Sunday, August 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 26 2018

Mega-Sena: concurso 2.072 foi realizado neste sábado (25) (Foto: Marcelo Brandt/G1) Ninguém acertou os números do concurso 2

072 da Mega-Sena, sorteados neste sábado (25), na cidade de Itabela, na Bahia, e o prêmio acumulou em R$ 40 milhões

Veja as dezenas sorteadas: 10 - 12 - 13 - 20 - 22 - 54. A quina teve 135 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 21

303,29. A quadra teve 8.860 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 463,71. O próximo concurso (2

073) será na quarta-feira (29). Para apostar na Mega-Sena As apostas podem ser feitas até as 19h (de Brasília) do dia do sorteio, em qualquer lotérica do país ou pela internet, no site https://www A aposta mínima custa R$ 3,50. Probabilidades A probabilidade de vencer em cada concurso varia de acordo com o número de dezenas jogadas e do tipo de aposta realizada

Para a aposta simples, com apenas seis dezenas, com preço de R$ 3,50, a probabilidade de ganhar o prêmio milionário é de 1 em 50

063.860, segundo a Caixa. Já para uma aposta com 15 dezenas (limite máximo), com o preço de R$ 17

517,50, a probabilidade de acertar o prêmio é de 1 em 10.003, ainda segundo a Caixa

For more infomation >> Mega-Sena, concurso 2.072: ninguém acerta as seis dezenas e prêmio vai a R$ 40 milhões - Duration: 2:45.


#上帝如何引導人被造的理性?(婚前愛與性要理問答41問) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> #上帝如何引導人被造的理性?(婚前愛與性要理問答41問) - Duration: 0:43.


Jungmann: EUA, Rússia, França e Israel querem lançar satélites no Brasil - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Jungmann: EUA, Rússia, França e Israel querem lançar satélites no Brasil - Duration: 3:39.


What does e-quainted mean? - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> What does e-quainted mean? - Duration: 0:35.


Tempesta d'amore: anticipazioni tedesche e prossima settimana - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Tempesta d'amore: anticipazioni tedesche e prossima settimana - Duration: 4:21.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200d Limousine Business Solution Automaat | Widescreen | LED - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200d Limousine Business Solution Automaat | Widescreen | LED - Duration: 1:10.


Novas regras podem reduzir IPI e preço de elétricos e híbridos; entenda - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Novas regras podem reduzir IPI e preço de elétricos e híbridos; entenda - Duration: 3:49.


Queridinhos no exterior, elétricos e híbridos usados vão sofrer no Brasil - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Queridinhos no exterior, elétricos e híbridos usados vão sofrer no Brasil - Duration: 3:01.


Marcello Veneziani contro la sinistra che si ribella a Marcello Foa: "Vergognatevi. Avete la faccia - Duration: 1:41.

 Contro le ridicole proteste della sinistra per la nomina di Marcello Foa alla presidenza della Rai - la stessa sinistra che per decenni ha lottizzato tutto ciò su cui ha messo le mani - si scatena Marcello Veneziani, che su Il Tempo attacca: "Ma non vi vergognate di accusare il governo in carica e Salvini in particolare, di spartirsi le nomine come voi praticate da una vita? Non vi vergognate - voi sinistra, voi clero intellettuale di sinistra, voi giornali e tg di sinistra, voi navigati sindacalisti Rai e voi più ipocriti e paludati benpensanti di cripto-sinistra - di gridare allo scandalo e di indignarvi solo perché i grillini e i leghisti, in modo naive, ricalcano le vie della lottizzazione che voi praticate con professionismo servile da decenni?"

 Dunque, la difesa di Foa. "E poi, è un depravato: pedofilo? Serial killer? Terrorista? Magari, peggio: 'sovranista'

No, questo non si può sentire, condivide il turpe vizio del 60% degli italiani, secondo gli ultimi sondaggi"

E ancora: "Non lo hanno ancora accusato di razzismo e antisemitismo per via del cognome, ma presto dimostreranno che Foa nel suo caso l'acronimo di Fascisti Organizzati Antieuropei e si fa chiamare così per confondersi con gli ebrei vittime del fascismo"

E ancora, su chi da sinistra ha criticato Foa, Veneziani aggiunge: "Ho provato imbarazzo per loro, per la loro faccia reversibile col retro, per la loro verità e dignità ridotte - come dicono a Napoli - a mappine e0 ciess", conclude

For more infomation >> Marcello Veneziani contro la sinistra che si ribella a Marcello Foa: "Vergognatevi. Avete la faccia - Duration: 1:41.


Ciro Gomes explora contradições de Bolsonaro e ataca PT e PSDB - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Ciro Gomes explora contradições de Bolsonaro e ataca PT e PSDB - Duration: 4:15.


Eleições 2018: Crime se organiza e insegurança avança - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Eleições 2018: Crime se organiza e insegurança avança - Duration: 4:16.


Mega-Sena, concurso 2.072: ninguém acerta as seis dezenas e prêmio vai a R$ 40 milhões - Duration: 2:45.

Mega-Sena: concurso 2.072 foi realizado neste sábado (25) (Foto: Marcelo Brandt/G1) Ninguém acertou os números do concurso 2

072 da Mega-Sena, sorteados neste sábado (25), na cidade de Itabela, na Bahia, e o prêmio acumulou em R$ 40 milhões

Veja as dezenas sorteadas: 10 - 12 - 13 - 20 - 22 - 54. A quina teve 135 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 21

303,29. A quadra teve 8.860 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 463,71. O próximo concurso (2

073) será na quarta-feira (29). Para apostar na Mega-Sena As apostas podem ser feitas até as 19h (de Brasília) do dia do sorteio, em qualquer lotérica do país ou pela internet, no site https://www A aposta mínima custa R$ 3,50. Probabilidades A probabilidade de vencer em cada concurso varia de acordo com o número de dezenas jogadas e do tipo de aposta realizada

Para a aposta simples, com apenas seis dezenas, com preço de R$ 3,50, a probabilidade de ganhar o prêmio milionário é de 1 em 50

063.860, segundo a Caixa. Já para uma aposta com 15 dezenas (limite máximo), com o preço de R$ 17

517,50, a probabilidade de acertar o prêmio é de 1 em 10.003, ainda segundo a Caixa

For more infomation >> Mega-Sena, concurso 2.072: ninguém acerta as seis dezenas e prêmio vai a R$ 40 milhões - Duration: 2:45.



Un agricoltore di 54 anni, Giacomo Pisciotta, è morto in seguito a uno choc anafilattico provocato da punture di

L'uomo, sposato e padre di figli, si trovava in un appezzamento di terreno di contrada Bosco, a Campobello di Mazara, con due operai, quando è stato assalito da uno sciame di insetti

A nulla sono valsi i soccorsi. Sul posto sono intervenuti i carabinieri e il medico legale

È una rapida sequenza di eventi, per lo più scatenata dal contatto di anticorpi IgE con un allergene - spiegano dall'ospedale Bambino Gesù - che si sviluppa improvvisamente e può mettere in pericolo la vita del paziente

La pressione si abbassa, il respiro si fa difficoltoso in quanto il polmone è preda di un attacco asmatico grave e la pelle può presentare orticaria o angioedema

   È scatenato da una massiva liberazione di istamina e di altri mediatori dell'infiammazione allergica da parte di cellule presenti in vari organi (mastociti) e nel sangue (basofili)

L'istamina e gli altri mediatori determinano una reazione infiammatoria e vasomotoria generalizzata a tutto l'organismo

Se l'infiammazione si estende alla laringe e alle corde vocali (glottide), incombe il rischio di una ostruzione totale del passaggio del respiro

In alcuni casi i meccanismi non sono ancora ben definiti e si parla di reazioni anafilattoidi o di anafilassi idiopatica

I primi sintomi sono la comparsa di formicolio e senso di calore al capo e alle estremità; si manifestano poi in sequenza: orticaria-angioedema; rinite; difficoltà respiratoria; prurito alla lingua e al palato; alterazioni della voce; edema della glottide; asma, vomito, diarrea, ipotensione, tachicardia e aritmia

A spiegarlo sono sempre gli esperti dell'ospedale Bambino Gesù. Il trattamento precoce è molto importante, mentre l'anafilassi acuta è troppo spesso sottovalutata o non trattata in modo appropriato

 L'adrenalina rappresenta il farmaco salvavita e deve avere un ruolo centrale nel trattamento acuto dell'anafilassi; quando è indicata, può essere somministrata a tutti i bambini a qualsiasi età genitori dei bambini a rischio di shock anafilattico devono tenere sempre con sé una di queste fiale e non esitare a utilizzarla se compaiono sintomi minacciosi

   Nei casi a rischio (gravi allergie alimentari o punture di insetto), i genitori devono essere accuratamente istruiti all'uso di adrenalina con apposito autoiniettore

Questi preparati vanno iniettati al primo segno di reazione allergica, senza aspettare sintomi gravi, per via intramuscolare nella coscia - da 0,2 ml a 0,5 ml a seconda del peso del bambino – e sono disponibili in fiale preconfezionate con adrenalina predosata e resa resistente al calore, stabili per 18 mesi a temperatura ambiente

La siringa va premuta sulla parte esterna della coscia e, dopo il caratteristico "click" di apertura, va tenuta in sede per almeno 10 secondi per permettere la penetrazione del farmaco nei tesssuti

La somministrazione può avvenire anche attraverso gli indumenti. Pur essendo l'uso di queste siringhe molto facile, è necessario farsi spiegare dettagliatamente dal medico le modalità d'impiego

   Superata l'emergenza che si risolve nella quasi totalità dei casi grazie all'adrenalina, l'uso degli antistaminici anti-H1 (endovena o intramuscolo) risulterà vantaggioso; anche i cortisonici, a questo punto, saranno preziosi per contrastare l'infiammazione

I broncodilatatori per via aerosolica consentono di controllare l'asma.



