Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 2 2018

Some of you may have seen in school that the surface area of a sphere is 4pi*R^2, a suspiciously

suggestive formula given that it's an clean multiple of pi*R^2, the area of a circle with

the same radius. But have you ever wondered why is this true? And I don't just mean

proving this 4pi*R^2 formula, I mean viscerally feeling a connection between this surface

area, and these four circles.

How lovely would it be if there was some shift in perspective that showed how you could nicely

and perfectly fit these four circles onto the sphere's surface? Nothing can be quite

that simple, since the curvature of a sphere's surface is different from the curvature of

a flat plane, which is why trying to fit paper around a sphere doesn't really work. Nevertheless,

I'd like to show you two ways of thinking about this surface area connecting it in a

satisfying way to these circles. The first is a classic, one of the true gems of geometry

all students should experience. The second line of reasoning is something of my own which

draws a more direct line between the sphere and its shadow.

And lastly I'll share why this four-fold relation is not unique to spheres, but is

instead one specific instance of a much more general fact for all convex shapes in 3d.

Starting with a birds eye view here, the idea for the first approach is to show that the

surface area of the sphere is the same as the area of a cylinder with the same radius

and the same height as the sphere. Or rather, a cylinder without its top and bottom, what

you might call the "label" of that cylinder. With that, we can unwrap that label to understand

it as a simple rectangle.

The width of this rectangle comes from the cylinder's circumference, so it's 2*pi*R,

and the height comes from the height of the sphere, which is 2R. This already gives the

formula, 4pi*R^2, but in the spirit of mathematical playfulness it's nice to see how four circles

with radius R fit into this. The idea is that you can unwrap each circle into a triangle,

without changing its area, and fit these nicely onto our unfolded cylinder label. More on

that in a bit.

The more pressing question is why on earth the sphere can be related to the cylinder.

This animation is already suggestive of how this works. The idea is to approximate the

area of the sphere with many tiny rectangles covering it, and to show how if you project

those little rectangles directly outward, as if casting a shadow by little lights positioned

on the z-axis pointing parallel to the xy plane, the projection of each rectangle on

the cylinder, quite surprisingly, ends up having the same area as the original rectangle.

But why should that be? Well, there are two competing effects at play here. For one of

these rectangles, let's call the side along the latitude lines its width, and the side

along the longitude lines its height. On the one hand, as this rectangle is projected outward,

its width will get scaled up. For rectangles towards the poles, that length is scaled quite

a bit, since they're projected over a longer distance. For those closer to the equator,

less so

But on the other hand, because these rectangles are at a slant with respect to the z-direction,

during this projection the height of each such rectangle will get scaled down. Think

about holding some flat object and looking at its shadow. As you reorient that object,

the shadow looks more or less squished for some angles. Those rectangles towards the

poles are quite slanted in this way, so their height gets squished a lot. For those closer

to the equator, less so.

It will turn out that these two effects, of stretching the width and squishing the height,

cancel each other out perfectly.

Already as a rough sketch, wouldn't you agree this is a very pretty way of reasoning?

Of course, the meat here comes from showing why these two competing effects on each rectangle

cancel out perfectly. In some ways, the details fleshing this out are just as pretty as the

zoomed out structure of the full argument.

Let me go ahead and cut away half the sphere so we get get a better look. For any mathematical

problem solving it never hurts to start by giving names to things. Let's say the radius

of the sphere is R. Focus on one specific rectangle, and let's call the distance between

our rectangle and the z-axis is d. You could complain that this distance d is a little

ambiguous depending on which point of the rectangle you're going from, but for tinier

and tinier rectangles that ambiguity will be negligible. And tinier and tinier is when

this approximation-with-rectangles gets closer to the true surface area anyway. To choose

an arbitrary standard let's say d is the distance from the bottom of the rectangle.

To think about projecting out to the cylinder, picture two similar triangles. This first

one shares its base with the base of the rectangle on the sphere, and has a tip at the same height

on the z-axis a distance d-away. The second is a scaled up version of this, scaled so

that it just barely reaches the cylinder, meaning its long side now has length R. So

the ratio of their bases, which is how much our rectangle's width gets stretched out,

is R/d.

What about the height? How precisely does that get scaled down as we project? Again,

let's slice a cross section here. In fact, why don't we go ahead and completely focus

our view to this 2d cross section.

To think about the projection, let's make a little right triangle like this, where what

was the height of our spherical rectangle is the hypotenuse, and its projection is one

of the legs. Pro tip, anytime you're doing geometry with circles or spheres, keep at

the forefront of your mind that anything tangent to the circle is perpendicular to the radius

drawn to that point of tangency. It's crazy how helpful that one little fact can be. Once

we draw that radial line, together with the distance d we have another right triangle.

Often in geometry, I like to imagine tweaking the parameters of a setup and imagining how

the relevant shapes change; this helps to make guesses about what relations there are.

In this case, you might predict that the two triangles I've drawn are similar to each

other, since their shapes change in concert with each other. This is indeed true, but

as always, don't take my word for it, see if you can justify this for yourself.

Again, it never hurts to give more names to things. Maybe call this angle alpha and this

one beta. Since this is a right triangle, you know that alpha + beta + 90 degrees = 180

degrees. Now zoom in to our little triangle, and see if we can figure out its angles. You

have 90 degrees + beta + (some angle) forming a straight line. So that little angle must

be alpha. This lets us fill in a few more values, revealing that this little triangle

has the same angles, alpha and beta, as the big one. So they are indeed similar.

Deep in the weeds it's sometimes easy to forget why we're doing this. We want to

know how much the height of our sphere-rectangle gets squished during this projection, which

is the ratio of this hypotenuse to the leg on the right. By the similarity with the big

triangle, that ratio is R/d.

So indeed, as this rectangle gets projected outward onto the cylinder, the effect of stretching

out the width is perfectly canceled out by how much the height gets squished due to the


As a fun sidenote, you might notice that it looks like the projected rectangle is a 90

degree rotation of the original. This would not be true in general, but by a lovely coincidence,

the way I'm parametrizing the sphere results in rectangles where the ratio of the width

the the height starts out as d to R. So for this very specific case, rescaling the width

by R/d and the height by d/R actually does have the same effect as a 90 degree rotation.

This lends itself to a rather bizarre way to animate the relation, where instead of

projecting each rectangular piece, you rotate each one and rearrange them to make the cylinder.

Now, if you're really thinking critically, you might still not be satisfied that this

shows that the surface area of the sphere equals the area of this cylinder label since

these little rectangles only approximate the relevant areas. Well, the idea is that this

approximation gets closer and closer to the true value for finer and finer coverings.

Since for any specific covering, the sphere rectangles have the same area as the cylinder

rectangles, whatever values each of these two series of approximations are approaching

must actually be the same.

I mean, as you get really aggressively philosophical about what we even mean by surface area, these

sorts of rectangular approximations and not just aids in our problem-solving toolbox,

they end up serving as a way of rigorously defining the area of smooth curved surfaces.

This kind of reasoning is essentially calculus, just stated without any of the jargon. In

fact, I think neat geometric arguments like this, which require no background in calculus

to understand, can serve as a great way to tee things up for new calculus students so

that they have the core ideas before seeing the definitions which make them precise, rather

than the other way around. Unfold circle

So as I said before, if you're itching to see a direct connection to four circles, one

nice way is to unwrap these circles into triangles. If this is something you haven't seen before,

I go into much more detail about why this works in the first video of the calculus series.

The basic idea is to relate thin concentric rings of the circle with horizontal slices

of this triangle. Because that circumference of each such ring increases linearly in proportion

to the radius, always 2pi times that radius, when you unwrap them all and line them up,

their ends will form a straight line, giving you a triangle with a base of 2pi*R, and a

height of R, as opposed to some other curved shape.

And four of these unwrapped circles fit into our rectangle, which is in some sense an unwrapped

version of the sphere's surface. Second proof

Nevertheless, you might wonder if there's a way than this to relate the sphere directly

to a circle with the same radius, rather than going through this intermediary of the cylinder.

I do have a proof for you to this effect, leveraging a little trigonometry, though I

have to admit I still think the comparison to the cylinder wins out on elegance.

I'm a big believer that the best way to really learn math is to do problems yourself,

which is a bit hypocritical coming from a channel essentially consisting of lectures.

So I'm going to try something a little different here and present the proof as a heavily guided

sequence of exercises. Yes, I know that's less fun and it means you have to pull out

some paper to do some work, but I guarantee you'll get more out of it this way.

The approach will be to cut the sphere into many rings parallel to the xy plane, and to

compare the area of these rings to the area of their shadows on the xy plane. All the

shadows of the rings from the northern hemisphere make up a circle with the same radius as the

sphere, right? The main idea will be to show a correspondence between these ring shadows,

and every other ring on the sphere. Challenge mode here is to pause now and see if you can

predict how that might go.

We'll label each one of these rings based on the angle theta between a line from the

sphere's center to the ring and the z-axis. So theta ranges from 0 to 180 degrees, which

is to say from 0 to pi radians. And let's call the change in angle from one ring to

the next d-theta, which means the thickness of one of these rings with be the radius,

R, times d-theta.

Alright, structured exercise time. We'll ease in with a warm-up

Question #1: What is the circumference of this ring at the inner edge, in terms of R

and theta? Go ahead and multiply your answer the thickness R*d-theta to get an approximation

for this ring's area; and approximation that gets better and better as you chop up

the sphere more and more finely.

At this point, if you know your calculus, you could integrate. But our goal is not just

to find the answer, it's to feel the connection between the sphere its shadow. So…

Question #2: What is the area of the shadow of one of these rings on the xy-plane? Again,

expressed in terms of R, theta and d-theta.

Question #3: Each of these ring shadows has precisely half the area of one of these rings

on the sphere. It's not the one at angle theta straight above it, but another one.

Which one? (As a hint, you might want to reference some

trig identities) Question #4: I said in the outset there is

a correspondence between all the shadows from the northern hemisphere, which make up a circle

with radius R, and every other ring on the sphere. Use your answer to the last question

to spell out exactly what that correspondence is.

Question #5: Bring it on home, why does this imply that the area of the circle is exactly

¼ the surface area of the sphere, particularly as we consider thinner and thinner rings?

If you want answers or hints, I'm quite sure people in the comments and on reddit

will have them waiting for you.

And finally, I'd be remiss not to make a brief mention of the fact that the surface

area of a sphere is a specific instance of a much more general fact: If you take any

convex shape, and look at the average area of all its shadows, averaged over all possible

orientations in 3d space, the surface area of the solid will be precisely 4 times that

average shadow area.

As to why this is true, I'll leave those details for another day.

Hey, given the time of year I thought I'd take a moment to let you know about some new

additions to the 3blue1brown store. Aside from the usual fare, like shirts, mugs and

posters, there are now some Fourier Series socks, which show certain periodic functions

graphed on a cylinder, the way all periodic functions wish they were graphed.

And, by popular demand, there are the plushie pi creatures, both ordinary and extra plushified.

I'll admit that I was initially skeptical when people asked about them, because, you

know, what would you do with one, exactly? But after getting them, and seeing the pictures

people would send, what I realized is they basically serve the same function as a flag.

Just instead of representing loyalty to a country, or even to the channel per se, it's

to math, and the idea that math has some personality to it, more so than it often gets credit for.

For more infomation >> But WHY is a sphere's surface area four times its shadow? - Duration: 17:01.



For more infomation >> CRAIG WRIGHT N'EST PAS SATOSHI NAKAMOTO - Duration: 6:33.



For more infomation >> DETOX DE NOTÍCIAS 📺❌ | APRENDA A CULTIVAR A IGNORÂNCIA SELETIVA - Duration: 8:48.


500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> 500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.


COME AT ME BRO | Bully Part 2 - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> COME AT ME BRO | Bully Part 2 - Duration: 15:30.


3 cantores ATUAIS e 3 filmes NETFLIX para praticar FRANCÊS | com Francês com Paul - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 3 cantores ATUAIS e 3 filmes NETFLIX para praticar FRANCÊS | com Francês com Paul - Duration: 7:07.


