Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 20 2018

El príncipe Alberto y la princesa Charlene de Mónaco lanzaron su tarjeta de Navidad oficial, con un retrato real de la familia real del principado.

El retrato real oficial de la familia muestra al príncipe Alberto, la princesa Charlene y sus hijos relajados frente a un árbol de Navidad familiar,

con la princesa con un largo vestido rojo festivo, mientras que el marido Albert coincide con un cuadrado de bolsillo rojo.

Gabriella, de cuatro años, luce angelical con un vestido blanco, mientras Jacques se sienta en el regazo de su madre con un chaleco suéter.

Pero junto con la imagen familiar tradicional, que muestra una familia moderna con un aspecto relajado, la familia real de Mónaco incluyó una imagen adorable de la joven familia real abrazada frente a un mágico,

Gabriella apoyó la cabeza en el hombro de su hermano gemelo Jacques mientras sostenía una considerable chuchería roja en su mano. Árbol de navidad nevado en la incrustación de la tarjeta.

El mensaje dentro de la tarjeta de Navidad decía: "Que la temporada navideña llene tu hogar de alegría, tu corazón de amor y tu vida de risa.

Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo 2019. "Las dos imágenes fueron tomadas por la fotógrafa con sede en Mónaco Vanessa von Zitzewitz. Una fuente le dijo a People que las imágenes cercanas de los niños adorables" realmente los capturan ".

La fuente dijo: "Realmente son muy cómplices entre sí". No es solo la familia real de Mónaco quienes han ofrecido sus saludos de temporada en Navidad. La familia real noruega lanzó un retrato real de Navidad.

El rey Harald y la reina Sonja son el punto focal de la tarjeta, mientras que el heredero heredero, el príncipe heredero Haakon, está de pie junto a su familia: la princesa Mette-Marit y sus dos hijos,

Mientras tanto, el príncipe heredero Haakon, de 45 años, y la princesa Mette-Marit, de 45, también publicaron una foto familiar más íntima. La princesa Ingrid Alexandra, de 14 años, y el príncipe Sverre Magnus, de 13.

Y de regreso en el Reino Unido, Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry, y sus suegros, el Príncipe William y Kate, la Duquesa de Cambridge, enviaron tarjetas de Navidad personalizadas.

La tarjeta de Meghan y Harry muestra a la pareja amada en un instante invisible de su boda de mayo. Presentaba a la pareja del brazo y observando un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales.

Las tarjetas de felicitación de Kate y William presentan una imagen más tradicional, con sus hijos Prince Louis, Prince George y Princess Charlotte en la tarjeta enfocada en la familia.

For more infomation >> ¡Adorable! Las gemelas reales de Mónaco, Gabriella y Jacques, roban un espectáculo en las fotos de - Duration: 2:56.


Las habitaciones de hotel secretas (y carísimas) que se reservan sólo para los VIP - Duration: 7:58.

Sólo los VIP pueden acceder a las habitaciones secretas en los hoteles de lujo. (iStock) En los hoteles de lujo del mundo existen habitaciones tan pero tan exclusivas que ni siquiera aparecen en los listados para hacer reservas: la única manera de acceder a una es saber que tal cosa existe y hacer una solicitud por correo electrónico

Claro que para estar entre los informados es necesario ser un VIP. Según un informe de Bloomberg, los hoteles omiten a propósito estas suites ultra-lujosas, de las que no hay fotos, descripciones ni precios disponibles en línea

Si una persona no está entre los happy few, bien puede pasar su vida entera creyendo que son tan reales como Papá Noel

El objetivo del secreto es proteger la identidad y privacidad de los clientes que más valora un hotel, y también generar un poco de publicidad al crear deseo por algo inaccesible

The Retreat at the Blue Lagoon, cerca de Reykjavik, tiene un espacio que ni siquiera se ve desde el edificio central, con entrada propia y hasta spa privado

El primer ejemplo que ofreció la publicación es The Retreat at the Blue Lagoon, uno de los hoteles de lujo de moda en Europa, ubicado en las afueras de Reykjavik, en Islandia

Tiene ventas de piso a techo con vistas espectaculares, más un spa y acceso exclusivo al lago geotermal

Y, además, cuenta con "un espacio ultra-exclusivo que pocos visitantes saben que existe"

Se trata de una suite en dos niveles, de 200 metros cuadrados, con un balcón privado sobre el paisaje de lava

Tiene su propio spa, con baño de vapor, sauna, hogar con chimenea y, desde luego, cocina y comedor

Su costo, de USD 10,500 por noche, no se anuncia en la web del hotel, como no se muestran fotos ni días de disponibilidad

Nada. El Hotel Cosmopolitan, en Las Vegas, reserva sus 21 penthouses para sus clientes ricos y famosos

"Las reservas son sólo por invitación", explicó Bloomberg. "Según Mar Masson, a cargo del marketing en la empresa propietaria del hotel, dijo que se trata del "escondite máximo", con una entrada privada y un helipuerto cercano con conexión privada desde el aeropuerto internacional de Keflavik

"Nadie se enterará nunca de que alguien estuvo aquí. No es un espacio visible para los otros huéspedes y nada indica que se encuentra aquí", agregó

Algunos hoteles utilizan la estrategia para proteger sus suites más lujosas de usos que no desean

"Digamos que tenemos una habitación superior que cuesta USD 2.000", dijo Stephen Brandman, de la empresa administradora Journal Hotels

"No queremos que 10 personas se junten y pongan USD 200 cada una para hacer una gran fiesta allí"

 Un grupo de egresados de la escuela secundaria con un montón de alcohol en una suite que tiene un piano Steinway o piezas de arte no es el sueño de los hoteleros

A punto de inaugurarse, el Hotel Bennett, en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, tiene una suite exclusiva

A veces los desarrolladores inmobiliarios se reservan algunos de estos espacios, que no sólo no se listan públicamente sino que no se pueden rentar sin su aprobación escrita: son las "suites de propietarios", como la que Michael Bennett tiene en el Hotel Bennett, a punto de inaugurarse en Charleston, Carolina del Sur

Otros funcionan como un bien compartido: las "habitaciones en sociedad", una suerte de club que requiere una membresía de seis dígitos en dólares

En la isla de Nevis, en el Caribe, por ejemplo, dos resorts en la playa Paradise tienen requieren una asociación de USD 125

000. El Essex House, en la ciudad de Nueva York, también tiene una estrategia de habitaciones secretas

Algunos hoteles también adoptan la reserva VIP para evitar cancelaciones de último momento, como el Essex House de Marriot en Nueva York y el St

Regis en San Francisco: sus penthouses sólo se pueden rentar por correo electrónico para que los gerentes puedan verificar que se trata de un pedido serio de alguien realmente rico

Otros tienen habitaciones reservadas para las visitas inesperadas de millonarios y celebridades: el Cosmopolitan de Las Vegas nunca renta sus 21 penthouses sino de esa manera

Los penthouses del hotel, St Regis, en San Francisco, requieren aprobación especial por e-mail

Aunque suena ilógico, en realidad los hoteles de lujo no son los primeros en elegir este criterio

Maison Goyard, hace más de doscientos años, fabrica maletas, bolsos y otros bienes de marroquinería sin haber hecho una sola publicidad

Su estrategia es el silencio y sus productos, siempre exclusivos. MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Cómo será el hotel más lujoso del mundo donde hospedarse en una suite costará unos 100 mil dólares Diseño de lujo en Milán: mezcla de materiales y amplitud espacial

For more infomation >> Las habitaciones de hotel secretas (y carísimas) que se reservan sólo para los VIP - Duration: 7:58.


Prisión permanente revisable: una herramienta en casi todas las democracias - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Prisión permanente revisable: una herramienta en casi todas las democracias - Duration: 9:50.


terrarium for mata mata turtles chelus fimbriata - Duration: 10:09.

today we want to show you how to make a terrarium for

turtles kill kills (chelus fimbriatus)

For more infomation >> terrarium for mata mata turtles chelus fimbriata - Duration: 10:09.


743 - H 1 R X S H 1 M 4 [VIDE0CL1P] - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 743 - H 1 R X S H 1 M 4 [VIDE0CL1P] - Duration: 1:55.


Kate Middleton, bébé numéro 4, le palais donne emprise aux rumeurs -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton, bébé numéro 4, le palais donne emprise aux rumeurs -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:16.


Camilla Parker-Bowles ridiculisée avec un âne, son surprenant hommage au prince Harry - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Camilla Parker-Bowles ridiculisée avec un âne, son surprenant hommage au prince Harry - Duration: 1:18.


Bom Dia Brasil 20/12/2018 Facebook cedeu dados pessoais dos usuários - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Bom Dia Brasil 20/12/2018 Facebook cedeu dados pessoais dos usuários - Duration: 2:43.


Cristiano Ronaldo prefiere perder dinero (miles de dólares) con tal de vender esta mansión - Duration: 3:05.

Cristiano Ronaldo no tenía compañera ni hijos cuando en el 2006 decidió invertir el equivalente a 4.87 millones de dólares en una residencia en Manchester,

Inglaterra El delantero portugués firmó con el equipo Manchester United en el 2003, pero no fue hasta tres años después que decidió tener su propia casa en territorio británico.

El delantero portugués firmó con el equipo Manchester United en el 2003, pero no fue hasta tres años después que decidió tener su propia casa en territorio británico.

La residencia, que acaba de poner en venta, está localizada en el sector Alderley Edge, del condado de Cheshire. La propiedad cuenta con cinco habitaciones.

