going to define something called a left inverse because I

think understanding these first will give you a better intuition for inverses themselves.

Imagine you have a bunch of vectors in some vector space, in this case in 2d, and you

apply some Matrix M on them, here it rotates them. Then you think you'd like to undo

what you just did and get the vectors back to where they were. In this example, what

transformation undoes the rotation? Here, you'd just rotate everything back by the

same angle. That's all a left inverse is. It's the matrix that undoes the original

matrix, so it's like you've done nothing at all. If I wanted to write this as an equation,

it'd say, if you do M, then you do L , that's the same as if you did nothing. This thing

is called the identity matrix and it just means the transformation where you do nothing.

This thing is called the left inverse for… hopefully obvious reasons. So now we know,

the left inverse is a matrix that undoes the original matrix's action.

The annoying thing about inverses is really their name. It sounds like the *inverse* should

be the thing that undoes a matrix. Instead the definition of M inverse is:

M inverse undoes M


M undoes M inverse.

Going back to our example: if you do M first and then L, that's the identity. But it's

also true that If you did L first, then M, you'd also get the identity. So since L

undoes M and is undone by M, L and M are inverses of each other. You might wonder, is the left

inverse always also the inverse like this? No, obviously not, or they wouldn't have

different names, would they?

Before we move on, let me ask you a question to check you've understood this so far.

Imagine you have a matrix like this. What it does is that it takes a 3D vector, and

jumbles up the components. Does this matrix have a left inverse? As in, can you undo this?

Then if it does have a left inverse, figure out if it has an inverse as well. Put you

answer in the poll in the corner, and pause the video now to think about it.

The answer is that it does have a left inverse. It's the one that takes a vector like this

and rearranges the components like this. It's clear that this is a left inverse of A since

it undoes it like so. But A is also a left inverse of it, as you can see, because A undoes

this matrix. So B is the inverse of A.

Now that we know what an inverse is, let's think more about when they exist or don't.

Again, it's going to be more convenient to look at when a left inverse exists first.

Here's another question. This matrix takes a 2d vector a b and sends it to a 0. Does

this matrix have a left inverse? If so, figure out what it is.

Again put your answer in the poll in the corner and pause now to think about it.

Notice something about this matrix. It takes the vector a b to a 0, but it also takes a

d to a 0 as well. This… is a bad thing, and it's because of this that the left inverse

doesn't exist.

Why? Well, say you have some vector v and M takes it to w. The left inverse of M, if

it exists, knows M and what w is, but it doesn't know what vector produced w. Just using the

information given, it needs to find what the original vector was, so that it can take w

back to where it came from. However. If there's some other vector u that also goes to w, the

left inverse has a problem. it can't just look at w and know for sure it whether it

came from v or from u because there isn't enough information. This means the left inverse

*can't* take w back to where it came from, so… it doesn't exist.

This thing here, where two different vectors v and u get mapped to the same vector, i.e

M(u)=M(v), is what I'll call M losing information. What we've just seen is that if M loses

information it doesn't have a left inverse. But what about the other way around? If M

doesn't lose information, does this mean the left inverse exists? Well, yes actually.

Because all the left inverse has to do to undo M is find the vector w came from. Since

there's only one vector v it could be, there is an inverse that takes w and returns v.

This doesn't mean it's easy to find out what v is necessarily, but looking at w does

in principle give you enough information to undo M and return v.

So a matrix has a left inverse if and only if it doesn't lose information.

Let's look at another example to understand this point better. Imagine I have a matrix

from 2d to 3d and what it does is, it rotates any 2D vector into 3D space like this. Does

this matrix have a left inverse? Pause the video to think about it.

The answer is, it does have a left inverse because A doesn't lose information. If you

want to take vectors like this back, you know where they came from so all you have to do

is rotate the plane back. Let B be a matrix that takes 3D vectors to 2D that rotates this

plane back. It is a left inverse of A.

Now, is B the inverse of A? In other words, Is A B's left inverse? Pause the video and

think about it.

The answer is, no, B has no left inverse

We'll show that by showing B loses information. First, pick any 3D vector that's not on

this plane. B has to send it to some 2D vector, so let's just say here. But there's another

3D vector that's already sent there. It's this vector u that's on the plane. So B(u)

is equal to B(v). Hence B loses information and doesn't have a left inverse.

There's an important lesson to be drawn from this example. You might have wondered

before why we only ever talk about the inverses of a square matrices. What's so special

about transformations from n dimensions to n dimensions? The reason is, non square matrices,

i.e ones from n dimension to m dimensions never have an inverse. The issue is, if you

have any transformation going from a bigger space to a smaller space, like B which went

from 3d to 2d, you have to lose information. These types of matrices always send some vectors

to the same place.

If you have a matrix from a smaller to a bigger dimension, it's possible that it has a left

inverse- like A did in our example. But it's left inverse goes from big to small, like

B, and so it can't be undone. Hence, even though some nonsquare matrices have left inverses,

they never have an inverse.

Square matrices don't have these issues at all though. Actually, for square matrices,

everything massively simplifies because the left inverse is always equal to the inverse.

So if a square matrix has a left inverse, it automatically has an inverse.

I am not going to prove this fact. You are, for homework. But I will give you an illustrative

example in a little to help you understand why it's true.

Once you've proved it, you'll see that for a square matrix A, if B undoes A, then

A undoes B as well. This gives us an easy criteria for checking whether A has an inverse

or not, because it's the same criteria we used to check whether A has a left inverse:

Just ask, does A lose information? If yes… then sorry, A inverse doesn't exist.

If no, then A inverse does exist. But you might be thinking, ok, so what? How

is this easy to check? Wouldn't you have to compute the outcome for every single vector

that goes into M and compare the results to every other vector's and see if any of them

match? Isn't that beyond tedious?

Thankfully there is an easy way to check this condition. All you need to do is figure out

which vectors get mapped to 0. For any linear map, 0 is always mapped to 0, but all you

need to check is if there's any *other* vector mapped to 0 or not, and that's enough

to decide if M loses information. Why would that be enough?

Imagine two vectors u and v do both go to w, so M loses information. Then the vector

u-v, by linearity, gets mapped to 0. So whenever you have 2 vectors going to the same thing

like this, you always get at least 2 vectors ending up at 0. So you can check whether a

matrix loses information by checking how many things go to zero. In other words, figure

out how many vectors v satisfy the equation Mv=0. This is part of why you spend so much

time in linear algebra courses studying the solutions to equations like this. You can

solve for v by a) using subsitution b) using Gaussian elimination or (c) by getting your

computer to do the Gaussian elimination for you.

