Saturday, August 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2018

2 comentariosVer comentarios En la procatedral de Dublín hay una lámpara ardiente en memoria de las víctimas de los abusos sexuales del clero irlandés

Ante ella, se recogió el Papa Francisco, con el corazón dolorido por esa plaga que aflige a la Iglesia

Avergonzado por esa sombra alargada, que persigue al Papa de Roma allá donde va. Y eso que es el Papa de la 'tolerancia cero real'

 Ante la zarza ardiente del Sinaí se arrodilló Moisés, esperando los mandamientos de Dios

Cual nuevo Moisés, Francisco sabe que la lámpara ardiente de los abusos, que ya ha consumido la inocencia de tantos inocentes, puede acabar con su pontificado y, sobre todo, con la credibilidad de la institución que preside en la caridad

 El incendio de los abusos tiene, hasta ahora, tres focos principales: Estados Unidos, Chile y, precisamente, la Irlanda, que ahora visita Francisco, para presidir el Encuentro Mundial de la Familia

El Papa sabe que su principal reto será convencer a las familias irlandesas y, por extensión, a las familias de todo el mundo, de que, a pesar de la plaga de los abusos, la Iglesia sigue siendo una institución en la que las familias pueden confiar

Una institución segura para sus hijos.  Examen de conciencia, dolor de los pecados, propósito de la enmienda, decir los pecados al confesor y cumplir la penitencia

Son los cinco requisitos para una buena confesión. El Papa Francisco volvió a entonar un solemne y público 'mea culpa' por los clérigos abusadores y los obispos encubridores de los "crímenes repugnantes" de la plaga de la pederastia

Pero las peticiones de perdón, aunque sean sentidas y obligadas, como en este caso, no son suficientes

Hay que pasar a los hechos. Hay que cumplir la penitencia. Francisco sabe que la gente espera respuestas concretas

 Eso significa, en primer lugar, acercarse de verdad a las víctimas. Para escucharlas, acogerlas y, sobre todo, resarcirlas de su dolor y de sus heridas

Con protección real y ayuda psicológica, evidentemente pagada por la institución

Y con todo tipo de ayudas que necesiten, especialmente las materiales. Que a esas vidas destruidas no les falte lo necesario para vivir y puedan salir adelante lo más dignamente posible

Y si eso significa que la institución tiene que arruinarse, que se arruine. Y si tiene que vender palacios, iglesias y hasta el propio Vaticano, que lo haga

Vale más la vida de un inocente que todas las riquezas eclesiásticas acumuladas durante tantos siglos

 La segunda medida tendría que ser la expulsión ipso facto de todos los obispos encubridores

Porque muchos de ellos ordenaron a esos abusadores y otros los encubrieron y no ejercieron uno de sus papeles primordiales: el de 'inspector'

A la calle, por no ejercer su responsabilidad in vigilando, muchos o casi todos. Porque el cáncer del encubrimiento era sistémico

La punta del iceberg ha aflorado en Estados Unidos, Chile, Irlanda.pero en las iglesias de todos los demás países del mundo se funcionaba de la misma manera

 El abuso era considerado un pecadillo, al cura se le cambiaba de parroquia o, en última instancia, se le mandaba a misiones y se le pedía que se arrepintiese y se confesase, para seguir pecando

Y nunca o casi nunca se consideraba el abuso un delito y, por lo tanto, no se remitía a los abusadores a la justicia civil

La situación ideal para los depredadores sexuales, que, revestidos del poder sagrado (la máxima expresión del poder), tenían acceso ilimitado a niños, niñas, mujeres y hombres (según sus apetencias) y, además, sabían que estaban protegidos por la omertá eclesial

 En tercer lugar, el Vaticano tendría que pedir perdón y revisar las responsabilidades de altos cargos curiales en la dinámica sistémica del encubrimiento

¿Qué sabía Juan Pablo II de todo esto? ¿Su secretario personal, monseñor Dziwisz, y su Secretario de Estado, cardenal Sodano, le hacían llegar los casos de abusos que, ya entonces, proliferaban en la institución? ¿Por qué el Papa Wojtyla nunca condenó a un depredador sexual como Marcial Maciel y, al contrario, lo bendijo y lo presentó como modelo para la juventud? Depurar responsabilidades en una Curia que rigió los destinos de la Iglesia con mano de hierro hasta la llegada de Francisco al solio pontificio

 Es urgente, en cuarto lugar y como dice el propio Francisco, conseguir una "transformación eclesial y social" respecto a este tema

La eclesial, que es la que le corresponde a la institución, pasa por acabar, de una vez por todas, con el clericalismo, la otra gran plaga del catolicismo, que alimenta la dinámica del abuso sexual, de poder y de conciencia

Cristo no quiso una Iglesia clerical, pero es el tipo de Iglesia que se impuso y que sigue vigente

¿Hasta cuándo? ¿Cuándo será real y efectiva la corresponsabilidad de lo laicos?  En quinto lugar y como consecuencia de una Iglesia laical y 'pueblo de Dios', habría que revisar todo el andamiaje de la doctrina moral, especialmente de la moral sexual

Reivindicar una sexualidad normalizada y bien entendida es una de las asignaturas pendientes de la institución

Hay que reconocer la importancia de la sexualidad en la vida de las personas y no reprimirla en sus propios cuadros: monjas y curas que, para ser castos, tienen que reprimir sus instintos y poner puertas al mar de la libido

Casi siempre sin éxito alguno y con derivas pecaminosas y delictivas. De ahí que, en sexto lugar y mientras no se cambia el modelo clerical, la Iglesia debería instaurar, desde ya mismo, el celibato opcional para sus sacerdotes

El carisma del voto de castidad que se quede para los religiosos. El carisma celibatario no puede imponerse, para acceder al sacerdocio

El apóstol Pedro estaba casado y el celibato obligatorio es una ley eclesiástica que, así como se impuso, puede derogarse

Y ya tarda. Y, por último, entre las medidas urgentes a tomar por el Papa, ocupa un lugar primordial la inmediata equiparación de la mujer al hombre en la Iglesia

A todos los niveles. Incluso y como es lógico, en el acceso al altar y al sacerdocio

Si el laico es un ciudadano de segunda en la Iglesia, la mujer no llega a ciudadana de tercera

 Sólo así, con estos siete requisitos (y quizás alguno más) se pueden cumplir las cinco condiciones de una buena confesión, especialmente la última: cumplir realmente la penitencia del tsunami de los abusos sexuales, de poder y de conciencia

Francisco sabe que es hora de pasar de los mea culpa a los hechos y cambiar el sistema teológico-organizativo eclesial que, hasta ahora, se basa casi exclusivamente en el clero, para pasar a centrarse en el laicado, en el santo pueblo de Dios

¿Lo conseguirá el Papa de la primavera o se consumirá en la zarza ardiente? ------------ José Manuel Vidal es director de Religión Digital

For more infomation >> El Papa, ante la zarza ardiente de los abusos - Duration: 10:45.


'Honestidad' Silvana López, la primera dama de Paraguay a la que comparan con Letizia - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Silvana López, la primera dama de Paraguay a la que comparan con Letizia - Duration: 4:48.


劉德華曾幫助過他們兩人,如今一個知恩圖報,另一個忘恩負義! - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 劉德華曾幫助過他們兩人,如今一個知恩圖報,另一個忘恩負義! - Duration: 3:24.


Paco Alcácer, llegada y salida paralela a la de André Gomes - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Paco Alcácer, llegada y salida paralela a la de André Gomes - Duration: 3:26.


Ivan Rakitic y el Barça zanjarán en breve los rumores sobre el PSG - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Ivan Rakitic y el Barça zanjarán en breve los rumores sobre el PSG - Duration: 4:01.


Ataque en Anapra deja un muerto y dos lesionados - Duration: 1:57.