How To Find Great Vintage Guitar Gear For Small Prices - Duration: 3:42.

Hey everyone it's Bruce here from WaterBear broadcasting from Small Pond studio

and today I'm talking about a very very well a subject that is very close to my heart

which is finding vintage gear sourcing it and using it

because generally it can sound really cool and it can have a lot of character

if you're prepared to put the research in and the time in to find it

and of course to keep it going because it's like a classic car or something

It needs a bit of love

We're gonna be looking in the usual places

We're going to be looking trawling through eBay in lots of countries not just the UK

because actually it's not that big a deal to import stuff

We're gonna be looking on reverb

and we're also gonna be just keeping our eye out through the musicians community

word-of-mouth and stuff like Facebook

because it's amazing what crops up through the music community

Now I think the key thing we're also looking for a bargain here

We don't want to be spending loads of money

My advice is to steer away from

if you really want to play and this is about the music rather than hanging this stuff on the wall

I'd steer away from anything that's supremely collectable

like an early strat or an early 60s Les Paul Standard or something like that

You're just going to be paying too much money for the mystique around the instrument

So I've got some tips for you

Early 70s and mid 70s instruments in fact all the way up to 1983

there's a golden period in my view for guitar manufacture

so very happy with a lot of instruments from that era

They won't all be great but a lot of them will be

and in Japan culturally there's not a real big level of enthusiasm for second-hand gear

so if you type MIJ into your searches on YouTube for example or Reverb

that stands for Made In Japan

and you'll see a lot of people in Japan selling second-hand vintage guitars very very cheaply

You will have to factor in 60, 70 quid for a guitar for example on postage

and you have to factor in a little bit of import duty I think it's about 10%

but even so and there's some Japanese brands like Greco for example

that make incredible instruments and you can get them for an absolute steal

So we know if we go off the beaten track a little bit

if we do our research we can turn up some very interesting pieces

and this is an example so on first glance this looks like an early 80s marshall jcm800

which is in itself a classic amp

You'd normally expect to pay maybe 1300 for a good example of a 50 watt head for example

however this one is something a little bit different that I've been searching for

for 10 years and not only have I found it finally I've got it very very cheap

it was about 650 pounds on eBay

This amp didn't sell because it's unusual because it hasn't got a master volume

so it's perfect what I do

It's more of a vintage circuit it's got four inputs

Very very few of these were made in this format

So not only is it perfect for me not only is it an amazing amp

and I've only paid 650 quid for it but it's quite rare and it's got its own very unique character as well

So other things you might want to look at instead of looking at Gibson maybe look at Guild

Maybe look at the Japanese copies like Greco

Look at Italian guitar manufacturers or Swedish Hagstrom for example Dwight

So look for stuff that's just a little bit off the track and you'll find some incredible interesting body shapes

It looks good in video and also you'll just get away from that classic Les Paul Marshall Telecaster usual sound

There you go there's some top tips hope that's helpful

For more infomation >> How To Find Great Vintage Guitar Gear For Small Prices - Duration: 3:42.


Quang Trường | Giận Em - VIDEO MUSIC OFFICIAL - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Quang Trường | Giận Em - VIDEO MUSIC OFFICIAL - Duration: 5:15.


Abstract Art Painting Demonstration With Acrylics | Telis - Duration: 4:27.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Abstract Art Painting Demonstration With Acrylics | Telis - Duration: 4:27.


9 Reasons Why Lenovo Watch 9 Are Good II Smart Classics - Duration: 4:00.

Good afternoon dear friends. You are on the channel Good for Som and now I will tell you nine reasons why I fell in love with Lenovo Watch 9.

The first reason. I, like any spoiled technician, always look at the packaging of the goods, and lenovo in this sense not only pleased with its simplicity but also reminded me of the times of my childhood with this plastic packaging counterfeit inside.

Such a retro is ala. You can talk cheap. But I will say that it is simple, convenient and effective. Your watch will be safe and sound. In addition to everything, it goes that the cardboard itself is very tight. She came from China and, unlike the boxes of goods, she did not even have corners, despite the almost total lack of protection.

The second reason. They look like a classic watch, and it's a great performance. Many on the forums are asking whether this model will please girls. I'll say this - my wife as soon as I saw them in unpacked form immediately said that they would wear them. And let my taste not be of high opinion. But you can believe her, she's that esthete shopaholic.

The third reason. Price. As always, I want to note that I do not care what price you bought. Your friends. And how much they cost half a year ago. I bought them for 1300 rubles with delivery. They are even cheaper than some of their Chinese replicas.

The reason is the fourth. No plastic. Material of the watch. It is zinc alloy, bottom cover: 316L stainless steel, glass: sapphire crystal, strap: silicone. All more than at a decent level.

The reason is the fifth. They are smart. They consider your steps. When an incoming call (notification) is reached, the arrow jumps to the call or msg mark, respectively. indicates an event.

The numbers 00/20/40/60/80/100 are used to display the% progress on the passed steps for today. The default is 10,000 steps, which are set in your profile settings. To see the current progress, you need to press the clock button once - the second hand will show your progress.

The reason is sixth. In terms of autonomy, the clock is powered by the CR2032 battery and does not support charging. But even with Intensive use (6 months of battery life): Bluetooth is on 24 hours a day, 8 hours of daily exercise, 20 calls a day, 20 messages a day. They will live with you without changing the battery for 6 months! This I have never seen.

The reason is the seventh. I could not not stand the autonomy for data storage by a separate item. They can save your activity data for a whole month to synchronize. And this period of autonomy I'm sure neither you nor I expected.

The eighth reason. The clock supports 3 independent alarms. If you sit too long the clock vibrates three times (these settings are in the program Lenovo Watch), and as I said in my other videos this is in my opinion the most needed feature in modern gadgets. You can reject an incoming call to your phone simply by shaking your hand or pressing the clock button. They can be used as a remote control of the phone camera. And many other nice functions.

Ninth reason. This watch is labeled Water Resistant 50m, this means that the watch is designed and manufactured to withstand pressures of up to 5 atm

. Such a watch should resist the penetration of sweat, rain, drops of water while washing hands, showers, and also transfer a short-term (accidental) immersion in water. And it's just my Achilles heel, I so often gobble my gadgets that it starts to annoy me. I'm sure that these smart watches will last so long that they will have time to get bored.

My verdict for these smart hours. A beautiful, moderately expensive and interesting copy of what good engineers can do from good materials. If you want a more detailed overview with the manual for use - put like. Repostite and always sign and put a bell. On the channel, a rally of two Bracelets Mi band 3, It band 3 and clever hours Amazfit Bip, the conditions in the description for the video. Your Use Catfish. Thanks for watching and good luck to you later.

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons Why Lenovo Watch 9 Are Good II Smart Classics - Duration: 4:00.


【ロン】子猫の華麗なジャンプ!!!【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 2:53.

Lon like this

she do it well


she do her best for this

she did a great jump

regarding this...

if you ask why she like it that's because it's like...

a bird

she like this way much more

i'm so glad

she want to lay down with it

For more infomation >> 【ロン】子猫の華麗なジャンプ!!!【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 2:53.


Asia Argento nella bufera: nuove accuse di "molestie" da un ex amico - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Asia Argento nella bufera: nuove accuse di "molestie" da un ex amico - Duration: 4:05.


Avengers: 4 lezioni di leadership efficace - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Avengers: 4 lezioni di leadership efficace - Duration: 3:41.


Baixa procura pela vacina contra o sarampo acende sinal de alerta no país - Duration: 4:05.

