hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space we're seeing a three
hundred feet below it with Avengers we can bust arms dealers all the live long
day but that up there that's that's the end game how are you guys planning on
beating that together
why did you do
we're in the endgame
what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on Avengers 4 so there's some
pretty epic news come out this week so much to cover and it's only Wednesday so
if you are new to the channel make sure subscribe and let me know down below how
is your day going how hype to you for that Avengers 4
movie next year also we do have a competition running on this channel for
an infinity war blu-ray or Deadpool is super duper - or ant-man of walls all
you got to do is subscribe the channel and comment down below who is your
favorite villain with the avengers endgame trailer finally here another
weekend we're gonna be getting the IMAX trailer i will overlay a few imax shots
from this trailer yes it's gonna be the same trailer but damn it's gonna look so
much cleaner so the Marvel Cinematic Universe fans
just like me I'm a fan of more so cria we've been poring over every single
detail in the attempt to figure out what is going on in the first trailer that's
gonna hit the cinema next year in April this naturally leads to some serious
theories that I put out there one being the idea of Fanus not being the only
threat in avengers endgame after the devastating decimation that is the real
threat at the end of endgame is death herself going to appear to have
all known for a long time that we had a toy leaked on the back of it the package
read the Asgardian Thor wills the mighty storm breaker in his battle against new
foes rocket teams up with a new crew to guard the galaxy from an even greater
threat although this is very vague and there's so many people networks media
outlets publications that have spoke about this the description not only
indicates additional villain but perhaps one greater than the mad Titan Thanos
himself considering everything with the Infinity Gauntlet he possessed the power
to wipe out half of life in the universe as we know it which is now officially me
called the decimation if you did read The Avengers for prelude comic which
didn't really tell us a lot except for they are calling that the
yes emotion so there's been so many theories out there that analysis is
gonna be the villain a Fantastic Four villain from the negative zone could fit
the bill massively another one is that rocket is working with new allies in the
guardian of the galaxy considering he is also with the toy League Thor is likely
among them following the disappearance of every other Garden of the galaxy the
notion that rocket is operating with a new team could lead some credence to the
rumor that Avengers 4 could actually take place five years into the future
because as everyone keeps asking where is Rocket in the first trailer then we
had the new book from Titan from Thanos and said this they are hidden Thanos the
law speaker said as they're butchering a child because they're too powerful and
because the Celestials and the others the one who the celestial sphere keep
close watch on the stones from afar well it doesn't tell you it doesn't really
explain anything really but it does fit the bill from what we've learned from
the merchandise packaging from it this supposedly k-- and it's now being
confirmed that the quantum realm suits that were on that these suits that
leaked i've had it confirmed by a very reliable source that they are real so
notable I honestly think there is a greater threat coming
other than the mad Titan but who could this be so we know we've got the Fox in
this deal that's very close to closing I will go that at the end of video so
Doctor Doom is always a favorite for a villain to appear Doctor Doom is often
regarded as one of the greatest comic book villains ever created despite
having the rights to such a character Fox has never really done this character
any justice having two separate cinematic implications
none of them which are good so basically Doctor Doom has never been good been
done good because the rights aren't with Marvel many believe that the marvel at
the reins of Doctor do like that deal will be closing very soon could finally
get an on screen presence that deserves dr. doone is such a complex villain but
they'd also have to introduce the Fantastic Four it will be
prime opportunity to introduce yet another complex villain who has good
ideas that he uses for his own personal gain there has to be another villain as
the Cerebral Assassin no money Jake and not super Saxon but it's gonna have to
set up another villain in this movie for Avengers 4 or something like that
everyone seem to think that they're gonna do secret war after just because
the Russo brothers said that but that doesn't really mean a lot and the other
good candidate would be the super scroll so with the scrolls being introduced in
Captain Marvel why couldn't they bring the super scroll to Avengers end game
while the scrolls are known from mimicking the appearance and powers of
other characters the super scroll takes this to a whole new level the alien has
the power of every member of the Fantastic Four at once making them as
serious foe to face and the fact that the scrolls will actually be in Captain
Marvel does tell us that potentially there will be some Scrolls inside
Avengers 4 maybe not super scroll but could the super scroll up here yes that
would be a greater threat Galactus is always a favorite one the devourer of
worlds the conqueror of worlds yes the storyline would have to be in trade with
the Fantastic Four and I feel like it would be better in an origin story with
the Fantastic Four when they're introduced to the Marvel Cinematic
Universe but you got to talk about glasses cuz everyone wants Galactus as
obviously when they get the Fox rights back Galactus could be their king of the
Conqueror a time-traveling Conqueror with a vast powers and Technology soup
Remus he has taken every opportunity to
torment the Marvel Universe and is one of the greatest foes they Avengers have
ever faced Kang has embarrassed an empire with a population of millions and
cuts through everyone so could Kang the Conqueror appear maybe so a lot of
people and me I think I made a video about this a bunch time ago his death is
very linked to the Infinity Gauntlet in the comics so this is one part that the
Russo brothers didn't actually include so the idea having lady death as a role
in Avengers infinity war and or in endgame isn't a new one and it isn't far