Ciudad Juárez— Un muerto y dos personas lesionadas, una de ellas mujer, fue el saldo de un ataque armado registrado esta noche en una vivienda ubicada en las calles Tiburón y Erizo del Mar en la colonia Rancho Anapra, en el norponiente de la ciudad

Vecinos reportaron que las personas se encontraban dentro de la casa donde fueron agredidos a balazos

Las dos personas lesionadas recibieron los primeros auxilios por paramédicos en el lugar de los hechos y después fueron trasladados a un hospital

Elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal inició un operativo en la colonia y los alrededores para tratar de detener a los responsables

Además aseguraron la escena para que peritos y agentes de la Fiscalía General del Estado levantaran el cuerpo de la víctima y las evidencias balísticas

Hasta esta noche no se informaba de los nombres y las edades de víctima y las dos personas lesionadas ni se había reportado detenciones

For more infomation >> Ataque en Anapra deja un muerto y dos lesionados - Duration: 1:57.


Necaxa deja escapar la victoria ante Tigres en Aguascalientes - Duration: 0:53.

 Necaxa y Tigres de la UANL empataron a un gol en juego correspondiente a la fecha siete del Torneo Apertura 2018 de la Liga MX de futbol, que se realizó en el estadio Victoria de la capital 'hidrocálida'

  Por Necaxa anotó Víctor Dávila al 84 y por Tigres lo hizo Eduardo Vargas al 90+1 vía tiro penal

Con este resultado, Necaxa llegó a ocho puntos y Tigres a 10.

For more infomation >> Necaxa deja escapar la victoria ante Tigres en Aguascalientes - Duration: 0:53.


Azra ve Selim Dev Sürpriz Kutuda Sürpriz Yumurta Bulma Challenge Toybox LOL Harika Kanatlar dondurma - Duration: 15:45.

For more infomation >> Azra ve Selim Dev Sürpriz Kutuda Sürpriz Yumurta Bulma Challenge Toybox LOL Harika Kanatlar dondurma - Duration: 15:45.


Bougainvillea Bonsai | Bougainvillea Bonsai Repotting //GREEN PLANTS💚 - Duration: 10:09.

welcome to my channel

in this video

i'm showing bougainvillea bonsai re-potting

it's a two years old bougainvillea bonsai

bougainvillea needs to be repotted once every two-three years in springtime

now i'm going to repot this bonsai


removing the old soil with a bonsai tool

carefully remove the soil and do not hurt the root system


root pruning

removing only the outlying and long roots

do not prune main root system

and also do not prune more than 40% of all roots


potting the bougainvillea in bonsai pot

i just place a piece of coco husk to cover the drainage hole

then put the new bonsai soil

place the plant in center of the pot

bonsai pot that will hug the root ball as closely as possible while still allowing some soil for watering


add the bonsai soil and completely cover the root ball with bonsai soil


remove air pockets using a chopstick or any thin stick

making sure to fill all the air pockets around the root system

next pruning


to maintain and refine the existing shape of a bonsai

prune the branches that have grown out of shape


i just add the stones on top of the soil to keep moisture

now continuing leaf pruning

prune long shoots using a twig shear

remove about 80% of all leaves

to grow thicker branches or a thicker trunk remove the flowers at all times

but do not prune the branches

removing the tips after each blooming cycle will encourage the growth of multiple new shoots

this increasing ramifications

keep in shade for few days

after few days place it in full sunlight area or sunny window site


use sprayer to watering

spray water completely for three days in a week

misting is recommended as the tree likes high humidity

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Bougainvillea Bonsai | Bougainvillea Bonsai Repotting //GREEN PLANTS💚 - Duration: 10:09.


Basic Rangoli By 6X6 Dots Shankam Muggulu Designs Latest Rangoli Videos For Beginners - Duration: 11:57.

Basic Rangoli By 6X6 Dots Shankam Muggulu Designs Latest Rangoli Videos For Beginners

For more infomation >> Basic Rangoli By 6X6 Dots Shankam Muggulu Designs Latest Rangoli Videos For Beginners - Duration: 11:57.


John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★ - Duration: 8:29.

John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★

For more infomation >> John McCain★Lifestyle 2018★Death Of Cause★Net Worth★Family★Life Career★ - Duration: 8:29.


「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.


Raksha bandhan best video |30s whatsapp status video | #Rakhi song | bhai bhen❤ - Duration: 0:27.

Raksha bandhan best video

Happy raksha bandhan

For more infomation >> Raksha bandhan best video |30s whatsapp status video | #Rakhi song | bhai bhen❤ - Duration: 0:27.


בולט ג'ורנל - מעבר למחברת חדשה! - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> בולט ג'ורנל - מעבר למחברת חדשה! - Duration: 4:19.


How 63Year-Old Gorgeous Grandma Looks So YOUNG Even Young Men Get Attracted To Her - Duration: 4:30.

How 63Year-Old Gorgeous Grandma Looks So YOUNG Even Young Men Get Attracted To Her

When we talk of women with flawlessly beautiful skin and silky black hair, the first thought

that comes to mind is the gorgeous Chinese women.

Chinese women are known for their even skin tone and ageless complexion, since ages.

There are a number of ancient beauty secrets and Chinese tricks that have proved to bring

the best result.

Women in west love to explore these Asian beauty secrets to get the lasting beauty

Applying a Jade Roller You will never get to see a Chinese woman

with dull complexion.

They all come with even skin tone and fair complexion.

'Jade', is the secret behind it.

Since ages, Chinese women are using jade roller to get a fair look.

According to Chinese culture, rolling a jade on your face improves blood circulation and

that in return, brings the best results for your skin.

Though the trick is quite ancient but these jade rollers are quite easily available even


Here are a few reasons why you should use a jade roller;

• It promises cooling effects on the skin (best in summer)

• It hides the ugly large pores • Relieves puffiness

• Tightens the skin • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

• • Mint Leaves

We all know numerous health benefits of mint but only a few of us know how mint can work

wonders to get you a bright and glowing complexion.

Mint is so cost-effective and easy to buy that we all should try it.

To get an instantly fair skin, grind the mint leaves and form a paste to apply on your face

and neck.

It gives a cooling effect in summer.


Tremella Tremella is an ancient Chinese food.

It actually is a mushroom or snow fungus that is known for best skin conditioning.

It contains a lot of vitamin D (very good for healthy skin) and other antioxidants.

There are some myths related to an ancient Chinese princess with beautiful skin, who

used tremella.

That's great!

What are we waiting for 5.

Drinking Lots of Herbal Teas No one can deny the benefits of herbs for

aging skin.

Since ages, Chinese women are known to be drinking a variety of herbal teas.

Green, white, goji berry and oolong tea, all come with different health benefits.

Particularly green tea is known worldwide for its anti-inflammatory properties and richness

in antioxidants.

Furthermore, it is one of the best anti-aging drinks.

It functions perfectly to increase the metabolic rate and you may easily lose extra weight


Rice Rice is not only a Chinese beauty secret but

the Japanese geisha's too have been using rice water to get an even toned skin.

Talking of the benefits of rice water, it tones up and softens the skin beautifully.

Besides that, it prevents the skin from sun damaging and early aging (fights wrinkles).

You all have seen the black and silky hair of Chinese and Japanese women.

Rinsing their hair with the left-over water (after rinsing the rice) of rice is the real


For hair, you are supposed to wash your hair with this uncooked and unpolished rice water.

For skin, soak the unpolished rice in the water.

Leave it that way until the water looks white like milk.

Dip the cotton in this water and apply on your face and neck.

You can keep this water stored in refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days.


Mung Beans Empress Wu, the only female ruler in Chinese

history is well known for her timeless beauty.

Myths suggest that she was breathtakingly beautiful and ageless even at the age of 80.

The secret of her age defying beauty was a regular usage of mung beans.

It was a face mask prepared with mung beans, motherwort (an herb) and green tea extract.

You too can try it to get a youthful skin.

For more infomation >> How 63Year-Old Gorgeous Grandma Looks So YOUNG Even Young Men Get Attracted To Her - Duration: 4:30.