But the point is, you can find out if M loses information easily enough this way, and that

tells you whether M has an inverse.

Let me summarise quickly what we learnt in this video:

1. A left inverse of a matrix is matrix that undoes it.

2. That the left inverse exists if you don't lose information: i.e, if the matrix never

sends two different vectors to the same vector. 3. The inverse is the matrix that both undoes

the matrix, and is undone by the matrix 4. Nonsquare matrices never have inverses.

5. For a square matrix, the left inverse is equal to the inverse

6. You only need to check if the square matrix loses information or not to decide if it has

an inverse. 7. You can check whether the matrix loses

information by looking at how many different vectors get mapped to 0. This you can do by

solving the equation Mv=0.

And so that's it. But before you run off, here's some homework for you. The first

one is multiple choice. Which of these is the inverse of this matrix? I know that you

can just check each of these to see which works, but I'd rather you did it another

way. And for crying out loud, don't use the formula for the inverse. Once you've

figured it out, put your answer in the poll.

Question 2. Prove that for a square matrix M inverse is equal to the left inverse of

M. There's lots of hints in the description for this, but first I want you to try question

3 because it's a very illustrative example.

Question 3. Suppose we have the matrix from before. If we have a left inverse for it,

L, then we know L undoes M. We also know M takes the basis vectors to these vectors,

so L must take them back. First show that these two new vectors form a basis.

Then, to show that M undoes L, we need to show that for any vector v, if you apply L

then M, you get v back. Show this by writing v as a linear combination of the basis in

the first part. Hopefully doing this first will help you with the proof in question 2.

As you will have noticed, the first question was from What I like about

questions from there it is that they don't just give you a formula and then ask questions

where you plug numbers into that formula. That's what I found a lot of highschool

and early university textbooks, and it's annoying because that doesn't teach you

anything. Instead, they get you to do examples like this one, and understand the principle

yourself, then in the next few question, lead you to finding the general solution on your


As you can see, this is exactly how I like to learn new maths- before reading the proof

of anything I'll do lots and lots of simple examples first and try and understand the

underlying reasoning, so I love how Brilliant allows you to do this in a structured way.

They have loads of different maths and science course on their website, which you can access

completely with a monthly or yearly membership. If you follow the link in the description

or on screen, you can get 20% off an annual subscription.

Alright, so that's all for this video, I hope you enjoyed it. The next one is about

changing basis, which is key to understanding loads of Quantum mechanics, including the

Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It should be up here in 2 weeks, as long as I don't

decide I hate the just after uploading it like I did for the original version of this

one. Anyway, subscribe if you'd like to be notified when my next one is up. Thanks

for watching!

For more infomation >> Matrix inverses make sense: a simple condition for when the inverse exists - Duration: 17:31.


지금 당신의 항문이 간지럽다면 이 증상을 의심하라. || 유용한정보 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> 지금 당신의 항문이 간지럽다면 이 증상을 의심하라. || 유용한정보 - Duration: 5:53.


Learn Colors with cars & Train ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Songs ! 4k #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 7:18.

was white

very went

the butterfly by the buttermilk shoo fly shoo fly to the buttermilk shoo fly shoo

my Lou my darling

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with cars & Train ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Songs ! 4k #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 7:18.


Meghan "sta male". Il clamoroso gesto di Harry per farle tornare il sorriso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Meghan "sta male". Il clamoroso gesto di Harry per farle tornare il sorriso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:03.


Kate, svelato il suo segreto numero uno: come fa a portare i tacchi senza soffrire | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Kate, svelato il suo segreto numero uno: come fa a portare i tacchi senza soffrire | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.


"Schiaffeggiata e umiliata". Un volo da dimenticare per la giovanissima vip italiana - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> "Schiaffeggiata e umiliata". Un volo da dimenticare per la giovanissima vip italiana - Duration: 3:24.


Mod Guide Nakroth Skin Full 100% Original Effect in Vietnamese - Duration: 11:02.


For more infomation >> Mod Guide Nakroth Skin Full 100% Original Effect in Vietnamese - Duration: 11:02.


Passeggiata choc: cammina tranquillo in campagna poi il disastro. Muore all'istante - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Passeggiata choc: cammina tranquillo in campagna poi il disastro. Muore all'istante - Duration: 3:13.


THE WONDERKIDS이 초콜릿 케이크를 구워! 맛있는 디저트와 쉬운 요리! - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> THE WONDERKIDS이 초콜릿 케이크를 구워! 맛있는 디저트와 쉬운 요리! - Duration: 10:47.


EU-Führerschein in einen deutschen umschreiben lassen? - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> EU-Führerschein in einen deutschen umschreiben lassen? - Duration: 1:40.


K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ - Duration: 0:47.

The most hyped cringe you've ever experienced.

For more infomation >> K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ - Duration: 0:47.


I-65 crash - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> I-65 crash - Duration: 0:30.


Dog vs. Time Machine! Funny dachshund video! - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Dog vs. Time Machine! Funny dachshund video! - Duration: 1:31.


Kondolencje! Przed śmiercią John McCain. Przewiduje przyszłość i złożył apelację - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Kondolencje! Przed śmiercią John McCain. Przewiduje przyszłość i złożył apelację - Duration: 11:12.


180826 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 Special Event - 스페셜 이벤트 - Duration: 11:44.

180826 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 Special Event - 스페셜 이벤트

For more infomation >> 180826 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 Special Event - 스페셜 이벤트 - Duration: 11:44.


一口氣飛幾千公里,此戰機讓巴鐵愛不釋手 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 一口氣飛幾千公里,此戰機讓巴鐵愛不釋手 - Duration: 5:51.


The Wrong Photo Spot! | Photography Vlog - Duration: 12:08.