#STORYTIME I GOT LOST IN LONDON!! // E Erre - Duration: 7:05.

hi Avenoides, I hope you are doing great

the reason why I'm doing this video in English is to show you my skills in

English and because of a homework, as you can see the title, I´m about to tell you a

storytime when I got lost in London I've never told this story before

so be privilege to hear this. I hope no one

had the experiment in a similar situation because it feels so so awful

that I thought that I was about to die well not that much so okay let's begin

as you know my brother and I went to Brighton with EF to, you know study meet

friends learn English and stuff, we had planned this trip to London a week ago for

this was our last day and we wanted to spend it so that day started like

normal normal classes normal schedule before the middle day when we got

certificated of course I got 100 percent the lessons weren't finished yet

so we asked the reception. for the ones who doesn't know every EF school has a

reception for you know to sign when you enter for the ones who are under 18, to

make activities etc. so we asked the reception to left early for this was our

last day and we already graduated. and guess what? she said yes. so my brother

and i as faster as we could we took a bus to our home change clothes and I don't

know why something told me to carry an extra outfit in my back so I did. so as

fast as we could we caught a bus to brighton station, bought a ticket and caught the train to london

when we are arrived there, we visited monuments we had last time such as Buckingham palace,

big ben, Hyde Park and Piccadilly we bought chocolates at M&m´s

the night went out and as fast as we could we took the subway to inter station

hoping that the train had passed yet

hi everyone, guess what? you won´t believe it

we were buying happily chocolates at my name's o M&m´s, then souvenirs.

so by the time we arrived, it was 10 pm. to arrive here we had to take

subway from Piccadilly to Victoria, easy, isn´t it? just many stops and then leave the subway

but it wasn´t like that, ´cause we skipped like 5 stops andarrived at the end of the line

that is Brixton and we had to arrived at Victoria Station

that is just 2 stops from piccadilly. So, our train departured at 11:30

right now it´s midnight. you know, it´s a struggle

´cause, from here to brighton, and Brighton to our host is 3 hours long

no one´d stay 3 hours at midnight, right now there weren´t any buses

right now we dont know what to do, whether search for a hotel or catch the next train

any buses so it was closed and it started to rain

plus the water was as cold as had never been when we arrived at the hotel it

turned out that it was yet in construction we shooked imagine yourself

in the middle of the midnight raining dark and without any hope of find a

hotel we walked down trying to check in in any hotel who was in a way but they

were all full of people I really wanted to shower to go to the bathroom just

leave my feet were hurting me I really wanted to at least sit until we bomped a

small park there were two guys sitting suspiciously in a bench my brother was

frightening so I bravely told him to cross the park because in the corner there

was a hotel where we cross in the park one of the guys

yelled at us and we started to run fast as we could dude you'd probably

have done the same if a 2-meters-high nigga

yelled at you in the middle of the night we ran an entered in the hotel we ask the reception for a room

and they said no we had no rooms available and we were like oh my god we

really wanted to sleep at least in the lobby

hungry tired we wanted to go to the bathroom we left the hotel and walked down the streets

in London without any idea where were we until I found this coin this coin saved

our lives I found this coin in the street and I

said well is the only lucky thing I had right now so I will keep it maybe it

will function and guess what it was useful because we rised our heads

end of the street was an fucking Ibis hotel that fucking hotel saved our life

we entered we asked for a room it doesn´t matter how many

It had cost you know every hotel has a room where you can see what's going on I was

inside how´s the bathroom that was the only room available so we asked if we could

sleep in that room and they said yes we enter we slept it was glorious in the morning we

change our clothes and luckyly i had that fucking outfit

we wave goodbye at our host family and that was the end of the day thank you

for watching this video I want you to please subscribe and like the video if

you liked it don't forget to comment that's all thank you for watching

Avenoide mayor said godbye and see ya soon

For more infomation >> #STORYTIME I GOT LOST IN LONDON!! // E Erre - Duration: 7:05.



For more infomation >> DETOX DE NOTÍCIAS 📺❌ | APRENDA A CULTIVAR A IGNORÂNCIA SELETIVA - Duration: 8:48.


ENGRAVIDAR? Andes Prime Red Maca Peruana Natural Funciona Mesmo?🔥Depoimento Real e GOLPE! - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> ENGRAVIDAR? Andes Prime Red Maca Peruana Natural Funciona Mesmo?🔥Depoimento Real e GOLPE! - Duration: 7:21.


La Juventus zittisce l'ignoranza e onora Scirea e i 39 dell'Heysel ⚽ - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> La Juventus zittisce l'ignoranza e onora Scirea e i 39 dell'Heysel ⚽ - Duration: 5:25.



Ten reasons why Australia is better than China?

But before we get started, make sure you click the subscribe button and click the bell icon

So don't miss out on anything also got a patreon if your Z's want to support me

number one

Australia has far less pollution

China is one of the most


overpopulated over

polluted countries on earth

Up in Beijing. They have to wear masks just to breathe and did you know that the Chinese buy bottled air from Australia?

Just so that they can smell the sweet sweet air down under true

Australians are far more welcoming. We are far more friendly tourists. We have a

Multicultural country we have a multiracial country. We are far more polite and far more friendly

I know this is a little bit subjective, but I think most of the world would agree with this fact


Australia has

universal free health care we have an old-age pension for

People over 65 and that is universal unless you are too rich and we also have welfare for the poor

Australia has one of the best welfare health care and

Old-age pension schemes in the world and that's why so many migrants want to come to Australia


freedom of speech

Australians can criticize the government Australians can criticize

Anybody they want we have freedom of speech

Of course there is crossing a line, but we can criticize our Prime Minister

We can criticize the government. We can criticize anything we can vote we have democracy

We have freedom of religion whereas in China

You cannot vote they have a dictator in place. They have an emperor now for life

they also do not have any sort of freedom of religion their persecuting the Tibetan people than the

persecuting the we

Muslim population

And if I was to make this video living in China, I would be put in jail. That's another factor

That's for five

China is one of the most over populated places on planet earth in Guangdong Province new

Guangzhou is the most heavily concentrated

population on planet Earth

This causes so many diseases and so many other problems by living in close quarters with other people

Which also contributes to their poor?

Which also

contributes to the poor pollution and

The sewerage problems and the overpopulation and the congestion. It just makes things very difficult when living in China


China has a very poor distribution of wealth. There is the people at the top who control all the wealth and

99% of the Chinese are poor whereas in Australia

We have a very large middle class and there's an a large

distribution of wealth

We have a better Gini coefficient than China and therefore we have a higher standard of living


Australia is as I mentioned before multicultural multiracial

We are more welcoming to other countries it's easier to

Become a citizen of Australia. It's easier to migrate to Australia

which makes us more welcoming and less racist than China you see the Chinese is only

Generally one type of people most Chinese identify as Chinese

Australians, we have so many different cultures so many different races and therefore we are far more

Welcoming than the Chinese people in general the stray is less racist than China. That's 7/8

Fresh produce. I think we can all agree that Australia has a far greater

variety of fresh fruit fresh vegetables than China also, we have a

highly desirable milk powder that the Chinese people are buying off the shelves in Australia at the moment and that

feeds into another reason is that

Australian businessman are far more trustworthy. The reason why so many Chinese people want to get their hands on our

fresh vegetables meat produce our

Our vitamins is because the Australian businessman are far more trustworthy. You see there was all these controversies in China where?

Chinese businessman were creating milk powder

for babies and now we're putting poison in there to increase the volume to

Reduce their overhead so they can make more money and so many

Children in China were getting sick and dying and that's why so many Chinese

Love getting their hands on fresh produce

Milk powder is one big example not to mention

We have all of these vitamins they combined stores in Australia and they're very popular. Well, most popular things that

Chinese love to get their hands on from Australians


We have a lot of Chinese people coming down to Australia

to get educated, Australia

Australians in general are higher educated than Chinese

we have some of the best universities in the world far better than China at least and that's why Chinese people are

Flocking to Australia to get educated all of our universities are full with so many Chinese and that's evidence enough


Migration patterns when you look at the migration patterns hardly any there's a very few amount of

Australians that are trying to get into China

very few Australians want to move to China because we have a higher standard of living in Australia and

Chinese people are doing everything they can to buy property

They they often use what I previously mentioned with education

they they go to Australia they get educated and they use that to try and get

Permanent residency and then they try to become citizens so they can live in Australia and get out of China

migration patterns is the best way to tell which country is better and

I think the Chinese people have voted with their feet now. That's my conclusion

Ten reasons why Australia is better than China now to all of my Chinese friends out there

I hope you're not too insulted by this but I'm allowed to be

Patriotic about my country for once and I think I was quite fair and quite objective with my own analysis

If it was a little bit bias if you felt that way

I'm sorry, you feel that way and for the netizens out there that want to attack me and call this races?

Well, China is a country and Australia is a country China is not a race. Australia is not a race. They're countries

It's just me pointing out

What I feel is a few points which need to be made and and for my Australian friends out there


Hope you enjoyed this video and it's time that we become a little bit more

Patriotic in Australia because Australia's been such a great country for such a long time

I think we have the right to be proud of Australia. Australia's achieved so much with such a small population

We've been so friendly and so welcoming to so many people from all over the world

We've saved so many refugees. We've saved so many economic migrants. We've done so much for the region

so much for the world in a way Australia has and Australia has been one of the most

If not the most

popular place on planet earth to move to over the last decade and I think we all should be very proud of that and

I thought it's time that I made a positive video pointing out how awesome Australia is for everybody out there

So if you like this video make sure you click the subscribe button and click the Bell icon

if you like my content and

You're a patriotic Aussie, you know, you can support me on patreon

Don't let fear stop you

For more infomation >> WHY AUSTRALIA IS BETTER THAN CHINA !!!! - Duration: 10:03.


Faça Isso Hoje a Noite, e Seu HOMEM NÃO VAI Te Deixar Sozinha 1 Segundo - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Faça Isso Hoje a Noite, e Seu HOMEM NÃO VAI Te Deixar Sozinha 1 Segundo - Duration: 2:43.


Elimi Birakma Episode 20 Trailer - Duration: 1:15.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.

Do not give up my hand Chapter 20 Trailer

Hi friends, Leave my hand We wanted to do an immediate analysis. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AzCen '' in the comment. Good Cruising.

Despite Feride's resentment, she understands and grants Azra. Cenk, on the other hand, is not accustomed to Azra's departure and tries to persuade him to return.

Azra, happy to win the court and hoping to get Mert '' Sumerian threats to continue to be happy together with Cenk'le um Mert'le also begins to dissolve the ice between Az

Do you think Azra and Cenk will recover? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AzCen '' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. New videos will come. Stay on track.

For more infomation >> Elimi Birakma Episode 20 Trailer - Duration: 1:15.


THE NOW UNITED SHOW: Episódio 20 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> THE NOW UNITED SHOW: Episódio 20 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 11:38.


Recover deleted files from a pendrive hard drive or SD card | Recuva - Duration: 7:24.

Good morning, today I'll explain how recover deleted files from a hard drive,

or any other storage system such as a USB memory, or a card


In this case to show you how to do it, I'm going to use a USB stick, it's here,

Unit H, which as you see is empty, and that's because before you start the video

I deleted all the files it contained, and being a pendrive, I can not

recover them from the recycling bin, that is, I have lost all my files.

But to get our files back deleted we will use the Recuva program,

which is a free program, and although here you see that there is also a professional version

which is for payment, do not worry, since we're just going to need the version


The first logical thing is to download the program, whose link I leave in the description

of the video, in my case as you can see I already have it downloaded to the desktop, so you

I'm going to double-click to start the installation.

We say yes, and in this first window if you notice, up on the right, it leaves us

select the language, so we're going to mark the Spanish

Then on the bottom, instead of giving it to "Install", it is better to go where it says

"Customize", in this blue Link from here, since that way we will have new options,

and I usually unmark these three, since I do not are necessary, or at least in my case, I prefer

do not mark them

Although if in your case you mark them, I commented that you are two are to add the

program to the options that appear when right click on a folder, and it's

last is for the program to look for new versions automatically.

Once explained this, we give the button Install to begin the installation.

And when it's over, we uncheck this box, and we can close the installer.

Now, with the program already installed, we open it with the icon that has been created on the desktop.

We say yes.

And the first thing that comes out is the assistant, what is the best way to use this program,

so he explained how it works.

We click on the next button.

And in this window it tells us what kind of files we want to search, be it images, videos,

documents, etc., although if you are not insurance you can simply leave marked

the option, which says All Files.

We give it back to next.

And now we get this window that asks us where are our files, so

check the option that says "In a position specific ", in order to indicate

the location of the disk where our deleted files, which in my case is the unit


Although as you can see you can also indicate any other location, so if you know

the exact folder where your files were you can select it for that,

do, a more limited search.

We give it again to continue to continue, and this option is very important, since we

Ask if we want to perform a Deep Scan.

But this box is not recommended to mark it in the first attempt, since if you mark it

the search for files will be much more slow.

Although if after a first attempt you have not managed to find your deleted files,

you can repeat the operation by marking then the Deep Scan, although that case, you will have

have to have a lot more patience until the process ends.

Once this has been clarified, we can only give it to the start button to start the search,

and being a USB memory, the scan It has been very fast, but keep in mind

that if in your case you are trying to recover files from a hard drive, wait

logically it will be bigger the bigger be its storage capacity.

As you can see, the program has been able to find the files that had been deleted, and

in this case they appear even with the original names

Although I want to clarify that it is not always well, since sometimes they may have lost

the original name, so in that case You will have to guess what is the file that

you wanted to recover, based on data like its extension or size.

Also keep in mind, that you will appear files that you could have deleted

a long time ago, and these will not always be found still in good condition

Now that we have the deleted files that the program has found, we only have

to mark them all, or only those we want recover, for example I'm going to select these

files in particular.

And once I have them selected you will see that at the bottom right there is a button that

says recover.

So when we click on it, it will come out this window so we can indicate in what

folder we are going to save the files that we are recovering.

