welcome to rootstem gaming and this is warhammer 40k space wolves versus Genestealer Cult.
welcome guys this is going to be an 80 powerlevel game we're done on the player
power levels on the channel but every now and again we like to have a switch
and we're going to nice bit of setup here we'll go around and explain what to
run in a moment but the mission that we have now I'm going to use up and play
cards it's one of my favorites to do on the channel simply because it makes it
quite easy so we've got the prize I'm a deployment zone it's gonna be quite
interesting right up to the line now the only exception we're at type of
deployment zone is that we have to be at least free inch away from each other
we're both heavy close combat armies so this will be quite interesting now the
prize is basically the relic style mission you have to capture the prize
and hold it from the end of turn 5 if you're over 1 holding at the end of turn
5 then of course rather clear the winner because it's quite up to me have the
model this is the prize it is a captain of the Dark Angels he's injured he's on
the ground and the Spaceballs if it can rescue him we'll be able to have
bragging rights over the darky and also I think they'll like that to be honest
be able to go what we did and if the jeans dealers managed to capture in they
might be able to try and use his genetic material to make some form of super gene
stealer which to be honest the patriarchy is kind of like that anyway
well terrain sets up we've got some trees down this side anything within the
gravel a bit is going to be covered and of course the gravel bit always extends
the terrain that we've got in this particular piece of terrain the gravel
and the trees are good with clusters trees for the - - for charging the
building they'll just be a building and so on now we do have a couple of special
units here we've got some intact buildings so what we're doing on this
building you can get on the roof and we'll give you a cover if you are on the
roof but the floor comes away so what we're saying is if you near a door or
window you can enter the building just walk through normally and we'll set the
figures off and put them down and if you're inside the building you can shoot
out and you can be shot of course being classed as being in cover and it's a - -
to charge you and it that's in a building
but you cannot shoot through the buildings and this particular building
we count in the roof as impossible and then if we take this off as you can see
inside straighten up in a minute inside it's quite a lot of space again
the same rules apply so it's it's a line of site blocking piece of terrain unless
you're inside it and if you're inside it you can see out of windows and doors and
you can also be shot at that'll make it quite interesting for us to be able to
get through since we're coming quite heavy on the infantry both of us right
so well now what you know kind of like the setup and the mission that we're
doing we're gonna be taking you to some armies so this is an 80 pound rejean
Steel occult force I'll just take you through of a warlord first of all all
odds gonna be this particular patriarch he's gonna have the warlord trait that
allows him to ignore than a 6 from the 40k rule book I'm not going for anything
special on those guys and he's gonna have the mass hypnosis psychic power to
try and make sure that you guys can't bill no smite of course but try and make
sure that no overwatch cares I'm gonna try and use massive noises on that so
I've also got a second picture out this is going to be his life tenant again
he's going to have massive noises as
well I'm aware as we are playing it too much
play rule so you can only use one psychic power you know type it's just
going to be easier if we've got both of the same power the next now like I say
he's going to be the warlord relic wise I'm going to have the icon of ascendance
I believe that's what it's called on the icon ward so there's my icon ward and
he's go base it was gonna be having the upgraded yeah he's gonna be having the
upgraded that I can't say can't speak today both patriarchs of course are
going to be a company in these particular units these units are going
to be set up in reserve well normally they are but they're sort of next to
them to try and remind me they're gonna be a company in those guys I do have a
unit of utterance as well as well as three units of neophyte hybrids or
acolyte hybrids or hybrids the ones with lots and lots of claws and some near
fights so this is standard during it with to Milan lasers
to grenade launchers the guy with the red trousers and believe us from the
ballgame he's going to be the sergeant out of that squad and of course this
particular one is a custom one which I made ages ago for a campaign game and I
have to tell you about that one day where Jesus said the court didn't exist
but the clowny use them just to try and get a new fresh game going in some
holder edition of 40k I do have a Magus do have a Primus
they're going to using their representative goals later on and of
course there's no real weapon options for these guys just what rammed with the
hybrids of course is going to be a rock drill rock rocks saw and then in this
one that's going to be the rock cutter and this units going to have demolition
charges and one of the units of course has got bond sold and lush wig on there
sergeant and we've also got a Goliath what grinder with the heavy might and
it's not have your mind unless it's a seismic cannon and have you stubborn
fortunately during transportation it's broken off and I'm not brought any glue
with me we're back can transport six guys off in one of the smallest puzzle
hole we're going in there so that's basically it that's like I
said eight to power level and I think that's about roughly 1700 points or
something close to that I'm not quite sure with a power level two-point
conversion but that's the gene still occult army and we're gonna take you
across to the space walls back on the channel then is Carl with his mighty
mighty Viking looking beards and of course mighty beard means you need a
mighty bearded space marine army
gentleman through what we've got today then Cal hate sea power level roughly of
space Wars yep on the left ear you've got three
squads aground and again thank you Games Workshop for after years of modeling
changing over what they can actually have so like this guy hasn't got an axe
that was actually a plasma guns it's one plasma gun for every 5 min or one
special weapon for every five men ok and rain transportation an arm fell off so
you've got casualties our casualty already same with this squad the spa's
no gun it's not a thunder I'm a storm shield
thank you Games Workshop yeah and on this one what you see is
what you get again the only difference is he gave a cosmic gun it's a bolt gun
Thank You Games Workshop Karla's a lot a lot for GD to be at the moment yeah up
on the right here you've got a 10-month squad of blood claws yeah what you see
is what you get with that that's that was set up after the guard X no bomb
obviously a 5-month terminate squad yep what you see is what you get and then
five long fangs and I put the front you've got beyond nice picture a log
unit and our jack hijack conversion mm-hmm and then of course he's taking
log and Grimm na and bazan the fell hundred don't wait for the cult codex to
come out see if we're gonna get any special characters to be honest I'd be
quite interesting to see if we do since ever tend to just exist on a planet get