good afternoon mr. Morten good afternoon

I liked Morten when I found out that he wanted to stay in a tent in Crete I

liked him even more because he just brought me Freddo cappuccino

In this heat it's stupid with the tent

if you were here in a tent you would be dying of

heat every night anyways we're here Jodie's with us and we're going on a

night adventure and I guess that made it sound more dramatic than it is we're

just going on an overnight road trip to hell yeah we did remember the Chargers

this time right hopefully there's chargers in the bag we're going to hand

yet we driven three no almost three hours past Chania and basically to the

end of Crete the opposite side of Crete and we are totally on a different side

of the island and it is beautiful but I'm a little bit concerned about this

location just because this is probably the most instagrammed Beach on all of

Crete and every time I've seen images of it it's just packed with people so I'm

assuming it's gonna be busy that always makes it a challenge to photograph and

yeah I guess we got another like 15 minutes down this gravel road to get


this Beach better be beautiful because it is a zoo it's a freakin Zoo any time

you check out best beaches it shows up so there's a reason why it's basically

just swamped with cars hundreds of cars on this road down it should be

beautiful at least in the hope is that yeah when sunset happens it'll it'll

quiet down a little bit yeah I guess the goal for this shoot is to try to maybe

find something unique to shoot you see the same photo over and over again from

this location I'd like to find something a little bit different than the classic

shot so yeah well let's head down to the beach

wherever the car park still haven't made our way down to the beach

Morten's made a new friend look he liked it to be scratched behind the years

where he can treat himself

so a voice say this I should mention I did do my research I found her location

and then I thought this was the location but this was one of my other locations

and the location I thought we were about to shoot it needs backlight for it to

work this location it doesn't work with backlight and yeah that's exactly what

we have straight on backlight so I'm not sure this is gonna work

but I guess we're here so we might as well try to take some pictures anyway

this is why I love going out with other photographers it just gives you another

another mind another brain to bounce up against we were a little bit frustrated

because we came to the wrong location in the wrong light and it's the wrong photo

and so we stopped back that way just a little bit to have a bit of a powwow a

little bit of a talk trying to figure out you know how we're gonna do this

shot what we're gonna do we're gonna change locations are we gonna try

something totally different are we gonna hike up one of these peaks to try to

find a different angle and Morten just came up with the idea you know normally

when you go to a beach or the coast you run down to the coast and you just shoot

out towards sea but actually a great idea would be to go out into the sea and

shoot back into these beautiful mountains and that way the light at

sunset will light up all these peaks and give us maybe alpenglow or some color

and it should come out absolutely beautiful

we've gone from frustrated to extremely excited in a matter of minutes

like the second we landed on the beach Morten abandoned us and he just went for

a full-on swim he's like a hundred and fifty meters out to sea we do have some

time so I think we're probably going to relax on the beach a little bit and then

wait until they Sun lights rate on the horizon to kiss these mountains these

peaks back here lots of foreground to work with it might

be a little bit risky with the photo gear getting in about waist or chest high and

then finding one of these rocks as a foreground for all of this but this

place is absolutely beautiful you can tell why so many people come down here

guys just a quick cut away from the vlog to mention the music in this video is

from Sid from liberal music uplinked as you tube below I've been trying to find

music and no matter what music I put in the vlogs you guys complain so I decided

to use my music using for good so I stayed reached out to me from liberal

music and yeah this is his song

and all your friends why we used to say why

I'm sorry but this is definitely gonna be shaky because I basically ditched

everything I've ditched my clothes I ditch my 200d I ditch the gimbal I have

my tripod I have filters and I'm just basically almost waist-deep out in the

sea to get the photo this is people ask me all the time what the difference is

between a pro and an amateur or a hobbyist and quite often the difference

is this simple it's being willing to get into the sea to get a photo that you

know is going to be better than a shot would be from on the beach so I'm gonna

walk up to this location I was wandering around through the water for like 20

minutes looking for compositions think I found something that's really cool so

let's set up and shoot it

I'm gonna talk about this from behind the camera but you can see there's all

this rock under the water and I think with a polarizer I'll be able to cut

through this glare on the top and just show that in the crystal clear water and

then this almost works like a leading line up to those peaks way off in the

background up there I think this is going to be really cool okay so I just

want to talk composition quick because I've been struggling I came out and

location scouting earlier the lights changing really fast you can probably

see it's right on the horizon now the Sun is beautiful contrast in the rock

and I'm struggling I'm jumping between two sides here on one side we have this

underground I don't know underground rock may be old

dead coral even that looks interesting and then we've got some other stuff here

and both look okay neither looks great and as I've been kind of going back and

forth between them I decided to just stop right in the middle of them and use

both of them and I'm actually not using all of each of them I'm kind of using

edges of each of them to work as a natural leading line kind of like a

natural canyon straight into this peak the lights not cooperating that much

because there's some haze on the horizon but it does look nice it is coming out

quite well I've got f11 30 seconds the 30 seconds is just

smoothing out the water totally and then a polarizer to just cut through the

water and make this water look as clear as it actually is okay so I'm back on

dry land I'm clothed again as is the girl that decided to walk into my frame

totally unclothed I had the shot lined up I'd been waiting for the light for

ages and this girl just walked right into my frame topless and stood there it

was like uncanny the whole beach is totally empty except for us and she just

walked into my frame and stood there topless and you know you're a

photographer you know that you love photography when a girl walks up to you

topless and you're upset about it but the truth is the light wasn't great

anyway just because there was a ton of haze on the horizon so we didn't get

that really good alpenglow on these Peaks it looked nice I'm happy with the

composition I'm happy that we stuck it out and we came down here and we got

some shots and yeah in the end I'm happy

so we're in Chania we're in the old port of Chania and it is so beautiful and our

room here must have the coolest location of any place in hanaye we're right on

top of the old harbour the pedestrian I guess area is everywhere around us but

the main strip here with other restaurants and bars is all right below

us this town is so cool lots of little alleyways it's all

pedestrian in the old town which I love and I didn't really show you guys

because if we're just we're exhausted the Sun just wears you down so we're

just so tired we just went out smashed some food back and are calling it a

night but tomorrow morning I'm going to get up here I think Morten's gonna get

up here at sunrise as well shoot some stuff in the old port because it is just

really really beautiful and then maybe I'll show you some of these alleyways

and try some street photography or something like that early in the morning

as well as for today it didn't go the way we were thinking mostly because it

was a different location than I thought we were going to yeah we stretched

ourselves out a little bit because we thought it was so busy and it was really

really busy there for a bit and then on top of it it was stressed because the

light was all wrong for what I thought I had planned but after we kind of sat

down thought about things I've got the help of Morten just to get a fresh set

of eyes on everything came up with a plan and it all just came out really

well I think and yeah it was cool because that place is so so so busy it's

just crazy busy and then if we had it all to ourselves at sunset aside from

the naked girl I think like we it was really incredible that we had that place

all to ourselves it's just such an incredible spot and yeah I guess I'm

going to leave it there tomorrow we'll be back again with some more excitement

and hopefully less talking because I want to show you grease rather than talk

about it so yeah I guess that's it I'll see you guys tomorrow peace

For more infomation >> The Wrong Photo Spot! | Photography Vlog - Duration: 12:08.


Kate, svelato il suo segreto numero uno: come fa a portare i tacchi senza soffrire | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Kate, svelato il suo segreto numero uno: come fa a portare i tacchi senza soffrire | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.


How Dragon Sound Effects Are Made - Duration: 4:11.