El futbolista intentó vender esta casa en el 2009, cuando pasó del Manchester United al Real Madrid, en España, pero en ese momento no recibió una oferta que le pareciera aceptable.

Ahora, el padre de dos niños y dos niñas, está dispuesto a perder dinero, con tal de despedirse de este inmueble.

Cristiano Ronaldo pide el equivalente a 4.1 millones de dólares, cerca de 700,000 dólares menos de que lo que pagó por ella en el 2006 La mansión tiene tres pisos y es descrita como muy espaciosa.

Además de piscina bajo techo, tiene sauna, gimnasio y sala de cine, entre otras amenidades. Los baños también son amplios y su diseño maximiza el espacio.

Desde el 2009, el portugués de 33 años no ha convivido en este lugar.

Sí se reportó que en el 2014, tuvo como inquilino al futbolista Luke Shaw, que pagaba 8,800 dólares mensuales.

La habitación principal, tiene dos baños; uno diseñado para damas y el otro para caballeros.

Quien adquiera la casa, solo tendrá que pensar qué hará con un detalle que le puso el futbolista, ganador de 4 botas de oro.

Y es que en una de las ventanas, Cristiano Ronaldo pidió que se le colocaran unas barras en metal con sus iniciales y número de jugador: CR7.

Y mientras le surge una buena oferta, Cristiano Ronaldo se enfoca en jugar con el Juventus y en fortalecer a su familia, junto a Georgina Rodríguez.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo prefiere perder dinero (miles de dólares) con tal de vender esta mansión - Duration: 3:05.


Dios te va a castigar: amenazan a menor violada por querer abortar en Culiacán - Duration: 2:54.

"Dios te va a cambiar para que seas una buena mamá", fueron las palabras de una trabajadora del Hospital de la Mujer, en Culiacán, Sinaloa a una joven de 17 años de edad que fue violada y buscaba practicar un aborto

En esta historia, las autoridades del hospital fueron acusadas por negarse a interrumpir el embarazo, exponiendo la salud mental y física de la joven

Pese a que la interrupción de embarazo en Sinaloa es ilegal, excepto dentro la causal como la violación, dicho el aborto no fue realizado en Sinaloa — El Debate Culiacán (@DBT_Culiacan) 19 de diciembre de 2018 Así fue la reacción del personal en el Hospital de la Mujer, denunciaron activistas de distintos colectivos en defensa de los derechos de las mujeres, como "No se metan con nuestras hijas"

El 1 de diciembre la joven y su tutor solicitaron la interrupción del embarazo —basado en la Norma Oficial Mexicana 046, que permite a las víctimas de violencia sexual solicitar el aborto sin tener que presentar los documentos que certifiquen que fueron violadas—

Sin embargo, la negativa del personal se basó en creencias religiosas y argumentos "personales" y NO profesionales —que deben estar fundamentados en cuestiones médicas—

La joven —que cursa la preparatoria en Culiacán y fue violada cuando estaba de vacaciones en Oaxaca, de donde es originaria— tuvo que trasladarse a CDMX para practicar el aborto

Pero el asunto no se quedó ahí, pues también fue acompañada por distintas activistas, quienes el lunes pasado dieron a conocer a medios de comunicación el caso

Ahora, la joven y su tutor están a la espera de una resolución a la queja que se interpuso en la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Sinaloa, por la negativa del personal del Hospital de la Mujer

Vale recordar que la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) 046 garantiza a toooodas las mujeres mexicanas el derecho a abortar en caso de violación y, de acuerdo con el Código Penal de Sinaloa, su práctica NO puede ser sancionada en estos casos

Finalmente, en juego están los derechos de las mujeres, la garantía de los servicios médicos y el derecho a decidir sobre el cuerpo —sin ser amenazadas o presionadas—

For more infomation >> Dios te va a castigar: amenazan a menor violada por querer abortar en Culiacán - Duration: 2:54.


El tercer ciudadano canadiense detenido en China es una mujer acusada de trabajar ilegalmente en el - Duration: 2:06.

Policía chinos en la embajada de Canadá en Beijing. El tercer ciudadano canadiense detenido en China en menos de dos semanas es una mujer acusada de haber trabajado ilegalmente en el país, anunció este jueves el ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores chino

La canadiense, identificada como Sarah McIver, podría recibir "sanciones administrativas", declaró a la prensa la portavoz del ministerio, Hua Chunying

El gobierno canadiense confirmó el miércoles la detención y estimó que no estaba vinculada al arresto en Canadá de una responsable del grupo chino Huawei, seguida de la de dos canadienses en China

Un portavoz cancillería de canadiense dijo "estar al tanto" de la tercera detención al periódico National Post, sin proveer más detalles

Meng Wanzhou, directora de finanzas de Huawei (REUTERS/Alexander Bibik) Se suma de esta manera al empresario Michael Spavor y al ex diplomático Michael Kovrig, arrestados en Beijing como respuesta a la detención de Meng Wanzhou en Vancouver el 1 de diciembre y por un pedido de Estados Unidos, que espera poder extraditarla

La directora financiera (CFO) de la empresa tecnológica Huawei e hija de su fundador, también conocida como Sabrina Meng, está acusada por Washington de coordinar la violación de las sanciones impuestas por Estados Unidos al régimen de Irán a través de las operaciones de la empresa en el país persa

Las detenciones cruzadas están generando una crisis diplomática entra Ottawa y Beijing, que a su vez ya se encuentra trenzado en un conflicto con Washington por la guerra comercial que ha encarado el presidente Donald Trump

Con información de AFP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: El embajador de Canadá visitó al empresario detenido en China tras 6 días en prisión El Power Point que pone en evidencia a la directora financiera de Huawei detenida en Canadá por evadir las sanciones a Irán

For more infomation >> El tercer ciudadano canadiense detenido en China es una mujer acusada de trabajar ilegalmente en el - Duration: 2:06.


Extraoficial; Declaración de niños revelaría suicidio en la Gaza - Duration: 1:34.

      Dichas declaraciones ya forman parte del expediente que abrió la Fiscalía General del Estado y revelaron extraoficialmente, que van en el sentido de que la muerte fue intencional, o sea que la mujer quería quitarse la vida y también privar de la misma a sus hijos

   Esta tarde una mujer y sus dos hijos cayeron del puente de la Gaza de la Cantera, la señora viajaba en vehículo Ford Focus de color azul, y lo detuvo a mitad del puente porque se le averió

   Los hijos tienen seis y cuatro años de edad. La mujer falleció en el lugar y los menores quedaron lesionados porque cayeron arriba de su madre

   De ahí los llevaron al hospital y uno de ellos le dijo al personal que su mamá les había dicho que se tiraran del puente, pero el menor no quiso porque se haría daño, después de eso los tomó en sus brazos y fue cuando saltó

   Además, entre las autoridades investigan si la mujer dejó una carta póstuma para despedirse de sus familiares

Si existe o no la carta, aún no ha sido confirmado.

For more infomation >> Extraoficial; Declaración de niños revelaría suicidio en la Gaza - Duration: 1:34.


CHRISTMAS APT TOUR!!!! - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS APT TOUR!!!! - Duration: 11:48.


El gran árbol genealógico real de la reina Isabel II: ¡Lo que necesitas saber! - Duration: 8:10.

La reina Victoria y el príncipe Alberto: la bisabuela de la reina Isabel II La reina Victoria y el príncipe Alberto tuvieron una casa llena de niños, entre ellos su hijo mayor, Eduardo VII.

El príncipe Eduardo, quien más tarde se convirtió en el rey Eduardo VII, fue el padre de Jorge V, cuyo hijo, Jorge VI, fue el padre de la reina.

¡¿Hasta ahora ?! Por supuesto, Jorge VI nunca habría sido el rey de Inglaterra si su hermano, el rey Eduardo VIII, no hubiera renunciado al trono para casarse con Wallace Simpson ...

¡Aquí es donde tu conocimiento de Netflix debería comenzar! El rey Jorge VI y su esposa, la reina madre Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon,

tuvieron dos hijos, la princesa Isabel, ahora la reina Isabel II, y la princesa Margarita.

Puede encontrar más información sobre la princesa Margarita a continuación.

La reina Isabel II y el príncipe Felipe AMBOS descienden de la reina Victoria Sí, están técnicamente muy relacionados, aunque lo mismo podría decirse de la mayoría de las familias reales de todo el mundo.

Los hijos de la reina Victoria se casaron con familias reales en toda Europa, por lo que hay muchas conexiones cuando se rastrea el árbol genealógico real.

Mientras que la reina descendía de la reina Victoria a través de la línea de su padre, el príncipe Felipe desciende de la de su madre.

Los padres del príncipe Felipe fueron la princesa Alicia de Battenberg y el príncipe Andrés de Grecia y Dinamarca.

La princesa Alicia era descendiente de la princesa Victoria de Hesse y de Rhine y Louis de Battenberg.

Los padres de la princesa Victoria fueron la princesa Alicia (hija de la reina Victoria) y Louise IV, el gran duque de Hesse y por Rhine.

¡Uff, eso es un montón de Alices y Victorias! Lo que eso significa es que el príncipe Felipe y la reina son primos excepcionalmente lejanos.

Pero ciertamente hemos recorrido un largo camino, porque la reina Victoria y el príncipe Alberto eran primos reales.

La reina y el príncipe Felipe tienen cuatro hijos, cada uno de los cuales tiene dos hijos.

¡Aquí hay un rápido descenso en caso de que no esté seguro de quién es quién! Príncipe Carlos: el hijo mayor de la reina Isabel II El príncipe Carlos es el hijo mayor de la reina.

