Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 20 2018

Is there a need to introduce myself?

I am a detective.

You will be disappointed if you were hoping for some hero,

but if it is a detective or a man of deductive powers that you sought, then you have drawn a good card.

Dialogue 1: Although waiting is fine, there'll be no new clients if we continue to stay here.

Dialogue 2: Are you observing properly?

It's not enough to just see with your eyes.

Dialogue 3: You are not my client.

If I must put a word to it, you are something more like an assistant.

Dialogue 4 (If you have Archer of Shinjuku): In truth, I find this deeply fascinating.

Perhaps this is what they call a destined bond in the Orient.

Well then, which place will become the Reichenbach of the 21st century?

Regardless, interesting times are ahead.

Dialogue 5 (If you have Helena Blavatsky): Madame Blavatsky...

I can fully understand her feelings.

It is not something that can be helped.

Ah, it's not like we are on bad terms.

We're just old acquaintances.

Dialogue 6 (If you have Henry Jekyll & Hyde): Henry Jekyll...

I need to speak with him at least once.

Dialogue 7 (If you have Zhuge Liang [Lord El-Melloi II]): A mage of the Clock Tower, eh?

Do spare me some of your time.

There are things we should talk about.

Likes: What I like.

Investigations, and after that, yes...

Dislikes: What I hate?

Well then, what are your thoughts about that?

Holy Grail: The Holy Grail.

A rather fascinating target of observation.

Rather than the Holy Grail itself, we could say that many incidents occur around its vicinity.

Event: It seems a new case has arisen.

Well then, will it be entertaining, I wonder?

Bond Level 1: Ah, pray do not disturb me.

I'm in deep thought. Sorry.

Bond Level 2: Do you need me for anything?

If possible, let the contents be something that interests me.

Bond Level 3: Yes, it means I place that much trust in your intuition.

Bond Level 4: You are the first assistant of mine to have been so dutiful since Watson.

Of course, I will praise you. Hahaha.

Bond Level 5: Someday, you shall become a complete person of your own.

Even if you become a commonplace existence of banality, that is fine.

Ah, but you are not there yet.

For now, just advance one step at a time...

there is no rush.

I am good at disguises.

With that said, doesn't this seem slightly different...

It is fine not to change the coat, right?

Hm, it fits... or so it seems.

That was why it was chosen.

Living is itself the miraculous skill that allows you to surpass any form of imagination.

Education never ends.

Battle Start 1: Take care. A sharp blade is a dangerous thing.

Battle Start 2: This will pose no great difficulty.

Skill 1: There are always other possibilities.

Skill 2: It begins.

Command Card 1: A wise judgement.

Command Card 2: Is that so.

Command Card 3: I don't mind it.

Noble Phantasm Card: Let us begin.

Attack 1: Hmm.

Attack 2: I see.

Attack 3: Interesting!

Extra Attack: Truly fascinating!

Noble Phantasm: It is something exceedingly rudimentary, friend.

『Elementary, my dear.』

Damage 1: Oh...!

Damage 2: Ugh!

Defeat 1: Interesting...!

Defeat 2: As expected, then...

Victory 1: It is easy to mislead one about clear truths.

Even when it comes to the results of victory or defeat.

Victory 2: Is there a need to disclose the nature of the trick?

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Sherlock Holmes Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 5:45.


Why Living On A Submarine Sucks - Duration: 9:00.

With 72 submarines in service, the United States fields the largest underwater fighting

force in the world.

Stealthy and absolutely deadly against surface vessels, submarines are tasked with deterring

foreign aggression, nuclear deterrence, intelligence gathering, and even providing fire support

for land forces with land-attack missiles.

But for most of a submarine's lifespan it will glide through the oceans of the world

completely undetected and as they say: out of sight, out of mind.

What is life like under the sea for those who man these secretive weapons of war though?

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look

at what life is like aboard a submarine.


every man can be a submariner, and though it is a 100% all-volunteer force, the US Navy's

submarine fleet has very stringent entry requirements.

Individuals must be male, pass a series of academic tests, psychological evaluations,

and intensive courses on the fundamentals of submarine operations.

With deployments that can last for hundreds of days at a time and disaster being only

one mistake away, the Navy must be confident that it is entrusting some of the most expensive

weapons in its arsenal, and the hundred-plus lives within them, to only the most psychologically

stable and academically qualified individuals.

But it isn't a life for everyone who applies.

Technically the US deploys submarines for up to 90 days at a time, but the realities

of a dynamic geopolitical environment sometimes means that submariners will be out at sea

for a hundred or more days, pulling into port only long enough to stock up on food reserves

before putting out to sea again.

One submariner interviewed by Task and Purpose said that his longest deployment was for 328

days- that's a long time spent inside a cramped metal tube under water.

AS the US Navy only operates nuclear-powered submarines, each sub's endurance is based

on the amount of food it can carry.

The reactors will typically only be fueled once during the lifetime of the boat, and

a need to keep its crew fed is the only thing that limits how long a submarine can stay

out at sea for.

Both air and water are regenerated internally, so even long after food runs out a submarine

will still provide fresh drinking water and breathable air.

A submarine's crew is split up into three six-hour shifts each.

Typically a crewmember will have six hours on duty, six hours of study/exercise/private

time, and six hours of sleeping time.

This 18 hour day rotation can be disorienting for a crew who spends weeks at a time under

the water, and typically crewmembers only know what time of day it actually is based

off what meal they are being served.

Space is at an absolute premium on any submarine, so personal space is extremely limited.

Every submariner has typically about 15 square feet (1.4 square meters) to themselves, and

sleep in tiny bunks affectionately (or not) called "coffins".

Inside your bunk only a thin sheet of cloth separates you from the outside world, so privacy

is nearly non-existent, and because somebody is always sleeping no matter the time of day,

submariners have an unwritten rule to never slam doors and always keep volume down to

a minimum.

Some submarines however have more crew than bunk space, which leads to the much-hated

practice of 'hot-bunking', where two or more submariners share one bunk.

As one prepares to start their shift, the other takes his place to get his six hours

of sleep.

Submarines it seems are definitely not places for anybody with privacy or personal space


Bunks aren't the only place with limited space, there's typically only two showers for the

entire crew of up to 130 submariners, and a maximum showering time of 3-5 minutes is


This not only helps ensure everyone who needs one can get a shower, but it also lessens

the strain on the ship's water filtration system which turns salty seawater into fresh


There is also typically only a single dryer and washer aboard a submarine, making clean

laundry a luxury.

For entertainment there is a tiny gym with typically one or two machines and free weights

which the crew can use- because space is at such a premium rooms typically have double

uses and the 'gym' may in fact be the torpedo room.

The officers' wardroom, where senior officers dine, also serves as an operating theater

during medical emergencies.

Bathrooms are extremely limited as well, with typically only one bathroom per forty men-

and you'd better know how to use the toilet.

Because waste has to be held in a special tank to be ejected at the appropriate time,

the toilet has to be pressurized before you flush it, but operate it improperly and it

will shoot its contents backwards and into your face.

A rec room typically offers a plasma tv or two and a large selection of movies to keep

the crew entertained.

Video game systems are common along with a small library of games, though the Navy makes

cards and board games freely available to help sailors blow off steam and build camaraderie.

The most space aboard a sub is reserved for the nuclear reactor and the propulsion system,

which alone take up about one third of the total sub's length.

The kitchen takes up the second-most amount of space, and is typically extremely well

stocked- the US Navy knowing for decades that a well-fed crew is a happy crew.

Life beneath the waves for weeks or even months at a time can be extremely stressful, and

so the Navy makes sure its galleys are well stocked.

Sailors can enjoy fresh ingredients for the first few weeks of a deployment, though after

that food is made from non-perishables.

Even then though chefs manage to whip up a variety of dishes from lasagna to lobster

to prime rib, and a delicious dessert is always on hand.

There is no internet aboard a submarine, and communication with the outside world is reserved

for the rare instances that a sub surfaces.

Because initiating communications can give away a sub's position and stealth is its most

valuable asset, submarines don't communicate much with the outside world.

That means that submariners can go weeks or months without contacting family or loved

ones, and must rely on the friendships they've developed on board.

To make the cramped environment more tolerable for each other submariners have additional

unwritten rules such as no talk of politics on board, although sports trash talk is acceptable

if not encouraged.

While all of the military branches are keen on traditions and rites of passage, none are

as dedicated to their traditions, or have as nuanced rites of passage, as the Navy.

Partly tradition and partly to help keep morale up, submariners enjoy a tradition of initiating

new crew members on their first crossing of the equator, called crossing the line.

Everyone who has already crossed the line is known as a shellback, and those who haven't

are known as wogs- shorthand for pollwogs.

The pollywogs must polish a set of red trash weights use to compact trash and then wear

them around their necks for a week before the crossing.

Wogs are also given an M&M which they must keep and defend as their 'pearl', ensuring

it stays on their person at all times.