In my case I'm going to create a folder on the desktop so we can see it better, and we give the button

To accept.

We wait until the files are copied in the folder.

Here we get this confirmation window, so we press OK again.

And now I only have to go to my desk, and as we see, indeed here is the

folder that I created, and inside it find the deleted files that I got


Before finishing I also commented, that if the hard disk space of the files

that you are trying to recover, it has already been overwritten for other later files, you do not go

to be able to recover.

And in that case you will get a message that says "This file is overwritten"

which you are seeing here.

While the files that say "No no overwritten cluster detected "

are those that are in a state recoverable.

That is why it is very important that this program be used as soon as possible if you have deleted

or lost by accident some file, for in that way avoid that the place of the disc

where that file was found is overwritten for another file.

So far the video, I hope you have found useful, if you had problems at the time of

recover deleted files.

If so, you can hit Like, or if you have Any doubt leave it in the comments.

And do not forget to subscribe.

See you later.

For more infomation >> Recover deleted files from a pendrive hard drive or SD card | Recuva - Duration: 7:24.


Notti magiche (2018) ★★ ½ - Duration: 1:01.

How is this world of cinema?

1990 FIFA World Cup,

Italy - Argentina,

the Azzurri lost in penalty shootouts,

while a man

is thrown into the Tiber

aboard a car.

The Roman producer,

on the verge of bankruptcy,

Leandro Saponaro

is fished dead

but it wasn't the water that killed him

nor the impact.

His lover

swears that to kill him

were three aspiring screenwriters

that have to tell

the Carabinieri

their version of the facts.

The magical night

desired by the Italian fan

turns into the night of mistakes

and proposes a rendezvous

with memory.

Elegy of cinema,

the film shows with variable results

that everything

that has counted for us

is destined to disappear,


to get ruined.


returns to the night of the crime

when the cinema stopped being

the world tout court

and his metalinguistic reflection

offers the possibility of reasoning

on the medium itself.

For more infomation >> Notti magiche (2018) ★★ ½ - Duration: 1:01.


◤Nightcore◢ → Cherry Gum (lyrics) - Duration: 2:53.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ → Cherry Gum (lyrics) - Duration: 2:53.


Ertugrul-124-sezoni 5 shqip(Aktivizoni titrat) - Duration: 2:07:04.

For more infomation >> Ertugrul-124-sezoni 5 shqip(Aktivizoni titrat) - Duration: 2:07:04.


Por que Certificações abrem as portas dos bancos? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Por que Certificações abrem as portas dos bancos? - Duration: 2:02.


Cecilia Ruggeri apre l'XI Congresso Nazionale di FP Cgil - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Ruggeri apre l'XI Congresso Nazionale di FP Cgil - Duration: 7:53.


Últimas notícia de hoje : CLÓVIS ROSSI ESPERA QUE O MUNDO SALVE O BRASIL DE BOLSONARO - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : CLÓVIS ROSSI ESPERA QUE O MUNDO SALVE O BRASIL DE BOLSONARO - Duration: 2:31.


500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> 500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.


Plate Tectonic Boundaries - Duration: 2:46.

In this video we will be explaining the motion and interaction of Earth's

tectonic plates. Heat from the core causes the mantle to move via convection

in cell like currents which drive plate motion. There are three types of plate

motion divergent, convergent, and transform. Divergent boundaries are found

where plates are moving apart. These mostly occur in the ocean. Seafloor

spreading occurs when two ocean plates move apart. This allows magma from the

mantle to push upward at the mid-ocean ridge and cool to create new oceanic

crust. As the plates continue to move away from each other the crust gets

older the further away you are from the ridge because the crust is thinner at

these boundaries. They have high heat fluxes where hydrothermal vents and

emit hot water and nutrients. One famous example where divers can see these vents

is near Thingvellir, Iceland between the Eurasian and North American plates.

Convergent boundaries are found where plates collide. Ocean-Continental

convergence are known as subduction zones. Subduction zones occur when dense ocean

crust converges with lighter continental crust. The ocean crust is denser it

subducts underneath continental crust creating an ocean trench. Ocean

lithosphere melts into the mantle to create stratovolcanoes. Ring of Fire is

created by subduction convergent boundaries and creates a band of

volcanoes along coastlines of some continents. Continental-continental

convergence create mountain belts, plates collide they crumble and create mountain

ranges. Himalayan range was created by this

collision when the Indian plate collided with the Eurasian Plate. The Himalayan

range continues to grow each year. Transform plate boundaries occur when

two plates slide past each other of laterally. Transform faults occur from

fracture zones where plates break from stress and

pressure, earthquakes occur there along strike-slip zones. An example of this is

this in Andreas fault. It is a continental transform fault in California that is

about 1200 kilometers, earthquakes occur there.

For more infomation >> Plate Tectonic Boundaries - Duration: 2:46.


ePUC - Apresentação - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> ePUC - Apresentação - Duration: 3:35.


Pz.Kpfw.Tiger Ausf.(H)1 Tank Test Drive Realistic War Thunder - Duration: 7:43.


(I got that) adrenaline momentum

And I'm not knowin' when I'm

Ever gonna slow up and I'm

Ready to snap any moment I'm

X gon give it to ya

Fuck wait for you to get it on your own

X gon deliver to ya

Knock knock, open up the door, it's real

Wit the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel

Go hard gettin busy wit it

But I got such a good heart

I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it

For more infomation >> Pz.Kpfw.Tiger Ausf.(H)1 Tank Test Drive Realistic War Thunder - Duration: 7:43.


But WHY is a sphere's surface area four times its shadow? - Duration: 17:01.

Some of you may have seen in school that the surface area of a sphere is 4pi*R^2, a suspiciously

suggestive formula given that it's an clean multiple of pi*R^2, the area of a circle with

the same radius. But have you ever wondered why is this true? And I don't just mean

proving this 4pi*R^2 formula, I mean viscerally feeling a connection between this surface

area, and these four circles.

How lovely would it be if there was some shift in perspective that showed how you could nicely

and perfectly fit these four circles onto the sphere's surface? Nothing can be quite

that simple, since the curvature of a sphere's surface is different from the curvature of

a flat plane, which is why trying to fit paper around a sphere doesn't really work. Nevertheless,

I'd like to show you two ways of thinking about this surface area connecting it in a

satisfying way to these circles. The first is a classic, one of the true gems of geometry

all students should experience. The second line of reasoning is something of my own which

draws a more direct line between the sphere and its shadow.

And lastly I'll share why this four-fold relation is not unique to spheres, but is

instead one specific instance of a much more general fact for all convex shapes in 3d.

Starting with a birds eye view here, the idea for the first approach is to show that the

surface area of the sphere is the same as the area of a cylinder with the same radius

and the same height as the sphere. Or rather, a cylinder without its top and bottom, what

you might call the "label" of that cylinder. With that, we can unwrap that label to understand

it as a simple rectangle.

The width of this rectangle comes from the cylinder's circumference, so it's 2*pi*R,

and the height comes from the height of the sphere, which is 2R. This already gives the

formula, 4pi*R^2, but in the spirit of mathematical playfulness it's nice to see how four circles

with radius R fit into this. The idea is that you can unwrap each circle into a triangle,

without changing its area, and fit these nicely onto our unfolded cylinder label. More on

that in a bit.

The more pressing question is why on earth the sphere can be related to the cylinder.

This animation is already suggestive of how this works. The idea is to approximate the

area of the sphere with many tiny rectangles covering it, and to show how if you project

those little rectangles directly outward, as if casting a shadow by little lights positioned

on the z-axis pointing parallel to the xy plane, the projection of each rectangle on

the cylinder, quite surprisingly, ends up having the same area as the original rectangle.

But why should that be? Well, there are two competing effects at play here. For one of

these rectangles, let's call the side along the latitude lines its width, and the side

along the longitude lines its height. On the one hand, as this rectangle is projected outward,

its width will get scaled up. For rectangles towards the poles, that length is scaled quite

a bit, since they're projected over a longer distance. For those closer to the equator,

less so

But on the other hand, because these rectangles are at a slant with respect to the z-direction,

during this projection the height of each such rectangle will get scaled down. Think

about holding some flat object and looking at its shadow. As you reorient that object,

the shadow looks more or less squished for some angles. Those rectangles towards the

poles are quite slanted in this way, so their height gets squished a lot. For those closer

to the equator, less so.

It will turn out that these two effects, of stretching the width and squishing the height,

cancel each other out perfectly.

Already as a rough sketch, wouldn't you agree this is a very pretty way of reasoning?

Of course, the meat here comes from showing why these two competing effects on each rectangle

cancel out perfectly. In some ways, the details fleshing this out are just as pretty as the

zoomed out structure of the full argument.

Let me go ahead and cut away half the sphere so we get get a better look. For any mathematical

problem solving it never hurts to start by giving names to things. Let's say the radius

of the sphere is R. Focus on one specific rectangle, and let's call the distance between

our rectangle and the z-axis is d. You could complain that this distance d is a little

ambiguous depending on which point of the rectangle you're going from, but for tinier

and tinier rectangles that ambiguity will be negligible. And tinier and tinier is when

this approximation-with-rectangles gets closer to the true surface area anyway. To choose

an arbitrary standard let's say d is the distance from the bottom of the rectangle.

To think about projecting out to the cylinder, picture two similar triangles. This first

one shares its base with the base of the rectangle on the sphere, and has a tip at the same height

on the z-axis a distance d-away. The second is a scaled up version of this, scaled so

that it just barely reaches the cylinder, meaning its long side now has length R. So

the ratio of their bases, which is how much our rectangle's width gets stretched out,

is R/d.

What about the height? How precisely does that get scaled down as we project? Again,

let's slice a cross section here. In fact, why don't we go ahead and completely focus

our view to this 2d cross section.

To think about the projection, let's make a little right triangle like this, where what

was the height of our spherical rectangle is the hypotenuse, and its projection is one

of the legs. Pro tip, anytime you're doing geometry with circles or spheres, keep at

the forefront of your mind that anything tangent to the circle is perpendicular to the radius

drawn to that point of tangency. It's crazy how helpful that one little fact can be. Once

we draw that radial line, together with the distance d we have another right triangle.

Often in geometry, I like to imagine tweaking the parameters of a setup and imagining how

the relevant shapes change; this helps to make guesses about what relations there are.

In this case, you might predict that the two triangles I've drawn are similar to each

other, since their shapes change in concert with each other. This is indeed true, but

as always, don't take my word for it, see if you can justify this for yourself.

Again, it never hurts to give more names to things. Maybe call this angle alpha and this

one beta. Since this is a right triangle, you know that alpha + beta + 90 degrees = 180

degrees. Now zoom in to our little triangle, and see if we can figure out its angles. You

have 90 degrees + beta + (some angle) forming a straight line. So that little angle must

be alpha. This lets us fill in a few more values, revealing that this little triangle

has the same angles, alpha and beta, as the big one. So they are indeed similar.

Deep in the weeds it's sometimes easy to forget why we're doing this. We want to

know how much the height of our sphere-rectangle gets squished during this projection, which

is the ratio of this hypotenuse to the leg on the right. By the similarity with the big

triangle, that ratio is R/d.

So indeed, as this rectangle gets projected outward onto the cylinder, the effect of stretching

out the width is perfectly canceled out by how much the height gets squished due to the


As a fun sidenote, you might notice that it looks like the projected rectangle is a 90

degree rotation of the original. This would not be true in general, but by a lovely coincidence,

the way I'm parametrizing the sphere results in rectangles where the ratio of the width

the the height starts out as d to R. So for this very specific case, rescaling the width

by R/d and the height by d/R actually does have the same effect as a 90 degree rotation.

This lends itself to a rather bizarre way to animate the relation, where instead of

projecting each rectangular piece, you rotate each one and rearrange them to make the cylinder.

Now, if you're really thinking critically, you might still not be satisfied that this

shows that the surface area of the sphere equals the area of this cylinder label since

these little rectangles only approximate the relevant areas. Well, the idea is that this

approximation gets closer and closer to the true value for finer and finer coverings.

Since for any specific covering, the sphere rectangles have the same area as the cylinder

rectangles, whatever values each of these two series of approximations are approaching

must actually be the same.

I mean, as you get really aggressively philosophical about what we even mean by surface area, these

sorts of rectangular approximations and not just aids in our problem-solving toolbox,

they end up serving as a way of rigorously defining the area of smooth curved surfaces.

This kind of reasoning is essentially calculus, just stated without any of the jargon. In

fact, I think neat geometric arguments like this, which require no background in calculus

to understand, can serve as a great way to tee things up for new calculus students so

that they have the core ideas before seeing the definitions which make them precise, rather

than the other way around. Unfold circle

So as I said before, if you're itching to see a direct connection to four circles, one

nice way is to unwrap these circles into triangles. If this is something you haven't seen before,

I go into much more detail about why this works in the first video of the calculus series.

