Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018

happy holidays everyone if you have been following my channel you can see that

the background is different because I'm not my family's house yeah I haven't

really accepted all the way it but here we are if you're new here welcome my

name is kat Theo and today it's money Monday where we talk all about things

money on Monday because everyone loves money and everyone loves the

holiday but if you're not careful you might have a ho ho hole in your wallet

okay bad joke I'll make it up to you later I hope so today we're gonna be

getting into 9 different free gifts that you can add to your Christmas list this

year to help save you a lot of money and lower a little bit of the Christmas cost

of gifting to your friends families and co-workers etc etc etc okay so let's go

first free Christmas gift you can do is with the Amazon trade In program so we've

talked about the Amazon trade in program before in this video but to refresh your

memory you can send Amazon something actually

something that you don't use anymore like for example this random bird you

can send Amazon this random bird and they will send you back a gift card and

you can use that gift card to buy your friends and family something on this is a really great way to get rid of some of your old stuff that

you don't really use but they do have to be in good condition

you give read on their website what they consider and what they will not consider

but you can actually exchange a lot of different things that you don't use

anymore in your house my second way you can score a free Christmas gift is on

freebie websites I'm actually gonna be going more into different ways to get

free stuff in general let me know in the comments below if that's something

you're gonna be interested in watching but there are lots of ways to get free

freebies from like which is pretty much people that are just

getting rid of their stuff they don't feel like selling it and you can just

pick for free and you can find a lot of great

gifts there things like unopened coffee machines or some random sweater that's

not their size but is your uncle Susie size and many other things that you can

find on free cycle there's also a different reddit subgroups like

r freebies and there's another one called reddit com r barter and that's

where you can also get a lot of free and really discounted things on reddit but

you do have to pick up so it has to be in your city okay my third way to score

a free gift for Christmas is offering a service to your friends and family I

actually used to do this with one of mine you know ex-boyfriends and instead

of like gifting him something I would offer something for free like here is

three free massages and you can like make it look all cute and maybe maybe

like laminate the paper so it's actually girl like kind of like a coupon that

they can cash in but you can do this with your friends and family whereas

wash their car free massage you know you'll walk the dog different things

like that and people actually do appreciate these types of gifts because

a lot of times people just don't want to wash their car or take up the dog or

babysitting for example this can be a really great were three free nights of

babysitting it's actually something a lot of parents would really appreciate I

forth free gift that you can give to someone is with mason jars if you're

anything like me i have a ton of mission doors in my house i actually don't even

need you can make a lot of really cool mason jar crafts like by painting them

or wrapping it ribbon on it and putting candles in it or you can even make a

cool sparkler you just have to be careful you don't burn yourself my fifth

free gift idea is to make a video or somebody telling them what to love about

them or just even some memory that you have of them I personally love this gift

idea and I think especially it's great for kids to their parents or adult

children to their parents or your boyfriend or even just to your boss or

coworkers just what you appreciate about them what you

love about them it's something they can keep forever and it's something they can

watch when they're having a bad day or just feeling kind of down you know I

think this is actually a great gift idea for your best friend or even a lover

because you can go through all of the memories you've had with them and

combine it into one short video just to remember all the things you've been

through all the good times especially it like maybe you're having a fight it's a

really good reference to remember like all the good times you had my 603 gift

idea is gifting a book to one of your friends I know this is only gonna work

if they are oh a bookworm you know if they actually like readings

but I know for me personally I love to read and I love getting books especially

books that I've actually want so you know if you have a friend that has a

similar taste in books you can head to your little bookshelf and grab some

books and gift them to your friends you can also do this for ebooks and if you

have a Kindle you can also send them some Kindle books or some ebooks to

paint on if they're a prime member or not okay my seventh Christmas gift is

the gift of time one of the most valuable things we have it's not the

most valuable thing we have is our time so of course this is probably my

favorite gift ideas on this list is giving your time to people you love and

care about so some free options are going on a

picnic together bringing your food and spending some time in the Sun right now

it's kind of cold but if you live in a climate that's a little bit nicer then

you can still go on a picnic or go on a hike in the mountains with this person

or even taking up some rollerskating or some rollerblading in the park with this

person studies show that when you are having an active activity with somebody

you're actually connecting it more deeply with that person you can even try

starting a new class with them at a class of yoga or a cooking class my

eighth way is if you're already going to be buying things online this is not free

but if you're gonna be longest free money yeah if you're already going to be

buying things online is to be buying through cashback website

I really like the website the link will be in the description

something you're already gonna buy like let's say a camera for someone you can

buy it through the cashback website you're gonna get money back which is

gonna save you money on all of your your purchases so let's say you plan on

spending a thousand dollars this Christmas season you might only spend

800 because of the cashback that you're gonna get my ninth way is becoming an

Amazon Prime member if you're not already an Amazon Prime member you have

free two-day shipping with any of your orders so if you really only want it for

the December season for the holidays you can just get it for one month and get

free shipping all month long for all the things that you need I think if you are

planning on buying a bunch of stuff it could be a great way to save time from

going to the stores in looking and over buying because you're seeing all these

different types of things and you can buy everything in one place and get free

shipping okay my last weigh my 10th weight to

give something for free for this Christmas season is obviously any type

of crafting I always thought it was always a really beautiful thing where my

friends giving me something that they personally may whether it's jewelry or

just some type of clothing or any type of thing that they can make so this

might not be free if you don't already have the materials at your house but if

you do this can be something really easy for you and if you're not crafty you can

just go to EXCI calm and nobody will even know the difference

pouring dis ruptor your viewing I lost a little bit of footage but I forgot to

say was you can also give people food by baking you can make some cookies and

wrap it up in some nice ribbon or you can make a cake and put it in a lovely

box and you can make really anything to make it look luxury so people think you

are like this chef and it's a really great way to get to their heart through

their stomach okay back to the other video okay so that's all I have for you

guys state thanks so much for watching this video let me know what things

you're gonna try and what other ideas you have to give something for free this

holiday season and I'm sure we would love to hear about it if you haven't

subscribed to my channel we talk about things money every single Monday

and I will see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> 10 Free Christmas gift Ideas (Last Minute) - Duration: 9:04.


