The Picturesque Small Modern House For Small Modern Family In Slovenia | Tiny House Beautiful
For more infomation >> The Picturesque Small Modern House For Small Modern Family In Slovenia | Tiny House Beautiful - Duration: 3:03.
【なまざつ】写真好きカメラ好きたちの寄り合い所 Vol.79【ともよ。】 - Duration: 44:45.
Seethakaathi | Uyir Song Lyrical Video | Vijay Sethupathi | Balaji Tharaneetharan | Govind Vasantha - Duration: 3:21.
" Oh! Ayya! What are you gazing at?"
" For so long!!! "
" Is your entire life,"
" like dry leaves,"
" falling down?"
" All that love,"
" and those years of yearning..."
" In a flash of a second..."
" Like a dewdrop,"
" alone..."
" Has it dried up?"
" On the rock, the Brightest light,"
" lingers on and goes away."
" All the sacrifices..."
" Bow down,"
" and cry in silence!"
" Life doesn't end with death..."
" Once the mirage,"
" is what you get used to as real."
" Then..."
" When a crystal clear river,"
" touches, you won't feel it."
" Within."
" The silence that has seen, the depth of depths..."
" Can sound win it over?"
" Till the end of time..."
" A tree has its roots spread..."
" Can it fall apart in death?"
" In solitude you wept."
" Where did you leave!!! "
" Oh! King!!! "
" As the makeup,"
" wore off,"
" You became your own face is it?"
" Art never respects death!!! "
" The solitary reaper has fallen..."
" On the bed of fire,"
" burning to ashes,"
" in solitude."
" Is this the end?"
Elite Dangerous Stella Phenomena Chapter 4 Beyond - Duration: 10:13.
Hey is Ricardo and welcome back to elite dangerous beyond chapter four one of the
great things that beyond chapter four has been the updates to exploration
exploration is one of these things that I think elite dangerous is based upon
and with that has come not only the new discovery scanners and scanner suites
that are available to players but the insertion of stellar phenomena into the
game now all this is well and good and you may say that you've seen it and you
saw it in the beta and you know hey it's just another video on stellar phenomenon
so that's fine and it is another video on stellar phenomena but each one seems
to be slightly different this one for example I've got two types of phenomena
should we say in in this particular nebula not only I have the orange type
nebula and cloud that I mean but I have these mineral type orbs and they also
have crystals so things to get and you also get credits for having these
entered into the Codex should you be there to scan them now
you've got a scanning with a composition scanner so make sure you've got yourself
one of those fit is near in the right mode composition is fitted to warship
don't worry about that but getting it in the right mode I think is key now you've
got two modes now you've got a combat mode and you've got analytical mode or
scanning mode and that's where you know the composition scanners gonna really
come into its own but remember to set a key binding to it as well now I mean
generally setting your key bindings so this these dual modes is something you
can have to look into if you haven't and using default settings then you should
be alright but if like me you've got an awful lot of other sort of like key
settings set up you're gonna have to go in there and twiddle about but anyway if
you haven't done so do me a favor click that like and subscribe button and also
look for that notification icon and that let you know I'm putting more
videos of a leak dangerous and other games on YouTube it'll also help me out
as well and let give me an idea of what sort of things you'd like to see on the
channel so own it being graphically fantastic and you can't say that it
isn't it's graphically spectacular with these new updates and eat dangerous as
far as we can tell there's not an awful lot a point to these stellar phenomena
other than you go out there yes can it be accomplished and scanner you get
credits you get some money about 50,000 credits really for an entry into the
Codex and that's fine don't get me wrong I saw so I thought about and making it
more interesting for to find things within the early dangerous galaxy is
definitely a bonus however and it's a little bit of a however finding these
isn't straightforward you can't just walk in fly in honk and find them you
got to go through the whole sort of like scanning procedure but you know if
generally it's not too difficult
wouldn't it be good though if the stellar phenomena could be mined and if
they could be mined they reduced they produced a mineral that would help I
don't know help you unlock additional Guardian tech give you a material that
was anti-thyroid give you something that would supercharge your weapons to give
you the edge in player-versus-player or in just combat in general I think as
we go into a more sort of like pay-to-play model with elite dangerous
and something like that would be able to be more more worthwhile that would
encourage people to go out there and visit these sites I think anyway
these particular sites are not too far away from rabii go and I'll put the
links in the comment section as well not to worry there and as this one is
particularly nice and orange remembers innocent of a chocolate orange giving it
being Christmas time you know I think it's well worth well we take a look at
perhaps another one now as I mentioned I visited a few of these and I'm in my old
jumper condo the prancing Badger which I've been engineering up lately got the
old gal net skin on there as well that was given and gifted by frontier for
subscribing to their email communications now this one again a
Lagrange cloud of of these crystals nice and dark this one Erie although I do
find the ones with the colored nebulas and colored clouds around them to be
better you know I think that visually we get so used to flying around in a
darkened space that seeing an orange nebula or cloud you know I think is is
out of the norm and then scanning these metallic crystals you know of course you
know he gives you these codec entries but you also you get some you get a bit
of money as well right but these yeah you know sort of metallic
looking crystalline substances in space great what do they do they float there
are they visually fantastic they really are is it worthwhile coming out and
seeing them yes it is and this one's not so far away from raviga
and so this so if you're in that area it's not too far the bubble if you get a
decent ship with some decent jump range you can be there in
20 minutes perhaps even less and I do think it is worthwhile coming out to see
though I think it is right for a little bit of backstory about these on how
perhaps the fair gourds have engineered their entire technology around them or
perhaps we could use this I can say to defeat the thyroids or or give us an
advantage rather than just using Guardian tech and the grind boy their
updates for the delete dangerous are absolutely fantastic graphically you
gotta say it I mean absolutely brilliant you know it's really given so like I
think with this that grander scale of space it really has now I have been
putting off doing some mining but I will get perhaps a video of mining out before
the holiday season if I've got time and those of you with families like myself
you know it's a busy old timer year and this time of year for example especially
this year has been exceptionally busy you know particularly for me anyway I'm
gonna leave you with a bit of music and the rest of the stellar phenomena that
I've found with these crystals thanks very much for watching I've been
Riccardo and this has been a stellar phenomena that has been included in any
dangerous with the chapter 4 update which is three point three hope you've
enjoyed the video your viewership is greatly appreciated
like and subscribe look out for more videos in the series recurring an awful
lot of stuff at the moment notably you know X for foundations although I might
wait for a few more bugs to be fixed in that before I get back into that elite
dangerous I think has been quite stable despite some of the surfer issues that
has been around anyway enough about all up I need to look what's going on here
with a bit of Miguel Johnson he's going new album coming out very shortly so
keep an eye on that and I'll have a link for that also in the comment section
details section thanks for watching see you soon
JUST FUNNY MUSIC FOR KIDS! 🔠 free background music for video production - Duration: 2:39.
Funny music for kids for you! This is nice free background music for video production.
Funny children's music, easy and cool.
Peugeot 107 1.0 12v 5drs. Active Airco/14"LMV/Radio CD/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:01.
中型SUVボルボ "XC 60"の快適性は、ディーゼル仕様は力強さが特徴 - Duration: 6:40.
Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI 85pk 5drs Enjoy - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V 5drs Airco,Elec Pakket!! - Duration: 1:06.
Volkswagen Golf 1.5 TSI 150Pk DSG Highline, Led, R-Line, Prijs Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:11.
IVS - Antes do Hype (RND Official Video) - Duration: 3:11.
La mia dieta in un pasto - 3000 calories - MAN VS FOOD (ENG SUB) - Duration: 11:08.
