Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 21 2018

Hello everybody, my name is Carles, I am from Valencia,

and a member of the Collegium Latinitatis.

Now let's focus on this second painting.

Here is a finely painted large canvas.

The author of this painting, titled "The Death of Viriatus, chief of the Lusitanians",

is José de Madrazo. Such was the fame garnered by Madrazo

with this painting that he was considered the best painter of the Neoclassical period,

such being the name it was given in Spain.

He lived at the end of the 18th century and in the 19th century

his protector was Charles IV and just like Ribera,

he went to Paris to perfect

his pictorial technique under Jacques-Louis David.

It is necessary to remark something about José de Madrazo:

he was once the director of this museum,

the place where we are now, and it is something that should be known.

Why did he decide to paint this?

What is the goal of this painting?

This is core item of the matter I wish to discuss now.

In that period, in the 19th century,

throughout Europe and in the Iberian Peninsula

there was a great deal of political turmoil, with serious disputes between nations.

Spaniards struggled to fight off and expel their enemies with the means at hand.

This painting therefore evokes the pristine courage of the inhabitants of Hispania.

The courage against the enemies of the fatherland, the aggressors.

Viriatus was a courageous, firm man.

Looking up to Viriatus, the Spaniards fighting at the time could evoke him

in their minds and strengthen their spirit, as if he were rallying them on.

But, as we pointed out, Viriatus was a hero,

whom Theodor Mommsen, the famed expert in ancient history,

compared to Homer's heroes because of

his courage on the battlefield

Furthermore, Viriatus lived mainly in the 2nd century B.C.

and, according to Appian, "First he was a shepherd,

then he led a gang of thieves, and finally he led so many people to war against the Romans

that he was considered a defender, the Romans that he was considered a defender,

an avenger, and naturally a liberator of Hispania against the Romans."

Thus he makes a wonderful role model.

Now let's see what we can say about the painting,

of which I have said nothing so far. Let's look at it closely.

In this picture Madrazo depicts a scene, so to say,

of a nearly tragic appearance that takes place in the theatre.

In the background there is what appears to be a stage curtain,

and all the other characters are around Viriatus, framing the main scene as in the theatre.

All of the characters appear to move in a haste, some silently afflicted

others in a state of wrath shouting out their rage,

others with unsheathed swords ready to seek vengeance

but all of them are in a state of agitation..

The colour darkens in a sweep from right to left, and gradually the colours

get darker, almost dying out.

The light is extinguished as is the life of the general.

There are many colours but what stands out is the white sheet

covering the deathbed on which Viriatus pale dead body lays.

This is the core of the painting.

There are many other colours A bright emerald green,

yellow, red, olive green--many different colours,

which we see mainly in the clothing.

But isn't there something strange here?

Are those Roman clothes?

Are those Roman weapons?

No. Why is this? Is it a mistake?

Against all expectations, the clothing is in the Greek style.

But why? Did the painter get it wrong? Is the picture mistaken?

It is thought to be deliberate.

Perhaps it was the great Madrazo's way of pleasing and follow the example of his master,

the eminent Jacques-Louis David,

because both of them were staunch admirers of the ancient Greeks,

who the Romans continuously imitated.

Here it is worth bringing to mind the famous verse by Horace,

"Captive Greece took captive her savage conqueror."

In this painting and in pictorial art, these words have prevailed and still ring true.

Regarding the layout,

the scene depicted in the painting is divided into two parts,

the most important one being the main scene showing Viriatus surrounded by his soldiers.

The other part is shown through the curtain,

behind the curtain. In this scene we see the camp

in perspective where soldiers get nervous,

ready for war following the trumpet call.

They hesitate, but why?

They want to know more about their general, whether Viriatus is still alive.

They too dress in the Greek fashion.

But if we examine the figure of Viriatus in the main scene

we can see a wound on his neck.

There is some blood there, or rather some blood residue.

According to Appian, Viriatus normally slept in his armour,

but his neck what the only part of his body

that was always exposed, and that is why he suffered a violent death, wounded in the neck.

You are surely familiar with his story,

so I'll tell it very briefly.

The Roman consul, Quintus Servilius Caepio,

if I've got the name right, in 140 B.C.

again wanted to wage war against Viriatus,

being a sad, disparaging war according to Velleius Paterculus.

The famous Caepio was a man who yearned for riches and glory,

a man with a dark heart.

But what did Viriatus do? Viriatus wanted to avoid war at all costs,

he did not wish to continue fighting against the Romans, and he did not want to fight again.

How could he achieve this?

He sent three close, trustworthy friends,

Minurus, Ditalcon and Audax,

to speak to Caepio. The latter, promising them money, gold and other fabulous gifts,

persuaded them to go back and slay Viriatus.

These presumed loyal friends, who were anything but that,

carried out their ominous commission,

and then went back for their reward to Caepio.

He gave them nothing but instead sent them before the Senate in Rome,

where they found out that "Rome does not pay traitors who kill their chief."

This is not a classic Roman principle one finds in Roman authors;

it was coined in the 19th century, if I am not mistaken.

It is also a false principle, because Rome often exceeded its own principles.

I am very fond of this painting, but not because of its size,

or its colours, not only because of the skill of the author,

but because it touches on something we should know, it is a warning against

the perils we face daily, not only from our foes but also from those closest to us,

We must be wary of those in whom we lay all our trust, we must not

allow ourselves to be caught off guard.

Let us guard ourselves from human perfidy.

Viriatus is an excellent example, a courageous man who was not defeated in battle

but who succumbed to treason and ruses.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> "La muerte de Viriato, jefe de los lusitanos de José de Madrazo", con comentarios en latín - Duration: 10:19.


Física y Química - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Física y Química - Duration: 3:52.


삼성 IBM 파운더리 파트너쉽 체결 / 파운드리 산업에 박차를 가하는 삼성 - Duration: 2:32.

hola! It is Ato.

nice to meet you.

Let's take a quick walk today.

Previously, i found ibm and samsung foundry I do not know if I will be a partner.

I have been informed.

Today officially ibm's 7nm micro Ibm and Samsung for processor manufacturing

The contract has been announced.

Entering servers and cloud systems Foundry production of processors

To go to Samsung. .

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In the memory semiconductor field, Samsung You already have the technology

As you know, remarkable growth and It shows stability.

Actually we use ssd or memory Even now, we use Samsung products a lot

You are.

There are also a lot of other products I'm in.

I used to say that I do not like to hang out.

For this reason, You need to do it.

What ibm said about this contract Reasons for adopting Samsung as a partner

Performance and Reliability Security and Innovation Focused on 'Samsung'

The part Not only domestic but also overseas

Measure the level of Samsung's technology. I think that part.

Founder Partner Agreement with ibm That had previously been talked about

Since amd gpu production related to amd Foundry of 7nm process cpu production

I look forward to your potential as a partner. see.

This video is here.

If the video was good, Please subscribe.

Thank you for watching.

And in the video description box, I have a code channel address.

I like it or hardware-related communication If you were able to come and learn together

I wish.

It was Ato until now.

I'll see you in the next video.

Then adios!

For more infomation >> 삼성 IBM 파운더리 파트너쉽 체결 / 파운드리 산업에 박차를 가하는 삼성 - Duration: 2:32.


SPLIT real: el momento incómodo que el príncipe William preguntó sobre la ruptura de Kate tenía a - Duration: 3:53.

Las imágenes muestran al príncipe Harry y William con la estrella del pop Joss Stone.

Estaban respondiendo preguntas durante una conferencia de prensa en el escenario en el estadio de Wembley antes del Memorial Concert de la Princesa Diana.

El evento benéfico, llamado Concierto para Diana, se llevó a cabo el 1 de julio de 2007, en lo que habría sido el cumpleaños número 46 de Diana.

El espectáculo fue presentado por el Príncipe William y el Príncipe Harry, quienes ayudaron a organizar a muchos de los artistas y cantantes más famosos del mundo.

Las ganancias del concierto se destinaron a organizaciones benéficas de Diana, así como a organizaciones benéficas de las que William y Harry son patrocinadores.

Entre los actos repletos de estrellas estuvo el cantante Joss Stone, quien se unió a los hermanos Royal para responder a las preguntas de los periodistas antes del show.

Durante la conferencia de prensa informal, el Príncipe William tuvo que responder preguntas sobre su relación con su entonces novia, Catherine Middleton, quien se rumoreaba que asistiría al concierto.

En un incómodo intercambio, un reportero le preguntó a William: "Cuéntanos sobre los amigos a los que asistirás en el concierto,

entiendo que Kate y Chelsy se unirán a ti, ¿cómo van las cosas con Kate?" William, con un aspecto ligeramente mortificado,

respondió diplomáticamente: "Vienen muchos amigos, todos van a estar allí esa noche y básicamente será una gran noche".

El duque de Sussex apenas pudo contener su risa en el clip mientras brillaban las bromas entre los príncipes. El príncipe Harry intervino y dijo: "Bien evitado, William". Mientras tanto, la Sra.

Stone se quedó boquiabierta y dijo: "¡Guau!" Es difícil imaginar a la Duque y la Duquesa de Cambridge aparte, ya que la feliz pareja ha estado casada durante siete años y tiene tres hijos juntos.

Pero hubo, de hecho, poco tiempo cuando la pareja, que se conoció en la universidad de St Andrews, decidió cancelar su relación.

Hablando sobre su separación mutuamente acordada en su entrevista de compromiso antes de su boda, William y Kate admitieron que era lo mejor.

William dijo: "Ambos éramos muy jóvenes, era en la universidad y nos estábamos encontrando a nosotros mismos y siendo personajes y cosas diferentes.

"Era mucho tratar de encontrar nuestro propio camino y estábamos creciendo".

Kate agregó: "En ese momento no estaba muy feliz por eso, pero en realidad me hizo una persona más fuerte.

"Descubres cosas sobre ti mismo que quizás no te habías dado cuenta, o creo que una relación te puede consumir bastante cuando eres más joven y realmente valoro ese momento para mí también.

"Aunque no lo pensé en ese momento".

For more infomation >> SPLIT real: el momento incómodo que el príncipe William preguntó sobre la ruptura de Kate tenía a - Duration: 3:53.


Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.

Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz

For more infomation >> Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.


How to disassemble 📱 PPTV King 7 PP6000 Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 9:37.

Hello and welcome!

Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,

we glad to offer you a new video

in which we look at how to disassemble

📱 PPTV King 7 PP6000

For more infomation >> How to disassemble 📱 PPTV King 7 PP6000 Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 9:37.


El papa Francisco dijo que la Iglesia Católica "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los abusos sexual - Duration: 4:30.