Upon crossing the equator, the shellbacks spray the wogs with water hoses and dunk them

in cold water which may or may not have been urinated in- seamen are a strange sort.

Then they are escorted to the ward room where the fattest submariner on board has been dressed

in a baby's diaper and covered in whipped cream, vinegar, mayonnaise- pretty much every

condiment available- and then the wog must place their pearl inside his belly button

and retrieve it back with their mouth.

From that day on, the wog is no more and is welcomed as a full-blown shellback.

Strange rituals aside, strong camaraderie is what sets submariners apart from other

sailors in the US Navy, and when you're spending weeks at a time in a pressurized cylinder

straining to hold back the weight of the ocean, it's understandable that you might need to

let steam off in some pretty creative ways.

Because of the high stress of their jobs, submariners are often excused somewhat from

the Navy's typical strict regulations on hair and facial hair, allowing short beards and

longer-than-usual hair for the notoriously tightly clipped US armed forces.

Once rejoining the rest of the Navy by pulling into port however, submariners must get the

trimmers out and make sure they are back in regs.

Life aboard a submarine is tough, a unique mental and physical challenge that not every

sailor is cut out for.

Yet as has been argued repeatedly by defense analysts across the US, the US Navy's silent

service is the most critical element of its national security.

From maintaining nuclear deterrence, to ensuring the good behavior of not-so-friendly nations

by threatening swift and overwhelming retaliation, submarines are the world's ultimate, if secretive,


Think you have what it takes to be a US submariner?

How would you handle weeks under water with no fresh air or sunlight?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Happens If An Airplane Enters

No Fly Zone?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Living On A Submarine Sucks - Duration: 9:00.


Avengers 4 EndGame MISTRESS DEATH Is The Greater Threat REVEALED!? Disney/Fox Merge Almost Done! - Duration: 13:35.

hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space we're seeing a three

hundred feet below it with Avengers we can bust arms dealers all the live long

day but that up there that's that's the end game how are you guys planning on

beating that together

why did you do

we're in the endgame

what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on Avengers 4 so there's some

pretty epic news come out this week so much to cover and it's only Wednesday so

if you are new to the channel make sure subscribe and let me know down below how

is your day going how hype to you for that Avengers 4

movie next year also we do have a competition running on this channel for

an infinity war blu-ray or Deadpool is super duper - or ant-man of walls all

you got to do is subscribe the channel and comment down below who is your

favorite villain with the avengers endgame trailer finally here another

weekend we're gonna be getting the IMAX trailer i will overlay a few imax shots

from this trailer yes it's gonna be the same trailer but damn it's gonna look so

much cleaner so the Marvel Cinematic Universe fans

just like me I'm a fan of more so cria we've been poring over every single

detail in the attempt to figure out what is going on in the first trailer that's

gonna hit the cinema next year in April this naturally leads to some serious

theories that I put out there one being the idea of Fanus not being the only

threat in avengers endgame after the devastating decimation that is the real

threat at the end of endgame is death herself going to appear to have

all known for a long time that we had a toy leaked on the back of it the package

read the Asgardian Thor wills the mighty storm breaker in his battle against new

foes rocket teams up with a new crew to guard the galaxy from an even greater

threat although this is very vague and there's so many people networks media

outlets publications that have spoke about this the description not only

indicates additional villain but perhaps one greater than the mad Titan Thanos

himself considering everything with the Infinity Gauntlet he possessed the power

to wipe out half of life in the universe as we know it which is now officially me

called the decimation if you did read The Avengers for prelude comic which

didn't really tell us a lot except for they are calling that the

yes emotion so there's been so many theories out there that analysis is

gonna be the villain a Fantastic Four villain from the negative zone could fit

the bill massively another one is that rocket is working with new allies in the

guardian of the galaxy considering he is also with the toy League Thor is likely

among them following the disappearance of every other Garden of the galaxy the

notion that rocket is operating with a new team could lead some credence to the

rumor that Avengers 4 could actually take place five years into the future

because as everyone keeps asking where is Rocket in the first trailer then we

had the new book from Titan from Thanos and said this they are hidden Thanos the

law speaker said as they're butchering a child because they're too powerful and

because the Celestials and the others the one who the celestial sphere keep

close watch on the stones from afar well it doesn't tell you it doesn't really

explain anything really but it does fit the bill from what we've learned from

the merchandise packaging from it this supposedly k-- and it's now being

confirmed that the quantum realm suits that were on that these suits that

leaked i've had it confirmed by a very reliable source that they are real so

notable I honestly think there is a greater threat coming

other than the mad Titan but who could this be so we know we've got the Fox in

this deal that's very close to closing I will go that at the end of video so

Doctor Doom is always a favorite for a villain to appear Doctor Doom is often

regarded as one of the greatest comic book villains ever created despite

having the rights to such a character Fox has never really done this character

any justice having two separate cinematic implications

none of them which are good so basically Doctor Doom has never been good been

done good because the rights aren't with Marvel many believe that the marvel at

the reins of Doctor do like that deal will be closing very soon could finally

get an on screen presence that deserves dr. doone is such a complex villain but

they'd also have to introduce the Fantastic Four it will be

prime opportunity to introduce yet another complex villain who has good

ideas that he uses for his own personal gain there has to be another villain as

the Cerebral Assassin no money Jake and not super Saxon but it's gonna have to

set up another villain in this movie for Avengers 4 or something like that

everyone seem to think that they're gonna do secret war after just because

the Russo brothers said that but that doesn't really mean a lot and the other

good candidate would be the super scroll so with the scrolls being introduced in

Captain Marvel why couldn't they bring the super scroll to Avengers end game

while the scrolls are known from mimicking the appearance and powers of

other characters the super scroll takes this to a whole new level the alien has

the power of every member of the Fantastic Four at once making them as

serious foe to face and the fact that the scrolls will actually be in Captain

Marvel does tell us that potentially there will be some Scrolls inside

Avengers 4 maybe not super scroll but could the super scroll up here yes that

would be a greater threat Galactus is always a favorite one the devourer of

worlds the conqueror of worlds yes the storyline would have to be in trade with

the Fantastic Four and I feel like it would be better in an origin story with

the Fantastic Four when they're introduced to the Marvel Cinematic

Universe but you got to talk about glasses cuz everyone wants Galactus as

obviously when they get the Fox rights back Galactus could be their king of the

Conqueror a time-traveling Conqueror with a vast powers and Technology soup

Remus he has taken every opportunity to

torment the Marvel Universe and is one of the greatest foes they Avengers have

ever faced Kang has embarrassed an empire with a population of millions and

cuts through everyone so could Kang the Conqueror appear maybe so a lot of

people and me I think I made a video about this a bunch time ago his death is

very linked to the Infinity Gauntlet in the comics so this is one part that the

Russo brothers didn't actually include so the idea having lady death as a role

in Avengers infinity war and or in endgame isn't a new one and it isn't far

fetch every fan has said when they introduced Heller played by Cate

Blanchett in for three many assumed Thor's brutal half-sister would

a big role in the movie and she did but she wasn't playing lady death herself in

the comics lady death is all the imaginary girlfriend of Thanos who

refuses to hand over her love to him despite the constant wishes he lives to

serve her killing relentless in an effort to a please her thirst so a

recent reddit theory that came to me is interesting it kind of says that maybe

lady death could be this character and it does have some legs but it literally

could be anyone they're gonna have to tee up someone so reddit user rain heart

23 I will put a link down below said this in interviews with the Risa

weathers I heard Anthony explained that one of the infinity war plots was about

Thor's loss his journey to avenge those losses his foes taught Thanos we've

already seen so many leaks that infer a greater threat that seems to apply

someone more dangerous than far I recently watched infinity war just like

everyone did and like many others I've noticed that Thor referred to her as his

half-sister that in conclusion was intentionally on the part of the

directors and the screenwriters remember the screenwriters keep saying

oh we watch online stephen mcfeely you've got no idea what's coming

everyone things i think they do and you've got no idea what's coming

what if heller was a goddess of death because her mother bestowed the title

her mother who who will learn about is actually death why else would heller

have been so much more powerful in thor ragnarok okay yeah i can explain that

one to you whoever made this theory the reason is because she's much older as

Garland's gets stronger as they get older but the concept of having death in

this movie does make sense we do know that these shot a lot of scenes for

heller for Thor and also for Valkyrie in in Durham Church in England or Cathedral