wiped out and consumed by turning it I believe like last time we played I
grabbed that we didn't other codex yeah and now we're playing this time I'm
griping that I'm sure it will make things better for you some of the sagas
each sagas that you guys have I'm guessing or logging them now here is
gonna be a wall odd ears with a particular saga I'm guessing a battle
should flash up on screen and again thank you Games Workshop because I got
the codex before they made the change so I've got I think it's saga of the war
were you born I can't remember what the unlock is for that I'll check that will
it take yeah yeah no problem what relic is up so
he got went because I know he has to take his ax and believe he's got a relic
on his status isn't it as well so we had the law he's also got named characters
everywhere so he doesn't actually want to take any relics in this particular
game so we're gonna get set up on the tabletop and we'll bring you in to the
dice roll to see who's going to get first turn
so quick synopsis of deployment I've got me rock growing it down here with me
made us and we drill and saw squad in there they're gonna be going by the
looks of it against this unit of grey on ttis Karl's got Bashan at the back field
you ever unit agree officers move it's quite forward I've set units down here
hopefully be able to try and run forward and capture their objective before he
does I think this is going to be a bloodbath surrounding this particular
objective and nobody unit grey hunters down here and his long fangs are on top
these guys he's using a command point from the wolf look close to being
reserved and then there's bears wolf guard and two of his characters they're
also in reserve as well the rest of my units are behind this boy a line of site
blocking terrain building for now just to try and stay out of Karl's ball to
fire range of I don't think it's gonna last that long to be honest no probably
end up in the building and being shot and all this craftsman B's of course
it's all the reserve bow patriarchs both units of gene steel as the Primus and
the unit that he accompanies which is the one with the Bourne sword and the
rock cutter right Calgon always units down first so you'll get a plus-one to
this role so it's a to well so I need a 6 to CS which I'm going to go for no so
we're going to be going straight into space wolves turn one
so don't curls movement we're gonna use what little by said to represent who was
holding the spacewalk from conscious over that shoulder so not spacewalk the
Dark Angel over their shoulder at the moment and he's unfortunately for him
having to be burdened with and someone he kind of dislikes but it doesn't mean
it's Kyle shooting and it's not a lot but it can actually see it's very dense
terrain so I built up this one I kind of built up there to make sure that we
could get some good close combat seen both the Goodwin City well you can
chapter foods got some rules Florrick yeah
alright so bhishan is he gonna open fire first
yes what's he shooting I'm gonna shoot your Goliath is gonna shoot my Goliath
rock grinder which is pretty good in course combat itself to do this so I'm
guessing it's six shots from that yep I'm twos does he have a mighty allow
decent way yep it's a heavy so I think it's still a minus one so you're not got
no special rules allowing them to move and fire a heavy weapon no problem sir
it's gonna be freeze then good sir and does he beer all anyone's just be John
yep it was have one for friendly there we go and that I'm guessing that applies
to any union between six as well it is yeah so he's basically like a boy he's
an HQ choice so before you come to Europe
come on points-wise actually I forgot to say I've got five six seven eight nine
and car will probably be on eight because it's gonna have a battalion it's
plus one with beyond and you gots an extra one for beyond right so we're both
gonna be on nine come on points to start a game with
eight because those guys are using the command point for oh yes you've got a
deep stripes like being behind yeah you've got you have nine nine four eight
left there we go let me use the orange dice it's always nicer to use the orange
dice go on and say string six what she
chuckles I don't know roll some dice and I looked at all right I'm guessing the
tutor I'm guessing the twos might be up
yes so it's a minus one plus one because of a cover so effectively Russ ignored
two wounds on the five I'm gonna need for save and if a guy for trying
takes wounds that can ignored wounds on the six so two saves to a five and a
four what's your next one then sir oh yes bolt afire I thought it was
coming so the Baltar's have often fired from
here into the guy I thought grinded on one wound so far reducing it down to
nine and now we've got a funny-looking plasma gun in the shape of an axe this
is gonna cook it it's gonna cook it at me oh he's gonna do it like a some form
of Swing thing with his blade and it fires out a plasma ball
are you overcharging so are you going for the standard might as well of
charges gonna overcharge so I'll freeze to hit though he dies he's overcharged
the power-ups realize I've never been taught out of four of these before
Oh Frederick's knocked out now right any other shooting good sir I'm guessing is
gonna be that that long fun long Fung Devastator squad I believe everything's
gonna be in really well we'll have a quick check got a rocket launcher don't
coming in first go ahead sir he's got like a priority on that unit good job
Missouri up near all ones so it's changing the dice oh yeah hold there
some good should bolt shooting impacting in but these guys are not doing so well
what's next plasma are you overcharging I'm gonna say yeah okay it's into career
old ones yeah says D free shots always great three shots this is gonna work I
think oh hey it's gonna be strength eight survives yeah
those front plates free stablemate reason all of them wounded in 2-3 I've
got a father said he's gonna be 50% obscure from there so I'm gonna be
needing sixes to stop this damage from going through on 1/6 so that's - that's
going through it's going to cause for wounds so look at constructions you know
I'm on a six so I suffer free wounds in total reducing him down to six room
the first round of the game we've still got a heavy vaulter and the last cone
into goal which is one's neck since we're all here that's a hit
you need to see him again oh you wish to come and point it I'm gonna come up on
that so he's gonna come on poor it's down l7 yeah same result and he has six
to stop it no that's d6 damage from the last cannon
it's good that rocket launcher didn't hit four
oh it's dissecting something's pounding and I don't ignore any of that that's
down to two can the heavy vaulter three shots let's finish him off
three shots thank you sir oh hey he's gonna need fives and sixes though
one oh so I can't kill the tank it's a fourth we'll save because it's Oh failed
it six to save normally no down to one that's bad that's very very bad that's a
a very naked construction worker vehicle that's probably why we're a bit miffed
do you know do you know how expensive these are to the foreman try not to
destroy any of the mining equipment I'm wondering about the line of sight from
those growth hunters they've been great hunters - really yeah you're gonna
percent to be honest with you you should be able to see him yeah so all that
squawk can see with Goliath Rock grinder might be some form of Eve more you don't
get points for first well it might be some form of truth what's a car yeah
right answer see your plus we're gonna tell you over charging yes