El Papa Francisco (AFP) El papa Francisco aseguró este viernes que la Iglesia "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los casos de abusos por parte del clero y que "no se cansará de llevar a los abusadores a la Justicia"

Durante el discurso que pronunció ante la Curia para la tradicional felicitación de las fiestas navideñas, el Papa volvió a aprovechar esta audiencia para lanzar un duro discurso ante la jerarquía eclesial y en esta ocasión lo dedicó a la lacra de los abusos por parte del clero

"La Iglesia no se cansará de hacer todo lo necesario para llevar ante la Justicia a cualquiera que haya cometido tales crímenes", clamó

El papa Francisco, que ha anunciado desde el inicio de su pontificado tolerancia cero contra los abusos de menores por parte del clero, pero que también ha sido criticado por no haber tomado acciones concretas, aseguró también que "la Iglesia nunca intentará encubrir o subestimar ningún caso"

Convertíos y entregaos a la justicia humana, y preparaos para la justicia divina Y lanzó un mensaje a todos los que abusan de menores: "Convertíos y entregaos a la justicia humana, y preparaos para la justicia divina"

Reconoció que en el pasado, "por ligereza, por incredulidad, por falta de preparación, por inexperiencia o por superficialidad espiritual y humana, han tratado muchos casos sin la debida seriedad y rapidez"

"Nunca debe volver a suceder. Esta es la elección y la decisión de toda la Iglesia", aseguró

El papa Francisco Francisco habló con dureza al recordar cómo "hombres consagrados, que abusan de los débiles, valiéndose de su poder moral y de la persuasión" cometen estas "abominaciones" y "siguen ejerciendo su ministerio como si nada hubiera sucedido; no temen a Dios ni a su juicio, solo temen ser descubiertos y desenmascarados"

Estos, añadió el Papa, "desgarran el cuerpo de la Iglesia, causando escándalo y desacreditando la misión salvífica de la Iglesia y los sacrificios de muchos de sus hermanos"

Francisco describió cómo estos "a menudo, detrás de su gran amabilidad, su labor impecable y su rostro angelical, ocultan descaradamente a un lobo atroz listo para devorar a las almas inocentes"

A menudo, detrás de su gran amabilidad, su labor impecable y su rostro angelical, ocultan descaradamente a un lobo atroz listo para devorar a las almas inocentes El pontífice argentino recordó que en la reunión que se celebrará en febrero en el Vaticano con las conferencias episcopales de todo el mundo "se buscará transformar los errores cometidos en oportunidades para erradicar este flagelo no solo del cuerpo de la Iglesia sino también de la sociedad"

"La Iglesia no se limitará a curarse a sí misma, sino que tratará de afrontar este mal que causa la muerte lenta de tantas personas, a nivel moral, psicológico y humano", agregó

También criticó a quienes dentro de la Iglesia "se alzan contra ciertos agentes de la comunicación, acusándolos de ignorar la gran mayoría de los casos de abusos, que no son cometidos por ministros de la Iglesia, y de querer dar de forma intencional una imagen falsa, como si este mal golpeara solo a la Iglesia Católica"

Y agradeció a todos los medios que "han sido honestos y objetivos y que han tratado de desenmascarar a estos lobos y de dar voz a las víctimas"

"Incluso si se tratase solo de un caso de abuso -que ya es una monstruosidad por sí mismo- la Iglesia pide que no se guarde silencio y salga a la luz de forma objetiva, porque el mayor escándalo en esta materia es encubrir la verdad", dijo

Instó a todos a ayudar a la Iglesia "en su difícil tarea, que es reconocer los casos verdaderos, distinguiéndolos de los falsos, las acusaciones de las calumnias, los rencores de las insinuaciones, los rumores de las difamaciones"

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Dos monjas usaron las redes sociales para denunciar abusos sexuales en su iglesia

For more infomation >> El papa Francisco dijo que la Iglesia Católica "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los abusos sexual - Duration: 4:30.


【FORTNITE/PC】いきなりの顔。建築練習とかソロとか【VANC】 - Duration: 2:22:15.

For more infomation >> 【FORTNITE/PC】いきなりの顔。建築練習とかソロとか【VANC】 - Duration: 2:22:15.


¿Fernando Colunga se operó la cara? Carla Estrada lo aclara - Duration: 6:37.

Después de que Carla Estrada compartió esta fotografía de la posada de Televisa que reunió a los más famosos actores y conductores el pasado 12 de diciembre,

los seguidores de la productora aseguraron que el rostro de Fernando Colunga luce distinto.

Se comenzó a hablar en redes sociales y en algunos medios de comunicación acerca del cambio en su apariencia y de la posibilidad de que el actor se haya hecho una cirugía estética.

Instagram La productora fue cuestionada al respecto el pasado 17 de septiembre: "Yo no le vi que se hiciera cirugía estética,

pero tampoco tiene nada de malo que nos ayudemos", aclaró en entrevista para el programa 'Sale el sol' Carla Estrada también habló de su encuentro con el protagonista de 'Pasión': "Nos encontramso en una fiesta y simplemente compartimos y nos tomamos una foto.

Yo la verdad lo vi muy bien, Quienes aseguran que se hizo un arreglito han destacado que el actor luce más joven y sin bolsas debajo de los ojos.

Fernando Colunga es uno de los galanes de telenovela mas cotizados y también uno de los más celosos de su vida privada.

Debido a esto, es difícil saber de él cuando no está al aire en alguna telenovela.

No da entrevistas ni tiene redes sociales donde sus seguidores puedan saber lo que hace cuando no trabaja.

Antes de la posada se había dejado ver en esta fotografía que compartió Andrea Legarreta en Instagram el pasado 13 de octubre.

La fotografía es de una reunión donde actores y conductores de Televisa convivieron con Emilio Azcárraga Jean, en Valle de Bravo, México.

En esta ocasión no se pudo apreciar totalmente su cara porque llevaba lentes oscuros.

Así se veía en noviembre de 2017, Miguel Varoni compartió esta imagen donde aparece junto al protagonista de 'Soy tu dueña'.

La más reciente participación de Fernando Colunga en las telenovelas fue interpretando a Eladio en la telenovela 'Pasión y Poder', hace ya tres años.

En este melodrama nos sorprendió con un papel antagónico, pues nunca lo habíamos visto dar vida a un villano.

Desde ese entonces Colunga ha estado apartado de los reflectores. Fernando Colunga nació el 3 de marzo de 1966.

Sus padres lo tuvieron muy jóvenes, cuando tan solo tenían 17 años.

Es hijo único de Doña Margarita Olivares y Don Fernando Colunga.

Siempre ha admirado a su padre, lo ve como su héroe Se graduó como Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad Iberoamericana.

Antes de ser actor trabajó en una agencia de autos, como cadenero de clubes nocturnos y tuvo una ferretería.

Su primer protagónico lo consiguió en 'María la del barrio' (1995). Esta historia la protagonizó junto a Thalía.

En 1997 fue el galán de Leticia Calderón en la telenovela 'Esmeralda'.

Con su interpretación de José Armando Peñarreal conquistó al público.

Su siguiente proyecto fue 'La Usurpadora', donde trabajó con Gaby Spanic y Dominika Paleta.

Dio vida a Carlos Daniel, uno de sus personajes más recordados.

Un año después fue el galán de Edith González en 'Nunca te olvidaré'.

En 'Abrázame muy fuerte' (2000) lo vimos compartir el protagónico con Aracely Arámbula y Victoria Ruffo.

En 2003 encabezó el elenco de 'Amor real' junto a Adela Noriega.

La telenovela de época producida por Carla Estrada fue todo un éxito.

Dos años después hizo otra telenovela de época, también bajo la producción de Carla Estrada, pero esta vez su pareja romántica era Lucero.

Esta pareja tuvo mucha química y se convirtió en una de las consentidas de los melodramas.

Le siguió 'Pasión', donde una vez más se convirtió en un protagonista de época al interpretar al pirata apodado 'El Antillano'.

Susana González era la mujer que le robaba el corazón dentro de la historia.

Fernando Colunga hizo mancuerna con Silvia Navarro en 'Mañana es para siempre', telenovela producida por Nicandro Díaz,

en 2008 En 2010 Colunga volvió a hacer pareja con Lucero, esta vez en 'Soy tu dueña'.

José Miguel, su personaje, era el único capaz de conquistar el endurecido corazón de Valentina Villalba.

Posteriormente lo vimos en 'Porque el amor manda' (2012), donde se convirtió en secretario.

Su jefa y pareja romántica fue interpretada por Blanca Soto.

Después de su reaparición en redes sociales, sus seguidoras expresaron las ganas que tienen por verlo de regreso en las telenovelas.

For more infomation >> ¿Fernando Colunga se operó la cara? Carla Estrada lo aclara - Duration: 6:37.


Regresión Lineal Múltiple - Teoría | #16 Curso Machine Learning con Python - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Regresión Lineal Múltiple - Teoría | #16 Curso Machine Learning con Python - Duration: 4:12.


Đồ Chơi Siêu Nhân NGƯỜI NHỆN HULKBUSTER GREEN HULK vs RED HULK PROXIMA MIDNIGHT - Câu Chuyện Đồ Chơi - Duration: 16:53.


For more infomation >> Đồ Chơi Siêu Nhân NGƯỜI NHỆN HULKBUSTER GREEN HULK vs RED HULK PROXIMA MIDNIGHT - Câu Chuyện Đồ Chơi - Duration: 16:53.


Le cours de la nature - Français - court métrage 3d - Duration: 3:15.

Where do they belong ?

In the pen.

That's right!

We have a job. Don't forget it.

So, let's get started.

You stand like that....


Go get the others.



Go! Be free!

Be free! Go!

You're free!

I didn't want to hurt them.

It's your turn.


Come on.

It's part of the cycle.


Wait a bit...

For more infomation >> Le cours de la nature - Français - court métrage 3d - Duration: 3:15.





Khuyến Mãi ► Cực Khủng◄ 8 Loa karaoke Di Động - Giá Rẻ Bất Ngờ - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Khuyến Mãi ► Cực Khủng◄ 8 Loa karaoke Di Động - Giá Rẻ Bất Ngờ - Duration: 3:09.


About the Clave - Duration: 21:13.

ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music have you ever

wished that you could play by ear sing in tune improvise and jam you're in the

right place time to turn those wishes into reality welcome to the musicality

podcast with your host Christopher Sutton hello and welcome to the

musicality podcast today we're gonna be talking about clave or sometimes

pronounced clave we've been going back and forth within the team and we've

decided unanimously to stick with clave as best we can

it spelled CLAVE and you may have seen this word or heard it in your musical

life today we're going to unpack what is clave and why you should care about

it and how you can go about using it if you find it interesting so I'm joined

today by Andrew and Anastasia from the team guys say hello Andrew who are you

and what do you do at musical u hi I'm Andrew Briscoe and I am the product

manager and content manager at musical u so that means I keep things running

on the site with all the different educational modules and also on our blog

and I am also a musician terrific and Anastasia hi my name is Anastasia and

I'm the assistant content editor at musical u and I am also a musician a

multi-instrumentalist in fact but I do not play the clave yes anyway why

don't you just give us a few hits of the clove eight because the clave eight one

thing is is an instrument so what I'm if you can't see what I'm doing which you

can't because you're just listening I have these two sticks and I'm hitting

them together and they make this sound very good and you may recognize that

sound it's a staple of percussion sound sets so a lot of electronic drum beats

will use that and we also often as a beat a lead-in I think I don't know

if GarageBand uses a clove a for its count in but they do have it yeah and

they do use it for the countin so you may have heard that sound that sound is

a clove a but it's also a type of rhythm so Anastasia you were primary author on

our recent epic guide to the clave a on our website so why don't you take things

away and what is the club a and why should we care about it sure so to begin

with the question what is the club a as Christopher alluded to clove a actually

refers to two things there's the instrument and there is the

style of music that is very closely tied to the instrument so klava is is the

name given to the percussion instrument that andrew was just playing it

traditionally comes from afro-cuban music it consists of just two

cylindrical wooden sticks that are struck together and as you heard it

produces this very kind of bright ringy percussive sound and this sound kind of

forms a lot of the backbone of Caribbean music it kind of like cuts through every

other instrument to be heard very very well and it's in fact kind of like the

central instrument around which all the other instruments orient themselves so

moving on to the rhythm itself the rhythm that you just heard Andrew play

is something known as the son clave a it's called the son clave a because it

comes from the Cuban Sun so just to repeat it it sounds like this so this

clove a comes in two flavors actually there's the three two clothing called so

because you can count it like this one two three one two and then there's the

opposite it's the two three clave a which is much less often heard and I'm

going to try and clap it out now

so it's actually just the reverse if you go to our article there will be a link

in the show notes to klav a the secret key to popper then there will be those

to the 3/2 son clave a and the 2:3 son clap they illustrated in bars and one is

just the reversal of the other but by far the most popular is the 3/2 son

clave a why should you care about it because simply put it can be found

almost everywhere so it might have originated in afro-cuban music and it's

definitely found its home or has its home in Samba music in timba music in

the cubans son in the rumba but actually also it it's found everywhere in modern

music from pop which Andrews going to get to in a second to rock to hip-hop

actually if you want to listen to an excellent kind of really clear example

of the three two son clave a used in hip-hop you can listen to Snoop Dogg's

song drop it like it's hot because the whole song is actually formed over this

really really distinctive 3-2 SoundCloud beat and you can hear it really clearly

because of this kind of sparse instrumentation so to talk a little bit

about where this rhythm even came from I won't take up too much time with this

but it was essentially the result of African or sub-saharan african rhythmic

traditions being brought over to cuba and then kind of melding with the

traditional music and dance styles over there to create this rhythmic tradition

that would then go to the americas and influence rock and pop and so on

interesting and so at its core if we're talking about the musical sense of

Clairvaux rather than the instrument it is this two bar rhythmic pattern and you

can swap those two bars around but is like what's most impactful about it is

that that two bar loop then becomes the whole backbone or framework for all of

the rest the rhythm in particularly rhythmic

music this kind of Latin rhythmic style that we're all very familiar with to

hear but might not have tuned our ear into the underlying Clarion is that

right yeah exactly kind of it serves as the meter of most athletic you band

music you just hear it throughout it's often used as like the little

introduction before all the other instruments kick in but it's always

there and because again of it's really bright sound it cuts right through

everything else cool and I think you gave us a little hint pair talking about

its use in rock pop and even hip hop I think disappointingly that may be the

first time Snoop Dogg has appeared on musical you or the musicality podcast

bring him back and feature his music more often but that gives us a taste of

why this is important it it does kind of show up all over the place right and as

we often talked about on this show you know when you can tune your ear into

something in music and add the understanding of how it's working that

gives you a whole new ability to do interesting things in music so in a

moment Andrews gonna talk a bit about how to actually play off the club a

rhythm and how to play on top of it but before we do that let's just break it

down a little because anastasiya you demonstrated there with clapping but it

was quite quick and I'm sure people are you know maybe maybe getting the idea

but let's just break it down talk about how to count it and how to understand

how this rhythm is put together so Anastasia when you were clapping it just

now what were you thinking in your head to get that rhythm right so here's the

interesting thing about club a um it's kind of a lot easier to just naturally

count it out like that rather or sorry not counted out like that but just feel

it and clap it out rather than counting but another way other than just hearing

it you can go onto YouTube and just Google's three two son clave a and just

clap along and it's quite easy to get the hang of it but for those who are

more mathematically minded you can count it like this you can count it in groups

of threes and twos so for example here's the 3-2 song clave a

counted out with numbers 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 point 2 3 4 and so on

and you can also do that for the reverse you can do it for the 2 3 song clave a

so with this you have to slow it down a little bit obviously because you're

cramming a lot of numbers into that but you can gradually speed up if you

practice with a metronome I find that helps a lot I tried that out myself so

that's a really good place to start if you're more of like a I need to

understand the counting rather than just hearing it and repeating it gotcha

yeah so at musical you we just launched this new course called

foundations of a musical mind and as we were doing that launch I was talking

about how some of the mental models we have in music don't serve you as well as

they're meant to and this is a great example I think because you know if you

come from classical Western music theory which a lot of music students in the US

or the UK or Europe will we taught the counting rhythms is the way to do it and

when you look at the sheet music you meant to figure out what's the 1 e and a

2 e and a 3 E and a 4 or whatever the breakdown is and then figure out where

the notes slot into that but as you just said you know sometimes is quite

intricate and this Club a rhythm is a perfect example where it comes from a

different musical tradition and partly because of that it's not super easy to

count out in that way and it was interesting I I definitely found myself

I was reading through the article and I was looking at the score and trying to

figure out how to play it and I found myself doing a mix so I was doing one

two three one two three one two bump bump and the second even bothered to

count I was just like a menace boom boom there's something very natural about it

isn't there it's kind of um it's like a the Sun claw at least I find is kind of

like a build up and then a resolution so the build up is one two three and then

the boom and everyone always says boom boom it's something all naturally

gravitate towards saying that so it's a very like natural resolution because

it's dance space that's like long and short pulses that we somehow intuitively

feel it's cool hmm yeah so we've just kind of -

stuff a few examples there but if you're new to this you will need to practice it

a little bit so to help people to denarian Andrew why don't you just play

us the club a rhythm on the cloudy why not a little bit slower and if you

wouldn't mind why don't you count through in whatever way you like the

first couple of times and then just play it and we'll let our listeners kind of

tune their ear into what's happening next 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2

3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 perfect thank you and on

the stage I think he said this on our team called this week but I certainly

found the same today reading through the article which was this sticks in your

head what's you tune your ear into it you will find yourself you know cooking

dinner and being like and you'll be like oh that's what I'm doing isn't that

clever it's layered absolutely there was an anecdote on one

website from a Cuban woman who just says that like the San khalaby rhythm is so

engrained into Cuban culture that like it was on the radio it was on the

television everywhere and in her youth her mom would like hold her as a baby

and just like shake her along for the club a rhythm like make her dance to it

which I find really cute just so telling of how infectious it is so once you've

got that beat going in your head what's that gonna do for you Andrew you

mentioned you might be able to demo how you might play on top of this in a band

maybe improvising on top of a background of club a rhythm

absolutely well in in Spanish the word klava means key and it really is the key

to the rhythm and I want to before I do this demo I want to underline how you

know western music we try and square everything off we wanted to see

everything you know four four little box and but the way people dance the way

people move their bodies and the way they feel isn't necessarily squared off

and we have this concept in western music that we call syncopation which is

accents you know they're off the beat but in like African traditions they

don't conceive of their music as syncopated it's just the rhythms and the

feelings and the pulses and the way they are and layering them on top of each

other so Claudia means key because when you're doing claw they it's it's

Anastasia so beautifully expressed everything rotates around the cloud that

you're playing off of the claw they and I want to just start up a little loop

here okay so here this is the claw they I said

loud enough so this is claw they with metronome you can hear how they they're

in a dialogue the pulse and the claw they and we turn the metronome on now so

one really good exercise to do with this is just to play around with the rhythm

you first might want to go like you know cha-cha-cha

but but but but and then start to do rhythms that are off but but but that

but that but that but that but that but that / da da da da you know they need to

take that idea and put it on to a melody

so you see how everything I'm playing rhythmically isn't a dialogue with the

clapping and that's how it is with Latin music thief all the different layers of

an afro-cuban piece and they're the base and the congas and the bongos and then

we're oh and all these different percussion instruments build up but also

all the melody instruments are always in dialogue with this cloud I feel like I'm

talking and in dialogue with the clapping right now running and you know

and everything is and I remember when I used to play in in Latin bands and I

used to sit in with these bands and then I had a really good sense of cloud hey I

was just playing off the klava and then you know these jazz guys would

come in and sit in and you could tell I mean they're playing all over the horns

and they're like sounding like they're you know so they think they're really

really cool but you could tell they had no dialogue there was no conversation

with the club a rhythm and that's really the essence of of Latin music but it's

also the essence of all our popular music by the way anastasiya mentioned

that the cloud Bay I mean the word Club a the instruments and the this rhythm

originates with the afro-cuban music but the concept of having these beats that

we are dialoguing with is as ancient as cute as humanity making music and you

can find examples of this in all different kinds of world music and in

popular music there's examples of people taking the the Maccabiah and using it

you know you have I go I go all day in songs like that where you have the cloud

being taken directly but you also have modifications of the cloud and in

today's popular music you hear the first part of the song claw they go one two

three one two three one two one two three one two three one two you hear

that in everything and I challenge you to find a pop song that doesn't use this

rhythm because and the way I came to this there's

realization is that was teaching music and I had children coming and they want

to learn their favorite songs but you try and notate those favorite songs try

and notate that Claudia rhythm which doesn't fit right with the four-four and

there they can't read that but they can feel it and they can feel it better than

thinking okay comes on the end of this and the this of that and it comes on the

beat here and then auto and then it ties over to the next measure rather than

doing that you just say count it one two three one two three one two and it all

fits yeah so like here's the intro from Adele's hello what you it's it's very

clear and if you count along with your favorite pop songs another like John

Legend's all of these another one that's a really good example of this but just

about everything try and count them instead of going one two three four

count them 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 and see how this rhythm is completely

ingrained in our popular music fantastic well hungry had a little loop of a claw

Veda that you were playing over how did you get that that was on GarageBand on

my iPad and actually they had a Claudia rhythm I had to edit it a little bit

just to keep the 3:2 part in there because they try to get fancy like they

usually do cool well just to mention you know if you do want to practice with a

clove a as your metronome like that you know any drum machine or sequencer

software is going to let you kind of tick boxes to create a drum rhythm we're

also going to put a link in the show notes to our article on clave a where

you'll find a downloadable loopable beat that you can just put in your music

player on loop and play over and I wanted to also give a shout out to

Ethan Hines article he had a really nice article about clove a kind of dissecting

it in different ways and he pointed to a tool you can also use online to create

your own club a rhythm and play around with it so hopefully if you're listening

and clave a was new to you you've got a feel for what it is and I'm sure some of

you are going to be going away counting 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 for the rest of the day

and I apologize for that but only a little bit do check out the show notes

for a link to this article where you'll see all of the kind of score notation

for the examples we've been talking through annotated with how to count it

and we've mentioned just a couple of variations there the main three to Club

a and the variation of the two three version where you swap the bars around

and we talked about the pop Club a as he calls it where you just take that first

bar and loop it but there are other versions there are other variations on

the club a rhythm so do check out that article for all the details

big thank you Andrew and Anastasia for joining us today any parting words of

wisdom on the club a one two three one two three one two one two

thank you for listening to the musicality podcast this episode has

ended but your musical journey continues head over to musicality podcast calm

where you will find the links and resources mentioned in this episode as

well as bonus content exclusive for podcast listeners

that's musicality

For more infomation >> About the Clave - Duration: 21:13.


