"Saif Ali Khan" Ke New Look Ko Dekh Pehchan Nahi Payenege Aap | Naga Baba | Hunter
여성들이 생리 기간에는 하체 운동하면 절대 안 되는 이유 - Duration: 2:51. For more infomation >> 여성들이 생리 기간에는 하체 운동하면 절대 안 되는 이유 - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
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Nadia Toffa replica a chi solleva dubbi sui suoi post: 'Mi vedrete e giudicherete' - Duration: 4:22. For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa replica a chi solleva dubbi sui suoi post: 'Mi vedrete e giudicherete' - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
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TOGA CONTRO TOGA - CARLO NORDIO, MAGISTRATO IN PENSIONE, NON APPREZZA L'INDAGINE SU SALVINI: ''CI PE - Duration: 7:01.Può sembrare paradossale che una nave militare italiana venga tenuta sotto controllo dai carabinieri per evitare sbarchi indesiderabili
In realtà è un paradosso solo apparente, perché le ragioni di igiene, o di ordine pubblico, valgono anche per le forze armate
È appena il caso di ricordare che le decisioni, secondo i vari momenti e i vari allarmi, spettano ai ministri competenti e in particolare a quello dell'Interno
Se però dai paradossi apparenti passiamo a quelli reali, c'è soltanto l'imbarazzo della scelta
Possiamo, per brevità, elencare i principali. Prima di tutto i rapporti con la magistratura
Il Procuratore della Repubblica di Agrigento, munito di mascherina e galosce protettive, è salito a bordo della "Diciotti" tra gli obiettivi delle televisioni
A noi, magistrati di vecchio conio, il gesto ricorda quello di un pm di Milano che quarant'anni fa, durante un'operazione antirapina, esibì una pistola alla cintola, suscitando il panico tra gli addetti ai lavori visto che per l'ingresso in magistratura non è previsto l'esame di tiro a segno e spesso, tra gli inesperti, l'arma spara da sola
Ora, l'iniziativa del Pm di Agrigento è certamente lodevole, tuttavia ci permettiamo di ricordargli, sempre in virtù della nostra anzianità, che i confini tra la solerte diligenza e l'esibizionismo imprudente sono sottili e incerti
Anche perché il magistrato non si è limitato a questa operazione che, secondo il codice, avrebbe potuto benissimo delegare alla Polizia giudiziaria, ma ha anche ipotizzato un'indagine per arresto illegale e addirittura per sequestro di persona
Una tesi ardita per entrambi i reati: il primo, infatti, scatta quando c' è un arresto, e qui non risulta sia stato arrestato nessuno; il secondo si verifica quando la privazione della libertà personale è illegittima, altrimenti finirebbero sotto inchiesta anche i giudici che privano della libertà gli imputati mandandoli in galera
E in questo caso è ben difficile definire illegittima una decisione squisitamente politica, di competenza discrezionale del ministro
A tacer del fatto che, proprio per questa ragione, se reato vi fosse, le indagini sarebbero di competenza del relativo tribunale a sensi dell'articolo 96 della Costituzione
Da ultimo, può suscitar perplessità che, a fronte di gravi e reiterate violazioni delle leggi vigenti sulla immigrazione, invece di individuare e processare scafisti e trafficanti, si ipotizzi l'incriminazione di un ministro per un atteggiamento, criticabile fin che si vuole, ma che fa parte di un accordo approvato dal Parlamento sovrano
Ancora una volta, siamo di fronte al postino che morde il cane. Poi c'è stato l'intervento del presidente della Camera
Un intervento squisitamente politico, che si sovrappone in modo improprio alle prerogative del ministro, il quale se ne assume, appunto, la responsabilità politica
Fico si è giustificato invocando la libertà di parola e i principi umanitari. Sarà
Ma di questo passo, se ognuno dice la sua, non si sgretola solo la maggioranza: si sgretolano il Paese e le sue istituzioni
In questa confusione c'è, infine, un convitato di pietra, che, come il marmoreo Commendatore del Don Giovanni può trascinare nell'abisso ministri, governo e anche la legislatura
Il Presidente Mattarella ha già contribuito a risolvere un caso analogo poco tempo fa
Un po' per deferenza, un po' per buona volontà, un po' per quieto vivere, l'intervento è passato senza grosse polemiche, suscitando anzi un sollievo compiaciuto
Ora però il caso è diverso. Il ministro Salvini, che certo non avrà dimenticato il precedente, ha già detto che stavolta non cederà
Il che significa che neanche la più serrata "moral suasion" potrebbe fargli cambiare idea
Naturalmente, poiché la politica è l'arte del possibile, può darsi che Salvini la cambi "in limine vitae", per evitare cioè la morte del governo, e forse della legislatura
Ma potrebbe anche tener duro e, nel caso estremo, dimettersi. Un'ipotesi che potrebbe esser favorita dalla tentazione di monetizzare l'enorme consenso di cui, almeno per ora, il ministro pare godere
Sono valutazioni complesse, di cui pensiamo, e speriamo, tengano conto tutti. Persino i magistrati
Kanji of the week #6 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:41. For more infomation >> Kanji of the week #6 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
It's Jana!