yes he's gonna need fries to hit they're not we're gonna wrap it right and he
gets to roll one footage on two hits it's free stormed one one it is
I need a six no to damage coming in that's where I need a double six to stop
this from going up no I lose my Goliath frog winder there's nothing around miss
I'm not gonna bother all in for to see whether or not there it explodes but
there is six men on board and I lose one of them they've piled out the vehicle no
need to take a test Carl's got the
we're gonna have to try and destroy that squad because of course one of the last
guys to die is gonna go on carrying the man and right and then those guys there
these guys are in a good position to be able to move into their bill bill then
let's take it on to gene steal a cult turn one
magine Steelers have moved up they've got the Magus is running up as well
he's probably gonna be trying to some smite I need to try and reduce that unit
out to nothing I've idea of a funny feeling that once I
do but you're on the valve hundreds gonna come in and go
come here Dark Angel put the boy before him over his shoulder these guys have
moved forward but the limited on what they can see because of course of the
windows there's probably not gonna be a lot that they can shoot out off these
guys didn't manage to make it forward and then those guys did but it doesn't
mean that they can be shot by them okay might not end well on my turn here we've
left the roof off course just cuz it's easier cuz it's an impossible piece of
terrain anyway right so I'm gonna start off by psychic smiting these guys here
and the smite will be six so it's just gonna be d3 mortal wounds against the
walls what's a free pass the six but it gets
they're free to free other walls have gone down to psychic shenanigans pew pew
pew and right into the shooting phrase these
two have got pistols twelve-inch yep just please - we're
gonna fire them first no hits it's on to this squad d6 for the
demolition charge this is where I used to run points it's five shots I think
I'll keep backing up are you sure I don't fuckin going to I need force to
hit oh my god that is a good grenade from the demolition charge everything
else of course is going to the squad I need to stir wound I'm going to command
point that one so that's going to be five wounds with a minus of free from
the five saves of six Decker what one another fours gone down yeah roll for
I'm gonna roll for the pistols off-camera
so he's down now - two guys here I did - Reese could see
better rules for use in the building we know about now and then we'll do right
in future games possibly the server half of the squad can shoot out they'd just
be easier right so I'm gonna have some charging these guys gonna charge him and
then of course I'm going to attempt to charge of these so we'll put some more
water of camera and bringing back two shots inviting so we've managed to make
this in but while making it in I did inadvertently make sure he's managed to
do heroic intervention so I've consolidated up with my squad I'll try
and Myrna Dee's but I got a funny feeling that John the 500 is gonna
murder me back I need fries the white ones are gonna be
for the rending pause answer them to REM free of mist meaning all this lock here
has hit I've need force and any sixes or B - I
can't target Bashan because I didn't declare the photographer - so so I've
got at least two sixes which a - for Kyle can't saved them so they're wolf
the wolf unit will be removed and he will drop the precious cargo because I
am the enemy I'm gonna have to state with precious cargo drops little drop on
top of this man here so he will now shoulder the burden as he murders those
guys those guys have gone and I'm not gonna shimmy closer to that guy
cuz I don't really want to right let's find out what was your uncle doing
combat just for me he's got Mike he's got a he's got five attacks needing to
xandrie role in one's answer it's all fight hate your strength is 12 to 7 + 5
Wow so that's 2 student and you gets to re-roll the fails and the - did you say
on this particular weapon is falls for an sd-6 damage which is so I've just
picked it up and I'm now dead suppose your own has managed to kill so
you get to place
the man now I got to place it right on top of me and here is you get to place
this good sir so I'm guessing now they have a course
is telling me so if you went there and then Bajans shimmied a little bit you
could pick it up is that what you're gonna do
it sounds like peace what I'm gonna do yet very good upon him and if he
consolidates a little bit ends his movement now he went shoulders for Dark
Angel and I'm gonna have a difficult time trying to get it back off Bashan
I'm gonna have to bring him down hmm but unfortunately for me it's now
spaceball turn to
SoCal shimmied these guys further forward bhishan with the gang on his
shoulders shimmer can walk that lever pretty cool he's kind of running away
but I'll be honest if the gene stealers do get in it's five to one within a six
is going to be minus four which even the Jones armors not gonna be alcohol we can
ignore em fine it's kamek norm warns on five but it's yeah it becomes a bit
risky these guys have shimmered serving a
better line of sight to these inside the building and the wolf Scouts turned up
the rest of the unit sustaining reserve still things like what Klaus walked out
the door war feast off model core Pringle from a dwarf limit Wolf Wolf
they've turned up here to be able to shoot these guys bright and say what
you're gonna fire with first who enters into your very hot nose just I mean our
target carats of just yet probably will be able to moment world blood yeah yeah
so all the weapons there and these two it's a two plasmid and still like the
Oscars only what all the ones gone now both my brothers oye Davis nine nine
shots with nine Baltar's 18 shots needing fries about nine hit now nice
priest along dear for wounds fives to save Wow Wow only one and then fossil
increase which are not because that's the sergeant do I want to increase your
charge rent
yeah go on so the sergeant's gone down just increasing that charge range
Cal there as surprised as I am to see the genius dealer survived a lot of hits
there yeah right your next one then sir I'm guessing it's probably assault
coming from here laying waste to these already here two three rolling ones well
freeze couldn't move but reworking so he's hit with the wall he needs to
strong beam strength six this is gonna work this is five hits on this one here
with minus one I'm knowing cover
sixes ones still alive Wow number of the bees popping up there
pop let me down to him with the rock drill I'm keeping the rock drill because
that can be quite nasty in combat so remeasure look Cal's splitting the fire
on this squad here it's going to fire for Baltar's into the other once and
then it's going to fire four balls into plasma guns into this unit here you're
all going to try and reduce these guys down to try and see him but the majority
of issue in here is closer to them Long Fangs on top so even if Peters managed
to wipe them all out we still can't target the Magus so sir
yours yep to the fob authors into the admins
not bad he's gonna need fours it's for it I
don't save his five plus the are clusters meaningful assists pause I save
three ones gone through so that means that one of the other vents which will
be an axe will be on one mount since Anna Pete yep they need fries to wound
on rubble or so far any force never one Falls these guys are saving quite almost