Nightcore - I'm Fine (Deeper Version) BTS (방탄소년단) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:43.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - I'm Fine (Deeper Version) BTS (방탄소년단) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:43.


「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Puyo Puyo Chronicle (#15): When is 24248 - Duration: 1:44:36.


I a mess meme - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> I a mess meme - Duration: 0:31.


一次齊射240枚火箭彈,這才是真正的死亡鋼鐵雨 - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 一次齊射240枚火箭彈,這才是真正的死亡鋼鐵雨 - Duration: 8:27.


Philippines - What shocked me & summary of my getaway - Duration: 28:54.

Okay, so let's start

I reckon that today

is a perfect day to do a retrospective

it's a perfect day

for a summary of my trip to the PH

I have exactly 1 week left until i leave

until I land in Berlin, on german soil

in Schonefeld

today my AC broke

I got a massive pimple in the middle of my forehead

and I almost got

thrown away form this terrace

supposedly it's closed now

that's life - imma still here lol

so yeah, let's start!

To be honest

this is the most

eye-opening experience

in my life

because this place is filled with so many different things

and perspective of living here, working, eating, being with people

and so on

is completely different than the one in Europe

therefore this (my) european point of view

is mixing with asian point of view, and actually Philippines

is a perfect country for - I guess

the 'westerners' who want to experience asia

because PH from all of these countries in Asia are

the most 'westernised'

it comes from the fact that barely

50 years ago, PH was an American protectorate

so Americans left over many cultural traits now

unfortunatelly tho; now one of the most favourite

meals in PH is a fried chicken alla KFC

so welcome to modern PH

But nevertheless PH is an eye-opening experience

and your perspective on life broadens

look: behind me is Makati

it's a business district

separated by the river from this:

that is a Pasig river, one of the most polluted rivers in the world

and here well

those are the dwellings of normal people


those 'fields of steets'

that's what those are - fields

are endless

here is one, and on the other side, another


there is Tondo

where people do not have socks XD

i don't even know how to describe those poor people

Tondo is simply poor slum

there is QC

oh, not a QC, different district

QC is there, but anyway

you get my point

those are people who are living in Metal shack 3x3m

and on the other side

are people in glass towers

playing with millions of cash

therefore from this perspective, PH have extremely

affected me, and eye-opened me

I remember that I came here

-okay i am crazy, but-

and the very next day i woke up and went

alongside the river

not checking where to go, just forward

I made it to those slums on the opposite side

slums of Sta. Anna District

and that was the first time I saw

children work.

It was a construction site, with 5, 7 years old

children, walking and carrying

20kg cement bags

shit happens there

there are extreme poor examples

and there are examples of really rich people and districts

where - even in Maastricht, I don't see

shops like

Dior, Prada or Burberry

the one so exclusive they burn their past collections

last year - worth 30M$

anyway' my point is

that here you have a lot of class differences

colliding with each other

however strangely, it all coexist with each other

and Phiplippines in this regard definately

are an introduction to understanding, observing the poor side of Asia

Currently Metro Manila is gigantic

officially 17M people

unofficially, well over 20M

and it all somehow works

due to the scale there are various problems here like

water - tap water is not suitable for drinking

you have to buy the bottled water, bc tap water is simply bad

*here I also mean that boiled tap water is also bad for health*

I suppose, slum people are drinking it all anyway but

anyone filipino or not, I asked are telling me not to drink tap water

what else-

you go outside

and under your glass tower are homless people

and it's very common. There is a woman

who lives here on a piece of concrete wall

under a plastic blanket, 50cm x 2m

and that is her house

and this is the daily reality

society is not equal

are there any social grants or retirement funds?

I have no clue, don't think so

So you can see this is completely different from europe

and it is far away form how it should look like

anyway - going more towards 'lighter' subjects

what shocked me

in PH is

first of all - Asian food

millions of weird fruits

with different tastes; even fruits I know, they just taste differently

flavourful, phenomenal

Aroma and smell is amazing

and taste

and the intensity of all of this

one word - amazing

but also weird food like

banana ketchup

apparently it's normal here

or filipino tradition is to

cover all the grilled meats

or roasted - overall is to add everywhere


I think that in Poland or in Europe

vinegar is either rarely used

or not used at all

but here vinegar is a basic thing

kitchen without vinegar is like kitchen without a Winiary Mayo in Poland lol

I find it quite interesting

from different things - as far as I think

(I am totally unscripted here so just freetalking now)

Asians really have problem with alco tolerance

extremely low tolerance - 3 shots and they are drunk af

4 shots and they die

there is also a lot of homeless

cats and dogs

In Manila, mainly cats

countryside mostly dogs

no clue why

Also I like it here very much

wait - not behind me

it's there

- it's a tower in so called chinese style

where you have 'dragon windows'

if you know it from HK or anywhere else fine

if not then let me show you

- you build a tower

with holes

apparently feng shui dictates you

that you should not clogg the natural space

with random objects

since it brings chaos

so you make holes in towers

so the 'dragons can fly thru'

That's where the name come from

It all comes from chinese traditions

[at this moment i gave up with making subtitles, bare with me until i finish them]

For more infomation >> Philippines - What shocked me & summary of my getaway - Duration: 28:54.


북한과 아무런 상관없는 영국이 북한과의 전쟁 시나리오를 만든 이유 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 북한과 아무런 상관없는 영국이 북한과의 전쟁 시나리오를 만든 이유 - Duration: 3:01.


戰事即將爆發俄少將發出最嚴重警告,美國打擊武器正在加速部署 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 戰事即將爆發俄少將發出最嚴重警告,美國打擊武器正在加速部署 - Duration: 5:27.


Liberty & Justice for All Episode 1 Introduction & Political Persuasion Techniques - Duration: 18:29.

Hello and welcome to the liberty and justice for all podcast

This is emily olson checking in from Salt Lake City

this summer has been hot and smoky from multiple fires throughout the state of Utah and

From smoke that gets into the jet stream from other western states and Canada

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered loss as a result of the record-breaking blazes were trying to quell

This week was the funeral of Matthew Burchell an experienced firefighter from Draper, Utah

Who lost his life fighting wildfires in California? I?

Truly admire the outpouring of support for virtuals family friends and colleagues

Virtuals funeral was covered live on the local ksl radio this week and despite its utter sadness was a beautiful display of patriotism

And have a united community

It was a nice break actually from the usual national political rhetoric. That seems to be bombarding us lately

Regardless of your views on the environment regarding the causes of these ever frequent giant fires and

Despite what your opinions are in our current volatile political climate

We can all agree this week that Matthew Burchell who had fought wildfires for two decades is a hero

For all the lives he helped preserve and the property he's saved from damage

This is the first episode of the liberty and justice for all' podcast and the first in my political

series where I seek to make sense of the hot volatile political climate

We're in the middle of where the political parties have become more polarized today than I've ever seen. I

Come from a conservative family and have friends and

Extended family members who were raised an even more conservative families than me

I also have an increasing number of friends who have a left-leaning persuasion

now fairly recently

I dialed a few degrees to the left on the political spectrum and this summer

I officially went to the dark side and registered as a Democrat that

Doesn't necessary mean that I will only vote for Democrats now

I mean

I anticipate that sometimes a Republican candidate will align more with my views

But lately I have realized that my persuasions no longer matched those of the Republican Party today

The Republican Party in general has slipped more than a few notches to the right in recent years

So by default I move left but I also made some left-leaning changes to my views

It didn't happen overnight and I can't say that I can Chuck everything up to the fact that I married a Democrat five years ago

But that certainly played a role

My husband and I both follow politics closely

We both come from families that regularly discuss politics around the dinner table

So my husband and I discussed politics a lot together

even when we first started dating as it was a strong point of Attraction for both of us and

We found that we agree on most political subjects

He persuaded me on a few things and I probably influenced his views in other areas