And today we got to clean up this toy room.
It is a wreck.
you know because Emma wasn't feeling good for a few days.
But everybody is all good now.
So we are going to get everything cleaned up and the kids are so enthused right now.
No we are not.
So go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
Let's clean up the toy room today.
Alright guys everything is cleaned up!
It didn't take as long as usual it's pretty awesome.
Right Emma?
I'm crazy, me too.
You didn't see Quinny much, but he didn't want me to record while he cleaned up his room.
So he did, so don't worry.
And look around everything looks really good.
So it's a huge stress relief to get all that done, right guys?
It's a lot easier to play when the areas are clean.
Now let's just keep it that way, please.
Can I go play?
And they are out.
to make another mess.
So thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And I will see you next time.
Funny Clown Bob Construction vehicles Excavator Backhoe Digger & Combine Harvester Video for kids - Duration: 2:12.Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a video with Construction vehicles.
In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles backhoe excavator and combine harvester will grow wheat in funny video for kids.
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
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"Saif Ali Khan" Ke New Look Ko Dekh Pehchan Nahi Payenege Aap | Naga Baba | Hunter - Duration: 1:05."Saif Ali Khan" Ke New Look Ko Dekh Pehchan Nahi Payenege Aap | Naga Baba | Hunter
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[The Haunted House EX: The Haunted Memory] Preview Ep.09 I can't believe both of you. - Duration: 1:22.This is all because of you came to our school.
That's what I have to say to you.
You both are the same.
None of you did good.
Nothing's happened before.
The strange happenings...
and now, Gaeun and Hyunwoo...
All these happened ever since I met you two.
just can't trust both of you.
Leave us alone.
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083 - We went down the Slough Arm so you don't have to. - Duration: 16:22.Uxbridge, the capital of the RAF bombing of something or other. Anyway, yeah, the air war over Britain
was fought from here, so that's kind of cool.
It's, we haven't really explored too much but it's a little bit urban, as you can probably hear. Yeah, and
it's got kind of like, it does, indeed have, what, from what the Nicholson's guide
has, a bit of a sort of modernist feel of buildings, that aren't really very
modern anymore. Urm, but, yeah, you know. Nice enough little town. Obviously we
were heading towards London, but there is the small matter of the Slough arm to... Which will be taking us away from London.
Yeah, and we were a bit apprehensive because... read what it says... Well mainly because of
two things in here. In the Nicholson's guide it it mentions that Slough is.. was
immortalised in verse in 1981 with the words; "Come friendly bombs and fall on
Slough, it isn't fit for humans now, there isn't grass to graze a cow'. So that
doesn't exactly sound... Do we want to go to Slough. Like, do we want to go to Slough?
Haven't been to slough. And then, I got onto this bit here... There is navigating the arm itself.
Yeah, so it describes the Slough arm and it says, it quote, 'It passes dull
housing and industrial estates on its way to the terminal basin on the
outskirts of town. This waterway is now badly stilted and the basin is in a
sorry and decrepit state, making progress for all but shallow drafted craft both
difficult and unrewarding, as a navigation is rapidly falling into the
user to or losing category'. So that also doesn't make it sound great. Difficult and unrewarding! Yeah. Doesn't sound inviting. But, this is
from 2010, and I did a bit of googling, and apparently it was heavily
dredged in 2014, and people who went down it in 2014
described it as, unrewarding but not difficult. And we also asked our Twitter
followers if anyone had been down it recently, and nobody had said they've been
down it, but we found out there's a festival there, a waterways festival there
every year, so, and I think that's only half way down so... Yeah, that's a feed
marina, it's that's Ivy or Ivor Marina, it's just a little bit ways, it's
actually like a third of the way down. Yeah, and London boat Girl said, like she
found on 'local Facebook', she said that it was a, a... A poop hole. Yeah, But we're going to find out for ourselves. Yeah, Yeah, we're going to find out
because we going to do it. And according to the Canal Plan, it's only an
hour and a half to the end, and a hour and a half back. Which might be because people are
rushing to get there and out. Right, so it might just.. we don't know. But there's no locks,
once we get down there. Oh, we've got one lock to do. Yeah, one lock to do between here and there. We've got to
stop briefly at Cowley Bridge, just above the lock I think, to deal with water and
and waste and all that sort of stuff. And probably slough terminal, and back.
Yeah, I'd want to be off the Slough Arm today I think. Okay, Unless we find anything Spectacular.
Yeah, so to Slough and back. The Journey.
Here's a little holdover from my former life in movie equipment rentals.
These are some of the guys that make the best movie cameras in the world.
And also most of the lighting gear.
Jo's running up to Lidl, I'm heading down towards the next lock,
she's gonna meet me at the next lock. George, is down there.
Georgie's following along on the boat as he cannot go to Lidl.