no terrain and then plasmas ma'am so the are in rapid fire he's not gonna
wobble charge because there's no point four shots three hit so you're gonna
need to oh dear and that's gonna be another one dad to dead out about you in
it even if I shoot that garlic everything so every vaulter and anything
else if he manages why have you ever got interval one lon
troop gone and say wow he really is deciding that that guy must die and I
need number of the beast nope so yeah I'm not Joe go so rate he's
dead yeah that's that squad complete and talk me out of it and there's not
Tim back something forward and the book Klaus I'm guessing firing into being
from Trent all 12 are in range and if you got flavor in there as well 12 not
12 they're all been 12 inch range it so I'm
gonna say it's a blue moon nobody's no Lucy because in eight nine yes a nine of
bolt pistols no one's up one's a plasma pistol so yeah yes it is so eight bolt
pistols knitting balls think pause is it for shooting freeze so force for
shooting that were even but the space next to that one ticket and he doesn't
he bounces off whatever they must have upgraded the chicken you know I mean all
they're all beetle backbone II guys and the plasma pistol kill it doesn't have a
charge he's not gonna he's talking of a charge against one of these guys it
doesn't kill himself that is a bit of a random turn there he the address and
everything else I did that's they will go back we forgot to do me bunny sir one
of them guys actually survived the whole rest of sort of wound I think you might
be able to we're going to go into Kyle's assault phase we'll see what it can
charge and then we'll do some charges if we can and we'll come back for some
fights so we've done Carl's charges has been no casualties on overwatch but he's
not done I've made any successful charges it's a bit of a shame but but it
does mean certain units of mine have finished so back comes away because
morale is going to be automatic for those guys so we're now we're going to
go into gene stealer turn to where they're going to try we're down this to
kill budge on the fill handle
so we some guys coming in these guys here to
units I've got two sixes they're gonna be quite close to Bajoran they're going
to try and tear him limb from rim it's a bit of doom of rip and tear there
hopefully big boy costs unfortunately in the woods he's gonna manage to charge
but it's whether or not I can stop the overwatch with mass hypnosis
these guys have Stood Still just to pause some fire the elements of move
forward to try and get a charge up at the great hunters these have tried to
engage the wolf the blood clause I don't think they're going to have much success
but hey ho and unfortunately these are on the Royal doctor own devices doing
what I want these guys here is still in reserve that's the warlord plus his
posse and waiting for because these guys have got to come in next turn and if we
don't come in the dead so they're kind of waiting to see what happens over here
right so into sidekick a smite from the Magus into bajean it's a five I just
managed to cast it D free mortal wounds one mortal wound against Bojan and I
believe he ignores once on a five or six and he does you bastard
right so I'm gonna try and stop bhishan from fire in his overwatch and - him
onto his hit walls so the guys gonna try and do mass hypnosis I need a seven I've
got a seven so mass hypnosis is Kassadin if the John can stop any psychic powers
nope so be sure at the moment there's gonna
be a little bit gimped when it comes to his next turn around let's crack on with
some shooting so this unit is something in fire we've just done the auto guns
managed to take out one RV great hunters now we've got to mining lasers coming in
one of the mining lasers is hit this is strength 9 so it's gonna be to stir
wound oh come on point that or do I know I'll
save it because I've got two flavours down here and I know what's gonna happen
with some ones so let's go on to this one then two two flamers into these Oh
didn't need it done eight shots or - together boost and dice not yet
available but will be available soon from Luke's tender quarry okay yeah in a
range of different colors of all we are going to be special all that you're
gonna have to order them first before I it's a submit inaudible right flavors
needing foster wound so 50-50 chance they're the odds are spot on
that's half so it's for wounds on the block's clause any no - is standard - so
one goes down and elder some lesbians I've walked in five over the last guns
and a grenade we've Minister five wounds on the blood clause SoCal saves three
plus one I've told told you when I'm recording you Cal they
do a lot better than when I'm not recording you say another one little one
goes down I'm guessing he's gonna be alright tell me if not and I'm not
really gonna have that much more in the way of shooting I could fire a couple of
pistols and those guys three of them which I think are well into the back of
the John I'll hit no bones I thought being a coward it's being tactical
allied our tactical cowardice right so we're gonna get some overwatch and well
he's nothing but path and miss square here and pull them up with me a lot of
overwatch but we're gonna get some over watching and we're gonna get some
attacking you know I was going to the fight fares will come back when we're
showing some attacks you right so we managed to get everybody in there now as
Carl says this is probably going to hurt some jeans steel the pitch Jack it's
gonna fight first now be nice to mr. hit he's got six attacks the strength of his
weapon is almost six so I believe Bojana fell harmless toughness is his toughness
is eight glad help you realize that so its toughness eight so I'm gonna need
fives and sixes where do we get to reward wounds any sixes he gets is a
minus six and a straight free damage anything else is a - free and D free -
so the patriarchy mean to hit I got three ones well Don
ha right kneading fives and sixes degree roll does your guy have an invulnerable
safe so no no no sure what that one's going through with free damage
regardless this one you do get a save a six on that it's - true no so that's D
free damage so that's another one so so far he's taken four wounds from the
patriarch and fives and sixes he gets to get on and ignores free of them how many
wounds does he have eight god damn it
that's all right he's down to seven and then I'm gonna be
able to consolidate in with the gene stealers seven guys needing to have a
muck with me roll it seems to hit down
it's the only problem is these dice is fantastic for resources it's terrible
when it comes to fucking videoing so that's five six so it's gonna be four
four five six seven so he's on for wounds left now hybrids the acolyte gets
free attacks I fucking don't like me on no that's why
it gets free attacks
yeongsu just for free get those attacks and then one two free with basic weapons
and then there's gonna be two attacks which I'll do in these there's gonna be
where I think that's the rock cutter yes so rock cutter so that's minus four and
straight to damages the rock quarter you're a vehicle so the special ability
doesn't apply which is his special ability is at the end if you suffer
damage from this weapon if I roll higher than the remaining number of wounds
you have remaining you are instantly sland just tacky modify it yeah but it
doesn't affect anything with the vehicle profile so the Magus is down to free
wounds and the Magus is last so he's within six of the primers nice to see
it's bloody al two ones and nothing you're gonna need five and six to wound