The basic idea is to relate thin concentric rings of the circle with horizontal slices

of this triangle. Because that circumference of each such ring increases linearly in proportion

to the radius, always 2pi times that radius, when you unwrap them all and line them up,

their ends will form a straight line, giving you a triangle with a base of 2pi*R, and a

height of R, as opposed to some other curved shape.

And four of these unwrapped circles fit into our rectangle, which is in some sense an unwrapped

version of the sphere's surface. Second proof

Nevertheless, you might wonder if there's a way than this to relate the sphere directly

to a circle with the same radius, rather than going through this intermediary of the cylinder.

I do have a proof for you to this effect, leveraging a little trigonometry, though I

have to admit I still think the comparison to the cylinder wins out on elegance.

I'm a big believer that the best way to really learn math is to do problems yourself,

which is a bit hypocritical coming from a channel essentially consisting of lectures.

So I'm going to try something a little different here and present the proof as a heavily guided

sequence of exercises. Yes, I know that's less fun and it means you have to pull out

some paper to do some work, but I guarantee you'll get more out of it this way.

The approach will be to cut the sphere into many rings parallel to the xy plane, and to

compare the area of these rings to the area of their shadows on the xy plane. All the

shadows of the rings from the northern hemisphere make up a circle with the same radius as the

sphere, right? The main idea will be to show a correspondence between these ring shadows,

and every other ring on the sphere. Challenge mode here is to pause now and see if you can

predict how that might go.

We'll label each one of these rings based on the angle theta between a line from the

sphere's center to the ring and the z-axis. So theta ranges from 0 to 180 degrees, which

is to say from 0 to pi radians. And let's call the change in angle from one ring to

the next d-theta, which means the thickness of one of these rings with be the radius,

R, times d-theta.

Alright, structured exercise time. We'll ease in with a warm-up

Question #1: What is the circumference of this ring at the inner edge, in terms of R

and theta? Go ahead and multiply your answer the thickness R*d-theta to get an approximation

for this ring's area; and approximation that gets better and better as you chop up

the sphere more and more finely.

At this point, if you know your calculus, you could integrate. But our goal is not just

to find the answer, it's to feel the connection between the sphere its shadow. So…

Question #2: What is the area of the shadow of one of these rings on the xy-plane? Again,

expressed in terms of R, theta and d-theta.

Question #3: Each of these ring shadows has precisely half the area of one of these rings

on the sphere. It's not the one at angle theta straight above it, but another one.

Which one? (As a hint, you might want to reference some

trig identities) Question #4: I said in the outset there is

a correspondence between all the shadows from the northern hemisphere, which make up a circle

with radius R, and every other ring on the sphere. Use your answer to the last question

to spell out exactly what that correspondence is.

Question #5: Bring it on home, why does this imply that the area of the circle is exactly

¼ the surface area of the sphere, particularly as we consider thinner and thinner rings?

If you want answers or hints, I'm quite sure people in the comments and on reddit

will have them waiting for you.

And finally, I'd be remiss not to make a brief mention of the fact that the surface

area of a sphere is a specific instance of a much more general fact: If you take any

convex shape, and look at the average area of all its shadows, averaged over all possible

orientations in 3d space, the surface area of the solid will be precisely 4 times that

average shadow area.

As to why this is true, I'll leave those details for another day.

Hey, given the time of year I thought I'd take a moment to let you know about some new

additions to the 3blue1brown store. Aside from the usual fare, like shirts, mugs and

posters, there are now some Fourier Series socks, which show certain periodic functions

graphed on a cylinder, the way all periodic functions wish they were graphed.

And, by popular demand, there are the plushie pi creatures, both ordinary and extra plushified.

I'll admit that I was initially skeptical when people asked about them, because, you

know, what would you do with one, exactly? But after getting them, and seeing the pictures

people would send, what I realized is they basically serve the same function as a flag.

Just instead of representing loyalty to a country, or even to the channel per se, it's

to math, and the idea that math has some personality to it, more so than it often gets credit for.

For more infomation >> But WHY is a sphere's surface area four times its shadow? - Duration: 17:01.



For more infomation >> CRAIG WRIGHT N'EST PAS SATOSHI NAKAMOTO - Duration: 6:33.



For more infomation >> DETOX DE NOTÍCIAS 📺❌ | APRENDA A CULTIVAR A IGNORÂNCIA SELETIVA - Duration: 8:48.


500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> 500 Gráficos de Amigurumi + Bônus - Pacote de Gráficos de Natal - Duration: 10:56.


COME AT ME BRO | Bully Part 2 - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> COME AT ME BRO | Bully Part 2 - Duration: 15:30.


Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset

For more infomation >> Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVI - GARANTIE 2025 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVI - GARANTIE 2025 - Duration: 1:13.


Cosplayer gets catapulted over exploding cars 🔥 MAUL COSPLAY x JUST CAUSE 4 ❕Maul X Maja - Duration: 7:34.

Ben: Could you fix the rest with photoshop, Andy?

Andy: I just need 5 minutes!

It's always the same, as soon as there are weapons on set, everybody is like: "(makes weird noises)"

But... I do it too. (laughs)

Andy: Do the rotor blades have to move in the final pic?

Ben: If it's supposed to be flying, you need to remove it somehow.

Andy: Yeah okay!

Ben: And make them blurry or something.

Ben: Hey Maja, could you stand over there and check my eyes?

Ben: Ey! Gun!

Andy: Stay like that, just like you were.

And look this way!

Andy: There! Yeah, right there! On the line! On the line!

Andy: Stay there!

Andy: Come over here. More. More. More.

Andy: Turn to me a little - yeah that's it!

Andy: One step forward! Yep!

Carl: And go, whenever you like!

Carl: Think about it: "Do I stand up after the curve? Do I stand up from the beginning?"

Just so he gets a feeling for it! Okay?

Just let the car roll slowly into the mat at first so he can figure out the right balance.

I don't want him to jump at first, I just want him to work out the right movement.

"How do I move safely, what's a good timing, how's the speed?"

And as soon as that's all clear, we do the first drive with an actual jump.

Carl: I personally would do the curve like this and as soon as the road is straight

again I would get rid of the straps, get up and push into the jump!

So that you don't you out of a squat but standing up!

That way, the worst case scenario is that you will just be catapulted from the car,

even if you don't catch the right moment to jump.

Carl: Okay, so everyone step away from the street, please!

Carl: And when you get the impact, you should jump into the boxes.

Carl: Cameras running and go driver!

Ben: Ugh, huge fountain straight in my face!

Maja: I'm so NERVOUS!

More nervous than Ben!


Carl: Cameras running? Ben, HOT!

Ben: Okay the stunt is done, everything worked out quite well.

After around two years of not doing any stunts, I was finally able to get into it again

and combine stunts and gaming in a promotion event for Just Cause 4.

It was a lot of fun, little things went wrong but if you don't know the original plan,

you won't realize that. Most important things:

Exploding cars,

stuntman is catapulted, everything's fine.

I'm still alive, that's always the best thing!

If you do a stunt and can say afterwards: "All good."

Hope you guys had fun and maybe another time... Just Cause 5, maybe?!

For more infomation >> Cosplayer gets catapulted over exploding cars 🔥 MAUL COSPLAY x JUST CAUSE 4 ❕Maul X Maja - Duration: 7:34.


Jeff Flake Is Absolutely Worthless - Duration: 3:06.

I'm going to start by just throwing this out there. Jeff Flake, Republican Senator Jeff

Flake is an absolute piece of crap. Honestly, that could just be the end of this video.

Just saying, Jeff Flake is a piece of crap and I think everyone would understand exactly

what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, let me go ahead and explain a little

bit more. Earlier this week, Jeff Flake swore up and down, said in an interview on CNN that

I will not vote for any more of Donald Trump's judicial nominees until we get a bill passed

to protect special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He said, I am not. I'm not equivocal about

this. This is not a flexible deal am standing firm. No judges till we protect Mueller. Literally

took them two days to go back on that promise. Now, those of us who have been paying attention

to Jeff Flake knew that he would never intended to actually vote against Donald Trump's judicial


But the way he did it is what makes it so disgusting. There was a vote, uh, believe

the, the nominees name was Jonathan Kobes. I'm Flake if he voted no, would have effectively

killed. That means nomination because Jim Inhofe was out. He couldn't vote that day,

so it was 49 to 49, 49 to 49. Jeff Flake. Had he voted no, would've put it 50 to 49.

Kobes is out the door, but instead Jeff refused to vote. Instead allowing Mike Pence to come

in, break the tie, and you can pretty much figure how that happened. Kobes is heading

for a lifetime appointment to destroy the reproductive rights of women. Thanks Jeff.

Flake for being such a horrible mealy mouth piece of crap. Human being. You know I am

sick and tired of the media hyping up these Republicans who swear I'm going to stand up

to trump. I'm going to do something.

I am not going to let him push us around and destroy the Republican Party. As soon as the

God damn cameras turn off, these idiots go back to the chamber and they vote with him

like Flake was 84 percent of the time. 80 seven percent of the time. This is insanity.

They do not vote against him. They vote with him. All they're doing is putting on a show

for the media, possibly even setting up a a presidential run down the line. They're

worthless. They're worse than worthless at this point because they're liars. We knew.

I mean, honest to God, I don't think anybody was fooled about Jeff Flake coming out on

CNN and saying, I'm blocking these nominees. We knew what this man was gonna do. Hell,

it's in his name. He is a Flake. He is an absolute worthless waste of space in the United

States Senate, and God bless. I cannot wait until they swear in the new Senate. Jeff Flake

disappears and we don't ever have to deal with his lies and his weakness again.

For more infomation >> Jeff Flake Is Absolutely Worthless - Duration: 3:06.


Hanukkah 2018: We got this…? - Duration: 1:31.

- Okay we've got the big ticket items for tonight,

and plenty of lesser items for the other seven nights.

- Hanukkah 2018, we got this.

(metal dings)

(paper rustles)

- Wow, thanks so much!

- If this is the first night,

I can't wait to see what's coming next.

(metal dings)

- I know we're supposed to give them

these snow globes tonight.

- But we crushed it too hard the first night, I know.

- Maybe we just go to Walmart

and get 'em some more cool toys?

(metal dings)

- Yes Barbie's Dream House!

(paper crumples)

- Wow a scooter!

- [Sister] Josh look you see this?

- The best parents in the world.

(metal dings)

Okay okay, what if instead of toys.

We let the oldest one just drive the car around the block?

- He's 11!

- We have to keep topping ourselves honey!

(metal dings)

(frantic orchestral music)

- We are pitching a no-hitter here.

You can not lose focus!

- Okay. - Yeah.

(metal dings)

- [Ghostly Voice] (whispers) Buy more toys.

- Did you hear that?

- Yeah.

(metal dings)

- This is it.

(mysterious orchestral music)

- [Together] We love them!

(victorious orchestral music)

For more infomation >> Hanukkah 2018: We got this…? - Duration: 1:31.


PXTNG Report :: December 1988 | 30 Years Ago - Duration: 5:53.

Racing games are becoming more and more realistic.

From Accolade comes Grand Prix Circuit, a Formula One sim for PC allowing the player

to race around such famous courses as Detroit and Monaco.

We compete against nine other drivers in a choice of McLaren, Williams or Ferrari cars.

There are five levels of difficulty and pit stops to slow us down.

From Mandarin comes a very different racer based on the Lombard/RAC Rally event.

In this one we sit behind the wheel of a Ford Sierra RS Cosworth as we work our way through

four different stages, including through a forest and night driving.

With help from Ford and the RAC the game is promised to be a faithful rendition of the

hairpin bends and dangerous surfaces of rally driving.

Psygnosis have one of their strongest ever 16 bit releases available for the Atari ST

and the Amiga.

BAAL is a multi-level scrolling platform shoot 'em up with some stunning screens.

We guide the so called Time Warriors through a series of tunnels and platforms in an attempt

to destroy the many scattered components of an alien death machine.

Capcom's latest arcade release, L.E.D. Storm,

is making its debut on home computers, compliments of the publisher Go!.

It's nothing more than racing on post-nuclear wastelands just like Road Blasters and Overlander,

but, obviously, graphically better.

There are nine levels of varied terrain, dotted with ramps, broken bridges and other hazards.

A new game from Gremlin is also arriving:

Dark Fusion, a shoot 'em up in where we fight nasty aliens and have the ability to

use fusion pods to advance through the various levels in different fashions.

From the French publisher Tomahawk comes Emmanuelle,

an adventure game for home computers licensed from the movie of the same name

and based closely on its own plot.

At the arcades, Power Drift, Cabal, P.O.W. and RoboCop were taking all the credits.

And on video game consoles from Sega and Nintendo, Double Dragon was making its way up the charts.

Now, let's take a look at the most iconic adverts from December of '88.

And, by December of 1988, these were the best-selling games

on 8-bit Home Computers:

Out Run, from U.S. Gold;

Samurai Warrior, from Firebird;

Target Renegade, from Imagine Software;

The Vindicator, from Imagine Software;

Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, from Ocean Software

On 16-bit Home Computers:

Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal, from The Edge;

Carrier Command, from Rainbird;

F/A-18 Interceptor, from Electronic Arts;

Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, from Ocean Software;

And Starglider 2, from Rainbird.