This Is WHY India Needs Hindutva(HINDI SUBTITLES) - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> This Is WHY India Needs Hindutva(HINDI SUBTITLES) - Duration: 10:44.


Christmas Cake Recipe - Carrot Cake Recipe In Marathi - Gajar Cake - Archana - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Christmas Cake Recipe - Carrot Cake Recipe In Marathi - Gajar Cake - Archana - Duration: 5:12.


Jingle Bells | Little Red Car | Christmas Carols & Xmas Songs | Car Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:33.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

Hey..Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh

Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight!

Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

Hey...Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride

And soon, Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side,

The horse was lean and lank misfortune seemed his lot

We got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot.

Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

Hey..Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.

Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

For more infomation >> Jingle Bells | Little Red Car | Christmas Carols & Xmas Songs | Car Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:33.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 65PK 3D S/S Style | LM VELGEN | - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 65PK 3D S/S Style | LM VELGEN | - Duration: 0:53.


Aya Nakamura | Savez-vous parler Djadja ? - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Aya Nakamura | Savez-vous parler Djadja ? - Duration: 1:55.


GoGoDino S4 Sound Transform Robot Defeat Huge T-Rex - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 11:14.

GoGoDino S4 Sound Transform Robot Defeat Huge T-Rex - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> GoGoDino S4 Sound Transform Robot Defeat Huge T-Rex - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 11:14.


★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> ★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.


Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.

Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz

For more infomation >> Christmas Songs For Kids & Carols | +More Xmas Music & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.


TikTok Ki Bewafai || Dukh-Dard || Funny Video || Vinit Bhichhar - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> TikTok Ki Bewafai || Dukh-Dard || Funny Video || Vinit Bhichhar - Duration: 2:20.


Dil Main Bughz Ali a s Ka Ho Phir Allah Rooth Jata Hai Superhit Qasida - Duration: 2:51.

Like & Share

For more infomation >> Dil Main Bughz Ali a s Ka Ho Phir Allah Rooth Jata Hai Superhit Qasida - Duration: 2:51.


Alle goeds voor 2019 (College Hardinxveld-Giessendam) - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Alle goeds voor 2019 (College Hardinxveld-Giessendam) - Duration: 0:11.


Kate Middleton preoccupata e depressa? Il motivo, le liti con Meghan Markle | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton preoccupata e depressa? Il motivo, le liti con Meghan Markle | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:36.


Che fine ha fatto Barbara D'Urso? L'indizio che non lascia dubbi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Che fine ha fatto Barbara D'Urso? L'indizio che non lascia dubbi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 7:41.


Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.

 Czy Hailey Bieber jest w ciąży? To pytanie wraca jak bumerang. Tym bardziej, że Hailey i Justin Bieber nie ukrywają, że marzy im się powiększenie rodziny! U modelki ciążowych krągłości wciąż nie widać

Jednak najnowsze zdjęcie zamieszczone na Instagramie sugeruje, że rodzina może się niedługo powiększyć

Justin Bieber zostanie ojcem?  Jeszcze na początku tego roku Justin Bieber spotykał się z Seleną Gomez

Para często się ze sobą kłóciła i zrywała, jednak nawet i po miesiącach przerwy znów dawała sobie szansę

Gdy w marcu tego roku Kanadyjczyk i Amerykanka znów ogłosili rozstanie, mało kto przypuszczał, że para już nigdy do siebie nie wróci

Tymczasem chwilę po rozstaniu 24-latek ożenił się z Hailey Baldwin, a 26-letnia Selena załamała się i trafiła do szpitala psychiatrycznego

 Choć mówi się, że Justin wciąż nie zapomniał o Selenie, to jednak planuje rodzinę z Hailey

Czy w 2019 roku dowiemy się o ciąży modelki?  Według jej fanów, Hailey już jest w ciąży, jednak jest za wcześnie, aby o tym mówić

Tym razem powód do dyskusji dało zdjęcie zamieszczone przez 22-latkę na Instagramie

Bieber pokazała na nim siebie, gdy miała ok. roczek.   A fani zaczęli w komentarzach pytać, czy jest to jakaś aluzja do ciąży? Czy modelka za kilka miesięcy przywita na świecie "małą siebie"?  Aby poznać odpowiedź na to pytanie, pozostaje nam tylko czekać

:)   Zobacz też: Justin Bieber ciągle dzwoni do Seleny Gomez!   To zdjęcie Hailey wywołało dyskusję   Czy modelka jest w ciąży?

For more infomation >> Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.


STRANGEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD I വിശ്വസിക്കാനാവാത്ത എയർപോർട്ട് GERMAN SUBTITLES - MALAYALAM - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> STRANGEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD I വിശ്വസിക്കാനാവാത്ത എയർപോർട്ട് GERMAN SUBTITLES - MALAYALAM - Duration: 8:02.


B&R - Vision-teknologi integreret i track-system @ SPS IPC Drives 2018 (Dansk) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> B&R - Vision-teknologi integreret i track-system @ SPS IPC Drives 2018 (Dansk) - Duration: 2:06.


I Was Here - Iran | Carpets of Iran with Vali Ansari - Duration: 4:30.

This Kurdish gentleman is saying...

These Turkmen tent, for the entrance-

from one side it has a different design...

outside has different design.

So when we are upstairs I will explain to you how they are woven.


Vali speaking in Farsi

Vali Ansari is widely lauded on the internet as the guide and host for the Northeastern city of Mashhad.

His nonchalant, informative, warm and affordable homestay in the heart of the city

comes recommended in every guide book of Iran.

a fact verified by his eponymous street sign at the corner of the alley by his home.

This is called 'Four Season Design'.

Kurdish Kilim

Kilim means carpet with no pile.

So this has four seasons.

This was woven by the Kurdish Nomads of this province.

near Quchan, Quchan area.

In this province you can find Baluchi rugs,

which they are dark colors.

and then you have Kurdish rugs,

and then they have these double-faced silk carpets.

This is a double-faced Turkmen carpets.

Vali speaking in Farsi

Workwise, Vali is learned enough to be attributed as an expert on Persian rugs.

He is well versed in-

The genesis,


stitching techniques

and most importantly methods of carpet repair.

If you remember I told you about nomadic rugs of this province?

I forgot to tell you that in town of these province like Mashhad



and then in these towns like Kashmar...

they make Urban Carpets.

Urban Carpets are usually different from Nomadic.

The Nomadic Rugs are usually woven by these Nomadic people.

There's no designer who draws the design.

There's no wool-spinner who spins the wool.

And then there is no.. someone who dyes the wool.

Usually the Nomads they dye the wool themselves,

They spin their wool by hand themselves,

The design they receive it from their families, so...

the design is...done by their heart.

While the city that Vali belongs to - Mashhad -

is known to everyone as the holiest spot in Iran

due to the residence of the Imam Reza Shrine,

it is also the centre of Iran's world renowned carpet industry,

particularly known for its Nomadic Rugs

with aesthetic influences going back to prehistoric times.

Unparalleled craftsmanship from Kurdistan,

and pockets of Afghanistan.

For more infomation >> I Was Here - Iran | Carpets of Iran with Vali Ansari - Duration: 4:30.


(ARA) اسأل و اجاوب / Q&A about me l Erain - Duration: 15:16.

hello big sis ive been enjoying ur videos

hope u keep uploading many videos :)

1. i wanna know differences between saudi man and korea man

really ive been planning to make a video about this

um nope, do not say that i'm copycat

ive thought about that topic!

i think we have good a chemistry

i wann aknow how did you study arabic and how long

i really want to learn arabic but there is no place to lean in korea

this is the end so have a good day~~

she asked like this

um.. studying arabic.. i haven't done

i have to study but i'm lazy now

i really wanted to learn arabic in korea

so i searched arabic academies but,

there is not that many academies in korea.. only seoul

i really do not want to take train everyday

so i wish to get private lesson for arabic but

not easy to find someone who speak arabic good enough

and i have no time for work as well (excuse..?)

saudi friends used to teach me when i was in ksa

except for that i can not say that i study arabic!

if is there anyone who speak arabic really good, just leave comments!

you can find people who want to learn arabic so

exchange number and give to them lesson and make money

it's win win, use my channel for that

and if i can find arabic teacher here i want to get lessons as well

of course i'm gonna pay for that

i wanna know how to wear burka and what's the opening ment's meaning?

first i neevr saw somone who wear burka in ksa

well i'm not gonna say there is no one but

i don't remenber anyone who wear burka around me when i was in ksa


it's called hijap

saudi use hijap for covering their hair

and this is nikap

for covering face, they use these two

hijap looks like just normal big scarf

surely there are many ways to wear hijap

i will let you know the common way

just cover hair from back and

fold end of the scarf little bit

and but it this here

warp hair moving one side of scarf like this

me looks bad ㅜ.ㅜ why did you ask me to do this

and then put end of scarf inside over here

they check back side so hair is inside hojap or not

after this bring nikap

put nikap on ur forehead

tie straps


if you wear abaya here then

this is the perfect set "saudi style"

and you asked me what's "halla whalla"

this is greeting

they have many "hi" in arabic

you know "asalamalaikum" from jungjunha's song

besides tht marhaba, ahalen, halla whalla

there are a lot

and halla whallah is more like

between closed friends use this greeting

got it?

For more infomation >> (ARA) اسأل و اجاوب / Q&A about me l Erain - Duration: 15:16.


NBA Youngboy - I Came Thru (Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> NBA Youngboy - I Came Thru (Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:27.


Funny Legendary Pics ✅ That Will Make You Laugh v2 - Duration: 2:52.

Funny Legendary Pics ✅ That Will Make You Laugh v2

For more infomation >> Funny Legendary Pics ✅ That Will Make You Laugh v2 - Duration: 2:52.


20 tisíc od Šporcla i drsné vzkazy. Takový je transparentní účet pro paterčata - Duration: 2:54.