Buone feste 2018 | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Buone feste 2018 | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 1:59.


TRIBAL99- OVERDOSE - 21/22 - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> TRIBAL99- OVERDOSE - 21/22 - Duration: 9:00.


Grupo Clareou - A Carne é Fraca (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Grupo Clareou - A Carne é Fraca (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:42.


TRIBAL99- PRIMEIRA VEZ - 20/22 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> TRIBAL99- PRIMEIRA VEZ - 20/22 - Duration: 4:12.


TRIBAL99- SONHO - 22/22 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> TRIBAL99- SONHO - 22/22 - Duration: 2:39.


Bárbara Muñoz lanzó nuevo videoclip con bailarines de Ricky Martin y Britney Spears - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Bárbara Muñoz lanzó nuevo videoclip con bailarines de Ricky Martin y Britney Spears - Duration: 3:56.


10 Free Christmas gift Ideas (Last Minute) - Duration: 9:04.

happy holidays everyone if you have been following my channel you can see that

the background is different because I'm not my family's house yeah I haven't

really accepted all the way it but here we are if you're new here welcome my

name is kat Theo and today it's money Monday where we talk all about things

money on Monday because everyone loves money and everyone loves the

holiday but if you're not careful you might have a ho ho hole in your wallet

okay bad joke I'll make it up to you later I hope so today we're gonna be

getting into 9 different free gifts that you can add to your Christmas list this

year to help save you a lot of money and lower a little bit of the Christmas cost

of gifting to your friends families and co-workers etc etc etc okay so let's go

first free Christmas gift you can do is with the Amazon trade In program so we've

talked about the Amazon trade in program before in this video but to refresh your

memory you can send Amazon something actually

something that you don't use anymore like for example this random bird you

can send Amazon this random bird and they will send you back a gift card and

you can use that gift card to buy your friends and family something on this is a really great way to get rid of some of your old stuff that

you don't really use but they do have to be in good condition

you give read on their website what they consider and what they will not consider

but you can actually exchange a lot of different things that you don't use

anymore in your house my second way you can score a free Christmas gift is on

freebie websites I'm actually gonna be going more into different ways to get

free stuff in general let me know in the comments below if that's something

you're gonna be interested in watching but there are lots of ways to get free

freebies from like which is pretty much people that are just

getting rid of their stuff they don't feel like selling it and you can just

pick for free and you can find a lot of great

gifts there things like unopened coffee machines or some random sweater that's

not their size but is your uncle Susie size and many other things that you can

find on free cycle there's also a different reddit subgroups like

r freebies and there's another one called reddit com r barter and that's

where you can also get a lot of free and really discounted things on reddit but

you do have to pick up so it has to be in your city okay my third way to score

a free gift for Christmas is offering a service to your friends and family I

actually used to do this with one of mine you know ex-boyfriends and instead

of like gifting him something I would offer something for free like here is

three free massages and you can like make it look all cute and maybe maybe

like laminate the paper so it's actually girl like kind of like a coupon that

they can cash in but you can do this with your friends and family whereas

wash their car free massage you know you'll walk the dog different things

like that and people actually do appreciate these types of gifts because

a lot of times people just don't want to wash their car or take up the dog or

babysitting for example this can be a really great were three free nights of

babysitting it's actually something a lot of parents would really appreciate I

forth free gift that you can give to someone is with mason jars if you're

anything like me i have a ton of mission doors in my house i actually don't even

need you can make a lot of really cool mason jar crafts like by painting them

or wrapping it ribbon on it and putting candles in it or you can even make a

cool sparkler you just have to be careful you don't burn yourself my fifth

free gift idea is to make a video or somebody telling them what to love about

them or just even some memory that you have of them I personally love this gift

idea and I think especially it's great for kids to their parents or adult

children to their parents or your boyfriend or even just to your boss or

coworkers just what you appreciate about them what you

love about them it's something they can keep forever and it's something they can

watch when they're having a bad day or just feeling kind of down you know I

think this is actually a great gift idea for your best friend or even a lover

because you can go through all of the memories you've had with them and

combine it into one short video just to remember all the things you've been

through all the good times especially it like maybe you're having a fight it's a

really good reference to remember like all the good times you had my 603 gift

idea is gifting a book to one of your friends I know this is only gonna work

if they are oh a bookworm you know if they actually like readings

but I know for me personally I love to read and I love getting books especially

books that I've actually want so you know if you have a friend that has a

similar taste in books you can head to your little bookshelf and grab some

books and gift them to your friends you can also do this for ebooks and if you

have a Kindle you can also send them some Kindle books or some ebooks to

paint on if they're a prime member or not okay my seventh Christmas gift is

the gift of time one of the most valuable things we have it's not the

most valuable thing we have is our time so of course this is probably my

favorite gift ideas on this list is giving your time to people you love and

care about so some free options are going on a

picnic together bringing your food and spending some time in the Sun right now

it's kind of cold but if you live in a climate that's a little bit nicer then

you can still go on a picnic or go on a hike in the mountains with this person

or even taking up some rollerskating or some rollerblading in the park with this

person studies show that when you are having an active activity with somebody

you're actually connecting it more deeply with that person you can even try

starting a new class with them at a class of yoga or a cooking class my

eighth way is if you're already going to be buying things online this is not free