For more infomation >> PXTNG Report :: December 1988 | 30 Years Ago - Duration: 5:53.


Paying Cash Destroys Compound Interest - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Paying Cash Destroys Compound Interest - Duration: 4:46.


Top 10 Dumbest Smash Bros Characters - Duration: 9:34.

With a massive roster of characters to choose from, it's without a doubt that the Super

Smash Bros franchise is one of the most satisfying series to play, especially if you're a die

hard Nintendo fan.

There's a lot to choose from, and the games over the years have put in a lot of care in

order to balance out certain characters to better fit various styles of play.

While the newest Smash is boasting some serious overhauls in terms of all the characters abilities,

that always hasn't been the case though, with some fan favourites over the years suffering

from fairly bad stats.

S today, in celebration of the brand new Ultimate Super Smash Bros coming out, we're counting

down some of the dumbest characters to have ever appeared in the series, with our aptly

titled list, The Top 10 Dumbest Smash Bros Characters.

Let's get to it!

10 Bowser Bowser first debuted in the Smash franchise

in Melee, having initially been axed from the original N64 title.

But King Koopa was anything but deadly in the game.

While he was immensely strong and powerful, his speed defeated any chance of that power

being put to good use.

On top of that, his size made him one hell of an easy target, and he was easy to edge-guard

against since his falling speed was pretty darn fast as well.

Luckily, Bowser is one of the characters on our list whose later iterations in the franchise

make up for his poor debut, thanks to a bit of a speed boost, of course.

9 Doctor Mario Why is Doctor Mario a thing?

Doctor Mario in the Smash franchise is essentially JUST MARIO.

When it comes to clones of other characters in the game, they all usually have their own

distinct thing compared to their original.

Hell, even Young Link, who often gets a lot of criticism, is distinct.

But Doctor Mario is literally just Mario wearing his Doctor's costume.

Fans were annoyed when the character returned to the franchise in Smash 4, with many feeling

that he's basically just Mario with lower accuracy, and should've just been an assist

trophy instead.

8 ROB For starters, R.O.B is absolutely ridiculous.

In case you were out of the know, R.O.B, aka Robotic Operating Buddy, was a novelty accessory

made in 1985 for the NES.

It had a super short life span and only supported two games.

But somehow, its managed to wiggle its way into other Nintendo games as a reference or

an Easter Egg, which at times, has been pretty neat.

Little robot dude even has his own Amiibo!

And the fact that he's an unlockable character in the Smash titles is pretty cool, too.

But let's be real for a second, folks.

There is NO WAY IN HELL that if you were to pin ROB up against MOST of the characters

in Smash that it would roll away in one piece.


Perhaps that's why ROB's fan base likes him so much.

Funny enough, he plays a major role in Brawl's adventure mode, The Subspace Emissary, which

is pretty hilariously wonderful.

7 Zelda Princess Zelda is a character who has had

a bit of a rough time over the years with how she's been crafted in Smash.

For starters, her appearance in Brawl was lack luster.

Sure the idea of long range magical attacks is great in theory, but in practice, Zelda's

attacks were meh.

She's very light, meaning her falling speed is pretty slow, which opens her up as a target

for aerial attacks and combos.

Her recovery move also sucked; it was a teleportation move that would send you across the stage

in the direction that you were pointing your joystick.

But it was quite unreliable, with the location of Zelda's teleportation landing all over

the place, and often causing her to fall off the stage altogether.

THEN, in the 3DS smash game, because of hardware limitations, she was unable to transform into

Sheik, which is arguably her character's most redeemable trait in the franchise.

Other characters lost their transformation abilities as well, but for Zelda, that loss

was the nail in the coffin for her character as many players were concerned.

6 Link Link has come a long way since his first iteration

in the Smash Bros series.

So of course, that's the Link we're talking about today on our list, the N64 Smash.

Link has always had some great long range attacks, including his boomerangs, his bow,

and his bombs.

But in the N64 smash, he was REAL slow.

Meaning, sure, he was great to use from a distance, but the second an enemy got up close

and personal, players would have a lot of difficulty using him.

The funny thing is, the European release of the N64 Smash actually had to alter his character

to make him faster because of this.

5 Ganondorf Here we have another case of an awesome character

who has now been nerfed for no good reason.

Ganondorf, who first appeared in the franchise in Melee alongside Bowser, had great reach,

great power and arguably the best meteor smash out of all the other characters.

But when Brawl came around, his abilities were severely diminished thanks to new 'balancing'


His speed had dropped a lot, which made his strength less impactful, and his grab was

super slow now.

He was an easy character to fight against now, and no solid defenses against characters

who were faster and had solid projectile attacks.

A major disappointment, considering who Ganondorf is in the world of Nintendo.

4 The Mii Fighters I'll be honest with you, folks.

Anytime I see a Mii character, I immediately groan.

Yes, I understand why they're appealing to some, and sure, they're a fun little

addition to the Nintendo universe that came with the Wii, but, do I ever want to play

as one seriously?

Let alone use one to fight against ANY of the other characters who appear in ANY of

the games Smash rosters?

Nah, not really.

And I'm not the only one who shares that sentiment.

Those who played Smash for the Wii U or the 3DS definitely know what I'm talking about.

For starters, you can only use them when playing against your friends, and not online.

Considering the whole schtick with Miis is the players ability to customize them, not

being able to play with them online kinda defeats their purpose, doesn't it?

In addition to that, since you can't use them for online play, many people though they

were pointless to use when not online, because how would you improve or adapt your playing

style with them if your practice was limited?

Plus, on top of that, they're really generic, and their move sets aren't all that distinct.

Most of their moves either have high starting or ending lag.

And they're fairly slow, too.

So all in all, they're just not worth it.

3 Ness Ness, who is from the Mother aka Earthbound

series, is making another appearance in Switch Smash game, and many are hoping that the issues

with him, and Lucas, whose also from the same series, will continue to have a solid wide

range of psionic abilities, which is great.

But, in the N64 Smash, Ness, and Lucas for that matter, had a really, REALLY annoying

recovery move.

Their recovery move frozen them mid air while players had to guide a ball of energy from

their heads to their bodies.

If done successfully, the move could be advantageous.

But if not, it made Ness incredibly unreliable, an easy target, and would likely cause you

way more damage if you couldn't pull it off.

Sure, practice makes perfect, but when you could choose from a slew of other more reliable

characters, why bother with poor little Ness in the first place?

2 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff has had some highs and lows as

far as Smash is concerned.

Lows include her appearance in Brawl, where she was nerfed so badly that using her in

that game was laughable.

That being said, in other Smash titles, her KO-s were pretty solid, and she's had some

pretty good moves over the years all things considered, and her Rest move is no laughing


But her biggest fault is that she's incredibly light.

Jigglypuff is often considered useless against some of the more powerful characters in the

game, like Fox, because of his.

When she's hit, the distance she goes from a hit is bad news bears if you're the one

playing as her.

Plus, her Shield Jump in the 3DS and Wii U Smash games makes it even easier to KO her.

1 Pichu Pichu might have been a good addition to the

franchise for the odd Pokemon fan who actually liked Pikachus' pre-evolution, but when

it came down to what Smash does best – competitive fighting – Pichu was just a downright joke.



He's like a crappier version of Pikachu.

He's got electrifying attacks, but every time he uses them, he takes recoil damage.

So KO-ing someone or even trying to pull off an effective combo is troublesome at best.

His recovery from being stunned is crappy, too.

Pichu may not be the lowest tier character, but all things considered, a lot of people

would rather use Jigglypuff instead of Pichu, and that speaks volumes.

There we have it friends!

What other characters from previous smash games have you strongly disliked?

Let us know in those comments below!

If you dug this video, spread that love, hit that like button!

And if you're new to the channel, why not subscribe and hang out with us some more?

We've got a ton of other videos on our channel that you should definitely check out, like

the ones currently flashing in the playlist up on your screen right now!

In the meantime though, thanks for watching everyone!

I'll catch you all in the next video!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Smash Bros Characters - Duration: 9:34.


Free To Choose 1980 – Who Protects the Consumer?– FDA - Duration: 1:35.

FRIEDMAN: These carts are taken to

an FDA official- the documents required

to get just one drug approved.

WORKER: Well, hi there, must be the

new one they called me about.

FRIEDMAN: It took six years work by the

drug company to get this drug passed.

WORKER: This one right here... all 119 volumes.

DR. WARDELL: The implications for the

patients are- that therapeutic decisions that

used to be the preserve of

the doctor and the patient-

are increasingly becoming made at

a national level by committees of experts.

And these committees and the agency

for whom they are acting,

the FDA, are highly skewed towards avoiding risks.

So there is a tendency for us

to have drugs that are safer,

but not to have drugs that are effective.

Now, I've heard some remarkable statements

from some of these advisory

committees in considering drugs.

One has seen the statement:

"There are not enough patients

with the disease of this severity

to warrant marketing this drug for general use."

Now that's fine...if what you are

trying to do is to minimize drug

toxicity for the whole population.

But if you happen to be one of these

"not enough patients,"

and you have a disease that is

of high severity- or a disease that's very rare...

then that's just tough luck on you.

For more infomation >> Free To Choose 1980 – Who Protects the Consumer?– FDA - Duration: 1:35.


✅ Why & When to Use Leave In Conditioner - Men's Hair Q&A - Duration: 18:47.

(lips popping)

- Really like my side profile like this.

(board clicking)

(brass fanfare)

I should maybe just talk like this for the whole video

because I like my profile.


Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.

My name's Thomas, if you're brand new here

and I make style and hair related videos every single week.

So if that's your thing, make sure you

hit the subscribe button and stick around.

God, I'm getting good at that intro.

Today, we are just doing a Q and A again.

These have become one of the funnest ways

for me to interact with you guys,

and actually talk about a variety of things

outside of hair.

Yeah, I don't know, it's just going to be very good.

So the way I've been sourcing all of this, you know, intel

is, I've been using the Community feed

on the YouTube platform.

I'll just post a picture saying, "Q and A time,"

and you guys go and flood me with questions.

I got another 80 questions this time,

which was awesome.

I've just picked out, again,

you know, a mixture of hair-related questions,

and just personal ones as well,

which I'm gonna be answering today.

So I think without further ado,

we should just get into it.


Alrighty, so let's get into question one.

I'm just gonna have to turn on my side profile again

to read the question.

Just give me two secs.

So question number one is from Sanji Vinsmoke.

I think that's how you say it.

Okay, the short answer of this question is never.

I have a really, really brittle hair type

so using heat products, even with a heat protector,

it's just so risky.

Especially with hair types like mine.

Like, my hair type is quite brittle

and can break quite easily already,

so it's just something I would never recommend to someone.

If you are gonna, you know, take the plunge and do it,

I guess you could just keep it to like

once or twice every fortnight,

but I wouldn't be doing it a lot,

especially if you're consciously not using

a heat protector, because yeah,

you'll just damage your hair.

If you're serious about keeping it healthy,

you need to, you know, lessen the amount you're using

those tools and up the amount of products you're using

to keep it healthy.

That's essentially it.

Do you know what they fucked up thing is though?

Most people with dead straight hair,

they have the most durable hair type.

That type of hair can withstand heat

out of most hair types you even see.

It's the people with the curly, frizzy hair

who actually want straight hair that are at real risk

of having damage.

So it just doesn't make sense.

What was god thinking?


Side profile. (wooshing)

The next question is from Jared Baldwin.

Jared said

Whoa, do I have a novel to write about this.

When I read this question, I was like,

"This actually requires a really detailed answer."

So in the description box, I'm gonna leave like

a full description of like, what I really think of this.

But essentially, that lonely feeling,

we're programmed as human beings

to want companionship, right?

It's a natural thing to feel, like, lonely.

In my experience, when I feel that lonely feeling,

I can't stand it.

I'm like, "Ah, get it away from me.

"Just, no, I don't want it, how do I get away from this?"

But what that escaping mechanism does

is it actually can make you latch onto the wrong person

at the wrong time.

So if you're already a frail person,

or you've already got a few issues

and you're desperate to find someone,

you'll probably find someone that's not even a good match

and then they'll probably hurt you.

And then, furthermore to that, like,

we psychologically, I don't want to get too deep here,

but psychologically we kind of base our future perception

on things that have happened in the past.

So if you have a history of desperately connecting

with the wrong people and then having them hurt you,

you're almost lining yourself up for that again.

I think it's really important to remember

that your youth is about figuring out who you are

and really cementing in what you want

to create in the world.

So by the time you've built it up,

when the actual right person for you comes along,

you've got something great to share,

you've got stories, you've got a bit of depth.

There's all of this stuff.

I think at young ages we get tricked into the idea

of thinking that we need to fall in love right now,

because of that desperate need of companionship.

The only real way, I think, to deal with

the desperate need of companionship is to just

put perspective on it and be like,

"Well, I'm young."

Right now, as a millennial, it's important to figure out

who you are and what you're really enjoying

and what you're putting together.