 Mezi ty, kteří se snaží rodině milovických paterčat pomoct, se hrdě hlásí slavný český houslový virtuoz Pavel Šporcl

 Šporcl rodině přispěl krásných dvacet tisíc korun. Podobný dar zaslal už loni a čelil tehdy velké kritice

Zdá se, že nenávistné komentáře jsou ale Šporclovi úplně jedno a když chce paterčatům pomoci, tak jim prostě pomůže

 Podobných jako je Šporcl se v České republice před Vánoci našlo hodně.   Někteří paterčatům na účet poslali pár stovek, jiní přispěli opravdu velkými částkami, například srovnatelnými s darem Šporcla

 Paterčatům přispěl houslista Pavel Šporcl. V současné chvíli je na transparentním účtu přes čtvrt milionu korun

 Ne každý ale rodině paterčat chce pomoct. Našli se i tací, kteří ze svého účtu zaslali jen ty nejmenší možné částky a k nim přidali drsné vzkazy směrem k ostře sledované rodině

 „Táhněte do práce a nemusíte žebrat," napsal například jistý Tomáš, který rodině daroval pět korun

  „Začněte makat a ne se množit," přidal se Lukáš, který nezaslal ani korunu. Na transparentním účtu českých paterčat se objevují drsné vzkazy

 Rodina milovických paterčat budí pravidelně velké emoce. Vlna kritiky se například snesla i na hlavu nejslavnějšího českého režiséra Miloše Formana (†86)

  Z jeho účtu byl totiž začátkem roku zaslán na transparentní účet paterčat dar ve výši dvacet tisíc korun

Ke štědrému daru se tehdy přihlásila jeho manželka Martina.

For more infomation >> 20 tisíc od Šporcla i drsné vzkazy. Takový je transparentní účet pro paterčata - Duration: 2:54.


Wanna be Robin Hood in Seoul? l PanTV - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Wanna be Robin Hood in Seoul? l PanTV - Duration: 2:50.


★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> ★ L o o k A t M e ★ - M E M E - Duration: 0:36.


Steve King on Gutierrez 'Demagoguery' My Christmas Present Is This Is Last Time I Have to Listen - Duration: 2:19.

Barack Obama's eight years in office saw one failure after another pileup the

extent of the disaster was covered up by Obama with the help of his allies in the

media but that's all coming to an end because Barack Obama just suffered the

biggest humiliation of his life Donald Trump inherited Barack Obama's

disastrous war in Syria Rep Steve King RIAA said on Thursday at a House

Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration and border security that his

Christmas present this year's listening to replace Gutierrez's D il demagoguery

for the last time Gutierrez who will be retiring from Congress used his final

hearing the ridicule and blast President Donald Trump's administration and

homeland security Christian Nielsen even accusing Nielson of being the

administration's biggest liar when Nielsen started to address Gutierrez's

charges Gutierrez turned his back on Nielsen and promptly stormed out of the

hearing after nielsen accused Gutierrez of saying fighting words and said she

took personal offense on behalf of the 240,000 men and women of the Department

of Homeland Security King was the next House member to question Nielsen for me

my Christmas present is this is the last time I have to listen to that level of

demagoguery King said in reference to Gutierrez his remarks I am quite happy

about that during his five minutes of questioning Gutierrez also mocked a

Trump for insisting that Mexico would pay for the border wall how about the

one about Mexico paying for the wall five billion dollars and you want the

American public to pay for it isn't Mexico going to pay for it that's just

another lie he then accused Nielsen and the Trump

administration of agreeing with Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson's views on

immigration it is as you can't see the reality of modern immigration or

contributions of anyone who came from countries other than Norway and other

parts of Europe it says if you and the Trump administration are blind

Gutierrez said you know what it seems like you agree with Tucker Carlson that

immigrants only bring danger Anderton division

For more infomation >> Steve King on Gutierrez 'Demagoguery' My Christmas Present Is This Is Last Time I Have to Listen - Duration: 2:19.


| SPEEDPAINT + secret | ◆ gift for Ton and Tord ◆ | EDDSWORLD ~IbisPaint~ - Duration: 3:53.

This video is just a flaw. For this, do not take everything hard. 12/28/18 there will be a new video ;)

P. s. in a month)))

Hello! I don't know ... Do you like this video? In general ... I will draw art. Again?! Yes again °, -,°

Do not despair! In the end there will be a little spoiler for a new video. Let's get started) Enjoy :p

Long stagnant ...

:0 is over

Here is the art itself, well, now, the promised "surprise"

Well that's all. The video has come to an end, it's time to say goodbye. Well, all for now, until we meet again :3

For more infomation >> | SPEEDPAINT + secret | ◆ gift for Ton and Tord ◆ | EDDSWORLD ~IbisPaint~ - Duration: 3:53.


Pixel Gun 3d Hack - Free Coins And Gems - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Pixel Gun 3d Hack - Free Coins And Gems - Duration: 3:26.


Free Instagram Followers Hack ✅ How to get Free Instagram Followers - Duration: 2:42.

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Free Instagram Followers Hack ✅ How to get Free Instagram Followers - Duration: 2:42.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC AUTOMAAT NAVI 1e EIG. 14727KM 24MND GAR RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC AUTOMAAT NAVI 1e EIG. 14727KM 24MND GAR RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:08.


NFL Week 16 SCORE PREDICTIONS 2018 - NFL Picks Against the Spread WEEK 16 (NFL BETTING) - Duration: 1:19.


1LIVE2LIVE Well thank you woo NFL week 16 picks woo NFL Week 16 picks and ATS predictions NFL Sunday Football

NFL week 16 picks NFL week 16 ATS NFL Vegas lines point spreads NFL upset picks football season 2018-2019

Monday Night NFL week 15 game New Orleans saints vs. Carolina panthers My 2018-2019 NFL Picks records straight up wins and my against the spreads Vegas lines record ATS NFL weekly Record not counting Monday night football game week 15 113-102 not counting the ATS pushes NFL Week 15 picks up to date except MNF game week 15 124 wins not counting ties and loses but that also depends on which groups I play in some have a better rec up to 140-81 to 121-100 on wins and loses Next year will keep better rec. for my over all on here.

NFL week 16 Games Sunday NFL week 16 2018 Cincinnati Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Dallas Cowboys Minnesota Vikings vs. Detroit Lions Washington Redskins vs.Tennessee Titans New York Giants vs. Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Miami Dolphins Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots Green Bay packers vs. New York Jets

Houston Texans vs. Philadelphia Eagles Atlanta Falcons vs. Carolina Panthers LA Rams vs. Arizona Cardinals Baltimore Ravens vs. LA Chargers Chicago Bears vs. San Francisco 49ers Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New Orleans Saints Kansas City Chiefs vs. Seattle Seahawks Monday Night Football game week 16 Denver Broncos vs. Oakland Raiders Get ready for the NFL 2018-2019 Wildcard plays offs NFC playoffs AFC playoffs NFC AFC Superbowl and also like always the Pro Bowl NFL got to love it every game all the time its a ANY GIVING SUNDAY who will win this week woo NFL VEGAS LINES Get my NFL week 16 picks and ATS points Vegas NFL lines here Baltimore Ravens Atlanta Falcons Denver Broncos Cincinnati Bengals LA Rams Detroit Lions Arizona Cardinals Green Bay packers Buffalo Bills Miami Dolphins Chicago Bears New York Giants LA Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers Carolina Panthers Tampa Bay Buccaneers Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars Cleveland Browns Houston Texans New York Jets Tennessee Titans Kansas City Chiefs Oakland Raiders Minnesota Vikings New England Patriots San Francisco 49ers Seattle Seahawks Washington Redskins Philadelphia Eagles New Orleans Saints Dallas Cowboys NFL Week 16 picks and ATS predictions NFL Sunday Football NFL week 16 picks NFL week 16 ATS NFL Vegas lines point spreads NFL upset picks football season 2018-2019 Monday Night NFL week 15 game New Orleans saints vs. Carolina panthers My 2018-2019 NFL Picks records straight up wins and my against the spreads Vegas lines record ATS NFL weekly Record not counting Monday night football game week 15 113-102 not counting the ATS pushes NFL Week 15 picks up to date except MNF game week 15 124 wins not counting ties and loses but that also depends on which groups I play in some have a better rec up to 140-81 to 121-100 on wins and loses Next year will keep better rec. for my over all on here. NFL week 16 Games Sunday NFL week 16 2018 Cincinnati Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Dallas Cowboys Minnesota Vikings vs. Detroit Lions Washington Redskins vs.Tennessee Titans New York Giants vs. Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Miami Dolphins Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots Green Bay packers vs. New York Jets Houston Texans vs. Philadelphia Eagles Atlanta Falcons vs. Carolina Panthers LA Rams vs. Arizona Cardinals Baltimore Ravens vs. LA Chargers Chicago Bears vs. San Francisco 49ers

Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New Orleans Saints

Kansas City Chiefs vs. Seattle Seahawks Monday Night Football game week 16 Denver Broncos vs. Oakland Raiders

Get ready for the NFL 2018-2019 Wildcard plays offs NFC playoffs AFC playoffs NFC AFC Superbowl and also like always the Pro Bowl NFL got to love it every game all the time its a ANY GIVING SUNDAY who will win this week woo NFL VEGAS LINES Get my NFL week 16 picks and ATS points Vegas NFL lines here

Baltimore Ravens Atlanta Falcons Denver Broncos Cincinnati Bengals LA Rams Detroit Lions Arizona Cardinals Green Bay packers Buffalo Bills

Miami Dolphins Chicago Bears New York Giants LA Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers Carolina Panthers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars Cleveland Browns Houston Texans New York Jets Tennessee Titans

Kansas City Chiefs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars

Cleveland Browns Houston Texans New York Jets Tennessee Titans Kansas City Chiefs

Oakland Raiders Minnesota Vikings New England Patriots San Francisco 49ers Seattle Seahawks Washington Redskins Philadelphia Eagles New Orleans Saints Dallas Cowboys

For more infomation >> NFL Week 16 SCORE PREDICTIONS 2018 - NFL Picks Against the Spread WEEK 16 (NFL BETTING) - Duration: 1:19.


Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.

 Czy Hailey Bieber jest w ciąży? To pytanie wraca jak bumerang. Tym bardziej, że Hailey i Justin Bieber nie ukrywają, że marzy im się powiększenie rodziny! U modelki ciążowych krągłości wciąż nie widać

Jednak najnowsze zdjęcie zamieszczone na Instagramie sugeruje, że rodzina może się niedługo powiększyć

Justin Bieber zostanie ojcem?  Jeszcze na początku tego roku Justin Bieber spotykał się z Seleną Gomez

Para często się ze sobą kłóciła i zrywała, jednak nawet i po miesiącach przerwy znów dawała sobie szansę

Gdy w marcu tego roku Kanadyjczyk i Amerykanka znów ogłosili rozstanie, mało kto przypuszczał, że para już nigdy do siebie nie wróci

Tymczasem chwilę po rozstaniu 24-latek ożenił się z Hailey Baldwin, a 26-letnia Selena załamała się i trafiła do szpitala psychiatrycznego

 Choć mówi się, że Justin wciąż nie zapomniał o Selenie, to jednak planuje rodzinę z Hailey

Czy w 2019 roku dowiemy się o ciąży modelki?  Według jej fanów, Hailey już jest w ciąży, jednak jest za wcześnie, aby o tym mówić

Tym razem powód do dyskusji dało zdjęcie zamieszczone przez 22-latkę na Instagramie

Bieber pokazała na nim siebie, gdy miała ok. roczek.   A fani zaczęli w komentarzach pytać, czy jest to jakaś aluzja do ciąży? Czy modelka za kilka miesięcy przywita na świecie "małą siebie"?  Aby poznać odpowiedź na to pytanie, pozostaje nam tylko czekać

:)   Zobacz też: Justin Bieber ciągle dzwoni do Seleny Gomez!   To zdjęcie Hailey wywołało dyskusję   Czy modelka jest w ciąży?