I think that I should also explain that I feel like getting married

Being a life-changing decision that it is has given me a new perspective on issues such as reproductive rights

immigration laws and health care coverage

But lately I've had a lot to talk about regarding

National politics and I have a desire to add my voice to the sea of opinions out there

My main goal in this podcast is to explain as respectfully as possible to my conservative family and friends

Why I became a Democrat in all sincerity politics more than ever

Has become such a point of angst amongst even my close loved ones

That it has affected my desire to attend family dinners for fear that a heated political

Discussion might ensue. I am sure you or someone, you know can relate with me

There are at least three main reasons why I switched to the dark side

I refuse to be associated with any political party in which white supremacy or racism is an acceptable

mentality or practice

I'm also upset that the Republican Party continues slacking support for programs that help to take care of the poor

Further I am distraught by the Republican Congress which chooses to turn a blind eye to

the clear corruption displayed by President Trump

But before I plunge into extensive essays on each of these topics in this episode

I wish to discuss best practices for interpreting the media today

You may think I am completely changing the subject

But I believe that much of the disconnect happening in this country right now can be attributed not solely to the media

But also to our an interpretation of the media

With degrees and journalism and business much of my career has involved various aspects of marketing

so I absorb the media differently than many I

Have always been one of those people who enjoys the commercials as much as the show

Just asked my husband

Much to his annoyance. I will sometimes dissect a commercial to identify the market

they are trying to target as well as any

psychographics that they may be tapping into I mean national companies spend millions of dollars on advertising

So a commercial that may appear frivolous is actually developed very strategically down to the clothing and colors color themes

The commercials that pique my interest in this regard are often ones that are not designed to appeal to my particular

market group and I think

Why did a company spend that kind of money on such a random message?

If I look to see how for example maybe a middle-aged man

Or the caregiver of an elderly relative would view it the message usually becomes clear

It is with this mentality that we have needed to approach politics and the media lately

the world changed when the sitting president of the United States started using Twitter to communicate directly with his

constituents and with the world

social media and YouTube also speed up how quickly a new cycle lasts

Not too long ago a new cycle would usually last 24 to 48 hours

And now we just aren't getting all the news if we are tuning in only Wednesday

Today breaking news often evolves more quickly than we can blink

That is why I have made it my part-time job for the last two years to watch and read the news from multiple sources. I

Prefer to get the news and its rawest form reported right when it happens so that I can better distinguish between news and commentary

Unfortunately in some cases

Today we are distinguishing between commentary and propaganda

Lately it seems we have needed a map a guide an app whatever you want to call it to tell us what we should believe

When we should believe it and when we should be skeptical

Actually the guide from centuries ago about the boy who cried wolf

Still does a pretty good job at explaining things. Unfortunately, many of us are getting duped by wolves in sheep's clothing

Be aware that some radio talk-show hosts and cable news networks are commentaries disguised as news

we develop relationships with people based on their

Reliability and truth-telling track record the first time we hear that someone has been less than reliable

We double check the next time to make sure there is no mistake in our interpretation of their message

But if someone has been known to intentionally lie, it usually takes a long time if ever for us to regain trust in that person

So, how is it that we allow a double-standard to exist for politicians, how is it that Donald Trump can repeatedly lie about big things

But people still give him their trust. I mean, it's not just because he's the president of the United States

there's a 25th amendment that members of his cabinet or Congress could invoke if we their

Constituents had lost our confidence in the president and the Constitution has already established a line of successors

At least the first view of which our Republican in this case

Should the president leave office for any reason?

Could it be that we look past Trump's faults? Because we need him to stay in office for reasons

We consider more important than his integrity

Or maybe we think Trump is actually innocent and instead the victim of the wild lies of the Moller

Investigation the Justice Department and the so called fake media

Maybe we think that all concurrent politicians lie

So we could no longer use that as a measuring stick and must decide now on whose story is most believable or the most advantageous

After all trump is not only the president but he is the current leader of a major political party in the balance

Maybe you are like so many people I know who are completely

Frustrated with Washington politics right now and have decided to stop paying attention. If only it were that simple

We could just turn off Trump with our remote controls and he would go away

But as registered voters

It's our responsibility to make educated choices and do our duty in the polling booths

This November voting this hugely important. Don't let anyone else

anyone tell you otherwise you should be aware that the Moller investigation has accused the

2016 Trump campaign of intercepting

confidential strategy data from Hillary Clinton's campaign

through the help of Russian hackers

Trump is accused of using this data in the last few weeks before

The election to actually discourage would-be Clinton voters from making it to the polling booths

He utilized targeted social media efforts to tell people their votes didn't matter that Clinton would win anyway

And that she didn't need their vote

was that targeted social media effort in itself illegal

Probably not even if it should be but you can probably guess that

utilizing data that was hacked by the Russians in an American election is definitely illegal and

You can bet that Moeller has extensive evidence to back up his claims

Does that change the fact that Trump won the election No, will it ever?

Know the Electoral College assures us of that

Many members of Congress are taking the stance that we should wait for the Muller team to take its course and

Act when his team produces a report with its recommendations

Of course Muller is not the only one who is investigating Trump and his associates now

The pardon proof state of New York has issued lawsuits of its own that could ultimately bring Trump and others nice

More than ever we need to pay attention to what's happening in Washington as

It's going to take all of the established checks and balances including voters to make sure we are able to maintain the freedoms. We enjoy

that may sound alarmist, but I honestly believe our current president has some

Malevolent intentions of using his presidential powers to get richer and more powerful

At the expense of hurting American taxpayers the economy and anything else he can use as fodder. Oh,

But Trump claims that the economy is doing so well as a result of his brilliant nests

Just wait Trump will not have to get impeached for us to experience economic troubles at this point

We are already seeing signs of an economic downturn

Dairy farms being sold in the Midwest and factories closing on the eastern seaboard

Which are the direct result of Trump's tariffs and the retaliatory tariffs put on us in response

while aligning himself with Vladimir Putin of Russia and kim jeong-hoon of North Korea Trump has purposely

Alienated the leaders of Canada France Germany the United Kingdom

Not to mention the leaders of bleep whole countries like Haiti El Salvador or any of the 54 countries in Africa

but she wouldn't know any of that if you weren't watching the news is

to Trump's advantage that his constituents aren't looking when say

Cohen pleads guilty of crimes closely associated to Trump

Manafort gets convicted by a jury or the latest

the CFO of the Trump Organization has given immunity in exchange for his truthful testimony and

Fox News which some are calling state TV these days is

Careful to offer alternative programming during such events or give negative

Commentary in an attempt to discredit the accurate reporting from the so called fake news. I

Hate to burst your bubble

but I believe that Trump is not like a smart person as he claims to be an

evidence from multiple bankruptcies suggests

He is not a smart businessman, but I believe he is a fabulous marketer

Although he started his career in real estate the bulk of his business has been related to marketing

Trump University, how did he convince all these students that his degree program would prepare them for getting good jobs?

he has marketing skills for

Example he doesn't necessarily own the buildings that have his name on them

he just sells the marketing rights to companies that own glamorous high-rises casinos and vacation destination hotels is

True look it up. It has been Trump's business to convince everyone that he and his family are filthy

rich and in the aftermath of the Moller

Investigation Trump will put Bernie Madoff to shame when Trump is revealed as the biggest con artist the world has ever seen

One of trumps tried-and-true marketing tactics is excessive repetition of phrases to invoke almost a Pavlov like response

when Trump says witch-hunt do you automatically dismiss Muller the FBI the CIA and the entire Justice Department is having

nefarious intentions

When you hear no collusion, do you automatically think he's innocent?

Have you started associating in fake news as?

What Rush Limbaugh coin is a liberal media?