Baixa procura pela vacina contra o sarampo acende sinal de alerta em todo país A menos de uma semana para o fim da campanha nacional de vacinação contra o sarampo e a poliomielite, o Brasil ainda está longe de atingir a meta

Quase 4 milhões de crianças ainda precisam ser imunizadas. Alguns estados fizeram mutirão neste sábado para tentar melhorar a cobertura

Um bebê venezuelano de quatro meses morreu, neste sábado (25), de sarampo, em Belém

A Secretaria de Saúde do Pará investiga se a doença causou a morte de outra criança, também filha de imigrantes da Venezuela

Só neste mês, já foram notificados 71 casos suspeitos no estado. E para incentivar os pais, a vacinação vai continuar neste fim de semana, com postos montados nas ruas e num shopping

"Sarampo é assim, se você tem um caso, você vai ter muitos outros casos satélites acontecendo, e é mais difícil de controlar", destaca o infectologista Alberto Chebabo

A procura foi grande no Rio, com fila nos postos da Zona Norte da cidade. No estado do Rio, 18 casos de sarampo já foram confirmados neste ano

Menos de 50% das crianças tomaram as vacinas contra o sarampo e a poliomielite. Ou seja, a maioria não está protegida contra estas doenças

Os três estados com menores índices de imunização são Roraima, Rio de Janeiro e Pará

A meta do Ministério da Saúde é vacinar 11 milhões de crianças, 95% das que têm de um a cinco anos

Até sexta (24), no último balanço divulgado, o índice era de 65%. A campanha termina na próxima sexta-feira (31)

Mas em Goiânia, foi marcado um novo Dia D, no próximo sábado. Hoje (25), só um posto de vacinação abriu na cidade e a espera na fila chegou a três horas

" Cheguei aqui o pessoal não tava distribuindo senha mais. Fomos orientados para ficar aqui na parede fazendo a fila, que eles iriam começar a chamar a gente", conta Victor Araújo, analista de sistemas

Em São Paulo, tem convocação de porta em porta. Os agentes de saúde olham a caderneta de vacinação da criança e fazem o convite para comparecer à unidade de saúde mais próxima

For more infomation >> Baixa procura pela vacina contra o sarampo acende sinal de alerta no país - Duration: 4:05.


Esquadrão Zero1 visita feira de 'Star Trek' em São Paulo - Duration: 1:09.

Esquadrão Zero1 participa da feira de Star Trek André Godirro vestiu a camisa do Esquadrão Zero1 e foi conferir tudo o que rolou na StarCon, feira sobre Star Trek que rolou em São Paulo

E você pode conferir a cobertura no Zero1 do dia 25/8. Mas o programa não acaba na TV: o Gshow preparou uma versão estendida

Veja acima! Siga o Zero1 no Twitter, Instagram e Facebook e fique por dentro de todas as novidades

For more infomation >> Esquadrão Zero1 visita feira de 'Star Trek' em São Paulo - Duration: 1:09.


Sen. John McCain of Arizona dies after long fight against brain cancer - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Sen. John McCain of Arizona dies after long fight against brain cancer - Duration: 1:40.


Mega-Sena, concurso 2.072: ninguém acerta as seis dezenas e prêmio vai a R$ 40 milhões - Duration: 2:45.

Mega-Sena: concurso 2.072 foi realizado neste sábado (25) (Foto: Marcelo Brandt/G1) Ninguém acertou os números do concurso 2

072 da Mega-Sena, sorteados neste sábado (25), na cidade de Itabela, na Bahia, e o prêmio acumulou em R$ 40 milhões

Veja as dezenas sorteadas: 10 - 12 - 13 - 20 - 22 - 54. A quina teve 135 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 21

303,29. A quadra teve 8.860 apostas ganhadoras, cada uma levará R$ 463,71. O próximo concurso (2

073) será na quarta-feira (29). Para apostar na Mega-Sena As apostas podem ser feitas até as 19h (de Brasília) do dia do sorteio, em qualquer lotérica do país ou pela internet, no site https://www A aposta mínima custa R$ 3,50. Probabilidades A probabilidade de vencer em cada concurso varia de acordo com o número de dezenas jogadas e do tipo de aposta realizada

Para a aposta simples, com apenas seis dezenas, com preço de R$ 3,50, a probabilidade de ganhar o prêmio milionário é de 1 em 50

063.860, segundo a Caixa. Já para uma aposta com 15 dezenas (limite máximo), com o preço de R$ 17

517,50, a probabilidade de acertar o prêmio é de 1 em 10.003, ainda segundo a Caixa

For more infomation >> Mega-Sena, concurso 2.072: ninguém acerta as seis dezenas e prêmio vai a R$ 40 milhões - Duration: 2:45.


#上帝如何引導人被造的理性?(婚前愛與性要理問答41問) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> #上帝如何引導人被造的理性?(婚前愛與性要理問答41問) - Duration: 0:43.


Credit, Debt, & Policy | Grant Williams in Conversation with William White - Duration: 3:52.

The entire global monetary system has been built around the constant expansion of credit,

something which mandates inflation be generated and prices rise.

With monetary policy options all but exhausted, however, focus is shifting towards other options.

We've spoken incredibly eloquently about this dynamic between the central banks and the


Because I don't if it was new math, but you've talked about the need for fiscal responses

to this problem.

But they're all hard decisions.


And as long as the governments think the central banks have got it all under control, they're

not going to make those decisions.

But we've started to see at the very edges the central banks kind of nudge and say, guys,

it's your turn, that we're almost out of ways to do this.

Do you sense that tension between the governments and central banks starting to escalate?

And if so, what does that portend.

Because I got to think it can't be particularly good.

To go back on the fiscal thing, just to make one thing clear, I was banging on a lot a

number of years ago about perhaps the necessity to rely more on use of fiscal space when you've

got it.

But today, of course, the situation, you know, the situation has evolved.

They've used up so much of the fiscal space, to say nothing of the recent sort of fiscal

expansion in the US.

It's not so clear that there's so much room there for anybody.

Well, the governments, I think, over the course of years, have desperately wanted the central

banks to sort it out, or perhaps better, they've desperately wanted to believe that the central

banks can sort it out.

Because then they don't have to do the hard things.

And the hard things are things like structural reform, better insolvency laws, making it

easier to repudiate and restructure debt.

Nobody likes to do that kind of stuff.

But the honest truth is that it seems to me that many of the debts that are now out there,

particularly sort of corporate debt and sort of lower quality corporate debt, these debts

won't get serviced in anything like normal interest rates, whatever normal means.

And so it would be far better to sort of face up to that and do it in an orderly way through

the bankruptcy courts, and the various ways of dealing with these sorts of problems, than

to just simply wait until the whole thing sort of comes unstuck.

But you alluded to it rightly earlier on, there there's something in human nature--

and particularly in the human nature of politicians-- that says, look, and I know that there's a

problem, but fixing it is going to be really difficult.

So let's-- as long as we go through my watch, OK, what's the phrase, "not on my watch".


And that's just a way of kicking the can down the road.

And I'm sympathetic with these people because the character of the problem is very difficult.

For more infomation >> Credit, Debt, & Policy | Grant Williams in Conversation with William White - Duration: 3:52.


The outrageous statistic Alisson recorded during Liverpool 1-0 Brighton - Duration: 2:54.

Three games, three wins, three clean sheets - what a start Alisson has made at Liverpool

Signed in July for a then world-record fee of £66m, the 25-year-old has hugely impressed since replacing Loris Karius as number one

Not only is Alisson more assured in goal and a superior shot-stopper, but he's extremely calm on the ball and very good with his feet

He isn't nicknamed 'The Quarterback' for nothing.What makes Alisson so special is the way he's able to receive the ball and spray passes anywhere on the pitch, whether it's short or long

He also has a few tricks in his locker, as evidenced by his outrageous chip during the 1-0 win over Brighton on Saturday

When Virgil van Dijk sold his goalkeeper short, Alisson came sprinting out of goal and nonchalantly dinked the ball over one of Brighton's players to keep possession

Liverpool fans absolutely loved it - and Klopp knows to expect more of the same in the future, despite the obvious risks

"Yeah, that's not too cool for a manager," said the German when asked about Alisson's trickery in his own 18-yard box

"It worked, then it's cool."I had a few centre-backs who were able to do things that a centre-back should not do

Mats Hummels constantly did things where we thought it made no sense but it ended up being good

"Alisson is a goalkeeper who can obviously play football.He is confident enough to do it

It's all okay.He did it to sort the situation." So confident is Alisson on the ball that he could pass for an outfield player, especially judging by the ridiculous statistic that's emerged from the Brighton game

According to the revered @StatmanDave, who has over 50,000 followers, Alisson completed more dribbles (1) than Roberto Firmino, Naby Keita and Andy Robertson combined

That's right, Alisson completed more dribbles than a left-back, central midfielder and striker  combined in a 90-minute game of football - and he's a goalkeeper

For more infomation >> The outrageous statistic Alisson recorded during Liverpool 1-0 Brighton - Duration: 2:54.


Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 10 - Duration: 2:38.

Your heart.

Kind of an important organ, right?

Well, let me throw a statistic at you that just might blow you away.

Increasing insulin sensitivity -- which is good, right? -- can reduce your risk of heart

disease by 93%.

So if you'll allow me, I'd like to get on my soapbox just for a minute here.

But I have a question for you.

If excessive damage to the arteries from a poor lifestyle occurs, making it necessary

for the body to distribute extra cholesterol through the bloodstream to repair these arteries...Does

it seem very wise to lower the cholesterol artificially with a drug, and forget about

why it's elevated in the first place?

Wouldn't it seem smarter to just reduce the need for the extra cholesterol, which is the

poor lifestyle causing the damage?