but if you're gonna be longest free money yeah if you're already going to be

buying things online is to be buying through cashback website

I really like the website the link will be in the description

something you're already gonna buy like let's say a camera for someone you can

buy it through the cashback website you're gonna get money back which is

gonna save you money on all of your your purchases so let's say you plan on

spending a thousand dollars this Christmas season you might only spend

800 because of the cashback that you're gonna get my ninth way is becoming an

Amazon Prime member if you're not already an Amazon Prime member you have

free two-day shipping with any of your orders so if you really only want it for

the December season for the holidays you can just get it for one month and get

free shipping all month long for all the things that you need I think if you are

planning on buying a bunch of stuff it could be a great way to save time from

going to the stores in looking and over buying because you're seeing all these

different types of things and you can buy everything in one place and get free

shipping okay my last weigh my 10th weight to

give something for free for this Christmas season is obviously any type

of crafting I always thought it was always a really beautiful thing where my

friends giving me something that they personally may whether it's jewelry or

just some type of clothing or any type of thing that they can make so this

might not be free if you don't already have the materials at your house but if

you do this can be something really easy for you and if you're not crafty you can

just go to EXCI calm and nobody will even know the difference

pouring dis ruptor your viewing I lost a little bit of footage but I forgot to

say was you can also give people food by baking you can make some cookies and

wrap it up in some nice ribbon or you can make a cake and put it in a lovely

box and you can make really anything to make it look luxury so people think you

are like this chef and it's a really great way to get to their heart through

their stomach okay back to the other video okay so that's all I have for you

guys state thanks so much for watching this video let me know what things

you're gonna try and what other ideas you have to give something for free this

holiday season and I'm sure we would love to hear about it if you haven't

subscribed to my channel we talk about things money every single Monday

and I will see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> 10 Free Christmas gift Ideas (Last Minute) - Duration: 9:04.


Trump's 'HUUUGE' Tax Bill A Total Hoax - Duration: 12:25.

For more infomation >> Trump's 'HUUUGE' Tax Bill A Total Hoax - Duration: 12:25.


Putin Makes A FOOL Of Trump - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Putin Makes A FOOL Of Trump - Duration: 9:11.


I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE - Duration: 19:48.

it's not that burned I don't like people

good morning I had thought so many thoughts are

happening and then I turn on the camera and they're all gone but we are doing

banana bread today because you ready for the sad sad bananas we have like a

billion of them - no there's four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 17

bananas oh my god that means that I will be doing think five loaves five batches of

banana bread but we have so many of them because we thought that Nolan would be

eating them without his teeth what cuz he can't chew anything hard but

then he I don't even think he likes bananas either really nobody in our

house just eats a banana because nobody likes them but we thought he would so

now we have a ton of bananas and now they're all spotty and nobody will eat

them like that so um banana bread time and then these are what are those things

they're gonna be picture frames that Zeus's class are making tomorrow that's

I'm going to our school tomorrow and yawn soon I need to move all the cookies

and all that stuff so that we can make money in a bread and hopefully it won't

turn out like an epic fail like last time I think it's because the bowl well

I don't really know why but I thought it was maybe because I kept microwaving the

bowl and then the so then what's that called the baking soda was like

activated when it was in the bowl not in the oven

but I will get my breakfast drinkin or mixed at least and then we'll get

started and you are already out of battery what is the world to come to


I forgot about the bread again but good thing is it's not that burn that much

this time wait light these ones are a little bit crispy that one's good

that one's fine well it's a little bit hard but whatever that one is the best

one and that one's fine and then these got a little bit hard but not nearly as

hard as they were last time when they like incinerated themselves I don't know

what happened last time because that's never happened before

and I mean it's only been one time since but it also hasn't it didn't happen this

time so don't know what happened I even brought my computer out here to edit

while they were baking so I wouldn't forget and then I did and my face skin

is they really peeling off where their sores were but the sores are going away

so that's a plus in my life and there's not on it looks really gross still cuz

it's like Felda I don't know pus or something probably what it is

I don't know it's like hot and it's hard and I mean it's like squishy but like

hard so it just feels like there's like stuff in it and then I'm wearing jeans

not real jeans I'm wearing a thing called like jeggings Lee jeans jeggings

they made me so I'm pretty much just wearing leggings but they look like

jeans I look like a real person today I was gonna wear that like poncho thing

but I thought it would drive me nuts during PT and I was cold and I put it on

I think I was cold in it so now we will go back to my room we'll take all my

computer stuff back to my room so that I could be in front of my heater and Gayle

warm and then around like three something today I need to start like put

Nolan's dinner in the oven at three something or four something three

something so that when after he drops me off you

can come home and eat it I'm just making oven mac and cheese you

just take your thing out of the box and put in oven professional chef right here

we're home from PT and it's really really really quiet there at night so I

don't know why I didn't start at night long ago because I don't like people I

think there was a new rider day and he's not used to dealing with my antics like

when people ask me questions about 90% of the time I don't answer I didn't even

realize that I'd still do that but I'd parently I do I used no time at all

except for Nia I only talked to like ten people and you guys there's no face

looking back at me so after we finish eating then we have to paint and puzzle

pieces because I'm helping her with a project at her school tomorrow

and so I might not vlog tomorrow probably won't and I had another thought

but I can't remember it because now I'm watching the news so see ya one more

painting puzzle be cold in our garage but I am helping her

camps these puzzle pieces and these picture frames which made on a popsicle

stick for her quest for tomorrow they're making holiday gifts but she's

spray-painting everything silver so that looks nice

I don't really know what I'm helping them actually do tomorrow but I think

I'm just sitting at the table and watching them yeah here I'll put you

here and you co wash it I think you can see

martini looks good so far hey wait how much dirt is on him good thing I have a

rubber bumper on you guys oh I do need to clean the lens but

that's beside the point


we are out of three paint so this is how they're gonna look but she thinks it'll

look good and I mean they're little kids does it it doesn't have to look like it

should be along in a museum or anything well anyways I'm going to bed so and I

have to wake up early because she struck she's dragging me to school in the

morning so good night thanks for watching and I'll see you I don't think

tomorrow but maybe tomorrow

For more infomation >> I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE - Duration: 19:48.