So we're at Cowley Lock and the Cowley Sanitary station. Urm. where there is an elsan,
and water. And the water is a pain in the butt. We've travelled about half a mile today, it's taken
us about an hour, and it's not been fun. So I got off at the last bridge. To walk
over to a Lidl, in search of chocolate croissants, which there were none.
So we had croissants which was fine. But what there is is this lovely water point,
this lovely incredibly helpful water point, and you may have noticed, that after several
iterations of, of it squirting into my shoe, I've had to do a little bodge job repair
with a shoelace, because every time we tried to turn the pressure up, the hose
lock would shoot off the end of our, non hose lock brand nozzle thingy, and I'd
end up with a foot full of water. It happened like three, not it happended about five. Like seven times. Yeah.
Its just.... [sigh] The water is nearly full. The water is nearly full. So eventually at some point we might get
onto the Slough Arm. Yeah, which is still down south of us. Down this lock, yeah. What a day.
Oh, Tree. How are you finding the Slough Arm? Well it's slow going. It is very shallow, especially
on the sides, the middle of it is deep enough that we're moving, but we're not
able to keep up much speed. We've just gotten to bridge four, so we're basically 2
miles in. Of 5 miles. Just about 2 miles in of 5. Urm, what I'd seen on the forums was
something saying that it had been dredged in 2014, from the Ivor marina
all the way through to the basin. But that they'd run out of money for the
project to do this section here, where we are, from the marina to, to the junction. I
hope that's right and it's not the other way around. Well there's a couple of
turning points if we can't get any further, but also... Yeah one of them is
coming up in a second, and I'll be amazed if there is actually a turning point. And um, its ver pretty, like I was
expecting industrial all the way, but it's lovely so far isn't it. Oh year, no,
it's this, you know I mean, it appears that either, either side, just on the
other side, like here there's a fence on the left here, and on the right there's
some sort of hill, and it appears that on, you know, you go more than a couple of
meters either side of the canal, and it's just industrial wasteland. But its just a little haven. Because
we're basically like just a little bit north of Heathrow right now. Yeah there's
a little bit of noise but other than that, you wouldn't know really, no I mean, and an
enormous amount of birds, and... Yeah... and you know just lots of little coots and
everything in their nest and mud hens. So yeah, we'll see how far we can get.
So once we got past bridge four, The Slough Arm's not too bad. Basically
there's a lot of, like agael mats and growth down, there but it's not actually
stuck to the bottom, and it's not really, like it's just sort of floating around,
it's not really so shallow here that there's a problem with navigating.
That said it's still slow moving because there's just so many boats,
along here. There just all moored along. And they have got shallow water beneath
them, where it's a large amount of algae's developed
sort of solidified underneath them.
So we've made it to the end of the Slough Arm and its... well its just fabulous.
Okay, so the first couple of miles were really rough going because they were
very shallow, then we got the bridge four, passed bridge four they, at some point, done a
fairly significant amount of dredging, so from there the navigation wasn't too
hard. Then we got past bridge eight I think it was, from the moment we passed
the turning point, you saw the bubbles coming up out of the water?
That was methane, as we were disrupting everything down there, and the smells
started coming up with the methane and everything. And I'm like, well that's pleasant. But then you started
passing just enormous amounts of garbage bags and trash and... it's disgusting. Yeah, it's like the
worst we've seen. It's like, there is trash floating on the surface like, there is water
bottles and stuff, but actually in the canal there is just plastic bag after
plastic bag. Yeah there's like full trash bags, full bags of diapers, there's... Shopping trolleys.
Shopping trolleys, there's all sorts of garbage and stuff, up until we got to all
the bubbles, once it started bubbling that's when it got really gross. I mean were
glad we've done it, to say we've done it. I'm glad we've done it. It's
really tragic because honestly. It could be nice. It could be really nice, I mean okay the end here
is in a part of town were there is nothing. Yeah, but if they just
put a couple of moorings here and..
So anyway, would you recommend people doing it. I'd say yes, i'd still say yes its worth it. I'd
say everybody should do it just to see how bad it is. The
fact is there's so much junk, that I think that people should call attention to it
Yeah, because its when you started getting into the urban area. And like you can see it,
there's a couple of yards where people have just decided to just throw
everything over the side of the yard. We passed a heron thats standing up there, it's like the
skinniest heron I've ever seen. And in the water there's a massive
amount of fish, swimming around through the handles of plastic bags. Its sad. It's really sad.
So that was a very long day.
And we didn't get very far because we sent down the Slough Arm. Yeah, which was a long day.
We did, we did like 15 miles today. Yeah 10 of which was the Slough Arm and back. So we went down
the Slough Arm, so you don't have to. Yes. Don't bother. Unless you want to tick it off like we did.
If you want to tike it off, or if you want to... If you just want to just chill out I'm not
see anything. Or, if you just want to have like a moment's reflection on just how
badly human beings can ruin their waterways, uh, yeah.
You know what I forgot to tell you when we were at the end? No What? When we were in the basin, we
were two miles from the mooring in Eton that we were at last June. Like a year ago.