in England up north and they weren't used so what if this is a place where

maybe death was going to be introduced the entire trailer seems to point to the

end so what's more final than death itself introducing death now this is

where the theory gets a bit crazy remember how Katherine land Ford joined

the cast so she's a star of 13 reasons why absolute psychic actor everyone

seems to think she's profaned Morgan Stark

of Z Tony Stark's daughter from the future yeah that doesn't make sense

would be cool but this sir he says I think should make a truly memorable

choice as a villain lay death that's the end game as Tony Stark said up there

that's n gaming a joke Jean now everyone's gonna jump on the she's too

young storyline but remember how old Nick Fury is in real life Samuel Jackson

is older in real life but in the Captain Marvel movie they've literally made him

look 25 so maybe she could be playing that facing universal extinction just a

thought so I honestly think that we will be getting a new threat and what better

than death or Doctor Doom so guys drop your comments down below

who do you think - actually gonna appear inside Avengers end game so now we get

to the juicy part so the Fox and Disney deal is nearly finished

it's gonna be one of the biggest stories of the 20th century the potential

purchasing of 20th Century Fox by Disney which would make Disney under stock or

another acquisition they got Star Wars they got Marvel now it looks like

they're gonna own 20th Century Fox it appears that everything in a recent

interview with The Hollywood Reporter Kevin Maher who has been involved with

the deal since day one discussed the merger is nearly complete he said the

following the deal close and keeps me up at night but it is almost done in close

I'm eager to execute I'm eager to get those services out in the public hands

that is an excitement more than is nervousness this is groundbreaking it's

almost a complete state of shock as this major acquisition is something that I

never thought would happen this fast a lot of people were saying Wooster you

wrong the deal won't be over by the time earth and his end game comes out but it

appears that we're now in December it could be closed by the end of January

like it was reported so a cameo role from any of these characters but I've

listed could easily have been part of the deal they could have made a deal to

include a character from the fox-owned characters from either the x-men the

Fantastic Four the Deadpool anyone like that before they still even closed

secret deals have been done all the time so it could death appear May

is it far-fetched definitely but who would you add into this movie for the

next villain if you could and can they really finish this storyline and call it

end game without the likes of death appearing without the likes of Adam

warlock he could still appear we know he was supposed to be in gardens galaxy 3

when James Journal was linked to that and obviously now he's not linked to

that but interested enough side note apparently people that have read his

script have cried it's that damn good it's a shame we're never gonna see it

but if someone does leak it I would totally do a video going over it so guys

let me know who is this great threat are you excited for this merger finally

going through would you want them to recast Wolverine personally I don't

think they should do Jackman absolutely kills that role and guys we do have a

50,000 subscriber giveaway prize I'm gonna be giving away a Hasbro Infinity

Gauntlet which will cost quite a lot for a tiny channel like this so what you got

to do is follow me on twitter at most you on twitter and let me know that

you've done it and that's it and you'll be entered i will be announcing the

winner for that in the next couple of days I'm not sure at the moment if I'm

gonna let it go through to New Year's Eve or do it just before Christmas but I

will keep you posted but even if you have entered that already I will go

through absolutely everyone and pick someone at random so anyway guys please

like subscribe and comment and I will try and comment back to everyone and

trying to be more community-based now so I let's start a discussion down below in

the comment I want to build a strong Marvel DC pop culture down below in the

comment section that's why we do have the discord server so everyone like my

can talk about everything and then just Marvel movie stuff related so if you do

want to check it out it's always in the link in the description anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another video very

soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 EndGame MISTRESS DEATH Is The Greater Threat REVEALED!? Disney/Fox Merge Almost Done! - Duration: 13:35.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 dCi 110 Express Black Edition 1STE EIG.!!, Airco, R.schuifdeur met raam - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 dCi 110 Express Black Edition 1STE EIG.!!, Airco, R.schuifdeur met raam - Duration: 1:08.


Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.

The Kumano Hongu Taisha is one of Wakayama Kumano region's three famous shrines.

Enshrining its own deity, Hongu Taisha also enshrines the deities of the other two Kumano shrines,

Hayatama Taisha and Nachi Taisha, and the sun goddess Amaterasu.

It serves as the head shrine of over 3000 Kumano shrines across Japan.

The history of Hongu Taisha goes as far as the 9th century and was located by the bank of Shingu River.

Due to massive floods in 1889, the shrine was moved from its original location at

Oyu no Hara to its present location one kilometer away.

In front of Oyu no Hara (Oyunohara) stands the biggest torii gate in the world which is 33 meters tall.

This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.

Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at

For more infomation >> Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.


Resultado da QUINA 4855 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Resultado da QUINA 4855 - Duration: 1:44.


艺人蒋劲夫再次被逮捕,形势有些严峻!原因让人吃惊 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 艺人蒋劲夫再次被逮捕,形势有些严峻!原因让人吃惊 - Duration: 8:47.


StormTracker Forecast 12-19-18 (2) - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> StormTracker Forecast 12-19-18 (2) - Duration: 2:57.


Daihatsu Sirion 2 1.3-16V PRESTIGE 5DRS AIRCO 65DKM - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Daihatsu Sirion 2 1.3-16V PRESTIGE 5DRS AIRCO 65DKM - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 L+R Schuif .dr - Imperiaal - Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 L+R Schuif .dr - Imperiaal - Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.


EPA: No E.coli in Crow water - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> EPA: No E.coli in Crow water - Duration: 0:35.


Furor en Colombia por uñas navideñas exageradas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Furor en Colombia por uñas navideñas exageradas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.



For more infomation >> FX TRADE CORPORATION A EMPRESA QUE VAI REALIZAR SONHOS - Duration: 14:14.


Salmos | SALMO 98 - "A Justiça do Senhor" - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 98 - "A Justiça do Senhor" - Duration: 1:32.


Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.

The Kumano Hongu Taisha is one of Wakayama Kumano region's three famous shrines.

Enshrining its own deity, Hongu Taisha also enshrines the deities of the other two Kumano shrines,

Hayatama Taisha and Nachi Taisha, and the sun goddess Amaterasu.

It serves as the head shrine of over 3000 Kumano shrines across Japan.

The history of Hongu Taisha goes as far as the 9th century and was located by the bank of Shingu River.

Due to massive floods in 1889, the shrine was moved from its original location at

Oyu no Hara to its present location one kilometer away.

In front of Oyu no Hara (Oyunohara) stands the biggest torii gate in the world which is 33 meters tall.

This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.

Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at

For more infomation >> Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.


Central AL Forecast for 12/19/18 - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Central AL Forecast for 12/19/18 - Duration: 2:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE TOP! AIRCO-ELEKTRISCH PAKKET-CABRIO 18.052KM! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE TOP! AIRCO-ELEKTRISCH PAKKET-CABRIO 18.052KM! - Duration: 1:11.


Lin-Manuel Miranda derrocha talento en nueva versión de Mary Poppins | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Lin-Manuel Miranda derrocha talento en nueva versión de Mary Poppins | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:36.


Arrestan a modelo que posó desnuda en el Vaticano | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Arrestan a modelo que posó desnuda en el Vaticano | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Ambition Avantgarde - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Ambition Avantgarde - Duration: 0:55.


Foto de Juan Gabriel sería tomada en casa donde se esconde | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Foto de Juan Gabriel sería tomada en casa donde se esconde | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:14.


Amiga de Juan Gabriel asegura que foto del Divo muerto es real | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Amiga de Juan Gabriel asegura que foto del Divo muerto es real | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.


La Reserva Federal vuelve a aumentar las tasas de interés - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> La Reserva Federal vuelve a aumentar las tasas de interés - Duration: 0:44.


Detiene el auto para robar un árbol de navidad y es captado en cámara | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Detiene el auto para robar un árbol de navidad y es captado en cámara | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:30.


Arriesgan sus vidas para rescatar a conductor atrapado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Arriesgan sus vidas para rescatar a conductor atrapado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:45.


Madre denuncia a maestra por acosar sexualmente a su hijo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Madre denuncia a maestra por acosar sexualmente a su hijo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.


Confiesa que mató a su esposa por haber quedado discapacitada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Confiesa que mató a su esposa por haber quedado discapacitada | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.


Familia no entierra a su hijo a la espera de que resucite | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Familia no entierra a su hijo a la espera de que resucite | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:24.


Relación entre Meghan y Kate preocupa a la Casa Real británica | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Relación entre Meghan y Kate preocupa a la Casa Real británica | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:35.


Banda Rancho Viejo sufre un aparatoso accidente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Banda Rancho Viejo sufre un aparatoso accidente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Volvo S60 1.6 DRIVe R-Design Xenon/ Navi/ 18'' LMV/ Adaptive Cruise/ Schuifdak/ Dealer Ond./ 132.521 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 1.6 DRIVe R-Design Xenon/ Navi/ 18'' LMV/ Adaptive Cruise/ Schuifdak/ Dealer Ond./ 132.521 - Duration: 1:06.


Fate/Grand Order - Sherlock Holmes Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 5:45.

Is there a need to introduce myself?

I am a detective.

You will be disappointed if you were hoping for some hero,

but if it is a detective or a man of deductive powers that you sought, then you have drawn a good card.

Dialogue 1: Although waiting is fine, there'll be no new clients if we continue to stay here.

Dialogue 2: Are you observing properly?

It's not enough to just see with your eyes.

Dialogue 3: You are not my client.

If I must put a word to it, you are something more like an assistant.

Dialogue 4 (If you have Archer of Shinjuku): In truth, I find this deeply fascinating.