Stunning THE HAMLIN tiny house for sale - Duration: 3:21.

Stunning THE HAMLIN tiny house for sale

For more infomation >> Stunning THE HAMLIN tiny house for sale - Duration: 3:21.


Вся правда о сетевом маркетинге. Проблемы сетевого маркетинга. Ошибки в млм - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Вся правда о сетевом маркетинге. Проблемы сетевого маркетинга. Ошибки в млм - Duration: 3:26.


10thirtysix | Program | #303, December 2018 - Duration: 27:47.

For more infomation >> 10thirtysix | Program | #303, December 2018 - Duration: 27:47.


6 Pound Monster Enchilada Challenge w/ "Erik The Electric" (Chupacabra at Vaqueros) | Freak Eating - Duration: 6:16.

In the city of san juan capistrano, not far from the famous Spanish mission,

you'll find an enormous six pound enchilada called El Chupacabra while

this is a solo person challenge I was going to take it alongside Erik the

electric in our first ever collaboration

with no fanfare no BS and no Stalin it's time to see if we slay it El Chupacabra

or if the giant monster enchilada made a meal out of us

okay wait okay do we need the flash on or let me let me get you different mode

all right

welcome back to freakeating it's time for another challenge and how fitting

that I'm doing one alongside Eric the electric neither of us had faced El

Chupacabra before so it was pretty cool that our schedules lined up during

VidCon this year we didn't know what the house record was for this challenge but

I was hoping for a ten minute finish and Eric was hoping for a six minute finish

you get 30 minutes so neither of us were expecting to be in any real trouble here

my previous best time in a giant enchilada was about 20 minutes

this giant enchilada comes stuffed with lettuce cheese a special red sauce which

is actually spicy some guacamole several layers of fresh corn masa and lots of

meat you can choose up to two different meats off the menu I just went with

chicken and I believe Eric went with a mix of chicken and pork it was an

absolutely delicious challenge through and through start to finish since it

went fast the food didn't really have a chance to cool down

alright guys so that's coming very soon

so that was four minutes and 54 seconds alright second under five minutes which

is really good that was absolutely came it's absolutely

amazing yep why I think super spicy ketchup spicy

Eric didn't like the spiciness of the sauce but from other past experiences

I've had at restaurants I know it could have been a whole lot worse of the coke

aided us I was a bit worse for wear that Eric was since I'd done two big

challenges the two previous days but I was confident that I finished with a

decent time the challenge cost twenty dollars but if you win the meal is free

and you win a special gift card that allows you to one free taco every day of

the year that's like 365 free tacos if you live

nearby it would be an awesome prize if you live locally but I don't

boom Eric got a nice fast finish pretty much what he was aiming for if you're

not familiar with his work you've got to check out Eric's YouTube channel and see

some of the incredible challenges he's done over the years

a very impressive eater and all-around really cool guy it's too bad we didn't

get to do anything together till this year we'd been in a couple contests

together but it's just not the same hopefully we fixed that in 2019 he also

gave me a really cool t-shirt but unfortunately I can't fit into it yet I

got some work to do but first let me work on this enchilada

that's like because he's you know all

this guy really good he does confident welcome a few times how was that and

boom goes the dynamite the most delicious six pound enchilada challenge

I've ever done is now in the history books of freak eating everyone in the

restaurant was excited for us and I'm thrilled that we didn't disappoint them

smash that like button if you enjoyed the video and click the bell icon to

stay notified about new future food videos there are several more on the way

before 2018 comes to an end I'm gonna be busy editing and uploading so until we

eat again stay in school don't do drugs I eat like a freak

For more infomation >> 6 Pound Monster Enchilada Challenge w/ "Erik The Electric" (Chupacabra at Vaqueros) | Freak Eating - Duration: 6:16.


How Jeffery Epstein Got Away With Human Trafficking - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> How Jeffery Epstein Got Away With Human Trafficking - Duration: 8:25.


10 Free Christmas gift Ideas (Last Minute) - Duration: 9:04.

happy holidays everyone if you have been following my channel you can see that

the background is different because I'm not my family's house yeah I haven't

really accepted all the way it but here we are if you're new here welcome my

name is kat Theo and today it's money Monday where we talk all about things

money on Monday because everyone loves money and everyone loves the

holiday but if you're not careful you might have a ho ho hole in your wallet

okay bad joke I'll make it up to you later I hope so today we're gonna be

getting into 9 different free gifts that you can add to your Christmas list this

year to help save you a lot of money and lower a little bit of the Christmas cost

of gifting to your friends families and co-workers etc etc etc okay so let's go

first free Christmas gift you can do is with the Amazon trade In program so we've

talked about the Amazon trade in program before in this video but to refresh your

memory you can send Amazon something actually

something that you don't use anymore like for example this random bird you

can send Amazon this random bird and they will send you back a gift card and

you can use that gift card to buy your friends and family something on this is a really great way to get rid of some of your old stuff that