Now, the body is incredibly smart, and the increase in cholesterol and clotting factors

in the form of white blood cells, is actually a very intelligent response to repairing arterial


Now, it doesn't matter what drug you're taking for this condition.

If you don't escape the unhealthy lifestyle, then, guess what?

It's over.

Sure, you can take a drug to lower cholesterol.

You can take a drug to lower heart rate and blood pressure in the form of a beta blocker,

and you can take a drug to thin the blood, and a drug to lower blood sugar.

You can be a part of a study that actually proves that by taking this cholesterol drug,

your cholesterol indeed drops.

However you will never find a study that says it makes you healthier or increases your lifespan.

Now, why can't you find a study showing these pharmaceutical drugs increases lifespan and


Because they don't exist.

Harmful lifestyle factors are the number one contribution to the development of cardiovascular

disease, which is a leading cause of death worldwide.

Traditional approaches of treatment have been proven ineffective in most people.

However, intermittent fasting has been shown to have a positive impact on heart health,

and in the prevention of such risk factors.

And it's been shown effective against inflammation and oxidative stress, resulting in the prevention

and the reversal of damaged arteries.

If you're looking for a lifestyle intervention that has research, and shown undeniable results

for the prevention of heart disease, then you need to look no further than intermittent


For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 10 - Duration: 2:38.


Toast Protecc Janet | Lol Poki | Playing in the Summer Skirmish | Berry Screen Time - Duration: 13:13.

Toast Protecc Janet | Lol Poki | Playing in the Summer Skirmish | Berry Screen Time | Chillin Before The Tourney ^_^

For more infomation >> Toast Protecc Janet | Lol Poki | Playing in the Summer Skirmish | Berry Screen Time - Duration: 13:13.


【ロン】子猫の華麗なジャンプ!!!【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 2:53.

Lon like this

she do it well


she do her best for this

she did a great jump

regarding this...

if you ask why she like it that's because it's like...

a bird

she like this way much more

i'm so glad

she want to lay down with it

For more infomation >> 【ロン】子猫の華麗なジャンプ!!!【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 2:53.


All You'll Get - Original - Kristen J Lloyd - Duration: 2:26.

I've got Life's worries knockin' at my doorstep,

they never take a break so why should I?

They think they've got one on me when I've overslept,

well let them think it,

they need a win sometimes, in their mind,

'cause that's all they'll get,

that's all they'll get,

that's all they'll get,

that's all they'll get,

I got my favorite jam blowin' up them speakers,

I could change the world if I wanted to,

now I know that some of you may beg to differ,

but that's an argument that you'll just have to lose

sing the blues

'cause that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

So give it up or keep it comin',

there's no tellin' how long I will be hummin',

yeah yeah,

You think you're gonna find the way to change me,

well you might as well try to redirect the wind

'cause when I set my mind it's set in concrete,

you can like it, or grow a thicker skin,

sink or swim,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

oh that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get,

that's all you'll get

For more infomation >> All You'll Get - Original - Kristen J Lloyd - Duration: 2:26.


How to get more customers for your cleaning business [Facebook live] - Duration: 20:58.

- Tonight, which is all about how to get

more customer for your business.

I've had a lot of people inside my private group

ask me, "Right, I'm just sort of thinking of starting

"or I want to start my cleaning business.

"Now, how do I get my first client in?

"How do I even start getting clients?"

So, first of all, remember to download my roadmap,

which is proven ways on how to get customers

in your business, and, also, how to

set yourself up so you attract them.

So, when anybody comes to your website or your Facebook page

or see anything about your business,

you open them with welcome arms, you set the scene for them,

and you connect with them on the emotional level

for them then to be ready to buy.

As a way of introduction,

I'm Ilze Whiteman, the Cleaning Coach,

and I help cleaning business owners get more customers

for their business so they can live the life

that they deserve, to have the freedom to go on holiday

when you want and to buy that car that you've always wanted.

So tonight we'll be focusing on the how to get

your first customers or this will work even if you've

already got your first customer

and you want even more customers.

So you have to bear in mind, I'm just quickly gonna explain

how you need to think about getting clients

for your business.

So everybody thinks it's kinda like, you know,

"I work for a customer and they will refer me,

"and I've gotta do this, and I've gotta do this,

"but nothing is working, it's all over the place,"

and it's just because you're thinking about

how you're getting your clients in needs to change

a little bit, not necessarily needs to change,

you just need to understand it a bit better,

and I will always call it planting your seeds.

So, no business, whether you've got a cleaning business

or any other business out there will basically

do something to get customers in and then just do it,

and, "Ooh, it wasn't good results," and then they

don't do anything about it, because apparently

that didn't work.

So it's about getting the right message in front of

the right person, in front of the right audience

at the right time, when they are ready.

So it's not always about doing willy nilly things

all over the place, having no plan to set right,

"So this month I'm doing this, this month I'm doing that."

You need to concentrate on those three things:

the right message in front of the right person

at the right time.

So even if you, you might now be thinking,

"But what about, when is the right time?

"When's ever the right time?"

And you will never know that, because obviously that

is the customer, but if you plant your seeds constantly,

if you plant the right message, and if you constantly

connect with your customers on a more of a emotional,

connect to their feelings, if you connect with them

emotionally, that is when you're gonna start

seeing things change.

It's about trying one thing and thinking to yourself,

"OK, that didn't work," then trying something else.

It's not about just trying one thing and then think,

"Well, that didn't work, well, I don't even know

"what I did wrong."

Remember, it's the content, make that emotional contact

with your customer.

For them to be hooked on you, there's so many

cleaning businesses out there.

You need to, with your actual message that you get across,

you need to stand out.

You need to stand out above all that noise,

everybody saying, "We clean brilliantly,

"we clean brilliantly, we will beat your prices,

"we will beat your prices!"

And customers go online, they actually hate looking

for cleaning companies.

If I go online, and they say, "All these people, OK, wow!"

So they say, "Cleaning service in whatever area,"

and hundreds of companies come up.

It's about you standing out and making that emotional

bond with them, with your words.

So you are gonna connect with them with their pain point.

What do they hate?

They've been let down, the cleaning standards

are not great, whatever they've receiving at the moment,

and then for the right customers, well, because you don't

just want any customer in your business,

you want somebody that's gonna appreciate you,

especially if you've got really, really, really

high standards, you're never gonna convince a customer

that you're really great at your cleaning standards

with words, you'll never.

Every single company out there says, "We're brilliant!

"We're brilliant, we're brilliant!"

And everybody guarantees their standards, it's just

when things go wrong when a customer actually finds out,

well, actually, they wasn't, but there's nothing

you can do about it, because they don't know about that

in the beginning, so if you've got really, really, really

high cleaning standards, especially, you need to get

your message out there, the emotional bond

with your customers.

Now, you might think, "Well, I haven't got customers

"at the moment," and you've actually got a brilliant

opportunity to start your business with the emotional

connection, so any person,

any customer that's gonna come across your Facebook page

or your website, even if you haven't got one, don't panic,

they will then be hooked.

They will remember you because of the time factor,

so when they are ready to buy, so you gotta imagine

this little sort of scenario, that either they've already

got a cleaning company working for them or a cleaner,

so then all of a sudden, they see your message.

They might not be hunting for you, but you've been

really proactive in trying to get your message out there,

they spot that, don't really need a cleaner at the moment,

but when the cleaner they've got, or the cleaning company,

does actually do something wrong, or not necessarily

do something wrong, but the cleaning standards aren't high

or they're being let down or fell out with a customer,

you have to be first in mind, and it's your job

as a cleaning business owner to remind them.

It's not their job to come and hunt for you.

You have to be in front of them with the right message

and at that right time, but they might still remember you

even if they're not now at the present time think about,

"I need a cleaning company, so I'm gonna go search for one."

They might still not be ready!

They might then be thinking, "Oh, well, wait a minute.

"I'm gonna go on holiday, and it's August now,

"so you know over holiday, so do I really want

"to be bothered with interviewing cleaners,

"and letting them come to my house,"

so it's about, like I say, timing it right,

and the planting your seed is about planting your message.

So don't expect, "Oh, I'm gonna go..."

So one brilliant way to start if you want new customers

is to go into an area, draft up kind of like a sales letter,

and I'll explain why I say that in a minute,

and remember to download my roadmap.

There's ways in there to get customers.

Do a sales letter, so basically, I say a sales letter,

and it sounds so massive.

All it is, it's an introduction to you,

your mission statement, your core values,

and what you can do for them, but you have to,

in that letter, obviously have your content right,

which is connect with a feeling: the fear they have

of choosing another cleaning company that might not be

that brilliant, that's a real fear

for domestic cleaning customers and office,

well, all customers!

They fear the feeling, "Well, hang on a minute,

"maybe if I spend 10 pounds," I mean, 10 pounds in everyday

life is not that much for us, but for customers,

like, "Hang on a minute, what if I give 'em

"even 10 pounds, and they're really rubbish?

"What if they come in, and they steal from me?

"What if they come, and they are horrible to my dog?"