Another tactic is deflection

Trump uses this every day. I think his entire beef with LeBron James

Maxine Waters and NFL players kneeling for the national anthem

Was created to swamp the media with something other than the news Trump didn't want us to focus on that day. I

Think I'm making this up just see what Trump's response is the next time something big happens in the Moller


Like on Friday all of the sudden Trump tweets something that will compromise

Secretary Pompeii owes trip to North Korea and the trip is canceled as a result

This secretary Pompeo even have a scheduled trip to North Korea

perhaps the scariest tactic of all that Trump employs is called gaslighting which is sort of

the encompass 'men of all techniques I have mentioned the term comes from the

1938 British stage play by the same name that is known as in the US as angel Street

We're a husband psychologically abuses his wife over time by manipulating small elements of their environment

And insisting that she remembers things incorrectly with with the intent of getting her to question her sanity

And not trust her logic or instincts

Do you believe Trump's rhetoric that being educated is bad and fills your mind with foolishness?

Do you actually believe that the so-called lamestream media is?

Actually making all this stuff up about Trump to do so

They would have to coordinate with each other in the three seconds before releasing the next breaking news. Just

In the effort of making the president look bad

How is that even possible?

When he and Giuliani can't even get their story straight

About how much and when Trump knew about the hush money payments a stormy Daniels. I

Will tell you that I am like a smart person too and so are many of my listeners

I can see through Trump's propaganda techniques when we learned Trump has lied about one thing

it usually means that he has lied about another I

Can also tell he is full of crap about something when he degrades women or he uses a white

Supremacist language such as saying that a respectable member of Congress has a low IQ

Or referring to immigrants and minorities as subhuman animals


my advice

trust your instincts apply the same principles of integrity to Trump that you would require of your accountant or family physician and

Remember that this country was founded on principles of liberty and justice for all

Each of us in this country has a different view of our ideal utopia, but we forget that as Americans we are in this together

When we try to protect the rights of others, we are in essence protecting our own rights

After all, the United States is a constitutional republic which means that we protect the minority

Did you know that?

article 6 of the Constitution states

Quote political decisions shall stem from the well will of the majority

expressed by means of a free vote

The majority's decisions must heed the protection of the minorities and quote

to make our country work both the majority rule and the minority rights must be safeguarded as

You can see there is a lot to talk about right now and I have much to say

Look for more podcast soon that will break down many of the topics. I have discussed today and that welcome your feedback

The things that we have been taking for granted for decades just maybe shifting now is the time to pay attention to national

Politics so that we may continue to have liberty and justice for all

For more infomation >> Liberty & Justice for All Episode 1 Introduction & Political Persuasion Techniques - Duration: 18:29.


新世界大戰若爆發,哪國將率先被消滅?中美俄都心知肚明 - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> 新世界大戰若爆發,哪國將率先被消滅?中美俄都心知肚明 - Duration: 5:21.


유벤투스, 라치오 2-0으로 완파…호날두 첫 '1도움' 기록 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 유벤투스, 라치오 2-0으로 완파…호날두 첫 '1도움' 기록 - Duration: 3:35.


中國贈送巴鐵重寶,美國曾出20億購買,最終卻被一口回絕了 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 中國贈送巴鐵重寶,美國曾出20億購買,最終卻被一口回絕了 - Duration: 3:59.


Back To School || Simple Makeup look - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Back To School || Simple Makeup look - Duration: 9:47.


How To Make A Basic 2D Platformer In Unity For Beginners Part 1 - Duration: 9:21.

in this series I'm going to show you how to make a game that you are seeing right now

now on your screens so stay tuned if you want to know how to make it

hey guys sirgenictech here today with another video in today's video I'm gonna be

teaching you guys how to make a basic platformer in unity 3d slash 2d so guys

in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how to set up unity get a project

going and actually making the map so guys let's get right into today's video

okay guys so first of all you want to head to Unity's website and once you're

here you just go up to get unity so we click on that once that loads then

you can click on the personal button you can buy one of these if you want to but

it's quite a bit money a month for me the cheapest ones about 25 pound a month so

that's quite expensive but be fair I always just use the person audition so

you need just click on try personal you know agree terms read them if you want

to I recommend to read them and then download in store for Windows your food

installer it's very simple guys I recommend down on the unity hub because

then you get something then you get like a nice little actual hub way you can get

templates so that is really nice to have anyway once you downloaded that we

want to actually openup the unity hub slash unity hub so on

unity got some tutorials here from unity themselves like how to move

our make stuff you've got to deke its freedom kits you've got space shoot oh

you got all sorts here guys even though some resources like vehicle tools 360 so

property VR and also links to some websites slash areas to learn these links

are handy I use he's quite there so anyway once you've uh installed this

unity hub you need to actually go and click on it's just say something like

install unity you click on that I don't have it all let me here

don't it will so yeah should say something like something like that oh if

you say something like this actually so yeah then you click on what version you

want I recommend getting the latest one because that's the one we're gonna be

programming in and working in so I recommend that

and anyway once you get to this and all your unity installed you simply click

on new and this is your project so you've got all different ones here and

see what's a few templates I am gonna do today cuz we're making a 2d platformer

and let's call this to 2d flatformer like this and you can locate you can put the

source files wherever you want I'm gonna change up to my game dev folder like

this and we're going to keep it in that folder there and I'm gonna turn off that

once you don't nest you just simply click on create project and what this

will do now this will start opening up unity and getting your unity well your

unity engine ready Unity's of very good engines to start

learning because unity it programs into c-sharp it's a very very handy engine to

have what's that I've programmed most of my games in this and made my games in

there so I recommend them and when you're unity actually opens like this

then you're ready and well you ready you know get on with it

probably a bit differently per to yours the reason is because this is how I like

to make my games I like to have my folders down here I like on the console

there's any errors and then my hierarchy here so all you do is go up to here and

press asset store and this will take you simply to the unity asset store you can

buy a lot of content here for your games and this does save a lot of time when

you're making game especially if you're on your own so what you want to do is go

up here and type in 2d and it should hopefully pop up and then your want to click on free only

because we're not gonna spend any money then in what you want to do is

go to page 4 scroll down until you see sunny land

this is amazing textures so this is the textures you get with it it looks

awesome looks amazing so we're gonna be working

this why do you do do not take these textures and say they're your own

because the maker of these textures worked very hard for them and don't well

it's just a bad thing to do is to take somebody's outs work and put into your

game and say it's yours so you know if you're gonna publish a game of these

textures make sure you get in contact with the owner of these textures make

sure you get permission and make sure you put him in your game but if its for

personal use like ah how I make my games I make mine for personal use then you're

alright to use these without credit so we want to do is click on download and

then you read through all this if you want to or you can just hit accept once

that's done you can see it's gonna start importing it to your unity so what you

do is wait for that to finish then select this ship pop up and then you can

see all the textures and that and you can uncheck these if you want to but

it's best to keep them all if you want them all and you just simply click on

import once that's done it's gonna start writing all those files to your to your

project folders down here so you can see another file pop up in a minute and then

so then we can get on the game so you can see now it's finished so you can see in here