For more infomation >> Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.


Đi Mua Quần Con Về Tặng Người Yêu - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 12:04.

Subscribe to the channel to watch the latest video

For more infomation >> Đi Mua Quần Con Về Tặng Người Yêu - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 12:04.


[크리스마스 몰카] 남친한테 플레이스테이션4 선물했더니 반응이..?! (ENG SUB)Boyfriend Reactions of Christmas gift 'PlayStation4' - Duration: 4:03.

Hi guys, and my Ryunas

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna (Fashion Youtuber traveling life)

Today I came here to buy and keep a secret Christmas gift for my boyfriend!

People usually thinks of exchanging gifts on Christmas season, right?

But We haven't exchanged gifts each other though it's the 3rd time my boyfriend and I spend Christmas season together.

So, I came here secretly to buy him a gift this time.

But it's not gonna be funny giving him on Christmas day since it's too obvious

That's why I came here in secret so I can give him a little bit ahead of time.

I'm looking forward to his reaction when he gets his unexpected present.

So, why don't we go get my boyfriend's gift?

I'm in store right now but I don't know what to buy ( I've never been familiar with PlayStation before :0 )

What is this..?

These whole bunch of things confuse me

Maybe I should buy one with best games set!

It would be better to buy a set right?(decided!!)


I finally got it in my hands everyone.

Let's go check how my boyfriend reacts

(Making a fake opening to trick my boyfriend) Hi guys, and my Ryunas

(Making a fake opening to trick my boyfriend) It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

Today, we are gonna be opening a radon box!! (There's PlayStation in the box actually)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): What kind of random box is this?


Maybe a hobby?

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): a hobby box? (It sure is related to hobby)

Just remove the tape. Don't open it yet

Do you think you will like it?

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Yeah( He doesn't seem interested. LOL)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): A bath bomb?

Making a bath bomb?

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): or is it a candle?


Me : It may… Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Perhaps making a Christmas tree since it's Christmas soon!?

Then why don't we open it?

You open it first and show me some reactions!

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Look away! LOL

*Not a pause*

He looks way too happy :)

(Why you close it? Still unbelievable? XD)

It's a Christmas gift!

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): But….It's yet to be Christmas..?

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Guys, Keung Ah just did something so adorable …..

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): I…can't really know….how to express this feeling…I mean this is crazy.

Looks like playing prank on my boyfriend has succeeded this time!

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): I really couldn't realize this time

Woooow!!! LOL (succeeded this time!)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Guys, did you all know what the gift was? (You were the only one who didn't! LOL)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): This is a jackpot…

Well, guys, I succeeded in playing a prank on my boyfriend!

He looks full of happiness.

This is much more than I thought it would be.

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Maybe what I should worry about….is being pranked in another way.. (He still unbelievable LOL)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): I've seen it before. In a 'being pranked' video, when someone is given a present and open it, he would merely find a book instead of what he had expected.

Then why not open it and check it yourself!

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Oh..guys.. look at this (Still emotionally delighted)

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Whoa- this was what we had seen together! ( Guys at the back couldn't look away from this as well LOL)

He continuously wanted to buy this even recently.

And I asked many guys to pick this one as a gift.

I accepted recommendations about famous games nowadays from those who already have PlayStation and went alone to the store to buy it.

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Yeah- ah~

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): This was really out of the blue… I can hardly say a thing.

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): What should I give back? LOL


Tea Kyung(boyfriend): It's like I got a Children's Day present.

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): Now that I got something like this, what should I do to you? It's kinda pressuring.

But you look like you are dancing with all that pleasure in you. LOL

He bragged a lot to his friends with Kakao Talk. LOL

Pranking on my boyfriend has been a big success!

Tea Kyung(boyfriend): You really got me this time.


This is the first time I've seen you this delightful I guess.

Ok guys, playing a prank on my boyfriend was successful and this is it for today.

If you enjoyed this video or found it helpful,

please 'Like' and make sure you subscribe. (Instagram @cornu_ryu)

See you next video.


For more infomation >> [크리스마스 몰카] 남친한테 플레이스테이션4 선물했더니 반응이..?! (ENG SUB)Boyfriend Reactions of Christmas gift 'PlayStation4' - Duration: 4:03.


Tintoretto. Un ribelle a Venezia - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Tintoretto. Un ribelle a Venezia - Duration: 1:33.


DIY Paper angel, easy ornament for Christmas tree, see how to make (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #555 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make angel out of paper.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in a half.

Cut it in a half.

Make accordion folds on both parts.

Take both parts...

...and fold them about 1/4 distance from the top.

Glue them together.

Move the needle through a small bauble and make a loop.

Attach the bauble to the paper.

And it's done.

You can hang your angel on a Christmas tree or in window.

Of course you can use other sizes of paper sheets to make smaller or bigger angels.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY Paper angel, easy ornament for Christmas tree, see how to make (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #555 - Duration: 1:59.


Donna & Alex Talk w/ O'S**t About Ceaser | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 3:08.

♪ I knock, knock hard ♪


- [bleep] last night was whack as [bleep].

- It was definitely whack.

I don't even know what to say.

- That [bleep] Ted ass hurting you like--

like what's wrong with y'all [bleep] like--

That [bleep] is sad.

- ♪

- Seeing Alex get jumped last night was really [bleep] scary.

- [indistinct yelling]

- [plates crashing]

- It just makes me so sad that they really tried to hurt Alex,

like y'all was really trying to take my [bleep] out.

And now he got a fat-ass knot on his head.

Like what the [bleep] did Alex do

that y'all [bleep] feel like y'all can [bleep]

try to really hurt him?

That [bleep] is whack to me.

What is going on right now that that's necessary?

Like something is really wrong with Ceaser.

- [bleep] is in high school.

- Like-- - [bleep] is old as hell

in high school.

I'm really disappointed in Cease.

Like we shared a different kind of bond.

He was like more than a boss to me.

You came through when I had nobody to turn to.

It puts you on a higher pedestal in my life.

After I left the shop, eventually, I thought

we would patch things up.

But after last night,

I've seen a side of him that I just can't stand.

Smell it.

[bleep] strong, right?

O [bleep]. No pun intended.

O [bleep]. [laughs] - What up, bro?

- We heard O [bleep] and Nikki were in town for Bae's wedding.

So, we had to invite them to talk about how crazy

Cease been acting.

It's kinda like the Black Ink survivor's club over here.

So, I heard we just missed y'all at the rehearsal dinner.

Y'all know Ceaser and Ted tried to jump Alex yesterday.

- What?

- Yeah.

- Welcome to the club.

Same thing happened to me and her.

Ceaser lost his [bleep] with us last night, too.

- It was like literally like him screaming at us the entire time.

- RICHARD: And I can't believe it got even worse after we left.

- This is getting really getting like one a whole new level.

- Like that [bleep] is nothing but toxic energy.

That's why I'm glad that like I'm away from that [bleep] now.

I realized this a long time ago,

but last night really solidified it.

Ceaser's really an asshole.

And that whole "I'm loyal to my family" [bleep]

and "I'll help 'em out," it's pure bull [bleep].

How do y'all feel about even going to Bae's wedding?

'Cause I know like I-- personally, I don't know

if I'm gonna wind up going.

- Yeah, I don't know about all that.

- Like I don't know Bae that well, personally.

But I know how hard it was when our wedding was like ruined.

- Hey, are you Richard?


You've been served.

- [bleep].

- At this point, it's Cease's wedding.

- RICHARD: Yeah. - So, I don't wanna be there.

Although I'm here for Bae, and I'll feel bad for ditching her,

I can't stand to be in the same room as Cease and Ted right now.

And somebody gotta be the adult.

And I know for a fact Cease is not gonna be that.

So, out of respect for Bae and her wedding,

I might be the bigger man and sit this one out.

- DONNA: Probably won't go to this wedding.

I just wish like Cease got diarrhea or something.

- RICHARD: Diarrhea? - ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

For more infomation >> Donna & Alex Talk w/ O'S**t About Ceaser | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 3:08.


Onde o anarcocapitalismo já foi implementado? - Duration: 14:07.

For more infomation >> Onde o anarcocapitalismo já foi implementado? - Duration: 14:07.





Desafio na Taverna: Treinando Hearthstone com Joel Santana, Parte 3 - Minissérie Especial - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Desafio na Taverna: Treinando Hearthstone com Joel Santana, Parte 3 - Minissérie Especial - Duration: 3:27.


Acabe Com a DOR de GARGANTA Em Apenas 2 Horas Com 1 Colher Disso FUNCIONA RÁPIDO - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Acabe Com a DOR de GARGANTA Em Apenas 2 Horas Com 1 Colher Disso FUNCIONA RÁPIDO - Duration: 3:27.


Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.

 Czy Hailey Bieber jest w ciąży? To pytanie wraca jak bumerang. Tym bardziej, że Hailey i Justin Bieber nie ukrywają, że marzy im się powiększenie rodziny! U modelki ciążowych krągłości wciąż nie widać

Jednak najnowsze zdjęcie zamieszczone na Instagramie sugeruje, że rodzina może się niedługo powiększyć

Justin Bieber zostanie ojcem?  Jeszcze na początku tego roku Justin Bieber spotykał się z Seleną Gomez

Para często się ze sobą kłóciła i zrywała, jednak nawet i po miesiącach przerwy znów dawała sobie szansę

Gdy w marcu tego roku Kanadyjczyk i Amerykanka znów ogłosili rozstanie, mało kto przypuszczał, że para już nigdy do siebie nie wróci

Tymczasem chwilę po rozstaniu 24-latek ożenił się z Hailey Baldwin, a 26-letnia Selena załamała się i trafiła do szpitala psychiatrycznego

 Choć mówi się, że Justin wciąż nie zapomniał o Selenie, to jednak planuje rodzinę z Hailey

Czy w 2019 roku dowiemy się o ciąży modelki?  Według jej fanów, Hailey już jest w ciąży, jednak jest za wcześnie, aby o tym mówić

Tym razem powód do dyskusji dało zdjęcie zamieszczone przez 22-latkę na Instagramie

Bieber pokazała na nim siebie, gdy miała ok. roczek.   A fani zaczęli w komentarzach pytać, czy jest to jakaś aluzja do ciąży? Czy modelka za kilka miesięcy przywita na świecie "małą siebie"?  Aby poznać odpowiedź na to pytanie, pozostaje nam tylko czekać

:)   Zobacz też: Justin Bieber ciągle dzwoni do Seleny Gomez!   To zdjęcie Hailey wywołało dyskusję   Czy modelka jest w ciąży?

For more infomation >> Hailey Bieber podsyca plotki o ciąży?! Fani nie mają wątpliwości - Duration: 2:54.