They've got all these fears running through their head

while they're looking for a cleaning business,

and if you're the one to get in front of them, and say,

"Hey, don't fear because

"we're animal friendly, we're kid friendly,

"we Devious check our staff, we got all these..."

But it's not the feature of the Devious checking,

what you need to get over is the feature,

they can relax because you do the back work.

They didn't have to do anything, all they have to do,

you go to their house, you see them, and then you talk

about what they need, you find out what the other company

did wrong, and why they want a cleaning company,

and why they chose you to call you to get you in.

But you take this sales letter, and you literally

just go and post it in as many houses as possible.

You can hand write on the card, make the envelope

nice and bright, and you can hand write on the card, saying,

"Your house needs you," something funny, something that's

gonna stand out and grab their attention because

you get so much post every day,

like it's unbelievable, and literally like (mumbles),

so you need something that's gonna go,

"Well, hang on a minute! I need to open that,

"what's that, then?"

You know, curiosity of having to open it,

so you're introducing yourself, and you literally

just keep doing that, and offer maybe saying,

"Your first two hour clean off" for the first five customers

that will respond to your letter."

Now it will be a case of, yes, you might post 100.

Don't expect 50 replies, because that's not how it works,

because it might not be the right contents,

you need to then tailor your content.

It might not be the right time for them; however,

2% of those, say, for instance, 100 sales letters you posted

might just be exactly the right time,

with the right content that emotionally connects with them,

and bam, that's how you get your first customers.

Keep trying.

If you, say, if you post 50, and get no response

within a month, you try a different sales letter,

and the reason I say a sales letter rather than leaflets

or business cards is the fact that sales letter, you can

inject so much, a bit more personality in there,

and you've got a chance to connect with them more.

If you just post a flyer through the door,

it's like, "There I am, use me, don't use me, don't care."

A sales letter gives them a bit more of your personality.

Add a picture of yourself, let them, "This is me!"

and a lot people are afraid of that, but friends

do business with friends, they don't do business

with leaflets, they don't do business with business cards,

and if you do go and, say for instance, and take 50

sales letters and you posted them, you know,

a year down the line, they might, "Well, a year ago

"you posted that sales letter through my box,"

and that might even thank you for it, and there you go!

You've got a customer.

So it's not about, "Oh, I'm gonna do this, oh, OK,

"I've got no replies, and it's two days are gone."

It doesn't work like that, it's about planting your seed

everywhere, go into shop windows, make sure you put

your business details there for people that could

scan past, but connect with them like, "Have you ever

"been let down by your cleaning company?"

or "Is the standard you're seeing at the moment

"not, you know, not on par?" or "Are you not happy

"with your cleaning service at the moment?

"Call us, we'll make sure, you know, you are or..."

and then go from there,

but it's about making that connection, for them to stop

and look and think, "Well, actually, yes,

"my cleaning service aren't that great,

"and they're not doing a brilliant job, I'll call her,"

because you've connected to that thing that is a pain,

or, "Do you hate calling cleaning services or

"hunting for a cleaning service that will not let you down?

"Call us, you know, because we won't let you down,"

but it's making that initial first emotional connection.

Guys, remember, if you've got any comments,

just remember to comment down below, and I will answer

the comments afterwards.

So basically, at the moment, if you're not really proactive

in actually getting out and having a marketing plan

where you say to yourself, "Right, so this month..."

You need to set yourself a goal, and say,

"Right, I want 10 customers, so for that 10 customers,

"what do I need to do?"

So if I, say, get a 2% return on a sales letter,

so I need then to do, say, 200 sales letters,

but this week I'm gonna take an hour,

I'm gonna post it in this area, and then another week

I'm gonna go post it in that area, and then another street,

and then another street, and then another street,

and it's through bold awareness.

How many people live in your town, and how many people

know about you, know about what you actually

can do for them?

That's what it's all about.

So you have to get that connectional, emotional feeling

you have to connect to, then it's the time,

and then you have to get your contract right.

So it sounds all simple, but it's literally just

testing and testing and testing, and once you get

a letter that all of a sudden you do get 10 phone calls,

you know that letter works, and then you stick

with that letter, and then you just double and multiply

what you did in the first instance to get a few customers,

and once you have one customer, all you need to do

is then go to their neighbors and say,

"Oh, by the way," sales letter, "we clean for number three.

"Did you know about it?

"They're very happy with us," and then because

there's friends in the area that knows them,

then they're gonna go and ask that one customer

you have, "By the way, how is she?" and they go,

"Oh, brilliant, oh!"

That's when you start getting the customers in

and the recommendations in and the referrals.

Then if you get another customer, you do exactly the same

and make another customer in another area.

It's just about being proactive, testing, testing, testing

until you get the results that you want, and that's how

you can grow your business.

And like I say, think about it as in planting,

say to yourself, "I'm planting my seeds, so I'm gonna go

"and do these sales letters, I'm gonna go plant my seeds

"in that street on that week, I'm gonna plant my seeds,"

and then they need watering and nourishing,

where is the content and the timing comes in,

when they're ready, I've already made that connection

with them, the emotional connection, and therefore,

you'll be first in mind, and you'll be

the first person they call.

So stand out, make that emotional connection with them,

and like I say once again, I don't want to say,

"It's as simple as that," but it is!

It's just literally testing, testing, testing, testing

until you get it right, until something works,

and bam, there you go!

And once you find out something does work, like I say,

you double it, you triple it, and you just do it

more and more and expand your area until you

literally don't even have to work anymore,

your business won't need you.

You just keep doing that.

Try different things until it succeeds,

and then you'll succeed!

Right, so is there any questions?

I don't want to go on too long

cause I've had some complaints.

Michelle Evans says, "You are great, thank you."

Aww, thank you, Michelle!

And yeah, guys, so if you've got any questions,

I'm actually basically on the process

of creating a monthly membership,

I'm not selling anything, don't worry!

Which is basically focused on getting more customers

into your business in a more monthly basis,

like a monthly lesson,

like this is how a sales letter works,

this is what I use in my business, you go and do it,

and let's test it, get reviews, and we get it working,

but it's about implementing and taking action

and that planting of your seed,

and also one to one with me to start with,

obviously to know where you are, where you want to go,

and let's get some action steps in there,

and it's all about results for you,

so obviously it's not up and running yet,

but I've had so many of you ask me for mentorship

as far as (mumbles) are concerned.

I understand it's hard in the beginning,

and although I say all these wonderful things,

some people still struggle, and also I will definitely

help with mind set-wise when it comes to

trying to get customers, cause it can be hard.

It's not personal, it's never personal to you

if somebody doesn't want you to clean for them,

so that's the first thing, don't ever take it personal,

but I will definitely let you know

when this is up and available.

I know, I think it's about 40 or I think it's 42 people

have asked me so far, so I am in the process,

I promise, of creating this new group, which is

the monthly membership to actually, so you can have

more time with me.

You can show me what you're doing, and I can say to you,

"That this, this, this, try this and this and this,"

and we'll try it and do it until it works

and also what worked for me.

Hi, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth says, "I'm in New York, I'm just starting up

"my cleaning business, really hard to get leads here."

Yes, it's always, it seems to be always hard,

Elizabeth, when you first start.

Let me just put this here.

It's always, they think it's really hard.

What you just need to do is remember, there's loads

of cleaning businesses out there that has already got

customers, that are fully booked,

and they can't cope with them.

What you need to do is get up above the noise

with your message, with how you do things,

and be very proactive, so you stand out,

and you will literally get to the point

where you build your reputation up, where you'll get known

for what you do, so you don't actually really have to do

that much of this kind of trying to get customers,

it then becomes more sort of email marketing kind of way,

but when you first start, I understand what you say,

but it's your price points, it's your message

you put out there and how often your message go out there,

and remember, it's your job to let all of their customers

know that you're there!

I mean, you're doing, actually, you're doing them harm,

by not cleaning for them because you're awesome,

and they need you!

The universe needs you to take your awesomeness

with cleaning and to give it to customers

that will deserve you and appreciate you,

so you're actually, by not trying hard enough,

you're actually do them a dishonesty, because they're

sitting there without you, and they need you!

So just go spread your message.

Try flyers, try business cards, you can try 'em all!

I would always say sales letters because it's more personal,

and you can make more of that weaker, emotional sort of

connection, but like again, don't do it and then expect

bam, "Oh, I've now got 50 customers in a day!"

Because it doesn't work like that.

It's planting your seed everywhere and then once

that seed is ready to be sowed, which is when

that customer calls you, that is when you're gonna

actually reap the benefits.

But a plan doesn't grow in a day or two days,

but let's you be proactive, go everywhere,

download my roadmap, all the ways is in there.

Your Facebook page, you can set it up so when people

do go and see, go to your Facebook page

that they can see who you are.

Like, you need a face on there, you know, you need

a video on there that says, "Hi, this is who I am,

"and what can I do for you?" and connect with them

on that emotional level because you'll then stand out.

If they go online, and they look at five different

Facebook pages, and yours has got your picture on there,

which a lot of them don't, and you've got a video

on there saying, "Hi, this is me, this is what

"I can do for you," and you cover a pain point

and connect with them on that emotional level,

who do you think they're gonna choose?