he does get the wound on a six it's minus one Cal so you've got your save a
four plus for your armor and he saves it
big hairy sweaty buns yeah big hairy sweaty ones well since I
completely forgot and messed up because I'm not so excited about charging him
and completely forgot to charge those guys you now get to go with him
no easier every no - want to hit so his fries - hit rather than his standard
because the course is affected by the mind control but he's still carrying the
it's probably using the unconscious Dark Angels captain as some form of bludgeon
so you can thank you so I'm guessing where you're putting your attacks Cal
now the patriarchy does have six wounds
you are hitting on fries due to the issue
listen to him you're gonna put two just two on him - he has got a five in front
almost say it you gonna put two on him with his war well she's gonna be
attacking your father powerful through and then I'm to one your where's your
the character well there's Magus in front as well
yeah poor children so two on the Magus which will probably just annihilate it
and then two three sorry on the patriarch right easily goes Magus first
two attacks the input ones yep John that's what he needs free sucks listen
III have all fries and then I need twelve tissues it'll
cost - poor ya can save it how much damages it don't be six each
that's five all they just killed him he'll answer got four wounds for the
Magus has gone he's down yeah how the patriarch this is where
it's gonna get interesting yep all hip strength twelve toughness is
fives you are gonna need to stir wound
only one there can be only one I didn't do this for - a45 invulnerable failed
come on point still failed down to sixth amendments Lord hours done for damaged
tomb which won't kill him so does he want to use a command point
to Rio or what dice so he's gonna reduce him down to two wounds and at the end of
our flight fears Iran has managed to smash and kill him and the cross is
managed to nearly kill repair truck running in there thankfully it's not the
wall or pitch jack but he still carry in the dark angel on
his shoulder and it does have an escape route now right so it's gonna be you're
going into your turn three Cal
right so these guys have jimmied up since I completely forgot to charge of
em these guys as a chimney nope cuz I completely forgot to charge of em Carl
I've had a bad turn there the Jean has taken the advantage of that little
gateway and gone no so this part near there's a lot of
teeth and claws there and they yeah his ID bergdorf though he's done a side
scuffle and he's gone out long and grim now it's turned up here and gone are you
what are you doing well you ran away for you know and he's like have you seen
them probably yeah and then these terminators turn up and go yeah we have
that's why we've to look there and we'll shoot
and then of course these guys are running around the building trying to
get into this squad here now the Primus is gonna be closer to some of these
squads appear what you're firing we first think al are just gonna sling his
hammer it in from the sling his hammer now what happens here at the slinging of
a hammer it's a salt one yeah and it's just your regular fuser three-plus
strength 92 FP minus 3 and because the character is it a d3 damage it's just a
flat three oh yeah right so it's just one shot nos it you shouldn't be able to
kill him for the promises no I've wounds boiled for 13 so a role to hit andrey
rolling Phil hit rolls all right okay that's a homing wind in America it's a
homing beacon hammer against characters fantastic hey hits what do you need to
wound what's your strength strings to 10 so it's gonna need to it's gone straight
- three yep I've got no well I do have unquestioning loyalty but whether or not
I want to allocate free walls to somebody else is not a funny matter no
I'm not gonna starts laying off units just for three walls he's gonna be
reduced down to two there we go your next one sir
excuse me for having some burps from the traditional black fizzy liquid my Strom
Bart was in range yep well they're gonna be the closest jet so storm Bolton and
assault coming no bones which one first and see the assault gun so come in six
shots either heavy weapon he has more so he's gonna need force to hit and because
of no problem that's more girls with one but against the Jean steel is gonna need
three still one to force to hit and then freeze to wound spring wildly leave all
at one still won five of his run will save on the Steelers it does save a
little more text within twelve six four shots in freeze and they needs force no
one's with a ice-free wounds now those to watch at their armor now it
is a five up six five up regardless and I lose free severe salt kind of wildly
smacks into kitchen or whatever it's called carapace but stone ball to blast
free of a guy's apart so what you find when ex Cal Long Fangs
can onus II kinda miss that one trim to these sticker the Steelers no problem if
it's yeah you need to stop oh don't say yes chase trees we rollin ones into the
sea yeah definitely hits it's gonna be twos yep five up in one no that's one
stealer gone now you find frag or crack rockets I believe it's frog records at
the d6 yep oh man six shots I tell you soon as we took camera on
Carl's die sternum isn't this the dice it turns amazing rear on the ones yeah
I'm gonna be forced to win really five to say save one so I've lost for another
three guys in total from about heavy weapons team so you're firing the gray
Orton's neck say I am yeah no problem what you're firing into the front four
guys Pizitz 12-inch around you're gonna find these dealers yep and then the back
five are gonna fire into these right behind this all right now put the front
four is that what you fire me first dollar is not back finest it yep ten
shots into the no problem because whoever did the nitya it's freeze to hit
odds yeah need freeze to win because they're a lot of toughness and the
Steelers five know what if I still need fives and sixes to say I lost four and I
think the squad only comprises of five models so I think everyone but the
cutter is dead and then the next lot is going into with
Steelers we're more concentrate late doesn't need for us to move on this one
six grab me some six dice my missing one yeah it's gone under the
oh yes it has all right that's four oh yeah so that's another four dead and
I'll be honest cuz it's a squad of ten they're all the dev they're all that so
that fuselage he's definitely got out of Dodge because
he knew what we're coming
oh dear so what's happening next in sir Logan's gonna be fine this chap it goes
alright he's closer than that guy okay so I'm probably gonna lose all my squads
down here by the looks of this go on in it's never needs to be we're all in once
even if he's within six inches or niedelmeyer to him you need this chapter
master thank you there's really only Phil hit Ross yeah doesn't matter
oh my what are you that's why doesn't do it unfortunately it's the the hyper
adaptive systems of the even for Jean Steelers have been gone yeah bought a
fire can hurts more white will adapt ourselves that I'll just miss that
missed out other way dodge it sup Patriot what he's pointing this
thing get me right at world the can't let me stood there on right
just look up blood pools you've still got the blood clause and gliders I'm
guessing these guys are gonna open fire on this line here yeah
thing is I made it hard to see yeah I think yeah alright so girls gonna fire
some to plasma guns into the utterance everything else is gonna fire any of