Tenía solo 22 años cuando dio a luz y presentó a su heredera aparente ante el mundo.

El príncipe Carlos se casó con la Honorable Diana Spencer, también conocida como la Princesa Diana, y tuvo dos hijos; El príncipe William y el príncipe Henry, que todos conocen como el príncipe Harry.

Ahora, el príncipe Carlos está casado con Camilla, la duquesa de Cornualles, quien tiene dos hijos con su ex esposo,

Tom Parker-Bowles y Laura Lopes, escritora de alimentos y curadora de arte, respectivamente.

El príncipe William, el duque de Cambridge, el nieto de la reina y el segundo en la fila del trono y su esposa la duquesa de Cambridge,

el príncipe William, se casaron con una "plebeya" Catherine Middleton La antigüedad real significa que la duquesa tiene que hacer una reverencia a las "princesas de sangre",

aunque técnicamente sea la futura reina. que ahora se conoce como la duquesa de Cambridge.

Esto significa que en los eventos reales, ella debe saludar con la cabeza a todos los miembros mayores de la familia real Y a los primos de su marido, Beatrice y Eugenie.

Sin embargo, esto solo se aplica cuando el príncipe Guillermo no está allí ...

raro pero cierto! Ella y William tienen tres hijos, Prince George (tercero en la fila del trono), la princesa Charlotte y el príncipe Louis, que son los bisnietos de la reina.

El príncipe Harry, el duque de Sussex, el nieto de la reina y su esposa, la duquesa de Sussex.

el hijo menor del príncipe Carlos se casó con la actriz estadounidense Meghan Markle. Quizás la pareja más moderna que haya visto la familia real.

La controversia en torno a este matrimonio "moderno" proviene del hecho de que Meghan no es británica y ha estado casada anteriormente,

sin embargo, rápidamente se ganó a los fanáticos reales con su capacidad para llevar a la vida pública como un pato al agua.

Su boda en la capilla de San Jorge en Windsor fue observada por 18 millones de británicos.

La princesa Anne, también conocida como "La princesa real": la segunda hija de la reina Isabel II, la princesa Ana se ha dedicado al trabajo público desde que cumplió 18 años.

y es particularmente conocida por su amor por los caballos y su papel como Presidenta de Save the Children.

Está casada con el capitán Mark Phillips, un jinete de caballos que ganó la medalla de oro olímpica y un destacado militar.

Zara Tindall, la nieta de la reina, está casada con el ex jugador de rugby de Inglaterra Mike Tindall.

La pareja tiene una hija juntos, Mia Grace Tindall, que solo tiene tres años. Tienen dos hijos, Zara Tindall y Peter Phillips.

Está casado con Autumn Phillips, nacido en Canadá, y tienen dos hijos juntos, Savannah, de 6 años, e Isla, de 4.

El hermano mayor de Zara, Peter Phillips, es el nieto mayor de la reina.

Puedes ver un complemento de Zara, Mike, Peter y Autumn a continuación ...

El príncipe Andrew, el duque de York y sus hijas, la princesa Beatriz y la princesa Eugenia, la tercera hija de la reina y su segundo hijo,

El príncipe Andrew, duque de York, ha pasado su vida promoviendo los negocios británicos, el comercio y el crecimiento económico en nombre de la Reina.

El comandante de la Armada se casó con Sarah Ferguson, una amiga de la infancia, en la década de 1980, pero su posterior divorcio en 1996 causó un medio de comunicación.

For more infomation >> El gran árbol genealógico real de la reina Isabel II: ¡Lo que necesitas saber! - Duration: 8:10.


Andray Blatche Kailangan pa ba sa FIBA? - Duration: 2:46.

Noong nakaraang 5th window ng FIBA Qualifying Round, pinahiya tayo ng Kazahkstan sa score

na Ninety two to Eighty eight.

Pagkatapos ng apat na araw, ang Iran naman ang tumalo sa atin, sa score na seventy-eight-Seventy.

Malalaki ang mga Iranian at hindi pa naglaro ang sentro nila na si NBA player Seven'one

na si Ehadadi, at maga­ling na playmaker na si Bahrami.

Noong naglabas ng mga pangalan sa pool si Coach Yeng, marami ang nagtaka kung bakit

hindi sinama sa roster si Andray Blatche, isang beteranong NBA player, na dumaan sa

Naturalization process, noong Mayo 2014, kung saan naging isang Pilipino na pwede na maglaro

sa national team.

Bigla tuloy binatikos ng tao ang SBP at si Coach Yeng, kung bakit hindi siya sinama sa

line up.

Sa aking pananaw, si Blatche ay isa sa mga bayani ng koponang Pilipinas, noong tayo'y

lumaban at nakapasok sa FIBA World Cup kasama si Jimmy Alapag at Gabe Norwood.

Ang kontribusyon ni Blatche ay 13 puntos bawat laro, at 13 rebounds din.

Mas importante ang kontribusyon niya sa depensa.

Dahil ang taas niya ay 6'11", hindi basta basta nakaka-shoot ang mga kalaban sa ilalim

ng basket.

Pagkatapos ng FIBA World Cup, kinuha si Blatche para maglaro sa Xinjiang Flying Tigers, sa

Chinese Basketball League, at maganda ang ginawa niya dito.

Average score niya ay 26.5 points per game, at rebounds, 13.5 rebounds per game, at dahil

sa magandang laro ni Blatche, tumuntong sa kampeonato ang Flying Tigers.

Pagkatapos ng isang taon, nagkaron ng injury si Blatche.

At nakabalik lang siya sa CBL pagkatapos ng isang taon.

Sa pang limang yugto ng FIBA Qualifying Round, isinali ni Coach Chot Reyes si Blatche noong

kinalaban na­ting ang Australia at Japan.

Bagamat natalo tayo kontra Australia, maganda ang pinakita ni Blatche noong binantayan niya

ang shooter ng Australia na si Kickert, na gumawa lang ng 5 puntos.

Kontra Japan, tinambakan natin ang Japan at si Blatche ay nagtrabaho ng husto sa larong


Nasuspinde si Blatche ng tatlong laro, noon nagkaroon ng rambulan kontra Australia na

ginanap dito.

Ngunit kataka-taka, hindi sinama ang pangalan niya noong nakalaban natin ang Kazahkstan

at Iran.

Malaking bagay sana si Blatche, ang kanyang 'inside presence" lalo na.

Naghintay daw siya ng tawag mula sa Gilas pero walang duma­ting.

Hindi na nga daw niya tinangap ang mga offer na maglaro sa Chinese League.

Sana sa Pebrero, makapag­laro ulit si Blatche.

For more infomation >> Andray Blatche Kailangan pa ba sa FIBA? - Duration: 2:46.


Vanessa Paradis « la trouille » face à Johnny Depp, sa confidence en forme d'hommage - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis « la trouille » face à Johnny Depp, sa confidence en forme d'hommage - Duration: 1:43.


[샹테씨의 하루일과] 계양산을 경유하는 587번 삼성여객㈜ 계산역 ☞ 계양산지구대 주행영상 - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> [샹테씨의 하루일과] 계양산을 경유하는 587번 삼성여객㈜ 계산역 ☞ 계양산지구대 주행영상 - Duration: 10:42.


Brigitte Macron a « si peur » pour son mari, son secret pour l'apaiser ? - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron a « si peur » pour son mari, son secret pour l'apaiser ? - Duration: 2:35.


Christmas Carol Songs | Baby Songs | Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 10:28.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer,

Had a very shiny nose.

And if you ever saw it,

You would even say it glows.

All of the other reindeer,

Used to laugh and call him names,

They never let poor Rudolph

Join in any reindeer game.

Then one foggy Christmas eve,

Santa came to say,

'Rudolph with your nose so bright,

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight.'

Then how the reindeer loved him,

As they shouted out with glee.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer,

You'll go down in history.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer,

Had a very shiny nose.

And if you ever saw it,

You would even say it glows.

All of the other reindeer,

Used to laugh and call him names,

They never let poor Rudolph

Join in any reindeer game.

Then one foggy Christmas eve,

Santa came to say,

'Rudolph with your nose so bright,

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight.'

Then how the reindeer loved him,

As they shouted out with glee.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer,

You'll go down in history.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride,

In a one horse open sleigh.

Hey Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride, in a one horse open sleigh.

Dashing through the snow,

On a one horse open sleigh.

O'er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtails ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to laugh and sing,

A sleighing song tonight.

Hey, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride,

In a one horse open sleigh.

Hey Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride, in a one horse open sleigh.

I am a little snowman short and round,

Made from little snowflakes that fell to the ground.

I have two eyes and a carrot for a nose,

Oh! I am the happiest little snowman I know.

I am a little snowman short and round,

Made from little snowflakes that fell to the ground.

Sccarf to keep me warm and a hat on my head,

Oh! I am the happiest little snowman I know.

I am a little snowman short and round,

Made from little snowflakes that fell to the ground.

I have three buttons one two three,

Oh! I am the happiest little snowman I know.

We are little snowmen short and round,

Made from little snowflakes that fell to the ground.

We have two eyes and a carrot for a nose,

Oh! We are the happiest little snowmen we know.

On the first day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas, My true love sent to me,

Two turtle doves and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Three french hens,

Two turtle doves and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas, My true love sent to me,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the eighth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Eight maids are milking,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Nine ladies dancing,

Eight maids are milking,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Ten lords a leaping,

Nine ladies dancing,

Eight maids are milking,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Eleven drummers drumming,

Ten lords a leaping,

Nine ladies dancing,

Eight maids are milking,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the twelfth day of Christmas,

My true love sent to me,

Twelve pipers piping

Eleven drummers drumming,

Ten lords a leaping,

Nine ladies dancing,

Eight maids are milking,

Seven swans are swimming,

Six geese a-laying,

Five golden rings,

Four calling birds,

Three french hens,

Two calling birds and,

A partridge in a pear tree.