Most of us know

what a dragon sounds like,

but they don't actually exist.

And none can stop me!

So, how does Hollywood know

how to make them sound?


Just like visual artists, sound designers

take inspiration from the world around them.

The sounds for creatures like dragons, dinosaurs,

and even Chewbacca are based on real-world animals.

A sound designer may use sounds from lions,

elephants, cats, and even tortoises

to create the sound for just one dragon.

They'll layer sounds together to create the sound

of a non-existent creature.

So, my dogs are in the second episode

of season five.

There's a scene that's very intimate

and you hear these like beautiful little nasal whistles.

Okay, that was my dog, Angel.

She's in a lot of Drogon's stuff

and obviously in the wolves.

So, I took that sound and put it in there.

Paula Fairfield is a sound designer

for "Game of Thrones."

Over the last five seasons, Paula has carefully crafted

the sounds of Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion.

She even used the vocal screams of fans

to create the sound generated by Viserion's icy breath

in the season seven finale.

The final sound design

of a scene is complex.

It masks the individual sound effects so the viewer

can't identify the sources.

But, we can build our own simplified version

of a dragon's sound.

Combine some alligator,

a little elephant,


add a pig

and you've got the sound of a dragon.

But, these are complex creatures.

Dragons do more

than just roar and breathe fire.

Sound designers also use sound to craft a performance

for the dragon.

Just like Daenerys, Drogon needs to act and perform.

Sound designers take emotional cues from animals

to influence the sounds they create.

I was really proud of the fact

that you can always hear from the time he was,

you know, a toddler to now you can hear

the essence of him in his voice.

You recognize him as Drogon.

And I see them as like your puppy dog.

I mean, we have grown up with these puppy dragons

in our world, right?

And, I think that's why there is so much love for them.

I've tried to bring my love of that into the show.

Each dragon is unique and sound designers

are always trying something new.

In "The Hobbit," director Peter Jackson

used Benedict Cumberbatch's original performance

as Smaug to influence the sound design of the dragon.

Many of the pauses, hisses, and vocal affectations

came from Cumberbatch.

So, tell me, thief,

how do you choose to die?

These details help make Smaug

incredibly impactful and memorable.

And, in the "How to Train Your Dragon" series,

sound designer Randy Thom used different types of sounds

for each species of dragon

giving each type of creature their own unique sound.

Dragons and other fantastical creatures

add a larger-than-life element to stories.

The most memorable dragons leave space for the sound

to have an emotional effect on the viewer.

Without the incredible sound design,

"Game of Thrones" and "How To Train Your Dragon"

may not be as memorable.

They're beautiful aren't they?

Wasn't the word I was thinking of,


but yes, they are.

For more infomation >> How Dragon Sound Effects Are Made - Duration: 4:11.


ME SPEAKING DUTCH! 🇳🇱| With Subtitles! - Duration: 8:28.

Hi everyone!

Okay this feels super weird to talk in Dutch

because I always speak English in my videos

so this feels really strange!

But I suddenly thought: Let's make a video all in Dutch!

Because...... HA! I wanted to speak English again!

But, I think that many of you know that I am Dutch

I live in the Netherlands and I was born and raised here

And I thought "let's just make a video in Dutch

and let's just talk about The Netherlands!

So in this video I'm just going to talk about the Netherlands and what it's like to live here!

And I made a few categories, so let's get started!

Okay, the first category is... the people!

We Dutch people are all very tolerant

Generally, we all accept everyone

And there also live a lot of foreign people in The Netherlands.

They come from all over the world, so it's always fun to see people with so many different nationalities.

And something I'm very proud of is that the Netherlands was the first country to legalise gay marriage!

So of course that's something to be very proud of

and it's something that should happen all around the world!

We Dutchies are also people that always say what's on our mind.

and we're not afraid to "open our mouths"

as we'd like to call it haha.

Although, if we're on our way to work using public transport

then we're not the kind of people that are going to talk to everyone.

So, in these moments we're kind of "to ourselves".

We Dutchies are obsessed with bikes!

And bikes... everyone has at least one!

Myself, I've actually got 2!

One of them is in Rotterdam where I'm going to study and I've also got one at home.

I really believe it's true that there are more bikes than people in The Netherlands.

We can generally cycle everywhere. The infrastructure is really great.

There are many bike lanes, so we can cycle everywhere.

And because the Netherlands is really small, we can also cycle to other cities!

Think about the USA... that's just SO BIG!

You can't just cycle to a different city there, but here in The Netherlands you can!

We just really love our bikes and almost everyone has got one!

You learn to ride your bike when you're very young.

With fun little wheels on the side of your bike to make sure you don't fall over.

And then after a while you take them off and then you can cycle by yourself on a cute small bike!

It always looks so cute!

We always learn to ride our bike at a very young age.

Another fun thing about Dutch people is that we celebrate the King's birthday on Kingsday each year!

It really sounds like we all love our king so much and that we're are nationalists

but it's not like that. We just celebrate his birthday to find a good excuse to drink and party all day (haha!)

and to all be together! And everyone always wears orange on that day as well.

And it's just complete madness and so much fun!

It's even better if the weather is nice as well! Everyone always has a day off since it's a National Holiday.

So we're just going to party all day long! There are always a lot of festivals where all the Dutch DJs come.

And that's another Dutch thing! I don't know how, but we've got so many successful DJs!

They're always on the annual top 10 best DJs list.

To name a few examples: DJ Tiesto, Martin Garrix, Armin van Buren, Oliver Heldens.

Who else have we got? We've got so many great DJs!

And it's always so much fun to see that DJs start of small and then they get super popular!

So yeah, I'm quite proud of that! Because well... our DJs are just awesome!

Another Dutch thing is that we swear... a lot!

Also on TV and on the radio... it's just totally allowed and they don't "bleep" anything.

Everyone is just swearing like crazy.

Pretty bad if I think of it... not a great example for the children

But... oh well, it's just allowed. It's always fun to see when we have foreign guests on Dutch talk shows

and sometimes they accidentally curse and they're like: "oops!!! I'm not allowed to curse!"

But well... you are allowed to and we don't really care.

Another fun thing about the language is that we have some words that are just untranslatable.

I use those words so often that it's such a pity that I can't use them when I speak English.

An example is... GEZELLIG. And this word really is the best Dutch word there is.

Imagine that you had a fun night with the girls and your mum asks you how it was

and then you can say: "oh, it was gezellig!"

and... it's just not something that you can translate, because if you say "cosy" in English

that is more like... just cosy and cute.

But... gezellig is just a word that you can't translate and it's such a pity!

And another word is LEKKER. If you were to literally translate it, it would be like: "mmm yummy!"