these guys one of the plasma guns is cleverly shape a shape like an axis very
much like his homer oh yeah by the way just a little little thing for people
that like to watch is here both me and Carl
we are from South Yorkshire yeah and when Cowell mentioned our Jack I had so
thought it meant his home-brewed own character Joel he's our Jack as in my
brother Jack if you're not from the north of England for example I ever go
fuck a Richard it's called our Richard you know I've always actually his name
he's actual AR JK o CT yeah so he's actually our Jack whereas
if you from enough of England are Jack sounds like he's our Jack so I had to
point that out there because it is making me laugh every time he says I'd
yeah so the plasmas and survey are not
overcharging was no point
it's four shots mate you've been robbed before
oh it's three hits there's no need for Easter wound wants to run point one of
them no no problem so the hate one's already wounded Britt
so it does kill one because it's gonna be no save on them and we're gonna count
on some ball to fire it's 14 volt gunshots coming in yeah you're rerolls
position there's nothing do you too far out that's bullshit he's gonna need
fries to win those guys not too bad six six saves needing force for the color oh
crap a snog good that six down all right and we've been six inches the banner
completely forgot Santa Claus on sixes I say free so thankfully the banner saying
what you guys doing stop sleeping on the job
stop sleeping with each other placing movies well we are Jean Steel is a
little bit in book three guy's gone down from about you in it right and sir
you're all next one is gonna be the easy one Klaus buzzer pistol yep
I don't have a flame I first do the phone first decently six four hits still
got five come on points left
mmm to five to save xsane ball I'm not within six inches the ban ago so
I'm not gonna get my special abilities up wasn't pissed all fours
no bug burn a door fire no physicals up to you one one frag grenade one frag
grenade then it fires now the fragmentary absolutes d6 shots with the
frack and watch this a lot of one do you want to come on point tail come on for
that one point whatever Porter yep five shots with his grenade it's a lot better
needing force because we look coughing roll that one again that's definitely
part so many needs force to wound as well damn you for bamboo floor to Wolf's
so far and then you've got a flurry of up whistles five of them in total
needing falls and in fruit fits again of the bolts and the moves we've been here
they're better than BOTS when needed fives and sixes I'll lose to flamers are
still going to stay alive bolt right so we're gonna go now into the combat face
a little class some charges and bring you back into the fight right up Cal's
charged over here lost the guy on overwatch he tried to charge with them
into these guys lost they're going over watch and then fail discharges it is
minus two to charge through the actual building log and grim now just first
walk towards that Patriots pre-op kill him and the rest of the units have
managed to get in so which guy you're gonna go with first
Logan now Julie real organ because he knows I've got six months left and yes I
am a get and I will go with that guy first to try and kill Morgan so log and
grim now what have you got good sir it's the axe more kinda going to get 100 so
it's plus 2 minus 2 D 3 damageno or problem private acts 5 attacks or twos
we rolling film yeah oh hey strength six Mike toughness is five so
you're gonna need fries three through the - is irrelevant
I believe because it's if it's just a minus one then it's going to be fives
anywhere on the patriarchy - has gone through it is a dead pitchy out
regardless of how many wounds at all at least two wounds he's got two wounds
left patriarchy is gone more than grim now a few wishes can consolidate free
inches towards him he's going to stand there looking at race you're gonna stand
all over the corpse up a guy and a lot a little what's your next unit no sir I'll
do a Jack Jack Aldo doesn't need to do any sort of consolidation so how many
attacks does he have four toes as well I am a character yes destroy three damages
of the deed oh yeah yeah we've come across that before when you got hit in
the head by it being thrown magic way from the other side of the game board so
going into tonight's come back to you two's probably still embedded in his
head um I don't think you know he's not within six of fingers to count Leroy he
does he robbed all cells I get character ah right step yeah yeah so he's got
supposed to root for it choose to warn me how much that Dave yeah every dead
Dave - three ATM threes right before anything else happens here because I'm
completely new wish and I completely forgot to command points are gonna be
spent on this one guy here and he's gonna fight against those guys that's
just charged in before anything else happens two hits and with a moving walk
forward it's a two hits that's two wounds Cal with a minus of for you can't
save them so he's gonna lose two of the great hunters from that squad and then
you can keep going in so I'm guessing they're gonna consolidate at
okay right sorry its consolidated up and the power fist is coming in first is
gonna need fours now here's the weird thing
you apply modifiers before you apply reward sorry why modifiers after you why
were you also Beatles get freeze to hit it will miss because the - and you can't
read all it because of long and grim now because of rules but they go ahead sir
so the rich - c'mon point the rest I've got plenty of it yeah - the rest of the
guys should be able to murder him - is what four guys five that hits because
you miss our space - what someone as well Spaceballs Oh plus one - yes went
to hit when you charge don't yeah cuz we've just we've outs have been playing
and completely forgot about that yeah I forgot Logan's rules yep it is Morales
12-inch yeah no I've done it's dead wrong
I forgot a lot of space bullhorn anything that's charged or husband
charge of advances yeah Tessa push want to hit so these guys are gonna need is
need space at the freeze to hit with power fish because it's - superwoman is
also pushing one so yeah he's hit so out be tools to kill hey after all I view
the world double one I wouldn't and then the France consolidation move again for
those guys cuz they get to move once more so we're all dead
the terminators of shift shimmy up cuz these guys turn now to be able to
butcher all of this and don't Ruiz up two attacks police +1 for the weapons no
it's to touch the guide for you sergeant yeah attack each for them alright but
then change so gives it an extra look right I'm sure about some form of
dessert charges wrong alright okay so it's free attacks for everybody we do we
got a +1 return the charge service argent first needing tools because of
the special fools all he needs freeze for strength and he actually murders
three guys can't stop them and then there's gonna be a hell of a
lot of tax coming in so the rest of the attacks again nearly in two in front
when you consider this plus one to hit with all the tax it makes first was
quite nothing yeah when you remember the rules when you remember you leave it
goes here and then you need free stir wounds now eleven that's gonna hurt
eleven saves needed what was a lot of fives but there's another five dice
there which will murder these guys before I get a chance to actually fight
and then they get to do a friends consolidation towards the newest enemy