For more infomation >> Christmas Carol Songs | Baby Songs | Hippy Hoppy Show - Duration: 10:28.


Nova y Jory - Somos Dos (Mucha Calidad) con letra - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Nova y Jory - Somos Dos (Mucha Calidad) con letra - Duration: 3:37.


Menstrual cycle in hindi | How do organisms reproduce| 10th |biology | ncert class 10 | cbse science - Duration: 2:06.

Menstrual cycle

Ruthu chakra

For more infomation >> Menstrual cycle in hindi | How do organisms reproduce| 10th |biology | ncert class 10 | cbse science - Duration: 2:06.


Зелене світло для велоруху в громадах / Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas - Duration: 3:16.

The 'Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas' project goal

is to improve the attitude

towards a bicycle

as to the cost-efficient, sustainable type of transport.

The initiative "Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas"

is implemented by U-LEAD with Europe

in corporation with Kyiv Cyclists' Association

on behalf of MinRegion in the European dedication to Ukraine.

Seventeen hromadas from different regions of Ukraine took part in the project.

There were six of them which took part in such components as

"Cycling Networks Planning" and "By Bicycle to School"

and others got grants

to hold activities within European Mobility Week.

This ultimately also serves a goal

of the decentralization reform to make

the life of people in hromadas better.

For the first time we have

had a cycle-race.

Most of the town have seen that it is a modern movement, a positive one.

State Standards of Ukraine

for construction and design of cycling infrastructure.

A projector will be able to open this small book

which the concrete scheme

of cyclists traffic arrangement is drawn in.

When the concept will be adopted by deputies

and the funds will be granted for the construction

of some street, which will include cycling infrastructure,

the State Standard which we developed

will be very helpful to designers,

as far as it will just prompt them, where and how infrastructure is allowed to be put,

and where it is forbidden.

Thanks to the programme, which we win with U-Lead,

Kyiv Cyclists' Association, we have shift into higher gear.

Within the project we have bought reflective elements, bracelets.

In every school, every kindergarden was events

by following traffic rules,

and then we had a painting contest "I like to ride a…",

and participants have got the reflective elements.

During the cycling training in Koriukivska AH

studies with children took place, at which they were able

to visualize the topic via video clips and

also got the knowledge of traffic rules

in the interesting and unusual manner and

also had a ride across the Koryukivka roads,

and there they were able to practice already how

they may and they must to use bicycle turn signals.

And also the first

covered cycle parking has been established

on the territory of Koriukivska hromada, and it is placed on school grounds.

And even small projects

are able to unite people.

They have got together, they have stated their idea,

and they have been able to implement it.

And this is the way how they control their lives, how they make them better.

And it is necessary to move on.

And we do, and things are humming.

For more infomation >> Зелене світло для велоруху в громадах / Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas - Duration: 3:16.


Opel Ampera E-REV | Leder | Bose | Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Ampera E-REV | Leder | Bose | Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.


Библия. Ветхий Завет. Исход 9 глава. - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Библия. Ветхий Завет. Исход 9 глава. - Duration: 6:54.



For more infomation >> LIBUR AKHIR TAHUN - AYO KE PANTAI TANJUNG BIRA - Duration: 3:07.


回顾2015年女排世少赛,埃格努已成名将,李盈莹未来可期 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 回顾2015年女排世少赛,埃格努已成名将,李盈莹未来可期 - Duration: 2:53.


SoRi (소리) - 'I'm Ready (FEAT. JAEHYUN)' Official MV - Duration: 3:31.

SoRi - I'm Ready

1 2 3, I'll count to three

Are you ready to fly?

Do you feel dizzy when you see me?

Does your heart start beating fast?

This sensation of levitation,

BOOM BOOM Heart is gonna explode.

DAY & NIGHT Don't you worry.

We're gonna go against time.

Don't hesitate, if you do,

You might miss it

Ready, Set!

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

The distance that has been closed

Don't you don't you worry!

Come in to my heart

We're already high high

I'll show you my true self.

That's right, tonight, I'm Ready

Put away all that vulgar expression

Here we're fresh air ready for speeding, ya.

Making fuss in the cabin is illegal so get closer.

12 more hours till arrival, so get hyped!

Only when we're together we can be honest

Shower in higher altitude, so you can forget the day

The look on your face, so spaced out

I'm ready to join you shout it out loud!

Don't hesitate, if you do

You might miss it

Ready Set

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

The distance that has been closed

Don't you don't you worry!

Come in to my heart

We're already high high

I'll show you my true self

That's right, tonight, I'm Ready

I will fly up to the clouds. (UP IN THE SKY)

Can I fly even higher? (OH NA NA NA)

Already took off airplain baby Already took off babe

Already took off airplain baby Already took off

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

I cannot wait I I'm Ready(OHH~)

The distance that has been closed

Don't you don't you worry!

Come in to my heart

We're already high high

I'll show you my true self

That's right, tonight, I'm Ready.

For more infomation >> SoRi (소리) - 'I'm Ready (FEAT. JAEHYUN)' Official MV - Duration: 3:31.


What I Learned At Per Scholas | Mauricio Velasquez | Diversity & Inclusion | Cognizant - Duration: 4:53.

Mauricio, so we have now heard the school take and the company take. I don't

think I can wait much longer. I would love to hear the student take. Do tell us

a little bit about your experience and and what courses you took and you know

how did you first hear about the the Bronx training center or rather Google

in the Bronx?

So back in 2016 I was about 24 years old. I was in the crossroads of my life. I was

finishing college at the time. I didn't have the financial resources to continue

but I had to find a job, finish college, provide for my family. I had a lot of

things to do but I didn't have any skills and I also didn't have any on my

resume that really spoke other than my YMCA experience which was not a feasible

career. So at the time I was lucky enough to have a best friend who was in the

recruiting, the IT recruiting firm and so I reached out to him I was

like what were people looking for? He told me this was... if you wanted an opportunity,

it's a free program, this is the one you got to do. They're ready to work right

out of the bat; they're very humble; they're one of the best people they

found. So I thought that and I was like that's think that's impossible! A free

program where you're ready to work in 3 months? So I checked it out and went... it

wasn't a scam! It was exactly... the building existed like Eric said it was a

nondescript building. So I was very... it was very weird when I first got there,

but it was amazing, amazing space and while I was there I

got hardware training to build and fix computers... I can fix and break an iPhone.

I can change the networking equipment, repair IP addresses whatever networking

stuff A+... it was certified in my network plus as well I was employed

within a week of graduation to work at Time Warner Cable, then I moved to

Optimum. From within six months of there I was able to come back for an alumni

program to learn how to do Java and SQL and I was trained in coding I was

to participate one of the fourth class of ASM in the platform of Per Scholas

when they reopened a new building... gorgeous building and yeah within a

month of graduating from there I got this opportunity right here at

Cognizant as a Programmer Analyst. So that was back in 2016 so this is kind of my

journey here and it's been a wonderful one. So, thank you very much.

What advice do you have for us in terms of setting others off in this direction?

You know what what are some of your peers talking about? What do they need

from all of us in the room to really work this issue? Sure... uh so um what we're

hearing about some of the kind of your perspective which is really interesting

from a student perspective... it's it's very very different because for for

example when I went to when I went to Platform at a time, there's really no way

for the instructors to know exactly what environment you're gonna be facing next.

So really it's more of a foundational training when I was there; it was more of

here is your confidence knowing that you can learn this and whatever it is you're

gonna have to learn in whatever environment you go to you can learn it

there too. So here is this confidence you have, also speaking to your right I had

skills but I didn't have any paper skills. I didn't have anything to show for it. I

didn't have any resume which when we're trying to go to the door it's difficult

especially when I was in that position so one thing Per Scholas did was hand

me those paper skills... said here's your two certs, go do it now. Another thing for

example and it's something I spoke a week we had a meeting earlier... soft

skills. I think that was a number one training that I got a Per Scholas was

how to interview, how to speak, how to sit properly, how to drink a glass...things

like just you wouldn't even think about it, especially when you're coming from

you know I grew up in Jackson Heights Queens it wasn't the greatest

neighborhood. You know, these are things you never even learned in high school or

in training or anything like that.. when college, but you know these are

employers are looking at this and these are the most important skills I learned

while at to interview because I could have all these amazing

resume skills and if I can't speak to them, if I don't sound like I know what

I'm talking about those, then it's for nothing. So yeah so that's I think one of

the greatest advises I can get from Per Scholas with me that soft skills

that are most important for employers and should be spearheaded more than

anything else. Great...thanks, Mauricio.

For more infomation >> What I Learned At Per Scholas | Mauricio Velasquez | Diversity & Inclusion | Cognizant - Duration: 4:53.


Snodgrass & Noble dress up, prank West Ham fans in taxi! - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Snodgrass & Noble dress up, prank West Ham fans in taxi! - Duration: 4:49.


Indagato il padre di Di Maio per i rifiuti a Mariglianella - [Notizietv24] - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Indagato il padre di Di Maio per i rifiuti a Mariglianella - [Notizietv24] - Duration: 1:52.


ウエルカム!国連のスゴイ人!【ハローキティSDGs応援 Vol.4】 - Duration: 6:05.

Hello! This is Kitty!

Have you familiarized yourself with the SDGs ?