"the food was delicious!"

But we always use it in so many different ways a well! For example if someone says:

"Oh, I got a day off from work!" Then you can say "Oh, lekker!"

To express that you're really happy that someone got a day off from work.

But... it's just a word that I can't translate to English! Which is such a pity...

I use it sooo often! Also when someone tells me they got a high mark on their exams

Then you say: "ahhh lekker dan!"

You can literally use the word for everything!

Okay that was enough about that, so now a bit about the country itself and what it looks like!

So, as I just said, the country is very small! But we've got almost 17 (not 18!!) million inhabitants.

Which is quite a lot for such a small country.

Because you can literally drive from North to South in 3 hours!

And you're in all the big cities in no time!

So you can "lekker" easily get everywhere....

Did you hear it! I said "lekker!"

So you can get everywhere very fast and very easy!

For example, I live close to Rotterdam, which is quite a big city.

and I can go to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Delft, Leiden, which are all fun Dutch cities

and I can get everywhere from within 30 to 60 minutes!

So it's just really nice that The Netherlands is so "lekker" small.

And The Netherlands is also way below sea level, so if we didn't have levees or dunes

then a big part of the country would be flooded! So we've got great water management.

So basically engineers who design and build the levees.

So, if we didn't have that then my entire house would be completely flooded!

Okay and then for the last category... food!

My favourite! Although... not really the Dutch food...

We've got a couple of really nice dishes, but generally, the Dutch food is not my favourite.

Something that's really Dutch when it comes to dinner is STAMPPOT

And Stamppot is basically just potatoes and vegetables mashed together and then you've got a nice... "mush".

and... yeah well, we like that. And then we add gravy and a sausage or some meat.

And that's just super Dutch! "Lekker" easy to eat with just a fork, so you don't have to cut a lot

just mash it all together and well... stamppot!

It's a typical dish to eat during Winter, because it's very filling and it's nice and warm.

But it's really not my favourite food.

But something that is really delicious are... STROOPWAFELS!

I love seeing that they're getting so popular around the world.

I even saw them in the USA! But they're basically waffles filled with "stroop". A sort of caramel.

and... ahhh they're so good! They're these types of biscuits that everyone has at home.

They're just... so delicious!

And my other favourite is... HAGELSLAG! And hagelslag is basically chocolate sprinkles

that you put on a piece of bread for breakfast. So you grab a piece of bread, add butter and hagelslag

just fold it and you're eating a mouthful of chocolate and it's just... DELICIOUS!

I cannot live without hagelslag! I even brought it with me when I studied in London.

Because it's just so good to sometimes eat something sweet and crunchy on your toast.

Something that's not like Nutella, but just nice and crunchy!

and ahhhh I just love it!

So, hagelslag is definitely one of my favourites. Together with BITTERGARNITUUR!

Bittergarnituur is basically deep fried snacks filled with meat or cheese or even nasi or bami

and there is like a nice crunchy crust and then you deep fry it and eat it with mayo or mustard or ketchup!

It's just the ideal party snack! You always have it at every party you go to.

They just always deep fry the bittergarnituur and it's SO GOOD!

There's always the moment when the plate full of bittergarnituur is handed out and everyone is like

"GIVE IT TO ME! I NEED IT!" It's just so good!

But well, I think I'm going to leave it at this because this video is getting so long already!

And I've got to add all the subtitles, so it's going to take me a long time.

So I really hope you liked this video! Also to just hear me speak Dutch for a change!

I wish I could experience hearing Dutch as a non-Dutch person, but unfortunately that's not going to happen.

But if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos!

And I really hope you all have a fantastic day and I will see you next time!

For more infomation >> ME SPEAKING DUTCH! 🇳🇱| With Subtitles! - Duration: 8:28.


振奮人心,中國巨浪3來襲可覆蓋歐洲 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 振奮人心,中國巨浪3來襲可覆蓋歐洲 - Duration: 2:56.


국제커플 캐나다 210명 사는 섬 로드트립! (자막) ISLAND HOPPING & Road Trip - Duration: 17:42.

For more infomation >> 국제커플 캐나다 210명 사는 섬 로드트립! (자막) ISLAND HOPPING & Road Trip - Duration: 17:42.


KOREDE MARKET l FiYAT l KOREAN MART l 韓国のマートプライス - Duration: 24:53.

For more infomation >> KOREDE MARKET l FiYAT l KOREAN MART l 韓国のマートプライス - Duration: 24:53.


#hatknitting #howtoknit How to knit a hat knitting. The simplest description of the cap - Duration: 44:43.

For more infomation >> #hatknitting #howtoknit How to knit a hat knitting. The simplest description of the cap - Duration: 44:43.




Welcom to my channel KASTYM Official

Today I will bring you a new series on my channel with the name...


And the first movie that I will feel is the movie ...


Although the new debut,

the film of Thailand "Love by Chance" has attracted much attention from the community of "ladies" love this line.

The project is adapted from the famous novel of the same name

Owning a cast of "super", cute, cool, powerful - sweet too full

So it is not difficult to understand when Love by Chance has been the special attention of fans during the last time

The love story revolves around the love story between two young students Pete (Saint Suppapong) and Ae (Perth Tanapon)

Pete is a handsome, tall, white and wealthy so everyone admire

As a gay guy, Pete's problem was that he was too gentle, too weak to defend himself from the scoundrels,

is always bullied and is disgusted with his gender. The predicament that led Pete to meet Ae

In contrast to Pete, Ae is just a normal student but his personality is extremely strong, meaning with friends, only slightly ... a little dwarf

It all started when he was dwarfed by Ae for avoiding the car and slamming into a thin Pete

With a good nature, Ae certainly did not leave Pete injured and even committed to take you to the hospital.

And so, every look of anxiety, gentle gestures and Ae's caring behavior has attracted Pete at times or not.

By the way, Ae knew that and told Pete he was not stigmatize, regardless of Pete.

The subsequent accidental encounters made Ae better understand Pete,

and also since ever, Pete has become the person that Ae always care, care and want to protect

Every time Pete was raped by his friends, Ae appeared as a knight who helped to save you

The scene of love is very cute "cute mice" of the two boys make happy girlfriend face

I was jealous of the hour the knight wearing some princess "cute" to go to save the Prince! akakak

Furthermore, it is Ae who is also the motivator for Pete who has the courage to talk to his mother.

Because, Pete's mother is a wonderful person, not only does she not hate her son,

On the other hand, your mother understands and still loves his.

Just one of these details is enough for us to see too much human meaning in this movie

It is the courage to overcome prejudices to live true to yourself

Love is sweet, strong despite the contempt, warm love and selflessness that parents give to their children.