You know what you need to play on the video? Once we get to the end there. Two
seconds of the doors; The End. This is the end. Underwhelming end.
Yeah, it really was extremely underwhelming, but it was worth ticking
off the thing. We can say we've done it. You don't have to. So then we came back down and we turned back onto
the main, is at the main line? Main Line Grand Union. And we were going to stop but then we just were
being a bit picky about moorings, because we thought we wanted one in the shade
but the sun is pretty much going down now so it doesn't matter. Because we are probably
gonna move on tomorrow. So we have stopped past the junction with the
Paddington Arm, so we're heading down to Brent... is it Brentford or Brentwood?
I think it's Brentford... Arm towards the Junction with the Thames. So we're not
gonna go on to the Thames here, but we'll be coming past the junction
Brentford makes more sense doesn't, its because it's the place where the Brent
River meets the... Yeah. Yeah. Well I don't know what it is. But we're not going on to the Thames, it's
with the place where but we're going past, but it's basically just so we can
join up at route really and do everything. Which is annoying because
there's quite a few locks I think, down there. Stop saying it's annoying, this is
the goal. See it all. It was like, it was a good, day but I didn't... I feel like
we didn't really achieve much. We didn't achieve anything. It was so hot. You know, I
mean, it was kind of a goofball day, mainly we were just ticking off an
experience, and I think we got ticked off on that experience, but that's good. I
want to get out of London. Like we haven't even gone into it yet. We've just started into London. I know. And you're already talking about getting out.
So, thanks for watching, like, click, comment, subscribe, hit the bell
if you want to, and see you next time.
Come friendly bombs and foul on Slough. It
isn't fit for humans now, that isn't grass to graze a cow.
You said foul, its fall. What? You said foul on Slough, its fall on Slough. Did I say foul? Yes. Ah, right. read it again.
...but but then it's just down to.. Is it Peachy Cowley or Cowley Peachy Junction?
Yeah. Okay, well there's a there's a junction that sounds fruity.
Ah, Im just... there we go.... good shot of you. It's all about me.
It makes more sense for me to go back and move the bus.
haha. There's a bus, we've got to show them this.
there's a bus trying to towed, and um, its not going well.
it's a very humped bridge. That bus is sort of having some problems.
So, at any moment I might spin around and show you a bus falling over. We're a little distracted.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
I expected better out of Slough (sluff) but urr, Slough, yes i know, its pronounced differently. [sigh]
Because I don't know where the Lee and the Stort really go, but the go up. and then back and the forth
and then, you know. on.
My first Pharah play of the game + killed Mercy on air! - Duration: 0:59. For more infomation >> My first Pharah play of the game + killed Mercy on air! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
The Giant Elephant Song | Kindergarten Songs and Videos for Children - Duration: 1:02:09.The Giant Elephant Song
I'm a giant elephant
See my floppy ears.
I can live in the forest
Up to fifty years
You might say I'm rather large
But trust me that ok
My legs are wide and strong
Enough to carry what I weigh.
And I eat grass and roots,
Leaves off of trees
Bark and fruits
Thats what I need
Eating is important and it's so much fun.
If I keep this up I'll end up weighing several tons
I'm a giant elephant
My tusks come in handy
They help me gather all my food
They're made of Ivory
I'm the giant elephant
My trunk is very strong
You can learn a lot about me
when you sing this song
Spin Me Right Round | Panda A Panda Cartoons For Children | Kids Tv Shows - Duration: 55:59.Panda A Panda
莫虎为何不在第一时间去保释周立波 答案其实早有了 只是你没看 - Duration: 12:33. For more infomation >> 莫虎为何不在第一时间去保释周立波 答案其实早有了 只是你没看 - Duration: 12:33.-------------------------------------------
Destination 2018: Brandenburg an der Havel - Duration: 13:51.The city of Brandenburg lies on the river Havel.
Or, to be more exact, in the river Havel, as the historic centre was built on a series of islands.
By the time this area was conquered by the first king of Germany in the 10th century,
it had long been an important crossing point for trade routes.
The city of Brandenburg was for a long time the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg,
until the House of Hohenzollern made Berlin the capital in 1417.
The capital of the modern state of Brandenburg is now Potsdam,
but the city of Brandenburg remains one of its most important settlements.
In a sense, though, it's not always completely accurate
to talk of one city of Brandenburg:
the historic centre is made up of three different places.
The Old Town of Brandenburg and the New Town of Brandenburg were unified in 1415,
which explains the unusual coat of arms.
The village of Dom Brandenburg wasn't incorporated until 1929.
The Old Town, now the neighbourhood of Altstadt, was originally called Parduin.
The market place is dominated by the Old Town City Hall,
in its present form built in the 15th century.
In this part of Germany it became traditional
to erect a so-called Roland figure on the market place,
representing the protection of the king.
This is one of the oldest still existing, made in 1472.
Originally it was in the New Town, but was moved here in 1946.
The Old Town market place features another figure
honouring the German humourist and cartoonist Vicco von Bülow,
better known by his pseudonym Loriot.