By taking on that commitment, you're essentially like,

delaying your development as a person.

So it just all is a big clash.

I reckon work on the inner first.

Acknowledge that that desperate need for love

or that fear of loneliness is natural and normal.

Everyone gets it.

I get it.

But it's not important right this second.

You're building yourself, and then

when you have built yourself correctly,

the right person is just gonna swoop you up and love you.

So that's my two cents.

Tom, the Love Advisor.

That's me.


Okay, this username is a little bit out there.

So this one's from Suicidal Goat.

To answer this question, yes, I do have plenty of tips

to tame frizzy hair.

I've done multiple videos about them.

You can see them all in the cards.

But I actually did one recently as well.

I got the feeling that not many people wanted to know

about curly, frizzy hair, but particularly with this

Q and A, I had a lot of frizzy hair questions coming through

and I'm like, "Are you guys seeing my stuff?"

Like, what's going on?

Like, what's YouTube doing?

So, yeah, just let me know.

And if you aren't seeing my curly, frizzy hair content,

make sure you hit the bell button on the subscription thing

because it'll notify you when I do upload.

So, yeah.

Okay, to keep it short, maybe start off with an argon oil,

because that always helps reduce frizz and make hair

a little bit more fluffy.

You could also go and try any of the methods that I've done.

I've done wash and go treatment.

That worked really well for taming frizz in

and defining curls.

I also did the chapta paste and braids video,

which is the one I did recently that most of you

seem to have missed.

The best advice I can give on frizzy hair

is save up a bit of money, get a keratin treatment,

and just see how it goes on your hair.

Lots of people think that keratin treatments make it curly.

That's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

But de-frizzing, keratin.

Do it.

So the next question is from JoMcD21.

Joe says

Oh, side profile.

I don't know, maybe she's born with it.


To really answer why I'm fabulous, I don't know.

You guys should be telling me.

I'm just me and doing my thing,

so if you think that's fabulous, tell me why.

Then I can probably incorporate that into my answer

next time someone asks me that.

But thank you.

I'm very flattered that you think I'm fabulous.

(bell chiming)

Question number five.

This one is from the Nightmare Before Ayden.

You guys have such interesting names.

Holy hell, another one that I really relate to.

I honestly wish that I could show you guys my to-do lists

behind all of this stuff,

because getting all of this rigged up

and the ideas in place, it takes a lot of planning,

and it is very, very stressful.

To make all of this happen, I've really gotta keep clear

on the end goal.

I have a mind like a pinball machine, right?

It goes do-do-do-do-do.

I suffer from this thing that I call, like,

the End Project Syndrome.

When a project has a lot of moving pieces

and you have the whole project syndrome,

it's almost impossible to kind of like,

not look at the big picture.

But the only way I actually can get on top of my shit

is by pulling pieces of the big picture out

and going, "I need to put all of my attention on this"

so I can do it properly, I can do it at a quality standard,

and I can get it out of the road.

By prioritising which tasks are gonna go

best to the end goal, you start with those first.

They might be the shittiest ones, like taxing and accounting

and all that crap,

but if you put them into perspective of how they matter

and then focus one at a time.

When the big picture comes back in and goes,

"You've got this big picture to make, oh my god,

"blah blah blah," you can just go,

"Hang on a minute.

"In order to get to that big picture,

"I have to complete this step,

"and I have to complete it properly."

I totally feel you though, with having too much

on stress, having a meltdown.

Like, I honestly, it takes me to have a meltdown

before I go, "Hang on a minute."

Just put everything on a bit of paper,

prioritise it out which ones are most effective to the goal,

one, two, three, four.

By the time I get to those steps,

if I focus my attention on one

and know that I've done it properly

by the time I get to the end I go,

"Cool, the job's been done

"and I know that I've done it properly."

Rather than going whole picture,

and trying to shuffle all my stuff around

to make it all work and it just ends up a big mess

and I don't like the end result.

I'm a really results-driven person.

Honestly, just try it like that.

Moving pieces, grab one, and the priority that it is.

That's the big key.

I hope that helps.


Question number six is from Matt V.

Matt, I love you.

You turn up week after week after week after week

and leave me a comment in the comments section.

I just really wanted to, first,

before I even answer your question,

just say I'm really grateful for that.

So Matt said

So what that sounds like to me

is it sounds like your hair type actually doesn't struggle

with self-moisturizing as it is.

It's good to use a moisturiser,

but only when your hair's dry.

Now, for someone like me, my hair is always dry.

The sebum from my scalp struggles to travel down the hair

so I need to get the moisture from somewhere else.

If your hair gets oily very easily

then you probably don't need to be

using a conditioner that much.

I wouldn't say use it every day,

because you will get an even more oily, buttery effect

and that's kind of what, I'm guessing from your question,

is what you want to avoid.

Just take note of it.

Usually with people that get really oily hair,

it'll happen around the roots section.

So the roots can be really well oiled,

but then you just check the ends.

If the ends feel nice, or if they don't feel dry,

just leave it.

If they do feel a bit dry, just add your moisture to the end

and leave it at that.

Okay, the next question is from Daym-ja3-enol.

Oh god, they keep getting better.

Oh, I'm so glad you asked, actually.

I could incorporate this into the Man Bun Monthly series,

because there is quite a few different things

you can do to add more masculinity to your man bun,

but the number one tip I'm gonna give right here

is to start growing a bit of facial hair, if you can.

So you guys will notice as well,

the last, I think, 10 videos or whatever,

I've been loving having a bit of scruff.

You can see, I've grown it out a little bit.

I feel like it's made my face a lot more masculine looking,

but not only that, I have quite an oval head,

so when I shave all of my beard hair off

my face kind of looks very round in a way.

So I feel like beard actually helps really shape,

but also add a little bit of masculinity to my look.

As my hair's grown longer

and I'm wearing hairstyles like this,

side profile,

I think, yeah, it's really enhanced it.

If you guys do want me to add, like, a segment about this

in the Man Bun Monthly series, just comment the hashtag

mascmanbun, okay?

Oh, okay.

Question number eight.

I can't believe I'm gonna answer this.

Okay, well there's a long list of things

that I could rattle off, but the one that comes to mind

and the most recent was Brandon, you know Coach Brandon.

Like, we did Timid Talk together.

We went to the casino for his going away party.

I'd had a few drinks.

Probably about 11:30 at night, everyone was like,

"Okay, we've had enough, we're gonna go home,"

and I was like (scoffing), "Go home?


Funnily enough, that night was the last night

that the gay bar on the Gold Coast was closing down.

My housemate at the time, Gordon,

was like, "Come hang out at the gay bar.

"It's shutting down, they've got an open bar."

Like, they had closed the premises already.

They just had an open bar.

So when I rocked up there, there was just

bottle after bottle after bottle of alcohol on the bench

and you could just go up, pour your own drink,

and have a party.

So what did I do?

I went like, "Okay, what do I like on this bench?"

and I grabbed the Canadian Club, straight up,

and within, I think, about 20 minutes,

I had like five Canadian Clubs.

Mind you, at this point, I had already had, like,

three Long Island Teas at the casino.

So I was pretty like, "Woo."

Then somebody pulled out a joint, okay?

I can't believe I'm touching on this,

but they pulled out a joint and the state I was in,

I was like, "Yeah, give me everything."

Oh my god.

I polished off those Canadian Clubs,

had two drags of this joint,

and then I started getting real, like,

everyone was smoking inside as well.

I'm just trying to give you a picture.

This was a like a AWOL, no rules party.

As soon as I had the point, I started getting real, like,


I don't know if anyone knows.

If you smoke weed and drink at the same time,

they can really, like, clash.

I had had like a lot of alcohol.

I started losing brain to mouth communication.

Someone would go, "Hey, you feeling okay?"

And I'd be like, (mumbling)

You know what I mean?

In my mind, I was still wasted,

but I knew, I was like, "Tom, you're losing control, man.

"You've got to get out of here."

The club was placed was, there was the inside area

then there was a bridge that led to the outside area

where everyone would go and smoke and dah-dah-dah,

but because it was a private, closed party,

they shut that off.

I was like, "Quick, I've got to make an escape,"

so I went out the door where no one was allowed to go

and I went up to the back.

I spewed about five times.

And I was just like, "This is terrible."

Anyway, Gordon came looking for me.

He couldn't find me anywhere and he was like,

"Oh, Tom must have gone home."

And he left.

So I had vomited so much, my brain was must going,

"What the hell is happening?"

And I just passed out in this little back room.

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. like,

"I better go."

And it was fucking nuts.

I can't believe I was that, like, careless.

So that's my, like, crazy story.

That's like, the craziest thing

that's happened to me lately.

Other than that, just my busy schedule,

which, who wants to frickin' hear about that?

Question number nine.

This one is from JE Arellano.

Or Arellano, it could be that if they're in Spanish.

Okay, I said this a little bit earlier.

Definitely, if you're struggling with curly hair

and taming it, go and try a keratin treatment.

Just try it out.

You'll see what I mean.

It doesn't get rid of the curl.

It relaxes the curl, okay?

So usually my hair is a lot more, like,

and tight.

What it does is it just relaxes it.

So you still have a really curly hair type,

but it's just more manageable,

and it looks different.

Like, it seriously transforms your hair

to make it just like, I don't want to say this,

but like, normal.

It makes it normal and manageable, you know?

It's something that I think everybody

with hair types like mine especially should just try out

at least once, because then you can decide

whether it's for you or not.

I guarantee you after you've had one, you'll be like,

no, we ain't going back to that.

Question number 10, this is the final question

that we're including here.

I like to just include 10 questions because, you know.

It's just a well-rounded number.

This one is from The Man.

They said


Okay, let's get deep again, if you're ready for this.

The only way you can really change it

is how you perceive what they're saying.

So if what they're saying is negative

and you're taking on board, in a sense,

your belief system is saying,

oh, they're saying that, that's true.

And that's what gives you that bad feeling.

But if we actually get a little bit more awareness

around what's really going on here.

If somebody actually thinks it's not okay to be different

someone, somewhere in their life has taught them

that it's not okay to be different.

Which, we know, is an absolute load of bullshit.

Because for anything to stand out,

it's gotta be different, right?

So the idea that somebody thinks

that it's not a good thing to be different,

to me it says that they've been a little bit sheltered

or they've had somebody that's really negative

in their life telling them those things.

It kind of makes me feel a little bit sorry for them,

you know what I mean?

If you switch it around and get the awareness on why

they would actually be saying something like that

and thinking, "Aw, shit man, you must have been

"a little bit sheltered."

Naturally, when I feel sorry for somebody

I kind of like, show a bit of empathy

and then move on.

That's, like, the best way that you can do it.

Instead of, if the negative shit they're throwing at you,

if you're actually taking hits from it,

it's because somewhere in you,

you actually are believing what they're saying

and it's bullshit.

It's absolute bullshit.

The only way that you can change it

is by having awareness around what's really going on here.

So in that instance, what's really going on here

is they're sheltered, they're projecting a belief

that they have on you, and you are actually believing it.

So it's like what can we do from within?

Stop believing it.

Acknowledge that they're throwing shade

because of their sheltered cage life and move on.

That's as simple as it needs to be.

We're getting down to two minutes

and I've got to wrap this up.

Yeah, I hope that's a well-rounded answer of that.

I'm gonna put all of those detailed answers

in the description box below for you guys,

because it is something that I find really important.

I do love to sit down and like,

sort of think about these questions

before I actually just answer them.

So yeah, that's what I've done in here

and I really hope you guys enjoyed that.


Now that I've only got a minute and something left,

I am gonna wrap this video up.

So thank you so much for swinging by

and watching my video this week.

I hope you liked the bananas that we've got here.

Bit of a random touch.

Yeah, if you've got any more questions

regarding anything I've covered in this video,

make sure you just shoot me a comment

and I'll see you next week for another video, okay?

(smooching kisses)

Good bye!