Besides the garden scene suitable for young audiences with deep content,

Another plus point of the film is that the cast is extremely well-connected

and closely resembles the description in the novel

Own looks handsome but the style "white white" and gentle as Korean boys

Saint really fit into the role of a wealthy character is Pete

And while Perth is young (born in 2001, 3 years younger than Saint),

the acting is fine and portrays the character of his character.

- guy "knight" Ae

The moments of love between the two great men both in the film

and on the film does not know how to cut down the heart of the "ladies" here?

It is unpredictable how the next movie will be shown but first

With a stable cast, even plot and interesting plot, "Love by Chance" is definitely a sweet boylove work worth watching for once.

Besides that, the film is very clever combination with the famous BL series ...


That song's name is "Shake"

It made me feel very happy and returned to my memory when I first started watching boylove

Celebrities rushed in and "Love by Chance" performed and excelled in that section!

To me,

An excellent film is not merely a cast

that movie must know emotional expression

And let the viewers feel so happy and exciting watching the movie!

That is the best movie and only Thailand do this for boylove


Here is the full reaction, please subscribe to watch other great videos coming!

For more infomation >> "LOVE BY CHANCE THE SERIES" ASIAN GAY FILM WORTH SEEING IN 2018 | REACTION WITH KASTYM #blkastym - Duration: 4:14.


美敘發起全面戰爭,俄國之大器與之對抗 - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> 美敘發起全面戰爭,俄國之大器與之對抗 - Duration: 5:55.


RACCOGLILA ANCHE TU! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> RACCOGLILA ANCHE TU! - Duration: 2:46.


WHAT x WHICH - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda HOJE #REPOST - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> WHAT x WHICH - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda HOJE #REPOST - Duration: 3:32.


Plan with me | September 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | Fox and Flowers - Duration: 15:25.

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing fantastic!

It is that time again to setup our bullet journals for the month of september and it's

so special for me because this month marks exactly one year since I started bullet journaling!

I cannot believe that it's been a year already and I what's funny is that I still look

forward to setting up my monthly layout.

I do have to admit that some months are a little more tedious than others, but overall,

it was has been a commitment that really escalated my drawing abilities and creativity.

So if you just started, don't stress too much because the more you do something, the

more you'll learn and you'll eventually improve!

So to commemorate this one anniversary and because the majority of you voted in my last

plan with me video, I am redrawing my very first bullet journal setup ever and I've

added a story to it, following the beloved bunny as it meets the very first of my characters,

the fox.

Thank you Skillshare for kindly sponsoring this video and allowing me to create more

content for you.

I'll tell you more about them later but if you've been following me than you know

how much I love them as a learning resource!

Before we get into this month's set-up, I want to take you back to my very first set-up

that started this whole journey.

Some pages are blank as I was trying to find a setup that worked for me, so if you end

up with unfinished trackers, it is okay!

Also one thing to note, is that I only had 5 thousand followers when I posted my first

setup and we're so close to 100k right now, that it's surreal!

Thank you for being such a lovely and supportive community, I love you so much!

When I was redrawing the sleeping fox, I actually noticed that my style changed from a little

more of a cartoon style to an elegant, semi realistic illustration style.

I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but side by side comparison which you'll see

at end, you'll notice the difference.

It's as if i grew my drawing style and it became a little more mature.

I also noticed that I love to add a bit of color to the spreads and have no fear of experim enting

with different color combinations.

So first hand I've experienced all of the amazing possibilities when you find the courage

to try.

So for the new sleeping fox, I'm using four different co lors this time, which I've never

done before in my bullet journal and i thought it was going to look funny, but it looks so

good, almost like a vintage color scheme.

Here I'm using my Zig blue gray for the leaves and stems, my tombow pale yellow 991

and zig sand for the yellow flowers.

And then the zig pale rose for the pink flowers.

For the fox, I used the zig sand again to draw in the strokes of the fur and then used

my water brush to smooth out the colors.

After everything is dry, I went back in with my 02 and 05 micron to add in the details

and give it a little more definition.

If you look super closely to my inking you'll notice that I don't follow my marker lines

too much, and that's because I love that imperfect style, giving it a very carefree feel.

I'll have the link to all of my supplies down in the description and I'll also have

the link to this full setup as a printable down below as well, so check that out when

you can.

Just as the flowers take their last breath and the winds carry a slight chill across

the lands, the beautiful red fox dreams of a pleasant time, where there is an abundance

of friendship, happiness, and adventure.

Anyone who watches the fox would know how peaceful and even happy she is, as she shares

a bit of a smile while deep in slumber.

The next morning, she wakes to a feeling of something familiar but new at the same time.

And notices, not only the beautiful last breath of summer, but also little golden flashes

all around her.

Somewhat perplexed, she sits up quickly to watch the golden flakes dance in the air and

then boom, she feels a little bit of weight on top of her head as if something fell on


What's even more interesting is that she's not afraid at all and feels this immense emotion

of love and connection to whatever it was.

"I just have to say, even though I've never met you, I dreamed a dream of the beginning

of something big and I feel so grateful that you exist.

I just had find you and I didn't even know if I could," the bunny says bursting with


The fox smiles in response, yet still pondering if this is real and why she didn't remember

the bunny.

"It is odd and magical isn't it, this feeling of connection that we both have?

You are grateful of me and I have so much belief in you and your journey to come."

The fox says.

She continues by saying, "Somethings and actually the most beautiful things in life

can't be explained, but felt, and in this circumstance it is truly felt and is a blessing.

Thank you for finding me and including me as part of your story."

The bunny gives the fox a friendly pat on the head as they both dwell in happiness,

letting go of their questions and confusion, relishing in the present and believing only

the feeling of something beyond logic.

This month is dedicated to new beginnings for my journaling journey and also for everyone

who is beginning a new school year or a new chapter, whatever that maybe.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Once said, For what it's worth: it's never too late to be whoever

you want to be.

I hope you live a life you're proud of.

And if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start over."

Just as the bunny and the fox begin their journey together, believing not in logic,

but on the want of making their dreams come true.

I hope that you take every chance to pursue yours.

The presence of flowers is proof that summer doesn't want to let go.

So for as long as it can, it will deliver its radiance.

This is my three month calendar spread with this month larger up top and the next two underneath., smaller.

It is the exact same spread that I created a year ago and it's amazing that I still

use it today, with some slight style changes that make it a little more elegant.

With all of its trust in the bunny, the bunny and the fox wander the mystical forest, guided

only by their intuition and the golden flakes.