good morning table ninja and welcome to a new video and of course welcome to a new challenge
Monday, December 10th 21:52 more than a challenge today will be
just a good workout for mine future challenge as you know next Monday
I'm going to film my 30,000 calorie challenge in such a way as to be able to edit the video
and let it find under the tree for the Christmas Eve 30,000 calories this Christmas
it will be really devastating so I can not grant no cheat day today but anyway
wanting to spend some time with you at the table I decided that I will show you tonight
the diet that I follow during the week if you already know me, you know that I am great
intermittent fasting fan and that I practice this diet for 2 years now for those who did not know
intermittent fasting is simply a diet where you have 16 hours where you do not eat
and 8 hours where you can eat obviously there are some variations there are those who follow one
20-hour window in which it does not eat and 4 hours in which he eats, there are those who eat one
only once a day I personally find myself very good with the 16/8 hours and it is
what I usually follow during the week but today being at home from work and having
all the time in the world I can safely take my daily calorie intake
in one gigantic meal this will help me to feel satisfied because I will introduce anyway
a lot of volume in my stomach in one only once and most importantly I will keep
trained for my food challenge without breaking the calories and therefore without breaking but back
to my diet during the week in general my caloric intake is 3000 calories
composed of 160 grams of protein 80 grams of fat and 380 grams of carbohydrates this
it's the diet I follow during the week and this is the diet I will follow together
to you this evening of course during the week I try to eat as clean as possible
no donuts no pizza no chocolate in such a way as to increase the volume of food
and feel satisfied with only 3,000 calories every day because you believe it or not for
I take 3,000 calories every day wants to say hunger well I think I spoke
I would say that it is time to sit at the table to destroy a little
of calories also because weigh all the ingredients and cooking all this food me
it will surely steal more than 1 hour and above all because as always I'm really hungry
so ninja follow me at the table and here we are on our battleground finally
ready for this great gigantic meal of the day then these are the foods
that I usually prefer during the week and as I told you a few minutes ago I try to
eat as clean as possible rice quinoa vegetable soups sweet potatoes oil meat here
in front of me we have 250 grams of granola and quinoa 250 grams of brown rice with cereals
220 grams of venus rice with vegetables and chicken 400 grams of broccoli 450 grams of vegetables
mixed zucchini onion potatoes and cherry tomatoes 600 grams of carrot and pumpkin puree
500 grams of sweet potatoes 20 grams of oil of olive 300 grams of chicken burgers
and 150 grams of beef burgers and of course to train the volume of my stomach 2 liters of water
adding the weight of all the ingredients that you see here in front of me we have well
3 kilograms of food and 2 liters of water with a total of 5 kilos of volume here's how
I keep myself trained for my food challenge during the week, so much volume but anyway
respecting my calories and my macros it's time to put me in the kitchen
and to cook all this food but as always I will do it at the speed of light and then with
a simple snap of fingers my food is ready to be eaten and guys look
what a splendor look at the volume of this dish with very few calories I will not get tired
never say that if you're smart at the table you can also have fun during the week
before going to eat my giant meal of the day as I always put you
total calories and nutritional values total of these 2 giant own dishes
above so you can see what you can have fun even with few calories during
the week as always can not miss mine
coca cola zero add some volume to this meal
so refreshing and as always a table ninja believe it
or not this is a food challenge ie with my 3000 calories every day but anyway
these are 5 and a half pounds of food of course I shared this my food challenge in
instagram so if you want to be spoilerati on each of my challenges, just start following me
in this social network you can find me with the vgthomas1987 name as you can read here
over and let him ninja do it are 23:47 hours spoon fork knife over
to train the volume with this meal I will go to train my time too so I have the
my timer and see how long this steals me giant 5 kg and a half meal to be destroyed
party timer
however this burger is really really good
broccoli and chicken burger? amazing
my god how much I love vegetables
let's start with the water
1 liter has already gone easy
so much volume few calories this is the secret
this is fitness
how good is the hamburger combination beef and quinoa my mother
I realized only now that I had hidden the timer good heavens
and ok, however, have passed 10 minutes
however this carrot and pumpkin soup
I like my mother to death, I eat almost 3/4 times a week
that's good
even if it's frozen I can guarantee you that it's the end of the world, my mother, I would eat it on the plate
soup gone
pardon me
go with the sweet potatoes I adore mom too these are
really fantastic I almost eat them every day
How tasty
the problem is only one as I will do when will they go out of season?
do you want a ninja potato?
no all of mine
you know I have to respect my diet
and of course I left this venus rice with vegetables and chicken last
this is really very good
pardon me
I lost calories mom that goodness
the last spoonful
22 minutes and 45 seconds 5 Kg inside my stomach well very well
we go to hurt ourselves with the coke in short, but it is zero so you can do
damn is filling my stomach with air
just to make you understand the 5 kg as they went inside very simply
enough half can suffice
25 minutes not bad not bad it's 00:15 I usually do not eat with all this speed usually
during the week when I do this giant meal we take at least an hour to finish
everything while this evening only 25 minutes but now I have the belly that is exploding
I do not recommend to imitate these crazy challenges it is absolutely not healthy to swallow these
large amounts of food in such a short time my stomach is trained to do it I know
the capacity of my stomach so I do not run no risk but you simply table ninja
have fun with the food and if you really want test the volume of your stomach started
with little good challenge completed now I'm going to clean up all the disaster I've done
then I'm going to bed I'm going to relax in front of me on TV because tonight is really early
but before I say goodnight, I remember you for the last time in this video that
if you want to stay with me during the week if you want to see my workouts if you want
see my power if you want to see the bullshit that public if you want to be spoiled
on all my challenges, start following me in instagram you can find me with the name vgthomas1987
as you can read above and do ninja and as always I have to remember the most important thing
if you have not yet enrolled in mine channel do it immediately click right here
table ninja the moment has arrived to close the video
we obviously see each other next week with a new video
and in the meantime
Natale 2018 #7. Guida ai regali Beauty e Make up LAST MINUTE - Duration: 16:47.
Claudia Raia e Miguel Falabella são condenados a pagar R$ 2 milhões - Duration: 3:15.
Corte um limão em forma de X e coloque sal - Você vai se surpreender! !! - Duration: 2:38.
Crenças Limitantes: Vendas no Final do Ano | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 13:10.
STRASBOURG ou ESTRASBURGO | Cidade mais linda da FRANÇA | Vlog | Viajar na França - Duration: 12:16.
Headset Gamer Logitech - Duration: 0:45.
✅ Irama e Giulia convivenza alle porte: i dettagli dell'indiscrezione - Duration: 2:17.
Irama e Giulia De Lellis, la convivenza è alle porte: i dettagli dell'indiscrezione Giulia De Lellis e Irama Plume sono pronti per andare a convivere
Ma c'è di più: la coppia avrebbe già fatto diversi sopralluoghi nel nido d'amore che dovrebbe accoglierla a Milano
Questa l'indiscrezione raccolta da Dagospia, che ha rilanciato lo 'spiffero' di Carlo Mondonico
Il giornalista, esperto di costume e spettacolo, ha parlato a Spoiler, suo programma in onda tutti i giorni dalle 11 su Radio Lattemiele
Mondonico non solo diffonde la voce, ma ne offre anche i dettagli, facendo sapere che dopo soltanto due mesi d'amore il cantante e l'influencer stanno facendo davvero sul serio
L a voce: "Hanno già visitato, più volte, un bell'appartamento a Milano" "La bella influencer e il cantante tatuato – racconta Carlo Mondonico a Spoiler – hanno già visitato, più volte, un bell'appartamento a Milano dove hanno intenzione di andare a convivere, alla faccia delle fake news che sono circolate negli ultimi giorni che li vorrebbero in crisi", si legge su Dagospia
Le voci su presunte crisi e disguidi sentimentali si sono diffuse dopo che è stato scritto che Irama sarebbe stato beccato in compagnia di una 'morettina' non identificabile con Giulia
Sulla questione sia la De Lellis, sia il cantautore hanno 'fatto spallucce' (segno evidente che la vicenda, vera o presunta, non li ha minimamente infastiditi)
Tuttavia, ci sono anche altri sussurri che dicono… L'avevrtimento dei fan di Irama a Giulia De Lellis: attenzione Già pronti per convivere? Lo scopriremo presto
Nel frattempo Giulia De Lellis è stata anche 'avvertita' dai fan di Irama. Sui social qualcuno le ha infatti sussurrato di stare attenta al giovane 'piumato'
Motivo della messa in guardia? Secondo gli stessi fan del vincitore della 17 esima edizione di Amici di Maria De Filippi pare che nelle relazioni sentimentali il loro beniamino sia piuttosto 'instabile'
Voci, pettegolezzi, crisi e altri spifferi… Ma queste sono solo ipotesi. La realtà, al momento, parla di un amore travolgente
E, forse, di una convivenza imminente.
Jump and Landing Progression for Athletes: How to "Jump Higher" - Duration: 6:55.
hi guys Stuart from performance crowns today
we're going to be talking about regression and progression of jumping
now I know we spoke about jumping a lot but this is going to be a little bit
more practical and show you the reels of the reality of jumping and landing
plyometrics I've just said it what is plyometrics it's about how to
land and how to jump and to do it in that order okay we do that three ways so
first of all we need to make sure that our landing mechanics are sound and
perfectly safe then we were able to produce force and explosive strength and
the last bit is to be able to develop and also utilize our elastic energy so
how do we do this number one this way we're going to be
jumping onto a box okay that is where we start the idea of jumping onto a box is
it's nice and low
so that we are literally landing in the same position we left off okay anyone
sees you jumping on two boxes well this time with their knees around their neck
it's just not ideal it's not safe and it's not practical
okay so just remember make sure you're jumping and also when you are jumping
everything has to be straight okay knees ankles hips everything exposed -
okay you jumped me the stain in the squat position is not simply extending
we're not increasing the explosive power number two dropping off something okay
drop lands and it's about absorbing the force and increasing that so you know
it's that landing I want you to be quiet okay
the best way to teach someone how to drop off a box and to absorb the force
through the muscles and not the joints is to be quite okay
okay see I'm doing a Superman pose just because I've adopted that way and I
usually teach it that way and making sure that you absorb through the knee
the hip you get that bending over position chill that bump back knees over
the shoulders over the knees okay so we've gone over the basic
mechanics and the progressions or how to do it properly box high jumping onto
something dropping off something exorbitant force and now we're
progressing things but I want to make sure that we're going over the safety
aspects okay so things we really want to be watching out for let's have a look at
my legs this position knee valgus we want to avoid that okay and also a
pelvic drop okay see you obviously if you're on one leg and your pelvis is
dropping on that site and and last but not least the ability for your upper
body to stay in the correct posture so a lot of people would and and then they'll
just collapse in a heap okay ways in which we can actually help
prevent these is through strength training lunging split squats deadlifts
and weighted spots all these exercises will help your muscles develop the
strength and the elasticity so that you can take these pressures later on
and now progressions okay everyone wants to see progressions and all the cool
stuff unfortunately we do cool cool stuff here but we also do pretty basic
stuff and we do it exceptionally well which is why we get the results so so we
talked about progressions it's not just about two legs we've got one leg okay
and how many sports are really performed on two legs not like many so we have our
footballers or hockey players on netball players especially on one leg okay you
see the size this box it's quite small okay granted but it's actually quite
hard for people to learn how to jump and hop on one leg back onto a box okay so
don't be afraid to reduce that box height and progress we talked about
jumping forwards but remember multi-directional athletes we're going
to be coming to the side okay same mechanics shoulders over the knees
absorb it through the muscles and not the joints okay and and obviously the
inside of your foot as well because this is a very vulnerable position for
someone to land in especially ladies ACL problems okay so their basic
progressions for one leg then we talk about hopping bounding and rebounding
off the floor which is why we get all the cool stuff out we have some advanced
triple jumpers here that have hurdles this high but for now we're just going
to go over the basics of this so it's a case of now you jump in a dropping off
something onto something over something okay so all we're gonna do is keep a
nice little small head up okay like so once you've got that stick position
that's all working fine mechanics are safe and you're stable then we can look
to start hopping over it okay what's your there and you're happy
you can move onto one leg better yeah
onto one leg even faster okay so we're pretty much at the end up
and I hope all that's been really useful with regards to you know taking away
their their kind of silly things out of jumping you shall see in other gyms and
making sure that you keep level-headed the box is nice too small to begin with
and you progress accordingly and progressions as well we talked about
hurdles and making it more technical but remember we don't really load up we
don't we have we never load up our plyometrics really and height of the
obstacles the speed in which you go over the obstacles implementing pauses and
time under tension and that's really where we get the most benefit ok so why
is this so beneficial for athletes and it's not just athletes we don't train
just athletes here we train everybody ok 10k runners and you know
semi-professional and competitive rowers so you know our Sunday League
footballers are here learning plyometrics and guess what and I'll get
engine anymore shaaka so yeah it's about going through
the ride mechanics absorbing that force essentially producing more and having a
different variety of new training so if you like the video press like and please
don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel thanks a lot
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio vs Stelvio Quadrifoglio [Track Experience] Sub ENG - Duration: 15:22.
Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today we'll have fun by discovering (dynamically speaking) the Alfa Romeo top models!
Today, thanks to Accademia Alfa Romeo we'll take advantage of the many configurations of Balocco to discover on detail and use in the maximum safety
the Alfa Romeo top models by starting of course with Stelvio and Giulia Quadrifoglio but we'll test also the Giulia Veloce, a model I didn't test yet so I'm curious to see how it goes on track.
The great thing about this day it's not just about driving but also to learn, in fact today we have the chance to be with important people for Alfa Romeo because there are
lots of engineers that explain the dynamic and components of the cars but on track we're followed by great racing drivers with lots of experience
that allows to push with safety.
Look at that, not bad with this Quadrifoglio that matches my cardigan,
I think today we'll have lots of fun because we're at Balocco circuit, maybe it's an understatement to define it a circuit because
this place owned by FCA is being used since the early '60s to test and develop the upcoming models
just consider inside there's not just 1 racetrack, there's many configurations and I've been told there's about 100km (if not, more!)
of tarmac where the models get tested in different ways, for example in the offroad track, the track to test the suspensions, the top speed!
It's not bad to start with the Stelvio Quadrifoglio!
Honestly, it would be better to start with the least powerful so you can learn the track because this is the most enraged one!
You always have to start with the easiest car. - I like to go straight to the point!
Yeah but then you test the other one and you're like " it's not moving "!
Watch out, it's long!
One more gear! - What? - Engage one more gear!
Lift off!
Brake hard
Brake again, third gear, slow in
Wait, now turn right
Do you remember the track? - Yup
4th gear, go for it
We ask to overtake
Go, overtake!
Brake hard
Small hairpin left
Look at how the car slides!
Brake early otherwise we risk to go long
Straight to the external cone, slight brake, in, do it in 4th
Big breaking, stay wide, 2nd gear, slow in
Keep right, slight brake, in!
Right, after a first taste of the track with Stelvio Quadrifoglio, it's time to get into the highlight of the Accademia because
we'll learn new things by letting us tell by the engineers how these cars are built.
Turn left, flatout!
Slow, you have to be more aggressive at the beginning, when you decide to hit the throttle go full throttle!
Now let's switch to Dynamic, still flatout!
You see it slides a bit but it corrects immediately, now I switch to Natural and you see it doesn't slide at all
It doesn't slide, it cuts the power and now let's switch to Advanced, here it doesn't move an inch!
Back to the base!
It was simply - he spun! - powersliding the Stelvio Q is amazing, quite unpredictable AWD, it's not easy to drift it immediately, I didn't even knew it could drift
and now once he finishes - bravo, keep it! -
now we jump on that weapon, with the electronics off on wet you know it, when I had that car to test for a month I burnt 2 set of tires I had so much fun!
More delicate! - Yeah and wait a bit more to hit the throttle
Try to keep wider to end in the middle of the cones, this is much better!
I just needed a bit - the feeling!
It's fun, isn't it?
Use 2 hands if you can -
I'm used to use 1 - I noticed
If you can do it properly, it's ok anyway!
One more!
This car is fabulous to drift!
Lift off!
Too much sideways! - We made some smoke! - Because we were off the wet tarmac!
We ended with a bit of show!
I can say this was the funniest moment of the day, being able to drift the Giulia Q in the oval!
My friend Seb's about to drive but I'm not sure I left much rubber for him but what to say,
whenever I drive it with the electronics off it's amazing,
it's fabulous to keep sideways!
Cold tires
Push the brakes for a moment,
For those who race, it's a rule not to reach the first corner without hitting the brakes - To understand how's the breaking power
I didn't check if this one has carbonceramic or steel brakes - I didn't check either! We're swapping cars costantly!
Switching to Dynamic!
Do it in 4th
External curb is a bit slippery!
4th here, brake, in
You can cut
You can get in earlier!
Be careful with the throttle, easy with the throttle
Shift up immediately, short shift here
Brake properly, 2nd, very internal here
Let's do the long corner in the limits, 160kph here, it's also written
Also test drivers drive at 160, if you get off here you die - You take off
260, not bad!
It looked slower to be honest!
I did many sports driving courses but I have to admit, Accademia Alfa Romeo is a unique event in its kind!
It's been very exciting being able to test the top models in such a complete and dynamic track with the support of expert racing drivers,
and the most technical part with the Alfa Romeo engineers gave us the opportunity to see deeply the mechanical components of the range.
As I said, during the day I got to drive also the Giulia Veloce and the softer version of the Giulia/Stelvio range and I have to admit,
even though I'm a huge fan of the Quadrifoglio, I was impressed also by the dynamic qualities of the less spicy versions.
As always, thank you AR for letting me burn some rubber with the smile on my face :)
Surgeon General warning about e-cigs - Duration: 2:12.
BACI DI MERINGA Ricetta Facile - Fatto in Casa da Benedetta - Duration: 5:47.
Meringue kisses
featuring: PANEANGELI
separate yolks and whites of 3 eggs at room temperature
weigh the egg whites using a weight scale
just got the weight of the egg whites add the same weight of sugar and powdered sugar; 100g yolks, 100g of sugar and 100g of powdered sugar for this recipe
sugar (100g)
PANEANGELI powdered sugar
whip the egg whites until stiff
add sugar a little at time
sift powdered sugar a little at time
add half a phial of PANEANGELI vanilla flavor
put the dough into a pastry bag with star top
cover a baking pan and make meringues
Baking: ventilated oven, 100° about 90 min; static oven: 110° about 90 min
fill using hazelnut cream and couple them (or Pistachio cream, dark chocolate and more)
Thanks for watching
Citroën C4 Cactus e-THP 110pk SHINE - Duration: 1:08.
Las Noticias de la mañana, miércoles 19 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 6:50.
해산물로 4차는 처음이다! 외국인 친구와 부산 청사포 해산물 먹방 KOREAN SEA FOOD MUCKBANG - Duration: 8:57.
It's Friday!
It's officially our first day in Busan.
wow it's so cold
-cold right? -yeah I like it
Anyway, by the way
My mother said she can be our one day tour guide:)
Our sister is going to be tour guide.
I'm in winter now, really winter.
Not mom, sister, you know?
Stop doing that!!
-Were you trying to say green grape(Cheongpodo)? -Cheongsapo.
Why Chungsa-po is famous?
Um.. Clams, clams
You know why my chin's so big?
Because of food.
Me, too.
Those apartments been more than thirty years.
This area(Gwangan beach) has been featured in famous movie recently.
Tall and expensive building,
That building is the most expensive building.
We are in Songjeong area.
If you guys never heard of Chungsa-po,
it's very.. I'm sorry but it became a touristy place
But if you choose the right time what I mean by that is like less crowded time.
We can have been a very beautiful view with less people and
great great, awesome food.
Let's go
Let's go seafood
I'm so excited for that
We can have a middle sized clam dish
Ok, let's have a look later:)
Wow, those are alive!
Edwin, that is alive!
It couldn't happen! My dream now haha
Oh, you've never had abalones before?
Abalone's so beautiful.
(I felt sorry to them when I edit this video...)
You should do it in one go.
I did it, but it didn't come of well
So poor~
-What is that? What part? -The teeth! The abalones' teeth!
-Are you ready? -I'm ready.
Butter abalone
What do you think?
Very chewy. Very fresh.
Look at that.
My best Christmas present, abalone. From Busan
Food makes me happy. I hope you enjoy too.
Clam! Round two.
-What is that? -Clams, this is a pen shell
Coin clam~ Cause it looks like a coin
It will taste little bit sweeter than others
Yeah that's right
The best choice ever, I come to Busan,
and stay with my good friend.
My god, it's so good, I tell you. . The best seafood ever in my life.
In my life, you know? I have born twenty nine years old.
I never really tried fresh eel. Okay.
It was alive a few mins ago. We just dressed it and brought here.
Let me try one.
Sorry, I don't know how to use chopsticks.
The owner says that it'll be better to have a ssam.
Eel first and kimchi.
Do you eat onion? - Yes, I do.
Put some onion on it~
-And some onion. -This is the perfect way to eat eel.
Now I know why you recommend me to eat Kimchi with it
The smell and taste of eel, can have really good combination with kimchi.