Perhaps this is what they call a destined bond in the Orient.

Well then, which place will become the Reichenbach of the 21st century?

Regardless, interesting times are ahead.

Dialogue 5 (If you have Helena Blavatsky): Madame Blavatsky...

I can fully understand her feelings.

It is not something that can be helped.

Ah, it's not like we are on bad terms.

We're just old acquaintances.

Dialogue 6 (If you have Henry Jekyll & Hyde): Henry Jekyll...

I need to speak with him at least once.

Dialogue 7 (If you have Zhuge Liang [Lord El-Melloi II]): A mage of the Clock Tower, eh?

Do spare me some of your time.

There are things we should talk about.

Likes: What I like.

Investigations, and after that, yes...

Dislikes: What I hate?

Well then, what are your thoughts about that?

Holy Grail: The Holy Grail.

A rather fascinating target of observation.

Rather than the Holy Grail itself, we could say that many incidents occur around its vicinity.

Event: It seems a new case has arisen.

Well then, will it be entertaining, I wonder?

Bond Level 1: Ah, pray do not disturb me.

I'm in deep thought. Sorry.

Bond Level 2: Do you need me for anything?

If possible, let the contents be something that interests me.

Bond Level 3: Yes, it means I place that much trust in your intuition.

Bond Level 4: You are the first assistant of mine to have been so dutiful since Watson.

Of course, I will praise you. Hahaha.

Bond Level 5: Someday, you shall become a complete person of your own.

Even if you become a commonplace existence of banality, that is fine.

Ah, but you are not there yet.

For now, just advance one step at a time...

there is no rush.

I am good at disguises.

With that said, doesn't this seem slightly different...

It is fine not to change the coat, right?

Hm, it fits... or so it seems.

That was why it was chosen.

Living is itself the miraculous skill that allows you to surpass any form of imagination.

Education never ends.

Battle Start 1: Take care. A sharp blade is a dangerous thing.

Battle Start 2: This will pose no great difficulty.

Skill 1: There are always other possibilities.

Skill 2: It begins.

Command Card 1: A wise judgement.

Command Card 2: Is that so.

Command Card 3: I don't mind it.

Noble Phantasm Card: Let us begin.

Attack 1: Hmm.

Attack 2: I see.

Attack 3: Interesting!

Extra Attack: Truly fascinating!

Noble Phantasm: It is something exceedingly rudimentary, friend.

『Elementary, my dear.』

Damage 1: Oh...!

Damage 2: Ugh!

Defeat 1: Interesting...!

Defeat 2: As expected, then...

Victory 1: It is easy to mislead one about clear truths.

Even when it comes to the results of victory or defeat.

Victory 2: Is there a need to disclose the nature of the trick?

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order - Sherlock Holmes Voice Lines (English Subbed) - Duration: 5:45.


Why Living On A Submarine Sucks - Duration: 9:00.

With 72 submarines in service, the United States fields the largest underwater fighting

force in the world.

Stealthy and absolutely deadly against surface vessels, submarines are tasked with deterring

foreign aggression, nuclear deterrence, intelligence gathering, and even providing fire support

for land forces with land-attack missiles.

But for most of a submarine's lifespan it will glide through the oceans of the world

completely undetected and as they say: out of sight, out of mind.

What is life like under the sea for those who man these secretive weapons of war though?

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look

at what life is like aboard a submarine.


every man can be a submariner, and though it is a 100% all-volunteer force, the US Navy's

submarine fleet has very stringent entry requirements.

Individuals must be male, pass a series of academic tests, psychological evaluations,

and intensive courses on the fundamentals of submarine operations.

With deployments that can last for hundreds of days at a time and disaster being only

one mistake away, the Navy must be confident that it is entrusting some of the most expensive

weapons in its arsenal, and the hundred-plus lives within them, to only the most psychologically

stable and academically qualified individuals.

But it isn't a life for everyone who applies.

Technically the US deploys submarines for up to 90 days at a time, but the realities

of a dynamic geopolitical environment sometimes means that submariners will be out at sea

for a hundred or more days, pulling into port only long enough to stock up on food reserves

before putting out to sea again.

One submariner interviewed by Task and Purpose said that his longest deployment was for 328

days- that's a long time spent inside a cramped metal tube under water.

AS the US Navy only operates nuclear-powered submarines, each sub's endurance is based

on the amount of food it can carry.

The reactors will typically only be fueled once during the lifetime of the boat, and

a need to keep its crew fed is the only thing that limits how long a submarine can stay

out at sea for.

Both air and water are regenerated internally, so even long after food runs out a submarine

will still provide fresh drinking water and breathable air.

A submarine's crew is split up into three six-hour shifts each.

Typically a crewmember will have six hours on duty, six hours of study/exercise/private

time, and six hours of sleeping time.

This 18 hour day rotation can be disorienting for a crew who spends weeks at a time under

the water, and typically crewmembers only know what time of day it actually is based

off what meal they are being served.

Space is at an absolute premium on any submarine, so personal space is extremely limited.

Every submariner has typically about 15 square feet (1.4 square meters) to themselves, and

sleep in tiny bunks affectionately (or not) called "coffins".

Inside your bunk only a thin sheet of cloth separates you from the outside world, so privacy

is nearly non-existent, and because somebody is always sleeping no matter the time of day,

submariners have an unwritten rule to never slam doors and always keep volume down to

a minimum.

Some submarines however have more crew than bunk space, which leads to the much-hated

practice of 'hot-bunking', where two or more submariners share one bunk.

As one prepares to start their shift, the other takes his place to get his six hours

of sleep.

Submarines it seems are definitely not places for anybody with privacy or personal space


Bunks aren't the only place with limited space, there's typically only two showers for the

entire crew of up to 130 submariners, and a maximum showering time of 3-5 minutes is


This not only helps ensure everyone who needs one can get a shower, but it also lessens

the strain on the ship's water filtration system which turns salty seawater into fresh


There is also typically only a single dryer and washer aboard a submarine, making clean

laundry a luxury.

For entertainment there is a tiny gym with typically one or two machines and free weights

which the crew can use- because space is at such a premium rooms typically have double

uses and the 'gym' may in fact be the torpedo room.

The officers' wardroom, where senior officers dine, also serves as an operating theater

during medical emergencies.

Bathrooms are extremely limited as well, with typically only one bathroom per forty men-

and you'd better know how to use the toilet.

Because waste has to be held in a special tank to be ejected at the appropriate time,

the toilet has to be pressurized before you flush it, but operate it improperly and it

will shoot its contents backwards and into your face.

A rec room typically offers a plasma tv or two and a large selection of movies to keep

the crew entertained.

Video game systems are common along with a small library of games, though the Navy makes

cards and board games freely available to help sailors blow off steam and build camaraderie.

The most space aboard a sub is reserved for the nuclear reactor and the propulsion system,

which alone take up about one third of the total sub's length.

The kitchen takes up the second-most amount of space, and is typically extremely well

stocked- the US Navy knowing for decades that a well-fed crew is a happy crew.

Life beneath the waves for weeks or even months at a time can be extremely stressful, and

so the Navy makes sure its galleys are well stocked.

Sailors can enjoy fresh ingredients for the first few weeks of a deployment, though after

that food is made from non-perishables.

Even then though chefs manage to whip up a variety of dishes from lasagna to lobster

to prime rib, and a delicious dessert is always on hand.

There is no internet aboard a submarine, and communication with the outside world is reserved

for the rare instances that a sub surfaces.

Because initiating communications can give away a sub's position and stealth is its most

valuable asset, submarines don't communicate much with the outside world.

That means that submariners can go weeks or months without contacting family or loved

ones, and must rely on the friendships they've developed on board.

To make the cramped environment more tolerable for each other submariners have additional

unwritten rules such as no talk of politics on board, although sports trash talk is acceptable

if not encouraged.

While all of the military branches are keen on traditions and rites of passage, none are

as dedicated to their traditions, or have as nuanced rites of passage, as the Navy.

Partly tradition and partly to help keep morale up, submariners enjoy a tradition of initiating

new crew members on their first crossing of the equator, called crossing the line.

Everyone who has already crossed the line is known as a shellback, and those who haven't

are known as wogs- shorthand for pollwogs.

The pollywogs must polish a set of red trash weights use to compact trash and then wear

them around their necks for a week before the crossing.

Wogs are also given an M&M which they must keep and defend as their 'pearl', ensuring

it stays on their person at all times.

Upon crossing the equator, the shellbacks spray the wogs with water hoses and dunk them

in cold water which may or may not have been urinated in- seamen are a strange sort.

Then they are escorted to the ward room where the fattest submariner on board has been dressed

in a baby's diaper and covered in whipped cream, vinegar, mayonnaise- pretty much every

condiment available- and then the wog must place their pearl inside his belly button

and retrieve it back with their mouth.

From that day on, the wog is no more and is welcomed as a full-blown shellback.