unit which is this one in the building all right so it's basically going to be
going on to morale Fez they also passed you two trucks submitted to the icon and
I am running out of assets to be able to take this objective the other things
I've got left now to come on and reserve was the rest of them a dad does these
guys here was about warlord so we're going to be going in to Jean Steelers
turn three
Regine steelers movement the ad events have shifted up I'll take away that one
counter because it doesn't exist on these guys so far these guys have done a
little bit shimmying just too petite heavy weapons have stayed still of
course but there's a little bit shimmy into drying up some more Bluffs into
those guys and these turned out with a six so the gene stealers they've
advanced menstrual 13-inch and gone straight up and the patriarchs facing
down the proper walldog patriarchy it's facing down who's your on so as before
mass hypnosis it's a double one come on point now put me down to two right so I
don't get the power off but I don't get perils of the walk neither oh it looks
like a Fink that's what this is doing for I think at the end of this term and
it goes into Cal's turn five I don't think I'm gonna have this particular
cause all I need to do is to kill him to get the Dark Angel off the shoulder take
it with me we're going to go survive a fuselage of firing it's been very bloody
in this particular streets so let's get into some shooting these guys are gonna
open fire on these so 11 shots in total from the blast in charge of an air
launches plus the last weapons thank you sir and it rolls out the way need force
plus 25 one for one normal wounds so far no and then to
mining layers needing Falls I've got one hit it's where it needs a to break my
neck blasting charge from the van a barrier one shots it hits he's a five it
doesn't do anything well done lads you've done great well done fantastic
well done yeah yeah definitely oh my god right charge charge charge
charge everywhere all right let's see what happens if a church is come back
for some booing so all the other ones and the icon won't
manage to make it in down here we North suffering but the Jean Steelers at a
massive charge into the middle the wolf guard and our Jets not part of our but
they lost free on the way in and of course he managed to make it in into the
Jean and he lose one now Carl has free command points left
I am NOT going to give him a chance to into it would be John the fell handed so
I am going to go up with my guy against the John first six ducks in twos they
all hit I need fives and sixes to wound him I
didn't get any thankfully these claws mean I got to leave all all fails oh so
this is the most important one here because that's six the straight through
bullion's armor because it's a minus of 4 and it has a straight free damage
you've got free wounds left so we'll do that one first so Carla's got free dice
needing fives and sixes to ignore the wounds but he can't save against that
particular attack because of the minus six know so about one strike paces
Bajans armor damage sarcophagus does he annihilation explode look no but
if Carl wants to here it comes does he's a character we are going to
double check this there was a chance he could spend free command points to have
about character offic is to come on points maybe but there had any fights so
we're going to check this to see whether or not it's going to be able to be
applicable and if he is and the John I'll probably fight him before he dies
so we checked it is actually going to be effect so yeah he's basically gonna have
or super can put a wall up here but any space wolf character which he is he's a
space wolf character it just a character on his profile so technically only touch
there's allowed to be shot always a vehicle as well but it says any space
ball character can fight so to come on points Carl he's going to fight with
Michonne before the John falls and drops with Archangel and he needs to state
is gonna wear it
what's your strength 12 is 12 so it needs tools to women's re-rolling felt
wound rules oh Christ and there's another one there as well hi
and it's minus 4 on d6 damage each yeah I'm gonna need a miracle on these three
have gone through so unless do I come and point to try and
save an additional no because even if you all's no I'm not going to so free d6
of your old rubbish I'm good don't roll wanna go he hasn't used a command point
in his fight face so it could use his last command point to relieve or one of
them ones because I've suffered too so they be down to free and this final dice
roll would even meet break or break it
so oh that's alright I've completely forgot that's they can ignore and break
no bones no 6 so that then gets put down by me so it'll probably pop very very
close to my units and we'll see what they can the gene stealers they can do
so this many attacks the ones that mechanical start is gonna be four
against Lawson and I do need freeze because my patriarch is dead and that
would have helped Ryan it's a decent amount of hits wound I don't know what
toughness Logan is what we'll find out in a moment that might actually really
really hurt Cal right so it took this force I won against more than grim now
I'm guessing he's got like a three or four pin bundle save yes fault so one
against logged in he's got a fork in run over he's fine
but them to a -4 against your wolf guards to event
so not wolf guard the agree on this of em are dead and then you've got six
normal attacks with a minus of one so another five that's it so that's very
going to be dead so I used my consolidation I'm just noting he's the
closest so I was shimmy shimmy and then he will move closer and also pick up the
thing at the same time so he's picked up I'll put it down but he has now got the
objective so the other vents are gonna be fighting next so the power pick is in
the mechanicus dice power pick needs fries the power hammers need fours and I
failed every single one of them I'm not gonna reroll for the pic is strength
five six because the balance that needs fries to one and it's a minus of 2 so
Wong Kar gets the save of five no if he loses one to those guys and then we've
got the icon ward we've his rending cloth so he needs
fries he hits them all this strength is increased by one through strength is
five so in each freeze so one of them is a minus of 4 so that will be one dead
and then two saves of four plus sir so in another one out of at squad goes
and go it's still not enough to be able to kill them all so Carl's gonna be able
to fight back with logging and he's gonna be out fight back with these right
so these guys are going to go first frost axe first then against the
audience needs to stir hits because it's space wolves and then what's the paucity
applause - so I'll be six so you need freeze to warm right what's the damage -
and one damage reef one damage each so I don't get a save so it takes out one of
the other ones it's one of the elements has gone down and then the other three
guys against the other it's
needing to again Wow five wounds the other answers only go save a five-course
another adamant dies he I'll be honest played the other one several times it
really really do need an update and then against two guys against the icon ward
good to be hitting on - yep he wanted all three and two wounds against the
icon water believers got four remembered a dog wounds on six and it still failed
to roll any so that's fine and then logon threes guys I mean it's actually
half but he needs to of it is six Chinese tourists available said one down