They pass a pair of mushrooms and a pair of birds, one of which is offering the other

an olive branch, as the other smiles in acceptance of the apology and gift of friendship.

The golden flakes are everywhere now, enveloping the whole forest in a subtle glow of beauty

and serenity, illuminating their path.

This page can either be used as my video ideas page or simple a brain dump page.

I'm not quite sure yet, but it has been so nice to have blanks pages in my layout

so that I can use it for whatever I need as the month goes on.

On the bottom on the page is a little reminder quote that says, Every day is a chance to

change your life.

A very true statement about the power we have and the weight of the decisions that we make.

Next up is my Monthly calendar.

This is new and I absolutely love it.

After using the full monthly calendar for so long, I realized that I never really fill

up the entire spread, only the very important dates.

So this is going to keep things a little more tidy and neat.

I also combined my trackers onto this page by adding a keys section to the bottom.

So for everyday that I work on the book or hit my fitness goals, i'll put a little

dot in the upper left corner of the box corresponding to the day.

This way, I can look at this page and see my month planned out and keep track of my


On the bottom is also a box for my goals, so this month, actually it'll be August

30th, so not quite September, but my goal is to launch my shop on my website and continue

to improve during the month.

So in case you missed that, check out new stickers and the new website on August 30th

at 4pm EST. right before the holiday weekend,

I will have a gift and promotion going on so mark that on your calendars.

I had to move the original date back because it was not ready yet and now it will be for sure

My next goal is to finish preparing for my second craft show, so if you want to meet

me on September 9th which is definitely coming up, check out the info in the description.

And then lastly, I'd like to finish the first draft of my manuscript for my book this


If you want to follow the journey of the book and see any of the progress, join the blush

patrons for exclusive content because I won't be posting that anywhere else, except for


Info and how to sign up also below, so make sure to check everything out, I'm so excited

for it all.

As the bunny and the fox continue to follow the radiant flakes, the forest opens up to

a magnificent wonder of the moon made of the last flowers of summer.

Its size is beyond anything of this earth and its beauty is simply breathtaking.

"Never have I seen such a magnificent scene where the blooms itself turned into the moon

that we all long to, today is clearly a magical moment in time and I have a feeling it is

because of you, little fox." says the bear.

The fox, accepting this as its reality and enjoying the moment, plops down beside the

bear, making itself comfortable, basking in the new found, yet familiar presence of friendship.

The bunny pats the fox on the nose in complete approval and almost like reassurance, as the

other bunny makes its wishes to the moon.

Unbeknownst to anyone, these wishes joyfully sprout from seemingly nothing and blossom

into special and unique beginnings to something, might I say, magical.

This is my weekly cover page, so on the next page I'll be creating my weekly as the month

goes by, which has been perfect!

Underneath this final illustration is a final quote that is true for this whole cycle of

our lives.

It says, "I'm stronger because I had to be, I'm smarter because of my mistakes,

happier because of the sadness I've known, and now wiser because I learned."

I hope that you read that one over and over again and remember it by heart.

Because everything that happens, good or bad, is a learning opportunity and you have the

choice to let it overpower you or empower you to start again, better than you were.

now here is the final flip through

And I have to say this every month, but this is my favorite spread so far!

So side by side wise, I really love this redraw.

I wanted it tell the story of my experience going back to something I created a year ago,

thanking it for existing and really show its importance as I continue to pursue my dreams.

And overall the story and the colors and spreads, it all turned out just perfect!

And since I love share good finds with you, I've just learned this hack on procreate to turn

drawings into gifs animations, without using an animation app or program, which was perfect

since I'm already learning to use procreate and I wanted to switch up the illustration on my homepage and actually make it move

So this is all thanks to today's wonderful sponsor, Skillshare!

I am being completely honest when I talk about them.

I've learned so much, which allowed me to progress in my work, and there is still so

much I want to learn and I can do that all through this platform.

Real quick if you haven't heard of Skillshare, it is an online learning platform for creators

with more than 22,000 classes ranging from calligraphy to how to use photoshop.

I learned how to use procreate using this class and then now, I learned how to animate

using this class.

Something I actually couldn't find anywhere else.

So, just take a moment to browse their website, check out these classes if you want to learn

and send them some love for supporting me.

Premium memberships start at $10 a month, but for the first 300 people who click the

link the description or go to the link on the screen, you can get 2 months of unlimited

learning free, without any commitments!

I also want to thank my "hello sweet bear" blush patrons for generously supporting my

work, you are simply wonderful and I cannot truly express my gratitude for you! and for all of the patrons supporting my work!

If you want you have to be featured in my videos, check out all of the fun links in

the description and join me on instagram for quick updates and even more creativity.

I sincerely hope that this video helped you to start your new beginning with complete

determination to conquer your fear, forgive your mistakes and those of others, be brave,

and succeed.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time, bye.

For more infomation >> Plan with me | September 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | Fox and Flowers - Duration: 15:25.


Apple Cider Vinegar & Cayenne Pepper Drink: Benefits - Duration: 4:09.

The health benefits of taking apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper, and a recipe to

use at home.


Cayenne Pepper is a well-known powdered spice and is used in herbal medicine all over the


It has a powerful effect on improving digestion and fighting the common cold.


Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for thousands of years to treat all kinds of diseases and


It is most commonly used to help the body absorb nutrients from foods and get rid of

acid reflux.


When these two ingredients are mixed together in the form of a drink, they have the ability

to help you lose weight quickly by improving overall digestive health.

  Let's take a look at the recipe

  You Will Need

  250ml Water

1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper


  Add all of the ingredients to a glass and

stir well.

Drink this first thing in the morning every day.


This drink quickly begins to boost the metabolism of the body.

The cayenne pepper powder contains compounds which may make the stomach feel warm.


The apple cider vinegar boosts stomach acid which is needed in order to break down foods

more effectively.


After taking this mixture for a week, your body will have improved digestion and will

be able to tap into it's stored body fat for energy.


This works well when following any weight loss plan or diet.

We recommend following the ketogenic diet whilst increasing your intake of leafy green



The nutrients from the vegetables will be more easily absorbed and your body will become

more healthy.

A healthy body has the ability to regulate it's own weight naturally and fat loss is

an added benefit.


The apple cider vinegar in the mixture also works to treat a common condition called acid

reflux or GERD.

Acid reflux is caused by the stomach being too alkaline.


This drink is also very effective at reducing joint and bone pain for those suffering with


It purifies the liver and kidneys and lowers inflammation.


We recommend using high quality products, such as raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar

and a good cayenne pepper powder for the best effects.


Many people who drink this tonic on a daily basis find that they no longer suffer with

colds in the winter.