Strange rituals aside, strong camaraderie is what sets submariners apart from other

sailors in the US Navy, and when you're spending weeks at a time in a pressurized cylinder

straining to hold back the weight of the ocean, it's understandable that you might need to

let steam off in some pretty creative ways.

Because of the high stress of their jobs, submariners are often excused somewhat from

the Navy's typical strict regulations on hair and facial hair, allowing short beards and

longer-than-usual hair for the notoriously tightly clipped US armed forces.

Once rejoining the rest of the Navy by pulling into port however, submariners must get the

trimmers out and make sure they are back in regs.

Life aboard a submarine is tough, a unique mental and physical challenge that not every

sailor is cut out for.

Yet as has been argued repeatedly by defense analysts across the US, the US Navy's silent

service is the most critical element of its national security.

From maintaining nuclear deterrence, to ensuring the good behavior of not-so-friendly nations

by threatening swift and overwhelming retaliation, submarines are the world's ultimate, if secretive,


Think you have what it takes to be a US submariner?

How would you handle weeks under water with no fresh air or sunlight?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Happens If An Airplane Enters

No Fly Zone?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Living On A Submarine Sucks - Duration: 9:00.


Avengers 4 EndGame MISTRESS DEATH Is The Greater Threat REVEALED!? Disney/Fox Merge Almost Done! - Duration: 13:35.

hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space we're seeing a three

hundred feet below it with Avengers we can bust arms dealers all the live long

day but that up there that's that's the end game how are you guys planning on

beating that together

why did you do

we're in the endgame

what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on Avengers 4 so there's some

pretty epic news come out this week so much to cover and it's only Wednesday so

if you are new to the channel make sure subscribe and let me know down below how

is your day going how hype to you for that Avengers 4

movie next year also we do have a competition running on this channel for

an infinity war blu-ray or Deadpool is super duper - or ant-man of walls all

you got to do is subscribe the channel and comment down below who is your

favorite villain with the avengers endgame trailer finally here another

weekend we're gonna be getting the IMAX trailer i will overlay a few imax shots

from this trailer yes it's gonna be the same trailer but damn it's gonna look so

much cleaner so the Marvel Cinematic Universe fans

just like me I'm a fan of more so cria we've been poring over every single

detail in the attempt to figure out what is going on in the first trailer that's

gonna hit the cinema next year in April this naturally leads to some serious

theories that I put out there one being the idea of Fanus not being the only

threat in avengers endgame after the devastating decimation that is the real

threat at the end of endgame is death herself going to appear to have

all known for a long time that we had a toy leaked on the back of it the package

read the Asgardian Thor wills the mighty storm breaker in his battle against new

foes rocket teams up with a new crew to guard the galaxy from an even greater

threat although this is very vague and there's so many people networks media

outlets publications that have spoke about this the description not only

indicates additional villain but perhaps one greater than the mad Titan Thanos

himself considering everything with the Infinity Gauntlet he possessed the power

to wipe out half of life in the universe as we know it which is now officially me

called the decimation if you did read The Avengers for prelude comic which

didn't really tell us a lot except for they are calling that the

yes emotion so there's been so many theories out there that analysis is

gonna be the villain a Fantastic Four villain from the negative zone could fit

the bill massively another one is that rocket is working with new allies in the

guardian of the galaxy considering he is also with the toy League Thor is likely

among them following the disappearance of every other Garden of the galaxy the

notion that rocket is operating with a new team could lead some credence to the

rumor that Avengers 4 could actually take place five years into the future

because as everyone keeps asking where is Rocket in the first trailer then we

had the new book from Titan from Thanos and said this they are hidden Thanos the

law speaker said as they're butchering a child because they're too powerful and

because the Celestials and the others the one who the celestial sphere keep

close watch on the stones from afar well it doesn't tell you it doesn't really

explain anything really but it does fit the bill from what we've learned from

the merchandise packaging from it this supposedly k-- and it's now being

confirmed that the quantum realm suits that were on that these suits that

leaked i've had it confirmed by a very reliable source that they are real so

notable I honestly think there is a greater threat coming

other than the mad Titan but who could this be so we know we've got the Fox in

this deal that's very close to closing I will go that at the end of video so

Doctor Doom is always a favorite for a villain to appear Doctor Doom is often

regarded as one of the greatest comic book villains ever created despite

having the rights to such a character Fox has never really done this character

any justice having two separate cinematic implications

none of them which are good so basically Doctor Doom has never been good been

done good because the rights aren't with Marvel many believe that the marvel at

the reins of Doctor do like that deal will be closing very soon could finally

get an on screen presence that deserves dr. doone is such a complex villain but

they'd also have to introduce the Fantastic Four it will be

prime opportunity to introduce yet another complex villain who has good

ideas that he uses for his own personal gain there has to be another villain as

the Cerebral Assassin no money Jake and not super Saxon but it's gonna have to

set up another villain in this movie for Avengers 4 or something like that

everyone seem to think that they're gonna do secret war after just because

the Russo brothers said that but that doesn't really mean a lot and the other

good candidate would be the super scroll so with the scrolls being introduced in

Captain Marvel why couldn't they bring the super scroll to Avengers end game

while the scrolls are known from mimicking the appearance and powers of

other characters the super scroll takes this to a whole new level the alien has

the power of every member of the Fantastic Four at once making them as

serious foe to face and the fact that the scrolls will actually be in Captain

Marvel does tell us that potentially there will be some Scrolls inside

Avengers 4 maybe not super scroll but could the super scroll up here yes that

would be a greater threat Galactus is always a favorite one the devourer of

worlds the conqueror of worlds yes the storyline would have to be in trade with

the Fantastic Four and I feel like it would be better in an origin story with

the Fantastic Four when they're introduced to the Marvel Cinematic

Universe but you got to talk about glasses cuz everyone wants Galactus as

obviously when they get the Fox rights back Galactus could be their king of the

Conqueror a time-traveling Conqueror with a vast powers and Technology soup

Remus he has taken every opportunity to

torment the Marvel Universe and is one of the greatest foes they Avengers have

ever faced Kang has embarrassed an empire with a population of millions and

cuts through everyone so could Kang the Conqueror appear maybe so a lot of

people and me I think I made a video about this a bunch time ago his death is

very linked to the Infinity Gauntlet in the comics so this is one part that the

Russo brothers didn't actually include so the idea having lady death as a role

in Avengers infinity war and or in endgame isn't a new one and it isn't far

fetch every fan has said when they introduced Heller played by Cate

Blanchett in for three many assumed Thor's brutal half-sister would

a big role in the movie and she did but she wasn't playing lady death herself in

the comics lady death is all the imaginary girlfriend of Thanos who

refuses to hand over her love to him despite the constant wishes he lives to

serve her killing relentless in an effort to a please her thirst so a

recent reddit theory that came to me is interesting it kind of says that maybe

lady death could be this character and it does have some legs but it literally

could be anyone they're gonna have to tee up someone so reddit user rain heart

23 I will put a link down below said this in interviews with the Risa

weathers I heard Anthony explained that one of the infinity war plots was about

Thor's loss his journey to avenge those losses his foes taught Thanos we've

already seen so many leaks that infer a greater threat that seems to apply

someone more dangerous than far I recently watched infinity war just like

everyone did and like many others I've noticed that Thor referred to her as his

half-sister that in conclusion was intentionally on the part of the

directors and the screenwriters remember the screenwriters keep saying

oh we watch online stephen mcfeely you've got no idea what's coming

everyone things i think they do and you've got no idea what's coming

what if heller was a goddess of death because her mother bestowed the title

her mother who who will learn about is actually death why else would heller

have been so much more powerful in thor ragnarok okay yeah i can explain that

one to you whoever made this theory the reason is because she's much older as

Garland's gets stronger as they get older but the concept of having death in

this movie does make sense we do know that these shot a lot of scenes for

heller for Thor and also for Valkyrie in in Durham Church in England or Cathedral