You gotta taste it.
Taste it. Take your time, take your time.
Best combination.
Does it taste good with perilla leaf? - Yes, you gotta taste it with perilla leaf.
You know what?
Our food journey never ends at round three.
There's round four.
First time in my life, on my table there's no space. Can you see?
Crust of overcooked rice, with the soup. I'm 2 years old, I'm having rice with soup.
You ate it all!
I admit, you're the Food King.
Thank you.
Okay, let's rate overall taste first.
For me, I will give ten over ten.
Ten over ten!
You know why? I'll tell you why.
First thing, because of the food is really really good.
Second thing the waiter is very helpful and kind.
And third thing, I come with the right person. So I enjoyed the food a lot.
Good food, you have to come with good people, you know?
Who is the people? Yeah, this one.
I thought it would be boring, so ten over ten.
You have to try this, really really good.
In my country, the clams have a lot of sand inside.
But here, everything is clean. Yeah, it's really fresh.
In Malaysia, you feel some sand when you bite into it.
ding ding ding ding ding ding
I know that song.
As you guys can see, there's no one. No one! It's Friday.
But maybe it's too cold.
Two ladies looked at us and laughing now
Oh it's cold. Oh it's cold. It's cold. It's cold.
Really? People are surfing?
Oh, people are still surfing.
Are you kidding me?
No, I'm not kidding. There are lots of surfing classes.
We even ate Beef Bone Soup for dinner too:)
6 tips to improve your work-life balance | BBC Ideas - Duration: 3:39.
Hi, I'm Bruce Daisley. I work at Twitter but in my spare time
I've been studying work culture and how we can be happier at work.
Work has become this sort of colossal game of Jenga where we're trying to add things
on top or still keep everything standing up and stable. I've put together some
thoughts on ways that we can make our lives a lot less stressful.
Half of all people who have checked their emails outside of work hours show signs of high
levels of stress. The very easiest thing you can do to reduce your stress levels
from work is take the number off your email app that single act is the
simplest thing we can do to reduce our stress levels.
The second best change that anyone can make is to take a lunch break. The habit of eating 'al desco' has
become so common now it's contributing to an increase in our stress levels and
I understand when you're sitting at your desk you're thinking you've got a
hundred emails left walking away and taking a break can feel really
counter-intuitive but scientists have found the best way to ensure that you
feel energised is to take that pause. You might want to try a monk mode morning.
More and more of us are finally get hard to get things done because of all the
interruptions. A guy called Cal Newport who's a professor at Georgetown
University in Washington, he wrote a book called Deep Work and one of the ideas he
gave was that we should think about having a monk mode morning.
Well monk mode is where we go somewhere that is silent, there's no interruptions, we maybe
get a block of ninety minutes work done, maybe twice a week, then we go to the
office as normal, added advantages we've missed the commute, and got our emails
and our meetings done.
Some interesting research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
shows that one of the best ways to increase workplace
creativity is to increase the amount of chat, and actually that can be chat about
last night's TV that can be chat about what's happening in sports games because
normally those conversations then lead to work discussions. It's a strange thing
that by encouraging people to have more chats we're actually going to be
achieving more at work. But the research seems to suggest that the most creative
offices are the ones that chat the most. Ben Waber, one of the researchers,
said that one of the best ways to increase creativity in your office is to
move the location of the coffee machine. By having the coffee machine, the kettle,
the water cooler, in a different place you'll actually lead to more people
having discussions, conversations.
Scientists have found that one of the biggest barriers to being creative in our jobs is stress,
and all of us with our phones feel more stressed than ever before.
You need to give yourself permission to have a digital Sabbath, to take time away from your work
at the weekend, for a bit of refreshment, a bit of
renewal. Discourage your boss from emailing at the weekend because it leads
to people feeling anxious when they come back to work on Monday.
Anxious people can't be creative.
I think in the current world we often celebrate overwork and
people working long hours. The magazine profiles we read, the TV profiles we see are
about people who work these enormous long working weeks. And in fact all of
the evidence is starting to point to the fact that maybe that's not the best idea.
Maybe 40 hours of work a week is the right amount. Use our breaks and our
evenings as times to re-energise ourselves so when we come back to our
desks we're full of life. Doing 40 hours of work is probably enough.
Bizim Hikaye 52. Bölüm 2. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:41.
Good looking
Claudia Raia e Miguel Falabella são condenados a pagar R$ 2 milhões - Duration: 3:15.
Pyar vs Paisa | Idiotic Launda Rahul Sehrawat - Duration: 5:44.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCe 90PK Dynamique * R-link Navigatie / 1e eigenaar / 100% Dealeronderhouden / Ho - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo XC60 D4 R-Design | Nieuwprijs 73.255 | FWD Aut. Navigatie Head Up Panoramadak Camera DAB+ - Duration: 1:13.
Volvo V40 2.0 D2 R-Design Business - Duration: 0:55.
最初拥有舞蹈梦的钟汉良,一个机遇却成了影星,但舞蹈始终在坚持 - Duration: 10:31.
张首晟:这几句话可以总结人类所有知识 - Duration: 17:25.
The Picturesque Small Modern House For Small Modern Family In Slovenia | Tiny House Beautiful - Duration: 3:03.
The Picturesque Small Modern House For Small Modern Family In Slovenia | Tiny House Beautiful
【なまざつ】写真好きカメラ好きたちの寄り合い所 Vol.79【ともよ。】 - Duration: 44:45.
Seethakaathi | Uyir Song Lyrical Video | Vijay Sethupathi | Balaji Tharaneetharan | Govind Vasantha - Duration: 3:21.
" Oh! Ayya! What are you gazing at?"
" For so long!!! "
" Is your entire life,"
" like dry leaves,"
" falling down?"
" All that love,"
" and those years of yearning..."
" In a flash of a second..."
" Like a dewdrop,"
" alone..."
" Has it dried up?"
" On the rock, the Brightest light,"
" lingers on and goes away."
" All the sacrifices..."
" Bow down,"
" and cry in silence!"
" Life doesn't end with death..."
" Once the mirage,"
" is what you get used to as real."
" Then..."
" When a crystal clear river,"
" touches, you won't feel it."
" Within."
" The silence that has seen, the depth of depths..."
" Can sound win it over?"
" Till the end of time..."
" A tree has its roots spread..."
" Can it fall apart in death?"
" In solitude you wept."
" Where did you leave!!! "
" Oh! King!!! "
" As the makeup,"
" wore off,"
" You became your own face is it?"
" Art never respects death!!! "
" The solitary reaper has fallen..."
" On the bed of fire,"
" burning to ashes,"
" in solitude."
" Is this the end?"
Elite Dangerous Stella Phenomena Chapter 4 Beyond - Duration: 10:13.
Hey is Ricardo and welcome back to elite dangerous beyond chapter four one of the
great things that beyond chapter four has been the updates to exploration
exploration is one of these things that I think elite dangerous is based upon
and with that has come not only the new discovery scanners and scanner suites
that are available to players but the insertion of stellar phenomena into the
game now all this is well and good and you may say that you've seen it and you
saw it in the beta and you know hey it's just another video on stellar phenomenon
so that's fine and it is another video on stellar phenomena but each one seems
to be slightly different this one for example I've got two types of phenomena
should we say in in this particular nebula not only I have the orange type
nebula and cloud that I mean but I have these mineral type orbs and they also
have crystals so things to get and you also get credits for having these
entered into the Codex should you be there to scan them now
you've got a scanning with a composition scanner so make sure you've got yourself
one of those fit is near in the right mode composition is fitted to warship
don't worry about that but getting it in the right mode I think is key now you've
got two modes now you've got a combat mode and you've got analytical mode or
scanning mode and that's where you know the composition scanners gonna really
come into its own but remember to set a key binding to it as well now I mean
generally setting your key bindings so this these dual modes is something you
can have to look into if you haven't and using default settings then you should
be alright but if like me you've got an awful lot of other sort of like key
settings set up you're gonna have to go in there and twiddle about but anyway if
you haven't done so do me a favor click that like and subscribe button and also
look for that notification icon and that let you know I'm putting more
videos of a leak dangerous and other games on YouTube it'll also help me out
as well and let give me an idea of what sort of things you'd like to see on the
channel so own it being graphically fantastic and you can't say that it
isn't it's graphically spectacular with these new updates and eat dangerous as
far as we can tell there's not an awful lot a point to these stellar phenomena
other than you go out there yes can it be accomplished and scanner you get
credits you get some money about 50,000 credits really for an entry into the
Codex and that's fine don't get me wrong I saw so I thought about and making it
more interesting for to find things within the early dangerous galaxy is
definitely a bonus however and it's a little bit of a however finding these
isn't straightforward you can't just walk in fly in honk and find them you
got to go through the whole sort of like scanning procedure but you know if
generally it's not too difficult
wouldn't it be good though if the stellar phenomena could be mined and if
they could be mined they reduced they produced a mineral that would help I
don't know help you unlock additional Guardian tech give you a material that
was anti-thyroid give you something that would supercharge your weapons to give
you the edge in player-versus-player or in just combat in general I think as
we go into a more sort of like pay-to-play model with elite dangerous
and something like that would be able to be more more worthwhile that would
encourage people to go out there and visit these sites I think anyway
these particular sites are not too far away from rabii go and I'll put the
links in the comment section as well not to worry there and as this one is
particularly nice and orange remembers innocent of a chocolate orange giving it
being Christmas time you know I think it's well worth well we take a look at
perhaps another one now as I mentioned I visited a few of these and I'm in my old
jumper condo the prancing Badger which I've been engineering up lately got the
old gal net skin on there as well that was given and gifted by frontier for
subscribing to their email communications now this one again a
Lagrange cloud of of these crystals nice and dark this one Erie although I do
find the ones with the colored nebulas and colored clouds around them to be
better you know I think that visually we get so used to flying around in a
darkened space that seeing an orange nebula or cloud you know I think is is
out of the norm and then scanning these metallic crystals you know of course you
know he gives you these codec entries but you also you get some you get a bit
of money as well right but these yeah you know sort of metallic
looking crystalline substances in space great what do they do they float there
are they visually fantastic they really are is it worthwhile coming out and
seeing them yes it is and this one's not so far away from raviga
and so this so if you're in that area it's not too far the bubble if you get a
decent ship with some decent jump range you can be there in
20 minutes perhaps even less and I do think it is worthwhile coming out to see
though I think it is right for a little bit of backstory about these on how
perhaps the fair gourds have engineered their entire technology around them or
perhaps we could use this I can say to defeat the thyroids or or give us an
advantage rather than just using Guardian tech and the grind boy their
updates for the delete dangerous are absolutely fantastic graphically you
gotta say it I mean absolutely brilliant you know it's really given so like I
think with this that grander scale of space it really has now I have been
putting off doing some mining but I will get perhaps a video of mining out before
the holiday season if I've got time and those of you with families like myself
you know it's a busy old timer year and this time of year for example especially
this year has been exceptionally busy you know particularly for me anyway I'm
gonna leave you with a bit of music and the rest of the stellar phenomena that
I've found with these crystals thanks very much for watching I've been
Riccardo and this has been a stellar phenomena that has been included in any
dangerous with the chapter 4 update which is three point three hope you've
enjoyed the video your viewership is greatly appreciated
like and subscribe look out for more videos in the series recurring an awful
lot of stuff at the moment notably you know X for foundations although I might
wait for a few more bugs to be fixed in that before I get back into that elite
dangerous I think has been quite stable despite some of the surfer issues that
has been around anyway enough about all up I need to look what's going on here
with a bit of Miguel Johnson he's going new album coming out very shortly so
keep an eye on that and I'll have a link for that also in the comment section
details section thanks for watching see you soon
JUST FUNNY MUSIC FOR KIDS! 🔠 free background music for video production - Duration: 2:39.