And there are those customers out there that want you

and that need you, so you need to plant your seeds,

get your business ready to stand out from everybody else

because you, like I say, even if you're a better cleaner,

you're never gonna tell anybody you're a better cleaner,

you'll literally just have to stand out,

make that emotional, and I keep repeating myself,

but this is so important, make that emotional connection,

and then you will get to a stage where literally

you'll be attracting them without you even having

to work that hard.

You will start getting that phone ringing off the hook,

and then I would like you to actually leave a comment

in the Facebook group and say, "I've got too many customers!

"I can't cope, I'm fully booked!"

Because that's what I want for all of you,

to get to a stage where your business don't need you

anymore, your business runs on its own,

and you can do whatever you want and not feel guilty

about not spending enough time with your kids,

and you can actually take holidays and enjoy it,

and not worry about your business.

So right, guys, if you've got any more questions,

now's the time.

It's so hot tonight here in the U.K.

I do apologize if I'm a bit perspiring a bit.

Right, guys, so it's lovely.

Thank you very much for your time.

Thank you very much for joining me.

I really appreciate it.

So I will see you in the Facebook group!

See you later!


For more infomation >> How to get more customers for your cleaning business [Facebook live] - Duration: 20:58.



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For more infomation >> LUKA BABY POLICE STOPS WRONG BEHAVIOR AND SAVES MARINE LIFE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 5:54.


Manafort juror's message to Trump: Pardon would be 'big mistake' - Duration: 3:54.

Manafort juror's message to Trump: Pardon would be 'big mistake'

Manafort juror's message to Trump: Pardon would be 'big mistake'.

  A juror who voted to convict Paul Manafort and who is also a supporter of US President Donald Trump has some advice for Trump if he is considering whether to pardon his former campaign chairman: don't do it.

Paula Duncan is so far the only juror to speak out since Manafort was found guilty of 8 out of 18 counts of financial wrongdoing on Tuesday.

"He should absolutely not pardon him.

I think it would be a big mistake," Duncan, 54, told Reuters after an on-camera interview on Friday, adding that she believed it would be a mistake from both a moral and a political perspective.

"If President Trump pardons him without him doing any time at all it would look like President Trump was saying it's OK that you broke the law.

It's not OK to break the law." Trump weighed in on Manafort's plight while the jury was still in deliberations, calling the tax and bank fraud case against him "very sad" and lauding him as a "very good person." Those comments, along with tweets following the verdict, have heightened speculation that Trump may look to pardon Manafort.

When asked directly about the prospect, Trump has not ruled it out.

    While Duncan feels Manafort should pay for his crimes, she said she believes he was targeted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading a probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.

"I don't think that Mr Manafort would have been on trial had not the Special Counsel been looking for information on Russian collusion in the last election," Duncan said in the TV interview.

"He's still guilty.

and he now needs to pay for the laws he broke." Duncan said that she and 10 other jurors wanted to convict Manafort on all 18 counts of tax and bank fraud and failing to declare his foreign bank accounts that he faced in the trial.

It was one holdout who caused the jury to hang on 10 of the 18 counts after nearly four days of deliberations, she said.

"We had some people that were very wrapped up in it and really didn't want to stop deliberating," Duncan said.

"In the end we knew we were never going to change her mind." Even with instructions to avoid media coverage of the trial, Duncan said she and her fellow jurors would had to have been "brain dead to not know" the scrutiny on the case and said they were "all very overwhelmed with the importance of our job." And even though she believes Manafort is guilty, Duncan said she agrees with Trump that it was time to shut down Mueller's probe.

"I just think the whole thing is a waste of taxpayer money and a way to harass the president," she said.

For more infomation >> Manafort juror's message to Trump: Pardon would be 'big mistake' - Duration: 3:54.


Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 11 - Duration: 1:34.

Cancer is a very scary word, right?!

Most certainly you know someone who has had to battle cancer…Or even maybe you yourself

have had to come up against it.

Now there is a study from the journal called "Science Translational Medicine" that shows

that not only can intermittent fasting protect normal cells from the harmful side effects

of chemotherapy drugs...but fasting can also kill cancer cells!

Cancer cells actually lack the metabolic flexibility to use fat as fuel.

They can only get their nutrition from sugar.

The above study explains how cancer cells lack the ability to respond and thrive under

extreme environments.

Now, one of these extreme environments is starving the body of sugar, their primary

energy source.

Another one of these extreme environments is intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting has been shown to starve cancer cells while simultaneously protecting

cells from chemotherapy toxicity!

In fact, one research group is working on getting intermittent fasting approved by the

FDA as a complementary therapy for cancer patients.

Now, although a great byproduct, intermittent fasting is so much more than just about weight


It's about your health, your longevity, your lifespan...everything in between.

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss! | DAY 11 - Duration: 1:34.


Peine de mort pour un homme de 19 ans ayant violé un bébé de 7 mois - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Peine de mort pour un homme de 19 ans ayant violé un bébé de 7 mois - Duration: 2:21.


How to Make a YoYo - DIY Toy for Kids - Duration: 3:32.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> How to Make a YoYo - DIY Toy for Kids - Duration: 3:32.


How To Find Great Vintage Guitar Gear For Small Prices - Duration: 3:42.

Hey everyone it's Bruce here from WaterBear broadcasting from Small Pond studio

and today I'm talking about a very very well a subject that is very close to my heart

which is finding vintage gear sourcing it and using it

because generally it can sound really cool and it can have a lot of character

if you're prepared to put the research in and the time in to find it

and of course to keep it going because it's like a classic car or something

It needs a bit of love

We're gonna be looking in the usual places

We're going to be looking trawling through eBay in lots of countries not just the UK

because actually it's not that big a deal to import stuff

We're gonna be looking on reverb

and we're also gonna be just keeping our eye out through the musicians community

word-of-mouth and stuff like Facebook

because it's amazing what crops up through the music community

Now I think the key thing we're also looking for a bargain here

We don't want to be spending loads of money

My advice is to steer away from

if you really want to play and this is about the music rather than hanging this stuff on the wall

I'd steer away from anything that's supremely collectable

like an early strat or an early 60s Les Paul Standard or something like that

You're just going to be paying too much money for the mystique around the instrument

So I've got some tips for you

Early 70s and mid 70s instruments in fact all the way up to 1983

there's a golden period in my view for guitar manufacture

so very happy with a lot of instruments from that era

They won't all be great but a lot of them will be

and in Japan culturally there's not a real big level of enthusiasm for second-hand gear

so if you type MIJ into your searches on YouTube for example or Reverb

that stands for Made In Japan

and you'll see a lot of people in Japan selling second-hand vintage guitars very very cheaply

You will have to factor in 60, 70 quid for a guitar for example on postage

and you have to factor in a little bit of import duty I think it's about 10%

but even so and there's some Japanese brands like Greco for example

that make incredible instruments and you can get them for an absolute steal

So we know if we go off the beaten track a little bit

if we do our research we can turn up some very interesting pieces

and this is an example so on first glance this looks like an early 80s marshall jcm800

which is in itself a classic amp

You'd normally expect to pay maybe 1300 for a good example of a 50 watt head for example

however this one is something a little bit different that I've been searching for

for 10 years and not only have I found it finally I've got it very very cheap

it was about 650 pounds on eBay

This amp didn't sell because it's unusual because it hasn't got a master volume

so it's perfect what I do

It's more of a vintage circuit it's got four inputs

Very very few of these were made in this format

So not only is it perfect for me not only is it an amazing amp

and I've only paid 650 quid for it but it's quite rare and it's got its own very unique character as well

So other things you might want to look at instead of looking at Gibson maybe look at Guild

Maybe look at the Japanese copies like Greco

Look at Italian guitar manufacturers or Swedish Hagstrom for example Dwight

So look for stuff that's just a little bit off the track and you'll find some incredible interesting body shapes

It looks good in video and also you'll just get away from that classic Les Paul Marshall Telecaster usual sound

There you go there's some top tips hope that's helpful

For more infomation >> How To Find Great Vintage Guitar Gear For Small Prices - Duration: 3:42.


Janky Tribes of Magic - Horses! (Includes Deck Tech!) | MtG - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Janky Tribes of Magic - Horses! (Includes Deck Tech!) | MtG - Duration: 6:24.


5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give Your Kids Chocolate Shakes - Duration: 8:10.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give Your Kids Chocolate Shakes

You might get tired of this sort of news alert about the dangers of certain foods from time to time.

When those issues have to do with your children's health, however, they become a little more relevant.

Today we want to talk about the classic chocolate milkshake, the one every kid loves.

They're usually a child's favorite snack or dessert when they come home from school.

As parents, you've surely read about the nutritional ingredients contained in those boxes of chocolate milk that you put in their lunchbox every day.

Everything might seem positive, but you know that there are also preservatives that maintain their food's appearance and texture, but is there anything else that you're not being told? In today's article, we want to explain this to you.

1,Carrageenan, something not recommended for children in food.

If you've never heard of carrageenan, we want to tell you that they're a natural product made from different types of algae.