in England up north and they weren't used so what if this is a place where

maybe death was going to be introduced the entire trailer seems to point to the

end so what's more final than death itself introducing death now this is

where the theory gets a bit crazy remember how Katherine land Ford joined

the cast so she's a star of 13 reasons why absolute psychic actor everyone

seems to think she's profaned Morgan Stark

of Z Tony Stark's daughter from the future yeah that doesn't make sense

would be cool but this sir he says I think should make a truly memorable

choice as a villain lay death that's the end game as Tony Stark said up there

that's n gaming a joke Jean now everyone's gonna jump on the she's too

young storyline but remember how old Nick Fury is in real life Samuel Jackson

is older in real life but in the Captain Marvel movie they've literally made him

look 25 so maybe she could be playing that facing universal extinction just a

thought so I honestly think that we will be getting a new threat and what better

than death or Doctor Doom so guys drop your comments down below

who do you think - actually gonna appear inside Avengers end game so now we get

to the juicy part so the Fox and Disney deal is nearly finished

it's gonna be one of the biggest stories of the 20th century the potential

purchasing of 20th Century Fox by Disney which would make Disney under stock or

another acquisition they got Star Wars they got Marvel now it looks like

they're gonna own 20th Century Fox it appears that everything in a recent

interview with The Hollywood Reporter Kevin Maher who has been involved with

the deal since day one discussed the merger is nearly complete he said the

following the deal close and keeps me up at night but it is almost done in close

I'm eager to execute I'm eager to get those services out in the public hands

that is an excitement more than is nervousness this is groundbreaking it's

almost a complete state of shock as this major acquisition is something that I

never thought would happen this fast a lot of people were saying Wooster you

wrong the deal won't be over by the time earth and his end game comes out but it

appears that we're now in December it could be closed by the end of January

like it was reported so a cameo role from any of these characters but I've

listed could easily have been part of the deal they could have made a deal to

include a character from the fox-owned characters from either the x-men the

Fantastic Four the Deadpool anyone like that before they still even closed

secret deals have been done all the time so it could death appear May

is it far-fetched definitely but who would you add into this movie for the

next villain if you could and can they really finish this storyline and call it

end game without the likes of death appearing without the likes of Adam

warlock he could still appear we know he was supposed to be in gardens galaxy 3

when James Journal was linked to that and obviously now he's not linked to

that but interested enough side note apparently people that have read his

script have cried it's that damn good it's a shame we're never gonna see it

but if someone does leak it I would totally do a video going over it so guys

let me know who is this great threat are you excited for this merger finally

going through would you want them to recast Wolverine personally I don't

think they should do Jackman absolutely kills that role and guys we do have a

50,000 subscriber giveaway prize I'm gonna be giving away a Hasbro Infinity

Gauntlet which will cost quite a lot for a tiny channel like this so what you got

to do is follow me on twitter at most you on twitter and let me know that

you've done it and that's it and you'll be entered i will be announcing the

winner for that in the next couple of days I'm not sure at the moment if I'm

gonna let it go through to New Year's Eve or do it just before Christmas but I

will keep you posted but even if you have entered that already I will go

through absolutely everyone and pick someone at random so anyway guys please

like subscribe and comment and I will try and comment back to everyone and

trying to be more community-based now so I let's start a discussion down below in

the comment I want to build a strong Marvel DC pop culture down below in the

comment section that's why we do have the discord server so everyone like my

can talk about everything and then just Marvel movie stuff related so if you do

want to check it out it's always in the link in the description anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another video very

soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 EndGame MISTRESS DEATH Is The Greater Threat REVEALED!? Disney/Fox Merge Almost Done! - Duration: 13:35.


Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.

The Kumano Hongu Taisha is one of Wakayama Kumano region's three famous shrines.

Enshrining its own deity, Hongu Taisha also enshrines the deities of the other two Kumano shrines,

Hayatama Taisha and Nachi Taisha, and the sun goddess Amaterasu.

It serves as the head shrine of over 3000 Kumano shrines across Japan.

The history of Hongu Taisha goes as far as the 9th century and was located by the bank of Shingu River.

Due to massive floods in 1889, the shrine was moved from its original location at

Oyu no Hara to its present location one kilometer away.

In front of Oyu no Hara (Oyunohara) stands the biggest torii gate in the world which is 33 meters tall.

This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.

Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at

For more infomation >> Kumano Hongu Taisha - Wakayama - 熊野本宮大社 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:04.


Amberlynn Reid's Instagram "Dietician" Exposed - Duration: 19:31.

was amberlynn reid exposed or do you believe she was telling the truth about the instagram dietician?

For more infomation >> Amberlynn Reid's Instagram "Dietician" Exposed - Duration: 19:31.


Resultado da QUINA 4855 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Resultado da QUINA 4855 - Duration: 1:44.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 dCi 110 Express Black Edition 1STE EIG.!!, Airco, R.schuifdeur met raam - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 dCi 110 Express Black Edition 1STE EIG.!!, Airco, R.schuifdeur met raam - Duration: 1:08.


艺人蒋劲夫再次被逮捕,形势有些严峻!原因让人吃惊 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 艺人蒋劲夫再次被逮捕,形势有些严峻!原因让人吃惊 - Duration: 8:47.


StormTracker Forecast 12-19-18 (2) - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> StormTracker Forecast 12-19-18 (2) - Duration: 2:57.


Daihatsu Sirion 2 1.3-16V PRESTIGE 5DRS AIRCO 65DKM - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Daihatsu Sirion 2 1.3-16V PRESTIGE 5DRS AIRCO 65DKM - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 L+R Schuif .dr - Imperiaal - Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 L+R Schuif .dr - Imperiaal - Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.


Lucas The Spider - Don't Eat Me - Duration: 0:50.

I met a new friend and I think his name is "bzzzzz"

Hi my name's Lucas I like your wings

Don't eat me!

I didn't know he could speak

Hi! Me again...

I didn't know you could speak

That's really cool

Don't eat me!

This isn't going very well...


Wait! Don't buzz away, I brought you a present

I like you, let's be friends

High five if you want to be my friend



For more infomation >> Lucas The Spider - Don't Eat Me - Duration: 0:50.


Elimi Bırakma / Don't Let Go of My Hand - Episode 22 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.

I am not your friend.

I am the guy who is madly in love with you. Do you remember me?

I see that you have made your choice.

Cenk could have died last night, because of you.

I will never be able to give up on loving him.

You need to come right away. Your stocks have been dropping rapidly.

The Çelen Group is on the brink of bankruptcy.

Azmi, you are incredible.

Is there no one who can explain this drop?

- I think I know the reason behind it. - Tell us so that we can, too, then.


Today is the big day.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma / Don't Let Go of My Hand - Episode 22 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.


Dinosaurs Kids, Animals name and sounds T Rex, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Tiger, Giraffe Tita Kids TV - Duration: 4:06.

Dinosaurs Kids, Animals name and sounds T Rex, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Tiger, Giraffe Tita Kids TV

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Kids, Animals name and sounds T Rex, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Tiger, Giraffe Tita Kids TV - Duration: 4:06.


Volkswagen Transporter 2.5 TDI 131PK KORT T-EDITION LEDER AIRCO CRUISE PDC LMV16 TREKHAAK 80.000KM 1 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.5 TDI 131PK KORT T-EDITION LEDER AIRCO CRUISE PDC LMV16 TREKHAAK 80.000KM 1 - Duration: 1:13.


Opel Astra 1.0T Edition 105 pk 5-DRS (Airco/Navi/Bluetooth/LMV) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0T Edition 105 pk 5-DRS (Airco/Navi/Bluetooth/LMV) - Duration: 1:08.


The Untold Truth Of Whitney Way Thore - Duration: 4:44.

If you've watched My Big Fat Fabulous Life, then you're already familiar with the awesome

Whitney Way Thore.

While she's been relatively famous since 2014, when she released a series of YouTube videos

called "A Fat Girl Dancing," there's a lot most people don't know about this reality


Reclaiming the word 'fat'

Some see the word "fat" as an insult, but Whitney Way Thore isn't one of them.

She's reclaiming the term — with zero built-in judgement.

She told Proud2BeMe,

"All of my therapy and recovery […] is trying to get away from the idea that fat women are

inherently bad.

[…] I finally realized that I don't believe that anymore."

"I realize that I had to uncouple happiness and thinness."

Thore believes that negative associations with the word "fat" are something society

needs to move past.

She says,

"[…] we do not believe that fat women can be happy, and we can be."

"Yay!…You know what, it's not scary.

How do you feel?

I feel great."

An important move

After college, Thore taught English in Korea, where she experienced discrimination because

of her weight.

She told The TV Page,

"I got spit on.

I got assaulted, cursed at, oinked at and called a pig."

"Are you kidding me?"

The harassment spurred Thore to lose weight when she moved back home, but when someone

called her a derogatory name after a long workout, Thore realized that she was trying

to make other people happy, instead of herself.

"As a fat woman, there are a lot of really tough things that I have to deal with every

single day"

She told Proud2BeMe,

"I realized that at that weight, my body could do what it wanted, and I actually liked the

way my body looked.

I was just obsessed with the idea of other people calling me fat."

"I wake up to comments every single day all over my social media of people telling me

to go . What about just like hashtag I love myself."

The real deal behind her show

While My Big Fat Fabulous Life marked a TV milestone by putting plus-sized women in the

media, its message is really for everyone.

Thore told Proud2BeMe,

"I hear from just as many women who have eating disorders as obese women.

I hear from people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, people who are gay.

[…] Being different […] is what connects to people."

"I didn't dance for 12 years because I was so embarrassed of myself.

I don't have the best technique in the world.

It's about a passion"

Talking about PCOS

Thore's weight gain was largely caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome, also known as

PCOS, which caused her to gain weight, lose her hair, and rarely get her period.

Thore wasn't diagnosed until after college, and told Redbook,

"Now, talking to other women with PCOS […] it's kind of shocking that so few of us have any

idea it exists when it affects about one in every 10 women."