For more infomation >> ✅ Why & When to Use Leave In Conditioner - Men's Hair Q&A - Duration: 18:47.


recreating bts AIRPORT outfits with the clothes i have - Duration: 9:02.


hello my frens it's nina and welcome back to my closet

i am back to recreate more bts outfits

and if you don't know who bts is

there's the magic of the internet

you can look them up

so i've actually already recreated some bts outfits

but those were performance/music video outfits

for this video

i decided upon popular request

to recreate their airport outfits


i just wanna say

this was not easy

so i was looking extensively

through the available airport outfit options

that are available on the internet

from bts

and although they have amazing style

i am not able to pull off at least 95% of those outfits

because i don't have the clothes for that

but i tried my best and i found 7 outfits

that i could try to do

so i know i might not be doing all their iconic looks

but to be honest anything they do is iconic so it's ok

also in light of future videos if i recreate other groups

i'm just going to call bts by their stage names

even though i know in my last video i called them by

their real names just because that's what i'm used to

i'm just gonna call them by their stage names

just because it's less bias for other groups in the future

so first off we have suga

in this outfit he's wearing a grey coat

which i definitely have

that's the first thing that caught my attention

the grey coat bc i have a grey coat pretty similar to it

actually whoa

i haven't actually looked at this coat in a very long time

just because it's been frickin hot here

so i haven't been able to wear

my winter clothing in a long time

but this is pretty similar actually

and then he's also wearing a black turtleneck

i don't have a black turtleneck

but i have a dark grey turtleneck

i got this turtleneck a heck of a long time ago

back in high school so it's definitely

not going to be available anymore

so just find a turtleneck that you have

and although it's dark grey

it's fine

and for pants i have these faded out black jeans

that are also from high school as well

and then to top it all off i do have a black cap

so this is my best attempt at yoongi's outfit

or suga's outfit

and then for shoes i don't quite have

the shoes that he's wearing

but i do have low top dr martens

that kind of look similar

so i just decided to wear that

it's a very fancy looking outfit

now for jimin i decided to do this outfit

it's an oversized sweater which i definitely have

where is it

i have this oversized sweater

this is the only oversized knit sweater that i have

but i think it will look somewhat similar

and then i'm just gonna wear the same

black jeans that i have because i don't have

i want those pants

i want those pants

i'm just zooming in on his pants

and then for shoes i'm gonna wear dr martens as well

and i do have a beanie

it's not bold red like jimin but

where is she

oh my god wait where is it oh my god hold on

oh there she is

i do have a maroon beanie

it's not red but it's very wintery

that's that with that outfit

now next for rm

i always say namjoon

i decided to go with this outfit just because it's

the one that i can recreate

there are so many cute looks

but i don't have the clothes for those outfits

i don't mind this outfit i think it's very wintery

for this outfit i decided

cuz i

i know that i had this coat

it's a khaki beige-ish coat

where is she

i have a coat similar to this

i don't know how i have this coat


i have a coat

so i decided to pull this out

and i'm going to wear just any jeans that i have

that compares to his

i have these jeans that i thrifted a while ago

they fold up nicely just like the picture's

so i decided to pull these out

then for the shoes i'm wearing my timberlands

they're not quite the same timberlands also

these timberlands don't have shoelaces what

is that the style or is he just lacking shoelaces

oh that must be the style then

because why would he be walking around

with no shoelaces

but also that would be a namjoon thing

and then he's just wearing a white t-shirt on the bottom

so i'm wearing a white t-shirt

and for the beanie and scarf i don't have

a grey beanie or a grey scarf

but i do have

the same maroon beanie

and then a scarf that kinda goes with it

but that is my attempt for namjoon


now moving on to v


this was the only outfit that i could pull off for v

my closet's just not as poppin as his so i'm sorry

i know he has a lot of good looks

but this outfit it's still great

it's still iconic

it's bold

so for his top

what was i going with

oh god is it not here

aw dang it where did she go

i had a black sweater

but i'm not sure where it is at the moment

where did i put it

is this not it

oh is this it

ah see

i planned this video so it's right here

so i have this black sweatshirt

and then for the pants i also do have

red pants

they're obviously not quite the pants that v's wearing

but they're still bold and they still have

something on the side as you can see right here

and then what i liked about this pairing

is that there's also a little bit of red right there as well

so i thought it was really cute

and then for the cap i literally have one cap

so i'm just wearing the same cap

and then for shoes he's wearing slides

so i'm just gonna wear my slides as well

but this is what i could do for v

bow for j-hope i wanted to recreate this outfit

because it's such a look

and i could kind of come close to it

not really, i was really aiming high

i don't quite have the coat that he's wearing

which is fine

because i'm not here trying to be j-hope

i have this coat it's not quite

this fun brown color that he has

but oh well

and then he's wearing a black shirt on the bottom

so i'm just gonna pull out a black shirt as well

and then for pants i have a pair of black

oh my back

i have these sweatpants

they don't have a white band on the side

but it's chill

and then the only reason why

i wanted to recreate this outfit

was because i knew i had tube socks

so i really

now that i'm looking at it

these aren't even the right socks either

but they're still tube socks

i just really wanted to look at this outfit

it's just a great look

and then for shoes i'm wearing my stan smiths just because

those are the white sneakers that i have

and then to top it all of

i have a black beanie

now i'm realizing this outfit's not

anything similar to what he's wearing

oh my gosh wait

is that a fanny pack

please tell me that's a fanny pack

because i do have a fanny pack

so he does have a giant fanny pack

i have a regular sized fanny pack

so i'll add that to the outfit as well

he truly invented fanny packs

but that completes this outfit for j-hope

now for jungkook i wanted to do a style that was

very reflective of the kinds of outfits

he wears to airports

i could've done a more fashionable outfit for him

but i also wanted to wear hoodies so i decided to

go with his classic

all black hoodie/sweatpants outfit

so i have this black hoodie

with adidas right smack in the center

and then i'm just going to wear that with

the same black sweats that i mentioned before

right here

and then for shoes i'm just gonna wear my stan smiths

just because those are the only white shoes that i have

and then he's also wearing a cap underneath the hood

i'm also gonna wear the same black cap as well

and that was my best attempt for jungkook

he wears a lot of clothes that i don't have as well

so this is the only viable option for me

now for jin i am doing his iconic oversized hoodie look

i know that his hoodie is very oversized

and that it's a beige color

but i don't have that

but i do have a pink hoodie that

kinda gives off the same vibe

why did i bend down it was right here

this is a pink hoodie

and it's not as oversized as his but

it's a light bright color

and then for the pants i'm just going with my mom jeans

and then for shoes i'm actually going to wear

my nike trainers whatever they're called

they're not the same shoes as what jin's wearing but

who cares

but this is just a very comfortable laid-back

not even trying kind of look

and it looks great on him

and that is my attempt at recreating bts airport outfits

i don't have a lot of clothes that they have

and that's ok

because we are all unique individuals

but i might also go shopping later because

i would like some pieces that they have

but also

i don't know where i was going with that

but that is it for this video i hope you enjoyed it

i hope it gave you some inspiration

i know that it actually made me look

at the rest of my closet

but that is all i have for this video

let me know what other groups or artists

you want me to recreate outfits for

i already have some in mind

so if you can read my mind

you'll probably guess who's next

but other than that

that is it for this video

bring it in for a hug

thank you for watching and i will see u next time :')

For more infomation >> recreating bts AIRPORT outfits with the clothes i have - Duration: 9:02.


'I haven't been this mad since someone took my parking spot': Alec Baldwin pokes fun - Duration: 9:09.

'I haven't been this mad since someone took my parking spot': Alec Baldwin pokes fun

Alec Baldwin reprised his role as President Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live - the second time this season that the actor has played the Commander in Chief.

Baldwin had been on a long hiatus, during which he was arrested near his New York City home after getting into an argument with another driver over a parking spot.

'God, I haven't been this upset since I freaked out about that parking space,' Baldwin says while in character.

The Long Island native poked fun at himself during Saturday's cold open, in which 'Trump' is seen on a balcony in Buenos Aires, where he is staying for the G-20 Summit.

Trump is joined on the balcony by First Lady Melania Trump, played by Cecily Strong; his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who is portrayed by cast member Kate McKinnon; Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is played by Beck Bennett; and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is played by SNL alum Fred Armisen.

The opening skit also featured a cameo by Ben Stiller, who played Trump's former fixer, Michael Cohen. The First Lady comes out to console her husband, who appears preoccupied.

'Donald, come to bed,' the First Lady says. 'Melania, I'm having trouble sleeping,' the President says. 'I keep having this nightmare where I'm walking through a forest of blood. The First Lady replies: 'Oh no, that was just my Christmas decoration.

In real life, Melania Trump is in charge of decorating the White House for the holiday season. 'What's the matter, Donald, do you not like Argentina?' the fake Melania asks.

'No, I love Argentina,' Baldwin's Trump says. 'There are a bunch of old German guys who are really into what I have to say here.

That line is a reference to Argentina historically being a haven for Nazi war criminals who fled to the South American country after the fall of the Third Reich in 1945.

Melania then comments to her husband: 'The meeting with the Chinese president went well. Trump replied: 'I know, it was hilarious. Every time he said something, I said "in bed".'.

'Yes,' the First Lady replied. 'I just can't stop thinking about this Mueller investigation,' Trump says. 'Sometimes it almost feels like they're coming after me.

In real life, the Mueller investigation has netted a litany of indictments against senior officials who worked for Trump in his private life as well as during the campaign, chief among them Michael Cohen, his former lawyer and fixer, and Paul Manafort, who once chaired his campaign.

'Oh, cheer up, Donald! You know worst case scenario, you go to prison and you have to transfer your money to me for safe keeping and I have hire a giant man to protect me,' Melania says.

'I mean that worse case. In fact, I'm going to go think about that worse case while I soak in the bathtub.'. Trump replies: 'All right. I'll be in soon, honey.'.

The President then says to himself: 'Oh, Donnie, you've really done it this time. 'You have to face all of those European leaders again.

'They just hate me because I'm a nationalist. What did nationalism ever do to Europe.'. Giuliani, played by McKinnon, makes an entrance. 'Rudy, where did you come from?' Trump asks. 'Oh, I was hanging upside down under the balcony,' he says.

'What's the latest on the Mueller probe?' the President asks his attorney. 'Well, the good news is it's almost over,' Giuliani replies. 'And the bad news?' Trump asks.

Trump then asks Giuliani: 'How is my legal defense coming?'. 'Well, I'm involved, so it's not great,' Giuliani says.

'This might be the first time someone's lawyer pleads insanity. Trump then says: 'God, I want to fire you, Rudy, but I can't. You know all of my secrets.'.

To which Giuliani replies: 'Yep, and I keep those secrets where no one can find them, on nationally televised interviews. 'Okay. I need to run some errands before the sun rises.'.

When Giuliani leaves, Trump complains about being abandoned. 'No one understands me,' the President says.

'Who can I call? Someone who I know will always answer. Stiller then enters the frame as Cohen, who in real life struck a plea deal with Mueller in which he divulged information about Trump's alleged business ties to Russia.

'Yes, hello? Michael Cohen speaking. I'll tell you anything you want,' Cohen says. 'Michael, Michael, it's Donald,' the President says. 'Mr Trump, I'm not supposed to be talking to you,' Cohen says. 'Come on, Michael,' Trump says.

Cohen says: 'I'm gonna get in trouble. Trump then replies: 'But Mikey, Mikey coco, I need a bowl of my Mikey coco puffs.

'Okay, fine, I can't say no to my Donald trump-lupus,' Cohen says. Trump says: 'There we go. Where can I put my son Eric in some old age fat suit and say it's me?'.

'I'm not sure it will work, sir,' Cohen says. 'Trust me, Eric will never catch on,' the President says.

'Sorry, Mr Trump, it's over,' Cohen says. The President then says: 'Well, Michael, at least there are some things they can never take away from us. 'They got them on tape,' Cohen says. Our vacations to Moscow,' the President says.

To which Cohen replies: 'They seized the records. 'What about our hairstylist, the blind man with the shaky hands?' Trump says. Cohen replies: 'He died months ago. 'I'm sad you're going to prison, Michael,' Trump says. 'You're like a son to me.'.

'Then why did you make me do so many illegal stuff?' Cohen asks. 'Because you're like a son to me,' Trump says.

Trump hangs up the phone and ends the call with Cohen. He then says: 'God, I haven't been this upset since I flipped out over that parking space.'.

For more infomation >> 'I haven't been this mad since someone took my parking spot': Alec Baldwin pokes fun - Duration: 9:09.


Relic Hunting At An Abandoned Vineyard - Duration: 1:07:05.

Hello :).

I'm back at "my" abandoned vineyard.

First find?

I must have identified the other find as trash.

A nail.

And a piece of foil.

I went back to my normal setting (from the "iron" version).

This probably is all modern iron.

A cassette.

"Hall & Oates - H2O".

Early 80's pop classic!

Look at all this garbage...


I think this is WWII related...

Is something trying to come out, or is it just iron?

A bottle stopper.

With part of the bottle.

I can hardly hear the Deus.

This should increase the volume.

Don't be surprised to see my old pinpointer...

...I have tons of footage that "needs" to be shown.

A typically vineyard find. I have no idea what it once was.

A rusty piece of iron.

It's a tiny lead ball.

Another one.

One more.



A bent nail.


I have no idea what it was.

I think, I dropped it.

This is how things get lost...

Now I know how it is.

It's awful.

I think, everyone should carry a pinpointer.

There it is.

Go to your room!

Not far away from the silver...

A very old nail.

Could it be Roman, or is it "just" medieval?

There is still something in the hole below.

Now that feels very exciting.

I have to be careful.

A worm was guarding the target.

I have to evacuate it.

Here is your new home...

A snail? What is going on...

A white ghost on a coin!

...just a zinc "Pfennig" from 1945.

One could expect something a little bit older...

A feather.

It's just a lid.

The noises are coming from a construction site.

A piece of foil.

More of it.

But you can never be sure...

Nivea Creme.

Another snail.

Seems like the workers are having fun too.

What is this?

Why is this stone giving me a signal?

Probably a meteorite or something...

A piece of metal.

Probably a lid.