Algae in dairy products? It's true.

In spite of being a natural food, you should know that the World Health Organization advises against giving them to your child.

Changes their intestinal flora.

Causes poor digestion. Causes gas.

Leads to diarrhea.

You might wonder what the recommended daily amount is for kids so that they avoid experiencing those effects.

For the time being, health authorities haven't agreed on this.

2,Chocolate shakes contain casein.

No doubt you already know this information.

Chocolate milkshakes are still milk products, so they're rich in casein – a milk protein.

The effects of this protein on the body vary greatly from person to person, but in children, the following effects are often observed:.

Irritate the bowel.

Affect the immune system.

Produce allergies.

Lead to eczema or bronchitis, all of which are influenced by an allergy to this dairy product.

Not all children will have this kind of allergy or reaction, but it's a fact that you should consider to at least regulate their consumption.

3,Chocolate milkshakes contain too much sugar.

You won't be surprised to learn that chocolate shakes contain sugar, but did you know that a 200 ml serving contains almost 30 grams of sugar?.

That amount is way too high, and it's even worse if your kids drink these on a regular basis.

Sugar causes insulin resistance, so you run the risk of your children suffering from metabolic syndromes and diabetes.

Sugar increases the concentration of bile in feces and bacterial enzymes in the colon.

Chocolate milkshakes contain corn syrup, a rich type of sweetener.

This compound can cause liver damage in the long term.

You run the risk of having obese children.

4,Chocolate shakes don't help children have strong bones.

It's customary for dairy companies that produce these types of beverages to sell us their benefits with phrases like "they promote bone growth" or "your child's bones will grow stronger.

This kind of information should be reviewed with caution and some skepticism.

The calcium in this type of shake is not easily absorbed.

In fact, it's more commonly lost.

Amy Lanou, Director of the Nutrition Center for the Committee of Physicians for Responsible Medicine, points out that countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are those in which people drink more packaged milk, i.e.

shakes of this type.

Chocolate milkshakes aren't a good source of calcium.

Plain yogurt, or even calcium from vegetable sources, would be a better option.

5,Chocolate milkshakes might not even taste like chocolate.

The flavor is completely artificial.

In fact, manufacturers often use chemicals and other aromatic elements reminiscent of chocolate without using the real thing.

The same thing happens with other flavors, such as strawberry and vanilla.

It's common for these beverages to contain substances like hydrolyzed vegetable protein or monosodium glutamate.

And another fact is even more worrying: food manufacturers don't have to reveal the ingredients that they use to create those flavors.

They are confidential formulas so that they can compete with other brands.

This is what happens with Coca-Cola, for example.

There are healthier options than chocolate milkshakes.

You don't need to give up on dairy products, but it's worth consuming the healthiest ones that you know have more calcium and also care for your children's intestinal flora: you could make a smoothie using natural plain yogurt and add some cocoa powder and a bit of oatmeal.

They'll love it.

Vegan plant milks are also a very suitable option.

Another idea is to prepare natural juices at home.

To conclude, we want to point out that consuming a chocolate shake from time to time doesn't involve any risk.

The danger comes when those beverages become daily habits in the diet of your children.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give Your Kids Chocolate Shakes - Duration: 8:10.


Stargate SG-1: Best Episode from Each Season? - Duration: 13:39.

Stargate SG-1 is one of the greatest science fiction TV shows of all time.

Running for ten seasons, the series starred Richard Dean Anderson as Colonel Jack O'Neill

– leader of a team of military officers, civilians, and aliens that explored the galaxy

through an ancient portal known as the Stargate.

There are 214 episodes of SG-1.

So which ones are the very best?

This won't be a typical Top 10 list.

Instead, here we're going to run down the best single episode of each season, as voted

on by fans.

Stargate SG-1 mixed action and adventure, drama and comedy.

After the show wrapped up its broadcast run in 2007 GateWorld spent almost a year conducting

a series of fan polls – favorite episodes, character moments, alien races, etc.

Thousands of Stargate fans from all over the world voted on their number one favorite episode

for each individual season.

Here are the winners!


Over the course of 22 episodes, starting in 1997, the SG-1 team quickly discovered that

the planet Earth is part of a much larger community of species in the Milky Way Galaxy.

There are races young and old – some humans whose ancestors were abducted from Earth by

the Goa'uld thousands of years ago, and other non-human species who have walked among

the stars for countless eons.

In "The Torment of Tantalus" the team visits the planet nicknamed "Heliopolis."

This wasn't a Goa'uld world, and no human settlement lives there.

Its solitary resident was Ernest Littlefield, who came through the Stargate from Earth when

researchers accidentally managed to activate it in 1945.

Nobody knew how to get Ernest home, and the D.H.D. on Heliopolis was damaged beyond repair.

While Samantha Carter tries to jury-rig a way to dial the gate, Ernest shows Daniel

Jackson and Catherine Langford his great discovery.

The great hall was once the meeting place of four great races – a sort of

"United Nations" of the stars.

To communicate with one another they crafted a common vocabulary, based on the natural

elements of the Periodic Table – a truly "universal language."

Ancient races, advanced in their technology but long since gone ... "The Torment of

Tantalus" showed the team, and us as the audience, just how big the galaxy really is.


Viewers learned even more about the four great races in "The Fifth Race,"

voted the best of Season Two.

Here the team finds a piece of alien technology that downloads the library of the Ancients

into Colonel O'Neill's mind.

It's a massive amount of knowledge, and as it slowly unspools Jack loses the ability

to speak or otherwise communicate.

He inputs dozens of new gate addresses into the base computer, and MacGyvers a new power

source that allows him to dial the Stargate to another galaxy.

His life on the line, Jack goes through the gate alone.

He finds himself on the distant planet of Othalla, in the galaxy of Ida.

The planet is a colony of Asgard, who remove the Ancient library from Jack's head and save his life.

The encounter is a high-water mark for the young show's growing mythology.

The Asgard tell Jack of the four races – the Asgard, the Nox, the Furlings, and the Ancients,

the builders of the Stargates.

And while the humans from Earth still have much to prove,

the Asgard believe they have "great potential."


In the third season of SG-1 Apophis is back from the dead, the search for Sha're and

Skaara comes to an end, and the team learns that the Asgard are facing an enemy worse

than the Goa'uld in their home galaxy.

Daniel also meets his very first ascended being, Oma Desala.

Fans voted "Nemesis" as the best episode of a great season.

In the season finale the team comes face-to-face with the Asgard's big enemy.

Thor's ship shows up in Earth's orbit and Jack is beamed aboard without warning.

There a critically wounded Thor tells him of the Replicators, technological bugs who

have taken over his ship and are consuming it for its resources.

SG-1 has to stop the creatures from landing the ship and infesting Earth – gaining a

foothold that could threaten the entire galaxy.


This season the alliance with the Tok'ra moved forward, as Apophis made a new grab for power.

We met an intelligent Unas, Chaka, and discovered

that the Russians had their own secret Stargate program.

There were also new faces behind the scenes.

Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie joined the writer's room, and it's their episode

– the time-loopy "Window of Opportunity" – that viewers picked as the best of the year.

This episode is a real classic.

After an encounter with an Ancient device and a grieving scientist named Malakai, Jack

O'Neill and Teal'c find themselves reliving the same day over … and over … and over again.

First they try to learn enough to break free; then they just give up and have a bit of fun

– knowing that they can do whatever they want with no consequences.

But when they do return to the Ancient planet and find a way to stop the loops, one of Stargate's

funniest episodes suddenly becomes desperately poignant, as Jack confronts Malakai with the

reality of loss, and the need to let go.


In the fifth season of Stargate SG-1 a powerful new threat emerged.

First only hinted at in whispers, by the end of the season we knew his name … and saw

his oil-slicked face.

Anubis was believed to have died a millennia ago,

banished by the System Lords because his acts were unspeakable.

This season we also met another ascended being, Orlin, and witnessed the downfall of key allies,

like the Tollan.

With SG-1's five-year run on Showtime coming to an end, actor Michael Shanks opted not

to return for Season Six.

The task for the writers was how to write him off, giving the character Daniel Jackson

a fitting and emotional send-off – but one that left the door open for his possible return.

The result was "Meridian," the fan-favorite episode of Season Five.

After a naquadria experiment on the planet Langara goes terribly wrong Daniel is exposed

to a lethal dose of radiation.

As he slowly wastes away in the S.G.C.

Infirmary his friends take turns saying goodbye – while Daniel has a close encounter with

Oma Desala.

She eventually helps him to ascend to a higher plane.

It's a new start for the character, whose journey has always been about sacrificing

himself for the good of others.


Stargate's move to the SCI FI Channel brought more changes, including a new member of the team:

Corin Nemec joined the show as Jonas Quinn.

The new year brought Earth's first interstellar vessels (the X-302 and Prometheus), as well

as the discovery of tretonin – a drug that could help the Jaffa free themselves from

Goa'uld enslavement.

Anubis's power also continued to grow, leading to the destruction of another of Earth's allies.