you don't really use but they do have to be in good condition

you give read on their website what they consider and what they will not consider

but you can actually exchange a lot of different things that you don't use

anymore in your house my second way you can score a free Christmas gift is on

freebie websites I'm actually gonna be going more into different ways to get

free stuff in general let me know in the comments below if that's something

you're gonna be interested in watching but there are lots of ways to get free

freebies from like which is pretty much people that are just

getting rid of their stuff they don't feel like selling it and you can just

pick for free and you can find a lot of great

gifts there things like unopened coffee machines or some random sweater that's

not their size but is your uncle Susie size and many other things that you can

find on free cycle there's also a different reddit subgroups like

r freebies and there's another one called reddit com r barter and that's

where you can also get a lot of free and really discounted things on reddit but

you do have to pick up so it has to be in your city okay my third way to score

a free gift for Christmas is offering a service to your friends and family I

actually used to do this with one of mine you know ex-boyfriends and instead

of like gifting him something I would offer something for free like here is

three free massages and you can like make it look all cute and maybe maybe

like laminate the paper so it's actually girl like kind of like a coupon that

they can cash in but you can do this with your friends and family whereas

wash their car free massage you know you'll walk the dog different things

like that and people actually do appreciate these types of gifts because

a lot of times people just don't want to wash their car or take up the dog or

babysitting for example this can be a really great were three free nights of

babysitting it's actually something a lot of parents would really appreciate I

forth free gift that you can give to someone is with mason jars if you're

anything like me i have a ton of mission doors in my house i actually don't even

need you can make a lot of really cool mason jar crafts like by painting them

or wrapping it ribbon on it and putting candles in it or you can even make a

cool sparkler you just have to be careful you don't burn yourself my fifth

free gift idea is to make a video or somebody telling them what to love about

them or just even some memory that you have of them I personally love this gift

idea and I think especially it's great for kids to their parents or adult

children to their parents or your boyfriend or even just to your boss or

coworkers just what you appreciate about them what you

love about them it's something they can keep forever and it's something they can

watch when they're having a bad day or just feeling kind of down you know I

think this is actually a great gift idea for your best friend or even a lover

because you can go through all of the memories you've had with them and

combine it into one short video just to remember all the things you've been

through all the good times especially it like maybe you're having a fight it's a

really good reference to remember like all the good times you had my 603 gift

idea is gifting a book to one of your friends I know this is only gonna work

if they are oh a bookworm you know if they actually like readings

but I know for me personally I love to read and I love getting books especially

books that I've actually want so you know if you have a friend that has a

similar taste in books you can head to your little bookshelf and grab some

books and gift them to your friends you can also do this for ebooks and if you

have a Kindle you can also send them some Kindle books or some ebooks to

paint on if they're a prime member or not okay my seventh Christmas gift is

the gift of time one of the most valuable things we have it's not the

most valuable thing we have is our time so of course this is probably my

favorite gift ideas on this list is giving your time to people you love and

care about so some free options are going on a

picnic together bringing your food and spending some time in the Sun right now

it's kind of cold but if you live in a climate that's a little bit nicer then

you can still go on a picnic or go on a hike in the mountains with this person

or even taking up some rollerskating or some rollerblading in the park with this

person studies show that when you are having an active activity with somebody

you're actually connecting it more deeply with that person you can even try

starting a new class with them at a class of yoga or a cooking class my

eighth way is if you're already going to be buying things online this is not free

but if you're gonna be longest free money yeah if you're already going to be

buying things online is to be buying through cashback website

I really like the website the link will be in the description

something you're already gonna buy like let's say a camera for someone you can

buy it through the cashback website you're gonna get money back which is

gonna save you money on all of your your purchases so let's say you plan on

spending a thousand dollars this Christmas season you might only spend

800 because of the cashback that you're gonna get my ninth way is becoming an

Amazon Prime member if you're not already an Amazon Prime member you have

free two-day shipping with any of your orders so if you really only want it for

the December season for the holidays you can just get it for one month and get

free shipping all month long for all the things that you need I think if you are

planning on buying a bunch of stuff it could be a great way to save time from

going to the stores in looking and over buying because you're seeing all these

different types of things and you can buy everything in one place and get free

shipping okay my last weigh my 10th weight to

give something for free for this Christmas season is obviously any type

of crafting I always thought it was always a really beautiful thing where my

friends giving me something that they personally may whether it's jewelry or

just some type of clothing or any type of thing that they can make so this

might not be free if you don't already have the materials at your house but if

you do this can be something really easy for you and if you're not crafty you can

just go to EXCI calm and nobody will even know the difference

pouring dis ruptor your viewing I lost a little bit of footage but I forgot to

say was you can also give people food by baking you can make some cookies and

wrap it up in some nice ribbon or you can make a cake and put it in a lovely

box and you can make really anything to make it look luxury so people think you

are like this chef and it's a really great way to get to their heart through

their stomach okay back to the other video okay so that's all I have for you

guys state thanks so much for watching this video let me know what things

you're gonna try and what other ideas you have to give something for free this

holiday season and I'm sure we would love to hear about it if you haven't

subscribed to my channel we talk about things money every single Monday

and I will see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> 10 Free Christmas gift Ideas (Last Minute) - Duration: 9:04.


Catholic priest admits to being whistle-blower to help dozens of victims - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Catholic priest admits to being whistle-blower to help dozens of victims - Duration: 2:06.


刘诗诗吴奇隆官宣怀孕:怀着激动喜悦的心情期待家庭新成员 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 刘诗诗吴奇隆官宣怀孕:怀着激动喜悦的心情期待家庭新成员 - Duration: 4:22.