El papa Francisco dijo que la Iglesia Católica "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los abusos sexual - Duration: 4:30.

El Papa Francisco (AFP) El papa Francisco aseguró este viernes que la Iglesia "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los casos de abusos por parte del clero y que "no se cansará de llevar a los abusadores a la Justicia"

Durante el discurso que pronunció ante la Curia para la tradicional felicitación de las fiestas navideñas, el Papa volvió a aprovechar esta audiencia para lanzar un duro discurso ante la jerarquía eclesial y en esta ocasión lo dedicó a la lacra de los abusos por parte del clero

"La Iglesia no se cansará de hacer todo lo necesario para llevar ante la Justicia a cualquiera que haya cometido tales crímenes", clamó

El papa Francisco, que ha anunciado desde el inicio de su pontificado tolerancia cero contra los abusos de menores por parte del clero, pero que también ha sido criticado por no haber tomado acciones concretas, aseguró también que "la Iglesia nunca intentará encubrir o subestimar ningún caso"

Convertíos y entregaos a la justicia humana, y preparaos para la justicia divina Y lanzó un mensaje a todos los que abusan de menores: "Convertíos y entregaos a la justicia humana, y preparaos para la justicia divina"

Reconoció que en el pasado, "por ligereza, por incredulidad, por falta de preparación, por inexperiencia o por superficialidad espiritual y humana, han tratado muchos casos sin la debida seriedad y rapidez"

"Nunca debe volver a suceder. Esta es la elección y la decisión de toda la Iglesia", aseguró

El papa Francisco Francisco habló con dureza al recordar cómo "hombres consagrados, que abusan de los débiles, valiéndose de su poder moral y de la persuasión" cometen estas "abominaciones" y "siguen ejerciendo su ministerio como si nada hubiera sucedido; no temen a Dios ni a su juicio, solo temen ser descubiertos y desenmascarados"

Estos, añadió el Papa, "desgarran el cuerpo de la Iglesia, causando escándalo y desacreditando la misión salvífica de la Iglesia y los sacrificios de muchos de sus hermanos"

Francisco describió cómo estos "a menudo, detrás de su gran amabilidad, su labor impecable y su rostro angelical, ocultan descaradamente a un lobo atroz listo para devorar a las almas inocentes"

A menudo, detrás de su gran amabilidad, su labor impecable y su rostro angelical, ocultan descaradamente a un lobo atroz listo para devorar a las almas inocentes El pontífice argentino recordó que en la reunión que se celebrará en febrero en el Vaticano con las conferencias episcopales de todo el mundo "se buscará transformar los errores cometidos en oportunidades para erradicar este flagelo no solo del cuerpo de la Iglesia sino también de la sociedad"

"La Iglesia no se limitará a curarse a sí misma, sino que tratará de afrontar este mal que causa la muerte lenta de tantas personas, a nivel moral, psicológico y humano", agregó

También criticó a quienes dentro de la Iglesia "se alzan contra ciertos agentes de la comunicación, acusándolos de ignorar la gran mayoría de los casos de abusos, que no son cometidos por ministros de la Iglesia, y de querer dar de forma intencional una imagen falsa, como si este mal golpeara solo a la Iglesia Católica"

Y agradeció a todos los medios que "han sido honestos y objetivos y que han tratado de desenmascarar a estos lobos y de dar voz a las víctimas"

"Incluso si se tratase solo de un caso de abuso -que ya es una monstruosidad por sí mismo- la Iglesia pide que no se guarde silencio y salga a la luz de forma objetiva, porque el mayor escándalo en esta materia es encubrir la verdad", dijo

Instó a todos a ayudar a la Iglesia "en su difícil tarea, que es reconocer los casos verdaderos, distinguiéndolos de los falsos, las acusaciones de las calumnias, los rencores de las insinuaciones, los rumores de las difamaciones"

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Dos monjas usaron las redes sociales para denunciar abusos sexuales en su iglesia

For more infomation >> El papa Francisco dijo que la Iglesia Católica "nunca más encubrirá o subestimará" los abusos sexual - Duration: 4:30.





LP - Wywiad - Heart To Mouth (2018) - MUZO.FM - Duration: 28:43.

Hi I'm LP and you're watching Muzo TV.

Your new album has got many flavors from ballads to rock songs and well even old

school songs and it sounds like freedom. It does? Oh wow what's an old

school song? Shaken. Oh yeah like an old timey song yeah

It has got the 70s vibe I don't know why but I can hear it. I felt like it was more 50s but

I don't know. The 50s hit here in the 70s? Yes the time difference. Elvis was here in the 70s.

It's a great song by the way. Oh cool thank you. For me this album sounds like

freedom because I have got an impression that you had the freedom to do whatever

you wanted with no one telling you what to do. This album sounds unchecked it sounds like you

just went awry amok. Maybe yeah. Okay cool so you like it? Yeah I like it.

Okay. I like it a lot. Okay. Do you like it? I love it I mean yeah I love it

I mean I wouldn't put it but yeah I think it's got I'm not

really into writing the same song twice you know if I don't have to. You know I

think everybody you've got like a lot of everybody's got a lot of you know people

have their sound you know like I mean when I sing a song like you know all

those songs have a thing because I'm singing them. So I think that I feel like

it's nice to just mix it up and and I'm just inspired by all different things

like I never know what's gonna come out of my mouth that day when I'm writing. I

just go with it. I think that in a place like yours after the hit

single after that hit record many people feel the pressure to repeat that success

and what's the easiest way to repeat a success? To do the same thing

once again. Yeah I guess but I don't know how to do that you know it's like

that's like trying to like write a hit every time it just I think it gets in a

way of you know what can be even

better or different or interesting you know. I think yeah there may be

some pressure but I don't know I think I think this record will be good enough to

keep the fans I have and and see I don't know I hope. And get you new ones.

I hope. I guess yeah like I'm trying you know I don't really have expectations I

don't know what's gonna happen you know and I think you know.

I've already got practically another record

ready to go you know so to me I just keep writing songs and I will. And

I hope you know people like them I try so I don't think I want to put any

pressure on this record and see you know and it's not like: oh my god of they don't like

these songs what am I gonna do? Yeah you know I just write more songs. So it's not

like resting on your laurels like I've got a hit single I'm gonna rest it I'm

gonna tour for a few months and then rest and think about the future.

You don't rest. You don't rest enough. Just kidding. I don't know, I'm just not resting right now. Hold on a sec. I just rested okay okay.

What do you do not to go crazy?

Well I nothing that's why I'm freaking crazy. Let's see I do yoga

I meditate I read you know I just try not to take it too seriously

you know but I I still get in those moods I mean I'm not

a stuffed animal you know "Hello kids". I get moody

yeah and then I you know I get annoyed I you know drink and do bad things.

I get weird with my friends or talk it out and move on.

It sounds so easy. Isn't it though? Easier said than done.

"That's right kids, it's easy, try it!".

All right but what about the songs that you perform on stage. Do you feel the

emotions the same emotions that drove you to writing those songs when

performing it or is it just a thing that you have to well distance yourself from?

I mean I think I do in the beginning sometimes when I haven't really

performed a song yet much but then I kind of move on it moves it becomes like

a different thing to me you know. I'm usually I'm in that place. I'm usually

in the emotional place but I don't go specific and I kind of I'm just like

kind of there to like be the vehicle to get it to the people you know at the

show. I don't feel compelled to relive it necessarily but I definitely feel the

emotion of it and then sometimes I do like I'll randomly be like: oh shit, this

song's about this, wow! I mean that's like

nice at times you know but then you know sometimes I'm like thinking very much

about the technical aspect of singing the song to try to like make it as good

as the record is for people so you know cuz I always want to hear when I see a

concert I always kind of want to hear it just like the record I go and hear the

voice like. Yeah? Yeah yeah. You don't? You know I would be like:

is that "Lost On You"? Is it? Seriously is it? I'm gonna talk the song today sit down sit down please.

You know I mean I'm not rigid about it I

just mean that I'm like looking to make it as I don't know for me I like to

hear like that so I just try to. But I'm cool with mistakes. I've made

a lot of mistakes. And no one's noticed. Let's talk about all the mistakes i've made.

Do you go to many gigs yourself when not performing of course but as a fan?

Yeah I do for sure but I feel like. I go to a lot of local people's gigs.

My lady likes to go to shows at home which is kind of sometimes I'm just like I

just got back from tour I don't think I can see like four bands this week so I

go to see like two and then let her go. But I think

yeah I think it's nice to see local bands and stuff like that. But what was the last

show I went to? I went to see Oh the last show I went to was oh there's just a

cool punk band in from America right now called Surfbort I really like.

It's um you know it's fun to see shows when I haven't been touring for a little

bit but um you know when in festivals and stuff I see so many shows that I get

like: okay so plenty of shows. Is there something like being tired of listening to music and after a tour

for example you don't want to put on a record you don't want to go to a show

nothing like that. Sometimes I guess yeah definitely I need quiet

time and I don't really you know there's so much music all the time that I just

don't need like. You know it's like my life is like geared around it so

I'm always seeing it so I don't think I even think about seeking it out. Like if

I see someone I want to see or Lauren wants to see somebody I will make it

happen you know get tickets or whatever you know.

I just saw Florence play because I know them like Isa's my friend and

so you know we saw them at the Hollywood Bowl the day I got home from tour you

know it was just like but it was amazing you know and so fun.

So like stuff like that's always happening so I feel like I'm good with

it. It's just part of my life. As for "Heart to Mouth" - it's not the happiest of albums. Does that upset you? Do you think people will be upset?

No because I think that sad music is better than happy music. Oh really?

Yeah I mean I've made a lot of sad songs. "Lost On You" was the saddest song of all time. I was there.

I know. I wouldn't think I'm gonna be like flying on a fucking rainbow every time I

come in here you know. Yeah. Things are said life is sad get a helmet you know.

I think that's just what came together

you know. I think it's not so sad

as some of it's like ominous. There's some ominous shit in here right? One might

say so. Yeah I mean I think it's just got some you know what I've been

saying and one of the things and this is not tea it's not tea it's what is it?

So good. Don't buy me any if you're watching this please go buy me any. We will give you some. No. It's really good.

What was I blabbling about? About the sad record sad songs. Oh sad songs sad records.

I've been saying that like this record reminds me of a lot of

these songs remind me of when you're dreaming. I have a lot of dreams

like that where I wake up and I'm like I remember some details at first but

then I totally forget them by like midday but I still have that ominous

kind of anxious weird like put me in a strange mood you know. And I think that's

like "Dreamcatcher" the first song on the record and it feels like it's the setup for that you

know like there's like witchy

shit in the air you know. But it's so annoying when you forget a dream when

you forget the details and you know only let's say the frame. I know that's why people do

that whole exercise where they keep a pen and pad by their bed you know. People

do that? Yeah that's what they say to do if you want to remember your dreams keep

a pen and a pad by your bed but I always have to pee when I wake up so I forget

every time. And you go back to sleep. Yeah exactly. So no notes. No notes. Do you

keep it secret sometimes what or who the songs are about? I guess so. Do you tell the people that

you meet in everyday life for example "this song is about your". If they ask I

kind of you know I'll go "hmm I mean yeah ... maybe". It might be. Possibly. Oh yeah like there's a song

called "Special" on the record. That's about my friend who was killed

like right around this time two years ago and uh yeah that song's for him I

felt like I don't you know I can't force things like I can't force myself to

write about anything but this kinda just popped out and I knew it was him you

know. So that's you know that had been bothering me for a while he was um

you know such a good friend and a musician and an

actor and all this stuff and I just felt like I wanted to get a tattoo honoring

him but then I said: you know what I'll get I'll write a song instead. And it's about him.