Here, we are at the office of Kitty, "Sanrio" that I mentioned before.

Since we heard a very important person of the United Nations is visiting Japan,

we decided to meet the person!

Wow, Gudetama chan is working hard...

Is it about time yet? I wonder what the person is like...

Oh! My goodness me! Hello!

Nice to meet you, Ms. Alison! I'm Kitty!

When my daughter was young, she loved Hello Kitty.

We invited you today because December 10th was "Human Rights Day"

So I made a song about SDG 16

We really wanted you to listen to it.

I'm happy to listen to songs. I like songs.

You came all this way, so please let me take this opportunity to show you around our special room first.

Oh a multitude of Hello Kitties.

So where is this from?

This is Kitty wearing a "JYUNIHITOE" which is Japanese traditional costume "KIMONO."

Ah, I see.

Los Angeles Dodgers, my goodness.

That was when Kitty pitched the first ball for the Dodgers Game.

I was so nervous when I threw the ball...

Kitty must be pretty strong in sports like?

Not really. I'm average.

Didn't you just have a Japanese baseball player named Number 1 in AL?

That is Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Angels.

Ohtani, that's right.

Ms. Alison, did you enjoy it?

Yes, Kitty.


Beating heart!

So, will you please listen to the song now?

Oh sure.

Okay, let's start the music

How was it?

Oh, It's great


I love the line "we will try to straighten what is bent"

Actually that is the part I really focused on! I'm so glad!

So Goal 16 specifically seeks Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

These are the things that guarantee Human Rights

which are the basis for respect for everybody that we want to enshrine in the SDGs.

So, this is a very important signal for the world; stressing

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions that give us Human Rights.

I see... So, what is most important to achieve this goal?

A great big heart.

A big heart...

I studied about this while writing the song,

But, now I understand it better! Thank you very much.


Now, that you've OKed, I'll sing the song.

Hello! Hello Kitty supports the SDGs!

These are goals that we want to achieve by the year 2030

So that people can live peacefully with a smile

We will try to straighten what is bent

And help others when they are troubled

With strength and kindness, we will work for SDG 16 for all

People's opinions matter LET'S GO! It's our future

Hello! Hello Kitty supports the SDGs!

Play Rolling Stones next time!

Ms. Alison, thank you for the wonderful dance.

For more infomation >> ウエルカム!国連のスゴイ人!【ハローキティSDGs応援 Vol.4】 - Duration: 6:05.


Honda FR-V 1.8 i VTEC LIFESTYLE - 6 persoons - Licht metalen velgen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda FR-V 1.8 i VTEC LIFESTYLE - 6 persoons - Licht metalen velgen - Duration: 1:08.


나는 어떻게 아이디어를 훔쳐서 교육을 바꾸었나? | Stealing from TED | 정찬필 (사)미래교실네트워크 사무총장 | 영어 교육 아이디어 | 세바시 1,017회 - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> 나는 어떻게 아이디어를 훔쳐서 교육을 바꾸었나? | Stealing from TED | 정찬필 (사)미래교실네트워크 사무총장 | 영어 교육 아이디어 | 세바시 1,017회 - Duration: 14:59.


Hyundai i30 1.4i i-Motion - Climate control - Park. sens. - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.4i i-Motion - Climate control - Park. sens. - Duration: 0:53.


Sondaggio, i numeri di Ilvo Diamanti che affossano i grillini: sempre più vicini al Pd - Duration: 1:50.

 Al Movimento Cinque Stelle sono bastati nove mesi, di cui sei al governo, per riuscire a toccare l'orlo del baratro nei consensi

Partiti dal 32,7% del 4 marzo scorso, come riporta Ilvo Diamanti su Repubblica, oggi i grillini possono vantare un crollo di 7 punti che li ha portati al 25,7%

A tormentare i sogni di Luigi Di Maio non c'è solo la Lega di Matteo Salvini in ascesa continua, ma anche il colpo d'occhio che regala la tabella del sondaggio di Demos, con i pentastellati ormai a un tiro di schioppo dal moribondo Partito democratico

Sondaggio Demos, Di Maio verso l'umiliazione  Il Carroccio ha guadagnato il 14,8%, portandosi nelle intenzioni di voto al 32,2%

Il Pd non ha certo fatto progressi da quando le urne lo hanno condannato all'inferno, ma non è neanche crollato come speravano le forze di maggioranza

Dal 4 marzo a oggi i dem hanno ceduto appena l'1,2%, tenendosi a quota 17,5%, cioè a 8 punti di distanza dai grillini che da che esistono passano il tempo a insultarli, ma di settimana in settimana sono sempre più vicini alla soglia dell'umiliazione, cioè il pareggio con il Pd

For more infomation >> Sondaggio, i numeri di Ilvo Diamanti che affossano i grillini: sempre più vicini al Pd - Duration: 1:50.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Attraction - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Attraction - Duration: 1:11.


New Kozidrak, Górniak i Rodowicz zarobią najwięcej w sylwestra! - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> New Kozidrak, Górniak i Rodowicz zarobią najwięcej w sylwestra! - Duration: 3:55.


Unboxing and Reviewing Funko Pop Exclusive Sorting Hat Ron - Duration: 4:10.

Hey Guys, it's Carly from All The Pretty Books.

I apologize for my voice, I'm a little under the weather, but I'm coming back to good.

Anyway, I thought today I would unbox and review the Sorting Hat Ron, which is a shared

exclusive with Barnes and Noble and I believe FYE.

Alright, so I found this particular Sorting Hat Ron at Barnes and Noble probably a week


Um, for $14.95, as most exclusives are.

And of course, Sorting Hat Harry Sorting Hat Hermione, they're already out.

I had to have Sorting Hat Ron to complete the Trio!

And like all Funkos, he's packaged really well.

We'll pop him out.

Out of all the Funkos, I don't know why Ron is -- I only have, well now I have 2 Funko


I have your standard Ron and then I have Sorting Hat Ron, which I got simply to make the Trio


I don't really do a lot of Ron Funkos.

I don't know why.

I like Ron the character.

I like Ron in the books.

I like Ron in the movies.

Funko Hat/Funko Ron . . . I don't know.

I think for Sorting Hat Ron, or any of the Sorting Hat Harry Potter Funko Pops, I like

that you can see the Sorting Hat features.

The eyes, the mouth - it talks, so that you know he's not just another wizarding hat.

I've seen others that I'd say -- not Funko Pops of course -- But I've seen other Sorting

Hat products and it was just kind of a wizard hat that had almost features.

Here you can really see what it is, which I appreciate -- to know what it is that you're

looking at.

And I love this precious moment in time anyway.

I think it's such a cute moment in the books, in the movies.

The kids were so unsure of themselves and they have no idea what awaits them.

And, here we are, kind of the very beginning of the whole journey.

And Harry's just had a life-changing event.

Ron is about turn into a young man, and it's just such a cool moment.

So, I'm glad that we have a Trio now in all of their little Sorting Hats.

And very quite precious.

So again, hopefully they still have him at; I don't know about

FYE, I've not looked.

But, had him for $14.95 plus shipping and tax.

Um, and they had 20 percent coupon if you typed in the word "snowfall", so I hope it's

still going on; I don't know.

But, good luck finding one if that is indeed what you're looking for; he's really quite


And, I'm hosting a giveaway for 10 different Fantastic Beasts Mystery Minis!

You can see my video on them a few videos back.

So make sure to check that out and you can see what Mystery Minis you'd be getting if

indeed you do want join the giveaway.


The giveaway is open internationally as well.

And if you have any questions about collecting Harry Potter books, you're welcome to find

me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or you can send me an email through my website.

So with that, I'm going to say Thanks for Watching and Have a very Merry Christmas,

Happy Holidays, and Happy Collecting!

For more infomation >> Unboxing and Reviewing Funko Pop Exclusive Sorting Hat Ron - Duration: 4:10.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style Executive, NL, Boekjes, Luxe uitv. .. ECC, Cruise, Audio, enz - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style Executive, NL, Boekjes, Luxe uitv. .. ECC, Cruise, Audio, enz - Duration: 1:07.


[ARABIC SUBS CC] 《小姐姐的花店》: I Fiori Delle Sorelle الإعلان الترويجي - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> [ARABIC SUBS CC] 《小姐姐的花店》: I Fiori Delle Sorelle الإعلان الترويجي - Duration: 3:03.


*OMG* MY GOLD 1 FUT CHAMPIONS REWARDS!😱 300K+ PLAYER PACKED! (FIFA 19 Ultimate Team) - Duration: 13:09.

For more infomation >> *OMG* MY GOLD 1 FUT CHAMPIONS REWARDS!😱 300K+ PLAYER PACKED! (FIFA 19 Ultimate Team) - Duration: 13:09.


Last Excel Video (in 2018) - Duration: 3:17.

At the start of 2018 this channel had around 14,000 subscribers.

Now we're approaching 80,000 and it's because of your support.

For spreading the word for commenting, liking the videos, sharing your methods, ideas

and requests in the comments. It's really nice to have such an active community in

In the summer I created an excel file that contains all the tutorials in one place.

You get to easily search the file, filter for a topic and click on the link to get

to the video or to the written article where you can download the workbook to

practice along. I've updated that list now so just click on the link in the

description to get to the article and download the latest version. If one of

your new year's resolutions is to expand your Excel knowledge that would be a

good place to start. So what were the highlights of 2018. Well, in terms of videos

on the channel, there were a few that people specially liked and found

interesting. One was the dynamic map chart. Some basic videos like the IF

function, using filter, data validation, transposing data, the new VBA series and

the big news and dynamic arrays: "gonna change everything

after this it's never gonna be the same again."