সত্যি প্রেম কাকে বলে || What is True Love || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 13:03.

For more infomation >> সত্যি প্রেম কাকে বলে || What is True Love || motivational video in bangla - Duration: 13:03.


The REAL Reason Why Lonzo Ball Is Playing BETTER (Ft. LeBron James, NBA Passes, Dunks) - Duration: 7:28.

Lonzo Ball has looked different this year, ok not that, this and LeBron's had a lot

to do with that.

But how?

It's time to break down LeBronzo.

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

It's been really interesting to see Lonzo and LeBron play together and to see the development

of both so I wanted to break down why Lonzo is playing better and why they work well together.

And college finals for me are finally over so now I can give y'all so much more content

like these breakdowns and more origin and savage stories.

I didn't upload as much during this week because I didn't want give y'all bad content

but now I can upload more than my normal schedule.

I'm supposed to make a joke about Lonzo for likes right now, but he's been playing

decent so I guess don't hit the like button.

And let's just get into it.

Lonzo Ball has been inconsistent offensively.

We're gonna talk about his defense too, but first the offense.

There have been times where Lonzo has looked like a budding star and other times where

he just looks out of place on an NBA court.

The Lonzo-LeBron dynamic is an awkward pairing.

In the beginning of the season, you could see Lonzo just not knowing what to do on the

court with Lebron and Lebron not knowing how to utilize Lonzo.

At first, Lonzo was being relegated to a spot up shooter and while he was actually somewhat

adequate at that, it wasn't who Lonzo was and it was limiting what he could bring.

Lonzo for the first couple of games in the season was shooting 39% from 3 which I think

was surprising and to me was not sustainable.

If he continued shooting at that rate, he would have to shoot contested shots which

I just am unsure if Lonzo has changed his form enough to do that.

I broke down his new form a few months ago and the changes he made were small, but meaningful.

Now we see Lonzo Ball actually dunking the ball, it's not like we saw that in UCLA…

hmm apparently he just lost his ability to dunk when he came to the NBA and recently

relearned how to dunk.

The dunk was not shocking because of what Lonzo could do, it was shocking because it

was a contradiction to what Lonzo's identity had been established to.

Lonzo was the calm and cool guy, the guy that was reserved with his play and his demeanor.

In just one play, Lonzo showed a different side, a side with more aggression.

Lonzo's dunked before but just not with more oomph.

And the build up to this dunk came from LeBron and I don't mean within the play itself.

LeBron dubbed Lonzo the "young king", giving him compliments and encouragement since

arriving onto the Lakers.

And having a guy like LeBron being your hype man would probably give you new levels of


After all, LeBron is Lonzo's idol player.

So when LeBron told Lonzo to be more aggressive, we didn't really see a whole change in him


We saw slight modifications.

Like a slight pumpfake and drive to the paint.

Or driving and dishing.

His frequency of shots in the paint this season have increased by 7%.

In his past games in which he almost averaging 11 shots a game, similar to his first season,

but he's averaging 5 shot attempts in the paint which is way up from the 3.2 he was

taking in his first year.

His frequency of shots in the paint in the past 5 games is 43% which is 11% higher than

last season.

This new aggressive Lonzo is spurred by confidence and is much more of a threat than a spot up


So when Lonzo dunked that ball, it came as a surprise because of his attitude and the

newfound confidence, but the build up was there for a while.

I've said this about LeBron when he gets passive and this applies to Lonzo as well.

If you look to pass and the defense realizes that, they won't care about what you're


It makes creating opportunities for your teammates hard.

Now if you are looking to score, the defense will converge into you and then you can find

the open man with the pass.

He still isn't a new Lonzo..

What the hell Lonzo, you were open.

Lonzo is a gifted passer but the UCLA Lonzo creates opportunities.

He's starting to do that again.

Even when it leads to this… how is this not a foul, goddamn.

Both LeBron and Lonzo are the number #1 and #2 pass options for most Lakers players and

both are the ones making the most passes.

On the court, LeBron and Lonzo love to run a two man pick and roll game and see what

opportunities come out of that.

When LeBron sets the pick, most people go under leaving Lonzo open for a 3.

If that option isn't there, Lonzo can dish out to LeBron or drive himself to see what

opportunities are being created.

When Lonzo sets the pick, Lonzo can pop out for the 3 if LeBron gets doubled or be a guy

who can get quickly swing the ball around immediately after being passed to.

While Lonzo's 3 point percentage looks the same, Lonzo has been making more timely shots

and has been overall more dependable especially in the clutch.

On an extremely small sample size of half a shot per game in the clutch, he's shot

57% and 60% from 3.

Now about the defense.

Yeah that defense has been good.

I've said this last season in my videos about Lonzo and said that his defense is solid

even though that was supposed to be a weakness coming into the NBA.

His defense alone has warranted more minutes on the court.

With Rondo's presence and without Rondo himself taking up minutes, Lonzo gets a veteran

savvy guy giving him knowledge on how to play on both ends.

He has been able to stay in front, use great footwork, and use his length to bother shots.

His defense isn't really a byproduct of having LeBron on the Lakers but it had to

be mentioned.

So that's why Lonzo is playing better.

His stats might all be down, but Lonzo has been a much better player and this is the

LeBron I've wanted to see for the Lakers.

LeBron as a mentor is so valuable and because he is locked into a contract, these young

players can have faith in LeBron being with the Lakers and using him as a backbone.

LeBron has also learned how to help this team develop and it's great to see.

As a Lakers fan, it's just great to see the Lakers being exciting and I like seeing

Lonzo play with more drive.

But what do you think?

How far can the Lakers go and what do you think about Lonzo?