The "forest pug" is one of his creations,
which explains these sculptures dotted about the city.
Another memorial to him can be found near St John's Franciscan Church —
or at least, what remains of it:
it was partly destroyed in the Second World War and more of it collapsed in 1986.
Since then, what's left has been stabilized
and was used as an exhibition hall for the 2015 National Garden Show.
In the early mediaeval period Germanic tribes were engaged in christianizing this area.
Sometime in the 10th century, a bishopric was established here
but apparently didn't last long.
The oldest parts of St Gotthard's Church were built in the middle of the 12th century,
and it was here that a cathedral chapter was founded, although it very soon moved out.
If you think that tower looks out of place, you're right:
it's modern, built in the 1960s.
Inside the church, a model made in the 1920s by an unemployed toymaker
shows what the tower looked like before the war.
It's still out of place, though:
while most of the church is 15th century Gothic, the tower was 18th century Baroque.
Loriot was baptized here,
and more recently helped to raise funds for restoration work.
The building now serves as a Protestant parish church
and as a small museum in its own right.
Modern intrusions in historic places aren't a new thing.
Take this Art Nouveau façade created in 1902
on the front of a much older Baroque villa.
Or this, the 15th century Plaue Gate Tower,
to which a stone spire and a brick wreath were added in 1928.
It was originally a watchtower by a gate in the town's defensive wall.
The gates were all demolished to make way for new roads for the motor-car,
and most of the wall has vanished.
Many of the watchtowers have remained, although not all:
the Mill Gate Tower, for example, stood here until 1802.
The New Town, or Neustadt, had its own set of walls, gates and towers.
But it has to be said that "new" is a relative term:
the earliest mention of this settlement that historians have found so far goes back to 1198,
and it was thought to be about 10 years old by then.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is in what used to be the Local Courthouse,
notable for two historic events.
In 1940, Lothar Kreyssig became the only judge in Germany
to actively oppose the Nazis' euthanasia program,
and was forced into retirement.
In 1953 an angry crowd demanded, and got,
the release of dozens of political prisoners,
and came close to lynching the judge.
Two different acts of defiance
against two different totalitarian regimes within 13 years of each other.
St Catherine's is the biggest church in the city
and a fine example of Brick Gothic.
In fact, it's one of the most impressive of its kind,
with exquisitely detailed work and unique terracotta statues.
The ceiling of the quire is painted to show Saint Christopher
walking through a surreal landscape of vegetation
in which, if you look very carefully, strange creatures can be seen.
Watching over this are two of the church's patron saints: Catherine and Amalberga.
Also in the New Town is the former Dominican monastery,
used after the Reformation as a hospice and a prebendary residence.
It has recently been renovated, and now houses the State Archaeological Museum.
The third part of the historic city remained independent of it until 1929.
This is the area called "Dom",
a name which refers to its main feature, the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul.
It was here that the cathedral chapter moved just a few years after it was founded.
The whole complex here belonged to the cathedral.
It wasn't just a church: it was the seat of a bishop
who had to manage the diocese, which had religious, social and political functions,
and owned quite a bit of land as well.
Since the Reformation it has been Protestant, and so no longer a cathedral.
But culturally and historically, it is the Cradle of the March of Brandenburg
and the Mother of all the Churches of the March.
The city of Brandenburg an der Havel is about halfway between Berlin and Magdeburg,
and within very easy reach of the A2 autobahn.
However, my impression is that if you do drive there,
you may find it difficult to find a parking space near the centre.
Only a handful of long-distance trains call at Brandenburg,
but there are frequent local trains.
There are two trains an hour from Berlin, taking between 45 and 60 minutes,
and one train an hour from Magdeburg taking about 50 minutes.
The station is a little way from the centre,
but the area is very flat, so it is a fairly level walk.
Alternatively, you can take a tram directly from the station to the centre.
Even though it is relatively flat, it's not the most wheelchair-friendly place I've seen,
with lots of narrow cobbled streets.
It's doable, but with difficulty.
One of the places I regretfully didn't have time to visit
was the open-air Slavic Village Museum,
which recreates an 11th century village.
Unfortunately, their website is in German,
but I would encourage you to check it out if you're in the area.
If you want to take photos inside of St Catherine's Church you have to buy a permit;
St Gotthard's asks for a voluntary donation.
Photography is free in the cathedral,
as long as it's not flash photography,
but not for commercial use —
which is why I can't show you what it looks like inside,
so you'll just have to go there youself.
Thanks for watching. If you'd like to send me a postcard, here's the address.
And don't forget to visit my website and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Also, if you'd like access to special bonus content
and help with the costs of running this channel,
please consider making a small monthly donation on Patreon.
Top 5 Markets China is Unexpectedly Dominating - Duration: 5:43.China has long been known for dominating manufacturing, but recently China has been dominating other
markets too.
So, today we are looking at the top 5 markets China is unexpectedly dominating.
These markets are unexpected because you wouldn't initially think Chinese companies would be
leading in these areas.
Let's jump right into our list with number 5.