Funny music for kids for you! This is nice free background music for video production.
Funny children's music, easy and cool.
Peugeot 107 1.0 12v 5drs. Active Airco/14"LMV/Radio CD/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:01.
中型SUVボルボ "XC 60"の快適性は、ディーゼル仕様は力強さが特徴 - Duration: 6:40.
Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI 85pk 5drs Enjoy - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V 5drs Airco,Elec Pakket!! - Duration: 1:06.
Volkswagen Golf 1.5 TSI 150Pk DSG Highline, Led, R-Line, Prijs Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:11.
Texas prosecutors: don't try to glitter bomb porch pirates - Duration: 2:40.
【Happy Glass】#2 本当に役に立つ!? DON'T SPILL IT完全攻略!! - Duration: 13:47.
Hi, everyone! Virtual Gamer Kizuna AI here!
Today I'm playing
The continuation of Happy Glass that everyone was waiting for!
It seems like
they added more features for "challenges."
So let's try it out
Let me try this.
For this…
so as long as you don't spill the water inside it's ok
This looks kind of hard
Take the ball out first
and then
You can't even let one drop drip!?
I think this is how you do it.
Do it carefully-
You can't do it at once
Here comes the genius!
Yes! Did it!
What's next?
This looks pretty hard
So take one out and make a base…
And for the bottom…
You take this out-
So you do this... and then
and then....
The next looks whoa-! Super hard.
Take this out first
I'm good!
Ain't I a genius?
Take this out and then this
I'm good!
I'm the type that gets carried away once I'm able to do it
Oh this…take the
circle out
This is scary
and then
Take this out and
No way, no way, no way!!!!
Got it.
So do this
Make a border so the cup doesn't tilt
No way. Tell me this is a lie.
A lie, lie, lie
wait, but
But the plan was not bad
There! Genius again!
I am such a genius-!!
What's up with this shape!?
I don't like it!
That was a miracle!
Did you see that!?
See, god is always on my side
Take out the circles
I think we need the small square inside so…
and then like this!
This is terrible! Really terrible!
Maybe we don't need it.
Looking good!
You know, it's fun when you can actually clear it
Looks easy and when you can't beat it it makes you mad but
when you can beat it, it like yattaaa-!
For this you
First you take this out
and then
Wait, wait, wait
Take this and this out
Agh!! No! No!
I should've taken out the small one-!
Ok, wait
take this out
take this out
and say "aye aye"
You say "aye aye"
"aye aye"
Ok! That caught me off guard
Aye, aye
and then... aye, aye
and then
aye, aye again
Take this out and
"Hai, hai!"
Oh, this one looks hard too.
Oh no!
This is bad!
This is extremely bad!
Take the side off first-!
Ohh! Genius!!!
Wasn't that crazy!
Super AI's are one of a kind huh~
Ohh look! We're on the last level!
The circles are in the way...
And then
Take this off
OHH! This is gonna work!
Yay! I'm super happy!
So happy~!
Let's try... this one next!
Hold and....
(Water comes when tapping)
Oh! Oh! Oh!
So as long as the water doesn't spill out of the cup
I see!
So the size of the cup changes!
I wonder how much...
This much!?
Is it too much!? Too much!?
Too much!? Too much!?
Or maybe too little!?
Oh! This is good!
Hey! If I can do it all in one try, can you praise me~?
Oh did I jinx myself?
Wait, this is good!!
Wow! I'm good!
This is gonna fill up...
How is it? Too little?
Oh! How is it? No good?
Yay! Yay! Yay!I
I just might be able to clear it in one try
Oh no! Did I blow it...
Yay!! Amazing!!
Looking good! I think I can do this!
This looks hard...
Not enough for sure!!
Couldn't do it in one try....
I'm sad
No? No good?
Yep, just as I thought!
A little more
How's that!?
I have to put a lot for this no?
How's it? How's it?
Oh! It's good!
Like really good!
Now I am HAPPY!!
A little bit for this one
Is that too little?
Oh perfect, maybe!
Is this good?
Let it be good!
Oh Yay!!
A lot for this one
How is it?
Too little?
Or not enough?
A little more
How is this!?
Oh-! Super close-!
This looks hard
This much?
Oops too much
It wasn't in one try at all but praise me-!
This makes me HAPPY! Clearing it makes me HAPPY!
Oh, and there is something I want to do
The one that's endless
So for this, to honor my favorite, Keyakizaka46!
I'm gonna try to flip 46 times!!
So everyone! Let's race!
Let's go!
It's been a while
Let's go!
Just kidding~!
Ok. One-
Such a noob-
Oh wow-! Blew it---
Super impossible!
This is bad!
Ok! I totally suck at this.
Hey-! For real!
How am I supposed to get to 46
OK! Here we go!
(Used coins to retry)
AI-chan is a genius!!
AI-chan is Gakki-
No, no
AI-chan is Hashikan!
(Celebrity names)
(Used coins to retry again)
I don't even have to look at it anymore
Hey, isn't this crazy!
See! Wow!
Got carried away!
OK! So the genius AI, Kizuna AI's record was
60 Flips!!
Can you guys all surpass me!?
You guys can't retry though-
That's cheating-ok?
No retrying-!
You can retry for 100 coins but don't do it ok
That's called cheating.
Don't do stuff like that.
So everyone, good luck in
beating my record-!!!
And so, this was Virtual Gamer Kizuna AI!
Everyone give it a shot! Yay!!
the reason why I came to London. - Duration: 10:03.
Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 2.0T Aero Nav. Leder, Spoiler. - Duration: 1:08.
12 Games That Should Have Been On The PlayStation Classic - Duration: 15:40.
The PlayStation Classic, otherwise known as the Massively Failed Opportunity, is a mini
console with a difference.
Said difference being it is largely pap, as opposed to Nintendo's brilliant ones.
With that thrilling, original, and utterly unique consideration to hand, I went ahead
and picked just 12 games - from the hundreds I could have picked - that would have been
a better fit on this Sony cash-grab.
And here's the dirty little secret: I've tried my best, bar one or two, to go for slightly
less obvious choices.
This fact makes me cool, and you should subscribe even though I'm not a massive white supremacist
like PewDiePie.
Let's start with an obvious one…
except... everyone usually goes for the original or second in the Birdman's series, but to
me the Tony Hawk's games didn't see a stone cold classic until the third - maybe
fourth - entry.
Well, it added reverts… reverts… those things that let you chain into a manual to
carry on a combo, that's what I mean.
That said, Tony Hawk's 2 is the one I'd choose for the PlayStation Classic, because
it's the last one Neversoft actually made for the original console.
It might not have rah-vots, but it's a superb game.
And that simpler style, with fewer immortal ultra combos that one mate you had always
used, means it's still a shedload of fun.
Especially when you play Horse, except with rude words.
Like BUM.
Why no Tony Hawk's at all on the actual PS Classic?
Well that's the obvious licensing thing.
Aside from the music tracks, brands featured and skating talent all needing to be paid
if they were used, there's the simple fact that the actual Tony Hawk license - at the
time of writing-speaking - isn't in Activision's oily grasp.
In a weird way, these games technically don't exist anymore.
Sort of.
In a way.
I wanted to ignore this one, because it's absolutely steeped in turn-of-the-millenium
hype about beer-drinking… walking… helmets…
I don't know what they are - they swear too.
I believe the US version was censored, because Americans can't handle naughty words or
images of boobs but hey, guns for three-year-olds!
But then I played Team Buddies again, for - would you believe it - this video.
And I remembered it's actually a laugh.