"Weight gain is such a shameful thing in our country to talk about especially if you're

a woman.

It's like being fat's the worst thing you can possibly be."

Fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life have learned about PCOS through the show which in turn

inspired them to seek treatment from their own doctors.

Thore told the mag,

"There is so much more awareness and calls to action around breast cancer and other women's


PCOS isn't 'sexy' enough for people to care."

A fierce feminist

Thore is all about girl power, and she uses her platform to advocate not just for women,

but also for the importance of feminism for every gender.

She told Rock Cellar,

"In the West we forget all the places where women don't have basic human rights.

Men and women [both] benefit from ridding our culture of toxic masculinity!"

She's also serious about finding a partner who shares her values, telling Cosmo,

"I need a man who is an unapologetic feminist.

If he's not, it's just not going to work."

Life as a famous face

Being famous for putting your life on TV has its own unique challenges.

Thore told Rock Cellar,

"I feel pressure to always say and do the right thing which of course I don't.

It's easy to say the right thing in an interview, but not when cameras are following you around

all day!"

Thore also feels the pressure to represent others who share her experiences.

But she says,

"I […] can't possibly represent all fat women (or all women at all), all PCOS patients,

all feminists, all fat people, etc, but people tend to want me to [be] able to."

Thore also struggles with the lack of privacy, but that's not the worst thing she's experienced.

She says fans often think they know her well enough from the show, to judge her in real

life, saying,

"The hardest part is definitely dealing [with] the judgement of people who have seen ten

hours of your life in a season and think they know everything about you!"

"Just when I was feeling really good about myself, then this…happens"

Rocking that healthy bod

These days, Thore's focus isn't on being thin, but on being healthy.

She told The TV Page,

"I like to say that I am pretty healthy and by the numbers I am healthier than a lot of

thin people I know."

"I can't keep living in limbo waiting to be thin again.

What kind of life is that?"

She acknowledged that she does intend to lose some weight, but, as she says, she will likely

always be classified as "morbidly obese" and she's totally okay with that.

Thore has no desire to be skinny, and would never opt for weight loss surgery.

She says,

"I would rather achieve health and fitness through dance."

"This is kind of like a metaphor for life.

You can't just half ass it, you have to go for it all"

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Whitney Way Thore - Duration: 4:44.


Free roblox codes | promo codes roblox | robux free 2018 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Free roblox codes | promo codes roblox | robux free 2018 - Duration: 5:07.


Life in Balance: Ways to keep your wedding costs under control - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Life in Balance: Ways to keep your wedding costs under control - Duration: 3:48.


The Santa Clause | Dad Grades | The Dad - Duration: 3:04.

- [Narrator] King of dad jokes Scott Calvin

is a spotlight hogging seller of toys who accidentally

murders Santa Claus and assumes his identity.

But how is he as a dad?

This is Dad Grades, the Santa Clause.

Nothing is more important to Scott than his job

not even his son on Christmas.

After staying too long at his office holiday party,

Scott proves his lying is about as good as his parenting.

- You wouldn't believe the traffic out here.

(car horn)

- [Narrator] He arrives home late on Christmas Eve,

which seems to be one of the few times a year

that he sees his son Charlie,

to find out that Charlie no longer believes in Santa Claus.

Thanks in part to Neil, his ex-wife's therapist boyfriend

who Charlie clearly likes better than Scott.

- I think if we're going to destroy

our son's illusions, I should be a part of it.

- [Narrator] Charlie is not excited about spending time

with his dad and wants it over as soon as possible.

- We're talking sun up, you're here?

- [Narrator] When Scott ruins Christmas Dinner,

they end up in the sad single dad section of Denny's

where there is little holiday spirit.

- This is nice.

- [Narrator] Back at home, Scott pretends

to read the Night Before Christmas

and then gets annoyed by his kid being a kid.

Awakened by a noise on the roof,

Scott finally goes into dad mode and kills a home intruder.

Yes, its by accident and whoops it's Santa.

- You killed him!

- I did not.

- [Narrator] Instead of calling the cops,

Scott follows Charlie onto a slippery roof

that just caused someone to die.

Charlie then guilts his dad into

putting on a dead guy's suit.

- How come everything I want to do is stupid?

- [Narrator] And Scott spend the rest of the night

breaking and entering through strangers' chimneys

because could you say no to that face?

Finally they end up in the North Pole where Bernard,

the head elf, breaks the news to Scott

why they chose the title of the movie.

- You read the card, you put on the suit,

that clearly falls under the Santa Clause.

So now you're Santa, okay?

- [Narrator] At least until someone

accidentally or purposefully murders him.

Charlie thinks it's real cool

and seems to forgive his dad for

everything bad he's ever done.

- Did you have a good time?

- Great time, the best!

- [Narrator] After all, he's Santa.

And who could be mad at Santa?

Oh that's right, all the adults back in the real world

including his mom who thinks both

Scott and Charlie are going crazy.

Because they should think that because this is crazy.

- I think it's safe to say you're taking this

Santa thing to an unhealthy level.

- [Narrator] Scott's whole life has gone down the toilet.

But hey, his kid loves him now.

Even though he's not legally able to see him unsupervised.

But he is becoming a good person, maybe.

Before you know it another year has gone by

and it's time for another father-son bonding experience.

Unfortunately, Scott's not legally able

to do that, so he kidnaps Charlie.

- Charlie!

- [Narrator] Finally, someone calls the cops.

Scott, Santa, gets arrested and kids are pissed.

- Let him go, let Santa go!

- [Narrator] Charlie busts him out of jail,

only to find out that now that he finally likes his dad,

he has to share him with the entire world.

Because no matter who Scott is, work comes first.

- Got a lot of work to do.

- [Narrator] This is really gonna mess Charlie up

in the sequels but let's pretend those didn't happen.

- My whole life has become about secrets and I hate it!

- [Narrator] In the end Scott remains a workaholic,

potentially neglectful parent, but one with a heart.

Scott's Dad Grade, C+.

C for Christmas and plus because, well, he's Santa.

(Gimme All Your Lovin' by ZZ Top)

For more infomation >> The Santa Clause | Dad Grades | The Dad - Duration: 3:04.


Duchess Meghan may regret cutting contact with Thomas Markle and receive NO public sympathy - Duration: 10:07.

Megan is 'playing a dangerous game' by cutting contact with her father

And will receive no public simp

If something happens to Thomas Markle

Royal biographer War

A royal Expo

British claimed Meghan Markle me regret cutting contact with her

Her father if something happens to it

Brandon is a dangerous game

Robert jobs

Who recently released an unofficial biography on Prince Charles entitled Charles

70 thoughts

Hopes and dreams

Urge the pregnant duchess

Just to give in to Thomas Markle

Kohl's please for contacts

Megan 37

And her father


Have reportedly not spoken

Since he missed her wedding to Prince Harry in May

After being exposed for setting up a paid photoshoot with paparazzi

And now Robert has warned Megan

That if anything happened to her father

Who has suffered with heart problems

And made a tearful plea to his daughter on GMB on Monday

Any emotion shown would be branded crocodile tears

Speaking to the express he claimed

I believe Megan is playing a dangerous game

When you still have both parents alive

You have no idea

What it will be like living without one or both of them

He is not in the best of health and I would urge Megan to make contact

And to try and build Bridges

Once he is gone

Any tears that will flow will be seen as crocodile

She will regret not making contact

If something happens to it

Megan's reported silence towards her father follows a string of incidents

Including pulling out of walking her down the aisle

After he set up

Staged Paparazzi shots earlier this year

He then continued his campaign

By giving a rave interview

Accusing Megan of being controlling while please

Did she get in contact

Megan has had to endure a regular public outbursts

It's from her half-sister Samantha Markle

And her father Thomas

On Monday

Thomas directly appealed on television to Queen Elizabeth to intercede

From his daughter

Whom he has not seen

Since he missed her wedding in May to Harry

Elizabeth's grandson

Speaking from San Diego

He told Good Morning Britain

I love you very much

You're my daughter and I would really like to hear from you

Whatever differences we have

We should be able to work them out

He continued by telling host Piers Morgan

I'm very disappointed by it

I'm not sure why it happened

He went on

This can't continue forever

I don't plan to be silent for the rest of my life

I love my daughter very much

And she has to know that and I would really appreciate

If she would call me

Just reach out to me

There has to be a place for me

I'm here she knows it

Mister Marco suggested Harry and Meghan may have been influenced by press reports about

Sing the funny thing about my daughter and Prince Harry is that they believe everything they read in the paper