From Farmville to flappy bird to Pokémon to Fortnite internet and mobile gaming has
taken off in the last 10 to 15 years.
According to Newzoo, they forecast that 2.3 billion gamers across the globe will spend
$137.9 billion on games in 2018 and China alone will account for more than one-quarter
of all global game revenues, reaching $37.9 billion this year.
China will remain the number one gaming market by revenues and by number of players and mobile
gaming is the dominant force and will generate 61% of revenues in 2018, growing to 70% of
the market by 2021.
That's right, China is dominating the internet and mobile gaming market making up about 25%
of the total.
Gone are the days of Japanese and Koran games dominating the gaming market!
China is not only leading this industry, but Chinese companies are producing state of the
art games for the Chinese audience.
This market is only getting bigger and China is set to shape and dominate it in the coming
Moving on to number 4 on our list is International Travel.
You might have noticed the increase in Chinese tourists in your town, but you might not have
realized just how much money Chinese people spend on vacations.
According to Ctrip, "The number of outbound trips has reached 130 million in 2017, up
7.0% from 2016 and Chinese travelers spent over $115 billion, a year-on-year increase
of 5%."
For some people this might not be unexpected given the large population of China, but for
many others this will be a big shock.
Chinese travelers now dominate the international travel market and you might need to rethink
your marketing strategy if you are working in a tourism-based economy.
While some countries are moving backwards towards coal *Cough, America, Cough*, other
countries are investing in renewable energy, which is why it is number 3 on our list.
Despite what you might have seen on the news about China's pollution problems; the country
is dominating the renewable energy markets.
From wind to solar to hydropower, China is investing in and building renewable energy
infrastructure projects across the country.
To help reach the country's 2030 goals set during the Paris Climate Accord, China is
betting big on renewable energy.
It pledged in 2017 to invest 2.5 trillion yuan or around $367 billion in renewable power
generation by 2020.
Hoping to maintain market leadership in the future, China is already investing more than
$100 billion in domestic renewables every year.
That is twice the level of US investment in domestic renewable energy and more than the
combined annual investment of the US and the European Union.
This is one market that China is dominating that might surprise you!
You might use Amazon on a regular basis and you might have heard the founder is the wealthiest
man in the world, but what you might not know is that China is dominating the Ecommerce
According to McKinsey Global Institute, "About 10 years ago China accounted for less than
one percent of the global e-commerce market; today its share is over 40%.
In comparison, the United States' share of the market is 24%, down from 35% in 2005."
Such is China's dominance in e-commerce, it now handles more transactions per year
than France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States combined.
The main players in China are Alibaba, which had the largest IPO in history, and JD.com.
These two companies provide literally everything, like no joke, you can find any product you
want on these platforms.
The reason many people might find it surprising that China is dominating the ecommerce market
is because outside of China, very few people use these platforms and few news stories are
written about China's ecommerce market.
And finally topping our list for markets China is unexpectedly dominating is the electric
vehicle market.
That's right China is now the largest EV market in the world.
Move aside Tesla, because Chinese companies are producing more electric vehicles and Chinese
consumers are buying more electric vehicles than anywhere else in the world.
According to Forbes, "In 2017, China led the market with just short of 50% market share,
followed by Europe with 26%.
In terms of EV sales by country, China was once again the leader of the pack with over
600,000 unit sales, far head of the US which racked up only 200,000."
With government support and car companies like BYD pushing the EV market forward, China
is expected to lead this market in the coming years.
So, there you have it, from mobile games to electric cars to travel, China is unexpectedly
dominating many different markets.
Which market surprised you the most?
Which markets would you add to the list?
Leave a comment below to let me know and be sure to like and subscribe for more interesting
top 5 videos.