It has a powerful effect on boosting the immune system.


The cayenne pepper may also prevent food poisoning in certain situations, as it has the ability

to destroy harmful pathogens in foods.


We love adding a dash of cayenne to curries and homemade healthy soups to add a little

heat and nutrition.


Drinking a good quality mineral water throughout the day will also help to balance your electrolytes

during weight loss.

Making you feel less fatigued and more energetic.


Try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates to as little as possible for the fastest possible

weight loss.

Instead increase your fat intake from healthy sources such as olive oil or avocado.


To learn more about apple cider vinegar, or cayenne pepper powder; please see our other


  Thank you very much for listening, a like

is always appreciated and remember to subscribe and tap the bell for more healthy videos.

I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

For more infomation >> Apple Cider Vinegar & Cayenne Pepper Drink: Benefits - Duration: 4:09.


A Maior Descoberta do Século XX está debaixo do Grand Canyon - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> A Maior Descoberta do Século XX está debaixo do Grand Canyon - Duration: 7:27.


¿Tanto daño te han hecho? - Irene Jotadé - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> ¿Tanto daño te han hecho? - Irene Jotadé - Duration: 2:32.


6 dicas de AYRTON SENNA para que VOCÊ Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 6 dicas de AYRTON SENNA para que VOCÊ Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 5:38.


O que comer durante o trabalho de parto? - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> O que comer durante o trabalho de parto? - Duration: 1:19.


Como controlar o peso na gravidez - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Como controlar o peso na gravidez - Duration: 1:54.


KOREDE MARKET l FiYAT l KOREAN MART l 韓国のマートプライス - Duration: 24:53.

For more infomation >> KOREDE MARKET l FiYAT l KOREAN MART l 韓国のマートプライス - Duration: 24:53.


Como preparar o peito para amamentar - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Como preparar o peito para amamentar - Duration: 2:54.


周立波的爱情故事感动网友,原来这才是所谓真正的爱情啊! - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 周立波的爱情故事感动网友,原来这才是所谓真正的爱情啊! - Duration: 3:52.


Top Sertanejo 2018 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2018 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 1:11:58.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top Sertanejo 2018 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2018 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 1:11:58.





WHAT x WHICH - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda HOJE #REPOST - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> WHAT x WHICH - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda HOJE #REPOST - Duration: 3:32.


Como instalar 220 Volts conector y 50 amp breaker para tu maquina de soldar mig o electrodo - Duration: 10:51.

hello friends welcome to my channel in this occasion I want to share with

you how can we install 220 Volts for our welding machine here

I already have our electricity box and remove the cover that covers our


also already install this pipe is for where will I run my

wiring and here I have the box ready too

where will I put the plug for our welding machine

I'm going to need three cables of number 6

Red black and green that is our ground

I'm going to use this breaker it's a 50 A pill

this is the one that requires my welding machine and most of the machines

of welding is 50 A

here I have the plug that I'm going to install

before we start working we have to make sure to turn off

main braker to avoid an accident

we must also wear gloves

already after having turn off our main braker, we already installed our

pipe where we are going to run our wire

what I'm going to do I'm going to pass these wires and now I'm going to continue

explaining the procedure

Once we have installed our wires

are here

and above also the ground

our next step is going to be installing them here in our

connector here we are going to install in the screw

green let's install our wire green

let's take either red or black and we will install it anywhere

does not matter

because both have a discharge of 110 volts

here we would have our connection ready

our next step is

install here

we already have our connector installed

but when we do not use it we can put a padlock

now the next step is to install our Ground

we must locate a space where can we connect our Ground

here the neutrals and the Ground are together there are times that we have the

Ground on one side and the neutrals of other side

here I have a space where will I install the Ground


now I'm going to proceed to install our breaker

let's put a cable in each hole

it does not matter which side it is

after having installed our two cables

we are going to install our breaker it has some hooks here and they are going to hook


we only press

and ready until here it would be all our

connection of all cablesbreakers and the plug I'm going to give you a review

here we have our ground wire is in all our lands remember

always work with the lever down we have to cut our electricity

to avoid any accident this would be our ground and here they are

our two black cable connections red cable and also here they go

here is our pipe that we install

and our plug We use a 250 V 50 amp

remember cables number 6

in our 50 A breaker is what requires our welding machine

our next step is to put the lid and prove that our plug is

working correctly

we already have our breaker on position

now we are going to check that our connector is

working well let's use a multimeter

there are we have


the other side too

both together they give us

the electricity that we need for our welding machine

if you liked the video do not forget subscribe to my channel leave your like and

comment in the comment box what It was what you thought of the video if it has

served or you know someone who I can serve

do not forget to share this it's a plug for a 220 welder

thank you and see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Como instalar 220 Volts conector y 50 amp breaker para tu maquina de soldar mig o electrodo - Duration: 10:51.



For more infomation >> LANDINGS AND TAKE OFF - AIRPORT GUARULHOS - PART 169 - Duration: 23:34.


Przewlekła choroba nerek – zapobieganie - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Przewlekła choroba nerek – zapobieganie - Duration: 7:56.


100 tiêu đề quảng cáo thành công đáng để học hỏi phần 3 - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> 100 tiêu đề quảng cáo thành công đáng để học hỏi phần 3 - Duration: 10:17.


Últimas notícia de hoje : HADDAD: SOLTO, LULA LIQUIDA ELEIÇÃO NO 1º TURNO - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : HADDAD: SOLTO, LULA LIQUIDA ELEIÇÃO NO 1º TURNO - Duration: 2:13.


Confira 5 carros dos Presidentes do Brasil - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Confira 5 carros dos Presidentes do Brasil - Duration: 4:09.


Kia Carnival 2019: mais sofisticação e conforto de primeira classe - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Kia Carnival 2019: mais sofisticação e conforto de primeira classe - Duration: 3:38.


R$ 668 milhões de patrimônio: quem é e como investe o candidato mais rico do Brasil - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> R$ 668 milhões de patrimônio: quem é e como investe o candidato mais rico do Brasil - Duration: 3:27.



I was already with my skin done. I did the well known Kardashian style.

With a brown shade from Catherine Hill's palette I'm making my eyes looking more deeper,

and then with the orange tone I'll warm it up.

Sponge brush and yellow shadow. Just tapping it in so it will look really pigmented.

Remember to blend the edges with the very first brush.

Red lipstick as eyeliner! That was Ruby Rose's 33.

It says it's matte, but it's not, so I put a bit of red shadow to set it.

Going back with the first shadow closer to my water line

Orange shadow as lipstick.

My inspiration for this makeup was Luna's "Free Somebody" album cover.

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