2018 was also the year I went live with my extensive VBA course that takes you

from beginner to advanced. What about 2019? I'd like to hear from

you and what you'd like to see on this channel. The topics don't necessarily

need to be Excel related. If you'd like me to start to cover other topics let me

know in the comments and if I have experience with the topic and can bring

in my point of view I'm gonna consider posting a video on that so for example

if it's about freelancing, consulting, PowerPoint, making online tutorials just

let me know in the comments below or if you'd like to remain anonymous

I'm gonna share a survey link so you just click on it and share your idea there.

There have been continuous supporters of this channel that I see

often in the comment section like John Robert Wolfgang Gopala Vijay

Lucca Luciano Jim Imran, Chaminda Apollo Sachin Stefan abd kandiel Yasir

mahchymk Solomon Vida Peter Sino Wayne Daniel

Anubhav Damien Jason Sandeep Jared Sharik Dev Vikash Derek Mohammed Yulin

and many more. Also my online Excel team like Mike from Excelisfun and Oz from

Excel on fire. Faraz from Excel Master Malina from Malinowy Excel. Thank you to you

even if you've never commented on this channel but have watched and liked the

videos here. Wish you a successful year see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Last Excel Video (in 2018) - Duration: 3:17.


瘋傳孩子生父是「謝霆鋒叔叔」張柏芝出面回應了! - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 瘋傳孩子生父是「謝霆鋒叔叔」張柏芝出面回應了! - Duration: 3:20.


Charlotte Flair Told That She Would Be in Wrestlemania 35 Main Event - Duration: 1:56.

Hi Friends Wellcome To C 4 E Wrestling News WWE has a lot of options right now as they

build toward WrestleMania 35 in MetLife Stadium The Royal Rumble will be a great chance to

shake things up and move forward Vince McMahon dropping a hint to Charlotte Flair that she

will have to get to Ronda Rousey herself might have been an open invitation for her to do

so as well Jon Fisher reported on Oh You Didn't Know that Charlotte has already been told

about her WrestleMania match next year in New Jersey Apparently she is expecting a main

event payday when all is said and done A good source told me within the last week or so

that despite the booking of the TLC match with Charlotte Asuka and Becky Lynch before

the Charlotte vs Ronda Rousey match at Survivor Series that Charlotte was told that she would

be in the main event of WrestleMania Brad Shepard also noted that he has previously

reported that the WrestleMania main event could be a women's triple threat women's

match as well This makes us wonder if WWE will keep Becky Lynch in this scenario at

all going forward or how they could work Flair in as well It was noted that the seeds were

being prepared for Asuka vs Becky Lynch in a rematch for the title and Charlotte Flair

vs Ronda Rousey with two matches in their program Whatever WWE's reasoning apparently

that is what Charlotte was told would be her WrestleMania match in MetLife Stadium Friends

what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Charlotte Flair Told That She Would Be in Wrestlemania 35 Main Event - Duration: 1:56.


NASA forced to respond after 'GIGANTIC fireball filmed crashing down to Earth' - Duration: 3:44.

 In the clip, a giant fiery ball of light can be seen bursting through the orange sky, plummeting towards Earth at a startling speed

 The strange object leaves a blazing trail behind as it blazes towards the planet's surface, eventually disappearing behind a wave of sand-coloured clouds

 This horrifying footage was filmed by amateur photographer Howard Gowan, who spotted the mysterious figure in the sky from a six-storey tower attached to his assisted living facility

 Speaking of the event – which was filmed at Holy Hill, Florida – the 75-year-old began: "I often go up [to the tower] for sunrises and sunsets

Related Articles Bizarre 'eye in the sky' phenomenon sparks fears of imminent EARTHQUAKE Bizarre video of 'moon upside down' sparks wild theory Earth has MOVED 'What is it?' Mystery light spotted over California sends Twitter into meltdown  "I was there around 7am, just looking at the sunrise, when I happened to turn and look to the south and there was this big old fireball

 "I was very excited. I said 'my gosh, I have never seen something like that'." Howard shared the video online, sparking a huge debate over what the glowing ball of light could be

 Some suggested the object could be a meteor shower, while others believed Howard had just witnessed an alien encounter

   On the topic, he said: "I had no idea what it was, except it looked awfully big and I did determine that it was moving away from me

 "When it got so low, it looked like it exploded, but I think it just went behind some clouds

" But as the video gained traction online, NASA spoke out to debunk the startling clip, claiming the object was a "jet contrail, illuminated by the rising sun

" A NASA official remarked: "The two tails are a dead giveaway."    And Howard is convinced by NASA's explanation for the fireball

 He explained: "I tend pretty much to believe that, except it just looked so big and I had never seen anything like that before, but NASA are pretty sharp

" "I feel so good that it did stir all this excitement and it was exciting, because it's something you don't normally see and I was the lucky one who got to share it

" Related articles Is Elon Musk HIDING something? Mystery 'object' seen near SpaceX craft before 'feed CUT' NASA's Voyager 2 carries message in a bottle for ALIENS as probe goes interstellar Has an underground BASE been found near Area 51? Mystery 'crater' appears on Google Earth

For more infomation >> NASA forced to respond after 'GIGANTIC fireball filmed crashing down to Earth' - Duration: 3:44.


Unai Emery reacts to Jose Mourinho's dismissal by Manchester United - Duration: 2:00.

Arsenal boss Unai Emery says he was surprised by Manchester United's decision to sack

Jose Mourinho and believes it is 'not good news' for the coaching fraternity.

The Portuguese coach had his contract terminated on Tuesday morning after overseeing United's

worst start to a Premier League campaign in 28 years, sitting 19 points adrift of leaders


Emery faced off against Mourinho at the start of the month, drawing 2-2 at Old Trafford,

and he is disappointed his old adversary has been fired.

'When one coach is taken off, it's not good news for us,' the Spaniard explained

at his pre-match press conference ahead of facing Tottenham on Wednesday.

'The only thing I can say to you is that it's a surprise for me and not good news,

because when one coach finishes his work like that, it's not good for coaches.'

He added: 'Mourinho's experience in the Premier League and of coaching in general

is very, very big.

It's not good news, but I don't know why this decision's been made.'

Arsenal are only one place above United in the table as they battle for Champions league

qualification, though Emery refused to say whether Mourinho's dismissal was good for

his side.

He continued: 'They cannot do our way.

We need to do our focus with our work and our analysis to find the best solution in

our defensive, attacking and motivational moments.

'We're working every day and this work is only for us, not for anyone else.

My focus is about thinking every day about our work, our players, our matches.

Tomorrow, that's against Tottenham.

'My focus is only on our way, our work.

We have a lot of work to do to improve and also find a solution in every match with our


My focus is on the big derby tomorrow, the north London derby, and that's the focus

of the players as well.

Only that.'

For more infomation >> Unai Emery reacts to Jose Mourinho's dismissal by Manchester United - Duration: 2:00.


O Antiphons (The great Antiphons) III : O Radix Jesse (Lyric Video) - Duration: 1:05.

O Root of Jesse

standing as a sign among the people

before you kings will shut their mouths

to you the nations will make their prayer

Come and deliver us

and delay no longer

For more infomation >> O Antiphons (The great Antiphons) III : O Radix Jesse (Lyric Video) - Duration: 1:05.


OSTEOPATIA PÉLVICA Volante Posterior do Ilíaco - Clínica de Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> OSTEOPATIA PÉLVICA Volante Posterior do Ilíaco - Clínica de Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 3:32.


Bom Dia Brasil 20/12/2018 Facebook cedeu dados pessoais dos usuários - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Bom Dia Brasil 20/12/2018 Facebook cedeu dados pessoais dos usuários - Duration: 2:43.


【MUKBANG】 10 CARBONARA SERVINGS!! + SOUP [5.5Kg] 10000kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 7:25.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

so today! tadaa! I made carbonara

I've made plenty of carbonara dishes up until now I love it so much I had to make another

and I also have some soup as well I've got roughly 1.5kg of consomme soup

alrighty lets see how its made

ingredients. pasta bacon egg cheese pepper olive oil water salt

cut bacon

fry til it takes on a bit of color in some olive oil

grate the parmesan cheese you can use the powdered version

its like an eraser

was this always this difficult? isn't there an easier way to do this?

I'mma use my food processor

not that bad

this is the grated one

once its grated .... add egg


mix this up

add plenty of salt to the water and boil the pasta

1kg of pasta when done drain the water and add olive oil

(inaudible) mix in the olive oil and .......

(inaudible) mix in the sauce on low heat

watch out cuz it cooks quickly

once its plated... tadaa its done... it looks scrumptious

time to dig in itadakimasu

its so cheezy and yummy the parmesan and egg has turned into a nice sauce

gotta have that bacon with carbonara

pasta = heaven

its way yummier when made fresh its still steaming hot

its so rich tasting because of all the cheese

its so filled with veggies and so yummy

pasta is yummy..... but... its so messy to eat

yummy foods tend to be on the difficult side to eat cleanly

the pepper gives it a nice bite

I prefer creamy sauces with pastas but carbonara has gotta be my favourite pasta

I made this using a recipe that doesn't use milk or cream

it would be so awesome if pasta didn't cool off

if you don't eat this quickly its not as good

last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita carbonara was so rich and delish

carbonara is the bestest stuff

ALSO.... did you notice something?

since carbonara makes your mouth so messy and its covered in so much rich sauce

it always gets all over your lips have you seen my lips?... don't they look alright still?