Plus they swear.
A console-y RTS, it's not the deepest of things but it has enough variation in its
systems to make for something genuinely good fun.
Also they swear.
And multiplayer, not pictured here because I have literally no friends, is brilliant
fun - at least when everyone's playing at a similar level of competence.
And they swear!
There was a toss-up here between Team Buddies and Hogs of War, I have to admit, but the
3D Worms rip-off - except they're pigs - loses out owing to the fact that it's a bit rubbish.
Even with the inclusion of Rik Mayall, it just wasn't quite enough.
Sorry Alan.
Seemingly only remembered for the fact that every character meeting their end in the game
does so after having their carotid artery violently lacerated, Vandal Hearts deserves
a lot more than that.
It's turn-based RPG royalty, as far as I'm concerned, and deserves much better than hardly
being remembered at all, and when it is remembered being so because of an unintended Mortal Kombat
It's not got the complexity of a Disgaea or Final Fantasy Tactics, but that actually
works in Vandal Hearts' favour - both from a personal perspective and from that of a
marketing bod trying to come up with the best games to put on something to sell it to the
mouth-breathing masses.
It's not easy, but it isn't super-complex - which means both I can switch my brain off
while playing it, which I like a lot, and your non-regular-gamesplaying person who the
PlayStation Classic is aimed at will actually be able to wrap their mind around it just
like they do when watching I'm a Celebrity, saying Indian food is exotic, and thinking
they're right when voting for Brexit.
The straightfowardness of Vandal Hearts doesn't mean it's shallow - it just doesn't have
the baubles dangling from its game-lobes, and the burning need to keep you playing it
for 927,000 millenia.
It's about seven-to-twelve, maybe fifteen, hours, there's some secret stuff but nothing
much to get lost in, it doesn't outstay its welcome and… well, yes, that ludicrous
blood gush really is fantastically satisfying.
I like Vandal Hearts, in case you can't tell.
Tekken's the obvious one, and I understand why Battle Arena Toshinden is on the actual
PS Classic, what with it being a launch title and all.
But just because it's a choice that makes sense in one way doesn't mean it's the
right choice - the main reason being Toshinden is reheated garbage on a foisty summer's
So I'd go for another fighting game, and it would have to be the one I had a mild obsession
with all those many years ago: Bloody Roar 2.
Yes, the first game exists, and I can't remember specific details why the sequel is
the better choice over it, but there you go.
It's a solid arcade brawler with the added gimmick of everyone turning into animals at
the press of a button.
It's simple, unpretentious, and as much fun as a bag of cold garbage on a chilly winter's
Frankly, though, I could have just passed over any other specific points and simply
relied on one factor: doing the running transformation to knock your opponent through the wall.
How cool is that?
God I was a terrible child.
I've said before in my videos, so those of you who've been around a while might
remember - I've never been a huge Zelda fan.
Breath of the Wild changed that for me, but that's mainly because it was like Skyrim.
Your traditional Zelda-like games?
Not so much.
Don't know what it is, but they bore me.
Blood Omen was a Zelda-alike, except really morbid and goth-y... so obviously I loved
it dearly.
Sure, it's clunky to play today, way too difficult at times, the CG cutscenes are laughably
bad by modern standards - unfair criticism it might be, but really Kain just looks like
an eternally-surprised ghoul made from putty - and there's no way of getting rid of the
eternal loading times if you're playing with true emulation.
But it's fun, it treats the player like an adult, and it lets you - I'm going to
mildly swear here, sorry - it lets you properly be an actual bastard.
To this day Kain is one of my favourite characters in gaming, thanks in no small part to one
of life's great voice actors, Simon Templeman, and his ability to capture my own personal
massive disdain for humanity through the power of his voice.
Blood Omen isn't the best PlayStation game - nor is it an exclusive, like most on this
list - but it would make a fine example on the Classic of what the console was all about.
Future police on another planet, technically - I think - in the same universe as Wipeout,
with some of the best gun sound effects in anything ever and a genuinely not-terrible
storyline and so much darkness… and a terrible draw distance… what's not to like?
Look, I don't want to go on about it too much, but G-Police should be on everything
ever, because I love G-Police more than I love most other things.
G-Police would also work as a challenge for you modern kids who like things that are pointlessly
See, it's up there with Syndicate Wars on PlayStation as one of the most ridiculous
examples of a control scheme ever.
I don't think of it anymore, because it's basically muscle memory with me, 21 years
I think I'd actually pay to watch someone try to navigate their way around the pad for
the first time with this nonsensical pre-analogue nonsense.
Yes, I know you can play it with an analogue controller, I KNOW ALL.
But it's worth it, and G-Police, once you're past its idiosyncrasies, is a fine game - and
it's very PlayStation.
Honourable mention goes to Colony Wars, which would have been included here were it not
for the fact that G-Police's seven-and-a-half minute triple intro is one of the best things
of my entire childhood.
And I literally saw the pyramid of Giza in person.
Colony Wars is still great, though.
He's not silent.
Never did get that.
Like, he literally uses bombs which explode with sound as a big part of their energy release
and/or dissipation, depending on which scienceword you want to use.
There's no way he could even think about using bombs that have no sound, because bombs
have to have sound otherwise they wouldn't be exploding, thus meaning he could not be
a bomber.
Important point out of the way, I should note that Silent Bomber is absolutely brilliant
and criminally overlooked.
I'm going to assume people ignored it because of their confusion over the whole sound/energy
thing, I know the buying public is a stickler for scientific accuracy, after all.
That said, I'm not going to claim Silent Bomber has any real depth - it genuinely would
have belonged in an arcade… probably, I don't know.
It is fast-paced glorious joyful fun that deserves to be played by all, and it really
should have been on the mini console.
I'd recommend you all go look it up anyway, though I also don't think it was even released
on the PlayStation Network outside of Japan, if even there, so…
I have no idea why nobody who decides to re-release games has any taste at all.
I like Silent Bomber, even if its name is entirely false.
Fun story: in the past there was a gaming shop called Special Reserve here in the UK
- some faces lit up at that mention - on its site it had a competition in which one user
review each day would win a free game.
I wrote a review of Bishi Bashi Special and did indeed win the free game, and I chose
Perfect Dark on the N64, thus saving me approximately £900,000 or whatever N64 games used to cost.
A victory for Bransfield, I'd say.
Bishi Bashi Special shouldn't just be on the PlayStation Classic - like G-Police it
should be on everything that's ever been made, ever.
Sort of like how you can get Doom on calculators and anvils these days.
It is the one thing in life I will allow myself to call 'madcap', it is the obvious inspiration
for the equally excellent Wario Ware series, and it still makes me laugh like a Chuckling
It's just mini games, they often last a matter of seconds, and half the time you're
not even sure if you're doing what you're meant to.
It's raucous, incredibly silly, and features life's greatest thing: Uncle Bean.
Why this wasn't on the PS Classic I do not know, but it makes me want to have words with
whoever put together the games list.
Stern words.
Steern words.
Stern wooords.
The second game featuring police in the future…
Originally meant to be a follow up to Desert, Jungle, Urban, Soviet, and Nuclear Strike,
Future Cop… plays like a follow up to Desert, Jungle, Urban, Soviet, and Nuclear Strike.
For those of you who aren't aware of what that actually plays like: it plays like, well,
and that.
You're a giant stompy robot, which is obviously brilliant, but also can transform - brilliant
- into a hover-car-tank-thing - less brilliant - and generally stomp or pootle around blasting
perps in a manner very similar to actual real life American policing techniques.
It's an odd mix, Future Cop - on one hand, it's weird that it didn't actually end
up as a proper sequel to Desert, Jungle, Urban, Soviet, and Nuclear Strike.
On the other hand, it's weird that it didn't end up with a sequel of its own, because just
like Desert, Jungle, Urban but not Soviet or Nuclear Strike, it was really great.
Like, really good fun.
Absolute top notch stuff.
The secret side note to say: I know full well why it wasn't a sequel to Desert, Jungle,
Urban, Soviet, and Nuclear Strike - the series had petered off by that point and no longer
had the sway it once had.
And it didn't get a Future Cop sequel, because it sold poorly and EA killed it.
Ah, facts, always getting in the way.
One extra thing that would make Future Cop: Lap Der a perfect addition to the PlayStation
Classic, aside from the actual main game being really good, is its multiplayer.
It's a precursor to the MOBA genre, one which I won't even pretend to know about,
and it's still genuinely good fun today even if the footage you're seeing is me
playing against no human because, yep!, still got no friends.
Here it is, the only thing most of those who bought Brave Fencer ever saw: Final Fantasy
The days of high profile demos being bundled with lower profile full games were certainly
weird - ask Zone of the Enders.
Still, Brave Fencer Mushu…
Mash potato… is a pretty good game: charismatic and bright, with a cheeky sense of humour
running throughout and a great mechanic I can't be bothered checking the name of where
you steal enemy powers for yourself.
It's a double-whammy, in that I can see why Square had to bundle a demo with this
absolute unknown property with a name your common garden gamer would struggle to pronounce…
it's Moo-sah-she, by the way…
At the same time, the Final Fantasy demo being included meant more people got to play a cool
little action-RPG, so, yeah, that double-whammy.
Basically, Moo-sah-she should have been on the PlayStation Classic.
It's the perfect fit, and still a good, fun game here in space year [WHATEVER YEAR
Ah, future-proofing.
I used to have the front cover of this game on my rotation of hilarious game covers for
my desktop at work, never thinking I'd actually play the thing.
And now here we are, me saying it should go on a curated compilation of games to help
show off the best of what a console could offer… well, it could show off some things
on a console, at least.