The leaves are smelling very nice.


More foil.

A coin.

"10 Pfennig" (1949).

A nail.

I think, I should try this section.

I'm not sure about the signal.

Another rusty coin.

1 "Pfennig" (1950).



More pieces of foil.

Someone probably hunted this section with DISC set above foil.

A "good" sounding iron.

Whatever it is/was, it seems "older".

Lianas, left by Tarzan...

Sounds good.

That's deep...

Almost there, but not quite.

Better to be careful than sorry...


A buckle!

That's a nice surprise.

It looked deeper than it was...

7" (18cm) - with my worn out tip.

Sounds like iron but I'm curious.

The buckle and the previous bit of iron seemed old.

The shape made the signal.

The tip of a stick (of some sort)?

A piece of iron.

Let's match the movement with the sound!

Enough, I have to get serious here.

Sorry, I can't help myself.

That's just foil.

Or is it really?

I that's silver.

It looks like a pendant.

A four-leaf clover. It will hopefully bring me luck.


The plants here are hostile.

I guess, that's the price I have to pay.

When I moved into this area, I used to grab every tree and branch...

It was a painful experience. Now I try to look, before I touch things.


Parts of a shoe?

This sounded like another signal.

A bullet casing.

An old nail.

I don't know what it once was.

A small spider.

A wind cap from an old smoking pipe.

I think the bird was calling me.

I will be there in one moment...

I see something interesting...

This bottle looks nice.


Notice the uneven bottom.

I think, I'll take it.

I have to take some of this stuff out.

Great, I love finding old bottles.


It's a button.

A bug, I almost hit it.

No, it wasn't moving anymore before that.

The branch grabbed my camera.

I'm slowly moving down again.

It's a coin.

"1 Pfennig" (made of bronze).

I see an old friend.

The Moth is back :).

Notice the hairstyle :).

Let's shake hands.

I have to detect now.


It's pointless.

OK, let's detect together.

Look what I found.

She is gone...


Parts of the same "thing"...

Sounds like iron, but let's see.


It's safer that way...

I don't know... a square button?

I like it.

That's a button for sure.

Looks old.

Hmm, OK but what is this white stuff...

Too small for me.

It's time to go...

Please wait for the pictures if you like.

My team today.

"1 Pfennig" coin (1950).

"10 Pfennig" coin (1949).

"1 Pfennig" (1945).


Tiny lead balls.

Tip of a stick?

A button :).

"1 Pfennig" (1874).

Wind cap from a smoking pipe.

A shoe buckle from the 1700's?

The silver (?) object (with "Phoenix" writing).

Silver pendant.


The old looking, tiny button.

The bottle.


More trash...

And treasure. Detecting time: 2h:45min

For more infomation >> Relic Hunting At An Abandoned Vineyard - Duration: 1:07:05.


How Payments Work (without Instant Pay) | Uber Support | Uber - Duration: 0:42.

How payments work.

Getting paid is simple.

No invoices, no checks.

Your earnings are deposited automatically every week.

Setting up your direct deposit is quick and easy.

All you need is a bank account.

Simply tap your account to set a payment method.

Wondering when we'll pay out your earnings?

Tap your photo to visit the earnings section and find out.

That's it. Set up your direct deposit quickly

and get paid automatically.

For more infomation >> How Payments Work (without Instant Pay) | Uber Support | Uber - Duration: 0:42.


Elimi Birakma Episode 20 Trailer - Duration: 1:15.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.

Do not give up my hand Chapter 20 Trailer

Hi friends, Leave my hand We wanted to do an immediate analysis. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AzCen '' in the comment. Good Cruising.

Despite Feride's resentment, she understands and grants Azra. Cenk, on the other hand, is not accustomed to Azra's departure and tries to persuade him to return.

Azra, happy to win the court and hoping to get Mert '' Sumerian threats to continue to be happy together with Cenk'le um Mert'le also begins to dissolve the ice between Az

Do you think Azra and Cenk will recover? All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type '' AzCen '' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. New videos will come. Stay on track.

For more infomation >> Elimi Birakma Episode 20 Trailer - Duration: 1:15.


Jennifer Aniston Reveals Why Her Feud With Mother Was So long & Bitter: ' She Held Grudges' - News T - Duration: 3:38.

Jennifer Aniston is set to portray an uptight pageant mom in her new film, Dumplin', but first, she is speaking out on the rocky relationship she endured with her own mother

 Jennifer Aniston, 49, got incredibly honest about the feud she faced with her late mom, Nancy Dow

In a new interview, the actress revealed just why the two couldn't seem to iron things out, back when she was still alive

"She was a model and she was all about presentation and what she looked like and what I looked like," Jennifer explained, to the Sunday Telegraph

"I did not come out the model child she's hoped for and it was something that really resonated with me," she added in the interview, as the Daily Mail reported

   The actress's bitter spat with her mother lasted all the way up until her 2016 death, and now, in 2018, the actress is channeling her mom more than ever

In the forthcoming film, Dumplin,' Jennifer is set to portray a mother who is obsessed with beauty

The actress is well aware of the parallels between her role and real-life relationship with Nancy

 'This little girl just wanting to be loved by a mum that was too occupied with things that didn't quite matter," she also said in the interview

 This doesn't mark the first time that Jennifer has been vocal about the rocky relationship she shared with her mom

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2015, Jennifer revealed how 'critical' her mother was of her

"She was critical. She was very critical of me," Jennifer said at the time. "Because she was a model, she was gorgeous, stunning

I wasn't. I never was. I honestly still don't think of myself in that sort of light, which is fine

She was also very unforgiving. She would hold grudges that I just found so petty," she added

The actress stopped speaking to her mother altogether, after Nancy published a book, From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir, back in 1999

Dumplin' will be launching in select theaters and on Netflix on Dec. 7. The flick also stars Odeya Rush, Dove Cameron, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Luke Benward, and Harold Perrinea

Mark your calendars!

For more infomation >> Jennifer Aniston Reveals Why Her Feud With Mother Was So long & Bitter: ' She Held Grudges' - News T - Duration: 3:38.


How Emery outmanoeuvred Pochettino in Arsenal's win over Tottenham - Duration: 7:02.

  Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham have earned widespread plaudits during his tenure for their intense style of play and how they press opponents

  But they were caught cold by Arsenal in the North London derby, the Gunners giving them a taste of their own medicine in the early stages at the Emirates

  Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang handed the home side a 10th minute lead from the penalty spot after Jan Vertonghen's needless handball and it was a thoroughly deserved lead for Unai Emery's side

 They didn't allow Spurs to settle, and it was little surprise to see that, by the 20th minute, Harry Kane had managed just four touches - less than half managed by any other player on the pitch, including even Bernd Leno - such had been the disconnect between he and his Spurs teammates; Arsenal had refused to give them an inch

 Emery's initial plan, of pressing high and playing direct passes down the sides of the visitors' centre-halves - particularly in the channel between Serge Aurier and Juan Foyth - was working a treat; it suffocated Spurs, who couldn't play through the press with Moussa Sissoko and Eric Dier at the heart of midfield, and an emphatic win appeared on the cards

Mesut Ozil's absence, officially due to "back spasms", helped.  So too did Emery's constant patrolling of the touchline

Arsenal fans have taken to his hands-on approach and he has also made it his mission to ensure the crowd turn up the volume in support of his side when they have opponents on the ropes

  Chances came and went as Arsenal looked to extend their lead and they looked most likely to grab the second goal

By the 28th minute, the expected goals (XG) timing chart on had Arsenal boasting an xG of 1

26 and Spurs just 0.08.  So it was quite staggering to see Tottenham come from behind with scarcely-deserved quick-fire goals from Eric Dier and Harry Kane

 Dier's header - and the subsequent melee that followed - knocked Arsenal out of their stride, and they lost sight of their game-plan

Rob Holding's challenge on Son was needless; Hector Bellerin was marshalling the South Korean and appeared to have the situation under control

That one moment was perhaps the game in microcosm up to that point.  From the point of Kane's goal and the half-time whistle, Arsenal failed to threaten Lloris' net; Spurs double sucker punch had stopped them in their tracks, the pressing was no longer as furious, they weren't in Spurs faces as much and it was now Aubameyang looking isolated and struggling to hold possession

 At half-time, having seen his side lose impetus and Sissoko and Dier begin to take charge in midfield, Emery tinkered

 Alex Iwobi and Henrik Mkhitaryan were replaced, with Aaron Ramsey and Alexandre Lacazette entering the fray

 Iwobi, operating from the left of a front three, can count himself a little unlucky perhaps, having led the press and caused Aurier problems in the first half, only to be found wanting with the final pass; Mkhitaryan however was largely anonymous

 Lacazette joined Aubameyang in attack, creating a strike pair, with Ramsey in behind; the 3-4-3 formation turned into a 3-4-1-2

 Instantly, Ramsey's positioning gave Dier and Sissoko a headache. With the Lucas Torreira and Granit Xhaka behind him, Ramsey was able to work the half spaces either side of Sissoko and Dier, while also running off the pair and attacking in behind - as he did for Aubameyang's equaliser to get Arsenal back level

 Suddenly the Spurs duo were caught, unable to pressure for fear of leaving space in behind

 And that's when Pochettino blinked. He elected drop to Dier in as a third centre-half between Vertonghen and Juan Foyth, handing Arsenal further impetus

  "It was too open down the channels," said Pochettino after the game. "With two strikers I think our two centre-back started to struggle a little bit to manage that situation

That was after they scored though.  "We tried to be a little bit safer. We started to feel that the energy wasn't there and we wanted to be more compact

"  From there, the outstanding Torreira, Xhaka and Ramsey took advantage. Ramsey played on Sissoko's deficiencies - both taking the ball in tight areas and defensively - while Torreira thrived in his battles with Alli and Eriksen, both of whom were quiet

 Emery added to his side's midfield number by bringing on Matteo Guendouzi for the injured Shkodran Mustafi in the 71st minute, thus giving Arsenal a numerical advantage; psychologically, it was a move which pressed home to his players a desire to win, at a time when Pochettino's change insinuated that he was perhaps hoping not to lose

 Spurs failed to threaten again - between the hour mark and full-time their xG number went from 0

97 to 1.09 - and Arsenal were reinvigorated.  Ramsey played his part in the third goal, again found running free from the middle to the final third, and finding Lacazette, whose effort deflected off Dier into the bottom corner

 And shortly after Torreira fired home the winner, netting his first Premier League goal after spinning in behind the Spurs defence and being brilliantly found by Aubameyang

 In a first Premier League meeting between Pochettino and Emery, the Arsenal boss outmanoeuvred his North London rival, both at the outset, and with the most crucial in-game decisions

For more infomation >> How Emery outmanoeuvred Pochettino in Arsenal's win over Tottenham - Duration: 7:02.


Douluo Dalu - Soul Land Season 2 Episode 2 English Sub [watch out Pin Comment] - Duration: 0:38.

Watch Pinned comment for English subbed Full episode

For more infomation >> Douluo Dalu - Soul Land Season 2 Episode 2 English Sub [watch out Pin Comment] - Duration: 0:38.


"Say it"- Yorushika【Short Bad Cover】 ヨルシカ - 言って。 - Duration: 1:27.

Say it

You see,

I've actually realized already

Look, about that thing you said

I didn't feel like

thinking about it too much

So I had forgotten about it, but

Living blindly, recklessly, delusionally

Impulsively, impatiently, negatively didn't do me any good

I'm sure

I'm sure that on the last day of my life, when I think of what's gone before

All of it, all of it will be unspeakably precious, but

Ah, on that last day of my life, you won't be there–




Say that



For more infomation >> "Say it"- Yorushika【Short Bad Cover】 ヨルシカ - 言って。 - Duration: 1:27.


The Journal Editorial Report 12/02/18 3PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:42.

For more infomation >> The Journal Editorial Report 12/02/18 3PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:42.


Mark Ronson feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like a Heart - Review and Reaction - Duration: 4:26.

Welcome back to another Sunday song review

Today, I'm going to be looking at British musician Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus now, they're working together

They just released a song together called nothing breaks like a heart. So Miley Cyrus is the singer Mark Ronson

I think produced a song and wrote the song together with Miley Cyrus

I'm just gonna play the YouTube video go through it do a reaction and see what happens

Let's get right into it though. This song is called nothing breaks like a heart Miley Cyrus and Mark Ronson

Melody's pretty good. I like the melody just kind of kicked into a chorus here. That's a

Serious serious car chase no one's driving the car little kids are shooting guns

Remember what you said to me we're drunk in love in Tennessee and I'll hold it so it's a love song obviously

There's some bad tension and emotion

I like this part

They're catchy very catchy part of the song like that

Like Bonnie and Clyde, running away from the cops

Obviously, there's some symbolism here the crashing of the car of breaking your heart

That's very symbolic to a crucifix about interesting song tons of symbolism going on in that video

And very catchy chorus. So that's very atypical of my reviews and reactions

I did more of a reaction there and less of a review if you're new here

Please punch that subscribe button and we'll see you in the next Sunday song review or reaction

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