I've opened it up we've got scene so if they'll actually came with its own scene

which shows off all the textures which is very nice and some animations which you that you

can see there and I'm gonna show you how to actually animate these later on in a

few episodes so let's actually now go and open up our

own scenes go to file and click on new scene this will give us a fresh scene

where you build your level and if I just pull this across one my second from monitor

this is what the game looks like for a minute so it doesn't look that good so

let's actually now get some ah let's get some other textures on you so with these

textures you can use a tile base so tilebase is where it's a little bit

like Minecraft so you can put down blocks I'll show you that now so if we

go to this one game objects 2d tile map we click on that and

now we've got a tile map so what we so what you

once you've got your tilemap this is simply go up to window go down to 2d and

click on the title palettes this will open up something like this

now you always won't actually open up like this cuz I've already got mine

loaded so what we do will gonna create a new palette and call this 2d textures

ground put whatever it doesn't matter what up on the name it's just somewhere

you can simply just we're gonna click create and then we're gonna select a

folder words are gonna put it in our assets folder and then now we can drag

and drop a sprite slash tech Tania so you won't go down Sunnyland artwork

environment and then hey you are now you want to go on drag this title set sliced

because this is actually sliced into cubes for us so we can actually start

making our games when we drag and drop that into that and then we will simply

against it and we're gonna overwrite our textures and now you guys you're going

to let that import into the tile palette and now guys once is import you should

get something like this so now you can literally just click on whatever cube

you want let's get a grass block and now you can simply walk but you can see that

the textures are really small and if we actually gone look in our game it will

it look in-game you can see they look small so what we need to do is actually

scale these things up so yeah all you do is simply go over here and you see this

number you make it smaller so let's make this 50 and apply that and let's see how

so it's getting better so let's go down to 20 and apply that and then

let's do 15 and I think then will be perfect there there we are

now we're perfect so now when we place them they will actually all add up like

that and look good and now let's actually grab a pallet again and let's

go and get some dirt and just simply drag it so long to draw the textures and

now you can see we've kind of already got a simple level

When the player stands on the ground he gonna fall throught it

simple you create an empty let's just call this

ground col or ground Collider and then we simply add a 2d box Collider once we

do that we can simply move this across lined up so your place gonna be stand on

it then we go over here and click Edit Collider and then we drag that across

and down and now you play will be able to stand on this ground

so what Collider does it stops player for falling throught so right now these

are just textures but now we added a Collider on the i am gunna add it to grid set

more neater and now you'll player will be able to walk on those sprites so in the next

video guys we're gonna be making the player code in this movement and also

animating him so you can actually see him walk because enjoyed today's video

make sure he's gonna hit for the like button if your new to my channel subscribe to join sir

genictech also share this video with your friends and family for all the

techie needs and I'll see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> How To Make A Basic 2D Platformer In Unity For Beginners Part 1 - Duration: 9:21.


Logan Paul & KSI's Boxing Match Ends In Draw After 6 Rounds & Fans Are Pissed - Duration: 4:08.

KSI & Logan Paul squared off inside the middle of a boxing ring resulting in a draw! Read all the furious fan reactions here!    After six months (which is an eternity online) KSI, 25, and Logan Paul, 23, left YouTube behind, as these two Internet celebrities stepped in the ring inside of Manchester Arena

After trading barbs and diss tracks, the two actually traded punches in their highly anticipated Aug

25 fight. Logan started off the first few rounds, while KSI finished strong. As a result, the two literally tied as the match turned out to be a draw

 Anti-climactic? You bet. One person tweeted, "Serious questions about that being rigged #KSIvLogan

" Another wrote, "#KSIvLogan #WTAF a draw!!! Rematch." Another Twitter user lamented, "I've wasted 3 hours for it to be a majority draw #KSIvLogan

"    So, there you have it. That was a fight more than half-a-year in the making

It will go down in history as less of a boxing match and more of a questionable money-making stunt straight out of the twisted fever dreams of WWE's Vince McMahon

The seeds of the fight were first planted when Logan became the most hated man on YouTube after his notorious vlog from Japan's Aokiaghara Forest, which featured footage of a dead man's body

Shortly after, KSI fought fellow YouTube creator, Joe Weller, in a match that got 20 million views, according to Polygon

After winning, KSI challenged Logan and Jake Paul to a fight.  At first, the Pauls declined (and suggested KSI fight their dad instead), but over a month after the initial challenge, a lot of drama went down: Deji, KSI's younger brother, called out Jake Paul; Jake met Deji at a local park with boxing gloves and insults; and KSI confronted Logan at a gym

On March 18, the fight was made official. What followed after that was months of insults that only hyped up the fight, leading to a pair of diss tracks (one from KSI, the other from Logan) being released in the final two weeks ahead of the scheduled bout

If KSI vs. Logan wasn't enough, the undercard featured Jake taking on Deji, just to make it a total family versus family feud

Jake ended up winning that bout! KSI obviously won, it wasn't even close to a draw#KSIvLogan  — LimegreenHunk 24 (@Limegreenhulk24) August 25, 2018    No matter whose hand was raised at the end of this fight or how long the match would go, both KSI and Logan were going to walk away as winners

The revenue from all the YouTube videos leading up to this fight, plus the $10 fee to watch it, meant that these men were set to make millions off their followers (and those whose morbid curiosity led them to shell out the ten bucks to watch this circus

) The question now is – will there be a rematch? More importantly — is this really the end, or is actually just the beginning of the shade, diss tracks and trash talk between these four?

For more infomation >> Logan Paul & KSI's Boxing Match Ends In Draw After 6 Rounds & Fans Are Pissed - Duration: 4:08.


Terrible Tomes Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 12:39.

Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I am here with the Terrible Tomes Book Tag.

This tag was created by A Bookish Balance and I was tagged by the fabulous Olivia from

ReadbyLiv and I will link both of their channels down below. You guys know I love my rants

and unpopular opinions, so I'm pretty excited about this one. #1: Can't. Even. Name a book

you DNFed after a chapter or less. And one I remember doing that with was My Life Next

Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. Now I can't even really tell you why I DNFed this one. It wasn't

like horribly written or anything but I remember I decided I was finally gonna pick it up because

it was a pretty hyped book I think at that point, and I don't know if I just wasn't in

the mood for it or what but I read like a page and a half, and I was like "No. I don't

want to read this." For whatever reason I was just not havin' it that day. #2: Get out

of my book. Name a main character you absolutely cannot stand. I'm gonna go with one I haven't

complained about before and that is the main character from The Mad Scientist's Daughter

by Cassandra Rose Clarke, I think that was who wrote it. I hated this girl[/woman.] I

can't even remember her name, I wanna say it was like...Cassie??? Maybe? Anyway, she

was fine at the beginning of the book when we see her when she's younger. Like I thought

she was really interesting and she had a lot of potential, and then she just goes on to

become the most frustrating human being ever. And this is kind of a--this is a science fiction

book, and the thing that I just cannot overlook for her is the fact that she has sex with

this like android kind of person? I don't know what you would call him. She has sex

with him before she knows if he is even capable of giving consent or not. Like she knows,

like she thinks of him as like a person, but she also knows that it's possible for his

programming to override what he actually wants, so like if she tells him to have sex with

her, like he has to do it. She's like thinking that's a possibility and she doesn't do anything

about it. And that just like really pissed me off. I mean, she rapes him. Right? Like

she doesn't--like she knows there's a possibility that he's incapable of giving consent at this

point and she just has sex with him anyway. #3: Angst, angst, angst. Name a book with

a suffocating amount of angst. And I'm going with Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini

Taylor. Now I actually really enjoyed this trilogy overall, like I still recommend it,

but this book in particular I just was so over the main relationship. Like the romantic

drama and how they would almost be together and then something would come up and like

it just--there were so many setbacks that it got to the point where I just like didn't

even care if they ended up together anymore. And that was like a huge chunk of this book,

and I was just so much more invested in the side characters and like side relationships

and just like...oh my God. The drama! The drama. Like their burning eyes meeting across

the room and I'm just like "we've done this already." #4: Once upon a time. The End. Name

a very poorly written book. I'm going with Traveler by L. E. Delano. I read this one

a while ago and I just--really did not connect with this writing style. Like it was really

like clunky and also boring and it just--it just didn't work for me. And it was especially

unfortunate because the main character is like an aspiring author and writer--and I

don't remember...I think it was first person. I know for a fact that there were chunks of

her writing in the book and those were also not very good really. I'm somebody who can

definitely get behind like a serviceable kind of writing style, I don't need lots of bells

and whistles all the time, but that book was just not good. #5: Frustrating? Bland? Unremarkable?