Harmful Park is a daft shooter in the same ilk as something like Parodius, and because
of that I'm always going to choose it over the Gradius and R-Types of the PlayStation's
back catalogue.
Because people who like those black-and-blue-and-silver superseriousshmups bore me to tears, so I
want something more cartoony.
Come at me.
The game itself?
Not the best, but still fun.
Graphically it's pretty, I think, and… yeah, not much else to say.
That cover art led me to something I really like, thus proving laughing at stuff is the
best way to get to love it.
I feel like that should be a motivational Facebook post your auntie shares in between
bouts of giving out her credit card details to literally anybody who phones her and simultaneously
being complimentary of and racist about some random bloke you've never met before.
I would have said Twisted Metal 2, but that's too obvious - no, instead it's LuxofluxoxINXS's
vehicular shooter spin-off of Interstate 76, Vigilante 8.
See, that was just a list of names of things, if you're lost right now, I don't blame
Getting back on track - or the exploding road of death, whichever you prefer - Vigilante
8 is your typical vehicle combat game of the era.
Machine guns, special weapons, pickups, hidden things, 'splodey buildings, computer opponents
with a propensity for being annoying, hyper-aggro goits with all the redeeming features of a
particularly itchy rash - that kind of thing.
What set V8…
I just got that…
huh… what set the game apart from the others was, well… what made it different was that…
I… it…
Right, Vigilante 8 looked better than Twisted Metal, had different physics and some different
points of interaction in levels, but really it was much of a muchness.
What I know is, the game was fun, it still is fun, and it deserved to continue beyond
a lone sequel and HD remake of sorts.
It also would have made a fine addition to the PlayStation Classic's line-up.
And there are so many more I could have named, but if I'd done that this video would last
approximately two minutes shy of forever.
So I've made the hard decision to cut it off there.
Yes, I know [WHATEVER GAME YOU'RE THINKING OF] isn't on the list, and that [WHATEVER
GAME ON THE LIST] isn't a 'less obvious' choice.
Get over it.
The absolute best thing about the PlayStation Classic - aside from the fact its first hack
was to plug in a keyboard and press 'escape' - is that I was legitimately able to say pre-order
cancelled and mean it.
Ah well, I'll stick with my original PlayStation console and whatever fun hardware I can find
for that.
Thanks for watching, best wishes to you and yours, and let's all hope we're not dead
by next week.
Volkswagen T-Roc | Navigatie | 18" | Style | Voorraad Voordeel | Direct rijden - Duration: 1:08.
Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI ACTIVE INFO - LED - 19" SUZUKA - Duration: 1:09.
Top Low Price Tech Gifts - Duration: 1:32.
Rules The Contestants On Fixer Upper Had To Follow - Duration: 4:59.
TV just isn't the same without the uniquely loveable Fixer Upper.
The HGTV design series wrapped up its fifth and final season in April 2018, but that doesn't
mean you can't revisit the series with us - and take a peek behind the scenes.
Here are some surprising rules homeowners had to follow to be contestants on the mega-popular
home renovation phenomenon.
So many questions
Ahead of Season 5, HGTV posted an open casting call for any who wanted to take a stab at
appearing on the show, and the application included a whopping "71-step questionnaire."
That's a lot of questions!
The questionnaire for the popular HGTV series Love It or List It, by comparison, reportedly
only asks applicants a measly 23 questions.
Jaime Ferguson, a contestant from Fixer Upper Season 3, revealed to blogger Rachel Teodoro
that the application process did not end with the questionnaire.
A Skype interview, several phone calls, and even in-person meetings were required before
Jaime and her husband Kyle could appear on the show.
One long day
It might look like the homeowners are being filmed over the course of several days, but
that's apparently not always the case.
Season 3 contestant Jeff Jones told Apartment Therapy that his episode amounted to one long
day of "exhausting" filming for him and his wife Sara.
That means every moment featuring Sara and Jeff in the episode took place on the same
day, from the opening home tours to the final reveal.
Wait - how does that work?
Here's how it works
Like many - if not most - reality TV shows, Fixer Upper was guilty of basically lying
to viewers about what was actually happening on screen.
In each episode, Chip and Joanna bring the contestants out to view three properties.
After coming up with pros and cons for each home, they pick their favorite and voila!
That's the home they get, right?
Not exactly.
The truth is that the contestants make up their minds long before they even start filming.
Season 3 contestant David Ridley revealed to Fox News that he had actually purchased
the house he chose on the show before he was even chosen to be on the show!
So that means this bit with his dad is technically acting:
"David, where do you think you want to look for a house?"
"I told 'em kinda the Mountain View area."
After he was selected, his home was reviewed and approved by the Fixer Upper team, and
the segments showing him touring other homes and laughing it up with Chip and Joanna were
only filmed to inject a bit more drama into the proceedings.
Which also explains how those segments can be filmed on the same day as the dramatic
reveal - it's all just a ruse.
No free lunch
In addition to securing a property in or around Waco, Texas, which is home base for Chip and
Joanna, a contestant on Fixer Upper would also need to secure their own financing for
the repairs.
Yep: those budgets are real, and the show isn't giving away renovations for free.
Just how much were the contestants required to pony up?
At the bare minimum, $30,000, HGTV confirmed to Today.
Furthermore, the application form advised prospective contestants that their "financial
contribution should be proportional to the amount of renovations [their] new home will
Naturally, the folks at Fixer Upper wouldn't want any participants to have their properties
left unfinished.
No control freaks allowed
If you're someone who likes to always be in control, you would've had a difficult time
being a contestant on Fixer Upper.
The exhaustive application informed prospective contestants that, ultimately, the finished
product is going to have that trademark Fixer Upper look, like it or not.
Here's the caveat:
"While the design team will take your thoughts into consideration, you will have to accept
that some final renovation choices may differ from your original decisions or desires."
That's not to say Chip and Joanna simply ignored the participants' wishes.
Former contestant Rachel Whyte, for example, revealed to Country Living that Joanna asked
her to create a Pinterest board so she could get a sense of her individual style.
No peeking permitted
At the end of every episode, Chip and Joanna take their clients out to see their fixer
upper for the first time post-renovation, using a before-picture of the property supersized
to fit two giant posters on wheels to hide the finished product.
In an interview with Glamour, Chip revealed that he came up with the idea when filming
the pilot and asked his buddies to help him put it together.
So, is that really the first time the contestants get to see their home?
According to former participant Doug McNamee, yes.
He revealed to the Waco Tribune-Herald that he and his family were under "strict orders"
not to visit the property.
"They wanted it to be a complete surprise, and it took discipline not to sneak a look."
No free furniture
One of the best parts of Fixer Upper is, of course, the design.
Joanna fills the participants' homes with furniture and arranges everything flawlessly.
But, there's a catch: the contestants don't actually get to keep the furniture.
At least not for free.
Rachel Whyte revealed to Country Living that all of the staged furniture and decorations
- aside from the custom pieces - are taken out of the home after cameras stop rolling.
That is, unless you have the means to pay for it.
"They give you an itemized list of how much everything costs at the end to see if you
want to purchase things at a discounted price.
[...] We did buy some of the decor, but I was excited to fill our home with our things
and make it ours."
박원 - 이럴거면 헤어지지 말았어야지 (Park Won - If We) Cover - Duration: 1:59.
싫다고 말했잖아
Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0-16V T.Spark Nwe. Apk. Airco, Bj 1996 - Duration: 1:09.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK TITANIUM 5drs *Garantie t/m Sept 2022 | Adaptive cruise | B&O | Parke - Duration: 1:14.
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio vs Stelvio Quadrifoglio [Track Experience] Sub ENG - Duration: 15:22.
Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today we'll have fun by discovering (dynamically speaking) the Alfa Romeo top models!
Today, thanks to Accademia Alfa Romeo we'll take advantage of the many configurations of Balocco to discover on detail and use in the maximum safety
the Alfa Romeo top models by starting of course with Stelvio and Giulia Quadrifoglio but we'll test also the Giulia Veloce, a model I didn't test yet so I'm curious to see how it goes on track.
The great thing about this day it's not just about driving but also to learn, in fact today we have the chance to be with important people for Alfa Romeo because there are
lots of engineers that explain the dynamic and components of the cars but on track we're followed by great racing drivers with lots of experience
that allows to push with safety.
Look at that, not bad with this Quadrifoglio that matches my cardigan,
I think today we'll have lots of fun because we're at Balocco circuit, maybe it's an understatement to define it a circuit because
this place owned by FCA is being used since the early '60s to test and develop the upcoming models
just consider inside there's not just 1 racetrack, there's many configurations and I've been told there's about 100km (if not, more!)
of tarmac where the models get tested in different ways, for example in the offroad track, the track to test the suspensions, the top speed!
It's not bad to start with the Stelvio Quadrifoglio!
Honestly, it would be better to start with the least powerful so you can learn the track because this is the most enraged one!
You always have to start with the easiest car. - I like to go straight to the point!
Yeah but then you test the other one and you're like " it's not moving "!
Watch out, it's long!
One more gear! - What? - Engage one more gear!
Lift off!
Brake hard
Brake again, third gear, slow in
Wait, now turn right
Do you remember the track? - Yup
4th gear, go for it
We ask to overtake
Go, overtake!
Brake hard
Small hairpin left
Look at how the car slides!
Brake early otherwise we risk to go long
Straight to the external cone, slight brake, in, do it in 4th
Big breaking, stay wide, 2nd gear, slow in
Keep right, slight brake, in!
Right, after a first taste of the track with Stelvio Quadrifoglio, it's time to get into the highlight of the Accademia because
we'll learn new things by letting us tell by the engineers how these cars are built.
Turn left, flatout!