I'm so excited to being able to upload more for you guys so subscribe for more stories

and breakdowns like this.

Drop a like button for Lonzo being Lonzo.

The instagram shout of the day goes to Joostjh and the ALLDAY notification squad shout out

goes to Christian Blake.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> The REAL Reason Why Lonzo Ball Is Playing BETTER (Ft. LeBron James, NBA Passes, Dunks) - Duration: 7:28.


韓東君《時光倒流》【電視劇原來你還在這裡宣傳曲 Never Gone OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 韓東君《時光倒流》【電視劇原來你還在這裡宣傳曲 Never Gone OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 3:50.


Campervan Interior Lights for VW T5 & T6 Transporter by Base Campers® - Duration: 1:24.

Okay so in this conversion we've got our standard fit lighting and then because

this is a glamper we've got a few extra lights in here as well so I'm just going

to run through with you what you've got so you basically double switch up here

so one switch controls this side the other switch controls your lighting above

the cooker and then up in the roof space here for when you're up in the in the

roof bed or if you need a reading light there's a couple of reading lights just

in there we've got door activated lights on the cupboards and then in the

wardrobe space we've got motion activated lights so you just put your

hand in in front of the sensor turn the lights on and there's a light down in

the base of the wardrobe as well, not normally set a standard fit but can be

added to any of our conversions

I hope you've enjoyed this video

if you'd like to see more

then please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel we'd

love to hear any comments and feedback that you've got

and don't forget to like us on Facebook Instagram

and any more info that you need we're at

For more infomation >> Campervan Interior Lights for VW T5 & T6 Transporter by Base Campers® - Duration: 1:24.


22 Candy Cane Inspired Christmas Makeup For Hooded Eye 🌲 Makeup Tips & Tricks 🌲 - Duration: 10:15.

22 Candy Cane Christmas Makeup For Hooded Eye - Makeup Tips & Tricks

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> 22 Candy Cane Inspired Christmas Makeup For Hooded Eye 🌲 Makeup Tips & Tricks 🌲 - Duration: 10:15.


UPDATE On My Weight Loss Journey-What's Going On WITH ME😱 - Duration: 5:10.

hey guys this is an update on my weight loss journey and where I'm at in my

journey over the birthday weekend I had stopped at 165 that was where my weight

was at and I ended up on my birthday week eating for the whole week and I'm

still actually as we speak eating but I'm not you know going crazy anything

like that but of course when you pick up eating from doing juicing anything with

any type of sodium or even if the food hasn't been fully removed from the

system you're going to pick up weight so I'm currently at 171 point 6 pounds from

165 which is not a bad weight gain which is not fat gain it's just water

retention in the water retention is from the sodium intake from the foods that I

had ate and some of the foods that have not fully have been removed from the

system let's leave it like that when we say foods that haven't been removed from

the system and once that gets adjusted I will be back to 165 and on my way to you

know losing that last 5 pounds so I could be at 88 pounds down and then go

on to phase 2 which is maintenance and slowly lose the last ten of the weight

that I choose to lose in order for me to be at the size that I think I should be

for my height in my body frame so everything's looking good my weight loss

journey is going smoothly I am definitely going to be done with the

first part of my weight loss journey which is the weight loss

the mountain maintenance way before January 11th when I started that that

would make a full year of me on this weight-loss journey

I will way before January comes have reached my goal of the weight that I

need to lose it will be off my body and I will be on to maintenance which I

cannot wait maintenance I'm a little bit nervous

with the maintenance part because truly when I was juicing I was not like

studying and looking up you know things that I needed to do as fathers when I

got back on to eating solid foods what I was going to eat how I was going to eat

it and how much you know for an example even people insults that I could put in

my food that would not cause me to gain weight in the sense of water retention

so I'm going to have to really take phase to slow not get too crazy with my

eating because I know that whatever you put in your mouth it takes to the system

and you start to retain water and getting rid of that water can be

difficult I did find a solution to when that

happens doing a 12 to 24-hour dry fast until my body adjusts the extra water

that's not supposed to be there that's what I will do but in the meantime

between time I have to when I go on to phase two

just be very mindful of my sodium intake so that I don't swell up because my body

is very sensitive from many and many of months almost a year doing juice and

mainly not eating solid foods but cleansing

majority of this whole year and sodium really swells my body up immediately

after eating something with even a little bit of sodium because my body is

super cleanse so I just want to update you on the status of my weight loss

journey and I want to let you know everything's looking up and I definitely

will be at goal and on to maintenance way before January which will make it

twelve months that I've been on this journey and lost all this weight so

please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so please leave a

like on this video if you haven't already done so also she of this video

and make it a favor and I'll see you guys in the next video

bye for now

For more infomation >> UPDATE On My Weight Loss Journey-What's Going On WITH ME😱 - Duration: 5:10.


唐嫣婚后开始节俭了,一件棉服穿两次,真是居家好老婆 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 唐嫣婚后开始节俭了,一件棉服穿两次,真是居家好老婆 - Duration: 3:19.


✅ Breaking News - Erik Sviatchenko admits leaving Celtic was hard - Duration: 10:38.