I dunno if you noticed but at the beginning of the video you may have seen a logo for a company

I'm using DHC's brand new lipstick

so before making the carbonara I took this....

made so that the color doesn't come off

I often eat out a lot and have to wipe my lips a lot when eating and shooting videos

I've been looking for something like this forever



For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 10 CARBONARA SERVINGS!! + SOUP [5.5Kg] 10000kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 7:25.


장미랑 놀아주기, 강아지랑 놀아주기 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 장미랑 놀아주기, 강아지랑 놀아주기 - Duration: 0:52.


OS PLANOS DE DEUS SÃO MAIORES QUE OS SEUS! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> OS PLANOS DE DEUS SÃO MAIORES QUE OS SEUS! - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:29.


31歲男「天天穿高中制服」騙媽媽 弄丟手機後…噴淚真相曝光 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 31歲男「天天穿高中制服」騙媽媽 弄丟手機後…噴淚真相曝光 - Duration: 3:35.


Peugeot 2008 1.2 110pk PureTech Allure Automaat/Camera/Navigatie/Stoelverwarming/PDC/Velgen Dealer O - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.2 110pk PureTech Allure Automaat/Camera/Navigatie/Stoelverwarming/PDC/Velgen Dealer O - Duration: 1:06.


Nova y Jory - Somos Dos (Mucha Calidad) con letra - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Nova y Jory - Somos Dos (Mucha Calidad) con letra - Duration: 3:37.


Set Your Feet on the Ground and Reset - Duration: 2:46.

Hey good morning. It's Dr. James .I hope you're off to an awesome start today.

It's so great to see you. Thank you for your time

and thank you for your energy. And this morning a wonderful reminder - this is the

time of year when it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and the bustle

and the the lists making; and you're going oh my gosh, you know what, I'm not having

any fun this time of year. It's supposed to be a time of celebration and family and

love and celebrating your blessings, but man sometimes I just need a timeout.

Well if you want to have one of the most effective science-based timeouts - and

this takes a lot of courage because you're gonna say I am too busy to do

this, I don't have the time, I can't do this - but you know what as simple as 20

minutes, 20 minutes walking under a canopy of beautiful trees, being outdoors,

but most importantly just walking slowly on this earth, has been shown to lower

the stress hormones, increase the hormones of happiness and contentment,

allow us to have a psychological and soulful and physiological reset to put

you back in that space of grace. You know, I know it's so easy to talk yourself out

of taking this kind of time in your life and presenting an opportunity for a

reset. And I know many of you gonna say you know what James you don't know how

busy I am - I haven't got the time to do this. But hey, 20 minutes, literally

20 minutes, but here's the key. Set the intention. You don't just want to like go

there and go okay, I gotta get my 20 minutes in. Why are you taking this 20 minutes?

What's the goal? The goal is to love yourself. The goal is to exhale from life.

The goal is to reset. But probably bigger than anything, the goal

is to represent for yourself the intention to follow through on your self-

love. Your self-love is your superpower. And when you go back in the world after

you've taken this time out, this self intervention love strategy, you will go

out back out in the world presenting to the world the possibility and you become

contagious. People go, wow! Where did they just come from? Where have they been? Why

do they look so serene? Why have they looked so centered?

They look so loving. They do because they were doing what it is that they want to

be doing too. They want to follow your example. So take yourself outside. Exhale

from the stress-express and present to yourself a brand new way of being; a

brand new way of being you. It's inside of you all along. You simply need to take

the trust walk and allow it to become you. So with that, much love, many

blessings. Have an awesome day. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Set Your Feet on the Ground and Reset - Duration: 2:46.


Walking 👣 澄清湖 _04 鐘樓 Cheng Ching Lake (Bell Tower) - Duration: 10:50.

Here is the bell tower.


We reach the bell tower.

Do we go to upstair?


Do you want to challenge?


It's ok.

There are floors above.

No. The upstairs was locked.

Barbecue area.

Talking time.

You can transfer forward to the future yourself.

The forward transfer may not has the effect of the force.

The forward transfer also has the effect of the force.

You talk to the future yourself in one year …

You talk to the future yourself of tomorrow.

You will receive the message of today in tomorrow


Yay! Director Pan Pan very likes the tree and takes that three times.

No, this is different.

Avoid the sun.

Elsa is almost melting.

You are not Olaf.

I become Olaf.

Do we remember this place?

Which vlog of ours include this place?

That is in the sixth our vlog.

The sixth vlog.

Yes. Do we pay tribute to that?

Pay tribute the sixth our vlog.

If you want to pay tribute to that , then you should ...

Why is there no sound effect?

You will click "like" and subscribe.(from star war)

Oh! Why is the sound effect like that?

The sound effect is weak.

You can not expect me always standing by.

You need to send me a signal.

What was we record last time?

Record this place.

We record both side here.


We don't edit that into vlog.

Why don't you edit into vlog?

The video is low quality.

Say hello.

Because the video is too swing last time, we do not take it.

I record swagly here.



The video we recorded is not good,

because it's already late at the time of coming.

Oh! That time was late.

You will forget the unpleasant.


You will forget the unpleasant.

There is a little dark.

It's fine.


It dose not let me record.

It avoid the camera.

Awesome. It can avoid the camera.

Where do we go?

It should be there.

The second small lake.

Wish pool.

Is it?

You should not guess that yourself, please.

Five minutes. Oops! You are still recording.

For more infomation >> Walking 👣 澄清湖 _04 鐘樓 Cheng Ching Lake (Bell Tower) - Duration: 10:50.


743 - H 1 R X S H 1 M 4 [VIDE0CL1P] - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 743 - H 1 R X S H 1 M 4 [VIDE0CL1P] - Duration: 1:55.


Extraoficial; Declaración de niños revelaría suicidio en la Gaza - Duration: 1:34.

      Dichas declaraciones ya forman parte del expediente que abrió la Fiscalía General del Estado y revelaron extraoficialmente, que van en el sentido de que la muerte fue intencional, o sea que la mujer quería quitarse la vida y también privar de la misma a sus hijos

   Esta tarde una mujer y sus dos hijos cayeron del puente de la Gaza de la Cantera, la señora viajaba en vehículo Ford Focus de color azul, y lo detuvo a mitad del puente porque se le averió

   Los hijos tienen seis y cuatro años de edad. La mujer falleció en el lugar y los menores quedaron lesionados porque cayeron arriba de su madre

   De ahí los llevaron al hospital y uno de ellos le dijo al personal que su mamá les había dicho que se tiraran del puente, pero el menor no quiso porque se haría daño, después de eso los tomó en sus brazos y fue cuando saltó

   Además, entre las autoridades investigan si la mujer dejó una carta póstuma para despedirse de sus familiares

Si existe o no la carta, aún no ha sido confirmado.

For more infomation >> Extraoficial; Declaración de niños revelaría suicidio en la Gaza - Duration: 1:34.


Android Pickers Part 3 | Android TimePicker Dialog (TimePickerDialog) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Android Pickers Part 3 | Android TimePicker Dialog (TimePickerDialog) - Duration: 3:35.


Brexit, stop ai cittadini Ue. E Corbyn offende la May - Duration: 3:58.

LONDRA Le porte del Regno Unito del dopo-Brexit saranno aperte solo per un anno a chi ha poche qualifiche: più a lungo gli immigrati di tutto il mondo, Unione europea compresa, non potranno restare, almeno fino al 2025

In compenso per medici, ingegneri e altri lavoratori qualificati di tutto il mondo non ci sarà più l'attuale tetto di 20

700 all'anno, anche se per tutti varrà un requisito minimo di stipendio di 30mila sterline, ossia circa 33mila euro

Nessun visto ma, forse, un'autorizzazione elettronica di viaggio sarà invece necessaria per i turisti, secondo quanto stabilisce il nuovo, draconiano libro bianco sull'immigrazione presentato ieri dal ministro dell'Interno Sajid Javid, in linea con le esigenze della premier Theresa May di andare incontro sia a chi chiede misure drastiche contro i nuovi arrivi sia a chi, come gli imprenditori, sottolinea come la manodopera europea sia cruciale per far sopravvivere l'economia

CORBYN NEL MIRINO In una giornata che ha confermato la progressiva perdita di controllo del dibattito politico britannico alla vigilia di ferie mai così necessarie, il leader dell'opposizione Jeremy Corbyn è finito sotto un fuoco di fila di critiche per avere definito la premier May «stupida donna» sottovoce

Nonostante le smentite, il labiale è molto chiaro e la dichiarazione ha dato luogo a un'atmosfera incendiaria a Westminster, dove il dibattito sulla Brexit, le spaccature politiche e lo stesso immobilismo del Labour di Corbyn, che ha proceduto con passo incerto e inefficace nel tentativo di sfiduciare la May, hanno portato gli animi all'esasperazione

«Non ho usato le parole stupida donna' sulla premier o su nessun altro e sono completamente contrario all'uso di linguaggio sessista o misogino in qualunque forma», ha dichiarato Corbyn, senza persuadere i conservatori, che hanno dato una rara prova di unità nel difendere una May comprensibilmente tirata dopo le durissime settimane trascorse

Anche da parte delle deputate laburiste sono arrivate richieste di scuse, visto che in pochi nutrono dubbi su quanto detto da Corbyn

Il libro bianco sull'immigrazione, se mai diventerà legge nelle agitate acque di una Brexit sempre più imprevedibile, è secondo il ministro Javid una delle più radicali riforme del sistema degli ultimi 40 anni