Is Spaghetti Bolognese Even Italian?! | First Dates Hotel - Duration: 4:45.It will show up as snow I love Italian let me try again sighs go on guess it's
the pasta is this backbone yeah actually one of my favorites I just want to give
you like a couple of suggestion about the menu
should we UPS backpack full of shit yeah spag bol why did you think respect
that's backbone so guys you know what that can mean well
done I got you this so as about vibes and
them so far as per you up thank you anyway about to your order my little bit
confused you are there like us to forget people a nice
in this Rajanna we don't eat spaghetti bolognese with the spaghetti with ragu
sauce don't worry we take care of you for you we do the best volunteer to
change his salutis that solution
okay no it's really banging love it the last time we serve a balloon isn't
here is it just for you thank you very much
on Appetit what other to play put on the t's so Cuban ours as well to Texas its
proper one day feel lucky I'll do um Panem have you been single for about
seven months no what about you if you're I was with him for like six years
see so I've only had one boyfriend the ones I've had a phone call and it's like
this girl shows up right I'm having I'm having his baby basically so I was like
what yeah like how do you fake that
she told me they'd been having this affair and then she told me she was Jew
in two weeks time to have their baby she sent me for a scanned picture I was
heartbroken crazy as an ant it's scary
he's very very hard it was really hard after six years of loving someone being
in a relationship where you think everything's okay what do you do you
have no choice but to walk away I do think God is there something wrong with
me it makes me question myself it was hard yeah
I do find out really I'm saying I do for because that's not me I've never even
grow up to be to do anything like that to anyone I'm half Turkish off English I
live there for nine years no way compared to a lot of people here
is completely different it's very family orientated yes my dad is own
hairdressers my mum was apprentice and that's how they met the way that they've
built their futures together absolutely what I want I want to find someone you
know I can build an empire with that's what it's about is it should be exciting
you should be not a challenge excitement I definitely will be moving abroad
because I want to get into property development oh yeah and I'll be speaking
about the bio and I'll be thinking am I going to buy but what are you thinking
about then in the buy that that would have a great take okay what kind of egos
I love a curve
oh my god this is a scene from the Lady and the Tramp
he's a very good-looking Tramp but he's gonna have to be him yeah you gotta find
a long spaghetti that's it and if you make it you've got to make your wish
come here friends
make sure you subscribe to get a regular serving of love and romance
Arsenal news: Shock Napoli 'pity' claim made over Lucas Torreira's Gunners move by agent - Duration: 3:28.The Uruguayan signed for the Gunners in a £26.4million move after the World Cup after lengthy links concerning a swap from Sampdoria to the north London outfit
The 22-year-old was hailed as an exciting addition having impressed in Serie A and also for his country in Russia earlier this summer, the midfielder possessing the kind of tenacity and energy Unai Emery wants from his players
While Torreira has yet to start a Premier League game for Arsenal, having started on the bench in all of Emery's first three games as manager, he is expected to become a key player
And Torreira's agent Pablo Bentacur has revealed that had legendary manager Ancelotti been present at the very start of transfer negotiations with Napoli, the player may have ended up staying in Italy
Speaking Naples-based radio station Radio CRC, Bentacur said: "It's a pity, I'm sorry Ancelotti wasn't there at the start of the negotiation
"He'd have been a great help for Torreira, he has tremendous international experience
"But then Lucas called me and he confirmed to me that negotiations with Arsenal were too advanced for any second thoughts
"If Arsenal had collapsed then Napoli would have been perfect. "In the end, the Gunners satisfied our demands and they even were willing to pay €5million more than his release clause
"The Premier League? He is adapting well to the league and he is happy to be here with Arsenal
" Despite having yet to start for Arsenal, coming off the bench in all of their matches thus far, Torreira is pleased with his start to life in London
He told Arsenal's official website: "I'm really happy. It's all very new for me because I've come from a different type of league
"The climate is different here and the way of life too, but I'm settling in nicely and training hard - the sessions are different too
"The confidence will grow with every game, so that's great." Speaking after Arsenal's 3-1 win over West Ham last weekend, Torreira added: "We're getting to grips with what the coach wants from us and I think we've played some good football in the past few games
"We got our first win today which was massive for us, but there's a long road ahead and a lot of games to play
"So the best thing for us now is to rest up, focus on our next game and concentrate on our preparation, which is vital
" Arsenal are back in action when they take on newly-promoted Cardiff City, yet to win a game since their top-flight return, on Sunday (1
Butterfly Song | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children | Song For Toddlers by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:19."What a beautiful day it is today!
And all the Farmees are out!"
When a butterfly opens its wings It's a wonderful moment
See the flowers all go into bloom with a beautiful scent
And the Farmees all come out today to play with their best friends
It's a colorful and beautiful day may today never end
When the ducklings all swim in a row It's a wonderful moment
See the bees all filling honey to their heart's content
And the Farmees all come out today to play with their best friends
It's a colorful and beautiful day may today never end
When a butterfly opens its wings It's a wonderful moment
See the flowers all go into bloom with a beautiful scent
And the Farmees all come out today to play with their best friends