But the best episode of the season is a quiet little character study that puts Jack O'Neill

in a prison cell with the ascended Daniel Jackson.

"Abyss" sees Jack captured by Baal, who tortures him to death – only to revive him

in a sarcophagus and torture him again, and again, and again.

Jack finally asks Daniel to end it, to make sure he doesn't come back the next time.

Meanwhile SG-1 discovers the Colonel's whereabouts, and provide a tiny window of hope for his escape.

"Abyss" is proof that Stargate is so much more than a popcorn adventure show.

It is capable of profound drama, deploying the best of science fiction ideas in a story

that explores themes of humanity, friendship, and hope.


Daniel returned to his mortal form after a year as an ascended being, ready to continue

his own fight against Anubis – who was growing in power after bringing the other System Lords to heel.

SG-1 encountered the Hak'tyl, a tribe of rebel Jaffa women, and Anubis moved to replace

his Jaffa armies with nearly unstoppable super-soldiers.

All of this led to one of the high points of the 10-year series.

Fans voted a clear winner as the best episode of the year:

The seventh season finale, "Lost City, Part 2."

Anubis's direct assault on Earth finally arrives, as a newly inaugurated U.S. President

tries to cope with the global crisis.

Elizabeth Weir is now in charge at Stargate Command, while SG-1 races across the galaxy

to find an Ancient power source.

With the discovery of the Ancient weapons platform beneath the ice of Antarctica, Anubis'

forces are destroyed – but the cost may be the life of Jack O'Neill.


In the eighth season of the show the System Lords scrambled for power following Anubis'

downfall, and Baal emerged victorious.

But he was far from the biggest threat to the galaxy.

Now the Replicators were coming, led by the love-scorned Fifth and his Replicator duplicate

of Samantha Carter.

Meanwhile Jack O'Neill took command of the S.G.C., leaving the newly promoted Colonel

Carter to lead SG-1's off-world missions.

Eight years of Stargate SG-1 came to an epic, three-part climax, as the Replicators and

the Goa'uld battled it out, a super-weapon was discovered on the planet Dakara, and Daniel

once again gave his life to save others.

The best episode of the bunch is "Threads," which tied up all the loose … well, threads

… after the two-parter "Reckoning."

In this episode Sam breaks off her engagement with Pete (because she still loves Jack);

Jacob Carter dies a hero's death; Anubis tries to use the Dakara weapon against all

of humanity; and Daniel tangles with Oma and the ascended beings in a diner on the higher plane.

Ultimately it's Oma herself who must make a personal sacrifice, making up for her own

role in Anubis' ascendence by engaging him in cosmic battle for all eternity.

And in the end, the team goes fishing.

Job well done.


SG-1 turned another corner in its ninth year, with new cast members and a brand new storyline.

Though Baal and other Goa'uld are still kicking around,

now the System Lords' stranglehold over the galaxy is over.

The new threat is from the Ori, powerful ascended beings from another galaxy, who send their

emissaries to preach the religion of Origin and demand worship.

The "Day of Reckoning" is coming.

Once again, fans picked the epic, action-packed season finale as their favorite episode of the season.

"Camelot" is loaded with character moments, Arthurian mythology, and one of the biggest

space battles in the series as the Ori fleet finally invades the Milky Way Galaxy by means

of the Supergate.

While looking for a weapon Merlin devised to use against the Ori, SG-1 comes across

the legendary village of Camelot on another world.

There they scour Merlin's library for a lead,

while Colonel Mitchell fights a holographic Black Knight.

When the Odyssey comes calling it's all hands on deck, as an alliance of Earth, Jaffa,

Asgard, and even Lucian Alliance vessels unite to repel the Ori attack.

But their combined forces prove no match for the advanced warships.

The battle is a rout.

The Ori … have arrived.


The final season of Stargate SG-1 advances the Ori storyline.

Now, instead of waging a war of ideas with Priors and prophets, Earth and its allies

are in a shooting war with the Ori armies – now led by Vala Mal Doran's daughter, Adria.

The victories are few and far between, and in the end Adria herself ascends to become

an even more powerful adversary.

Voted the best of the final season: "The Pegasus Project."

It's an epic crossover event, as SG-1 visits the lost city of Atlantis in the Pegasus Galaxy.

With help from Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay, and John Sheppard, the team hopes to dial

a Stargate in to the Ori Supergate in the Milky Way – to prevent the enemy from sending

any more ships through.

The gambit is a success, as the Odyssey uses the destruction of a Wraith hive ship to initiate

the wormhole … also destroying an Ori warship on the other side.

Meanwhile, back in Atlantis' VR room, Daniel and Vala attempt to learn more about the three

planets where Merlin might have hidden his weapon.

The answers come surprisingly easy from the city's projection of a long-dead Lantean.

Daniel quickly realizes that she is, in fact, not a hologram but an ascended being –

Morgan Le Fay – who is trying to help them stop the Ori.

As we would see in the movie Stargate: The Ark of Truth, it wouldn't be the last time ...

So what do you think of the list?

Visit us at to review the season-by-season episode guide,

and leave a comment below with your picks!

Hit that Subscribe button below to join the family, and enable Alerts to see all the latest

videos from GateWorld!

For more infomation >> Stargate SG-1: Best Episode from Each Season? - Duration: 13:39.


Liverpool news: The ONE reason Reds system is working better than Arsenal's - Alan Shearer - Duration: 3:07.

 The Reds sit top of the Premier League at present, with three wins from three games so far this term

 Liverpool full-backs Trent Alexander-Arnold and Andrew Robertson are thriving under Jurgen Klopp's new system which allows them to attack the opposition

 Arsenal duo Nacho Monreal and Hector Bellerin have also been given license to play further up the field since Unai Emery took over at the Emirates

 But when asked on Match of the Day why the Gunners' system wasn't working as well as Klopp's, pundit Alan Shearer highlighted a key difference

 "They've got [Georginio] Wijnaldum and [James] Milner, who are prepared to sit," he told host Gary Lineker

 "And Naby Keita is also prepared to sit. "20 years ago, when one full-back went forward the other would tuck in and sit near his two centre-halves

 "Now, both full-backs have got license to go forward because nowadays you rarely do you see out-and-out wingers

 "When you compare it again to 20 years ago and you had [John] Barnes, [Chris] Waddle, [Damien] Duff, [Arjen] Robben, [Stuart] Ripley and [Ryan] Giggs

 "They're now known as forwards. "Gone are the days of playing 4-4-2. "And that's the full-backs have got so much license because they've got so much protection in front of them

" Wijnaldum, Milner and Keita are all enjoying strong campaigns so far. The trio have started every game for the Reds so far this season as they continue to keep captain Jordan Henderson and new signing Fabinho out of the starting XI

 The Brazilian is hoping to get some game time at his new club in the coming weeks and broke his silence after the 1-0 win against Brighton on Saturday evening

 "I'm aware it's a different playing style than Monaco," he said. "There were two in midfield there whereas here at Liverpool there's usually three

 "My midfield partners have provided me with guidance and assistance. So have the defence

 "I knew it would change and I feel I've adapted well. You seek guidance from the other players around you and that's worked really well and I feel my performances in pre-season were good

 "Although the systems are slightly different, there are similarities too. "Monaco had a transition similar to Liverpool's

I think the two teams can be compared in this way; both them have very fast transition, with every fast players up front

 "I hope to be as important here as I was at Monaco." Liverpool recorded their third straight victory at Anfield last night thanks to a Mohamed Salah goal

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: The ONE reason Reds system is working better than Arsenal's - Alan Shearer - Duration: 3:07.


Liverpool boss Klopp says Reds 'lost the plot' after Salah secures Brighton victory | LFC News - Duration: 2:14.

LIVERPOOL boss Jurgen Klopp says his side 'lost the plot' during their Premier League

win over Brighton.

Liverpool battled their way past a stubborn Brighton at Anfield, with Mohamed Salah's

early goal enough to give them all three points.

The Reds were far from their fluid best against the visitors, who rocked Manchester United

at the Amex Stadium a week ago.

And, speaking after the game, Liverpool boss Klopp said: "It wasn't our best performance

but it was obviously good enough.

It is quite difficult to create chances against a good, organised side like Brighton.

"We had chances.

It was a good game.

In the second half, if you don't decide the game, it is the oldest law of football...

Brighton is too good and when they made some changes, we lost the plot a little and gave

the ball away in absolutely the wrong moments!

"It is a good day for us because we won this game and it is still special for a Premier

League game."

Defender Virgil van Dijk added "It was a tough game but we were full of confidence from last


"We needed to make sure we were ready for the battle.

We needed to play our best game so we are just happy that we won.

"We did it all together.

You saw today how important our pressing from the front is.

"Credit to everyone.

We are not doing it alone at the back.

Everyone is doing their bit.

"It is always important to make crucial saves."

Brighton boss Chris Hughton was happy with his side, saying: "There was stuff to be proud

of but disappointed as well.

"I thought over the 90 minutes they would have chances but I thought we did too.

"At 1-0 down at half-time most people expected Liverpool to push on but we got stronger as

the game went on.

We were good on the ball and had some really good moments.

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