happy holidays everyone if you have been following my channel you can see that
the background is different because I'm not my family's house yeah I haven't
really accepted all the way it but here we are if you're new here welcome my
name is kat Theo and today it's money Monday where we talk all about things
money on Monday because everyone loves money and everyone loves the
holiday but if you're not careful you might have a ho ho hole in your wallet
okay bad joke I'll make it up to you later I hope so today we're gonna be
getting into 9 different free gifts that you can add to your Christmas list this
year to help save you a lot of money and lower a little bit of the Christmas cost
of gifting to your friends families and co-workers etc etc etc okay so let's go
first free Christmas gift you can do is with the Amazon trade In program so we've
talked about the Amazon trade in program before in this video but to refresh your
memory you can send Amazon something actually
something that you don't use anymore like for example this random bird you
can send Amazon this random bird and they will send you back a gift card and
you can use that gift card to buy your friends and family something on
amazon.com this is a really great way to get rid of some of your old stuff that
you don't really use but they do have to be in good condition
you give read on their website what they consider and what they will not consider
but you can actually exchange a lot of different things that you don't use
anymore in your house my second way you can score a free Christmas gift is on
freebie websites I'm actually gonna be going more into different ways to get
free stuff in general let me know in the comments below if that's something
you're gonna be interested in watching but there are lots of ways to get free
freebies from like freecycle.org which is pretty much people that are just
getting rid of their stuff they don't feel like selling it and you can just
pick for free and you can find a lot of great
gifts there things like unopened coffee machines or some random sweater that's
not their size but is your uncle Susie size and many other things that you can
find on free cycle there's also a different reddit subgroups like reddit.com
r freebies and there's another one called reddit com r barter and that's
where you can also get a lot of free and really discounted things on reddit but
you do have to pick up so it has to be in your city okay my third way to score
a free gift for Christmas is offering a service to your friends and family I
actually used to do this with one of mine you know ex-boyfriends and instead
of like gifting him something I would offer something for free like here is
three free massages and you can like make it look all cute and maybe maybe
like laminate the paper so it's actually girl like kind of like a coupon that
they can cash in but you can do this with your friends and family whereas
wash their car free massage you know you'll walk the dog different things
like that and people actually do appreciate these types of gifts because
a lot of times people just don't want to wash their car or take up the dog or
babysitting for example this can be a really great were three free nights of
babysitting it's actually something a lot of parents would really appreciate I
forth free gift that you can give to someone is with mason jars if you're
anything like me i have a ton of mission doors in my house i actually don't even
need you can make a lot of really cool mason jar crafts like by painting them
or wrapping it ribbon on it and putting candles in it or you can even make a
cool sparkler you just have to be careful you don't burn yourself my fifth
free gift idea is to make a video or somebody telling them what to love about
them or just even some memory that you have of them I personally love this gift
idea and I think especially it's great for kids to their parents or adult
children to their parents or your boyfriend or even just to your boss or
coworkers just what you appreciate about them what you
love about them it's something they can keep forever and it's something they can
watch when they're having a bad day or just feeling kind of down you know I
think this is actually a great gift idea for your best friend or even a lover
because you can go through all of the memories you've had with them and
combine it into one short video just to remember all the things you've been
through all the good times especially it like maybe you're having a fight it's a
really good reference to remember like all the good times you had my 603 gift
idea is gifting a book to one of your friends I know this is only gonna work
if they are oh a bookworm you know if they actually like readings
but I know for me personally I love to read and I love getting books especially
books that I've actually want so you know if you have a friend that has a
similar taste in books you can head to your little bookshelf and grab some
books and gift them to your friends you can also do this for ebooks and if you
have a Kindle you can also send them some Kindle books or some ebooks to
paint on if they're a prime member or not okay my seventh Christmas gift is
the gift of time one of the most valuable things we have it's not the
most valuable thing we have is our time so of course this is probably my
favorite gift ideas on this list is giving your time to people you love and
care about so some free options are going on a
picnic together bringing your food and spending some time in the Sun right now
it's kind of cold but if you live in a climate that's a little bit nicer then
you can still go on a picnic or go on a hike in the mountains with this person
or even taking up some rollerskating or some rollerblading in the park with this
person studies show that when you are having an active activity with somebody
you're actually connecting it more deeply with that person you can even try
starting a new class with them at a class of yoga or a cooking class my
eighth way is if you're already going to be buying things online this is not free
but if you're gonna be longest free money yeah if you're already going to be
buying things online is to be buying through cashback website
I really like the website ebates.com the link will be in the description
something you're already gonna buy like let's say a camera for someone you can
buy it through the cashback website you're gonna get money back which is
gonna save you money on all of your your purchases so let's say you plan on
spending a thousand dollars this Christmas season you might only spend
800 because of the cashback that you're gonna get my ninth way is becoming an
Amazon Prime member if you're not already an Amazon Prime member you have
free two-day shipping with any of your orders so if you really only want it for
the December season for the holidays you can just get it for one month and get
free shipping all month long for all the things that you need I think if you are
planning on buying a bunch of stuff it could be a great way to save time from
going to the stores in looking and over buying because you're seeing all these
different types of things and you can buy everything in one place and get free
shipping okay my last weigh my 10th weight to
give something for free for this Christmas season is obviously any type
of crafting I always thought it was always a really beautiful thing where my
friends giving me something that they personally may whether it's jewelry or
just some type of clothing or any type of thing that they can make so this
might not be free if you don't already have the materials at your house but if
you do this can be something really easy for you and if you're not crafty you can
just go to EXCI calm and nobody will even know the difference
pouring dis ruptor your viewing I lost a little bit of footage but I forgot to
say was you can also give people food by baking you can make some cookies and
wrap it up in some nice ribbon or you can make a cake and put it in a lovely
box and you can make really anything to make it look luxury so people think you
are like this chef and it's a really great way to get to their heart through
their stomach okay back to the other video okay so that's all I have for you
guys state thanks so much for watching this video let me know what things
you're gonna try and what other ideas you have to give something for free this
holiday season and I'm sure we would love to hear about it if you haven't
subscribed to my channel we talk about things money every single Monday
and I will see you in the next video bye
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