Name a book whose characters took away from your reading enjoyment. Going with a recent

read and that is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. I talked about this

in my most recent wrap up, which I will link down below, but--*heavy sigh* oh man. I really

did not like this book. I thought the concept and like the historical context was so interesting

and so important and it--it was such an important story to tell, but I feel like that was hindered

by the fact that none of the characters had any dimension whatsoever. Like I talked about

in my wrap up how I could not tell you a single thing about any of the characters after finishing

this book like, I didn't even know what the main character looked like. Like I didn't

know any personality traits, even like surface-level ones, I just. I couldn't tell you anything

about them. And I think that when you have a story that's so emotional and so like devastating,

you know about like such an awful period in history, if your characters are really like

underdeveloped and bland, it's not going to have the same impact as a story would that

did have like fully developed characters. #6: Have I read you before? Name a book that

lacks originality. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. I read this book a couple of years

ago because I gave in to the hype and I just really didn't like it. Fantasy is such an

amazingly creative genre, like there's so much scope there for doing different things

and I feel like the author did nothing different at all. Like the characters were so like cookie-cutter

like, they were all just like very generic like archetypes, and the worldbuilding was

so lazy. It was just like, 3 kingdoms. And they're slightly different. And then they

fight. Like that was it, and I just--I don't know, I've heard that the later books get

a lot better but I just really did not enjoy anything about that one so I'm not really

willing to continue when I gave the first book 1 star. #7: Look what you made me do.

(Does anyone else thing of the Taylor Swift song when they hear that? Is that just me?)

Name the most useless antagonist ever. I'm going with the assassin character from The

Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. Because he has to be the absolute worst assassin in

the history of literature, and I'm including the Throne of Glass series in that comment

by the way, because he meets the princess that he's supposed to murder, and he like

instantly falls in love with her. It's definitely possible for me to be on board with that kind

of like relationship trope that starts out with that dynamic, but this was just not done

well. It just made him sound like *laughs* the worst assassin to ever be hired. Like

this guy's supposed to be a professional and he like sees a pretty girl, and he's like

"*shrug noise.*" #8: What were we talking about again? Name a book you read recently

that you can't remember anything about. For me that's Instead of Three Wishes: um, Magical

Short Stories by Megan Whalen Turner. Now I love, absolutely love her Queen's Thief

series, but this story collection just did not leave an impression on me. I do slightly

remember things about like my 2 favorite stories, and my like least favorite stories, like I

remember some things about them but I just like--I don't know, I don't know how many

of these stories I could even name or like summarize at this point and I only read this

like a month or so ago. #9: You can do better than this. Name the worst significant other

or worst couple. So one of my least favorite um love interests of all time has got to be

Marek from...what was it, The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle. I actually did a whole

rant review *laughs* and like discussion on that book, so I will link that down below.

But basically he is sexist, abusive, um...condescending. Like he's just--he's awful, and we're supposed

to find him charming. And it just like--the whole book just reads like Stockholm Syndrome

instead of like a hate-to-love kind of relationship. It's just super uncomfortable and I hated

every minute of it. #10: I'm going to pretend that didn't happen. Name the worst character

death you've ever read. Maybe a character you liked died a horrible death and they didn't

deserve it, or maybe a horrible character died and the way they went was unsatisfying.

I'm going with every single character death in Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo. That's

another one where I have a full like discussion on that series so I will also put that link

in the description, but...yeah. I just *laughs* some of those deaths made me really angry.

I'm not gonna give away who it was because of you know spoiler reasons, but there was

a secondary/side character who I really liked and who I thought we had kind of gotten to

the point where they were becoming a member of the like supporting cast and...they were

just kind of written off [killed] in like half a sentence, and that really pissed me

off. As well as some of the lazy ways that character deaths were used earlier in the

book like...I just--everything about those character deaths still pisses me off. #11:

Open? Rushed? Doesn't even make sense? Name an unforgettably horrid ending. My answer

is from A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson. Now I've talked before about how much I adore

her middle grade or like younger books; I have not read an adult novel by Eva Ibbotson

that I have liked yet, and I've read is it 2 or 3 at this point? But in A Company of

Swans--I'm going to full-on spoil this for you guys so if you really want to read it

then skip this part. But basically what happens is the main character who is an incredibly

talented ballet dancer and she gets all these opportunities and it's wonderful and then

of course a romance--and of course the guy is like a womanizer who now is like falling

in love for the first time, which...I hate that. So there's all these like stupid coincidences

that happen, and basically she thinks that he doesn't love her anymore or something and

like she gets sent back to her home in England. And her family's like abusive to her, they

like lock her up in her uh--in an attic, and they like refuse to feed her, and she's like

slowly dying, basically! and like she just barely gets out because of another series

I think of dumb coincidences if I'm remembering correctly, where her boyfriend, like this

guy (who's much older than her), finds out where she is and he like rescues her and blah

blah blah. So all of that happens and I'm already irritated and then we get like a flash-forward

and this--this girl who is so incredibly talented, and who like--dancing meant so much to her,

like ballet was how she escaped from her horrible like family and her home life and all of this.

We flash-forward and she has given all of that have this man's babies, basically.

And I just like...I was so furious when I finished that book because like it's totally

possible for people to change their minds about things like that. And you can do that

in books too, but you have to make it believable. Like you have to make the reader feel like,

"okay this is what the character wants now." Instead it was like oh she gave up all of

her dreams so she could get knocked up by this older man. And it's like we're supposed

to believe that it's gonna be like a slightly happier ending because now one of her daughters

is like--it's implied that she's gonna go on and try to be the like ballet dancer that

her mother wanted to be. And I'm like "you know what you could've done it too! you could've

done it too." And I just...I'm getting so mad just like talking about this book and

it's been so many years since I read it. I didn't think I had all this anger still in

me but. I did. *short, intense stare at camera* And finally, #12 is Can I throw you at a wall

now? Name a book that infuriated you. I'm gonna go with Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth

(For-sythe?) So. *heavy sigh* This is a fairytale retelling of Rapunzel but there's a lot of

other like story elements as well. What made me so angry about this book was the way that

sexual assault was used for every single main female character. Every single main character,

'cause I think they were all women. All of them were motivated or like their backstory

or their like villain origin story or whatever, all of it came back to getting raped. And

I hate that. I hate that trope when it is used as like the defining feature of a character's

backstory, especially when it's a woman, or when it's used as like--as like a shortcut

for making them...I don't even know what the authors like think that does! If it makes

them like more interesting or more like tragic or whatever, but it's just like--it's so lazy

and it's so disgusting. I can tell you like every single...I think there were 3 or 4 different

female [main] characters: ALL of them like this graphic, at least one, graphic sexual

assault scene that was like the defining point of their character. And actually, one of the

characters, her mother was also horribly raped and the little girl was like under the bed

as like man after man raped her [the mother] and beat her and abused her and just was like--like--just

disgusting things and like her mother ended up dying later from all of her injuries [from

the rape] and it was just like the most graphically, unnecessarily like violent and gory and just

like--I don't understand why any of it happened. It was what I think of as like tragedy porn,

because there was no reason for all of this to happen. And you know if you're writing

your story at a certain period of time, yes, those things happen, but to use them to such

an extent makes it sound like you don't know how to write if you don't use violence against

women. And I don't think that's okay. And I've heard like really amazing things about

some of Kate Forsyth's other novels and I don't know if I'm gonna pick one up because

if she does this again, I just--I don't think I could handle it. Okay everybody, so that

was the Terrible Tomes Book Tag. I hope you enjoyed hearing me rant *laughs* about some

books that really make me angry, I know I feel a little bit lighter now. I'm going to

tag Yvette form BookCave and Hana from Linh Hermione, I might tag a few other people in

the description as well so be sure to check that. And of course I also tag anyone else

who sees this video and who wants to do it, feel free to say I tagged fact, I

am gonna tag you because I love watching this tag, and um...yeah, I'd love to see some of

*laughs* people's books that make them mad! Thank you guys so much for watching, I will

see you soon with another video, and I hope you love the next book you read. Bye!

For more infomation >> Terrible Tomes Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 12:39.