Anche se non vengono fissati degli «obiettivi specifici» di riduzione dei numeri, l'immigrazione netta verrebbe portata sicuramente a «livelli sostenibili», punto su cui la destra euroscettica dissente, ritenendo che siano state fatte troppe concessioni a chi ha bisogno di assumere manodopera europea a basso costo nel settore ortofrutticolo, alberghiero, della ristorazione e soprattutto edilizio

Il sistema, che verrà applicato almeno fino al 2025, varrà per i paesi europei, l'Australia, la Nuova Zelanda e il Canada, ritenuti «a basso rischio», e permetterà alle persone di venire senza un'offerta di lavoro, a condizione però che non si fermino più di un anno e che vi facciano ricorso solo una volta, senza cercare poi di passare ad un altro sistema

Dovranno pagare un costo d'ingresso e non potranno accedere ai benefit statali. I FLUSSI Le nuove regole inizieranno ad essere applicate nel 2020, ma prima ci sarà una consultazione per vedere se funzionano per tutti

I critici sostengono che sarà troppo difficile controllare che la gente torni a casa dopo un anno, mentre secondo il governo i flussi incontrollabili degli ultimi anni, verranno ridotti: a giugno del 2016 si calcola che 157mila persone dalla Ue e 15mila dal resto del mondo siano arrivati nel Regno Unito per un periodo compreso tra un mese e un anno

Il documento specifica anche che la misura avrebbe un impatto economico negativo, con una riduzione del pil annuale tra lo 0,4% e lo 0,9%, ma questo, in tempi di Brexit, è diventato normale

For more infomation >> Brexit, stop ai cittadini Ue. E Corbyn offende la May - Duration: 3:58.


Igreja de São Francisco de Paula | Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Igreja de São Francisco de Paula | Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 3:57.


Las habitaciones de hotel secretas (y carísimas) que se reservan sólo para los VIP - Duration: 7:58.

Sólo los VIP pueden acceder a las habitaciones secretas en los hoteles de lujo. (iStock) En los hoteles de lujo del mundo existen habitaciones tan pero tan exclusivas que ni siquiera aparecen en los listados para hacer reservas: la única manera de acceder a una es saber que tal cosa existe y hacer una solicitud por correo electrónico

Claro que para estar entre los informados es necesario ser un VIP. Según un informe de Bloomberg, los hoteles omiten a propósito estas suites ultra-lujosas, de las que no hay fotos, descripciones ni precios disponibles en línea

Si una persona no está entre los happy few, bien puede pasar su vida entera creyendo que son tan reales como Papá Noel

El objetivo del secreto es proteger la identidad y privacidad de los clientes que más valora un hotel, y también generar un poco de publicidad al crear deseo por algo inaccesible

The Retreat at the Blue Lagoon, cerca de Reykjavik, tiene un espacio que ni siquiera se ve desde el edificio central, con entrada propia y hasta spa privado

El primer ejemplo que ofreció la publicación es The Retreat at the Blue Lagoon, uno de los hoteles de lujo de moda en Europa, ubicado en las afueras de Reykjavik, en Islandia

Tiene ventas de piso a techo con vistas espectaculares, más un spa y acceso exclusivo al lago geotermal

Y, además, cuenta con "un espacio ultra-exclusivo que pocos visitantes saben que existe"

Se trata de una suite en dos niveles, de 200 metros cuadrados, con un balcón privado sobre el paisaje de lava

Tiene su propio spa, con baño de vapor, sauna, hogar con chimenea y, desde luego, cocina y comedor

Su costo, de USD 10,500 por noche, no se anuncia en la web del hotel, como no se muestran fotos ni días de disponibilidad

Nada. El Hotel Cosmopolitan, en Las Vegas, reserva sus 21 penthouses para sus clientes ricos y famosos

"Las reservas son sólo por invitación", explicó Bloomberg. "Según Mar Masson, a cargo del marketing en la empresa propietaria del hotel, dijo que se trata del "escondite máximo", con una entrada privada y un helipuerto cercano con conexión privada desde el aeropuerto internacional de Keflavik

"Nadie se enterará nunca de que alguien estuvo aquí. No es un espacio visible para los otros huéspedes y nada indica que se encuentra aquí", agregó

Algunos hoteles utilizan la estrategia para proteger sus suites más lujosas de usos que no desean

"Digamos que tenemos una habitación superior que cuesta USD 2.000", dijo Stephen Brandman, de la empresa administradora Journal Hotels

"No queremos que 10 personas se junten y pongan USD 200 cada una para hacer una gran fiesta allí"

 Un grupo de egresados de la escuela secundaria con un montón de alcohol en una suite que tiene un piano Steinway o piezas de arte no es el sueño de los hoteleros

A punto de inaugurarse, el Hotel Bennett, en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, tiene una suite exclusiva

A veces los desarrolladores inmobiliarios se reservan algunos de estos espacios, que no sólo no se listan públicamente sino que no se pueden rentar sin su aprobación escrita: son las "suites de propietarios", como la que Michael Bennett tiene en el Hotel Bennett, a punto de inaugurarse en Charleston, Carolina del Sur

Otros funcionan como un bien compartido: las "habitaciones en sociedad", una suerte de club que requiere una membresía de seis dígitos en dólares

En la isla de Nevis, en el Caribe, por ejemplo, dos resorts en la playa Paradise tienen requieren una asociación de USD 125

000. El Essex House, en la ciudad de Nueva York, también tiene una estrategia de habitaciones secretas

Algunos hoteles también adoptan la reserva VIP para evitar cancelaciones de último momento, como el Essex House de Marriot en Nueva York y el St

Regis en San Francisco: sus penthouses sólo se pueden rentar por correo electrónico para que los gerentes puedan verificar que se trata de un pedido serio de alguien realmente rico

Otros tienen habitaciones reservadas para las visitas inesperadas de millonarios y celebridades: el Cosmopolitan de Las Vegas nunca renta sus 21 penthouses sino de esa manera

Los penthouses del hotel, St Regis, en San Francisco, requieren aprobación especial por e-mail

Aunque suena ilógico, en realidad los hoteles de lujo no son los primeros en elegir este criterio

Maison Goyard, hace más de doscientos años, fabrica maletas, bolsos y otros bienes de marroquinería sin haber hecho una sola publicidad

Su estrategia es el silencio y sus productos, siempre exclusivos. MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Cómo será el hotel más lujoso del mundo donde hospedarse en una suite costará unos 100 mil dólares Diseño de lujo en Milán: mezcla de materiales y amplitud espacial

For more infomation >> Las habitaciones de hotel secretas (y carísimas) que se reservan sólo para los VIP - Duration: 7:58.


Giant life threatening waves pummel Northern California triggering high surf warnings Daily Mail O - Duration: 6:15.

Giant life threatening waves pummel Northern California triggering high surf warnings Daily Mail O

Colossal, potentially deadly waves reaching 50 feet in high in some areas pummelled Northern s coast on Monday, luring thrill seeking surfers into the churning waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The National Weather Service issued a high surf warning through Monday night before downgrading it to a high surf advisory Tuesday, warning people to stay off the beaches.

Coastal areas in the Bay Area saw swells ranging 18 24 feet and nearly 40 foot breakers. 

Half Moon Bay, California, saw monstrous 50 foot waves on Monday, which were whipped up by a storm in the Gulf of Alaska in the northern Pacific Ocean   

Despite dire warning from the National Weather Service, dozens of surfs could not resist the temptation to ride the monstrous swells at Mavericks Beach

San Diego in Southern California also experienced colossal breaker that lured surfers into 

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A low pressure storm system moving across the northern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Alaska generated strong winds over the water, whipping up the monstrous swells that battered west facing beaches along the Northern California shoreline, reported  

At Mavericks Beach near Half Moon Bay, 50 foot waves were recorded Monday, leading the World Surf League to postpone the annual Mavericks Surf Competition until at least early January due to unsafe conditions.

But dozens of individual surfers could not resist the temptation of tackling the monster swells, despite the dire warnings from weather forecasters.

I got really lucky, but theres a couple of guys that fell and got pushed to the rocks, which is a worst case scenario, surfer Mason Barnes told . Theres some carnage going on, [but] everyone is still in one piece.

Some less adventurous Californians ventured out onto local beaches to gape at the majestic yet life threatening spectacle of the frothing breakers, leading the National Weather Service Bay Area to remind people to never turn their backs on the ocean.  

Coastal areas in the Bay Area saw swells ranging 18 24 feet and nearly 40 foot breakers

A low pressure storm system moving across the northern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Alaska generated strong winds over the water, whipping up the monstrous swells

Some curious Californians ventured out onto local beaches to gape at the majestic yet life threatening spectacle of the frothing breakers at Duncans Landing north of Bodega Bay

Dont make the beach your grave, one ominous tweet read. Constantly watch the ocean for changes in wave patterns.

In Pacifica, California, the swells were so ferocious that they broke a window at a beachside restaurant.

San Francisco resident Joe Como said those are the biggest waves he has ever seen during the 40 years he has lived in the Bay Area. 

At Mavericks Beach near Half Moon Bay, 50 foot waves were recorded Monday

The World Surf League to postpone the annual Mavericks Surf Competition until at least early January due to unsafe conditions, but that did not stop dozens of individual surfers from trying their luck 

By Tuesday evening, meteorologists expected the insensitivity of the waves to diminish. A high surf advisory remained in effect until 5pm local time.

San Francisco resident Joe Como said those are the biggest waves he has ever seen during the 40 years he has lived in the Bay Area.  

By Tuesday evening, meteorologists expected the insensitivity of the waves to diminish

Been here many times but would never have the guts...

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