Yeah yeah. That's the last song on the record. Some people say that only if live a few

years if you have got experiences in life sometimes rough experiences you

might write something that is wise because without all the experiences

you're just writing about fantasies. I don't know I think that might be the

case with some people you know like I feel like you can see through but

there are many times when people you know have very little life

experience I mean it happens many times they write

you know insanely poignant and insightful songs so I don't know.

I don't believe that theory but I do think that it's nice to have experiences. Yeah.

Would you write let's say a dumb song? Would I write a dumb song? I've written

a ton of dumb songs. Yes. I don't know any. I mean I don't. Is it a crime to write a

song that doesn't necessarily bring something like deep lyrics or so

on but is just fun for people? I mean I like songs like that. I wouldn't

shy away from a song like that. God you know uh I'm trying to

think of a dumb song I don't want to insult anybody cause they might not

think that's a dumb song. Like it's about my mom who passed away and it's not dumb.

I don't know so let's think about what? A guilty pleasure then. A guilty pleasure.

You know like a guilty pleasure.

Like Justin Bieber's song "Baby" back

in the day I was like: yeah! Yeah I mean stuff like that you never know. I loved

the tone of his voice then. I like it now but in that song it was so

cute. He threatens to retire. Oh but what about. The retirement thing.

And what about that song back in the day. Hanson. Yeah. They are back.

Yeah yeah. That's a great song. But there was also a song by Crash Test

Dummies in the 90s. Oh yeah with that guy's really low voice. Yeah yeah yeah.

Yeah but like shit like that it's great. And what if you were to write a hit single

someone told you: okay this is your task for today write a hit single. Would

you would you do it? I would try this is the thing. I'm trying to always write a hit single and

at the same time I'm not trying. You know like I think that's

the kiss of death I think in writing. If someone in the room

gets to like: oh my god this is a hit while we're writing so I'm like: Shh

Jesus. Of course we're trying to write it you know but don't say it yet let's just

write the song because then I think that just gets in for me in your head I

think. I'm just trying to get the you know the real real real just make it

feel right in my heart you know. And I love catchy stuff

so I just try to make it catchy and use my intuition as a songwriter to

write parts and that feel like they are worthy of repetition that I

want to sing again again that I want to hear again and again.

But I don't know like you know like "Lost On You" again was like

just this song that that was I got dropped from my label for it

I told you guys this last time that it wasn't like you know it was very I had no idea

like you know there were people that interviewed me they're like

you must have known when you wrote it. I was like no I didn't I mean I knew

it was good but didn't know it was gonna be like a song that changed my life. I had

no idea and when I was writing it I felt very similar to a lot of songs

that I write. I just kind of get in it that day and just go for it.

I want it to be the best that can be but I don't you know and I think

working with huge hit songwriters other ones you know people that I

work with I really have seen like the songs that they write that don't go

anywhere you know there's like people that have written the

biggest hits you've ever heard and then they have hundreds of songs that no

one's ever heard because that's just how songwriting is.

I mean some people yeah can churn them out I'm sure but even

they write songs that aren't big. So I don't think that in my head I just kind of

write you know to write. It's art to me.

How has your life changed since "Lost On You"? Well just I mean the touring

has been non-stop you know.

I never feel like in a show like people sing lyrics to almost every

song you know it feels like you know they like the

records and you know like me as in general but "Lost On You"

introduced me to a lot of people that I never would have met you know so

it's life-changing to connect with a bunch of new people and very

humbling and awesome you know. And I wasn't even like I just didn't even have

the timing of it was like I just didn't have the what do they call that my gosh I'm

spacing on the word but I just didn't have the visibility before

so that song kind of broke things through.

After some time in the record business in show business

does it still surprise you that a song becomes a hit and for example something

that you think might be a hit single a huge hit doesn't? Yeah nothing. Yeah I mean it

does surprise me and it's not just for me.

I've seen it dozens of times with other writers I mean other

artists. Cause I think when I first

like people started coming around for me as an artist again

I was like again you know they're like: yes no yes no it's very kind of like

you know. And every artist goes through that and whether they can

stomach it or not is like you know the thing but you know I just always think

as a writer I always said: you're one song away

you're one song away and I think - I've said this many times

before - as well that if you write a hit everybody wants another hit. If you don't

write a hit everyone just wants a hit so it's not like writing a hit let you go

like ahh. I mean maybe some people you know it's nice at first but you know you just

keep like trying to write songs and just also put out records you know like I had

all this stuff I want to put out so I'm putting out we'll see if anyone likes it. I think

people will. I hope so I hope so I mean that's like the thing like I feel you

know many times when I was on stage in the last three years or so in front of

like very big crowds I was sitting there thinking: wow I really have a

responsibility to these people I gotta like you know write another

record of good stuff and then another one you know and it's responsibility to

myself as well but you know I take it pretty seriously and

I just can't not. It's like if I was on a desert island that's I would be doing.

I would hope I'd have a guitar and ukulele there so I could play. I am always dreaming on

the first hour on that desert island and I'm gonna be there for 15 years. Damn it! I just like travel

I always go on a boat with a bunch of strings and a guitar and ukulele. You never

know. Anything can happen. You can wind up on an island. Life is full of surprises. Well, so it not only

takes talent to remain in this business and to be still recording and playing

because well you need to be stubborn I guess. How many records deals have you

had in your life? Record deals? Oh my yeah God so many. I mean in the States I've had like seven.

Yeah four majors and three indies yeah

all the major label ones were like a big deal like the courting and like ah you

know. It's like: you're amazing you're the next you know and then there's like

they'd be like: you have so many singles I can't believe we can't even

choose and then they'd be like: you have nothing we just don't hear anything

you know. You wouldn't believe the things I've

been told you know and and I'm proud to say I'm not bitter I just kind of

like I just know and it's nice to know and I can really you know

I feel like for my friends that are doing it I feel like I'm the first

person somebody calls when they get dropped from a record deal I just like:

ah I'm so sorry but it's great don't worry it's gonna be okay just fuck

those guys you're better without it.

Get used to it. Yeah. It might happen again. Yeah and I think at the end of the day your

perspective is so great and you know I think it gets to the point where

like no one can hurt you anymore you're like: whatever dude. Just have to go on because many

people after being dropped for the first time think that they have got no talent

no chances and they start let's call it real jobs they come back to their lives

and you know how about getting a hold of yourself and going like: somebody never

got a record deal you know like ever you know

this is hard it's hard stuff you know and people are constantly there's

constant disappointments you know. I think you know even even the talent

shows you know I think

it teaches people that - the disappointment and they think

someone's gonna win or the people that are in the talent show also

experience that and it's really hard like I can never do one of those.

They asked me to do it back in the day and I was like: are you nuts?

No way! Ut's so hard I admire the people

that do that you know. I'd be like: listen I don't need somebody to turn around in

a chair to tell me I can sing. Fuck you. But yeah I mean you know

people that do it that's brave brave brave stuff you know and I think

these shows really show people how hard it is.

And at the same time it's glorified anyway you know they want to do

that it's the drama. But I think life is up and down man. Are there some things that you really laugh at when you

think about your past when you think

about your dreams as a musician about your career or your thoughts about the

business and anything like that? Things are laugh at? Oh gosh I think I laugh

at how fast things would go all the time you know and that it would be

like it would like it would take just this one thing you know like and then

and then BAM you know whereas and I'm sure I know that's some people's

experience but very few. That's the thing that's kind of hard is that I think that

you know the 0.000001 percent of musicians and stuff and and pop stars

and all that stuff that that does happen to that fairytale thing gets so

engrained in the public's mind that kids get involved in a career like that and

just they're like: that's what's gonna happen to me and then if it

doesn't go down like that they're just: yeah it didn't happen. I think that's

a bit premature you know and I think it's uh I think there's work

involved you know I also say this all the time about painters you know I think

a painter you know a person who becomes a famous painter doesn't sit and paint

one painting and wait: that's great yeah you should see it yeah I'm a painter yeah my

paintings got this one it's great right? I mean they don't do that

that's to me what songwriting is it's just constant

honing and you know crafting and I don't know just trying to channel the emotion

through the craft and whatever you can get it through to get

some magic to happen. Its magic there's an element of magic

I think in songwriting and I think a lot of very huge songwriters would say that.

I think Paul McCartney has said that basically in not so many words

there's something about it that just like you know alchemy and

it happens you know. Luckily for you with songs it's not as complicated as with

painters because many of them have to die before they get appreciated.

Yeah. Still though? I don't think I think it was just you know I think paint

fumes were responsible for that back in the day I don't know.

I'm probably not familiar enough with the art world at this point to know if

there's modern-day painters that pass away before and posthumously

become famous. Many of them need to pass away before people recognize them. Yeah for sure. Back in the day the whole

Van Gogh thing. So yeah music is better than in that terms. Definitely better. I just recently

read because they're making a movie about Van Gogh and they were saying

how Van Gogh's I don't know I think it was something abut Van Gogh's brother

like worked really hard before him and that he was very ambitious you

know. I'll wait to see the movie and I'll let you see the movie as

well. But you know it's interesting the the sacrifices that

people make you know and I'm reading there's this woman

Lucia Berlin that I'm just starting to read that also didn't live to see her

fame so like 15 years later and her writing started to become famous.

It's so interesting you know that she could be writing like that

timing that's what this is all about you know like what happens to why did people

not come across her work before you know it just seems strange to me like not it

doesn't seem strange to me I get it but it just it's tragic and

interesting you know that that happens with people's work and that's why I feel

like not that that would happen to me but I feel very blessed

and I've been doing it for you know for over ten years I've been making a

cool living at music and then this happened in the home

stretch and I just like: awesome you know so and and my perspective of it is so

invaluable to me like I feel really lucky also for that that I just have the

perspective to go well you know it can happen and it can't any and it

doesn't happen. There's plenty of people like I feel like I'm living the like

kind of the other like what if I you know like cuz I when I left New York and

moved to California I think that was a new beginning for me you know and if I

hadn't done that things would be so different and I always

think about that cause I was in a relationship in New York and and it

wasn't bad it was just kind of plateaued and

I knew that if I didn't pursue my career even harder that

in like you know ten years I would go like: oh man I should I should have

really gone for it because you know I did all this stuff to get just to

where I was and then I kind of I don't. I think about that often

and you know the what-ifs are really really deep.

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