It's a colorful and beautiful day may today never end
Run Schoolies Run | Kindergarten Songs For Children | Schoolies Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 3:25.Run Schoolies Run
Strong quake strikes in Pacific Ocean - Duration: 3:47. For more infomation >> Strong quake strikes in Pacific Ocean - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
For a moment and Journey to the past for Setsu-The-Yena - Duration: 0:35.I should have shown you the sea, it's also a part of you
I should have shown you the sea, it's also a part of you
周迅「如懿」2億片酬見價值 「延禧」爾晴找到接班人! - Duration: 2:54. For more infomation >> 周迅「如懿」2億片酬見價值 「延禧」爾晴找到接班人! - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
âPeople Are Comparing Reading And Leeds Fest In 2000 To This Year - Duration: 3:01.Sometimes it's great to indulge in a bit of a throwback, allowing yourself to get all nostalgic remembering the days of scoffing prawn cocktail Wotsits, BBQ rib flavour Walkers and Punky Penguin ice creams
But harking back to the better days doesn't always leave you feeling quite so fantastic about the modern age we're in
as proven by the fans of Reading and Leeds Fest, who've been glumly comparing this year's line-ups with those of 2000
This year, the dual festivals - which have been taking place over the August bank holiday weekend - welcomed the likes of Post Malone, Skepta, Dua Lipa, Kendrick Lamar, Annie Mac and Hannah Wants, along with a smattering of more rock-led names like Kings of Leon, Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, Wolf Alice and Panic! At The Disco
Many fans have taken to Twitter to compare the calibre of this year's acts to that of the lineup from 2000, which, it seems, was a bit of a corker
Yup, that's a strong offering of Oasis, Pulp, Stereophonics, Primal Scream, Beck, Placebo, Foo Fighters, Slipknot, Eminem, Muse, Embrace, Blind 182, Rage Againsts the Machine, Ian Brown, Doves and many, MANY more
Pretty solid, that, isn't it? One person also posted the line-up from 2000 to Twitter, saying: "Maybe the last time the Reading/Leeds festival was relevant #2000
" Someone else pondered: "Is this actually about decline of Reading? or festivals generally? Don't know who equivalent of 2000 Eminem is in career stage/success these days, but they don't seem to be coming to be 8th on the bill at UK festivals so much now?" Others said that it wasn't the standard of acts that was the issue, but the type - with one person simply saying the lineup wasn't 'very Reading'
But then sometimes it can be good to break the mould a bit. After all, we all remember the furore that came with Beyonce's headline set at Glastonbury in 2011, which eventually she absolutely smashed
Don't @ me. Got a story for us? Need to tell us about something amazing you've seen or done? Want us to investigate something? Get in touch! Email [email protected] or head to our submissions platform - and you could even earn money for your stories or tips
Featured Image Credit: PA
FurReal Friends - 'Roarin' Tyler, The Playful Tiger'Bootsie | JJ My Jumpin' Pug ♥ -Bonitos TV- ♥ - Duration: 4:40.
What are they?
Kanon, Come on!
Wow! Kawaii!
Come on!
There, there♡
Huh? what?
Do you want to come to our house?
Shall I take them ♪
You're super cute♡
Ah! Angry!
There, there.
He yawned!
Great ♡ It looks like a concert ♡
What is their name?
Huh? what?
Your name is "Roarin' Tyler"!
Wow! He responded!
This is "Bootsie"!
You are "JJ My Jumpin' Pug"!
Everyone has a nice name!
This is your house from today♡
Great! ! ! He said that ! ! !
Very cute! There, there♡
Your hair is fluffy.
There, there♡
Ah! He sat down! Good boy.
Next let's play with Bootsie ♪
Where do you like being touched?
Your mouth is cute!
Ah! You got angry!
You are hungry?
I'll give you a meal!
Eat a lot and grow up big.
Next is JJ! Come on!
There, there.
Wow! He stood!
Here you are.
Oh, he is biting!
He dropped it.
Up, up, high!
Huh? what?
He says that he has many friends abroad.
It would be nice if they also come to see Japan.
Katra to Jammu || Jammu Tour || Episode 5 || 2K18 || East India Vlogs - Duration: 5:41.Hello Welcome Namaskar, Namaste, Khulumbai
I am Biswajyoti Nath and you are watching East India Vlogs
so today we are leaving Katra
feeling very bad
so we going to Jammu Tawai
so we are leaving
completely ready
now we moving towards Railway Station
we will travel by train to Jammu Tawai
let's go !!!
So after one hour of travelling from Katra we reached Jammu Tawai
by this train we arrived Jammu Tawai
so we got a hotel
This is our hotel Hotel M.C.Dollar' s
today is very hot !!!
I think 35 degree Celsius
lets see the room.....
this is our room
today is Day 2 in Jammu
and today we will tour Jammu
here many places are there
So today we will see
we will feel good ,, nice
and have a look on our Jyotirup's dress
Bam Bam Bhole...
OK we are out from our hotel,, let's drink a cup of tea and let's fresh the mind
so we will drink tea here
we have booked that auto
today we have to tour nine spot
one of the place is here
a temple is here
mobile is not allowed so that's why i couldn't shoot
and mobile is not allowed here in any temples
so i cannot shoott if i visit temples
and now we are heading towards next destination
next place
so we reached our next spot
this temple
what's the name ?
9 ( Nine ) Durga Temple
here also camera not allowed
i have already told most of the temples did not allow cameras
so we reached a beautiful fort here
that is the fort
so we have entered
this is the fort
and here we have an aquarium
so we will see those
for photography we have purchased a photography ticket of Rs. 25 / -
so you can do Photography
so we have entered the aquarium
here it is written department of fisheries Jammu and Kashmir welcomes you at Aquarium cum awarness centre Bahu- Fort
so we have seen aquarium
now we are out from the aquarium
beautiful beautiful fishes are there
how you are feeling ???
in Ac I m feeling good but here very hot....
now here it is very hot
hardly 35 degree Celsius I think...
in the aquarium AC is on so we feel awesome
but there are many places
there it is a park
what a beautiful environment ? That is the entire Jammu town
we have come from
that time we were at that temple in the downward
from below we have come here
one river is flowing here
felling very hot very hot I am thinking of bathing in the river
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