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Choti choti gaiyan chote chote gwal Little little cows, little little cowherds

Choto so mero Madan Gopal And there is my little Krishna

Choti choti gaiyan chote chote gwal Little little cows, little little cowherds

Choto so mero Madan Gopal And there is my little Krishna

Aage aage gayian piche piche gwal Cows in front, cowherds in the back

Beech mein mero Madan Gopal In the middle is my little Krishna

Kaali kaali gaiyan gori gori gwal Dark dark cows, fair fair cowherds

Shyam varan mero Madan Gopal Shyam colored is my little Krishna

Choti choti gaiyan chote chote gwal Little little cows, little little cowherds

Choto so mero Madan Gopal And there is my little Krishna

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Choti choti sakhiyan madhuban baag With little little friends in Madhuvan garden

Raas rachaaye mero Madan Gopal My little Krishna plays Raas

Ghaas khaaye gaiyan doodh peeve gwal Cows eat grass, cowherds drink milk

Maakhan khaave mero Madan Gopal My little Krishna eats butter

Choti choti gaiyan chote chote gwal Little little cows, little little cowherds

Choto so mero Madan Gopal And there is my little Krishna

For more infomation >> Choti Choti Gaiya Chote Chote Gwal (Lyrics and Translation) - Aks & Lakshmi - Duration: 3:10.


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El Papa, ante la zarza ardiente de los abusos - Duration: 10:45.

2 comentariosVer comentarios En la procatedral de Dublín hay una lámpara ardiente en memoria de las víctimas de los abusos sexuales del clero irlandés

Ante ella, se recogió el Papa Francisco, con el corazón dolorido por esa plaga que aflige a la Iglesia

Avergonzado por esa sombra alargada, que persigue al Papa de Roma allá donde va. Y eso que es el Papa de la 'tolerancia cero real'

 Ante la zarza ardiente del Sinaí se arrodilló Moisés, esperando los mandamientos de Dios

Cual nuevo Moisés, Francisco sabe que la lámpara ardiente de los abusos, que ya ha consumido la inocencia de tantos inocentes, puede acabar con su pontificado y, sobre todo, con la credibilidad de la institución que preside en la caridad

 El incendio de los abusos tiene, hasta ahora, tres focos principales: Estados Unidos, Chile y, precisamente, la Irlanda, que ahora visita Francisco, para presidir el Encuentro Mundial de la Familia

El Papa sabe que su principal reto será convencer a las familias irlandesas y, por extensión, a las familias de todo el mundo, de que, a pesar de la plaga de los abusos, la Iglesia sigue siendo una institución en la que las familias pueden confiar

Una institución segura para sus hijos.  Examen de conciencia, dolor de los pecados, propósito de la enmienda, decir los pecados al confesor y cumplir la penitencia

Son los cinco requisitos para una buena confesión. El Papa Francisco volvió a entonar un solemne y público 'mea culpa' por los clérigos abusadores y los obispos encubridores de los "crímenes repugnantes" de la plaga de la pederastia

Pero las peticiones de perdón, aunque sean sentidas y obligadas, como en este caso, no son suficientes

Hay que pasar a los hechos. Hay que cumplir la penitencia. Francisco sabe que la gente espera respuestas concretas

 Eso significa, en primer lugar, acercarse de verdad a las víctimas. Para escucharlas, acogerlas y, sobre todo, resarcirlas de su dolor y de sus heridas

Con protección real y ayuda psicológica, evidentemente pagada por la institución

Y con todo tipo de ayudas que necesiten, especialmente las materiales. Que a esas vidas destruidas no les falte lo necesario para vivir y puedan salir adelante lo más dignamente posible

Y si eso significa que la institución tiene que arruinarse, que se arruine. Y si tiene que vender palacios, iglesias y hasta el propio Vaticano, que lo haga

Vale más la vida de un inocente que todas las riquezas eclesiásticas acumuladas durante tantos siglos

 La segunda medida tendría que ser la expulsión ipso facto de todos los obispos encubridores

Porque muchos de ellos ordenaron a esos abusadores y otros los encubrieron y no ejercieron uno de sus papeles primordiales: el de 'inspector'

A la calle, por no ejercer su responsabilidad in vigilando, muchos o casi todos. Porque el cáncer del encubrimiento era sistémico

La punta del iceberg ha aflorado en Estados Unidos, Chile, Irlanda.pero en las iglesias de todos los demás países del mundo se funcionaba de la misma manera

 El abuso era considerado un pecadillo, al cura se le cambiaba de parroquia o, en última instancia, se le mandaba a misiones y se le pedía que se arrepintiese y se confesase, para seguir pecando

Y nunca o casi nunca se consideraba el abuso un delito y, por lo tanto, no se remitía a los abusadores a la justicia civil

La situación ideal para los depredadores sexuales, que, revestidos del poder sagrado (la máxima expresión del poder), tenían acceso ilimitado a niños, niñas, mujeres y hombres (según sus apetencias) y, además, sabían que estaban protegidos por la omertá eclesial

 En tercer lugar, el Vaticano tendría que pedir perdón y revisar las responsabilidades de altos cargos curiales en la dinámica sistémica del encubrimiento

¿Qué sabía Juan Pablo II de todo esto? ¿Su secretario personal, monseñor Dziwisz, y su Secretario de Estado, cardenal Sodano, le hacían llegar los casos de abusos que, ya entonces, proliferaban en la institución? ¿Por qué el Papa Wojtyla nunca condenó a un depredador sexual como Marcial Maciel y, al contrario, lo bendijo y lo presentó como modelo para la juventud? Depurar responsabilidades en una Curia que rigió los destinos de la Iglesia con mano de hierro hasta la llegada de Francisco al solio pontificio

 Es urgente, en cuarto lugar y como dice el propio Francisco, conseguir una "transformación eclesial y social" respecto a este tema

La eclesial, que es la que le corresponde a la institución, pasa por acabar, de una vez por todas, con el clericalismo, la otra gran plaga del catolicismo, que alimenta la dinámica del abuso sexual, de poder y de conciencia

Cristo no quiso una Iglesia clerical, pero es el tipo de Iglesia que se impuso y que sigue vigente

¿Hasta cuándo? ¿Cuándo será real y efectiva la corresponsabilidad de lo laicos?  En quinto lugar y como consecuencia de una Iglesia laical y 'pueblo de Dios', habría que revisar todo el andamiaje de la doctrina moral, especialmente de la moral sexual

Reivindicar una sexualidad normalizada y bien entendida es una de las asignaturas pendientes de la institución

Hay que reconocer la importancia de la sexualidad en la vida de las personas y no reprimirla en sus propios cuadros: monjas y curas que, para ser castos, tienen que reprimir sus instintos y poner puertas al mar de la libido

Casi siempre sin éxito alguno y con derivas pecaminosas y delictivas. De ahí que, en sexto lugar y mientras no se cambia el modelo clerical, la Iglesia debería instaurar, desde ya mismo, el celibato opcional para sus sacerdotes

El carisma del voto de castidad que se quede para los religiosos. El carisma celibatario no puede imponerse, para acceder al sacerdocio

El apóstol Pedro estaba casado y el celibato obligatorio es una ley eclesiástica que, así como se impuso, puede derogarse

Y ya tarda. Y, por último, entre las medidas urgentes a tomar por el Papa, ocupa un lugar primordial la inmediata equiparación de la mujer al hombre en la Iglesia

A todos los niveles. Incluso y como es lógico, en el acceso al altar y al sacerdocio

Si el laico es un ciudadano de segunda en la Iglesia, la mujer no llega a ciudadana de tercera

 Sólo así, con estos siete requisitos (y quizás alguno más) se pueden cumplir las cinco condiciones de una buena confesión, especialmente la última: cumplir realmente la penitencia del tsunami de los abusos sexuales, de poder y de conciencia

Francisco sabe que es hora de pasar de los mea culpa a los hechos y cambiar el sistema teológico-organizativo eclesial que, hasta ahora, se basa casi exclusivamente en el clero, para pasar a centrarse en el laicado, en el santo pueblo de Dios

¿Lo conseguirá el Papa de la primavera o se consumirá en la zarza ardiente? ------------ José Manuel Vidal es director de Religión Digital

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