Moving to Celtic, Erik Sviatchenko resolved to broaden his mind. To open his eyes to the reality of life in Glasgow, his adopted city

The Danish son of a Ukrainian artist, he went to galleries and museums, admired the architecture and posed for selfies in Buchanan Street

His son was born in the city. His sister, Alexandra, left her mark on Celtic through charitable work, he left his own as a well-paid member of the Treble-winning Invincibles of 2016-17

Yet, through it all, he was never blind to what was going on around him. Scotland's largest city was both the scene of Sviatchenko's greatest triumphs and a sobering, gritty introduction in how the other half live

'I realised Glasgow had real problems' he tells Sportsmail now. 'I read that the average living standard and life expectancy is quite different from east to the west of the city

'It's quite tough in parts and, look, I know I didn't go to all those places. But people really underestimate Glasgow as a city

'I always met genuine people with a smile everywhere I went. You knew that, because you were a Celtic player, people wanted to help you and you were idolised

'If I was out shopping with my son, they always asked for a photo in a nice polite way

'We had a nice apartment and my son, William, was born there. 'The architecture and design were really impressive

I saw the different galleries, the Modern Institute, so much culture. 'The Turner Prize for the best British artist was awarded there

'I loved the places to eat and the fact we could be at Loch Lomond in 30 minutes

'Then there was the joy in playing for a successful team. Celtic is one of the top ten clubs in the world that people know about

There is nothing bigger, club-wise, unless you go to Manchester United or Boca Juniors

'So much happened. Life in general was so successful, it was so good.' When it ended against his will after 63 games last summer, he yearned to ask Brendan Rodgers one question

Why? 'Who knows?' he tells Sportsmail. 'Maybe in two or three years' time I will sit down with Brendan for a coffee and ask what I should have done differently

'It was difficult to go from being such a big success at a club to being effectively a nothing

' There is no anger or bitterness when he says this. He wants the point made that he seeks no sympathy either

A little different to the footballer stereotype, Sviatchenko runs an art and fashion blog with his brother, Philip

Carrying himself with style and decorum is important. A second child is on the way with wife, Anne, and he helped FC Midtjylland to only the second Danish Superliga title in their history

Life is back on an even path. Nevertheless, much of the last six months have been spent seeking closure

And tomorrow he will pull down the curtain on his time in Glasgow by finally waving farewell to the Celtic support during the league clash with Dundee

'I have tried with my mental coach, Rene Petersen, to close the chapter called Celtic,' he admits

'I try to tell myself: 'I had two amazing years, 60 games, played in the Champions League, won trophies and was an important member of a really good team

'Some things had be closed down and I think I have done that now. 'But an explanation for why things ended as they did at the end would be nice

' One of Ronny Deila's last signings, the 27-year-old won two league medals and featured in Celtic's most successful league season in over a century

Yet, as Dedryck Boyata moved up the pecking order, he slipped down. His final act in a Celtic shirt was a slow, painful limp to the treatment room after 25 minutes of a Champions League qualifier against Rosenborg in August 2017

Strenuous, silent efforts to regain his place in the team failed. He saw the writing on the wall when Marvin Compper arrived last New Year

'We went to a training camp in Dubai and he looked like a really good signing,' recalls Sviatchenko

In reality, the German has been a disaster, making just one appearance in a green-and-white shirt

'When Marvin came, I was going further down the pecking order without explanation

I just wanted some joy and pleasure back out of playing football again.' He expresses respect and admiration for Rodgers

Yet, there were times towards the end when he felt the respect only moved one way

'Maybe a little bit,' he admits. 'I had given so much and played 40-odd games in the first season

'Look, I respect the manager so much because he gave me so much in some ways. If I had been shown some trust, I would probably have stayed

'I don't want people to feel sorry for me. Here we are a year later and I am back in Denmark and I have won the championship and my career is going well

But in those last couple of months when I was leaving Celtic, I would have hoped for a different kind of farewell

' He intends to do it properly this weekend by saying goodbye to a Parkhead support he stays close to on social media

He recently set tongues wagging on Twitter when he liked a post urging Celtic to re-sign him in January

'My dream would be to play for Celtic again,' he admits. 'But it's not up to me

It's up to the manager and the board. They know me and they know what I am capable of

I feel I didn't really say a proper goodbye to Glasgow. 'I just left the day after the training camp and haven't been back for a year

'I will be at the Dundee game and hope to see the manager there to thank him for all he did

'I look at the way he has handled the Leigh Griffiths situation. Only good people go out of their way to help players like that

' While in Glasgow, he will have dinner with former team-mates Ryan Christie and Kristoffer Ajer, members of the old card school which also featured Stuart Armstrong and Gary Mackay-Steven

Inevitably, talk will turn to how Griffiths is faring as he seeks help for off-field issues

'I knew Leigh sometimes had some struggles, even though it was nothing we would talk about,' notes Sviatchenko

'Everything was happening around you, so you obviously knew stuff was going on. 'But I was shocked

It's not every day you hear about these things and I hope he can get back to a mental condition where he can perform again

'I think football dressing rooms are improving with this stuff now. Even five to ten years ago, it was a macho environment

'For Leigh to reach his decision to say: "Listen, I need time, I can't perform" is a strong statement

'It's a good thing it can now be spoken about with respect and compassion. It's important that people don't drive themselves into the ground

We have to deal with these things.' Before joining Celtic, the defender used his mental coach Petersen to close down his youthful insecurities

Moving to Glasgow at 24, he no longer felt he needed him. In those testing final months, that began to feel like a mistake

'I think football is more mental than physical,' he says. 'Nobody knows what is happening in a player's mind

'Maybe six months before I left Celtic, Rene could have helped me. I came back to Denmark and I really wasn't at the right level mentally

'I never really felt I left Celtic properly. I put everything into it when I was there

'First of all as a football player, but also as a person. I had to bring myself back to a state of mind and a level where I could compete again

' He wants to move overseas again, but fears the door to British football might soon be slammed in his face

'Brexit is a big thing in Denmark,' he adds. 'I don't know all the details but, as I understand it, they want to take down Theresa May as Conservative leader

' Six months since he left Celtic with a lump in his throat, Sviatchenko knows how she feels

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