so only one gene stealer gets payload to that so here comes the kicker we are
going into turn five but gene stealer player which is me has the ball as it
were it's a bit like playing football I have the ball I win if I've got the ball
at the end of this turn so he's gene stealers need to last all of your a few
dollars are firing to be able to have the billions of US combat currently in
close combat but you can fall back through organ and then everyone else
could shoot and in charge that's probably gonna be a tactic if I'm
completely honest here is kind of inconsequential added a nice because if
you kill no cuz it's it's my I'm gonna have the last turn of a game turn 5 so
it's it's gonna be down to whatever happens really around this area yeah so
we're gonna go into Cal's turn five and if he manages to cheat who survived
then our love woman again I don't think it's going to happen but we'll see I've
rolled some pretty decent dice rolls so into space walls 10 5
um ignore everything I've just said to turn for now SoCal has moved the
blood clause further up into the building these guys have shimmered in
the needs of move to be able to try and finish off I could mentioned it wasn't
ten five that was my mistake he's actually turn four so I'm not as excited
now so these remaining combat Logan's remaining come back over there no point
falling back and then trying to kill stuff because he's like now I might as
well just butcher my way through these guys it'll be amusing right so yeah
you're shooting pheasant Kyle yep I think it's only these yeah yeah
what they doing is gonna do some Bob pistols and these guys yet and a slimmer
and flamer is because you've guys six already
water started recording that likes over six hits needing freeze supplies needing
forthcoming cover Wow back to some good dice rolls only one of these have gone
down and then you've got it one two three mmm very bent you can see really
it's all right about yourself and then yeah five pistols there's a plasma
pistol these hitch yep he's hit he's wounded I'm on a four plus -3 it's going
to be one dead and then yes I still wrong has been father pistols and to
come back oh yes I forgot roundup actually that's two dead so far just of
the pistols on those girls drinking some coca-cola no go no product placement at
all that
just going to Christmas women recording this but yeah no sugary goodness out
fuck you wow that was some venom there from Carl I hatred on Jay being over how
do right answer you got free number three and two room and took bit over
nothing sorry good pistol summaries guys you've got to into the guy bear and then
I think it's only to consoling within an inch
yeah so you've got two pistols into the other one two pistols into the icon
watch so which one first I mean I don't one hit near pop each
five nope so out of its wound us was the ignore it on six he doesn't and in the
icon wad it's just threes to its mini fries to warm sneak fives need sixes the
icon goes down it's never a good thing to boink point-blank pistol shots into
his face that means that these are gonna start settling morale oh it could be a
it could be a table in it could be a table in right and so there's no real
anymore shoot you shoot so it's going to be charges so will crack on with
charging and then will come back into it right because I've got to come on points
like they've managed to make it in and all of them have made it in because I've
got two thousand points left Carla's going to go with the terminates first to
see if we can murder as many of these jeans dealers as possible so answer
you've got two guys here with a pair of whitening claws would you like to do all
right look like lightning class Tariq out they do these could literally
disguised as lightning class right it's tuning it plus one frost class plus one
for having good yep three attacks each needing twos to hit weave rerolls due to
proximity of a Louis normal again yeah Plus once a head cuz it charged you
the twos right our strength five stops freeze two rooms does it be wrong as
well yeah Klaus made of ice apparently or whatever
it is that's the two of you I need to be alone
alright so by minding says it's five orphans on the ball
oh my god I only lose one bitch I'll kill from Logan good enough and then
you've got a frost axe I believe and then a power fist and then a sword is
that frost on as well Jim first Jeff is not about actually us yeah listen okay
which one do you want the next to Jim pissed Jim pissed
two attacks threes the delegative for the negative mementos one and anyone's
it can rear all nope Joe hits do need to
then frost sword or axe or whatever it is raw stats first acts do hits strength
strength six a belief 63 - so what - - yep always invulnerable and trying to
get log and grim that out of that fight but he that little Jekyll boy our jack
is still gonna be in project be arranged and then what's the last one process or
does it Lydia is it on the sergeant of them will its sergeant so did you get an
extra attack yep she goes up to get an extra set us free attacks in with him
Plus - yep so + 1 - 3 1 so it's freeze to say Oh only one that's true no point
you meet where do I spend - come on points and five of him first gone I'm
gonna do it because I'm gonna get killed anyway so to command points are gonna
fight there's no point fighting we in because I'm not really gonna do watch
I'm barely gonna scratch the surface for anything and I'll go with this guy to
try and in fact no drug William do didn't do can't kill anybody can't kill
RJ Claude terminators I'm gonna lose a thing so for Dougal with him unwinnable
never whine algerie him to attack him freeze one hit needing freeze one more -
- ah what a waste of c'mon points that was right and curl just abyss guy well
yeah he's gonna watch the vacant consolidate fringe today might as well
move up and then our Jack can move three inch then he gets in and he still within
six of log and so he's rear all in his hits and gets a +1 and blood little bit
there they can read all felt it rolls anyway alright and 6,000 to choose and
to is is gonna be yeah yep yeah bit strength x - all right here all the
damage there's not much - wow it's free Andy's dead and because it's you you can
choose who gets it so I'm guessing our jack will end up yeah now for the logic
look at logically they're gonna motorized damn they're gonna motorized
down I'm not gonna be able to kill our jack i believe about his game sir
because I'm not gonna be able to get back off you and I'm gonna end up losing
everybody so unchic yeah I enjoyed that even I did
make it to never towards the end but even if I would have meant that turn
ever towards anyone to muttered because he would have got all of it anyway so I
don't really might say well thank you very much for watching guys please like
share subscribe hit notification button if you like more if you want to see him
early go over to my website Luke stand up cold at UK to pound fifty or more for
subscription you get to see all the battle reports and all the painting of
all my painting ones as well they're gonna be early and I'm gonna start
archiving some of the old about reports as well so you're only going to be able
to see some of about the past on my website
well thanks very much for watching it's Austin Walton media on Facebook and
Twitter and it's through stem gaming on patreon YouTube twitch in fact pretty
much everywhere else and if you want to buy some t-shirts just reduce them
gaming on teespring thanks very much guys see you next time
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