What's happen

I'm not sure

I'd love to talk about it

I think it comes back to the fact

That reporters pick up on interviews I've done

And write their own stories and tell lies

He also denied us suggest

That Megan had a tendency to dumb people

If she had no use for the

That's really not a character trait

She's always been very polite to everyone

Never been rude to anyone

I don't know what's really happening right now

Mr. Markle concluded his interview

By wishing Harry and Meghan a Merry Christmas

And saying he would spend the festive period with friends

Giving out presents to unfortunate children

Megan has maintained a dignified silence omit is continuous demand

Thanks you for watching

Please like

And share if you feel the video is useful

And don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section below

Inside the Old Pros Paradise

Megamix 70s TV heartthrob Richard O'Sullivan that entertainers retirement home

We're Stars such as Leslie Grantham

James overheard a Norman Wiz

It welcome to star-studded visitor in the form of Meghan Markle on Tuesday

But brinsworth house is already home to plenty of stars of its own

Affectionately known as The Old Pros Paradise

Is the house in Twickenham is run

And managed by The Royal Variety charity

And is home exclusively

Play 2x Entertainer

The home accommodates up to 36 residence

Who are cared for by a dedicated team of nurses and carousels

One of those on hand

To meet The Duchess today was 70s heart-throb Richard O'Sullivan

Who is most famous for his role as Robin trip in the sitcom man about the house

The 74 year old actor had been enjoying a cup of

The resident bar

When pregnant Megan popped in to say hello

The veteran actor could be seen springing to his feet

Degree to Royal Highness

On Tuesday

Richard is just one of the many famous faces

Sister have been cared for by brinsworth house

Among the famous entertainers who have been cared for at the residential home or sir Norman Wisdom

James Arthur hurt and EastEnders actor Leslie Grantham

Also Among The Departed is English actress Emily Perry

Who passed in 2008

Who is most famous for her role as Dame Edna everage

Is bridesmaid

Australian DJ Alan fluff Freeman than comedian Charlie Drake also spent their final years at the home

Before they both died in 2006

Current residence include Mona Hammond

Who played Blossom Jackson in East

And 1970s

Star Richard O'Sullivan

Former magician Ragbrai

Then was on hand

And to meet The Duchess of Sussex

Mr. Briggs

Who took up performing magic in his retirement

Once performed at Prince William and Prince Harry's birthday party

Famous spouses

Please have also taken up residence

Bruce forsyth's ex-wife Penny spending her final years at the home until her death last year

Built in 1850

The care home has a number of lounges

A bar area



Television room

A hair salon

And even its own theater

The house is decorated throughout to emphasize if Pediatric alinea

Representing the many retired artists

It's an Entertainer

Who have been supported by The Royal Variety charity

The rooms are named after entertainers who pay a sponsorship

Fee to have their names painted on the doors

For example the Norman Wisdom room

The BBC reported back in 2007

That's staying at brinsworth cost

600 lbs per week

For a residential room


Coupons for nursing care

Revealing that the house cost

1.25 million pounds annually to run

Previous Royal visits to brinsworth house include Queen Elizabeth

The Queen Mother in 1990

And the prince of Wales in 2002

The visit has been designed to allow Megan

Who is starring in the hit us television dramas

When she met Harry

But gave up her career to marry him

To see firsthand

How the charity cares for those who have spent their lives working in the entertainment

Fans go into meltdown is Megan's Instagram account momentarily reactivates almost a year

After she closed it

But sources

Just put it down to a technical glitch

Royal fans went into meltdown this morning after Megan's deleted Instagram account was reactivated momentarily

The Duchess of Sussex is account

Where she previously posted

3 million followers

Was removed from Instagram in January this year following the announcement of her engagement

Did Prince Harry

But Royal Watchers were left baffled on Tuesday when the former actresses photos became available once again

And for a short period of time

Many excitable fans questioned whether Megan


Might be making a return to social media

However her page was deactivated once again within minutes

Cats with royal sources

Is blaming a technical issue

Hello reports

Male inline approached Kensington Palace

But it declined to comment

The Duchess of Sussex

Close all of her social media accounts in January

Ahead of her wedding in May

Megan's decision

To close her account is in line with her changing status

Senior members of the monarchy

Do have official Twitter and Instagram accounts

But they are run by the social media teams of their households

And do not normally feature personal tweets or post

Miss Markle is grateful to everyone who has followed her social media accounts over the years


As she has not use these accounts for some time

She has taken the decision to close them

A palace Source said

Senior members of the monarchy

Heather Fishel Twitter and Instagram accounts

Run by the social media teams of their households

Which do not normally feed your personal tweets

Sarah posts

The exception is the Duke of York who sometimes writes tweets himself

But signs the Mets

In addition his two daughters both have their own social media accounts with Beatriz using Twitter under the handle at your TV

Well you Jenny opens around Instagram

Account in March this year under the handle at princess

Megan recently made a brief return to social media

When a snap of the pregnant Royal was shared on the British fashion Council in

Instagram account

The boomerang style shot of the mother-to-be


With Givenchy designer Clare waight Keller

And actress Rosamund

Pike was posted on the British fashion council's account following the British fashion Awards

However the shot taken by photographer even saving is no longer on the bfc's Instagram page

Even though black and white gifs of other celebrities and designers are still on the account

It is not clear

Why the photo booth snap

Of The Duchess has been removed

Although another picture of Megan on stage remains on the bfc's Instagram account

The black and white GIF of Mega

Which sees her holding her bump

While posing with Claire and rosamunde

Still Remains on

Photographer even savings Instagram page

Male inline contacted the British fashion Council

For comment

For more infomation >> Duchess Meghan may regret cutting contact with Thomas Markle and receive NO public sympathy - Duration: 10:07.


Second Spoiled SP name SWEETA in Heidi Group | Mom fight go out but still back | Monkey Daily 2241 - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Second Spoiled SP name SWEETA in Heidi Group | Mom fight go out but still back | Monkey Daily 2241 - Duration: 10:36.


Jordan Valley Using New Device to Evaluate Brain Injuries - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Jordan Valley Using New Device to Evaluate Brain Injuries - Duration: 2:35.


The Truth About Flying FIRST CLASS (Flying for FREE in Business Class & First Class) - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> The Truth About Flying FIRST CLASS (Flying for FREE in Business Class & First Class) - Duration: 10:46.


Traveling with the KidiBuzz - Duration: 2:25.

Couple weeks ago we were in Mexico, one of our favourite destinations. The first time

we visited the country, we convinced the grandparents to tag along, but since they aren't always

able to join us, we always ensure to document our trips and keep loved ones updated during

our travels.  Chris and I love to capture our own video

memories, and now that our oldest is 7, we are encouraging her to do the same. She's

not quite ready for her own cell phone, so we were happy when VTECH sent her the Kidibuzz.

It's a device that fits easily into her backpack, is rugged enough for kid treatment,

and lets her take her own videos as we travel. She made sure to take it along as we explored

Mexico. On the day we were treated to a live cooking show, she made sure she caught the

chef's moves - and she eagerly snapped a few photos of the giant lizards we found,  but

I think her favourite use for the Kidibuzz was at the end of the day, when she could

relax and play games in a hammock. These games are included in the device. What a life!

As for Mom and Dad - our favourite feature is the KidiConnect, a built in messaging

system with a parent-approved contact list. So after a day of snapping photos, she was

able to share a few with the grandparents, plus get a little silly with the emojis.

We found out that our little one liked the drawing tools the most, which is also her favourite

activity at school, but the learning games are quite addictive as well.

After the trip, as we sat down to make this video, we even had a few helpers in the editing

room, eager to take pride in their work.

Appropriately priced and rich in features that kids love, the Kidibuzz

will be her travelling companion for years to come.

Apollo, what did you think about the trip?


It was good? OK. What was your favourite park?

What were all the parks?

What were all the different parks?

The upside down one?

The upside down one.


What was your favourite thing you did?

Relax on the hammock.

For more infomation >> Traveling with the KidiBuzz - Duration: 2:25.


UGA's Kirby Smart addresses Justin Fields' possible transfer - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> UGA's Kirby Smart addresses Justin Fields' possible transfer - Duration: 3:07.


Amberlynn Reid's Instagram "Dietician" Exposed - Duration: 19:31.

was amberlynn reid exposed or do you believe she was telling the truth about the instagram dietician?

For more infomation >> Amberlynn Reid's Instagram "Dietician" Exposed - Duration: 19:31.


Absolutely Stunning Santa Fe Tiny House by SimBLISSity Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:37.

Absolutely Stunning Santa Fe Tiny House by SimBLISSity Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Santa Fe Tiny House by SimBLISSity Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:37.


Red light camera outrage - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Red light camera outrage - Duration: 2:19.


Çarpışma / The Crash - Episode 5 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:05.

I have made so many mistakes.

- So many. - One cannot leave, if they don't believe they can forget.

I did not forget.

You give me Galip...

...and I give you your daughter.

How can you bring back whom he couldn't?

There is a way.

This woman sets up pretty good games.

I didn't have any suspicion but now I do.

That is why I will get you out of here as soon as possible and you will give me that video.

Before Kerem obtains that video...

...I will.

You are very close to getting your daughter back.

This cannot take another mistake.

I've chosen my side, Galip.

It's your turn.

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