Slow, you have to be more aggressive at the beginning, when you decide to hit the throttle go full throttle!
Now let's switch to Dynamic, still flatout!
You see it slides a bit but it corrects immediately, now I switch to Natural and you see it doesn't slide at all
It doesn't slide, it cuts the power and now let's switch to Advanced, here it doesn't move an inch!
Back to the base!
It was simply - he spun! - powersliding the Stelvio Q is amazing, quite unpredictable AWD, it's not easy to drift it immediately, I didn't even knew it could drift
and now once he finishes - bravo, keep it! -
now we jump on that weapon, with the electronics off on wet you know it, when I had that car to test for a month I burnt 2 set of tires I had so much fun!
More delicate! - Yeah and wait a bit more to hit the throttle
Try to keep wider to end in the middle of the cones, this is much better!
I just needed a bit - the feeling!
It's fun, isn't it?
Use 2 hands if you can -
I'm used to use 1 - I noticed
If you can do it properly, it's ok anyway!
One more!
This car is fabulous to drift!
Lift off!
Too much sideways! - We made some smoke! - Because we were off the wet tarmac!
We ended with a bit of show!
I can say this was the funniest moment of the day, being able to drift the Giulia Q in the oval!
My friend Seb's about to drive but I'm not sure I left much rubber for him but what to say,
whenever I drive it with the electronics off it's amazing,
it's fabulous to keep sideways!
Cold tires
Push the brakes for a moment,
For those who race, it's a rule not to reach the first corner without hitting the brakes - To understand how's the breaking power
I didn't check if this one has carbonceramic or steel brakes - I didn't check either! We're swapping cars costantly!
Switching to Dynamic!
Do it in 4th
External curb is a bit slippery!
4th here, brake, in
You can cut
You can get in earlier!
Be careful with the throttle, easy with the throttle
Shift up immediately, short shift here
Brake properly, 2nd, very internal here
Let's do the long corner in the limits, 160kph here, it's also written
Also test drivers drive at 160, if you get off here you die - You take off
260, not bad!
It looked slower to be honest!
I did many sports driving courses but I have to admit, Accademia Alfa Romeo is a unique event in its kind!
It's been very exciting being able to test the top models in such a complete and dynamic track with the support of expert racing drivers,
and the most technical part with the Alfa Romeo engineers gave us the opportunity to see deeply the mechanical components of the range.
As I said, during the day I got to drive also the Giulia Veloce and the softer version of the Giulia/Stelvio range and I have to admit,
even though I'm a huge fan of the Quadrifoglio, I was impressed also by the dynamic qualities of the less spicy versions.
As always, thank you AR for letting me burn some rubber with the smile on my face :)
This Fluoride Battery Could Mean Phone Batteries That Last a Week - Duration: 4:49.
Lithium ion batteries changed our world by delivering us hours of energy in a small lightweight
But ya know what, my phone battery only lasts a day and THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!
Luckily, scientists are already on it, and have been working for decades on a new battery
design that could could last up to 8 times longer, leaving lithium in the dust.
Introducing: Fluoride batteries!!
Okay, before you yell at me in the comments- NO these aren't ready yet.
You're not going to be able to watch this video and then buy a fluoride battery online.
Science is slow, everything takes time, BUT this is a huge exciting breakthrough and I
have the right to be excited.
First, a quick vocab breakdown: Fluoride is the negative ion of the element fluorine,
that's also why compounds containing fluorine (like the sodium fluoride in toothpaste) are
called fluorides.
Fluoride batteries have been of interest since the 1970s when researchers first started experimenting
with the material in solid state designs.
And though the tests only worked under extremely high temperatures, fluoride held their interest
due to its capacity to create a battery with a high energy density- it could store more
charge in the same amount of space.
A typical lithium-ion battery has 3 parts.
An anode and a cathode separated by an electrolyte.
As the battery discharges, positive lithium ions flow from the anode, across the electrolyte,
into the cathode.
This leaves free electrons in the anode that create your current.
When you charge your lithium battery, the reverse happens- ions in the cathode flow
back into the anode.
Fluoride batteries work a little differently.
Instead of relying on the transfer of positive lithium ions, fluoride batteries use negative
fluoride ions to generate their current.
The reason these batteries have such a high energy density comes down to the molecular
structure of metal fluorides.
In a metal fluoride, the ratio of fluorine atoms to metal atoms is high.
For example in copper fluoride, two fluorine atoms are combined with just one copper atom.
That means for every copper atom, you get two fluoride ions that can move 2 electrons.
In a typical lithium battery, however, you only get 1 lithium atom for every two oxygens
1 cobalt.
That means for every two oxygen atoms and 1 cobalt atom there's only one lithium ion,
that can only move 1 electron.
The copper fluoride gives you more ions that can move more electrons-- and does it without
increasing overall mass.
That means batteries of the same weight can hold more charge, aaaand last up to 8 times
On top of improved energy density, replacing lithium with fluoride might also makes these
batteries less likely to overheat.
Some scientists also say the materials needed to make a fluoride battery could be more environmentally
friendly to harvest than the lithium and cobalt we currently use.
But all of these great benefits rest on us being able to get fluoride batteries to work,
and until this latest breakthrough- we could only really do that with solid electrolytes
that functioned upwards of 150 degrees celsius.
Now though, scientists NASA, Caltech, and Honda have developed a new flouride-conducting
liquid electrolyte that functions at room temperature.
They paired it with a copper lanthanum trifluoride cathode and a metal anode, and created a prototype
fluoride battery that discharged-- and recharged(!!)- at room temperature.
It's a big deal, y'all.
Buuut now for the reason why you can't buy them yet.
This concept proved room temperature fluoride batteries are possible, but they'll still
need to be tinkered with and streamlined to get that super high energy density they promise.
There are also some other complications that need to be worked out, like the fact that
a complicated coating is required so the electrolyte doesn't literally dissolve the metal electrode.
All of that aside, it is a HUGE step towards a functional, scalable fluoride battery.
And while it will take time to work out the kinks, this could be the start of a whole
new era for energy storage- and I for one am *HERE *FOR*IT*!
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You can't give your friends a fluoride battery, but you can give them a cool science t-shirt!
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and other awesome science themed designs.
For more on batteries, check out this playlist, and don't forget to subscribe for all the
best battery news.
Thanks for watching!
Why "Buy one, get one free" isn't a great deal - Duration: 3:55.
This is a coupon for Burger King's Croissan'wich, and it's promoting a buy one get one deal.
Buy one breakfast sandwich at full price get a second. But one customer
found that something was off about the deal: when she was charged two different prices
for the sandwich. When she ordered a single sandwich,
the price was $2.16.
But when she ordered two sandwiches and used the BOGO coupon the price of each sandwich
was $3.19, more than a dollar more.
This went on for years before Burger King was sued for overcharging customers.
BOGO is so appealing that it's hard for consumers to see it for what it is.
Buy one, get one.
It's a thinly veiled attempt to convince a customer to buy more than one item at a time.
For a thrifty shopper,
BOGO can sound like the best way to get more bang for their buck, but often it's simply
not as good a deal as it appears.
Consumers perceive the quality of a bargain based on the price they pay compared to the
original list price.
Take this food processor on Amazon for example.
The price on sale is $35, an amazing 52% off the $75 dollar list price.
The problem is that Cuisinart doesn't list the item for Amazon's regular price and based
on an analysis of tracked prices over time, Amazon has never sold it for more than $40
in the past 10 years.
The cheating that goes on is rampant.
Retailers are guilty, often, of distorting the regular price, raising the regular price.
And several companies have been caught distorting prices in conjunction with BOGO offers.
The suit accuses Visionworks of inflating the price of the first pair of glasses to
partly cover the costs of the second, supposedly free pair, making it not actually free.
It can be hard for consumers to tell whether BOGO is fair or deceptive and often their
judgment is clouded by one four letter word:
I mean, free is a tremendous motivational trigger and they like the opportunity to expand the
deal by buying more than one of an item.
Very often consumers don't do the math.
Buying more than one item means consumers spend more
money than they intended.
Not less.
For example, say you want to buy a sweater that's normally $80. Sweater A is listed
at a 20% discount. Sweater B is listed at full price, but has a buy one, get one free deal.
While the second option may get you two sweaters,
you've just spent more in total than if you just focused on the 20% discount.
Let's say those sweaters are on a buy one get one 50% off deal. Option one you
buy one sweater for $80 dollars. Option two, the first sweater would be $80 dollars
and the second would be half off. Translated into a straight discount,
the total saved from the BOGO deal would be the same as a 25% off deal, but the
amount of money you spend in store has grown, because you bought two items.
Some BOGO deals
only apply to items with lesser value.
For example if you buy that same sweater and a $10 dollar pair of socks you still pay $80
for your total purchase.
If you decide to get a sweater and $150 coat, the sweater would be counted as the free
item and you'd still be shelling out $150.
For most deals,
you're better off waiting for the one item you wanted to go on sale rather than purchasing
it through a BOGO deal.
Customers... I won't say "fall for it," but they go for it nonetheless.
BOGO disguises the fact that, unless you already intended to buy two items, it really isn't
all that big of a discount.
So BOGO deals can be fantastic if you're a shopper looking to buy in bulk and stretch
your dollar.
But for most of us, free isn't always the best option.
Well, just do the math.
If it looks too good to be true it's too good to be true.
The SPACE X 290 sq ft Tiny Home on Wheels | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:14.
Meghan Markle baby bump on full display as her wears outfit worth this huge sum at Royal Variety - Duration: 4:18.
Gorgeous 13-Foot Tiny House with a Main Floor Bedroom - Duration: 2:45.
Gorgeous 13-Foot Tiny House with a Main Floor Bedroom
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