fetch every fan has said when they introduced Heller played by Cate
Blanchett in for three many assumed Thor's brutal half-sister would
a big role in the movie and she did but she wasn't playing lady death herself in
the comics lady death is all the imaginary girlfriend of Thanos who
refuses to hand over her love to him despite the constant wishes he lives to
serve her killing relentless in an effort to a please her thirst so a
recent reddit theory that came to me is interesting it kind of says that maybe
lady death could be this character and it does have some legs but it literally
could be anyone they're gonna have to tee up someone so reddit user rain heart
23 I will put a link down below said this in interviews with the Risa
weathers I heard Anthony explained that one of the infinity war plots was about
Thor's loss his journey to avenge those losses his foes taught Thanos we've
already seen so many leaks that infer a greater threat that seems to apply
someone more dangerous than far I recently watched infinity war just like
everyone did and like many others I've noticed that Thor referred to her as his
half-sister that in conclusion was intentionally on the part of the
directors and the screenwriters remember the screenwriters keep saying
oh we watch online stephen mcfeely you've got no idea what's coming
everyone things i think they do and you've got no idea what's coming
what if heller was a goddess of death because her mother bestowed the title
her mother who who will learn about is actually death why else would heller
have been so much more powerful in thor ragnarok okay yeah i can explain that
one to you whoever made this theory the reason is because she's much older as
Garland's gets stronger as they get older but the concept of having death in
this movie does make sense we do know that these shot a lot of scenes for
heller for Thor and also for Valkyrie in in Durham Church in England or Cathedral
in England up north and they weren't used so what if this is a place where
maybe death was going to be introduced the entire trailer seems to point to the
end so what's more final than death itself introducing death now this is
where the theory gets a bit crazy remember how Katherine land Ford joined
the cast so she's a star of 13 reasons why absolute psychic actor everyone
seems to think she's profaned Morgan Stark
of Z Tony Stark's daughter from the future yeah that doesn't make sense
would be cool but this sir he says I think should make a truly memorable
choice as a villain lay death that's the end game as Tony Stark said up there
that's n gaming a joke Jean now everyone's gonna jump on the she's too
young storyline but remember how old Nick Fury is in real life Samuel Jackson
is older in real life but in the Captain Marvel movie they've literally made him
look 25 so maybe she could be playing that facing universal extinction just a
thought so I honestly think that we will be getting a new threat and what better
than death or Doctor Doom so guys drop your comments down below
who do you think - actually gonna appear inside Avengers end game so now we get
to the juicy part so the Fox and Disney deal is nearly finished
it's gonna be one of the biggest stories of the 20th century the potential
purchasing of 20th Century Fox by Disney which would make Disney under stock or
another acquisition they got Star Wars they got Marvel now it looks like
they're gonna own 20th Century Fox it appears that everything in a recent
interview with The Hollywood Reporter Kevin Maher who has been involved with
the deal since day one discussed the merger is nearly complete he said the
following the deal close and keeps me up at night but it is almost done in close
I'm eager to execute I'm eager to get those services out in the public hands
that is an excitement more than is nervousness this is groundbreaking it's
almost a complete state of shock as this major acquisition is something that I
never thought would happen this fast a lot of people were saying Wooster you
wrong the deal won't be over by the time earth and his end game comes out but it
appears that we're now in December it could be closed by the end of January
like it was reported so a cameo role from any of these characters but I've
listed could easily have been part of the deal they could have made a deal to
include a character from the fox-owned characters from either the x-men the
Fantastic Four the Deadpool anyone like that before they still even closed
secret deals have been done all the time so it could death appear May
is it far-fetched definitely but who would you add into this movie for the
next villain if you could and can they really finish this storyline and call it
end game without the likes of death appearing without the likes of Adam
warlock he could still appear we know he was supposed to be in gardens galaxy 3
when James Journal was linked to that and obviously now he's not linked to
that but interested enough side note apparently people that have read his
script have cried it's that damn good it's a shame we're never gonna see it
but if someone does leak it I would totally do a video going over it so guys
let me know who is this great threat are you excited for this merger finally
going through would you want them to recast Wolverine personally I don't
think they should do Jackman absolutely kills that role and guys we do have a
50,000 subscriber giveaway prize I'm gonna be giving away a Hasbro Infinity
Gauntlet which will cost quite a lot for a tiny channel like this so what you got
to do is follow me on twitter at most you on twitter and let me know that
you've done it and that's it and you'll be entered i will be announcing the
winner for that in the next couple of days I'm not sure at the moment if I'm
gonna let it go through to New Year's Eve or do it just before Christmas but I
will keep you posted but even if you have entered that already I will go
through absolutely everyone and pick someone at random so anyway guys please
like subscribe and comment and I will try and comment back to everyone and
trying to be more community-based now so I let's start a discussion down below in
the comment I want to build a strong Marvel DC pop culture down below in the
comment section that's why we do have the discord server so everyone like my
can talk about everything and then just Marvel movie stuff related so if you do
want to check it out it's always in the link in the description anyway guys
please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another video very
soon catch ya later
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